Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Weblogs, Weblogs, Weblogs, Weblogs, Weblogs, (esper.) retotaglibroj, blogoj


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| abstract | absurd | absurdities | absurdity | abuelos | abundance | abundant | abundantly | abusage | abuse | abused | abuses | abusive | abut | abutting | abv | abv611043 | academic | academicians | academics | academies | academy | acamedie | acause | accede | accelerate | accelerated | accent | accent_ | accented | accents | accentuate | accept | acceptability | acceptable | acceptance | accepted | accepting | accepts | access | accesscable | accessed | accesses | accessible | accessing | accessory | accidence | accident | accidental | accidentally | accidently | acclaimed | accolade | accommodate | accommodation | accommodations | accompanied | accompanies | accompany | accompanying | accompli | accomplice | accomplish | accomplished | accomplishment | accomplishments | accord | accordin | according | accordingly | accordinly | accords | account | accountant | accounted | accounting | accounts | accoutre | accoutrements | accruing | accumulate | accumulated | accumulating | accumulation | accuracy | accurate | accurately | accursed | accusative | accused | accustomed | acd | ace | aceboinker | acgi | ache | achievable | achieve | achieved | achievement | achieving | acid | acidloving | acknowledge | acknowledged | acknowledgements | acknowledges | acknowledgment | aclu | acm | acocunt | acolus | acoustic | acquaintance | acquaintances | acquainted | acquiesce | acquire | acquired | acquires | acquiring | acquisition | acquit | acquitted | acre | acres | acro | acroama | acrobat | acrolect | acronychal | acronym | acronymfinder | acronymic | acronyms | acrophony | across | acrossclues | acrossed | acs | act | acting | action | actionpacked | actions | activate | active | activex | activities | activity | actor | actors | actress | acts | actual | actually | adage | adam | adamant | adami | adams | adapt | adaptation | adaptations | adapted | adapting | adapts | adc | add | added | addenda | addendum | addiction | adding | addison | addition | additional | additionally | additionalpoems | additions | additive | addle | addled | addleegg | addlehead | addlepate | addles | addlin | address | addressed | addressee | addresses | addressing | adds | adduced | ade | adelaide | adept | adequate | adequately | adera | adhere | adhesive | adianoeta | adinserting | adipocere | adiutare | adj | adjacent | adjectival | adjective | adjectiveforming | adjectives | adjoining | adjourn | adjp | adjudged | adjuring | adjust | adjustable | adjustment | adjutant | adlai | adlib | administer | administration | administrative | administrator | administrators | admirably | admiral | admiralty | admiration | admire | admissible | admit | admits | admitted | admittedly | admonish | admonishment | adnominal | adnominatio | ado | adobe | adolescent | adolescents | adolph | adolpho | adonis | adopt | adopted | adopting | adoption | adopts | adorn | adorned | adorners | adornments | adorns | adrenalin | adrenaline | adrian | | ads | adsl | adulation | adult | adulterer | adultery | adultry | adults | adv | advance | advanced | advanced_group_search | advancement | advances | advancing | advantage | advantages | advent | adventure | adventurer | adventures | adventvres | adverb | adverbial | adverbs | adversaries | adverse | advert | advertise | advertised | advertisement | advertisements | advertize | advice | advisable | advise | advised | adviser | advisers | advises | advisor | advocacy | advocate | advocated | advocates | advocating | adynaton | aegean | aegis | aegolius | aerial | aerial_toughie1 | aerial_toughie2 | aerobot | aesthetes | aesthetic | aestivate | aetherlumina | aeu | afaic | afaicr | afaics | afaict | afaik | afair | afb | affable | affair | affairs | affect | affected | affectionate | affects | affinity | affirmative | affirmed | affix | affixes | afflicted | affluence | affluent | afford | affording | affrc | affricate | affricates | afghanistan | afield | afl | aflcio | afon | afoor | afoot | afore | aforementioned | afp | afraid | afrayed | afresh | africa | african | africanamerican | africans | afrikaans | afs | after | aftermath | afternoon | afterward | afterwards | afton | afu | aga | again | against | agamemnon | agapin | agate | agcom | age | agean | aged | agenbite | agency | agencywide | agenda | agene | agent | ages | aggrandize | aggravate | aggravating | aggregation | aggregations | aggressive | aggressively | aggry | agile | agim | aging | agis | agita | agitated | agitprop | aglet | agley | agnes | agnosia | agnostic | ago | agonistes | agony | agrammatism | agree | agreeance | agreed | agreeing | agreement | agreements | agrees | agriculture | agry | ah3 | ah4 | aha | ahd | ahd1 | ahd2 | ahd3 | ahd4 | ahead | ahem | ahi | ahlstrom | ahmahn | ahmed | ahn | ahold | ahsl | ahungry | aid | aide | aidez | aids | aifh | aijl | ailed | ailing | ailurophobic | aim | aimed | aimlessly | aims | ain | aipa | air | airbase | airborne | aircraft | aircraftsman | aired | airedill | airepository | airline | airm | airms | airplane | airport | airs | airspace | airways | airy | aisance | aissa | aitch | aiteisthai | aitken | aitkin | aiui | aiv | aix | ajax | ajd | ajurie | ak47 | aka | akc | akeroyd | | akin | akpages | aks | aksed | alabama | alador | alamein | alamo | alan | alanb | alang | alanus | alarm | alarming | alas | alasdair | alaska | alaxsxaq | albanowski | albeit | albert | alberta | albertopolis | albertpeasemarch | albino | albion | album | alcatraz | alchemy | alcohol | alcoholic | alcolock | alcopop | alcorn | aldborough | alderney | alderson | ale | alea | aleander | aleatory | alec | alegar | alehouse | aleng | alert | alether | aleut | alex | alexandr | alexandra | alexandria | alexia | alexipharmic | alexy | alfa | alfoldean | alfred | algebra | alger | algonquian | algonquians | algonquin | | ali | alias | alibi | alice | alien | aliens | alighted | align | alignment | alike | alimony | aliquot | alison | alistair | alitalia | alittle | alive | all | allamerican | allan | allcorrect | alle | allee | allegiance | allegorical | allegory | allembracing | allen | alleviated | alleyapple | allied | alligator | alliterate | alliteration | alliterative | allnewness | allohistory | allophone | allophones | allophonic | allot | allotted | allotting | allow | allowances | allowed | allowing | allows | alloy | allround | alls | alltime | allude | alluded | alludes | allusion | allusions | alluvial | alma | almanac | almanacs | almighty | almost | alms | aloh | alois | alone | along | along_ | alongside | aloof | alot | aloud | alperton | alpha | alphabet | alphabetic | alphabetical | alphabetically | alphabetism | alphabetisms | alphabetized | alphabets | already | alright | als | also | alt | alt135 | altameter | altar | alter | alteration | altercation | alterior | alternate | alternates | alternating | alternations | alternative | alternatively | alternatives | alternivore | alters | although | alto | altogether | alton | altusageenglish | altusageenglishfaq | alu | alum | alumin | alumina | alumine | aluminium | aluminum | alumium | alumna | alumnae | alumni | alumnus | alveolar | always | alwyn | alysoun | ama | amaass | amalgamation | aman | amanda | amang | amas | amassed | amat | amateur | amateurs | amathophobe | amative | amature | amazed | amazing | amazon | ambassador | ambience | ambient | ambiguities | ambiguity | ambiguous | ambition | ambitious | ambivalent | amblysia | amboise | ambridge | ambrosia | ambuhl | ambulance | ambush | amc | ame | ameliorate | amended | amendment | amendments | amenity | ament | america | american | americana | americanbritish | americanism | americans | americas | amerika | amerindian | amerique | amery | amethyst | amh | amh3 | amherst | ami | amiable | amicus | amid | amidol | amidst | amiens | amiga | amis | ammer | ammo | ammunition | amn | amnesia | amo | amok | among | amongst | amonn | amoral | amorous | amory | amount | amounts | amours | amperkine | | amphi | amphibol | amphibology | amphiboly | ample | amplitude | amsterdam | amt | amtrak | amuck | amuse | amusement | amusing | amy | anabasis | anachronism | anacolouthon | anacoluthon | anacrusis | anadiplosis | anagogical | anal | analemmatic | analog | analogies | analogized | analogizes | analogous | analogues | analogy | analysable | analyse | analysed | analyser | analysis | analytic | analytical | analytics | analyticsynthetic | analyzes | analyzing | anam | anamorphosis | anandashankar | anaphora | anaptyxis | anastrophe | anathema | anatoly | anatomies | anatomy | anc | ancestor | ancestors | ancestral | anchor | anchored | ancient | and | anderson | andre | andreas | andree | andrees | andrew | andrewk | andrews | android | andromeda | andronicus | andropause | andy | aneath | anecdote | anecdotes | anekdoty | anent | anerriphtho | anesthesia | anew | anfractuosity | anfractuous | ang | angel | angeles | angelfire | angels | anger | angg | angiogenesis | anglaise | angle | angled | anglicisation | anglicization | anglicized | anglo | anglofrench | angloindian | anglosaxon | anglosaxondescended | anglosaxons | angola | angry | angst | angus | anhungry | animacy | animal | animals | animate | animated | anime | anita | ankerstein | ankle | ankles | ann | anna | annals | anne | annie | annihilated | anniversary | anno | annotated | announce | announced | announcement | announcer | announces | annoy | annoyance | annoyed | annoying | annoys | annual | annul | anodyne | anointed | anomalous | anomaly | anon | anonymity | anonymous | anonymously | anonymuncule | | | another | ans | ansaxdat | ansaxnet | ansel | ansi | ansible | anslength | anson | anster | answer | answered | answering | answers | answersleuth | ant | antagonist | antagonists | antarctic | antecdents | antecedent | antecedents | antedates | antennae | antennas | antenorides | anthem | anthimeria | anthology | anthony | anthonys | anthos | anthrax | anthropocentric | anthropological | anthropologist | anti | anticipate | anticipated | anticipatory | anticlimax | antidisestablishmentarianism | antidote | antigrammar | antigua | antiiconoclasts | antilles | antimacassar | antin | antioch | antiparticle | antiphrasis | antipondean | antipyrine | antiseptic | antisthecon | antitoxin | antje | antoine | antoinette | anton | antonio | antonius | antonomasia | antony | antonym | antonys | antsy | anu | anxiety | anxious | any | anybody | anyhow | anymore | anyone | anyplace | anything | anytime | anyway | anyways | anywhere | anywho | anzac | aok | aokay | aol | aor | aorist | apart | apartment | apastyle | apatite | apc | apdd | ape | apers | apes | apex | aph | aphaeresis | aphasia | apheresis | aphesis | aphrodisiac | aphrodisias | aphrodite | api | apiary | apiece | apieng | apl | apocope | apocrisis | apocryphal | apodictically | apodosis | apollo | apologetic | apologie | apologies | apologize | apology | apophasis | apoptosis | aporia | aposiopesis | apostle | apostophe | apostrophe | apostrophebox | apostrophes | apothecary | apotheosis | apparatus | apparel | apparent | apparently | appeal | appeals | appear | appearance | appeared | appearing | appears | append | appended | appendices | appendix | appendixes | appetite | applaud | applause | apple | applepicking | apples | applesauce | applicable | application | applications | applied | applies | apply | applying | appo | appoint | appointed | apportioning | apportionment | apportions | apposite | apposition | appositive | appositives | appraise | appreciate | appreciated | appreciation | apprentice | apprentices | apprise | apprize | approach | approachable | approached | approaches | approaching | appropriate | appropriately | appropriateness | approval | approve | approved | approximate | approximated | approximately | approximation | apr | apres | april | apropos | aps | apt | apteryx | aptest | aptonym | aptonyms | | apuleius | apurbva | aput | aqua | aquadextrous | aqualung | aqualunger | aquatic | aqueduct | arabic | arbitrarily | arbitrariness | arbitrary | arbitration | arbub | arbutin | arc | arcadian | arcane | arch | archaeology | archaeon | archaic | archaisms | archduchesses | archei | archeological | archeologists | archer | archers | archetype | archibald | archimedes | archipelago | architect | archive | archived | archives | archivist | archy | arctic | ard | arda | arden | ardor | ardz | are | area | areal | areas | areff | aren | arena | arenaceous | arenas | areno | areologist | ares | arfanarf | argent | argentine | argentum | argeybargey | argiments | argon | argon_ | args | arguable | arguably | argue | argued | argues | arguing | argument | argumentative | arguments | argybargy | arial | arian | arianna54 | ariosot | arise | arisen | arises | arising | aristocrat | aristocratic | aristocrats | aristophanes | aristotle | arithmetic | arithmeticians | arizona | ark | arkansas | arks | arlene | arlington | arm | armada | armageddon | armchair | armed | armful | arminius | armond | armor | arms | armstrong | army | arnold | arnow | aroma | aromatic | aroo | aroond | around | aroused | arrange | arranged | arrangement | arrangements | arrant | array | arrest | arrested | arresting | arrival | arrive | arrived | arrives | arriving | arrogant | arrogates | arrow | arrows | arruhn | arse | arsenal | arsis | art | artefact | arterenol | artery | artful | arthur | arthurian | artic | artichoke | artichokes | article | articles | articles1 | articulate | articulation | articulatory | artifact | artifacts | artifactual | artificial | artilect | artillery | artisan | artisans | artist | artiste | artistic | artists | artmus | | arts | artssciences | artstaities | artur | aruba | arval | aryan | aryans | aryanviking | asap | asbs | asc | ascap | ascendant | ascended | ascent | ascertain | ascian | ascot | ascribed | asda | asdfgh | asean | ash | ashamed | asher | ashes | ashk | ashkenazy | ashkima | ashkime | ashkimew | ashkimewin | ashkipok | ashtray | ashtrays | asia | asian | asians | aside | asinine | ask | askalinguist | asked | askee | askimaneiab | askin | asking | asks | asl | asleep | aslo | asm | asp | aspect | aspects | aspectual | aspen | asper | aspersions | aspidistra | aspirant | aspirate | aspirated | aspiration | aspire | aspires | ass | ass_ | assassin | assassinated | assassins | assault | assaulted | assemble | assembled | assemblies | assembling | assembly | assert | asserted | asserting | assertion | assertions | assertiveness | assessment | asset | | asshole | assign | assigned | assigning | assignment | assimew | assimilate | assimilated | assimilating | assimilation | assisi | assist | assistance | assistant | assisted | assisting | assists | asskey | associate | associated | associates | associating | association | associations | assorted | assuage | assume | assumed | assuming | assumption | assure | assured | assuredly | astaff | asteraceae | asterick | aston | astonish | astonishing | astonishment | astounding | astray | astride | astringent | astrobleme | astronaut | astronomer | astronomers | astronomical | astronomy | astroturf | asty | asw | asymmetrical | asyndeton | ataf | atakin | ataraxy | atc | ate | ateam | atf | atheist | athel | athena | athenaeum | athens | athiest | athlete | athletes | athletic | athletics | athon | ati | ation | atkin | atkinson | atlanta | atlantic | atlas | atm | atmosphere | atmospheric | atms | atomic | atoms | atomtime98 | atop | atrabilious | atrophied | atropos | atsign | atsteead | attach | attached | attaches | attack | attacked | attacking | attain | attained | attempt | attempted | attempting | attempts | attend | attendant | attended | attenders | attends | attention | attentionseeking | attenuated | attest | attestations | attested | attikamek | attire | attired | attitude | attlen | attorney | attorneys | attract | attracted | attraction | attractions | attractive | attribute | attributed | attributes | attributing | attribution | attributions | attributive | attrit | attuned | auberon | auc | auchter | auction | audibility | audible | audience | audio | audio_archive | audiovisual | audrey | aue | aue_gallery | aue_logo_sidebar | aue_related | aue0101 | aue3 | aue9602 | auebc | auebcs | aueers | auefaq | auefaq1 | auefaq2 | auefaq3 | auerbach | auerelated | aueshits | auf | aufh | aufhebung | aug | augean | auger | aught | aughts | augment | augur | augurs | augury | august | auk | auld | aunt | auntbymarriage | aup | aupair | aupairs | aupairsearch | aural | aurator | auriculaires | aurora | aurum | aus | ause | auspicious | aussi | aussie | aussies | austen | auster | austere | austerlitz | austheir | austinhs | australia | australian | australianborn | australians | austria | austriahungary | austringer | austrohungarian | aut | authentication | authenticity | author | authored | authorial | authoritative | authoritatively | authorities | authority | authorize | authors | authorship | autism | auto | autobiography | autoclesis | autodidact | autoforwarding | autogiro | autograph | autohagiography | autoharp | autolycus | automagic | automated | automatic | automatically | automation | automobile | automotive | aux | auxetic | auxiliaries | auxiliary | availability | available | avalon | avarice | avatar | ave | avens | aventine | avenue | avenues | average | averill | averse | avert | avi | avian | aviation | avid | avifaunal | avignon | avo | avocation | avoid | avoidance | avoided | avoiding | avoids | avoirdupois | avon | await | awaited | awaits | awake | awaken | awakened | awant | award | awarded | awarding | awards | aware | awareness | awassimew | away | awd | awe | awesome | awfish | awful | awhile | awillis957 | awkward | awkwardness | awl | awls | awlus | awoke | awoken | awol | awooing | awr | awwy | axe | axel | axes | axis | axle | axon | ayaskimew | ayassimew | ayaz | aybs | aye | ayin | aykh | aym | ayn | ayto | azaleas | azerbaijan | azerty | azinger | azoy | a0a0ff | academe | ad410 | afaia | ala | alm | ana | anm | apa | arabian | asa | ata | aubergine | aum | avail


at loggerheads
loggerhead (W3)

heisst auf dt. "sich in den Haaren liegen".

Der "logger" war ein umgs. Holzklotz, der Pferden an die Beine gebunden wurde, um sie am weglaufen zu hindern. Nachdem Shakespeare den Begriff "loggerhead" 1588 im Sinne von "Dummkopf" benutzt hatte, fand der Ausdruck "at loggerhead" seinen Weg, einen langen sinnlosen Streit zu bezeichnen. Im Deutschen entspricht dem etwa der Streit zweier Dickköpfe.



to blog
Vom Holzblock zum virtuellen Tagebuch (W1)

"Blog" entstand durch die Verkürzung von "Weblog" auf die letzten 4 Buchstaben.

Das "B" steht also für engl. "web" = "Netz". Es hängt mit "weben", "pflechten", "knüpfen" zusammen und geht gemeinsam mit "Wabe" und "Waffel" und Bildungen in vielen Sprachen auf eine gemeinsame Wurzel mit Bedeutungen wie "durcheinander wimmeln" oder auch dem aind. "urna-vabhi-h" = "Spinne" oder auch "Wespe" zurück. Das griech. "hýphos" heisst "das Weben".

Das aisl. "log" bedeutet "Holzklotz", "unbehauenes Stück Holz". Es wurde ab dem 16.Jh. auch konkret zur Bezeichnung des "Holzklotzes" verwendet, der (zur Beschwerung) an einer "Knoten"schnur befestigt ins Wasser gelassen wurde, um die Fahrgeschwindigkeit eines Schiffes zu bestimmen. Der Begriff ging schliesslich auf das "Gerät" im Sinne von "Schiffgeschwindigkeitsmesser" über. Die gefahrenen "Knoten" wurden natürlich in einem Fahrtenbuch, dem "Logbuch" festgehalten.

Und heute werden mit "Logbuch" auch andere Werke bezeichnet, in denen bestimmte Ereignisse festgehalten werden. Der "Weblog" ist entstanden aus dem Ansatz eines "Web-Tagebuches", in dem (öffentlich) Tagesabläufe oder Lebensläufe dokumentiert werden. Auch dieser Bedeutungsinhalt hat sich wieder verändert. So dass heute ein "Blog" für viele Arten von (mehr oder weniger aktuellen bzw. chronologischen) Informationssammlungen dienen kann.

Der Begriff "Blog" steht für eine Website, deren Inhalt häufig mit kurzen Beiträgen aktualisiert wird. Dies kann ein persönliches Tagebuch sein, aber auch ein Journal, eine Linkliste, News, Fotos, Essays, Kommentare zu Ereignissen oder anderen Webseiten.

A clipping of "weblog", "blog" is internet jargon for what is basically an online journal or diary. Blogs are most often maintained by a single person, updated regularly, and center on a particular topic or theme.

Usage 1: The word is also used as a verb, "to blog" and a person who blogs is a "blogger". The blog community (sometimes called "Blogistan" or the "Blogosphere") has a very developed lingo. The "blognoscenti" can find a glossary at "samizdata".

This is a glossary of blog terminology, including obscure words directly related to blogging and expressions commonly encountered in the blogosphere (qv) which might be obscure to the uninitiated.

Suggested usage: Leave it to the Internet to take that private activity of writing a diary and turn it into publishing. Anybody can blog these days and you can find everyone from teenagers and expectant parents to celebrities and pundits sharing their thoughts online. While some "blogs" are exercises in navel-gazing, many resemble discussion boards (like our Agora), inviting comment and interaction.

The term "weblog" is attributed to "artificial intelligence" researcher Jorn Barger who used it in 1997. The clipping to "blog" occurred in 1999 and was coined by web designer Peter Merholz on his own blog. As you can see in the Usage section, the word has spawned a lexicon of its own. You aren't likely to find the word in a dictionary just yet, but you will. (Our thanks to writer Ron Suresha of Providence, Rhode Island for suggesting today's word.)

Dieser Weblog-Dienst ist der Klassiker unter den Weblogs; mit einer einfachen HTML-Oberfläche.

Man kann hier Texte online veröffentlichen; und per Link in die Homepage einbinden.

14.01.2007: 3,649 mit Etymologie übereinstimmende Posts

14.01.2007: 33,718 mit Etymology übereinstimmende Posts

Die Nachricht rauscht im Bloggerwald, der Duden hat's entschieden: Man darf jetzt offiziell der "Blog" sagen. Sogar die Tagesschau weiss davon zu berichten.

How Blogs Work

A blog is a great way to keep track of your online travels and share them with the world - it’s an online journal of your virtual life. Find an amazing Web site? Put a note about it in your blog. Come across a news story that has you fuming? Go ahead and rant about it in your blog.


blog | blogger | blogosphere


Weblog resources FAQ
Jorn Barger, September 1999
Robot Wisdom Weblog was the first to use the name "weblog", in December 1997.



In die 24. Auflage des Duden, die am 22. Juli (2006) in die Läden kommt, hat nun auch das/der "Blog" Einzug gefunden. Richtig gelesen, beide Schreibweisen sind korrekt: "Blog, das, auch der;" befand salomonisch die Dudenredaktion. "Wir beobachten solche Diskussionen wie 'der' oder 'das' Blog aus der Distanz und bewerten dann", sagt Werner Scholze-Stubenrecht, der als stellvertretender Leiter der Dudenredaktion für die Neuauflage verantwortlich zeichnet.


Kluge, Friedrich: Seemannssprache

"Logbuch" "Tabelle, in welche die Stunden des Tages und der Nacht, die Richtung des Windes und Lauf, Fahrt und Kurs des Schiffes eingetragen wird" Friedrichson 1879. Vgl. Niebuhr 1774 Reisebeschr. I 6 da ich bemerkte, daß unsere Rechnung nach dem Logbuch uns bey unserer Ausreise weiter nördlich und bey unserer Zurückkunft weiter südlich brachte als wir würcklich waren, so untersuchte ich die Loglinie.

Mylius 1785 Pickle III 190 Jezunder, da die Klappe an meiner Luftpumpe noch im Stand is, mocht' ich Euch gern eens un's annere sagen dhun, un seht Ihr, ich will hoffen, Ihr werdet's in Eur Logbuch schreiben, um Euch dran zu erinnern, wenn ich steif bin.

Brarens 1807 Steuermannskunde S. 34 Ist ein Logbuch zur Anzeichnung der Koursen und Distanzen in Bereitschaft.

Gortz 1852 Reise um d. Welt I 31 die Ortsbestimmung ist mittelst astronomischer Eselsbrücken schnell erfolgt und ist in das Logbuch, welches analog den Büchern der Kaufleute gewissenhaft geführt werden muß, einzutragen.

Wilh. Heine 1856 Reise um d. Erde I 15 die Schnelligkeit des Schiffs zu bestimmen, was dann in das Logbuch aufgezeichnet wird.

Mollhausen 1887 Loggbuch 16 Loggbuch von Barnabas Bostig, stand auf dem Deckel eines mächtigen, uber drei Zoll dicken Foliobandes mit großen, etwas unregelmäßigen lateinischen Buchstaben geschrieben.


Did you know?

"-log-" comes from Greek, where it has the meaning "speak"; "word"; "speech". While it is completely unrelated to the English word "log", this meaning is found in many English words, such as: "analog", "apology", "chronology", "decalogue", "dialogue", "doxology", "epilogue", "eulogy", "ideology", "logarithm", "logic", "logo", "monologue", "neologism", "philology", "syllogism", "tautology", "terminology".


The noun "log", meaning "large piece of tree", dates back to the mid-14th century, as the Middle English "logge". It was a variant of "lugge" ("pole", "limb of tree"), but the origin is uncertain. It is probably related to the Old Norse "lag" ("felled tree"), but some linguists actually think its origin is different: the expression of something very large with an appropriate sound, and could be related to "clog" (which as we saw before, originally meant "lump of wood"). "Log", meaning "a record of activities", dates back to the 19th century, and is a shortened form of "log-book" (which dates back to the 17th century), a term used by sailors. It was called a "log book" because it recorded speed measurements that were made using the weighted chip of a "tree log" on the end of a "log line" with knots. The sailors counted how long the line took to stretch out in the water, and the knots on the rope are the reason speed at sea is still measured in units called "knots". The verb "log" ("to fell a tree") comes from the noun and first appeared in the early 18th century, while the verb meaning "to record something" comes from the other meaning of the noun, and dates back to the 19th century.

A-Blogger | Blogger-Freund | Adblogger | Audioblogger | Bildblogger | Blogger | Blog-Aggregator | Blog-Feed | Blog-Portal | | Blogbot | Blogfeedback | bloggen | Blogger-Community | Blogger-Gemeinde | Bloggerei | Bloggergemeinde | Bloggersalon | Bloggerseite | Bloggerszene | Bloggerwelt | Blogging | Bloggleser | Blogmapper | Blogmapper | Blogmapper | Blogmapper | Blogosphäre | Blogosphären-Jargon | Blogroll | Blogroll | Blogschau | Blogsphäre | Blogszene | Edel-Blogger | Großblogger | Internet-Blogger | Just-for-Fun-Blogger | Klein-Bloggersdorf | Shopblogger | Wahlblogger | Warblogger | Watchblogger


The History of Blogging
The origins of blogging go further back than the Internet to the days of personal diaries, chronicles and other written forms of personal musings. Today, a blog is considered to be a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual or company.
The word "blog" itself is a play on the words "Weblog", as most blogs will be displayed in a journal or log entry format, where most are updated daily or more frequently than most Web sites would be.
The Origins of the Word Blog
The "Blog Herald" cites the origins of the term "weblog" to G. Raikundalia & M. Rees, two lecturers from Bond University on the Gold Coast. The term was first used in a paper titled "Exploiting the World-Wide Web for Electronic Meeting Document Analysis and Management." Popular use of the term "Weblog" as we know it today is from Jorn Barger of the "Weblog Robot Wisdom" ( in December 1997. Barger coined the term "weblog" meaning "logging the Web". In 1999 programmer Peter Merholz shortened the term "weblog" to "blog".






Google uebernimmt Blogger (W3)

Der Kauf des Blogger-Portals durch Google führte zu einer neuen Wortschöpfung: 'Bloggle'.

Am 17.02.2003 vermeldet "Heise":
Google bloggt
Der Suchmaschinen-Betreiber Google hat das kalifornische Unternehmen Pyra Labs übernommen, berichten US-Medien. Pyra Labs betreibt den beliebtesten Weblog-Dienst Benutzer können dort - in einer Basiskonfiguration kostenlos - Ticker- beziehungsweise tagebuchartige Sites betreiben. hat mehr als eine Million registrierte Kunden.




Daypop ist eine der bekanntesten Suchmaschinen, die neben Nachrichtensites und Zeitungsnews auch Blogs durchsuchen.

Search 140000 News Sites, Weblogs and RSS feeds for Current Events and Breaking News

Daypop is a current events search engine. Daypop crawls the living web at least once a day to bring you the latest information relevant to your searches.

The living web is composed of sites that update on a daily basis: newspapers, online magazines, and weblogs. Weblogs are a new form of personal journalism. Think of them as opinion columns or slices of life. Newspapers give you the international headlines and weblogs give you both a subjective view of current events and a personal view of the author's life.






Folksonomy (W3)


Dieser begriff setzt sich zusammen aus "folk" und "taxonomy".

Folksonomy is a term coined by ThomasVanderWal used to describe the BottomUp taxonomy development as done in social networking sites like and as well as others. GeneSmith brought the term forward for wide consumption.


Etymologie in Weblogs




Uni Illinois
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Logger, loggerheads, at loggerheads (W3)

"be at loggerheads (with someone)" = "to be in a dispute with someone" = "mit jemandem im Clinch liegen", "sich in den Haaren liegen".


"Logger" is an archaic English dialect word meaning a heavy block of wood, especially one attached to the leg of a horse to prevent it from wandering away. Shakespeare used "loggerhead" in 1588 the same way we would use "blockhead" ("Dummkopf") today, to mean an extremely stupid person, and it's possible that the phrase "to be at loggerheads" simply arose as a way of saying that people who get involved in long, stubborn arguments must be idiots.

Other sources suggests that the origin is nautical. Loggerheads were long handled devices with a spherical cup at one end. These cups were filled with hot tar or pitch which was thrown at enemy sailors. They, of course, responded and both sides were truly at loggerheads.

There is yet another nautical suggestion, this time involving whale boats. In these boats the loggerhead was a channel through which ran the harpoon rope. The channel became very hot when the rope was running out; it had to be cooled with water. The heat generated was likened to that found when people argue.
(adapted from Dr James Briggs)









Im "Weblog-Glossary" findet man weitere Begriffe, die auf "Weblog" oder "Blog" und damit auf den "Holzklotz" zurückgehen.

This is a glossary of blog terminology, including obscure words directly related to blogging and expressions commonly encountered in the blogosphere (qv) which might be obscure to the uninitiated.
Am 03.07.2003 waren folgende Begriffe aufgeführt und erklärt:
(Wie man sieht sind viele Neologismen dabei, die sich unmittelbar auf 'blog' beziehen.) A | Advocacy blog | Anti-idiotarian | B | Barking moonbat | Blawg | Blog | Blog Digest | Blog-site | Blogathy | Blogerati | Blogger | Blogger bash | Blogger ecosystem | Bloggerel | Bloggerverse | Blogistan | Blogiverse | Blognoscenti | Blogopotamus | Blogorrhea | Blogosphere | Blogroach | Blogroll | Blogspot | Blogstipation | Blogule | Blurker | C | Clog Blog | Commenter | Crud (code) | D | DNQ/DNP | Dead-tree media | Dowdification | E | Edu-blog | Ego-googling | F | Fact-check (your ass) | Fisk | Flame | Flame war | Froglogs | G | | Group blog | H | Hitnosis | I | Idiotarian | Instapundited | Interblog _____ War | J | Journal blog | K | K Log | Kittyblogger | Klogger | Knowledge Log | L | Linguablog | Link orgy | Link rot | Link whore | Linky Love | M | Me-zine | Meme | Meme hack | Meme war | Meta-blogging | Minarchist | Misting | Moblog | Movable Type | N | News blog | O | Old media | P | Permalink | Pilger | Ping | Progblog | Pundit blog | Q | R | RDF | RSS | RTWT | Reciprocal Link | S | Sidebar | Sidebar links | Slashdotted | Stripblog | T | Take down | Tech blog | Thread | Trackback | Tranzi | Troll | U | V | W | Wanker, the | Warblog | Weblog | Webwaffle | Whoring (for hits) | X | XML | Y | Z


teh, Jeff K. (W3)


22.09.2005 - aus der ADS-Liste von Ben Zimmer:

Blogs these days are full of examples of "teh", an intentional misspelling of "the" arising from leetspeak (hacker code). Unlike "the", "teh" often modifies an adjective (teh sexy, teh crazy, teh funny, teh wacky, teh lame, teh gay), or an intransitive verb (teh suck, teh rock, teh rule). The resulting quasi-NP tends to be used predicatively ("he is teh sexy" = "he is sexy", "you are teh rule" = "you rule", etc.).

Wikipedia illuminates the history of "teh", tracing its popularity to the website Something Awful and its parodic hacker persona "JeffK" (also evidently responsible for popularizing such epithets as "asshat").

"Teh" is a common typo for "the". [...] In the online slang known as Leet, it is deliberately used in place of "the", and occasionally spelled "t3h" with a numeral "3" in place of "e". "Teh" and "t3h" are the traditional spellings of "the" in the phrase "ph34r t3h ..." (Fear the...).
Besides being an alternate spelling of "the", "teh" also has grammatical properties not generally applied to "the". It can be used with proper names, as in "teh John." [...]
Furthermore, "teh" is sometimes used in front of a verb, turning it into a species of compound noun chain. The best-known example of this is the word "suck". Thus, the phrase "this sucks" can be converted into "this is teh suck"; the word "pwn" can be similarly converted ("teh pwn"). The above phrases are primarily used by the gaming community, and often intended humorously.
In English, "the" can be used as an intensifier for the superlative form of adjectives; compare "that is best" and "that is _the_ best". "Teh" has a similar use as an intensifier for unmodified adjectives, generally marking a sarcastic tone. For example, "that is _teh_ lame" translates as "that is _the lamest_." [...]
The widespread popularity of purposefully using "Teh" on Internet forums and other forms of communication most likely stemmed from the fictitious character JeffK (created by humour website Something Awful), who often mispelled words on his homepage in a parody on a certain stereotype of Internet user.

Jeff K. is one of several fictitious update writers for the popular humor website Something Awful. Created by Something Awful founder Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka on May 28, 1999 on PlanetQuake, Jeff K. is a parody of teenage Internet users, particularly script kiddies and online game players. Jeff K. once claimed to be a "l33t hax0r" (an "elite hacker" in leetspeak) but is now a "computar consultant becuase hax0ring si illegal" (sic). Jeff K.'s writing style is characterized by generally horrible spelling, flipping the positions of letters in words, and alternately writing in all caps and all lowercase (contrary to popular perception, he did not generally replace letters with numbers as in leetspeak). He is also known for combining words to create insults such as "clownboat", "slobbergoat" and "asshat", and bad web design skills. He has coined several phrases that have entered more widespread usage in other Internet communities, most notably the use of "teh", as in the phrase "teh funney" (now often misspelled further as "teh funnay"). Although the term "asshat" predates Jeff K., he certainly popularized it, and it has begun appearing as pejorative slang in other online forums like [...]

The name "Jeff K." might be a reference to Sun software engineer "Jeff Kesselman", who is notorious for making frequent spelling mistakes, such as "teh" and similar, in newsgroup and forum posts.

Though "JeffK" dates to 1999, exx. of "teh funny/funney/funnay", "teh suck", etc. don't begin showing up in the Usenet archive until early 2001.

A weekly podcast about words, language and why we say the things we do



Uni Pennsylvenia


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April 2010 - April 2008



Language Log was started in the summer of 2003 by Mark Liberman and Geoffrey Pullum. For nearly five years, it ran on the same elderly linux box, with the same 2003-era blogging software, sitting in a dusty corner of a group office at the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania.

Other more or less regular contributors include Arnold Zwicky, Benjamin Zimmer, Bill Poser, Heidi Harley, Roger Shuy, Geoff Nunberg, Eric Bakovic, Sally Thomason, Barbara Partee, and John McWhorter. And an additional cast of dozens have blogged here from time to time.

On April 5, 2008, the original server suffered a terminal illness, and was replaced by a new machine in an actual server room with professional support, thanks to Chris Cieri, Chad Jackson and others at the Linguistic Data Consortium. The blog posts between 7/28/2003 and 4/6/2008, in the ugly but beloved old format, can be found here.



April 2008 - July 2003

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