Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Redensart, Locución, Tournure, Locuzione, Phrase, (esper.) dirmanieroj, esprimmanieroj

Sprichwörtlich Redensart, Refrán, Dicton, Proverbiale Dicendo, Saying



Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable


Brewer, E. Cobham. 1898. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Derivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, Allusions, and Words

Giving the Derivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, Allusions, and Words That Have a Tale to Tell

Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable comprises over 18,000 entries that reveal the etymologies, trace the origins and otherwise catalog “words with a tale to tell.”



Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable - sometimes referred to simply as Brewer's - is a reference work containing definitions and explanations of many famous phrases, allusions and figures, whether historical or mythical.

Originally published in 1870 by the Reverend E. Cobham Brewer, it was aimed at the growing number of people who did not have a university education, but wanted to understand the origins of phrases and historical or literary allusions. The 'phrase' part of the title refers mainly to the explanation of various idioms and proverbs, while the 'fable' part might more accurately be labelled 'folklore' and ranges from classical mythology to relatively recent literature. On top of this, Brewer added notes on important historical figures and events, and other things which he thought would be of interest, such as Roman numerals.
Some entries seem so trivial as to be hardly worth including, and others are almost definitely apocryphal.
The most recent version is the 17th Edition, published in October 2005, and edited by John Ayto.


A. | A1 | A.B. | | | | A. E. I. O. U. | A.U.C. | Aaron. | Ab. | Aback. | Abacus. | Abaddon. | Abambou. | Abandon | Abandon fait larron. | Abaris. | Abate (2 syl.) | Abatement | Abaton. | Abbassides (3 syl.) | Abbey Laird (An) | Abbey-lubber (An) | Abbot of Misrule | Abbotsford. | Abd | Abdael (2 syl.) | Abdallah | Abdallah. | Abdals. | Abdera. | Abderitan. | Abderitan Laughter. | Abderite (3 syl.) | Abderus. | Abdiel. | Abecedarian. | Abel and Cain | Abel Keene. | Abelites (3 syl.) | Abessa. | Abesta. | Abeyance | Abhigit. | Abhor | Abiala. | Abida. | Abidharma. | Abigail. | Abimelech | Able. | Able-bodied Seaman. | Aboard. | Abolla. | Abominate | Abomination of Desolation (The) | Abon Hassan. | Abonde (Dame) | Abortive Flowers | Abou ebn Sina | Abou-Bekr | Abou Jahia. | Aboulomri (in Mohammedan mythology) | Above | Above-board. | Above par. | Above your hook-i.e. | Abracadabra. | Abracax | Abraham. | Abrahams Bosom. | Abraham Newland (An) | Abrahamic Covenant. | Abrahamites (4 syl.) | Abram-colour. | Abram-Man | | Abreast. | Abridge | Abroach. | Abroad. | Abrogate. | Absalom. | Absalom and Achitophel. | Abscond | Absent. | Absent Man (The) | Absolute. | Absquatulate. | Abstemious | Abstract Numbers | Abstraction. | Absurd | Abudah. | Abundant Number (An) | Abus | Abyla. | Abyssinians. | Acacetus. | Academics | Academy. | Academy Figures. | Acadia-i.e. | Acadine. | Acanthus. | Acceptance. | Accessory. | Accident. | Accidental or Subjective Colours. | Accidentals | Accidente! (4 syl.) | Accidents | Accius Navius. | Accolade (3 syl.) | Accommodation. | Accord | Accost | Account. | Accurate | Accusative (The) | Ace (1 syl.) | Aceldama. | Acephalites (4 syl.) | Acestes (3 syl.) | Achæan League. | Achar | Achates (3 syl.) | Achemon | Acheron. | Acherontian Books. | Acherusia. | Achillea. | Achilles (3 syl.) | Achilles. | Achilles (pronounce A-kil-leez) | Achilles | Achilles of the West. | Achilles Spear. | Achilles Tendon. | Aching Void (An) | Achitophel. (See ABSALOM AND ACHITOPHEL.) | Achor. | Acis. | Acmonian Wood (The) | Acoime tæ. | Acolyte (3 syl.) | Aconite. | Acrasia (Self-indulgence) | Acrates (3 syl.) | Acre. | Acre-fight. | Acre-shot. | Acres. | Acroamatics. | Acroatic. | Acrobat | Acropolis. | Acrostic (Greek, akros stichos) | Acrostics. | Act and Opponency. | Act of Faith (auto da fé) | Act of God (An) | Actæon. | Actian Years. | Action Sermon. | Active. | Activity. | Acton. | Actresses. | Acu tetigisti. | Acutiator. | Ad Græcas Calendas. (Deferred) | Ad inquirendum. | Ad libitum. | Ad rem (Latin) | Ad unum omnes. | Ad valorem. | Ad vitam aut cupam. | Adam. | Adam. | Adam Bell. | Adam Cupid | Adams Ale. | Adams Apple. | Adams Needle. | Adams Peak | Adams Profession. | Adams. | Adamant | Adamastor. | Adamic Covenant. | Adamites (3 syl.) | Adaran | Adays. | Addison of the North | Addixit | Addle | Adelantado. | Ademar | Adept | Adessenarians. | Adeste Fidelës. | Adfiliate, Adfiliation. | Adha, al (the slit-eared) | Ad hab-al-Cabr. | Adiaphorists. | Adieu | Adissechen. | Adjective Colours | Adjourn. | Adjournment of the House. | Admirable (The) | Admirable Crichton (The) | Admirable Doctor (Doctor admirdbilis) | Admiral | Admiral of the Blue. | Admiral of the Red. | Admittance. | Admonitionists or Admonitioners. | Adolpha. | Adonai. | Adonais (4 syl.) | Adonies. | Adonis. | Adonis of 50. | Adonis Flower (The) | Adonis Garden | Adonis River. | Adonists. | Adoption. | Adoption Controversy. | Adoptionist. | Adore (2 syl.) | Adrammelech. | Adrastus. | Adrian (St.) | Adriel | Adrift. | | Adsidelta. | Adullamites (4 syl.) | Advauncer. | Advent. | Adversary (The) | Advocate (An) | Advocates Library | Advowson | Adytum. | Ædiles (2 syl.) | Ægeus (2 syl.) | Æginetan Sculptures. | Ægir. | Ægis. | Ægrotat. | A E I (A-i) | Ælurus. | Æmilian Law. | Æmonia Æmonian (HÆMONIA HÆMONIAN) | Æneas. | Æneid. | Æolic Digamma. | Æolic Mode | Æolus | Æon (Greek, aion) | Æra. | Aèrated Bread. | Aërated Water. | Aerians. | Æschylus (Greek, Ao) | Æschylus of France. | Æsculapius. | Æsir | Æsons Bath. | Æsonian Hero (The) | Æsops Fables | Aetites (3 syl.) | Ætolian Hero (The) | Affable | Affect. | lAffection aveugle raison (French) | Affront | Afraid. | Africa. | African Sisters (The) | Afriet | Aft. | After-cast. | After-clap. | After Meat, Mustard. | After us, the Deluge. | Aft-meal. | Agag | Agamarshana. | Agamemnon. | Aganic (4 syl.) | Aganippe (4 syl.) | Agape (3 syl.) | Agapemone (5 syl.) | Agape tæ. | Agate (2 syl.) | Ag ate. | Agatha. | Agathà (St.) | Agave (3 syl.) | Agdistes (self-indulgence) | Age as accords (To) | Age of Animals. | Age of Women (The) | Age of the Bishops (The) | Age of the Popes (The) | Ag hoc. | Ages. | Agelasta. | Agenorides (5 syl.) | Agent. | Agglutinate Languages. | Aghast. | Agio. | Agis. | Agist. | Agla. | Aglaos. | Agnes. | Agnes (St.) | Agnes Day (St.) | Agnoites (3 syl.). Ag-no-ites, or Ag-no-i-tæ (4 syl.) | Agnostic (An) | Agnus-castus. | Agnus Dei. | Agog. | Agonistes (4 syl.) | Agonistics. | Agony | Agony Column | Agra rian Law | Agrimony. | Ague (A cure for) | Ague.cheek. | Agurs Wish (Prov. xxx. 8) | Ahasue rus | Ahead. | Ahithophel | Ah med (Prin&cgrave;e) | Aholibah (Ezek. xxiii. 4, 11, etc.) | Aholibamah. | Ahriman | Aide toi et le Ciel taidera (God will help those who help themselves) | Aigrette (2 syl.) | Aim. | Aim-crier. | Air | Air | Air | Air ones opinions (To) | Air-brained. | Air-line | Air-ship (An) | Air-throne. | Airs. | Aïrapadam. | Aisle (pronounoe ile) | Aitch-bone | Ajax | Ajax | Akbar. | Akuan | Akuman. | Alabama | Alabaster. | Aladdin | Aladdins Lamp. | Aladdins Ring | Aladdins Window. | Aladine (3 syl.) | Alako. | Alans. | Alarcon. | Alarm. | Alarum Bell. | Alasnam. | Alasnams Mirror. | Alastor. | Alauda. | Alawy. | Alb. | Albadara. | Alban (St.) | Albania | Albanian Hat (An) | Albano Stone | Albany. | Albati. | Albert (An) | Albertazzo (in Orlando Furioso) | Albiazar (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Albigenses (4 syl.) | Albin. | Albino. | Albino-poets. | Albion. | Albion. | Albion the Giant. | Albraccas Damsel (in Orlando Furioso) | Album. | Alcade (3 syl.) | Alcaic Verse | Alcantara (Order of) | Alcastus (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Alce (2 syl.) | Alceste (2 syl.) | Alchemy (Al-ki-m) | Alcimedon. | Alcina. | Alcinoo poma dare (to give apples to Alcinus) | Alcofribas. | Alcuith | Aldabella | Aldebaran. | Alderman. | Alderman (An) | Alderman (An) | Aldibo-ronte-phosco-phornio. | Aldiger (in Orlando Furioso) | Aldine (2 syl.) | Aldine Editions. | Aldingar (Sir) | Ale | Aleberry | Ale-dagger (An) | Ale-draper | Ale Knight (An) | Ale-silver. | Ale-stake. | Ale-wife. | Alecto. | Alectorian Stone (An) | Alectromancy. | Aleria (in Orlando Furioso) | Alert. | Alessio. | Alethes (3 syl.) | Alexander and the Robber. | Alexander | Alexander of the North. | Alexander the Corrector. | Alexanders Beard. | Alexandra (in Orlando Furioso) | Alexandra | Alexandrian. | Alexandrian Codex. | Alexandrian Library. | Alexandrian School. | Alexandrine Age. | Alexandrine Philosophy. | Alexandrines (4 syl.) | Alexandrite (4 syl.) | Alexis (St.) | Alfader (father of all) | Alfana. | Alfar. | Alfheim (home of the good genii) | Alfonsin. | Alfonsine Tables. | Alfonso | Alfonso XI. | Alfreds Scholars. | Algarsife (3 syl.) | Algebra | Algrind | Alhambra. | Ali. | Alias. | Alibi (elsewhere) | Alibi Clock (An) | Aliboron. | Alice. | Alice Brand. | Alichino (wing-drooped) | Alick and Sandie. | Alicon. | Alien Priory (An) | Alifanfaron | Al ilat. | Aliprando (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Al iris. | Al Kader (the Divine decree) | Alkahest. | Al Rakim (pronounce Rah-keem) | Al-Sirat (Arabian, the path) | All. | All and Some. | All cannot do all. | All Fools Day (April 1st) | All Fours. | All-hallown Summer.


All Hallows Day (November 1st) | All Hallows Eve. | All in all. | All in the Wrong. | All is lost | All is not gold that glitters or glisters. | All my Eye (and) Betty Martin. | All one. | All-overish. | All Saints | All Serene | All Souls Day. | All the go. | All there. | All this for a Song! | All to break (Judges ix. 53) | All waters (I am for) | All-work. | Alla or Allah (that is, al-ilah) | Alla Akbar. | Allan-a-Dale. | Allemand. | Allen. | Allestree. | Alley (The) | Alliensis (Dies) (June 16th, B.C. 390) | Alligator. | Alligator Pears (the fruit of Persea gratissima) | Alliteration. | Allodials. | Allopathy | Alls. | Allworth. | Allworthy | Alma (the human soul) | Alma Mater. | Almacks. | Almagest. | Alman | Almanac | Almesbury. | Almighty Dollar. | Almond Tree. | Almonry. | Alms. | Alms Basket. | Alms-drink. | Alms-fee. | Alms-house. | Alms-man. | Alnaschar Dream (An) | Alnaschar of Modern Literature. | Aloe. | Along-shore Men | Alonzo of Aguilar. | Aloof. | Alorus | A loutrance. | Alp. | Alph. | Alpha. | Alphabet. | Alpheos and Arethu sa. | Alpheus (in Orlando Furioso) | Alphesibea | Alphonso | Alpleich | Alpue, Alpieu (Alpu) | Alquife (al-k-fy) | Alrinach. | Alruna-wife (An) | Alsatia. | Alsvidur. | Altamorus (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Altan Kol | Altar (An) | Alter ego. | Althæas Brand | Althea (Divine) | Altisidora (in the "Curious Impertinent") | Altis. | Alto relievo. | Alumbrado | Alvina Weeps | Alyface (Annot) | Alzirdo (in Orlando Furioso) | A.M. or M.A. | Amadis of Gaul. | Amadis of Greece. | Amaimon (3 syl.) | Amalfitan Code. | Amalivaca. | Amalthæa. | Amaltheas Horn. | Amanda | Amarant. | Amaryllis. | Amasis (Ring of) | Amati | Amaurot (Greek, the shadowy or unknown place) | Amaurote | Amazement. | Amazia | Amazon | Amazonia. | Amazonian Chin (An) | Ambassador | Amber. | Ambérabad. | Ambes-as | Ambi-dexter | Ambition | Ambree (Mary) | Ambrose (St.) | Ambrosia. | Ambrosian Chant. | Ambrosian Library. | Ambrosio | Ambry | Ambuscade (3 syl.) | Ame damnée (French) | Amedieu (3 syl.) | Amelia. | Amelon. | Amen Corner | Amende honorable | Amenthes (3 syl.) | American Flag. | American Peculiarities:- | American States. | American States. | Amethea. | Amethyst. | Amiable Numbers. | Amicable Numbers. | Amicus curiæ (Latin, a friend to the court) | Amiel (3 syl.) | Amiens (3 syl.) | Amina. | Aminadab. | Amine (3 syl.) | Aminte (2 syl.) | Amiral | Amlet (Richard) | Ammon. | Ammonian Horn (The) | | Amons Son (in Orlando Furioso) | Amoret | Amoret | Amorous (The) | Amour propre. | Amparo de Pobres. | | Amphialus | Amphictyonic Council. | Amphigons. | Amphigouri | Amphion | Amphitrite (either 3 or 4 syl.) | Amphitryon. | Amphrysian Prophetess (Amphrysia Vats) | Ampoulle (Sainte) | Amrams Son. | Amri | Amrita. | Amsanctus. | Amuck. | Amulet. | Amundeville. | Amyclæan Brothers (The) | Amyclæan Silence. | Amyris plays the fool | Amys and Amylion. | Anabaptists. | Anabaptists. | Anacharsis. | Anaclethra. | Anacreon. | Anacreontic. | Anachronism. | Anagnostes (Greek) | Anah | Anana. | Anastasia (St.) | Anathema. | Anatomy. | Anaxarete (5 syl.) | Anaxarte (4 syl.) | Ancæos. | Ancalites (4 syl.) | Anchor. | Anchor (The) | Anchor Watch (An) | Ancien Régime. | Ancient. | Ancient Mariner. | Ancient of Days (Daniel iii. 9) | Ancile (3 syl.) | And. | Andirons or Hand-irons | Andrea Ferrara. | Andrew | Andrew (An) | Andrew (St.) | Andrew Macs (The) | Androcles and the Lion. | Android. | Andromeda. | Andronica (in Orlando Furioso) | Anent. | Ange de Grève (French) | Angel. | Angel-beast. | Angel Visits. | Angel-water | Angelic Doctor. | Angelic Hymn. | Angelica. | Angelicas Draught | Angelical Stone. | Angelici. | Angelites (3 syl.) | Angelo. | Angelo and Raffaelle. | Angelus (The) | Anger. | Angevin | Angiolina (4 syl.) | Anglantes Lord. | Angle. | Angle with a Silver Hook (To) | Angling. | Angoulaffre | Angry (The) | An gular. | Angurvadel. | Anima Mundi [the soul of the world] | Animal. | Animal Spirits. | Animals admitted into Heaven (The) | Animals in Christian Art. | Animals sacred to special Deities. | Animals (Symbolical) | Animals (The cries of) | Animosity | Animula. | Anna (Donna) | Annabel. | Anna Matilda (An) | Annates (2 syl.) | Anne. | Annes Fan (Queen) | Annes Great Captain. | Annie Laurie | Annulo Dei figuram ne gestato (In) | Annunciation. | Annus Luctus | Annus Mirabillis. | Anodyne Necklace (An) | Anomœans | Anon | Anon-rightes. Right quickly. | Ansarian. | Answer | Answer more Scotico (To) | Antæos | Antecedents. | Antediluvian. | Anthia. | Anthony. | Anthroposophus. | Anti-Christ | Antigon. | Antimony. | Antinomian. [Greek, anti-nomos, exempt from the law.] | Antinous (4 syl.) | Antipathy (of human beings) | Antipathy (of animals) | Anti-pope | Antisthenes. | Antoninus. | Antony. | Antrustions. | Ants. | Anubis. | Anvil. | Any-how | Anian. | A ontrance. (French.) | Ape. | Apells. | Apemantus. | A-per-se. | Apex | Aphrodite (4 syl.) | Apioius. | A-pigga-back. | Apis | Aplomb | Apocalyptic Number. | Apocrypha. | Apollinarians. | Apollo. | Apollo Belvidere [Bel-ve-dear]. | Apollodoros. | Apollonius. | Apollyon. | Apostate (The) | A posteriori [Latin, from the latter]. | Apostles. | Apostles, where buried. | | Apostles Creed (The) | Apostolic Fathers. | Apostolic Majesty. | Apparel. | Appeal to the Country (An) | Appiades (4 syl.) | Appian Way. | Apple (Newton and the) | Apple-john (An) | Apple-pie Bed. | Apple-pie Order. | April. | April Fool. | April Gentleman (An) | April Squire (An) | A priori [Latin, from an antecedent]. | | A propos de bottes (French) | Aqua Regia [royal water]. | Aqua Tofana or Acqua Tofanca. | Aqua Vitæ [water of life]. | Aquarians. | Aquarius [the water-bearer]. | Aqueous Rocks. | Aquilant (in Orlando Furioso) | Aquiline (3 syl.) | Aquinian Sage (The) | Arabian Bird (The) | Arabian Nights (The) | Arabians. | Arabic Figures. | Arabs. | Arachns Labours. | Araf, Al [the partition]. | Araspes (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Aratos of Achæa | Arbaces (3 syl.) | Arbor Judæ. | Arcades Ambo [Arcdes 3 syl.] | Arcadian. | Arcadian Nightingales. | Archangels. | Arch-monarch of the World. | Archers. | Arches (The Court of) | Archeus (3 syl.) | Archilochian Bitterness. | Archimage (3 syl.) | Archimago [Hypocrisy]. | Archimedes Principle. | Archimedes Screw. | Architect of his own Fortune. | Archontics. | Arcite (2 syl.) | Arcos Barbs. | Arctic Region | Arden (Enoch) | Area-sneak. | Areopagus | Aretine (3 syl.) | Aretinian Syllables. | Argan | Argand Lamp. | Argante (3 syl.) | Argantes (3 syl.) | Argenis. | Argentile and Curan. | Argentine Republic. | Argeo (in Orlando Furioso) | Argillan (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Argo. | Argonauts. | Argosy. | Argot [Argo]. | Argus-eyed. | Argyle (2 syl.) | Arians. | Arideus [A-ree-de-us] | Ariel. | Aries. | Arimanes (4 syl.) | Arimaspians. | Arioch. | Arion. | Ariosto | Aristeas. | Aristides (4 syl.) | Aristippos. | Aristocracy. | Aristophanes. | Aristotle. | Aristotelian Philosophy. | Aristotelian Unities. | Ark. | Armada. | Armenians. | Armi da. | Arminians (Anti-Calvinists) | Armory. | Armoury. | Arms. | Arms of England (The Royal) | Arnauts [brave men]. | Arn-monat. | Arnold | Arnoldists. | Arod | Aroint thee. | Aronteus (4 syl.) | Aroundight. | | Arria | Arrière Pensée (plural arrières pensées) | Arrot | Arrow. | Arrowroot | Arsets (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Artaxerxes | Artegal (Sir) (in Spensers Faërie Queene) | Artemus Ward. | Artesian Wells. | Artful Dodger. | Arthegal. | Arthur | Arthurian Romances. | Arthurs Seat | Articles of Roup (Scotch) | Artists, The Prince of | Artotyrites (4 syl.) | Arts. | Arundel. | Arundelian Marbles. | Arvakur. | Aryans. | Arzina. | As you were | Asa | Asa Loki. | Asa Thor. | Asaph. | Asbolos. | Ascalaphos. | Ascapart. | Ascendant. | Ascension Day | Asclepiadics | Ascodrogites (4 syl.) | Ascot Races. | Ascræan Poet | Asgard. | Ash Tree | Ashmolean Museum. | Ashtaroth. | Ashur. | Asinus. | Asir. | ~ Ask. | Ask and Embla. | Aslo. | Asmodeus [the destroyer]. | Asmodeus. | Asoka | Asoors. | Aspasia | Aspatia | Aspen. | Aspersions | Aspnaltic Lake. | Asrael. | Ass. | Ass. | Asss Bridge (The) | Asses (Feast of) | Ass-eared. | Assassins. | Assay | Assaye Regiment. | Assiento Treaties. [Spanish, agreement treaties.] | Assinego. | Assumption (Feast of the) | Assurance.


Astagoras (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Astarte (3 syl.) | Astarte (3 syl.) | Astolat. | Astolpho (in Orlando Furioso) | Astoreth. | Astræa. | Astral Body (The) | Astral Spirits. | Astrea. | Astrology. | Astronomer of Dublin (The) | Astronomers Royal: | Astrophel. | Asyniur. | At. | Ate (2 syl.) | Atellanæ | Atergata. | Athanasian Creed | Athelstane (3 syl.) | Athenæum (the review so called) | Athenian Bee. | Athens. | Athole Brose (Scotch) | At Home (An) | Atin. | Atkins. | Atlantean Shoulders. | Atlantes. | Atlantes (3 syl.) (in Orlando Furioso) | Atlantic Ocean. | Atlas. | Atman | Atomic Philosophy. | Atomic Theory. | Atomic Volume. | Atomic Weight. | Atossa. | Atrip. | Attaint. | Attercop. | Attic Bee (The) | Attic Bird (The) | Attic Boy (The) | Attic Faith. | Attic Muse (The) | Attic Order | Attic Salt. | Attic Science. | Attics, Attic Storey. | Atticus. | Attingians. | Attock. | Attorney, Solicitor (French, atourner, to attorn, or turn over to another) | Atys. | Au Courant (French) | Au Fait (French) | Au Grand Sérieux (French) | Au Pied de la Lettre (French) | Au Revoir (French) | Aubrys Dog. | Audeanism. | Audhumla [the nourishing power] | Audley. | Audrey. | Augean Stables. | | Augury | August. | Augusta. | Augustan Age. | Augustan History. | Augustine (The Second) | Augustinians. | | Aulay | Auld Brig and New Brig | Auld Hornie. | Auld Reekie. | Aulic Council. | Aunt Sally. | Aureola. | Auri. | Aurora. | Aurora Australis. | Aurora Borealis (Latin) | Aurora Raby. | Aurora Septentrionalis. | Ausonia. | Auspices. | Auster. | Austin Friars. | Austrian Lip. | Aut Cæsar aut nullus [Latin, Either Cæsar or no one] | Authentic Doctor. | Auto da Fe. [An act of faith.] | Autolycus. | Automaton | Automedon. | Autumn. | Ava | Avalanche (3 syl.) | Avalon. | Avant Courier. (French, avant courrier.) | Avant Garde. (French.) | Avatar. | Ave Maria [Hail, Mary!] (Ave, 2 syl.) | Avenel (2 syl.) | Avenger of Blood (The) | Avernus (Greek, a-ornis, "without a bird") | Avertin (St.) | Avesta. | Aveugle. | Avienus. | A vinculo matrimonii (Latin) | Aviz. | Avoid Etxremes. | Avoir. | Avoirdupois. | A-weather. | Awkward. | Awkward Squad. | Awl. | Axe. | Axinomancy. | Ayah (Anglo-Indian) | Ayeshah (3 syl.) | Ayrshire Poet. | Azazel. | Azaziel. | Azazil. | Azim. | Azo | Azors Mirror. | Azoth. | Azrael (3 syl.) | Azrafil. | Aztecs. | Azucena. | Azure. | Azuriel. | Azymites (3 syl.).


B. | B | B. C. | B. and S. | B. K. S. | B Flats. | B.s. | B. of B.K. | Baal-Peor | Baal Samin. | Baal Shemesh. | Baal Zeboub [Beelzebub] | Ba ba. | Babau. | Babes in the Wood. | Babes (Deities of) | Babies in the Eyes. | Babel. | Babouc. | Babouin. | Baby Charles. | Babylon. | Babylonian Numbers. | Babylonish Captivity. | Babylonish Garment (A) | Baca. | Bacbuc. | Bacchanalia. | Bacchanalian. | Bacchant. | Bacchante (2 syl.) | Bacchis. | Bacchus [wine]. | Baccoch. | Bachelor. | Bachelor of Salamanea (The) | Bachelors Buttons. | Bachelors Fare. | Bachelors Porch. | Bachelors Wife (A) | Back (To) | Back and Edge. | Backbite (To) | Backbone (The) | Backgammon | Background. | Back-hander. | Back-speer (To) | Back-stair Influence. | Backwardation (Stockbrokers term) | Backward Blessing (Muttering a) | Backwater. | Bacon. | Baconian Philosophy. | Baconian Theory. | Bactrian Sage. | Bad. | Bad Blood. | Bad Books. | Bad Debts. | Bad Form | Bad Lot (A) | Bad Shot (A) | Badaud. | Badge of Poverty. | Badge-men. | Badger (A) | Badger (To) | Badinage. | Badinguet | Badingueux. | Badminton | | Bag. | Bag (To) | Bags. | Bag-man (A) | Bag o Nails. | Baga de Secrtis. | Baguette dArmide (La) | Bahagnia | Bahaignons | Bahr Geist (A) | Bail (French, bailler) | Bailey. | Bailiff. | Bailleur. | Baillif (Herry) | Bain Marie. | Bairam (3 syl.) | Baisser. | Bait. | Bajaderes. | Bajulus. | Bajura. | Baked. | Baked Meat | Baker (The) | | Bakers Knee (A) | Bakshish. | Bal. | Balaam. | Balaam Basket or Box (A) | Balafré | Balai. | Balak | Balâm | Balan. | Balance (The) | Balance. | Balayer. | Balclutha (The tower of) | Bald. | Baldachin. | Baldassare. | Balder | Balderdash. | Baldwin. | Bale. | Balearica Tormenta. | Balfour of Burley. | Balios. | Balisarda or Balisardo. | Balistraŕia. | Baliverso (in Orlando Furioso) | Balk | Balker. | Balkis. | Ball. | Balls. | Ballad | Ballads. | Ballambangjan (The Straits of) | Ballast. | Balle. | Ballendino (Don Antonio) | Ballet (pronounce bal-lay) | Balliol College. | Balloon (A pilot) | Balloon Post. | Balm (French, baume) | Balmawhapple. | Balmérino (Lord) | Balmung or Gram. | Balmy. | Balmy-stick (To put on the) | Balnibarbi. | Balthazar. | Baltic. | Balwhidder (The Rev. Micah) | Bambino. | Bambocciades (4 syl.) | Bamboccio or Bamboche. | Bamboozle. | Bampton Lectures. | Ban. | Banagher. | Banat. | Banbury. | Banco. | Bancus Regius. | Bandana or Bandanna. | Bandbox. | Bandbox Plot (The) | Bande Noire. | Bandit | Bands. | Bandy. | Bane | Bangorian Controversy. | Bang-up, or Slap-bang. | Banian or Banyan (A) | Banian Dàys [Ban-yan]. | Bank. | Bank of a River. | Bankrupt. | Bankside. | Bankss Horse. | Bannatyne Club. | Banner | Banneret. | Bannière. | Bannière. | Banns of Marriage. | Banquet | Banquo. | Banshee. | Bantam. | Banting. | Bantling. | Banyan. | Bap or Baphomet. | Baptes (2 syl.) | Baptist. | Bar. | Bar | Bar. | Bar | Bar (Trial at) | Barabas. | Barataria. | Barthron. | Barb. | Barb. | Barbari. | Barbarians | Barbarossa [Red-beard, similar to Rufus]. | Barbary. | Barbason. | Barbazure (or Blue-Beard) | Barbe (Ste.) | Barbecue (3 syl.) | Barbed Steed (a corruption of barded) | Barbel. | Barbeliots. | Barber. | Barber Poet. | Barbers Pole. | Barbican (The) or Barbacan. | Barbier. | Barcarole (3 syl.) | Barclayans. | Barcochebah or Barchchebas (Shimeon) | Bardesanists. | Bardit. | Bardo deBardi. | Bardolph. | Bards. | Barebone Parliament (The) | Barefaced. | Barefooted. | Bare Poles | Bargain. | Bark. | Barker. | Barktan. | Barlaham. | Barley. | Barley-bree. | Barley Cap. | Barleycorn. | Barley-mow. | Barley Sugar. | Barmecide (3 syl.) | Barmecides Feast. | Barnabas. | Barnabites (3 syl.) | Barnaby Lecturers. | Barnaby Rudge. | Barnacle. | Barnacles. | Barnacles. | Barnardine. | Barn-burners. | Barnet. | Barnwell (George) | Baro-Devel. | Baron | Baron Bung. | Baron Munchausen (pron. Moohnkow-zn) | Baron of Beef. | Barons War (The) | Barrack Hack (The) | Barracks | Barratry or Barretry. | Barrel Fever. | Barrells Blues. | Barrette. | Barricade (3 syl.) | Barrier Treaty | Barrikin. | Barring-out. | Barrister. | Barristers Bags. | Barristers Gowns. | Barry Cornwall, poet. | Barsanians. | Bar-sur-Aube (Prévot) | Bartholo. | Bartholomew (St.) | Bartholomew Fair. | Barthrams Dirge (in Sir Walter Scotts Border Minstrelsy) | Bartoldo. | Bartole (2 syl.) | Bartolist. | Barzillai (3 syl.) | Bas Bleu. | Base. | Base Tenure. | Base of Operation | Bashaw. | Basilian Monks. | Basilica. | Basilics | Basilidians. | Basilisco. | Basilisk. | Basket. | Basochians. | Bass. | | Baste (1 syl.) | Bastinado. | Bastion (A) | Bat. | Bat-horses | Batavia. | Bate me an Ace. | Bath. | Bath Brick. | Bath Chair (A) | Bath Metal. | Bath Post. | Bath Shillings. | Bath Stone. | Bath (Major) | Bath-kol (daughter of the voice) | Bathos [Greek, bathos, depth]. | Bathsheba. | Bathyllus. | Batiste. | Batrachomyomachia (pronounce Ba-trako-myo-makia) | Batta | Battar | Battels. | Battersea. | Battle. | Battle of the Frogs and Mice (The) | Battle of the Kegs (The) | Battle of the Poets (The) | Battle of the Whips. | Battle (Sarah) | Battledore (3 syl.) | Battu. | Battu de fol Oiseau (Etre) | Battus paieront (Les) | Baubee. | Bauble. | Baucis. | Baviad (The) | Bavieca. | Bavius. | Bawbee. | Bawley Boat (A) | Bawtry. | Baxterians. | Bay. | Bay the Moon (To) | Bay Salt | Bayadere (bah-ya-dare) | Bayard (Chevalier) | Bayard of the East (The) | Bayard. | Bayardo. | Bayes | Bayess Troops. | Bayeux Tapestry. | Bayle (2 syl.) | Bayonet. | Bayonets. | Bead (Anglo-Saxon, bed, a prayer) | Bead-house. | Bead-roll. | Beadle. | Beadsman or Bedesman. | Beak. | Beaker. | Beam. | Beam (of a stag) | Bean. | Beans | Bean Feast. | Bean Goose (The) | Bean-king (The) | Bear (A) | Bear (The) | Bear (To) | Bear of Bradwardine (The) | Bear Account (A) | Bear Garden. | Bear-leader. | Bears are caught by Honey. | Beard. | Beard (To) | Bearded. | Bearded Women: | Bearings. | Bearnais (Le) | Beasts (Heraldic): | Beastly Drunk. | Beat. | Beat (To) | Beat (To) | Beat. (French, abattre, to abate.) | Beaten to a Mummy. | Beaten with his own Staff. | Beating about the Bush. | Beating the Bounds. | Beati Possidentes. | Beatific Vision. | Beatrice | Bean. | Beau Ideal. | Beau Jour beau Retour (A) | Beau Lion (Un) | Beau Monde. | Beau Trap. | Beauclerc [good scholar]. | Beaumontague [pronounce bo-montaig]. | Beautiful. | Beautiful Parricide. | Beauty. | Beauty and the Beast. | Beauty of Buttermere. | Beauty Sleep. | Beaux Esprits (French) | Beaux Yeux (French) | Beaver. | Beaver. | Becarre, Bemol. | Becasse. | Beckets Assassins. | Bed. | Bed of Justice. | Bed of Roses (A) | Bed of Thorns (A) | Bed-post. | Bede (Adam) | Bedell. | Beder. | Bedford. | Bedford Level. | Bedfordshire. | Bediver. | Bedlam. | Bedlamite (3 syl.) | Bedouins [Bed-wins]. | Bedreddin Hassan | Bed-rock. | Bedver. | Bee. | Bee. | Bee-line. | Bees. | Beef, Ox. | Beefeaters. | Beef-steak Club | Beefington | Beelzebub. | Beer. | Beer and Skittles. | Beer aux Mouches | Beeswing. | Beetle (To) | Beetle-crusher. | Befana. | Before the Lights | Before the Mast. | Beg the Question (To) | Beggar. | Beggars. | Beggars Barm. | Beggars Bullets. | Beggars Bush. | Beggars Daughter. | Begging Hermits | Begging the Question. | Beghards. | Begtashi. | Begue dentendement. | Béguins. | Begum. | Behemoth (Hebrew) | Behmenists. | Behram. | Bejan. | Bel-à-faire-peur. | Bel Esprit (French) | Belch. | Belcher. | Beldam. | Beleses (3 syl.) | Belfast Regiment (The) | Bel-fires. | Belford. | Belfry. | Belial (Hebrew) | Belinda. | Belinuncia. | Belisarius. | Bell. | Bell. | Bells. | Bell, Book, and Candle. | Bell of Patricks Will (clog an eadhachta Phatraic) | Bell Savage,


Bell-the-Cat. | Bell-wavering. | Belladonna (Italian, beautiful lady) | Bellarmine (A) | Bellaston (Lady) | Belle. | Belles Lettres. | Bellefontaine (Benedict) | Bellerophon. | Bellerophon. | Bellerus. | Bellicent. | Bellin. | Bellisant. | Bellman. | Bellona. | Bellows. | Bellwether of the Flock. | Belly. | Belly-timber. | Belomancy (Greek) | Beloved Disciple. | Beloved Physician. | Below the Belt. | Belphegor. | Belphœbe | Belt. | Beltane (2 syl.) | Belted Knight. | Belted Will. | Beltenebros. | Belvawney (Miss) | Belvedere [bel-ve-dear]. | Belvidera (in Otways Venice Preserved) | Bemuse (2 syl.) | Ben. | Ben (a theatrical word) | Ben Jochanan | Ben trovato (Italian) | Benaiah (3 syl.) | Benares (3 syl.) | Benbow (Admiral) | Benbow. | Bench. | Bench. | Bench and Bar. | Benchers. | Bend | Bend Sinister. | Bendemeer. | Bender. | Bendigo. | Bendy (Old) | Benedicite (5 syl.) | Benedick. | Benedict. | Benedictines (4 syl.) | Benefice (3 syl.) | Benefit of Clergy. | Benen-geli. | Benet (French) | Benèvolence. | Benevolus | Bengal Tigers. | Bengalese (3 syl.) | Bengodi. | Benicia Boy. | Benjamin. | Benjamin. | Benjamins Mess. | Bennaskar. | Benshie, Benshee (see BANSHEE) | Bent. | Benvolio. | Beppo. | Berchta [the white lady]. | Bereans (3 syl.) | Berecynthian Hero. | Berengarians. | Berenice (4 syl.) | Berg Folk. | Bergæan (A) | Bergelmir. | Berger. | Bergomask. | Berkley (Mr.) | Berkshire (Saxon, Bearoc - scire, forest-shire) | Berlin Decree. | Berlin Time. | Berliners. | Bermeja. | Bermoothes. | Bermudas. | Bernard (St.) | Bernard. | Bernard Soup (St.) | Bernardo | Bernardo del Carpio. | Bernards Inn. | Berners or Barnes (Juliana) | Bernese (2 syl.) | Bernesque Poetry. | Bernouillis Numbers | Berserker. | Berth. | Bertha. | Bertha. | Bertha (Frau) | Berthas [Stock Exchange term]. | Berthe au Grand Pied. | Bertolde [Bar-told]. | Bertram. | Bertram (Henry) | Bertram, Count of Rousillon | Bertram Risingham. | Bertramo. | Berwicks [Stock Exchange term] | Beryl Molozane (3 syl.) | Berzak [the interval]. | Besaile. | Besants or Bezants. | Beside the Cushion. | Besom. | Bess. | Bess o Bedlam. | Bess of Hardwicke. | Bessemer Iron. | Bessie Bell and Mary Gray. | Bessus. | Best. | Best Man (at a wedding) | Best Things (The Eight) | Bestiaries or Bestials. | Bête. | Bête Noire. | Beth Gelert | Bethlemenites (4 syl.) | Betrothed (The) | Better. | Better kind Friend, etc. | Bettina. | Bettina. | Betty. | Betty. | Betubium. | Between. | Betwixt and Between. | Beurre. | Beuves (1 syl.) | Bever. | Bevil. | Bevis. | Bevoriskius | Bevy. | Bezaliel | Bezonian. | Bheem or Bhîma. | Biæum | Bianca. | Bianchi. | Bias. | Biberius Caldius Mero. | Bible | Bible-backed. | Bible-carrier (A) | Bible Christians. | Bible-Clerk. | Bible Statistics. | Biblia Pauperum [the poor mans Bible]. | Biblical. | Bibliomancy. | Bibulus. | Biceps. | Biceps Parnassus (Pers. Prol. 2) | Bickerstaff (Isaac) | Bioorn. | Bid. | Bid. | Bid-ale. | Bidding Beads. | Bidding-Prayer. | Biddy (i.e. Bridget) | Bideford Postman. | Bidpai. | Biforked Letter of the Greeks. | Bifrost | Big. | Big Bird. | Big-endians. | Big-wig (A) | Bigaroon. | Bighes (pron. bees) | Bight. | Bigorne (2 syl.) | Bigot | Bigot and his Castle of Bungay. | Bilbo. | Bilboes. | Bile. | Bilge Water. | Bilk. | Bilker (A) | Bill (The) | Bill (A) | Bill of Fare (A) | Bill of Health. | Bill of Lading. | Bill of Pains and Penalties (A) | Bill of Quantities. | Bill of Rights. | Bill of Sale. | Bills of Mortality | Bills of Parcels. | Billee (Little) | Billet-doux [pronounce billy doo]. | Billiards. | Billings (Josh) | Billingsgate (London) | Billingsgate Pheasant (A) | Billy. | Billy Barlow. | Billycock Hats. | Bi-metallism. | Binary Arithmetic. | Binary Theory. | Binghams Dandies. | Binnacle. | Birchin Lane. | Bird. | Bird in the hand. | Bird in thy Bosom. | Bird of Estë. | Birds. | Birds (protected by superstitions) | Birds-eye View. | Birdcage Walk (St. Jamess Park, London); | Birmingham Poet. | Birthday Suit. | Bis. | Biscuit (French-Latin, bis, twice; cuit, baked) | Bishop (Evêque) | Bishop, Cardinal, Pope (as beverages): | Bishop Barnaby. | Bishop in Partibus. | Bishop of Hippo. | Bishops Bible (The) | Bishops Mitre. | Bissextile. | Bisson | Bistonians. | Bit. | Bit (of a horse) | Bit. | Bite. | Bite. | Bitelas. | Bites and Bams. | Biting Remark (A) | Bitt. | Bitten. | Bitter End (The) | Bitter as Gall | Bittock. | Biz | Black | Black. | Black as a Crow (or as a raven); | Black as a Newgate Knocker. | Black in the Face. | Black is White. (See SWEAR.) | Black Act. | Black Acts. | Black Art. | Black Assize. | Black-balled. | Black Book. | Black Books. | Black Brunswickers. | Black Cap | Black Cattle. | Black Cattle. | Black Death. | Black Diamonds. | Black Dog. | Black Doll (A) | Black Douglas. | Black Flag (A) | Black Flags. | Black-foot. | Blackfoot (The) | Black Friars. | | Black Game. | Black Genevan (A) | Black-guards. | Black Hole of Calcutta. | Black Horse. | Black Jack. | Black Jack (A) | Black Joke. | Black Leg. | Black Letter. | Black Letter Day. | Black Lists. | Black Looks. | Black Mail. | Black Man (The) | Black Maria. | Black Monday. | Black Money. | Black Ox. | Black Parliament. | Black Prince. | Black Republicans. | Black Rod | Black Rood of Sootland. | Black Russia. | Black Saturday. | Black Sea. | Black Sheep [Kârâ-Koin-loo]. | Black Standard. | Bla&cgrave;k Strap. | Black Swan. | Black-thorn Winter (The) | Black Thursday. | Black Tom. | Black Watch. | Black … White. | Blacks. | Blacks (The) | Blackacre (Widow) | Blackamoor. | Blackness. | Blacksmith. | Bladamour. | Blade. | Bladud. | Blachefleur. | Blandiman. | Blaney. | Blank Cartridge. | Blank Cheque. | Blank Practice. | Blank Verse. | Blanket. | Blanketeers. | Blare. | Blarney. | Blasé (pronounce blah-zay) | Blasphemous Balfour. | Blast. | Blast. | Blatant Beast (The) | Blayneys Bloodhounds. | Blaze. | Blaze (To) | Blazer (A) | Blazon [Blazonry]. | Blé. | Blear-eyed (The) | Bleed. | Bleeding of a Dead Body (The) | Blefuscu. | Bleidablik [vast splendour]. | Blemmyes (of Africa) | Blenheim Dog. | Blenheim House (Oxfordshire) | Blenheim Steps. | Bless. | Blessing | Blest. | Blikiandabol [splendid misery]. | Blimber (Miss) | Blind. | The Blind:- | Blind Alley (A) | Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green (The) | Blind Department (The) | Blind Ditch (A) | Blind Harper (The) | Blind Harry. | Blind Hedge (A) | Blind old Man of Scios rocky Isle. | Blind Magistrate (The) | Blindmans Holiday. | Blindmans Lantern (The) | Blindmens Dinner (The) | Blinkers. | Block. | Blockhead. | Blood. | Blood. | Blood-guiltiness. | Blood-horse (A) | Bloodhound. | Blood Money. | Blood Relation (A) | Blood-thirsty. | Blood of the Grograms (The) | Bloody | Bloody (The) | Bloody Assizes. | Bloody Bill. | Bloody-bones. | Bloody Butcher. | Bloody Hand. | Bloody Wedding. | Bloody Week (The) | Bloom. | Bloomerism. | Blount (Charles) | Blouse. | 1. Blow (To) | 2. Blow (To) | 3. Blow (To) | 4. Blow. | Blow a Cloud. | Blow Me (an oath) | Blow Out (A) | Blow-point. | Blown | Blown Herrings | Blown upon. | Blowzelinda. | Blowzy. | Blubber. | Blubber Cheeks. | Bluchers. | Blue | Blue (A) | Blue Beans. | Bluebeard. | Bluebeards Key. | Blue Billy (A) | | Blue Boar. | Blue Bonnets (The) | Blue Books. | Blue Bottle. | Blue Caps | Blue-coat School. | Blue Devils | Blue-eyed Maid (The) | Blue Fish (The) | Blue Flag. | Blue Gown (A) | Blue-gowns. | Blue Guards (The) | Blue Hen. | Blue-jackets. | Blue John (A) | Blue Laws (The) | Blue-light Federalists. | Blue-mantle. | Blue Monday. | Blue Mould. | Blue Murder. | Blue-noses. | Blue Peter. | Blue Ribbon (The) | Blue Ribbon (A) | Blue Ruin. | Blue Squadron (The) | | Blue Talk. | Blue Wonder (A) | Blue and Red | Blue and Yellow (The) | Blues (The) | Bluff (To) | Bluff Harry or Hal. | Blunderbore. | Blunderbuss. | Blunt. | Blunt (Major-General) | Blurt out (To) | Blush. | Bo or Boh | Bo-tree. | Boa. | Boanergs (sons of thunder) | Boar. | Boar (The) | Boars Flesh. | Boars Head. [The Christmas dish.] | Board. | Board. | Board of Green Cloth. | Board School (A) | Boarding School. | Boards. | Boast (The) | Boast of England (The) | Boat.


Boatswain. | Boaz and Jachin. | Bob. | Bobadil. | Bobbery | Bobbish. | Bobbit. | Bobby. | Boccus (King) | Bockland or Bookland. | Bod. | Boden-See. | Bodies. | Bodkin. | Bodkin. | Bodkin. | Bodle. | | Body. (Anglo-Saxon, bodig.) | Body and Soul. | Body-colour (A) | Body Corporate (A) | Body Politic (A) | Body-snatcher (A) | Bœmond. | Bœotia. | Bœotian. | Bœotian Ears. | Boëthius. | Bogie. | Bogio (in Orlando Furioso) | Bogle Swindle. | Bogomili. | Bogtrotters. | Bogus. | Bohême (La) | Bohemia. | Bohemian. | Bohemian Brethren. | Bohemian Life (A) | Bohort (Sir) | Boies (2 syl.) | Boiling-point. | Boiley or Boily. | Boisserean Collection. | Bolay or Boley. | Bold. | Bolerium Promontory. | Bolero. | Bolingbroke. | Bollandists. | Bollen. | Bologna Stone. | Bolognese School. | Bolt. | Bolt from the Blue (A) | Bolt in Tun | Bolt Upright. | Bolted. | Bolted Arrow. | Bolton. | Bolus. | Bomb. | Bomba. | Bombast | Bombastes Furioso. | Bombastus. | Bon Gaultier Balls. | Bon gré mal gré. | Bon Mot (French) | Bon Ton (French) | Bon Vivant (French) | | Bona-roba. | Bonduca = Boadicea. | Bone. | Bone in my Throat. | Bone of Contention. | Bones. | Bone to pick (A) | Bone. | Bone (To) | Bone-grubber (A) | Bone-lace. | Bone-shaker (A) | Boned. | Bones. | Bonese (2 syl.) | Bonfire. | Bonhomie. | Bonhomme (Un) | Boniface. | Bonne (French) | Bonne Bouche (A) | Bonnet. | Bonnet. | Bonnet Lairds. | Bonnet-piece. | Bonnet Rouge. | Bonnie Dundee. | Bonnyclabber. | Bono Johnny. | Bontemps. | Bonus. | Bonzes (sing. Bonze) | Booby. | Booby (Lady) | Booby-trap (A) | Book (Ang.-Saxon, boc; Danish, beuke; German, buche, a beech-tree) | Book. | Book. | Book of Books (The) | Book of Life (The) | Books. | Book-keeper. | Book-keeping. | Bookworm. | Boom. | Boom-Passenger (A) | Boon Companion (A) | Boot. | Boot-jack. | Boots. | Boots (an instrument of torture) | Boots. | Boots. | Boots at an Inn. | Bootless Errand. | Boötes (Bo-o-tees) | Booth. | Boozy. | Bor (in Norfolk) | Borachio. | Borak | Bord Halfpenny. | Bordarii | Border (The) | Border Minstrel. | Border States (The) | Bordlands. | Bordlode. | Bore (A) | Bore. | Bore (in pugilistic language) | Boreal. | Boreas. | | Borgia. | Born. | Born Days. | Born in the Purple (a translation of porphyrogenitus) | | Borough English | Borowe. | Borr. | Borrow. | Borrowed days of February (The) | Borrowed days of March. | Bortell. | Bos[ei] in lingua. | Bosh. | Bosky. | Bosom Friend (A) | Bosom Sermons. | Bosphorus=Ox ford. | Boss | Bossum. | Bostal | Botanomancy. | Botany | Bother | Bothie System. | Botley Assizes. | Bottes. | Bottle. | Bottle-chart. | Bottle-holder. | Bottle-imps. | Bottle-washer (Head) | Bottled Beer | Bottled Moonshine. | Bottom. | Bottom (Nick) | Bottomless. | Botty. | Boucan. | Bouders | Boudoir | Boues de St. Amand (Les) | Bought and Sold | Boule | Bouljanus. | Bouncer. | Bounty. | Bouquet. | Bourbon. | Bourgeois (French) | Bourgeoisie (French) | Bouse. | Boustrapa. | Boustrophedon. | Bouts-rimes [rhymed-endings]. | Bovey Coal. | Bow (to rhyme with flow) | Bow (to rhyme with now) | Bow Bells. | Bow-catcher (A) | Bow-hand. | Bow-street Runners. | Bow-window in Front (A) | Bow-wow Word. | Bowden. | Bowdlerise (To) | Bowels of Mercy. | Bower. | Bower Anchor. | Bower-woman (A) | Bower of Bliss | Bowie Knife. | Bowing. | Bowled. | Bowling. | Bowls. | Bowse. | Bowyer God. | Box. | Box and Cox. | Box the Compass. | Box Days. | Box Harry (To) | Boxing-Day. | Boy | Boy Bachelor. | Boy Bishop. | Boycott (To) | Boyle Controversy. | Boyles Law. | Boyle Lectures. | Boz. | Bozzy. | Brabançonne. | Brabançons. | Brace. | Brace of Shakes. | Brad amant or Bradamante. | Bradshaws Guide | Bradwardine (Rose) | Brag. | Braggadochio. | Bragi. | Bragis Apples. | Bragis Story. | Bragmardo. | Brahma (Indian) | Brahmi. | Brahmin. | Bramble (Matthew) | Bran. | Bran-new or Brand-new. | Brand. | Brandenburg. | Brandimart | Brandon | Brandons. | Brandy is Latin for Goose. | Brandy Nan. | Branghtons (The) | Brank. | Brasenose (Oxford) | Brass. | Brat. | Brave. | Bravery. | Bravest of the Brave. | Brawn. | Bray. | Brazen Age. | Brazen-faced. | Brazen Head. | Brazen out (To) | Breaches | Bread. | Bread. | Bread-basket (Ones) | Bread and Cheese. | Break (To) | Break Cover (To) | Break Down (To) | Break Faith (To) | Break Ground (To) | Break In (To) | Break of Day. | Break the Ice (To) | Break your Back (To) | Break up Housekeeping (To) | Break with One (To) | Breakers Ahead. | Breaking a Stick. | Breast. | Breath. | Breathe. | Brèche de Roland. | Breeches. | Breeches Bible. | Breeze. | Breeze. | Breidablik [wide-shining]. | Brennus. | Brent. | Brent-goose (A) | Brent-hill | Brentford. | Bressommer | Bretwalda (ruler of Britain) | Brevet Rank | Breviary. | Brew. | Brewer. | Briareos or Ægeon. | Briar-root Pipe. | Briboci. | Bric-à-brac. | Brick. | Brick-and-mortar Franchise. | Brickdusts. | Brick-tea. | Bride. | Bride Cake. | Bride or Wedding Favours | Bride of Abydos. | Bride of Lammermoor. | Bride of the Sea. | Bridegroom | Bridegrooms Men. | Bridewell. | Bridge of Gold. | Bridge of Jehennam. | Bridge of Sighs | Bridgewater Treatises. | Bridle. | Bridle Road or Way. | Bridle up (To) | Bridlegoose (Judge) | Bridport. | Brigadore (3 syl.) | Brigand | Brigandine. | Brigantine (3 syl.) | Brights Disease. | Brigians. | Brigliadoro. | Brilliant Madman (The) | Briney or Briny. | Bring About (To) | Bring Down the House (To) | Bring into Play (To) | Bring Round (To) | Bring To (To) | Bring to Bear (To) | Bring to Book (To) | Bring to Pass (To) | Bring to the Hammor (To) | Bring Under (To) | Bring Up (To) | Brioche (2 syl.) | Bris. | Brisis (3 syl.) | Brisingamen. | Brisk as a Bee. | Brissotins. | Bristol Board. | Bristol Boy (The) | Bristol Diamonds. | Bristol Fashion (In) | Bristol Milk. | Bristol Waters. | Britain. | British Lion (The) | Britomart [sweet maid] (see below) | Britomartis. | Briton (Like a) | Broach. | Broad as Long. | Broad Arrow | Broad Bottom Ministry (1744) | Broadcloth. | Broadside. | Brobdingnag. | | Brocken. | Brocklehurst (The Rev. Robert) | Brogue (1 syl.) | Brogues (1 syl.) | Broken Feather (A) | Broken Music. | Broken on the Wheel. | Broker. | Brontes (2 syl.) | Bronzomarte. | Brook (Master) | Brooks of Sheffield. | Broom. | Brosier. | Brother | Brother German. | Brother Jonathan. | Brother Sam. | Browbeat. | Brown. | Brown as a Berry. | Brown, Jones, and Robinson. | Brown Bess | Brown Bill. | Brown Study. | Browns. | Brownie. | Brownists. | Browse his Jib (To) | Bruel. | Bruin. | Brumaire. | Brummagem. | Brums. | Brunehild (3 syl.) | Brunello (in Orlando Furioso) | Brunswicker. | Brunt. | Brush. | Brush up (To) | Brut. | Brut dAngleterre. | Brute | Brute (Sir John) | Brute or Brutus | Brutum Fulmen (Latin) | Brutus (Junius) | Brutus (Marcus) | Bruxellois. | Brydport Dagger. | Bub. | Bubastis. | Bubble (A) | Bubble and Squeak. | Bucca. | Buccaneer | Bucentaur. | Bucephalos [bull-headed]. | Buchanites (3 syl.) | Buck. | Buck-basket. | Buck-bean. | Buck-rider (A) | Buck-tooth. | Buckwheat. | Buckhorse. | Buckingham. | Bucklaw | Buckle. | Buckler. | Bucklersbury (London) | Buckmasters Light Infantry. | Buckra. | Buckshish or Baksheesh. | Bude or Gurney Light. | Budge | Budge (To) | Budge Baehelors. | Budget. | Buff. | Buffalo Bill. | Buffalo Robe (A) | Buffer | Buffer (A) | Buffoon | Buffoons. | Buffs. | Bugaboo. | Bugbear. | Buggy. | Buhl-work. | Build | Build. | Builders Square. | Bulbul. | Bulis | Bull. | Bull. | Bull. | Bull and Gate. Bull and Mouth. | Bull-dog (A) | Bull-dogs | Bull-necked. | Bull-ring.


Bulls Eye. | Bulls | Bullet. | Bulletin. | Bulling the Barrel | Bullion | Bully. | Bully-boy (A) | Bully-rook. | Bum-bailiff. | Bum-boat. | Bumble. | Bumbledom. | Bummarees. | Bumper. | Bumpkin. | Bumptious. | Bun. | Bunch of Fives. | Buncle (John) | Bundle. | Bundle of Sticks. | Bundschuh [highlows]. | Bung. | Bungalow (Indian) | Bungay. | Bungay. | Bunkum. | Bunny. | Bunsby (Jack) | Bunting. | Buphagos. | Burbon. | Burchardise. | Burchell (Mr.) | Burd (Helen) | Burden of a Song. | Bure (2 syl.) | Bureaucracy. | Burglar [burg-larron]. | Burgundian. | Burial of an Ass. | Buridans Ass. | Burke. | Burkers. | Burl, Burler. | Burlaw or Byrlaw. | Burlesque. | Burlond. | Burn. | Burn | Burning Crown (A) | Burnt. | Burnt Candlemas Day. | Bursa (a bulls hide) | Burst. | Bury the Hatchet. | Burying | Burying at Cross Roads. | Bus. | Busby (A) | Busby. | Bush. | Bushel. | Bushman (Dutch, Boschjesman) | Bushrangers. | Business, Busy. | Business To-morrow. | Busirane (3 syl.) | Busiris. | Buskin. | Buss. | Busterich. | Busy as a Bee. | Butcher. | Butcher Boots. | Butter. | Butter-fingers. | Butter-tooth (A) | Buttered Ale. | Buttercups. | Butterflies | Button. | Buttons. | Button-hole. | Button-hole (A) | Buy in (To) | Buy Off (To) | Buy Out (To) | Buy Over (To) | Buy Up (To) | Buying a Pig in a Poke. | Buzfuz (Serjeant) | Buzz. | Buzz (A) | Buzzard (The) | By. | By-and-by | Bygones. | By-laws. | By-road (A) | By-the-by. | By-the-way | Byron. | Byrsa. | Byzantine Art. | Byzantine Empire (The) | Byzantine Historians. | Byzantines (3 syl.).


C. | C. | Ca Ira (it will go) | Caaba (3 syl.) | Cab. | Cabal. | Cabala. | Cabalist. | Cabalistic. | Caballero. | Cabbage. | Cabbage (To) | Cabinet Ministers. | Cabiri. | Cables Length. | Cabochon (En) | Cachecope Bell. | Cachet (pron. cahshay) | Cacodæmon. | Cacoethes (Greek) | Cacus. | Cad. | Caddice | Caddy. | Cade. | Cader Idris | Cadessia (Battle of) | Cadet. | Cadger. | Cadi | Cadmean Letters (The) | | Cadmeans. | Cadmus | Cadogan (Ca-dug-an) | Caduoeus (4 syl.) | Cadurci. | Cædmon. | Cærite Franchise (The) | Caerleon | Cæsar | Cæsarian Operation | Cæsarism. | Cæteris paribus (Latin) | Caf (Mount) | Caftan. | Cag Mag. | Cage. | Cagliostro. | Cagots. | Cahors. | Caiaphas. | Cain-coloured Beard. | Cainites (2 syl.) | Cairds | Caius (Dr.) | Cake. | Cake. | Cake…Dough. | Cakes. | Calabash. | Calamanco Cat (A) | Calamity. | Calandrino. | Calatrava (Red Cross Knights of) | Calauria. | Calceolaria. | Calceos mutavit. | Calculate | Calculators (The) | Cale. | Caleb. | Caleb Quotem. | Caledon. | Caledonia. | | Calendar. | Calendar. | Calendars (The Three) | Calends. | Calepin (A) | Caleys (A Stock Exchange term) | Calf-love. | Calf-skin. | Caliban. | Calibre [kali-ber]. | Caliburn. | Calico. | Calidore (3 syl) | Caligorant. | Caligula. | Caligulas Horse. | Caliph or Calif. | Calista. | Calisto and Arcas. | Calixtines (3 syl.) | Call (A) | Call Bird (A) | Call-boy (The) | Call of Abraham. | Call of God. | Call of the House. | Call to Arms (To) | Call to the Bar. | Call to the Pastorate. | Call to the Unconverted. | Call (To) | Called. | Callabre or Calaber. | Caller Herrings. | Calligraphy (The art of) | Callimachos. | Calling. | Calliope [Kal-l-o-pe, 4 syl., Greek, o, p, beautiful voice]. | Callipolis. | Callippic Period. | Callirrhoe (4 syl.) | Calomel. | Caloyers. | Calpe (2 syl.) | Calumet [the peace - pipe]. | Calvary [bare skull], Golgotha [skull]. | Calvary Clover | Calvary Cross (A) | Calverts Entire. | Calves. | Calves gone to Grass (His) | Calves Head. | Calves Head Club. | Calvinism. | Calydon. | Calyp so | Cam and Isis. | Cama. | Camacho | Camal dolites (4 syl.) | Camaralzaman (Prince) | Camarilla (Spanish) | Camarina. | Cambalos Ring. | Cambel. | Camber. | Cambria. | Cambrian. | Cambrian Series (in geology) | Cambric. | Cambuscan. | Cambyses (3 syl.) | Camden Society | Camel. | Camellia. | Camelot (Somersetshire) | Camelote (2 syl.) | Cameo. | Cameron Highlanders. | Cameronian Regiment. | Cameronians. | Camilla. | Camillus | Camisard. | Camisarde | Camisole (3 syl.) | Camisole de Force. | Camlan (Battle of, Cornwall) | Camlet | Cammock. | Camorra. | Camorrist. | Camp Candlestick (A) | Camp-followers. | Campaign Wig (A) | Campaspe (3 syl.) | Campbells are Coming (The) | Campbellite (3 syl.) | Campceiling. | Campeador (cam-pa-dor) | Canace (3 syl.) | Canache (3 syl.) | Canada Balsam. | Canaille (French, can-naye) | Canard. | Canary (A) | Canary-bird (A) | Cancan. | Cancel | Cancer (the Crab) | Candau les (3 syl.) | Candidate (3 syl.) | Candide (2 syl.) | Candle. | Candle-holder. | Candles of the Night. | Candlemas Day. | Candour (Mrs.) | Canens. | Canephoræ (in architecture) | Cancicular Days. | Canicular Period. | Canicular Year. | Canidia. | Canister. | Canker. | Cannæ. | Cannel Coal. | Cannibal. | Cannon (in billiards) | Canoe (2 syl.) | Canon. | Canon Law. | Canonical. | Canonical Dress. | Canonical Epistles. | Canonical Hours. | Canonical Obedience. | Canonical Punishments | Canonicals. | Canopic Vases. | Canopus. | Canopy | Canossa. | Cant. | Cantabrian Surge. | Cantte Sunday. | Canteen | | Canting Crew (The) | Canucks. | Canvas | Canvas City (A) | Caora. | Cap. | Cap (the verb) | Cap Verses (To) | Cap and Bells. | Cap and Feather Days. | Cap and Gown. | Cap in Hand. | Cap of Fools (The) | Cap of Liberty. | Cap of Maintenance. | Cap of Time. | Cap-acquaintance (A) | Cap-money. | Cap-a-pie. | Capfull of Wind. | Cape. | Cape of Storms. | Capel Court. | Caper. | Caper Merchant. | Capet (Cap-pay) | Capital. | Capital Fellow (A) | Capitals. | Capite Censi. | Capitulars. | Capon. | Capon (A) | Capon (A) | Capricorn. | Captain. | Captain Caufs Tail. | Captain Copperthornes Crew. | Captain Podd. | Captain Stiff. | Captious. | Capua. | Capuohin. | Capulet. | Caput Mortuum. | Caqueux. | Carabas. | Caracalla [long-mantle]. | Caracci (pron. Kar-rah-che) | Carack | Caradoc. | Caraites. | Carat of Gold. | Caraway. | Carbineer | Carbonado. | Carbonari | Carbuncle of Ward Hill (The) | Carcanet. | Carcass. | Carcasses. | Card. | Cards. | Cardinal Humours. | Cardinal Numbers. | Cardinal Points of the Compass. | Cardinal Signs [of the Zodiac]. | Cardinal Virtues. | Cardinal Winds. | Cardinals. | Cardinals Red Hat. | Carduel | Care-cloth (The) | Care killed the Cat. | Care Sunday (the fifth Sunday in Lent) | Carême (2 syl.) | Car-goose (A) or Gargoose. | | Carillons | Carinæ. | Carle or Carling Sunday [Pea Sunday]. | Carlovingian Dynasty. | Carludovica. | Carmelites (3 syl.) | Carmilhan. | Carminative. | Carmine (2 syl) | Carnation. | Carney. | Carnival. | Carotid Artery. | Carouse (2 syl.) | Carpathian Wizard. | Carpe Diem. | Carpenter | Carpet. | Carpet-bag Adventurer (A) | Carpet-bag Government. | Carpet Knight. | Carpocratians. | Carriage Company. | Carriages. | Carronades (3 syl.) | Carry Arms! | Carry Coals. | Carry Everything before One (To) | Carry Fire in one Hand and Water in the other (To) | Carry Ones Point (To) | Carry Out (To) | Carry out ones Bat (To) | Carry Swords! | Carry the Day (To) | Carry Weight (To) | Cart before the Horse. | Carte Blanche (French) | Carte de Visite (French) | Cartesian Philosophy. | Carthage of the North. | Carthagena. | Carthaginem esse Delendam (censeo) | Carthaginian Faith. | Carthusians. | Cartoons. | Cartridge Paper | Caryates or Caryatids. | Caryatic Order or Caryatidic Order. | Casabianca | Casca. | Case (To) | Case-hardened. | Cashier (2 syl.) | Casino. | Casket Homer. | Caspar. | Cassandra. | Cassation. | Cassi. | Cassibelan. | | Cassiopeia [the lady in the chair]. | Cassiterides (5 syl.) | Cast About (To) | Cast Accounts (To) | Cast Anchor (To) | Cast Aside (To) | Cast Down. | Cast a Sheeps Eye at One (To) | Cast beyond the Moon. | Cast in Ones Lot (To) | Cast into Ones Teeth (To) | Cast of the Eye (A) | Cast Pearls before Swine (To) | Casting Vote. | Castagnette (Captain) | Castaly. | Caste (1 syl.) | Castle Builder (A) | Castle in the Air. | Castle of Bungay (My) | Castle of Indolence. | Castle Terabil (or "Terrible") | Castor. | Castor and Pollux. | Castors Horse. | Casuist (3 syl) | Casus Belli (Latin) | Cat. | Cat-call. | Cat-eyed. | Cat Jumps (The) | Cat Stane. | Cat and Dog. | Cat and Fiddle | Cat and Kittens. | Cat and Tortoise | Cat has nine Lives (A) | Cat i the Adage (The) | Cat may look at a King (A) | Cat-o-nine-tails. | Cat Proverbs. | Cats Cradle. | Cats Foot. | Cats Melody (The) | Cats Paw. | Cats Sleep. | Cats. | Catacomb. | Cataian (3 syl.) | Catalogue Raisonné (French) | Catamaran. | Cataphrygians. | Catarrh. | Catastrophe (4 syl.) | Catch. | Catch a Crab (To) | Catch a Tartar. | Catch as Catch can. | Catch Me at It! | Catch the Speakers Eye (To) | Catch Out (To) | Catch your Hare (First) | Catch-Club. | Catehpenny. | Catchpole. | Catch Weights | Catch-word. | Catch-word. | Catch-word. | Catechumen [katy-kumen]. | Cater-cousin. | Caterpillars. | Caterwauling. | Catgut. | Catgut Scraper (A) | Cathari. | Catharine. | Catharine (Knights of St) | Catharine of Russia. | Catharine Theot (1725-1795) | Catharine Wheel (A) | Catharine Wheels. | Catharine-wheel Politicians. | Catharine-wheel Republics. | Catharists. | Cathay. | Cathedræ Molles (Latin) | Cathedrals of the Old Foundation. | Catherans | Catherine. | Catholic (The) | Catholic Association (The) | Catholic Church (The) | Catholic Emancipation Act (The) | Catholic Epistles (The) | Catholic King (The) | Catholic League (The) | Catholic Majesty | Catholic Relief. | Catholic Rent (The) | Catholic Roll (The) | Catholicon. | Catholicos. | Catilines Conspiracy. | Catilines and Cethegi (The) | Catius. | Catkins. | Cat-lap. | Cato. | Cato-Street Conspiracy. | Catsup or Ketchup. | Catted. | Catual. | Catum (Al) [the strong]. | Catwater. | Caucasians | Caucus. | Caudine Forks. | Caudle | Caudle (Mrs.) | Caught Napping (To be) | Caul. | Cauld-lad (The) | Cauline (Sir) (2 syl.) | Caurus or Corus. | Causa Causans. | Causa Causata. | Cause (The) | Cause Celébre. | Causes. | Cautelous.


Cauther (Al) | Caution Money. | Caut ser. | Cava. | Cavalerie à Pied. | Cavalier (3 syl.) | Cavalier or Chevalier de St. George. | Cavalier Servant | Cavaliers. | Cavall. | Cave-dwellers. | Cave In. | Cavê ne literas Bellerophontis adferras. | Cave of Achadh Aldai. | Cave of Adullam (The) | Cave of Mammon. | Caveat (3 syl.) | Caveat Emptor. | Cavell | Cavendish Tobacco. | Caviare (3 syl.) | Cavo-rilievo. | Caxon. | C. D. | Cean. | Ceca to Mecca (From) | Cecilia (St.) | Cecils Fast. | Ced | Cedar. | Cedilla. | Ceelict (St.) | Ceinture de la Reine. | Celadon. | Celadine | Celestial City (The) | Celestial Empire (The) | Celestians. | Celia [heavenliness]. | Celt. | Celts (The) | Cemetery | Cenobites (3 syl.) | Cenomanni. | Cenotaphs. | Censorius et Sapiens. | Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. | Centaur (2 syl.) | Cent-cyne. | Cento. | Central Sun. | Centre. | Centre of Gravity. | Centumviri. | Centurion. | Century White. | Cephalus and Procris. | Cepheus (2 syl.) | Cepola. | Cequiel (3 syl.) | Ceraunium. | Cerberus. | Cerdonians. | Ceremonious (The) | Ceremony. | Ceres (2 syl.) | Cerinthians. | Cerulean Brother of Jove (The) | Cess. | Cestui que Vie | Cestus | Cf. | Chabouk. | Chabouk or Chabuk. | Chacun a son Goût. | Chad-pennies. | Chaff. | Chair (The) | Chair. | Chair-days. | Chair of St. Peter (The) | Chalcedony [kalcedony]. | Chaldees (Kal-dees) | Chalk. | Chalk and Cheese. | Chalks. | Challenge to the Array (A) | Challenge to the Polls (A) | Challenging a Jury. | Cham (kam) | Chambre Ardente (French) | Chameleon. | Champ de Manœuvre (Le) | Champs de Mai. | Champs de Mars. | Champak. | Champerty | Champion and Severall. | Champion of England. | Chance. | Chancel | Chancellor. | Chancellor of England (The) | Chancellor of the Exchequer (The) | Chancery. | Chaneph. | Change. | Changeling (2 syl.) | Chant du Depart. | Chantage. | Chanticleer. | Chaonian Bird (The) | Chaonian Food. | Chaos (kaos) | Chap. | Chap-book (A) | Chapeau or Chapel de Roses. | Chapeau-bras. | Chapel | Chapel | Chapel-of-Ease. | Chaperon. | Chapter. | Chapter and Verse. | Chapter of Accidents (A) | Chapter of Possibilities (The) | Character. | Character (A) | Charbonnerie Democratique. | Charge. | Charge (To) | Chargé dAffaires. | Charicleia. | Charing Cross. | Chariot. | Chariot of the Gods. | Chariots or Cars. | Charioteers | Charities. | Charity. | Charlatan. | Charlemagne. | Charles. | Charles I. | Charles and the Oak. | Charless Wain. | Charleys | Charlotte Elizabeth. | Charm | Charons Toll [care-un]. | Charter. | Chartism. | Charybdis [ch = k]. | Chase (A) | Chase (A) | Chasidim and Zadikim. | Chasseurs de Vincennes (French) | Chat. | Chat de Beaugency (Le) | Châteaux en Espagne. [Castles in Spain.] | Chattelins. | Chatterbox. | Chatterhouse. | Chatterpie. | Chaucer of Painting (The) | Chauvin. | Chawbacon (A) | Chawed up. | Che sara, sara. | Cheap as a Sardinian. | Cheap Jack. | Cheapside Bargain (A) | Cheater (2 syl.) | Chech. | | Cheek. | Cheek (To) | Cheek by Jowl. | Cheese. | Cheese. | Cheeseparer (A) | Cheeseparing Economy. | Cheesewring (Lynton, Devon) | Chef dœuvre. | Chemistry [kemistry] | Chemos or Chemosh [Keemosh]. | Chennappa. | Chenu (French) | Chequers. | Cheronean [ch = k]. | Cherry. | Cherry Fairs. | Cherry Trees and the Cuckoo. | Cherubims. | Chery and Fair-Star. | Cheshire | Chess. | Chesterfield | Chestnut. | Chestnut Sunday. | Cheval (French, à cheval) | Cheval de Bataille (His) | Chevalier dIndustrie. | Chevalier du Brouillard (Le) | Chevaux de Frise (French) | Cheveril. | Chevy Chase. | Chiabreresco (Italian) | Chiar-oscuro [pronounce ke-ar-ros-ku-ro]. | Chibiabos. | Chibouque (A) | Chic. | Chichivache (3 syl.) | Chick-a-biddy (A) | Chicken (plural chickens) | Chicken of St. Nicholas (The) | Chicken-hearted. | Chien. | Chien de Jean de Nivelle (Le) | Child | Child of God (A) | Child of the Cord. | Childe | Childe Harold. | Children. | Chilenos. | Chilian. | Chiliasts [kiliasts]. | Chillingham Cattle. | Chillon. | Chilminar and Balbec. | Chiltern Hundreds (The) | Chimæra [kimera]. | Chime in with (To) | Chimney Money or Hearth money. | Chimneypot Hat (A) | Chinese Gordon. | Chingachgook. | Chink or Jink. | Chintz | Chios (Kios) | Chip or Chips. | Chip of the Old Block (A) | Chiron [Kiron]. | Chirping Cup or Glass. | Chisel. | Chitty-faced. | Chivairy. | Chivy. | Chivy or Chivvy. | Chloe (Kloee) | Chloe | Chœreas [Kereas]. | Choice Spirit (A) | Choke. | Choke-pear. | Choker (A) | Chop and Chops. | Chop-fallen. | Chop-House (A) | Chop Logic (To) | Chops. | Chops of the Channel. | Chopine (2 syl.), or Chopin. | Choreutæ [Korutee]. | Choriambic Metre. | Chouans (2 syl.) | Choughs Protected. | Chouse (1 syl.) | Chriem-hilda or Chriem-hild. | Chriss-cross Row (row to rhyme with low) | Chrisom or Chrism | Christabel [Kristabel]. | Christabelle [Kristabel]. | Christendom [Kris-en-dum] | Christian [ch = k]. | Christian Traditions | Christiana [ch = k]. | Christmas (Kristmas) | Christmas. | Christmas Box. | Christmas Carols | Christmas Day. | Christmas Decorations. | Christmas Trees and Maypoles | Christolytes [Kris-to-lites]. | Christopher (St.) | Chronicle Small Beer (To) | Chronicon ex Chronicis | Chronon-hoton-thologos [ch = k]. | Chrysalis [ch = k]. | Chrysaor [ch = k]. | Chubb (Thomas) | Chuck Full. | Chukwa. | Chum. | Chum in with (To) | Church. | Church-goer (A) | Church Invisible (The) | Church Militant. | Church Porch (The) | Church Triumphant (The) | Church Visible (The) | Churched. | Churchwarden (A) | Churchyard Cough (A) | Chuzzlewit (Martin) | Chyndonax. | Ci-devant (French) | Cicero. | Cicerone (4 syl.) | Cicisbeo [che-chiz-bee-o]. | Ciclenius | Cicuta. | Cid. | Cid Hamet Benengeli. | | Cillaros. | Cimmerian Bosphorus. | Cimmerian Darkness. | Cinohona | Cincinnatus | Cinderella [little cinder girl]. | Cinque Cento. | Cinque Ports (The) | Cinter (A) | Cipher. | Circe (2 syl.) | Circle of Ulloa. | Circuit. | Circumbendibus (A) | Circumcellians. | Circumcised Brethren (in Hudibras) | Circumlocution Office. | Ciric-Sceat or Church Scot. | Cist (Greek kistê, Latin cista) | Cist Urn (A) | Cistercians. | Citadel (A) | Cities. | Citizen King (The) | City College (The) | City of Bells (The) | City of David (The) | City of Destruction (The) | City of God (The) | City of Lanterns (The) | City of Palaces (The) | City of Refuge (The) | City of St. Michael (The) | City of Saints. | City of the Great King (The)-i.e. | City of the Seven Hills (The) | City of the Sun (The) | City of the Violet Crown. | Civic Crown. | Civil List. | Civil Magistrate (A) | Civil Service Estimates (The) | Civil War. | Civis Romanus Sum. | Civitas Solis. | Clabber Nappers Hole. | Clack Dish. | Claft. | Clak-ho-haryah. | Clam. | Clan-na-Gael (The) | Clap-trap. | Clapper. | Clapperclaw. | Clapper-dudgeons. | Clapping the Prayer Books | Claque; Claqueurs. | Claras (Stock Exchange term) | Clare (St.) | Clarenceux King-of-Arms. | Clarendon. | Clarendon Type. | Claret. | Claret. | Claret Cup. | Claret Jug (Ones) | Classic Races (The) | Classics. | Claude Lorraine (i.e. of Lorraine) | Claus (Santa) | Clause. | Clause Rolls (Rotli clausi) | Clavie. | Clavileno. | Claw | Claw-backs. | Claymore or Glaymore (2 syl.) | Clean. | Clean (To) | Clean and Unclean Animals. | Cleaned Out. | Clear (verb) | Clear the Court. | Clear the Decks. | Clear (the adjective) | Clear as Crystal. Clear as Mud. | Clear-coat. | Clear Day (A) | Clear Grit (The) | Clear out for Guam (To) | Clear Voice (A) | Cleared out. | Clearing House. | Cleave. | Clelia. | Clelie. | Clement (St.) | Clementina (The Lady) | Clench and Clinch. | Cleombrotos (4 syl.) | Cleon. | Cleopatra | Cleopatra and her Pearl. | Clergy. | Clergymen. | Clerical Titles. | Clerical Vestments. | Clerimond. | Clerk. | Clerk-ale and Church-ale. | Clerkenwell (London) | Clerkly. | Client. | Clifford (Paul) | Climacteric. | Climacteric Years | Climax | Climb. | Clinch. | Clinker (Humphrey) | Clio | Clipper. | Clipping Pace (A) | Cliquot (of Punch celebrity) | Cloacina. | Cloak and Sword Plays. | Clock. | Clodhopper. | Clog Almanac. | Cloister. | Clootie. | Cloridano (in Orlando Furioso) | Clorinda (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Close as a Clam. | Close Rolls | Close-time for Game. | Closh (Mynherr) | Cloten. | Cloth (The) | Clotharius | Clotho | Cloud, Clouds. | Cloud. | Cloud (St.) | Clouded Cane (A) | Cloven Foot. | Clover. | Clowns. | Club. | Club-bearer (The) | Club-land. | Club-law. | Clue. | Clumsy (Norwegian, klump, a lump, Swedish, klummsen, benumbed; Icelandic, klumsa) | Cluricaune (3 syl.) | Clydesdale Horses. | Clym of the Clough | \??\ (3 syl.) | Cneph. | Cnidian Venus (The) | Co. | Coal. | Coal Brandy. | Coals. | Coals of Fire. | Coaling | Coalition Government. | Coast Clear. | Coast Men of Attica. | Coasting Lead (A) | Coasting Trade. | Coasting Waiter. | Coat.


Coat of Arms. | Coat of many Colours. (Gen. xxxvii. 3) | Coats, Hosen, and Hats (Dan. iii, 21) | Cob (A) | Cobalt. | Cobbler. | Cobbler. | Cobbler Poet (The) | Cobblers Punch. | Cobblers Toast. | Cobham | Cob-nut. | Cobweb. | Cock. | Cock and Bottle. | Cock and Bull Story. | Cock and Pie (By) | Cock of Hay (A) | Cock of the North. | Cock of the Walk. | Cock-a-hoop | Cock apace. | Cockboat | Cock-crow. | Cock-eye. | Cock-fighting | Cock-horse. | Cock Lane Ghost. | Cock-pit. | Cock Sure | Cock the Ears (To) | Cock the Nose | Cock up your Head [foot, etc.]. | Cock your Eye (To) | Cock your Hat (To) | Cockade. | Cockaigne (Land of) | Cockatrice (3 syl.) | Cocked Hat (A) | Cocked-hat Club (The) | Cocker. | Cockie or Cocky. | Cockle Hat. | Cockle Shells. | Cockles. | Cockles of the Heart. | Cockledemoy (A) | Cockney. | Cockney School. | Cockshy (A) | Cockswain, or COXSWAIN [coxn]. | Cocqcigrues. | Cocytus [Ko-kytus]. | Codds. | Codille (2 syl.) | Codlins your Friend, not Short. | Coehorns (2 syl.) | Cœnobites or Cenobites (3 syl.) | Cœur de Lion. | Coffee. | Coffin. | Coggeshall. | Cogito, ergo sum. | Cohens (Stock Exchange term) | Coif (1 syl.) | Coiffé. | Coiffer to Sainte Catherine. | Coin. | Coin Money (To) | Coins. | Coke. | Coke upon Littleton. | Colbronde or Colbrand. | Colcannon. | Cold as Charity. | Cold-Bath Fields. | Cold Blood. | Cold-blooded Animals. | Cold-blooded Persons. | Cold-chisel (A) | Cold Drawn Oil. | Cold Pigeon (A) | Cold Pudding settles Love | Cold Shoulder. | Cold Steel. | Cold Water Ordeal. | Cold Without. | Coldbrand. | Coldstream Guards. | Cole = money. | Cole (King) | Colemira (3 syl.) | Colin Clout. | Colin Tampon. | Collapse. | Collar. | Collar (verb) | Collar-day (A) | Collar of Arsinoë (4 syl.) or Collar of Alphesiba | Collar of SS. | Collectivists. | College (New) | College Colours. | College Colours | College Port. | Colliberts. | Colluthians. | Colly my Cow. | Collyridians. | Collywobbles. | Cologne. | Colon. | Colophon. | Coloquintida or Colocynth. | Coloquintida (St.) | Colorado (U.S. America) | Colossal. | Colossus or Colossos (Latin, Colossus) | Colour. | Colour, Colours. | Colours. | Colours for Church Decoration. | Colours of the University Boats, etc. | Colours. | Colours. | Colours. | Colours Nailed to the Mast (With our), à outrance. | Colour-blindness. | Colour Sergeant. | Colour (verb) | Coloured Frontispiece by Phiz (A) | Colporteur. | Colt (A) | Colt (A) | Colt (To) | Colt-pixy (A) | Colts Revolver. | Colts-tooth. | Columbine (3 syl.) | Columbus. | Columbus of the Skies (The) | Column. | Column at Boulogne. | Columns or Herculs. | Coma Berenices (4 syl.) | Comazants. | Comb. | Comb the Cat (To) | Come and take Them. | Come Ather (pron. ah-ther) | Come Down a Peg. | Come Down upon One (To) | Come Home. | Come it. | Come it Strong. | Come Lightly. | Come Of. | Come Off (To) | Come On! | Come Out. | Come Over One (To) | Come Round. | Come Short (To) | Come That | Come the Religious Dodge (To) | Come to. | Come to Grief (To) | Come to Hand (It has) | Come to Pass (To) | Come to an End. | Come to the Hammer. | Come to the Heath. | Come to the Point. | Come to the Scratch. | Come to the Worst. | Come Under (To) | Come Up. | Come Upon the Parish (To) | Come Yorkshire over One (To) | Comedy | Comes (2 syl.) | Comet Wine. | Coming Round. | Command Night. | Commandment. | Comme il Faut | Commendam. | Commendation Ninepence. | Commis-voyageur (A) | Committee. | Committing Falsehood. | Commodity of Brown Paper (A) | Commodore. | Common Pleas. | Common Prayer. | Common Sense | Commoner. | Commons. | Commons in Gross | Commonwealths (Ideal) | Companion Ladder. | Companions of Jehu. | Comparisons are Odorous. | Complementary Colours. | Complexion | Compline (2 syl.) | Compte rendu. | Comrade (2 syl.) | Comrades (2 syl.) | Comus. | Comuss Court. | Con Amore (Italian) | Con Commodo (Italian) | Con Spirito (Italian) | Conan. | Concert Pitch. | Concerto (Italian) | Concierge (3 syl.) | Conciergerie. | Conclave (2 syl.) | Conclamatio | Conclamatum est. | Concord is Strength. | Concordat. | Condign. | Condottieri. | Confederate States. | Confederation of the Rhine. | Confession. | Confiscate (3 syl.) | Confusion Worse Confounded. | Congé. | Congé dElire | Congleton Bears. | Congregationalists. | Congreve Rockets. | Congreves. | Conjugal. | Conjuring Cap. | Connecticut | Connubialis de Muloibre fecit Apellem. | Conqueror. | Conquerors Nose (A) | Conquest (The) | Conrad (Lord) | Conscience. | Conscience Clause (A) | Conscience Money. | Conscious Water. | Conscript Fathers. | Consentes Dii. | Consenting Stars. | Conservative (4 syl.) | Consistory (A) | Consolidated Fund (The) | Consols. | Consort | Conspirators. | Constable | Constable de Bourbon. | Constantine Tolman (Cornwall) | Constantines Cross. | Constituent Assembly. | Constituents. | Constitution. | Constitutions of Clarendon. | Construe. | Consuelo (4 syl.) | Contango. | Contemplate (3 syl.) | Contempt of Court. | Contenement. | Contentment is true Riches. | Contests of Wartburg (The) | Continence of a Scipio. | Continental System. | Contingent (A) | Contra bonos Mores (Latin) | Contretemps (French) | Conventicle | Conversation Sharp. | Convey. | Conveyers. | Conway Cabal (The), 1777. | Conyger or Conigry. | Cooing and Billing | Cook your Goose. | Cooked. | Cooking. | Cooks. | Cool Card. | Cool Hundred (A) | Cool Tankard (A) or Cool Cup. | Coon (A) means a racoon | Cooper. | Cooper. | Cooper. | Coopers Hill. | Coot. | Cop (A) | Cop (A) | Cop. | Cop (To) | Copenhagen. | Copernicanism. | Copesmate (2 syl.) | Cophetua. | Copper (A) | Copper | Copper. | Copper Captain (A) | Copper Nose. | Copper-nosed Harry. | Copperheads. | Copple. | Copronymus. | Copts. | Copus. | Copy. | Copyhold Estate. | Copyright. | Coq-à-lâne. | Corah | Coral Beads. | Coral Master. | Coram Judice (Latin) | Coranach | Corbant. | | Corcca [Blind-heart]. | Corcyrean Sedition (The) | Cordelia. | Cordelias Gift. | Cordeliers | Cordeliers (The) | Cordon (The) | Cordon (Un grand) | Cordon Bleu (Un) (French) | Cordon Noir (Un) | Cordon Rouge (Un) (French) | Corduroy. | Cordwainer. | Corea (The) | Corflambo. | Corineus (3 syl.) | Corinnus. | Corinth. | Corinth. | Corinths Pedagogue. | Corinthian (A) | Corinthian Brass. | Corinthian Order. | Corinthian Tom. | Corinthian War (The) | Corked. | Corker or Calker. | Corking-pins. | Cormoran. | Corn … Horn. | Corn in Egypt (Theres) | Corn-Law Rhymer. | Cornstalks. | Corns. | Cornage (2 syl.) | Corneille dEsope (La) | Corner (A) | Corner. | Corner (The) | Corner-stone (The) | Cornet. | Cornette. | Corngrate (2 syl.) | Cornish Hug. | Cornish Language | Cornish Names. | Cornish Wonder (The) | Cornubian Shore (The) | Cornu-copia. | Cornwall. | Coronach. | Coronation Chair | Coroner | Coronet. | Coronis. | Corporal Violet. | Corporation. | Corps de Garde (French) | Corps Diplomatique (French) | Corps Legislatif (French) | Corpse Candle. | Corpus Christi [body of Christ]. | Corpus Delicti (Latin) | Corpuscular Philosophy | Corrector. | Correggio. | Corroboree. | Corrouge. | Corrugated Iron. | Corrupticolæ. | Corruption of Blood. | Corsair | Corsned | Cortes (2 syl.) | Cortina. | Corvinus [a raven]. | Corybantic Religion. | Corycian Cave (The) | Corycian Nymphs (The) | Corydon. | Coryphæus (The) or "Coryphus." | Coryphæus of German Literature (The) | Coryphæus of Grammarians. | Coryphée. | Cosa (plu. Cosas) | Cosmiel (3 syl.) | Cosmopolite (4 syl.) | Cosset. | Costard. | Costard. | Costermonger. | Cote-hardi. | Cotereaux (French) | Coterie (3 syl.) | Cotillon (co-til-yon) | Cotset. | Cotswold Barley. | Cotswold Lion. | Cotta | Cottage Countess (The) | Cottage Orné (A) (French) | Cottys. | Cotton. | Cotton Lord. | Cottonian Library. | Cottonopolis. | Cotytto. | Coucy. | Couleur de Rose (French) | Coulin. | Councils. | Counsel. | Count Kin with One (To) | Count not your Chickens | Count out the House (To) | Count Upon (To) | Countenance (To) | Counter-caster. | Countercheck Quarrelsome (The) | Counterforts | Counter-jumper. | Counterpane. | Counterscarp | Countess di Civillari (The) | Country. | Country-dance. | Coup [coo]. | Coup dEtat (French) | Coup de Grâce. | Coup de Main (French) | Coup dœil (French) | Coup de Pied de lAne (kick from the asss foot) | Coup de Soleil (French) | Coup de Théâtre. | Coup Manqué (A) | Coupon. | Courage of Ones Opinion. | Courland Weather. | Course. | Course. | Court | Court Circular. | Court-cupboard. | Court Fools. | Court Holy Water. | | Court of Love. | Court of Pie-powder. | Court of the Gentiles (The) | Courtesy. | Courtesy Titles. | Cousin. | Cousin. | Cousin Betsy. | Cousin-german. | Cousin Jack. | Cousin Michael (or Michel) | Coûte que Coûte (French) | Couvade (2 syl.) | Cove (1 syl.) | Covenanters. | Covent Garden. | Coventry. | Coventry Mysteries. | Cover.


Covers were laid for | Covered Way | Covering the Face. | Coverley. | Covetous Man. | Cow. | Cows Tail. | Cow-lick. | Coward (anciently written culvard) | Cowper. | Cowper Law | Coxcomb. | Coxeyites (3 syl.) | Coxswain. | Coyne and Livery. | Coystril | Cozen. | Crab (A) | Crab-cart. | Crack | Crack-brained. | Crack a Bottle | Crack a Crib (To) | Crack Up a Person (To) | Cracked. | Cracked Pipkins. | Cracker. | Cracknells (from the French craquelin) | Cradle-land. | Craft (A) | Craft (A) | Craft. | Craigmillar Castle. | Crakys of War. | Cram. | Crambe bis Cocta ["cabbage boiled twice"]. | Crambo. | Crampart (King) | Cramp-ring. | Crane | Crank. | Crannock. | Crapaud or Johnny Crapaud. | Crape … . Lawn. | Cravat. | Craven | Crawley. | Crayon (Geoffrey) | Creaking Doors hang the Longest. | Create. Make. | Creature (The) | Creature-comforts. | Credat Judæus or Credat Judæus Apella. | Credence Table. | Crédit Fonoier (French) | Crédit Mobilier (French) | Crekenpit. | Cremona. | Cremonas. | Creole (2 syl.) | Crepidam. | Crescit. | Cresselle (2 syl.) | Cresset. | Cressida | Cresswell (Madame) | Cressy (Battle of) | Crestfallen. | Crete. | Creticus. | Cretinism. | Crex. | Crib (A) | Crib (A) | Crib. | Cricket. | Crikey. | Crillon. | Crimen læsæ Majestatis (Latin) | Crimp. | Crimp of Death (A) | Cringle (Tom) | Cripple. | Cripplegate. | Criss-cross Row (Christ-cross row) | Crishna. | Crisis | Crispin. | Criterion. | Critic. | Croaker (2 syl.) | Croakumshire. | Croc mitaine (A) | Crocodile (3 syl.) | Crocodile (King) | Crocodiles Eye. | Crocodiles Tears. | Crocum in Ciliciam ferre. | Crœsus. | Cromeruach. | Cromlech. | Cromwell | Crone | Cronian Sea. | Crony. | Crook in the Lot. | Crooked as Crawley. | Crooked Sixpence (A) | Crooked Stick (A) | Crop Up (or) Out. | Cropper. | Croquemitaine [croak-mit-tain] | Croquet. | Crore (A) | Cross. | Cross (in heraldry) | Cross (a mystic emblem) | Cross (To) | Cross | Cross Buns. | Cross-grained. | Cross-legged Knights | Cross Man (A) | Cross-patch. | Cross-roads. | Cross and Ball | Cross and Pile. | Cross as a Bear | Cross as the Tongs. | Cross as Two Sticks. | Crossing the Hand. | Crossing the Line | Crotalum. | Crotchet. | Crotonas Sage. | Crouchback. | Crouchmas | Crow. | Crow over One (To) | Crowbar. | Crowd or Crouth. | Crowdero. | Crown. | Crown Glass | Crown Office (The) | Crown of the East | Crowns | Crowner. | Crows-Nest (The) | Crowquill (Alfred) | Croysado. | Crozier or Crosier. | Crucial. | Crude Forms | Cruel (The) | Cruel (now Crewel) Garters. | Crummy. | Crump. | Crush. | Crush-room (The) | Crusoe (A) | Crust. | Crusted Port. | Crusty. | Crutched Friars | Crux (A) | Crux Ansata. | Crux Decussata. | Crux Pectoralis. | Cry. | Cry of Animals (The) | Cry (To) | Cry Cav (To) | Cry Havock! | Cry Quits. | Cry Vinegar (To) | Cry Wolf. | Crystal Hills. | Crystalline (3 syl.) | Cub. | Cuba. | Cube. | Cucking-stool (The) | Cuckold. | Cuckold King (The) | Cuckolds Point. | Cuckoo. | Cuckoo (A) | Cuckoo Oats and Woodcock Hay. | Cuckoo - Spit. | Cuddy. | Cudgel Ones Brains (To) | Cudgels. | Cue (1 syl.) | Cuffy. | Cui bono? | Cuirass. | Cuishes | Cul de Sac (French) | Culdees. | Cullis. | Cully. | Culminate (3 syl.) | Culross Girdles. | Culver. | Culverin | Culverkeys. | Cum Grano Salis. | Cum Hoc, Propter Hoc. | Cumberland Poet (The) | Cummer. | Cunctator [the delayer]. | Cuneiform Letters. | Cunning Man or Woman. | Cuno. | Cunobelins Gold Mines. | Cunstance. | Cuntur. | Cup. | Cup | Cup Tosser. | Cup of Vows (The) | Cups. | Cupar. | Cupar Justice. | Cupboard Love. | Cupid. | Cupid and Psyche. | Cupids Golden Arrow. | Cupidon (Le jeune) | Cur. | Curate. | Curé de Meudon | Curetes (3 syl.) | | Curmudgeon (3 syl.) | Currant. | Current. | Currente Calamo (Latin) | Currer Bell. | Curry Favour. | Curse or Cuss. | Curse of Scotland. | Curses. | Cursing by Bell, Book, and Candle | Cursitor (Latin, clericus de cursu) | Curst. | Curtail. | Curtain (The) | Curtain. | Curtain Lecture. | Curtal Friar. | Curtana. | Curthose (2 syl.) | Curtise (2 syl.) | Curtmantle. | Curule Chair. | Curzon Street (London) | Cussedness. | Custard. | Custard Coffin. | Customer. | Custos Rotulorum (keeper of the rolls) | Cut. | Cut. | Cut Blocks with a Razor (To) | Cut neither Nails nor Hair at Sea. | Cut Off with a Shilling. | Cut out. | Cut your Coat according to your Cloth. | Cut a Dash. | Cut and Dry. | Cut and Run. | Cut Away. | Cut Capers (To) | Cut it Short. | Cut of his Jib. | Cut Short | Cut up Rough (To) | Cuthbert. | Cuthbert Bede. | Cutlers Poetry. | Cutpurse. | Cutters Law. | Cuttle. | Cutty. | Cutty Pipe. | Cutty Stool. | Cwt. | Cyanean Rocks (The) | Cycle. | Cyclic Poets. | Cyclopædia. | Cyclopean. | Cyclopean Masonry. | Cyclops. | Cyllaros | Cymbeline. | Cymochles. | Cymodoce (4 syl.) | Cynægiros. | Cynic. | Cynic Tub (The) | Cynics. | Cynthia. | Cyprian Brass | Cypriote.


D. | D or d | D | &Dmacr; | D.O.M. | D.T. | Da Capo or D.C. | Dab. | Dab, Din | Dabaira. | Dabbat [the Beast]. | Dabble. | Dabchick. | Dactyl (Will) | Dactyls (The) | Dad or Daddy. | Daddy Long-legs. | Dædalos. | Daffodil (The) | Dag (day) | Dagger | Dagger Ale | Dagger-scene in the House of Commons. | Daggers. | Daggers Drawn (At) | Daggle-tail or Draggle-tail. | Dagobert. | Dagon (Hebrew, Jag On, the fish On) | Dagonet (Sir) | Daguerreotype (4 syl.) | Dagun. | Dahak. | Dahlia. | Dahomey | Daïboth (3 syl.) | Daikoku (4 syl.) | Daïri (3 syl.) | Dairy. | Dais. | Daisies. | Daisy. | Daisy (Solomon) | Daisy-cutter (A) | Daisy-roots | Dalai-Lama [grand lama]. | Daldah. | Dalgarno (Lord) | Dalgetty (Dugald) | Dalkey (King of) | Dalle (French) | Dalmatica | Dam. | Damage. | Damask Linen. | Damaskeening. | Dambea | Dame du Lac. | Damiens Bed of Steel. | Damn with Faint Praise. | Damocls Sword. | Damon and Musidora. | Damon and Pythias. | Damper (A) | Damsel. | Damson. | Damyan (3 syl.) | Dan. | Dan Tucker. | Danace (3 syl.) | Danaë. | Danaides (4 syl.) | Danaos. | Danaw. | Dance. | Dance (Pyrrhic) | Dance of Death. | Dances | Dances | Dancing-water (The) | | Dander. | Dandie Dinmont. | Dandin (French) | Dandin (George) | Dandiprat | Dando (A) | Dandy. | Dandy-horse. | Dandyism. | Danes Skin (A) | Dangle. | Daniel Lambert | Danism. | Dannebrog or Danebrog. | Dannocks. | Danse. | Dansker. | Dante and Beatrice | Dantesque (2 syl.) | Daphnaida. | Daphne. | Daphnis. | Dapper. | Dapple. | Darbies (2 syl.) | Darby and Joan. | Darbyites (3 syl.) | Darics (or) Stateres Darici. | Dariolet, Dariolette (French) | Darius. | Dark. | Dark Ages. | Dark Continent (The) | Dark Horse (A) | Darkest Hour is that before the Dawn (The) | Darky. | Darley Arabians. | Daron, Daronne (French) | Daronne. | Dart. | Darwinian Theory. | Dash | Dash my Wig. Dash my Buttons. | Date. | Daughter. | Daughter of Peneus (The) | Daughter of the Horseleech. | | Davenport. | Davenport (The Brothers) | David | David and Jonathan. | Davideis. | Davus. | Davy. | Davy (Snuffy) | Davy Joness Locker. | Davys Sow. | Dawson (Bully) | Day. | Day of the Barricades. | Day of the Dupes | Day-dream. | Daylight | Daylights. | Days set apart as Sabbaths. | Daysman. | Dayspring. | Daystar (The) | De Bonne Grâce (French) | De Die in Diem. | De Facto. | De Haut en Bas. | De Jure (Latin) | De Lunatico Inquirendo (Latin) | De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum. | De Nihilo Nihil Fit (Latin) | De Novo (Latin) | De Profundis [Out of the depths]. | De Rigueur. | De Trop (French) | Dead. | Dead. | Dead. | Dead Drunk. | Dead-eye | Dead-flat (A) | Dead Freight. | Dead Hand (A) | Dead-heads | Dead Heat. | Dead Horse. | Dead Languages. | Dead Letter. | Dead-letter Office (The) | Dead Lift. | Dead Lights. | Dead Lock. | Dead Men. | Dead Mens Shoes. | Dead Pan (The) | Dead Reckoning. | Dead Ropes. | Dead Sea. | Dead-Sea Fruit. | Dead Set. | Dead Shares. | Dead Water. | Dead Weight. | Dead Wind (A) | Dead Wood | Dead Works | Deaf. | Deaf Adder. | Deal. | Deal-fish. | Dean (the Latin Decanus) | Deans (Effie) | Dear. | Dear Bought and Far Brought | Dearest. | Death | Death and Doctor Hornbook. | Death from Strange Causes. | Death in the Pot. | Death under Shield. | Death-bell. | Death-meal (A) | Death-watch. | Deaths Head. | Deaths Head on a Mopstick. | Deaths-man. | Debateable Land. | Debon. | Debonair [Le Débonnaire]. | Débris. | Debt of Nature. | Decameron. | Decamp. | Decaniller. | December. (Latin, the tenth month.) | Deception. | Decide (2 syl.) | Decimo. | Deck. | Decking Churches. | Décolleté [da-coal-ta]. | Decoration Day. | Decoy Duck. | Decrepit. | Decuman Gate. | Dedalian. | Dedlock (Sir Leicester) | Dee | Dee (Dr. John) | Dee Mills. | Deer. | Deerslayer. | Dees (The) | Deev-Binder. | Default. | Defeat. | Defeat. | Defender of the Faith. | Deficit (Madame) | Degenerate (4 syl.) | Dei Gratia. | Dei Judicium (Latin) | Deianira. | Deiphobus (4 syl.) | Deities. | | Delaware | Delectable Mountains (The) | Delf | Delia | Delias. | Delight | Della Cruscans or Della Cruscan School. | Delmonico. | Delos. | Delphi or Delphos. | | Delta. | Deluge. | Deluges (3 syl.) | Demerit | Demijohn (A) | Demi-monde. | Demi-rep. | Demiurge (3 syl.) | Demobilisation of troops. | Democracy. | Democritos. | Demodocos. | Demogorgon. | Demon of Matrimonial Unhappiness. | Demos (King) | Demosthens Lantern. | Demurrage. | Demy. | Den. | Denarius. | Denizen. | Dennis (John) | Dénouement (3 syl.) | Denys (St.) | Deo Gratias (Latin) | Deo Juvante (Latin) | Deo, non Fortunâ (Latin) | Deo Volente | Deodand | Depart. | Department. | Dependence. | Depinges (2 syl.) | Deputations. | Depute (2 syl.) | Derbend [iron]. | Derby Stakes. | Derive (2 syl.) | Dernier Ressort (French) | Derrick. | Derwentwater. | | Desmas. | Despair. | Dessert | Destruction. | Destructives (The) | Desultory. | Detest | Deucalion | Deuce. | Dence-ace. | Deuce of Cards (The) | Devas Vale. | Development. | Devil. | Devil among the Tailors (The) | Devil and Bag oNails (The) | Devil and Dr. Faustus (The) | Devil and his Dam (The) | Devil and the Deep Sea (Between the) | Devil and Tom Walker (The) | Devil catch the Hindmost (The) | Devil in Dublin City (The) | Devil looking Over Lincoln. (The) | Devil loves Holy Water (As the) | Devil-may-care (A) | Devil must be Striking (The) (German) | Devil on the Neck (A) | Devil rides on a Fiddlestick (The) | Devil Sick would be a Monk (The) | Devil to Pay and no Pitch Hot (The) | Devil (A) | Devils Advocate (The) | Devils Apple. | Devils Arrows (Yorkshire) | Devils Bird (The) | Devils Bones. | Devils Books. | Devils Cabinet (The) | Devils Candle. | Devils Current (The) | Devils Daughters Portion (The) | Devils Den. | Devils Dust. | Devils Dyke (The) | Devils Four-Poster (The) | Devils Frying-pan (The) | Devils Livery (The) | Devils Luck (The) | Devils Mass (The) | Devils Nostrils (The) | Devils Own. (CONNAUGHT BOYS.) | Devils Paternoster (To say the) | Devils Snuff-box (The) | Devils Tattoo (The) | Devils Throat (The) | Devils (in Dantes Divine Comedy): | Devonshire | Devonshire Poet. | Dew-beaters. | Dew-bit (A) | Dew-drink. | Dexterity | Dgellabæan. | Dhuldul. | Diable (Le) | Diadem | Dialectics. | Diamond. | Diamond (Newtons favourite little dog) | Diamond Hammer (A) | Diamond Jousts (The) | Diamond Necklace (The) (1785) | Diamond Sculls (The) | Diana (3 syl.) | Diana of Ephesus. | Dians Worshippers. | Dianora | Diapason. | Diaper. | Diavolo (Fra) | Dibs or Dibbs. | Dicers Oaths. | Dicilla (in Orlando Furioso) | Dick. | Dicks Hatband. | Dick = Richard. | Dickens. | Dickey or Dicky. | Dicky (A) | Dicky Sam. | Dictator of Letters. | Didactic Poetry | Diddle (To) | Diddler (Jeremy) | Diderick. | Dido. | Die. | Die. | Die-hards. | Diego (San) | Dis Alliensis. | Dis Iræ. | Dis Non. | Dis Sanguinis. | Dietrich (2 syl.) | Dieu. | Difference. | Digest (The) | Diggings. | Diggory. | Digit. | Dignitary (A) | Dignus Vindice Nodus (Latin) | Dii Penats (Latin) | | Dilettantë (Italian) | Diligence | Diligence. | Dilly (plural, Dillies) | Dim and Distant Future (The) | Dimanche (Monsieur) | Dimetæ. | Dimissory. | Dimity. | Dinah (Aunt) | Dine (To) | Dine Out (To) | Ding (A) | Ding-dong. | Dingley Dell. | Dinner (Waiting for) | Dinnerless. | Dinos. | Dint. | Diocletian. | Diocletian | Diogenes (4 syl., g=j) | Diomeds Horses. | Diomedean Swop. | Diomeds or Diomd. | Dione (3 syl.) | Dionysius (the younger) | Dionysos. | Diophantine Analysis. | Dioscuri. | Diotrephes. | Dip (A) | Diphthera. | Diploma | Diplomacy. | Diplomatic Cold (A) | Diplomatics. | Diptych [diptik]. | Dircæan Swan. | Direct Tax | Directory. | Dirleton. | Dirlos (Count) | Dirt | Dirty Half-Hundred. | Dirty Lane. | Dirty Shirts (The) | Dis. | Disastrous Peace (La Paix Malheureuse) | Disbar (To) | Discard. | Discharge Bible (The) | Discipline (A) | Discord | Discount. | Discuss. | Disease | Dished (1 syl.) | Dish-washer (A) | Dismal. | Dismas (St.) | Disney Professor. | Disorder | Dispensation. | Dispute (2 syl.) | Dissolute | Distaff. | Distaffina. | Distemper | Distinguished Member of the Humane Society. | | Distrait (French) | Dithyrambic. | Dittany. | Ditto. | Dittoes (A suit of).


Divan (Arabic and Persian, diwan) | Divers Colours [in garments]. | Divert. | Dives (1 syl.) | Divide (2 syl.) | Divide and Govern. | Divination. | Divine. | Divine (The) | Divine Doctor. | Divine Pagan (The) | Divine Plant (The) | Divine Speaker (The) | Divining Rod. | Divinity in Odd Numbers. | Divino Lodovico. | Division. | Divorcement. | Divus | Dixie Land. | Dizzy. | Djinnestan. | Do. | Do (to rhyme with go) | Do for. | Do up (To) | Doab (Indian) | Dobbin. | Dobbins (Humphrey) | Dobbys Walk. | Docetes (3 syl.) | Dock-Alfar. | Dock-side Lumper (A) | Dock Warrant (A) | Doctor. | Doctor (The) | Doctor (The) | Doctored Dice. | Dr. Diafoirus | Dr. Dove. | Dr. Fell. | Doctor Mirabilis. | Doctor My-Book. | Dr. Rezio | Dr. Sangrado | Doctor Slop. | Doctor Squintum. | Doctor Syntax. | Doctors. | Doctors. | Doctors Commons. | Doctors Disagree. | Doctors Stuff. | Doctored Wine. | Doctour of Phisikes Tale | Doctrinists | Dodge (1 syl.) | Dodge About (To) | Dodger. | Dodger. | Dodington | Dodipoll. | Dodman | Dodona. | Dods (Meg) | Dodson and Fogg. | Doe (1 syl.) | Doeg (2 syl.) | Doff | Dog. | Dog and Duck. | Dog-cheap. | Dog-days. | Dog-fall (in wrestling) | Dog-grass (triticum repens) | Dog-head (in machinery) | Dog-headed Tribes | Dog-Latin. | Dog-leech (A) | Dog-rose. | Dog-sick. | Dog-sleep (A) | Dog-star. | Dog-vane (A) | Dog-watch. | Dog-whipper (A) | Dog-whipping Day. | Dogs (a military term) | Dogs | Dogs. | Dogs (Green) | Dogs-ears. | Dogs-meat. | Dogs-nose. | Dogged. | Dogged (2 syl.) | Dogaressa (g = j) | Dogberry. | Doge (1 syl., g = j) | Dogget. | Doggerel. | Dogma (Greek) | Dogmatic Facts. | Dogmatic School | Dogmatic Theology | Doiley. | Doit (1 syl.) | Dolabra. | Dolce far Niente (Italian) | Doldrums (The) | Dole | Dole | Dole-fish. | Doll Money. | Dollar. | Dolly Murrey. | Dolly Shop. | Dolmen. | Dolopatos. | Dolorous Dettie (The) | Dolphin. | Dolphin (The) | Dom. | Dombey (Florence) | Dom-Daniel. | | Domestic. | Domestic Poultry | Domiciliary Visit (A) | Dominic (St.) | Dominical Letters. | Dominicans. | Dominie Sampson. | Dominions. | Domino (A) | Dominoes (3 syl.) | Domisellus. | Don | Don. | Don Giovanni. | Don Juan. | Don Quixote (2 syl.) | Donation of Pepin (The) | Donatists. | Doncaster. | Dondasch. | Done Brown. | Done For | Done Up. | Donegild (3 syl.) | Donkey. | Donkey Engine (A) | Dony. | Donzel (Italian) | Doolin | | Door. (Greek, thura; Anglo-Saxon, dora.) | Door Nail. (See DEAD.) | Door-opener (The) | Door-tree (A) | Doors [house]. | Doorm. | Dora. | Dorado (El) | Dorax. | Dorcas Society. | Dorchester. | Doric. | Doric Dialect. | Doric Land. | Doric Reed. | Doricourt. | Dorigen. | Dorimant. | Dorinda | Dormer Window. | Dornock. | Dorothea (St.) | Dorset. | Dorsetian Downs. | Dositheans. | Doson. | Doss. | Doss-house (A) | Dosser. | Do-the-Boys Hall. | Dot and go One (A) | Dotterel | Douay Bible. | Double (To) | Double Dealing. | Double Dutch. | Double-edged Sword. | Double Entendre (English-French for Un mot à double entente, or à deux ententes) | Double First (A) | Double-headed Eagle (The) | Double-tongued. | Double up (To) | Double X. | Double or Quits. | Doubles or Double-walkers. | Doubting Castle. | Douceur. (French.) | Douglas. | Douglas Tragedy (The) | Douse the Glim. | Dousterswivel. | Dout. | Dove | Dove (The) | Doves Dung. | Dover (A) | Dover. | Dovers (Stock Exchange term) | Dovercot or Dovercourt. | Dovetail. | Dowgate Ward (London) | Dowlas (Mr.) | Dowling (Captain) | Down. | Down on Him (To be) | Down on his Luck. | Down to the Ground. | Down - hearted. | Down Town. | Down-trod. | Downfall (A) | Downing Professor. | Downing Street (London) | Downpour (A) | Downright. | Downright Dunstable. | Downstairs. | Downy (The) | Downy Cove (A) | Dowsabell. | Dowse on the Chops (A) | Doxy. | Doyleys. | Dozen. | D. P. or Dom. Proc. | Drac. | Drachenfels (Dragon-rocks) | Draconian Code. | Draft. | Draft on Aldgate (A) | Drag in, Neck and Crop | Draggle-tail. | Dragoman (plural, Dragomans) | Dragon. | Dragon Slayers. | Dragon of Wantley (i.e. Warncliff, in Yorkshire) | Dragons Hill (Berkshire) | Dragons Teeth. | Dragonades (3 syl.) | Dragoons. | Drake | Drama. | Drama of Exile (A) | Dramatic Unities (The thrée) | Dramatis Personæ. | Drap. | Drapiers Letters. | Drat em! | Draught of Thor (The) | Draupnir. | Draw. | Draw it Mild (To) | Draw the Long Bow (To) | Drawback. | Drawcansir. | Drawing-room. | Drawing the Cork. | Drawing the Kings (or Queens) Picture. | Drawing the Nail | Drawlatches. | Drawn. | Drawn Battle. | Dreadnought. | Dream Authorship. | Dreamer. | Dreng. | Dress your Jacket (or hide) | Dresser. | Drink. | Drink Deep. | Drinke and Welcome. | Drink like a Fish (To) | Drinking Healths | Drinking Song. | Drinking at Freemans Quay | Drive. | Drive at (To) | Drive Off. | Driveller. | Drivelling Dotage. | Driver of Europe (Le Cocher de lEurope) | Drivers | Drives fat Oxen (Who) | Driving for Rent | Driving Pigs. | Droit dAubaine. | Drôle. | Dromio. | Drone (1 syl.) | Drop. | Drop (To) | Drop in (To) | Drop off (To) | Drop Serene (gutta serena) | Drown the Miller (To) | Drowned Rat. | Drowned in a Butt of Malmsey. | Drowning Men. | Drows | Drub, Drubbing. | Drug. | Druid. | Drum. | Drum Ecclesiastic. | Drum-head Court-martial. | Drummers. | Drummond Light. | Drumsticks. | Drunk. | Drunkards Cloak (A) | Drunken Deddington. | Drunkenness. | Drunkenness. | Drupner [the dripper]. | Drury Lane (London) | Druses (2 syl.) | Dry. | Dry Blow (A) | Dry Goods (in merchandise) | Dry Lodgings. | Dry-nurse. | Dry Rot. | Dry Sea (A) | Dry Shave (A) | Dry Style (of writing) | Dry Wine. | Dryads. | Dryasdust (Rev. Dr.) | Dualism. | Dub. | Dub Up! | Dublin (the Irish dubh-linn, the "black pool") | Dubs | Ducat. | Duchesne (2 syl.) | Duchess. | Duck. | Duck Lane. | Ducks Egg. | Ducks-foot Lane [City.] | Ducks and Drakes. | Duckie. | Ducking (A) | Duckweed. | Dude. | Dudeism (3 syl.) | Dudgeon (The) | Dudman and Ramhead. | Duds. | Dudu. | Duende (3 syl.) | Duenna [Lady]. | Duergar (2 syl.) | Duessa (Double-mind or False-faith) | Dufarge. | Duffer (A) | Duglas | Duke. | Duke Coombe. | Duke Ernest. | Duke Humphrey. | Duke Street (Strand) | Duke and Duchess | Duke of Exeters Daughter (The) | Duke or Darling. | Dukes. | Dukes Walk. | Dukeries. | Dulcarnon. | Dulce Domum. | Dulce est Desipere in Loco. | Dulce et Decorum est pro Patria Mori (Latin) | Dulcimer (Italian dolcimello) | Dulcinea. | Dulcinists. | Dulia. | Dull as a Fro. | Dull as Ditch-water. | Dulness. | Dum Sola (Latin) | Dum Spiro, Spero. | Dum Vivimus, Vivamus (Latin) | Dumachus. | Dumb-barge (A) | Dumb-bell Nebula (The) | Dumb-bells. | Dumb-bells. | Dumb-bidding. | Dumb-cow (To) | Dumb Crambo. | Dumb Dog (A) | Dumb Ox of Cologne (The) | Dumb-waiter. | Dummy. | Dummies (2 syl.) | Dump. | Dumps. | Dun. | Dun Cow. | Dun in the Mire. | Dunce. | Dunciad. | Dunderhead. | Dundreary (Lord) (3 syl.) | Dungaree. | Dunghill! | Dunghill. | Dunkers. | Dunmow. | Dunmow Flitch. | Duns Scotus. | Dunstable. | Dunstan (St.) | Duodecimo. | Duomo (The) | Dup | Dupes. | Durandana | Durandartë. | Durante. | Durbar (Indian word) | Durden (Dame) | | Duresley. | Durham Book. | Durham Mustard. | Dus | Dusiens. | Dust. | Dustman has arrived (The) | Dusty. | Dusty-foot. | Dutch. | Dutch Auction. | Dutch Clocks | Dutch Comfort. | Dutch Concert. | Dutch Courage. | Dutch Gleek. | Dutch Gold. | Dutch Nightingales. | Dutch School | Dutch Toys | Dutch Uncle. | Dutchman. | Duty | Duumvirs (3 syl.) | Dwarf (The) | | Dwarf Peter (das Peter Manchen) | Dwarfs (under three feet in height) | Dwile, or Dwyel. | Dwt. | Dyed Beards. | Dyeing Scarlet. | Dying Sayings | Dymphna. | Dynamite (3 syl.) | Dynamite Saturday. | Dyot Street | Dyser. | Dyvour. | Dyzemas Day.


E. | E.G. | E Pluribus Unum (Latin) | Eager | Eagle (in royal banners) | Eagle | Eagle (for lecterns in churches) | Eagle (in phrases) | Eagle | Eagle. | Eagle. | Eagle-stones | Ear. (Anglo-Saxon, eáre.) | Ear-finger. | Ear-marked. | Ear-shot. | Ears. | Ears to ear Bible (The) | Earing. | Earl | Earl of Mars Grey Breeks. | Early to Bed. | Earth. | Earthmen (The) | Earthquakes. | Earwig. | Ease. | Ease (Chapel of) | Ease Her! | East. | East Indies. | Easter. | Easter-day Sun. | Eat. | Eat not the Brain. | Eat not the Heart. | Eat Ones Heart Out (To) | Eats his Head Off (The horse) | Eating Ones Terms. | Eating Together. | Eau de Cologne. | Eau de Vie. | Eaves-dropper. | Ebionism. | Ebionites (4 syl.) | Eblis or Ibleis. | Ebony. | Ebudæ. | Ecce Homo. | Ecce Signum. | Eccentric | Eccentric Sensation. | Eccentric Theory (The) | Ecclesiastes (5 syl.) | Ecclesiastical. | Ecclesiasticus | Echidna (E-kid-na) | Echo. | Echo. | Eckhardt. | Eclectics. | Eclipses | Ecliptic. | Eclogue (2 syl.) | Ecnephia. | École des Femmes. | Economy | Economy of Nature (The) | Écorcheurs. | Ecstasy | Ecstatic Doctor (The) | Ecstatici (The) | Ector (Sir) | Edda. | Eden. | Eden Hall. | Edenburgh | Edgar or Edgardo. | Edge. | Edge Away (To) | Edge-bone. | Edge on. | Edge of the Sword. | Edgewise. | Edged Tools. | Edhilingi. | Edict of Milan. | Edict of Nantes. | Edie Ochiltree. | Edify | Ediles (2 syl.) | Edith | Ednam | Edobe (2 syl.) | Edward. | Edwidge. | Edwin. | Edyrn. | Eel. | Eel. | Eel. | Eelkhance Tables. | Effendi. | Effigy. | Effrontery. | Egalité. | Egeria. | Egg. Eggs. | Egg Feast. | Egg-flip, Egg-hot, Egg-nog. | Egg-on or Edge-on. | Egg Saturday | Egg-trot. | Egil. | Egis. | Eglantine (3 syl.) | Ego and Non-Ego. | Egoism. | Egotism. | Egypt | Egyptian Crown (The) | Egyptian Days. | Egyptian Festivals (The) | Eider-down. | Eikon Basilik [Portraiture of the King] | Eisell. | Eisteddfod. | Either. | Ejusdem Farinæ (Latin) | El Infante de Antequera | El Islam. | El Khidr. | Elagabalus. | Elaine (2 syl.) | Elasmotherium | Elberich. | Elbow. | Elbow Grease. | Elbow Room. | Elbows. | Elden Hole. | Elder Brethren. | Elder-tree. | Eleanor Crosses. | Eleatic Philosophy. | Elecampane and Amrida. | Elector. | Electricity (from the Greek elektron, amber) | Electro-Biology. | Electro-Chemistry. | Electuary. | Eleemosynam. | Elegant Extracts. | Elegiacs. | Elements | Elephant. | Elephant (The) | Elephant. | Elephant Paper. | Elephant and Castle. | Elephanta | Elephantine (4 syl.) | Eleusinian Mysteries. | Elevation of the Host (The) | Eleven (Anglo-Saxon, andlefene, ænd = ain, lefene = lef, left) | Eleven Thousand Virgins. | Eleventh Hour (At the) | Elf (plural, Elves, Anglo-Saxon, œlf) | Elf-arrows. | Elf-fire. | Elf-land. | Elf-locks. | Elf-marked. | Elf-shot. | Elfin. | Elgin Marbles. | Elia. | Eliab | Eliakim. | Elidure (3 syl.) | Eligibles and Detrimentals. | Elijahs Melons. | Eliminate (4 syl.) | Eliot (George) | Eliotts Tailors. | Elissa. | Elissa (deficiency or parsimony; Greek, ellipsis) | Elivâger (4 syl.) | Elixir of Life. | Elizabeth | Elizabeth | Elizabeth of Hungary (St.) | Elizabethan. | Ell (Anglo-Saxon eln, an ell) | Ell-wand (The Kings) | Ella, or Alla. | Elliot. | Ellyllon. | Elmos Fire (St.) | Elohim. | Elohistic and Jehovistic Scriptures. | Eloi (St.) | Eloquent. | Elshender | Elsie. | Elves. | Elvidna. | Elvino. | Elvira (Donna) | Elvish or Elfish. | Elysium. | Elzevir. | Em. | Embargo. | Embarras de Richesse. | Ember Days | Ember Weeks. | Emblem | Emblems of the Jewish Temple. | Embryo | Emelye. | Emerald Isle. | Emeralds. | Emergency. | Emergency Man (An) | Emeute (French) | Emile (2 syl.) | | Emilie (The divine) | Emmet | Emne. | Emolument. | Emotion. | Empanel | Empannel | Empedocls (4 syl.) | Emperor. | Emperor of Believers. | Emperor of the Mountains | Empire City (The) | Empire of Reason; the Empire of Truth | Empirics. | Employé. (French) | Empson. | Empty as Air. | Empty Champagne Bottles. | Empty Chance. | En Evidence (French) | En Garçon. | En Masse. | En Rapport. | En Route. | Enalio-saurians (Greek, sca-lizards) | Encelados. | Enchanted Castles. | Enchanter | Encomium. | Encore (French) | Encratites (4 syl.) | Encroach | End. | End-irons. | End Paper. | End of the World (The) | Ends. | Endemic. | Endorse. | Endymion | Enemy. | Enfant Terrible (An) [lit., a terrible child]. | Enfield Rifle. | Enfilade (French) | England. | England Expects that Every Man will do his Duty. | Englands Darling. | Englentyne (3 syl.) | English French. | Englishman. | Englishmans Castle. | Enid. | Enlightened Doctor (The) | Enniskillens. | Ennius. | Enough. (Anglo-Saxon, genoh or genog.) | Ensconce (2 syl.) | Ensemble. | Ensign. | Ensilage. | Entail. | Entangle. | Entelechy. | Enter a House right Foot fore most (Petronius) | Entering Short. | Enthusiast | Entire. | Entre Nous (French) | Entrée (To have the) | Entremets [arn-tre-may]. | Eolian. | Eolus. | Epact. | Epergne (2 syl.) | Ephebi. | Ephesian. | Ephesian Letters. | Ephialtes (4 syl.) | Ephialtes (4 syl.) | Ephori or Ephors. | Epic. | Epicure (3 syl.) | Epicurean. | Epicuros. (Latin form, Epicurus.) | Epi-demic | Epigram. | Epilepsy | Epimenides (5 syl.) | Epiphany. | Episemon | Episode (3 syl.) | Epistle | Epi-zootic | Epoch | Epode (2 syl.) | Epsom Races. | Epsom Salts. | Equal-to | Equation of Time. | Eques Auratus. | Equipage (3 syl.) | Equity. | Era. | Eraclius | Erastians. | Erastianism. | Erebus. | Eretrian. | Erigena. | Erin. | Erinnys | Eriphila. | Erix | Erl-king. | Ermeline (Dame) | Ermienes (4 syl.) | Ermine or Hermine. | Ermine Street. | Erminia. | Ernani. | Ernest (Duke) | Eros | Erostratus. | Erra-Pater. | Erse (1 syl.) | Erudite. | Erythreos. | Erythynus. | Escapade (3 syl.) | Esclandre. | Escuage (3 syl.) | Esculapios (Latin, Esculapius) | Escurial. | Escutcheon of Pretence (An) | Esingæ. | Esmond (Henry) | Esoteric (Greek, those within) | Espiet (Es-pe-a) | Esplandian. | Esprit de Corps. | Esprit Follet. | Esquire. | | Essenes (2 syl.) | Essex. | Essex Lions. | Essex Stile. | Est-il-possible. | Estafette (French; Spanish, estafeta) | Estates. | Este. | Estotiland. | Estramaçon (French) | Estrich Wool | Estrildis | Estuary. | Eternal City (The) | Eternal Fitness of Things. | Eternal Tables. | Etesian Wind (An) | Ethnic Plot. | Ethnophrons (4 syl.) | Ethon. | Etiquette (3 syl.) | Etna. | Etrennes (2 syl.) | Ettrick Shepherd. | Etzel | Eucharis | Eucharist | Euclio. | Eucrats (3 syl.) | Eudoxians. | Eugenius. | Eugubine Tables. | Eulalie (St.) | Eulen-spiegel (Thyl) | Eumæos | Eumenides [the good-tempered goddesses]. | Eumnestes [Memory] | Eunomians. | Eupatridæ. | | Eureka | Eurus (2 syl.) | Eurydic (4 syl.) | Eustathians. | Eutychians. | Euxine Sea (The) | Evangelic Doctor (The) | Evangeline. (4 syl.) | Evangelist | Evangelists. | Evans (Sir Hugh) | Evans (William) | Evaporate (4 syl.) | Events. | Ever and Anon. | Ever-sworded (The) | Ever-Victorious Army (The) | Everlasting Staircase (The) | Every Man Jack of Them. | Evidence (In) | Evil Communications | Evil Eye. | Evil May Day (1517) | Evil Principle. | Evils. | Evolution (Darwinian) | Evolution | Ewe-lamb (A) | Ex Cathedra (Latin) | Ex Hypothesi | Ex Luce Lucellum. | Ex Officio (Latin, by virtue of his office) | Ex Parte (Latin, proceeding only from one of the parties) | Ex Pede Herculem. | Ex Post Facto (Latin) | Ex Professo (Latin) | Ex Uno Omnes | Exaltation. | Exaltation of the Cross. | Examination. | Examiners (Public) | Excalibur (Ex cal [ce] liber [atus]) | Excellency (His) | Excelsior. | Exception. | Exceptions prove the Rule. | Exchequer. | Excise (2 syl.) | Exclusion. | Excommunication. | Excruciate (4 syl.) | Excuse. | Exeat (Latin, he may go out) | Execrate (3 syl.) | Exequatur. | Exercises. | Exeter. | Exeter Controversy. | | Exhibition. | Exhibition (The Great) | Exies or Axes. | Exile. | Exit (Latin, he goes out) | Exodus. | Exon | Exorbitant | Exoteric. | Expectation Week. | Experimental Philosophy. | Experimentum Crucis (Latin) | Experto Crede. | Explosion | Exponent. | | Express Train. | Expressed Oils | Expression. | Exquisite (3 syl.) | Extensive (3 syl.) | Exter. | Extinct Species [since the time of man]. | Extravagants Constitutions | Extreme Unction.


Extremes Meet. | Extricate. | Exult (Latin) | Eye. | Eye-service. | Eye-sore. | Eye-teeth. | Eye of a Needle. | Eye of Greece (The) | Eye of the Baltio (The) | Eye of the Storm. | Eyes. | Eyed. | Eyre. | Eyre (Jane) | Ezour Veda or Yajûr Veda. | Ezzelin (3 syl.).


F. | F Sharp. | ff. | F.E.R.T. | F. O. B. | Fs. | Fa (Scotch) | Fabian Society. | Fabian Soldiers. | Fabian Tactics or Policy-i.e. delay. | Fabianism. | Fabilas sad Fate. | Fabius. | Fables. | Fabliaux. | Fabricius. | Fabulinus. | Fabulous Isles. | Face. | Face to Face. | Faces. | Face. | Faced. | Faced. | Face-card or Faced-card. | Facilë Princeps. | Facings. | Façon de Parler. | Faction. | Factor. | Factotum. | Fad (A) | Fada. | Fadda. | Fadge (1 syl.) | Fadge. | Fadha (Al) | Fadladeen. | Faërie or Feerie. | Faërie Queene. | Fag. | Fag-end (A) | Fagged Out. | Fagin. | Fagot. | Fagot Votes. | Fagots. | Fahfah. | Faids. | Faience (2 syl.) | Faineant. | Faint. | Faint Hearted. | Fair (The) | Fair. | Fair (Sloe) | Fair (Statute) | Fair City. | Fair Game. | Fair Maid (The) | Fair-star. | Fair Trade. | Fair Way. | Fair and Square. | Fair fall you. | Fair Play is a Jewel. | Fairies | Fairies | Fairing (A) | Fairlimb. | Fairservice (Andrew) | Fairy | Fairy Darts. | Fairy Hillocks. | Fairy Ladies | Fairy Land. | Fairy Loaves or Fairy Stones. | Fairy Money. | Fairy Sparks. | Fairy of the Mine. | Fait Accompli (French) | Faith. | Faithful | Fakâr (Dhul) | Fake (1 syl.) | Fakenham Ghost. | Fakir (Indian) | Falcon and Falconet. | Falcon Gentle (A) | Falcon Peregrine or Pelerin. | Fald-stool. | Faldistory. | Falernian | Falkland. | Fal-lals. | Fall. | Fall Āway (To) | Fall Flat (To) | Fall Foul. | Fall From (To) | Fall In (To) | Fall Off (To) | Fall Out (To) | Fall Sick (To) | Fall Through (To) | Fall to (To) | Fall Under (To) | Fall Upon (To) | Fall in With (To) | Fall into a Snare (To) | Fall of Man (The) | Fall of the Drop (The) | Fall Out of (To) | Fall Short of (To) | Fall Together by the Ears (To) | Fall Upon Ones Feet (To) | Falling Bands. | Falling Sickness. | Falling Stars | Fallow Land. | False (The Rule of) | False Ceiling. | Falutin (High) | Familiar. | Familiar Spirits. | Familiarity. | Familists. | Family. | Fan. | Fan-light (A) | Fanatic. | Fancy. | Fancy-free. | Fancy Man (A) | Fancy-sick. | Fanesii. | Fanfaron. | Fanfaronade (4 syl.) | Fang. | Fangs. | Fangled. | Fanny Fern. | Fantigue (2 syl.) | Fantoccini [fanto-cheny]. | Fantom-corn. | Fantom-fellow. | Fantom-flesh. | Far and Away. | Far Cry from. | Far fetched. | Far Gone. | Far Niente (3 syl.) | Farce (1 syl.) | Farceur (The) | Farcy or Farcin (Latin, farcimen, a sausage, any stuffed meat) | Fare | Fare Well (To) | Farina. | Farinata | Farleu or Farley. | Farm | Farmer George. | Farmers. | Farnese Bull [Far-na-ze]. | Farnese Hercules [Far-na-ze Hercu-lees]. | Faroese (3 syl.) | Farrago. | Farringdon Ward (London) | Farthing. | Farthingale (3 syl.) | Faryndon Inn. | Fascination | Fashion [fash-un.] | Fashion of Speech (A) | Fast Girl or Young Lady (A) | Fast Man (A) | Fast and Loose (To play) | Fasti. | Fasting. | Fastrade (2 syl.) | Fat. | Fat Men. | Fat as a Porpoise. | Fata. | Fata Morgana. | Fatal Gifts. | Fate | Fates (1 syl.) | Father. | Father Mathew. | Father Neptune. | Father Norbert. | Father Paul. | Father Prout. | Father Thames | Father Thoughtful. | Father of Waters. | Father of his Country. | Father of the People. | Fathers of the Church. | Fathers of the Greek Church. | Fathers of the Latin Church. | Fathom (Count) | Fatima. | Fatted Calf. | Fatua Mulier. | Fault. | Fault. | Faults. | Fauna (2 syl.) | Faust (1 syl.) | Faux-jour (French) | Faux Pas. | Favonius. | Favours. | Favourite. | Favourites. | Fay. | Faye (1 syl.) | Fazio. | Fear Fortress. | Fearless [Sans peur]. | Feast of Reason. | Feasts. | Feather. | Feather in Your Cap. | Feather Ones Nest. | Feather Ones Oar (To) | Feather Stone. | Feathers (The) | Feature | February. | Fecit (Latin, he did it) | Fecula | Federal States. | Fee. | Fee-farm-rent | Fee-penny. | Fee Simple. | Fee-tail (A) | Feeble. | Feed of Corn. | Feet. | Fehm-gericht | Felician (Father) | Felix | Felixmarte (4 syl.) | Fell (Dr.) | Fellow Commoner. | Felo de Se. | Feme-covert. | Feme-sole. | Femme de Chambre. (French.) | Femynye (3 syl.) | Fen Nightingale. | Fence Month. | Fenchurch Street (London) | Fencible Regiments. | Fenella. | Fenians. | Fennel. | Fenrir or Fenris. | Fenton. | Feræ Naturæ. | Feramorz. | Ferdinand. | Ferdinando. | Ferdosi. | Ferguson. | Fern. | Fern Seed. | Fernando Florestan. | Ferney. | Ferohers. | Ferracute [sharp iron]. | Ferragus. | Ferrara. | Ferrau (in Orlando Furioso) | Ferrex and Porrex. | Ferumbras. | | Fess (Latin, fascia, a band or covering for the thighs) | Fest. | Fetch. | Fetches. | Fetiche or Fetish. | Fetter Lane | Fettle | Feu de Joie (French) | Feud | Feudal | Feudal System (The) | Feuillants. | Feuilleton [feu-y-ton]. | Fever-lurdan or Fever-lurgan. | Fever-lurk. | Fey. | Fezon. | Fi or Fie! | Fi. Fa. | Fiacre. | Fian (John) | Fiars. | Fiasco. | Fiat. | Fib. | Fico. | Fiddle (Latin, fidis or fides) | Fiddle About (To) | Fiddle-de-dee! | Fiddle-faddle. | Fiddleback. | Fiddler. | Fiddlers Fare or Fiddlers Pay. | Fiddlers Green. | Fiddlers Money. | Fiddlers News. | Fiddlestick. | Fiddlesticks! | Fidele (3 syl.) | Fidelio. | Fides. | Fides (2 syl.) | Fides Carbonarii. | Field. (Anglo-Saxon, feld.) | Field-day. | Field Marshal. | Field Officer. | Field Pieces. | Field Works. | Field of Blood. | Field of Ice. | Field of Vision or Field of View. | Field of the Cloth of Gold. | Field of the Forty Footsteps. | Fielding. | Fierabras (Sir) | Fifteen decisive Battles (The) | Fifth-Monarchy Men. | Fig. | Fig | Fig Sunday. | Fig-tree. | Figs. | Figged out. | Figaro. | Fight. | Fight Shy (To) | Fighting-cocks. | Fighting Fifth (The) | Fighting Kings [Chen-kuo]. | Fighting Prelate. | Fighting the Tiger. | Fighting with Gloves on. | Figure. | Figure. | Figure-head. | Figure of Fun (A) | Figures. | Filch. | File. | Filia Dolorosa. | Filibuster. | Filioque Controversy (The) | Fill-dyke. | Fillet. | Filomena. | Filter. | Fin. | Finality John. | Finance (French) | Finch Lane (London) | Find. | Findon Haddocks. | Findy. | Fine Arts. | Fine as Fivepence. | Fine-ear. | Finetor. | Fingal | Fingals Cave. | Finger. (Anglo-Saxon, finger) | Finger and Glove. | Finger in the Pie. | Finger Benediction. | Finger-stall. | Fingers. | Fingers before Forks. | Fingers Ends. | Fingered. | Fingle-fangle (A) | Finished to the Finger-nail | Finny Tribe. | Finsbury (London) | Fion | Fir-cone | Fir-tree (The) | Fire. (Anglo-Saxon, fyr; Greek, pur.) | Fire. | Fire Away! | Fire First. | Fire-balloon. | Fire-brand. | Fire-drake or Fire-dragon. | Fire-eaters. | Fire-new. | Fire-ship. | Fire Up (To) | Fire Worship | Fire and Sword. | Fire and Water. | Firm as a Rock. | First-class Hard Labour. | First-fruits. | First Water. | First Gentleman of Europe. | First Grenadier of France. | First Stroke is Half the Battle. | Fish. | Fish. | Fish. | Fish-day (A) [jour maigre]. | Fish-wife (A) | Fish and Flesh. | Fish-in Troubled Water (To) | Fish it Out (To) | Fish out of Water. | Fisher of Souls (The great) | Fisherman. | Fishing. | Fisk (in Hudibras) | Fitz (Norman) | Fitz-Fulke (Heb) | Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge University) | Five | Five-minute Clause. | Five Nations (The) | Five Points (The) | Five Wits. | Fiver (A) | Fives. | Fix. | Fixed Air. | Fixed Oils. | Fixed Stars. | Fixt (The) | Flaccus. | Flag. (Danish, flag.) | Flag, Flags. | Flag Lieutenant (A) | Flag-officer. | Flag-ship. | Flag Signals | Flags Down (The) | Flag of Distress. | Flagellants. | Flam. | Flamberge or Floberge. | Flamboyant Architecture. | Flame. | Flaming. | Flaming Swords. | Flaminian Way. | Flanders (Moll) | Flanders Babies. | Flanders Mare (The) | Flaneur (French) | Flap-dragons. | Flare-up. | Flare-up (A) | Flash. | Flash Men and Flash Notes. | Flat. | Flat-fish. | Flat Milk. | Flat Race (A) | Flat Simplicity. | Flatterer. | Flatterers. | Flay a Fox (To) | Flea. | Flea | Flea-bite. | Fleas Jump. | Fleance (2 syl.) | Flèche. | Flecknoe (Richard) | Fledgeby (2 syl.) | Flee the Falcon (To) | Fleeced (1 syl.) | Fleet Book Evidence. | Fleet Marriages. | | Fleet of the Desert. | Flemish Account. | Flemish School. | Flesh and Blood. | Flesh-pots.


Fleshed. | Fleshly School (The) | Fleta. | Fleur-de-Luce. | Fleurs-de-Lys. | Flibbertigibbet. | Flick. | Flies. | Fling. | Fling Herself at my Head (To) | Flins [a stone]. | Flint. | Flint Implements. | Flint Jack. | Flipper. | Flittermouse. | Flo (Old French) | Floated (Stock Exchange term) | Floaters (Stock Exchange term) | Floating Academy (The) | Flogging the Dead Horse. | Flogged by Deputy. | Flood. | Floor. | Floorer. | Flora. | Floras Dial. | Florence (The German) | Florentine Diamond (The) | Florentius. | Florian (St.) | Floriani. | Florid Architecture. | Florida (U. S. America) | Florimel [honey-flower]. | Florimels Girdle | Florin. | Florisando. | Florismart. | Florizel. | Flotsam and Jetson. | Flower Games. | Flower Sermon. | Flower of Chivalry. | Flower of Kings. | Flower of Paradise. | Flower of the Levant. | Flowers and Trees. | Flowers and Trees with Christian Traditions. | Flowered Robes. | Flowing Philosophers. | Fluellen. | Fluke. | Flummery. | Flummux (To) | Flummuxed. | Flunkey. | Flur. | Flush (A) | Flush of Money. | Flute. | Flutter. | Flutter the Devecotes (To) | Fly (plural flys) | Fly (plural flies) | Fly-boy. | Fly a Kite (To) | Fly-by-night (A) | Fly in Ones Face (To) | Fly in the Face of Danger (To) | Fly in the Face of Providence (To) | Fly Open (To) | Fly Out at (To) | Flying Colours (To come off with) | Flying Dutchman. | Flying without Wings (No) | Flymans Plot (The) | Fog-eater. | Fogie or Fogey. | Fo-hi or Foë. | Foil. | Folio. | Folk. | Folk. | Folk-lore. | Folk-mote [a folk meeting]. | Follets. | Follow. | Follower. | Folly. | Fond. | Fons et Origo (Latin) | Font | Fontarabia. | Food. | Food for Powder. | Foods and Wines. | Fool. | Fool [a food] | Fool Thinks. | Fool in his Sleeve. | Fool or Physician at Forty. | Fools. | Fools Bolt. | Fools Paradise. | Foolscap. | Foot. | Foot-breadth | Foot-lights. | Foot Monsters. | Foot-notes. | Foot-pound. | Foot of a Page. | Footing. | Footmans Wand (A) | Footmen. | Fops Alley. | Foppington (Lord) | Forbears. | Forbës | Forbidden Fruit (The) | Foreible Feeble School. | Ford. | Fordelis (in Orlando Furioso) | Fore. | Fore-and-Aft. | Forecastle. | Foreclose. | Fore-shortened. | Forfar. | Forget-me-nots of the Angels. | Forgive, blest Shade. | Forgiveness. | Fork Out. | Forks. | Forked Cap (A) | Forlorn Hope. | Forlot or Firlot. | Forma Pauperis (Latin, Under plea of poverty) | Fortiter in Re (Latin) | Fortunate Islands. | Fortunatus. | Fortune. | Fortunio. | Forty. | Forty Stripes save One. | Forty Thieves. | Forty Winks. | Forty-five. | Forwards (Marshal) | Foscari (Francis) | Foss (Corporal) | Foss-way. | Fossa et Furca [pit and gallows]. | Fossils. | Foster Brother or Sister. | Fou Drunk. | Foul Proof. | Foul-weather Jack. | Fountain of Death. | Fountain of Youth. | Four Kings. | Four Letters | Four Masters. | Fourierism. | Fourierists. | Fourteen | Fourteen Hundred (A Stock Exchange warning) | Fourth Estate of the Realm (The) | | Fowler (Henry the Fowler) | Fox (The old) | Fox. | Fox. | Fox (To) | Fox-fire | Fox-tail. | Foxs Sleep (A) | Foxed. | Foxites (2 syl.) | Foxy. | Fra Diavolo (Michele Pozza) | Fracassus. | Fradubio [Brother Doubt] | Frame of Mind. | France. | Francesca. | Francesca da Rimini. | Franciss Distemper (St.) | Franciscans | Frangipani. | Frangipani Pudding | Frank. | Frank Pledge. | Frankeleynes Tale | Frankforters. | Franklin. | Frankums Night. | Frantic. | Fraserian. | Fraserian Group (The) | Frater. | Frateretto. | Fratery. | Fraticellians [Little Brethren]. | Frea. | Free. | Free Bench (francus bancus) | Free Coup (in Scotland) | Free Lances. | Free Lances of Life (The) | Free Spirit. | Free Trade. | Freebooter | Freeholds. | Freeman (Mrs.) | Freeman of Bucks. | Freemans Quay. | Freemasons. | Freeport (Sir Andrew) | Freestone | Freethinker. | Freezing-point. | Freischütz (pronounce fry-shoots) | Freki and Geri. | French Cream. | French Leave. | French of Stratford atte Bowe. | Frenchman. | Fresco-painting | Freshman | Freston. | Frey. | Freyja. | Friar. | Friar | Friar Bungay | Friar Dominic | Friar Gerund. | Friar John. | Friar Laurence | Friar Rush. | Friar Tuck. | Friars Heel. | Friars Lanthorn. | Friars [brothers]. | Friars. | Friars Major (Fratrs majors) | Friars Minor (Fratrs minors) | Friars Tale. | Fribble. | Friday | Friday. | Friday Street (London) | Friday and Columbus. | Friday and the United States. | Friday a Lucky Day. | Friday, an Unlucky Day. | Friend (A) | Friend at Court | Friend in Need (A) | Friend of Man. | Friends … Enemies. | Friendly Suit (A) | Friendship (Examples of): | Friendships Broken (Eng. Hist.): | Frigga | Frilingi. | Fringe. | | Frisket. | Frith. | Frithiof (pron. Frit-yoff) | Frithiofs Sword. | Fritz (Old Fritz) | Frog. | Frogs March. | Frogs. | Frollo (Archdeacon Claude) | Fronde (1 syl.) | Frondeur. | Frontino. | Frost. | Frost Saints. | Froth (Master) | Froudes Cat. | Frozen Music. | Frozen Words | Frumentius (St.) | Fry. | Frying-pan. | Fub. | Fuchs [a fox]. | Fudge. | Fudge Family. | Fuel. | Fuga ad Salices (A) | Fuggers. | Fugleman | Fulhams, or Fullams. | Full Cry. | Full Dress. | Full Fig (In) | Full Swing (In) | Fulsome. | Fum | Fum the Fourth. | Fumage (2 syl.) | Fume. | Fun. | Fund. | Funds | Fungoso. | Funk. | Funny Bone. | Furbelow. | Furca. | Furcam et Flagellum (gallows and whip) | Furies (The Three) | Furies of the Guillotine (The) | Furor. | Fusberta. | Fusiliers. | Fuss. | Fustian. | Fustian Words. | Futile (2 syl.)


G. | G.C.B. | G.H.V.L. | G.O.M. | Gab (g hard) | Gabardine (3 syl.) | Gabel, Gabelle (g hard) | Gaberlunzie | Gabriel (g hard) | Gabrielle (3 syl.; g hard) | Gabrina | Gabrioletta (g hard) | Gad (g hard) | Gad-about (A) | Gad-fly | Gad-steel. | Gadshill | Gaels. | Gaff (g hard) | Gaffer (g hard) | Gags | Gala Day (g hard) | Galactic Circle (The) | Galahad | Galaor (Don) | Galatea. | Galathe (3 syl.) | | Gales Compound. | Galen (g hard) | Galeotti (Martius) | Galerana (g hard) | Galère (2 syl.) | Galesus (g hard) | Galiana (g hard) | Galimaufrey or Gallimaufrey (g hard) | Gall and Wormwood. | Gall of Bitterness (The) | Gall of Pigeons. | Galls Bell (St.) | Gallant (g hard) | Gallery. | Galley (g hard) | Galley Pence. | Gallia (g hard) | Gallia Braccata [trousered Gaul]. | Gallia Comata. | Gallicenæ. | Gallicism (g hard) | Gallicum Merleburgæ. | Galligantus. | Gallimaufry. | Gallipot (g hard) | Gallo-Belgicus. | Galloon. | Galloway (g hard) | Gallowglass. | Gallus Numidicus (A) | Galore (2 syl., g hard) | Galvanism (g hard) | Galway Jury. | Gam. | Gama (g hard) | Gamaheu | Gamaliel. | Gamboge (2 syl., first g hard, second g soft) | Game | Game. | Game-leg. | Game for a Spree. | Game is not worth the Candle (The) | Games Afoot (The) | Gamelyn (3 syl., g hard) | Gammer (g hard) | Gammer Gurtons Needle. | Gammon (g hard) | Gammut, or Gamut (g hard) | Gamp (Mrs.) | Gamps and Harrises. | Ganabim. | Gander (g hard) | Gander-cleugh. | Gander-month. | Ganelon (g hard) | Ganem (g hard) | Ganesa (g hard) | Gang a-gley (To) | Gang-board, or Gang-way (g hard) | Gang-day (g hard) | Gangway (g hard) | Ganges (The) | Ganna. | Ganor (g hard), Gineura (g soft), or Guinever. | Ganymede (3 syl.; g hard) | Gaora. | Gape (g hard) | Garagantua (g hard) | Garagantuan. | Garble (g hard) | Garcias (g hard) | Gardarike (4 syl., g hard) | Garden (g hard) | Gardener (g hard) | Gardening (g hard) | Gargamelle (3 syl., g hard) | Gargantua (g hard) | Gargantuan. | Gargittios. | Garibaldis Red Shirt. | Garland (g hard) | Garlick | Garnish (g hard) | Garratt (g hard) | Garraways | Garrote or Garotte (2 syl., g hard) | Garter (g hard) | Garvies (2 syl., g soft) | Gasconade (3 syl., g hard) | | Gastrolators. | Gat-tooth (g hard) | Gate Money. | Gate-posts. | Gate of Italy. | Gate of Tears [Babelmandeb]. | Gath (g hard) | Gathered | Gathers (g hard) | Gaudifer (g hard) | Gaudy-day (A) | Gaul (g hard) | Gaunt (g hard) | Gauntgrim (g hard) | Gauntlet (g hard) | Gautama (g hard) | Gauvaine or Gawain | Gavelkind (g hard) | Gawain (g hard) | Gawrey (g hard) | Gay (g hard) | Gay Deceiver (A) | Gay Girl. | Gaze (1 syl., g hard) | Gaze-hound. | Gazette (2 syl., g hard) | Gazetted (g hard) | Gaznivides (3 syl.) | Gear (g hard) | Gee-up! and Gee-woo! | Geese (g hard) | Gehenna (Hebrew, g hard) | Gelert (g hard) | Gellatley (Davie) | Gemara (g hard) | Gemmagog. | Gems. | Gendarmes. | Gender-words: | General Funk. | General Issue | Generalissimo (g soft) | Generous (g soft) | Geneura (g soft) | Geneva (g soft) | Geneva Bible. | Geneva Bible (The) | Geneva Bull. | Geneva Courage. | Geneva Doctrines. | Geneva Print (Reading) | Geneviève (St.) | Genii King. | Genitive Case | Genius, Genii (Roman mythology) | Genius Loci (Latin) | Genoa | Genovefa (g soft) | Genre Painter (genre 1 syl.) | Gens Braccata. | Gens Togata. | Gentle (g soft) | Gentle Shepherd (The) | Gentleman (g soft) | Gentlemen of Paper and Wax. | Geoffrey Crayon. | Geology (g soft) | Geomancy (g soft) | Geometry (g soft) | George II. | George III. | George IV. | George, Mark, John (SS.) | George (St.) (g soft) | George a Green. | George Eliot. | George Geith. | George Sand. | George Street (Strand, London) | Geraint (g hard) | Geraldine (3 syl., g soft) | Gerda (g hard) | German or Germaine (g soft) | German. | German Comb. | German Silver | Gerrymander (g hard) | Gerst-Monat. | Gertrude (2 syl., g hard) | Gertrude (St.) | Gertrude of Wyoming. | Gervais (St.) | Geryon (g hard) | Geryoneo. | Gesmas (g hard) | Gessler (g hard) | Gesta Romanorum (g soft) | Geste or Gest (g soft) | Get (To) | Get, Got. | Get by Heart (To) | Get Ones Back Up (To) | Get-up (A) | Get up (To) | Gethsemane. | Gewgaw (g hard) | Ghebers or Guebres. | Ghibelline (g hard) | Ghost. | Ghoul. | Giaffir (Djaf-fir) | Giall. | Giallar Bridge. | Giallar Horn (The) | Gian ben Gian (g soft) | Giant of Literature (The) | Giants (g soft) | (5) Giants of Mythology. | (6) Giants of Real Life. | Giants Causeway | Giants Dance (The) | Giants Leap (The) | Giants War with Jove (The) | Giaour (jow-er) | Gib (g soft) | Gib Cat. | Gibberish (g hard) | Gibbet (g soft) | Gibelins | Gibeonite (4 syl., g hard) | Giblets (The Duke of) | Gibraltar (g soft) | Gif Gaff. | Gift-horse. | Gig (g hard) | Gig-lamps. | Gig-manity. | Giggle (g hard) | Gil Blas (g soft) | Gilbertines (3 syl., g hard) | Gild the Pill (To) | Gilded Chamber (The) | Gilderoy (3 syl., g hard) | Gilderoys Kite. | Gildippe (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Giles (1 syl., g soft) | Giles (St.) | Giles Overreach (Sir) | Giles of Antwerp (g soft) | Gill (g soft) or Jill. | Gill (Harry) | Gills (g hard) | Gillie (g hard) | Gillies Hill. | Gillyflower (g soft) | Gilpin (John) | Gilt (g hard) | Gilt-edge Investments. | Giltspur Street (West Smithfield) | Gimlet Eye (g hard) | Gimmer (g soft) | Gin Sling. | Ginevra (g soft) | Gingerbread. | Gingerbread (g soft) | Gingerbread Husbands. | Gingerly. | Gingham. | Ginnunga Gap. | Giona (g soft) | Giotto. | Giovanni (Don) | Gipsy (g soft) | Gipsy (The) | Giralda (g soft) | Gird. | Gird up the Loins (To) | Girder (A) | Girdle (g hard) | Girdle (Florimels) | Girdle (St. Colmans) | Girdle of Venus. | Girl. | Girondists (g soft) | Girouette (3 syl., g soft) | Gis (g soft) | Gitanos. | Give and Take (policy) | Give it Him (To) | Give the Boys a Holiday. | Give the Devil his Due. | Gizzard. | Gjallar. | Glacis. | Gladsheim [Home of joy]. | Gladstone Bag (A) | Glamorgan. | Glasgow Arms. | Glasgow Magistrate (A) | Glass | Glass Breaker (A) | Glass-eye. | Glass Houses. | Glass Slipper (of Cinderella) | Glasse (Mrs. Hannah) | Glassite (A) | Glastonbury | Glaswegian. | Glauber Salts. | Glaucus (of Bœotia) | Glaucus (Another) | Glaucus Swop (A) | Glaymore | Glazier. | Gleek. | Gleichen (The Count de) | Gleipnir. | Glencoe (2 syl.) | Glendoveor | Glendower (Owen) | Glim. | Globe of Glass (Reynards) | Gloria. | Gloria in Excelsis. | Gloriana. (Queen Elizabeth considered as a sovereign.) | Glorious John. | Glorious First of June. | Glorious Uncertainty of the Law (The) | Glory. | Glory Demon (The) | Glory Hand. | Glory be to the Father | Glossin (Lawyer) | Glove. | Glove | Glove Money. | Gloves | Glubdubdrib. | Gluckist and Piccinists. | Glum | Glumdalclitch. | Glutton (The) | Gluttony. | Gnatho. | Gnomes (1 syl.) | Gnostics. | Go. | Go (The) | Go along with You. | Go-between (A) | Go-by. | Go it Blind. | Go it, Warwick! | Go it, you Cripples! | Go of Gin. | Go on all Fours. | Go out (To) | Go through Fire and Water to serve you. | Go to! | Go to the Wall (To) | Go without Saying (To) | Goat. | Goat and Compasses. | Goats. | Gobbler (A) | Gobbo (Launcelot) | Gobelin Tapestry. | Goblin. | Goblin Cave. | Goblins. | God. | Gods. | Gods. | Gods Acre. | Gods Secretaries (The) | God-child. | Goddess Mothers (The) | Godfather. | Godfathers. | Godfrey. | Godfreys Cordial. | Godiva (Lady) | Godless Florin (The) | Godliness. | Godmer. | Goël. | Goemot or Goëmagot. | Gog and Magog. | Goggles. | Gogmagog Hill (The) | Gojam. | Golconda | Gold. | Gold. | Gold Purse of Spain. | Golden. | Golden Age. | Golden Apple. | Golden Ass. | Golden Ball (The) | Golden Bay. | Golden Bonds. | Golden Bowl is Broken (The) | Golden Bull. | Golden Calf. | Golden Cave. | Golden Chain. | Golden Fleece. | Golden Fleece. | Golden Fountain. | Golden Girdle. | Golden Horn. | Golden House. | Golden Legend. | Golden Mean. | Golden-mouthed. | Golden Ointment. | Golden Opinions. | Golden Palace. | Golden Rose. | Golden Rule. | Golden Shoe (A) | Golden Shower | Golden Slipper (The) | Golden State. | Golden Stream. | Golden Thigh. | Golden Tooth. | Golden Town (The) | Golden Valley (The) | Golden Verses. | Goldy. | Golgotha | Goliath. | Golosh. | Gomarists. | Gombeen Man (The) | Gombo. | Gondola. | Gone Coon (A) | Gone to the Devil. | Gone Up. | Goneril. | Gonfalon | Gonfanon. | Gonin. | Gonnellas Horse. | Gonsalez [Gon-zalley]. | Gonville College (Cambridge) | Good. | Good-Cheap. | Good Duke Humphrey. | Good Folk (Scotch guid folk) | Good Form, Bad Form. | Good Friday. | Good Graces (To get into ones) | Good Hater (A) | Good Lady (The) | Good Neighbours. | Good Regent. | Good Samaritan. | Good Time. | Good Turn (To do a) | Good and All (For) | Good as Gold. | Good for Anything. | Good Wine needs no Bush. | Goods. | Goodfellow (Robin) | Goodlucks Close (Norfolk) | Goodman. | Goodman, or St. Gutman. | Goodman of Ballengeich. | Goodmans Croft.


Goodmans Fields | Goodwin Sands | Goodwood Races. | Goody. | Goody | Goody Blake. | Goody Two-Shoes. | Goody-goody. | Goose. | Goose and Gridiron. | Goose at Michaelmas. | Goosebridge. | Goose Dubbs | Goose Gibbie. | Gopher-wood (\??\) | Gordian Knot. | Gordon Riots. | Gorgibus. | Gorgon. | Gorham Controversy. | Gorlois | Gosling. | Goslings. | Gospel. | Gospel according to … | Gospel of Nicodemus (The) | Gospel of Wealth (The) | Gospellers. | Gossamer. | Gossip. | Gossypia. | Got the Mitten. | Gotch. | Goth. | Gotham. | Gothamites (3 syl.) | Gothic Architecture | Gouk or Gowk. | Gourd. | Gourds. | Gourmand and Gourmet (French) | Gourmands Prayer (The) | Gourre (1 syl.) | Gout | Goutte de Sang. | Goven. | Government Men. | Gowan. | Gower | Gowk. | Gowk-thrapple (Maister) | Gowlee (Indian) | Gown. | Gownsman. | Graal. | Grab. | Grace. | Graces Card or Grace-card. | Grace Cup | Grace Darling | Grace Days | Gracechurch (London) | Graceless Florin. | Graciosa. | Gracioso. | Gradasso. | Gradely. | Gradgrind (Thomas) | Græmes (The) | Graham. | Grahames Dyke. | Grail (The Holy) | Grain. | Gramercy. | Grammar. | Grammarians. | Grammont. | Granary of Europe. | Granby. | Grand (French) | Grandee. | Grand Alliance. | Grand Lama. | Grande Passion (The) | Grandison (Sir Charles) | Grandison Cromwell Lafayette. | Grandmother. | Granë (1 syl.) | Grange. | Grangerise. | Grangousier (4 syl.) | Grani (2 syl.) | Granite City (The) | Granite Redoubt (The) | Granite State (The) | Grantorto. | Grapes. | Grass. | Grass Widow | Grasshopper | Grasshopper (The) | Grassmarket. | Grassum or Gersome. | Gratiano. | Grave. | Grave. | Grave Maurice. | Grave Searchers. | Grave as a Judge. | Grave as an Owl. | Gravelled. | Gray. | Gray Cloak. | Gray Mans Path. | Grays Inn (London) | Grayhams. | Graysteel. | Greal (San) | Grease Ones Fist or Palm (To) | Greasy Sunday. | Great (The) | Great Bullet-head. | Great Captain. | Great Cham of Literature. | Great Commoner (The) | Great Cry and Little Wool. | | Great Elector (The) | Great Go. | Great Harry (The) | Great Head. | Great Men | Great Men (Wives of) | | Great Mother. | Great Perhaps (The) | Great Scott or Scot! | Great Sea (The) | Great Unknown (The) | Great Unwashed (The) | Great Wits Jump. | Great Wits to Madness nearly are Allied. (Pope.) | Greatest. | Greatheart (Mr.) | Greaves (Sir Launcelot) | | Grecian Bend (The) | Grecian Coffee-house | Grecian Stairs. | Greedy (Justice) | Greegrees. | Greek (The) | Greek Calends. | Greek Church | Greek Commentator. | Greek Cross. | Greek Fire. | Greek Gift (A) | Greek Life. | Greek Trust. | Greeks | Green. | Green Bag. | Green Bird (The) | Green Cloth. | Green Dogs. | Green Dragoons (The) | Green Glasses. | Green Goose (A) | Green Gown (A) | Green Hands (a nautical phrase) | Green Horse (The) | Green Howards (The) | Green Isle | Green Knight (The) | Green Labour. | Green Linnets. | Green Man. | Green Room (The) | Green Sea. | Green Thursday. | Green Tree. | Green Wax. | Green as Grass. | Green Bag Inquiry. | Green Baize Road (Gentlemen of the) | Green-Eyed Jealousy or Green-eyed Monster. | Green in my Eye. | Green Man and Still. | Green Ribbon Day | Green Sleeves and Pudding Pies. | Greens of Constantinople (The) | Greenbacks. | Greener. | Greengage. | Greenhorn (A) | Greenlander. | Greenlandmans Galley. | Greenwich | Greenwich Barbers. | Gregarines (3 syl.) | Gregorian Calendar. | Gregorian Chant. | Gregorian Epoch. | Gregorian Telescope. | Gregorian Tree. | Gregorian Water or Gringorian Water. | Gregorian Year. | Gregories (3 syl.) | Gregory (A) | Gregory (St.) | Gregory Knights or St. Gregorys Knights. | Grenade (2 syl.) | Grenadier (3 syl.) | Grenadier Guards. | Grendel. | Gresham College (London) | Gresham and the Grasshopper. | Gresham and the Pearl. | Greta Hall. | Gretchen. | Grethel (Gammer) | Gretna Green Marriages. | Grève (1 syl.) | Grey Friars. | Grey Hen (A) | Grey Mare. | Grey Wethers. | Grey-coat Parson (A) | Grey from Grief. | Grey Goose Wing (The) | Grey Mares Tail. | Grey Washer by the Ford (The) | Greybeard (A) | Greycoats. | Greyhound. | Greyhound. | Greys. | Gridiron. | Grief. | Grievance - monger. | Griffen Horse (The) | Griffin. | Griffon, Griffen, or Griffin. | Grig. | Grim (Giant) | Grimace (2 syl.) | Grimalkin or Graymalkin (French, gris malkin) | Grimes (Peter) | Grimms Law. | Grimsby (Lincolnshire) | Grims Dyke | Grimwig. | Grin and Bear It (You must) | Grind. | Grinders. | Grisaille. | Grise. | Grisilda or Griselda. | Grist. | Grizel or Grissel. | Groaning Cake. | Groaning Chair. | Groaning Malt. | Groat. | Grog. | Grog Blossoms. | Grogram. | Groined Ceiling. | Grommet, Gromet, Grumet, or Grummet. | Grongar Hill | Groom of the Stole. | Gross. | Grosted or Robert Grosseteste | Grotesque (2 syl.) | Grotto. | Grotto of Ephesus (The) | Ground. | Ground Arms (To) | Groundlings. | Grove. | Growlers | Grub Street. | Gruel. | Grumbo. | Grundy. | Grunth. | Gruyère. | Gryll. | Gryphon (in Orlando Furioso) | Gryphons. | Guadiana. | Guaff. | Guano | Guarantee. | Guard. | Guards of the Pole. | Guarinos (Admiral) | Gubbings. | Gudgeon. | Gudrun. | Gudule (2 syl.) or St. Gudula | Guebres or Ghebers [Fire-Worshippers]. | Guelder Rose | Guelpho (3 syl.) | Guelphs and Ghibellines. | Guendolen (3 syl.) | Guendolœna | Guenever. | Guerilla | | Guess (I) | Guest. | Gueux. | Gugner. | Gui. | Guiderius. | Guides (pron. gheed) | Guido | Guido Francischini. | Guildhall. | Guillotine (3 syl.) | Guinea. | Guinea-dropper. | Guinea Fowl. | Guinea-hen. | Guineapig (Stock Exchange term) | Guineapig (A) | Guineapig (A) | Guinever | Guinevere (3 syl.) | Guingelot. | Guisando. | Guises Motto: | | Gules [red]. | Gules of August (The) | Gulf. | Gulf Stream. | Gulistan [garden of roses]. | Gull (rhymes with dull) | Gulliver (Lemuel) | Gulnare (2 syl.) | Gummed (1 syl.) | Gumption. | Gun. | Gun. | Gun Cotton. | Gun Money. | Gun Room. | Guns. | Gunga [pronounce Gun-jah]. | Gunner. | Gunpowder Plot. | Gunters Chain | Günther. | Gurgoils. | Gurme (2 syl.) | Gurney Light. | Guthlac (St.) | Guthrum. | Guttapercha. | Gutter. | Gutter Children. | Gutter Lane (London) | Guy. | Guy (Thomas) | Guy, Earl of Warwick. | Guy-ropes. | Guyon (Sir) | Gwynn (Nell) | Gygs Ring | Gymnastics. | Gymnosophists. | Gyneth. | Gyp. | Gyrfalcon, Gerfalcon | Gyromancy. | Gytrash.


H. | H.B. | H.M.S. | H.U. | Habeas Corpus. | Haberdasher | Habit is Second Nature. | Habsburg | Hackells Coit. | Hackney Horses. | Hackum (Captain) | Haco I. | Haddock. | Hads (2 syl.) | Hadith [a legend]. | Hadj. | Hadji. | Hæmony. | Hæmos. | Hafed. | Hafiz. | Hag. | Hagan of Trony | Hagarenes (3 syl.) | Haggadah (plur. haggadoth) | Hagi. | Hag-knots. | Hagring. | Ha-ha (A) | Hahnemann (Samuel) | Haidee (2 syl.) | Hail. | Hail. | Hail-fellow-well-met (A) | Hair. | Hair | Hair, Hairs. | Hair-brained. | Hair-breadth Scape. | Hair Eels. | Hair-Splitting. | Hair Stane | Hair by Hair. | Hair devoted to Proserpine. | Hair of a Dissembling Colour. | Hair of the Dog that Bit You (A) | Hair stand on End. | Hake. | Hal. | Halacha [rule]. | Halberjects or Haubergets. | Halcyon Days. | Half. | Half. | Half-baked. | Half-deck. | Half-done. | Half-faced Groat (You) | Half-seas Over. | Halfpenny. | Halgaver. | Halifax. | Halifax (in Nova Scotia) | Halifax Law. | Hall Mark. | Hall Sunday. | Hall of Odin. | Hallams Greek. | Hallel. | Hallelujah | Hallelujah Lass (A) | Hallelujah Victory. | Halloo when out of the Wood | Halloween (October 31st) | Halter. | Halter, or rather Halster. | Haltios. | Ham and Heyd. | Hamadryads. | Hameh. | Hamet. | Hamilton. | Hamiltonian System. | Hammel (Scotch) | Hammer. | Hammer. | Hammer of the Scotch. | Hammercloth. | Hampton Court Conference. | Hamshackle. | Hamstring. | Han. | Hanap. | Hanaper. | Hand. | i. Hand (A) | ii. Hand. | iii. Hand. | iv. Hand | v. Hand. | Hands. | Hands. | Hand - book. | Hand-gallop. | Hand Paper. | Hand-post (A) | Hand Round (To) | Hand and Glove (They are) | Hand and Seal. | Hand-in-Hand. | Hand of Cards. | Hand of Justice. | Hand over Hand. | Hand the Sail | Hand Down to Posterity (To) | Handfasting. | | Handkerchief. | Handkerchief and Sword. | Handle. | Handsome = liberal. | Handwriting on the Wall (The) | Handycuffs. | Hang Back (To) | Hang Fire (To) | Hang On (To) | Hang Out. | Hangdog Look (A) | Hang by a Thread (To) | Hang in the Bell Ropes (To) | Hanged or Strangled. | Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered. | Hanger (A) | Hanging. | Hanging Gale (The) | Hanging Gardens of Babylon. | Hangmans Acre, Gains, and Gains Alley (London) | Hangmans Wages. | Hangmen and Executioners. | Hankey Pankey. | Hanoverian Shield. | Hans von Rippach [rip-pak]. | Hansards. | Hanse Towns. | Hanseatic League. | Hansel. | Hansel Monday. | Hansom (A) | Hapmouche (2 syl.) | Happy Arabia. | Happy Expression (A) | Happy-go-lucky (A) | Happy Valley | Happy as a Clam at High Tide. | Happy as a King. | Happy the People whose Annals are Tiresome. | Hapsburg. | Har. | Har | Harapha. | Harbinger. | Harcourts Round Table. | Hard | Hard By. | Hard Lines. | Hard Up. | Hard as Nails. | Hard as a Stone | Hard as the Nether Millstone. | Hardouin (2 syl.) | Hardy (Letitia) | Hare. | Hare-brained, or Hair-brained. | Harefoot. | Hare-lip. | Hare-stone = Hour-stone. | Hare and the Tortoise (The) | Hares shift their Sex. | Haricot Mutton. | Harkr. [Happy despatch.] | Hark Back (To) | Harlequin | Harlot | Harlowe (Clarissa) | Harm. | Harmless as a Dove. | Harmonias Necklace. | Harmonias Robe. | Harness. | Harness Cask. | Harness Prize (University of Cambridge) | Haro. | Harold the Dauntless. | Harolds Stones | Haroot and Maroot. | Haroun al Raschid. | Harp. | Harpagon (A) | Harpalice (4 syl.) | Harpe (2 syl.) | Harpies (2 syl.) | Harpocrates (4 syl.) | Harridan. | Harrier (3 syl.) | Harrington. | Harris. | Hart. | Hart Royal. | Hart of Grease (A) | Harts. | Hartnet. | Harum Scarum. | | Harvard College | Harvest Goose. | Harvest Moon. | Hash (A) | Hassan. | Hassan-Ben-Sabah. | Hassock. | Hat. | Hat Money. | Hats and Caps. | Hatches. | Hatchet. | Hatchway (Lieutenant Jack) | Hatef [the deadly]. | Hattemists. | Hatteraick (Dirk) | Hatto. | Hatton. | Hatton Garden (London) | Haul over the Coals. | Haussmannization. | Hautboy (pron. Ho-boy) | Haute Claire. | Hautville Coit | Have a Care! | Have a Mind for it (To) | Have at You. | Have it Out (To) | Havelok (3 syl.) | Haver-Cakes. | Haveril (3 syl.) | Havering (Essex) | Haversack. | Havock. | Havre (France) | Hawk. | Hawk and Handsaw. | Hawk nor Buzzard (Neither) | Hawkers News | Hawkubites (3 syl.) | Hawse-hole. | Hawthorn | Hay, Hagh, or Haugh. | Hayston (Frank) | Hayward. | Hazazel. | Hazel. | Hazel-nut. | Head. | Head Shaved (Get your) | Head and Ears. | Head and Shoulders. | Head of Cattle. | Head over Heels (To turn) | Heads or Tails. | Heads I Win, Tails you Lose. | Heady | Healing Gold. | Health. | Heap. | Hear. | Hearse (1 syl.) | Heart. | Heart. | Heart-breaker (A) | Heart-rending. | Heart-whole. | Heart and Soul. | Heart in his Boots. | Heart in his Mouth. | Heart of Grace (To take) | Heart of Hearts (In ones) | Heart of Midlothian. | Hearts Ease. | Hearth Money. | Heat. | Heathen. | Heaven. | Heavies (The) | Heavy Man (The) | Heavy-armed Artillery (The) | Hebe (2 syl.) | Hebertists (3 syl.) | Hebron | Hecate (3 syl. in Greek, 2 in Eng.) | Hecatomb. | Hector. | Hector (A) | Hector (To) | Hectors. | Hecuba. | Hedge (1 syl.) | Hedge Lane (London) | Hedge Priest. | Hedge School (A) | Hedonism. | Heel, Heels. | Heel-tap. | Heenan. | Heep (Uriah) | Hegemony (g hard) | Hegira. | Heimdall (2 syl.) | Heimdalls Horn. | Heimdaller. | Heims-kringla (The) | Heir - apparent. | Heir-presumptive. | Hel or Hela (in Scandinavian mythology) | Hel Keplein. | Heldenbuch (Book of Heroes) | Helen. | Helen of Ones Troy (The) | Helena. | Helena (St.) | Helenos. | Helicon. | Heligh-monat (Holy-month) | Heliopolis | He lios. | Heliostat. | Heliotrope (4 syl.) | Hell. | Hell or Arka | Hell. | Hell (Rivers of) | Hell Broth. | Hell Gate. | Hell Gates | Hell Kettles. | Hell Shoon. | Hell or Connaught (To) | Hellanodicæ. | Hellenes (3 syl.) | Hellenic. | Hellenistic. | Hellenists. | Hellespont (3 syl.) | Helmet | Helmets. | Heion | Helot. | Help. | Helter-skelter. | Helve. | Helvetia. | Hemp. | Hempe (1 syl.) | Hempen Caudle. | Hempen Collar (A) | Hempen Fever. | Hempen Widow. | Hemus or Hæmus. | Hen-pecked. | Hen and Chickens | Hen with one Chick. | Henchman. Henchboy. | Hengist and Horsa. | Henna. | Henneberg (Countess) | Henricans or Henricians. | Henriette (3 syl.) | Henry (Poor) | Henry Grace de Dieu. | Hephæstos. | Heptarchy (Greek for seven governments) | Hera. | Heracleidæ (4 syl.) | Heralds. (Anglo-Saxon here (2 syl.) | Heralds College | Heraldic Colours. | Herb. | Herb of Grace. | Herb Trinity. | Herba Sacra. | Hercules (3 syl.) | Hercules (3 syl.) | Hercules Choice. | Hercules Club. | Hercules Horse. | Hercules Labour | Hercules Pillars. | Hercules Secundus. | Hercules of Music (The) | Herculean Knot. | Hereford (3 syl.) | Herefordshire Kindness. | Heretic | Heriot. | Hermæ. | Hermaphrodite (4 syl.) | Hermegyld or Hermyngyld. | Hermensul or Ermensul. | Hermes (2 syl.) | Hermetic Art. | Hermetic Books. | Hermetic Philosophy. | Hermetic Powder. | Hermetically Sealed. | Hermia. | Hermione (4 syl.) | Hermit (The English) | Hermit. | Hermite (2 syl.) | Hermoth or Hermod (2 syl.) | Hero. | Hero and Leander. | Hero Children. | Heroes scratched off Church-doors. | Heroic Age. | Heroic Medicines. | Heroic Size | Heroic Verse. | Herod. | Herods Death (Acts xii. 23) | Herodotus of Old London (The) | Heron-crests. | Herostratos or Erostratos. | Herring. | Herring-bone (in building) | Herring-pond (The) | Hertford. | Hertha. | Hesione (4 syl.) | Hesperia. | Hesperides (4 syl.) | Hesperus. | Hesychasts (pron. He-se-kasts) | Hetærism (3 syl.) | Hetman. | Heu-monat or Heg-monath. | Hewson. | Hexameron (The) | Hexameter and Pentameter. | Hexameter Verse. | Hexapla. | Hext. | Heyday of Youth. | Hiawatha. | Hibernia. | Hic Jacets. | Hickathrift (Tom or Jack) | Hickory. | Hidalgo. | Hide of Land (A) | Hieroclean Legacy. | Higgledy-piggledy. | High-born. | High Church. | High Days = festivals. | High Falutin or Hifaluten. | High Hand. | | High Horse. | High Jinks. | High Life. | High Places | High Ropes. | High Seas. | | High Words. | Highgate | Highland Bail. | Highland Mary. | Highlands of Scotland (The) | Highlanders of Attica. | Highness. | Highwaymen. | Hilary Term | Hildebrand (Meister) | Hildebrod (Duke) | Hill (Sir John) | Hill-folk. | Hill-people or Hill-folk. | Hill Tribes. | Hills. | Himiltrude (3 syl.) | Hinc illæ Lacrymæ. | Hind. | Hinda. | Hinder


Hindustan. | Hindustan Regiment. | Hinzelmann. | Hip (To) | Hip and Thigh. | Hip! Hip! Hurrah! | Hipper-switches. | Hippo. | Hippocampus (4 syl.) | Hippocras. | Hippocratean School. | Hippocrates Sleeve. | Hippocrene (3 syl.) | Hippogriff. | Hippolyta. | Hippolytos. | Hippolytus | Hippomenes (4 syl.) | Hippothadee. | Hired Grief. | Hiren. | Hispania. | Historicus. | History. | History of Croyland Abbey | Histrionic | Hit. | Hit it Off (To) | Hit the Nail on the Head (To) | Hitch. | Hivites (2 syl.) | Hoâng. | Hoare | Hoarstone. | Hob | Hob and Nob | | Hobbididance (4 syl.) | Hobbinol. | Hobbism. | Hobbler | Hobby. | Hobby-horse. | Hobedy-hoig | Hobgoblin. | Hobinol. | Hoblers or Hovellers. | Hobnail. | Hob Nob. | Hobs Pound. | Hobsons Choice. | Hock. | Hock Cart. | Hock-day or Hock Tuesday. | Hocking. | Hockley-i-the-Hole. | Hocus Pocus. | Hocussed. | Hodeken (3 syl.) | Hodge. | Hodge-podge (2 syl.) | Hodur. | | Hogs-Norton. | Hog in Armour. | Hogg. | Hogarth (William) | Hogen Mogen. | Hogmanay, Hogmena, or Hagmena. | Hogshead | Hoi Polloi (The) | Hoist. | Hoity-toity. | | Holborn | Hold | Hold. | Hold Forth (To) | Hold Hard. | Hold In (To) | Hold Off! | Hold On. | Hold Out. | Hold Water (To) | Hold One Guilty (To) | Hold One in Hand (To) | Hold Ones Own (To) | Hold the Fort. | Holdfast. | Holdfast. | Hole. | Hole and Corner (business) | Holiday Speeches | Holipher nes (4 syl.) | Holland. | Hollow. | Holly | Hollyhock | Holman (Lieutenant James) | | Holy Alliance. | Holy City. | Holy Coat | Holy Communion (The) | Holy Family. | Holy Isle. | Holy Land (The) | Holy League (The) | Holy Orders | Holy Places. | Holy Thursday. | Holy Saturday. | Holy Wars | Holy Water. | Holy Week. | Holy Writ. | Holy Maid of Kent (The) | Holy of Holies (The) | Holy Water Sprinkler. | | Holystone. | Home (1 syl.) | Home, Sweet Home. | Homer. | Homer a Cure for the Ague. | Homer in a Nutshell. | Homer Sometimes Nods. | Homers Critics. | Homeric Verse. | Homœopathy (5 syl.) | Honest (h silent) | Honest George. | Honest Lawyer (An) | Honey Madness. | Honey Soap | Honey better than Vinegar. | Honeycomb. | Honeydew. | Honeymoon. | Honeywood. | Hong Merchants. | Honi. | Honour (h silent) | Honour and Glory Griffiths. | Honour paid to Learning. | Honours (h silent) | Honours of War. | Hood. | Hood (Robin) | Hoods (Anglo-Saxon hd) | Hoodlum (American slang) | Hoodman Blind. | Hook, Hooks. | Hook it! | Hook or Crook (By) | Hookey Walker. | Hooped Pots. | Hoopoe (Upupa Epops) | Hop. | Hop-o-my-Thumb. | Hope. | Hopeful. | Hope-on-High Bomby. | Hopkins (Matthew) | Hopkinsians. | Hopping Giles. | Hopton. | Horace. | Horatian Metre (An) | Horatio. | Horn. | Horn, Horns. | Horn-book. | Horn-gate. | Horn of Fidelity. | Horn of Plenty [Cornu-copia]. | Horn of Power. | Horn of the Son of Oil (The) (Isa. v. 1) | Horn with Horn or Horn under Horn. | | Horns of Moses Face. | Horns of the Altar (To the) | Horne. | Horner. | Hornets (Josh. xxiv. 12) | Hornets Nest. | Hornie (2 syl.) | Hornpipe (2 syl.) | Horology. | Horoscope (3 syl.) | Horrors (The) | Hors de Combat (French) | Horse. | Horse. | Horse (in Christian art) | Horse | Horse. | Horse. | Horse. | Horse-bean. | Horse-chestnut. | Horse-faced. | Horse Latitudes. | Horse-laugh. | Horse Marines (The) | Horse-milliner. | Horse-mint. | Horse-play. | Horse-power. | Horse Protestant. | Horse-radish. | Horse-shoes | Horse-vetch. | Horse and his Rider. | Horse-shoes and Nails (for rent) | Horsemen. | Horsey Man (A) | Hortus Siccus. | Horus. | Hose. | Hospital. | Hospital (The) | Hospitallers. | Host. | Hostage (2 syl.) | Hostler | Hot. | Hot Cockles. | Hot Cross Buns. | Hot-foot. | Hot Water (In) | Hotch-pot. | Hotch-potch. | Hotspur. | Hottentot. | Hougoumont | Hound. | Houqua. | Hour. | Houri (pl. Houris) | House (1 syl.) | House. | House. | House-bote. | House-flag (A) | House-leek [Joves beard]. | House Spirits. | House-top. | House and Home. | House of Correction. | House of God (The) | House that Jack Built (The) | Household Gods. | Household Troops. | Housel. | Houssain (Prince) | Houyhnhnms (whinhims) | How Do You Do? | Howard. | Howdah. | Howdie (2 syl.) | Howitzers | Howleglass (2 syl.) | Hrimfaxi. | Hub. | Hubal. | Hubbard (Old Mother) | Hubert (h silent) | Hudibras. | Hudibrastic Verse. | Hudson (Sir Jeffrey) | Hue and Cry. | Hug the Shore (To) | Hug the Wind (To) | Hugger - mugger. | Huggins and Muggins. | Hugh Lloyds Pulpit (Merionethshire) | Hugh Perry. | Hugh of Lincoln. | Hugin and Munin [mind and memory]. | Hugo | Hugon (King) | Hulda [the Benignant]. | Hulk. | Hulking. | Hull. | Hull Cheese. | | Hulsean Lectures. | Hum and Haw (To) | Huma (The) | Human Race (h soft) | Human Sacrifice. | Humanitarians. | Humanities or Humanity Studies. | Humber. | Humble Bee. | Humble Cow (A) | Humble Pie. | Humbug. | Hume (David) | Humming Ale. | Hummums (in Covent Garden) | Humour. | Humpback (The) | Humphrey (Master) | Humpty Dumpty. | Hunchback. | Hundred. | Hundred. | Hundred Days. | Hundred-eyed (The) | Hundred-handed (The) | Hundred Miles (A) | Hundred Years War (The) | Hungarian. | Hungary Water. | Hunger seasons Food. | Hungr (hunger) | Hungry. | Hungry Dogs. | Huniades, Hunniades, or Hunyady (4 syl.) | Hunks. | Hunt. | Hunter. | Hunters Moon (The) | Hunters and Runners | Hunting of the Hare. | Hunting the Gowk. | Hunting the Snark. | Hunting two Hares. | Huntingdon | Huntingdon Sturgeon (A) | Huon de Bordeaux | Hurdle Race (A) | Hurdy-gurdy. | Hurlo-Thrumbo. | Hurly-burly. | Hurrah | Hurricane (3 syl.) | Hurry. | Hurry-skurry. | Husband | Husbands Boat (The) | Husbands Tea. | Hush-money. | Hushai (2 syl.) | Hussars. | Hussites (2 syl.) | Hussy. | Husterloe. | Hustings. | Hutchinsonians. | Hutin. | Hutkin. | Huzza! | Huzzy. | Hvergelmer. | Hyacinth | Hyades (3 syl.) | Hybla. | Hydra. | Hyenas | Hygeia (3 syl.) | Hyksos. | Hylas. | Hylech (in Astrology) | Hymen. | Hymer. | Hymettus. | Hymn Tunes. | Hymnus Eucharisticus. | Hyperboreans (5 syl.) | Hyperion. | Hypermnestra. | Hypnotism. | Hypochondria | Hypocrisy. | Hypocrite (3 syl.) | Hypocrites Isle | Hypostatic Union. | Hypped [hipt]. | Hyson. | Hyssop. | Hysteron Proteron (Greek).


I. | I | I.H.S. | I.H.S. | I.O.U. | I.R.B. | Iachimo [Yak-e-mo]. | Iago [Yago or E-a-go]. | Iambic. | Ianthe (3 syl.) | Iapetos. | Iberia. | Iberias Pilot. | Ibid. | Ibis | Ibiis or Eblis. | Ibraham. | Icarian. | Icaros. | Ice (1 syl.) | Ice-blink (The) | Ice-brook. | Ice Saints or Frost Saints. | Iceberg. | Iceland Dogs. | Ich Dien. | Ichneumon. | Ichor (I-kor) | Ichthus | Icon Basilike (4 syl.) | Iconoclasts (Greek, "image breakers") | Idæan Mother. | Idealism. | Idealists. | Ides (1 syl.) | Idiom. | Idiosyncrasy. | Idiot | Idle Lake. | Idle Wheel. | Idle Worms. | Idleness. | Idol Shepherd (The) | Idomeneus (4 syl.) | Iduna or Idun. | Ifakins. | Ifreet or Afreet or Afrit. | Ifurin. | Igerna, Igerne, or Igrayne. | Ignaro. | Ignatius (St.) | Ignatius Loyola | Igneous Rocks. | Ignis Fatuus | Ignoramus. | Ignoramus Jury (An) | Ignorantines (4 syl.) | Igrayne. | Ihram. | Il Pastor Fido [the Faithful Swain]. | Iliad (3 syl.) | Iliad of Ills (An) | Ilk. | Ill-got, Ill-spent. | Ill May-day. | Ill Omens | Ill-starred. | Ill Wind. | Illinois | Illuminated Doctor. | Illuminati. | Illuminations. | Illuminator. | Illustrious (The) | Image of God. | Images which fell from Heaven. | Imaum (2 syl.) or Imam. | Imaus (3 syl.) | Imbecile (3 syl.) | Imbrocado (Spanish) | Imbrocata | Imbroglio (Italian) | Immaculate Conception. | Immolate (3 syl.) | Immortal (The) | Immortal Four of Italy (The) | Immortal Three (The) | | Immortals. | Immortality. | Immuring (Latin) | Imogen. | Imogine. | Imp (Anglo-Saxon) | Imp of Darkness (An) | Impanation. | Impannata. | Impar Congressus Achilli. | Imperial (An) | Imperium in Imperio. | Impertinence (4 syl.) | Imponderables (Latin, things without weight) | Imposition. | Imposition of Hands. | Impossibilities. | Impropriation. | Impropriator. | Improve the Occasion (To) | Improvisators. | Improvisatrix or Improvisatrice. | In Cæna Domini. | In Commendam (Latin) | In Esse (Latin) | In Extenso (Latin) | In Extremis. | In Fieri. | In Flagrante Delicto. | In for a Penny in for a Pound. | In for It. | In Forma Pauperis. | In Gremio Legis. | In Limine (Latin) | In Loco Parents. | In Medias Res. | In Memoriam. | In Nubibus. | In Partibus [Infidelium]. | In Perpetnam (Latin) | In Petto (Italian) | In Posse (Latin) | In Propria Persona (Latin) | In Prospectu (Latin) | In Re (Latin) | In Situ (Latin) | In Statu Quo or In statu quo ante (Latin) | In Terrorem (Latin) | In Toto (Latin) | In Vacuo (Latin) | In-and-In. | Ins and Outs of the Matter (The) | Inaugurate (4 syl.) | Inca. | Incantation. | Incarnadine (To) | Inch of Candle (Sold by) | Inchcape Rock. | Incog.-i.e. Incognito (Italian) | Incorruptible (The) | Incubus. | Indenture. | Independence. | Independence Day (July 4th) | Independents. | Index (The) | India Ink or Chinese ink. | India Paper. | India Proof. | Indian Arrowroot. | Indian Drug (The) | Indian File (In) | Indian Red. | Indian Summer (The) | Indians. | Indiarubber. | Individualists. | Indoors. | Induction (Latin, the act of leading in) | Indulgence (3 syl.) | Inertia. | Inexorable Logic of Facts (The) | Infallibility (of the Church of Rome) | Infamous | Infant. | Infant of Lubeck. | Infanta. | Infante (3 syl.) | Infantry. | Infernal Column. | Inferno. | Infra Dig., i.e. Dignitatem. | Infralapsarians. | Ingle (The) | Ingoldsby. | Ingrain Colours. | Ingulphs "Croyland Chronicle." | Injunction. | Ink. | Inkhorn Terms. | Ink-pot. | Inkle and Yarico. | Inland Navigation. | Inn (Anglo-Saxon) | Inns of Court. | Innings | Innis Fodhla [Island of Destiny] | Innocent (An) | Innocents. | Innuendo. | Inoculate (4 syl.) | Inogene or Ignoge (3 syl.) | Inquisition. | Insane Root (The) | Inscription of a Coin. | Insolence. (Latin, in-soleo.) | Inspired Idiot (The) | Instinct. | Institutes (3 syl.) | Instructions to the Committee. | Insubri. | Insult. | Insulter. | Intaglio (Italian) | Intellect. | Intendance Militaire. | Intentions. | Inter Alia (Latin) | Inter Cæsa et Porrecta. | Inter Canem et Lupum. | Inter Nos | Inter Pocula. | Inter Rex (Latin) | Intercalary (Latin) | Interdict | Interest (Latin) | | Interlard (French) | Interloper. | Interpolate (4 syl.) | Interpreter (Mr.) | Intone (2 syl.) | Intoxication. | Intrigue (2 syl.) | Inure (2 syl.) | Invalide (French) | Inveigle (3 syl.) | Invention of the Cross [discovery of the cross]. | Inventors Punished | Inventors Punished. | Investiture. (Latin, clothing in or putting on canonicals.) | Invincible Doctor. | Invisibility | Invisibles. | Invulnerability. | Iol (pron. Yol) | Ionian Mode. | Ionic Accomplishments. | Ionic Architecture. | Ionic School or Ionic Philosophers. | Iormungandur. | Iota | Iphicles Oxen. | Iphicratensians. | Iphigenia. | Ipse Dixit (Latin) | Ipso Facto. | Ipswich. | Iram. | Iran. | Ireland | Irena. | Iris. | Irish Agitator. | | Irish Stew. | Irish Wedding. | Iron. | Iron. | Iron Age. | Iron-arm. | Iron Duke (The) | Iron-hand or the Iron-hander. | Iron Horse (The) | Iron Mask. | Iron-tooth [Dent de Fer]. | | Iron entered into his Soul (The) | Iron Maiden of Nuremberg (The) | Irons (In) | Ironclad (An) | Ironclad Oath (The) | Ironside. | Ironsides. | Irony. | Irony of Fate (The) | Iroquois (An) | Irrefragable Doctor. | Irrelevant | Irresistible. | Irritable Genus (The) | Irspilles Felles. | Irtish Ferry. | Irus. | Irvingites (3 syl.) | Isaac. | Isaac of York. | Isabel | Isabella | Isabella. | Isabelle or Isabella (in Orlando Furioso) | Isabelle. | Isaf. | Isenbras or Sir Isumbras. | Isengrin or Sir Isgrim | Iseult. | Ishban | Ishbosheth | Ishmonie. | Isiac Tablet. | Isidorian Decretals. | Isinglass. | Isis. | Islam or Islamism. | Islamite (3 syl.) | Island of Saints. | Island of St. Brandan. | Island of the Seven Cities. | Islands of the Blessed | Isle of Dogs. | Isle of Lanterns (The) | Isle of Mist (The) | Islington (The Marquis of) | Ismaelians (4 syl.) | Ismen (3 syl.) | Ismenias. | Ismeno (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Isobars. | Isocrats. | Isolde (2 syl.) | Isothermal Lines. | Israel | Israfil. | Issa. | Issachar | Issland. | Issue. | Isthmian Games. | Isthmus of Suez. | Italian Architecture. | Italian of Asia (The) | Italic School of Philosophy. | Italic Version. | Italics. | Italy. | Itch. | Itching Ears (To have) | Itching Palm (An) | Itching of the Eye. | Itching of the Lips | Itching of the Nose | Itching of the Thumb | Ithacensian Suitors (The) | Ithuriel. | Ithuriels Spear. | Itinerary (An) | Its | Ivan. | Ivanhoe (3 syl.) | Ivanovitch. | Ivories. | Ivory Gate of Dreams (The) | Ivory Palaces | Ivory Shoulder. | Ivy (Old English, ifig) | Ivy (in Christian art) | Ivy Bush. | Ivy Lane (London) | Ixion.


J. (In Punch) | J. J. | Jaafer. | Jachin. | Jack. | VIII. Jack. | Jack-a-Dandy. | Jack-a-Lantern (A) | Jack-a-napes or Jackanapes = Jack of apes. | Jack-Amend-All. | Jack Brag. | Jack Drums Entertainment. | Jack Horner. | Jack Ketch. | Jack Pudding. | Jack Robinson. | Jack Sprat. | Jack Tar. | Jack and the Bean Stalk. | Jack of all Trades is Master of None. | Jack o both Sides. | Jack o the Clock. | Jack of Dover. | Jack of Newbury. | Jack o the Bowl. | Jack Out of Office. | Jack the Giant-killer | Jack the Ripper. | Jack and James. | Jackal. | Jacket. | Jackson. | Jacksonian Professor. | Jacob the Scourge of Grammar. | Jacobs Ladder. | Jacobs Staff. | Jacobs Stone. | Jacobins. | Jacobites (3 syl.) | Jacobus. | Jacquard Loom. | Jacqueline (of Paris) | Jacquerie (La) | Jacques. | Jacqùes Bonhomme. | Jactitation of Marriage. | Jade or The Divine Stone. | Jade. | Jaffier (3 syl.) | Jagger. | Jail-bird (A) | Jamambuxes [Soldiers of the round valleys]. | Jambon. | Jambuscha [Jam-bus-cah]. | James. | James (St.) | Jamie or Jemmie Duffs. | Jamshid. | Jane. | Jane Eyre. | Janissaries or Janizaries | Jannes and Jambres. | Jansenists. | Januarius (St.) | January. | Ja nus. | Japanese (3 syl.) | Japheths Stone. | Japhetidie. | Jaquemart. | Jaques (1 syl.) | Jarkman. | Jarnac. | Jarndyce v. Jarndyce. | Jarvey. | Jarvie (Baillie Nicol) | Jaundice (2 syl.) | Javan [clay]. | Javanese (3 syl.) | Javert. | Jaw. | J-wb. | Jawbone (2 syl.) | Jay (A) | Jay. | Jazey. | Je Maintiendrai (I will maintain) | Je ne Sais Quoi. | Jeames (1 syl.) | Jean Crapaud. | Jean Farine [Jack Flour]. | Jean de Lettre (Mr. Jenkins) | Jean de la Suie (French) | Jean de la Vigne (French) | Jean des Vignes (French) | Jeannot (French) | Jebusites (3 syl.) | Jedwood Justice. | Jehennam. | Jehovistic. | Jehu. | Jejune (2 syl.) | Jekyll. | Jelly Pardons. | Jellyby (Mrs.) | Jemmie Duffs. | Jemmy | Jemmy. | Jemmy. | Jemmy. | Jemmy Dawson | Jemmy Jessamy (A) | Jenkinson (Ephraim) | Jennet. | Jenny. | Jenny lOuvrière. | Jenny Wren | Jeofail, i.e. Jai failli (Lapsus sum; I have failed) | Jeopardy (3 syl.) | Jereed. | Jeremiad (4 syl.) | Jeremiah | Jeremy Diddler. | Jeremy Twitcher. | Jerked [beef] | Jerkin. | Jeroboam of Rum or Claret (A) | Jerome (St.) | Jeronimo. | Jerry-built | Jerry-shop, or a Tom and Jerry Shop. | Jerry Sneak. | Jerrymander. | Jersey | Jerusalem | Jerusalem Artichoke. | Jerusalem Chamber. | Jerusalem Delivered. | Jerusalem Pony. | Jess (pl. Jesses) | Jessamy Bride | Jesse Tree. | Jesse Window (A) | Jessica. | Jesters. | Jesuit (3 syl.) | Jesus Paper. | Jet. | Jet dEau (French) | Jetsam or Jetson. | Jettator. | Jettatura. | Jeu dEsprit (French) | Jeu de Mot. | Jeunesse Dorée. | Jew. | Jews-eye. | Jews-harp | Jews Myrtle. | Jews | Jews Sabbath. | Jewels | Jewels | Jewels | Jezebel. | Jib. | Jib (To) | Jib-boom. | Jib-door. | Jib-stay (A) | Jib Topsail (A) | Jiffy. | Jig | Jilt (To) | Jim Crow. | Jingo. | Jingoes (The) | Jingoism. | Jinn. | Jinnistan. | | Joan (Pope) | Joan Cromwell. | Joan of Arc or Jeanne la Pucelle. | Joannes Hagustaldensis | Job (o long) | Jobs Comforter. | Jobs Pound. | Job (o short) | Job (o short) | Job Lot (A) | Jobs. | Job (To) | Jobation. | Jobber. | Jobbing Carpenter. | Jocelin de Brakelonda | Jockey | Jockey (To) | Jockey of Norfolk. | Joe or a Joe Miller. | Joey. | Jog. | Jog-trot. | Joggis or Jogges. | John. | John-a-Dreams. | John-a-Droynes. | John-a-Nokes [or Noakes (1 syl.)]. | John Anderson, my Jo. | John Audley. | John Bull. | John Chinaman. | John Company. | John Doe. | John Dory | John Dory. | John Long. | John Roberts (A) | John Thomas. | John Drums Entertainment. | John in the Wad. | John of Bruges (1 syl.) | John oGroat | John of Leyden (the prophet) | John the Almoner. | John the Baptist. | John Tamsons Man | John with the Leaden Sword. | Johnnies. | Johnny Crapaud. | Johnny Raw. | Johnson (Dr. Samuel) | Johnstone. | Johnstones Tippet (St.) | Join the Majority. | Joint. | Jolly. | Jolly Dog (A) | Jolly God (The) | Jolly Good Fellow (A) | Jolly Green. | Jolly Roger (The) | Jollyboat. | Jonah and the Whale. | Jonas | Jonathan. | Jonathan and David. | Jonathans. | Jonathans Arrows. | Jonc (French) | Joncs. | Jordan Passed. | Jordeloo (3 syl.) | Jormungandar | Josaphat. | Joseph (A) | Joseph (St.) | Joseph Andrews. | Joseph of Arimathea | Josephs Coat. | Joss. | Josse. | Jot. | Jotham | Jotunheim (pron. Utun-hime) | Jour Maigre (French) | Jourdain (Monsieur) | Journal. | Journey. | Journey-weight. | Jouvence (2 syl.) | Jove (1 syl.) | Jovial. | Joy. | Joyeuse (2 syl.) | Joyeuse Garde | Juan Fernandez. | Jubal [a trumpet]. | Jubilee (Jewish) | Judaise (3 syl.) | Judaism (3 syl.) | Judas | Judas Kiss (A) | Judas Slits or Judas Holes. | Judas Tree. | Judas-coloured Hair. | Jude (St.) | Judée. | Judges Black Cap. | Judges Robes. | Judica (Latin) | Judicium Crucis | Judicium Dei (Latin) | Judith. | Jug (A) | Juge de Paix (French) | Jugged Hare. | Juggs or Jougs. | Julian | Julian Epoch or Era. | Julian Period | Julian Year. | Julienne Soup. | Juliet. | Julium Sidus. | July. | Jumala. | Jump. | Jump at an Offer (To) | Jump Over the Broomstick (To) | Jumper. | June (1 syl.) | June Marriages Lucky. | Junior Optime. | Junior Soph. | Junius. | Junk | Junk. | Junket. | Junner. | Juno. | Junonian Bird. | Junto. | Jupiter | Jupiter Scapin. | Jupiters Beard. | Jurassic Rocks. | Jurisprudence. | Jury Leg (A) | Jury Mast. | Jus Civile. | Jus Divinum. | Jus Gentium (Latin) | Jus Mariti (Latin) | Jus de Réglisse (liquorice) | Jus et Norma Loquendi. | Just (The) | Juste Milieu (French) | Justices in Eyre (pron. ire) | Justing of Watson and Barbour. | Justinian. | Juvenal (Latin, from juvenis) | Juvenal. | Juveniles (3 syl.),


K. | K. | K.C.B. | K.G. | K.K. | K.O.B. (i.e. the Kings Own Borderers) | Ka Me, Ka Thee. | Kaaba (Arabic, kabah, a square house) | Kabibonokka (North - American Indian) | Kadris. | Kaffir (Arabic, Kâfir, an infidel) | Kai-Omurs (the mighty Omurs) | Kai-anians. | Kailyal (2 syl.) | Kain Hens. | Kaiser. | Kajak. | Kaled | Kaleda (Sclavonic mythology) | Kali. | Kaliyuga. | Kalmar. | Kalmucks | Kalpa. | Kalpa-Tarou. | Kalyb. | Kam. | Kâma. | Kami. | Kamsin. | Kansas | Kansas. | Karaites [Scripturists]. | Karoon or Korah. | Karrows. | Kaswa (Al) | Katerfelto. | Katharine or Katharina. | Kathay. | Katmir. | Kay or Sir Key. | Kayward. | Keber. | Kebla. | Kebla-Noma. | Kedars Tents. | Kederli. | Kedjeree. | Keel-hauling or -haling. | Keelman (A) | Keelson or Kelson. | Keening. | Keep Down (To) | Keep House (To) | Keep Touch. | Keep Up (To) | Keep at Arms Length (To) | Keep Body and Soul Together (To) | Keep Company with (To) | Keep Good Hours (To) | Keep it Dark. | Keep Ones Countenance (To) | Keep Ones Own Counsel (To) | Keep your Breath to Cool your Porridge. | Keep your Powder Dry. | Keepers. | Kehama. | Kelpie or Kelpy. | Kelso Convoy (A) | Kema. | Kempfer-Hausen. | Kempis. | Ken or Kiun. | Kendal Green. | Kenelm (St.) | Kenna. | Kenna Quhair [I know not where]. | Kenne. | Kennedy. | Kennel. | Kenno. | Kensington. | Kent (Latin, Cantium) | Kents Hole. | Kent Street Ejectment. | Kentish Fire. | Kentish Moll. | Kentishmens Tails. | Kentucky (U.S. America) | Keplers Fairy. | Keplers Laws (Johann Kepler, 1571-1630): | Kerchief of Plesaunce. | Kerna. | Kernel (Anglo-Saxon, cyrnel, a diminutive of corn; seed in general) | Kersey. | Kerseymere. | Kerzereh or Kerzrah. | Kesora. | Kestrel. | Ketch. | Ketch. | Ketchup. | Ketmir or Katmir. | Kettle (A) | | | Kevin (St.) | Kex | Key. | Key-cold. | Key-stone. | Key and the Bible (A) | Key of a Cipher | Key of the Mediterranean. | Key of Russia. | Key of Spain. | Keys. | Keys | Keys (The House of) | Keyne (St.) | Khedive dEgypte. | Khorassan [Region of the Sun]. | Ki. | Kiak-Kiak (god of gods) | Kick (A) | Kick Over the Traces (To) | Kick the Beam (To) | Kick the Bucket (To) | Kick Up a Row (To) | Kickshaws. | Kicksy-wicksy. | Kid (A) | Kid (A) | Kidderminster Poetry. | Kidnapper (A) | Kidney. | Kilda (St.) | Kildare (2 syl.) | Kildares Holy Fane. | Kilkenny | Kilkenny Cats. | Kill (A) | Kill Two Birds with One Stone (To) | Killed by Inches. | Killed by Kindness. | Killing. | Killing-stone | Killing no Murder. | Kilmansegg (Miss) | Kilmarnock Cowls. | Kilmarth Rocks (Scotland) | Kilwinning | Kin, Kind. | Kindhart. | King. | King. | King Ban. | King Cash | King Cole. | King Cotton. | King Estmere (2 syl.) | King Franconi. | King Horn | King Log. | King-maker. | King Mob. | King Pétaud. | King Ryence | King Stork. | King-of-Arms. | King of Bark. | King of Bath. | King of Beasts. | King of Dalkey. | King of Khorassan. | King of Metals. | King of Misrule. | King of Painters. | King of Preachers. | King of Rome. | King of Shreds and Patches. | King of Spains Trampeter (The) | King of Terrors. | King of Waters. | King of Yvetot (pron. Ev-to) | King of the Bean (roi de la fève) | King of the Beggars | King of the Forest. | King of the Herrings (The) | King of the Jungle (The) | King of the Peak (The) | King of the Sea (The) | King of the Teign. | King of the World (Shah-Jehan) | King of the World. | King Chosen by the Neighing of a Horse (A) | King Over the Water (The) | Kings [or Queens] Bench. | Kings Cave. | Kings Chair. | Kings Crag. | Kings Cross. | Kings Evil. | Kings Keys. | Kings Men. | Kings Mess (The) | Kings Oak (The) | Kings Picture. | Kings Quhair. | Kings Cheese goes half in Paring. | Kings Hanoverian White Horse (The) | Kings Own Scottish Borderers (The) | Kings. | Kings, etc., of England. | Kings have Long Hands. | Kings may override Grammar. | Kingly Titles. | Kingdom Come. | Kingsale. | Kingsleys Stand | Kingston Bridge. | Kingston - on - Thames. | Kingstown (Ireland) | Kingswood Lions. | Kinless Loons. | Kiosk. | Kirk of Skulls. | Kirke-grim. | Kirkes Lambs. | Kirkrapine (3 syl.) | Kismet. | Kiss | Kiss Hands (To) | Kiss the Book. | Kiss the Dust. | Kiss the Hares Foot (To) | Kiss the Mistress (To) | Kiss the Rod (To) | Kiss behind the Garden Gate (A) | Kiss given to a Poet. | Kiss the Gunners Daughter (To) | Kiss the Place to make it Well. | Kissing-comfit. | Kissing-crust. | Kissing the Hand. | Kissing the Popes Toe. | Kissing under the Mistletoe. | Kist-vaen (The) | Kist of Whistles (A) | Kistnerappan. | Kit. (Anglo-Saxon, kette, a cist or box [of tools].) | Kit. | Kit-cat Club. | Kit Cats. | Kits Coty House | Kitchen. | Kitchenmaid (Mrs.) | Kite (A) | Kite-flying. | Kitely (2 syl.) | Kittle of Fish. | Klaus (Peter) | Klephts (The) | Knack. | Knave. | Knave of Hearts (A) | Knave of Sologne (A) | Knee. | Knee Tribute. | Kneph. | Knickerbocker (Diedrich) | Knickerbockers. | Knife | Knife | Knife and Fork. | Knifeboard. | Knight | Knight Rider Street (London) | Knight of La Mancha. | Knight of the Bleeding Heart. | Knight of the Cloak (The) | Knight of the Couching Leopard (The) | Knight of the Order of John-William (A) | Knight of the Post. | Knight of the Rueful Countenance. | Knights Fee. | Knights Ward (The) | Knights. | Knights Bachelors. | Knights Bannerets. | Knights Baronets. | Knights Errant. | Knights of Carpetry | Knights of Industry. | Knights of Labour. | Knights of Malta | Knights of St. Crispin. | Knights of St. Patrick. | Knights of the Bag. | Knights of the Bath. | Knights of the Blade. | Knights of the Chamber | Knights of the Cleaver. | Knights of the Garter. | Knights of the Green Cloth. | Knights of the Handcuffs. | Knights of the Hare. | Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. | Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece. | Knights of the Pencil. | Knights of the Pestle or Knights of the Pestle and Mortar. | Knights o the Post. | Knights of the Rainbow. | Knights of the Road. | Knights of the Round Table. | Knights of the Shears. | Knights of the Shell. | Knights of the Shire. | Knights of the Spigot. | Knights of the Swan. | Knights of the Stick. | Knights of the Thistle. | Knights of the Whip. | Knighten Guild | Knipperdollings. | Knock Under (To) | Knocked into a Cocked Hat. | Knockers. | Knot. | Knot and Bridle (A) | Knots of May. | Knotted Stick is Planed (The) | Knotgrass. | Knout (1 syl.) | Know Thyself. | Know the Fitting Moment. | Know Your Own Mind. | Know-Nothings. | Knows which Side his Bread is Buttered (He) | Knowledge-box (Your) | Knoxs Croft | Knuckle-duster. | Knuckle Under (To) | Kobold. | Kochlani. | Koh-i-Nûr [Mountain of light]. | Kohol or Kohl. | Koli or the Kolis. | Konx Ompax. | Koppa. | Korân | Korrigans | Koumiss or Kumiss. | Kraal. | Kraken. | Kratim. | Kremlin (The) | Krems White | Kreuzer (pron. kroit-zer) | Kriemhild (2 syl.) | Krishna (the black one) | Kriss Kringle. | Krita. | Krupp Gun. | Krupp Steel. | Ku-Klux-Klan (The) | Kudos. | Kufic. | Kufic Coins. | Kumara [youthful]. | Kurd. | Kursaal. | Kuru. | Kyanise (3 syl.) | Kyle | Kyrie Eleison [Ki-ri-e E-li-sn]. | Kyrle Society (The).


L. | L | L | L. E. L. | LL.D. | L.L. Whisky. | L.S. | L. S. D. | La-de-da. | La Garde Meurt ne se Rend pas. | La Joyeuse. | La Muette de Portici. | La Roche (1 syl.) | | Labarum. | Labe (Queen) | Labour of Love (A) | Labourer is Worthy of his Hire. | Labourers (The Statute of) | Labyrinth. | Lac of Rupees. | Lace. | Laced. | Lacedæmonian Letter (The) | Lacedæmonians (The) | Lachesis [Lak--sis]. | Lackadaisical. | Laconic. | Lacustrine Deposits. | Lacustrine Habitations. | Lad o Wax. | Ladas. | Ladies. | Ladon. | Ladrones. | Lady. | Ladybird, Ladyfly, Ladycow | Lady Bountiful. | Lady Chapel. | Lady Day. | Lady Isabella | Lady Magistrate. | Lady Margaret Professor | Lady in the Sacque. | Lady of England. | Lady of Mercy (Our) | Lady of Shallott. | Lady of the Bleeding Heart. | Lady of the Broom (The) | Lady of the Haystack | Lady of the Lake. | Lady of the Rock (Our) | Ladies Mile (The) | Ladies Plate (The) | Ladies Smocks. | Ladies and Gentlemen. | Læding. | Lælaps. | Laertes (3 syl.) | Lætare Sunday. | Lagado. | Lager Beer. | Laird (Scotch) | Lagoon. | Laïs. | Laissez Faire, Laissez Passer. | Lake School (The) | Lakedion or Laquedem (Isaac) | Lakin. | Laksmi or Lakshmi. | Lalla Rookh [tulip cheek] | Lama | Lamaïsm [Tibetan, Blama, spiritual teacher]. | Lamb. | Lamb (The Vegetable) or Tartarian lamb; | Lamb. | Lamb-pie. | Lambs Conduit Street (London) | Lambs Wool. | Lamberts Day (St.) | Lambro | Lame Duck (A) | Lame King. | Lame Vicegerent (in Hudibras) | Lamerock (Sir) | Lamia. | Lammas. | Lammas Day (August 1st) | Lammas-tide. | Lammer Beads. | Lammermoor. | Lamming (A) | Lamminin, Lamkin, Linkin | Lamourettes Kiss. | Lamp. | Lamp of Heaven (The) | Lamp of Phœbus (The) | Lamp of the Law (The) | Lamps. | Lampadion. | Lampoon. | Lampos and Phaeton. | Lancashire Lads or "The Lancashire." | Lancaster. | Lancaster Gun. | Lancasterian (A) | Lancastrian (A) | Lance (1 syl.) | Lance-Corporal and Lance-Sergeant. | Lance-Knight. | Lance of the Ladies. | Lancelot (Sir) | Lancelot or Launcelot Gobbo. | Lancelot du Lac. | Lancers (The) | Land. | Land-damn. | Land-loupers. | Land-lubber. | Land of Beulah (Isa. lxii. 4) | Land of Bondage. | Land of Cakes. | Land of Myrrh. | Land of Nod (The) | Land of Promise. | Land of Shadows (Gone to the) | Land of Stars and Stripes (The) | Land othe Leal (The) | Landau. | Landeyda. | Landière (French, 3 syl.) | Landscape (A) | Lane. | Lane. | Lane (The) | Lane | Lanfusas Son. | Lang Syne (Scotch, long since) | Langbourn Ward (London) | Langstaff (Launcelot) | Language. | Langue dOc. | Langue dOil. | Languish (Lydia) | Lantern. | Lantern Jaws. | Lantern-Land. | Lanterns. | Lanternise. | Laocoon [La-ok-o-on]. | Laodamia. | Laodicean. | Lapet (Mons.) | Lapithæ. | Lapping Water. | Laprel. | Lapsus Linguæ (Latin) | Laputa. | Lapwing (The) | Lar Familiaris (plu. Lares familiares) | Lara. | Larboard | Larceny. | Larder. | Lars. | Large. | Larigot. | Lark. | Larks. | Larry Dugans Eye-water. | Lars. | Larvæ. | Lascar. | Last. (Anglo-Saxon lást, a footstep, a shoemakers last.) | Last Man (The) | Last Man. | Last Words. | Last of the Fathers. | Last of the Goths. | Last of the Greeks. | Last of the Knights. | Last of the Mohicans. | Last of the Romans. | Last of the Tribunes (The) | Last of the Troubadours. | Lat (El) | Lateran. | Lath or Lathe. | Lather. | Latin. | Latin Learning | Latinus. | Latitudinarians. | Latona. | Latria and Dulia. | Lattice or Chequers. | Laugh in Ones Sleeve (To) | Laugh on the Other Side of Your Mouth. | Laughing Philosopher. | Laughing-stock. | Laughter. | Launce. | Launcelet. | Launched into Eternity. | Launfal (Sir) | Laura | Lauras. (Greek, laura.) | Laurel. | Laurence (Friar) | Lavaine | Lavender. | Lavinia. | Lavinia and Palemon. | Lavolt or Lavolta. | Law. | Law Latin. | Laws Bubble. | Laws of the Medes and Persians. | Lawing. (Scots.) | Lawsuits. | Lawn. | Lawn-market (The) | Lawrence (St.) | Lawyers Bags. | Lay Brothers. | Lay Figures. | Lay Out (To) | Lay about One (To) | Lay by the Heels (To) | Lay of the Last Minstrel. | Lay to Ones Charge (To) | Layamon | Layers-over for Meddlers. | Lazar House or Lazaretto. | Lazarists. | Lazarillo de Tormës (1553) | Lazarone (3 syl.); | Lazarus. | Lazy. | Lazy Lawrence of Lubberland. | Lazy Lobkin (A) | Lazy Mans Load. | Lazyland (Gone to) | Lazzaroni. | LÉtat cest Moi (I am the State) | Le Roi le Veut (French, The king wills it.) | Lea. | Leaba na Feine [Beds of the Feïne]. | Leach, Leachcraft. | Lead (pronounced led) | Lead (pronounce leed) | Leaden Hail (Showers of) | Leaden Hall (pronounce leden) | Leader (A) | Leading Case (A) | Leading Note | Leading Question. | Leading Strings. | Leaf. | Leaf. (Anglo-Saxon lef.) | League. | Leak Out (To) | Leal. | Leander (3 syl.) | Leaning Tower. | Leap Year. | Leap in the Dark (A) | Lear (King) | Learn (1 syl.) | Learn by Heart (To) | Learned (2 syl.) | Least Said the soonest Mended (The) or The Less Said | Leather. | Leather or Prunella. | Leathering. | Leatherstocking (Natty) | Leave in the Lurch (To) | Leave out in the Cold (To) | Leave some for Manners. | Leaves without Figs. | Led Captain (A) | Leda and the Swan. | Ledger (A) | Ledger-lines | | Leeds (a Stock Exchange term) | Leek. | Lees. | Leet (A) | Lefevre. | Left | Left-handed Compliment (A) | Left-handed Marriage. | Left-handed Oath (A) | Left in the Lurch. | Leg (A) | Leg-bail. | Leg-bye (A) | Leg of Mutton School (The) | Legs. | Legal Tender (A) | Legem Pone. | Legend | Legend of a Coin | Leger. | Leger-de-Main. | Legion. | Legion of Honour. | Legislator or Solon of Parnassus. | Leglin-girth. | Legree. | Leibnitz-ism or Leibnitzian-ism. | Leicester (pron. Lester) | Leicester Square (London) | Leigh (Aurora) (pron. Lee) | Leilah [Li-lah]. | Lely (Sir Peter) | Leman (Lake) | Lemnian Deed (A) | Lemnian Earth. | Lemnian Women (The) | Lemnos. | Lemon Soles | Lemster Ore. | Lemures (3 syl.) | Lend a Hand. | Length (A) | Length-month. | Lens (Latin, a lentil or bean) | Lenson. | Lent (Anglo-Saxon, lencten) | Lent Lily (The) | Lenten. | Leodogrance | Leon (in Orlando Furioso) | Leonard. | Leonidas of Modern Greece. | Leonine Contract. | Leonine Verses | Leonnoys, Leonnesse, or Lyonnesse. | Leonora | Leontes (3 syl.) | Leopard | Leopards. | Lepracaun. | Lerna. | Les Anguilles de Melun. | Lesbian Poets (The) | Lesbian Rule (The) | Lese Majesty. | Lessian Diet. | Lestrigons. | Let | Let Drive (To) | Let us Eat and Drink; for tomorrow we shall Die (Isaiah xxii. 13) | Lethe (2 syl.) | Lethean Dew. | Letter-Gae. | Letter-lock. | Letter of Credit. | Letter of Licence (A) | Letter of Marque. | Letter of Orders (A) | Letter of Pythagoras (The) | Letter of Safe Conduct. | Letter of Uriah (2 Sam, xi. 14) | Letters. | Letters | Letters Missive. | Letters Overt. | Letters Patent. | Letters at the Foot of a Page. | Letters of Administration. | Letters of Bellerophon. | Letters of Horning. | Letters of Junius. | Letters of the Sepulchre. | Lettre de Cachet (French) | Lettre de Jérusalem. | Leucadia or Leucas. | Leucippus (Greek, Leukippos) | Leucothea [White Goddess]. | Leuh. | Levant and Couchant. | Levant and Ponent Winds. | Levant. | Levée. | Level Best. | Level Down. | Level Up (To) | Levellers. (April, 1649.) | Levellers. | Levellers (in Irish History) | Lever de Rideau. | Leveret. | Leviathan. | Levites (2 syl.) | Levitical. | Lewd (Anglo-Saxon, leóde) | Lewis (Monk) | Lewis Baboon. | Lewkners Lane. | Lex non Scripta. | Lex Talionis (Latin) | Leyden Jar or Phial. | Leze Majesty. | Li-Flambe. | Lia-fail (of Ireland) | Liakura (3 syl.) | Liar (The) | Libel | Liber Albus | Liber Niger or The Black Book of the Exchequer | Liberal Arts. | | Liberal Unionists. | Liberals. | Liberator (The) | Liberia. | Libertines. | Liberty | Liberty. | Libitina. | Libra [the balance]. | Library. | Libya. | Licentiate (4 syl.) | Lich. | Lichten. | Lick | Lick into Shape (To) | Lick the Dust (To) | Licks the Butter. | Lickspittle (A) | Lictors. | Lid. | Lidskialfa [the terror of nations]. | Lie. | Lie Circumstantial (The) | Lie Direct (The) | Lie Quarrelsome (The) | Lie hath no Feet (A) | Lie. | | Lie Over (To) | Lie-to (To) | Lie Up (To) | Lie at the Catch (To) | Lie in State (To) | Lie on Hand (To) | Lie to Ones Work (To) | Lie with Ones Fathers (To) | Liebenstein and Sternfels. | Liege. | Lien. | Liesse (2 syl.) | Lieutenant (pronounce lef-ten-unt) | Life. | Life-boat (A) | Life-buoy (A) | Life-Guards. | Life Policy (A) | Life Preserver (A) | Lift. | Lift not up your Horn on High. (Psalm lxxv. 5.) | Lift up the Heel against Me (To) | Lift up the Voice (To) | Lifted up. | Lifter. | Lifting (The) | Lifting, or Lifting the Little Finger. | Ligan. | Light. | Light. | Light Comedian (A) | Light Horsemen. | Light Troops | Light-armed Artillery. | Light as a Feather. | Light-fingered Gentry (The) | Light Gains make a heavy Purse. | Light of Ones Countenance (The) | Light of the Age. | Lighthouse. | Lightning [Barca]. | Lightning Conductor. | Lightning Preservers. | Lightning Proof. | Lightning Rod (A) | Liguorians. | Ligurian Arts.


Ligurian Republic (The) | Ligurian Sage (The) | Lilburn Shawl. | Lilburne. | Lilinau | Lilis or Lilith (Rabbinical mythology) | Lilli-Burlero or Lilli-Bullero and Bullen-a-lah. | Lilliput. | Lily (The) | Lily of the Valley. | Lily Maid of Astolat. | Lim Hay. | Limb. | Limb of the Law (A) | Limberham. | Limbo. | Limbus | Limbus Fatuorum. | Limbus Patrum. | Limbus Puerorum. | Limbus of the Moon. | Lime Street | Limited Liability. | Limner. | Limp. | Lina. | Lincoln. | Lincoln College (Oxford) | Lincoln Green. | Lincolns Inn. | Lincolns Inn Fields | Lincolnshire Bagpipes. | Lindabrids. | Linden Tree (A) | Lindor. | Line. | Line (The) | Line a Day (A) | Line of Battle. | Line of Beauty | Line of Communication, or rather Lines of Communication | Line of Demarcation. | Line of Direction. | Line of Life (The) | Line of March. | Line of Operation (The) | Line upon Line. | Lines. | Linen Goods. | Lingo. | Lingua Franca. | Lining of the Pocket. | Linnæan System. | Linne (The Heir of) | Linsey-woolsy Million (The) | Linspe (French, 2 syl.) | Lion (as an agnomen) | Lion (as an emblem) | Lion (grateful for kindness):- | Lion | Lion | Lion-hunter (A) | Lion-killer (The) | Lion Sermon (The) | Lion-sick. | Lion Tamer (The) | Lion and Unicorn. | Lion and the True Prince (The) | Lion of God. | Lion of St. Mark. | Lion of the Reformation (The) | Lion of the Zodiac. | Lions Claws. | Lions Head. | Lions Mouth. | Lions Provider. | Lions Share. | Lions (The) | Lionise a Person (To) | Liosalfar. | Lip. | Lip Homage. | Lip Service. | Lips. | Liquor up. | Lir (King) | Liris. | Lisboa or Lisboa. | Lisbon. | Lismahago (Captain) | Lisuarte of Greece. | Lit de Justice. | Little. | Little. | Little Britain | Little Corporal (The) | | Little Ease. | Little-Endians. | Little Englanders. | Little-Go. | Little Jack Horner. | Little John. | Little Masters. | Little Nell. | Little Ones (The) | Little Paris. | Little Pedlington. | Little Red Ridinghood. | Little Gentleman in Velvet (The) | Little Packs become a Little Pediar. | Liturgy | Live. | Liver-vein (The) | Livered. | Liverpool. | Liverpudlian. | Livery. | Livery-men. | Livy of France (The) | Livy of Portugal (The) | Liza. | Lizard (The) | Lizard Islands. | Lizard Point (Cornwall) | Lloyds. | Lloyds Books. | Lloyds List. | Lloyds Register. | Lloyds Rooms. | Loaf. | Loaf held in the Hand (A) | Loafers. | Loathly Lady. | Loaves and Fishes. | Lob. | Lobs Pound. | Lobby. | Loblolly | Loblolly Boy (A.) | Lobster Sauce. | Lobsters | Lochiel (2 syl.) | Lochinvar | Lock, Stock, and Barrel. | Lock the Stable Door. | Lockhart. | Lockit. | Lockitts. | Lockman. | Locksley. | Locksley Hall. | Locksmiths Daughter. | Loco Parentis (Latin) | Locofocos. | Locomotive, or Locomotive Engine. | Locomotive Power. | Locrin or Locrine (2 syl.) | Locum Tenens (Latin) | Locus Delicti. | Locus in quo (Latin) | Locus Pœnitentiæ. (Latin.) | Locus Sigilli or L. S. | Locus Standi (Latin) | Locust Bird. | Locusts. | Locusta. | Lode. | Lodestar. | Lodestone or Loadstone. | Lodona. | Loegria or Logres. | Log. | Log-board. | Log-book. | Log-line. | Log-roller (A) | Log-rolling. | Log-rolling Criticism. | Logan or Rocking Stones | Loggerheads. | Logget. | Logistilla (in Orlando Furioso) | Logres. | Logria. | Logris, Locris. | Loins. | Loki. | Lokis Three Children | Lokmân. | Lollards. | Lollop. | Lollypops. | | | | | London | London Bridge built on Woolpacks. | London Stone. | Long Chalk (A) or Long Chalks. | Long Dozen (A) | Long-headed. | Long Home. | Long Lane. | Long Meg of Westminster. | Long Odds. | Long Parliament. | Long Peter. | Long Run. | Long-Sword (Longue épée) | Long Tail. | Long-tailed. | Long Tom Coffin. | Long Words. | Longboat. | Longbow. | Longchamps. | Longcrown. | Longevity. | Longius. | Longo Intervallo. | Looby. | Look Alive. | Look Black (To) | Look Blue (To) | Look Daggers (To) | Look as Big as Bull Beef (To) | Look before You Leap. | Look for a Needle in a Bottle of Hay (To) | Look not a Gift Horse in the Mouth. | Look One Way and Row Another (To) | Look through Blue Glasses or Coloured Spectacles. | Lookers-on. | Looking Back. | Looking-glass. | Loom | Loony or Luny. | Loophole. | Loose. | Loose-coat Field. | Loose Fish (A) | Loose-girt Boy (The) | Loose-strife. | Lorbrulgrud. | Lord. | Lord. | Lord Burleigh. | Lord Fanny. | Lord Foppington. | Lord, Lady. | Lord Lovel. | Lord Mayors Day. | Lord Peter. | Lord Strutt. | Lord Thomas | Lord of Creation. | Lord of Misrule | Lord of the Isles. | Loredano (James) | Lorenzo (in Edward Youngs Nights Thoughts) | Loretto. | Lorrequer (Harry) | Lose. | Lose Caste (To) | Lose Heart (To) | Lose not a Tide. | Lose the Day (To) | Lose the Horse or win the Saddle. | Losing a Ship for a Haporth o Tar. | Loss. | Lost Island. | Lothair. | Lothario. | Lothian (Scotland) | Lotus. | Lotus-eaters or Lotophagi | Loud Patterns. | Loud as Tom of Lincoln. | Louis (St.) | Louis Dix-huit | Louisiana | Loup. | Love (God of) | Love-lock. | Love-powders or Potions | Love and Lordship. | Love in a Cottage. | Love-in-Idleness. | Love me, Love my Dog. | Loves Girdle. | Loves Labours Lost (Shakespeare) | Lovel, the Dog. | Lovelace. | Lovers Leap. | Loving or Grace Cup. | Loving Cup. | Low-bell. | Low Church. | Low Comedian (The) | Low Mass | Low Sunday. | Low to High. | Lower City (The) | Lower Empire. | Lower your Sail. | Lowlanders of Attica | Lowndean Professor (Cambridge University) | Loy. | Loyal. | Loys [lo-is]. | Luath (2 syl.) | Lubber (A) | Lubbers Hole. | Lubberkin or Lubrican. (Irish, Lobaircin or Leprechaun.) | Lubins. | Lucasian Professor. | Lucasta | Luce. | Luce | Lucia di Lammermoor. | Lucian. | Lucifer. | Lucifers (1833) | Lucifera [Pride] | Luciferians. | Lucinian. | Lucius. | Luck. | Luck for Fools. | Luck in Odd Numbers. | Luck of Eden Hall (The) | Luck or Lucky Penny. | Lucky. | Lucky Stone (A) | Lucrezia di Borgia | Lucullus sups with Lucullus. | Lucus a non Lucendo. | Lucy (St.) | Lucy and Colin. | Lud. | Luds Bulwark. | Luds Town. | Ludgate. | Luddites (2 syl.) | Ludlum. | Luez. | Luff. | Lufra. | Luggie. | Luggnagg. | Luke (St.) | Lukes Iron Crown. | Lullian Method. | | Lumine Sicco (In) | Lump. | Lumpkin (Tony) | Lun. | Luna. | Lunar Month. | Lunar Year. | Lunatics. | Luncheon. (Welsh, llonc or llwnc, a gulp; llyncu, to swallow at a gulp.) | Lungs of London. | Lunsford. | Lupercal (The) | Lupus et Agnus. | Lupus in Fabula. | Lurch. | Lush. | Lusiad or The Lusiads. | Lusitania. | Lusitanian Prince. | Lustral Water. | | Lusus. | Lusus Naturæ. | Lutestring. | Lutetia. | Luthers Hymn. | Lutherans. | Lutin. | Luxembergers. | Luz or Luez. | Lybius (Sir) | Lycaonian Tables [Lycaoniæmensæ] | Lycidas. | Lycisca (half-wolf, half-dog) | Lycopodium. | Lydford Law | Lydia | Lydia Languish | Lydian Poet (The) | Lying Traveller (The) | Lying by the Wall. | Lying for the Whetstone. | Lyme-hound | Lynceus (2 syl.) | Lynch Law. | Lynch-pin. | Lynchnobians. | Lynx | Lynx-eyed. | Lyon King-of-Arms. | Lyonnesse (3 syl.) | Lyre (The) | Lysander and Rosicrucius | Lyttelton,


M. | M. | M (initial of manslaughter) | M | M. | M. | M | M or N | M.B. Waistcoat. | M.D. | M.P. | MS., manuscript; MSS., manuscripts; | Mab. | MacAlpin. | MacFarlanes Geese. | MacFlecknoe | MacGirdies Mare | MacGregor. | MacIntyre (Captain Hector) | MacIvor (Fergus) | MacPherson. | MacTab. | MacTurk (Captain Mungo or Hector) | Macaber. | Macadamise (4 syl.) | Macaire (2 syl.) | Macamut. | Macare (French) | Macaroni. | Macaronic Latin. | Macaronic Verse. | Macbeth (Shakespeare) | Macbriar (Ephraim) | Maccabæus. | Macdonald. | Macduff. | Macheath (Captain) | Machiavelli. | Machiavellism. | | Macklin. | Macmillanites (4 syl.) | Macsycophant (Sir Pertinax) | Mace. | Macedon is not Worthy of Thee | Macedonian (The) | Macedonian Madman (The) | Macedonians. | Macedonicus. | Mackerel Sky (A) | Macon. | Macreons. | Macrocosm (Greek, the great world) | Mad as a March Hare. | Mad Cavalier (The) | Mad Parliament (The) | Mad Poet (The) | Mad as a Hatter. | Madame. | Mademoiselle (4 syl.) | Madge. | Madge Wildfire. | Madman. | Madness. | Madoc. | Madonna. (Italian, my lady.) | Mador (Sir) | Madras System of Education. | Mæander. | Mæcenas. | Maelström (Norwegian, whirling stream) | Mæonides (4 syl.) or Mæonian Poet. | Mæviad. | Mag. | Maga. | Magalona. | Magazine (3 syl.) | Magdalene (3 syl.) | Magdeburg Centuries. | Magellan. | Magenta. | Maggot, Maggoty. | Magi (The) | Magic Garters. | Magic Rings. | Magic Wand. | Magician. | Magliabecchi. | Magna Charta. | Magnalia Christi. | Magnanimous (The) | Magnano. | Magnet. | Magnetic Mountain. | Magneuse (French) | Magnificat. | Magnificent (The) | Magnifique … Guerre. | Magnum Opus. | Magnum of Port (A) | Magnus Apollo (My) | Mago the Carthaginian | Magophonia. | Magot (French) | Magpie. | Magricio. | Maguelone or Magalona (the fair) | Magus. | Mah-abadean Dynasty (The) | Mahabharata. | Mahadi or Hakem. | Mahâtmas. | Mahdi (The) | Mahmoud of Ghizni | Mahmut. | Mahomet or Mohammed | Mahoun (2 syl.) | Mahound (2 syl.) | Mahu. | Maid Marian. | Maid of Athens | Maid of Norway. | Maid of Orleans. | Maid of Perth (Fair) | Maid of Saragossa. | Maiden. | Maiden Assize (A) | Maiden King (The) | Maiden Lane (London) | Maiden or Virgin Queen. | Maiden Town | Maiden of the Mist. | Maidenhair | Main-brace. | Main Chance (The) | Mainote (2 syl.) | Maintain | Maitland Club (The) | Maize (1 syl.) | Majesty. | Majesty | Majolica Ware. | Majority. | Make. | Make a hand of or on (To) | Make a Hit (To) | Make a Virtue of Necessity (To) | Make away with (To) | Make away with Oneself (To) | Make Bricks without Straw (To) | Make Eyes at (To) | Make Mountains of Molehills (To) | Make ones Bread (To) | Make the Door (To) | Make the Ice (To) | Make-wage. | Make-weight. | Makeshift (A) | Malabar. | Malagigi (in Orlando Furioso) | Malagrowther (Malachi) | Malagrowther (Sir Mungo) | Malakoff (in the Crimea) | Malambruno. | | Malbecco. | Malbrouk or Marlbrough (Marlbro) | Malcolm. | Maldine (French) | Male. | Male Sapphires. | Male suada Fames. | Malebolge (4 syl.) | Malecasta. | | Malengin [guile]. | Malepardus. | Malherbes Canons of French Poetry. | Maliom. | Malkin. | | Mall Supper (A) | Mallows. | Malmesbury (William of) | Malmsey Wine | Malt. | Malt … Meal. | Maltese Cross. | Malthusian (A) | Malthusian Doctrine. | Malum | Malum in Se (Latin) | Malum Prohibitum (Latin) | Malvolio. | Mamamouchi. | Mambrinos Helmet | Mamelon (2 syl., French) | Mamelukes (2 syl.) or Mamalukes (Arabic, mamluc, a slave) | Mamma, Mother. | Mammet. | Mammon. | Mammon of Unrighteousness (The) | Mammons Cave. | Mammoth Cave (The) | Man (Isle of) | Man. | Man Friday (A) | Man-jack. | Man … Monkey. | Man-Mountain or Quinbus Flestrin. | Man Proposes | Man Threefold. | Man in Black (The) | Man in the Iron Mask (The) | Man in the Moon (The) | Man of Belial. | Man of Blood. | Man of Blood and Iron (The) | Man of Brass (The) | Man of December. | Man of Destiny (The) | Man of Feeling. | Man of Letters (A) | Man of Remnants (A) | Man of Ross. | Man of Salt. | Man of Sedan. | Man of Silence (The) | Man of Sin (The) | Man of Straw (A) | Man of the Hill (The) | Man of the Sea. | Man of the Third Republic (The) | Man of the World (A) | Man of Three Letters. | Man-of-War (A) | Man of Wax. | Man of Whipcord (A) | Manche (French) | Manchester. | Manchester Poet. | Manciple (A) | Mandamus (Latin) | Mandana. | Mandarin | Mandeville (Bernard de) | Mandousians. | Mandrabul. | Mandrake. | Mandricardo. | Manduce (2 syl.) | Manes. | Manfred. | Manger or Manger le Morceau. | Manheim | Mani. | Mani, Manes, or Manichæus. | Manichæans or Manichees. | Manitou. | Manlian Orders. | Manly | Manna (Exodus xvi. 15) | Manna of St. Nicholas of Bari. | Mannering. | Mannington (George) | Manningtree (Essex) | Manoa. | Manon Lescaut. | Manor, Demesne. | Mansard Roof | Mansfield. | Mansion. | Mantaccini. | Mantalini (Madame) | Mantel-piece (A) | Mantible (Bridge of) | Mantiger. | Mantle of Fidelity (The) | Mantra or Mintra (Persian mythology) | | Manucodiata (The) | Manumit. | Manure | Many. | Many a &Mgrave;ickle makes a Muckle | Many Men, Many Minds. | Maori (The) | Mara. | Marabou Feathers. | Marabout (in French) | Marabuts. | Maranatha (Syriac, the Lord will come-i.e. to execute judgment) | Maravedi (4 syl.) | Marbles. | Marcassin (The Prince) | Marcella. | Marcellina. | | March. | March Dust. | March Hare. | Marches (boundaries) | Marchaundes Tale (in Chaucer) | Marching Watch. | Marchington (Staffordshire) | Marchioness (The) | Marchpane. | Marcionites (3 syl.) | Marck (William de la) | Marcley Hill (Herefordshire) | Marcos de Obregon. | Marcosians. | Mardi Gras. | Mardle. | Mardonius (Captain) | Mare. | Mares Nest. | Marfisa. | Marforio. | Margaret | Margaret (St.) | Margaret. | Margaret or Marguerite (petite) | | Margate (Kent) | Margherita di Valois | Margin. | Margts. | Marguerite des Marguerites [the pearl of pearls]. | Margutte (3 syl.) | Maria. | Maria Theresa. | Mariamites (4 syl.) | Mariana. | Marigold. | Marina. | Marinda or Maridah. | Marine (2 syl.) | Marines (2 syl.) | Mariners Compass. | Marino Faliero. | Mariottes Law. | Maritornes (Spanish, bad woman) | Marivaudage (4 syl.) | Marjoram. | Mark. | Mark (St.) | Mark (Sir) | Mark Banco. | Mark Tapley. | Mark Time! | Mark of the Beast (The) | Marks Eve (St.) | Marks in Grammar and Printing. | Marks of Gold and Silver. | Market-penny (A) | Markham (Mrs.) | Marl. | Marlborough. | Marlborough Dog. | Marlow. | Marmion. | Marmo Lunense. | Maro. | Maron or Marron (French) | Maronites (3 syl.) | Maroon. | Maroon (To) | Marozia | Marphisa (in Orlando Furioso) | Marplot. | Marque. | Marriage Knot (The) | Marriage Plates. | Marriages are Made in Heaven. | Marriages of Men of Genius. | Married Women | Marrow (Scotch) | Marrow-bones. | Marrow Controversy (The) | Marrow-men. | Marry! | Marry Come Up! | Mars Year. | Mars | Mars. | Marseillaise (3 syl.) | Marsh [Le Marais]. | Marshal | Marsham (Men of) | Marsiglio or Marsilius. | Marsyas. | Martano (in Orlando Furioso) | Marteau des Heretiques. | Martel. | Martello Towers. | Martext (Sir Oliver) | Martha (St.) | Martial. | Martian Laws. | Martin. | Martin. | Martin Drunk. | Martin of Bullions (St.) | Martins Running Footman (St.) | Martins Summer (St.) | Martine. | Martinet. | Martinmas. | Martyr (Greek | Marvedie (A) | Marvellous. | Mary. | Mary | Mary | Marys. | | | Mary Magdalene (St.) | Mary Queen of Scots. | Marybuds. | Marygold or Marigold. | Maryland | Marylebone | Mas (plural, Masse) | Masaniello | Masche-croute [gnaw-crust]. | Mascotte. | Masdeu (Catalan for Gods field) | Masetto. | Mashackering and Misguggling. | Masher. | Mask a Fleet (To) | Mason and Dixons Line. | Mass. | Mass (The) | Massachusetts | Massacre of the Innocents. | Massacre of the Innocents (The) | Mast. | Master Humphrey. | Master Leonard. | Master Magrath. | Master of Sentences. | Master of the Mint. | Master of the Rolls. | Mastic. | Matadore (3 syl.) | Matamoras. | Matamore (3 syl.) | Mate. | Maté (2 syl.) | Materialism. | Matfellon. | Mathew (Father) | Math isen. | Mathurin (St.) | Matilda. | Matriculate | Matter-of-fact. | Matters afoot (The) | Matthew (St.) | Matthew Bramble | Matthew Parkers Bible | Matthews Bible | Matthias (St.) | Maudlin. | Maugis. | Maugis dAygremont. | Maugrabin (Heyraddin) | Maugys. | Maul. | Maul (The Giant) | Maul of Monks (The) | Maunciples Tale. | Maunds (Royal) | Maundrel. | Maundy Thursday. | Mauri-gasima. | Mauritania. | Mausoleum. | Maut gets abune the Meal (The) | Mauthe Dog. | Mauvais Ton (French) | Mauvaise Honte (French) | Mauvaise Plaisanterie (A) | Mavournin. | Mawther. | Mawworm. | Max. | Max ORell.


Maximum and Minimum. | Maximus or Maxime (2 syl.) | May. | May | May-day. | May-duke Cherries. | May Meetings. | May Molloch | May-pole, May-queen, etc. | May-pole (London) | Mayeux. | "Mayflower" (The) | Mayonnaise. | Mayor. | Mayor of Garratt. | Mayor of the Bull-ring (Old Dublin) | Mayors of the Palace (Maire du Palais) | | Mazeppa (Jan) | Mazer. | Mazikeen or Shedeem. | Mazzini-ism. | Meal or Malt (In) | Meal-tub Plot. | Meals. | Mealy-mouthed | Meander (3 syl.) | Measure. | Measure Strength (To) | Measure Swords (To) | Measure for Measure (Shakespeare) | Measure Ones Length on the Ground (To) | Measure Other Peoples Corn. | Meat, Bread. | Mec (French) | Meccas Three Idols. | Meche (French) | Medamothi (Greek, never in any place) | Médard (St.) | Medea. | Medeas Kettle or Caldron | Medham [the keen]. | Mediæval or Middle Ages | Median Apples. | Median Stone (The) | Medicine | Medicinal Days. | Medicinal Hours. | Mediterranean (Key of the) | Medium (A) | Medora. | Medoro (in Orlando Furioso) | Medusa. | Meerschaum (2 syl., German, sea-froth.) | Meg. | Meg Dods. | Meg Merrilies (in Sir W. Scotts Guy Mannering) | Megarian School. | Megarians (The) | Megatherium (Greek, great-beast) | Megrims. | Meigle (in Strathmore) | Meiny (2 syl.) | Meissonier-like Exactness. | Meistersingers. | Mejnoun and Leiiak. | Melampode (3 syl.) | Melancholy. | Melancholy Jacques (1 syl.) | Melanchthon | Melantius. | Melanuros. | Melchior, Kaspar, and Balthazar. | Melchisedeoians. | Meleager. | Melesigenes. | Meletians. | Meliadus (King) | Melibeus or Melibe. | Melibœan Dye. | Melicertes (4 syl.) | Melior. | Melisendra. | Melissa (in Orlando Furioso) | Mell Supper. | Mellifiuous Doctor (The) | Melon. | Melons (French) | Melons. | Melpomene (4 syl.) | | Melusina. | Mélusines (3 syl.) | Melyhalt (Lady) | Memento Mori (A) | Memnon. | Memorable. | Memory. | Men in Buckram. | Men of Kent. | Men of Lawn. | Men are but Children of a Larger Growth. | Menah. | Menalcas. | Menam. | Menamber. | Mendicants. | Mendoza (Daniel) | Menechmians. | Menecrates (4 syl.) | Manevia. | Meng-tse. | Menie (2 syl.) | Menippos | Mennonites (3 syl.) | Menstruum means a monthly dissolvent (Latin, mensis) | Mental Hallucinations. | Mentor. | Menu. | Meo Periculo (Latin) | Mephibosheth | Mephistopheles, Mephistophilis, Mephostophilus. | Mercador Amante | Mercators Projection is Mercators chart or map for nautical purposes. | Merchant of Venice. | Mercia. | Mercurial. | Mercurial Finger (The) | Mercuriale (4 syl., French) | Mercury. | Mercury | Mercury Fig. | Mercutio. | Mercy. | Meredith (Owen) | Meridian (A) | Merino Sheep. | Merioneth | Merian (French) | Merlin. | Merlin Chair (A) | Merlo or Melo (Juan de) | Mermaids. | Mermaids Glove [Chalina oculata] | Mermaids Purses. | Merop. | Merops Son or A son of Merops. | Merovingian Dynasty. | Merrie England | Merrow. | | Merse. | Mersenne (2 syl.) | Merton (Tommy) | Merton College. | Meru. | Merveilleuse (3 syl., French) | Mesmerism. | Mesopotamia. | Mess = 4. | Messalina. | Messalina of Germany (The) | Metalogicus | Metals. | Metamorphic Rocks. | Metamorphic Words. | Metaphysics (Greek, after-physics) | Metastasio. | Metathesis. | Methodical. | Methodists. | Methuen Treaty. | Metonic Cycle (The) | Metra. | Metropolitan (A) | Mettre de la Paille dans ses Souliers, or Mettre du Foin dans ses Bottes. | Meum and Tuum. | Mews. | Mexitli. | Mezentius | Mezzo Relievo. | Mezzo Tinto (Italian, medium tint) | Mezzoramia. | Micah Roods Apples. | Micawber (Mr. Wilkins) | Micawberism. | Michael. | Michael Angelo. | Michaelmas Day | Michal | Michel or Cousin Michael. | Miching Malicho. | Michon | Mickleton Jury (The) | Microcosm. | Mid-Lent Sunday. | Midas. | Midas-eared. | Midden. | Middle Ages. | Middlesex. | Midgard. | Midgard Sormen (earths monster) | Midi. | Midlothian. | Midnight Oil. | Midrashim (sing. Midrash) | Midsummer Ale. | Midsummer Madness. | Midsummer Men. | Midsummer-Moon Madness. | Midsummer Nights Dream. | Midwife (Anglo-Saxon, mid, with; wif, woman) | Miggs (Miss) | Mignon. | Mikado (Japan, mi, exalted; kado, gate) | Mike. | Milan Decree (The) | Milan Steel. | Milanese (3 syl.) | Mildendo. | Mildew | Milesian Fables. | Milesian Story or Tale (A) | Milesians (The) | Milk. | Milk and Honey. | Milk and Water. | Milk of Human Kindness (The) | Milksop (A) | Milky Way (The) | Mill. | Mills of God grind slowly (The) | Miller. | Miller. | Millers Eye (A) | Millers Thumb (A) | Milliner. | Millstone. | Millstone used for a Ferry (A) | Millstones. | Millstones of Montisci (The) | Millwood (Sarah) | Milo. | Milton | Mimer. | Mimers Well. | Mimosa. | Mince (French) | Mince Pies | Mince the Matter. | Mincemeat. | Minch-house (A) | Mincing Lane (London) | Mincio or Mintio. | Mind your Eye. | Mind your Own Business. | Minden Boys. | Minerva (in Greek, Athen) | Minerva. | Minerva Press (The) | Miniature (3 syl.) | Minie Rifle. | Minims (Latin, Fratres Minimi, least of the brethren) | Minister | Minna Troil. | Minnehaha [Laughing-water]. | Minnesingers. | Minories (3 syl.) (London) | Minos. | Minotaur [Minos-bull]. | Minotti. | Minstrel | Mint. | Minuit (2 syl.) | Minute. | Minute Gun. | Miolnier (3 syl.) [the crusher]. | Mirabel. | Miracles (Latin, miraclum) | Miramolin. | Miramont. | Miranda. | Mirror of Human Salvation. | Mirror of King Ryence (The) | Mirror of Knighthood (The) | Mirrors. | Mirza. | Miscreant (3 syl.) | Mise-money. | Misers. | "Misfortune will never Leave Me till I Leave It," | Mishna. | Misnomers. | Misprision. | Miss, Mistress, Mrs. | Miss is as Good as a Mile (A) | Missing Link (The) | Mississippi Bubble. | Mistletoe. | Mistletoe Bough. | Mistress Roper. | Mistress of the Night (The) | Mistress of the World. | Mita. | Mitaine. | Mite. | Mithra or Mithras. | Mithridate (3 syl.) | Mitre. | Mitre Tavern (The) | Mitten. | Mittimus (Latin) | Mitton. | Mixon. | Mizentop, maintop, foretop. | Mjölnir (pron. youl-ner) | Mnemosyn (4 syl.) | Moabite Stone (The) | Moakkibat. | Moat. | Mob. | Mob-cap (A) | Mobilise. | Mock-beggar Hall or Manor. | Mockery. | Modality | Modish (Lady Betty) | Modo. | Modred | Mods. | Modus Vivendi (A) | Mofussil (East Indies) | Mohadi [Mohammed]. | Mohakabad (Al) | Mohocks. | Mohun. | Mohyronus (Edricius) | Moiré Antique (French) | Mokanna. | Molière. | Molinism. | Moll (Kentish) | Moll Cutpurse. | Moll Flanders. | Moll Thomsons Mark. | Molly. | Molly Coddle (A) | Molly Maguires. | Molly Mog. | Molmutius. | Moloch. | Moly. | Mome (French) | Momiers (French, men of mummery) | Mommur. | Momus. | Momuss Lattice or Window. | Monaciello [little monk]. | Monarchians. | Monarchy. | Monday Pops. | Money. | Money makes the Mare to go. | Monimia | Monism. | Monitor. | Monk | Monk Lewis. | Monk listening to a Bird. | Monk of Westminster. | Monkey (A) | Monkey = the Devil; | Monkey | Monkey Board. | Monkey Boat. | Monkey Jacket. | Monkey-puzzle. | | Monkey with a Long Tail (A) | Monkeys Allowance. | Monkeys Money. | Monkir and Nakir | Monmouth. | Monmouth Cap. | Monmouth Street (London) | Monnaie de Basoche. | Mononia (3 syl.) | Monophagous. | Monophysites (4 syl.) | Monothelism | Monroe Doctrine. | Monsieur. | Monsieur de Paris. | Monsoon | Monster (The) | Monsters. | Mont | Mont de Piété. | Mont St. Michel | Montagnards [the mountain party]. | Montague (3 syl.) | Montanists. | Montanto. | Monteer Cap. | Monteith. | Montem. | Montero-cap (A) | Montesinos (The Cave of) | Montezumas Realm. | Montezumas Watch. | Montfaucon Watch (A) | Montgomery | Month of Sundays (A) | Months Mind (A) | Months. | Monthawi (Al) | Montjoie St. Denis. | Montrognon (Baron of) | Montserrat. | Monumental City. | Monumental Effigies. | Monumental Figures. | Monumental Figures. | Monumental Figures. | Monumental Figures. | Monumental Inscriptions. | Moohel. | Moon | Moon-calf | Moon-drop. | Moon-maker [Sagendë Nah] | Moon-rakers. | Moons Men. | Moonlight Flitting (A) | Moonstone. | Moor-slayer or Mata-moros. | Moors. | Moore (Thomas) | Moot Point (A) | Moots | Mop. | Mora-stone | Moral. | Moralist. | Morans Collar | Morasteen [great stone]. | Morat. | Moratorium. | Moravians or Bohemian Brethren. | Morbleu! (French) | More. | More Kicks than Hapence. | More Last Words. | More of More Hall. | More the Merrier (The) | More one has, the More he Desires (The) | Moreno (3 syl.) | Morestone. | Morgan le Fay. (See below.) | Morgan le Fay, Morgaine la Fée, or Morgana the Fairy. | Morganatic Marriage (A) | Morgane (2 syl.) | Morgans. | Morgante. | Morgante Maggiore. | Morgiana. | Morglay. | Morgue | Morgue la Faye | Moribund. | Morisonianism. | Morley (Mrs.) | Morma | Mormon. | Mormon Creed. | Mormonism. | Morning. | Morning Star of the Reformation. | Morocco. | Morocco Men (The) | Moros. | Morpheus (2 syl., the Sleeper) | Morrel. | Morrice (Gil or Chld).


Morris Dance | Morse Alphabet (The) | Mort-safe. | Mortal. | Mortar-board. | Mortars | Morte dArthur | Mortgage. | Morther. | Mortimer. | Mortlake Tapestry. | Mortstone. | Morven. | Mosaic Work | Moscow. | Mosen (Spanish) | Moses Horns. | Moses Rod. | Moses Slow of Speech. | | Moslem or Moslemin. | Mosse. | Mosstrooper. | Mote and Beam (Matt. vii. 3-5) | Moth. | Mother. | Mother Ann. | Mother Bunch. | Mother Careys Chickens. | Mother Country. | Mother Douglas. | Mother Earth. | Mother Goose. | Mother Hubbard. | Mother Huddles Oven. | Mother Shipton | Mother-sick. | Mother-wit. | Mother of Believers. | Mother of Books. | Mother of Cities [Amu-al-Bulud]. | Mother of Pearl. | Mother of the Gracchi. | Mothering Sunday | Motion. | Motley. | Motu Proprio. | Mouch (To) | Mouchard (French) | Moulds. | Mound. | Mount Zion. | Mountain (The) or Montagnards. | Mountain Ash (The) | Mountain-dew. | Mountains of Mole-hills. | Mountebank. | Mourning. | Mournival. | Mouse. | Mouse, Mousie | Mouse Tower (The) | Moussa. | Moussali. | Mouth. | Mouth Waters. | Moutons. | Movable. | Moving the Adjournment of the House. | Moving the Previous Question. | Moving the World. | Mow, a heap, and Mow | Mowis. | Mozaide (2 syl.) or Monzaida. | Much or Mudge. | Much Ado about Nothing. | Muciana Cautio. | Mucklebackit. | Mucklewrath. | Mud-honey. | Mudarra. | Muff (A) | Muffins and Crumpets. | Muffled Cats catch no Mice. | Mufti. | Mug-house. | Mugello. | Muggins. | Muggletonian. | Mugwump (A) | Mugwump Press (The) | Mulatto (Spanish) | Mulberry. | Mulciber-i.e. | Mule. | Mull. | Mulla. | Mulmutine Laws. | Mulready Envelope (The, 1840) | Multipliers. | Multitudes. | Multum in Parvo (Latin) | Mum. | Mumbo Jumbo. | Mumchance. | Mummy | Mummy Wheat. | Mumpers. | Mumping Day. | Munchausen (Baron) | Mundane Egg (The) | Mundilfori. | Mundungus. | Munera. | Munkar and Nakir. | Munnin. | Muntabur [Mount Tabor]. | Murad. | Muscadins of Paris. | Muscular Christianity. | Muses. | Museum. | Mushroom (an archaic form is mushrump) | Music. | Music. | Music of the Spheres. | Musical Notation. | Musical Small - coal Man (The) | Musicians. | Musidora. | Musits or Musets. | Musket | Muslin. | Musnud. | Muspel. | Muspelheim (3 syl.) | Mustard. | Mustard. | Musulman (plural, Musulmans or Moslems) | Mutantur. | Mute as a Fish. | Mutton (French, mouton) | Mutton-eating King (The) | Mutton-fist. | Muttons. | Mutual Friends. | Muzzle. | My Eye (All) | Mynheer Closh. | Mynian Sails. | Myrmidons of the Law. | Myron. | Myrra. | Myrrophores (3 syl.; the myrrh bearers) | Myrtle (The) | Mysteries of Woods and Rivers. | Mystery. | Mystery or Mysterium. | Mysteries. | Mysterious Three (The)


N. | N | N. | N | N added to Greek words ending in a short vowel to lengthen it "by position," and "l" added to French words beginning with a vowel | N. H. | nth, or nth plus One | Nab. | Nab. | Nab-man. | Nabo or Nebo. | Nabob (generally called Nabob) | Nabonassar or Nebo-adon-Assur. | Naboths Vineyard. | Nadab | Nadir. | Nadir Shah. | Nag. | Nag, Nagging. | Nags Head Consecration. | Naga. | Naglfar. | Nahushtan. | Naiads. | Nail. | Nail (For want of a) | Nail-money. | Nail fixed in the Temple (of Jupiter) | Nail in Ones Coffin. | Nail Ones Colours to the Mast (To) | Nailed. | Nails driven into Cottage Walls. | Nails of the Cross. | Nain Rouge. | Naivete (pron. nah-eve-ty) | Naked Lady. | Naked Truth. | Nakeer. | Nala | Nama. | | Name. | Name. | Name-son. | Name the Day. | Names. | Names of the Puritans. | Nancy. | Nancy of the Vale. | Nankeen. | Nanna. | Nannie | Nantes (1 syl.) | Nap. | Nap (A) | Naphtha. | Napiers Bones. | Napping. | Nappy Ale. | Naraka. | Narcissa | Narcissus (The) | Nardac. | Narrow House or Home. | Narrowdale Noon (Till) | Narses (2 syl.) | Narwhal. | Naseby (Northamptonshire) | Nasi. | Naso. | Nasser. | Nastrond [dead-mans region]. | Nathaniel (Sir) | Nation of Gentlemen. | Nation of Shopkeepers. | National Anthem. | National Anthems. | National Colours. | National Convention. | National Debt. | National Exhibition. | National Workshops. | Native. | Nativity (The) | Natty. | Natty Bumppo | Natural (A) | Nature. | Naught (not "nought") | Naught | Naughty Figs (Jeremiah xxiv. 2) | Navigation. | Navvy. | Nay-word. | Nayres (1 syl.) | Nazaræans or Nazarenes (3 syl.) | Nazarene (3 syl.) | Nazareth. | Nazarite (3 syl.) | Ne plus Ultra (Latin) | Ne Sutor, etc. | Neæra. | Neapolitan. | Near | Near Side and Off Side. | Neat as a Bandbox. | Neat as a Pin, or Neat as a New Pin. | Neat as Wax. | Nebo | Nebraska, U.S. | Nebuchadnezzar. | Nebuchadnezzar. | Necessity. | Neck. | Neck-verse (Psalm li. 1) | Neck-weed. | Neck and Crop. | Neck and Heels. | Neck and Neck. | Neck or Nothing. | Necked. | Necklace. | Necromancy | Nectar. | Neddy (a mans name) | Need Makes the old Wife Trot. | Needs must when the Devil Drives. | Needfire. | Needful (The) | Needham. | Needle. | Negative Pregnant (A) | Negro. | Negro Offspring. | Negroni. | Negus. | Nehallenia. | Nehushtan (2 Kings xviii. 4) | Neiges dAntan (The) | Neken. | Neksheb. | Nells Point | Nem. Con. | Nem. Diss. | Nemean Games (The) | Nemean Lion (The) | Nemesis. | Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. | Neology. | Neoptolemos or Pyrrhos. | Nepenthe (3 syl.) or Nepenths | Nepers Bones. | Nephelo-coccygia. | Nephew (French neveu, Latin nepos) | | Nepotism. | Neptune (2 syl.) | Neptunes Horse. | Neptunian or Neptunist. | Nereids (2 syl.) | Nereus (2 syl.) | Nerine (3 syl.) | Nerissa. | Nero. | Nero of the North. | Neros Friend. | Nesr. | Nesrem. | Nessus. | Nest. | Nest-egg (A) | Nestor. | Nestorians. | Nethinim. | Nettle. | Nettles. | Nettoyer (French) | Never. | Never Say Die. | Nevers. | New Brooms sweep Clean. | New Christians. | New Jerusalem. | New Man. | New Style. | New Testament. | New World. | New Years Day. | New Years Gifts. | News. | Newcastle Programme. | Newcome (Colonel) | Newcomes. | Newgate. | Newgate Fashion. | Newgate Fringe. | Newgate Knocker (A) | Newland. | Newton (Sir Isaac) | Newtonian Philosophy. | Next Door to… . | Next to Nothing. | Nibelung. | Nibelungen Hoard. | Nibelungen-Lied. | Nibelungen-Nôt. | Nibelungers. | Nic Frog. | Niche. | Nicholas (St.) | Nick | Nicka-Nan Night. | Nickar or Hnickar. | Nickel Silver. | Nicker. | Nickleby (Mrs.) | Nickname. | Nicknames. | Nickneven. | Nicodemused into Nothing | Nicolaitans. | Nicolas. | Nicor (A) | Nidhögg. | Niece. | Nifiheim (2 syl., mist-home) | Night. | Nightcap (A) | Nightingale. | Nightmare (A) | Nihilists. | Nihilo. | Nil Admirari. | Nil Desperandum. | Nile. | Nilica or Sephalica. | Nimble as a Cat on a hot Bakestone. | Nimble as Ninepence. | Nimbus | Nimini Pimini. | Nimrod. | Nincompoop. | Nine. | Nine. | Nine. | Nine Crosses. | Nine Crowns. | Nine Days Wonder (A) | Nine Gods (The) | Nine Points of the Law. | Nine Spheres (The) | Nine Worthies. | Ninepence. | Ninian (St.) | Ninon de lEnclos | Ninus. | Niobe (3 syl.) | Niord. | Nip (A) | Nip in the Bud. | Nip-cheese or Nip-farthing. | Nipperkin (A) | Nirvana. | Nishapoor and Tous. | Nisi Prius. | Nisroch. | Nit. | Nitouche (St.) | Nix (mas.), Nixie (fem.) | Nixon. | Nizam. | Njörd. | No Man is a Hero to his own Valet. | No More Poles. | No-Popery Riots. | Noahs Ark (Genesis vi. 15) | Noahs Ark. | Noahs Wife [Noraida] | Noakes (John) or John o Noakes. | Nob (The) | Nob of the First Water (A) | Nobs and Snobs. | Noble. | Noble Soul. | Noblesse Oblige (French) | Noctes Ambrosianæ. | Noctuas Athenas Ferre. | Nod. | Nod (The Land of) | Noddy. | Nodel. | Noël. | Nokomîs. | Nolens Volens. | Noli me Tangere. | Noll. | | Nom. | Nomads. | Nominalists. | Non Angli sed Angeli, si forent Christiani. | Non Bis in Idem (Latin) | Non-Com. (A) | Non Compos Mentis or Non Com. | Non Con. | Non Est. | Non mi Recordo | Non Plus ("no more" can be said on the subject) | Non Pros. | Non Sequitur (A) | Nonce. | Nonconformists. | Nones (1 syl.) | Nonjurors. | Nonne Prestes Tale. | Nor. | Norfolk. | Norfolk-Howards. | Norfolk Street (Strand) | Norma. | Normandy. | Norna. | Norna of the Fitful Head. | Nornir or Norns. | Norrisian Professor. | Norroy. | Norte. | North (Christopher) | North. | North-east Passage (The) | North Side of the Altar (The) | North Side of a Churchyard. | Northamptonshire Poet. | Northern Bear. | Northern Gate of the Sun. | Northern Lights. | Northern Wagoner (The) | Norval. | Norway (Maid of) | Nose. | Nose-bag (A) | Nose Literature. | Nose Tax (The) | Nose of Wax (A) | Nose Out of Joint. | Nosey. | Nosnot-Bocai [Bo-ky]. | Nostradamus (Michael) | Nostrum | Not | Not at Home. | Not Worth a Rap. | Not Worth a Rush. | Not Worth a Straw. | Not Worth Your Salt. | Notables (in French history) | Notarica. | Notary Public. | Notation or Notes. | | Note of Hand (A) | Nothing. | Notoriety. | Nottingham (Saxon, Snotingaham, place of caves) | Nottingham Lambs. | Nourmahal. | Nous (1 syl.) | Nous Avons Changé Tout Cela. | Novatians. | November 17. | Novum Organum. | Now-a-days. | Now-now. | Nowheres (2 syl.) | Noyades (2 syl.) | Nucta | Nude. | Nugget of Gold. | Nulla Linea. | Nulli Secundus Club. | Numa. | Numancia. | Number Nip. | Number One. | Number of the Beast. | Numbers (from 1 to 13) | Numbers. | Numbers. | Numbers. | Numbers. | Numerals. | Numero. | Numidicus. | Nunation. | Nunc Dimittis. | Nunc Stans. | Nuncupative Will. | Nunky pay for all. | Nuremberg Eggs. | Nurr and Spell | Nurse an Omnibus (To) | Nurseries. | Nursery Tales. | Nut. | Nuts of May. | Nuts. | Nut-brown Maid. | Nutcrack Night. | Nutcrackers. | Nutshell. | Nym (Corporal) | Nyse (2 syl.).


O. | O. | O. | O | O.H.M.S. | O. P. Riot (Old Price Riot) | O tempora! O mors! | O Yes! O Yes! O Yes! | Oaf. | Oak. | Oak and Ash. | Oak-tree. | Oaks (The) | Oaks Famous in Story. | Oakum. | Oannes. | Oar. | Oars. | Oasis. | Oath. | Oaths. | Oats. | Ob. and Sol. | Obadiah. | Obambou. | Obelisk. | Obelus. | Obermann. | Oberon. | Oberthal (Count) | Obidah. | Obidicut. | Oblism. | Obiter dictum (Latin) | Object | Obolus. | Obsequies | Obstacle Race (An) | Obstinate. | Obverse (The) | Oby. | | Occasion. | Occult Sciences. | Oceana. | Ochiltree (Edie) | Octavian. | Octavo. | Ocypus | Od. | Odd Numbers. | Odd and Even. | Odds or Ods | Odds. | Ode. | Odhærir. | Odin. | Odium Theologicum. | ODoherty (Sir Morgan) | Odor Lucri (Latin) | Odorico (in Orlando Furioso) | Odour. | Odour of Sanctity (In the) | Odrysium Carmen. | Odur. | Odyle (2 syl.) | Œdipus. | Œil. | Œil de Bœuf (L) | Off (Saxon, of; Latin, ab, from, away) | Off-hand. | Off his Head. | Off the Hooks. | Off with his Head! So much for Buckingham! | Offas Dyke | Og | Og | Oghams. | Oghris. | Ogier the Dane (2 syl.) | Ogleby (Lord) | Ogres | OGroat. | Ogygian Deluge. | Oi Polloi | Oignement de Bretaigne (French) | Oignons dEgypte. | Oil. | Oil of Palms. | Oil on Troubled Waters. | Oil the Knocker (To) | Ointment. | Olaf or Olave (St.) | Old Bags. | Old Blade (An) | Old Bonâ Fide. | Old Boots. | Old Dominion. | Old England. | Old Faith Men. | Old Fogs. | Old Fox. | Old Gentleman (The) | Old Glory. | Old Grog. | Old Hands | Old Harry. | Old Humphrey. | Old Mortality. | Old News. | Old Noll. | Old Nolls Fiddler. | Old Port School. | Old Reeky. | Old Rowley. | Old Salt (An) | Old Scratch. | Old Song. | Old Style-New Style. | Old Tom. | Old Women | Old World. | Old as Adam. | Old as Methuselah. | Old as the Hills. | Old Age Restored to Youth. | Old Dogs will not Learn New Tricks. | Old Lady of Threadneedle Street. | Old Man Eloquent. | Old Man of the Moon (The) | Old Man of the Mountain. | Old Man of the Sea. | Oldbuck. | Oldcastle (Sir John) | Oldenburg Horn. | Oldest Nation | Oleum Adde Camino. | Olibrius (An) | Olifaunt. | Oligarchy [olly-gar-ky]. | Olindo. | Olio or Oglio. | Olive (2 syl.) | Olive Branches. | Oliver. | Oliver or Olivier. | Olivetans. | Olivia. | Olla Podrida. | Ollapod. | Olympia (in Orlando Furioso) | Olympiad | Olympian Jove | Olympic Games. | Olympus. | OLynn (Brian) | Om. | Omans Sea. | Ombre. | Omega. | Omens. | Omeyinger Saga. | Omnibus. | Omnium (Latin, of all) | Omnium Gatherum. | Omorca. | Omphale (3 syl.) | On dit (French) | On the Loose. | On the Shelf. | One-horse System (A) | One - horse Universities. | One Step from the Sublime to the Ridiculous. | One too Many for Him (I was) | One Touch of Nature Makes the whole World Kin. | Onion Pennies. | Only (The) | Onslow | Onus (Latin) | | Onyx | Opal. | Opal of Alphonso XII. (of Spain) | Open Air Mission. | Open Question (An) | Open Secret (An) | Open, Sesamë. | Open the Ball (To) | Opinicus. | Opium-eater (The English) | Oppidan of Eton. | Optimë (plural, op-ti-ms) | Opus Majus. | Opus Operantis | Opus Operatum | Or Ever. | Oracle. | Oracle. | Oracle (Sir) | Oracle of the Church (The) | Oracle of the Holy Bottle, Bacbuc | Oracle of Sieve and Shears (The) | Oracles | Orange Lilies (The) | Orange Lodges | Orange Peel. | Orange-tawny. | Orange Blossoms Worn at Weddings. | Orangeman. | Orania. | Orator Henley. | Orbilian Stick (The) | Orc (in Orlando Furioso) | Orca. | Orchard | Orcus. | Ordeal (Saxon, great judgment) | Ordeal. | Order! | Order of the Cockle. | Order of the Day (The,) | Orders. | Orders of Architecture. | Ordigale. | Ordinary (An) | Ordinary (An) | Oread (plural, Orads [3 syl.] or Ore&acheck;des [4 syl.]) | Oreilles. | Orelio. | Orellana. | Orfeo and Heurodis. | Orgies (2 syl.) | Orgoglio (pron. Or-gole-yo) | Orgon. | Oriana. | Oriande [O-re-ond]. | Oriel. | Orientation. | Oriflamme (3 syl.) | Origenists. | Original Sin. | Orilo or Orillo (in Orlando Furioso, book viii.) | Orinda | Orion. | Orkborne (Dr.) | Orkneys. | Orlando. | Orlando Furioso. | Orlando Innamorato (Roland the paladin in love) | Orleans. | Ormandine (3 syl.) | Ormulum. | Ormusd or Ormuzd. | Oromasdes (4 syl.) | Oroöndats. | Orosius (General History of) | Orotalt | Orpheus (2 syl.) | Orpheus of Highwaymen. | Orrery. | Orsin. | Orsini (Maffio) | Orson. | Orthodox Sunday | Orts. | Ortus. | Ortwine (2 syl.) | Orvietan (3 syl.) | Os Sacrum. (See LUZ.) | Osbaldistone. | Oseway (Dame) | Osiris (in Egyptian mythology) | Osmand. | Osnaburg. | | Ossa. | Osseo. | Ossian. | Ostend Manifesto. | Oster-Monath. | Ostler | Ostracism. | Ostrich. | Ostrich Brains. | Ostrich Eggs in Churches. | Ostrich Stomachs. | Ostringers, Sperviters, Falconers. | Oswalds Well | | Other Day (The) | Othman, Osman, or Othoman | Otium cum Dig. [dignitate]. | Otos. | OTrigger (Sir Lucius) | Oui (French for "yes") | Out. | Out-Herod Herod (To) | Out and Out. | Out in the Fifteen-i.e. | Out in the Forty-five-i.e. | Out of Harness. | Out of Pocket. | Out of Sorts. | Out of the Wood. | Outis (Greek, nobody) | Outrigger. | Outrun the Constable. | Outworks | Ouzel. | Ovation. | Over. | Over | Over and Over Again. | Over Edom will I cast my Shoe (Psalm lx. 8; cviii. 9) | Over the Left. | Overdo (Justice) | Overreach (Sir Giles) | Overture. | Overy. | Ovid. | Owain (Sir) | Owen Meredith. | Owl. | Owl. | Owl-light. | Owl in an Ivy Bush (Like an) | Owl was a Bakers Daughter (The) | Owlery. | Owlglass (German, Eulenspiegel) | Ox. | Ox-eye. | Ox of the Deluge. | Oxford. | Oxford Blues. | Oxford Boat Crew. | Oxford Movement. | Oxford Stroke (in rowing) | Oxgang | Oyer and Terminer (Courts of) | Oyster. | Oyster. | Oyster Part (An) | Oyster and Huitre (French) | Oysters. | Oz. (for ounce).


P. | P. | P [alliterative]. | P.C. (patres conscripti) | P., P.P., P.P.P. (in music) | P.P.C. (pour prendre conge) | P.S. (post-scriptum) | Ps and Qs. | Pabana (The) or Peacock Dance. | Pacific Ocean (The) | Packing a Jury. | Pacolet. | Pactolus. | Padding. | Paddington Fair. | Paddle Your Own Canoe. | Paddock. | Paddi-whack | Paddy. | Padua | Paduasoy or Padësoy. | Pæan. | Pæan. | Pagan | Pagan Works of Art. | Page. | Page (Mr. and Mrs.) | Pagoda. | Paint. | Paint the Lion (To) | Painter. | Painter of the Graces. | Painter of Nature. | Painters and Artists. | Painting. | Pair Off. | Paishdadian Dynasty. | Paix. | Pal (A) | Palaee | Paladin. | Palæmon | Palais des Thermes. | | Palamon and Arcite (2 syl.) | Palatinate (4 syl.) | Pale. | Pale Faces. | Palemon. | Palermo Razors. | Pals. | Palestine Soup. | Palestra (3 syl.) | Palestrina or Pelestrina. | Paletot [pal-e-to]. | | Palinurus (in English, Palinure) | Palissy Ware. | Pall | Pall-bearers. | | Pallace | Palladium. | Pallas. | Pallet. | Palliate (3 syl.) | Palm. | Palm Off (To) | Palm Oil. | Palm Sunday. | Palm Tree | Palmer. | Palmerin of England. | Palmy Days. | Palsy. | Paludamentum. | Pam. | Pamela. | | Pamper | Pamphlet | Pamphyle (3 syl.) | Pan. | Panacea. | Panama. | Pancake (2 syl.) | Pancaste (3 syl.) | Pancras (St.) | Pandarus. | Pandects of Justinian (The) | Pandemonium (A) | Pander. | Pandoras Box (A) | Panel (A) | Pangloss (Dr.) | Panic. | Panjandrum. | Pantables. | Pantagruel. | Pantagruelion. | Pantagruelion Herb (The) | Pantaloon. | Pantechnicon. | Panthea | Panthea (Greek) | Pantheon. | Panther. | Panthera. | Pantile Shop. | Pantomime (3 syl.) | Panton Gates. | Pantry. (French, paneteric (2 syl.) | Panurge (2 syl.) | Panyer Stone (The) | Pap. | Papa, Father. | Papal Slippers (The) | Paper. | Paper a House (To) | Paper King. | Paper Marriages. | Paper-stainer (A) | Paphian. | Papimany. | Papyra. | Papyri. | Par. (A) | Par (At) | Paracelsists. | Paraclete. | Paradise. | Paradise Lost. | Paradise Regained (in four books) | Paradise Shoots. | Paradise of Fools. | Paradise and the Peri. | Parallel. | Paramatta. | Parapet. | | Parasite | Parc aux Cerfs [deer parks]. | Parcæ. | Parchment. | Pardon Bell. | Pardouneres Tale | Pari Passu. | Parian Chronicle. | Parian Verse. | Parias or Pariahs. | Paridel. | Paris | Paris-Garden. | Parish Registers. | Parisian. | Parisian Wedding (The) | Parisienne (La) | Parisina | Parizade (4 syl.) | Parkership. | Parks. | Parlance. | Parlement (French) | Parliament. | Parliament Soldiers. | Parliament of Bats (The) | Parliament of Dunces. | Parliamentarian (A) | Parlour (A) | Parlous. | Parmenianists. | Parmesan. | Parnassos (Greek), Parnassus (Latin) | Parochial. | Parody. | Parole (French) | Parolles (3 syl.) | Parr. | Parricide (3 syl.) | Parrot-coal. | Parsees | Parsley. | Parson | Parson Adams. | Parson Bate. | Parson Trulliber | Parsons (Walter) | Part. | Part. | Partant pour la Syrie. | Parthenia. | Parthenop (4 syl.) | Parthenopean Republic. | Parti (A) | Particular Baptists. | Particularists. | Parting. | Parting Cup (A) | Partington. | Partlet. | Partridge. | Partridges Day (St.) | Partula | Parturiunt Montes. | Party. | Party Spirit. | Parvenu (French) | Parvis (London) | Parviz [Victorious]. | Parysatis. | Pascals Thoughts. | Pasch Eggs (pron. Pask) | Pasha of Three Tails (A) | Pasque Eggs. | Pasquinade (3 syl.) | Pass. | Passe Brewell. | Passe-partout. | Passelourdin (3 syl.) | Passelyon. | Passing Bell (The) | Passing Fair. | Passing Rich. | Passion Flower. | Passionists. | Passover. | Passy-measure or Passing-measure. | Passy-measure Pavin. | Pasteboard. | Paston Letters. | Pastorale of Pope Gregory | Patavinity. | Patch. | Patch (To) | Patelin. | Patelinage. | Patent Rolls. | Pater Noster. | Pater Patrum. | Paternoster Row (London) | Pathfinder. | Patience cry the Lepers. | Patient (The) | Patient Grisel | Patin. | Patina. | Patmos (My) | Patois (2 syl.) | Patri-Passians. | Patrician | Patrick. | Patricks Cave (St.) | Patricks Cross (St.) | Patricks Grave (St.) | Patricks Monument (St.) | Patricks Purgatory (St.) | Patrick and the Serpent (St.) | Patrico or Pater-cove. | Patroclos. | Patten. | Pattens-Money (Chapins de la Reina) | Patter. | Pattern. | Pattieson (Mr. Peter) | Paul (St.) | Paul Pry. | Paul and Virginia. | Paul the Hermit (St.) | Paul of the Cross. | Pauls Man (A) | Pauls Pigeons. | Pauls Walkers. | Paulianists. | Paulicians. | Paulina | Paulo. | Pavan or Pavin. | Pavilion of Prince Ahmed (The) | Pwnbroker. | Pawnee. | Pax. | Pay (sea term) | Pay (To) | Pay (To) | Pay (To) | Pay off old Scores (To) | Pay with the Roll of the Drum (To) | Paynising. | Pea-jacket (A) | Peace. | Peace-makers (The) | Peace of Antalcidas (The) | Peace of God. | Peace with Honour. | Peaceful (The) | Peach. | Peacock. | Peacocks Feather Unlucky (A) | Peak (The) | Peal. | Pearl (The) | Pearl. | Pearl of the East. | Peasant Bard. | Peasant-boy Philosopher (The) | Peasants War (The) | Peascod. | Pec. | Peccavi. | Peck (A) | Pecker. | Peckham. | Pecksniff. | Peculiar. | Peculiars (The Court of) | Peculium. | Pecuniary. | Pedagogue (3 syl.) | Pedlar | Pedlars Acre (Lambeth) | Pedlars French. | Peebles. | Peel. | Peeler (A) | Peep. | Peep-o-Day Boys. | Peeping Tom of Coventry. | Peerage of the Apostles. | Peers of the Realm. | Peg or Peggy | Peg too Low (A) | Pegasos (Greek; Pegasus, Latin) | Pegg (Katharine) | Pegging Away (Keep) | Peine Forte et Dure. | Pelagianism. | Pelagius. | Pelf. | Pelias. | Pelican | Pelides. | Pelion. | Pell-mell. | Pellean Conqueror. | Pelleas (Sir) | Pells. | Pelops. | Pelorus. | Pelos [mud]. | Pelt | Pen Name | Pen and Feather | Penang Lawyers. | Penates (3 syl.) | Pencil of Rays. | Pendennis (Arthur) | Pendente Lite (Latin) | Pendragon. | Penelophon. | Penelva. | Penetralia. | Penfeather (Lady Penelope) | Peninsular War. | Penitential Psalms. | Penmanship. | Penmanship. | Pennals [pen-cases]. | Pennalism. | Pennant. | Penniless (The) | Penny (in the sense of pound) | Penny (A) | Penny-a-liner (A) | Penny Dreadfuls. | Penny-father (A) | Penny Gaff (A) | Penny Hop (A) | Penny Lattice-house (A) | Penny Pots. | Penny Readings. | Penny Saved (A) | Penny Weddings. | Penny Wise. | Pennyroyal. | Pennyweight. | Pennyworth or Penoth. | Pension | Pensioners | Pentacle. | Pentapolin. | Pentapolis. (Greek, pente polis.) | Pentateuch. | Pentecost (Greek, pentecostê, fiftieth) | Penthesilea. | Penthouse (2 syl.) | Pentreath (Dolly) | | People. | Peoples Charter (The) | Pepper. | Pepper Gate. | Pepper-and-Salt. | Peppercorn Rent (A) | Peppy Bap. | Per Saltum (Latin) | Perceforest (King) | Perceval (Sir) | Percinet. | Percy [pierce-eye]. | Perdrix, toujours Perdrix. | Père Duchêne. | Père la Chaise | Peregrine (3 syl.) | Peregrine Falcon (A) | Peregrine Pickle. | Perfectionists. | Perfide Albion! (French) | Perfume (2 syl.) | Perfumed Terms of the Time. | Peri (plur. PERIS) | Pericles | Pericles Boast. | Perillo Swords. | Perillos and the Brazen Bull. | Perilous Castle. | Perion. | Peripatetics. | Peris. | Perissa (excess or prodigality; Greek, Perissos) | Periwig. | Periwinkle. | Perk. | Perkunos. | Permian Strata. | Pernelle (Madame) | Perpendiculars. | Perpetual Motion. | Pers. | Persecutions (The ten great) | Persepolis | Persevere (3 syl.) | Persian Alexa&ncheck;der (The) | Persian Bucephalos (The) | Person (Latin, persona, a mask; personwtus, one who wears a mask, an actor) | Persona Grata (Latin) | Perth | Peru. | Peruvian Bark | Peruke or Periwig. | Pescecola. | Pessimist. | Petard. | Petaud. | Peter. | Peter Botte Mountain | Peter Parley. | Peter Peebles. | Peter-pence. | Peter Pindar. | Peter Porcupine. | Peter Wilkins | Peter of Provence | Peter the Great | Peter the Hermit (in Tasso) | Peter the Wild Boy | Peterboat. | Peterborough (Northamptonshire) | Peterloo. | Petit-Maître | Petit Serjeantry. | Petitio Principii (A) | Petitioners and Abhorrers. | Petrarch. | Petrified (3 syl.) | Petrobrussians or Petrobrusians. | Petronel. | Petruchio. | Petticoat. | Petticoat Government. | Petticoat and Gown. | Petto. | Petty Cury (Cambridge) | Peutingerian Map. | Peveril of the Peak. | Pewter. | Phædria [wantonness]. | Phaeton. | Phalanx. | Phalaris. | Phaleg | Phantom Ship. | Phaon. | Pharamond.


Pharaoh (2 syl.) | Pharaoh | Pharaoh who Knew not Joseph. | Pharaoh who made Joseph his Viceroy. | Pharaohs Chicken. | Pharaohs Daughter | Pharian Fields | | Pharos. | Pharsalia. | Pheasant. | Phebe (2 syl.) | Phelis | Phenomenon (plural, phenomena) | Phidias. | Phigalian Marbles. | Philadelphia Stones | Philander (in Orlando Furioso) | Philandering. | Philanthropist (The) | Philemon and Baucis | Philip. | Philip Nye (in Hudibras) | Philip Quarl. | Philippe Egalité. | Philippic. | Philippins. | | Philisides (4 syl.) | Philistines | Philistines (3 syl.) | Philistinism. | Phillis. | Philoclea | Philoctets. | Philomel or Philomela. | Philomelus. | Philopœmen | Philosopher. | Philosopher with the Golden Thigh. | Philosophers Egg (The) | Philosophers Stone. | Philosophers Tree (The) | Philosophers. | Philosophy. | Philotim. | Philoxenos of Cythra. | Philoxenos of Leucadia. | Philter (A) | Phineus (2 syl.) | Phiz | Phiz. | Phlegethon. | Phlegra | Phlogiston. | Phocensian Despair. | Phocion | Phœb. | Phœbus. | Phœnix. | Phœnix Alley (London) | Phœnix Park (Dublin) | Phœnix Period | Phœnix Theatre. | Phœnix Tree. | Phooka or Pooka. | Phorcos. | Phormio. | Phrygians. | Phryne (2 syl.) | Phylactery. | Phyllis. | Phyllis and Brunetta. | Phyllising the Fair. | Phynnodderee [the Hairy-one]. | Physician. | Physician or Fool. | Physician, heal Thyself. | Physignathos [one who swells the cheeks]. | Piarists | Pic-nic. | Picador (Spanish) | Picards. | Picaroon. | Picatrix. | Piccadilly (London) | Piccinists (1774-1780) | Pick. | Pick Straws (To) | Pick a Hole in his Coat (To) | Pickaninny. | Pickelherringe (5 syl.) | Pickers and Stealers. | Pickle. | Pickwick (Mr. Samuel) | Pickwickian. | Picrochole | Picts. | Picts Houses. | Picture. | Picture Bible. | Picture Galleries. | Pictures. | Pie. | Pie Corner (London) | Pie Poudre. | Piebald. | Pied de la Lettre (Au) | Pied Piper of Hamelin. | Pierre. | Pierrot [peer-ro]. | Piers. | Piers Plowman. | Pieta. | Pietists. | Pietro (2 syl.) | Pig (The) | Pig. | Pig-back, Picka-back | Pig-eyes. | Pig Hunt (A) | Pig-iron. | Pig and Tinderbox. | Pig and Whistle. | Pig in a Poke (A) | Pigs. | Pigskin (A) | Pigtails (The) | Pigeon (To) | Pigeon, Pigeons. | Pigeon-English or Pigeon-talk. | Pigeon-hole (A) | Pigeon-livered. | Pigeon Pair. | Pigg. | Piggy-wiggy or Piggy-whidden. | Pightel or Pightle. | Pigmy. | Piganey or Pigsnie. | Pigwiggin. | Pikes Head (A) | Pikestaff. | Pilate Voice. | Pilates Wife | Pilatus (Mount) | Pilch. | Pilcher. | Pilgarlic or Pilld Garlic (A) | Pilgrim Fathers (The) | Pilgrimage (3 syl.) | Pillar Saints | Pillar to Post. | Pillars of Heaven (The) | Pillars of Hercules (The) | Pillory. | Pilot | Pilot Balloon (A) | Pilot Fish. | Pilot that weathered the Storm (The) | Pilpay or Bidpay. | Pimlico (London) | Pimlico. | Pin (A) | Pin. | Pin Money. | Pinabello or Pinabel (in Orlando Furioso) | Pinchbeck. | Pindar. | Pindar and the Bees. | Pindar of Wakefield (George-a-Green) | Pindaric Verse. | Pinder. | Pindorus (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Pine-bender (The) | Pink (A) | Pink of Perfection (The) | | Piou-piou. | Pious (2 syl.) | Pip. | Pipe. | Pipe Rolls or Great Rolls of the Pipe. | Pipe of Peace. | Pipeclay. | Pipelet. | Piper. | Piper that Played before Moses (By the) | Pipers News or Hawkers News, Fiddlers News. | Piping Hot. | Pippa Passes. | Piræus. | Piries Chair. | Pirithoös. | Pis-aller (French) | Pisanio. | Pisos Justice. | Pistol. | Pistols. | Pistris, Pistrix, Pristis, or Pristrix. | Pit-a-pat. | Pitch. | Pitch and Pay. | Pitch into Him. | | Pithos. | Pitri (plur. PITARAS) | Pitt Diamond or The Regent. | Pitts Mark. | Pitts Pictures or Billy Pitts Pictures. | Pittacus (Greek, Pittakos) | Pittance. | Pixies (2 syl.) | Pixy-led (Devonshire), Poake-ledden (Worcestershire) | Place aux Dames. | Placebo. | Plagiarist | Plain (The) | Plain Dealer (The) | Plan of Campaign (The) | Planets. | Planet-struck. | Plank (A) | Plank. | | Plate (A) | Platen | Plates or Plates of Meat. | Platform | Plato. | Plato and the Bees. | Platos Year. | Platonic Bodies. | Platonic Love. | Platonic Puritan (The) | Platonism. | Platter with Two Eyes (A) | Play. | Play the Deuce. | Played Out. | Playing to the Gods. | Please the Pigs. | Pleased as Punch. | Pleasure. | Plebeians. | Plebiscite (3 syl.) | Pledge. | Pleiades (3 syl.) | Plét | Pleydell (Mr. Paulus) | Pliable. | Pliny. | Plinys Doves. | Plith. | Plon-plon. | Plot | Plotcock. | Plough. | Plough Monday. | Plover. | Plowden. | Plowman. | Pluck. | Pluck his Goose. | Plucked Pigeon (A) | Plugson of Undershot. | Plum. | Plume Oneself (To) | Plumes. | Plumper (A) | Plunger. | Plus Ultra. | Plush (John) | Pluto. | Pluto. | Plutonic Rocks. | Plutus. | Plymouth Brethren. | Plymouth Cloak (A) | Pocahontas. | Pocket (diminutive of poche, a pouch) | Pocket an Insult (To) | Pocket Borough (A) | Pocket Judgment (A) | Pocket Pistol (A) | Pocket Pistol (Queen Besss) | Poco | Pococurante (5 syl.) | Pococurantism. | Podgers. | Podsnap. | Podsnappery. | Poe (Edgar Allan) | Poet Squab. | Poets (Greek, poieo, to make) | Poets Corner (The) | Poetaster. | Poetical. | Poetical Justice. | Poetry on the Greek Model. | Pogram. | Poille. | Poins. | Point. | Point-blank. | Point dAppui (French) | Point de Judas (French) | Point-devise. | Points. | Points of the Escutcheon. | Poison. | Poison Detectors. | Poison of Khaïbar | Poisoners (Secret) | Poisson dAvril. | Poke. | Poke. | Poke. | Poke Bonnet. | Poker. | Poker Pictures. | Poker Talk. | Pokers. | Poky. | Polack. | Polarisation of Light | Poleas (2 syl.) | Poles. | Polichinelle. | Polinesso (in Orlando Furioso) | Polish off. | Political Economy. | Polixene (3 syl.) | Polixenes (4 syl.) | Poll. | Poll Degree. | Poll Men. | Pollent. | Pollio | Pollux. | Polly. | Polonius. | Polony. | Polt-foot. | Poltron. | Poltroon. | Polybotes (4 syl.) | Polycletus. | Polycrates (4 syl.) | Polycrates Ring. | Polycraticon | Polydamás. | Polydore (3 syl.) | Polypheme (3 syl.) | Poma Alcinoo Dare (2 syl.) | Pomatum. | Pommard (French) | Pommel. | Pomona. | Pompadour | Pompey. | Pompeys Pillar | Pompilia. | Pongo. | Ponocrats (4 syl.) | Pons Asinorum. | Pontefract Cakes. | Pontiff | Pontius Pilates Body-Guard. | Pony (A) | Poona. | Poor. | Poor Jack or John (A) | Poor Man. | Poor Richard. | | Poorer than Irus ("Iro pauperior") | Pop the Question (To) | Pope | Pope (1 syl.) | Pope. | Pope. | Pope Joan. | Popes Sermon (A) | Popes Tiara (The) | Popefigland. | Popinjay. | Popish Plot. | Poplar (The) | Porcelain (3 syl.) | Porch (The) | Porcupine. | Porcus. | Porcus Literarum. | Pork! Pork! | Pork, Pig. | Porphyrion. | Porridge. | Port | Port Royal Society. | Port Wine. | Porte (The) | Porteous Riot. | Portia. | Portland Stone. | Portland Vase. | Portmanteau Word (A) | Portobello Arms. | Portsoken Ward (London) | Portuguese (3 syl.) | Poser. | Posse. | Posse Comitatus (Latin) | Posset | Post | Post Factum (Latin) | Post Meridian (Latin) | Post-mortem (Latin) | Post-mortem Degree (A) | Post Obit. | Poste Restante (French) | Posted. | Posteriori. | Posthumus (Leonatus) | Posting-Bills. | Posy | Pot. | Pot-boilers. | Pot Paper. | Pot-Pourri (French) | Pot Valiant. | Pot-de Bière. | Pot of Hospitality (The) | Potage (Jean) | Potato-bogle. | Potato-bury (A) | Poteen (pron. pu-teen) | Pother | Pothooks. | Potiphars Wife. | Pots. | Potwallopers | Poult, a young turkey. Pullet | Pound. | Pound of Flesh. | Poundtext (Peter) | Pourceaugnac (Monsieur de) (pron. Poor-sone-yak) | Poussin. | Pouting Place of Princes (The) | Poverty … Love. | Powder. | Poynings Law | P.P., Clerk of this Parish. | Præmonstratensian Monks. | Præmunire. | Pragmatic Sanction. | Prairie Fever (The) | Prating Sophists. | Prayer-book Parade. | Praying-wheels. | Pre-Adamites. | Pre-Raphaelites. | Preacher (The) | Prebend | Precarious | Preceptor. | Précieuses Ridicules (in Molières comedy so called) | Preciosa. | Precious Stones. | | Prelate | Preliminary Canter (A) | Premier Pas. | Premonstratensian | Prendre un Rat par la Queue. | Prepense (2 syl.) | Preposterous | Presbyterian. | Prescott. | Presents. | Preserver [Sotr]. | Press-money and Press-men | Prester John | Presto. | Preston and his Mastiffs. | Pretender. | Pretext. | Prettyman (Prince) | Prevarication. | Prevent. | Previous Question. | Priam. | Priamond. | Priapus,


Prick-eared. | Prick the Garter. | Pride | Pride of the Morning. | Prides Purge. | Pridwen. | Pridwin. | Priest … Knight. | Priest of the Blue-bag. | Prig. | Prima Donna (Italian) | Primary Colours. | Prime (1 syl.) | Primed. | Primero. | Primitive Fathers (The) | Primum Mobile | Primus. | Prince. | Prince of Wales (The) | Prince Ruperts Drops. | Princes Peers. | Princox or Princocks. | Prink. | Printers Devil. | Printers Marks. | Printing. | Priori. | Priscians Head. | Priscillianists. | Prisoner at the Bar. | Prisoner of Chillon. | Prithu. | Priuli. | Privolvans. | Privy Council. | Privy Seal. | Pro and Con. (Latin) | Pro Tanto. | Pro Tempore (3 syl.) | Probate of a Will. | Probole (3 syl.) | Procession of the Black Breeches. | Proclaim on the Housetop. | Proclivity. | Procris. | Procrustes Bed. | Procrustean. | Prodigal. | Prodigy. | Profane | Profile (2 syl.) | Profound (The) | Prog. | Progne or Prokne. | Progress. | Projection. | Proletaire (3 syl.) | Proletariat. | Prometheus (3 syl.) | Promethean. | Promethean Fire. | Promethean Unguent (The) | Prometheans. | Promise of Odin (The) | Promised Land | Pronesia (in Orlando Furioso) | Proof. | Proof Prints. | Proof Spirit. | Prooshan Blue (My) | Propaganda. | Proper Names used as Common Nouns. | Property Plot (The) | Prophesy upon Velvet (To) | Prophet (The) | Prophetess (The) | Propositions | Props | Prorogue (2 syl.) | Pro.s. | Proscenium | Proscription. | Prose | Prose. | Proselytes (3 syl.) | Proserpina or Proserpine (3 syl.) | Proserpines Divine Calidore. | Prosperity Robinson. | Prospero. | Protagoras of Abdera | Protean. | Protectionist. | Protector. | Protesilaos | Protestant. | Proteus (pron. Pro-tuce) | Proteus. | Prothalamion. | Proto-martyr. | Protocol. | Protoplasm, Sarcode. | Protozoa. | Proud (The) | Proudfute (Oliver) | Prout. | Province | Provincial. | Prudent Tree (The) | Prudhomme. | Prunello. | Prussia | Prussian Blue. | Prussic Acid | Psalm cv. 28. | Psalms. | Psalmist. | Psalter of Tara (The) | Psaphons Birds (Psaphonis aves) | Psycarpax [granary thief]. | Psyche [Syke]. | Psychography. | Ptolemaic System. | Public. | Public-house Signs. | Publicans of the New Testament | Pucelle (La) | Puck or Robin Goodfellow. | Pucka | Pudding. | Pudding-time | Pudens. | Puff. | Puff-ball. | Puffed Up. | Pug | Pugna Porcorum (Battle of the Pigs) | Puisne Judges | Pukwana (North American Indian) | Pull. | Pull Bacon (To) | Pull Devil, Pull Baker. | Pulling. | Pumblechook (Uncle) | Pummel or Pommel. | Pun | Pun and Pickpocket. | Punch | Punch. | Punctual. | Punctuality. | Punctuation. | Pundit. | Punic Apple. | Punic Faith. | Punish a Bottle (To) | Punjab [five rivers]. | Pup | Purbeck (Dorsetshire) | Purgatory. | Puritani (I) | Puritans. | Purkinges Figures. | Purler (A) | Purlieu (2 syl.) | Purple (blue and red) | Purple (Promotion to the) | Purpure [purple]. | Pursy, Pursiness. | Pururavas and Urvasi. | Puseyite (3 syl.) | Puss. | Puss in Boots [Le Chat Botté] | Put. | Put the Cart before the Horse. | Put up the Shutters (To) | Putney and Mortlake Race. | Putting on Frills (American) | Putting on Side. | Pygmalion. | Pygmies (2 syl.) | Pylades and Orestes. | Pyramid. | Pyramus. | Pyrocles and Musidorus. | Pyrodes (3 syl.) | Pyrrha. | Pyrrhic Dance | Pyrrho. | Pyrrhonian School (The) | Pyrrhonism. | Pythagoras | Pythagorean System. | Pythian Games. | Pythias. |


Q. | Q.E.F. | Q.P. | Q.S. | Q.V. (Latin, quantum vis) | Quack or Quack Doctor; | Quacks. | Quad. | Quadra. | Quadragesima Sunday. | Quadragesimals. | Quadrilateral. | Quadrille (2 syl., French) | Quadriloge (3 syl.) | Quadroon. | Quadruple Alliance of 1674. | Quæstio Vexata. | Quail. | Quaint | Quaker. | Qualm. | Quandary. | Quanquam or Cancan. | Quarll (Philip) | Quarrel. | Quarrel. | Quarrel with your Bread and Butter (To) | Quarry (A) | Quarry. | Quart dHeure (Mauvais) | Quarter. | Quarter-days in England and Ireland:- | Quarter Waggoner. | Quarters. | Quarterdeck. | Quartermaster. | Quartered. | Quarto. | Quarto-Decimans | Quashee. | Quasi (Latin) | Quasimodo. | Quasimodo Sunday. | Quassia. | Quatorziennes (fourteeners) | Queen. | Queen (The White) | Queen Anne is Dead. | Queen Annes Bounty. | Queen Annes Style (of architecture) | Queen Consort. | Queen Dick. | Queen Dowager. | Queen Passion (The Great) | | Queen Regnant. | Queen-Square Hermit. | Queen of Hearts. | Queen of Heaven | Queen of the Dripping-pan. | Queen of the Eastern Archipelago. | Queen of the May. | Queen of the North. | Queen of the Northern Seas. | Queens Bench | Queens College (Oxford) | Queens Day. | Queens English (The) | Queens Heads. | Queens Pipe (The) | Queens Ware. | Queens Weather. | Queenhithe (London) | Queer. | Queer Card (A) | Queer Chap | Queer Street. | Quency. | Querelle dAllemand. | Quern-Biter. | Querno. | Querpo (2 syl.) | Questa Cortesissima (Italian) | Questa Gentilissima (Italian) | Question. | Questionists. | Questions and Commands. | Queubus. | Queue. | Queux. | Quey Calves are dear Veal. | Qui. | Qui sExcuse, sAccuse. | Qui-Tam. | Qui Vive? (French) | Quia Emptores. | Quibble. | Quick. | Quick Sticks (In) | Quickly (Dame) | Quicksand | Quickset | Quicksilver | Quid | Half a Quid | Quids | Quid Libet. | Quid of Tobacco. | Quid pro Quo. | Quid Rides. | Quiddity. | Quidnunc. | Quidnunkis. | Quietist (A) | Quietus. | Quill-drivers. | Quillet. | Quilp. | Quinapalus. | Quinbus Flestrin. | Quince (Peter) | Quinones (Suero de) | Quinquagesima Sunday (Latin, fiftieth) | Quinsy. | | Quintilians. | Quip Modest (The) | Quis custodiet Custodes? | Quisquiliæ. | Quit. | Quit Rent. | Quixada (Gutierre) | Quixote (Don) | Quixote of the North. | Quixotic. | Quiz. | Quo Warranto. | Quod. | Quodling (The Rev. Mr.) | Quondam (Latin) | Quos Ego. | Quot. | Quota (Latin) | Quotem (Caleb).


R | R | R.A.P. | R.I.P. | R.M.T. | Rabagas. | Rabbi Abron of Trent. | Rabbi Bar-Cochba | Rabbit. | Rabelais. | Rabelais Dodge. | Rabelaisian Licence. | Rabicano or Rabican. | Raboin or Rabuino (French) | Rabsheka | Raby (Aurora) | Races. | Races (Lengths run) | Rachaders. | Rache. | Rack. | Rack-rent. | Rack and Manger. | Rack and Ruin. | Racket. | Racy. | Racy Style. | Radcliffe Library (Oxford) | Radegaste. | Radegund. | Radevore (3 syl.) | Radical. | Radiometer. | Radit Usque ad Cutem. | Rag. | Rag (The) | Rag-water. | Rags of Antisthenes. | Rags and Jags. | Ragamuffin (French, maroufle) | Ragged Robin. | Raghu. | Ragman Roll | Ragnarok [twilight of the gods]. | Ragout | Rahu. | Rail. | Railway Abbreviations. | Railway King. | Railway Signals. | Railways. | Rain. | Rain Gauge. | Rainbow. | Rainbow Chasers. | Raining Tree (The) | Rainy Day (A) | Raise the Wind. | Rajah. | Rake. | Rakshas. | Rakush. | Raleigh. | Rally | Ralph or Ralpho. | Ralph Roister Doister. | Ram. | Ram Feast (The) | Ram and Teazle (The) | Ram of the Zodiac (The) | Rams Horn (A) | Rama. | Rama-Yana. | Ramadan. | Rambouillet. | Ramee Samee. | Rameses (3 syl.) | Ramiel (2 syl.) | Raminagobris. | Rampallian. | Ramsay the Rich. | Ramsbottom (Mrs.) | Rana. | Randem-Tandem. | Random (Roderick) | Rank and File. | Rank distinguished by Colour. | Ranks. | Rantipole (3 syl.) | Ranz des Vaches. | Rap. | Rape (1 syl.) | Rape of the Lock. | Raphael. | Raphael of Cats (The) | Rapparee. | Rappee. | Rara Avis (Latin, a rare bird) | Rare Ben. | Raree Show. | Rascal. | Rascal Counters. | Rasher. | Rashleigh Osbaldistone. | Rasiel. | Raspberry. | Rasselas. | Rat. | Rat (To) | Rat (Un) | Rat, Cat, and Dog. | Rat-killer. | Ratatosk. | Ratten (To) | Rattlin (Jack) | Raul. | Ravana | Ravelin (The) or demi-lune | Raven. | Ravenglass (Cumberland) | Ravenstone. | Ravenswood (Allan, Lord of) | Raw. | Raw Lobster (A) | Rawhead and Bloody-Bones. | Raymond (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Rayne (or Raine (Essex) | Razed Shoes | Razee (raz-za) | Razor. | Razzia. | Re (Latin) | Reach | Read between the Lines. | Reade or Read (Simon) | Reader. | Ready (The) | Ready-to-Halt. | Real Jam. | Real Presence. | Rear-mouse or Rere-mouse. | Reason. | Rebecca. | Rebeccaites (4 syl.) | Rebellion (The) | Rebus (Latin, with things) | Reception (To get a) | Rechabites (3 syl.) | Receipt | Recipe (3 syl.), Receipt. | Reck his own Rede (To) | Reckon (I) | Reckoning without your Host. | Reclaim (2 syl.) | Recorded. | Recreant | Rector. | Reculer pour Mieux Sauter. | Reculver. | Red. | Red | Red Basque Cap. | Red Book. | Red Book of the Exchequer (The) | Red Boots. | Red-breasts. | Red Button (A) | Red Cap (Mother) | Red Coats | Red Cock. | Red Comyn. | Red Cross (The) | Red Cross Knight | Red Feathers (The) | Red Flag (A) | Red-handed. | Red Hat (The) | Red Heads. | | | Red Indians (of Newfoundland) | Red Kettle (A) | Red-laced Jacket. | Red Land (The) | Red-lattice Phrases. | Red Laws (The) | Red-letter Day. | Red Man. | Red Men. | Red Rag (The) | Red Republicans. | Red Rose Knight (The) | Red Rot (The) | Red Sea. | Red-shanks. | Red Snow | Red Tape. | Red Tape. | Red Tapism. | Red Tincture. | Redan. | Redder (The) | Redding-straik (A) | Redgauntlet. | Redgauntlet. | Redlaw (Mr) | Redmain. | Redmond ONeale. | Reductio ad Absurdum. | Reduplicated or Ricochet Words | Ree. | Reed. | Reed Shaken by the Wind (A) | Reef. | Reekie (Auld) | Reel. | Reel. | Reeves Tale. | Refresher. | Refreshments | Regale (2 syl.) | Regan and Goneril. | Regatta (Italian) | Regent (The) | Regents Park (London) | Regime de la Calotte. | Regiment de la Calotte. | Regina (St.) | Regiomontanus. | Regium Donum (Latin) | Regius Professor. | Regulars (The) | Rehoboam (A) | Rehoboam. | Reign of Terror. | Reimkennar (A) | Reins. | Reins (The) | Reldresal. | Relics. | Relief (The) | Rem Acu. | Remember. | Remigius (St.) | Remis atque Velis (Latin) | Renaissance (French) | Renaissance Period (The) | Renard. | Renarder (French) | Renata. | Renaud. | | Rendezvous. | René (2 syl.) | René Leblanc. | Repartee | Repenter Curls. | Reply Churlish (The) | Reproof Valiant (The) | Republican Queen. | Republicans. | Resolute (The) | Rest (The) | Rest on Ones Oars. | Restive (2 syl.) | Restorationists. | Resurrection Men. | Resurrection Pie | Retiarius. | Retort Courteous (The) | Reuben Dixon. | Reveillé [re-vay-ya]. | Revenons à nos Moutons. | Reverend. | Revetments | Review. | Revise (2 syl.) | Revival of Letters in England | Revival of Painting and Sculpture | Revoke (2 syl.) | Revulsion (in philosophy) | Rewe. | Reynard the Fox. | Reynardine (3 syl.) | Reynold of Montalbon. | Rezio. | Rhadamanthos. | Rhampsinitos. | Rhapsody | Rhene (1 syl.) | Rhine or Rhineland. | Rhino. | Rhodalind. | Rhodian Bully (The) | Rhodian Law. | Rhone. | Rhopalic Verse (wedgs-verse) | Rhyme. | Rhymer. | Rhyming to Death. | Ribaldry | Ribbon Dodge (The) | Ribbonism. | Ribston Pippin. | Ricardo | Ricciardetto. | Rice Christians. | Rice thrown after a Bride. | Rich as Crœsus. | Rich as a Jew. | Richard Cœur de Lion. | Richard II.s Horse. | Richard III.s Horse. | Richard Roe. | Richard is Himself again. | Richard of Cirencester. | Richarda | Richborough, Richeboro, or Ratesburgh (a Roman fort in the time of Claudius) | Rick Mould. | Rickety Stock. | Ricochet [rikko-shay]. | Riddle. | Riddle of Claret (A) | Ride. | Ride for a Fall (To) | Ride up Holborn Hill (To) | Rider. | Riderhood (Rogue) | Ridicule (Father of) | Riding [of Yorkshire]. | Ridolphus (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Ridotto (Italian) | Rienzi (Nicolò Gabrini) | Rif of Rifie (French) | Riff-raff. | Rifle | Rift in the Lute (A) | Rig. | Rig-Marie. | Rigadoon. | Rigdum Funnidos | RightFoot. | Right Foot Foremost. | Right Hand. | Right as a Trivet. | Right of Way (The) | Rights. | Riglet. | Rigol. | Rigolette (3 syl.) | Rigoletto. | Rigwoodie. | Rile. | Rimer. | Rimfaxi [Frost-mane]. | Rimmon. | Rimthursar. | Rinaldo (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Ring. | Ring. | Ring (The) | Ring. | Ring. | Ring Down. | Ring Finger. | Ring Posies | Ring a Ding-ding. | Ring in the Ear. | Ring of Invisibility (The) | Ring Ones Own Bell (To) | Rings Noted in Fable. | Ringing Changes. | Ringing the Changes. | Ringing Island. | | Riot. | Rip (A) | Rip. | Rip Van Winkle | Ripaille. | Riphean or Rhiphæan Rocks. | Ripon. | Riquet with a Tuft | Rise. | Rising in the Air. | Rivals. | River Demon or River Horse | River of Paradise. | River Flowing from the Ocean Inland. | Rivers. | Roach. | Road. | Road or Roadstead | Road-agent. | Roads. | Roan. | Roan Barbary. | Roarer. | Roaring Boys or Roarers. | Roaring Forties (The) | Roaring Game (The) | Roaring Trade. | Roast. | Roasting One. | Rob. | Rob Roy [Robert the Red]. | Robber. | Robbing Peter to pay Paul. | Robert. | Robert François Damiens | Robert Macaire. | Robert Street (Adelphi; London) | Robert le Diable. | Robert the Devil. | Robert of Brunne | Roberts Men. | Robespierres Weavers. | Robin Goodfellow. | Robin Gray (Auld) | Robin Hood | Robin Hood Wind (A) | Robin Mutton (A) | Robin Redbreast. | Robin and Makyne (2 syl.) | Robin of Bagshot. | Robinson Crusoe. | Robinsonians. | Roc. | Roch (St.) | Roche. | Rochelle Salt. | Roches (Catharine des) | Rochester | Rock. | Rock ahead (A) | Rock Cork. | Rock Crystal. | Rock Day. | Rococo. | Rococo Architecture. | Rococo Jewellery | Rod. | Rod-men. | Rod in Pickle (A) | Roderick | Roderick Random. | Roderigo. | Rodhaver. | Rodilardus. | Rodolpho (Count) | Rodomont | Rodomontade (4 syl.) | Rodrigo [Rod-ree-go] or Roderick. | Rogation Days. | Rogation Week | Rogel of Greece. | Roger. | Rogero, Ruggiero, or Rizieri | Rogue Ingrain (A) | Roi Panade [King of Slops]. | Roland | Roland de Vaux (Sir) | Rolandseck Tower | Roll. | Rolls [Chancery Lane, London]. | Rolling Stone. | Rollrich or Rowldrich Stones | Roly-poly (pron. rowl-y powl-y) | Romaic. | Roman (The) | Roman Birds. | Roman Remains in England. | Roman de Chevalier de Lyon | Roman des Romans. | Romance. | Romanesque (3 syl.) | Romanic or Romance Languages. | Romanism. | Romantic School. | Romanus (St.) | Romany. | Rome. | Rome. | Rome of the West. | Rome was not Built in a Day. | Romes best Wealth is Patriotism. | | Romulus. | Ron or Rone. | Ronald. | Roncesvalles (4 syl.) | Rondo. | Rone (1 syl.) | Ronyon or Ronion. | Rood Lane (London) | Rood-loft (The) | Roodselken.


Rook (A) | Rooks Hill (Lavant, Chichester) | Rookery (3 syl.) | Rooky Wood (The) | Room. | Roost. | Roost. | Rope. | Rope. | Rope. | Rope-dancer (The) | Rope-dancers. | Rope-walk [barristers slang]. | Ropes. | Ropes. | Ropes. | Roper. | Roque (1 syl.) | Roque Guinart. | Roquelaure. | Rory OMore. | Ros-crana. | Rosa (Salvator) | Rosabelle. | Rosalia or St. Rosalie. | | Rosaline (3 syl.) | Rosamond (Fair) | Rosana. | Rosary [the rose article]. | Rosciad. | Roscius. | Rose. | Rose. | Rose. | Rose (in Christian art) | Rose for Rose-noble. | Rose Sunday. | Rose of Raby (The) | Roses. | | Rosemary Lane (London) | Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. | Rosetta (Africa) | Rosetta Stone (The) | Rosicrucians. | Ross (Celtic) | Rosse (2 syl.) | Rossel. | Rossignol (French) | Rostrum. | Rota or Rota Men. | Rota Aristotelica (Aristotles wheel) | Rota Romana. | Rote. | Rothschild [Red Shield]. | Rotundity of the Belt (Washington Irving) | Roué. | Rouen. | Rouge (A) | Rouge Croix. | Rouge Dragon. | Rouge et Noir (French, red and black) | Rough-hewn. | Rough Music | Rough-shod. | Rough and Ready. | Rough and Ready. | Roughs (The) | Rouncival. | Round. | Round (To) | Round Dealing. | Round Numbers (In) | Round Peg. | Round Sum. | Round Table. | Round as a Ball; | Roundabout (A) | Roundheads. | Roundle | Rounfi. | Rouse (A) | Rousing. | Rout (A) | Routiers. | Rove (1 syl.) | Row (rhyme with now) | Rowdy (rhyme with cloudy) | Rowena. | Rowland. | Rowley (Thomas) | Rowned in the Ear. | Roxburghe Club | Roy (Le) [or la Reine] savisera. | Royal Arms | Royal Goats (The) | Royal Merchant. | Royal Road to Learning. | Royal Titles. | Royston (Herts) | Rozinante (4 syl.) | Ruach. | Rub. | Rubber of Whist (A) | Rubens Women. | Rubi. | Rubicon. | Rubonax. | Rubric | Ruby. | Ruby (The) | Ruby (The Perfect) | Ruchiel. | Rudder. | Ruddock. | Ruddy-mane [Bloody-hand]. | Rudge (Barnaby) | Rudiger (3 syl.) | Rudolphine Tables (The) | Rudolstadt (La Comtesse de) | Rudra. | Rue | Rue | Rue. | Ruffe (1 syl.) | Ruffian Hall. | Rufus (The Red) | Ruggiero. | Rukenaw (Dame) | Rule (St.) or St. Regulus | | Rule Nisi. | Rule of Thumb (The) | Rule of the Road (The) | Rule the Roost (To) | Rum. | Ruminate (3 syl.) | Rumolt. | Rump-fed | Rump Parliament. | | Rumping Dozen. | Run. | Run Amuck. | Run a Rig (To) | Run Riot (To) | Run Thin (To) | Run a Man Down (To) | Run of the House (The) | Runs. | Runs may Read (He that) | Running. | Running Footman. | Running Leather. | Running Thursday. | Running Water. | Running the Hood. | | Runes. | Runic Rhymes. | Runic Wands. | Runnymede. | Rupee. | Rupert of Debate. | Ruperts Balls | Ruperts Head (Sir) | Rush. | Rush-bearing Sunday. | Rushvan. | Ruskinese (3 syl.) | Russ. | Russel. | Russia. | Russian. | Rustam. | Rusty. | Rusty-Fusty. | Ruydera. | Ry. | Rye-house Plot. | Rykell (John) | Rykelot. | Rymar (Mr. Robert) | Ryme. | Ryot. | Ryparographer (Greek) | Rython.



S. | S.P.Q.R. | S.S. Collar. | S.S.S. (Latin stratum super stratum) | S.T.P. | Saadia (Al) | Sabbath Days Journey (Exodus xvi. 29; Acts i. 12) | Sabbath of Sound (The) | Sabbathians. | Sabbatical Year. | Sabeans. | Sabeanism. | Sabeism | Sabellians. | Sabiens | Sable | Sable black. | Sablonnière (La) | Sabra. | Sabreur. | Sabrina (Latin) | Saccharine Principle in Things (The) | Saccharissa. | Sacco Benedetto or Saco Bendito [the blessed sack or cloak]. | Sachem. | Sachentege (3 syl.) | Sack. | Sack. | Sack Race (A) | Sackbut. | Sackerson. | Sacrament. | Sacramentarians. | Sacred Anchors | Sacred City. | Sacred Heart. | Sacred Isle | Sacred War. | Sacred Way (The) | Sacred Weed (The) | Sacrifice. | Sacrifice to the Graces | Sacring Bell. | Sacripant. | Sad Bread (Latin, pavis gravis) | Sad Dog (Hes a) | Sadah. | Sadda. | Sadder and a Wiser man (A) | Saddle. | Saddletree (Mr. Bartoline) | Sadducees. | Sadi or Saadi. | Sadlers Wells (London) | Sadlerian Lectures. | Sæhrimnir [Sza-rim-ner]. | Safa | Safety Matches. | Saffron. | Saffron Veil. | Saga (plural Sagas) | Sagan of Jerusalem | Sages (The Seven) | Sagittarius | Sagittary. | Sagramour le Desirus. | Sahib (in Bengalee, Saheb) | Sail. | Sail before the Wind (To) | Sailing under False Colours. | Sailing within the Wind or Sailing close to the Wind. | Sailor King. | Saint. | St. Bees College (Cumberland) | St. Cecilia | St. Cuthberts Duck. | St. Distaff. | St. Elmo | St. Francis. | St. Georges Cross | St. John Long. | St. Johns Eve, St. Marks Eve, and Allhallow Even | St. Johnstones Tippet. | St. Leger Sweepstakes. | St. Leon | St. Lundi (La) | St. Michaels Chair. | St. Monday. | St. Simonism. | St. Stephens. | St. Stephens Loaves. | St. Thomass Castle. | St. Wilfrids Needle | Saints. | Saivas (2 syl.) | Saker. | Sakhrat [Sak-rah]. | Sakta. | Sa-kuntala. | Sakya-Muni. | Sal Prunella. | Salacacabia or Salacacaby of Apicius. | Salace (3 syl.) | Salamander | Salamanders Wool. | Salary. | Salchichon. | Sale by the Candle. | Salem | Salic Law. | Saliens (The) | Salient Angles | Salisbury Cathedral. | Salisbury Craigs. | Sallee. | Sallust of France. | Sally. | Sally Lunn. | Sallyport. | Salmacis. | Salmagundi. | Salmon (Latin, salmo, to leap) | Salmon | Salmoneus (3 syl.) | Salsabil. | Salt. | Salt. | Salt Bread or Bitter Bread. | Salt-cellar (A) | Salt Hill (Eton) | Salt Junk. | Salt Lake. | Salt Ring. | Salt River. | Salt an Invoice (To) | Salt in Beer. | Salt in a Coffin. | Salt Losing its Savour. | Salt on His Tail (Lay) | Saltarello | Saltpetre (French, saltpetre) | Salute (2 syl.) | Salutations. | Salve (1 syl.) | Salve (2 syl.) | Sam. | Sam Weller. | Samael. | Samanides (3 syl.) | Samaria | Samaritan. | Sambo. | Samedi (French) | Samian. | Samian Letter (The) | Samian Sage (The) | Samiasa. | Samiel | Samiel Wind, or Simoom. | Sammael. | Samoor. | Samosatian Philosopher. | Sampford Ghost (The) | Sampi. | Sampler. | Sampson. | Samson. | Samson Carrasco. | San Benito (The) | San Christobal. | San Suena. | Sance-bell. | Sancha. | Sancho Panza. | Sanchoniatho. | Sanctum Sanctorum. | Sancy Diamond. | Sand (George) | Sand. | Sand-blind. | Sand-man is about (The) | Sands. | Sandabar. | Sandal. | Sandals of Theramenes (4 syl.) | Sandalphon. | Sandalwood. | Sandbanks. | Sandemanians or Glassites. | Sanden [sandy-den]. | Sandford and Merton. | Sandjar. | Sandschaki or Sandschaki-sherif [the standard of green silk]. | Sandwich. | Sang Bleu. | Sang Froid (French, "cool blood") | Sangaree. | Sanglamore (3 syl.) | Sanglier (Sir) | Sangrado (Dr.) | Sangreal. | Sanguine [murrey]. | Sanguinary James (A) | Sanhedrim. | Sanjaksherif. | Sans Culottes (French, without trousers) | Sans Culottides. | Sans Peur et Sans Reproche. | Sans Souci (French) | Sanscara. | Sansfoy [Infidelity]. | Sansjoy [Without the peace of God]. | Sansloy [Irreligion] | Sansonetto (in Orlando Furioso) | Santa Casa (Italian, the holy house) | Santa Claus or Santa Klaus. | Saophron. | Sapphics. | Sappho of Toulouse. | Saracen Wheat (French, Blé-sar-rasin) | Saracens. | Saragoza. | Saraswati. | Sarcasm. | Sarcenet (2 syl.) | Sarcenet Chidings. | Sarcophagus. | Sardanapalus. | Sardinian Laugh. | Sardonic Smile, Grin, or Laughter. | Sardonyx. | Sarnia. | Sarpedon. | Sarsen Stones. | Sartor Resartus. | Sash Window | Sassanides (4 syl.) | Sassenach (ch = k) | Satan | Satans Journey to Earth (Milton: Paradise Lost, iii. 418 to the end) | Satanic. | Satire (2 syl.) | Saturday. | Saturn or Kronos [Time] | Saturn | Saturns Tree | Saturnalia. | Saturnian Days. | Saturnian Verses. | Saturnine (3 syl.) | Satyr. | Satyrane (3 syl.) | Sauce | Sauce (To) | Sauce to the Goose is Sauce to the Gander. | Saucer Eyes. | Saucer Oath. | Saucy. | Saul | Saut Lairds o Dunscore (The) | Savage (2 syl.) | Save. | Save the Mark. | Savoir Faire (French) | Savoy (The) | Saw. | Sawdust Parlance (In) | Sawny or Sandy. | Saxon Castles. | Saxon Characteristics (architectural) | Saxon Duke (in Hudibras) | Saxon English. | Saxon Relics. | Saxon Shore. | Say. | Sbirri (Italian) | Scævola [left-handed]. | Scaffold, Scaffolding. | Scagliola. | Scales. | Scallop Shell. | Scalloped [scollopt]. | Scammozzis Rule. | Scamp [qui exit ex campo]. | Scandal | Scandal-broth. | Scandalum Magnatum [scandal of the magnates]. | Scanderbeg. | Scanderbegs Sword must have Scanderbegs Arm-i.e. | Scandinavia. | Scant-of-grace (A) | Scantling | Scapegoat. | Scaphism. | Scapin. | Scaramouch. | Scarborough Dress (A) | Scarborough Warning. | Scarlet. | Scarlet (Will) | Scarlet Coat. | Scarlet Woman. | Scavengers Daughter. | Sceatta. | Scene Painters. | Scene Plot. | Scent. | Sceptic (Greek) | Sceptre. | Scheherazade [She-he-ra-zay-de]. | Scheltrum. | Scheme | Schiedam. | Schiites. | Schlemihl (Peter) | Scholastic. | Scholastic Divinity. | Schools. | Schoolmaster Abroad (The) | Schoolmen. | Schoolmistress (The) | Scian. | Science. | Science Persecuted. | Scienter Nesciens et Sapiente Indoctus | Scios Blind Old Bard. | Scipio dismissed the Iberian Maid (Paradise Regained, ii.) | Scissors to Grind. | Sclavonic. | Scobellum. | Score. | Scornful Dogs will eat dirty Puddings. | Scorpion. | Scorpions. | Scot. | Scot-free. | Scot and Lot. | Scots Greys. | Scots wha hae. | Scotch. | Scotch Breakfast (A) | Scotch Mist. | Scotch Pint (A) | Scotch Pound (A) | Scotch Shilling | Scotia. | Scotists. | Scotland. | Scotland Yard (London) | Scott. | Scotus (Duns) | Scourge of Christians. | Scourge of God. | Scourge of Princes. | Scouring. | Scowerers. | Scrape. | Scrape an Acquaintance (To) | Scratch. | Scratch (A) | Scratch Cradle. | Scratch Crew (A) | Scratch Eleven (A) | Scratch Race (A) | Scratched. | Screw (A) | Screw Loose (A) | Screw Plot (The) | Screwed. | Screwed on Right. | Scribe (1 syl.) | Scriblerus (Martinus) | Scrimmage. | Scripto rs Decem. | Scriptors Quinque. | Scriptors Tres [the three writers]. | Scriptorium. | Scriptures. | Scudamore (Sir) | Scudding under Bare Poles. | Scullabogue Massacre. | Sculls. | Sculpture. | Scutch. | Scuttle. | Scuttle Out (To) | Scylla | Scylla. | Scythian or Tartarian Lamb (The) | Scythian Defiance. | Sea. | Sea-blue Bird of March (The) | Sea Deities. | Sea-girt Isle. | Sea-green Incorruptible (The) | Sea Legs. | Sea Serpent. | Seaboard. | Seal. | Seamy Side (The) | Seasons (The) | Sebaraim (4 syl.) | Sebastian (St.) | Sebastianistes. | Second. | Second-hand. | Second Sight. | Second Wind (The) | Second of Time (A) | Secondary Colours. | Secret de Polichinelle (Le) | Secular Clergy (The) | Secular Games. | Sedan Chairs. | Sedrat. | Seedy. | Seel. | Seemurgh. | Seian Horse (The) | Seidlitz Water. | Seiks (pron. Seeks) | Selah | Selama or Selemeh. | Selen. | Seleucidæ. | Selim. | Seljuks. | Sell. | Selling Race (A) | Selling the Pass. | Seltzer Water. | Semiramis of the North. | Senanus. (St.) | Seneca. | Senior Optime (3 syl.) | Sennacherib | Sennight. | Sentences (3 syl.) | Sentinel. | Sepoy. | Sept. | September Massacres. | Septuagesima Sunday. | Septuagint. | Seraglio. | Seraphim. | Serapis. | Serat (Al) | Serbonian Bog or Serbonis. | Seremenes (4 syl.) | Serenade (3 syl.) | Serene (2 syl.) | Serif and Sanserif. | Sèrjeants-at-Law. | Sermon Lane (Doctors Commons, London) | Serpent. | Serpentine Verses. | Serrapurda. | Servant (Faithful) | Serve. | Servus Servorum (Latin) | Sesha. | Set Off (A) | Set Scene. | Set-to (A) | Setebos. | Sethites (2 syl.) | Setting a Hen. | Setting a Saw. | Setting of a Jewel. | | Setting of Sun, Moon, and Stars. | Setting the Thames on Fire. | Settie your Hash (To) | Seven | Seven Bibles (The) or Sacred Books. | Seven Bodies in Alchemy. | Seven Champions of Christendom | Seven Churches of Asia. | Seven Deadly Sins (The) | Seven Dials (London) | Seven Joys of the Virgin. | Seven Sages of Greece. | Seven Senses. | Seven Sisters. | Seven Sleepers. | Seven Sorrows of the Virgin. | Seven Spirits | Seven Spirits of God (The) | Seven Virtues (The) | Seven Weeks War (The) | Seven Wise Masters. | Seven Wonders of the World. | Seven Years Lease. | Seven Years War (The).


Several = separate; | Severn. | Severus (St.) | Sèvres Ware. | Sew the Button on. | Sex. | Sexagesima Sunday. | Sextile (2 syl.) | Sexton. | Seyd [Seed]. | Sforza. | Shack. | Shaddock. | Shades. | Shadoff or Shadoof. | Shadow. | Shadow (To) | Shady. | Shafalus. | Shafites (2 syl.) | Shaft. | Shatton (Sir Piercie) | Shah. | Shah-pour | Shahzada. | Shakedown. | Shakers. | Shakes. | Shakespeare | Shaking Hands. | Shaky. | Shallow. | Shalott (Lady of) | Shambles means benches | Shamrock | Shan Van Voght. | Shandean Exactness. | Shandy. | Shandygaff | Shanks Nag. | Shannon. | Shanty. | Shanty Songs. | Shark. | Sharp (Becky) | Sharp. | Sharp-beak. | Sharp-set. | Shave. | Shaveling. | Shaving. | She Stoops to Conquer. | Shear Steel. | Sheb-seze. | Sheba (Queen of) | Shebeen. | Sheep. | Sheet Anchor. | Sheik (Arabic, elder) | Shekinah (shachan, to reside) | Sheldonian Theatre. | Shelf. | Shell (A) | Shell Jacket (A) | Shell of an Egg. | Shells | Shemitic. | Shepherd. | Shepherd Kings or Hyksos. | Shepherd Lord (The) | Shepherd of Banbury (The) | Shepherd of Salisbury Plain (The) | Shepherd of the Ocean (The) | Shepherded. | Sheppard (Jack) | Shepster Time. | Sheriffmuir. | Sheva | Shewbread. | Shewri-while. | Shiahs. | Shield. | Shield-of-Arms. | Shield of Expectation (The) | Shields. | Shi-ites (2 syl.) | Shillelagh (pronounce she-lay-lah) | Shilling. | Shilly Shally. | Shimei (2 syl.) | Shinar. | Shindy. | Shingebis | Ship (the device of Paris) | Ship Letters. | Ship-shape. | Ship of the Desert. | Ships. | Ships of the Line. | Shipton. | Shire and County. | Shire Horses | Shirt. | Shittim Wood. | Shoddy | Shoe. | Shoe-loosed. | Shoe Pinches. | Shoe a Goose (To) | Shoe the Anchor (To) | Shoe the Cobbler (To) | Shoe the Horse (To) | Shoe the Wild Colt (To) | Shoes. | Shoemakers. | Shoot the Moon (To) | Shoot the Sun (To) | Shooting-iron (A) | Shooting Stars | Shop. | Shop-lifting | Shore (Jane) | Shoreditch | Shorne (Sir John) or Master John Shorne | Short. | Short Stature (Noted Men of) | Shot. | Shot in the Locker. | Shot Window (A) | Shotten Herring. | Shoulder. | Shovel-board. | Show. | Shrew-mouse. | Shrieking Sisterhood (The) | Shrimp. | Shropshire. | Shrovetide Cocks. | Shunamites House (The) | Shunt. | Shut up. | Shy. | Shylock. | Shylock (A) | Si | Si Quis. | Siamese Twins: | Sibberidge (3 syl.) | Sibyl. | Sibyls. | Sibylline Books. | Sibylline Leaves. | Sibylline Verses. | Siccis pedibus [with dry feet]. | Sice (1 syl.) | Sicilian Dishes (Siclæ daps) | Sicilian Vespers. | Sick Man (The) | Sick as a Cat. | Sick as a Dog. | Sick as a Horse. | Siddons (Mrs.) | Side of the Angels. | Sidney (Algernon) | Sidney (Sir Philip) | Sidney-Sussex College | Siegfried (2 syl.) | Sieglind (2 syl.) | Sienna (3 syl.) | Sierra (3 syl., Spanish, a saw) | Siesta (3 syl.) | Sieve and Shears. | Sif. | Sight | Sight (Far) | Sign your Name. | Signs instead of words. | Significavit. | Siguna. | Sigurd. | Sikes (Bill) | Sikh. | Silbury | Silchester (Berks) | Silence gives Consent | Silent (The) | Silenus. | Silhouette (3 syl.) | Silk. | Silk Gown. | Silk Purse. | Silken Thread. | Silly is the German selig (blessed) | Silly Season (The) | Siluria-that is | Silurian Rocks. | Silvana. | Silvanella. | Silver was | Silver. | Silver Cooper (The) | Silver Fork School. | Silver-hand. | Silver Lining. | Silver Pheasant (A) | | Silver Star of Love (The) | Silver Streak (The) | Silver-Tongued. | Silver Trumpet (A) | Silver Weapon. | Silver Wedding. | Silver of Guthrum, or Guthrams Lane. | Silverside of Beef (The) | Simeon (St.) | Similes in common use:- | Similia Similibus Curantur. | Simmes Hole. | Simnel Cakes. | Simon (St.) | Simon Magus. | Simon Pure. | Simony. | Simple (The) | Simple Simon. A simpleton. | Simplicity is sine plica | Simplon Road. | Sin | Sin-eaters. | | Sindhu. | Sindon. | Sine Die (Latin) | Sine qu Non. | Sinecure [si-ne-kure]. | Sinews of War. | Sing a Song o Sixpence. | Sing my Music, and not Yours | Sing Old Rose. | Sing Out. | Sing-su-hay. | Singapores (3 syl.) | Singing Apple | Singing-Bread | Singing Chambermaids | Singing Tree. | Singing in Tribulation. | Single-Speech Hamilton. | Sinister (Latin, on the left hand) | Sinning Ones Mercies. | Sinon. | Sintram. | Sir. | Sir Oracle. | Sir Roger de Coverley. | Siren. | Sirius. | Sirloin of Beef. | Sisyphus (Latin; Sisuphos, Greek) | Sit Bodkin (To) | Sit Out (To) | Sit Under … (To) | Sit Up (for anyone) (To) | Sit Upon (To) | Sit on the Rall or Fence (To) | Sit on Thorns (To) or on Tenterhooks. | Sitâ. | Sitting in Banco. | Sieve and Shears. | Siva (Indian) | Six. Six thrice or three dice. | Six-and-Eightpence | Six Articles (33 Henry VIII.) | Six-hooped Pot. | Six Members. | Six Months War. | Six Nations (The) | Six Points. | Six-Principle Baptists (The) | Sixteen-string Jack. | Sizar. | Sizings. | Skains-mate or Skeins-mate. | Skald. | Skedaddle. | Skeggs. | Skeleton. | Skeleton Jackets. | Skevingtons Daughter | Skibbereen and Connemara (in Ireland) | Skibbereen Eagle (The) | Skid. | Skiddaw. | Skied. | Skillygolee. | Skimble-Skamble. | Skimmington. | Skin. | Skin a Flint. | Skin of his Teeth. | Skinfaxi | Skinflint. | Skinners. | Skirt. | Skogan (Henry) | Skopts, Skopti, or White Doves | Skull. | Skurry (A) | Sky | Sky. | Sky-blue. | Sky-rakers | Skye (Isle of) | Skylark. | Skylark | Slander, Offence. | Slang. | Slang. | Slap-bang | Slap-dash. | Slap-up. | Slating (A) | Slave (1 syl.) | Sleave. | Sleck-stone. | Sledge-hammer. | Sleep (Anglo-Saxon slæpen) | Sleep like a Top. | Sleeper (The) | Sleeping Beauty. | Sleepless Hat (A) | Sleepy Hollow. | Sleeve. | Sleeve of Care. | Sleeve of Hildebrand (The) | Sleeveless Errand. | Sleight of Hand | Sleipnir (2 syl.) | Slender. | Sleuth-Hound. | Slewed. | Slick (Sam) | Slick Off. | Sliding Scale. | Slip. | Slippers. | Slipshod | Slipslop. | Sloane MSS. | Slogan. | Slop (Dr.) | Slops (The) | Slopard (Dame) | Slope (1 syl.) | Slough of Despond. | Slow. | Slubber-Degullion. | Slug-abed (A) | Slumland. | Slums. | Sly (Christopher) | Sly-Boots. | Sly Dog. | Sly as a Fox. | Slyme (Chevy) | Small. | Small-back. | Small Beer. | Small-endians. | Small Hours of the Morning (The) | Smalls. | Smart Money. | Smash. | Smec (in Hudibras) | Smectymnuans. | Smectymnus. | Smell (an acute sense) | Smell a Rat (To) | Smelling Sin. | Smells of the Lamp. | Smelts (Stock-Exchange term) | Smiler | Smith. | Smith of Nottingham. | Smiths Prize-man. | Smithfield. | Smoke. | Smoke Farthings. | Smoke Silver. | Snack. | Snails have no sex | Snake-Stones. | Snake in the Grass. | Snakes in his Boots (To have) | Snap-Dragons. | Snap of the Fingers. | Snap Ones Nose Off. | Snarling Letter (Latin, litera canina) | Sneck Posset. | Sneezed. | Sneezing. | Snickersnee. | Snider Rifle. | Snob. | Snood. | Snooks. | Snore. | Snow King. | Snowdonia. | Snowdrop (The) | Snuff. | Snuff Out. | Soane Museum | Soap. | Soap (Castile) | Soaped-pig Fashion (In) | Soapy Sam. | Sober or Sobrius | Sober as a Judge-i.e. grave and sedate. | Sobrino (in Orlando Furioso) | Socialism (3 syl.) | Société de Momus. | Society. | Sock [comedy]. | Sock a Corpse (To) | Socrates. | Sodom. | Soffarides (3 syl.) | Soft. | Soft Sawder. | Soft Soap. | Soft as Soap | Soft Fire makes Sweet Malt (A) | Soft Words Butter no Parsnips | Softly. | Softy. | Soho! | Soi-disant (French) | Soil. | Soil the Milk before Using It. | Sojourn (2 syl.) | Sol (Latin) | Sol-fa. | Solan Goose. | Solano. | Solatium (A) | Soldan or Sowdan. | Soldats (Des) | Soldier | Soldiers Heart. | Soldiers Battles (The) | Soldiers of Fortune. | Soldiering. | Solecism (3 syl.) | Solemn. | Soler. | Solid Doctor. | Solomon. | Solomons Carpet. | Solomons Ring. | Solon of Parnassus. | | Solyman | Soma. | Somagia (singular somagium) | Sombrero. | Somerset. | Somerset or Somersault. | Somerset House | Somoreen. | Son (or descendant of) | Son of Belial. | Son of Dripping (A) | Son of One Year. | Son of Perdition. | Son of the Morning. | Son of the Star [Bar Cochal]. | Sons of God. | Sons of the Band. | Sons of the Mighty. | Sons of the Prophets. | Sons of the Sorceress. | Song. | Song of Degrees. | Song of Roland | Song of Songs. | Sonna or Sunna. | Sonnambula (La) | Sonnet. | Sop.


Soph. | Sophi or Safi [mystic] | Sophis. | Sophia (St.) | Sophist, Sophistry, Sophism, Sophisticator, etc. | Sorbonica. | Sorbonne. | Sorceress. | Sordello. | Sorites (Greek) | Sorrows of Werther. | Sorts Biblicæ. | Sortes Virgilianæ. | Sorts. | Sosia. | Sotadios or Sotadic Verse. | Sothic Year. | Soul. | Soul Cakes. | Soul and Spirit. | Soul of a Goose or Capon. | Sound | Sound Dues. | Sound as a Bell. | Sound as a Roach. | Soundings. | Sour Grapes. | Sour Grapeism. | South-Sea Scheme or Bubble. | Southampton Street (London) | Southamptons Wise Sons. | Southern Gate of the Sun. | Soutras. | Sovereign. | Sow (to rhyme with "now") | | Spade. | Spadish Language (In) | Spafields (London) | Spagiric Art. | Spagiric Food. | Spagnaletto [the little Spaniard]. | Spaie. | Spain. | Span New. | Spanish Blades. | Spanish Brutus (The) | Spanish Main. | Spanish Money. | Spanish Worm. | Spank (A) | Spanker (A) | Spanking. | Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child. | Sparkling Heat. | Spartan Dog. | Spasmodic School. | Speakers Eye. | Speaking. | Speaking Heads and Sounding Stones. | Spear. | Spear-half. | Spear of Ithuriel (The) | Special Pleading. | Specie, Species | Spectacles | Spectre of the Brocken. | Spectrum, Spectra, Spectre (Latin, specto, to behold) | Speculate | Speech. | Speed. | Spell (A) | Spellbinders. | Spelter. | Spence. | Spencer. | Spendthrift. | Spenser (Edmund) | Spenserian Metre (The) | Spent. | Spheres. | Sphinx (The Egyptian) | Spice. | | Spider. | Spidireen or Spidereen. | Spigot. | Spilt Milk. | Spindle-half. | Spinning Jenny. | Spinozas System. | Spinster. | Spirit. | Spirit-writing. | Spirits. | Spirits (Elemental) | Spirited Away. | Spiritual Mother. | Spiritualism or Spiritism. | Spirt or Spurt. | Spitalfields (London) | Spite of His Teeth (In) | Spitfire. | Spitting for Luck. | Spittle or Spital. | Spittle Sermons. | Splay | Spleen | Splendid Shilling. | Splice. | Splice the Main Brace. | Spoke (verb) | Spoke (noun) | Sponge. | Spontaneous Combustion. | | | | | Sporran (Gaelic) | Sport a Door or Oak. | Sporting Seasons in England. | Spouse (Spouze, 1 syl.) | Spout. | Sprat. | Spread-eagle (To) | Spread-eagle Oratory. | Spring Gardens (London) | Spring Tide. | Sprout-kele. | Spruce. | Spun (To be) | Spun Out. | Spunging House. | Spur Money. | Spurs. | Spy. | Spy (of Vanity Fair) | Spy Wednesday. | Squab Pie. | Squad. | Squalls. | Square. | Square the Circle. | Squash. | Squib (A) | Squint-eyed [Guercino]. | Squintifego. | Squire of Dames. | Stabat Mater. | Stable-door. | Stable Keys | Staff. | Staff of Life (The) | Stafford. | Stafford Law. | Stag. | Stags | Stagirite or Stagyrite (3 syl.) | Stain. | Stammerer (The) | Stamp. | Stampede. | Stand. | Stand Nunky (To) | Stand Off (To) | Stand Out (To) | Stand Sam (To) | Stand Treat (To) | Stand Upon (To) | Stand to a Bargain (To) | Stand to his Guns (To) | Stand to Reason (To) | Standing Dish (A) | Standing Orders. | Standing Stones. | Standard. | Standards. | Standards of Individuals. | Standards | Stang. | Stanhope (A) | Stanhope Lens. | Stank Hen (A) | Stannary Courts. | Star (A) | Star (in Christian art) | Star Chamber. | Star-crossed. | Star of Bethlehem (The) | Star of the South. | Stars and Garters! (My) | Stars and Stripes (The) or the Star-spangled Banner | Starboard and Larboard | Starch. | Starry Sphere. | Starvation Dundas. | Starved with Cold. | Stations. | Statira. | Stator [the stopper or arrestor]. | Statue. | Status of Great Men. | Statute Fairs. | Steak. | Steal. | Steal a Horse. | Steal a March on One (To) | Steam-kettles. | Steelyard | Steenie (2 syl.) | Steeple-engine. | Steeple-Jack (A) | Steeplechase. | Stelvio. | Stentor. | Stentorian Lungs. | Stentorophonic Voice. | Stepfather and Father-in-law. | Stephen. | Stephens Bread (St.) | Stephens (Joanna) | Stepney Papers. | Sterling Money. | Stern. | Sternhold (Thomas) | Sterry (in Hudibras) | Stewing in their own Gravy. | Stick. | Stickler. | Stiff. | Stigmata. | Stigmatise. | Stigmites, or St. Stephens Stones | Stiletto of the Storm (The) | Still. | Still Sow. | Still Waters Run Deep. | Stilling (John Henry) | Stilo Novo. | Stimulants of Great Men. | Stinkomalee. | | "Stir Up" Sunday. | Stirrup (A) | Stirrup Cup. | Stirrup-Oil. | Stiver. | Stock. | Stock Exchange Slang. | Stock, Lock, and Barrel. | Stockdove. | Stockfish. | Stocking. | Stockwell Ghost. | Stoics. | Stole (Latin, stola) | Stolen Things are Sweet. | Stomach. | Stone (1 syl.) | Stone Age (The) | Stone Blind. | Stone Cold. | Stone Dead. | Stone Jug. | Stone Soup or St. Bernards Soup. | Stone Still. | Stone of the Broken Treaty. | Stone of Stumbling. | Stone of Tongues. | Stones. | Stonebrash. | Stonehenge | Stonewall Jackson. | Stony Arabia. | Stool of Repentance. | Stops. | Store (1 syl.) | Stork | Storks Law or Lex Ciconaria. | Storm in a Teapot. | Storms. | Stornello Verses | Storthing (pron. stor-ting) | Stovepipe hat (A) | Stowe (1 syl.) | Stowe Nine Churches. | Strabo (Walafridus) | | Straight as an Arrow. | Strain (1 syl.) | Stralenheim (Count of) | Strand (London) | Strange (1 syl.) | Stranger of the Gate (The) | Strangers Sacrificed. | Strap Oil. | Strappado. | Strasburg Goose (A) | Stratagem means generalship. | Straw. | Straw | Strawberry | Strawberry Preachers. | Streak of Silver (The) | Street and Walker (Messrs.) | Stretcher. | Strike (A) | Strike (1 syl.) | Strike Amain. | Strike a Bargain (To) | Strike Sail. | Strike while the Iron is Hot. | String. | Stripes. | Strode. | Stroke. | Stromkarl. | Strong | Strong-back. | Strong-bow. | Strontian. | Struldbrugs. | Stubble Geese | Stuck Pig. | Stuck Up. | Stuck-up People. | | Stuff Gown. | Stumers | Stump. | Stump Orator (in America) | Stùmp Up. | Stumps. | Stumped Out. | Stupid Boy. | Sty or Stye. | Stygian (3 syl.) | Style (1 syl.) | Styles. | Stylites or Pillar Saints. | Styx. | Suaviter in Modo (Latin) | Sub Cuitro Liquit. | Sub Hasta. | Sub Jove (Latin) | Sub-Lapsarian, Supra-Lapsarian. | Sublime Port. | Sublime Porte (The) | Submerged (The) or The Submerged Tenth. | Submit | Subpœna | Subsidy | Substitution of Service (The) | Subtle Doctor. | Subvolvans or Subvolvani. | Succession Powder. | Succinct | Succoth. | Suck the Monkey. | Sucking Young Patricians. | Suckle. | Sucre. | Suds (Mrs.) | Suffolk. | Suffrage | Sugar-candy. | Sugar-lip. | Sugar and Honey. | Sugared Words. | Sui Generis (Latin) | Sui Juris. | Suicides | Suisse. | Suit (1 syl.) | Suit of Dittos (A) | Sullt [starvation]. | Sultan of Persia. | Sultans Horse, Deadly (The) | Sultana. | Summa Diligentia. | Summer. | Summer King (The) | Summons. | Summum Bonum. | Sumpter Horse or Mule. | Sumptuary Laws. | Sun. | Sun (The) | Sun-burst. | Sun Inn. | Sun and Moon Falling. | Sun in ones Eyes (To have the) | Sun of Righteousness. | Sunday. | Sunday Saint. | Sundays. | Sundew | Sunflower (The) | Sunna or Sonna. | Sunnites (2 syl.) | Suo Jure (Latin) | Suo Marte (Latin) | Super, Supers. | Supercilious (5 syl.) | Supernaculum. | Superstition. | Supped all his Porridge (He has) | Supper of Trimalchio (A) | Supplication. | Sure as Demoivre. | "Surest Way to Peace is a constant Preparation for War." | Surety. | Surfeit Water. | Surgeon | Surloin of Beef. | Surlyboy. | Surname (2 syl.) | Surplice (2 syl.) | Surrey. | Surt or Surtur. | Susan (St.) | Sussex. | Sutor. | Suttee (Indian) | Svalin. | Swaddler. | Swag. | Swag. | Swagger. | Swainmote. | Swallow. | Swan. | Swan. | Swan-hopping. | Swan of Avon (The), or Sweet Swan of Avon. | Swan of Cambray (The) | | Swan of Meander (The) | Swan of Padua (The) | Swans … Geese. | Swanimote. | Swarga. | Swashbuckler. | Swear | Swear Black is White (To) | | Sweat. | Sweating Sickness | Swedenborgians | Swedish Nightingale. | Sweep. | Sweepstakes (A) | Sweet as sugar. | Sweet Singer of Israel. | Sweet Singers. | Sweet Voices. | Sweetheart. | Swell Mob. | Swi Dynasty. | Swift | Swim (In the) | Swindle. | Swine. | Swing (Captain) | Swinge-buckler. | Swiss. | Swiss Boy (The) | Swiss Family Robinson. | Swithin (St.) | Switzers. | Sword. | Sword-makers. | Sword Excalibar (The) | Sword of God (The) | Sword of Rome (The) | Sword of the Spirit (The) | Sword (phrases and proverbs) | Sword and Cloak Plays. | Swords Prohibited. | Sworn Brothers | Sworn at Highgate. | Sybarite (3 syl.) | Sycamore and Sycomore. | Sycophant | Sycorax. | Syenite. | Syllogism. | Sylphs | Sylvam Lignum Ferre (In) | Sylvester (St.) | Sylvius Bonus. | Symbol | Symbols of Saints. | Symbolism of Colours | Symbolism of Metals and Gems.


Syrens of the Ditch. | Syria | Syrtis.


T | T.Y.C. | T-Rule (A) | Tab. | Tabard. | Tabardar. | Tabarin. | Tabby | Tabla Rasa (Latin) | Table. | Table dHôte [the hosts table]. | Table Money. | Table-Turning. | Tableaux Vivants (French, living pictures) | Taborites (3 syl.) | Tabouret. | Tabulæ Toletanæ. | Tace (2 syl.) | Tachebrune (2 syl.) | Tænia Rationis. | Taë-pings. | Taffata or Taffety. | Taffy. | Tag Rag, and Bobtail. | Taghairm (2 syl.) | Taherites (3 syl.) | Tail. | Tails. | Tails. | Tailors. | Tailors Sword (A), or A Tailors Dagger. | Take a Back Seat (To) | Take a Hair of the Dog that Bit You. | Take in Tow (To) | Take Mourning (To) | Take Tea with Him (I) | Takin the Beuk. | Taking On. | Taking a Sight. | Taking Time by the Forelock. | Talbotype (3 syl.) | Tale (1 syl.) | Tale of a Tub (The) | Talent | Tales (2 syl.) | Talgol (in Hudibras) | Talisman. | Talk. | Talk Shop. | Talkee Talkee. | Talking Bird. | Tall Men. | Talleyrand | Tally (A) | Tally. | Tally-ho! | Tallyman (A) | Talmud (The) | Talpot or Talipot Tree. | Talus. | Tam-o-Shanters Mare. | Tamarisk | Tame Cat (A) | Tamerlane (3 syl.) | Taming of the Shrew. | Tammany (St.) | Tammany Ring. | Tammuz. | Tancred (in Jerusalem Delivered) | Tandem. | Tandem D.O.M. | Tangie. | Tanist (A) | Tanist Stone. | Tankard of October (A) | Tanner. | Tanner of Tamworth. | Tannhäuser (3 syl.) | Tansy. | Tantalise. | Tantalos (Latin, Tantalus) | Tanthony (St. Anthony) | Tantum Ergo. | Taou. | Tap the Admiral. | Tap the Till (To) | Tap-up Sunday. | Tapis. | Tapisserie. | Tappit-hen (A) | Tapster | Tapu | Tarabolus or Tantrabolus. | Tarakee | Tarantism. | Tarantula. | Tarentella or Tarantella. | Tariff. | Tarpaulins or Tars. | Tarpeian Rock. | Tarred. | Tarring and Feathering. | Tarrinzean Field. | Tartan Plaid. | Tartar | Tartaros (Greek), Tartarus (Latin) | Tartuffe (2 syl.) | | | Tatianists. | Tatterdemalion. | Tattoo. | Tattoo (To) | Tau. | Taurus [the Bull] | Tawdry. | Tawny (The) | Taylor | Taylors Institute. | Tohin. | Tohow Dynasty. | Te Deum, etc. | Te Igitur. | Teague (A) | Teakettle Broth | Tean or Teian Poet. | Teanlay Night. | Tear (to rhyme with "snare") | Tear (to rhyme with "fear") | Tear Handkerchief (The) | | Teazle (Lady) | Teazle (Sir Peter) | Teck (A) | Teeth. | Teeth are Drawn (His) | Teeth of the Wind (In the) | Teetotal. | Teetotum (A) | Teian Muse (The) | Teinds. | Telamons. | | Telemachos. | Tell (William) | Tellers of the Exchequer. | Temora. | Temper. | Templars or Knights Templars. | Temple (London) | Temple. | Temple (A) | Temple Bar | Temple of Solomon. | Temples (Pagan) | Tempora Mutantur. | Ten. | Ten Commandments (The) | Ten Commandments (The) | Tench | Tend in the Eyes. | Tendon. | Tenglio. | Teniers. | Tenner (A) | Tennis Ball of Fortune. | Tennyson (Alfred) | Tenpenny Nails. | Tenson. | Tent. | Tent (Skidbladnirs) | Tenterden. | Tenterhooks. | Tenth Legion (The) | Tenth Wave. | Tercel. | Terence. | Teresa (St.) | Term Time | Term Time of our Universities. | Termagant. | Terpsichore (properly Terp-sik-o-re, but often pronounced Terp-si-core) | Terra Firma. | Terrestrial Sun (That) | Terrible (The) | Terrier | Terry Alts. | Tertium Quid. | Terza Rima. | Tesserarian Art. | Tester. | Tête-à-tête. | Tête Bottée [Booted Head]. | Tete du Pont. | Tether. | Tethys. | Tetragrammaton. | Tetrapla. | Teucer. | Teutons. | Teutonic Knights. | Th (T, theta) | T (εε) | Thais (2 syl.) | Thalaba. | Thales. | Thalestris. | Thalia. | Thames (1 syl.) | Thammuz. | Thamyris. | That. | Thats the Ticket. | Thatch. | Thaumaturgus. | Theagenes and Chariclea. | Theban Bard or Eagle. | Theban Legion. | Thebes (1 syl.) | Thecla (St.) | Theist, Deist, Atheist, Agnostic. | Thelusson Act. | Thenot. | Theocritus. | Theodomas. | Theodora (in Orlando Furioso) | Theodorick. | Theons Tooth. | Theosophy | Therapeutæ. | Theresa. | Thermidorians. | Theseus (2 syl.) | Thespians. | Thespis, Thespian. | Thessalian. | Thestylis. | Thick. | Thick-skinned. | Thinskinned | Thief. | Thieves Latin. | Thieves on the Cross | Thimble. | Thimble-rig. | Thin-skinned. | Thin Red Line (The) | Thin as a Whipping-post. | Think about It (Ill) | Thirteen Unlucky. | Thirteens. | Thirteenpence-halfpenny. | Thirty. | Thirty Tyrants. | Thirty Years War. | Thisbe. | Thistle (The) | Thistle Beds. | Thistle of Scotland. | Thomas (St.) | Thomas-a-Kempis. | Thomas the Rhymer. | Thomasing. | Thomists. | Thomson (James) | Thone (1 syl.) or Thonis. | Thopas (Sir) | Thor. | Thorn. | Thorn in the Flesh (A) | Thorns. | Thorps-men. | Thoth. | Though Lost to Sight, to Memory Dear. | Thousand. | Thousand Years as One Day (A) | Thrall. | Thread. | Threadneedle Street. | Three. | Three Bishoprics (The) | Three-Decker (A) | Three Chapters (The) | Three Estates of the Realm | Three Holes in the Wall (The) | Three Kings Day. | Three-pair Back (Living up a) | Three-quarters or 3/4. | Three Rs (The) | Three Sheets in the Wind. | Three-tailed Bashaw. | Three Tuns. | Threshers. | Threshold. | Thrift-box. | Throgmorton Street (London) | Through-stone (A) | Throw. | Throw. | Throw Up the Sponge (To) | Throw your Eye on. | Throwing an Old Shoe for Luck. | Thrums. | Thrummy Cap. | Thug [a cheat]. | Thuggee (2 syl.) | Thùig or Tuig (Norse) | Thule (2 syl.) | Thumb. | Thumb-nail Legacies. | Thumbikins or Thumbscrew. | Thunder. | Thunder (Sons of) [Boanesgs]. | Thunder and Lightning or Tonnant. | Thunders of the Vatican. | Thunderbolt of Itàly. | Thunderbolts. | Thunderer (The) | Thundering Legion. | Thunstone. | Thursday. | Thursday. | Tiara. | Tib. | Tib and Tom. | Tiber | Tibullus. | Tiburce (3 syl.) or Tiburce (2 syl.) | Tiburtiuss Day (St.) | Tick. | Ticket. | Ticket of Leave (A) | Tickle the Public (To) | Tide-rode | Tide-waiters. | Tidy | Tied. | Tied House (A) | Tied-up. | Tiffin (Indian) | Tiger (A) | Tiger-kill (A) | Tigers. | Tigernach. | Tight. | Tigris [the Arrow]. | Tike. | Tilbert (Sir) | Tile. | Tile Loose. | Tile a Lodge | Timber-toe (A) | Time. | Time-bargain (A) | Time of Grace. | Time-honoured Lancaster. | Times (The) | Timoleon. | Timon of Athens. | Tin. | Tine-man (The) | Ting. | | Tintagel or Tintagil. | Tintern Abbey. | Tintoretto | Tip. | Tip of my Tongue. | Tip One the Wink (To) | Tiphany | Tiphys. | Tipperary Rifle (A) | Tippling Act (The) | Tippling House. | Tipstaff. | Tiptoe of Expectation (On the) | Tirer une Dent. | Tiresias. | Tiring Irons. | Tirled. | Tironian Sign (The) | Tiryns. | Tirynthian Swain. | Tit. | Tit for Tat. | Titan. | Titans War with Jove (The) | Titania. | Tithonus. | Titi (Prince) | Titian [Tiziano Vecellio]. | Titivate (3 syl.) | Tittle Tattle. | Titus. | Titus the Roman Emperor | Tityos. | Tityre Tus. | Tityrus. | Tizona | Tizzy (A) | To | To. | To-do. | To Rights. | To Wit. | To (2) | To En (The) | To On (The) | To Pan (The) | Toads. | Toad-eater. | Toady. | Toast. | Tobit | Toboso. | Tobosian. | Toby (the dog) | Toby. | Toddy. | Toes. | Tofana. | Tog. | Toga. | Togad or Togated Nation (The) | Toledo. | Tolmen (in French, Dolmen) | Tolosa. | Tom. | Tom Folio. | Tom Fools Colours. | Tom Foolery. | Tom Long. | Tom Raw. | Tom Tailor. | Tom Thumb | Tom Tidlers Ground. | Tom Tug. | Tom and Jerry-i.e. | Tom oBedlams. | Tomboy. | Tomahawk. | Tomb of Our Lord. | Tommy Atkins (A) | Tommy Dodd. | Tommy Shop. | To morrow never Comes. | Tonans. | Tongue of the Trump (The) | Tongues. | Tonna (Mrs.) | Tonsure (2 syl.) | Tonsures | Tontine (2 syl.) | Tony Lumpkin. | Too Many for [Me] or One too many for [me]. | Tooba or Touba [eternal happiness]. | Tool. | Tooley Street. | Toom Tabard [empty jacket]. | Tooth. | Tooth and Egg. | Tooth and Nail. | Top. | Top-heavy. | Top Ropes. | Top-Sawyer. | Topham. | Tophet. | Topic. | Topsy. | Topsy-turvy. | Toralva. | Tornea. | Torquato-i.e. | Torquemada (Inquisitor-general of Spain, 1420-1498) | Torrs MSS. | Torralba (Doctor) | Torre (Sir) (1 syl.) | Torricelli | Torso. | Tortoise which Supports the Earth (The) | Torture (2 syl.) | Tory. | Totem Pole (A) | Totemism. | Toto Cœlo. | Totus Teres atque Rotundus. | Touch. | Touch. | Touch At (To) | Touch Bottom (To) | Touch Up (To) | Touch and Go (A) | Touchet. | Touchstones. | Touchy. | Tour.


Tour de Force. | Tourlourou. | Tournament or Tournay. | Tournemine (3 syl.) | | Tout (pronounce towt) | Tout Ensemble (French) | Tout est Perdu Hormis LHonneur | Tout le Monde. | Tower of Hunger. | Tower of London. | Towers of Silence. | Town (A) | Town and Gown Row (A) | Toyshop of Europe (The) | Tracing of a Fortress (The) | Tracts for the Times. | Tractarians. | Tracy. | Trade. | Trade Mark. | Trade Winds. | Trade follows the Flag. | Tradesmens Signs | Traditions. | Trafa Meat. | Tragedy. | Trail. | Traitors Bridge. | Traitors Gate | Trajans Column | Trajans Wall. | Tram (A) | Tramway or Tram Rails. | Tramecksan and Slamecksan. | Trammel | Tramontane (3 syl.) | Translator (A) | Translator-General. | Trap. | Trapani. | Trapper | Trappists. | Trasgo. | Travels in the Blue. | Travellers Licence. | Traviata. | Tre, Pol, Pen. | Treacle [tree-kl] | Treading on Ones Corns. | Treasures. | Treasury of Sciences. | Tree. | Tree of Knowledge (The) | Tree of Liberty. | Tree of Life. | Trees. | Tregeagle. | Tregetour. | Tremont. | Trench-the-Mer. | Trencher. | Trencher Cap. | Trencher Friends. | Trencher Knight. | Trenchmore. | Tressure (2 syl.) | Trèves (1 syl.) | Trevéthy Stone. | Tria Juncta in Uno. | Triads. | Trials at Bar. | Triamond. | Triangles. | Triangular Part of Man (The) | Tribune. | Tribune of the People (A) | Trice. | Trick. | Tricolour. | Trieste (2 syl.) | Trigon. | Trilogy. | Trimilki. | Trimmer. | Trinculo. | Trine. | Trinity. | Trinobantës (4 syl.) | Trinoda Necessitas. | Tripitaka means the "triple basket," | Triple Alliance. | Tripos. | Trismegistus [thrice greatest]. | Tristram (Sir) | Triton. | Triumph. | Trivet. | Trivia. | Trivial | Troehilus (The) | | Trois pour Cent. | Trojan. | Trojan War (The) | Trolls. | Trolly. | Trompée. | Troness, Tronis, or Trophy Money, or Trophy Tax. | Troopers | Troops of the Line. | Trophonios (Greek) | Troubadours (3 syl.) | Trouble | Trouillogans Advice. | Trout | Trouveres (2 syl.) | Trovatore (Il) (4 syl.) | Trows. | Troxartas [bread-eater]. | Troy-Novant (London) | Troy-town | Troy Weight | Truce of God. | Truces. | Truchuela. | True Blue | True-lovers Knot | True as Touch. | True Thomas and the Queen of Elfiand. | Truepenny. | Trulli. | | | Trumpet. | Trumpeter. | Trumpets (Feast of) | Trundle. | Truss his Points (To) | Trusts. | Truth. | Truth in a Well. | Tryanon. | Trygon. | Tsin Dynasty. | Tsong Dynasty. | Tu Autem. | Tu las Voulu, George Dandin | Tu Queque. | Tu-ral-lu | Tub. | Tub, Tubbing. | Tub-woman (A) | Tuba [happiness]. | Tuck. | Tucker. | Tuffet (A) | Tuft. | Tuft-hunter. | Tug. | Tug of War (The) | Tuileries (Paris) [tile-kilns]. | Tulcan Bishops. | Tulip. | Tulip Mania. | Tumbledown Dick. | Tun. | Tunding. | Tune the Old Cow Died of (The) | Tuneful Nine. | Tuning Goose. | Tunisian. | Tunkers. | Turcaret. | Tureen. | Turf (The) | Turk. | Turk-Gregory. | Turkey. | Turkish Spy | Turmeric | Turncoat. | Turning the Tables. | Turnip-Garden (The) | Turnip Townsend. | Turnspit Dog. | Turpin | Turtle Doves. | Tut. | Tutivillus. | Twa Dogs | Twangdillo | Tweeds. | Tweedledum and Tweedledee. | Twelfth (The) | Twelfth Cake. | Twelfth Night (Shakespeare) | Twelve. | Twelve Tables. | Twickenham. | Twig. | Twinkling. | Twins. | Twist (Oliver) | Twisting the Lions Tail. | Twitcher. | Twitten. | Two. | Two Eyes of Greece. | Two Fridays. | Two Gentlemen of Verona. | Two Strings to his Bow (He has) | Two of a Trade never agree. | Twopenny Dam (A) | Tybalt. | Tyburn | Tyburn Ticket. | Tyburnia (London) | TYear-i.e. | Tyke. | Tyler Insurrection. | Tylwyth Teg [the Fair Family] | Type. | Typhœus. | Typhon. | Tyr. | Tyrant | Tyre | Tyrtæus.


U.S. | Ubeda. | Udal Tenure. | Ugly | Ugly. | Ugly as Sin. | Ugolino | Uhlan (German) | Ukase (2 syl.) | Ul-Erin. | Ulania | Ulema. | Uller. | Ullin. | Ulric. | Ultima Thule. | Ultimatum (Latin) | Ultimum Vale (Latin) | Ultimus Romanorum. | Ultra Vires. | Ultramontane Party. | Uma | Umber. | Umble-pie. | Umbra. | Umbrage. | Umbrella. | Umbrella | Una (Truth, so called because truth is one) | Una Serranilla [a little mountain song] | Unaneled (3 syl.) | Uncas | Uncial Letters. | Uncircumcised in Heart and Ears (Acts vii. 51) | Uncle. | Uncle. | Uncle Sam. | Uncle Tom. | Unco | Uncumber (St.) | Under-current | Under-spur-leather. | Under Weigh. | Under which King, Bezonian? | Underwriter. | Undine (2 syl.) | Ungrateful Guest (The) | Unguem. | Unhinged. | Unhouselled (3 syl.) | Unicorn. | Unicorns. | Unigenitus (Latin, The Only-Begotten) | Union Jack. | Union Rose (The) | Unionists. | Unitarians | United Kingdom. | United States. | Unities. | Universal Doctor. | Universe (3 syl.) | University. | Unknown. | Unlicked or Unlicked Cub. | Unlucky Gifts. | Unmanned (2 syl.) | Unmarried Men of Note. | Unmentionables. | Unready (The) | Unrighteous [Adokimos]. | Unwashed (2 syl.) | Up. | Up a Tree. | Up the Spout. | Up to Snuff. | Up to the Hub. | Up to the Mark. | Up-turning of his Glass. | Upas-tree or Poison-tree of Macassar. | Upper Crust. | Upper Storey. | | Upsee-Dutch. | Upset Price. | Urbi et Orbi [To Rome and the rest of the world]. | Urd [The Past]. | Urda or Urdan Fount (The) | Urda, Verdandi, and Skulda. | Urgan. | Urgel. | Uriah. | Uriel. | Urim | Urim and Thummim | Ursa Major. | Ursa Minor. | Used Up. | Usher means a porter. | Usquebaugh (3 syl.) | Ut. | Ut Queat Laxis, etc. | Uta. | Uter. | Uterine (3 syl.) | Utgard (Old Norse, outer ward) | Utgard-Lok. | Uti Possidetis (Latin, as you at present possess them) | Uticensis. | Utilitarians. | | Utraquists [Both-kinders]. | Utter and Inner Barristers. | Uzziel.


V | V. D. M. | V. D. M. I. Æ. (Verbum Dei manet in aternum) | V. V. V. | Vacuum | Vacuum Boyleanum. | Vade Mecum [a go-with-me]. | Væ Victis! | Vail (To) | Vails. | Vain as a Peacock. | Valdarno. | Vale of Avoca | Vale of Tears. | Vale the Bonnet (To) | Valens or Valanus. | Valentia. | | Valentinians. | Valerian or Valirian. | Valerian (the herb) | Valhalla | Valiant (The) | Valise (2 syl.) | Valkyriur or Valkyries. | Valla (Laurentius) | Vallary Crown. | Valley of Humiliation. | Valley of the Shadow of Death | Vallombrosa. | Valorem. | Vamp. | Vampire. | Van | Van (pl. Vanir) | Vandal. | Vandyck. | Vandyke (2 syl.) | | Vanity Fair. | Vanoc. | Vantage Loaf. | Varina. | Varnish | Varro | Varuna. | Vassal. | Vathek. | Vatican. | | Vaugirard. | Vauxhall or Fauxhall (2 syl.) | Ve. | Veal. Calf. | Vedas or Vedams. | Vehmgerichte or Holy Vehme Tribunal. | Veil. | Veiled Prophet of Khorassan. | Vendémiaire (4 syl.) | Vendetta. | Vendredi (French) | Venerable. | Vengeur (Le) | Veni, Creator Spiritus. | Veni, Sanote Spiritus. | | Venial Sin. | Venice Glass. | Venice of the West. | Venison. | Venom. | Venomous Preacher (The) | Ventilate a Subject (To) | Ventre-saint-Gris! | Ventriloquism | Venus. | Venus Anadyomene (6 syl.) | Venus Genetrix. | Venus Victrix. | Venus de Medicis | Venus of Cnidus. | Venus of Milo or Melos. | Vera Causa. | Verbatim et Literatim. | Verbum Sap. [A word to the wise.] | Verbum Sat. [A word is enough.] | Vere Adeptus. | Verger. | Vernon | Veronese (3 syl.) | Veronica. | Versailles of Poland. | Versaillese (The) | Versi Berneschi. | Vert [green] | Vertumnus. | Verulam Buildings (London) | Vervain. | Vesica Piscis (Latin, fish-bladder) | Vesper Hour | Vesta | Vestal Virgin. | Veto (Monsieur and Madame) | Vetturino [Vettu-reeno] | Via Dolorosa. | Vial. | Viaticum (Latin) | Vicar. | Vicar of Bray (The) | Vicar of Wakefield (The) | Vice (1 syl.) | Vice Versa (Latin) | Victor Emmanuel of Italy | Vierge (2 syl.) | View-holloa. | Vignette (2 syl.) | Viking. | Village Blacksmith (The) | Villain | Villiers. | Villoner. (French.) | Vincent (St.) | Vincent de la Rosa. | Vindicate (3 syl.) | Vine (1 syl.) | Vinegar (Hannibals.) | Vinegar Bible. | Vineyard Controversy. | Vintry Ward. (London) | Vinum Theologicum. | Violet | Violet. | Violet (Corporal) | Violet-crowned City. | Violin. | | Viper and File. | Virgil. | Virgilius. | Virgin. | Virgin Marys Guard (The) | Virgin Marys Peas (The) | Virgin Queen (The) | Virgins. | Virginal. | Virtuoso. | Vis Inertiæ. | Vishnu [Indian]. | Vital Spark of Heavenly Flame. | Vitellius. | Vitex. | Vitruvius. | Vitulos. | Vitus (St.) | Viva Voce. | Vivien. | Vixen. | Vixere. | Viz. | Vogue (1 syl.) | Vogue la Galère. | Vole. | Voltaic Battery. | Voltaire. | Volume (2 syl.) | Vox et Præterea Nihil. | Vox Populi Vox Dei. | Vulcan. | Vulcans Badge. | Vulcanised Indiarubber. | Vulcanist. | Vulgar Errors. | VXL,


Wabun. | Wabung Annung | Wade (1 syl.) | Wades Boat | Wadham College (Oxford) | Wadman (Widow) | Wag Beards (To) | Wages. | Wages of Sin (The) | Wagoner. | Wahabites (3 syl.) | Waifs and Strays. | Waistcoat. | Waiters upon Providence. | Waits. | Wake (1 syl.) | "Waking a Witch." | Walbrook Ward (London) | Walcheren Expedition. | Waldemars Way. | Waldenses. | Waldo | Wales. | Walk (in Hudibras) | Walk Chalks. | Walk Spanish. | Walk not in the Public Ways. | Walk the Plank (To) | Walk through Ones Part (To) | Walker | Walkers Bus. | Walking Gentleman (A) | Walking Sword (A) | Walkyries (The) | Wall (The) | Wall. | Wall-eyed | Walls have Ears. | Wallaces Larder. | Wallflower. | Walloons. | Wallop. | Wallsend Coals. | Walnut [foreign nut]. | Walnut Tree. | Walpurgis Night. | Walston (St.) | Walter Multon | Waltham Blacks. | Walton. | Walton Bridle (The) | Wamba. | Wan means thin. | Wand. | Wandering Jew. | Wandering Willie or Willie Steenson. | Wandering Wood | Wans Dyke | Want or Went. | Wants | Wantley. | Wapentake. | Wapping Great | War of the Meal-sacks. | War of the Roses. | Ward. | Ward (Artemus) | Ward Money, Ward-penny, or Wardage. | Warden-pie. | Ware. | Warlock. | Warm Reception (A) | Warm as a Bat. | Warming-pan (A) | Warming-pan. | Warning Stone. | Warp (To) | Warp and Weft, or Woof. | Warrior Queen (The) | Warwick. | Warwick Lane (City) | Warwolf. | Washed Out (I am thoroughly) | Washing. | Washington of Columbia. | Wassail (2 syl.) | Wassailers. | Wastlers. | Wat. | Wats Dyke (Flintshire) | Watch Night. | Watch on Board Ship. | Watchet. | Water. | Water. | Water. | Water-gall. | Water-hole. | Water-logged. | Water-Poet. | Water-sky (A) | Water Stock (To) | Water of Jealousy (The) | Water Tasting like Wine. | Waters (Sanitary) | Waterloo Cup (The) | Waterworks (The) | Watling Street. | Watteau. | Wave. | Wax-bond End (A) | Way-bit. | Ways and Means. | Wayfaring Tree (The) | Wayland | Wayland Smiths Cave. | Wayland Wood (near Watton, Norfolk) | Wayleaves. | Wayzgoose. | We. | We Three. | We Left Our Country for Our Countrys Good. | Weak as Water. | Weak-kneed Christian or Politician (A) | Weapon Salve. | Wear. | Weasel. | Weather Breeder (A) | Weather-cock. | Weather-eye. | Weather-gage. | Weather-glass (The Peasants) | Web of Life. | Wed | Wedding Anniversaries. | Wedding Finger. | Wedding Knives. | Wednesday. | Weed of Worcester (The) | Weeds. | Weeping Brides. | Weeping Cross. | Weeping Philosopher. | Weeping Saint (The) | Weigh Anchor. | Weighed in the Balance, and found Wanting. | Weight. | Weight-for-age Race (A) | Weissnichtwo (vice-neecht-vo) | Welcher. | Weld or Wold. | Well Begun is Half Done. | Well-beloved. | Well-founded Doctor. | Well of English Undefiled. | Well of St. Keyne [Cornwall]. | Well of Samaria | Well of Wisdom. | Wells (Somersetshire) | Weller (Sam) | Wellington. | Welsh Ambassador (The) | Welsh Main. | Welsh Mortgage (A) | Welsh Rabbit. | Welsher. | Wench (A) | Werner | Werther. | Werwolf (French, loup-garou) | Wesleyan. | Wessex, or West Saxon Kingdom | Westmoreland [Land of the West Moors]. | Wet. | Wet-bob and Dry-bob. | Wet Finger (With a) | Wetherell (Elizabeth) | Wexford Bridge Massacre. | Weyd-monat. | Whale. | Whale. | Whalebone (2 syl.) | Wharncliffe (2 syl.) | Wharton. | What we Gave we Have, What we Spent we Had, What we Had we Lost. | Whats What. | Whately | Wheal | Wheatear (the bird) | Wheel. | Wheel of Fortune (The) | Whelps. | Whetstone. | Whetstone of Witte (The) | | Whip (A) | Whip. | Whip-dog Day. | Whip with Six Strings (The) | Whipping Boy. | Whiskers. | Whisky. | Whisky-drinker. | Whist. | Whistle (noun) | Whistle (verb) | Whistle Down the Wind (To) | Whistle for the Wind. | White | White Bird (The) | White Brethren or White-clad Brethren. | White Caps. | White Caps. | White Caps (1891) | White-coat (A) | White Cockade. | White Company (The) | White Czar (The) | White Elephant. | White Feather. | White Friars. | White Harvest (A) | White Hat. | White Horse | White Horses. | | White Ladies [Les Dames Blanches]. | White Lies. | White Moments of Life (The) | White Moon (Knight of the) | White Night (A) | White Poplar. | White Rose. | White Sheep [Ak-koin-loo]. | White Squall. | White Stone. | White Stone (Rev. ii. 17) | White Surrey. | White Tincture. | White Water-lotus [Pe-lien-kaou]. | White Widow. | White Witch (A) | White as Driven Snow. | White in the Eye. | Whitebait Dinner. | Whiteboys. | Whitehall (London) | Whitewashed. | Whit-leather. | Whitsunday. | Whittington. | Whittle (A) | Whittle Down. | Whitworth Gun. | Whole Duty of Man. | Whole Gale (A) | Whom the Gods Love Die Young [Herodotos]. | | Wicket-gate. | Wicliffe (John) | Wide-awake. | Widenostrils (3 syl.) | Widow. | Widow (in Hudibras) | Widow Bird. | Widows Cap. | Widows Piano. | Widows Port. | Wieland (2 syl.) | Wife | Wig. | Wig (A) | Wig. | Wight (Isle of) | Wigwam. | Wild (Jonathan) | Wild Boar. | Wild Boy of Hamelin | Wild Children. | Wild-goose Chase. | Wild Huntsman. | Wild Oats. | Wild Women [Wildë Frauën] | Wild Women. | Wild as a March Hare. | Wilde. | Wile away Time (not While) | Wilfrid (St.) | Wilhelm Meister (2 syl.) | Will not when They may. | William (2 syl.; in Jerusalem Delivered) | William L | Willie-Wastle (the childs game) | Willow. | Willow Garland. | Willow Pattern. | Wilmington | Wilt or Welk | Wiltshire (2 syl.) | Winchester. | Wind Egg. | Winds. | Windfall. | Windmills. | Windmill Street. | Window. (Norwegian, vindue.) | Wine. | Wine. | Wine-month. (Anglo-Saxon, Win-monath.) | Wine Mingled with Myrrh (Mark xv. 23) | Wintrith. | Wing, Wings. | Wings of Azrael (The) | Winged Rooks. | Winifred (St.) | Winkle (Rip van) | Wint-monath [Wind-month]. | Winter, Summer. | Winters Tale (Shakespeare) | Wipple-tree or Whipultre. | Wisdom-tooth. | Wisdom of Many and the Wit of One (The) | Wise (The) | Wise as a Serpent. | Wise as Solomon. | Wise as the Mayor of Banbury. | Wise as the Women of Mungret. | Wise Men or Wise Women. | Wise Men of Greece. | Wise Men of the East. | Wise Men of Gotham (The) | Wiseacre. | Wisest Man of Greece. | Wish-wash. | Wishy-washy. | Wishart (George) | Wishing-bone. | Wishing-cap. | Wishing-coat. | Wishing-rod (The) | Wisp. | Wisp of Straw (A) | Wit. | Wits. | Witch. | Witch-finder. | Witch Hazel. | Witch of Endor. | Witchs Bridle. | Witches Sabbath. | Witchcraft. | Witenagemot. | Witham. | Withe (1 syl.) | Withers of a Horse (The) | Within the Pale. | Witney (Oxfordshire) | Wittington. | Witwold. | Wives of Literary Men. | Wo. | Woo or Wooe. | Woosh | Woo-tee Dynasty. | Woden. | Woe to Thee, O Land | Woful. | Wokey. | Wolf (in music) | Wolf. | Wolf | Wolf Men. | Wolf-month or Wolf-monath. | Wolfs-bane. | Wolves. | Wonder. | Wonder-worker. | Wood. | Wood. | Woods Halfpence. | Woodbind. | Woodbine. | Woodcock (A) | Wooden Horse (The) | Wooden Horse (To ride the) | Wooden Horse of Troy. | Wooden Mare (The) | | Wooden Sword. | Wooden Wall. | Wooden Wedge. | Woodfall | Woodwardian Professor. | Wool. | Wool-gathering. | Woollen. | Woolsack. | Woolwich Infant (The) | Worcester (Woost-er) | Worcester College (Oxford) | Word. | Word (The) | Word to the Wise (A) | Words. | Working on the Dead Horse | World. | World (The) | Worm. | Worms | Wormwood. | Worse than a Crime. | Worship | Worsted. | Worth | Worthies (The Nine) | Wound. | Wraith. | Wrangler | Wraths Hole (Cornwall) | Wraxen. | Wright of Norwich. | Write. | Write Like an Angel (To) | Wrong. | Wrong End of the Stick (You have got hold of the) | Wrong Side of the Blanket (The) | Wrong Side of the Cloth (That is the) | Wrong Sow by the Ear (You have the) | Wrongun (A) | Wroth Money or Wroth Silver. | Wulstan (St.) | Wunderberg | Wyn-monath [Wine-month]. | Wynd. | Wyoming (3 syl.).


X | Xanthos [reddish yellow]. | Xantippe or Xanthippe (3 syl.) | Xenocrats. | Xerxes (2 syl.) | Xerxes Tears. | Ximena. | Xit. | Xury.


Y. | Y. | Yacoub ebn Laïth | Yacu-mama [mother of waters]. | Yama. | Yamuna. | Yarmouth Bloater. | Yarmouth Capons. | Yawn. | Yea, Yes. | Year. | Yellow. | Yellow-bellies. | Yellow Book of France. | Yellow-boy (A) | Yellow-boy (A) | Yellow Caps. | Yellow Dwarf. | Yellow Jack. | Yellow Jack (The) | Yellowhammer (The) | Yemen. | Yeoman (A) | Yeomans Service. | Yeomen of the Guard. | Yeth-Hounds. | Yezd (1 syl.) | Yggdrasil. | Ymir. | Yniol. | Yoke (1 syl.) | Yorick. | York | York Stairs (London) | Yorks (a Stock-Exchange term) | Yorkshire. | Young Chevalier. | Young England. | Young Germany. | Young Italy. | Your Petitioners shall ever Pray | Youth Restored. | Ysolde, Ysonde | Ysolt of the White Hand. | Yue-Laou | Yuga. | Yule (1 syl.) | Yule Log. | Yule Swain (The) | Yuletide | Yumboes (2 syl.) | Yves (St.) (1 syl.) | Yvetot (pron. Eve-tó).


Zabian. | Zacocia. | Zadkiel (3 syl.) | Zadoc | Zakarija ibn Muhammed | Zakkum. | Zal. | Zans. | Zanoni. | Zanny | Zel. | Zelica | Zelotes (3 syl.) | Zem. | Zenchis Khan [great chief]. | Zend-Avesta. | Zenelophon. | Zenith, Nadir. | Zephon [searcher of secrets]. | Zephyr. | Zeus (1 syl.) | Zeuxis (2 syl.) | Zif. | Zig. | Zig. | Zim and Jim. | Zimri | Zincali. | Zindikites (3 syl.) | Zineura | Zion. | Zist. | Zobeide (2 syl.) | Zodiac. | Zohar. | Zoilism. | Zoilos (Latin, Zoilus.) | Zola-ise. | Zoliverein | Zophiel. | Zoraida (3 syl.) | Zoraide (3 syl.) or Zoraida. | Zounds! | Zulal. | Zuleika. | Zulfagar.




Drama Queen (W3)

Die engl. "Drama Queen" ist einen Meisterin, Königin, darin, aus einer Mücke einen Elefanten zu machen. Sie dramatisiert und überreagiert. Sie ist verwandt mit der dt. "Prinzessin auf der Erbse".


April 15, 2009
The Rime Of The Teenage Drama Queen

(E?)(L?) queen

Limericks on "drama queen"


drama queen: A gay male who thrives on drama; one who makes mountains out of just about everything.


English in a Minute: Drama Queen
Published 03/07/2015
This phrase actually does not have anything to do with royalty. Do you know someone who is a "drama queen?"


Drama queen

(E1)(L1) Queen
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Drama Queen" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1900 auf.

Erstellt: 2015-03









Losing It (W3)

Diesen Ausdruck findet man in der Form engl. "I am losing it" = dt. "Es gelingt mir nicht mehr", "Ich schaffe es nicht mehr". Anscheinend kam die Redensart erst in den 1980er Jahren auf. Man streitet sich jedoch ob die Redensart durch eine Fernsehsendung initiiert und verbreitet wurde oder ob Psychiater den Ausdruck geprägt haben.


Losing It with Jillian


Word experts differ about how the expression started. Some believe it came from television programs popular in the 1980s. Others believe it began with psychologists and psychiatrists who deal with how people think, feel and act.

(E1)(L1) It
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Losing It" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1880 / 1950 auf.

Erstellt: 2014-09















Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Redensart, Locución, Tournure, Locuzione, Phrase, (esper.) dirmanieroj, esprimmanieroj

Sprichwörtlich Redensart, Refrán, Dicton, Proverbiale Dicendo, Saying


Ammer, Christine
Fruitcakes, Couch Potatoes and Other Delicious Expressions


1,000 food-related terms and expressions, ranging from old chestnut to red herring to fruitcake to couch potato. What has "ham" to do with overacting? why does "nut" stand for a man's head and his gonads? Why do we say "Holy mackerel?" Quotations abound, from 4000 B.C. to the present. This book is addressed to foodies and word lovers.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781620959213
Publisher: BookBaby
Publication date: 1/1/1995
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 220
File size: 270 KB

Erstellt: 2013-12

Ammer, Christine
The Facts on File Dictionary of Cliches
Meanings and Origins of Thousands of Terms and Expressions

Gebundene Ausgabe: 534 Seiten
Verlag: Facts on File Inc; Auflage: 2 (30. März 2006)
Sprache: Englisch

From Booklist
Christine Ammer acknowledges in the preface to this second edition of her dictionary of cliches that it may seem oxymoronic for her to speak of updating a dictionary of cliches by adding new cliches. But of course every cliche is new at some blurry point along a time line, just as others gradually fall out of favor. Thus, as a linguist whose concern is current usage, Ammer has not only added new ones (new in the sense of having recently become established as cliches) but she has culled and discarded many older cliches - such as "alas and alack" and "blot one's copybook" - that appeared in the first edition but that are rarely seen or heard nowadays.
This updated and expanded edition of a popular title explains the meanings and origins of almost 4,000 cliches and common expressions. Each entry in "The Facts On File Dictionary of Cliches, Second Edition" includes the meaning of the cliche or expression, its origin and early uses, the historical development of the phrase, and its present-day usage. For this second edition, the author has added hundreds of new cliches, including many from the business world, such as "drum up," "fork over," and "go belly-up"; from the military, such as "the balloon goes up," "body count," and "mickey mouse"; and from popular novels, especially mysteries and thrillers. Other new cliches include "bells and whistles," "yada yada yada," and "whatever." "The Facts On File Dictionary of Cliches, Second Edition" is the largest, most comprehensive, and most entertaining reference of its kind. Fully indexed and cross-referenced, this essential resource will prove invaluable for students, writers, and general readers.



Cheek, Gene (Autor)
Zullo, Allan (Autor)
Butter My Butt and Call Me a Biscuit
And Other Country Sayings, Say-SOS, Hoots, and Hollers

Taschenbuch: 216 Seiten
Verlag: Andrews & Mcmeel (Oktober 2009)
Sprache: Englisch

They're called colloquialisms, idioms, of just good old fashioned, home-grown country sayings steeped in humor and home-spun common sense. These parlances might not fit the modern hoity toity rhetoric you're used to seeing in print or hearing on TV, and that's exactly why they're more refreshing than an ice cube in July. In Butter My Butt and Call Me a Biscuit, Author Allan Zullo offers up more than 200 vernacular verses presented in themes, such as:

Über den Autor
Allan Zullo is the author or coauthor of nearly 100 nonfiction books, including the books in the best-selling Amazing But True series. He lives in Fairview, North Carolina.


They're called colloquialisms, idioms, of just good old fashioned, home-grown country sayings steeped in humor and home-spun common sense. These parlances might not fit the modern hoity toity rhetoric you're used to seeing in print or hearing on TV, and that's exactly why they're more refreshing than an ice cube in July. In Butter My Butt and Call Me a Biscuit, Author Allan Zullo offers up more than 200 vernacular verses presented in themes, such as: 978-0-7407-8567-2