Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Technik, Tecnología, Technique, Tecnica, Technology, (esper.) tekniko


$25 car (W3)

Wenn die Entwicklung eines Autos im gleichen Maßstab wie die Entwicklung eines Computers verlaufen wäre dürfte ein Auto nur noch 25$ kosten, mußte mit 3l Benzin 1.000 km weit kommen und einige andere Verbesserungen, aber auch zusätzliche negative Eigenschaften haben.


The $25 car

For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on......

At a computer expo, Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated "If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon."

In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued a press release stating: If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics:

(E1)(L1)$25 car
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "$25 car" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.


Erstellt: 2017-08

Famous Inventions : A to Z
Berühmte Erfindungen von A bis Z

Do you want to know the story behind automobiles, radio, television or telephones? Hundreds of famous inventions are listed in this A to Z list.


Browse Topic


Research the history of famous inventions - past and present.

By Mary Bellis, Guide

Erstellt: 2012-06




DOE (W3)

"DOE" steht für "Department of Energy".

"" gehört zu den 10 von Google Pagerank am höchsten bewerteten Adressen.



About DOE
The Department of Energy's overarching mission is to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States; to promote scientific and technological innovation in support of that mission; and to ensure the environmental cleanup of the national nuclear weapons complex. The Department's strategic goals to achieve the mission are designed to deliver results along five strategic themes: Within these themes there are sixteen strategic goals which are designed to help DOE successfully achieve its mission and vision.


Motor Glossary


Erstellt: 2012-05

engineering (W3)


e-waste (W3)

Engl. "e-waste" bezeichnet dt. "Elektronikschrott" - allerdings nur wenn er im Müll landet - nicht, wenn er recycelt wird. Anfang der 1980er Jahre trat der Präfix engl. "e-" für "electronic" zunächst in engl. "e-mail" in Erscheinung. Es folgten engl. "e-commerce", "e-learning" und viele weitere "e-"-Wörter. Mittlerweile wird "e-" jedoch meist mit "internet" assoziiert - wie etwa bei engl. "e-commerce". In dem Neologismus engl. "e-waste" steht das "e-" jedoch für das ursprüngliche engl. "electronic".

Engl. "e-waste" scheint im Jahr 2004 mit Bezug auf "Computer-Schrott" aufgekommen zu sein (laut Merriam-Webster). Von "" wird "e-waste" unter den "1999 Words" aufgeführt.

Die Bezeichnung engl. "electronic waste" findet Google allerdings schon ab dem Jahr 1900.


The e-waste dump

Accra, Ghana


The world’s largest "digital waste dump" has become a site where organized criminals hack into confidential government data.
Suddenly, a section of Old Fadama was designated as a digital dumping ground, known as "Agbogbloshie". In the years following the first e-waste, the Korle Lagoon, located inside Agbogbloshie, became one of the most polluted bodies of water on the planet, with levels of toxins 100 times the acceptable amount.


Shantou, China


China's biggest e-waste village.


e-waste – ein Neologismus!
"Elektroschrott" – "e-waste".

Umweltfreundlich? Oh Gott, da gibt es so viel – "eco-friendly", "environmentally friendly", "green", "environmentally sound", "planet-friendly".

Verwandt sind auch "to decarbonise", "low-carbon business", "carbon footprint", "ecological footprint", "climate neutral", "environmental impact" (auch plural, impacts).

Vorsicht mit dem Wort "Ökobilanz". Das ist nicht "eco balance" – hier sind Google-Hits sehr irreführend. Mit "eco balance" ist "das Gleichgewicht des Planets" an sich gemeint, nicht eine Bilanz im Sinne einer Analyse der Belastung der Umwelt durch eigene Aktivitäten.


China’s "Electronic Waste" Village

January 12, 2009 - 8:32 am

A photo essay from Time about the town in China where 80% of discarded circuit boards, cellphones and other electronics from the US end up. (Be sure to read the captions that accompany each picture.) T

he city of Guiyu is home to 5,500 businesses devoted to processing "discarded electronics", known as "e-waste". According to local websites, the region dismantles 1.5 million pounds of junked computers, cell phones and other devices a year.





How E-waste Works
Think back for a minute at the procession of "computers", "TVs", "cell phones", "radios", "game consoles" and "music players" that have passed through your hands over the years. What about the endless stream of products such as "vacuum cleaners", "microwaves", "hair dryers", "electric toothbrushes", "alarm clocks", "lamps", "lawn mowers" and "smoke detectors" that have come in and out of your life?

These are just a few examples of devices that are part of the growing phenomenon known as "e-waste". "E-waste" is the term used to describe discarded electronics and electrical products. In the past few decades, the world's demand for gadgetry has gone through the roof and, inevitably, more waste has started to accumulate. As the bustling economies of China and India modernize and follow more Western trends, the worldwide generation of "e-waste" has hit astronomical proportions.


"e-waste" (neologisme, milieu)

afval dat bestaat uit kapotte of onverkochte elektrische of elektronische apparaten die worden weggegooid; elektronisch afval

Wordt ook wel AEEA (Huishoudelijke Afgedankte Elektrische en Elektronische Apparatuur of "WEEE" ("Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment") genoemd.



langs elektronische weg, via het internet of door middel van elektronica; aan elektronica of het internet gerelateerd; digitaal; elektronisch

Dit voorvoegsel is een verkorting van het Engelse bijvoeglijke naamwoord "electronic" en wordt doorgaans op zijn Engels (als "ie") uitgesproken. Het is het eerste deel van samenstellingen en geeft aan dat het tweede deel langs "elektronische" weg tot stand komt (bv. "via internet": de elektronische/digitale snelweg) of door middel van "elektronica werkt" (bv. met een microchip). In veel gevallen kun je "e-" vervangen door "internet(-)" of door "digitaal" / "digitale".
Als linkerlid in samenstellingen en samenkoppelingen




Background – electronic waste

The term "e-waste" as an abbreviation for "electronic waste" takes inspiration from the use of the "e-" prefix as in "e-mail", "e-commerce", "e-learning", etc. It differs from these examples however in that the "e-" prefix relates to "electronic" in its basic sense ("using electricity and electrical parts"), as opposed to denoting the idea expressed in the Macmillan Online Dictionary as "on or using the Internet".

Adopting the same theme, a national initiative in New Zealand aiming to raise awareness of the potential dangers of electronic waste, and providing an opportunity to dispose of it in an environmentally-friendly way, is known as "e-day".

The prefix "e-" and its association with "electronic data" began life in the early eighties in the word "e-mail", quickly assuming productive use on a range of expressions relating to emerging technologies. With English as the lingua franca of technology, "e-" soon became used cross-linguistically, favoured as an abbreviation for "electronic" regardless of how this translates into other languages.


The term "e-waste", an abbreviation for "electronic waste", and sometimes also referred to as "e-scrap", describes used electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers, televisions, etc., that have been discarded. According to estimates by the UN, the world produces up to 50 million tonnes of "e-waste" per year.


Definition of e-waste:: waste consisting of discarded electronic products (such as computers, televisions, and cell phones)

First Known Use of e-waste: 2004, in the meaning defined above


"E-waste" refers to old computers, dead cell phones, old tablets and smartphones, even old television sets and any kind of obsolete technology that is thrown in the trash instead of recycled.




Tomorrow's Togo: A World Leader in E-Waste?

Togo is teaching the world how complex gadgets can be built from everyday waste.


5/29/11: Nearly 50 million tons of "e-waste" ("electronic waste" such as cell phones and computers) is created each year around the world. This is enough to fill a line of garbage trucks across half the globe.


umper 468 carloads of e-waste


Around the world, a number of initiatives have arisen to address the issue of "e-waste", by promoting the reuse of "electronic devices" ("e-cycling") and mandating that safer alternatives to hazardous substances be used in their manufacture whenever possible. In Europe, legislation has been drafted to deal with the problem, including the "Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment" ("WEEE") Directive and the Basel Convention. In the United States, initiatives have mostly come from the private sector, such as eBay's Rethink project.


"e-waste": "Discarded electronics". Every year, there is an enormous number of computer and electronic devices that become obsolete and are thrown in the trash. Lead, cadmium, mercury and other toxic materials used in this equipment can contaminate the environment. It was estimated that between 2003 and 2010, more than three billion consumer electronic devices were discarded.


Short for "electronic waste". The term "e-waste" is applied to all waste caused by discarding electronic devices, especially consumer electronics. "E-waste" is a major concern in areas of personal computing and wireless devices that are quickly discarded by consumers. The lifespan of these electronics are short-lived due to rapid technological advances and lower costs to purchase each year. Consumers generally buy new instead of reusing because their electronic device quickly becomes obsolete or it may be cheaper to purchase new. Inkjet printers are one example of a common "e-waste" problem as consumers believe they can save money to purchase a new printer with ink than to buy ink refill for their old one.


"Electronic waste" or "e-waste" describes discarded electrical or electronic devices. Used electronics which are destined for refurbishment, reuse, resale, salvage, recycling through material recovery, or disposal are also considered "e-waste". Informal processing of "e-waste" in developing countries can lead to adverse human health effects and environmental pollution.

"Electronic scrap" components, such as CPUs, contain potentially harmful materials such as lead, cadmium, beryllium, or brominated flame retardants. Recycling and disposal of "e-waste" may involve significant risk to health of workers and communities in developed countries and great care must be taken to avoid unsafe exposure in recycling operations and leaking of materials such as heavy metals from landfills and incinerator ashes.
The term "waste" is reserved for residue or material which is dumped by the buyer rather than recycled, including residue from reuse and recycling operations, because loads of surplus electronics are frequently commingled (good, recyclable, and non-recyclable). Several public policy advocates apply the term "e-waste" and "e-scrap" broadly to all surplus electronics. Cathode ray tubes (CRTs) are considered one of the hardest types to recycle.


"electronic waste", "e-waste" (s) (noun); "electronic wastes", "e-wastes" (pl)

Any broken or unwanted electrical or electronic appliances which have become items of concern because of the components are considered toxic and are not biodegradable: The city where Sally lives recently started a recycling program for electronic wastes of cell phones and computers.




1999 Words
"e-waste", n. One side effect of the electronic revolution is tons of hazardous waste created by discarded equipment.



Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "e-waste" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.

(E1)(L1) waste
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "electronic waste" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1900 auf.

Erstellt: 2019-07






"IEEE" ("Ei Triple-i") steht für "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers".

Dieser Fachverband bemüht sich in mehrmaligen Treffen pro Jahr hauptsächlich um die Normierung auf dem Gebiet der Elektrotechnik.

Die "Projektgruppe 802", deren Namen sich auch gut mit dem Datum ihres ersten Treffens, dem 29.02.1980, in Verbindung bringen lässt, hat etliche Standards definiert, die für lokale Netze weltweite Gültigkeit erlangten. Innerhalb dieser Projektgruppe (häufig auch "802-Komitee" genannt) gibt es mehrere Arbeitsgruppen, die sich um die einzelnen Normierungen kümmern.

Die Arbeitsgruppe 802-9, zum Beispiel, beschäftigt sich mit Integrierten Sprach- und Datennetzen.

Die Standards des IEEE werden von der ISO unter dem Kürzel 8802 übernommen, z.B. ist IEEE802.3 identisch mit ISO 8802-3.

1394 Trade Association: 1394 Technology
Background documents about IEEE 1394 standard (also known as the FireWire and i.Link), which was "designed to be a universal interconnect, eliminating the need for many different input/output connectors" in computers and electronic devices. Includes a FAQ about 1394, definitions of basic terms (such as peer-to-peer, backplane, and daisy chain), and documents promoting 1394 in automotive networking and home entertainment.


Wireless-LANs - Sicherheit im Funk-LAN (WLAN, IEEE 802.11)

FireWire vs High-Speed USB
Compares and contrasts FireWire (officially known as IEEE 1394, and as i.Link by Sony) and high-speed USB (universal serial bus) technologies for connecting peripheral devices to a computer. Provides a brief history of the technologies, a chart showing the pros and cons of each, system requirements, and related information. From the Australian Consumers' Association, an independent consumer research organization.


Linksammlung zu Detailinformationen über den Standard IEEE 1284 für parallele Schnittstellen.

"IEEE" steht für "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers"

IEEE | IEEE 1394 | IEEE 802.11b



IEEE | IEEE 802.11b

IEEE | IEEE 1394 | IEEE 802 standards

Ethernet Designations - IEEE 802.3 specifies a series of standards for telecommunication technology over Ethernet local-area networks. This chart details the different Ethernet designations and how they differ from one another.





mit - Abridged Dictionary of the TMRC Language

The "Tech Model Railroad Club" of the "Massachusetts Institute of Technology".


The words defined in this dictionary are the property of the "Tech Model Railroad Club" ("TMRC") of M.I.T. and all rights to use and define these words are strictly reserved.

This dictionary is derived from one originally written in 1959 by Pete Samson. It was put on the net by Mark Stiles who added some entries. The online version was improved by contributions of several others, including Larry Allen, Richard Polis, Joe Onorato, Mike Patton, and others. Then this Web version was converted by Mike Patton. Finally it was converted yet again by Steve Weiss. Please send any comments, suggestions, or additions to the TMRC WWW team.

The original 1959 and 1960 editions of the TMRC dictionary are available online at Pete Samson's web page.




pumped storage (W3)

Der "Pumpenspeicher" ist eigentlich ein höherliegender Wasserspeicher, in den bei Energieüberfluss Wasser gepumpt wird und bei Energiebedarf die Energie des herabfliessenden Wassers wieder in Elektrizität umgewandelt wird.




Reno - Rose

Reno mp Medium Pink, Grandiflora 1957

Die Rose "Reno" trägt den Namen des US-amerikanischen Erfinders Jesse Wilford Reno (1861-1947) und wurde zu seinem 10 jährigen Todestag getauft. Reno hatte im Jahr 1891 einen Vorgänger der heutigen Rolltreppe entwickelt. Sein Modell hatte noch keine Stufen, sondern bestand aus einem Schräg laufenden Band. Sein Laufband wurde im September 1896 in einem Vergnügungspark in Coney Island (Long Island) und dann 1889 auf der Weltausstellung in Paris der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.


1895 wurde als At­trak­tion in einem Vergnügungspark auf Coney Island erst­mals eine Fahr­treppe be­trie­ben. Es han­delte sich um eine Er­fin­dung des US-Amerikaners Jesse W. Reno, dem am 15. März 1892 das be­an­tragte Pa­tent zu­er­kannt wor­den war.




Reno, Silva (USA) 1957 Grandiflora rosa leicht duftend

Erstellt: 2013-01


Of Nerds And Words
The etymology of technology terms we know and love

Anu Garg, Special to SF Gate - Thursday, March 14, 2002

In dem Artikel der Online-Ausgabe des "San Francisco Chronicle" geht es um:

"Yahoos", "Brobdingnagian" (something very big), "Lilliputian" (something very small), "Laputan" (impractical visionary), "Google", "nerd" ("..., I'll sail to Ka-Troo / And Bring Back an It-Kutch, a Preep and a Proo, / A Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker, too!"), "grinch", "bug", "spam".


technology (W3)







Electric Circuits Fluid Mechanics Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Steam Tables Psychrometrics Refrigeration Structures

Erstellt: 2011-10

Technological World


Communications Space Probes Photography Barcodes Structures Nuclear Explosions Carbon Footprints

Erstellt: 2011-10