Arts & Letters Daily
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Our motto, "Veritas odit moras", is from line 850 of Seneca’s version of Oedipus. It means "Truth hates delay".
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Arts & Letters Daily is widely regarded as the Internet’s best source for culture and ideas. The Web site draws together the most intelligent, provocative, and illuminating news stories, features, critical reviews, political essays, and commentaries published online. New material is added six days a week. The site also houses an archive of articles dating back to 1998.
Arts & Letters Daily is divided into three main columns: "Articles of Note", "New Books", and "Essays and Opinion". Links along the left side of the page connect readers to a variety of "international newspaper" and "magazine Web sites", "columnists", "weblogs", and "search engines".
The Arts & Letters Daily readership comprises a wide array of discerning, intellectually-engaged people from around the world, including scientists, educators, journalists, editors, people in business, entertainment, medicine and the professions, and political leaders. 70% live in North America. 45% hold a master’s or doctoral degree. 58% visit the site at least once a day. Monthly traffic to the Arts & Letters Daily Web site is approximately 3 million page views from more than 340,000 unique viewers.
Erwähnenswert ist auch die lange Linkliste (16.08.2008):
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- Nota Bene: History of electricity | Nostalgia defended | Organic not better | Pletnev and Beethoven | Gender and math | Nanny Nation | Techno-doped swimmers | Chrysler Building | Desert Rat cuisine | Long live Central Park | Male generosity | Hundred best novels | Fate of the semicolon | More Naipaul dirt | Law’n order, UK style | Stolen Shakespeare | Anti-Americanism is fate | Randy Pausch R.I.P. | Musicians are sexy | Lust is blind | Information overload | Lang Lang’s lesson | Joe Queenan’s ears | New bubble needed | McDonald’s in France
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- Columnists: David Aaronovitch | Janet Albrechtsen | Eric Alterman | Anne Applebaum | Timothy Garton Ash | Michael Bassett | Bruce Bawer | Alex Beam | James Bowman | Robert Boynton | Samuel Brittan | David Brooks | William F. Buckley | Jon Carroll | Noam Chomsky | Alexander Cockburn | Joe Conason | Clive Crook | Ralf Dahrendorf | Meghan Daum | Miranda Devine | E. J. Dionne Jr. | Michael Dirda | Maureen Dowd | Suzanne Fields | Daniel Finkelstein | Robert Fisk | Thomas Friedman | Robert Fulford | Frank Furedi | Malcolm Gladwell | Ellen Goodman | Victor Davis Hanson | Johann Hari | Nat Hentoff | Christopher Hitchens | David Horowitz | Jeff Jacoby | Clive James | Robert Kagan | Mickey Kaus | Roger Kimball | Michael Kinsley | Joe Klein | Martin Kramer | Morton Kondracke | Chas Krauthammer | Paul Krugman | Howard Kurtz | Norman Lebrecht | James Lileks | Tod Lindberg | Kevin Maney | Salim Mansour | Mark Morford | Maureen Mullarkey | Robert Novak | Brendan O’Neill | Camille Paglia | John Allen Paulos | William Pfaff | Melanie Phillips | Daniel Pipes | Katha Pollitt | Virginia Postrel | William Powers | Dorothy Rabinowitz | Jonathan Rauch | Carlin Romano | Milt Rosenberg | Roger Sandall | Sam Smith | Thomas Sowell | Mark Steyn | Andrew Sullivan | Shankar Vedantam | David Warren | Margaret Wente | George Will | Keith Windschuttle | Jonathan Yardley | J. Peder Zane
- Favorites: AlphaPsy | Art & Cognition | Brijit | Butterflies & Wheels | Climate Debate Daily | CounterPunch | Debka File | Drudge Report | Ducts | Economic Principals | Edge | Entelechy | Ethics & Policy | Eurozine | FrontPage | Gene Expression | Globalist | I Want Media | Ifeminists | Improbable Research | Jewcy | Killing the Buddha | Lapham’s Quarterly | Logos | MEMRI | Mr. Beller’s ’hood | Nationmaster | Nthposition | Obscure Store | Open Democracy | Opera Critic | Overlawyered | The Page | Poetry | Project Syndicate | Quackwatch | Romenesko | Rutherford Journal | Science/Creationism | Shakespeare Web | Skeptic’s Dictionary | Smart Set | Snopes | Social Issues Centre | Spiked-Online | TCS Daily | TomPaine | Web del Sol | Woodpile Report |
- Weblogs: Ira Altschiller | Armavirumque | Larry Arnhart | Atrios | Adam Baer | Graham Beattie | Becker and Posner | Two Blowhards | Bob’s Art Blog | David Bordwell | Brainstorm | Britannica | Crooked Timber | Lawrence Solum | The Corner | Andrew Coyne | Culture Wars | Richard Dawkins | Brad DeLong | A.C. Douglas | Epicurean Dealmaker | Amitai Etzioni | Stephen Franks | Instapundit | Allen MacNeill | Marginal Revolution | Norman Geras | Lester Hunt | IWF Inkwell | Irascible Professor | Steven Johnson | Brothers Judd | Satoshi Kanazawa | Daily Kos | Brian Leiter | Little Green Footballs | Derek Lowe | Grant McCracken | Steve McIntyre | Warren Meyer | Middle East Strategy | John Naughton | Gloria Origgi | Overcoming Bias | PejmanPundit | Michael Phillips | Political Animal | Matthew Price | The Revealer | Alex Ross | Lib Samizdata | Russell Seitz | Peter Stothard | David Sucher | Talking Points Memo | Three Quarks Daily | The Valve | Volokh Conspiracy | Nigel Warburton | Will Wilkinson | James Wolcott | Wonkette | Wright & Kaus TV
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- Diversions: Scarlatti Sonatas | Bad Writing Contest | Blackjack | Cracked | Daily Crossword | Darwin Awards | Dilbert | Leno, Letterman jokes | The Onion | Poetry Daily | Smoke-Free Carmen | Wine Lovers’ Page
- Classics: Francis Fukuyama on the End of History | Amartya Sen on Democracy | Robert Kagan on Power and Weakness | New York Review of Books, vol. 1 no. 1 | The Russian Empire, 1910, in full color | Elizabeth Loftus on False Memories | Is God an accident? | Andrew Delbanco on the Death of Lit Crit | Keep computers out of classrooms | Newsweek on Threats of Global Cooling | Julian Simon, Doomslayer | | World’s Worst Editing Guide | The Fable of the Keys | The Snuff Film: an Urban Legend
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