Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Marketing, Marketing, Marketing, Marketing, Marketing, (esper.) merkatiko

Logo Etymologie-Portal


Always Be Closing (W3)



Salesmen's motivational acronym for "Always Be Closing", the traditional slogan that emphasizes the need to be continually moving the customer towards agreement and action within sales discussions.

(Blake flips over a blackboard which has two sets of letters on it: ABC, and AIDA.)

Blake: "A.B.C." A-always, B-be, C-closing. "Always be closing!" Always be closing!

"A.I.D.A." "Attention, Interest, Decision, Action." Attention - do I have your attention? Interest -- are you interested? I know you are because it's fuck or walk. You close or you hit the bricks! Decision - have you made your decision for Christ?!! And action. A.I.D.A. Get out there! You got the prospects coming in; you think they came in to get out of the rain? Guy doesn't walk on the lot unless he wants to buy. Sitting out there waiting to give you their money! Are you gonna take it? Are you man enough to take it?

Erstellt: 2021-05

ad (W3)

Engl. "ad" trifft man des öfteren als Abkürzung für engl. "advertisement" = dt. "Anzeige" an.


"ad" (n.), abbreviation of "advertisement", attested by 1841. Long resisted by those in the trade, and according to Mencken (1945) denounced by William C. D'Arcy (president of Associated Advertising Clubs of the World) as "the language of bootblacks, ... beneath the dignity of men of the advertising profession."

Entries related to "ad"

Erstellt: 2020-06

advertorial (W3)

Die engl. "advertorial" = "Textanzeige" ist ein als Informationsartikel getarnter Werbetext, ähnlich wie das engl. "infomercial" ein "information-commercial" ein "kommerzieller Informationsbeitrag" ist. "commercial" setzt sich zusammen aus "advertisement" und "editorial", ist also eine als Leitartikel getarnte Werbung.


Advertising, Media, Marketing and Design


About AdFreak

AdFreak is your daily digest of the best and worst of creativity in advertising, media, marketing and design. Follow us as we celebrate (and skewer) the latest, greatest, quirkiest and freakiest commercials, promos, trailers, posters, billboards, logos and package designs around. Edited by Adweek's Tim Nudd. Updated every weekday, with a weekly recap on Saturdays.


About Us

Adweek was founded in June 1978 by a trio of former magazine executives - Jack Thomas, publisher of New York magazine; Ken Fadner, a former vice president of finance at New York and Esquire; and Pen Tudor, a sales executive at Life - who joined together to purchase three regional advertising trade publications in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. The owners wanted to provide a regional focus on the advertising industry’s creative process, account changes and decision makers.
Cooper and his editorial team of seasoned professionals have continued to produce a re-energized magazine and website that delivers insightful, forward-thinking content that appeals to the advertising, media and marketing professionals that have always been the brands’ core readers.

Erstellt: 2012-04

AdWords (W3)


Doug Edwards war 5 Jahre bei Google und in dieser Zeit auch Marketingleiter. In seinem Blog für ehemalige Google-Mitarbeiter findet man auch einige Hinweise zu den von Google angebotenen "AdWords" (= "AnzeigeWorte", engl. "advertise" = "werben" / engl. "advertisement" = "Anzeige", "Inserat", "Werbung"). Er war in den Aufstiegsjahren auch am Projekt "Adwords" beteiligt. Ob Zufall oder bewußte Namensgebung - jedenfalls klingt der Nachname "Edwards" im Englischen wie "AdWords".

As the email debated waged on, I threw out "AdWords," as a compromise. It seemed to meet the requirements and, as I pointed out to the ads team, it had a comforting familiarity about it. "AdWords." "Edwards." Hmmm...

We checked with the owner of the "BuyWords" domain and he wouldn't sell and we agreed that "AdsDirect" was too much like "direct mail". So, "AdWords" it was.

And that's how my name came to be enshrined in Google's revenue stream.

affiliate (W3)

Als Verb engl. "affiliate" (1761) = dt. "als Mitglied aufnehmen", "angliedern", "sich anschließen", bedeutet wörtlich "die Vaterschaft eines Kindes übernehmen/zuschreiben" und geht zurück auf lat. "affiliatus", lat. "affiliare" = dt. "adoptieren". Die Übertragung von "affiliate" auf Gesellschaften und Firmen findet man seit dem Jahr 1761.

Als Substantiv bedeutet engl. "affiliate" (1879) = dt. "Beteiligungsgesellschaft", "verbundenes Unternehmen", "Tochtergesellschaft", geht zurück auf lat. "affiliatio" = dt. "Adoption", kirchenlat. "filiatio" = dt. "Sohnwerdung", lat. "filius" = dt. "Sohn".

Als Ajektiv findet man "affiliate" seit 1868.


How Affiliate Programs Work

Affiliate | Affiliated Companies | Affiliated Person


affiliate | affiliate link | two-tier affiliate program

affiliates programs

Limericks on affiliate






1969 Add a Review of Your Translation by an In-Country Affiliate in Your Project Schedule

1257 16 Things To Check Before Joining Someone Else's "Pay Per Sale" Affiliate Program

959 Affiliates: 10 Ways to Improve Credibility and Conversions
952 Affiliate Programs: Can I REALLY Make Money?
949 Top 10 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliated | affiliates


affiliate agreement

affiliate link

affiliate program

Affiliate-Experte | Affiliate-Programm | Affiliate-Programm

Erstellt: 2010-12

Affiliate Marketing (W3)

Der Anglizismus "Affiliate Marketing" = dt. "Partnerprogramme" wurde im Jahr 1996, insbesondere durch Amazon, im Internet salonfähig. Seit etwa 1999 findet man diese Art der Vermarktung auch in Deutschland.

Affiliate Marketing | Affiliate Program



Affiliate-Marketing | Affiliate-Marketing-Systeme | Affiliate-Programm (Partnerprogramm)


1551 8 Tips For Affiliate Marketing Success

963 Affiliate Marketing Scams
956 Affiliate Marketing is TOO Expensive

How Affiliate Marketing Works


Erstellt: 2010-12

affiliation (W3)

Engl. "affiliation" (1751) = dt. "Angliederung", geht über frz. "affiliation" zurück auf mittellat. "affiliationem", lat. "affiliatio" = dt. "Adoption", lat. "affiliare" = dt. "einen Sohn adoptieren", kirchenlat. "filiatio" = dt. "Sohnwerdung", lat. "filius" = dt. "Sohn" und setzt sich zusammen aus lat. "ad-" = dt. zu" und lat. "filius" = dt. "Sohn" (lat. "ad-filiare" = dt. "zum Sohn machen"). Die Übertragung von "affiliation" auf Gesellschaften und Firmen findet man seit dem Jahr 1799.




Limericks on affiliation



Erstellt: 2010-12

Advertising Dictionaries


Erstellt: 2012-05

Advertising Dictionaries


Erstellt: 2012-05



(E?)(L?) hosts a massive gallery of banner ads and will be of special interest to graphic designers, web developers, marketing professionals and as those with an interest in online advertising. is the creation of Web Evangelist, Tari Akpodiete. After an extensive internet search for examples of banner advertising, Tari discovered that while there was a lot of information on the subject, there were very few comprehensive visual resources available. And so the idea of was born.

Determined to build the biggest and best banner ad gallery on the web, Tari has spent the last few years obsessively gathering banner ads. As a result, features some of the finest examples of banner advertisements available. The centerpiece of is a searchable database of banner ads covering many categories and subjects, totalling nearly 15 000 images and counting.

Erstellt: 2014-08




Email Advertising Media Terminology List
Christopher Knight


Today, I thought I'd share the four-page internal advertising terminology sheet that we use here to train our ad sales reps.

Erstellt: 2012-05

Eyeblaster (W3)

"Eyeblaster" sind eine Form der Online-Werbung, bei der Werbebotschaften auf einer Internetseite angezeigt werden und dann aber zügig in den Hintergrund treten, um den den Störgrad möglichst klein zu halten. Entsprechend der vielen Bedeutungen von engl. "blaster" ist es also eine Anzeige, die "ins Auge springt" (und wieder in sich zusammenfällt).



Erstellt: 2010-09


Flyer (W3)

Das Werbemittel "Flyer" = "Flugblatt", "Reklamezettel" basiert zunächst auf dem Verb engl. "fly" = "fliegen", "eilen". Demnach kann man auch ein Insekt, in australien ein schnelles Känguruh, einen Piloten oder einen Mitflieger als engl. "flyer" bezeichnen. Ausgehend von der Bedeutung "eilen", kann es auch auf schnelle Pferde gemünzt sein oder ein schnelles Fahrzeug bezeichnen, im Sinne von "Flitzer". Auch eine Vorspinnmaschine, zur Fertigung von Vorgarn aus Faserbändern, wird als "Flyer" bezeichnet oder dt. "Flügelspinnmaschine". Auch der Arbeiter, der an einer solchen Maschine arbeitet trägt diesen Namen.

Aber man nimmt die Bezeichnung auch für einen "Handzettel" oder für einen "Steckbrief", also etwa, was schnell unter die Leute gebracht werden soll. Der engl. "flyer" = "Flugblatt" kam 1889 auf. Nach Deutschland kam der Flyer erst in den 1990er Jahren.



Heartland Flyer

Der Flyer wurde anscheinend aus dem optischen auch in den akkustischen Bereich übertragen.

Ergebnis für: "Soundflyer" - Fundstelle(n) in "Blogspiel-Tracks"

Ein "Flyer" genannter Cocktail.


Der "Global Flyer" flog im März 2005 als erster Düsenjet einmal, ohne Stop und ohne Nachtanken, in drei Tagen, 22.000 Meilen rund um die Erde.





MagicFlyer : le papillon messager


Flyerstarters agency-quality fully customizable design templates will save you hours of time-consuming page layout and graphic production.

Hier findet man noch zwei umgangssprachliche Begriffe, einmal bedeutet engl. "to take a flyer" auch "to enjoy a woman with her clothes on, or without going to bed" und im Plural kann "flyers" auch "Schuhe" bezeichnen.

Wenn man die Überschrift ernst nimmt, kam der Neologismus "Flyer" als "Handzettel" erst in den 1990er Jahren nach Deutschland.


"Flyer" ist auch die Bezeichnung einer Schriftfamilie.


Flyeraktion | Flyerverteilerin | Frequent-Flyer-Gesellschaft | Hi-Flyer-Ball | Hi-Flyer-Ballon | Info-Flyer | Informationsflyer







Layout (W3)


Englischer Terminus aus der US-Werbung der 1940er Jahre für den "Aufriss eines Werbemittels"; "Skizze" bzw. "skizzenhafte Zusammenstellung einzelner graphischer Module", beispielsweise bestehend aus * Headlines, Texten, Fotografien, Illustrationen, Grafiken oder Corporate Identity- bzw. Corporate Design-Elementen zu einem vorläufigen graphischen Gesamtentwurf für ein PR-, Medien- oder Werbemittel (z.B. Anzeige, Prospekt oder Website).

Ein "Layout" (englisch "layout" für "Entwurf", "Planung", "Anordnung", "Anlage" oder "Aufmachung einer Zeitung") dient dazu, einen graphischen Entwurf bzw. eine Idee zu materialisieren, um diese sich selbst bzw. Dritten (z.B. Kollegen, Zulieferer, Auftraggeber etc.) verständlich vor Augen zu führen. In der klassisischen Typographie auch als "Faksimile" bezeichnet.



Advertising: 6 collections

Erstellt: 2012-05


marketing automation (W3)

Engl. "marketing automation" findet man im Umfeld von engl. "customer relationship management" ("CRM") und bezeichnet die Abwicklung von Marketingprozessen unter zuhilfenahme von Software und IT-Anwendungen.



(E1)(L1) automation
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "marketing automation" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1970 auf.

Erstellt: 2012-05

Marketing Myopia
Marketing-Myopia (W3)

"Marketing Myopia" war der Titel eines Artikels in der Ausgabe Julie/August 1960 der "Harvard Business Review". Darin beschreibt der Autor "Theodore C. Levitt" (1925-) die Gefahr dass Firmen sich zu sehr mit sich selbst beschäftigen und versäumen die Erfordernisse des Markts zu beobachten. Solche Firmen unterliegen also eine "Markt-Blindheit" (engl. "myopia" = dt. "Myopie" = "Kurzsichtigkeit" geht zurück auf griech. "myopía", griech. "mýops", "myop", zu , griech. "mys" = "Muskel", griech. "mýein" = "sich schließen" (von Lippen u. Augen).



mediensprache - Eine Analyse der Anzeigen- und Plakatwerbung von McDonald's

"Hellas Wahnsinn". Sprachspielerische Werbung für McDonald’s-Produkte ist weithin bekannt. Vor allem die Spezial-Wochen mit Hamburger-Variationen - ob griechisch oder fernöstlich - dürften Sprachinteressierten im Gedächtnis geblieben sein. "Entlich": Unsere neue Networx 32 nimmt die bekannte Werbung näher unter die Lupe. Und: "Was kostas"? Nichts. Na dann: "Lang tsu" - "Most Prahlzeit".

Die Arbeit untersucht Anzeigen- und Plakatwerbung von McDonald's im Hinblick auf ihre sprachliche Kreativität. Hierbei soll eine Kategorisierung hinsichtlich der verwendeten Kreativtechniken vorgenommen werden. Schließlich soll ein möglicher Zusammenhang zwischen Kreativität und Werbeintention erörtert werden, der aus einer deskriptiven Forschungsperspektive wird.

(Die herunterladbare PDF-Datei ist über 2MB gross.)

Advertising Glossary



Erstellt: 2012-05




Permission-based marketing


Sexy Pez Advertising


The Sexy Side of PEZ!
The Gallery of Sexy Pez Advertising

Erstellt: 2012-05

Advertising art of mid-century America


Plan59, the site dedicated to the commercial art of mid-century America.

| Pop culture in the literal sense | The Vbsy Twins | The Big Chiller | Tint City by Jo Kotula | Space Art, 1958 | Deliciously Yours! in 1953 | Jon Whitcomb, 1951 | Frozen foods mean finer living | Another bottleneck removed! | How do YOU clean stubborn spots? | | Bisect the sea with a fast motor boat | City sidewalks and alloy steels | Tomorrow command your own | | The electric dog-washer, 1950 | Now! Barbecue! Roast! Baste! | Cell phone circa 1945 | Speed-the-Plow | The Good Humor Man, 1954 | Pete Hawley bathing beauty, 1955 | Kentucky Tavern, 1949 | Radioactive barbecue, 1955 | Submarine freight by Jo Kotula | Coral Gables, 1931 | Dead End by Allen Russell Saalburg | American Locomotive, 1944 | For Long, Safe, Economical Mileage | The generic grocery, 1960 | Pefect tomatoes, 1955 | Richard Foes for Solar Aircraft, 1957 | Interplanetary biscuits, 1956 | Solarex Scientific Sun Glasses, 1948 | Ham Shortcakes with Pea Sauce | Lockheed JetStar, 1960 | Bank Noir, 1954 | Paul Gerding for Republic Steel | Haddon Sundblom, 1955 | Malcolm Daniel Charleson, 1934 | Glenn Grohe, 1948 | Chesley Bonestell, 1954 | Great Northern Railway, 1946 | Pete Hawley, 1949 | H. von Wollenberg, 1957 | New Combination Washer-Dryer | United States Department of War | Nick Carter for Petri Wine, 1949 | Future highway by Jo Kotula | Ham Girl! | Ballpoint for the Atomic Age | Pete Hawley, 1959 | Behind the Green Door | Clear heads agree . . . | Death Toy on the basement stairs | Sylouette by Sylvania | Toys in the attic


| Supersonic jetliner, 1958 | The lovely Joyce Gordon | New General Dual-Balloon | Paul Randall for Studebaker | Poolside with John Gannam | Electronic world of the future | The party's over, bub | Woodi Ishmael, 1953 | Coby Whitmore, 1949 | Clarence Holbrook Carter, 1956 | Love at First Sight, 1955 | Steel . . . gloved in style | The goodness of malt | Champion Spark Plugs, 1949 | | Dutch Cleanser at the lake | How it feels / How it looks | Glenn Grohe, 1953 | Robert McCall, 1960 | Lunar Unicycle by Frank Tinsley | Pete Hawley, 1946 | Easy Combomatic, 1958 | A toast to Philip Dormont | Driving with Ethyl | Housewife in distress | Cotton, calico and chemistry | "Trailer Camp Friendships" | Coffee pickers by Woodi Ishmael | Northrop Aircraft, 1955 | You can take it with you | A boy and his dog, 1956 | Garbage in | Astronauts at Titan, 1959 | Pete Hawley, 1949 | Larry Baranovic, 1954 | RCA color TV, 1955 | Monument Valley, 1955 | All aboard the electric bus | Woo, woo | The ravenous girl | The ravenous boy | Stetson Flagship, 1950 | Deliciously yours! in 1954 | V-8 in party clothes | Lycopersicon warholia | Harley Earl's TV | Devil Mint, 1954 | CBS-Columbia color TV, 1954 | Deliciously yours! | Pabst at the fish fry | Barbecue by Philip Dormont | Pete Hawley, 1954 | Radiation therapy, 1960 | "First Weekend at the Cottage" | Pete Hawley again, in 1954 | Deliciously yours! | Early Kool-Aid


| The Omnivorous Tot | Ballantine on the terrace | Charlotte Sternberg, 1949 | In 1952, Deliciously yours! | House of the Super-Duper Future | Billy wasn't like the other boys | Pliofilm packaging, 1948 | Barbecue accident, 1958 | Deliciously yours! in 1954 | Capehart Saratoga, 1953 | Railroad art by Allan Kass | Father, son and boxer shorts | The Texaco Kid | Deliciously yours! | Still deliciously yours! | Rinso with amazing Solium | Deliciously yours! | The Phantom Snacker | | Water taxi, 1946 | Still life with Shredded Wheat | The hepcat's pajamas | Dicyclopentadiene! | Hunch confirmed | The joy of bean-eating | Parched in suburbia | Snarks by Chuck Kuderna | Philip Dormont and family | New Blue Dutch Cleanser | Here comes the flying bus | Tomorrow's skyliner | The dog in your life | "Cruisers at Bearing Tree" | Stetson Open Road, 1950 | Runaway cowboy, 1961 | I-30 east of Dallas in 1960 | Revenge of the BBQ fixins | Chrysler Power King | I-5 by Bruce Bomberger | A big hand for the future | 1959 Evinrude Dreamboat | Hyatt barrel bearings, 1953 | Peas in Potato Boats | State Police roadblock, 1959 | B-24s over Ploesti | A big hand for the atom! | Motor Cargo's "Midnight Chief" | Sorry, but I'm seeing someone | Beaver and Petri Wine | Miracle gum, 1955 | Santa Fe Super Chief, 1948 | The happy boaters | An LP, a Bud and thou | The school bus, 1959


| Chris-Craft Conqueror, 1961 | Suzy Parker and friend, 1958 | Avcoset Rayon, 1955 | The "Up-Side-Down" refrigerator! | Melbourne Brindle for Ethyl | Vacation togs by Philip Dormont | | Totally screwed | One arsenic lemonade, coming up! | Pool boys, 1945 | Over the parking lot, 1953 | Lenin's home! | Dancing on the blue terrace | Goodyear Zeppelin, 1930 | Mr. Pickle takes a dip | The sign of good coffee | Good to the last drop | Corn flakes, 1949 | Badly Drawn Boy | Mr. Pacific, cool in a crisis | The Baconeers | Smokestacks by Peter Helck | Protected by rubber | Hawley's Angels | For romancin' and entrancin' | Roadside diner by Tore Asplund | Austin Briggs for Maxwell House | Who is it, Dear? | Sugar? | The drudge report | Life Savers, 1957 | 1957 Hi-Vi Television | Une ligne hors ligne | What every girl wants | Helen Hokinson for Maxwell House | David Lockhart for Maxwell House | Pete Hawley, Orange Juice I | Pete Hawley, Orange Juice II | Pete Hawley, Orange Juice III | Pete Hawley, Orange Juice IV | Watch out for that branch | Adam Hats, 1951 | Motorola "Town and Country" | 1952 calendar by David Lockhart | Everything? | The nereids of Total Washability | Arrow shirts with Mitoga fit | Lionel trains, 1950 | The grocery shoppers, 1960 | Croquet by Douglass Crockwell | "Men's Night in the Kitchen" | South Pacific, 1942 | Van Heusen "Spanish Mosaics" | Walkie-talkie parts by Plaskon, 1942 | Melbourne Brindle over Tokyo | American Locomotive, 1945 | Stetson Playboy by Philip Dormont


| Nabisco Shredded Wheat, 1945 | 1953 calendar by David Lockhart | Grill in butter, simmer in pineapple | The Persistence of Agriculture | Totally baked | Albert Dorne for Wurlitzer | Matinee idyll | Funnies girl, 1948 | Inner peas | Golden Glory Casserole | Life Savers, 1948 | Westinghouse boogie-woogie | Maynard Dixon, 1946 | Old Paint | Where Victory begins | The elastic allegory | Cantilever House | Patio Perfect | Television in the trees | The Sweethearts' Pal | Super-Service, 1943 | Man of Brass | Salute to Memphis | Fly me to the Moon | Future cruise liner | Mars Snooper, 1959 | Atomic Pulse Rocket | Space Towboats, 1960 | Atlantic Clipper, 1938 | Future Merry-Go-Round | Deeper and ever deeper | Toy boat toy boat toy . . . | The war on dampness | Plaskon Molded Color | The Kelvinator | Stetson Whippet, 1950 | Ocean liner of tomorrow | Catalin, Gem of Plastics | Texan walks into a bar | Camouflage factory | Moth ball magic | The owl and the oil | When Victory comes | Meet your new neighbor | City of the Future, 1958 | An afternoon with pop | Good sight on a dark night | Beer gardening, 1959 | The vicious cycle | Martians demand IFIC | Avoid mid-morning letdown | The Cornflake Kid | 1958 Juice Jamboree | Friday Night Schlitzfry, 1958 | Raiders of the Schlitzbox | You like it, it likes you


| Spring training, 1940 | Wonderful serve! | Bell Telephone System, 1958 | Mrs. Taxi-Driver, 1941 | Revere Copper and Brass, 1940 | The Universe, circa 1940 | Schlitz with food and fun and sun! | Playtime's largest-selling beer! | Leisure's light refresher! | Haddon Sundblom, 1948 | Orange Crush, 1959 | S.O.S, 1956 | Pepto-Bismol, 1947 | Cooking Outdoors? | Same question | Pepsi picnic, 1951 | Pepsi on the patio, 1959 | A question for Dad | Motorola X-14, 1960 | Family picnic, 1960 | The Sociables, 1960 | Operation X-500 Defense Base | Operation X-500 Rocket Launcher | The wonderful world of 28 flavors | Leisure's Light Refresher | The new Super Chief! | Santa Fe El Capitan | The Voice of the Atom | Feast Freeze, 1965? | Santa Fe Chief, 1947 | Bohn Aluminum, 1947 | Make mine orange juice | The Meat Lady, 1958 | This Is For Keeps, 1946 | Meet Mohara, 1946 | Toast N Jamboree, 1950 | American Meat Institute, 1947 | Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer | Hart Schaffner & Marx, 1956 | Deliciously Yours! | The happy wanderers | Burgers in a can, 1945 | On the Road, 1954 | A boy and his hoe | Zero to 60 in 33 | At the depot, 1933 | Rumble seat rumblings | Any way you slice it | Swanson TV Dinner, 1956 | Peas, corn and roast beef | The Life of Riley, 1945 | Memorial Shoreway East, 1960 | The Joy of Good Eating, 1953 | The Boy of Good Eating, 1952 | Love me Tenderoni | Fiesta-in-a-Can | Every picnic a frolic


| Hospitality by the case | Stiff competition, 1956 | The Light Refreshment | Anything for cookies | Taste the difference! | Kool-Aid, 1937 | When friends drop by | The Krispy Kid, 1954 | Bob Hilbert, 1954 | It's what's for breakfast | The rake's progress | Fashion is for the slender | Arthur Sarnoff, 1952 | Patio of the Future | House of the Future | Mommy's little helper | Weenie roasters I | Weenie roasters II | Winnie Fitch, 1956 | Future motorcycle, 1947 | RCA-Whirlpool, 1959 | Stan Ekman, 1958 | Bob Peak, 1959 | From the Land of Sky Blue Waters | Hamm's Beer, 1953 | Hothouse flower, 1959 | V is for Victory, 1942 | Piped through plastic! | The boy next door | Cotton on parade | Midsummer magic, 1953 | Union Carbide, 1943 | Greenhouse in the sky | Car of the future, 1943 | And the tractor of tomorrow | Every day is Navy Day | Bohn Looks Ahead | Trucks to Come | Somewhere in the West | Overcoat for Adolf | Engine of change, 1944 | Airship of the future | And the train of the future | Bridge to the 21st Century | You like it, it likes you | Sign of Good Taste, 1957 | It's fun to phone!| | Betsy Bell, 1962 | Buy a case today! | Wet and wonderful, 1955 | Pabst Blue Ribbon, 1952 | Party Quarts, 1957 | Go first by Long Distance | Weird Tales, 1952 | More Weird Tales | Be Sure It's Fresher | Future power shovel, 1947


| Cosmetan Calobars, 1952 | The glass half full | Letter-Matic, 1960? | Thanksgiving Dinner 1955 | Vacation house of the future | Spaceport 1957 | Front Seats of Tomorrow | Dashboard of Next Wednesday | Love Boat port call, 1955 | Lawnmower of the Future, 1945 | Burning Man, 1950 | Flight into the Future, 1946| | Give the Kids a Brake | Coca-Cola, 1958 | Dairy Queen, 1960 | Bernie Fuchs, 1957 | Trick or Treat! | Boiled dinner in 20 mins. | Hamburger Hell | Still Life With Meat | Coyote at the campfire | A boy and his dogs | Come and get it! | Top O the Range | September 1953 | October 1953 | Dairy Queen, 1956 | The Battery Fairy, 1953 | Hananiah Harari, 1949 | Sunkist Oranges, 1950 | Motorola TV, 1951 | Pennsylvania Railroad, 1951 | Arrow Shirts, 1948 | Stetson Hats, 1950 | Bing Crosby for Stetson | Future Laundry, 1965? | Pete Hawley, 1952 | More Pete Hawley | Bob Peak for Coca-Cola | Porter-Cable Yard Master | Gay Teen Ideas! | Waring Mixor, 1956 | Hanes Action Shirts, 1950 | United Aircraft Corp., 1950 | Dowtherm by Dow, 1951 | Glide-O-Bike, 1931 | Westinghouse Space-Mates | Bob Peak for Coke, 1957 | Plan59 Print Shoppe


| Scotch Brand Tape, 1955 | Ameripol Rubber, 1960 | U.S. Royalite, 1960 | General Electric, 1959 | Vanadium Corp. of America, 1959 | Vanadium Stadium | Allied Chemical, 1959 | Eveready "Strapper," 1956 | Travis Chase, 1950 | After the Game, 1954 | Pacific Mills, 1950 | 1958 space station | Cosmic Butterfly | The House of Tomorrow | The Truss of Tomorrow | Skyscraper of Tomorrow | The Cosmic Car Pool | Ray-Ban Sunglasses, 1960 | Pete Hawley at the Beach | Ronald McLeod on the line | The Sociables, 1959 | World's most relaxing jetliner | 1955 beer cans on ice | Agenas in orbit, 1960 | Nuclear rocketship, 1959 | The world of Union Carbide | Girls with glasses, 1959 | 1958 GE Keyboard Ranges | Textron pajamas, 1949 | Lucky Strike, 1959 | The Campbell Tomato | What'll you have? | Friends From the Country | Hand across the water | 1957 school days | Pete Hawley space kids | NBC Spectaculars! | Ethyl Avenue, 1953 | Heinz Soups, 1935 | The Karo Kid | The Uncle From the West | Marlboro Sport Shirts, 1947 | Quadriga Cloth, 1947 | Santa Fe Chiefs | Champion Spark Plugs | Canada Dry, 1949 | Elmer the Crash-Test Dummy | This much OJ every day! | Libbey-Owens-Ford | Plan59 Bloggerel


| Better baking through chemistry | Coke through the glass | Trans World Airlines, 1952 | American as apple pie | My wife's accident made me happy | Perfect Circle | Coke in Cuba | General Electric, 1952 | Johnson & Johnson, 1950 | Betsy Bell, 1961 | Zenith Cobra-Matic | | DuMont Telesets, 1950 | Ask for the Stetson Playboy | United Airlines 1952 | Coca-Cola 1952 | RCA Anniversary Model | Your Meat Team | Life Savers Only 5¢ | Seiberling Tires | Celanese lends a hand | Carrier Air Conditioning | Sylvania Light Bulbs | Havoline Motor Oil | Family Circle, 1953 | More power to the people | United Air Lines, 1952 | Candy in Cellophane, 1958 | The car phone circa 1958 | Philco Predicta Television, 1958 | Dick Sargent for Grape-Nuts | National City Bank, 1953 | Mathieson Chemical, 1953 | Sealy mattresses, 1958 | Hamilton Washers, 1956 | Textron Glo-Gabardine, 1949 | Arrow Linesman shirts, 1949 | American-Standard kitchen sinks | Gulf Refining, 1814-1934 | Republic Steel, 1934 | Mallory Hats, 1956 | Admiral Hi-Fi, 1957 | Fritos Cooking Ideas 1957 | Fritos BBQ Tips 1957 | The Cheese That Refreshes

Erstellt: 2012-05

Pollack Advertising Museum


Collecting Baranger displays and three-dimensional advertising memorabilia has been my hobby and passion for over 30 years. When I purchased my first advertising sign at age 14 I had no idea that I would eventually grow the collection to become one of the largest in the world. Today my advertising museum, housed in my corporate offices in Arizona, is home to over 110 Baranger displays and more than 7,000 other three-dimensional advertising pieces sprawling over 6,000 square feet. will give you a virtual feel for my real-life museum and all that it contains. Feel free to browse through this website often for it will be updated with new photos as I continue to collect. I hope you enjoy browsing through this website as much as I have enjoyed collecting these pieces.

Erstellt: 2012-05

Vintage advertising

Engl. "vintage" = dt. "Weinlese", "Weinjahrgang" steht hier wohl für die erweiterte Bedeutung dt. "klassisch", "erlesen", "altmodisch".

Found in Mom's Basement

Vintage advertising - found in my mother's basement, flea markets and various corners of the Internet - dusted off and displayed for your viewing pleasure.


Erstellt: 2012-05




Advertising items, displays, and packaging


Here you will find vintage advertising items, displays, and packaging!

Erstellt: 2012-05

Glenn Siegman - Flat Advertising Lighters


What started as a sentimental memento, evolved into a quest for some of advertising's best ironies. Imagine today, signing a half-million dollar life insurance policy with Mutual of Omaha, and their agent extends his token of appreciation with a cigarette lighter. This was common place 50 years ago.

Erstellt: 2012-05

Softdrink-Amazone (W3)


Gemeinsam mit Pop-Sternchen Britney Spears und Stimmenwunder Beyoncé Knowles wirbt Pink als "Softdrink-Amazone" in Pepsis neuer Werbereihe. Der US-Hersteller der braunen Brause lässt die drei Popsängerinnen in Eisen-BH und kurzen Kettenröckchen sowie mit Schild und Waffe in die Arena marschieren.

spin doctor (W3)

Slang A person who publicizes favorable interpretations of the words and actions of a public figure, especially a politican. (E2)(L1)





The "doctor" element of the phrase is almost certainly derived from the verb "to doctor" in the pejorative sense, dating back to the late 18th century, of "to disguise, falsify or tamper with," as found in the phrase "to doctor the books."
Der "spin doctor" hat sein Handwerk - oder sollte man besser sagen: sein Mundwerk - beim Baseball-spielen gelernt. Beim Cricket oder Baseball kann man dem Ball durch den richtigen "Dreh" eine Richtungsänderung verpassen und so zum Ziel führen. Und genau das ist die Aufgabe des "spin doctor" ("Imageberater") im Umfeld des Public Relation. Seit den 1970er Jahren hat er die Aufgabe, Aktivitäten von Firmen oder Politikern, vielfach auch negative Ereignisse, so zu veröffentlichen, dass das Image der Firma oder der person verbessert oder zumindest nicht allzu sehr verschlechtert wird.


Der Gruppe "Spin Doctors" scheint diese Bezeichnung gefallen zu haben. Vielleicht haben sie darin auch ein Programm für ihre Musik gesehen.



Uni Duke
American advertising between 1911 and 1955


Over 7,000 U.S. and Canadian advertisements covering five product categories - Beauty and Hygiene, Radio, Television, Transportation, and World War II propaganda - dated between 1911 and 1955.




Erstellt: 2012-05