Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Pflanze, Planta, Plante, Pianta, Plant, (esper.) plantoj

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A.B.C. Nicholls (W3)

Die Pfingstrose "A.B.C. Nicholls" trägt den Namen des Vaters des Züchters "Andrew Barry C. Nicholls".


Peony Registry: A.B.C. Nicholls


Bred by Col. Jesse C. Nicholls (United States, before 1937).
Registered 1937. Named for the Breeder's father, the name going back to his great grandfather Captain Andrew Barry (1746 - June 17, 1811 Spartanburg SC) of Francis Marion's (ca. 1732 - February 27, 1795) Command.

Erstellt: 2021-05

The Language of Flowers

Auf dieser Seite geht es nicht um die Herkunft von Pflanzennamen, sondern um die symbolische Bedeutung von Pflanzen.
Die Frage, wie die Pflanzen zu Ihrer Bedeutung kamen wird leider nicht beantwortet. Aber die Seite kann als erste Information zu weiteren Untersuchung zur Herkunft der bedeutung dieen.

Reprinted from: Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge, compiled by Nugent Robinson. P.F. Collier, 1882
Flowers have a language of their own, and it is this bright particular language that we would teach our readers. How charmingly a young gentleman can speak to a young lady, and with what eloquent silence in this delightful language. How delicately she can respond, the beautiful little flowers telling her tale in perfumed words; what a delicate story the myrtle or the rose tells! How unhappy that which basil, or yellow rose reveals, while ivy is the most faithful of all.



Catmint (W3)

Die engl. "Catmint", dt. "Katzenminze", bot. "Faassen Nepeta", erhielt ihren Namen wegen ihrer Anziehungskraft auf Katzen. Diese wälzen sich gerne in der Pflanze und fressen auch ihre Blätter.



People Behind the Names of Eastern Sierra Native Plants

Zu den mehrseitigen Namensgeschichten gibt es noch ein paar schöne Bilder.


People Behind the Names of Eastern Sierra Native Plants





Plantae - Pflanzen im Internet



Help Me Find Clematis

Auch die Clematis tragen eine Vielzahl von Namen.


Clematis, Klematis:


| Abilene | Abundance | Acotiensis | Addisonii | aethusifolia | Afoliata | Ai Nor | VAino | Ajonushka | Akaishi | akebioides | Akemi | Alabast | Alan Bloom | Alba | Alba Luxurians | albicoma | Albiflora | Albina Plena | Albino Pride | Alblo | Alborosea | Alexander | Alexandra | Alice Fisk | Alionushka | Aljonushka | Allanah | Alpina | Alpina 'Betina' | alpina blue | Alpina 'Blue Dancer' | alpina 'Brunette' | Alpina 'Constance' | Alpina 'Foxy' | Alpina 'Frances Rivis' | alpina 'Helsingborg' | alpina 'Odorata' | Alpina 'Pamela Jackman' | Alpina 'Pink Flamingo' | Alpina 'Ruby' | alpina var. siberica | Alpina 'Willy' | Alpinist | Alyonushka | Amelia | Amelia Joan | Amethyst | Amethyst Beauty (Evison, 2010) | Ametistina | Amy | Anatole France | Andante | Anders | André Leroy | Andrew | Andromeda | Anemone Clematis | Aneta | Angela | Angelique | angustifolia | Ania | Anita | Anna | Anna Carolina | Anna German | Anna Karolina | Anna Louise | Annabel | Anne-Marie | Annemieke | Aoife | Aotearoa | apiifolia | Apple Blossom | Arabella | Arctic Queen | Aristata | armandii | Armandii 'Apple Blossom' | Armandii 'Snowdrift' | Aromatica | Asagasumi | Asao | Ascotiensis | Ashva | Atrorubens | Aureolin | australis | Avalanche | Avant-Garde


| B.O. Worcester | Bagatelle | Bal Tzvetov | Balearic | balearica | Balerina | Ballet Skirt | Baltic | Baltyk | Bangholm Belle | Barbara | Barbara Dibley | Barbara Harrington | Barbara Jackman | barbellata | barbellata 'Pruinina' | Beata | Beauty of Richmond | Beauty of Worcester | Bees Jubilee | Bélisaire | Bella | Belle d'Orléans | Belle Nantaise | Belle of Taranaki | Belle of Woking | Benedictus | Best Wishes | Beth Currie | Betina | Betty Corning | Betty Risdon | Bijou (Evison, 2003) | Bijou (Fretwell) | Bill MacKenzie | Bill McKenzie | Biriuzinka | Blaaval | Black Ice | Black Madonna | Black Prince | Black Tea | Blauer Achat | Blekitny Aniol | Blue | Blue Angel | Blue Belle | Blue Bird | Blue Boy (trade name in Australia) | Blue Boy | Blue Dancer | Blue Dwarf | Blue Eyes | Blue Gem | Blue jasmine | Blue Lagoon | Blue Light | | Blue Princess | Blue Rain | Blue Ravine | Blue River | Blue Spider | Bluebird | Blush Queen | Bonstedtii | Boskoop Beauty | Boulevard | Bourbon | Bowl of Beauty | Bracebridge Star | brachiata | brachyura | Bravo | Bressingham Bluebird | brevicaudata | Brinums | Broughton Bride | Broughton Star | Brunette | buchanani | buchananiana | Buckland Beauty | Buckland Cascade | Budapest | Burford Bell | Burford Variety | Burford White | Burma Star | Bush clematis | bushy clematis


| C. ' | C. 'Abundance' | C. acutifolia | C. addisonii | C. aethusaefolia var. latisecta | C. aethusifolia synonym | C. afoliata Buchanan | C. 'Ai Nor' | C. 'Aino' | C. 'Akaishi' | C. 'Alabast' | C. 'Alan Bloom' | C. 'Alba' | C. 'Alba Luxurians' | C. albicoma | C. 'Albiflora' | C. 'Albina Plena' | C. 'Albino Pride' | C. 'Alblo' | C. 'Alborosea' | C. 'Alexander' | C. 'Alice Fisk' | C. 'Alionushka' | C. 'Aljonushka' | C. 'Allanah' | C. alpina | C. alpina 'Albiflora' | C. alpina 'Albina Plena' | C. alpina 'Betina' | C. alpina 'Blue Dancer' | C. alpina 'Brunette' | C. alpina 'Burf. White' | C. alpina 'Burford' | C. alpina 'Burford White' | C. alpina 'Columbine' | C. alpina 'Constance' | C. alpina 'Cyanea' | C. alpina 'Foxy' | C. alpina 'Frances Rivis' | C. alpina 'Francis Rivis' | C. alpina 'Frankie' | C. alpina 'G. Steffner' | C. alpina 'Helsingborg' | C. alpina 'Hesingborg' | C. alpina 'J. DuPre | C. alpina 'Jacqueline du Pré | C. alpina 'Odorata | C. alpina 'P. Flamingo' | C. alpina P. Jackman' | C. alpina 'Pamela Jackman' | C. alpina 'Pink Flamingo' | C. alpina 'Pruinina' | C. alpina 'Rosy Pagoda' | C. alpina 'Ruby' | C. alpina subsp. sibirica 'Riga' | C. alpina subsp. sibirica 'White Moth' | C. alpina 'T. Lundell' | C. alpina 'Tage Lundell' | C. alpina var. sibirica | C. alpina 'White Columbine' | C. alpina 'White Moth' | C. alpina 'Willy' | C. alpina X 'Pamela Jackman' | C. 'Alpinist' | C. 'Alyonushka' | C. 'Ametistina' | C. 'Anders' | C. 'Andrew' | C. 'Andromeda' | C. angustifolia | C. 'Ania' | C. 'Anita' | C. 'Anna' | C. 'Anna German' | C. 'Anna Louise' | C. 'Annemieke' | C. 'Aotearoa' | C. apiifolia | C. 'Arabella' | C. 'Arctic Queen' | C. aristata | C. aristata var. dennisae | C. armandii | C. armandii 'A. Blossom' | C. armandii 'Apple Blossom' | C. armandii 'Bowl of Beauty' | C. armandii 'Jefferies' | C. armandii 'Jeffries' | C. armandii "Little White Charm" | C. armandii 'Meyeniania' | C. armandii 'Snowdrift' | C. armandii var. biondiana | C. 'Aromatica' | C. 'Asagasumi' | C. 'Asao' | C. 'Ascotiensis' | C. 'Aureolin' | C. australis | C. 'Avalanche' | C. 'Balerina' | C. 'Ballet Skirt' | C. 'Baltic' | C. 'Baltyk' | C. 'Barbara Dibley' | C. 'Barbara Jackman' | C. barbellata | C. 'Beauty of Richmond' | C. 'Beauty of Worcester' | C. 'Bees Jubilee' | C. 'Bella' | C. 'Belle Nantaise' | C. 'Belle of Woking' | C. 'Benedictus' | C. 'Beth Currie' | C. 'Betty Corning' | C. 'Betty Risdon' | C. 'Bill MacKenzie' | C. 'Blaaval' | C. 'Black Prince' | C. 'Blekitny Aniol' | C. 'Blue Angel' | C. 'Blue Belle' | C. 'Blue Boy' | C. 'Blue Dancer' | C. 'Blue Gem' | C. 'Blue Rain' | C. 'Blue Ravine' | C. 'Bluebird' | C. 'Bonstedtii' | C. bonstedtii 'Cropuselt' | C. 'Boskoop Beauty' | C. 'Bowl of Beauty' | C. brachiata | C. brachyura | C. 'Bravo' | C. 'Bressingham Bluebird' | C. brevicaudata | C. 'Broughton Bride' | C. 'Broughton Star' | C. 'Brunette' | C. buchananiana | C. buchananiana ssp. connata (DC) O. Kuntze | C. buchanini | C. 'Buckland Beauty' | C. 'Burford Bell' | C. 'Burford Variety' | C. 'Burford White' | C. 'Burma Star' | C. 'C.W. Dowman' | C. 'Caerulea' | C. caerulea odorata | C. calycina Aiton synonym | C. calycina var. grandiflora | C. campaniflora | C. campaniflora 'Lisboa' | C. 'Campanile' | C. 'Capitaine Thuilleaux' | C. 'Cardinal' | C. 'Carmen Rose' | C. 'Carmencita' | C. 'Carnaby' | C. 'Caroline' | C. cartmanii 'Joe' | C. 'Caspar' | C. 'Catullus' | C. 'Chalcedony' | C. 'Charisma' | C. 'Charissima' | C. chiisanensis | C. chiisanensis 'Lemon Bells' | C. chiisanensis 'Love Child' | C. chiisanensis 'Pointy' | C. 'Chili' | C. chinensis | C. 'Christian Steven' | C. 'Christine' | C. chrysocoma | C. chrysocoma 'Continuity' | C. chrysocoma sericea | C. chrysocoma var. sericea | C. chysantha paucidentalis | C. 'Cicciolina' | C. cirrhosa 'Balearic' | C. cirrhosa 'Freckles' | C. cirrhosa 'Jingle Bells' | C. cirrhosa L. | C. cirrhosa 'Lansdowne Gem' | C. cirrhosa 'Red' | C. cirrhosa var. balearica | C. cirrhosa var. purpurascens 'Lansdowne Gem' | C. cirrhosa 'Wisley Cream' | C. 'Claudius' | C. coactilis | C. coccinea Engelm. synonym | C. coerulea Lindl. | C. colensoi Hooker Synonym | C. 'Colette Deville' | C. columbiana | C. columbiana var. tenuiloba | C. 'Columbine' | C. 'Columella' | C. 'Comtesse de Bouchaud' | C. connata DC | C. 'Constance' | C. 'Corona' | C. 'Corry' | C. 'Countess of Lovelace' | C. 'Cragside' | C. 'Crépuscule' | C. 'Crimson King' | C. crispa | C. 'Cuba' | C. cunninghamii | C. 'Cyanea' | C. 'Cylindrica' | C. 'Daniel Deronda' | C. 'Daria' | C. 'Dawn' | C. 'Denny's Double' | C. denticulata | C. 'Docteur Le B | C. 'Doctor Ruppel' | C. 'Dominika' | C. 'Dorothy Tolver' | C. 'Dorothy Walton' | C. douglasii var. scotti | C. 'Dronning Ingrid' | C. 'Duchess of Albany' | C. 'Duchess of Edinburgh' | C. 'Duchess of Sutherland' | C. 'Dunajec' | C. 'Durandii' | C. 'Early Sensation' | C. 'Edith' | C. 'Edward Prichard' | C. 'Edward Pritchard' | C. 'Ekstra' | C. 'Elegia' | C. 'Elegiia' | C. 'Elegija' | C. 'Elsa Späth | C. 'Elvan' | C. 'Emilia Plater' | C. 'Emojogi' | C. 'Empress of India' | C. 'Entel' | C. erecta hybrida | C. 'Erik' | C. 'Eriostemon' | C. 'Ernest Markham' | C. 'Etoile de Malicorne' | C. 'Etoile de Paris' | C. 'Etoile Rose' | C. 'Etoile Violette' | C. 'Eva' | C. 'Evening Star | C. 'Evifive' | C. 'Evifour' | C. 'Evijohill' | C. 'Evione' | C. 'Evirida' | C. 'Evisix' | C. 'Evison' | C. 'Evista' | C. 'Evithree' | C. 'Evitwo' | C. 'Exima' | C. 'Extra' | C. 'Fair Rosamond' | C. 'Fair Rosamund' | C. 'Fairy Queen' | C. fargesii var. souliei | C. fargesioides 'Summer Snow' | C. fasciculiflora | C. fauriei | C. finetiana | C. 'Fireworks' | C. 'Flamingo' | C. flammula | C. flammula 'Rubromarginata' | C. flora plena | C. 'Floralia' | C. florida | C. florida 'Alba Plena' | C. florida 'Bicolor' | C. florida Evipure | C. florida 'Evirida' | C. florida 'Flore Pleno' | C. florida 'Plena' | C. florida 'Sieboldiana' | C. florida 'Sieboldii' | C. foetida Raoul | C. forrestii | C. forsteri Cartmanii Joe | C. forsteri Gmelin | C. 'Fortunei' | C. 'Frances Rivis' | C. 'Francesca' | C. 'Frankie' | C. fremontii | C. fruiticosa 'Mongolian Gold' | C. fruticosa | C. 'Fuji-musume' | C. 'Fujimusume' | C. fusca | C. fusca 'Coreana' | C. fusca 'Kamtschatica' | C. fusca var. violacea | C. fusca violacea | C. 'Fusijamana' | C. 'Gabrielle' | C. 'General Sikorski' | C. gentianoides | C. gentianoides X 'Aristata' | C. 'Georg Ots' | C. 'Gillian Blades' | C. 'Gipsy Queen' | C. globosa Royle Synonym | C. gluteola | C. 'Glynderek' | C. 'Golden Harvest' | C. 'Golden Tiara' | C. gouriana | C. 'Grace' | C. grata | C. gratopsis | C. graveolens Lindl. | C. 'Gravetye Beauty' | C. grewiaeflora DC | C. grewiiflora | C. guascoi Hort. | C. 'Guiding Star' | C. 'H.F. Young' | C. 'Hagley Hybrid' | C. 'Hainton Ruby' | C. 'Haku Ookan' | C. 'Hakurai' | C. 'Halina Noll' | C. 'Heather Herschell' | C. 'Helsingborg' | C. 'Hendersoni' | C. 'Henryi' | C. heracleifolia | C. heracleifolia 'Alblo' | C. heracleifolia 'Blue Dwarf' | C. heracleifolia 'Campanile' | C. heracleifolia 'Cassandra' | C. heracleifolia 'China Purple' | C. heracleifolia 'Cote d'Azur' | C. heracleifolia Davidiana | C. heracleifolia 'Mrs. Robert Brydon' | C. heracleifolia 'New Love' | C. heracleifolia 'Oiseau Bleu' | C. heracleifolia 'Pink Dwarf' | C. heracleifolia 'Roundway Blue Bird' | C. heracleifolia var. davidiana | C. heracleifolia var. davidiana 'Wyevale' | C. heracleifolia 'Wyevale' | C. hexapetala | C. hexasepala DC synonym | C. hirsutissima | C. hirsutissima 'Santa Fe' | C. hirsutissima var. hirsutissima | C. hirsutissima var. scottii | C. hookeri Decne. | C. hookeriana | C. 'Huldine' | C. 'Huvi' | C. 'Hybrida Sieboldii' | C. ianthina var. ianthina | C. 'Imperial' | C. indivisa var. lobata Willd. synonym | C. indivisa Willd. | C. 'Ingrid Biedenkopf' | C. integrifolia | C. integrifolia (Mr. Ozawa's form) | C. integrifolia 'Alba' | C. integrifolia 'Aljonushka' | C. integrifolia 'Amelia' | C. integrifolia 'Amy' | C. integrifolia 'Arabella' | C. integrifolia 'Baby White' | C. integrifolia 'Blauer Achat' | C. integrifolia 'Budapest' | C. integrifolia 'Caerulea' | C. integrifolia 'Durandii' | C. integrifolia 'Fascination' | C. integrifolia 'Floris V' | C. integrifolia 'Hanajima' | C. integrifolia 'Henderson' | C. integrifolia 'Hendersoni' | C. integrifolia 'Jan Fopma' | C. integrifolia 'Lauren' | C. integrifolia 'Lavender' | C. integrifolia 'Miranda' | C. integrifolia 'Olgae' | C. integrifolia 'Pamjatj Serdtza' | C. integrifolia 'Pangbourne Pink' | C. integrifolia 'Pastel Blue' | C. integrifolia 'Pastel Pink' | C. integrifolia 'Pink' | C. integrifolia 'Purpureostriata' | C. integrifolia 'Rooguchi' | C. integrifolia 'Rosea' | C. integrifolia 'Tapestry' | C. integrifolia var. latifolia | C. integrifolia 'White Form' | C. integrifolia X viticella | C. intricata | C. intricata 'Harry Smith' | C. intricata 'Vince Denny' | C. 'Ivan Olsson' | C. 'J.L. Delbard' | C. 'J. Lindmark' | C. jackmanii | C. 'Jackmanii' | C. jackmanii 'Madame Grangé | C. 'Jackmanii Rubra' | C. jackmanii superba | C. 'Jadwiga Teresa' | C. japonica var. obvallata | C. 'Jenny Caddick' | C. 'Joan Baker' | C. 'Joan Picton' | C. 'Joe' | C. 'John Gould Veitch' | C. 'John Huxtable' | C. 'John Warren' | C. 'Josephine' | C. jouiana praecox | C. jouiniana 'Praecox' | C. 'Jubileinyi 70' | C. 'Jubilejnja 70' | C. 'Jubilenyj-70' | C. 'Juuli' | C. 'Kacper' | C. 'Kaiu' | C. 'Kardinal Wyszynski' | C. 'Kardynal Wyszynski' | C. 'Kathleen Wheeler' | C. 'Keith Richardson' | C. 'Ken Donson' | C. 'Kermesina' | C. 'King Edward VII' | C. 'King George V' | C. kirilovii | C. kirilowii | C. 'Komiczeskaja Melodija' | C. koreana | C. koreana 'Brunet' | C. koreana 'Brunette' | C. 'Koreana Fragrans' | C. koreana 'Lutea' | C. 'Koreana Lutea' | C. koreana var. fragrans | C. koreana var. lutea | C. 'Kuba' | C. 'Kugotia' | C. kyllus | C. ladakhiana | C. 'Lady Balfour' | C. 'Lady Betty Balfour' | C. 'Lady Bird Johnson' | C. 'Lady Gray' | C. 'Lambton Park' | C. 'Lansdowne Gem' | C. lanuginosa | C. lanuginosa 'Candida' | C. lanuginosa 'Pallida' | C. lanuginosa Violacea | C. lasiandra | C. lasiantha | C. 'Lasurstern' | C. latisecta (Maxim.) Prantl | C. 'Lauren' | C. 'Lawsoniana' | C. 'Lemon Bells' | C. Leprechaun | C. 'Liberation' | C. 'Lidia' | C. ligusticifolia | C. 'Lincoln Star' | C. 'Lisboa' | C. 'Little Mermaid' | C. 'Little Nell' | C. 'Lord Herschell' | C. 'Lord Nevill' | C. 'Lord Neville' | C. 'Louise Rowe' | C. 'Lucey' | C. 'Luther Burbank' | C. macropetala | C. macropetala 'Albina Plena' | C. macropetala 'Alborosea' | C. macropetala 'Anders' | C. macropetala 'Ballet Skirt' | C. macropetala 'Blue' | C. macropetala 'Blue Bird' | C. macropetala 'Blue Spider' | C. macropetala 'Cecily' | C. macropetala 'Chili' | C. macropetala 'Floralia' | C. macropetala 'Harry Smith' | C. macropetala hybrid | C. macropetala 'J. Lindmark' | C. macropetala 'Jan Lindmark' | C. macropetala 'King Edward VII' | C. macropetala 'Lagoon' | C. macropetala 'Maidwell Hall' | C. macropetala 'Markhamii' | C. macropetala 'Markham's Pink' | C. macropetala 'Pauline' | C. macropetala 'Pearl Rose' | C. macropetala 'Pink Pearl' | C. macropetala 'Purple Spider' | C. macropetala 'Rosy O'Grady' | C. macropetala 'Sialia' | C. macropetala 'Snowbird' | C. macropetala var. markhamii | C. macropetala 'Vicky' | C. macropetala 'Violet Purple' | C. macropetala 'Wesselton' | C. macropetala 'Westleton' | C. macropetala 'White Lady' | C. macropetala 'White Swan' | C. 'Madame Baron Veillard' | C. 'Madame Edouard André | C. 'Madame Grangé | C. 'Madame Julia Correvon' | C. 'Maidwell Hall' | C. mandschurica | C. 'Margaret Hunt' | C. 'Margot Koster' | C. 'Margret Hunt' | C. 'Marie Boisselot' | C. 'Marjorie' | C. 'Markham's Pink' | C. marmoraria | C. marmoraria X paniculata 'Lunar Lass' | C. marmoraria X quadribracteolata | C. 'Mary Rose' | C. 'Maureen' | C. mauritiana Lam. | C. maximowiciana | C. maximowicziana | C. 'Meeli' | C. 'Mellow Yellow' | C. 'Midnight' | C. 'Mikelite' | C. 'Miniseelik' | C. 'Minuet' | C. 'Miss Bateman' | C. 'Miss Crawshay' | C. 'Mongolian Gold' | C. montana | C. montana 'Alba' | C. montana 'Alexander' | C. montana 'Broughton Star' | C. montana 'Elizabeth' | C. montana f. grandiflora | C. montana 'Fragrant Spring' | C. montana 'Freda' | C. montana 'Gothenburg' | C. montana 'Grandiflora' | C. montana grandiflora | C. montana 'Grandiflora Alba' | C. montana 'Highdown' | C. montana 'Jacqui' | C. montana 'Lilacina' | C. montana 'Margaret Jones' | C. montana 'Marjorie' | C. montana 'Mayleen' | C. montana 'Miss Christine' | C. montana 'New Dawn' | C. montana 'Odorata' | C. montana 'Odorata Trelleborg' | C. montana 'Persian Fragrance' | C. montana 'Peveril' | C. montana 'Picton's Variety' | C. montana 'Pink Perfection' | C. montana 'Pleniflora' | C. montana rubens | C. montana 'Superba' | C. montana 'Tetrarose' | C. montana var. fasciculiflora | C. montana var. rubens | C. montana var. rubens 'Broughton Star' | C. montana var. rubens 'Elizabeth' | C. montana var. rubens 'Freda' | C. montana var. rubens 'Mayleen' | C. montana var. rubens 'Superba' | C. montana var. rubens 'Tetrarose' | C. montana var. sericea | C. montana var. wilsonii | C. montana 'Vera' | C. montana 'Warwickshire Rose' | C. montana wilsonii | C. 'Moonbeam' | C. 'Moonlight' | C. 'Mrs. Bush' | C. 'Mrs. Cholmondeley' | C. 'Mrs. George Jackman' | C. 'Mrs. Hope' | C. 'Mrs. Norman Thompson' | C. 'Mrs. Oud' | C. 'Mrs. P.B. Truax' | C. 'Mrs. Robert Brydon' | C. 'Mrs. Spencer Castle' | C. 'Mrs. T.Lundell' | C. 'Mrs. Tage Lundell' | C. 'Multi-Blue' | C. 'Myojo' | C. napaulensis | C. 'Negritjanka' | C. 'Nelly Moser' | C. nepalensis | C. nepatensis | C. 'New Love' | C. 'Nezhdannyi' | C. 'Nikolai Rubtzov' | C. 'Nikolaj Rubtzov' | C. 'Nikolay Rubtzov' | C. 'Niobe' | C. nutans Royle Synonym | C. ochotensis | C. ochotensis 'Carmen Rose' | C. ochroleuca | C. 'Olimpiada-80' | C. 'Olympiad 80' | C. orientalis | C. orientalis 'Bill MacKenzie' | C. orientalis 'Corry' | C. orientalis 'Golden Harvest' | C. orientalis graveolens 'Gravetye Seedling' | C. orientalis L.S. 13342 | C. orientalis 'Orange Peel' | C. orientalis 'Sheriffii' | C. orientalis ssp. wightiana (Wall.) H. Perrier | C. orientalis var. latifolia Hook & Thomson | C. orientalis var. tangutica | C. orientalis var. tenuifolia (Royle) Grey-Wilson | C. 'Ozawa's Blue' | C. 'P | C. 'P.T. James' | C. 'Paddington' | C. 'Pagoda' | C. 'Pamela' | C. 'Pangbourne Pink' | C. paniculata 'Bridal Veil' | C. paniculata 'Early Sensation' | C. paniculata Gmelin | C. paniculata 'Serenity' | C. paniculata ternifolia | C. paniculata var. lobata | C. parviflora DC Synonym | C. 'Pastel Blue' | C. 'Pastel Pink' | C. 'Pastel Princess' | C. patens | C. patens 'Amalia' | C. patens 'Helena' | C. patens 'Louisa' | C. patens 'Monstrosa' | C. patens 'Sophia' | C. 'Paul Farges' | C. 'Pendragon' | C. 'Percy Picton' | C. 'Perle d'Azur' | C. 'Perle d'Azure' | C. 'Perrin's Pride' | C. 'Petit Faucon' | C. petriei | C. petriei 'Princess' | C. petriei 'White Velvet | C. 'Peveril Pearl' | C. 'Phil Mason' | C. 'Phoenix' | C. 'Piccadilly' | C. 'Picton's Variety' | C. pierotii | C. pierotti | C. 'Pink Cameo' | C. 'Pink Champagne' | C. 'Pink Fantasy' | C. 'Piotr Skarga' | C. 'Pistachio' | | C. 'Plena' | C. 'Polish Spirit' | C. potaninii var. fargesii | C. pottanini | C. 'Poulvo' | C. prairie | C. prairie 'Traveller's Joy' | C. 'Prince Charles' | C. 'Prince Hendrik | C. 'Princess Diana' (Fretwell) | C. 'Prins Hendrik' | C. 'Prinz Hendrik' | C. pseudopoganandra | C. 'Purity' | C. 'Purpurea' | C. 'Purpurea Plena Elegans' | C. quadribracteolata Colenso | C. 'Rahvarinne' | C. 'Ramona' | C. ranunculoides | C. recta | C. recta manchurica | C. recta 'Midnight Masquerade' | C. recta 'Peveril' | C. recta 'Purpurea' | C. recta subsp. flammula | C. recta var. mandshurica | C. recta var. purpurea | C. recta var. recta | C. 'Red Cardinal' | C. 'Red Cooler' | C. rehderiana | C. reticulata Walt. | C. 'Rhapsody' | C. 'Robusta' | C. 'Roguchi' | C. 'Romantica' | C. 'Romantika' | C. 'Rosea' | C. 'Rosy O'Grady' | C. 'Rosy Pagoda' | C. 'Rouge Cardinal' | C. 'Royal Velours' | C. 'Royal Velvet' | C. 'Royalty' | C. roylei Rehder | C. 'Rozalia' | C. 'Rubella' | C. 'Ruby Glow' | C. 'Rüütel' | C. 'Salmonea' | C. 'Sander' | C. 'Scartho Gem' | C. 'Sensation' | C. 'Serebriannyj Ruczejok' | C. 'Serenata' | C. serratifolia | C. serratifolia 'Golden Tiara' | C. serratifolia 'Grace' | C. 'Sialia' | C. sibirica | C. sibirica 'Riga' | C. sibirica 'White Moth' | C. 'Sieboldii' | C. 'Silver Moon' | C. 'Silver Sparkling Brook' | C. simsii | C. 'Sinij Dozhdj' | C. 'Sir Trevor Lawrence' | C. smilacifolia Wall. | | C. socialis | C. 'Södertälje' | C. songarica | C. songarica 'Sundance' | C. songarica var. songarica | C. 'Souvenir de Capitaine Thuilleaux' | C. 'Souvenir de J.L. Delbard' | | C. 'Standishii' | C. stans | C. 'Star of India' | C. 'Stasik' | C. 'Stazik' | C. 'Sugar-bowls' | C. 'Sugar Candy' | C. 'Summer Snow | C. 'Sunset' | C. 'Sympatica' | C. 'Syrena' | C. tangutica | C. tangutica 'Aureolin' | C. tangutica 'Bill MacKenzie' | C. tangutica 'Burford Variety' | C. tangutica 'Gravetye Variety' | C. tangutica 'Helios' | C. tangutica 'Lambton Park' | C. tangutica 'Orange Peel' | C. tangutica subsp. obtusiuscula | C. 'Teksa' | C. 'Tentel' | C. tenuifolia Royle Synonym | C. tenuiloba | C. terniflora | C. terniflora 'Robusta' | C. terniflora var. robusta | C. texensis Buckl. | C. texensis 'Catherine Clanwilliam' | C. texensis 'Duchess of Albany' | C. texensis 'Etoile Rose' | C. texensis 'Gravetye Beauty' | C. texensis 'Ladybird Johnson' | C. texensis 'Pagoda' | C. texensis 'Princess Diana' (Fretwell) | | C. texensis 'Radiance' | C. texensis 'Ruby Wedding' | C. texensis 'Sir Trevor Lawrence' | C. texensis 'The President' | C. 'The President' | C. tianshanica | C. tibetana | C. tibetana 'Black Tibet' | C. tibetana L.S. 13342 | C. tibetana spp. vernayi L&S 13342 | C. tibetana subsp. vernayi | C. 'Titania' | C. 'Toki' | C. 'Torleif' | C. trichotoma | C. triflora Vahl Synonym | C. 'Trimda' | C. triternata 'Rubro Marginata' | C. triternata 'Tranquility' | C. tubulerosa 'Cassandra' | C. tubulosa Turcz. synonym | C. tubulosa var. hookeri synonym | C. turkestanica | C. 'Tzuki' | C. uncinata | C. 'Unzen' | C. urophylla 'Winter Beauty' | C. urticifolia | C. 'Vanessa' | C. velutina Edgew. Synonym | C. 'Veronica's Choice' | C. versicolor | C. 'Victoria' | C. 'Ville de Lyon' | C. villosa DC | C. 'Viola' | C. violacea | C. 'Violet Charm' | C. viorna | C. viorna 'Sonette' | C. virginiana | C. vitalba | C. vitalba 'Traveler's Joy' | C. viticella | C. viticella 'Abundance' | C. viticella 'Alba Luxurians' | C. viticella 'Aotearoa' | C. viticella atrorubens | C. viticella 'Betty Corning' | C. viticella 'Black Prince' | C. viticella 'Blue' | C. viticella 'Blue Belle' | C.viticella 'Blue Boy' | C. viticella caerulea luxurians | C. viticella 'Carmencita' | C. viticella 'Cicciolina' | C. viticella 'Coerulea Grandiflora' | C. viticella 'Eetika' | C. viticella 'Elvan' | C. viticella 'Emilia Plater' | C. viticella 'Etoile Violette' | C. viticella 'Foxtrot' | C. viticella 'Hagelby Blue' | C. viticella 'Hagelby White' | C. viticella 'Hanna' | C. viticella 'Ingrid Biedenkopf' | C. viticella 'Kermesina' | C. viticella 'Leonidas' | C. viticella 'Little Nell' | C. viticella 'Madame Julia Correvon' | C. viticella Magnifica | C. viticella 'Margot Koster' | C. viticella 'Mary Rose' | C. viticella 'Minuet' | C. viticella 'Mrs. T. Lundell' | C. viticella 'Pagoda' | C. viticella 'Polish Spirit' | C. viticella 'Prince Charles' | C. viticella 'Purpurea Plena Elegans' | C. viticella 'Royal Velours' | C. viticella 'Rubra' | C. viticella 'Signe' | C. viticella 'Södertälje' | C. viticella 'Tango' | C. viticella 'Venosa Violacea' | C. viticella 'Walenburg' | C. viticella 'White Heart' | C. viticella 'Zephyr' | C. 'Vivienne' | C. 'Vivienne Beth Currie' | C. 'Vivienne Lawson' | C. 'Volga Dam' | C. 'Voluceau' | C. 'Vostok' | C. 'Vyvyan Pennell' | C.W. Dowman | C. 'W.E. Gladstone' | C. 'W.S. Callick' | C. 'Wada's Primrose' | C. 'Wanda Rutkiewicz' | C. 'Warsaw Nike' | C. 'Warszawska Nike' | C. 'Warwick Rose' | C. 'Westerplatte' | C. wightiana Wall. ex Wt. & Arn. | C. 'Will Goodwin' | C. 'William Kennett' | C. 'Wisteria Purple' | C. X armandii | C. X aromatica | C. X bonstedtii | C. X bonstedtii 'Crépuscule' | C. X cartmanii hort. 'Avalanche' | C. x cartmanii 'Sweet Hart' | C. X cylindrica | C. X durandii | C. X eriostemon | C. X eriostemon 'Blue Boy' | C. X eriostomen 'Hendersonii' | C. X jackmanii 'Superba' | C. X jouiniana | C. X jouiniana 'Mrs. Robert Brydon' | C. X jouiniana 'Praecox' | C. x triternata | C. X triternata 'Rubromarginata' | C. X vedariensis 'Dovedale' | C. X vedrariensis | C. X vedrariensis 'Highdown' | C. 'Xerxes' | C. 'Yuki Okoshi' | C. 'Yukikomachi' | C. 'Yvette Houry' | Caerulea | Caerulea Luxurians | campaniflora | Campanile | Candida | Candle Glow | Candy | Candy Stripe | Capitaine Thuilleaux | Caravelle | Cardinal | Cardinal Wyszynski | Carmen Rose | Carmencita | Carnaby | Carnival Queen | Caroline | Cartmanii Joe | Caspar | Cassandra | Cassis | Catherine Clanwilliam | Catullus | Cecily | Cezanne | Chaika | Chalcedony | Chantilly | Chaparral Clematis | Charisma | Charissima | Chatsworth | Cherokee | Chevalier | chiisanensis | Chili | China Purple | chinensis | Chinook | Christian Steven | Christine | Chry. Continuity | Chry. Hybrid | Chrysocoma | chrysocoma Hybrid | Chrysocoma Sericea | Chysantha paucidentalis | Cicciolina | cirr.balearica | Cirrhosa | Cirrhosa Balearica | cirrhosa 'Freckles' | Cirrhosa 'Jingle Bells' | cirrhosa 'Red' | Cirrhosa 'Wisley Cream' | Citra | Cl. florida Thunb. var. bicolor Lindl. | Clair de Lune | Claire de Lune | Claudius | Clemaris songarica Bunge | Clematis alpina L. | Clematis Amalia | Clematis azurea | Clematis azurea grandiflora | Clematis flammula L. | Clematis Geblerii | Clematis hedysarifolia | Clematis Helene | Clematis 'Isago' | Clematis koreana Komar. | Clematis ligusticifolia Torr. et A. Gray | OClematis Louise | Clematis Louise fol. plena | Clematis mandschurica Rupr. | Clematis occidentalis (Hornem.) DC | | Clematis recta L: | Clematis recta 'Velvet Nights' | Clematis rubro violacea | Clematis Sophie | Clematis tangutica 'Last Dance' | Clematis tangutica 'My Angel' | Clematis terniflora DC | Clematis velutina purpurea | Clematis venosa grandiflora | Clematis virginiana L. | Clematis vitalba L. | Clematis viticella flore pleno | Clematis viticella ssp. campaniflora (Brot.) Font Quer ex Bolos & Vigo | Clematis viticella venosa | Clematis x guascoi Lem. & Versch. | Clematis X hybrida 'Kirigamine' | Clematis x mooreana Jackm. | Clématite de Baléares à grandes fleurs | Clématite de Bourbon | Clematopsis villosa | Cleminov 29 | Cleminov 51 | Cleopatra | Cléopatre | Cl. Versailles | Coactilis | Coerulea Grandiflora | OColette Deville | OColumbiana | Columbine | Columella | Comtesse de Bouchaud | Confetti | Connata | Constance | Continuity | Corona | Corry | Cote d'Azur | Countess of Lovelace | Cragside | Crépuscule | Crimson King | Crimson Star | Crinkle | crispa | Cropuselt | Crystal Fountain | Cuba | Cunninghamii | Cunningham's clematis | Curly clematis | Cyanea | Cylindrica | Cyprius | Czarna Madonna


| Dacite | Daira | Dancing Dorien | Dancing King | Dancing Queen | Daniel Deronda | Darius | Dark Eyes | Davidiana | Dawn | Debutante | Denny's Double | Denticulata | Devjatyj Val | Diamantina | Diana's Delight | Directeur Andre Devillers | Docteur Le B | Docteur Le Bêle | Doctor Ruppel | Dominika | Dorota | Dorothy Tolver | Dorothy Walton | Dovedale | Downy Clematis | Dr. Ruppel | Dronning Ingrid | Duchess of Albany | Duchess of Edinburgh | Duchess of Sutherland | Dunajec | Durandii


| Early Sensation | Eastern virgin's bower | Eclipse | Edith | Edo Murasaki | Edomurasaki | Edward Prichard | Edward Pritchard | Eetika | Ekstra | Eleanor of Guildford | Elegia | Elegiia | Elegija | Elf | Elgar | Elizabeth | Elsa Späth | Elvan | Emilia Plater | Emojogi | Empress | Empress of India | Ena | Entel | Erik | Eriostemon | Ernest Markham | Esperanto | Etoile de Malicorne | Etoile de Paris | Etoile Nacre | Etoile Rose | Etoile Violette | Europa | Eva | Evening Star | Evifive | Evifour | Evijohill | Evione | Evipo001 | Evipo002 | Evipo003 | Evipo004 | Evipo005 | Evipo006 | Evipo007 | Evipo008 | Evipo009 | Evipo010 | Evipo011 | Evipo012 | Evipo013 | Evipo014 | Evipo015 | Evipo016 | Evipo017 | Evipo018 | Evipo019 | Evipo020 | Evipo021 | Evipo023 | Evipo024 | Evipo025 | Evipo026 | Evipo027 | Evipo028 | Evipo029 | Evipo030 | Evipo031 | Evipo032 | Evipo033 | Evipo034 | Evipo035 | Evipo036 | Evipo037 | Evipo038 | Evipo039 | Evipo040 | Evipo041 | Evipo042 | Evipo043 | Evipo044 | Evipo045 | Evipo046 | Evipo053 | Evipo055 | Evirida | EVIrin | Evisix | Evison | Evista | Evithree | Evitwo | Exima | Extra


| Fair Rosamond | Fair Rosamund | Fairy | Fairy Blue | Fairy Queen | Fairydust | Fantaziia | Fargesioides | Fargesioides 'Summer Snow' | fasciculiflora | Fascination | fauriei | Fern-leafed clematis | Filigree | Fireflame | Firefly | Fireworks | Flamingo | flammula | Flammula Rubra Marginata | Fleuri | Flora Plena | Floralia | Flore Pleno | florida 'Alba Plena' | florida 'Bicolor' | florida 'Pistachio' | florida Sieboldiana | Florida Sieboldiana Alba Plena | florida 'Sieboldii' | Floris V | Fond Memories | forest clematis | Forever Friends | forsteri | Forsterii | Fortunei | Four Star | Foxtrot | Foxy | Fragrant Oberon | Fragrant Spring | Fragrant Virgins Bower | Frances Rivis | Francesca | Francis Rivis | Frankie | Franziska Maria | Franziska Marie | Frau Mikiko | Freckles | Freda | Fremontii | Fruiticosa 'Mongolian Gold' | fruticosa | Fryderyk Chopin | Fuji-musume | Fujimusume | fusca | fusca var. violacea | fusca violacea | Fusijamana


| G. Steffner | Gabrielle | Galore | Gauja | Gazelle | Gem | General Sikorski | gentianoides | gentianoides X 'Aristata' | Georg | Georg Ots | Giant Star | Gillian Blades | Gipsy Queen | Gladys Picard | Glasnevin Dusk | glauca | Glunderek | glycinoides | Glynderek | Goat's-beard | Golden Bells | Golden Clematis | Golden Harvest | Golden Tiara | Gornoje Ozero | Gornoye Ozero | Gothenburg | gouriana | Grace | gracilifolia | Grandiflora | Grandiflora Alba | Grandiflora Sanguinea | grata | Gravetye Beauty | Gravetye Seedling | Gravetye Variety | Green Velvet | Grefve Erik Ruuth | Gringoire | Guernsey Cream | Guiding Promise | Guiding Star | Gunta | Gurkha Star | Gurnsey Cream | Gypsy Queen


| H.F. Young | H.J. Young | Hagelby Pink | Hagelby White | Hagley Hybrid | Hainton Ruby | Haku | Haku Ookan | Hakuba | Hakuookan | Hakurai | Hakuree | Halina Noll | Hanaguruma | Hanajima | Happy birthday | Harlow Carr | Harmony | Havering Hybrids | Hayate | Heather Herschell | Heavenly Blue | Helen Cropper | Helios | Helma | Helsingborg | Hendersoni | Hendersonii | Hendryetta | Henryi | Henryii | Heracleifolia | Heracleifolia Campanile | heracleifolia 'Cassandra' | Heracleifolia Cote d'Azur | Heracleifolia 'Crépuscule' | Heracleifolia Davidiana | heracleifolia 'Mrs. Robert Brydon' | Herbert Johnson | hexapetala | Highdown | Hikarugenji | Hilariae | Hint of Pink | hirsutissima | hirsutissima var. scottii | Honora | Hookeriana | Horn of Plenty | Hoshi-no-flamenco | Huldine | Huvi | Hybrida Sieboldiana | Hybrida Sieboldii | Hyde Hall


| I Am ® A Little Beauty | I Am ® Lady J | I Am ® Lady Q | Ialtinski Etiud | Ice Blue | Ideal | Imperial | Inspiration | integrifolia | integrifolia 'Arabella' | integrifolia 'Durandii' | Integrifolia Lavender | integrifolia 'Olgae' | integrifolia 'Pamjatj Serdtza' | Integrifolia Pink | integrifolia 'Rosea' | integrifolia var. bergeronii | integrifolia var. latifolia | intricata | Iola Fair | Ishobel | ispahanica | Iunost | Ivan Olsson | Izabela


| J.L. Delbard | Jackmani Rubella | Jackmanii | Jackmanii Alba | Jackmanii Rubra | Jackmanii Superba | Jacqueline du Pré | Jacqui | Jadwiga Teresa | Jaltinski Etyid | James Mason | Jan Fopma | Jan Lindmark | Jan Pawel II | Janis Ruplens Nr. 1 | japonica | Jasper | Jeffries | Jenny | Jenny Caddick | Jenny Keay | Jewel of Merk | Jim Hollis | Jingle Bells | Joan Baker | Joan Picton | Joan Red | Joanna | Joe | John Gould Veitch | John Gudmundsson | John Howells | John Huxtable | John Paul II | John Warren | Jolly Good | Jorma | Josephine | Jouiniana | Jouiniana Praecox | Jubileinyi 70 | Jubilejnja 70 | Jubilenyj-70 | Julka | Justa | Juuli


| k.candle glow | Kaaru | Kacper | Kaiu | Kakio | Kalina | Kamila | Kardinal Wyszynski | Karin | Kasmu | Kasugayama | Katharina | Kathleen Dunford | Kathleen Wheeler | KBK01 | KBK02 | Keith Richardson | Ken Donson | Kermesina | Kiev | Kiew | Kilian Donahue | King Edward VII | King George V | Kingfisher | Kiri Te Kanawa | Kirigamine | Kirilowii | Kirim | Kjell | Klaara | Komiczeskaja Melodija | Kommerei | Königskind blau ® | Königskind Rosa ® | Königskind Rosea | koreana | Koreana Fragrans | Koreana Lutea | koreana var. fragrans | koreana var. lutea | kosm.melodija | Kosmicheskaia Melodiia | Kuba | Kugotia | Kyllus


| ladakhiana | Lady Balfour | Lady Betty Balfour | Lady Bird Johnson | Lady Caroline Nevill | Lady Gray | Lady Londesborough | Lady Northcliff | Lady Northcliffe | Lagoon | Lamartine | Lambton Park | languinosa 'Candida' | Lansdowne Gem | Lanuginosa | lanuginosa 'Candida' | Lasiandra | lasiantha | Lasurstern | Laura | Laura Denny | Lauren | Lawsonia | Lawsoniana | Le Cid | Leafless clematis | Leather flower | Lemon Bells | Lemon Chiffon | Lemon Peel Clematis | Leoni | Leonidas | Liberation | Lidia | ligusticifolia | Lilac Time | Lilacina | | Lilactime | Lincoln Star | Lisboa | Little Bas | Little Butterfly | Little Nell | Little White Charm | Lord Herschell | Lord Nevill | Lord Neville | Louise Rowe | Love Child | Lucey | Lucie Lemoine | Lunar Lass | Lutea | Luther Burbank


| Macropetala | macropetala 'Blue Bird' | macropetala 'Cecily' | Macropetala Hybrid | macropetala 'J. Lindmark' | macropetala 'Lagoon' | macropetala 'Maidwell Hall' | macropetala 'Markham's Pink' | macropetala 'Pink Pearl' | macropetala 'Rosy O'Grady' | macropetala 'White Lady' | macropetala 'White Swan' | Madame Baron Veillard | Madame Edouard André | Madame Grangé | Madame Julia Correvon | Madame Le Coultre | Madame van Houtte | Magic Star | Mahrovyi | Maidwell Hall | Mammut | mandschurica | Manshu-Ki | marata | Marcel Moser | Margaret Hunt | Margaret Jones | Margaret Wood | Margot Koster | Margret Hunt | Maria Cornelia | Maria Louise Jensen | Marie Boisselot | Marie Louise Jensen | Marinka | Marjorie | Markhammii | Markham's Pink | Marmoraria | Marmoraria X paniculata 'Lunar Lass' | Marmoraria X quadribracteolata | Marmori | Marsh clematis | Mary Claire | Maskarad | Masquerade (early large-flowered, Evison, 1993) | Masquerade (syn. 'Maskarad') | Mathieu de Dombasle | Mathilda | Matka Siedliska | Matka Teresa | Matka Urszula Ledóchowska | Maureen | Maximowicziana | Mayleen | Medley | Meeli | Mellow Yellow | Melodija | Mephistophel | meyeniana | Mia | Michiko | microphylla | Midnight | Midnight Masquerade | Mienie Belle | Miikla | Mikelite | Mikla | Miniseelik | Minister | Minuet | Miranda | Miriam Markham | Miss Bateman | Miss Christine | Miss Crawshay | Mississippi River | Modesta | Mongolian Gold | Monsieur Emile Faure | montana 'Alba' | montana 'Elizabeth' | montana 'Freda' | montana grandiflora | montana 'Marjorie' | montana 'Mayleen' | montana 'Odorata' | montana 'Pink Perfection' | montana rubens | montana 'Tetrarose' | montana wilsonii | Monte Cassino | Monty Zary | Moonbeam | Moonfleet | Moonlight | Moonman


| Nadezdha | Natacha | Natascha | Negritjanka | Negus | Nelly Moser | Nelly Moser neu | Neodynamia | Neptune | New Dawn | New Love | Nezhdannyi | Nikolai Rubtzov | Nikolaj Rubtzov | Nikolay Rubtzov | Niobe | North Star | Nunn's Gift


| obvallata | occidentalis | occidentalis var. dissecta | Ooccidentalis var. grosseserrata | Ochotensis | ochroleuca | Odorata | Odoriba | Oiseau Bleu | Old Man's Beard | Olgae | Olimpiada-80 | Olimpida 80 | Olympiad 80 | Omoshiro | Ooh La La | Opaline | Orange Peel | Orientalis | orientalis 'Bill MacKenzie' | Orientalis graveolens 'Gravetye Seedling' | Orientalis L.S. 13342 | orientalis 'Orange Peel' | Otto Froebel | Ozawa's Blue


| P | P.T. James | Paddington | Pafar | Pagoda | pagonandra var.pilosa | Palette | Pamela | Pamela Jackman | Pamiat Serdtsa | Pamja Serzta | Pamjat Serdtsa | Pamjatj Serdtza | Pamjatj Sertsa | Pangbourne Pink | paniculata | paniculata var. lobata | Paola | Parasol | Parisienne | parviloba var. bartlettii | Pastel Blue | Pastel Pink | Pastel Princess | pat.a.fretwell | Pat Coleman | Patens | Patens Blue | Patricia Ann Fretwell | Paul Farges | Pauline | Pearl Rose | Pendragon | Pennell's Purity | Peppermint | Percy Lake | Percy Picton | Perle d'Azur | Perle d'Azure | Perrin's Pride | Persian Fragrance | Peter Pan | peterae | Petit Faucon | petriei | Peveril | Peveril Peach | Peveril Pearl | Peveril Pristine | Peveril Profusion | Phil Mason | phlebantha | Phoenix | Picardy | Piccadilly | Picton's Variety | pierotii | pierotti | Piilu | Piki-kai-arero | Pillu | Pink Anemone Clematis | Pink Cameo | Pink Champagne | Pink Chiffon | Pink Delight | Pink Dwarf | Pink Fantasy | Pink Flamingo | Pink Minnie | Pink Pearl | Pink Perfection | Piotr Skarga | Pipestem Clematis | Pistachio | | Pixie | Plena | Pleniflora | Pointy | Polish Spirit | Potaninii | Poulala | Poulvo | Pourpre Mat | Praecox | Prairie River | Pretty in Blue | Pribaltika | Primrose Star | Prince Charles | Prince Hendrik | Prince of Wales | Prince Philip | Princess | Princess Alexandra | Princess Diana (Fretwell) | | Prins Hendrik | Prinsesse Alexandra | Prinz Hendrik | Propertius | Prophétesse | Proteus | Pruinina | pseudopoganandra | Puawhananga | Purity | Purple Haze | Purple Rain | Purple Spider | Purple Virgins Bower | Purpurea | Purpurea Plena | Purpurea Plena Elegans | Purpureostriata


| Queen Alexandra


| Radar Love | Radiance | Radost | Rahvarinne | Ramona | ranunculoides | Rebecca | Recta | Recta manchurica | Recta Peveril | Recta Purpurea | recta var. mandshurica | recta var. recta | Red Ballon | Red Beetroot Beauty | Red Cardinal | Red Cooler | Red Pearl | Reflections | Rehderiana | Reiman | Renaulti coerulea grandiflora | Reubens | Rhapsody | Richard Pennell | Riga | Ristimägi | Robusta | Rodklokke | Roguchi | roka kola | Roko | Roko-Kolla | Roko Kolla | Romantica | Romantika | Roogoja | Rooguchi | Rosa Königskind ® | Rosea | Rosebud | Rosemoor | Rosy O'Grady | Rosy Pagoda | Rouge Cardinal | Rougouchi | Roundway Blue Bird | Royal Velours | Royal Velvet | Royalty | Rozalia | Ruby | Ruby Glow | Ruby Wedding | Rush-stemmed clematis | Rüütel


| Saalomon | Sakala | Sally Cadge | Salmonea | Samantha Denny | Sander | Sandra Denny | Santa Fe | Saphyra double rose | Saphyra Indigo | Satsukibare | Saturn | Savannah | Scarlet Clematis | Scartho Gem | Sealand Gem | Semu | Serebriannyj Ruczejok | Serenada Kryma | Serenata | Serratifolia | Sheila Thacker | Sheriffii | Shimmer | Shirayukihime | Sho-un | Sialia | sibirica | Sieboldii | Signe | Silmakivi | Silver Moon | Silver Sparkling Brook | Simplicity | simsii | Sinij Dozhdj | Sir Garnet Wolseley | Sir Trevor Lawrence | Sisja Ptitza | Small-leaved clematis | Small white clematis | | Snowbird | Snowdrift | socialis | Södertälje | songarica | Sonnette | Sophia Plena | Souvenir de J.L. Delbard | Souvenir du Capitaine Thuilleaux | spec.occasion | Special Occasion | | | Spring Essence | Sputnik | Standishii | stans | Star Burst | Star Fish | Star of India | Star River | Starlight | Stasik | Stazik | Stolwijk Gold | Strawberry Roan | Sugar-bowls | Sugar Candy | Summer Snow | Sundance | Sunny Sky | Sunrise | Sunset | Superba | Susan Allsop | Sweet Autumn Clematis | Sweet Autumn Clematis (paniculata) | Sweet Autumn Scented Clematis | Sylvia Denny | Sympathia | Sympatia | Sympatica | Syrena


| t.vagabond | Tage Lundell | Tai Yang | Tamula | Tango | Tangutica | tangutica 'Aureolin' | Tangutica 'Golden Tiara' | Tangutica 'Helios' | tangutica 'Lambton Park' | Tangutica Lampton Park | tangutica 'Orange Peel' | Tapestry | Tartu | Teksa | Tentel | Terniflora | Teshio | Tetrarose | Texensis | Texensis 'Duchess of Albany' | Texensis 'Etoile Rose' | Texensis 'Gravetye Beauty' | Texensis 'Lady Bird Johnson' | Texensis 'Pagoda' | Texensis 'Princess Diana' | Texensis 'Sir Trevor Lawrence' | texensis 'The President' | the 1st lady | The Bride | The First Lady | The President | | The Vagabond | Thyrislund | Tianshanica | Tibetan Gem | Tibetan Mix | Tibetana | Tibetana L.S. 13342 | tibetana subsp. vernayi | Tibetana Vernayi | Tillicum | | Titania | Toki | Torleif | Tranquility | Traveller's Joy | Traveller's Joy (vitalba) | treas.trove | Treasure Trove | Trikatrei | Trimda | Triternata Rubromarginata | Tsuzuki | Tubulerosa Cassandra | Tuczka | Twilight | Tzuki


| Ulrique | Unzen | Uranus | Utopia


| Valge Daam | Vanessa | Vanilla Cream | Vase vine | veitchiana | Vejins | Velleda | Venosa Violacea | Venus Victrix | Vera | Veronica's Choice | Versailles | Verschaffeltii | Versicolor | Vicky | Victor Hugo | Victoria | Viennetta | Ville de Limoges | Ville de Lyon | Ville de Paris | Vince Denny | Vino | | Violet Charm | Violet Elizabeth | Violet Purple | Violett Charm | Violetta | viorna | Viorna reticulata (Walt.) Small | Virginiana | vit.species | Vitalba | Viticella | Viticella 'Abundance' | Viticella 'Alba Luxurians' | Viticella 'Betty Corning' | Viticella 'Blue Bell' | viticella 'Blue Boy' | Viticella caerulea luxurians | Viticella 'Carmencita' | VViticella 'Eetika' | Viticella 'Elvan' | Viticella 'Etoile Violette' | Viticella 'Foxtrot' | Viticella 'Hagelby White' | Viticella 'Kermesina' | Viticella 'Little Nell' | Viticella 'Madame Julia Correvon' | Viticella 'Margot Koster' | Viticella 'Mary Rose' | Viticella 'Minuet' | Viticella 'Mrs. T. Lundell' | Viticella 'Polish Spirit' | Viticella 'Prince Charles' | Viticella 'Purpurea Plena Elegans' | Viticella 'Royal Velours' | Viticella 'Södertälje' | Viticella 'Tango' | Viticella venosa grandiflora | Viticella 'Venosa Violacea' | viticella 'Virgins Bower' | viv.wallenburg | Vivienne | Vivienne Beth Currie | Vivienne Lawson | Volga Dam | Voluceau | Vostok | Vyvyan Pennell


| W.E. Gladstone | W.S. Callick | Wada's Primrose | Walenburg | Walter Pennell | Wanda Rutkiewicz | Warsaw Nike | Warszawska Nike | Warwick Rose | Warwickshire Rose | Waterperry Star | Weisse Dame | Wesselton | Western Virgin | Western virgin's bower | Westerplatte | White clematis | White Columbine | White Lady | White Moth | White Swan | White Velvet | White Wings | wilhe.tull | Wilhelmina Tull | Will Baron | Will Goodwin | William Keay | William Kenneth | William Kennett | williamsii | Willy | Wilsonii | Wisley | Wisley Cream | Wisteria Purple | Wyevale


| x vedrariensis 'Highdown' | Xerxes (syn. 'Elsa Späth) | Xerxes (Noble, 1877)


| Yellow Chiffon | Yellow clematis | Yellow Queen | Yuki Okoshi | Yukikomachi | Yukiokoshi | Yvette Houry | Yvonne Hay


| Zenjimaru | Zoang | Zobluepi | Zoblueriver | Zodado | Zodaki | Zodaque | Zofofri | Zogojo | Zohapbi | Zoiamladyq | Zoiamlj | Zojohnhowells | Zolibe | Zolotoi Iubilei | Zolotoij Jubilei | Zomibel | Zomisri | Zopre | Zostarri | Zosusk

Erstellt: 2012-12

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A site devoted to Peonies and all that is peony related, including selecting, buying, breeding, caring for and exhibiting peonies. We have cataloged over 1,900 peonies and have more than 150 photos along with thousands of peony nurseries, gardens, societies, authors, breeders and publications from all over the world.

Auch die Päonien tragen eine Vielzahl von Namen.



| A la Mode | A. B. C. Nicholls | A. B. Franklin | A. Delatour | A. E. Kunderd | A. E. Rowe | A. F. W. Hayward | A. G. Perry | A. J's. Choice | A. J. Hunter | A. Krekler | A. Krekler | A. L. Chapin | A. M. Brand | A. M. Kelway | A. M. Slocum | A. P. Saunders | A. R. Hamilton | A.B. Franklin | | A.G. Perry | A.J. Choice | A.J. Davis | A.L. Murawska (now 'Black Swan') | A197 (Reath) | A198 | A199 | A201 | A225 | Abalone Pearl | Abalone Pink | Abbé | Abeekins | Abel Carrière | Abel Pujol | Abokiu | Abokyu | Abomiya | Aboukin | Aboukyu | Abraham Lincoln | Abraham Lincoln | Accent (hybrid lactiflora, Bigger, 1979) | Accent (hybrid lactiflora, Franklin, 1928) | Ace | Ace of Hearts | Achille | | Ada Niva | Ada Priscilla | Ada Ruth | Adagio | Adam Bede | Adana | Addie Tischler | Addielanchea | Adela | Adelaide | Adelaide Delâche | Adelaide E. Hollis | Adelaide Hollis | Adele de Cursy | Adele Sawyer | Adeline Ge | Adelphia | Adjiana | Admiral Beatty | Admiral Dewey | Admiral Harwood | Admiral Schley | Admiral Sturdee | Admiral Togo | Adolphe Rousseau | Adonis | Adorable | Adoration | Adorn | Adrienne | Adrienne | Adrienne Clarkson | Adventurer | Adzuma Nishiki | Adzuma-erabi | Adzuma-kagami | Adzuma-saki | Adzuma-Sibori | Aerie | Affluence | Afterglow | Age of Gold | Age of Innocence | Age of Victoria | Agenoria | Agida | Aglow | Agnes Barr | Agnes Kennedy | Agnes Keogh | Agnes Kirkwood | Agnes Mary Kelway | Ah | Ah So | AI-13 | Aileen Brethour | Aimee's Pink | Airway | Airy Dream | Aissina | Aka-daikagura | Akalu | Akashi-gata | Akashi-jishi | Akashi-nishiki | Akashi-no-umi | Akashi-nohikare | Akashigata | Akashiura | Akasjhigata | Akatsuki-no-yuki | Akbar | Akebono | Akron | Aksarben (Franklin) | Aksarben (Rosenfield) | Al's Choice | Alan Eby | Alaska | Alba | Alba Belgica | Alba Formosa | Alba Lilacina | Alba Plena | Alba sulphurea | Albatross | Albe Chase (now 'M. Leslie Chase') | Alberich | Albert Crousse | Albert King of the Belgians | Albert Niva | Alberta Kelsey | Albida longipetala | Albida plena | Albiflora | Albiflora # 1026 | Albiflora # 1195 | Albiflora # 1302 | Albiflora # 14030 | Albiflora # 1722 | Albiflora # 1875 | Albiflora # 1952 | Albiflora # 2011 | Albiflora # 2402 | Albiflora # 2634 | Albiflora # 3082 | Albiflora # 3283 | Albiflora # 3500 | Albiflora # 441 | Albiflora # 447 | Albiflora # 463 | Albiflora # 722 | Albiflora # 741 | Albiflora The Bride | Albright | Albuquerque | Albâtre | Alchemist | Alchemy Flame | Alcyon | Alecia Kunkel | Alert | Alertie | Alesia | Alex D. Vories | Alexander Fleming | Alexander Steffen | Alexander von Humboldt | Alexander Woollcott | Alexandra | Alexandre | Alexandre de Humbolt | Alexandre Dumas | Alexandre II | Alexandriana | Alfred | Alfred de Musset | Alfred G. Richmond | Alfred III | Algae Adamson | Alhambra | Alice | Alice | Alice Balfour | Alice Boyd | Alice Crousse | Alice de Jul | Alice Harding (hybrid lactiflora, Lemoine, 1922) | Alice Harding (hybrid lutea, Lemoine, 1935) | Alice In Wonderland | Alice Jo | Alice May Brethour | Alice Reed Bates | Alice Roberts | Alice Roosevelt | Alice Schneider | Alice van Veen | Alice Williams | Alicia Kunkel | Alida | Aline | Alison | All My Love | Allan 01 | Allan 02 | Allan 06 | Allan 09 | Allan 15 | Allen Lewis | Allen West | Alletta | Alley Cat | Allie | Alline Rogers | Allure | Alluring | Alma (hybrid) | Alma Hansen | Almost Dark | Alope Cuprea | Alpha | Alpha and Omega | Alpheus Hyatt | Alpine Air | Alpine Aire | Alsace | Alsace Lorraine | Alstead | Altar Candles | Ama-no-sode | Amabilis | Amabilis-plena | Amagashita | Amalia | Amalia Olson | Amanda Yale | Amano-hera | Amarante | | Amateur Forest | Amazement | Amazing Beauty | Amazone | Amber Moon | Amber Tips | Amberglow | Ambiance | Ambroise Verschaffelt | Ambrose Congreve | Amela | Amelia | Amelia Robbins | America | Americain | American Beauty | American Legion | American Queen | American Rose | Amerikansk Röd | Amethyst | Ami Raoul Duval | Amitie | Amity | Amneris | Amoena | Amoskeag | Amy Jo | Anaconda | Anastasia | Anderson's Kaleidoscope | Andre Gensdarmes | Andrew Dale | Andrew Jackson Davis | Andrew Meuglig | Andrew Muehlig | André Lauries | Andy | Anemonaeflora Rubra | Anemoneflora Rubra | Anemoniflora Rosea | Anette Carson | Angel Cheeks | Angel Choir | Angel Emily | Angel Gown | Angel Wings | Angel's Dream | Angel's Veil | Angela | Angelet | | Anika | Anika X Mascula ssp. Russoi | Anika X Ruprechtii | Anka-mon | Ann Berry Cousins | Ann Cousins | Ann Goemans | Ann Marie | Ann Penninigton | Ann Pfeiffer | Ann Rutledge | Ann Styer | Ann Zahller | Anna Bee | Anna M. Smith | Anna Mary | Anna Nielson | Anna Pavlowa | Anna Sass | Anna Swanson | Anna Tanis | Anna's Image | Anna-Jane | Annabessacook | Anne Bigger | Anne Cunningham | Anne Hargrove | Anne Marie | Anne Nielsen | Anne Oveson | Anne Zaylor | Anne-Christine | Anneslei | Annette Carson | Annibel | Annibel | Annie Laurie | Annie Louise | Annisquam | Anniversary | Anomala | Anomala Hybrid | Anomala Violet | Anomala White | Antarctida | Antares | Anthem | Antietam | Antigone | Antigonus | Antique Ivory | Antique Moon | Antique Satin | Antoine Poiteau | Antoinette Heim | Antwerpen | Anya-no-hikare | Anyako | Anyo-ji | Anyo-nishiki | Anzac | Ao-fukurin | Ao-watase-shiro | Aorangi | Aotearoa | Apache | Apache Warrior | Apaniva | Aphrodite (hybrid lactiflora, Frei, 1990) | Aphrodite (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, 1897) | Aphrodite (hybrid lutea, Daphnis, 1960) | Aphrodite's Kiss | Apollo | Apollo (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, 1889) | Apollo (hybrid lactiflora, Sass, 1930) | Appanoose | Apple Blossom | Apple Blossom | Apple Gorgeous | Apricot | Apricot Australis | Apricot Whisper | Apriglow | | Arabella | Arabian Prince | Araby | Arahi No Sora | Arapahoe | Arashi-yama | Arbutus Pink | Arcadia (hybrid lactiflora, Hollis) | Arcadia (hybrid lutea, Saunders, 1942) | Archangel | Archduke Louis | Archer | Archiduc Ludovico | Archie Brand | Archie Tischler | Archinta plena | Arctic Lights | Arctic Moon | Arcturus | Areos | | Argentine | Argonaut | Argosy | Argus | Aria | Ariadne | Arie | Ariel (Lyman 1939) | Ariel (Saunders 1935) | Aristocrat (herbaceous hybrid, Krekler, 1978) | Aristocrat (hybrid lactiflora; Hollis) | Arlequin | Arlesienne | Armance Dessert | Armand Rousseau | Armandine Mechin | Armide | Armistice | Aroha | Aroma | Arrow Maker | Arroway | Arsène Meuret | Art's Desire | Artemis | Arthur H. Fewkes | Artist | Arturus | Artémise | Asa Gray | Asahi | Asahi Yama | Asahi-kumo | Asahi-maru | Asahi-minato | Asahi-nishiki | Asahi-no-hikare | Asahi-no-sora | Asahi-tsuru | Asahi-zuru | Asahiminato | Asashickuma | Ashai-Minato | Ashie | Ashland | Askidatsuru | Assmannshausen | Astarte | Asteroid | Atalante | Athelney | Athelstane | Athena | Athlète | Athol | Atlanta (hybrid lactiflora, Franklin, 1931) | Atlanta (hybrid lutea, Chow, 2005) | Atlas | Atropurpurea | Atropurpurea semi plena | Atrorubens | Atrosanguinea | Atrosanguinea | Atroviolacea | Atroviolacea grandiflora | Attar of Roses | Attie | Attraction | AU-11 | AU-14 | AU-18 | Aubesan | Audrey | Augusta | Auguste Dessert (hybrid lactiflora, Dessert, 1920) | Auguste Dessert (hybrid suffruticosa, Dessert, 1905) | Auguste Gauthier | Auguste Lemonier | Auguste Miellez | Auguste Ravel | Auguste van Geert | Auguste Wuillaume | Augustin d'Hour | Augustin Foreman | Aunt Ellen | Aunt Erna | Aunt Lill | Aurea | Aureate | Aurelia | Aureole (hybrid lactiflora, Hollis, 1905) | Aureole (hybrid lutea, Saunders, 1948) | Aureolin | Aurora | Aurora Flare | Aurora Sunrise | Aurora's Blush | Aurore | Aussie Peach | Austin Chamberlain | Australia | Auten 1816 | Auten 2723 | Auten 2745 | Auten 2776 | Auten's Pride | Auten's Red | Auten's Red Sport | Auten-2560 | Autumn Harvest | Autumn Joy | Autumn Sunset | Autumnus | Avalanche | Avalon | Avalon Peony | Avant Garde | Ave Maria | Avelyn | Avender | Avenger | Aviateur Lindbergh | Aviateur Reymond | Avis Cullen | Avis Varner | Avocat Guillon | Avra | Awadji | Awano-miya | Aya-ginu | Aya-goromo | Aya-nishiki | Aya-no-maki | Ayigülü | Aza Gray | Azni komen | Aztec | Azumasaki


| B. B. Wright | B. Cross | B. F. Wheeler | B4 | B54 | Ba Bao Xiang | Baby Face | Baby Kelway | Baby Whisper | Bai Bi Lan Xia | Bai Guo Feng Guang | Bai He Wo Xue | Bai Hua Du | Bai Hua Kui | Bai Hua Zi | Bai Niao Chao Feng | Bai Xue Ta | Bai Yu | Bai Yu Pan | Bai Yuan Hong Xia | Bai Yun Hong Xia | Bai Zhang Bing | Bai-shao | Baird | Bakan-nishhiki | Balfour | | Ball of Charm and Beauty | Ball White | Ballarena de Saval | Ballaway | | Ballet de Coppelia | Balliol | Baltonsburgh | Balzac | Banderilla | Bandit | Bandmaster | Banksi | Banner Bright | Banquet | Banryo | Banryo-nishiki | Banzaimon | Barbara (hybrid lactiflora, Karpow-lipski, 1977) | Barbara (hybrid lactiflora, Krekler, 1979) | Barbara Jean Rohe | Barbara Scheve | Barbara Susan | Barbara Utterback | Barbara's White | Barents | Barker | Baron | Baron J. Hulot | Baron Rozen | Baron Thyssen Bornemisza | Baron von Hugel | Baroness Schroeder | Baronne d'Ales | Baronne de Rothschild | Baronne James de Rothschild | Barrington Belle | Barrymore | Barton Elliott | Bartzella | Bashful | Bashful Pink | Basia | Basil | Bataan | Battle Flag | Battlefield | Bay State | Bayadere | Bea's Choice | Beacon | Beacon Flame | Beacon Hill | Beacon Light | Beaming in Clusters | Beatrice | Beatrice A. Cartwright | Beatrice Kelway | Beatrix | Beau Geste | Beaumarchais | Beaute de Villecante | Beautiful Lady | Beautiful Purple Scarf | Beautiful Red | Beautiful Senorita | Beautiful Spring Red | Beauty | Beauty | Beauty of Canton | Beauty of Tokyo | Beauty Spot | Beauty's Mask | Beauty's Queen | Beauté de Tokio | Beauté de Twickel | Beauté Française | Beauté Française | Beck | Becky | Beelzebub | Beersheba | Behold | Bei Ji Xiong | Beikoku | Belaja Casa | Belgium | Belinda | Beline | Belisaire | Bella di Monza | Bella Donna | Bella Rosa | Bellbird | Belle | Belle Alliance | Belle Castel | Belle Center | Belle Chatelaine | Belle Chinoise | Belle d'Orleans | Belle Douaisienne | Belle Hortense | Belle Hough | Belle Japonaise | Belle Mauve | Belle of Crescent | Belle of Somerset | Belle of Warrenville | Belle of York | Belle Romance | Belleville | Bellini | Beloved | Belvedere Princess | Belyj Parus | Ben Cofeld | Ben Erickson | Ben Haberman | Beni-chidore | Beni-Kagu | Beni-kagura | Beni-kamada | Beni-kan | Beni-kirin | Beni-no-tsukasa | Beni-shinano | Beni-tatsu | Beni-tsukasa | Benikasane | Benisangai | Benjamin Franklin | Benmei | Benoit | Benvenue | Berenice | Berlioz | Bernard Palissy | Bernardine | Bernice Carr | Berry Berry Fine | Berry Garcia | Bert Shaylor | Bertha | Bertha | Bertha Barr | Bertha Varner | Bertha's Choice | Berthe d'Hour | Bertrade (Lemoine, 1909) | Bertrade (Richardson) | Bertrand H. Farr | Beryl Crockett | Beryll | Bess Bockstoce | Bessie | Bessie Magill | Bessie Meehan | Best Man | Best Student of Peonies | Best Yellow | Beth Ann | Beth Erickson | Bethcar | Bethel | Betsey Ross | Betsy Bobbit | Betsy Jean Miller | Better Than Jade With Triple Magic | Better Times | Betty Alden | Betty Barnes | Betty Blossom | Betty Calvert | Betty Crooks | Betty Groff | Betty Hires | Betty J | Betty Jandura | Betty Lou | Betty Minor | Betty Rose | Betty Warner | Betty's Snowdrift | Bev (Brand 1907) | Bev (Krekler 1975) | Bewitching | Biala Nasza | Bian Di Hong | Bian Ye Hong | Bicolor | Bicolor | Biebrich | Bifuku-mon | Big Ben | Big Boy | Big Brown Purple | Big Daddy | Big Deep Purple | Big Gold-Pink | Big Mama Bear | Big Parade | Big Red Boomer Sooner | Big Top | Bigun | Bigyoku | Bijou | Bijou de Chusan | Bikan | Bilderijk | Bill Krekler | Bill's Choice | Bill's Darling | Bill's Pride | Billy Good | Bing Hu Xian Yu | Bing Ling Zhao | Bing Ling Zhao Hong Shi | Bing Qing | Bing Shan | Bing Shan Cang Yu | Bing Shan Xue Lian | Bing Xin Ye Guang Bei | Bingen | Bingo | Bird Dancer | Birket Foster | Birthday | Bishop Burke | Bishop's Huish | Björn-Olof | Black Beauty | Black Brian Baru | Black Cloud | Black Douglas | Black Eagle | Black Forest | Black Gold | Black Hawk (hybrid, Auten, 1933) | Black King | Black Magic | Black Monarch | Black Panther | Black Phoenix | Black Pirate | Black Prince | Black Sea | Black Shadows | Black Star | Black Swan | Black Tie Affair | Black Velvet | Black Warrior | Blackbird's Song | Blanche Cire | Blanche de Château Futu | Blanche de Hiss | Blanche de Mathieu | Blanche de Noisette | Blanche Dessert | Blanche Elie | Blanche King | Blanche Turner | Blaze | Blaze of Fire | Blaze of Glory | Blazer | Blazing Star | Blenheim | Blitz Tort | Blonde | Blood Orange | Bloodgood | Bloodstone | Bloomin Artz | Blue Bird | Blue Lotus | | Blush | Blush Queen | Blushes of Cream | Blushing Beauty (hybrid lactiflora, Franklin, 1931) | Blushing Bride | Blushing Bride | Blushing Princess | Blushing Swan | Bo Peep | Bo-Peep | Boadicea | Bob | Bob Hare's Claret | Bob Krekler | Bobbie Bee | Bobby Ann Miller | Bokuryo | Bold Accent | Bold One | Bonfire | Bonnie Becker | Bonnie Jean | Bonnie Lou | Bonnie Winslow | Bono | Booker T. Washington | Bordeaux | Border Charm | Border Gem | Border Guard | Border Patrol | Boreas | Bossuet | Boston | Boston Dance | Bouchela | Boule Blanche | Boule de Neige | Bountiful | Bouquet | Bouquet de Flora | Bouquet Perfect | Boutonniere | Bowl of Beauty | Bowl of Cream | Boy Kelway | Brand's Magnificent | Brassy Lady | Bravo | Bravura | Bravura's Cousin | Brazzaville | Break o' Day | Break o'Day | Break of Day | Brenda-Laurie | Bric A Brac | Bridal Elegance | Bridal Falls | Bridal Gown | Bridal Grace | Bridal Icing | Bridal Shower | Bridal Veil | Bride's Blush | Bride's Dream | Bridesmaid | Bridgend | Brigadier | Brigadier Lane | Bright & Clear Sky After Rain | Bright 'n' Gleaming | Bright Diadem | Bright Eyes | Bright Knight | Brightness (hybrid lactiflora, Terry) | Brightness (hybrid suffruticosa) | Brightness (hybrid, Glasscock, 1947) | Brightness (hybrid, Kelways, pre 1928) | Brilliant | Brilliant Sun | British Beauty | British Empire | Brocade | Brocaded Gown | Bronze-colored Inkstone | Broteroi X officinalis | Brother Chuck | Bruce Varner | Brucie | Bryn Mawr | Brünnhilde | Bu-Te | Bubble Gum | Bubbudo | Buccaneer | Buchhügel | Buckaroo | Buckeye Belle | Bud | Buddha Red | Buddy | Buffalo Girl | Buffon | Bugaku-den | Build Me Up Buttercup | Bumeikai | Bun Lou | Bunbudo | Bunch of Perfume | Bunker Boy | Bunker Hill | Bunmeikai | Bunu | Burakuden | Burdiniana | Burgundy | Burgundy Wine | Burma | Burma Joy | Burma Midnight | Burma Ruby | Burning Bright | Burnished Bronze | Burst of Joy | Buryo-no-haru | Butch | Butkit | Butleigh | Butter Bowl | Buttercup | Buttercup | Buttermilk | Buyckii | By Jove | Byaku-gai | Byakuo-jishi | Béranger


| C. B. Smith | C. W. Bunn | C. W. Schock | C.W. Schoch | C215 | C221 | C226 | C228 | C254 | C280 | C288 | C303 | C304 | C305 | C309 | C310 | C312 | C316 | C319 | C321 | C322 | C344 | C345 | C369 | C372 | C373 | C383 | C387 | C401 | C422 | C453 | C470 | C484 | C486 | C498 | C500 | C501 | C506 | C533 | C554 | C555 | C559 | C560 | C561 | C562 | C564 | C587 | C606 | C611 | C679 | C722 | C760 | C764 | C815 | C918 | Cabbage Rose | Cactus Jack | Cai Hui | Cairns | Calelene | Callie's Memory | Calumet | Calvin Bigger | Calypso | Camden | Camden Park | Camelia | Camellia | Camellia White | Cameo | Cameo Lullaby | Cameo Puffs | Cameron (hybrid lactiflora, Crousse, 1879) | Cameron (hybrid suffruticosa, Burrell, 1995) | Camille | Camille Calot | Campagna | Campfire | Campus Queen | Canada | Canaflora lucida | Canari | Canary | Canary Brillants | Canberra | Candeur | Candice | Candidissima | Candlelight | Candy Cane | Candy Floss | Candy Heart | Candy Stripe | Cang Long | Cang Zhi Hong | Cang Zhi Long | Cantatrix | Cao Zhou Hong | Cao Zhou Red | Caozhou Red | Capitaine Champion | Capital Dome | Capitulation | Capriccio | Captain Alcock | Captain Blood | Captain Cheape | Captain J. | Captain Kidd | Captain Lambton | Captivation | Caramba | Caraway | Carbondale | Cardinal | Cardinal | Cardinal | Cardinal Antonelli | Cardinal Vaughan | Cardinal's Robe | Carefree | Caress | Carillon | Carina | Carisma | Carl G. Klehm | Carlii | Carlotta Grisi | Carmen | Carmen Sylva | Carmosina plenissima | Carnation | Carnation Bouquet | Carnea | Carnea Alba | Carnea Elegans | Carnea Elegans | Carnea Grandiflora | Carnea Plena | Carnea Striata | Carnea Triumphans | Carnegie | Carnescens plenissima | Carnival | Carnival (hybrid suffruticosa, Seidl, pre 2001) | Carnosa | Carnot | Carol | Carolina (hybrid suffruticosa, Chauviere, 1867) | Carolina (hybrid suffruticosa, Hiss, 1842) | Carolina (hybrid suffruticosa, Manetti, 1867) | Carolina (hybrid suffruticosa, Mathieu, 1846) | Carolina (hybrid, Saunders, 1950) | Carolina d'Italie | Carolina Moon | Caroline | Caroline Allain | Caroline Bay | Caroline Mather | Caroline of Italy | Caroline Rose | Caroline Stone | Carolyn Le Moyne | Carolyn Mae Nelson | Carolyn S. Gaker | Carousel (hybrid lactiflora, Bigger, 1963) | Carousel (hybrid suffruticosa, Seidl, pre 2001) | Carousel Frolic | Carr East #2 | Carrara | Carrie | Carrizo | Carver | Casablanca | Casaretto | Cascade | Cascade | Cascade Gem | Cashmere | Casoretti | Cassandra | Catawba | Catharina Fontijn | Cathedral | Cathedral Echo | Cathedral Supreme | Catherine | Catherine Copeland | Catherine Crain | Catherine Emma | Catherine Higgins | Catherine Louise | Catherine Parry | Catherine S. Fox | Cathie Ann | Cats | Caub | Caucasian Peony | Cavalleria Rusticana | Cavatina | Cecil Adams | Cecil Rhodes | Cecilia | Cecilia Kelway | Celebration | Celebrity ® | Celestia Lewis | Celestial (hybrid lactiflora, Dessert, 1910) | Celestial (hybrid lutea, Saunders, 1948) | Celia | Celine | Celine Page | Cendrillon | Cenjinnosoka | Centaur | Centennial | Center Stage | Centifolia rosea | Ceres | Cerise | Cerise Beauty | Chabannes la Palice | Chalice (hybrid, Saunders, 1917) | Chalice 2 (hybrid lactiflora, Blacklock) | Chalice Drops | Chalice Pink | Challenger | Chameleon | Chaminade | Champagne | Champion Pink | Champlain | Chang Long | Chantecler | Chao Yang Hong | Charioteer | Charismatic | Charity | Charlemagne | Charlene | Charles | Charles Binder | Charles Burgess | Charles de Belleyme | Charles Doriat | Charles E. Hammersley | Charles Earl Pleas | Charles Gosselin | Charles Hyacinthe | Charles Joly | Charles Mains | Charles McKellip | Charles Neidel | Charles Rogier | Charles Rouillard | Charles Sedgwick Minot | Charles Sumner | Charles Toché | Charles Verdier | Charley's Aunt | Charley's White | Charlie's White | Charlot | Charlotte Core | Charlotte Cushman | Charlotte Lee | Charlotte Saulnay | Charm | Charming Age | Charming Choice | Chastity | Chateau de Courson | Chauvierii | Cheddar Charm | Cheddar Cheese | Cheddar Elite | Cheddar Gold | Cheddar Pom Pom | Cheddar Regal | Cheddar Royal | Cheddar Supreme | Cheddar Surprise | Cheddar Tall Boy | Cheerful Charlie | Cheese Country | Chen Hong | Chen Hui | Chen Xi | Cheng Xin | Cherokee | Cherry Blossoms | Cherry Bomb | Cherry Charm | Cherry Commotion | Cherry Festival | Cherry Hill | Cherry Luau | Cherry Pie | Cherry Red | Cherry Rose | Cherry Royal | Cherry Ruffles | Cherry Twist | Cherub | Chesieres Alexandra | Chesieres Jasmin's Dream | Chesieres Jasmin's Song | Chesieres La Boheme | Chesieres Pixel Princess | Chest of the Eight Treasures | Chestine | Chestine Gowdy | Chestnut Hill | Chesuncook | Chevalier de Beaugalant | Chi Fen | Chi-shao | Chic | Chichester | Chichibu | Chichibu | Chief | Chief Black Hawk (intersectional hybrid, Anderso 2008) | Chief Justice | Chief Logan | Chief Pontiac | Chief Wapello | Chieftan | Chiffon Clouds | Chiffon Cuddles | Chiffon Parfait | Chigo-zakura | Chihiro-no-soko | Chin Hi | China Boy | China Maid | China Rose | Chinensis | Chinensis Rosea | Chinese Dragon | Chinese Lion | Chinook | Chippewa | Chiyo-kagura | Chiyo-nishiki | Chiyo-no-hana | Chiyo-no-tomo | Cho Cho San | Cho-jiraku | Chobyaksan | Chocolate Chip | Chocolate Soldier | Choice Red | Chojuraku | Chokanshishi | Chong Ban Hong | Choni | Choraku | Chore | Choseiden | Choyo | Christabel | Christina | Christina Amelia | Christine | Christine Aines | Christine Kelway | Christine Ritcher | Christine Shand | Christmas Holiday | Christmas Velvet | Christoble | Christophe Archard | Christopher's Coral | Chromatella | Chrysanthemiflora | Chu Wu | Chugai's Giant White | Chugai's Glory | Chugi Pink | Chui E. Huang | Chui Tu Lan | Chum | Chun Ge | Chun Hong Jiao Hong | Chun Hong Jiao Yan | Chun Xiao | Chun-tsu | Ci Bai | Cincinnati | Cinderella | Cinderella | Cinnabar Red | Circe | Circlet | Circus | Circus Clown | Circus-Circus | Citadel | Citation | Claire | Claire de Lune | Claire Dubois | Claire Patricia | Clairette | Clara | Clara Anderson | Clara Barton | Clara E. Bacon | Clara Hersey | Clara Lindgren | Clara MacQueen | Clara May Bernhardt | Clara Stockwell | Clara Vivian | Clarentine | Clarice | Clarion | Clarissa | Clarisse | Clarity | Class Act | Classy Lady | Claud Barrow | Claude Barrow Jr. | Claude Gelée | Claude le Lorrain | Claude Lorrain | Claude Tain | Claudia | Claudia Nelson | Clear Call | Clear Sailing | Clemenceau | Clementine | Cleopatra | Cleopatra | Cleopatra Charm | Cleopatras Gem | Clercke | Climax | | Clio (hybrid lactiflora, Peterson, 1906) | Clio (hybrid lutea, Chow, 2005) | Clorinda | Cloth of Gold | Clothos | Cloud Burst | Cloud Cap | Cloud Castle | Clump of Color | Clyde Foxbower | Clytie | Clémentine Gillot | Coarse-leaf Red | Coaticook | Cobbler | Cobianchi | Cobsecook | Cock's Weiss | Coconut Ice | Coe's Big Jap | Coericea pallida | Coffee Cream | Col. d'Andeleau | Col. Owen Cousins | Colberti | Cold Slaw | Coleen Mulcahy | Colette Thurillet | Colleen Marie | Colombine | Colonel Boles | Colonel Hopton | Colonel Lindbergh | Colonel Lockwood | Colonel Malcolm | Colonel Owen Cousins | Colonel Poe | Colonel Robert R. McCormick | Colonel Steichen | Colonel Wilder | Color Magnet | Colorado | Columbia | Columbus | Comanche | Comata | Come Hither Look | Comet | Comet's Path | Command Performance | Commander | Commander Byrd | Commando | Commedian | Commodore Dewey | Commodore Emge | Communion Wine | Compacta | Compacta plena | Companion of Serenity | Composure | Comte de Choiseul | Comte de Cussy | Comte de Diesbach | Comte de Flandre | Comte de Gomer | Comte de Jussier | Comte de Nanteuil | Comte de Neipperg | Comte de Paris | Comte de Paris | Comte de Rambuteau | Comte dsmont | Comtesse d'Arenberg | Comtesse d'Estienne d'Orvis | Comtesse de Chambord | Comtesse de Crawford | Comtesse de Morny | Comtesse de Murad | Comtesse de Tuder | Comtesse Hugo | Comtesse Mariana de Maino | Comtesse Marianna Delmes | Comtesse o'Gorman | Concessa plena | Conciliation | Concord | Concordia Droysen | Confetti | Confucius | Cong Zhong Xiao | Congo | Congress | Conical Hill | Connie Varner | Conqueror | Conquest | Conquistador | Constance | Constance Devied | Constance Devine | Constance Moore | Constance Spry | Constant Devred | Constellation | Continental | Contoocook | Convoy | Cookie | Cooranbong | Coote | Copenhagen | Copley | Coppelia | Copper Kettle | Copper Rose | Copper Stone | Copy Cat | Coquelin | Coquette | Coquette des Blanches | Cora Louise | Cora Roberts | Cora Stubbs | Coral 'n Gold | Coral Charm | Coral Charme | Coral Destiny | Coral Fay | Coral Glow | Coral Isle | Coral Magic | Coral Queen | Coral Star | Coral Sunset | Coral Supreme | Coral Surprise | Coral Tide | Coralba | Coralie | Cordelia | Cordova | Corinne | Corinne Wersan | Corinth | Cornelia | Cornelia Shaylor | Cornelia Stone | Cornelie | Cornell | Cornie Moore | Coronach | Coronal | Coronation | Coronation Splendor | Corronach | Corsage | Corsair | Cottage Cheese | Cottage Maid | Cottage Maid | Cotton Candy | Countess | Countess Cadogan | Countess Crewe | Countess Maritza | Countess of Altamont | Countess of Warwick | Countess S. Pulle | Country Comfort | Country Dance | Country Girl | Country Sunset | Coupe d'Hébé | Courage | Couronne d'Or | Court Jester | Crab Apple | Cramoisina plena | Crazy Daisy | Crazy Myrtle | Cream Delight | Cream Puff | Cream Saucer | Creamy Peach | Creative Edge | Crest | Creve Coeur | Crimson And Gold | Crimson Bomb | Crimson Classic | Crimson Flooding into the River | Crimson Glory | Crimson Queen | Crimson Velvet | Crimson Victory | Crinkled Linens | Crinoline | Criss Cross | Crites | Crodie | Crown Hill | Crown Imperial | Crown Jewel | Crown Jewel | Crown Of Creation | Crown of Gold | Crown of Thorns | Crown on Crown | Crown Prince | Cruciger | Crusader (Franklin) | Crusader (Glasscock) | Crystal Clear | Crystal Dawn | Crystal Lake | Crystal Queen | Crystal Sea | Crystola | Cuckoos Nest | Cui He Hua | Cupcake | Cupid | Curiosa | Curiosity | Curioso | Currant | Currant Jap | Currant Red | Cutie | Cyclops | Cygnet | Cynthia | Cynthia | Cytherea | Cytherée | Czarina | Cœricea purpurea | Cœricea purpurea superba | Cérisette | Cérès


| D-74 | D-79 | D. H. Hughes | D. H. Laurence | D. H. Lawrence (hybrid lutea, Daphnis) | D204 | D223 | Da Costa | Da Di Jie Chun | Da Die Jie Chun | Da Fu Gui | Da Hu Hong | Da Jin Fen | Da Mo Feng Yun | Da Zong Zi | Dad | Daedalus | Daffodil | Dai-hasshu | Dai-hocho | Dai Jo Kuhan | Dai-kagura | Dai-lasho | Dai Yu | Daigokuden | Daimio | Dainty | Dainty Lass | Daio | Daioh | Dairi | Dairy Anne | Daisy B. | Daisy Coronet | Daisy Sherk | Daiyu | Dakota (hybrid species, Aute 1941) | Dakota (hybrid lutea, Chow) | Dakota Princess | Dalila | Damask | Damask Rose | Damian Janus | Dampier | Dan Dee | Dan Duo Lan | Dan Lu Yan | Dan W. | Dana Garnock | Dance Caprice | Dancing Butterflies | Dancing Nymph | Dandy Dan | Daniel Boone | Daniel d'Albert | Danielle | Danten-mon | Dao jin | Daphne | Daphne Borrie | Daphnis 223 | Daredevil | Darius | Darius Girenas | Dark Chocolate | Dark Eyes | Dark Knight | Dark Lady | Dark Lantern | Dark of the Moon | Dark Persuasion | Dark Purple Silk | Dark Stranger | Darkness | Darling o' Mine | Darwin | Daselay's Sand | Daubenton | Dauntless | David (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway) | David (hybrid suffruticosa, Chow, 2005) | David Erickson | David Harum | David Lee | Dawn (hybrid lactiflora, Calot) | Dawn (hybrid suffruticosa, Chow, 2005) | Dawn Crest | Dawn Glow | Dawn of Day | Dawn Pink | Dawn Waltz | Dawn Wings | Dawning | Dawn's Flush | Day Dream | Daybreak | | Dayglow Rose | Daylight | Dayspring | Daystar | Dayton | Dazzler | Dazzling Beauty | De Bugney | De Candolle | De Candolle | De Jussieu | De Laun | De Vriese | Dean Hole | Deanna | Dear Emma | Dearborn | Dearest | Debbie | Debonaire Pink | Debora Gray | Deborah Sayles | Decaisne | Decora alba | Decora Elatior | Decora Pallasii | Decoration Day | Decorator | Decus | Deedie May | Deemster | Deep River | Deer Creek | Defender (hybrid peony, Saunders, 1929) | Defender (Franklin) | Defiance | Dejanire | Dejazet | Delachei | Delavayi | Delaware Chief | Delecourt Verhille | Delevan Rose | Delicata | Delicate Fragrant White | Delicatissima | Delight | Delightful | Delilah | Delilah | Deline | Dellinger | Delmotte | Delphi | Demetra | Demetrius | Demon | Denis Debatène | Denis Helye | Denise | Denmark | Dentata | Denver | Departing Sun | Derek Hill | Derrick | Derry Dell | Descartes | Desert Gold | Desert Song | Desert Sunset | Desire | Destination | Destiny | Detienne | Detroit | Devonshire | Devoted Greta | Dewey HP1-61 | Diadem (Franklin) | Diadem (Andrews) | Diamant | Diamond Head | Diamond Jubilee | Dian Jin Bai Wei | Dian Jin Bai Yan Wei | Diana (hybrid lactiflora, Sass, 1930) | Diana (hybrid lactiflora, Unknow pre 1928) | Diana Drinkwater | Diana Parks | Diana's Gold | Diane | Dianne | Dianne Janus | Diantha | Diao Chan Bai Yue | Dieppe | Dieudonne | Dignity | Diminutive Lady | Dinner Plate | Dinnerplate | Dionysi | Dionysos | Dionysus | Directeur Aubry | Directeur Ursat | Disraeli | Distinction (Franklin) | Distinction (hybrid lactiflora, Dessert, 1895) | Divine Gift | Dixie | Do Se Do | Do Tell | Doc | Docteur Alexander Fleming | Doctor Alexander Fleming | Doctor J.H. Neeley | | Dohun | Dojean | Dokusbin-den | Doldea | | Dolores | Dolorodell | Don Janus | Don Juan | Don Quixote | Don Richardson | Donald | Donkelaari | Donna Berkley | Donna Jean | Donna Maria | Donner | Door County Sunset | Dora | Dora Jensen | Dorchester | Doreen | Dorena | Doris | Doris Cooper | Dorothea | Dorothy | Dorothy Allison | Dorothy Blake | Dorothy Daniels | Dorothy E. Kibby | Dorothy Eckling | Dorothy J. | Dorothy Kelway | Dorothy Sevedge | Dorys | Doshi | Dou Lu | Double Decker | Double Delight | Double Fernleaf | Double Impact | Double Talk | Doud's White (now 'Douglas Brown') | Douglas Brand | Douglas Brown | Douglas MacArthur | Douglas Wolfe | Doun | Dr. Alexander Fleming | Dr. Andry | Dr. Boisduval | Dr. Bonavia | Dr. Bowring | Dr. Bretonneau (hybrid lactiflora, Guéri 1850) | Dr. Bretonneau (hybrid lactiflora, Verdier, 1854) | Dr. Caillot | Dr. Christopher Graham | Dr. Edgar Pleas | Dr. F. C. Becker | Dr. F.G. Brethour | Dr. F. G. Brethour | Dr. F. R. Huxley | Dr. H. Barnsby | Dr. H. C. Cooper | Dr. h. c. Steffen | Dr. H. van der Tak | Dr. J. F. Maxon | Dr. J.H. Neeley | Dr. J. H. Neeley | Dr. Jekyll | Dr John Crenshaw | Dr. Joseph Fort Newton | Dr. Lindley | Dr. Martin Smirnow | Dr. O. M. Skinner | Dr. Price | Dr. R.C. Farrish | Dr. Sicard | Dr. Walter Rumpf | Dragon | Dragon's Nest | Dragonwick | Drama | Dreadnaught | Dream | Dream Catcher | Dream Mist | Dream Wisteria | Dreaming | Dreamtime | Dresden | Dresden Pink | Dress Parade | Drummer Boy | Dubbo | Duc d'Arenberg | Duc d'Aumale | Duc de Cazes | Duc de Massino | Duc de Wellington | Duc d'Enghien | Duchess of Albany | Duchess of Bedford | Duchess of Marlborough | Duchess of Portland | Duchess of Rutland | Duchess of Somerset | Duchess of Sutherland | Duchess of Teck (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, 1921) | Duchess of Teck (hybrid suffruticosa, Kelway, 1896) | Duchess of York | Duchesse de Forenkein | Duchesse de Morny | Duchesse de Nemours | Duchesse de Parme | Duchesse de Theba | Duchesse de Thebes | Duchesse d'Orleans | Duguesclin | Duhamel | Duke of Atholl | Duke of Cambridge | Duke of Clarence | Duke of Devonshire | Dulcin | Dulcy | Duluth | Dumont de Courset | Dunkirk | Dunlora | Dunman's White | Dunstan Dream | Duo Ye Zi | Dürer | Dusky Dinah | Dutch Dwarf | Dwarf Red


| E.B. Browning | E. C. Shaw | E. G. Hill | E. G. Kendall | E. J. Shaylor | E. P. Wheeler | E. S. Minot | E. St. Hill | E. T. Cook | Earl of Jersey | Early Beauty | Early Bird | Early Brilliance | Early Dawn | Early Daybreak | Early Glow | Early June | Early Morn | Early Scout | Early Show | Early Star | Early White | Early Windflower | Earlybird | Easter Morn | Eastern Beauty | Eastern Brocade | Eastern Prince | Eastern Star | Eastgrove Ruby Lace | Easy Going | Easy Lavender | Eaton | Eau Claire | Echigo-jishi | Echo | Echt Klasse | Echuca | Eclaireur | Eclipse | Ecstasy | Ed Bowman | Eden | Edgar | Edgar Jessep | Edith Arbeiter | Edith Cavell | Edith E. Gumm | Edith Estelle | Edith Forrest | Edith Lyttleton | Edith M. Snook | Edith R. Stone | Edith Scovell | Edith West | Edmond | Edmond About | Edmond Lebon | Edmund | Edna | Edouard André (hybrid suffruticosa, Unknow 1897) | Edouard André (hybrid lactiflora, Méchi 1874) | Edouard Doriat | Eduard Doriat | Edulis Alba | Edulis Superba | Edulis Supreme | Edvin | Edward | Edward F. Flynn | Edward Gray | Edward Steichen | Edward VII (hybrid suffruticosa, Kelway, 1903) | Edward VII (hybrid lactiflora) | Edward W. Becker | Edwardsi | Edwin Booth | Edwin C. Bills | Edwin C. Shaw | Edwin Forest | Eeples | Effie Pingree | Egg Plant Purple | Eglantine | Egypt | Egyptian | Eileen Kelway | Eivind 01 | Eivind 02 | Eivind 03 | Eivind 04 | El Capitan | Elaine | Elaine Nelson | Elaine Pfeiffer | Eldii | Eldorado (hybrid, Aute 1956) | Eldorado (hybrid lutea, Lemoine, 1949) | Eldred | Eleanor | Eleanor Ann Smith | Eleanor Dana | Eleanor Frances | Eleanor Parry | Electric | Electric Festival | Electric Light | Elen | Eleza | Elfin Beauty | Elfin Pink | Elfin White | Elgin | Eliane | Eliarsi rosea | Elie Chevalier | Elisa | Elisabeth | Elise | Elise Renault | Eliza Lundy | Elizabeth | Elizabeth Anne | Elizabeth Barrett Browning | Elizabeth Baum | Elizabeth Blair Hirsch | Elizabeth Cahn | Elizabeth Dessert | Elizabeth Foster | Elizabeth Goff | Elizabeth Huntington | Elizabeth Peninger | Elizabeth Price | Elizabeth Queen of the Belgians | Elizabetta | Ella Adams | Ella C. Stubbs | Ella Christiansen | Ella Christine Kelway | Ella Lewis | Ella Wheeler Wilcox | Ella Winchell | Ellen Cowley | Ellen Foster | Ellene Allen | Ellenwilder | Elma | Elmer J. Wright | Elna | Eloise | Elora | Elsa Sass | Elsie Lapworth | Elsie Pickett | Elsie Reford | Elvina | Elvira | Elwood Pleas | Elysium | Emaline | Emanuel | Embargo | Emblem | Embraceable | Embraceable Pink | Emelie | Emendata | Emergency Flare | Emerson | Emile Debatene | Emile Fresart | Emile Hoste | Emile Lemoine | Emilia | Emilia Odorata | Emily | Emily D. Proctor | Emily-Louise | Emma | Emma Aubrecht | Emma Belgie | Emma-Jayne | Emma Klehm | Emma Lewis | Emma Mack | Emmchen | Emmeline Sellers | Emmy Swan | Emodi | Emory | Emotion | Empereur Alexandre II | Empereur d'Austriche | Empereur de Chine | Empereur de France | Empereur de Russie | Empereur Nicolas | Emperor of India | Emperor of Russia | Emperor William | Emperor's Buttons | Emporia | Empress Eugénie | Empress of Britain | Empress of India | Empress of Russia | Emy | Enchanteresse | Enchantment | Enchantress | Enchantress | Endymion | Eney | Enfant de Nancy | English Elegance | Engunpo | Enosugata | Ensign Moriarty | Entente Cordiale | Enticing | Enticing Softness and Warmth | Epictetus | Er Long Nao Hai | Er Qiao | Erda | Erebus | Eric | Eric The Red | Eric William | Erma | Ermenegilda Mantegna | Ernest F. Kelsey | Ernest Hutchinson | Ernest Jardine | Ernest V. Taylor | Eros | Erskine | Eskimo Pie | Esplanade | Estafette | Estelle | Esther | Esther Heinzman | Esther Mittendorff | Esther Owen | Estria | Esu-gata | Etched Salmon | Eté Indien | Etendard du Grand Homme | Eternal Flame | Eternal Friend | Ethel Bristowe | Ethel Halsey | Ethel Mars | Ethereal | Etienne | Etienne Brule | Etienne Dessert | Etienne Méchin | Etincelante | Etna | Etoile Blanche | Etoile de Lyon | Etoile des Neiges | Etoile Rose | Etta | Eucharis | Eugène Bigot | Eugène Reignoux | Eugene Verdier | Eugenie | Eugenie Verdier | Eunice Ross | Eunice Shaylor | | Eureka | Eurydice | Euterpe | Eva | Eva Gauthier | Eva Iantha | Evangeline | Evangeline Newhall | Eve of Radiance | Evelina | Evelyn Buechly | Evelyn Claar | Evelyn S. Pierce | Evelyn Smith | Evelyn Tibbitts | Evelyn Vories | Evening Dream ® | Evening Glow (hybrid lactiflora, Hollis, 1907) | Evening Glow (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway) | Evening Star | Evening World | Evensong | Eventide | Evered | Everest | Everett | Everett Roberts | Everlovely | Evita | Ewelina | Excelsa | Excelsior | Exelee | Exotic | Exotic Era | Exotic Moon | Exotic Mountain Flowers | Expectation | Explorer | Exquisite | Exquisite First | Extra Sweet Pink | Extreme Beauty | Ezra Pound


| F. B. Wheeler | F. Koppius | Fabiola | Fafner | Fair Elaine | Fair Elaine | Fair Lady's Pink | Fair Maiden's Costume | Fair Rosamond | Fairbanks | Fairfield | Fairleigh | Fairlie Flyer | Fairview | Fairy | Fairy Belle | Fairy Dance | Fairy Dream | Fairy Paint | Fairy Peach | Fairy Pink | Fairy Princess | Fairy Queen | Fairy Queen | Fairy Tale | Fairyland | Fairy's Petticoat | Faith | Faith | Faith Fenton | Falaise | Falcon | Famie | Famie Gage | Fan Tan | Fanchon | Fancy Dress | Fancy Free | Fancy Nancy | Fancy That | Fandango | Fanfare | Fannie Heath | Fanny Bell Niggeman | Fanny Crosby | Fanny Lee | Fantasia (hybrid peony, Saunders, 1931) | Fantasia (Lyman 1939) | Fantastic | Fantastica | Fantasy | Fantasy | Fantine | Farandole | Farewell | Farezzi | Faribault | Faribo Gold | Fascination | Fascinatus | Fashion Show | Fashion World | Fasolt | Fat Si Sio | Faust | Faustine | Fauvette | Favorita | Favorite | Fay Hough | Fayette | Feather Top | Feathered Porcelain | Feerie (herbaceous hybrid, Cayeux, 1990) | Fei Xiang Yu Zhou | Fei Yan Hong Zhuang | Felicia | Felicity | Felix Crousse | Felix Supreme | Femina | Fen Chi Jin Yu | Fen Dan Bai | Fen Dan Fen | Fen Guan Cai Dai | Fen He (hybrid rockii) | Fen Jin Yu | Fen Jin Yu Zhu | Fen Lou Ji Jin | Fen Lou Piao Cai | Fen Mian Tao Hua (hybrid lactiflora) | Fen Qiu | Fen Yu Luo Jin Chi | Fen Yu Nu | Fen-yun | Fen Zhen Zhu | Fen Zhong Guan | Fen Zhou Chou | Fen Zhu Pan | Fen Zhuang Nü | Fender Bender | Feng Dan Bai | Feng Dan Fen | Feng Dan Zi | Feng He | Feng Tian | Feng Yu Luo Jin Chi | Feng Zhon Guan | Fenh yu Luo Jin Chi | Ferdinand Stoliczka | Fern B. | Fern Leaf | Fern-leaved Peony | Fernleaf peony | Festiva | Festiva Dream | Festiva Fragrans | Festiva Maxima | Festiva Powder Puff | Festiva Supreme | Festival (hybrid lutea, Saunders, 1941) | Festival Queen (lactiflora, Lins, 1954) | Festive Fever | Festive Mood | Festive Pixie | Festivity ® | Feu d'Artifice | Fez | Fidelina | Fidelity | Fidelity | Field Marshall | Fiery Crater | Fiery Image | Fiesta | Fiesta Posey | Figaro | Filagree | Filocolo | Fimbriata carnea | Final Fling | Fine Lady | Finest Hour | Finlandia | Fire Bird | Fire Chief | Fire Dragon | Fire-Flame | Fire Opal | Fire Ribbon | | Firebelle | Firebolt | Firebrand | Fireflame | Firefly | Firegold | Firelight (Saunders 1950) | Firelight (hybrid lactiflora, Brandt, 1931) | Fireplace | Fireside Reflections | Firey Coals | First Arrival | First Kiss | First Lady | First Love | Firstlight NZ | Five Star | Flag of Truce | Flag of War | Flagstaff | Flambeau (hybrid lutea, Lemoine, 1930) | Flambeau (hybrid lactiflora, Crousse, 1897) | Flamboyant | Flame | Flamed Heart | Flaming Delight | Flaming Embers | Flaming Star | Flaming Youth | Flamingo | Flanders Fields | Flare | Flash | Flasher | Flashlight | Flavia | Fleur de Pêcher (lactiflora, Calot, 1867) | Flippancy | Flirt | Flo Saylor | Flora | Flora MacDonald | Flora plena | Flora plena rosea | Floral Fantasy | Floral Treasure | Florence | Florence Bond | Florence Brewer | Florence Bruss | Florence Ellis | Florence Le Barron | Florence Macbeth | Florence MacRae | Florence Nicholls | Florence Nightingale | Florestine | Florida | Florist's Delight | Florizel | Flower Chest | Flower Girl | Flower of Chivalry | Flow'ret of Eden | Floy Frank | Fluffy | Fluffy Ruffles (now 'Banner Bright') | Flying Pink Saucer | Foaming Wave | Focus Flare | Fokker | Fontenelle | Fontenelli | Footlights | For Heaven Sake | Forest Rose | Forest Shadows | Formosa Alba | Formosa Rosea | Fortschritt | Fortune (hybrid/species cross, Saunders 1943) | Fortune Teller | Fortune's Gift | Fortune's Triumph | Fowler | Foxtrott | Foxy Fuchsia | Fragans Maxima Plena | Fragrans | Fragrans Maxima Plena | Fragrant Bouquet | Fragrant Green Ball | Fragrant Green Cloud | Fragrant Pink Imp | Fraîcheur | France | Francelia | Francella | Frances | Frances Herndon | Frances Jean Thompson | Frances Mains | Frances Shaylor | Frances Willard | Francesca | Francis | Francis B. Hayes | Francis Edwin | Francis Mains | Francis Nepean | Francis Red | François | François Ortegat | François Premier | François Rousseau | Frank Bramley | Frank Bramwell | Frank E. Good | Frank Keith | Frank Newbold | Frank Wade | Frankie Curtis | Franklin | Franklin's Pride | Fransyskan | Freckles | Fred Couch | Fred Heffron | Fred W. Pratt | Freda | Freedom | Freia | Fricka | Friederich Appelino | Friend Harry | Friendship | Fringed Ivory | Friz-Bee | Froh | Frontier | Frosted Encore | Frosted Rose | Frosty Jack | Frou Frou | Fruit Bowl | Fu-En | Fu Gui Man Tang | Fu Shi | Fuchsia Cuddles | Fuchsia Dragonfly | Fuchsia Jazz | Fuchsia Jubilee | Fuchsia Ruffles | Fugue | Fuji | Fuji-arashi | Fuji-botan | Fuji-goshi-ryo | Fuji-ho | Fuji-mine | Fuji-no-akatsuki | Fuji-no-akebono | Fuji No Mine | Fuji-no-mori | Fuji-no-mori | Fuji-no-yuki | Fuji-oe-ryo | Fuji-otome | Fuji-some-ginu | Fuji-some-goromo | Fuji-zome-ginu | Fuji-zome-goromo | Fuji-zome-nishiki | Fuji-zome-no-kuromo | Fujinomine | Fujinosato | Fuka-shigi | Fukurin-nishiki | Fulfilled Dream | Fulgida | Full Measure | Full Moon | Funkei | Funkinou | Furnace | Furo-mon | Furo-zome-nishiki | Fury | Fuschia Ruffles | Fushakkin | Fuso-no-tsukasa | Fuso-tsukasa | Fusotsukasa | Fusyama | Futakami Shigure | Fuyajo | Fuyo-beni | Fuyo-ko | Fuyorem | Fuyoren | Fuyugarasu


| G. B. Sowerby | Gabisan | Gae Orosz | Gaiety (hybrid peony, Sass, 1937) | Gail Tischler | Gaisen | Galathee | Galena | Gallant Red | Gallant Rogue | Galtee More | Garbe Motinai | Garden Beauty | Garden Glory | Garden Lace | Garden Parfait | Garden Peace | Garden Prairie | Garden Princess | Garden Sentinel | Garden Sunshine | Garden Treasure | Gardener's Joy | Gardenia | Garnet | Garnet Beauty | Gary Centennial | Gary Indiana | Garz | Gaston Lévêque | Gaston Phoebus | Gateway | Gaugin | Gauguin | Gay Beauty | Gay Cavalier | Gay Dragon | Gay Ladye | Gay May | Gay Paree | Gay Party | Gayborder June | Ge Jin Zi | Gedenken | Gee Whiz | Geisha | Geisha Girl | Geisho-ui | Geishono | Gekkeikan | Gekkiuden | Gekkyu-den | Gekkyuden | Gene Stratton-Porter | Gene Wild | General Baden-Powell | Général Bedeau | General Bertrand | General Botha | General Buller | General Canby | General Cavaignac | General Custer | Général Davoust | General de Boisdeffre | General Dodds | General Douglas Macarthur | General Faidherbe | General Garcia | General Gorgas | General Grant | General Hancock | General Hector McDonald | General Hooker | General Joffre | General Joseph Warren | General Kuroki | General Lawton | General MacMahon | General Miles | General Robert E. Lee | General Schofield | General Sheridan | General Wolfe | Genevieve | Genevieve Reagan | Gengioraku | Genjoraku | Genkimon | Gentillesse | Gentleman Jim | George Alexander | George H. Hart | George Hollis | George J. Nicholls | George Rollison | George S. Morrill | George W. Peyton | George W. Tryon | George Washington | Georges Cuvier | Georges Paul | Georges Sand | Georgette | Georgia Montague | Georgia on my Mind | Georgiana Shaylor | Georgie's Baby | Georgina Jane | Geraldine | Geraldine Janus | Geraldine Kelway | Geratal | Germaine | Germaine Bigot | Germaine Perthuis | Germania | Germanica | Germantown | Gerry | Gertie Webster | Gertrude | Gertrude Allen | Gertrude Cox | Gertrude Gibson | Gessekai | | Giant | Giant Daisy | Giant Jap | Gibraltar | Gigantea | Gigi | Gil Blas | Gilbert Barthelot | Gilbert H. Wild | Gilbert Wild | Gilberte | Gilda | Gilded Splendour | Gillian (hybrid, Saunders, 1950) | Gillian (hybrid lactiflora) | Gil's Emperor | Ginette | Ginko Nishiki | Ginko-saki | Ginny | Ginpu-kurin | Ginpukurin | Ginwo-nishiki | Gioku senshiu | Gioku-sho-dsurin | Gioku-sho-haku | Giovanna | Gisele | Gismonda | Gitschi Rosa | Giuseppina | Glad Tidings | Gladiator | Gladys Hodson | Gladys McArthur | Gladys Taylor | Glamorous Spring Red | Glamour | Glamour Girl | Gleam | Gleam of Gold | Gleam of Light | Gleaming Gold | Glenny Carlene | Glint of Gold | Glittering Gold on Black | Globe of Light | Globetrotter | Globosa | Gloire de Boskoop | Gloire de Casprit Callot | Gloire de Charles Gombault | Gloire de Chenonceaux | Gloire de Douai | Gloire de France | Gloire de Gand | Gloire de Shanghai | | Glomerosa | Gloomy Gus | Gloria | Gloria Belgarum | Gloria Jean | Gloria Mundi | Gloria Patria | Gloriana | Gloriana | Gloriosa | Glory | Glory Be | Glory Hallelujah | Glory of June | Glory of Langport | Glory of Nippon | Glory of Somerset | Glory of The Garden | Glow | Glow Light | Glow Worm | Glowing Candles | Glowing Embers | Glowing Raspberry Rose | Gnitz | Go Daigo | Goblin | Godaisan | Godaishu | Goddess | Goddess of Mercy's Countenance | Going Bananas | Gold Cheer | Gold Crest | Gold Dust | Gold Finch | Gold Finche | Gold Medal | Gold Metal | Gold Mine | Gold Nugget | Gold Rush | Gold Seal | Gold Sovereign | Gold Standard | Gold Star | Golden Anniversary | Golden Arrow | Golden Beauty | Golden Bowl | Golden Bracelet | Golden Center | Golden Dawn | Golden Days | Golden Delicious | Golden Dew Drop | Golden Dolphin | Golden Dream | Golden Era | Golden Experience | Golden Extra | Golden Fleece (hybrid lactiflora, Unknow 1975) | Golden Fleece (hybrid lutea) | Golden Frolic | Golden Gate | Golden Glow | Golden Handshake | Golden Harvest | Golden Hearts | Golden Hind | Golden Horn | Golden Isles | Golden Light | Golden Mandarin | Golden Morn | Golden Nugget | Golden Peony | Golden Pleasure | Golden Queen | Golden Rose | Golden Sun | Golden Thunder | Golden Tip | Golden Vanitie | Golden Vanity | Golden Wedding | Golden West | Golden Wheel | Golden Wings | Goldenine | Goldfinch (hybrid lactiflora, Kelsey, 1936) | Goldfinch (hybrid lutea, Saunders, 1948) | Goldfish Sheen | Goldilocks | Goldmedal | Goldmine (hybrid lactiflora, Hollis, 1907) | Goldmine (syn. 'Huang Jin Lun') | Goldsmith | Goliath | Golly | Gong Yang Zhuang | Good And Low | Good Cheer | Good Hope | Good Neighbor | Good News | Good Will | Goodform | Goodness | Good's Dream | Good's Gem | Good's Ideal | Goodspeed | Goodwin | Goody | Gopher Beauty | Gorgeous Lady | Gosechi-no-mai | Gosh | Goshen Beauty | Gosho Nishiki | Gosho-zakura | Goshozakura | Gosling Yellow | Governor Curtis Guild | Governor Eben Draper | Governor Fuller | Governor John A. Andrew | Governor John D. Long | Governor Johnson | Governor Morton | Grace | Grace Adams | Grace and Charm of Peach Blossoms | Grace Batson | Grace Blanding | Grace Currie | Grace D. Bryan | Grace Darling (hybrid lactiflora, Barr) | Grace Darling (hybrid lactiflora, Bishop, 1943) | Grace Eleanor | Grace Gedge | Grace Hough | Grace Kelsey | Grace Lewis | Grace Loomis | Grace Maclean | Grace Ott | Grace Root | Grace Wille | Grace Winslow | Graciosa | Graduation | Graduation Day | Gräfin von Zeppelin | Graham Ross | Granada | Granat | Grand Beauty | Grand Duc de Bade | Grand Duc Saxe-Weimar | Grand Duke | Grand Forks | Grand Frederick | Grand Massive | Grand Master | Grand Opening | Grand Parade | Grand Sultan | Grand Sunflower | Grand Teton | Grande Duchesse Hélène | Grande Pivoine en arbre à fleurs roses pleines | Grandiflora | Grandiflora carnea plena | Grandiflora gigantea | Grandiflora lutescens | Grandiflora nivea plena | Grandiflora Rosea | Grandiflora rubra | Grandiflora spectabilis | Grandiflora superba | Grandma's Hat | Gratis | Gratitude | Gravetye | Graziella | Great Charmer | Great Dream | Great Falls Lady | Great Golden Pink Petals | Great Lady | Great Sport | Great Wall | Green Acres | Green Dragon In A Pink Pool | Green Halo | Green Ivory | Green Lotus | Green Mountain Covered With Snow | Green Tourmaline | Greenland | Greer Carson | Grenade | Greta | Greta Kessenich | Greta May | Gretchen | Grimwale | Gringo | Grisselle | Grizzel Muir | Grover Cleveland | Gu Ban Tong Chun | Gu Cheng Xiang Hui | Gu Tong Yan | Guan Qun Fang | Guan Shi Mo Yu | Guan Yin Mian | Guang Hui Li Cheng | Guang Mang Si She | Guanghui | Guangong Hong | Guarcoi | Guardian of Monastery | Guardian of the Monastery | Guascoi | Guest of Honour | Gui Fei Cha Cui | Gui Fei Chi Cui | Gui Fu Ren | Guidon | Guillaume Tell | Guiseppina | Guldsmedsgarden | Gumbow | Gumpoden | Gumpoo-no-nishiki | Gunphoden | Gunpo | Gunpoden | Gunpouden | Gunto | Guy Fawkes | Guyo-Kutinshi | Gwenda | Gylorgyi | Gyokka | Gyoku senshiu | Gyoku-sho-dsurin | Gyokuka | Gyokusboukaku | Gyokusho | Gyokusho-kaku | Gyokusho zuru | Gyokutengaku. | Gyokutenshu. | Gyokuto | Gyokuyoutanshin | Gypsy | Gypsy Jewel | Gypsy Queen | Gypsy Red |


| H.A. Hagen | H. E. Milner | H. F. Reddick | H. R. H. Princess Louise | Ha-oh-hao | Habanera | Hachi-juwo | Haddesiana | Hade-Sugata | Hadesiana superba | Hadlow Mist | Hai Hai Bo Tao | Hai Huang | Hai Tian E | Hakodate | Haku-banriu | Haku Benru | Haku-gan | Haku-ho | Haku-jin | Haku-raku-ten | Haku-senshiu | Haku-shin | Haku-shu-den | Haku-taka | Haku-tsuru | Haku-un-kaku | Haku Unkaku | Haku-wo | Hakubanryu | Hakubauriso | Hakugan | Hakuho | Hakuo | Hakuo Jishi | Hakuojishi | Hakuryu | Hakusa-kaku | Hakusa-Seisho | Hakuseko | Hakushin | Halcyon | Haleigh's Comet | Halo in Pink | Hamachidori | Hamilton | Han Hai Bing Xin | Hana-asobi | Hana-daigin | Hana Daijin | Hana-den | Hana-Gesho | Hana-guruma | Hana-kagami | Hana-kisoi | Hana Kisoi | Hana-kurabe | Hana-mi-gachi | Hana-no-mikado | Hana-no-nishiki | Hana-no-sato | Hana-no-tsukasa | Hana-no-yama | Hana-No-Yodori | Hana-tachibana | Hanabi | Hanadaijin | Hanagesho | Hanai-kada | Hanakisoi | Hanano-sito | Hanaokaia. | Hania | Hano-no-sato | Hans P. Sass | Hansina Brand | Hao | Haotomesugata. | Happiness | Happy | Happy Days (Franklin) | Happy Days (hybrid lutea, Saunders, 1948) | Happy Memory | Harbinger (Franklin) | Harbinger (hybrid peony, Saunders, 1929) | Harbour Lights | Hardy Giant | Hargrove Hudson | Hari-Ai-Nin | Hari Ai Nin | Harlequin | Harmon | Harmony | Harriet Beecher Stowe | Harriet Cory | Harriet Farnsley | Harriet J. Neeley | Harriet Olney | Harrison | Harry A. Norton | Harry F. Little | Harry Grandprey | Harry King | Harry King | Harry L. Burden | Harry L. Richardson | Harry L. Smith | Harry Moore | Harry W. Claybaugh | Harry's Choice | Hart P. Danks | Haru-geshiki | Haru-no-akatsuki | Haru No Akebono | Harvard Crimson | Harvest | Harvest Moon | Haselberger | Hatsu Garashu | Hatsu Hikari | Hatsu-hinode | Hatsu-tori | Hatsuegi | Hatsugarashu | Hatsugarasu | Hatsugi | Hatsuhinode | Hattie Baker | Hawa | Hawaian Sun | Hawaii | Hawaiian Sunset | Hazel Brand | Hazel Dolence | Hazel Kinney | Hazel Lyons | Hazelden | He Ding Hong | He Hua Deng | He Ping Er Qiao | He Ping Hong Xiu Qiu | He Ping Lan | He Ping Yu | He Tang Ying Yue | He Tian E | Headliner | Hearld Star | Heart of Darkness | Heart of Gold | Heart of Knox | Heart's Allure | Heart's Delight | Heart's Idol | Heaven Sent | Heavenly Bound | Heavenly Pink | Hebe | Hebe | Hecate | Hedgemaster | Hei Bai Fen Ming | Hei Fa Nu Lang | Hei Feng Die | Hei Hai Bo Tao | Hei Hai Jin Long | Hei Hua Kui | Hei Rong Lian | Hei Tian E | Hei Xiu Qui | Hei Xuan Feng | Hei Yuan Shuai | Hei Zhen Zhu | Heidi | Heidi Ho | Heimburg | Heinrich Hagemann | Heirloom | Heldi | Helen | Helen Dancer | Helen Glover | Helen Hayes | Helen Hughes | Helen Matthews | Helen of Troy | Helen Robertson | Helen Sass | Helen Sears | Helen Wolaver | Helena | Helena Leslie | Helene Janus | Hélène Martin | Helene Williams | Helios | Helming "Pink Piney" | Helter Skelter | Hemera | Hemp Scarf Purple | Hendriksen | Henn | Hennepin | Henri | Henri Coré | Henri Demay | Henri Laurent | Henri Murger | Henri Pingard | Henri Potin | Henri Renault | Henrietta Flory | Henriette Clarke | Henry Avery | Henry Bockstoce | Henry Farnam | Henry Irving | Henry M. Vories | Henry Sass | Henry St. Clair | Henry Swinden | Henry Webster | Henry Woodward | Henryi | Hephestos | Her Grace | Her Majesty (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, 1925) | Hera | Herald | Herald Star | Herbert F. Warren | Hercules | Hericartiana | Heritage | Herkomer | Herman | Hermes | Hermione | Hermoine | Herrgårdspion | He's My Star | Hespanola | Hesperus | Hestia | Heterophylla | Hettie Elliot | Heze Red | Hi-Mabel | Hi-ow | Hi Sho Yo | Hi Strutter | Hiawatha | Hichi-fukujin | Hidden Blushes | Hidden Treasure | Hifalutin | Hifi | High Adventure | High Boy | High Fashion | High Ho | High Jinks | High Mark | | High n Mighty | High Noon | High Up | High Water | Highland Lassie | Highlight | Highly Decorated | Higura-jishi | Higurashi | Higure | Hikari-yama | Hill Z. | Hillary | Hillbilly | Himegozen | Hinkaden | Hinkaku | Hino-hakama | Hino-maru | Hino-mihata | Hino-ogi | Hino-tobera | Hino-tobira | Hino-tsukasa | Hinode-dsuru | Hinode-gumo | Hinode-no-seki | Hinode-sekai | Hinode-Seki | Hinode-tsuru | Hinomisaki. | Hiodoshi | Hiogo | Hippolyte | Hira-no-yuki | Hirishima | Hiroshima | Hirute-nishiki | Hiryo | Hiryo-nishiki | His Grace | His Majesty | His purpurea | His rosea | Hiscite Gawa | Hisiana Alba | Hissiana | Hit Parade | Hity Tity | Hiyo-no-hagasane | Ho-Gioku | Ho Hum | Ho-o-jo | Ho-o-nishiki | Ho-oh-ko | Ho-oh-no-beni | Hoary | Hodai | Hoffnung | Hogarth | Hohenbuchau | Hohkan | Hokey Pokey | Hoki | Holbein | Holiday | Hollywood | Homei | Homer | Homere | Hon. Alfred Deakin | Honey Gold | Honey 'n Cream | Honeycomb | Honeymoon | Honeysweet | Hong Bao Shi | Hong Cha Hua | Hong Fu | Hong Guan Yin Xian | Hong Guan Yu Zhu | Hong Guang Man Mian | Hong Hai Feng Yun | Hong Hai Qing Long | Hong Hua Lu Shuang | Hong Lian | Hong Lou Cang Jiao | Hong Mao Yu | Hong Shan Hu | Hong Tai Yin Ge | Hong Tu | Hong Xia Ying Ri | Hong Xia Ying Xue | Hong Xia Zheng Hui | Hong Xian Nü | Hong Xiu Liu (hybrid lactiflora) | Hong Xiu Qiu (hybrid suffruticosa) | Hong Yan Zheng Hui | Hong Yu Lou | Hong Zhu Nu | Honor | Honored Guest | Honshu Dawn | Hooki | | Hope | Hopeful | Horairishishi | Horaisan | Horakumon | Horatiana | Horen | Horen-no-tsukasa | Horizon | Hoseiko | Hot Chocolate | Hot Gossip | Hot Stuff | Hottentot | Houki | House Guest | Hovey's White | Howard | Howard R. Watkins | Howard Taylor | Howdai | Howden | Howdy | Howki | Howren | Howzan | Hoyoko | Hsiang-tsu-tzu | Hsiang-yung | Hsiao-taiao-huang | Hu Di Xi Jin Hua | Hu Hermosa | Hu Hong | Hua Er Qiao | Hua Hu Die | Hua Wang | Huang Hua Kui | Huang Hui Kui | Huang Jin Lun | Huang Yun | Hubert Degris | Hui Die | Hui He | Hulda | Huldah Lewis | Humei | Humei | Humei Alba | Humei carnea | THumilis Villosa | Humoresque | Humpty Dumpty | Hung Cai Qui | Hunt Cup | Huo Ju | Huo Lian Chi Jin | Huo Lian Jin Dan | Huppec | Huroda-Kuguri | Hurricane | Hu's Family Red | Hu's Red | Hutton | Hyakka-To | Hyakkasen | Hyakukasen | Hybrida | Hybrida subalba | Hyogo-Jiman | Hyperion (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, 1933) | Hyperion (hybrid lutea, Saunders, 1948)


| I102 | TI114 | I120 | I123 | I131 | I132 | I133 | I152 | I169 | I178 | I186 | I22 | I27 | I28 | I30 | I31 | I32 | I33 | I35 | I36 | I39 | I42 | I44 | I45 | I46 | I47 | I49 | I53 | I55 | I56 | I59 | I62 | I66 | I75 | I8 | I81 | I83 | I85 | I94 | Ianthina | IC-93-06 (Don Smith) | Icarus | Ice Age | Ice Aura | Ice Storm | Iced Lemon | Ichiten-raku | Icicle Over Red Stone | Ida | Ida Mellinger | Ida Pleas | Ideal | Idelette | Ikuenoyuki | Ikuho-mon | Illini | Illini Belle | Illini Chief | Illini Jubilee | Illini Pom Pom | Illini Rose | Illini Warrior | Illinois | Illinois Psalm | Illni Chief | Illumination | Illustrious | Illustris | Ima-chowkow | Ima-mura-saki | Ima-shojo | Ima-yogi | Imamurasaki | Imitation of a Lotus Flower | Immaculee | Imperator | Imperatrice d'Autriche | Imperatrice de France | Imperatrice de Russie | Imperatrice de Russie | Imperatrice Eugenie | | Imperial Crown | Imperial Divinity | Imperial Parasol | Imperial Princess | Imperial Queen | Imperial Red | Impish Grin | Impossible Dream | Impumon | In Full Sail | In Love | In Memoriam | In The Mood | Inca | Inca Deity | Inca Idol | Incarnata plena | Inclita | Indian Hill | Indian Maid | Indian Red | Indiana Moon | Indigo Awesome Blossom | Indomitable | Inez T. Burkett | Infanta | Infanta Victoria | Ingenieur Doriat | Inger Molin | Ingot | Inniswood | Innocence | Innovation | Inpumon | Insignis | Inspecteur Lavergne | Inspiration | Instituteur Doriat | Intermezzo | Interstate | Intoxicated Celestial Peach | Iola Pink | Iona | Iowa | Iphigenia | Irene | Irene | Irene Coe | Irene Jones | Irene May Gilbert | Iris Klose | Irma | Irma | Irma Urban | Iro-no-seki | Irojiman | Iroka | Iromasari | Iroquois | Irresistible | Irving Flint | Irwin Altman | Isaac Lea | Isabelle Rivière | Isadora | Isami Jishi | Isani-Gidui | Isani Gidui | Ishi | Iso-no-nami | Isoline | Isono-nami | Israel | Isuno-Name | Itaou | Iten-shikai | Iten-shiki | Itoba | Itten-gaku | Iva Walker | Ivanhoe | Ivory Atlas | Ivory Brooch | Ivory Cuddles | Ivory Elegance | Ivory Escort | Ivory Inspiration | Ivory Jewell | Ivory Touch | Ivory Treasure | Ivory Victory | Ivory Whispers | Ivory White | Ivory White Saucer | Iwato-ichi | Iwato-kagami | Iwato-kagami | Iwato-kagura | Iwato-kaguri | Iwato-sh | Iwatogoe | Iwatosaki. | Iwo


| J. Beeney | J. Boy | J. C. Legg | J. C. Nicholls | J. C. Thurlow | J. C. Weguelin | J. D. Nicholson | J. F. Cooper | J. H. Yeardley | J. Lockie Wilson | J. M. Duvernay | J. N. Darling | J. W. Bigger | Jack Barclay | Jack Frost | Jack Rose | | Jacks Point | Jacob Styer | Jacoba | Jacorma | Jacqueline | Jacqueline Farvacques | Jacqueline Hanratty | Jacqueminot | Jacques Dessert | Jacques Doriat | Jacquini | Jade Tower With Green Top | Jadwiga | Jake's Dark Pink | James Blanc | James Boyd | James Crawford Weguelin | James Kelway | James Lewis | James Pillow | James R. Mann | James Vick | James William | James William Kelway | James Wood | Jan-Tre-Go-No-More | Jan van Leeuwen | Jane Addams | Jane Rutherford | Janes Oleson | Janet | Janice (hybrid peony, Saunders, 1939) | Janice Smith | Jap Giant | Japan Shuaki | Japanese Beauty | Japanese Fairy | Japonica | Jappensha-ikku | Jaquette | Jasmine | Jasper | Jawii | Jay Cee | Jayhawker | Jealousy of One Hundred Flowers | Jean A. | Jean Ann | Jean Bancroft | Jean Baptiste Rendatler | Jean Bruce | Jean Claude Allard | Jean Cooper | Jean Cooperman | Jean Cowley | Jean de Reszke | Jean E. Bockstoce | Jean Ericksen | Jean Harlow | Jean MacKay | Jean Pedrick | Jeanette Oppliger | Jeanne | Jeanne Cayeux | Jeanne d'Arc (hybrid suffruticosa, Seneclauze, 1889) | Jeanne d'Arc (hybrid lactiflora, Calot, 1858) | Jeanne Ernould | Jeanne Gaudichau | Jeanne Lapandry | Jeannette | Jeannette Oppliger | Jeannot | Jeffrey's Currant Red | Jeffries' Crimson | Jennie E. Richardson | Jenny Blake | Jenny Lind | Jeso | Jessie | Jessie Gist | Jessie K. Crosby | Jessie Kelly | Jessie Morgan | Jessie Shaylor | Jester | Jewel | Jewel of Chusan | Jewel of India | Jewel of Spring | Jeweler's Art | Jia Ge Jin | Jia Ge Jin Zi | Jiao Rong | Jim | Jimmie Franklin | Jimpu | Jin Bo Dang Yang | Jin Cheng Ming Yue | Jin Cheng Nü Lang | Jin Dai Wei | Jin Ge | Jin Lun Huang | Jin Pao Hong | Jin Xiu Qiu | Jin Zan Ci Yu | Jin Zhan Chi Yu | Jing Yu | Jingle Bells | Jinju-den | Jishanensis | Jitsu-gekko | Jitsu-getsu-ko | Jitsu Getsu-nishiki | Jitsu-getsu-nishiki | Jitsu Gusecki | Jitsugetsu-nishiki | Jiu Zhou Da Zi | Jiu Zui Yang Fei | Joanna Gilbert | Joanna Marlene | Joanne Foreman | Jocelyn | Joe Hanratty | Joehanna | Johanna Gilbert | John A. Soule | John Alden | John C. Dugar | John C. Lee | John C. Wegelen | John Fraser | John Gardener | John Gardner | John Grove | John Hancock | John Harvard | John Howard Wigell | John L. Crenshaw | John Lindley | John M. Good | John M. Lewis | John Richardson | John Shaylor | John Stark | John Whitis | Johnny | Joker | Jolly Good | Jon | Joseph Aletti | Joseph Christie | Joseph Decaisne | Joseph Griffin | Joseph-Maria Serra | Joseph Plagne | Joseph Rock | Joseph Rock's double | Joseph Rock's semi-double | Josephelus | Josephine | Josephine | Josephine Hope Healy | Josephine Kelway | Josephine Seneclauze | Joseph's Rock | Josette | Jotenko | Joy | Joy of Life | Joyce | Joyce | Joyce Ellen | Joyful Pink | Joyous Red | Ju Hua Bai | Ju Hua Fen | Juan Ye Hong | Juanita | Jubilant | Jubilation | Jubilee | Jubilee Pink | Jubilejnyj | Judge Berry | Judge Dillon | Judge Orr | Judge Snook | Judith Eileen | Judy Ann | Judy Becker | Jui-lu-tsai | Jules Calot | Jules Pirlot | Julia | Julia Grant | Julia Richmond | Julia Rose | Julia Ward Howe | Juliana Gottschall | Juliet | Juliette Dessert | Juliska | Julius Caesar | Jumbo | Jun Yang Hong | June Athalie | June Belle | June Bride | June Brilliant | June Day | June Giant | June Moon | June Morning | June Pink | June Rose | June Welcome | Junior Miss | Juno | Juno | Jupiter | Jupiter | Jupiter


| K-117 | K 156 | K-Nina | K38-11 | Kaba-gasane | Kaba-shigo | Kagara-Kun | Kagawa | Kageori-nishiki | Kagerow | Kagura-jishi | Kagura-nishiki | Kaguraasobi | Kagurayima | Kahokia | Kai-hako-hatsu | Kaisairon | Kaisarion | Kaiser Leopold | Kaiserine | Kaiteri Gold | Kajura-jima | Kakoden | Kakohyo | Kaleidoscope | Kama-asobi | Kamada | Kamada Fuji | Kamada Nishiki | Kamakurako | Kamargo | Kamata Fuji | Kamata-fuji | Kamata-nishiki | Kamatafuji | Kamatanishiki | Kamatonishiki | Kameno-kegoromo | Kameno Reginis | Kami-kase | Kamma | Kan-jishi | Kan zakura | Kan-zakura | Kanget-sudai | Kanget-suru | Kanjorako | Kanjoraku | Kankakee | Kansai-otomenomai | Kansai seidai | Kansas (hybrid lactiflora, Bigger, 1940) | Kansas (hybrid suffruticosa, Unknow pre 1924) | Kansenden | Kanshiko | Kao | Kao's Cap Purple | Kaou | Kaow | Kara-fune | Kara-ori | Kara-ori-nishiki | Karafune | Karakoasobi | Karamba | Karanishiki | Karaorinishiki | Karatsu | Karen Gray | Karen Kersch | Kariza-no-kane | Karl Haag | Karl Rosenfield | Kartanopioni | Kasane-jishi (hybrid lactiflora) | Kasane-jishi (hybrid suffruticosa) | Kaskaskia | Kasmino Requois | Kasuga-no | Kasuga-yama | Kasugano | Kasumi-gaseki | Kasumi-gayaru | Kasumi-no-mori | Kate Barry | Kate Elizabeth | Kate Smith | Kathalo | Katharine Havemeyer | Katherine | Katherine Engle | Katherine Havemeyer | Katherine van Steen | Katherine Young | Kathleen Mavoureen | Kathryn | Kathryn Ann | Kathryn Curran | Kathryn E. Manuel | Kathy Ann | Kathy's Touch | Katori-nahiko | Katryn Fonteyn | Kaub | Kaw Valley | Kay Tischler | Kayo-shin | Kazari-uma | Kedney | Keep On Dancing | Keepsake (hybrid, Aute 1955) | Keepsake (hybrid lactiflora, Hollis) | Kehai | Keiko-kuku | Keiten | Kelway's Beautiful | Kelway's Betty | Kelway's Bridesmaid | Kelway's Brilliant | Kelway's Circe | Kelway's Crimson Banner | Kelway's Darling | Kelway's David | Kelway's Daystar | Kelway's Diana | Kelway's Eve | Kelway's Exquisite | Kelway's Fairy Queen | Kelway's Florizel | Kelway's Glorious | Kelway's Glory of June | Kelway's Gorgeous | Kelway's Humorist | Kelway's Lovely | Kelway's Lovely Lady | Kelway's Luck | Kelway's Majestic | Kelway's Malmaison | Kelway's Peace | Kelway's Peerless | Kelway's Queen | Kelway's Remembrance | Kelway's Rosalie | Kelway's Rose of Delight | Kelway's Rosemary | Kelway's Silvo | Kelway's Spion Kop | Kelway's Success | Kelway's Supreme | Kelway's Unique | Kelway's Venus | Kelway's White Lady | Kelway's Wild Rose | Kemankeag | Ken Shu Mon | Kenan Hasselaar | Kenduskeag | Kenka | Kenny | Kenrei-mon | Kenshu-mon | Kenshunmon | Keren | Kestrel | Kevin | Kewanee | Ki-zuru | Kickapoo | Kigyoku | Kikoku | Kiku-botan | Kiku Tsukasa | Kikubotan | Kikusui | Killington | Kimberley | Kimi-gayo | Kimi-no-megumi | Kimo-gayo | Kimpai | Kimpikurin | Kimpu | Kimpukurin | Kin-fukurin | Kin-jishi | Kin-ka-den | Kin-kaku | Kin-senshu | Kin-shachi | Kin-shoko | Kinda Cute | Kindness | King | King Albert | King Alfred | King Bee | King Boreas | King David | King Gustav | King-Kimo | King Midas | King of England | King of Peace | King of Peonies | King White | Kingdom of the Moon | King's Crown | King's Daughter | King's Ransom | Kingsbury | Kingwood Imp | Kinipaiseten | Kinkajka | Kinkaku | Kinki | Kinko | Kinkou | Kinney | Kin'no | Kino | Kino-kimo | Kinpukurin | Kinpurin | Kinran | Kinshi | Kinsui | Kintajio | Kintei | Kintoh | Kinyo | Kioto | Kiou Shou | Kiowa | Kirin-jishi | Kirin-nishiki | Kirin No Tsuka | Kirin-tsukasa | Kirinshi | Kirintsukasa | Kishu Caprice | Kisseltoes | Kissimmee | Kitty's Blush Chablis | Kiwi Claret | Kiya | | Knight of the Thistle | Ko-gatu | Ko-murasaki | Ko-zakura | Kobe | Kochleni | Kocho-no-mai | Kochomai | Koch's Weisse | Koei | Kogane-nishiki | Kogane-zome | Kogyo-kuden | Kogyoku | Kohinoor | Kohjo | Kohkisen | Koho-no-tsuki | Koi-kagura | Koi-kamata | Koikagura | Kojiki | Kojo-no-tsuki | Koka-mon | Kokaman | Kokamon | Kokin-ran | Kokinnishiki | Kokirin | Kokirin-kin | Kokiriu-nishiki | Kokizan | Kokko | Kokko-no-hikare | Kokko-no-tsukasa | Kokko-shi | Koko-no-nishiki | Kokomo | Kokon-nishiki | Koku-haku | Koku-ho | Koku-ko | Koku-ko-tsukasa | Koku-ryu-nishiki | Koku-seiko | Koku-tsuru | Kokucho | Kokuho-no-tsukasa | Kokurun Rui | Kokury Ukaku | Kokuryu | Kokuryu-nishiki | Kokuryu Nishiki | Komachi-haku | Komachi-shiro | Kon-shoko | Königin Elizabeth | Konigin Wilhelmina | Königsberg (hybrid peony, Krupke, 1994) | Königswinter | Koningin Wilhelmina | Konron-jishi | Konron-karo | Konron-koku | Konron-shibori | Kopper Kettle | Korohow | Koshino-akane | Koshino-yuki | Kosome | Kossi | Kougyoku | Koui | Koujo | Kowhai Gold | Kozan | Krasnovy's seedling | Kreiser Aurora | Krekler's Red | Krickles | Krinkled White | Kristin Joy | Kristy | Kronos | Krupke 01 | Krupke 02 | Krupke 03 | Krupke 04 | Krupke 05 | Krupke 06 | Krupke 07 | Krupke 08 | Krupke 09 | Krupke 10 | Krupke 11 | Krupke 12 | Krupke 13 | Krupke 15 | Krupke 16 | Krupke 17 | Kubuki | Kugari-kun | Kuinori | Kujyuka-jishi | Kukeni Jishi | Kukenu-jishi | Kukenu-Jishia | Kukuena-Gishi | Kukuro-Kuraky | Kukuryu-nishiki | Kuma-gai | Kuma-gaya | Kumagai | Kumagoe | Kumo-gasane | Kumoi-dsuru | Kumoisaka | Kumona-no-hikare | Kumona-no-sakura | Kumona-uye | Kumonano-tsuki | Kumono-nishiki | Kun-kawa-beni | Kun Shan Ye Guang | Kunderd's Darkest | Kunderd's Jubilee | Kuni-hikari | Kuni-mori | Kuni-toko | Kuni-tsune | Kurama-yama | Kuri | Kuri-kawa-beni | Kuri-kawa-ko | Kuri-nami-beni | Kurikawako | Kuro-botan | Kuro-no-ichi | Kuro-no-tsukasa | Kuro-zome-nishiki | Kuroki | Kuruma-gaeshi | Kusuhana | Kwanjo-raku | Kwausenshu | Kyokkasen | Kyokko


| La Belle | La Belle Hélène | La Brillante | La Canadienne | La Coquette | La Donna | La Duchesse | La Fayette | La Fee | La Fiancee | La Fontaine | La Fraîcheur | La France (hybrid lactiflora, Lemoine, 1901) | La France (hybrid suffruticosa, Unknow 1897) | La Gloire | La Grange | La Hollande | La Jolla | La Lorraine (hybrid lactiflora, Lemoine, 1901) | La Lorraine (hybrid lutea, Lemoine, 1913) | La Nuit | La Perle | La Pinja | La Quintinie | La Rosi | La Rosière | La Salle | La Sublime | La Tendresse | | La Verne | La Vestale | La Victoire | La Ville de St. Denis | La Ville de Versailles | Labolas | Lace and Braid | Lacepede | Laciniata | Laciniata | Lactea | Lactea Superba | Lactiflora | Laddie | Lady Alexandra Duff | Lady Algernon Gordon-Lennox | Lady Algernon Lennox | Lady Anna | Lady Ardilaun | Lady Aroostook | Lady Astor | Lady Bellew | Lady Beresford | Lady Bowell | Lady Brooke | Lady Byng | Lady Caillard | Lady Carrington | Lady Curzon | Lady Darmouth | Lady Derby | Lady Eaton | Lady Eleanor | Lady Elinor | Lady Emily | Lady Gay | Lady Godiva | Lady Gwendolen Cecil | Lady Halle | Lady Helen Vincent | Lady In Pink | Lady in Waiting | Lady Iris | Lady Isadore | Lady Jane | Lady Kate | Lady Leonora Bramwell | Lady Ley | Lady Liberty (hybrid, Entsminger, 2001) | Lady Liberty ® (syn. 'Lian Tai') | Lady Lillian Ogle | Lady Long | Lady Luck | Lady Margaret Ferguson | Lady Mary Dashwood | Lady Mayoress | Lady Millais | Lady Northbrook | Lady of Grace | Lady of Langport | Lady of the Lake | Lady of the Snows | Lady of the West | Lady Orchid | Lady Pocock | Lady Renny Watson | Lady Rolph | Lady Romilly | Lady Sarah Wilson | Lady Skelmersdale | Lady Somerset | Lady Stradbroke | Lady Veronica Bruce | Lady Wolseley | Ladybird | Ladysmith | Lafayette Escadrille | L'Aiglon | Laius | Lake o' Silver | Lake of Silver | Lakme | Lamartine (Lemoine 1908) | Lamartine (Calot 1860) | | Lambertinae | Lan Bao Shi | Lan Fu Rong | Lan Guan Xue Die | Lan Hai Yin Bo | Lan He | Lan He Dian Yun | Lan Hu Die (hybrid rockii) | Lan Hu Die (hybrid lactiflora) | Lan Ju | Lan Meng | Lan Mo Shuang Hui | Lan Tai | Lan Tian Meng | Lan Tian Yu | Lan Xiu Qiu | Lan Yu San Cai | Lan Yu San Tai | Lan Yue | Lan Yue Liang | Lan Zhang Cai Wei | Lancaster | Lancaster | Lancaster Imp | Landmark | Langley | Langport Cross | Langport Queen | Langport Triumph | Laning's Best Yellow | Lanzen | Lao Lai Hong | Largo | Lassie | Last Call | Last Move | Last Rose | Late Date | Late Festiva | Late Loveliness | Late Windflower | Laura | Laura Dessert | Laura Ellen | Laura Kelsey | Laura Magnuson | Laura Marches | Laura Nunn | Laura Pleas | Laura Treman | Laura Vories | Laurel Hill Lavendar Pearls | Laurel's Love | Lauren | Laurence | Laurens Koster | Lauretta | L'Aurore | Lauta | Lava Flow | Lavender | Lavender Angel | Lavender Bouquet | Lavender Dream | Lavender Grace | Lavender Hill | Lavender Lace | Lavender Lotus | Lavender Mist | Lavender Pink | Lavender Princess | Lavender Silk | Lavender Strain | Lavender Whisper | L'Avenir | Laverne Christman | Lavon | Le Charme | Le Cygne | Le He Hong | Le Jour | Le Moine Lewis | Le Noir | Le Ornem | Le Printemps | Le Soleil | Le Val d'Aubray | Leading Lady | Leander Starr Jameson | Leanne Mariel | L'Eclatante | Leda (hybrid lutea, Daphnis, 1974) | Lee | Lee W. Pollock | Lee Youngberg | Lee's Grandiflora Rubra | Legacy | Legal Tender | Legend | Legion of Honor | Legionnaire | Lelawala | L'Elégante | Lemon Chiffon | Lemon Dream | Lemon Drops | Lemon Honey | Lemon Parfait | Lemon Queen | Lemon Thrills | Lemon Whisper | Lena Ashwell | Lena Hough | Lenora | Leodiense | Leona Caustin | Leona Kinney | Leona Weinberger | Leonard Kelway | Leonard Kelway | Leone Gardner | Leonie | Leopoldo | Leslie Dudley | Leslie Peck | L'Espérance (tree peony, Lemoine, 1909) | L'Etincelante | Letitia | Leto (hybrid lactiflora, Neeley, 1930) | Leto (hybrid lactiflora, Unknown) | Lettie | Leucadia | Leviathan | Lew Wallace | Lewis' American Beauty | Lewis' Fairy Queen | Lewis' Salmon Jap | Lezinska de Mirbel | Li-pai | Li Shi Mo Kui | Li Xiang | Li Yuan Chun | Lian Tai | Libellule | Liberator | Liberty | Liberty Belle | Liboria Maass | Liebchen (hybrid lactiflora, Murawska, 1959) | Lieutenant Hobson | Lieutenant Warneford V. C. | Lighthouse Glow | Lights Out (hybrid lactiflora, Kelsey, 1940) | Lights Out (syn. 'Sorcerer') | Ligulata | Lila Eastwood | Lilac of the Hundred Flowers | Lilac Time | Lilac Times | Lilacina | Lilacina plenissima | Lilacina semi-plena | Lilacina superba | Lilacina variegata | Lilith | Lille | Lillian Gumm | Lillian Wild | Lillie McGill | Lilliputiana | L'Illustration | Lily White | Lime Lighter | Lime Phosphate | Limosel | Lina | Linda | Linda Hoover | Linda Kathleen Jack | L'Indispensable | Ling Hua Chen Yu | Ling Hua Xiao Cui | Ling Hua Zhan Lu | Lingerie | Linné | L'Innocence | Lion's Mane | Lipstick | Liquid Amber | Little Aristocrat | Little Armand | Little Beauty | Little Buffalo | Little Carolyn | Little Darlin' | Little Dorothy | Little Dorrit | Little Emperor | Little Gem | Little Gem | Little Imp | Little Joe | Little John | Little Lady | Little Mary | Little Medicine Man | Little Nell | Little One Patience | Little Peggy | Little Pink Lullaby | Little Prince | Little Princess | Little Red Gem | Little Red Head | Little Red Mloko | Little Reds | Little Rhyme | Little Rosella | Little Snippet | Little Song | Little Susie | Little Sweetheart | Liubimaja | Livingstone | Lizbeth | Lize van Veen | Lizzie | Lizzie Lapworth | Lizzie Mason | Lloyd Kennedy | Lobata | Lobata # 5267 | Lobata China Rose | Lobata of Perry | Lobata Sunshine | Log Yuan Zhuang Shi | Loge | Lois | Lois Arlene | Lois' Choice | Lois E. Klehm | Lois Elaine Laning | Lois Kelsey | Lois Q. Gayle | Lois Quisenberry | Lollipop | Lollipop Lies | Lolly Pop | Lombard | Londonia | Lone Sentinel | Long Island | Long You Er Qiao | Long Yu Er Qiao | Long Yuan Hong | Long Yuan Xue | Long Yuan Zhuang Shi | Longfellow | Loos | Lora Dexheimer | Lorch | Lord Avebury | Lord Burnham | Lord Byron | Lord Cavan | Lord Cavin | Lord Derby | Lord Dunraven | Lord Iveagh | Lord Kitchener | Lord Leighton | Lord Lytton | Lord Macartney | Lord Macaulay | Lord Milner | Lord Morley | Lord of June | Lord of May | Lord of Spring | Lord Roberts | Lord Roseberry | Lord Selbourne | Lord Tennyson | Lorelei | Loren Franklin | Loretta Frank | Lorna Doone (hybrid lactiflora, Kelsey, 1936) | Lorna Doone (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, 1905) | Lost Chord | Lothario | Lottie | Lottie Collins (hybrid lactiflora, Barr) | Lottie Collins (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway) | Lottie Dawson Rea | Lotus | Lotus Bloom | Lotus Cup | Lotus Like | Lotus Queen | Lou Shenk | Louie B. Gaker | Louis Barthelot | Louis Joliet | Louis Parmentier | Louis van Houtte | Louisa Brand | Louisa Rosenow | Louise | Louise | Louise | Louise Ann | Louise Delettre | Louise d'Estrées | Louise Lossing | Louise M. | Louise Marx | Louise Mouchelet | Louise Odier | Louise Renault | Louise's Lilac | Louisville | Lovancia | Love 357 | Love Affair | Love Birds | Love Lee | Lovebirds | Lovelind Mattar | Loveliness | Lovely Andrea | Lovely Louise | Lovely Rose | Lovers' Dream | Love's Desire | Love's Touch | Loving Cup | Lowell Thomas | Loyalty | Loyola | Lu Fen | Lu He Hong | Lu-hu-tieh | Lu Mu Yin Yu | Lu Mu Ying Yu | Lu Xiang Qiu | Lu Xiang Qui | Lucida | Lucie | Lucie Malard | Lucienne | Lucifer | Lucile Hartman | Lucky | Lucky Day | Lucky Star | Lucky Strike | Lucrèce | Lucretia | Lucy Dunn | Lucy Dunn | Lucy E. Hollis | Lucy Inez | Lucy Shaylor | Lucy Williams | Ludlowii | Ludovica | Ludwig Richter | Luella | Luella Shaylor | Luetta Pfeiffer | Lula Marie | Lullaby (hybrid lactiflora, Hollis) | Lullaby (hybrid, Pehrso 1973) | Lullaby Blessings | Lullaby Coos | Lulu Cliffe | Lulu Little | Lulu Strong | Lulu Wilson | Lumena | Luna | Luo Han Hong | Luo Han Red | Luohan Hong | Luohan Red | Luoyang Hong | Luoyang Red | Lurana | Lustrous | Lutea | Lutea plenissima | Lutea variegata | Lutea variegata | Luxor | Luxuriant | Lyde | Lydia | Lydia Charlotte Gaede | Lydia Foote | Lydia Wilhelm | Lynda


| M. J. Astle | M. Leslie Chase | M. Martin Cahuzac | Ma Belle | Ma Petite Cherie | Ma Ye Hong | Mabel | Mabel Claire | Mabel L. Franklin | Mabel L. Gore | Mable Merrifield | Mackinac Grand | Macrophylla | Maculosa | Mad Cap | Mad. Claude Tain | Mad. Ducel | Madam Butterfly | Madam Pleas | Madame A. Seneclauze | Madame Adrien Seneclauze | Madame Amand | Madame Andre Devillers | Madame Antoine Rivière | Madame Auguste Dessert | Madame Auguste Peltereau | Madame Barillet Deschamps | Madame Bénard | Madame Benoit Riviere | Madame Bigot | Madame Bollet | Madame Boulanger | Madame Bréon | Madame Bucquet | Madame Butterfly | Madame Calot | Madame Camille Bancel | Madame Celie | Madame Chaumy | Madame Chiang Kai-Shek | Madame Claude Tain | Madame Costé | Madame Courant | Madame Crousse | Madame D. Tréyéran | Madame d'Andremont | Madame d'Aremberg | Madame de Bollemont | Madame de Cock | Madame de Galhau | Madame de Govin | Madame de Montijo | Madame de Montmarin | Madame de St. Rome | Madame de Vatry | Madame de Verneville | Madame d'Hour | Madame Ducel | Madame Duruflé | Madame E. Pallain | Madame Edna Power | Madame Edouard Doriat | Madame Edouard Seneclauze | Madame Emile Débatène | Madame Emile Dupraz | Madame Emile Gallé | Madame Emile Joubert | Madame Emile Lemoine | Madame Escary | Madame Felicie Simonis | Madame Fernand Lemaitre | Madame Forel | Madame Fould | Madame Francois Toscanelli | Madame Furtado | Madame Gaudichau | Madame Geissler | Madame Gombault | Madame Gustave Croux | Madame Guyot | Madame Helene Richelet | Madame Henri Core | Madame Henriette Caillot | Madame Henry Fuchs | Madame Hervé | Madame Hutin | Madame Joanne Sallier | Madame Jules Calot | Madame Jules Dessert | Madame Jules Elie | Madame Jules Orban | Madame Julie Berthier | Madame Krelage | Madame la Comtesse de Charpin | Madame la Marquise de Clausonnette | Madame la Marquise de Vogue | Madame Laffay | Madame Le Hellé | Madame Lebon | Madame Lemoine | Madame Lemoine | Madame Lemoinier | Madame Lemonier | Madame Leo Fernig | Madame Leon Desboinet | Madame Louis Henry | Madame Louise Mère | Madame Manchet | Madame Marcel Gay | Madame Maria Closon | Madame Maria Seguenot | Madame Marie-Thérèse Hermand | Madame Mechin | Madame Meline | Madame Moreau | Madame Moutot | Madame Muyssart | Madame Ottin | Madame Pierre Dessert | Madame Quoodbach de Ras | Madame Raguet | Madame Reignoux | Madame Rejane | Madame René Gerard | Madame Renkin | Madame Saint-Augustin | Madame Savreau | Madame Schaenmackers | Madame Schmidt | Madame Stuart Low | Madame Stuart Lowe | Madame Thibault | Madame Thouvenin | Madame Victor Gillier | Madame Victor Verdier | Madame Vilmorin | Madeleine Gauthier | Madelin Teresa | Madelon | Mademoiselle Cimochowska | Mademoiselle Cornelie Raiken | Mademoiselle Desbuisson | Mademoiselle Gaudichau | Mademoiselle Germaine Perthuis | Mademoiselle Jeanne Rivière | Mademoiselle Juliette Dessert | Mademoiselle Leonie Calot | Mademoiselle Louise Delattre | Mademoiselle Maria Closon | Mademoiselle Marie Calot | Mlle. Marie Closon | Mademoiselle Renee Dessert | Mademoiselle Rose Rendatler | Mademoiselle Rousseau | Mademoiselle Sophie | Mademoiselle Vaillant | Madison | Madoni | Madonna | Madrigal | Madylone | Mae | Maestro | Mafeking | Magenta Gem | Magenta Glow | Magenta Jensa | Magenta Melody | Magenta Moon | Maggie Bradley | Maggie Mitchell | Magic Charmer | Magic Cup | Magic Melody | Magic Moonbeam | Magic Orb | Magical Mystery Tour | Magicienne | Magie Rouge | Magna Charta | Magnet | Magnifica | Magnificence | Magnificence | Magnificent | Magnifique | Magniflora lilacina | Magnolia | Magnolia Flower | Mahal | Maharajah of Gwalior | Mahaska | Mahogany | Mai | Mai Fleuri | Maia (hybrid lutea, Daphnis, 1972) | Maid Marion | Maid of Athens | Maid of Honor | Maid of Honor | Maid of Honor | Maid of Honor | Maiden Blush | Maiden Dressed Fair | Maiden Fair | Maiden Queen | Maiden's Blush | Maie Yocum | Maiglöckchen | Maihime | Mainz | Mairei | Maitland | Majestic | Majestic Rose | Major | Major A. M. Krekler | Major Howel | Major Loder | Major Steve | Majorcan Peony | Makitateyama | Makuno-uchi | Mallee | Maman Millet | Mamie Cutler | Mamie Hough | Mammoth | Mammoth Rose | Man Jiang Hong | Man o' War | Man of War | Man Tang Hong | Manadzuru | Manchu Princess | Mandaleen | Mandalong | Mandarin | Mandarin | Mandarin's Coat | Manetti | Manitou | Mankato | Manoah | Many Happy Returns | Maranacook | Marceau | Marcella | Marcelle Dessert | Marchioness | Marchioness of Granby | Marchioness of Lansdowne | | Marchioness of Salisbury | Marcia Dewey | Marcia Lee | Marconi | Mardi Gras | Maréchal MacMahon | Marechal Vaillant | Margaret | Margaret Ann | | Margaret Clark | Margaret Elliott Waggaman | Margaret Hagerman | Margaret Logie | Margaret Lough | Margaret Truman | Margaret Vierheller | Margarete Klose | Marginata | Marguerite | Marguerite | Marguerite Dessert | Marguerite Gaudichau | Marguerite Gerard | Maria | Maria Grazia | Maria Kelway | Maria Teressa | Maria-Theresa | Marian Pfeiffer | Mariana | Marianna | Marianne | Marie | Marie Bezançon | Marie Bouillon | Marie Calot | Marie Corelli | Marie Crousse | Marie Deroux | Marie d'Hour | Marie Elizabeth | Marie Fischer | Marie Houillon | Marie Jacquin | Marie Kelway | Marie Kunderd | Marie Laurecin | Marie Laurencin | Marie Lemoine | Marie Louise | Marie Mannoir | Marie Rattier | Marie Sass | Marie Seguinot | | Mariellen | Marienbad | Marietta | Marietta Sisson | Marilla Beauty | Marilyn Jones | Marine Parade | Marinella | Mariner | Marion | Marion Cran | Marion Furnival | Marion Lange | Marion Pfeiffer | Marion Talley | Marita | Marjorie Allison | Marjorie Daw | Marjorie Horrell | Marjorie Howe | | Marksburg | Marmontel | | Maroon Flower with Bronze Stem | Marquis C. Lagergren | Marquis d'Alfares | Marquis de Clapiers | Marquis de Lory | Marquise d'Ivry | Mars | Marshall P. Wilder | Marshall Pyland | | Marta | Martha | Martha | Martha A. Twyman | Martha Bulloch | Martha Mains | Martha Reed | Martha Sharp | Martha V. Lane | Martha W. | Martha Washington | Martha Webster | Martin H. Moen | Marvel | Marxburg | Mary | Mary A. Livermore | Mary Anderson | Mary Auten | Mary B. Vories | Mary Baker Eddy | Mary Brand | Mary C. Lewis | Mary C. Wedge | Mary Comstock | Mary E. Hall | Mary E. Nicholls | Mary Eastman | Mary Eddy Jones | Mary Elizabeth | Mary Ellen | Mary Gretchen | Mary Henderson | Mary Hess | Mary Holley | Mary J. Hawke | Mary Jo | Mary Jo Legare | Mary Joan Cummings | Mary L. | Mary L. Hollis | Mary Lena | Mary Lou Kimmey | Mary Louise | Mary M. Fischer | Mary Markus | Mary May | Mary Merrill | Mary Moy | Mary P. King | Mary Pratt | Mary Prudhomme | Mary Reid | Mary Shaylor | Mary Smith | Mary Somerville | Mary Willa's Lactiflora | Mary Woodbury Shaylor | Maryan | Marygold | MaryKate | Marylen | Massachusetts | Massachusetts | Massasoit | Masterpiece | Matador | Matador's Robe | Matalie Clayton | Matchless Beauty | Mathieu | Mathilde de Roseneck | Mathilde Méchin | Matilda | Matilda Lewis | Matron of Honour | Mattawamkeag | Mattie Charles | Mattie Glocka | Mattie Lafuze | Maud E. Ticknor | Maud Hutchinson | Maud L. Richardson | Maude | Maude Smith | Mauna Loa | Maurice Lowe | Maurice Maeterlinck | Maurine | Mavourneen | Maxcine Wolfe | Maxima plena | Maximus Glorious | Maxine | Maxine Armstrong | Maxine Palmer | May Apple | May B. | May Corbin | May Davidson | May Dawn | May Delight | May Frost | May Joy | May Lilac | May Magic | May Morn | May Morning | May Music | May Oleson | May Treat | Mayerling | Maytime | Mazaryk | Mazzie Terry | Meadow Brook | Meadow Lark | Meadowvale | Meany | Mecca | Medea (hybrid lutea, Daphnis, 1975) | Media | Medicine Hat | Medon | Medora | Medusa | Megunticook | Mei Gui Sa Jin | Mei Jin | Mei Yao Chen | Meigetsuko | Meiji-no-homare | Meikoho | Meikow-no-takara | Meissonier | Mel Gedge | Melaine Henry | Mellen Knight | Mellow Moon | Melody | Melody | Memorial Day Peony | Memorial Gem | Memorial Queen | Memory | Mendota | Mentor Graham | Mephisto | Mercedes | Mercy | Meridian | Merion | Mermaid | Merovingian | Merrigold | Merrill K. Franklin | Merrimac | Merry Beauty | Merry Mayshine | Merveilleuse | Mervyn Pees | Mery Hughes | Mesman's Glory | Messagère | Messenger | Meteor | Meteor Brilliance | Meteor Flight | Meteore | Miami Maid | Miami Rose | Michelet | Michen | Michi | Michishiba | Mid-day | Mid May | Midday Siesta | Middletown | Midnight | Midnight Magic | Midnight Magnolia | Midnight Serenade | Midnight Sun | Midsummer Joy | Midsummer Night's Dream | Midway Island | Mifu-kumon | Mignon | Mihata | Mikado | Mikado-Nippon | Mikado-nishiki | Mikasa-mori | Mikasa-yama | Mikaso-no-mori | Mikuni-no-hata | Mikuni-no-homare | Milady | Mildred Gardner | Mildred May | Miles Standish | Milk 'n Honey | Milky Way | Millais | Millennium Supreme | Millie | Millie Stover | Milton Hill | Milton Jack | Milton Lockwood | Miltown | Mime | Mimi (hybrid lactiflora, Jack, 1974) | Mimi (hybrid lutea, Chow, 2001) | Min Sing Tang | Minamota | Minato-zakura | Mine | Mine d'Or | Mine-no-momiji | Mine-no-money | Mine-no-yuki | Minerva | Minerve | Miney | Ming Joy | Minneapolis | Minnehaha | Minnekada | Minnetaska | Minnie Gertrude | Minnie Kelly | Minnie Larson | Minnie Lucas | Minnie Shaylor | Minstrel Boy | Minuet | Miodoroki | Mira | Mirabeau | Mireille | Miriam | Miriam Marsh | Miriam Napier Rohe | Mirum Mundi | Mischief | Mishiki-Shima | Miss America | Miss Beatrix Jones | Miss Brice | Miss Congeniality | Miss Dainty | Miss Eckhardt | Miss Eckhart | Miss Emery | Miss Geraldine | Miss H. C. Hull | Miss Henninger | Miss Ida Chamberlain | Miss Innocence | Miss Mary | Miss Minneapolis | Miss Morris | Miss Norma | Miss Salway | Miss Sweden | Missie's Blush | Mister Ed | Mistral | Mistress of the Monastery | Misu-kage | Mitama | Mixed pollen | Mixture of Mist | Miya-kagura | Miya-kini-haru | Miyako-no-haru | Miyako-no-nishiki | Miyo-hikari | Miyo-ki-nishiki | Miyo-koho-nishiki | Miyo-no-hana | Miyo-no-hikare | Miyoko | Miyuki-nishiki | Mizukage | Mloko. Sydney X Daniell | Mlokosewitschii | Mo Chi Ying Yue | Mo Guan Yu Zhu | Mo Hai Yin Bo | Mo Run Jue Lun | Mo Yu Jin Hui | Mo Yu Shuang Hui | Mo Yu Zhuang Hui | Mo Zi Han Jin | Mo Zi Ling | Mobuchi | Modele de Perfection | Modella | Modesta | Modeste Guerin | Modesty | Modesty | Moe | Moku-setsueh | Molière | Moline | Mollis | | Molly Prescott | Molly Stark | Molly-the-Witch | Mölndals Röda | Mom | Momo-taro | Momo-yama | Momozomo | Mona Lisa | Monarch | Monarchy | Monica Marie | Monitor | Monsieur Adam Modzelewski | Monsieur Adam Modzelewsky | Monsieur Amand | Monsieur André | Monsieur Antoine Rivière | Monsieur August Ravel | Monsieur Auguste Gauthier | Mons B. Weum | Monsieur B. Weum | Monsieur Barral | Monsieur Bastien Lepage | Mons Blanc | Monsieur Blanc | Monsieur Boucharlataîné | Monsieur Charles Joly | Monsieur Charles Lêveque | Monsieur Courant | Monsieur Dachutre | Monsieur de Villeneuve | Mons Dupont | Monsieur Dupont | Monsieur Duruflé | Monsieur Eugene Vion | Monsieur Flaque | Monsieur Galland | Monsieur Georges Cassagne | Monsieur Germain de Montanzan | Monsieur Gilbrain | Monsieur Hyppolyte Dellille | Monsieur Joseph-Maria Serra | Mons Jules Elie | Monsieur Jules Elie | Monsieur Kleyer | Monsieur Krelage | Monsieur l'Avocat Ripoli | Mons Martin Cahuzac | Monsieur Martin Cahuzac | Monsieur Masse | Monsieur Miron | Mons Pailette | Monsieur Pailette | Monsieur Paillet | Monsieur Pasteur | Monsieur Paul du Ribert | Monsieur Paul Risbourg | Monsieur Pepin | Monsieur Triger | Monstruosa alba plenissima | Monsua | Mont Blanc | Mont Rose | Mont Vesuve | Monte Cristo | Montebank | Monterey | Montezuma | Monticello | Montrose | Moon Child | Moon Dance | Moon Fritters | Moon Magic | Moon Mist | Moon of Nippon | Moon Over Barrington | Moon River | Moon-Yen-Claire | Moonbeam | Moonbeam | Moonglow | Moonglow | Moonlight | Moonlight | Moonlight Masquerader | Moonlight Mist | Moonlit Snow | Moonrise | Moonshine | Moonstone | Moosenee | Mora | More Glory | Morillio | Moritz von Schwindt | Morne | Morning Glory | Morning Glory | Morning Kiss ® | Morning Lights | Morning Lilac | Morning Mist | Morning Red | Morning Song | Morning Star | Morning Star | Morning Sun Red | Morocco | Morris | Moses Hull | Mother Ross | Mother Teresa | Mother's Choice | Mother's Day | Mould of Form | Mount Everest | Mount Nishika | Mount Palomar | Mount Rokku | Mountain Magic | Mountain Mist | Mountebank | Mousseline | Mozart | Mozutsuya. | Mr. B. H. Farr | Mr. Bancroft | Mr. Beerbohm Tree | Mr. Chaplin | Mr. Ed | Mr. G. F. Hemerick | Mr. G. F. Hemerik | Mr. Georges Cassagne | Mr. L. van Leeuwen | Mr. Launay | Mr. Leopold de Rothschild | Mr. Manning | Mr. Moon | Mr. Sun | Mr. Thim | Mrs. A. B. Franklin | Mrs. A. E. Kunderd | Mrs. A. F. W. Hayward | Mrs. A. G. Ruggles | Mrs. A. L. Chapin | Mrs. A. M. Brand | Mrs. A. O. Norton | Mrs. A. S. Gowen | Mrs. Alice Brethour | Mrs. Anna Smirnow | Mrs. Bancroft | Mrs. Barret | Mrs. Bayard Thayer | Mrs. Becket | Mrs. Beerbohm Tree | Mrs. Ben Gilbertson | Mrs. Bostwick | Mrs. Bradley | Mrs. Bryant | Mrs. Bryce Fontaine | Mrs. Burke | Mrs. C.S. Minot | Mrs. C. S. Minot | Mrs. C. W. Ward | Mrs. Carew | Mrs. Charles Gilbert | Mrs. Charles Mayo | Mrs. Cleveland | Mrs. Colonel Lindbergh | Mrs. Deane Funk | Mrs. Douglas | Mrs. E. Horwood | Mrs. E. I. Stahly | Mrs. E. J. Friesen | Mrs. E. J. Shaylor | Mrs. E. J. Streichert | Mrs. Edith Forrest | Mrs. Edward Bromet | Mrs. Edward Harding | Mrs. English | Mrs. Ernest Dunkels | Mrs. Euclid Snow | Mrs. Eugene Secor | Mrs. Eva Barron | Mrs. F.A. Goodrich | Mrs. F.D. Roosevelt | Mrs. F. G. Brethour | Mrs. F. J. Clark | Mrs. Fern Lough | Mrs. Fletcher | Mrs. Foster | Mrs. Frances Arnold | Mrs. Frank | Mrs. Frank Beach | Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt | Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt | Mrs. Fred Athrop | Mrs. Frederick Davidson | Mrs. George Bunyard | Mrs. George Rawson | Mrs. Gwyn Lewis | Mrs. H. L. Smith | Mrs. Harriet Gentry | Mrs. Harrison | Mrs. Harry A. Norton | Mrs. Harry F. Little | Mrs. Helen Rooker | Mrs. Henry Bockstoce | Mrs. Henry Kalle | Mrs. Hobart M. Cable | Mrs. J. F. Rosenfield | Mrs. J. H. Neeley | Mrs. J. H. Perkins | Mrs. J. V. Edlund | Mrs. J. W. Simcox | Mrs. James Kelway | Mrs. James Wheeler | Mrs. Jennie R. Gowdy | Mrs. Jessop Hulton | Mrs. John M. Good | Mrs. John M. Kleitsch | Mrs. John M. Lewis | Mrs. John Smythe Fogg | Mrs. Julia E. Goodwin | Mrs. Kenneth Kelway | Mrs. Key | Mrs. Kunz | Mrs. Laura Coates Reed | Mrs. Lawrence | Mrs. Lee Pollock | Mrs. Livingston Farrand | Mrs. Louise B. Watts | Mrs. Love | Mrs. Lowe | Mrs. M. B. Beckett | Mrs. M. P. Clough | Mrs. Mac | Mrs. Mac | Mrs. McKinley | Mrs. McMillan | Mrs. Morgan Lewis | Mrs. Newcomb | Mrs. Pearl Long | Mrs. Philip Belben | Mrs. Philip Rungiman | Mrs. Pleas | Mrs. R. M. Bacheller | Mrs. R. T. Whitaker | Mrs. Reginald Balfour | Mrs. Rice | Mrs. Romaine B. Ware | Mrs. Roosevelt | Mrs. Rowland | Mrs. S. Gundry | Mrs. Shaylor Force | Mrs. Shuttleworth | Mrs. Springer Brooks | Mrs. Telfer MacArthur | Mrs. Tulleys | Mrs. V. N. Kruse | Mrs. Vick | Mrs. W. A. Rafferty | Mrs. W. C. Otis | Mrs. W. D. Bennett | Mrs. W. L. Gumm | Mrs. Waite | Mrs. Ward Welsh | Mrs. Wilder Bancroft | Mrs. Willard | Mrs. William Metcalfe | Mrs. Wm. Kelway | Mrs. Woodward | MRV-12 | Mt. Rokku | Mt. St. Helens | Muehnsai | Muhlenbecki | Mulan | Mulchelney | Mulligan | Multicolor | Multiflora | Multiflora | Multnomah | Mura-kumo | Murad of Hershey Bar | Muramatsu-Zakura | Murasaki-gasane | Murasaki-tsukasa | Murasamegumo | Mure-garasu | Murillo | Music Man | Muskogee | Mutabilis Plena | Mutso-hito | Mutsu | Mutsu-hito | My Brandy | My Darling Students | My Dream | My Goodness | My Love | My Own | My Pal Rudy | My Pet | My Petite Cherie | Myoko | | Myrick | Myron Bigger | Myron Branson | Myron D. Bigger | Myrtha | Myrtle | Myrtle Gentry | Myrtle Hough | Myrtle Reineke | Myrtle Rosenfield | Myrtle Tischler | Mystery | Mystic | Mystic Mood | Mystic Power | Mystic Rose


| Nadezhda | Nadia (hybrid lactiflora, Akimov) | Nadia | Nadia (hybrid, Saunders, 1934) | Nagao-No-Takara | Nagasaki | Nagoya Castle | Nahanton | Nan Keen | Nana-henge-shibori | Nana Sahib | Nance O'Neal | Nancy (hybrid, White, 1954) | Nancy (hybrid lactiflora, Lyma 1942) | Nancy Bonner | Nancy Dolman | Nancy Nicholls | Nancy Nora | Nanette | Nanette | Naniwa Nishiki | Naniwa-nishiki | Nankeen | Nanki-Poo | Nanticook | Naomi | Napoleana | Nara-No-Yada | Narcissus | Nasa | Nathalie (hybrid peony, Saunders, 1939) | Natural Beauty | Nature's Bouquet | Naubunishiki | Naughton | Nauvoo | Ne Plus Ultra | Ne Plus Ultra | Nebraska (hybrid suffruticosa, Unknow 1911) | Nebraska (hybrid lactiflora, Sass, 1939) | Nebraska (hybrid suffruticosa, Chow) | Necklace With Precious Pearls | Negricans | Nehoiden | Nehumkeag | Neige | Neko-wat | Nell Shaylor (hybrid lactiflora, Shaylor, 1919) | Nell Shaylor | Nellie B. Beckett | Nellie Brochet | Nellie Saylor | Nellie Shaylor (hybrid lactiflora, Krekler, 1967) | Neon | Neptune | Neptune | Nereid | Neron | Nettie Hutchinson | Nevada (hybrid lactiflora, Aute 1950) | Nevada (hybrid lutea, Chow, 1997) | New Delight | New Era | New Millenium | New Moon | New York | Newfoundland | Newmani | Nezhnyj | Ni Hong Huan Cai | Nice Gal | Nichi-getsu-kin | Nichi-getsu-nishiki | Nicholls 272 | Nick Shaylor | Nico | Niesa | Nigata Ten'yionomai | Nigatsu-no-yuki | Night Glow on Sacred Mountain | Night Watch | Nightcat | Nightingale | Nigra | Nigricans | Nihon kurenai | Nihonbeni | Nihonji | Nihonko | Niigata Otomenomai | Niigata Ten'nyonomai | Nike | Nikkamon | Nikki | Nikko | Nilitz | Nimbus | Nina Boehland | Nina Secor | Nina's Memory | Ninon | Nintaku | Nippon Beauty | Nippon-beni | Nippon Brilliant | Nippon Brilliant | Nippon Gold | Nippon-ko | Nippon Parade | Nippon Princess | Nippon Purple | Nippon Red | Nippon Splendor | Nippon Treasure | Nippon Triumph | Nippon-tsukasa | Nippon Warrior | Nippon-zakura | Nira | Niscite-Gawa | Nisei | Nishho | Nishi-kagura | Nishi-kotera | Nishi-no-umi | Nishigawa | Nishigetsunishiki | Nishiki-gasane | Nishiki-gawa | Nishiki-jima | Nishiki-jishi | Nishiki-no-en | Nishiki-no-mine | Nishiki-no-shitone | Nishiki-no-suso | Nishiki-no-tsuya | Nishiki-no-umi | Nishiki-shima | Nishikikimme | Nishki-no-shitone | Nisho-No-Shitone | Nishoo | Nissho | Nisshoki | Nisshoko | Nitida Plena | Nitta | Nivalis | Nivea Plena | No. 1 Scholar's Robe | No. Eighteen | No-kagura | Noah | Nobilissima | Nobilissima | Nobility | Nochida | Nodding Acquaintance | Noel | Noémie Demay | Noisette | Nokomis | Nome | Nominata | Nonda | Noonday | Norfolk | Norma Volz | Normalin | Norman Thomas | Normie | Norseman | Northbrook | Northern Crown | Northern Glory | Northern Lights | Northland | Noruginu | Norwegian Blush | Nosegay | Nova | Nova II | Novelty | Nuage Rouge | Nulli Secundus | Number 18 | Nuregararasu | Nymphaea | Nymphe


| O Fugi | O Shu Ken | Oahio Kun | Oberlin | Oboki | Oboro-juki | Obovata | Obsidian | Oceania | Octavie Demay | Odalisque | Odalisque | Odd Ball | Odd Fellow | Odd Lot | Odette | Odile | Odorata Maria | Odorata Plena | Odorata rosea | Odziana | OfficinaIis rosea superba | Officinalis | Officinalis albo-plena | Officinalis carnea plena | Officinalis Rosea Plena | Officinalis Rubra Plena | Officinalis rubro-plena | Ofuji-nishiki | Ofujinishiki | Oh-gonsome | Oh-gosho | Oh-kagura | Oh-kwan | Oh My | Ohanagasa | Ohenosato | Ohfujinishiki | Ohio's Pride | Ohirama | Ohsaha-do-uki | Ohshokun | Ohuchichime | Oimatsu | Oiraku | Oizuru | Okan | Oki | Oki-no-nami | Okina-jishi | Okinai-jishi | Okinama | Oklahoma | Okushimo | Old Faithful | Old Farmstead | Old Forge | Old Hundredth | Old Lace | Old Main | Old Rose Dandy | Old Silver Tip | Old Soldier | Ole Faithful | Ole' Red | Ole Red | Olga | Oliva | Olive Barrett | Olive Logan | Oliver F. Brand | Oliver P. Bayne | Oliver Twist | Olivia | Olivia Anne | Olivia Saunders | Olympia | Olympia's Song | Omar Pacha | Omega Rubra | Omoi-no-mama | Onahama | One Flower Smiles | One Grand | Oneida Chief | Onlooker | Onmeiden | Onondaga | Onslow | Opal | Opal Hamilton | Open Sesame | Opha | | Ophir | Opihi Red | Opium Purple | Opportune | Optima Omnium | Orange Blossoms | Orange Glory | Orange Lace | Orange Prince | Orby | Orchid Annie | Oread | Oread | Orgueil de Hong Kong | Ori-hime | Orient Jewel ® | Orient Jewels ® | Oriental Bride | Oriental Gold (hybrid lactiflora) | Oriental Gold (intersectiona Smirnow, 1954) | Oriental Pearl | Orientale Divinité | Oriflamme | Orion | Orlando Roberts | Orme | Ornament | Ornement de Nikita | Ornement des Massifs | Orpen (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway) | Orpen (hybrid, Unknown) | Orphée | Orphee | Orv | Osa-raku | Osage | Osaka | Osakazuki | Osceola | Oshio-kun | Osho-kun | Osiris | Osirus | Ostii | Ostrich Plume | Ostrina Lilacina | Ostrina Saturata | Otello | | Othonis | Otiri | Otohime | Otokoishi | Otome-no-mai | Ottawa | Otto Froebel | Ou Si Ki | Ou Si Kui | Ouchihime | Our American Cousin | Our Glad | Our Lady of Cuenca | Ouragan | Ourika | Over Easy | Owatonna | Owen F. Hughes | Oxford | Ozark Beauty | Ozark Beauty


| P. albiflora Pallas synonym | P. albiflora rosea | P. anomala (white) | P. anomala (violet) | P. anomala L. | P. anomala ssp. hybrida synonym | P. anomala subsp. veitchii Hong | P. anomala var. intermedia | P. arborea Donn synonym | P. arietina | P. bakeri | P. beresowskii Komarov synonym | P. biebersteiniana Rupr. synonym | P. broteroi | P. brownii | P. cambessedesii | P. cambessedesii Willk. | P. carthalinica Ketsk. synonym | P. chinensis | P. clusii | P. corallina major | P. corallina Retz synonym | P. corallina var. caucasica Schipczinsky synonym | P. coralloides | P. coriacea Boiss. | P. corsica Sieber ex Tausch | P. daurica Andrews | P. daurica ssp. coriifolia (Rupr.) D.Y.Hong | P. daurica ssp. macrophylla (Albow) D.Y. Hong | P. daurica ssp. mlokosewitschii (Lomakin) D.Y.Hong | P. daurica ssp. tomentosa (Lomakin) D. Y. Hong | P. daurica ssp. wittmanniana (Hartwiss ex Lindl.) D.Y.Hong | P. decomposita Hand.-Mazz. | P. decora G. Anderson synonym | P. delavayi 'Coffee Cream' | P. delavayi Franch. | P. delavayi var. angustiloba f. alba (Bean) S.G.Haw | P. delavayi var. angustiloba f. angustiloba | P. delavayi var. angustiloba f. trollioides | P. delavayi var. angustiloba Rehder & Wilson | P. delavayi var. delavayi f. delavayi | P. delavayi var. delavayi f. lutea S.G.Haw | P. edulis var. sinensis Sims | P. emodi var. sterniana (H.R. Fletcher) J.J. Halda | P. emodi Wall ex. Royle | P. humilis | P. humilis var. villosa (Huth.) F.C. Stern synonym | P. hybrida var. intermedia | P. intermedia auct. (non C.A. Mey) Hong & Zhou Synonym | P. japonica | P. japonica (Makino) Miyabe et Takeda synonym | P. japonica 'Mikado' | P. japonica 'Philomele' | P. japonica 'White Swan' | P. jishanensis T. Hong & W.Z.Zhao synonym | P. kesrouanensis (Thiébaut) Thiébaut | P. lactiflora 820607 | P. lactiflora 'Bev' | P. lactiflora 'Big Ben' | P. lactiflora 'Bowl of Beauty' | P. lactiflora 'Caroline Mather' | P. lactiflora 'Catharina Fontijn' | P. lactiflora 'Centennial' | P. lactiflora 'Charlie's White' | P. lactiflora 'Cherry Bomb' | P. lactiflora 'Cora Stubbs' | P. lactiflora 'Coral Supreme' | P. lactiflora 'Doreen' | P. lactiflora 'Duchesse de Nemours' | P. lactiflora 'Edulis Superba' | P. lactiflora 'Exotic' | P. lactiflora 'Felix Crousse' | P. lactiflora 'Festiva Maxima' | P. lactiflora 'François Ortegat' | P. lactiflora 'Gardenia' | P. lactiflora 'Gay Paree' | P. lactiflora 'Immaculee' | P. lactiflora 'Inspector Lavergne' | P. lactiflora 'Jacorma' | P. lactiflora 'Kansas' | P. lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfield' | P. lactiflora 'Kelway's Glorious' | P. lactiflora 'Konigin Wilhelmina' | P. lactiflora 'Krinkled White' | P. lactiflora 'Lady Alexander Duff' | P. lactiflora 'Laura Dessert' | P. lactiflora 'L'Eclatante' | P. lactiflora 'Lovely Rose' | P. lactiflora 'Miss America' | P. lactiflora 'Monsieur Jules Elie' | P. lactiflora 'Monsieur Martin Cahuzac' | P. lactiflora 'Moon River' | P. lactiflora 'Moonstone' | P. lactiflora 'Mother's Choice' | P. lactiflora 'Nice Gal' | P. lactiflora Pallas | P. lactiflora 'Pillow Talk' | P. lactiflora 'President Roosevelt' | P. lactiflora 'Primevere' | P. lactiflora 'Prof. Wóycicki' | P. lactiflora 'Raspberry Sundae' | P. lactiflora 'Red Charm' | P. lactiflora 'Red Magic' | P. lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhardt' | P. lactiflora 'Scarlett O'Hara' | P. lactiflora 'Sea Shell' | P. lactiflora 'Shirley Temple' | P. lactiflora 'Single Pink' | P. lactiflora 'Single Red' | P. lactiflora 'Sir Edward Elgar' | P. lactiflora 'Sir John Franklin' | P. lactiflora 'Superior' | P. lactiflora 'Suruga' | P. lactiflora 'Susan B. White' | P. lactiflora 'Susie Q' | P. lactiflora 'Susie Smith' | P. lactiflora 'Sweet 16' | P. lactiflora 'Sweet Melody' | P. lactiflora 'Sword Dance' | P. lactiflora 'Tamate-Boku' | P. lactiflora 'Tel Star' | P. lactiflora 'Tempest' | P. lactiflora 'Terry Grudem' | P. lactiflora 'The Admiral' | P. lactiflora 'The Fawn' | P. lactiflora 'The Mighty Mo' | P. lactiflora 'Thérèse' | P. lactiflora 'Thura Hires' | P. lactiflora 'Tish' | P. lactiflora 'To Kalon' | P. lactiflora 'Tokio' | P. lactiflora 'Tom Eckhardt' | P. lactiflora 'Tondeleyo' | P. lactiflora 'Top Hat' | P. lactiflora 'Topeka Garnet' | P. lactiflora 'Toro-No-Maki' | P. lactiflora 'Torpilleur' | P. lactiflora 'Tourangelle' | P. lactiflora 'Trafford W. Bigger' | P. lactiflora 'Triomphe de l'Exposition de Lille' | P. lactiflora 'Truly Yours' | P. lactiflora 'Truth' | P. lactiflora 'Umbellata Rosea' | P. lactiflora 'Uncle Tom' | P. lactiflora 'Unknown Soldier' | P. lactiflora 'Up Front' | P. lactiflora 'Ursyn Niemcewicz' | P. lactiflora 'Vanity' | P. lactiflora 'Victoire de la Marne' | P. lactiflora 'Victory' | P. lactiflora 'Victory Chateau Thierry' | P. lactiflora 'Viette's Japanese White' | P. lactiflora 'Viking Chief' | P. lactiflora 'Ville de Nancy' | P. lactiflora 'Virginia Dare' | P. lactiflora 'Virginia Lee' | P. lactiflora 'Vivid Rose' | P. lactiflora 'Vogue' | P. lactiflora 'Walter Faxon' | P. lactiflora 'Walter Marx' | P. lactiflora 'Ward Welsh' | P. lactiflora 'Washington' | P. lactiflora 'West Elkton' | P. lactiflora 'West Hill' | P. lactiflora 'Westerner' | P. lactiflora 'White Cap' | P. lactiflora 'White Eagle' | P. lactiflora 'White Frost' | P. lactiflora 'White Gold' | P. lactiflora 'White Perfection' | P. lactiflora 'White Sands' | P. lactiflora 'White Wings' | P. lactiflora 'Whitleyi' | P. lactiflora 'Whitleyi Major' | P. lactiflora 'Wiesbaden' | P. lactiflora 'Wilford Johnson' | P. lactiflora 'William Cousins' | P. lactiflora 'William F. Turner' | P. lactiflora 'William Pickett' | P. lactiflora 'Wine Red' | P. lactiflora 'Winnifred Domme' | P. lactiflora 'Wrinkles and Krinkles' | P. lactiflora 'Yangfeichuyu' | P. lactiflora 'Yellow King' | P. lactiflora 'Zenith' | P. lactiflora 'Zuzu' | P. lagodechiana Kem.-Nath. synonym | P. lobata Desfontaines synonym | P. lobata 'Elsi' | P. lobata 'Sunbeam' | P. ludlowii (Stern and Taylor) D.Y. Hong | P. ludlowii 'Fender Bender' | P. lutea Franch. synonym | P. lutea var. ludlowii F.C. Stern and Taylor Synonym | P. macrophylla (Albov) Lomakin synonym | P. mairei Lévl. | P. majko Ketzsch. synonym | P. mascula (L.) Miller | P. mascula ssp. russoi (Biv.) Cullen & Heywood | P. mascula subsp. arietina | P. mascula subsp. arietina (Anders.) Cullen & Heywood | P. mascula subsp. atlantica | P. mascula subsp. coriacea (Boiss.) Malagarriga synonym | P. mascula subsp. hellenica | P. mascula subsp. mascula | P. mascula subsp. russii (Biv.) Cullen & Heywood | P. mascula subsp. triternata Stearn & P.H.Davis synonym | P. mlokosewitschii Lomakin synonym | P. mollis Anderson | P. moutan banksii | P. moutan Sims synonym | P. Moutan var. papaveracea | P. obovata | P. obovata alba | P. obovata Maxim. | | P. obovata var. alba | P. officinalis | P. officinalis 'Alba Plena' | P. officinalis 'Anemoneflora Rosea' | P. officinalis anemoniflora | P. officinalis 'Anemoniflora Rosea' | P. officinalis 'Blanda' | P. officinalis 'Carnescens' | P. officinalis 'China Rose' | P. officinalis Crimson Globe | P. officinalis flore albo | P. officinalis flore incarnato | P. officinalis mollis | P. officinalis 'Monte Baldo' | P. officinalis 'Rosea' | P. officinalis rosea plena | P. officinalis Rosea Superba Plena | P. officinalis 'Rubra' | P. officinalis rubra plena | P. officinalis ssp. huthii A. Soldano | P. officinalis subsp. banatica (Rochel) Soó | P. officinalis subsp. humilis | P. officinalis subsp. macrocarpa | P. officinalis subsp. officinalis | P. officinalis subsp. villosa (Huth) Cullen & Heywood | P. officinalis 'The Sultan' | P. oreogeton S. Moore Synonym | P. ostii T. Hong & J. X. Zhang | P. ozieri 'Alba' synonym | P. parnassica | P. peregrina | P. peregrina 'Fire King' | P. peregrina Miller | P. peregrina 'Osbourne' | P. peregrina 'Otto Froebel' | P. peregrina 'Sunshine' | P. peregrina var. grevillei Anderson | P. potaninii 'Alba' | P. potaninii Komarov synonym | P. potaninii trollioides synonym | P. pubens Sims synonym | P. qiui Y. L. Pei & D. Y. Hong | P. rockii 'Arnold Arboretum' | P. rockii 'Highdown' | P. rockii subsp. linyanshanii T. Hong et G. L. Osti synonym | P. rockii T. Hong & J. J. Li ex D. Y. Hong | P. rockii 'UK Form' | P. ruprechtiana Kem.-Nath. synonym | P. russii Biv. basionym | P. saueri D.Y. Hon X.Q. Wang et D.M. Zhang | P. sibirica Pallas Synonym | P. sinjiangensis | P. spontanea (Rehder) T. Hong & W. Z. Zhao | P. sterniana H.R. Fletcher | P. steveniana Kem.-Nath. synonym | P. suffruticosa | P. suffruticosa 'Amateur Forest' | P. suffruticosa Andrews var. spontanea Rehd. synonym | P. suffruticosa 'Arahi No Sora' | P. suffruticosa 'Arashi-yama' | P. suffruticosa 'Baronne d'Ales' | P. suffruticosa 'Beauty of Tokyo' | P. suffruticosa 'Belle d'Orleans' | P. suffruticosa 'Best Student of Peonies' | P. suffruticosa 'Big Deep Purple' | P. suffruticosa 'Carnea Plena' | P. suffruticosa 'Caroline of Italy' | P. suffruticosa 'Choraku' | P. suffruticosa 'Companion of Serenity' | P. suffruticosa 'Comtesse de Tuder' | P. suffruticosa 'Eugene Verdier' | P. suffruticosa 'Ezra Pound' | P. suffruticosa 'Feng Dan Bai' | P. suffruticosa 'Flora' | P. suffruticosa 'Fragans Maxima Plena' | P. suffruticosa 'Fuji No Mine' | P. suffruticosa 'Genjoraku' | P. suffruticosa 'Georges Paul' | P. suffruticosa 'Gessekai' | P. suffruticosa 'Godaishu' | P. suffruticosa 'Goshozakura' | P. suffruticosa 'Guardian of the Monastery' | P. suffruticosa 'Gunphoden' | P. suffruticosa 'Gunpouden' | P. suffruticosa 'Hakubanryu' | P. suffruticosa 'Hakugan' | P. suffruticosa 'Hakuojishi' | P. suffruticosa 'Hanadaijin' | P. suffruticosa 'Hanakisoi' | P. suffruticosa 'Hatsugarashu' | P. suffruticosa 'Hatsugarasu' | P. suffruticosa 'Higurashi' | P. suffruticosa 'Higure' | P. suffruticosa 'Hinode-sekai' | P. suffruticosa 'Hisiana Alba' | P. suffruticosa 'Hoki' | P. suffruticosa 'Horakumon' | P. suffruticosa 'Howki' | P. suffruticosa 'Hu Hong' | P. suffruticosa 'Hu's Family Red' | P. suffruticosa 'Imitation of a Lotus Flower' | P. suffruticosa 'Intoxicated Celestial Peach' | P. suffruticosa 'Itaou' | P. suffruticosa 'Iwato-kagami' | P. suffruticosa 'Jealousy of One Hundred Flowers' | P. suffruticosa 'Jeanne d'Arc' | P. suffruticosa 'Jitsugetsu-nishiki' | P. suffruticosa 'Kamata-fuji' | P. suffruticosa 'Kamata-nishiki' | P. suffruticosa 'Kao's Cap Purple' | P. suffruticosa 'Kaow' | P. suffruticosa 'Kikubotan' | P. suffruticosa 'Kinpukurin' | P. suffruticosa 'Kinshi' | P. suffruticosa 'Kirin No Tsuka' | P. suffruticosa 'Kishu Caprice' | P. suffruticosa 'Koikagura' | P. suffruticosa 'Kokamon' | P. suffruticosa 'Kukuryu-nishiki' | P. suffruticosa 'Kumagai' | P. suffruticosa 'Lactea' | P. suffruticosa 'Lilith' | P. suffruticosa 'Louise Mouchelet' | P. suffruticosa 'Madame Andre Devillers' | P. suffruticosa 'Madame Emile Joubert' | P. suffruticosa 'Madame Victor Gillier' | P. suffruticosa 'Mistress of the Monastery' | P. suffruticosa 'Mizukage' | P. suffruticosa 'Mont Vesuve' | P. suffruticosa 'Naniwa-nishiki' | P. suffruticosa 'Nihonko' | P. suffruticosa 'Niigata Ten'nyonomai | P. suffruticosa 'Nishigetsunishiki' | P. suffruticosa 'Nishoo' | P. suffruticosa 'Ohfujinishiki' | P. suffruticosa 'Osirus' | P. suffruticosa papaveracea | P. suffruticosa 'Prince de Troubetskoy' | P. suffruticosa 'Princess Amelie' | P. suffruticosa 'Reine des Violettes' | P. suffruticosa 'Reine Elisabeth' | P. suffruticosa 'Renkaku' | P. suffruticosa 'Rimpou' | P. suffruticosa 'Sahohime' | P. suffruticosa 'Samarang' | P. suffruticosa 'Savii' | P. suffruticosa 'Saygio-Sakura' | P. suffruticosa 'Shendan lu' | P. suffruticosa 'Shen's Brilliant' | P. suffruticosa 'Shichifukujin' | P. suffruticosa 'Shimadaigin' | P. suffruticosa 'Shimanishiki' | P. suffruticosa 'Shin Kumagai' | P. suffruticosa 'Shintenchi' | P. suffruticosa 'Shiunden' | P. suffruticosa 'Shugugyokuden' | P. suffruticosa 'Souvenir de Madame Knorr' | P. suffruticosa spp. Rockii (Red) | P. suffruticosa spp Rockii (Pink) | P. suffruticosa 'Stolen Heaven' | P. suffruticosa 'Sylphide' | P. suffruticosa 'Taishono-hikari' | P. suffruticosa 'Taiyo' | P. suffruticosa 'Tama Sudare' | P. suffruticosa 'Tamasudare' | P. suffuticosa 'Duchesse de Morny' | P. szechuanica Fang synonym | P. tenuifolia | P. tenuifolia L. | P. tenuifolia 'Latifolia' | P. tenuifolia 'Plena' | P. tenuifolia 'Rosea' | P. tenuifolia 'Rubra Plena' | P. tenuifolia subsp. lithophila Kotov synonym | P. tomentosa (Lomakin) N. Busch synonym | P. triternata auct. non Pallas ex DC f. coriifolia synonym | P. triternata Pall. ex DC synonym | P. turcica P. H. Davis & Cullen Synonym | P. veitchii 'Alba' | P. veitchii Lnych synonym | P. veitchii penstemon | P. veitchii var. beresowskii Schipczinsky synonym | P. veitchii var. woodwardii (Cox) Stern synonym | P. vernalis Mandl. Synonym | P. villosa | P. wittmanniana Hartwiss ex Lindl. synonym | P. wittmanniana ssp. tomentosa (Lomakin) Busch synonym | P. wittmanniana Stev. var. tomentosa Lomakin synonym | P. wittmanniana Steven synonym | P. wittmanniana var. nudicarpa Schipczinsky synonym | P. woodwardii Stern & Cox synonym | P. X baokangensis Z. L. Dal & T. Hong | P. X bergiana | P. X hybrida | P. X lemoinei 'Alice Harding' | P. X lemoinei 'Chromatella' | P. X lemoinei 'Eldorado' | P. X lemoinei 'L'Espérance' | P. X lemoinei Rehder | P. x saundersii Stebbins | P. X smouthii | P. X suffruticosa Andrews | P. X yananensis T. Hong & M.R.Li | P. yananensis | P. yunnanensis | Pacific Beauty | Pacific Wonderlanz | Paddy's Red | Paeonia fimbriata, semi-sphaerico plena | Paeonia mascula ssp. bodurii | Paeonia media | Paeonia officinalis var. Staminea Nob. | Paeonia paradoxa fimbriata var. Rosea striata plena Jacq. | Paeonia paradoxa macranthera Nobis | Paeonia sinensis alba plena | Paeonia sinensis rubra plena | Pageant | Pai-fang | Painted Desert | Painted Dragon | Painted Lady | Painted Star | Pal | Palace of Gems | Paladin | Pale Primrose | Pallas | Pallida semi plena | Pan Pan | Panama | Pandora | Panorama | Papaveracea | Papaveracea Alba Plena | Papaveracea Flora Plena | Papaveracea Pallida Semi-plena | Papaveracea Plena | Papaveracea Pomponia | Papaveracea Rosea Grandiflora | Papaveracea Stellata Flora Plena | Papaveriflora | Paper White | Papilio | Papillon | Papoose | Paradise | Paragon | Paramount | Paree Fru Fru | Paris Gown | Parmentieri | Partial Eclipse | Party Dress | Party Dress | Party Girl | Party Gown | Parviflora | Passadumkeag | Pastel | Pastel Gem | Pastel Splendor | Pastel Star | Pastel Sunrise | Pastelorama | Pasteur | Pastoral | Pat Victor | Path Lighter | Pathfinder | Patience | Patricia | Patricia Hanratty | Patrician | Patrick Henry | Patriot | Patty | Paul Bunyan | Paul Fischer | Paul Friesen | Paul Janus | Paul M. Wild | Paul Revere (hybrid lactiflora, Aute 1939) | Paul Revere (hybrid lactiflora, Hollis) | Paul Verdier | Paula Fay | Pauline | Pauline Henry | Pauline Kunderd | Pavillon | Payoff | Pea Green | Peace (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway) | Peace (hybrid lactiflora, Murawska, 1955) | Peach Blossoms Holding Gold | Peach Boy | Peach Delight | Peach Fluff | Peach Glow | Peach Strudel | Peachblow | Peaches & Cream (hybrid lutea) | Peachy | Peachy Pink Cobbler | Peachy Rose | Peacock Pride | Pearl Harbor | Pearled Dove | Pearled Rose | Pêcher Rosé | Pedro | Pee Wee Pink | Peep-o-Day | Peerless | Peewee | Peg o' My Heart | Peggy | Pehrson's Violet Frisbee | Pelham | Pelkovick Kosyanec | Pennacook | Pennsylvania | Penny Royal | Peoria | Pepite d'Or | Peppermint (hybrid lactiflora, Cooper) | Peppermint (hybrid lactiflora, Nicholls, 1958) | Peppermint Patti | Peppermint Stick | Peppermint Swirl | Pere Marquette | Perfect Gift | Perfect Joy | Perfect Picture | Perfection | Perfection | Perihelion | Perle Blanche | Perle des Blanches | Perle Rose | Pernetti | Perosi | Persephone | Persepolis (hybrid lutea, Daphnis) | Persepolis | Persichini | Pesnia Vetra | Petagra | Petal Poem | Pete | Peter Brand | Peter Faneuil | Peter-James | Peter Oleson | Peter Pan (hybrid lactiflora, Hollis, 1907) | Peter Pan (hybrid lactiflora, Aute 1939) | Peter Piper | Peter the Great | Peterson | Petite Elegance | Petite Fée | Petite Lass | Petite Louise | Petite Porcelain | Petite Princess | Petite Renée | Petite Rubies | Petticoat Flounce | Petticoat Parade | Pfeiffer's Red Triumph | Phaedra (hybrid lutea, Daphnis, 1963) | Phaedra | Phaenicia | Phaenicia odorata plena | Phaenicia rubra odorata | Phaenicia rubra odorata plena | Phantom | Phenix | Philadelphia | Philip G. Corliss | Philippe Rivoire | Philomele | Phoebe Cary | Phoebus | Phoenix | Phyllis Kelway | Piazza View | Picasso | Pico | Picotee | Picta | Picture | Picturesque | Pie IX | Pie Plate | Pierre Debatène | Pierre Dessert | Pierre Duchartre | Pierre Reignoux | Pierre Vercourt | Pietertje Vriend Wagenaar | Pilgrim | Pillow Cases | Pillow Talk | Pinafore | Ping Ding Hong | Ping Shi Yan | Ping Wing | Pink 831 | Pink Angel | RPink Baroness Schroeder | Pink Beauty (hybrid lactiflora, Risk, 1929) | Pink Beauty (hybrid lactiflora, Sass, 1937) | Pink Bishop | Pink Bonnet | Pink Cameo | Pink Chalice | Pink Champagne | Pink Charm | Pink Charmer | Pink Chiffon | Pink Cotton Candy | Pink Crescendo | Pink Cuddles | Pink Dawn | Pink Delight (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, pre 1928) | Pink Delight (hybrid lactiflora, Klehm, 1995) | Pink Derby | Pink Dogwood Whisper | Pink Domino | Pink Double Dandy | Pink Dragon | Pink Farandole | Pink Firefly | Pink Flamingo | Pink Formal | Pink Frost | Pink Fuchsia Potpourri | Pink Gem | Pink Giant | Pink Giggles | Pink Glow | Pink Goodness | Pink Harmonie | Pink Harmony | Pink Hawaiian Coral | Pink Heart Throb | Pink Jap | Pink Jazz | Pink Jitterbug | Pink Kisses | Pink Lady | Pink Lemonade | Pink Lotus (syn. 'Feng He') | Pink Lotus (syn. 'Ruo Fu Rong') | Pink Luau | Pink Lustre | Pink Magneto | Pink Monarch | Pink Mound | Pink 'n' Gold | Pink 'n' White Terra | Pink o' Dawn | Pink Panther | Pink Parasol Surprise | Pink Parfait | Pink Passion | Pink Patterns | Pink Pearl (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, 1898) | Pink Pearl (hybrid, Reath, 1990) | Pink Pearl (hybrid lactiflora, Sass, 1937) | Pink Perfection | Pink Phoenix | Pink Platters | Pink Pleasure | Pink Pom Pom | Pink Pompon | Pink Pride | Pink Princess | Pink Prolific | Pink Radiance | Pink Rosette | Pink Salutation | Pink Salute | Pink Sea Foam | Pink Showoff | Pink Solange | Pink Spinners | Pink Spritzer | Pink Swan | Pink Sweet Pea | Pink Symphony | Pink Taffeta | Pink Tea Cup | Pink Teacup | | Pink Tranquility | Pink Tutti Frutti | Pink Vanguard | Pink Venus | Pink Wonder | Pinkaboo | Pinkeye | Pinnacle | Pinnacle | Pioneer | Piou-Piou | Piqua | Pirate Flag | Pirate's Gold | Pirate's Patch | Pistol Star | Pitney | Pitti Sinn | Pivoine de la Chine pleine blanche | Pivoine de la Chine pleine rouge | Pivoine en arbre pourpre violacée | Pivoine fimbriée double semi-spherique | Pivoine fimbriée rose striée double | Pivoine moyenne | Pivoine officinale à grandes étamines | Pivoine paradoxe à grande anthéres | Pixie | Placid Charm | Plainsman | Plantation | Play With Fire | Playmate | Playtime | Pleas' Jubilee | Pleas' Queen | Pleasant Point | Pleasure | Pleasure | Plena | Plena | Plenifolia | Plenissima lilacina major | Plenissima Rosea Superba | Pluto (hybrid lutea, Daphnis, 1976) | Plymouth | Po-chiao | Pobeda | Pocahontas | Poète Frédéric Mistral | Polar King | Polar Star | Polished Brass | Pollen King | Polly Prim | Polly Prim | Polly Sharp | Polyhymnia | Pom Pom | Pom Pom | Pomona | Pompadour | Pompilia | Pompon Chamois | Pomponette | Pomponia | Pond Lily | Ponemah | Porpentine | Port Royale | Portia | Postilion | Potaninii | Pottsi Plena | Pottsii | Powder Puff | Praeclara | Prairie Afire | Prairie Charm | Prairie Moon | Prairie Moonlight | Prairie Princess | Prairie Rose | Prairie Splendor | Prairie Star | Prairie State | Prairie Sunshine | Prairy Moon | Preble | Prélude | Premier Yoshida | President Brorgniart | President Coolidge | President de Montzey | President Franklin D. Roosevelt | President Garfield | President Lincoln | President Poincaré | President Roosevelt | President Taft | President Viger | President W. H. Taft | President Wilson | Presto | Priam | Pride of Essex | Pride of Hong Kong | Pride of Huish | Pride of Langport | Pride of McHenry | Pride of Nippon | Pride of Paulding | Pride of Portland | Pride of Remington | Pride of Somerset | Prima Donna | Primavera | Primevère | Prince Albert | Prince Albert | Prince Alexander | Prince Alexandre | Prince Bismarck | Prince Charming | Prince de Metternich | Prince de Prusse | Prince de Salm Dyck | Prince de Talindyke | Prince de Troubetskoy | Prince de Wagram | Prince d'Orange | Prince Frederick | Prince George | Prince Henry | Prince Imperial | Prince of Darkness | Prince of Japs | Prince of Midnight | Prince of Paulding | Prince of the Netherlands | Prince of Wales | Prince of Wales | Prince of Wales | Prince Pierre Galitzin | Prince Pierre Troubetskoy | Prince Prosper | Prince Troubetzkoy | Prince William | Princess | Princess Alva | Princess Amelie | Princess Bride | Princess Charm | Princess Chiffon | Princess Deligne | Princess Duleep Singh | Princess Ellen | Princess Frederick | Princess Irene | Princess Juliana | Princess Margaret | Princess Margaret Rose | Princess Mary | Princess Mathilda | Princess Maud | Princess May | Princess of Monaco | | Princess Olga | Princesse Amélie | Princesse Clotilde | Princesse de Metternich | Princesse de Midoff | Princesse de Prusse | Princesse d'Orange | Princesse Galitzin | Princesse Marie de Pays Bas | Princesse Mathilde | Princesse Nicolas Bibesco | Princesse Sophie | Priscilla Alden | Pristina | Prize Gift | Proctor | Prof. Wóycicki | Professeur C. Potrat | Professeur de Koninck | Professeur de Savoye | Professeur Eduard Morren | Professor Budd | Professor K. Grybauskas | Professor Mackintosh | Professor Morse | Prolifera Tricolor | Prometheus | Prosiates | Prosperity | Prosperity Maud | Prosperous Mansion | Prudence | Psyche | Psyche | Pulcherima | Pulcherrima | Pumila | Punicea | Pure Delight | Pure Joy | Pure Love | Puritan Maid | Puritan Maid | Purity | Purity | Purity | Purity | Purple | Purple Abode of Immortals | Purple Chancellor | Purple Cloud Fairy | Purple Cup (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, pre 1913) | Purple Cup (hybrid lactiflora, Secor, 1924) | Purple Dawn | Purple Diva | Purple Dragon | Purple Dynasty | Purple Emperor | Purple Gem | Purple in a Square | Purple Infante | Purple King (hybrid rockii, Unknown) | Purple King (hybrid lutea, Chow) | Purple Lilac | Purple Moon | Purple Patch | Purple Premier | Purple Prince | Purple Princess | Purple Queen | Purple Robe | Purple Silk Ball | Purple Spider ® | Purple Treasures | Purpurea | Purpurea Lilacina | Purpurea Monstrosa | Purpurea Plena | Purpurea plena undulata | Purpurea Superba | Purpurea violacea plena | Purpurescens | Pyramidal


| Qi Hua Lu Shuang | Qian Dui Xue | Qiao Ling | Qie Lan Dan Sha | Qing Chun | Qing Long Wo Mo Chi | Qing Shan Guan Xue | Qing Wen | Qing Xiang Bai | Qiui | Qu Hua La Shang | Quad F2 | Quad F3 | Quad Gelb | Quaker Dress | Quaker Lady | Quaker Maid | Quaker Pride | Quality Folk | Queen | Queen Alexandra | Queen Amelia | Queen Bee | Queen Bess | Queen Elizabeth | Queen Emma | Queen of Denmark | Queen of Hamburg | Queen of Hearts | Queen of Lotus Root | Queen of May | Queen of Sheba | Queen of the Belgians | Queen of the Dawn | Queen of The Pleasance | Queen of the Violets | Queen Rose | Queen Sophia | Queen Victoria | Queen Wilhelmina | Queen's Choice | Queen's Perfection | Queenstown Wonderland | NQui Hua Lu Shuang | Quilt Show | Quincy | Quite Content | Quitzin | Qun Ying


| R-10 | R. A. Napier | R.P. Whitfield | R. P. Whitfield | Rachel | Rachel | Radetzky | Radiance | Radiance of Fuyo | Radiant Moonbeam | Radiant Red | Radix Paeonae Alba | Radix Paeonae Rubra | Radjiana | Rag Doll | Rag Doll | Raggedy Ann (hybrid lactiflora, Krekler, 1958) | Raggedy Ann (intersectional hybrid, Anderson) | Raggedy Anne | Rahab | Raiden | Rainbow Spring | Rainbow Tint | Raleigh | Ralph Clausen | Ralph Miller Hopkins | Ralph Smith | Rambler | Ramona | Ramona Lins | Ramona Lins | Ranieri | Ranzan | Raoul Dessert | Raphael | Raphael | Rapture | Rare Brocade | Rare Carving | Rare China | Rare Etching | Rare Flower of Frosty Dew | Rashoomon | Raspberry Charm | Raspberry Clown | Raspberry Firefly | Raspberry Ice | Raspberry Rose | Raspberry Rumba | Raspberry Splash | Raspberry Sundae | Raspberry Swirl | Raspberry Twist | Rauenthal | Rawesi | Ray Patton | Ray Payton | Reath No. E-78 | Reath No. F-10 | Reath No. F-3 | Reba Shaw | Rebecca | Rebecca Hunter | Rebecca Wright | Rebel | Red Alert | Red Ball | Red Beauty (hybrid, Aute 1956) | Red Beauty (hybrid lactiflora, Smirnow, 1978) | Red Beauty (hybrid lactiflora, Van Leeuwe 1924) | Red Bird | Red Black 'n' Gold | Red Carpet (hybrid lactiflora, Wild, 1965) | Red Carpet (hybrid lutea, Seidl/Sutherland, 2001) | Red Champion | Red Charm | Red Cherub | Red Cloud | Red Cockade | Red Comet | Red Compass Rose | Red Cross | Red Currant | Red Dandy | Red Dawn | Red Delight | Red Diadem | Red Dragon | Red Dragon in Red Pool | Red Elie | Red Emperor | Red Ensign | Red Eyed Susie | Red Feathers | Red Giant (hybrid lactiflora, Glasscock, 1939) | Red Globe | Red Glory | Red Goddess | Red Grace | Red Hall | Red Harmony | Red Horizon | Red Imp | Red Jacket | Red Jacket | Red Jade | Red King | Red Knight | Red Lacquer | Red Lotus (syn. 'Lu He Hong') | Red Lotus (syn. 'Hong Lian') | Red Magic | Red Monarch | Red of Hemp Leaves | Red Peony of Constantinople | Red Queen | Red Rascal | Red Rascal | Red Red Rose | Red Riding Hood | Red Robe | Red Rocket | Red Romance | Red Royal Robe | Red Sarah Bernhardt | Red Satin | Red Seal | Red Signal | Red Slippers | Red Sprite | Red Star | Red Sun | Red Sunrise | Red Top | Red Triumph | Red Velvet | Red Warrior | Red Windflower | Red Wing | Red Wonder | Redcliffs | Redkey | Redon | Redtruth | Reeves Grandiflora Rubra | Reevesiana | Reflection | Reform | Regal | Regal Tapestry | Regalis | Regent | Regia | Regina Belgica | Reginae | Reginald | Rei-Kai-Zan | Reigyoku | Reine Amélie | Reine Baronet | Reine Blanche | Reine de Mai | Reine de Prusse | Reine Deluxe | Reine des Beautés | Reine des Belges | Reine des Fleurs (hybrid suffruticosa, Donkelaer, 1873) | Reine des Fleurs (hybrid lactiflora, Guéri 1850) | Reine des Français | Reine des Violettes | Reine Elisabeth | Reine Hortense | Reine Marie | Reine Supreme | Reine Victoria (hybrid lactiflora, Guéri 1845) | Reine Victoria | Reine Wilhelmine | RELSW6 | Rembrandt | Remembrance | Remembrance | Renato | Renée-Marie | Renjo-no-tama | Renkaku | Renown (hybrid lutea, Saunders, 1949) | Renown (hybrid, Aute 1956) | Renykens | Requiem | Resplendent | Retta | Reverend H. N. Tragitt | | Reverie | Reverse Magic | Reward | Rhapsody | Rhea | Rhea | Rhonda | Richard Carvel | Richardson's Perfection | Richmond | Rico | Right Royal | Right Smart Pretty | Rigolote | Rigolotte | Rigolotto | Rimpo | Rimpoh | Rimpou | Ring Leader | Ring of Fire | Rinhosen | Rinokino | Rinpo | Rinzi | Rising Sun | Rita | River Mist | Rivida | Rivière Pourpre | Roaring Meg | Robert | Robert Burns | Robert E. Lee | Robert Fortune | Robert Lee Davis | Robert S. Crawford | Robert W. Auten | Roberta | Roberta Erickson | Roberta Southard | Robin Hood | Robin Hood | Robinson | Rocket's Red Glare | Rockii | Rockii 'American Form' | Rockii 'British Form' | Rock's UK | Rock's US | Jock's Variety | Rock's Variety double form | Rock's X Cameron | Rococo | Rogetsu | Roi de Prusse | Roi des Belges | Roland | Rolling Ridges | Roman Gold | Romance | | Rooster Reveille | Rosa | Rosa Bella | Rosa Bonheur | Rosa Gallica | Rosa Klose | Rosa magna | Rosa Manetti | Rosa Maria | Rosa Mundi | Rosabel | Rosabelle | Rosacca | Rosada | Rosalba | Rosalie | | Rosalita | Rosamond | Rosamond Grant | Rosanna | Rosary | Rosaurea | Rose Beauty | Rose Bowl | Rose Cavalier | Rose Chérie | Rose Crystal | Rose d'Amour | Rose Diamond | Rose Fantasy | Rose Flame | Rose Fluff | Rose Fritters | Rose Garland | Rose Glory (hybrid lactiflora, Otis, 1940) | Rose Glory (hybrid lactiflora, Rosenfield) | Rose Gnome | Rose Heart | Rose Here | Rose Marie (hybrid, Auten-Glasscock, 1936) | Rose Marie (hybrid lactiflora, Lins, 1958) | Rose Mist | Rose Noble | Rose of Delight | Rose of Heaven | Rose of Miamis | Rose of Nippon | Rose of Tralee | Rose Pearl | Rose Queen | Rose Quintal | Rose Rays | Rose Red | Rose Reverence | Rose Ruffles | Rose Shaylor | Rose Standish | Rose Triumph | Rose Tulip | Rose Unique | Rose Valley | Rosea | Rosea | Rosea elegans | Rosea Eliarsi | Rosea grandiflora | Rosea Odorata | Rosea Plena (hybrid suffruticosa, Unknow pre 1838) | Rosea Plena (hybrid officinalis) | Rosea plena major | Rosedale | Roselegance | Roselete | Roselette (hybrid peony, Saunders, 1950) | Roselette's Child | Roselette's Grandchild | Roselita | Rosella May | Rosella Meyer | Roselthea | Rosemarie Lins | Rosemary | Rosennymphe | Roseolens | Rosette | Rosewill | Rosina | Rosine | Rossini | Rosy Cheek | Rosy Dawn (hybrid lactiflora, Barr) | Rosy Dawn (hybrid lactiflora, Pleas) | Rosy Dell | Rosy Gem | Rosy Glow | Rosy Prospects | Rosy Rapture | Rosy Rim | Rosy Wreath | Rotarian | Rotunda | Rou Fu Rong | Rouge Noelle | Rouge Ribbons | Rouge Speckled Jade | Rowena Brown | | Roy Pehrson's Best Yellow | Roy Robinson | Roy W. Goddard | Royal Albatross | Royal Carriage | Royal Charter | Royal Red | Royal Robe | Royal Rose | Royal Souvenir | Royal Tot | Royalty | Roykukocho | Rozella | Ruan Yu Wen Xiang | Rubaiyat | Rubanne de Flandre | Rubens (lactiflora, Delâche, 1854) | Ruberrima | Rubicon | Rubida | Rubie Battey | Rubin | Rubinschale | Rubio | Rubra | Rubra Grandiflora | Rubra Maculata | Rubra plena | Rubra Superba | Ruby | Ruby Bay | Ruby Delight | Ruby King | Ruby Light | Ruby Port | Ruby Queen | Ruby Red Crown on Crane | Ruby Slippers | Rubyette | Rüdesheim | Rudyard Kipling | Rudyard Kipling | Ruffled Bonnets | Ruffled Clouds | Ruffled Pink Petticoats | Ruffled Sunset | Ruffled Swan | Ruhm von Belslin | Ruigegno | Ruigeje | Rumba | Rumpled Pink | Rumpled Rose Ruffles | Ruriban | Rushlight | Russell Alger | Russi Major | Ruth Brand | Ruth Clay | Ruth Cobb | Ruth Elizabeth | Ruth Elizabeth | Ruth Force | Ruth Gallagher | Ruth Hagen | Ruth Lockie | Ruth Markle | Ruth Olson | Ruthie | Rutila | Ruy Blas | Ryo-kimon | Ryokimon | Ryu-gujo | Ryuko | Ryukyubeni


| S. F. Wood | S. G. Harris | S129 | S178 | S198 | S26 | S29 | S298 | S327 | S508 | S541 | S542 | S93 | Sabini | Sable | Sada Evans | Sada Walker | Saffron Innocence | Sagamore | Sagarbeni | Sagoroma | Saho-hime | Sahohime | Saien | Saigyo-zakura | Sail Away | Sainfoin | Saishoji | Sakura-gasane | Sakura-jishi | Sakura-kagami | Sakura-nippon | Sally | Salmon Beauty | Salmon Chiffon | Salmon Dream | Salmon Glory | Salmon Glow | Salmon Hayes | Salmon Jazz | Salmon Perfection | Salmon Surprise | Salmon Whisper | Salmonea | Sam Donaldson | Samarang | Sambo | Samoset | Samuel Henshaw | Samuel Hill | Samuel Hughes | | San Bian Sai Yu | San Diego | San Hua Lan Man | San Hua Nu | Sanctuary | Sanctus | Sandra K. | Sandra Marie | Sandusky | Sang Lorraine | Sango-kai | Sango-kaku | Sango-kubeni | Sanguineolenta | Sankonishiki | Sans Souci | Santa Ana | Santa Barbara | Santa Clara | Santa Cruz | Santa Fe | Santa Maria | Santa Monica | Santa Paula | Santa Rita | Santa Rosa | Santa Susana | Santa Teresa | Santa Ynez | Santa Ysabel | Sappho | Sarah | Sarah Bernhardt | Sarah Carstensen | Sarah K. Thurlow | Sarah M. Napier | Sarah M. Wettengel | Sarcoxie | Sardonyx | Satan | Satellite | Satellite | Satin Doll | Satin Rose | Satin Rouge | Satin Sheen | Satisfaction | Satsuma | Satura | Saturn | Saunders # 1621 | Saunders # 16350 | Saunders # 3228 | Saunders # 4710 | Saunders # 4992 | Saunders F2A | Saunders F2B | Saunders Quadruple Hybrid | Savage Splendor | Savii | Sawa-no-taki | Saygio-Sakura | Sc | Scarlet Heaven | Scarlet O'Hara | Scarlet Tanager | Scarlet Wonder | Scatterbrain Pink | Scenic Reserve | Schaffe | Schichi-fukujin | Schichishogan | Schwarzenbergiana | Schwindt | Scintillation | Scotch Lassie | Scott James | Scrumdidleyumptious | Sea Foam | Sea Foam | Sea Nymph | Sea of Tranquility | Sea Shell | Seadown Sunset | Seashell | Sebastian Maas | Sebasticook | Secretary Fewkes | Secretary George Peyton | Seedling # 278 | Seedling 5908 | Seedling # 686 | Seedling 79449 | Seedling 79476 | Seedling Krasnovy | Seedling of Le Cygne | Seeing Blue ® | Segovia | Seguestered Sunshine | Seidai | Seide | Seidl #45 | Seidlite | Seihin Ikeda | Seioba | Seioh | Seiriu Somae | Seiryu | Seiryu-haku | Seiryuden | Seishushiro | Seito-haka | Seki-mamori | Seki-mori | Sekkaku | Sekkansho | Seminola | Senator | Seneca Chief | Senorita (hybrid lactiflora, Aute 1931) | Senorita (hybrid lactiflora, Klehm, 1999) | Senryo-botan | Sensai-zura | Sensation | Senshumon | Sentinel | Sentokujo | Sen'yomon | Seppow | September | Sequestered Sunshine | Seraph | Seraphim | Serebrenyi Velvet | Serebro | Serenade | Serene | Serene Pastel | Serene Satin | Seri Scout | Setagetuka | Setsu-gekka | Setsu-getsuka | Setsugekko | Setsuran | Setting Sun | Setting Sun | SH-158 | SH-35 | SH-39 | SH-42 | SH-97 | Sha Jin Guan Ding | Shabona | Shaggy Dog | Shan He Hong | Shan Hu Tai | Shan Hua Lan Man | Shannon | Shao Nu Zhuang | Shavano | Shawnee Chief | Shawnee Lad | Shawnee Papoose | Shaylor's Dream | Shaylor's Sunburst | Shell Pink | Shen Guang Yu Lu | Shenandoah | Shendan lu | Sheng Dan Lu | Shen's Brilliant | Sherbrooke Record | She's My Star | Sheshumon | Sheyenne Chief | Shi Ba Hao | Shi Liu Hong | Shi-pen-kue | Shi Yuan Bai | Shi Yuang Bai | Shichi-fukujin | Shichi-no-tategami | Shichifukujin | Shichiho-den | Shicki-hengi-shibori | Shidai | Shigure-gumo | Shiguregumo | Shigyo-kura | Shigyoku | Shiho | Shiho-zakura | Shijo | Shikan | Shiki-no-sato | Shikibu | Shikinjo | Shiko-den | Shikoden | Shima Daijin | Shima Nishiki | Shimadaijin | Shimane Chojuraku | Shimane Hakugan | Shimane Muregarasu | Shimane Otone Mai | Shimanishiki | Shimano-fuji | Shimano-kagayaki | Shimanofuji | Shimanu Fuji | Shimmering Velvet | Shin-abokiu | Shin-abomiya | Shin-aboukyu | Shin-akebono | Shin-awa-homiya | Shin-fuso | Shin-fusotsukasa | Shin-jitsugetu | Shin-kagami | Shin-kagura | Shin-kiku-botan | Shin-kima-gaya | Shin-kokushoku | Shin-kugami | Shin Kumagai | Shin-kumagai | Shin-kurobotan | Shin Lo | Shin-momo-zono | Shin-saigyo-zakura | Shin-shichifukujin | Shin-shiun-ryo | Shin-toen | Shin-togen | Shin-yasei | Shin-yo | Shingetsunokasa | Shining Light | Shining Red | Shinkumagai | Shinshichifukujin | Shintei | Shintenchi | Shintoen | Shinyasookina | Shira-giku | Shiraginu | Shirasagi | Shirine | Shirley | Shirley Ann | Shirley Kennedy | Shirley Temple | Shirley Walker | Shiro- | Shiro-banryu | Shiro-hata-ryo | Shiro-kagura | Shiro-kagura-jishi | Shiro Sangai | Shiro-sangai | Shiro-soku | Shiro-tae | Shiro-tama-jishi | Shiro zuru | Shiro-zuru | Shirocho | Shirokijishi | Shishi-den | Shishi-gashira | Shishi-no-tategami | Shishiiden | Shishinden | Shishiodori | Shisho-haku | Shiun | Shiun-ryo | Shiundai | Shiunden | Shiunkaku | Shivunanobori | Shizuyo | Sho-Yo | Shocking Pink | Shogo-mon | Shogo-no-mai | Shogun | Shogun | Shogyomon | Shojo-mai | Shojo-No-Mai | Shoki-kagura | Shoko-nishiki | Shomeiden | Shon-meinon | Shou An Hong | Shou Xing Hong | Shou Zhong Hong | Show Girl | Show Off | Show-Off | Show Opener | Showa-beni | Showa-kurenai | Showano-hokori | Showgirl | Showpiece | Shoyoden | Shrine | Shu Nu Zhuang | Shu Nü Zhuang | Shu Sheng Peng Mo | Shuang Hong Lou | Shuchiuka | Shugugyokuden | Shugyo-kuden | Shui Jing Lan | Shui Xing | Shujakumon | Shuki-den | Shukujo | Shumin-kai | Shunkoden | Shunkyo-mon | Shunkyoden | Shutoko | Shutoukow | Shuygo-kuden | Shy Girl | Shy Maid | Si Dou Zhu | Si He Lian | Sibelius | Siberii | Sidonie | Siegfried | Siglinde | Sigmund | Signal Beauty | Signal Light | Signal Station | Signorinetta | Silberschmelze | Silent Appeal | Silent Hope | Silken Aire | Silly Sally | Silly Sally | Siloam | Silver and Red Perfectly Matched | Silver Cerise | Silver Chalice | Silver Cup | Silver Daubed | Silver Dawn | Silver Dawn F2 | Silver Dawn Mix | Silver Flare | Silver King | Silver Pink-Glittering Gold | Silver Plane | Silver Rose | Silver Sails | Silver Shell | Silver Shell | Silver Slippers | Silver Swan | Silver Swan | Silver Tip | Silver Waves | Silver Wedding | Silvia Saunders | Silvia Saunders | Simon | Simonne Chevalier | Simple Simon | Simplici | Simplicity | Sinbad | Sindbad | Sine On Wine | Singing in the Rain | Singing Pink | Single Bliss | Single Peony | Sinjiangensis | Sioux | Sioux Chief | Sir Aga Khan | Sir E. S. Hill | Sir Edward Elgar | Sir Ernest Shackleton | Sir Frederick Leighton | Sir Frederick Stern | Sir Galahad | Sir George Davis | Sir George Staunton | Sir John Davis | Sir John Franklin | Sir John French | Sir John Staunton | Sir Madho Singh | Sir Peter Smithers | Sir Spencer Ponsonby Fane | Sir Thomas Lipton | Sir Visto | Sir Walter Scott | Sir Walter Scott | Sir Wilfrid Laurier | Sir William Harcourt | Sir Wm. Maxwell | Sister Margaret | Sisters Annie | Sitifukujin | Sitka | Sixteen Candles | Sizzler | Skidoo | Sky Pilot | Sky Queen | Skylark | Sleeping Dragon | Sleepy Hollow | Slow Fox | Smart and Bright Rose | Smiles | Smiling in the Thickets | Smiling Sandra | Smiling Twins | Smith Family Jewel | Smith Family Yellow | Smoky Joe | Smouthi | Snow Angel | Snow Bound | Snow Brook | Snow Cap | Snow Cloud | Snow Cream | Snow Derby | Snow Mountain | Snow on Emerald Mountain | Snow Princess | | Snow Swan | Snow Thunderstorm | Snow Tower (syn. 'Shi Yuan Bai') | Snow Waltz | Snow Wheel | Snow White | Snowball | Snowball | Snowbank | Snowdrift | Snowflake | Snowland | Snowstorm | Snowy Coles | Soft Apricot Kisses | Soft Salmon Joy | Soft Salmon Saucer | Softley Spoken | Softly Salmon | Sohekimon | Sokurn-Jishi | Solange | Solaris Sunshine | Solemnity | Solfatare | Solfaterre | Solo Flight | Solor | Some Ganoko | Some-ganoko | Somei | Somerset | Somerton | Somerville | Somia-oshiro | Sonata | Song At Twilight | Song Bai | Songster | Sonkoin | Sono-Ono-Sakae | Sonoma Amethyst | Sonoma Apricot | Sonoma Floozy | Sonoma Kaleidoscope | Sonoma Lavender Fancy | Sonoma Rosy Future | Sonoma Sun | Sonoma Velvet Ruby | Sonoma Welcome | Soo-un | Sooner Beauty | Soothsayer | Sophia Houston | Sophia Miller | Sophie (hybrid suffruticosa, Dauyesse, 1859) | Sophie (hybrid, Saunders, 1940) | Sophie (hybrid lactiflora, Terry) | Sops of Wine | Sorbet | Sorcerer | Soshi | Soul of Nogi | South Weymouth | Southern Beauty | Southern Cross | Southern Cross | Southern Lights | Southern Sun | Southland Belle | Souvenir | Souvenir d'Adrien Seneclauze | Souvenir de 1896 | Souvenir de 7 Mai | Souvenir de A. Millet | Souvenir de Charles Mechin | Souvenir de Downing | Souvenir de Ducher | Souvenir de Gand | Souvenir de Gaspard Calot | Souvenir de Granger | Souvenir de Guynemer | Souvenir de J. B. Ruitton | Souvenir de Jules Dessert | Souvenir de la Couvellerie | Souvenir de l'Exposition | Souvenir de l'Exposition de Bordeaux | Souvenir de l'Exposition de Londres | Souvenir de l'Exposition du Mans | Souvenir de Louis Bigot | Souvenir de Madame Knorr | Souvenir de Marguerite Lemoine | Souvenir de Maxime Cornu | Souvenir de Monsieur Miren | Souvenir de Zephir | Souvenir d'Etienne Mechin | Souvenir d'Haraucourt | Souvenir du Docteur Bretonneau | Souvenir du Général Gallieni | Sowadabscook | Space Challenger | Spanish Gold | Sparkles | Sparkling Star | Sparkling Windflower | Speciosissima | Speedwell | Spellbinder | Spellbound | Spider Green | Spiffy | Spinning Wheel | Spion Kop | Spirit Geijin's Dress | Splendid Cornelia | Splendida | Splendidissima | Splendor | Spotlight | Spotlight | Spotlight | Spring Beauty | Spring Bouquet | Spring Carnival | Spring Dance | Spring Glory | Spring Maid | Spring Song | Springfield | Sprite | Squeek | Squirt | St. Goar | Stalwart Rose | Standard Bearer | Stanley | Stanley | Star Dust | Star of Beauty | Star Power | Starbright | Starburst Symphony | Stardust | Starlight | Starlight Gaze | Stella | Stella Harding | Stellar Charm | Stellata Atropurpurea | Stellata flore pleno | Stephania | Stephanie | Sterniana | Steve Nickell | Steve Varner | Steve's Crown | Stillman | Stirling | Stolen Heaven | Stolen Heaven | Stone Garden White | Stoney Edwards | Stop Light | Stoplight | Storm Over Mt. Fuji | Strasbourg | Strassburg | Strawberry Blonde | Strawberry Delight | Strawberry Ice | Strawberry Ripple | Strawberry Social | Strawberry Wine | Streaker | Strephon | Style Show | Su Fen Ling | Suavissima | Sublimis | Subtle White Fragrance | Subtlety | Success | Suffruticosa | Sugar 'n Spice | Suigan | Suisho-haku | Suisho-no-hikare | Suisho-shiro | Suishoku | Sujyaku-no-utena | Sukiden | Sully Prudhomme | Sulphurea | Sultane | Sultry Mood | Suma-no-ichi | Sumi-no-ichi | Sumi-no-megoromo | Sumi zome nishiki | Sumina-gashi | Summer Carnival | Summer Cloud | Summer Day | Summer Glory | Summer Glow | Summer Night | Summer Prelude | Summer Snow | Summer Sunshine | Summer's Prelude | Sumvitg | Sun Dance | Sun Dog | Sun Fast | Sunbeam (hybrid, Barr, pre 1909) | Sunbeam (hybrid suffruticosa, Chugai, pre 1940) | Sunbeam (hybrid lactiflora, Hollis, 1906) | Sunburst | Sunburst | Sunburst Wonder | Suncook | Sunday Chimes | Sundown Shadows | Sunfast | Sunglint | Sunglory | Sunglow | Sunkist (hybrid, Krekler, 1978) | Sunkist (Chow) | Sunlight | Sunny Boy | Sunny Girl | Sunny Side Up | Sunny Smile | Sunrise (hybrid lactiflora, Frankli 1931) | Sunrise (hybrid lactiflora, Hollis, 1909) | Sunrise (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, 1915) | Sunrise (hybrid lutea, Reath, 1995) | Sunrising | Sunset | Sunset | Sunset Glory | Sunshine | Sunshine Sensation | Super Gal | Super Glow | Superba de Young | Superior | Superstition | Supreme | Surprise (hybrid lutea, Lemoine, 1920) | Surprise (hybrid lactiflora, Barr, pre 1928) | Suruga | Surugu | Susan B. Anthony | Susan B. White | Susie Q | Susie Smith | Suzakumon | Suzanna Hotz | Suzanne | Suzanne Dessert | Suzanne Krekler | Suzette | Suzugamine | Suzuku-mon | Svarte Petter | Swamp Angel | Swan White | Swarthmore | Sweet 16 | Sweet Adeline | Sweet and Low | Sweet Arrival | Sweet Harmony ® | Sweet Marjorie | Sweet May | Sweet Melody | Sweet Memory | Sweet Prince | Sweet Refrain | Sweet Rewards | Sweet Sally | Sweet Shelly | Sweet Sixteen | Sweetie | Sword Dance | Sydney | Sydonie | Sylphide | Sylvanus | Sylver | Sylvia | Sylvia Louise | Sylvia Saunders | Sylviane | Symphony (hybrid lactiflora, Brethour, 1924) | Symphony in Rose | Szechuanica


| T. A. Havemeyer | T. B. Terry | T. C. Thurlow | T. E. Carpenter | T. J. Oberlin | Tabarin | Tacoma | Taffeta Glow | Taglioni | Tago-no-tsuki | Tahei-gata | Tai-hei-beni | Tai-hei-raku | Taibo | Taibow | Taihai | Taihei-ko | Taiheiraku | Taiho | Taiho-cho | Taihoto | Taika-kusei | Taikenmon | Taikoon | Taioh | Taisho-beni | Taisho-hokori | Taisho-nishiki | Taisho-no-hikare | Taisho-no-hokori | Taisho-no-homare | Taishoko | Taishono-hikari | Taishonohokori | Taiyo | Taiyo Sun | Taiyoko | Takara-yama | Takaradama | Taki No Yosooi | Takitsuse | Talma | Tama-arare | Tama-fuyo | Tama-matsu-zuru | Tama Midori | Tama-sekai | Tama Shiraga | Tama Sudare | Tama-sudare | Tama-usagi | Tama-zura | Tamafuyo | Tamasudare | Tamate-Boku | Tanager (hybrid lactiflora, Sass, 1934) | Tanager (hybrid lactiflora, Aute 1941) | Tango | Tanina-no-yuki | Tantrums | Tanya | Tao Hong Di Cui | Tao Hong Lü Xin | Tao Hong Xian Mei | Tao Hua Fei Xue (hybrid suffruticosa) | Tao Hua Fei Xue (hybrid lactiflora) | Tao Hua Jiao Yan | Tao Hua Nu | Tao Hua Xi Jin | Taoist Stove Filled with the Pills of Immortality | Taosho-no-nishiki | Tar Baby | Tarantelle | Tarawa | Tatio-shishi | Tatsugashira | Tatsuta-gawa | Tattagawa | Tea Rose (hybrid lutea, Saunders, 1948) | Technicolor | Tecumseh | Teenie Weenie | Teerose | Teikan | Teiken | Teikin | Tekapo Dew | Tel Star | Tempest | Tempest Dancer | Ten-kokko | Tena Kinney | Tender and Glamorous Spring Pink | Tengawai Blush | Tengo-kuka | Tengo-no-homare | Teni | Ten'i | Téniers | Tenka Ippin | Tenkamuso | Tennosei | Tenuifolia Rubra Flore Plena | Tenuifolia X Officinalis | Tenyo-no-hagaromo | Terpsichore | Terrific Gal | Terry Grudem | Teru Hime | Teru-kuni | Tessa | Tessara | Tessera | Thalia | Thalia | The Admiral | The Amazon | The Belgian | The Bride (hybrid lactiflora, Terry) | The Bride | The Captains Concubine | The Captain's Concubine | The Disc | The Dragon | The Eagle | The Emperor's Crown | The Fawn | The Fleece | The Gem | The Grace | The Jewel | The Little Corporal | The Mighty Mo | The Moon | The Moor | The Nathans | The Nymph | The Oaks | The Pearl | The Queen | The Rival | The Tycoon | Theatrical | Thelma | Thelma Adams | Thelma Barnes | Themis | Theodore Roosevelt | Theresa Ann | Theresa Gardener | Thérèse | Thérèse de Vilmorin | Thermopylea | Think Pink | Thisbe | Thoma | Thomas B. Macauley | Thomas C. Thurlow | Thomas Holloway | Thomas Keen | Thomas Meehan | Thomas S. Ware | Thor | Thumbelina | Thunderbolt | Thura Hires | Thurlow Weed | Tian Jing Nu Lang | Tian Shan Ri Chu | Tian Xiang Duo Jin | Tian Xiang Zhan Lu | Tiananmon | Tie Gan Zi | Tie Mian Wu Shi | Tie Mian Wu Si | Tiger Tiger | Tillie | Tillienoone | Timaru Superb | Time Traveler | Timeless Fire | Timoteo | Tinge of Yellow | Tinka Phillips | | Tiny Tim | Tira | Tish | Titan | Titania | Titania | Titania (hybrid lutea, Saunders, 1949) | Titanic | To Kalon | Tobi-no-hogoromo | Todmorden | Toen | Togawakan | Togen-jishi | Tohgen | Toichi Ruby | Tokan-jishi | Toki-wayana | Tokio | Tokon-oh Kagayaki | Tokykonoshiki | Tollens | Tom Cat | Tom Eckhardt | Tom Thumb | Tom Tinker | Tomorrow's Choice | Tondeleyo | Tondeleyo | Tong Xin Tong De | Tonka | Tony Boy | Top Brass | Top Flight | Top Hat | Top Scholar's Red Gown | Topeka Coral | Topeka Garnet | Topeka Midnight | Topeka Statue | Torch Song (Nicholls 1938) | Torchlight | Torchsong | Tornado | Toro-No-Maki | Torpilleur | Torquemada | Tosei-haku | Tosei-shiro | Toseihaku | Toshiro | Touch of Blue | Touchdown | Toulouse Lautrec | Tourangelle | Town Crier | Town Talk | Toy Delight | Toy Soldier | Trafford W. Bigger | Tragedy | Trail Blaze | Trail's End | Trailways | Tranquil Dove | Tranquility | Traum (hybrid suffruticosa, Klose) | Traum (hybrid suffruticosa, Zeppelin) | Treasure Cup | Trendy | Tria | Trinket | Triomphe d'Artselaer | Triomphe de Flandres | Triomphe de Gand | Triomphe de Haarlem | Triomphe de l'Exposition de Lille | Triomphe de Malines | Triomphe de Milan | Triomphe de Paris | Triomphe de van Aerschott | Triomphe de van der Maelen | Triomphe de Vandermaelen | Triomphe de Versailles | Triomphe du Nord | Triumpf von Mainz | Triumph | Triumphans | Triumphans Gandavensis | Trojan | Trojiman | Trophy | Tropical Bonnet | True Love | Truly Yours | Trumpeter | Truth | Tsarine | Tsin Tsion | Tsingtau | Tsukasa-botan | Tsukasa-jishi | Tsuki-sekai | Tsukumo-jishi | Tsure-dsuru | Tsuru-ha | Tsuru-watari | Tsuya-sugata | Tsuzure-nishiki | Tsuzure-no-nishiki | Tujizomegino | Tulagi | Tulsa | Turmalin | Tuyerline | Twentieth Century | Twenty Four Carat | Twin Lotus | Twinkles | Twitterpated | Twizel | Two-In-One | Tydeus | Tyoraku | Tzu-shang | Tzu-yu-lou


| Uba-tama | Ubatama | Uhde | Ukare-jishi | Ukaregi-ohi | Uki-dore | Uki-jishi | Ukiori-nishiki | Ultima | Ulysses | Umbellata Rosea | Ummanz | Una Howard | Unassuming Beauty | Uncle Bill | Uncle Bob | Uncle Remus | Uncle Sam | Uncle Tom | Unique | Unique Charm | Universelle | Unknown Soldier | Up Front | Upper Crust | Upsala | Urania | Uranie | Urano | Uranos | Ursa Major | Ursa Minor | Ursyn Niemcewicz | USLHO | Usona | Usu-gesho | Usu-jishi | Ute | Utopia (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, 1907) | Utopia (hybrid lutea, Chow, 1997)


| Vadius | Valaint | Valencha | Valencia | Valentin Rosa | Valentin Rot | Valentine | Valkyrie | Valletta | Valor | Valour | Valse de Vienne | Van der Maeli | Van Dongen | Van Dyck | Van Halli | Van Houttei | Vandalia | Vanguard | Vanilla Raspberry Swirl | Vanilla Serenade | Vanilla Twist | Vanity | Variegata | Variegata | Variety Girl | Vassar | Vaughan Torrey | Vavia | Veitchii | Veitchii Woodwardii | Velma Atkinson | Velma M. Janus | Veloutine | Velvet Princess | Velvet Ruffles | Venus (hybrid lactiflora, Kelway, 1888) | Venus (hybrid lactiflora, Terry, 1888) | Vera | Vera Terry | Vera Tischler | Vera Wassenberg | Verdun | Veribest | Veritas | Verity | Veronica Klose | Versicolor plena | Vesper | Vesta Claussen | Vesticius | Vésuve | Vesuvian | Gesuvius | Veteran | Vickie | Vicomte de Forceville | Vicomte de Noaillis | Vicomte de Trancavel | Vicomtesse de Belleval | Victoire de la Marne | Victoire de l'Alma | Victoire Léman | Victoire Mathieu | Victoire modeste (hybrid lactiflora, Guéri pre 1841) | Victor | Victor Hugo | Victor Lemoine | Victor Lemoine | Victor Lemoine | Victoria | Victoria alba | Victoria Lincoln | Victoria Tricolor | Victorian Blush | Victorian Blush | Victorian Broach | Victorian Halo | Victorian Vintage | Victorine Lesèble | Victory | Victory Chateau Thierry | Viette's Japanese White | Viking Chief | Viking Chief | Viking Full Moon | Viking Gal | Viking Valor | Viking Vanguard | Villanova | Ville de Lyon | Ville de Lyon | Ville de Nancy | Ville de Poissy | Ville de Saint-Denis | Villosa | Vimy Ridge | Vina Mae | Vinacea puplex | Vincea plena | Vincennes | Vindicator | Vinette | Vintage Lace | Viola Klose | Violacea fimbriata plena | Violacea purpurea | Violacea spherica | Violaris | Violet Dawson | Violetta | VIP Rose | Virgata | Virgilijus | Virginia Dare | Virginia Lee | Virginia Louise | Virginia Mary | Virginia Nance | Virgo Maria | Virgo Maria | Virgo Maria | Viscountess Folkestone | Vista | Vivid Glow | Vivid Memories | Vivid Rose | Vixen | Vodka | Vogue | Volcan | Volcan | Volcano | Volga | Von Siebold | Vondel | Voodoo | Voskhod | Vostok | Vulcan


| W. E. Blanchette | W. F. Christman | W. F. Miller | W.F. Turner | W. L. Gumm | W. Mesman | W. T. Macoun | W. W. Black | Wabash | Wah-wah-tay-see | Waikiki | Waitawa Glorious | Wakatipu Wonder | Waldaffa | Waldenburg | Wall Flower | Wallflower | Wally | Wally Z. | Walter | Walter Brewster | Walter Campbell Lyman | Walter E. Wipson | Walter Faxon | Walter Mains | Walter Marx | Walter Morgan | Waltz | Wan-shan | Wan Shi Sheng Se | Wang Gong Yuan | Wang Hong | Wang-shih | War | War Cloud | War Hawk | Warai-jishi | Ward Welsh | Warren Krekler | Warren Roy | Warsaw | Warwick | Washington | Washington Elite | Watchman | Waterlily (hybrid lactiflora, Brandt, 1931) | Waterlily (hybrid lactiflora, Verdier, 1892) | Watermelon Red | Watermelon Wine | Watteau | Wauceda Princess | Waucedah Princess | Waukeag | Weatherball | Weatherball 90 | Wedding Bells | Wedding Day (hybrid lactiflora, Anderso 1992) | Wedding Day (hybrid lactiflora, Aute 1933) | Wee Philippe | Wee Willie | Wei Dong Hong | Wei-tsu | Wei Zi | Weigetsuko | Weiss | Welcome Guest | Welldone | Wellwisher | Wen Gong Hong | Werra | West Elkton | West Hill | Westerner | Westhill | Westine | Whiskers | Whistling Swan | White (Glenn) | White Angel | White Batson | White Bomber | White Cap | White Charm | White Cloud | White Cockade | White Crane | White Crane on Snow | White Cream Fantasy | White Delight | White Doves | White Dragon | White Eagle | White Emperor (hybrid lactiflora, Sass, 1937) | White Emperor (intersectiona Seid 1989) | White Empress | White Filiform | White Frost | White Giant | White Gold | White Grace | White Gull | White Innocence | White Ivory | White Jade | White Jade | White Jade Pagoda | White Knight | White Lady | White Lullaby | White Masterpiece | White Moon | White Moth | White-out | White Pearl | White Perfection | White Phoenix | White Queen (hybrid suffruticosa, Unknow pre 1940) | White Queen (hybrid lactiflora, Wallace) | White Rock | White Rose | White Rose of Sharon | White Sails | White Sands | White Sarah Bernhardt ® | White Swan (hybrid lactiflora, Franklin) | White Swan (hybrid lactiflora, Pleas, 1913) | White Temptation | White Towers | White Wicker | White Wings | Whitehall | Whitehorse | Whitestone City | Whitleyi Major | Whopper | Wiesbaden | Wilbur Wright | Wild 56-100 | Wild Rose | Wildfire | Wilford Johnson | Wilfred | Wilhelmina | Wilhelmine | Will McClelland | Will Rogers | William Anderson | William Cousins | William F. Turner | William Gage | William Penn | William Pickett | William Robinson | William Sheraden | William T. Macoun | William Tell | Williston | Willoughby | Wilmington | Wind Chimes | Windchimes | Wine Angel | Wine Red | Winged Victory | Wings of the Morning | Winifred Domme | Winnifred Domme | Winnifred Sentel | Winnikenni | Winterthur | Winthrop H. Thurlow | Wisconsin | Wisconsin Queen | Witchcraft | Witches' Dance | Wladyslawa | Wo Long Peng Sheng | Wojcik | Woodwardii | Wotan | Wrinkles and Crinkles | Wrinkles and Krinkles | Wu Hua Long Yu | Wu Jin Yao Hui | Wu Long Ji Sheng | Wu Long Ji Zheng | Wu Long Peng Sheng | Wu Long Peng Shong | Wu Long Wo Mo Chi | Wu Xia Yu | Wu Zhou Hong | Wyndham | Wyoming | Wyoming


| X379 | X423 | X88 | Xanda | Xanda | Xenia | Xenia | Xenia Friend | Xenia Town | Xi Gua Rang | Xi Shi Fen | Xi Ye Zi | Xia Guan | Xia Tao Hong | Xian Chi Zheng Chun | Xian Tao | Xiang Lu Zi Yan | Xiang Yu | Xiao Hu Die | Xiao Hu Hong | Xiao Tao Hong | Xiao Wei Zi | Xiao Wei Zig | Xiao Xue | Xiao Ye Hue Die | Xie Zhua Han Yu Pan | Xiong Mao | Xiu Li Hong | Xue Feng | Xue Gui | Xue Hai Bing Xin | Xue Hai Dan Xin | Xue Hai Yin Zhen | Xue Li Cang Jin | Xue Lian (hybrid suffruticosa) | Xue Lian (hybrid rockii) | Xue Shan Fei Hong | Xue Ta | Xue Ying Tao Hua | Xue Ying Zhao Xia | Xue Yu Zhi Huan | Xue Yuan Yu Hui


| Ya Machina | Ya Machina | Ya Pian Zi | Yachiyo Jishi | Yachiyo-jishi | Yachiyo-tsubaki | Yachiyo Tsubaki | Yachyo-nishiki | Yachyo-tsubaki | Yae-nishiki | Yae-zakura | Yaekasumi | Yaeshishi | Yaezakura | Yagumo | Yama-shakuyaku | Yamachina | Yamagoochi | Yamagouchi | Yamato-beni | Yamato-Sangai | Yamato-sangai | Yamato Tsuka | Yamato Tsukasa | Yamato-tsukasa | Yamato-zakura | Yamatoshiro | Yamo-okina | Yan Chun | Yan Long Zi | Yan Long Zi Zhu Pan | Yan Wei Bai | Yan Zhi Dian Yu | Yan Zhi Hong | Yan Zi Xiang Yang | Yananensis | Yang Fei Chu Yu | Yangfeichuyu | Yankee | Yano-okima | Yanzhi Dian Yu | Yao Chi Chun | Yao Huang | Yao's Yellow | Yard Boss | Yard Master | Yardmaster | Yaso Okina | Yatsuka-jishi | Yatsukajishi | Yatsukashi | Yayoura | Ye Guang Bei (hybrid rockii, Chen Dezhon pre 1985) | Yellow Beauty | Yellow Crown | Yellow Dream | Yellow Emperor | Yellow Flower Queen | Yellow Gem | Yellow Heaven | Yellow Jap | Yellow King | Yellow Queen | Yellow Rosebud | Yellow Tree Peony | Yellow Waterlily | Yeppoon | Yeso | Yi Pin Zhu Yi | Yin Fen Jin Lin | Yin Hong Jiao Yan | Yin Hong Qiao Dui | Yin Hong Xiu Qiu | Yin Hong Zhou | Yin Lin Bi Zhu | Yin Xian Xiu Hong Pao | Yin Yang Shan | Ying Hong | Ying Hong Qiao Dui | Ying Luo Bao Zhu | Ying Ri Hong | Ying Xiong Hua | Yokihi (syn. 'Fan Tan') | Yokihi (syn. 'Huang Jin Lun') | Yokohama | Yonder Lea | Yong Lo | Yoochi-No-Tsuki | York and Lancaster | Yosemite | Yoshino Gawa | Yoshinogawa | Your Majesty | Youth | Yoyo No Homare | Yoyono-homare | Yu Ban Bai | Yu Ban Xiu Qiu | Yu Cui He Hua | Yu Guan Lan Dai | Yu Guan Yue | Yu Guo Tian Qing | Yu Hou Feng Guang | Yu I Yan Zhuang | Yu Ji Yan Zhuang | Yu Lan Jin Hua | Yu Lou Cang Jiao | Yu Lou Cha Cui | Yu Lou Dian Cui | Yu Lu Lian Dan | Yu Rong Dan Xin | Yu Xi Ying Yue | Yu Yi Huang | Yuan Yang Pu | Yue Gong Zhu Guang | Yue Zhao Shan He | Yukigasane | Yukizasa | Yukon | Yunnanensis | Yutsumi


| Zachary | Zang Hua Hong | Zang Ye Hong | Zao Yuan Hong | Zenith (hybrid lactiflora, Krekler, 1966) | Zenith (hybrid lutea, Chow, 2000) | | Zephyrus (hybrid lutea, Daphnis, 1966) | Zephyrus (lactiflora, Kelway, pre-1895) | Zest | Zeus | Zhao Fen | Zhao Yang Hong | Zhao Yuan Hong | Zhao Zi | Zhen Zhu Pan | Zheng Chun | Zhi Hong | Zhong Sheng Fen | Zhong Sheng Hei | Zhong Sheng Hong | Zhong Sheng Zi | Zhou Ye Hong | Zhu Hong Jue Lun | Zhu Sha Dian Yu | Zhu Sha Hong | Zhu Sha Lei | Zhu Sha Pan | Zhu Zha Lei | Zhuang Yuan Hong | Zi Ban Bai | Zi Bao Guan | Zi Cong Lou | Zi Die | Zi Die Wei Bo | Zi Die Xian Jin | Zi Die Ying Feng | Zi Er Qiao | Zi Feng Chao Yang | Zi Feng Yu | Zi Feng Zhaoyang | Zi Fu Rong | Zi Ge | Zi Guan Yin Xian | Zi Guan Yu Dai | Zi Guan Yu Zhu | Zi Hai Yin Bo | Zi He | Zi Jin Pan | Zi Kui | Zi Lan Kui | Zi Ling | Zi Ling Long | Zi Xia Dian Jin | Zi Xiu Qiu | Zi Yan | Zi Yan Duo Zhu | Zi Yan Fei Shuang | Zi Yao Tai | Zi Yu | Zi Yun Xian | Zi Zhu Pan | Ziba | Zie Calot | Zip Coon | Zodiac | Zoe | Zoe Verniory | Zong Ban Bai | Zori | Zui Fei | Zuliema | Zulu Bride | Zulu Warrior | Zupsing | Zus Braun | Zuzu

Erstellt: 2012-12


Plants in Motion (little Movies)

Hier kann man das Wachsen von Pflanzen im Zeitraffer verfolgen.

Created for nonprofit educational use by Roger P. Hangarter
Indiana University, Department of Biology, 915 E 3rd St, Bloomington, IN 47405

Although our lives depend on plants for virtually everything that keeps us alive (oxygen, food, fibers, lumber, fuel, etc), their lives remain a secret to most of us. The reason is simple - plants live on a different time-scale from ours. Although not usually obvious in the relatively hyperactive activities of humans, plants are in constant motion as they develop, search for light and nutrients, avoid predators, exploit neighbors, and reproduce.

Time-lapse photography allows us to easily see the movements of plants and clearly demonstrates that plants are living organisms capable of some extraordinary things. Time-lapse photography is done by capturing a series of images at intervals ranging from seconds to hours apart. When the images are viewed in rapid succession, much like a flip book, the effect is to compress into a short period, the changes that occurred over a relatively long period of time. The movies on this site show a variety of plants living out their dynamic lives. While we especially hope this site provides material that may captivate the interest of budding plant biologists, even the seasoned plant biologists will find interesting material. New movies will be added to the site as we make or obtain them. However, since making time-lapse movies requires considerable patience, time, and some luck, the rate at which new movies will appear is unpredictable. Other educational material are also becoming available on the site. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the material that is available now.

ING (W3)

"ING" steht für "Index Nominum Genericorum". (E?)(L?)

A compilation of generic names published for organisms
covered by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
The "Index Nominum Genericorum" ("ING"), a collaborative project of the "International Association for Plant Taxonomy" ("IAPT") and the Smithsonian Institution, was initiated in 1954 as a compilation of generic names published for all organisms covered by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. We are pleased to offer a way to search the ING database. We hope that those needing access to information about generic names of plants will use the index and will advise us of potential additions and corrections.





Malvella (W3)

"Malvella" = "small mallow" ist die Verkleinerungsform von "mallow" = "Malve".


Malvella leprosa (Alkali mallow)



"NANPS" steht für "North American Native Plant Society".


Dedicated to the study, conservation, cultivation and restoration of native plants.

Welcome to the North American Native Plant Society. NANPS was founded in 1984 by a small group of dedicated conservationists as the Canadian Wildflower Society. We have since grown to include hundreds of members throughout North America.

One of our first initiatives was the founding and fostering of North America's foremost native plant magazine: Wildflower. Although the magazine now operates independently, it remains one of our proudest accomplishments.





People who are Plant Explorers are different from those who are plant hunters, in that their goal is discovery more than acquisition. Plant Explorers today are often botanists or botanical photographers and painters, but can be anyone with a real love for nature and plants. If you are a Plant Explorer, or just someone who loves plants, then this site is for you.

The Explorers Resources


Feature Articles

Erstellt: 2014-03




Plant Image Collection



The Smithsonian Institution's on-line Plant Image Collection includes more than 16,000 images of 5,500 plant species in 250 plant families from around the world provided by more than 150 photgraphers.


Acanthaceae - 102 Aceraceae - 129 Acoraceae - 1 Actinidiaceae - 2 Adiantaceae - 2 Agavaceae - 132 Aizoaceae - 53 Alismataceae - 11 Amaryllidaceae - 195 Anacardiaceae - 37 Annonaceae - 11 Apiaceae - 81 Apocynaceae - 98 Aponogetonaceae - 5 Aquifoliaceae - 54 Araceae - 147 Araliaceae - 64 Araucariaceae - 2 Arecaceae - 162 Aristolochiaceae - 30 Asclepiadaceae - 192 Aspleniaceae - 20 Asteraceae - 2039 Azollaceae - 2 Balanophoraceae - 12 Balsaminaceae - 59 Basellaceae - 1 Batidaceae - 6 Begoniaceae - 14 Berberidaceae - 69 Betulaceae - 76 Bignoniaceae - 241 Bixaceae - 4 Blechnaceae - 4 Bombacaceae - 89 Boraginaceae - 276 Brassicaceae - 315 Bromeliaceae - 84 Brunelliaceae - 1 Bruniaceae - 3 Buddlejaceae - 18 Burmanniaceae - 2 Burseraceae - 17 Butomaceae - 9 Buxaceae - 10 Cactaceae - 1029 Calycanthaceae - 20 Calyceraceae - 1 Campanulaceae - 206 Canellaceae - 3 Cannaceae - 7 Capparaceae - 66 Caprifoliaceae - 139 Caricaceae - 18 Caryocaraceae - 4 Caryophyllaceae - 234 Casuarinaceae - 9 Celastraceae - 60 Centrolepidaceae - 3 Cephalotaceae - 4 Ceratophyllaceae - 3 Cercidiphyllaceae - 2 Chenopodiaceae - 27 Chloranthaceae - 8 Cistaceae - 20 Clethraceae - 13 Clusiaceae - 84 Cneoraceae - 1 Cochlospermaceae - 6 Combretaceae - 28 Commelinaceae - 91 Convallariaceae - 1 Convolvulaceae - 198 Coriariaceae - 11 Cornaceae - 135 Corynocarpaceae - 3 Crassulaceae - 122 Crossosomataceae - 6 Cruciferae - 1 Cunoniaceae - 5 Cupressaceae - 50 Cuscutaceae - 3 Cyanastraceae - 1 Cyatheaceae - 12 Cycadaceae - 28 Cyclanthaceae - 10 Cynomoriaceae - 1 Cyperaceae - 83 Cyrillaceae - 7 Daphniphyllaceae - 1 Davalliaceae - 2 Degeneriaceae - 2 Dennstaedtiaceae - 13 Diapensiaceae - 32 Dichapetalaceae - 3 Didiereaceae - 9 Dilleniaceae - 7 Dioncophyllaceae - 2 Dioscoreaceae - 13 Dipsacaceae - 16 Dipteridaceae - 1 Dipterocarpaceae - 9 Dryopteridaceae - 20 Ebenaceae - 21 Elaeagnaceae - 9 Elaeocarpaceae - 13 Empetraceae - 4 Epacridaceae - 18 Ephedraceae - 12 Equisetaceae - 7 Ericaceae - 469 Eriocaulaceae - 10 Erythroxylaceae - 6 Eucommiaceae - 4 Eucryphiaceae - 4 Euphorbiaceae - 239 Eupomatiaceae or Annonac - 5 Eupteleaceae or Trochode - 2 Fabaceae - 816 Fagaceae - 72 Flacourtiaceae - 13 Flagellariaceae - 7 Fouquieriaceae - 28 Fumariaceae - 69 fungi - 2 Garryaceae - 5 Gentianaceae - 119 Gesneriaceae - 116 Ginkgoaceae - 5 Gleicheniaceae - 6 Gnetaceae - 15 Goodeniaceae - 23 Grossulariaceae - 18 Guttiferae - 5 Haemodoraceae - 16 Haloragaceae - 3 Haloragidaceae - 4 Hamamelidaceae - 46 Heliconiaceae - 498 Himantandraceae - 1 Hippocastanaceae - 45 Hyacinthaceae - 1 Hydrocharitaceae - 12 Hydrophyllaceae - 204 Hymenophyllaceae - 1 Icacinaceae - 2 Iridaceae - 243 Isoetaceae - 9 Juglandaceae - 15 Juncaceae - 9 Juncaginaceae - 2 Krameriaceae - 7 Lamiaceae - 375 Lardizabalaceae - 2 Lardizabalanaceae - 3 Lauraceae - 12 Lecythidaceae - 1 Leguminosae - 5 Leitneriaceae - 7 Lemnaceae - 4 Lentibulariaceae - 35 lichen - 2 Liliaceae - 936 Limnanthaceae - 2 Limnocharitaceae - 3 Linaceae - 57 Loasaceae - 58 Loganiaceae - 15 Loranthaceae - 22 Lycopodiaceae - 15 Lygodiaceae - 7 Lythraceae - 17 Malpighiaceae - 3 Malvaceae - 267 Marantaceae - 13 Marattiaceae - 3 Marsileaceae - 7 Melastomataceae - 21 Meliaceae - 6 Melianthaceae - 2 Menispermaceae - 2 Menyanthaceae - 7 Monimiaceae - 3 Monotropaceae - 47 Moraceae - 23 Musaceae - 4 Myricaceae - 5 Myrsinaceae - 2 Myrtaceae - 67 Najadaceae - 2 Nelumbonaceae - 8 Nepenthaceae - 3 Nyctaginaceae - 124 Nymphaeaceae - 52 Nyssaceae - 8 Ochnaceae - 2 Oleaceae - 33 Oliniaceae - 1 Onagraceae - 352 Ophioglossaceae - 15 Orchidaceae - 488 Orobanchaceae - 33 Osmundaceae - 5 Oxalidaceae - 65 Paeoniaceae - 11 Pandanaceae - 31 Papaveraceae - 194 Passifloraceae - 50 Pedaliaceae - 6 Philydraceae - 5 Phytolaccaceae - 13 Pinaceae - 268 Piperaceae - 1 Pittosporaceae - 11 Plantaginaceae - 16 Platanaceae - 5 Plumbaginaceae - 13 Poaceae - 312 Polemoniaceae - 324 Polygalaceae - 27 Polygonaceae - 243 Polypodiaceae - 10 Pontederiaceae - 23 Portulacaceae - 72 Potamogetonaceae - 1 Primulaceae - 159 Proteaceae - 41 Pteridaceae - 10 Pteridophyta - 3 Punicaceae - 3 Pyrolaceae - 43 Ranunculaceae - 562 Rapateaceae - 2 Resedaceae - 4 Restionaceae - 6 Rhamnaceae - 30 Rhizophoraceae - 10 Rosaceae - 400 Rubiaceae - 159 Ruppiaceae - 2 Rutaceae - 35 Salicaceae - 25 Salvinaceae - 1 Santalaceae - 24 Sapindaceae - 16 Sapotaceae - 6 Sarraceniaceae - 38 Saururaceae - 118 Scitamineae - 10 Scrophulariaceae - 859 Simaroubaceae - 6 Smilacaceae - 1 Solanaceae - 208 Sparganiaceae - 2 Staphyleaceae - 3 Stemonaceae - 2 Sterculiaceae - 17 Strelitziaceae - 15 Styracaceae - 19 Symplocaceae - 1 Taccaceae - 3 Tamaricaceae - 10 Taxaceae - 24 Taxodiaceae - 5 Tecophilaeaceae - 2 Theaceae - 17 Thelypteridaceae - 1 Theophrastaceae - 2 Thymelaeaceae - 11 Tiliaceae - 14 Trochodendraceae - 5 Tropaeolaceae - 1 Typhaceae - 6 Ulmaceae - 8 Umbelliferae - 1 Urticaceae - 8 Valerianaceae - 12 Velloziaceae - 1 Verbenaceae - 73 Violaceae - 166 Viscaceae - 15 Vitaceae - 6 Welwitschiaceae - 4 Xanthorrhoeaceae - 7 Xyridaceae - 7 Zamiaceae - 4 Zingiberaceae - 22 Zygophyllaceae - 22

Sturtevants edible Plants of the World

Das PDF-Dokument hat 775 Seiten.

The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
with updated botanical names by Michael Moore

All who have attempted to study the origin and history of cultivated plants must have been struck with the paucity and inaccuracy of information on the subject. For nearly nineteen hundred years, to be written in Pliny was proof sufficient; yet much of Pliny's history is inaccurate though still repeated in periodicals and popular works. Linnæus, the great systematizer, gave the origin of most of the plants he described; but of these, De Candolle, by long odds the best plant historian, says, "three out of four of Linnaeus' indications of the original home of cultivated plants are incomplete or incorrect." De Candolle, in his turn, usually accurate, is exceedingly scant, giving the origin of but 249 cultivated plants, not all edible, while Sturtevant, in the text in hand, puts down 2897 which may be used for food, most of which are cultivated.

The query at once comes to mind as to the respects in which Sturtevant adds new knowledge on an old subject. New knowledge may be found on the following subjects: ...


Vascular Plant Image Library


Alphabetical Listing
'A' Families







United States Department of Agriculture
Plants Database


Erstellt: 2014-03


"USNA" steht für "United States National Arboretum".

ARBORETUM PICTURE OF THE WEEK | Herb Society of America | NCA Federation of Garden Clubs |
Arboretum Information | Arboretum Information Index Page | Frequently Asked Questions about the Arboretum | USNA News and Notes Newsletter | Directions to Arboretum | Metro Schedule | Tram Information and Schedule | Map of the Arboretum Grounds | Administration Bldg. Hours | Visitor Services Index Page | Rules and Guidelines for your visit | Photography Permit | Wedding Locations | Wedding Photography | History and Mission of US National Arboretum | "Your Comments Welcomed Here" | Events & Education | Events & Education Index Page | Calendar of Events | Events Registration Form (HTML) | Events Registration Form (PDF) | Hort Hot Spots | What's Blooming? | Current Exhibits | Internships | Arboretum Publications | Publications Order Form | Gardens & Horticulture | Gardens and Horticulture Index Page | Map of the Arboretum Grounds | Major Gardens & Collections Index Page | Administration Building | Asian Collections | Azalea Collections | Azalea Blossom Watch | Classical Chinese Garden Slated for Arboretum | Conifer Collections | Dogwood Collection | Friendship Garden | | | National Boxwood Collection | National Grove of State Trees | Native Plant Collections | Perennial Collections | Washington Youth Garden | Gardening Questions and Answers Main Page | Gardening Page | Amaryllis Blooms Again | Arborist Album | Cicadas Emerging | Cicadas Tree Help | Dividing Daylilies | Deciduous Winter Hollies | Good Hedges Make Good Neighbors | Native Plant Alternatives to Exotic Invasives | Selecting an Arborist | Selecting Conifers | Thinning Boxwoods | Invasive Plants | What's Blooming? | Hort Hot Spots | Pest Management Tips | State Trees and Flowers | Plant Sources | USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map | Hardiness Zone Map Introduction | Background Information | Hardiness Zone Plant Indicators - by Zone | Hardiness Zone Plant Indicators - Alphabetical | Hardiness Zone Details | Hardiness Zone Map | US National Arboretum Plant Photo Gallery | Plant Photo Gallery Front Page | Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) Photo Gallery | Azalea Photo Gallery | Cicadas Cicadas | Crapemyrtle Photo Gallery | Daylily Photo Gallery | Fall Foliage Photo Gallery | "Picture of the Week" Answer | "Picture of the Week" Answer Archive | Hurricane Isabel Damage at US National Arboretum | USNA Plant Introductions & Award Winners | USNA Plant Introductions and Releases Index Page | Arboretum Fact Sheets & Award Winners (45 Fact Sheets) | Arboretum Introductions -- Listed by Genus | Arboretum Introductions -- Listed by Name | PDF Help | Research Activities | Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit Front Page | Scientists & Their Specialties | Mission & Goals | Recent Research Accomplishments | Bacterial Leaf Scorch of Shade Trees | Regeneration of Rose | Development of Biological Control Products | Biochemistry of Flower Color | New Lilac and Redbud Cultivars Released | Herbarium Exhibit | Systematics Exhibit | MANTS 2005 Posters | National Arboretum Herbarium | Woody Landscape Germplasm Repository | Plants held in Woody Landscape Germplasm Repository | Plant Introductions and Releases | Fact Sheets & Award Winners | Floral & Nursery Plants - Agricultural Research Magazine Reprint | Postdoctorals & Support Scientists | Technical & Office Staff | Research Site Locations & Contacts | History of the Unit | Support the Arboretum | Support the Arboretum Index Page | Support Information | Volunteering Information Page | Donation Information | Search the Arboretum Web Site | USNA Web Site Search Engine | Site Map of USNA Web Site


The "Friends of the National Arboretum" is an independent, non-profit organization established to enhance, through public and private sector resources, support for the U.S. National Arboretum.




Plants & Animals


Animals & Plants

Erstellt: 2011-10