Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Geometrie, Geometría, Géométrie, Geometria, Geometry, (esper.) geometrio
Algebraische Geometrie, Geometría algebraica, Géométrie algébrique, Geometria algebrica, Algebraic geometry
Analytische Geometrie, Geometría analítica, Géométrie analytique, Geometria analitica, Analytic geometry
Digitale Geometrie (Diskrete Geometrie), , Géométrie discrète, Geometria digitale, Digital geometry
Differentialgeometrie (Differenzialgeometrie), Geometría diferencial, Géométrie différentielle, Geometria differenziale, Differential geometry
Geometry Terms
Etymology of Geometry Terms
A few geometric terms with their Greek and Latin roots and meanings.
A Few Latin-based Terms from Geometry
- Abscissa
- Acute
- Angle
- Circle
- Congruent
A Few Greek -based Terms from Geometry
- Cylinder
- Isosceles
- Parallel
- Scalene
- Trapezoid
Geometry Animations
Triangles and Circles
- •Morley's Theorem
- •Feuerbach's Nine Point Circle
- •Steiner's Porism
- •Multiple Reflections in the Sides of a Rotating Triangle
- •Conic Sections
- •Osculating Circles of an Ellipse
- •Evolutes of Limacons
- •Involutes of a Lemniscate
- •Trihedron Moving on a Trefoil Knot
- •Wythoff's Three-Dimensional Kaleidoscope
Vertex Truncation
- •tetrahedron
- •cube
- •dodecahedron
Edge Truncation
- •tetrahedron
- •octahedron
- •icosahedron
Still Pictures
- •multiple transformations of polygons
- •multiple transformations of platonic solids
- •combining 3D rotations
- •more 3D transformations
- •inscribed platonic solids
- •double duals
Erstellt: 2011-10
Virtual Polyhedra
The Encyclopedia of Polyhedra
Table of Contents
Each of these top level sections contains some background information, a list of virtual reality models, and links to further topics. Try reading the background sections in the order listed here, being sure to work on the exercises.
- Platonic Solids (Regular Convex Polyhedra)
- Kepler-Poinsot Polyhedra (Regular NonConvex Polyhedra)
- Archimedean Polyhedra (Semi-Regular Convex Polyhedra)
- Prisms and Anti-Prisms
- Archimedean Duals
- Quasi-Regular Polyhedra
- Johnson Solids (the remaining convex polyhedra with regular faces)
- Pyramids, Dipyramids, and Trapezohedra
- Compound Polyhedra --- Introduction
- Stellated Polyhedra --- Introduction
- Compounds of Cubes
- Convex Deltahedra
- Zonohedra
- Uniform Polyhedra
- Uniform Compounds of Uniform Polyhedra
- Stellations of the Icosahedron
- Stellations of the Rhombic Triacontahedron
- Other Good Stuff
- Alphabetic list of articles
- Alphabetic listing of polyhedra models
- Glossary
- Acknowledgments
- References
List of Articles
The following basic articles are available so far:
- about the author
- acknowledgments
- alphabetic index of all models
- Archimedean duals (index of models)
- Archimedean solids (index of models)
- art (misc.) (misc. german)
- Barbaro, Daniele
- bibliography
- canonical form
- classroom activities
- colorings, face colors
- compounds - introduction (index of models)
- compounds of cubes (index of models)
- compounds of uniform polyhedra (index of models)
- compounds - Harman's
- compounds spinning (Netscape only)
- constructions
- Conway notation
- copyright
- crystals
- cylinder intersecter
- da Vinci, Leonardo
- deltahedra (index of models)
- dice
- dissecting the rhombic enneacontahedron
- dissecting the rhombic triacontahedron
- dodecahedra
- duality
- Durer, Albrecht
- equal-faced and equal-vertexed
- Escher, M.C.
- glossary
- great disnub dirhombidodecahedron
- Greek numerical prefixes
- holyhedra
- intarsia
- intersecting faces
- intersection of five cubes
- introduction
- Jamnitzer, Wentzel
- Johnson solids (index of models)
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Kepler, Johannes
- Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra (index of models)
- naming polyhedra
- NetLib database
- Pacioli, Luca
- paper models
- parallelepipeds
- pentagrams
- Piero della Francesca
- Platonic relationships
- Platonic solids (index of models)
- polygons
- prisms and antiprisms (index of models) (prism-maker)
- pseudo rhombicuboctahedra
- pyramids and dipyramids (index of models)
- references
- Roman dodecahedra
- quasi-regular solids (index of models)
- sculpture gallery
- Sharp, Abraham
- slide-togethers
- stellations --- introduction (index of models)
- stellations of the cuboctahedron
- stellations of the icosahedron (index of models)
- stellations of the rhombic triacontahedron (index of models)
- stellations of the triakis tetrahedron
- symmetry axes
- symmetry planes
- synestructics
- tensegrity structures
- the tetrahedrally stellated icosahedron
- tetrahedral stellations of the dodecahedron
- toroidal polyhedra
- transpolyhedra
- Uccello, Paolo
- uniform nonconvex polyhedra (index of models)
- VRML browser setup
- VRML problems
- VRML viewing tips
- wooden models
- Zometool models
- zonish polyhedra
- zonohedra, zonohedrification, (index of models)
The following are exercise solutions. You shouldn't go to them without first thinking about the exercise:
- how many faces, edges, and vertices are there in each platonic solid ?
- how can an icosahedron be inscribed in a cube ?
- how many faces can an equilateral deltahedron have ?
- what is another way to color the compound of 5 tetrahedra ?
- what is inside the compound of 5 cubes ?
- how can the compound of 5 octahedra be a stellation of a 20-faced icosahedron when 5*8=40 ?
- why do deltahedra have an even number of faces ?
- which Johnson solids are chiral ?
- which Johnson solids have more than one axis of symmetry ?
- can you make a zonohedron with 20 faces ?
- for which rhombi are there two parallelepipeds ?
List of VRML Polyhedra Models
This page will eventually be a full alphabetic index of all the virtual reality models I have constructed. At present, this list is way out of date. However, your browser may be able to generate the full current list automatically if you click here and wait a few seconds.
- augmented dodecahedron (J58)
- augmented hexagonal prism (J54)
- augmented pentagonal prism (J52)
- augmented sphenocorona (J87)
- augmented triangular prism (J49)
- augmented tridiminished icosahedron (J64)
- augmented truncated cube (J66)
- augmented truncated dodecahedron (J68)
- augmented truncated tetrahedron (J65)
- biaugmented pentagonal prism (J53)
- biaugmented triangular prism (J50)
- biaugmented truncated cube (J67)
- bigyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron (J79)
- bilunabirotunda (J91)
- compound of 10 tetrahedra
- compound of 5 cubes
- compound of 5 cubes (5 colors)
- compound of 5 octahedra
- compound of 5 octahedra (5 colors)
- compound of 5 tetrahedra
- compound of 5 tetrahedra (5 colors)
- compound of 5 tetrahedra (anti-colored)
- compound of 5 tetrahedra (enantiomorph)
- compound of cube and dual
- compound of cube and octahedron in rhombic dodecahedron
- compound of cubitruncated cuboctahedron and dual
- compound of cuboctahedron and dual
- compound of decagonal antiprism and dual
- compound of decagonal prism and dual
- compound of ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron and dual
- compound of dodecahedron and dual
- compound of dodecahedron and icosahedron in rhombic triacontahedron
- compound of enneagonal antiprism and dual
- compound of enneagonal prism and dual
- compound of great cubicuboctahedron and dual
- compound of great ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great dodecadodecahedron and dual
- compound of great dodecahedron and dual
- compound of great dodecicosahedron and dual
- compound of great dodecicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great icosahedron and dual
- compound of great icosicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great icosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great inverted snub icosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great retrosnub icosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great rhombicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great rhombicuboctahedron and dual
- compound of great rhombidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great rhombihexahedron and dual
- compound of great snub dodecicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great snub icosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of great stellated dodecahedron and dual
- compound of great stellated truncated dodecahedron and dual
- compound of great truncated cuboctahedron and dual
- compound of great truncated icosahedron and dual
- compound of great truncated icosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of heptagonal antiprism and dual
- compound of heptagonal prism and dual
- compound of hexagonal antiprism and dual
- compound of hexagonal prism and dual
- compound of icosahedron and dodecahedron
- compound of icosahedron and dual
- compound of icosidodecadodecahedron and dual
- compound of icosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of icositruncated dodecadodecahedron and dual
- compound of inverted snub dodecadodecahedron and dual
- compound of octagonal antiprism and dual
- compound of octagonal prism and dual
- compound of octahedron and dual
- compound of pentagonal antiprism and dual
- compound of pentagonal prism and dual
- compound of pentagrammic antiprism and dual
- compound of pentagrammic crossed antiprism and dual
- compound of pentagrammic prism and dual
- compound of rhombicosahedron and dual
- compound of rhombicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of rhombicuboctahedron and dual
- compound of rhombidodecadodecahedron and dual
- compound of small cubicuboctahedron and dual
- compound of small ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of small dodecicosahedron and dual
- compound of small dodecicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of small icosicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of small retrosnub icosicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of small rhombidodecahedron and dual
- compound of small rhombihexahedron and dual
- compound of small snub icosicosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of small stellated dodecahedron and dual
- compound of small stellated truncated dodecahedron and dual
- compound of snub cube and dual
- compound of snub dodecadodecahedron and dual
- compound of snub dodecahedron and dual
- compound of snub icosidodecadodecahedron and dual
- compound of square antiprism and dual
- compound of stellated truncated hexahedron and dual
- compound of tetrahedron and dual
- compound of triangular prism and dual
- compound of truncated cube and dual
- compound of truncated cuboctahedron and dual
- compound of truncated dodecadodecahedron and dual
- compound of truncated dodecahedron and dual
- compound of truncated great dodecahedron and dual
- compound of truncated icosahedron and dual
- compound of truncated icosidodecahedron and dual
- compound of truncated octahedron and dual
- compound of truncated tetrahedron and dual
- cube
- cube in dodecahedron
- cube octahedron rhombic dodecahedron edges
- cube in rhombic dodecahedron
- cubitruncated cuboctahedron
- cuboctahedron
- cubohemioctahedron
- decagonal antiprism
- decagonal dipyramid
- decagonal prism
- decagonal trapezohedron
- diminished rhombicosidodecahedron (J76)
- disdyakisdodecahedron
- disdyakistriacontahedron
- disphenocingulum (J90)
- ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron
- dodecahedron
- dodecahedron icosahedron rhombic triacontahedron edges
- dodecahedron in rhombic triacontahedron
- echidnahedron
- elongated pentagonal cupola (J20)
- elongated pentagonal dipyramid (J16)
- elongated pentagonal gyrobicupola (J39)
- elongated pentagonal gyrobirotunda (J43)
- elongated pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda (J41)
- elongated pentagonal orthobicupola (J38)
- elongated pentagonal orthobirotunda (J42)
- elongated pentagonal orthocupolarotunda (J40)
- elongated pentagonal pyramid (J9)
- elongated pentagonal rotunda (J21)
- elongated square cupola (J19)
- elongated square dipyramid (J15)
- elongated square gyrobicupola (J37)
- elongated square pyramid (J8)
- elongated triangular cupola (J18)
- elongated triangular dipyramid (J14)
- elongated triangular gyrobicupola (J36)
- elongated triangular orthobicupola (J35)
- elongated triangular pyramid (J7)
- enneagonal antiprism
- enneagonal dipyramid
- enneagonal prism
- enneagonal trapezohedron
- great cubicuboctahedron
- great dirhombicosidodecahedron
- great disdyakisdodecahedron
- great disdyakistriacontahedron
- great ditrigonal dodecacronic hexecontahedron
- great ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron
- great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron
- great dodecacronic hexecontahedron
- great dodecadodecahedron
- great dodecahedron
- great dodecahedron vertex figure
- great dodecahemicosahedron
- great dodecahemidodecahedron
- great dodecicosacron
- great dodecicosahedron
- great dodecicosidodecahedron
- great hexacronic icositetrahedron
- great hexagonal hexecontahedron
- great icosacronic hexecontahedron
- great icosahedron
- great icosicosidodecahedron
- great icosidodecahedron
- great icosihemidodecahedron
- great inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron
- great inverted snub icosidodecahedron
- great pentagonal hexecontahedron
- great pentagrammic hexecontahedron
- great pentakisdodekahedron
- great retrosnub icosidodecahedron
- great rhombicosidodecahedron
- great rhombicuboctahedron
- great rhombic triacontahedron
- great rhombidodecacron
- great rhombidodecahedron
- great rhombihexacron
- great rhombihexahedron
- great snub dodecicosidodecahedron
- great snub icosidodecahedron
- great stellapentakisdodecahedron
- great stellated dodecahedron
- great stellated truncated dodecahedron
- great trapezoidal hexecontahedron
- great trapezoidal icositetrahedron
- great triakisicosahedron
- great triakisoctahedron
- great triambic icosahedron
- great truncated cuboctahedron
- great truncated icosahedron
- great truncated icosidodecahedron
- gyrate bidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron (J82)
- gyrate rhombicosidodecahedron (J72)
- gyrobifastigium (J26)
- gyroelongated pentagonal bicupola (J46)
- gyroelongated pentagonal birotunda (J48)
- gyroelongated pentagonal cupolarotunda (J47)
- gyroelongated pentagonal cupola (J24)
- gyroelongated pentagonal pyramid (J11)
- gyroelongated pentagonal rotunda (J25)
- gyroelongated square bicupola (J45)
- gyroelongated square cupola (J23)
- gyroelongated square dipyramid (J17)
- gyroelongated square pyramid (J10)
- gyroelongated triangular bicupola (J44)
- gyroelongated triangular cupola (J22)
- hebesphenomegacorona (J89)
- heptagonal antiprism
- heptagonal dipyramid
- heptagonal prism
- heptagonal trapezohedron
- hexagonal antiprism
- hexagonal dipyramid
- hexagonal prism
- hexagonal trapezohedron
- icosahedron
- icosahedron (5 colors)
- icosahedron in octahedron
- icosahedron in rhombic triacontahedron
- icosidodecadodecahedron
- icosidodecahedron
- icositruncated dodecadodecahedron
- inverted snub dodecadodecahedron
- medial disdyakistriacontahedron
- medial hexagonal hexecontahedron
- medial icosacronic hexecontahedron
- medial inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron
- medial pentagonal hexecontahedron
- medial rhombic triacontahedron
- medial trapezoidal hexecontahedron
- medial triambic icosahedron
- metabiaugmented dodecahedron (J60)
- metabiaugmented hexagonal prism (J56)
- metabiaugmented truncated dodecahedron (J70)
- metabidiminished icosahedron (J62)
- metabidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron (J81)
- metabigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron (J74)
- metagyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron (J78)
- octagonal antiprism
- octagonal dipyramid
- octagonal prism
- octagonal trapezohedron
- octahedron
- octahedron in rhombic dodecahedron
- octahedron in tetrahedron
- octahemioctahedron
- parabiaugmented dodecahedron (J59)
- parabiaugmented hexagonal prism (J55)
- parabiaugmented truncated dodecahedron (J69)
- parabidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron (J80)
- parabigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron (J73)
- paragyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron (J77)
- parallelepiped flat
- parallelepiped pointy
- parallelepiped random
- parallelepiped rhombic
- parallelepiped right
- pentagonal antiprism
- pentagonal cupola (J5)
- pentagonal dipyramid
- pentagonal dipyramid (J13)
- pentagonal gyrobicupola (J31)
- pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda (J33)
- pentagonal hexecontahedron
- pentagonal icositetrahedron
- pentagonal orthobicupola (J30)
- pentagonal orthobirotunda (J34)
- pentagonal orthocupolarontunda (J32)
- pentagonal prism
- pentagonal pyramid (J2)
- pentagonal rotunda (J6)
- pentagonal trapezohedron
- pentagrammic antiprism
- pentagrammic concave trapezohedron
- pentagrammic crossed antiprism
- pentagrammic dipyramid
- pentagrammic prism
- pentagrammic trapezohedron
- pentakisdodecahedron
- rhombicosacron
- rhombicosahedron
- rhombicosidodecahedron
- rhombicuboctahedron
- rhombic dodecahedron
- rhombic dodecahedron of second kind
- rhombic enneacontahedron
- rhombic icosahedron
- rhombic triacontahedron
- rhombic triacontahedron (5 colors)
- rhombidodecadodecahedron
- small cubicuboctahedron
- small ditrigonal dodecacronic hexecontahedron
- small ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron
- small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron
- small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron (with concave decagons)
- small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron (with pentagrams)
- small dodecacronic hexecontahedron
- small dodecahemicosahedron
- small dodecahemidodecahedron
- small dodecicosacron
- small dodecicosahedron
- small dodecicosidodecahedron
- small hexacronic icositetrahedron
- small hexagonal hexecontahedron
- small hexagrammic hexecontahedron
- small icosacronic hexecontahedron
- small icosicosidodecahedron
- small icosihemidodecahedron
- small retrosnub icosicosidodecahedron
- small rhombidodecacron
- small rhombidodecahedron
- small rhombihexacron
- small rhombihexahedron
- small snub icosicosidodecahedron
- small stellapentakisdodecahedron
- small stellated dodecahedron
- small stellated truncated dodecahedron
- small triambic icosahedron
- snub cube
- snub cube reflected
- snub disphenoid (J84)
- snub dodecadodecahedron
- snub dodecahedron
- snub icosidodecadodecahedron
- snub square antiprism (J85)
- sphenocorona (J86)
- sphenomegacorona (J88)
- square antiprism
- square cupola (J4)
- square gyrobicupola (J29)
- square orthobicupola (J28)
- square pyramid (J1)
- square trapezohedron
- stellated icosahedra are listed individually in their own separate index
- stellated rhombic triacontahedra are listed individually in their own separate index
- stellated truncated hexahedron
- tetradyakishexahedron
- tetrahedron
- tetrahedron in cube
- tetrahedron in dodecahedron
- tetrahemihexahedron
- tetrakishexahedron
- trapezoidal hexecontahedron
- trapezoidal icositetrahedron
- triakisicosahedron
- triakisoctahedron
- triakistetrahedron
- triangular cupola (J3)
- triangular dipyramid
- triangular dipyramid (J12)
- triangular hebesphenorotunda (J92)
- triangular orthobicupola (J27)
- triangular prism
- triaugmented dodecahedron (J61)
- triaugmented hexagonal prism (J57)
- triaugmented triangular prism (J51)
- triaugmented truncated dodecahedron (J71)
- tridiminished icosahedron (J63)
- tridiminished rhombicosidodecahedron (J83)
- tridyakisicosahedron
- trigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron (J75)
- truncated cube
- truncated cuboctahedron
- truncated dodecadodecahedron
- truncated dodecahedron
- truncated great dodecahedron
- truncated icosahedron
- truncated icosidodecahedron
- truncated octahedron
- truncated tetrahedron
- two tetrahedra in cube
- zonohedron 7 random
This page pertains to the parts and properties of polyhedra. Most of the entries have links to more detailed discussions.
The naming of individual polyhedra is discussed on its own separate page.
Erstellt: 2013-12
Knolling (W3)
Engl. "Knolling" ist eine Organisationsform in der Einzelteile exakt parallel oder im rechten Winkel zueinander angeordnet werden.
Benannt wurde sie nach der US-Designfirma "Knoll". Aber erst der dort angestellte Hausmeister brachte die Designer auf ihr Markenzeichen. Andrew Kromelow ordnete seine Werkzeuge auf allen möglichen Oberflächen im rechten Winkel an. Dies inspirierte den Künstler Tom Sachs und er kreiierte dafür den Spruch "Always be Knolling".
Knolling is the process of arranging like objects in parallel or 90 degree angles as a method of organization.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Knolling" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1770 auf.
Erstellt: 2014-04
Two-dimensional (W3)
Once upon a time most folks knew that "three-dimensional" characters or ideas were rounded, fleshed out, and complex and "two-dimensional" ones were flat and uninteresting. It seems that the knowledge of basic geometry has declined in recent years, because today we hear uninteresting characters and ideas described as "one-dimensional". According to Euclid, no object can be one-dimensional (of course, according to modern physics, even two-dimensionality is only an abstract concept). If you are still bothered by the notion that two dimensions are one too many, just use "flat".
Things fitting perfectly into Things
Dinge die genau ineinander passen.
"Seeing totally unrelated objects perfectly nestle inside of each other provides a certain kind of peace in an otherwise chaotic world."
Erstellt: 2014-04
Things organized neatly
Ordnung ist das halbe Leben
Erstellt: 2014-04
Triangles, Circles, Angles, Polygons
- 3 Triangle
- 4 Square
- 7 Heptagon
- 8 Octagon
- 9 Nonagon
- 10 Decagon
- 11 Hendecagon
- 12 Dodecagon
- 13 Triskaidecagon
- 14 Tetrakaidecagon
- 15 Pentakaidecagon
- 16 Hexakaidecagon
- 17 Heptakaidecagon
- 18 Octakaidecagon
- 19 Enneakaidecagon
- 20 Icosagon
- 21 Icosikaihenagon
- 22 Icosikaidigon
- 23 Icosikaitrigon
- 24 Icosikaitetragon
- 25 Icosikaipentagon
- 26 Icosikaihexagon
- 27 Icosikaiheptagon
- 28 Icosikaioctagon
- 29 Icosikaienneagon
- 30 Triacontagon
Erstellt: 2012-01
- 4 tetrahedron
- 5 pentahedron
- 6 hexahedron
- 7 heptahedron
- 8 octahedron
- 9 nonahedron
- 10 decahedron
- 11 undecahedron
- 12 dodecahedron
- 14 tetradecahedron
- 20 icosahedron
- 24 icositetrahedron
- 30 triacontahedron
- 32 icosidodecahedron
- 60 hexecontahedron
- 90 enneacontahedron
Erstellt: 2013-12
- compute properties of a geometric figure annulus, inner radius=2, outer radius=5
- plot a conic section and identify its type 2x^2 - 3xy + 4y^2 + 6x - 3y - 4 = 0
- compute properties of a polyhedron dodecahedron
Erstellt: 2011-10
- Algebraic Geometry@ Ergodic Theory@ Plane Geometry (16)
- Combinatorial Geometry (12) General Geometry (13) Points (42)
- Computational Geometry (7) Geometric Construction (44) Projective Geometry (2)
- Continuity Principle (3) Geometric Duality (5) Rigidity (12)
- Coordinate Geometry (92) Geometric Inequalities (10) Sangaku Problems (15)
- Curves (5) Inversive Geometry (50) Solid Geometry (11)
- Differential Geometry@ Line Geometry (7) Surfaces (9)
- Dissection@ Multidimensional Geometry (3) Symmetry (8)
- Distance (18) Noncommutative Geometry (1) Transformations (5)
- Division Problems@ Non-Euclidean Geometry (19) Trigonometry (7)