Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Physik, Física, Physique, Fisica, Physics, (esper.) fiziko
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Erstellt: 2012-06
Albert Einstein
Schriften im Netz
Die Site aus Pasadena (US) stellt viele Manuskripte von Albert Einstein ins Netz.
The Einstein Archives Online Website provides the first online access to Albert Einstein’s scientific and non-scientific manuscripts held by the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and to an extensive Archival Database, constituting the material record of one of the most influential intellects in the modern era.
The site allows viewing and browsing of approx. 3,000 high-quality digitized images of Einstein’s writings, available for viewing in two sizes: a standard resolution image, as well as a high-resolution image for closer inspection. This digitization of more than 900 documents written by Einstein was produced by the Jewish National & University Library’s Digitization Project and was made possible by generous grants of David and Fela Shapell.
Digitized Manuscripts
Digitized images of Einstein's manuscripts have been grouped here according to content into three sections: Scientific Writings, Non-Scientific Writings and Travel Diaries.
- A. Scientific Material
- A.1 Scientific Manuscripts and Notebooks
- A.1.1 Scientific Manuscripts
- A.1.1.1 Published Scientific Manuscripts
- A.1.1.2 Unpublished Scientific Manuscripts
- A.1.1.3 Typescript Drafts of Scientific Manuscripts
- A.1.1.4 50th Anniversary of Relativity
- A.1.1.5 Obituaries by Einstein (includes obituaries of non-scientists)
- A.1.1.6 Scientific Drafts and Notes
- A.1.2 Scientific Notebooks
- A.1.2.1 Lecture Notebooks and Other Notebooks
- A.1.2.2 Notes of Einstein’s Lectures by Others
- B. Non-Scientific Material
- B.1 Non-Scientific Manuscripts
- B.1.1 Non-Scientific Holographic Manuscripts, arranged chronologically
- B.1.2 Typescripts of Non-Scientific Manuscripts, arranged chronologically
- B.1.3 Other Non-Scientific Manuscripts, arranged chronologically
- C. Biographical Material
- C.1 Travel Diaries, arranged chronologically
Die Datenbank läßt sich durchsuchen - z.B. nach "Relativitäts-Theorie".
You were searching for: Any text contains Relativitäts-Theorie
Items found: 49
DBinfo Call Nr Dated on or after Author Receiver Title or First line JPG CPAE
- 1-2.00 11/01/1919 Einstein, Albert Was ist Relativitäts-Theorie?
- 1-3.00 11/28/1919 Einstein, Albert Was ist Relativitäts-Theorie?
- 1-4.00 11/28/1919 Einstein, Albert Was ist Relativitäts-Theorie?
- 1-5.00 01/01/1918 Einstein, Albert [Über die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, Gemeinverständlich]
- 1-6.00 10/27/1920 Einstein, Albert [Äther und Relativitätstheorie]
- 1-7.00 12/09/1920 Einstein, Albert Kurze Skizze zur Entwicklung der Relativitätstheorie
- 1-14.00 09/23/1922 Einstein, Albert [Preface to the Czech edition of "Über die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie. Allgemein verständlich." 1917]
- 1-20.00 01/01/1922 Einstein, Albert Pauli, W. "Relativitätstheorie". Enzyclopädie d. math. Wissensch. B.G. Teubner
- 1-27.00 07/11/1923 Einstein, Albert Grundgedanken und Probleme der Relativitätstheorie
- 1-28.00 05/15/1923 Einstein, Albert Bemerkung zu meiner Arbeit 'Zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie'
- 1-37.00 01/01/1923 Winternitz., J. Deutsche Literatur Zeitung Relativitätstheorie und Erkenntnislehre
- 1-38.00 01/01/1923 Winternitz., J. Deutsche Literatur Zeitung Relativitätstheorie und Erkentnisslehre
- 1-65.00 01/06/1927 Einstein, Albert; Grommer, Jakob Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie und Bewegungsgesetz (Part I)
- 1-66.00 11/24/1927 Einstein, Albert Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie und Bewegungsgesetz (Part II)
- 1-118.00 10/19/1934 Einstein, Albert [Review of R. Tolman, 'Relativity, Thermodynamics and Cosmology']
- 1-128.00 10/12/1934 Einstein, Albert Elementare Betrachtungen über Impuls, Energie und Masse in der speziellen Relativitätstheorie
- 2-1.00 09/01/1921 Einstein, Albert Fünf Vorlesungen über Relativitätstheorie
- 2-6.00 01/01/1953 Einstein, Albert Weitere Überlegungen zur Relativitätstheorie des nicht symmetrischen Feldes.
- 2-17.00 01/01/1953 Einstein, Albert [Blurb for 3rd ed. Of "Meaning of Relativity" (published with 5th ed.)]
- 2-18.00 01/01/1953 Einstein, Albert [Blurb for 3rd ed. Of "Meaning of Relativity"]
- 2-70.00 01/23/1920 Einstein, Albert Grundgedanken und Methoden der Relativitäts-Theorie in ihrer Entwicklung dargestellt
- 2-82.00 08/04/1920 Einstein, Albert Vorlesungen über spezielle Relativitätstheorie
- 2-85.00 01/01/1921 Einstein, Albert Über die spezielle und allgemeine Relativitätstheorie A. Einstein. 1. Vorlesung.
- 2-92.00 01/01/1923 Einstein, Albert Zur Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. A. Einstein. §1. Allgemeines.
- 2-111.00 01/01/1930 Einstein, Albert Über den gegenwärtigen Stand der allgemeinen Relativitäts-Theorie.
- 2-111.10 01/01/1932 Einstein, Albert Über den gegenmaertigen Stand der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
- 2-114.00 01/01/1932 Einstein, Albert Das Wesen der Relativitätstheorie
- 2-115.00 01/01/1932 Einstein, Albert Das Wesen der Relativitätstheorie
- 2-122.00 03/07/1940 Einstein, Albert Relativitätstheorie und Bewegungsgesetz.
- 2-125.00 01/01/1947 Einstein, Albert Über den gegenwärtigen Stand der Relativitätstheorie
- 3-9.00 05/01/1919 Einstein, Albert Relativitätstheorie, Wintersemester 1918-19. Plan für die Zürcher Vorles. Sommer 1919
- 3-9.10 05/01/1919 Einstein, Albert Relativitätstheorie, Sommersemester 1919.
- 3-21.00 01/01/1916 Bloch, Werner Die Relativitätstheorie
- 3-22.00 01/01/1916 Bloch, Werner Die Relativitätstheorie
- 3-23.00 01/01/1917 Bloch, Werner Die Relativitätstheorie
- 3-24.00 01/01/1918 Bloch, Werner Die Relativitätstheorie
- 4-10.00 04/01/1920 Einstein, Albert Ueber die Bestätigung der allgemeinen Relativitäts-Theorie durch die Erfahrung
- 5-82.00 03/03/1912 Einstein, Albert Über eine naheliegende Erganzung des Fundamentes der allgemeinen Relativitäts-Theorie
- 5-88.00 01/01/1950 Einstein, Albert Relativitätstheorie
- 5-89.00 01/01/1950 Einstein, Albert Relativitätstheorie
- 5-89.10 05/05/1920 Einstein, Albert Äther und Relativitätstheorie
- 5-122.00 03/19/1955 Infeld, Leopold Die Geschichte der Relativitätstheorie
- 5-168.00 11/01/1925 Einstein, Albert Einstein, Albert [Elektron und allgemeine Relativitätstheorie]
- 5-174.00 05/06/1932 Einstein, Albert Vortrag für Cambridge
- 7-153.00 02/16/1939 Besso, Michele Angelo Von Einstein's relativitätstheorie haben die meisten schon was gehört
- 8-333.00 01/01/1924 Caratheodory, Constantin Einstein, Albert Caratheodory
- 36-587.00 01/01/1920 Einstein, Albert Struck, Hermann Dedication in Relativitätstheorie: "Mundus vult decipi."
- 120-788.00 03/20/1916 Einstein, Albert Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
Britney's Guide to Semiconductor Physics
It is a little known fact, that Ms Spears is an expert in semiconductor physics. Not content with just singing and acting, in the following pages, she will guide you in the fundamentals of the vital laser components that have made it possible to hear her super music in a digital format.
Introduction | The Basics of Semiconductors | Semiconductor Crystal Structures | Semiconductor Junctions | Finite Barrier Quantum Well | Radiative Recombination | Density of States | Edge-emitting Lasers | Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers | Photonic Crystals | Crystal Growth, Fabrication and Processing | Photolithography | Semiconductor and Optoelectronics Newsfeed | Britney Spears' Guide to Semiconductor Physics wallpaper | Reference and Data | About the Author
Physics |
| Lead-Lag Frequency Response | Potential Flow and d'Alembert's Paradox | The Hydrogen Atom | Probabilities and Velocities | Huygens' Principle | The Speed of Sound | Electrodynamics - The Curl of the Curl |
| The Ergodic Hypothesis and Equipartition of Energy | Waves in Ascending and Descending Dimensions | The Filter Of Observation | Reflections on Relativity | Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics | On the Cumulative Results of Quantum Measurements | More on Exhibited Conservation In QM | The Ordering of Interactions | A Mirror To Physics | Quantum Interactions On Null Surfaces | Can Schrodinger's Cat Factor Numbers? | Planetary Alignment | Retrograde Moon? | A Primer On Special Relativity | Two Geophysical Coincidences | The Doppler Effect | A Mass and Spring System in Motion | Sliding Ladders in the Abstract | The Lemniscate and Spacetime | Sighting Gravity | Time for a Rocking Chair | Frequency Response of First-Order Lag | Reactionless Propulsion (Not) | Geophysical Altitudes |
| Lesage's Shadows | Resonance and Motion | The Guest Star | Magnetism and Earnshaw's Theorem | Sandford's Elevator | Compressor Stalls and Mobius Transformations | Why Was Michelson Surprised? | Photons, Neutrinos, And Their Anti-Particles | Propagation of Pressure and Waves | Is Entropy Quantized? | Reasoning With Reversibility | Systems of Reference in Classical Mechanics | Aberration of Forces and Waves | Relative Rain | Inertial Forces and D'Alembert's Principle | Gravitational Slingshot | Intrinsic Wobble of Spinning Objects | Factoring Convex Figures | Escape to Infinity in Finite Time | Reflecting on the Geometric Mean | Gravity of a Torus | The Bulging Earth | Why Maxwell Couldn't Explain Gravity | Does Relativistic Mass Imply Special Relativity? | Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces | Accelerating In Place | Gravity, Entropy, and Coherence | Invariance, Covariance, and Contravariance | Tilting Pencils | Bell Tests and Biased Samples | Gerber's Gravity | A Budget of Barn Poles | Sagnac and Fizeau | An Infinite Wall | The Projection Postulate in Quantum Mechanics | The Complex Domain of Probability | Min-Energy Configurations of Electrons On A Sphere
| Weighing the Moon | Loxodromic Aliasing | Reversibility and Entropy | Orbits and Perturbations | The Electric Potential of a Moving Charge | Relativistic Speed Composition Formulas | Aliasing and Uncertainty | Rigidly Re-Orienting An Extended Body | Normal Shock Waves | Roemer's Hypothesis | Hypocycloidal Engine | The Stars In The Sky | Higher-Order Wave Equations and Matter Waves | Inverse-Square Forces and Orthogonal Polynomials | Newton's Proposition LXXI | Entangled Choices | The No-Curvature Interpretation of GR | Series Solutions of the Wave Equation | Quantum Entanglement and Bell's Theorem | A Rotating Disk in Translation | Black Holes, Event Horizons, and the Universe | The Electric and Magnetic Fields of a Moving Charge | Noether's Theorem | Restless Mass | Energy, Entropy, Enthalpy | True, Equivalent, and Calibrated Airspeeds | The Moon Always Falls Toward the Sun | Measuring the Speed of Gravity | The Wave Equation and Permutation of Rays | Twin Times | Hero and Fermat on Receding Mirrors | Does a Uniformly Accelerating Charge Radiate? | Analytic Functions, The Magnus Effect, and Wings | Spacetime Inversion | Frequency and Energy | The Virial Theorem | Retarded and Advanced Potentials | The Effect of Variations in Speed |
| The Twelfth Rainbow | Spherical Waves in Higher Dimensions | On Diffraction | Rotations and Anti-Symmetric Tensors | The Right-Angle Lever Paradox
Physical Units
Das "National Institute of Standards and Technology" (NIST) hat hier eine sehr interessante Site ins Netz gestellt, die über physikalische Konstanten und das "International System of Units" (SI) informiert.
Ein Hinweis besagte, dass physikalische Einheiten, die auf einen Personennamen zurückgehen als englische Abkürzung gross geschrieben, als englisches Wort jedoch klein geschrieben werden sollen. Als Beispiel 9V - aber 9 volts.
Leider kann ich diesen Hinweis auf den ansonsten sehr interessanten Seiten nicht explizit finden. Die vielen Beispiele bestätigen jedoch die Aussage.
Die "SI Unit rules and style conventions" mit der "Check List for Reviewing Manuscripts" beinhaltet z.B. Regeln für die Schreibweise:
- General
- Abbreviations
- Plurals
- Punctuation
- Multiplication & division
- Typeface Variables and quantity symbols are in italic type. Unit symbols are in roman type. Numbers should generally be written in roman type. ...
- Typeface Superscripts and subscripts
- Abbreviations The combinations of letters
- Unit modifications
- Percent The symbol %
- Information & units Information
- Math notation
- Unit symbols & names
- Numerals & unit symbols
- Unit spacing
- Digit spacing
- Quantity equations
- Standard symbols
- Weight vs. mass
- Quotient quantity
- Object & quantity
- Obsolete Terms
Interessant ist auch die Seite "Definitions of the SI base units" (s. current.html) mit Links zu dem historischen Kontext von:
- Unit of length: meter
- Unit of mass: kilogram
- Unit of time: second
- Unit of electric current: ampere
- Unit of thermodynamic temperature: kelvin
- Unit of amount of substance: mole
- Unit of luminous intensity: candela
Anzehl Massepunkte festlegen oder per Mausklick separat setzen und die physikalischen Gesetze der Gravitation beobachten.
Erstellt: 2015-12
Conversations of 5.000 Units
Hier findet man wirklich viele nützliche Umrechnungs-Tools online.
Convert just about anything to anything else. Over 5,000 units, and 50,000 conversions.
- Most Popular Conversion Pages: Length, Temperature, Speed, Volume, Weight, Cooking, Area, Fuel Economy, Currency.
- Angles Gradients, Radians, Degrees, Minutes, Seconds, Points, More...
- Area Square centimeter, Square meter, Square inch, Square foot, Square mile, Square Kilometer, Acres, Circles, More...
- Astronomical Astronomical unit, light-years, parsecs, More...
- Clothing Convert clothing sizes between many different countries.
- Ring Sizes Determine your ring size in many different countries.
- Women's Shoe Sizes Convert Women's shoe sizes between many different countries and sizing systems.
- Women's Clothing Sizes Convert Women's clothing sizes between various countries.
- Men's Shoe Sizes Convert Men's shoe sizes between many different countries and sizing systems.
- Men's Clothing Sizes Convert Men's clothing sizes between various countries.
- Oven Temperature Conversions Convert between gas mark and electric oven temperatures.
- Date/Time Several different converters and calculators related to dates and times.
- Lead Time Add a certain amount of days, weeks, months, and years to a date, and calculate the new date.
- Day Number, Week Number, Day of Week Calculate the Day number (day of the year), week number, and the day of the week for a given date.
- Date Difference Calculate the number of days between two dates.
- Julian Date Convert calendar date and time to Julian date and vice versa.
- Calendar Creator Choose a year and a month and the calendar will be displayed.
- Unix Time Convert Unix time into a readable date.
- Time Conversion Convert between Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years, More...
- TimeZone Find out what time it is in different areas around the world.
- Time Calculator Add or Subtract hours and minutes.
- Advanced Time Calculator Like the above, but also allows you to convert many minutes or seconds into the HH:MM:SS format. It also may be easier to use.
- See Also:
- Group Work Calculate how long for two people to complete a task
- Lap Time Calculates the average lap time required to finish a race in the time you enter
- Leap Year Determine if a year is a leap year.
- Radiation How much radioactive material remains after a given time.
- Your Age How old you are down to the second, how many seconds old you are, and how long until your next birthday
- Day Born Find out what day of the week you were born
- Running Calculate your time, distance covered, or pace.
- Dog Years How old are you in Dog Years?
- Density kg/cubic meter, lbm/cubic foot, lbm/gallon, aluminum, copper, gold, water, More...
- Energy Joules, Btu, calories, electronvolt, erg, watt hour, therm, toe, tce, More...
- Finance Several calculators and conversions related to finance
- Flow Rate Many different flowrate conversions. Includes separate pages for mass based, volume based, and mole based flowrates.
- Force Dyne, gram-force, poundals, newtons, pounds, kgm-force, More...
- Frequency Hertz, cycles per second, revolutions per second, degrees per second, radians per second, many more...
- Fun Stuff Several fun and interesting calculators and conversions
- Weight on Other Planets Ever wondered how much you would weigh on Mars? Now is your chance to find out.
- Advanced Roman Numerals Converts to and from Roman Numerals and whole numbers.
- Retire Date Determine how many day until you can retire.
- Pig Latin Translate a name or phrase into Pig Latin.
- Häxor Translate to and from English and Häxor.
- World Population Estimates the current world population.
- Morse Code Convert your name or message into morse code.
- Your Age How old you are down to the second, how many seconds old you are, and how long until your next birthday.
- BAC Check Calculate your Blood-Alcohol Content.
- BMI Calculator Calculate your Body Mass Index.
- Day Born Find out what day of the week you were born.
- Calories Burned Calculate the number of calories you burn running.
- Running Calculate your time, distance covered, or pace.
- Driving Distance Find the driving distance between major US cities.
- Dog Years How old are you in Dog Years?
- Male Body Calculates a man's ideal body measurements.
- Pregnancy Estimates the conception date, birth due date, and current fetal age.
- Typing Test Find out how fast you can type with this simple test.
- Roman Numerals Converts a numeric year into Roman Numerals.
- Download Speed Enter a file size and estimate the download speed with various modems.
- Length/Distance Millimeters, Centimeters, Inches, Feet, Yards, Meters, Kilometers, Miles, Mils, Rods, Fathoms, Nautical Miles, More...
- Common Length Conversions - A few of the more common length and distance units. Such as feet, meters, inches, centimeters, miles, kilometers, etc. This is a good place to start.
- All Length Conversions - Nearly 300 different length and distance units. This is a bit more confusing, but necessary if you cant find the unit you need in the above conversion page.
- Metric Length Conversions - Just the metric length and distance units. Helps convert between all the different metric prefixes.
- Light Conversion calculators for illuminance and luminance.
- Miscellaneous Several calculators and conversions that didn't fit any other category
- Ohm's Law An Ohms Law Calculator. Determine Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Power.
- Tip Calculator Calculate how much to leave as a tip. Even split the bill between multiple people.
- Gauge Various gauge conversions. Wire Gauge, Sheet metal Gauge, and possibly more in the future.
- Electric Current Convert between most electric current units. Ampere, milliampere, gilbert, siemens volt, volt/ohm, and more...
- Electric Motor Horsepower A Full Load Amps to Horsepower calculator for Electric AC Motors.
- Blood Sugar Blood Sugar Converter. Useful for diabetes patients visiting a different country.
- Automotive Several automotive conversions and calculators.
- Horse Height Convert Hands to inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
- Grade Point Average Calculate your Grade Point Average.
- HTML Tools Some HTML tools and tutorials. Including a Color Picker.
- Room Area Area Calculator. Enter the length and width to calculate the area. Useful for rooms, yards, gardens, anything rectangular in shape.
- Electric Capacitance Conversions relating to capacitance. Farad, jar, puff, kilofarad, decifarad, ampere second/volt, coulomb/volt, more...
- Nails Many different types of American nails. With technical data and qty/pound calculator. Including common, roofing, finishing, and box.
- Brix to Baumé Convert to and from Brix degrees and Baume degrees. Used in syrup, wine, juice, malt, and others.
- Typography Convert pica and points to inches or centimeters.
- Water Weight Convert a volume of water to weight, and vice versa.
- Wind Chill Calculate the wind chill factor
- Phone Number Converts a alphanumeric phone number to its numeric equivalent
- Airport Calculator Find the degrees, Miles, and Kilometers between two airports
- Atmosphere A calculator to help with Atmospheric calculations
- Armor A Armor Penetration calculator
- BAC Check Calculate your Blood-Alcohol Content
- Circle Solver Calculate circle area, diameter, and circumference
- Cosine Calculator Enter the adjacent and hypotenuse angles to find the cosine angle
- Expression Solver You can solve mathematical expressions using this calculator
- Group Work Calculate how long for two people to complete a task
- Lap Time Calculates the average lap time required to finish a race in the time you enter
- Leap Year Determine if a year is a leap year.
- Percent Take the guess work out of percentages
- Prime Easily determine if a number is prime or not.
- Radiation How much radioactive material remains after a given time.
- Meeting Room Size Find the approximate room size you'll need depending on your meeting room setup and the number of attendees.
- Roman Numerals Converts a numeric year into Roman Numerals.
- Advanced Roman Numerals Converts to and from Roman Numerals and whole numbers.
- Download Speed Enter a file size and estimate the download speed with various modems.
- Field Depth Determine the field depth and amount that will be in focus in a photograph
- Numbers Number conversions and information. Base conversion, SI Standard prefixes, American and British naming conventions, and more...
- Decimal number system prefixes The SI standard number prefixes for decimal. k, kilo, M, mega, and the rest, from yotta to yocto.
- Large Numbers The names for numbers larger than a million. Both the American and British naming conventions. Billion, trillion, milliard, sextillion, quadrillion, many more.
- Number base Conversion Convert to and from binary, ternary, quintal, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.
- Advanced Roman Numeral Conversion Convert between decimal and Roman Numerals.
- Power Watts, BTU/hour, foot-lbs/second, Horsepower, kilowatts, More...
- Pressure dyne/sq cm, Pascal, poundal/sq foot, Torr, inch H2O, inch mercury, More...
- Speed centimeters/second, meters/second, kilometers/hour, feet/second, feet/minute, miles/hour, knots, mach, More...
- Temperature Celsius, Fahrenheit, Rankine, Reaumur, and Kelvin
- Torque Pound-force Foot, Pound-force Inch, Kilogram-force Meter, and Newton meter
- Viscosity Poise, Centipoise, Water, Oil, Glycerin, more...
- Volume Liquid and Dry. Liters, Fluid Ounces, Pints, Quarts, Gallons, Milliliter/cc, Barrels, Gill, Hogshead, More...
- Weight/Mass Kilograms, Ounces, Pounds, Troy Pounds, Stones, Tons, More...
- Additional Pages
- Message Forum Archive This is the archive of all the messages from the message forum.
- Stop SpyWare Having trouble with pop-ups? Computer running slow? Read this information I have collected about spyware and viruses.
Preliminary: Units and Measurement | Dimensions | Prefixes | Scientific Notation | Vectors | Mathematical Tricks | Errors and Uncertainty | Significant Figures | Differentiation | Integration | Logarithms | Graphs | Exam Advice | Past Papers | Useful Mathematics | Notation | The Scientific Method | Physical Constants
Light and Optics: Relfection from a Plane Mirror | Convex Mirrors | Concave Mirrors |
Nuclear Physics: The Structure of Matter | Radioactivity | Mass Energy Conservation | Fission | Fusion | Binding Energy
Classical Mechanics: Distance and Displacement |
| Linear Motion | Momentum | Newtons Laws of Motion | Work | Circular Motion | Angular Momentum | Energy | Moment of Inertia | Power
| Moments and Couples | Equilibrium | Satellite Motion | Friction | Simple Harmonic Motion |
| Gravitation | Keplers Laws
Electricity and Magnetism: Voltage | Current | Ohm's Law | Power | Electro Motive Force | Resistors | Capacitors | Electrostatics | Electrostatic Machines | Lego Kelvin Water Dropper | Electric Fields | Batteries and Cells | Magnetism | Induction | Applications of Induction
Thermodynamics: Thermal Equilibrium | Internal Energy | Phases of Matter | Zeroth Law | The First Law of Thermodynamics | The Second Law of Thermodynamics | The Third Law of Thermodynamics | Entropy | Thermodynamic Potential | State Variables | Helmholtz Free Energy | Gibbs Free Energy | Enthalpy | Ideal Gases | Work | Heat Engines | Specific Heat Capacity | Latent Heat | Seebeck Effect
Cosmology: Early Cosmology | The Solar System | Beyond the Solar System | Distances and Magnitudes
Scientific Calculator
- compute mechanical work work F=30N, d=100m
- compute centripetal acceleration centripetal acceleration, 30mph, 500 ft
- do a gravitation calculation gravitation calculation
Electricity & Magnetism
- do an Ohm's law calculation 12A, 110V
- use input fields to specify data for an Ohm's law computation Ohm's law calculator
- do computations using the thin lens equation lens, f=20ft, o=400ft
- compute a diffraction pattern for a circular aperture circular aperture a=0.2mm, lambda=650nm
- do computations with Joule's law Joule's law u=3V, R=1ohm for 10s
- analyze an adiabatic process adiabatic process Vi=10L, Vf=2L, pi=1atm
- do relativistic addition of velocities add velocities, 8e7 m/s, 8e7 m/s
- compute relativistic momentum relativistic momentum electron, 0.8c
Nuclear Physics
- compute the stopping power of a material stopping power air 0.5MeV electron
- get information about an isotope iodine 131
Quantum Physics
- compute photon energy given wavelength photon energy 435nm
- compute a Compton wavelength Compton wavelength proton
- look up atomic spectra atomic spectrum of nitrogen
- look up atomic spectra Balmer series spectrum
Particle Physics
- get information about a particle proton
- do a calculation with particle properties mass proton / electron
- compare the values of a property for a class of particles mass boson
Statistical Physics
- do an ideal gas law computation ideal gas law 2.2mol, 2.0atm, 500K
- compute with Raoult's law Raoult's law benzene, toluene
- compute the orbital period of a massive body orbiting another Kepler's third law, 4 solar masses, 5 Earth masses, 2.5 AU
- compute cosmological properties of the universe 1 billion years after the big bang
- compute properties of a black hole black hole 10 solar masses
Physical Constants
- get the value of a physical constan speed of light
- get the value of a physical constan Schwinger field strength
- do computations involving constants Planck mass / mass of electron
Famous Physics Problems
- find out about Newton's laws Newton's laws
- find out about Brownian motion Brownian motion
- learn about a paradox in quantum mechanics EPR paradox
Erstellt: 2011-10
Physics Dictionaries
Naturwissenschaften - Eric Weisstein's dictionaries: Physics
a | A-Bomb | Abbe Prism | Aberration | Abney Effect | Abrikosov Lattice | Absolute Horizon | Absolute Humidity | Absolute Pressure | Absolute Temperature | Absolute Zero | Absorbance | Absorption Coefficient |
| Accretion Disk | Achromat | Achromatic Lens | Acoustic Radiation | Acoustics | Acoustic Fluidization | Acoustooptical Tunable Fi... | Acre | Actinometer | Action and Reaction | Action-Angle Variables | Action Integral | Adams-Williamson Equation | Adhesion | Adiabatic | Adiabatic Lapse | Admiralty Knot | Admittance | Advanced Time | Advective Derivative | Advection | Aerodynamics | Aerosol | Aharonov-Bohm Effect | Air | Air Pressure | Airfoil | Airy Disk | Airy Function | Airy Pattern | Albedo | ALC Loop | Alfvén Wave | Alpha Decay | Alpha Effect | Alpha Particle | Alpha Radiation | Alpha Ray | AM | Amagat | Amp | Ampere | Ampère's Law | Amplitude | Amplitude Closure Relatio... | Analytic Signal | Anemometer | Angle of Attack | Angle of Incidence | Angle of Reflection |
| Ångström
| Angular Dispersion | Angular Distance | Angular Frequency | Angular Magnification | Angular Momentum | Angular Momentum Commutat... | Angular Momentum Density | Angular Momentum Operators | Angular Resolution | Angular Size |
| Anisotropic | Annihilation Operator | Anode | Anomalous Dispersion | Anomalous Magnetic Moment | Anomalous Zeeman Effect | Antenna | Antenna Efficiency | Antenna Gain | Antenna Power Pattern | Antenna Temperature | Antenna Voltage Pattern | Anti-Stokes Bands | Antibaryon | Antielectron | Antiferrimagnetism | Antihydrogen | Antilepton | Antimatter | Antimeson | Antineutrino | Antineutron | Antiparticle | Antiproton | Antiquark | Apothecaries' System of W... | Apdram | Aperture Efficiency | Aperture Factor | Aperture Stop | Apgrain | Apoapsis | Apodization | Apounce | Apparent Horizon | Appound | Apscruple | Apsides |
| Archimedes' Principle | Archimedean Screw | Are | Area | Argument of Latitude | Argument of Pericenter | Arpent Area | Arpent Length | Ascending Node | Athermalization | Astigmatism | Astrophysics | Asymmetry Parameter | Atmosphere | Atmospheric Diffusion | Atmospheric Layers | Atmospheric Pressure | Atom | Atom Bomb | Atomic Bomb | Atomic Decay | Atomic Force Microscopy | Atomic Mass | Atomic Mass Number | Atomic Mass Unit | Atomic Number | Atomic Pile | Atomic Polarizibility | Atomic Spectra | Atomic Spring Constant | Atomic Weight | Attached Eddies | Attack Angle | Atto | Auditory Range | Auger Effect | Automatic Level Control L... | Avogadro's Hypothesis | Avogadro's Law | Avogadro's Number | Avogadro's Principle | Avoirdupois System of Uni... | Axion | Azimuthal Quantum Number
B | Babinet Compensator | Babinet's Paradox | Babinet's Principle | Bag | Bagnold Friction Law | Bagnold Number | Ballistics | Balmer Formula | Balmer Lines | Bandwidth Pattern | Bandwidth Smearing | Bandwidth Synthesis | Bar | Bardeen-Petterson Effect | Bardeen Potential | Barkhausen Effect | Barleycorn | Barn | Barnett Effect | Baroclinic | Barometer | Barometric Law | Barotropic | Barotropic Equation | Barrel | Barrel Distortion | Barrier | Barrier Penetration | Baryon | Baryon Number | Baseband Signal | Batterman's Effect | Battery | BBGKY Hierarchy | BCS Theory | Beam | Beam--Clamped at Both Ends | Beam--Freely Supported at... | Beam--One End Clamped, On... | Beam--One End Clamped, On... | Beam Area | Beam Convolution | Beam Pattern | Beam Solid Angle | Beam Width | Beamsplitter | Beat Frequency | Becquerel | Beer's Law | Bekenstein-Hawking Formula | Bell's Inequalities | Ben-Reuven Lineshape | Bénard Configuration | Bending Moment | Benedick Effect | Bennett's Relation | Bernoulli Effect | Bernoulli's Equation | Bernoulli's Law | Bernoulli Principle | Bernstein Mode | Berry Phase | Bertotti-Robinson Solution | Bertrand's Method | Bertrand's Theorem | Beta | Beta Decay | Beta Particle | Beta Radiation | Beta Ray | Bethe-Peierls-Weiss Appro... | Bezold-Brücke Effect | BGK Waves | Bhabha Scattering | Big Bang | Binary Diffusion Coeffici... | Binding Energy | Binding Fraction | Binet's Equation | Bingham Number | Bingham Plastic Model | Biot | Biot Number | Biot-Savart Law | Birch's Law | Birch-Murnaghan Equation | Birefringence | Bispectrum Analysis | Birkhoff's Theorem | Bjorken Scaling Function | BKL Singularity | Black Dwarf | Black Hole | Black Hole No Hair Theorem | Black Light | Black Noise | Blackbody | Blackbody Function | Blackbody Radiation | Blackbody Spectrum | Blackbody Temperature | Blandford-Znajek Process | Blasius Profile | Blast Wave | Blazed Grating | Bloch-Grüneisen Resistivi... | Bloch Theorem | Blocking | Blumentritt Equation | Boat | Bob Pendulum | Body Wave | Bohm-Aharonov Effect | Bohm Diffusion | Bohm-Gross Dispersion Rel... | Bohr Energy | Bohr Magneton | Bohr Model | Bohr Quantum Hypothesis | Bohr Radius | Boiling | Bolometer | Bolt | Boltzmann's Constant | Boltzmann Distribution | Boltzmann Equation | Boltzmann Factor | Boltzmann H-Theorem | Bond Albedo | Bondi-Gold Steady-State C... | Bondi Mass | Bondi's Radiating Metric | Bonnet's Theorem | Boojum | Boom of Logs | Boost | Born-Oppenheimer Approxim... | Born Postulate | Bose Distribution | Bose-Einstein Condensation | Bose-Einstein Distribution | Bose-Einstein Statistics | Boson | Bouguer Gravity | Bouguer's Law of Extincti... | Bound-Bound Transitions | Bound Charge | Bound Current Density | Bound Electrons | Bound-Free Transitions | Bound Object | Bound Surface Charge Dens... | Bound Surface Current | Boundary Conditions | Boundary Layer | Boundary Layer Separation | Boussinesq Equations | Boussinesq Number | Box | Box Standing Waves | Boyer-Lindquist Coordinat... | Boyle's Law | Boyle-Mariotte Law | Brace Notation | Brachistochrone Problem | Bragg Cell | Bragg's Law | Bragg Raft | Bragg Relation | Branching Ratio | Brans-Dicke Theory | Brayton Cycle | Breeder Reactor | Breit's Equation | Breit-Wigner Resonance | Bremsstrahlung | Bremsstrahlung Effect | Brewster's Angle | Brewster's Law | Bridgman Effect | Brightness | Brightness Temperature | Brightness Wave | Brillouin Function | Brillouin Scattering | Brillouin Zone | British Thermal Unit | Brouwer Theory | Brown Dwarf | Brown Noise | Brownian Motion | Bruns' Theorem | Brunt-Väisälä Frequency | Btu | Bubble | Bubble Chamber | Buckingham's Pi Theorem | Buckling Length | Bulk Viscosity | Bullen Parameter | Buoyancy | Buoyancy Force |
| Buoyancy Pressure | Bushel | Buys-Ballot's Laws
c | C | c3 | Cabibo Angle | Cabibo Mixing | Cable | Callan-Gross Relation | Caloric | Caloric Theory | Calorie | Calutron | Candela | Candle | Canonical Distributions | Canonical Ensemble | Canonical Field Theory | Canonical Invariant | Canonical Momentum | Canonical Transformation | Cantilever | Capacitance | Capacitor | Capillary Tube | Capillary Wave | Carcinotron | Cardioid Orbit | Carnot Cycle | Carnot Engine | Casimir | Casimir Effect | Casimir Force | Casimir's Function | Casimir-Polder Force | Casimir Trick | Cassini Laws | Cassini States | Castigliano's Theorem | Catapult | Catenary | Cathode | Cathode Ray | Cathode Ray Tube | Cauchy's Formula | Causality | Causality Problem | Caustic | Cavendish Balance | Cavitation | Cavity Radiation | Celestial to Equatorial C... | Celestial to Equatorial C... | Celestial Mechanics | Celsius | Centauro Event | Center of Curvature | Center of Gravity | Center of Mass | Centi | Centimeter | Central Force | Central Orbit
| Centrifugal Force | Centrifugal Force Inversi... | Centrifugal Potential | Centripetal Force | Cerenkov Radiation | cgs | Chain Reaction | Chandrasekhar Limit | Chandrasekhar Mass Limit | Chandrasekhar Mean Opacity | Charge | Charge Density | Charge Four-Vector | Charged Particle | Charles' Law | Charles's Theorem | Chemical Potential | Chemiluminescence | Cherenkov Radiation | Chern-Simmons Angle | Chi1+Chi2 Effect | Chief Ray | Child-Langmuir Law | Chirality | Christiansen Frequency | Chladni Figure | Chromatic Aberration | Chromoelectric Field | Chronology Protection Con... | Circuit | Circular Orbit | Circular Pipe | Circular Polarization | Circulation | Classical Electron Radius | Classical Physics | Clairaut's Equation | Clapeyron's Equation | Clarke Orbit | Clausius-Mossetti Relation | Clausius Theorem | CL Circuit | CLEAN Beam | CLEAN Map | Clebsch-Gordan Coefficient | Closed Orbit | Closure Amplitude Relatio... | Closure Phase Relations | Cloud Chamber | CLR Circuit | Cluster Expansion | Coanda Effect | Coaxial Cables | Coefficient of Finesse | Coefficient of Restitution | Coercivity | Coherence | Coherence Function | Coherence Length | Coherence Time | Coherent Backscattering | Coherent Scattering | Cohesion | Collision | Collision Coefficient | Collision Integral | Colloid | Color Force | Colossal Magnetoresistance | Column | Column Density | Column Mass Density | Column Number Density | Coma | Combined Law of Thermodyn... | Commutators | Compacton | Compensator | Complex Correlator | Complex Gain | Compressible Fluid | Complex Impedance | Compressibility | Compressional Wave | Complete Set of Commuting... | Compton Effect | Compton Radius | Compton Scattering | Compton Shift | Compton Tube | Compton Wavelength | Condensation | Condensed Matter Physics | Condenser | Conductance | Conducting Rotating Sphere | Conduction | Conductivity | Conductor |
| Connected Element Interfe... | Conoscope | Conservation Laws | Conservation of Angular M... | Conservation of Baryon Nu... | Conservation of Charge | Conservation of Energy | Conservation of Mass | Conservation of Momentum | Conservation of Parity | Conservation of Symmetry | Conservative System | Constant Deviation Prism | Constraint | Constructive Interference | Contact Transformation | Continuity Equation | Continuum Mechanics | Contrast | Convection | Convective Mixing Time | Cooling | Cooling Force | Cooper Electron Pair | Coorbital Satellites | Copenhagen Interpretation | Copenhagen Problem |
| Correlation Interferometer | Correlator | Correspondence Principle | Cosmic Background Radiati... | Cosmic Censorship Hypothe... | Cosmic Microwave Backgrou... | Cosmic Rays | Cosmological Constant | Cosmological Density | Cosmological Distance | Cosmological Equations | Cosmological Optical Depth | Cosmological Principle | Cosmology | Cotes' Spiral Orbit | Cotton-Mouton Effect | Couette Flow | Coulomb | Coulomb's Constant | Coulomb Energy | Coulomb Force | Coulomb Gauge | Coulomb's Law | Coulomb Potential | Couple | Coupled Pendula | Cowling's Theorem | CP-Symmetry | CPT Theorem | CR Circuit | Creation Operator | Creep | Critical Angle | Critical Density | Critical Mass | Critical Phenomenon | Critical Point Opalescence | Critical Rayleigh Number | Critical Size | Cross Correlator | Cross Section | Cryogenics | Crystal | Cube Gravitational Force | Cubit | Cup | Curie | Curie's Law | Curie Temperature | Curie-Weiss Law | Current | Current Density | Current Density Four-Vect... | Current Ring | Current Sheet | Curvature of the Universe | Cycle | Cyclic Coordinates | Cyclotron | Cyclotron Formula | Cyclotron Frequency | Cyclotron Radiation | Cylinder Drag | Cylinder Gravitational Po... | Cylinder Heat Diffusion | Cylindrical Wave
D | d'Alembert's Paradox | d'Alembert's Principle | Dalton's Atomic Hypothesis | Dalton's Law | Damped Simple Harmonic Mo... | Damping | Daniel Bernoulli's Princi... | Darwin-Radau Equation | Data Mile | de Broglie Wavelength | de Broglie Wavenumber | de Haas-van Alphen Effect | de Sitter Cosmological Mo... | de Sitter Effect | Debye | Debye-Falkenhagen Effect | Debye Frequency | Debye Length | Debye Model | Debye Temperature | Debye Theory | Deca | Decay Constant | Deceleration Parameter | Deci | Decibel Scale | Dee | Deflection Angle | Deformable Body | Deformation | Degeneracy Pressure | Degenerate | Degree of Freedom | Delay Beam | Delay Pattern | Delay | Delay Tracking | Density | Density Scale Height | Density Weighting Function | Depolarization Factor | Descending Node | Destructive Interference | Detailed Balance | Detector | Deuterium | Deuteron | Dewpoint | Diamagnetism | Diatomic Ideal Gas | Dichroism | Dicke Paradox | Dielectric | Dielectric Constant | Dielectric Reflection | Diesel Cycle | Differential Thermal Anal... | Diffraction | Diffraction Grating | Diffraction Limit | Diffraction-Limited Optics | Diffraction Pattern | Diffuse Reflection | Diffusion | Diffusion Coefficient | Diffusion Equation | Dilation | Dimensional Analysis | Dimensionless Logarithmic... | Diode | Diopter | Dipole | Dipole Antenna | Dipole Approximation | Dipole Moment | Dirac Equation | Dirac Matrices | Directivity | Dirty Beam | Dirty Map | Disk Dynamo | Disintegration Process | Dispersion | Dispersion Relation | Displacement | Displacement Current | Displacement Electric Fie... | Distance | Distortion | Disturbing Function | Disturbing Potential | Diurnal Libration | Dobson Unit | Domain | Doppler Broadening | Doppler Effect | Doppler Lineshape | Doppler Shift | Double Beta Decay | Double Pendulum | Double Prism
| Double-Sideband Receiver | Double Slit Interference | Downward Continuation | Drag | Drag Coefficient | Drag Force | Drag Power | Dram | Drop | Droplet | Drum | Duality Principle | Dulong-Petit Law | Dynamical Ellipticity | Dynamic Pressure | Dynamic Range | Dynamic Viscosity | Dynamics | Dynamo | Dynamo Equation | Dyne
E | Earnshaw's Theorem | Eccentric Anomaly | Eccentricity | Eccentricity Perturbations | Eddy Current | Eddy Diffusion | Eddy Diffusion Coefficient | Eddy Viscosity | Eddies | Eddington-Lemaître Cosmol... | Eddington Luminosity | Eddington-Robertson Metric | Edison Effect | Edge Effects | Effect | Efficiency | Effusion | Ehrenfest Principle | Ehrenfest Theorem | Eikonal | Einstein | Einstein Cosmological Mod... | Einstein Coefficients | Einstein Cross | Einstein-de Haas Effect | Einstein-de Sitter Cosmol... | Einstein Field Equations | Einstein Formula | Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen P... | Einstein Relation | Einstein Temperature | Ekman Layer | Ekman Number | Elastic Collision | Elastic Deformation | Elastic Energy | Elastic Limit | Elastic P-Wave | Elastic Plate | Elastic Ratio | Elastic Rod | Elastic S-Wave | Elastic Wave | Elastica | Elasticity | Electric Circuit | Electric Current | Electric Dipole | Electric Dipole Moment | Electric Dipole Radiation | Electric Displacement | Electric Field | Electric Force | Electric Monopole | Electric Multipole Expans... | Electric Permittivity | Electric Polarization | Electric Polarizibility | Electric Potential | Electric Potential Energy | Electric Quadrupole | Electric Quadrupole Moment | Electric Quadrupole Radia... | Electric Scalar Potential | Electric Susceptibility | Electric Torque | Electrical Conductance | Electrical Conduction | Electrical Conductivity | Electrical Conductor | Electricity | Electrode | Electrodynamometer | Electrodynamics | Electromagnet | Electromagnetic Field | Electromagnetic Field Ten... | Electromagnetic Force | Electromagnetic Radiation | Electromagnetic Spectrum | Electromagnetic Wave | Electromagnet | Electromagnetism | Electromotive Force | Electron | Electron Angular Momentum | Electron Antineutrino | Electron Aufbau | Electron Capture | Electron Charge | Electron Degeneracy Press... | Electron Magnetic Moment | Electron Magnetic Resonan... | Electron Mass | Electron Microprobe | Electron Microscope | Electron Neutrino | Electron Orbital | Electron Pair Production | Electron Paramagnetic Res... | Electron Quantum Numbers | Electron Radius | Electron Scattering | Electron Spectra | Electron Spin Resonance | Electron Volt | Electronics | Electrooptical Effect | Electrophoric Effect | Electrorheological Fluid | Electroscope | Electrostatic Force | Electrostatics | Electrostatic Unit | Electrostatic Wave | Electroweak Force | Electroweak Theory | Element | Ell | Ellipsoid Gravitational F... | Ellipsometric Parameters | Ellipsometry | Elliptic Polarization | Elliptical Orbit | Emissivity | Emissivity Coefficient | Emissivity Density | Energy | Energy Density | Energy Flux | Energy Function | Energy Usage | Engine | Ensemble | Entanglement | Enthalpy | Entrance Pupil | Entropy | Eotvos | Ephah | EPR Paradox | Equation of Center | Equation of State | Equatorial to Celestial C... | Equilibrium | Equilibrium Constant | Equilibrium Postulate | Equinoctial Precession | Equipartition Theorem | Equivalence Principle of... | Equivalence Principle of... | Equivalent Thickness | Erg | Ergodic | Erfle Eyepiece | Ericsson Cycle |
| Esu | Étalon | Eternal Black Hole | Ether | Ether Drag | Ettinghausen Effect | Étude | Eulerian Coordinates | Euler's Equation of Invis... | Euler's Equations of Moti... | Euler's Theorem | Euler's Two-Point Orbit D... | eV | Evanescent Wave | Evaporation | Event Horizon | Evolution Operator | Ewald-Oseen Extinction Th... | Exa | Exchange Coupling | Exciton | Exit Pupil | Exitance | Exotic Material | Expansion of the Universe | Expansion Parameter | Expansion Postulate | Expansion Rate | Expectation Value | Expectation Value Postula... | Explosion | Extensive Variable | External Force | Extinction | Extinction Coefficient | Extinction Cross Section | Extraordinary Ray | Eyepiece
F | F- and G-Functions | f- and g-Series | f-Number | f-Stop | Fabry-Perot Étalon | Fabry-Perot Interferometer | Fahrenheit | Fall | Far Infrared | Farad | Faraday | Faraday Cage | Faraday's Constant | Faraday Effect | Faraday's Induction Law | Faraday's Law | Faraday Rotation | Faster-than-Light | Fathom | Femto | Femtometer | Fermat's Principle | Fermi | Fermi-Dirac Distribution | Fermi-Dirac Statistics | Fermi Distribution | Fermi Energy | Fermi Momentum | Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Experime... | Fermi Temperature |
| Fermion | Fermion Degeneracy Pressu... | Ferrielectricity | Ferroelectricity | Ferrimagnetism | Ferromagnetism | Feynman Diagram | Fiber Optics | Fictitious Force | Field | Field Curvature | Field Emission | Field Emission Microscope | Field of View | Field Quantization | Fifth Force | Fine Structure | Fine Structure Constant | Fine Structure Formula | Finesse Coefficient | Finite Rotations | Finite Parallel Planes | Finite Square Potential W... | First Law of Thermodynami... | Fission | Fizeau Fringes | Fizeau Wheel | Flattening | Flavor | Flexural Rigidity | Flexural Wave | Flexure | Flicker Noise | Flight | Floating | Fluctuations | Fluid | Fluid Mechanics | Fluidram | Fluidounce | Fluorescence | Fluorescent Lamp | Flux | Flux Density | FM | Foam | Focal Length | Focal Plane | Focus | Foot | Foot Pound | Force | Force Density | Force-Free Magnetic Field | Forced Convection | Foucault Pendulum | Foucault Test | Fountain Effect |
| Frame Dragging | Fraunhofer Diffraction | Fraunhofer Diffraction--C... | Fraunhofer Diffraction--D... | Fraunhofer Diffraction--E... | Fraunhofer Diffraction--R... | Fraunhofer Diffraction--S... | Fraunhofer Limit | Free Charge | Free Convection | Free Current Density | Free Energy | Free Expansion | Free Fall | Free-Free Transitions | Free Particle | Free Precession | Free-Streaming Photons | Freezing | Frenkel Exciton | Frequency | Fresnel-Arago Laws | Fresnel Diffraction | Fresnel Diffraction--Circ... | Fresnel's Double Mirror | Fresnel's Biprism | Fresnel's Double Prism | Fresnel Equations | Fresnel-Kirchhoff Diffrac... | Fresnel Lens | Fresnel Number | Fresnel Reflection Coeffi... | Fresnel Rhomb | Fresnel Transmission Coef... | Friction | Frictional Force | Fried Length | Friedmann's Equation | Friedmann-Lemaître Cosmol... | Fringe | Fringes of Equal Inclinat... | Fringe Pattern | Fringe Frequency | Fringe Period | Fringe Rotation | Fringe Stopping | Fringe Tracking | Fringe Visibility | Froude Number | Frozen Flux Approximation | Frustrated Total Internal... | Fulcrum | Fundamental | Fundamental Constants | Fundamental Forces | Fundamental Mode | Fundamental Particle | Furlong | Fusion | Fusion Bomb
g | G-Function | Gain | Gal | Galilean Transformation | Galilei Invariant | Galileo | Gallon | Gamma | Gamma Radiation | Gamma Ray | Gas | Gas Constant | Gaunt Factor | Gauge | Gauge Boson | Gauge Pressure | Gauge Theory | Gauge Transformation | Gauss | Gauss-Encke-Merton Method | Gauss's Law | Gauss's Method | Gauss's Principle of Leas... | Gaussian Gravitational Co... | Gaussian Lens Formula | Gaussian Optics | Gaussian Units | Gaussian Vectors | Gear | Gee | Geiger Counter | Geiger-Nuttall Law | Gel | Gell-Mann/Nishima Law | General Theory of Relativ... | Generalized Coordinate | Generalized Force | Generalized Momentum | Generalized Work | General Relativity | Generating Function | Generation | Geodesic | Geoid | Geoid Anomalies | Geometric Albedo | Geometric Optics | Geopotential | Geostationary Orbit | Geostationary Transfer Or... | Geostrophic Equation | Geostrophic Flow | Geosynchronous Orbit | Giant Magnetoresistance | Gibbs Ensemble | Gibbs Free Energy | Gibbs' Paradox | Gibbs' Phase Rule | Gibbs-Thomson Law | Giga | Gigahertz | Gill | Glan-Foucault Prism | Glan-Thompson Prism | Glashow-Weinberg-Salam Th... | Global Methods | Global Positional Satelli... | Glueball | Gluon | Golay Cell | Gold-Humphreys Skin Tempe... | Goldreich-Schuler Theorem | Goldschmidt's Mineralogic... | Golitsyn Number | Goos-Hähnchen Effect | Gould-Trivelpiece Waves | Graham's Law of Effusion | Grain | Gram | Grand Canonical Ensemble | Grand Unified Theory | Granular Material | Grashof Number | Grating | Grating Equation | Gravitation |
| Gravitational Boost | Gravitational Constant | Gravitational Energy | Gravitational Field | Gravitational Force | Gravitational Lensing | Gravitational Mass | Gravitational Moment | Gravitational Multipole E... | Gravitational Potential | Gravitational Potential E... | Gravitational Quadrupole... | Gravitational Radiation | Gravitational Redshift | Gravitational Scattering | Gravitational Wave | Gravitomagnetism | Graviton | Gravity | Gravity Assist | Gravity Wave | Gray | Gross Lineshape |
| Grüneisen Equation of Sta... | Grüneisen Parameters |
| Gyromagnetic Moment | Gyromagnetic Ratio | Gyroscope | Gyroscopic Precession
h | H | h-Bar | H-Function | H-Theorem | Hadron | Hagen-Poiseuille Flow | Half-Infinite Screen Diff... | Half-Infinite Square Pote... | Half-Life | Hall Coefficient | Hall Effect | Hall Voltage | Hamilton's Characteristic... | Hamilton's Equations | Hamilton-Jacobi Equation | Hamilton's Principle | Hamilton's Principal Func... | Hamilton's Theorem | Hamiltonian | Hamiltonian Coordinates | Hamiltonian Mechanics | Hamiltonian Operator | Hamiltonian Optics | Hamiltonian System | Hand | Hanson Theory | Harmonic | Harmonic Law | Harmonic Number |
| Harmonic Waves | Hartmann Constants | Hartmann Dispersion Formu... | Hartmann Test | Hartree | Hasenöhrl Effect | Hawking Effect | Heading | Hearing Range | Heat | Heat Capacity | Heat Capacity Ratio | Heat Conduction | Heat Conduction Equation | Heat Conduction Equation-... | Heat Conduction Equation-... | Heat Conduction Equation-... | Heat Conductivity | Heat Conductor | Heat Death | Heat Diffusion | Heat Diffusion Equation | Heat Engine | Heat Index | Heat Release | Heat Reservoir | Heat Transfer | Heat Transport | Heaviside-Lorentz System | Heavy Hydrogen | Hectare | Hecto | Height | Heisenberg Picture | Heisenberg Uncertainty Pr... | Helicity | Helicopter | Helium | Helium Nucleus | Helmholtz Equation | Helmholtz Free Energy | Helmholtz-Kirchhoff Integ... | Helmholtz Resonator | Henry | Herget's Method | Heron's Problem | Herrick and Liu Method | Hertz | Hertz Effect | Herzberg-Teller Effect | Heterodyne Conversion | Heyney-Greenstein Phase F... | Hidden Variables | Higgs Boson | High Earth Orbit | High Spin | Hodograph | Holography | Holonomic Constraints | Hohmann Transfer Orbit | Hooke's Law | Hoop Conjecture | Horizon | Horsepower | Hour | Hoyle-Narlikar Cosmologic... | Hubble Age | Hubble Constant | Hubble Law | Humidity | Hund's Rule | Hundredweight | Huygens-Fresnel Principle | Huygens' Principle | Hybrid Mapping | Hydraulics | Hydrodynamics | Hydrofoil | Hydrogen | Hydrogen Atom | Hydrogen Bomb | Hydrogen Maser Frequency... | Hydrogen Molecule | Hydrogen Molecule Ion | Hydrogen Lines | Hydrogen Ortho-Para States | Hydrogen Spin-Flip Transi... | Hydromagnetic Equation | Hydrostatic Equation | Hydrostatic Equilibrium | Hydrostatic Law | Hyperbolic Orbit | Hypercharge | Hyperdeformed Nucleus | Hyperfine Splitting | Hysteresis | Hysteresis Coefficient | Hysteresis Effect
I | Ice | Ideal Gas | Ideal Gas Law | Illumination | Image Rejection Mixer | Impact Parameter | Impedance | Imperial System | Improper Time | Impulse | Inch | Inch of Mercury | Inclination | Inclined Plane | Incompressible Fluid | Incoherent Scattering
| Indistinguishable Particl... | Induced Radioactivity | Inductance | Induction | Induction Coil | Induction Electric Field | Inductor | Inelastic Collision | Inelastic Neutron Scatter... | Inertia | Inertia Ellipsoid | Inertial Force | Inertial Mass | Inertial Reference Frame | Infinite Parallel Planes | Infinite Plane | Infinite Square Potential... | Inflation | Infrared | Infrared Detector | Infrared Reflectance Spec... | Infrared Spectroscopy | Insolation | Instaton | Insulator | Integrated Density | Intensity | Intensity Interferometer | Intensive Variable | Interaction Energy | Interference | Interference Pattern | Interferogram | Interferometer | Interferometry | Intermediate Frequency | Intermediate Vector Boson | Intermittency | Intermittency Factor | Internal Combustion Engine | Internal Energy | Internal Froude Number | Internal Peltier Effect | Internal Wave | International System of U... | Intersystem Crossing | Inverse Beta Decay | Inverse Centimeter | Inverse Compton Effect | Inverse Photoelectric Eff... | Inverse Richardson Effect | Inverse Square Law | Ion | Ionization | Ionization Fraction | Irradiance | Irreversible Process | Isentropic | Ising Model | Isomer Shift | Isoplanicity Assumption | Isospin | Isostacy | Isothermal | Isothermal Compressibilit... | Isotope | Isotope Effect | Isotopomer
J-Number | Jacob's Ladder | Jacobi Integral | Jahn-Teller Effect | Jansky | Jeans Escape | Jeans Instability | Jeans Length | Jet | Johnson Noise | Jones Matrix | Jones Vector | Josephson Effect | Josephson Junction | Joukovski Theorem | Joule | Joule Cycle | Joule Heating | Joule's Law | Joule-Thomson Coefficient | Joule-Thomson Effect | Joule-Thomson Process | Jump Rope
K-Capture | Kamiltonian | Kaon | Kármán Constant | Kármán-Howarth Equation | Kármán Trail |
| Kaye Effect | Kellner Eyepiece | Kelvin | Kelvin Circulation Theorem | Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabil... | Kelvin Jet Effect | Kelvin Wave | Kepler's First Law | Kepler's Laws | Kepler Problem | Kepler's Second Law | Kepler's Third Law | Kerr Black Hole | Kerr Cell | Kerr Effect | Kerr Metric | Kerr-Newman Black Hole | Kilo | Kilogram | Kilohertz | Kilometer | Kilopond | Kilowatt Hour | Kinematics | Kinematic Viscosity | Kinetic Energy | Kinetic Energy Operator | Kinetic Friction | Kinetic Lineshape | Kinetic Theory | Kirchhoff Diffraction The... | Kirchhoff Integral | Kirchhoff Junction Rule | Kirchhoff's Law | Kirchhoff Loop Rule | Kirchhoff's Rules | Klein-Gordon Equation | Klein-Nishima Formula | Klystron | Knife-Edge Diffraction | Knot | Knox-Thompson Interferome... | Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix | Kolmogorov Spectrum | Kondo Effect | Korteweg-de Vries Equation | Kovalevskaya Top | Kronig-Kramers Relations | Kronig-Penney Model | Kruskal Coordinates | Kruskal-Szekeres Coordina... | Kutta-Zhukovski Theorem
L | Ladder Operator | Lag | Lagrange's Equations | Lagrange Fundamental Brac... | Lagrange Invariant | Lagrange's Planetary Equa... | Lagrange Points | Lagrangian | Lagrangian Coordinates | Lagrangian Mechanics | Lagrangian Turbulence | Lambda Transition | Lamb Shift | Lamb Wave | Lambert's Law | Lambert Surface | Lambert's Theorem | Lamé Constants | Lamé Factor | Laminar Flow | Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert... | Lane-Emden Equation | Langevin Formula | Langevin Function | Langmuir-Blodgett Film | Langmuir Waves | Laplace's Equation | Laplace's Law | Laplace Length | Laplace's Method | Laplace Plane | Laplace Resonance | Laplace-Runge-Lenz Vector | Laplace Series | Laplace-Young Law | Larmor Power | Laser | Laser Cooling | Laser Trapping | Latent Heat | Latent Heat of Fusion | Latent Heat of Vaporizati... | Lattice Displacement | Lattice Quantum Chromodyn... | Law of Atmospheres | Law of Combining Volumes | Law of Inertia | Law of Reflection
| Law of the Lever | Le Châtelier's Principle | League | Least Action Principle | Least Curvature Principle | Least Time Principle | Leidenfrost Effect | Lemaître Cosmological Mod... | Length | Lens | Lens Aberrations | Lens Formula | Lens Maker's Formula | Lense-Thirring Effect | Lenz's Law | Lepton | Lepton Number | Lever | Lever Rule | Leyden Jar | Libration | Libration in Latitude | Libration in Longitude | Liénard-Jones Potential | Liénard-Wiechert Potential | Lifetime | Lift | Lift Coefficient | Lift Force | Light | Light Cone | Light Wave | Lightning | Limb Darkening | Linear Magnification | Linear Polarization | Linear Stability Theory | Line of Apsides | Line Broadening | Line Charge | Line of Nodes | Line Profile | Linear Momentum | Lineshape | Liouville's Equation | Liouville's Theorem | Liquid | Liquid Crystal | Liquid Drop Model | Liquid Metallic Hydrogen | Liquid Mirror | Liter | Lloyd's Mirror |
| Local Thermodynamic Equil... | Long Hundredweight | Long Ton | Longitude at Epoch | Longitude of Pericenter | Longitude of Perihelion | Longitude of the Ascendin... | Longitudinal Wave | Loop Gain | Lorentz's Conjecture | Lorentz Contraction | Lorentz Force | Lorentz Invariant | Lorentzian Lineshape | Lorenz Gauge | Lorenz Relation | Loschmidt Number | Loss Tangent | Love Number | Love Wave | Loveluck Black Hole | Low Earth Orbit | Low Spin | Low Temperature | Lower Sideband | LR Circuit | Lumen | Luminescence | Luminiferous Ether | Luminosity | Luminosity Distance | Luminous Flux | Luminous Intensity | Lunisolar Precession | Lux
MacCullagh's Formula | Mach Number | Mach's Principle | Mach-Zehnder Interferomet... | Machine | Magic Angle | Magic Number | Magnet | Magnetic Diffusivity | Magnetic Dipole | Magnetic Dipole Moment | Magnetic Domain | Magnetic Exciton | Magnetic Field | Magnetic Field Energy Den... | Magnetic Flux | Magnetic Flux Density | Magnetic Force | Magnetic Force Microscopy | Magnetic Induction | Magnetic Monopole | Magnetic Permeability | Magnetic Polarization | Magnetic Pole | Magnetic Potential Energy | Magnetic Quantum Number | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Magnetic Reynolds Number | Magnetic Scalar Potential | Magnetic Susceptibility | Magnetic Torque | Magnetic Vector Potential | Magnetism | Magnetization | Magnetizability | Magnetized Sphere Magneti... | Magnetohydrodynamic Fluid | Magnetohydrodynamics | Magnetooptical Effect | Magnetooptical Rotation | Magneton | Magnetoresistance | Magnetorheological Fluid | Magnetostatics | Magnetostriction | Magnification | Magnon | Magnus Effect | Malmquist Effect | Malus and Dupin Theorem | Malus's Law | Mandelstam Coordinates | Many-Body Problem | Marangoni Effect | Mariotte Law | Martin-Puplett Interferom... | Maser | Mason Number | Mass | Mass Increase | Mass Spectrometer | Mass Spectroscopy | Material Science | Matrix Element | Matrix Mechanics | Matter | Maxwell-Boltzmann Distrib... | Maxwell-Boltzmann Statist... | Maxwell's Demon | Maxwell Displacement Curr... | Maxwell Distribution | Maxwell Electromagnetic F... | Maxwell Equations | Maxwell Equations--Dielec... | Maxwell Equations--Steady... | Maxwell Helix Rotation Ef... | Maxwell Relation--Index o... | Maxwell Relations | Maxwell Strain Rate Model | Maxwell Stress Tensor | Maxwell Time | McConnell Effect | Mean Anomaly | Mean Free Path | Mean Lifetime | Mean Longitude | Mean Longitude at Epoch | Mean Motion | Mean Speed Theorem | Measurement of Observables | Mechanical Birefringence | Mechanical Equilibrium | Mechanical Equivalent of... | Mechanics | Mega | Megahertz | Meissner Effect | Melting | MERLIN | Mersenne's Laws | Meson | Metal | Meter | Method of Point Charges | Method of Point Charges--... | Method of Point Charges--... | Method of Point Charges--... | Method of Point Charges--... | Method of Point Charges--... | Metric Pound | Metric System | Metric Ton | Metrology | Mho | Michelson Fringe Visibili... | Michelson Interferometer | Michelson-Morley Experime... | Michelson Stellar Interfe... | Micro | Microcanonical Ensemble | Micrometer | Micron | Microphonics | Microscope | Microwave | Microwave Spectroscopy | Mid-Ocean Ridge | Mie-Grüneisen Potential | Mie Scattering | Mil | Mile | Mill's Cross | Milli | Millikan Oil Drop Experim... | Millimeter | Millimeter of Mercury | Milne Equation | Milne Relations | Minim | Minkowski Coordinates | Minkowski Metric | Minute | Mirror | Mirror Formula | Mirror Tests | Mixer | Mixing Length | Mixing Length Theory | MKS | Mobility | Moisture Tension | Mole | Molecular Dynamics | Molecular Spectra | Møller Scattering | Mollwo-Ivey Law | Molniya Orbit | Moment of Inertia | Moment of Inertia--Cone | Moment of Inertia--Cylind... | Moment of Inertia--Earth | Moment of Inertia--Ellipse | Moment of Inertia--Ellips... | Moment of Inertia--Ellipt... | Moment of Inertia--Hoop | Moment of Inertia--Oblate... | Moment of Inertia--Prolat... | Moment of Inertia Ratio | Moment of Inertia--Rectan... | Moment of Inertia--Rectan... | Moment of Inertia--Ring | Moment of Inertia--Rod | Moment of Inertia--Sphere | Moment of Inertia--Spheri... | Moment of Inertia Tensor | Moment of Inertia--Torus | Momentum | Momentum Commutator | Momentum Density | Momentum Four-Vector | Momentum Operator | Momentum Space | Monatomic Ideal Gas | Monin-Obukhov Length | Monopole | Mooney Rhomb | Mössbauer Effect | Mössbauer Spectroscopy | Moulton-Väisälä Method | Mu | Mu Meson | Mueller Matrix | Multi-Frequency Synthesis | Multiple Scattering | Multiple Reflection Inter... | Multiple Slit Interference | Multiplex Advantage | Multipole Expansion | Multipole Radiation | Muon | Muon Neutrino | Murnaghan Equation | Mutual Coherence Function | Mutual Inductance | Mutual Intensity
n-Body Problem | n-Operator | Naked Singularity | Nautical Mile | Navier-Stokes Equations | Navier-Stokes Equations--... | Near Infrared | Néel Temperature | Negative Charge | Nernst Effect | Nernst Equation | Neutral | Neutrino |
| Neutron | Neutron Star | Newton | Newton's First Law | Newton's Law for Fluids | Newton's Law of Cooling | Newton's Laws | Newton's Rings | Newton's Second Law | Newton's Third Law | Newtonian Cosmology | Newtonian Fluid | Newtonian Shear | Nicol Prism | Nielsen's Form | No Slip Condition | Nodal Line | Node | Noise | Noise Power | Noise Temperature | Nonlinear Optics | Nonsynchronous Rotation | Nontracking Interferomete... | Nordtvedt Coefficient | Nordtvedt Effect | Normal Dispersion | Normal Force | Normal Incidence | Normal Mode | Normal Mode--Sphere | Nuclear Bomb | Nuclear Decay | Nuclear Disintegration | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | Nuclear Magnetic Resonanc... | Nuclear Magneton | Nuclear Mass Defect | Nuclear Physics | Nuclear Power | Nuclear Radiation | Nuclear Reactor | Nuclear Shell Model | Nucleation Center | Nucleon | Nucleus | Nuclide | Number | Number Density | Numerical Aperture | Nusselt Number | Nutation
Oblate Spheroid Gravitati... | Oblateness | Oblateness Constant | Obliquity | Obliquity-Induced Precess... | Observable |
| Occultation | Octahedron Gravitational... | Oersted | Ohm | Ohm's Law | Ohm's Phase Law | Oil Drop Experiment | Okorokov Effect | Omega Effect | Omer | Opacity | Opalescence | Optical Aberrations | Optical Activity | Optical Depth | Optical Interferometry | Optical Path | Optical Path Length | Optical Rotation | Optics | Optical Sign | Optics Sign Conventions | Optical Sine Theorem | Optoelectronics | Orbit | Orbit Determination | Orbital Angular Momentum | Orbital Coordinate Transf... | Orbital Coordinates | Orbital Elements | Orbital Mechanics | Orbital Perturbation | Orbital Precession | Orbital Reference System | Orbital Resonance | Orbital Stability | Ordinary Ray | Organized Self-Criticality | Ortho-Para Hydrogen | Orthoscopic Eyepiece |
| Osculating Orbital Elemen... | Osmosis | Osmotic Pressure | Otto Cycle | Ounce | Overhauser Effect | Overpressure | Overtone | Overtone Number
p | P-Wave | Packing Fraction | Painlevé Problem | Pair Production | Parabolic Orbit | Parallel Axis Theorem | Parallel Plate Capacitor | Parallel Wires | Parallelepiped Gravitatio... | Paramagnetism | Paraxial Approximation
| Parity | Partial Pressure | Particle | Particle Decay | Particle Annihilation | Particle Detector | Particle in a Box | Particle Physics | Partition Function | Pascal | Pascal's Law | Pascal's Principle | Paschen-Back Effect | Pattern Function | Pauli Exclusion Principle | Pauli Matrices | Peck | Péclet Number | Pellin-Broca Prism | Peltier Effect | Pendulum | Pendulum Gravity Determin... |
| Penning Effect | Penning Trap | Pennyweight | Penrose Singularity Theor... | Perfect Cosmological Prin... | Periapsis | Pericenter | Period | Permeability | Permeability of Free Space | Permittivity | Permittivity of Free Space | Perpetual Motion Machine | Perturbation Theory--Orbi... | Perturbation Theory--Quan... | Peta | Petzval Condition | Petzval Field Curvature | Phase | Phase Angle | Phase Closure Relations | Phase Function | Phase Integral | Phase Reference Center | Phase Referencing | Phase Rule | Phase Shift | Phase Space | Phase Space Trajectory | Phase Switching | Phase Transformation | Phase Transition |
| Phased Array | Phased-Array Radar | Phenomenon | Phonon | Phosphorescence | Photino | Photodissociation | Photoelastic Effect | Photoelasticity | Photoelectric Effect | Photomultiplier Tube | Photon
| Physical Constants | Physical Libration | Physical Optics | Physical Pendulum | Pi Meson | Pico | Piezoelectric Effect | Piezoelectricity | Pinch Effect | Pincushion Distortion | Pink Noise | Pion | Pint | Pipe | Pitch | Planar Orbit | Planck Area | Planck's Constant | Planck Energy | Planck Flux Density | Planck Function | Planck Intensity Density | Planck Law | Planck Length | Planck Mass | Planck Occupancy | Planck Postulate | Planck's Radiation Equati... | Planck Spectrum | Planck Time | Planck Wavelength | Planck-Wheeler Area | Plane Wave | Planetary Aberration | Planetary Precession | Plasma | Plasma Frequency | Plasma Opacity | Plasma Physics | Plastic Deformation | Plate | Plate Thermal Equilibrium | Pleochroism | Plössl Eyepiece | Plum Pudding Model | Pochhammer-Chree Wave | Pockels Effect | Pohl Interferometer | Poincaré Elements | Poincaré Integral Invaria... | Poincaré's Problem | Poincaré's Theorem | Poinsot Construction | Point Charge | Point Mass | Poise | Poiseuille Flow | Poiseuille's Law | Poisson Bracket | Poisson's Equation | Poisson Ratio | Poisson Spot | Polar Orbit | Polarimetry | Polarizability | Polarization | Polarization Interferomet... | Polarization Ratio | Polarizer | Polarizing Processes | Polaron | Pole Height | Polyhedron Gravitational... | Polytropic Profile | Pomega | Pomeranchuk Cooling | Pomeron | Position Commutators | Position Operator | Position Space | Positive Charge | Positron | Positron Emission | Positronium | Post-Newtonian Approximat... | Potential | Potential Difference | Potential Energy | Potential Four-Vector | Potential Step | Potential Temperature | Potential Well | Potts Model | Pound | Pound-Mass | Pound-Force | Pound-Volume | Poundal | Power | Power--Lens | Power Pattern | Poynting Flux | Poynting-Robertson Effect | Poynting Theorem | Poynting Vector | Prandtl Number | Precession | Precession of Perihelion | Precessional Constant | Precession of the Equinox... | Precessional Torque | Precipitable Micron | Pressure | Pressure Profile | Pressure Scale Height | Pressure Wave | Price's Theorem | Primary Beam | Principal Moments of Iner... | Principal Quantum Number | Principle of Special Rela... | Prism | Probability Density | Probability Density Curre... | Probability Density Flux | Projectile | Prolate Spheroid Gravitat... | Propagation Constant | Propagation Vector | Proper Area | Proper Circumference | Proper Distance | Proper Radius | Proper Size | Proper Time | Proton | Proton Mass | Proximity Effect | Prussian Hat | Pseudorapidity | Puff | Pulley | Pulsar | Pupil | Purkinje Effect | Pyroelectricity | Pyroelectric Effect | Pyrometer | Pythagoras's Law
q | Q | Q Star | Quadrature Network | Quadrupole Moment | Quantum Chromodynamics | Quantum Computing | Quantum Cryptography | Quantum Dot | Quantum Electrodynamics | Quantum Field Theory | Quantum Foam | Quantum Gravity | Quantum Group | Quantum Hall Effect | Quantum Interference | Quantum Mechanical Tunnel... | Quantum Mechanics | Quantum Mirage | Quantum Numbers | Quantum Reflection | Quark | Quark Color | Quart | Quasicrystal | Quasiparticle | Quintal
R | Rad | Radar | Radiance | Radiancy | Radiant Intensity | Radiation | Radiation Constant | Radiation Density | Radiation Field | Radiation Pressure | Radiation Resistance | Radiation Zone | Radiative Cooling | Radiative Equilibrium | Radiative Time Constant | Radiative Transfer | Radiative Transfer Equati... | Radiative Transfer Equati... | Radio Absorption Coeffici... | Radio Absorption Length | Radio Frequency | Radio Spectrum | Radio Wave | Radioactive Decay | Radioactive | Radioactive Decay | Radioactivity | Radiography | Radioisotope | Radiometer Equation | Radius of Gyration | Raman Cooling | Raman Effect | Raman Spectroscopy | Ram Pressure | Ramsauer-Townsend Effect | Range | Rankine | Rankine Cycle | Rapidity | Rarita-Schwinger Equation | Rate Coefficient | Rayleigh | Rayleigh-Benard Convection | Rayleigh Criterion | Rayleigh-Jeans Law | Rayleigh-Jeans Spectrum | Rayleigh-Jeans Limit | Rayleigh-Lamb Wave | Rayleigh Number | Rayleigh Phase Function | Rayleigh Scattering | Rayleigh Water Test | Rayleigh-Lamb Wave | Ray Parameter | Ray Tracing | Razin Effect | Reaction Wheel | Recirculator | Reciprocity Theorem | Red Dwarf | Redshift | Reduced Mass | Redundancy Calibration | Redundancy Factor | Reech Number | Reference Plane | Reflectance | Reflecting Prism | Reflection | Reflection Coefficient | Reflection Grating | Reflection Polarization | Reflectivity
| Regge Calculus | Regge Pole | Reissner-Nordström Black... | Relative Humidity | Relative Permeability | Relative Permittivity | Relative Wind | Relativistic Beta | Relativistic Gamma | Relativistic Mass | Relativistic Momentum | Relativistic Precession | Relativistic Redshift | Relativistic Two-Body Pro... | Relaxation Field Effect | Rem | Renner-Teller Effect | Renormalization | Resistance | Resistivity | Resistor | Resolution | Resolving Power | Resonances | Resonant Cavity | Resonator | Rest Mass | Restoring Force | Restricted Three-Body Pro... | Retardance |
| Retarded Time | Retrograde Orbit | Reuss Mineral Mixing Theo... | Reversible Process | Reynolds Number | Reynolds Stress | Rhe | Rhenomorous Constraints | Rheology | Rhomb | Richards' Equation | Richardson Effect | Richardson Number | Righi-Leduc Effect | Rigid Body | Rigidity | Rijke Tube Resonator | Ring Interferometer | Rings | Ring Lobes | Robertson Metric | Robertson-Walker Line Ele... | Robins Effect | Roche Limit | Roche Lobe | Rocket | Rocket Equation | Rod | Ronchi Test | Röntgen | Roll | Root-Mean-Square Current | Root-Mean-Square Voltage | Rope | Rosenbluth Equation | Rossby Number | Rossby Wave | Rosseland Mean Opacity | Rotary Power | Rotation | Rotating Axes | Rotating Fluid | Rotation Spectra | Rotational Quantum Number | Rotational Stability | Rotational Distortion | Rotational Potential | Roton | Roughness | Routh's Rule | Russell-Saunders States | Rutherford's Model | Rutherford Scattering | Rydberg | Rydberg Constant | Rydberg Frequency
S-Wave | Sagnac Interferometer | Saha Equation | Saint-Venant's Theorem | Satellite Resonances | Saturation Adiabatic Lapse | Scalar Diffraction Theory | Scalar Potential | Scale Height | Scattering | Scattering Coefficient | Scattering Matrix | Scattering Polarization | Schmidt Number | Schottky Diode | Schottky Effect | Schrödinger's Cat | Schrödinger Equation | Schrödinger Picture | Schubnikow-de Haas Effect | Schwarzschild Black Hole | Schwarzschild Black Hole-... | Schwarzschild Black Hole-... | Schwarzschild Black Hole-... | Schwarzschild Black Hole-... | Schwarzschild Black Hole-... | Schwarzschild Criterion | Schwarzschild Distributio... | Schwarzschild Metric | Schwarzschild Solution | Schwarzschild-Milne Integ... | Schwarzschild Radius | Schwinger-Lüders-Pauli Th... | Scleronomous Constraints | Scoptic Stiles-Crawford E... | Scott Effect | Screw | Scruple | Second | Second Law of Thermodynam... | Second Viscosity Coeffici... | Sedov Equation | Seebeck Effect | Seismic Energy | Seismic Equation | Seismic Moment | Seismic Parameter | Seismic Strain | Seismic Stress | Selection Rules | Self Calibration | Self-Gravitating Sphere | Self Inductance | Self-Organized Criticality | Semiconductor | Semilatus Rectum | Sensitivity | Sensitivity Factor | Shadowing | Shaft | Shalimar Treaty | Shear | Shear Stress | Shear Viscosity | Shear Wave | Shock Front | Shock Wave | Short Hundredweight | Short Ton | Shortwave | SI | SI Units | Sideband | Sidelobe | Siemens | Sievert | Simple Albedo | Simple Harmonic Motion |
| Simple Machine | Simple Pendulum | Single Scattering | Single Scattering Albedo | Single-Sideband Receiver | Singular Perturbation The... | Singularity Theorem | SIS Receiver | Size Factor | Skin Depth | Skin Temperature | Skipping Rope | Sky Frequency | Skyrmion | Slab | Slater Determinant | Slingshot Effect | Slug | Small Divisors Problem |
| Smarandache Hypothesis | Smoothing Function | Snell's Law | SNU | Solar Neutrino Unit | Soleil Compensator | Solenoid | Solid | Solid State Physics | Solid State Theory | Solidification | Solutal Convection | Sommerfeld Model | Sommerfeld-Wilson Quantiz... | Sonar | Sonic Boom | Sonics | Sonoluminescence | Sound | Sound Wave | Spacetime Four-Vector | Spacetime Interval | Span | Spark | Spark Chamber | Spatial Coherence Function | Spatial Coherence Scale | Spatial Frequency | Special Relativity | Special Theory of Relativ... | Specific Angular Momentum | Specific Gravity | Specific Heat | Specific Heat Capacity | Specific Intensity | Specific Rotary Power | Speckle Interferometry | Spectral Line Broadening | Spectral Resolution | Spectral Sensitivity Func... | Spectroscopic State | Spectroscopy | Spectrum | Specular Reflection | Speed | Speed of Light | Speed of Sound | Sphere Capacitance | Sphere Electric Field | Sphere Gravitational Force | Sphere Gravitational Pote... | Sphere Radiative Cooling | Sphere Size | Sphere Thermal Equilibrium | Spherical Aberration | Spherical Bowl | Spherical Mirror | Spherical Potential Well | Spherical Shell Gravitati... | Spherical Shell Magnetic... | Spherical Surface Refract... | Spherical Wave | Spheroid Gravitational Po... | Spin | Spin Angular Momentum | Spin-Down Time | Spin Glass | Spin Magnetic Dipole Mome... | Spin Quantum Number | Spinning Sidebands | Spontaneous Jahn-Teller E... | Spontaneous Magnetization | Spontaneous Raman Effect | Spread Spectrum | Spring | Spring Constant | Springs--Two Springs and... | Springs--Two Springs in P... | Springs--Two Springs in S... | Springs--Three Springs an... | Springs--Three Masses | Square Potential Well | SQUID | Squire's Theorem | Stagnation Pressure | Standard Model | Standard Temperature and... | Standing Wave | Stark Effect | Starting Friction | States | State Variable | Static Electricity | Static Equilibrium | Static Friction | Static Isotropic Metric | Static Jahn-Teller Effect | Static Pressure | Statistical Equilibrium | Statistical Mechanics | Statics | Statute Mile | Statvolt | Steam Engine | Stefan-Boltzmann Constant | Stefan-Boltzmann Law | Steinmetz's Equation | Stellar Aberration | Stellar Interferometer | Stere | Stern-Gerlach Experiment | Stigmatic | Stimulated Emission | Stimulated Raman Effect | Stirling Cycle | Stirling Engine | Stoke | Stokes Bands | Stokes Flow | Stokes Flow--Cylinder | Stokes Flow--Sphere | Stokes' Law | Stokes' Inclination Factor | Stokes Paradox | Stokes Parameters | Stokes Relations | Stokes Shift | Stokes Vector |
| Stone | Stoner-Anderson Equation... | STP | Straight Edge Diffraction | Strain | Strain Rate | Strain-Stress Relations | Strain Tensor | Strangeness | Stratification Parameter | Stream Function | Streamline | Strehl Ratio | Stellar Temperature | Strength | Stress | Stress Refringence | Stress-Strain Relationshi... | Stress Tensor | String | String Theory | String Wave | Strobe Effect | Strong Force | Strong Law of Action and... | Strouhal Number | Stumpff Function | Strut | Sub-Lorentzian Lineshape | Sublimation | Submillimeter | Substantive Derivative | Sudokov Effect | Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect | Sun-Synchronous Orbit | Superadiabatic Lapse | Superbradyon | Superconductivity | Superconductor | Superconductor-Insulator-... | Superfluid | Supergravity | Superheterodyne | Superluminal | Superresolution | Supersaturation | Supersonic | Superstring | Supersymmetry | Surface Brightness | Surface Charge Density | Surface Current | Surface Physics | Surface Roughness | Surface Tension | Surface Wave | Susceptibility | Suspension | Symmetric Top | Symmetry Transformations | Synchrotron | Synchrotron Radiation | Synoptic Parameters | Synthesis Imaging | Synthesis Imaging Array | Synthesis Imaging Aliasing | Synthesis Imaging Antenna... | Synthesis Imaging Bandpas... | Synthesis Imaging Bandwid... | Synthesis Imaging Baselin... | Synthesis Imaging Beam Pa... | Synthesis Imaging Calibra... | Synthesis Imaging Coordin... | Synthesis Imaging Coordin... | Synthesis Imaging Distrib... | Synthesis Imaging Errors | Synthesis Imaging Field o... | Synthesis Imaging Geometr... | Synthesis Imaging Gibbs P... | Synthesis Imaging Gridding | Synthesis Imaging Line Su... | Synthesis Imaging Line Su... | Synthesis Imaging Line Su... | Synthesis Imaging Line Su... | Synthesis Imaging Mapping | Synthesis Imaging Noise | Synthesis Imaging Primary... | Synthesis Imaging Signal-... | Synthesized Beam | System Temperature
| Tachyon | Tangential Force | Tapering | Tauon | Tauon Neutrino | Tautochrone Problem | Tau Neutrino | Taylor Number | Taylor-Proudman Theorem | Telegraphy Equations | | Temperature | Temperature Wave | Tension | Tera | Terebizh Null Test | Terminal | Terminal Distance |
| Terminal Voltage | Tesla | Tesla Coil | Test Particle | Tetrahedron Gravitational... | Theory | Theory of General Relativ... | Theory of Special Relativ... | Thermal Absorption Coeffi... | Thermal Boundary Layer | Thermal Conduction | Thermal Conductivity | Thermal Conductor | Thermal Convection | Thermal Diffusion | Thermal Diffusivity | Thermal Equilibrium | Thermal Expansion Coeffic... | Thermal Inertia | Thermal Pressure | Thermal Radiation | Thermal Resistance Coeffi... | Thermal Wave | Thermal Wind Equation | Thermocouple | Thermodynamic Beta | Thermodynamic Calorie | Thermodynamic Cycle | Thermodynamic Functions | Thermodynamic Laws | Thermodynamic Systems | Thermodynamics | Thermoelectric Effect | Thermoluminescence | Thermomagnetism | Thermomechanical Effect | Thermometer | Thermonuclear Bomb | Thermopile | Thevenin Equivalent Circu... | Thick Lens Formula | Thick Lens Doublet | Thin Film | Thin Lens Formula | Thin Lens Doublet | Third Law of Thermodynami... | Thomson Cross Section | Thomson Effect | Thomson Model | Thomson Scattering | Thought Experiment | Three-Body Problem | Throttling Process | Thrust | Thrust Coefficient | Thyristor |
| Tidal Heating | Tidal Torque | Tide | Tie | Time | Time's Arrows | Time-Bandwidth Product | Time Dilation | Time of Flight | Time Machines | Time of Pericenter Passage | Time Reversal | Timescale Number | Tippe Top | Tisserand Parameter | Toda Lattice | Tokamak | Tollman-Schlichting Wave | Ton | Ton of TNT | Top | Topography | Topsy-Turvy Top | Torque | Toroid | Torr | Torsion | Torsion Balance | Torsional Constant | Torsional Pendulum | Torsional Rigidity | Torsional Torque | Total Internal Reflection | Total Angular Momentum | Total Angular Momentum Qu... | Trajectory | Transfer Equation | Transfer Function | Transformer | Transistor | Transmission Line | Transmittance | Transmutation | Transverse Wave | Traveling Wave | Tree Branch Scaling | Tribology | Triboluminescence | Trirefringence | Triode | Triple Point | Tritium | Troy Ounce | Troy Pound | Troy System of Units | True Anomaly | True Longitude | Tuning Fork | Tunneling | Tunneling Effect | Tunneling Time | Turbulence | Turbulent Convection | Turbulent Diffusion | Two-Body Problem | Two-Element Interferometer | Two-Stream Approximation | Twyman-Green Interferomet...
Ultrasonic | Ultrasound | Ultraviolet | Ultraviolet Catastrophe | Uncertainty Principle | Uniaxial | Uniaxial Indicatrix | Unit | United States System of Liquid and Dry Measures | Universal Gas Constant | Universal Gravitational Constant | Universal Logarithmic Wall Law | Universal Variables | Unpolarized | Upper Sideband | Upward Continuation
v | Vacuum | Vacuum Diode | Vacuum Fluctuations | Vacuum Permeability | Vacuum Permittivity | Vacuum Polarization | Vacuum Tube |
| van Cittert-Zernicke Theo... | van de Graaf Generator | van der Waals Gas | van Vleck Relation | van Vleck-Weisskopf Lines... | Vapor Pressure | Vaporization | Variation of Latitude | Vector Diffraction Theory | Vector Potential |
| Venturi Tube | Verdet Constant | Vergence | Verlet Method | Very Long Baseline Interf... | Vibration | Vibration Spectra | Virial Theorem | Virtual Displacement | Virtual Particle | Virtual Photon | Virtual Work | Vis-Viva Equation | Viscosity | Viscous Force | Visible Light | Visibility | Visibility Function | Visibility Function--Circ... | Visibility Function--Cosi... | Visibility Function--Disk | Visibility Function--Elli... | Visibility Function--Gaus... | Vlasov Equation | Voight Mineral Mixing The... | Voigt Effect | Voigt Lineshape | Volt | Volta Effect | Voltage | Voltaic Pile | Volume | Volume Expansion | Volume Charge | Volume Current | Volume Expansion Coeffici... |
W-Boson | W-Particle | Wall Attachment | Wall Law | Wall Turbulence | Water | Water Wave | Watt | Wave | Wave Equation | Wave Impedance | Wave Mechanics | Wave Number | Wave-Particle Duality | Wave Plate | Wave Superposition | Wave Vector |
| Wavefront | Wavefunction | Waveguide | Wavelength | Wavenumber | Weak Force | Weak Interaction | Weak Law of Action and Re... | Weber | Weber Number | Weight | Weighting Function | Weighting Function (Synth... | Weighting Function (Radia... | Weiss Magneton | Weizsäcker's Semi-Empiric... | White Dwarf | White Light Fringe | White Noise | Wiener Criterion | Wien's Displacement Law | Wien Law | Wigner Effect | Wigner Force | Wigner Function | Wimshurst Machine | Wind Chill Factor | Winslow Effect | Winston Cone | Wire Proportional Counter | Wollaston Prism | Work | Work Function | Wormhole
X-Ray | X-Ray Absorption Edge Spectroscopy | X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy | X-Ray Crystallography | X-Ray Diffraction | X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy | X-Ray Line Spectrum | X-Ray Spectroscopy | X-Ray Transmittance Spectroscopy | X-Ray Powder Diffraction | X-Wave
Y-Factor | Yagi Antenna | Yang-Mills Equations | Yang-Mills Theory | Yard | Yarkovsky Effect | Yaw | Yield Point | Yield Strength | Yield Stress | Yocto | Yotta | Young's Double Slit Experiment | Yule-Nielsen Effect
Z-Boson | Z-Particle | Zeeman Effect | Zeeman Splitting | Zener Diode | Zepto | Zero Spacing Flux | Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics | Zetta | Zhevakin-Naumov Lineshape | Zone Plate