Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Rose, Rosa, Rose, Rosa, Rose, (lat.) rosa, (esper.) rozo, rozacoj
Rosen Sorten
Rosa floribunda - Floribunda Rosen, Rosas Floribunda, Roses Floribunda, Rose Floribunda, Floribunda Roses

Floribunda Roses


Erstellt: 2015-03

Apricot China - Rose

00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- Hinweis: --------------------------------------------------------------
01 Hinweis: Bild Platzhalter
02 Hinweis: Bemerkung
03 Hinweis: Literatur
10 Name: -------------------------------------- Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------
11 Name: Sortier Name
12 Name: Exhibition Name Apricot China
13 Name: Registration Name
14 Name: Synonyme Apricot China
15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards
20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- Genealogie: -----------------------------------------------------------
21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art Floribunda, Grandiflora
22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage
23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen
24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen
25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use
26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth) 1996
27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer
30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- Blüte: ----------------------------------------------------------------
31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour Apricot, Apricot blend
32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength Slightly Fragrant
33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit
34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals
35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape Cluster-flowered
36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size
37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type
38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period Late Spring/Early Summer, Blooms repeatedly, Blooms in flushes throughout the season
39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit
40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- Pflanze: --------------------------------------------------------------
41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage
42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness
43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape
44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds
45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems
50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- Wuchs: ----------------------------------------------------------------
51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit Bush
52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation
53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur 90-120 cm
54 Wuchs: Weite / Width 60-90 cm
60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- Gesundheit: -----------------------------------------------------------
61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation
62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren
63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge
64 Gesundheit: Hitze
65 Gesundheit: Kälte
66 Gesundheit: Nässe
67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit
68 Gesundheit: Schatten
99 -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------



Erstellt: 2019-07

Apricot Moon - Rose

00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- Hinweis: --------------------------------------------------------------
01 Hinweis: Bild Platzhalter
02 Hinweis: Bemerkung
03 Hinweis: Literatur
10 Name: -------------------------------------- Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------
11 Name: Sortier Name
12 Name: Exhibition Name
13 Name: Registration Name
14 Name: Synonyme Apricot Moon
15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards
20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- Genealogie: -----------------------------------------------------------
21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art Floribunda, Grandiflora, Modern Rose
22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage
23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen
24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen
25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use
26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth) 1995
27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer Discovered by Gregg Lowery (United States, 1995)
30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- Blüte: ----------------------------------------------------------------
31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour Apricot, Apricot blend
32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength moderate, strong, myrrh fragrance
33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit
34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals 17-25 petals
35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape Cluster Flowered
36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size medium
37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type
38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period Late Spring/Early Summer, Blooms repeatedly, Blooms in flushes throughout the season
39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit
40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- Pflanze: --------------------------------------------------------------
41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage
42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness
43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape
44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds
45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems
50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- Wuchs: ----------------------------------------------------------------
51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit Cluster Flowered
52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation Bush
53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur 90-120 cm
54 Wuchs: Weite / Width 60-90 cm
60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- Gesundheit: -----------------------------------------------------------
61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation
62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren
63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge
64 Gesundheit: Hitze
65 Gesundheit: Kälte
66 Gesundheit: Nässe
67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit
68 Gesundheit: Schatten
99 -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------



Apricot Moon

Erstellt: 2019-07

Apricot Nectar - Rose

00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- Hinweis: --------------------------------------------------------------
01 Hinweis: Bild Platzhalter
02 Hinweis: Bemerkung
03 Hinweis: Literatur
10 Name: -------------------------------------- Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------
11 Name: Sortier Name
12 Name: Exhibition Name
13 Name: Registration Name
14 Name: Synonyme Apricot Nectar
15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards AARS 1966
20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- Genealogie: -----------------------------------------------------------
21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art Floribunda, Floribundarose, Edelrose, Nostalgie Rose, Moderne Rose, Polyantharose,
  • Teerose
  • 22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage Sämling x 'Spartan'
    23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen
    24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen
    25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use Vasenschnitt, Terrassen, Hausgarten, Flowers open slowly for a long vase life
    26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth) 1965
    27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer Boerner (Bourner (?)) (USA), 1965 (Introduced in United States by Jackson & Perkins - USA)
    30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- Blüte: ----------------------------------------------------------------
    31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour Apricot, Apricot blend
    32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength Fruchtig, Teerosenduft, nach Aprikose duftend, fruity fragrance
    33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit öfter, lange Blütedauer, einzeln und in Büscheln
    34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals
    35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape gut gefüllt
    36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size Blüten von 10 cm Durchmesser
    37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type prächtig aprikosenfarbig – mit grosser Haltbarkeit
    38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period Herbstblüherin
    39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit
    40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- Pflanze: --------------------------------------------------------------
    41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage hellgrün, mittelgrün, dunkelgrün, mid green foliage
    42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness normal
    43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape
    44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds
    45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems
    50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- Wuchs: ----------------------------------------------------------------
    51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit gut wüchsig, gleichmäßig, kräftiger Wuchs – kompakt, buschig, aufrecht, Growth bushy and vigorous
    52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation
    53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur 60- 80 cm
    54 Wuchs: Weite / Width
    60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- Gesundheit: -----------------------------------------------------------
    61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation
    62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren gesund und widerstandsfähig
    63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge
    64 Gesundheit: Hitze
    65 Gesundheit: Kälte frosthart, -17,8 bis - 20,6 Grad
    66 Gesundheit: Nässe
    67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit
    68 Gesundheit: Schatten
    99 -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------


    Apricot Nectar


    Floribunda Rose "Apricot Nectar"


    Apricot Nectar (Floribunda-Rose)


    Rosier buisson à grandes fleurs x Thé moderne 'Apricot Nectar'


    Apricot Nectar - Floribunda. Apricot or apricot blend. Strong, fruity fragrance. Very large, double (17-25 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters, cupped bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 10b. Height of 2' to 4' (60 to 120 cm). Width of 2' to 3' (60 to 90 cm). Eugene S. "Gene" Boerner (1964).


    Apricot Nectar rose: floribunda; Boerner 1965: File Number K 1975: Photographer: Susan


    Apricot Nectar


    Apricot Nectar


    Apricot Nectar


    Apricot Nectar





    Die eleganten Blüten dieser Beetrose erscheinen in einem zarten apricot. Die in dichten Dolden stehenden Schönheiten duften nicht nur ausgezeichnet, sie blüht auch noch zuverlässig öfter bis zum ersten Frost. Die Beetrose hat einen buschigen, aufrechten Wuchs und erreicht eine Höhe von ca. 80 cm.


    Apricot Nectar


    Apricot Nectar, Floribunda, Boerner 1965


    'Apricot Nectar', Boerner, 1965

    Erstellt: 2019-07

    Apricot Nektar - Rose

    00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- Hinweis: --------------------------------------------------------------
    01 Hinweis: Bild Platzhalter
    02 Hinweis: Bemerkung
    03 Hinweis: Literatur
    10 Name: -------------------------------------- Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------
    11 Name: Sortier Name
    12 Name: Exhibition Name Apricot Nektar
    13 Name: Registration Name Apricot Nektar
    14 Name: Synonyme Apricot Nektar
    15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards
    20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- Genealogie: -----------------------------------------------------------
    21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art Floribunda
    22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage Unnamed Seedling × Spartan (floribunda, Boerner, 1955)
    23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen
    24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen
    25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use ground, container, beds, borders, cut flower, garden
    26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth) 1964
    27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer Bred by Eugene S. "Gene" Boerner (United States, before 1964)
    30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- Blüte: ----------------------------------------------------------------
    31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour Apricot, apricot blend
    32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength Strong, fruity fragrance
    33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit
    34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals 17-25 petals
    35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape Very large, double, cluster-flowered, in small clusters, cupped bloom form
    36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size
    37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type
    38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period Blooms in flushes throughout the season
    39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit
    40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- Pflanze: --------------------------------------------------------------
    41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage Glossy, dark green foliage
    42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness
    43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape
    44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds
    45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems
    50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- Wuchs: ----------------------------------------------------------------
    51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit Tall, bushy
    52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation
    53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur 60 - 120 cm
    54 Wuchs: Weite / Width 60 - 90 cm
    60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- Gesundheit: -----------------------------------------------------------
    61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation
    62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren
    63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge
    64 Gesundheit: Hitze
    65 Gesundheit: Kälte Requires spring freeze protection
    66 Gesundheit: Nässe
    67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit
    68 Gesundheit: Schatten Vigorous
    99 -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------


    Erstellt: 2019-07


    Polyanthas and older floribundas


    Erstellt: 2015-02
    Hybrid Teas and Floribundas


    A tour of our rose garden
    pictures and descriptions of over 100 varieties of roses in my garden



    "Hybrid Teas" and "Floribundas" are the modern roses seen everywhere these days. They are *just* barely hardy here. Those that are grafted will have to have the bud union protected in the winter, either by mounding dirt around the graft or by planting the rose with the graft several inches below ground. What ever remains exposed to the cold and wind usually will be dead the following spring. Besides protecting the bud union, the other tricks to making they survive the winter are watering them throughout the winter, and making sure they go into dormancy healthy.

    | Nearly Wild | Condesa de Sastago | French Perfume | Touch of Class | Queen Elizabeth | Chigaco Peace | Flaming Peace | VooDoo | Color Magic | Unknown Floribunda | Snow Fire | Arizona | Paradise | Double Delight | Peace | Dainty Bess | Peppermint Twist | Barbara Bush | Broadway | Unknown Pink Floribunda | New Year First Prize | Caribbean

    Erstellt: 2015-02


    Floribunda Roses



    Floribundas are the most colorful of all rose types. Planted en masse, they provide spectacular color all summer long with a rainbow of hues to choose from. The blooms are produced in clusters or sprays. The plants are typically shorter than Hybrid Teas. Use Floribundas liberally to enhance any landscape design.

    Erstellt: 2015-02


    Floribunda Rose (W3)

    Die Bezeichnung "Floribundarose", engl. "Floribunda Rose", geht auf den amerikanischen Rosenzüchter Dr. J.N. Nicolas zurück. Seit 1930 wird "Floribundarose" in den USA für Kreuzungen zwischen "Teehybriden" und "Polyantharosen" benutzt.


    "Floribundas" are very popular for their beautiful clusters of flowers, and their nearly continuous rebloom throughout the season. The Danish hybridizer, Svend Poulsen, bred the first Floribundas in the 1920s; however the class was not generally accepted until 1952.


    How to Grow Iceberg Roses. Developed by German nursery director, Reimer Kordes, in 1958, Iceberg is a floribunda rose cultivar that is created by hybridizing ...


    "Floribunda" (Latin for "many-flowering") is a modern group of garden roses that was developed by crossing "hybrid teas" with "polyantha roses", the latter being derived from crosses between "Rosa chinensis" and "Rosa multiflora" (sometimes called "R. polyantha"). The idea was to create roses that bloomed with the polyantha profusion, but with hybrid tea floral beauty and colour range.
    Other breeders also began introducing similar varieties, and in 1930 the name "floribunda" was coined by Dr. J.N. Nicolas, a rose hybridizer for Jackson & Perkins in the US. This term has been used since then to describe cultivars which in their ancestry have crosses between "hybrid teas" and "polyanthas".

    (E1)(L1) Rose
    Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

    Engl. "Floribunda Rose" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1940 auf.

    Erstellt: 2015-02

    Floribunda Roses (W3)

    Die Bezeichnung "Floribundarose", engl. "Floribunda Rose", geht auf den amerikanischen Rosenzüchter Dr. J.N. Nicolas zurück. Seit 1930 wird "Floribundarose" in den USA für Kreuzungen zwischen "Teehybriden" und "Polyantharosen" benutzt.


    How to Deadhead Floribunda Roses. Floribunda roses produce numerous single or double blooms on long stems appropriate for cutting. The cluster of flowers ...


    How to Prune Floribunda Roses. Floribunda roses are continuous blooming roses known for their clusters of blooms on medium-length stems. Fragrant and ...



    Floribunda Roses

    According to David Austin [David Austin's English Roses, p. 17], Floribundas were the result of crossing Polyanthas with Hybrid Teas by P.T. Poulsen. Poulsen was looking for roses that would thrive in the Scandinavian climate. Floribundas retain much of the hardiness, freedom and continuity of flower of the Polyanthas, but have much larger blooms.


    "Floribunda Roses" (abbrev. "FB" or "FL") (See "Modern Roses")

    "Floribundas" were created about 1909 by crossing the "Polyanthas" with "Hybrid Teas". They produce flowers in clusters, not singly like the "Hybrid Teas". "Floribundas" are usually shorter plants than "Hybrid Teas" and tend to produce more flowers and smaller flowers than "Hybrid Teas" on shorter stems. Although "Hybrid Teas" provide excellent cut flowers, "Floribundas" are well suited as good landscape plants providing lots of color. Many "Floribundas" are not very fragrant.


    Floribunda Roses

    Floribunda roses first became popular in the middle of the 20th century. They resulted from crosses between hybrid teas and polyanthas. They are renowned for their season-long clusters of medium-size blooms.


    The floribunda roses give a continuous cluster of flowers from late spring to late fall. They are hardier than hybrid teas and are good for mass plantings or low hedges.


    Also "Floribunda roses" are being offered in many varieties. So many that even professionals sometimes mix names and varieties. Another good reason for the Spelarosa team to make the best possible choice also in this group with the same criteria: health, compact growth, very free flowering and in the different main colours.

    Not only new varieties are being selected but also "old timers" or "classics" if you wish. "Floribunda roses" are very free flowering. Of course with smaller individual flowers then the Hybrid Tea roses but making a great show when planted in beds, along the driveway or just somewhere in the garden in combination with other plants.

    Flowering from June till late in the autumn. A Romantic Floribunda? See Wedding Rose !


    "Floribunda" (Latin for "many-flowering") is a modern group of garden roses that was developed by crossing "hybrid teas" with "polyantha roses", the latter being derived from crosses between "Rosa chinensis" and "Rosa multiflora" (sometimes called "R. polyantha"). The idea was to create roses that bloomed with the polyantha profusion, but with hybrid tea floral beauty and colour range.
    Other breeders also began introducing similar varieties, and in 1930 the name "floribunda" was coined by Dr. J.N. Nicolas, a rose hybridizer for Jackson & Perkins in the US. This term has been used since then to describe cultivars which in their ancestry have crosses between "hybrid teas" and "polyanthas".

    (E1)(L1) Roses
    Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

    Engl. "Floribunda Roses" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1940 auf.

    Erstellt: 2015-02

    Floribundas (W3)

    Die Bezeichnung "Floribundarose", engl. "Floribunda Rose", "Floribundas", geht auf den amerikanischen Rosenzüchter Dr. J.N. Nicolas zurück. Seit 1930 wird "Floribundarose" in den USA für Kreuzungen zwischen "Teehybriden" und "Polyantharosen" benutzt.



    Roses such as 'lceberg' produce quantities of flowers singularly or in clusters of several flowers. They're only 2 to 3 feet tall and relatively compact, so excellent for bedding displays, and they blend well into a mixed border of flowers and shrubs. They're especially valuable for their ability to adapt to a wide range of temperatures and soil conditions.


    "Floribundas" were produced by crossing Polyantha roses with Hybrid Teas in the 1920's and 1930's. Dines and Svend Poulsen, two Danish brothers, concentrated on breeding cold hardy roses from Dwarf Polyanthas, Polyanthas, and Ramblers. Svend Poulsen bred the Dwarf Polyantha Orleans Rose with the Hybrid Tea "Red Star". Two excellent seedlings resulted ("Else Poulsen", a pink semi-double, and "Kirsten Poulsen", a red single) and were introduced in 1924. Both have large flowers borne in clusters and are remontant. Breeding continued and other Poulsen roses were introduced in the decade that followed. The most famous is the red "Karen Poulsen", introduced in 1932. The roses bred by the Poulsens and other breeders following their example were classified as "Hybrid Polyanthas". The class was renamed "Floribunda" in 1952 and is one of the most important rose classes. Taller growing Floribundas (many with classic Hybrid Tea blooms) are classified as "Grandiflora" roses in America.

    Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

    Engl. "Floribundas" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1930 auf.

    Erstellt: 2015-02

    Fragrant Apricot - Rose

    00 Hinweis: ----------------------------------- Hinweis: --------------------------------------------------------------
    01 Hinweis: Bild Platzhalter
    02 Hinweis: Bemerkung
    03 Hinweis: Literatur
    10 Name: -------------------------------------- Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------
    11 Name: Sortier Name
    12 Name: Exhibition Name Fragrant Apricot
    13 Name: Registration Name JACgrant
    14 Name: Synonyme Fragrant Apricot, JACgrant
    15 Name: Auszeichnungen / Awards
    20 Genealogie: -------------------------------- Genealogie: -----------------------------------------------------------
    21 Genealogie: Gattung / Sektion / Art Floribunda
    22 Genealogie: Elternrosen / Herkunft / Parentage Impatient × Amber Queen ® (floribunda, Harkness before 1981)
    23 Genealogie: Kinderrosen / Nachkommen
    24 Genealogie: Sports / Mutationen
    25 Genealogie: Verwendung / Utilisation / Gebruik / Use beds, borders, container rose, cut flower, garden, ground, container
    26 Genealogie: Erscheinungsjahr / DOB (Date of Birth) 1998
    27 Genealogie: Züchter / Entdecker / Breeder / Hybridizer Bred by Dr. Keith W. Zary (United States, before 1998)
    30 Blüte: ------------------------------------- Blüte: ----------------------------------------------------------------
    31 Blüte: Farbe / Bloemkleur / Flower Colour Apricot, apricot blend, Copper, Yellow-salmon blend, Light coral, lighter edges
    32 Blüte: Duft / Fragrance / Geurend / Scent Strength Strong, damask fragrance, Slightly Fragrant, Moderately Fragrant: Musk
    33 Blüte: Eigenschaften / Flowering Habit
    34 Blüte: Blütenblätter-Anzahl / Petals 26 - 40 petals
    35 Blüte: Form / Forme de la fleur / Bloom Shape Large, full, cluster-flowered, in small clusters, high-centered to cupped, reflexed, rounded bloom form
    36 Blüte: Größe / Bloem / Bloom Size
    37 Blüte: Typ / Bloom Type
    38 Blüte: Zeit / Floraison / Bloeitijd / Flowering Period Late Spring / Early Summer, Blooms repeatedly, Continuous (perpetual) bloom throughout the season
    39 Blüte: Bienenfreundlichkeit
    40 Pflanze: ----------------------------------- Pflanze: --------------------------------------------------------------
    41 Pflanze: Blätter, Laub / Feuillage / Foliage Large, medium green, dense, leathery foliage
    42 Pflanze: Dornen / Stacheln / Thornyness armed with thorns / prickles
    43 Pflanze: Hagebutten / Hips / Hip Colour / Hip Shape
    44 Pflanze: Knospen / Buds Long, pointed buds, fade to shell pink
    45 Pflanze: Stiele / Stems
    50 Wuchs: ------------------------------------- Wuchs: ----------------------------------------------------------------
    51 Wuchs: Form / Vorm / Growth Habit upright, well-branched
    52 Wuchs: Abstand / Dist. de plantation
    53 Wuchs: Höhe / Taille / Height / Hauteur 90-120 cm
    54 Wuchs: Weite / Width 60-90 cm
    60 Gesundheit: -------------------------------- Gesundheit: -----------------------------------------------------------
    61 Gesundheit: Bodenansprüche / Cultivation
    62 Gesundheit: Bakterien, Pilze, Viren susceptible to blackspot, It's not resistant to blackspot
    63 Gesundheit: Tierische Schädlinge
    64 Gesundheit: Hitze
    65 Gesundheit: Kälte Requires spring freeze protection
    66 Gesundheit: Nässe
    67 Gesundheit: Trockenheit
    68 Gesundheit: Schatten
    99 -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------


    Floribunda Rose 'Fragrant Apricot'




    Erstellt: 2019-07




    PAGE 1-24 OF 394


    Erstellt: 2015-02
    Floribunda Roses


    Floribunda Roses (abbrev. FB or FL) (See Modern Roses) (See Catalogue)

    Floribundas were created about 1909 by crossing the Polyanthas with Hybrid Teas. They produce flowers in clusters, not singly like the Hybrid Teas. Floribundas are usually shorter plants than Hybrid Teas and tend to produce more flowers and smaller flowers than Hybrid Teas on shorter stems. Although Hybrid Teas provide excellent cut flowers, Floribundas are well suited as good landscape plants providing lots of color. Many Floribundas are not very fragrant.


    Section: Floribunda Roses

    Erstellt: 2015-02










    Floribunda Roses


    Floribunda Roses

    Erstellt: 2015-02
    Floribunda Roses


    Roses that are Classified as Floribunda Roses

    Floribunda roses are the breeder's attempt to combine the prolific flowering and carefree constitution of the best polyanthas with the many rich colors and nice forms of the hybrid tea roses. One might argue that we are still far short of realizing that goal, but a lot of good roses have been produced along the way; and one or two of them managed to come close enough to the goal to be considered a success even by its lofty ambitions. Sexy Rexy, a truly exceptional floribunda, does meet the specification if we allow the the blossoms to be a little different from the ideal high centered buds. At the other end of the spectrum is Day Breaker which produces nice, high centered blossoms on a low, well branched plant - sort of like a hybrid tea rose plant that is on its best behavior so it might fit into the garden. Pictured is Geisha, a rose unique for its silky pink petals that open to reveal lovely contrasting red stamens; it probebly deserves more attention. Playboy, Playgirl, Angel Face, and Iceberg have been immensely popular for decades and for good reason; they look great in the garden. That's what floribundas do best.

    Cultivar - Class - Color - Fragrance - Breeder - Hardiness

    Erstellt: 2015-02





    Floribunda Roses


    Erstellt: 2015-02




    Bücher zur Kategorie:

    Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
    US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
    Rose, Rosa, Rose, Rosa, Rose, (lat.) rosa, (esper.) rozo, rozacoj
    Rosen Sorten
    Rosa floribunda - Floribunda Rosen, Rosas Floribunda, Roses Floribunda, Rose Floribunda, Floribunda Roses

























