Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Garten, Jardín (Huerto), Jardin, Giardino (Orto), Garden, (esper.) hortikulturo

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Anderson, Lynn
I never promised You a Rosegarden

Der "Rosengarten" steht in diesem Song als Synonym für "Paradies".


Anderson, Lynn (Biografie)




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Botanical Name listing of Plants

Common Name listing of Plants

The alpha listing contain thousands of plants with useful information about your plant of interest. Do you want to learn how to plant a shrub, tree, perennial or a vine? You can learn how hardy the plant is before you plant it in your garden. Do you want to know the common name of the plant... it's provided.

Erstellt: 2014-03



Dave's Garden
Garden Terms


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3P rooting system


a- | AARS | AAS | abaxial | aberrant | abiotic | ablastous | abortive | abrade | abruptly pinnate | abscissing | abscission | abscission layer | absorbtive clay | absorption | acalycalis | acarid | acarpous | acaulescent | accent plant | accession | accessory fruit | accessory pigments | acclimate | accrescent | accretive | accumbent | acephate | aceriform | acerose | acervate | achene | achenocarp | achlamydeous | achlorophyllous | acicular | acicular leaf | acid | acid medium | acid soil | acidic | acidifier | acidify | acidity | acidophile | acinaceous | acinacifolious | acinaciform | aciniform | | acotyledonous | acre | acrid | acrogen | acropetal | acrophyll | actinomorphic | activated charcoal | aculeate | acuminate | acute | acyclic | | adaxial | adelphous | adherent | adjuvant | adnate | adnexed | adobe soil | adosculation | adpressed | adsorb | adsorption | adulterate | aduncate | adventitious | adventitious bud | adventitious roots | adventive | aerate | aeration | aerator | aerator sandals | aerenchyma | aerial root | | aerobiology | aestivation | aetiology | aflatoxin | afoliate | afrocarpus | after-ripening | afternoon sun | agamous | agar | aggregate | aggregate culture | aggressive | agrarian | agrestal | agrobiology | agrostology | AHS | air flow | air layering | air plant | alate | albescent | albumen | alfalfa meal | alfalfa tea | algae | algae bloom | alkaline | alkaline soil | alkalinity | alkaloid | allee | allele | allelopathy | allergy | alliaceous | allogamous | allogamy | allohexaploid | allopatric | allopolyploid | allotetraploid | allotment | alluvial soil | alluvium | almanac | alpine | alpine house | alternate | alternation of generations | alulate | aluminum sulfate | alveolus | amalgamate | ameliorate | amending soil | ament | American Dahlia Society | American Hemerocallis Society | American Horticultural Society | American Hosta Society | American Rose Society | ammonia | ammonium nitrate | ammonium sulfate | amoena | Amoenum Group | amphibian | amphicarpous | amphidiploid | amphigean | amphimixis | amphiphyte | amphitropous | amphoteric | amplectans | amplexicaul | anaerobe | anatropous ovule | anchor plant | anchor root | androecium | andromonoecious | androphore | anemochoric | anemophilous | aneuploid | angiosperm | angular | anhydrous | annual | annual ring | annular | anomaly | anther | anthesis | anthocarp | anthocyanin | anthracnose | anthropic soil | anti-desiccant | antipetalous | antipodal | antique rose | antrorse | anvil pruners | apatite | apetalous | apex | apheliotropic | aphids | aphyllous | apical | apical dominance | apical meristem | apiculate | apiology | apocarpous | apomixis | appressed | aquatic plants | arable | arbor | Arbor Day | arboreal | arborescent | arboricide | arboriculture | arborist | arcade | arch | architectural plant | arcuate | areole | arid | aril | aromatic | arroyo | arthropod | articulation | artificial light | ascending | ascoma | asexual propagation | asexually reproduced cultivar | asparagus knife | aspect | asperous | assassin bug | aster yellows | astrological gardening | Atregene Clematis | atrium | atrophy | attar | attenuate | auger | auricle | austral | authority | autopolyploid | Autotroph | autotrophic | auxin | average first frost date | average last frost date | averruncator | awl | awn | axil | axillary | axillary bud | axis | azalea pot | azonal soil


Bacillus thuringiensis | backbone | backbulb | backcross | backfill | background planting | backpack sprayer | backward mutation | backyard wildlife habitat | bacteria | bacterial wilt | bagasse | bagging seedheads | bagworm | baking soda | balanced fertilizer | balcony garden | balled and burlapped | balling | bamboo | banding | banner | barb | barbed | barbellate | bare-root | bargain plant | bark | bark mulch | barley straw | barrier | basal | basal break | basal cutting | basal rosette | base | basic soil | basifixed | basionym | bast | bat | bat house | bathyphyll | Bayscaping | beaked | bearded | bed | bedding plants | bedrock | bedstraw | bee | bee skep | beetle bait | bell jar | belvedere | beneficial insects | benomyl | bentonite | BER | berm | berry | bi- | bice | bicolor | biconvex | biennial | bifid | bifoliate | bifurcate | bigeneric hybrid | bilabiate | bilocular | binomial nomenclature | bio filter | biodegradable | biodiversity | biointensive gardening | biological pest control | biomass | biome | biotic | bipinnate | bird feeder | bird house | bird netting | birimose | bisexual | bitone | black spot | blackberry winter | blackleg | blackspot | blade | blanching | blasting | blc | bleed | blend | blight | blind | blind cultivation | blind shoot | blizzard | blood meal | bloom | bloom period | bloom scar | blossom | blossom end rot | blossom stage | blotch | blowball | bog | bole | boll | bolt | bone meal | | boom-bust cycle | boot | bordeaux mixture | border | border fork | borderline insects | boreal | borer | boric acid | boron | borrowed view | bosk | bosket | boss | botanical name | botanical variety | botanist | botany | botrytis | bottom heat | bottom watering | bough | bourbon rose | bow saw | bower | brace root | brachiate | bracken | brackish | braconid wasps | bract | bracteole | bractlet | bramble | branch | branch bark ridge | branchlet | breaker | breed | breezeway | brier | bristle | brittle | Brix | broad bean | broad fork | broadcast | broadleaf | brown rot | browns | browse | brush hog | bryony | bryophyte | bubbler | bud | bud count | bud eye | bud scale scar | bud sport | bud union | bud-building | budding | budding out | budworm | buffer | bug farm | bug zapper | builder's sand | bulb | bulb planter | bulb planting tray | bulbiformis | bulbil | bulblet | bulbous | bullate | bunch bean | bur | burl | burlap | burnt lime | burr | bush | bush bean | butterfly | butterfly gardening | butterfly house | butterfly larval food | butterfly nectar sources | buttress roots | bypass pruners


c/n ratio | cabbage looper | cabbage rose | cabinet | cachepot | Cactus & Succulent Society of America (C.S.S.A.) | caducous | caespitose | cairn | calathiform | calcar | calcareous | calcariferous | calceiform | calceolaria | calcicole | calcifuge | calcitic limestone | calcium | calescence | caliche | caliper | callus | calories | calyptrogen | calyx | cambium | camouflage | campaniform | campanulate | canaliculate | cancellate | candles | cane | cane berries | cane borer | canescent | canker | canopy | cant hook | capillary action | capillary mat | capitate | capitulum | caprification | capsid bugs | capsule | carbaryl | carbon | carboy | cardinal temperatures | carinate | carnivorous | carotene | carotenoids | carpel | cart | cartilaginous | caruncle | cascade | cash crop | cat facing | cat litter | cataphyll | catch cropping | caterpillars | catkin | caudate | caudex | caudiciform | caudicle | caulescent | cauline | cedar apple rust | cedar planter | cell | cell pack | cell tray | cell wall | celsius | | centigrade | centimeter | central leader | central spine | centrifugal | centripetal | cernous | Certificate of Genetic Provenance | cespitose | chafe | chaff | chair | champain | character | chasmogamous | chemotropism | chicken manure | chilling requirements | chimera | china rose | chinch bugs | chinook | chionophile | chipmunk | chipper | chipping | chit | chitin | chitting | chlamydeum | chlorophyll | chlorosis | chromosome | chthonophagia | cicadas | ciliate | citriodora | citronella | citrus | city water | cladode | cladophyll | claire-voie | clambering | clasping | clavate | claw | clay pot | clay soil | clean cultivation | clear cutting | cleft grafting | cleistogamous | climate | climax species | climber | clinandrium | cline | clipped hedge | cloche | clone | cloning | clonotype | club root | clump | clump-forming | cluster | | co-op | cobblestone | Cochineal (Dactylopius coccus) | cochleate | cocoa bean hulls | coffee grounds | cohesion | coir | colchicine | cold composting | cold frame | cole crop | collar | colonial | colonize | column | comate | comet goldfish | commissure | common name | community garden | Community Supported Agriculture | comose | compacted soil | companion planting | complete fertilizer | complete flower | composite head | compost | compost activator | compost aerator | compost bin | compost bucket | compost tea | compound | compound flower | compound fruit | compound leaf | compound umbel | compressed | concavo-convex | concolorous | condensation | cone | conifer | coniferous | connate | conservation | conservatory | constriction | contact action | container gardening | container grown | container plant | contorted | contour plowing | contractile root | controlled burn | convolute | cool season grasses | cool season vegetables | COPF | copigments | copper | coppice | coppicing | copse | coralloid | cordate | cordilleran | cordon | coriaceous | cork cambium | corm | cormel | corn gluten meal | Cornell formula | cornichon | corolla | corona | corrugated | corymb | costa | costapalmate | cottonseed meal | cotyledon | courgette | courtyard | cover crop | cow manure | cow pea | CPBR | cracking | creeper | crenate | crepe murder | crest | cricket | crispate | crocks | crop rotation | cross | cross-pollination | crossed branches | crotch | crown | crown rot | crownshaft | crozier | cruciate | crucifer | crushed egg shells | crushed granite | cryptogams | cucullate | cucumis | culinary herb | cull | culm | culpon | cultivar | cultivate | cultivation | cultivator | culun | cuneate | cupped form | curb appeal | curling | curved bed | cuspidate | cut flowers | cuticle | cutting | cutting garden | cutworms | cyathium | cycad | cyme | cymiform | cytogenetics | cytology | cytoplasm


dactylifera | damask rose | damp-off | damping off | damson | | dappled shade | dark-dependent seed | dasyanthum | day length | day-neutral plant | daylily rust | days to maturity | de-eyeing | dead wood | dead zone | deadhead | deadheading | deadleafing | dealkalization | deciduous | deck | declinate | decoction | decomposing | decorticate | decumbent | decurrent | decussate | deep shade | deep soil | deep watering | deer fencing | deer repellent | deflexed | defoliation | degradable pot | dehisce | dehiscence | dehiscent | dehydration | deliquesce | delphinidin | delta | deltoid | demonstration garden | dendrochronology | dendroid | dendrologist | dendrology | denitrification | denshire | density dependence | dent corn | dentate | denude | depauperate | desalinization | desert soil | desiccant | desiccation | determinate | dethatch | detritus | deutzia | dew | dew point (temperature) | diadelphous | diamond dusted | diandrous | diatomaceous earth | dibber | dibble | dichogamy | dichotomous key | diclinous | dicotyledon | dicotyledonous | dieback | differentiation | dig | digging fork | digging spade | dioecious | dioecism | diploid | direct seeding | direct sowing | dirt gardener | disbud | disbudding | discoid | disease-resistant | dish garden | disinfect | disk flower | dissected | Dissectum Group | distal | distal end | distichous | distilled water | dither | diurnal | divergent | division | DNA | dock | doctrine of signatures | dogwood winter | dolomite | dolomitic limestone | domed | dominance | dormancy | dormant | dormant oil | dormant period | double digging | double fertilization | double flower | double form | double potting | double seed dormancy | double-dig | down | downspout | downy mildew | drain | drainage | drawn | drawstring | dried blood | drift | drill | drip irrigation | drip line | drooping | drop-type spreader | drought | drought tolerant | drupe | drupelet | dry creek | dry meadow | dry shade | dry stone wall | drying flower | duff | dung | duplicate gene | dust mulch | dusting | Dutch Elm disease | dwarf | Dwarf Group


earth box | earthing up | earthworm castings | earthworms | earwig | EB | echinate | ecology | ecosystem | ecto- | edaphic | edaphon | eddish | edema | edged | edger | edges | edging | edging plants | edging shears | edible | edible landscaping | efficacy | efflorescence | effuse | egeria | egg | egg shells | EH | electric fence | elepidote | elevation view | elicitor | eluviation | emasculate | embolism | embryo | embryo rescue | EMO | enation | encarsia wasp | endangered species | endemic | endocarp | endogenous | endosperm | english planter | ensiform | entire | entomophilous | environs | enzyme | ephemeral | epicarp | epicormic | epidermis | epigeal | epinasty | epiparasite | epiphyte | epiphytic | epipterous | epsom salts | equinox | equitant | eradicate | erect | erianthera | erianthum | ericaceous | erosion | erubescent | escape | escaped plant | espalier | established | etagere | ethnobotany | etiolate | etiolation | etiology | eupogon | European dish garden | europhyte | eurythermal | eutrophication | EV | evapotranspiration (ET) | evenly moist | everbearing | everblooming | evergreen | Evergreen Clematis | everlasting | ex situ | excelsior | exclusion | exfoliate | exfoliating | exine | exocarp | exodemic | exogenous | exotic | exposed | exserted | ext. | extended | extension agency | extension service | extrafloral | extrorse | eye | eye division | eye-cuttings | eyezone


F1 hybrid | F2 | F2 hybrid | Facultative hemiparasite | Facultative parasite | Fahrenheit | Falcate | fall | fall flowering bulbs | fall sowing | fallow | family | fan | fan sprinkler | fan training | fancy | Farina | farinose | farm | farmer's market | farmerette | fasciate | fasciated | fasciation | fasicle | fastigiate | fat plant | father plant | feathered tree | fecundity | feed store | feeder root | female plant | fence | fenestrated | fermentation | fern | fern ally | fernery | fertile | fertilization | fertilizer | fertilizer analysis | fertilizer capsule | fertilizer ratio | fertilizer spike | fetid | FFO | fibrous root | fibrous-rooted | fiddlehead | field grown | filament | filial generation | filiform | fill | filler | filtration system | fimbriate | final grade | fine-textured soil | finial | fire blight | fire-retardant plants | fireplace ashes | firming | first true leaves | first year's growth | fish emulsion | fishmeal | fishtail | fixation | flabellate | flag | flageolet | flash tape | flat | flavone | fleshy | fleuroselect award | floating plants | floating row cover | floccose | flood irrigation | floral envelope | floral tube | florastar award | floret | | floriferous | flow regulator | flower | flower bed | flower head | flowering period | fluid sowing | flush | focal point | folding saw | foliaceus | foliage | foliar feeding | foliar fertilizer | foliate | folly | forb | forced blooming | forcing | forked | form | formal garden | formal landscape plant | foundation planting | fountain | four-lined plant bug | foxfire | FR | frass | freeze | french bean | french filet bean | french intensive gardening | friable | frog | frond | frondage | frost | frost hardy | frost line | frost pocket | frost tender | frost-free days | frostbite | fructescence | fructify | fruit | fruit fly | fruit-picker | fruiting spur | frutescent | fruticose | fry | Fuchsia gall mite | fugacious | full shade | full sun | fully double | fully double form | fulvous | fumigate | fumigation | fungi | fungicide | funiculus | funnelform | furrow | fusarium wilt | fuscous | fusiform


gall | gamete | gametophyte | garden | garden accesssory | garden clogs | garden club | garden designer | garden gloves | garden rake | garden rooms | garden seat | garden soil | garden thug | gardener | gardening | gauntlet gloves | gazebos | gazing ball | gelatin | geminispinus | gemma | gene | gene bank | gene pool | genera | genetically modified | geniculate | genome | genotype | genus | geocarpy | geogenous | geophyte | geotextile | geotropy | germ cell | germinate in a damp paper towel | germinate in vitro | germination | germination rate | gesneriad | gherkin | Giant Silk Moth | gibberellic acid | gibberellin | girdled | girdling | girdling roots | glabrous | glade | gladiate | gland | glans | glassy-winged sharpshooter | glaucous | glen | globose | globular | glochid | glomerule | glume | glutinous | gnomon | go to seed | gonophore | gopher | gopher trap | gourd | grade | grading | graft | graft hybrid | graft union | grafted rose | grafting | grafting tape | grafting thread | grafting wax | grain | graminivorous | | granular fertilizer | grass | grass catcher | grass clippings | grass shears | grasshopper | grasshopper bait | grasshopper spore | gravitropic | gravitropism | gray water | green manure | green thumb | greenbelt | greenhouse | greens | greensand | greensprouting | gregarious | grex | grit | grotto | ground cover | ground squirrel | ground water | groundcover rose | grow lights | growing season | growing tray | growth form | growth habit | growth regulator | grub | grub hoe | grub worm | grubbing | guano | Guerrilla Gardening | gumbo clay | guttation | gutter | gymnosperm | gynander | gynodioecious | gynoecium | gynophore | gynostegium | gynostemium | gypsum |


ha-ha | habit | habitat | haft | hail insurance | half standard | half-hardy annual | half-runner bean | halophyte | halophytic | hamatus | hammock | hamose | hand picking | hand rake | hand tool | hanging basket | haploid | hard freeze | hard frost | hard pruning | harden off | hardening off | hardiness | hardpan | hardscaping | hardware cloth | hardwood | hardwood cutting | hardwood heel cuttings | hardy | harrow | hastate | hastula | haustellum | haustoria | hay | hay fever | hayrack planter | heading back | heartwood | heat zone | heath | heating cable | heating mat | heaving | heavy soil | hectare | hedge | hedge knife | hedge shears | hedgerow | heel | heel cutting | heeling in | heirloom | heirloom garden | heirloom rose | heliophyte | heliotropic | helminthology | helobious | helpmates | helwingia | hemiptera | herb | herb garden | herbaceous | herbaceous stem cuttings | herbage | herbalism | herbalist | herbarium | herbicide | herbivore | herbivorous | herborist | hercogamy | heredity | herkogamy | hermaphrodite | hermaphroditic | hermitage | hesperidium | heterocarpous | heteroecious | heterogamous | heterogamy | heterosis | heterothallic | heterozygote | heterozygous | hexaploid | HGTV | hibernaculum | high center | high fertilizer analysis | highbush | higher taxa | hilium | hill planting | hilling up | Hilum | hip | hippocrepiform | hirsute | hirsutisepala | hispid | hoarfrost | hoary | hoe | holding bed | homesteading | Homodromous | homogamous | homosporous | honeydew | hood | hook climber | hoop house | hoops | hopper | hormone | horse manure | Hort. | horticultural bean | horticultural oil | horticultural society | horticulture | horticulturist | Hortus | hortus fenestralis | hortus siccus | hose adapter | hose cart | hose guide | hose in hose | hose mender | hose-end sprayer | host | Hosta Virus X (HVX) | hot composting | hot house | hotbed | hotcap | houseplant | hull | humates | humectant | humic acids | humidity | humidity meter | humidity tray | hummingbird feeder | hummingbird food | hummock | humus | humus soil | hurricane | husband | husk | hybrid | | hybrid perpetual rose | hybrid vigor | hybridization | hybridizer | hybridizing | hydrochoric | hydrogels | hydrogen | hydrophyte | hydroponics | hygrochastic movement | hygrology | hygrophyte | hygroscopic water | hypanthium | hyper-tufa | hypertrophy | hypochil | hypocotyl | hypogeal | hypogeous | hypogynous | hysteranthous


icterus | igneous rock | illahie | illegitimate seed | imago | imbricate | immarginate | impact assessment | imparipinnate | imperfect flower | impervious soil | impulse sprinkler | in situ | in vitro | in vivo | inanition | inarable | inarch | inarching | inbreed | inbreeding | incanous | incisions | incomplete fertilizer | incomplete flower | increases | indeciduous | indehiscent | indeterminate | index of prevalence | index of similarity | indexing | indian summer | indicator plant | indicator species | indicus | indigenous | indirect sun | indoor gardening | indoor pot plant | indumented | induplicate | indusium | inedible | inedit | inert | infect | inferior ovary | infertile | infest | infestation | inflorescence | informal design | informal garden | informal landscape plant | infrared mulch | infraspecific | ingraft | ingress | inhibit | inhibitor | injury | inoculant | inoculate | inoculum | inorganic | inorganic fertilizer | inorganic mulch | inorganic nitrogen | inquiline | insect | insecticidal soap | insecticide | insectivorous | instar | intake rate | integrated pest management | intensive planting | interbay mulching | intercrop | intergeneric hybrid | International Code of Botanical Nomenclature | internode | interspecific hybrid | intraspecific | intrinsic environment | introduced | introgression | intumescence | inundative release | invagination | invasion | invasive | involucre | involute | IPM | iris borer | Irishman's cuttings | iron | iron chelate | irradiation | irregular flower | irrigation | irrigation microsystem | island bed


Japanese beetle | Japanese gardens | jardiniere | jardiniere stand | jet stream sprayer | jiffy pellets | joint | jointed | journal | jubilee | juglone | juvenile


Katydid | keel | kelp | kernel | key fruit | kH | kids garden | killing freeze | kitchen garden | knee | kneeler | kneepad | knot | knot garden | knurl | koi | kudzu


labellum | labiate | lace bug | lacecap | laced | lacerate | lacewing | lacewing hotel | laciniate | lactescent | lacustrine | lacustrine deposit | ladybug | lagoon | lamella | lamina | lanate | lanceolata | lanceolate | land grant university | landraces | landscape | landscape architect | landscape blocks | landscape design | landscape designer | landscape fabric | landscape timbers | landscaping | large-flowered climber rose | larva | larvae | lasagna composting | late blight | late freeze | latent bud | lateral | lateral bud | lateral cane | lath | lath house | lattice | lava sand | lawn | lawn roller | lax | layering | leaching | leaded wall nail | leader | leaf | leaf bag | leaf blade | leaf blower | leaf cutting | leaf margin | leaf miner | leaf mold | leaf mould | leaf rake | leaf roller | leaf scar | leafhopper | leaflet | leatherjackets | lectotype | leggy | legume | lemma | lenticel | lepal | lepidote | leptosporangiate | level | lichen | lichenology | lifting | light | light frost | light shade | ligneous | lignin | Liliput | limacology | limb | limbate | limbing up | lime | lime requirement | lime sulfur | limestone | limnology | line | linear | Linearilobum Group | liner plants | liners | lingulate | linking stake | | | lithophyte | lithophytic | live animal trap | liverwort | livid | loam | lobe | locule | locust | loess | loment | long day plant | long reach pruner | long season crop | Longhorn Cactus Beetle | loosely double form | lophanthus | lopper | lopping | lorette pruning | low maintenance plants | lowbush | luminata | lunar gardening | lunate | lurid | lutescent | lycopene | lyrate


macerate | machete | macroclimate | macronutrients | maculate | magnesium sulfate | maiden tree | mail order nurseries | main shoot | maincrop vegetables | malacophilous | malacophyllous | malathion | male plant | mame | mamillate | Management Indicator Species (MIS) | manganese | manger basket | mangrove | mangrove swamp | manila coin envelope | manure | manure fork | manure tea | marbled | marcescent | marcottage | margin | marginal farmland | marginal plant | marginal rays | mariculture | maritime | market garden | market growing | marl | marsh | marshland | mass planting | massing | master gardener | masting | Matsumurae Group | mattock | mattress | maturation | mature specimen | Maxicrop | maximum-minimum thermometer | meadow | meadow garden | mealy bugs | mechanical filter | mechanical growth assistance | media | medicinal plants | medio-variegated | medium | megaherb | meiosis | melting out | membrane | mendelian inheritance | meristem | meryta | mesic | mesocarp | mesoclimate | mesophyll | mesophyte | mesothorax | Messenger RNA (m-RNA) | metabolism | metal edging | metamorphosis | metathorax | meter | micro- | microclimate | microcosm | microelements | microherd | micronutrients | microorganisms | microphytology | micropropagation | micropyle | microrhyzae | microspore | microsporophyll | middle lamella | midrib | migratory | mildew | milky disease | Mills period | milorganite | mineral | miniature rose | minimum tillage | Miracle-Gro® | miscible | mist propagation | mister | mite | Miticide | mitochondria | mitosis | mixed borders | modern rose | moist | mole | molluscicide | monadelphous | monandria | monandrous | Monarch Caterpillar (Danaus plexippus) | moniliform | monocarpic | monocarpous | monoclinous | monocotyledon | monocotyledonous | monocotyledons | monoculture | monodynamous | monoecious | monoecious aphid | monohybrid | monomerous | monophagous | monophyllous | monopodial | monoxenous | monstrose | monstruosus | Montana Clematis | montane | moon garden | moon planting | morel | morning sun | morphology | mosaic | moss | moth trap | mother plant | mottle | mottled | mowing strip | mucilaginous | mucivorous | muck | mucronate | mud | mulch | mulching | mulching mower | mule | mull | multi-colored asian lady beetle (malb) | multi-line | multi-stemmed | multicellular organisms | multicropping | multifid | multiflorous | multifoliate | multiple fruit | mummy | muriate of potash | muricate | muscology | mushroom | mushroom manure | muskeg | mutagen | mutagenesis | mutation | mutualism | mycelium | mycoherbicides | mycoheterotroph | mycology | mycophagous | mycorrhiza | mycorrhizal | mycorrhizas | mycosis | mycotoxin | mycotrophic | mycovirus


N-P-K | napiform | native | native plant | natural light | naturalize | naturalized | naturalizing effect | navicular | neck | necrosis | necrotrophic | nectar | nectariferous | nectarium | nectarivorous | nectarthode | nectary | needle | neem | negligible residue | nematicide | nematodes | nematology | nemoral | nervate | netting | nettle | neutral | neutral soil | new growth | new wood | niche | nicotine sulfate | nigrescent | nitid | nitrate of soda | nitrification | nitrogen | nitrogen fixation | no-dig gardening | nocturnal | node | nodose | nodulated | nodule | noid | | Nomen novum | nomenclature | nomophilous | non-pathogen | non-persistent transmission | non-persistent virus | non-selective herbicide | non-tunicate | non-vascular plant | nonporous subsoil | nonvascular | nonwoody | normal sweet corn | northern grasses | | noxious | noxious weed | nozzle | NPK ratio | nubbin | nucivorous | nucleus | nudicaul | nudicaulis | Nurselog | nursery bed | nursery grown | nursery propagated | nurseryman | nut | nut tree | nutgall | nutlet | nutrients | nymph


oak leaf tea | ob- | obconic | obcordate | obelisk | oblanceolate | obovate | obovoid | obrotund | obtuse | odora | odoriferous | oedema | off-type | offset | offshoot | Old Farmer's Almanac | old garden rose | olericulture | oliolege | olivaceous | ombrophyte | omnivore | ontogeny | opaque | open pollinated | open woods | operculum | opposite | orangery | orbicular | orchard | orchard ladder | orchidologist | orchidology | order | organic | organic fertilizer | organic gardening | organic matter | organism | organophosphate | oriental fruit moth | orientation | originator's stock (OS) | ornamental grass | ornamental shrub | ornamental tree | ornithophilous | orris root | orthogamy | | osmosis | osmotroph | osmunda fiber | outbreeding | outdoor living area | outgrowth | ovary | ovate | overgrown | overlay | overplant | overpotting | overripe | overseeding | overwater | overwintering | ovule | Owlet Moth | own-root | oxidation | oxygenating plants | oxyphyte


Pachycaul | pad | Paenibacillus popilliae | pagoda | palaeobiology | palea | palm house | palmate | Palmatum Group | palynology | pandurate | panicle | panicled | pannose | paper collar | paper mulch | paper pot | papilionaceous | papilla | pappus | paradromic | parasite | parasitic plant | parch | parenchyma | paripinnate | part shade | parterre | parthenocarpic | parthenogenesis | parthenogenic | partial shade | partite | pass-along | pastoralist | pasture | patented | path | pathogen | patio | patio plant | patio tree | patronym | patte d'oie | paver | paving bricks | PBR | pea gravel | peach house | peach leaf curl | pear slug | peat | peat moss | peat pellet | peat pot | peatland | peavey | pebble tray | pectin | pectinata | pediablight | pedicel | pedicellate | pedogenic | pedology | peds | peduncle | pegging | pelleted seed | pelletized | pellucid | peltate | pendant | pendulous | penduncle | penicillate | pepo | percolation | perennate | perennation | perennial | perfect flowers | perfoliate | perforated hose | perianth | perianth tube | pericarp | perigynia | periphyton | perlite | permaculture | permanent wilting point | permeability | permeable | pernicious weed | perpetual | persistent | perule | pest | petal | petaliferous | petaloid | petiolar | petiolate | petiole | petrichor | pH | pH scale | phagotroph | phanerogam | phenology | phenotype | pheromone trap | phloem | phosphate | phosphorus | Photoautotroph | photoperiod | photoperiodism | photosynthesis | phototaxis | phototropic | phototropism | phreatophyte | phyla | phyllary | phyllode | phyllody | phyllogenetic | phyllome | phyllotaxy | phylum | Physiography | phytivorous | phytochemical | phytoremediation | phytosanitary certificate | Phytotoxicant | phytotoxicity | pickax | picotee | pileate | piliferous | pill bug | pilose | pinching back | pine fines | pine nut | pine straw | pingpong | pinna | pinnate | pinnatifid | pinnatisect | pioneer species | pip | pistil | pistil packing | pistillate | pistol grip nozzle | pitchfork | pith | plant | plant cages | plant out | plant patent numbers | plant tag | plantlet | plastic soil | pleaching | plicate | plicated | ploidy | plow | plug | plug tray | plugs | plumose | plunging | pocket garden | pod | poisonous | pole bean | pole pruner | pollard | pollarding | pollen | pollen tube | pollinarium | pollinate | pollination | pollinator | pollinia | pollinizer | poloyacrylamides (PAMS) | polyacrylamides (PAMS) | polyadelphous | polyandrous | polycarpic | polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) | polychrome | polyethylene film | polygamous | polysaccharide | polysepalous | polytepalous | pomace | pome fruit | pond | pond liner | pond shelf | pop-up sprinkler head | population | pore | porogamy | porosity | portable ph meter | portico | postemergent herbicide | pot bound | pot feet | pot stake | pot waterer | potager | potash | potassium | potato fork | potato hook | potato scoop | potherb | potless rose | Potless rose shipping | potpourri | pots | potting | potting bench | potting mix | potting on | potting shed | potting tray | potting up | powdery mildew | PPAF | pradines | prairie gardening | praying mantis | pre-chill | precipitation | | | predatory insect | predatory mites | preemergent herbicide | premorse | presoaking seeds | pressure-treated wood | previous year's growth | pricking out | prickle | primocane | processed manure | procumbent | produce | proliferation | propagating bench | propagating box | propagating glass | propagation | propagation chamber | prostrate | protected species | proterandrous | proteranthous | proterogynous | provenance | pruinose | pruners | pruning | pruning chisel | pruning saw | pruning seal | pruning shears | psammophilous | pseudobulb | pseudocarp | pseudoperennial | pteridologist | pteridophytes | puberulent | pubescent | puddled soil | pulp | pulverant | pulverulent | pulvinate | punctata | punctate | pungent | pup | push mower | pushing the zone | pustule | putamen | pvc | pyrethrin | pyrethrum | pyriform | Pythium Fruit Rot


quadrate | quartered | quartered form | quartz | quick lime


rabbit manure | rabbiteye | raceme | rachilla | rachis | radial flower | radial spine | radical | radicle | radicums | railing hanger | railroad tie | rain barrel | rain gauge | rainbow | rainfall | rainforest | raised bed | rambler | ramet | ramose | rampant | rampion | ramps | ramuliferous | rank foliage | raphe | ratchet pruner | ratoon | ray flower | rebloomer | reclaimed land | recurved | red wriggler | reduplicate | reed | reel mower | reflexed | regular flower | rejuvenate | rejuvenation | rejuvenation pruning | relay planting | remontancy | | renewal pruning | reniform | renovate | renovation pruning | repent | repetition | replum | repot | residual | residue | respiration | resting period | resupinate | retaining wall | reticulate | retrophyllum | retrorse | revert | revolute | revolving sprinkler | rhachis | rhizanthous | rhizocarpic | rhizocarpous | rhizogenic | rhizome | rhizophagous | rib | ribes | riddle | riding mower | rind | ring culture | ringing | riparian | ripe | ripewood cuttting | river rock | rivulose | rock garden | rock phosphate | rockery | rockery trowel | rockwool | rogue | roguing | rooftop gardening | root | root ball | root crops | root crown | root cuttings | root grafting | root hair | root irrigator | root pruning | root rot | root zone | root-bound | root-knot nematode | Rooted cuttings | rooting hormone | rootstock | | rose chafer | rose fertilizer (recipe) | rose hip | roseraie | rosette | rosetum | rostellum | rosulate | rotary mower | rotary spreader | rotenone | rotor hoe | rototiller | rotted straw | rough grade | row cover | Royal National Rose Society | rufous | rugulose | ruminant | Run off | runcator | runcinate | runcinate leaf | runner | runner bean | runoff | rust


sabadilla | sabulous | sagittatum | saliferous | Saline Sodic Land | saline soil | salsuginous | salt hay | salverform | samara | sandy soil | sanitation | sap | sap-sucking insects | sapling | saponin | sapropel | saprophyte | sapwood | sarcocarp | sarment | SASBE | SASE | Sausage dam | savanna | sawdust | saxicole | saxicolous | scab | scaffold branch | scale | scaly | scandent | scape | scape blasting | scarecrow | scarification | scarify | scarifying | schizocarp | scientific method | scientific name | scion | sclerenchyma | scooping | scorch | scoring the base of the bulb | Scoville | scratching in | scree | screening | scrub | scuffle hoe | scurf | scurfy | scythe | SE | seashore garden | season extender | seaweed extract | secateurs | secondary flowering | secret garden | secund | sediment | seed | seed accession | seed cleaning | seed drill | seed purity | seed tape | seed tray | seedbed | seedhead | seedheads | seedling | seedpod | seepage | seismonasty | selective herbicide | selective pruning | self-cleaning | self-colored | self-fertile | self-fertilization | self-pollinating | self-pollination | self-pruning | self-seeding | self-sow | self-sterile | semi-double flower | semi-double form | semi-evergreen | semi-hardwood cuttings | senesce | senescence | sepal | septate | serotinous | serpentine layering | serrate | serrulate | service area | sessile | set | set out | setting out | SEV | sewage sludge | sexual reproduction | sexually reproduced cultivar | shade cloth | shade netting | shade tree | shade-tolerant | shallow soil | sharp sand | shearing | sheath | sheet composting | shelterbelt | shepherd's hook | short day plant | short season crop | shot hole | shovel | shovel prune | shredder | shrub | shrub border | shrub rose | shubunkin | sickle | side dressing | sideshoot | sieve | sieve cell | sigmoid | silica gel | silicle | silique | silt | silver orfe | simple | single digging | single flower | single form | single grain soil | sinus | skimmer net | skirt | slaked lime | slat house | slater bug | slip | slope | slough | slow-release fertilizer | slug bait | slug barrier | slugs | smudge pot | smut | snag | snail | snow load | snow mold | soakaway | soaker hose | sod | sod cutter | sod kicker | sodic soil | soft paving | softwood | softwood cutting | soil | soil analysis | soil ball | soil classification | soil crust | soil drench | soil fertility | soil food web | soil mark | soil pasteurization | soil pH | soil polymers | soil sample | soil sterilizing | soil structure | soil temperature | soil test | soil texture | soil-borne disease | soilless mix | solar vent | solar-friendly tree | solar-heated plant teepee | solarization | solitary | solitary inflorescence | soluble fertilizer | soluble salt | sooty mildew | sori | southern grasses | sow | sow bug | sowing | soybean meal | spade | spadiceous | spadix | spathe | spatulate | spear | species | species diversity | species rose | specific epithet | specimen plant | spent | spent flowers | sphagnology | sphagnum | sphinx moth 14 spice | spider | spider mite | spider variant | spike | spine | spinescent | spit | spitbug | spitter | spittle bug | splash guard | splotched | sporangia | sporangium | spore | sporeling | sporocarp | sporogenous | sporophyll | sporophyte | sport | sporulate | spp | spraguea | sprayer | sprayhead sprinkler | spraying | spreader | sprig | sprigging | spring | spring flowering bulbs | spring garden | spring sowing | sprinkler | sprinkling in | spritz | spritzer | sprout | spur | spur pruning | spurs | square foot gardening | squarrose | squash borer | squash bug | squirrel feeder | stability | stability hazard | staking | stalk | stamen | staminate | staminode | standard | standard pot | standing crop | standing water | stank | starting medium | state flower | state trees | stellate | stellate pubescence | stem | stem rooting | stepping stone | sterile | stick-tights | sticky | sticky card | sticky trap | stigma | stinkbug | stipate | stipe | stipiform | stipitate | stippled | stipule | stiriated | stirpiculture | stirps | stock plant | stolon | stoloniferous | stoma | stomata | stone dust | stone fruit | stool layering | stooling | storing seed | Stout Award | strain | stramineous | stratification | stratify | stratigraphy | streaked | stream | stress | strigose | strike | string algae | string trimmer | strip cropping | strobile | stubble field | stubble mulching | stump grinding | stunted growth | style | styracaceous | SU | sub-climax | subaqueous | subdued daylight | subglobose | subhumid climate | subirrigated land | submerged plant | submergent plan | submergent plant | subshrub | subsoil | subspecies | substrate | subsurface drainage | subsurface flow | subterranean | subtropical | succession planting | successional species | succulent | suckers | suet | sugar enhanced | sulcate | sulfur | summer fruit | summer oil | | sunbow | sunburn | sunken garden | sunscald | superior oil | superior ovary | superphosphate | supersweet | support | surculum | surface roots | sustainable agriculture | swale | swamp | sweating plants | sweet soil | symbiotic | symmetrical planting | sympetalous | sympodium | synanthous | synconium | synoecious | synonym | synsepalous | systemic


tabescent | tactile | tamp | tank mix | tankage | tannic acid | tannin | tap root | tarp | | tautonym | taxon | taxonomist | taxonomy | teasing roots | teepee | tegument | temperate | tender | tendril | tent catepillar | tenting | tepal | tepary bean | terete | terminal bud | ternate | terra preta | terrace | terracing | terracotta | terrain | terrarium | terrestrial | tessellate | teteur | tetraploid | texture | thallus | thatch | theatre | theme garden | thermal periodicity | thicket | thigmomorphogenesis | thigmotropism | thin soil | thinning | thinning out | thorn | three prong weeder | three sisters | thresh | thrips | throat | thrum | till | tillage | tiller | tilth | timberline | time-release fertilizer | tinged | tip burn | tip layering | tired soil | tissue culture | titre | toad house | toadstool | tobacco hornworm 10 Tobacco Hornworm eggs | tolerance | tolerant | tomato cage | tomato early blight | tomato hornworm | tomentose | tomentum | tonsure | tool rack | toothed | topdress | topiary | topography | topsoil | tornado | toxic | trace elements | trade name | trailing | training | translucent | transpiration | transplant shock | transplanting | trap crop | trash tree | treated seeds | tree | tree guard | tree line | tree surgeon | treehopper | trellis | trench | trench layering | trenching | trichome | trifoliate | trifurcate | trigeneric hybrid | trimmer | triphyllous | tripinnate | triploid | tristhichous | tropical | tropical cyclone | trough | trowel | true breeding | true bulbs | True Katydid (Pterophylla camellifolia) | true leaves | trug | truncate | trunk | truss | tsayology | tuber | tubercle | tubercled | tubercles | tuberculate | tubercule | tuberous root | tufa | tuft | tulipmania (tulipomania) | tumbler | tump | tundra | tunic | tunicate | turf | turfgrass blend | turfgrass mixture | turgid | turn under | tussie-mussie | tussock | tuteur | twig | twine | twining | two-dollar hole


u-shaped crotch | ubercule | UF | ultraviolet (uv) | umbel | umbilicate apex | uncinate | underbrush | undercut | underground sprinkler system | undergrown | undergrowth | underlining (pond) | underplant | underplanting | underripe | undersoil | understory | undesirable plant species | undulate | unhumidified | Unicellular | unifoliate | union | unisexual flower | unusual form | upland | urea | urn | usda | utility cart | uv filter

(E3)(L1) | variable | variegated | varietas | variety | varmint | vascular | vascular bundle | vascular plant | vector | vegetable | vegetable garden | vegetable marrow | vegetative growth | vegetative propagation | vein | veining | velamen | venation | venous | ventilation | ventilator | ventral | verdigris | vermicomposting | vermiculite | vermiculture | vernal | vernalization | vernation | verticellate | verticil | verticillated | verticillium wilt | very full form | vestigal | vestigial | VFN | viability | viable | victory garden | villifolius | villosa | vine | vintage | virescence | virgate | viricide | viridescent | viruliferous (of vector) | virus | virus-tested | virustatic | viscid | vista | vitamin | vitamin b1 | viticulture | vittate | viviparae | viviparous | viviparously | vivipary | volcanic rock | vole | volunteer | volunteer seedling


wall bracket | wall o'water | wall planter | Wardian case | warm season grasses | warm season vegetables | warm temperate | wart | wash | washed sand | waste area | water farming | water feature | water garden | water meter | water mold | water plants | water requirement | water sprout | water table | water-logged | waterfall | watering | watering in | watering wand | watermark | watershed | wattle | wavy | weather forecasting | weather-proof | weathering | weed 17 weed and feed fertilizer | weed control | weed eater | weed tea | weeder | weeding | weeping form | wet meadow | wetlands | wettable powder | wetting agent | wheelbarrow | whip | whip graft | whirligig | whiskey barrel | whiteflies | whorl | wick | wide row planting | widger | wildflower | wildflower garden | wildlife garden | willow water | wilt | wind | wind break | wind chime | wind-rock | windfall | window box | windthrow | wing | wings | winter annual | | winter sowing | winterize | winterizer | winterkill | witches' broom | wither | wood | wood ash | woodland garden | woody | woody ornamentals | woody perennial | woody stem cuttings | woolly | worm | worm bin | worm castings | wound paint | wounding | WOW | wrinkle


x | xanthophyll | xenia | xenogamy | xeric | xerophyte | xerophytic | xylem


yard | yard waste | yellow | yellowing


zen garden | zig-zag | zinc | zone | zoo animal manure | zoochoric | zoophyte | zygomorphic | zygote



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Consumer: home and garden news











A Southern Garden of Phillip Oliver
Roses in my garden




Modern Roses Misc. Articles


Alphabetical Listing of Roses in the garden

| Alba Meidiland | Alchymist | Aloha | Altissimo | Ambridge Rose | American Beauty, Cl. | American Pillar | Baron Girod De L'Ain | Baronne Henriette de Snoy | Baronne Prevost | Belinda | Belinda's Dream | Belle Poitevine | Bermuda's Kathleen | Betty Boop | Betty Prior | | Blanc Double de Coubert | Blaze | Bloomfield Dainty | Blossomtime, Cl. | Bobbie James | Buff Beauty | Caldwell Pink | Carefree Wonder | Cecille Brunner, Cl. | Charles de Mills | Chicago Peace | Clair Matin | Climbing Pinkie | Complicata | Cornelia | Doctor Robert Korns | Don Juan | Double Delight | Dortmund | Duchess d'Angouleme | Duchesse De Brabant | Dusky Maiden | Escapade | Europeana | Excellenz Von Shubert | F.J. Grootendorst | The Fairy | The Fairy, Cl. | Felicia | Fortunes Double Yellow | Francis Dubreuil | Francois Juranville | Fru Dagmar Hastrup | Gartendirektor Otto Linne | Georgetown Tea | Gold Medal | Gourmet Popcorn | Gruss an Auchen | Jeanne Lajoie | Kathleen | Kathryn Morley | Katy Road Pink | Kirsten Poulsen | Knock Out | Konigin von Danemark | Lady Of The Dawn | Lady Banks | Lady Waterlow | Lafter | Lamarque | Lavender Lassie | Lavender Pink Parfait | Linda Campbell | Lindee | Lyda Rose | Lyric | Madame Alfred Carriere | Madame Isaac Periere | Madame Plantier | Maggie | Maman Cochet | Marguerite Hilling | Marchesa Boccella | Marie Pavie | Marie Van Houtte | Marjorie Fair | La Marne | Mary Rose | Mermaid | Mlle. Franziska Kruger | Molineux | Moonlight | Moon River | Mon Cheri | Mothersday | Mrs. Anthony Waterer | Mrs. B.R. Cant | Mrs. R.M. Finch | Mutabilis | Natchitoches | Nearly Wild | New Dawn | Nymphenburg | Old Blush | Old Blush, Cl. | Paradise | Pat Austin | Perle D'Or | Petite Pink Scotch | Phalaenopsis | Pink Grootendorst | Pink Meidiland | Pinkie, Climbing | Pinkie, Cl. | Prosperity | Queen Elizabeth | | R. Wichuraiana "Thornless" | Raubritter | Red Cascade | Red Max Graf | Reve d'Or | Reveil Dijonnais | Rise N' Shine | Robin Hood | Rose de Rescht | Rosearaie de l'Hay | Russell's Cottage Rose | Salet | Sally Holmes | Sarah Van Fleet | Scarlet Meidiland | Scentimental | Sea Foam | Sir Thomas Lipton | Skyrocket | Sombreuil | | Super Dorothy | Sweet Chariot | Tausendschon | The Pilgrim | Therese Bugnet | Topaz Jewel | Tradescant | Vanity | Variegata Di Bologna | Veilchenblau | Weeping China Doll | Westerland | White Pet | Wind Chimes | Zephirine Drouhin



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