Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Natur, Naturaleza, Nature, Natura, Nature, (esper.) naturo kaj cirkaumondo

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"AMNH" steht für "American Museum of Natural History"



Biodiversity Heritage Library - BHL


Inspiring discovery through free access to biodiversity knowledge.

The Biodiversity Heritage Library improves research methodology by collaboratively making biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community.

BHL also serves as the foundational literature component of the Encyclopedia of Life.


Die "Biodiversity Heritage Library" ist ein Projekt zur Digitalisierung von Literatur zum Thema Artenvielfalt/Biodiversität. Sie wurde um 2005 ins Leben gerufen und beschränkte sich zunächst auf zehn (ab 2009 zwölf) US-amerikanische und britische Bibliotheken.

Nach "Gallica" und "AnimalBase" war "BHL" damit das weltweit dritte große und nischenübergreifende Digitalisierungsprojekt. 2006 wurde damit begonnen, die digitalisierte Literatur massenweise ins Netz zu stellen. 2008 wurde die Bedeutung von "Gallica" und "AnimalBase" überrundet. Heute ist BHL das weltweit mit weitem Abstand führende Digitalisierungsprojekt für Biodiversitätsliteratur.

Im April 2009 waren 13 Millionen Seiten und 11.000 Werke digitalisiert, Mitte September 2014 lag die Zahl der digitalisierten Bücher bei ca. 86.700 Titeln, ca. 150.000 Bänden bzw. ca. 44.655.000 Seiten (Quelle: BHL-Portal). Dadurch, dass die Bibliotheken nur copyright-freie Bücher digitalisieren dürfen, konzentrierte sich die Digitalisierung bei BHL bislang hauptsächlich auf Literatur von vor 1920. Einige Bibliotheken setzen die Grenze bei 1899. Dies hatte schon nach wenigen Jahren den Effekt, dass es in der Zoologie und Botanik inzwischen so ist, dass der Zugang zu Fachliteratur von vor 1900 wesentlich leichter ist als zu der, die zwischen 1920 und 1990 erschienen ist.

Erstellt: 2015-08


Conservation (W3)

Engl. "Conservation" und dt. "Konservierung", "konservieren" gehen zurück auf lat. "conservare" = "bewahren", "erhalten".
Da "servieren" auf lat. "servire" = "dienen" zurück geht muß "konservieren" ja wörtlich etwa "mitdienen" heißen - oder wie kann man es sinnvoll übersetzen?

The Conservation Alliance

The Conservation Alliance is a non-profit organization of outdoor businesses whose collective annual membership dues support grassroots citizen-action groups and their efforts to protect wild and natural areas.

Die kanadische "Raincoast Conservation Society" wurde 1990 gegründet, um sich um die Erhaltung des Regenwaldbestandes in British Columbia zu bemühen.

Founded in 1990, "Raincoast Conservation Society" is a non-profit research and public education organization. We work in partnership with scientists, First Nations, local communities and Non-governmental Organizations to build support for decisions that protect marine and rainforest habitat on BC’s central and north coast.

About Raincoast | Contact Us | Join Raincoast | Canada's Rainforest: | The Great Bear Rainforest | Threats to the Rainforest | Research and Projects: | Overview | Wolves | Grizzly Bears | Aquaculture | Wild Salmon | Marine Conservation | Koeye | Resources: | Image Gallery | Prints - purchase on-line | Publications and Resources | Frontline | Books for Purchase | Links




"EPARKS" steht möglicherweise für "Endangered Parks" - eine Namens-Erklärung für das "E" habe ich auf der schönen Site über amerikanische Parks nicht gefunden.


National Park News | National Park Magazines | Animal-Facts Aquatic | Animal-Facts Dry Land | Plant-Facts Aquatic | Plant-Facts Dry Land | Alaska-Facts | Animal Protection | Aquatic Protection | Endangered Parks


Aquatic Animals: Alligator | Crocodile | Blue Whale | Beluga Whale | Humpback Whale | Orca | Dolphin | Octopus | Manatee | Sea Otter | Sea Turtle | Sharks | Seal | Sea Lion | Walrus


Animal-Facts Dry Land: Bald Eagle | Bat | Buffalo | Black-Footed Ferret | California Condor | Caribou | Elk | Florida Panther | Gray Wolf | Black Bear | Grizzly Bear | Polar Bear | Lynx | Moose | Prairie Dog | Red Wolf


Endangered Species: American Crocodile | Bald Eagle | Bat | Black-Footed Ferret | Blue Whale | California Condor | Caribou | Florida Panther | Gray Wolf | Grizzly Bear | Humpback Whale | Lynx | Florida Manatee | Prairie Dog | Red Wolf | Sea Otter | Sea Turtle | Sea Lion


Most Endangered Parks
This year the National Parks Conservation Association listed the following parks as the most endangered parks. I included the main reasons and they are linked to the National Park Service sites. The National Parks Conservation Association was founded in 1919 to protect our National Parks.

EWG (W3)

"EWG" steht für "Environmental Working Group".

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a not-for-profit environmental research organization dedicated to improving public health and protecting the environment by reducing pollution in air, water and food.



Atlas of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks

Mit schönen Fotographien von Gesteinsstrukturen, aber leider ohne Hinweise zur Namensherkunft.
(Zur Illustration an passender Stelle ganz hilfreich.)


Index of minerals in thin-section (Click on the below items for photos and descriptions of these minerals.)

amphibole | glaucophane | hornblende | tremolite | andalusite | augite | biotite | calcite | clinopyroxene | augite | chlorite | chloritoid | coesite | ellenbergerite | epidote | feldspar | microcline | plagioclase | garnet | glaucophane | hornblende | hypersthene | idocrase (vesuvianite) | kyanite | leucite | microcline | muscovite | nepheline | olivine | orthopyroxene | hypersthene | piemontite | plagioclase | quartz | quartz after coesite | sericite | staurolite | stilpnomelane | talc | titanite (sphene) | tremolite | tourmaline | vesuvianite (idocrase)


Microtextures of plutonic rocks (Click on the below items for photos and descriptions of these features.)

alteration | anorthosite | bronzitite | clinopyroxenite | diabase | dunite | gabbro | granite | granophyre | micrographic texture | myrmekite | norite | ophitic texture | orthopyroxenite | perthite | poikilitic texture | sericitic alteration | sieve texture (in plagioclase) | subgrains in quartz | tonalite


Microtextures of volcanic rocks (Click on the below items for photos and descriptions of these features.)

amygdaloidal texture | breccia | komatiite | nepheline basalt | rhyolite | scoria | spherulites | spinifex texture | tuff (lightly compacted) | tuff (poorly-welded) | tuff (welded) | vesicles | vitrophyre


Microtextures of metamorphic rocks (Click on the below items for photos and descriptions of these features.)

crenulation cleavage | eclogite | eclogite (retrograded) | foliation | gneiss | granoblastic texture | hornfels (banded) | hornfels (spotted) | marble | mesh texture | mylonite | palisades texture | phyllite | poikiloblastic texture | porphyroblastic texture | porophyroclastic texturevquartzite | subgrains | talc-tremolite schist | whiteschist




"ITIS" steht für "Integrated Taxonomic Information System".


Welcome to ITIS, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System!
Here you will find authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world. We are a partnership of U.S., Canadian, and Mexican agencies (ITIS-North America); other organizations; and taxonomic specialists. ITIS is also a partner of Species 2000 and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).

Quick search on: Any Name or TSN (Taxonomic Serial Number) | Common Name | Scientific Name | TSN
In: every| Animal | Plant | Fungal | Monera | Protozoa | Kingdom | exactly | for containing | starting with | ending with





MNH (W3)

"MNH" steht für "(National) Museum of Natural History".


The National Museum of Natural History is dedicated to understanding the natural world and our place in it.


National Parks, US


National Parks

National Battlefield (Battlefields, parks, sites, etc) National Cemetery National Heritage Corridors National Historic Areas National Historic Sites National Historical Parks National Lakeshores National Memorial National Military Parks National Monuments National Parkways National Preserve National Recreation Areas National Rivers (Scenic, wild, etc) National Seashores National Trails Miscellaneous Sites

Erstellt: 2013-02

Nature (W3)

Die engl. "Nature" und die dt. "Natur" gehen zurück auf lat. "natura" = "Geburt", lat. "nasci" = "geboren werden", "entstehen". Dazu passende Begriffe sind auch engl. "nascent" = "werdend", "entstehend", dt. "naszierend", ital. "nascente" = "anbrechend", und entstehende Werke können "in statu nascendi" = "im Zustand des Entstehens" sein.

Die "Nature Publishing Group" ist Herausgeber vieler "Natur-Magazine", oder allgemein "Wissenschaftsmagazine".


The Nature Conservancy

The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.

Ganz interessant ist der "Carbon Footprint Calculator" der den eigenen Anteil an "greenhouse gas" Emissionen berechnet.




Nature's mission statement

Nature's original mission statement was published for the first time on 11 November 1869. The journal's original mission statement was revised in 2000. The original mission statement is reproduced below:

THE object which it is proposed to attain by this periodical may be broadly stated as follows. It is intended To accomplish this twofold object, the following plan will be followed as closely as possible :

Those portions of the Paper more especially devoted to the discussion of matters interesting to the public at large will contain: In those portions of "NATURE" more especially interesting to Scientific men will be given : In addition to the above, there will be columns devoted to Correspondence.

For more on the history of Nature, including essays, videos, timeline and an interactive forum, visit History of the Journal Nature.


Showing 1-25 of 656 results (for "etymology")

Erstellt: 2015-03


"NMNH" steht für "National Museum of Natural History".
"SI" steht für "Smithsonian Institution".


Introduction to the National Museum of Natural History
The "National Museum of Natural History" ("NMNH") is part of the "Smithsonian Institution", the world’s preeminent museum and research complex. The Museum is dedicated to inspiring curiosity, discovery, and learning about the natural world through its unparalleled research, collections, exhibitions, and education outreach programs. Opened in 1910, the green-domed museum on the National Mall was among the first Smithsonian building constructed exclusively to house the national collections and research facilities.

NNL (W3)

"NNL" steht für "National Natural Landmark".


National Natural Landmarks Program

The "National Natural Landmarks" ("NNL") Program recognizes and encourages the conservation of sites that contain outstanding biological and geological resources, regardless of landownership type. It is the only natural areas program of national scope that recognizes the best examples of biological and geological features in both public and private ownership. NNLs are owned by a variety of land stewards, and participation in the program is voluntary.


"National Natural Landmarks" ("NNL") sind geologische und ökologische Objekte in den Vereinigten Staaten, die vom Innenministerium als bedeutend für die Naturgeschichte des Landes eingestuft wurden. Das Programm wurde am 18. Mai 1962 vom damaligen US-Innenminister Stewart Udall ins Leben gerufen. Die als National Natural Landmarks ausgewiesenen Objekte können sich sowohl in öffentlichem wie auch in privatem Besitz befinden.

Erstellt: 2013-03

NPS (W3)

"NPS" steht für "National Park Service".

US-Nationalparks von A bis Z
Zu jedem der vielen Parks und Monumente findet man: Accessibility | Activities | Education Programs | Facts | For Kids | History & Culture | In Depth | Management Docs | Nature & Science | News | Plan Your Visit | Bookstore | Employment | Volunteer

Die angebotenen Informationen sind wirklich erschlagend.

National Park Service
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| Abraham Lincoln Birthplace | Acadia | Adams | African American Civil War Memorial | African Burial Ground | Agate Fossil Beds | Ala Kahakai | Alagnak | Alaska Public Lands | Alcatraz Island | Aleutian World War II | Alibates Flint Quarries | Allegheny Portage Railroad | American Memorial | Amistad | Anacostia | Andersonville | Andrew Johnson | Aniakchak | Antietam | Apostle Islands | Appalachian | Appomattox Court House | Arabia Mountain | Arches | Arkansas Post | Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial | Assateague Island | Atchafalaya | Augusta Canal | Aztec Ruins | Badlands | Baltimore | Baltimore-Washington | Bandelier | Bent's Old Fort | | Big Bend | Big Cypress | Big Hole | Big South Fork | Big Thicket | Bighorn Canyon | Biscayne | Black Canyon Of The Gunnison | Blackstone River Valley | Blue Ridge | Blue Ridge | Bluestone | Booker T Washington | Boston | Boston African American | Boston Harbor Islands | Brices Cross Roads | Brown v. Board of Education | Bryce Canyon | Buck Island Reef | Buffalo | Cabrillo | Cache La Poudre | California | Canaveral | Cane River | Cane River Creole | Canyon De Chelly | Canyonlands | Cape Cod | Cape Hatteras | Cape Henry Memorial | Cape Krusenstern | Cape Lookout | Capitol Hill Parks | Capitol Reef | Captain John Smith Chesapeake | Capulin Volcano | Carl Sandburg Home | Carlsbad Caverns | Carter G. Woodson Home | Casa Grande Ruins | Castillo De San Marcos | | Catoctin Mountain | Cedar Breaks | Cedar Creek & Belle Grove | César E. Chávez | Chaco Culture | Chamizal | Channel Islands | Charles Pinckney | Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers | Chattahoochee River | Chesapeake & Ohio Canal | Chesapeake Bay | Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network | Chickamauga & Chattanooga | Chickasaw | Chiricahua | Christiansted | City Of Rocks | Civil War Defenses of Washington | Clara Barton | Claude Moore Colonial Farm | Coal | Colonial | Colorado | Congaree | Constitution Gardens | Coronado | Cowpens | Crater Lake | Craters Of The Moon | Cumberland Gap | Cumberland Island | Curecanti | Cuyahoga Valley | David Berger | Dayton Aviation Heritage | De Soto | Death Valley | Delaware & Lehigh | Delaware Water Gap | Denali | Devils Postpile | Devils Tower | Dinosaur | Dry Tortugas | Ebey's Landing | Edgar Allan Poe | Effigy Mounds | Eisenhower | El Camino Real de los Tejas | El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro | El Malpais | El Morro | Eleanor Roosevelt | Ellis Island | Erie Canalway | Essex | Eugene O'Neill | Everglades | Fallen Timbers Battlefield and Fort Miamis | Federal Hall | Fire Island | First Ladies | First State | Flight 93 | Florissant Fossil Beds | Ford's Theatre | Fort Bowie | Fort Caroline | Fort Davis | Fort Donelson | Fort Dupont Park | Fort Foote | Fort Frederica | Fort Laramie | Fort Larned | Fort Matanzas | Fort McHenry | Fort Monroe | Fort Necessity | Fort Point | Fort Pulaski | Fort Raleigh | Fort Scott | Fort Smith | Fort Stanwix | Fort Sumter | Fort Union | Fort Union Trading Post | Fort Vancouver | Fort Washington | Fossil Butte | Franklin Delano Roosevelt | Frederick Douglass | Frederick Law Olmsted | Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania | Friendship Hill | Gates Of The Arctic | Gateway | Gauley River | General Grant | George Mason | George Rogers Clark | George Washington | George Washington Birthplace | George Washington Carver | Gettysburg | Gila Cliff Dwellings | Glacier | Glacier Bay | Glen Canyon | Glen Echo | Gloria Dei Church | Golden Gate | Golden Spike | Governors Island | Grand Canyon | Grand Portage | Grand Teton | Grant-Kohrs Ranch | Great Basin | Great Egg Harbor River | Great Falls | Great Sand Dunes | Great Smoky Mountains | Green Springs | Greenbelt | Guadalupe Mountains | Guilford Courthouse | Gulf Islands | Gullah/Geechee | Hagerman Fossil Beds | Haleakala | Hamilton Grange | Hampton | Harmony Hall | Harpers Ferry | Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad | Harry S Truman | Hawai'i Volcanoes | Herbert Hoover | Historic Jamestowne | Hohokam Pima | Home Of Franklin D Roosevelt | Homestead | Hopewell Culture | Hopewell Furnace | Horseshoe Bend | Hot Springs | Hovenweep | Hubbell Trading Post | Hudson River Valley | Iñupiat Heritage Center | Ice Age | Independence | Indiana Dunes | Isle Royale | James A Garfield | Jean Lafitte | Jefferson | Jewel Cave | Jimmy Carter | John D Rockefeller Jr | John Day Fossil Beds | John Ericsson | John Fitzgerald Kennedy | John Muir | Johnstown Flood | Joshua Tree | Juan Bautista de Anza | Kalaupapa | Kaloko-Honokohau | Katmai | Kenai Fjords | Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens | Kennesaw Mountain | Keweenaw | Kings Mountain | | Knife River Indian Villages | Kobuk Valley | Korean War Veterans | Lake Chelan | Lake Clark | Lake Mead | Lake Meredith | Lake Roosevelt | Lassen Volcanic | Lava Beds | Lewis & Clark | Lewis and Clark | Lincoln | Lincoln Boyhood | Lincoln Home | Little Bighorn Battlefield | Little River Canyon | Little Rock Central High School | Longfellow House Washington's Headquarters | Lowell | Lower Delaware | Lower East Side Tenement Museum | Lyndon B Johnson | Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac | Maggie L Walker | Maine Acadian Culture | Mammoth Cave | Manassas | Manzanar | Marsh - Billings - Rockefeller | Martin Luther King Jr | Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial | Martin Van Buren | Mary McLeod Bethune Council House | Meridian Hill | Mesa Verde | Minidoka | Minute Man | Minuteman Missile | Mississippi | Mississippi Delta | Mississippi Hills | Missouri | Mojave | Monocacy | Montezuma Castle | Moores Creek | Mormon Pioneer | Morristown | Motor Cities | Mount Rainier | Mount Rushmore | Muir Woods | Muscle Shoals | Natchez | Natchez Trace | Natchez Trace | National Aviation | National Capital Parks-East | National Mall | National Mall & Memorial Parks | National Park of American Samoa | National Parks of New York Harbor | National World War II | Natural Bridges | Navajo | New Bedford Whaling | New England | New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Route | New Jersey Pinelands | New Orleans Jazz | New River Gorge | Nez Perce | Niagara Falls | Nicodemus | Ninety Six | Niobrara | Noatak | North Cascades | North Country | Northern Rio Grande | Obed | Ocmulgee | Oil Region | Oklahoma City | Old Post Office Tower | Old Spanish | Olympic | Oregon | Oregon Caves | Organ Pipe Cactus | Overmountain Victory | Oxon Cove Park & Oxon Hill Farm | Ozark | Padre Island | Palo Alto Battlefield | Parashant | Paterson Great Falls | Pea Ridge | Pecos | Peirce Mill | Pennsylvania Avenue | Perry's Victory & International Peace | Petersburg | Petrified Forest | Petroglyph | Pictured Rocks | Pinnacles | Pipe Spring | Pipestone | Piscataway | Point Reyes | Pony Express | Port Chicago Naval Magazine | Potomac Heritage | Poverty Point | | President's Park (White House) | Presidio of San Francisco | Prince William Forest | Pu`uhonua O Honaunau | Pu`ukohola Heiau | Quinebaug & Shetucket Rivers Valley | Rainbow Bridge | Redwood | Richmond | Rio Grande | River Raisin | Rivers Of Steel | Rock Creek | Rocky Mountain | Roger Williams | Roosevelt Campobello | Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front | Russell Cave | Sagamore Hill | Saguaro | Saint Croix | Saint Croix Island | Saint Paul's Church | Saint-Gaudens | Salem Maritime | Salinas Pueblo Missions | Salt River Bay | San Antonio Missions | San Francisco Maritime | San Juan | San Juan Island | Sand Creek Massacre | Santa Fe | Santa Monica Mountains | Saratoga | Saugus Iron Works | Schuylkill River Valley | Scotts Bluff | Selma To Montgomery | Sequoia & Kings Canyon | Shenandoah | Shiloh | Sitka | Sleeping Bear Dunes | South Carolina | Springfield Armory | Star-Spangled Banner | Statue Of Liberty | Steamtown | Stones River | Sunset Crater Volcano | Tallgrass Prairie | Tennessee Civil War | Thaddeus Kosciuszko | The Old Stone House | Theodore Roosevelt | Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace | Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural | Theodore Roosevelt Island | Thomas Cole | Thomas Edison | Thomas Jefferson | Thomas Stone | Timpanogos Cave | Timucuan | Tonto | Touro Synagogue | Trail Of Tears | Tule Lake Unit | Tumacácori | Tupelo | Tuskegee Airmen | Tuskegee Institute | Tuzigoot | Ulysses S Grant | Upper Delaware | Valley Forge | Vanderbilt Mansion | Vicksburg | Vietnam Veterans | Virgin Islands | Virgin Islands Coral Reef | Voyageurs | Walnut Canyon | War In The Pacific | Washington Monument | Washington-Rochambeau | Washita Battlefield | Weir Farm | Wheeling | Whiskeytown | White Sands | Whitman Mission | William Howard Taft | Wilson's Creek | Wind Cave | Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts | Women's Rights | World War II Memorial | World War II Valor in the Pacific | Wrangell - St Elias | Wright Brothers | Wupatki | Yellowstone | Yorktown Battlefield | Yosemite | Yucca House | Yukon - Charley Rivers | Yuma Crossing | Zion |

Erstellt: 2014-10

NTS (W3)

"NTS" steht für "National Trails System". Dieses Wegesystem wurde 1968 vom Congress beschlossen. Das Wegesystem setzt sich zusammen aus "NST" = "National Scenic Trails", "NHT" = "National Historic Trails", die beide nur vom Congress authorisiert werden müssen und "NRT" = "National Recreation Trails", die auch von anderen Behörden wie dem "Department of the Interior" oder "Department of Agriculture" eingerichtet werden können.

Mit dem "National Trails System" soll - neben dem reinen Freizeitwert - u.a. auch an die amerikanische Besiedlung erinnert werden.


National Trails System Map and Guide
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior
Forest Service, U.S. Department of the Agriculture

Note from the Consumer Information Center: This publication (as printed) is largely composed of full color maps,
, charts and graphics. We are providing the text of the narrative portions but that leaves out much of the informational value. The National Park Service has many maps at their web site, which you may find useful. The address is:
A printed version of this publication may be available on our shopping site at:


The "Partnership for the National Trails System" ("PNTS") was established in 1995 to facilitate interaction and cooperation among the various private groups and goverment agencies involved with the national scenic and historic trails of the National Trails System.

The National Trails System is the network of scenic, historic, and recreation trails created by the National Trails System Act of 1968.

These trails provide for outdoor recreation needs, promote the enjoyment, appreciation, and preservation of open-air, outdoor areas and historic resources, and encourage public access and involvement.




The National Trails System is...
...the network of scenic, historic, and recreation trails created by the National Trails System Act of 1968. These trails provide for outdoor recreation needs, promote the enjoyment, appreciation, and preservation of open-air, outdoor areas and historic resources, and encourage public access and citizen involvement.



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Dt. "Phänomen", frz. "phénomène"; span. "fenómeno", ital. "fenomeno", engl. "phenomenon" (plural, engl. "phenomena") geht zurück auf lat. "phaenomenon" = "Erscheinung" und weiter auf griech. "phainómenon" = "das Erscheinende", griech. "phaínesthai" = "erscheinen", "sich zeigen", griech. "phaínein" = "sichtbar machen", "sehen lassen".

Zu diesem griech. "phaínein" gehört auch das "Phantom", frz. "fantôme", das durch lateinische Vermittlung auf griech. "phántasma" = "Trugbild" zurück geht. Auch "phantastisch", "fantastisch" das über lat. "phantasticus" auf griech. "phantastikós" zurück geht, gehört in diese Familie.

Und mit etwas "Phantasie", "Fantasie" (von griech. "phantázesthai" = "erscheinen") findet man noch viel eweiter Verwandte, wie etwa "Phase" (griech. "phásis" = "Erscheinung"), "Emphase" (griech. "émphasis" = "Verdeutlichung"), "Fanal" (zu griech. "phanós" = "Leuchte", "Fackel"), "Foto-" (zu griech. "phos" = "Licht"), "Phosphor" (zu griech. "phosphóros" = "lichttragend").