Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Geld, Dinero, Argent, Denaro, Money, (esper.) monoj



blue chip

first class, the very best, erstklassig, Spitzenpapier an der Börse
"BLUE-CHIP STOCK" comes from the chips used in gambling games like poker. These chips or counters range in value from red (cheapest) through white to blue (most valuable, usually worth ten times the red). So a blue-chip stock is one likely to give the greatest return on the investment.




= optimistic about economic developments; pronunciation: BUH-lish
German Translation: aufwärts tendierend, optimistisch, auf steigende Tendenz spekulierend, preistreiberisch
bull market: der Markt mit stetig steigenden Kursen, der Verkäufermarkt
One common myth is that the terms "bull market" and "bear market" are derived from the way those animals attack a foe, because bears attack by swiping their paws downward and bulls toss their horns upward. This may be a useful way to remember which is which, but it is not the true origin of the terms.
Long ago, "bear skin jobbers" were infamous for selling bear skins that they did not own; i.e., the bears had not yet been caught. This term eventually was used to describe short sellers, speculators who sell shares that they do not own, hoping to buy them after a price drop and then deliver the shares to the owner. Obviously, these "bears" were hoping the market would go down.
Because bull and bear baiting (die Bärenhetze) were once popular sports, "bulls" came to be seen as the opposite of "bears". The bulls were those people who bought in the expectation that a stock price would rise, not fall.
Cartoonist Thomas Nast popularized the Bull and Bear as symbols for the market's movement. But perhaps the final word on bulls and bears is the old Wall Street advice: Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get eaten.
from The Motley
By the way, the opposite of bullish is bearish



Dollar (W3)

Die Währung der USA geht zurück auf den "Thaler" - Im 15.Jh. prägte der Herzog Hieronymus Schlick von Böhmen eine Münze, die nach dem Tal benannt wurde, in dem das Silber dafür gegeraben wurde - der "Joachimstaler". Später hieß er abgekürzt "Taler".

Man geht davon aus, dass diese Bezeichnung ins Dänische und Schwedische Eingang fand als "daler", als "daalder" nach Holland ging; als "talari" sogar bis Äthiopien kam; als "tallero" in Italien aufgenommen wurde, als "daelder" ins Flämische; und nach Amerika ging er als "dollar".

Angeblich suchte man damals in den USA einen Namen für die neue Währung, der nichts mit irgendwelchen englischen Währungen zu tun hatte.

Der amerikanische "Dollar" hat den tschech. "tolar" als Entsprechung. Er stammt jedoch direkt vom dt. "Thaler" ab. Dieser Wiederum war die Kurzform des aus dem Joachimstal stammenden "Joachimsthaler". In dem böhmischen "Jachymov" wurden seit dem 16. Jh. Silbererze abgebaut, dem Vorprodukt des "Joachimasthalers".

Ironischerweise wurde der "Thaler" jedoch von den Spaniern in USA heimisch gemacht.



Les origines du dollar - Du thaler au dollar

Le dollar a des origines européennes et bohémiennes

Le mot "dollar" trouve son origine dans le village de Bohême de "Sankt-Joachimsthal" (= aujourd'hui "Jáchymov", en République Tchèque). Vers la fin du Moyen Âge, on y découvrit une mine d'argent, ce qui permit de frapper, vers 1486 ou 1518, une monnaie de ce métal, le "joachimsthaler", vite abrégé en "thaler".

Dow Jones Index (W3)


Der "DJI" wurde 1897 erstmals veröffentlicht, und zwar von der Börsenzeitung des Verlags "Dow Jones & Comp." Damals wurden in diesen Aktienindex 30 Industrie- ("Dow Jones Industrial Index"), 20 Eisenbahn- und 15 Versorgungswerte aufgenommen.




GFI (W3)

"GFI" steht für "Global Financial Integrity".


"Global Financial Integrity" ("GFI") promotes national and multilateral policies, safeguards, and agreements aimed at curtailing the cross-border flow of illegal money. In putting forward solutions, facilitating strategic partnerships, and conducting groundbreaking research, GFI is leading the way in efforts to curtail illicit financial flows and enhance global development and security.


Spitzname für Dollarnoten. Der Ausdruck kommt von den ersten U.S. Bundesnoten, die, im Gegensatz zu üblichen Geldscheinen, nicht nur in Schwarz, sondern auf der Rückseite auch in Grün bedruckt waren.



Active Trading Terms


130-30 Strategy | Above The Market | Absolute Breadth Index - ABI | Absolute Return Index | Active Investing | Active Management | Adding To A Loser | Advance/Decline Index | Affirmative Obligation | After-Hours Market Close | After-Hours Trading - AHT | Allocation Notice | Alternative Order | Alternative Trading System - ATS | American Stock Exchange - AMEX | Amplitude | Andrew's Pitchfork | Announcement Effect | Anonymous Trading | Arbitrageur | Aroon Indicator | Ascending Channel | Ask | Ask Size | Asset Play | Associated Person | At-The-Close Order | At-The-Opening-Order | Auction Market Preferred Stock - AMPS | Auction Rate | AUTEX | Average Daily Trading Volume - ADTV | Average True Range - ATR | Away From The Market | Ax | Backspread | Bag Holder | Bar | Bar Chart | Barra Risk Factor Analysis | Bear Flattener | Bearish Abandoned Baby | Beginning Market Value (BMV) | Berlin Stock Exchange (BER) .B | Bid Whacker | Block | Bloomberg | Blue Collar Trader | Bond Futures | Book | Boston Options Exchange - BOX | Boston Stock Exchange (BSE) .B | Box Size | Box-Top Order | Bracketed Buy Order | Bracketed Sell Order | Breakout | Breakout Trader | Bremen Stock Exchange | Broad-Based Index | Broker's Call | Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BUE) .BA | Bull Flattener | | Bullet Trade | Bullish Abandoned Baby | Bullish Harami | | Buy A Bounce | Buy A Spread | Buy Break | Buy Stops Above | Buy The Dips | Buy To Cover | Buying Power | Call Loan | Call Loan Rate | Call Ratio Backspread | Cancel Former Order - CFO | Cancellation | Cash Account | Cash Trigger | Cash-And-Carry Trade | Cash-And-Stock Dividend | Casino Finance | Cat Spread | | China ETF | Churning | Clearing Broker | Clearing House Electronic Subregister System - CHESS | Close Location Value - CLV | COMEX | Commodity Block Currency | Conditional Order | Confirmation On A Chart | Congestion | Consolidated Tape | Contingency Order | Continuous Net Settlement - CNS | Continuous Trading | Contrarian | Convertible Arbitrage | Correction | Countermove | Counterparty | Cover | Cover On A Bounce | Cover On Approach | Creeping Tender Offer | Crossed Market | Crush Spread | Cumulative Volume Index - CVI | Curbs In | Curbs Out | Daily Trading Limit | Daisy Chain | Dark Cloud Cover | Dash To Trash | Day Order | Day Trader | Days To Cover | De-hedge | Dead Cat Bounce | Death Cross | Decimalization | Deck | Defensive Buy | Deleted | Demarker Indicator | Depth | Descending Channel | Descending Tops | Designated Order Turnaround - DOT (SuperDOT) | | Direct Access Trading - DAT | Direct-Access Broker | Directed Order | Directional Movement Index - DMI | Directional Trading | Disparity Index | Divergence | Dividend Per Share - DPS | Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Investing | Double No-Touch Option | Double One-Touch Option | Downside Tasuki Gap | Dragonfly Doji | Dusseldorf Stock Exchange (DUS) .DU | Dynamic Momentum Index | Ease Of Movement | Economic Calendar | Eighthed | Electronic Communication Network - ECN | Equivolume | ETF of ETFs | Evening Star | Ex-Ante | Ex-Dividend | Ex-Rights | Ex-Warrant | Exchange | Exchange Distribution | Exchange-Traded Fund - ETF | Exchange-Traded Option | Executing Broker | Execution | Exhaust Price | Expiration Time | Extended Trading | F | Fail | Failed Break | Falling Three Methods | Fast Market | | Fifty Percent Principle | Fill | Fill Or Kill - FOK | Filter Rule | Financial Engineering | Firm Quote | Flag | Flash Price | Floor Broker - FB | Follow-Up Action | Footprint Charts | Forex Charting Software | Forward Pricing | Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FRA) .F | Free On Board - FOB | Free-Float Methodology | Freeriding | Freight Derivatives | FTSE RAFI US 1000 Index | Fungibility | Gap | Gapping | Gather In The Stops | Gen-Saki | General Collateral Financing Trades - GCF | Generic Securities | Give Up | Globex | Gold Option | Good Through | Gravestone Doji | Gross Margin Return On Investment - GMROI | Guppy Multiple Moving Average - GMMA | Haircut | Hamburg Stock Exchange (HAM) .H | Hanging Man | Hanover Stock Exchange (HAN) .HA | Hard Stop | Head Trader | Hedgelet | Held At The Opening | High Beta Index | High-Frequency Trading - HFT | Hockey Stick Bidding | Holding The Market | Horizontal Channel | Ichimoku Kinko Hyo | In And Out | Initial Margin | Inside Days | Inside Market | Inside Quote | Interchange | Interdealer Quotation System | Intermarket Analysis | ISEE Sentiment Indicator | Island Reversal | Kagi Chart | Keltner Channel | Laggard | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Liar's Poker | Limit-On-Close Order | Limit-On-Open Order | Liquid Market | Little Board | Lock In Profits | Locked Market | Logarithmic Price Scale | Long Put | Long-Legged Doji | Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities - LEAPS | Long-Term Growth - LTG | Long/Short Equity | Low Volume Pullback | Macro-Hedge | Maintenance Margin | Manufactured Payment | Margin | Margin Account | Margin Call | Margin Loan Availability | Market Arbitrage | Market Depth | Market Identifier Code - MIC | Market If Touched - MIT | Market Indicators | Market Maker Spread | Market On Close - MOC | Market Order | Market Overhang | Market Risk Premium | Market Technicians Association - MTA | Market versus Quote - MVQ | Market-With-Protection Order | Material Amount | Matrix Trading | Measuring Principle | Member Short-Sales Ratio | Memory-Of-Price Strategy | Micro-Hedge | Middle Rate | Mini-Lot | Mini-Sized Dow Options | Minimum Margin | Mixed Lot | Model Risk | Momentum Investing | Momo Play | Money Flow | Moving Average - MA | Moving Average Chart | Moving Average Convergence Divergence - MACD | Moving Average Ribbon | Multiple Compression | Munich Stock Exchange (MUN) .MU | Naked Position | Naked Put | Naked Shorting | Nasdaq Intermarket | Nasdaq-100 After Hours Indicator | National Best Bid and Offer - NBBO | National Stock Exchange | Negative Directional Indicator - -DI | Neural Network | Non-Marginable Securities | Non-Purpose Loan | Not-Held Order | NYSE Arca | Odd Lot Theory | Oil ETF | One To Many | One-Cancel-All Order | One-Touch Option | Online Trading | Opening Price | Option | Option Agreement | Option Class | Order Imbalance | Outside Days | Overnight Delivery Risk | Oversold | Overtrading | Pairoff | Pairs Trade | Panic Buying | Parabolic Indicator | Paris Stock Exchange (PAR) .PA | Penalty Bid | Pennant | Penny Stock | | Perpetual Option - XPO | Phi Ellipses | Piercing Pattern | Pink Sheets | Piotroski Score | Pivot | Pivot Point | Play | Plus Tick | Point & Figure Chart | Poop And Scoop | Portfolio Return | Position Limit | Position Sizing | Position Trader | Positive Carry | Positive Directional Indicator - +DI | Pre-Funded Bond | Pre-Market | Pre-Syndicate Bid | Previous Close | Price Action | Price Tension | Price Transparency | Print | Profit Taking | Profit/Loss Ratio | Program Trading | Protective Stop | Punter | Purchasing Power | Pure Yield Pickup Swap | Put Ratio Backspread | Put-Call Parity | Pyramiding | Rate Of Change | Ratio Spread | Real Time | Real-Time Trade Reporting | Rectangle | Red Candlestick | Registered Options Trader | Reinsurance Sidecar | Relative Vigor Index - RVI | Relocation Mortgage - Relo | Remargining | Renko Chart | Retracement | Rising Three Methods | Risk Arbitrage | Rogue Trader | Runaway Gap | Runner | Runoff | | Santiago Stock Exchange (SSE) .SN | Sao Paolo Stock Exchange (SAO) .SA | Scale In | Scale Order | Scale Out | Scalpers | Scalping | Seagull Option | Seasoned Security | Seat | SEC Fee | Secondary Market | Securities Fraud | Selling Into Strength | Sensex | Setup Price | Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SHZ) .SZ | Short Hedge | Short Interest | Short Interest Ratio | Short Interest Theory | Short Sale | Short Sell Against the Box | Short Selling | Short Squeeze | Sidecar Investment | Sideways Market | Signal Line | Signaling Approach | Signature Guarantee | Single Stock Future - SSF | Skewness | Small Order Execution System - SOES | Small Trader | SOES Bandits | Soft Stop Order | Special Memorandum Account - SMA | Specialist Firm | Specialist Short Sale Ratio | Speculation Index | Speculative Capital | Speculative Company | Spinning Top | Split Block Pricing | Spread Betting | Stag | StochRSI | Stock Ahead | Stock Basher | Stock Idea | Stock Pick | Stock Replacement Strategy | Stop Hunting | Strong Buy | Substitution Swap | Sum Certain | Sunshine Trade | SuperMontage | Supplemental Liquidity Provider - SLP | Support (Support Level) | Sustainable Business 20 - SB20 | Sweep-To-Fill Order | Swing High | Swing Low | Swing Trading | Switching | Syndicate Bid | Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligation | Synthetic Futures Contract | Synthetic Put | T+1 (T+2,T+3) | Take A Report | Take-Profit Order - T/P | Technical Analysis | Three Black Crows | Three White Soldiers | Throwback | Tick Index | Tick Test Rules | Time In Force | Time-Of-Day Order | Trade Price Response | Trade Volume Index - TVI | Trader | Trading Account | Trading Channel | Trading Desk | Trading Floor | Trading Session | Trend | Trend Trading | Trending Market | Trendline | Triangular Arbitrage | True Strength Index - TSI | Tweezer | Two-Sided Market | Ulcer Index - UI | | Unchanged | Unified Managed Household Account - UMHA | Up Volume | Upside Tasuki Gap | Uptick Rule | Uptick Volume | Vancouver Stock Exchange (VAN) .V | Vienna Stock Exchange (WBAG) .VI | VIX - CBOE Volatility Index | VIX Option | Weak Longs | Wedge | Weekend Effect | Whipsaw | Whisper Number | White Candlestick | Wide Basis | Wide Open | Wide-Ranging Days | Williams %R | Win/Loss Ratio | With Discretion | Wolfe Wave | Workout Market | Workout Period | Yankee Market | Zero Minus Tick | Zero Plus Tick | Zero-Investment Portfolio | Zone Of Resistance | Zone Of Support

Financial Acronyms


Financial Buzz Words


3-6-3 Rule | A Ton Of Money | Accounting Noise | Acquisition Indigestion | Across The Board | Active Box | Activity Based Budgeting - ABB | Affluenza | After The Bell | Agency Cross | Agflation | Air Pocket Stock | Alligator Property | Alligator Spread | Alternative Energy ETF | Alternative Investment | And Interest | Angel Bond | Angelina Jolie Stock Index | Ankle Biter | Anonymous Trading | Antitrust | Arbitrageur | Asset Stripper | Assimilation | Asymmetric Information | Aunt Millie | Automatic Stabilizer | Away From The Market | Baby Bells | Baby Bills | Baby Boomer | Back Of The Napkin Business Model | Back Up The Truck | Bad Check | Badwill | Bag Holder | Bagel Land | Baptism by Fire | Baptism of Fire | Barriers To Entry | Bear Market Rally | Bear Tack | Beating The Gun | Bellwether Stock | Best Of Breed | Bid Whacker | Big Board | Big Box Retailer | Big Mac PPP | Big Uglies | Biodiesel | | Black Knight | Black Market | Black Swan | Blackberry Addiction | Blind Pool | Blitzkrieg Tender Offer | Blue Chip Swap | Blue Ocean | Bo Derek | Bogey | Boomerang | Boomernomics | Boon | Booster Shot | Boston Snow Indicator | Bottom Fisher | Bottom-Up Investing | Bracket Creep | Brain Drain | Break Issue | Breaking The Buck | Broke The Buck | Bubble | Buck | Buck The Trend | Bucket Shop | Bucketing | Bulge | Bulge Bracket | Bull | Bull Market | | Bullet | Bullpen | Bunching | Burn Rate | Bust | Busted Convertible Security | Buy And Homework | Buy Side | Buy The Dips | Buydown | Camouflage Compensation | Cap And Trade | Capitulation | Carbon Trade | Cardboard Box Index | Cash Cow | Cash For Refrigerators | Casino Finance | Catalyst | Category Killer | Cats And Dogs | Caveat Emptor | Chameleon Option | Champagne Stock | Channel Stuffing | Chasing Nickels Around Dollar Bills | Chasing The Market | Chastity Bond | Cherry Picking | Chief Investment Officer - CIO | Chill | Chinese Wall | Christmas Tree | Churning | Circuit Breaker | Circular Trading | Clean Sheeting | Clean Your Skirts | Click And Mortar | Clientele Effect | | Closing Price | Club Deal | CNN Effect | Coaster | Coattail Investing | Cockroach Theory | Coiled Market | Cold Calling | Com-Dev Company | Commoditize | Commodity ETF | Comps | Contagion | Control Stock | Cook The Books | Cookie Jar Accounting | Cool Beans | Cooler | Core Competencies | Core Holding | Corner | Corner A Market | Corporate Cannibalism | Corporate Kleptocracy | Corporate Social Responsibility | Counterparty Risk | Cover Your Ass | Coverage Initiated | Cowboy Marketing | Crack | Crack Spread | Cramdown | Crash | Creative Destruction | Credit Crisis | Credit Crunch | Critical Mass | Crossover Investor | Crown Jewels | Cult Stock | Curb Trading | Customer To Customer - C To C | Cutoff Point | Cutting A Melon | Cyber Monday | Cyclical Industry | Daisy Chain | Dalal Street | David Hasselhoff Index | Dawn Raid | Dead Cat Bounce | Dead Hand Provision | Death By A Thousand Cuts | Death Spiral | Death Valley Curve | Deceased Alert | Deer Market | Defunct | Deliverables | Derivatives Time Bomb | Destructive Creation | Dialing and Smiling | Diamonds | Diluted Founders | Dirty Float | Disclosable Event | Disgorgement | Dividend Clawback | Diworsification | Dog | Dog And Pony Show | Dog Eat Dog | Dogs Of The Dow | Doing the Reverse Desk | Dollar Roll | | Dotcom | Double Barreled | Double Dip Recession | Double Dipping | Double Witching | Dove | Dow Jones EURO STOXX Sustainability Index | Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index | Dow Jones Sustainability United States Index | Downside | Downstream | Downswing | Dragon Bond | Drill-Bit Stock | Drip Feed | Drop | Dry Hole | Dry Powder | Dually Employed With Kids - DEWKS | Dumbbell | Dummy Director | Dummy Shareholder | Dwarf | E-Meeting | Each Way | Earnest Money | Earnout | Eat Well, Sleep Well | Eat Your Own Dog Food | Echo Bubble | Eighthed | | Elephants | Elevator Pitch | Elves | Emerging Market ETF | Empire Building | Energy Improvement Mortgage | Enhanced Index Fund - EIF | Enron | Ethical Investing | Euro Deposit | Eva Longoria Stock Index | Evergreen Funding | Exit Strategy | Fair Funds for Investors | Fair Trade Investing | Fallen Angel | Falling Knife | Farm Team | FASB 157 | Fast Market | Fast Market Rule | Fast Tape | Fat Cat | Featherbedding | Fed Speak | Fighting The Tape | Financial Blog | Financial Porn | Finder's Fee | Finmins | Fire Sale | First In, Still Here - FISH | First Mover | Flash Price | Flash Trading | Flat On A Failure | Flight To Quality | Foam The Runway | Fool In The Shower | Fool's Gold | Footsie | Forensic Accounting | Fortune 500 | Foul Weather Fund | Found Money | Fox-Trot Economy | Free and Clear | Freed Up | Friendly Hands | Friends and Family Shares | Front Running | Froth | Frugalista | Funemployment | Furlough | Fuzzy Logic | Gadfly | Garbatrage | Gazelle Company | Gazump | Gazunder | General Motors (GM) Indicator | | Glocalization | Go-Go Fund | Godfather Offer | Going Concern | Going Public | Going-Concern Value | Gold Bug | Gold Bull | Goldbrick Shares | Golden Coffin | Golden Handcuffs | Golden Hello | Golden Life Jacket | Golden Share | Goldilocks Economy | Good Faith Money | Gorilla | Grant | Graveyard Market | Gray Knight | Green Bond | Green Fund | Green Investing | Green Shoots | Green Tech | Greensheet | Greenspan Put | Greenwashing | Grey Market | Gridlock | Grinder | Gun Jumping | Gunslinger | Halloween Massacre | Halo Effect | Hammering | Handle | | Harvard MBA Indicator | Heating Degree Day - HDD | HedgeStreet | Herd Instinct | Hiccup | High Close | High Earners, Not Rich Yet - HENRYs | High Flier | Hiring Freeze | Hit The Bid | Hockey Stick Bidding | Home Debtor | Honcho | Hot Money | Hot Waitress Economic Index | Hounding Analysts | Housing Starts | Hub And Spoke Structure | Hurdle Rate | Hypermarket | Icahn Lift | Iceberg Order | ImClone - IMCL | Impression | In And Out | In Play | In The Penalty Box | In The Pink | Index ETF | Index Hugger | Industry Bet | Industry Lifecycle | Infant-Industry Theory | Infectious Greed | Inflection Point | Intaxification | Intellectual Capital | Intelligent ETF | Interpositioning | Intrapreneur | Invest, Then Investigate | Investment Climate | IOU | Irrational Exuberance | iShares | January Barometer | January Effect | Japan Inc. | Jekyll and Hyde | Jennifer Lopez - J.Lo | Jitney | | Jonestown Defense | Joseph Effect | Kangaroos | Kickback | Kicking The Tires | Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings - KIPPERS | Killer Application | Killer Bees | Kiting | Kondratiev Wave | Kremlinomics | Lady Godiva Accounting Principles - LGAP | Lady Macbeth Strategy | Lame Duck | Late-Day Trading | Leading Lipstick Indicator | Leakage | Legacy Costs | Legislative Overkill | Lemming | Lemon | Leprechaun Leader | Let Your Profits Run | Letter Security | Level 3 Assets | Lindsay Lohan Stock Index | Little Board | Loan Shark | Lobster Trap | Lockdown | Locked Market | Long Jelly Roll | Longevity Risk | Loose Credit | Losing Your Shirt | Loss Leader Strategy | Loss Management | Love Money | Macaroni Defense | Mad Hatter | Main Street | Managed Money | Mancession | Manipulation | Maple Bond | Margin Pressure | Market Cannibalization | Market Jitters | Market Maven | Market Overhang | Market Perform | Market Sentiment | Market Swoon | Market Timing | Marlboro Friday | Marquee Asset | Masterbrand | Material Insider Information | Maximizer | McMansion | Mega Cap | Michael Milken | Mid Cap | Middleman | Mine and Yours | Mini Madoff | Minus Tick | Mission Statement | Mom And Pop | Momo Play | Monday Effect | Mondustrial Policy | Money Laundering | Moofer | Moral Hazard | Moral Suasion | Most Active | Mothballing | Mr. Copper | Narrow Moat | Nervous Nellie | Net Debt Per Capita | Net Revenue Pledge | Netback | Netscaped | New Economy | New Indications | New Paradigm | New York Dollar | Nonrenewable Resource | Obamanomics | Obligation Bond | October Effect | Off Board | Offering Price | Offshore | Oil Sands | Old Lady | On Stream | One Night Stand Investment | One-Stop Shop | Open-End Lease | Opening Price | Opinion Shopping | Order Book Official | Organic Growth | Ostrich | Outperform | Over-Selling | Over-The-Counter Market | Overstay | Overvalued | Ovoboby | Pac Man | Pac-Man Defense | Painting The Tape | Pale Recession | Panic Buying | Panic Selling | Paper Millionaire | Paper Profit (Paper Loss) | Paris Club | Paris Hilton Stock Index | Parking | Parking Violation | Partial Redemption | Patent Share | Pay Czar | Pay Czar Clause | Pay Yourself First | Paycation | Perp Walk | Pig | Pilot Fishing | Pink Slip Party | Pip-Squeak Pop | Pit | Play | Plunge Team | Plutonomy | Ponzi Scheme | Ponzimonium | Poop | Pork Chop | Pork-Barrel Politics | Portfolio Turnover | Pot | Pot Is Clean | Poverty | Power Ratio | Preliminary Prospectus | Presidential Election Cycle (Theory) | Price Fixing | Price Rigging | Price Stickiness | Price Swap Derivative | Price Transparency | Pricing Power | | Problem Child | Profit Taking | Prop Shop | Protest Divestment | Public Offering | Puke | Pump And Dump | Pump Priming | Punter | Pure Play | Push On A String | Pyramid Scheme | Quadrix | Quadruple Witching | Quarter To Date - QTD | Raider | Rainmaker | Ramp Up | Rationalization | Razor-Razorblade Model | Reaganomics | Recession Proof | Recession Rich | Recessionship | Red | Red Chip | Redlining | Refi Bubble | Related-Party Transaction | Renewable Resource | Rent-A-Crowd | Rent-An-Employee | Repackaging | Restricted Asset | Restructuring | Revenue Per Available Room - RevPAR | Revenue Per Occupied Room - RevPOR | Reverse Swap | Riding the Yield Curve | Ring Fence | Rio Hedge | Rio Trade | Risk Averse | Risk Capital | Risk Management | Risk-Free Return | Road Show | Robber Barons | Rocket Scientist | Rollercoaster Swap | Rollout | Rose-Colored Recession | Round-Trip Trading | Rubber Check | Rule Of 18 | Rule Of 72 | Rule Of 78 | Rumortrage | Rump | Runoff | Rust Bowl | S&P Phenomenon | Safe Harbor | Salad Oil Scandal | Same-Day Substitution | | Sandbag | | Santa Claus Rally | Saturday Night Special | Scalping | Scorched Earth Policy | Scrap Paper | Scripophily | Seat | Securitize | Seed Capital | Seigniorage | Shakeout | Shakeup | Shark Repellent | Shark Watcher | Sheep | Shingle Theory | Shock Absorber | Shoestring | Short And Distort | Short Squeeze | Shotgun Clause | Shrinkage | Sideways Market | Signaling Approach | Silicon Valley | Siliconaires | Silo Mentality | | Sinful Stock | Single-Digit Midget | Sinker | Skin In The Game | Skirt Length Theory | Sleeping Beauty | Slippage | Slow Market | Sluggish Economy | Slump | Slush Fund | Smoking Gun | Smurf | Soccer Mom Indicator | Social Responsibility | Socially Responsible Investment - SRI | Socionomics | SOES Bandits | Soft Dollars | Soft Landing | Soft Money | Soft Paper Report | Soft Patch | Spark Spread | Speculative Bubble | Spice Trader | Spiders - SPDR | Spike | Spoo | Squawk Box | Squeeze | | Stalwart | Standard Of Living Bubble | Staycation | Stem The Tide | Sterile Investment | Sticky Deal | Stock Basher | Stock Idea | Stock Jobbing | Stop Hunting | Stopped Order | Stopped Out | Story Stock | Straight Through Processing - STP | Streetable | Stripper | Strong Hands | Stuckholder | Style Drift | Sucker Rally | Suicide Pill | Sunrise Industry | Sunshine Laws | Sunshine Trade | Super Bowl Indicator | Super Hedging | Supernormal Growth Stock | Survivorship Bias | Sushi Bond | Sushi Roll | Sweat Equity | Sweetener | Sweetheart Deal | Swing Trading | Swissie | Synergy | Synthetic | Synthetic Lease | Tailgating | Tainted Alpha | Take A Bath | Take A Flier | Take A Report | Takeout | Taking The Street | Tape Is Late | TARP Bonuses | Teaser | Tech Street | Teenie | Telephone Booth | Tenbagger | Tequila Effect | The Great Recession | The Wealth Effect | Thinly Traded | Ticker Tape | Tip From A Dip | Toehold Purchase | Tombstone | Topple Rate | Torpedo Stock | Toxic Assets | Toxic Debt | Toxic Waste | Trading Below Cash | Trading Curb | Trading Dollars | Triangular Arbitrage | Trilateral Commission | Tunneling | Turkey | Twinternship | Two Dollar Broker | Uncle Sam | Uneconomic Growth | Unsubscribed | Upstairs Trade | Upstream | Value Proposition | Venture Capitalist | Visibility | Voodoo Accounting | Voodoo Economics | Vulture Capitalist | Vulture Fund | Wall Street | Wallflower | Wallpaper | War Babies | War Chest | Warren Buffett | Wash | Wash Trading | Water ETF | Weak Hands | Web 2.0 | Welfare Economics | Whistle Blower | White Collar | White Elephant | White Knight | White Label Product | White Squire | White-Shoe Firm | Whoops | Widow-and-Orphan Stock | Wild Card Option | Wild Card Play | Wildcatting | Windfall Shares | Winding Up | Window Dressing | Winner's Curse | Witching Hour | Woody | World Economic Outlook - WEO | WorldCom | Yankee Market | Yard | Yellow Knight | Young And Wealthy But Normal - YAWN | Yupcap | Yuppie | Zero Layoff Policy | Zombie Bank | Zombie Debt | Zombies | ZZZZ Best

Financial Terms


By category
Active Trading | Banking | Bonds | Brokers | Buzz Words | Currencies | Economics | Financial Theory | Foreign Exchange | Formulas | Fundamental Analysis (Accounting) | Futures | General Finance & Investing | Hedge Funds | Insurance | Laws & Regulations | Mutual Funds | Options | Personal Finance | Real Estate & Property | Retirement Planning | Statistics | Stocks | Taxes | Technical Analysis | Venture Capital and IPOs

By Alphabet



144 | 408(K) | 1%/10 net 30 | 10-K | 10-K Wrap | 10-Year Treasury Note | 100% Equities Strategy | 100% Mortgage | 1040 Form | 1040A Form | 1040EZ Form | 1040PC Form | 11th District Cost of Funds Index - COFI | 125% Loan | 12B-1 Fee | 12B-1 Fund | 12B-1 Plan | 130-30 Strategy | 130/30 Mutual Fund | 19c3 Stock | 2-1 Buydown | 2/28 Adjustable-Rate Mortgage - 2/28 ARM | 3-2-1 Buydown | 3-6-3 Rule | 3/27 Adjustable-Rate Mortgage - 3/27 ARM | 30-Year Treasury | 3C1 | 3C7 | 401(a) Plan | 401(k) Plan | 403(b) Plan | 408(k) Plan | 412(i) Plan | 419(e) Welfare Benefit Plans | 457 Plan | 5-1 Hybrid Adjustable-Rate Mortgage - 5-1 Hybrid ARM | 5-6 Hybrid Adjustable-Rate Mortgage - 5-6 Hybrid ARM | 501(c) | 52-Week High/Low | 529 Plan | 60-Plus Delinquencies | 8-K | 80-10-10 Mortgage | 90-Day Letter



A | A | A/D | AA | AAA | AAGR | AAI | AAI | AAOIFI | AAR | ABA | ABB | ABC | ABC | ABCDS | ABCP | ABF | ABI | ABM | ABO | ABS | ACATS | ACB | ACH | ACLM | ACRS | ACT | ACU | AD&D | ADB | ADB | ADF | ADL | ADR | ADS | ADS | ADSL | ADTV | ADV | ADX | AED | AER | AFA | AFFE | AFFO | AFR | AGI | AGM | AHT | AIA | AIAF | AIB | AIC | AIP | AIR | AIRB | AIT | ALL | ALM | ALPFA | AMBAC | AMC | AMEX | AMIM | AML | AMLF | AMPS | AMPU | AMT | ANG | ANOVA | ANSI | AON | AON | AP | APICS | APR | APT | APV | APY | AQO | AR | ARC | ARM | ARO | ARP | ARR | ARS | ARS | ART | ASCOT | ASEAN | ASI | ASO | ASP | ASR | ASX | ATHEX | ATM | ATM | ATOI | ATP | ATR | ATS | ATS | ATS | AU | AUD | AUD | AUD/USD | AUM | AVP | AWG | AXJ | A | A Priori Probability | A Ton Of Money | A+/A1 | A-/A3 | A-Credit | A-Share | A-Shares | A/A2 | AA+/Aa1 | AAA | AARP | ABA Bank Index | ABA Transit Number | Abandonment | Abandonment And Salvage | Abandonment Clause | Abandonment Option | Abandonment Value | Abatement | Abatement Cost | ABC Agreement | Abeyance | Ability to Pay | Abnormal Return | Above Full-Employment Equilibrium | Above Par | Above The Market | Above Water | Absolute Advantage | Absolute Beneficiary | Absolute Breadth Index - ABI | Absolute Frequency | Absolute Physical Life | Absolute Priority | Absolute Rate | Absolute Return | Absorbed | Absorption Costing | Abusive Tax Shelter | Academy Of Financial Divorce Practitioners | Accelerated Bookbuild | Accelerated Cost Recovery System - ACRS | Accelerated Death Benefit - ADB | Accelerated Depreciation | Accelerated Option | Accelerated Payments | Accelerated Share Repurchase - ASR | Accelerated Vesting | | Accelerative Endowment | Accelerator Theory | Acceptance | Acceptor | Accident And Health Benefits | Accident and Sickness Insurance Act | Accident-Year Statistics | Accidental Death And Dismemberment Insurance - AD&D | Accidental Death Benefit | Accommodation Endorsement | Accommodation Endorser | Accommodation Line | Accommodation Paper | Accommodation Trading | Accommodative Monetary Policy | Accord And Satisfaction | Accordion Feature | Account | Account Activity | Account Aggregation | Account Analysis | Account Balance | Account Current | Account Executive | Account Freeze | Account History | Account Hold | Account In Trust | Account Inquiry | Account Number | Account Reconcilement | Account Settlement | Account Statement | Accountable Plan | Accountant | Accountant Responsibility | Accountant's Letter | Accountant's Opinion | Accounting | Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions - AAOIFI | Accounting Change | Accounting Conservatism | Accounting Control | Accounting Cushion | Accounting Cycle | Accounting Earnings | Accounting Entity | Accounting Equation | Accounting Error | Accounting Event | Accounting Insolvency | Accounting Method | Accounting Noise | Accounting Period | Accounting Policies | Accounting Principles | Accounting Profit | Accounting Rate of Return - ARR | Accounting Records | Accounting Research Bulletins - ARB | Accounting Valuation | Accounts Payable - AP | Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio | Accounts Receivable - AR | Accounts Receivable Aging | Accounts Receivable Conversion - ARC | Accounts Receivable Financing | Accounts Receivable Insurance | Accounts Uncollectible | Accredited Advisor In Insurance - AAI | Accredited Investor | Accredited Personal Financial Planning Specialist - ABO | Accreted Value | Accreting Principal Swap | Accretion | Accretion of Discount | Accretive | Accretive Acquisition | Accrual Accounting | Accrual Bond | Accrual Rate | Accruals | Accrue | Accrued Dividend | Accrued Expense | Accrued Income | Accrued Interest | Accrued Interest Adjustment | Accrued Market Discount | Accumulated Benefit Obligation | Accumulated Depreciation | Accumulated Earnings and Profits | Accumulated Earnings Tax | Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income | Accumulation | Accumulation Bond | Accumulation Period | Accumulation Phase | Accumulation Plan | Accumulation Unit | Accumulation/Distribution | Accumulative Swing Index - ASI | Acid-Test Ratio | Acquired Fund Fees And Expenses - AFFE | Acquiree | Acquirer | Acquisition | Acquisition Cost | Acquisition Debt | Acquisition Fee | Acquisition Financing | Acquisition Indigestion | Acquisition Loan | Acquisition Premium | Across The Board | Act Of God Bond | Acting In Concert | Actionable | Active Asset | Active Bond | Active Bond Crowd | Active Box | Active Income | Active Index Fund | Active Investing | Active Management | Active Participant Status | Active Retention | Active Risk | Active-Share Study | Actively Managed ETF | Activities of Daily Living - ADL | Activity Based Budgeting - ABB | Activity Based Costing - ABC | Activity Based Management - ABM | Activity Ratio | Actual Authority | Actual Cash Value | Actual Return | Actual Total Loss | Actuals | Actuarial Adjustment | Actuarial Analysis | Actuarial Basis Of Accounting | Actuarial Consultant | Actuarial Cost Method | Actuarial Gain Or Loss | Actuarial Risk | Actuarial Science | Actuary | Ad Infinitum | Ad Valorem Tax | Adaptive Expectations Hypothesis | Add-On Certificate of Deposit | Add-On Interest | Adding To A Loser | Addition Rule For Probabilities | Additional Child Tax Credit | Additional Collateral | Additional Death Benefit | Additional Living Expense Insurance | Additional Paid In Capital | Adequate Notice | ADF (Andorran Franc) | Adjustable Life Insurance | Adjustable Premium | Adjustable-Rate Mortgage - ARM | Adjustable-Rate Preferred Stock - ARPS | Adjusted Balance Method | Adjusted Basis | Adjusted Closing Price | Adjusted Cost Base - ACB | Adjusted Debit Balance | Adjusted Exercise Price | Adjusted Funds From Operations - AFFO | Adjusted Gross Income - AGI | Adjusted Present Value - APV | Adjuster | Adjustment Bond | Adjustment Credit | Adjustment Frequency | Adjustment in Conversion Terms | Adjustment Income | Adjustment Index | Adjustment Interval | Adjustment Provision | Administration Bond | Administrative Charge | Administrative Expenses | Administrative Law | Administrative Services Only - ASO | Administrator | Admiralty Liability | Admitted Assets | Admitted Company | Admitted Insurance | Adoption Credit | ADV Form | Advance Commitment | Advance Directive | Advance Funding | Advance Premium | Advance Premium Fund | Advance Premium Mutual | Advance Rate | Advance Refunding | Advance/Decline Index | Advance/Decline Line - A/D | Advanced Funded Pension Plan | Advanced Internal Rating-Based - AIRB | Advanced Life Underwriting | Adverse Action | Adverse Opinion | Adverse Selection | Adversely Classified Asset | Advisor | Advisor Account | Advisor Fee | AED (United Arab Emirates Dirham) | AFA (Afghanistan Afghani) | Affidavit Of Loss | Affinity Card | Affinity Fraud | Affirmative Covenant | Affirmative Obligation | Affluenza | African Development Bank - ADB | After Reimbursement Expense Ratio | After Tax Operating Income - ATOI | After The Bell | After-Acquired Clause | After-Hours Market Close | After-Hours Trading - AHT | After-Market Performance | After-Tax Contribution | After-Tax Income | After-Tax Profit Margin | After-Tax Return | Against Actual | Aged Fail | Agency Automatic Contributions | Agency Bond | Agency Broker | Agency Costs | Agency Cross | Agency Debentures | Agency Matching Contributions | Agency Problem | Agency Security | Agency Theory | Agent | Agent Bank | Agflation | Aggregate Demand | Aggregate Exercise Price | Aggregate Hours | Aggregate Level Cost Method | Aggregate Limit | Aggregate Mortality Table | Aggregate Product Liability Limit | Aggregate Stop-Loss Insurance | Aggregate Supply | Aggregation | Aggregator | Aggressive Accounting | Aggressive Growth Fund | Aggressive Investment Strategy | Aging | Agio | Agreed Amount Clause | Agreement Corporation | Agricultural Credit | Agricultural Sector Investment Program - ASIP | Agroforestry | Air Pocket Stock | Airbag Swap | Alan Greenspan | Alaska Trust Act | | Alien | Alienation Clause | Alimony | ALL (Albanian Lek) | All Or None - AON | All Risks | All Savers Certificate | All Weather Fund | All-Cap Fund | All-Holders Rule | All-In Cost | All-Ordinaries Stock Index | Alliance Of American Insurers - AAI | Allied Lines | Allied Member | Alligator Property | Alligator Spread | Allocated Benefits | Allocated Funding Instrument | Allocation Notice | Allocation Of Plan Assets On Termination | Allocation Rate | Allocational Efficiency | Allonge | Allotment | Allowance For Bad Debt | Allowance For Doubtful Accounts | Allowances | Alpha | Alpha Generator | Alphabet Rounds | Alt-A | Altered Check | Alternate Beneficiary | Alternative Asset | Alternative Depreciation System - ADS | Alternative Dispute Resolution | Alternative Documentation | Alternative Energy ETF | Alternative Fuels Tax Credit | Alternative Investment | Alternative Minimum Cost Method | Alternative Minimum Tax - AMT | Alternative Mortgage Instrument | Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act - AMTPA | Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit | Alternative Order | Alternative Risk Financing Facilities | Alternative Trading System - ATS | Altman Z-Score | Amended Return | American Academy Of Financial Management - AAFM | American Bankers Association - ABA | American Callable Bond | American Clean Energy And Security Act Of 2009 | American Currency Quotation | American Depositary Receipt - ADR | American Depositary Share - ADS | American Institute Of Banking - AIB | American Insurance Association - AIA | American Jobs Creation Act Of 2004 | American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation | American National Standards Institute - ANSI | American Option | American Recovery And Reinvestment Act | American Rule | American Stock Exchange - AMEX | Amortizable Bond Premium | Amortization | Amortization Of Intangibles | Amortization Schedule | Amortized Loan | Amortizing Security | Amount Financed | Amount Realized | Amount Recognized | Amplitude | Amsterdam Stock Exchange (AEX) .AS | Analysis Of Variance - ANOVA | Analyst | Analyst Sponsorship | Anchoring | Ancillary Revenue | And Interest | Andersen Effect | Andrew's Pitchfork | Angel Bond | Angel Investor | Angelina Jolie Stock Index | Anglo-Saxon Capitalism | Ankle Biter | Annapurna Option | Announcement Date | Announcement Effect | Annual | Annual Addition | Annual Clean-Up | Annual Equivalent Rate - AER | Annual General Meeting - AGM | Annual Mortgage Statement | Annual Percentage Rate - APR | Annual Percentage Yield - APY | Annual Premium Equivalent - APE | Annual Renewable Term (ART) Insurance | Annual Report | Annual Return | Annual Turnover | Annualize | Annualized Income Installment Method | Annualized Rate | Annuitant | Annuitization | Annuitization Method | Annuitization Phase | Annuity | Annuity Contract | Annuity Due | Annuity Ladder | Annuity Unit | Anomaly | Anonymous Trading | Antedate | Anti-Dilution Provision | Anti-Greenmail Provision | Anti-Martingale System | Anti-Money Laundering - AML | Anti-Reciprocal Rule | Anti-Takeover Measure | Anti-Takeover Statute | Anticipated Balance | Anticipated Interest | Anticipation Note | Anticipatory Breach | Antidilutive | Antitrust | Any-and-All Bid | Any-Occupation Policy | AON (Angolan Novo Kwanza) | APICS Business Outlook Index | Appeals Conference | Applicable Federal Rate - AFR | Applied Cost | Appraisal | Appraisal Ratio | Appraisal Right | Appraised Value | Appraiser | Appreciation | Appropriation | Approved Delivery Facility | Approved List | Approved Participants | Arbitrage | Arbitrage Bond | Arbitrage Pricing Theory - APT | Arbitrage Trading Program - ATP | Arbitrage-Free Valuation | Arbitrageur | Arbitration | Archer MSA | Arithmetic Index | Arithmetic Mean | ARM Index | ARM Margin | Arm's Length Market | Arm's Length Transaction | Arms Index - TRIN | Aroon Indicator | | ARP (Argentinian peso) | Arrearage | Arrears Swap | Arrow's Impossibility Theorem | ARS (Argentinian Nuevo peso) | Article 9 | Article XII Company | Articles Of Incorporation | Articles Of Partnership | Ascending Channel | Ascending Tops | Ascending Triangle | Asia Ex-Japan | Asian Bond Fund - ABF | Asian Currency Unit - ACU | Asian Development Bank | Asian Financial Crisis | Asian Option | Asian Tail | Ask | Ask Size | Assay | Assessable Stock | Assessed Value | Assessor | Asset | Asset Allocation | Asset Allocation Fund | Asset Backed Credit Default Swap - ABCDS | Asset Class | Asset Class Breakdown | Asset Coverage Ratio | Asset Depreciation Range - ADR | Asset Financing | Asset Ledger | Asset Management | Asset Management Company - AMC | Asset Mix | Asset Performance | Asset Play | Asset Quality Rating | | Asset Retirement Obligation | Asset Size | Asset Stripper | Asset Stripping | Asset Substitution Problem | Asset Swap | Asset Swapped Convertible Option Transaction - ASCOT | Asset Turnover | Asset Valuation | Asset-Backed Commercial Paper - ABCP | Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Fund Liquidity Facility - AMLF | Asset-Backed Security - ABS | Asset-Based Finance | Asset-Based Lending | Asset-Conversion Loan | Asset-Liability Committee - ALCO | Asset-Light Debt | Asset-or-Nothing Call Option | Asset-or-Nothing Put Option | Asset/Liability Management | Assets Under Management - AUM | Assign | Assignable Contract | Assignment | Assignment Of Accounts Receivable | Assignment Of Proceeds | Assignment Of Trade | Assimilation | Associate Bank | Associate In Claims - AIC | Associate In Information Technology - AIT | Associate In Insurance Accounting And Finance - AIAF | Associate In Loss Control Management - ALCM | Associate In Management (AIM) | Associate In Marine Insurance Management - AMIM | Associate In Premium Auditing - APA | Associate in Research and Planning - ARP | Associate in Risk Management - ARM | Associate In Underwriting - AU | Associated Person | Association of International Bond Dealers - AIBD | Association of Latino Professionals In Finance and Accounting ALPFA | Association of Southeast Asian Nations - ASEAN | Assumable Mortgage | Assumed Interest Rate - AIR | Assumption Clause | Assurance | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line - ADSL | Asymmetric Information | Asymmetric Volatility Phenomenon - AVP | At Par | At Risk Rules | At Sight | At The Market | At The Money | At-The-Close Order | At-The-Opening-Order | Athens Stock Exchange - ATHEX | Atlanta Fed Index | Atlas Options | ATS (Austrian Schilling) | Attachment | Attestation | Attorney In Fact | Attorney's Fee Awards | Attornment | Attribute Bias | Attribution Analysis | Attribution Rules | Attrition | Auction | Auction Market | Auction Market Preferred Stock - AMPS | Auction Rate | Auction Rate Security - ARS | AUD | AUD (Australian Dollar) | AUD/USD (Australian Dollar/U.S. Dollar) | Audit | Audit Department | Audit Trail | Auditor | Auditor's Opinion | Auditor's Report | Aunt Millie | Aussie | Australian Bankers Association (ABA) | Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA) Bank-Bill Reference Rate (BBSW) | Australian Stock Exchange - ASX | Austrian School | AUTEX | Authority Bond | Authorization Code | Authorized Forex Dealer | Authorized Investment | Authorized Participant | Authorized Settlement Agent | Authorized Stock | Auto Insurance | Auto Sales | Auto Supplier Support Program (Auto SSP) | Autocorrelation | Automated Bond System - ABS | Automated Clearing House - ACH | Automated Confirmation Transaction Service - ACT | Automated Customer Account Transfer Service - ACATS | Automated Forex Trading | Automated Teller Machine - ATM | Automated Underwriting | Automatic Bill Payment | Automatic Exercise | Automatic Investment Plan - AIP | Automatic Reinvestment Plan | Automatic Rollover | Automatic Savings Plan | Automatic Stabilizer | Automatic Stay | Automatic Transfer Of Funds | Automatic Transfer Service - ATS | Autonomous Consumption | Autonomous Expenditure | Autoregressive | Autotrading | Availability | Availability Schedule | Available Balance | Available Credit | Available Funds | Available Seat Miles - ASM | Aval | Avalize | Average Annual Current Maturities | Average Annual Growth Rate - AAGR | Average Annual Return - AAR | Average Annual Yield | Average Balance | Average Collected Balance | Average Collection Period | Average Cost Basis Method | Average Cost Pricing Rule | Average Daily Balance Method | Average Daily Float | Average Daily Trading Volume - ADTV | Average Directional Index - ADX | Average Down | Average Effective Maturity | Average Industrial Wage | Average Life | Average Margin Per User - AMPU | Average Outstanding Balance | Average Price | Average Price Call | Average Price Put | Average Qualitative Opinion - AQO | Average Return | Average Revenue Per Unit - ARPU | Average Selling Price - ASP | Average Ticket | Average True Range - ATR | Average Up | Average-Cost Method | Away From Home | Away From The Market | AWG (Aruban Florin) | Ax | Axe


B | B/D | BA | BAI | BAN | BBB | BBD | BBSS | BBSW | BBSY | BBV | BCE | BCI | BCL | BCR | BDC | BDC | BDI | BDT | BEER | BEP | BEX | BEY | BGN | BHD | BI | BIC | BIF | BIMBO | BIN | BIS | BLS | BMA | BMA | BMD | BND | BOB | BOD | BOE | BOE | BOJ | BOLI | BOP | BOP | BOT | BOX | BPO | BPS | BRL | BSA | BSD | BSE | BSE | BSE | BSX | BTN | BV | BVPS | BZD | B | B-Share | B-Shares | B/C Loan | B1/B+ | B2/B | B3/B- | Ba1/BB+ | Ba2/BB | Ba3/BB- | Baby Bells | Baby Bills | Baby Bond | Baby Boomer | Baby Boomer Age Wave Theory | Back Door Listing | Back Fee | Back Month Contract | Back Months | Back Of The Napkin Business Model | Back Office | Back Stop | Back Taxes | Back Up The Truck | Back-End Load | Back-End Ratio | Back-to-Back Commitment | Back-To-Back Letters Of Credit | Back-to-Back Loan | Backdating | Backing Away | Backlog | Backorder Costs | Backpricing | Backspread | Backstop Purchaser | Backtesting | Backup Withholding | Backward Integration | Backwardation | Bad Check | Bad Debt | Bad Debt Expense | Bad Debt Recovery | Bad Debt Reserve | Badwill | Bag Holder | Bag Man | Bagel Land | Bahrain Stock Exchange - BSE | Bailee's Customers Insurance | Bailment | Bailout | Bailout Bond | Bait And Switch | Balance Of Payments - BOP | Balance Of Trade - BOT | Balance Reporting | Balance Sheet | Balance Sheet Reserves | Balanced Budget | Balanced Fund | Balanced Investment Strategy | Balanced Scorecard | Balloon Interest | Balloon Loan | Balloon Maturity | Balloon Option | Balloon Payment | Ballot | Baltic Dry Index - BDI | Bancassurance | Bandwidth | Bank | Bank Administration Institute - BAI | Bank Bill Swap Bid Rate - BBSY | Bank Capital | Bank Card | Bank Card Association | Bank Confirmation Letter - BCL | Bank Discount Basis | Bank Draft | Bank Endorsement | Bank Examination | Bank Failure | Bank Fees | Bank For International Settlements - BIS | Bank Giro Transfer | Bank Guarantee | Bank Holiday | Bank Identification Number - BIN | Bank Insurance | Bank Investment Contract - BIC | Bank Lending Survey | Bank Letter Of Credit Policy | Bank Marketing Association - BMA | Bank Of Canada - BOC | Bank of England - BoE | Bank of First Deposit - BOFD | Bank Of Japan - BoJ | Bank Panic of 1907 | Bank Rate | Bank Rate Monitor Index | Bank Rating | Bank Reconciliation Statement | Bank Reserve | Bank Restriction Act of 1797 | Bank Run | Bank Secrecy Act - BSA | Bank Statement | Bank Trust Custodial Account | Bank Wire | Bank-Owned Life Insurance - BOLI | Bankable Funds | Banker's Acceptance - BA | Banker's Blanket Bond | Banking And Securities Industry Committee - BASIC | Banking Department | Bankmail | Banknote | Bankruptcy | Bankruptcy Financing | Bankruptcy Risk | Bankruptcy Trustee | Banks For Cooperatives | | Banque D'Affaires | BanxQuote Money Markets Index | Baptism by Fire | Baptism of Fire | Bar | Bar Chart | Barbell | Barcelona Stock Exchange (BAR) .BC | Barefoot Pilgrim | Bargain Sale To A Charitable Organization | Barings Bank | Barometer | Barometer Stock | Barra Risk Factor Analysis | Barratry | Barrel Of Oil Equivalent (BOE) | Barrels Of Oil Equivalent Per Day - BOE/D | Barrels Per Day - B/D | Barrier Option | Barriers To Entry | Barron's Confidence Index | Barter | Base Currency | Base I | Base II | Base Pay | Base Period | Base-Year Analysis | Basel Accord | Basel Committee On Bank Supervision | Basel I | Basel II | Baseline | Basic Balance | Basic Materials Sector | Basing | Basing Point | Basing Point Pricing System | Basis | Basis Grade | Basis Point - BPS | Basis Price | Basis Quote | Basis Rate Swap | Basis Risk | Basket Of Goods | Basket Option | Basket Trade | Batch Header Record | Batch Trading | Batting Average | BAX Contract | Bay Street | Bayes' Theorem | BBD (Barbados Dollar) | BCG Growth Share Matrix | BDT (Bangladesh Taka) | Beacon Score | Bear | Bear Call Spread | Bear CD | Bear Flattener | Bear Hug | Bear Market | Bear Market Rally | Bear Put Spread | Bear Raid | Bear Spread | Bear Steepener | Bear Tack | Bear Trap | Bearer Bond | Bearer Form | Bearer Instrument | Bearer Share | Bearish Abandoned Baby | Bearish Belt Hold | Bearish Engulfing Pattern | Bearish Harami | Beating The Gun | Before Reimbursement Expense Ratio | Beggar-Thy-Neighbor | Beginning Inventory - BI | Beginning Market Value (BMV) | Behavioral Accounting | Behavioral Economics | Behavioral Finance | Behaviorist | Beige Book | Beirut Stock Exchange - BSE | Bell | Bell Curve | Bellwether | Bellwether Stock | Belly Up | Below Full-Employment Equilibrium | Below Par | Below the Market | Ben Bernanke | | Beneficial Owner | Beneficiary | Benefit Cost Ratio - BCR | Benefit Offset | Beneish Model | Benjamin Graham | Bequest | Berkshire Hathaway | Berlin Stock Exchange (BER) .B | Bermuda Option | Bermuda Stock Exchange - BSX | Bermuda Swaption | Bernard Madoff | Bernoulli's Hypothesis | Berry Ratio | Best Ask | Best Bid | Best Efforts | Best Efforts Mortgage Lock | Best Execution | Best Of Breed | Best Practices | Best-Price Rule - Rule 14D-10 | Beta | Better Business Bureau - BBB | Betterment | BGN (Bulgarian Lev) | BHD (Bahraini Dinar) | Bi-Monthly Mortgage | Bi-weekly Mortgage | Bias | Biased Expectations Theory | Bid | Bid Bond | Bid Price | Bid Size | Bid Tick | Bid Wanted In Competition - BWIC | Bid Whacker | Bid-Ask Spread | Bid-to-Cover Ratio | Bidding War | BIF (Burundi Franc) | Bifurcation | Big Bang | Big Bath | Big Board | Big Box Retailer | Big Figure | Big Five Banks | Big Four (or Big Five, Big Six, Big Eight) | Big Mac PPP | Big Six Banks | Big Three | Big Uglies | | Bilbao Stock Exchange (BIL) .BI | Bill And Hold | Bill And Melinda Gates | Bill Announcement | Bill Auction | Bill Miller | Bill Of Exchange | Bill Of Lading | Bill Of Sale | Bill Presentment | Bill-And-Hold Basis | Billions Of Cubic Feet Equivalent - BCFE | Bills Payable | Bimetallic Standard | Binary Option | Binomial Distribution | Binomial Option Pricing Model | Binomial Tree | Biodiesel | Bioeconomics | Bird Dog | Birth-Death Ratio | Biweekly Mortgage | Black | Black Box Model | | Black Knight | Black Liquor Tax Credit | Black Market | Black Monday | Black Scholes Model | Black Swan | Black Thursday | Black Tuesday | Black Wednesday | Black's Model | Black-Litterman Model | Blackberry Addiction | Blackboard Trading | Blackout Period | Blank Check Preferred Stock | Blank Endorsement | Blank-Check Company | Blanket Bond | Blanket Honesty Bond | Blanket Insurance | Blanket Lien | Blanket Mortgage | Blanket Recommendation | Blend Fund | Blended Rate | Blind Brokering | Blind Entry | Blind Pool | Blind Taxpayer | Blind Trust | Blitzkrieg Tender Offer | Block | Block House | Block Order | Block Positioner | Block Trade | Blockage Discount | Blocked Account | Blocked Currency | Blockholder | Bloodletting | Bloomberg | Bloomberg Terminal | Blotter | Blow-Off Top | Blowoff | Blue Book | Blue Chip | Blue Chip Swap | Blue Collar | Blue Collar Trader | Blue List | Blue Ocean | Blue Sheets | Blue Sky Laws | Blue-Chip Stock | BMD (Bermudian Dollar) | BND (Brunei Dollar) | Bo Derek | Board Broker | Board Broker System | Board Certified In Estate Planning - BCE | Board Lot | Board of Directors | Board Of Directors - B Of D | Board of Governors | BOB (Bolivian Boliviano) | BOBL Futures Contract | Bogey | Boiler Room | Boilerplate | Bollinger Band | Bolsa Boliviana de Valores - BBV | Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) .BO | | Bond | Bond Anticipation Note - BAN | Bond Attorney | Bond Broker | Bond Buyer 11 | Bond Buyer 20 | Bond Buyer Index | Bond Circular | Bond Crowd | Bond Discount | Bond Equity Earnings Yield Ratio - BEER | Bond Equivalent Yield - BEY | Bond ETF | Bond Floor | Bond for Bond Lending | Bond Fund | Bond Futures | Bond Insurance | Bond Ladder | Bond Laddering | Bond Market | Bond Market Association (BMA) Swap | Bond Option | Bond Quote | Bond Rating | Bond Swap | Bond Trustee | Bond Valuation | Bondholder | Bonus | Bonus Depreciation | Bonus Issue | Book | Book Balance | Book Building | Book Closure | Book Runner | Book To Ship Ratio | Book Transfer | Book Value | Book Value Of Equity Per Share - BVPS | Book Value Per Common Share | Book-Entry Securities | Book-to-Bill Ratio | Book-To-Market Ratio | Booking the Basis | Bookout | Boom | Boomerang | Boomernomics | Boon | Booster Shot | | Borrowing Base | Boston Equities Exchange - BEX | Boston Options Exchange - BOX | Boston Snow Indicator | Boston Stock Exchange (BSE) .B | Bottleneck | Bottom | Bottom Fisher | Bottom Line | Bottom-Up Investing | Bought Deal | Bounced Check | Bourse | Boutique | Bow Tie Loan | Box Size | Box Spread | Box-Top Order | Bracket Creep | Bracketed Buy Order | Bracketed Sell Order | Brady Bonds | Brain Drain | Branch Automation | Branch Banking | Branch Manager | Branch Office | Brand | Brand Awareness | Brand Equity | Brazil ETF | Bre-X Minerals Ltd. | Breach Of Contract | Breadth Indicator | Breadth of Market Theory | Breadwinner | Break | Break Even Tax Rate | Break Fee | Break In Service | Break Issue | Break-Even Analysis | Breakage | Breakaway Gap | Breakdown | Breakeven Point - BEP | Breakeven Yield | Breaking The Buck | Breaking The Syndicate | Breakout | Breakout Trader | Breakpoint | Breakpoint Sale | Breakup Fee | Breakup Value | Breeder's Insurance Policy | Bremen Stock Exchange | Brent Blend | Bretton Woods Agreement | Bribe | Brick And Mortar | Bridge Bank | Bridge Financing | Bridge Insurance | Bridge Loan | British Bankers Association - BBA | BRL (Brazilian Real) | Broad Evidence Rule | Broad Form Insurance | Broad Form Personal Theft Insurance | Broad Form Property Damage Endorsement | Broad Form Storekeepers' Insurance | Broad Liquidity | Broad-Based Index | Broad-Based Weighted Average | Broad-Based Weighted Average Ratchet | Broadband | Broadening Formation | Brochure Rule | Broke The Buck | Broken Date | Broker | Broker Association | Broker Booth Support System - BBSS | Broker Of Record | Broker Price Opinion - BPO | Broker's Call | Broker-Dealer | Broker-Reseller | Brokerage Account | Brokerage Company | Brokerage Department | Brokerage Fee | Brokerage General Agent | Brokerage Supervisor | Brokerage Window | Brokered Certificate Of Deposit | Brokered Deposit | Brought Over The Wall | Brown Field Investment | BSD (Bahamian Dollar) | BTN (Bhutanese Ngultrum) | Bubble | Buck | Buck The Trend | Bucket Shop | Bucketing | Budget | Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BUE) .BA | BUGS Index - HUI | Build America Bonds - BABs | Build-Operate-Transfer Contract | Builders Risk Coverage Form | Builders Risk Hull Insurance | Building And Loan Associaiton | Building And Personal Property Coverage Form | Building Permits | Bulge | Bulge Bracket | Bulk Filing | | Bull | Bull Bond | Bull Call Spread | Bull CD | Bull Flattener | Bull Market | Bull Put Spread | Bull Spread | Bull Steepener | Bull Trap | Bull Vertical Spread | Bull/Bear Ratio | | Bullet | Bullet Bond | Bullet Dodging | Bullet GIC | Bullet Loan | Bullet Repayment | Bullet Trade | Bullion | Bullish Abandoned Baby | Bullish Belt Hold | Bullish Engulfing Pattern | Bullish Harami | | Bullpen | Bumbershoot Policy | Bump-Up Certificate of Deposit - Bump-Up CD | Bunching | Bund | Bundesbank | Bundling | Bungalow | Bunny Bond | Buoyant | Bureau of Census | Bureau of Economic Analysis - BEA | Bureau Of Labor Statistics - BLS | Bureau Of Public Debt | Bureau Rate | Bureaucracy | Burgernomics | Burn Rate | Burning Cost Ratio | Burnout | Burst Basket | Business | Business Activities | Business Asset | Business Auto Coverage Form | Business Automobile Policy - BAP | Business Bondage | Business Continuation Insurance | Business Crime Insurance | Business Cycle | Business Cycle Indicators - BCI | Business Day | Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC | Business Development Company - BDC | Business Ecosystem | Business Expenses | Business Income | Business Income Coverage Form | Business Insurance | Business Interest Expense | Business Interruption Insurance | Business Judgment Rule | Business Liability Insurance | Business Logic | Business Model | Business Owner Policy - BOP | Business Risk | Business Risk Exclusion | Business Starts Index | Business To Business - B To B | Business To Consumer - B To C | Business Valuation | Bust | Bust-Up Takeover | Busted Convertible Security | Busted Takeover | Butterfly Spread | Buttonwood Agreement | Buy | Buy A Bounce | Buy A Spread | Buy And Hold | Buy And Homework | Buy And Sell Agreement | Buy Break | Buy Minus | Buy Side | Buy Stop Order | Buy Stops Above | Buy The Dips | Buy To Close | Buy To Cover | Buy To Open | Buy Weakness | Buy, Strip And Flip | Buy-In | Buy-In Management Buyout - BIMBO | Buy-Up | Buy-Write | Buyback | Buydown | Buyer's Call | Buyer's Market | Buying Forward | Buying Hedge | Buying On Margin | Buying Power | Buyout | BWP (Botswana Pula) | BZD (Belize Dollar)


C | C&D | C2C | CAD | CAD, CDN | CADS | CAF | CAGR | CAIA | CAL | CAPEX | CAPM | CAPS | CAR | CARD | CARDS | CARVM | CAS | CASA | CAT | CAV | CBLO | CBO | CBOE | CBOT | CCA | CCAPM | CCC | CCD | CCD | CCDS | CCE | CCI | CCI | CCIR | CCLIA | CCMA | CCS | CD | CDA | CDD | CDFA | CDFI | CDIC | CDO | CDO-CUBED | CDPU | CDR | CDR | CDSC | CDX | CEA | CEO | CEPS | CEPS | CER | CESG | CEY | CF | CFA | CFAT | CFC | CFDP | CFMA | CFO | CFP | CFPS | CFR | CFROI | CFS | CFTC | CGE | CGQ | CHAPS | CHESS | CHF | CHF | CHFC | CHIPS | CIA | CIC | CIC | CIF | CIF | CIMC | CIMS | CINS | CIO | CIO | CIP | CIPF | CIPM | CIV | CLN | CLN | CLO | CLO-SQUARED | CLP | CLT | CLTV | CLU | CLV | CMB | CMBS | CMBX | CMHC | CML | CMO | CMP | CMT | CMTA | CMV | CNQ | CNY | CNY | CO | COB | COBRA | COCOS | COD | COD | COE | COFI | COGS | COLI | COO | COP | COP | COT | COUGRS | COV-LITE | CPA | CPB | CPC | CPDO | CPF | CPFF | CPFP | CPG | CPGI | CPI | CPI-W | CPLTD | CPM | CPP | CPP | CPPI | CPR | CPR | CPSS | CRA | CRA | CRB | CRC | CRD | CROCI | CROGI | CRR | CRSP | CSB | CSC | CSC | CSCE | CSI | CSI | CSO, CISO | CSRC | CTA | CTD | CTI | CTR | CUNA | CUP | CUSIP | CV | CVA | CVE | CVI | CVR | CWT | CYP | CZK | C | C-Share | C-Suite | Cabinet Crowd | Cabinet Security | Cable | CAC 40 | CAD | CAD (Canadian Dollar) | Cafeteria Plan | Cage | Caisse Populaire | Calamity Call | Calculated Intangible Value - CIV | Calculation Agent | Calcutta Stock Exchange (CAL) .CL | Calendar Effect | Calendar Spread | Calendar Year | Calendar Year Accounting Incurred Losses | Calendar Year Experience | Call | Call Date | Call Loan | Call Loan Rate | Call Market | Call Option | Call Premium | Call Price | Call Protection | Call Provision | Call Ratio Backspread | Call Report | Call Risk | Call Rule | Call Warrant | Callable Bond | Callable Certificate Of Deposit | Callable Common Stock | Callable Preferred Stock | Callable Security | Called Away | Calmar Ratio | CalPERS | Cambist | CAMELS Rating System | Camouflage Compensation | CAN SLIM | Canada Education Savings Grant - CESG | Canada Learning Bond | Canada Pension Plan - CPP | Canada Premium Bond - CPB | Canada Revenue Agency - CRA | Canada Savings Bond - CSB | Canada's New Stock Exchange - CNQ | Canadian Capital Markets Association - CCMA | Canadian Council Of Insurance Regulators - CCIRÂ | Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation - CDIC | Canadian Income Trust | Canadian Institute Of Actuaries - CIA | Canadian Investor Protection Fund - CIPF | Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation - CMHC | Canadian Orginated Preferred Securities - COPrS | Canadian Rollover Mortgage | Canadian Securities Administrators - CSA | Canadian Securities Course™ - CSC™ | Canary Call | Cancel Former Order - CFO | Cancelable Insurance | Canceled Check | Canceled Order | Cancellation | Cancellation Of Debt - COD | Cancellation Provision Clause | Candlestick | Cap | Cap And Trade | Capacity | Capacity Cost | Capacity Utilization Rate | Capital | Capital Account | Capital Accumulation | Capital Addition | Capital Adequacy Ratio - CAR | Capital Allocation | Capital Allocation Line - CAL | Capital Appreciation | Capital Appreciation Fund | Capital Asset | Capital Asset Pricing Model - CAPM | Capital Assistance Program | Capital Base | Capital Blockade | Capital Budgeting | Capital Control | Capital Cost Allowance - CCA | Capital Dividend Account - CDA | Capital Employed | Capital Expenditure - CAPEX | Capital Flight | Capital Flows | Capital Formation | Capital Gain | Capital Gains Distribution | Capital Gains Exposure - CGE | Capital Gains Tax | Capital Gains Treatment | Capital Gains Yield | Capital Gearing | Capital Goods | Capital Goods Price Index - CGPI | Capital Goods Sector | Capital Growth Strategy | Capital Guarantee Fund | Capital Improvement | Capital Intensive | Capital Lease | Capital Loss | Capital Loss Carryover | Capital Market Line - CML | Capital Markets | Capital Note | Capital Purchase Program - CPP | Capital Rationing | Capital Reduction | Capital Requirement | Capital Reserve | Capital Risk | Capital Share | Capital Stock | Capital Stock Insurance Companies | Capital Structure | Capital Surplus | Capitalism | Capitalization | Capitalization Of Earnings | Capitalization Rate | Capitalization-Weighted Index | Capitalize | Capitalized Cost | Capitalized Interest | Capitalized Lease Method | Capitulation | Capped Fund | Capped Option | Capping | Captive Agent | Captive Finance Company | Caput | Car Title Loan | Caracas Stock Exchange (CCS) .CR | Carbon Credit | Carbon Trade | Card Recovery Bulletin | Cardboard Box Index | Cardholder Agreement | Career-Ending Move | Carl Icahn | Carried Interest | Carrot Equity | Carrying Broker | Carrying Charge | Carrying Charge Market | Carrying Cost Of Inventory | Carrying Value | Carryover Basis | Carte Blanche | Cartel | Carve-out | Cash | Cash Account | Cash Accounting | Cash Accumulation Method | Cash Advance | Cash Allowance | Cash and Carry Transaction | Cash And Cash Equivalents - CCE | Cash Asset Ratio | Cash Available For Debt Service - CADS | Cash Awards | Cash Balance Pension Plan | Cash Basis | Cash Basis Loan | Cash Basis Taxpayer | Cash Book | Cash Budget | Cash Card | Cash Charge | Cash Collateral | Cash Commodity | Cash Concentration And Disbursement (CCD) | Cash Conversion Cycle - CCC | Cash Cost | Cash Cow | Cash Delivery | Cash Discount | Cash Distribution Per Unit - CDPU | Cash Dividend | Cash Earnings Per Share - Cash EPS | Cash Equivalents | Cash Flow | Cash Flow After Taxes - CFAT | Cash Flow from Financing Activities | Cash Flow From Investing Activities | Cash Flow Loan | Cash Flow Per Share | Cash Flow Plans | Cash Flow Return on Investment - CFROI | Cash Flow Statement | Cash Flow Underwriting | Cash for Bond Lending | Cash For Clunkers | Cash For Refrigerators | Cash In Advance | Cash Investment | Cash Liquidation Distribution | Cash Management Bill - CMB | Cash Market | Cash On Delivery - COD | Cash Plus Fund | Cash Position | Cash Price | Cash Ratio | Cash Reserves | Cash Return On Assets Ratio | Cash Return On Capital Invested - CROCI | Cash Return on Gross Investment - CROGI | Cash Settlement | Cash Surrender Value | Cash Trading | Cash Transaction | Cash Trigger | Cash Value Added - CVA | Cash Wages | Cash-And-Carry Trade | Cash-And-Stock Dividend | Cash-Based Option | Cash-Flow Financing | Cash-On-Cash Return | Cash-on-Cash Yield | Cash-or-Nothing Call | Cash-or-Nothing Put | Cash-Out Refinance | Cash-Settled Options | Cashier's Check | Cashless Conversion | Cashless Exercise | Casino Finance | Casualty And Theft Losses | Casualty Insurance | Cat Spread | Catalyst | Catastrophe Bond - CAT | Catastrophe Call | Catastrophe Excess Reinsurance | Catastrophe Futures | Catastrophe Hazard | Catastrophe Insurance | Catastrophic Illness Insurance | Catch-Up Contribution | Category Killer | Cats And Dogs | Caveat Emptor | CBOE Nasdaq Volatility Index - VXN | CD Ladder | Cease And Desist | Ceiling | Celtic Tiger | Center For Research In Security Prices - CRSP | Central Bank | Central Counterparty Clearing House - CCP | Central Limit Theorem - CLT | Central Provident Fund - CPF | Central Registration Depository (CRD) | Centralized Market | Centre for European Economic Research | Centre For European Policy Studies - CEPS | CEO Confidence Survey | Certainty Equivalent | Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement - CIPM | Certificate Of Deposit - CD | Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service - CDARS | Certificate Of Deposit Index - CODI Index | Certificate Of Government Receipts - COUGRs | Certificate of Indebtedness | Certificate Of Insurance | Certificate Of Origin - CO | Certificate of Participation - COP | Certificated Stock | Certified Annuity Specialist - CAS | Certified Check | Certified Divorce Financial Analyst - CDFA | Certified Financial Divorce Practitioner - CFDP | Certified Financial Planner - CFP | Certified Financial Statement | Certified Fund Specialist - CFS | Certified Investment Management Consultant - CIMC | Certified Investment Management Specialist - CIMS | Certified Management Accountant - CMA | Certified Public Accountant - CPA | Certified Senior Consultant - CSC | Certified Trust And Financial Advisor - CTFA | Ceteris Paribus | CFA Institute | | Chain Banking | Chain Store Sales | Chain Weighted CPI | Chair Of The Board - COB | Challenger Job-Cut Report | Chameleon Option | Champagne Stock | | Change | Change In Demand | Change In Supply | Changer | Channel | Channel Check | Channel Stuffing | | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 9 | Characteristic Line | Charge Card | Charge-Off | Chargeback | Charging Order | Charitable Donation | Charitable Lead Trust | Charitable Remainder Trust | Charitable Split-Dollar Insurance Plan | Charter | Chartered Accountant (CA) | Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) | Chartered Asset Manager - CAM | Chartered Bank | Chartered Business Valuator - CBV | Chartered Financial Analyst - CFA | Chartered Financial Consultant - ChFC | Chartered Insurance Professional - CIP | Chartered Investment Counselor - CIC | Chartered Life Underwriter - CLU | Chartered Market Technician - CMT | Chartered Portfolio Manager - CPM | Chartered Trust And Estate Planner | Chartered Wealth Manager - CWM | Chartist | Chasing Nickels Around Dollar Bills | Chasing The Market | Chastity Bond | Chattel Mortgage | Cheap Stock | Cheapest to Deliver - CTD | Check | Check Clearing For The 21st Century Act - Check 21 | Check Conversion | Check Hold | Check Representment | Check Routing Symbol | Check Safekeeping | Checkable Deposits | Checking Account | Checkless Society | Cherry Picking | CHF | CHF (Swiss Franc) | Chicago Board Of Trade - CBOT | Chicago Board Options Exchange - CBOE | Chicago School | Chief Executive Officer - CEO | Chief Financial Officer - CFO | Chief Information Officer - CIO | Chief Investment Officer - CIO | Chief Operating Officer - COO | Chief Security Officer - CSO | Chikou Span | Child And Dependent Care Credit | Child Support | Child Tax Credit | Chill | China Concepts Stock | China ETF | China Investment Corporation (CIC) | China Securities Regulatory Commission - CSRC | Chinese Depositary Receipt - CDR | Chinese Hedge | Chinese Wall | Chip Card | Choice Market | Choke Price | Chooser Option | Choppy Market | Christmas Club | Christmas Tree | Churn Rate | Churning | CINS Number | Circuit Breaker | Circular Trading | Circulating Capital | Circus Swap | Citizenship Test | Civil Money Penalty - CMP | Civil Service Retirement System - CSRS | Class A Shares | Class Action | Class B Shares | Class Of Shares | Classical Economics | Classical Growth Theory | Classified Board | Classified Loan | Classified Shares | Claused Bill Of Lading | Clawback | Clayton Antitrust Act | Clean Balance Sheet | Clean Bill Of Lading | Clean Float | Clean Price | Clean Sheeting | Clean Your Skirts | Clean-Up Requirement | Cleantech | Clear Business Setting Test | Clear Title | Clearance Certificate | Clearing | Clearing Broker | Clearing Corporation | Clearing Fee | Clearing House | Clearing House Automated Payments System - CHAPS | Clearing House Electronic Subregister System - CHESS | Clearing House Funds | Clearing House Interbank Payments System - CHIPS | Clearing Member Trade Agreement - CMTA | Clearing Price | Clearstream International | Cleave | Click And Mortar | Click Through Rates | Clientele Effect | Cliff Vesting | Clifford Trust | Climax | | Cliquet | Clone Fund | Close | Close Corporation Plan | Close Location Value - CLV | Close Period | Close Position | Closed Account | Closed Corporation | Closed Fund | Closed To New Accounts | Closed-End Credit | Closed-End Fund | Closed-End Indenture | Closed-End Lease | Closed-End Management Company | Closed-Market Transaction | Closely Held Shares | Closely Held Stock | Closet Indexing | Closing | Closing Bell | Closing Costs | Closing Entry | Closing Points | Closing Price | Closing Statement | Closing Tick | Cloud On Title | CLP (Chilean Peso) | Club Deal | Clunker | Cluster Analysis | CMBX Indexes | CMG Plan | CNN Effect | CNY | CNY (China Yuan Renminbi) | Co-borrower | Co-branded Card | Co-Insurance | Co-insurance Effect | Co-mortgagor | Co-pay | Co-Tenancy Clause | Coaster | Coattail Investing | Cockroach Theory | Codicil | Coefficient of Determination | Coefficient Of Variation - CV | Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange - CSCE | Coiled Market | Coincident Indicator | Coinsurance Formula | Coinsurer | Cokurtosis | Cold Calling | Collaborative Commerce - C-commerce | Collar | Collateral | Collateral Source Rule | Collateral Trust Bond | Collateral Value | Collateral Value Insurance | Collateralization | Collateralized Bond Obligation - CBO | Collateralized Borrowing And Lending Obligation - CBLO | Collateralized Debt Obligation - CDO | Collateralized Debt Obligation Cubed - CDO-Cubed | Collateralized Debt Obligation Squared - CDO-Squared | Collateralized Loan Obligation - CLO | Collateralized Mortgage Obligation - CMO | Collectible | Collection Agency | Collective Investment Fund | College Of Insurance | Collision Insurance | Collusion | Columbia Business School | Com-Dev Company | Combat Pay | Combat Zone | Combination | Combination Bond | Combination Loan | Combined Loan To Value Ratio - CLTV Ratio | Combined Ratio | Combined Statement | COMEX | Comfort Letter | | Commercial | Commercial Account | Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Loan | Commercial Bank | Commercial Blanket Bond | Commercial Credit | Commercial Forgery Policy | Commercial Grain Stock | Commercial Health Insurance | Commercial Loan | Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS) | Commercial Multiple Peril Policy | Commercial Paper | Commercial Paper Funding Facility - CPFF | Commercial Paper Funding Program - CPFP | Commercial Property | Commercial Property Floater | Commercial Property/Casualty Market Index Survey | Commercial Real Estate | Commercial Trader | Commingled Fund | Commingled Trust Fund | Commingling (Commingled) | Commission | Commission House | Commissioner Of Banking | Commissioners' Annuity Reserve Valuation Method - CARVM | Commissioners' Standard Industrial Mortality Table | Commissioners' Standard Ordinary Mortality Table | Commissioners' Values | Commitment Fee | Commitments of Traders Report - COT | Committed Capital | Committed Facility | Committee On Payment And Settlement Systems - CPSS | Commodities Exchange | Commoditization | Commoditize | Commodity | Commodity Block Currency | Commodity Channel Index - CCI | Commodity Credit Corporation - CCC | Commodity ETF | Commodity Exchange Act - CEA | Commodity Futures Contract | Commodity Futures Modernization Act - CFMA | Commodity Futures Trading Commission - CFTC | Commodity Index | Commodity Pairs | Commodity Pool | Commodity Pool Operator - CPO | Commodity Research Bureau Index - CRB | Commodity Selection Index - CSI | Commodity Swap | Commodity Trader | Commodity Trading Advisor - CTA | Common Gap | Common Law | Common Law Property | Common Policy Declarations | Common Resource | Common Shareholder | Common Size Balance Sheet | Common Size Financial Statement | Common Size Income Statement | Common Stock | Community Currency | Community Development Financial Institution - CDFI | Community Income | Community Investing | Community Property | Community Reinvestment Act - CRA | Commutation | Commuted Value | Commuting Expenses | Companion Bond | Company Owned Life Insurance - COLI | Comparables | Comparative Advantage | Comparative Interest Rate Method | Comparative Negligence | Compensating Balances Plan | Competitive Advantage | Competitive Bid | Competitive Bid Option | Competitive Tender | Complement | Compliance Department | Compliance Examination | Composite | Composite Index | Composite Index of Coincident Indicators | Composite Index Of Lagging Indicators | Composite Index of Leading Indicators | Compound | Compound Accreted Value - CAV | Compound Annual Growth Rate - CAGR | Compound Interest | Compound Option | Compound Return | Compounding | Comprehensive Income | Comprehensive Tax Allocation | Comps | Comptroller | Compulsive Shopping | Compulsory Convertible Debenture - CCD | Concentration Account | Concentration Bank | Concentration Ratio | Concession | Concession Agreement | Condemnation | Condensed Financials | Conditional Order | Conditional Prepayment Rate - CPR | Conditional Probability | Conditional Value at Risk - CVaR | Condominium | Condor Spread | Condotel | Conduit Financing | Conduit IRA | Conduit Issuer | Conduit Theory | Confederate Dollar | Conference Call | Conference Of State Bank Supervisors - CSBS | Confession Of Judgment | Confidence Interval | Confidential Treatment Application | Confidentiality Agreement | Confirmation | Confirmation On A Chart | Confirmed Letter Of Credit | Conflict Of Interest | Conforming Loan | Conforming Loan Limit | Congeneric Merger | Congestion | Conglomerate | Conglomerate Discount | Conglomerate Merger | Congressional Oversight Panel - COP | Connie Lee - College Construction Loan Insurance Association - CCLIA | Consensus Estimate | Consent Solicitation | Conservative Growth | Conservative Investing | Conservatorship | Consignment | Consolidate | Consolidated Financial Statements | Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - COBRA | Consolidated Tape | Consolidated Tax Return | Consolidation | Consolidation Phase | Consortium | Consortium Bank | Constant Currencies | Constant Default Rate - CDR | Constant Dollar | Constant Maturity | Constant Maturity Swap - CMS | Constant Percent Prepayment | Constant Proportion Debt Obligation - CPDO | Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance - CPPI | Constant Yield Method | Constituent | Construction Interest Expense | Construction Loan Note - CLN | Construction Mortgage | Construction Spending | Constructive Receipt | Constructive Sale Rule - Section 1259 | Consular Invoice | Consumables | Consumer And Business Lending Initiative | Consumer Bankers Association - CBA | Consumer Confidence Index - CCI | Consumer Credit | Consumer Credit Delinquencies Bulletin | Consumer Cyclicals | Consumer Debt | Consumer Discretionary | Consumer Internet Barometer | Consumer Packaged Goods - CPG | Consumer Price Index - CPI | Consumer Price Index For All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) | Consumer Price Index For Urban Wage Earners And Clerical Workers - CPI-W | Consumer Spending | Consumer Staples | Consumer Surplus | Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model - CCAPM | Consumption Function | Contagion | Contango | Contemporaneous Reserves | Contestable Market Theory | Continentals | Contingency | Contingency Order | Contingent Asset | Contingent Beneficiary | Contingent Convertibles - CoCos | Contingent Credit Default Swap (CCDS) | Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC) | Contingent Guarantee | Contingent Immunization | Contingent Liability | Contingent Order | Contingent Payment Sale | Contingent Value Rights - CVR | Contingent Voting Power | Continuation Pattern | Continuation Statement | Continuous Compounding | Continuous Net Settlement - CNS | Continuous Trading | Contra Account | Contra Broker | Contract For Differences - CFD | Contract Holder | Contract Market | Contract Month | Contract Size | Contract Unit | Contraction | Contraction Risk | Contractionary Policy | Contrarian | Contributed Capital | Contributed Surplus | Contribution Margin | Contributory Value | Control Stock | Controlled Disbursement | Controlled Foreign Corporation - CFC | Controller | Controlling Interest | Convenience Of Employer Test | Convenience Yield | Convention Expenses | Conventional Mortgage | Convergence | Conversion | Conversion Arbitrage | Conversion Option | Conversion Premium | Conversion Price | Conversion Ratio | Convertible Adjustable Preferred Stock - CAPS | Convertible Arbitrage | Convertible ARM | Convertible Bond | Convertible Debenture | Convertible Preferred Stock | Convertible Subordinate Note | Convertibles | Convexity | Conveyance | Conveyance Tax | Cook The Books | Cooke Ratio | Cookie Jar Accounting | Cool Beans | Cooler | Cooling Degree Day - CDD | Cooling-Off Rule | COP | Copenhagen Stock Exchange - CSE | Coppock Curve | Copula | Copyright | Core Competencies | Core Competency | Core Deposits | Core Earnings | Core Holding | Core Inflation | Core Liquidity | Core Liquidity Provider | Core Plus | Corner | Corner A Market | Corporate Action | Corporate Agent | Corporate Bond | Corporate Cannibalism | Corporate Capital | Corporate Charter | Corporate Citizenship | Corporate Debt Restructuring | Corporate Finance | Corporate Governance | Corporate Governance Quotient - CGQ | Corporate Headquarters | Corporate Inflation-Linked Securities | Corporate Inversion | Corporate Kleptocracy | Corporate Pension Plan | Corporate Profit | Corporate Raider | Corporate Refinancing | Corporate Resolution | Corporate Social Responsibility | Corporate Tax | Corporate Trade Exchange - CTX | Corporate Trade Payment (CTP) | Corporation | Corporatization | Correction | Correlation | Correlation Coefficient | Correspondence Audit | Correspondent | Cosign | Coskewness | Cost Accounting | Cost Accounting Standards Board - CASB | Cost and Freight - CFR | Cost Basis | Cost Of Acquisition | Cost Of Capital | Cost Of Carry | Cost Of Debt | Cost Of Equity | Cost Of Funds | Cost Of Goods Sold - COGS | Cost Of Living Adjustment - COLA | Cost Of Savings Index - COSI Index | Cost Of Tender | Cost Per Click - CPC | Cost Per Gross Addition - CPGA | Cost Per Thousand - CPM | Cost Synergy | Cost, Insurance and Freight - CIF | Cost-Benefit Analysis | Cost-Push Inflation | Coterminous | Council of Economic Advisors - CEA | Council Of Insurance Agents & Brokers | Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies - COPAS | Count | Counter-Cyclical Stock | Counterbid | Countermove | Counteroffer | Counterparty | Counterparty Risk | Counterpurchase | Countersignature | Countertrade | Countertrend Strategy | Countervailing Duties | Country Basket | Country Club Billing | Country Exposure Lending Survey | Country Fund | Country Limit | Country Risk | Country Risk Premium - CRP | Coupon | Coupon Bond | Coupon Equivalent Rate - CER | Coupon Equivalent Yield - CEY | Coupon Pass | Covariance | Covenant | Covenant-Lite Loans | Cover | Cover On A Bounce | Cover On Approach | Cover Your Ass | Coverage Initiated | Coverage Ratio | Coverdell Education Savings Account - ESA | Covered Bond | Covered Call | Covered Interest Rate Parity | Covered Security | Covered Warrant | Cowboy Marketing | Crack | Crack Spread | Cramdown | Cramer Bounce | Crammed Down | Cramming | Crash | Crawling Peg | CRC | Creation Unit | Creative Destruction | Credit | Credit Agreement | Credit Analysis | Credit Application | Credit Balance | Credit Bureau | Credit Card | Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility And Disclosure Act Of 2009 | Credit Checking | Credit Cliff | Credit Control | Credit Counseling | Credit Crisis | Credit Criteria | Credit Crunch | Credit Cycle | Credit Default Contract | Credit Default Insurance | Credit Default Swap (CDS) | Credit Denial | Credit Derivative | Credit Event | Credit Facility | Credit For Qualified Retirement Savings Contribution | Credit History | Credit Insurance | Credit Life Insurance | Credit Limit | Credit Linked Note - CLN | Credit Loss Ratio | Credit Market | Credit Money | Credit Netting | Credit Quality | Credit Rating | Credit Reference | Credit Repair | Credit Report | Credit Reporting Agency | Credit Review | Credit Risk | Credit Score | Credit Scoring | Credit Shelter Trust - CST | Credit Sleeve | Credit Spread | Credit Spread Option | Credit Support Annex | Credit Sweep | Credit Ticket | Credit Tranche | Credit Union | Credit Union National Association - CUNA | Credit Utilization Rate | Credit Watch | Credit Worthiness | Creditor | Creditor Nation | Creditors' Committee | Credo | Creeping Tender Offer | Crest | Critical Mass | Crony Capitalism | Crop Method | Crop Year | Crop Yield | Cross | Cross Border Financing | Cross Calling | Cross Collateralization | Cross Currency | Cross Default | Cross Elasticity Of Demand | Cross Hedge | Cross Holding | Cross Margining | Cross Rate | Cross Trade | Cross-Border Outstanding | Cross-Correlation | Cross-Currency Swap | Cross-Currency Transaction | Cross-Listing | Cross-Sectional Analysis | Cross-Sell | Crossed Check | Crossed Market | Crossover | Crossover Fund | Crossover Investor | Crossover Refunded | Crowding Out Effect | Crown Corporation | Crown Jewels | Crude Oil | Crummey Power | Crush Spread | Crystallization | Cult Stock | Cum Dividend | Cum Laude | Cum Rights | Cum Warrant | Cumulative Discount Privilege | Cumulative Dividend | Cumulative Interest | Cumulative Preferred Stock | Cumulative Return | Cumulative Volume Index - CVI | Cumulative Voting | CUP | Cup and Handle | Curb Trading | Curbs In | Curbs Out | Currency | Currency Adjustment Factor - CAF | Currency Band | Currency Basket | Currency Binary | Currency Board | Currency Carry Trade | Currency Certificate | Currency Convertibility | Currency Day Trading System | Currency ETF | Currency Forward | Currency Futures | Currency History | Currency Internationalization | Currency Option | Currency Overlay | Currency Pair | Currency Pair: EUR/USD (Euro/U.S. Dollar) | Currency Pairs | Currency Risk | Currency Swap | Currency Trading Platform | Currency Trading Software | Currency Transaction Report - CTR | Currency Translation | Currency Warrants | Current Account | Current Account Deficit | Current Account, Savings Account (CASA) | Current Assets | Current Cost of Supplies - CCS | Current Coupon | Current Delivery | Current Exposure Method | Current Face | Current Income | Current Index Value | Current Liabilities | Current Market Value - CMV | Current Maturity | Current Population Survey | Current Portion Of Long-Term Debt (CPLTD) | Current Price | Current Rate Method | Current Ratio | Current Yield | Curtailment | Curtesy | Curve Steepener Trade | Cushion Bond | CUSIP Number | Custodial Account | Custodial Care | Custodian | Custody-Only Trading | Custom Adjustable Rate Debt Structure - CARDS | Customer Information File (CIF) | Customer Relationship Management - CRM | Customer To Customer - C To C | Customer Type Indicator Codes - CTI | Cut-Off Score | Cutoff Point | Cutting A Melon | CVE | Cy Pres Doctrine | Cyber Monday | Cyclical Industry | Cyclical Risk | Cyclical Stock | Cyclical Unemployment | Cylinder | CYP | CZK


D | D | DAC | DACF | DAF | DAIO | DAOO | DARTS | DAT | DCA | DCF | DCL | DDA | DDM | DDP | DECS | DECS | DEMAT | DEQ | DES | DEWKS | DFL | DI | DIDC | DINKS | DIP | DIP | DIR | DJ-AIGCI | DJF | DJIA | DJTA | DJUA | DK | DKK | DLOM | DM | DMA | DMI | DNI | DNI | DNR | DOL | DOL | DOP | DOT | DPO | DPP | DPS | DPS | DPSP | DRD | DRIFT | DRIP | DRL | DSCR | DSE | DSI | DSO | DSPP | DTC | DTC | DTCC | DTCT | DTEF | DTI | DUS | DVP | DWAC | D | Daily Average Revenue Trades - DARTs | Daily Chart | Daily Cut-Off | Daily Factor | Daily Money Manager - DMM | Daily Trading Limit | Daisy Chain | Dalal Street | Dalian Commodities Exchange - DCE | Dangerous Asset | Dark Cloud Cover | Dark Pool Liquidity | Darvas Box Theory | Dash To Trash | Data Mining | Date Certain | Dated Date | David Dreman | David Hasselhoff Index | Dawn Raid | Day Cycle | Day Order | Day Rate | Day Trader | Day-Around Order | Day-Count Convention | Daylight Overdraft | Dayrate Volatility | Days Payable Outstanding - DPO | Days Sales Of Inventory - DSI | Days Sales Outstanding - DSO | Days To Cover | Days Working Capital | De Minimis Tax Rule | De-hedge | De-merger | Dead Cat Bounce | Dead Hand Provision | Dead Money | Deadweight Loss | Deal Flow | Deal Ticket | Dealer | Dealer Bank | Dealer Financing | Dealer Market | Dealer Option | Dealer-Median Prepayment Speed | Dean Analytic Schedule | Dear Money | Death Benefit | Death Bond | Death By A Thousand Cuts | Death Cross | Death Put | Death Spiral | Death Taxes | Death Valley Curve | Debasement | Debenture | Debenture Redemption Reserve | Debit | Debit Balance | Debit Card | Debit Spread | Debit Ticket | Debt | Debt Accordions | Debt Assignment | Debt Bomb | Debt Cancellation Contract | Debt Consolidation | Debt Deflation | Debt Discharge | Debt Exchangeable for Common Stock - DECS | Debt Fatigue | Debt Financing | Debt For Bond Swap | Debt Fund | Debt Instrument | Debt Limitation | Debt Load | Debt Loading | Debt Overhang | Debt Ratio | Debt Rescheduling | Debt Restructuring | Debt Security | Debt Service | Debt Signaling | Debt Tender Offer | Debt-Adjusted Cash Flow - DACF | Debt-Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR | Debt-To-Capital Ratio | Debt-To-GDP Ratio | Debt-To-Income Ratio - DTI | Debt/EBITDA | Debt/Equity Ratio | Debt/Equity Swap | Debtor | Debtor In Possession - DIP | Debtor Nation | Debtor-In-Possession Financing - DIP Financing | Deceased Account | Deceased Alert | Decedent (IRD) Deduction | Decentralized Market | Decile | Decimalization | Deck | Declaration Date | Decline | Decline Curve | Declining Balance Method | Declining Industry | Decoupling | Decreasing Term Insurance | Dedicated Portfolio | Dedicated Short Bias | Deductible | Deduction | Deed | Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure | Deed Of Release | Deep In The Money | Deep Out Of The Money | Deep-Discount Bond | Deer Market | Defalcation | Default | Default Model | Default Premium | Default Probability | Default Rate | Defeasance | Defeasance Process | Defeased Securities | Defensive Acquisition | Defensive Buy | Defensive Company | Defensive Interval Ratio | Defensive Investment Strategy | Defensive Stock | Deferment Period | Deferred Account | Deferred Acquisition Costs - DAC | Deferred Annuity | Deferred Availability | Deferred Charge | Deferred Compensation | Deferred Gain On Sale Of Home | Deferred Income Tax | Deferred Interest | Deferred Interest Bond | Deferred Load | Deferred Long-Term Liability Charges | Deferred Payment Option | Deferred Profit Sharing Plan - DPSP | Deferred Revenue | Deferred Share | Deferred Tax Asset | Deferred Tax Liability | Deficiency Agreement | Deficiency Letter | Deficit | Deficit Spending | Deficit Spending Unit | Defined Portfolio | Defined-Benefit Plan | Defined-Contribution Plan | Definitive Securities | Deflation | Defunct | Degearing | Degree Of Combined Leverage - DCL | Degree Of Financial Leverage - DFL | Degree Of Operating Leverage - DOL | Degree Of Relative Liquidity - DRL | Delaware Corporation | Delayed Disbursement | Delayed Draw Term Loan | Deleted | Deleverage | Deleveraged Floater | Delinquency Rate | Delinquent | Delinquent Mortgage | Delisting | Deliverables | Delivered At Frontier - DAF | Delivered Duty Paid - DDP | Delivered Duty Unpaid - DDU | Delivered Ex Quay - DEQ | Delivered Ex Ship - DES | Delivery | Delivery Date | Delivery Instrument | Delivery Month | Delivery Notice | Delivery Option | Delivery Price | Delivery Versus Payment - DVP | Delta | Delta Hedging | Delta Neutral | Demand | Demand Deposit | Demand Draft | Demand For Labor | Demand Guarantee | Demand Note | Demand Shock | Demand Theory | Demand-Pull Inflation | Demarker Indicator | Dematerialization - DEMAT | Demographics | Demurrage | Demutualization | Denomination | Department of Commerce | Department Of Labor - DOL | Dependency Ratio | Dependent | Dependent Care Benefits | Dependent Care Credit | Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) | Depletion | Deposit | Deposit Broker | Deposit Insurance Fund - DIF | Deposit Interest Rate | Deposit Multiplier | Deposit Slip | Deposit/Withdrawal at Custodian - DWAC | Depositary Receipt | Depository Institutions Act of 1982 | Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee â€" DIDC | Depository Transfer Check - DTC | Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation - DTCC | Depository Trust Company - DTC | Depository Trust Company Tracking - DTCT | Depreciable Property | Depreciated Cost | Depreciation | Depreciation Recapture | Depressed | Depression | Deprivatization | Depth | Deregulation | Derivative | Derivative Product Company - DPC | Derivatives Time Bomb | Derivatives Transaction Execution Facility - DTEF | Derived Demand | Derogatory Information | Descending Channel | Descending Tops | Descending Triangle | Descriptive Billing | Descriptive Statement | Descriptive Statistics | Designated Beneficiary | Designated Order Turnaround - DOT (SuperDOT) | Desk Trader | Destructive Creation | Detachable Warrant | Detariffing | Detrend | Devaluation | Development Stage | Devolvement | Dhaka Stock Exchange - DSE | Diagonal Spread | Dialing and Smiling | Diamond Top Formation | Diamonds | Differential | Diffusion Index | Digital Option | Digits Deleted | Diluted Earnings Per Share - Diluted EPS | Diluted Founders | Dilution | Dilutive Acquisition | | Direct Access Trading - DAT | Direct Cost | Direct Deposit | Direct Market Access - DMA | Direct Method | Direct Participation Program - DPP | Direct Public Offering - DPO | Direct Quote | Direct Repurchase | Direct Rollover | Direct Stock Purchase Plan - DSPP | Direct Tax | Direct-Access Broker | Directed Order | Directional Movement Index - DMI | Directional Trading | Dirty Float | Dirty Price | Dirty Stock | Disability-Income (DI) Insurance | Disbursement | Discharge In Bankruptcy | Disclaim | Disclaimer Trust | Disclosable Event | Disclosure | Disclosure Statement | Discount | Discount Bond | Discount Broker | Discount Margin - DM | Discount Note | Discount Points | Discount Rate | Discount To Net Asset Value | Discount Window | Discounted Cash Flow - DCF | Discounted Payback Period | Discounting | Discounts For Lack Of Marketability - DLOM | Discouraged Worker | Discretionary Account | Discretionary ARM | Discretionary Beneficiary | Discretionary Cash Flow | Discretionary Income | Discretionary Order | Diseconomies Of Scale | Disequilibrium | Disgorgement | Dishonor | Disinflation | Disintermediation | Disinvestment | Dismal Science | Disparity Index | Dispersion | Displaced Moving Average | Display Book | Disposable Income | Disposition | Disqualifying Income | Dissenters' Rights | Distinct Business Entity | Distressed Borrower | Distressed Sale | Distressed Securities | Distributable Net Income - DNI | Distribution | Distribution In Kind | Distribution Reinvestment | Divergence | Diversification | Diversified Common Stock Fund | Diversified Company | Diversified Fund | Diversity Score | Divestiture | Divestment | Dividend | Dividend Adjusted Return | Dividend Arbitrage | Dividend Clawback | Dividend Discount Model - DDM | Dividend Drag | Dividend Enhanced Convertible Stock - DECS | Dividend ETF | Dividend Frequency | Dividend Growth Rate | Dividend Imputation | Dividend Irrelevance Theory | Dividend Payout Ratio | Dividend Per Share - DPS | Dividend Policy | Dividend Rate | Dividend Recapitalization | Dividend Reinvestment Plan - DRIP | Dividend Rollover Plan | Dividend Signaling | Dividend Tax Credit | Dividend Yield | Dividends Received Deduction - DRD | Diworsification | DJF | DKK | Do It Right The First Time - DRIFT | Do Not Increase - DNI | Do Not Reduce - DNR | Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Investing | Doctrine Of Utmost Good Faith | Dog | Dog And Pony Show | Dog Eat Dog | Dogs Of The Dow | Doing the Reverse Desk | Doji | Dollar Auction | Dollar Bond | Dollar Bond Index-Linked Securities - Dollar BILS | Dollar Drain | Dollar Price | Dollar Roll | Dollar-Cost Averaging - DCA | Dollarization | Domicile | Domini 400 Social Index | Don't Know - DK | Donchian Channels | Donor Advised Fund | DOP | Dormant Account | Dotcom | Double Barreled | Double Barrier Option | Double Bottom | Double Dip Recession | Double Dipping | Double Gearing | Double Leverage | Double No-Touch Option | Double One-Touch Option | Double Taxation | Double Taxing | Double Top | Double Up | Double Witching | Double-Cycle Billing | Doubling Option | Doubtful Loan | Douglas Amendment | Dove | Dow Divisor | Dow Jones 65 Composite Average | Dow Jones AIG Commodity Index - DJ-AIGCI | Dow Jones Asian Titans 50 Index | Dow Jones CDX Indexes | Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 | Dow Jones EURO STOXX Sustainability Index | Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index | Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Yield | Dow Jones Industrial Average - DJIA | Dow Jones STOXX 50 | Dow Jones STOXX Sustainability Index | Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index | Dow Jones Sustainability United States Index | Dow Jones Sustainability World Index | Dow Jones Transportation Average - DJTA | Dow Jones U.S. Market Index | Dow Jones Utility Average - DJUA | Dow Jones Wilshire Large-Cap Index | Dow Jones Wilshire Mid-Cap Index | Dow Jones Wilshire Small-Cap Index | Dow Theory | Dower | Down Payment | Down Round | Down Transition Probability | Down Volume | Down-and-In Option | Down-and-Out Option | Down-Market Capture Ratio | Downgrade | Downshifting | Downside | Downside Risk | Downside Tasuki Gap | Downsize | Downstream | Downstream Guarantee | Downswing | Downtick | Downtick Volume | Downtrend | Drag-Along Rights | Dragon Bond | Dragonfly Doji | Drawback | Drawdown | Drawee | Dread Disease Rider | Drill-Bit Stock | Drip Feed | Drive-By Deal | Driver | Drop | Drop Lock | Drought Sale | Dry Bulk Commodity | Dry Hole | Dry Loan | Dry Powder | Dual Apper | Dual Banking System | Dual Class Stock | DUAL Commodity Channel Index - DCCI | Dual Currency Deposit | Dual Currency Issue | Dual Exchange Rate | Dual Income, No Kids - DINKS | Dual Index Mortgage | Dual Listing | Dual Purpose Fund | Dual Rate Income Tax | Dual Trading | Dual-Class Ownership | Dual-Status Taxpayer | Dually Employed With Kids - DEWKS | Due Bill | Due Bill Period | Due Diligence - DD | Due Diligence Meeting | Due From Account | Due To Account | Due-On-Sale Clause | Dumbbell | Dummy CUSIP Number | Dummy Director | Dummy Shareholder | Dumping | Dun & Bradstreet - D&B | Dunning | DUNS Number | Duopoly | Duopsony | Duplicate Proxy | DuPont Analysis | DuPont Identity | Durable Goods Orders | Durables | Duration | Dusseldorf Stock Exchange (DUS) .DU | Dutch Auction | Dutch Book Theorem | Dutch Disease | Dutch Tulip Bulb Market Bubble | Duty | Dwarf | Dynamic Gap | Dynamic Momentum Index


E | EAC | EAD | EAFE | EAR | EBIAT | EBIDA | EBIT | EBITAE | EBITD | EBITDA | EBITDAL | EBITDAR | EBITDARM | EBITDAX | EBO | EBSA | EBT | EBT, PBT | EC | ECB | ECI | ECM | ECMI | ECN | ECOA | ECP | ECRI | ECU | EDGAR | EDR | EEK | EFTPS | EGM | EGP | EGTRRA | EIA | EIC | EIF | EITF | ELF-X | ELN | EMA | EMBI | EMC | EMEA | EMH | EMI | EMS | EMT | EMTN | EMU | EONIA | EOQ | EOR | EPN | EPP | EPS | ERISA | ERP | ERPA | ESF | ESO | ESOP | ESOT | ESP | ESPP | ETA | ETA | ETB | ETF | ETN | EU | EUR | EUR/USD | EUREX | EURIBOR | EV | EV/EBITDA | EVA | EVA | EVE | EXW | E | e-CBOT | E-Meeting | E-Mini (Stock Index Futures) | Each Way | EAFE Index | Early Amortization | Early Exercise | Early Withdrawal | Earmarking | Earned Income | Earned Income Credit - EIC | Earned Premium | Earnest Money | Earning Assets | Earning The Points | Earnings | Earnings Allowance | Earnings Before Interest & Tax - EBIT | Earnings Before Interest After Taxes - EBIAT | Earnings Before Interest, Depreciation And Amortization - EBIDA | Earnings Before Interest, Tax and Depreciation - EBITD | Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Amortization And Exceptional Items - EBITAE | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization - EBITDA | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization And Special Losses - EBITDAL | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization, and Restructuring or Rent Costs - EBITDAR | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Depletion, Amortization and Exploration Expenses - EBITDAX | Earnings Before Tax - EBT | Earnings Credit Rate - ECR | Earnings Estimate | Earnings Momentum | Earnings Multiplier | Earnings Per Share - EPS | Earnings Power | Earnings Recast | Earnings Season | Earnings Surprise | Earnings Yield | Earnout | Ease Of Movement | Easements | Easy Money | Easy-To-Borrow List | Eat Well, Sleep Well | Eat Your Own Dog Food | Eating Someone's Lunch | Eating Stock | EBITA | EBITDA To Fixed Charges | EBITDA to sales ratio | EBITDA-To-Interest Coverage Ratio | EBITDARM | ECB Announcement | Echo Bubble | Eclectic Paradigm | Econometrics | Economic Blight | Economic Calendar | Economic Capital | Economic Collapse | Economic Cycle | Economic Depreciation | Economic Derivative | Economic Efficiency | Economic Exposure | Economic Forecasting | Economic Growth | Economic Growth And Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 - EGTRRA | Economic Growth Rate | Economic Indicator | Economic Moat | Economic Order Quantity - EOQ | Economic Profit (Or Loss) | Economic Recovery Tax Act Of 1981 - ERTA | Economic Refugee | Economic Rent | Economic Shock | Economic Spread | Economic Tsunami | Economic Value Added - EVA | Economic Value Of Equity - EVE | Economics | Economies Of Scale | Economies of Scope | Economist | Economy | Edge Act Corporation | Education Credit | Education IRA | Education Loan | Educator Expenses Deduction | EEK | Effective Annual Interest Rate | Effective Date | Effective Debt | Effective Duration | Effective Tax Rate | Effective Yield | Effects Test | Efficiency | Efficiency Principle | Efficient Frontier | Efficient Market Hypothesis - EMH | EGP | EIA Natural Gas Report | EIA Petroleum Status Report | Eighthed | Either-Way Market | Elastic | Elasticity | Elder-Ray Index | Elderly and Disabled Credit | Election Period | Elective-Deferral Contribution | Electronic Benefit Transfer - EBT | Electronic Bill Payment & Presentment - EBPP | Electronic Check | Electronic Check Presentment - ECP | | Electronic Communication Network - ECN | Electronic Currency Trading | Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval - EDGAR | Electronic Federal Tax Payment System - EFTPS | Electronic Filing - E-File | Electronic Payments Network - EPN | Electronic Transfer Account - ETA | Elephants | Elevator Pitch | Eligible Automatic Contribution Arrangements - EACAs | Eligible Commercial Entity | Eligible Contract Participant | Eligible Rollover Distribution | Elimination Period | Elliott Wave Theory | Elves | Email Money Transfer - EMT | Embargo | Embedded Option | Embedded Value | Embezzlement | Emergency Banking Act Of 1933 | Emergency Credit | Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) of 2008 | Emergency Fund | Emerging Industry | Emerging Issues Task Force - EITF | Emerging Market Economy | Emerging Market ETF | Emerging Market Fund | Emerging Markets Bond Index - EMBI | Eminent Domain | Emirates Interbank Offered Rate - EIBOR | Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement - ERPA | Emotional Neutrality | Empire Building | Empirical Duration | Empirical Probability | Empirical Rule | Employee Benefits Security Administration - EBSA | Employee Buyout - EBO | Employee Contribution Plan | Employee Retirement Income Security Act - ERISA | Employee Savings Plan | Employee Share Ownership Trust - ESOT | Employee Stock Option - ESO | Employee Stock Ownership Plan - ESOP | Employee Stock Purchase Plan - ESPP | Employee Trust | Employer-Sponsored Plan | Employment Act Of 1946 | Employment And Training Administration - ETA | Employment Cost Index - ECI | Employment Situation Report | Employment-To-Population Ratio | Encumbered Securities | End Loan | End To End | Ending Inventory | Ending Market Value (EMV) | Endogenous Growth Theory | Endorsement | Endorser | Endowment | Endowment Fund | Endowment Loan | Enduring Purpose | Energy Derivatives | Energy ETF | Energy Improvement Mortgage | Energy Information Administration - EIA | Energy Sector | Enhanced Index Fund - EIF | Enhanced Indexing | Enhanced Oil Recovery - EOR | Enrolled Agent - EA | Enron | Enronomics | Enterprise Multiple | Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP | Enterprise Value - EV | Enterprise Zone | Enterprise-Value-To-Sales - EV/Sales | Entity-Purchase Agreement | Entrance Fee | Entrepôt | Entrepreneur | Envelope | Equal Credit Opportunity Act - ECOA | Equal Weight | Equalization Payments | Equalization Reserve | Equalizing Dividend | Equated Monthly Installment - EMI | Equation Of Exchange | Equilibrium | Equipment Trust Certificate | Equity | Equity Accounting | Equity Capital Market - ECM | Equity Derivative | Equity Financing | Equity Fund | Equity Income | Equity Linked Foreign Exchange Option - ELF-X | Equity Linked Note - ELN | Equity Market | Equity Market Capitalization | Equity Market Neutral | Equity Method | Equity Multiplier | Equity Premium Puzzle - EPP | Equity Risk Premium | Equity Stripping | Equity Style Box | Equity Swap | Equity Unit Investment Trust | Equity-Efficiency Tradeoff | Equity-Indexed Universal Life Insurance | Equity-Linked Security - ELKS | Equivalent Annual Cost - EAC | Equivolume | Erasure Guarantee | Error Resolution | Error Term | Errors And Omissions Insurance - E&O | Escalator Clause | Escheat | | Esoteric Debt | Estate | Estate Freeze | Estate Planning | Estate Tax | Estimated Current Return | Estimated Long-Term Return | Estimated Tax | Estimated Ultimate Recovery - EUR | ETB | ETF of ETFs | ETF Sponsor | ETF Wrap | Ethical Investing | EUR | EUREX | Euro | Euro Deposit | Euro ETF | Euro Feds | Euro Interbank Offer Rate - EURIBOR | Euro LIBOR | Euro Medium Term Note - EMTN | Euro Notes | Euro Overnight Index Average - EONIA | Eurobank | Eurobond | Eurocheck | Euroclear | Eurocommercial Paper | Eurocredit | Eurocurrency | Eurocurrency Market | Eurodollar | Eurodollar Bond | Euroequity | Euromarket | Euronext | Europe, Australasia, Far East - EAFE | Europe, Middle East and Africa - EMEA | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD | European Callable Bond | European Capital Markets Institute - ECMI | European Central Bank - ECB | European Community - EC | European Credit Research Institute - ECRI | European Currency Quotation | European Currency Unit - ECU | European Depository Receipt - EDR | European Economic and Monetary Union - EMU | European Life Settlement Association - ELSA | European Monetary System - EMS | European Option | European Terms | European Union - EU | Euroyen | Euroyen Bond | Eurozone | Eva Longoria Stock Index | Even Lot | Evening Star | Evening Up | Event Driven Strategy | Event Risk | Event Study | Event-Linked Bond | Everest Option | Evergreen | Evergreen Funding | Evergreen Loan | Evergreen Option | Ex Works - EXW | Ex-Ante | Ex-Date | Ex-Dividend | Ex-Legal | Ex-Post | Ex-Post Risk | Ex-Rights | Ex-Warrant | Exception Item | Exceptional Item | Excess Accumulation Penalty | Excess Capacity | Excess Cash Flow | Excess Employer Withholding | Excess Kurtosis | Excess Loans | Excess Reserves | Excess Returns | Excess Spread | Exchange | Exchange Control | Exchange Distribution | Exchange Fees | Exchange Fund | Exchange of Futures for Cash | Exchange Privilege | Exchange Rate | Exchange Rate Mechanism - ERM | Exchange Stabilization Fund - ESF | Exchange Traded Notes - ETN | Exchange-Traded Fund - ETF | Exchange-Traded Option | Exchangeable Debt | Exchangeable Security | Excise Tax | Excluded Commodity | Excluding Items | Exclusion Ratio | Executing Broker | Execution | Executives' Meeting of East Asia and Pacific Central Banks - EMEAP | Executor | Exempt Commodity | Exempt Income | Exempt Transaction | Exemption | Exemption Trust | Exercise | Exercise Backdating | Exercise Limit | Exercise Price | Exhaust Price | Exhaustion | Exhaustion Gap | Existing Home Sales | Exit Fee | Exit Strategy | Exon-Florio Provision | Exoneration | Exordium Clause | Exotic Currency | Exotic Option | Expansion | Expansionary Policy | Expectations Index | Expectations Theory | Expected Return | Expected Utility | Expense | Expense Limit | Expense Ratio | Expiration Cycle | Expiration Date | Expiration Time | Explicit Cost | Exponential Moving Average - EMA | Export | Export Credit Agency - ECA | Export Trading Company - ETC | Export-Import Bank Of The United States - Ex-Im Bank | Exposure At Default - EAD | Expropriation | Expunge | Extendable Bond | Extended IRA | Extended Trading | eXtensible Business Reporting Language - XBRL | Extension Risk | External Claim | External Debt | External Diseconomies Of Scale | External Economies Of Scale | Externality | Extra Dividend | Extraordinary General Meeting - EGM | Extraordinary Item | Extraordinary Redemption | Extrinsic Value


F | F | F&D | FAB | FACTA | FAFSA | FAM | FAR | FAS | FASB | FCC | FCD | FCF | FCFE | FCFF | FCIA | FCL | FCS | FDA | FDIC | FEDAI | FERS | FFCS | FFE | FFIP | FFO | FHLB | FHLMC | FI | FIA | FICA | FICC | FICO | FIE | FII | FINCEN | FINRA | FIRA | FIRREA | FIX | FJD | FKP | FLEX | FLP | FMAN | FMHA | FOB | FOF | FOK | FOMC | FOP | FPL | FPO | FPPI | FRA | FRA | FRB | FRN | FRODOR | FSA | FTC | FTM | FTSE | FUTA | FV | FX | FX | FY | FYE | F | Fabless Company | Face Value | Face-Amount Certificate Company | Facility | Factor | Factors Of Production | Factory Orders | Fade | Fail | Failed Break | Failure To Deliver | Fair And Accurate Credit Transactions Act - FACTA | Fair Credit Billing Act - FCBA | Fair Funds for Investors | Fair Market Value | Fair Trade Investing | Fair Value | Fair Weather Fund | Fairness Opinion | Fairway Bond | Fakeout | Fallen Angel | Falling Knife | Falling Three Methods | Fallout Risk | False Market | Fama And French Three Factor Model | Family Limited Partnership - FLP | Family Of Funds | Family Offices | Fannie Mae - Federal National Mortgage Association - FNMA | Farm Credit System - FCS | Farm Price Index - FPI | Farm Team | Farmer Mac - Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation - FAMC | Farmers Home Administration - FmHA | FASB 157 | Fast Market | Fast Market Rule | Fast Tape | Fat Cat | FDIC Insured Account | FDIC Problem Bank List | Featherbedding | Fed Balance Sheet | Fed Model | FED Pass | Fed Speak | Federal Advisory Council | Federal Agencies | Federal Communications Commission - FCC | Federal Covered Advisor | Federal Credit Union - FCU | Federal Debt | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act - FDICIA | Federal Discount Rate | Federal Employee Retirement System - FERS | Federal Farm Credit System - FFCS | Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council - FFIEC | Federal Funds | Federal Funds Rate | Federal Home Loan Bank System - FHLB | Federal Housing Finance Agency - FHFA | Federal Income Tax | Federal Insurance Contributions Act - FICA | Federal Land Bank - FLB | Federal Open Market Committee - FOMC | Federal Poverty Level - FPL | Federal Reserve Bank | Federal Reserve Board - FRB | Federal Reserve Credit | Federal Reserve Float | Federal Reserve Note | Federal Reserve Regulations | Federal Reserve System - FRS | Federal Savings and Loan | Federal Tax Brackets | Federal Tax Lien | Federal Trade Commission - FTC | Federal Unemployment Tax Act - FUTA | Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program | Fedwire | Fee-Based Investment | Feed Ratio | Feedback-Rule Policy | Feeder Fund | FHA Loan | Fiat Money | | FICO 08 | FICO Score | Fiduciary | Fiduciary Abuse | Fiduciary Call | Fiduciary Certification | Fiduciary Negligence | Fiduciary Risk | Field Of Use | Fifty Percent Principle | Fighting The Tape | Filing Extension | Filing Status | Fill | Fill Or Kill - FOK | Filter | Filter Rule | Final Dividend | Final Prospectus | Final Return For Decedent | Finality Of Payment | Finance | Finance Charge | Financial Accounting | Financial Accounting Standards Board - FASB | Financial Asset | Financial Asset Securitization Investment Trust - FASIT | Financial Blog | Financial Buyer | Financial Cooperative | Financial Crimes Enforcement Network - FinCEN | Financial Distress | Financial Engineering | Financial Guarantee | Financial Holding Company (FHC) | Financial Industry Regulatory Authority - FINRA | Financial Information Exchange - FIX | Financial Innovation | Financial Institution - FI | Financial Institutions and Prudential Policy Unit - FIPP | Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery And Enforcement Act - FIRREA | Financial Institutions Regulatory Act | Financial Instrument | Financial Intermediary | Financial Literacy | Financial Market | Financial Modeling | Financial Operating Plan - FOP | Financial Performance | Financial Plan | Financial Planner | Financial Porn | Financial Portal | Financial Privacy | Financial Risk | Financial Sector | Financial Services Modernization Act Of 1999 | Financial Services Roundtable | Financial Stability Plan (FSP) | Financial Statements | Financial Supermarket | Financial System | Financing | Financing Statement | Finder's Fee | Finding And Development - F&D | Fine Print | Finite Reinsurance | Finmins | FINRA BrokerCheck | Fire Sale | Firewall | Firm Commitment | Firm Order | Firm Quote | First Call | First Dollar Coverage | First In, First Out - FIFO | First In, Still Here - FISH | First Mortgage | First Mover | First Notice Day | First To File Rule | First-Time Home Buyer | First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit | First-Year Allowance | Fiscal Agent | Fiscal Capacity | Fiscal Deficit | Fiscal Effort | Fiscal Imbalance | Fiscal Policy | Fiscal Year - FY | Fiscal Year-End | Fisher Effect | Fisher's Separation Theorem | Fitch Ratings | Fitch Sheet | Five Against Bond Spread - FAB | Five Against Note Spread - FAN | Five Cs Of Credit | Five-Year Rule | Fixed Annuitization Method | Fixed Annuity | Fixed Asset | Fixed Capital | Fixed Cost | Fixed Exchange Rate | Fixed Income | Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC) | Fixed Interest Rate | Fixed Term | Fixed-Asset Turnover Ratio | Fixed-Charge Coverage Ratio | Fixed-For-Fixed Swaps | Fixed-For-Floating Swap | Fixed-Income Arbitrage | Fixed-Income Security | Fixed-Income Style Box | Fixed-Interest Security | Fixed-Period ARM | Fixed-Rate Capital Securities | Fixed-Rate Certificate of Deposit | Fixed-Rate Mortgage | Fixed-Rate Payment | Fixed-Rule Policy | Fixing-Up Expenses | FJD | FKP | Flag | Flash Price | Flash Trading | Flat | Flat Benefit Formula | Flat On A Failure | Flat Tax | Flat Yield Curve | Flexi-Cap Fund | Flexible Exchange Option - FLEX | Flexible Expense | Flexible Fund | Flexible Payment ARM | Flexible Spending Account - FSA | Flight To Quality | Flip | Flip-Flop Note | Flipper | Flipping | Float | Float Time | Floater | Floater Insurance | Floating Exchange Rate | Floating Interest Rate | Floating-Rate Note - FRN | Floor | Floor Broker - FB | Floor Limit | Floor Planning | Floor Trader - FT | Floortion | Flotation | Flotation Cost | Flow Derivative | Flow Of Funds - FOF | Flow-Through Entity | Flowback | Flower Bond | FMAN | Foam The Runway | Focus List | Follow On Public Offer - FPO | Follow-On Offering | Follow-Up Action | Food And Drug Administration - FDA | Fool In The Shower | Fool's Gold | Footings | Footprint Charts | Footsie | For Sale By Owner | Forbearance | Forbes | Force Majeure | Forced Conversion | Forced Liquidation | Forecasting | Foreclosure - FCL | Foreclosure Buyout | Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 | Foregone Earnings | Foreign | Foreign Bond | Foreign Branch Bank | Foreign Credit Insurance Association - FCIA | Foreign Currency Convertible Bond - FCCB | Foreign Currency Effects | Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit - FCFD | Foreign Currency Swaps | Foreign Deposits | Foreign Direct Investment - FDI | Foreign Draft | Foreign Earned Income Exclusion | Foreign Exchange Dealers Association Of India - FEDAI | Foreign Exchange Market | Foreign Fund | Foreign Housing Exclusion And Deduction | Foreign Institutional Investor - FII | Foreign Invested Enterprise - FIE | Foreign Items | Foreign Official Dollar Reserves - FRODOR | Foreign Plan | Foreign Tax Credit | Foreign Tax Deduction | Foreign-Exchange Risk | Forensic Accounting | Forex - FX | Forex Account | Forex Analysis | Forex Arbitrage | Forex Broker | Forex Charting Software | Forex Charts | Forex eBooks | Forex Forecasting Software | Forex Futures | Forex Hedge | Forex Market | Forex Market Hours | Forex Mini Account | Forex Option & Currency Trading Options | Forex Option Trading | Forex Pivot Points | Forex Scalping | Forex Signal System | Forex Spot Rate | Forex System Trading | Forex Trading Robot | Forex Trading Strategy | Forex Training | Forfaiting | Forfeiture | Form 1040X | Form 1078 | Form 1098 | Form 1099-B | Form 1099-DIV | Form 1099-INT | Form 1099-Q | Form 1099-R | Form 144 | Form 3 | Form 4 | Form 5 | Form 8606 | Form 8891 | Form ADV | Form S-4 | Form T | Formal Tax Legislation | Formula Investing | Fortune 500 | Forward Averaging | Forward Commitment | Forward Contract | Forward Delivery | Forward Discount | Forward Dividend Yield | Forward Earnings | Forward Forward | Forward Integration | Forward Margin | Forward Market | Forward Points | Forward Premium | Forward Price | Forward Price To Earnings - Forward P/E | Forward Pricing | Forward Rate | Forward Rate Agreement - FRA | Forward Spread | Forward Swap | Forward Triangular Merger | Foul Weather Fund | Found Money | Four Cs | Fourier Analysis | Fourth Market | Fox-Trot Economy | Fractal | Fractional Ownership | Fractional Reserve Banking | Fractional Share | Franchise | Franchise Factor | Franchise Tax | Franchisee | Franchiser | Franked Dividend | Franked Income | Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FRA) .F | Franking Credit | Fraption | Fraudulent Conveyance | Freddie Mac - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp - FHLMC | Free Alongside - FAS | Free and Clear | Free Application Of Student Aid - FAFSA | Free Asset Ratio - FAR | Free Carrier - FCA | Free Cash Flow - FCF | Free Cash Flow For The Firm - FCFF | Free Cash Flow Per Share | Free Cash Flow To Equity - FCFE | Free Cash Flow Yield | Free Credit Balance | Free Enterprise | Free File Fillable Tax Forms | Free Market | Free On Board - FOB | Free Reserves | Free Rider Problem | Free Right Of Exchange | Free Trade Area | Free-Crowd System | Free-Float Methodology | Freed Up | Freedom Shares | Freemium | Freeriding | Freeze Out | Freight Derivatives | Frequency Distribution | Friction Cost | Frictional Unemployment | Frictionless Market | Friedrich Hayek | Friendly Hands | Friendly Loan | Friendly Takeover | Friends and Family Shares | Fringe Benefits | Front Fee | Front Month | Front Office | Front Running | Front-End Debt-to-Income Ratio - DTI | Front-End Load | Front-End Ratio | Frontier Markets | Frontspread | Froth | Frozen Account | Frugalista | FTSE | FTSE NASDAQ 500 Index | FTSE RAFI US 1000 Index | FTSE4Good Index Series | Fugit | Fulcrum Fee | Fulcrum Point | Full Carry | Full Charge | Full Disclosure | Full Employment | Full Faith And Credit | Full Ratchet | Full Recourse Debt | Full Stock | Full Trading Authorization | Full-Service Broker | Full-Time Student | Fully Amortizing Payment | Fully Convertible Debenture - FCD | Fully Diluted Shares | Fully Funded Documentary Letter Of Credit - FFDLC | Fully Indexed Interest Rate | Fully Paid Shares | Fully Subscribed | Fully Valued | Functional Cost Analysis (FCA) | Functional Regulation | Fund Category | Fund Company | Fund Flow | Fund Manager | Fund Of Funds | Fund Overlap | Fundamental Analysis | Fundamentally Weighted Index | Fundamentals | Funded Debt | Funded Status | Funding Agreement | Funding Gap | Funds From Operations - FFO | Funds Management | Funds Transfer Pricing - FTP | Funemployment | Fungibility | Fungibles | Furlough | Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment - FF&E | Furthest Out | Future Advance | Future Capital Maintenance | Future Dating | Future Income Tax | Future Value - FV | Future Value Of An Annuity | Futures | Futures Bundle | Futures Commission Merchant - FCM | Futures Contract | Futures Equivalent | Futures Exchange | Futures Industry Association - FIA | Futures Market | Futures Pack | Futures Spread | Futures Strip | Fuzzy Logic


G | G | G-5 | G-7 | G-8 | G10 | G24 | GAAP | GAAP | GAB | GARCH | GARCH | GARP | GASB | GATT | GBP | GBP/USD | GCF | GDI | GDP | GDR | GDS | GFSR | GGM | GHC | GIC | GIC | GICS | GIF | GIP | GIPS | GLWB | GMAB | GMD | GMMA | GMROI | GNF | GNH | GNMA | GNP | GO | GO | GP | GPI | GPM | GRAT | GRS | GSA | GSCC | GSCI | GSE | GSRA | GST | GTC | GTM | GTQ | GTW | GUST | G | G7 Bond | Gadfly | Gain | Gambler's Fallacy | Gambling Income | Gambling Loss | Gamma | Gamma Neutral | Gann Angles | Gap | Gap Insurance | Gap Risk | Gapping | Garbage Fees | Garbatrage | Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act | Garnishment | Gartley Pattern | Gas Guzzler Tax | Gate Provision | Gatekeeper | Gather In The Stops | Gator | Gazelle Company | Gazump | Gazunder | GBP | GBP/USD (British Pound/U.S. Dollar) | GDP Gap | GDP Price Deflator | Gearing | Gearing Ratio | Gemology | Gen-Saki | General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade | General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade - GATT | General Agreements To Borrow - GAB | General And Administrative Leverage | General Business Tax Credit | General Business Tax Credits | General Collateral Financing Trades - GCF | General Depreciation System - GDS | General Examination | General Ledger | General Motors (GM) Indicator | General Obligation Bond - GO | General Order - GO | General Partner | General Partnership | General Provisions | General Public Distribution | Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) Process | Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity - GARCH | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles - GAAP | Generation-Skipping Trust | Generational Accounting | Generic Securities | Gentleman's Agreement | Genuine Progress Indicator - GPI | Geographical Labor Mobility | Geometric Mean | George Soros | Gharar | GHC | | Gibson's Paradox | Gift | Gift Causa Mortis | Gift Inter Vivos | Gift Of Equity | Gift Splitting | Gift Tax | Gifted Stock | Gifting Phase | Gilt Edged Bond | Gilt Fund | Gilts | Gini Index | Ginnie Mae - Government National Mortgage Association - GNMA | Ginzy Trading | GIP | Give Up | Glass-Steagall Act | Glide Path | Global Bond | Global Crossing | Global Depositary Receipt - GDR | Global Financial Stability Report - GFSR | Global Fund | Global Industry Classification Standard - GICS | Global Investment Performance Standards - GIPS | Global Macro Strategy | Global Recession | Global Recovery Rate | Global Registered Share | Globalization | Globally Floored Contract | Globex | Glocalization | GMD | GNF - Guinea Franc | Gnomes | Gnomes of Zurich | Go-Around | Go-Go Fund | Godfather Offer | Going Concern | Going Public | Going-Concern Value | Gold Bug | Gold Bull | Gold Certificate | Gold Fix | Gold Fund | Gold Option | Gold Reserve Act Of 1934 | Gold Standard | Gold/Silver Ratio | Goldbrick Shares | Golden Boot | Golden Coffin | Golden Cross | Golden Handcuffs | Golden Handshake | Golden Hello | Golden Life Jacket | Golden Share | Goldilocks Economy | Goldman 360 | Goldman Sachs Commodity Index - GSCI | Good 'Til Canceled - GTC | Good Delivery | Good Faith Estimate | Good Faith Money | Good This Month - GTM | Good This Week - GTW | Good Through | Goods and Services Tax - GST | Goods In Process | Goodwill | Goodwill To Assets Ratio | Gordon Growth Model | Gorilla | Governance, Risk Management and Compliance - GRC | Government Accounting Standards Board - GASB | Government Bond | Government Depository | Government Purchases | Government Securities Clearing Corporation - GSCC | Government Security | Government-Sponsored Enterprise - GSE | Government-Sponsored Retirement Arrangement - GSRA | Grace Period | Grading Certificate | Graduate Management Admission Test - GMAT | Graduate Record Examination - GRE | Graduated Lease | Graduated Payment Mortgage | Graduated Security | Graduation Period | Graduation Rate | Grain Futures Act of 1922 | Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 - GLBA | Grandfather Clause | Grandfathered Activities | Grandfathered Bond | Grant | Grantor | Grantor Retained Annuity Trust - GRAT | Granular Portfolio | Gravestone Doji | Graveyard Market | Gray Knight | Gray List | Gray Market | Great Depression | Greater Fool Theory | Greeks | Green Bond | Green Book | Green Economics | Green Field Investment | Green Fund | Green Investing | Green Shoots | Green Tech | Greenback | Greenmail | Greensheet | Greenshoe Option | Greenspan Put | Greenwashing | Grey Market | Gridlock | Grinder | Gross Coupon | Gross Debt Service Ratio - GDS | Gross Dividends | Gross Domestic Income - GDI | Gross Domestic Product - GDP | Gross Earnings | Gross Estate | Gross Income | Gross Margin | Gross Margin Return On Investment - GMROI | Gross Merchandise Value | Gross National Happiness - GNH | Gross National Product (GNP) Deflator | Gross National Product - GNP | Gross Negative Fair Value - GNFV | Gross Processing Margin - GPM | Gross Production Tax | Gross Profit | Gross Profit Margin | Gross Receipts | Gross Revenue Pledge | Gross Sales | Gross Spread | Gross Up | Gross Value Added - GVA | Gross-Income Test | Group Banking | Group Carve-Out Plan | Group Depreciation | Group Health Insurance Plan | Group Of 24 - G-24 | Group Of 30 - G30 | Group of Eight - G-8 | Group of Five - G-5 | Group Of Seven - G-7 | Group of Ten - G10 | Group Of Twenty - G-20 | Group Term Life Insurance | Group-Home Care | Growing-Equity Mortgage | Growth Accounting | Growth And Income Fund | Growth At A Reasonable Price - GARP | Growth Company | Growth Fund | Growth Industry | Growth Investing | Growth Rates | Growth Recession | Growth Stock | GTQ | Guarantee Fees | Guaranteed Bond | Guaranteed Death Benefit | Guaranteed Earning Increase Death Benefit | Guaranteed Investment (Interest) Certificate - GIC | Guaranteed Investment Contract - GIC | Guaranteed Investment Fund - GIF | Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit - GLWB | Guaranteed Loan | Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit - GMAB | Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit - GMIB | Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit - GMWB | Guaranteed Mortgage Certificate - GMC | Guaranteed Payments To Partners | Guaranteed Renewable Policy | Guaranteed Stock | Guarantor | Guardian | Guardian IRA | Guidance | Guilder Share - New York Share | Guilt-Edged Investment | Gun Jumping | Guns And Butter Curve | Gunslinger | Guppy Multiple Moving Average - GMMA | GUST Restatement | Gut Spread | GYD (Guyanese Dollar) |


H | HAM | HAMP | HAN | HASP | HBP | HCPA | HDD | HDHP | HEL | HELOC | HENRYS | HFT | HGB | HGX | HHI | HIBOR | HICP | HIFO | HIPAA | HJM | HLT | HML | HMO | HNL | HNWI | HOLDR | HPR | HR | HRA | HSA | HSI | HTG | HTML | HUF | HUI | HV | HWI | H | H-Shares | Haircut | Half Stock | Half-Life | Half-Year Convention For Depreciation | Halloween Massacre | Halo Effect | Hamada Equation | Hamburg Stock Exchange (HAM) .H | Hammer | Hammering | Handelsgesetzbuch - HGB | Handle | Hands-Off Investor | Hands-On Investor | Hang Seng Index - HSI | Hanging Man | Hanover Stock Exchange (HAN) .HA | Harami Cross | Hard Asset | Hard Call Protection | Hard Currency | Hard Dollars | Hard Landing | Hard Loan | Hard Money | Hard Money Loan | Hard Stop | Hard-Coded Stock | Hard-To-Borrow List | Hardening | Hardship Withdrawal | Harmless Warrant | Harmonic Average | Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices - HICP | Harry Markowitz | | Harvard Business School | Harvard MBA Indicator | Haurlan Index | Hawk | Hazard Insurance | Head And Shoulders Pattern | Head Of Household | Head Trader | Headline Earnings | Headline Effect | Headline Inflation | Heads of Agreement | Health Insurance | Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act - HIPAA | Health Maintenance Organization - HMO | Health Reimbursement Account - HRA | Health Savings Account - HSA | Healthcare Power Of Attorney - HCPA | Healthcare Sector | Heath-Jarrow-Morton Model - HJM Model | Heating Degree Day - HDD | Heatmap | Heavy | Heavy Industry | Hedge | Hedge Accounting | Hedge Clause | Hedge Fund | Hedge Ratio | Hedged Tender | Hedgelet | HedgeStreet | Hedging Transaction | Hedonic Pricing | Hedonic Treadmill | Heikin-Ashi Technique | Heir | Held | Held At The Opening | Held Order | Held-to-Maturity Securities | Hell or High Water Contract | Help-Wanted Index - HWI | Henry Hub | Henry Paulson | Herd Instinct | Herfindahl-Hirschman Index - HHI | Heroes Earned Retirement Opportunities Act - HERO | Heteroskedastic | Heteroskedasticity | Hiccup | Hidden Load | Hidden Taxes | Hidden Values | High Beta Index | High Close | High Earners, Not Rich Yet - HENRYs | High Flier | High Minus Low - HML | High Net Worth Individual - HNWI | High Ratio Loan | High-Deductible Health Plan - HDHP | High-Frequency Trading - HFT | High-Water Mark | High-Yield Bond | High-Yield Bond Spread | Highest In, First Out - HIFO | Highly Leveraged Transaction - HLT | Himalayan Option | Hindenburg Omen | Hiring Freeze | Histogram | Historical Cost | Historical Currency Exchange Rates | Historical Volatility - HV | Hit The Bid | HKD (Hong Kong Dollars) | HNL | HNL (Honduran Lempira) | Hobby Loss | Hockey Stick Bidding | Hodrick-Prescott (HP) Filter | Hold | Holdco | Holder Of Record | Holding Company | Holding Company Depository Receipt - HOLDR | Holding Period | Holding Period Return/Yield | Holding The Market | Holdovers | Holographic Will | Home Affordable Modification Program - HAMP | Home Bias | Home Buyers' Plan - HBP | Home Debtor | Home Equity | Home Equity Conversion Mortgage - HECM | Home Equity Line Of Credit - HELOC | Home Modification | Home Mortgage | Home Mortgage Disclosure Act - HMDA | Home Office | Home Office Expense | Home-Equity Loan | Homemade Dividends | Homemade Leverage | Homeowner Affordability And Stability Plan - HASP | Homeowners Insurance | Homeowners Protection Act | Homestead Exemption | Homo Economicus | Homoskedastic | Honcho | Honesty Bond | Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) | Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate - HIBOR | Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKG) .HK | Honorarium | Hook Reversal | Hope For Homeowners | Hope Now Alliance | Horizontal Analysis | Horizontal Channel | Horizontal Equity | Horizontal Integration | Horizontal Market | Horizontal Merger | Horizontal Spread | Hostile Bid | Hostile Takeover | Hot IPO | Hot Issue | Hot Money | Hot Waitress Economic Index | Hotelling's Theory | Hounding Analysts | House Call | House Excess | House Maintenance Requirement | House Poor | Household Expenses | Household Income | Housing And Economic Recovery Act (HERA) | Housing Authority Bonds | Housing Bonds | Housing Bubble | Housing Expense Ratio | Housing Market Index | Housing Policy Council - HPC | Housing Starts | Housing Unit | HTG | HTG (Haitian Gourde) | Hub And Spoke Structure | Hubris | HUD-1 Form | HUF | HUF (Hungarian Forint) | Human Capital | Human Resources (HR) | Human-Life Approach | Humped Yield Curve | Hundred Weight - Cwt | Hurdle Rate | Hybrid Annuity | Hybrid ARM | Hybrid Fund | Hybrid Market | Hybrid Security | Hyperinflation | Hypermarket | HyperText Markup Language - HTML | Hypothecation | Hypothesis Testing


I | I CURVE | IAFE | IAN | IAS | IB | IB | IBAN | IBES | IBF | IBRD | ICB | ICB | ICCH | ICE | ICGR | ICI | ICOR | ICR | ICULS | IDA | IDFA | IDGT | IDR | IDR | IDRB | IEA | IEP | IFEMA | IFRS | IFSB | IIOT | ILO | ILOC | ILS | IMCL | IMF | INAV | INET | INR | IOI | IOSCO | IPA | IPI | IPO | IPS | IPS | IQD | IR | IRA | IRD | IRD | IRP | IRR | IRR | IRS | ISDA | ISE | ISI | ISIN | ISITC | ISK | ISLM | ISMA | ISO | ISP | ITQ | IV | I | Icahn Lift | Iceberg Order | Ichimoku Kinko Hyo | IDC Deposits | Identifiable Asset | Identity Fraud Reimbursement Program | Identity Theft | Idiosyncratic Risk | Idle Funds | Idle Time | IDR | IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) | IEP (Irish Pound) | Illiquid | Illiquid Option | ILS | ILS (Israeli New Shequel) | Imbalance of Orders | ImClone - IMCL | Immediate Beneficiary | Immediate Credit | Immediate Family | Immediate Or Cancel Order - IOC | Immediate Payment Annuity | Immunization | Impact Day | Impact Fee | Impaired Asset | Impaired Credit | Impairment | Imperfect Competition | Imperfect Market | Implementation Lag | Implicit Cost | Implicit Rental Rate | Implied Call | Implied Rate | Implied Repo Rate | Implied Volatility - IV | Import | Import And Export Prices | Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) | Impose | Impound | Impression | Impulse Wave Pattern | Imputed Interest | In And Out | In Play | In Sight | In Specie | In Street Name | In The Money | In The Penalty Box | In The Pink | In-House | In-House Financing | In-Service Withdrawal | Inactivity Fee | Inbound Cash Flow | Incentive Distribution Rights - IDRs | Incentive Stock Option - ISO | Incentive Trust | Incidental Expenses | Incidents Of Ownership | Incipient Default | Inclusion Amount | Income | Income Annuity | Income Basket | Income Bond | Income Deposit Security - IDS | Income Effect | Income Elasticity Of Demand | Income From Operations - IFO | Income Fund | Income In Respect Of A Decedent - IRD | Income Property | Income Property Mortgage | Income Risk | Income Share | Income Shifting | Income Splitting | Income Spreading | Income Statement | Income Stock | Income Tax | Income Tax Payable | Income Trust | Incontestability Clause | Inconvertible Currency | Incorporated Trustee | Incorporation | Incoterms | Incremental Capital Output Ratio - ICOR | Incremental Cash Flow | Incremental Cost | Incremental Dividend | Incremental Tax | Incubated Fund | Incubation | Incubator Firm | Incumbency Certificate | Incumbent | Incurred But Not Reported | Indemnity | Indemnity Insurance | Indenture | Independent 401(k) | Independent Auditor | Independent Community Bankers Of America - ICBA | Independent Contractor | Index | Index Amortizing Note - IAN | Index Amortizing Swap | Index Arbitrage | Index Divisor | Index ETF | Index Fund | Index Futures | Index Hugger | Index Option | Index Roll | Index-Linked Bond | Index-Linked Certificate Of Deposit | Indexed Annuity | Indexed ARM | Indexed Certificate Of Deposit - Indexed CD | Indexed Rate | Indexing | India ETF | Indicated Dividend | Indicated Yield | Indication of Interest - IOI | Indicative Net Asset Value - iNAV | Indicative Quote | Indicator | Indifference Curve | Indirect Loan | Indirect Method | Indirect Quote | Indirect Rollover | Indirect Tax | Individual Development Account - IDA | Individual Retirement Account - IRA | Individual Retirement Annuity | Individual Transfer Quota - ITQ | Induced Taxes | Industrial Bank | Industrial Development Revenue Bonds - IDRBs | Industrial Production Index - IPI | Industrial Revolution | Industrialization | Industry | Industry Bet | Industry Group | Industry Life Cycle Analysis | Industry Lifecycle | Inefficient Market | Inelastic | Infant-Industry Theory | Infectious Greed | Inferior Good | Inflation | Inflation Derivatives | Inflation Targeting | Inflation-Adjusted Return | Inflation-Indexed Security | Inflation-Linked Certificates of Deposit | Inflation-Linked Savings Bonds (I Bonds) | Inflation-Protected Annuity - IPA | Inflation-Protected Security - IPS | Inflationary Gap | Inflationary Psychology | Inflationary Risk | Inflection Point | Inflexible Expense | Information Circular | Information Coefficient - IC | Information Ratio - IR | Informationally Efficient Market | Infrastructure | Infrastructure Trust | Ingot | Inheritance | Inheritance Tax | Inherited IRA | Inherited Stock | Initial Cash Flow | Initial Claims | Initial Interest Rate | Initial Interest Rate Cap | Initial Margin | Initial Offering Date | Initial Public Offering - IPO | Initial Rate Period | Inland Bill Of Lading | Innocent-Spouse Rule | Inorganic Growth | INR | INR (Indian Rupee) | INSEAD | Inside Day | Inside Days | Inside Director | Inside Market | Inside Quote | Insider | Insider Information | Insider Lending | Insider Trading | Insider Trading Act of 1988 | Insolvency | Inspectorial Powers | Installment Debt | Installment Receipt | Installment Sale | Instinet | Institute For Divorce Financial Analysts - IDFA | Institutional Brokers' Estimate System - IBES | Institutional Fund | Institutional Investor | Institutional Shares | Instructing Bank | Instrument | Insufficient Funds | Insurance | Insurance Bond | Insurance Claim | Insurance Derivative | Insurance Proceeds | Insurance Score | Insurance Trust | Insurance Underwriter | Insured Bond | Insured Financial Institution | Intangible Asset | Intangible Cost | Intaxification | Integrated Pension Plan | Intellectual Capital | Intellectual Property | Intelligent ETF | Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust - IDGT | Inter-American Development Bank - IDB | Inter-Dealer Broker | Inter-Vivos Trust | Interbank Call Money Market | Interbank Deposits | Interbank Market | Interbank National Authorization System (INAS) | Interbank Network for Electronic Transfer - INET | Interbank Rate | Interchange | Interchange Rate | Intercommodity Spread | Intercontinental Exchange - ICE | Interdealer Quotation System | Interdelivery Spread | Interdistrict Settlement Account | Interest | Interest Cost | Interest Coverage Ratio | Interest Due | Interest Expense | Interest Only (IO) Strips | Interest Rate | Interest Rate Call Option | Interest Rate Cap Structure | Interest Rate Ceiling | Interest Rate Collar | Interest Rate Differential - IRD | Interest Rate Floor | Interest Rate Options | Interest Rate Parity | Interest Rate Risk | Interest Rate Sensitivity | Interest Rate Swap | Interest Sensitive Assets | Interest Sensitive Liabilities | Interest Sensitive Stock | Interest Shortfall | Interest-On-Interest | Interest-Only ARM | Interest-Only Mortgage | Interested Shareholder | Interim Dividend | Interim Earnings Per Share | Interlisted Stock | Intermarket Analysis | Intermarket Sector Spread | Intermarket Spread | Intermarket Spread Swap | Intermarket Trading System - ITS | Intermediate Targets | Intermediate/Medium-Term Debt | Internal Audit | Internal Auditor | Internal Capital Generation Rate - ICGR | Internal Claim | Internal Controls | Internal Growth Rate | Internal Rate Of Return - IRR | Internal Revenue Service - IRS | Internalization | International Accounting Standards - IAS | International Association of Financial Engineers - IAFE | International Bank Account Number - IBAN | International Bank Of Reconstruction And Development - IBRD | International Banking Act of 1978 | International Banking Facility - IBF | International Bond | International Clearing System | International Commodities Clearing House - ICCH | International Competitive Bidding - ICB | International Currency Converter | International Currency Exchange Rate | International Currency Markets | International Depository Receipt - IDR | International Energy Agency - IEA | International Equity Style Box | International ETF | International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS | International Fisher Effect - IFE | International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement - IFEMA | International Fund | International Institute for Management Development - IMD | International Labour Organization - ILO | International Monetary Fund - IMF | International Monetary Market - IMM | International Organization Of Securities Commissions - IOSCO | International Reserves | International Securities Association For Institutional Trade Communication - ISITC | International Securities Exchange - ISE | International Securities Identification Number - ISIN | International Securities Market Association - ISMA | International Swaps and Derivatives Association - ISDA | Internet Service Provider - ISP | Internote | Interpolated Yield Curve - I Curve | Interpolation | Interpositioning | Interpretive Letter | Interstate Banking | Intertemporal Choice | Interval Fund (Scheme) | Intestacy | Intestate | Intraday | Intraday Intensity Index | Intramarket Sector Spread | Intrapreneur | Intrastate Offering | Intrinsic Value | Introducing Broker - IB | Inventory | Inventory Accounting | Inventory Reserve | Inventory Turnover | Inverse ETF | Inverse Floater | Inverse Head And Shoulders | Inverse Saucer | Inverted Market | Inverted Spread | Inverted Yield Curve | Invest, Then Investigate | Investability Quotient - IQ | Investing | Investing Fads | Investing Sage | Investing Style | Investment | Investment Advisor | Investment Advisors Act of 1940 | Investment Advisory Representative - IAR | Investment Bank - IB | Investment Banker | Investment Banking | Investment Climate | Investment Club | Investment Company | Investment Company Act Of 1940 | Investment Company Institute - ICI | Investment Consultant | Investment Farm | Investment Grade | Investment Horizon | Investment Ideas | Investment In The Contract | Investment Income | Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada - IIROC | Investment Interest Expense | | Investment Policy Statement - IPS | Investment Pyramid | Investment Real Estate | Investment Securities | Investment Strategy | Investment Style | Investment Vehicle | Investor Relations - IR | Investor Shares | Invisible Hand | Invisible Hard Market | Invisible Supply | Invoice | Involuntary Cash-Out | Involuntary Conversion | Inward Arbitrage | IOU | IPO ETF | IPO Lock-Up | IQD | IQD (Iraqi Dinar) | IRA Adoption Agreement And Plan Document | IRA Plan | IRA Rollover | Iridium | Iron Butterfly | Iron Condor | IRR | IRR (Iranian Rial) | Irrational Exuberance | Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock - ICULS | Irrelevant Cost | Irrevocable Beneficiary | Irrevocable Income-Only Trust - IIOT | Irrevocable Letter Of Credit - ILOC | Irrevocable Trust | IRS Form 4868 | ISEE Sentiment Indicator | iShares | ISK | ISK (Icelandic Kràna) | Islamic Banking | Islamic Financial Services Board - IFSB | Island Reversal | ISLM Model | ISO Currency Code | Isoquant Curve | Issue | Issued Shares | Issuer | Itayose | Itemized Deduction | Itemized Statement | | iTraxx | iTraxx LevX Indexes


J | JAJO | JASDAQ | JCP | JGB | JGTRRA | JIC | JIT | JMD | JOD | JOLTS | JPY | JTIC | JTWROS | J | J Curve | J. D. Rockefeller | | JAJO | | James D. Slater | January Barometer | January Effect | Japan Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation - Jasdaq | Japan ETFs | Japan Inc. | Japanese Government Bond - JGB | Jarrow Turnbull Model | Java | Jekyll and Hyde | Jennifer Lopez - J.Lo | Jensen's Measure | Jerome Kerviel | Jesse L. Livermore | Jim Cramer | Jingle Mail | Jitney | JMD | JMD (Jamaican Dollar) | Job Hunting Expenses | Job Lot | Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey - JOLTS | Jobber | Jobless Recovery | Jobs And Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 | Jobs And Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 - JGTRRA | Jobs Growth | JOD | JOD (Jordanian Dinar) | John Bogle | John Maynard Keynes | John Neff | | Joint | Joint Account | Joint and Survivor Annuity | Joint Bond | Joint Credit | Joint Endorsement | Joint Liability | Joint Life With Last Survivor Annuity | Joint Owned Property | Joint Probability | Joint Return | Joint Return Test | Joint Stock Company | Joint Tenants in Common - JTIC | Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship - JTWROS | Joint Venture - JV | Joint-Life Payout | Jointly and Severally | Jonestown Defense | Joseph Effect | Joseph Schumpeter | Journal | JPY | JPY (Japanese Yen) | Judgment | Judgment Lien | Judgmental Credit Analysis | Judicial Foreclosure | Julian Robertson | | | Junior Capital Pool - JCP | Junior Issue | Junior Mortgage | Junior Security | Junk Bond | Junk Fees | Juris Doctor - JD | Just In Case - JIC | Just In Time - JIT


K | KES | KHR | KIPPERS | KMF | KOSPI | KPI | KPW | KRW | KSOP | KWD | KYC | KYD | KZT | K | K-Percent Rule | K-Ratio | Kagi Chart | Kairi Relative Index | Kaizen | Kangaroo Bond | Kangaroos | Kappa | Katie Couric Clause | KBW Bank Index | Keefe Bank Index | Keepwell Agreement | Keltner Channel | Keogh Plan | KES | KES (Kenyan Shilling) | Key Performance Indicators - KPI | Key Person Insurance | Key Rate | Key Rate Duration | Key Ratio | Keynesian Economics | KHR | KHR (Cambodian Riel) | Kickback | | Kicking The Tires | Kiddie Tax | Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings - KIPPERS | Kijun-Sen | Kill | Killer Application | Killer Bees | Kiting | Kiwi | | KMF | KMF (Comorian Franc) | Knock-In Option | Knock-Out Option | Know Your Client - KYC | Kondratiev Wave | Korea Stock Exchange (KSC) .KS | Korean Composite Stock Price Indexes - KOSPI | KPW | KPW (North Korean Won) | Kremlinomics | Krugerrand Gold Coin | KRW | KRW (Korean Won) | KSOP | Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLS) .KL | Kurtosis | KWD | KWD (Kuwaiti Dinar) | KYD | KYD (Cayman Islands Dollar) | Kyoto Protocol | KZT | KZT (Kazakhstan Tenge)


L | LAK | LBO | LBP | LC | LC | LCDS | LCDX | LDC | LDI | LEAPS | LEPO | LESOP | LGAP | LIBOR | LIFA | LIFO | LION | LKR | LLC | LLCR | LME | LNG | LOC | LOI | LP | LPN | LRATC | LRIC | LSE | LSL | LTC | LTCM | LTG | LTIP | LTL | LTM | LTV | LVL | LVL | LVT | LVTS | LYD | LYD | LYON | L | L-Shaped Recovery | Labor Intensive | Labor Productivity | Labor-Sponsored Venture Capital Corporations - LSVCC | Ladder Option | Laddering | Lady Godiva Accounting Principles - LGAP | Lady Macbeth Strategy | Laffer Curve | Laggard | Lagged Reserves | Lagging Indicator | Laissez Faire | LAK | LAK (Lao Kip) | Lambda | Lame Duck | Land | Land Contract | Land Flip | Land Lease Option | Land Rehabilitation | Land Trust | Land Value | Land Value Tax - LVT | Landlord | Landominium | Lapping Scheme | Lapse | Large Cap - Big Cap | Large Trader | Large Value Transfer System - LVTS | Large-Value Stock | Last Fiscal Year - LFY | Last In, First Out - LIFO | Last Mile | Last Trading Day | Last Twelve Months - LTM | Last-Sale Reporting | Late-Day Trading | Law Of Demand | Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns | Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility | Law Of Large Numbers | Law Of One Price | Law Of Supply | Lawful Money | Layaway | Layered Fees | Layoff | LBP | LBP (Lebanese Pound) | Lead Bank | Lead Time | Lead Underwriter | Leading Indicator | Leading Lipstick Indicator | Leads And Lags | League Table | Leakage | Lease | Lease Payments | Lease To Own | Leaseback | Leased Bank Guarantee | Leasehold | Leasehold Improvement | Leave-Sharing Plan | Ledger Balance | Leg | Leg Out | Legacy Asset | Legacy Costs | Legacy Hedge | Legal Lending Limit | Legal List | Legal Monopoly | Legal Separation | Legend | Legislative Overkill | Legislative Risk | Lehman Aggregate Bond Index | Lehman Brothers Asset-Backed Securities Index | Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate Bond Index | Lehman Brothers Mortgage-Backed Securities Index | Lehman Formula | Lehman Investment Opportunity Note - LION | Lemming | Lemon | Lender Of Last Resort | Lender-Paid Private Mortgage Insurance | Lending Facility | Leprechaun Leader | Leptokurtic | Lessee | Lesser-Developed Country - LDC | Lessor | Let Your Profits Run | Letter Of Comfort | Letter Of Comment | Letter Of Credit | Letter Of Guarantee | Letter of Indemnity | Letter of Intent - LOI | Letter Security | Level 1 | Level 1 Assets | Level 2 | Level 2 Assets | Level 3 | Level 3 Assets | Level Load | Level-Premium Insurance | Leverage | Leverage Ratio | Leveraged Buyout - LBO | Leveraged Employee Stock Ownership Plan - LESOP | Leveraged ETF | Leveraged Lease | Leveraged Loan | Leveraged Loan Index - LLI | Leveraged Recapitalization | Levy | Lewis Ranieri | Liability | Liability Driven Investment - LDI | Liability Insurance | Liability Ledger | Liability Management | Liability Matching | Liability Swap | Liar Loan | LIBOR Curve | Licensed International Financial Analyst - LIFA | Licensing Agreement | Lien | Life Annuity | Life Cap | Life Cycle | Life Expectancy | Life Income Plan | Life Insurance | Life Option | Life Settlement | Life With Guaranteed Term | Life-Cycle Fund | Lifeline Account | Lifelong Learning Plan | Lifestyle Creep | Lifestyle Fund | Lifetime Cap | Lifetime Cost | Lifetime Learning Credit | LIFO Liquidation | Like-For-Like Sales | Like-Kind Exchange | Like-Kind Property | Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act | Lima Stock Exchange (LMA) .LM | Limit Down | Limit Move | Limit Order | Limit Order Book | Limit Up | Limit-On-Close Order | Limit-On-Open Order | Limited Company - LC | Limited Liability | Limited Liability Company - LLC | Limited Partner | Limited Partnership - LP | Limited Partnership Unit | Limited Power Of Attorney - LPOA | Limited Purpose Trust Company | Limited Recourse Debt | Limited Risk | Limited Service Bank | Limited Trading Authorization | Lindsay Lohan Stock Index | Line Chart | Line Of Credit - LOC | Linear Price Scale | Linear Relationship | Linearly Weighted Moving Average | Linkage | Linked Exchange Rate System | Linked Savings Account | Lintner's Model | Lipper Indexes | Liquefied Natural Gas | Liquid Asset | Liquid Certificate Of Deposit | Liquid Market | Liquid Yield Option Note - LYON | Liquidate | Liquidated Damages | Liquidating Dividend | Liquidating Market | Liquidation | Liquidation Level | Liquidator | Liquidity | Liquidity Adjustment Facility | Liquidity Crisis | Liquidity Cushion | Liquidity Event | Liquidity Path | Liquidity Preference Theory | Liquidity Premium | Liquidity Ratios | Liquidity Risk | Liquidity Squeeze | Liquidity Trap | Listed | Listed Option | Listed Property | Listed Security | Listing Requirements | Little Board | Living Wage | Living Will | LKR (Sri Lankan Rupee) | LNG | Load | Load Fund | Load Spread Option | Load-Waived Funds | Loan | Loan Application Fee | Loan Commitment | Loan Committee | Loan Constant | Loan Credit Default Swap (LCDS) | Loan Grading | Loan Life Coverage Ratio - LLCR | Loan Loss Provision | Loan Modification | Loan Modification Specialist | Loan Note | Loan Officer | Loan Participation Note - LPN | Loan Production Office - LPO | Loan Register | Loan Servicing | Loan Shark | Loan Stock | Loan Strip | Loan Syndication | Loan To Value Ratio - LTV Ratio | Lobster Trap | Local | Local Tax | Lock In Profits | Lock Limit | Lock-Up Agreement | Lock-Up Option | Lock-Up Period | Lockbox Banking | Lockdown | Locked In | Locked Market | Locked-In Interest Rate | Log-Normal Distribution | Logarithmic Price Scale | Logistics | London Interbank Mean Rate - LIMEAN | London Interbank Offered Rate - LIBOR | London International Financial Futures And Options Exchange - LIFFE | London Metal Exchange - LME | London Spot Fix | London Stock Exchange - LSE | Long (or Long Position) | Long Bond | Long Dated Forward | Long Hedge | Long Jelly Roll | Long Market Value | Long Put | Long Run | Long Run Incremental Cost - LRIC | Long Squeeze | Long Straddle | Long Term | Long The Basis | Long-Dated Asset | Long-Legged Doji | Long-Run Average Total Cost - LRATC | Long-Term Assets | Long-Term Capital Gain Or Loss | Long-Term Capital Management - LTCM | Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance | Long-Term Debt | Long-Term Debt To Capitalization Ratio | Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities - LEAPS | Long-Term Growth - LTG | Long-Term Incentive Plan - LTIP | Long-Term Investments | Long-Term Liabilities | Long/Short Equity | Long/Short Fund | Longevity Derivatives | Longevity Risk | Longitudinal Data | Look Thru | Look-Ahead Bias | Lookback Option | Loonie | Loophole | Loose Credit | Losing The Points | Losing Your Shirt | Loss Carryback | Loss Carryforward | Loss Given Default - LGD | Loss Leader Strategy | Loss Management | Loss Psychology | Lost Decade | Lot | Lottery | Lottery Bond | Love Money | Low / No Documentation Loan | Low Ball | Low Exercise Price Option - LEPO | Low Volume Pullback | Low-Down Mortgages | Low-Income Housing Tax Credit | Lower of Cost and Market Method | LSL | LTL | Lucas Wedge | Lump-Sum Distribution | LVL | LVL (Latvian Lat) | LYD | LYD (Libyan Dinar)


M | M&A | M&M | MA | MAC | MAC | MAC | MACD | MACRS | MAD | MAD | MAD | MAGI | MBA | MBA | MBF | MBIA | MBM | MBO | MBO | MBS | MCCA | MCFO | MCI | MCSI | MD&A | MDB | MEBO | MER | MEWA | MFI | MH | MIBID | MIBOR | MIC | MIFID | MIFOR | MIP | MIPS | MIRR | MIT | MITTS | MJSD | MLP | MLR | MMAX | MMDA | MMIFF | MMK | MMK | MNC | MNT | MNT | MOC | MOM | MOP | MOP | MOU | MPC | MPT | MRB | MRO | MRO | MRP II | MRQ | MSA | MSA | MSA | MSB | MSC | MSCI | MSCI ACWI | MSCI ACWI EX-U.S. | MSCI AWC | MSPA | MSR | MTA | MTF | MTL | MTL | MTM | MTN | MUICP | MUR | MUR | MVA | MVQ | MVR | MVR | MWK | MWK | MXN | MXP | MYR | MZM | MZM | MZM | M | M0 | M1 | M2 | M3 | | Macaroni Defense | Macaulay Duration | Macro Environment | Macro Risk | Macro-Hedge | Macroeconomics | Macroprudential Analysis | MAD | MAD (Moroccan Dirham) | Mad Hatter | Madrid Fixed Income Market .MF | Madrid SE CATS (MSE) .MC | Madrid Stock Exchange (MAD) .MA | Magna Cum Laude | Main Home | Main Street | Maintenance Margin | Major Pairs | Majority Shareholder | Make A Market | Make To Order - MTO | Make To Stock - MTS | Make Whole Call (Provision) | Making Home Affordable | Malfeasance | Man-Year | Managed Account | Managed Currency | Managed Forex Accounts | Managed Futures Account | Managed Money | Management And Employee Buyout - MEBO | Management Buy-In - MBI | Management Buyout - MBO | Management Discussion and Analysis - MD&A | Management Fee | Management Investment Company | Management Risk | Management Tenure | Manager Of Managers - MOM | Managerial Accounting | Mancession | Mandatory Convertible | Mandatory Mortgage Lock | Mandatory Redemption Schedule | Manipulation | Manufactured Housing - MH | Manufactured Payment | Manufacturing Resource Planning - MRP II | Maple Bond | Margin | Margin Account | Margin Call | Margin Debt | Margin Loan Availability | Margin Of Safety | Margin Pressure | Marginal Benefit | Marginal Cost Of Funds | Marginal Cost Of Production | Marginal Propensity To Consume - MPC | Marginal Rate of Substitution | Marginal Rate Of Transformation | Marginal Social Cost - MSC | Marginal Tax Rate | Marginal Utility | Marginalism | Marital Deduction | Marital Property | Maritime Law | Mark To Management | Mark To Market - MTM | Mark To Model | Mark-To-Market Losses | Markdown | Market | Market Arbitrage | Market Average | Market Basket | Market Breadth | Market Cannibalization | Market Capitalization | Market Capitalization Rule | Market Cycles | Market Depth | Market Discipline | Market Discount | Market Disruption | Market Distortion | Market Economy | Market Efficiency | Market Exposure | Market Failure | Market Identifier Code - MIC | Market If Touched - MIT | Market Index | Market Index Target-Term Security - MITTS | Market Indicators | Market Is Off | Market Is Up | Market Jitters | Market Maker | Market Maker Spread | Market Maven | Market Momentum | Market Neutral | Market Neutral Fund | Market On Close - MOC | Market Order | Market Out Clause | Market Overhang | Market Penetration | Market Perform | Market Performance Committee | Market Price | Market Proxy | Market Psychology | Market Risk | Market Risk Premium | Market Saturation | Market Segmentation | Market Segmentation Theory | Market Sentiment | Market Share | Market Surveillance | Market Swoon | Market Technicians Association - MTA | Market Timing | Market Value | Market Value Added - MVA | Market versus Quote - MVQ | Market-Based Corporate Governance System | Market-With-Protection Order | Marketable Securities | Marketable Security | Marketing | Markets in Financial Instruments Directive - MiFID | Marketweight | Markowitz Efficient Set | Markup | Marlboro Friday | Marquee Asset | Marriage Penalty | Married Filing Jointly | Married Filing Separately | Married Put | Marshall Plan | Martingale System | Marubozo | Mass Customization | Master Fund | Master Limited Partnership - MLP | Master Mortgage | Master Notes | Master Of Business Administration (MBA) | Master of Public Administration - MPA | Master Trust | Masterbrand | Mat Hold Pattern | Match-Rate Funds | Matched Book | Matched Sale-Purchase Agreement - MSPA | Matching Contribution | Matching Orders | Matching Strategy | Material Amount | Material Insider Information | Material News | Material Participation Test | Material Weakness | Materials Requirement Planning - MRP | Matilda Bond | Matrix Trading | Mature Industry | Matured RRSP | Maturity | Maturity by Maturity Bidding - MBM | Maturity Date | Maturity Gap | Maturity Guarantee | Maturity Mismatch | Max Pain (TM) | Maximizer | Maximum Loan Amount | Maximum Loan-to-Value Ratio | May Day | MBIA Insurance Corporation | MBS Pool Number | McCallum Rule | | McClellan Summation Index | McDonough Ratio | McFadden Act | McGinley Dynamic Indicator | McMansion | Mean | Mean Return | Mean Reversion | Means Test | Measuring Principle | Mechanical Investing | Medallion Signature Guarantee | Media Effect | Median | Medicaid | Medical Expenses | Medical Savings Account - MSA | Medicare | Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act Of 1988 - MCCA | Medicare Part D | Medicare Wages | Medium Of Exchange | Medium Term | Medium Term Note - MTN | Mega Cap | Mello-Roos | Member | Member Firm | Member Of Household | Member Of Household Test | Member Payment Dependent Note | Member Short-Sales Ratio | Memorandum of Understanding - MOU | Memory-Of-Price Strategy | Men's Underwear Index | Mental Accounting | Mercantilism | Merchant Bank | Merchant Discount Rate | Merger | Merger Arbitrage | Merger Deficit | Merger Of Equals | Merger Securities | Mergers And Acquisitions - M&A | Merrill Lynch & Co. | Merton Model | Mesokurtic | Message Authentication Code - MAC | Metrics | Metropolitan Statistical Area - MSA | Mexican Stock Exchange (MEX) .MX | Mezzanine Debt | Mezzanine Financing | Miami Stock Exchange | Michael Milken | Michael Steinhardt | Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index - MCSI | Micro Cap | Micro Risk | Micro-Hedge | Microcredit | Microeconomics | Microenterprise | Microfinance | Microinsurance | Microsavings | Mid Cap | Mid-Atlantic Option | Mid-Cap Fund | Mid-Value Stock | Middle Office | Middle Rate | Middleman | Midgets | Midstream | Milan Stock Exchange (MIL) .MI | Mileage Allowance | Mill Levy | Mill Rate | Millage Rate | Milton Friedman | Mine and Yours | Mini Forex Account | Mini Madoff | Mini Perm | Mini-Branch | Mini-Lot | Mini-Sized Dow Options | Mini-Tender | Minimum Balance | Minimum Deposit | Minimum Down Payment | Minimum Efficient Scale | Minimum Investment | Minimum Margin | Minimum Price Contract | Minimum Wage | Minimum-Interest Rules | Minority Interest | Minority IPO | Minsky Moment | Mint | Minus Tick | Mirror Fund | Misappropriation Theory | Miscellaneous Tax Credits | Misery Index | Misfeasance | Mismatch | Mismatch Risk | Misselling | Missent Item | Mission Statement | Mississippi Company | MIT Sloan School Of Management | Mixed Lot | MJSD | MMK | MMK (Myanmar Kyat) | MNT | MNT (Mongolian Tugrug) | Mode | Model Risk | Modern Portfolio Theory - MPT | Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System - MACRS | Modified Accrual Accounting | Modified Adjusted Gross Income - MAGI | Modified Dietz Method | Modified Duration | Modified Following | Modified Internal Rate Of Return - MIRR | Modified Pass-Through Certificate | Modified Payoff | Modified Sharpe Ratio | Modigliani-Miller Theorem - M&M | Mom And Pop | Momentum | Momentum Fund | Momentum Investing | Momo Play | Monday Effect | Mondustrial Policy | Monetarism | Monetarist | Monetarist Theory | Monetary Accord Of 1951 | Monetary Aggregates | Monetary Base | Monetary Conditions Index - MCI | Monetary Control Act | Monetary Policy | Monetary Reserve | Monetary Theory | Monetary Union Index Of Consumer Prices - MUICP | Monetize | Money | Money Factor | Money Flow | Money Flow Index - MFI | Money Illusion | Money Laundering | Money Management | Money Manager | Money Market | Money Market Account | Money Market Account Extra - MMAX | Money Market Fund | Money Market Investor Funding Facility - MMIFF | Money Order | Money Supply | Money Zero Maturity - MZM | Money-Purchase Pension Plan | Money-Purchase Provisions | Money-Weighted Rate Of Return | Moneyness | Monoline | Monoline Insurance Company | Monopolist | Monopolistic Competition | Monopolistic Market | Monopoly | Monopsony | Monster Employment Index | Mont Pelerin Society | Monte Carlo Simulation | Monthly Income Plan - MIP | Monthly Income Preferred Securities - MIPS | Monthly Treasury Average Index - MTA Index | Montreal Exchange | Moody's | Moody's Bond Survey | Moofer | Moore's Law | MOP | MOP (Macanese Pataca) | Moral Hazard | Moral Obligation Bond | Moral Suasion | Moratorium | Morgan Stanley Capital International - MSCI | Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index Ex-U.S. - MSCI ACWI Ex-U.S. | Morganization | Morning Star | Morningstar Inc. | Morningstar Risk Rating | Morris Plan Bank | Mortality And Expense Risk Charge | Mortality Table | Mortgage | Mortgage Accelerator | Mortgage Allocations | Mortgage Banker | Mortgage Bankers Association - MBA | Mortgage Bond | Mortgage Broker | Mortgage Cash Flow Obligation - MCFO | Mortgage Company | Mortgage Constant | Mortgage Credit Certificates | Mortgage Equity Withdrawal | Mortgage Equity Withdrawal - MEW | Mortgage Excess Servicing | Mortgage Fallout | Mortgage Forbearance Agreement | Mortgage Index | Mortgage Insurance | Mortgage Interest | Mortgage Interest Deduction | Mortgage Life Insurance | Mortgage Originator | Mortgage Par Rate | Mortgage Pipeline | Mortgage Pool | Mortgage Rate Lock | Mortgage Rate Lock Deposit | Mortgage Rate Lock Float Down | Mortgage Recast | Mortgage Revenue Bond - MRB | Mortgage Servicing Rights - MSR | Mortgage Short Sale | Mortgage Subsidy Bond | Mortgage Suitability | Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS) | Mortgagee | Mortgagor | Mosaic Theory | Most Active | Most Favored Nation Clause | Most Recent Quarter - MRQ | Mothballing | Motor Vehicle Sales | Mountain Range Options | Moving Average - MA | Moving Average Chart | Moving Average Convergence Divergence - MACD | Moving Average Ribbon | Moving Expenses | Mr. Copper | MRO | MRO (Mauritanian Ouguiya) | MSCI ACWI - All Country World Index | MSCI All Country World Commodity Producers Sector Capped Index (MSCI AWC) | MSCI Emerging Markets Index | MSCI EMU Index | MTL | MTL (Maltese Lira) | Muhammad Yunus | Multi-Advisor Fund | Multi-Asset Class | Multi-Discipline Account | Multi-Factor Model | Multi-Leg Options Order | Multibank Holding Company | Multicurrency Note Facility | Multilateral Development Bank - MDB | Multilateral Trading Facility - MTF | Multiline Insurance | Multinational Corporation - MNC | Multinational Pooling | Multiple | Multiple Compression | Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement - MEWA | Multiple Linear Regression - MLR | Multiple Support Agreement | Multiples Approach | Multiplier | Multiplier Effect | Multistage Dividend Discount Model | Multivariate Model | Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate - MIBID | Mumbai Interbank Forward Offer Rate - MIFOR | Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate - MIBOR | Munich Stock Exchange (MUN) .MU | Municipal Assistance Corporation - MAC | Municipal Bond | Municipal Bond Fund | Municipal Convertible | Municipal Inflation-Linked Securities | Municipal Investment Trust | Municipal Note | Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board - MSRB | Municipals-Over-Bonds Spread - MOB | Munifacts | MUR | MUR (Mauritius Rupee) | Murabaha | Muriel Siebert | Musawamah | Musharakah | Must Be Filled - MBF | Mustard Seed | Mutual Company | Mutual Exclusion Doctrine | Mutual Fund | Mutual Fund Cash Level | Mutual Fund Custodian | Mutual Fund Liquidity Ratio | Mutual Fund Subadvisor | Mutual Fund Theorem | Mutual Fund Timing | Mutual Fund Wrap | Mutual Investment Certificate | Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund | Mutual Savings Bank - MSB | Mutual Will | Mutual-Fund Advisory Program | Mutualization | Mutualization Of Risk | Mutually Exclusive | MVR | MVR (Maldivian Rufiyaa) | MWK | MWK (Malawian Kwacha) | MXN | MXN (Mexican Peso) | MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) | MZM | MZM (Mozambique Metical)


N | N | NACHA | NAD | NAD | NAFCU | NAFTA | NAIC | NAIC | NAICS | NAIFA | NAL | NAMB | NARC | NAREIT | NASD | NASDAQ | NAV | NAVPS | NAWI | NBBO | NBER | NCAVPS | NCD | NCIB | NCUA | NDA | NDF | NDP | NDS | NDS | NDXE | NEER | NFA | NFO | NGN | NGN | NH | NI | NIBCL | NIF | NIM | NIMS | NINJA | NIO | NIO | NMF | NMS | NMS | NNP | NOA | NOB | NOI, NOL | NOK | NOK | NOL | NOLHGA | NOMAD | NOPAT | NOPLAT | NOW | NPA | NPL | NPR | NPR | NPV | NQDC | NQGM | NQGS | NRD | NRSRO | NSCC | NSE | NSF | NSMIA | NSO | NT | NTA | NUA | NVI | NWC | NYBOT | NYMEX | NYSE | NZD | NZD | NZD/USD | N | NAD | NAD (Namibian Dollar) | Naked Call | Naked Option | Naked Position | Naked Put | Naked Shorting | Naked Trust | Named Beneficiary | Named Perils Insurance Policy | Narrow Basis | Narrow Moat | Narrow Money | Narrow-Based Weighted Average | NASD Rule 2790 | Nasdaq | Nasdaq 100 Index | Nasdaq Composite Index | NASDAQ Global Market Composite | NASDAQ Global Select Market Composite | Nasdaq Intermarket | Nasdaq National Market Securities - Nasdaq-NM | NASDAQ OMX 100 Index | Nasdaq-100 After Hours Indicator | NASDAQ-100 Equal Weighted Index | Nash Equilibrium | National Association Of Estate Planners And Councils - NAEPC | National Association Of Federal Credit Unions - NAFCU | National Association Of Insurance And Financial Advisors - NAIFA | National Association of Insurance Commissioners - NAIC | National Association of Investors Corporation - NAIC | National Association Of Mortgage Brokers - NAMB | National Association Of Real Estate Investment Trusts - NAREIT | National Association Of Securities Dealers - NASD | National Automated Clearinghouse Association - NACHA | National Average Wage Index - NAWI | National Bank | National Bank Surveillance System | National Best Bid and Offer - NBBO | National Bureau of Economic Research - NBER | National Commodities And Derivatives Exchange - NCDEX | National Credit Union Administration - NCUA | National Futures Association - NFA | National Housing Act | National Income Accounting | National Market System - NMS | National Organization Of Life And Health Insurance Guaranty Associations - NOLHGA | National Quotation Bureau - NQB | National Registration Database - NRD | National Retail Federation - NRF | National Savings Rate | National Securities Clearing Corporation - NSCC | National Securities Markets Improvement Act - NSMIA | National Stock Exchange | National Stock Exchange Of India Limited - NSE | National Treatment | Nationalization | Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organization - NRSRO | Natural Capital | Natural Gas ETF | Natural Guardian | Natural Monopoly | Natural Unemployment | NAV Return | NCUA-Insured Institution | Near Term - NT | Nearby Month | Neckline | Needs Approach | Negative Amortization | Negative Amortization Limit | Negative Arbitrage | Negative Authorization | Negative Butterfly | Negative Carry | Negative Convexity | Negative Covenant | Negative Directional Indicator - -DI | Negative Equity | Negative Gap | Negative Gearing | Negative Goodwill | Negative Growth | Negative Income Tax | Negative Obligation | Negative Pledge Clause | Negative Points | Negative Verification | Negative Volume Index - NVI | Negative Watch | Negatively Amortizing Loan | Neglected Firm Effect | Negotiable | Negotiable Certificate Of Deposit (NCD) | Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW) Account | Negotiated Dealing System - NDS | Negotiated Market | Negotiated Sale | Negotiated Underwriting | Neoclassical Economics | Neoclassical Growth Theory | Nervous Nellie | Nest Egg | Net Advantage To Leasing - NAL | Net Asset Value - NAV | Net Asset Value Per Share - NAVPS | Net Borrowed Reserves | Net Borrower | Net Cash | Net Change | Net Current Asset Value Per Share - NCAVPS | Net Debt | Net Debt Per Capita | Net Debt To Assessed Valuation | Net Debt To Estimated Valuation | Net Domestic Product - NDP | Net Exporter | Net Exports | Net Free Reserves | Net Importer | Net Income - NI | Net Income After Taxes - NIAT | Net Interest Cost (NIC) | Net Interest Income | Net Interest Margin | Net Interest Margin Securities - NIMS | Net Investment | Net Investment Income | Net Lending | Net Liquid Assets | Net Long | Net Loss | Net Margin | Net National Product - NNP | Net Operating Income - NOI | Net Operating Loss - NOL | Net Operating Profit After Tax - NOPAT | Net Operating Profit Less Adjusted Taxes - NOPLAT | Net Option Premium | Net Payoff | Net Present Value - NPV | Net Present Value Rule | Net Proceeds | Net Realizable Value - NRV | Net Receivables | Net Revenue Pledge | Net Sales | Net Settlement | Net Short | Net Tangible Assets | Net Unrealized Appreciation - NUA | Net Volume | Net Worth | Net-Net | Net-Worth Certificate | Netback | Netfile | Netscaped | Netting | Neural Network | Neutral | Neutrality Of Money | Nevada Corporation | New Economy | New Fund Offer - NFO | New Growth Theory | New Home Sales | New Indications | New Issue | New Keynesian Economics | New Paradigm | New York Board Of Trade - NYBOT | New York Clearing House Association | New York Dollar | New York Mercantile Exchange - NYMEX | New York Stock Exchange - NYSE | New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZE) .NZ | Newly Industrialized Country - NIC | Next Of Kin | Next-Day Funds | NFA Compliance Rule 2-43b | NGN | NGN (Nigerian Naira) | Niche Banks | Nick Leeson | Nifty 50 | Nigerian Scam | Night Cycle | Night Depository | Nikkei | Nil-Paid | Nine-Bond Rule | NINJA Loan | NIO | NIO (Nicaraguan Cordoba) | Nixon Shock | NMF | No Cash-Out Refinance | No Documentation Mortgage - No Doc | No Income / No Asset Mortgage - NINA | No Protest - NP | No Quote | No Transaction Fee Mutual Fund | No-Cost Mortgage | No-Fee Mortgage | No-Load Annuity | No-Load Fund | No-Load Life Insurance | No-Par Value Stock | No-Ratio Mortgage | Noise | Noise Trader | Noise Trader Risk | NOK | NOK (Norwegian Krone) | Nominal | Nominal Effective Exchange Rate - NEER | Nominal GDP | Nominal Quotation | Nominal Value | Nominal Yield | Nominal Yield Spread | Nominalism | Nominated Advisor - NOMAD | Nomination Committee | Nominee | Nominee Dividend | Nominee Interest | Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate Of Unemployment - NAIRU | Non-Accredited Investor | Non-Amortizing Loan | Non-Assessable Stock | Non-Banking Financial Company - NBFC | Non-Borrowed Reserves | Non-Capped Fund | Non-Cash Charge | Non-Client Order | Non-Compete Agreement | Non-Competition Agreement | Non-Competitive Tender | Non-Contestability Clause | Non-Controlling Interest | Non-Deliverable Forward - NDF | Non-Deliverable Swap - NDS | Non-Directed Order | Non-Disclosure Agreement - NDA | Non-Equity Option | Non-Farm Payroll | Non-Financial Asset | Non-Fluctuating | Non-GAAP Earnings | Non-Interest Income | Non-Interest-Bearing Current Liability - NIBCL | Non-Marginable Securities | Non-Marketable Security | Non-Negotiable | Non-Notification Loan | Non-Objecting Beneficial Owner - NOBO | Non-Open Market | Non-Operating Asset | Non-Operating Cash Flows | Non-Operating Expense | Non-Operating Income | Non-Owner Occupied | Non-Performing Asset (NPA) | Non-Possessory Lien | Non-Publicly Offered Mutual Fund | Non-Purpose Loan | Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation - NQDC | Non-Qualified Distribution | Non-Qualified Plan | Non-Qualified Stock Option - NSO | Non-Qualifying Investment | Non-Recourse Debt | Non-Recourse Expense | Non-Recourse Finance | Non-Refundable Tax Credit | Non-Registered Account (Canada) | Non-Renounceable Rights | Non-REO Foreclosure | Non-Resident | Non-Resident Alien | Non-Sampling Error | Non-Spouse Beneficiary Rollover | Nonaccrual Loan | Nonbank Banks | Noncallable | Noncash Item | Noncommercial Trader | Nonconforming Mortgage | Nonconvertible Currency | Noncredit Services | Noncumulative | Nondischargeable Debt | Nondiscrimination Rule | Nonelective Contribution | Nonfeasance | Nonforfeiture Clause | Noninterest Expense | Nonissuer Transaction | Nonlegal Investment | Nonmonetary Transaction | Nonpar Item | Nonparametric Statistics | Nonpassive Income And Losses | Nonperforming Asset | Nonperforming Loan - NPL | Nonperiodic Distribution | Nonpersonal Time Deposit | Nonprofit Organization | Nonrecurring Charge | Nonrenewable Resource | Nonrevolver | Nontariff Barrier | Nontaxable Distribution | Nontaxable Dividends | Nontraditional Mortgages | Noon Average Rate Contract - NARC | Noon Rate | Normal Distribution | Normal Good | Normal Market Size | Normal Profit | Normal Yield Curve | Normal-Course Issuer Bid-NCIB | Normalized Earnings | Normative Economics | North American Free Trade Agreement - NAFTA | North American Industry Classification System - NAICS | North American Loan Credit Default Swap Index - LCDX | North American Securities Administrators Association - NASAA | North Sea Brent Crude | Nostro Account | Not-Held Order | Notarize | Notary | | Note | Note Against Bond Spread - NOB | Note Auction | Note Issuance Facility - NIF | Note Notice | Notes To The Financial Statements | Notice Filing | Notice Of Assessment - NOA | Notice Of Default | Notice Of Dishonor | Notice Of Seizure | Notice Of Withdrawal | Notice To Creditors | Notional Principal Amount | Notional Value | Nova/Ursa Ratio | Novation | NPR | NPR (Nepalese Rupee) | NR6 Form | Null Hypothesis | Numeraire | Numismatics | Nuncupative Will | NY Empire State Index | NYSE Amex Composite Index | NYSE Amex Equities | NYSE Arca | NYSE Composite Index | NZD | NZD (New Zealand Dollar) | NZD/USD (New Zealand Dollar/U.S. Dollar)


O | O & NE | OAS | OASDI | OATS | OBU | OBV | OC | OCC | OCC | OCF | OCFD | OCO | OECD | OEIC | OEM | OER | OEX | OFAC | OHLC | OIBDA | OID | OIS | OMO | OMR | OMR | OMS | OPALS | OPEB | OPEC | OPEX | OPIC | OPRA | OREO | OSC | OTC | OTC | OTCBB | OTCEI | OTM | OTS | OZT | O | Obamanomics | Obligation | Obligation Bond | Obligor | Obsolescence Risk | Obsolete Inventory | Occupational Labor Mobility | Ocean Bill Of Lading | October Effect | Odd Date | Odd Lot | Odd Lot Theory | Odd Lotter | Odd-Days Interest | OEX | Off Board | Off-Balance-Sheet Financing | Off-Premise Banking | Off-The-Run Treasuries | Off-The-Run Treasury Yield Curve | Offensive Competitive Strategy | Offer | Offer In Compromise | Offering | Offering Circular | Offering Memorandum | Offering Price | Office Audit | Office Of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight - OFHEO | Office Of Foreign Asset Control - OFAC | Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency - OCC | Office Of Thrift Supervision - OTS | Official Staff Commentary | Offline Debit Card | Offset | Offset Mortgage | Offshore | Offshore Banking Unit - OBU | Offshore Mutual Fund | Offshore Portfolio Investment Strategy - OPIS | Offtake Agreement | OHLC Chart | Oil ETF | Oil Refinery | Oil Reserves | Oil Sands | Okun Gap | Okun's Law | Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Program - OASDI | Old Economy | Old Lady | Oligopoly | Oligopsony | Omega | Omnibus Account | OMR | OMR (Oman Rial) | On Account | On Stream | On Track | On-Balance Volume - OBV | On-The-Run Treasuries | On-The-Run Treasury Yield Curve | On-Us Item | One Night Stand Investment | One To Many | One-Bank Holding Company | One-Cancel-All Order | One-Cancels-the-Other Order - OCO | One-Day Certificate | One-Sided Market | One-Stop Shop | One-Third Rule | One-Touch Option | One-Way Market | One-Year Constant Maturity Treasury - 1-Year CMT | Onerous Contract | Online Banking | Online Currency Exchange | Online Trading | Ontario Securities Commission - OSC | Opco | OPEC Basket | Open | Open Ended Investment Company - OEIC | Open Interest | Open Listing | Open Market Operations - OMO | Open Offer | Open Order | Open Outcry | Open Rotation | Open-End Credit | Open-End Fund | Open-end Indenture | Open-End Indenture | Open-End Lease | Open-End Management Company | Open-Market Rate | Open-Market Transaction | Opening Bell | Opening Price | Opening Transaction | Operating Cash Flow - OCF | Operating Cash Flow Demand - OCFD | Operating Cash Flow Ratio | Operating Company/Property Company Deal - Opco/Propco Deal | Operating Earnings | Operating Expense | Operating Income | Operating Income Before Depreciation And Amortization - OIBDA | Operating Lease | Operating Leverage | Operating Margin | Operating Netback | Operating Profit | Operating Ratio | Operational Efficiency | Operational Risk | Operational Target | Opinion Shopping | Opportunity Cost | Opt-Out Plan | Opt-Out Vote | Optimization | Optimized Portfolio as Listed Securities - OPALS | Option | Option Adjustable-Rate Mortgage - Option ARM | Option Adjusted Spread - OAS | Option Agreement | Option Chain | Option Class | Option Cycle | Option Disclosure Document | Option Premium | Option Pricing Theory | Option Schedule | Option Series | Optionable Stock | Options Backdating | Options Clearing Corporation - OCC | Options Contract | Options Price Reporting Authority - OPRA | Oracle Of Omaha | Oral Will | Order | Order Audit Trail System - OATS | Order Book Official | Order Driven Market | Order Imbalance | Order Management System - OMS | Order Protection Rule | Order Splitting | Ordering Rules | Orderly Market | Ordinary And Necessary Expenses - O & NE | Ordinary Annuity | Ordinary Dividends | Ordinary Income | Ordinary Loss | Ordinary Shares | Organic Act of the Department of Labor | Organic Growth | Organic Reserve Replacement | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries - OPEC | Organized Labor | Original Cost | Original Equipment Manufacturer - OEM | Original Face | Original Issue Discount - OID | Origination | Origination Fee | Origination Points | | Oslo Stock Exchange (OSL) .OL | Ostrich | OTC Options | Other Current Assets | Other Current Liabilities | Other Long-Term Liabilities | Other Post-Employment Benefits - OPEB | Other Post-Retirement Benefits | Other Real Estate Owned - OREO | Out Of The Money - OTM | Out Trade | Out-Of-Pocket Expenses | Outlay Cost | Outperform | Outperformance Option | Outplacement | Output Gap | Outright Futures Position | Outright Option | Outside Days | Outside Director | Outside Earnings | Outside Reversal | Outsourcing | Outstanding Shares | Outward Arbitrage | Outward Direct Investment - ODI | Over And Short | Over-55 Home Sale Exemption | Over-Hedging | Over-Selling | Over-The-Counter - OTC | Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board - OTCBB | Over-The-Counter Exchange Of India - OTCEI | Over-The-Counter Market | Overadvance | Overallotment | Overbought | Overcapitalization | Overcast | Overcollateralization - OC | Overcontribution | Overdraft | Overdraft Cap | Overdraft Protection | Overextension | Overhang | Overhead | Overheated Economy | Overlapping Debt | Overlay | Overnight Delivery Risk | Overnight Index Swap | Overnight Rate | Overnight Trading | Overreaction | Overseas Private Investment Corporation - OPIC | Overshopped | Oversold | Overstay | Oversubscribed | Oversubscription Privilege | Overtrading | Overvalued | Overweight | Overwithholding | Overwrite | Overwriting | Ovoboby | Own-Occupation Policy | Owner Earnings Run Rate | Owner Financing | Owners' Equivalent Rent - OER


P | P&L | P&S | P2P | PA | PAB | PAB | PAB | PAR | PBGC | PBO | PBV | PCA | PCAOB | PCD | PCE, PCEPI | PCP | PCV | PCX | PDCF | PDF | PE | PE | PEACS | PEFCO | PEG | PEGY | PEN | PEN | PEP | PERC | PERCS | PFE | PFIC | PGK | PGK | PHLX | PHP | PHP | PHSI | PIK | PIN | PINES | PIPE | PK | PKR | PKR | PLAM | PLC | PLN | PLN | PLR | PMI | PMI | PO | POD | POF | POP | POP | PPA | PPE | PPF | PPI | PPIP | PPIPLA | PPN | PPO | PPOP | PPP | PRAS | PRIDES | PSA | PSAF | PSR | PTBV | PTP | PUD | PVBP | PVI | PVIF | PVIFA | PYG | PYG | P | P To P (Peer To Peer) or (Path To Profitability) | P-Value | P/E 10 Ratio | P/E 30 Ratio | PAB | PAB (Panamanian Balboa) | Pac Man | Pac-Man Defense | Pacific Exchange - PCX | Package Deal | Paid In Capital | Paid-Up | Paid-Up Capital | Painting The Tape | Paired Shares | Pairing Off | Pairoff | Pairs Trade | Pale Recession | Palisades Water Index | Palladium | Panel Bank | Panic Buying | Panic Selling | Paper Dealer | Paper Millionaire | Paper Money | Paper Profit (Paper Loss) | Paper Trade | Par | Par Value | Par Yield Curve | Parabolic Indicator | Parallel Loan | Paraplanning | Parent Company | Pareto Analysis | Pareto Efficiency | Pareto Improvement | Pareto Principle | Pari-passu | Paris Club | Paris Hilton Stock Index | Paris Stock Exchange (PAR) .PA | Parity | Parity Bond | Parity Price | Parking | Parking Violation | Parsonage Allowance | Partial Redemption | Partial Release | Partially Convertible Debenture - PCD | Participating Convertible Preferred Share - PCP | Participating Policy | Participating Preferred Stock | Participation Rate | Participatory Notes | Partnership | Pass-Through Certificate | Pass-Through Rate | Pass-Through Security | Passbook Loan | Passive Activity | Passive Activity Loss Rules | Passive ETF | Passive Foreign Investment Company - PFIC | Passive Income | Passive Investing | Passive Loss | Passive Management | Past Due | Past Due Balance Method | Past Service | Patent | Patent Reexamination | Patent Share | Patent Troll | Path Dependency | Path Dependent Option | Pathfinder Prospectus | Patronage Dividend | | Pay Czar | Pay Czar Clause | Pay To Bearer | Pay To Order | Pay Yourself First | Pay/Collect | Payable On Death - POD | Payable Through Draft | Payback Period | Paycation | Payday Loan | Paydown | Paydown Factor | Payee | Payer | Paying Agent | Payment | Payment Date | Payment For Order Flow | Payment In Kind Bonds | Payment In-Kind - PIK | Payment Option ARM | Payment Option ARM Minimum Payment | Payment Shock | Payoff Statement | Payout | Payout Phase | Payout Ratio | PayPal | Payroll Card | Payroll Deduction Plan | Payroll Tax | Peak | Peak Debt | Peak Oil | Pearson Coefficient | Peer Perform | Peer-To-Peer Lending (P2P) | PEG Payback Period | Pegging | PEN | PEN (Peruvian Nuevo Sol) | Penalty Bid | Pending Home Sales Index - PHSI | Pennant | Penny Stock | Pension Adjustment - PA | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation - PBGC | Pension Benefit Obligation - PBO | Pension Fund | Pension Maximization | Pension Pillar | Pension Plan | Pension Plan Administrator | Pension Protection Act Of 2006 - PPA | Pension Shortfall | Pent Up Demand | People Pill | Per Capita | Per Capita GDP | Per Diem Interest | Per Diem Payments | Per Share Basis | Per Stirpes | Percentage Depletion | | Perfect Competition | Perfect Hedge | Perfect Title | Perfected Lien | Performance Audit | Performance Bond | Performance Drag | Performance Index Paper - PIP | Performance Shares | Performance-Based Compensation | Performance-Based Index | Period Certain | Periodic Interest Rate | Periodic Interest Rate Cap | Periodic Inventory | Periodic Payment Plan | Periodic Payment Plan Certificate | Permanent Capital Vehicle - PCV | Permanent Life Insurance | Permanent Portfolio | Permissible Non-Bank Activities | Perp Walk | Perpetual Bond | Perpetual Inventory | Perpetual Option - XPO | Perpetual Preferred Stock | Perpetuity | Personal Consumption Expenditures - PCE | Personal Equity Plan - PEP | Personal Exemption | Personal Finance | Personal Identification Number - PIN | Personal Income | Personal Income And Outlays | Personal Interest | Personal Property | Personal Trust | Personal Use Property | Personal-Service Activity | Personal-Service Corporation | Peter Lynch | Peter Principle | Petrodollars | Petty Cash | Pfandbriefe | PGK | PGK (Papua New Guinea Kina) | Phantom Gain | Phantom Income | Phantom Stock Plan | Phased Retirement | Phases Of Retirement | Phi Ellipses | Philadelphia Fed Survey | Philadelphia Federal Index | Philadelphia Semiconductor Index - SOX | Philadelphia Stock Exchange - PHLX | Philanthropy | Philip Fisher | Phillips Curve | PHLX Housing Sector Index - HGX | PHP | PHP (Philippine Peso) | Physical Asset | Physical Delivery | Physical Option | Physical-Presence Test | Pick-Up Tax | Pickup | Piercing Pattern | Pig | Piggy Back Registration | Piggyback Mortgage | Piggyback Registration Rights | Piggyback Warrants | Pigou Effect | Pigovian Tax | Pilot Fishing | Pin Risk | Pink Sheets | Pink Slip Party | Pinning the Strike | Piotroski Score | Pip | Pip-Squeak Pop | Pipeline | Pipeline Theory | Pit | Pitchbook | Pivot | Pivot Point | PKR | PKR (Pakistani Rupee) | Placed In Service | Placement | Placement Ratio | Plain Vanilla | Plan Participant | Plan Sponsor | Planned Amortization Class (PAC) Tranche | Planned Obsolescence | Planned Urban Development - PUD | Platinum | Platykurtic | Platykurtosis | Play | Plaza Accord | Pledge Fund | Pledged Asset | Pledging Requirement | PLN | PLN (Polish Zloty) | Plowback Ratio | Plunge Team | PLUS Loan | Plus Tick | Plutonomy | Point & Figure Chart | Point Balance | Point of Purchase - POP | Point-Of-Sale Terminal | Points | Poison Pill | Poisson Distribution | Polarized Fractal Efficiency - PFE | Policy Loan | Political Futures | Political Risk | Polynomial Trending | Ponzi Mania | Ponzi Scheme | Ponzimonium | Pool Factor | Pooled Cost Of Funds | Pooled Funds | Pooled Income Fund | Pooling Of Interests | Poop | Poop And Scoop | Pop-Up Option | Pork Bellies | Pork Chop | Pork-Barrel Politics | Portable Alpha | Portable Benefits | Porter's 5 Forces | Portfolio | Portfolio Income | Portfolio Insurance | Portfolio Lender | Portfolio Management | Portfolio Manager | Portfolio Margin | Portfolio Plan | Portfolio Pumping | Portfolio Return | Portfolio Runoff | Portfolio Turnover | Portfolio Weight | Position | Position Limit | Position Sizing | Position Trader | Positive Authorization | Positive Butterfly | Positive Carry | Positive Directional Indicator - +DI | Positive Economics | Positive Pay | Positive Volume Index - PVI | Post-Modern Portfolio Theory - PMPT | Post-Money Valuation | Post-Retirement Risk | Post-Trade Processing | Postdated | Posted Price | Posterior Probability | Postnuptial Agreement | Pot | Pot Is Clean | Pour-Over Will | Poverty | Power Of Attorney | Power of Attorney of Property | Power Ratio | Pre-Approval | Pre-arranged Trading | Pre-Encashable Deposit | Pre-Existing Condition | Pre-Funded Bond | Pre-IPO Placement | Pre-Market | Pre-Money Valuation | Pre-Provision Operating Profit - PPOP | Pre-Qualification | Pre-Refunding Bond | Pre-Settlement Risk | Pre-Syndicate Bid | Pre-Tax Contribution | Pre-Tax Operating Income - PTOI | Precious Metals | Precision Score | Predatory Dumping | Predatory Lending | Preemptive Right | Preference Equity Redemption Cumulative Stock - PERCS | Preferred Dividend | Preferred Dividend Coverage Ratio | Preferred Equity Redemption Stock - PERC | Preferred Habitat Theory | Preferred Provider Organization â€" PPO | Preferred Redeemable Increased Dividend Equity Security - PRIDES | Preferred Stock | Preliminary Prospectus | Premature Distribution | Premium | Premium Adjustable Convertible Security - PEACS | Premium Bond | Premium Put Convertible | Premium To Net Asset Value | Prenuptial Agreement | Prepackaged Bankruptcy | Prepaid Expense | Prepaid Interest | Prepaid Tuition Program | Prepayment | Prepayment Model | Prepayment Penalty | Prepayment Risk | Prepetition Liability | Present Situation Index | Present Value - PV | Present Value Interest Factor - PVIF | Present Value Interest Factor Of Annuity - PVIFA | Present Value Of An Annuity | Preservation Of Capital | Presidential Election Cycle (Theory) | Press Release | Previous Balance Method | Previous Close | Price Action | Price Basing | Price By Volume Chart - PBV | Price Channel | Price Continuity | Price Creep | Price Discovery | Price Discrimination | Price Elasticity Of Demand | Price Fixing | Price Improvement | Price Inflation | Price Level | Price Level Adjusted Mortgage - PLAM | Price Level Targeting | Price Maker | Price Multiple | Price Protection | Price Ratchet | Price Rate Of Change - ROC | Price Rigging | Price Risk | Price Skimming | Price Stickiness | Price Swap Derivative | Price Talk | Price Target | Price Tension | Price to Free Cash Flow | Price to Tangible Book Value - PTBV | Price Transparency | Price Value of a Basis Point - PVBP | Price-Based Option | Price-Earnings Ratio - P/E Ratio | Price-Earnings Relative | Price-Taker | Price-To-Book Ratio - P/B Ratio | Price-To-Cash-Flow Ratio | Price-To-Innovation-Adjusted Earnings | Price-To-Research Ratio | Price-To-Sales Ratio - Price/Sales | Price-Weighted Index | Price/Earnings To Growth - PEG Ratio | Price/Earnings to Growth and Dividend Yield - PEGY Ratio | Price/Growth Flow | Pricing Power | Primary Beneficiary | Primary Business Purpose | Primary Dealer | Primary Dealer Credit Facility - PDCF | Primary Market | Primary Mortgage Market | Primary Offering | Primary Regulator | Primary Reserves | Prime | Prime Bank | Prime Brokerage | Prime Conforming | Prime Rate | Prime Underwriting Facility | Priming Loan | Principal | Principal Only Strips - PO | Principal Orders | Principal Place Of Business | Principal Private Residence (Canada) | Principal Residence | Principal, Interest, Taxes, Insurance - PITI | Principal-Protected Note - PPN | Print | Prior Lien | Prior Probability | | Private Activity Bond - PAB | Private Annuity | Private Banking | Private Company | Private Conduit | Private Equity | Private Export Funding Corporation - PEFCO | Private Finance Initiative - PFI | Private Foundation | Private Investment Fund | Private Investment in Public Equity - PIPE | Private Letter Ruling - PLR | Private Mortgage Insurance - PMI | Private Placement | Private Purchase | Private Purpose Bond | Private Sector Adjustment Factor - PSAF | Private-Label Credit | Privatization | Pro Bono | Pro Forma | Pro-Forma Earnings | Pro-Rata | Pro-Rata Tranche | Pro-Tanto | Probability Density Function - PDF | Probability Distribution | Probable Reserves | Probate | Problem Child | Problem Loan | Problem Loan Ratio | Procurement | Procyclic | Producer Price Index - PPI | Producer Surplus | Product Differentiation | Product Recall | Production Credit Association - PCA | Production Efficiency | Production Externality | Production Gap | Production Possibility Frontier - PPF | Productivity | Productivity And Costs | Profit | Profit and Loss Statement - P&L | Profit Before Tax - PBT | Profit Center | Profit Margin | Profit Motive | Profit Range | Profit Taking | Profit Warning | Profit-Sharing Plan | Profit/Loss Ratio | Profitability Index | Profitability Ratios | Program Trading | Progressive Tax | Project Completion Restriction | Project Finance | Project Notes | Promissory Note | Promoter | Proof Of Deposit - POD | Proof Of Funds - POF | Prop Shop | Propco | Property | Property Derivative | Property Dividend | Property Inventory | Property Rights | Property Tax | Property Tax Deduction | Property, Plant And Equipment - PP&E | Proportional Spread | Proportional Tax | Proprietary Technology | Proprietary Trading | Proration | ProShares | Prospect Theory | Prospectus | Protected Fund | Protectionism | Protective Stop | Protest Divestment | Proved Reserves | Proven reserves | Provincial Parental Insurance Plan - PPIP | Provision | Provisional Call Feature | Provisional Income | Proxy | Proxy Directive | Proxy Fight | Proxy Materials | Proxy Statement | Proxy Tax | Prudent-Person Rule | Public | Public Book (Of Orders) | Public Company | Public Company Accounting Oversight Board - PCAOB | Public Elevator | Public Income Notes - PINES | Public Limited Company - PLC | Public Offering | Public Offering Price - POP | Public Purpose Bond | Public Sector Net Borrowing | Public Securities Association Standard Prepayment Model - PSA | Public Unit Account | Public-Private Investment Program - PPIP | Public-Private Investment Program For Legacy Assets - PPIPLA | Publicly Traded Partnership - PTP | Pujo Committee | Puke | Pullback | Pump And Dump | Pump Priming | Punitive Damages | Punt | Punter | Purchase Acquisition | Purchase And Assumption - P&A | Purchase and Resale Agreements - PRAs | Purchase And Sale Statement - P&S | Purchase Fund | Purchase Mortgage Market | Purchase Price | Purchase-Money Mortgage | Purchasing Managers' Index - PMI | Purchasing Power | Purchasing Power Parity - PPP | Pure Discount Instrument | Pure Play | Pure Risk | Pure Yield Pickup Swap | Push On A String | Put | Put Bond | Put Calendar | Put Option | Put Ratio Backspread | Put Warrant | Put-Call Parity | Put-Call Ratio | Puttable Common Stock | PYG | PYG (Paraguay Guarani) | Pyramid Scheme | Pyramiding |


Q | QAE | QAR | QDII | QDRO | QIB | QIP | QOMX | QOQ | QPAI | QPSA | QQQ | QRP | QSD | QSR | QTD | QTIP | QUIPS | Q | Q Ratio (Tobin's Q ratio) | QAR (Qatari Riyal) | QQQQ | Qstick Indicator | Quadrix | Quadruple Witching | Qualification Ratio | Qualified Acquisition Cost | Qualified Adoption Expenses - QAE | Qualified Automatic Contribution Arrangements - QACAs | Qualified Charitable Organization | Qualified Disclaimer | Qualified Distribution | Qualified Dividend | Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor - QDII | Qualified Domestic Relations Order - QDRO | Qualified Electric Vehicle | Qualified Eligible Participant - QEP | Qualified Higher Education Expense | Qualified Institutional Buyer - QIB | Qualified Institutional Placement - QIP | Qualified Joint And Survivor Annuity - QJSA | Qualified Mortgage Insurance Premium | Qualified Opinion | Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity - QPSA | Qualified Production Activities Income - QPAI | Qualified Retirement Plan (Qualified Plan) | Qualified Savings Bond | Qualified Special Representative Agreement - QSR | Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) Trust | Qualified Trust | Qualified Widow Or Widower | Qualifying Annuity | Qualifying Disposition | Qualifying Domestic Trust - QDOT | Qualifying Investment | Qualifying Ratios | Qualitative Analysis | Quality Of Earnings | Quality Of Life | Quality Spread Differential - QSD | Quant Fund | Quantitative Analysis | Quantitative Easing | Quantity Demanded | Quantity Supplied | Quantity Theory Of Money | Quantity-Adjusting Option - Quanto Option | Quanto Swap | Quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) | Quarter On Quarter - QOQ | Quarter To Date - QTD | Quarterly Earnings Report | Quarterly Income Preferred Securities - QUIPS | Quarterly Revenue Growth | Quarterly Services Survey | Quartile | Quasi-Public Corporation | Questioned Document Investigation | Quick Assets | Quick Ratio | Quick-Rinse Bankruptcy | Quid Pro Quo | Quiet Filing | Quiet Period | Quiet Title | Quintiles | Quitclaim Deed | Quorum | Quota | Quotation | Quote | Quote Currency | Quote Driven Market


R | R&D | RAL | RAN | RAR | RAROC | RBC CASH | RBI | RCB | RCN | REC | REDS | REER | REFCORP | REIT | RELO | RELP | REMIC | REO | REOC | RESP | REVPAR | REVPOR | RFP | RFRP | RHS | RIA | RIBS | RIC | ROA | ROAA | ROAE | ROC | ROCE | ROE | ROFO | ROGIC | ROI | ROIC | RON | RONA | RONIC | ROP | ROR | RORAC | ROS | ROTA | RPI | RPI | RPL | RPM | RPP | RPU | RR | RRIF | RRR | RRSP | RS | RSD | RSI | RTGS | RTN | RTTC | RUB | RUF | RVI | RVP | RW | RWA | R | R-Squared | Rabbi Trust | Raider | Rain Check | Rainbow Option | Rainmaker | Raintaker | Rally | Ralph Wanger | Ramp Up | Random Factor Analysis | Random Walk Theory | Range | Range Accrual | Range-Bound Trading | Rate And Term Refinance | Rate Anticipation Swap | Rate Level Risk | Rate Of Change | Rate Of Return | Rate Trigger | Rate-Improvement Mortgage | Rating | Ratings Service | Ratio Analysis | Ratio Call Write | Ratio Spread | Rational Behavior | Rational Expectations Theory | Rational Pricing | Rationalization | Raw Materials | Razor-Razorblade Model | RBC Consumer Attitudes And Spending By Household Index - RBC CASH Index | Re-Offer Price | Reaction | Reaffirmation | Reaganomics | Real Asset | Real Body | Real Economic Growth Rate | Real Effective Exchange Rate - REER | Real Estate | Real Estate Agent | Real Estate Investment Group | Real Estate Investment Trust - REIT | Real Estate Limited Partnership - RELP | Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit - REMIC | Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits - REMIC | Real Estate Operating Company - REOC | Real Estate Owned - REO | Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act - RESPA | Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) | Real Income | Real Interest Rate | Real Option | Real Property | Real Rate Of Return | Real Time | Real Time Forex Trading | Real Time Gross Settlement - RTGS | Real-Time Quote | Real-Time Trade Reporting | Realization Multiple | Realized Gain | Realized Loss | Realized Yield | Reallowance | Realtor | Reassessment | Rebalancing | Rebate | Rebate Barrier Option | Rebound | Recapitalization | Recapture | Recareering | Recast Trigger | Receivables | Receivables Turnover Ratio | Receive Versus Payment - RVP | Receiver | Receivership | Recession | Recession Proof | Recession Resistant | Recession Rich | Recessionary Gap | Recessionista | Recessionship | Recharacterization | Reciprocal Statutes | Reclassification | Recognition Lag | Recognized Gain | Recognized Loss | Recompense | Reconciliation | Reconstitution | Reconstruction Finance Corporation - RFC | Reconversion | Record Date | Record High | Record Low | Recording Fee | Recoupling | Recoverable Reserves | Recovery Property | Rectangle | Recurring Debt | Recurring Revenue | Red | Red Candlestick | Red Chip | Red Clause Letter Of Credit | Red Flag | | Redemption | Redemption Fee | Redemption Mechanism | Redemption Suspension | Redenomination | Redeposit | Rediscount | Redlining | Reduced Spread | Reference Asset | Reference Base Period | Reference Rate | Refi Bubble | Refinance | Refinance Wave | Refinancing Risk | Reflation | Reflexivity | Refund | Refundable Credit | Refunded Bond | Refunding | | Regional Fund | Regional Stock Exchange | Register | Register Of Deeds | Registered Bond | Registered Education Savings Plan - RESP | Registered Investment Advisor - RIA | Registered Options Principal - ROP | Registered Options Trader | Registered Pension Plan - RPP | Registered Principal | Registered Representative - RR | Registered Retirement Income Fund - RRIF | Registered Retirement Savings Plan - RRSP | Registered Retirement Savings Plan Contribution - RRSP Contribution | Registered Retirement Savings Plan Deduction - RRSP Deduction | Registered Retirement Savings Plan Deduction Limit - RRSP Deduction Limit | Registered Security | Registrar | Registration | Registration Right | Regression | Regressive Tax | Regret Theory | Regular-Way Trade - RW | Regulated Investment Company - RIC | Regulation 9 | Regulation A - Reg A | Regulation AA | Regulation B | Regulation BB | Regulation C | Regulation CC | Regulation D - Reg D | Regulation DD | Regulation E | Regulation EE | Regulation F | Regulation Fair Disclosure - Reg FD | Regulation G | Regulation H | Regulation I | Regulation J | Regulation K | Regulation L | Regulation M | Regulation N | Regulation NMS | Regulation O | Regulation P | Regulation Q | Regulation R | Regulation SHO | Regulation T - Reg T | Regulation U | Regulation V | Regulation W | Regulation X | Regulation Y | Regulation Z | Regulatory Accounting Principles - RAP | Regulatory Asset | Regulatory Risk | Rehypothecation | Reimbursable Out-Of-Pocket Costs | Reimbursement Plan | Reinstatement | Reinsurance | Reinsurance Sidecar | Reintermediation | Reinvestment | Reinvestment Rate | Reinvestment Risk | Reinvoicing Center | REIT ETF | Related-Party Transaction | Relationship Banking | Relationship Test | Relative Purchase Power Parity | Relative Return | Relative Strength | Relative Strength Index - RSI | Relative Vigor Index - RVI | Relevant Cost | Reload Option | Reloading | Relocation Mortgage - Relo | Remainder Man | Remargining | Remeasurement | Remittance | Remittance Float | Remittance Letter | Remote Disbursement | Remuneration | Renationalization | Renegotiated Loan | Renewable Energy Certificate - REC | Renewable Resource | Renewable Term | Renko Chart | Renounceable Right | Rent To Own | Rent-A-Crowd | Rent-An-Employee | Rent-Seeking | Rental Pool | Reorganization | Repackaging | Repatriable | Repatriation | Reperforming Loan - RPL | Replacement Cost | Replacement Property | Replacement Risk | Report of Condition and Income | Reporting Currency | Reporting Level | Reprice | Repricing Opportunity | Reproduction Cost | Repudiation | Repurchase Agreement - Repo | Required Beginning Date - RBD | Required Cash | Required Minimum Distribution - RMD | Required Rate Of Return (RRR) | Required Yield | Requisitioned Property | Rescaled Range Analysis | Rescission | Research And Development (R&D) Expenses | Research And Development - R&D | Research Note | Reservable Deposit | Reserve Bank of Australia | Reserve Bank Of India - RBI | Reserve Bank of New Zealand | Reserve City Bank | Reserve Currency | Reserve Fund | Reserve Maintenance Period | Reserve Ratio | Reserve Requirements | Reserve Tranche | Reserve-Replacement Ratio | Reserves to Production Ratio | Reset Margin | Resident Alien | Residential Mortgage-Backed Security (RMBS) | Residential Rental Property | Residual Income | Residual Interest | Residual Interest Bonds - RIBS | Residual Security | Residual Standard Deviation | Residual Value | Resistance (Resistance Level) | Resolution Funding Corporation - REFCORP | Respite Care | Response Lag | Restatement | Restaurant Performance Index - RPI | Restitution Payments | Restricted Asset | Restricted Market | Restricted Stock | Restrictive Covenant | Restructuring | Retail Banking | Retail Credit Facility | Retail Fund | Retail Investor | Retail Lender | Retail Note | Retail Price Index - RPI | Retail Sales | Retained Cash Flow - RCP | Retained Earnings | Retender | Retention Ratio | Retention Tax | Retired Securities | Retirement Contribution | Retirement of Securities | Retirement Planner | Retirement Planning | Retirement Readiness | Retracement | Retract | Retractable Bond | Retractable Preferred Shares | Retroactive Interest Rate Increase | Retrocession | Return | Return Of Capital | Return On Assets - ROA | Return On Average Assets - ROAA | Return On Average Equity - ROAE | Return On Capital Employed - ROCE | Return On Capital Gains | Return On Debt - ROD | Return On Equity - ROE | Return On Gross Invested Capital - ROGIC | Return On Innovation Investment | Return On Invested Capital - ROIC | Return On Investment - ROI | Return On Net Assets - RONA | Return On New Invested Capital - RONIC | Return On Retained Earnings - RORE | Return On Revenue - ROR | Return On Risk-Adjusted Capital - RORAC | Return On Sales - ROS | Return On Total Assets - ROTA | Return Protection | Returnment | Reuters | Revaluation | Revaluation Rates | Revaluation Reserve | Revdex | Revenue | Revenue Act Of 1862 | Revenue Agent | Revenue Agent's Report - RAR | Revenue Anticipation Note - RAN | Revenue Bond | Revenue Deficit | Revenue Generating Unit - RGU | Revenue Officer | Revenue Per Available Room - RevPAR | Revenue Per Employee | Revenue Per Occupied Room - RevPOR | Revenue Per User - RPU | Revenue Recognition | Revenue Ruling | Revenue Seat Miles - RPM | Reversal | Reversal Amount | Reverse Auction | Reverse Calendar Spread | Reverse Conversion | Reverse Convertible Bond - RCB | Reverse Convertible Note - RCN | Reverse Exchange | Reverse Leveraged Buyout | Reverse Mortgage | Reverse Repurchase Agreement | Reverse Stock Split | Reverse Survivorship Bias | Reverse Swap | Reverse Takeover - RTO | Reverse Triangular Merger | Reverse/Forward Stock Split | Reversionary Annuities | Revertible | Revlon Rule | Revocable Beneficiary | Revocable Trust | Revoked IRA | Revolving Account | Revolving Credit | Revolving Underwriting Facility - RUF | REX Agreement | Reykjavik Interbank Offered Rate - REIBOR | Rho | RHS Loan | Riba | Ricardian Equivalence | Ricardo-Barro Effect | Rider | Riding the Yield Curve | Rig Utilization Rate | Right Of First Offer | Right Of First Refusal | Right Of Redemption | Right Of Rescission | Rights | Rights of Accumulation - ROA | Rights Offering (Issue) | Ring Fence | Ringfencing | Rings | Rio Hedge | Rio Trade | Ripple | Rising Bottom | Rising Three Methods | Risk | Risk Analysis | Risk Arbitrage | Risk Averse | Risk Capital | Risk Discount | Risk Graph | Risk Lover | Risk Management | Risk Measures | Risk Neutral | Risk Of Ruin | Risk Premium | Risk Reversal | Risk Tolerance | Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio | Risk-Adjusted Return | Risk-Adjusted Return On Capital - RAROC | Risk-Based Capital Requirement | Risk-Based Haircut | Risk-Based Mortgage Pricing | Risk-Free Asset | Risk-Free Rate Of Return | Risk-Free Rate Puzzle - RFRP | Risk-Free Return | Risk-Return Tradeoff | Risk-Weighted Assets | Risk/Reward Ratio | Riskless Principal | Riskless Society | Rival Good | Road Show | Robber Barons | Robust | Rocket Scientist | Rogue Trader | Roll Back | Roll Down | Roll Forward | Roll In | Roll Up | Roll Yield | Roll's Critique | Roll-Down Return | Rollercoaster Swap | Rolling EPS | Rolling Hedge | Rolling Returns | Rolling Settlement | Rollout | Rollover | Rollover Mortgage | Rollover Risk | RON (Romanian New Leu) | Rose-Colored Recession | Roth 401(k) | Roth IRA | Roth IRA Conversion | Round Lot | Round Trip Transaction Costs | Round-Trip Trading | Rounding Bottom | Rounding Top | Routing Transit Number - RTN | Royalty | Royalty Income Trust | Royalty Interest | Royalty Units | RSD (Serbian Dinar) | RUB (Russian Ruble) | Rubber Check | Rule 10b-18 | Rule 10b-5 | Rule 144 | Rule 144A | Rule 147 | Rule 72(t) | Rule Of 18 | Rule Of 70 | Rule Of 72 | Rule Of 78 | Rules Of Fair Practice | Rumortrage | Rump | Run | Run On The Fund | Run Rate | Runaway Gap | Runner | Running Yield | Runoff | Runs Test | Rural Housing Service - RHS | Russell 1000 Index | Russell 2000 Index | Russell 2500 Index | Russell 3000 Growth Index | Russell 3000 Index | Russell 3000 Value Index | Russell Microcap Index | Russell Midcap Index | Russell Small Cap Completeness Index | Russell Top 200 Index | Russell Top 50 Index | Russia ETF | Russian Option | Rust Bowl


S | S | S&P | SAAR | SABB | SAM | SAP | SAR | SAR | SAR | SARSEP | SB20 | SBD | SBD | SBWEI | SCM | SCR | SCR | SDD | SDD | SDP | SDP | SDR | SEBI | SEC | SEDAR | SEDOL | SEK | SEK | SEP | SEPP | SET | SEZ | SFAC | SFAS | SFPDS | SG&A | SGD | SGD | SGR | SGX | SHP | SHP | SHZ | SIBOR | SIC | SICAV | SIFMA | SIMPLE | SIPC | SIPS | SIRA | SIT | SIT | SIV | SKK | SKU | SLL | SLR | SMA | SMA | SMB | SME | SML | SNIF | SOES | SOMC | SOS | SOSLP | SOW | SOX | SOX | SPA | SPAC | SPAN | SPARQS | SPCSUSA | SPDA | SPDR | SPOT | SPRA | SPURS | SPV | SPX | SRA | SRD | SRI | SRO | SSA | SSE | SSF | SSI | SSN | SSO | SSP | SSU | STAIRS | STAMP | STARC | STD | STIBOR | STIF | STP | STRIPE | STRIPS | STRYPES | SVA | SVC | SVT | SWF | SWORD | SWOT | SWP | SYP | SZL | S | S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats | S&P 500 Mini | S&P 500/Citigroup Growth Index | S&P 500/Citigroup Value Index | S&P Core Earnings | S&P MidCap 400 Index | S&P Phenomenon | S&P/ASX 200 Index | S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indexes | S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index | S&P/Citigroup Broad Market Index (BMI) Global | S&P/Citigroup Broad Market Index (BMI) Global Ex-U.S. | S&P/TSX Composite Index | S-3 Filing | S-8 Filing | Sacrifice Ratio | Safe Asset | Safe Deposit Box | Safe Harbor | Safekeeping | Saitori | Salad Oil Scandal | Salary Freeze | Salary Reduction Contribution | Salary Reduction Simplified Employee Pension Plan - SARSEP | Sale | Sale and Repurchase Agreement - SRA | Sales And Purchase Agreement - SPA | Sales Charge | Sales Per Share | Sales Per Square Foot | Sales Tax | Sales to Cash Flow Ratio | Sallie Mae - Student Loan Marketing Association | Salomon Brothers | Salomon Brothers World Equity Index - SBWEI | Salvage Value | Same Property Rule | Same Store Sales | Same-Day Funds | Same-Day Substitution | Sample | Sample Selection Bias | Sampling | Sampling Distribution | Sampling Error | | Sandbag | Sanku (Three Gaps) Pattern | Santa Claus Rally | Santiago Stock Exchange (SSE) .SN | Sao Paolo Stock Exchange (SAO) .SA | SAR (Saudi Riyal) | Sarbanes-Oxley Act Of 2002 - SOX | Saturday Night Special | Saucer | Saver's Tax Credit | Savings | Savings Account | Savings And Loan Crisis - S&L | Savings Club | Savings Incentive Match Plan For Employees Of Small Employers - SIMPLE | SBD | SBD (Solomon Islands Dollar) | SBO-401(k) | Scalability | Scale In | Scale Order | Scale Out | Scalpers | Scalping | Scarcity | Scenario Analysis | Schedule 13D | Schedule 13E-4 | Schedule 13E-4F | Schedule 13G | Schedule 14C | Schedule 14D-9 | Schedule 14D-9F | Schedule A | Schedule D | Schedule I Bank | Schedule II Bank | Schedule TO-C | Schedule TO-I | Schedule TO-T | Scheduled Recast | Scope | Scorched Earth Policy | SCR | SCR (Seychelles Rupee) | Scrap Paper | Scrip | Scripophily | SDD | SDD (Sudanese Dinar) | SDP | SDP (Sudanese Pound) | Seagull Option | Seasonal Adjustment | Seasonal Credit | Seasonality | Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate - SAAR | Seasoned Issue | Seasoned Security | Seasons | Seat | SEC DEL AM Filing | SEC Fee | SEC Form 1 | SEC Form 1-A | SEC Form 1-E | SEC Form 1-N | SEC Form 10 | SEC Form 10-12B | SEC Form 10-12G | SEC Form 10-C | SEC Form 10-D | SEC Form 10-K405 | SEC Form 10-KSB | SEC Form 10-KSB405 | SEC Form 10-KT | SEC Form 10-KT405 | SEC Form 10-Q | SEC Form 10-QSB | SEC Form 10-QT | SEC Form 10-SB | SEC Form 10SB12B | SEC Form 11-K | SEC Form 11-KT | SEC Form 12b-25 | SEC Form 15 | SEC Form 15-12B | SEC Form 15-12G | SEC Form 15-15D | SEC Form 15F | SEC Form 17-H | SEC Form 18 | SEC Form 18-12B | SEC Form 18-12G | SEC Form 18-K | SEC Form 19b-4 | SEC Form 19b-4(e) | SEC Form 19b-7 | SEC Form 2-A | SEC Form 2-E | SEC Form 20-F | SEC Form 20FR12B | SEC Form 20FR12G | SEC Form 24F-1 | SEC Form 24F-2 | SEC Form 24F-2EL | SEC Form 24F-2NT | SEC Form 25 | SEC Form 26 | SEC Form 305B2 | SEC Form 35-APP | SEC Form 35-CERT | SEC Form 40-F | SEC Form 424A | SEC Form 424B1 | SEC Form 424B2 | SEC Form 424B3 | SEC Form 424B4 | SEC Form 424B5 | SEC Form 425 | SEC Form 45B-3 | SEC Form 485A24E | SEC Form 485A24F | SEC Form 487 | SEC Form 497 | SEC Form 497K1 | SEC Form 6-K | SEC Form 8-A | SEC Form 8-A12B | SEC Form 8-A12G | SEC Form 8-B12B | SEC Form 8-B12G | SEC Form 8-K12G3 | SEC Form 8-K15D5 | SEC Form 8A12BEF | SEC Form 8A12BT | SEC Form ADV | SEC Form ADV-E | SEC Form ADV-H | SEC Form ADV-NR | SEC Form ADV-W | SEC Form ARS | SEC Form ATS | SEC Form ATS-R | SEC Form AW | SEC Form BD | SEC Form BDW | SEC Form CA-1 | SEC Form CB | SEC Form D | SEC Form DEF 14A | SEC Form DEF13E3 | SEC Form DEFA14A | SEC Form DEFA14C | SEC Form DEFM14A | SEC Form DEFM14C | SEC Form DEFN14A | SEC Form DEFR14A | SEC Form DEFR14C | SEC Form DEFS14A | SEC Form DEFS14C | SEC Form DFAN14A | SEC Form DFRN14A | SEC Form F-1 | SEC Form F-10 | SEC Form F-3 | SEC Form F-4 | SEC Form F-6 | SEC Form F-6EF | SEC Form F-7 | SEC Form F-8 | SEC Form F-80 | SEC Form F-9 | SEC Form F-N | SEC Form F-X | SEC Form MSD | SEC Form N-14 | SEC Form N-14AE | SEC Form N-17D-1 | SEC Form N-17f-1 | SEC Form N-17f-2 | SEC Form N-18f-1 | SEC Form N-1A | SEC Form N-2 | SEC Form N-23c-3 | SEC Form N-27D-1 | SEC Form N-27E-1 | SEC Form N-27F-1 | SEC Form N-3 | SEC Form N-30B-2 | SEC Form N-30D | SEC Form N-4 | SEC Form N-5 | SEC Form N-54A | SEC Form N-54C | SEC Form N-6 | SEC Form N-6EI-1 | SEC Form N-6F | SEC Form N-8A | SEC Form N-8B-2 | SEC Form N-8B-4 | SEC Form N-8F | SEC Form N-CSR | SEC Form N-PX | SEC Form N-Q | SEC Form N-SAR | SEC Form NSAR-A | SEC Form NSAR-AT | SEC Form NSAR-B | SEC Form NSAR-BT | SEC Form NSAR-U | SEC Form NT 10-K | SEC Form NT 10-Q | SEC Form NT 11-K | SEC Form NT-NSAR | SEC Form NT15D2 | SEC Form PILOT | SEC Form PRE 14A | SEC Form PRE 14C | SEC Form PRE13E3 | SEC Form PREC14A | SEC Form PREC14C | SEC Form PREM14A | SEC Form PREM14C | SEC Form PRER14A | SEC Form PRER14C | SEC Form PRES14A | SEC Form PRES14C | SEC Form PRRN14A | SEC Form PX14A6G | SEC Form R31 | SEC Form S-1 | SEC Form S-11 | SEC Form S-2 | SEC Form S-20 | SEC Form S-3 | SEC Form S-3D | SEC Form S-4 | SEC Form S-4EF | SEC Form S-6 | SEC Form S-8 | SEC Form SB-1 | SEC Form SB-2 | SEC Form SP15D2 | SEC Form T-1 | SEC Form T-2 | SEC Form T-3 | SEC Form T-4 | SEC Form T-6 | SEC Form TA-1 | SEC Form TA-2 | SEC Form U-1 | SEC Form U-12-1B | SEC Form U-12-IA | SEC Form U-13-1 | SEC Form U-13-60 | SEC Form U-13E-1 | SEC Form U-33-S | SEC Form U-3A-2 | SEC Form U-3A3-1 | SEC Form U-57 | SEC Form U-5S | SEC Form U-6B-2 | SEC Form U-7D | SEC Form U-9C-3 | SEC Form U-R-1 | SEC Form U5A | SEC Form U5B | SEC Form X-15AJ-1 | SEC Form X-15AJ-2 | SEC Form X-17A-5 | SEC MEF Filings | SEC POS AM Filing | SEC Release IA-1092 | SEC RW Filing | SEC Schedule 13D | SEC Schedule 13E-3 | SEC Yield | Second Chance Loan | Second Lien Debt | Second Mortgage | Second-To-Die Insurance | Secondary Beneficiary | Secondary Liability | Secondary Liquidity | Secondary Market | Secondary Mortgage Market | Secondary Offering | Secondary Reserves | Secondary Stock | Section 1031 | Section 1035 Exchange | Section 1041 | Section 1231 Property | Section 1237 Capital Gain Opportunity | Section 1245 | Section 1250 | Section 12D-1 Limit | Section 1341 Credit | Section 16 | Section 179 | Section 988 | Sector | Sector Analysis | Sector Breakdown | Sector ETF | Sector Fund | Sector Rotation | Secular | Secular Market | Secure Electronic Transaction - SET | Secure Option ARM | Secured Bond | Secured Card | Secured Creditor | Secured Debt | Secured Note | Securities Act Of 1933 | Securities And Exchange Board Of India - SEBI | Securities And Exchange Commission - SEC | Securities Exchange Act Of 1934 | Securities Fraud | Securities Industry And Financial Markets Association - SIFMA | Securities Industry Regulatory Authority - SIRA | Securities Investor Protection Corporation - SIPC | Securities Lending | Securities Subsidiary | Securities Transfer Association Medallion Program - STAMP | Securitization | Securitize | Security | Security Agreement | Security Analyst | Security Deposit | Security Interest | Security Market Line - SML | Seed Capital | Segment | Segregated Fund | Seigniorage | SEK | SEK (Swedish Krona) | Select Mortality Table | SelectNet | Self-Amortizing Loan | Self-Build Insurance | Self-Directed RRSP | Self-Employed | Self-Employed Person | Self-Employment Tax | Self-Regulatory Organization - SRO | Sell | Sell Plus | Sell Side | Sell To Close | Sell To Open | Sell-Off | Sell-Out | Seller | Seller's Call | Seller's Market | Seller's Option | Seller-Financed Sale | Seller-Paid Points | Selling Away | Selling Group | Selling Hedge | Selling Into Strength | Selling Out Of Trust | Selling, General & Administrative Expense - SG&A | Selloff | Semi-Annual Bond Basis - SABB | Semi-Strong Form Efficiency | Semi-Variable Cost | Semiannual | Semiconductor | Semideviation | Semivariance | Senior Bank Loan | Senior Convertible Note | Senior Debt | Senior Issue | Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SOSLP) | Senior Security | Senior Stretch Loan | Senkou Span A | Senkou Span B | Sensex | Sensitivity | Sensitivity Analysis | Sentiment Indicator | Separate Account | Separate Return | Sequence Risk | Sequential Pay CMO | Sequestered Account | Serial Bond | Serial Bond With Balloon | Serial Option | Series 11 | Series 14 | Series 23 | Series 24 | Series 26 | Series 27 | Series 28 | Series 3 | Series 30 | Series 31 | Series 39 | Series 4 | Series 42 | Series 51 | Series 52 | Series 53 | Series 55 | Series 6 | Series 62 | Series 63 | Series 65 | Series 66 | Series 7 | Series 72 | Series 82 | Series 86/87 | Series 9/10 | Series A Financing | Series E Bond | Series EE Bond | Series HH Bond | Series I Bond | Serious Delinquency | Service Certificates | Service Shares | Servicing Fee | Servicing Strip | Set-Off Clause | Set-Up Hedge | Settlement Agent | Settlement Date | Settlement Date Accounting | Settlement Period | Settlement Price | Settlement Risk | Settlement Statement | Settling Price | Setup Price | Severability | Severance Package | Severance Pay | Severance Tax | SGD | SGD (Singapore Dollar) | Shadow | Shadow Banking System | Shadow Inventory | Shadow Open Market Committee - SOMC | Shadow Pricing | Shadow Rating | Shadowing | Shakeout | Shakeup | Shanghai Stock Exchange | Share Capital | Share Certificate | Share Class | Share Draft | Share Of Wallet - SOW | Share Premium Account | Share Purchase Rights | Share Repurchase | Share Turnover | Share-Draft Account | Shared Equity Finance Agreements | Shared-Appreciation Mortgage - SAM | Shareholder | Shareholder Activist | Shareholder Equity Ratio | Shareholder Register | Shareholder Services Agent | Shareholder Value | Shareholder Value Added - SVA | Shareholder Value Transfer - SVT | Shareholders' Agreement | Shareholders' Equity | Shares | Sharia | Shark Repellent | Shark Watcher | Sharpe Ratio | Sheep | Shelf Offering | Shelf Registration | Shell Branch | Shell Corporation | Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SHZ) .SZ | Sheriff's Sales | Sherman Antitrust Act | Shingle Theory | Shipping Certificate | Shirkah | Shock Absorber | Shoestring | Shogun Bond | Shooting Star | Short (or Short Position) | Short And Distort | Short Covering | Short Date Forward | Short Exempt | Short Form Prospectus Distribution System - SFPDS | Short Hedge | Short Interest | Short Interest Ratio | Short Interest Theory | Short Market Value | Short Refinance | Short Run | Short Sale | Short Sell Against the Box | Short Selling | Short Squeeze | Short Straddle | Short Tax Year | Short Tender | Short Term | Short The Basis | Short-Sale Rule | Short-Swing Profit Rule | Short-Term Debt | Short-Term Gain | Short-Term Investment Fund - STIF | Short-Term Investments | Short-Term Loss | Short-Term Paper | Shortfall | Shotgun Clause | Shout Option | SHP | | Shrinkage | Shutdown Point | Side Collateral | Side Pocket | Sidecar Investment | Sideways Market | Sideways Trend | Sight Letter of Credit | Signal Line | Signaling Approach | Signature Guarantee | Signature Loan | Significant Order | Silent Automatic Lien | Silent Partner | Silent Second Mortgage | Silicon Valley | Siliconaires | Silo Mentality | Silver | Silver Certificate | Silver ETF | Silver Thursday | Simple Interest | Simple Interest Bi-Weekly Mortgage | Simple Moving Average - SMA | Simple-Interest Mortgage | Simplified Employee Pension - SEP (Simplified Employee Pension IRA) | Sin Tax | Sine Wave | Sinful Stock | Singapore Exchange - SGX | Singapore Interbank Offered Rate - SIBOR | Single | Single Interest Insurance | Single Payment Options Trading - SPOT | Single Stock Future - SSF | Single-Country Fund | Single-Digit Midget | Single-Life Payout | Single-Premium Deferred Annuity - SPDA | Sinkable Bond | Sinker | Sinking Fund | Sinking Fund Call | Sir Allen Stanford | Sir John Templeton | SIT | SIT (Slovenian Tolar) | Sixteenth Amendment | Skewness | Skimming | Skin In The Game | Skip-Payment Mortgage | Skirt Length Theory | SKK (Slovak Koruna) | Sleeping Beauty | Slippage | SLL (Sierra Leone Leone) | Slow Loan | Slow Market | SLR | Sluggish Economy | Slump | Slush Fund | Small And Midsize Enterprises - SME | Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) | Small Cap | Small Firm Effect | Small Minus Big - SMB | Small Order Execution System - SOES | Small Saver Certificate - SSC | Small Trader | Small-Value Stock | Smithsonian Agreement | Smoking Gun | Smurf | Snowball | Soccer Mom Indicator | Société d'Investissement À Capital Variable - SICAV | Social Capital | Social Choice Theory | Social Good | Social Responsibility | Social Security | Social Security Administration - SSA | Social Security Benefits | Social Security Number - SSN | Socially Responsible Investment - SRI | | Socionomics | SOES Bandits | Soft Call Provision | Soft Commodity | Soft Currency | Soft Dollars | Soft Economic Moat | Soft Landing | Soft Loan | Soft Market | Soft Metrics | Soft Money | Soft Paper Report | Soft Patch | Soft Stop Order | Sold-Out Market | Sole Proprietorship | Solvency | Solvency Ratio | Sophisticated Investor | Sortino Ratio | SOS (Somaliland Shilling) | Sotheby's | Sour Crude | South African Reserve Bank | South Sea Bubble | Sovereign Bond | Sovereign Credit Rating | Sovereign Risk | Sovereign Wealth Fund - SWF | SPAN Margin | Spark Spread | Special Assessment Bond | Special Assessment Tax | Special Dividend | Special Drawing Rights - SDR | Special Economic Zone - SEZ | Special Finance | Special Memorandum Account - SMA | Special Needs Child | Special Purchase and Resale Agreement - SPRA | Special Purpose Acquisition Company - SPAC | Special Purpose Vehicle/Entity - SPV/SPE | Special Situation | Special Tax Bond | Specialist | Specialist Firm | Specialist Short Sale Ratio | Specialization | Specific Identification Inventory Valuation Method | Specific Risk | Specific Use | Specific-Shares Method | Speculation | Speculation Index | Speculative Bubble | Speculative Capital | Speculative Company | Speculative Flow | Speculative Risk | Speculative Stock | Speculator | Speed Resistance Lines | Spending Phase | Spice Trader | Spiders - SPDR | Spike | Spillover Dividend | Spinning | Spinning Top | Spinoff | Split Adjusted | Split Block Pricing | Split Close | Split-Funded Annuity | Split-Off | Split-Up | | Spontaneous Assets | Spontaneous Liabilities | Spoo | Spoofing | Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Indicator | Spot Commodity | Spot Delivery Month | Spot Exchange Rate | Spot Market | Spot Next | Spot Price | Spot Rate | Spot Rate Treasury Curve | Spot Secondary | Spot Trade | Spotting Clues In Qs | Spousal Beneficiary Rollover | Spousal IRA | Spousal Stripping | Spread | Spread Betting | Spread Option | Spread To Worst | Spread-Load Contractual Plan | Spreadlock | Spring Loading | Sprinkling Provision | Spurious Correlation | Square Position | Squawk Box | Squeeze | SRD (Suriname Dollar) | SSE Composite | Stabilization Policy | Stabilizing Bid | Stable Value Fund | Stag | Stagflation | Stagger System | Stagnation | Stakeholder | Stalwart | Stamp Duty | Standalone Profit | Standalone Risk | Standard & Poor's - S&P | Standard & Poor's 500 Index - S&P 500 | Standard And Poor's CNX Nifty | Standard Deduction | Standard Deviation | Standard Industrial Classification - SIC Code | Standard Mileage Rate | Standard Of Living | Standard Of Living Bubble | Standard of Value | Standard Poor's Underlying Rating - SPURs | Standardization | Standby Letter of Credit - SLOC | Standby Note Issuance Facility - SNIF | Standby Underwriting (Standby) | Standing Mortgage | Standstill Agreement | Stanford Graduate School of Business | Staple Financing | Star | | STARC Bands | Startup | State Administrator | State Guaranty Fund | State Income Tax | State Street Investor Confidence Index | State-Owned Enterprise - SOE | Stated Annual Interest Rate | Stated Income / Stated Asset Mortgage - SISA | Stated Value | Statement of Additional Information - SAI | Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts - SFAC | Statement of Financial Accounting Standards - SFAS | Statement Of Retained Earnings | Statement Shock | Statement Stuffer | Static Budget | Static Gap | Static Spread | Statistical Arbitrage | Statistically Significant | Statistics | Statutory Accounting Principles - SAP | Statutory Debt Limit | Statutory Employee | Statutory Liability | Statutory Reserves | Statutory Stock Option | Statutory Voting | Staycation | STD (Sao Tome & Principe Dobra) | Stem The Tide | Step-out Trading | Step-Up Bond | Step-Up In Basis | Sterile Investment | Sterilization | Sterilized Intervention | Sterling Overnight Interbank Average Rate - SONIA | Sterling Ratio | Steve Forbes | Stewardship Grade | Sticky Deal | Sticky-Down | Stimulus Check | STIR Futures & Options | STIX | Stochastic Modeling | | StochRSI | Stock | Stock Ahead | Stock And Warrant Off-Balance Sheet R&D - SWORD | Stock Appreciation Right - SAR | Stock Basher | Stock Certificate | Stock Compensation | Stock Cycle | Stock Dividend | Stock Exchange Daily Official List - SEDOL | Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) .BK | Stock Idea | Stock Jobbing | Stock Keeping Unit - SKU | Stock Market | Stock Market Capitalization To GDP Ratio | Stock Market Crash | Stock Market Crash Of 1929 | Stock Market Crash Of 1987 | Stock Option | Stock Participation Accreting Redemption Quarterly-Pay Securities - SPARQS | Stock Pick | Stock Power | Stock Quote | Stock Record | Stock Replacement Strategy | Stock Savings Plan | Stock Screener | Stock Split | Stock Symbol | Stock Trader | Stock Watcher | Stock-For-Stock | Stockbroker | Stockholders' Equity | Stockholm Interbank Offered Rate - STIBOR | Stockholm Stock Exchange (STO) .ST | Stop Hunting | Stop Order | Stop Payment | Stop-Limit Order | Stop-Loss Order | Stopped Order | Stopped Out | Store Of Value | Stored-Value Card | Story Paper | Story Stock | STOXX | Straddle | Straight Bond | Straight Credit | Straight Life Annuity | Straight Line Basis | Straight Through Processing - STP | Strangle | Strap | Strategic Alliance | Strategic Asset Allocation | Strategic Buyer | Stratified Random Sampling | Street Book | Street Expectation | Street Name | Streetable | Stress Testing | Stretch Annuity | Stretch Loan | Strike Price | Strip | Strip Bond | Stripped Yield | Stripper | Strong Buy | Strong Form Efficiency | Strong Hands | Strong Sell | Structural Adjustment | Structural Change | Structural Pivot | Structural Unemployment | Structured Finance | Structured Funds | Structured Investment Products - SIPS | Structured Investment Vehicle - SIV | Structured Note | Structured Yield Product Exchangeable For Stock - STRYPES | Stub | Stuckholder | Student Loan Interest Deduction | Student Visa | Stuttgart Stock Exchange (STU) .SG | Stutzer Index | Style | Style Analysis | Style Box | Style Drift | Sub-Advised Fund | Sub-Asset Class | Sub-Sovereign Obligation - SSO | Subchapter S (S Corporation) | Subindex | Subject Offer | Subjective Probability | Subordinated Debt | Subordination Clause | Subprime | Subprime Auto Loan | Subprime Credit | Subprime Credit Card | Subprime Lender | Subprime Loan | Subprime Market | Subprime Meltdown | Subprime Mortgage | Subprime Rates | Subrogation | Subscribed | Subscription Agreement | Subscription Price | Subscription Right | Subsequent Offering | Subsidiary | Subsidiary Bank | Subsidy | Substandard Health Annuity | Substantial Gainful Activity - SGA | Substantially Equal Periodic Payment - SEPP | Substantially Identical Security | Substitute | Substitute Check | Substitution Swap | Subvented Lease | Subvention Income | Succession | Sucker Rally | Sugar No.11 | Suicide Pill | Suitable (Suitability) | Sukuk | Sum Certain | Sum-Of-Parts Valuation | Summa Cum Laude | Sundry Income | Sunk Cost | Sunrise Industry | Sunset Provision | Sunshine Laws | Sunshine Trade | Super Bowl Indicator | Super Currency | Super Hedging | Super NOW Account | Super Sinker | Super Upside Note - SUN | Superannuation | Supermajority | SuperMontage | Supernormal Growth Stock | Supervisory Capital Assessment Program - SCAP | Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan - SERP | Supplemental Liquidity Provider - SLP | Supplemental Security Income - SSI | Supply | Supply Chain | Supply Chain Management - SCM | Supply Management | Supply Shock | Supply-Side Theory | Support (Support Level) | Support Test | Supranational | Surcharge | Surety | Surplus | Surplus Spending Unit | Surrender Charge | Surrender Fee | Surrender Period | Surrender Rights | Surtax | Survivorship Bias | Sushi Bond | Sushi Roll | Suspended Loss | Suspended Trading | Suspense Account | Suspicious Activity Report - SAR | Sustainable Business 20 - SB20 | Sustainable Growth Rate - SGR | SVC (El Salvador Colon) | Swap | Swap Bank | Swap Curve | Swap Dealer | Swap Rate | Swap Ratio | Swap Spread | Swap Transferring Risk With Participating Element - STRIPE | Swaption (Swap Option) | Sweat Equity | Sweep Account | Sweep-To-Fill Order | Sweet Crude | Sweet Spot | Sweetener | Sweetheart Deal | Swing | Swing High | Swing Low | Swing Trading | Swingline Loan | Swiss National Bank | Swissie | Switch | Switching | Switching Costs | SWOT Analysis | Symmetrical Triangle | Syndicate | Syndicate Bid | Syndicated Loan | Synergy | Synthetic | Synthetic Call | Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligation | Synthetic Dividend | Synthetic Futures Contract | Synthetic Lease | Synthetic Letter Of Credit | Synthetic Put | SYP (Syrian Pound) | System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval - SEDAR | System Open Market Account - SOMA | Systematic Investment Plan - SIP | Systematic Risk | Systematic Sampling | Systematic Withdrawal Plan - SWP | Systematic Withdrawal Schedule | SZL (Swaziland Lilangeni)


T | T | T/P | TA | TAA | TAAPS | TAC | TAF | TALF | TAN | TARN | TARP | TBA | TBE | TCO | TCPA | TDS | TEFRA | TER | TEV | TGLP | THB | TIAA-CREF | TIC | TIC | TIC | TIE | TIGRS | TILA | TIMO | TIN | TIPRA | TIPS | TMWX | TND | TOD | TOLI | TOP | TOPIX | TRACE | TRIN | TRS | TRUF | TRUPS | TRY | TSE | TSI | TSLF | TSP | TSR | TSV | TSX | TT | TTD | TTM | TV | TVI | TVM | TWD | TZS | T | T Distribution | T+1 (T+2,T+3) | T. Boone Pickens | Tactical Asset Allocation - TAA | Taft-Hartley Act | Tag-Along Rights | Tail Risk | Tailgating | Tainted Alpha | Taiwan OTC Exchange (TWO) .TWO | Taiwan Stock Exchange (TAI) .TW | Takaful | Take A Bath | Take A Flier | Take A Report | Take or Pay | Take-Out Commitment | Take-Out Lender | Take-Out Loan | Take-Profit Order - T/P | Takedown | Takeout | Takeout Value | Takeover | Takeover Artist | Takeover Bid | Takeunder | Taking The Street | Tandem Plan | Tangible Asset | Tangible Book Value Per Share - TBVPS | Tangible Common Equity - TCE | Tangible Common Equity Ratio - TCE | Tangible Cost | Tangible Net Worth | Tangible Personal Property | Tankan Survey | Tap Issue | Tape Is Late | Tape Reading | Tape Shredding | Taping Rule | Target Firm | Target Risk Fund | Target-Benefit Plan | Target-Date Fund | Targeted Accrual Redemption Note - TARN | Targeted Amortization Class - TAC | Targeted-Distribution Fund | Tariff | TARP Bonuses | Tax Accounting | Tax Advisor | Tax Anticipation Notes - TAN | Tax Attribute | Tax Avoidance | Tax Base | Tax Bracket | Tax Court | Tax Credit | Tax Deduction | Tax Deferred | Tax Drag | Tax Efficiency | Tax Equity And Fiscal Responsibility Act Of 1982 - TEFRA | Tax Evasion | Tax Exempt | Tax Expense | Tax Fairness | Tax Freedom Day | Tax Gain/Loss Harvesting | Tax Haven | Tax Holiday | Tax Home | Tax Identification Number - TIN | Tax Incidence | Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 - TIPRA | Tax Liability | Tax Lien | Tax Lien Certificate | Tax Lot Accounting | Tax Preference Item | Tax Rate | Tax Reform Act Of 1986 | Tax Reform Act Of 1993 | Tax Refund | Tax Refund Anticipation Loan - RAL | Tax Return | Tax Roll | Tax Sale | Tax Schedule | Tax Selling | Tax Service Fee | Tax Shelter | Tax Shield | Tax Swap | Tax Table | Tax Treaty | Tax Wedge | Tax Year | Tax-Deferred Savings Plan | Tax-Efficient Fund | Tax-Equivalent Yield | Tax-Exempt Commercial Paper | Tax-Exempt Interest | Tax-Exempt Security | Tax-Free Savings Account - TFSA | Tax-Free Spinoff | Tax-Sheltered Annuity | Taxable Bond | Taxable Estate | Taxable Event | Taxable Gain | Taxable Income | Taxable Preferred Securites | Taxable Spinoff | Taxable Wage Base | Taxation Without Representation | Taxes | Taxpayer Advocate Service | Taxpayer Bill Of Rights (TABOR) | Taxpayer Identification Number - TIN | Taxpayer Relief Act Of 1997 | Taylors Rule | Teacher Retirement System - TRS | Tear Sheets | Teaser | Teaser Loan | Teaser Rate | Tech Bubble | Tech Street | Technical Analysis | Technical Bankruptcy | Technical Correction | Technical Indicator | Technical Rally | Technically Strong Market | Technically Weak Market | Technology Sector | Ted Spread | Teenie | Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TLV) .TA | Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act of 1991 - TCPA | Telefile | Telegraphic Transfer - TT | Telephone Booth | Teletax | Temporal Method | Temporary Lender | Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program (TLGP) | Temporary New Account | Tenancy In Common | Tenants By Entirety - TBE | Tenants In Common - TIC | Tenbagger | Tender | Tender Offer | Tender Panel | Tenement | Tenkan-Sen | Tenor | Tequila Effect | Term | Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility - TALF | Term Auction Facility - TAF | Term Bond | Term Certain Annuity | Term Deposit | Term Federal Funds | Term Life Insurance | Term Loan | Term Out | Term Repurchase Agreement | Term Securities Lending Facility - TSLF | Term Sheet | Term Structure Of Interest Rates | Term To Maturity | Terminal Capitalization Rate | Terminal Elevator | Terminal Value - TV | Terminal Year | Terminally Ill | Termination Date | Termination Statement | Terotechnology | Tertiary Industry | Test | Testamentary Trust | Testamentary Will | Texas Ratio | THB (Thai Baht) | The Bond Buyer | The Conference Board | The Global Dow | The Great Recession | The Kelly Criterion | The Wealth Effect | The World Bank | Theoretical Dow Jones Index | Theoretical Ex-Rights Price | Theory Of Price | Theory Of The Firm | Theta | Thin Market | Thinly Traded | Third Market | Third Market Maker | Third-Party Claims Administrator | Third-Party Distributor | Third-Party Mortgage Originator | Thirty-Year Treasury | Thomas Rowe Price, Jr. | Three Black Crows | Three White Soldiers | Three-Year Rule | Threshold List | Thrift | Thrift Bank | Thrift Institutions Advisory Council | Thrift Savings Plan - TSP | Through Bill Of Lading | Throwback | Throwback Rule | Thrusting Line | TIAA-CREF | Tick | Tick Index | Tick Test Rules | Ticker Symbol | Ticker Tape | Tide | Tied Selling | Tier 1 Capital | Tier 1 Spill | Tier 2 Capital | Tier 2 Spill | Tier 3 Capital | Tier 3 Spill | Tiered-Rate Account | Tiger Economy | Tight Monetary Policy | Tight Money | Tilt Fund | Timber Investment Management Organization - TIMO | Timberland Investment | Time Decay | Time Deposit | Time Horizon | Time In Force | Time Segmented Volume - TSV | Time Series | Time Value | Time Value of Money (TVM) | Time-Of-Day Order | Time-Period Basis | Time-Preference Theory Of Interest | Time-Weighted Rate of Return | Timeliness | Times Interest Earned - TIE | Timeshare | Timing Risk | Tip From A Dip | Tip Income | Tipping | Tirone Levels | Tit For Tat | Title | Title Insurance | Title Loan | Title Search | TND (Tunisian Dinar) | To Be Announced - TBA | Today's High | Today's Low | Toehold Purchase | Toggle Note | Tokyo Price Index - TOPIX | Tokyo Stock Exchange - TSE | Toll Revenue Bond | Tombstone | Tomorrow Next - Tom Next | Too Big To Fail | Top | TOP (Tonga Pa'anga) | Top Line | Top-Down Analysis | Top-Down Investing | Topless Meeting | Topping-Up Clause | Topple Rate | Toraku Index | Toronto Stock Exchange - TSX | Torpedo Stock | Torrens Certificate | Total Bond Fund | Total Cost Of Ownership - TCO | Total Debt Service Ratio - TDS | Total Debt To Total Assets | Total Enterprise Value - TEV | Total Expense Ratio - TER | Total Housing Expense | Total Return | Total Return Index | Total Return Swap | Total Revenue Test | Total Shareholder Return - TSR | Total Stock Fund | Total Tax | Total Utility | Touchline | Toxic Assets | Toxic Debt | Toxic Waste | Tracker Fund | Tracking Error | Tracking Stock | Trade | Trade Date | Trade Date Accounting | Trade Deficit | Trade Finance | Trade or Fade Rule | Trade Price Response | Trade Reporting And Compliance Engine - TRACE | Trade Resumption | Trade Sanction | Trade Surplus | Trade Through | Trade Volume Index - TVI | Trade War | Trade Working Capital | Trade-Weighted Dollar | Trademark | Trader | Trading Account | Trading Ahead | Trading Arcade | Trading Authorization | Trading Below Cash | Trading Book | Trading Channel | Trading Curb | Trading Desk | Trading Dollars | Trading Effect | Trading Floor | Trading Halt | Trading Partner Agreement | Trading Plan | Trading Range | Trading Session | Traditional IRA | Traditional Whole Life Policy | Tragedy Of The Commons | Trailer Fee | Trailing | Trailing EPS | Trailing Price-To-Earnings - Trailing P/E | Trailing Stop | Trailing Twelve Months - TTM | Tranches | Tranportation And Storage Costs | Transaction | Transaction Costs | Transaction Deposit | Transaction Exposure | Transaction Risk | Transfer | Transfer Agent | Transfer Of Physical Assets - TPA | Transfer Of Risk | Transfer On Death - TOD | Transfer Payment | Transfer Price | Transfer Procedures | Transfer Tax | Transferable Insurance Policies - TIPS | Transferable Underwriting Facility - TRUF | Transit Item | Translation Exposure | Translation Risk | Transparency | Transportation Expenses | Transportation Sector | Transposition Error | Traunch | Travel Expenses | Traveler's Check | Treasurer's Draft | Treasury Automated Auction Processing System - TAAPS | Treasury Bill - T-Bill | Treasury Bond - T-Bond | Treasury Budget | Treasury Direct | Treasury DRIP | Treasury General Account | Treasury Index | Treasury International Capital - TIC | Treasury Investment Growth Receipts - TIGRs | Treasury Lock | Treasury Note | Treasury Offering | Treasury Receipt | Treasury Secretary | Treasury Stock (Treasury Shares) | Treasury Stock Method | Treasury STRIPS | Treble Damages | Tree Diagram | Trend | Trend Analysis | Trend Trading | Trending Market | Trendline | Treynor Ratio | Treynor-Black Model | Tri-Party Agreement | Tri-Star | Triage | Trial Balance | Triangle | Triangular Arbitrage | Trickle Down Theory | Trigger Line | Triggering Event | Triggering Term | Trilateral Commission | Trimmed Mean | TRIN | Trinomial Option Pricing Model | Triple Bottom | Triple Net Lease | Triple Top | Triple Witching | Triple-Tax-Free | Troubled Asset Relief Program - TARP | Trough | Troy Ounce | True Cost Economics | True Interest Cost - TIC | True Lease | True Strength Index - TSI | Trust | Trust Certificate | Trust Company | Trust Deed | Trust Indenture | Trust Indenture Act of 1939 | Trust Preferred Securities - TruPS | Trust Receipt | Trust-Owned Life Insurance - TOLI | Trustee | Trustor | Truth In Lending Act - TILA | TRY (Turkish New Lira) | TSX Venture Exchange | TTD (Trinidad and Tobago Dollar) | Tuck School Of Business | Tuck-In Acquisition | Tuition Insurance | Tulipmania | Tunneling | Turkey | Turnaround | Turnkey Business | Turnkey Solution | Turnover | Turnover Ratio | Turtle | Turtle Channel | TWD (Taiwan Dollar) | Tweezer | Twenty Percent Rule | Twinternship | Two And Twenty | Two Dollar Broker | Two Name Paper | Two-Sided Market | Two-Step Earnings | Two-Step Mortgage | Two-Way Quote | Type I Error | Type II Error | TZS (Tanzanian Shilling)


U | U | UAH | UBTI | UCCC | UCITS | UGMA | UGX | UI | UIP | UIT | ULC | ULIP | UMA | UMHA | UMIR | UNG | URDG | USAID | USD | USD | USD/CAD | USD/CHF | USD/JPY | USDX | UT | UTMA | UYU | U | U-Shaped Recovery | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - HUD | U.S. Dollar Index - USDX | U.S. League Of Savings Institutions | U.S. Savings Bond Adjustment | U.S. Savings Bonds | U.S. Treasury | UAH (Ukraine Hryvnia) | UCC-1 Statement | UGX (Ugandan Shilling) | Ulcer Index - UI | Ultimate Mortality Table | | Ultra ETF | Ultra Vires Acts | Ultra-Short Bond Fund | Ultrafast Trading | Umbrella Insurance Policy | Unadjusted Basis | Unannualized | Unaudited Opinion | Unbundling | Unchanged | Uncle Sam | Uncommitted Facility | Unconditional Probability | Uncovered Interest Rate Parity - UIP | Under Reporting | Undercapitalization | Undercast | Underemployment | Underinvestment Problem | Underlying | Underlying Cost | Underlying Profit | Underpayment Penalty | Underperform | Underpricing | Undersubscribed | Undertakings For The Collective Investment Of Transferable Securities - UCITS | Undervalued | Underwater | Underweight | Underwithholding | Underwriter | Underwriting | Underwriting Spread | Underwriting Standards | Undisclosed Reserves | Undivided Account | Unearned Income | Unearned Revenue | Uneconomic Growth | Unemmployment Income | Unemployment Rate | Unencumbered | Unified Managed Account - UMA | Unified Managed Household Account - UMHA | Uniform Bank Performance Report - UBPR | Uniform Commercial Code | Uniform Consumer Credit Code - UCCC | Uniform Gifts to Minors Act - UGMA | Uniform Premarital Agreement Act | Uniform Rules For Demand Guarantees - URDG | Uniform Securities Act | Uniform Transfers to Minors Act - UTMA | Uninsured Certificate Of Deposit | Unissued Stock | Unit Benefit Formula | Unit Cost | Unit Investment Trust - UIT | Unit Linked Insurance Plan - ULIP | Unit Sales | Unit Trust - UT | Unitary Thrift | United States Agency For International Development - USAID | United States Natural Gas Fund - UNG | Unitized Endowment Pool - UEP | Unitized Fund | Unitranche Debt | Units Per Transaction - UPT | Universal Banking | Universal Currency Converter | Universal Life Insurance | Universal Market Integrity Rules - UMIR | Universe Of Securities | Unlawful Loan | Unlevered Beta | Unlevered Cost Of Capital | Unlimited Liability Corporation - ULC | Unlimited Risk | Unlisted Security | Unlisted Trading Privileges | Unmatched Book | Unpaid Dividend | Unparted Bullion | Unperfected Lien | Unquoted Public Company | Unrealized Gain | Unrealized Loss | Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain | Unrecorded Deed | Unrelated Business Taxable Income - UBTI | Unscheduled Recast | Unseasoned Security | Unsecured | Unsecured Creditor | Unsecured Debt | Unsecured Loan | Unsold Inventory Index | Unsponsored ADR | Unstated Interest Paid | Unsterilized Foreign Exchange Intervention | Unsubordinated Debt | Unsubscribed | Unsuitable (Unsuitability) | Unsystematic Risk | Unweighted Index | Unwind | Up Volume | Up-and-In Option | Up-and-Out Option | Up-Front Mortgage Insurance - UFMI | Up-Market Capture Ratio | Upside | Upside Tasuki Gap | Upside/Downside Ratio | Upstairs Trade | Upstream | Upstream Capital Costs Index - UCCI | Upstream Guarantee | Uptick | Uptick Rule | Uptick Volume | Uptrend | USA Patriot Act | Usance | USD | USD (United States Dollar) | USD/CAD (U.S. Dollar/Canadian Dollar) | USD/CHF (U.S. Dollar/Swiss Franc) | USD/JPY (U.S. Dollar/Japanese Yen) | Useful Life | UST | Usufruct | Usury | Usury Rate | Utilitarianism | Utilities Sector | Utility | UYU (Uruguayan Peso)


V | V | VAMI | VAN | VAR, VAR | VCR | VEB | VEBA | VER | VIE | VIPERS | VIX | VND | VPP | VPT | VRDN | VSAT | VUV | VWAP | VXN | V | V-Shaped Recovery | VA Loan | Vacation Home | Valoren Number | Valuation | Valuation Analysis | Value Added | Value Added Monthly Index - VAMI | Value at Risk - VaR | Value Averaging | Value Chain | Value Date | Value Fund | Value Investing | Value Line Index | Value Proposition | Value Stock | Value Trap | Value-Added Tax - VAT | Value-Based Pricing | Vancouver Stock Exchange (VAN) .V | Vanguard Exchange-Traded Funds | Vanilla Option | Vanishing Premium Policy | Variability | Variable Annuity | Variable Cost | Variable Coupon Renewable Note - VCR | Variable Death Benefit | Variable Interest Entity - VIE | Variable Interest Rate | Variable Life Insurance Policy | Variable Prepaid Forward Contracts | Variable Price Limit | Variable Rate Demand Note (VRDN) | Variable Ratio Write | Variable Universal Life Insurance - VUL | Variable-Rate Certificate Of Deposit | Variance | Variance Swap | Variation Margin | Vasicek Interest Rate Model | Vault Receipt | VEB (Venezuelan Bolivar) | Vega | | Vendor Financing | Vendor Note | Vendor Take-Back Mortgage | Venture Capital | Venture Capital Funds | Venture Capitalist | Vertical Analysis | Vertical Equity | Vertical Integration | Vertical Market | Vertical Merger | Vertical Spread | Very Small Aperture Terminal - VSAT | Vest Fleece | Vested Interest | Vesting | Veteran's Administration | Vetting | Viager | Viatical Settlement | Viator | Vice Fund | Vienna Stock Exchange (WBAG) .VI | Vintage | Vintage Year | VINX 30 | Viral Marketing | Viral Site | Visibility | Visible Supply | VIX - CBOE Volatility Index | VIX Option | VND (Vietnamese Dong) | Volatility | Volatility Quote Trading | Volatility Ratio | Volatility Skew | Volatility Smile | Volatility Swap | Volume | Volume of Trade | Volume Price Trend Indicator - VPT | Volume Weighted Average Price - VWAP | Volumetric Production Payment - VPP | Voluntary Accumulation Plan | Voluntary Compliance | Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association Plan - VEBA | Voluntary Export Restraint - VER | Voluntary Liquidation | Voluntary Reserve | Voluntary Simplicity | Volunteer Income Tax Assistance - VITA | Voodoo Accounting | Voodoo Economics | Vostro Account | Voting Right | Voting Shares | Voting Trust | Voting Trust Agreement | Voucher | Vulture Capitalist | Vulture Fund | VUV (Vanuatu Vatu)


W | W | WAC | WACC | WAI | WAL | WALA | WAM | WARF | WBAG | WEBS | WEO | WGC | WHPSSM | WI | WIP | WPI | WPPSS | WSE | WST | WTI | WTO | W | W-2 Form | W-4 Form | W-8 Form | W-9 Form | W-Shaped Recovery | Wachovia Hybrid and Preferred Securities (WHPPSM) Indicies | Wage Assignment | Wage-Price Spiral | Waiting Period | Waiver | Waiver Of Premium Rider | Walk-Away Lease | Wall of Worry | Wall Street | Wallflower | Wallpaper | Walrasian Market | War Babies | War Bond | War Chest | Warehouse Lending | Warehouse Receipt | Warehousing | Warrant | Warrant Coverage | Warrant Premium | Warranty | Warren Buffett | Warsaw Stock Exchange - WSE | Wash | Wash Sale | Wash Trading | Wash-Out Round | Wash-Sale Rule | Wasting Asset | Watch List | Water ETF | Watered Stock | Waterfall Concept | Waterfall Payment | Wave | Weak Dollar | Weak Form Efficiency | Weak Hands | Weak Longs | Weak Shorts | Wealth | Wealth Added Index - WAI | Wealth Management | Wealth Psychologist | Weather Derivative | Weather Future | Web 2.0 | Web Syndication | Wedge | Weekend Effect | Weekly Chart | Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey | Weighted | Weighted Alpha | Weighted Average | Weighted Average Cost Of Capital - WACC | Weighted Average Cost of Equity - WACE | Weighted Average Coupon - WAC | Weighted Average Credit Rating | Weighted Average Life - WAL | Weighted Average Loan Age - WALA | Weighted Average Market Capitalization | Weighted Average Maturity - WAM | Weighted Average Rating Factor - WARF | Welfare | Welfare Economics | Well's Notice | West Texas Intermediate - WTI | Western Account | Wet Loan | Wharton School | When Issued - WI | Whipsaw | Whisper Number | Whisper Stock | Whistle Blower | White Candlestick | White Collar | White Elephant | White Knight | White Label Product | White Paper | White Squire | White-Shoe Firm | Whitemail | Whitewash Resolution | Whole Life Insurance Policy | Whole Loan | Wholesale Money | Wholesale Price Index - WPI | Wholesale Trade | Wholly Owned Subsidiary | Whoops | Wide Basis | Wide Economic Moat | Wide Open | Wide-Ranging Days | Widely Held Fixed Investment Trust - WHFIT | Widow-and-Orphan Stock | Wild Card Option | Wild Card Play | Wildcat Drilling | Wildcatting | Will | Will Variation | William H. Gross | William J. O'Neil | Williams %R | Williams Act | Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index - TMWX | Win/Loss Ratio | Windfall Shares | Windfall Tax | Winding Up | Window Dressing | Window Settlement | Winner's Curse | Winnipeg Commodities Exchange - WCE | Winsorized Mean | Wire Fraud | Wire House | Wire House Broker | Wire Transfer | Witching Hour | With Approved Credit - WAC | With Discretion | Withdrawal | Withdrawal Plan | Withholding | Withholding Allowance | Withholding Tax | Without Recourse | Wolfe Wave | Woody | Work in Progress - WIP | Work Opportunity Tax Credit | Workable Indication | Workers' Compensation | Working Capital | Working Capital Loan | Working Capital Management | Working Capital Turnover | Working Interests | Working Ratio | Working-Age Population | Workout Assumption | Workout Market | Workout Period | World Bank Group | World Economic Forum | World Economic Outlook - WEO | World Federation Of Stock Exchanges | World Fund | World Gold Council - WGC | World Trade Organization - WTO | WorldCom | Worldwide Income | Worthless Securities | Wrap Account | Wrap Fee | Wrap-Around Loan | Writ | Writ Of Seizure And Sale | Write Out | Write-Down | Write-Off | Write-Up | Writer | Written-Down Value | WST (Samoan Tala)


X | X | XBRL | XD | XDIS | XPO | XRT | XW | X | XD | XDIS | Xenocurrency | Xetra | XRT | XW


Y | Y | YAWN | YOY | YTC | YTD | YTM | YTW | YUPCAPS | Y | Y-Share | Yankee Bond | Yankee CD | Yankee Market | Yard | Year | Year Over Year - YOY | Year To Date - YTD | Year-End Bonus | Yellow Knight | Yellow Sheets | Yen ETF | Yield | Yield Basis | Yield Burning | Yield Curve | Yield Curve Risk | Yield Elbow | Yield Equivalence | Yield Maintenance | Yield Pickup | Yield Spread | Yield Spread Premium | Yield Tilt Index Fund | Yield To Call | Yield To Maturity - YTM | Yield To Worst - YTW | Yield-Based Option | Yo-Yo | Young And Wealthy But Normal - YAWN | Yupcap | Yuppie


Z | Z | Z-SPREAD | ZAR | ZBA | ZBB | ZEBRA | ZEW | ZMK | ZWD | Z | Z-Score | Z-Share | Z-Tranche | Zacks Lifecycle Indexes | Zakat | ZAR (South African Rand) | Zaraba method | Zero Balance Account - ZBA | Zero Basis Risk Swap - ZEBRA | Zero Capital Gains Rate | Zero Cost Collar | Zero Layoff Policy | Zero Minus Tick | Zero Plus Tick | Zero-Based Budgeting - ZBB | Zero-Beta Portfolio | Zero-Coupon Bond | Zero-Coupon Certificate Of Deposit | Zero-Coupon Convertible | Zero-Dividend Preferred Stock | Zero-Investment Portfolio | | Zero-Volatility Spread - Z-spread | Zeta Model | Zig Zag Indicator | ZMK (Zambian Kwacha) | Zombie Bank | Zombie Debt | Zombies | Zone Of Possible Agreement | Zone Of Resistance | Zone Of Support | Zoning | ZWD (Zimbabwe Dollar) | ZZZZ Best

Fixed Income Bond Terms


30-Year Treasury | AAA | Above Par | Absolute Priority | | Accordion Feature | Accreted Value | Accretion | Accretion of Discount | Accretive | Accrual Bond | Accrual Rate | Accrued Interest | Accrued Market Discount | Accumulation Bond | Act Of God Bond | Active Bond | Active Bond Crowd | Adaptive Expectations Hypothesis | Add-On Certificate of Deposit | Adjustment Bond | Advance Refunding | After-Acquired Clause | Agency Bond | Agency Debentures | Agency Security | Allonge | American Callable Bond | American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation | Amortizing Security | And Interest | Angel Bond | Announcement Date | Arbitrage Bond | Arrearage | Asian Bond Fund - ABF | Asset Swapped Convertible Option Transaction - ASCOT | Asset-Backed Commercial Paper - ABCP | Asset-Backed Security - ABS | Assignment Of Trade | Association of International Bond Dealers - AIBD | At Par | Auction Rate | Auction Rate Security - ARS | Authority Bond | Automated Bond System - ABS | Average Annual Yield | Average Effective Maturity | Average Life | Average Price | Axe | Ba3/BB- | Baby Bond | Bailout Bond | Balloon Interest | Balloon Maturity | Bank Bill Swap Bid Rate - BBSY | Bank Discount Basis | Bank Investment Contract - BIC | Banker's Acceptance - BA | Bankruptcy Risk | Barbell | Barron's Confidence Index | Basis Point - BPS | Basis Price | Bear Flattener | Bear Steepener | Bearer Bond | Bearer Form | Bearer Instrument | Below Par | | Best Efforts Mortgage Lock | Biased Expectations Theory | Bid Bond | Bill Announcement | Bill Auction | Bill Of Exchange | Binomial Tree | Blind Brokering | Blockage Discount | Blue List | Bond | Bond Anticipation Note - BAN | Bond Attorney | Bond Broker | Bond Buyer 11 | Bond Buyer 20 | Bond Buyer Index | Bond Circular | Bond Crowd | Bond Discount | Bond Equity Earnings Yield Ratio - BEER | Bond Equivalent Yield - BEY | Bond Floor | Bond Fund | Bond Insurance | Bond Ladder | Bond Market | Bond Market Association (BMA) Swap | Bond Option | Bond Quote | Bond Rating | Bond Swap | Bond Valuation | Bondholder | Book-Entry Securities | | Brady Bonds | Breaking The Buck | Brokered Deposit | Build America Bonds - BABs | Bull Bond | Bull Flattener | Bull Steepener | | Bullet | Bullet Bond | Bullet GIC | Bullet Repayment | Bump-Up Certificate of Deposit - Bump-Up CD | Bunny Bond | Bureau Of Public Debt | Burnout | Busted Convertible Security | Cabinet Crowd | Call Date | Call Premium | Call Price | Call Protection | Call Provision | Call Risk | Callable Bond | Callable Certificate Of Deposit | Callable Security | Called Away | Canada Premium Bond - CPB | Canada Savings Bond - CSB | Canary Call | Capital Note | Capital Share | Cash Investment | Cash Management Bill - CMB | Cash-Flow Financing | Cat Spread | Catastrophe Bond - CAT | Catastrophe Call | CD Ladder | Certificate Of Deposit - CD | Certificate Of Government Receipts - COUGRs | Certificate of Indebtedness | Certificate of Participation - COP | Change | Chastity Bond | Clean Price | | Closed-End Indenture | Co-insurance Effect | Collateral Trust Bond | Collateralized Bond Obligation - CBO | Collateralized Borrowing And Lending Obligation - CBLO | Collateralized Debt Obligation - CDO | Collateralized Debt Obligation Cubed - CDO-Cubed | Collateralized Debt Obligation Squared - CDO-Squared | Collateralized Loan Obligation - CLO | Collateralized Mortgage Obligation - CMO | Combination Bond | Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS) | Commercial Paper | Commercial Paper Funding Program - CPFP | Committed Facility | Companion Bond | Competitive Tender | Compound Accreted Value - CAV | Compulsory Convertible Debenture - CCD | Conditional Prepayment Rate - CPR | Conduit Financing | Conforming Loan | Connie Lee - College Construction Loan Insurance Association - CCLIA | Consent Solicitation | Constant Default Rate - CDR | Constant Maturity | Constant Proportion Debt Obligation - CPDO | Constant Yield Method | Construction Loan Note - CLN | Contingent Convertibles - CoCos | Contingent Credit Default Swap (CCDS) | Contingent Immunization | Contraction Risk | Conversion | Conversion Premium | Conversion Price | Conversion Ratio | Convertible Adjustable Preferred Stock - CAPS | Convertible Arbitrage | Convertible Bond | Convertible Debenture | Convertible Subordinate Note | Convertibles | Convexity | Core Plus | Corporate Bond | Corporate Debt Restructuring | Corporate Inflation-Linked Securities | Corporate Refinancing | Coupon | Coupon Bond | Coupon Equivalent Rate - CER | Coupon Equivalent Yield - CEY | Coupon Pass | Covenant | Covered Bond | Crammed Down | Credit Analysis | Credit Cliff | Credit Default Contract | Credit Default Insurance | Credit Linked Note - CLN | Credit Loss Ratio | Credit Market | Credit Quality | Credit Rating | Credit Risk | Credit Spread Option | Creditor | Cross Calling | Cross Default | Crossover Refunded | Currency Band | Currency Carry Trade | Current Coupon | Current Face | Current Maturity | Current Yield | Cushion Bond | Daily Factor | Dated Date | Day-Count Convention | De Minimis Tax Rule | Dealer-Median Prepayment Speed | Death Bond | Debenture | Debenture Redemption Reserve | Debt Exchangeable for Common Stock - DECS | Debt Financing | Debt For Bond Swap | Debt Fund | Debt Instrument | Debt Limitation | Debt Restructuring | Debt Security | Debt Service | Debt Tender Offer | Debt/Equity Swap | Debtor | Dedicated Portfolio | Deep-Discount Bond | Default | Default Model | Default Probability | Defeasance | Deferment Period | Deferred Interest Bond | Definitive Securities | Deleverage | Deleveraged Floater | Deposit Broker | Detachable Warrant | Dirty Price | Discount | Discount Bond | Discount Margin - DM | Discount Note | Discounting | Diversity Score | Dollar Bond | Dollar Bond Index-Linked Securities - Dollar BILS | Dollar Price | Dollar Roll | | Double Barreled | Doubling Option | Dow Jones CDX Indexes | Downstream Guarantee | Dragon Bond | Drop | Dual Currency Issue | Dumbbell | Duration | Dwarf | Early Amortization | Effective Duration | Effective Yield | Election Period | Emerging Markets Bond Index - EMBI | Empirical Duration | Ending Market Value (EMV) | Equipment Trust Certificate | Erasure Guarantee | | Estimated Long-Term Return | Eurobond | Euroclear | Eurocredit | Eurodollar Bond | European Callable Bond | Euroyen Bond | Event-Linked Bond | Ex-Legal | Excess Spread | Exchange Traded Notes - ETN | Expansionary Policy | Expectations Theory | Extendable Bond | Extraordinary Redemption | Face Value | Face-Amount Certificate Company | Fairway Bond | Fallen Angel | Farmer Mac - Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation - FAMC | Fitch Ratings | Five Against Bond Spread - FAB | Five Against Note Spread - FAN | Fixed Annuity | Fixed Income | Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC) | Fixed Interest Rate | Fixed Term | Fixed-Income Arbitrage | Fixed-Income Security | Fixed-Income Style Box | Fixed-Interest Security | Fixed-Rate Capital Securities | Flat Yield Curve | Flip-Flop Note | Floater | Floating Interest Rate | Floating-Rate Note - FRN | Flower Bond | Forbearance | Force Majeure | Forced Conversion | Foreign Bond | Foreign Currency Convertible Bond - FCCB | Foreign Currency Effects | Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit - FCFD | Forfaiting | Freedom Shares | Full Faith And Credit | Fully Convertible Debenture - FCD | Funded Debt | Funding Agreement | Fungibles | General Obligation Bond - GO | Gilt Edged Bond | Gilts | Glide Path | Global Bond | Gnomes | Go-Around | Government Securities Clearing Corporation - GSCC | Government Security | Green Bond | Gross Revenue Pledge | Guarantee Fees | Guaranteed Bond | Guaranteed Mortgage Certificate - GMC | Hard Call Protection | Hard Loan | Harmless Warrant | Held-to-Maturity Securities | Heteroskedasticity | High-Yield Bond | High-Yield Bond Spread | Home Mortgage | Housing Authority Bonds | Housing Bonds | Humped Yield Curve | Hybrid Security | Hypothecation | Immediate Payment Annuity | Immunization | Implementation Lag | Implied Repo Rate | Incipient Default | Income Annuity | Income Bond | Income Risk | Indenture | Index Amortizing Note - IAN | Index-Linked Bond | Indexed Certificate Of Deposit - Indexed CD | Industrial Development Revenue Bonds - IDRBs | Inflation-Indexed Security | Inflation-Linked Certificates of Deposit | Inflation-Linked Savings Bonds (I Bonds) | Inflation-Protected Security - IPS | Installment Debt | Insured Bond | Interest | Interest Only (IO) Strips | Interest Rate | Interest Rate Call Option | Interest Rate Collar | Interest-On-Interest | Intermarket Sector Spread | Intermarket Spread Swap | Intermediate/Medium-Term Debt | International Bond | Internote | Interpolated Yield Curve - I Curve | Interpolation | Intramarket Sector Spread | Inverse Floater | Inverted Spread | Inverted Yield Curve | Investment Grade | Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock - ICULS | Issue | Issuer | Japanese Government Bond - JGB | Joint and Survivor Annuity | Joint Bond | | Junior Issue | Junk Bond | Kangaroo Bond | Keepwell Agreement | Key Rate Duration | Lehman Aggregate Bond Index | Lehman Brothers Asset-Backed Securities Index | Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate Bond Index | Lehman Brothers Mortgage-Backed Securities Index | Lehman Investment Opportunity Note - LION | Letter Of Credit | Lewis Ranieri | LIBOR Curve | Limited Recourse Debt | Liquid Yield Option Note - LYON | Liquidation | Liquidity Premium | Loan Participation Note - LPN | Loan Servicing | Loan Syndication | Long Bond | Long Inverse Floating Exempt Receipt - LIFER | Loss Given Default - LGD | Lottery Bond | Macaulay Duration | Make Whole Call (Provision) | Mandatory Convertible | Mandatory Mortgage Lock | Mandatory Redemption Schedule | Maple Bond | Market Discount | Marketweight | Master Notes | Match-Rate Funds | Matching Strategy | Matilda Bond | Matrix Trading | Maturity | Maturity Date | MBIA Insurance Corporation | MBS Pool Number | Medium Term | Medium Term Note - MTN | Mello-Roos | Member Payment Dependent Note | Merton Model | Mezzanine Debt | Midgets | Modified Duration | Money Market | Monoline Insurance Company | Moody's | Moody's Bond Survey | Moral Obligation Bond | Mortgage Allocations | Mortgage Bond | Mortgage Company | Mortgage Excess Servicing | Mortgage Fallout | Mortgage Pipeline | Mortgage Pool | Mortgage Revenue Bond - MRB | Mortgage Subsidy Bond | Municipal Bond | Municipal Bond Fund | Municipal Convertible | Municipal Inflation-Linked Securities | Municipal Investment Trust | Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board - MSRB | Municipals-Over-Bonds Spread - MOB | Munifacts | Mutual Exclusion Doctrine | Mutual Investment Certificate | Negative Arbitrage | Negative Butterfly | Negative Convexity | Negative Covenant | Negative Pledge Clause | Negative Watch | Negotiated Sale | Net Debt Per Capita | Net Debt To Assessed Valuation | Net Debt To Estimated Valuation | Net Revenue Pledge | Nine-Bond Rule | Nominal Yield | Nominal Yield Spread | Non-Competitive Tender | Non-Marketable Security | Non-Notification Loan | Nonperforming Asset | Nontraditional Mortgages | Normal Yield Curve | North American Loan Credit Default Swap Index - LCDX | Note Against Bond Spread - NOB | Note Auction | Obligation Bond | Obligor | Off-The-Run Treasuries | Off-The-Run Treasury Yield Curve | Office Of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight - OFHEO | On-The-Run Treasuries | On-The-Run Treasury Yield Curve | Open-end Indenture | Open-End Indenture | Option Adjusted Spread - OAS | Ordinary Annuity | Original Face | Original Issue Discount - OID | Overcollateralization - OC | Overlapping Debt | Paper Dealer | Par | Par Value | Par Yield Curve | Pari-passu | Parity Bond | Partial Redemption | Partially Convertible Debenture - PCD | Pass-Through Certificate | Pass-Through Rate | Pass-Through Security | Payment In Kind Bonds | Performance Bond | Performance Index Paper - PIP | Perpetual Bond | Perpetuity | Pfandbriefe | Physical Delivery | Pickup | Placement Ratio | Planned Amortization Class (PAC) Tranche | Pledged Asset | Points | Pool Factor | Positive Butterfly | Pre-Funded Bond | Pre-Refunding Bond | Preferred Equity Redemption Stock - PERC | Preferred Habitat Theory | Preferred Redeemable Increased Dividend Equity Security - PRIDES | Premium Adjustable Convertible Security - PEACS | Premium Bond | Premium Put Convertible | Present Value Interest Factor Of Annuity - PVIFA | Price Talk | Price Value of a Basis Point - PVBP | Price-Based Option | Primary Dealer | Primary Market | Prime Rate | Prime Underwriting Facility | Principal | Principal Only Strips - PO | Principal-Protected Note - PPN | Private Activity Bond - PAB | Private Conduit | Private Equity | Private Purpose Bond | Project Completion Restriction | Project Notes | Promissory Note | Provisional Call Feature | Public Income Notes - PINES | Pure Discount Instrument | Pure Yield Pickup Swap | Put Bond | Qualified Savings Bond | Rate Level Risk | Rate Trigger | Rating | Ratings Service | Re-Offer Price | Reaffirmation | Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit - REMIC | Realized Yield | Red Clause Letter Of Credit | Rediscount | Refinancing Risk | Refunded Bond | Refunding | | Registered Bond | Reinvestment Rate | Reinvestment Risk | REIT ETF | Repurchase Agreement - Repo | Required Yield | Reset Margin | Residential Mortgage-Backed Security (RMBS) | Residual Interest Bonds - RIBS | Retail Note | Retractable Bond | Revdex | Revenue Anticipation Note - RAN | Revenue Bond | Reverse Convertible Bond - RCB | Reverse Convertible Note - RCN | Reverse Repurchase Agreement | Revertible | Revolving Underwriting Facility - RUF | Riding the Yield Curve | Risk-Free Return | Roll-Down Return | Salomon Brothers World Equity Index - SBWEI | | SEC Yield | Second Lien Debt | Secondary Mortgage Market | Secured Debt | Secured Note | Securities Industry And Financial Markets Association - SIFMA | Security | Security Interest | Sell-Off | Semi-Annual Bond Basis - SABB | Senior Bank Loan | Senior Convertible Note | Senior Debt | Senior Issue | Senior Security | Senior Stretch Loan | Sensitivity | Sequential Pay CMO | Serial Bond | Serial Bond With Balloon | Series 72 | Series EE Bond | Series HH Bond | Series I Bond | Servicing Fee | Servicing Strip | Shadow Rating | Shogun Bond | Short-Term Paper | Sight Letter of Credit | Sinker | Sinking Fund | Sinking Fund Call | Soft Call Provision | Soft Loan | Sovereign Bond | Special Assessment Bond | Special Tax Bond | Spot Rate Treasury Curve | Standard Poor's Underlying Rating - SPURs | Standby Note Issuance Facility - SNIF | Standing Mortgage | Static Spread | Statutory Debt Limit | Step-Up Bond | Stock Participation Accreting Redemption Quarterly-Pay Securities - SPARQS | Strip | Strip Bond | Stripped Yield | Structural Adjustment | Structured Investment Vehicle - SIV | Structured Note | Structured Yield Product Exchangeable For Stock - STRYPES | Sub-Sovereign Obligation - SSO | Subordinated Debt | Subordination Clause | Subprime Loan | Substitution Swap | Super Sinker | Surety | Sushi Bond | Swap | Swap Curve | Sweetener | Syndicated Loan | Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligation | Synthetic Letter Of Credit | Take-Out Lender | Tap Issue | Targeted Amortization Class - TAC | Tax Anticipation Notes - TAN | Tax-Equivalent Yield | Tax-Exempt Commercial Paper | Tax-Exempt Interest | Taxable Bond | Ted Spread | Tender | Tenor | Term Bond | Term Deposit | Term Structure Of Interest Rates | Term To Maturity | The Bond Buyer | Thirty-Year Treasury | Thrift | To Be Announced - TBA | Toggle Note | Toll Revenue Bond | Total Bond Fund | Toxic Assets | Toxic Debt | Toxic Waste | Trading Effect | Tranches | Treasury Automated Auction Processing System - TAAPS | Treasury Bill - T-Bill | Treasury Bond - T-Bond | Treasury Direct | Treasury Index | Treasury Investment Growth Receipts - TIGRs | Treasury Lock | Treasury Note | Treasury Receipt | Treasury STRIPS | Triple-Tax-Free | Trust Certificate | Trust Indenture | Trust Indenture Act of 1939 | Trust Preferred Securities - TruPS | Trust Receipt | U.S. Savings Bond Adjustment | U.S. Savings Bonds | U.S. Treasury | Ultra-Short Bond Fund | Uncommitted Facility | Unsecured Debt | Unsecured Loan | Unsubordinated Debt | Usury | Value Date | Variable Annuity | Variable Coupon Renewable Note - VCR | Variable Interest Rate | Variable Rate Demand Note (VRDN) | Vendor Note | Vintage | War Bond | Warehouse Lending | Weighted Average Coupon - WAC | Weighted Average Credit Rating | Weighted Average Life - WAL | Weighted Average Loan Age - WALA | Weighted Average Maturity - WAM | Whole Loan | Whoops | William H. Gross | Without Recourse | Workout Period | Yankee Bond | Yankee CD | Yellow Sheets | Yield | Yield Basis | Yield Burning | Yield Curve | Yield Curve Risk | Yield Elbow | Yield Equivalence | Yield Maintenance | Yield Pickup | Yield Spread | Yield To Call | Yield To Maturity - YTM | Yield To Worst - YTW | Yield-Based Option | Z-Tranche | Zero-Coupon Bond | Zero-Coupon Convertible | Zero-Volatility Spread - Z-spread | Zeta Model

Forex Trading Terms


Absolute Rate | Accreting Principal Swap | Accumulation/Distribution | ADF (Andorran Franc) | AED (United Arab Emirates Dirham) | AFA (Afghanistan Afghani) | Aggregate Demand | Aggregate Supply | Alan Greenspan | ALL (Albanian Lek) | American Currency Quotation | American Depositary Share - ADS | Amplitude | AON (Angolan Novo Kwanza) | Arbitrage | ARP (Argentinian peso) | ARS (Argentinian Nuevo peso) | Asian Financial Crisis | Asset Swap | At The Market | AUD (Australian Dollar) | AUD/USD (Australian Dollar/U.S. Dollar) | Aussie | Authorized Forex Dealer | Automated Forex Trading | AWG (Aruban Florin) | Balance Of Payments - BOP | Bank For International Settlements - BIS | Bank Of Canada - BOC | Bank Of Japan - BoJ | Base Currency | BBD (Barbados Dollar) | BDT (Bangladesh Taka) | Ben Bernanke | BGN (Bulgarian Lev) | BHD (Bahraini Dinar) | BIF (Burundi Franc) | Big Figure | Big Mac PPP | Blocked Currency | Blotter | BMD (Bermudian Dollar) | BND (Brunei Dollar) | BOB (Bolivian Boliviano) | Bretton Woods Agreement | BRL (Brazilian Real) | BSD (Bahamian Dollar) | BTN (Bhutanese Ngultrum) | Bull Put Spread | Bundesbank | Buying Forward | BWP (Botswana Pula) | BZD (Belize Dollar) | Cable | CAD (Canadian Dollar) | Cambist | Cash Delivery | Centralized Market | CHF (Swiss Franc) | China Investment Corporation (CIC) | Choice Market | Clearing | Clearing Price | CLP (Chilean Peso) | CNY (China Yuan Renminbi) | Commodity Block Currency | Commodity Pairs | Commodity Trading Advisor - CTA | Compound Option | Constant Currencies | Core Inflation | Country Basket | Country Risk | Cover On A Bounce | Cover On Approach | Covered Interest Rate Parity | Crawling Peg | Credit Checking | Credit Netting | Cross Currency | Cross Rate | Currency | Currency Basket | Currency Binary | Currency Carry Trade | Currency Certificate | Currency Convertibility | Currency Day Trading System | Currency ETF | Currency Forward | Currency Futures | Currency History | Currency Option | Currency Overlay | Currency Pair | Currency Pair: EUR/USD (Euro/U.S. Dollar) | Currency Pairs | Currency Risk | Currency Swap | Currency Trading Platform | Currency Trading Software | Current Account | Current Account Deficit | Daily Chart | Daily Cut-Off | Daily Trading Limit | Dayrate Volatility | Decentralized Market | Deflation | Depreciation | Devaluation | Diamond Top Formation | Direct Quote | Dirty Float | Dollar Drain | Double No-Touch Option | Double One-Touch Option | Dual Currency Deposit | Dual Currency Issue | Dual Exchange Rate | Durables | Dutch Disease | Earning The Points | Economic Exposure | Either-Way Market | Electronic Currency Trading | Equity Linked Foreign Exchange Option - ELF-X | Euro | Euro LIBOR | Euro Medium Term Note - EMTN | Euroclear | Eurocommercial Paper | Eurocurrency Market | Eurodollar Bond | Euromarket | European Central Bank - ECB | European Currency Quotation | European Monetary System - EMS | European Terms | European Union - EU | Euroyen | Euroyen Bond | Eurozone | Exchange Control | Exchange Rate | Exchange Stabilization Fund - ESF | Exotic Currency | Failure To Deliver | Federal Debt | Finmins | First Notice Day | Fiscal Deficit | Five Against Note Spread - FAN | Fixed Exchange Rate | Fixed-For-Fixed Swaps | Fixed-For-Floating Swap | Fixed-Income Arbitrage | Flat | Flat On A Failure | Flip | Floating Exchange Rate | Foreign Currency Convertible Bond - FCCB | Foreign Currency Effects | Foreign Exchange Dealers Association Of India - FEDAI | Foreign Exchange Market | Foreign Official Dollar Reserves - FRODOR | Foreign-Exchange Risk | Forex - FX | Forex Account | Forex Analysis | Forex Arbitrage | Forex Broker | Forex Charting Software | Forex Charts | Forex eBooks | Forex Forecasting Software | Forex Futures | Forex Hedge | Forex Market | Forex Market Hours | Forex Mini Account | Forex Option & Currency Trading Options | Forex Option Trading | Forex Scalping | Forex Signal System | Forex Spot Rate | Forex System Trading | Forex Trading Robot | Forex Trading Strategy | Forex Training | Forward Contract | Forward Discount | Forward Points | Forward Premium | Forward Rate Agreement - FRA | GBP/USD (British Pound/U.S. Dollar) | Gnomes of Zurich | Gold Standard | Government Purchases | Greenback | Gross Domestic Product - GDP | Group of Eight - G-8 | GYD (Guyanese Dollar) | Hard Currency | Hard Money | Historical Currency Exchange Rates | HKD (Hong Kong Dollars) | HNL | HNL (Honduran Lempira) | HTG | HTG (Haitian Gourde) | HUF | HUF (Hungarian Forint) | Hyperinflation | IDR | IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) | IEP (Irish Pound) | ILS | ILS (Israeli New Shequel) | Inconvertible Currency | Indicative Quote | Indirect Quote | Inflation | Initial Claims | INR | INR (Indian Rupee) | Interbank Market | Interbank Rate | Interest Rate Differential - IRD | Interest Rate Parity | International Currency Converter | International Currency Exchange Rate | International Currency Markets | International Fisher Effect - IFE | International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement - IFEMA | International Monetary Fund - IMF | Inward Arbitrage | IQD | IQD (Iraqi Dinar) | IRR | IRR (Iranian Rial) | ISK | ISK (Icelandic Kràna) | ISO Currency Code | JMD | JMD (Jamaican Dollar) | JOD | JOD (Jordanian Dinar) | JPY | JPY (Japanese Yen) | KES | KES (Kenyan Shilling) | KHR | KHR (Cambodian Riel) | Kiwi | KMF | KMF (Comorian Franc) | KPW | KPW (North Korean Won) | KRW | KRW (Korean Won) | KWD | KWD (Kuwaiti Dinar) | KYD | KYD (Cayman Islands Dollar) | KZT | KZT (Kazakhstan Tenge) | LAK | LAK (Lao Kip) | Law Of One Price | Lawful Money | LBP | LBP (Lebanese Pound) | Leads And Lags | Linked Exchange Rate System | Liquidation Level | LKR (Sri Lankan Rupee) | London Spot Fix | Long Dated Forward | Loonie | Losing The Points | LVL (Latvian Lat) | LYD (Libyan Dinar) | MAD (Moroccan Dirham) | Major Pairs | Managed Forex Accounts | Managed Futures Account | Memory-Of-Price Strategy | Mine and Yours | Mini Forex Account | Mini-Lot | Minimum Price Contract | MMK (Myanmar Kyat) | MNT (Mongolian Tugrug) | Monetary Base | Monetary Policy | Monetary Reserve | Money Supply | MOP (Macanese Pataca) | Moral Suasion | MRO (Mauritanian Ouguiya) | MTL (Maltese Lira) | MUR (Mauritius Rupee) | MVR (Maldivian Rufiyaa) | MWK (Malawian Kwacha) | MXN (Mexican Peso) | MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) | MZM (Mozambique Metical) | NAD (Namibian Dollar) | NFA Compliance Rule 2-43b | NGN (Nigerian Naira) | NIO (Nicaraguan Cordoba) | NOK (Norwegian Krone) | Nominal | Nominal Effective Exchange Rate - NEER | Non-Deliverable Forward - NDF | Non-Deliverable Swap - NDS | Nonconvertible Currency | Noon Rate | Nostro Account | NPR (Nepalese Rupee) | NZD (New Zealand Dollar) | NZD/USD (New Zealand Dollar/U.S. Dollar) | OMR (Oman Rial) | One-Touch Option | Online Currency Exchange | Outward Arbitrage | Overnight Trading | PAB (Panamanian Balboa) | Panel Bank | Paper Money | Parallel Loan | Pegging | PEN (Peruvian Nuevo Sol) | PGK (Papua New Guinea Kina) | PHP (Philippine Peso) | Pip | PKR (Pakistani Rupee) | PLN (Polish Zloty) | Pre-Settlement Risk | Public Sector Net Borrowing | Purchasing Power Parity - PPP | PYG (Paraguay Guarani) | QAR (Qatari Riyal) | Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor - QDII | Quality Spread Differential - QSD | Quantity-Adjusting Option - Quanto Option | Quanto Swap | Quote Currency | Real Effective Exchange Rate - REER | Real Time Forex Trading | Redenomination | Repatriation | Reserve Currency | Revaluation | Revaluation Rates | Risk Analysis | Rollover | RON (Romanian New Leu) | RSD (Serbian Dinar) | RUB (Russian Ruble) | | SAR (Saudi Riyal) | SBD (Solomon Islands Dollar) | SCR (Seychelles Rupee) | SDD (Sudanese Dinar) | SDP (Sudanese Pound) | Seigniorage | SEK (Swedish Krona) | Settlement Period | Settlement Risk | SGD (Singapore Dollar) | Shanghai Stock Exchange | | Single Payment Options Trading - SPOT | SIT (Slovenian Tolar) | SKK (Slovak Koruna) | Slippage | SLL (Sierra Leone Leone) | Soft Currency | SOS (Somaliland Shilling) | Sovereign Bond | Sovereign Risk | Special Drawing Rights - SDR | Speculator | Spot Exchange Rate | Spot Next | Spot Trade | Square Position | SRD (Suriname Dollar) | | STD (Sao Tome & Principe Dobra) | Sterilization | Sterilized Intervention | SVC (El Salvador Colon) | Swap Dealer | Swissie | SYP (Syrian Pound) | SZL (Swaziland Lilangeni) | Take-Profit Order - T/P | Tankan Survey | Temporal Method | THB (Thai Baht) | Thin Market | TND (Tunisian Dinar) | Tomorrow Next - Tom Next | TOP (Tonga Pa'anga) | Top-Down Analysis | Toraku Index | Trade Sanction | Transaction Exposure | Transaction Risk | Translation Exposure | Translation Risk | TRY (Turkish New Lira) | TTD (Trinidad and Tobago Dollar) | TWD (Taiwan Dollar) | Two-Way Quote | TZS (Tanzanian Shilling) | U.S. Dollar Index - USDX | UAH (Ukraine Hryvnia) | UGX (Ugandan Shilling) | Uncovered Interest Rate Parity - UIP | Unemployment Rate | Universal Currency Converter | Unsterilized Foreign Exchange Intervention | USD (United States Dollar) | USD/CAD (U.S. Dollar/Canadian Dollar) | USD/CHF (U.S. Dollar/Swiss Franc) | USD/JPY (U.S. Dollar/Japanese Yen) | UYU (Uruguayan Peso) | VEB (Venezuelan Bolivar) | VND (Vietnamese Dong) | VUV (Vanuatu Vatu) | Weak Dollar | WST (Samoan Tala) | Xenocurrency | Yankee Market | Yard | Yen ETF | ZAR (South African Rand) | ZMK (Zambian Kwacha) | ZWD (Zimbabwe Dollar)

Mutual Funds Investment Terms


100% Equities Strategy | 12B-1 Fee | 12B-1 Fund | 12B-1 Plan | 130/30 Mutual Fund | A-Share | Absolute Return | Accumulation Plan | Acquired Fund Fees And Expenses - AFFE | Active Management | Active Risk | Active-Share Study | Actively Managed ETF | Advisor | Advisor Fee | After Reimbursement Expense Ratio | Aggressive Growth Fund | All Weather Fund | All-Cap Fund | Allocation Rate | Alpha | Alpha Generator | American Council Of Life Insurance | Annual Report | Annual Turnover | Anti-Reciprocal Rule | Anticipated Holding Period | Appraisal Ratio | Approved List | Asset Allocation | Asset Allocation Fund | Asset Class | Asset Class Breakdown | Asset Management Company - AMC | Asset Size | Assets Under Management - AUM | Attribution Analysis | Automatic Investment Plan - AIP | Automatic Reinvestment Plan | Average Annual Return - AAR | Average Cost Basis Method | B-Share | Back-End Load | Balanced Fund | Before Reimbursement Expense Ratio | | Beta | Blend Fund | Bogey | Bond ETF | Bond Fund | Breaking The Buck | Breakpoint | Breakpoint Sale | Broke The Buck | C-Share | Calmar Ratio | Canadian Securities Course™ - CSC™ | Capital Appreciation Fund | Capital Gain | Capital Gains Distribution | Capital Gains Exposure - CGE | Capital Guarantee Fund | Capped Fund | Cash Equivalents | Cash Plus Fund | Cash Reserves | Certified Fund Specialist - CFS | Class Of Shares | Clone Fund | Closed Fund | Closed To New Accounts | Closed-End Fund | Closed-End Management Company | Collective Investment Fund | Commingled Fund | Conduit Theory | Conservative Growth | Consumer Discretionary | Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC) | Core Plus | Country Fund | Creation Unit | Crossover Fund | Cumulative Discount Privilege | Cumulative Return | Current Income | Cyclical Risk | David Dreman | Debt Fund | Dedicated Portfolio | Deferred Load | Defined Portfolio | Depository Institutions Act of 1982 | Diamonds | Discount To Net Asset Value | Diversification | Diversified Common Stock Fund | Diversified Fund | Dividend | Dividend Drag | Dividend Frequency | Dollar-Cost Averaging - DCA | Dow Jones Asian Titans 50 Index | Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 | Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index | Dow Jones STOXX 50 | Dual Purpose Fund | Duration | Efficient Frontier | Emerging Market ETF | Emerging Market Fund | Energy ETF | Enhanced Index Fund - EIF | Enhanced Indexing | Equity | Equity Fund | Equity Income | Equity Style Box | ETF Sponsor | Euro ETF | Exchange Fees | Exchange Privilege | Exit Fee | Expense Limit | Expense Ratio | Fair Weather Fund | Family Of Funds | Feeder Fund | Final Prospectus | Fixed-Income Style Box | Flexi-Cap Fund | Flexible Fund | Foregone Earnings | Form 1099-DIV | Forward Pricing | Foul Weather Fund | Front-End Load | Fund Category | Fund Company | Fund Flow | Fund Manager | Fund Of Funds | Fund Overlap | Fundamentally Weighted Index | Gilt Fund | Global Fund | Global Industry Classification Standard - GICS | Go-Go Fund | Gold Fund | Green Fund | Growth And Income Fund | Growth Fund | Hidden Load | High-Water Mark | Hub And Spoke Structure | Hybrid Fund | Income Fund | Income Risk | Income Share | Income Trust | Incubated Fund | Incubation | Index | Index Fund | Index Hugger | Indexing | Indicative Net Asset Value - iNAV | Information Ratio - IR | Institutional Fund | Institutional Shares | International Equity Style Box | International ETF | International Fund | Interval Fund (Scheme) | Inverse ETF | Investing Style | Investment Company | Investment Company Act Of 1940 | Investment Company Institute - ICI | Investment Grade | Investor Shares | Japan ETFs | John Bogle | John Neff | Large Cap - Big Cap | Late-Day Trading | Level Load | Life-Cycle Fund | Lifestyle Fund | Lipper Indexes | Load | Load Fund | Load Spread Option | Load-Waived Funds | Long/Short Fund | Managed Account | Managed Money | Management Fee | Management Investment Company | Management Risk | Management Tenure | Manager Of Managers - MOM | Market Neutral | Market Neutral Fund | Master Fund | Master Trust | Mid-Cap Fund | Minimum Investment | Mirror Fund | Modified Dietz Method | Momentum Fund | Money Market Fund | Morgan Stanley Capital International - MSCI | Morningstar Risk Rating | Multi-Advisor Fund | Multi-Asset Class | Multi-Discipline Account | Municipal Bond Fund | Mutual Fund | Mutual Fund Cash Level | Mutual Fund Custodian | Mutual Fund Liquidity Ratio | Mutual Fund Subadvisor | Mutual Fund Timing | Mutual Fund Wrap | Mutual-Fund Advisory Program | NAV Return | Net Asset Value - NAV | Net Asset Value Per Share - NAVPS | New Fund Offer - NFO | No Transaction Fee Mutual Fund | No-Load Fund | Non-Capped Fund | Non-Publicly Offered Mutual Fund | Nontaxable Dividends | Nova/Ursa Ratio | Offshore Mutual Fund | Oil ETF | Open Ended Investment Company - OEIC | Open-End Fund | Open-End Management Company | Optimized Portfolio as Listed Securities - OPALS | Overweight | Passive ETF | Passive Management | Performance-Based Compensation | Periodic Payment Plan | Periodic Payment Plan Certificate | Pipeline | Pipeline Theory | Pooled Funds | Portfolio | Portfolio Income | Portfolio Insurance | Portfolio Management | Portfolio Manager | Portfolio Pumping | Portfolio Turnover | Premium To Net Asset Value | Private Investment in Public Equity - PIPE | ProShares | Prospectus | Protected Fund | Quant Fund | R-Squared | Reclassification | Redemption | Redemption Fee | Regional Fund | Regulated Investment Company - RIC | Relative Return | Retail Fund | Rights of Accumulation - ROA | Risk Measures | Risk-Adjusted Return | Russell 1000 Index | S&P Phenomenon | Sales Charge | Sector Breakdown | Sector ETF | Sector Fund | Sector Rotation | Series 23 | Series 52 | Series 6 | Service Shares | Sharpe Ratio | Short Form Prospectus Distribution System - SFPDS | Short-Term Investment Fund - STIF | Silver ETF | Single-Country Fund | Sir John Templeton | Société d'Investissement À Capital Variable - SICAV | Soft Dollars | Spiders - SPDR | Spread-Load Contractual Plan | Statement Shock | Sterling Ratio | Stewardship Grade | Strategic Asset Allocation | Structured Funds | Style | Style Box | Style Drift | Sub-Advised Fund | Sub-Asset Class | Super NOW Account | Surrender Period | Survivorship Bias | Switching | Systematic Investment Plan - SIP | Systematic Withdrawal Plan - SWP | Tactical Asset Allocation - TAA | Target-Date Fund | Targeted-Distribution Fund | Tax-Efficient Fund | Temporary New Account | Third-Party Distributor | Total Bond Fund | Total Expense Ratio - TER | Total Stock Fund | Tracker Fund | Trailer Fee | Trust Deed | Turnover Ratio | Ultra ETF | Undertakings For The Collective Investment Of Transferable Securities - UCITS | Underweight | Unit Investment Trust - UIT | Unit Trust - UT | Value Added Monthly Index - VAMI | Value at Risk - VaR | Value Fund | Vanguard Exchange-Traded Funds | Venture Capital Funds | Vice Fund | Voluntary Accumulation Plan | Vulture Fund | Weighted Average Credit Rating | Window Dressing | Withdrawal Plan | World Fund | Y-Share | Yield Tilt Index Fund | Z-Share

Options Terms


Accelerated Vesting | Actuals | Actuarial Equity | Adjusted Exercise Price | Aggregate Exercise Price | Alligator Spread | Allocation Notice | Altiplano Option | American Option | Annapurna Option | Asian Option | Asian Tail | Asset-or-Nothing Call Option | Asset-or-Nothing Put Option | Assign | Assignable Contract | Assignment | At The Money | Atlas Options | Automated Clearing House - ACH | Automatic Exercise | Average Price Call | Average Price Put | Back Fee | Backspread | Balloon Option | Barrier Option | Basket Option | Bear Call Spread | Bear Put Spread | Bear Spread | Bermuda Option | Bermuda Swaption | | Binary Option | Binomial Option Pricing Model | Binomial Tree | Black Scholes Model | Black's Model | Bond Option | Booking the Basis | Bookout | Boston Options Exchange - BOX | Box Spread | Breakeven Point - BEP | Bull Call Spread | Bull Put Spread | Bull Spread | Bull Vertical Spread | Bullet Dodging | Bullet Trade | Butterfly Spread | Buy A Spread | Buy To Open | Buy-Write | Buyer's Call | Calculation Agent | Calendar Spread | Call | Call Option | Call Premium | Call Ratio Backspread | Call Rule | Called Away | Canary Call | Capped Option | Capping | Caput | Cash-Based Option | Cash-or-Nothing Call | Cash-or-Nothing Put | Cash-Settled Options | Cashless Conversion | Cashless Exercise | Cat Spread | CBOE Nasdaq Volatility Index - VXN | Chameleon Option | Changer | Chicago Board Of Trade - CBOT | Chicago Board Options Exchange - CBOE | Chooser Option | Christmas Tree | Clearing | Clearing Fee | Clearing House | Cliquet | Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange - CSCE | Combination | Commercial Trader | Commodity Exchange Act - CEA | Compound Option | Condor Spread | Contango | Contract Market | Contract Size | Contract Unit | Conversion Arbitrage | Counterparty | Country Basket | Covered Call | Credit Spread | Credit Spread Option | Cum Rights | Currency Option | Cylinder | Date Certain | Dealer Option | Death Put | Debit Spread | Deep In The Money | Deep Out Of The Money | Deferred Payment Option | Delivery | Delta | Delta Hedging | Delta Neutral | Derivative | Derivatives Time Bomb | Diagonal Spread | Digital Option | Dividend Arbitrage | Double Barrier Option | Double No-Touch Option | Double One-Touch Option | Double Witching | Down Transition Probability | Down-and-In Option | Down-and-Out Option | E-Mini (Stock Index Futures) | Early Exercise | Economic Derivative | Embedded Option | Equity Linked Foreign Exchange Option - ELF-X | | European Option | Everest Option | Evergreen Option | Exchange-Traded Option | Exercise | Exercise Backdating | Exercise Limit | Exercise Price | Exotic Option | Expiration Cycle | Expiration Date | Expiration Time | Extrinsic Value | Fiduciary Call | Financial Engineering | Flexible Exchange Option - FLEX | Floortion | Front Fee | Frontspread | Fugit | Fungibility | Fungibles | Furthest Out | Futures | Gamma | Gamma Neutral | Gharar | Ginzy Trading | Globally Floored Contract | Grantor | Greeks | Greenshoe Option | Gut Spread | Hedging Transaction | Himalayan Option | Horizontal Spread | Illiquid Option | Implied Volatility - IV | In The Money | Incentive Stock Option - ISO | Index Arbitrage | Index Option | Index Roll | Inflation Derivatives | Intercommodity Spread | Interest Rate Call Option | Interest Rate Options | International Monetary Market - IMM | Intrinsic Value | Inverted Market | Iron Butterfly | Iron Condor | ISEE Sentiment Indicator | JAJO | Kappa | Knock-In Option | Knock-Out Option | Ladder Option | Lambda | Lapse | Last Trading Day | Leg | Leverage Build Up | Limit Order | Listed Option | Lock-Up Option | London International Financial Futures And Options Exchange - LIFFE | Long Jelly Roll | Long Put | Long Straddle | Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities - LEAPS | Lookback Option | Managed Futures Account | Married Put | Max Pain (TM) | Mid-Atlantic Option | Mini-Sized Dow Options | MJSD | Moneyness | Montreal Exchange | Mountain Range Options | Multi-Leg Options Order | Must Be Filled - MBF | Naked Call | Naked Option | Naked Position | Naked Put | Nearby Month | Negative Carry | Net Option Premium | New York Board Of Trade - NYBOT | New York Mercantile Exchange - NYMEX | Non-Equity Option | Non-Qualified Stock Option - NSO | Omega | One-Touch Option | Open Interest | Opening Transaction | Option | Option Chain | Option Class | Option Cycle | Option Disclosure Document | Option Premium | Option Pricing Theory | Option Schedule | Option Series | Optionable Stock | Options Backdating | Options Clearing Corporation - OCC | Options Contract | Options Price Reporting Authority - OPRA | OTC Options | Out Of The Money - OTM | Outperformance Option | Outright Option | Overhang | Overwrite | Overwriting | Parity Price | Path Dependent Option | Period Certain | Perpetual Option - XPO | Philadelphia Stock Exchange - PHLX | Physical Delivery | Physical Option | Piggyback Warrants | Pin Risk | Pinning the Strike | Plain Vanilla | Portfolio Margin | Position Limit | Positive Carry | Preference Equity Redemption Cumulative Stock - PERCS | Premium | Price Swap Derivative | Price-Based Option | Put | Put Calendar | Put Option | Put Ratio Backspread | Put Warrant | Put-Call Parity | Put-Call Ratio | Quadruple Witching | Quantity-Adjusting Option - Quanto Option | Rainbow Option | Ratio Call Write | Ratio Spread | Rebate | Rebate Barrier Option | Registered Options Principal - ROP | Registered Options Trader | Reload Option | Reverse Conversion | Reverse Convertible Bond - RCB | Reverse Swap | Rho | Rings | Risk Capital | Risk Graph | Risk Reversal | Riskless Society | Roll Back | Roll Down | Roll Forward | Roll Up | Run Rate | Russian Option | S&P 500 Mini | S-8 Filing | Scalpers | Seagull Option | SEC Form 10-KT405 | Sell To Close | Sell To Open | Seller | Seller's Option | Serial Option | Series 3 | Series 4 | Series 42 | Severability | Shareholder Value Transfer - SVT | Short Straddle | Shout Option | Single Payment Options Trading - SPOT | Small Trader | SPAN Margin | Split Block Pricing | Spread | Spread Option | Spring Loading | STIR Futures & Options | Stock Option | Stock Replacement Strategy | Straddle | Strangle | Strap | Strike Price | Strip | Sum Certain | Swap Transferring Risk With Participating Element - STRIPE | Swaption (Swap Option) | Synthetic Call | Synthetic Dividend | Synthetic Put | Theta | Ticker Symbol | Time Decay | Time Value | Trade or Fade Rule | Trinomial Option Pricing Model | Triple Witching | Underlying | Underwater | Up-and-In Option | Up-and-Out Option | Vanilla Option | Variable Ratio Write | Vega | Vertical Spread | Vest Fleece | VIX - CBOE Volatility Index | VIX Option | Volatility | Volatility Quote Trading | Volatility Skew | Volatility Smile | Warrant | Warrant Coverage | Warrant Premium | Wasting Asset | Weather Derivative | Witching Hour | Writer | Yield-Based Option | Zero Cost Collar |

Retirement Plan Terms


401(a) Plan | 401(k) Plan | 403(b) Plan | 408(k) Plan | 412(i) Plan | 419(e) Welfare Benefit Plans | 457 Plan | 529 Plan | Accumulation Phase | Accumulation Unit | Active Participant Status | Adjustment Provision | Administration Bond | Advance Directive | Agency Automatic Contributions | Agency Matching Contributions | Allocated Benefits | Allocation Of Plan Assets On Termination | Alternative Risk Financing Facilities | Annuitant | Annuitization | Annuitization Method | Annuitization Phase | Annuity Contract | Annuity Factor Method | Annuity Ladder | Annuity Unit | Archer MSA | Assumed Interest Rate - AIR | Attorney In Fact | Automatic Rollover | Automatic Savings Plan | Bank Trust Custodial Account | Beneficiary | Benefit Offset | Blackout Period | Boomerang | Brokerage Window | Cafeteria Plan | Canada Pension Plan - CPP | Capital Gains Treatment | Capital Growth Strategy | Carryover Basis | Cash Balance Pension Plan | Cash Plus Fund | Catch-Up Contribution | Central Provident Fund - CPF | Certified Senior Consultant - CSC | Charitable Lead Trust | Charitable Remainder Trust | Cliff Vesting | Conduit IRA | Conservatorship | Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - COBRA | Contingent Beneficiary | Conveyance | Corporate Pension Plan | Coverdell Education Savings Account - ESA | Credit Shelter Trust - CST | Crummey Power | Current Income | Custodial Account | Death Taxes | Deferred Account | Deferred Annuity | Deferred Profit Sharing Plan - DPSP | Defined-Benefit Plan | Defined-Contribution Plan | Department Of Labor - DOL | Designated Beneficiary | Direct Rollover | Disclaimer Trust | Disclosure Statement | Donor Advised Fund | Early Withdrawal | Economic Growth And Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 - EGTRRA | Education IRA | Elective-Deferral Contribution | Eligible Rollover Distribution | Employee Contribution Plan | Employee Retirement Income Security Act - ERISA | Employee Savings Plan | Employee Stock Purchase Plan - ESPP | Entity-Purchase Agreement | Entrance Fee | Escheat | Estate | Estate Planning | Excess Accumulation Penalty | Extended IRA | Family Offices | Federal Employee Retirement System - FERS | Financial Plan | First-Time Home Buyer | Five-Year Rule | Fixed Annuitization Method | Fixed Income | Flat Benefit Formula | Flower Bond | Foreign Plan | Form 1099-R | Form 8606 | Forward Averaging | Generation-Skipping Trust | Gift Inter Vivos | Gift Tax | Gifting Phase | Golden Boot | Golden Handshake | Government-Sponsored Retirement Arrangement - GSRA | Grantor Retained Annuity Trust - GRAT | Growth And Income Fund | Guarantee Fees | Guaranteed Death Benefit | Guaranteed Investment Fund - GIF | Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit - GLWB | Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit - GMAB | Guardian IRA | GUST Restatement | Hardship Withdrawal | Healthcare Power Of Attorney - HCPA | Heir | Holographic Will | Home Buyers' Plan - HBP | Homestead Exemption | Hybrid Annuity | In-Service Withdrawal | Incentive Trust | Income Annuity | Income Stock | Independent 401(k) | Indexed Annuity | Indirect Rollover | Individual Retirement Account - IRA | Individual Retirement Annuity | Inflation-Protected Annuity - IPA | Inheritance | Inheritance Tax | Inherited IRA | Installment Receipt | Integrated Pension Plan | Inter-Vivos Trust | Intestacy | Investment Consultant | Involuntary Cash-Out | IRA Adoption Agreement And Plan Document | IRA Plan | IRA Rollover | Irrevocable Income-Only Trust - IIOT | Irrevocable Trust | Keogh Plan | Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings - KIPPERS | KSOP | Legal List | Liability Driven Investment - LDI | Liability Matching | Life Expectancy | Life Option | Life Settlement | Life With Guaranteed Term | Locked In | Longevity Risk | Lump-Sum Distribution | Marital Property | Matching Contribution | Matching Strategy | Matured RRSP | Medicaid | Modified Adjusted Gross Income - MAGI | Money-Purchase Pension Plan | Money-Purchase Provisions | Monthly Income Plan - MIP | Mortality And Expense Risk Charge | Multiple Linear Regression - MLR | Nest Egg | Net Unrealized Appreciation - NUA | Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation - NQDC | Non-Qualified Plan | Non-Qualifying Investment | Non-Spouse Beneficiary Rollover | Nondiscrimination Rule | Nonelective Contribution | Nonforfeiture Clause | Nonperiodic Distribution | Notice Of Assessment - NOA | Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Program - OASDI | Opt-Out Plan | Ordering Rules | Other Post-Retirement Benefits | Outside Earnings | Overcontribution | Past Service | Pay Yourself First | Pension Adjustment - PA | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation - PBGC | Pension Benefit Obligation - PBO | Pension Fund | Pension Pillar | Pension Plan | Pension Plan Administrator | Pension Protection Act Of 2006 - PPA | Pension Shortfall | Period Certain | Phased Retirement | Phases Of Retirement | Pick-Up Tax | Pink Slip Party | Plan Participant | Pop-Up Option | Portable Benefits | Post-Retirement Risk | Pour-Over Will | Private Annuity | Qualified Acquisition Cost | Qualified Disclaimer | Qualified Distribution | Qualified Joint And Survivor Annuity - QJSA | Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity - QPSA | Qualified Retirement Plan (Qualified Plan) | Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) Trust | Qualified Trust | Qualifying Annuity | Quality Of Life | Rabbi Trust | Rebalancing | Recareering | Recharacterization | Reconversion | Redeposit | Registered Pension Plan - RPP | Registered Retirement Income Fund - RRIF | Registered Retirement Savings Plan - RRSP | Registered Retirement Savings Plan Contribution - RRSP Contribution | Registered Retirement Savings Plan Deduction - RRSP Deduction | Registered Retirement Savings Plan Deduction Limit - RRSP Deduction Limit | Remainder Man | Required Beginning Date - RBD | Required Minimum Distribution - RMD | Retirement Contribution | Retirement Planner | Returnment | Reverse Mortgage | Revocable Trust | Revoked IRA | Rollover | Roth 401(k) | Roth IRA | Roth IRA Conversion | Rule 72(t) | Salary Reduction Contribution | Salary Reduction Simplified Employee Pension Plan - SARSEP | Same Property Rule | Saver's Tax Credit | Savings Incentive Match Plan For Employees Of Small Employers - SIMPLE | SBO-401(k) | Section 1035 Exchange | Self-Directed RRSP | Sequence Risk | Simplified Employee Pension - SEP (Simplified Employee Pension IRA) | Single-Life Payout | Single-Premium Deferred Annuity - SPDA | Social Security | Social Security Benefits | Spending Phase | Split-Funded Annuity | Spousal Beneficiary Rollover | Spousal IRA | Stable Value Fund | Standard Of Living | Statement Shock | Straight Life Annuity | Stretch Annuity | Substandard Health Annuity | Substantially Equal Periodic Payment - SEPP | Succession | Superannuation | Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan - SERP | Supplemental Security Income - SSI | Surrender Fee | Systematic Withdrawal Schedule | Target-Benefit Plan | Targeted-Distribution Fund | Tax Avoidance | Tax-Deferred Savings Plan | Tax-Sheltered Annuity | Teacher Retirement System - TRS | Term Certain Annuity | Testamentary Trust | Thrift Savings Plan - TSP | Traditional IRA | Traditional Whole Life Policy | Transfer | Triggering Event | Unified Managed Account - UMA | Unit Benefit Formula | Variable Annuity | Vested Interest | Viager | Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association Plan - VEBA | Waterfall Concept | Will Variation

Stocks Terms


10-K | 100% Equities Strategy | 130-30 Strategy | 19c3 Stock | 52-Week High/Low | A | A-Shares | Abnormal Return | Above The Market | Absolute Priority | Accelerated Share Repurchase - ASR | | Accommodation Trading | Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio | Accrued Dividend | Accumulated Earnings Tax | Acquisition Loan | Acting In Concert | Active Index Fund | Actively Managed ETF | Activity Ratio | Actual Return | Adjustable-Rate Preferred Stock - ARPS | Adjusted Debit Balance | Adjustment in Conversion Terms | Advance Commitment | Affidavit Of Loss | Affirmative Obligation | After-Hours Market Close | After-Hours Trading - AHT | After-Market Performance | Agency Cost Of Debt | Agency Costs | Agency Cross | All Or None - AON | All-Holders Rule | All-Ordinaries Stock Index | Allied Member | Alpha | Alpha Generator | Alphabet Rounds | Alternative Energy ETF | Altiplano Option | American Depositary Receipt - ADR | American Depositary Share - ADS | Amsterdam Stock Exchange (AEX) .AS | Andersen Effect | Angelina Jolie Stock Index | Ankle Biter | Annapurna Option | Announcement Effect | Annual Premium Equivalent - APE | Annual Report | Annual Return | Anonymous Trading | Anti-Dilution Provision | Anti-Greenmail Provision | Anti-Martingale System | Anti-Takeover Measure | Anti-Takeover Statute | Antidilutive | Any-and-All Bid | Appraisal Right | Approved List | Arithmetic Index | Ask | Assessable Stock | Asset Mix | Asset Performance | Asset Turnover | Asset Valuation | Assimilation | At-The-Close Order | At-The-Opening-Order | Atlas Options | Attribute Bias | Auction | Auction Market | Authorized Stock | Automated Confirmation Transaction Service - ACT | Automatic Stay | Average Cost Basis Method | Average Down | Average Qualitative Opinion - AQO | Average Up | Away From The Market | Ax | B | B-Shares | Back Up The Truck | Backing Away | Badwill | Bagel Land | Ballot | Baptism of Fire | Barcelona Stock Exchange (BAR) .BC | Barefoot Pilgrim | Barometer | Barometer Stock | Base-Year Analysis | Basic Materials Sector | Basing | Basket Trade | Batch Trading | Bear | Bear CD | Bear Hug | Bear Market | Bear Raid | Bear Trap | Bearer Share | Beating The Gun | Bellwether | Below the Market | | Berkshire Hathaway | Best Ask | Best Bid | Bid | Bid Size | Bid Tick | Bid-Ask Spread | Big Bang | Big Bath | Big Board | Big Uglies | Bilbao Stock Exchange (BIL) .BI | Blind Brokering | Block Order | Block Trade | Blockage Discount | Blotter | Blowoff | Blue Chip | Blue Collar Trader | Blue Sheets | Blue-Chip Stock | Bo Derek | Board Lot | Boiler Room | Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) .BO | Bonus Issue | Book Closure | Boston Equities Exchange - BEX | Boston Snow Indicator | Bottom Line | Bottom-Up Investing | Bourse | Box-Top Order | Bracketed Buy Order | Bracketed Sell Order | Brazil ETF | Break Issue | Breakout Trader | Breakup Value | Broad-Based Index | Broad-Based Weighted Average | Broad-Based Weighted Average Ratchet | Broker Booth Support System - BBSS | Bubble | Buck The Trend | Bull CD | Bust-Up Takeover | Buy | Buy And Hold | Buy And Homework | Buy Break | Buy The Dips | Buy To Cover | Buy, Strip And Flip | Buyback | Buyout | C | Cabinet Security | CAC 40 | Calcutta Stock Exchange (CAL) .CL | Calendar Effect | Call Loan | Call Price | Call Warrant | Callable Common Stock | Callable Preferred Stock | Called Away | CAN SLIM | Canada's New Stock Exchange - CNQ | Canceled Order | Cancellation | Capital Appreciation | Capital Asset | Capital Gain | Capital Goods Sector | Capital Intensive | Capital Loss Carryover | Capital Reduction | Capital Share | Capital Stock | Capital Surplus | Capitalization | Capitalization-Weighted Index | Caracas Stock Exchange (CCS) .CR | Carl Icahn | Carrot Equity | Cash Account | Cash Available For Debt Service - CADS | Cash Dividend | Cash Position | Cash Trading | Cash Trigger | Cash-And-Carry Trade | Cash-And-Stock Dividend | Cash-Flow Financing | Cashless Conversion | Cats And Dogs | Center For Research In Security Prices - CRSP | Certificated Stock | Champagne Stock | Change | Channel Check | Cheap Stock | Chief Information Officer - CIO | China Concepts Stock | China ETF | Choppy Market | Churning | Circuit Breaker | Circular Trading | Class A Shares | Class B Shares | Class Of Shares | Classified Board | Classified Shares | Clawback | Clean Your Skirts | Clearing | Clearing Fee | Clearing House | Clearing House Electronic Subregister System - CHESS | Clientele Effect | Close | Close Period | Close Position | Closed-Market Transaction | Closely Held Shares | Closely Held Stock | Closet Indexing | Closing | Closing Bell | Closing Price | Closing Tick | Cluster Analysis | Collar | Commission | Commodity ETF | Common Shareholder | Common Stock | Competitive Advantage | Composite | Composite Index | Comps | Conditional Order | Congestion | Consolidated Tape | Consumables | Consumer Cyclicals | Contingent Voting Power | Contributed Surplus | Control Stock | Controlling Interest | Conversion Arbitrage | Conversion Price | Convertible Preferred Stock | Cooler | Copenhagen Stock Exchange - CSE | Core Liquidity Provider | Corporate Debt Restructuring | Corporate Governance Quotient - CGQ | Corporate Raider | Corporate Refinancing | Corporate Social Responsibility | Correction | Cost Of Debt | Counter-Cyclical Stock | Country Risk Premium - CRP | Covered Call | Covered Warrant | Cowboy Marketing | Cramer Bounce | Creation Unit | Credit Balance | Crest | Cross Holding | Cross-Listing | Cult Stock | Cum Dividend | Cum Rights | Cumulative Dividend | Cumulative Preferred Stock | Curbs In | Curbs Out | Currency ETF | Current Income | Current Market Value - CMV | Current Portion Of Long-Term Debt (CPLTD) | Current Yield | Cutting A Melon | Cyclical Risk | Cyclical Stock | D | Daisy Chain | Dark Pool Liquidity | Dash To Trash | Day-Around Order | Dead Money | Deal Ticket | Debt Load | Decimalization | Declaration Date | Decline | Defensive Buy | Defensive Company | Deferred Share | Delaware Corporation | Deleted | Delisting | Delivery Versus Payment - DVP | Depositary Receipt | Depository Trust Company - DTC | Designated Order Turnaround - DOT (SuperDOT) | Desk Trader | Digits Deleted | Direct Repurchase | Direct Stock Purchase Plan - DSPP | Dirty Stock | Displaced Moving Average | Display Book | Distressed Securities | Distribution In Kind | Dividend | Dividend Arbitrage | Dividend Clawback | Dividend Discount Model - DDM | Dividend Enhanced Convertible Stock - DECS | Dividend ETF | Dividend Frequency | Dividend Payout Ratio | Dividend Policy | Dividend Rate | Dividend Recapitalization | Dividend Reinvestment Plan - DRIP | Dividend Rollover Plan | Dividend Tax Credit | Dividend Yield | Dividends Received Deduction - DRD | Do Not Increase - DNI | Dogs Of The Dow | Dollar-Cost Averaging - DCA | Domini 400 Social Index | Double Up | Dow Divisor | Dow Jones 65 Composite Average | Dow Jones Asian Titans 50 Index | Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 | Dow Jones EURO STOXX Sustainability Index | Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index | Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Yield | Dow Jones Industrial Average - DJIA | Dow Jones STOXX Sustainability Index | Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index | Dow Jones Sustainability United States Index | Dow Jones Sustainability World Index | Dow Jones Transportation Average - DJTA | Dow Jones U.S. Market Index | Dow Jones Utility Average - DJUA | Dow Jones Wilshire Large-Cap Index | Dow Jones Wilshire Mid-Cap Index | Dow Theory | Down Volume | Downgrade | Downside | Downswing | Downtick | Drag-Along Rights | Drill-Bit Stock | Dual Class Stock | Dual Listing | Dummy CUSIP Number | Duplicate Proxy | Dutch Auction | E | Each Way | EAFE Index | Earning Assets | Earnings Before Interest & Tax - EBIT | Earnings Before Interest After Taxes - EBIAT | Earnings Before Interest, Depreciation And Amortization - EBIDA | Earnings Before Interest, Tax and Depreciation - EBITD | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Depletion, Amortization and Exploration Expenses - EBITDAX | Earnings Before Tax - EBT | Earnings Estimate | Earnings Momentum | Earnings Multiplier | Earnings Per Share - EPS | Earnings Season | Earnings Surprise | Earnings Yield | Easy-To-Borrow List | Eating Someone's Lunch | Eating Stock | Effective Date | Effective Debt | Efficient Frontier | Eighthed | Elephants | Eligible Contract Participant | Elliott Wave Theory | Emerging Market ETF | Employee Share Ownership Trust - ESOT | Employee Stock Option - ESO | Employee Stock Ownership Plan - ESOP | Employee Trust | Encumbered Securities | Energy ETF | Energy Sector | Enhanced Indexing | Enterprise Multiple | Enterprise Value - EV | Enterprise-Value-To-Sales - EV/Sales | Envelope | Equalizing Dividend | Equity Financing | Equity Fund | Equity Linked Note - ELN | Equity Market | Equity Market Capitalization | Equity Market Neutral | Equity Risk Premium | Equity Unit Investment Trust | Equity-Linked Security - ELKS | | ETF of ETFs | ETF Sponsor | ETF Wrap | Ethical Investing | Euroclear | Euroequity | Euronext | European Depository Receipt - EDR | Eva Longoria Stock Index | Evening Up | Event Risk | Everest Option | Evergreen Option | Ex-Ante | Ex-Date | Ex-Dividend | Ex-Post Risk | Ex-Rights | Ex-Warrant | Excess Reserves | Excess Returns | Excess Spread | Exchange | Exchange Fund | Exchange-Traded Fund - ETF | Exchangeable Debt | Exchangeable Security | Execution | Exercise | Exhaust Price | Exhaustion Gap | Expected Return | Expiration Cycle | Expunge | Extended Trading | Extra Dividend | Extraordinary General Meeting - EGM | F | Face Value | Fallen Angel | Falling Knife | Filter | Financial Accounting | Financial Buyer | Financial Industry Regulatory Authority - FINRA | Financial Instrument | Financial Market | Financial Sector | Firm Order | First Call | First Mover | Fiscal Year - FY | Fiscal Year-End | Fitch Sheet | Fixed Capital | Flash Price | Flat | Flexible Fund | Flipper | Float | Flow-Through Entity | Flowback | Focus List | Forced Conversion | Form 3 | Form 4 | Form 5 | Formula Investing | Forward Commitment | Forward Delivery | Forward Dividend Yield | Forward Forward | Forward Margin | Forward Price To Earnings - Forward P/E | Forward Spread | Fourth Market | Fractional Share | Franking Credit | Free Cash Flow To Equity - FCFE | Free Right Of Exchange | Freeze Out | Friendly Takeover | Frontier Markets | FTSE NASDAQ 500 Index | FTSE RAFI US 1000 Index | FTSE4Good Index Series | Full Disclosure | Full Ratchet | Full Stock | Fully Diluted Shares | Fully Paid Shares | Fully Subscribed | Fully Valued | Fund Overlap | Fundamentally Weighted Index | Funding Gap | G | Gadfly | Gap | Gap Risk | Gather In The Stops | Gazelle Company | General Public Distribution | | Gifted Stock | Glide Path | Global Depositary Receipt - GDR | Global Industry Classification Standard - GICS | Global Registered Share | Godfather Offer | Going Public | Goldbrick Shares | Golden Cross | Good This Week - GTW | Gordon Growth Model | Graduated Security | Gray List | Gray Market | Great Depression | Greater Fool Theory | Green Investing | Green Tech | Greenmail | Gross Dividends | Gross Earnings | Gross Spread | Growth At A Reasonable Price - GARP | Growth Company | Growth Fund | Growth Stock | Guaranteed Stock | Guilder Share - New York Share | Gun Jumping | Gunslinger | H | H-Shares | Haircut | Half Stock | Hammering | Hang Seng Index - HSI | Hanging Man | Hard-Coded Stock | | Harvard MBA Indicator | Headline Effect | Healthcare Sector | Heavy Industry | Hedged Tender | Held At The Opening | Held Order | Heteroskedasticity | Hiccup | High Close | High Flier | High-Frequency Trading - HFT | Himalayan Option | Historical Volatility - HV | Hit The Bid | Hold | Holder Of Record | Holding Company Depository Receipt - HOLDR | Holding The Market | Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) | Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKG) .HK | Hot IPO | House Call | House Excess | Hybrid Market | I | Illiquid | Imbalance of Orders | Immediate Or Cancel Order - IOC | Impact Day | In Street Name | Income Deposit Security - IDS | Income Stock | Index | Index Divisor | Index ETF | Index Roll | India ETF | Indicated Yield | Industry | Industry Group | Industry Lifecycle | Inherited Stock | Initial Margin | Initial Offering Date | Initial Public Offering - IPO | Inside Market | Inside Quote | Insider | Insider Information | Insider Trading | Installment Receipt | Institutional Investor | Intellectual Capital | Intelligent ETF | Interest | Interest Sensitive Stock | Interested Shareholder | Interim Dividend | International Depository Receipt - IDR | International ETF | International Securities Exchange - ISE | Intraday | Investing Sage | Investment Banking | Investment Company Act Of 1940 | Investment Style | IPO ETF | Issue | Issued Shares | Issuer | | J | January Barometer | January Effect | Japan Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation - Jasdaq | Japan ETFs | Jim Cramer | Jobber | Joint Stock Company | Junior Capital Pool - JCP | Junior Issue | Junior Security | K | Key Performance Indicators - KPI | Korea Stock Exchange (KSC) .KS | Korean Composite Stock Price Indexes - KOSPI | Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLS) .KL | L | Laggard | Large Cap - Big Cap | Last-Sale Reporting | Law Of Large Numbers | Leasehold | Legacy Hedge | Legend | Legislative Risk | Letter Of Comment | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Leverage Ratio | Leveraged ETF | Life Cycle | Lima Stock Exchange (LMA) .LM | Limit Order | Limit-On-Close Order | Limit-On-Open Order | Limited Partnership Unit | Lindsay Lohan Stock Index | Linkage | Liquidating Dividend | Liquidity Event | Liquidity Path | Liquidity Premium | Listed Security | Listing Requirements | Little Board | Loan Stock | Lockdown | Long (or Long Position) | Long Squeeze | Long-Term Capital Gain Or Loss | Long-Term Incentive Plan - LTIP | Longitudinal Data | Lot | Low Volume Pullback | M | Macro-Hedge | Mad Hatter | Madrid Fixed Income Market .MF | Madrid SE CATS (MSE) .MC | Madrid Stock Exchange (MAD) .MA | Maintenance Margin | Management Buy-In - MBI | Manipulation | Manufactured Payment | Margin Account | Margin Call | Margin Debt | Margin Loan Availability | Margin Of Safety | Margin Pressure | Market Basket | Market Capitalization | Market Capitalization Rule | Market Depth | Market Is Off | Market Is Up | Market Overhang | Market Perform | Market Performance Committee | Market Price | Market Share | Market Swoon | Market-With-Protection Order | Marlboro Friday | Mean Return | Medallion Signature Guarantee | Mega Cap | Member | Member Firm | Member Short-Sales Ratio | Merger Deficit | Merger Of Equals | Merger Securities | Mergers And Acquisitions - M&A | Mexican Stock Exchange (MEX) .MX | Micro Cap | Micro-Hedge | Mid Cap | Mid-Value Stock | Milan Stock Exchange (MIL) .MI | Mini-Tender | Minority Interest | Minority IPO | Minsky Moment | Misappropriation Theory | Modified Dietz Method | Monoline | Monthly Income Preferred Securities - MIPS | Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index Ex-U.S. - MSCI ACWI Ex-U.S. | Mosaic Theory | Mountain Range Options | MSCI All Country World Commodity Producers Sector Capped Index (MSCI AWC) | MSCI Emerging Markets Index | MSCI EMU Index | Multinational Corporation - MNC | Multiples Approach | N | Naked Position | Naked Put | Naked Shorting | Narrow Moat | Narrow-Based Weighted Average | Nasdaq | Nasdaq 100 Index | Nasdaq Composite Index | NASDAQ Global Market Composite | NASDAQ Global Select Market Composite | Nasdaq National Market Securities - Nasdaq-NM | NASDAQ OMX 100 Index | Nasdaq-100 After Hours Indicator | NASDAQ-100 Equal Weighted Index | National Association Of Securities Dealers - NASD | National Stock Exchange Of India Limited - NSE | Near Term - NT | Negative Carry | Negative Obligation | Neglected Firm Effect | Negotiated Underwriting | Net Cash | Net Change | Net Interest Margin Securities - NIMS | Net Investment | Net Long | Net Margin | Net Short | Net Volume | Net-Net | New York Stock Exchange - NYSE | New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZE) .NZ | Nikkei | Nil-Paid | No-Par Value Stock | Non-Assessable Stock | Non-Marginable Securities | Non-Objecting Beneficial Owner - NOBO | Non-Open Market | Non-Operating Asset | Non-Qualified Stock Option - NSO | Non-Renounceable Rights | Noncumulative | Normal Market Size | Normal-Course Issuer Bid-NCIB | Notes To The Financial Statements | NYSE Amex Composite Index | NYSE Amex Equities | NYSE Composite Index | O | Off Board | Oil ETF | One To Many | One-Cancel-All Order | One-Way Market | Open | Operating Netback | Opt-Out Vote | Option Premium | Oracle Of Omaha | Order Imbalance | Order Protection Rule | Order Splitting | Ordinary Dividends | Ordinary Income | Ordinary Shares | Oslo Stock Exchange (OSL) .OL | Outstanding Shares | Over-The-Counter - OTC | Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board - OTCBB | Over-The-Counter Exchange Of India - OTCEI | Overbought | Overreaction | Oversold | Oversubscribed | Oversubscription Privilege | Ovoboby | P | P/E 10 Ratio | P/E 30 Ratio | Pac-Man Defense | Package Deal | Paid In Capital | Paid-Up Capital | Painting The Tape | Paired Shares | Paper Millionaire | Par | Par Value | Pari-passu | Paris Hilton Stock Index | Parity Price | Participating Convertible Preferred Share - PCP | Participating Preferred Stock | Pass-Through Certificate | Pathfinder Prospectus | Payment Date | Payment For Order Flow | Payout Ratio | Peer Perform | Penalty Bid | Penny Stock | Per Share Basis | Perfect Hedge | Performance Drag | Performance-Based Index | Perpetual Preferred Stock | Philadelphia Semiconductor Index - SOX | PHLX Housing Sector Index - HGX | Piggyback Warrants | Pink Sheets | Piotroski Score | Pitchbook | Play | Plus Tick | Poison Pill | Portfolio Plan | Portfolio Weight | Pot Is Clean | Power Ratio | Pre-Market | Pre-Money Valuation | Pre-Provision Operating Profit - PPOP | Pre-Syndicate Bid | Preemptive Right | Preference Equity Redemption Cumulative Stock - PERCS | Preferred Dividend | Preferred Dividend Coverage Ratio | Preferred Equity Redemption Stock - PERC | Preferred Stock | Prepayment Risk | Presidential Election Cycle (Theory) | Price Continuity | Price Improvement | Price Talk | Price Target | Price to Tangible Book Value - PTBV | Price-Earnings Ratio - P/E Ratio | Price-Earnings Relative | Price-Weighted Index | Price/Earnings To Growth - PEG Ratio | Pricing Power | Primary Market | Primary Offering | Product Recall | Productivity | Profit Warning | Profitability Ratios | Property Dividend | Proportional Spread | Proxy Materials | Public Book (Of Orders) | Public Company | Pullback | Purchase Price | Pure Play | Put Warrant | Puttable Common Stock | Q | QQQQ | Quadrix | Qualified Dividend | Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor - QDII | Qualifying Disposition | Quarter On Quarter - QOQ | Quarter To Date - QTD | Quarterly Earnings Report | Quarterly Income Preferred Securities - QUIPS | Quorum | Quote | R | Random Walk Theory | Rating | Reaction | Real Time | Real-Time Quote | Rebate | Reconstitution | Record Date | Record High | Record Low | Rectangle | Recurring Revenue | Red Chip | Red Flag | Regional Stock Exchange | Registration Right | Regulation NMS | Regulation T - Reg T | Reinvestment | REIT ETF | Renounceable Right | Repackaging | Reprice | Research And Development (R&D) Expenses | Research Note | Restricted Stock | Retail Sales | Retired Securities | Retractable Preferred Shares | Return On Average Equity - ROAE | Reverse Stock Split | Reverse/Forward Stock Split | Revertible | Revlon Rule | Rights | Ringfencing | Rings | Risk Measures | Royalty Units | Run Rate | Runner | Runoff | Russell 1000 Index | Russell 2000 Index | Russell 2500 Index | Russell 3000 Index | Russell 3000 Value Index | Russell Microcap Index | Russell Midcap Index | Russell Small Cap Completeness Index | Russell Top 200 Index | Russell Top 50 Index | Russia ETF | S | S&P 500/Citigroup Value Index | S&P Core Earnings | S&P MidCap 400 Index | S&P Phenomenon | S&P/Citigroup Broad Market Index (BMI) Global | S&P/Citigroup Broad Market Index (BMI) Global Ex-U.S. | S-3 Filing | S-8 Filing | Saitori | Sales Per Share | Sallie Mae - Student Loan Marketing Association | Salomon Brothers World Equity Index - SBWEI | Same Store Sales | Santa Claus Rally | Saucer | Scale In | Scale Order | Scale Out | Scalping | Scrip | Seasoned Issue | Seasoned Security | SEC Fee | SEC Form 10-12B | SEC Form 10-Q | SEC Form 18-12B | SEC Form 20-F | SEC Form 487 | SEC Form 497K1 | SEC Form 6-K | SEC Form F-6EF | SEC Form S-1 | SEC Form S-2 | SEC Form S-3 | Secondary Liquidity | Secondary Market | Secondary Offering | Secondary Stock | Sector | Sector Analysis | Sector Breakdown | Sector ETF | Sector Fund | Sector Rotation | Secular Market | Securities And Exchange Commission - SEC | Securities Fraud | Securities Industry Regulatory Authority - SIRA | Securities Lending | Security | Security Analyst | Seed Capital | Sell | Sell Plus | Sell Side | Sell To Close | Sell To Open | Sell-Off | Sell-Out | Selling Group | Semi-Strong Form Efficiency | Semiconductor | Senior Issue | Sensex | Separate Account | Series 55 | Series 62 | Series 82 | Series 86/87 | Series A Financing | Settlement Date | Settlement Period | Shanghai Stock Exchange | Share Capital | Share Certificate | Share Class | Share Purchase Rights | Share Repurchase | Share Turnover | Shared Equity Finance Agreements | Shareholder Activist | Shareholder Equity Ratio | Shareholder Register | Shares | Shark Repellent | Sheep | Short (or Short Position) | Short Covering | Short Exempt | Short Interest | Short Interest Theory | Short Market Value | Short Sale | Short Sell Against the Box | Short Selling | Short Squeeze | Short-Sale Rule | Short-Swing Profit Rule | Single-Digit Midget | Slow Market | Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) | Small Cap | Small Firm Effect | Small Order Execution System - SOES | Small-Value Stock | SOES Bandits | Soft Economic Moat | South Sea Bubble | Special Dividend | Special Purpose Acquisition Company - SPAC | Special Situation | Specialist | Speculative Capital | Speculative Company | Speculative Stock | Split Adjusted | Split Block Pricing | Split-Off | | Spoo | Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Indicator | Spread | SSE Composite | Stable Value Fund | Stakeholder | Standard & Poor's 500 Index - S&P 500 | Standard And Poor's CNX Nifty | Standstill Agreement | Stated Value | Statutory Stock Option | Statutory Voting | Step-Up In Basis | Stewardship Grade | Stock | Stock Ahead | Stock Appreciation Right - SAR | Stock Certificate | Stock Compensation | Stock Cycle | Stock Dividend | Stock Exchange Daily Official List - SEDOL | Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) .BK | Stock Market | Stock Market Crash | Stock Market Crash Of 1929 | Stock Market Crash Of 1987 | Stock Participation Accreting Redemption Quarterly-Pay Securities - SPARQS | Stock Power | Stock Quote | Stock Record | Stock Savings Plan | Stock Screener | Stock Split | Stock Symbol | Stock Watcher | Stock-For-Stock | Stockholm Stock Exchange (STO) .ST | Stop Order | Stop-Limit Order | Stop-Loss Order | Story Stock | STOXX | Strategic Buyer | Street Expectation | Street Name | Strike Price | Stub | Stuckholder | Stuttgart Stock Exchange (STU) .SG | Subchapter S (S Corporation) | Subscribed | Subscription Price | Subscription Right | Sucker Rally | Suicide Pill | Sum-Of-Parts Valuation | Sunrise Industry | Super Upside Note - SUN | Supernormal Growth Stock | Supply Management | Support (Support Level) | Sustainable Business 20 - SB20 | Swap Ratio | Sweep-To-Fill Order | Sweetener | Swing | Synthetic Dividend | T | Taiwan OTC Exchange (TWO) .TWO | Taiwan Stock Exchange (TAI) .TW | Take A Flier | Takeover | Takeunder | Tangible Common Equity - TCE | Tape Is Late | Tape Reading | Target Firm | Target Risk Fund | Tax-Free Spinoff | Taxable Preferred Securites | Tech Bubble | Tech Street | Technical Bankruptcy | Technical Correction | Technology Sector | Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TLV) .TA | Telephone Booth | Tenbagger | Tender | Tender Offer | Term | The Global Dow | Theoretical Dow Jones Index | Theoretical Ex-Rights Price | Thin Market | Third Market | Third Market Maker | Threshold List | Tick | Tick Index | Tick Test Rules | Ticker Symbol | Ticker Tape | Time In Force | Time-Of-Day Order | Time-Weighted Rate of Return | Timing Risk | Tip From A Dip | Tipping | Today's High | Today's Low | Top | Top Line | Top-Down Investing | Toronto Stock Exchange - TSX | Torpedo Stock | Total Enterprise Value - TEV | Total Return Index | Total Shareholder Return - TSR | Total Stock Fund | Touchline | Tracking Error | Trade Price Response | Trade Resumption | Trading Ahead | Trading Arcade | Trading Curb | Trading Dollars | Trading Floor | Trading Halt | Trading Plan | Trading Range | Trading Session | Trailing | Trailing Price-To-Earnings - Trailing P/E | Transfer Agent | Transfer Procedures | Transparency | Transportation Sector | Treasury DRIP | Treasury Offering | Treasury Stock (Treasury Shares) | Treasury Stock Method | Trend Trading | TSX Venture Exchange | Tuck-In Acquisition | Tunneling | Turnaround | Turnover | Turtle | Two-Way Quote | U | Ultra ETF | Ultrafast Trading | Unbundling | Unchanged | Underperform | Undersubscribed | Undervalued | Unissued Stock | Unitized Fund | Unlisted Security | Unlisted Trading Privileges | Unpaid Dividend | Unquoted Public Company | Unrealized Gain | Unrealized Loss | Unseasoned Security | Unsecured Debt | Unsponsored ADR | Unweighted Index | Upgrade | Uptick | Utilities Sector | V | Valuation Analysis | Value at Risk - VaR | Value Averaging | Value Investing | Value Line Index | Value Stock | Value Trap | Vanguard Exchange-Traded Funds | Variable Cost | Vendor Financing | Vertical Merger | Very Small Aperture Terminal - VSAT | Vesting | Vice Fund | Visibility | Volume Weighted Average Price - VWAP | Voting Right | Voting Shares | Voting Trust | Voting Trust Agreement | Wachovia Hybrid and Preferred Securities (WHPPSM) Indicies | Wall of Worry | Wall Street | Wallflower | Wallpaper | Walrasian Market | War Babies | War Chest | Warehousing | Warren Buffett | Warsaw Stock Exchange - WSE | Wash Sale | Wash Trading | Wash-Sale Rule | Watch List | Water ETF | Watered Stock | Weekly Chart | Weighted Average Market Capitalization | Whisper Number | Whistle Blower | White Elephant | White Knight | White Paper | White Squire | White-Shoe Firm | Whitemail | Wholly Owned Subsidiary | Wide Economic Moat | Widow-and-Orphan Stock | Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index - TMWX | Windfall Shares | Work in Progress - WIP | Working Ratio | Workout Market | Write Out | Write-Down | Write-Up | Written-Down Value | Xetra | Yield Tilt Index Fund | Zacks Lifecycle Indexes | Zaraba method | Zero-Dividend Preferred Stock | Zeta Model

Taxes Terms


1040 Form | 1040A Form | 1040EZ Form | 1040PC Form | 408(k) Plan | 501(c) | 90-Day Letter | Abatement | Abusive Tax Shelter | Accelerated Cost Recovery System - ACRS | Accumulated Earnings Tax | Ad Valorem Tax | Additional Child Tax Credit | Adjusted Cost Base - ACB | Adjusted Gross Income - AGI | Adoption Credit | After-Tax Contribution | After-Tax Income | After-Tax Return | Alcohol Fuels Credit | Alien | Alternative Depreciation System - ADS | Alternative Fuels Tax Credit | Alternative Minimum Tax - AMT | Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit | Amended Return | American Jobs Creation Act Of 2004 | Amortizable Bond Premium | Amortization Of Intangibles | Amount Realized | Amount Recognized | Annualized Income Installment Method | Annualized Rate | Appeals Conference | Applicable Federal Rate - AFR | Assessed Value | Assessor | Asset Depreciation Range - ADR | At Risk Rules | Attorney's Fee Awards | Attribution Rules | Audit | Average Cost Basis Method | Average-Cost Method | Away From Home | Back Taxes | Backdating | Backup Withholding | Bag Man | Bank Fees | Bank-Owned Life Insurance - BOLI | Bargain Sale To A Charitable Organization | Bifurcation | Bill And Melinda Gates | Black Liquor Tax Credit | Blind Taxpayer | | Bonus Depreciation | Bracket Creep | Break Even Tax Rate | Business Activities | Business Expenses | Business Income | Business Interruption Insurance | Calendar Year | Canada Revenue Agency - CRA | Canadian Income Trust | Cancellation Of Debt - COD | Capital Cost Allowance - CCA | Capital Dividend Account - CDA | Capital Gains Distribution | Capital Gains Exposure - CGE | Capital Gains Tax | Capital Loss | Capital Loss Carryover | Capitalized Interest | Cash Allowance | Cash and Carry Transaction | Cash Awards | Cash Basis Taxpayer | Charitable Donation | Charitable Split-Dollar Insurance Plan | Child And Dependent Care Credit | Child Tax Credit | Citizenship Test | Clawback | Clear Business Setting Test | Clearance Certificate | Clifford Trust | Collective Investment Fund | Combat Pay | Combat Zone | Community Income | Commuting Expenses | Concession Agreement | Condemnation | Conduit Theory | Consolidated Tax Return | Constant Yield Method | Construction Interest Expense | Constructive Receipt | Constructive Sale Rule - Section 1259 | Contingent Payment Sale | Controlled Foreign Corporation - CFC | Convenience Of Employer Test | Convention Expenses | Conveyance Tax | Corporate Inversion | Corporate Tax | Correspondence Audit | Cost Basis | Credit For Qualified Retirement Savings Contribution | Credit Shelter Trust - CST | Crystallization | Custom Adjustable Rate Debt Structure - CARDS | De Minimis Tax Rule | Debt Discharge | Decedent (IRD) Deduction | Deductible | Deduction | Deferred Account | Deferred Gain On Sale Of Home | Deferred Income Tax | Deferred Profit Sharing Plan - DPSP | Deferred Tax Asset | Deferred Tax Liability | Delaware Corporation | Dependency Ratio | Dependent | Dependent Care Benefits | Dependent Care Credit | Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) | Depreciable Property | Depreciated Cost | Depreciation Recapture | Direct Deposit | Direct Tax | Disclaim | Discount Bond | Discretionary Income | Disqualifying Income | Distributable Net Income - DNI | Dividend Adjusted Return | Dividend Imputation | Dividend Tax Credit | Dividends Received Deduction - DRD | Double Taxation | Double Taxing | Drawback | Drought Sale | Dual Rate Income Tax | Dual-Status Taxpayer | Duty | Earned Income | Earned Income Credit - EIC | Earnings | Education Credit | Educator Expenses Deduction | Effective Tax Rate | Elderly and Disabled Credit | Elective-Deferral Contribution | Electronic Federal Tax Payment System - EFTPS | Electronic Filing - E-File | Enrolled Agent - EA | Enterprise Zone | Estate Freeze | Estate Tax | Estimated Tax | Excess Employer Withholding | Excise Tax | Exclusion Ratio | Exempt Income | Exemption | Exemption Trust | Expense | Fair Market Value | Federal Income Tax | Federal Insurance Contributions Act - FICA | Federal Tax Brackets | Federal Tax Lien | Federal Unemployment Tax Act - FUTA | Filing Extension | Filing Status | Final Return For Decedent | First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit | First-Year Allowance | Fiscal Imbalance | Fixing-Up Expenses | Flat Tax | Flow-Through Entity | Foreign Earned Income Exclusion | Foreign Housing Exclusion And Deduction | Foreign Plan | Foreign Tax Credit | Foreign Tax Deduction | Form 1040X | Form 1078 | Form 1098 | Form 1099-DIV | Form 1099-INT | Form 1099-Q | Form 1099-R | Form 8606 | Formal Tax Legislation | Franchise Tax | Franked Dividend | Franked Income | Franking Credit | Free File Fillable Tax Forms | Fringe Benefits | Full-Time Student | Future Income Tax | Gain | Gambling Income | Gambling Loss | Garnishment | Gas Guzzler Tax | General Business Tax Credit | General Business Tax Credits | General Depreciation System - GDS | Generational Accounting | Gift | Gift Splitting | Gift Tax | Gifted Stock | Goods and Services Tax - GST | Grandfathered Bond | Gross Estate | Gross Income | Gross Production Tax | Gross Receipts | Gross Up | Gross-Income Test | Half-Year Convention For Depreciation | Halloween Massacre | Head Of Household | Hidden Taxes | Hobby Loss | Holding Period | Home Office | Home Office Expense | Horizontal Equity | Household Expenses | Impose | Imputed Interest | Incidental Expenses | Inclusion Amount | Income Basket | Income In Respect Of A Decedent - IRD | Income Shifting | Income Splitting | Income Spreading | Income Tax | Incremental Tax | Independent Contractor | Indirect Rollover | Indirect Tax | Induced Taxes | Inherited IRA | Inherited Stock | Innocent-Spouse Rule | Installment Sale | Insurance Proceeds | Insurance Trust | Intaxification | Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust - IDGT | Internal Revenue Service - IRS | Investment Farm | Involuntary Conversion | IRS Form 4868 | Itemized Deduction | Job Hunting Expenses | Jobs And Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 - JGTRRA | Joint Return | Joint Return Test | Keogh Plan | Kiddie Tax | Land Value Tax - LVT | Levy | Life Annuity | Lifelong Learning Plan | Lifetime Learning Credit | Like-Kind Exchange | Like-Kind Property | Limited Partner | Listed Property | Loan Note | Local Tax | Locked In | Long-Term Capital Gain Or Loss | Loophole | Loss Carryforward | Low-Income Housing Tax Credit | Main Home | Manufactured Payment | Marginal Tax Rate | Marital Deduction | Marriage Penalty | Married Filing Jointly | Married Filing Separately | Material Participation Test | Medical Expenses | Medicare | Medicare Wages | Member Of Household | Member Of Household Test | Mileage Allowance | Mill Rate | Millage Rate | Minimum-Interest Rules | Miscellaneous Tax Credits | Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System - MACRS | Modified Adjusted Gross Income - MAGI | Mortgage Credit Certificates | Mortgage Interest | Mortgage Interest Deduction | Mortgage Revenue Bond - MRB | Moving Expenses | Multiple Support Agreement | Negative Gearing | Negative Income Tax | Net Investment Income | Net Loss | Net Operating Loss - NOL | Net Operating Profit Less Adjusted Taxes - NOPLAT | Net Unrealized Appreciation - NUA | Netfile | Nevada Corporation | Non-Qualified Distribution | Non-Qualified Stock Option - NSO | Non-Qualifying Investment | Non-Refundable Tax Credit | Non-Resident | Non-Resident Alien | Non-Spouse Beneficiary Rollover | Nonpassive Income And Losses | Nonperiodic Distribution | Nonprofit Organization | Nontaxable Distribution | Nontaxable Dividends | Notice Of Seizure | NR6 Form | Offer In Compromise | Office Audit | Offshore Portfolio Investment Strategy - OPIS | Ordinary And Necessary Expenses - O & NE | Ordinary Income | Ordinary Loss | Original Cost | Out-Of-Pocket Expenses | Outside Earnings | Over-55 Home Sale Exemption | Overlapping Debt | Overwithholding | Parsonage Allowance | Passive Activity | Passive Activity Loss Rules | Passive Foreign Investment Company - PFIC | Passive Income | Passive Loss | Patronage Dividend | Payroll Tax | Per Diem Payments | Percentage Depletion | Personal Exemption | Personal Income | Personal Interest | Personal Property | Personal Use Property | Personal-Service Activity | Personal-Service Corporation | Phantom Income | Physical-Presence Test | Pick-Up Tax | Pipeline Theory | Placed In Service | Portfolio Income | Pre-Tax Contribution | Premature Distribution | Primary Business Purpose | Principal Residence | Private Foundation | Private Letter Ruling - PLR | Profit Before Tax - PBT | Profit Motive | Progressive Tax | Property Inventory | Property Tax | Proportional Tax | Provincial Parental Insurance Plan - PPIP | Provisional Income | Proxy Tax | Public Purpose Bond | Punitive Damages | Qualified Acquisition Cost | Qualified Adoption Expenses - QAE | Qualified Charitable Organization | Qualified Distribution | Qualified Dividend | Qualified Electric Vehicle | Qualified Higher Education Expense | Qualified Mortgage Insurance Premium | Qualified Production Activities Income - QPAI | Qualified Retirement Plan (Qualified Plan) | Qualified Widow Or Widower | Qualifying Disposition | Qualifying Domestic Trust - QDOT | Qualifying Investment | Real Property | Realized Gain | Realized Loss | Reassessment | Recapture | Recognized Gain | Recognized Loss | Recovery Property | Refund | Refundable Credit | | Registered Retirement Savings Plan Deduction Limit - RRSP Deduction Limit | Regressive Tax | Regulation M | Relationship Test | Reloading | Replacement Property | Requisitioned Property | Resident Alien | Residential Rental Property | Restitution Payments | Restrictive Covenant | Retention Tax | Return | Revenue Agent | Revenue Agent's Report - RAR | Revenue Officer | Revenue Ruling | Reverse Exchange | Ring Fence | Rule 72(t) | Sales Tax | Saver's Tax Credit | Schedule A | Schedule D | Section 1031 | Section 1041 | Section 1231 Property | Section 1237 Capital Gain Opportunity | Section 1245 | Section 1250 | Section 1341 Credit | Section 179 | Section 988 | Security Deposit | Self-Employed Person | Self-Employment Tax | Separate Return | Series 39 | Series EE Bond | Severance Tax | Short Tax Year | Short-Term Gain | Silent Automatic Lien | Simplified Employee Pension - SEP (Simplified Employee Pension IRA) | Sin Tax | Single | Social Security Number - SSN | Sole Proprietorship | Special Assessment Bond | Special Assessment Tax | Special Needs Child | Specific Identification Inventory Valuation Method | Specific-Shares Method | Spousal Beneficiary Rollover | Stamp Duty | Standard Deduction | Standard Mileage Rate | State Income Tax | Statutory Employee | Step-Up In Basis | Stimulus Check | Straight Line Basis | Student Loan Interest Deduction | Subsidy | Substantially Identical Security | Sunset Provision | Support Test | Surcharge | Surtax | Suspended Loss | Tangible Personal Property | Tax Accounting | Tax Advisor | Tax Attribute | Tax Avoidance | Tax Base | Tax Bracket | Tax Court | Tax Credit | Tax Deduction | Tax Deferred | Tax Drag | Tax Efficiency | Tax Equity And Fiscal Responsibility Act Of 1982 - TEFRA | Tax Evasion | Tax Exempt | Tax Expense | Tax Fairness | Tax Freedom Day | Tax Gain/Loss Harvesting | Tax Haven | Tax Holiday | Tax Home | Tax Identification Number - TIN | Tax Incidence | Tax Liability | Tax Lien | Tax Lien Certificate | Tax Lot Accounting | Tax Preference Item | Tax Rate | Tax Reform Act Of 1986 | Tax Refund | Tax Refund Anticipation Loan - RAL | Tax Return | Tax Roll | Tax Sale | Tax Schedule | Tax Selling | Tax Shelter | Tax Shield | Tax Swap | Tax Table | Tax Treaty | Tax Wedge | Tax Year | Tax-Exempt Commercial Paper | Tax-Exempt Interest | Tax-Exempt Security | Tax-Free Savings Account - TFSA | Tax-Free Spinoff | Taxable Estate | Taxable Event | Taxable Gain | Taxable Income | Taxable Preferred Securites | Taxable Spinoff | Taxable Wage Base | Taxation Without Representation | Taxpayer Advocate Service | Taxpayer Bill Of Rights (TABOR) | Taxpayer Identification Number - TIN | Telefile | Teletax | Terminal Year | Terminally Ill | Three-Year Rule | Throwback Rule | Tip Income | Total Tax | Traditional IRA | Tranportation And Storage Costs | Transfer Tax | Transportation Expenses | Travel Expenses | Triple-Tax-Free | True Lease | Trust Company | Unadjusted Basis | Unaudited Opinion | Uncle Sam | Under Reporting | Underpayment Penalty | Underwithholding | Unearned Income | Unemmployment Income | Uniform Gifts to Minors Act - UGMA | Uniform Transfers to Minors Act - UTMA | Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain | Unrelated Business Taxable Income - UBTI | Unstated Interest Paid | Useful Life | Value-Added Tax - VAT | Vertical Equity | Voluntary Compliance | Volunteer Income Tax Assistance - VITA | W-2 Form | W-4 Form | W-8 Form | W-9 Form | Wash Sale | Wash-Sale Rule | Windfall Tax | Withholding | Withholding Allowance | Withholding Tax | Work Opportunity Tax Credit | Worldwide Income | Worthless Securities | Write-Off | Yield Tilt Index Fund

Technical Analysis Terms


Above The Market | Absolute Breadth Index - ABI | Accumulation/Distribution | Accumulative Swing Index - ASI | Actuarial Analysis | Advance/Decline Index | Advance/Decline Line - A/D | Amplitude | Andrew's Pitchfork | Arithmetic Mean | Arms Index - TRIN | Aroon Indicator | | Ascending Channel | Ascending Tops | Ascending Triangle | Attribution Analysis | Autoregressive | Average Directional Index - ADX | Average True Range - ATR | Ax | Backspread | Bar | Bar Chart | Basing | Bearish Abandoned Baby | Bearish Belt Hold | Bearish Engulfing Pattern | Bearish Harami | Bell Curve | Blow-Off Top | Blowoff | Bollinger Band | Box Size | Breadth Indicator | Breadth of Market Theory | Breakaway Gap | Breakdown | Breakout | Breakout Trader | Broadening Formation | Buck The Trend | Bullish Abandoned Baby | Bullish Belt Hold | Bullish Engulfing Pattern | Bullish Harami | | Buy Break | Buy Stops Above | Buy Weakness | Candlestick | | Channel | Chartered Market Technician - CMT | Chartist | Chikou Span | Choppy Market | Climax | Close Location Value - CLV | Commodity Channel Index - CCI | Commodity Selection Index - CSI | Common Gap | Confirmation | Confirmation On A Chart | Congestion | Consolidation | Continuation Pattern | Coppock Curve | Count | Countermove | Countertrend Strategy | Cross-Sectional Analysis | Crossover | Cumulative Volume Index - CVI | Cup and Handle | Daily Chart | Dark Cloud Cover | Darvas Box Theory | Dash To Trash | Death Cross | Demarker Indicator | Depth | Descending Channel | Descending Tops | Descending Triangle | Diamond Top Formation | Directional Movement Index - DMI | Disparity Index | Displaced Moving Average | Divergence | Doji | Donchian Channels | Double Bottom | Double Top | Down Volume | Downside Tasuki Gap | Downtick Volume | Downtrend | Dragonfly Doji | Drawdown | Dynamic Momentum Index | Ease Of Movement | Elder-Ray Index | Elliott Wave Theory | Elves | Envelope | Equivolume | Evening Star | Exhaustion Gap | Exponential Moving Average - EMA | Fade | Failed Break | Fakeout | Falling Knife | Falling Three Methods | | Fifty Percent Principle | Filter | Filter Rule | Flag | Flat On A Failure | Footprint Charts | Forecasting | Fractal | Fuzzy Logic | Gann Angles | Gap | Gartley Pattern | Golden Cross | Gravestone Doji | Guppy Multiple Moving Average - GMMA | Hammer | Hanging Man | Harami Cross | Haurlan Index | Head And Shoulders Pattern | Heikin-Ashi Technique | Hindenburg Omen | Histogram | Hook Reversal | Horizontal Channel | Ichimoku Kinko Hyo | Impulse Wave Pattern | Indicator | Inside Day | Intraday Intensity Index | Inverse Head And Shoulders | Inverse Saucer | Island Reversal | Jennifer Lopez - J.Lo | Joseph Effect | Kagi Chart | Kairi Relative Index | Keltner Channel | Kijun-Sen | | Lagging Indicator | Line Chart | Linear Price Scale | Linearly Weighted Moving Average | Lock In Profits | Logarithmic Price Scale | Long-Legged Doji | Low Volume Pullback | Market Breadth | Market Indicators | Market Psychology | Market Risk Premium | Market Technicians Association - MTA | Market versus Quote - MVQ | Marubozo | Material Amount | Matrix Trading | | McClellan Summation Index | McGinley Dynamic Indicator | Mean Reversion | Mechanical Investing | Memory-Of-Price Strategy | Mini-Lot | Momentum | Momentum Investing | Momo Play | Money Flow | Money Flow Index - MFI | Morning Star | Moving Average - MA | Moving Average Chart | Moving Average Convergence Divergence - MACD | Moving Average Ribbon | Multivariate Model | Neckline | Negative Directional Indicator - -DI | Negative Volume Index - NVI | Noise Trader | Noise Trader Risk | Odd Lot Theory | OHLC Chart | On-Balance Volume - OBV | Optimization | Outside Reversal | Overbought | Oversold | Parabolic Indicator | | Pennant | | Piercing Pattern | Pivot | Pivot Point | Point & Figure Chart | Polarized Fractal Efficiency - PFE | Positive Directional Indicator - +DI | Positive Volume Index - PVI | Price Action | Price By Volume Chart - PBV | Price Rate Of Change - ROC | Program Trading | Property Dividend | Pullback | Put-Call Parity | Put-Call Ratio | Qstick Indicator | Quantitative Analysis | Range | Range-Bound Trading | Rate Of Change | Real Body | Rectangle | Red Candlestick | Relative Strength | Relative Strength Index - RSI | Relative Vigor Index - RVI | Renko Chart | Resistance (Resistance Level) | Retracement | Reversal | Reversal Amount | Ripple | Rising Bottom | Rising Three Methods | Rounding Bottom | Rounding Top | Runaway Gap | Salomon Brothers World Equity Index - SBWEI | Sanku (Three Gaps) Pattern | Saucer | Selling Into Strength | Senkou Span A | Senkou Span B | Sentiment Indicator | Setup Price | Shadow | Shooting Star | Short Interest | Short Interest Ratio | Sideways Market | Sideways Trend | Signal Line | Signaling Approach | Simple Moving Average - SMA | Skewness | Specialist Short Sale Ratio | Speculation Index | Speed Resistance Lines | Spinning Top | Square Position | Star | STARC Bands | STIX | | StochRSI | Stock Cycle | Structural Pivot | Support (Support Level) | Sushi Roll | Swing | Swing High | Swing Low | Swing Trading | Symmetrical Triangle | Tech Bubble | Technical Analysis | Technical Indicator | Technical Rally | Technically Strong Market | Technically Weak Market | Tenkan-Sen | Test | Three Black Crows | Three White Soldiers | Throwback | Thrusting Line | Tide | Time Segmented Volume - TSV | Tirone Levels | Tit For Tat | Top | Top-Down Analysis | Toraku Index | Trade Price Response | Trade Volume Index - TVI | Trend | Trend Analysis | Trend Trading | Trendline | Tri-Star | Triangle | Trigger Line | TRIN | Triple Bottom | Triple Top | True Strength Index - TSI | Turtle Channel | Ulcer Index - UI | | Universe Of Securities | Up Volume | Upside Tasuki Gap | Upside/Downside Ratio | Uptick Volume | Volatility Ratio | Volume Price Trend Indicator - VPT | W-Shaped Recovery | Wave | Weak Shorts | Wedge | Weekly Chart | Weighted Alpha | White Candlestick | Williams %R | Wolfe Wave | Zig Zag Indicator | Zone Of Resistance | Zone Of Support



Schuldenbaerg der USA anschaulich dargestellt


114.5 Trillion Dollars
$114,500,000,000,000. - US unfunded liabilities
To the right you can see the pillar of cold hard $100 bills that dwarfs the WTC & Empire State Building - both at one point world's tallest buildings. If you look carefully you can see the Statue of Liberty.

The 114.5 Trillion dollar super-skyscraper is the amount of money the U.S. Government knows it does not have to fully fund the Medicare, Medicare Prescription Drug Program, Social Security, Military and civil servant pensions. It is the money USA knows it will not have to pay all its bills.

If you live in USA this is also your personal credit card bill; you are responsible along with everyone else to pay this back. The citizens of USA created the U.S. Government to serve them, this is what the U.S. Government has done while serving The People.

The unfunded liability is calculated on current tax and funding inputs, and future demographic shifts in US Population.

Erstellt: 2011-09



Dictionary of Financial Terms

von der Investmentgesellschaft Morgan Stanley.



numismatics - The American Numismatic Society


Pump-and-Dump (W3)

Der Ausdruck "Pump-and-Dump" bezeichnet Börsenspekulationen, in denen ein Aktienkurs künstlich hochgepumpt wird. Nach dem Verkauf bleiben die Investoren auf relativ wertlosen Aktien sitzen.








Sarbanes-Oxley Act (W3)

Der Sarbanes-Oxley Act hat zum Ziel, das Vertrauen der Anleger in die globalen Kapitalmärkte wiederzugewinnen und den Schutz der Anleger zu stärken. Neben der Erweiterung der Verantwortlichkeiten des Managements und des Audit Committees wurden insbesondere die Anforderungen an die Genauigkeit und Vollständigkeit von veröffentlichten finanzwirtschaftlichen Informationen verschärft sowie Offenlegungs- und Prüfungspflichten erweitert.

Die Bezeichnung des US-Gesetzes, das 2002 verabschiedet wurde geht zurück auf die beiden Sponsoren, den US Senator "Paul Sarbanes" und den US Representative "Michael Oxley".



Shareholder Value (W3)

aus dem Amerikanischen: "shareholder" = [Aktionär, Anteilseigner] und "value" = [Wert] bezeichnet die Philosophie, dass einzig und alleine der Wert des Unternehmens (für seine Besitzer) als Massstab für seinen Erfolg zu gelten hat. Wobei der Wert des Unternehmens als Barwert (= abdiskontierter Wert) der zukünftigen Gewinne gesehen wird. Für den Anteilseigner hat das den (steuerlichen) Vorteil, dass Kursgewinne nach einer gewissen "Spekulationsfrist" steuerfrei bleiben, während Dividendenausschüttungen sehr wohl als Einkommen zu versteuern sind.
(A: roge)


Schulkinder mit viel Taschengeld = "School Kids with Income and Purchasing Power")


trading coach (W3)

Engl. "trader" = "Händler" bezieht sich hier speziell auf "Aktienhändler". Und der "trading coach" berät diese strategisch und psychologisch.



Phrasal Verbs About Money


TALK2US: Phrasal Verbs About Money
Published 03/12/2015
Ashley and Sahar talk about the expressions we use for spending and saving money.

Erstellt: 2015-03


Währung von US
Währung von Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Währung von US - Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika ist "1 US-Dollar - USD - USD (US$) = 100 Cents (c, ¢)".

Erstellt: 2012-07

Well heeled, well-heeled (W3)

Wer in England gute "Fersen" hat bzw. auf guten Absätzen steht gilt als "gut betucht", als "wohlhabend". Die ist verständlich, da sich qualitativ gute und neu besohlte Schuhe nicht jeder leisten konnte. In diesem Sinne taucht "well heeled" in Eva Wilder's "Brodhead's Bound in Shallows" auf.

In früheren Zeiten hatte "well heeled" auch noch andere Bedeutungen, wie etwa "mit einer Waffe ausgestattet sein". Dies geht zurück auf Hahnenkämpfe in denen "gut bespornte" Hähne im Vorteil waren.




Der "Wortdetektiv" erwähnt noch die Redewendung "down at the heels" = "arm (sein)" aus dem 17.Jh., mit dem auf den schlechten Zustand der Schuhe armer Mitmenschen verwiesen wurde. In diesem Fall steht "heel" dann vielleicht eher für "Ferse (des Strimpfes)" statt für "Absatz".

Möglicherweise geht die Bedeutung "gut betucht" nicht auf die guten Schuh-Absätze zurück sondern entwickelte sich aus "gut bespornt" zu "gut bewaffnet" und "gut ausgestattet" (mit Waffen oder Geld).

Historical Money


Historical Money

Erstellt: 2011-10

Money & Finance


Stock Data Futures Contracts Mortgages & Loans Present Value Currency Conversion Tips & Gratuities Bonds Derivatives Valuation Salaries & Wages Income Tax Sales Tax Advertising Revenue Historical Money

Erstellt: 2011-10




Erstellt: 2011-10




Zeit ist Geld (W3)

Benjamin Franklin verdanken wir nicht nur die Erfindung des Blitzableiters, sondern auch den Geistesblitz "Time is money". Seit er diesen Ratschlag Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts einem jungen Geschäftsmann mit auf den Weg gab, verfolgt uns der Stehsatz, wonach Zeit Geld ist, unerbittlich auf Schritt und Tritt.
Auch Karl Valentin, der Münchener Wortakrobat, hat über die ambivalente Beziehung von Zeit und Geld räsoniert. Herausgekommen ist folgender Dialog: "Des stimmt! . . . Zeit is Geld! Na - des stimmt net - Zeit hab i gnua, aber kein Geld! - Wenn i so viel Geld hätt wie Zeit, dann hätt i mehr Geld wie Zeit! Dann hättn sie keine Zeit mehr, dass mit mir wohin gehen! Dann nicht, aber heut hätt ich noch Zeit!"