Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Zitat, Cita, Citation, Citazione, Quotation, (esper.) citajoj
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Trending Quotes
Erstellt: 2018-12
Amerika, du hast es besser (W3)
Die Formulierung stammt aus Goethes Gedicht "Den Vereinigten Staaten". Allerdings meinte Goethe damit die Geschichtslosigkeit der damals jungen USA, die ein leichteres Leben ermögliche.
att - Quotes of Abraham Lincoln
Respectfully Quoted
Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
A Dictionary of Quotations Requested from the Congressional Research Service
The 2,100 entries in this eminently researched collection form the constellation of collected wisdom in American political debate.
Familiar Quotations
A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature - Compiled by John Bartlett
This tenth edition of 1919 contains over 11,000 searchable quotations and was the first new edition of John Bartlett’s corpus to be published after his death in 1905—the new editor, however, choosing more to supplement than revise the work of the first name in quotations.
Hier kann man nach Zitaten in den folgenden "Collections" suchen:
- Bartlett, John. 1919. Familiar Quotations, 10th ed.
Including over 11,000 quotations, the first new edition of John Bartlett’s corpus to be published after his death in 1905 keeps most of his original work intact.
1820-1905, American compiler and publisher, b. Plymouth, Mass. While he worked in his university book store in Cambridge, he compiled the invaluable Familiar Quotations (1855), which ran through nine editions in his lifetime and has been revised and enlarged several times since. Bartlett joined the publishing firm of Little, Brown & Company in 1863 and in 1878 became senior partner. His Shakespeare concordance (1894) is still a standard work.—continue at Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2002 Columbia University Press.
- The Columbia World of Quotations. 1996.
The 65,000 essential quotations by 5,000 authors that constitute this authoritative collection represent the research of 154 experts and are divided into 6,500 subjects.
- Simpson’s Contemporary Quotations. 1988.
- The most notable quotations since 1950, featuring over 9,000 entries from 4,000 sources organized into 25 categories and 60 sections.
- Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
- The 2,100 entries in this eminently researched collection form the constellation of collected wisdom in American political debate. - quot
Bartlett, John. 1919. Familiar Quotations, 10th ed.
Including over 11,000 quotations, the first new edition of John Bartlett’s corpus to be published after his death in 1905 keeps most of his original work intact.
Forty Thousand Quotations: Prose and Poetical. 1917.
These 41,480 selections divided into 1,500 categories include thousands of authors and an entire volume’s-worth of Shakespeare.
Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.
These 28,732 selections feature non-English language sources including proverbs by a master Encyclopedist.
Grocott’s Familiar Quotations, 6th ed. 189-?.
These 6,700 quotations in 2,000 categories represent an encyclopedic classification of the canon's eternal passages.
Hoyt’s New Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations. 1922.
The 21,700 quotations in this standard reference bible, organized by major category, feature original language with translations.
Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. 1880.
These 9,000 often lengthy selections highlight English prose geniuses like Addison, Burke, Johnson, Locke and Macaulay.
Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
The 2,100 entries in this eminently researched collection form the constellation of collected wisdom in American political debate.
Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men. 1989.
1,200 very readable expository selections from 400 authors.
Christy, Robert. 1887. Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages.
The 20,500 selections in this classic reference work comprise an encyclopedic scope of English proverbs.
Hazlitt, William Carew. 1907. English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases.
These 10,764 entries feature explanation of the hidden meanings of folk wisdom repeated unwittingly.
Marvin, Dwight Edwards. 1916. Curiosities in Proverbs.
The two thousand entries in this uniquely multicultural collection feature comparison of similar proverbs in different languages.
Wilstach, Frank J. 1916. A Dictionary of Similes.
Wilstach spent over 20 years tracing more than 16,000 similies to 2,000 sources and categorizing them under some 3,000 subjects.
See also French Aphorists:
- La Rochefoucauld,
- Pascal,
- La Bruyère,
- Vauvenargues,
- Chamfort,
- Joubert, &
- French Wit, Wisdom, and Wickedness
Erstellt: 2018-02
best is yet to come
Aus dem "Klugscheisser-Archiv"
'Das Beste kommt erst noch'.
Diese Worte stehen auf dem Grabstein von Frank Sinatra. 'The best is yet to come'. Das war auch der letzte Song, den Sinatra vor Publikum im Februar 1995 im Marriott's in Palm Springs anlässlich des Golfturnieres sang, das seinen Namen trägt.
Brewer's Phrase & Fable
Brewer's Phrase & Fable
Erstellt: 2016-11
Dies scheint identisch mit Google zu sein; (?) alerdings mit einem Zitat und einem Bild als Begrüssung.
Google, but with inspirational quotes and images.
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Rhyming Dictionary
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
Intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
Gen Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
I have a dream (W3)
Am 28. August 1963 marschierten 200.000 Schwarze und Weiße gemeinsam in die Bundeshauptstadt Washington ein, um vor dem Lincoln Memorial zu demonstrieren. Der amerikanische Bürgerrechtler Dr. Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968) begann seine Rede über seine Vision einer freien und von Rassenhass freien Gesellschaft mit den Worten "I have a dream". Diese Worte wurden in seiner Rede immer und immer wiederholt, so dass sie zum geflügelten Wort für diese Art von Kampf wurden.
In seiner Rede heißt es z.B.: "Ich habe einen Traum, dass meine vier kleinen Kinder eines Tages in einer Nation leben werden, in der man sie nicht nach ihrer Hautfarbe, sondern nach ihrem Charakter beurteilen wird."
(© blueprints Team)
Frage nicht was dein Land für dich tun kann, sondern was du für dein Land tun kannst! (W3)
Den Motivations-Slogan "Frage nicht was dein Land für dich tun kann, sondern was du für dein Land tun kannst!" soll John F. Kennedy von seinem ehemaligen Schuldirektor übernommen haben, der ihn des öfteren mahnte: "Frag nicht, was deine Schule für dich tun kann. Frag lieber, was du für deine Schule tun kannst.".
II. Die Präsidentschaft
"Frage nicht, was dein Land für dich tun kann"
"Es ist Zeit für eine neue Führungsgeneration - neue Männer, die mit den neuen Problemen und den Möglichkeiten klar kommen."
John F. Kennedy, 15. Juli 1960
John F. Kennedy war der jüngste Präsident, der je ins Weiße Haus gewählt wurde. Erst 43 Jahre alt, konnte er glaubwürdig behaupten, eine neue Generation zu vertreten. Besonders junge Menschen fühlten sich persönlich von seinem Aufruf, Pioniere einer New Frontier zu sein, angesprochen. Sie waren bereit, etwas für ihr Land zu tun. Mit dem Peace Corps bot Kennedy ihnen ein symbolträchtiges Betätigungsfeld.
Frage nicht was dein Land für dich tun kann sondern was du für dein Land tun kannst!
Veröffentlicht am 16. April 2017 von Alexander Körbel
Dies waren die Worte, mit denen am 20. Januar 1961 John Fitzgerald Kennedy seine erste und letzte Amtszeit als der 35. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, der - wie sich später herausstellen sollte - nur 1.036 Tage später durch einen Kopfschuss ein jähes und in seiner politischen Tragik für viele Amerikaner überaus traumatisierendes Ende gesetzt werden sollte, feierlich antrat.
Als der Millionärssohn John F. Kennedy ein mittelmäßiger und aufsässiger Schüler des Edelinternats Choate war, musste er jedes Semester eine feierliche Ansprache des Rektors über sich ergehen lassen, die George St. John mit der immer gleichen Wendung abschloss: „Frag nicht, was deine Schule für dich tun kann. Frag lieber, was du für deine Schule tun kannst.“
Jahre später erinnerte sich Kennedy an die Wendung, als er seine Rede zur Amtseinführung vorbereitete. Der neue Präsident hatte vor, das Land aufzurüsten und die Kommunisten in die Schranken zu weisen. Die Anti-Castro-Rebellen, die wenig später in der Schweinebucht landen sollten, warteten nur auf den Befehl zum Einsatz. Soziale Reformen hingegen spielten in Kennedys Denken keine Rolle. Und so forderte er seine Mitbürger auf: „Fragt nicht, was euer Land für euch tun kann. Fragt lieber, was ihr für euer Land tun könnt.“
„Frage nicht was dein Land für dich tun kann, sondern was du für dein Land tun kannst!“
John F. Kennedy
(E1)(L1) nicht was dein Land für dich tun kann, sondern was du für dein Land tun kannst
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Dt. "Frage nicht was dein Land für dich tun kann, sondern was du für dein Land tun kannst" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.
Erstellt: 2018-03
Frage nicht, was der Staat für dich machen kann. Frage, was du für den Staat tun kannst! (W3)
das forderte einst John F. Kennedy. Und so ähnlich hat das auch der Bundeskanzler in seiner Regierungserklärung am 29. Oktober 2002 vor dem Bundestag gesagt.
(US-Präsident John F. Kennedy bei seiner Amtseinführung). Denkwürdige Worte, die zum Nachdenken anregen dürften.
Ein Besucher ergänzt:
Ich habe gehört, dass Kennedy diesen Satz schon von Cicero übernommen haben soll, finde jedoch keinerlei Quellen/Beweise.
(A: halo)
Expressions of our American ancestors. This page is a collection of phrases that have been passed down through the generations in contributor's families. Contribute your own or read through the categories. The site also features "Ye Olde English Sayings."
What's the Meaning of This?
The origins of quirky English words and phrases like "In like Flynn" and "blackmail."
Google - Webquotes - Etymologie
findet Seitenverweise Zitate und zeigt sie an;
View search results with quotes about them from other sites
I have a dream (W3)
Am 28. August 1963 marschierten 200.000 Schwarze und Weiße gemeinsam in die Bundeshauptstadt Washington ein, um vor dem Lincoln Memorial zu demonstrieren. Der amerikanische Bürgerrechtler Dr. Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968) begann seine Rede über seine Vision einer freien Gesellschaft ohne Rassenhass mit den Worten "I have a dream". Diese Worte wurden in seiner Rede immer und immer wiederholt, so dass sie zum geflügelten Wort für diese Art von Kampf wurden.
In seiner Rede heißt es z.B.: "Ich habe einen Traum, dass meine vier kleinen Kinder eines Tages in einer Nation leben werden, in der man sie nicht nach ihrer Hautfarbe, sondern nach ihrem Charakter beurteilen wird."
(© blueprints Team)
I have not failed (W3)
Von Thomas Edison (1847-1931) soll der Ausspruch stammen "I have not failed 10,000 times. I've successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work." (Ich habe nicht 10.000 mal versagt. Ich habe erfolgreich 10.000 Wege gefunden, die nicht funktionieren werden.
(E1)(L1) have not failed
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "I have not failed" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1570 / 1700 auf.
Erstellt: 2018-03
English Idioms & Quizzes
- What Is An Idiom?
- What Is a Phrasal Verb?
- What Is a Proverb?
- A to XYZ Idioms
- 100 Most Frequently Used English Idioms
- Animal Idioms
- Arm, Hand, & Finger Idioms
- Bird Idioms
- Body Idioms
- Business Idioms
- Business Negotiation Idioms
- Card Playing Idioms
- Clothes Idioms
- Color Idioms
- Court & Judge Idioms
- Ear, Eye, & Nose Idioms
- Education & School Idioms
- Fish, Insect, & Reptile Idioms
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- Legal & Law Idioms
- Love & Relationship Idioms
- Medical Idioms
- Money Idioms
- Mouth & Teeth Idioms
- Number Idioms
- Sports Idioms
- Proverbs & Sayings
Erstellt: 2011-01
If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else (W3)
Yogi Berra quotes (showing 1-30 of 73)
- “Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours.”
- “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.”
- ...
Erstellt: 2018-02
Man braucht zwei Jahre, um sprechen zu lernen, und fünfzig, um schweigen zu lernen (W3)
Dieses Bonmot wird Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) zugeschrieben.
Mnemonik (W3)
geht über lat. zurück auf das griech. 'mnemoniká' = '(Regeln der) Gedächtniskunst'.
Auf der angegebenen Site sind mnemonische Hilfen gesammelt.
A mnemonic is a device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering. Amanda collects them and has organized them into handy categories. To spell arithmetic correctly remember "A Rat In The House May Eat The Ice Cream."
Der letzte (der) Mohikaner (W3)
Die Redensart ging hervor aus dem 2. Band der Lederstrumpf-Romane des amerikanischen Schriftstellers J.F. Cooper (1789-1851), "The Last of the Mohicans".
Der historische Stoff des Romans sind die Kämpfe zwischen Engländern und Franzosen zur Zeit des 7-jährigen Krieges (1756-63). Der Freund des Helden, Lederstrumpf (Natty Bumppo), ist nach dem Tod seines einzigen Sohnes Uncas der Letzte des Delawarenstammes der Mohikaner; sein Name ist Chingachgook.
Wenn wir heute sagen, jemand sei "der letzte Mohikaner", dann meinen wir jemanden, der von vielen als einziger übrig geblieben ist.
(© blueprints Team)
Charles Dickens Quotations
Quotes of Charles Dickens
Welcome to the quote page of Charles Dickens - Gad's Hill Place! More than 530 of the most interesting quotes from Dickens's novels and short stories are included in our quote database.
Search by Topic Search by Title, View All Quotes
Phrasal Verbs Dictionary
A phrasal verb is a verb + a preposition or adverb resulting in a new verb with a different meaning. They are used not only as verbs but as nouns, such as "backup", "pick-up", or "show-off", and as adjectives, such as "spaced-out", "burned-out", "broken-down", and many others.
Ultimate guide to phrasal verbs
Erstellt: 2015-04
Great quotes from Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Linus Torvalds
We have collected some of the best quotes from three of the most influential people in the history of operating systems: Steve Jobs (Apple), Linus Torvalds (Linux) and Bill Gates (Microsoft).
Some of these quotes may surprise you, especially the older ones. For your convenience, we have put the quotes in chronological order.
(We have to wonder if we will have left the same trail of quotes a couple of decades from now when Pingdom rules the world (cough)…)
Quotation (W3)
Welcome to the web's most comprehensive site for famous quotes, since 1994. We have over 28,000 quotations online from over 3,400 authors, and more are added daily.
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The following are some of the most-quoted authors in our collections.
Douglas Adams (24) | John Adams (15) | Scott Adams (17) | Aeschylus (12) | Aesop (33) | Woody Allen (42) | Maya Angelou (13) | Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (21) | Aristotle (70) | Jane Austen (56) | Sir Francis Bacon (34) | Dave Barry (12) | Bible (232) | Ambrose Bierce (18) | Warren Buffett (9) | Lois McMaster Bujold (46) | George W. Bush (27) | Albert Camus (22) | George Carlin (18) | Johnny Carson (12) | G. K. Chesterton (45) | Agatha Christie (12) | Sir Winston Churchill (59) | Cicero (69) | Confucius (62) | Calvin Coolidge (11) | e e cummings (11) | Ellen DeGeneres (27) | Charles Dickens (14) | Benjamin Disraeli (39) | Thomas A. Edison (19) | Albert Einstein (56) | Dwight D. Eisenhower (23) | Ralph Waldo Emerson (105) | Euripides (43) | Richard Feynman (12) | Benjamin Franklin (68) | Robert Frost (21) | Mahatma Gandhi (27) | Kahlil Gibran (21) | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (33) | Samuel Goldwyn (14) | Matt Groening (38) | Mitch Hedberg (13) | Oliver Wendell Holmes (21) | Homer (56) | Horace (32) | Victor Hugo (29) | Thomas Jefferson (47) | Steve Jobs (38) | Samuel Johnson (62) | Carl Jung (14) | Helen Keller (25) | John F. Kennedy (49) | Martin Luther King Jr. (34) | Lao-tzu (20) | Fran Lebowitz (18) | C. S. Lewis (25) | Abraham Lincoln (46) | Groucho Marx (22) | W. Somerset Maugham (74) | H. L. Mencken (65) | Mother Teresa (21) | Friedrich Nietzsche (54) | P. J. O'Rourke (16) | Barack Obama (29) | George Orwell (15) | Ovid (18) | Dorothy Parker (18) | Laurence J. Peter (24) | Plato (41) | Edgar Allan Poe (15) | Alexander Pope (17) | Terry Pratchett (39) | Publilius Syrus (63) | Ayn Rand (15) | Ronald Reagan (31) | Francois de La Rochefoucauld (48) | Will Rogers (46) | Eleanor Roosevelt (17) | Franklin D. Roosevelt (25) | Theodore Roosevelt (33) | J. K. Rowling (46) | Rita Rudner (13) | Bertrand Russell (68) | George Santayana (37) | Charles M. Schulz (10) | Seneca (75) | Dr. Seuss (17) | William Shakespeare (618) | George Bernard Shaw (99) | Socrates (23) | Sophocles (37) | Terence (16) | Henry David Thoreau (71) | James Thurber (23) | J. R. R. Tolkien (16) | Lily Tomlin (8) | Mark Twain (130) | Virgil (21) | Voltaire (43) | Kurt Vonnegut (33) | Bill Watterson (8) | Walt Whitman (30) | Oscar Wilde (103) | Oprah Winfrey (70) | Steven Wright (17) | Malcolm X (9) |
Quotations by Subject
We currently have listings for the following 289 subjects, listed in alphabetical order. The number of quotations for each subject is listed in parentheses.
- A: Ability (15) - Acting (20) - Actions (31) - Adversity (27) - Advertising (13) - Advice (28) - Age (83) - Agreement (13) - Ambition (23) - America (63) - Americans (23) - Anger (18) - Apathy (4) - Argument (21) - Art (81) - Atheism (26) - Attitude (9) - Authority (10) - Autumn (13)
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Erstellt: 2018-03
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Erstellt: 2018-12
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Erstellt: 2017-02
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Erstellt: 2017-02
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- N: Nation, Nationality, Nationalism | Nature | Necessity | Negativity | Neglect, Negligence | Neighbors | Neutrality | New Year | News | Night, Nighttime | Nonsense | Nothing | Nudity |
- O: Obedience | Obscurity | Observation | Oceans | Office | Opera | Opinion | Opportunity | Oppression | Optimism | Order | Ordinary | Organization |
- P: Pacifism | Pain | Paradise, Utopia | Paradox | Parenting | Parliament | Parties | Passion | Past, the | Patience | Patriotism | Patronize, Patronizing | Peace | Penmanship | People | Perception | Perfection | Persistence | Personality | Perspective | Persuasion | Pessimism | Pets | Philosophy | Photography | Pilgrims | Plagiarism | Planning | Plants | Play/Games | Pleasure | Poetry | Politics | Pollution | Population | Pornography | Portraits | Potential | Poverty | Power | Practice | Praise | Prayer | Prejudice | Present, the | Presentation | Presidency | Pretending | Pride | Principles | Prison | Privacy | Problems | Procrastination | Production | Profanity, Swearing, Vulgarity | Professionalism | Profit | Progress | Promises | Propaganda | Property | Prophecy | Prostitution | Protest | Proverbial Wisdom | Prudence | Psychiatry | Psychology | Public | Publicity | Punctuality | Punishment | Purity | Purpose |
- Q: Quality | Questions | Quotations |
- R: Racism | Reading | Reality | Reason | Recognition | Recovery (addiction/alcoholism) | Reflection | Reform, Correction | Regret & Remorse | Rejection | Relatives | Relaxation | Religion | Remembrance | Repetition | Reputation | Research | Resentment | Resilience | Respect | Responsibility | Rest, Leisure | Restaurants | Restraint | Results | Retirement | Revenge | Reverence | Revolution | Rhetoric | Ridicule | Right, Rightness | Rights | Risk | Ritual, Ceremony | Rivers | Role models | Romance | Royalty, Kings, Queens | Rules | Running |
- S: Sacrifice | Sadness | Safety | Sailing | Saint, Saints | Salvation | Sanity | Satire | Satisfaction | Scholars, Scholarship | Science | Science Fiction | Sculpture | Seasons | Secrets | Security | Seduction | Segregation | Self Respect | Self-help | Self-Pity | Selfishness | Selflessness | Senses | Serenity | Service | Sex | Shame | Shopping | Shyness | Sight | Silence | Simplicity | Sin | Sincerity | Singing | Sisters | Slavery | Sleep | Smell (scent) | Smile | Smoking | Snow | Socialism | Society | Solitude | Solutions | Soul | Sound, Noise | Space | Speech (freedom of) | Speeches (oratory) | Spirituality | Sports | Stars | State | Statistics | Storytelling | Strangers | Strength | Stress | Struggle | Stubbornness | Students | Style | Success & Failure | Suffering | Suicide | Sunset | Sunshine | Superiority | Superstition | Support | Surprise | Surrealism | Surrender | Survival | Symbols | Sympathy |
- T: Tact, Tactfulness | Talent | Taxation | Teaching | Teamwork | Technology | Television | Temptation | Terrorism | Thanksgiving | Theater | Things, Little Things | Thought | Thunderstorms | Time | Toasts | Tolerance | Tools | Torture | Toys | Trade (import / export) | Tradition | Tragedy | Training | Trains, Railroads | Translation | Travel | Trees | Triviality, Pettiness | Trouble, Troubles | Trust | Truth | Twentieth Century | Tyranny |
- U: Ugliness/Ugly | Understanding | Unions | Unity | Universe, The | Unrequited Love |
- V: Vacations | Value | Vanity | Variety | Vegetarian | Vices | Victory | Vietnam | Violence | Violins | Virtue | Vision, Visionary | Visualization | Volunteer (see Service) | Voting |
- W: Walking | War | Water | Watergate | Weakness | Wealth | Weather | Welfare | Widow, Widowhood | Wilderness | Will, Willpower | Wine | Winning, Winners | Wisdom | Wish, Wishes, Wishing | Witches | Women | Words | Work | World | Worry | Worth |
- Y: Youth |
Erstellt: 2018-03
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Erstellt: 2018-03
The Samuel Johnson Sound Bite Page
Samuel Johnson Quotations
Quotes of Samuel Johnson
The most comprehensive collection of Samuel Johnson quotations on the web. Over 1,800 quotes from Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), one of the most quoted men of the 18th century.
Want ready access to some Samuel Johnson quotations and some of his more concise thoughts? That's why this site exists. Samuel Johnson (often referred to as "Doctor Johnson"), literary titan of the 18th century - essayist, lexicographer, poet, editor, critic, and famous talker - is the second most quoted person in the English language, after Shakespeare. More than a thousand quotes and snippets are here, organized by theme (see the Topical Guide), and Searchable. (If you're not searching for a specific Samuel Johnson quote, you might look at the Sampler of Popular Johnson Quotes to get an initial idea.)
Samuel Johnson:
- Brief Biography
- Right? Left?
- Time Line
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The Quotes:
- Sampler
- Topical Guide
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The website:
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- Who Would DO This?
Quotes and Quotations about:
- Ability
- Abridgements (see also Literary Topics)
- Abstinence (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Abuse of Power (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Academia (see other career choices at Careers)
- Acclimitization (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Accuracy (see others at Virtue and Vice and The Whole Truth)
- Action & Inaction
- Actors and Acting (also see Arts and other career choices at Careers)
- Admiration
- Adultery (see also Families and Virtue and Vice)
- Adversity
- Advertising and Advertisements
- Advice (for advice on a less personal level, see Moral Instruction)
- Affectation (see others at The Whole Truth)
- After-life (see also Death and Mourning)
- Alarm (see also Authority/Government/State)
- All In Your Mind:
- Acclimitization; Apathy; Attention; Awe; Boredom; Caution and Over-Anticipation; Contemplation; Curiosity; Delusion; Depression, Melancholy, Mourning, and Sorrow; Disappointment; Diversion; Ego Defenses; Even-Temperedness; Expectations; Familiarity; Fear; Focus; Foresight; Free Will; The Grass Is Always Greener...; Guilt Complexes; Happiness; Imagination; Inconsistency; Insecurity; Intentions; Intimidation; Knowledge, Learning, Memory, and Wisdom; Locus Of Control; Madness; Madness of Crowds; Myopia; Obsession; Perspective; Pessimism; Pleasure; Projection; Psychology; Reality; Reason; Refutation of Bishop Berkely; Regret; Relativity; Ruling Passion; Security; Self-confidence; Self-consciousness; Self-knowledge; Superstitions
- Ambition (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- America/Americans (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Anecdotes (see also Literary Topics)
- Anger (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Animals
- Animal Cruelty
- Animal Vivisection
- Anonymity (see also Literary Topics)
- Apathy (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Aphorisms
- Appearances and Affectation:
- Affectation, Appearances
- Appropriateness
- Arbuthnot
- Argument
- Arrogance (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Arts (Non-literary; for literary, see 'Literary Topics'):
- Actors and Acting, Art, Music, Painting, Sculpture
- Astrology
- Attention (see also All In Your Mind, Effort, and Virtue and Vice)
- Audacity (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Authority, Government, and the State (including Unrest)
- Abuse of Power, Alarm, Authority (including Subordination), Bribery, Capital Punishment, Censorship, Crime, Deterrence, Factions, Government, Jail, Justice, Monarchy, Patriotism, Politics, Populism, Power, Rebellion, Representation, Subversion, Taxation
- Awe (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Bankruptcy (see other topics at Bondage and Money)
- Battle of the Sexes (see also Families)
- Beauty
- Bias (see others at The Whole Truth)
- Biography (see also Literary Topics)
- Birthdays
- Blindness
- Bolingbroke
- Bondage (Hereditary, Patronage, Slavery...)
- Debt, Hereditary Bondage, Patronage, Slavery
- Boredom (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Breeding (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Bribery (see other topics at Authority/Government/State and Money)
- Brighton (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Burke
- Bustle
- Capital Punishment (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Cards
- Careers:
- Academia, Actors and Acting, Career Choices, Glass Making, Law, Politics, Pride In Work, Soldiers and Sailors, Teachers, Writing
- Cat, cats: see this discussion
- Cattiness
- Caution and Over-Anticipation (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Celibacy (see also Families)
- Censorship (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Change
- Character
- Character Assassination
- Charity (see other topics at Money and Virtue and Vice)
- Chesterfield
- Children (see also Families)
- Choice:
- Career Choices Choice
- Cities (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Class
- Cleanliness (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Clothing: see Dress
- Collecting
- Colonies (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Columbus, Christopher
- Comeuppance
- Communication
- Community
- Competition
- Compilations
- Complacency (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Complaining
- Completion (see related themes at Project Steps)
- Conceit, conceited: see Vanity
- Conformity
- Consistency
- Consolation
- Consultation of others
- Contemplation (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Control
- Controversy
- Conversation
- Convictions (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Conviviality
- Corruption (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Country Life (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Courage (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Creativity
- Credulity
- Crime (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Criticism
- Crousaz
- Cruises
- Cucumbers
- Culture
- Curiosity (see others at All In Your Mind and Knowledge/Learning/Study/Wisdom)
- Custom
- Damnation (see also Religion and Morality)
- Death and Mourning:
- After-life, Death, Ghosts, Mortality, Mourning, Salvation, Suicide
- Debt (see other topics at Bondage and Money)
- Debtor's Prison (see other topics at Bondage and Money)
- Deceit (see others at Virtue and Vice and The Whole Truth)
- Defamation
- Definitions (Dictionary selections)
- Deliberation
- Delusion (see others at All In Your Mind and The Whole Truth)
- Depression, Mourning, and Sorrow:
- Depression, Melancholy, Mourning, Sorrow; (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Desire (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Deterrence (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Devotion of Time
- Dictionaries (Some definitions, but see also Literary Topics)
- Diligence (see also Effort and Virtue and Vice)
- Disappointment (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Discontent
- Disease and Health
- Disgust
- Dissent
- Diversion (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Diversity
- "Dog walking on his hind legs"
- Drama (see also Literary Topics)
- Dress
- Drinking and Eating (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Dullness
- Eating and Drinking
- Economics (see other topics at Money)
- Economy (see other topics at Money)
- Editing (see also Literary Topics)
- Education (see also Knowledge/Learning)
- Effort: Attention, Diligence, Focus, and Perseverance
- Attention, Diligence, Effort, Focus, Perseverance,
- Ego Defenses (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Embarrassment
- Employment and Labor
- England and Englishmen (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Envy (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Equanimity (see also Stoicism and Virtue and Vice)
- Estrangement
- Evaluation (see related themes at Project Steps)
- Even-Temperedness (see others at All In Your Mind and Stoicism)
- Exaggeration (see others at The Whole Truth)
- Example
- Excellence
- Exercise
- Expectations (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Experience
- Expertise (see also Knowledge/Learning)
- Extravagance
- Factions (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Failure
- Faith (see also Religion and Morality and Virtue and Vice)
- Fallibility
- Fame and Obscurity
- Familiarity (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Families:
- Adultery, Battle of the Sexes, Celibacy, Children, Families, Marriage, Parents!! Grrrr!!, Sibling Rivalry
- Fashion
- Fear (see others at All In Your Mind and Virtue and Vice)
- Fiction (see also Literary Topics)
- First Impressions (see others at The Whole Truth)
- Flattery (see others at The Whole Truth)
- Focus (see others at All In Your Mind, Effort, and Virtue and Vice)
- Forgiveness
- Foresight (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Fornication (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Fortune
- France (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Fraud (see others at Virtue and Vice and The Whole Truth)
- Free Will (see others at All In Your Mind and Religion and Morality)
- Freedom
- Friendship
- Frugality (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Futurity
- Gambling (see other topics at Money and Virtue and Vice)
- Generation Gap
- Genius
- Gesticulation (see others at The Whole Truth)
- Ghosts (see also Death and Mourning)
- Glass Making (see other career choices at Careers)
- God's Mercy (see also Religion and Morality)
- Goldsmith, Oliver
- Good Humor (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Goodness
- Government (see also Authority/Government/State)
- The Grass Is Always Greener... (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Gratitude (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Gray, Thomas
- Greed (see other topics at Money and Virtue and Vice)
- Guilt Complexes (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Hanged, hanging, concentrates the mind: you might be looking for this quote
- Happiness (see others at All In Your Mind and Virtue and Vice)
- Hate
- Health
- Hereditary Bondage (see also Bondage)
- Hesitation
- History (see also Literary Topics)
- Hobbies
- Hodge: see this discussion
- Home
- Honesty (see others at Virtue and Vice and The Whole Truth)
- Hope
- Hospitality (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Hot Air
- Humanities
- Humanity
- Humility and Modesty (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Hunting
- Hypocrisy (see others at Virtue and Vice and The Whole Truth)
- "I knew him when..."
- Identification
- Idleness (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Ignorance
- Imagination (see others at All In Your Mind and The Whole Truth)
- Impartiality
- Implementation (see related themes at Project Steps)
- Importance
- Impotence
- Inconclusiveness
- Inconsistency (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Independence
- Independent Study/Efforts (see also Knowledge/Learning)
- Individuality
- Ineptness
- Influence
- Innocence (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Insecurity (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Insults: Quotes about insults are found under Offense; some of Johnson's harsh quips are found under Ouch!!!
- Integrity and Truth (see others at Virtue and Vice and The Whole Truth)
- Intentions (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Intimidation (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Involvement
- Ireland (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Italy (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Jail (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Jealousy (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Joviality (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Judgement
- Justice (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Kindness (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Knowledge, Learning, Study, and Wisdom:
- Curiosity, Education, Expertise, Independent Study/Efforts, Knowledge, Learning, Learning: Practicality, Memory, Research/Study, Science, Wisdom (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Knox, John
- Language
- Law (see other career choices at Careers)
- Laziness (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Leadership
- Learning (see others at All In Your Mind and Knowledge/Learning)
- Learning: Practicality (see also Knowledge/Learning)
- Leisure
- Letters (see also Literary Topics)
- Libel (see others at The Whole Truth)
- Life
- Literary Property (see also Literary Topics)
- Literary Style (see also Literary Topics)
- Literary Topics:
- Abridgements, Anecdotes, Anonymity, Biography, Dictionaries, Drama, Editing, Fiction, History, Letters, Literary Property, Literary Style, Op-Ed, Originality, Plagiarism, Poetry, Poetry (Definition), Publishing, Reading, Realism, Similes, Structure, Style (Literary), Translation, Travel Writing, Writing
- Literacy
- Locus Of Control (see others at All In Your Mind)
- London (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Loneliness
- Love (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Lying (see others at The Whole Truth and Virtue and Vice)
- Mad Scientists
- Madness (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Madness of Crowds (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Manners (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Marketing (see other topics at Money)
- Marriage (see also Families)
- Martyrdom (see also Religion and Morality)
- Materialism (see other topics at Money and Virtue and Vice)
- Maturity (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Melancholy (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Mediocrity
- Memory (see others at All In Your Mind and Knowledge/Learning)
- Miracles (see also Religion and Morality)
- Misery
- Misfortune
- Moderation (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Modesty (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Monarchy (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Money:
- Bankruptcy, Bribery, Charity, Debt, Debtor's Prison, Economics, Economy, Gambling, Greed, Marketing, Materialism, Narrowness, Poverty, Retirement, Success, Supply and Value, Wealth
- Moral Instruction (for advice on a more personal (one-to-one) level, see Advice); (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Morality (see also Religion and Virtue and Vice)
- Mortality (see also Death and Mourning)
- Mourning (see also Death)
- Music (also see Arts)
- Myopia (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Naiveté
- Narrowness (see other topics at Money and Virtue and Vice)
- Nature
- Negligence
- Negotiation
- Novelty
- Nurturing
- O.J. Simpson Trial :-)
- Oats
- Obscurity and Fame
- Obsession (see others at All In Your Mind and Virtue and Vice)
- Obstruction
- Offense
- Old Age
- Op-Ed> (see others at Literary Topics)
- Oral Tradition
- Originality (see also Literary Topics)
- Ouch!!!
- Pain
- Painting (also see Arts)
- Parallels
- Parents!! Grrrr!! (see also Families)
- Patience (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Patriotism (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Patronage (see also Bondage)
- Peace
- Peevishness (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- People:
- Bolingbroke, Burke, Chesterfield, Columbus, Christopher, Crousaz, Gray, Thomas, Knox, John, Rousseau, Warburton
- Peoples and Places:
- America/Americans, Brighton, Cities, Colonies, Country Life, England and Englishmen, France, Ireland, Italy, London, Romans (people), Scotland
- Perfectionism (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Perseverance (see also Project Steps, Effort and Virtue and Vice)
- Perspective (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Pessimism (see others at All In Your Mind and Virtue and Vice)
- Pioneers
- Pity
- Plagiarism (see also Literary Topics)
- Planning (see related themes at Project Steps)
- Pleasure (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Poetry (see also Literary Topics)
- Poetry (Definition) (see also Literary Topics)
- Politics (see also Authority/Government/State and other career choices at Careers)
- Popular Reaction
- Popularity
- Populism (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Posturing (see others at Virtue and Vice and The Whole Truth)
- Potential
- Poverty (see other topics at Money)
- Power (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Praise
- Prayer (see also Religion and Morality)
- Press, The
- Pressure
- Pride (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Pride In Work (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Procrastination (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Progress
- Project Steps:
- Vision, Planning, Implementation, Perseverance, Completion, Evaluation
- Projection (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Prostitution (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Prudence
- Prying
- Psychology (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Public Servants
- Publicity
- Publishing (see also Literary Topics)
- Reading (see also Literary Topics)
- Realism (see also Literary Topics)
- Reality (see others at All In Your Mind and The Whole Truth)
- Reason (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Rebellion (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Reform
- Refutation of Bishop Berkely (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Regret (see others at All In Your Mind and Virtue and Vice)
- Relativity (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Religion and Morality... (See also Death)
- Damnation, Faith, Free Will, God's Mercy, Martyrdom, Miracles, Morality, Prayer, Religion, Religious Conversion, Repentance, Retreat, Ritual, Sabbath, Salvation, Scruples, Sin, Temptation, Virtue, Withdrawal From The World
- Repentance (see also Religion and Morality)
- Representation (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Research/Study (see also Knowledge/Learning)
- Resentment
- Resignation
- Resolutions
- Respect
- Respite (see also Retirement
- Responsibility (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Reticence
- Retirement (See also Respite, Withdrawal From The World, and other topics at Money)
- Retreat (see also Religion and Morality)
- Reunion
- Revenge
- Ritual (see also Religion and Morality)
- Romans (people) (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Rousseau
- Ruins
- Ruling Passion (see others at All In Your Mind and Virtue and Vice)
- Sabbath (see also Religion and Morality)
- Sacrifice
- Safety
- Salvation (see also Death and Mourningand Religion and Morality)
- Satisfaction (Can't Get No)
- Scandal
- Schedules
- Science (see also Knowledge/Learning)
- Scotland (see also opinions of other Peoples and Places)
- Scruples (see also Religion and Morality and Virtue and Vice)
- Sculpture (also see Arts)
- Secrecy
- Security (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Seduction
- Self-confidence (see others at All In Your Mind and Virtue and Vice)
- Self-consciousness (see others at All In Your Mind and Virtue and Vice)
- Self-deprecation
- Self-destruction
- Self-discipline (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Self-importance: see Vanity
- Self-knowledge (see others at All In Your Mind and Virtue and Vice)
- Self-preservation
- Sensibility
- Sensitivity
- Shakespeare, William
- Shame (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Shyness (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Sibling Rivalry (see also Families)
- Silence
- Similes (see also Literary Topics)
- Simplicity (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Sin (see also Religion and Morality and Virtue and Vice)
- Sincerity
- Skepticism
- Skill
- Slavery (see also Bondage)
- Sleep
- Smoking (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Socialization
- Society
- Soldiers and Sailors (see other career choices at Careers)
- Solitude
- Sophistry (see others at The Whole Truth)
- Sorrow
- Speculation
- Spring
- Stagnation
- Stimulation
- Stoicism and Equanimity:
- Equanimity, Even-Temperedness, Stoicism
- Structure (see also Literary Topics)
- Style (Literary) (see also Literary Topics)
- Subordination: see "Authority", above
- Subversion (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Success (see other topics at Money)
- Suicide (see also Death and Mourning)
- Superficiality
- Superstitions (see others at All In Your Mind)
- Supply and Value (see other topics at Money)
- Suspicion (see others at The Whole Truth)
- Sympathy
- Taverns/Inns
- Taxation (see also Authority/Government/State)
- Tea: I have no pages devoted to tea, but Jack Lynch's site has Review of A Journal of Eight Days' Journey, in which Johnson defends tea drinking
- Teachers and Teaching (see other career choices at Careers
- Team Work
- Technology
- Temptation (see also Religion and Morality and Virtue and Vice)
- Time
- Toadies
- Tolerance
- Tourism
- Tradition
- Translation (see also Literary Topics)
- Travel
- Travel Writing (see also Literary Topics)
- Treachery (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Trust (see others at Virtue and Vice and The Whole Truth)
- Truth and Integrity (see others at Virtue and Vice and The Whole Truth)
- Value
- Vanity (see others at Virtue and Vice)
- Variety
- Virtue and Vice (see also Religion and Morality)
- Abstinence, Accuracy, Adultery, Ambition, Anger, Arrogance, Attention, Audacity, Breeding, Charity, Cleanliness, Complacency, Convictions, Corruption, Courage, Deceit, Desire, Diligence, Drinking, Envy, Equanimity, Even-Temperedness, Faith, Fear, Focus, Fornication, Fraud, Frugality, Gambling, Good Humor, Gratitude, Greed, Happiness, Honesty, Hospitality, Humility, Hypocrisy, Idleness, Innocence, Integrity, Jealousy, Joviality, Kindness, Laziness, Love, Lying, Manners, Materialism, Maturity, Moderation, Modesty, Moral Instruction, Morality, Narrowness, Obsession, Patience, Peevishness, Perfectionism, Perseverance, Pessimism, Pity, Posturing, Pride, Pride In Work, Procrastination, Prostitution, Prudence, Regret, Responsibility, Ruling Passion, Scruples, Self-confidence, Self-consciousness, Self-discipline, Self-knowledge, Shame, Shyness, Simplicity, Sin, Smoking, Temptation, Treachery, Trust, Truth, Vanity, Vice, Virtue, Vulgarity, Wisdom
- Vision (see related themes at Project Steps)
- Vocabulary
- Volition
- Vulgarity
- War
- Warburton
- Waste
- Wealth (see other topics at Money)
- Weather
- The Whole Truth
- Accuracy, Affectation, Bias, Deceit, Delusion, Exaggeration, First Impressions, Flattery, Fraud, Gesticulation, Honesty, Hypocrisy, Imagination, Integrity, Libel, Lying, Posturing, Reality, Sophistry, Suspicion, Trust, Truth
- Winter
- Wisdom (see also Knowledge/Learning and Virtue and Vice)
- Wit
- Withdrawal From The World (see also Religion and Morality)
- Women Preaching
- Work
- Writing (see other career choices at Careers, and Literary Topics)
Also available on this site are a number of complete texts:
- Rambler 60
- Rambler 134
- Adventurer 137
- Adventurer 138
- The Vulture (originally published as Idler 22)
- Johnson's Life of Boerhaave
- Sermon #4
- ...As well as his major political pamphlets.
- You can also find an extract from Sir John Hawkins' biography of Johnson detailing Johnson's Last Years, as well as George Steevens' account of Samuel Johnson's funeral.
The most comprehensive collection of Samuel Johnson quotations on the web. Over 1,800 quotes from Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), one of the most quoted men of the 18th century.
Want ready access to some Samuel Johnson quotations and some of his more concise thoughts? That's why this site exists. Samuel Johnson (often referred to as "Doctor Johnson"), literary titan of the 18th century - essayist, lexicographer, poet, editor, critic, and famous talker - is the second most quoted person in the English language, after Shakespeare. More than a thousand quotes and snippets are here, organized by theme (see the Topical Guide), and Searchable. (If you're not searching for a specific Samuel Johnson quote, you might look at the Sampler of Popular Johnson Quotes to get an initial idea.)
The only good Indian is a dead Indian (W3)
Der Ausspruch engl. "The only good Indian is a dead Indian" wird dem US-General Philip Sheridan (1831-1888) zugeschrieben. Aber er selbst bestritt, diese Aussage gemacht zu haben und wenn doch ist es fraglich, ob er diesen Ausspruch als erster prägte.
Angeblich war es der römische General Lucius Cornelius Sulla, der diesen Ausspruch - nicht auf die Indianer, sondern - auf die Samniten bezog. Einen konkreten Hinweis konnte ich jedoch nicht finden.
This anecdotal paragraph with its author's obvious delight in telling the gruesomely "humorous" event appears of questionable authenticity at first. It is, of course, understandable that General Philip Sheridan (1831-1888) repeatedly denied having made such a statement, but there is no doubt that Sheridan was known as a bigot and Indian hater, as the historian Paul Andrew Hutton has shown in a chapter of his book on Phil Sheridan and His Army (1985) so appropriately called "Forming Military Indian Policy: 'The Only Good Indian Is a Dead Indian'."
Was die Samniten anlangt, so erklärte der Diktator, daß Rom nicht Ruhe haben werde, solange Samnium bestehe, und daß darum der samnitische Name von der Erde vertilgt werden müsse; und wie er diese Worte an den vor Rom und in Praeneste Gefangenen in schrecklicher Weise wahr machte, so scheint er auch noch einen Verheerungszug durch die Landschaft unternommen, Aesernia 7 eingenommen (674? 80) und die bis dahin blühende und bevölkerte Landschaft in die Einöde umgewandelt zu haben, die sie seitdem geblieben ist.
Strabon, der drei Generationen später durch die Landschaften Samniums wanderte, hielt fest, was der sullanische Kreuzzug diesem Land angetan hatte: „Sulla ruhte nicht eher, bis er alle, die den Namen Samniten führten, ermordet oder aus Italien vertrieben hatte; denen aber, die einen so weit getriebenen Zorn tadelten, sagte er, er habe sich durch die Erfahrung überzeugt, dass auch nicht ein Römer jemals Frieden haben werde, solange die Samniten als ein selbständiges Volk weiterbestünden“. Für Strabon war dieses Ziel so konsequent erreicht worden, dass er keiner einzigen der noch verbliebenen Ortschaften Samniums den Namen „Stadt“ zubilligen wollte. Der Philosoph Seneca zog Sulla in seinen Abhandlungen über die Milde des Herrschers als abschreckendes Beispiel heran und bezeichnete ihn wegen seiner Massentötungen als Tyrann. Plutarch warf Sulla vor, sich selbst zum Diktator ernannt und somit einen Verfassungsbruch begangen zu haben.
Samniten, ein zur oskisch-umbrischen Sprachgruppe gehörendes Volk der Italiker in Mittel- und Süditalien; von den Römern in drei schweren Kriegen (343-341; 326-304; 298-290 v. Chr.) besiegt. Im Bundesgenossenkrieg stellten sich die Samniten an die Spitze der aufständischen Italiker; sie wurden 82 v. Chr. von Sulla endgültig unterworfen, der 6000 Samniten, die sich ergeben hatten, an einem Tag hinrichten ließ.
(E1)(L1) only good Indian
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Dt. "The only good Indian" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1870 auf.
Erstellt: 2018-03
WELCOME to the Quotations Home Page, one of the largest and longest-lived text collections on the Web. The associated poetry site may be the largest private archive of its kind on the Web. For information on updates to the collection, check the social media portals on Tumblr or Facebook.
The intent of a quotation is to capture something - some thought, some moment in history, the essence of someone's viewpoint - clearly and concisely. They can be humorous, ironic, exasperating, or profound. This site is intended as a place to wander, a place where you can find something new each time you look around.
The Collections:
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- Quote-A-Day
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Welcome to Poets' Corner, one of the largest and oldest text resources on the web. The goal of this ongoing project is to develop a user-friendly library that is both a useful reference and an appealing place to browse and explore - and there is plenty of material here to explore. The collection covers roughly 7,000 works by about 800 poets - including some of the best known works in the English language - and many obscure and forgotten works that are well worth reading.
Erstellt: 2018-12
This Day in Quotes
Quotes featured by Bob Deis
The famous quotations and phrases linked to each day of the year
Erstellt: 2017-02
Novel first sentences
Just as the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, every story ever written began with just one sentence.
Erstellt: 2011-05
Novel last sentences
First sentences and last sentences of novels serve two very different purposes. Where the first sentence of a novel wants to grab your attention and not let you go, a last sentence often serves to summarize an entire book and to reinforce its central message or mood.
Erstellt: 2011-05
Mark Twain Quotations
Quotations of Mark Twain
Collection of Mark Twain quotations compiled by Barbara Schmidt
Mark Twain Quotations, Newspaper Collections, & Related Resources
By Barbara Schmidt
Featuring color graphics and photos from the Dave Thomson collection.
Quotations | Newspaper Articles | Special Features | Links | Search
Erstellt: 2009-01
Quotations from Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson On Politics & Government
Quotations from the Writings of Thomas Jefferson
wikipedia - quote (W3)
(E?)(L1) - QotD
Zitate als Teilprojekt der Wikipedia
Quote of the Day
Wikiquote is a free online compendium of sourced quotations from notable people and creative works in every language, translations of non-English quotes, and links to Wikipedia for further information.
We began on June 27, 2003 to create a free online compendium of quotations in every language, including sources (where known), translations of non-English quotes, and links to Wikipedia ( for further information. We have created 1169 pages so far with thousands of quotations and proverbs.
Visit the help page and experiment in the sandbox to learn how you can edit nearly any page right now. Do you have some quotes that you feel are worthy of everyone's attention? If they are not already among the Quote of the Day archives you can place them on the Quote of the Day proposals page.
Erstellt: 2017-02
Famous Lines
Nursery Rhymes
- complete a nursery rhyme Little Jack Horner
- complete a nursery rhyme How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Famous Lines
- complete famous lines from songs and movies possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field
- complete famous lines from songs and movies Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?
- complete famous lines from songs and movies How many roads must a man walk down?
Erstellt: 2011-10
Famous Quotes by Authors
Abigail Adams | Henry Brooks Adams | Aesop | Akhenaton | Henri Frederic Amiel | Aristotle | Isaac Asimov | Jane Austen | Richard David Bach | James Baldwin | Henry Ward Beecher | Alexander Graham Bell | Henri-Louis Bergson | Ambrose Bierce | William Blake | Elizabeth Bowen | Louis D. Brandeis | Jackson Brown | Robert Browning | Elizabeth Barrett Browning | Lord Byron | Albert Camus | Dale Carnegie | Francois Rene De Chateaubriand | Gilbert Keith Chesterton | Dame Agatha Christie | Charles Caleb Colton | Confucius | Edward E. Cummings | Salvador Dali | Charles Robert Darwin | Rene Descartes | Charles Dickens | Emily Dickinson | Benjamin Disraeli | Amelia Earhart | Albert Einstein | T. S. Eliot | George Eliot | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Henry Fielding | F. Scott Fitzgerald | Harry Emerson Fosdick | Anatole France | Anna Freud | Sigmund Freud | Erich Fromm | Robert Frost | Thomas Fuller | John Kenneth Galbraith | Indira Gandhi | Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe | Ernesto 'Che' Guevara | Dag Hammarskjold | William Hazlitt | Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | Ernest Hemingway | Heraclitus | Alfred Hitchcock | Oliver Wendell Holmes | Homer | Horace | Victor Hugo | Aldous Huxley | Thomas Henry Huxley | Henry James | Samuel Johnson | Erica Mann Jong | Carl Gustav Jung | Helen Keller | Charles K. Kettering | Rudyard Kipling | Grenville Kleiser | Ann Landers | Lao-Tzu | D. H. Lawrence | Fran Lebowitz | Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz | Georg C. Lichtenberg | Anne Morrow Lindbergh | Livy |
| Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | James Russell Lowell | Robert B. Mackay | Harvey Mackay | Joseph P. Martino | W. Somerset Maugham | Henry Louis Mencken | Henry Miller | Moliere | Lady Mary Wortley Montagu | Mother Teresa | Iris Murdoch | Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche | Ovid | Blaise Pascal | Francesco Petrarch | Pablo Picasso | Plato | Edgar Allan Poe | Alexander Pope | Princess Diana Frances Spencer | Gilda Radner | Francois De La Rochefoucauld | Francois Auguste Rene Rodin | Helen Rowland | Jalal-Uddin Rumi | John Ruskin | Bertrand Russell | Saint Augustine of Hippo | Antoine De Saint-Exupery | Albert Schweitzer | Seneca | Anne Sexton | William Shakespeare | George Bernard Shaw | Isaac Bashevis Singer | Socrates | Adlai Ewing Stevenson | Robert Louis Stevenson | Igor Stravinsky | Jonathan Swift | Lord Alfred Tennyson | Henry David Thoreau | J. R. R. Tolkien | Mark Twain | Virgil | Voltaire | Andy Warhol | Evelyn Waugh | Simone Weil | H. G. Wells | Walt Whitman | Oscar Wilde | Virginia Woolf | Frank Lloyd Wright | William Butler Yeats
Bücher zur Kategorie:
Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Zitat, Cita, Citation, Citazione, Quotation, (esper.) citajoj