Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
VA Staat Vatikanstadt, Estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano, État de la Cité du Vatican, Stato della Città del Vaticano, State of the Vatican City, (esper.) Vatikano
Bibliothek, Biblioteca, Bibliothèque, Biblioteca, Library, (esper.) bibliotekoj
BAV (W3)
"BAV" steht für "Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana".
Der Vatikan besitzt nicht nur eines der größten Museen der Welt, auch seine Bibliothek verfügt über Schätze von Weltrang. Jetzt ermöglicht der heilige Stuhl den Online-Zugriff auf seine Apostolische Bibliothek.
Der Online-Zugriff auf die Bibliothek ist ein gemeinsames Projekt des Vatikan zusammen mit Hewlett-Packard, das die IT-Infrastruktur sowie Drucker und Bildbearbeitungssoftware zur Verfügung stellte.
Über eine neu geschaffene Rubrik auf der offiziellen Website des Vatikans sind Bücher, Manuskripte und Verzeichnisse dem interessierten Publikum zugänglich. Bisher konnten nur Experten und Wissenschaftler die Werke in Augenschein nehmen.
Die Website ist mehrsprachig und auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Der Seitenaufbau nimmt aufgrund der zahlreichen grafischen Elemente aber einige Zeit in Anspruch.
Die Apostolische Bibliothek des Vatikans wurde von Papst Nikolaus V. (1447 bis 1455) gegründet und umfasst heute etwa 1,6 Millionen historische und moderne Bücher aus den Fachbereichen Paläographie, Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte, klassische Literatur und Philologie. Außerdem findet man in der Sammlung 8.300 Einblattdrucke aus der Zeit vor 1500 (so genannte Inkunabeln), 150.000 Manuskripte und Verzeichnisse, 300.000 Münzen und Medaillen sowie mehr als 100.000 sonstige Drucke.
The Latin Library
Lateinische Texte online
These texts have been drawn from different sources. Many were originally scanned and formatted from texts in the Public Domain. Others have been downloaded from various sites on the Internet (many of which have long since disappeared). Most of the recent texts have been submitted by contributors around the world. I have tried to indicate on the Credit Page the edition and date of the original text and who (if known) was responsible for the initial HTML conversion. For the core of the classical texts, special acknowledgement is due to the submissions of Konrad Schroeder, Nicholas Koenig, Andrew Gollan and others to the Project Libellus. These have been downloaded with the permission of the contributors and presented here with additional HTML formatting.
Pagina hac domestica certior fies, candide lector, de rebus classicis quas in aranea nostra mirabili totum orbem terrarum complectente invenias. Praeterea, si vis, haec pagina te ducet non solum ad bibliothecas huius paginae in quibus conduntur textus rerum scriptorum oratorum poetarum aliorumque auctorum Latinorum sed etiam ad vincula electronica ubique terrarum sita quae nonnullas res Graecas Romanasque tibi pandent.
Latin Texts
- The Latin Library
- Latin Literature
- Perseus: Index of Primary Latin Texts
- IntraText Literature: Latina
- The Latin Bookcase
- Bibliotheca Latina
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- White Trash Scriptorium
- The Philological Museum
- The Roman Law Library
Classical Links of General Interest
- LacusCurtius
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- Forum Romanum
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- Encyclopedia Mythica
- Katalog der Internetressourcen für die Klassische Philolologie aus Berlin (Kirke)
- Rassegna degli strumenti informatici per lo studio dell'antichità classica
- Resources for Classical and Medieval Studies (OCA)
- Electronic Resources for Classicists (Pantelia's List)
- Greek & Latin Classics Internet Resources (LOC)
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Classical Associations & Groups
- The American Classical League (ACL)
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- The Virginia Junior Classical League (VJCL)
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- The Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest
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- New York Classical Club
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Classical Journals
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Special Sites and Homepages
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Discussion Lists
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Images of the Ancient World
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Latin Resources
- The News in Latin
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- Index Antiquus
- Lewis & Short On-Line
- Look It Up! (Dictionaries On-Line)
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- Allen & Greenough's New Latin Grammar (Perseus Project)
- A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms
- Textkit - Greek and Latin Learning Tools
Alcuin | Ambrosius | Ammianus Marcellinus | Apicius | Apuleius | Aquinas | Asconius | Augustine |
| Aurelius Victor | Ausonius | Avianus | Bacon | Biblia Sacra | Bonaventure | Caesar | Cassiodorus | Cato | Catullus | Cicero | Christian Latin | Claudian | Claudius Caesar | Columella | Disticha Catonis | Donatus | Einhard | Ennius | Eutropius | Florus | Frontinus | Gellius | Gesta Romanorum |
| Gregory the Great | Horace | Historia Augusta | Hyginus | Isidore Jordanes | Julius Obsequens | Justin | Justinian | Juvenal | Lactantius | Livy | Lucan | Lucretius | Manilius | Martial | Medieval Latin | Minucius Felix | Miscellany | Naevius | Neo-Latin | Nepos | Orosius | Ovid | Persius | Petronius | Phaedrus | Plautus | Pliny the Elder | Pliny the Younger | Poggio Bracciolini | Priapea | Propertius | Prudentius | Quintilian |
| Sallust | Seneca | Silius Italicus | Statius | Suetonius | Sulpicia | Syrus | Tacitus | Terence | Tertullian | Theodosian Code | Tibullus | Valerius Flaccus | Valerius Maximus | Varro | Vegetius | Velleius Paterculus | Virgil | Vitruvius
Ammianus | Apuleius | Aurelius Victor | Caesar | Cato | Cicero | Claudian | Curtius Rufus | Ennius | Eutropius | Florus | Frontinus | Gellius | Historia Augusta | Horace | Justin | Juvenal | Livy | Lucan | Lucretius | Martial | Nepos | Ovid | Persius | Petronius | Phaedrus | Plautus | Pliny Maior | Pliny Minor | Propertius | Quintilian | Sallust | Seneca Maior | Seneca Minor | Silius Italicus | Statius | Suetonius | Sulpicia | Tacitus | Terence | Tibullus | Valerius Flaccus | Valerius Maximus | Varro | Velleius | Vergil | Vitruvius | Ius Romanum | Miscellany | Christian | Medieval | Neo-Latin
Credits About These Texts Technical Notes Index Quid Novi?
| Abelard | Addison | Adso Dervensis | Albertano of Brescia | Alcuin | Asconius | Ambrosius | Ammianus | Ampelius | Anonymus Neveleti | Apuleius | Aquinas | Arnobius | Asserius | Augustine | Aurelius Victor | Ausonius | Avianus | Bacon | Balde | Biblia Sacra | Bonaventure | Boskovic | Boym | Caesar | Campion | Cassiodorus | Cato | Catullus | Cicero | Christian Creeds | Christian Latin Claudian | Claudius Caesar | Conradus Celtis | Dante | Cotta | Declaratio Arbroathis | Descartes | Disticha Catonis | Donatus | Einhard | Ennius | Epistolae Austrasicae | Erasmus | Eucherius | Eutropius | Fabricius Montanus | Ficino | Florus | Foedus Aeternum | Forsett | Frontinus | Gaius | Galileo | Gellius | Gesta Romanorum | Girolamo Vida | Godfrey of Winchester | | Gregory the Great | Gwinne | Henry VII | Historia Apolloni | Horace Historia Augusta | Historia Brittonum | Hugo of St. Victor | Hyginus | Hymni et cantica | Iacobus de Voragine | Ius Romanum | Janus Secundus | Jordanes | Julius Obsequens | Junillus | Justin | Justinian | Juvenal | Lactantius | Landor | Legenda Regis Stephani | Lhomond | Livy | Lotichius | Lucan | Lucretius | Luther |
| Maidstone | Manilius | Marullo | Martial | Maximianus | May | Medieval Latin | Melanchthon | Milton Minucius Felix | Mirandola | Miscellany | Naevius | Navagero | Neo-Latin | Nepos | Newton | Nithardus | Ovid | Owen | Pascoli | Passerat | | Persius | Petrarch | Petronius | Phaedrus | Phineas Fletcher | Piccolomini | Planctus destructionis | Plautus | Pliny the Elder | Pliny the Younger | Poggio Bracciolini | Pontano | Priapea | Propertius | Prudentius | Pseudoplatonica | Quintilian | Ricardi de Bury | Rimbaud | Ruaeus | Rutilius Namatianus | Sallust | Sannazaro | Scaliger | Sedulius | Seneca | Septem Sapientum | Silius Italicus | Statius | Stephanus de Varda | Suetonius | Sulpicia | Syrus | Tacitus | Terence | Tertullian | Theganus | Theophanes | Thomas à Kempis | Theodosian Code | Tibullus | Valerius Flaccus | Valerius Maximus | Varro | Vegetius | Vegius | Velleius Paterculus | Virgil | Vico | Vitruvius | Waardenburg
L. ANNAEVS SENECAE - Seneca online
Liber I Liber II Liber III Liber IV Liber V Liber VI Liber VII Liber VIII Liber IX Liber X Liber XI Liber XII Liber XIII Liber XIV Liber XV Liber XVI Liber XVII Liber XVIII Liber XIX Liber XX Liber XXI Liber XXII
Liber I Liber II Liber III Liber IV Liber V Liber VI Liber VII
de Consolatione ad Polybium de Consolatione ad Marciam de Consolatione ad Helviam de Providentia De Constantia de Otio de Brevitate Vitae de Tranquillitate Animi de Vita Beata de Ira de Clementia Apocolocyntosis
Medea Phaedra Hercules [Oetaeus] Agamemnon Oedipus Thyestes Octavia
Vatican Apostolic Library (W3)
"Vatican Apostolic Library", Italian "Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana" ("BAV"), official library of the Vatican, located inside the Vatican palace.
Images and descriptions of items relating to humanism from the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana; part of the Library of Congress' “Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture” exhibit
Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture
The Vatican Library
Home | Essay | Acknowledgments
Sections: Introduction | The Vatican Library | Archaeology | Humanism | Mathematics | Music | Medicine | Nature | Orient to Rome | Rome to China
The manuscripts and printed books that came to rest in the Vatican Library tell many stories. They help to explain the development of Renaissance thought and art, scholarship and science, in Rome and elsewhere. They shed light on the history of the universal Roman church and on the city in which it flourished, on the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation - even on the history of Western efforts to understand and convert the peoples of the non-Western world. They describe the new education, art, and music of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; they show how the curia reached beyond the bounds of Europe, to the Islamic world and even to China; and they reveal some of the conflicts that flared up when the accomplishment of church policy and the pursuit of new knowledge could not both be carried out.
- The City Reborn: How the City Came Back to Life
- The City Recovers: From Wasteland to Metropolis
- A Library Takes Shape: Books, Benches, and Borrowers
- In the Margins of the Past: Manuscripts as Historical Documents
The Vatican Apostolic Library is located inside the Vatican Palace and is entered via the Belvedere Courtyard. Pope Nicholas V (1447-1455) is credited with having founded the library but the first Cardinal librarian was appointed by Pope Paul III a century later, in 1548. Enriched by important donations, bequests and acquisitions under the pontificates of Leo XIII and Pius XI, the Library contains an enormous amount of books, manuscripts, incunabula and prints. It also runs the Vatican School of Library Science.
Vatican Library
Online Catalog
From the fourth century onwards there is evidence of the Scrinium of the Roman Church, which was both a library and an archive. The figure of the Bibliothecarius of the Roman Church appears at the end of the eighth century: this title was given to the Librarian Theophylactus in a document dated to 784, under Pope Adrian I. The earliest library and archive of the Popes were dispersed, for reasons which are still not well known, in the first half of the thirteenth century. New collections gathered by the Popes of that century, the description of which may still be read in an inventory made under Boniface VIII (1294-1303), were moved after Boniface’s death first to Perugia, then to Assisi, and finally to Avignon, with serious losses along the way. In Avignon, John XXII (1316-1334) began to gather a new library, parts of which made their way into the collection of the Borghese family in the seventeenth century and from there back to the Holy See in 1891.
(E1)(L1) Apostolic Library
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Vatican Apostolic Library" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1900 / 1940 auf.
Erstellt: 2016-04