Death Clock, Todesuhr (W3)
Die "Death Clock" = "Todesuhr" ist die Bezeichnung für ein Internetangebot, das die zu erwartende restliche Lebenszeit in Sekunden ausrechnet.
Als Ergänzung findet man einige Hinweise zu verstorbenen Berühmtheiten.
(E?)(L?) http://www.deathclock.com/
Welcome to the Death Clock(TM), the Internet's friendly reminder that life is slipping away... second by second. Like the hourglass of the Net, the Death Clock will remind you just how short life is.
(E?)(L?) http://www.deathclock.com/findadeath.cfm
Find a famous death by name:
- A:
- Nick Adams | Jack Albertson | G.G. Allin | Scott Amedure | Eve Arden | Desi Arnaz
- B:
- Billy Barty | B.I.G | Bonny Lee Bakley | Lucille Ball | Florence Ballard of "The Supremes" | Jim Backus of Gilligan's Island | Judith Barsi | Frances Bavier "Aunt Bee" from Andy Griffith | John Belushi | Bea Benederet of The Beverly Hillbillies | Ingrid Bergman | Mary Kay Bergman | Joe Besser | Milton Berle | Bill Bixby | Madge Blake from Batman | Dan Blocker | Humphrey Bogart | Marc Bolan | Ray Bolger | Clara Bow | Tommy Boyce | Jonathon Brandis | Marlon Brando | Tod Browning | George Burns | Ishaq Bux
- C:
- Susan Cabot | John Candy | Roger C. Carmel | Karen Carpenter | Adriana Caselotti | Jack Cassidy | Ted Cassidy and The Addams Family | Lana Clarkson - Spector murder | Santa Claus | Montgomery Clift | Patsy Cline | Ray Charles | Kurt Cobain | Eddie Cochran | Nat King Cole | Rufus Collins | Perry Como | Bert Convy | Jackie Coogan and The Addams Family | Sam Cooke | Ellen Corby and the Waltons | Ennis Cosby | Bob Crane | Joan Crawford | Bing Crosby | Andrew Cunanan
- D:
- Jeffrey Dahmer | Jill Dando | Dorothy Dandridge | Rodney Dangerfield | Bette Davis | Sammy Davis Jr | Richard Deacon | James Dean | Albert Dekker | Eadie Del Rubio | John Denver | Joe DeRita | | Marlene Dietrich | Joe DiMaggio | Walt Disney | Divine | Troy Donahue | Diana Dors | Peter Duel | Dominique Dunne
- E:
- Hubert Eaton | Dale Earnhardt | Mama Cass Elliot
- F:
- Chris Farley | W.C. Fields | Larry Fine | Ella Fitzgerald | F. Scott Fitzgerald | Abigail Folger | Henry Fonda | Redd Foxx | Claude Francois | Rev. C. L. Franklin | William Frawley | Voyteck Frykowski | Fran Fullenwider | Bobby Fuller
- G:
- Eva Gabor | Ava Gardner | Judy Garland | Marvin Gaye | Will Geer and The Waltons | Andy Gibb | Alexander Godunov | Ronald Goldman | Gale Gordon | Cary Grant | Fred Gwynne
- H:
- Alan Hale Jr of Gilligan's Island | Kenneth Halliwell | Oliver Hardy | George Harrison | Phil Hartman | Margot Hemingway | Jimi Hendrix | Pee - Wee Herman | Jon-Erik Hexum | Benny Hill | Violet and Daisy Hilton | Alfred Hitchcock | Buddy Holly | John Holmes | Harry Houdini | William Holden | Bob Hope | Jerome Howard | Moe Howard | Shemp Howard | Michael Hutchence
- I:
- J:
- Rick James | David Janssen | Anissa Jones and the "Family Affair" cast. | Brian Jones | Carolyn Jones and The Addams Family | Janis Joplin
- K:
- Andy Kaufman | Buster Keaton | DeForest Kelley | John F. Kennedy Jr and the Bessettes | Gene Kelly | Margot Kidder | Mabel King | MartinLuther King Jr. | Sam Kinison | Nancy Kulp of The Beverly Hillbillies
- L:
- The LaBianca's | My buddy Laer | Veronica Lake | Michael Landon | Charles Laughton | Stan Laurel | Peter Lawford | Timothy Leary | Peggy Ledger | Brandon Lee | Trent Lehman from Nanny and the Prof | Vivien Leigh | Jack Lemmon | John Lennon | Liberace | Diane Linkletter | Cleavon Little | Richard Long from Nanny and the Professor | Lisa Left Eye Lopes WARNING!! DEAD PICS | Myrna Loy | Bela Lugosi
- M:
- Fred MacMurray | Meredith Mac Rae from Petticoat Junction | Judy Mallet | Jayne Mansfield | Dean "Dino" Martin | Walter Matthau | Roddy McDowall | Timothy McVeigh | Jose and Kitty Menendez | Freddie Mercury | John Merrick - "The Elephant Man" | | George Michael | Ann Miller | Sal Mineo | Margaret Mitchell - author of "Gone With the Wind." | | Keith Moon | Dudley Moore | Jim Morrison | Vic Morrow
- N:
- Jack Nance from Eraserhead | Alan Napier from Batman | Alice Nunn
- O:
- Heather O'Rourke | Joe Orton
- P:
- LaWanda Page | Steve Parent | Dorothy Parker | Robert Pastorelli | Jennifer Paterson aka One Fat Lady | Gregory Peck | Anthony Perkins | River Phoenix | Charles Pierce | Sylvia Plath | Elvis Presley | Vincent Price | Princess Margaret | Freddie Prinze
- Q:
- Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother | Glenn Quinn
- R:
- Gilda Radner | Dee Dee Ramone | Johnny Ramone | David Rappaport | Martha Raye | Ronald Reagan | Robert Reed | Lee Remick | J. P. Richardson | John Ritter | Blossom Rock and The Addams Family | Ginger Rogers | Cesar Romero from Batman |
- Irene Ryan of the Beverly Hillbillies
- S:
- Dick Sargent | Telly Savalas | Savannah | Jessica Savitch | Natalie Schaefer of Gilligan's Island | Rebecca Schaeffer | Jay Sebring | Tupac Shakur New | Nerine Shatner | Dinah Shore | Bugsy Siegel | Karen Silkwood | Don Simpson | Nicole Brown Simpson | Frank Sinatra | Dusty Springfield | Barbara Stanwyck | Johnny Stompanato | Robert Stack | Dorothy Stratten | Jay Stewart from Lets Make A Deal | Jimmy Stewart | David Strickland | Gloria Swanson | Jennifer Syme
- T:
- Sharon Tate | Mother Teresa | Tony Then | Tiny Tim | Thelma Todd | Lana Turner
- U:
- V:
- Ritchie Valens | Vivian Vance | Gianni Versace | Herve Villechaize
- W:
- Kim Walker | Nancy Walker | Andy Warhol | Lawrence Welk | Dottie West | Mae West | James Whale | Mary Wickes | Oscar Wilde | Dennis Wilson of The Beach Boys | Kenneth Williams | Ed Wood | Tammy Wynette
- X:
- Y:
- Paula Yates | Dick York | Robert Young
- Z