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ABC (W3)

"ABC" steht für "American Broadcasting Company".


American Broadcasting Company


ABC's "World News Now" Becomes the First Television Show Broadcast over the Internet - November 23, 1995


American Broadcasting Company (ABC)

Die "ABC" galt immer als das kleinste der drei über die Vereinigten Staaten verbreiteten Hörfunk- und Fernsehsendernetze, bevor Kabelfernsehen den Markt erheblich vergrößerte. Die "American Broadcasting Company" entstand im Jahre 1942, nachdem die "Federal Communications Commission" ("FCC") die "NBC" gezwungen hatte, eines seiner zwei Hörfunk-Networks wegen Monopolisierung zu veräußern. Im Jahre 1951 fusionierte "ABC" mit "United Paramount Theatres", die – aufgrund des berühmten Paramount-Urteils – von Paramount getrennt worden waren. In den 1950er und 1960er Jahre blieb "ABC" neben "CBS" und "NBC" das kleinste und kapitalschwächste der Networks, nicht nur wegen seiner Programme, sondern auch, weil es weniger lokale Sender im Verbund hatte. Im Jahre 1954 sendete "ABC" die gesamten „Army-MacCarthy-Hearings“ des US-Kongress‘, die zum Niedergang McCarthys führten.

Der Aufstieg von "ABC" erfolgte, nachdem sie Exklusivrechte zu den Footballspielen der "NFL" in den 1970er Jahren erhalten hatte. Im Jahre 1975 übernahm Fred Silvermann die Programmleitung und katapultierte das Netz auf den ersten Platz unter den Networks – durch neue Sendungen, die speziell für den schnell wachsenden Jugendmarkt konzipiert waren. 1986 fusionierte "ABC" mit "Capital Cities Broadcasting", einem Betreiber von Lokalsendern. Im Jahre 1996 kaufte die "Walt Disney Company" unter der Führung von Michael Eisner die "Capital Cities/ABC" für 19 Milliarden US-$; ironischerweise hatte "ABC" im Jahre 1954 nicht nur „Disneyland“ finanziert, sondern auch Walt Disney als Gegenleistung veranlasst, eine TV-Sendung zu kreieren, die zur gewinnträchtigsten Serie seiner Geschichte wurde.


Die "American Broadcasting Company" ("ABC") ist ein Fernseh- und Hörfunk-Network in den Vereinigten Staaten und gehört heute zur Walt Disney Company. Der Hauptsitz befindet sich in New York City.

Das Unternehmen entstand 1943 aus der Zerschlagung der "National Broadcasting Company" ("NBC") und trägt seit 1945 den Namen "ABC". Der Sender begann 1948 mit der Ausstrahlung seines Programms. 1985 wurde "ABC" unter wesentlicher Beteiligung von Warren Buffett vom erheblich kleineren Medienunternehmen "Capital Cities Communications" für die damalige Rekordsumme von 3,5 Milliarden US-Dollar übernommen. Mit Übernahme der "Cap Cities/ABC" durch den Disney-Konzern entstand 1996 die "Disney–ABC Television Group". Das „Flaggschiff“ der ABC-Fernsehsender ist "WABC-TV" in New York City.


compare networks ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "ABC" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1690 / 1700 auf.

Erstellt: 2021-04


baked potato (W3)

Der "baked potato" (gebackene Kartoffel) ist die Steigerung des "Couch Potato". Der "baked potato" hat beim Fernsehen sein Pfeifchen brennen (oder hat sich mit einer anderen Form von Drogen zugedrhnt).


Inspector Columbo

Wie kam der Name Columbo eigentlich zustande?
So richtig weiß das wohl niemand mehr, die Erfinder Columbo's haben in verschiedenen Interviews unterschiedliche Versionen verbreitet.
Eine davon sagt das "Christopher Kolumbus" durch seine Hartnäckigkeit und Entdeckerfreude als Inspiration diente und "Columbo" eine Ableitung des berühmten Namens sei.
Eine andere meint das "Columbo" die Ableitung des Night-Clubs "Palumbo's" sei.
Möglichkeit drei hat mit einem Mafia-Boß der 50er Jahre zu tun, nach einem Mordversuch lag dieser zwei Jahre im Koma und machte Schlagzeilen. Sein Name: "Culombo".
Außerdem gibt es noch eine Eiscreme-Marke die sich "Columbo" nennt. Wenn's so war, können wir wohl froh sein, dass Link kein Langnese Eis gegessen hat.
Möglich wäre auch diese Version, in den 40er Jahren gab es einen Boxer namens Rocky Marciano, ich weiß dass wir nicht über Rocky reden sondern über Columbo, aber dessen Trainer "Colombo" war genauso bekannt wie der Boxer selbst.

Ansonsten findet man folgende Rubriken:

Couch Potato
Boob Tuber
Tater Tot (W3)

Der "Couch Potato", "couch potatoe", "Couch-Potatoe", "Couchpotato" (= dt. "Stubenhocker", "Dauerglotzer", "Vielfernseher") wurde angeblich am 15. Juli 1976 in Pasadena, CA, USA geboren. Tom Iacino meldete den T.C.P. (vermutlich "Tom Couch Potato") als Markenzeichen an.

Andere Quellen besagen, dass "Robert Armstrong", ein Cartoonist aus Dixon, California, den "Couch Potato" 1982 als Handelsmarke registrieren liess. Er soll auch das "OFFICIAL COUCH POTATO HANDBOOK" geschrieben haben und den "Couch Potato Club" gegründet haben.

Dieses findet man bei Amazon, allerdings mit dem Autor:

Jack Munoo - The Official Couch Potato Handbook (Sprache: Englisch - Taschenbuch - Last Gasp - Erscheinungsdatum: 1. Januar 1987).

Die Vorgänger der "Couch Potatoes" hiessen übrigens "boob tubers". Das war der "Blödmann", der immer vor der Glotze saß, die mit einer Kathodenstrahlröhre (engl. "cathode ray tube") ausgestattet war. Die Kurzform für ein Exemplar dieser Menschengattung war einfach "tuber".

Die Bewegung scheint jedoch mit den "Couch Potatoes" nicht ausgestorben zu sein. Die Nachkommen nennen sich nur anders, "Tater Tots", die "Lumpen Knirpse", oder wie immer man dies übersetzt.







Why can a trained athlete run a marathon, but a couch potato cannot run half a mile?



Couch Potato - Wer hat das eigentlich erfunden?



From Couch Potato to Bodybuilder

(E?)(L?) potato
Limericks on couch potato


In the mid-1970s, a friend of American cartoonist Robert Armstrong came up with the idea of forming an association of lazy people in response to what he felt was an overabundance of health and fitness fanatics. Just for fun, they decided to call the group "couch potatoes," creating an image of a vegetable sitting or lying on the couch constantly watching television.

Armstrong trademarked the term and began marketing novelty items like T-shirts with pictures of the couch potato emblazoned on the front and the motto "Sic Semper Potatum Reclinus." He also co-authored and illustrated a book "The Official Couch Potato Handbook", which is still in circulation. Armstrong made a decent living for quite a few years and in the process the term officially entered the English language (Merriam-Webster's officially dates it back to 1982, the Oxford English Dictionary added it in 1993).


"Very few words have a birthday so precise, and so precisely known, as couch potato. It was on July 15, 1976, we are told, that couch potato came into being, uttered by Tom Iacino of Pasadena, California, during a telephone conversation.


(E2)(L1) potato




(E1)(L1) Potato


Couch Potato - Analysand


Your search couch potato found 77 matches.




Episode lists for over 5900 TV shows


This site contains episode lists for over 5900 TV shows. Each list displays only titles and airdates, but in most cases the episode title is a link to the page for that episode at (or sometimes, where there is more information such as guest stars and a plot summary.


| A for Andromeda | The A to Z of ... [radio] | The A-Z of Easy Listening [radio] | Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show! [anim] | Aaahh!!! Real Monsters [anim] | Aaron Stone | Aaron's Way | Abandoned Projects [radio] | The Abbott and Costello Show | Abby | The ABC Afterschool Special | About a Dog [radio] | About a Girl | Above the Law | Absolute Power | Absolute Power [radio] | Absolutely Fabulous | The Academy | Acapulco H.E.A.T. | Accidentally on Purpose | According to Bex | According to Jim | Accused | Ace Lightning [anim] | Ace of Cakes | Ace of Wands | Ace Ventura: Pet Detective [anim] | Acropolis Now [radio] | Across the Universe [radio] | Act Your Age [radio] | Action | Action Man (1995) [anim] | Action Man (2000) [anim] | An Actor's Life for Me | An Actor's Life for Me [radio] | Actors Studio | The Adam & Joe Show | Adam Adamant Lives! | The Adam Carolla Project | Adam-12 | Adam's Rib | The Addams Family (1964) | The Addams Family (1973) [anim] | The Addams Family (1992) [anim] | The Addams Family (1998) | Adderly | Addicted to Beauty | Adventure at Scott Island | Adventure Inc. | Adventure Time [anim] | Adventures in Paradise | The Adventures of a Black Bag [radio] | The Adventures of Black Beauty | The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. | The Adventures of Don Quick | The Adventures of Hiram Holliday | The Adventures of Inspector Steine [radio] | The Adventures of Jim Bowie | The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius [anim] | The Adventures of John and Tony [radio] | The Adventures of Mark & Brian | The Adventures of Merlin | The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet | The Adventures of Pete & Pete | The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin | The Adventures of Robin Hood | The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | The Adventures of Shirley Holmes, Detective | The Adventures of Sinbad | The Adventures of Sir Lancelot | The Adventures of Skippy (1991) | Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog [anim] | The Adventures of Spin and Marty | Adventures of Superman | The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson (1975) | The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson (1998) | The Adventures of the Black Stallion | Adventures of the Falcon | The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers [anim] | The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel | The Adventures of Tintin [anim] | The Adventures of William Tell | The Adventures of (Young) Gulliver [anim] | Aeon Flux [anim] | AFP: Australian Federal Police | After Eden [radio] | After Happy Ever [radio] | After Henry [radio] | After Henry | After the Catch | After You've Gone | Afterlife | AfterMASH | Aftermath with William Shatner | Against the Grain | Against the Law | Against the Wall | The Agatha Christie Hour | Agatha Christie's Partners in Crime | Age of the DoGooders | The Agency (2001) | The Agency (2007) | Agony | Agony Again | Air America | Airline (UK) (1982) | Airline (US) (2004) | The Airport [radio] | Airwolf | A.K.A. Pablo | Al Murray's Happy Hour | Al Murray's Multiple Personality Disorder | Aladdin [anim] | Alan Carr: Chatty Man | Alan Carr's Celebrity Ding Dong | Alan Carr's Comedy Outings [radio] | The Alan Davies Show [radio] | Alan Parker [radio] | Alan Parker, Road Warrior [radio] | The Alan Price Set [radio] | Alan's Big One [radio] | Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei | Alarm für Cobra 11 - Einsatz für Team 2 | Alas Smith & Jones | The Alaska Experiment | Alaska State Troopers | Alaska Wing Men | The Alaskans | Albert and Me [radio] | Alcatraz | Alex Horne Presents the Horne Section [radio] | Alexei Sayle's Alternative Take [radio] | Alexei Sayle's Liverpool | Alexei Sayle's Stuff | ALF (1986) | ALF (1987) [anim] | ALF Tales [anim] | The Alfred Hitchcock Hour | Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955) | Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1985) | ALF's Hit Talk Show | Ali G Show (UK) | Ali G Show (US) | Alias | Alias Smith and Jones | Alice | Alice, I Think | Alien Nation | Alien Racers [anim] | Alienated | Alienators: Evolution Continues [anim] | Aliens in America | Aliens in the Family (1996) | Alison and Maud [radio] | The A-List: New York | All About the Andersons | All About Us | All Along the Watchtower | All at No. 20 | All Bar Luke [radio] | All Change [radio] | All Creatures Great & Small | All Dogs Go to Heaven [anim] | All Gas & Gaiters | All Gas and Gaiters [radio] | All Grown Up [anim] | All in Good Faith | All in the Family | All Is Forgiven | All My Children | The All New Mickey Mouse Club | All of Us | All on the Line | All Quiet on the Preston Front | All Saints | All Souls | All the Small Things | All the Way from Memphis [radio] | All the Young Dudes [radio] | All-American Girl | All-American Muslim | Allen Gregory [anim] | The Alleyn Mysteries | 'Allo 'Allo | All's Fair | Ally | Ally McBeal | The Almighty Johnsons | The (Almost) Accidental Adventures of Bell and Todd [radio] | Almost Heroes | Almost Home | Almost Perfect | Alphas | Alright Already | The Alternative DJ [radio] | Always Greener | The Alzheimer's Project | Amanda's | The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan [anim] | Amazing Grace | The Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys | The Amazing Race | The Amazing Race Australia | The Amazing Spider-Man [radio] | The Amazing Spider-Man (1977) | Amazing Stories | Amazon | Ambassador | Amen | America 2Night | America: The Story of Us | American Body Shop | American Candidate | American Casino | American Chopper | American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior | American Dad! [anim] | American Dragon: Jake Long [anim] | American Dream | American Dreamer | American Dreams | The American Embassy | American Family | American Gangster | The American Girls | American Gladiators (1989) | American Gladiators (2008) | American Gothic | American Guns | American Heiress | American High | American Horror Story | American Idol | American Idol Extra | American Inventor | American Masters | American Pickers | American Restoration | America's Best Dance Crew | America's Got Talent | America's Most Wanted | America's Next Great Restaurant | America's Next Top Model | America's Prom Queen | America's Psychic Challenge | America's Toughest Jobs | Amish in the City | Amos Burke--Secret Agent | Amos 'n' Andy | Anchorwoman | Ancient Aliens | Ancients Behaving Badly | And Now in Colour ... [radio] | And the Winner Is [radio] | And This is Them [radio] | Anderson | Andromeda | Andy Barker, P.I. | The Andy Griffith Show | Andy Richter Controls the Universe | The Andy Williams Show (1962) | The Andy Williams Show (1969) | Andy Zaltzman's History of the Third Millennium [radio] | Angel (1960) | Angel (1999) | Angel Falls | Angel Street | Angela's Eyes | Anger Management | Angie | The Angry Beavers [anim] | Angry Boys | Angus Deayton's History of Alternative Comedy [radio] | Animal Alphabet [radio] | Animal Atlas | Animal Face-Off | Animal Hoarding | Animalia [anim] | Animaniacs [anim] | Animorphs | The Ann Sothern Show | Anna and the King | Anna Lee | Anne of Green Gables [anim] | Annie McGuire | Annie Oakley | Another Case of Milton Jones [radio] | Another Digance Indulgence [radio] | A.N.T. Farm | The Antagonists | Anthony Ant [anim] | Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations | The Anti-Renaissance Show [radio] | Any Bloke [radio] | Any Day Now | Any Dream Will Do | Any Other Business [radio] | Anything but Love | Apartment 23 | The Ape That Got Lucky [radio] | Apparitions | Apple Pie | Apple's Way | The Apprentice (UK) | The Apprentice (US) | The Apprentice: Martha Stewart | Aqua Teen Hunger Force [anim] | The Aquabats! Super Show! | Aquila | Arabian Knights [anim] | Archer (1975) | Archer (2009) [anim] | The Archers [radio] [incomplete] | Archie Bunker's Place | Archie's the Boy [radio] | Archie's Weird Mysteries [anim] | Arctic Air | Are We There Yet? | Are You Afraid of the Dark? | Are You Being Served? | Are You from the Bugle? [radio] | Are You Smarter Than a Canadian Fifth Grader | Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? | Are You Still Awake? [radio] | Are You There, Chelsea? | Argumental | Ark II | Arli$$ | Armando Iannucci [radio] | The Armando Iannucci Shows | Armando Iannucci's Charm Offensive [radio] | Armed & Famous | Armstrong and Miller [radio] | The Armstrong and Miller Show | The Army Show | Army Wives | Arnie | Arnold Brown and Company [radio] | Around the World In 80 Plates | Around Whicker's World [radio] | Arrested Development [radio] | Arrested Development | Arresting Behavior | Arsenio | The Art of Noise [radio] | Arthur of the Britons | Arthur on the Floor [radio] | Arthur Smith's Amusing Bits [radio] | Arthur Smith's Balham Bash [radio] | Artists [radio] | The Arts and How They Was Done [radio] | Arturart [radio] | As If (UK) | As If (US) | As Time Goes By [radio] | As Time Goes By | As Told by Ginger [anim] | As Told to Craig Brown [radio] | Ascent of Money | Ashes to Ashes | The Ashlee Simpson Show | Ask Harriet | The Assistants | The Associates (1979) | The Associates (2001) | Assy McGee [anim] | Astro Boy (2004) [anim] | At Home with Hinge and Bracket [radio] | At Home with Julia | At Home with the Braithwaites | At Home with the Hardys [radio] | At Home with the Snails [radio] | At the Beeb [radio] | The A-Team | Atlantis High | Atomic Betty [anim] | Attachments | Attack of the Killer Tomatoes [anim] | The Attractive Young Rabbi [radio] | Auction Hunters | Auction Kings | An Audience with | Audio Diaries [radio] | Auf Wiedersehen, Pet | Auntie's Secret Box [radio] | A.U.S.A. | Austin & Ally | Austin City Limits [incomplete] | Austin Stories | Australian Federal Police | Australian Idol | Australia's Next Top Model | Automan | Avatar: The Last Airbender [anim] | The Avengers (1961) | Avengers (1999) [anim] | The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes! [anim] | Average Joe | Avonlea | Awake | Awkward | Ax Men | Ayres on Air [radio]


| Baa Baa Black Sheep | Babar [anim] | Babblewick Hall [radio] | Babes | Baby Beauty Queens | Baby Blues [anim] | Baby Bob | Baby Boom | The Baby Borrowers | Baby Looney Tunes [anim] | Baby Makes Five | Baby Talk | Babylon 5 | The Bachelor | Bachelor Father | Bachelor Pad | The Bachelorette | Back at the Barnyard [anim] | Back in the Day | Back to Sherwood | Back to the Future [anim] | Back to the Grind | Back to You | Bad Girls | The Bad Girls Club | The Bad Girl's Guide | The Bad News Bears | Bad Sex | Baddiel & Skinner Unplanned | Baddiel's Syndrome | Bagdad Cafe | Baggage [radio] | Bagpuss [anim] | The Baileys of Balboa | The Baker Street Boys | Bakersfield, P.D. | Balderdash & Piffle | Baldwin Hills | Ball Four | Balls of Steel Australia | Ballykissangel | Ballylenon (1994) [radio] | Ballylenon (2009) [radio] | Balti Kings [radio] | Bama Belles | Bama Glama | Banacek | The Banana Splits Adventure Hour | Bananaman [anim] | Band of Brothers | Bands Reunited | Bang Goes the Theory | Banged Up Abroad | Bangers and Mash [radio] | Bank of Hollywood | Banter [radio] | Banyon | Bar Karma | Bar Rescue | Barbara | Barbary Coast | Barbershop | Barefoot Contessa | Barefoot in the Park | Baretta | Barking! | Barlow at Large | Barnaby Jones | Barney Miller | The Baron | Barrymore Plus Four [radio] | Basilisk [anim] | Basketball Wives | Bat Masterson | Batman (1966) | Batman (1977) [anim] | The Batman (2004) [anim] | Batman Beyond [anim] | Batman: The Animated Series [anim] | Batman: The Brave and the Bold [anim] | Batman: Gotham Knights [anim] | Battery Park | Battle Dome | Battle of the Wedding Planners | Battlestar Galactica (1978) | Battlestar Galactica (1980) | Battlestar Galactica (2003) | Bay City Blues | Bayou Billionaires | Baywatch | Baywatch Nights | BBC Television Shakespeare | Be Good Johnny Weir | Be Prepared [radio] | Be the Creature | Beachcomber By the Way [radio] | The Beachcombers | Beacon Hill | Bearcats! | Bearded Ladies [radio] | Beast (2000) | The Beast (2001) | The Beast (2009) | Beast Legends | Beast Wars: Transformers [anim] | Beastmaster | The Beat | Beat Route | Beat the Kids [radio] | Beat-Club | Beaumarchais [radio] | The Beautiful Life | Beautiful People (2005) | Beautiful People (2008) | Beauty and the Beast | Beauty and the Geek | Beauty of Britain [radio] | Beaver Falls | Beavis and Butt-head [anim] | Becker | The Bedford Diaries | Bedlam | Bedside Tales [radio] | Bedtime | Bedtime Stories | The Beeb's Lost Beatles Tapes [radio] | Beetlejuice [anim] | Beggar My Neighbour | Beggars and Choosers | Behind the Frontline | Being Erica | Being Eve | Being Human (UK) | Being Human (US) | Believe Nothing | Bellamy's People | Belle and Sebastian [anim] | Ben 10 [anim] | Ben 10: Alien Force [anim] | Ben 10: Ultimate Alien [anim] | Ben Casey | The Ben Stiller Show | The Benefactor | Benidorm | Benji, Zax and the Alien Prince | The Benny Hill Show | Benson | The Benson Interruption | Bent | Bergerac | Bernard's Watch | Bernie Clifton's Comedy Shop [radio] | The Bernie Mac Show | Berrenger's | Bert D'Angelo/Superstar | Best Friends Forever | Best Ink | The Best of Bentine [radio] | Best of the West | Best of the Worst | The Best Sex Ever | The Best Show in the World ... Probably | The Best Thing I Ever Ate | Best Week Ever | The Best Years | Bethenny Ever After | Bethenny Ever After | Bette | Better Days | Better Off Ted | Better with You | Betterman [anim] | The Betty Hutton Show | The Betty White Show | Betty White's Off Their Rockers | Between Brothers | Between the Lines | Between the Lions [anim] | The Beulah Show | The Beverly Hillbillies | Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) | Beverly Hills, 90210 (2008) | Beverly Hills Buntz | Beyblade [anim] | Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction? | Beyond Chance | Beyond Our Ken [radio] | Beyond Reality | Beyond Reasonable Doubt [radio] | Beyond Scared Straight | Beyond the Back of Beyond (2001) [radio] | Beyond the Back of Beyond (2003) [radio] | Beyond the Break | Beyond the Gravy [radio] | Beyond the Pole [radio] | Beyond Westworld | Biff Baker U.S.A. | Big! | Big Bad World | The Big Bang Theory | Big, Bigger, Biggest | The Big Booth [radio] | Big Breadwinner Hog | Big Brother (Australia) | Big Brother (UK) | Big Brother (US) | The Big C | Big Daddy's House | Big Day | The Big Decision | The Big Easy | Big Eddie | The Big Fun Show [radio] | Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot [anim] | Big Hawaii | The Big House (1998) | The Big House (2004) | Big Ideas for a Small Planet | Big Jim and the Figaro Club [radio] | Big Kids | Big Lake | Big Love | Big Meg, Little Meg | Big O [anim] | The Big One | Big Rich Texas | Big Sexy | Big Shamus, Little Shamus | Big Shots | Big Sound | Big Teeth, Bad Breath [anim] | Big Time Rush | Big Top | The Big Town All Stars [radio] | The Big Valley | Big Wolf on Campus | Bigfoot and Wildboy | The Bigger Issues [radio] | The Biggest Loser | Bigipedia [radio] | Biker Mice from Mars [anim] | The Bill | Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures (1990) [anim] | Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures (1992) | The Bill Cosby Show | The Bill Dana Show | The Bill Engvall Show | Billable Hours | Billy | Billy the Exterminator | Bindi, the Jungle Girl | The Bing Crosby Show | Bionic Six [anim] | The Bionic Woman (1976) | Bionic Woman (2007) | Birdland | Birds of a Feather | Birds of Prey | A Bite of Stars, a Slug of Time, and Thou [radio] | Bits from Last Week's Radio [radio] | The Bits In Between [radio] | Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern | B.J. and the Bear | B.L. Stryker | Black Beauty (1972) | Black Beauty (1990) | Black Books | Black Cab | The Black Donnellys | The Black Sash | Black Scorpion | Black Sheep Squadron | Black Tie Nights | Black. White. | Blackadder | Blackfly | Blackstar [anim] | Blade: The Series (2006) | Blade (2012) [anim] | The Blagger's Guide [radio] | Blakes 7 | Blakes 7 [radio] | Blansky's Beauties | Bleach [anim] | Bleak Expectations [radio] | Bleak House (1959) | Bleak House (1985) | Bleak House (2005) | Bless Me Father | Bless This House (1971) | Bless This House (1995) | Blessed | Blind Date (US) | Blind Justice | Blind Men | Bliss (1995) | Bliss (2002) | Blondie (1957) | Blondie (1968) | Blood Ties | Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures | Blossom | Blow Out | | Blue Collar TV | Blue Gender [anim] | Blue Heelers | The Blue Knight | Blue Light | Blue Mountain State | Blue Murder (2001) | Blue Murder (2003) | Blue Seed [anim] | Blue Skies (1988) | Blue Skies (1994) | Blue Thunder | Blue's Clues [anim] | Blush: The Search for America's Greatest Makeup Artist | Bob | Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice | Bob and Margaret [anim] | Bob & Rose | The Bob Crane Show | The Bob Cummings Show | Bob Martin | Bob Morane [anim] | The Bob Newhart Show | Bob Patterson | The Bob Servant Emails [radio] | Bob the Builder [anim] | Bobby's World [anim] | Bob's Burgers [anim] | Bodies of Evidence | Body & Soul | The Body Farm | Body Hits | Body of Proof | Body Work | Bodyguards | Bognor or Bust | The Bold Ones: The Lawyers | The Bold Ones: The New Doctors | The Bold Ones: The Protectors | The Bold Ones: The Senator | Bomb Patrol Afghanistan | Bondi Rescue | Bone Chillers | Bones | Bonjour la classe | Bonkers | The Bonnie Hunt Show (1995) | The Bonnie Hunt Show (2008) | Boogie up the River [radio] | The Book Group | The Book of Daniel | Bookcases [radio] | Booked! [radio] | Booker | Boomerang [radio] | Boomtown | Boon | The Boondocks [anim] | Boone | The Boosh [radio] | Boot Camp | Boothby Graffoe In No Particular Order [radio] | Boots and Saddles | The Border | Border Cafe | Border Patrol | Bordertown (1989) | Bordertown (1995) | Bored to Death | The Borgias | Born and Bred | Born Free | Bosom Buddies | Boss | Boss Lady | Boston Blackie | Boston Common | Boston Legal | Boston Med | Boston Public | Bottom | The Bounder | Bounty Girls Miami | Bourbon Street Beat | Boy Meets Girl | Boy Meets World | The Boys Are Back | Boys Will Be Boys | Bozo's Circus (Chicago) | Braceface [anim] | Bracken's World | Brad Meltzer's Decoded | The Brady Bunch | The Brady Bunch Hour | The Brak Show [anim] | Bram and Alice | Brand New Life | Branded | Brandy & Mr. Whiskers [anim] | Brat Camp (UK) | Brat Camp (US) | Brats of the Lost Nebula [anim] | Bratz [anim] | BraveStarr [anim] | Braxton Family Values | Brazil's Next Top Model | Breaking Away | Breaking Bad | Breaking Bonaduce | Breaking In | Breaking News (1994) | Breaking News (2002) | Breakout Kings | Breakthrough with Tony Robbins | Bret Maverick | Bret Michaels: Life as I Know It | Brew Masters | Brian Appleton's History of Rock 'n' Roll [radio] | Brian Appleton's Unofficial Multimedia Lecture [radio] | The Brian Benben Show | Brian Gulliver's Travels [radio] | The Brian Keith Show | Bridalplasty | Bridezillas | The Bridge (2010) | The Bridge (2011) | Bridget Loves Bernie | The Brief | A Brief History of Tax [radio] | A Brief History of Timewasting [radio] | Brighton Belles | Brighton Women [radio] | Brilliant! | Brimstone | Bring 'Em Back Alive | Bringing Home Baby [incomplete] | Bringing Up Buddy | Bringing Up Jack | Brisco County Jr | Bristow [radio] | Britain in a Box [radio] | Britain's Got Talent | Britain's Next Top Model | Britannia High | British Film Forever | Britney and Kevin: Chaotic | The Brittas Empire | The Broad Side | Broadside | Broken Arts [radio] | Broken Badges | Broken News | The Broker's Man | Bromwell High [anim] | Bron/Broen | Bronco | Bronk | The Bronx Is Burning | The Bronx Zoo | Brooke Knows Best | Brooklyn 11223 | Brooklyn Bridge | Brooklyn South | Brookside | Brotherhood | The Brotherhood of Poland, New Hampshire | Brotherly Love | The Brothers [radio] | The Brothers (1956) | The Brothers (1972) | Brothers (1984) | Brothers (2009) | Brothers & Sisters | The Brothers Garcia | Brother's Keeper | Bro'Town [anim] | Brutally Normal | BSTV | The Bubble | The Buccaneers | Buck James | Buck Rogers in the 25th Century | Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures | Buddies | Buddy Faro | Buffalo Bill | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Bug Juice | Bugaloos | The Bugle [radio] | Bugs | Build It Bigger | The Building | Built to Last | Bull | Bull! [radio] | Bullshit! | Bully Beatdown | Bunn and Co. [radio] | Bunnytown | The Bureau | Bureau of Alien Detectors [anim] | Buried Alive | The Buried Life | Buried Treasure | Burke's Law (1963) | Burke's Law (1994) | The Burkiss Way [radio] | Burn Notice | The Burning Zone | Burnistoun | The Burns and Allen Show | The Business | Bussmann and Quantick Kingsize [radio] | Busting Loose | Butch Patterson: Private Dick | Butterfingers | Butterflies | Button Moon [anim] | Butt-Ugly Martians [anim] | Buzz Lightyear of Star Command [anim] | The Byrds of Paradise


| C-16 | Cabaret on 4 [radio] | The Cabaret Upstairs [radio] | Cabin Pressure [radio] | Cade's County | Cadfael | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs [anim] | The Cafe | Café Americain | Caged | Cagney & Lacey | Cain's Hundred | Cake | Cake Boss | Cake Boss: Next Great Baker | California Dreams | California Fever | Californication | Call Me Fitz | Call of the Wild | Call the Midwife | Call to Glory | Callan | Calucci's Department | Camberwick Green [anim] | Camelot | Camp Lazlo [anim] | Camp Runamuck | Camp Wilder | Campion | Campus | Campus Ladies | Can You Duet | Canada: A People's History | Canada's Next Top Model | Canada's Worst Driver | Canadian Idol | Candice Tells All | Candy Cabs | Cane | Cannon | Cannonball | Can't Hurry Love | The Cape (1996) | The Cape (2011) | Cape Wrath | Capital Gains [radio] | Capitol Critters [anim] | Caprica | The Captain and Tennille | Captain Butler | Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels [anim] | Captain Midnight | Captain Nice | Captain Planet and the Planeteers [anim] | Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future | Captain Scarlet [anim] | Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons [anim] | Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys [anim] | Captain Star [anim] | Captain Zep - Space Detective | Captain Z-Ro | Car 54, Where Are You? | The Cara Williams Show | Cardcaptors [anim] | Carnivale | Carol & Company | The Carol Burnett Show (1967) | The Carol Burnett Show (1991) | Caroline in the City | Carpoolers | Carson Nation | Carter Country | Cartoons, Lampoons and Buffoons [radio] | Casablanca (1955) | Casablanca (1983) | Case Closed [anim] | A Case for Paul Temple [radio] | Case Histories | Case Notes [radio] | The Casebook of Inspector Steine [radio] | The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes | The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes [radio] | Cash and Company | Cash & Treasures | Cash Cab | Cashcows [radio] | Cashmere Mafia | The Casino | Casting Couch | The Castle [radio] | Castle | Casualty | Casualty 1909 | CatDog [anim] | Cathedrals of the Game | The Catherine Tate Show | C.A.T.S. Eyes | Catscratch [anim] | Catweazle | Cavalcade of Stars | The Cavanaughs | Cavemen | The Cavity Within [radio] | The CBS Late Movie | Cedric the Entertainer Presents | Celebrity Apprentice | Celebrity Blackjack | Celebrity Circus (Australia) | Celebrity Circus (US) | Celebrity Close Calls | Celebrity Cooking Showdown | Celebrity Deathmatch [anim] | Celebrity Ding Dong | Celebrity Duets | Celebrity Exposé | Celebrity Fit Club | Celebrity Ghost Stories | Celebrity Paranormal Project | Celebrity Poker Showdown | Celebrity Rehab Presents Sober House | Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew | Celluloid Jukebox [radio] | Centennial | Center of the Universe | Central 822 [radio] | Central Park West | The Centurions [anim] | Century City | A Certain Age [radio] | Chain Reaction [radio] | Chalk | Chalk Zone [anim] | Chambers [radio] | Chambers | The Champions | Champs | Chancer | Chandler & Co | The Change [radio] | Change at Oglethorpe [radio] | The Changes | Changing Lanes | Chaos | Chaotic [anim] | Chappelle's Show | Charles in Charge | Charlie & Co. | Charlie and Lola [anim] | Charlie Brooker's Screen Wipe | Charlie Chan | The Charlie Farrell Show | Charlie Grace | Charlie Hoover | Charlie Jade | Charlie Lawrence | Charlie's Angels (1976) | Charlie's Angels (2011) | The Charlotte Church Show | Charm School | Charmed | The Charmings | Chase (1973) | The Chase (2006) | The Chase (2009) | Chase (2010) | The Chaser's War on Everything | Chasing Classic Cars | Chatty Man | Check It Out | Check It Out with Dr. Steve Brule | Checking In | Cheers | The Cheese Shop Presents The Butter Factor [radio] | Chef Academy | Chef Hunter | Chef Roblé | Chef! | Chefs vs. City | Chelmsford 123 | Chemistry | Cher | Cheyenne | The Chicago Code | Chicago Hope | Chicago Sons | Chicago Story | Chicago Teddy Bears | Chicken Soup | Chicken Soup for the Soul | Chico and the Man | Chigley [anim] | Children of the New Forest (1998) | Children's Hospital (1997) | Childrens Hospital (2010) | Children's Hour ... with Armstrong and Miller [radio] | The Chimp Channel | China Beach | China, IL [anim] | China Smith | Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers [anim] | CHiPs | The Chocolate Lovers' Club [radio] | Chocolate News | Choice Grenfell [radio] | The Choir | Chopper One | Chopper Squad | The Chopping Block (Australia) | The Chopping Block (US) | Chowder [anim] | Chris Addison's Civilization [radio] | The Chris Isaak Show | The Christopher Marlowe Mysteries [radio] | Christy | The Chronicle | Chuck | CI5: The New Professionals | Cimarron City | Cimarron Strip | The Circle [radio] | Circle of Fear | Circus Boy | The Cisco Kid | Cities of the Underworld | Citizen Baines | Citizen Reno | Citizen Smith | Citizens [radio] | City Guys | City Homicide | City of Angels (1976) | City of Angels (2000) | CityKids | Civil Wars | Clangers [anim] | Clare in the Community [radio] | Clarissa Explains It All | Clash of the Choirs | Clash of the Gods | The Class | Class Act | Class of 3000 [anim] | Class of '96 | Class of the Titans [anim] | Classic Albums [radio] | Clatterford | Claude's Crib | Clean Sweep | The Cleaner | Cleghorne! | Clement Doesn't Live Here Anymore [radio] | Cleopatra 2525 | Clerks [anim] | The Cleveland Show [anim] | Click & Clack's As the Wrench Turns [anim] | The Client | The Client List | Cliffhanger [radio] | Clifford the Big Red Dog [anim] | Clifford's Puppy Days [anim] | Clive Anderson All Talk | Clive Anderson Bites the Ballot [radio] | Clive Anderson Now | Clive Anderson's Chat Room [radio] | Clive Anderson's Comedy Revolutions [radio] | Clive James | Clone | Clone High USA [anim] | Close to Home (1989) | Close to Home (2005) | The Closer (1998) | The Closer (2005) | Clubhouse | Clue | Cluedo | Clueless | Coach | Cobra | Code Lyoko [anim] | Code Monkeys [anim] | Code Name: Eternity | Code Name: Foxfire | Code Red | Codename | Codename: Kids Next Door [anim] | The Colbert Report | The Colbys | Cold Case | Cold Case Files | Cold Feet (UK) | Cold Feet (US) | Cold Squad | Cold Turkey | Colditz | Colin's Sandwich | The Collector | The CollegeHumor Show | Collins and Maconie's Hit Parade [radio] | Colonel Flack | Colonel March of Scotland Yard | The Colony | Color Splash | Colt .45 | Coltrane in a Cadillac | Columbo (1968) | Columbo (1989) | Combat Hospital | Combat! | Come Back Mrs. Noah | Come Date with Me | Come Fly with Me | Come to Papa | The Comeback | Comedians' Comedians [radio] | Comedy Album Heroes [radio] | Comedy Café | Comedy Central Presents | Comedy Connections | Comedy from Merton to Enfield | Comedy Lab | Comedy Quiz [radio] | Comedy Showcase | Comedy Showcase [radio] | Comedy Shuffle | Comedy Vehicle | Comedy's Coming Home [radio] | Comic Book Men | Comic Cuts [radio] | Comic Relief | The Comic Strip Presents | Coming Alive [radio] | Coming Home (US) | Coming of Age (1988) | Coming of Age (2007) | Coming Soon | The Commander | Commander in Chief | Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe | The Commish | Il commissario Montalbano | Committed (2001) [anim] | Committed (2005) | Common Law | Community | The Complete and Utter History of Britain | Complete Savages | The Complex: Malibu | Computers in Control | Conan (1997) | Conan (2010) | Concrete Cow [radio] | Confessions of a Matchmaker | Confessions of a Teen Idol | Confessions: Animal Hoarding | Conrad Bloom | Conspiracies | Conspiracy Theory | Conspiracy Zone | The Consultants [radio] | The Contender | Control Group Six [radio] | The Conversation | Conviction (2004) | Conviction (2006) | Convoy | Coogan's Run | Cool Million | Cop Rock | Cops | C.O.P.S. [anim] | The Cops | The Corner | The Corner Bar | Corner Gas | The Cornwell Estate [radio] | Coronation Street | Coronet Blue | The Correspondent [radio] | The Corridor People | Cory in the House | Cos | Cosby | The Cosby Mysteries | The Cosby Show | Cosmos | Costello | The Cougar | Cougar Town | Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show [radio] | Count Duckula [anim] | The Count of Monte Cristo | Counterstrike (1969) | Counterstrike (1990) | The Country Mouse and the City Mouse Adventures [anim] | Coupling (UK) | Coupling (US) | The Court | Court Martial | Courthouse | Courting Alex | The Courtship of Eddie's Father | Cousin Skeeter [anim] | Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family | Cover Up | Covert Affairs | Covington Cross | Cow and Chicken [anim] | Cowards [radio] | Cowboy Bebop [anim] | C.P.O. Sharkey | Cracker (UK) | Cracker (US) | Cracking Up | The Cradley [radio] | Craig Brown's Lost Diaries [radio] | The Cramp Twins [anim] | Crank Yankers | Crash | Crash Course | Crazy Big Fish [radio] | Crazy Like a Fox | Crazy People [radio] | The Creatives | Creature Comforts (UK) [anim] | Creature Comforts (US) [anim] | Creature Features | Crème de la Crime [radio] | The Crew | Crime 360 | Crime & Punishment | Crime Story | Crime Traveller | Criminal Instinct | Criminal Minds | Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior | Crisis Center | Criss Angel, Mindfreak | The Critic [anim] | Crooked House | Cross Country | Cross Current | Cross Talk [radio] | Crossbow | Crossing Jordan | Crossroads (1955) | Crossroads (1964) [incomplete] | Crossroads (1992) | Crossroads (2001) | Crossroads (2003) | The Crouches | The Crow: Stairway to Heaven | Crown Court | Crown Papers [radio] | Crowned | Crowned Hudds [radio] | Crumbs | Crusader | The Crusader Chronicles [radio] | Crusoe | C.S.I. | C.S.I.: Miami | CSI: NY | Cubix: Robots for Everyone [anim] | The Cuckoo Waltz | Cuff'd | The Cult | The Cult of ... | The Cup | Cupcake Wars | Cupid (1998) | Cupid (2009) | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Curiosity: The Questions of Life | The Curried Goat Show [radio] | Curry & Chips | The Curse of Comedy | The Curse of Dracula | Cursed | Custer | The Cut | Cuts | Cutter to Houston | Cutting a Dash [radio] | CW Now | Cyberchase [anim] | Cybersix [anim] | Cybill | Cyborg 009 (1968) [anim] | Cyborg 009 (2001) [anim]


| The D.A. (1971) | The D.A. (2004) | Da Ali G Show (UK) | Da Ali G Show (US) | Da Möb [anim] | Da Vinci's City Hall | Da Vinci's Inquest | Dad | Dad Camp | Daddio | Daddy Dearest | Daddy's Girls (1994) | Daddy's Girls (2009) | Dad's Army [radio] | Dad's Army | DAG | Dagvaktin | Dai-Guard [anim] | Daigunder [anim] | The Daily Show | Daisy Does America | Daisy of Love | The Dakotas | Dallas (1978) | Dallas (2012) | Dallas SWAT | Dalton's Code of Vengeance | Dalziel and Pascoe | Damages | Dame Edna's Hollywood | Damon | Dan and Nick: the Wildebeest Years [radio] | Dan August | Dan for Mayor | Dan Vs. [anim] | The Dana Carvey Show | Dance Academy | Dance on Sunset | Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann | Dance Your Ass Off | DanceLife | Dancing with the Stars (Australia) | Dancing with the Stars (US) | Danger 5 | Danger Bay | Danger Island | Danger Man | Danger Mouse [anim] | Danger Theatre | Danger UXB | Dangerfield | Dangerous Assignment | Dangerous Curves | Dangerous Minds | Daniel Boone | Dani's House | Danny | Danny Phantom [anim] | Danny Robins's Music Therapy [radio] | The Danny Thomas Show | Dante's Cove | Darcy's Wild Life | Daria [anim] | Daring & Grace: Teen Detectives | Dark Ages | Dark Angel | Dark Blue | Dark Justice | Dark Knight | Dark Oracle | Dark Realm | Dark Shadows (1966) | Dark Shadows (1991) | Dark Skies | Darkroom | Darkstalkers [anim] | Darkwing Duck [anim] | The Darling Buds of May | Darling You Were Marvellous [radio] | Date My Ex: Jo & Slade | Date with Fate [radio] | Date with the Angels | Dateline Europe | Dateline NBC | Dating in the Dark | Dave Against the Machine [radio] | Dave Allen at Large | Dave Podmore's Cricket Night [radio] | Dave the Barbarian [anim] | Dave's World | The David Letterman Show | Davis Rules | Dawn French's Girls Who Do: Comedy | Dawson's Creek | Day Break | Day by Day | The Day the Music Died [radio] | The Day Today | The Days | The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd | Days Like These | D.C. | DC Cupcakes | DCI Banks | DEA | Dead at 21 | Dead Last | Dead Like Me | Dead Man Talking [radio] | Dead Man's Gun | Dead of Night | Dead Ringers [radio] | Dead Ringers | Dead Set | The Dead Zone | The Deadliest Catch | The Deadliest Catch: After the Catch | Deadliest Warrior | Deadline | Deadline Midnight | Deadly Games | Deadly Women | Deadwood | Deal or No Deal | Dealing with Daniels [radio] | The Dean Martin Show | Dear Green Place | Dear Jenny, Dear Julie [radio] | Dear John (UK) | Dear John (US) | Dear Phoebe | Death Comes to Town | Death in Paradise | Death Note [anim] | Death Valley | The Debbie Reynolds Show | December Bride | Decision House | Decoded | Dedicated Troublemaker [radio] | The Deep | The Deep End | Deep Sea Detectives | Deep Station Emerald [radio] | Deep Trouble [radio] | The Defenders (1961) | The Defenders (2010) | Defying Gravity | Degrassi: In Too Deep | Degrassi Junior High | Degrassi: The Next Generation | Dellaventura | Delocated | Delta | Delta House | Delta State [anim] | Delve Special [radio] | Delvecchio | Demons | Dempsey and Makepeace | Denise Richards: It's Complicated | Dennis Miller Live | The Dennis O'Keefe Show | Dennis the Menace (1959) | Dennis the Menace (1986) [anim] | The Department [radio] | Department S | The Deputy | Descendents of Darkness [anim] | Deserving Design | Design Star | Designing Women | Desire | Desmond Olivier Dingle's Compleat Life and Works of William Shakespeare by Desmond Olivier Dingle [radio] | Desmond's | Desperate Housewives | Desperate Romantics | Destination Truth | Destroy Build Destroy | Destroyed in Seconds | Detective Beat | Detective Conan [anim] | Detective School | Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed [radio] | The Detectives | Detention [anim] | Detroit 1-8-7 | Detroit SWAT | Devil's Advocate [radio] | The Devlin Connection | Dexter | Dexter's Laboratory [anim] | Dharma & Greg | Diagnosis Murder | Dial M for Pizza [radio] | Diamonds | Diana | D.I.C.E. [anim] | Dick Clark's Live Wednesday | Dick Turpin | The Dick Van Dyke Show | Did You Ever Notice? [radio] | DietTribe | Diff'rent Strokes | A Different World | Digance Does It ... Sportingly [radio] | Digging for the Truth | Digimon: Digital Monsters [anim] | Dilbert [anim] | | Diners, Drive-ins and Dives | Dinner for Five | Dinner Ladies [radio] | Dinnerladies | Dino Dan | Dino Squad [anim] | DinoSapien | Dinosaur King [anim] | Dinosaurs [anim] | Dinotopia | Dinozaurs [anim] | DiResta | Dirk Gently | Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency [radio] | Dirt | Dirty Dancing | Dirty Jobs | Dirty Sexy Money | Discovery Project Earth | Disney's Hercules | Disney's Little Einsteins [anim] | Disney's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse [anim] | Distant Shores | The District | The Division | Dixon of Dock Green | Dixon of Dock Green [radio] | DJ & the Fro [anim] | Do Go On [radio] | Do Not Adjust Yourself [radio] | Do Not Disturb | Do Nothing 'Til You Hear from Me [radio] | Do Over | Doc (1975) | Doc (2001) | Doc Martin | Doctor, Doctor | Doctor Finlay | Doctor in the House | Doctor Who [radio] | Doctor Who (1963) | Doctor Who (2005) | Doctor Who Confidential | Doctors | Doctors & Nurses | Doctor's Hospital | Does the Team Think (1957) [radio] [incomplete] | Does the Team Think (2007) [radio] | Dog Bites Man | Dog City [anim] | Dog House | Dog the Bounty Hunter | Dog Whisperer | Dogs 101 | Dogs in the City | Dogstar [anim] | Doing the Business [radio] | Dollhouse | Dolphin Cove | Dom Joly's Happy Hour | Domestic Life | Don Coyote and Sancho Panda [anim] | The Don Rickles Show | Donkey Kong Country [anim] | The Donna Reed Show | Donny and Marie | Don't Call Me Charlie | Don't Call Me Stupid! | Don't Eat the Neighbours [anim] | Don't Forget the Lyrics! | Don't Forget Your Toothbrush | Don't Start [radio] | Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 | Doogie Howser, M.D. | Dooley Gardens | Doomwatch | Doon Your Way [radio] | Dora the Explorer [anim] | The Doris Day Show | Dorothy L. Sayers Mystery | Los Dos Bros | .hack//SIGN [anim] | Double Dragon [anim] | Double Dribble [radio] | Double Exposure | Double Income No Kids Yet [radio] | The Double Life of Henry Phyfe | Double Rush | Double Science [radio] | A Double Shot at Love with Tila Tequila | Double Trouble | Double Trouble [radio] | Down and Out in Beverly Hills | Down the Line [radio] | The Downer Channel | Downfall | Downton Abbey | Downtown (1986) | Downtown (1999) [anim] | Downtown Girls | Downwardly Mobile | Dr Finlay [radio] | Dr. Finlay's Casebook | Dr. G: Medical Examiner | Dr Pfeffer's Lonely Heart Club [radio] | Dr Terrible's House of Horrible | Dr Willoughby | Dr. 90210 | Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist [anim] | Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman | Dr. Shrinker | Dr. Vegas | Dracula '79 | Dracula: The Series | Dragnet (1951) | Dragnet (1967) | Dragnet (1989) | Dragnet (2003) | Dragon Ball [anim] | Dragon Ball Z Kai [anim] | Dragon Booster [anim] | Dragonball Z [anim] | Dragon's Den (Canada) | Dragon's Den (UK) | Drake & Josh | Drama Connections | Drawn Together [anim] | Dream Job | Dream On | The Dream Team | Dreams | The Dreamstone [anim] | The Dresden Files | Dress My Nest | The Drew Carey Show | Drew Carey's Green Screen Show | Drexell's Class | Drive (1994) | Drive (2007) | Driving Force | | Droids [anim] | Drop Dead Diva | Drop the Dead Donkey | Drugs, Inc. | Dry Slopes [radio] | Dual Survival | Duck Dodgers [anim] | Duck Dynasty | The Duck Factory | Duck Patrol | Duckman [anim] | Dude, What Would Happen | The Dudesons | The Dudesons in America | Dudley | Due South | Duel | Duel Masters [anim] | Duet | Duets | Duffy's Tavern | The Duke | The Dukes of Hazzard | Dungeons & Dragons [anim] | Durham County | Dusty's Trail | Duty Free | Dweebs | Dynasty


| The E! True Hollywood Story | Eagleheart | Eamon, Older Brother of Jesus [radio] | Early Doors | Early Edition | Earth 2 | E.A.R.T.H. Force | Earth, Wind for Hire [radio] | Earth: Final Conflict | Earthworm Jim [anim] | East of Everything | East Side/West Side | Eastbound & Down | Eastern Mix [radio] | Eastwick | Easy Money | Easy Street | Easy to Assemble | Echo Beach | Echte meisjes in de jungle | Ectoplasm [radio] | Ed | Ed, Edd n' Eddy [anim] | Ed Reardon's Week [radio] | The Eddie Capra Mysteries | Eddie Dodd | Eden's World | The Edge | Edge Falls [radio] | Edge of Darkness | Edgemont | The Edison Twins | Educated Evans [radio] | Educating Archie | Educating Archie [radio] | The Education of Max Bickford | Eerie, Indiana | Eerie, Indiana: The Other Dimension | Eight is Enough | 8 out of 10 Cats | 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter | 1834 [radio] | 1835 [radio] | 18 Kids and Counting | 18 to Life | 18 Wheels of Justice | Eischied | El C.I.D. | Elastic Planet [radio] | Eldorado | ElectraWoman and DynaGirl | Electric Ink [radio] | Elephant Man [radio] | Elephants to Catch Eels [radio] | The 11 O'Clock Show | The Eleventh Hour (1962) | The Eleventh Hour (2002) | Eleventh Hour (UK) | Eleventh Hour (US) | Elfego Baca | Eli Stone | The Eliza Stories [radio] | Ellen | The Ellen Burstyn Show | The Ellen DeGeneres Show | The Ellen Show | Ellery Queen | ElvenQuest [radio] | Elvis to Oasis [radio] | The Emerald Green Show [radio] | Emerald Point N.A.S. | Emergency! | Emeril | The Emeril Lagasse Show | Emily's Reasons Why Not | The Emperor's New School [anim] | Empire (1962) | Empire (2005) | Empty Nest | Emu | Encore! Encore! | Encounters with the Unexplained | End of Part One | The End of the Year Show | Endgame | Endurance | Enemy at the Door | E.N.G | The Enid Blyton Adventure Series | The Enid Blyton Secret Series | Enlightened | Enos | Enterprise | Entourage | Eon Kid [anim] | Episodes | Equal Justice | The Equalizer | E/R (1984) | ER (1994) | Erasmus Microman | E-Ring | Erky Perky [anim] | The Erotic Traveler | Escaflowne [anim] | Escape Routes | The Estate Agents | Estate of Panic | Eternal Law | Eureka | Eureka Seven [anim] | The Eureka Years [radio] | Eve | Even Stevens | Evening Shade | The Event | Ever Decreasing Circles | Everwood | Everybody Hates Chris | Everybody Loves Raymond | Everybody Quite Likes Justin [radio] | Everything's Relative (1987) | Everything's Relative (1999) | The Evidence | The Evil Touch | The Ex List | Executive Suite | The Exes | Exes [radio] | The Exile | ExoSquad [anim] | Expedition Great White | Expedition Impossible | Explorer II [radio] | The Exterminators | Extras | Extreme | Extreme Cuisine with Jeff Corwin | Extreme Dinosaurs [anim] | Extreme Engineering | Extreme Ghostbusters [anim] | Extreme History with Roger Daltrey | Extreme Loggers | Extreme Makeover | Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition | Extreme Makeover: Home Edition | The Ex-Wives Club | Eyes | EZ Streets


| F Troop | Fab TV [radio] | Fabian of Scotland Yard | Fabulous [radio] | Fabulous Cakes | Fabulous Fifties [radio] | Face Off | Face the Ace | Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files | Factory | The Facts of Life | The Faculty | The Fades | Faerie Tale Theatre | Fags, Mags and Bags [radio] | Fairly Legal | The Fairly OddParents [anim] | Fairly Secret Army | Fairy Tail [anim] | Faith in the Future | Faith Under Fire | Faithful Departed [radio] | Faking It | Falcon Beach | Falcon Crest | Falcone | The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin | The Fall Guy | The Fall of the Mausoleum Club [radio] | Fallen Arches [radio] | Falling Skies | Fame | Fame L.A. | Familes and How to Survive Them [radio] | Family | Family Affair (1966) | Family Affair (2002) | Family Album | Family Business (2003) | Family Business (2004) | Family Classics | The Family Crews | Family Guy [anim] | The Family Holvak | Family Jewels | Family Law | Family Man (1988) | The Family Man (1990) | Family Matters | Family Plots | Family Rules | Family Ties | The Famous Five (1978) | The Famous Five (1996) | Famous for 15 Minutes [radio] | The Famous Jett Jackson | The Famous Teddy Z | Fanboy and Chum Chum [anim] | The Fanelli Boys | Fangavaktin | Fanshawe Gets to the Bottom of ... [radio] | Fantastic Four (2006) [anim] | The Fantastic Journey | Fantasy Factory | Fantasy Football League | Fantasy Island (1977) | Fantasy Island (1998) | Far Out Space Nuts | Farmer Wants a Wife | The Farmer's Daughter | Farscape | Fashion House | The Fashion Show | Fashion Star | Fast Food Films | Fast Inc. | The Fast Show | Fast Track | Fastlane | Fat Actress | Fat Chance [radio] | Fat Chef | Father Brown | Father Dowling Mysteries | Father Knows Best | Father of the Pride [anim] | Father Ted | Fatherhood [anim] | Fathers [radio] | Fawlty Towers | Fay | The F.B.I. | Fear Factor | Fear Itself | Fear, Stress & Anger | The Fearing Mind | The Feather and Father Gang | Feds | Feel the Force | Felicity | Fellah's Hour with The Cheese Shop [radio] | Female Forces | Femme Fatales | La Femme Nikita | Fernwood 2Night | Ferris Bueller | Fetch! | Fiddlers Three | Fifi and the Flowertots [anim] | 15 Minutes That Changed the World [radio] | 15 Storeys High | Fifteen-Minute Musical [radio] | The Fifth Corner | Fifth Gear | 55 Degrees North | The Fighting Fitzgeralds | Fighting Foodons [anim] | Fillmore! [anim] | Filthy Rich | Find My Family | The Finder | Finder of Lost Loves | Finding Bigfoot | A Fine Romance | Fire Me... Please! | Fired Up | Firefly | The Firm | The First 48 | First Impressions [radio] | First Love, Second Chance | First Monday | First of the Summer Wine | First Time Out | First Wave | The First Witch [radio] | First Years | Fish | Fish Hooks [anim] | Fist of Fun [radio] | Fitz | Fitz and Bones | The Fitzpatricks | Five Days | Five Mile Creek | The Five Mrs. Buchanans | Five Squeezy Pieces [radio] | The Fixer | Flamingo Road | The Flash | Flash Forward (1996) | FlashForward (2009) | Flash Gordon (1954) | Flash Gordon (1996) [anim] | Flash Gordon (2007) | The Flashing Blade | Flashpoint | Flea Man | Flesh 'n' Blood | Flight 29 Down | Flight of the Conchords | The Flight of the Conchords [radio] | Flint the Time Detective [anim] | The Flintstones [anim] | The Flip Wilson Show | Flipper (1964) | Flipper (1995) | Flipping Out | Flo | Fly by Night | Fly Girls | Flying Blind | The Flying Doctor | The Flying Doctors | Flying High | The Flying Nun | Flying Rhino Junior High [anim] | Flying the Flag [radio] | Flying Wild Alaska | Flywheel Shyster and Flywheel [radio] | Focus North | Foley and McColl, the Interview [radio] | Foley Square | The Food Quiz [radio] | Food Revolution | Food Wars | Fool Us | Foolish Heart | Fooly Cooly [anim] | Football Stories for Girls [radio] | Football Wives | Footballers' Wive$ | For Better or For Worse [radio] | For Better or Worse | For Love and Honor | For Love or Money | For One Horrible Moment [radio] | For the Love of Ray J | For the People (1965) | For the People (2002) | For Your Love | Forbidden Science | Foreign Intrigue | Forensic Files | Forever Eden | Forever Knight | Foreverett [radio] | The Forgotten | The Forsyte Saga (2002) | Fortune Hunter | The 4400 | Forty Nights in the Wildebeest [radio] | 48 Hours Mystery | Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends [anim] | 4 at the Store [radio] | 4 Computer Buffs | Four Corners | 413 Hope St. | Four Joneses and a Jenkins [radio] | The Four Just Men | Four Kings | Four of a Kind | The Four Seasons | Four Sleepless Knights [radio] | 4th and Long | Fox Hour of Stars | Foxy Lady | Foyle's War | Fraggle Rock [anim] | Frank Muir Goes into ... [radio] | Frank Sidebottom's Proper Telly Show in B/W | The Frank Skinner Show | Frank Skinner's Opinionated | Frank Stubbs Promotes | Frank TV | Frankenhole [anim] | Frankie Howerd's Forum [radio] | Franklin [anim] | Franklin & Bash | Frank's Place | Frannie's Turn | Frasier | Freak Show [anim] | Freakazoid! [anim] | Freaks and Geeks | Freakylinks | Freddie | Freddy's Nightmares: the Series | Free Agents (UK) | Free Agents (US) | Free for All [anim] | Free Radio | Free Ride | Free Spirit | Freebie and the Bean | Freedom | Freewheelers | French & Saunders | French & Saunders [radio] | Fresh Meat | The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | Freshman Diaries | Freshman Dorm | Friday Night Dinner | Friday Night is Music Night [radio] [incomplete] | Friday Night Lights | The Friday Night Project | Friday Night with Jonathan Ross | Friday the 13th: The Series | Fridays | Friends (1979) | Friends (1994) | Friends Like These [radio] | Friends with Benefits | Fringe | Frisky Dingo [anim] | From G's to Gents | Frontline (1983) | Frontline (1994) | Frost in the Air | The Frost Report | Frozen Planet | Fry's English Delight [radio] | Fry's Planet Word | Fudge | The Fugitive (1963) | The Fugitive (2000) | Full Circle [radio] | Full House | Full Metal Jousting | The Full Wax | Fullmetal Alchemist [anim] | Fun at the Funeral Parlour | Fun-Filled Days of Harriet Knight [radio] | Funky Cops [anim] | Funland | Funny Bones [radio] | Funny Business (1992) | Funny Business (1996) | Funny Face | Funny You Should Ask [radio] [incomplete] | The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes [radio] | Further Adventures of Spin and Marty | The Further Adventures of the Black Bag [radio] | Futurama [anim] | Future Cop | The Future Is Wild [anim] | Futurecast | FutureWeapons | F/X: The Series | F-Zero: GP Legend [anim]


| G Gundam [anim] | G vs E | Gabriel Iglesias Presents Stand-Up Revolution | Gabriel's Fire | Gagtag | Galactica 1980 | Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension | The Gallant Men | Gallegher | Galton and Simpson's Half-Hour [radio] | The Game | Game of Thrones | Game On! | Game Over [anim] | The Games | The Game's Up (1996) [radio] | The Game's Up (2001) [radio] | Gangland | The Garfield Show [anim] | Gargoyles | Garrison's Gorillas | Garrow's Law: Tales from the Old Bailey | Garth Marenghi's Darkplace | Gary & Mike [anim] | Gary the Rat [anim] | Gary Unmarried | Gastineau Girls | The Gates | The Gateways Club [radio] | Gavilan | Gavin & Stacey | The Gay Cavalier | G.B.H. | GCB | Geek Love | The Geena Davis Show | Gemini Division | The Gemini Man | Gene Simmons Family Jewels | General Hospital | General Hospital: Night Shift | Generation Kill | Generation O! [anim] | Generator Rex [anim] | Genius [radio] | Genius | The Gentle Touch | Gentlemen & Players | Geordie Shore | George | George & Leo | George and Martha [anim] | George & Mildred | The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show | George Burns Comedy Week | The George Carlin Show | George Gently | George Lopez | George of the Jungle (2007) [anim] | The George Wendt Show | Get a Life | Get Christie Love | Get Ed [anim] | Get Fit with Brittas | Get in the Picture | Get Real (1998) | Get Real (1999) | Get Smart (1965) | Get Smart (1995) | Get Some In! | Get This Party Started | Get Well Soon | Getting By | Getting Nowhere Fast [radio] | Getting On | Getting Personal | Getting Together | The Ghost & Mrs. Muir | Ghost Adventures | The Ghost at Number Ten [radio] | The Ghost Busters | Ghost Hunters | Ghost Hunters Academy | Ghost Hunters International | Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex [anim] | Ghost Lab | The Ghost Squad | Ghost Stories | Ghost Story | Ghost Whisperer | The Ghostbusters of East Finchley | The Ghosts of Motley Hall | Ghostwriter | G.I. Joe | G.I. Joe Extreme | GI Joe: Renegades [anim] | GI Joe: Sigma 6 [anim] | Gideon's Crossing | Gidget | A Gifted Man | Gigantic | The Gil Mayo Mysteries | Gilbert Without Sullivan [radio] | Giles Wemmbley Hogg Goes Off [radio] | Gilligan's Island | Gilmore Girls | Gimme a Break! | Gimme Gimme Gimme | The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. | The Girl with Something Extra | Girlfriends | Girlies [radio] | Girls | Girls & Boys | Girls Club | Girls in Love | The Girls Next Door | Girls on Top | Girls Who Do Comedy | Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys | Girls Will Be Girls [radio] | The Girly Ghosthunters | Giuliana & Bill | The Glades | Glam God with Vivica A. Fox | Glam Metal Detectives | Glamour Belles | Glasgow Kiss | Glee | The Glee Project | The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour | Glenn Martin DDS [anim] | Glitter | Gloria | Glory Days [radio] | Glory Days (1990) | Glory Days (2002) | Glory Daze | The Gnomes of Dulwich | Go, Diego, Go! [anim] | Go Fish | Go Girls | The Gobetweenies [radio] | God, the Devil and Bob [anim] | Godiva's | Godzilla: The Series (1998) [anim] | Going Places | Going Straight | Going to California | Going to Extremes | Going Tribal | Gold Rush Alaska | The Golden Girls | Golden Palace | Golden Years | Goldie | Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. | Gone Country | Good Advice | Good & Evil | Good Company | Good Dog | Good Eats | Good Girls Don't... | Good Grief | The Good Guys (1968) | The Good Guys (1992) | The Good Guys (2010) | Good Guys Bad Guys | Good Heavens | The Good Human Guide [radio] | The Good Life (1971) | The Good Life (1975) | The Good Life (1994) | Good Luck Charlie | Good Morning Miami | Good Neighbors | Good News | The Good Sex Guide | Good Times | Good Vibes [anim] | The Good Wife | Goode Behavior | The Goode Family [anim] | The Goodies | Goodness Gracious Me | Goodness Gracious Me [radio] | Goodnight Sweetheart | Goodnight, Beantown | Goodtime Girls | GoodvsEvil | Goof Troop [anim] | The Goon Show [radio] | Goosebumps | Gordon Ramsay's F Word | Gorham and Swift [radio] | Gossip Girl | The Governor & J.J. | Grace Under Fire | The Graham Norton Show | | Grand | Grand Designs | Grand Star | Grandma's House | Grandpa Goes to Washington | Grange Hill | Grapevine (1992) | Grapevine (2000) | Gravedale High [anim] | Gravity | Grease Monkeys [radio] | Grease: You're the One That I Want! | The Great American Dream Vote | Great American Road Trip | The Great Defender | The Great Detective | Great Ghost Tales | Great Lives [radio] | Great Performances | Great Scott! | Great Teacher Onizuka [anim] | Greatest American Dog | The Greatest American Hero | The Greatest Show on Earth | The Greatest Symphony [radio] | Greek | Green Acres | The Green Green Grass | The Green Guide to Life [radio] | The Green Hornet | Green Lantern: The Animated Series [anim] | The Green Room | Green Wing | Greetings from Tucson | Greg the Bunny | The Gregory Hines Show | Grey's Anatomy | The Grid (2004) | Grievous Bodily Radio [radio] | Griff | The Griff Rhys-Jones Show [radio] | The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy [anim] | Grim Tales | Grimm | Grindl | Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids [anim] | The Groovy Fellers | Grosse Pointe | Grossology [anim] | Grounded for Life | Growing Pains | Growing Pains [radio] | The Growing Pains of PC Penrose | Growing Up Creepie [anim] | Growing Up Gotti | Grown Ups (1999) | Grownups (2006) | The Grumbleweeds [radio] | GTO [anim] | The Guard | The Guardian | The Guardians | Guess What? [radio] | Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? | Guinea Pig | Guinevere Jones | Guinness World Records Primetime | Gulliver's Travels [anim] | Gun | Gundam 0083 [anim] | Gundam Wing [anim] | Gunpowder Women [radio] | Guns of Paradise | The Guns of Will Sonnett | Gunslinger Girl [anim] | Gunsmoke | Guts + Bolts | Guy Browning's Small Talk [radio] | Guy Code | Guys Like Us


| H2O: Just Add Water | H8R | Hack | .hack//SIGN [anim] | Hadleigh | Hail to the Chief | Hair in the Gate [radio] | Hale and Pace's A-Z of Comedy [radio] | Half & Half | Half Pint Brawlers | Half Sketch Half Biscuit [radio] | Halfway Home | Halifax f.p. | Hallmark Hall of Fame | Hamish and Dougal: You'll Have Had Your Tea [radio] | Hamish Macbeth | Hammer House of Horror | Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense | Hammertime | Hamtaro [anim] | Hancock (1961) | Hancock (1963) | Hancock's Half Hour | Hancock's Half Hour [radio] | The Handler | Handy Manny [anim] | The Haney Project | Hang Time | Hangin' with Mr. Cooper | Hank (1965) | Hank (2009) | Hannah Montana | Happily Divorced | Happiness | Happy Days | Happy Endings | Happy Ever After | Happy Families [radio] | Happy Families (1985) | Happy Families (1989) [anim] | Happy Family | Happy Hour | Happy Hour, Al Murray's | Happy Hour, Dom Joly's | Happy Town | Happy Tuesdays [radio] | Harbour Lights | Harbourmaster | Hard Knocks (1987) | Hard Knocks (2001) | Hard Time | Hard Time on Planet Earth | The Hard Times of RJ Berger | Hard to Tell [radio] | Hardball (1989) | Hardball (1994) | Hardcastle and McCormick | Hardcore Pawn | Hardware | Hardwicke House | The Hardy Boys | The Hardy Boys / Nancy Drew Mysteries | The Hare Lane Diaries [radio] | Harlem Heights | Harley Street | Harper Valley P.T.A. | Harper's Island | The Harpoon [radio] | Harry | Harry and the Hendersons | Harry Hill | Harry Hill's Fruit Corner [radio] | Harry Hill's TV Burp | Harry Loves Lisa | Harry O | Harry's Law | Harsh Realm | Hart of Dixie | Hart to Hart | Harts of the West | Harvey and the Wallbangers [radio] | Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law [anim] | The Hat Squad | Have Gun - Will Travel | Have I Got News for You | Haven | Hawaii | Hawaii Five-O (1968) | Hawaii Five-0 (2010) | Hawaiian Eye | Hawaiian Heat | Hawk | Hawkeye | Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans | Hawkins | HawthoRNe | Hazel | Hazelbeach [radio] | Hazell | Head Case | Head Cases | Head Games | The Head Man [radio] | Head of the Class | Head Over Heels | Head Start | Headcases | Headland | The Headmaster | The Headset Set [radio] | Health & Efficiency | Hearing with Hegley [radio] | Heart of the City | The Heart, She Holler | HeartBeat (1988) | Heartbeat (1992) | Heartburn Hotel | Heartland (1989) | Heartland (2007 : Canada) | Heartland (2007 : US) | Hearts Afire | Hearts and Minds [radio] | Heat of the Sun | Heated Rollers [radio] | Heaven Help Us | Heavy | Heavy Gear [anim] | Hee Haw | The Heights | Heil Honey I'm Home | Heist | Helen West | Hell on Wheels | Hell Town | Hellcats | Hello Cheeky | Hello Cheeky [radio] | Hello, Larry | Hell's Kitchen (UK) | Hell's Kitchen (US) | The Help (2004) | Help (2005) | Help Me Help You | He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983) [anim] | He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002) [anim] | The Hendersons' Christmas Party [radio] | Henry Normal's Encyclopaedia Poetica [radio] | The Henry Rollins Show | Henry's Cat [anim] | Her Infinite Variety [radio] | Herbie the Love Bug | Hercules (1998) | Hercules: The Legendary Journeys | Here and Now | Here Come the Brides | Here Come the Newlyweds | Here's Boomer | Here's Lucy | Heresy [radio] | Herman's Head | Heroes | Heroes Unmasked | Hetty Wainthropp Investigates | Hex | Hey Arnold! [anim] | Hey Dude | Hey Paula | Hey Rrradio!!! [radio] | Hey Vern, It's Ernest! | H.G. Wells' Invisible Man | Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [anim] | Hi Honey, I'm Home | Hiccups | Hidden City | Hidden Hills | Hidden Palms | The Hidden Room | Hi-De-Hi! | The High Chaparral | High Incident | The High Life (1994) | The High Life (1996) | High Mountain Rangers | High School Musical: Get in the Picture | High School Reunion | High Sierra Search and Rescue | High Society (1995) | High Society (2010) | High Stakes | High Table, Lower Orders [radio] | High Tide | Higher Ground | Highlander | Highlander: The Animated Series [anim] | Highlander: The Raven | Highway Patrol | Highway to Heaven | The Highwayman | Hill Street Blues | Hillbilly Handfishin' | Hiller and Diller | The Hills | Him and Her | Hippies | Hired! | The Hislop Vote [radio] | History Detectives | The History Man | The History Plays [radio] | Hit Me Baby One More Time | Hit the Decks [radio] | Hit the Road, Jack | The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy | Hitched or Ditched | The Hitchhiker | Hitchhiker's Guide to the Future [radio] | The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1978) [radio] | The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2004) [radio] | Hitz | Hoarders | Hoarding: Buried Alive | Hoax! [radio] | The Hogan Family | Hogan Knows Best | Hogan's Heroes | Hogs Gone Wild | Holby Blue | Holby City | Hold the Front Page [radio] | Holding the Baby (US) | Holidate | Holland's Shorts [radio] | The Hollow Men [radio] | Hollyoaks: In the City | Holly's World | Hollywood Beat | Hollywood Hi-Tech | Hollywood Off-Ramp | Hollywood Shootout | Hollywood Treasure | Holmes and Yoyo | Holmes Inspection | Holmes on Homes | Home and Away | The Home Court | Home Fires | Home Improvement | Home Movies [anim] | Home of the Future | Home Time | Home to Roost | Homeboys in Outer Space | Homefront | Homeland | Homeland Security USA | Homemade Millionaire | Homeroom | Hometown | Homicide: Life on the Street | Hondo | Honey I Shrunk the Kids | Honey West | The Honeymooners | Hong Kong | Hooking Up | The Hoop Life | Hooperman | Hope & Faith | Hope & Gloria | Hope I Die Before I Get Old: The Cult of Death in Rock 'n' Roll [radio] | Hope Island | Hopeless Pictures [anim] | Hopes and Desires (2003) [radio] | Hopes and Desires (2007) [radio] | Hopkins | Hordes of the Things [radio] | Horizon | Hornblower | Horne & Corden | The Hot Club [radio] | Hot Gossip [radio] | Hot in Cleveland | Hot L Baltimore | Hot Line | Hot Metal | Hot Properties | Hot Pursuit (1984) | Hot Pursuit (2006) | Hot Shots | Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 [anim] | Hotel | Hotel Babylon | Hotel Erotica | Hotel Impossible | Hotel Malibu | Hounded | The Hour | House Calls | The House I Grew Up In [radio] | House of Anubis | House of Dreams | House of Jazmin | House of Lies | The House of Milton Jones [radio] | House of Mouse [anim] | House of Payne | House of Stars [radio] | The House of the Spirit Levels [radio] | The House of Windsor | House on Fire [radio] | House Rules | House, M.D. | Houston Knights | How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria? (Canada) | How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria? (UK) | How Do You Want Me? | How I Met Your Mother | How Not to Live Your Life | How Radio Won the War [radio] | How the Earth Was Made | How the West Was Won | How Tickled Am I? [radio] | How to Be a Gentleman | How to Be a Little Sod | How to Get the Guy | How to Look Good Naked (UK) | How to Look Good Naked (US) | How to Make It in America | How to Rock | How TV Ruined Your Life | Howard Goodall's Classical Connections [radio] | Howard Goodall's Musical Zodiac [radio] | Howe & Howe Tech | Howie Do It | HR [radio] | Huddwinks [radio] | The Hudson and Pepperdine Show [radio] | Hudson Street | Huff | Huge | The Hughleys | Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling [anim] | Hull High | The Human Factor | Human Giant | Human Target (1992) | Human Target (2010) | Human Wrecking Balls | Humans and Other Animals [radio] | Hung | The Hunger | Hungry Beast | Hunter (1984) | Hunter (2003) | Huntik: Secrets & Seekers [anim] | The Huntress | Hurl! | Hustle | Hut 33 [radio] | Hype | Hyperdrive | Hyperion Bay | Hypernauts


| I Am Not an Animal [anim] | I Am Weasel [anim] | I Can't Tell Nathan Caton Nothing [radio] | I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | I Do Over | I Dream of Jeannie | I Get That a Lot | I Guess That's Why They Call It the News [radio] | I Hate My 30's | I Hate My Teenage Daughter | I Just Want My Pants Back | I Kid with Brad Garrett | I Know My Kid's a Star | I Love Lucy | I Love Money | I Love New York | I Love the Eighties (UK) | I Love the Seventies (UK) | I Married Dora | I Married Joan | I, Regress [radio] | I Spy | I Survived a Japanese Game Show | I Want to Work for Diddy | I Was a Sixth Grade Alien! | I Was That Teenager [radio] | I, Lovett | Ian Hislop's Age of the Do-Gooders | iCarly | I.C.E. | Ice Pilots NWT | Ice Road Truckers | Ice-T's Rap School | Ichabod and Me | Iconoclasts | Ideal | Identity | An Idiot Abroad | Iditarod: Toughest Race on Earth | If I Ruled the World [radio] | If I Ruled the World | If Not for You | If You Really Knew Me | If You're So Clever, Why Aren't You Rich? [radio] | iGod [radio] | The Iguanodon [radio] | I'll Fly Away | I'm a Big Girl Now | I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (UK) | I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (US : 2003) | I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (US : 2009) | I'm Alan Partridge | I'm Dickens, He's Fenster | I'm Glad You Asked Me That [radio] | I'm in a Rock 'n' Roll Band! | I'm in the Band | I'm Pregnant and ... | I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue [radio] | I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again [radio] | I'm the Law | I'm with Her | I'm with Stupid | Imagination Movers | Imagine ... | Imagine That | Immigration Stories [radio] | The Immortal (1970) | The Immortal (2000) | Impact: Stories of Survival | Important Things with Demetri Martin | Impractical Jokers | The Impressionists [radio] | In a Heartbeat | In and Out of the Kitchen [radio] | In Case of Emergency | In Conversation with [radio] | The In Crowd [radio] | In Deep | In Excess [radio] | In Harm's Way | In Justice | In Living Color | In My Life: Lennon Remembered [radio] | In One Ear [radio] | In Our Time [radio] | In Plain Sight | In Search of Happiness | In Search of... | In the Balance [radio] | In the Beginning | In the Chair [radio] | In the End [radio] | In the Flow with Affion Crockett | In the Heat of the Night | In the House | In the Motherhood | In the Red [radio] | In Treatment | In with the Flynns | The Inbetweeners | Inconceivable | The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret | Incredible Crash Dummies [anim] | The Incredible Hulk (1977) | The Incredible Hulk (1996) [anim] | Incredible Story Studio | Independent Lens | The Indespensibles [radio] | The Industry | Infamous | The Infinite Monkey Cage [radio] | Inhumanoids [anim] | Injury Time [radio] | Ink | Inked | In-Laws | Inman and Friends [radio] | Inner Voices [radio] | Innes Own World [radio] | The Innocence Project | Innocent | InSecurity | The Inside | Inside American Jail | Inside Comedy | Inside Schwartz | Inside the Actors Studio | Inside Victor Lewis-Smith | The Insiders | Inspector Fabian of Scotland Yard | Inspector George Gently | Inspector Lewis | The Inspector Lynley Mysteries | Inspector Montalbano | Inspector Morse | Inspector Steine [radio] | Inspector Wexford | Instant Star | Intelligence | Interior Therapy with Jeff Lewis | Internet Slutts | The Interns | Intervention | Intimate Contact with Julian Clary [radio] | Intimate Sessions | Into Character | Into the Labyrinth | Into the Unknown with Josh Bernstein | Into the West | Inuyasha [anim] | Invader ZIM [anim] | The Invaders | Invasion | Invasion America [anim] | Invasion Iowa | Invasion: Earth | Invent This! | Inventors Imperfect [radio] | Investigating History | The Invisible Man (1958) | The Invisible Man (1975) | The Invisible Man (2000) | Iron Chef | Iron Chef America | Iron Chef UK | The Iron Horse | Iron Man: Armored Adventures [anim] | The Iron Road ... [radio] | Ironside | IRT Deadliest Roads | Is It Bill Bailey? | Is It Legal? | Is TV Dead? | Isis | Island at War | Island Son | It Ain't Half Hot Mum | It Can't Go On [radio] | The IT Crowd | The It Factor | It Had to Be You | It Sticks Out Half a Mile [radio] | It Takes a Thief (1968) | It Takes a Thief (2005) | It Takes Two | It'll Never Last ... [radio] | It's a Brad Brad World | It's a Funny Old World [radio] | It's a Living | It's a Man's World (1962) | It's a Man's World (1996) | It's a Miracle | It's a Scary World | It's About Time | It's All Relative | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia | It's Been a Bad Week [radio] | It's Complicated | It's Garry Shandling's Show | It's Like, You Know... | It's Me or the Dog | It's Not Easy | It's Not What You Know [radio] | It's Only a Theory | It's Only TV But I Like It | It's That Jo Caulfield Again [radio] | It's Too Early! | It's Worth What? | It's Your Move | Ivanhoe | I've Never Seen Star Wars [radio] | I've Never Seen Star Wars


| Jack & Bobby | Jack & Jeremy's Real Lives | Jack & Jill | Jack and Mike | The Jack Benny Program | Jack London's Call of the Wild | Jack of All Trades | Jack Rosenthal's Last Act [radio] | Jackie Chan Adventures [anim] | The Jackie Thomas Show | JAG | Jail | The Jail Diaries of Sir Ralph Stanza [radio] | Jake 2.0 | Jake and the Fatman | Jake and the Kid | Jake in Progress | Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks [anim] | Jam & Jerusalem | James at 15 | James May's Man Lab | James May's Toy Stories | The Jamie Foxx Show | Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution | Jamie's American Road Trip | Jammin' [radio] | Jane and the Dragon [anim] | Jane by Design | Jane Doe | Jane Goldman Investigates | The Jane Show | Janek | The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency | Japanorama | The Jaquie Brown Diaries | The Jason Byrne Show [radio] | Jason King | Jason of Star Command | The Jasper Carrott Trial [radio] | Jaws & Claws | The Jay Leno Show | Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors [anim] | Jeeves and Wooster | The Jeff Dunham Show | The Jeff Foxworthy Show | Jeff Ltd. | The Jeffersons | Jeff's Collie | Jekyll | Jem [anim] | Jennifer Slept Here | Jenny | Jeopardy | Jeremiah | Jeremy Clarkson's Motorworld | Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation [radio] | Jericho (1966) | Jericho (2005) | Jericho (2006) | The Jersey | Jersey Couture | Jersey Shore | Jerseylicious | Jesse | Jesse Stone | Jessica Novak | Jessie (1984) | Jessie (2011) | The Jetsons [anim] | The Jewel in the Crown | Jimmy Kimmel Live! | The Jimmy Stewart Show | Jimmy Two-Shoes [anim] | Jimmy's Cricket Team [radio] | J.J. Starbuck | JKX: The Jamie Kennedy Experiment | Jo and Slade: Date My Ex | Jo Brand Through the Cakehole | Jo Brand, the Evolution of Superwoman [radio] | Jo Caulfield Won't Shut Up [radio] | Joan of Arcadia | Joanie Loves Chachi | The Job | Joe 90 [anim] | Joe and Sons | Joe Forrester | Joe Millionaire | The Joe Schmo Show | Joe's Life | Joey | John Adams | John Doe | John Edward Cross Country | John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme [radio] | John from Cincinnati | John Grisham's The Client | The John Humphrys Interview [radio] | The John Larroquette Show | John Mortimer Presents Sensational British Trials [radio] | John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show | John Peel's Classic Radio 1 Sessions [radio] | John Sessions' Tall Tales | Johnny and the Sprites [anim] | Johnny Bravo [anim] | The Johnny Cash Show | Johnny Ringo | Johnny Staccato | Johnny Test [anim] | JoJo's Circus [anim] | Jon & Kate Plus 8 | Jon Benjamin Has a Van | The Jon Dore Television Show | Jon Ronson on ... [radio] | Jonas | Jonathan Creek | The Jonathan Ross Show | Jonny Quest (1964) [anim] | Jonny Quest (1996) [anim] | Jonny Zero | Josie and the Pussycats [anim] | Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space [anim] | The Journey of Allen Strange | Journey to the Unknown | Journeyman | The Joy of Sketch [radio] | Jozi-H | jPod | Judge John Deed | Judging Amy | Julia | Julian Fox: Concrete Poetry [radio] | The Julie Andrews Hour | Juliet Bravo | Jumanji [anim] | Jumpers for Goalposts | Jungle Emperor [anim] | Jungle Jim | Junk Gypsies | Junkin's Jokers [radio] | Junkyard Wars | The Jury | Just a Minute [radio] [incomplete] | Just Cause | Just Deal | Just for Laughs | Just Good Friends | Just Jordan | Just Juliette [radio] | Just Legal | Just Our Luck | Just Plain Gardening [radio] | Just Shoot Me! | Just the Ten of Us | Just William (1977) | Just William (2010) | Justice (2006) | Justice (2011) | Justice League [anim] | Justified


| K Street | K9 | Kailyard Blues [radio] | Kalangdog Junction [radio] | Kama Sutra | Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight | Kansas City SWAT | Kappa Mikey [anim] | Karaoke Battle USA | Karen Sisco | Kate & Allie | Kate and Cindy [radio] | Kate Brasher | Kate Loves a Mystery | Kate McShane | Kate Plus 8 | Kath & Kim (Australia) | Kath & Kim (US) | Kathmandu or Bust [radio] | Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List | Katie Joplin | Katts and Dog | Kavanagh Q.C. | Kay O'Brien | Kaya | Kaz | Keen Eddie | Keep It in the Family | Keeping Up Appearances | Keeping Up with the Kardashians | Kell on Earth | Kelly Kelly | Kelly's Heroes [radio] | Ken Dodd's Comedy Club [radio] | Ken Dodd's Palace of Laughter [radio] | Kenan & Kel | Kendra | The Kenny Everett Television Show | Kenny the Shark [anim] | Kenny vs. Spenny | Kessler | The Kevin Bishop Show | Kevin Hill | Kevin Spencer [anim] | Key and Peele | Key West | Khloé and Lamar | Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil [anim] | Kickin' It | Kicking the Habit [radio] | Kid Nation | Kid Notorious [anim] | Kid vs. Kat [anim] | Kidd Video [anim] | Kidding Around [incomplete] | Kidnap and Ransom | Kidnapped | Kids in the Hall Present Death Comes to Town | Kikaider [anim] | The Kill Point | Killer Instinct | The Killing | Kim Possible [anim] | Kimba the White Lion (1966) [anim] | Kimba the White Lion (1994) [anim] | Kindred: the Embraced | King | King Arthur and the Knights of Justice [anim] | The King Is Dead | King of Bath [radio] | King of Cars | King of Kensington | The King of Queens | King of the Hill [anim] | King of the Jungle | King of the Road [radio] | King Street Junior [radio] | King Street Junior Revisited [radio] | King Stupid [radio] | Kingdom | Kingdom Hospital | Kingpin | Kings | King's Crossing | Kinvig | Kirby: Right Back at Ya! [anim] | Kirk | Kirstie Alley's Big Life | Kiss Me Kate | Kit and the Widow's Sound of Music [radio] | Kitchen Confidential | Kitchen Nightmares (UK) | Kitchen Nightmares (US) | Knight & Daye | Knight Rider (1982) | Knight Rider (2008) | The Knights of Prosperity | Knights of the Zodiac [anim] | Knightwatch | Knots Landing | Knowing Me, Knowing You [radio] | Knowing Me, Knowing You with Alan Partridge | Known Universe | Kodiak | Kojak (1973) | Kojak (2005) | Kolchak: The Night Stalker | Kombat Opera Presents | Kong: The Animated Series [anim] | Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami | Kourtney and Kim Take New York | The Koz Zone | The Kraft Music Hall | Kraft Suspense Theatre | Kristin | Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire | Krypto the Superdog [anim] | Kung Fu | Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness [anim] | Kung Fu: The Legend Continues | Kurt Vonnegut's Monkey House | K-Ville | Kyle XY | KYTV


| The L Word | The L.A. Complex | L.A. Doctors | L.A. Dragnet | La Femme Nikita | L.A. Firefighters | LA Forensics | L.A. Heat | LA Ink | La La's Full Court Wedding | L.A. Law | LA 7 | Lab Rats (2008) | Lab Rats (2012) | The Labour Exchange [radio] | The Ladies [radio] | Ladies' Man (1980) | Ladies Man (1999) | Ladies of Letters | Ladies of Letters Crunch Credit [radio] | Ladies of Letters Go Crackers [radio] | The Ladies of Letters Go Global [radio] | The Ladies of Letters Log On [radio] | The Ladies of Letters Make Mincemeat [radio] | The Ladies of Letters Say No [radio] | The Ladies of Letters Spring Clean [radio] | Ladies of [radio] | Lady Blue | Laguna Beach | The Lair | Lamarr's Attacks | Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp | Lancer | Land of the Giants | Land of the Lost (1974) | Land of the Lost (1991) | Lanigan's Rabbi | Laredo | Largo Winch | Lark Rise to Candleford | The Larry Sanders Show | Las Vegas | Lassie (1954) | Lassie (1997) | Last American Cowboy | Last Call with Carson Daly | Last Chance to See [radio] | Last Comic Standing | The Last Detective | The Last Enemy | The Last Frontier | The Last Laugh | The Last Machine | Last Man In [radio] | Last Man Standing (2007) | Last Man Standing (2011) | Last of the Summer Wine | The Last Resort (1979) | Last Restaurant Standing | The Last Salute | The Last Train | Late [radio] | The Late Jonathan Ross | The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson | Late Lunch | Late Night Horror | Late Night with Conan O'Brien | Late Night with David Letterman | Late Night with Jimmy Fallon | Late Show | Late Show with David Letterman | Lateline | Later with Bob Costas | Later with Jools Holland | Laugh-In | Laughing Matters | Laughter in the House: The Story of British Sitcom | Laughter USA [radio] | Launch My Line | Laura Solon: Talking and Not Talking [radio] | Laurence and Gus: Untold Stories [radio] | Laurie Hill | Laverne & Shirley | Law and Disorder | The Law & Harry McGraw | Law & Order | Law & Order: Criminal Intent | Law & Order: LA | Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | Law & Order: Trial by Jury | Law & Order: UK | The Law Firm | Law of the Plainsman | Lawman (1958) | Lawman (2009) | Lawrence and Gus: Hearts and Minds [radio] | The Lawrence Sweeney Mix [radio] | The Lawrence Welk Show | The Lawyers | LAX | The Layover | Lazarus & Dingwall | The Lazarus Syndrome | Lazer Tag Academy [anim] | The Lazy Environmentalist | LazyTown | Lead Balloon | The League | The League Against Tedium [radio] | The League of Gentlemen | Lean on Me [radio] | Leap of Faith | Leave It to Beaver | Leave It to Lamas | Leaving L.A. | Lee and Herring [radio] | Lee and Herring's Fist of Fun [radio] | Lee Evans: So What Now? | The Lee Mack Show [radio] | The Left Bank of the Mind [radio] | Leg Work | Legacy | Legal, Decent, Honest and Truthful [radio] | Legally Blonde, the Musical: The Search for Elle Woods | Legend | The Legend of Calamity Jane [anim] | The Legend of Custer | The Legend of Korra [anim] | The Legend of Prince Valiant [anim] | The Legend of Tarzan [anim] | Legend of the Dragon [anim] | Legend of the Seeker | The Legend of William Tell | Legend Quest | The Legendary Series [radio] | The Legends of Los Trombastardos [radio] | Legion of Super Heroes [anim] | Legit | Lenin of the Rovers [radio] | The Lennon Tapes [radio] | Lennon's Legacy [radio] | Lenny | Lenny Goes to Town | The Lenny Henry Show (1987) | Lenny Henry Tonite | The Leopard in Autumn [radio] | Les and Robert [radio] | Les Kelly's Britain [radio] | The Leslie Uggams Show | Less Than Kind | Less Than Perfect | Let Them Eat Cake | Let's Rob | Let's Stay Together | Let's Talk About Pep | Level 9 | Level Up | Leverage | Lewis | Lewis & Clark | Lewis Black's Root of All Evil | Lexx | Liberty Street | Liberty's Kids [anim] | The Librarians | Lidsville | Lie to Me | Life (2007) | Life (2010) | Life After People | Life: an Idiot's Guide [radio] | The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp | Life... and Stuff | The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams | The Life and Times of Juniper Lee [anim] | The Life & Times of Tim [anim] | The Life and Times of Vivienne Vyle | Life as I Know It | Life As We Know It | Life Begins | Life, Death and Sex with Mike and Sue [radio] | Life Force | Life Goes On | Life is Wild | A Life of Bliss [radio] | A Life of Bliss | The Life of Mammals | The Life of Riley (1949) | The Life of Riley (1953) | Life of Riley (2009) | The Life of Ryan | Life on a Stick | Life on Mars (UK) | Life on Mars (US) | Life Unexpected | Life with Bonnie | Life with Derek | Life with Lederer [radio] | Life with Lucy | Life with Roger | Life's Too Short | Life's Work | Lifestories: Families in Crisis | Light Lunch | Lightning Force | Lights Out (1946) | Lights Out (2011) | Like Family | Like They've Never Been Gone [radio] | The Likely Lads | Likely Suspects | Lil' Bush [anim] | Lilies | Lilo & Stitch [anim] | Lime Street | Lincoln Heights | Linc's | Linda Green | Linda Smith's A Brief History of Timewasting [radio] | The Line | Line of Fire | The Lineup | Liography / Liocracy | Lionel Nimrod's Inexplicable World [radio] | Lip Service | The Lipman Test [radio] | Lipstick Jungle | Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead | Listen Against [radio] | Listen Up | The Listener | Little Bear [anim] | The Little Big Woman Radio Show [radio] | Little Bill [anim] | Little Britain | Little Britain [radio] | Little Britain USA | Little Chocolatiers | The Little Couple | Little Dorrit | Little Dracula [anim] | Little Einsteins [anim] | Little House on the Prairie | Little Men | The Little Mermaid [anim] | Little Miss Perfect | Little Mosque on the Prairie | The Little People | Little People, Big World | Little Robots [anim] | The Little World of Don Camillo [radio] | The Littles [anim] | The Littlest Hobo | Live on Arrival [radio] | Live Shot | Live Through This | Live to Dance | The Liver Birds | Living Dolls | Living in Captivity | Living in Your Car | Living Lohan | Living Single | Living with Betty [radio] | Living with Ed | Living with Fran | Living with Mother [radio] | Living with the Enemy [radio] | Lizzie McGuire | Lloyd Cole Knew My Father [radio] | Lloyd in Space [anim] | Lobo | Lobstermen | Local Heroes | The Locator | Lock 'n Load with R. Lee Ermey | Lock, Stock | Locked Up Abroad | Logan's Run | Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman | Loiter Squad | London Calling [radio] | London, Europe [radio] | London Ink | London's Burning | The Lone Gunmen | The Lone Ranger (1949) | The Lone Ranger (1966) [anim] | The Lone Ranger (1980) [anim] | Lone Star | The Lone Wolf | The Loner | Lonesome Dove | Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years | Lonesome Dove: The Series | The Long Hot Satsuma [radio] | Long Players [radio] | Longstreet | Look Around You | Look at the State We're In! | Look Away Now [radio] | A Look Back at the Nineties [radio] | Looking Forward to the Past [radio] | Loonatics Unleashed [anim] | The Looney Tunes Show [anim] | The Loop | Lord Peter Wimsey (1972) | Lord Peter Wimsey (1987) | Los Dos Bros | Los Luchadores | Losers [radio] | The Losers | Lost | Lost Albums [radio] | Lost at Home | Lost Girl | Lost in Austen | Lost in Space | The Lost Room | Lost Tapes | The Lost Weblog of Scrooby Trevithick [radio] | Lost Worlds | The Lot | Lotsa Luck | Lottery! | Lou Grant | Louie | The Louie Show | Love American Style | Love and Curses | Love & Hip Hop | Love and Marriage | Love & Money | Love & War | Love Bites | The Love Boat | Love Boat: The Next Wave | Love Broker | Love 40: New Balls Please [radio] | Love Hurts | Love in the Wild | Love, Inc. | Love Is in the Heir | Love Monkey | Love on a Rooftop | Love, Sidney | Love Soup | Love Story | Love That Bob | Love That Girl! | Love Thy Neighbour | Loved by You | Lovejoy | The Lovers | Lovespring International | Lucan | Lucas Tanner | Luck | Lucky | Lucky Heather [radio] | Lucky Louie | Lucy Montgomery's Variety Pack [radio] | The Lucy Show | Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married | Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil [anim] | The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour | Ludo Bites America | Luis | Luke's Kingdom | Luke's Parental Advisory | Lunch Monkeys | Lupin the 3rd [anim] | Lush Life | Luther | The Lying Game (1997) | The Lying Game (2011) | Lynthwaite Ladies [radio] | The Lyon's Den


| M Squad | MacFlintock's Palace [radio] | Macgruder & Loud | MacGyver | MacLean: The Memorex Years [radio] | Mad [anim] | Mad About You | Mad Dogs | Mad Fashion | Mad Love | Mad Mad House | Mad Men | Mad Mike and Mark | Maddigan's Quest | Made | Made in Canada | Made in the USA | The Madeleine Effect [radio] | Madhouse | Madigan | Madigan Men | Madman of the People | MadTV | Maggie (1981) | Maggie (1998) | Maggie and the Ferocious Beast [anim] | Maggie Winters | Magic City | Magic Numbers [radio] | Magical DoReMi [anim] | The Magician (1973) | The Magician (1999) [anim] | The Magician's House | Magi-Nation [anim] | The Magnificent Seven | Magnum, P.I. | The Mahaffys [radio] | Maid Marian and Her Merry Men | Maigret (1959) | Maigret (1992) | Mail Call | Maisie Raine | Major Dad | Make It or Break It | Make Me a Supermodel | Make My Day | Make Room for Daddy | Make Room for Granddaddy | Makeover Mamas | Makin' It | Making a Living | Making Fiends [anim] | Making His Band | Making Menudo | Making News | The Making of Music [radio] | Making Out | Making Over America with Trinny and Susannah | Making the Grade | Making the Most of the Micro | Malcolm & Eddie | Malcolm in the Middle | Malibu Shores | Malibu, CA | Mall [radio] | The Maltby Collection [radio] | Mama's Family | Mammon [radio] | Man About the House | The Man and the City | A Man Called Hawk | | A Man Called Sloane | Man from Atlantis | The Man from U.N.C.L.E. | Man in a Suitcase | The Man in Room 17 | Man of Soup [radio] | Man of the People | Man of the World | The Man Show | Man to Man with Dean Learner | Man Up! | Man v. Food | Man vs. Wild | The Man Who Never Was | Man with a Camera | Man, Woman, Wild | Manchester Prep | Manchild | Mancuso, FBI | Manhattan, AZ | The Manhunter | Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | Maniac Mansion | Manimal | Mann & Machine | Mannix | MANswers | M.A.N.T.I.S. | The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis | Mapman | Mapp & Lucia | Marblehead Manor | Marc Riley's Musical Time Machine [radio] | Marcel's Quantum Kitchen | Marchlands | Marcus Welby, M.D. | Mark Lamarr Leaving the 20th Century | The Mark of Zorro [radio] | The Mark Steel Lecture [radio] | The Mark Steel Revolution [radio] | The Mark Steel Solution [radio] | Mark Steel's In Town [radio] | Mark Thomas: The Manifesto [radio] | Mark Watson Makes the World Substantially Better [radio] | Mark Watson's Live Address to the Nation [radio] | Marker | Marks in His Diary [radio] [incomplete] | Marple (2004) | The Marriage Ref | Married [radio] | Married for Life | Married People | Married Single Other | Married to the Kellys | Married with Children | The Marshal | Marshal Dillon | The Marshall Chronicles | Marshall Law | Martha Speaks [anim] | Martial Law | Martian Successor Nadesico [anim] | The Martians and Us | Martin | Martin Freeman's The Great Unknown [radio] | Martin Mystery [anim] | The Martin Short Show (1994) | The Martin Short Show (1999) | Martina Cole's The Runaway | The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack [anim] | The Marx Brothers' Flywheel Shyster and Flywheel [radio] | Mary (1985) | Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman | Mary Knows Best | Mary Shelley's Frankenhole [anim] | The Mary Tyler Moore Show | The Mary Whitehouse Experience [radio] | Mary-Kate and Ashley in Action! [anim] | Masala [radio] | M*A*S*H | The Mask (1954) | MASK (1985) [anim] | The Mask (1995) [anim] | Masked Rider | Masquerade | Massive | The Master | Master Chef | Master Debaters with Jay Mohr | Master of Champions | Mastering the Universe [radio] | Masterpiece Theatre | Masters of Horror | Masters of Reception | Masters of Rock [radio] | Masters of Science Fiction | The Masterson Inheritance [radio] | | Matrix | Matt Helm | Matt Houston | Matt Lincoln | Matt Waters | Maude | Maurice Sendak's Little Bear [anim] | Maverick | Max Headroom | Max Monroe: Loose Cannon | Max Steel [anim] | Maximum Bob | May to December [radio] | May to December | Maya | Maybe It's Me | Maybe This Time | Mayberry R.F.D. | Mayo | McBride | McCallum | McCartney on McCartney [radio] | McClain's Law | McCloud | McCoy | McGarrett | McHale's Navy | McKay the New [radio] | McKenna | McLeod's Daughters | McLevy [radio] | McMillan and Wife | MDs | Me & My Girl | Me and the Boys | Me, You & Him | Meadowlands | Meanwhile with The Bearded Ladies [radio] | Medabots [anim] | Medical Center | Medical Detectives | Medical Incredible | Medical Investigation | Medical Story | Medicine Ball | Medics | Medium | Meego | Meerkat Manor | Meet My Folks | Meet Ricky Gervais | Meet the Browns | Mega Disasters | MegaDrive | MegaMan: NT Warrior [anim] | Megan Wants a Millionaire | Megas XLR [anim] | MegaStructures | The Mel and Sue Thing [radio] | Mel and Sue's Comedy Breakdown [radio] | Mel B: It's a Scary World | Melissa & Joey | Memoirs of a Twelfth Man [radio] | The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes | Memphis Beat | Men at Law | Men Behaving Badly (UK) | Men Behaving Badly (US) | The Men from Shiloh | The Men from the Ministry [radio] | Men in Black: The Series [anim] | Men in Trees | Men Into Space | Men of a Certain Age | Men of the World | Men, Women & Dogs | Mental | The Mentalist | Mentors | Mercury | Mercy | Mercy Point | Merlin | Merlin: Secrets & Magic | Merseybeat | The Message | The Messengers | Metal Mickey | Metalocalypse [anim] | Method & Red | The Metric Marvels [anim] | Mew Mew Power [anim] | M.I. High | MI-5 | Miami Animal Police | Miami Ink | Miami Medical | Miami 7 | Miami Slice | Miami Social | Miami Vice | Michael & Michael Have Issues | Michael Hayes | Michael Palin Diaries: The Python Years [radio] | Michael Palin's New Europe | The Michael Richards Show | Michael Shayne | Michael: Tuesdays & Thursdays | The Michael Vick Project | Mickey Mouse Club (1989) | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse [anim] | The Micro Ventures [anim] | The Middle | Middle Ages | The Middleman | Midnight Caller | The Midnight Special | Midsomer Murders | The Mighty Boosh | Mighty Ducks [anim] | The Mighty Jungle | Mighty Max [anim] | Mighty Orbots [anim] | Mike & Molly | Mike Hammer (1958) | Mike Hammer (1984) | Mike Hammer, Private Eye | The Mike O'Malley Show | Mike's Secret Mike [radio] | Mildred Pierce | Mile High | The Miles and Millner Show [radio] | Miles Jupp's Real World [radio] | Millennium | The Milligan Papers [radio] | Million Dollar Listing | Million Dollar Money Pit | The Million Pound Drop Live | The Million Pound Radio Show [radio] | Millionaire Matchmaker | Millport [radio] | The Mind Beyond | Mind of Mencia | The Mind of the Married Man | The Mind Teacher [radio] | Mind the Gap [radio] | A Mind to Kill | Mind Your Language | Mind Your Own Business [radio] | Minder (1979) | Minder (2009) | Mindfreak | The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman | Minor Adjustment [radio] | Minor Adjustments | Minoriteam [anim] | Minty | Minute to Win It | A Minute with Stan Hooper | Miracle Workers | Miracles | Miranda | Miranda Hart's Joke Shop [radio] | The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo | Misery Loves Company | Misfits | Misfits of Science | Miss America: Reality Check | Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries | Miss Guided | Miss Marple | Miss Match | Missed Demeanours [radio] | Missing (2003) | Missing (2009) | Missing (2012) | Missing Persons | Mission Genesis | Mission Hill [anim] | Mission Top Secret | Mission: Impossible (1966) | Mission: Impossible (1988) | The Mississippi | Mister Ed | Mister Sterling | Mistresses | M.I.T.: Murder Investigation Team | Mitch Benn's Crimes Against Music [radio] | MMC | Mobbed | Mobile Fighter G Gundam [anim] | Mobile One | Mobile Suit Gundam [anim] | Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team [anim] | Mock the Week | The Mod Squad | Model Citizens | Models Inc. | Modern Family | Modern Marvels | Modern Men | Moesha | The Mole | Molesworth [radio] | Moloney | Mom P.I. | The Moment of Truth | Momma's Boys | The Mommies | Mon Colle Knights [anim] | Mona the Vampire [anim] | Monarch Cove | Monarch of the Glen | Mondo Magic | Money Movie | Mongo Wrestling Alliance [anim] | Mongrels [anim] | Monk | The Monkees | Monkey | Monkey Dust [anim] | Monkey House | Monkey Magic | Monroe | The Monroes (1966) | The Monroes (1995) | Monster Buster Club [anim] | Monster by Mistake [anim] | Monster Garage | Monster House | Monster In-Laws | Monster Man | Monster Movie | Monster Quest | Monster Rally Movie | Monster Rancher [anim] | Monster Squad | Monsters | Monsters Inside Me | Monstrous Movie | Monsuno [anim] | The Montefuscos | Monty | Monty Python's Flying Circus | Moon over Miami | Moonbase 3 | Moonlight | Moonlighting | Moose TV | Moral Orel [anim] | Mordrin McDonald: 21st-Century Wizard [radio] | More Tears | More to Love | The Morgana Show | Mork and Mindy | Mortal Kombat: Conquest | Mortified | The Mortified Sessions | Most Daring | The Most Deadly Game | Most Eligible: Dallas | The Most Extreme | Most Haunted | Most Shocking | Most Wanted | Mostly True Stories: Urban Legends Revealed | Mother and Son | Mothers of Invention [radio] | The Mothers-In-Law | The Motion Show [radio] | Motorworld | Mount Pleasant | The Mountain | Mouth Trap [radio] | Movie Connections | Movie Greats | Movie Stars | The Movie That Changed My Life [radio] | Movin' On | Moving [radio] | Moving Up | Moving Wallpaper | Mowgli: The New Adventures of the Jungle Book | Mr. and Mrs. North | Mr and Mrs Smith [radio] | Mr Blue Sky [radio] | Mr Charity | Mr. D | Mr. Show with Bob and David | Mr. Smith | Mr. Sunshine | Mr. T and Tina | Mr. Young | Mr. & Mrs. Smith | Mr. Bean (1990) | Mr. Bean (2002) [anim] | Mr. Belvedere | Mr Benn [anim] | Mr Digby Darling | Mr. Lucky | Mr. Meaty [anim] | Mr. Merlin | Mr. Peepers | Mr. Rhodes | Mr. Terrific | Mrs. Brown's Boys | The Mrs Merton Show | The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries | Mrs. Columbo | MTV Hired! | MTV Unplugged | MTV's Top Pop Group | ¡Mucha Lucha! [anim] | Muddling Through | Mulberry | The Mullets | Mulligan's Stew | Mumbai Calling ... | Mummies Alive! [anim] | The Mummy: The Animated Series [anim] | Mum's on the Run [radio] | The Munsters | The Muppet Show [anim] | Muppets Tonight! [anim] | Murder 101 | Murder by the Book | Murder Call | Murder City | Murder in Mind | Murder in Suburbia | Murder Most Horrid | Murder One | Murder Prevention | Murder Rooms | Murder, She Wrote | The Murdoch Mysteries | Murphy Brown | Muscle | The Museum of Curiosity [radio] | The Museum of Everything [radio] | Museum of Life | The Music Biz | The Music Scene | The Music Teacher [radio] | Mutant X | M.V.P. | My Adventures in Television | My Antonio | My Babysitter's a Vampire | My Big Fat Greek Life | My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss | My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance | My Big Redneck Wedding | My Booze Hell by Little Johnny Cartilage [radio] | My Boys | My Cat From Hell | My Crazy Obsession | My Dad is Better Than Your Dad | My Dad the Rock Star [anim] | My Fair Wedding | My Family | My Favorite Martian | My First Planet [radio] | My First Time | My Generation | My Guide to Becoming a Rock Star | My Guys | My Hero | My Life and Times | My Life as a Car [radio] | My Life as a Dog | My Life as a Popat | My Life as a Teenage Robot [anim] | My Life as Liz | My Life in Film | My Life on the D-List | My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic [anim] | My Living Doll | My Mammy and Me [radio] | My Mother the Car | My Name is Earl | My Own Worst Enemy | My Parents Are Aliens | My Partner the Ghost | My Pet Monster [anim] | My Secret Identity | My Sister Sam | My So-Called Life | My Strange Addiction | My Super Sweet 16 | My Teenage Diary [radio] | My Three Sons | My Turn to Make the Tea [radio] | My Two Dads | My Uncle Freddie [radio] | My Wife and Kids | My Wildest Dreams | My Wonderful Life | M.Y.O.B. | Mysteries & Scandals | The Mysterious Cities of Gold [anim] | Mysterious Island | Mysterious Ways | Mystery | The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo | Mystery Hunters | Mystery Science Theater 3000 | Mystery Woman | MysteryQuest | Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog | MythBusters | Mythic Warriors: Guardians of the Legend [anim] | MythQuest


| Næturvaktin | The Naked Brothers Band | Naked City | Naked Josh | The Naked Trucker and T-Bones Show | The Naked Truth | Nakia | The Nallon Tapes [radio] | The Name of the Game | The Name's the Game [radio] | Nancy | Nancy Drew | The Nancy Walker Show | The Nanny | Nanny 911 | Nanny and the Professor | Napoleon Dynamite [anim] | Naruto [anim] | Naruto Shippuden [anim] | NASCAR Racers [anim] | Nash Bridges | Nashville | Nashville 99 | Nashville Star | Nathan Barley | National Lampoon's Delta House | The Nation's Health [radio] | Naturally, Sadie | Nature | The Navy Lark [radio] | NBC Special Treat | NCIS | NCIS: Los Angeles | Nearest and Dearest | Nearly Departed | Nebulous [radio] | Necessary Roughness | Ned and Stacey | Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide | Needles and Pins | Neighbors from Hell [anim] | The Neistat Brothers | Neon Genesis Evangelion [anim] | Neon Rider | Nerd Nation | Nero Wolfe (1981) | Nero Wolfe (2001) | The Net | Never Mind the Buzzcocks | Never the Twain | The Neverending Story [anim] | Neverwhere | The New Addams Family | The New Adventures of Bat Man [anim] | The New Adventures of Beans Baxter | The New Adventures of Black Beauty | The New Adventures of Captain Planet [anim] | The New Adventures of Charlie Chan | The New Adventures of China Smith | The New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion [anim] | The New Adventures of Old Christine | The New Adventures of Robin Hood | The New Adventures of Spin and Marty | The New Adventures of Superman | The New Adventures of Zorro (1981) [anim] | The New Adventures of Zorro (1997) [anim] | New Amsterdam | The New Avengers | The New Dick Van Dyke Show | The New Doctors | New Europe | New Ghostwriter Mysteries | New Girl | A New Kind of Family | The New Land | The New Leave It to Beaver | The New Mike Hammer | The New Odd Couple | The New Operation Petticoat | The New People | The New Perry Mason | The New Scooby Doo Movies [anim] | The New Statesman | New Street Law | The New Temperatures Rising Show | The New Tomorrow | New Tricks | The New Twilight Zone | The New WKRP in Cincinnati | New York Daze | New York News | New York Undercover | Newfangle [radio] | Newhart | The Newly Discovered Casebook of Sherlock Holmes [radio] | Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica | Newman and Baddiel in Pieces | Newport Harbor: The Real Orange County | The News at Bedtime [radio] | The News Huddlines [radio] [incomplete] | News Knight with Trevor McDonald | The News Quiz [radio] [incomplete] | Newsjack [radio] | NewsRadio | The Newsroom (1996) | The Newsroom (2012) | Newswipe | Next Action Star | The Next Best Thing: Who Is the Greatest Celebrity Impersonator? | The Next Food Network Star | The Next Great American Band | Next Great Baker | Next of Kin | NextWorld | NFL Full Contact | Ni Hao Kai-lan [anim] | Nicholas Craig | Nichols | Nick and Hillary | Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher | Nick Mohammed in Quarters [radio] | The Nick Revell Show [radio] | Nick Swardson's Pretend Time | Night Class [radio] | Night Court | Night Detective | Night Gallery | Night Heat | Night Shift | Night Stalker | Night Stand with Dick Dietrick | Night Visions | Nightcap | Nightingales (1989) | Nightingales (1990) | Nightline Prime | NightMan | Nightmare Cafe | The Nightmare Room | Nightmares & Dreamscapes | Nightmoves [radio] | Nighty Night | Nikita | Nikki | The Nimmo Twins in ... [radio] | The Nine | The Nine Lives of Chloe King | 90210 | 9 to 5 | 1990 | 19 Kids and Counting | Nineteen Ninety-Eight [radio] | 1966 and All That [radio] | 90 Days in Hollywood | The 99p Challenge [radio] | Nip/Tuck | No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency | No Angels | No Boundaries | No Commitments [radio] | No Further Questions? [radio] | No Heroics | No Job For a Lady | No Opportunity Wasted | No Ordinary Family | No Reservations | No, Honestly | Noah Knows Best | Noah's Arc | Noble and Silver | Noddy (1975) [anim] | Noein [anim] | Noel Edmonds' Awayday [radio] | Norm | Normal, Ohio | North by Northamptonshire [radio] | North East of Eden [radio] | North Mission Road | North of 60 | North Shore | North Woods Law | Northern Exposure | Nostradamus Effect | Not a Lot of People Know That | Not Going Out | Not Me, But Us [radio] | Not the Nine O'Clock News | Not Today, Thank You [radio] | Notes from the Underbelly | Nothing Is Easy | Nothing Sacred | Nothing's Gonna Change My World [radio] | Nova | Nova ScienceNow | Novel Adventures | Now and Again | The Now Show [radio] | Now What? | Now Who's Boss? | Nowhere Man | NTSF:SD:SUV:: | Number 10 [radio] | Nurse | Nurse Jackie | Nurses | The Nutt House | NYC 22 | NYC Prep | NY-Lon | NYPD Blue


| The O'Show [radio] | Oban Star-Racers [anim] | Object Z | Object Z Returns | The Oblongs [anim] | Obsessed | The O.C. | Occasional Wife | The OCD Project | Ocean Girl | October Road | The Octonauts [anim] | Odd Balls [radio] | The Odd Couple | The Odd Half-Hour [radio] | Odd Job Jack [anim] | Odd Man Out | Odd Obits [radio] | Oddities | The Odyssey | Odyssey 5 | Off Centre | Off the Hook | Off the Map | Off the Rack | Off Their Rockers | The Office (1995) | The Office (UK) | The Office (US) | Office Gossip | Offspring | OFI Sunday | Oggy and the Cockroaches [anim] | O'Grady [anim] | Oh Baby | Oh Grow Up | Oh Madeline | Oh Mother! [radio] | Oh No! It's Selwyn Froggitt | Ohara | O'Hara, U.S. Treasury | Okavango | The O'Keefes | Old Boy Network | Old Dog and the Partridge [radio] | The Old Guys | Old Harry's Game [radio] | Old Peter's Russian Tales [radio] | The Older Woman [radio] | The Oldest Member [radio] | The Oldest Rookie | Oliver Beene | Omega Factor | Omnibus (1952) | Omnibus (1967) | On a Comic Note [radio] | On Baby Street [radio] | On Death Row | On Our Own (1977) | On Our Own (1994) | On the Air | On the Blog [radio] | On the Buses | On the Hour [radio] | On the Job [radio] | On the Lot | On the Rocks | On the Spot | On the Town with the League of Gentlemen [radio] | Once a Hero | Once a Thief | Once and Again | Once Upon a Time | One [radio] | One Big Family | One by One | One Day at a Time | 1-800-MISSING | One Flat Summer [radio] | One Foot in the Grave | One Foot in the Grave [radio] | 100 Centre Street | 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd | The 100 Lives of Black Jack Savage | 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show | 100 Questions | One Lump or Two? [radio] | One Ocean View | One on One | One Piece [anim] | One Step Beyond | 1000 Ways to Die | One Tree Hill | 1 vs. 100 | One Way Out | One West Waikiki | One World | Onion News Network | Onion SportsDome | Online Nation | Only Fools and Horses [radio] | Only Fools and Horses... | Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy | Only When I Laugh | Open All Hours | Open House | Opening Soon at a Theater Near You | Operation Good Guys | Operation Petticoat | Operation Repo | Opinionated | Opportunity Knocks | Opposite Sex | Oprah Presents Master Class | Oprah's Big Give | Oprah's Lifeclass | The Oregon Trail | The Original Ghostbusters | Orleans | The Osbournes | Osbournes: Reloaded | The Other Man [radio] | The Others | The Othersiders | Otherworld | Our Brave Boys [radio] | Our Family Honor | Our Friends in the North | Our Hero | Our House | Our Man at Wembley [radio] | Our World | Out All Night | Out of Egypt | Out of Jimmy's Head | Out of Order | Out of Order [radio] | Out of Practice | Out of the Blue (1979) | Out of the Blue (1995) | Out of the Blue (2008) | Out of the Frying Pan | Out of the Unknown | Out of the Wild | Out of This World (1962) | Out of This World (1987) | Out to Lunch [radio] | Outcasts (UK) | The Outer Limits (1963) | The Outer Limits (1995) | Outer Space Astronauts | Outlaw | Outlaw Star [anim] | Outlaws (1986) | Outnumbered | Outrageous Fortune | Outside Edge | Outside the Rules | The Outsider | The Outsiders | Outsourced | Over My Dead Body | Over the Moon, Sick as a Parrot [radio] | Over the Top | Over There | Overhaulin' | Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law | Oz | Ozzie and Harriet | Ozzy & Drix [anim]


| P. Diddy's StarMaker | P Division--Code Four One [radio] | The Pacific | Pacific Blue | Pacific Palisades | Pacific Station | Packed to the Rafters | Paddington [anim] | Page to Screen | Painkiller Jane | Pair of Kings | Palace Guard | Palin's Column | The Pallisers | Palmerstown U.S.A. | Pam Ayres's Open Road [radio] | Pam: Girl on the Loose | The Pamela Myers Show [radio] | Pan Am | Pankhiraj [radio] | The Paper Chase | Paper Dolls | Paper Moon | Paperback Hell [radio] | The Papers of AJ Wentworth (Retd) [radio] | Paradise | Paradise City | Paradise Falls | Paradise Hotel | Paradise Lost in Cyberspace [radio] | Paradise Lost in Space [radio] | Paradise Postponed | Paradox | The Paranormal Borderline | Paranormal Challenge | Paranormal Cops | Paranormal State | The Parent 'Hood | Parenthood (1990) | Parenthood (2010) | Parents of the Band | Paris (1979) | Paris (1994) | Paris, London [radio] | Parker Lewis Can't Lose | The Parkers | Parking Wars | Parkinson (1971) [incomplete] | Parkinson (1998) | Parkinson (2004) | Parks and Recreation | Parodies Lost [radio] | The Partners (1971) | Partners (1995) | Partners in Crime | Partners in Crime, Agatha Christie's | The Partridge Family | Party [radio] | Party Animals | Party Down | Party Girl | The Party Line [radio] | Party Monsters: Cabo | Party of Five | The Party Party [radio] | Pasadena | The Pasadena Roof Orchestra [radio] | The Pasadena's Almanac [radio] | Passion Cove | Past Life | The Patrick and Maureen Maybe Music Experience [radio] | The Patty Duke Show | The Paul Lynde Show | Paul McCartney's Oobu Joobu [radio] | Paul Merton in Galton & Simpson's ... | Paul Sand in Friends and Lovers | Paul Temple and Steve [radio] | The Paula Poundstone Show | Pauly | Pawn Star$ | Payne | Peaceable Kingdom | Peacefully in Their Sleeps [radio] | Peacemakers | Peak Practice | Pearl | Pecola [anim] | Peep Show | Pee-Wee's Playhouse | Pelswick [anim] | Penelope's People [radio] | The Penguins of Madagascar [anim] | Penn and Teller Tell a Lie | Penn & Teller: Bullshit! | Penn & Teller: Fool Us | Pensacola: Wings of Gold | People Like Us [radio] | People Like Us | The People Next Door | The People's Choice | Pepper Ann [anim] | Pepper Dennis | Pepsi Smash | Perfect Couples | Perfect Hair Forever [anim] | Perfect Strangers | Perfect World | Perry Mason (1957) | Perry Mason (1973) | Person of Interest | Persona 4 | Personal Affairs | The Personality Test [radio] | Persons Unknown | The Persuaders | The Persuasionists | Perversions of Science | Pet Alien [anim] | Pete versus Life | Peter Cook in His Own Words [radio] | Peter Dickson Presents Nightcap [radio] | Peter Gunn | The Peter Principle | The Peter Serafinowicz Show | Petrocelli | Petticoat Junction | Phantom 2040 [anim] | Phantom Investigators [anim] | Phenom | Phenomenon | The Phenomenon Squad [radio] | Phil of the Future | The Phil Silvers Show | The Philanthropist | Philip Marlowe (1959) | Philip Marlowe, Private Eye (1983) | Philly | Phineas and Ferb [anim] | The Phoenix | The Phoenix Team | The Phone [radio] | PhoneShop | Phyllis | Picker Sisters | The Pickerskill Detentions [radio] | The Pickerskill Reports [radio] | Picket Fences | Pick-Ups [radio] | Pie in the Sky | Piers Morgan's Life Stories | Pig Sty | The Piglet Files | Pigs Breakfast | Pilgrims Rest | The Pillars of the Earth | Pilot Candidate [anim] | Pilot Season | Pimp My Ride | Pinky and the Brain [anim] | Pippi Longstocking [anim] | Pirate Islands | Pirate Master | The Pirates of Dark Water [anim] | Pit Boss | The Pitch | Pitchmen | The Pits [radio] | The Pitts | Pizza | The PJs [anim] | Plain Jane | Planet B [radio] | Planet of the Apes | Planet Sheen [anim] | Platinum | Platinum Hit | Platinum Weddings | Platypus Man | Play for Today | Play for Tomorrow | The Playboy Club | Played by Fame | The Player | Players (1997) | Players (2010) | Playhouse 90 | Playing It Straight | Playmakers | The Play's the Thing | Please Don't Eat the Daisies | The Pleasure Zone | Plus One | PM Magazine (Chicago) | Point Pleasant | Pointman | Poirot | Pokémon [anim] | Poldark | Police Rescue | Police Squad! | Police Story | Police Woman | Political Animal [radio] | Politically Incorrect | Poltergeist: The Legacy | Polyoaks [radio] | Pond Life [anim] | Ponderland | Pongwiffy [anim] | Poochini [anim] | Pop Britannia | Pop Go the Beatles [radio] | Popstars (UK) | Popstars (US) | Popstars: Ireland | Popular | Porkpie | Porridge | Portlandia | Posh Nosh | Postcode | Posties [radio] | Potting On [radio] | The Powder Room [radio] | Power Play | Power Rangers | The Powerpuff Girls [anim] | Powers | The Powers of Matthew Star | The Powers That Be | P.R. | The Practice (1976) | The Practice (1997) | Pramface | Prescription for Murder | Presidio Med | Press Gang | The Press Gang [radio] | The Preston Episodes | Preston Front | Pretend Time with Nick Swardson | The Pretender | Pretty Little Liars | Prey | The Price of Beauty | Pride & Joy | Prime Suspect (UK) | Prime Suspect (US) | Primetime Glick | Primetime Live | Primetime Nightline: Beyond Belief | Primeval | A Prince Among Men | Prince Street | The Princes of Malibu | Princesses | Prison Break | The Prisoner (1967) | The Prisoner (2009) | Private Benjamin | Private Eye | Private Practice | Privileged | Prize Movie with Ione | The Problem Solverz [anim] | The Problem with Adam Bloom [radio] | The Professionals | Professor Smith: Fired and Emotional [radio] | Profiler | Profit | Project Greenlight | Project Runway | Project Runway All Stars | Project Runway Australia | Project Runway Canada | Project U.F.O. | Promenade Rock [radio] | Promised Land | Proof | Proof Positive | Prophets of Science Fiction | Pros and Cons | Pros vs. Joes | The Protector | The Protectors (1969) | The Protectors (1972) | Protesting Too Much [radio] | Prototype This! | The Proud Family [anim] | Providence | P.S.I. Luv U | Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal | Psych | Psychic Detectives | Psychic Investigators | Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal | Psychic Witness | Psychos | Psychoville | Public Eye | Public Morals | Pucca [anim] | Pulaski | Pull the Other One! [radio] | Pulling | Punchlines [radio] | Punk'd | Punky Brewster | Puppets Who Kill [anim] | The Pursuit of Happiness | Push | Push, Nevada | Pushing Daisies | The Pussycat Dolls Present


| Q.E.D. | QI | Quando Quando Quando [radio] | Quantum Leap | Quark | Quarterlife | Quatermass | Quatermass and the Pit | The Quatermass Experiment | Quatermass II | The Quatermass Memoirs [radio] | The Queen and I | Queen Bees | The Queen of Romance [radio] | Queen of Swords | The Queen's Nose | Queens Supreme | Queer as Folk (US) | Queer Eye for the Straight Guy | The Quest (1976) | The Quest (1982) | Quincy, M.E. | Quintuplets | Quirky | Quote ... Unquote [radio] | Q'Viva! The Chosen


| Rab C. Nesbitt | Rabbit Fall | The Rachel Zoe Project | Radio Active | Radio Active [radio] | Radio BURPS [radio] | Radio Cars [radio] | Radio 5 [radio] | Radio Free Roscoe | Radio Lives [radio] | Radio 9 [radio] | Radio Rivron [radio] | Radio Roots [radio] | Radio Shuttleworth [radio] | Radio Times Past [radio] | Rafferty | The Raggy Dolls [anim] | Rags to Riches | Rain Shadow | Raines | Raising Dad | Raising Hope | Raising Miranda | Raising Sextuplets | Raising the Bar | Raising the Roofs | Rake | Rambo [anim] | Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares | Ramsey's Best Restaurant | Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) (1969) | Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) (2000) | Random Edition [radio] | The Random Jottings of Hinge and Bracket [radio] | The Random Years | Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew | The Rapid Eye Movement [radio] | Rat Busters NYC | The Rat Patrol | Rave Master [anim] | Raven | Rawhide | The Ray Bradbury Theater | Reading Rainbow | Ready or Not | The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest [anim] | The Real Ghostbusters [anim] | The Real Housewives of Atlanta | The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | The Real Housewives of New Jersey | The Real Housewives of New York City | The Real Housewives of Orange County | The Real Housewives of Vancouver | The Real Hustle | Real Kids, Real Adventures | The Real L Word | The Real McCoys | The Real Patron Saints [radio] | The Real Roseanne Show | Real Time with Bill Maher | The Real Wedding Crashers | The Real World | Reality Bites Back | Really Big Things | Reaper | Reasonable Doubts | Reba | The Rebel | The Rebel Billionaire: Branson's Quest for the Best | ReBoot [anim] | Rebus | Recess [anim] | Reckless | Recorded for Training Purposes [radio] | Red Cap (2001) | Red Dwarf | The Red Green Show | Red Shoe Diaries | Redcap (1964) | The Redd Foxx Comedy Hour | The Redd Foxx Show | Redigo | Redwall [anim] | Reed Between the Lines | ReGenesis | Reggie Perrin | Regular Joe | Regular Show [anim] | Reign: The Conqueror [anim] | Reilly: Ace of Spies | Reinventing the Wheel [radio] | Relapse | Related | Relatively Speaking [radio] | Relativity | Relic Hunter | The Remains of Foley and McColl [radio] | Remember WENN | Remington Steele | Remodeled | The Ren & Stimpy Show [anim] | Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon | Renegade | | Renegades | Renford Rejects | Reno 911! | Renovate My Family | Rent [radio] | The Replacements [anim] | Republic of Doyle | The Rerun Show | Rescue 77 | Rescue 911 | Rescue Heroes: Global Response Team [anim] | Rescue Me (2002) | Rescue Me (2004) | Rescue Rangers [anim] | Rescue: Special Ops | Respectable | The Restaurant (2003) | The Restaurant (2007) | Resurrection Blvd. | Retired at 35 | Retrosexual: The '80s | The Return of Inspector Steine [radio] | The Return of Jezebel James | The Return of Sherlock Holmes [radio] | The Return of Sherlock Holmes | Return of the Saint | Return to Lonesome Dove | Return to the Planet of the Apes [anim] | Reunion | Reunited | Rev. | Revelations | Revenge | Revolting People [radio] | The Revolution (2007) | The Revolution (2012) | A Revolution in Five Acts [radio] | Rex the Runt [anim] | Rhoda | Rhona | Rhythm & Blues | The Rhythm of Life | The Rich List | Rich Man, Poor Man, Book II | Richard Diamond, Private Detective | The Richard Pryor Show | Richard Stilgoe's Classical Gas [radio] | Richard the Lionheart | The Riches | The Richest Man in Britain [radio] | Richie Brockelman, Private Eye | Richie Rich [anim] | Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World | Rick Mercer Report | The Ricky Gervais Show [anim] | Ricky Sprocket, Showbiz Boy [anim] | Rides (1992) | Rides (2004) | Ridiculousness | The Rifleman | The Right Time [radio] | The Righteous Apples | Rigor Mortis [radio] | Rik Mayall Presents | Rik Mayall's Bedside Tales [radio] | Rin Tin Tin K-9 Cop | Ring Around the Bath [radio] | Ringer | Ringo's Yellow Submarine [radio] | Ripley's Believe It or Not! [anim] | The Ripping Friends [anim] | Ripping Yarns | Riptide (1969) | Riptide (1984) | Rising Damp | Rita Rocks | The Rivals [radio] | The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes | The River | River Monsters | Rizzoli & Isles | The Road Home | The Road to Avonlea | Roar | The Roaring 20's | Rob | Rob & Amber: Against the Odds | Rob & Big | The Rob Brydon Show | Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory | Robbery Homicide Division | Robbing Hood [radio] | Robert's Web | Robin and Wendy's Wet Weekends [radio] | Robin Hood (1953) | Robin Hood (1955) | Robin Hood (1984) | Robin Hood (1997) | Robin Hood (2006) | Robin of Sherwood | Robin's Nest | The Robinsons | RoboCop | RoboCop: Alpha Commando [anim] | RoboCop: Prime Directives | Robot Chicken [anim] | Robson Arms | Roc | Rocco's Dinner Party | The Rock 'n' Roll Years | Rock Center with Brian Williams | Rock Follies | Rock Me Baby | Rock 'n Roll Fantasy Camp | Rock of Love Charm School | Rock of Love with Bret Michaels | Rock Star | Rocket City Rednecks | Rocket Man | Rocket Power [anim] | The Rockford Files | Rocko's Modern Life [anim] | Rock's Back Pages [radio] | Rocky and His Friends [anim] | Rocky Jones, Space Ranger | Rocky Road | Rodney | Roger and Val Have Just Got In | Roger Ebert & the Movies [incomplete] | Roger Roger | Rogue Traders [incomplete] | The Rogues | Roll Out | RollBots [anim] | Rollergirls | Rolling Home [radio] | Roman Mysteries | Roman's Empire | Romantic Friction [radio] | Romantically Challenged | Rome | Ronan the Amphibian [radio] | Ronin Warriors [anim] | Rookie Blue | The Rookies | Room 101 | Room 101 [radio] | Room 222 | Room for Two | Roommates | Root of All Evil | The Ropers | Rory Bremner's International Satirists [radio] | Rose and Maloney | Roseanne | Roseanne's Nuts | Rosemary & Thyme | Rosetti and Ryan | Rosie | The Rosie Show | Ross Noble Goes Global [radio] | Ross Noble on [radio] | Roswell | Roswell Conspiracies [anim] | The Rotters' Club | Rough Science | Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles [anim] | The Round Table | Round the Horne [radio] | Round the Twist | The Rousters | Route 66 (1960) | Route 66 (1993) | Routemasters [radio] | The Routes of English [radio] | Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In | The Roy Rogers Show | The Royal | Royal Canadian Air Farce | The Royal Family | Royal Pains | The Royle Family | RTFP [radio] | Rubbish [radio] | Rubicon | Ruby (1997) | Ruby (2008) | Ruby and the Rockits | Rude Awakening | Rudy's Rare Records [radio] | Rugrats [anim] | The Rules for Starting Over | Rules of Engagement | Rumpole of the Bailey | Run for Your Life | Run of the House | Runaway (2006) | The Runaway (2011) | Running in Heels | Running the Halls | Running Wilde | Run's House | RuPaul's Drag Race | RuPaul's Drag U | Rupert [anim] | Rurouni Kenshin [anim] | Rush | The Russ Abbot Show [radio] | Russell Brand's Ponderland | Russian Dolls | The Ruth Rendell Mysteries | Rutland Weekend Television | Ryan Caulfield: Year One | Ryôri no tetsujin


| Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs [anim] | Sable | Sabrina, the Animated Series [anim] | Sabrina, the Teenage Witch | Sabrina's Secret Life [anim] | The Saddle Club | Safe Harbor | Safety Catch [radio] | Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat [anim] | Sailor Moon [anim] | The Saint | Saint Seiya [anim] | Saints & Sinners | Salvage 1 | Samantha Who? | Same Name | Sammy [anim] | Sam's Game | San Francisco Beat | The San Pedro Beach Bums | Sanctuary | The Sandbaggers | The Sandie Shaw Supplement | The Sandy Duncan Show | Sanford | Sanford and Son | Sanford Arms | Sapphire and Steel | Sara | The Sarah Jane Adventures | Sarah Millican's Support Group [radio] | Sarah Palin's Alaska | The Sarah Silverman Program | Sarge | Saturday Club [radio] [incomplete] | Saturday Night Fry (1987) [radio] | Saturday Night Fry (1998) [radio] | Saturday Night Jack [radio] | Saturday Night Live | Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Thursday | Saturday Night Special | Saturday Zoo | Saul of the Mole Men | The Sausage Factory | Savannah | Saved | Saved by the Bell | Saved by the Bell: The College Years | Saved by the Bell: The New Class | The Save-Ums! [anim] | Saving Grace | Saxondale | Say the Word [radio] | Say Yes to the Dress | Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta | Says on the Tin [radio] | The Scales of Justice | Scandal | The Scanner [radio] | Scare Tactics | Scarecrow and Mrs. King | The Scarlet Pimpernel (1956) | Scarlet Pimpernel (1999) | Scene of the Crime | Scenes from a Married Life [radio] | The Scholar | School Pride | School House Rock! [anim] | Sci Fi Investigates | Sci Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible | Science Fiction Theatre | Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated [anim] | Scooter: Secret Agent | Scotland Yard | Scott & Bailey | Scott Baio is 45 ... and Single | Scoundrels | Scouted | Scrappers | Scream Queens | Screaming Yellow Theater | Screech Owls | ScreenWipe | Scrooby Trevithick [radio] | Scrubs | SCTV Channel | SCTV Network 90 | SD Gundam [anim] | Sea Hunt (1958) | Sea Hunt (1987) | Sea of Souls | Sea Patrol | Seachange | Sealab 2020 [anim] | Sealab 2021 [anim] | Sean Lock: 15 Storeys High [radio] | Sean Lock's 15 Minutes of Misery [radio] | Sean's Show | seaQuest DSV/2032 | Search | The Search for the Next Elvira | Season of the Tiger | Second Chance | Second Chances | Second City TV | The Second Half | Second Holmes [radio] | The Second Hundred Years | Second Noah | Second Sight | Second Thoughts [radio] | Second Thoughts | Second Time Around | Second Verdict (1976) | Second Verdict (2004) | The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne | Secret Agent | Secret Agent Man | Secret Army | The Secret Circle | Secret Diary of a Call Girl | The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole | The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer | The Secret Empire | The Secret Files of the SpyDogs [anim] | Secret Girlfriend | The Secret Life of Machines | The Secret Life of the American Teenager | The Secret Lives of Hockey Wives | The Secret Lives of Men | The Secret Millionaire (UK) | Secret Millionaire (US) | Secret Mountain Fort Awesome [anim] | The Secret Saturdays [anim] | Secret Service Guy | The Secret Show | The Secret World [radio] | The Secret World of Alex Mack | Secret, Strange & True | The Secrets of Isis | Secrets of Midland Heights | See How They Run | Seeing Things | Seinfeld | Self-Control [radio] | Self-Storage [radio] | Sell This House: Extreme | Sell This House! | Semi-Circles [radio] | The Senator | The Senior Partner [radio] | Sensitive Skin | The Sentinel | September Song [radio] | The Septuplets | Sergeant Bilko | Sergeant Preston of the Yukon | Seriously Weird | Serpico | Sessions | A Set of Six | The Seven Ages of Britain | The Seven Ages of Man [radio] | Seven Ages of Rock | Seven Brides for Seven Brothers | 7 Days | 7 Days of Sex | Seven Days That Rocked the World [radio] | 704 Hauser | 17 Kids and Counting | 7th Heaven | 77 Sunset Strip | Sex and the City | The Sex Education Show | Sex Games | Sex, Love & Secrets | Sex, Lies & Audiotape [radio] | Sexton Blake | Sexton Blake [radio] | Sexton Blake and the Demon God | The Sexton's Tales [radio] | Sexual Healing | Seymour the Fractal Cat [radio] | Shades of LA | Shadow Chasers | Shadow Force | The Shadow Line | Shadow Planets [anim] | Shadow Squad | Shaft | Shahs of Sunset | Shake It Up! | Shakespeare Plays | Shakespeare Retold | Shakespeare Stories [radio] | Shaky Ground | Shameless (UK) | Shameless (US) | Shane | Shannon (1961) | Shannon (1981) | Shannon's Deal | The Shapies [anim] | Shappi Talk [radio] | Shaq Vs. | Shaq's Big Challenge | Share and Share Alike [radio] | Sharing Fatman [radio] | Shark | The Shark Tank | Sharpe | Shasta McNasty | Shattered | Shaun the Sheep | Shazam! | She Spies | She-Wolf of London | Shear Genius | Shedding for the Wedding | Shedtown [radio] | Sheena | Sheep in the Big City [anim] | Shelley | Shelley [radio] | She-Ra: Princess of Power [anim] | Sherlock | Sherlock Holmes (1954) | Sherlock Holmes (1964) | Sherlock Holmes (1968) | Sherlock Holmes (1971) | Sherlock Holmes (1984) | Sherlock Holmes (1993 : Clive Merrison) [radio] | Sherlock Holmes (1993 : Simon Callow) [radio] | Sherlock Holmes (1994) [radio] | Sherlock Holmes (1999) [radio] | Sherlock Holmes (2000) | Sherlock Holmes (2008) [radio] | Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century [anim] | Sherman Oaks | Sherri | She's Got the Look | She's the Sheriff | The Shield | The Shift | Shinzo [anim] | Shipping Wars | Shirley | Shirley Temple's Storybook | Shirley's World | $#*! My Dad Says | The Shiver Show [radio] | Shoebox Zoo | Shoestring | Shooting Stars | Shootout | A Short Gentleman [radio] | A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila | The Show | Show Me Yours | The Show with No Name [radio] [incomplete] | Showstopper [radio] | Shrink Rap | Shuttle Diplomacy [radio] | The Shuttleworths [radio] | Shuttleworth's Showcase [radio] | Sibs | Sid the Science Kid [anim] | Side Effects | Side Order of Life | Sidekick [anim] | Sidekicks | Sierra | Sightings | Significant Others (1998) | Significant Others (2004) | The Silent Force | Silent Witness | Silk | | Simon | Simon & Simon | The Simon Day Show [radio] | Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings | The Simple Life (1998) | The Simple Life (2003) | The Simpsons [anim] | Sin City Diaries | The Sinbad Show | Sinchronicity | The Singing Bee | The Singing Office | The Single Guy | Single Ladies | The Single Story [radio] | Single-Handed | The Singles Table | The Sing-Off | Sink or Swim | Sins of the City | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World | Sir Bernard's Stately Homes | Sir Francis Drake | Sir Lancelot | Sir Ralph Stanza's Letter from Salford [radio] | Sirens (1993) | Sirens (2011) | Sister Kate | Sister Wives | Sister, Sister | Sisters | Sit Down Comedy with David Steinberg | Sit Down, Shut Up (Australia) | Sit Down, Shut Up (US) [anim] | The Sit-Crom [radio] | Sitting Ducks [anim] | Sitting Pretty | Situation: Comedy | Six Characters in Search of an Answer [radio] | Six Degrees | Six Feet Under | The Six Million Dollar Man | The Six Mothers-in-Law of Henry VIII [radio] | 6teen [anim] | 16 and Pregnant | The Sixth Sense | The Sixties [radio] | 60 Minutes | Skate | Skating with Celebrities | Skating with the Stars | Sketches by Boz (1976?) [radio] [incomplete] | Sketches by Boz (1998) [radio] | Skin | Skins (UK) | Skins (US) | The Skivers [radio] | The Skull Man [anim] | Skunk Fu! [anim] | Sky | Sky King | Sky Trackers | Skyland [anim] | Skysurfer Strike Force [anim] | Slacker Cats [anim] | The Slap | The 'Slap' Maxwell Story | Slattery's People | S-Laughter in the Dark [radio] | The Slayers [anim] | Sledge Hammer! | Sleeper Cell | Sleepers | Sleepwalkers | Sliced | Slide | Sliders | Slinger's Day | Slings & Arrows | Sloe Coaches [radio] | Smack the Pony | The Small, Intricate Life of Gerald C Potter [radio] | Small Shots | Small Wonder | The Small World of Dominic Holland [radio] | Smallville | Smart Guy | Smash | Smash Lab | Smelling of Roses [radio] | Smith | Smith & Jones in Small Doses | Smith and Jones [radio] | Smith & Jones | Smith and Jones Sound Off [radio] | The Smith Family | The Smoking Gun Presents: World's Dumbest | The Smoking Room | The Smurfs [anim] | Snakes & Ladders | Snap [radio] | Snapped | Sneak Previews | Sneakiepeeks [radio] | Snoop Dogg's Father Hood | Snoops (1989) | Snoops (1999) | Snowy River: The McGregor Saga | Snuff Box | So Graham Norton | So Little Time | So NoTORIous | So Random! | So Weird | So What Now? | So Wrong It's Right [radio] | So You Think You Can Dance | So You Think You Can Dance Australia | So You Think You Can Dance Canada | So You Think You've Got Troubles | Soap | Sob Sisters | Sober House | SOF: Special Ops Force | The Sofa of Time [radio] | Softly Softly | Soldier of Fortune, Inc. | Soldier Soldier | Solitary | [radio] | Some Assembly Required | Some of My Best Friends | Some of Our Pilots are Missing [radio] | Some of These Days [radio] | Somebodies | Someone and the Grumbleweeds [radio] | Someone Like Me | Something Is Out There | Something or Other [radio] | Something So Right | Something Wilder | Son of Cliché [radio] | Son of Svengoolie | Son of the Beach | Songs in the Key of Lennon [radio] | Sonic the Hedgehog (ABC) [anim] | Sonic the Hedgehog (syndicated) [anim] | Sonic Underground [anim] | Sonic X [anim] | The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour | The Sonny and Cher Show | Sonny Spoon | Sonny with a Chance | Sons & Daughters (2006) | Sons of Anarchy | The Sons of Dermot Mulligan [radio] | Sons of Guns | Sons of Thunder | Sons of Tucson | Sophie | The Sopranos | Sordid Lives: the Series | Sorry About Last Night [radio] | Sorry! | Sorted | Soul Food | Soul Man | Soul Train | Sounds of the 70s | Soundstage | The South Bank Show | South Beach (1993) | South Beach (2006) | South Central | South of Nowhere | South of Sunset | South Park [anim] | South Riding | Southland | Soy tu fan (Mexico) | Space: Above and Beyond | Space Academy | Space Cadets | Space Ghost [anim] | Space Ghost Coast to Coast [anim] | Space Hacks [radio] | Space Island One | Space Precinct | Space: 1999 | Spaceballs [anim] | Spaced | Spangles 'n' Tights [radio] | Spanking New on Seven [radio] | Sparkhouse | Sparks | Spartacus | Spartacus: Gods of the Arena | Spawn [anim] | Speakers [radio] | Spearhead | Special Branch | Special Unit 2 | Spectacle: Elvis Costello with ... | The Spectacular Spider-Man [anim] | Speed Grapher [anim] | Speed Racer (1967) [anim] | Speed Racer (2002) [anim] | Speed Racer: The Next Generation [anim] | Spencer's Pilots | Spender | Spending My Inheritance [radio] | Spenser: For Hire | Spicks & Specks | Spicy City [anim] | Spider Riders [anim] | Spider-Man (2003) [anim] | Spider-Man: The New Animated Series [anim] | Spider-Man Unlimited [anim] | Spike's Lookalikes [radio] | Spin and Marty (1955) | Spin and Marty (1956) | Spin and Marty (1958) | Spin City | The Spin Crowd | Spine Chillers (1980) | Spine Chillers (2003) | Spiral Zone [anim] | Spirited | Split Ends | SpongeBob SquarePants [anim] | Spooks | Spooks: Code 9 | Sports Night | Sports Show with Norm MacDonald | Spread a Little Happiness [radio] | Spy | Spy Game | Spy Groove [anim] | Spy TV | The Squad: Prison Police | A Square of One's Own [radio] | Square Pegs | Squidbillies [anim] | Squirrel Boy [anim] | St. Elsewhere | A Stab in the Dark | Stacked | Stand by Your Man | Stand Up to Screen [radio] | Stand Up Two [radio] | Standoff | Stand-Up Revolution | Stand-Ups and Strumpets [radio] | Stanley [anim] | Stanley Baxter and Friends [radio] | The Stanley Baxter Playhouse [radio] | Stanton Blues | Star Blazers [anim] | Star Cops | Star Fleet [anim] | Star Maidens | Star of the Family | Star Search (2003) | Star Stories | Star Terk II [radio] | Star Trek | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Star Trek: Enterprise | Star Trek: The Animated Series [anim] | Star Trek: The Next Generation | Star Trek: Voyager | Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) [anim] | Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) [anim] | Starcom [anim] | Stargate Atlantis | Stargate: Infinity [anim] | Stargate SG-1 | Stargate Universe | Starhunter | Stark Raving Mad | The Starlet | The Starlost | StarMaker | Starmakers and Svengalis [radio] | Starman | Starring Leslie Willey [radio] | Stars Over Hollywood | Stars with Hearts | Starsky and Hutch | The Starter Wife | Starved | Starving Secrets with Tracey Gold | Stat | The State | State of Georgia | State of Grace | State of Mind | State of Play | State of the Union | The State Within | Staten Island Cakes | Static Shock [anim] | The Steam Video Company | Stella (2005) | Stella (2012) | Step by Step | Step It Up & Dance | Stephen Fry in America | Stephen Fry on the Phone [radio] | Stephen King's Golden Years | Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital | Steptoe and Son [radio] | Steptoe and Son | Steve Canyon | The Steve Harvey Show | Steve Harvey's Big Time Challenge | Steven Appleby's Normal Life [radio] | Steven Seagal: Lawman | Stevie TV | Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle | Stickin' Around [anim] | Stilgoe's Around [radio] | Still Game | Still Life | Still Standing | Still the Beaver | Stingers | Stingray (1985) | Stir Crazy | The Stockard Channing Show | Stockport ... So Good They Named It Once [radio] | Stoked [anim] | Stone Undercover | The Stones | Stop Susan Williams | Storage Wars | Storage Wars: Texas | Storefront Lawyers | Storm Chasers | Storm Hawks [anim] | Stormworld | The Story of ITV: The People's Channel | The Story of Pop [radio] | The Story of Pop Radio (1982) [radio] | The Story of Pop Radio (1997) [radio] | The Story of Tracy Beaker | The Storyman [radio] | Strange | Strange Days at Blake Holsey High | Strange Frequency | Strange Luck | Strange World | Strangers on Trains [radio] | Strangers with Candy | The $treet (2000) | The Street (2006) | Street and Lane [radio] | Street Fighter II: V [anim] | Street Hawk | Street Justice | Street Legal | Street Time | The Streets of San Francisco | Stressed Eric [anim] | Strictly Come Dancing | Strictly Confidential | Strike Back | Strike Back: Project Dawn | Strike Force | The Strip | Strip Mall | Stripperella [anim] | Stromberg | Strong Medicine | Struck by Lightning | Struck Off and Die [radio] | Stuart Little [anim] | Student Bodies [anim] | Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip | Studio 7 | Studio One | Stunt Junkies | Stuntz [radio] | Style & Substance | Styled By June | Stylista | Suburban Shootout | Suburgatory | Suddenly Susan | Sue Thomas: F.B. Eye | Sugar Rush | Sugarfoot | The Suite Life of Zack & Cody | The Suite Life on Deck | Suits | The Sullavan Brothers | Summer Heights High | The Summer of 1940 [radio] | Summer Showdown | Summerland | Sunday Dinner | The Sunday Format [radio] | Sunday Morning Shootout | Sunday Night Clive | The Sunday Night Project | Sunny Side Up [radio] | Sunnyside Farm | Sunset Tan | Supah Ninjas | Super Adventure Team [anim] | Super Duper Sumos [anim] | Super Force | Super Gran | The Super Hero Squad Show [anim] | Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! [anim] | Superboy | Supercarrier | Superjail! [anim] | Superman | Superman: The Animated Series [anim] | Supernanny (US) | Supernatural (1977) | Supernatural (2005) | SuperNormal [anim] | Supernova | Superstar USA | The Superstars | Superstars of Dance | Supreme Court of Comedy | Surface | SurfSide 6 | Surgical Spirit | The Surreal Life | Survival of the Richest | Surviving Disaster (2006) | Surviving Disaster (2009) | Surviving Suburbia | Survivor (UK) | Survivor (US) | Survivorman | Survivors (1975) | Survivors (2008) | Suspense | Suspense Theatre | Svetlana | The Swamp Fox | Swamp Loggers | Swamp People | Swamp Thing | The Swan | The Swashbucklers [radio] | S.W.A.T. | Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron [anim] | Sweating Bullets | The Sweeney | Sweet Home Alabama | Sweet Justice | The Sweet Smell of Excess [radio] | Swift and Shift Couriers | Swift Justice | Swingtown | Swiss Family Robinson (1975) | Swiss Family Robinson (1998) | Swiss Toni | Switch | Switched at Birth | Sword of Freedom | Sword of Justice | Sydney | Sykes | Sykes and a ... | The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries [anim] | Sym-Bionic Titan [anim] | System Crash


| Tabatha's Salon Takeover | Tabitha | Table for 12 | Tabloid Wars | Tactical to Practical | Taggart | Taina | Tak and the Power of Juju [anim] | Take a Letter Mr. Jones | Take Home Nanny | Take Me to Your Reader [radio] | Take Off with T-Bag | Take the Money & Run | Take Three Girls | Take Three Women | Taken | Takin' Over the Asylum | Taking the Falls | Taking the Flak | Tale Spin [anim] | Tales from Thackeray [radio] | Tales from the Backbench [radio] | Tales from the Crypt | Tales from the Cryptkeeper [anim] | Tales from the Darkside | Tales from the Mausoleum Club [radio] | Tales from the Neverending Story | Tales of the Bizarre [radio] | Tales of the Gold Monkey | Tales of the Unexpected (1977) | Tales of the Unexpected (1979) | Tales of the Vikings | Tales of Tomorrow | Tales of Wells Fargo | Talk to Me | Talkin' 'bout Your Generation | Talking and Not Talking [radio] | Talking Comedy [radio] | Talking Heads [radio] | The Tall One [radio] | Tama and Friends [anim] | Tandarra | Tangle | Tanked | Tanner '88 | Target | Target: The Corruptors | Tarzan (1966) | Tarzan (1976) [anim] | Tarzán (1991) | Tarzan (2003) | Tarzan: The Epic Adventures (1996) | Tattingers | Taxi | T-Bag | Teachers (UK) | Teachers (US) | Teacher's Pet [anim] | Team Galaxy [anim] | Team Knight Rider | Team Umizoomi [anim] | Teamo Supremo [anim] | Tech Effect | The Ted Knight Show | Teech | Teen Angel | Teen Mom | Teen Titans [anim] | Teen Wolf (2011) | Teenage Health Freak | Teenage Kicks [radio] | Teenage Kicks | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) [anim] | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) [anim] | TekWar | The Telegoons [anim] | Television (UK) | Television (US) | Tell Me You Love Me | Telly Addicts | Temperature's Rising | Temporarily Yours | The Temptation Game | Temptation Island | 10 Items or Less | The 10%ers | Ten Pounds and a Box of Kippers [radio] | 10 Things I Hate About You | Tenchi Muyo! [anim] | 10-8: Officers on Duty | Tenspeed and Brown Shoe | Tequila & Bonetti | Terminal City | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | Terra Nova | Terriers | Terry and Julian | Terry and June | Terry Jones' Medieval Lives | Testees | Texas John Slaughter | Texas S.W.A.T. | The Texas Wheelers | TFI Friday | Thank God You're Here (Australia) | Thank God You're Here (UK) | Thank God You're Here (US) | Thanks | That '70s Show | That '80s Show | That Girl | That Metal Show | That Mitchell and Webb Look | That Mitchell and Webb Sound [radio] | That Mocking Bird [radio] | That Peter Kay Thing | That Reminds Me [radio] | That Was the Hole in the Wall Gang, So It Was [radio] | That Was the Week We Watched | That Was Then | That Was Then, This is Now [radio] | That's Impossible! | That's Life (1998) | That's Life (2000) | That's My Boy | That's My Bush! | That's My Mama | That's So Raven | T.H.E. Cat | Thea | Then Came Bronson | Then Came You | There Goes the Neighborhood | There'll Never Be Another [radio] | There's a Funny Thing [radio] | These Friends of Mine | They Came from Outer Space | They Think It's All Over | They Think It's All Over [radio] | The Thick of It | Thicker Than Water [radio] | Thief | Thief Takers | Thieves | Thieves Like Us | The Thin Blue Line | The Thin Man | Thing Theatre | Things I Hate About You | The Things We Forgot to Remember [radio] | Think the Unthinkable [radio] | Thinking of Leaving Your Husband? [radio] | Thintervention with Jackie Warner | The Third Man | 3rd Rock from the Sun | Third Watch | 13 - Fear Is Real | The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo [anim] | 30 Days | 30 for 30 | 30 Rock | Thirtysomething | 32 Brinkburn Street | This American Life | This Hour Has 22 Minutes | This is Craig Brown [radio] | This is David Lander/Harper | This Is Dom Joly | This Is England '86 | This Is Not My Life | This Is Tom Jones | This Just In [anim] | This Life | This Old House | This Sceptred Isle [radio] | This Sceptred Isle: The 20th Century [radio] | This Sceptred Isle: The Dynasties [radio] | This Sitcom Is... Not to Be Repeated | Thomas and Sarah | Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends [anim] | Thompson | Threat Matrix | Three | Three for the Road | Three Ivans, Two Aunts and an Overcoat [radio] | Three Moons Over Milford | The Three Musketeers [anim] | 3 Non-Blondes | The 3:00 Movie | Three Off the Tee [radio] | 3 Lbs | Three Rivers | Three Sheets | Three Sisters | 3-South [anim] | Three Stooges | The 3:30 Movie (Chicago) | 3-2-1 Contact | Three Up, Two Down | Three Wishes | Three's a Crowd | Three's Company | Threshold | Thriller | Through the Wormhole | Thundarr the Barbarian [anim] | Thunder Alley | Thunder in Paradise | Thunderbirds [radio] | Thunderbirds [anim] | ThunderCats (1985) [anim] | Thundercats (2011) [anim] | Thunderstone | Tia & Tamera | The Tick (1994) [anim] | The Tick (2001) | Tickling the Ivories [radio] | Tight Spot | Tightrope (1959) | 'Til Death | 'Til Death Do Us Part | Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen + Dave | Till Death Us Do Part | Tilt | Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! | Tim Gunn's Guide to Style | Tim Key's Late Night Poetry Programme [radio] | Tim Merryman's Days of Clover [radio] | Tim Rice's American Pie [radio] | Tim Wrigglesworth's Open Letters [radio] | Time Cycle [radio] | Time for Mrs Milliner [radio] | Time Gentlemen Please | Time of Your Life | Time Squad [anim] | Time Team | Time Team America | Time Trackers | Time Trax | Time Trumpet | The Time Tunnel | Time Warp | Time Warp Trio [anim] | Timecop | Timmy and Lassie | Timon & Pumbaa [anim] | Tim's Comedy Links [radio] | Tin Man | Tina C's State of the Union Tour [radio] | Tina C's Tiny Island Tour [radio] | | Tiny & Toya | Titan Maximum [anim] | Titans | Titus | T.J. Hooker | To Have & to Hold | To Rome with Love | To the Manor Born [radio] | To the Manor Born | Toad Patrol [anim] | Today's FBI | Today's Special | Today's the Day [radio] | Todd & the Book of Pure Evil | Toddworld [anim] | 2gether | Together We Stand | Tokko [anim] | Tokyo Pig [anim] | Tom | The Tom Show | Tom Stone | Toma | The Tomorrow People (1973) | The Tomorrow People (1992) | Tomorrow, Today! [radio] | The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien | The Tonight Show with Jay Leno | The Tony Danza Show | The Tony Randall Show | Too Close for Comfort | Too Fat for 15: Fighting Back | Too Late with Adam Carolla | Too Much Information [radio] | Too Something | Toonheads [anim] | Top Cat [anim] | Top Chef | Top Chef: Just Desserts | Top Chef Masters | Top Design | Top Gear (US) | Top Gear (UK : 2002) | Top Gear Australia | Top of the Heap | Top of the Hill | Top Pop Group | The Top Secret Life of Edgar Briggs | Top Secret Recipe | Top Shot | Topper | Torchwood | Torchwood [radio] | Torchwood Declassified | Torchwood: Miracle Day | Torchwood: The Lost Files [radio] | The Torkelsons | Tortellini Western [anim] | The Tortellis | Tosh.0 | Total Blackout | Total Drama Island [anim] | Total Recall 2070 | Total Security | Totally Circus | Totally Hoops | Totally Spies! [anim] | Touch | A Touch of Frost | Touched by an Angel | Touching Evil (UK) | Touching Evil (US) | Tougher in Alaska | Toughest Cowboy | Toughest Race on Earth: Iditarod | Tour of Duty | Tower Prep | Townies | Trace Evidence: The Case Files of Dr. Henry Lee | Tracey Takes On ... | The Tracey Ullman Show | Tracey Ullman's State of the Union | Tracker | The Tracy Morgan Show | Traders | Trading Spouses | Traffic Light | Trailer Park Boys | Transformers [anim] | Transformers: Armada [anim] | Transformers: Beast Wars [anim] | Transformers: Cybertron [anim] | Transformers: Energon [anim] | Transformers Prime [anim] | Transformers: Rescue Bots | Transformers: Robots in Disguise [anim] | Transformers: Animated [anim] | TransGeneration | The Trap Door [anim] | Trapped [radio] | Trapper John, M.D. | Traps | Trauma | Trauma Center | Traveler | Travelling Man | Treasure [anim] | Treasure Hunter | Treasure Hunters | Treasure Quest | Treme | Tremors | Trevor's World of Sport | Trevor's World of Sport [radio] | Trial & Retribution | Trials of O'Brien | The Trials of Rosie O'Neill | Triangle (1981) | The Triangle (2005) | The Tribe | Trigger Happy TV (UK) | Trigun [anim] | Trinity | Trinity Blood [anim] | The Trip | The Tripods | Tripper's Day | Tripping the Rift [anim] | Trollied | The Troop | Tropical Heat | The Trouble with Normal | Tru Calling | The Truck [radio] | True Beauty | True Blood | True Blue | True Colors | True Jackson, VP | True Lies [radio] | The True Story [radio] | The True Story of British Pop [radio] | Truly Madly Bletchley [radio] | Trumpton [anim] | Trust [radio] | Trust | Trust Me | Trust Me, I'm a Policeman [radio] | The Truth Behind the Sitcom Scandals | Truth or Scare | Trying Times | Tucker | Tucker's Witch | The Tudors | Tuesday Night Book Club | T.U.F.F. Puppy [anim] | Turf Wars [radio] | Turks | Turn Back Time | Turn on to T-Bag | Tutenstein [anim] | TV 101 | TV Burp | TV Dinners [radio] | TV Funhouse | TV Heaven, Telly Hell | TV Land Confidential | TV Land: Myths and Legends | TV Revolution | TV Tales | Twelve O'Clock High | 12 Oz. Mouse [anim] | The 20th Century-Fox Hour | 20 Good Years | Twenty Players [radio] | Twenty Twelve | 20/20 Downtown [incomplete] | Twenty-Eight Minutes to Save the NHS [radio] | 24 | 24 Hour Restaurant Battle | 24 Seven | 29 Minutes of Fame | 21 Jump Street | Twice in a Lifetime | The Twilight Zone (1959) | The Twilight Zone (1985) | The Twilight Zone (2002) | Twin Peaks | Twins | A Twist in the Tale | Twisted Tales | Twitch City | Two | Two and a Half Men | 2 Broke Girls | The Two Coreys | Two Doors Down [radio] | 2DTV [anim] | Two Fat Ladies | 240-Robert | Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place | Two of a Kind | The Two of Us (1986) | The Two of Us (1981) | Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps | 2point4 Children | Two Priests and a Nun Go into a Pub... [radio] | 227 | Two-a-Days: Hoover High | Two's a Crowd [radio] | Two's Company | 2000 Malibu Road | 2030 CE | 2000 Years of Radio [radio] | Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse | Tyler Perry's House of Payne | Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns


| UC: Undercover | UFO | UFO Hunters | Ugly Americans [anim] | Ugly Betty | Ultimate Book of Spells [anim] | The Ultimate Fighter | Ultimate Film Fanatic | Ultimate Force | Ultimate Goosebumps | Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy [anim] | Ultimate Spider-Man [anim] | Ultra 7 | UltraForce [anim] | Ultraman | Ultraman Tiga | Ultraviolet | Unan1mous | The Unauthorised Biography of the United Kingdom [radio] | The Unbelievable Truth [radio] | Unchained Reaction | Uncle Buck | Uncle Mort's ... [radio] | Undeclared | Under Cover | Under One Roof (1995) | Under One Roof (2008) | Under Suspicion | Under the Hammer | Underbelly | Undercover Boss | UnderCovers | Undergrads [anim] | Undone [radio] | Undressed | Unexplained Mysteries | Unfabulous | The Unfair Quiz [radio] | Unforgettable | Unhappily Ever After | Unhitched | Union Square | The Unique Dave Allen | The Unit | United States | United States of Tara | United Stats of America | The Universe | University Hospital | Unnatural Acts [radio] | Unnatural History | Unofficial Rosie [radio] | The Unopened Casebook of Sherlock Holmes [radio] | The Unpleasant World of Penn & Teller | Unplugged | The Unprofessionals | Unreliable Evidence [radio] | Unsolved History | Unsolved Mysteries | Unsub | An Unsuitable Job for a Woman | Unsupervised [anim] | Untold Stories of the ER | The Untouchables (1959) | The Untouchables (1993) | The Unusuals | Unzipped | Up All Night | Up the Elephant and Round the Castle | Up the Garden Path | Up the Garden Path [radio] | The Upper Hand | Upstairs, Downstairs (1971) | Upstairs, Downstairs (2010) | Urban Angel | Urban Gothic | Urban Legends


| V (1983) | V (2009) | Valentine | Valerie's Family | Valley of the Dinosaurs [anim] | The Vampire Diaries | Vampire High | Van der Valk | Van Dyke & Company | Vanished | Vanishing Son | Van-pires [anim] | Veep | Vega$ | Vengeance Unlimited | Venom ER | Vent [radio] | The Venture Bros. [anim] | Venus [radio] | Vera | Veritas: The Quest | Veronica Clare | Veronica Mars | Veronica's Closet | Very Old Pretenders [radio] | A Very Peculiar Practice | The Very World of Milton Jones [radio] | VH1 ILL-ustrated [anim] | Vic Reeves Examines | The Vicar of Dibley | The Vice | Victor Lewis-Smith [radio] | Victoria Station [radio] | Victorious | Vincent | Vinnie & Bobby | V.I.P. | Viper | The Virginian | Virtual Murder | The Virtual Revolution | Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light [anim] | The Visit | Visiting Julia [radio] | The Visitor | Vital Signs [radio] | Viva Cabaret | Viva La Bam | Viva Laughlin | The Voice | The Voice UK | Voices of the Powerless [radio] | Voltron Force [anim] | Voltron: Defender of the Universe [anim] | Voltron: The Third Dimension [anim] | Voyage [radio] | Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea | Voyagers! | VR Troopers | VR.5


| The Wackiest Ship in the Army | Wacky Races [anim] | Wagon Train | Waiting for God | Waking the Dead | A Walk in Your Shoes | Walker, Texas Ranger | The Walking Dead | Walking Tall | Walking with Comedians [radio] | Wallace and Gromit's World of Invention | Wallander | Wally Who? [radio] [incomplete] | The Walnut Bureau [radio] | Walt Disney Presents | The Waltons | Wanda at Large | Wanda Does It | The Wanda Sykes Show | The Wanderer | Wanna Bet? | Wanted (2005) | The Wanted (2009) | Wanted: Dead or Alive | The War at Home | The War Next Door | War of the Worlds | War Planets [anim] | Warehouse 13 | Warhorses of Letters [radio] | Warren the Ape | Wasteland | Watch Over Me | Watch What Happens: Live | The Watcher | Watching | Watching Ellie | The Water Margin | Water Rats | Waterloo Road | Watson and Holmes [radio] [incomplete] | Watt on Earth | The Waverly Wonders | The Way It Is [radio] | The Wayans Bros. | The Wayne Brady Show | The Wayne Manifesto | Wayside [anim] | We Are Klang | We Bring You Live Pictures | We Got It Made | We Interrupt This Programme [radio] | We Know Everything [radio] | We Love Lucy | We Say Toma-to [radio] | Weak at the Top [radio] | Weakest Link | W.E.B. | Web Therapy | Webdreams | The Weber Show | Webster | The Wedding Bells | Wednesday 9:30 (8:30 Central) | Weed Wars | Weeds | The Weekend Starts Here [radio] | Weekend Update | Weekend Update Thursday | The Weekenders [anim] | The Weird Al Show | Weird Creatures | Weird Science | Weird Tales [radio] | Weird Tales from the Slip Road of Urban Paranoia [radio] | Weird U.S. | Weird-Ohs [anim] | Weirdsister College | Welcome Back, Kotter | Welcome to New York | Welcome to Paradox | Welcome to The Captain | Welcome to the Parker | Wells Fargo | Werewolf | The West Wing | The Westerner | We've Been Here Before [radio] | We've Got Each Other | WGN Afternoon Movie | WGN Morning Movie | WGN Presents | WGN Sunday Matinee | Whale Wars | Wham! Bam! Strawberry Jam! | What a Dummy | What About Brian | What About Joan | What Chilli Wants | What Does the Team Think? [radio] [incomplete] | What I Like About You | The "What If" Show [radio] | What Not to Wear (UK) | What Not to Wear (US) | What Went Wrong with the Olympics [radio] | What Would Brian Boitano Make? | Whatever Happened to ..? [radio] | Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones? [anim] | Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads | Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads [radio] | What's Happening!! | What's Happening Now!! | What's It All About [radio] [incomplete] | What's New Scooby-Doo? [anim] | What's the Bleeding Time? [radio] | What's with Andy? [anim] | When Harry Met Ally [radio] | When the Dog Dies [radio] | When Things Were Rotten | Where Did It All Go Wrong? [radio] | Where I Live | Where in the World? [radio] | Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego? [anim] | Where the Heart Is | Whicker Down Under [radio] | Whicker's New World [radio] | Whiplash | Whisker Wars | Whispering Smith | The Whistleblowers | Whistler | White Collar | White Heat | White Nights [radio] | The White Shadow | White Van Man | Whitechapel | Whites | The Whitest Kids U Know | Whitney | Whiz Kids | Who Do You Think You Are? (Australia) | Who Do You Think You Are? (UK) | Who Do You Think You Are? (US) | Who Goes There? [radio] | Who the Bleep Did I Marry? | Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (US) [incomplete] | Who Wants to Be a Superhero? | Who Wears the Trousers? [radio] | Whodunnit? [radio] | A Whole New Ball Game [radio] | A Whole New Ballgame | A Whole 'Nother Story [radio] | The Whole Truth | Whoopi | Whoops Apocalypse | Who's Still Standing? | Who's the Boss? | Who's Watching the Kids | Whose Line Is It Anyway? [radio] | Whose Line Is It Anyway? (UK) | Whose Line Is It Anyway? (US) | Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? | Why Not? with Shania Twain | WICR [radio] | The Wide Country | Wife Swap | Wild at Heart | Wild Card | Wild Kat | Wild Nights with Mireya Mayor | Wild Oats | Wild Palms | The Wild Roses | Wild Things [radio] | The Wild Thornberrys [anim] | Wild West | Wild West Tech | The Wild Wild West (1965) | Wildboyz | WildC.A.T.S. [anim] | Wildfire | Wildside | Wilfred (Australia) | Wilfred (US) | Will & Grace | Will Smith Presents The Tao of Bergerac [radio] | Will Smith's Mid-Life Crisis Management [radio] | Will Work for Food | William and Mary | William Tell (1958) | William Tell (1998) | Wind at My Back | Wind on Water | Windbags [radio] | Windfall | Wing Commander Academy [anim] | Wings (1977) | Wings (1990) | The Winner | Winnetka Road | Winston [radio] | Winx Club [anim] | WIOU | Wipeout | The Wire | Wire in the Blood | Wireless Wise [radio] | Wise on the Wireless [radio] | Wiseguy | W.I.T.C.H. [anim] | Witch Hunter Robin [anim] | Witchblade | With Great Pleasure [radio] | With Malice | Without a Trace | The Wizard | Wizards and Warriors | Wizards of Waverly Place | WKRP in Cincinnati | WMAC Masters [incomplete] | Wodehouse Playhouse | Wogan Now and Then | Wojeck | Wolf | Wolf Lake | Wolf's Rain [anim] | Wolverine [anim] | Wolverine and the X-Men [anim] | The Wombles [anim] | Women Behind Bars | Women in Prison | Women of the House | Women's Murder Club | The Wonder Pets [anim] | Wonder Showzen [anim] | The Wonder Years | Wonderfalls | Wonderland | Wonderland Girls [radio] | Wonders in Letterland | Woops! | Wordaholics [radio] | Work It | Work of Art | Work Out | Work with Me | Workaholics | Working | Working Class | Working Girl | Working It Out | Working Stiffs | The World as We Know It [radio] | The World at War | World Cup Comedy | The World of Dowie [radio] | World of Giants | World of Pub | World of Pub [radio] | World of Quest [anim] | World Poker Tour | World's Wildest Police Videos | Worldy Wise [radio] | The Worriers [radio] | Worst Cooks in America | Worst Week | The Worst Week of My Life | The Worst Witch | Worst-Case Scenario | Worzel Gummidge | Would I Lie to You? | Would You Rather? with Graham Norton | Wowfabgroovy [radio] | The Wright Verdicts | Wrinkles [radio] | Writer's Weekly [radio] | The Wrong Coast [anim] | The Wrong Door | Wycliffe


| The X Factor (Australia) | The X Factor (UK) | The X Factor (US) | Xavier: Renegade Angel [anim] | Xcalibur [anim] | Xena: Warrior Princess | The X-Files | Xiaolin Showdown [anim] | XIII: The Series | X-Men [anim] | X-Men: Evolution [anim] | X-Rated | Xyber 9: New Dawn [anim]


| Yakkity Yak [anim] | Yancy Derringer | A Year at the Top | A Year in the Life | Yearbook | The Yellow Rose | Yellowthread Street | Yes, Minister | Yes, Prime Minister | Yes, Sir, I Can Boogie [radio] | Yes, Dear | Yo Gabba Gabba | The Yogi Bear Show [anim] | You Again | You Asked for It [radio] | You Deserve It | You Must Be the Husband | You Only Live Once | You Probably Think This Song is About You [radio] | You Rang, M'Lord | You Start, I'll Join In [radio] | You Wish | You'll Have Had Your Tea [radio] | Young Americans | Young Blades | Young Dan'l Boone | Young Dracula | Young, Dumb and Living Off Mum | Young Hercules | The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles | Young Justice [anim] | The Young Lawyers | Young Maverick | The Young Ones | The Young Pioneers | The Young Postmen [radio] | The Young Rebels | The Young Riders | Young Victoria [radio] | Your Mama Don't Dance | You're Cut Off | You're Not Singing Any More [radio] | You're the One | You're Wearing That?!? | Yu Yu Hakusho [anim] | Yu-Gi-Oh! [anim] | Yvon of the Yukon [anim]


| Z Cars | Z Rock | The Zack Files | Zane Grey Theatre | Zatch Bell! [anim] | Zeke and Luther | Zen | The Zeta Project [anim] | Zevo-3 [anim] | Zixx [anim] | Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane | Zoey 101 | Zoids [anim] | The Zoo Gang | Zorro (1957) | Zorro (1981) [anim] | Zorro (1990) | Zorro (1997) [anim] | Zorro and Son

Erstellt: 2012-05





"HDTV" steht für "High Definition Television".


HDTV hat eine deutlich höhere Auflösung, zeigt das Bild schärfer und detailreicher und wird im Format 16:9 statt im bisherigen Maß 4:3 ausgestrahlt. Die Auflösung beträgt bis zu 1920 x 1080 Pixel. Um die HD-Bilder zu sehen, benötigt man einen Fernseher mit dem Siegel «HD ready». In Deutschland gab es HDTV-Programme zunächst vom Bezahlsender Premiere sowie von ProSieben und Sat.1. ProSiebenSat.1 stellte allerdings die HDTV-Ausstrahlung Anfang des Jahres ein und will sie erst 2010 wieder aufnehmen. Dann wollen auch ARD und ZDF in HD senden. Inzwischen übertragt der deutsch-französische Kultursender arte in hoher Auflösung. Auch ORF in Österreich oder das Schweizer Fernsehen strahlen parallel zum herkömmlichen Programm in HDTV aus.



Crutchfield TV and HDTV Glossary


Hochauflösendes Fernsehen - HDTV

Das hochauflösende Fernsehen (HDTV) ist für die europäische Unterhaltungselektronikindustrie sowie die europäische Fernseh- und Filmindustrie von strategischer Bedeutung. Im Hinblick auf die Markteinführung ab 1992 werden in dem Beschluss die Ziele erläutert, die die Grundlage einer umfassenden Strategie zur Einführung von HDTV-Diensten in Europa darstellen sollen.


Beschluss 89/337/EWG des Rates vom 27. April 1989 über das hochauflösende Fernsehen.




How HDTV Works


Getting the Most From Your HDTV







full HDTV | HDTV | HDTV | HDTV downconverter | true HDTV | ultra HDTV



What is HDTV?






HDTV-Bildschirm | HDTV-Bildschirm | HDTV-fähig | HDTV-tüchtig





'Refugee' Tops 'Desperation' and 'Camp Cupcake' as Top Television Buzzword of the 2005



Melrose Place

"Melrose Place" war ein Ableger der Serie "Beverly Hills, 90210". Es geht um den Alltag einer Gruppe junger Erwachsener, die zusammen einen schicken Wohnkomplex in Los Angeles bewohnen.

Der Name "Melrose" stammt vom keltischen "mail-rhos", was so viel wie "bestellte, bewirtschaftete Wiese" bedeutet.



Melrose Place (USA 1992-1999)



Muppet (W3)

Die "Muppets" ("Muppet Show", in den USA seit 1955) wurden von James Maury, genannt Jim Henson (1936 - 1990), einem amerikanischen Puppenfilmproduzent kreiert. Bekannte Helden sind der Frosch "Kermit" oder das Schwein "Miss Piggy". Seit 1976 traten sie in der Fernsehreihe "The Muppets Show" auf. In Deutschland traten sie in den Sendungen Sesamstraße (ab 1969) und Muppets-Show auf.

Das Wort "muppet" ist eine Eigenkration von Jim Henson, dem der Klang des Wortes gefiel. Eventuell standen dabei engl. "marionette" und engl. "puppet" Pate.



Calvin - Muppets



Muppets aus dem All | Muppets - Die Schatzinsel


Muppet Babies (USA 1984-1991) | Die Muppet Show (GB/USA 1976-1981) | Muppets Tonight! (USA 1996-1997)





How Muppets Work


The Muppet Show



Die Muppet Show Real-Serie Comedy 70er


loving the muppet

Ass Muppet | ass-muppet | assmuppet | Muppet | Muppet Arms | Muppet Babies | muppet baby | muppet crazy | muppet diver | muppet douche | Muppet Ears | Muppet Entry | Muppet Fuck | Muppet Fucker | Muppet Fucking | Muppet Hands | Muppet Kisses | Muppet laugh | Muppet Legs | muppet man | Muppet Management | muppet mouth | muppet mower | muppet nambling | muppet news flash | muppet nose | Muppet park | muppet pelt | muppet reject | muppet show | muppet shower | muppet shredder | muppet syndrome | Muppet Teeth | muppet-flippin' | muppetable | Muppetaholic | Muppetastrophe | muppetational | muppeteer | Muppetese | muppetfecker | muppetfication | muppetfucker | Muppethead | muppethood | muppetic irony | muppetina | muppeting | Muppetish | muppetism | muppetitis | muppetkisser | Muppetology | muppetpussy | muppetry | muppets | Muppets Take Manhattan | Muppets Treasure Island | muppetslayer | muppetteer | muppetty | Muppety | muppie | muppin | muppins | muppisode | Muppit | muppixie | mupple | Muppling | muppstink | muppulate | Muppulation | mupputo | muppy | Muppy Popper

Muppets-Vater Jim Henson


Stars der Muppet Show:
Kermit der Frosch | Miss Piggy | Fozzie Bär | Gonzo | Statler und Waldorf | Scooter | Sam, der amerikanische Adler | Der Nachrichtensprecher | Der dänische Koch | Prof. Dr. Honigtau Bunsenbrenner und Assistent Beaker | Beauregard | Rizzo | Camilla | Dr. Julius Speckschwarte | Link Ringelschwanz | Electric Mayhem | Dr. Goldzahn | Rowlf | Sgt. Floyd Pepper | Tier | Zoot | Lips | Janice | Marvin E. Suggs | Crazy Harry | Sweetums | Lew Zealand | Wayne & Wanda | Robin | Foo-Foo | Annie Sue | Pops



Erstellt: 2010-09







Sesame Street
Sesam öffne dich!
Open sesame! (W3)

Die Bezeichnung der Fernsehserie für Kinder engl. "Sesame Street", dt. "Sesamstrasse", geht zurück auf eine Geschichte in "Ali Baba und die vierzig Räuber" (aus "Tausendundeiner Nacht"), engl. "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" zurück gehen. Mit dem Passwort dt. "Sesam öffne dich!", engl. "Open sesame!" (1785-1795) konnte Ali Baba eine Tür zur Höhle der Räuber öffnen.

Bleibt die Frage, woher die Formel dt. "Sesam öffne dich!", engl. "Open sesame!" ihren Ursprung hat. Ein Hinweis besagt, dass es sich dabei um den Namen eines Geistes handelt. Nachdem die Geschichte von Ali Baba im 18. Jh. in England erschienen war, wurde "Open sesame!" bald in den allgemeinen Sprachschatz übernommen und bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten benutzt.

Mit der in Indien und Afrika beheimateten Ölpflanze, engl. "sesame" (1400-1450), frz. "sésame", soll die Benennung nichts zu tun haben. Deren Name geht zurück auf lat. "sesamum", griech. "sesamon" und kommt weiter aus dem Semitischen, phöniz. "ššmn", akkad. "šamaššammu" und setzt sich vermutlich zusammen aus "šamnu" = dt. "Öl", "Fett" und "šammum" = dt. "Pflanze".

Bezüglich des "SESAME DOT" gibt es unterschiedliche Hinweise zwischen "" und "". Mir scheint das hochkommaähnliche Zeichen bei "" jedoch das richtige zu sein.

Passenderweise wurde "SESAME" auch schon als Admin-Passwort verwendet.


sesamex | sesamolin

Sesame (3 syl.)

Sesame Oil | Sesame Seed

(E6)(L1) street
sesame street

Sesame oil



Sesame Street (USA 1969) | Sesamstraße (D 1973)




Open Sesame - How Lock Picking Works
We use locks everywhere to give us a sense of security. But in movies, burglars can open a lock using a couple of paper clips. Is it really possible to open a lock so easily? The basic process of picking a lock is actually very simple, but it takes a lot of practice to do it successfully. Explore the everyday technology of locks and keys.




Family Vacations: Sesame Place


[open sesame] {n. phr.}, {literary} Immediate means of entrance, or unobstructed access to something.

Sesame oil


open sesame


Open sesame



Sesam | Sèsam | Sesam, wilder | Sésame | Sesame | Sesame, wild | Sésame sauvage | Sesamfræ | Sesami | Sesamo | Sésamo | Sesamum indicum | Sesamzaad | Wild sesame





The first published western edition [of "Open Sesame"] was a translation into French by Antoine Galland in 1715.
... The story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves was sufficiently popular in the West to make "open sesame" a popular figure of speech by the early 19th century, and today it's also used to mean something that provides magical access to what would ordinarily be unobtainable.

Erstellt: 2010-09







Television Networks Television Programs

Erstellt: 2011-10




Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
TV, Televisión, Télévision, Televisione, Television, (esper.) televizio, televido


Adams, Michael (Autor)
Slayer Slang
A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lexicon

Taschenbuch: 320 Seiten
Verlag: Oxford University Press (11. November 2004)
Sprache: Englisch



Buffy, der Vampir-Killer

Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen (USA 1997-2003)


Limericks on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer




Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an American television series, a supernatural drama that aired from March 10, 1997 until May 20, 2003.

Buffy Slanguage

Erstellt: 2011-01