Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Thesaurus, Tesoro, Trésor, Tesoro, Thesaurus, (esper.) tezauroj
Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus
Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus, Third Edition. 1995
Containing 35,000 synonyms in an easy-to-use format, this thesaurus features succinct word definitions and an innovative hyperlinked category index by the editors of the American Heritage® Dictionary.
- Bibliographic Record
- Guide
- Staff
- Preface
- Introduction
By the Editors of the American Heritage® Dictionaries
Category Index: Words Related and Opposite in Meaning
Alphabetical Index
- A-1 to all right
- all-round to atrocity
- atrophy to big
- Big Brother to bumbling
- bummer to civilizing
- clack to conflict
- confluence to crocked
- crone to depredate
- depress to dissemble
- disseminate to ego trip
- egregious to exaggeration
- exalt to fete
- fetid to frontispiece
- front-runner to grotesque
- grotto to hooker
- hookup to incontinent
- incontrovertible to interrogatory
- interrupt to lawyer
- lax to mammoth
- man to monopoly
- monotone to obeisant
- obese to parry
- parsimonious to plethora
- pliability to prominent
- promise to rebellious
- rebirth to reverberation
- revere to scintillation
- scion to simmer down
- simper to spew
- sphere to subvert
- succeed to text
- texture to truce
- truckle to unlearned
- unlike to vibrate
- vice to zonked
Roget’s International Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases
C. O. Sylvester Mawson
Peter Roget’s classic structure coupled with Mawson’s modernization becomes even more user-friendly on with 85,000 hyperlinked cross-references—thus fulfilling their goal of “each word being related to its neighbors and each part to the whole.” Additionally, over 2,900 proverbs and quotations from classic and modern authors illustrate the 1,000-plus entries.
- Bibliographic Record
- Preface
- Introduction
- Abbreviations
- How to Use the Book
- Index Guide
Alphabetical Index
- A-C
- D-F
- G-I
- J-M
- N-P
- Q-S
- T-Z
Synopsis of Categories
- Abstract Relations
- Space
- Matter
- Intellect
- Volition
- Affections
Graph Words online Thesaurus
What is it?
It’s an free English online thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words and show connections among associated words. You can easily see the meaning of each by simply placing the mouse cursor over it.
Underneath Graph Words lays the WordNet - a large lexical database of English. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. These meanings and semantic relationships are revealed graphically by the HTML5 canvas made available by Graph Words.
Usage of this Online Thesaurus tool
To search for associated words, type the word in the search box at the top of the window and press the "Draw" button. You may also press the enter key instead. After searching for a word, the main display will populate with thesaurus. The word you searched for will appear in the center of the display, and will be surrounded with words and meanings that are related to it.
To save what is currently displayed in the Graph Words, you can press the "Save as image" button on the toolbar.
Examples of thesaurus for popular words
- Friend
- Color
- Plan
- Figure
- Ground
- Talk
- Way
- Love
- Note
- Mind
- True
- Reach
Erstellt: 2018-12
The Infoplease thesaurus gives you access to more than 150,000 synonyms.
Related Content
- Letter Rip Word Game: Play Online Now!
- Daily Word Quiz: exigent
- Analogy of the Day: Today's Analogy
- Spelling Bee: Today's Spelling Bee
- Kids' Word Quiz: brevity
- Crossword: Elvis Presley
Lexical FreeNet
Connected thesaurus
Connected Thesaurus
Wort-Relationen suchen
- Show related: Find words related to the first word
- Connection: Find connections between the words
- Show reachable: Find words reachable within links
- Intersection: Find words reachable from both words
- Rhyme coercion: Find related words that rhyme
- Spell check: Find words spelled similarly to the first
- Substring: Find words containing the first as a substring
Optionally, you can select which links to allow in your query:
Relation Example
- Allow trigger links Clinton - Whitewater
- Allow synonym links bike - bicycle
- Allow generalization links tree - acacia
- Allow specialization links shoe - footwear
- Allow comprises links Turkey - Istanbul
- Allow part-of links CPU - computer
- Allow antonym links opaque - clear
- Allow rhyme links Reno - casino
- Allow sounds-like links candle - cancel
- Allow anagram links Geraldine - realigned
- Allow occupation links Leonardo da Vinci - painter
- Allow nationality links Martin Luther - German
- Allow birth year links Orville Wright - 1871
- Allow death year links Gilda Radner - 1989
- Allow biographical trigger links Jesse Louis Jackson - rainbow
- Allow also known as links John Ono Lennon - John Lennon
This program allows you to search for relationships between words, concepts, and people. It is a "combination thesaurus", "rhyming dictionary", "pun generator", and "concept navigator". Use it to find words that fit the needs of whatever writing endeavor you've undertaken, or just to browse concept space. To use the system, enter one or two words into the boxes at the top of the page, select a function to perform, optionally select some word relations to allow, and click Submit Query! Here is a description of the seven functions that are available.
- Connection: This option lets you find connections between two words, concepts, or people, even those that seem unrelated. Try entering a concept into each of the boxes in the first section, select some relations to allow, select the Connection function, and hit Submit Query. You may be surprised at the results!
- Show related: This option shows you how a certain word is related to various other words in the dictionary. You only need to enter a word into the first box to use this option.
- Show reachable: This option shows you words that are more distantly related to the first word. You can specify how distant by typing a different number into the box next to the Show reachable option.
- Intersection: For this option you must enter two words. It finds words that are related to both. You can control how deeply the program searches for commonalities by typing a different number into the box next to the Show reachable option.
- Rhyme coercion: If you're writing rhymed poetry, try entering two words that you wish to rhyme. Using the Rhyme coercion you can find words related to each words, respectively, that rhyme or sound alike.
- Spell check and Substring: These options let you find words in the database that you don't know how to spell. The Spell check option finds words that are spelled similarly to the first word. The Substring option finds words that contain the first word.
Related projects
- Cinema FreeNet applies the same FreeNet data structures to the task of connecting movies, actors, directors, and producers.
- Try out a simple word game based on this program.
- The Semantic Rhyming Dictionary is a more efficient and richer resource for the specific task of finding rhyming words.
Erstellt: 2018-12
Merriam-Webster online
Der Merriam Webster bietet ein renommiertes Englisch-Englisches Wörterbuch (Dictionary, amerikanisches Englisch) das kostenlos im Internet erscheint. Es ist sehr umfangreich, auch seltene Begriffe lassen sich finden, auch viele Abkürzungen; ein Synonymwörterbuch (Thesaurus, verwandte und gegensätzliche Bedeutungen) ist ebenfalls über die Hauptseite zugänglich.
Tonbeispielen helfen bei der Aussprache. Und dazu gibt es etymologische Hinweise.
Darüberhinaus bietet Merriam Webster noch eine Anzahl zusätzlicher wortbezogener Angebote.
Once a decade, Merriam Webster updates its best-selling dictionary. The 11th edition, available in bookstores (2003) includes 10,000 new words and more than 100,000 new meanings and revisions among its 225,000 definitions.
For the past 7 years, the 10th Collegiate has been available free on the company's Web site.
Merriam Webster is not only an important dictionary with a thesaurus option, it also offers a selection of extremely difficult word games, puzzles and definition dilemmas.
Online - A dictionary based on the Webster 10th Collegiate edition, 1993, with updates added annually. More than 160,000 entries. Each word is accompanied by definition, pronunciation, usage, grammatical function, and a brief etymology. Includes a thesaurus. Misspellings return suggested spellings. The dictionary's search system supports internal wildcards and right hand truncation searching. Includes an extensive pronunciation guide and sound files for the pronunciation of many terms.
Erstellt: 2004-01
Roget's Internet Thesaurus
- Daily Crossword
- Crossword Solver
- Full Text Translator
- Toolbar
- Word Games
- Tools & Resources
- Word of the Day
Erstellt: 2010-03
Uni Chicago - Roget
Roget's Thesaurus
Warum gibt es das nicht für die deutsche Sprache? Ein hervorragendes Synomwörterbuch online. Es ist sogar noch besser als die gedruckte Ausgabe, denn es läßt sich im Volltext durchsuchen: Bei search the full text ein Suchwort eingeben. Dann erhält man nicht nur den Haupteintrag, sondern alle Einträge, in denen das Wort irgendwo vorkommt. Wem das zu viel ist: Das gesuchte Wort bei search headwords eingeben.
Headwords of Roget's Thesaurus
1. Existence. | 2. Inexistence. | 3. Substantiality. | 4. Unsubstantiality. | 5. Intrinsicality. | 6. Extrinsicality. | 7. State. | 8. Circumstance. | 9. Relation. | 10. [Want, or absence of relation.] Irrelation. | 11. [Relations of kindred.] Consanguinity. | 12. [Double or reciprocal relation.] Correlation. | 13. Identity. | 14. [Noncoincidence.] Contrariety. N. contrariety, contrast, foil, | 15. Difference. | 16. Uniformity. | 16a. [Absence or want of uniformity.] Nonuniformity. | 17. Similarity. | 18. Dissimilarity. | 19. Imitation. | 20. Nonimitation. | 20a. Variation. | 21. [Result of imitation.] Copy. | 22. [Thing copied.] Prototype. | 23. Agreement. | 24. Disagreement. | 25. [Absolute quantity.] Quantity. | 26. [Relative quantity.] Degree. | 27. [Sameness of quantity or degree.] Equality. | 28. [Difference of quantity or degree.] Inequality. | 29. Mean. | 30. Compensation. | 31. Greatness. | 32. Smallness. | 33. Superiority. [Supremacy.] | 34. Inferiority. | 35. Increase. | 36. Nonincrease, Decrease. | 37. Addition. | 38. Nonaddition. - N. subduction | 39. [Thing added] Adjunct. | 40. [Thing remaining.] Remainder. | 40a. [Thing deducted.] Decrement. | 41. [Forming a whole without coherence.] Mixture. | 42. [Freedom from mixture.] Simpleness. | 43. Junction. |
| 45. [Connecting medium.] Connection. | 46. Coherence. | 47. [Want of adhesion, nonadhesion, immiscibility.] Incoherence. - N. | 48. Combination. | 49. Decomposition. | 50. Whole. [Principal part.] | 51. Part. | 52. Completeness. | 53. Incompleteness. | 54. Composition. | 55. Exclusion. | 56. Component. | 57. Extraneousness. | 58. Order. | 59. [Absence, or want of Order, &c.] Disorder. | 59a. Complexity | 60. [Reduction to Order.] Arrangement. | 61. [Subversion of Order; bringing into disorder.] Derangement. | 62. Precedence. | 63. Sequence. | 64. Precursor. | 65. Sequel. | 66. Beginning. | 67. End. | 68. Middle. | 69. [Uninterrupted sequence.] Continuity. | 70. [Interrupted sequence.] Discontinuity. | 71. Term. | 72. Assemblage. | 73. Nonassemblage. Dispersion. | 74. [Place of meeting.] Focus. | 75. Class. | 76. Inclusion. [Comprehension under, or reference to a class.] | 77. Exclusion. | 78. Generality. | 79. Speciality. | 80. Normality. | 81. Multiformity. | 82. Conformity. | 83. Unconformity. | 84. Number. | 85. Numeration. | 86. List. | 87. {opp. 100} Unity. | 88 Accompaniment. | 89. Duality. | 90. Duplication. | 91. [Division into two parts.] bisection. | 92. Triality. | 93. Triplication. | 94. [Division into three parts.] Trisection. | 95. Four. | 96. Quadruplication. | 97. [Division into four parts.] Quadrisection. | 98. Five, &c. | 99. Quinquesection, &c. | 100. {opp. 87} [More than one.] Plurality. | 100a. [Less than one.] Fraction | 101. Zero. | 102. Multitude. | 103. Fewness. | 104. Repetition. | 105. Infinity. | 106. Time. | 107. Neverness. | 108. [Definite duration, or portion of time.] Period. | 108a. Contingent Duration. | 109. [Indefinite duration.] Course. | 110. [Long duration.] Diuturnity. | 111. [Short duration.] Transientness. | 112. [Endless duration.] Perpetuity. | 113. [Point of time] Instantaneity. | 114. [Estimation, measurement, and record of time.] Chronometry. -- | 115. [False estimate of time.] Anachronism. | 116. Priority. | 117. Posteriority. | 118. The Present Time. | 119. [Time different from the present.] Different time. | 120. Synchronism. | 121. [Prospective time.] Futurity. | 122. [Retrospective time.] The Past | 123. Newness. | 124. Oldness. | 125. Morning. [Noon.] | 126. Evening. [Midnight.] | 127. Youth. | 128. Age. | 129. Infant. | 130. Veteran. | 131. Adolescence. | 132. Earliness. | 132a. Punctuality | 133. Lateness. | 134. Occasion. | 135. Untimeliness | 136. Frequency. | 137. Infrequency. | 138. Regularity of recurrence. Periodicity. | 139. Irregularity of recurrence. | 140. [Difference at different times.] Change. | 141. [Absence of change.] Permanence. | 142. [Change from action to rest.] Cessation. | 143. Continuance in action. | 144. [Gradual change to something different.] Conversion. | 145. Reversion. | 146. [Sudden or violent change.] Revolution. | 147. [Change of one thing for another.] Substitution. | 148. [Double or mutual change.] Interchange. | 149. Changeableness. | 150. Stability. | 151. Eventuality. | 152. Destiny. | 153. [Constant antecedent]. Cause. | 154. [Constant sequent.] Effect. | 155. [Assignment of cause] Attribution | 156. [Absence of assignable cause.] Chance. 2 | 157. Power. | 158. Impotence. | 159. [Degree of power.] Strength. | 160. Weakness. | 161. Production. | 162. [Nonproduction.] Destruction. | 163. Reproduction. | 164. Producer. | 165. Destroyer. | 166. Paternity. | 167. Posterity. | 168. Productiveness | 169. Unproductiveness. | 170. Agency. | 171. Physical Energy. | 172. Physical Inertness. | 173. Violence. | 174. Moderation. | 175. Influence. | 175a. Absence of Influence. | 176. Tendency. | 177. Liability. | 178. Concurrence. | 179. Counteraction. | 180. [Indefinite space.] Space. | 180a. Inextension. | 181. [Definite space.] Region. | 182. [Limited space.] Place. | 183. Situation. | 184. Location. | 185. Displacement. | 186. Presence. | 187. [Nullibiety.1] Absence. | 188. Inhabitant. | 189. [Place of habitation, or resort.] Abode. | 190. [Things contained.] Contents. | 191. Receptacle. | 192. Size. | 193. Littleness. | 194. Expansion. | 195. Contraction. | 196. Distance. | 197. Nearness. | 198. Interval. | 199. Contiguity. | 200. Length. | 201. Shortness. | 202. Breadth, Thickness. | 203. Narrowness. Thinness. | 204. Layer. | 205. Filament. | 206. Height. | 207. Lowness. | 208. Depth. | 209. Shallowness. | 210. Summit. | 211. Base. | 212. Verticality. | 213. Horizontality. | 214. Pendency. | 215. Support. | 216. Parallelism. | 216a. Perpendicularity | 217. Obliquity. | 218. Inversion. | 219. Crossing. | 220. Exteriority. | 221. Interiority. | 222. Centrality. | 223. Covering. | 224. Lining. | 225. Clothing. | 226. Divestment. | 227. Circumjacence. | 228. Interposition. | 229. Circumscription. | 230. Outline. | 231. Edge. | 232. Inclosure. | 233. Limit. | 234. Front. | 235. Rear. | 236. Laterality. | 237. Contraposition. | 238. Dextrality. | 239. Sinistrality. | 240. Form. | 241. [Absence of form.] Amorphism. | 242. [Regularity of form.] Symmetry. | 243. [Irregularity of form.] Distortion. | 244. Angularity. | 245. Curvature. | 246. Straightness. | 247. [Simple circularity.] Circularity. | 248. [Complex curvature.] Convolution. | 249. Rotundity. | 250. Convexity. | 251. Flatness. | 252. Concavity. | 253. Sharpness. | 254. Bluntness. | 255. Smoothness. | 256. Roughness. | | 258. Fold. | 259. Furrow. | 260. Opening | 261. Closure. | 262. Perforator. | 263. Stopper. | 264. [Successive change of place.] Motion. | 265. Quiescence. | 266. [Locomotion by land.] Journey. | 267. [Locomotion by water, or air.] Navigation. | 268. Traveler. | 269. Mariner. | 270. Transference. | 271. Carrier. | 272. Vehicle. | 273. Ship. |
| 275. Slowness. | 276. Impulse. | 277. Recoil. | 278. Direction. | 279. Deviation. | 280. [Going before.] Precession. | 281. [Going after.] Sequence. | 282. [Motion forward; progressive motion.] Progression. | 283. [Motion backwards.] Regression. | 284. [Motion given to an object situated in front.] Propulsion. | 285. [Motion given to an object situated behind.] Traction. | 286. [Motion towards.] Approach. | 287. [Motion from.] Recession. | 288. [Motion towards, actively; force causing to draw closer.] | 289. [Motion from, actively; force driving apart.] Repulsion. | 290. [Motion nearer to.] Convergence. | 291. [Motion further off.] Divergence. | 292. [Terminal motion at.] Arrival. | 293. [Initial motion from.] Departure. | 294. [Motion into.] Ingress. | 295. [Motion out of.] Egress. | 296. [Motion into, actively.] Reception. | 297. [Motion out of, actively] Ejection. | 298. [Eating.] Food. | 299 Excretion | 300. [Forcible ingress.] Insertion. | 301. [Forcible egress.] Extraction. | 302. [Motion through.] Passage. | 303. [Motion beyond] Transcursion | 304. [motion short of] Shortcoming | 305. [Motion upwards] Ascent. | 306. [Motion downwards] Descent. | 307. Elevation. | 308. Depression. | 309. Leap. | 310. Plunge | 311. [Curvilinear motion.] Circuition. | 312. [Motion in a continued circle.] Rotation. | 313. [Motion in the reverse circle.] Evolution. |
| 315. [Irregular motion] Agitation. | 317. Immateriality. | 318. World. | 319. Gravity. | 320. Levity. | 321. Density.. | 322. Rarity. | 323. Hardness. | 324. Softness. | 325. Elasticity. | 326. Inelasticity. | 327. Tenacity. | 328. Brittleness. | 329. [Structure.] Texture. | 330. Pulverulence. | 331. Friction. | 332. [Absence of friction. Prevention of friction.] Lubrication. -- | 333. Fluidity. | 334. Gaseity. | 335. Liquefaction. -N. liquefaction; liquescence[obs3], | 336. Vaporization. | 337. Water. | 338. Air. | 339. Moisture. | 340. Dryness. | 341. Ocean | 342. Land. | 343. Gulf. Lake | 344. Plain. | 345. Marsh. | 346. Island. | 347. [Fluid in motion.] Stream. | 348. [Water in motion.] River. | 349. [Air in motion] Wind. | 350. [Channel for the passage of water.] Conduit. | 351. [Channel for the passage of air.] Airpipe. | 352. Semiliquidity. | 353. [Mixture of air and water.] Bubble. [Cloud.] | 354. Pulpiness. | 355. Unctuousness. | 356. Oil. | 356a. Resin. | 357. Organization. | 358. Inorganization. | 359. Life. | 360. Death. | 361. [Destruction of live; violent death.] Killing. | 362. Corpse. | 363. Interment. | 364. Animality. | 365. Vegetability | 366. Animal. | 367. Vegetable. |
| 369. [The science of plants.] Botany. | 370. [The economy or management of animals.] Husbandry. | 371. [The economy or management of plants.] Agriculture. | 372. Mankind. | 373. Man. | 374. Woman. | 374a. Sexuality [human] | 375. Physical Sensibility. | 376. Physical Insensibility. | 377. Physical Pleasure. | 378. Physical Pain. | 379. [Sensation of pressure] Touch. | 380. Sensations of Touch. | 381. [insensibility to touch.] Numbness. | 382. Heat. | 383. Cold. | 384. Calefaction. | 385. Refrigeration. | 386. Furnace. | 387. Refrigerator. | 388. Fuel. | 388a. Insulation, Fire extinction. {ant. of 388} insulation, | 389. Thermometer. | 390. Taste. | 391. Insipidity. | 392. Pungency. | 392a. Saltiness. | 392b. Bitterness | 394. Savoriness. | 395. Unsavoriness. | 396. Sweetness. | 397. Sourness. | 398. Odor. | 399. Inodorousness. | 400. Fragrance. | 401. Fetor. | 401a. Acridity | 402. Sound. | 403. Silence. | 404. Loudness. | 405. Faintness. | 406. [Sudden and violent sounds.] Snap. | 407. [Repeated and protracted sounds.] Roll. | 408. Resonance. | 408a. Nonresonance[obs3]. | 409. [Hissing sounds.] Sibilation. | 410. [Harsh sounds.] Stridor. | 411. Cry. | 412. [Animal sounds.] Ululation. | 413. Melody. Concord. | 414. Discord. | 415. Music. | 416. Musician. [Performance of Music.] | 417. Musical Instruments. | 418. [Sense of sound.] Hearing. | 419. Deafness. | 420. Light. | 421. Darkness. | 422. Dimness. | 423. [Source of light, self-luminous body.] Luminary. | 424. Shade. | 425. Transparency. | 426. Opacity. | 426a Turbidity | 427. Semitransparency. | 428. Color. | 429. [Absence of color.] Achromatism. | 430. Whiteness. | 431. Blackness. | 432. Gray. | 433. Brown. | 434. Redness. | 435. Greenness. | 436. Yellowness. | 437. Purple. | 438. Blueness. | 439. Orange. | 440. Variegation. | 441. Vision. - N. vision, sight, optics, eyesight. | 442. Blindness. - N. blindness, cecity[obs3], excecation | 443. [Imperfect vision.] Dimsightedness. [Fallacies of vision.] | 444. Spectator. | 445. Optical Instruments. | 446. Visibility. | 447. Invisibility. | 448. Appearance. | 449. Disappearance. | 450. Intellect. | 450a. Absence or want of Intellect. | 451. Thought. | 452. [Absence or want of thought.] Incogitancy. | 453. [Object of thought.] Idea. | 454. [Subject of thought, ] Topic. | 455. [The desire of knowledge.] Curiosity. | 456. [Absence of curiosity.] Incuriosity. | 457. Attention. | 458. Inattention. | 459. Care. [Vigilance.] | 460. Neglect. | 461 Inquiry [Subject of Inquiry. Question] | 462. Answer. | 463. Experiment. | 464. Comparison. | 464a Incomparability [Lack of comparison] | 465. [results of comparison. 1] Discrimination. | 465a. [results of comparison. 2] Indiscrimination. | 465b. [results of comparison. 3] Identification. | 466. Measurement. | 467. Evidence [On one side.] | 468. [Evidence on the other side, on the other hand.] Counter | 469. Qualification. | 470. Possibility. | 471. Impossibility. | 472. Probability. | 473. Improbability. | 474. Certainty. | 475. Uncertainty. | 476. Reasoning, | 477. [The absence of reasoning.] Intuition. [False or vicious | 478. Demonstration. | 479. Confutation. | 480. Judgment. [Conclusion.] | 480a. [Result of search or inquiry.] Discovery. | 481. Misjudgment. | 482. Overestimation. | 483. Underestimation. | 484. Belief. | 485. Unbelief. Doubt. | 486. Credulity. | 487. Incredulity. | 488. Assent. | 489. Dissent. | 490. Knowledge. | 491. Ignorance. | 492. Scholar. | 493. Ignoramus. | 494. [Object of knowledge.] Truth. | 495. Error. | 496. Maxim. | 497. Absurdity. | 498. Intelligence. Wisdom. | 499. Imbecility. Folly | 500. Sage | 501. Fool. | 502. Sanity. | 503. Insanity. | 504. Madman. | 505. Memory. | 506. Oblivion. | 507. Expectation. | 508. Inexpectation. | 509. [Failure of expectation.] Disappointment. | 510. Foresight. | 511. Prediction. | 512. Omen. | 513. Oracle. | 514. Supposition. | 514a. Analogy | 515. Imagination. | 516. [Idea to be conveyed.] Meaning. [Thing signified.] | 517. [Absence of meaning.] Unmeaningness. | 518. Intelligibility. | 519. Unintelligibility. | 520. [Having a double sense] Equivocalness. | 521. Metaphor. | 522. Interpretation. | 523. Misinterpretation. | 524. Interpreter. | 525. Manifestation. | 526. Latency. Implication. | 527. Information. | 527a. Correction. [Correct an error of information; distinguish from | 528. Concealment. | 529. Disclosure | 530. Ambush [Means of concealment]. | 531. Publication. | 532. News. | 533. Secret. | 534. Messenger. | 535. Affirmation. | 536. Negation. | 537. Teaching. | 538. Misteaching. | 539. Learning | 540. Teacher. | 541. Learner. | 542. School. | 543. Veracity. | 544. Falsehood. | 545. Deception. | 546. Untruth. | 547. Dupe. | 548. Deceiver. | 549. Exaggeration. | 550. Indication | 551. Record. | 552. [Suppression of sign.] Obliteration. | 553. Recorder. | 554. Representation. | 555. Misrepresentation. | 556. Painting. | 557. Sculpture. | 558. Engraving. | 559. Artist. | 560. Language. | 561. Letter. | 562. Word. | 563. Neologism. | 564. Nomenclature. | 565. Misnomer. | 566. Phrase. | 567. Grammar. | 568. Solecism. | 569. Style. | 570. Perspicuity. | 571. Obscurity. | 572. Conciseness. | 573. Diffuseness. | 574. Vigor. | 575. Feebleness. | 576. Plainness. | 577. Ornament. | 578. Elegance. | 579. Inelegance. | 580. Voice. | 581. Aphony. | 582. Speech. | 583. [Imperfect Speech.] Stammering. | 584. Loquacity. | 585. Taciturnity. | 586. Allocution. | 587. Response | 588. Conversation. | 589. Soliloquy. | 590. Writing. | 591. Printing. | 592. Correspondence. | 593. Book. | 594. Description. | 595. Dissertation. | 596. Compendium. | 597. Poetry. | 598. Prose. | 599. The Drama. | 600. Will. | 601. Necessity. | 602. Willingness. | 603. Unwillingness. | 604. Resolution. | 604a. Perseverance. | 605. Irresolution. | 606. Obstinacy. | 607. Tergiversation. | 608. Caprice. | 609. Choice. | 609a. Absence of Choice. | 610. Rejection. | 611. Predetermination. | 612. Impulse. | 613. Habit. [includes commonness due to frequency of occurrence] -- | 614. Desuetude. | 615. Motive. | 615a. Absence of Motive. | 616. Dissuasion. | 617. [Ostensible motive, ground, or reason assigned.] Pretext. | 618. Good. | 619. Evil. | 620. Intention. | 621. [Absence of purpose in the succession of events] Chance. 2 | 622. [Purpose in action.] Pursuit | 623. .[Absence of pursuit.] Avoidance. | 624. Relinquishment. | 625. Business. | 626. Plan. | 627. Method. [Path.] | 628. Mid-course. | 629. Circuit. | 630. Requirement. | 631. Instrumentality. | 632. Means. | 633. Instrument. | 634. Substitute. | 635. Materials. | 636. Store. | 637. Provision. | 638. Waste. | 639. Sufficiency. | 640. Insufficiency. | 641. Redundancy. | 642. Importance. | 643. Unimportance. | 644. Utility. | 645. Inutility. | 646. [Specific subservience.] Expedience. | 647. Inexpedience. | 648. [Capability of producing good. Good qualities.] Goodness. | 649. [Capability of producing evil. Bad qualities.] Badness. | 650. Perfection. | 651. Imperfection. | 652. Cleanness. | 653. Uncleanness. | 654. Health. | 655. Disease. | 656. Salubrity. | 657. Insalubrity. | 658. Improvement. | 659. Deterioration. | 660. Restoration. | 661. Relapse. | 662. Remedy. | 663. Bane. | 664. Safety. | 665. Danger. | 666. [Means of safety.] Refuge. | 667. [Source of danger.] Pitfall. | 668. Warning. | 669. [Indication of danger.] Alarm. | 670. Preservation. | 671. Escape. | 672. Deliverance. | 673. Preparation. | 674. Nonpreparation. | | 676. Undertaking. | 677. Use. | 678. Disuse. | 679. Misuse. | 680. Action. | 681. Inaction. | 682. Activity. | 683. Inactivity. | 684. Haste. | 685. Leisure. | 686. Exertion. | 687. Repose. | 688. Fatigue. | 689. Refreshment. | 690. Agent. | 691. Workshop. | 692. Conduct. | 693. Direction. | 694. Director. | 695. Advice. | 696. Council. | 697. Precept. | 698. Skill. | 699. Unskillfulness. | 700. Proficient. | 701. Bungler. | 702. Cunning. | 703. Artlessness. | 704. Difficulty. | 705. Facility. | 706. Hindrance. | 707. Aid. | 708. Opposition. | 709. Cooperation. | 710. Opponent. | 711. Auxiliary. | 712. Party. | 713. Discord. | 714. Concord. | 715. Defiance. | 716. Attack. | 717. Defense | 718. Retaliation. | 719. Resistance. | 720. Contention. | 721. Peace. | 722. Warfare. | 723. Pacification. | 724. Mediation. | 725. Submission. | 726. Combatant. | 727. Arms. | 728. Arena. | 729. Completion. | 730. Noncompletion. | 731. Success. | 732. Failure. | 733. Trophy. | 734. Prosperity. | 735. Adversity. | 736. Mediocrity. | 737. Authority. | 737a. Government. | 737b. Politics. [contention for governmental authority or influence]. | 738. [Absence of authority] Laxity. | 739. Severity. | 740. Lenity. | 741. Command. | 742. Disobedience. | 743. Obedience. | 744. Compulsion. | 745. Master. | 746. Servant. | 747. [Insignia of authority.] Scepter. | 748. Freedom. | 749. Subjection. | 750. Liberation. | 751. Restraint. | 752. [Means of restraint.] Prison. | 753. Keeper. | 754. Prisoner. | 755. [Vicarious authority.] Commission. | 756. Abrogation. | 757. Resignation. | 758. Consignee. | 759. Deputy. | 760. Permission. | 761. Prohibition. | 762. Consent. | 763. Offer. | 764. Refusal. | 765. Request. | 766. [Negative request.] Deprecation. | 767. Petitioner. | 768. Promise. | 768a. Release from engagement. | 769. Compact. | 770. Conditions. | 771. Security. | 772. Observance. | 773. Nonobservance. | 774. Compromise. | 775. Acquisition. | 776. Loss. | 777. Possession. | 777a. Exemption. | 778. [Joint possession.] Participation. | 779. Possessor. | 780. Property. | 781. Retention. | 782. Relinquishment. | 783. Transfer. | 784. Giving. | 785. Receiving. | 786. Apportionment. | 787. Lending. | 788. Borrowing. | 789. Taking. | 790. Restitution. | 791. Stealing. | 792. Thief. | 793. Booty. | 794. Barter. | 795. Purchase. | 796. Sale. | 797. Merchant. | 798. Merchandise. | 799. Mart. | 799a. Stock Market [specialized markets for financial instruments] -- | 799b. Securities. | 800. Money. | 801. Treasurer. | 802. Treasury. | 803. Wealth. | 804. Poverty. | 805. Credit. | 806. Debt. | 807. Payment. | 808 Nonpayment | 809. Expenditure. | 810. Receipt. | 811. Accounts. | 812. Price. | 812a. Value [intrinsic worth] | 812b. Worthlessness | 813. Discount. | 814. Dearness. | 815. Cheapness. | 816. Liberality. | 817. Economy. | 817a. Greed [excessive desire] | 818. Prodigality. | 819. Parsimony. | 820. Affections. | 821. Feeling. | 822. Sensibility. | 823. Insensibility. | 824. Excitation. | 825. [Excess of sensitiveness] Excitability | 826. [Absence of excitability, or of excitement.] Inexcitability. -- | 827. Pleasure. | 828. Pain. | 829. [Capability of giving pleasure; cause or source of pleasure.] | 830. [Capability of giving pain; cause or source of pain]. | 831. Content. | 832. Discontent. | 833. Regret. | 834. Relief. | 835. Aggravation. | 836. Cheerfulness. | 837. Dejection. | 838. [Expression of pleasure.] Rejoicing. | 839. [Expression of pain.] | 840. Amusement. | 841. Weariness. | 842. Wit. | 843. Dullness. | 844. Humorist. | 845. Beauty. | 846. Ugliness. | 847. Ornament. | 847a. Jewelry | 848. Blemish. | 849. Simplicity. | 850. [Good taste.] Taste. | 851. [Bad taste.] Vulgarity. | 852. Fashion. | 853. Ridiculousness. | 854. Fop. | 855. Affectation. | 856. Ridicule. | 857. [Object and cause of ridicule.] Laughingstock. | 858. Hope. | 859. [Absence, want or loss of hope.] Hopelessness. | 860. Fear. | 861. [Absence of fear.] Courage. | 862. [Excess of fear.] Cowardice. | 863. Rashness. | 864. Caution. | 865. Desire. | 866. Indifference. | 867. Dislike. | 868. Fastidiousness. | 869. Satiety. | 870. Wonder. | 871. [Absence of wonder.] Expectance. | 872. Prodigy. | 873. Repute. | 874. Disrepute. | 875. Nobility. | 876. Commonalty. | 877. Title. | 878. Pride. | 879. Humility. | 880. Vanity. | 881. Modesty. | 882. Ostentation. | 883. Celebration. | 884. Boasting. | 885. [Undue assumption of superiority.] Insolence. | 886. Servility. | 887. Blusterer. | 888. Friendship. | 889. Enmity. | 890. Friend. | 891. Enemy. | 892. Sociality. | 893. Seclusion. Exclusion. | 894. Courtesy. | 895. Discourtesy. | 896. Congratulation. | 897. Love. | 898. Hate. | 899. Favorite. | 900. Resentment. | 901. Irascibility. | 901a. Sullenness. | 902. [Expression of affection or love.] Endearment. | 903. Marriage. | 904. Celibacy. | 905. Divorce. | 906. Benevolence. | 907. Malevolence. | 908. Malediction. | 909. Threat. | 910. Philanthropy. | 911. Misanthropy. | 912. Benefactor. | 913. [Maleficent being] Evil doer | 914. Pity. | 914a. Pitilessness. | 915. Condolence. | 916. Gratitude. | 917. Ingratitude. | 918. Forgiveness. | 919. Revenge. | 920. Jealousy. | 921. Envy. | 922. Right. | 923. Wrong. | 924. Dueness. | 925. [Absence of right.] Undueness. | 926. Duty. | 927. Dereliction of Duty. | 927a. Exemption. | 928. Respect. | 929. Disrespect. | 930. Contempt. | 931. Approbation. | 932. Disapprobation. | 933. Flattery. | 934. Detraction. | 935. Flatterer. | 936. Detractor. | 937. Vindication. | 938. Accusation. | 939. Probity. | 940. Improbity. | 941. Knave. | 942. Disinterestedness. | 943. Selfishness. | 944. Virtue. | 945. Vice. | 946. Innocence. | 947. Guilt. | 948. Good Man. | 949. Bad Man. | 950. Penitence. | 951. Impenitence. | 952. Atonement. | 953. Temperance. | 954. Intemperance. | 954a. Sensualist. | 955. Asceticism. | 956. Fasting. | 957. Gluttony. | 958. Sobriety. | 959. Drunkenness. | 960. Purity. | 961. Impurity. | 962. Libertine. | 963. Legality. | 964. [Absence or violation of law.] Illegality. | 965. Jurisdiction. [Executive.] | 966. Tribunal. | 967. Judge. | 968. Lawyer. | 969. Lawsuit. | 970. Acquittal. | 971. Condemnation. | 972. Punishment. | 973. Reward. | 974. Penalty. | 975. [Instrument of punishment.] Scourge. | 976. Deity. | 977. [Beneficent spirits] Angel. | 978. [Maleficent spirits.] Satan. | 979. Jupiter. | 980. Demon. | 981. Heaven. | 982. Hell. | 983. [Religious Knowledge.] Theology. | 983a. Orthodoxy. | 984. Heterodoxy. [Sectarianism.] | 985. Judeo-Christian Revelation. | 986. Pseudo-Revelation. | 987. Piety. | 988. Impiety. | 989. Irreligion. | 990. Worship. | 991. Idolatry. | 992. Sorcery. | 993. Spell. | 994. Sorcerer. | 995. Churchdom. | 996. Clergy. | 997. Laity. | 998. Rite. | 999. Canonicals. | 1000. Temple.
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Evasive Maneuvers - Euphemisms old and new
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Neal Whitman blogs at Literal-Minded, where he writes about linguistics in everyday life from the point of view of a husband and father. He taught English as a second language while earning his degree at Ohio State University; has published articles in Language, Journal of Linguistics, and other publications; and writes occasional scripts for the podcast "Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing."
Erstellt: 2016-02