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A ... aa | A’a ...



abaca | Abacha, Sani ... abbess | Abbeville ... ?Abd al-Ra?uf | ?Abd al-?abur, ?ala? ... ?Abdullah I | ?Abdullah ibn ?Abd al-?Aziz al Sa?ud ... Abernathy, Ralph David | Abernon, Sir John D’ ... Abkhazian | Abkhazian language ... Abrahams, Harold | Abrahams, Harold Maurice ... Absolute Spirit | absolute temperature ... Abu al-?azm Jahwar ibn Jahwar | Abu al-Hudhayl al-?Allaf ... Abu Mazen | Abu, Mount ... abuna | Abuná, Río ...



Academy of Fine Arts, Gallery of the | Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. ... accelerated erosion | accelerated graphics port ... Account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe, An | Account of the Sore Throat Attended with Ulcers ... acetic anhydride | acetoacetic acid ... Achilles | Achilles ... AcK | “Ack libertas, tu ädla tingh” ... acoustical shadow | acoustico-lateralis system ... acrylic compound | acrylic fibre ... Action, L’? | Action painting ... Acuña y Villanueva de la Iglesia, Rosario de | Acunha ...



Adair, Red | Adair v. the United States ... Adams, Gerry | Adams, Hannah ... adder | Adderley, Cannonball ... adelomorphous cell | Adelonda di Frigia ... adiabatic nuclear demagnetization | adiabatic process ... Adli Yegen | ADLP ... Adonias Filho | Adonic line ... Adrien de Gerlache | Adrienne Lecouvreur ... Adventures of Master F. J. | Adventures of Mottel, the Cantor’s Son ...



Aegean Islands | Aegean Sea ... aerarium Saturni | aeration ... Aesernia | Aeshma ...



afferent impulse | afferent nerve ... Africa Orientale Italiana | Africa Vetus ... African rock crawler | African Roscius, The ... After War | afterbirth ...



agape | Agapetus I, Saint ... age-related macular degeneration | age-specific death rate ... Agilulf | Agin-Buriatiya ... agonism | agonism ... agricultural price support | agricultural prices ... Aguinaldo, Emilio | Aguirre Cerda, Pedro ...



Ahl al-kahf | Ahl al-Kitab ... “Ahnfrau, Die” | Aho, Esko ...



Aiken, Joan | Aiken, Joan Delano ... air gun | air hoist ... Aire, River | Airedale ...



ajaeng | ajaeng sanjo ...



Akathistos | Akayev, Askar ... Akintola, Samuel Ladoke | Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka ... Akwapim-Togo Ranges | Akyab ...



Alagöz, Mount | Alain ... Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act | Alaska paper birch ... Albany, Alexander Stewart, duke of | Albany Congress ... Albert of Cologne | Albert of Halberstadt ...

Albertville Olympics ... albuminuria

Albertville Olympics (1992) | Albery family (British family) | Albery, James (British dramatist) | Albery, Sir Bronson James (Britishtheatrical manager) | Albery, Sir Donald Arthur Rolleston (British producer) | Albesti (Romania) | Albi (France) | Albian Stage (geology) | albicore (fish) | Albida acacia (tree) | Albiev, Islam-Beka (Russian wrestler) | Albigenser, Die (work by Lenau) | Albigenses (French religious movement) | Albigensian crusade (French religious history) | Albigensians (French religious movement) | Albiker, Karl (sculptor) | albinism (genetic condition) | Albino (horse) | Albinoni, Tomaso Giovanni (Italian composer) | Albinovanus Pedo (Roman poet) | Albintimilium (ancient town, Italy) | Albinus (Greek philosopher) | Albinus, Bernard Siegfried (German anatomist) | Albinus, Decimus Clodius Septimius (Roman general) | Albinus, Decimus Junius Brutus (Roman general) | Albion (poem by Saint-Amant) | Albion (island, Europe) | Albion College (college, Albion, Michigan, United States) | Albion Female Collegiate Institute (college, Albion, Michigan, United States) | Albireo (star) | Albishir (emir of Yauri kingdom) | albite (mineral) | albite twin (crystallography) | albite-epidote-hornfels facies (geology) | Albium Intemelium (ancient town, Italy) | Albizia (plant genus) | Albizia julibrissin (tree) | Albizia julibrizzin (tree) | Albizia lebbek (plant) | Albizia lophantha (plant) | Albizzi family (Italian family) | Albizzia (plant genus) | Albo, Joseph (Spanish philosopher) | Alboacen (Na?rid ruler) | alboka (musical instrument) | Alboni, Marietta (Italian opera singer) | Alborán Basin (basin, Mediterranean Sea) | Alborán, Isla de (island, Spain) | Alborán Island (island, Spain) | Alboreto, Michele (Italian race-car driver) | Ålborg (Denmark) | Ålborg akvavit (distilled liquor) | Albornoz, Gil Álvarez Carrillo de (Spanish cardinal) | Alborz Mountains (mountain range, Iran) | Albourz Mountains (mountain range, Iran) | Albrecht, Bernard (British musician) | Albrecht der Bär (margrave of Brandenburg) | Albrecht der Beherzte (duke of Saxony) | | Albrecht, Herzog von Teschen, Erzherzog (Austrian field marshal) | Albrecht VII (archduke of Austria) | Albrecht von Brandenburg (German cardinal, margrave of Brandenburg, and elector of Mainz) | Albrecht von Hohenzollern (duke of Prussia) | Albrechts Castle (castle, Meissen, Germany) | Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg (Austrian composer) | Albret, Arnaud-Amanieu d’ (French noble) | Albret, César-Phébus d’ (marshal of France) | Albret, Charlotte d’ (French princess) | Albret family (French family) | Albret, Jeanne d’ (queen of Navarre) | Albright Art Gallery (museum, Buffalo, New York, United States) | Albright, Fuller (American endocrinologist) | Albright, Ivan (American painter) | Albright, Josephine Patterson (American journalist) | Albright, Madeleine (United States statesman) | Albright, Tenley (American figure skater) | Albright, Tenley Emma (American figure skater) | Albright, W. F. (American biblical archaeologist) | Albright, William Foxwell (American biblical archaeologist) | Albright-Knox Art Gallery (museum, Buffalo, New York, United States) | Albright’s syndrome (pathology) | Albucasis (Muslim physician and author) | Albula (Algeria) | Albula Alps (mountains, Switzerland) | Albula vulpes (fish) | Albulidae (fish family) | Albuliformes (fish order) | album (Roman notice board) | Album de vers anciens, 1890-1900 (work by Valéry) | album leaf (art) | Album quilt (American soft furnishing) | Albumasar (Muslim astrologer) | Albumazar (Muslim astrologer) | albumen (biology) | albumen paper (paper) | albumin (protein) | albumin paper (paper) | albuminuria (pathology)

| alboka ... Alcázar Palace | Alcazarquivir ... Aldabaran | ... Aleksandriya | Aleksandrov, Pavel Sergeevich ... Aleutian Basin | Aleutian Current ... Alexandra | Alexandra ... Alfie | alfiere ... algebraic linguistics | algebraic map ... ?Ali I ibn Mazyad | ?Ali ibn Abi ar-Rijal ... Alisma subcordatum | Alisma triviale ... alkyne | ALL ... | Alla Rakha Khan ... Allen, Gracie | Allen, Henry ... Alliance Society | alliance theory ... allowed transition | alloy ... almonry school | Almora ... alpen | Alpenhorn ... Alpharabius | Alphavirus ... Altaisky Nature Reserve | Altamira ... Altis | altithermal ... aluminum sulfate | aluminum trichloride ...



Amadeus | Amadeus ... “Amants, Les” | Amapá ... Amazing Marriage, The | Amazing Stories ... Amblyornis inornatus | Amblypygi ... Amelio, Gilbert | Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, Convention for the ... American Basketball Association | American Basketball League ... American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees | American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees v. State of Washington ... American Library Association | American linden ... American Samoa | American Samoa, flag of ... Americans with Disabilities Act | Americas ... amidot | amidoth ... ?amme ha-aretz | Ammers-Küller, Jo van ... Amon-Re, Temple of | Among the Cinders ... Amphicarpum purshii | Amphicerus bicaudatus ... ?Amri | Amri ... amyloid | amyloid plaque ...



anadromous fish | Anadyr ... analytic geometry | analytic language ... Anas crecca | Anas cyanoptera ... Anauni | anautogenous fly ... Ancona | Ancre, Concino Concini, Marquis d’ ... Anderson, Garland | Anderson, George Lee ... Ando Tokutaro | Andocides ... Andrews, James J. | Andrews, Julie ... Andy Capp | Andy Griffith Show, The ... Angeles National Forest | Ángeles, Victoria de los ... angle harp | angle of attack ... Anglo-Soviet Agreement | Anglo-Tibetan Treaty ... Anheuser, Eberhard | Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. ... Animals Improvise Counterpoint, The | animals, master of the ... Anna Christie | Anna Comnena ... Annie Get Your Gun | Annie Hall ... Anomalopterygidae | anomalous dispersion ... Anseba River | Anselm ... ?Antar, Romance of | Antara ... anther | Antheraea assama ... anthropometry | anthropomorphic mask ... Antichrist, The | anticipation ... Antilopini | antilymphocyte serum ... antipyretic | Antipyrgos ... Antonines | Antonini, Palazzo ... Anuttarayoga-tantra | anuvadi ...





Apepi | Aper ... Apis florea | Apis indica ... “Apollo Belvedere” | apollo butterfly ... | Apostle, The ... Appel, Kenneth | Appelfeld, Aharon ... Applied Anthropology, Society for | ... Apthorp, Sarah Wentworth | Aptian Stage ...


apartment building apathetic apathy ape aperitif aperture apex aphid aphorism aphrodisiac apiece aplenty aplomb apocalypse apocalyptic apocryphal apogee apolitical apologetic apologist apologize apology apoplectic apoplexy apostate apostle apostolic apostrophe apothecary apotheosis



Aquifoliales | Aquila ...



?Arabi | Arabi Pasha ... Arago remains | Aragon ... Aratus of Sicyon | Arauca ... Arbuthnot, John | Arbuthnot Range ... Archangel tar | archbishop ... architecture, Oceanic | Architecture of Country Houses, The ... Arcturus the Hunting Hound and Other Stories | arcuate artery ... Arelate | Aremorica ... Argenis | Argenlieu, Georges-Thierry d’ ... Arguments for Socialism | argumentum ad baculum ... Aries, first point of | arietta ... Arita | Arita ware ... Arlen, Harold | Arlen, Michael ... Armenia, flag of | Armenia, history of ... Armstrong, David Malet | Armstrong, Debbie ... Arnold, Eddy | Arnold, Hap ... Arpad | Árpád dynasty ... Arrow | arrow ... Arsuk Fjord | art ... Artakhshathra I | Artakhshathra I ... arthapatti | Arthoniales ... artificial perception | artificial reality ... ?Arukh | ?Arukh ha-shalem ...



As Lagrimas e o Vento | As Ten as Twenty ... Ascaphus | Ascaphus truei ... asepsis | aseptic meningitis ... Ashikaga bakufu | Ashikaga family ... Ashurnasirpal II, palace of | Ashvaghosa ... Askhabad | Askia Dawud ... asphodel | Asphodelaceae ... Assembly, House of | assembly language ... Assuan | assumed risk defense ... Astley, Thea | Astley, Thea Beatrice May ... astronomical unit | Astronomische Gesellschaft ...



AT-6 Spiral | At-Bashy Range ... Atelier 17 | Atelier Dix-Sept ... “Athens of South America” | Athens Olympic Games ... Atlanta University School of Social Work | atlantes ... atman | Atmore ... Atoms for Peace speech | Aton ... attainder | attainder, bill of ... Attrition, War of | Attu ...



Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, The | Audaghost ... Augias | Augier, Émile ... Augustus III | Augustus the Strong ... aureus | Aurgelmir ... Austin Flint murmur | Austin, Frederic ... Australian mountain ash | Australian Museum ... autarkei | autarkeia ... autologous bone-marrow rescue | autologous transfusion ... autosome | autostrada ...



Avanti! | Avanti ... Avery, Frederick Bean | Avery, John ... Avogadro’s number | avoidance behaviour ...





ax stroke | axe ... “Axur, re d’Ormus” |



Ay ... Aysén | Aythya affinis ...



Azhi Dahaka | azide ... Azzone Soldanus


B ...


Baba, Malam | Baba Malay language ... Babri Mosjid | Babrius ... Baccio della Porta | Bach, Alexander, baron von ... back-propagation algorithm | back-strap loom ... Bad Aussee | Bad Boys ... Badlands National Park | Badminton ... Baggara | baggataway ... Bahcall, John N. | Bahia ... Baijini | Baikal cod ... Bainis righe | Bainsizza Plateau ... Baker, Etta | Baker, Florence ... Baksar | Baksar, Battle of ... Balao | Balao ... Baldwin III | Baldwin III ... Baliol, John de | Baliol, John de ... Ballard, John | Ballard, Robert ... Ballymun | Ballynahinch ... Baltimore incident | Baltimore of Baltimore, Cecilius Calvert, 2nd Baron ... Bampton | Bampton, John ... Banda, Hastings Kamuzu | Banda Islands ... bandurria | bandwagon effect ... Banjara | Banjari ... banneret | Bannerman, Henry ... Baoruco, Sierra de | Baotou ... Barabu?ur | Baracaldo ... barbarian | Barbarian in the Garden ... Barbirolli, Sir John | barbital ... Bardi-Busini, Palazzo | Bardia ... Baringo, Lake | Barings PLC ... Barmakids | Bärmann, Heinrich ... Barnum, Phineas Taylor | Barnwell ... Barrackpur Mutiny | Barracks, The ... Barrington, George | Barrington Island ... Barter | Barter Theatre ... Bartramia longicauda | Bartramia pomiformis ... base community | base course ... Basic Law for Environmental Pollution Control | Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ... Basingstoke | Basingstoke and Deane ... Bassac | Bassac ... Bastwick, John | Basuku ... Bates, Deacon L. J. | Bates, Edward ... Batiushkov, Konstantin Nikolayevich | Batjan ... Battle of Algiers, The | Battle of Anghiari ... Bauer, Andreas | Bauer, Bruno ... bay | bay ... Bay?an Umm Rusas | bayin ...






beam riding | beam splitter ... beat | beat ... | Beauharnois Canal ... Bebey, Francis | bebop ... Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond | Becquerel, Antoine-César ... bee louse | bee milk ... Before Dawn | Before Night Falls ... Behnes, William | Behold the Murmuring Sea ... Beja | Béja ... Belcher, Sir Edward | belching ... Belkhadem, Abdelaziz | Belkis ... Bella Coola | bella diplomatica ... Bellmer, Hans | bellminer ... Belos | Belostomatidae ... Bembo | Bembo, Pietro ... Bender Cassim | Bender, Charles Albert ... benefit | benefit performance ... Beni Saf | Beni Suef ... Bennington | Bennington ... Benvenuto Cellini | Benxi ... Berbie Palace | Berceo, Gonzalo de ... Berg, Patty | Berg, Paul ...

Beriberi language ... Berliner Philharmoniker

Beriberi language | berimbau (musical instrument) | Berinsky, Lev (Israeli author) | Berio, Luciano (Italian composer) | Beriosova, Svetlana (British dancer) | Bériot, Charles-Auguste de (Belgian violinist) | Beriya, Lavrenty Pavlovich (Soviet government official) | Berk-Yaruq (Seljuq prince) | Berke (Mongol ruler) | Berkeley (county, South Carolina, United States) | Berkeley (California, United States) | Berkeley (plantation, Virginia, United States) | Berkeley, Busby (American director) | Berkeley, George (Irish philosopher) | Berkeley, John (British politician) | Berkeley school (geography) | Berkeley, Sir Lennox (British composer) | Berkeley, Sir Lennox Randall Francis (British composer) | Berkeley, Sir William (British colonial official) | Berkeley Software Distribution (computer operating system) | Berkeley, University of California at (university, California, United States) | berkelium (chemical element) | Berkhamsted (England, United Kingdom) | Berkman, Alan (American physician and activist) | Berkman, Alexander (American anarchist) | Berkner, Lloyd Viel (American physicist and engineer) | Berkowitz, David (American serial killer) | Berks (county, Pennsylvania, United States) | Berkshire (county, England, United Kingdom) | Berkshire (breed of pig) | Berkshire (county, Massachusetts, United States) | Berkshire Downs (hills, England, United Kingdom) | Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (American company) | Berkshire Hills (mountains, United States) | Berlage, Hendrik Petrus (Dutch architect) | Berlanga, Tomás de (Spanish bishop) | Berle, Adolph (American lawyer and economist) | Berle, Milton (American comedian) | Berliawsky, Louise (American sculptor) | Berlichingen, Gottfried von (German knight) | Berlichingen, Götz von (German knight) | Berlin (album by Reed) | Berlin (Connecticut, United States) | Berlin (work by Plievier) | Berlin (Germany) | Berlin (New Hampshire, United States) | “Berlin Alexanderplatz” (work by Döblin) | Berlin, Battle of (European history) | Berlin black (varnish) | Berlin blockade and airlift (Europe [1948-49]) | Berlin, Brent (American linguist) | Berlin Codex 8502 (Coptic text) | Berlin Conference (European history) | Berlin conference (Europe [1954]) | Berlin, Congress of (European history) | Berlin Decree (Europe [1806]) | Berlin, Free University of (university, Berlin, Germany) | Berlin, Humboldt University of (university, Berlin, Germany) | Berlin in Monte Carlo (work by Unruh) | Berlin, Irving (American composer) | Berlin, Isaiah ben Judah Loeb (Hungarian scholar) | Berlin Mitte (area, Berlin, Germany) | Berlin, Naphtali Zevi Judah (Jewish scholar) | Berlin Olympic Games (1936) | Berlin Painter (Greek artist) | Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (German orchestra) | Berlin, Sir Isaiah (British historian) | Berlin Society for Empirical Philosophy (German organization) | Berlin State Orchestra (German orchestra) | Berlin Stories, The (work by Isherwood) | Berlin transparency (porcelain) | Berlin, treaties of (European history) | Berlin, Treaty of (European history) | Berlin, University of (university, Berlin, Germany) | Berlin Wall (wall, Berlin, Germany) | Berlin ware (pottery) | Berlin West Africa Conference (European history) | Berlin white (chemical compound) | Berlin woolwork (art) | Berlin Zoo (zoo, Berlin, Germany) | | Berlin-Dahlem Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum (museum, Berlin, Germany) | Berliner, Emil (American inventor) | Berliner, Emile (American inventor) | Berliner Ensemble (German theatrical company) | Berliner Festwochen (festival, Berlin, Germany) | Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung (German periodical) | Berliner Mauer (wall, Berlin, Germany) | Berliner Philharmoniker (German orchestra)

| ... Berman, Lazar Naumovich | Berman, Pandro Samuel ... Berne Union | Berner Alpen ... Berrigan, Daniel | Berrigan, Philip Francis ... Bertrand, Joseph-Louis-François | Bertrand, Louis ... Best, Charles H. | Best, Charles Herbert ... Beta Israel | Beta Lyrae ... Bethlehem Chapel | Bethlehem Ephrathah ... Betula platyphylla japonica | Betula populifolia ... Bezier curve | Béziers ...




Bharmal of Amber, Raja | Bhartendu ... bhumija | Bhurtpore ...


Bible | Bible and Sword: England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour ... Bickerstaffe, Isaac | Bickertonites ... Bieszczady National Park | BIF ... “Big White Fog“ | Big Wild Goose Pagoda ... Bikol | Bila ... billiards | Billiards at Half-Past Nine ... binding site | Binding Up of the Years ... biocompatibility | biocomponent fibre ... biomass fuel | biomaterials ... birch | birch beer ... Birkbeck, George | Birked language ... Biscay, Bay of | Biscayne Bay ... Bissagos Islands | Bissaker, Robert ... Biwat | Bixa ...




Black Book of Carmarthen | Black Book of Clanranald ... Black Hawk | black hawk ... black poplar | Black Pottery culture ... Black Woman, The: An Anthology | Black Women’s Health Imperative ... Blackcraig Hill | blackcurrant ... bladder urine | bladder worm ... Blamauer, Karoline | Blanc ... blasphemy | Blass, Bill ... blended whiskey | blended yogurt ... Bliss, William D. P. | Bliss, William Dwight Porter ... Bloemfontein | blog ... bloodfin | bloodflower ... Blowin’ in the Wind | blowing agent ... blue pincushion | blue pine ... blues | Blues for Mister Charlie ...




Bo Shan | Bo Shucun ... Bocage, Manuel Maria Barbosa du | bocal ... Bodo | Bodo ... Boeren Brueghel | Boerhaave, Hermann ... bogus yucca moth | Boguslawski, Wojciech ... boiling | boiling ... Bolden, Buddy | Bolden, Charles ... bollworm | Bollywood ... bomb | bomb ... Bonaparte, Louis | Bonaparte, Louis ... bone, giant-cell tumour of | bone grease ... Bonnburg | Bonne Aventure ... Book of Abraham | Book of Addition and Subtraction According to the Hindu Calculation ... Book Token | book trachea ... BOP | Bopha Devi ... Borders of the Tamar and the Tavy, The | Bordes, Charles ... Borinquen | Boris ... “Borrachos, Los” | Borrelia ... Bose-Einstein statistics | Böselager, Count Philipp von ... Boston News-Letter, The | Boston Patriots ... Bothrops jajacara | Bothrops jararaca ... Boubat, Edouard | Bouc, the ... boulle work | Boullée, Étienne-Louis ... Bourdelle, Émile-Antoine | Bourdet, Claude ... Bouts, Dieric | Bouts, Dierick ... Bowes-Lyon, Elizabeth Angela Marguerite | bowfin ... Boxer, The | boxfish ... Boys Town | Boys Town ...




bracken fern family | Brackenridge, Hugh Henry ... Bradypodidae | Bradypus ... Brahms, Johannes | Brahui ... Branch Will Not Break, The | branched polymer ... Branibor | Branicki family ... Bratescu-Voinesti, I. A. | Brathwait, Richard ... brazil nut family | Brazil nut tree ... Breaking Away | breaking ball ... Breisach | Breisach am Rhein ... Bressanone | ... Brezhnev, Leonid Ilich | Brezhoneg language ... Bridges, Calvin Blackman | Bridges, Christopher Brian ... bright nebula | Bright, Richard ... brise-soleil | Brisiacum ... British Columbia, University of | British Commonwealth Games ... British Virgin Islands, flag of | British West Africa ... Broadway Open House | Broadwood, John ... Broken Hill | Broken Hill ... Bronx | Bronx Bull, the ... Brooks, Leon Eric “Kix” | Brooks, Louise ... Broussonetia papyrifera | Brouthers, Dennis ... Brown, James Richard | Brown, Jim ... Browne, Elliott Martin | Browne, Felicia Dorothea ... brucellosis | brucellosis spondylitis ... Bruneau, Louis-Charles-Bonaventure-Alfred | Brunechildis ... brush-furred rat | brush-tailed marsupial mouse ... Bryennius, Nicephorus | Bryggen ...




Bubnov, Andrey Sergeyevich | Bubnovy Valet ... “Büchse der Pandora, Die” | “Büchse der Pandora, Die” ... “Budai Krónika” | Budai vár ... Buenos Aires | Buenos Aires ... bugleweed | bugling ... bulbar nerve | bulbar nucleus ... Bull, Olaf Jacob Martin Luther | Bull, Ole ... bum | bum roll ... Bunraku-za | Bunratty Castle ... Burbidge, Margaret | burbot ... burglary | Burgo family ... Burkhardt, Georg | Burkhardt, Gottlieb ... Burney mission | Burnham & Root ... Burroughs, William Seward | Burroughs, William Seward ... Busan | Busani ... Bushveld Complex | bushveld vegetation ... Butcher of Lyon | Butcher of Uganda ... Butte-Montmartre | Butte-Silver Bow ... Buxbaumiidae | Buxheimer Orgelbuch ...





Bykovsky, Valery Fyodorovich | bylina ...



CA CA (accounting) Ca (chemical element) Ca’ da Mosto, Alvise (Italian navigator) Ca’ d’Oro (building, Venice, Italy) Ca’ Grande (building, Venice, Italy) Ça ira (work by Freiligrath) Ca Mau Peninsula (peninsula, Vietnam) Ca River (river, Asia) Ca, Song (river, Asia) CA storage (agriculture) CA-125 (molecule) caa gazu (beverage) caa-cuys (beverage) caa-míri (beverage) CAAC (Chinese government) Caacupé (Paraguay) caa’ing whale (mammal) caapi (narcotic) Caapor (people) caatinga (plant) Caazapá (Paraguay) cab (vehicle) CAB (United States government agency) Cabaiguán (Cuba) cabal (politics) Cabal and Love (play by Schiller) Cabala (Jewish mysticism) Cabala del cavallo Pegaseo (work by Bruno) cabale (card game) cabaletta (operatic aria) Caballé, Montserrat (Spanish opera singer) caballero Cifar, El (Spanish novel) Caballero, Fernán (Spanish writer) Caballero, Francisco Largo (prime minister of Spain) Caballero, Pedro Juan (Paraguayan captain) Caballero y Góngora, Antonio (Colombian archbishop) Caballo, El (Cuban athlete) Cabañaquinta (town, Spain) Cabañas (department, El Salvador) Cabañas Hospice (orphanage, Guadalajara, Mexico) Cabanatuan (Philippines) Cabanilles, Juan Bautista José (Spanish composer) Cabanis (work by Alexis) Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges (French philosopher and physiologist) cabaret Cabaret (film by Fosse [1972]) Cabarrus, François, conde de (Spanish minister) Cabasilas, Nicholas (Greek theologian) Cabasilas, Nilus (Greek bishop) cabbage (plant) cabbage aphid (insect) cabbage butterfly (insect) cabbage lettuce (vegetable) cabbage looper (larva) cabbage maggot (insect) cabbage palmetto (tree) cabbage rose (plant) cabbage tree (plant) Cabbage Tree Hill (Tasmania, Australia) cabbage white (insect) Cabbala (Jewish mysticism) Cabbalah (Jewish mysticism) cabecera (government) Cabeçon, Antonio de (Spanish composer) Cabeiri (ancient deities) Cabell, James Branch (American writer) Cabell, Joseph C. (American politician) caber, tossing the (Scottish sport) Cabet, Étienne (French socialist) Cabeus (crater, Moon) cabeza de Goliath: microscopía de Buenos Aires, La (work by Martínez Estrada) Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar Núñez (Spanish explorer) Cabezón, Antonio de (Spanish composer) cabezone (fish) Cabhán, An (county, Ireland) cabildo (local government) cabildo abierto (town meeting) Cabimas (Venezuela) cabin (aircraft) cabin cruiser (motorboat) Cabin in the Cotton (painting by Pippin) Cabin in the Sky (film by Minnelli) Cabin John Bridge (bridge, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) cabin tent Cabin, The (work by Blasco Ibáñez) Cabinda (province, Angola) Cabinda Forum for Dialogue (Angolan political organization) cabinet (government) Cabinet (Portuguese government) cabinet (furniture) cabinet (specialized collection) “Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, Das” (film by Wiene [1920]) Cabinet Dictionary, The (work by Sheraton) Cabinet Mission Plan (British-Indian history) Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (film by Wiene [1920]) cabinet piano (musical instrument) Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Drawing Book (work by Sheraton) Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide (work by Hepplewhite) Cabinet-Maker, Upholsterer and General Artist’s Encyclopaedia (work by Sheraton) Cabinet-Maker’s London Book of Prices (work by Shearer) cabinetmaking Cabiri (ancient deities) Cabiria (film by Pastrone) cabiúna (plant) cable (electronics) cable (wire rope) Cable Act (United States [1922]) cable car (transportation) Cable, George W. (American author) Cable, George Washington (American author) Cable Guy, The (American film) cable modem (communications) Cable News Network (American company) Cable News Network, Inc. (American company) cable structure cable television (communications) cable TV (communications) Cable, Vince (British politician) cable-braced bridge cable-stayed bridge cable-stayed roof (construction) cable-stayed structure cable-tool drilling (technology) cabled fluting (architecture) Cabo Catoche (cape, Mexico) Cabo Corrientes (cape, Mexico) Cabo de São Roque (cape, Brazil) Cabo de São Tomé (cape, Brazil) Cabo Frio (cape, Brazil) Cabo Maisí (cape, Cuba) Cabo San Antonio (cape, Cuba) Cabo San Lucas (cape, Mexico) Cabo Verde, Bacia do (basin, Atlantic Ocean) Cabo Verde, Banco de (bank, Cape Verde) Cabo Verde, República de Caboche, Simon (French agitator) cabochon cut caboclo (people) Cabomba (plant) Cabombaceae (plant family) Caboolture (Australia) caboose Cabora Bassa (dam and hydroelectric facility, Mozambique) Cabora Bassa (waterfall, Africa) Cabora Bassa Dam (dam and hydroelectric facility, Mozambique) Cabora Bassa, Lake (lake, Mozambique) Cabot family (American family) Cabot, George (American politician) Cabot, John (Italian explorer) Cabot, Lilla (American artist) Cabot, Sebastian (British navigator) Cabot Strait (strait, Canada) cabotage (law) Caboto, Giovanni (Italian explorer) Cabra (Spain) Cabral, Amílcar (Guinean politician) Cabral, Luís de Almeida (president of Guinea-Bissau) Cabral, Pedro Álvares (Portuguese explorer) Cabrera (island, Spain) Cabrera, Alex (Venezuelan baseball player) Cabrera Infante, Guillermo (Cuban author) Cabrera, Lydia (Cuban author and ethnologist) Cabrera, Manuel Estrada (president of Guatemala) Cabrera, Ramón (Spanish political leader) Cabrera y Griñó, Ramón (Spanish political leader) Cabrilho, João Rodrigues (explorer) Cabrillo, Juan Rodríguez (explorer) Cabrillo National Monument (national monument, San Diego, California, United States) Cabrini, Mary Francesca (Roman Catholic saint) Cabrini, Mother (Roman Catholic saint) Cabrini, Saint Frances Xavier (Roman Catholic saint) cabriole (ballet movement) cabriole leg (furniture) cabriolet (carriage) Cabrol, Fernand (Benedictine monk) Cabyle (ancient city, Bulgaria) Cacajao (monkey genus) Cacajao calvus calvus (monkey) Cacajao calvus novaesi (Cacajao calvus novaesi) Cacajao calvus rubicundus (Cacajao calvus rubicundus) Cacajao calvus ucayalii (Cacajao calvus ucayalii) Cacajao melanocephalus (monkey) cacao (tree) cacao bean (fruit) cacao family (plant family) Cacatua galerita (bird) Cacatua leadbeateri (bird) Cacatuidae (bird) caccia (vocal music) Caccialanza, Gisella (American ballet dancer) Caccianemici, Gherardo (pope) Cacciatori delle Alpi (Italian revolutionaries) Caccini, Francesca (Italian composer and singer) Caccini, Giulio (Italian composer) Caccini, Settimia (Italian singer and composer) CACDA Cáceres (province, Spain) Cáceres (Spain) Cáceres de Arismendi, Luisa (Venezuelan national hero) Cáceres, Frates de (Spanish military and religious order) Cachaça, Carlos (Brazilian songwriter) cachalot (mammal) Cachao (Cuban-born bassist, composer, and bandleader) cache (computing) cache memory (computing) cachectin (pathology) cachet, lettre de (French history) Cacheu (region, Guinea-Bissau) Cacheu (Guinea-Bissau) cachexia (pathology) Cachoeira de Paulo Afonso (waterfalls, Brazil) Cachoeira de Paulo Afonso, A (work by Castro Alves) Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (Brazil) “cachorros, Los” (work by Vargas Llosa) Cacicus (bird) Cacioppo, John (American psychologist) cacique (bird) cacique (chief) caciquism (Spanish-Latin American history) caciquismo (Spanish-Latin American history) cackling goose (bird)

CACM cacodyl (chemical compound) cacomistle (mammal) cacomixl (mammal) Caconda (Angola) cacophony (sound pattern) Cacops (paleontology) cacos (Haitian and Central American political group) Cactaceae (plant) cacti (plant) Cactoblastis cactorum (insect) cactus (plant) Cactus Flower (film by Saks [1969]) Cactus League (baseball) cactus moth (insect) cactus wren (bird) cactuses (plant) Cacus and Caca (Roman deities) CAD CAD/CAM (computer process) CAD system (police work) Cadahlso y Vásquez, José de (Spanish writer) Cadalan schism (Italian history) cadalene (chemical compound) Cadalso y Vázquez, José de (Spanish writer) Cadalus, Peter (antipope) Cadamosto, Alvise (Italian navigator) Cadarainis, Aleksandrs (Latvian poet) cadastral survey cadaver (medicine) Cadaver Synod (religion) cadaverine (chemical compound) Cadbury Brothers (British company) Cadbury, George (British businessman) caddisfly (insect) Caddo (people) caddy (container) Cade, Jack (English revolutionary) Cade, John (English revolutionary) Cade, Toni (American author and civil-rights activist) Cadelo, Peter (antipope) cadence (music) cadence (prosody) Cadence of Grass, The (novel by McGuane) cadency (heraldry) cadenza (music) Cader Idris (mountain ridge, Wales, United Kingdom) Cade’s Rebellion (English history [1450]) Cadets, Corps of (Russian organization) cadi (Muslim judge) cadi dupé, Le (work by Gluck) Cadillac (Michigan, United States) Cadillac (car) Cadillac, Antoine Laumet de La Mothe (French soldier and explorer) Cadillac Motors (automotive firm) Cadillac Mountain (mountain, Maine, United States) Cadillac Ranch (monument, Amarillo, Texas, United States) Cadillac Records (film by Martin) cadinene (chemical compound) Cadiz (Philippines) Cádiz (province, Spain) Cádiz (Spain) Cádiz, Bay of (inlet, Atlantic Ocean) Cádiz, Constitution of (Spanish history) Cádiz, Golfo de (gulf, Atlantic Ocean) Cádiz, Gulf of (gulf, Atlantic Ocean) Cadman, Charles Wakefield (American composer) Cadmea (ancient fortress, Greece) Cadmilus (ancient deity) cadmium (chemical element) cadmium chloride (chemical compound) cadmium poisoning (pathology) cadmium succinate (chemical compound) cadmium sulfide (chemical compound) cadmium telluride (chemical compound) Cadmus (Greek mythology) Cadmus, Paul (American artist) Cadogan, William Cadogan, 1st Earl (British soldier) Cadore, Jean-Baptiste Nompère de Champagny, duc de (French statesman) Cadorna, Luigi (Italian general) cadre (education) cadre party (politics) CADS caduceus (staff) caduta de’ giganti, La (work by Gluck) Caduveo (people) Cadwalader (English king of Gwynedd) Cadwalader (king of Wessex) Cadwalader, George (American general) Cadwallon (English king of Gwynedd) Cady, Elizabeth (American suffragist) Cadzow Castle (castle, Hamilton, Scotland, United Kingdom) CAE Caecilia (amphibian genus) Caecilia thompsoni (amphibian) Caecilian (bishop of Carthage) caecilian (amphibian) Caeciliidae (amphibian family) Caecilius of Calacte (Greek rhetorician) Caecilius, Statius (Roman poet) Caecina Alienus, Aulus (Roman general) Caecobarbus geertsi (fish) Caeculus (Roman mythological figure) caecum (anatomy) Caedmon (English poet) Caedmon manuscript (Old English paraphrases) Caedwalla (English king of Gwynedd) Caedwalla (king of Wessex) Caelestius (Pelagian theologian) Caelian (hill, Rome, Italy) Caelica (poem by Greville) Caelius Aurelianus (Greco-Roman physician) Caelius Rufus, Marcus (Roman politician) Caelum (astronomy) Caemgen (patron of Dublin) Caen (France) Caen, Herb (American journalist) Caen, Herbert Eugene (American journalist) Caen Mémorial (museum, Caen, France) Caene (Egypt) Caeneus (Greek mythology) Caenis (Roman freedwoman) Caenolestes fuliginosus (marsupial) Caenolestidae (mammal family) Caenorhabditis elegans (nematode) Caerdydd (Wales, United Kingdom) Caere (ancient city, Italy) Caerffili (county borough, Wales, United Kingdom) Caerffili (Wales, United Kingdom) Caerfyrddin (Wales, United Kingdom) Caergybi (Wales, United Kingdom) Caerleon (Wales, United Kingdom) Caerllion (Wales, United Kingdom) Caernarfon (Wales, United Kingdom) Caernarfon (former county, Wales, United Kingdom) Caernarfon Castle (castle, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Wales, United Kingdom) Caernarvon (Wales, United Kingdom) Caernarvon (former county, Wales, United Kingdom) Caernarvonshire (former county, Wales, United Kingdom) Caerphilly (county borough, Wales, United Kingdom) Caerphilly (Wales, United Kingdom) Caerphilly Castle (castle, Wales, United Kingdom) Caesalpinia echinata Caesalpiniaceae (plant family) Caesalpinioideae (plant subfamily) Caesalpinus, Andreas (Italian physician, philosopher, and botanist) Caesar and Cleopatra (play by Shaw) Caesar cipher Caesar, Dam of (dam, Shushtar, Iran) Caesar Divi Nervae Filius Nerva Traianus Optimus Augustus (Roman emperor) Caesar, Gaius (Roman proconsul) Caesar, Gaius (Roman emperor) Caesar, Germanicus Julius (Roman general) Caesar, Irving (American lyricist) Caesar, Isaac Sidney (American comedian) Caesar, Isidor (American lyricist) Caesar, John (Australian bandit) Caesar, Julius (Roman ruler) Caesar, Julius (fictional character) Caesar, Lucius Aelius (Roman historical figure) Caesar, Lucius Julius (Roman consul) Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (Roman emperor) Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus (Roman emperor) Caesar Marcus Opellius Severus Macrinus Augustus (Roman emperor) Caesar Nerva Traianus Germanicus (Roman emperor) Caesar, Ptolemy XV Philopator Philometor (king of Egypt) Caesar salad (food) Caesar, Sid (American comedian) Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius (Roman emperor) Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus (Roman emperor) Caesar Vespasianus Augustus (Roman emperor) caesar weed (plant) Caesaraugusta (Spain) Caesarea (ancient city, Algeria) Caesarea (ancient city, Israel) Caesarea ad Anazarbus (Turkey) Caesarea Antiochia (ancient city, west-central Turkey) Caesarea Cappadociae (Turkey) Caesarea Maritima (ancient city, Israel) Caesarea Palestinae (ancient city, Israel) caesarian section (childbirth) Caesarion (king of Egypt) Caesarius of Arles, Saint (Roman Catholic saint) Caesarius of Heisterbach (German religious author) Caesarobriga (Spain) Caesaromagus (France) caesaropapism (political system) Caesar’s Column (work by Donnelly) Caesar’s Hour (American television show) Caesars Palace (hotel and casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States) caesium (chemical element) caestus (ancient boxing glove) caesura (prosody) Caetani, Benedict (pope) Caetani family (Italian family) Caetano, Marcello José das Neves Alves (prime minister of Portugal) CAFA (Canadian sports organization) Cafaggiolo (castle, Italy) Cafaggiolo maiolica (pottery) Cafaggiolo majolica (pottery) café (eating and drinking establishment) cafe (eating and drinking establishment) Café Anglais (restaurant, Paris, France) Café Costes (restaurant, Paris, France) Café de Paris (restaurant, Paris, France) Café Filho, João (president of Brazil) Café Foy (restaurant, Paris, France) Café La MaMa (theatre, New York City, New York, United States) cafeteria Caffa (Ukraine) Caffaggiolo maiolica (pottery) Caffagiolo (castle, Italy) Caffagiolo majolica (pottery) Caffarelli, Scipione (Italian cardinal) Caffaro di Caschifellone (Genoese historian and soldier) Caffey syndrome (pathology) Caffiéri family (French family) Caffiéri, Jacques (French sculptor) Caffiéri, Jean-Jacques (French sculptor) Caffiéri, Philippe (French sculptor)

Caffre cat (mammal) CAFTA-DR caftan (clothing) CAG trinucleotide repeat (genetics) Cágaba (people) Cagayan (province, Philippines) Cagayan de Oro (Philippines) Cagayan River (river, Philippines) Cagayan Sulu (island, Philippines) Cage aux folles, La (work by Poiret) cage compound (chemical compound) cage crinoline (clothing) cage cup (glass) Cage, John (American composer) Cage, John Milton, Jr. (American composer) Cage, Nicolas (American actor) Caged Virgin, The (book by Hirsi Ali) Çaglayan, Hüseyin (Cypriot-British fashion designer) Cagliari (province, Italy) Cagliari (Italy) Cagliostro, Alessandro, count di (Italian charlatan) Cagney, James (American actor) Cagney, James Francis, Jr. (American actor) Cagniard de La Tour, Charles (French engineer) Cagnola, Luigi (Italian architect) Cagoule (French organization) Caguas (Puerto Rico) Caguas Basin (geographical feature, Puerto Rico) Cahaba (historical village, Alabama, United States) Cahaba River (river, United States) Cahamana (Indian dynasty) Cahan, Abraham (American writer) “Cahiers d’André Walter, Les” (work by Gide) Cahiers de la Quinzaine (French journal) Cahiers du cinéma (French magazine) Cahiers, Les (notebooks of Valéry) Cahill, Holger (American art director) Cahill, Joe (Irish paramilitary leader) Cahill, Joseph (Irish paramilitary leader) Cahill, Thaddeus (American inventor) Cáhita (people) Cáhita language Cahn, Sammy (American songwriter) Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (molecule nomenclature) Cahokia (Illinois, United States) Cahokia Mounds (archaeological site, Illinois, United States) Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site (park, Illinois, United States) Cahora Bassa (dam and hydroelectric facility, Mozambique) Cahora Bassa (waterfall, Africa) Cahora Bassa Dam (dam and hydroelectric facility, Mozambique) Cahora Bassa, Lake (lake, Mozambique) Cahors (France) Cahour, Claude Jacqueline (French art patron and first lady of France) cahow (bird) Cahuachi (archaeological site, Peru) Cahuilla (people) CAI Cai Boxing Jun (Chinese deity) Cai E (Chinese general) Cai Guo-Qiang (Chinese artist) Cai Lun (Chinese inventor) cai luong (Vietnamese theatre) Cai Shen (Chinese deity) Cai Yuanpei (Chinese educator) Caiaphas (Jewish high priest) Caibarién (Cuba) Caicos Islands (islands, West Indies) Caieta (Italy) caifu (Chinese robe) Caijing (Chinese magazine) Çailendra dynasty (Indonesian dynasty) Caillaux, Joseph (French statesman) Caillaux, Joseph-Marie-Auguste (French statesman) cailleac (sheaf of corn) Caillebotte, Gustave (French painter) Cailletet, Louis-Paul (French physicist) Caillié, René-Auguste (French explorer) Caillois, Roger (French socialist) Caiman (reptile genus) caiman (reptile group) Caiman crocodilus (species of caiman) Caiman latirostris (species of caiman) caiman lizard (reptile) Caimanas (islands, West Indies) Cain (biblical figure) Cain, Henri-Louis (French actor) Cain, James M. (American novelist) Cain, James Mallahan (American novelist) Cain, John (American artist) Cain, John, Jr. (Australian politician) Caine Mutiny, The (film by Dmytryk [1954]) Caine Mutiny, The (work by Wouk) Caine Prize (literary award) Caine Prize for African Writing (literary award) Caine, Sir Hall (British novelist) Caine, Sir Michael (British actor) Caine, Sir Thomas Henry Hall (British novelist) Caingang (people) Cainites (Gnostic sect) Cains, Thomas (American glassmaker) Caiophora (plant genus) Caiphas (Israel) Caiquetia (people) Caiquetio (people) Caird, Edward (British philosopher) Caird, John (British theologian) Cairene rug (Egyptian carpet) Cairinini (bird) cairn (burial mound) Cairn Gorm (mountain, Scotland, United Kingdom) cairn terrier (breed of dog) Cairncross, John (British government official and spy) Cairnes, John Elliott (British economist) cairngorm (mineral) Cairngorm Mountains (mountain range, Scotland, United Kingdom) Cairngorms National Nature Reserve (nature reserve, Scotland, United Kingdom) Cairns (Queensland, Australia) Cairns, James Ford (Australian politician) Cairns, Jim (Australian politician) Cairo (Egypt) Cairo (Illinois, United States) Cairo Agreement (international agreement [1994]) Cairo Conference (population) Cairo Conference (World War II, 1943) Cairo Conferences (international relations) Cairo Declaration (international history) Cairo Prophets (Hebrew Bible) Cairo spiny mouse (mammal) Cairo Trilogy, The (work by Mahfouz) Cairoli, Benedetto (Italian politician) Caiseal (Ireland) Caisleán an Bharraigh (Ireland) Caisleán Nua, An (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) Caisleán Riabhach, An (district, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) caïso (music) Caisse de la Dette Publique (Egyptian history) caisson (architectural decoration) caisson (sea works) caisson disease caisson foundation (construction) “Caitaani Mutharaba-ini” (work by Ngugi) Caitanya (Hindu mystic) Caithness (historical county, Scotland, United Kingdom) Caithness, Earl of (Scottish politician) caitya (Buddhism) caityag?ha (Indian architecture) Caius (Roman jurist) Caius, John (British physician) Caius Marcius (fictional character) Caius, Saint (pope) Caixa, La (bank, Spain) caja de ahorros (Spanish banking) Caja de Ahorros y de Pensiones, La (bank, Spain) Cajamarca (department, Peru) Cajamarca (Peru) cajeput oil cajeput tree (plant) Cajetan (Catholic theologian) Cajetan of Thiene, Saint (Catholic priest) Cajetanus (Catholic theologian) cajón de tajpeo (instrument) Cajophora (plant genus) Cajori, Florian (American mathematician) cajuavé (musical instrument) Cajun (American ethnic group) Cajun cuisine Cakchiquel (people) Cakchiquel language cake (ground substance) cake (food) cake flour (foodstuff) cake urchin (species of echinoderm) Cakes and Ale (work by Maugham) cakewalk (dance) Cakile (plant) caking coal Çakmak, Fevzi (Turkish statesman) Cakobau (king of Fiji) cakra (religion) Caks, Aleksandrs (Latvian poet) Cakste, Janis (president of Latvia) Cal-Sag Channel (channel, Illinois, United States) Calabar (Nigeria) Calabar bean (legume) Calabar ebony Calabar, University of (university, Calabar, Nigeria) Calabaria reinhardtii (snake) calabash gourd calabash tree (tree) calabazilla (plant) Calabozo (Venezuela) Calabresi, Guido (American legal scholar) Calabria (ancient city, Italy) Calabria (region, Italy) Calabrian Apennines (mountain range, Italy) Calabrian expedition of 1844 (Italian history) Calabrian Stage (paleontology) Calabro Apennines (mountain range, Italy) caladium (plant) Caladium (plant) Calagurris (Spain) Calah (ancient city, Iraq) Calahorra (Spain) Calais (Greek mythology) Calais (France) Calais (Maine, United States) Calais, Pas de (international waterway, Europe) Calais, Treaty of (England-France [1360]) Calaisian Substage (paleontology) Calama (Algeria) Calama (Chile) Calamagrostis (plant) calamancos (American decorative arts) Calamander (wood) Calamanian stink badger (mammal) Calamian Group (islands, Philippines) calamine (mineral) calamine brass (alloy) calamistrum (anatomy) Calamitaceae (plant family) Calamites (fossil plant genus) calamity (event) Calamity Jane (American frontierswoman) Calamoichthys calabaricus (fish) Calamonastes (bird genus) Calamonastes fasciolatus (bird) calamus (bird anatomy) Calamus (tree) Calamus (poems by Whitman) calamus (feather) Calamus caesius (tree species) Calamus erinaceus (tree species) Calamus manan (plant species) Calamus trachycoleus (plant species) Calamy, Edmund (British theologian) calandria (industrial apparatus) “Calandria, La” (work by Bibbiena) Calanoida (crustacean) Calanthe (orchid genus) Calanus (crustacean)

Calara?i (county, Romania) Calarasi (Romania) Calarcá (Colombia) CalArts (university, Valencia, California, United States) Calas, Jean (French historian) Calasanctius (Christian saint) Calasanz, Saint Joseph (Christian saint) Calasanz, San José de (Christian saint) Calasanzio, Giuseppe (Christian saint) Calasasaya (building, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia) calash (carriage) Calasso, Roberto (Italian author, editor, and publisher) Calastre, Sierra de (mountain range, South America) Calathea (plant genus) Calathea makoyana (plant) Calatrava, Order of (Spanish military order) Calatrava, Santiago (Spanish architect) Calauria (Greece) Calauria (island, Greece) Calaurian Amphictyony (Greek history) Calavar (work by Bird) calaveras (printing) calaverite (mineral) Calayan (Philippines) Calbayog (Philippines) Calbovista subsculpta (fungus) calc-alkali basalt (rock) calc-alkalic series (geology) calc-tufa (mineral) calcaneal tendon (anatomy) calcaneus (anatomy) Calcarea (sponge) calcarenite (rock) calcareous ooze (marine deposit) calcareous rock calcareous sinter (mineral) calcareous spicule (anatomy) calcareous sponge (sponge) calcareous tufa (mineral) calcarine fissure (anatomy) calcarine sulcus (anatomy) Calcaronea (sponge subclass) Calced Carmelites (religious order) calcedony (mineral) Calceolaria (plant) calceoli (anatomy) Calchaquí (people) Calchas (Greek mythology) calcic amphibole group (mineralogy) Calcidius (medieval philosopher) calcification (pathology) calcilutite (geology) calcination (chemical process) Calcinea (sponge) calcined alumina (mining) calcineurin (enzyme) calcio (Florentine game) Calcisol (FAO soil group) calcite (mineral) calcite compensation depth (oceanography) calcite group (mineralogy) calcite marble (mineral) calcitonin (hormone) calcitrial (chemical compound) calcium (chemical element) calcium acetylhomotaurinate (drug) calcium bentonite (mineral) calcium carbide (chemical compound) calcium carbonate (chemical compound) calcium channel (biology) calcium chloride (chemical compound) calcium cyanamide (chemical compound) calcium deficiency calcium dihydrogen phosphate (chemical compound) calcium edetate (chemical compound) calcium fluoride (chemical compound) calcium fluoride arsenate (mineral) calcium gluconate (chemical compound) calcium hydroxide (chemical compound) calcium hypochlorite (chemical compound) calcium ion calcium magnesium carbonate (chemical compound) calcium metaborate (chemical compound) calcium molybdate (mineral) calcium nitrate (chemical compound) calcium nitride (chemical compound) calcium oxide (chemical compound) calcium phosphate (chemical compound) calcium silicate hydrate (chemical compound) calcium sulfate (chemical compound) calcium sulfide (chemical compound) calclithite (rock) calcrete (geology) calculable function (logic and mathematics) Calculated Risk (work by Clark) Calculating Clock (calculator) calculation (mathematics) calculator calculus (mathematics) calculus (medicine) calculus, fundamental theorem of calculus, logical (logic) Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy, The (work by Buchanan and Tullock) calculus of reason (philosophy) Calculus of Variations (calculus of variations) calculus of variations (mathematics) calculus ratiocinator (philosophy) Calcutta (India) Calcutta Congress (Indian history) Calcutta, University of (university, Kolkata, India) Caldarelli, Nazareno (Italian author) Caldas (department, Colombia) Caldas da Rainha (Portugal) Caldecott Medal (literature) Caldecott, Randolph (British artist) Calder, Alexander (American artist) Calder, Alexander Stirling (American artist) Calder, Angus Lindsay (Scottish critic, poet, and historian) Calder Hall reactor (nuclear power plant, England, United Kingdom) Calder Memorial Trophy (sports) Calder Trophy (sports) Calder v. Bull (law case) caldera (geology) Caldera Rodríguez, Rafael Antonio (president of Venezuela) Calderdale (district, England, United Kingdom) Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (Spanish author) Calderón, Felipe (president of Mexico) Calderón Fournier, Rafael Angel (president of Costa Rica) Calderón Guardia, Rafael Ángel (Costa Rican politician) Calderón Hinojosa, Felipe de Jesús (president of Mexico) Calderón, Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y (Mexican painter) Calderón, Rodrigo, conde de Oliva, marqués de Siete Iglesias (Spanish statesman) Calderón, Sila María (governor of Puerto Rico) Calderón Sol, Armando (president of El Salvador) Calderone (glacier, Italy) Calderone, Mary Steichen (American physician) Calderwood, David (Scottish clergyman) Caldey Island (island, Wales, United Kingdom) Caldicott, Helen Broinowski (American physician) caldoche (New Caledonian culture) Caldwell (Idaho, United States) Caldwell (New Jersey, United States) Caldwell, Erskine (American writer) Caldwell, James (English potter) Caldwell, Janet Taylor (American author) Caldwell, Robert (Scottish missionary) Caldwell, Sarah (American opera conductor and producer) Caldwell, Taylor (American author) Caldy Island (island, Wales, United Kingdom) Cale, Guillaume (French leader) Cale, John (Welsh musician) Caleb (biblical figure) Caleb (emperor of Aksum) Caleb Williams (novel by Godwin) Calectasiacea (plant family) Caledon (Ontario, Canada) Caledon River (river, South Africa) Caledonia (ancient region, Britain) Caledonia (county, Vermont, United States) Caledonia (printing) Caledonia Bay (archaeological site, Panama) Caledonian Canal (waterway, Scotland, United Kingdom) Caledonian Orogenic Belt (geological region, Europe) Caledonian orogeny (geological event) Caledonian Union (political party, New Caledonia) caledonite (mineral) calendar (chronology) Calendar (film by Egoyan) Calendar Girls (American film) Calendar of Flora, The (work by Theophrastus) Calendar Round (Mayan history) calendar stone (Aztec artifact) Calendarium (work by Regiomontanus) calendering (manufacturing process) calendula (plant) Calendula (plant) Calendula officinalis (plant) Calepino, Ambrogio (Italian lexicographer) Caletti-Bruni, Pier Francesco (Italian composer) Calexico (California, United States) caley (entertainment) calf (cattle) Calf of Man (islet, British Isles) calf roping (sport) calfkill (shrub) calf’s liver (food) Calgary (Alberta, Canada) Calgary Stampede (festival, Calgary, Alberta, Canada) Calgary Stampeders (Canadian football team) Calgary, University of (university, Calgary, Alberta, Canada) Calheta, Luiz de Vasconcelos e Sousa, 6o conde da (Portuguese statesman) Calhoun (Illinois, United States) Calhoun (Georgia, United States) Calhoun (county, South Carolina, United States) Calhoun (county, Texas, United States) Calhoun, John C. (vice president of United States) Calhoun, John Caldwell (vice president of United States) Calhoun, Lee (American athlete) Calhoun, Rory (American actor) Cali (Colombia) Cali Mahdi Maxamed (Somalian warlord) Caliari, Paolo (Italian painter) Caliban (fictional character) Calibán (work by Fernández Retamar) Caliban (work by Renan) caliber (firearms measurement) calibration (measurement) calibre (firearms measurement) Calicalicus (bird) Calicalicus madagascariensis (bird) caliche (geology) calichimicin (drug) Caliciviridae (virus group) calicivirus (virus group) calico (textile) Calico Act (Great Britain [1791]) calico back (insect) calico bass (fish) calico bush (shrub) calico cat (domestic cat) Calico horse (breed of horse) Calico Jack (English pirate)

calico salmon (fish) Calicut (India) Calidris (bird genus) Calidris alba (bird) Calidris alpina (bird) Calidris canutus (bird) Calidris fuscicollis (bird) Calidris maritima (bird) Calidris minutilla (bird) Calidris ruficollis (bird) Calidris tenuirostris (bird) Calidritinae (bird subfamily) calif (Islamic title) California (state, United States) California Academy of Sciences (institution, San Francisco, California, United States) California allspice (plant) “California and Oregon Trail, The” (book by Parkman) California Angels (American baseball team) California Aqueduct (water works, California, United States) California at Berkeley, University of (university, California, United States) California bayberry (plant) California black oak (plant) California bluebell (plant) California chaparral (ecosystem) California Civil Rights Initiative (law, California, United States) California Coastal National Monument (national monument, California, United States) California condor (bird) California Current (ocean current) California Desert Protection Act (United States [1994]) California, flag of (United States state flag) California flying fish (fish) California Fruit Canners Association (American company) California Gold Rush (United States history) California, Golfo de (gulf, Mexico) California ground squirrel (rodent) California grunion (fish) California, Gulf of (gulf, Mexico) California gull (bird) California Indian (people) California Institute of Technology (university, Pasadena, California, United States) California Institute of the Arts (university, Valencia, California, United States) California king snake (snake) California laurel (tree) California leaf roller (insect) California live oak (plant) California Missions (missions, California, United States) California mussel (mollusk) California nutmeg (plant) California Packing Corporation (American company) California poppy (plant) California privet (plant) California Psychological Inventory (psychology) California quail (bird) California redwood (tree) California School of Fine Arts (school, San Francisco, California, United States) California Science Center (museum, Los Angeles, California, United States) California scrub oak (plant) California sea lion (mammal) California State Teachers College (university, California, Pennsylvania, United States) California State University (university system, California, United States) California State University, Long Beach (university, Long Beach, California, United States) California State Water Project (system, California, United States) California Suite (film by Ross [1978]) California sycamore (plant) California torreya (plant) California, University of (university system, California, United States) California University of Pennsylvania (university, California, Pennsylvania, United States) California v. Cabazon Band of Mission Indians (law case) California wax myrtle (plant) California Wesleyan College (university, California, United States) California white oak (plant) California yew (plant) Californian (ship) "Californication" (album by Red Hot Chili Peppers) Californication (American television program) californite (mineral) californium (chemical element) californium-249 (chemical isotope) californium-252 (chemical isotope) Caligula (Roman emperor) Caligula (work by Camus) Caligula (work by Quidde) Caligula’s horse (Incitatus) Calimala (Florentine guild) Caliman Massif (mountain range, Europe) Calimyrna fig (plant) Calinescu, Armand (prime minister of Romania) Calinescu, George (Romanian author) caliper (measurement instrument) caliper (paper) caliper brake (device) caliph (Islamic title) Caliphate (Islamic history) Caliroa cerasi (insect) Calisia (Poland) calisthenics (exercise) Calistoga (California, United States) calit bhasa (language) Calixtin (religious movement) Calixtine (religious movement) Calixtus, George (German theologian) Calixtus I, Saint (pope) Calixtus II (pope) Calixtus III (antipope) Calixtus III (pope) Calkins, Dick (American artist) Calkins, Mary Whiton (American philosopher and psychologist) call and response (music) Call for the Dead (novel by le Carré) Call Home the Heart (work by Burke) Call It Sleep (work by Roth) Call Me (recording by Blondie) Call Me Irresponsible (album by Bublé [2007]) Call Me Madam (musical by Berlin) call money (economics) call number (library science) Call of Duty (electronic game) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (electronic game) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (electronic game) “Call of the Bell, The” (work by Iqbal) Call of the Toad, The (work by Grass) Call of the Wild, The (work by London) call option (economics) Call to Australia Christian Party (political party, Australia) call-ace euchre (card game) call-number dialing (telecommunications) calla (plant) calla lily (plant) Calla palustris (plant) Callado, Antônio (Brazilian author) Callaeas cinerea (bird) Callaeatidae (bird family) callaeid family (bird family) Callaeidae (bird family) Callaghan, James (prime minister of United Kingdom) Callaghan, Leonard James (prime minister of United Kingdom) Callaghan, Morley (Canadian author) Callaghan, Morley Edward (Canadian author) Callaghan of Cardiff, James Callaghan, Baron (prime minister of United Kingdom) Callagur borneoensis (reptile) Callahan, Harry (American photographer) Callahan, Harry Morey (American photographer) callampas (sociology) Callander (Ontario, Canada) Callander (Scotland, United Kingdom) Callanish Circle (ancient monument, Scotland, United Kingdom) Callanna group (geology) Callanthidae (fish family) Callao (province, Peru) Callao (Peru) Callao, El (Venezuela) Callas, Maria (American singer) Callaway, Ely Reeves (American manufacturer) Callaway Gardens (gardens, LaGrange, Georgia, United States) Callejas, Rafael Leonardo (president of Honduras) Callendar, H. L. (British scientist) Callendar, Hugh Longbourne (British scientist) Callendar Steam Tables, The (work by Callendar) Callendar’s Consolidated Spectacular Colored Minstrels (American theatrical troupe) Callender, James (American journalist) Calleria (Peru) Calles, Plutarco Elías (president of Mexico) Calleva Atrebatum (Roman town, United Kingdom) Calley, William (United States army officer) Calliactis (sea anemone) Callianassa (crustacean) Callias (Greek statesman [5th century BC]) Callias (Greek statesman [4th century BC]) Callias, Peace of (ancient Greece-Persia [450/449 BC]) Callicarpa americana (plant) Callicebus (monkey) callichthyid armoured catfish Callichthyidae Callicles (Greek politician) Callicrates (Greek architect) Callide Valley (valley, Queensland, Australia) Callières, François de (French diplomat and author) Calliergon (plant genus) Calligrammes: Poems of Peace and War (work by Apollinaire) calligraphy Callimachus (Athenian military commander) Callimachus (Greek poet and scholar) Callimachus (Greek sculptor) Callimico goeldii (primate) Callinago (people) Callinectes (crustacean) Callinectes sapidus (crustacean) calling (sport) calling crab (crustacean) Calling of St. Matthew, The (painting by Caravaggio) Callinicum, Battle of (Byzantine history) Callinicus (Seleucid ruler) Callinicus of Heliopolis (Greek architect) Callinus (Greek poet) Callionymidae (fish) Calliope (Greek Muse) calliope (musical instrument) Calliope (rocket launcher) Callipepla californica (bird) Callipepla squamata (bird) calliper (measurement instrument) Calliphlox amethystina (bird) Calliphora Calliphoridae (insect) Callipolis (Turkey)

Callippus (Greek astronomer) Callirhoe involucrata (plant) Callirrhoë (Greek mythology) Calliste (island, Greece) Callistemon (plant genus) Callistemon citrinus (plant) Callistemon lanceolatus (plant) Callistephus chinensis (plant) Callisthenes of Olynthus (Greek historian) Callisto (Greek mythology) Callisto (satellite of Jupiter) Callistomys pictus (mammal) Callistos (patriarch of Constantinople) Callistus (patriarch of Constantinople) Callistus I, Saint (pope) Callistus II (pope) Callistus III (antipope) Callistus III (pope) Callithrix pygmaea (monkey) Callithyia (Greek mythology) Callitrichidae (monkey) Callitris (plant genus) Callitris columellaris (plant) Callitris endlicheri (plant) Callitris macleayana (plant) Callitris preissii (plant) Callitris rhomboidea (plant) Callitroga americana (insect) Callitroga macellaria (insect) Callixylon (fossil plant genus) Callorhinchidae (fish) Callorhinus ursinus (mammal) Callosamia promethea (insect) Callot, Jacques (French artist) callous (dermatology) callous (osteology) Callovian Stage (geology) Calloway, Cab (American composer and singer) Calloway, Cabell, III (American composer and singer) Calluna vulgaris (plant) callus (botany) callus (dermatology) callus (osteology) callus-tissue culture (horticulture) Callwood, June Rose (Canadian journalist, author, television personality, and activist) calm (wind force) calmecac (Aztec school) Calmette, Albert (French bacteriologist) Calmette, Albert Léon Charles (French bacteriologist) Calmette, Gaston (French editor) Calmo, Andrea (Italian author) Calobryales (plant order) Calocedrus (plant genus) Calocedrus decurrens (tree) Calochortus (plant) Calochortus nuttallii (plant) Calogero, Lorenzo (Italian author) calomel (chemical compound) calomel electrode (chemistry) Calonarang (mythology) Calonne, Charles-Alexandre de (French statesman) Calonyction aculeatum (Ipomoea genus) Caloocan (Philippines) Calophyllum brasiliense (tree) Calophyllum inophyllum (tree) Calopogon (genus of orchids) Calopogon pulchellus (plant) caloric deprivation (pathology) caloric theory (physics) calorie (unit of measurement) calorie, food (unit of measurement) calorific value (energy) calorigen (plant physiology) calorimeter (instrument) calorimetry (physics) Caloris (basin, Mercury) Calosoma scrutator (insect) Calosphaeriales (order of fungi) Calotes (reptile genus) calotropis floss (plant fibre) Calotropis gigantea (plant) Calotropis procera (plant) calotype (photography) Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Portuguese philanthropic society) Calouste Gulbenkian, Museo (museum, Lisbon, Portugal) Calouste Gulbenkian Museum (museum, Lisbon, Portugal) Calpak (American company) Calprenède, Gaultier de Coste, Seigneur de La (French author) calpulli (anthropology) Calpurnia (fictional character) Calpurnius Siculus (Roman poet) Caltabellotta, Peace of (Italian history) Caltanissetta (Italy) CalTech (university, Pasadena, California, United States) Caltex (American business group) Caltha palustris (plant) Calton Hill (hill, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom) Calukya dynasty (Indian dynasties) Calukya dynasty, Eastern (Indian dynasty) Calumet (American Indian culture) Calumet City (Illinois, United States) Calumet District (area, Indiana, United States) Calumet Farm (horse farm, Kentucky, United States) Calumet Sag Channel (channel, Illinois, United States) Calumny of Apelles, The (work by Botticelli) Caluromyinae (marsupial) Caluromys derbianus (marsupial) Caluromys lanatus (marsupial) Caluromys philander (marsupial) Caluromysiops irrupta (marsupial) Calusa (people) calu?ari (dance) calutron (scientific instrument) Calvados (department, France) Calvary (hill, Jerusalem) Calvary (painting by Bassano) Calvatia (fungi) Calvatia gigantea (fungus) Calvé, Emma (French singer) Calvert (county, Maryland, United States) Calvert, Alan (American businessman) Calvert, Bernie (British musician) Calvert, Cecilius (British statesman) Calvert, Charles (British statesman) Calvert, Frederick (English archaeologist) Calvert, Leonard (British colonial governor) Calvert, Phyllis (British actress) Calvert, Sir George (British statesman) Calvet, Rosa Emma (French singer) Calvin and Hobbes (comic strip by Watterson) Calvin cycle (chemistry) Calvin, Genevieve (American law enforcement officer) Calvin, Jean (French theologian) Calvin, John (French theologian) Calvin, Melvin (American biochemist) Calvin-Benson cycle (chemistry) calving (animals) calving (glacier) Calvinism (Christianity) Calvinistic Methodist Church Calvino, Italo (Italian author) Calvo Doctrine (international law) Calvo Sotelo, José (Spanish political leader) Calvo Sotelo, Leopoldo (prime minister of Spain) Calvus, Gaius Licinius Macer (Roman poet) calx (chemistry) Calycanthaceae (plant family) Calycanthus (plant) Calycanthus floridus (plant) Calycanthus occidentalis (plant) Calyceraceae (plant family) calyces (anatomy) Calydon (ancient city, Greece) Calydonian boar hunt (Greek mythology) Calymene (trilobite genus) Calymmatobacterium granulomatis (bacillum) Calypte helenae (bird) Calyptomena viridis (bird) calyptra (plant structure) Calyptraeacea (gastropod superfamily) Calyptraeidae (gastropod family) calyptrogen (biochemistry) Calyptrogyne (plant genus) Calyssozoa (invertebrate) Calystegia sepium (plant) Calystegia soldanella (plant) calyx (anatomy) calyx (plant anatomy) calyx krater (pottery) Calzabigi, Ranieri (Italian poet) Calzaghe, Joe (Welsh boxer) CAM (biochemistry) CAM cam (machine component) Cam, Diogo (Portuguese navigator) cam follower (engineering) Cam Lam (port, Vietnam) Cam Linh (bay, Vietnam) cam pump (device) Cam Ranh (Vietnam) Cam Ranh Bay (bay, Vietnam) Cam, River (river, England, United Kingdom) Camacho, Manuel Ávila (president of Mexico) Camaenidae (gastropod family) Camagüey (Cuba) camaieu (painting) camaieux (painting) Camaldolese, Ambrogio (Italian translator) Camaldolese Order (Roman Catholicism) camanachd (sport) Camar (Hindu caste) Câmara, Hélder Pessoa (Brazilian bishop) Câmara, João da (Portuguese author) Camara, Moussa Dadis (president of Guinea) Camaracum (France) camaradería (sociology) Camarasauridae (dinosaur) Camarasaurus (dinosaur) Camargo, Alberto Lleras (president of Colombia) Camargo, Iberê Bassanti (Brazilian artist) Camargo, Marie-Anne de Cupis de (French ballerina) Camargo Society (British organization) Camargue (region, France) Camarhynchus pallidus (bird) Camarina (ancient city, Sicily) Camarões, Rio dos (river, Cameroon) Camayenne Peninsula (peninsula, Guinea) Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques-Régis de, duc de Parme (French statesman) Cambaluc (China) Cambambe Dam (dam, Angola) Cambay (India) Cambay, Gulf of (gulf, India) Cambazola (cheese) Çambel, Halet (Turkish archaeologist) Camberg, Muriel Sarah (British writer) Cambert, Robert (French composer) Camberwell beauty (insect) cambial zone (plant anatomy) “cambiale di matrimonio, La” (opera by Rossini) Cambio, Arnolfo di (Italian sculptor and architect) “Cambio de piel” (work by Fuentes) Cambio Democrático (political party, Panama) Cambises, King of Persia (play by Preston) Cambisol (FAO soil group) cambium (plant anatomy) Cambó i Batlle, Francesc (Catalan industrialist)

Cambodge, État du Cambodge, Royaume de Cambodia Cambodia, flag of Cambodia, history of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cambodia, State of Cambodia: Year In Review 1993 Cambodia: Year In Review 1994 Cambodia: Year In Review 1995 Cambodia: Year In Review 1996 Cambodia: Year In Review 1997 Cambodia: Year In Review 1998 Cambodia: Year In Review 1999 Cambodia: Year In Review 2000 Cambodia: Year In Review 2001 Cambodia: Year In Review 2002 Cambodia: Year In Review 2003 Cambodia: Year In Review 2004 Cambodia: Year In Review 2005 Cambodia: Year In Review 2006 Cambodia: Year In Review 2007 Cambodia: Year In Review 2008 Cambodia: Year In Review 2009 Cambodian (people) Cambodian language Cambodian literature Cambodian People’s Party (political party, Cambodia) Cambodian tea plant (plant) Cambodunum (Germany) camboge (gum resin) Cambon, Joseph (French minister) Cambon, Jules (French diplomat) Cambon, Jules-Martin (French diplomat) Cambon, Paul (French diplomat) Cambon, Pierre-Joseph (French minister) Cambon, Pierre-Paul (French diplomat) Cambrai (France) Cambrai, Battle of (European history) Cambrai, League of (European history) Cambrai, Treaty of (Europe [1529]) Cambria (county, Pennsylvania, United States) Cambria, Joe (American baseball scout) Cambrian explosion (paleontology) Cambrian Mountains (mountains, Wales, United Kingdom) Cambrian Period (geochronology) Cambrian Series 1 (geochronology) Cambrian Series 2 (geochronology) Cambrian Series 3 (geochronology) Cambrian System (geochronology) cambric (textile) Cambridge (Ontario, Canada) Cambridge (England, United Kingdom) Cambridge (Maryland, United States) Cambridge (Massachusetts, United States) Cambridge, Adolphus Frederick, 1st Duke of (British field marshal) Cambridge Agreement (English history) Cambridge College (college, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Cambridge critics (English literature) Cambridge, Edmund of Langley, Earl of (English noble) Cambridge Flag (historical United States flag) Cambridge, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of (British field marshal) Cambridge Gulf (gulf, Australia) Cambridge Magazine, The (British periodical) Cambridge Medieval History (British historical work) Cambridge Modern History, The (British historical work) Cambridge Platform (religious document) Cambridge Platonists (English philosophical group) “Cambridge Quarters” (work by Crotch) Cambridge, Richard, Earl of (English noble) Cambridge, Richard Owen (English author) Cambridge Rules (sports) Cambridge school of economics Cambridge Songs (Latin song anthology) Cambridge, Statute of (English history) Cambridge Synod of 1648 (Puritanism) Cambridge, University of (university, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom) Cambridge University Press (British publishing company) Cambridge Yiddish Codex (Yiddish book) Cambridgeshire (county, England, United Kingdom) Cambrobrytannicae Cymraecaeve linguae institutiones et rudimenta (work by Rhys) Cambyses I (ruler of Anshan) Cambyses II (king of Persia) camcorder (electronics) Camden (New South Wales, Australia) Camden (borough, London, United Kingdom) Camden (Arkansas, United States) Camden (Maine, United States) Camden (county, New Jersey, United States) Camden (New Jersey, United States) Camden (South Carolina, United States) Camden and Amboy Railroad (American railway) Camden, Battle of (United States history) Camden, Charles Pratt, 1st Earl, Viscount Bayham of Bayham Abbey, Baron Camden of Camden Place (British jurist) Camden, John Jeffreys Pratt, 1st Marquess, 2nd Earl Camden, Earl of the County of Brecknock, Viscount Bayham of Bayham Abbey, Baron Camden of Camden Place (British politician) Camden Town Group (British art group) Camden, William (British historian) Camden Yards (stadium, Baltimore, Maryland, United States) Came a Hot Friday (work by Morrieson) Cameahwait (Shoshone leader) camel (mammal) Camel (cigarette) Camel, Battle of the (Islamic history) camel cricket (insect) camel hair (animal fibre) Camel period (African arts) camel racing (sport) camel spin (ice skating) Camel Through the Needle’s Eye, The (work by Langer) “Camel Xiangzi” (work by Lao She) camelaucum (papal dress) camelid (mammal) Camelidae (mammal) Camelina sativa (plant) Camellia (plant genus) Camellia japonica (plant) Camellia sinensis (plant) Camelopardalis (astronomy) Camelops (extinct mammal) Camelot (legendary kingdom, England) Camelot (film by Logan [1967]) Camelot (work by Lerner and Loewe) Camelots du Roi (French political group) camel’s thorns (plant) Camelus (mammal) Camelus bactrianus (mammal) Camelus dromedarius (mammal) Camembert cheese Camena (Romania) Camenae (Roman deity) Camenes (syllogistic) Camenop (syllogistic) cameo (jewelry) cameo glass (art) cameo incrustation (glass) camera (photography) camera angle (cinematography) Camera degli Sposi (room, Mantua, Italy) camera lucida (photography) camera movement (camera work) Camera Notes (American publication) camera obscura (photography) Camera obscura (work by Beets) camera ottica (visual arts) Camera Picta (room, Mantua, Italy) camera tripod (photography) Camera Work (photography magazine) caméra-stylo (film technique) cameralism (European economic policy) Cameraman’s Revenge, The (animation by Starewicz) Camerarius, Joachim (German scholar and theologian) Camerarius, Rudolph Jacob (German botanist) Camerata (Italian society of poets and musicians) Çamëria (region, Balkan peninsula) Camerino, Giuliana Coen (Italian fashion designer and executive) Cameron (county, Pennsylvania, United States) Cameron, Alistair G. W. (American astronomer) Cameron, Charles (Scottish architect) Cameron, David (prime minister of United Kingdom) Cameron, David William Donald (prime minister of United Kingdom) Cameron, Duncan (Canadian fur trader) Cameron Gallery (gallery, Pushkin, Russia) Cameron Highlands (resort area, Malaysia) Cameron, James (Canadian filmmaker) Cameron, Julia Margaret (British photographer) Cameron of Lochiel, Sir Ewen (Scottish Highland chieftain) Cameron, Richard (Scottish religious leader) Cameron, Simon (United States secretary of war) Cameron, Sir Donald (governor of East Africa) Cameron, Sir Ewen (Scottish Highland chieftain) Cameron, Verney Lovett (British explorer) Cameron-Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy (family of baronets) Cameronian (Scottish religious group) Cameroon Cameroon, flag of Cameroon Highlands (highland, Africa) Cameroon, history of Cameroon, Mount (mountain, Cameroon) Cameroon National Union (political party, Cameroon) Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (political party, Cameroon) Cameroon People’s Union (political party, Cameroon) Cameroon, Republic of Cameroon: Year In Review 1993 Cameroon: Year In Review 1994 Cameroon: Year In Review 1995 Cameroon: Year In Review 1996 Cameroon: Year In Review 1997 Cameroon: Year In Review 1998 Cameroon: Year In Review 1999 Cameroon: Year In Review 2000 Cameroon: Year In Review 2001 Cameroon: Year In Review 2002 Cameroon: Year In Review 2003 Cameroon: Year In Review 2004 Cameroon: Year In Review 2005 Cameroon: Year In Review 2006 Cameroon: Year In Review 2007 Cameroon: Year In Review 2008 Cameroon: Year In Review 2009 Cameroonian Union (political party, Cameroon) Cameroun, Mont (mountain, Cameroon) Cameroun, République du Camestres (syllogistic) Camestrop (syllogistic) Camicia Nera (Italian history) Camicie Nere (Italian history) Camiguin (island, Philippines) Camilla (Roman mythology) Camilla, duchess of Cornwall (British duchess) Camilla: or a Picture of Youth (novel by Burney) Camille (film by Cukor [1936]) Camille (fictional character)

Camille, Hurricane (tropical cyclone) Camillo de Lellis (Roman Catholic saint) Camillo, Don (fictional character) Camillus (United States statesman) Camillus, Marcus Furius (Roman soldier) Camillus of Lellis, Saint (Roman Catholic saint) Caminer, David (British computer software engineer) Caminha, Adolfo (Brazilian author) Caminho de pedras (work by Queiroz) Caminiti, Ken (American baseball player) Camino, Carlos Ruiz (Mexican bullfighter) “camino de los ingleses, El” (film by Banderas) Camino Real (highway, Spain) Camino Real (play by Williams) Camino Real, El (highway, California, United States) Camisard (French Protestant militants) Camm, Sydney (British engineer) Cammaerts, Émile (Belgian poet and writer) Cammeyer, William (American businessman) Camnula pellucida (insect) Camoens, Luis Vaz de (Portuguese poet) Camoëns, Luis Vaz de (Portuguese poet) Camões, Luís de (Portuguese poet) Camões, Luís Vaz de (Portuguese poet) Camões Prize (literary award) camogie (sport) camomile (plant) Camonica, Val (valley, Italy) Camorra (Italian secret society) Camorta (island, India) camouflage (biology) camouflage (military tactic) cAMP (chemical compound) CAMP (materials science) camp (military) Camp Beauregard (military base, Mayfield, Kentucky, United States) camp bed (furniture) Camp David (presidential retreat, Maryland, United States) Camp David Accords (Egyptian-Israeli history) “Camp de la mort lente, Le” (work by Bernard) Camp de Thiaroye (film by Sembène) camp fever (pathology) Camp Fire Boys and Girls (youth organization) Camp Fire, Inc. (youth organization) Camp, Madeleine L’Engle (American author) Camp, Marie-Thérèse de (British actress) Camp, Maxime du (French writer and photographer) camp meeting (religion) Camp of Slow Death, The (work by Bernard) cAMP system (biochemistry) Camp, Walter (American sportsman) Camp, Walter Chauncey (American sportsman) Campa (ancient city, India) Campa Arawak (people) Campagna di Roma (plain, Italy) Campagna vase campagne (equestrian training) Campagnola, Domenico (Italian artist) Campagnola, Giulio (Italian artist) campaign (politics) Campaign 08 (United States government) Campaign 2008 (United States government) campaign commercial (politics) campaign finance reform (American politics) campaign furniture (furniture) Campaign Reform Act (United States [2002]) Campaign, The (poem by Addison) Campaign, The (work by Fuentes) Campaigne, Philippe de (French painter) Campaldino, Battle of (Italian history) Campan, Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Genest (French educator) campana (musical instrument) Campana, Dino (Italian poet) “campaña, La” (work by Fuentes) Campaña, Pedro (Flemish painter) Campana vase Campanella, Campy (American athlete) Campanella, Giovanni Domenico (Italian philosopher and poet) Campanella, Juan José (Argetine film director) campanella, La (work by Paganini) Campanella, Roy (American athlete) Campanella, Tommaso (Italian philosopher and poet) Campanella’s City of the Sun (work by Campanella) Campanelli, Pauline Eblé (American painter) Campani, Alessandro (American baseball executive) Campani, Giuseppe (Italian inventor) Campania (region, Italy) Campanian Apennines (mountain range, Italy) Campanian Stage (geology) campaniform organ (insect anatomy) campanile (architecture) Campanile (tower, Venice, Italy) campanilismo (sociology) Campanini, Barberina (dancer) Campanis, Al (American baseball executive) Campanis, Alexander Sebastian (American baseball executive) campanology (English music) Campantar (Hindu poet) Campanula (plant) Campanula americana Campanula carpatica (plant) Campanula cochleariifolia (herb) Campanula isophylla (plant) Campanula medium (plant) Campanula persicifolia (plant) Campanula rapunculoides (plant) Campanula rapunculus (plant species) Campanula rotundifolia (plant) Campanula trachelium (plant) Campanulaceae (plant family) Campanus (mathematician) Campaspe River (river, Australia) Campau, Louis (French explorer) Campbell, Ada (American comedian) Campbell, Alexander (American clergyman) Campbell, Andrew (British engineer) Campbell, Archibald (Scottish revolutionary leader [1651-1703]) Campbell, Archibald (Scottish politician [1607-61]) Campbell, Archibald (British politician [1682-1761]) Campbell, Archibald (Scottish Protestant leader [1532-73]) Campbell, Archibald (Scottish Protestant leader [1629-85]) Campbell, Avril Phaedra (prime minister of Canada) Campbell, Bebe Moore (American novelist and essayist) Campbell, Beck David (American singer-songwriter) Campbell, Bill (American baseball player) Campbell, Clementina Dinah (British singer) Campbell, Clive (American disc jockey) Campbell, David (Australian poet) Campbell, David Watt Ian (Australian poet) Campbell, Donald Malcolm (British race-car driver) Campbell, Dorothy (British golfer) Campbell, Douglas (Scottish-born Canadian actor) Campbell, Douglas Houghton (American botanist) Campbell, E. Simms (American cartoonist) Campbell, Earl (American football player) Campbell, Elizabeth Bebe Moore (American novelist and essayist) Campbell, Elmer Simms (American cartoonist) Campbell family (Scottish noble family) Campbell, George (British author) Campbell, George A. (American physicist) Campbell, Glen (American musician and singer) Campbell, Henry (prime minister of United Kingdom) Campbell Hill (hill, Ohio, United States) Campbell, Ignatius Roy Dunnachie (South African poet) Campbell Island (island, New Zealand) Campbell, John (British official and soldier) Campbell, John, 1st earl of Breadalbane and Holland (Scottish politician) Campbell, John Archibald (American jurist) Campbell, John D. (Canadian harness racer) Campbell, John McLeod (Scottish theologian) Campbell, John W. (American author and editor) Campbell, John Wood, Jr. (American author and editor) Campbell, Joseph (American author) Campbell, Joseph (American businessman) Campbell Junior College (university, Buies Creek, North Carolina, United States) Campbell, Kim (prime minister of Canada) Campbell, Maria (Canadian author) Campbell, Mrs. Patrick (British actress) Campbell, Naomi (British model) Campbell, Norman Robert (British physicist and philosopher) Campbell River (British Columbia, Canada) Campbell, Robert (Canadian trader and explorer) Campbell, Robert (American fur trader and businessman) Campbell, Roy (South African poet) Campbell, Sir Colin (British commander) Campbell, Sir Colin (British architect) Campbell, Sir Malcolm (British race-car driver) Campbell, Sir Menzies (British politician) Campbell Soup Company (American company) Campbell, Thomas (American clergyman) Campbell, Thomas (British poet) Campbell University (university, Buies Creek, North Carolina, United States) Campbell, Wilfred (Canadian poet) Campbell, William Ellsworth (American magician) Campbell, William Wallace (American astronomer) Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry (prime minister of United Kingdom) Campbellpore (Pakistan) Campbells of Argyll (Scottish noble family) Campbellsville (Kentucky, United States) Campbellton (New Brunswick, Canada) Campbelltown (New South Wales, Australia) Campbeltown (Scotland, United Kingdom) Campeador, el (Castilian military leader) Campeche (state, Mexico) Campeche (Mexico) Campeche, Bahía de (bay, Mexico) Campeche, Bay of (bay, Mexico) Campeche de Baranda (Mexico) Campeche, Gulf of (bay, Mexico) Campeggio, Lorenzo (Italian cardinal) Campen, Jacob van (Dutch architect) Campephaga (bird genus) campephagid (bird family) Campephagidae (bird family) Campephilus imperialis (bird) Campephilus principalis (bird) Campephilus principalis bairdii (bird)

Campero, Narciso (president of Bolivia) Campers Handbook (book by Holding) Campfire Girls (youth organization) camphene (chemical compound) camphor (chemical compound) camphor glass (decorative arts) camphor laurel (plant) camphor tree (plant) camphorated opium tincture (drug) camphorwood chest Camphuysen, Dirk Rafaëlszoon (Dutch writer) Campi, Antonio (Italian painter) Campi, Bernardino (Italian painter) Campi, Giulio (Italian painter and architect) Campian, Thomas (English poet and musician) Campidanese (language) Campidanian (language) Campidano (plain, Italy) Campin, Robert (Flemish painter) Câmpina (Romania) Campina Grande (Brazil) Campinas (Brazil) Campine, La (region, Belgium) camping Camping Club of Canada (Canadian organization) Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland (organization) campion (Silene genus) Campion, Albert (fictional character) Campion, Edith (premier of France) Campion, Jane (New Zealand film director) Campion, Saint Edmund (English saint) Campion, Thomas (English poet and musician) Campo del Cielo craters (craters, Argentina) Campo di Marte (Italian periodical by Pratolini) Campo, Estanislao del (Argentine poet and journalist) Campo Formio, Treaty of (France-Austria [1797]) Campo Grande (Brazil) Campo, Piazza del (square, Siena, Italy) Campoamor y Campoosorio, Ramón de (Spanish author) Campobasso (Italy) Campobello Island (island, New Brunswick, Canada) campodeid (insect) Campodeidae (insect) Campomanes, Florencio (Filipino chess administrator) Camponotus (insect) Cámpora, Héctor J. (president of Argentina) campos (grasslands, Brazil) Campos (Brazil) Campos, Augusto de (Brazilian poet and critic) Campos de Castilla (work by Machado y Ruiz) Campos dos Goitacazes (Brazil) Campos dos Goytacazes (Brazil) campos flicker (bird) Campos, Haroldo de (Brazilian poet and critic) Campos, Haroldo de; and Campos, Augusto de (Brazilian authors) Campos, Roberto de Oliveira (Brazilian politician) Campra, André (French composer) Campsis (plant) Campsis grandiflora (plant) Campsis radicans (plant) Camptonotus carolinensis (insect) camptosaur (dinosaur) Camptosaurus (dinosaur) Camptostoma imberbe (bird) Camptostoma obsoletum (bird) Camptown (New Jersey, United States) campu (literature) Câmpulung (Romania) campus Campus Martius (field, Rome, Italy) Campus, The (work by Angell) Campus Vogladensis, Battle of (French history) campylite (mineral) campylobacter (bacterium) Campylobacter (bacterium) campylobacter enteritis (pathology) Campylobacter jejuni (bacterium) campylobacteriosis (pathology) Campyloramphys (bird) Campylorhamphus (bird) Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus (bird) Camrose (Alberta, Canada) Camsay (China) camshaft (engineering) Camú River (river, Dominican Republic) Camulodunum (England, United Kingdom) Camu??a (Hindu deity) Camunian art (Italian art) Camus, Albert (French author) Camus, Marcel (French director) CAN (South American organization) Can Grande’s Castle (work by Lowell) Can Hasan (ancient site, Turkey) Can Tho (Vietnam) Can-Am Cup (auto racing) Cana (people) “Canaã” (work by Graça Aranha) Canaan (historical region, Middle East) Canaan (work by Graça Aranha) Canaan dog (breed of dog) Canaanite (people) Canaanite inscriptions Canaanite languages Canaanite religion Canada Canada Act (Great Britain [1791]) Canada Act (Canada-United Kingdom [1982]) Canada, Anglican Church of Canada balsam (oleoresin) Canada, Bank of (Canadian bank) Canada Basin (submarine basin, Arctic Ocean) Canada bluegrass (plant) Canada Company (Canadian company) Canada Council for the Arts (Canadian organization) Canada Cup (golf) Canada Day (Canadian holiday) Canada Department of Agriculture Canada Deuterium Uranium reactor (engineering) Canada East (historical region, Canada) Canada, flag of Canada goose (bird) Canada, history of Canada lynx (mammal) Canada moonseed (plant) Canada, Order of (Canadian honour) Canada Pension Plan (Canadian legislation) Canada Place (building complex, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) Canada, Province of (historical region, Canada) Canada Steamship Lines (Canadian company) Canada turpentine (oleoresin) Canada West (historical region, Canada) Canada wild rye (plant) Canada: Year In Review 1993 Canada: Year In Review 1994 Canada: Year In Review 1995 Canada: Year In Review 1996 Canada: Year In Review 1997 Canada: Year In Review 1998 Canada: Year In Review 1999 Canada: Year In Review 2000 Canada: Year In Review 2001 Canada: Year In Review 2002 Canada: Year In Review 2003 Canada: Year In Review 2004 Canada: Year In Review 2005 Canada: Year In Review 2006 Canada: Year In Review 2007 Canada: Year In Review 2008 Canada: Year In Review 2009 Canada yew (Taxus canadensis) Canada-United States Automotive Products Agreement Canaday, John (American art critic) Canadian Airborne Regiment (Canadian military) Canadian Alliance (political party, Canada) Canadian Amateur Football Association (Canadian sports organization) Canadian Arctic Archipelago (islands, Canada) Canadian Bacon (film by Moore) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Canadian buffalo berry (plant) Canadian canoe (boat) Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Canadian business organization) Canadian Confederation (Canadian history) Canadian Congress of Labour (Canadian organization) Canadian Conservation Institute (Canadian museum organization) Canadian continental shield (shield, North America) Canadian Corps (Canadian military unit) Canadian Federal Election of 2008 Canadian Federation of Camping and Caravanning (Canadian organization) Canadian Film Development Corporation (Canadian agency) Canadian football (Canadian sport) Canadian Football Council (Canadian sports organization) Canadian Football League (sports organization) Canadian Forum (Canadian magazine) Canadian French (language) Canadian goldenrod (plant) Canadian Group of Painters (Canadian artists) Canadian hemlock (tree) Canadian high (atmospheric phenomenon) Canadian Highway Act (Canada [1919]) Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Canadian bank) Canadian Kennel Club (Canadian organization) Canadian Labour Congress (Canadian trade union association) Canadian literature Canadian Literature (Canadian magazine) Canadian Mercury (Canadian periodical) Canadian Museum of Civilization (museum, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada) Canadian National Exhibition (Canadian fair) Canadian National Railway Company (Canadian company) Canadian National Tower (building, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Canadian Northern Railway (Canadian railway) Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. (Canadian company) Canadian Press (news agency) Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (Canadian agency) Canadian Red Ensign (emblem) Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance (political party, Canada) Canadian River (river, United States) Canadian Rockies (mountains, Canada) Canadian Security Intelligence Service (Canadian organization) Canadian Shield (shield, North America) Canadian Space Agency (Canadian government organization) Canadian thistle (plant) Canadian waterweed (plant) Canadian whisky (distilled spirit) Canadian wild ginger (herb) Canadian Zone (region, New Mexico, United States) Canadian-American Challenge Cup (auto racing) Canadian-Greenland Shield (shield, North America) Canadians of Old, The (novel by Gaspé) Canadien errant, Un (song by Gérin-Lajoie) Canadien, Le (Canadian newspaper) Canado-Americaine (people) canahua (plant) Canaima (novel by Gallegos Freire)

Canaima National Park (park, Venezuela) Canaima, Parque Nacional (park, Venezuela) Çanak incident (European history) Çanak, Treaty of (United Kingdom-Ottoman Empire [1809]) Çanakkale (Turkey) Çanakkale Bogazi (strait, Turkey) Canakya (Indian statesman and philosopher) canal (waterway) Canal (film by Wajda) Canal Colony (district, Pakistan) Canal du Centre (canal, France) Canal du Languedoc (canal, France) Canal du Midi (canal, France) Canal du Nord (canal, France) Canal, Giovanni Antonio (Italian artist) Canal Latéral à la Garonne (canal, France) Canal, Martino da (Italian author) Canal Messier (fjord, Chile) canal of Rosenthal (anatomy) canal of Schlemm (anatomy) canal ray (physics) Canal Zone (region, Panama) Canal Zone Library and Museum (library and museum, Balboa Heights, Panama) Canale degli Angeli, Il (film by Pasinetti) Canalejas, José (prime minister of Spain) Canalejas y Méndez, José (prime minister of Spain) Canalena (people) Canaletto (Italian artist) Canaletto the Younger (Italian painter) Canali, Isabella (Italian actress and author) canalicular hepatitis (pathology) canaliculi (anatomy) canaliculus (anatomy) Cananaean, the (Christian Apostle) Cananga odorata (plant) cananga oil (essential oil) canapé (food) canard (aircraft part) canard (propaganda) Canareggio, Andrea di (Italian composer) Cañari (people) canarian bellflower (plant) Canarias, Islas (islands, Spain) Canaries Current (Atlantic Ocean) Canarina (plant) Canarios (people) Canaris, Wilhelm Franz (German admiral) Canarium (nut) Canarium commune (plant) Canarius, Islas (islands, Spain) canary (bird) canary creeper (plant) Canary Current (Atlantic Ocean) canary grass (plant) Canary Islands (islands, Spain) canary nasturtium (plant) Canary Wharf (dockland area, London, United Kingdom) canarybird flower (plant) canarybird vine (plant) “Cañas y barro” (work by Blasco Ibáñez) Cañas-Jerez Treaty (Nicaragua-Costa Rica [1858]) Canastota Clouter, the (American boxer) Canastra Mountains (mountains, Brazil) Canavan disease (genetic disorder) Canaveral, Cape (cape, Florida, United States) Canaveral National Seashore (area, Florida, United States) Canby, Edward R. S. (United States military officer) Canby, Vincent (American journalist) Canby, William (American historian) cancan (dance) Cancaniri Formation (geological formation, South America) Canção do Exílio (poem by Dias) cancellaresca (calligraphy) Cancellaresca Bastarda (typeface) cancellaresca corsiva (calligraphy) Cancellariidae (gastropod family) cancellarius (Roman official) cancelleresca corsiva (calligraphy) Cancelleria (palace, Rome, Italy) Cancelleria, Palazzo della (palace, Rome, Italy) cancellous bone (anatomy) Cancer (constellation) cancer (disease) Cancer borealis Cancer Journals, The (work by Lorde) Cancer magister (crustacean) Cancer pagurus (crustacean) Cancer productus Cancer, Tropic of (geography) cancer virus (pathology) Cancer Ward (work by Solzhenitsyn) cancha (sport venue) Canchungo (Guinea-Bissau) Canción de cuna (work by Martínez Sierra) canción de las figuras, La (work by Eguren) “Canción de Rachel” (work by Barnet) cancioneiro (Portuguese literature) Cancioneiro Colocci-Brancuti (Portuguese anthology) Cancioneiro da Ajuda (Portuguese anthology) “Cancioneiro da Biblioteca” (Portuguese anthology) Cancioneiro da Vaticana (Portuguese anthology) Cancioneiro geral (Portuguese anthology) Cancionero (work by Encina) Cancionero de Baena (work compiled by Baena) Cancionero sin nombre (work by Parra) Cancionero y romancero de ausencias (work by Hernández) Canciones y otros poemas (work by Belli) Cancrin, Georg, Graf von (Russian finance minister) Cancrin, Ludwig Daniel von (Russian finance minister) cancrinite (mineral) Cancún (Mexico) ca??ala (caste) Candamyana (work by Mulla Daud) Candar dynasty (Turkish dynasty) Çandarli (Ottoman family) Çandarli Halil Pasa (Ottoman vizier) Çandarli Kara Halil (Ottoman official) Candaules (king of Lydia) Candbardai (Indian poet) candela (SI unit of measurement) Candela, Felix (Spanish architect) Candela Outeriño, Felix (Spanish architect) candela rotunda (decoration) candelabra (architecture) candelabra tree (plant) candelabrum (architecture) candelabrum tree “candelaio, Il” (work by Bruno) Candelaria Highland (valley, Costa Rica) Candelariales (order of fungi) candelilla wax Candella (Indian clan) candi (Indonesian temple) Ca??i (Hindu goddess) Candi Prambanan (temple, Prambanan, Indonesia) Candia (island, Greece) Candia (Greece) Candia, Mario, Cavaliere di (Italian singer) Candia, Sea of (sea, Greece) Candianus (Greek metropolitan) Candid Camera (American television show) candida (fungus) Candida (fungus) Candida (play by Shaw) Candida albicans (fungus) Ca??idas (Indian poet) Candidate, The (film by Ritchie [1972]) Candide (work by Voltaire) candidiasis (pathology) Cândido, Antônio (Brazilian writer and literary critic) Candidus (Greek theologian) candied fruit Ca??ika (Hindu goddess) candiru (fish) Candish, Thomas (English navigator and explorer) candle (SI unit of measurement) candle (lighting) candle coal (fossil fuel) Candle Demonstration (Czechoslovak history) Candle in the Wind (song by John and Taupin) candleberry (plant) candleberry (plant) candlebush (plant) candlefish (fish) candleholder (decoration) Candlemaker, The (work by Bruno) Candlemas (religious festival) candlenut (plant) candlepins (game) candlepower (SI unit of measurement) Candler, Asa Griggs (American manufacturer) candlestand (decoration) candlestick (decoration) Candlestick Park (stadium, San Francisco, California, United States) candlestick senna (plant) candlewood (plant) candlewood family (plant family) Candlewood, Lake (lake, Connecticut, United States) candling (physics) candling (agriculture) Candolle, Alphonse-Louis-Pierre Pyrame de (Swiss botanist) Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de (Swiss botanist) candombe (Uruguayan dance) Candomblé (Brazilian cult) Candra Gupta I (king of India) Candra Gupta II (emperor of India) Candra Gupta Maurya (emperor of India) Candradeva (Jaina author) Candrakirti (Buddhist scholar) Candraprabha (Buddhist art) candrasala (Indian architecture) Candrava?si (Indian royal lineage) Candrotsavam (Malayalam poem) CANDU (engineering) candy (food) Candy (work by Southern) Candy, John Franklin (Canadian actor) candytuft (plant) cane (plant) cane (plant stem) Cane (work by Toomer) Cane (ancient city, Arabia) cane fencing (self-defense) cane final molasses (agricultural product) cane furniture cane rat (rodent) cane sugar cane toad (amphibian) Canea (Greece) Canebière, La (street, Marseille, France) canebrake bamboo (plant) Canela (people) Canella alba (plant) Canella winterana (plant) Canellaceae (plant family) Canellales (plant order) Canelo (people) Canelones (Uruguay) Canepanova, Pietro (pope) canephore (architecture) Canes Venatici (astronomy) Canetti, Elias (Bulgarian writer) Caney Fork River (river, United States) canfield (card game) Canfield, Cass (American publisher) Canfield, Dorothea Frances (American author) Canfield, Dorothy (American author) Cang Shan (mountain, China) Ca?gadeva (Jaina author) Cangas de Narcea (Spain) Cangas de Onís (Spain) Cangas de Tineo (Spain) Cange, Charles du Fresne, Seigneur du (French scholar) Cangjie (Chinese calligrapher) Cangrande I (Italian ruler)

Cangshuo (Chinese artist) Canguilhem, Georges (French scholar) Cangwu (China) Cangzhou (China) Canham, Erwin D. (American editor) Caniapiscau River (river, Canada) Canice, Saint (Irish abbot) Canicus, Saint (Irish abbot) canid (mammal) Canidae (mammal) Caniff, Milton (American cartoonist) Caniff, Milton Arthur (American cartoonist) canine (mammal) canine distemper (pathology) canine parvovirus disease canine tooth canine viral hepatitis (disease) caning (punishment) Canion, Joseph R. (American computer scientist) Canion, Rod (American computer scientist) Canis adustus (mammal) Canis aureus (mammal) Canis carcariae dissectum caput (work by Steno) Canis dingo (mammal) Canis dirus (extinct mammal) Canis familiaris dingo (mammal) Canis latrans (mammal) Canis lupus (mammal) Canis lupus familiaris (mammal) Canis lupus pallipes (mammal) Canis Major (constellation) Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy (astronomy) Canis mesomelas (mammal) Canis Minor (constellation) Canis rufus (mammal) Canis simensis Canisius College (college, Buffalo, New York, United States) Canisius, Saint Peter (Jesuit scholar) Canisius, Sint Petrus (Jesuit scholar) canistel (tree) canister (ammunition) Canitz, Friedrich Rudolf, Freiherr von (German poet) ca?kam literature (Indian literature) Cankar, Ivan (Slovene author) canker (disease) canker sore (medical disorder) cankerworm (larva) Çankiri (Turkey) Canlaon (Philippines) Canlaon, Mount (volcano, Philippines) Canlaon Volcano (volcano, Philippines) Canmore, Malcolm III (king of Scotland) Canna (plant genus) Canna edulis (plant) Cannabaceae (plant family) Cannabis (plant genus) cannabis (hallucinogen) Cannabis sativa (plant) Cannaceae (plant family) Cannae, Battle of (Carthage-Rome) Cannanore (India) Cannareggio, Andrea di (Italian composer) Cannaregio, Andrea di (Italian composer) Cannary, Martha Jane (American frontierswoman) Cannauj (India) Cannavaro, Fabio (Italian football player) canne (self-defense) cannel coal (fossil fuel) Cannell, Stephen Joseph (American television writer and producer) Cannery Row (novel by Steinbeck) Cannes (France) Cannes Conference (European history) Cannes film festival (French film festival) Cannibal Cave (cave, Lesotho) Cannibal Manifesto (work by Andrade) cannibalism (astronomy) cannibalism (human behaviour) cannibalism (animal behaviour) Cannibals and Missionaries (novel by McCarthy) Canninefates (ancient people) canning (food processing) Canning Basin (region, Western Australia, Australia) Canning, Charles John Canning, Earl (British official) Canning Desert (desert, Australia) Canning, George (British statesman) Canning Jewel (German gem) Canning of Kilbrahan, Viscount (British official) Canning Stock Route (pathway, Australia) Canning, Stratford (British diplomat) Cannizzaro reaction (chemistry) Cannizzaro, Stanislao (Italian chemist) Cannock Chase (district, England, United Kingdom) Cannomys (rodent) Cannomys badius (rodent) cannon (weapon) Cannon, Annie Jump (American astronomer) Cannon, Anthony (American actor) cannon bone (anatomy) Cannon, Curt (American author) Cannon, Dyan (American actor) cannon game (game) Cannon, Harriet Starr (American religious leader) Cannon, Jane Grey (American journalist) Cannon, Joe (American politician) Cannon, Joseph Gurney (American politician) Cannon King, The (German industrialist) Cannon Mountain (mountain, New Hampshire, United States) Cannon-Bard theory (psychology) Cannonball River (river, North Dakota, United States) cannonball tree (tree) Cannonsburgh (Tennessee, United States) Cano, Alfonso (Colombian guerilla leader) Cano, Alonso (Spanish artist) Cano, Juan Sebastián del (Spanish navigator) Cano, Melchior (Spanish theologian) Cano, Melchor (Spanish theologian) Cano, Mount (volcano, Cape Verde) Cano, Sebastián del (Spanish explorer) Canoas (Brazil) Canobus (ancient city, Egypt) canoe (boat) canoe birch (plant) canoe cedar (plant common name) canoe cypress (plant) canoe house canoeing (sport) canoid (mammal) Canoidea (mammal) canola oil canon (ecclesiastical office) canon (music) canon (sacred literature) Canon (book by Polyclitus) Canon (work by Penderecki) “Canon” (sculpture by Polyclitus) Canon City (Colorado, United States) Cañon City (Colorado, United States) Canon in D Major (work by Pachelbel) canon law (religion) Canon Law, Code of (canon law) “Canon Law, Corpus of” (canon law) Canon mathematicus seu ad triangula (work by Viète) Canon of Medicine, The (work by Avicenna) Canongate Church (church, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom) canonical assembly (physics) canonical ensemble (physics) Canonical Epistle (work by Gregory Thaumaturgus) Canonical Epistles (work by Basil the Great) canonical hours (music) canonical shape (grammar) canonization (Christianity) Canons of 1604 (English history) “Canons of the Church and Precepts Written by Hippolytus, Archbishop of Rome, According to the Ordinances of the Apostles” (Christian literature) canons regular (Christianity) Canons Regular of Prémontré, Order of the (religious order) Canons Regular of Saint Augustine (Roman Catholic order) canopic jar (Egyptian funerary vessel) Canopic Way (street, Alexandria, Egypt) Canopus (ancient city, Egypt) Canopus (star) Canopus, Decree of (Egyptian inscription) canopy (architecture) canopy (forests) Canosa di Puglia (Italy) Canossa (historical site, Italy) Canotia holacantha (plant) Canova, Antonio, marchese d’Ischia (Italian sculptor) Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio (prime minister of Spain) Canrobert (Algeria) Canrobert, Certain (French politician) Canrobert, François-Certain (French politician) Cansino, Margarita Carmen (American actress) canso (vocal music) Canso Causeway (causeway, Nova Scotia, Canada) Canso Gut (strait, Nova Scotia, Canada) Canso, Strait of (strait, Nova Scotia, Canada) cant (linguistics) cant (linguistics) Cant espiritual (work by March) Cantabri (Spanish people) Cantabria (autonomous area and region, Spain) Cantabria (province, Spain) Cantabrian Mountains (mountains, Spain) Cantabrian War (Spanish history) Cantábrica, Cordillera (mountains, Spain) Cantaclaro (work by Gallegos) Cantal (department, France) Cantal, Plomb du (mountain, France) cantala (plant) Cantalupo, James Richard (American businessman) Cantalupo, Jim (American businessman) cantar (Spanish literature) Cantar de Mio Cid (Spanish epic poem) cantares de gesta (literature) Cantares del subdesarrollo (album by Blades) Cantares gallegos (work by Castro) cantata (music) Cantata for a Summer’s Day (work by Musgrave) “Cantatrice chauve, La” (play by Ionesco) cante jondo (music) Cântecul omului (work by Davidescu) Canteloube de Malaret, Marie-Joseph (French composer) Canteloube, Joseph (French composer) Cantelupe, Saint Thomas de (English saint) Cantelupe, Thomas of (English saint) Cantemir, Antioch Dmitrievich (Russian poet) Cantemir, Dimitrie (Russian statesman) canter (animal locomotion)

Canth, Minna (Finnish author) Canth, Ulrika Vilhelmina (Finnish author) Cantharellaceae (biology) Cantharellales (order of fungi) Cantharelle (biology) cantharelloid fungus (biology) Cantharellus cibarius (biology) Cantharidae (insect) cantharides (aphrodisiac) cantharidin (aphrodisiac) Cantharis vesicatoria (insect) cantharos (cup) Canthigaster (fish genus) canthus (anatomy) canti carnascialeschi (Italian music) Canti di Castelvecchio (work by Pascoli) “Canti di liberazione” (work by Dallapiccola) “Canti di prigionia” (work by Dallapiccola) “canti, I” (work by Leopardi) canticle (hymn) Canticle for Leibowitz, A (novel by Miller) “Canticle of Brother Sun” (work by Francis of Assisi) Canticle of Canticles (biblical canticle) “Canticle of the Creatures” (work by Francis of Assisi) Canticle of the Sun (work by Sowerby) “Canticle of the Sun” (work by Francis of Assisi) Cántico: A Selection (work by Guillén) Cantico di Frate Sole (work by Francis of Assisi) Canticum Canticorum (biblical canticle) cantiga (Spanish music) cantiga de amigo (Spanish music) cantiga de amor (Spanish music) cantiga de escárnio e maldizer (Spanish music) Cantigas de Santa María (Spanish literature) Cantigny (recreation area, Wheaton, Illinois, United States) cantil (snake) cantilena (vocal music) cantilever (architecture) cantilever arm (engineering) cantilever bridge (engineering) cantilever retaining wall (architecture) cantillation (music) Cantillon, Richard (Irish economist) Cantilupe, Saint Thomas de (English saint) Cantilupe, Thomas of (English saint) Cantimpré, Thomas de (Dominican clergyman) Cantinflas (Mexican actor) canting arms (heraldry) Cantiones Ecclesiasticae (work by Aichinger) Cantiones Sacrae (work by Byrd) “Cantique des plaines” (novel by Huston) Cantiques bretons (collection of medieval songs) canto (poetry) Canto a Buenos Aires (work by Mujica Láinez) canto carnascialesco (Italian music) Canto General (work by Neruda) “Canto general” (work by Neruda) Canto novo (work by D’Annunzio) cantometrics (music) Cantometrics: A Handbook and Training Method (work by Lomax) Canton (Illinois, United States) Canton (Massachusetts, United States) Canton (Mississippi, United States) Canton (Ohio, United States) Canton (South Dakota, United States) canton (European government) canton (heraldry) Canton (China) Canton Atoll (atoll, Kiribati) Canton Delta (delta, China) Canton enamel Canton ginger (plant) Canton, John (British physicist) Canton River (river, China) Canton system (Chinese history) Canton Uprising (Chinese history) Canton Viaduct (viaduct, Massachusetts, United States) Canton ware (pottery) Cantona, Eric (French football player) Cantona, Eric Daniel Pierre (French football player) Cantonment (region, Yangon, Myanmar) Cantons de L’est, Les (region, Quebec, Canada) cantor (ecclesiastical official) Cantor, Eddie (American entertainer) Cantor, Eric (American politician) Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp (German mathematician) Cantor, Moritz Benedikt (German mathematician) cantoria (architecture) Cantoria (work by Donatello) Cantorian set theory (mathematics) Cantor’s diagonal theorem (mathematics) Cantor’s paradox (mathematics) Cantor’s theorem (mathematics) Cantos de vida y esperanza (work by Darío) Cantos del trovador (work by Zorrilla y Moral) Cantos, Fuente de (Spanish painter) Cantos para soldados y sones para turistas (work by Guillén) Cantos, The (poetry by Pound) Cantown (Florida, United States) cantref (Welsh law) Cantril, Hadley (American sociologist) Cants a la Pàtria (work by Guimerá) Cantù (Italy) cantus firmi (music) cantus firmus (music) Canuleia, Lex (Roman law) canuri ena Canusium (Italy) Canute I (king of England, Denmark, and Norway) Canute II (king of England, Denmark, and Norway) Canute III (king of Denmark and England) Canute IV (king of Denmark) Canute, Saint (king of Denmark) Canute the Great (king of England, Denmark, and Norway) Canute the Holy (king of Denmark) Canute VI (king of Denmark) canvas (cloth) canvas work (canvas work embroidery) canvasback (bird) Canvey Island (island, England, United Kingdom) Canyon (Texas, United States) canyon (geology) Canyon de Chelly National Monument (park, Arizona, United States) Canyon Lands (plateau, United States) canyon live oak (plant) canyon, submarine (geology) Canyonlands National Park (park, United States) Canyons of Colorado (work by Powell) canzona (music) canzona francese (music) canzona villanesca (music) canzone (music) canzone (poetry) Canzoneri, Tony (American boxer) canzonet (vocal music) canzonetta (vocal music) canzonette (vocal music) canzoni (music) canzoni (poetry) Canzoniere (work by Petrarch) canzoniere, Il (work by Angiolieri) canzoniere, Il (work by Saba) Canzonissima (Italian television show) Cao Ba (Chinese painter) Cao Bang (province, Vietnam) Cao Cao (Chinese general) Cao Dai (Vietnamese religion) Cão, Diogo (Portuguese navigator) Cao Guojiu (Chinese mythology) Cao Lanh (Vietnam) Cao Pi (emperor of Wei dynasty) Cao Xueqin (Chinese author) Cao Yu (Chinese author) Cao Zhan (Chinese author) Cao Zhao (Chinese author) Cao Zhi (Chinese poet) Cao Zhongda (Chinese painter) Cao Zijian (Chinese poet) caoshu (Chinese calligraphy) Caoyang New Village (housing, Shanghai, China) Caoyang Xin Cun (housing, Shanghai, China) cap (wine making) CAP (European economy) cap, blasting (explosive device) “Cap de Bonne-Espérance, Le” (work by Cocteau) cap lamp (device) cap of maintenance (heraldry) cap rock (geology) Cap Rock Escarpment (escarpment, Texas, United States) Cap Saint-Jacques (Vietnam) cap shell (gastropod family) Cap Vert, Presqu’île du (peninsula, Senegal) cap-and-ball revolver (weapon) Cap-de-la-Madeleine (Quebec, Canada) Cap-Français (Haiti) Cap-Haïtien (Haiti) Capa, Cornell (American photographer) Capa dynasty (Indian history) Capa, Robert (American photographer) capa y espada play (Spanish literature) Capablanca, José Raúl (Cuban chess player) Capac Huari (Incan noble) Capac Yupanqui (emperor of Incas) Capac Yupanqui (Incan leader) capacitance (electronics) capacitance heating (physics) capacitation (physiology) capacitive reactance (physics) capacitor (electronics) capacitor dielectric (ceramics) capacitor induction motor (technology) capacitor microphone (electroacoustic device) capacity (electronics) capacity (mathematics) capacity rating (electronics) capacity to contract (contract law) capacity to sue (law) Capajevsk (Russia) Çapakçur (Turkey) Capaldi, Jim (British musician) Capaldi, Nicola James (British musician) Capanaparo River (river, Venezuela) capanna indiana, La (poetry by Bertolucci) Capannori (Italy) Caparra (historical settlement, Puerto Rico) Caparra, Il (Italian craftsman) capax horse mussel (mollusk) cape (bullfighting) Cape Barren goose (bird) Cape Breton Highlands (upland, Nova Scotia, Canada) Cape Breton Highlands National Park (national park, Nova Scotia, Canada) Cape Breton Island (island, Nova Scotia, Canada) Cape buffalo (mammal) Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (military base, Florida, United States) Cape cedar (tree) Cape Coast (Ghana) Cape Cod Canal (waterway, Massachusetts, United States) Cape Cod National Seashore (protected area, Massachusetts, United States) Cape Cod, Precinct of (Massachusetts, United States) Cape Colony (British colony, South Africa) Cape Coloured (people) Cape Coral (Florida, United States) Cape Dezhev (cape, Russia) Cape Dezhnëv (cape, Russia) Cape doctor (wind system)

Cape Dutch language Cape eland (mammal) Cape emerald (mineral) Cape Esperance, Battle of (World War II) Cape Fear (film by Thompson [1962]) Cape Fear River (river, North Carolina, United States) Cape file snake (reptile) Cape Flats (geographical region, South Africa) Cape flora cape fox (mammal) Cape Frontier Wars (South African history) Cape fur seal (mammal) Cape gannet (bird) Cape Girardeau (Missouri, United States) Cape gooseberry (plant) Cape Hatteras National Seashore (coastal area, North Carolina, United States) Cape, Herbert Jonathan (British publisher) cape hunting dog (mammal) Cape Indians (people) Cape Island (New Jersey, United States) cape ivy (plant) cape jasmine (plant) Cape, Jonathan (British publisher) cape jumping hare (rodent) Cape Krusenstern National Monument (national monument, Alaska, United States) Cape Lookout National Seashore (coastal area, North Carolina, United States) Cape Lopez lyretail (fish) Cape Malay (people) cape mastic (resin) Cape Matapan, Battle of Cape May (county, New Jersey, United States) Cape May (New Jersey, United States) Cape of Good Hope (historical province, South Africa) Cape of Good Hope, The (work by Cocteau) Cape Palmas (Liberia) Cape penguin (bird) Cape Photographic Durchmusterung (star catalog) Cape pigeon (bird) Cape Playhouse (theatre, Dennis, Massachusetts, United States) Cape polecat (mammal) cape pondweed (plant) Cape Porpus (Maine, United States) Cape Province (historical province, South Africa) Cape Range (mountains, South Africa) Cape Range National Park (national park, Western Australia, Australia) Cape ruby (gemstone) Cape Sable seaside sparrow (bird) Cape Saint Vincent, Battle of (European history) Cape São Vicente (cape, Portugal) Cape Scott Provincial Park (park, British Columbia, Canada) Cape Smith Belt (geological region, Canada) Cape spiny mouse (mammal) Cape sugarbird (bird) Cape Town (South Africa) Cape Town, University of (university, Cape Town, South Africa) Cape tulip (plant) Cape Varella (headland, Vietnam) Cape Verde Cape Verde Basin (basin, Atlantic Ocean) Cape Verde, flag of Cape Verde, history of Cape Verde Peninsula (peninsula, Senegal) Cape Verde, Republic of Cape Verde: Year In Review 1993 Cape Verde: Year In Review 1994 Cape Verde: Year In Review 1995 Cape Verde: Year In Review 1996 Cape Verde: Year In Review 1997 Cape Verde: Year In Review 1998 Cape Verde: Year In Review 1999 Cape Verde: Year In Review 2000 Cape Verde: Year In Review 2001 Cape Verde: Year In Review 2002 Cape Verde: Year In Review 2003 Cape Verde: Year In Review 2004 Cape Verde: Year In Review 2005 Cape Verde: Year In Review 2006 Cape Verde: Year In Review 2007 Cape Verde: Year In Review 2008 Cape Verde: Year In Review 2009 cape weasel (mammal) Cape wigeon (bird) Cape wolf snake (snake) Cape York Peninsula (peninsula, Queensland, Australia) Capecchi, Mario R. (American scientist) Capek, Josef (Czech artist) Capek, Karel (Czech writer) Capel, Arthur, 1st earl of Essex, Viscount Malden (English statesman) capelin (fish) capella (clerics) Capella (star) Capella gallinago (bird) Capella, Martianus Minneus Felix (African author) Capellanus, Andreas (French author) Capellas, Michael (American businessman) Capellen, Godert Alexander Gerard Philip, baron van der (Dutch statesman) capelli d’angeli (pasta) Capello, Bianca (Venetian noble) Capello, Luigi (Italian officer) Capellus, Ludovicus (French theologian) Capeman, The (work by Simon and Walcott) Capena (ancient city, Italy) Capensic kingdom (floral region) caper (plant) caper family (plant family) caperbush, European (plant species) capercaillie (bird) capercailzie (bird) Caperea marginata (mammal) Capernaum (Israel) Capetian dynasty (French history) Capgrave, John (English scholar) Capha (Ukraine) Capharnaum (Israel) Capibaribe, Rio (river, Brazil) Capibaribe River (river, Brazil) capillarity (physics) capillary (anatomy) capillary analysis (chemistry) capillary column (instrument) capillary fringe (hydrology) capillary hemangioma (pathology) capillary pyrites (mineral) capillary tube viscometer (measurement instrument) capillary wave (oceanography) capillary-column chromatography (chemistry) capistrum (strap) capitaine (fish) capital (architecture) capital (economics) “Capital” (work by Marx) capital account (economics) capital and monetary gold account (economics) capital asset pricing model (economics) Capital Beltway (road, Maryland, and Virginia, United States) capital budget Capital Bullets (American basketball team) Capital College (university, Beijing, China) capital gains tax capital good (economics) Capital Hill Farms, Inc. (Lachute, Quebec, Canada) capital letter (calligraphy) capital levy capital market Capital of the World, The (story by Hemingway) capital punishment (law) Capital Radio (British radio station) Capital Records (American company) capital structure capital theory (economics) capital transfer tax capital value (economics) capital-intensive agriculture (agriculture) capital-intensive farming (agriculture) capital-output ratio (economics) capitalism Capitalism: A Love Story (film by Moore [2009]) Capitalism and Schizophrenia (work by Deleuze and Guattari) Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (work by Schumpeter) Capitalist Realism (painting) Capitan, El (mountain, California, United States) capitán general (Spanish history) capitanei (Italian vassals) Capitanes Generales, Palacio de los (museum, Havana, Cuba) Capitanian Stage (geology) Capitaniato, Loggia del (loggia, Vicenza, Italy) Capitanio, Loggia del (loggia, Vicenza, Italy) Capitano (Italian stock character) capitano reggente (Sammarinese official) capitatio (Roman tax) capitation (French tax) Capitella (polychaete genus) Capitellida (polychaete order) Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (German religious reformer) Capitol (building, Jefferson City, Missouri, United States) Capitol, Architect of the (United States government agency) Capitol Hill (neighborhood, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) Capitol Records (American company) Capitol Reef National Park (park, Utah, United States) Capitol, United States (building, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) Capitol Visitor Center (building, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) Capitol Wrestling Corporation (American company) Capitoline (hill, Rome, Italy) Capitoline Museums (museums, Rome, Italy) Capitoline Palace (museum, Rome, Italy) Capitoline Square (monument, Rome, Italy) Capitoline Triad (ancient Roman shrine) Capitoline Wolf (sculpture) Capitolino, Palazzo del Museo (museum, Rome, Italy) Capitonidae (bird) Capitulare Saxonicum (ancient German text) capitulary (Carolingian law) Capitulatio de Partibus Saxoniae (ancient German text) capitulation (international law) Capítulos de História Colonial (work by Abreu) capitulum (anatomy) capitulum (inflorescence) capitulum fundationis (religious history) Capiz (Philippines) Caplan, Saul (American musician) Caplin, Alfred Gerald (American cartoonist) CAPM (economics) Capnodiales (order of fungi) Capo d’Istria, Giovanni Antonio, Conte (Greek statesman) Capodimonte, National Museum and Galleries of (museum, Naples, Italy) Capodimonte porcelain Capodistria (Slovenia) capoeira (dance-like martial art) capon (bird) Capon, William (English architect) Capone, Al (American gangster) Capone, Alphonse (American gangster) caporegime (criminal) Caporetto, Battle of (European history) Capote (motion picture) Capote, Truman (American author) Capp, Al (American cartoonist) Cappadocia (ancient district, Turkey) Cappadocian Father (theology) Cappadocian tablets (archaeology) Capparaceae (plant family)

Capparis (plant) Capparis decidua (plant species) Capparis spinosa (plant species) Capparis zeylandica (plant species) capped column (meteorology) Cappel, Louis (French theologian) Cappella Colleoni (chapel, Bergamo, Italy) Cappella del Crocifisso (church, Cassino, Italy) Cappella Palatina (chapel, Palermo, Italy) Cappellari, Bartolomeo Alberto Mauro (pope) Cappelli, Adriano (Italian scholar) Cappello, Bianca (Venetian noble) capper (gambling) capping (geology) capping the rhyme (word game) capping the T (naval formation) Capponi, Gino, Marchese (Italian historian and statesman) Cappuccilli, Piero (Italian singer) Capra (mammal) Capra aegagrus (mammal) Capra falconeri (mammal) Capra falconeri falconeri (mammal) Capra falconeri heptneri (mammal) Capra falconeri megaceros (mammal) Capra, Frank (American film director) Capra ibex (mammal) Capra ibex ibex (mammal) Capra ibex nubiana (mammal) Capra ibex sibirica (mammal) Capra ibex walie (mammal) Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica (mammal) Capra, Villa (villa, Vicenza, Italy) Capraia Island (island, Italy) Caprara, Giovanni Battista (Italian diplomat) Capraria (island, Italy) Capreae (island, Italy) Caprellidae (crustacean) Capreolinae (mammal subfamily) Capreolus (mammal) Capreolus capreolus (mammal) Capréolus, Jean (Dominican scholar) Capreolus pygargus (mammal) Caprera Island (island, Italy) Capri (people) Capri, Island of (island, Italy) Capri, Isola di (island, Italy) Capri Letters, The (work by Soldati) Capriati, Jennifer (American tennis player) Capriati, Jennifer Maria (American tennis player) capric acid (chemistry) “Capricci” (works by Paganini) capriccio (graphic arts) capriccio (music) Capriccio (work by Bach) Capriccio (work by Strauss) Capriccio sinfonico (work by Puccini) Caprichos, Los (work by Goya) Capricorn (astronomy) Capricorn, Tropic of (geography) Capricorn-Bunker Group (island group, Australia) Capricornia (work by Herbert) Capricornis (mammal) Capricornis crispus (mammal) Capricornis sumatraensis (mammal) Capricornis swinhoii (mammal) Capricornus (astronomy) caprifig (plant) Caprifoliaceae (plant family) Caprilli, Federico (Italian equestrian) Caprimulgi (bird suborder) Caprimulgidae (bird family) caprimulgiform (order of birds) Caprimulgiformes (order of birds) Caprimulginae (bird) Caprimulgus (bird) Caprimulgus carolinensis (bird) Caprimulgus europaeus (bird) Caprimulgus inornatus (bird) Caprimulgus vociferus (bird) Caprini, Palazzo (palace, Rome, Italy) capriole (gait) Caprioli, Carlo (Italian composer and musician) Capriolo, Paola (Italian author) Capris (Slovenia) Caprivi, Georg Leo, Graf von (German chancellor) Caprivi, Leo, Graf von (German chancellor) Caprivi Strip (region, Namibia) Caprivi Zipfel (region, Namibia) Caprock Escarpment (geological feature, Texas, United States) caproic acid (chemical compound) Caproidae (fish) Caprolagus hispidus (mammal) Caproli, Carlo (Italian composer and musician) Capromyidae (rodent) Capromys pilorides (rodent) Caproni (Italian bomber) Caproni, Giorgio (Italian poet) Capros (fish genus) caprylic acid (chemical compound) Caps (political party, Sweden) Capsa (Tunisia) capsaicin (chemical compound) capsaicine (chemical compound) Capsella bursa-pastoris (plant) Capsian industry Capsicum (Capsicum) Capsicum annuum (shrub) Capsicum frutescens (pepper) capsid (virus) capsomere (virology) capstan (mechanical device) capsular ligament capsular urine (physiology) capsule (pharmacology) capsule (in prokaryote) capsule (plant) capsule pipeline (technology) Capsule Pipeline Research Center (United States project) captacula (anatomy) captaculum (anatomy) captain (rank) captain (naval rank) captain (army rank) Captain America (American comic-book character) Captain Beefheart (American musician) Captain Blood (American film) Captain Brassbound’s Conversion (play by Shaw) Captain Carey, USA (film by Leisen [19450]) Captain Comeback (American football player) Captain Fury (work by Skinner) captain general (Spanish history) Captain Jack (Modoc subchief) Captain Jan: A Story of Ocean Tugboats (work by Hartog) Captain Kangaroo (American television program) Captain Kangaroo (American television producer and entertainer) Captain Kidd (British pirate) Captain of Köpenick, The (work by Zuckmayer) Captain Pantoja and the Special Service (work by Vargas Llosa) Captain Quiros (poetry by McAuley) captain regent (Sammarinese official) Captain Stormalong (folk character) Captain the Honourable John Hamilton (work by Reynolds) Captains and the Kings, The (novel by Johnston) Captains Courageous (film by Fleming [1937]) Captains Courageous (novel by Kipling) Captains General, Palace of the (museum, Havana, Cuba) CAPTCHA (computing) captive balloon (military aircraft) captive fleet (transport) Captive, The (work by Bourdet) “Captive Woman, The” (work by Echeverría) Captorhinidae (reptile family) captorhinomorph (fossil) Captorhinus (fossil reptile) capture (celestial mechanics) capture (nuclear physics) capture, marriage by (ritual) Capture of Miletus, The (play by Phrynichus) Captured and Abandoned Property Acts (United States [1863, 1864]) capturing game Capua (ancient city, Italy) Capua (Italy) Capua, Assizes of (Italy [1220]) Capuana, Luigi (Italian writer) capuchin monkey (monkey genus) Capuchin Sister (religious order) Capuchins (Franciscan order) Capuleti ed i Montecchi, I (work by Bellini) Capulidae (gastropod family) Capulin Mountain National Monument (monument, New Mexico, United States) Capulin Volcano National Monument (monument, New Mexico, United States) Capurro, Alfred (American actor) capybara (rodent) Caquetá (department, Colombia) Caquetá River (river, South America) Caquetío (people) caquetoire (chair) car (railroad vehicle) car car insurance Car Nicobar (island, India) car phone car pool car sickness car telephone Car Wheels on a Gravel Road (album by Williams) Cara, Irene (American actress and singer-songwriter) Cara, Marchetto (Italian composer) Caraballo Mountains (mountains, Philippines) Carabaya, Cordillera de (mountains, Peru) Carabias Lillo, Julia (Mexican ecologist and environmentalist) carabid beetle (insect) Carabidae (insect) Carabina, Harry Christopher (American sportscaster) carabine à tige (weaponry) carabiner (metal ring) Carabiniere (Italian police) Carabinieri (Italian police) Carabobo (state, Venezuela) Carabobo, Battle of (South American history) caracal (mammal) Caracalla (Roman emperor) Caracalla, Baths of (building, Rome, Italy) Caracalla, Edict of (ancient Rome) Caracallus (Roman emperor) caracara (bird) Caracara plancus (bird) Caracas (Venezuela) Caracas Company (Spanish trading company) Caracas, Poliedro de (building, Caracas, Venezuela) Caracas, Universidad de (university, Caracas, Venezuela) Caracciola, Rudolf (German race-car driver) Caraccioli Altarpiece (work by Ordónez and de Siloé) Caracciolo, Carlo (Italian publisher) Caracciolo, Domenico (Habsburg viceroy) Caracciolo, Francesco, duca di Brienza (Italian admiral) Caracciolo, Giovanni (Italian courtier) Caracol (archaeological site, Belize) Caracol, El (observatory, Mexico) caracole (military tactic) Caractacus (king of Trinovantes) “Caracteres de Theophraste traduits du grec avec Les Caracteres ou les moeurs de ce siecle, Les” (work by La Bruyère) “Caractères originaux de l’histoire rurale française, Les” (work by Bloch) Caradeuc de la Chalotais, Louis-René de (French magistrate) Caradoc (king of Trinovantes) Caradon (district, England, United Kingdom) Caradon of St. Cleer, Hugh Mackintosh Foot, Baron (British diplomat) Carafa, Gian Pietro (pope)

Carafa, Oliviero (Italian cardinal) carageenan extract (biology) Caragiale, Costache (Romanian actor) Caragiale, Ion Luca (Romanian author) Carajá (people) Carajás Mountains (mountains, Brazil) Carajás, Serra dos (mountains, Brazil) Caraka (Indian physician) Caraka-samhita (treatise by Caraka) Carales (Italy) Caralis (Italy) Caramanlis, Constantine (Greek statesman) caramel (candy) caramelization (food processing) Caramúru: Poema épico do descubrimento da Bahia (poem by Durão) Cara? (Hindu caste) Caran d’Ache (Russian-French caricaturist) Caranchos de la Florida, Los (work by Lynch) carangid (fish) Carangidae (fish) carangiform locomotion (biology) Caranjee (Pakistan) Caranqui (people) Caranx bartholomaei (fish) Caranx crysos (fish) Caranx hippos (fish) Caranx speciosus (fish) Carapidae (fish) Carapus acus (fish) Caraquet (New Brunswick, Canada) Cara?-Severin (county, Romania) Carassius auratus (fish) Carassius carassius (fish) Carasso, Daniel (Greek entrepreneur) carat (gem measurement) carat (gold measurement) Caratacus (king of Trinovantes) Caratasca Lagoon (lagoon, Honduras) Carathéodory, Constantin (German mathematician) Carausius (insect) Carausius, Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus (Roman officer) Caravaca (Spain) Caravaca de la Cruz (Spain) Caravaggio (Italian painter) Caravaggism (painting style) Caravan (American automobile) caravan (desert transport) Caravanche (mountains, Europe) caravansary (building) caravanserai (building) Caravanserai (album by Santana) caravel (ship) Caravelle (aircraft) caraway (herb) Caraway, Thaddeus H. (United States senator) Caray, Harry (American sportscaster) Carayol, Michel (French physicist) Carazo Odio, Rodrigo (president of Costa Rica) carbaborane (chemical compound) Carballo (town, Spain) carbamate (chemical compound) carbamazepine (drug) carbamide (chemical compound) carbamoyl phosphate (chemical compound) carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (enzyme) carbamoylaspartate (chemical compound) carbanion (chemistry) carbanion reactivity carbaryl (chemical compound) carbene (chemistry) Carbet Mountains (mountains, Martinique) Carbet Peaks (mountains, Martinique) carbide (chemical compound) carbide lamp carbidopa (drug) carbimazole (drug) carbine (weapon) carbinol (chemical compound) Carbo, Gaius Papirius (Roman politician) Carbo, Gnaeus Papirius (Roman general) carbocation (chemistry) carbocyclic compound (chemical compound) carbohydrate (biochemistry) carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome (pathology) carbolic acid (chemistry) Carbolon (chemical compound) Carbon (county, Pennsylvania, United States) carbon (chemical element) carbon assimilation (biochemistry) carbon bisulfide (chemical compound) carbon black (chemistry) carbon budget (ecology) carbon capture and storage carbon cycle (ecology) carbon cycle (nuclear fusion) carbon dioxide (chemical compound) carbon dioxide fixation (biochemistry) carbon dioxide laser (instrument) carbon dioxide stunning carbon disulfide (chemical compound) carbon fibre (technology) carbon fixation (biochemistry) carbon footprint carbon group element (chemical elements) carbon microphone (electroacoustic device) carbon monofluoride (chemical compound) carbon monoxide (chemical compound) carbon monoxide insertion (chemistry) carbon monoxide poisoning (medicine) carbon nucleophile (chemistry) carbon offset carbon oxide carbon sequestration (technology) carbon sink (biochemistry) carbon skeleton (chemistry) carbon steel (metallurgy) carbon suboxide (chemical compound) carbon tax carbon tetrachloride (chemical compound) carbon tissue (printing) carbon trading carbon transmitter (electronics) carbon-12 (isotope) carbon-13 (isotope) carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy carbon-14 (isotope) carbon-14 dating (scientific technology) carbon-arc lamp (lighting) carbon-button transmitter (electronics) carbon-carbon composite material carbon-carbon double chain (chemistry) carbon-chain polymer (chemistry) carbon-filament bulb carbon-metal bond (chemistry) carbon-nitrogen cycle (nuclear fusion) carbon-reduction process carbonaceous chondrite (meteorite) carbonado (mineral) Carbonari (Italian secret society member) Carbonária (Portuguese secret society) Carbonaro (Italian secret society member) carbonatation (chemical reaction) carbonate (chemical compound) carbonate mineral carbonate ooze (marine deposit) carbonate petrology (mineralogy) carbonate rock (geology) carbonate sand (rock) carbonate sedimentology (mineralogy) carbonate-apatite (mineral) carbonated beverage carbonation (beverage production) carbonatite (rock) Carbondale (Illinois, United States) Carbondale (Pennsylvania, United States) Carboneras Beach (Spain) Carbonia (Illinois, United States) carbonic acid (chemical compound) carbonic anhydrase (enzyme) Carboniferous Period (geochronology) carboniferous shale (rock) Carboniferous System (geochronology) carbonium ion (chemical ion) carbonization (chemical reaction) carbonyl chloride (chemical compound) carbonyl compound carbonyl group (chemistry) carbonyl nickel process (refining) carborane (chemical compound) Carborundum (chemical compound trademark) Carborundum Company, The (American company) carbothermic smelting (industrial process) Carbotte, Gabrielle (Canadian novelist) carboxamide (chemical compound) carboxyhemoglobin (chemical compound) carboxyl group (chemistry) carboxylate ion (chemical compound) carboxylation (chemical reaction) carboxylic acid (chemical compound) carboxylic acid chloride (chemical compound) carboxylic acid derivative (chemical compound) carboxylic ester (chemical compound) carboxypeptidase (enzyme) carboxyphenol (chemical compound) carbuncle (gemstone) carbuncle (skin infection) carburetor (mechanics) carburettor (mechanics) carburizing (metallurgy) Carbutt, John (American manufacturer) carbylamine (chemical compound) carcajou (mammal) Carcani, Adil (Albanian politician) Carcani, Filippo (Italian sculptor) carcass (ammunition) carcass (meat processing) Carcassonne (France) carcere, Il (work by Pavese) carcharhinid (shark) Carcharhinidae (shark) Carcharhinus (shark genus) Carcharhinus leucas (fish) Carcharhinus limbatus (fish) Carcharhinus longimanus (fish) Carcharias (fish) Carchariidae (shark family) Carcharinus maculipinnis Carcharinus melanopterus (shark) Carcharinus plumbeus Carcharodon carcharias (fish) Carcharodontosaurus saharicus (dinosaur) Carchemish (ancient city, Turkey) Carchemish, Battle of (Egypt-Babylonia) carcinogen (pathology) carcinogenesis (pathology) carcinoma (pathology) carcinoma in situ (pathology) Carcinoscorpinus rotundicauda (arthropod) card catalog (library science) card game card parliament (card game) Card Party, The (work by Léger) Card Players, The (painting by Cézanne) card, playing card sliver (yarn manufacturing) Cardamine pratensis (plant) cardamom (plant) Cardamom Hills (region, India) Cardamom Mountains (mountains, Cambodia) cardamon (plant) Cardan, Jerome (Italian physician and mathematician) Cardano, Gerolamo (Italian physician and mathematician) Cardano, Geronimo (Italian physician and mathematician) Cardano, Girolamo (Italian physician and mathematician) cardanolide (chemistry) Cardarelli, Vincenzo (Italian author) cardboard Cardboard Crown, The (work by Boyd) cardboard cut (printmaking) cardboard palm (plant) Cardell-Oliver, Dame Florence (Australian politician) Carden, John (British engineer) Cardenal Argüello, Salvador (Nicaraguan composer) Cardenal, Ernesto (Nicaraguan poet and priest)

Cárdenas (Cuba) Cárdenas, Bartolomé de (Spanish painter) Cárdenas del Río, Lázaro (president of Mexico) Cárdenas, Lázaro (president of Mexico) Cárdenas Solórzano, Cuauhtémoc (Mexican politician) Cardenio (play attributed to Fletcher and Shakespeare) Cardenio und Celinde (work by Gryphius) cardenolide (chemistry) Cardew, Michael (English potter) cardia (anatomy) cardiac arrhythmia (pathology) cardiac catheterization (medical procedure) cardiac cycle (physiology) cardiac disease (pathology) cardiac gastric gland (anatomy) cardiac glycoside (pharmacology) cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (medicine) cardiac MRI (medicine) cardiac murmur (pathology) cardiac muscle (anatomy) cardiac output (physiology) cardiac tamponade (pathology) cardiac vein (anatomy) Cardiff (Wales, United Kingdom) Cardiff Castle (castle, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom) Cardiff Giant (hoax, United States) Cardiff, Jack (British cinematographer) Cardigan (Wales, United Kingdom) Cardigan Bay (inlet, Irish Sea) Cardigan, James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of, Baron Brudenell of Stonton (British general) Cardigan Welsh corgi (breed of dog) Cardiidae (mollusk) Cardijn, Joseph (Belgian cardinal) Cardillac (work by Hindemith) Cardin, Pierre (French designer) cardinal (Roman Catholicism) cardinal (bird) Cardinal, André (French composer) cardinal bishop (Roman Catholic clergy) cardinal camerlengo (Roman Catholicism) cardinal deacon (Roman Catholic clergy) cardinal des bouteilles, le (French cardinal) Cardinal Don Fernando Niño de Guevara (painting by El Greco) cardinal fish (fish) cardinal flower (plant) Cardinal, Marie (French author) cardinal number cardinal priest (Roman Catholic clergy) cardinal sin (religion) Cardinal system (navigation) cardinal temperature (agriculture) cardinal tetra (fish) cardinal vein (anatomy) cardinal vowel (phonetics) Cardinalis cardinalis (bird) Cardinalis sinuatus (bird) cardinality Cardinals (American baseball team) Cardinal’s College (college, Oxford, England, United Kingdom) Cardinals, Sacred College of (Roman Catholic Church) carding (yarn production) carding machine (textile manufacturing) Cardioceras (fossil cephalopod genus) cardiogenic shock (pathology) cardioid microphone (electroacoustic device) cardiologist cardiology (medicine) cardiomyopathy (pathology) cardiopulmonary bypass (medicine) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (medicine) cardiospasm (pathology) Cardiospermum halicacabum (plant) cardiotonic steroid (chemistry) cardiovascular disease cardiovascular drug cardiovascular system (anatomy) cardiovascular system disease cardioversion (medicine) Cardis, Treaty of (Sweden-Russia [1661]) Cardisoma guanhumi (crustacean) Cardlis (Italy) cardoon (plant) Cardoso, Fernando Henrique (president of Brazil) Cardoso, Lúcio (Brazilian novelist) Cardoso, Ruth (Brazilian anthropologist and educator) Cardoso, Ruth Vilaça Corrêa Leite (Brazilian anthropologist and educator) Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan (United States jurist) Cards of Identity (work by Dennis) Cardston (Alberta, Canada) Carducci, Bartolommeo (Italian architect and sculptor) Carducci, Giosuè (Italian poet) Carducci, Vincenzo (Italian painter) Carducho, Bartolomé (Italian architect and sculptor) Carducho, Vicente (Italian painter) Carduelidae (bird family) Carduelinae (bird family) Carduelis cannabina (Carduelis cannabina) Carduelis carduelis (bird) Carduelis chloris (bird) Carduelis pinus (bird) Carduelis psaltria (bird) Carduelis sinica (bird) Carduelis spinus (bird) Carduelis tristis (bird) Carduus (plant) Cardwell of Ellerbeck, Edward Cardwell, Viscount (British statesman) Cardžou (oblast, Turkmenistan) Cardžou (Turkmenistan) CARE (charitable organization) care (society) care giving (society) care proceeding (law) care-giving (society) careen (shipping) career criminal (criminology) career education Career Girls (film by Leigh [1997]) Career of Philosophy in Modern Times (work by Randall) Carefree (film by Sandrich) Carefree Children (French theatre) caregiving (society) Carell, Steve (American comedian and actor) Carell, Steven John (American comedian and actor) Carême, Marie-Antoine (French chef) Careproctus (fish genus) Caretaker, The (play by Pinter) Caretta caretta (turtle) Carettochelys insculpta Carew of Clopton, Baron (English administrator) Carew, Richard (English scholar) Carew, Rod (American athlete) Carew, Rodney Cline (American athlete) Carew, Sir George (English administrator) Carew, Thomas (English poet) Carex (plant genus) Carey Harry (American actor) Carey, Henry (British writer and musician) Carey, Henry C. (American economist) Carey, Henry Charles (American economist) Carey, Lucius, 2nd Viscount of Falkland (English noble) Carey, Mariah (American singer) Carey, Peter (Australian author) Carey, Peter Philip (Australian author) Carey, Philip (fictional character) Carey, Ron (American labour leader) Carey, Ronald Robert (American labour leader) Carey, S. Warren (Australian geologist) Carey, William (British missionary) Careysburg (Liberia) cargo (North Mexican Indian office) cargo cargo cult (religion) cargo insurance cargo ship cargolada (food) Carham, Battle of (Scottish history) Carhenge (sculpture, Nebraska, United States) Caria (ancient district, Anatolia) Cariama cristata (bird) Cariamae (bird suborder) Cariamidae (bird) Carian (people) Carian language Carías Andino, Tiburcio (president of Honduras) Carib (people) Carib language Cariban languages Caribbean Caribbean Basin Initiative (international trade agreement) Caribbean coastal lowlands (plain, Colombia) Caribbean Community (international organization) Caribbean Community and Commons Market (international organization) Caribbean Community and the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (international organization) Caribbean Court of Justice (international court) Caribbean culture Caribbean Current (current, Atlantic Ocean) Caribbean flamingo (bird) Caribbean Free Trade Association (international organization) Caribbean Islands Caribbean literature Caribbean manatee (mammal) Caribbean monk seal (mammal) Caribbean National Forest (forest, Puerto Rico) Caribbean pine (tree) Caribbean Plate (geology) Caribbean Reef (exhibit, Chicago, Illinois, United States) Caribbean Sea (sea, Atlantic Ocean) Caribbean, Sea of the New World (work by Arciniegas) Caribbean States, Association of (trading bloc) Caribbean stud poker (card game) Caribbean unity (spotlight) (Caribbean Community and Common Market) caribe (fish) Cariboo Mountains (mountain range, Canada) Cariboo Road (historical trail, Canada) Caribou (Maine, United States) caribou (mammal) Carica papaya (fruit) Caricaceae (plant family) Caricoideae (plant subfamily) CARICOM (international organization) Caricom Single Market (international organization) Caridad, Hospital de la (building, Seville, Spain) Caridad, Virgen de la (protectress of Cuba) caries Carifta (international organization) Carignano Palace (palace, Turin, Italy) Carignano, Palazzo (palace, Turin, Italy) Carillo, Alfonso (Spanish archbishop) carillon (musical instrument) Carina (constellation) Carinata (bird subclass) Carinhall (estate, Germany) Carinthia (state, Austria) Carinus (Roman emperor) Carioca, Tahia (Egyptian actor and dancer) Caris River (river, South America) Carisbrooke (Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom) Carisbrooke Castle (castle, Carisbrooke, England, United Kingdom) carisiri (plant)

cariso (music) Carissimi, Giacomo (Italian composer) Caristiidae (fish) Caritas (international organization) Caritas Catholica (international organization) Caritas Internationalis (international organization) Cariya Pitaka (Buddhist text) Carjat, Étienne (French caricaturist and photographer) Carl and Anna (work by Frank) Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (German physiologist) Carl Gustaf Folke Hubertus (king of Sweden) Carl Hagenbeck Tierpark (zoo, Hamburg, Germany) Carl Hagenbeck Zoo (zoo, Hamburg, Germany) Carl Johan (king of Sweden and Norway) Carl Ludvig Eugen (king of Sweden and Norway) Carl Sagan Memorial Station (United States spacecraft) Carl XIII (king of Sweden) Carl XV (king of Sweden and Norway) Carl XVI Gustaf (king of Sweden) Carle, Antonio (Italian scientist) Carle, Guillaume (French leader) Carleson, Lennart (Swedish mathematician) Carleton College (college, Northfield, Minnesota, United States) Carleton, Dudley (English ambassador) Carleton, Guy (British statesman) Carleton Miscellany, The (American magazine) Carleton, Mount (mountain, New Brunswick, Canada) Carleton Point (Prince Edward Island, Canada) Carleton University (university, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) Carleton, William (Irish author) Carletonville (South Africa) Carlile, Richard (English journalist) Carlin, George (American comedian) Carlin, George Denis Patrick (American comedian) Carling, Will (British athlete) Carlingford Lough (inlet, Irish Sea) Carlini, Armando (Italian philosopher) Carlino (Italian painter) Carlinville (Illinois, United States) Carlisle (district, England, United Kingdom) Carlisle (England, United Kingdom) Carlisle (Pennsylvania, United States) Carlisle, Anthony (English scientist) Carlisle Cathedral (cathedral, Carlisle, England, United Kingdom) Carlisle, Charles Howard, 3rd earl of (British chief minister) Carlisle Commission Carlisle Hart, Kitty (American actress) Carlisle Indian Industrial School (school, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, United States) Carlisle, John G. (American politician) Carlisle, John Griffin (American politician) Carlisle, Kitty (American actress) Carlisle, Lucy Hay, countess of (English conspirator) Carlism (Spanish political movement) Carlismo (Spanish political movement) Carlist wars (Spanish history) Carlit Peak (mountain, Spain) Carlo Alberto (king of Sardinia-Piedmont) Carlo, conte di Firmian of Trent (Habsburg official) Carlo d’Angiò (king of Naples and Sicily) Carlo d’Angiò (king of Naples) Carlo di Durazzo (king of Naples) Carlo Emanuele il Grande (duke of Savoy) Carlo lo Zoppo (king of Naples) Carloforte (Italy) Carloman (king of Bavaria) Carloman (king of France [died 884]) Carloman (king of the Franks [715-754]) Carloman (king of the Franks [751-771]) Carloman (king of Italy) Carlos (king of Portugal) Carlos Braga, Roberto (Brazilian singer) Carlos de Austria (Spanish prince) Carlos, Don (Spanish prince) Carlos, Don (Spanish noble) Carlos, Don (Spanish noble) Carlos, Don (Spanish prince) Carlos el Calvo (king of France) Carlos el Hechizado (king of Spain) Carlos el Hermoso (king of France) Carlos el Malo (king of Navarre) Carlos, Erasmo (Brazilian songwriter and producer) Carlos, John (American athlete) Carlos Luis de Borbón, conde de Montemolín (Spanish noble) Carlos María de los Dolores de Borbón y Austria-Este, duque de Madrid (Spanish noble) Carlos María Isidro de Borbón, conde de Molina (Spanish prince) Carlos of Naples, Don (king of Spain) Carlos, Roberto (Brazilian singer) Carlos Slim Foundation (organization) Carlos, Walter (American musician) Carlos, Wendy (American musician) Carlota (archduchess of Austria) Carlota Joaquina (queen of Portugal) Carlow (county, Ireland) Carlow (Ireland) Carlowitz (Serbia) Carlowitz, Treaty of (Europe [1699]) Carlsbad (California, United States) Carlsbad (New Mexico, United States) Carlsbad (Czech Republic) Carlsbad Caverns National Park (national park, New Mexico, United States) Carlsbad Decrees (German history) Carlsbad twin (crystallography) Carlsberg Ridge (submarine ridge, Arabian Sea) Carlson, Chester F. (American physicist and inventor) Carlson, Evans (United States military officer) Carlson, Evans Fordyce (United States military officer) Carlson, Tucker (American commentator) Carlson’s Raiders (United States military) Carlsson, Arvid (Swedish pharmacologist) Carlsson, Ingvar Gösta (prime minister of Sweden) Carlstadt, Andreas Rudolf Bodenstein von (German bishop) Carlsten (Sweden) Carlton & Smith (American advertising company) Carlton Communications (British company) Carlton, Steve (American athlete) Carlton, Steven Norman (American athlete) Carlucci, Frank (American government official) Carluccio delle Madonne (Italian painter) Carludovica palmata (botany) Carlyle, Thomas (British essayist and historian) CARMA (telescope array, Big Pine, California, United States) Carmack, John (American computer programmer) Carmagnola, Il (Italian soldier) carmagnole (French dance and clothing) Carman, Bliss (Canadian poet) Carman, George Alfred (British barrister) Carman, William Bliss (Canadian poet) Carmania (historical region, Asia) Carmania (American ship) Carmarthen (Wales, United Kingdom) Carmarthen, Thomas Osborne, Marquess of (English statesman) Carmarthenshire (county, Wales, United Kingdom) Carmat (French company) Carme (astronomy) Carmel (California, United States) Carmel Canyon (canyon, Pacific Ocean) Carmel Church (church, Lisbon, Portugal) Carmel, Mount (mountain ridge, Israel) Carmel Sea (ancient sea, North America) Carmel-by-the-Sea (California, United States) Carmelites (religious order) Carmen (ballet by Petit) Carmen (film by Saura) Carmen (opera by Bizet) Carmen (work by Mérimée) Carmen apolegeticum (work by Commodianus) Carmen de se ipso (work by Gregory of Nazianzus) Carmen, Doña (Spanish consort) carmen figuratum (poetic form) Carmen Jones (musical comedy by Rose) “Carmen saeculare” (work by Horace) Carmet, Jean-Gabriel-Edmond (French actor) Carmichael, Hoagland Howard (American composer, musician, and actor) Carmichael, Hoagy (American composer, musician, and actor) Carmichael, Ian Gillett (British actor) Carmichael, Leonard (American psychologist) Carmichael, Stokely (West Indian-American activist) Carmiel (Israel) Carmina Burana (medieval manuscript) Carmina Burana (work by Orff) carmina Fescennina Carmina Nisibena (work by Ephraem Syrus) carmine (pigment) Carmo (Spain) Carmo Church (church, Lisbon, Portugal) Carmo Miranda da Cunha, Maria do (Brazilian singer and actress) Carmona (Spain) Carmona (Angola) Carmona, António Oscar de Fragoso (Portuguese statesman) Carnac (France) Carnal Knowledge (film by Nichols) carnallite (mineral) Carnap, Rudolf (German-American philosopher) Carnarvon (Wales, United Kingdom) Carnarvon (former county, Wales, United Kingdom) Carnarvon Castle (castle, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Wales, United Kingdom) Carnarvon, George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert, 5th earl of (British Egyptologist) Carnarvon Gorge (Queensland, Australia) Carnarvon, Henry George Reginald Molyneux Herbert, 7th earl of (British racehorse manager) Carnarvon, Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th earl of (British statesman) Carnarvon, James Brydges, Earl of (British noble) Carnarvon, James Brydges, Marquess of (British noble) Carnarvon National Park (national park, Queensland, Australia) Carnarvon Range (plateau, Queensland, Australia) Carnarvon Terms (British history) Carnarvonshire (former county, Wales, United Kingdom) carnassial (biology) carnassial tooth (biology) Carnatic (linguistic region, India) Carnatic music (Indian music) Carnatic Wars (Euro-Indian wars) carnation (plant) carnation family (plant family)

Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose (painting by Sargent) carnation order (plant order) Carnations, Revolution of the (Portuguese history) carnauba palm (plant) carnauba tree (plant) carnauba wax carnauba wax palm (plant) “Carnaval des Animaux” (work by Saint-Saëns) “Carne” (work by Piñera) Carné, Marcel (French director) “Carne trémula” (film by Almodóvar) Carneades (Greek philosopher) Carnegey, Dale (American author and lecturer) Carnegie, Andrew (American industrialist) Carnegie Brothers and Company (American corporation) Carnegie Corporation (American organization) Carnegie, Dale (American author and lecturer) Carnegie Hall (concert hall, New York City, New York, United States) Carnegie Institute of Technology (university, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States) Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (library, PIttsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States) Carnegie Mellon University (university, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States) Carnegie Museum of Natural History (museum) Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh (organization, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States) Carnegie Steel Company (American company) Carnegie Technical Schools (university, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States) Carnegiea gigantea (plant) carnegieite (mineral) Carnegiella strigata (fish) Carneia (ancient Greek festival) Carneiro, Enéas Ferreira (Brazilian cardiologist and politician) carnelian (mineral) Carnelivari, Matteo (Italian architect) Carner, JoAnne (American golfer) Carnera, Primo (Italian athlete) Carnero, Guillermo (Spanish poet) Carnesecchi, Pietro (Florentine heretic) Carnesecchi Tabernacle (work by Domenico) Carney, Art (American actor) Carney, Arthur William Matthew (American actor) Carney, Harry Howell (American musician) Carney, Robert Bostwick (United States admiral) Carnian Stage (geology) Carnic Alps (mountains, Europe) Carnilivari, Matteo (Italian architect) Carniola (region, Slovenia) carnitine (enzyme) carnitine acyl transferase (enzyme) carnitine acyltransferase (enzyme) carnitine deficiency (medical disorder) carnitine transport (pathology) Carnival (pre-Lent festival) carnival (theatrical entertainment) Carnival (festival, Anguilla) carnival bush (plant) Carnival Evening (painting by Rousseau) Carnival of Animals, The (work by Saint-Saëns) Carnival Ride (album by Underwood) carnival song (Italian music) Carnivale (American television program) Carnivora (mammal order) carnivore (consumer) carnivore (mammal order) carnivorous plant (biology) carnosaur (dinosaur group) Carnosauria (dinosaur group) Carnot cycle (physics) Carnot efficiency (physics) Carnot, Lazare (French military engineer) Carnot, Lazare-Nicolas-Marguerite (French military engineer) Carnot, Marie-François-Sadi (president of France) Carnot, Nicolas-Léonard-Sadi (French engineer and physicist) Carnot, Sadi (French engineer and physicist) Carnot, Sadi (president of France) Carnotaurus (dinosaur) Carnotensis, Terricus (French theologian) carnotite (mineral) Carnovsky, Morris (American actor) Carnuntum (ancient site, Austria) Caro, Annibale (Italian writer) Caro Baroja, Julio (Spanish anthropologist) Caro, Joseph ben Ephraim (Jewish scholar) Caro, Sir Anthony (English sculptor) Caro, Sir Anthony Alfred (English sculptor) caroa (plant fibre) carob (plant) Carobert of Anjou (king of Hungary) carol (music) Carol Burnett Show, The (American television program) Carol I (king of Romania) Carol II (king of Romania) Carol Lake (region, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada) Carol, Martine (French actress) Carolan, Terence (Irish composer) carole (European dance) Carolean style (art) Carolina (Puerto Rico) Carolina allspice (plant) Carolina chickadee (bird) Carolina Gamecock, the (United States general and politician) Carolina grasshopper (insect) Carolina linden (plant) Carolina mallow (plant) Carolina Panthers (American football team) Carolina parakeet (extinct bird) Carolina Playmakers (American theatrical group) Carolina rail (bird) Carolina wren (bird) Caroline (county, Maryland, United States) Caroline Almanac, The (work by Mackenzie) Caroline Amelia Elizabeth (queen of United Kingdom) Caroline Atoll (atoll, Kiribati) Caroline County (Virginia, United States) Caroline, Fort (French fort, Florida, United States) Caroline Islands (archipelago, Pacific Ocean) Caroline Matilda (queen of Denmark) Caroline minuscule (writing) Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach (queen of Great Britain) Caroline of Brunswick-Lüneburg (queen of United Kingdom) Caroline reforms (Latin American history) Carolingian absolutism (Swedish history) Carolingian art Carolingian chancery (historical government office) Carolingian dynasty (European dynasty) Carolingian minuscule (writing) Carolingian Renaissance (European history) Carolus Magnus (Holy Roman emperor) Carolus Martellus (Frankish ruler) Carolus Stuardus (work by Gryphius) carom billiards (game) Caron, Antoine (French painter) Caron de Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin (French author) Carondelet, Francisco Luis Hector, baron de (Spanish governor) Carondelet, Hector, baron de (Spanish governor) Caroní, Río (river, Venezuela) Caroni River (river, Trinidad and Tobago) Caroní River (river, Venezuela) Caroni Swamp (swamp, Trinidad and Tobago) Caronia (American ship) Carora (Venezuela) Carossa, Hans (German writer) carotene (chemical compound) carotenemia (pathology) carotenodermia (pathology) carotenoid (pigment) Carothers, Wallace Hume (American chemist) carotid arch (anatomy) carotid artery (anatomy) carotid body (neurology) carotid gland (neurology) carotid sinus reflex (medical disorder) carotid sinus syncope (medical disorder) Caroto, Giovan Francesco (Italian painter) Carousel (music by Rodgers and Hammerstein) carousel (equestrian display) Carousing Peasants in an Interior (painting by Ostade) Carow, Edith Kermit (American first lady) carp (fish group) carp (fish species) carp family (fish family) carp lice (crustacean) carp louse (crustacean) Carpaccio, Vittore (Italian painter) carpal bone (anatomy) carpal tunnel (anatomy) carpal tunnel syndrome (physiology) Carpathia (ship) Carpathian harebell (plant) Carpathian Mountains (mountains, Europe) Carpatho-Rusyn Catholic Church Carpatho-Ukraine (historical region, Eastern Europe) Carpatii Meridionali (mountains, Romania) Carpatii Occidentali (mountains, Europe) Carpatii Orientali (mountains, Europe) carpe diem (philosophy) Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste (French sculptor) Carpeaux, Jules (French sculptor) carpel (plant structure) Carpentaria Basin (submarine basin, Australia) Carpentaria, Gulf of (gulf, Australia) Carpentaria Land (peninsula, Queensland, Australia) carpenter (construction) carpenter ant (insect) carpenter bee (insect) Carpenter, Edward (British author) Carpenter Gothic (architectural style) Carpenter, Humphrey William Bouverie (British writer, editor, and radio broadcaster) Carpenter, John (American athlete) Carpenter, John Alden (American composer) Carpenter, Liz (American journalist) Carpenter, M. Scott (American astronaut) Carpenter, Malcolm Scott (American astronaut) Carpenter, Mary (British philanthropist) carpenter moth (insect) Carpenter, Patricia (psychologist) Carpenter, Pieter (Dutch explorer) Carpenter, Thelma (American actress) Carpentered Hen and Other Tame Creatures, The (work by Updike) carpenter’s brace (device) Carpenters Ridge (ridge, Indian Ocean) carpenter’s square (plant) carpenterworm moth (insect) Carpentier, Alejo (Cuban author) Carpentier, Georges (French boxer) Carpentier, Harlean (American actress) Carpentier, Horace W. (American businessman) Carpentier y Valmont, Alejo (Cuban author)

Carpentras (France) carpentry (construction) carpet carpet beetle (insect) carpet bugleweed (plant) carpet grass (plant) carpet moss (plant) carpet moth (insect group) carpet moth (Trichophaga tapetzella) carpet page (book ornamentation) carpet shark (fish) carpet sweeper (device) carpet wool (animal product) carpetbagger (United States history) Carphophis amoena (reptile) Carpi (Italy) Carpi, Ugo da (Italian painter and printmaker) carpincho (rodent) Carpini, Giovanni da Pian del (Franciscan author) Carpinteria (California, United States) Carpinus (plant) Carpinus betulus (plant) Carpinus caroliniana (plant) Carpinus cordata (plant) Carpinus eximia (plant) Carpinus japonica (plant) Carpocapsa pomonella Carpocratians (Gnostic sect) Carpodacus (bird) Carpodacus mexicanus (bird) Carpodacus purpureus (bird) Carpodectes nitidus (bird) carpogonium (biology) carpoid (fossil subphylum) carpometacarpal joint (anatomy) carpometacarpus (anatomy) Carpomys (rodent) carpooling carpospore (biology) carposporophyte (biology) carpus (anatomy) Carr, Allan (American producer) Carr, E. H. (British political scientist) Carr, Edward Hallett (British political scientist) Carr, Emily (Canadian painter and author) Carr, Gerald (American astronaut) Carr, Gerald Paul (American astronaut) Carr, Ian (Scottish musician and author) Carr, James (American singer) Carr, Joe (American businessman) Carr, John Dickson (American author) Carr, Jolyon (British author) Carr, Leroy (American musician) Carr, Lucien (American editor) Carr, Sir Robert (English noble) Carr Woods, Robert (newspaper publisher) Carr-Saunders, Sir Alexander Morris (British educator) Carrà, Carlo (Italian painter) Carracci, Agostino (Italian painter) Carracci, Annibale (Italian painter) Carracci family (Italian painters) Carracci, Lodovico (Italian painter) carrack (ship) carrack porcelain Carradine, David (American actor) Carradine, John (American actor) Carradine, Keith (American actor) Carradine, Richmond Reed (American actor) carrageen (algae) carrageen extract (biology) carrageenan (biology) Carraig Dubh (Ireland) Carraig Fhearghais (district, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) Carraig Fhearghais (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) Carraig na Siúire (Ireland) Carrantoohill (mountain, Ireland) Carrantuohill (mountain, Ireland) Carranza, Bartolomé de (Spanish theologian) Carranza, Venustiano (president of Mexico) Carrara, Francesco, il Vecchio (Italian noble) Carrara, Jacopo di (ruler of Padua) Carraresi family (Italian rulers) Carrasquel, Chico (Venezuelan baseball player) Carrasquel Colón, Alfonso (Venezuelan baseball player) Carrasquilla, Tomás (Colombian author) Carrauntoohill (mountain, Ireland) Carraway, Nick (fictional character) Carré, Ferdinand (French inventor) carrel (furniture) Carrel, Alexis (French surgeon, sociologist, and biologist) Carrel-Dakin fluid (antiseptic) Carrel-Dakin method (antiseptic) Carrell, Rudi (German entertainer) Carreño de Miranda, Juan (Spanish painter) Carreño, Maria Teresa (Venezuelan pianist) Carreño, Teresa (Venezuelan pianist) Carrera, José Miguel (Chilean leader) Carrera, Rafael (ruler of Guatemala) Carreras i Coll, Josep Maria (Spanish opera singer) Carrero Blanco, Luis (Spanish admiral) “Carreta, La” (work by Marqués) Carreta, The (work by Traven) Carrey, James Eugene (Canadian comedian and actor) Carrey, Jim (Canadian comedian and actor) Carrhae (ancient city, Turkey) Carrhae, Battle of (53 BC, Rome-Parthia) Carriacou (island, Grenada, West Indies) carriage (vehicle) carriage (weaponry) Carriage at the Races (painting by Degas) carriage of goods (law) carriage, steam (vehicle) carriage-and-frame method (theatre) Carrick (district, England, United Kingdom) Carrick-on-Suir (Ireland) Carrickfergus (district, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) Carrickfergus (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) Carrickmacross lace (Irish lace work) Carrie (film by De Palma [1976]) Carrie (novel by King) Carrier (people) carrier (cell physiology) carrier (business law) carrier (of disease) carrier (ship) carrier bed (geology) carrier fluid (physics) carrier gas (chemistry) Carrier, Jean (French cardinal) Carrier, Jean-Baptiste (French revolutionary) carrier multiplexing (communications) Carrier of Ladders, The (poetry by Merwin) carrier particle (physics) carrier pigeon (bird) Carrier, Robert (British restaurateur, writer, and television personality) Carrier, Roch (Canadian author) Carrier Seminary (school, Pennsylvania, United States) carrier sense multiple access (communications) carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (communications) carrier testing (genetics) carrier wave (electronics) Carrier, Willis Haviland (American inventor) Carrier-Belleuse, Albert (French sculptor) Carriera, Rosalba (Italian painter) Carriera, Rosalba Giovanna (Italian painter) Carrière, Eugène (French painter) Carriers Act (United Kingdom [1830]) carrier’s lien (law) Carrillo, Julián (Mexican composer) Carrillo, Santiago (Spanish political leader) Carrillo y Sotomayor, Luis (Spanish poet) Carrington of Upton, Peter Alexander Rupert Carrington, 6th Baron, Baron Carrington of Bulcot Lodge (British statesman) Carrington of Upton, Peter Carrington, 6th Baron, Baron Carrington of Bulcot Lodge (British statesman) Carrington, Richard Christopher (British astronomer) Carrington storm Carrió de la Vandera, Alonso (Spanish colonial official) Carrió de Lavandera, Alonso (Spanish colonial official) carrion beetle (insect) Carrion Comfort (poem by Hopkins) carrion crow (Corvus corone corone) carrion crow (Coragyps atratus) carrion flower (milkweed group) carrion flower (Smilax herbacea) carrion hawk (bird) Carrión’s disease (pathology) Carrizo Mountains (mountains, North America) carro (theatre) carroballistae (catapult) Carroll (county, Maryland, United States) Carroll (county, New Hampshire, United States) Carroll, Anna Ella (American political pamphleteer) Carroll, Charles (United States statesman) Carroll, Daniel Patrick (Irish-born British actor and female impersonator) Carroll, Earl (American showman) Carroll, James (American physician) Carroll, James Dennis (American poet and musician) Carroll, Jim (American poet and musician) Carroll, John (American bishop) Carroll, John B. (American psychologist) Carroll, Vinnette (American director and actress) Carroll, Vinnette Justine (American director and actress) Carrollton (Georgia, United States) carros (theatre) carrot (plant) carrot rust fly (insect) carrot-yellows virus (pathology) carrousel (equestrian display) Carrousel, Arc de Triomphe du (arch, Paris, France) Carrpos (plant genus) Carrucci, Jacopo (Florentine artist) carrulim (beverage) Carruth, Hayden (American poet and literary critic) carrying capacity (biology) CARS (physics) ?arsaf (garment) Carson, Anne (Canadian author) Carson, Christopher Houston (American frontiersman) Carson City (Nevada, United States) Carson, David (American graphic designer) Carson, Edward Henry Carson, Baron (Anglo-Irish politician) Carson, Fort (fort, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States) Carson, John William (American entertainer) Carson, Johnny (American entertainer) Carson, Kit (American frontiersman) Carson of Duncairn, Edward Henry Carson, Baron (Anglo-Irish politician) Carson Pirie Scott & Co. store (Chicago, Illinois, United States) Carson, Rachel (American biologist) Carson, Rachel Louise (American biologist)

Carson River (river, United States) Carson, Robert (American screenwriter) Carstairs, William (Scottish minister) Carstares, William (Scottish minister) Carstens, Asmus Jacob (German painter) Carstens, Erasmus Jakob (German painter) Carstens, Karl (president of West Germany) Carstensz, Gunung (mountain peak, Indonesia) Carstone, Richard (fictional character) Carswell, John (Scottish bishop) cart (vehicle) CART (American racing organization) Carta a los españoles americanos (work by Viscardo y Guzmán) “Carta de Jamaica, La” (work by Bolívar) Carta marina (map by Magnus) Carta Pisana (ancient sea chart) Cartan, Élie-Joseph (French mathematician) Cartan, Henri (French mathematician) Cartan, Henri-Paul (French mathematician) Cartaphilus (legendary figure) “Cartas de relación” (letters by Cortés) Cartas eruditas y curiosas (work by Feijóo y Montenegro) Cartas marruecas (work by Cadalso y Vázquez) “Carte de Cassini” (work by Cassini) Carte du ciel (star catalogue) Carte géométrique de la France (work by Cassini) Carte, Richard D’Oyly (English impresario) carte-de-visite (photography) Cartegena Convention (international agreement) Carteggio di Pietro e Alessandro Verri (work by Verri) cartel (economics) Carter, Alvin Pleasant (American singer) Carter, Angela (British author) Carter, Barry Eugene (American singer) Carter, Bennett Lester (American musician) Carter, Benny (American musician) Carter, Betty (American singer) Carter, Brandon (Australian-born English physicist) Carter Center (human rights organization in Atlanta, Georgia, United States) Carter, Chris (American writer and producer) Carter, Dixie Virginia (American actress) Carter Doctrine (United States history) Carter, Don (American bowler) Carter, Donald James (American bowler) Carter, Dwayne Michael, Jr. (American rapper) Carter, Elizabeth (British author) Carter, Elliott (American composer) Carter family (American singers) Carter, Helen (American musician) Carter, Henry (British-American illustrator and journalist) Carter, Howard (British archaeologist) Carter, James Earl, Jr. (president of United States) Carter, Janette (American musician) Carter, Jimmy (president of United States) Carter, Joe (American baseball player) Carter, John Charles (American actor) Carter, John E. (American singer) Carter, John W. (British author) Carter, Johnny (American singer) Carter, June (American singer and actress) Carter, Kevin (South African photojournalist) Carter, Lorene (American singer) Carter, Lorraine (American singer) Carter, Maybelle (American musician) Carter, Montana Slim (Canadian singer) Carter, Mrs. Leslie (American actress) Carter, Nell (American singer and actress) Carter Presidential Center (institution, Atlanta, Georgia, United States) Carter, Ron (American musician) Carter, Rosalynn (American first lady) Carter, Rubin (American boxer) Carter, Sara (American singer) Carter Seminary (school, Oklahoma, United States) Carter, Shawn Corey (American rapper and entrepreneur) Carter Sisters and Mother Maybelle (American singing group) Carter, W. Horace (American journalist) Carter, Walter Horace (American journalist) Carter, Wif (Canadian singer) Carter, Wilfred Arthur Charles (Canadian singer) Carter, William Morris (British colonial administrator) Carteret, John, 1st Earl of Granville (British statesman) Carteret, Philip (British navigator) Carteret, Sir George, Baronet (British politician) Cartesian circle (philosophy) Cartesian coordinates (geometry) Cartesian product (mathematics) Cartesianism (philosophy) Carthage (ancient city, Tunisia) Carthage (Illinois, United States) Carthage (Missouri, United States) Carthage, councils of (religious history) Carthage, Exarchate of (historical province, Africa) Carthaginian (people) Carthaginian War, First Carthaginian War, Second Carthaginian War, Third Carthago (ancient city, Tunisia) Carthago Nova (Spain) carthamin (dye) Carthamus tinctoris (plant) Carthamus tinctorius (plant) Carthusians (religious order) Carthusians, Order of (religious order) Cartier, Alfred (French jeweler) Cartier, Jacques (French explorer) Cartier, Sir George-Étienne, Baronet (prime minister of Canada) Cartier-Bresson, Henri (French photographer) cartilage (anatomy) cartilaginous bone cartilaginous fish (fish class) cartilaginous joint (anatomy) Cartimandua (queen of Brigantes) Cartland, Dame Barbara (British author) Cartland, Mary Barbara Hamilton (British author) cartographic intelligence cartographic projection (cartography) Cartographic Services (American company) cartography (geography) cartomancy (occult practice) carton (termite nesting material) Carton de Wiart, Henri-Victor, Comte (Belgian statesman) Carton, Sydney (fictional character) cartoon (pictorial parody) cartoon (sketch) cartoon film (motion picture) Cartoon Network (American company) Cartoon Painters of Tapestry, Association of (artists association) cartouche (art) cartridge (ammunition) cartridge case (artillery) cartridge clip (small arms) Cartwright, Alexander Joy (American sportsman) Cartwright blood group system (biology) Cartwright, Edmund (British inventor) Cartwright, John (British politician) Cartwright, Nancy (American philosopher) Cartwright, Peter (American minister) Cartwright, Sir Richard John (Canadian statesman) Cartwright, Thomas (English Presbyterian leader) Cartwright, Veronica (American actress) Cartwright, William (British writer) Caruaru (Brazil) Carum carvi (herb) caruncle (biology) Carúpano (Venezuela) Carus (Roman emperor) Carus, Carl Gustav (German artist) Carus, Titus Lucretius (Latin poet and philosopher) Carusburc (France) Caruso, David (American actor) Caruso, Enrico (Italian opera singer) Caruso, Errico (Italian opera singer) Carvajal y Lancáster, José de (Spanish mineralogist) Carvajal y Mendoza, Luisa de (Spanish missionary) Carvaka (Indian philosophy) Carvalho, Apolônio Pinto de (Brazilian politician and activist) Carvalho, Bernardo (Brazilian author) Carvalho e Mello, Sebastião José de, marquês de Pombal (Portuguese ruler) Carvalho, Henrique de (Portuguese explorer) carved lacquer (art) carvel (literary genre) carvel construction (naval architecture) Carver chair (furniture) Carver, George Washington (American agricultural chemist) Carver, John (British colonial governor) Carver, Jonathan (American explorer) Carver, Raymond (American author) Carver, Raymond Clevie (American author) Carver, Richard Michael Power Carver, Baron (British military official) Carver, Robert (Scottish composer) carving Cary, Alice (American poet) Cary, Annie Louise (American singer) Cary, Arthur Joyce Lunel (British author) Cary, Elisabeth Luther (American critic) Cary, Henry Francis (British biographer) Cary, Joyce (British author) Cary, Phoebe (American poet) Cary sisters (American poets) Carya (plant) Carya illinoensis (plant and nut) Carya illinoinensis (plant and nut) Carya ovata (plant) carya-padas (Buddhist sacred texts) Carya-tantra (Buddhism) caryatid (architecture) Carye, Lord (English noble) Caryocar (plant genus) Caryocar nuciferum (plant) Caryocaraceae (plant family) Caryophyllaceae (plant family) Caryophyllales (plant order) Caryophyllidea (tapeworm order) caryopsis Caryopteris (plant genus) Caryopteris incana (plant) Caryota (plant genus) Caryota urens (tree species) cás (plant) CAS (astronomy) CAS (institution, San Francisco, California, United States) Cas de conscience (historical document)

Cas Gwent (Wales, United Kingdom) CASA (political party, Guatemala) CASA (Spanish company) Casa Batlló (building, Barcelona, Spain) Casa Branca (Morocco) Casa con dos puertas, mala es de guardar (play by Calderón) “Casa de Bernarda Alba, La” (work by García Lorca) “Casa de campo” (novel by Donoso) Casa de Contratación de las Indias (Spanish history) Casa de la Moneda (building, Potosí, Bolivia) Casa de las Conchas (building, Salamanca, Spain) Casa de las Indias (Spanish history) “casa de los espíritus, La” (novel by Allende) Casa dei Bambini (school) Casa del Fauno (building, Pompeii, Italy) Casa dos Vinte e Quatro (Portuguese guild system) Casa, Giovanni Della (Italian poet) Casa Grande (Arizona, United States) Casa Grande, La (castle, San Simeon, California, United States) Casa Grande Ruins National Monument (park, Arizona, United States) Casa Guidi Windows (work by Browning) “casa in collina, La” (work by Pavese) casa, La (work by Torres Bodet) Casa Loma Orchestra (American music group) Casa Lonja (building, Sevilla, Spain) Casa Mare (play by Druta) Casa Milá (building, Barcelona, Spain) Casa na duna (novel by Oliveira) Casa Rosada (palace, Buenos Aires, Argentina) “casa verde, La” (novel by Vargas Llosa) “Casa-grande e senzala” (work by Freyre) casaba melon (plant) Casablanca (Morocco) Casablanca (film by Curtiz [1942]) Casablanca Clouter, the (Algerian boxer) Casablanca Conference (United Kingdom-United States [1943]) Casablanca Records (Casablanca Records) Casablanca Records (American record company) Casadesus, Robert (French pianist) casahuate (plant) Casal, Julián del (Cuban poet) Casale, Bob (American musician) Casale, Jerry (American musician) Casale Monferrato (Italy) Casals, Pablo (Spanish musician) Casals, Pau (Spanish musician) Casamance (region, Senegal) Casamance River (river, West Africa) casamentum (land tenure) Casanare (department, Colombia) Casanova (film by Fellini) Casanova de Lutoslawski, Sofía Pérez (Spanish poet) Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo (Italian adventurer) Casarca ferruginea (bird) Casarea dussumieri (snake) Casarès, Maria-Victoria (French actress) Casaroli, Agostino Cardinal (Italian cardinal) Casas, Bartolomé de Las (Spanish historian and missionary) Casas Grandes (Mexico) Casati Law (Italy [1859]) Casaubon, Edward (fictional character) Casaubon, Isaac (French scholar) Casavant, Joseph (Canadian organ maker) cascabel (snake) cascade (waterfall) cascade amplification (electronics) cascade cycle, autorefrigerated cascade generator Cascade Range (mountains, United States) Cascade Tunnel (tunnel, Washington, United States) Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (national monument, Oregon, United States) Cascadia Subduction Zone (geological feature, North America) Cascajal stone (Olmec artifact) cascara amarga (plant) cascara sagrada (plant) Cascariolo, Vicenzo (Italian alchemist) Cascina (Italy) Casco (Maine, United States) Casconchiagon (river, United States) CASE (computer science) case (grammar) Case Foundation (American organization) case furniture case hardening (geology) case hardening (metallurgy) case history (diagnosis) Case Institute of Technology (university, Cleveland, Ohio, United States) Case Is Altered, The (work by Plomer) Case Is Closed, The (film by Sen) case law case method (legal education) Case of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits Personating Men (work by Mather) Case of Sergeant Grischa, The (work by Zweig) Case of the Episcopal Churches in the United States Considered, The (work by White) case poverty Case School of Applied Science (university, Cleveland, Ohio, United States) Case, Stephen McConnell (American businessman) Case, Steve (American businessman) case study (research) Case Western Reserve University (university, Cleveland, Ohio, United States) Case-Sponable (film technology) Casearia praecox (lumber) casebearer (larva) casebearer moth (insect) casebearing beetle (insect) Casebook on Tort, A (work by Weir) casein (protein) casein glue (glue) casein painting (art) Casella, Alfredo (Italian composer) casemaking clothes moth (insect) casemate wall casement door casement sash (architecture) Casement, Sir Roger (British politician) Casement, Sir Roger David (British politician) casement window (architecture) caseous lymphadenitis (disease) Caseros (Argentina) Caseros, Battle of (Argentina [1852]) Caserta (Italy) Cases, Emmanuel-Augustin-Dieu-donné-Joseph, Count de Las (French historian) casework (method) Casey, Albert Vincent (American businessman) Casey at the Bat (poem by Thayer) Casey, John (Irish dramatist) Casey Jones (ballad) Casey, Richard Gardiner (Australian politician) Casey, William J. (United States government official) Casey, William Joseph (United States government official) Casgrain, Abbé Henri-Raymond (French-Canadian author) cash budget (economics) cash crop (agriculture) cash flow (accounting) cash flow, statement of (accounting) cash forecast (economics) Cash, John R. (American musician) Cash, Johnny (American musician) Cash, June Carter (American singer and actress) cash limited program (finance) cash market (economics) cash register cash reserve (finance) Cash, Valerie June Carter (American singer and actress) Cash, W. J. (American author, editor, and journalist) Cash, Wilbur Joseph (American author, editor, and journalist) cash-and-carry wholesaler (business) Cash-For-Clunkers (United States program) cash-for-questions scandal (British history) Cashel (Ireland) cashew (plant) cashew apple (plant) cashew family (plant family) cashier’s check (banking) Cashin, Bonnie (American designer) cashmere (animal-hair fibre) cashmere goat (breed of goat) cashmere shawl (textile) cashmere wool (animal-hair fibre) cashoo (plant) Cashtana (Shaka ruler) Casilinum (Italy) Casimir I (duke of Poland) Casimir II (duke of Poland) Casimir III (king of Poland) Casimir IV (king of Poland) Casimir Jagiellonian (king of Poland) Casimir the Great (king of Poland) Casimir the Just (duke of Poland) Casimir the Monk (duke of Poland) Casimir the Restorer (duke of Poland) Casimir-Périer, Jean (president of France) Casimir-Périer, Jean-Paul-Pierre (president of France) Casina (play by Plautus) casing (excavation) casing (sausage) casing nail casino (card game) casino (gambling house) Casino of Pius IV (villa, Vatican City) Casino, Place du (gambling house, Monte-Carlo, Monaco) Casino Royale (film by Campbell) Casino Royale (work by Fleming) Casinum (Italy) Casinyets, the (American singing group) Casio CZ-101 (music synthesizer) Casiquiare (river, Venezuela) Cask, The (work by Crofts) Casket Letters (English history) Cáslavská, Vera (Czech gymnast) Casle (Germany) Caslon (typeface) Caslon, William (English printer) Casmerodius alba (bird) Casmilus (ancient deity) Casnewydd (Wales, United Kingdom) caso clinico, Un (work by Buzzati) caso Sabato, El (work by Sabato) Caso y Andrade, Alfonso (Mexican anthropologist) Caspar Hauser (work by Wassermann) Casparian strip (plant structure) Caspe, Compromise of (Spanish history) Casper (Wyoming, United States) Casper, Billy (American golfer) Caspersson, Torbjörn Oskar (Swedish cytologist and geneticist) Caspi, Joseph (Jewish philosopher) Caspian Depression (lowland, Asia) Caspian Gates (mountain pass, Iran) Caspian Sea (sea, Eurasia) Caspian shad (fish) Caspian tiger (mammal) Caspicara (artist) casque (armour) Cass, Lewis (American politician) Cass, Mary Margaret (American actress) Cass, Peggy (American actress) Cassa per il Mezzogiorno (Italian government program) cassabanana (plant, Sicana odorifera) cassabanana (plant) Cassagnac, Paul de (French journalist)

Cassai, Rio (river, Africa) Cassander (king of Macedonia) Cassander, George (German theologian) Cassandra (Greek mythology) cassandra (plant) Cassandre (French graphic artist) Cassar, Gerolamo (Maltese architect) cassation (music) Cassation, Cour de (French law) Cassation, Court of (French law) Cassatt, Mary (American painter) cassava (plant) Cassavetes, John (American actor and director) Casse, Pierre-Emmanuel-Albert, Baron Du (French historian) Cassegrain reflector (astronomical instrument) Cassegrain telescope (astronomical instrument) Cassegrainian telescope (astronomical instrument) Cassel (Germany) Cassel, Battle of (French history) Cassel gloss (Latin-German language) Cassel, Gustav (Swedish economist) Cassel, Jean-Pierre (French actor) Cassel, Karl Gustav (Swedish economist) Cassel porcelain Casselian Stage (geology) Cassell, John (British publisher) Cassella Farbewerke Mainkur Aktiengesellschaft (German company) cassette cassette deck (audio equipment) cassette recorder (audio equipment) Cassia (plant genus) cassia (spice) Cassia acutifolia (plant) Cassia alata (plant) Cassia auriculata (plant) Cassia hebecarpa (plant) Cassia marilandica (plant) Cassia occidentalis (plant) cassia, oil of (essential oil) Cassia sieberana (plant) Cassian law (Roman law) Cassian, Saint John (monk) Cassianus, Johannes (monk) Cassiar Mountains (mountains, Canada) Cassid (gastropod family) Cassidae (gastropod family) Cassidinae (insect) Cassidix major (bird) Cassidix mexicanus (bird) Cassidy, Butch (American outlaw) Cassidy, Frederic Gomes (American lexicographer) Cassidy, Hopalong (film character) Cassilly, Richard (American singer) Cassin, René (French jurist) Cassin, René-Samuel (French jurist) Cassin, Riccardo (Italian mountaineer) Cassinese Congregation (religion) Cassini (spacecraft) Cassini de Thury, César-François (French surveyor) Cassini Division (astronomy) Cassini, Dominique, comte de (French surveyor and astronomer) Cassini, Gian Domenico (French astronomer) Cassini, Igor (American columnist) Cassini III (French surveyor) Cassini IV (French surveyor and astronomer) Cassini, Jacques (French astronomer) Cassini, Jacques-Dominique, comte de (French surveyor and astronomer) Cassini, Jean-Dominique (French astronomer) Cassini, Oleg (American fashion designer) Cassini-Huygens (space mission) Cassinian curve (mathematics and physics) Cassinian ellipse (mathematics and physics) Cassinian oval (mathematics and physics) Cassini’s Division (astronomy) Cassini’s laws (astronomy) cassino (card game) Cassino (Italy) Cassin’s auklet (bird) Cassin’s weaver (bird) Cassio (fictional character) Cassio, Baron Severino (Italian politician) Cassiodorus (historian, statesman, and monk) Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius (historian, statesman, and monk) Cassiope (Greek mythology) Cassiopea (jellyfish) Cassiopeia (astronomy) Cassiopeia (Greek mythology) Cassiopeia A (astronomy) Cassiopeia-Taurus Group (astronomy) Cassiquiare (river, Venezuela) Cassirer, Ernst (German philosopher) Cassirer, Paul (German art dealer) Cassis tuberosa (marine snail) cassiterite (mineral) Cassius (fictional character) Cassius, Andreas (German physician) Cassius Dionysius (North African writer) Cassius, Gaius (Roman assassin) Cassius, Gaius Avidius (Roman emperor) Cassius Longinus, Gaius (Roman jurist) Cassius Longinus, Gaius (Roman quaestor) Cassius Longinus, Quintus (Roman official) Cassius Vecellinus, Spurius (Roman consul) Cassivelaunus (British chieftain) Cassivellaunus (British chieftain) cassock (dress) Cassola, Carlo (Italian writer) cassolette (pottery) Casson, Alfred Joseph (Canadian painter) cassone (furniture) Cassotto, Walden Robert (American singer and songwriter) cassoulet (food) cassowary (bird) cast alloy cast iron (metallurgy) Cast Iron Building (building, New York City, New York, United States) Cast Lead, Operation (Israeli and Palestinian history) cast steel (metallurgy) cast-iron plant (plant) casta (Latin American society) Castagna, Giambattista (pope) Castagnary, Jules-Antoine (French critic) Castagno, Andrea del (Italian painter) Castalia (Greek mythology) Castamon (Turkey) Castamoni (Turkey) Castana (Shaka ruler) Castanea (plant genus) castanea (food) Castanea crenata (plant) Castanea dentata (plant) Castanea mollissima (plant) Castanea pumila (plant) Castanea sativa (plant) Castaneda, Carlos (American anthropologist and author) castanets (musical instrument) castanha-do-pará (food) Castanopsis (plant genus) Castanopsis chrysophylla (plant) Castanopsis nut (plant) Castanopsis sempervirens (plant) castas, sociedad de (South American history) Castaway, The (poem by Cowper) Castaway, The (work by Walcott) caste (biology) caste (social differentiation) Caste (play by Robertson) Caste: A Story of Republican Equality (novel by Pike) caste council (Indian caste government) caste painting (art) caste system (social differentiation) Caste War (Central American history) Casteels, Peter (Flemish artist) Casteggio (Italy) Castel, Charles-Irénée (French author) Castel Durante ware Castel Gandolfo (Italy) Castel Gandolfo (castle, Castel Gandolfo, Italy) Castel San Gimignano (Italy) Castel Sant’Angelo (mausoleum, Rome, Italy) Castela emoryi (plant) Castelar y Ripoll, Emilio (president of Spain) Castelfranco, Giorgio da (Italian painter) Castelfranco Veneto (Italy) Castell of Perseverance, The (play) Castell-Dinas-Bran (ancient fortress, Wales, United Kingdom) Castell-nedd (Wales, United Kingdom) Castell-nedd Port Talbot (county borough, Wales, United Kingdom) Castellammare di Stabia (Italy) Castellammare War (United States history) castellan (feudal official) castellani (feudal official) Castellano dialect (Spanish language) Castellano, Paul (American organized-crime boss) Castellanos, Rosario (Mexican writer) castellated nut (tool) Castelli, Francesco (Italian architect) Castelli, Leo (American art dealer) Castelli ware Castellio, Sebastian (French theologian) Castellion, Sebastian (French theologian) Castello, Dario (Italian composer) Castelló de la Plana (Spain) Castello del Buon Consiglio (museum, Trento, Italy) Castello Sforzesco (museum, Milan, Italy) Castello Ursino (castle, Catania, Italy) Castellón (province, Spain) Castellón de la Plana (Spain) Castells, Manuel (Catalan sociologist) Castelluccio, Francis (American singer) Castelluccio Reale (building, Caserta, Italy) Castellum Tingitanum (Algeria) Castelnau, Michel de, Sieur de La Mauvissière (French diplomat) Castelnavia (plant genus) Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (Italian composer) Castelo Branco (district, Portugal) Castelo Branco (Portugal) Castelo Branco, Camilo (Portuguese novelist) Castelo Branco, Humberto de Alencar (president of Brazil) Castelo Melhor, Luiz de Vasconcelos e Sousa, 3o conde de, 6o conde da Calheta (Portuguese statesman) Castelo Rodrigo, Battle of (Portuguese history) Castelrosso (island, Greece) Castelvetrano (Italy) Castelvetro, Lodovico (Italian critic) Casti Connubii (papal encyclical) Casti, Giovanni Battista (Italian poet) Castia-gilos (work by Besalú) casticismo (racial policy) Castiglia, Francesco (American organized crime boss) Castiglione, Baldassare (Italian author) Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto (Italian painter) Castiglione, Giuseppe (Jesuit missionary and artist) Castiglione, Virginia Oldoini Verasis, Countess di (Tuscan noblewoman) Castiglioni, Achille (Italian architect and designer) Castiglioni, Francesco Saverio (pope) Castiglioni, Goffredo (pope) Castile (historical kingdom, Spain) Castile (region, Spain) Castile and León (region, Spain) Castile, Council of (Spanish government)

Castile Formation (deposit, United States) Castile, Sea of (lake, Portugal-Spain) Castile-La Mancha (region, Spain) Castile-León (region, Spain) Castilho, António Feliciano de (Portuguese poet and translator) Castilian dialect (Spanish language) Castilian literature Castilla (region, Spain) Castilla del Oro (Spanish settlement, Panama) Castilla, Diego de (Spanish art patron) Castilla la Nueva (region, Spain) Castilla la Vieja (historical region, Spain) Castilla, Luis de (Spanish ecclesiast) Castilla, Ramón (president of Peru) Castilla y León (region, Spain) Castilla-La Mancha (region, Spain) Castilla-León (region, Spain) Castilleja (plant) Castillejo, Cristóbal de (Spanish poet) Castillo (pyramid, Mayapán, Mexico) Castillo, Ana (American poet and author) Castillo, Antonio del (Spanish painter) Castillo Armas, Carlos (president of Guatemala) Castillo de San Marcos National Monument (monument, Florida, United States) Castillo, El (pyramid, Chichén Itzá, Mexico) Castillo Martínez, Heberto (Mexican political leader) Castillo, Michel del (Spanish author) Castillo, Michel-Xavier, Janicot del (Spanish author) Castillo, Ramón S. (president of Argentina) Castillo Solorzano, Alonso de (Spanish writer) Castillo, Teófilo (Peruvian artist) Castillo y Guevara, Mother Francisca Josefa de la Concepción (author) Castillon, Battle of (European history) Castine (Maine, United States) casting (fishing) casting (technology) casting (theatre) castle (architecture) castle (ship part) castle (chess) Castle & Cooke (Honduran company) Castle, Barbara (British politician) Castle Garden (building, New York City, New York, United States) castle guard (feudal law) Castle Hill (hill, Budapest, Hungary) Castle Hill (hill, Hastings, England, United Kingdom) Castle Hill Rising (Australian history) Castle in the Forest, The (novel by Mailer) Castle, Irene (American dancer) Castle Island (island, Scotland, United Kingdom) Castle Line (British company) Castle Morpeth (district, England, United Kingdom) Castle of Blackburn, Barbara Anne Castle, Baroness (British politician) Castle of Indolence, The (work by Thomson) Castle of Knowledge, The (work by Recorde) Castle of Love (French religious allegory) Castle of Otranto, The (novel by Walpole) “Castle of Perseverance, The” (play) Castle of St. Peter (castle, Bodrum, Turkey) Castle of the Pyrenees, The (painting by Magritte) Castle, Operation (American experiment) Castle Point (district, England, United Kingdom) Castle Rackrent (work by Edgeworth) “Castle Rackrent: An Hibernian Tale” (work by Edgeworth) Castle Rising (England, United Kingdom) Castle Rock (Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom) Castle Rushen (castle, Castletown, Isle of Man, British Isles) Castle, The (novel by Kadare) Castle, The (novel by Kafka) Castle, The (play by Klíma) castle town (Japanese history) Castle, Vernon (American dancer) Castle, Vernon and Irene (American dancers) Castle, William B. (American physician) Castlebar (Ireland) Castlegate, the (marketplace, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom) Castlemaine (Victoria, Australia) Castlemaine, Countess of (English noble) Castlereagh (district, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 2nd marquess of Londonderry (Irish statesman) Castleton of Braemar (Scotland, United Kingdom) Castleton State College (college, Castleton, Vermont, United States) Castletown (Isle of Man, British Isles) castling (chess) Castner process (chemical process) castniid moth (insect) Castniidae (insect) Castor (star) Castor (rodent) Castor and Pollux (Greco-Roman deities) Castor and Polydeuces (Greco-Roman deities) castor aralia (plant) castor bean (plant) Castor canadensis (rodent) Castor et Pollux (opera by Rameau) Castor fiber (rodent) castor oil castor-oil plant (plant) Castorocauda (extinct mammal genus) Castoroides (extinct rodent genus) Castorp, Hans (fictional character) castra (Roman town) Castra Alamannorum (Germany) Castra Bonnensia (fortress, Bonn, Germany) Castra Devana (England, United Kingdom) Castra Regina (stronghold, Germany) Castracani, Castruccio (Italian condottiere) castration castration anxiety (psychology) castration complex (psychology) castrato (music) Castrén, Matthias Alexander (Finnish nationalist and linguist) Castres (France) Castres, Jacques d’Armagnac duc de Nemours, comte de (French duke) Castries (Saint Lucia, West Indies) Castries, Christian de (French military officer) Castriota, George (Albanian hero) Castro (Chile) Castro (district, San Francisco, California, United States) castro (ancient culture) “Castro, A” (work by Ferreira) Castro Alves, Antônio de (Brazilian poet) Castro, Américo (Spanish linguist) Castro, Bartolomé de (Spanish provincial governor) Castro, Carlos Moreira de (Brazilian songwriter) Castro, Cipriano (Venezuelan soldier and dictator) Castro, Eugénio de (Portuguese poet) Castro, Fidel (political leader of Cuba) Castro, Inês de (mistress of Peter I of Portugal) Castro, João de (Portuguese naval officer) Castro, José Gil de (artist) Castro, Luis (Colombian baseball player) Castro, Pedro Fernández de (Castilian military leader) Castro, Pimenta de (Portuguese general) Castro, Plan (Spanish history) Castro, Raúl (Cuban head of state) Castro, Román Baldorioty de (Puerto Rican leader) Castro, Rosalía de (Spanish writer) Castro Ruz, Fidel (political leader of Cuba) Castro Ruz, Raúl Modesto (Cuban head of state) Castro, War of (European history) Castro y Bellvís, Guillén de (Spanish dramatist) Castro y Quesada, Américo (Spanish linguist) Castro y Velasco, Antonio Aciselo Palomino de (Spanish painter) Castro-Dakwan (Spain) Castrogiovanni (Italy) Castroneves, Helio (Brazilian race-car driver) Castrop-Rauxel (Germany) castrum (Roman town) Castrum Deutonis (Germany) Castrum Divionense (France) Castrum Divisarum (England, United Kingdom) casual (literature) casual labour (economics) casualty department casualty insurance casualty ward Casuariidae (bird) casuariiform (order of birds) Casuariiformes (order of birds) Casuarina (plant genus) Casuarina equisetifolia (plant) Casuarinaceae (plant family) Casuarius (bird genus) Casuarius casuarius (bird) Casuarius unappendiculatus (bird) casuistry (philosophy) Cašule, Kole (Macedonian author) Casus Sancti Galli (work by Ekkehard IV) CAT (American airline) cat (mammal family) CAT (atmospheric science) CAT Cat: An Introduction to the Study of Backboned Animals, The (work by Mivart) Cat and Mouse (novel by Grass) Cat Ballou (film by Silverstein [1965]) cat bear (Ailurus fulgens) cat, domestic (mammal) cat flea (insect) cat liver fluke (flatworm) Cat Nation (people) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (film by Brooks [1958]) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (play by Williams) CAT scan CAT scanning cat scratch disease cat shark (fish) cat snake (reptile) cat snake (reptile) Cat, the (fictional character) cat whisker (electronics) cat-eyed snake (Leptodeira) cat-eyed snake (reptile) cat-o’-nine-tails (whip) catabolic reaction (biochemistry) catabolism (biochemistry) Catacka (people) cataclasis cataclastite cataclismic variable star (astronomy) cataclysm (event) Cataclysm in Kashmir (Jammu and Kashmir) catacomb (subterranean cemetery) Catacomb culture (archaeology) catacomba (subterranean cemetery) catacumba (subterranean cemetery) catadioptric lens (optics) catadioptric telescope catadromous fish catafalque (funerary architecture) Cataglyphis (insect genus) Catagonus wagneri (mammal) Çatal Hüyük (archaeological site, Turkey)

Català language Catalan (people) Catalan (island, Spain) Catalan Atlas (work by Cresque) Catalan Company (Spanish mercenary army) Catalan corts (Spanish and Portuguese parliament) Catalan forge (Spanish forge) Catalan language Catalan Language Congress Catalan literature Catalan Republic (Spanish history) Catalani, Alfredo (Italian composer) Catalanides range (mountain range, Spain) Catalão (city, Brazil) catalase (biochemistry) Catalaunian Plains, Battle of the (Roman history) catalexis (prosody) Çatalhüyük (archaeological site, Turkey) “Catalina” (work by Ibsen) Catalina ceanothus (tree) Catalina Island (island, California, United States) catalog house (business) Catalog of Cometary Orbits (astronomical publication) Catalog Rules; Author and Title Entries (library science) catalog verse (literature) cataloging (library science) Catalogue (work by Abhdisho bar Berikha) Catalogue of the Indian Collections in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (work by Coomaraswamy) Catalogue of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Plants of North America, A (work by Knowlton) Catalogues of Women (Greek chronicle) Catalogus Plantarum circa Gissam sponte nascentium (book by Dillenius) Catalonia (region, Spain) Catalonia Museum of Art (museum, Barcelona, Spain) catalpa (plant) catalpa family (plant family) Catalpa speciosa (tree species) catalufa (fish) Cataluña (region, Spain) Catalunya (region, Spain) catalysis (chemical process) catalyst (chemistry) catalyst poison (chemistry) catalytic combustion (chemical process) catalytic converter catalytic cracking (chemical process) catalytic reforming (chemical process) catamaran (boat) Catamarca (province, Argentina) Catamarca (Argentina) Catamitus (Greek mythology) catamount (cat) Catana (Greek colony) Catana (Italy) Cata?ar (Tamil writer) Catanduanes (island, Philippines) Catanduva (Brazil) Catania (Italy) Catania, Gulf of (gulf, Italy) Catanzaro (Italy) catapano (Byzantine administrator) cataphract (cavalry) Cataphrygian heresy (religion) cataplana (food) cataplexy (medical disorder) catapult catapult (ancient Roman weapon) cataract (eye) cataract (waterfall) Catarchic astrology (pseudoscience) Catargiu, Lascar (prime minister of Romania) catarrh (disease) catarrhal (disease) catarrhine (mammal) Catarrhini (mammal) Catasarion (Italy) catastasis (literature) catastrophe (literature) catastrophe (event) catastrophe coverage (insurance) catastrophe theory (evolution) catastrophe theory (mathematics) catastrophic extinction (biology) catastrophic variable star (astronomy) catastrophism (geology) catastrophism (Polish literature) catatonic schizophrenia (mental disorder) Catatumbo River (river, South America) catauro de cubanismos, Un (work by Ortiz) Catawba (people) Catawba (county, North Carolina, United States) Catawba language catawba rhododendron (plant) Catawba River (river, United States) catbird (bird) catbrier (plant) catch (music) catch (phonetics) Catch Me if You Can (film by Spielberg) Catch That Catch Can (work by Hilton) Catch Us If You Can (work by Boorman) catch-and-release fly-fishing catch-as-catch-can wrestling (sport) catch-hold wrestling (sport) catcher (sports) catcher cavity (electronics) Catcher in the Rye, The (novel by Salinger) catcher’s glove catcher’s mitt catchfly (Silene genus) Catching a Catfish with a Gourd (painting by Taiko Josetsu) catchment area (geology) catchment basin (geology) catchup (condiment) Cateau-Cambrésis, Peace of (European history) Catecheses (work by Saint Cyril) catechesis (Christian theology) Catechesis (work by Diadochus) Catechetical Homilies (work by Theodore of Mopsuestia) catechetical school (education) catechism (religious manual) Catechism of Parliamentary Reform, A (work by Bentham) Catechism of the Catholic Church (religious manual) catechol-O-methyltransferase (enzyme) catecholamine (chemical compound) catechu (plant) catechumen (Christianity) Catechumens, Liturgy of the (Christianity) “Categoriae” (work by Aristotle) categorical imperative (philosophy) categorical inference (reason) categorical proposition (logic) categorical syllogism (logic) categorical system (logic) categorical theory (logic) categoricity in cardinality (logic) Categories (work by Aristotle) category (logic) category (mathematics) category mistake (philosophy) category of sets (mathematics) category of sets and functions (mathematics) category, perceptual (psychology) category theory (mathematics) Catelin, Prosper (French architect) Catelinus (pope) catenaccio system (sports) catenae (anthologies) catenary (mathematics) catenation (chemistry) Catenna (Algeria) catenoid (mathematics) catepan (Byzantine administrator) caterpillar (larva) caterpillar fungus (biology) caterpillar hunter (insect) Caterpillar Inc. (American manufacturing company) caterpillar locomotion (biology) caterpillar tractor (vehicle) Caterpillar Tractor Company (American manufacturing company) Catesby, Robert (English conspirator) catfish Catfish Bend (work by Burman) Catfish’s Camp (Pennsylvania, United States) catgut (cord) Catha edulis (plant) Cathach (work by Saint Columba) Catharacta maccormicki (bird) Catharacta skua (bird species) Catharanthus roseus (plant) Cathari (Christian sect) Catharina von Georgien (work by Gryphius) Cathars (Christian sect) catharsis (criticism) Catharsis (mural by Orozco) Cathartes aura (bird) cathartic (drug) Cathartidae (bird family) Catharus (bird) Catharus fuscater (bird) Catharus guttatus (bird) Catharus minimus (bird) Catharus mustelina (bird) Cathay (medieval region, China) Cathay and the Way Thither (work by Yule) Cathaya (plant genus) Cathaysia (paleocontinent) Cathaysian Platform (geology) Cathbad (Druid of Ulster) Cathbhadh (Druid of Ulster) cathedra (chair) “Cathedra Petri” (work by Bernini) cathedral (Christian church) Cathedral & The Bazaar, The (work by Raymond) Cathedral Church of Christ and Blessed Mary the Virgin (cathedral, Durham, England, United Kingdom) Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul (church, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) Cathedral Music (work by Arnold) Cathedral Music (work by Boyce) cathedral school (medieval European school) Cathedral Square (square, Moscow, Russia) Cathedral, The (poem by Lowell) Cathedral, The (work by Huysmans) “Cathédrale, La” (work by Huysmans) Cathédrale Notre Dame (cathedral, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) Cathedrals (painting series by Monet) Cathelineau, Jacques (French peasant) Cather, Willa (American author) Cather, Willa Sibert (American author) Catherine (queen of Portugal) Catherine (work by Thackeray) Catherine de Médicis (queen of France) Catherine Howard (queen of England) Catherine I (empress of Russia) Catherine II (empress of Russia) Catherine, Mount (mountain, Egypt) Catherine of Alexandria, Saint (Egyptian martyr) Catherine of Aragon (queen of England) Catherine of Bologna, Saint (Italian mystic) Catherine of Bragança (queen of Great Britain) Catherine of Braganza (queen of Great Britain) Catherine of Genoa, Saint (Italian mystic) Catherine of Siena, Saint (Italian mystic) Catherine of Sweden, Saint (Swedish saint) Catherine of Valois (French princess) Catherine Palace (building, Pushkin, Russia) Catherine Parr (queen of England) Catherine, Saint (Italian Dominican mystic) Catherine the Great (empress of Russia) Catherine the Great, Instruction of (Russian political doctrine) Cathermerinon (poem by Prudentius) Catherwood, Frederick (British illustrator and archaeologist) catheter (medicine) catheterization (medicine) Cathleen ni Houlihan (play by Yeats)

cathode (electronics) cathode ray (physics) cathode-ray beam (physics) cathode-ray tube (technology) cathode-ray tube display terminal (computer technology) cathodic protection (metallurgy) Catholepistemiad (education) catholic (Christian theology) Catholic Action (Roman Catholicism) Catholic Apostolic Church (Protestant sect) Catholic Association (Irish history) Catholic Charities Catholic Church, Roman Catholic Czechoslovak Clergy, Union of the (religion) Catholic Emancipation (British and Irish history) Catholic frog (frog) Catholic fundamentalism (religion) Catholic Homilies (work by Aelfric) Catholic Hour, The (American radio program) Catholic Kings (Spanish history) Catholic League (Catholic military alliance) Catholic Letters Catholic Majesties (Spanish history) Catholic Modernity?, A (work by Taylor) Catholic Monarchs (Spanish history) Catholic Party (political party, Belgium) Catholic Reformation (religious history) Catholic Relief Act (Great Britain [1778]) Catholic Relief Act (1793, Ireland) Catholic Revival (religious history) Catholic Social Movement (Australian literary movement) Catholic University library (Louvain, Belgium) Catholic University of America, The (university, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) Catholic University of Ireland (college, Dublin, Ireland) Catholic Worker (American newspaper) Catholic Worker Movement (Roman Catholic lay movement) Catholic Youth Organization (Roman Catholic organization) catholicity (Christian theology) Catholicon (dictionary by Lagadeuc) catholicos (Greek religious title) Cathy (comic strip by Guisewite) Cathy Come Home (British television program) Catiline (Roman politician) Catiline (work by Ibsen) Catiline (work by Jonson) Catiline’s War (monograph by Sallust) Catina (Italy) Catió (town, Guinea-Bissau) Catio (people) cation (chemistry) cation exchange (chemical reaction) cation receptor (physiology) cation-exchange resin (chemistry) cationic catalysis (chemical reaction) cationic detergent cationic drug cationic starch (chemistry) catkin (flower cluster) Catlett, Elizabeth (Mexican artist) Catlin, George (American artist and author) catmint (herb) catnip (herb) Cato (work by Addison) Cato (United States statesman) Cato Christianus (work by Dolet) Cato Institute (American research organization) Cato, Marcus Porcius (Roman senator [95-46 BC]) Cato, Marcus Porcius (Roman statesman [234-149 BC]) Cato, Publius Valerius (Roman poet) Cato, Robert Milton (prime minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Cato Street Conspiracy (British history) Cato the Censor (Roman statesman [234-149 BC]) Cato the Elder (Roman statesman [234-149 BC]) Cato the Younger (Roman senator [95-46 BC]) Catocala (insect) Catoche, Cape (cape, Mexico) Caton-Thompson, Gertrude (British archaeologist) Catonsville (Maryland, United States) Catonsville Nine (American draft resisters) Catopithecus (primate genus) Catoprion (fish genus) catoptrics (optics) Catoptrophorus semipalmatus (bird) Catopuma temmincki (mammal) Catostomidae (fish) Catrina, La (work by Berni) Catron, John (United States jurist) Catroux, Georges (French general and diplomat) Cats (musical by Lloyd Webber) cat’s claw (plant) Cat’s Cradle (novel by Vonnegut) cat’s face (plant) Cats, Father (Dutch author) Cats, Jacob (Dutch author) Cats, Jacobus (Dutch author) cat’s whisker (electronics) cat’s-eye (ctenophore) cat’s-eye (gemstone) cat’s-paw (knot) catsfoot (plant) Catskill Delta (geological region, United States) Catskill Game Farm, Inc. (zoo, Catskill, New York, United States) Catskill Mountains (mountains, United States) catsup (condiment) Catt, Carrie Chapman (American feminist leader) cattail (plant) cattail millet (plant) Cattaneo, Carlo (Italian politician) Cattaneo, Claudia (Italian singer) Cattaraugus (county, New York, United States) Cattari-ariya-saccani (Buddhist philosophy) Cattaro (Montenegro) Cattaro, Bocche di (Montenegro) Cattelan, Maurizio (Italian artist) Cattell, James McKeen (American psychologist) Cattell, Raymond B. (American psychologist) Catterji, Bankim Chandra (Indian author) cattle (livestock) cattle drive (United States history) cattle egret (bird) cattle grub (insect) Cattle of the Sun (Greek mythology) cattle plague (animal disease) Cattle Problem (mathematics) Cattle Raid of Cooley, The (Gaelic literature) cattley guava (plant) cattleya (plant) Cattleya labiata (plant) Catton, Bruce (American historian and journalist) Catton, Charles Bruce (American historian and journalist) Ca??opadhyay, Ba?kim Candra (Indian author) Cattrall, Kim (British actress) Catuhshataka (work by Aryadeva) Catullus, Gaius Valerius (Roman poet) Catulus, Gaius Lutatius (Roman commander) Catulus, Quintus Lutatius (Roman general [died 86 BC]) Catulus, Quintus Lutatius (Roman politician [died 61/60 BC]) Caturdandiprakashika (music theory text) caturvar?ya (Hinduism) Catuvellauni (ancient tribe of Britain) CATV (communications) Catvari-arya-satyani (Buddhist philosophy) Catwoman (fictional character) Cauca (department, Colombia) Cauca River (river, Colombia) Cauca Valley Corporation (industrial organization, Colombia) Caucasia (region and mountains, Eurasia) Caucasian (racial theory) Caucasian carpet Caucasian Chalk Circle, The (play by Brecht) Caucasian languages Caucasian peoples Caucasian rug Caucasian wine grape Caucasus (region and mountains, Eurasia) Caucasus Mountains (region and mountains, Eurasia) Caucasus Nature Reserve (research area, Russia) Cauchon, Pierre (French bishop) Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, Baron (French mathematician) Cauchy distribution (mathematics) Cauchy sequence (mathematics) Cauchy-Goursat theorem (mathematics) Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem (mathematics) Cauchy-Lorentz distribution (mathematics) Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (mathematics) caucus (politics) Caucus (American organization) Caucus Club (American organization) cauda equina (anatomy) caudal vertebra (anatomy) Caudata (amphibian order) caudate nucleus (anatomy) caudicle (plant anatomy) caudillism (Latin American politics) caudillismo (Latin American politics) caudillo (military dictator) Caudillo, El (ruler of Spain) Caudine Forks (mountain pass, Italy) Caudine Forks, Battle of (Roman history) Caudipteryx (dinosaur) caudle cup Caudofoveata (mollusk subclass) caudofoveate (mollusk subclass) Caughley ware (pottery) Cauhan (Indian dynasty) caul (embryology) Caulaincourt, Armand-Augustin-Louis, marquis de, duc de Vicence (French general) Caulfield, Holden (fictional character) Caulfield, Patrick Joseph (British artist) Cauliaco, Guido de (French physician) cauliflory (plant) caulking compounds (chemical substance) Caulkins, Tracy (American swimmer) Caullery, Maurice-Jules-Gaston-Corneille (French biologist) Caulonia (ancient city, Italy) Caulukya (Indian dynasty) Caunt, Benjamin (English boxer) Caupolicán (Araucanian chief) Caura River (river, Venezuela) Caurapañcasika (work by Bilha?a) causal inference (reason) causal theory (philosophy) causalgia (pathology) causality (philosophy) causation (philosophy) cause group Cause of the Crime, The (work by Frank) causerie (literature) Causeries du lundi (essays by Sainte-Beuve) Causes (work by Callimachus) Causes and Consequences (work by Chapman) Causes of Delinquency (work by Hirschi) Causes of the Indian Revolt, The (work by Ahmad Khan) Causses (geological formation, France) caustic potash (chemical compound)

caustic soda (chemical compound) Causus (snake) Cautela, Joseph (American psychologist) Cautionary Tales (work by Belloc) cautiva, La (work by Echeverría) Cauto River (river, Cuba) Cauvery River (river, India) Cauvin, Jean (French theologian) cava (beverage) Cava de’ Tirreni (Italy) Cavaco Silva, Aníbal (president of Portugal) Cavafy, Constantine (Greek writer) Cavagnari, Sir Louis (British diplomat) Cavagnoud, Régine (French skier) Cavaignac, Louis-Eugène (French general) Cavaillé-Coll, Aristide (French organ maker) Cavalcade (play by Coward) Cavalcade (film by Lloyd [1933]) Cavalcade of Stars (American television show) Cavalcanti, Alberto (Brazilian director) Cavalcanti, Emiliano Di (Brazilian artist) Cavalcanti, Guido (Italian poet) Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista (Italian writer) cavalier (English horseman) Cavalier (political party, England) Cavalier, Jean (French religious leader) Cavalier King Charles spaniel (breed of dog) Cavalier Parliament (English history) Cavalier poets (English poetry group) Cavalier-Smith, Tom (biologist) Cavaliere D’Arpino (Italian artist) Cavaliere, Emilio del (Italian composer) Cavaliere Giovanni Lanfranchi, Il (Italian painter) “cavaliere inesistente, Il” (work by Calvino) Cavalieri, Bonaventura (Italian mathematician) Cavalieri di Malta, Piazza de (plaza, Rome, Italy) Cavalieri, Emilio dei (Italian composer) Cavalieri, Francesco Bonaventura (Italian mathematician) Cavalieri, Tommaso (Italian poet) Cavalieri’s principle (mathematics) cavalla (fish) Cavalla River (river, Africa) Cavalleria rusticana (opera by Mascagni) Cavalli, Francesco (Italian composer) Cavalli, Patrizia (Italian author) Cavallini, Pietro (Italian artist) Cavallino, Bernardo (Italian painter) Cavallo, Domingo (Argentine economist and politician) Cavallo, Domingo Felipe (Argentine economist and politician) Cavallón, Juan de (Spanish military officer) Cavallotti, Felice Carlo Emmanuele (Italian journalist and politician) Cavally River (river, Africa) cavalry (military unit) Cavalry Officer (work by Xenophon) Cavan (county, Ireland) cavatina (music) cave CAVE (computer science) Cave and Shadows (novel by Joaquin) cave art Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (computer science) cave bear (extinct mammal) cave cricket (insect) cave deposit (speleology) cave diving Cave, Edward (English printer) cave fish (fish) Cave, Hugh Barnett (American author) cave, myth of the (Platonic philosophy) Cave, Nicholas Edward (Australian singer-songwriter, actor, and screenwriter) Cave, Nick (American artist) Cave, Nick (Australian singer-songwriter, actor, and screenwriter) Cave of the Heart (ballet by Graham) cave painting cave pearl (geological feature) cave system (geology) cave temple caveat emptor (law) Cavelier, René-Robert, sieur de La Salle (French explorer) Cavell, Edith Louisa (English nurse) Cavell, Stanley (American philosopher) Cavendish (unincorporated community, Prince Edward Island, Canada) Cavendish (English whist player) Cavendish, Elizabeth (British noble) Cavendish experiment (physics) Cavendish, George (English courtier and writer) Cavendish, Henry (British physicist) Cavendish Laboratory (research centre, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom) Cavendish, Lord Frederick Charles (British statesman) Cavendish of Bolsover, Baron (English commander) Cavendish of Hardwick, Baron (British statesman) Cavendish of Hardwick, Baron (prime minister of Great Britain) Cavendish, Spencer Compton, 8th Duke of Devonshire (British statesman) Cavendish, Thomas (English navigator and explorer) Cavendish, William, 1st duke of Devonshire (British statesman) Cavendish, William, 2nd Earl of Devonshire (British statesman) Cavendish, William, 4th Duke of Devonshire (prime minister of Great Britain) Cavendish-Bentinck, William Henry, Lord Bentinck (British government official) Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, William George Frederick, Lord Bentinck (British politician) Caventou, Joseph-Bienaimé (French chemist) cavern (geology) Cavern, The (club, Liverpool, England, United Kingdom) cavernous hemangioma (pathology) Cavero, Arturo (Peruvian singer and musician) “Caves du Vatican, Les” (work by Gide) Caves, Monastery of the (monastery, Kiev, Ukraine) Caves of the Great Hunters, The (work by Baumann) cavesson (part of bridle) cavetto molding (architecture) Cavia aperea (rodent) Cavia fulgida (rodent) Cavia magna (rodent) Cavia porcellus (rodent) Cavia tschudii (rodent) caviar Caviidae (rodent) Cavill, Charles (Australian athlete) Cavill, Syd (Australian athlete) cavitation (physics) Cavite (province, Philippines) Cavite (Philippines) Cavite Mutiny (Filipino history) cavity (dentistry) cavity (technology) cavity wall (construction) Cavour, Camillo Benso, conte di (Piedmontese statesman) Cavs, the (American basketball team) cavy (rodent) Cawahíb (people) Cawdor (Scotland, United Kingdom) Cawdrey, Robert (English educator and lexicographer) Cawl, Faarax Maxamed Jaamac (Somalian author) Cawley, Evonne Goolagong (Australian tennis player) Cawnpore (India) Caxias (Maranhão, Brazil) Caxias (Brazil) Caxias do Sul (Brazil) Caxias, Luiz Alves de Lima e Silva, duque de (Brazilian statesman) Caxton, William (English printer, translator, and publisher) cay (geography) Cayambe Volcano (mountain, Ecuador) Cayapa (people) Cayatte, André (French director) Cayatte, André-Jean (French director) Cayay, Sierra de (mountains, Puerto Rico) Cayce, Edgar (American faith healer) Caydiid, Maxamed Farax (Somalian faction leader) Cayenne (French Guiana) cayenne pepper (spice) Cayes (Haiti) Cayey (Puerto Rico) Cayley, Arthur (British mathematician) Cayley, Sir George, 6th Baronet (British inventor and scientist) Caylus, Anne-Claude-Philippe de Tubières, comte de (French archaeologist) cayman (reptile group) Cayman Basin (basin, Caribbean Sea) Cayman Brac (island, West Indies) Cayman Islands (islands, West Indies) Cayman Islands, flag of (British overseas territory flag) Cayman Ridge (oceanic ridge, Caribbean Sea) Cayman Trench (trench, Caribbean Sea) Caymanes (islands, West Indies) Caymmi, Dorival (Brazilian singer and songwriter) Cayo (Belize) Cayo Redondo (technology) Cayor (region, Senegal) Cayor (historical state, Africa) Cayrol, Jean (French author) Cayrol, Jean-Raphaël-Marie-Noël (French author) Cayuga (people) Cayuga (county, New York, United States) Cayuga, Lake (lake, New York, United States) Cayuse (people) cayuse (breed of horse) Cayuse Indian Pony (breed of horse) Cayuse language Cazaly, Roy (Australian athlete) Cazembe (historical kingdom, Africa) Cazorla, Pact of (Spain [1179])

CB radio (communications) CB1 blocker (biochemistry) cbap (Cambodian poetry) CBBC (British corporation) CBC CBC CBeebies (British corporation) CBGB-OMFUG (CBGB-OMFUG) CBGB-OMFUG (nightclub, New York City, United States) CBI (international trade agreement) CBOT (exchange, Chicago, Illinois, United States) CBrClFl (chemical compound) CBS Building (building, New York City, New York, United States) CBS Corporation (American company) CBS Evening News (American television program) CBS Inc. (American company) CBS News Sunday Morning (American television program) “CBS News with Walter Cronkite” (American television program) CBS Records Group (Japanese-American company) CBS Reports (American television program)

CC OO (Spanish labour organization) CCA (preservative) CCC (United States history) CCC (government organization) CCC (intergovernmental organization) CCD (electronics) CCD (biology) CCD (oceanography) CCF (political party, Canada) Cchinvali (Georgia) CCIS (communications) CCITT (United Nations agency) CCITT-6 (communications) CCITT-7 (communications) CCK-PZ (hormone) CCL (Canadian organization) CCM (political party, Tanzania) CCN (meteorology) CCNY (college, New York City, New York, United States) CCP (political party, China) CCPD CCS (military organization) CCS (telephones) CCTV (technology) CCTV Building (building, Beijing, China)

CD (finance) CD (recording) Cd (chemical element) cd (SI unit of measurement) cd (measurement) CD (star catalog) cD galaxy (astronomy) CD-R disc (computing) CD-Recordable disc (computing) CD-ROM (computing) CD-ROM disc (computing) CD-RW (digital data recording) CD3 (biochemistry) CD3 complex (biochemistry) CD4 (protein) CD4 count (medicine) CD4+ T cell (cytology) CD8 (biochemistry) CDA (political party, Netherlands) CDC (United States agency) CDC (American company) CDC 6600 (computer) CDD (neurobiological disorder) CDF (American organization) CDG (pathology) CDI (disease) CDK5 (biochemistry) CDLR (Sunnite Muslim group) CDM (international program) CDMA cDNA library CDP-diacylglycerol (chemical compound) CDP-diglyceride (chemical compound) CDR (political party, Romania) CDR (Cuban social organization) CDU (political party, Germany)

Ce (chemical element) CE (animal disease) CE (chronology) CE (design method) Ce Acatl (Meso-American god) CEA (French organization) Ceadda, Saint (English clergyman) Ceallach (Irish archbishop) Ceanannus Mór (Ireland) Ceanothus (plant genus) Ceanothus americanus (plant) Ceanothus arboreus (tree) Ceará (state, Brazil) ceara wax Céard, Henry (French author) cease-fire (international law) Ceatharlach (county, Ireland) Ceatharlach (Ireland) Ceausescu, Elena (wife of Nicolae Ceausescu) Ceausescu, Nicolae (president of Romania) Ceausescu, Nicu (Romanian public figure) Ceawlin (king of Wessex) CEBAF (accelerators, Newport News, Virginia, United States) Cebidae (primate family) Ceboksary (Russia) Ceboruco (volcano, Mexico) Cebu (island, Philippines) Cebu City (Philippines) Cebu hemp (plant) Cebu maguey (plant) Cebuan (people) Cebuano (people) Cebuano language Cebuella pygmaea (monkey) Cebus (monkey genus) Cebus albifrons (monkey) Cebus apella (monkey) Cebus capucinus (monkey) Cebus nigrivittatus (monkey) Cecchetti, Enrico (Italian dancer) Cecchi d’Amico, Suso (Italian screenwriter) Cecchi, Emilio (Italian essayist and critic) Cecchi, Giovanna (Italian screenwriter) “cecchina, La” (opera by Piccinni) Cecchina, La (Italian composer and singer) Cecchini, Pier Maria (Italian actor and author) Cecchino (Italian painter) Çeçenanavarza (Turkey) Cech, Eduard (Czech mathematician) Cech, Svatopluk (Czech author) Cech, Thomas Robert (American scientist) Cechy (historical region, Europe) Cecidomyiidae (insect) Cecil (county, Maryland, United States) Cecil family (English family) Cecil, Lord David (English biographer) Cecil, Lord Edward Christian David Gascoyne (English biographer) Cecil, Lord Robert (British statesman) Cecil of Chelwood, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 1st Viscount (British statesman) Cecil of Essendon, Robert Cecil, Baron (prime minister of United Kingdom) Cecil of Essendon, Robert Cecil, Baron (English statesman) Cecil, Sir Robert (English statesman) Cecil, Sir William (English statesman) Cecil, William, 1st Baron Burghley (English statesman) Cécile (work by Constant) Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress (work by Burney) Cecilia, Saint (Roman martyr) Cecilia Valdés; or, Angel’s Hill: A Novel of Cuban Customs (work by Villaverde) Cecilian movement (Roman Catholic music) Cecilio del Valle, José (Central American political leader) Cecily, Saint (Roman martyr) cecropia (tropical tree) Cecropia (tropical tree) cecropia moth (insect) Cecropia peltata (tree) Cecrops (Greek legendary figure) cecum (anatomy) CEDA (Spanish political group) cedar (plant) Cedar Breaks National Monument (monument, Utah, United States) Cedar City (Utah, United States) Cedar Falls (Iowa, United States) cedar of Lebanon (plant) Cedar Rapids (Iowa, United States) Cedar River (river, United States) cedar waxwing (bird) cedar wood wasp (insect) cedar-apple rust (plant disease) Cedaria (trilobite genus) cedarwood oil (essential oil) Cedd, Saint (English clergyman) Ceddo (film by Sembène) Cedeño, César (baseball player) Cedi (historical state, India) cedi (currency) Cédras, Raoul (Haitian general) Cedrela odorata (tree) Cèdres, Pic des (mountain, Algeria) Cedrus (plant) Cedrus atlantica (plant) Cedrus brevifolia Cedrus deodara (plant) Cedrus libani (plant) Ceduna (South Australia, Australia) CEEAC (African organization) cefalozin (drug) Cefalù (Italy) cefamandole (drug) cefoxitin (biochemistry) ceftazidime (drug) cefuroxime (drug) Ceglie Messapico (Italy) ceiba (fibre) Ceiba, La (Honduras)

| Ceatharlach ... ceiling | ceiling diffuser ... cell adhesion molecule | cell animation ... Celtic field system | Celtic languages ... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Centerville ... Central Eskimo | Central European climate ... Central Siberian Plateau | Central Siberian Yupik language ... Centris | Centriscidae ... Cephalopoda | Cephalopterus ... Cercis | Cercis canadensis ... Ceresio, Lago | Cereta, Laura ... cervical spondylosis | cervical vertebra ... Cetina | Cetina, Gutierre de ...




Chac | Chac-Mool ... Chaffee, Adna Romanza | Chaffee, Emory Leon ... Chajang | Chajang Yulsa ... Challenger

| “Challenger” disas=ter ... Chambers, William | Chambersburg ... Champs délicieux, Les | “Champs magnétiques, Les” ... Chandler Wobble | Chandler, Zachariah ... Chang-hua | Chang-hua ... Chanson de Roland, La | Chanson de Saisnes, La ... Chapatin le tueur de lions | Chapayev ... “Characters of Vertues and Vices” | Characters of Virtues and Vices ... Charing Cross | chariot ... Charles IV | Charles IV ... Charles, William John | Charles X ... Charolais Canal | Charollais ... chassis | Chastana ... Chauchoin, Lily Claudette | Chauci ... Chebrikov, Viktor Mikhaylovich | Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich ... Cheleutoptera | Chelia, Mount ... Chemical Method | chemical milling ... Chen Qingtong | Ch’en Shih-tseng ... Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium ... Cherone, Gary | cheroot ... Chester | Chester ... chhau | chhimpa ... Chiat, Jay | Chiat, Morton Jay ... Chicacole (India) | Chicama (archaeological site, Peru) ... Chien-k’ang | Ch’ien-lung ... child support | Child, The ... Chiles, Lawton Mainor, Jr. | chili pepper ... Chin Qilich Khan A?af Jah | Chin Shih huang-ti ... Chinese art | Chinese ash ... Chinese Professional Baseball League | Chinese protolanguages ... Chinook language | chinook salmon ... chiropterochory | chirosophy ... Chlamydia psittaci | Chlamydia trachomatis ... chloroplastin | chloroplatinic acid ... chogori | Chogori ... | Chomsky, Avram Noam ... chord | chord organ ... Chou Fang | Chou Hsin ... Christabel | Christabel; Kubla Khan: A Vision; The Pains of Sleep ... Christian the Younger | “Christian Union” ... Christoffer av Bayern | Christoffer, greve af Oldenburg ... chromosome map | chromosome number ... Chrotomys | Chru ... Ch’ü T’ai-su | Chu Teh ... Chukotskoye More | Chukovskaya, Lidiya Korneyevna ... “Church at Corinth, Letter to the” | Church Building Act ... Chust pottery | chute ...


Ciconia ciconia ciconia | Ciconia nigra ... CIM | Cima da Conegliano, Giovanni Battista ... cinereous vulture | Cines ... Circle of Chalk, The | circle of confusion ... Cirratulida | Cirratulus ... Citheroniidae | Citheroniinae ... city government | City Hall ... Civil Action, A | Civil Aeronautics Board ...




Clackmannan | Clackmannanshire ... clapper opera | Clapperton, Hugh ... Clark, James | Clark, James Beauchamp ... Clarsair Dall, An | Clarus, Septicius ... clast | clastic petrology ... Claxton, Timothy | Clay ... Cleft, The | Clegg, Johnny ... Cléomadès | Cleombrotus ... Cleveland Museum of Art | Cleveland Naps ... “Climats” | climax ... clitellum | Clitherow, Saint Margaret ... closed canopy forest | closed captioning ... cloud formation | “Cloud Howe” ... Clusia | Clusia rose ...



CNN | CNO cycle ...


Coast Guard Women’s Reserve | Coast Mountains ... Cobet, C. G. | Cobéua ... cochlea | cochlear duct ... cocoa powder | cocoa powder ... Codex Urbinas Latinus 1270 | Codex Vaticanus ... coenzyme A | coenzyme Q ... cohabitation | Cohan, George M. ... Coipasa Salt Flat | coir ... cold painting | cold pole ... colewort | Coley, Doris ... collective obsession | collective operation ... Collins, Edward Knight | Collins, Eileen ... Colombe, Michel | Colombes ... colonoscope | colonus ... colour centre | colour change ... Columbia Mountains | Columbia Park ... comb-footed spider | Combat ... Comencini, Luigi | Comendador ... command technology | command-and-control legislation ... Comminotto | ... common dolphin | common dolphin ... common metre | common mica ... common squirrel monkey | common starling ... Communard | Communauté Financiére Africaine franc ... community, utopian | community-card poker ... comparative law | comparative linguistics ... Complete Harmony, Hall of | Complete Library of the Four Treasures, The ... compound-nucleus model | compounding ... computer engineering | Computer Fraud and Abuse Act ... Conboy, Sara Agnes McLaughlin | Conca del Fucino ... Concha, Malaquías | Conchagua ... Condé, Louis-Joseph, 8e prince de | Condé, Maryse ... conduction, thermal | ... Confessio amantis | Confessio Augustana ... Cong Hoa Xa Hoi Chu Nghia Viet Nam | Cong Su ... Congress Kingdom of Poland | “Congress, Letter to the” ... Connarus guianensis | connation ... Conquest of Canaan, The | Conquest of Constantinople ... Conservateur Littéraire | conservation ... Constança | Constance ... Constantinople, Orthodox Church of | Constantinople, Patriarchate of ... constitutiones principum | Constitutionnel, Le ... contact screen | contact-stabilization method ... Continental Colours | Continental Congress ... continuum gas | continuum hypothesis ... contredanse anglaise | contredanse française ... Conventional Lies of Our Civilization, The | conventional moral reasoning ... Conwy Suspension Bridge | cony ... Coolidge, Susan | Coolidge, William Augustus Brevoort ... Cooper’s Hill | Cooperstown ... Coppélia | copper ... Cora | Cora ... cord moss | cord yarn ... Corfe Castle | Corfu ... corn on the cob | Corn Palace ... cornual pregnancy | cornucopia ... Coronel, Battle of | Coronel, Jorge Icaza ... Corpus Tibullianum | corpuscle ... Corsa del Palio | corsage ... Corvette | Corvi, Domenico ... coset | Cosgrave, Liam ... Costa, Cordillera de la | Costa de Beauregard, Olivier ... Cotoneaster adpressus | Cotonou ... Coucouzis, Demetrios | Coucy ... counterblow forging | counterchange ... Couples | couplet ... Court of the State Security | court order ... Covadonga Mountains National Park | covalency ... cowfish | Cowford ...


CPI | CPI ...



Craigavon | Craigavon, James Craig, 1st Viscount ... crappie | craps ... Cray, Seymour R. | Cray-1 ... credit insurance | credit, letter of ... Creole Jazz Band | creole languages ... Crétin, Guillaume | cretinism ... criminal code | Criminal Code Bill ... Cristofano, Francesco di | Cristofori, Bartolomeo di Francesco ... Crni Drim | Crnila ... Croly, Jane Cunningham | Cromarty ... cross | cross ... Crossfield, Albert Scott | Crossfield, Scott ... crowfoot | Crowfoot, Dorothy Mary ... Cruelty, Theatre of | cruelty to animals ... cryogenic conductor | cryogenics ... crystal gazing | crystal goby ...



Ctenocephalides felis | Ctenocystoidea ...


Cubi | Cubi ... cuerda seca | Cuernavaca ... cult drama | cult novel ... Cumberland Narrows | Cumberland Plateau ... Cunningham, Harry B. | Cunningham, Imogen ... Curchod, Suzanne | Curcio, Renato ... current meter | current mode ... Curzola | Curzon Line ... cutaneous porphyria | cutaneous schistosomiasis ...



Cwa climate | CWC ...



cyclic disease transmission | cyclic electron flow ... Cydippe | Cydippida ... Cynomys | Cynomys gunnisoni ... Cyrtacanthacridinae | Cyrtophora ...


Czartoryski, Michal Fryderyk, Prince | Czech Agrarian Party ... Czyz, Lejzor


D & S Plastics International ...


Dachlan, Kijai Hadji Ahmad | dachshund ... ?affah al-Gharbiyah, Al- | daffodil ... Dai, Mount | Dai Namboku ... Dajianlu | Dajjal, ad- ... Daliang | Dalila ... Dama dama mesopotamica | “dama de Elche, La” ... Damnation of Theron Ware, The | “Damnés de la terre, Les” ... Dance of the Red Tiger Devil | dance paddle ... Daniel | Daniel al-Qumisi ... danse à deux | danse basse ... Daphnia middendorffiana | Daphnis ... Dari language | Daria Daulat ... D’Aronco, Raimondo | DARPA ... Dasanami Sannyasi | Dasavant ... data processing | data structure ... Daulat | Daulat Rao Sindhia ... David, Sir T. W. Edgeworth | David, Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth ... Davis, Henry Winter | Davis Islands ... Dawson, John Myrick | Dawson, Len ... Days of Wine and Roses | Days of Wine and Roses ...





de Brunne, Sir Robert | De Camp, Joseph ... De Havilland, Sir Geoffrey | “De historia et causis plantarum” ... De l’esprit | “De l’esprit des lois” ... De potestate regia et papali | De potestate summi pontificis in rebus temporalibus ... “De universo” | de Valera, Eamon ... deaf-mutism | deafblindness ... Death on the Installment Plan | Death on the Pale Horse ... Debut | Déby, Idriss ... deciduous tree | decimal fraction ... decryption | Decticinae ... deerfly | deerfly fever ... deflation | deflation ... Dei, Treuga | Dei, Treva ... Delalande, Michel-Richard | Delambre, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph ... Delhi | Delhi boil ... “Delo Artamonovykh” | delocalization ... Dembinski, Henryk | Dembinszky, Henrik ... Democratic Alliance | Democratic Alliance ... demoniac possession | demonic possession ... Dendrocopos major | Dendrocopos pubescens ... Dennstaedtia | Dennstaedtiaceae ... Deo Mugia | Deo, Rai Brahma ... Depp, Johnny | depravity ... derivatives | derivatization ... Des Périers, Bonaventure | Des Plaines ... | Desert Archaic culture ... Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin, Jean | Desmarets, Nicolas, Marquis de Maillebois ... desulfurization | desulfurization, Raney nickel ... Deusdedit, Saint | Deusdetit II ... Deutsches Museum von Meisterwerken der Naturwissenschaft und Technik | Deutsches Nationaltheater ... Devereux, Walter, 1st earl of Essex | devernalization ... Devonian shale gas | Devonian System ...



DG | Dga’-ldan ...


Dhauli River | Dhauliganga



di (musical instrument) Di (mineral) Di (Chinese deity) Di Biasi, Klaus (Italian athlete) Di Centa, Manuela (Italian skier) Di Giuseppe, Enrico (American singer) Di Indigetes (Roman religion) Di Indigites (Roman religion) Di Linh Plateau (plateau, Vietnam) Di Manes (Roman religion) Di Melfi, Giuseppe (American boxer) Di Palma, Carlo (Italian cinematographer) Di Parentes (Roman religion) Di Penates (Roman deities) Di Pietro, Antonio (Italian jurist and politician) di Prima, Diane (American poet) di Ridolfo, Roberto (Italian conspirator) Di Stefano, Alfredo (Spanish athlete) Di Stefano, Giuseppe (Italian lyric tenor) di Tiro, Hasan (Indonesian rebel leader) Di Ya (Chinese mythology) DIA (United States government) Dia (Greek goddess) Dia Art Foundation (American arts organization) Dia Center for the Arts (American arts organization) Día de la Raza (holiday) Día de los Muertos (holiday) Diá, El (Uruguayan newspaper) Dia, Mamadou Moustapha (prime minister of Senegal) día normal, Un (album by Juanes) diabase (rock) diabasic texture (geology) Dia:Beacon (museum, Beacon, New York, United States) Diabelli, Anton (Austrian composer and publisher) diabetes (medical disorder) diabetes insipidus (medical disorder) diabetes mellitus (medical disorder) diabetic kidney disease (medical disorder) diabetic nephropathy (medical disorder) diabetic retinopathy (medical condition) “Diable au corps, Le” (work by Autant-Lara) “Diable au corps, Le” (work by Radiguet) Diable boiteux, Le (ballet) Diable, Île du (island, Atlantic Ocean) Diable, Robert le (legendary character) Diable-Marin, Le (submarine) diablerie (literature) Diablerie (novel by Mosley) Diablo (electronic game) diablo (game) diablo cojuelo, El (work by Vélez de Guevara) Diablo Range (mountains, United States) Diablotin (game) diablotin (bird) “Diaboliques, Les” (work by Barbey d’Aurevilly) Diabrotica (insect, Diabrotica genus) Diabrotica undecimpunctata (insect) diacetyl peroxide (chemical compound) diacetylmorphine (drug) diachronic linguistics diachronic phonology (linguistics) diaconate (Christian ministry) diaconicon (architecture) diacritic (linguistics) diacylglycerol (chemical compound) Diadectes (paleontology) diadem (ornament) Diadema antillarum (echinoderm) Diadema setosum (echinoderm) diademed sifaka (primate) Diadochi (Greek historian) Diadochoi (Greek historian) Diadochus of Photice (theologian) diadochy (crystallography) Diadophis (reptile genus) Diadophis punctatus (reptile) Diaemus youngi (mammal) diaeresis (prosody) diagenesis (geology) Diaghilev, Serge Pavlovich (Russian ballet impresario) Diaghilev, Sergey Pavlovich (Russian ballet impresario) Diagne, Ahmadou Mapaté (Senagalese author) Diagne, Blaise (French government official) diagnosis (medicine) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (publication) diagnostic horizon (pedology) diagnostic imaging (medicine) diagnostic radiology diagnostician (medicine) diagonal (punctuation) diagonal buttress (architecture) diagonal cutting pliers (tool) diagonal generator (device) diagonal stitch (needlepoint) “Diagonale du fou, La” (film by Dembo [1984]) diagonalization argument (mathematics) Diaguita (people) Diahot River (river, New Caledonia) diaitetes (Greek law) Diakonoff, Igor (Russian linguist) dial indicator (measurement device) Dial M for Murder (film by Hitchcock [1954]) Dial, The (American literary magazine) dialect (linguistics) dialect atlas dialect map dialect poetry (literature) dialectic (logic) Dialectic (Kantianism) Dialectic of Enlightenment (work by Adorno and Horkheimer) Dialectic of Sex, The (work by Firestone) “Dialectic of Sex: The Case for a Feminist Revolution, The” (work by Firestone) Dialectica (work by Saint Anselm) Dialecticae disputationes (work by Valla) Dialecticae libri duo (work by Ramus) dialectical dualism (religion) dialectical materialism (philosophy) dialectical method (literature) dialectical theology (Protestant theological movement) Dialectician (Chinese philosophy) dialectics (logic) Dialectics of Nature (work by Engels) Dialectique (work by Ramus) dialectology (linguistics) “Dialektik der Aufklärung” (work by Adorno and Horkheimer) “Dialektik und Natur” (work by Engels) Dialeurodes citri (insect) Dialictus zephyrus (bee) dialkyl sulfite (chemical compound) dialkyloxysulfurane (chemical compound) “Diall of Princes, The” (work by Guevara) diallage (mineral) “Dialoghi con Leuco” (work by Pavese) Dialoghi di amore (work by Hebreo) dialoghi, I (work by Aretino) “Dialoghi in materia di rappresentazioni sceniche” (work by Sommo) Dialogi (work by Sulpicius Severus) Dialogi contra Pelagianos (work by Saint Jerome) Dialogic Imagination, The (work by Bakhtin) dialogics (language) Dialogo (work by Catherine of Siena) Diálogo de la doctrina cristiana (work by Valdés) Diálogo de la lengua (work by Valdés) Diálogo de las cosas ocurridas en Romá (work by Valdés) “Dialogo del reggimento di Firenze” (work by Guicciardini) “Dialogo della musica antica, et della moderna” (work by Galilei) Diálogo para cantar (work by Fernández) Dialogo politico contra Luterani, Calvinisti ed altri eretici (work by Campanella) “Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo, tolemaico e copernicano” (work by Galileo) Dialogo sopra la nobilta (work by Parini) Diálogos de la Pintura (work by Carducci) dialogue Dialogue about Ancient and Modern Music (work by Galilei) Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man (work by Sade) Dialogue Concerning Heresies, A (work by More) Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems—Ptolemaic and Copernican (work by Galileo) Dialogue des Carmélites (work by Bernanos) “Dialogue entre un prêtre et un moribond” (work by Sade) Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation, A (work by More) Dialogue of Destiny, or The Book of the Laws of the Countries, The (work by Bardesanes) “Dialogue of the Ancients” (Irish literature) Dialogue of the Exchequer (work by Glanville) Dialogue on Miracle (work by Caesarius) Dialogue on the government of Florence (work by Guicciardini) Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom (work by Palladius) Dialogue sur le coloris (book by Piles) Dialogue with Trypho (work by Justin Martyr) Dialogues (work by Gregory I) Dialogues (work by La Mothe Le Veyer) Dialogues (works by Plato) Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (work by Hume) Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (work by Galileo) dialogues des Carmélites, Les (work by Poulenc) Dialogues des morts (work by Fénelon) “Dialogues et fragments philosophiques” (work by Renan) Dialogues of the Dead (work by Lucian) Dialogues of the Gods (work by Lucian) Dialogues on Ancient Painting (work by Hallanda) Dialogues on Love (work by Ebreo) Dialogues on the Art of the Stage (work by Sommo) Dialogues sur le commerce des blés (work by Galiani) Dialogues with Leuco (work by Pavese) Dialogus de oratoribus (work by Tacitus) “Dialogus de scaccario” (work by Fitzneale) “Dialogus miraculorum” (work by Caesarius) dialysis (chemical separation) dialysis (hemodialysis) Diama Dam (dam, Senegal) diamagnetism (physics) Diamang (Angolan company) Diamant, Cap (promontory, Quebec, Canada) Diamante, Fra (Italian artist) Diamantina (Brazil) Diamantina River (river, Queensland, Australia) Diamantina Upland (region, Brazil) diameter (mathematics) diamictite (geology) diamine (chemical compound) diaminodiphenyl sulfone (drug) Diamir (mountain, Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan) diamond (gemstone) Diamond Area 1 (region, Namibia) diamond ball (sport) Diamond, Battle of the (1795, Ireland) Diamond, Cape (promontory, Quebec, Canada) Diamond chair Diamond Challenge Sculls (rowing competition) diamond cutting Diamond, David (American composer) Diamond, David Leo (American composer) "Diamond Dogs" (album by Bowie) diamond dust (meteorology) diamond frame (device) Diamond Harbour (India) Diamond Head (cape, Hawaii, United States) Diamond, I. A. L. (American screenwriter) Diamond, Isadore (American screenwriter) Diamond Island (island, Myanmar) Diamond, Iz (American screenwriter) Diamond, John (British journalist) Diamond Lens, The (story by O’Brien) Diamond Life (album by Sade) Diamond Lil (work by West) Diamond Necklace, Affair of the (French history) Diamond, Neil (American singer and songwriter) diamond point engraving (technique) diamond point stipple engraving (technique) diamond pyramid hardness (metallurgy) Diamond Sutra (Buddhist text) Diamond Syndicate (South African company) diamond trade controversy (Africa) Diamond v. Chakrabarty (law case) diamond wire saw diamond worm (invertebrate) diamond-anvil cell (machine) diamond-anvil pressure cell (machine) diamond-leaf oak (plant) diamond-water paradox (economics) diamondback moth (insect) diamondback terrapin (turtle) Diamondbacks (American baseball team) diamondbird (bird) Diamonds and Rust (album by Baez) Diamonike Dam (dam, Japan) Diamper, Synod of (Roman Catholic history) Diampolis (Bulgaria) Dian Cécht (Celtic mythology) Dian Chi (lake, China) Dian Hau (Chinese deity) Dian, Lake (lake, China) Dian Mu (Chinese mythology) Diana (Roman religion) Diana (British ship) Diana (work by Houdon) Diana (British princess) Diana and Actaeon (work by Titian) Diana and Callisto (work by Titian) “Diana, La” (work by Montemayor) diana monkey (primate) Diana Nemorensis, grove of (Roman religion) Diana of the Crossways (novel by Meredith) Diana Prince (American comic-book character) Diana, Temple of (temple, Baiae, Italy) Diana, Temple of (temple, Ephesus, Turkey) Diana, The (work by Montemayor) Dianbour (region, Senegal) Diancang, Mount (mountain, China) Diane de France, duchesse de Montmorency et Angoulême (French noble) Diane de Poitiers (work by Clouet) Diane de Poitiers, duchesse de Valentinois (French noble) Dianetics (American religious movement) Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (work by Hubbard) Diangienda, Joseph (African religious leader) Diangienda ku Ntima (African religious leader) Dianic Wicca (religion) Dianius (bishop of Caesarea) Dianthus (plant) Dianthus barbatus (plant) Dianthus caryophyllus (plant) Dianthus sinensis (plant) diapason (music) diapause (biology) Diapensiaceae (plant family) diaper (architecture) diaper rash Diapheromera femorata (insect) diaphone (siren) diaphragm (anatomy) diaphragm (camera) diaphragm (contraceptive) diaphragm (electronics) diaphragm (pressure gauge) diaphragm cell (chemistry) diaphragm pump (engineering) diaphragm shutter (photography) diaphyseal aclasis (pathology) diaphyses (anatomy) diaphysis (anatomy) diapir (geology) diaplectic glass (technology) Diaporthales (fungi order) diapsid (reptile) Diapsida (reptile) diaqi (lacquerwork) diarchy (British India government system) diare (poet-singer) Diaries (ancient astrological work) Diaries and Letters (work by Nicolson) Diarii, I (work by Sanudo) Diário (work by Torga) “Diario de la guerra del cerdo” (work by Bioy Casares) Diário de Notícias (Portuguese newspaper) “Diario de un poeta recién casado” (work by Jiménez) Diario de un poeta y mar (work by Jiménez) Diario de un testigo de la guerra de Africa (work by Alarcón y Ariza) diario del aire, El (Spanish-American magazine) Diario di un parroco di campagna (work by Lisi) Diario in pubblico (work by Vittorini) “Diarios de motocicleta” (film by Salles [2004]) Diarmuid agus Gráinne (play by MacLiammóir) diarrhea (pathology) diarrheic shellfish poisoning (pathology) diarrhoea (pathology) Diarthrognathus (fossil genus) Diarthronomyia hypogaea (insect) diarthrosis (anatomy) diary (literature) Diary (work by Evelyn) Diary (work by Henslowe) Diary (work by Pepys) Diary (work by Sewall) Diary from Dixie, A (work by Chesnut) Diary of a Bad Year (novel by Coetzee) Diary of a Country Priest, The (work by Bernanos) Diary of a Country Priest, The (film by Bresson) Diary of a Journey Through Syria and Palestine (work by Na?ir-i Khusraw) Diary of a Lost Girl (film by Pabst) Diary of a Madman (work by Gogol) Diary of a Madman (work by Lu Xun) Diary of a Madman (album by Osbourne) Diary of a Nobody, The (work by George and Weedon Grossmith) Diary of a Parish Clerk and Other Stories, The (novella by Blicher) Diary of a Superfluous Man, The (work by Turgenev) Diary of a Writer, The (work by Dostoyevsky) Diary of a Young Girl, The (work by Frank) Diary of a Yuppie (novel by Auchincloss) Diary of an Art Dealer (work by Gimpel) “Diary of Anne Frank, The” (work by Frank) Diary of Anne Frank, The (film by Stevens [1959]) Diary of Gideon Welles (work by Welles) Diary of Izumi Shikibu, The (work by Murasaki Shikibu) Diary of My Times, A (work by Bernanos) Diary of the War of the Pig (work by Bioy Casares) diaryl sulfone (chemical compound) Dias, Antônio Gonçalves (Brazilian poet) Dias, Bartolomeu (Portuguese explorer) Días como flechas (work by Marechal) “Días contados” (film by Uribe) Dias d’Avilla, Francisco (Brazilian leader) Dias de Novais, Paulo (Portuguese general) Dias, Dinís (Portuguese explorer) Días enmascarados, Los (work by Fuentes) Días, Los (work by Torres Bodet) Dias, Mumadona (Portuguese ruler) Diasoma (mollusk supraclass) diaspore (plant reproductive body) diaspore (mineralogy) diastase (biochemistry) diastema (anatomy) diastereoisomer (chemistry) diastereomer (chemistry) diasteromer (chemistry) diastole (heart function) diastole (prosody) diastolic blood pressure (physiology) diastolic depolarization (physiology) diastolic dysfunction (disease) diastrophic dwarfism (pathology) diastrophism (geology) Diatessaron (work by Tatian) diathermy (medicine and therapeutics) diatom (unicellular organism) diatom ooze (marine sediment) diatomaceous earth (mineralogy) diatomaceous earth filtration diatomaceous ooze (marine sediment) diatomic molecule (chemistry) diatomite (mineral) diatonic (music) diatonic scale (music) diatreme (geology) diatreta (glass) Diatribai (work by Epictetus) diatribe (Greek literary genre) Diatribe du docteur Akakia (pamphlet by Voltaire) Diatronic (phototypesetter) diatropic movement (botany) diatropism (botany) Diatryma (paleontology) diaulos (running race) “diavolo al pontelungo, Il” (work by Bacchelli) Diavolo, Fra (Italian guerrilla leader) Diaz, Abby Morton (American author) Diaz, Adolfo (president of Nicaragua) Diaz, Armando (Italian general) Diaz, Bartolomeu (Portuguese explorer) Diaz de la Peña, Narcisse-Virgile (French painter) Díaz de Solís, Juan (Spanish explorer) Díaz de Vivar, Rodrigo (Castilian military leader) Díaz del Castillo, Bernal (Spanish author and soldier) Díaz, Félix (Mexican politician) Diaz, Francisco (Spanish physician) Díaz Gutiérrez, Alberto (Cuban photographer) Díaz, Jesús (Cuban writer and filmmaker) Diaz, José (Peruvian composer) Díaz, Junot (Dominican-born American writer) Díaz, Miguel (Cuban musician) Díaz Ordaz, Gustavo (president of Mexico) Díaz, Porfirio (president of Mexico) Diaz Zayas, Miguel Aurelio (Cuban musician) diazepam (drug) diazo compound (chemical compound) diazo process (chemical process) diazomethane (chemical compound) diazonium salt (chemical compound) diazotization (chemistry) diazotype (drafting) Dib, Mohammed (Algerian author) Diba (United Arab Emirates and Oman) Diba (United Arab Emirates and Oman) Diba al-?i?n (United Arab Emirates and Oman) Diba, Kemzan (Iranian architect) Dibamidae (reptile family) Dibang River (river, India) Dibang Valley (region, India) Dibango, Manu (Cameroonian musician) Dibango N’Djocke, Emmanuel (Cameroonian musician) dibatag (mammal) Dibbah (United Arab Emirates and Oman) dibbling (planting method) dibbuk (Jewish folklore) dibbuq (Jewish folklore) Dibdin, Charles (British composer, author, actor and manager) Dibdin, Michael John (British novelist) Dibdin, Thomas Frognall (English bibliographer) “Dibek, Der” (work by Ansky) Dibelius, Martin (German biblical scholar) dibenzo-p-dioxin (chemical compound) dibenzopyridine (chemical compound) dibenzotellurophene (chemical compound) Dibiasi, Klaus (Italian athlete) Dibich-Zabalkansky, Ivan Ivanovich (Russian military officer) diblock copolymer (chemistry) Dibner, Bern (Russian engineer) Dibon (ancient city, Jordan) diborane (chemical compound) Dibothriocephalus latus (flatworm) Dibotryon morbosum (fungus) Dibranchia (taxonomy) dibromoethane (chemical compound) Dibrugarh (India) Dibrugarh University (university, Dibrugarh, India) dibs (game) Dibutades (ancient Greek sculptor) DIC (optics) DIC insurance Dicaearchus (Greek philosopher) Dicaeidae (bird family) Dicaeum cruentatum (bird) Dicaeum pygmeum (bird) dicalcium silicate (chemical compound) DiCamillo, Kate (American author) DiCamillo, Katrina Elizabeth (American author) Dicamptodon (amphibian genus) Dicamptodontidae (amphibian family) DiCaprio, Leonardo (American actor and producer) DiCaprio, Leonardo Wilhelm (American actor and producer) dicarboxylic acid (chemical compound) dicastery (ancient Greek law) dice (game pieces) dice game (game) Dice Thrown Never Will Annul Chance (poem by Mallarmé) Dice-K (Japanese baseball player) Dicenta, Joaquín (Spanish dramatist) Dicentra (plant genus) Dicentra canadensis (plant) Dicentra cucullaria (plant) Dicentra eximia (plant) Dicentra formosa (plant) Dicentra spectabilis (plant) Dicentrarchus labrax (fish) DICER (enzyme) “Diceria dell’untore” (work by Bufalino) Dicerorhinus sumatrensis (mammal) Diceros bicornis (mammal) Dicey, Albert Venn (British jurist) Dichapetalaceae (plant family) dichasium (plant structure) dichloro(2-chlorovinyl)arsine (chemical compound) dichlorobenzene (chemical compound) dichlorodiethyl sulfide (chemical compound) dichlorodifluoromethane (chemical compound) dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (chemical compound) dichloromethane (chemical compound) dichlorvos (drug) dichogamy (biological process) Dichondra (plant genus) Dichondra carolinensis (plant) Dichondra repens (plant) Dichondra repens carolinensis (plant) dichotomous branching (plant anatomy) dichotomy (logic) dichroic mirror (optics) dichroism (optics) dichroite (mineral) Dichromanassa rufescens (bird) dichromate mineral dichromatic vision Dichterleben (work by Tieck) “Dichtung und Wahrheit” (autobiography by Goethe) dicing (technology) Dick Cavett Show, The (American television show) Dick, George Frederick (American physician) Dick, Gladys Henry (American pathologist) Dick, Mr. (fictional character) Dick, Philip K. (American author) Dick, Philip Kindred (American author) Dick Smith Electronics (Australian company) Dick Smith Foods (Australian company) Dick test (medicine) Dick Tracy (comic strip character) Dick Tracy (cartoon strip) Dick Tracy (film by Beatty [1990]) Dick Van Dyke Show, The (American television program) Dick-Read, Grantly (British obstetrician) dickcissel (bird) Dicke, Robert H. (American physicist) Dicke, Robert Henry (American physicist) Dickens, Charles (British novelist) Dickens, Charles John Huffam (British novelist) Dickens, Monica (British writer) Dickerson, Carroll (American musician) Dickerson, Eric (American football player) Dickerson, Eric Demetric (American football player) Dickerson, Nancy (American journalist) Dickey, Bill (American athlete) Dickey, James (American poet) Dickey, James Lafayette (American poet) Dickey, Sarah Ann (American educator) Dickey, William A. (American prospector) Dickey, William Malcolm (American athlete) Dickinson (North Dakota, United States) Dickinson, Angie (American actress) Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth (American lecturer) Dickinson College (college, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, United States) Dickinson Dam (dam, United States) Dickinson, Emily (American poet) Dickinson, Emily Elizabeth (American poet) Dickinson, John (United States statesman) Dickinson, Jonathan (American minister) Dickinson Seminary (college, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States) dickite (mineral) Dickson, Amanda America (daughter of David Dickson) Dickson, Brian (Canadian jurist) Dickson, Carr (American author) Dickson, Carter (American author) Dickson, David (American farmer and writer) Dickson, Dorothy Schofield (British actress) Dickson, Gordon Rupert (American author) Dickson, Harry (fictional character) Dickson, Leonard Eugene (American mathematician) Dickson, Robert George Brian (Canadian jurist) Dickson, William Kennedy Laurie (American inventor) Dicksonia (fern genus) Dicksoniaceae (plant family) Dicle (river, Middle East) Diclidurus albus (Diclidurus genus) Dicliptera (plant genus) dicot (plant) dicotyledon (plant) Dicotyledones (plant) dicoumarin (chemical compound) Dicraea (plant genus) Dicranopteris (fern genus) Dicranum Dicranum scoparium (plant) Dicroidium (seed fern genus) Dicrostonyx (rodent) Dicruridae (bird) Dicrurus adsimilis (bird) Dicrurus macrocercus (bird) Dicrurus paradiseus (bird) Dictamnus albus (plant) dictaphone “Dictata” (work by Keessel) dictating machine dictator (Roman official) dictator (ruler) dictatore (Italian teacher) dictatorship (political science) dictatorship of the proletariat (Marxist doctrine) Dictatus papae (papal claims) Dicté après juillet 1830 (poem by Hugo) Dictes and Sayenges of the Phylosophers (early printed book) diction (literature) Dictionarium Britannicum (work by Bailey) Dictionarium linguae Latinae et Anglicanae (work by Thomas) Dictionarium seu linguae latinae thesaurus (work by Estienne) dictionary (reference work) dictionary catalog (library science) Dictionary in Englyshe and Welshe (work by Salesbury) Dictionary of American Biography (edition by Malone) Dictionary of American English on Historical Principles, A (compilation by Craigie and Hulbert) Dictionary of Americanisms, A (work by Mathews) Dictionary of Americanisms: A Glossary of Words and Phrases, Usually Regarded as Peculiar to the United States (work by Bartlett) Dictionary of Birds, A (book by Newton) Dictionary of Modern English Usage, A (work by Fowler) Dictionary of Music and Musicians (reference work) Dictionary of National Biography (British dictionary) Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology (anthology by Baldwin) Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (work by Brewer) Dictionary of the American Language, A (work by Webster) Dictionary of the English Language, A (work by Johnson) Dictionary of the English Language, A (work by Worcester) Dictionary of the Irish Language (Irish dictionary) Dictionary of the Malayan Language (work by Marsden) Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, A (dictionary by Craigie) Dictionary of the Scots Language (online dictionary) Dictionary War (lexicography) Dictiones (work by Ennodius) Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française (French dictionary) Dictionnaire de la langue française (French dictionary) Dictionnaire des arts et des sciences, Le (work compiled by Corneille) Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes (work by Barbier) “Dictionnaire historique et critique” (work by Bayle) “Dictionnaire Littré” (French dictionary) Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle (work by Viollet-le-Duc) Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier francais de l’époque carlovingienne à la Rénaissance (work by Viollet-le-Duc) Dictionnaire universel (work by Jesuit fathers) Dictionnaire universel des arts et sciences (work by Furetière) Dictynna (work by Valerius Cato) Dictynna (Cretan goddess) Dictyocha (algae genus) Dictyochales (order of algae) Dictyochophyceae (class of algae) Dictyoclostus (fossil brachiopod genus) Dictyophora (fungus genus) Dictyophorus reticulatus (insect) Dictyoptera (insect) Dictyoptera aurora (insect) dictyostele (stele) Dictyostelium discoideum (protozoan) Dictys Cretensis (author) Dicuil (Irish monk, grammarian, and geographer) dicumarol (chemical compound) dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (chemical compound) dicyclopentadienyliron (chemical compound) dicyemid (invertebrate) Dicyemida (invertebrate) Dicynodon (fossil genus) Did You Hear About the Morgans? (film by Lawrence [2009]) Didache (Christian theological literature) didactic (the arts) didactic literature Didactica Opera Omnia (work by Comenius) didacticism (the arts) didactive film (theatre) Didahii (work by Anthimus) Didascalia Apostolorum (work on ecclesiastical law) Didascalicon (work by Hugh of Saint-Victor) didascaly (literature) Didaskalia kai parainesis (work by Arsenius the Great) didaskaloi (teacher) Diddley, Bo (American musician) Diddy (American rapper, record producer, and clothing designer) Didelot, Charles-Louis (French dancer) Didelphidae (marsupial) Didelphimorphia (mammal order) Didelphis albiventris (marsupial) Didelphis aurita (marsupial) Didelphis imperfecta (marsupial) Didelphis marsupialis (marsupial) Didelphis pernigra (marsupial) Didelphis virginiana (marsupial) Didermocerus sumatrensis (mammal) Diderot, Angélique (French writer) Diderot, Denis (French philosopher) didgeridoo (musical instrument) Didi (Brazilian athlete) Didi-Abuli (peak, Georgia) Didian law (Roman law) Didinga-Murle languages Didinium (protozoan genus) Didion, Joan (American author) Didius Severus Julianus, Marcus (Roman emperor) didjeridoo (musical instrument) didjeridu (musical instrument) Dido (Classical mythology) Dido (work by Stein) Dido and Aeneas (opera by Purcell) Dido language Dido languages (Caucasian language subgroup) Dido, Queen of Carthage (play by Marlowe) Didot, Ambroise-Firmin (French printer and typesetter) Didot family (French family) Didot, Firmin (French printer and typesetter) Didot, François (French printer and bookseller) Didot, François-Ambroise (French printer and typesetter) Didot, Henri (French printer and typesetter) Didot, Hyacinthe-Firmin (French printer and typesetter) Didot, Léger (French printer and typesetter) Didot, Pierre (French printer and typesetter) Didot, Pierre François (French publisher and printer) Didot, Pierre l’aîné (French printer and typesetter) Didriksen, Babe (American athlete) Didriksen, Mildred Elaa (American athlete) Didrikson, Babe (American athlete) Didron, Adolphe-Napoléon (French journalist) Didunculinae (bird subfamily) Didunculus strigirostris (bird) Didwana (archaeological site, India) Didyma (ancient site, Greece) Didyme Insula (island, Italy) Didymelales (plant order) Didymi (ancient site, Greece) Didymograptus (graptolite genus) Didymopanax (plant genus) Didymus Chalcenterus (Greek scholar) Didymus Chalkenteros (Greek scholar) Didymus the Blind (Christian theologian) die (game pieces) die (tool) die clicker (manufacturing) die forming (technology) Die Hard (film) die press (manufacturing) die sinking (metallurgy) die skin (brick and tile manufacturing) die-casting (industrial process) dieback (plant pathology) Diebenkorn, Richard (American painter) Diebenkorn, Richard Clifford, Jr. (American painter) Diebitsch, Johann Karl Friedrich Anton, Graf (Russian military officer) Diebold, John (American business consultant) diecasting (industrial process) Dieci dell’Arbitrio (Italian council) Dieci libri di pensieri diversi di Alessandro Tassoni (work by Tassoni) Diedenhofen (France) Diederik van den Elzas (count of Flanders) Diefenbaker, John G. (prime minister of Canada) Diefenbaker, John George (prime minister of Canada) Diefenbaker, Lake (lake, Canada) Dieffenbachia (plant) Dieffenbachia amoena (plant) Dieffenbachia maculata Dieffenbachia picta Dieffenbachia seguine (plant) Diego blood group system Diego Cendoya, Gerardo (Spanish poet and musicologist) Diego de Acebes (Spanish bishop) Diego de Osma (Spanish bishop) Diego Garcia (island, Indian Ocean) Diego Garcia: A Strategic Base (Diego Garcia) Diego, Gerardo (Spanish poet and musicologist) Diégo-Suarez (Madagascar) Diegodendron humbertii (plant) Diegueño (people) diel rhythm (biology) Dielasma (paleontology) dieldrin (chemical compound) Diele (East Friesland architecture) dielectric (physics) dielectric constant (physics) dielectric heating (physics) dielectric loss (physics) dielectric polarization (physics) dielectric relaxation (chemistry) Diels, Hermann (German scholar) Diels, Otto Paul Hermann (German chemist) Diels-Alder diene reaction (chemical reaction) Diels-Alder reaction (chemical reaction) Diem, Ngo Dinh (Vietnamese political leader) Diemen, Anthony van (Dutch colonial administrator) Diémer, Louis-Joseph (French pianist) Diemer, Walter E. (American entrepreneur) Diemerbroeck, Isbrand van (Dutch biologist) Dien Bien Phu, Battle of (Vietnam [1954]) diencephalon (anatomy) diene (chemical compound) diene synthesis (chemical reaction) Dienes, Valéria (Hungarian dancer, teacher, and choreographer) Dienes Valéria (Hungarian dancer, teacher, and choreographer) Dienné (Mali) Diente del Parnaso (poem by Caviedes) Dientzenhofer, Christoph (German architect) Dientzenhofer, Kilian Ignaz (German architect) Dieppe (France) Dieppe raid (French history) dieresis (prosody) Diergaarde Blijdorp (zoo, Rotterdam, Netherlands) Diergaarde voor kinderen van nu (work by Ostaijen) Diervilla (plant) Diervilla lonicera (plant) Diervilla rivularis (plant) Diervilla sessilifolia (plant) Diervillaceae (plant family) Dies Committee (United States history) Dies irae (hymn) Dies, Martin, Jr. (American politician) diesel (railroad locomotive) diesel engine diesel fuel diesel oil Diesel, Rudolf Christian Karl (French-German engineer) diesinking (metallurgy) Diespiter (Roman god) diestrus (reproductive cycle) diet (nutrition) Diet (German government) Diet (Japanese government) diet beer (alcoholic beverage) Diet Coca-Cola (beverage) Diet Coke (beverage) Diet of Worms (Germany [1521]) diet, therapeutic (nutrition) diet-induced thermogenesis (physiology) Dieta (German government) dietary guideline (nutrition) dietary law (religion) Dietary Reference Intake dietary supplement (diet) Dietenberger, Johann (German Bible editor) Dieterle, William (American film director) Dieth, Eugene (British linguist) diethyl ether (chemical compound) diethyl malonate (chemical compound) diethyl sulfate (chemical compound) diethylamine (chemical compound) diethylcarbamazine (drug) diethylene glycol (chemical compound) diethylstilbestrol (hormone) diethylzinc (chemical compound) dieting (nutrition) Dietmar (German bishop) Dietrich, Josef (German military officer) Dietrich, Marie Magdalene (German-American actress) Dietrich, Marlene (German-American actress) Dietrich, Paul-Henri (French philosopher) Dietrich, Sepp (German military officer) Dietrich von Bern (German mythology) Dietterlin, Wendel (German architect) Dietz, Ferdinand (German sculptor) Dietz, Howard (American executive and songwriter) Dietz, Robert S. (American geophysicist) Dietz, Robert Sinclair (American geophysicist) Dieu (work by Hugo) “Dieu du carnage, Le” (play by Reza) Dieudonné d’Artois, Henri-Charles-Ferdinand-Marie (French noble) Dieulafoy, Marcel-Auguste (French archaeologist) “Dieux ont soif, Les” (work by France) Dieva deli (Baltic religion) Dievaitis (Baltic god) Dievas (Baltic god) Dievo suneliai (Baltic religion) Dievs (Baltic god) Diez, Friedrich Christian (German scholar) Difang Hui (international religious group) Difaqane (African history) Difesa di Dante (work by Gozzi) différance (linguistics) difference (heraldry) Difference and Repetition (book by Deleuze) Difference Between a Tribe and a Band (indigenous people) Difference Engine (calculating machine) Difference Engine No. 2 (mathematical device) difference equation difference feminism Difference Machine No. 2 (mathematical device) difference principle (philosophy) difference quotient difference set (mathematics) difference tone (music) difference-in-conditions insurance Différences (work by Berio) Differend: Phrases in Dispute, The (work by Lyotard) Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species, The (work by Darwin) Different World, A (American television program) differentia, definition by genus and differentiable function (mathematics) differential (mathematics) differential analyzer (device) Differential Aptitude Test (abilities test) differential association (sociology) Differential Association-Reinforcement Theory of Criminal Behavior, A (work by Akers and Burgess) differential blood count differential calculus (mathematics) differential diagnosis (medicine) differential discriminator (physics) differential distillation (chemical process) differential equation differential gear differential geometry differential interference contrast (optics) differential navigation differential operator (mathematics) differential psychology differential pulse voltammetry (chemistry) differential rent (economics) differential suicide differential thermal analysis (chemistry) differential-algebraic system (mathematics) differentiation (biology) differentiation (geology) differentiation (mathematics) differentiator (device) “Difficult Classic” (work by Bian Qiao) difficult crossings problem Diffie, Whitfield (American mathematician) diffraction (physics) diffraction grating (optics) diffraction, order of (physics) diffraction pattern (physics) diffuse ionized gas (astronomy) diffuse nebula (astronomy) diffuse nervous system (physiology) diffuse radiation diffuse root system (plant anatomy) diffuse thalamic projection system (physiology) diffuse-porous wood diffuser pump diffusion (physics) diffusion bonding (metallurgy) diffusion breakwater diffusion chamber (device) diffusion coefficient (physics) diffusion, cultural (anthropology) diffusion equation (mathematics) diffusion flame (chemistry) diffusion index (economics) diffusion layer (electronics) diffusion process (physics) diffusion pump diffusion, thermal (chemistry) diffusion thermoeffect (physics) diffusion transfer (printing) diffusivity (physics) DiFiglia, Michael Bennett (American dancer and choreographer) difluoromethylornithine (drug) DIFX (stock exchange, Dubai, United Arab Emirates) Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!! (album by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds) Dig Your Own Hole (album by the Chemical Brothers) Digambara (Jainist sect) digamma (ancient Greek letter) Digaru (people) digastric muscle (anatomy) Digby (Nova Scotia, Canada) Digby, George (English statesman) Digby, John (English diplomat) Digby, Sir Kenelm (English philosopher and diplomat) Digenea (flatworm subclass) Digenis Akritas (Byzantine epic hero) Digenis Akritas (Greek epic) Digenis Akritas Basileios (Byzantine epic hero) DiGeorge syndrome (disease) digest (periodical) Digest (Roman law digest) Digesta (Roman law digest) digestible energy (agriculture) digestion (biology) digestion (chemistry) digestive hormone (biochemistry) digestive nerve plexus (physiology) digestive process (biology) digestive system (anatomy) digestive system disease digestive system, human digestive system, invertebrate (anatomy) digestive system, vertebrate (anatomy) digestive tract digestive vacuole (biology) Digger (English agrarian movement) digger bee (insect) digger-shield mole (tunnel machine) Digges, Leonard (British mathematician) digging stick (agriculture) Digging Up the Past (work by Woolley) digging wheel (engineering) Diggs, Annie LePorte (American reformer) Diggs, Charles, Jr. (American politician) Digha Nikaya (Buddhist literature) Dighenis (Cypriot leader) digit (anatomy) digit (ancient Egyptian unit of measurement) digit (ancient Roman unit of measurement) digit malformation (physiology) digital ammeter (measurement instrument) digital audio disc (recording) digital audio player digital audio tape (sound recording) digital camera (photography) digital certificate (electronic credit card) digital chess clock digital circuit (electronics) digital compact cassette recorder digital computer Digital Consumer Electronics Boom (consumer electronics) digital differential analyzer (instrument) digital disc (sound recording) Digital Equipment Corporation (American company) Digital Fortress (novel by Brown) digital information digital library digital light processor digital manipulation (photography) Digital Millennium Copyright Act (United States [1998]) digital modulation digital music player digital projector digital publishing digital recording digital rectal exam (medical procedure) digital rights management (copyright protection) digital seismograph station digital signal modulation digital signal processor (computer science) digital sound recording digital subscriber line (networking technology) digital subtraction angiography (medicine) digital synthesizer (musical instrument) digital tablet (input device) digital television digital transmission (technology) Digital Underground (American rap group) digital versatile disc (technology) digital video disc (technology) digital video recorder digital videodisc (technology) digital videodisc recorder (technology) digital voltmeter (measurement) digital word (computing) digital-form information digital-to-analog conversion digitalis (drug) Digitalis (plant) Digitalis purpurea (plant) Digitaria (plant genus) Digitaria californica (plant) Digitaria ischaemum (plant) Digitaria sanguinalis (plant) digitigrade posture (locomotion) digitoxigenin (chemical compound) digitoxin (pharmacology) digitus (ancient Roman unit of measurement) diglossia (linguistics) diglyceride (chemical compound) Dignaga (Buddhist logician) Digne-les-Bains (France) Digoel Rivier (river, Indonesia) Digor language Digoron language digoxin (drug) digraph (mathematics) “Digte og udkast” (poetry by Jacobsen) Diguan (Chinese mythology) Digul River (river, Indonesia) Dihang (river, Asia) Dihigo, Martín (Cuban baseball player) dihqan (Persian social class) Dihua (China) dihydroergotamine (drug) dihydroorotase (enzyme) dihydroorotate (chemical compound) dihydroorotic acid dehydrogenase (enzyme) dihydrotestosterone (hormone) dihydroxyacetone phosphate (chemical compound) dihydroxybutanedioic acid (chemical compound) dihydroxyphenylalanine (chemical compound) diiodomethane (chemical compound) Dijeng Plateau (plateau, Indonesia) Dijkstra, Edsger (Dutch computer scientist) Dijkstra, Edsger Wybe (Dutch computer scientist) Dijla (river, Middle East) Dijon (France) Dik Danle Sap (novel by Kim Hak) dik-dik (antelope) dika (plant) dika bread tree (plant) dika nut (plant) dika tree (plant) dikanikion (ecclesiastical symbol) dikasteria (ancient Greek law) dike (ancient Greek law) dike (engineering) dike (igneous rock) dike pseudomartyrion (Greek law) dike swarm (geology) Dikelocephalus (trilobite genus) Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean Jacque Wamutombo (American basketball player) diketene (chemical compound) diketone (chemical compound) dikkop (bird) DIKO (political party, Cyprus) Dikoa (Nigeria) Dikran (son of Tigranes II) Dikran II the Great (king of Armenia) dik?a (Hindu rite) Dikter (work by Enckell) Dikter (work by Snoilsky) Dikter (work by Södergran) Diktonius, Elmer (Finnish author) Dikwa (Nigeria) Dilantin (drug) Ðilas, Milovan (Yugoslavian writer and official) dilatancy (physics) dilatation (parturition) dilatation and curettage (surgical procedure) dilatation and evacuation (surgical procedure) dilated cardiomyopathy (disease) dilation (of pupil) dilator muscle (anatomy) Dilbert (comic strip by Adams) Dileita Muhammad Dileita (prime minister of Djibouti) Diletantizm v nauke (work by Herzen) Dili (East Timor) diligence (stagecoach) Diliyiánnis, Theódoros (prime minister of Greece) Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, 2nd Baronet (British statesman) dill (herb) Dill, Sir John Greer (British field marshal) Dillard, Annie (American writer) Dillard, Harrison (American athlete) Dillard, William T., Sr. (American businessman) Dillards, the (American bluegrass group) Dillenia (plant genus) Dillenia indica (plant) Dilleniaceae (plant family) Dilleniales (plant order) Dilleniidae (plant subclass) Dillenius, Johann Jakob (German botanist) Diller, Barry (American media executive) Diller, Phyllis (American comedienne and actress) Dilli (East Timor) Dillingen, Counts of (Swiss history) Dillinger (film by Milius) Dillinger, John (American gangster) Dillinger, John Herbert (American gangster) dillisk (biology) Dillon (river, eastern South Island, New Zealand) Dillon (county, South Carolina, United States) Dillon (Montana, United States) Dillon, C. Douglas (American financier) Dillon, Carmen Joseph (British art director) Dillon, Clarence Douglas (American financier) Dillon, John (Irish leader) Dillon, John Blake (Irish author) Dilly (East Timor) Dilmun (ancient kingdom, Persian Gulf) dilo (tree) dilo oil tree (tree) dilogarithm (mathematics) Dilong (Chinese mythology) Dilong (dinosaur) Dílos (island, Greece) Dilthey, Wilhelm (German philosopher) diltiazem (drug) Dilucidationes Philosophicae de Deo, Anima Humana, Mundo, et Generalibus Rerum Affectionibus (work by Bilfinger) dilute juice (sugar processing) Dilworth, Richardson (American politician) dimachaerus (gladiator class) DiMaggio, Dom (American baseball player) DiMaggio, Dominic Paul (American baseball player) DiMaggio, Joe (American baseball player) DiMaggio, Joseph Paul (American baseball player) “Dimanches de ville d’Avray, Les” (film by Bourguignon [1962]) Dimargaritales (order of fungi) Dimaris (syllogistic) Dimashq (Syria) Dimashqi, al- (Islamic theologian) dimbila (musical instrument) Dimbleby, Richard (British journalist) Dimbleby, Richard Frederick (British journalist) Dîmbovita (county, Romania) Dîmbovita River (river, Romania) Dime Bancorp (American corporation) dime novel (literature) Dime Savings Bank (American corporation) Dime-Store Alchemy (work by Simic) dimenhydrinate (drug) dimension (geometry) dimension (physics) dimension stone (mining) dimensional analysis (physical science and engineering) dimensionless number (mechanics) Dimensions (work by Shapey) dimer (chemistry) dimercaprol (drug) dimerization (chemical reaction) dimeter (poetic metre) dimethoate (insecticide) dimethyl ether (chemical compound) dimethyl ketone (chemical compound) dimethyl sulfate (chemical compound) dimethyl sulfide (chemical compound) dimethyl sulfite (chemical compound) dimethyl sulfoxide (chemical compound) dimethyl trichlorophenyl phosphorothioate (chemical compound) dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (chemical compound) dimethylaminoethylbenzanilide (drug) dimethylbenzene (chemical compound) dimethylcarbinol (chemical compound) dimethylmercury (chemical compound) dimethyltryptamine (hallucinogen) Dimetrodon (fossil reptile) dimictic lake dimidiation (heraldry) Diminco (Sierra Leonean company) Dimini (ancient town, Greece) diminished capacity (law) diminished responsibility (law) diminished triad (music) diminishing marginal productivity, principle of (economics) diminishing returns (economics) diminution (music) Dimitrijevic, Dragutin (Serbian army officer) Dimitrios (Greek patriarch) Dimitrov Constitution (Bulgarian history) Dimitrov, Georgi Mikhailovich (Bulgarian communist leader) Dimitrov, Vladimir (Bulgarian artist) Dimitrova, Ghena (Bulgarian singer) Dimitrovgrad (Bulgaria) Dimitrovgrad (Russia) Dimitrovo (Bulgaria) dimity (fabric) Dimlang Peak (mountain peak, Nigeria) Dimme (Mesopotamian demon) dimmer (lighting) Dimmesdale, Arthur (fictional character) Dimokratikó Kómma (political party, Cyprus) Dimokratikos Synagermos (political party, Cyprus) Dimona (Israel) Dimona Nuclear Research Centre (research facility, Israel) Dimont, Penelope (British author) dimorphism, sexual (biology) Dimorphodon (paleontology) Dimos (ancient city, Hvar Island, Croatia) Dimri i madh (novel by Kadare) DiMucci, Dion (American singer) dimyarianism (mollusk anatomy) Dimyat (Egypt) Din Panah (historical city, India) DIN system (photography) Din tjänare hör (work by Lidman) Din-e Ilahi (Indian religion) Din-i Ilahi (Indian religion) Dina (biblical figure) Dinagat gymnure (mammal) Dinah (biblical figure) Dinajpur (Bangladesh) Dinan (France) Dinan, Saint (Celtic missionary) dinanderie (metalwork) Dinant (Belgium) Dinantian Subsystem (geochronology) Dinapate wrighti (beetle) Dinapore (India) Dinapur (India) Dinar (Turkey) dinar (currency) Dinara Planina (mountains, Europe) Dinarchus (Greek speech writer) Dinard (France) Dinaric Alps (mountains, Europe) Dinarsko Gorje (mountains, Europe) Dinawari, ad- (Persian astronomer and botanist) Dinbych (Wales, United Kingdom) Dinbych-y-pysgod (Wales, United Kingdom) Dindar River (river, Africa) Dinder National Park (park, The Sudan) Dinder River (river, Africa) dindi (Indian folk dance) Dindigul (India) Dindshenchas (collection of legends) d’Indy, Paul-Marie-Theodore-Vincent (French composer) Dindymene (ancient deity) Dine, James (American artist) Dine, Jim (American artist) Dinello, Paul (American actor, writer, and director) Dinemellia dinemelli (bird) Diner (American motion picture, 1982) Diners’ Club, Inc. (American corporation) Dines, William Henry (British meteorologist) Dinesen, Isak (Danish author) Dineutes americanus (insect) Dinezon, Jacob (author) Dinezon, Yankev (author) ding (vessel) Ding Ling (Chinese author) Ding ware (Chinese stoneware) Ding-an-sich (philosophy) Dingaan (Zulu king of Natal) Dingaan’s Day (South African holiday) Dingane (Zulu king of Natal) Dingane’s Day (South African holiday) Dingelstedt, Franz Ferdinand, Freiherr von (German writer and producer) Dinghai (China) dinghy (boat) Dingirmakh (Mesopotamian deity) Dingiswayo (Mthethwa leader) Dingle (peninsula, Ireland) Dingle Bay (bay, Ireland) Dingley Tariff Act (United States [1897]) Dinglinger, Johann Melchior (German metalworker) dingo (mammal) Dinguiraye (Guinea) Dinh Bo Linh (emperor of Vietnam) Dinh Tien Hoang (emperor of Vietnam) Dini, Lamberto (prime minister of Italy) Dinichthys (paleontology) Dinictis (extinct mammal) Dinigat bushy-tailed cloud rat (rodent) dining car (railroad vehicle) dining table Dinis (king of Portugal) Dinis, Júlio (Portuguese author) dinitrate (chemical compound) dinitrogen monoxide (chemical compound) dinitrogen pentoxide (chemical compound) dinitrogen tetroxide (chemical compound) dinitrogen trioxide (chemical compound) Dinitz, Simon (American criminologist) Diniz (king of Portugal) Dink, Hrant (Turkish journalist) Dinka (people) Dinka language “Dinkard” (Zoroastrian work) Dinkeloo, John (architect) Dinkelsbühl (Germany) Dinkins, David (American politician) Dinkins, David Norman (American politician) Dinner at Eight (film by Cukor [1933]) Dinner for Schmucks (film by Roach [2010]) Dinner Island (island, Papua New Guinea) Dinner Party, The (work by Chicago) Dinner Table, The (painting by Matisse) “Dinnsheanchas” (collection of legends) Dinocardium robustum (clam) Dinocrates (Greek architect) Dinoflagellata (algae division) dinoflagellate (protist) dinoflagellate body Dinoflagellida (protist) Dinohyus (paleontology) Dinolestes lewini (fish) Dinomys branickii (rodent) Dinopercidae (fish family) Dinophilida (polychaete order) Dinophilus (polychaete genus) Dinophyceae (algae class) Dinophysis (algae genus) Dinopis Dinornis (extinct bird) Dinornithidae (extinct bird family) Dinornithiformes (extinct bird) dinosaur (extinct reptile) Dinosaur National Monument (monument, Colorado-Utah, United States) Dinosaur Provincial Park (park, Alberta, Canada) Dinosauria (extinct reptile) dinosauromorph (reptile) dinozoa (protist) Dinshaway Incident (Egyptian history) Dinshwai Incident (Egyptian history) Dinur, Benzion (Jewish historian) Dinwiddie, Robert (British colonial administrator) Dinystr Jerusalem (poem by Eben Fardd) Dio (India) Dio Cassius (Roman historian) Dio Cocceianus (Roman historian) Dio: Formazione e sviluppo del monoteismo nella storia delle religioni (work by Pettazzoni) Dio, Lucius Cassius (Roman historian) Dio of Prusa (Greek philosopher) Dio, Ronnie James (American singer) “Dio ti salvi” (work by Bacchelli) diocese (administrative unit) dioch (species) Diocles (Greek philosopher and physician) Diocles (Roman emperor) Dioclesian (work by Purcell) Diocletian (Roman emperor) Diocletian, Baths of (monument, Rome, Italy) Diocletian, Palace of (building, Split, Croatia) Diocletian window (architecture) dioctahedral structure (chemistry) Diodati, Charles (English scholar) Diodati, Giovanni (Swiss biblical scholar) diode (electron tube) diode (electronics) diodochoi (Macedonian military officer) Diodon hystrix (fish) Diodontidae (fish) Diodore of Tarsus (Christian theologian) Diodorus Cronus (Greek philosopher) Diodorus Siculus (Greek historian) Diodotus I (king of Bactria) Diodotus II (king of Bactria) dioecism (reproduction) Diogena (work by Lewald) Diogenes (Greek philosopher) Diogenes Laërtius (Greek author) Diogenes, Lamp of (monument, Athens, Greece) Diogenes of Apollonia (Greek philosopher) Diogenes of Babylon (Greek philosopher) Diogenes of Oenoanda (Greek philosopher) Diogenianus (Greek philosopher) diogenite (astronomy) Diognetus, Letter to (early Christian work) DioGuardi, Kara (American songwriter) Diola (people) diolefin (chemical compound) diolkos (Greek history) Diomede Islands (islands, Bering Sea) Diomedea albatrus (bird) Diomedea epomophora (bird) Diomedea exulans (bird) Diomedea immutabilis (bird) Diomedea irrorata (bird) Diomedea melanophris (bird) Diomedea nigripes (bird) Diomedeidae (bird) Diomedes (Greek mythology) Diomedes (Roman grammarian) Dion (ruler of Syracuse) Dion and the Belmonts (American music group) Dion Cassius (Roman historian) Dion, Céline (Canadian singer) Dion Chrysostom (Greek philosopher) Dion, Stéphane (Canadian government official) Dionaea (plant genus) Dionaea muscipula (plant) Dione (Greek mythology) Dione (astronomy) Dionisi (Russian artist) Dionisy (Russian artist) Dionne quintuplets (Canadian quintuplets) Dionne, Yvonne (Canadian personality) Dionysia (Greco-Roman festival) Dionysiac Mysteries (Greco-Roman festival) Dionysiaca (epic by Nonnus) Dionysian (characteristic) Dionysian period (chronology) Dionysian-Apollonian dichotomy (philosophy) Dionysiana-Hadriana (canon law) Dionysios of Halicarnassus (Greek historian) Dionysius Bar-Salibi (Syrian bishop) Dionysius Exiguus (canonist) Dionysius I (ruler of Syracuse) Dionysius II (ruler of Syracuse) Dionysius IV Mouselimis (patriarch of Constantinople) Dionysius Longinus (Greek literary critic) Dionysius of Alexandria, Saint (Christian theologian) Dionysius of Halicarnassus (Greek historian) Dionysius of Miletus (Roman orator) Dionysius of Tell Mahre (Syrian patriarch) Dionysius, Saint (bishop of Paris) Dionysius, Saint (pope) Dionysius Telmaharensis (Syrian patriarch) Dionysius the Areopagite (biblical figure) Dionysius the Carthusian (Flemish theologian) Dionysius the Elder (ruler of Syracuse) Dionysius the Great, Saint (Christian theologian) Dionysius the Presbyter (Syrian author) Dionysius the Younger (ruler of Syracuse) Dionysius Thrax (Greek grammarian) Dionysus (Greek mythology) Dionysus, Theatre of (theatre, Athens, Greece) Dionyza (fictional character) Dioon (plant genus) Dioon edule (plant) Dioon spinulosum (plant) Diop, Birago (Senegalese author) Diop, Cheikh Anta (Senegalese author and scholar) Diop, David (Senegalese author) Diophantine equation (mathematics) Diophantus of Alexandria (Greek mathematician) Diopsidae (insect) diopside (mineral) diopside-hedenbergite join (crystallography) dioptase (mineral) diopter (instrument) diopter (optics) dioptra (instrument) Dioptra (book by Heron of Alexandria) Dioptromysis (shrimp genus) Dior, Christian (French designer) Dior soil (agriculture) diorama (art) Dioramas (work by Sugimoto) Diori, Hamani (president of Niger) diorite (rock) dioscin (chemical compound) Dioscorea (plant) Dioscorea alata (plant) Dioscorea batatas (plant) Dioscorea bulbifera (yam) Dioscorea cayenensis (plant) Dioscorea elephantipes (plant) Dioscorea esculenta (plant) Dioscorea hispida (plant) Dioscorea rotundata (plant) Dioscorea trifida (plant) Dioscoreaceae (plant family) Dioscoreales (plant order) Dioscorides, Pedanius (Greek physician) Dioscorides, Redacius (Greek physician) Dioscorus (patriarch of Alexandria) Dioscorus (pope) Dioscorus of Aphrodito (Greek poet) Dioscuri (Greco-Roman deities) Diosdado, Ana (Spanish playwright) diosgenin (chemical compound) Diósgyor (Hungary) Diospolis (Israel) Diospyros (plant genus) Diospyros dendo (plant) Diospyros digyna (plant) Diospyros ebenaster (plant) Diospyros ebenum (plant) Diospyros kaki (plant) Diospyros melanoxylon (plant) Diospyros montana (plant) Diospyros quaesita (plant) Diospyros virginiana (plant) Diószegi, Vilmos (Hungarian folklorist, linguist, and ethnographer) Diószegi Vilmos (Hungarian folklorist, linguist, and ethnographer) Diotocardia (gastropod order) Diouf, Abdou (president of Senegal) Diouf, El Hadji (Senegalese athlete) Diouf, El Hadji Ousseynou (Senegalese athlete) Diougou River (river, Africa) Dioula (people) Diourbel (Senegal) dioxin (chemical compound) dip (geophysics) dip (geology) dip, angle of (geophysics) dip circle (scientific instrument) dip meter (scientific instrument) dip needle (scientific instrument) dip pole (geophysics) Dip Singh (Sikh military leader) dip stream (hydrology) dip-slip fault (geology) Dipa?kara (Buddhist religious reformer) Dipavali (Hindu festival) Dipava?sa (Sinhalese historical record) Dipelta (plant genus) Dipendra (prince of Nepal) diphenhydramine (drug) diphenoxylate (drug) diphenyl (chemical compound) diphenylcarbazone (chemical compound) diphenylnitrogen oxide (chemical radical) Diphilus (Greek poet) diphosgene (poison gas) diphosphopyridine nucleotide (biochemistry) diphosphorus pentoxide (chemical compound) diphros (furniture) diphtheria (disease) diphtheria antitoxin (biochemistry) diphtheria toxoid (biochemistry) diphtheritic laryngitis (disease) diphthong (phonetics) diphyletic theory (phylogeny) Diphylla ecaudata (mammal) Diphyllidea (tapeworm order) Diphyllobothrium latum (flatworm) diplacusis (physiology) diplegia (pathology) diploblastic cell system (biology) Diplocarpon rosae (fungus) diplocentrid (scorpion) Diplocentridae (scorpion) Diplocladon hasseltii (invertebrate) diplococci (bacteria) diplococcus (bacteria) Diplococcus pneumoniae (bacterium) Diplodocidae (dinosaur family) Diplodocus (dinosaur genus) Diplodus holbrooki (fish) Diplograptus (graptolite genus) diplohaplontic cycle (biology) diplohaplontic life cycle (biology) diploid parthenogenesis (biology) diploid phase (biology) diploidy (biology) Diplolepis rosae (insect) diploma (document) Diploma Leopoldinum (Transylvanian history) diplomacy diplomatic asylum (law) diplomatic history (social science) diplomatic immunity (international law) Diplomatic Revolution (European history) diplomatic service (government) diplomatics (study of documents) Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, Codex (work by Kemble) diplomonad (protozoan) Diplomonadida (protozoan) Diplomystidae (fish) diplopia (physiology) Diplopoda (arthropod) Diploporita (class of echinoderms) Diplovertebron (geochronology) Diploxylon (pine subgenus) Diplura (insect) dipluran (insect) Dipnoi (fish subclass) Dipo Negoro, Pangeran (Javanese leader) Dipo Negoro’s War (Indonesian history) Dipodidae (rodent family) Dipodomys (rodent) Dipodomys elator (rodent) Dipodomys microps (rodent) dipody (prosody) dipolar attraction (chemistry) dipolar field (geodesy) dipolar hypothesis (geophysics) dipole (physics) dipole antenna (electronics) dipole, electric (chemistry and physics) dipole field (geodesy) dipole, magnetic (physics) dipole moment (physics) dipole-dipole interaction (chemistry) dipole-induced-dipole interaction (chemistry) Dipolog (Philippines) Diponegoro, Prince (Javanese leader) dipper (bird) dipper dredge (engineering) dipper shovel (engineering) dipping (technology) dipping duck (bird) Diprionidae (insect) Diprotodon (fossil marsupial genus) Diprotodon optatum (fossil marsupial species) Diprotodontia (marsupial order) Dipsacaceae (plant family) Dipsacales (plant order) Dipsacus (plant genus) Dipsacus fullonum (plant) Dipsacus inermis (plant) Dipsacus pilosus (plant) Dipsacus sativus (plant) Dipsacus sylvestris (plant) Dipsadoboa (snake genus) dipsas (literature) Dipsosaurus dorsalis (lizard) Dipsychus (work by Clough) Diptera (insect) dipteran (insect) Dipteridaceae (plant family) Dipteris (fern genus) Dipterocarpaceae (plant family) Dipterus (paleontology) Dipteryx odorata (tree) Dipteryx panamensis (tree) diptych (religious art) Diputació del General de Catalunya (Spanish government committee) Diputados, Congreso de los (Spanish government) Dipylon Master (Greek artist) dipyridamole (drug) diquat (chemical compound) Dique Canal (canal, Colombia) Dir (Somali clan family) Dir (Pakistan) Dirac equation (physics) Dirac h (physics) Dirac, P. A. M. (English physicist) Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (English physicist) Dirac theory (physics) Dirac wave equation (physics) Dirachmaceae (plant family) Dirac’s theory (physics) dirah (tribal territory, Saudi Arabia) Dirce (Greek mythology) Dirceu (Portuguese poet) Dire Dawa (Ethiopia) Dire Straits (British rock group) dire wolf (extinct mammal) Dirección General de Inteligencia (Cuban secret service) Direct Action (French extremist group) direct broadcast satellite television direct carving (sculpture) direct costing (accounting) direct coupling (electronics) direct current (electronics) direct data (statistics) direct democracy (political philosophy) direct development (biology) direct discharge station (waste management) direct dye direct electric action (mechanics) direct energy conversion (technology) direct heating (process and system) direct imaging (astronomy) direct initiative (politics) direct investment (economics) direct liquefaction (mining process) direct loss (insurance) direct mail (advertising) direct marketing (business) direct match test (medicine) direct method (education) direct method (chemistry) direct numerical control (technology) direct obligation (economics) direct oxidation-reduction process (chemistry) direct plunger lift (stage machinery) direct primary (politics) direct printing (textile industry) direct realism (philosophy) direct recording electronic voting machine direct reduction (metallurgy) Direct Road to Music, The (work by Bourgeois) direct shortwave radiation direct smelting (metallurgy) direct stress (physics) direct tax (economics) direct transfer (printing) direct transmission (pathology) direct voltage (electronics) direct weighing direct-access storage device (computing) direct-acting genotoxic carcinogen (biochemistry) direct-acting shock absorber (mechanics) direct-current circuit (electronics) direct-current commutator motor (machine) direct-current generator (machine) direct-current motor (machine) direct-current transmission (mechanics) direct-digital control (technology) direct-ignition system (engineering) direct-mail marketing (business) direct-optical viewfinder (photography) direct-reduced iron (mining) direct-reduction loan plan (finance) direct-use fabric (textile) directed change (anthropology) directed graph (mathematics) directed migration (immunology) directed mutagenesis (genetics) directed thinking directed valence, theory of (chemistry) directed verdict (law) directing (art) direction (of a vector) direction, bond (chemistry) direction field (mathematics) direction finder (instrument) Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (French government agency) direction theodolite (measurement instrument) Direction-Social Democracy (pol. party, Slovakia) directional antenna (electronics) directional coupler (electronics) directional instability (nautical science) directional sedimentary structure (geology) directional selection (biology) directional solidification (metallurgy) directional stability (nautical science) directional transmitting antenna (electronics) directive antenna (electronics) Directive Number 51 (World War II) directive texture (geology) directivity (microphone) directly observed treatment short-course (medicine) Directoire (French history) Directoire style (art) Director (British ship) director of central intelligence (United States government official) director of national intelligence (United States government official) Directorate (French history) Directorate of State Security (police organization, Albania) Directorate of Territorial Security (French intelligence agency) Directorium Generale Uranometricum (work by Cavalieri) Directorium humanae vitae (work by John of Capua) Directorium inquisitorium (work by Eymeric) directors, board of (business) directory (search tool) Directory (French history) Directory (Ukrainian ruling body) directrix (mathematics) DirecTV (broadcasting) DirectX Dirge Over This Dry and Cold Spring (work by Wivallius) “Dirghagama” (Buddhist literature) dirham (coin) Diriamba (Nicaragua) Dirichlet box principle (logic) Dirichlet drawer principle (logic) Dirichlet kernel (mathematics) Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune (German mathematician) Dirichlet problem (mathematics) Dirichlet series (mathematics) Dirichlet’s test (mathematics) Dirichlet’s theorem (mathematics) Dirie, Waris (Somalian model, author, and activist) dirigible (aircraft) dirigible balloon (aircraft) Dir?iyah, Al- (Saudi Arabia) Dir?iyah, Battle of ad- (Arabia [1818]) Dirk Hartog Formation (geological formation, Australia) Dirk Hartog Island (island, Western Australia, Australia) Dirk I (count of Holland) Dirk III (count of Holland) Dirk IV (count of Holland) Dirk van den Elzas (count of Flanders) Dirks, Rudolph (American cartoonist) Dirksen, Everett McKinley (United States senator) Dirofilaria immitis (nematode) dirtband ogive (glaciology) Dirty Dancing (film by Ardolino [1987]) Dirty Dozen, The (American film) Dirty Harry (film by Siegel [1971]) dirty sandstone (sandstone) dirty snowball model (astronomy) Dirty South (school of hip-hop) Dirty War (Argentine history) Dis Pater (Roman god) Disa (plant genus) Disa uniflora (plant) disability (medicine) disability income insurance disability income rider disabled (social status) disaccharide (biochemistry) Disamis (syllogistic) disappearing carriage mount (military technology) disarmament (military policy) Disarmament Commission (UN) Disarmament Conference (1932)

disazo dye disbarment (law) disbelief, suspension of (aesthetics) Disbrowe, John (English soldier) disc disc brake (engineering) disc golf (sport) disc jockey (radio personality) disc population (astronomy) Discalced Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Order of (religious order) Discalced Carmelite Fathers (religious order) Discalced Carmelite Nuns (religious order) Discalced Carmelites (religious order) Discalced Clerks of the Most Holy Cross and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Congregation of the (religious order) Discalced Mercedarian (religious order) Discalced Trinitarian (religion) discant (music) discarded metal Disch, Thomas Michael (American writer) discharge (physics) discharge, electrical (electronics) discharge electrode (electronics) discharge of debts (law) discharge printing (textile industry) discharge tube, electric (measurement) discharged hypothesis (logic) Dischidia rafflesiana (plant) disciform head (plant anatomy) Disciple, Le (work by Bourget) Disciples of Christ (Protestantism) Disciplina clericalis (novella collection by Alfonsi) disciplinary mask discipline Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (work by Foucault) “Discipline, Manual of” (Essene text) disclosed agency (business law) disclosure (business law) disco (music) disco (discotheque) disco (nightclub) disco dance Discobolos (statue by Myron) Discoglossidae (toad family) discoid head (plant anatomy) discoid lupus erythematosus (pathology) discomfort index (meteorological measurement) discontinuous character (agriculture) discontinuous permafrost zone discontinuous reaction series (geology) discontinuous variation (genetics) Discoporella (genus of moss animal) Discordia (Greek and Roman mythology) Discorsi del poema eroico (work by Tasso) Discorsi dell’arte poetica (work by Tasso) “Discorsi e dimostrazioni mathematiche intorno due nuove scienze attenenti alla meccanica” (work by Galileo) “Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio” (work by Machiavelli) Discorso delle comedie e delle tragedie (work by Giraldi) Discorso mandato a Caccini sopra la musica antica (work by Bardi) Discorso sopra il gioco del calcio fiorentino (work by Bardi) Discos (discotheque) discotheque (nightclub) discotic phase (physics) discoumarol (chemical compound) discount house (money market) discount house (merchandising) discount market (economics) discount rate (finance) discount store (merchandising) “Discours admirables” (work by Palissy) Discours de la cause de la pesanteur (work by Huygens) Discours de la lanterne aux Parisiens (pamphlet by Desmoulins) “Discours de la méthode” (work by Descartes) Discours de la nature de l’air (work by Mariotte) Discours des misères de ce temps (work by Ronsard) Discours politiques et militaires (work by La Noue) Discours préliminaire (essay by d’Alembert) “Discours sur la polysynodie” (work by Saint-Pierre) Discours sur le style (work by Buffon) “Discours sur les sciences et les arts” (essay by Rousseau) Discours sur l’histoire universelle (work by Bossuet) “Discours sur l’origine de l’inégalité” (work by Rousseau) “Discours sur l’origine et les fondements de l’inégalité parmi les hommes” (work by Rousseau) Discourse addressed to Magistrates and Men in Authority, A (work by Berkeley) discourse analysis (linguistics) Discourse Concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit (work by Swift) Discourse Concerning the Salvation of Rich Men, The (work by Clement of Alexandria) Discourse Concerning the Unchangeable Obligations of Natural Religion, A (work by Clarke) Discourse Ethics: Notes on a Program of Justification (work by Habermas) Discourse/Figure (work by Lyotard) Discourse of Free-thinking, A (work by Collins) Discourse of the Danger of Governing by One Minister, A (work by Saint-Pierre) Discourse of Trade, from England unto the East Indies, A (work by Mun) “Discourse on Inequality, A” (work by Rousseau) Discourse on Method, The (work by Descartes) Discourse on Our Saviour’s Miraculous Power of Healing, A (work by Woolston) “Discourse on the Adornments” (Buddhist text) “Discourse on the Arts and Sciences” (essay by Rousseau) “Discourse on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius” (work by Machiavelli) “Discourse on the Origin of Inequality” (work by Rousseau) Discourse on the Pindarique Ode (work by Congreve) Discourse on the Rise, Progress, Peculiar Objects and Importance of Political Economy (work by McCulloch) Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, A (essay by Rousseau) Discourse on the Ten Sagely Diagrams (work by T’oegye) Discourse on the Western Planting, The (work by Hakluyt) Discourse on Tragedy, A (work by Corneille) Discourse to the Greeks (work by Tatian) Discourse upon the Institution of Medical Schools in America (work by Morgan) Discourse Upon the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality Among Mankind, A (work by Rousseau) Discourses Concerning Government (work by Sidney) Discourses Delivered at the Royal Academy (work by Reynolds) “Discourses of the Brothers of Purity” (Islamic philosophical encyclopaedia) Discourses on Architecture (work by Viollet-le-Duc) Discourses on Davila (work by Adams) “Discourses on Livy” (work by Machiavelli) Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy (work by Machiavelli) Discourses Upon Trade: Principally Directed to the Case of the Interest, Coynage, Clipping, Increase of Money (work by North) Discover (American magazine) Discoverer (artificial satellites) Discoverer 14 (artificial satellites) Discoverie of Guiana, The (work by Raleigh) Discoverie of Witchcraft, The (work by Scot) Discoveries in Crete (work by Burrows) discovery (knowledge achievement) discovery (law) Discovery (British ship [17th century])) Discovery (space shuttle) Discovery Bay (bay, Australia) Discovery Channel (American cable channel) Discovery, Corps of (American exploration group) Discovery Day (holiday) Discovery Deep (Red Sea) discovery depletion (finance) Discovery, Dome of (building, London, United Kingdom) discovery method (education) Discovery of Heaven, The (novel by Mulisch) Discovery of Honey, The (work by Piero di Cosimo) “Discovery of the Great West” (work by Parkman) Discovery Park (park, Seattle, Washington, United States) discovery, tables of (philosophy) Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The (film by Buñuel [1972]) discrepancy principle (behavioural science) discrete communication (information theory) discrete cosine transform (mathematics) discrete frequency electromagnetic radiation (physics) discrete mathematics discrete metric (mathematics) discrete random variable (statistics) discrete space (mathematics) discrete state automaton discrete topology (mathematics) discrete translational periodicity (physics) discrete variable (statistics) discriminant (mathematics) discriminating monopoly (economics) discrimination (psychology) discrimination (society) discrimination reaction timer discrimination reversal (psychology) discus fish discus throw (athletics) “Discus Thrower” (statue by Myron) discusfish Discussion Between the Christian and the Pagan, The (work by Gqoba) Discussion of Heaven, A (essay by Xunzi) Discussion of Music, A (essay by Xunzi) Discussion of Ritual, A (essay by Xunzi) Discussion with Heracleides (work by Origen) Disdéri, André-Adolphe-Eugène (French photographer) disease disease control (agriculture) disease control (public health) disease devil mask (Sinhalese art) disease elimination disease eradication disease: Year In Review 1993 disease: Year In Review 1994 disease: Year In Review 1995 disease: Year In Review 1996 disease: Year In Review 1997 disease: Year In Review 1998 disease: Year In Review 1999 disease: Year In Review 2000 disease: Year In Review 2001 disease: Year In Review 2002 disease: Year In Review 2003 disease: Year In Review 2004 disease: Year In Review 2005 disease: Year In Review 2006 disease: Year In Review 2007 disease: Year In Review 2008 disease: Year In Review 2009 Diseases (works attributed to Hippocrates) Diseases of Memory (work by Ribot) Diseases of the Heart (work by Mackenzie) Diseases of the Heart and Aorta, The (work by Stokes) Diseases of Workers (work by Ramazzini) diseconomy of scale (economics) Disegno, Accademia del (art institution, Florence, Italy) Disenchanted, The (novel by Schulberg) Disenchantment (work by Montague) disequilibrium (economics) disequilibrium dating (geology) Disgaea (electronic game) “Disgaea: The Hour of Darkness” (electronic game) disgorging (wine making) Disgrace (novel by Coetzee) disguised unemployment (economics) disguising (architecture) disguising (drama) dish (electronics) dish antenna (electronics) dishdasha (garment) dishdashah (garment) Dishonored (film by Sternberg [1931]) disilicate (mineral) disinfectant disinfection (public health) disinflation (economics) disinformation disinheritance (law) Disinherited, The (work by Castillo) disintegration disintegration constant (nuclear physics) disintegration energy (nuclear physics) disintegration, nuclear dísir (mythology) disjoint sets (mathematics) disk (anatomy) disk (galactic) disk (farm machine) DISK (Turkish labour organization) disk bat (bat) disk brake (engineering) disk cache memory (computing) disk cam (machine part) disk capacitor (electronics) disk centrifuge (chemistry) disk component (galactic) disk cutter (machine) disk fibula (ornament) disk film (photography) disk flower (plant anatomy) disk harrow (farm machine) disk, intervertebral (anatomy) disk jockey (radio personality) disk, magnetic (electronics) disk operating system (operating system) disk pack (computer technology) disk plow (farm machine) disk population (astronomy) disk refiner (instrument) disk sander (tool) disk tiller (agriculture) disk-and-wheel integrator (instrument) disk-type centrifuge (chemistry) disk-winged bat (bat) diskette (computing) Disklavier (musical instrument) Disko Island (island, Greenland) Disks of Newton (Study for Fugue in Two Colors) (work by Kupka) dislocation (joint damage) dislocation dislocation (crystallography) dislocation line (mechanics) dislocation metamorphism Dismal Swamp (region, United States) Dismal Swamp Canal (canal, United States) Disme, La (work by Stevin) “Disme: The Art of Tenths” (work by Stevin) Dismissal of the Grecian Envoys, The (work by Kochanowski) Disney Company (American corporation) Disney on Ice (American ice show) Disney, Roy (American film producer) Disney, Walt (American film producer) Disney, Walter Elias (American film producer) Disney World (resort complex, Florida, United States) Disneyland (amusement park, Anaheim, California, United States) disociation (humour) disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (chemical compound) disorder disorderly conduct (law) disorganized schizophrenia (mental disorder) disparate predication (logic) “disparates, Los” (prints by Goya y Lucientes) “Disparition, La” (work by Perec) Dispatch, Council for (French political body) Dispatch of 1854 (Indian history) dispensation (ecclesiastical law) dispensationalism (Protestant theology) dispersal (ecology) dispersant (chemistry) Dispersão (poem by Sá-Carneiro) disperse dye (chemical compound) dispersed-source pollutant dispersing agent (chemistry) Dispersion (Judaism) dispersion (ecology) dispersion (biology) dispersion (physics) dispersion force (intermolecular force) dispersion medium (chemistry) dispersion relation (physics) dispersive power (optics) disphenoid (crystallography) Dispholidus typus (snake) disphotic zone (oceanography) displacement (mechanics) displacement (ship design) displacement (psychology) displacement activity (animal behaviour) displacement antinode (physics) displacement current (electronics) displacement, electric (physics) displacement hull (boat design) displacement law (physics) displacement node (physics) displacement reaction (chemical reaction) displacement tonnage (shipping) display (information recording) display behaviour (animal behaviour) display ground (biology) Display of Heraldrie, A (book by Guillim) display pewter (decoration) dispondee (metre) disposable income (economics) Dispositio Achillea (German history) disposition (mining) disposition (personality) dispositional knowledge (epistemology) Dispossessed, The (work by Le Guin) disproportionation (chemistry) Dispur (India) Disputa (painting by Raphael) Disputatio Iudaei et Christiani (work by Gilbert Crispin) disputation (education) “Disputationes” (work by Bellarmine) Disputationes adversus astrologiam divinatricem (work by Pico della Mirandola) Disputationes de controveriis Christianae fidei adversus huius temporis haereticos (work by Bellarmine) Disputationes Metaphysicae (work by Suárez) “Disquisitio de Attractionibus Electivis” (work by Bergman) Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (book by Gauss) "Disraeli" (film by Green [1929]) Disrobing of Christ (painting by El Greco) disruption (pathology) Disruption, The (Scottish religious history) disruptive selection (biology) dissecting aneurysm (pathology) dissection (biology) dissection (geometry) disseisin (law) disseminated coccidioidomycosis (pathology) disseminated gonococcal infection (pathology) disseminated intravascular coagulation (pathology) disseminated lupus erythematosus (pathology) disseminated sclerosis (pathology) dissemination (biology) Dissent (American journal) Dissenters (Protestantism) Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidereo (work by Kepler) Dissertation of the Telugu Language (work by Ellis) Dissertation on Elective Attractions, A (work by Bergman) Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, A (work by Franklin) Dissertation on Oriental Gardening (book by Chambers) Dissertation on the Canon and Federal Law, A (work by Adams) Dissertation on the Letters of Phalaris (work by Bentley) Dissertation upon Parties, A (work by Bolingbroke) “Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris” (work by Bentley) Dissertations and Discussions (work by Mill) dissidence dissident movement dissimilarity (religion) dissimilation (linguistics) dissipative force dissociation (chemistry) dissociation constant (chemistry) dissociation of sensibility (literature) dissociative amnesia (psychology) dissociative disorder (psychology) dissociative identity disorder (psychology) dissociative mechanism (chemistry) dissociative neurosis (psychology) dissociative recombination (physics) dissociative type hysterical neurosis (psychology) Dissoi logoi (work by Sextus Empiricus) dissolution (chemistry) dissolution (geology) dissolution (marriage) Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act (1939, Indian Islamic law) dissolved-air flotation (sanitation) dissolving (chemistry) dissonance (music) dissonance-reducing buying behaviour (business) Dissorophoidea (amphibian superfamily) Dissosteira carolina (insect) distaff (textile tool) Distaff, The (poem by Erinna) distal convoluted tubule (anatomy) distal myopathy (pathology) distal row (anatomy) distance (physics) distance education (education) distance formula (mathematics) distance function (mathematics) distance, intermolecular (physics) distance learning (education) Distance Learning—Education Beyond Buildings (distance learning) distance matrix distance running distance swimming (sport) distance-based fare distance-measuring equipment (instrument) distancing effect (theatre) Distant Early Warning (United States-Canadian military) Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century, A (work by Tuchman) Distel, Alexandre (French musician and entertainer) Distel, Sacha (French musician and entertainer) distemper (disease) distemper (painting) distemper, canine (pathology) distemper, feline (disease) disthene (mineral) distillate (chemical process) distillation (chemical process) distillation column (chemical instrument) distilled spirit (alcoholic beverage) distinct representative (mathematics) distinctive feature analysis (linguistics) distinctness (Cartesianism) distinguished element (logic) distinguished sentence (logic) Distinguished Service Order (British military award) distortion (communications) distortion (optics) distress (law) distress signal (communications) distributary channel (hydrology) distributed computing distributed denial of service attack (computer science) distributed DoS attack (computer science) Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications (supercomputing network) distributed operating system (computer science) Distributed Proofreaders distributed system (computer science) Distributed Terascale Facility (supercomputing network) distribution (business) distribution (logic) distribution (physiology) distribution (ecology) distribution centre (business) distribution channel (business) distribution coefficient (chemistry) distribution function (mathematics) distribution heterogeneity (chemistry) distribution of organisms (ecology) distribution of terms (logic) Distribution of Wealth, The (work by Clark) distribution ratio (chemistry) Distribution, Statute of (England [1670]) distribution theory (economics) distributive bargaining (industry) distributive justice (economics) distributive law (mathematics) distributor (engine part) distributor (business) distributor-less ignition system (engineering) district (church government) district attorney (United States official) district court (law) District Governor’s Daughter, The (novel by Collett) District of Columbia (trilogy by Dos Passos) District of Columbia Teachers College (school, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) District of Columbia, University of the (university, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) District of Columbia v. Heller (law case) districting (politics) Distrito Capital (Colombia) Distrito Federal (district, Mexico) “Distruzione della sintassi-Iimmaginazione senza fili-Pparole in libertà” (manifesto) disturbing function (mathematics) disturbing the peace (law) disulfide (chemical compound) disulfide bridge (biochemistry) disulfiram (drug) disulfur dichloride (chemical compound) disulfur dinitride (chemical compound) disunited canter (horsemanship) díszmagyar (Hungarian dress) disznótor (Hungarian feast) Dit de l’herberie, Le (work by Rutebeuf) dital harp (musical instrument) Ditamari (people) Ditch, Battle of the (Islamic history) ditch moss (plant genus) ditch stonecrop (plant) ditcher (engineering) diterpene (chemical compound) Dith Pran (Cambodian photojournalist and interpreter) Ditherington (England, United Kingdom) dithiazanine (drug) Dithmar (German bishop) Dithmarschen (historical region, Germany) dithyramb (song) Ditié de Jehanne d’Arc, Le (work by Christine de Pisan) Ditka, Michael Keller (American football player and coach) Ditka, Mike (American football player and coach) Ditko, Steve (American artist) Ditlevsen, Tove (Danish author) Ditmars, Raymond L. (curator of Bronx Zoo) Ditmarsken (historical region, Germany) ditta di borsa (sociology) dittany (plant grouping) dittany (plant) Ditte: Daughter of Man (work by Nexø) “Ditte Menneskebarn” (work by Nexø) Ditters, Carl (Austrian composer and violinist) Ditters von Dittersdorf, Carl (Austrian composer and violinist) Dittmar, Wilhelm (German chemist) dittography (writing) Ditzen, Rudolf (German author) Diu (India) Diu (union territory, India) Diula (people) diuresis (pathology) diuretic (pharmacology) Diuris (plant) Diuris filifolia (plant) Diuris laevis (plant) Diuris longifolia (plant) diurnal enuresis (pathology) diurnal motion (astronomy) diurnal parallax (astronomy) diurnal rhythm (biology) diurnal temperature range diurnal tide diurnal variability (meteorology) diurnal vertical migration (biology) Dius Fidius (Roman deity) Diushambe (Tajikistan) div Divagations (work by Mallarmé) Divah Kanbar (islands, India) Divakara (Cambodian adviser) Divakarapa??ita (Cambodian adviser) divalence (chemistry) Divali (Hindu festival) divan (Islamic government unit) Divan (poetry by ?afe?) Divan del Tamarit (work by García Lorca) Divan-e Kha?? (building, Fatehpur Sikri, India) Divan-e Shams (poetry by Rumi) Divan-i hikmet (Turkish work) divani script divariant system (chemistry and physics) dive (sport) dive bomber (military aircraft) Divehi Raajjeyge Jumhooriyyaa diver (bird) divergence (atmospheric) divergence (evolution) divergence (mathematics) divergence of a vector field divergence theorem (mathematics) divergent evolution (evolution) divergent plate boundary (geology) divergent thinking (psychology) diverging lens (optics) divers’ itch (pathology) divers’ palsy (pathology) divers’ stagger (pathology) Divers voyages touching the discouerie of America (work by Hakluyt) diversification (biology) diversification (economics) diversifying selection (biology) Diversions of the Morning (work by Foote) Diversisporales (order of fungi) Diversity of Life, The (work by Wilson) diversity, species (biology) diverticula (pathology) diverticulitis (pathology) diverticulosis (pathology) diverticulum (pathology) divertimenti (music) divertimento (music) Divertimento (work by Berkeley) divi (Roman deification measurement) divided catalog (library science) Divided Heaven (novel by Wolf) divided nation (politics) Divided Self, The (book by Laing) divided sharps (musical instrument) dividend (finance) dividend relief (economics) divider (bread-making) divider (measurement instrument) dividing engine (machine) “divina commedia, La” (work by Dante) Divina Pastora, La (church, Siparia, Trinidad and Tobago) Divinae institutiones (work by Lactantius) divination (religion) divination, ordeal by (trial process) divine (religion) divine approbation theory (ethics) Divine Comedy, The (work by Dante) Divine Days (work by Forrest) Divine Dialogues (work by More) Divine Faith (Indian religion) Divine, Father (American religious leader) divine intervention (religion) divine kingship (religious and political concept) Divine Lady, The (film by Lloyd [1929]) divine law Divine Legation of Moses, The (work by Warburton) Divine Life Society (religious organization) Divine Light Mission (international religious organization) Divine Liturgy (Eastern Orthodoxy) Divine Looking-Glass, A (work by Muggleton) divine manifestation (theology) Divine Milieu, The (work by Teilhard de Chardin) Divine Names, The (work by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite) Divine Narcissus, The (work by Sor Juana de la Cruz) divine office (Christian service) Divine One, The (American singer and pianist) Divine Principle, The (book by Moon) divine proportion (mathematics) Divine Providence (theology) divine right of kings (doctrine) Divine Sarah, La (French actress) Divine Sarah, The (French actress) Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (film by Khouri) Divine Shepherdess (church, Siparia, Trinidad and Tobago) divine union Divine Word Missionary (religious organization) Divine Word, Society of the (religious organization) Divine-Human Encounter, The (work by Brunner) diving (animal behaviour) diving (sport) diving beetle (insect) diving bell Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The (film by Schnabel [2007]) diving duck (bird) diving petrel (bird) diving suit Divini, Eustachio (Italian optician) divining rod divinity (deity) Divino afflante spiritu (encyclical by Pius XII) Divino, El (Spanish poet) Divino, El (Spanish painter) Divino Espírito da Fortaleza (Brazil) “divino Narciso, El” (work by Sor Juana de la Cruz) Divinópolis (Brazil) divinylbenzene (chemical compound) Divis (mountain, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) “Divisament dou monde” (work by Polo) Divisio regnorum (decree by Louis I) divisio rhythmica (music) division (heraldry) division (mathematics) division (military unit) División del Norte (Mexican military force) division, fallacy of (logic) Division I-A Division of Child Hygiene (health agency, New York, United States) Division of Labour in Society, The (work by Durkheim) division ring (mathematics) Division Street: America (work by Terkel) division viol (musical instrument) Division-viol, The (work by Simpson) divisionism (art) divisor (mathematics) divisors, theory of divorce Divorce, Italian Style (film by Germi [1962]) Divorcee, The (film by Leonard) “Divorzio all’italiana” (film by Germi [1962]) Divrigi (Turkey) divus (Roman deification measurement) Divyavadana (Buddhist work) Diwali (Hindu festival) Diwali (Sikh festival) diwan (Islamic government unit) Diwan (work by al-Khansa?) Diwan (work by Judah ha-Levi) diwan al-?Arab (Arabic poetic literature) Diwan lughat at-Turk (work by al-Kashgari) Diwan-e Khass (building, Fatehpur Sikri, India) Diwan-i-Am (building, Fatehpur Sikri, India) Diwan-i-Khas (building, Fatehpur Sikri, India) diwani script Diwaniyah, Al- (Iraq) diwaniyyah (traditional gathering) “Dix Années d’exil” (work by Staël) Dix, Dorothea Lynde (American social reformer) Dix, Dorothy (American journalist) Dix, John Adams (American politician) Dix, Otto (German artist) Dix River (river, Kentucky, United States) DIXI (United States space mission) Dixie (region, United States) Dixie (song by Emmett) Dixie Chicks (American music group) Dixiecrat (political party, United States) Dixieland (music) Dixin (ruler of Shang dynasty) Dixon (Illinois, United States) Dixon, Bill (American musician) Dixon Entrance (passage, Pacific Ocean) Dixon, Floyd (American musician) Dixon, Frank James (American immunologist) Dixon, George (American athlete) Dixon, George (English navigator) Dixon, Harland (American dancer) Dixon, Henry (English photographer) Dixon, Henry Horatio (Irish botanist) Dixon, Ivan (American actor) Dixon, Jeane L. Pinckert (American astrologer) Dixon, Jeremiah (English surveyor) Dixon, John (American postmaster) Dixon, Joseph (American inventor) Dixon, Robin (British bobsledder) Dixon, Roland B. (American anthropologist) Dixon, Roland Burrage (American anthropologist) Dixon, Thomas (American writer) Dixon, William James (American musician) Dixon, Willie (American musician) Dixson, Miriam (Australian author) DIY (music) diyah (Islamic law) Diyala River (river, Iraq) Diyala Weir (dam, Iraq) Diyar Bakr (district, Middle East) Diyar Mu?ar (district, Middle East) Diyar Rabi?ah (district, Middle East) Diyarbakir (province, Turkey) Diyarbakir (Turkey) Diyarbekir (Turkey) Dizang (bodhisattva) Dizengoff Street (street, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel) Dizful (Iran) dizi (musical instrument) Dizionario enciclopedico italiano (Italian publication) Dizoid languages dizygotic twin dizziness Dizzy (prime minister of United Kingdom) Dizzy from Success (article by Stalin)


DJ (radio personality) DJ Chris Lova Lova (American rapper) DJ Jazzy Jeff (American musician) DJ Paul (American rap-music producer) DJ Shadow (American musician) Dja Faunal Reserve (nature reserve, Cameroon) Dja River (river, Africa) Djaferin Islands (islands, Spain) Djailolo (island, Indonesia) Djajapura (Indonesia) Djajawidjaja, Pegunungan (mountains, Indonesia) Djambi (province, Indonesia) Djambi (Indonesia) Djamileh (work by Bizet) Djanggawul song cycle (Australian Aboriginal mythology) Djawa (island, Indonesia) Djeba (Egypt) Djebar, Assia (Algerian writer) Djokjakarta | Djolof ...






do-it-yourself | doab ... Doctor Zhivago | Doctor Zhivago ... Dodsworth | Dodsworth ... Dohm, Christian Wilhelm von | Dohnányi, Erno ... Dollar Diplomacy | dollar standard ... Domela, Jan | Domenchina, José ... dominus | Domitia Longina ... Donax variabilis | Donbas ... Donner Pass | Dono, Paolo di ... Dörben Oyrat | Dorcas gazelle ... Dorsale Guineénne | dorsalis pedis artery ... Doty, James Duane | dou ... double-figure impost | double-focusing mass spectrometer ... Douglas, Stephen A. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold ... Dowie, John Alexander | dowitcher ...




DQ Herculis ...


Dragon Motif | Dragon of Bosnia ... Draper, Paul | Draper, Ruth ... Dred Scott decision | Dred Scott Decision and the Declaration of Independence ... Dreyfus Affair | Dreyfus Affair, The ... DRM | DRM ... drowning | Drowning of an Old Cat, The ... Druta, Ion | Druz, Jebel el- ...


DS4 | DS5 ...



Duanag Ullamh, An | Duane-Hunt law ... Duchamp, Marcel | Duchamp, Raymond ... dueling | Duellists, The ... Duke, James Buchanan | Duke of Bedford, Master of the ... Dumbo | dumdum ... Duncan, Robert Edward | Duncan, Robert Todd ... dunnage | dunnart ... Dupuis, Jean | Dupuit, Arsène-Jules-Étienne-Juvénal ... Durham | Durham ... dust tail | dust, volcanic ... Duveen of Millbank, Joseph Duveen, Baron | Duveneck, Frank ...



Dwars | Dwb climate ...



Dynamic Hieroglyph of the Bal Tabarin | dynamic link library ... Dyula | Dyula language ...


Dzyubin, Eduard Georgiyevich


E ...


Eanes de Zurara, Gomes | Eanes, Gil ... Early Sunday Morning | Early Teutonic script ... easement by implication | easement by necessity ... East Indonesia | East Japan Volcanic Belt ... eastern Africa | eastern Africa, history of ... eastern phoebe | eastern pipistrelle ...


Eban, Abba Solomon | eBay ...


Ecbasis captivi | Ecbatana ... Echinops | Echinops telfairi ... ecliptic system | Ecloga ... economic stabilizer | economic stagnation ... eczema |


“Ed egli si nascose” ... Edgar, David | Edgar, Jim ... Edmond, Lauris | Edmonds, Helen ... educational psychology | Educational Psychology ...



EFA | Éfaté ...


Egeon | Eger ... Egy ember élete | Egypt ...



eidetic reduction | eidgenossen ... Einstein’s mass-energy relation | Einthoven, Willem ...



Ekibastuz | ekistics ...


El-Mansura | ELA-STV ... Elbow | elbow ... electric automobile | Electric Boat Company ... electrical stimulation | electrical stunning ... electromechanical switching | electromechanical transducer ... electronic energy level | electronic flash ... “Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta” | elegiac metre ... Elend unserer Jugendliteratur, Das | Elene ... Elia | Elia Kazan: A Life ... Elizabeth Islands | Elizabeth of Bavaria ... Elliott, Osborn | Elliott, Robert Brackett ... Elopiformes | Elopoidei ... email | émail en ronde bosse ... Emden, Robert | Emecheta, Buchi ... emission spectrum | emission-control system ... empirical validity | empiricism ... enantiomorph | Enantiopoda ... Encyclopédie méthodique ou par ordre de matières | Encyclopédie nouvelle ... endogamy | endogenetic phenomenon ... energy transfer | energy transfer ... England, Ireland, and America | England, John ... English yew | Englishmen, Frenchmen, Spaniards ... Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, An | Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, and Its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness, An ... Enterobacter | Enterobacter aerogenes ... “Entsiklopedichesky slovar” | Entstehung der Alpen, Die ... EOKA | eolian cave ... Ephesus, councils of | Ephialtes ... epiglottis | epiglottitis ... episcopal mitre | Episcopal Party ... Epitome arithmeticae practicae | “Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae” ... Equality, Community of | equalization ... equivalence | equivalence class ... Erdenet | Erdeni ... Ericsson, John | Eridu ... Erlangen school | Erlanger, Emile ... ERP | ERP ... erythema ab igne | erythema arthriticum epidemicum ... Escape; or, A Leap for Freedom, The ... Esipova, Anna | Esipova, Anna Nikolayevna ... Espino, Héctor | Espinosa, Bento de ... Essay on Musical Expression | Essay on Philosophical Method ... Essex, James | Essex Junto ... Esterhazy, Ferdinand Walsin | Esterházy, Ferenc ... estrus | estuarine crocodile ... Ethelred of Rievaulx, Saint | Ethelred the Unready ... ethnopsychology | ... “Études symphoniques” | Études synthétiques de géologie expérimentale ... Eudocia | Eudocia Macrembolitissa ... Eulerian cycle | Eulerian path ... Euphoria longana | Euphorion ... Eurocommunism and the State | “Eurocommunismo y Estado” ... European Free Trade Association | European freshwater eel ... European white birch | European white hellebore ... Euthanasia Society | Eutheria ... Evans, Dame Edith Mary | Evans, David ... event | event ... Evocation | évolué ... exact equation | exacta ... excommunication | excrement ... Exmoor | Exmoor Forest ... Experiment Stations, Office of | Experimental Aircraft Association ... Expositio in Epistolam ad Romanos | Expositio sermonum antiquorum ... externae gentes | external anal sphincter ... extrinsic motive | extrinsic protein ... Ezekiel, The Book of | ezel ... Ezzelino III da Romano

F ... Fables | Fables Ancient and Modern ... Facio, Bartolomeo | facioscapulohumeral dystrophy ... Faesulae | Fagaceae ... Fairbanks, Charles Warren | Fairbanks, Douglas ... Faizabad | Faizabad, Treaty of ... fall | fall ... false consciousness | false coral snake ... familial hypophosphatemia | familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency ... fan painting | fan shell ... fantasy literature | Fantasy Records ... Farewell Address | Farewell, My Lovely ... farming cooperative | Farming of Bones, The ... Fartlek | Faruk I ... fat bloom | fat body ... Fattori, Giovanni | Fattorini, Gabriele ... Favre, Brett | Favre, Claude ... Fear and Trembling | Fear God and Take Your Own Part ... Federal Constitutional Court | Federal Council ... Fédération Internationale de Ski | Fédération Internationale de Skibob ... Feilner, Simon | Feinberg, Louis ... feller | Feller, Bob ... Fender, Clarence Leo | Fender, Freddy ... FEPC | Fer Díad ... Ferguson, Robert | Ferguson, Samuel ... Fernando el Deseado | Fernando el Magno ... Ferris wheel | ferrite ... festival mask | Festival of Britain ... Feydeau, Georges | Feydeau, Georges-Léon-Jules-Marie ... fibrosarcoma | fibrosis ... Fiedler, Richard | fief ... Fiennes, William | Fiera del Levante ... Fighters for the People | fighting ... Filene-Finlay simultaneous translator | Filene’s ... filter factor | filter feeding ... fine china | Fine Clothes to the Jew ... Finley, Martha | Finn ... fire fighting | fire finch ... firmoviscous deformation | Firmum ... First Nations | First Nations, Assembly of ... Fischer, Johann Ignaz Ludwig | Fischer, Johann Michael ... Fishguard | fishhook ... Fitzalan family | Fitzalan, Henry ... five hundred rummy | Five Knights’ case ... flag | Flag Day ... Flandre | Flandre Occidentale ... flatback sea turtle | flatbed ... Fleetwood, Susan Maureen | Flegel, Eduard Robert ... flexible mold | flexible pavement ... FLNKS | float ... floral cup | floral decoration ... Florida torreya | Florida, University of ... flowerpot snake | Flowers and Trees ... flushing | Flushing ... flying system | Flying Tigers ... foenugreek

FO (labour organization, France) Fo, Dario (Italian author and actor) Fo-shan (China) Fo-shan Chih-liu (river, China) foal (horse) foam (chemical compound) foam fractionation (chemistry) foam glass (chemical compound) foam rubber (chemical compound) foam stabilizer (chemical compound) foamed plastic foamed thermoplastic (thermoplastic) foamed thermoset (thermoset) foaming agent FOB (finance) FOBS (missile) Foca (Turkey) focal area (dialects) focal attention (psychology) focal distance (optics) focal dystonia (pathology) focal length (optics) focal point (optics) focal ratio (optics) focal seizure (pathology) focal-plane shutter (photography) Focas, Antonio de Curtis Gagliardi Griffo (Italian actor) Foccart, Jacques (French politician) Foch, Ferdinand (marshal of France) Foch, Nina (American actress and teacher) foci (conic section) Fock, Jeno (Hungarian politician) Fock, Nina Consuelo Maud (American actress and teacher) Fock, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Russian mathematical physicist) Focke-Wulf 190 (German aircraft) Focke-Wulf 190A-2 (German aircraft) Focke-Wulf 190D (German aircraft) Focke-Wulf 190F (German aircraft) Focsani (Romania) focus (optics) focus (conic section) focus (seismology) Focus (album by Getz) focus, depth of (optics) focus group (marketing) Focus on the Family (American organization) focusing (optics) focusing (particle physics) focusing collector (technology) focusing screen (optics) focusing spectroscope (instrument) focussing (optics) Fodor, Eugene (American writer) Fodor, Jerry A. (American philosopher) Fodrejse fra Holmens Kanal til Østpynten af Amager i aarene 1828 og 1829 (work by Andersen) fodrum (tax) Foe (novel by Coetzee) Foedera (work by Rymer) foedera (treaty) foederati (allied state) foedus (treaty) Foedus Cassianum (treaty) foehn (wind) foehn wall (cloud bank) Foeniculum vulgare (herb) foenugreek (herb) Foerster, Josef Bohuslav (Czech composer) Foeth, Afanasy Afanasyevich (Russian author) foetus (embryology) FOFA (nuclear weapons) fog (weather) fog dispersal (weather modification) fog dissipation (weather modification) fog drip Fog of War, The (film by Morris) fog signal Fog Warning (painting by Homer) Fogaras (Romania) Fogarasch (Romania) Fogazzaro, Antonio (Italian author) Fogel, Robert William (American economist) Fogelberg, Dan (American singer-songwriter) Fogelberg, Daniel Grayling (American singer-songwriter) Fogerty, Elsie (British voice teacher) Fogerty, John (American musician) Fogg Art Museum (museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Fogg, Phileas (fictional character) foggara (water-supply system) Foggia (Italy) Foggini, Giovanni Battista (Italian sculptor) Foggy Bottom (neighborhood, Washington, D.C., United States) Foggy Mountain Boys (American band) Fogo Island (island, Cape Verde) Foguoji (work by Fa-hsien) Föhn (wind) Fohnsdorf (city, Austria) foid (mineral) foie gras (French cuisine) foil (architecture) foil (literature) foil (metallurgy) foil (sword) foil, activation Foirm na Nurrnuidheadh (work by Carswell) Foix (feudal county, France) Foix (France) Foix, Louis de (French architect and engineer) Foja Mountains (mountains, New Guinea) Fokída (ancient district, Greece) Fokine, Michel (Russian dancer and choreographer) Fokine, Mikhail Mikhaylovich (Russian dancer and choreographer) Fokís (ancient district, Greece) Fokker, Anthony Herman Gerard (Dutch aircraft manufacturer) Fokker D.VII (German aircraft) Fokker Eindecker (German aircraft) fol (chess) Fol, Hermann (Swiss physicist and zoologist) Fola Rapids (rapids, Africa) folacin (vitamin) Folard, Jean-Charles, chevalier de (French military officer) folate (vitamin) folate deficiency anemia (pathology) fold (geology) Fold According to Fold (work by Boulez) fold and thrust belt (geology) fold axis (geology) fold belt (geology) Folda (fjord, Nordland, Norway) foldboat (watercraft) Folded Leaf, The (novel by Maxwell) folded yarn (textile) folding (geology) folding fan folding screen (furniture) Folembray, Articles of (French agreement) Folengo, Girolamo (Italian author) Folengo, Teofilo (Italian author) foley technique (cinema) foleying (cinema) Folger, Henry Clay (American lawyer and business executive) Folger Institute (multidisciplinary centre, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) Folger, Lydia (American physician, writer and educator) Folger, Timothy (American hydrographer) Folgore di San Gimignano (Italian author) Folhas Caídas (work by Garrett) foliage plant (biology) foliate papilla (anatomy) foliated ground ice (ice formation) foliated ice (ice formation) foliation (geology) foliation (topology) folic acid (vitamin) folic acid deficiency anemia (pathology) “Folie et Déraison: Histoire de la folie à l’âge classique” (work by Foucault) Folies-Bergère (music hall, Paris, France) Foligno (Italy) foliose thallus (biology) Foliot, Gilbert (bishop of London) folium (anatomy) folk (sociology) folk art Folk Art, Museum of (museum, Mexico) folk ballad (music) Folk by the Sea (work by Bojer) Folk Culture of the Yucatán, The (work by Redfield) folk dance folk Daoism (Chinese folk religion) folk drama folk etymology (phonetics) folk football (medieval sport) folk high school (Scandinavian education) folk literature folk medicine folk music folk play folk psychology folk religion folk rock (music) Folk Shinto (religion) folk society (sociology) Folk Society, The (work by Redfield) folk song folk tale (literature) folk theatre folk theorem (mathematics) “Folk ved sjøen” (work by Bojer) “folkefiende, En” (drama by Ibsen) Folkers, Karl August (American chemist) Folkestone (England, United Kingdom) Folketing (Danish parliament) folkhem (Swedish history) folklore folklore (academic discipline) folklórico (Latin American traditional dance) Folkman, Judah (American surgeon and medical researcher) Folkman, Moses (American surgeon and medical researcher) folkright (law) folktale (literature) Folkung dynasty (Swedish history) Folkvangar (Norse mythology) folkway (sociology) Folkways (work by Sumner) Follas novas (work by Castro) Follen, Adolf Ludwig (German poet) Follen, Charles (American educator) Follen, Karl (American educator) Follen, Karl Theodor Christian (American educator) Follenius, August Adolf (German poet) Follett, Mary Parker (American sociologist) follicle (anatomy) follicle (plant reproductive body) follicle, hair (anatomy) follicle-stimulating hormone (biochemistry) follicular cell (anatomy) follicular epithelium (anatomy) follicular phase (biology) follicular sac follicular stage (biology) follicular xeroderma (skin disease) Follies of Calandro, The (work by Bibbiena) Follies, The (American theatre) follis (ball) follow-on forces attack (nuclear weapons) follower, cam (engineering) Follower, The (star) Following (film by Nolan [1998]) Following the Equator (work by Twain) folly (architecture) Folquet de Marseille (Provençal troubadour and clergyman) Folsom (New Mexico, United States) Folsom complex (ancient North American culture) Folsom, Frances (American first lady) Folsom point (projectile) Folsom State Prison (prison, Folsom, California, United States) Foltinowicz, Adelaide (British girl) Foltz, Clara Shortridge (American lawyer and reformer) Folz, Hans (German dramatist) FOMA (mobile phone network) Foma Gordeyev (novel by Gorky) Fomalhaut (star) Fomalhaut b (extrasolar planet) Fombona, Rufino Blanco (Venezuelan writer) Fomes applanatus (biology) Fominsk (Russia) fomite (pathology) Fomoire (Celtic mythology) Fon (language) Fon (people) Fond du Lac (Wisconsin, United States) Fonda, Henry (American actor) Fonda, Henry Jaynes (American actor) Fonda, Jane (American actress) Fonda, Jane Seymour (American actress) Fondaco dei Tedeschi (building, Venice, Italy) fondant (glass) fondant (candy) Fondi (Italy) fondue (food) Fongafale (Tuvalu) Fono (American Samoan legislature) “Fons philosophiae” (work by Godfrey) “Fons vitae” (work by Ibn Gabirol) Fonseca Amador, Carlos (Nicaraguan revolutionary) Fonseca, Colegio de (college, Salamanca, Spain) Fonseca, Gonzalo (Uruguayan artist) Fonseca, Gulf of (inlet, Pacific Ocean) Fonseca, Manuel da (Portuguese author) Fonseca, Manuel Deodoro da (president of Brazil) Fonseca, Pedro de (Portuguese philosopher) Fonseca, Rubem (Brazilian author) Fonseka, Sarath (Sri Lankan general) Fonssagrives, Lisa (American model) Fonst, Ramón (Cuban fencer) font (printing) font wars (computer science) Font-de-Gaume (cave, Dordogne, France) Fontainas, André (French critic) Fontaine, Hippolyte (French engineer) Fontaine, Jardin de la (garden, Nîmes, France) Fontaine, Jean de La (French poet) Fontaine, Joan (American actress) Fontaine, Jules (French-Canadian author) Fontaine, La (French ballerina) Fontaine, Pierre (French architect) Fontaine, Pierre-François-Leonard (French architect) Fontamara (work by Silone) Fontana (California, United States) Fontana, Carlo (Italian architect) Fontana, D. J. (American musician) fontana de oro, La (work by Pérez Galdós) Fontana di Trevi (fountain, Rome, Italy) Fontana, Domenico (Italian architect) Fontana, Franco (Italian photographer) Fontana, Lavinia (Italian painter) Fontana, Lucio (Italian artist) Fontane, Theodor (German writer) fontanel (anatomy) fontanelle (anatomy) Fontanes, Louis, marquis de (French scholar) Fontanesi, Antonio (Italian painter) fontange (headdress) Fontanier, Henri (French consul) Fontanne, Lillie Louise (American actress) Fontanne, Lynn (American actress) Fonte Gaia (fountain, Siena, Italy) Fonte, Moderata (Austrian author) Fontéchevade (anthropological and archaeological site, France) Fontéchevade skulls (fossils) Fontenay Abbey (abbey, Fontenay, France) Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier, sieur de (French author and scientist) Fontenoy, Battle of (European history) Fontes Rerum Germanicarum (work by Böhmer) Fontevraud-l’Abbaye (village, France) Fontevrault-l’Abbaye (village, France) Fonteyn, Dame Margot (British ballerina) Fonthill Abbey (house, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom) Fontina (cheese) Fontinalis (plant) Fontinalis antipyretica (plant) Fontinhas, José (Portuguese poet) Fontvieille (zone, Monaco) Fonuafo?ou (island, Tonga) Fonvizin, Denis Ivanovich (Russian dramatist) Fonzi, Giuseppangelo (Italian dentist) Fonzie (fictional character) Foochow (China) food food additive (food processing) food allergy (medical disorder) Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations organization) Food and Drug Administration (United States agency) Food and Drugs Act (United States [1906]) food chain (ecology) food colouring (food processing) food cycle (ecology) Food Distribution Center (American corporation) Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (United States [1938]) Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration (United States agency) food dye (food processing) food, frozen (food preservation) Food Guide Pagoda (diet) Food Guide Pyramid (diet) Food, Health and Income (work by Boyd-Orr) food industry food microbiology Food Network (American cable company) Food of the Gods, The (work by Wells) food poisoning food preservation food processing food processor (electric appliance) food rationing (economics) food sensitivity (medical disorder) food vacuole (biology) food web (ecology) food-availability decline (economics) food-borne illness food-generating zone (ecology) foodborne illness Fool (fictional character) fool (comic entertainer) Fool and a Girl, A (work by Griffith) Fool for Love (play by Shepard) Fool of Quality, The (work by Brooke) Fool There Was, A (film) foolish seedling disease (plant pathology) Fools Are Passing Through (work by Dürrenmatt) Fools, Feast of (medieval festival) fool’s gold (mineral) fool’s literature Fool’s Sanctuary (novel by Johnston) foot (measurement) foot (mollusk anatomy) foot (plant organ) foot (prosody) foot (vertebrate anatomy) Foot, Andrew Hull (American naval officer) foot binding (Chinese history) foot disease Foot, Hugh (British diplomat) Foot Locker (American company) Foot, Michael (British politician) Foot, Michael Mackintosh (British politician) Foot, Paul Mackintosh (British journalist) Foot, Philippa (British philosopher) foot rot (animal disease) foot washing (religious rite) foot-and-mouth disease (animal disease) football (ball) football (Canadian sport) football (darts) football (soccer) Football Association (British sports organization) Football Bowl Subdivision Football Canada (Canadian sports organization) Football Changes the Rules (football) Football Club Internazionale Milano (Italian football team) football, gridiron (sport) Football League (British soccer organization) football pitch (sports field) football player (athlete) football, the games football: Year In Review 1993 football: Year In Review 1994 football: Year In Review 1995 football: Year In Review 1996 football: Year In Review 1997 football: Year In Review 1998 football: Year In Review 1999 football: Year In Review 2000 football: Year In Review 2001 football: Year In Review 2002 football: Year In Review 2003 football: Year In Review 2004 football: Year In Review 2005 football: Year In Review 2006 football: Year In Review 2007 football: Year In Review 2008 football: Year In Review 2009 football: Year In Review 2010 footcandle (unit of measurement) Foote, Albert Horton (American playwright and screenwriter) Foote, Andrew Hull (American naval officer) Foote, Horton (American playwright and screenwriter) Foote, Irene (American dancer) Foote, Mary Anna Hallock (American writer and artist) Foote, Robert Bruce (British geologist and archaeologist) Foote, Samuel (British actor) Foote, Shelby (American historian and author) footed drum (musical instrument) footing (construction) footlight (theatre) Footlight Parade (American film [1933]) footlights (theatre) Footlights Club (British comedy group) footman moth (insect) Footnote to History, A (work by Stevenson) footprint (military technology) Footprints of the Creator (work by Miller) Footsbarn company (British theatrical troupe) Footsteps (novel by Pramoedya) footstool (furniture) footwall (geology) footwall drift (mining) footwear (clothing) Foppa, Vincenzo (Italian painter) FOR (international pacifist group) For Altar and Hearth (Belgian secret society) For Colored Girls (film by Perry [2010]) For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/When the Rainbow Is Enuf (play by Shange) For Esme—with Love and Squalor (work by Salinger) For Lancelot Andrewes: Essays on Style and Order (work by Eliot) For Love of Biafra (play by Adichie) For Marx (book by Althusser) For My People (poetry by Walker) For Nursing, New Responsibilities, New Respect (nursing) For the Fallen (poem by Binyon) For the Liberation of Brazil (work by Marighela) For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen (poem by Crane) For the Propagandist of Political Economy (Soviet textbook) For the Right (magazine by Rauschenbusch) “For the Term of His Natural Life” (novel by Clarke) For the Time Being (work by Auden) For the Time Being (work by Dillard) For the Voice (work by Mayakovsky) For Those About to Rock (album by AC/DC) For Whom the Bell Tolls (film by Wood [1943]) For Whom the Bell Tolls (work by Hemingway) For Your Consideration (film by Guest [2006]) forage (plant) forage harvester foraging culture (anthropology) Forains, Les (ballet by Petit) Foraker Act (United States [1900]) Foraker, Mount (mountain, Alaska, United States) foram (protozoan) foramen lacerum (anatomy) foramen magnum (anatomy) foramen ovale (anatomy) foramen rotundum (anatomy) foramen spinosum (anatomy) Foraminifera (protozoan) foraminiferal ooze (geology) foraminiferan (protozoan) Foraminiferida (protozoan) Foran, Thomas Aquinas (American lawyer) “Foras Feasa ar Éirinn” (work by Keating) Forastero (cocoa grade) Forbach (France) Forberg, Friedrich Karl (German philosopher) Forbes (New South Wales, Australia) Forbes (American magazine) Forbes, Charles R. (American politician) Forbes’ disease (pathology) Forbes, Edward (British naturalist) Forbes, Esther (American author) Forbes family (American publishing family) Forbes Field (stadium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States) Forbes, George William (prime minister of New Zealand) Forbes, Inc. (American company) Forbes, James David (Scottish physicist) Forbes, John (British general) Forbes, Malcolm S. (American businessman) Forbes, Malcolm Stevenson (American businessman) Forbes, Malcolm Stevenson, Jr. (American publisher and politician) Forbes of Culloden, Duncan (Scottish statesman) Forbes’ Quarry (anthropological and archaeological site, Gibraltar) Forbes, Steve (American publisher and politician) Forbes-Robertson, Jean (British actress) Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston (British actor) forbidden band (solid-state physics) Forbidden Books, Index of (Roman Catholicism) Forbidden City (palace, Beijing, China) “Forbidden Games” (film by Clément [1951]) forbidden lines (physics) Forbidden Planet (film by Wilcox [1956]) forbidden transition (physics) Forbidding the Banns (cartoon by Keppler) Forbin, Claude de (French military officer) “Forbrydelsens element” (film by von Trier [1984]) Forbush effect (astronomy) Forbush, Scott E. (American physicist) forcado (Portuguese bullfighter) Forcados River (river, Nigeria) Forças Armadas de Angolanas (Angolan military organization) force (law) force (physics) Force Acts (United States [1870-75]) Force and Freedom: Reflections on History (work by Burckhardt) Force Bill (United States [1833]) “Force de l’age, La” (book by Beauvoir) force field (physics) Force, Juliana Reiser (American art administrator) Force, Juliana Rieser (American art administrator) Force, La (novel by Adam) force, law of (physics) force, line of (physics) force, moment of a (physics) Force of Destiny, The (work by Verdi) Force of Evil (American film) Force Ouvrière (labour organization, France) force play (baseball) Force Publique (Congolese army) force pump force, vital force-and-spark firework (pyrotechnics) force-carrier particle (physics) force-field method forced accumulation (economics) forced convection (physics) forced delivery (trade) forced industrialization forced labour forced loan (taxation) Forced Marriage, The (work by Molière) forced saving (economics) forced share (law) forced vibration (physics) forced-air heating (process and system) forced-air-drying (technology) forced-choice question forceout (baseball) forceps (medical instrument) forcer pump Forces Françaises Combattantes (French history) Forces Françaises de l’Intérieur (French history) Forces National de la Libération (rebel group, Burundi) Forces Vives (Madagascan political organization) Forché, Carolyn (American poet) Forché, Carolyn Louise (American poet) Forchheimer, Philipp (Austrian engineer) Forciglioni, Antonino de’ (archbishop of Florence) forcing (agriculture) forcing (mathematics) Forcipulata (sea star order) Forckenbeck, Max von (German politician) Forckenbeck, Maximilian Franz August von (German politician) FORD (political party, Kenya) Ford, Alan Robert (American swimmer) Ford, Betty (first lady of the United States) Ford, Charles Henri (American author) Ford, Charles Henry (American author) Ford County (work by Grisham) Ford, David (Northern Irish politician) Ford, Edmund Brisco (British population geneticist) Ford, Edsel (American industrialist) Ford, Edward Charles (American baseball player) Ford Escape Hybrid (sports utility vehicle) Ford, Ford Madox (English author and editor) Ford Foundation (American organization) Ford, Francis Xavier (American missionary) Ford, Gerald R. (38th president of the United States) Ford, Gerald Rudolph, Jr. (38th president of the United States) Ford, Glenn (Canadian-born American actor) Ford, Gwyllyn Samuel Newton (Canadian-born American actor) Ford, Harrison (American actor) Ford, Henry (American industrialist) Ford, Henry, II (American industrialist) Ford, James (British physician) Ford, John (American director) Ford, John (British dramatist) Ford, Mary (American singer and musician) Ford, Mistress (fictional character) Ford Motor Company (American corporation) Ford, Pat (American publisher) Ford, Richard (American author) Ford, Robert (American criminal) Ford, Tennessee Ernie (American country music singer) Ford, Thelma Booth (American actress) Ford, Tom (American fashion designer) Ford Trimotor (American plane) Ford, W. Kent (American astronomer) Ford, Whitey (American baseball player) Forde, Francis Michael (prime minister of Australia) Fordham Flash, The (American baseball player and manager) Fordham, Michael Scott Montague (British psychologist) Fordham University (university, New York, United States) Fordilla troyensis (fossil mollusk) Fordney-McCumber Tariff (United States [1922]) “Fordringsagare” (work by Strindberg) Ford’s Athenaeum (theatre and historic site, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) Ford’s Theatre (theatre and historic site, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) Fordyce Bathhouse (resort, Arkansas, United States) Fore (people) fore plane (tool technology) fore-and-aft sail (sailing rig) fore-and-after (ship) fore-edge painting (art) forearm (anatomy) forebrain (anatomy) forecasting (social science) forecasting, economic forecasting, financial (economics) forecasting, volcano forecasting, weather forecastle (naval architecture) foreclosure (law) foredune (geology) Forefathers (United States history) Forefathers’ Eve (work by Mickiewicz) foreground/background system (computing) foregut (anatomy) forehearth (technology) Foreign Affair, A (film by Wilder) foreign affairs (politics) Foreign Affairs (journal) Foreign Affairs (novel by Lurie) foreign aid foreign availability (economics) Foreign Credit Insurance Association (United States agency) foreign direct investment foreign exchange (economics) Foreign Intelligence Service (Russian government agency) Foreign Jurisdiction Act (United Kingdom [1903]) Foreign Legion, French (military organization) Foreign Miners Act (United States [1850]) foreign minister (government official) Foreign Ministers, Council of (international relations) foreign ministry (diplomacy) foreign mission (Christianity) Foreign Missionary Society of Paris (French missionary society) foreign policy (political science) foreign relations (politics) foreign service (government) foreign trade foreign workers (labour) foreign-language instruction foreign-policy analysis (political science) foreign-trade zone (international trade) Foreigners, Law on (Spanish law) Foreknowledge (Gnosticism) Forel, Auguste-Henri (Swiss psychiatrist) Forel, François-Alphonse (French physician and scientist) foreland basin (geology) forelimb (anatomy) Foreman, George (American boxer) foremast (ship part) forename (linguistics) Forenede Venstre (political party, Denmark) forensic analysis (crime investigation) forensic anthropology (science) forensic botany forensic computing forensic dentistry forensic engineering forensic medicine forensic odontology forensic oratory (law) forensic pathology forensic psychology (law and psychology) forensic science foreplay (sex) forepoling (excavation) forequarter (beef carcass) Forerunner (magazine) Forerunners, The (poetry by Palmer) Fores (region, France) foresaddle (animal anatomy) foreset bed (geology) foreshadowing (literature) Foreshore (area, Cape Town, South Africa) foreshore (geology) foreshortening (art) foreskin (anatomy) Forest (county, Pennsylvania, United States) forest (ecology) Forest (region, France) forest buffalo (mammal) Forest Cantons, League of the Three (Swiss history) Forest d’Écouves (forest, Normandy, France) forest duiker (mammal genus) forest falcon (bird) forest fallow cultivation (agriculture) forest fire forest glass (glass) Forest Heath (district, England, United Kingdom) Forest Hills (neighborhood, Queens, New York City, New York, United States) Forest Interior (painting by Whittredge) forest law (English history) Forest Lawn (cemetery, California, United States) Forest, Lee De (American inventor) forest line (botany) Forest Maiden, The (work by Weber) forest management (forestry) forest musk shrew (mammal) Forest of a Thousand Daemons, The (work by Fagunwa) Forest of Anger (novel by Gary) Forest of Anyksciai, The (poem by Baranauskas) Forest of Dean (district, England, United Kingdom) Forest of the Hanged, The (work by Rebreanu) Forest Physiography (work by Bowman) Forest Region (plateau, Africa) forest reserve Forest Service (United States government agency) forest soil forest spiny pocket mouse (rodent) forest tent caterpillar moth (insect) Forest Yukaghir language forest-steppe (vegetation zone, Ukraine) forest-tundra Forester, C. S. (British author) Forester, Cecil Scott (British author) forester moth (insect) Forestier Peninsula (peninsula, Tasmania, Australia) forestry Forests, Statement of Principles on (international agreement) Forever Amber (film by Preminger) Forey, Élie-Frédéric (French general) Forez (region, France) Forfar (Scotland, United Kingdom) Forfarshire (council area, Scotland, United Kingdom) Forfarshire (ship) forfeda (alphabetic script) Forfeit (novel by Francis) forge (metallurgy) Forge of Vulcan, The (painting by Velázquez) Forge Valley (British Columbia, Canada) forge welding (metallurgy) Forged Classics, The (work by Kang Youwei) forgery (art) forgery (law) Forges et Ateliers du Creusot, Société des (French company) forget-me-not (plant) forgetting (psychology) Forgetting Sarah Marshall (film by Stoller [2008]) forging (technology) Forgione, Francesco (Italian priest and saint) Fori regni Valentiae (Spanish code of law) Forillon National Park (national park, Quebec, Canada) forint (Hungarian currency) Forio (Italy) fork (utensil) Fork in the Road, A (memoir by Brink) fork moss fork-crowned lemur (primate) fork-fingering (music) fork-tailed bush katydid (insect) forked fungus beetle (insect) Forkel, Johann Nikolaus (German musicologist and writer) forking fern family (plant family) forklift truck Forkner Alphabet shorthand Forkner, Hamden (American stenographer) Forks National Historic Site (historic site, Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada) Forks, The (Ontario, Canada) forktail (insect) forktail (bird) Forlán, Diego (Uruguayan football player) Forlandet Nasjonalpark (national park, Norway) Forlandet National Park (national park, Norway) Forlanini, Carlo (Italian physician) Forlanini, Enrico (Italian inventor) Forlì (Italy) Forlot, Maxime (French inventor) form (art) form (biology) form (crystallography) form (philosophy) form form class (linguistics) form criticism (biblical literature) form gauge (measurement device) Form in Modern Poetry (work by Read) form, logical Form of Cury, The (cookbook) Form of Government (Swedish reform [1634]) Form, Platonic Form, William (American sociologist) form-cutting method (machinery) Formal and Transcendental Logic (work by Husserl) formal autobiography formal cause (philosophy) formal discipline theory (education) formal fallacy (logic) formal language (logic) formal modeling theory (political science and economics) formal operational stage (psychology) formal predication (logic) formal region (geography) formal semantics (logic) formal sin (theology) formal sociology (sociology) formal system (logic) formal will (law) formaldehyde (chemical compound) formaldehyde polymer (chemical compound) formalin (chemistry) formalism (art) Formalism (literary criticism) formalism (philosophy of mathematics) Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values (work by Scheler) “Formalismus in der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik, Der” (work by Scheler) Formalist style (theatre) formalistic Idealism (philosophy) formality (solutions) formalized language (logic) formalized theory (logic) Forman, Andrew (Scottish diplomat) Forman, James (American civil rights activist) Forman, Miloš (Czech director) formant (linguistics) Formartine, George Hamilton-Gordon, Viscount of (prime minister of United Kingdom) formation (biology) formation (military) formation aerobatics (aviation) formation constant (chemistry) formation flying (aviation) formation function (astronomy) formation, heat of (chemistry) Formation of Vegetable Mould, Through the Action of Worms, The (work by Darwin) formation rule (logic) formative light (theatre) Formative people (Mesoamerican history) Formative Period (Mesoamerican history) Forment, Damián (Spanish sculptor) Formentera (island, Spain) Former Han dynasty (Chinese history) Former Shu (ancient kingdom, China) Former Summer Palace (palace, Beijing, China) formes fixes (French literature and music) Formia (Italy) Formiae (Italy) formic acid (chemistry) Formica (laminated material) Formicariidae (bird family) Formicidae (insect) Formidable (British aircraft carrier) Formigny, Battle of (European history) forming (industrial process) formio (plant and fibre) formonitrile (chemical compound) Formosa (island and province, Equatorial Guinea) Formosa (province, Argentina) Formosa (Argentina) Formosa (self-governing island, Asia) Formosa Strait (strait, China Sea) Formosa theorem (mathematics) Formosan cypress (tree) Formosan languages Formosan macaque (primate) Formosan serow (mammal) Formosus (pope) Forms and Limits of Utilitarianism (work by Lyons) Forms of Knowledge and Society, The (work by Scheler) Formstecher, Solomon (German philosopher) formula (human milk substitute) formula (logic) formula Formula 1 racing (aviation) formula book (diplomatics) formula, chemical Formula Missae (religion) Formula One (automobile racing) Formula Translation (computer language) Formula Translator (computer language) formula weight (chemistry) Formulae imperiales (diplomatics) Formulae Marculfi (diplomatics) Formulare Anglicanum (work by Madox) formulary system (law) formwork (construction) formyl chloride (chemical compound) formyl group (chemical compound) formylmethionine (chemical compound) fornaldar sogur (Scandinavian literature) fornaldarsogur (Scandinavian literature) Fornar ástir (work by Nordal) Fornax (astronomy) Forner, Juan Pablo (Spanish writer) Fornés, Maria Irene (American dramatist) Fornovo, Battle of (Italian history) Føroyar Islands (islands, Atlantic Ocean) Føroysk language Forrer, Emil (German linguist) Forrer, Ludwig (Swiss statesman) Forres (Scotland, United Kingdom) Forrest City (Arkansas, United States) Forrest, Edwin (American actor) Forrest, George (American songwriter) Forrest Gump (film by Zemeckis [1994]) Forrest, Helen (American musician) Forrest, Leon (American writer) Forrest, Nathan Bedford (Confederate general) Forrest of Bunbury, Baron (Australian explorer and statesman) Forrest, Sir John (Australian explorer and statesman) Forrest, Vernon (American boxer) Forrestal (ship) Forrestal, James V. (United States secretary of defense) Forrestal, James Vincent (United States secretary of defense) Forrester, Jay Wright (American engineer) Forrester, Maureen Katherine Stewart (Canadian singer) Forros (people) Fors Clavigera (work by Ruskin) Fors Fortuna (Roman goddess) Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten Testaments und des Neuen Testaments (work by Gunkel and Bousset) Forsey, Keith (British composer, drummer, songwriter, and record producer) Forsman, Georg Zacharias (Finnish politician) Forssmann, Werner (German physician) Forster (New South Wales, Australia) Forster, Arianna (German-born British singer) Forster, Buckshot (British statesman) Forster, E. M. (British writer) Forster, Edward Morgan (British writer) Forster, Georg (German explorer and scientist) Forster, Johann Georg Adam (German explorer and scientist) Forster, Johann Reinhold (German explorer) Forster, John (British writer) Förster, Josef Bohuslav (Czech composer) Forster, Margaret (British author) Forster, Robert (American actor) Forster, Thomas (English Jacobite) Forster, William Edward (British statesman) Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth (German editor) forsterite (mineral) forsterite-fayalite series (mineralogy) Forsyte family (fictional characters) Forsyte Saga, The (British television program) Forsyte Saga, The (work by Galsworthy) Forsyth, Alexander John (British inventor) Forsyth, Andrew Russell (British mathematician) Forsyth, Frederick (British author) Forsyth, Peter Taylor (British minister) Forsythe Company (ballet company) Forsythe, John (American actor) Forsythe, William (American choreographer) forsythia (plant) Forsythia (plant) Forsythia intermedia (plant) Forsythia suspensa (plant) Forsythia viridissima (plant) Fort (district, Colombo, Sri Lanka) Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park (park, North Dakota, United States) Fort Ancient (people) Fort Apache Band (American musical group) Fort Bayard (China) Fort Benton (Montana, United States) Fort Camosun (British Columbia, Canada) Fort Caroline National Memorial (monument, Jacksonville, Florida, United States) Fort Christina (Delaware, United States) Fort Clark (Illinois, United States) Fort Clarke (Iowa, United States) Fort Collins (Colorado, United States) Fort Constitution (borough, New Jersey, United States) Fort de Kock (Indonesia) Fort De Soto Park (park, Saint Petersburg, Florida, United States) Fort Dodge (Iowa, United States) Fort Donelson, Battle of (American Civil War) Fort Donelson National Military Park (park, Tennessee, United States) Fort Erie (Ontario, Canada) Fort Fletcher (Kansas, United States) Fort Frances (Ontario, Canada) Fort Frederica National Monument (historic site, Georgia, United States) Fort George River (river, Quebec, Canada) Fort Good Hope (Northwest Territories, Canada) Fort Greenville, Treaty of (United States-Northwest Indian Confederation [1795]) Fort Hays (Kansas, United States) Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School (university, Kansas, United States) Fort Hays State College (university, Kansas, United States) Fort Hays State University (university, Kansas, United States) Fort Henry, Battle of (American Civil War) Fort Jameson (Zambia) Fort Jefferson National Monument (national park, Florida, United States) Fort Johnston (Malawi) Fort Kent (Maine, United States) Fort Laperrine (Algeria) Fort Laramie, Treaties of (United States-Plains Indians treaty) Fort Lauderdale (Florida, United States) Fort Lee (borough, New Jersey, United States) Fort Lee (Virginia, United States) Fort Lewis (Montana, United States) Fort MacArthur (fort, California, United States) Fort Macleod (Alberta, Canada) Fort Manning (town, Malawi) Fort Marion National Monument (monument, Florida, United States) Fort Matanzas National Monument (fort, Florida, United States) Fort Maurepas (Mississippi, United States) Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine (national monument, Baltimore, Maryland, United States) Fort McMurray (Alberta, Canada) Fort Miro (Louisiana, United States) Fort Morgan (Colorado, United States) Fort Moultrie National Monument (monument, Charleston, South Carolina, United States) Fort Myers (Florida, United States) Fort Necessity National Battlefield (national park, Pennsylvania, United States) Fort Norman (Northwest Territories, Canada) Fort of the Forks (Alberta, Canada) Fort of the Forks (Northwest Territories, Canada) Fort, Paul (French poet) Fort Payne (Alabama, United States) Fort Peck Dam (dam, Montana, United States) Fort Pierce (Florida, United States) Fort Pillow Massacre (American Civil War) Fort Portal (Uganda) Fort Providence (Northwest Territories, Canada) Fort Pulaski National Monument (monument, Georgia, United States) Fort Rixon (Zimbabwe) Fort Robinson State Park (park, Nebraska, United States) Fort Rosebery (Zambia) Fort Saint Andries (Guyana) Fort Saint James (British Columbia, Canada) Fort Saint John (British Columbia, Canada) Fort Sandeman (Pakistan) Fort Scott (Kansas, United States) Fort Simpson (Northwest Territories, Canada) Fort Smith (region, Northwest Territories, Canada) Fort Smith (Northwest Territories, Canada) Fort Smith (Arkansas, United States) Fort Stanwix National Monument (historic site, New York, United States) Fort Stanwix, Treaties of (North America [1768 and 1784]) Fort Stedman, Battle of (American Civil War) Fort Sumter National Monument (monument, Charleston, South Carolina, United States) Fort Sumter to Perryville (work by Foote) Fort Union National Monument (national monument, New Mexico, United States) Fort Utah (Utah, United States) Fort Valley (Georgia, United States) Fort Valley State University (university, Fort Valley, Georgia, United States) Fort Victoria (Zimbabwe) Fort Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) Fort Walton Beach (Florida, United States) Fort Wayne (Indiana, United States) Fort Wayne Pistons (American basketball team) Fort Wayne Sentinel (American newspaper) Fort Wayne Zollner Pistons (American basketball team) Fort William (Scotland, United Kingdom) Fort William (Ontario, Canada) Fort William College (college, Kolkata, India) Fort Worth (Texas, United States) Fort Worth Zoological Park (zoo, Fort Worth, Texas, United States) Fort Yukon (historical settlement, North America) Fort-Archambault (Chad) Fort-Charles (Quebec, Canada) Fort-Chimo (Quebec, Canada) Fort-de-France (Martinique) Fort-Gouraud (Mauritania) Fort-Lamy (Chad) Fort-Pontchartrain-du-Détroit (Michigan, United States) Fort-Royal (Martinique) Fort-Rupert (Quebec, Canada) Fort-Saint-Jacques (Quebec, Canada) Fort-Saint-Louis (Illinois, United States) Fort-Saint-Pierre (Ontario, Canada) “fortabte spillemænd, De” (work by Heinesen) Fortaleza (Brazil) Fortas, Abe (United States jurist) Forte of Ripley, Charles Forte, Baron (British entrepreneur) Forteguerri, Niccolò Cardinal (Italian clergyman) Forten, Charlotte (American author) Forten, Robert (American abolitionist) fortepiano (musical instrument) Fortes, Meyer (British anthropologist) Fortescue River (river, Australia) Fortescue, Sir John (English jurist) Forth and Clyde Canal (canal, Scotland, United Kingdom) Forth Bridge (railway bridge, Scotland, United Kingdom) Forth, Patrick Ruthven, Earl of, Earl of Brentford, Lord Ruthven of Ettrick (English army commander) Forth, River (river, Scotland, United Kingdom) Forth River (river, Tasmania, Australia) Forth Road Bridge (bridge, Scotland, United Kingdom) Fortier, Isabelle (Canadian author) fortification (military science) Fortification perpendiculaire, La (work by Montalembert) fortified wine Fortingall Yew (tree, Fortingall, Scotland, United Kingdom) Fortis, Alessandro (Italian statesman) fortis obstruent (speech) Fortitude (painting by Botticelli) Fortner, Wolfgang (German composer) fortnight Fortnightly Review (British magazine) Fortnum & Mason (store, London, United Kingdom) Fortnum & Mason, PLC (store, London, United Kingdom) FORTRAN (computer language) Fortrel (chemical compound) fortress (military science) Fortress Besieged (novel by Qian Zhongshu) Fortschrittspartei (political party, Germany) “Fortsetzung der Pegnitzschäferey” (work by Harsdörfer and Klaj) Fortún (king of Pamplona) Fortuna (Roman goddess) fortuna (philosophy) “Fortuna” (work by Kielland) Fortuna Tessera (surface feature, Venus) Fortuna Virilis, Temple of (ancient structure, Rome, Italy) Fortunata and Jacinta (work by Pérez Galdós) “Fortunata y Jacinta” (work by Pérez Galdós) Fortunate Life, A (work by Facey) Fortunate Traveler, The (work by Walcott) Fortunatus, Venantius (French poet and bishop) fortune (game of chance) Fortune (Roman goddess) Fortune (philosophy) Fortune (American magazine) Fortune and Men’s Eyes (work by Herbert) Fortune Brands, Inc. (American industrial conglomerate) Fortune Cookie, The (film by Wilder [1966]) “Fortune des Rougon, La” (work by Zola) Fortune, Robert (Scottish botanist and traveler) Fortune, T. Thomas (American journalist) Fortune Teller (painting by Piazzetta) Fortune Theatre (historical theatre, London, United Kingdom) Fortune, Timothy Thomas (American journalist) Fortune Tobacco Corp. (Filipino corporation) fortune-telling Fortunella (plant) Fortunella crassifolia (plant) Fortunella japonica (fruit) Fortunella margarita (fruit) Fortunes of Richard Mahony, The (work by Richardson) Fortunian Stage (geology) Fortunio (king of Pamplona) Fortuny dome (theatrical device) Fortuny, Mariano (Spanish painter [1838-74]) Fortuny, Mariano (Spanish-Italian multimedia artist [1871-1949]) Fortuny y Madrazo, Mariano (Spanish-Italian multimedia artist [1871-1949]) Fortuny y Marsal, Mariano José María Bernardo (Spanish painter [1838-74]) Fortuyn, Pim (Dutch politician) Fortuyn, Wilhelmus Simon Petrus (Dutch politician) Forty Days of Musa Dagh, The (work by Werfel) Forty Fort (Pennsylvania, United States) Forty Martyrs of England and Wales Forty, the (Indian political faction) Forty Years On (play by Bennett) Forty-five Rebellion (British history) forty-fives (card game) “Forty-seven Ronin” (drama by Takeda Izumo and others) Forty-two Articles (formulary of faith by Cranmer) Forty-two-line Bible forum (ancient Roman public meeting area) Forum (typeface) Forum (Dutch literary journal) Forum des Halles (market, Paris, France) Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (political party, Kenya) Forum Julii (France) Forum Livii (Italy) forum non conveniens (law) Forum Romanum (forum, Rome, Italy) Forum Segusiavorum (France) Forum Tauri (forum, Istanbul, Turkey) Forum, the (forum, Pompeii, Italy) Forum Transitorium (forum, Rome, Italy) Forum Vulcani (volcano, Pozzuoli, Italy) “Forverts” (American newspaper) Forward Bloc (Indian history) forward combustion (fossil fuel extraction) forward defense (military) forward dive (sport) forward error control (communications) forward exchange (economics) forward market (economics) forward mutation (genetics) forward pass (sports) forward policy (Indian history) Forward, Robert Lull (American author and physicist) forward seat (horsemanship) forward stroke (cricket) Forward Surgical Team (military medicine) forward trading (economics) forward transaction (economics) forward-biased junction (electronics) forward-blocking state (electronics) forward-breakover voltage (electronics) forward-conducting state (electronics) forward-looking infrared (technology) forward-off state (electronics) forward-on state (electronics) forwarding agent “forza del destino, La” (work by Verdi) Forza Italia (political party, Italy) Fos (France) Fos-sur-Mer (France) Fosbury, Dick (American athlete) Fosbury flop (high-jump technique) Fosbury, Richard Douglas (American athlete) Foscari, Francesco (doge of Venice) Foscari, Villa (house, Mira, Italy) Foscarini, Paolo Antonio (Italian cleric) Fosco, Count (fictional character) Fosco, Count Isidore Ottavio Baldassore (fictional character) Foscolo, Niccolò (Italian writer) Foscolo, Ugo (Italian writer) Fosdick, Harry Emerson (American minister) Foshan (China) Fosnat (carnival) Foss, Lukas (American composer) fossa (mammal species, Cryptoprocta ferox) Fossa (mammal genus) Fossa fossa (mammal) fossa incudis (anatomy) Fossa Magna (rift, Japan) fossa of helix (anatomy) Fossano (Italy) Fosse, Bob (American choreographer and director) Fosse, Charles de La (French artist) Fosse Dyke (Roman canal, England, United Kingdom) Fosse, Robert Louis (American choreographer and director) Fosse Way (Roman road, England, United Kingdom) Fossett, James Stephen (American aviator) Fossett, Steve (American aviator) Fossey, Dian (American zoologist) fossil (paleontology) Fossil Butte National Monument (national monument, Wyoming, United States) “Fossil, Das” (play by Sternheim) fossil fir cone (paleontology) fossil fuel fossil record Fossil, The (play by Sternheim) fossil turquoise (geology) Fosso, Samuel (Cameroonian photographer) fossorial locomotion (zoology) Fostat, Al- (ancient city, Egypt) Fostbraeda saga (Icelandic saga) Foster, Abby (American abolitionist and feminist) Foster, Abigail Kelley (American abolitionist and feminist) Foster, Alicia Christian (American actress) Foster, Andrew (American athlete) Foster, Bob (American boxer) foster care (child care and rehabilitation program) Foster, Fred (American record producer) Foster, Hal (American cartoonist) Foster, Hannah Webster (American writer) Foster, Harold Rudolf (American cartoonist) Foster, Jodie (American actress) Foster, John W. (American diplomat) Foster, John Watson (American diplomat) Foster, Lord Norman (British architect) Foster, Norm (Canadian playwright) Foster, Norman Robert (British architect) Foster of Thames Bank, Lord Norman (British architect) Foster, Rube (American athlete) Foster, Sir George Eulas (Canadian statesman) Foster, Sir Michael (British physiologist) Foster, Stephen (American composer) Foster, Stephen Collins (American composer) Foster, Stephen Symonds (American abolitionist) Foster, William Z. (American communist leader) Foster, William Zebulon (American communist leader) Fothergill, John (British physician) Fothergilla (plant genus) Fothergilla gardenii (plant) Fotoform (photography) Fotomatic (photocomposition machine) Fotosetter (photocomposition machine) Fototronic-CRT (technology) fou (chess) Foucauld, Charles Eugène, vicomte de (French ascetic) Foucault, Jean (French physicist) Foucault, Jean-Bernard-Léon (French physicist) Foucault, Michel (French philosopher and historian) Foucault, Paul-Michel (French philosopher and historian) Foucault pendulum (physics) Foucault siderostat (instrument) Fouché, Joseph, duc d’Otrante (French statesman) Foucher, Simon (French philosopher) Foucquet, Nicolas (French minister) fouetté en tournant (ballet movement) Fougasse (British cartoonist) Fougères (France) Foujita, Leonard (Japanese painter) foul (sports) foul ball (baseball) foul marten (mammal) Foul Play (novel by Reade and Boucicault) foul shot (sports) foul tip (baseball) foul-line huddle (basketball) Foula (island, Shetland Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom) Foulah (people) foulard (fabric) Fould, Achille (French statesman) Foule, La (work by Chraïbi) Foulis, Andrew (Scottish printer) Foulis, Robert (Scottish printer) Foulke, William Parker (American paleontologist) Foulque, Archevêque de Reims (archbishop of Reims) Foulques, Archevêque de Reims (archbishop of Reims) Foulques de Toulouse (Provençal troubadour and clergyman) Foulques, Gui (pope) Foulques le Jeune (king of Jerusalem) Foulques le Noir (count of Anjou) Foulques le Réchin (count of Anjou) Foulu (Chinese artist) Foumbam (Cameroon) Foumban (Cameroon) found object (art) found poem foundation (construction) foundation (cosmetic) foundation (organization) foundation axiom (set theory) Foundation Day (holiday) Foundation of the Royal Zoological Society Natura Artis Magistra (zoo, Amsterdam, Netherlands) foundation, philanthropic (charitable organization) foundation tone (music) foundation wall (construction) foundationalism (epistemology) Foundations of Algebraic Geometry (work by Weil) Foundations of Arithmetic, The (work by Frege) Foundations of Differential Geometry, The (work by Veblen and Whitehead) Foundations of Economic Analysis (work by Samuelson) Foundations of Empirical Knowledge, The (work by Ayer) Foundations of Geometry, The (work by Hilbert) Foundations of Modern Art, The (work by Ozenfant) Foundations of Social Theory (work by Coleman) Foundations of Sovereignty, and Other Essays, The (work by Laski) Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, The (work by Chamberlain) Foundations of the Theory of Probability (work by Kolmogorov) founder effect (genetics) founder principle (genetics) Founder’s Jewel (brooch) founding (technology) Founding Fathers (United States history) Founding of the Trinitarian Order (painting by Carreño de Miranda) Foundling Hospital (building, Florence, Italy) foundry aluminum alloy (alloy) foundry coke Fount of Philosophy, The (work by Godfrey) fountain Fountain (work by Duchamp) Fountain Colony (Colorado, United States) fountain grass (plant) fountain moss (plant) Fountain of Age, The (work by Friedan) Fountain of Bakhchisaray, The (work by Pushkin) Fountain of Life, The (work by Ibn Gabirol) Fountain of Neptune (work by Ammannati and Calamech) Fountain of the Four Rivers (fountain by Bernini) Fountain of the Innocents (work by Goujon) Fountain of the Seasons (work by Bouchardon) Fountainhead, The (film by Vidor) Fountainhead, The (novel by Rand) Fountains Abbey (historical abbey, North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom) fountaintop (plant) Fouqué, Ferdinand (French geologist) Fouqué, Friedrich Heinrich Karl de la Motte, Baron (German writer) Fouques-Duparc, Henri (French composer) Fouquet, Georges (French artisan) Fouquet, Jean (French painter) Fouquet, Nicolas (French minister) Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine-Quentin (French revolutionary lawyer) Fouquieria (plant genus) Fouquieria splendens (plant) Fouquieriaceae (plant family) four (number) Four Aces system (bridge) Four Ages (Greek mythology) Four Ages of Man (poetry by Macpherson) Four Articles of Prague (Bohemian religion) “Four Books” (Confucian texts) Four Books of Architecture (work by Palladio) Four Books of Defenses of the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas (work by Capreolus) Four Books of Sentences (work by Lombard) “Four Books of True Christianity, The” (work by Arndt) Four Books on True Christianity (work by Arndt) Four Books, The (collection of hadith) Four Brothers (song) Four Cantons, Lake of the (lake, Switzerland) Four Continents Championship (figure skating) Four Corners (region, United States) Four, Council of (European history) Four Courts (building, Dublin, Ireland) Four Dissertations (work by Hume) Four Ends (United States history) Four Evangelists, The (work by Cimabue) Four Freedoms (United States history) Four Freedoms (mural by Rockwell) Four Gallican Articles (declaration by French clergy) Four Gospels: A Study of Origins, The (work by Streeter) Four Gospels, The (work by Zola) Four Great Song Calligraphers (Chinese artist) Four Horsemen (American athletes) Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (film by Ingram [1921]) Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The (work by Blasco Ibáñez) Four Hundred, Council of the (Greek history) Four Lakes, Battle of (American history) Four Lands, Council of the (rabbinical conference) Four Letter Scenes from Gulliver (work by Blackwood) Four Lovers, the (American music group) Four Masters of Anhui (Chinese artists) Four Masters of the Ma Yüan dynasty (Chinese artists) Four Masters of the Yuan dynasty (Chinese artists) Four Men, The (work by Belloc) Four Minute Mile, The (work by Bannister) Four Modernizations (Chinese history) Four Musketeers (French athletes) Four Nations, College of the (school, France) Four Noble Truths (Buddhist philosophy) four n’s, problem of Four Olds (Chinese history) Four Orations Against the Arians (work by Athanasius) Four Plays for Dancers (plays by Yeats) Four Power Accord (Europe [1971]) Four Principles (United States history) Four Quartets (poem by Eliot) Four Races (Greek mythology) Four Regents of the Walenweeshuis (painting by Helst) Four Reigns (work by Kukrit Pramoj) “Four Sacred Pieces” (opera by Verdi) Four Sages of Shang-shan, The (work by Ma Yüan) Four Saints in Three Acts (work by Stein) Four Saints in Three Acts (opera by Thomson) Four Seasons, the (American music group) Four Seasons, The (work by Vivaldi) Four Serious Songs (work by Brahms) Four Signs (Buddhism) four time (music) Four Tops, the (American singing group) Four Wangs (Chinese painters) Four Weddings and a Funeral (motion picture) Four Winds (literary movement) four-carbon cycle (chemistry) four-class coalition (Chinese history) four-colour map problem four-colour process printing four-coloured bush-shrike (bird) four-course beacon (navigation) four-cycle engine (engineering) four-day circulation (atmosphere) four-dimensional space (physics) four-eyed fish (fish) four-eyed opossum (marsupial) four-eyed possum (marsupial) four-faced theory (geology) four-footed butterfly (insect) four-level laser (physics) four-lined plant bug (insect) four-lined snake (reptile) four-o’clock (plant) four-o’clock family (plant family) four-poster bed (furniture) Four-Power Pact (East Asia and Pacific [1921]) Four-Power Pact (Europe [1933]) four-seam fastball (baseball) Four-Seven debate (Korean history) four-shape fasola system (music) four-source hypothesis (religion) four-stroke cycle (engineering) four-toed elephant shrew (mammal) four-toothed beaked whale (mammal) four-toothed beaked whale (mammal) four-wall handball (sport) four-way cross (genetics) four-wing saltbush (plant) Fourcault process (technology) Fourdrinier machine Foure Letters and Certaine Sonnets (work by Harvey)

Fourneyron, Benoît (French inventor) Fournier, Henri-Alban (French author) Fournier, Jacques (pope) Fournier, Louis (Swedish potter) Fournier, Pierre-Simon (French engraver) Fourqué, Ferdinand (French geologist) fourteen (number) Fourteen Barrels from Sea to Sea (work by Reaney) Fourteen Foot Bank Lighthouse (lighthouse, United States) Fourteen Holy Helper’s (Roman Catholicism) Fourteen Points (United States declaration) Fourteen Sonnets (work by Bowles) fourteener (prosody) Fourteenth Amendment (United States Constitution) fourth (music) Fourth Amendment (United States Constitution) Fourth Arab-Israeli War (Middle East [1973]) Fourth Book of Moses (Old Testament) Fourth Coalition, War of the (European history) fourth contact (astronomy) fourth cranial nerve (anatomy) Fourth Crusade (European history) fourth degree (law) Fourth Duma (Russian assembly) fourth figure (syllogistic) Fourth Five-Year Plan (Soviet history) Fourth Generation (Italian literary movement) Fourth Gospel (New Testament) fourth law of thermodynamics Fourth of August, Regime of the The (Greek military regime) Fourth Partition of Poland (World War II) Fourth Party (British history) Fourth Pluvial Stage (paleontology) fourth position (ballet) Fourth Republic (French history) Fourth Republic (South Korean history) Fourth style (Roman art) fourth wall (theatrical concept) Fourth World Fourth World Conference on Women (United Nations) fourth-class mail (communications) fourth-degree burn (medicine) fourth-generation computer fourth-generation language (computer language) “Fous de Bassan, Les” (novel by Hébert) foussa (mammal species, Cryptoprocta ferox) Fouta (region, Senegal) Fouta Djallon (region, Guinea) Fouta-Toro (region, Senegal) Fouts, Dan (American football player) fovea centralis retinae (anatomy) fovea of retina (anatomy) foveal pit (anatomy) Foveaux (novel by Tennant) foveola gastricae (anatomy) Fowey (English Channel port, England, United Kingdom) fowl (animal) fowl (bird) fowl (agriculture) fowl (bird group) fowl pest (bird disease) fowl plague (bird disease) Fowler, Bud (American baseball player) Fowler, Eliza (British author) Fowler, Francis George (British lexicographer) Fowler, H. W. (British lexicographer) Fowler, Henry Hamill (American government official) Fowler, Henry Watson (British lexicographer) Fowler, John (British engineer) Fowler, Kevin Spacey (American actor) Fowler, Lydia Folger (American physician, writer and educator) Fowler, Mark (American government official) Fowler, Ralph Howard (British mathematician) Fowler, Sir John, 1st Baronet (British engineer) Fowler, William A. (American astrophysicist) Fowler, William Alfred (American astrophysicist) Fowler, William Warde (British historian) Fowles, John (British author) Fowles, John Robert (British author) fowling piece (historical firearm) Fox (people) fox (mammal) Fox and the Wolf, The (Middle English work) fox bat (mammal) Fox Broadcasting Company (American company) Fox, Catherine (American medium) Fox, Charles James (British politician) Fox Chase Cancer Center (medical facility, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States) Fox, Della May (American actress and singer) Fox Film Corporation (American company) Fox, George (English religious leader) fox grape (plant) Fox, Harold (American clothier) Fox, Harry (American comedian) Fox, Henry, 1st Baron Holland of Foxley (British politician) Fox, Henry Richard Vassall, 3rd Baron Holland (British politician) Fox Hunt, The (painting by Homer) fox hunting Fox Islands (islands, Alaska, United States) Fox, Kate (American medium) Fox language Fox, Margaret (American medium) Fox, Margaret; and Fox, Catherine (American mediums) Fox, Michael Andrew (Canadian actor) Fox, Michael J. (Canadian actor) Fox, Nellie (American baseball player) Fox News Channel (American company) Fox, Paul J. (American geophysicist) Fox Project (anthropological study) Fox Quesada, Vicente (president of Mexico) Fox, Richard (English statesman) Fox, Richard K. (American publisher) fox shark (shark species) Fox, Sidney (American biochemist) Fox, Sir William (prime minister of New Zealand) fox snake (reptile) fox sparrow (bird) Fox, Terrance Stanley (Canadian activist) fox terrier (breed of dog) Fox, Terry (Canadian activist) Fox, Vicente (president of Mexico) Fox, William (American film producer) Fox-Case Corporation (American motion-picture corporation) Fox-Jencken, Kate (American medium) fox-trot (dance) Foxbat (Soviet aircraft) foxberry (plant) Foxburg (Pennsylvania, United States) Foxburg Golf Club (golf club, Foxburg, Pennsylvania, United States) Foxe Basin (basin, Canada) Foxe, John (British clergyman) Foxe, Luke (British explorer) Foxe, Richard (English statesman) foxfire (biology) foxglove (plant) foxhound (breed of dog) Foxhound Kennel Stud Book (stud book) foxhunting foxing (art restoration) foxtail (plant) foxtail brome (plant) foxtail millet (plant) foxtailing (botany) Foxx, James Emory (American baseball player) Foxx, Jamie (American comedian, musician, and actor) Foxx, Jimmie (American baseball player) Foxx, Redd (American actor and comedian) Foy, Eddie (American comedian) Foy, Edwin Fitzgerald (American comedian) Foy, Maximilien-Sébastien (French military leader and statesman) foyer (architecture) Foyle, Lough (inlet, Ireland) Foyn, Svend (Norwegian inventor) Foys, Loys du (Flemish architect) Foyt, A. J. (American race-car driver) Foyt, Anthony Joseph, Jr. (American race-car driver) FPA (American organization) FPA clause (insurance clause) FPC (dietary supplement) FPÖ (political party, Austria) FPR (political party, Rwanda) FPS game (electronic game genre) FQM-151 Pointer (military aircraft) Fr (chemical element) Fr (physics) FRA (religious organization, United States) Frá Bólu, Hjálmar Jónsson (Icelandic poet) “Fra Diavolo” (work by Auber) Fra gutt til mann (work by Vogt) Fra Kristiania-Bohêmen (novel by Jæger) Fra Mauro (lunar crater) Frabotta, Biancamaria (Italian poet) Fracastoro, Girolamo (Italian physician) fractal (mathematics) fractal curve (mathematics) fractal dimension (mathematics) Fractal Geometry of Nature, The (work by Mandelbrot) fraction (mathematics) fraction collector (instrument) fractional calculus, theory of (mathematics) fractional crystallization (geology) fractional dimension (mathematics) fractional distillation (chemical process) Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (missile) fractional quantum Hall effect (physics) fractional-blending system (wine making) fractionating column (chemical instrument) fractionation (chemistry) fractionation cipher system (cryptology) fractionation factor (chemistry) fractionation, isotopic (chemistry) fractography (mechanics) Fraenkel, Abraham Adolf (Israeli mathematician) Fraenkel, Eduard (German scholar) Fraenkel-Conrat, Heinz L. (American biochemist) Fraenkel-Conrat, Heinz Ludwig (American biochemist) Fraga, Manuel (Spanish politician) Fragaria (fruit plant) Fragaria chiloensis (plant) Fragaria virginiana (plant) fragata (Portuguese boat) fragging (military) Fragment of a Greek Tragedy, A (work by Housman) Fragment on Government, A (work by Bentham) Fragonard, Jean-Honoré (French painter)

| foxtail brome ... “Fram over Polhavet” | Fram Strait ... Franchiser, The | Franchthi Cave ... Franco-Prussian War | Franco-Russian Alliance ... Frankist sect | Frankl, Victor Emil ... Fraser, James Earle | Fraser, John Malcolm ... Fréchet, Réne-Maurice | Fréchette, Louis-Honoré ... Fredericktown | Fredericton ... Free Soul, A | Free South, The ... Freedom, Sons of | Freedom to Farm Act ... Freiligrath, Ferdinand | Freiligrath, Hermann Ferdinand ... French Institute of Petroleum | French Island ... frequency meter | frequency mixing ... Freyberg of Wellington and of Munstead, Bernard Cyril Freyberg, 1st Baron | Freyberg, Sir Bernard Cyril ... Friedman, Elizebeth S. | Friedman, Elizebeth Smith ... frigger | frigidity ... Frodi | Fröding, Gustaf ... Frontespizio | frontier ... Fruit of the Vine, The | Fruit of Wisdom ... Fuchs, Lukas | Fuchs, Ruth ... Fujayrah, Al- | Fuji ... Fulfulde language | Fulgens and Lucrece ... Fulton | Fulton ... Fundamental Laws | fundamental mode ... Fupingian Stage | fuqaha? ... Fury of Athamas, The | furyu ... Futurist manifesto | Futurity Stakes ... Fyzabad

G ... Gabriel | Gabriel ... Gaetano | Gaetano da Thiene ... Gaius Cornelius Tacitus | Gaius Julius Caesar ... Galaup, Jean-Francois de | Galawdewos ... Galium | Galium aparine ... Gallia Lugdunensis Secunda | Gallia Narbonensis ... Galsworthy, John | Galt ... Gambusia affinis | game ... Ga?apatya | Ganas, Lord of the ... gangster film | Gangtok ... ... garden city | garden cosmos ... Gargallo, Pablo | Gargallo y Catalán, Pablo ... Garrett, Emma | Garrett, George W. ... gas reservoir | gas sensor ... gastald | Gastaldi ... Gates, Horatio | Gates, John Warne ... Gaulish language | Gaulle, Charles André Joseph Marie de ... Gawhar Shad | Gawler ... GBT | GC ... Gee, Kenneth | Gee, Maurice ... Gekkoninae | Gekkota ... gemilut ?esed | Gémina Aamlet ... General Assembly | General Assembly, United Nations ... General Sherman | General Sociology ... genethlialogy | genetic algorithm ... genital herpes | genital organs ... | Gentileschi, Orazio ... geognosy | Geographia Generalis ... geomungo | Geomyidae ... | Georgetown ... Geraldton wax plant | Geraldus ... Germain, Sylvie | Germain, Thomas ... germander | germane ... Gerstner, Lou | Gerstner, Louis Vincent, Jr. ... Gesta Danorum | Gesta Dei per Francos ... Geza I | Géza II ... Ghazi | Ghazi, Abdul Rashid ... Ghost Sonata, The | ghost story ... giant evergreen chinquapin | giant fennel ... Gibbons, Abigail Hopper | Gibbons, Cedric ... gig | giga ... Gildus | Gilead ... Gilmer, Elizabeth Meriwether | Gilmer, Thomas ... Ginzberg, Louis | ... Girardon, François | Girardot ... Gissey, Henri | Gissing, George ... glacial stage | glacial stairway ... Glasgow | Glasgow ... Glaucomys sabrinus | glauconite ... gliadin | glial cell ... glockenspiel | Glockner ... Gloucester, Gilbert de Clare, 8th Earl of, 9th Earl of Clare

Glockner, Hermann (German philosopher) | Gloeocapsa (alga genus) | Gloeophyllales (order of fungi) | Glogau (Poland) | glogg (punch) | Glogów (Poland) | Gloire (ship) | Glomar Challenger (ship) | Glomerales (order of fungi) | glomerocryst (geology) | Glomeromycetes (class of fungi) | Glomeromycota (phylum of fungi) | glomeroporphyritic texture (geology) | glomerula (anatomy) | glomerular filtrate (physiology) | glomerular filtration rate (medicine) | glomerular pressure (physiology) | glomerulonephritis | glomerulus (anatomy) | Glomma (river, Norway) | GLONASS (navigation) | GLORIA (hydrography) | Gloria (musical mass) | "Gloria ad modum tubae" (work by Dufay) | Gloria in Excelsis (liturgical chant) | Gloria in the Manner of a Trumpet (work by Dufay) | "Gloria, La" (painting by Titian) | Gloria Patri (liturgical chant) | Gloria tibi trinitas (work by Taverner) | Gloriana (yacht) | "Glorieux, Le" (work by Destouches) | "Glorification of Christ, The" (tapestry) | Gloriosa (plant genus) | Glorious Adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegl, The (work by Coster) | Glorious First of June, Battle of the (French-British history) | Glorious Moment, The (work by Beethoven) | Glorious Revolution (English history) | "glorreiche Augenblick, Der" (work by Beethoven) | Glory (film by Zwick [1989]) | glory (natural phenomenon) | glory bush (plant genus) | Glory of Don Ramiro: A Life in the Times of Philip II, The (novel by Larreta) | "Glory of Kings" (Ethiopian literary work) | glory pea | Glory Road (work by Catton) | glory-bower (plant) | glory-hole method (excavation process) | glory-lily (plant genus) | glory-of-the-seas cone (marine snail) | glosa (Spanish poetic form) | gloss (surface lustre) | gloss (explanatory note) | "Glossa magna" (work by Accursius) | Glossa magna in Pentateuchum (work by Oshaia) | Glossa Ordinaria (biblical work) | Glossa ordinaria (work by Accursius) | Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Graecitatis (work by Cange) | Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis (work by Cange) | glossary | Glossary of Greek Birds, A (book by Thompson) | glossator, legal (medieval jurist) | glossematics (linguistics) | glosseme (linguistics) | Glossina (insect) | Glossina morsitans (insect) | Glossina palpalis (insect) | Glossisphonia (leech genus) | glossitis (pathology) | Glossographia: or, A Dictionary Interpreting All Such Hard Words…As Are Now Used in Our Refined English Tongue (work by Blount) | glossography | glossolalia (religion) | Glossop, Peter (British opera singer) | glossopalatine nerve (anatomy) | glossopharyngeal nerve (anatomy) | glossopharyngeal neuralgia (pathology) | Glossopsitta porphyrocephala (bird) | Glossopteridophyta (gymnosperm division) | Glossopteris (fossil plant genus) | glossy abelia (shrub) | glossy buckthorn (shrub) | glossy cutworm (caterpillar) | glossy ibis (bird) | glossy privet (plant) | Gloster E.28/39 (aircraft) | Gloster Meteor (military aircraft) | glottal chink (anatomy) | glottal stop (phonetics) | glottis (anatomy) | glottochronology (linguistics)

| Gloucester, Henry Stuart, Duke of ... glycemic index

Gloux, Olivier (French writer) | glove (baseball equipment) | glove (hand covering) | glove puppet | Glove, The (work by Klinger) | Glover, Douglas (Canadian author) | Glover, John (United States naval officer) | Glover, Jonathan (British philosopher) | Glover Mansion (building, Nagasaki, Japan) | Glover, Melvin (American rapper) | Glover, Savion (American dancer) | Gloversville (New York, United States) | glow discharge (electronics) | glow lamp (lighting device) | Glow Worm (song) | Glowacki, Aleksander (Polish writer) | glowing avalanche (volcanism) | glowing cloud (volcanism) | glowlight tetra (fish) | glowworm (insect) | gloxinia (plant) | GLTP (land area, Africa) | Glubb Pasha (British army officer) | Glubb, Sir John Bagot (British army officer) | glucagon (hormone) | glucagon-like immunoreactive factor (hormone) | glucagonoma (pathology) | glucinium (chemical element) | glucitol (chemical compound) | Gluck, Alma (American singer) | Gluck, Christoph Willibald (German composer) | Glück, Louise (American poet) | Glück, Louise Elisabeth (American poet) | glückhafft Schiff von Zürich, Das (poem by Fischart) | glückliche Hand, Die (work by Schoenberg) | Gluckman, Herman Max (South African anthropologist) | Gluckman, Max (South African anthropologist) | Glücksberg dynasty (Greek history) | Glücksberg, Élie, hertug af (French politician) | Glückstadt (Germany) | glucocerebrosidase (enzyme) | glucocorticoid (hormone) | glucogenesis (biochemistry) | glucokinase (enzyme) | gluconeogenesis (biochemistry) | glucoreceptor (cell) | glucosamine (chemical compound) | glucose (biochemistry) | glucose 1-phosphate (chemical compound) | glucose 6-phosphatase (enzyme) | glucose 6-phosphate (chemical compound) | glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (enzyme) | glucose tolerance test | glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (pathology) | glucoside (biochemistry) | glucosinolate (chemical compound) | glue (adhesive) | glue-cutout-stencil method (art) | glue-laminated timber (construction) | Glueck, Eleanor (American criminologist) | Glueck, Sheldon (American criminologist) | Glueck, Sheldon; and Glueck, Eleanor (American criminologists) | Gluecks' Social Prediction Tables (criminology) | Gluefingers (American football player) | gluino (physics) | glulam (construction) | glume (plant anatomy) | gluon (subatomic particle) | Glushko, Valentin Petrovich (Soviet scientist) | GlusKabe (Native American mythology) | GlusKap (Native American mythology) | glut herring (fish) | glutamate (amino acid) | glutamate dehydrogenase (enzyme) | glutamic acid (amino acid) | glutamic acid decarboxylase (enzyme) | glutamine (amino acid) | glutamine synthetase (enzyme) | glutaric acid (chemical compound) | glutaric anhydride (chemical compound) | glutathione (chemical compound) | gluten (biochemistry) | gluten enteropathy (pathology) | gluten flour (foodstuff) | gluteus maximus (anatomy) | gluteus medius (anatomy) | gluteus minimus (anatomy) | gluteus muscle (anatomy) | glutton (mammal) | glycan (chemical compound) | Glycas, Michael (Byzantine historian and theologian)

| Glycera ... Gnassingbé, Faure Essozimna | gnat ... Gobat, Charles-Albert | Gobbán Saer ... Godefroid de Huy | Godefroy, Denis I ... Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft | Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft ... gol | Gol Gumbaz ... golden buttons | golden calf ... Golden Week | Golden Whip ... Goldsmith, Raymond | Goldsmith, Raymond William ... Golub, Leon | Golub, Leon Albert ... Gond | Gonda ... gonozooid | Gonsalvus Hispanus ... Good Woman of Setzuan, The | Good-Bye to All That ... Goondiwindi | gooney ... Gordon, Laura de Force | Gordon, Leon ... Gorki, Maxim | Gorkic, Milan ... Gossaert, Jan | Gossamer Albatross ... Gottesdienstlichen Vorträge der Juden, historisch entwickelt | Gottesfreunde ... Gouraud shading | Gouraya, Mount ... Gowganda Formation | Gowmal River ... grackle | Gracq, Julien ... Graham, Philip L. | Graham, Robert ... Grammaticus, Joannes | Grammaticus, Saxo ... grand écaille | Grand Embassy ... Grand Traverse Bay | Grand Trunk Canal ... Grandville | Granelleschi, Accademia dei ... Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de | Granville ... Grasse, François-Joseph-Paul, comte de, marquis de Grasse-Tilly | grasshopper ... gravitational lensing | gravitational mass ... gray-headed lapwing | gray-legged douc ... Great Bend | Great Bet Din ... Great Falls | Great Falls ... Great Migration | great millet ... great sea otter | great seal ... Greater Arcana | Greater Armenia ... Greek cross | Greek Democratic National Army ... green gram | green grass snake ... Greenaway, Kate | Greenback movement ... greenshank | Greenspan, Alan ... Gregory, Richard Claxton | Gregory Rift Valley ... Grevy’s zebra | Grew, Nehemiah ... Griffith Park | Griffith Park Zoo ... Grin, Aleksandr Stepanovich | Grinberg, Uri Tsvi ... Grodno | Groebli, Frick ... “Grosse Brockhaus, Der” | Grosse Confession ... ground pine | ground position ... Groupe des Griots, Le | Groupe du lundi ... Grundgesetz | “Grundgesetze der Arithmetik: Begriffsschriftlich abgeleitet” ... gTsang dynasty | Gtsug-lag-khang Temple ... Guanajuato | Guanajuato ... Guárico River | Guarine ... Guéckédou | Güegüense, El ... Guevara, Luis Vélez de | Guèvremont, Germaine ... Guido of Burgundy | Guido the Old ... Guimard, Marie-Madeleine | guimbarde ... Guizhou | Guizhou Plateau ... Gully, John | Gulmarg ... Gunkel, Johann Friedrich Hermann | gunki monogatari ... Guralnik, David Bernard | Guramishvili, Davit ... Gustav II Adolf | Gustav III ... Guyana | Guyana, Bank of ... gyascutus | Gyaurov, Nikolay Georgiev ... | ... Gzowski, Peter


h (physics) H (unit of energy measurement) H (chemical element) H Acid (chemistry) h and Chi Persei (astronomy) H I region (astronomy) H II region (astronomy) H zone (anatomy) h-bar (physics) H-bomb (fusion device) H-II (launch vehicle) H-II Transfer Vehicle (Japanese spacecraft) H-IIA (launch vehicle) H-R diagram (astronomy) H-Y antigen H. D. (American poet) "H. L. Hunley" (submarine) H. Nakano (Japanese scientist) H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College for Women (college, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States) H.J. Heinz Company (American corporation) H.M.S. Pinafore (work by Gilbert and Sullivan) H1 antagonist (drug) H1N1 (virus) H1N1 flu H1N1 Flu: The Pandemic of 2009 (influenza pandemic (H1N1) of 2009) H2 blocking agent (drug) H2Cl2(CH3)2 (chemical compound) H2S (radar) H5N1 virus ha (unit of measurement) Ha (chemical element) Ha (people) HA (mineral) Ha brekha (poem by Bialik) "Ha estallado la paz" (work by Gironella) Ha Giang (Vietnam) Ha Jin (Chinese American writer) Ha Long Bay (bay, Vietnam) Ha Noi (Vietnam) Ha-erh-pin (China) ha-Levi, Elye ben Asher (Italian grammarian) ha-Levi, Isaac ben Moses (Spanish philosopher) ha-Levi, Judah (Hebrew poet) Ha-mi (China) HA-MRSA (bacterium) ha-Negev (desert region, Israel) Ha-neziv (Jewish scholar) ha-Sharon (plain, Israel) Ha-Tiqva (work by Imber) Ha-Tizmoret Ha-Filharmonit Ha-yisra?elit (orchestra) HA.A (ancient city, Mesopotamia, Asia) Haabai Group (islands, Tonga) Haad Yai (Thailand) Haag, Den (Netherlands) Haak, Bob (Dutch art historian) Haakon Broadshouldered (king of Norway) Haakon, Crown Prince (Norwegian prince) Haakon, Crown Prince, and Crown Princess Mette-Marit Haakon Earl (Norwegian ruler) Haakon I Adalsteinsfostre (king of Norway) Haakon II Sigurdsson (king of Norway) Haakon III Sverresson (king of Norway) Haakon IV Haakonsson (king of Norway) Haakon Magnus, Crown Prince (Norwegian prince) Haakon Magnusson the Elder (king of Norway) Haakon Magnusson the Younger (king of Norway) Haakon Sigurdsson (Norwegian ruler) Haakon the Good (king of Norway) Haakon the Old (king of Norway) Haakon V Magnusson (king of Norway) Haakon VI Magnusson (king of Norway) Haakon VII (king of Norway) haangi (Maori oven) Haanja (region, Europe) Haanpää, Pentti (Finnish author) Ha?apai Group (islands, Tonga) Haar measure (mathematics) Haardt Mountains (mountains, Germany) Ha?aretz (Israeli newspaper) Haarlem (Netherlands) Haarlem Lake (polder, Netherlands) Haarlem Mannerists (group of artists) Haarlem, Pieter Claesz van (Dutch painter) Haarlem school (group of artists) Haarlemmermeer (polder, Netherlands) Haarlemmermeer (Netherlands) Haarsalz (mineral) HAART (medicine) Haas, Ernst (Austrian photographer) Haas family (German harpsichord craftsmen) Haas Haus (building, Vienna, Austria) Haas, Karl (American musicologist and music broadcaster) Haas, Mary R. (American linguist) Haas, Mary Rosamond (American linguist) Haas, Peter (American business executive) Haas, Richard (American artist) Haas, Walter A. (American businessman) Haase, Helga Haase, Hugo (German politician) Haasse, Hella S. (Dutch author) Haavelmo, Trygve (Norwegian economist) Haavelmo, Trygve Magnus (Norwegian economist) Haavikko, Paavo (Finnish author) Hába, Alois (Czech composer) Habacuc, The Prophecy of (Old Testament) ?abad (?asidism) Habakkuk (Ethiopian author) Habakkuk (Hebrew prophet) Habakkuk and the Angel (work by Bernini) Habakkuk, The Book of (Old Testament) Habana, La (Cuba) Habana vieja, La (district, Havana, Cuba) Habaner faience ware (pottery) Habans (religious community) Habara (India) ?abash, George (Palestinian political leader) Habashat (people) Habashite (people) ?abbaniyyah, Hawr al- (lake, Iraq) Habbema, Koos (Dutch author) Habbie Simson stanza (poetry) Habbus (caliph of Granada) Habdalah (Jewish ceremony) habeas corpus (common law) Habeas Corpus Act (England [1679]) Habeas Corpus Act (United States [1867]) Habeler, Peter (Austrian explorer and mountaineer) Habenaria (Habenaria species) Habeneck, François-Antoine (French musician) Haber ammonia process (chemistry) Haber, Fritz (German chemist) Haber, Ludwig (German economist and historian) Haber, Robert Alan (American activist) Haber-Bosch process (chemistry) Haberlandt, Gottlieb (Austrian botanist) Haberlandt, Ludwig (Austrian physiologist) Haberler, Gottfried von (American economist, writer, and educator) Habermas, Jürgen (German philosopher) Habib al-Siyar (work by Khwandamir) Habib Bank, Ltd. (Pakistani company) Habib, Philip Charles (United States diplomat) Habibi, Emile (Israeli Arab writer) Habibie, B. J. (president of Indonesia) Habibie, Bacharuddin Jusuf (president of Indonesia) ?abibollah Khan (emir of Afghanistan) Habima (Hebrew theatrical company) Habima ha-?Ivrit (Hebrew theatrical company) Habimah (Hebrew theatrical company) Habiru (people) habit (crystallography) habit (behaviour) habit (religious dress) habitable zone (astronomy) habitant (people) habitat (biology) Habitat '67 (building, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) Habitat Company (American company) habitat corridor (ecology) Habitat for Humanity (philanthropic organization) Habitat for Humanity International (philanthropic organization) habitat loss (ecology) habitat restoration (conservation) Habitat Stores (British company) habitation name (toponymy) Habits of the Heart (work by Bellah) habitual buying behaviour (business) habitual offender (criminology) habitual offender law (law) habituation (behaviour) "Hable con ella" (film by Almodóvar) Hablose slaegter (novel by Bang) haboku (Japanese painting style) Haboku-sansui (scroll by Sesshu) haboob (wind storm) Habré, Hissène (Chadian political leader) Habrobracon (wasp) Habsburg, House of (European dynasty) Habsburg-Este, House of (European dynasty) Habsburg-Lorraine, House of (European dynasty) Habsburgs (European dynasty) ?abshi (African and Abyssinian slaves) ?absiyah (literature) Habur Nehri (river, Turkey-Syria) Habyarimana, Juvénal (president of Rwanda) HACCP system (food processing) HACE (pathology) Hace tiempos (work by Carrasquilla) "Hacedor, El" (work by Borges) hacendado (Central American and South American landowners) hacha (Mesoamerican art) Hácha, Emil (Czech politician) Hached, Ferhat (Tunisian labour leader) Hachette, Louis-Christophe-François (French publisher) Hachijuro (Japanese politician) Hachiman (Shinto deity) Hachiman Plateau (plateau, Japan) Hachiman-tai (plateau, Japan) Hachinohe (Japan) Hachioji (Japan) Hachiro Lagoon (lagoon, Japan) Hachiro Motoyasu (Japanese no dramatist) Hachisu no tsuyu (work by Ryokan) Hacho, Mount (mountain, Ceuta, Spain) hachure (cartography) Haci Halife (Turkish historian) Hacia otra España (work by Maeztu) Hacienda (nightclub, Manchester, England, United Kingdom) hacienda (estate) Hacilar (ancient site, Turkey) hackberry (tree) hackbut (weapon) hackbutt (weapon) hackenbüsche (weapon) Hackenfeller's Ape (work by Brophy) Hackensack (New Jersey, United States) Hackensack Meadows (marsh area, New Jersey, United States) Hackenschmidt, George (Russian-British athlete) hacker (computing) Hacker, Leonard (American actor) Hacket, Buddy (American actor) Hackett, Albert (American writer) Hackett, James Henry (American actor) Hackett, Steve (British musician) Hackford, Taylor (American director) hacking (computing) Hackl, Georg (German luger) hackle (mechanics) Hackman, Eugene Alden (American actor) Hackman, Gene (American actor) hackmatack (tree) Hackney (borough, London, United Kingdom) Hackney (breed of horse) hackney (carriage for hire) hackney coach (carriage) Hackney pony hacksaw (tool) Hackworth, David Haskell (United States Army colonel) Had (ancient god) Hadad (ancient god) Hadad (people) hadada (bird) hadada ibis (bird) hadal realm (oceanography) hadal zone (oceanography) Hadamard, Jacques-Salomon (French mathematician) Hadang language Hadano (Japan) Hadar (star) Hadar (Algerian ethnic group) Hadar (anthropological and archaeological site, Ethiopia) ?a?ar, al- (Arabian peoples) Hadar remains (hominin remains) Hadassah (American organization) Hadassah Medical Center (institution, Jerusalem) Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America (American organization) ?add (Islamic law) ?add, Al- (Bahrain) ?add, al- (Druze religion) Hadda (ancient god) Hadda Padda (play by Kamban) Haddad (people) Haddad, Malek (Algerian poet) Haddawah (?ufi order) Haddeby (medieval trade centre, Denmark) Hadden, Briton (American publisher) Haddington (Scotland, United Kingdom) Haddingtonshire (council area, Scotland, United Kingdom) Haddo, Methlick, Tarves, and Kellie, George Hamilton-Gordon, Lord (prime minister of United Kingdom) haddock (fish) Haddon, Alfred Cort (British anthropologist) Haddon, Elizabeth (American Quaker) Haddonfield (borough, New Jersey, United States) Haddu (ancient god) Hadean Eon (geochronology) Hadejia (Nigeria) Hadejia River (river, Nigeria) Hadeland glass Haden, Charles Edward (American musician) Haden, Charlie (American musician) Haden, Sir Francis Seymour (English artist) H_adera (Israel) H_adera, Na?al (river, Israel) Haderslev (Denmark) Hades (Greek mythology) Hades (mythical place) Hades (New Testament) Hadfield, Sir Robert Abbott, Baronet (British metallurgist) Hadfield steel (metallurgy) Hadhoxt Nask (Zoroastrian text) Hadhramaut (region, Yemen) Hadhramaut (ancient kingdom, Arabia) ?a?hramaut, Wadi (river, Yemen) Hadi, al- (?Abbasid caliph) Hadi, al- (Zaydi imam) Hadi ibn ?Abd ar-Ra?man (Sudanese leader) Hadi, Sayyid Shaykh bin Ahmad, al- (Malaysian writer) Hadiboh (Yemen) Hadid, Zaha (Iraqi architect) Hadimu (people) "?adiqat al-?aqiqah wa shari?at a?-?ariqah" (work by Sana?i) hadit (Islam) ?adith (Islam) ?adith classification science (Islam) Hadiyya (language) hadj (Islam) Hadj Omar ibn Sa?id Tal, el- (Tukulor leader) ?adjdj (Islam) Hadjeray (people) Hadjidakis, Manos (Greek composer and songwriter) Hadley, Arthur T. (British editor) Hadley cell (meteorology) Hadley, George (British physicist and meteorologist) Hadley, Henry Kimball (American composer) Hadley, Hopton (British entrepreneur) Hadley, James (British inventor) Hadley, Jerry (American opera singer) Hadley, John (British mathematician) Hadley Rille (lunar feature) Hadokht Nask (Zoroastrian text) ?a?r, Al- (ancient city, Iraq) ?a?ramawt (region, Yemen) ?a?ramawt (ancient kingdom, Arabia) ?a?ramawt, Wadi (river, Yemen) Hadramawtian (language) Hadramite (ancient kingdom, Arabia) Hadramout (region, Yemen) Hadranon (Italy) Hadranum (Italy) ?a?rat Mirza Bashir al-Din Ma?mud A?mad (Muslim leader) Hadria (Italy) Hadrian (Roman emperor) Hadrian I (pope) Hadrian III (pope) Hadrian IV (pope) Hadrian the Seventh (novel by Rolfe) Hadrian V (pope) Hadrian VI (pope) Hadrianeum (mausoleum, Rome, Italy) Hadrianople (Turkey) Hadrianopolis, Battle of (ancient Rome) Hadrian's Villa (villa, Tivoli, Italy) Hadrian's Wall (Roman wall, England, United Kingdom) hadron (physics) Hadron-Electron Ring Accelerator (particle accelerator) hadrosaur (dinosaur) Hadrosauridae (dinosaur) Hadrosaurus (dinosaur genus) Hadrosaurus foulkii (dinosaur species) Hadrumetum (ancient city, Tunisia) ?a?ur Shu?ayb (mountain, Yemen) Hadyach, Treaty of (1658, Ukraine) Hadza (people) Hadza language Hadziacz Agreement (1658, Ukraine) Haeberlin, Paul (French chef) haeccitas (philosophy) Haeckel, Ernst (German embryologist) Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August (German embryologist) Haedo Hills (hills, Uruguay) Haedo Range (hills, Uruguay) Haedo Ridge (hills, Uruguay) Haedong kayo (Korean poetry collection) Haefliger, Ernst (Swiss singer) haegeum (musical instrument) haegum (musical instrument) Haein Temple (temple complex, South Korea) Haeinsa (temple complex, South Korea) Haeju (North Korea) haekeum (musical instrument) haemangioma (pathology) Haemanthus (plant) Haemastaticks (work by Hales) haematite (mineral) Haematobia irritans (insect) haematocrit (medical analysis) haematology (medicine) Haematomyzus elephantis Haematopus (bird) Haematopus bachmani (bird) Haematopus fuliginosus (bird) Haematopus ostralegus (bird) Haematopus palliatus (bird) Haematosiphon inodora (insect) haematoxylin (dye) Haematoxylon campechianum (Haematoxylon campechianum) haematuria (pathology) haemochromatosis (pathology) haemochromogen (chemical compound) Haemodoraceae (plant family) haemoglobin (biochemistry) haemoglobinopathy haemolysis (physiology) Haemon (Greek mythology) Haemophilus (bacteria genus) Haemophilus ducreyi (microbiology) Haemophilus gallinarum (bacteria) Haemophilus influenzae (bacteria) Haemophilus pertussis (bacterium) Haemophilus suis (bacteria) Haemopis (leech genus) haemoprotein (biochemistry) haemorrhoid (disease) haemothorax (pathology) Haemstede, Adrian (Dutch clergyman) Haemulon (fish genus) Haemulon album (fish) Haemulon flavolineatum (fish) Haemulon sciurus (fish) Haemus (mountains, Europe) Haendel, Georg Friedrich (German-English composer) Haenlein, Paul (German engineer) haepatoscopy (divination) Haerbin (China) "Hærværk" (work by Kristensen) Haetzer, Ludwig (Swiss Anabaptist) Hafblik (work by Benediktsson) ?afe? (Persian author) Hafez, Abdel Halim (Egyptian singer) Hafez, Amin al- (Syrian military leader and head of state) Haff (lagoon) Haffner (serenade by Mozart) ?afiz (Persian author) ?afi?, ?Abd al-?alim (Egyptian singer) ?afi? Ibrahim, Mu?ammad (Egyptian poet) ?afiz Ra?mat Khan (Indian leader) ?afi?-i Abru (Persian historian) hafiza (dance) ?aflat samar min ajl al-khamis min ?uzayran (play by Wannus) Haflinger (breed of horse) Hafnarfjördhur (Iceland) Hafner ware (pottery) hafnium (chemical element) hafnium-180m (isotope) Hafren (river, Wales and England, United Kingdom) Hafrsfjord, Battle of (Norwegian history) ?af?id dynasty (Berber dynasty) Hafstein, Hannes (Icelandic statesman and poet) Haft Awrang (poetry by Jami) Haft paykar (work by Ne?ami) Haf?ara (Judaism) Haf?arah (Judaism) Haftarahs (Judaism) Haftarot (Judaism) Haftaroth (Judaism) hafting (tool making) Haf?orah (Judaism) hag (European folklore) ?ag ha-asif (Judaism) Hag ha-Matzot (Judaism) Hag ha-Qazir (Judaism) hag ha-sukkot (Judaism) hag moth (insect) ?ag Shavuot (Judaism) Hagalín, Guðmundur G. (Icelandic writer) Haganah (Zionist military organization) Hagano (German mythology) Hagar (biblical figure) Hagar, Sammy (American musician and singer) Hagåtña (Guam) Hagatna (Guam) Hagedashia hagedash (bird) Hageladas (Greek sculptor) Hagen (Germany) Hagen (German mythology) Hagen, Earle Harry (American musician and songwriter) Hagen, Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig (German engineer) Hagen, Johann Georg (Austrian astronomer) Hagen Range (mountains, Papua New Guinea) Hagen, Uta (German-American actress) Hagen, Walter Charles (American golfer) Hagen-Poiseuille equation (physics) Hagenauer, Friedrich (German artist) Hagenbeck, Carl (German animal trainer and dealer) Hagenbeck Zoo (zoo, Hamburg, Germany) Hagen's clouds (astronomy) Háger, Constantin (Belgian teacher) Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument (archaeological area, Idaho, United States) Hager's Town (Maryland, United States) Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) Hägerstrand, Torsten (Swedish geographer) Hägerström, Axel (Swedish philosopher) Hägerström, Axel Anders Theodor (Swedish philosopher) Hagerup, Gesine (Norwegian musician) hagfish (marine vertebrate) Hägg, Gunder (Swedish athlete) Haggada (biblical Exodus) Haggada (non-legal literature) Haggadah (biblical Exodus) Haggadah (non-legal literature) Haggadot (non-legal literature) Haggadoth (non-legal literature) Haggai (Hebrew author) Haggai, The Book of (biblical literature) haggard (hawk) Haggard, Merle (American musician) Haggard, Merle Ronald (American musician) Haggard, Sir H. Rider (British author) Haggard, Sir Henry Rider (British author) Haggart, Bob (American musician) Haggart, Robert Sherwood (American musician) Haggerty, Patrick (American businessman) haggis (food) Hägglund, Joel Emmanuel (American radical) Hagi (Japan) Hagia Triada (archaeological site, Greece) Hagiographa (biblical literature) hagiography (religious study and literature) hagiology (religious study and literature) Hagios Elias (mountain, Greece) hagioscope (architecture) Hagiwara Sakutaro (Japanese poet) Hagler, Marvelous Marvin (American boxer) Hagler, Marvin (American boxer) Hagler, Marvin Nathaniel (American boxer) Hagley Museum and Library (museum and library, Wilmington, Delaware, United States) Hagman, Larry (American actor) Hague Agreement (Netherlands-Indonesia [1949]) Hague Alliance (European history) Hague Conference on Private International Law (international agreement) Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters (international agreement) Hague Convention, The (1970, air law) Hague Conventions (1899, 1907) Hague, Frank (American politician) Hague Peace Conferences (1899, 1907) Hague, Raoul (Turkish-American sculptor) Hague Rules (maritime law) Hague Rules of Aerial Warfare (1923) Hague school (art) Hague, The (Netherlands) Hague, Treaty of The (European history) Hague, William Jefferson (British politician) Haguenau (France) Hahn, Archie (American athlete) Hahn, Charles Archibald (American athlete) Hahn, Hans (German mathematician) Hahn, Helena Petrovna (Russian spiritualist) Hahn, James (American politician) Hahn, Otto (German chemist) Hahn, Reynaldo (French composer) Hahn-Hahn, Ida Marie Luise Gustave, Grafin von (German writer) Hahnemann, Christian Friedrich Samuel (German physician) Hahnemann, Samuel (German physician) hahnium (chemical element) Hai (Jewish scholar) Hai ben Sherira (Jewish scholar) Hai Duong (Vietnam) Hái Falls (waterfall, Iceland) Hai He shuixi (river system, China) Hai Ho shui-hsi (river system, China) Hai Phong (Vietnam) Hai River system (river system, China) Hai Rui Dismissed From Office (play by Wu Han) Hai San (Chinese secret society) Hai Thu (Vietnamese patriot) Hai-k'ou (China) Hai-kuo t'u-chih (work by Wei Yuan) Hai-la-erh (China) Hai-nan (province and island, China) Hai-nan Tao (province and island, China) Haia (god) Haida (people) Haida language Haidalla, Mohamed Khouna Ould (president of Mauritania) ?aidar ?Ali (emperor of India) ?aidar ?Ali Khan (emperor of India) Haidari, Buland al- (Iraqi poet) haiden (Japanese religious architecture) Haiden, Hans (German artisan) Haider, Jörg (Austrian politician) haiduk (guerrilla-outlaw) Haidushki Kopneniya (work by Yavorov) Haier, Richard (psychologist) Haieren Haifa (Israel) Haifa, University of (university, Haifa, Israel) Háifoss (waterfall, Iceland) Haig, Alexander (United States army officer and public official) Haig, Alexander Meigs, Jr. (United States army officer and public official) Haig, Douglas Haig, 1st Earl, Viscount Dawick, Baron Haig of Bemersyde (British military leader) Haig, The (American golfer) Haig-Simons definition of income (economics) Haight, the (district, San Francisco, California, United States) Haight-Ashbury (district, San Francisco, California, United States) Haightville (Illinois, United States) Haigneré, Claudie (French cosmonaut, doctor, and politician) haigon (Japanese language) haik (clothing) haikai (verse form) haikai no renga (verse form) Haikou (China) haiku (Japanese literature) hail (meteorology) ?a?il (Saudi Arabia) Hail and Farewell (work by Moore) Hail Mary (prayer) hail pellet (meteorology) hail stone (meteorology) Hail to the Thief (album by Radiohead) Hailar (China) Haile Malakot (king of Shewa) Haile Selassie I (emperor of Ethiopia) Haile Selassie I University (university, Ethiopia) Haile-Selassie, Yohannes (Ethiopian paleoanthropologist) Hailey, Arthur (British writer) Hailey National Park (park, India) Hailsham of Hailsham, Douglas McGarel Hogg, 1st Viscount (British lawyer and politician) Hailsham of St. Marylebone, Quintin McGarel Hogg, Baron (British politician) hailstone (meteorology) hailstorm (meteorology) Hainan (province and island, China) Hainan Dao (province and island, China) Hainan Island (province and island, China) Hainanese language (Chinese dialect) Hainault (province, Belgium) Hainaut (historical region, Belgium) Hainaut (province, Belgium) Hainaut, Olivier (Belgian astronomer) Haines (Alaska, United States) Haines, Connie (American singer) Haines, Jackson (American figure skater) Haines, Jesse Joseph (American baseball player and coach) Hainisch, Michael Arthur Josef Jakob (president of Austria) Hainuwele (mythology) Haiphong (Vietnam) Haiphong cyclone (tropical cyclone) hair (plant anatomy) hair (anatomy) Hair (rock music by Ragni and Rado) hair cell (anatomy) hair colouring hair feather (avian anatomy) hair follicle (anatomy) hair follicle receptor (anatomy) hair seal (mammal) hair transplant (medical operation) hair worm (aschelminths class) hair-cap moss (moss) hairball haircloth (textile) hairdressing hairless bat (mammal) hairpin (ornament) Hairspray (film by Shankman [2007]) hairspring (watch part) hairstreak (insect) hairstyling hairworm (aschelminths class) hairy alpine rose (plant) Hairy Ape, The (work by O'Neill) hairy armadillo (mammal genus) hairy chinch bug (insect) hairy fungus beetle (insect) hairy grama (plant) hairy hedgehog (mammal) hairy leukoplakia (medical disorder) hairy mygalomorph (spider) hairy willow herb (plant) hairy woodpecker (bird) hairy-cell leukemia (cancer) hairy-legged vampire bat (mammal) hairy-nosed wombat (marsupial) hairy-tailed rat (rodent) Haise, Fred W., Jr. (American astronaut) Haise, Fred Wallace, Jr. (American astronaut) Haithabu (medieval trade centre, Denmark) Haithon (king of Little Armenia) Haiti (island, West Indies) Haiti Haiti earthquake of 2010 Haiti, flag of Haiti, history of Haiti, Republic of Haïti, République d' Haiti: Year In Review 1993 Haiti: Year In Review 1994 Haiti: Year In Review 1995 Haiti: Year In Review 1996 Haiti: Year In Review 1997 Haiti: Year In Review 1998 Haiti: Year In Review 1999 Haiti: Year In Review 2000 Haiti: Year In Review 2001 Haiti: Year In Review 2002 Haiti: Year In Review 2003 Haiti: Year In Review 2004 Haiti: Year In Review 2005 Haiti: Year In Review 2006 Haiti: Year In Review 2007 Haiti: Year In Review 2008 Haiti: Year In Review 2009 Haitian Ciboney (people) Haitian Creole (language) Haitian Revolution (Haitian history) Haitink, Bernard (Dutch conductor) Haiyan Sijia (Chinese artists) Haiyue Mingyan (work by Mi Fu) Haiyue shanren (Chinese artist) Haiyue Tiba (work by Mi Fu) Haizhou (China) Haj, The (work by Uris) Hajang (people) ?ajar, al- (mountains, Arabia) ?ajar al-Aswad, Al- (Islam) ?ajar Mountains, al- (mountains, Arabia) ?ajarah, Al- (desert, Iraq) Hajdú-Bihar (county, Hungary) Hajdúság (region, Hungary) Hajdúszoboszló (Hungary) Hajek, Igor (Czech writer) Hajek, Jiri (Czech politician) Haji (sultan of Bantam) ?aji Gak (Afghanistan) Haji, Raja (Malaysian statesman) haji ware (pottery) ?ajib (Spanish and Egyptian official) Hajipur (India) hajj (Islam) Hajj Amin (Arab nationalist) Hajj Amin, al- (Arab nationalist) ?ajj ?Umar ibn Sa?id Tal, al- (Tukulor leader) ?ajjaj, al- (Umayyad governor of Iraq) ?ajjaj ibn Yusuf ath-Thaqafi, al- (Umayyad governor of Iraq) ?ajjaj ibn Yusuf ibn Ma?ar, al- (Muslim mathematician) ?ajji Bektash Wali (Muslim theologian) Hajji Firuz (archaeological site, Iran) ?ajji Khalifa (Turkish historian) Hajjibekov, Uzeir (Azerbaijani composer) Hajnikova zena (work by Hviezdoslav) Hajós, Alfréd (Hungarian athlete) ?ajr, Wadi (river, Arabia) ?aju (poetic genre) Hak lae phukphan (story by Duangsai Luangphasi) haka (Maori dance) "Hakai" (work by Shimazaki) ?akam I, al- (Umayyad caliph) ?akam II, al- (Umayyad caliph) hakama (garment) Hakapehi (town, French Polynesia) Hakas (people) Hakata (Polish political organization) ?akawati (Arabic language storyteller) ?akawati troupe (Palestinian theatre troupe) hake (fish) hakeme (Japanese pottery technique) Hakemite Tables (astronomy) Haken, Wolfgang (American mathematician) Hakhamanish (Persian governor of Egypt) Hakhamanish (Persian ruler of Parsumash) Hakhamanishiya dynasty (Iranian dynasty) ?akhamim (Judaism) "Hakhnasat kalah" (work by Agnon) Hakim, ?Abd al-?Aziz al- (Iraqi political leader) ?akim, al- (Fa?imid caliph) ?akim bi-Amr Allah, al- (Fa?imid caliph) ?akim bi-Amrih, al- (Fa?imid caliph) Hakim, Georges (Egyptian cleric) ?akim Mosque, Al- (mosque, Cairo, Egypt) ?akim, Tawfiq ?usayn al- (Egyptian author) Hakk ad-Din (sultan of Ifat) Hakka (people) Hakka language (Chinese language) Hakkâri (Turkey) Hakluyt, Richard (British geographer) Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas his Pilgrimes; Contayning a History of the World, in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells, by Englishmen and Others (work by Purchas) Hakodate (Japan) Håkon den Gamle (king of Norway) Håkon den Gode (king of Norway) Håkon Håkonsson (king of Norway) Håkon Herdebreid (king of Norway) Håkon Jarl (Norwegian ruler) Håkon Magnusson den Eldre (king of Norway) Håkon Magnusson den Yngre (king of Norway) Håkon Sverresson (king of Norway) Hákonar saga (work by Sturla Thórdarson) Hakone (Japan) Hakp'o (Korean painter) "Hakuchi" (film by Kurosawa Akira) Hakuho period (Japanese history) Hakuin (Buddhist priest) Hakuin Ekaku (Buddhist priest) Hakulinen, Veikko (Finnish skier) ?al (?ufism) Hal, Prince (fictional character) Hal Saflieni (catacombs, Paola, Malta) Hal Tarxien (town, Malta) ?alab (Syria) ?alabi, al- (Muslim theologian [1460-1549]) ?alabi, al- (Islamic theologian) ?alabi, Ibrahim al- (Islamic jurist) Halaby, Lisa Najeeb (queen of Jordan) Halachah (Jewish law) H_alaf Period (ancient Mesopotamia) ?alaf, Tall (archaeological site, Syria) Halaf, Tell (archaeological site, Syria) Halafian ware (ceramics) Halakah (Jewish law) Halakha (Jewish law) Halakhah (Jewish law) Halálfiai (work by Babits) halam (musical instrument) Halang language Halas, George (American sportsman) Halas, George Stanley (American sportsman) Halas, John (British director) Halas, John; and Batchelor, Joy (British directors) Halász, Gyula (French artist) Halász, István (German chemist) Halasz, Jules (French artist) Halawa Valley (valley, Hawaii, United States) Halber, Arvo Kusta (American politician) halberd (weapon) Halberstadt (Germany) Halberstam, David (American journalist and author) Halberstam, Solomon (American religious leader) halbert (weapon) Halbertsma, Eeltsje (Dutch writer) Halbertsma, Joast (Dutch writer) Halbertsma, Tsjalling (Dutch writer) HALCA (radio astronomy program, Japan) Halchidhoma (people) Halcion (drug) Halcyon coromanda (bird) Halcyon Island (island, Pacific Ocean) Haldane, Elizabeth Sanderson (Scottish social reformer) Haldane, J. B. S. (British geneticist) Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson (British geneticist) Haldane, John Scott (British physiologist) Haldane, Naomi Margaret (British writer and activist) Haldane, Richard Burdon, 1st Viscount Haldane of Cloan (Scottish statesman) Haldar, Hiralal (Indian philosopher) Haldas, Las (archaeological site, Peru) Haldefjäll (mountain, Finland) Haldeman, Bob (United States political adviser) Haldeman, H. R. (United States political adviser) Haldeman, Harry Robbins (United States political adviser) Halden (Norway) Halder, Franz (German general) Haldi (ancient god) Haldighat, Battle of (Indian history) Haldimand, Sir Frederick (British general) Hale, Alan (American astronomer) Hale, Edward Everett (American clergyman and writer) Hale, George Ellery (American astronomer) Hale, Horatio (American anthropologist) Hale, Horatio Emmons (American anthropologist) Hale, John Parker (American politician) Hale, Kathleen (British author) Hale, Louise Closser (American actress and author) Hale, Lucretia Peabody (American author) Hale, Nathan (American Revolutionary War officer) Hale Observatories (astronomy) Hale rocket Hale, Sarah Josepha (American author) Hale, Sir Matthew (English legal scholar) Hale, Sue Sally (American polo player) Hale Telescope (astronomy) Hale White, William (British author) Hale, William (British engineer) Hale-Bopp, Comet (astronomy) Haleakala (volcanic mountain, Hawaii, United States) Haleakala (volcanic mountain, Hawaii, United States) Haleakala National Park (park, Hawaii, United States) Halebid (India) Haleji, Lake (lake, Pakistan) Halekii-Pihana Heiaus State Monument (monument, Wailuku, Hawaii, United States) Halema'uma'u Crater (volcanic vent, Hawaii, United States) Haleng language Halep (Syria) Halepa, Pact of (Balkan history) Halepa, Treaty of (Balkan history) Hales, Stephen (English scientist) Halévy, Élie (French historian) Halévy, Fromental (French composer) Halévy, Jacques-François-Fromental-Elie (French composer) Halévy, Ludovic (French author) Haley, Alex (American author) Haley, Alexander Palmer (American author) Haley, Bill (American musician) Haley, Jack (American actor) Haley, Jack, Jr. (American film and television producer) Haley, Margaret Angela (American educator and labour leader) Haley, Sir William (British editor) Haley, Sir William John (British editor) Haley, William John Clifton, Jr. (American musician) Half a Life (novel by Naipaul) half and half (breed of dog) Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas (novel by Robbins) half cadence (music) half canton (Swiss government) half hitch (knot) Half Moon (United States war plan) Half Moon (ship) Half of a Yellow Sun (novel by Adichie) half reaction (chemistry) half rhyme half volley (sports) half-ass (mammal) half-bred (horse) Half-Breed (United States history) Half-Century of Conflict, A (work by Parkman) half-clear benefit (theatre) half-court game (sports) half-court offense (sports) half-denier (medieval coin) half-hitch coiling half-life (radioactivity) Half-Life (electronic game) Half-Life: Counterstrike (electronic game) half-moon conure (bird) half-roll (aerial maneuver) half-timber work (architecture) Half-Time (work by Martinu) half-track (vehicle) half-truth (logic) half-uncial (calligraphy) half-wave dipole antenna (electronics) half-wave rectifier (electronics) Half-Way Covenant (religion) halfa (plant) Halfan (archaeology) halfbeak (fish) Halfdan (Danish Viking leader) Halffter, Rodolfo (Mexican composer) halfmoon (fish) halfpipe snowboarding (sport) halftone process (printing) halftone screen (printing) Halfway Covenant (religion) Haliaeetus albicilla (bird) Haliaeetus leucocephalus (bird) Haliaeetus leucogaster (bird) Haliaeetus pelagicus (bird) Haliaeetus vocifer (bird) Haliastur indus (bird) Haliburton, Thomas Chandler (Canadian writer) halibut (fish) Halicarnassus (ancient city, Turkey) Halicarnassus, Mausoleum of (ancient monument, Halicarnassus, Turkey) Halichoerus grypus (mammal) Halichondria panicea Halictidae (bee family) Halictus malachurus (insect) Halictus quadricinctus (insect) Halicz Ruthenia (historical region, Poland) Halid Ziya Usakligil (Turkish author) halide (chemical compound) halide mineral Halidon Hill, Battle of (Scottish history) Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada) Halifax (England, United Kingdom) Halifax (North Carolina, United States) Halifax (aircraft) Halifax, Charles Montagu, 1st earl of, Viscount Sunbury (British statesman) Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st earl of (British statesman) Halifax explosion of 1917 (Canadian history) Halifax, Fort (building, Winslow, Maine) Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2nd earl of (English statesman) Halifax, George Savile, 1st Marquess of (British statesman) Halifax of Halifax, Baron (British statesman) Halifax Resolves (United States history) Halifax, Viscount (British statesman) Halifax, Viscount (British statesman) Halik Mountains (mountains, Asia) Halil Pasa, Çandarli (Ottoman vizier) Halil, Patrona (Turkish rebel) Halim Pasa, Said (Ottoman vizier) ?alimah bint Abi Dhu?ayb (Arab nurse) ?alimat al-uliya, al- (architecture) Halimeda (alga genus) Halimi, Alphonse (boxer) halimoot (feudal law) Haliotis (marine snail genus) Haliotis rufescens (snail) Haliplidae (insect) Halisahar (India) halite (mineral) ?alit?a (Judaism) ?alit?ah (Judaism) Halki (island, Turkey) Hall (Austria) Hall, Adelaide (American singer) Hall, Alexander (American director) Hall, Arsenio (American entertainer) Hall, Asaph (American astronomer) Hall, Basil (British explorer) Hall, Ben (Australian outlaw) Hall Braille writer Hall Brothers Company (American company) Hall, Carl Christian (Danish politician) Hall, Charles Francis (American explorer) Hall, Charles Martin (American chemist) Hall, Chester Moor (British jurist and mathematician) hall church (architecture) Hall, Cliff (Jamaican musician) Hall, Clifford Samuel (Jamaican musician) Hall, Conrad L. (American cinematographer) Hall current (physics) Hall, Diane (American actress and director) Hall, Donald (American poet, essayist and critic) Hall, Donald Andrew (American poet, essayist and critic) Hall, Edward (American anthropologist) Hall, Edward (English historian) Hall, Edward Nathaniel (American engineer) Hall, Edwin Herbert (American physicist) Hall effect (physics) Hall, Elizabeth Ames (American writer) Hall, Emmett Matthew (Canadian jurist) Hall field (physics) Hall, Floris Adriaan van (Dutch statesman) Hall for Chamber Music (building, Berlin, Germany) Hall, Frank H. (American educator) Hall, G. Stanley (American psychologist) Hall generator (device) Hall, George (American hoaxer) Hall, Granville Stanley (American psychologist) Hall, Gus (American politician) Hall, Henry (American actor) Hall, Huntz (American actor) Hall in Tirol (Austria) Hall, James (American author) Hall, James (American geologist) Hall, James N. (American author) Hall, James Norman (American author) Hall, John (English educator) Hall, John L. (American physicist) Hall, Joseph (English bishop, philosopher, and satirist) Hall, Joyce C. (American executive) Hall, Joyce Clyde (American executive) Hall, Lars-Goran (Swedish athlete) Hall, Marshall (British physiologist) Hall, O. M. (American novelist) Hall, Oakley Maxwell (American novelist) Hall of Fame, Baseball (museum, Cooperstown, New York, United States) Hall of Worthies (academy, Korea) Hall, Radclyffe (British author) Hall, Richard (American record producer) Hall, Rob (New Zealand mountain climber) Hall, Robert (British minister) Hall, Robert A., Jr. (American scholar) Hall, Roger (New Zealand author) Hall, Samuel (British engineer) hall settee (furniture) ?all shukuk fi Kitab Uqlidis (work by Ibn al-Haytham) Hall, Sir Arnold Alexander (British engineer) Hall, Sir Benjamin (British government official) Hall, Sir James, 4th Baronet (British geologist) Hall, Sir John (prime minister of New Zealand) Hall, Sir Peter (English theatrical manager and director) Hall, Sir Peter Reginald Frederick (English theatrical manager and director) Hall, Ted (British physicist and alleged American spy) Hall, Terence (British ventriloquist) Hall, Terry (British ventriloquist) Hall, Theodore Alvin (British physicist and alleged American spy) Hall, Tracy (American scientist) Hall v. De Cuir (law case) Hall voltage (physics) Hall-Héroult process (industrial process) Hall-Jones, Sir William (prime minister of New Zealand) Halla, Mount (mountain, Cheju Island, South Korea) Halladat oder das rote Buche (work by Gleim) Halladay, Daniel (American inventor) ?allaj, al- (Islamic mystic) Hallam, Arthur Henry (English author) Hallam family (theatrical family) Hallam, Lewis, the Younger (American actor) Halland (county, Sweden) Halland, Prince Bertil Gustaf Oscar Carl Eugen, duke of (Swedish prince) Hallandale (Florida, United States) Hallandale Beach (Florida, United States) ?allaniyah, Al- (island, Oman) Hallaren, Mary Agnes (United States military officer) Halle (Germany) Halle, Adam de la (French poet) Halle an der Saale (Germany) Halle, Carl (British pianist) Halle Culture (ancient European culture) Halle, Edward (English historian) Halle, Morris (linguist) Hallé Orchestra (British orchestra) Hallé, Sir Charles (British pianist) Halle, University of (university, Halle, Germany) Halle-Wittenberg, Martin Luther University of (university, Halle, Germany) Halleck, Fitz-Greene (American poet) Halleck, Henry W. (United States general) Halleck, Henry Wager (United States general) hälleflinta (rock) Hallein (Austria) Hallel (Judaism) hallelujah (religious music) Hallelujah (film by Vidor) Hallelujah Psalm Hallenkirche (architecture) Haller, Albrecht von (Swiss biologist) Haller, Bertold (Swiss religious reformer) Hallerman-Streiff-François syndrome Halles, The (market, Paris, France) Hallett, Cape (cape, Antarctica) Hallett, Stephen (American architect) Halley, Edmond (British scientist) Halley, Edmund (British scientist) Halley's Comet (astronomy) Hallgrímskirkja (church, Saurbaer, Iceland) Hallgrímsson, Jónas (Icelandic poet) Halliburton Company (American company) Halliburton, Richard (American writer) Halliday, M. A. K. (British linguist) Halliday, Michael Alexander Kirkwood (British linguist) Hallidie, Andrew (American inventor) Hallidie Building (building, San Francisco, California, United States) halling (Norwegian dance) Halliwell, Geraldine Estelle (British entertainer) Halliwell, K. L. (British author) Hallock, Mary Anna (American writer and artist) Hallopora (paleontology) Halloween Hallowell, A. Irving (American anthropologist) Hallowell, Alfred Irving (American anthropologist) Halloy, Jean-Baptiste-Julien d'Omalius d' (Belgian geologist) halloysite (mineral) Hall's theorem (mathematics) Hallstatt (archaeological site, Austria) Hallstatt culture (European culture) Hallstein Doctrine (European history) Hallucigenia (fossil) Hallucinated City (work by Andrade) hallucination (psychology) hallucinogen (pharmacology) hallux (anatomy) Hallward, Gloria Grahame (American actress) hallyu (Korean culture) Halm Pasa, Said (Turkish statesman) Halma (game) Halmahera (island, Indonesia) Halmay, Zoltán (Hungarian athlete) Halmstad (Sweden) halo (art) halo (atmospheric phenomenon) halo (comet) Halo (electronic game) Halo 3 (electronic game) halo complex (chemistry) halo, galactic (astronomy) halo Population II (astronomy) Haloa (Greek festival) Haloarcula marismortui (primtive organism) Halobacterium (biology) halobutyl (chemistry) halocarbon (chemical compound) halocline (oceanography) Halocyprida (crustacean) haloform (chemistry) haloform reaction (chemistry) halogen element (chemical element group) halogen lamp halogen oxide (chemical compound) halogenated hydrocarbon (chemical compound) halogenation (chemical reaction) Halogeton (plant genus) Haloid Company (American corporation) Haloid Xerox Company (American corporation) halon (chemical compound) Halon 104 (chemical compound) Halonen, Tarja (president of Finland) haloperidol (drug) halophile (biology) halophyte (plant) Haloragaceae (plant family) Haloragidaceae (plant family) Halosydna (annelid genus) halothane (drug) halotrichite (mineral) Halotti Beszéd (Hungarian funeral oration) Halpa-Runtiyas (king of Patina) Halper, Albert (American author) Halpern, Leivick (American author) Halpern, Moyshe Leyb (American poet) ?alq al-Wadi (Tunisia) ?alqabandi system ?alqah (Muslim education) Hals, Frans (Dutch painter) Halsey, William F., Jr. (United States naval commander) Halsey, William Frederick, Jr. (United States naval commander) Hälsingborg (Sweden) Hälsinge Runes (runic alphabet) Hälsingland (province, Sweden) Halske, Johann Georg (German mechanic) Halsted, William Stewart (American surgeon) Halston (American designer) Halswelle, Wyndham (British athlete) ?altami (ancient kingdom, Iran) Halteria grandinella (biology) haltia (Balto-Finnic religion) Haltia, Mount (mountain, Finland) Haltiatunturi (mountain, Finland) Halticinae (insect) Halticus bractatus (insect) halting problem (mathematics and logic) Halton (unitary authority, England, United Kingdom) halus (language style) halvah (confection) Halverstadt, Constance (British actress) halyard (ship part) Halys River (river, Turkey) Halysites (fossil coral) Ham (biblical figure) Ham (France) ham (meat) Ham Hindu Nahin (work by Kahn Singh Nabha) Ham Nghi (emperor of Annam) ham radio (communications) Hama (Syria) ?amad, Al- (region, Middle East) Hamad Bari (Fulani Muslim leader) Hamada Shoji (Japanese artist) Hamadan (Iran) Hamadan (Iran) Hamadan rug Hamadani, al- (Islamic mystic) Hamadhani, al- (Islamic author) Hamadou, Barakat Gourad (prime minister of Djibouti) hamadryad (Greek mythology) hamadryad (reptile) hamadryas (primate) Hamaguchi Osachi (prime minister of Japan) Hamaguchi, Yozo (Japanese artist) Hamaguchi Yuko (prime minister of Japan) ?amah (Syria) Hamakita (Japan) Hämäläinen, Marja-Liisa (Finnish skier) Hämäläiset (people) Hamamatsu (Japan) Hamamelidaceae (plant family) Hamamelis (plant) Hamamelis vernalis (plant) Hamamelis virginiana (plant) Haman (biblical figure) Hamann, Johann Georg (German philosopher) Hamar (Norway) hamartia (drama) Hamartigenia (work by Prudentius) Hamartolos, Georgios (Byzantine historian) hamartoma (pathology) ?amas (Palestinian Islamic organization) ?amasah (Arabic literature) Hamaspathmaedaya (Zoroastrianism) Hamath, Battle of (Egypt-Babylonia) Hamazasp Mamikonian (Armenian governor) hamazor (Parsiism) Hambledon Club (British sports organization) Hambleton (district, England, United Kingdom) Hambletonian (American racehorse) Hambletonian 10 (American racehorse) Hambletonian Hills (hills, England, United Kingdom) Hambletonian Stake (horse race) Hambletonian Trot (horse race) hambo (dance) Hamburg (Germany) Hamburg (South Carolina, United States) Hamburg Art Gallery (art gallery, Hamburg, Germany) Hamburg Dramaturgy (work by Lessing) Hamburg Hall of the Arts (art gallery, Hamburg, Germany) Hamburg National Theatre (theatre, Germany) Hamburg Opera (opera company, Hamburg, Germany) Hamburg Staatsoper (opera company, Hamburg, Germany) hamburg steak (food) Hamburg Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (physics laboratory, Hamburg, Germany) Hamburg, Treaty of (1641) Hamburg, Treaty of (1701) Hamburg University (university, Hamburg, Germany) Hamburg, University of (university, Hamburg, Germany) Hamburger Kunsthalle (art gallery, Hamburg, Germany) Hamburger, Philip (American writer) Hamburger, Viktor (American embryologist) Hamburger, Yosef (Israeli Zionist and intelligence officer) Hamburgian culture (anthropology) "Hamburgische Dramaturgie" (work by Lessing) Hamburgische Geschichte, Museum für (museum, Hamburg, Germany) hamd (plant) ?am?, Wadi Al- (river, Saudi Arabia) ?amdan ibn ?amdun (Arab leader) ?amdan Qarma? (Islamic leader) Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (law case) Hamdani, al- (Arab author) ?amdanid dynasty (Muslim Arab dynasty) Hamden (Connecticut, United States) Hamdi Bey, Osman (Turkish statesman) ?amdi, Ibrahim al- (Yemeni leader) Hamdismál (Scandinavian literature) ?amdollah Mostowfi (Persian writer) Häme (province, Finland) Hamed, Naseem (British athlete) Hamed, Prince Naseem (British athlete) Hämeen Lääni (province, Finland) Hämeenlinna (Finland) H_amei Teverya (hot springs, Israel) Hamel, Hendrik (Dutch navigator) HaMela?, Yam (lake, Asia) Hamelin (Germany) Hamelin, Ferdinand Alphonse (French naval officer) Hamelin, Louis (Canadian author) Hameln (Germany) Hamels, Cole (American baseball player) Hamengkubuwana I (sultan of Yogyakarta) Hamengkubuwana II (sultan of Yogyakarta) Hamer, Fannie Lou (American civil-rights activist) hamerkop (bird) Hamerling, Robert (German poet) Hamersley Basin (geological feature, Western Australia, Australia) Hamersley Range (mountains, Western Australia, Australia) Hamerton treaty (British-East African history) hames collar (harness) ?ametz (leavened food) Hamgyong Mountains (mountains, North Korea) Hamgyong-sanmaek (mountains, North Korea) Hamhung (North Korea) Hami (China) Hami Basin (basin, Asia) Hamid dynasty (Turkmen dynasty) Hamid-Abad (Turkey) Hamideli (Turkey) Hamilcar Barca (Carthaginian general) Hamill, Dorothy (American figure skater) Hamill, Dorothy Stuart (American figure skater) Hamilton (Victoria, Australia) Hamilton (Bermuda) Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) Hamilton (New Zealand) Hamilton (Scotland, United Kingdom) Hamilton (county, New York, United States) Hamilton (Ohio, United States) Hamilton, Alexander (United States statesman) Hamilton, Alice (American pathologist) Hamilton, Andrew (British colonial lawyer) Hamilton, Anthony Walter Patrick (British writer) Hamilton, Charles, Jr. (American handwriting expert) Hamilton circuit (mathematics) Hamilton College (college, Clinton, New York, United States) Hamilton, Edith (American author and educator) Hamilton, Emma, Lady (British mistress) Hamilton Fish, The Inner History of the Grant Administration (work by Nevins) Hamilton, Gail (American author and editor) Hamilton Gardens (public gardens, Hamilton, New Zealand) Hamilton, Gavin (Scottish artist) Hamilton, Hamish (British publisher) Hamilton, James (British publisher) Hamilton, James Hamilton, 3rd Marquess and 1st Duke of, Earl of Cambridge (Scottish Royalist) Hamilton, John (Scottish archbishop) Hamilton, John Hamilton, 1st marquess of, earl of Arran, Lord Aven (Scottish noble) Hamilton, Juan (American sculptor) Hamilton, Lee H. (American politician) Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution (university, Hamilton, New York, United States) Hamilton, Margaret (American actress) Hamilton, Murray (American actor) Hamilton of Gilbertfield, William (Scottish writer) Hamilton Oneida Academy (college, Clinton, New York, United States) Hamilton, Patrick (British writer) Hamilton River (river, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada) Hamilton, Scott (American figure skater) Hamilton, Sir Charles Denis (British newspaper editor) Hamilton, Sir Denis (British newspaper editor) Hamilton, Sir Ian (British general) Hamilton, Sir Ian Standish Monteith (British general) Hamilton, Sir William (British diplomat) Hamilton, Sir William, 9th Baronet (Scottish philosopher and educator) Hamilton, Sir William Rowan (Irish mathematician and astronomer) Hamilton Standard (American company) Hamilton Tiger-Cats (Canadian football team) Hamilton Tigers (Canadian football team) Hamilton, Virginia (American author) Hamilton, William Donald (British biologist) Hamilton, William Hamilton, 2nd Duke of, Earl of Cambridge (Scottish Royalist) Hamilton, William Thomas (American mountain man) Hamilton-Gordon, George (prime minister of United Kingdom) Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple (British diplomat) Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Lady Caroline Maureen (Irish journalist and novelist) Hamiltonian (physics) Hamiltonian circuit (mathematics) Hamiltonian function (physics) Hamilton's equations (mathematics) Hamilton's principle Hamilton's rule (biology) Hamina, Treaty of (Scandinavian history) Hamirostra melanosternon (bird) Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh, India) Hamirpur (Uttar Pradesh, India) Hamite (people) Hamitic component (linguistic concept) Hamitic hypothesis (African history) Hamito-Semitic languages Hamlin, Emmons (American musical instrument craftsman) Hamlin, Hannibal (vice president of United States) Hamlisch, Marvin (American composer, songwriter, and conductor) Hamlyn's monkey Hamm (Germany) Hamm, Mariel Margaret (American athlete) Hamm, Mia (American athlete) Hamma, El- (Tunisia) ?ammad (Iraqi jurist) ?ammad al-Rawiyah (Iraqi scholar) ?ammad, Banu (North African dynasty) hammada (pedology) ?ammadid dynasty (North African dynasty) ?ammah, Al- (Tunisia) Hammamat, Al- (Tunisia) Hammamet (Tunisia) ?ammami, Sa?id (Palestinian nationalist) Hammami, Said (Palestinian nationalist) ?amman (bathing establishment) ?ammar, Hawr al- (lake, Iraq) ?ammar, Lake (lake, Iraq) Hammarskjöld, Dag (Swedish statesman) Hammarskjöld, Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl (Swedish statesman) Hammarskjöld, Hjalmar (Swedish statesman) Hammarskjöld, Knut Hjalmar Leonard (Swedish statesman) Hammat (hot springs, Israel) hammer (anatomy) hammer (piano) hammer (tool) Hammer, Armand (American businessman) hammer drill (tool) Hammer Film Productions Limited (British production company) Hammer Films (British production company) Hammer, Mike (fictional character) Hammer of Thor (Swedish boxer) Hammer Studios (British production company) hammer throw (athletics) Hammer v. Dagenhart (law case) Hammer Without a Master, The (work by Boulez) hammer-beam roof (architecture) hammer-headed stork (bird) Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von (Austrian author) Hammerclavier Sonata (work by Beethoven) Hammerfest (Norway) hammerhead (bird) hammerhead crane (engineering) hammerhead shark (fish) Hammerin' Hank (American baseball player) hammering (metalwork) "Hammerklavier" (work by Beethoven) Hammerling, Rupert Johann (German poet) Hammerschmidt, Andreas (Austrian-Bohemian composer) Hammershaimb, Venceslaus Ulricus (Faroese linguist) Hammersmith (borough, London, United Kingdom) Hammersmith and Fulham (borough, London, United Kingdom) Hammerstein, Oscar, II (American lyricist, librettist and producer) hammerstone (tool) Hammett, Dashiell (American writer) Hammett, Samuel Dashiell (American writer) Hammid, Alexander (Czech filmmaker) Hamming code (communications) Hamming, Richard Wesley (American mathematician) hammock (furniture) Hammond (Indiana, United States) Hammond, Brean (professor) Hammond Clock Company (American company) Hammond Innes, Ralph (British author) Hammond Instrument Company (American company) Hammond, James H. (American politician) Hammond, John (American recording executive) Hammond, John Hays (American engineer) Hammond, John Hays, Jr. (American inventor) Hammond, John Henry, Jr. (American recording executive) Hammond, Laurens (American inventor) Hammond organ (musical instrument) Hammond Organ Company (American company) Hammond, Ralph (British author) Hammond, Walter Reginald (English cricketer) Hammondsport (New York, United States) ?ammuda Bey (ruler of Tunisia) ?ammudid dynasty (Berber dynasty) Hammurabi (king of Babylonia) Hammurabi, Code of (Babylonian laws) Hammurapi (king of Babylonia) Hamon, Pierre (French calligrapher) Hamor the Hivite (biblical figure) Hamp (American musician) Hampden (county, Massachusetts, United States) Hampden, John (English political leader) Hampden, Walter (American actor) Hampel, Anton (German musician) Hämpfeli Lieder, E (work by Burckhardt) Hampshire (county, England, United Kingdom) Hampshire (county, Massachusetts, United States) Hampshire (breed of pig) Hampshire (breed of sheep) Hampshire Avon (river, southern England, United Kingdom) Hampshire Basin (marine basin, Europe) Hampshire Downs (hills, England, United Kingdom) Hampshire, Stuart (British philosopher) Hampstead (area, London, United Kingdom) Hampstead Academy (college, Clinton, Mississippi, United States) Hampton (county, South Carolina, United States) Hampton (Virginia, United States) Hampton Academy (school, Virginia, United States) Hampton Court (palace, Richmond upon Thames, London, United Kingdom) Hampton Court Conference (English history) Hampton Court Palace (palace, Richmond upon Thames, London, United Kingdom) Hampton, Henry (American filmmaker) Hampton Institute (university, Hampton, Virginia, United States) Hampton, Judith (American religious leader) Hampton, Lionel (American musician) Hampton, Lionel Leo (American musician) Hampton, Mark Iredell, Jr. (American interior designer) Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute (university, Hampton, Virginia, United States) Hampton Roads (roadstead, Virginia, United States) Hampton Roads, Battle of (American Civil War) Hampton Roads Conference (American Civil War) Hampton Roads, Port of (region, Virginia, United States) Hampton University (university, Hampton, Virginia, United States) Hampton, Wade (Confederate general) hamri (pedology) Hamri, Thorsteinn frá (Icelandic author) hamster (rodent) Hamsun, Knut (Norwegian author) Hamtap (Turkey) hamuli (anatomy) ?amuli, ?Abduh al- (Islamic musician) hamulus (anatomy) Hamvira (Indian king) Hamza El Din (Nubian musician, composer, and musicologist) ?amzah ibn ?Abd al-Mu??alib (uncle of Mu?ammad) ?amzah ibn ?Ali (Druze religious leader) ?amzah ibn ?Ali ibn A?mad (Druze religious leader) "?amzeh-nameh" (Islamic literature) han (Japanese government unit) Han (Asian people) Han Canal (canal, China, 206-220 BC) Han Changli (Chinese author) Han Chiang (river, Guangdong province, China) Han Chiao-shun (Chinese businessman) Han Chinese (ethnic group) "Han d'Islande" (novel by Hugo) Han dynasty (Chinese history) Han Fei-tzu (Chinese philosopher) Han Feizi (Chinese philosopher) Han Gan (Chinese painter) Han, Grottoes of (caves, Belgium) Han Hsiang (Chinese mythology) Han Jiang (river, Guangdong province, China) Han Kan (Chinese painter) Han kung ch'iu (play by Ma Chih-yüan) Han languages Han Lin'er (Chinese rebel) Han River (river, Guangdong province, China) Han River (river, Shaanxi and Hubei provinces, China) Han River (river, South Korea) Han River Valley (valley, China) Han Shizu (emperor of Han dynasty) "Han shu" (Chinese historical work) Han Shui (river, Shaanxi and Hubei provinces, China) Han Shui Valley (valley, China) Han T'o-chou (Chinese minister) Han Tuizhi (Chinese author) Han Tuozhou (Chinese minister) "Han Var Min Ven" (work by Havrevold) Han Wengong (Chinese author) "Han Wudi neizhuan" (Chinese tale) Han Xiang (Chinese mythology) Han Yongun (Korean poet) Han Yu (Chinese author) Han Yü (Chinese author) Han Zhongli (Chinese religious figure) Han-chung (China) Han-gang (river, South Korea) Han-jen (Asian people) han-jen (Chinese social class) Han-k'ou (China) Han-lin Yüan (ancient academy, China) Han-tan (China) Han-t'eng-ko-li Peak (mountain, Asia) Han-yang (China) Han-Ye-Ping Iron and Coal Company (Chinese company) Hana (Hawaii, United States) Haná Valley (region, Czech Republic) "Hana-bi" (film by Kitano) hana-nuri (Japanese lacquerwork) ?anabilah (Islamic law) Hanabusa Itcho (Japanese painter) Hanáchká Režná (Czech Republic) Hanafi, al- (writer) ?anafiyah (Islamic law) hanafuda (cards) Hanai, Masaya (Japanese businessman) Hanai Masaya (Japanese businessman) Hanáki (people) Hanalei (Hawaii, United States) hanamichi (kabuki) Hanania Chapel (chapel, Damascus, Syria) "Hanaoka Seishu no tsuma" (work by Ariyoshi Sawako) Hanare Kirishitan (Japanese religious sect) Hanau (Germany) Hanau am Main (Germany) Hanauer, Chip (American boat racer) Hanauer, Lee Edward (American boat racer) Hanauma Bay (bay, Oahu, Hawaii, United States) ?anbal, A?mad ibn (Muslim scholar) Hanbalites (Islamic law) hanbok (Korean dress) Hanchett, Mary Hannah (American temperance leader) Hancock (county, Maine, United States) Hancock (Michigan, United States) Hancock (county, Mississippi, United States) Hancock (film by Berg) Hancock, Herbert Jeffrey (American musician) Hancock, Herbie (American musician) Hancock, Hunter (American disc jockey) Hancock, John (United States statesman) Hancock, Joseph (British silversmith) Hancock, Joy Bright (United States naval officer) Hancock, Keith (Australian author) Hancock, Langley George (Australian mining industrialist) Hancock, Thomas (British inventor) Hancock, Winfield Scott (United States military officer) Hancza, Lake (lake, Poland) hand (anatomy) hand (measurement) hand ax (tool) Hand, Billings Learned (United States jurist) hand drill (tool) Hand, Edward (United States army officer) Hand G (miniature painting) hand grenade (military technology) hand horn (musical instrument) hand iron (textiles) hand lay-up (materials science) Hand, Learned (United States jurist) Hand of Ethelberta, The (work by Hardy) Hand of Fatima (emblem) hand puppet hand replenished loom (weaving) hand scroll (painting) hand tool hand truck hand-ax tradition (archaeology) hand-mined tunneling hand-to-hand combat Handa (Japan) Handa Nkhumbi (people) Hándal, Schafik Jorge (Salvadoran guerrilla leader) Handan (China) Handan (novel by Adivar) Handäoline (musical instrument) handball (wall game) handball (sport) handbell (musical instrument) handbook (reference work) Handbook of a Christian Knight (work by Erasmus) Handbook of Nature Study (work by Comstock) Handbook of Physiological Optics (work by Helmholtz) Handbuch der Experimental Physiologie der Pflanzen (book by Sachs) Handbuch der Klimatologie (work by Hann) Handbuch der litauischen Sprache (work by Schleicher) Handbuch der organischen Chemie (work by Beilstein) "Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie" (work by Rokitansky) Handbuch der Physik (encyclopaedia) Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen für Vorlesungen (work by Müller) Handbuch der rationellen Pathologie (work by Henle) Handbuch der römischen Altertümer (work by Becker) Handbuch der Seenkunde (book by Forel) Handbuch der speziellen Pathologie und Therapie (work by Virchow) Handbuch der theoretischen Chemie (work by Gmelin) handcuffs Handeckfall (waterfall, Switzerland) handedness (physiology) Handegg Falls (waterfall, Switzerland) Handeggfall (waterfall, Switzerland) Handelius, Jacobus (German-Austrian composer) Handful of Blackberries, A (work by Silone) Handful of Dust, A (novel by Waugh) handgun (weapon) Handharmonika (musical instrument) handheld computer (handheld computer) handicraft Handie-Talkie (communications) Handke, Peter (Austrian writer) handkerchief perfume (chemistry) handkerchief tree (plant) Handl, Jacob (German-Austrian composer) Handler, Daniel (American author) Handler, Milton (American lawyer) Handler, Ruth Mosko (American businesswoman) Handley Page 0/400 (aircraft) Handley Page H.P.42 (aircraft) Handley Page Halifax (aircraft) Handley Page Transport, Ltd. (British company) Handley, Tod (British conductor) Handley, Vernon George (British conductor) Handlin, Oscar (American historian) handling (painting) handling, materials Handling Sin (work by Mannyng) "Handlyng Synne" (work by Mannyng) hands, imposition of (Judaism and Christianity) hands, laying on of (Judaism and Christianity) Hands of the Cause of God (Baha?i faith) hands-only CPR (medicine) handsaw (tool) "handske, En" (work by Bjornsson) handsome fungus beetle (insect) Handsome Lake (Seneca chief) Handsome Lake cult (religion) handwriting Handwriting (work by Ondaatje) Handy, W. C. (American composer) Handy, William Christopher (American composer) Han'en (Japanese Buddhist philosopher) Hanert Electrical Orchestra (musical instrument) Hanert, John (American inventor) Hanf, William (American logician) Hanfeizi (Chinese philosopher) Hanford Engineer Works (reactor, Washington, United States) hang (musical instrument) Hang (China) hang glider (aircraft) hang gliding (sport) Hang-chou (China) Hanga, Abdulla Kassim, Sheikh (prime minister of Zanzibar) Hanga Roa (Easter Island) hangar (airport) Hangawi (Korean holiday) Hangayn Mountains (mountains, Mongolia) Hangayn Nuruu (mountains, Mongolia) Hangchow (China) Hangenberg Event (paleontology) hangi (food) hanging buttress (architecture) hanging chad (voting and elections) hanging dam (ice formation) hanging fern family (plant family) Hanging Gardens of Babylon (ancient garden, Babylon, Mesopotamia)

hanging moss (lichen) hanging parakeet (bird) hanging parrot (bird) hanging valley (geological feature) hanging wall (geology) Hangman, The (German Nazi official) Hangmatana (ancient city, Iran) Hangö, battle of (Russian history) hangover (pathology) Hanguana (plant genus) Hanguanaceae (plant family) Hanguk (historical nation, Asia) Hangul (Korean alphabet) han'gul (Korean alphabet) Hangzhou (China) Hangzhou Bay (bay, China) Hangzhou Bay Bridge (bridge, China) Hani (people) Hani, Chris (South African political activist) Hani language Hani, Martin Thembisile (South African political activist) hanif (Islam) ?anifi (Islamic law) Hanigalbat (ancient empire, Mesopotamia, Asia) ?anish Islands (islands, Red Sea) haniwa (Japanese sculpture) Haniya, Ismail (prime minister of Palestinian Authority) Hanjung nok (work by Lady Hong) hank (textile) Hank González, Carlos (Mexican politician) hanka (Japanese poetry) Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers Hankey, 1st Baron (British soldier and politician) hanko (Japanese school) Hanko, battle of (Russian history) Hanko Peninsula (peninsula, Finland) Hankou (China) Hankow (China) Hanks, Nancy (American pioneer) Hanks, Nancy (American public official) Hanks, Thomas J. (American actor) Hanks, Tom (American actor) Hankul (Korean alphabet) Hankyu Electric Railway (railway, Japan) Hanlin Academy (ancient academy, China) Hanlin yuan (ancient academy, China) Hann, Julius von (Austrian meteorologist) Hanna and Barbera (American animators) Hanna, Marcus Alonzo (American industrialist) Hanna, Mark (American industrialist) Hanna, Ruth (American public official) Hanna, Sir Roland Pembroke (American pianist) Hanna, William (American animator) Hanna, William Denby (American animator) Hanna-Barbera Marineland (park, California, United States) Hannah (mother of Virgin Mary) Hannah (Old Testament figure) Hannah (United States ship) Hannah and Her Sisters (film by Allen [1986]) Hannah, Barry (American writer) Hannah Duston Memorial Historic Site (site, New Hampshire, United States) Hannah, Howard Barry (American writer) Hannah Montana (television series) Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus (album by Cyrus) Hannahanna (Anatolian goddess) Hannan, Michael T. (American sociologist) Hannan, Paddy (Australian prospector) Hannan's Find (Western Australia, Australia) Hannara Dang (political party, South Korea) Hannay, James Ballantyne (Scottish chemist) Hannibal (Carthaginian general [247-183 BC]) Hannibal (Carthaginian general [circa 408 BC]) Hannibal (Missouri, United States) Hannibal (film by Scott) Hannington, James (British missionary) Hannity & Colmes (television show) Hannity, Sean (American television and radio personality) Hanno (Carthaginian explorer) Hanno (Carthaginian ruler) Hanno, Saint (archbishop of Cologne) Hanno the Great (Carthaginian ruler) Hannon, Ezra (American author) Hannong, C. F. (French potter) Hannong, Joseph-Adam (French pottery manufacturer) Hannong, Paul-Antoine (French pottery manufacturer) Hannong, Pierre-Antoine (French pottery manufacturer) Hannover (administrative district, Germany) Hannover (Germany) Hannover (historical state, Germany) Hannum, Alex (American coach) Hanoi (Vietnam) Hanoi Poison Plot (Vietnamese history) Hanoi, Tower of (puzzle) Hanoi, Towers of (puzzle) Hanotaux, Albert-Auguste-Gabriel (French statesman and historian) Hanotaux, Gabriel (French statesman and historian) Hanover (administrative district, Germany) Hanover (Germany) Hanover (historical state, Germany) Hanover (New Hampshire, United States) Hanover (Pennsylvania, United States) Hanover (Virginia, United States) Hanover, House of (British royal house) Hanover, League of (European history [1725]) Hanover Tavern (building, Hanover, Virginia, United States) Hanqing (Chinese warlord) hanren (Chinese social class) Hanriot, François (French military commander) Hans (king of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) Hans Adam, Fürst von Liechtenstein (prince of Liechtenstein) Hans Adam II, prince of Liechtenstein (prince of Liechtenstein) Hans Brinker: or, The Silver Skates (work by Dodge) Hans Heiling (opera by Marschner) Hans Hofmann School of Fine Art (school, United States) Hans im Schnakenloch (work by Schickele) Hans Nads, testamente (work by Bergman) Hans of Iceland (novel by Hugo) Hansa (German trading organization) Hansa-Mühle extractor (industrial machine) "Hansaku minato" (film by Kinoshita Keisuke) Hansard, Glen (Irish composer and songwriter) Hansberry, Lorraine (American playwright) Hänsch, Theodor W. (German scientist) Hanse (German trading organization) Hanseatic bowl (decorative arts) Hanseatic League (German trading organization) Hanseatic tankard (drinking vessel) Hänsel und Gretel (opera by Humperdinck) Hansen, Alvin Harvey (American economist) Hansen, Armauer (Norwegian physician) Hansen, Beck David (American singer-songwriter) Hansen Cave (cave, Utah, United States) Hansen, Christian Frederik (Danish architect) Hansen disease Hansen, Emil (German artist) Hansen, Emile Christian (Danish botanist) Hansen, Gerhard Henrik Armauer (Norwegian physician) Hansen, H. C. (prime minister of Denmark) Hansen, Hans Christian (Danish architect) Hansen, Hans Christian Svane (prime minister of Denmark) Hansen, Jens Andersen (Danish politician and journalist) Hansen, Joseph (American author) Hansen, Martin Alfred (Danish author) Hansen, Martin Jens Alfred (Danish author) Hansen, Peter Andreas (German astronomer) Hansen, William Webster (American physicist) Hansen's disease Hanseong (South Korea) Hansestadt Lübeck (Germany) Hanshaw, Annette (American singer) Hanshin Industrial Zone (industrial area, Japan) Hanshin-Awaji Daishinsai (Japan) Hansi (India) Hanska, Éveline (Polish countess) Hanslick, Eduard (Austrian music critic) hansom cab (carriage) Hanson, Duane (American sculptor) Hanson, Duane Elwood (American sculptor) Hanson, Harriet Jane (American author and leader) Hanson, Howard (American composer) Hanson, John (United States statesman) Hanson of Edgerton, James Edward Hanson, Baron (British business magnate) Hanson, Pauline Lee (Australian politician) Hansong (South Korea) Hansson, Ola (Swedish author) Hansson, Per Albin (prime minister of Sweden) Hansteen, Christopher (Norwegian astronomer) Hanstholm (Denmark) Hanswurst (puppet character) hantavirus (virus) Hantavirus (virus) hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (pathology) Hantengri Feng (mountain, Asia) Hanthawaddy kingdom (kingdom, Myanmar) Hanti (people) Hantilis (Hittite king) Hantsport (harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada) Hantzsch, Arthur Rudolf (German chemist) ?anukka (Judaism) Hanukkah (Judaism) Hanuman (Hindu mythology) Hanuman langur (primate) Hanumangarh (India) Hanyang (China) Hanyang (South Korea) Hanyang University (university, Seoul, South Korea) Hanyeping ironworks (Chinese company) Hanyu pinyin wenzi (Chinese writing system) hanzei (Japanese tax) Hanzhong (China) Hao Jan (Chinese writer) Hao-pi (China) haofang school (Chinese literature) haoma (Zoroastrianism) Haora (India) haori (clothing) Hap (Egyptian god) Hapalemur (primate) Hapalocarcinidae (crustacean) Hape (Egyptian god) HAPE (pathology) Hapgood, Isabel Florence (American translator) Haph?arah (Judaism) Haph?orah (Judaism) Hapi (Egyptian god) Hapi (Egyptian god of the inundation) Hapiru (people) hapkido (martial art) Haplochromis (fish genus) haplodiploidy (genetics) haplography (writing) haploid genotype (biology) haploid parthenogenesis (biology) haploid phase (biology) haploidy (genetics) haplology (linguistics) Haplomitrium (plant genus) Haplophyllum (plant genus) Haplopoda (crustacean) Haplorrhini (primate suborder) Haplosporea (protozoan) haplosporidia (protist) haplosporidian (protozoan) Haplotaxida (oligochaete order) Haplotaxis (oligochaete genus) haplotype (biology) Haploxylon (pine subgenus) Happe-Chair (work by Lemonnier) Happening (art) Happenstance (novel by Shields) happiness Happiness (film by Varda) Happiness, Sea of (lake, Japan) Happy Days (American television series) Happy Days (work by Beckett) Happy Haven, The (work by Arden) Happy Land (Buddhist belief) Happy Mondays, the (British rock group) Happy Rabbit (cartoon character) Happy Road, The (film) Happy Together (film by Wong Kar-wai [1997]) Happy Valley (novel by White) Happy Valley-Goose Bay (Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada) Hapsburg, House of (European dynasty) hapten (biochemistry) haptene (biochemistry) hapto nomenclature haptoglobin (protein) Haptoglossales (order of fungi) Haptophyceae (class of algae) Haptophyta (protist phylum) hapu (Maori kinship group) hapuu (Maori kinship group) Haq, Abdul (Afghani guerrilla leader) ?aqilani, Ibrahim al- (Syrian theologian) ?aqiqah (?ufism) ?aqq, al-Hadi Ila al- (?Abbasid caliph) ?aqq Na?ar (Kazakh ruler) ?aqqi, Ya?ya (Egyptian writer) Har (Egyptian god) Har Dayal, Lala (Indian revolutionary) Har Gerizim (mountain, West Bank) Har ha-Bayt (sacred site, Jerusalem) Har ha-Zetim (ridge, Jerusalem) Har Horin (ancient site, Mongolia) Har Krishas (Sikh Guru) Har Rai (Sikh Guru) Hara (Iranian mythology) Hara Kei (prime minister of Japan) Hara Takashi (prime minister of Japan) hara-kiri (suicide) Harada, Fighting (Japanese boxer) Harada Masahiko (Japanese boxer) harae (religious rite) harai (religious rite) harai-gushi (Japanese ritual object) haraigushi (Japanese ritual object) ?arakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah (Palestinian Islamic organization) ?arakat al-Ta?rir al-Wa?ani al-Filas?ini (Palestinian political organization) Harald Fairhair (king of Norway) Harald Finehair (king of Norway) Harald Gilchrist (king of Norway) Harald Gille (king of Norway) Harald Gráfeldr (king of Norway) Harald Gråfell (king of Norway) Harald Graycloak (king of Norway) Harald Hardråde (king of Norway) Harald Hårfager (king of Norway) Harald Hárfagri (king of Norway) Harald I (king of Denmark) Harald I (king of Norway) Harald II Eiriksson (king of Norway) Harald III Sigurdsson (king of Norway) Harald IV (king of Norway) Harald the Ruthless (king of Norway) Harald V (king of Norway) ?aram (sanctuary) Haram ash-Sharif, Al- (sacred site, Jerusalem) ?aram Mosque, al- (mosque, Mecca, Saudi Arabia) harambee school (secondary school, Kenya) Harambee Stars (Kenyan sports team) Haramukh (mountain, India) Haran (ancient city, Turkey) Haran Gawaita (Mandaean document) Harangozó, Gyula (Hungarian dancer) Harangozó Gyula (Hungarian dancer) Haranni (Germany) Harappa (Pakistan) Harappan civilization Harappan script (writing system) Harar (Ethiopia) Harare (Zimbabwe) Haraszthy, Agoston (American viticulturist) Haraszthy de Mokcsa, Agoston (American viticulturist) Harat (province, Afghanistan) Harat (Afghanistan) ?ara?in (social class) Harbaville Triptych (Byzantine sculpture) Harbel (Liberia) Harbin (China) Harbin Institute of Technology (university, Harbin, China) Harbinger, The (magazine) harbor Harbord, James G. (United States military officer) Harborough (district, England, United Kingdom) harbour Harbour Grace (Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada) harbour porpoise (mammal) Harbour Scene (work by Lorrain) harbour seal (mammal) harbour-finding chart Harburg (Germany) Harburg, E.Y. (American composer) Harburg, Edgar Yipsel (American composer) Harchadelt, Jacob (French composer) Harcourt, Henri de Lorraine, comte de (French general) Harcourt, Sir William (British lawyer) Harcourt, Sir William George Granville Venables Vernon (British lawyer) hard acid (chemistry) hard automation (technology) hard base (chemistry) hard bop (music) hard candy Hard Candy (album by Madonna) Hard Cash (novel by Reade) hard cheese hard cider (alcoholic beverage) hard coal (mineral) hard coral (invertebrate) Hard Day's Night, A (film by Lester) hard disk (computing) hard drive (computing) hard indenter (device) Hard Labor (work by Pavese) Hard Labor, Treaty of (North America [1768]) hard maple (plant) hard money (politics) hard news (journalism) hard palate (anatomy) hard pine (wood) hard porcelain (pottery) hard real-time system (computer science) hard red spring wheat hard red winter wheat hard sauce (sauce) hard software (computing) Hard Times (novel by Dickens) Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression (work by Terkel) hard water (chemistry) hard wheat (grain) Hard Workin' Man (album by Brooks & Dunn [1993]) hard X ray (physics) hard-boiled fiction (American literature) hard-chromium plating (technology) hard-cure salting hard-disk drive (computing) hard-edge painting (art) hard-ground etching hard-paste porcelain (pottery) hard-shell clam (mollusk) hard-sphere molecule (chemistry) Hardanger fiddle (musical instrument) Hardanger Fjord (inlet, Norway) Hardanger Plateau (plateau, Norway) Hardangerfele (musical instrument) Hardap Dam (dam, Namibia) Hardayal, Lala (Indian revolutionary) hardball hardball squash rackets (sport) Hardball with Chris Matthews (American television program) hardboard hardcore punk (music) Hardecanute (king of Denmark and England) Hardee, William J. (Confederate general) Hardee, William Joseph (Confederate general) Hardeknud (king of Denmark and England) Harden, Marcia Gay (American actress) Harden, Maximilian Felix Ernst (German journalist) Harden, Sir Arthur (British biochemist) Hardenberg, Friedrich Leopold, Baron von (German poet) Hardenberg, Karl August, Fürst von (Prussian statesman) Hardenberg und die Geschichte des preussischen Staates von 1793 bis 1813 (work by Ranke) hardening (technology) hardening off (horticulture) Harder They Come, The (film by Henzell) Harder They Fall, The (novel by Schulberg) Harderwijk (Netherlands) Hardey, Mary Ann (Roman Catholic nun) Hardey, Mother Mary Aloysia (Roman Catholic nun) Hardgrove Grindability Index (geology) Hardgrove test (geology) Hardicanute (king of Denmark and England) Hardie, J. Keir (British labour leader) Hardie, James Keir (British labour leader) Hardin, Frieda Mae (American naval yoemanette) Hardin, John Wesley (American outlaw) Hardin, Lil (American musician) Harding, Allan Francis (British military officer) Harding, Chester (American painter) Harding Commission (British-South African history) Harding fiddle (musical instrument) Harding, Florence (American first lady) Harding Icefield (icefield, Alaska, United States) Harding, John, Baron Harding of Petherton (British military officer) Harding, Karl Ludwig (German astronomer) Harding, Rebecca Blaine (American author) Harding, Saint Stephen (Roman Catholic abbot) Harding, Sandra (American philosopher) Harding, Thomas (English theologian and controversialist) Harding, Tonya (American figure skater) Harding, Warren (American rock climber) Harding, Warren G. (president of United States) Harding, Warren Gamaliel (president of United States) Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton, Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount (governor general of India) Hardinge of Penshurst, Charles Hardinge, 1st Baron (viceroy of India) Hardinge, Sir Arthur (commissioner of East Africa) hardingfela (musical instrument) hardingfele (musical instrument) hardness (physics) hardness tester (device) Hardoi (India) Hardouin, Jean (French scholar) Hardouin-Mansart, Jules (French architect) hardpan (pedology) hardpan (geology) Hardscrabble (Illinois, United States) hardstone Hardt Mountains (mountains, Germany) hardun (lizard) Hardwar (India) hardware (building) hardware (computing) Hardwick, Elizabeth (American writer) Hardwick, Elizabeth Bruce (American writer) Hardwick, Thomas W. (American politician) Hardwicke of Hardwicke, Baron (English lawyer) Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 1st earl of, Viscount Royston (English lawyer) hardwood (timber) hardwood fibre (fibre) Hardy, Albert (British photojournalist) Hardy, Alexandre (French dramatist) Hardy, Bert (British photojournalist) Hardy Cross method (engineering) Hardy, Fannie Pearson (American author) Hardy, Gathorne (British politician) Hardy, Godfrey Harold (English mathematician) Hardy, Norvell (American actor) Hardy, Oliver (American actor) hardy rubber tree (plant species) Hardy, Sir Thomas Masterman, Baronet (British naval officer) Hardy, Thomas (British shoemaker) Hardy, Thomas (British writer) Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (genetics) Hardy-Weinberg law (genetics) Hardyal, Lala (Indian revolutionary) Hardyknute (ballad by Wardlaw) Hare (constellation) Hare (people) hare (mammal) hare and hounds (sport) Hare, David (American artist) Hare, David (British playwright and director) Hare Krishna (religious sect) Hare, R. M. (British philosopher) Hare, Richard Mervyn (British philosopher) Hare, Sir David (British playwright and director) Hare, Sir John (British actor) Hare system (politics) Hare, Thomas (British political reformer) hare wallaby (marsupial) Hare, William (Irish criminal) Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act (United States history) hare-lipped bat (Noctilionidae) harebell (plant) Haredim (religious movement) Hareh, Mount (mountain, Egypt) Harel, Isser (Israeli intelligence director) Harel, Yossi (Israeli Zionist and intelligence officer) harelip (congenital disorder) Harer (Ethiopia) Hareri (people) Hareri language hare's-foot fern (fern genus) hare's-tail grass (plant) Harford (county, Maryland, United States) Hargeisa (Somalia) Hargeysa (Somalia) Harghita (county, Romania) Harghita Mountains (mountains, Romania) Hargis, Billy James (American evangelist) Hargitay, Mickey (American athlete) Hargobind (Sikh Guru) Hargrave box kite Hargrave, Lawrence (British aeronautical engineer) Hargraves, James (English inventor) Hargreaves, Alison (British mountaineer) Hargreaves, James (English inventor) Hargreaves, Roger (British cartoonist) Hargrove, Mike (American baseball player and manager) Hari (river, Central Asia) Hari Krishen (Sikh Guru) Hari Singh (maharaja of Kashmir) hari-giri (plant) Hari-hara (Hindu deity) Haribhadra (Indian author) Harichandra line (Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty) haricot bean (vegetable) Haridwar (India) Harihara (Indian poet) Harihara (Hindu deity) Harihara I Sa?gama (Vijayanagar ruler) Harihara II (Vijayanagar ruler) Hariharalaya (ancient city, Cambodia) Harijan (Hindu social class) Harike Barrage (barrage, India) ?arim Harimandir (temple, Amritsar, India) Häring, Bernhard (German theologian) Haring Dam (dam, Netherlands) Haring Estuary (channel, Netherlands) Häring, Georg Wilhelm Heinrich (German writer) Haring, Keith (American artist) Haringey (borough, London, United Kingdom) Haringhata (estuary, Bangladesh) Harington, James (British philosopher) Harington, Sir John (English author) Haringvliet (channel, Netherlands) Hariot, Thomas (English mathematician and astronomer) Haripunjaya (ancient kingdom, Thailand) harira (food) ?ariri, al- (Islamic scholar) Hariri, Rafiq al- (prime minister of Lebanon) ?ariri, Rafiq al- (prime minister of Lebanon) ?ariri, Rafiq Baha? al-Din al- (prime minister of Lebanon) Hariri, Saad al- (prime minister of Lebanon) ?ariri, Sa?d al- (prime minister of Lebanon) ?ariri, Sa?d al-Din Rafiq al- (prime minister of Lebanon) ?ariri, Tall al- (ancient city, Syria) Harirud (river, Central Asia) Harirud Valley (region, Afghanistan) Hariscandrakavya (work by Raghava?ka) Harischandra Range (mountain range, India) Harishcandra (Hindu mythology) Harishchandra (Indian writer) ?arith, al- (Arab poet) ?arith ibn ?Amr, al- (Kindah king) ?arith ibn Hammam, al- (literary character) ?arith ibn ?illizah, al- (Arab poet) ?arith ibn Jabalah, al- (king of Ghassan) Hariti (Buddhist character) Hariva?sa (Indian literature) "Harivamsha" (Indian literature) Harivarman (Indian ruler) Harizi, Judah ben Solomon (Spanish-Jewish poet) Härjedalen (province, Sweden) Harjo, Joy (American author, academic, musician and artist) Harkarvy, Benjamin (American choreographer and artistic director) Harken, Dwight Emary (American surgeon) Harken Energy Corporation (American corporation) Harkhuf (governor of Aswan) Harkins, Paul (United States general) Harkins, William Draper (American chemist) Harkness, Anna M. Richardson (American philanthropist) Harlan (Kentucky, United States) Harlan, John Marshall (United States jurist [1833-1911]) Harlan, John Marshall (United States jurist [1899-1971]) Harland and Wolff (British company) Harland, Mary (American author) Harlech (Wales, United Kingdom) Harlech, William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore, 4th Baron (British politician and scholar) Harlem (district, New York City, New York, United States) Harlem (building, Persepolis, Iran) Harlem (work by Thurman and Rapp) Harlem Book of the Dead, The (work by Van Der Zee) Harlem Community Art Center (American art center) Harlem Dance Theatre (American ballet company) Harlem Document (work by Siskind) Harlem Experimental Theatre (American theatrical company) Harlem Globetrotters (American basketball team) Harlem Renaissance (American basketball team) Harlem Renaissance (American literature and art) Harlem Shadows (work by McKay) Harlem Writers' Guild (American organization) Harlequin (theatrical character) Harlequin (work by Picasso) harlequin beetle (insect) harlequin bug (insect) harlequin cabbage bug (insect) harlequin fish (tropical fish) harlequin frog (amphibian) Harlequin Mother Goose (pantomime) harlequin snake (snake) harlequinade (theatre) Harley 2253 (British library manuscript) Harley J. Earl Perpetual Trophy (sports trophy) Harley Lyrics (British literary collection) Harley, Robert (English statesman) Harley-Davidson (American company) Harlingen (Texas, United States) Harlingen (Netherlands) Harlot's Ghost (work by Mailer) Harlot's Progress, A (paintings by Hogarth) Harlow (district, England, United Kingdom) Harlow (England, United Kingdom) Harlow, Jean (American actress) HARM (missile) harm principle (sports) Harman, Hugh (American animator) Harman, Martin Coles (British financier) Harmandir (temple, Amritsar, India) harmattan (wind) Harmel, Pierre (prime minister of Belgium) Harmensen, Jacob (Dutch theologian) harmine (drug) Harmless People, The (work by Thomas) Harmodius (Greek tyrannicide) Harmon, Ellen Gould (American religious leader) Harmon, Thomas Dudley (American athlete) Harmon, Tom (American athlete) Harmonia (Greek mythology) harmonia (music) harmonic (physics) harmonic analysis (mathematics) harmonic analyzer (mathematics) harmonic construction (mathematics) Harmonic Drive (machine component) harmonic function (mathematics) harmonic mean (mathematics) harmonic mode (physics) harmonic motion, simple (physics) harmonic number (physics) harmonic rhythm (music) harmonic sequence (mathematics) harmonic series (music) harmonic wave (physics) harmonic-pair division (mathematics) harmonic-tone generator (music) harmonica (musical instrument) harmonica, glass (musical instrument) "Harmonice Mundi" (work by Kepler) Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A (work by Petrucci) harmonicity, theorem of (mathematics) Harmonics (work by Ptolemy) Harmonie (Indiana, United States) Harmonies of the World (work by Kepler) "Harmonies poétiques et religieuses" (work by Lamartine) Harmonies poétiques et religieuses (work by Liszt) Harmonious Development of Man, Institute for the (religious organization) Harmonique (work by Coltrane) harmonische Gottesdienst, Der (collection of church cantatas) Harmonist Society (Pietism) Harmonists (Pietism) harmonium (musical instrument) Harmonium (work by Stevens) Harmony (Pennsylvania, United States) harmony (linguistics) harmony (music) harmony (philosophy) Harmony of the Spheres (intermezzo) harmotome (mineral) Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William, Viscount Northcliffe of Saint Peter (British publisher) Harmsworth Cup (motorboat racing award) Harmsworth Trophy (motorboat racing award) Harmsworth, Vere (British newspaper publisher) Harnack, Adolf Karl Gustav von (German theologian and church historian) Harnack, Adolf von (German theologian and church historian) harness (gear) harness racing (sport) harnessed antelope (mammal) Harnett, William Michael (American painter) Harney Peak (mountain, South Dakota, United States) Harnick, Sheldon (American composer and lyricist) Harnoy, Ofra (Canadian musician) Haro, Lope Díaz de (Spanish noble) Haro, Luis Méndez de (minister of Spain) Haro Strait (strait, North America) ?arod (river, Middle East) Harold en Italie (symphony by Berlioz) Harold Godwineson (king of England) Harold Godwinson (king of England) Harold Harefoot (king of England) Harold I (king of England) Harold II (king of England) haroucha (pedology) harp (musical instrument) Harp and the Shadow, The (work by Carpentier) harp lute (musical instrument) Harp of the Holy Spirit (Christian theologian) Harp of the Winds, The (painting by Martin) harp seal (mammal) harp shell (gastropod family) Harpacticoida (crustacean) Harpadon nehereus (fish) Harpagiferidae (fish) Harpagus (Median general) Harpalus (Macedonian official) harpastum (ball) Harpe, Bernard de la (French explorer) Harpe, Frédéric-César de la (Swiss politician) Harpe, Jean-François de la (French critic) Harpellales (order of fungi) Harper (California, United States) Harper (Liberia) Harper & Brothers (American company) Harper & Row (American company) Harper, Arthur C. (American politician) Harper brothers (American publishers) Harper, Fletcher (American publisher) Harper, Frances E. W. (American author and social reformer) Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins (American author and social reformer) Harper, Ida A. Husted (American journalist and suffragist) Harper, James (American publisher) Harper, John (American publisher) Harper, Joseph Wesley (American publisher) Harper, Michael S. (American poet) Harper, Michael Steven (American poet) Harper, Robert Almer (American biologist) Harper, Stephen (prime minister of Canada) Harper, Stephen Joseph (prime minister of Canada) Harper, Valerie (American actress) Harper, William Rainey (American educator) HarperCollins Publishers (American company) Harper's Bazaar (American magazine) "Harper's Bazar" (American magazine) Harpers Ferry (West Virginia, United States) Harpers Ferry National Historical Park (park, West Virginia, United States) Harpers Ferry Raid (United States history) Harpia harpyja (bird) Harpidae (gastropod family) Harpignies, Henri (French painter) Harpo Productions, Inc. (American company) Harpoon (missile) harpoon (spear) harpsichord (musical instrument) harpsichord family (musical instrument) Harpur, Charles (Australian poet) Harpy (mythology) harpy eagle (bird) Harpyopsis novaeguineae (bird) harquebus (weapon) harquebusier (military) Harran (ancient city, Turkey) Harranian (Turkish sect) Harratin (social class) Harrell, Tom (American musician) Harrer, Heinrich (explorer and writer) Harrier (airplane) harrier (bird) harrier (breed of dog) harrier eagle (bird) Harries, Carl Dietrich (German chemist) Harries reaction (chemical reaction) Harriet Hume (novel by West) Harriet Said (novel by Bainbridge) Harriet the Spy (work by Fitzhugh) Harrigan, Edward (American actor, producer, and playwright) Harrigan, Ned (American actor, producer, and playwright) Harriman (Nevada, United States) Harriman, Edward Henry (American financier) Harriman, Florence Jaffray (American diplomat) Harriman, Job (American lawyer) Harriman, Pamela Beryl Digby Churchill Hayward (American socialite) Harriman, W. Averell (American diplomat) Harriman, William Averell (American diplomat) Harrington (Maine, United States) Harrington, Baron (British diplomat) Harrington, Carey Bell (American musician) Harrington farthing (English coin) Harrington, James (British philosopher) Harrington, Michael (American scholar) Harrington, Oliver Wendell (American artist) Harrington, Padraig (Irish golfer) Harrington, Robert S. (American astronomer) Harrington, William Stanhope, 1st Earl of, Viscount Petersham of Petersham (British diplomat) Harriot, Thomas (English mathematician and astronomer) Harris (island, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom) Harris, Alexander (British author) Harris, Barbara Clementine (American bishop) Harris, Benjamin (British journalist) Harris, Christopher (British author) Harris Corners (Florida, United States) Harris County Stadium (stadium, Houston, Texas, United States) Harris, Derek (American actor and director) Harris, E. Lynn (American author) Harris, Ed (American actor) Harris, Eddie (American musician) Harris, Edward Allen (American actor) Harris, Eleanora (American jazz singer) Harris, Elinore (American jazz singer) Harris, Emmylou (American singer and songwriter) Harris, Estella (American musician) Harris, Everette Lynn (American author) Harris' Ferry (Pennsylvania, United States) Harris, Franco (American football player) Harris, Frank (American journalist) Harris, George Washington (American humorist) Harris' hawk Harris, Howel (British religious leader) Harris Interactive, Inc. (American company) Harris, James (British philosopher) Harris, James, III (American musician) Harris, James Thomas (American journalist) Harris, Jessie Redmon (American author) Harris, Joel Chandler (American author) Harris, John (English scientist and theologian) Harris, John (South African freedom fighter) Harris, John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon (British writer) Harris, Julie (American actress) Harris, Julie Anne (American actress) Harris, Katherine (American politician) Harris, LeRoy Ellsworth (American composer) Harris, Louis (American journalist and pollster) Harris, Mark (American author) Harris, Marvin (American anthropologist) Harris, Mary (American labour leader) Harris, Maxwell Henley (Australian poet and publisher) Harris, Michael Deane (Canadian politician) Harris, Mike (Canadian politician) Harris movement (religious movement) Harris, Patricia Roberts (American public official) Harris, Paul Percy (American lawyer) Harris, Phil (American entertainer) Harris, Renatus (European organ maker) Harris, René (European organ maker) Harris, René (president of Nauru) Harris, Richard (Irish actor) Harris, Richard St. John (Irish actor) Harris, Roy (American composer) Harris, Sir Arthur Travers, 1st Baronet (British military officer) Harris, Stanley Raymond (American baseball player and executive) Harris, Theodore Wilson (Guyanan writer) Harris, Townsend (American diplomat) Harris Treaty (Japanese-United States history) Harris, Walter B. (journalist) Harris, William Torrey (American educator and philosopher) Harris, William Wadé (African religious leader) Harris, Wilson (Guyanan writer) Harris, Zellig S. (American scholar) Harris, Zellig Sabbetai (American scholar) Harrisburg (Mississippi, United States) Harrisburg (Illinois, United States) Harrisburg (Pennsylvania, United States) Harrison (Pennsylvania, United States) Harrison (Arkansas, United States) Harrison, Anna (American first lady) Harrison, Benjamin (president of United States) Harrison, Caroline (American first lady) Harrison, Charles (American industrial designer) Harrison, Elizabeth (American educator) Harrison, Francis Burton (United States governor general of Philippines) Harrison, Frederic (British author) Harrison, G. Donald (American organ designer) Harrison, George (Australian prospector) Harrison, George (British musician) Harrison, George Donald (American organ designer) Harrison, James (Australian engineer) Harrison, James Thomas (American author) Harrison, Jim (American author) Harrison, John (British horologist) Harrison, John (British potter) Harrison, Lou Silver (American composer) Harrison, Love Michelle (American musician and actress) Harrison, Peter (British architect) Harrison, Reginald Carey (British actor) Harrison, Sir Rex (British actor) Harrison, Thomas (English general) Harrison, Tony (English writer) Harrison, Wallace K. (American architect) Harrison, Wallace Kirkman (American architect) Harrison, William Henry (president of United States) Harris's hawk Harris's Requiem (novel by Middleton) Harrod, James (American pioneer) Harrod, Sir Henry Roy Forbes (British economist) Harrod, Sir Roy (British economist) Harrod-Domar equation (economics) Harrods (store, London, United Kingdom) Harrodsburg (Kentucky, United States) Harrodstown (Kentucky, United States) Harrogate (district, England, United Kingdom) Harrogate (England, United Kingdom) Harrouda (work by Ben Jelloun) Harroun, Ray (American race-car driver) Harrow (borough, London, United Kingdom) harrow (agriculture) harrow plow (agriculture) Harrow School (school, Harrow, London, United Kingdom) Harrsalz (mineral) Harry and Tonto (film by Mazursky [1974]) "Harry Brown" (film by Barber [2009]) Harry Flashman (fictional character) Harry of Wales, Prince (British prince) Harry Patch (In Memory Of) (song by Radiohead) Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir (dam, Missouri, United States) Harry S. Truman Library and Museum Harry the Minstrel (Scottish writer) Harryhausen, Ray (American special effects artist) Har?a (Indian emperor) Har?a Dynasty (Indian history) Har?acarita (work by Bana) Harsanyi, John C. (American economist) Harsanyi, John Charles (American economist) Harsch, Joseph Close (American journalist) Harsdörfer, Georg Philipp (German poet) Harsdorff, Caspar Frederik (Danish architect) Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp (German poet) Harsha (Indian emperor) Harshat Mata (temple, India) Harshavardhana (Indian emperor) Harshaw, Margaret (American singer) Harsusi (language) Hart (district, England, United Kingdom) Hart, Almira (American educator) Hart brothers (German critics and writers) Hart, Charles (British actor) Hart, Charley (American outlaw) Hart, Emily (British mistress) Hart, Emma (American educator) Hart, Gary (United States senator) Hart, John (British lexicographer) Hart, Johnny (American cartoonist) Hart, Julia Catherine Beckwith (Canadian author) Hart, Leon (American football player) Hart, Lorenz (American lyricist and librettist) Hart, Marvin (American boxer) Hart Memorial Trophy (sports award) Hart, Mickey (American musician) Hart, Moss (American playwright) Hart, Nancy (American Revolution heroine) Hart, Nancy (Confederate spy) Hart, Pro (Australian artist) Hart, Sir Robert, 1st Baronet (British statesman) Hart, Tony (American actor) Hart Trophy (sports award) Hart, William S. (American actor) Hartack, Bill (American jockey) Hartack, William John, Jr. (American jockey) hartal (Ceylonese labour strike) Harte, Bret (American writer) Harte, Francis Brett (American writer) hartebeest (mammal) Harteck, P. (German chemist) Hartel, Lis (Danish equestrian) Hartenfels Castle (castle, Torgau, Germany) Hartford (county, Connecticut, United States) Hartford (Connecticut, United States) Hartford Art School (university, Connecticut, United States) Hartford Convention (United States history) Hartford Courant (American newspaper) Hartford, John (American musician) Hartford, University of (university, Connecticut, United States) Hartford wits (American literary group) Harthacnut (king of Denmark and England) Hartigan, Grace (American painter) Hartington, Marquess of (British statesman) Hartington, Marquess of (prime minister of Great Britain) Hartlaub, Gustav F. (German art director) Hartle, James B. (American cosmologist) Hartleben, Otto Erich (German writer) Hartlepool (England, United Kingdom) Hartley (Zimbabwe) Hartley, Anne Jane (American dancer and actress) Hartley, David (British physician and philosopher) Hartley, David, the Younger (English politician and inventor) Hartley, L. P. (British writer and critic) Hartley, Leslie Poles (British writer and critic) Hartley, Marsden (American painter) Hartley, R. V. L. (American engineer) Hartley Seam (geological formation, England, United Kingdom) Hartley, Vivian Mary (British actress) Hartlib, Samuel (English educator) Hartline, Haldan Keffer (American physiologist) Hartling, Poul (Danish politician) Hartman, Geoffrey H. (American literary critic) Hartman, Phil (American actor) Hartmanis, Juris Varlejs (American mathematician and computer scientist) Hartmann, Carl Sadakichi (American art critic) Hartmann, Eduard von (German philosopher) Hartmann, Karl Robert Eduard von (German philosopher) Hartmann, Louis (American inventor) Hartmann, Nicolai (German philosopher) Hartmann, Philip Edward (American actor) Hartmann, Sadakichi (American art critic) Hartmann von Aue (German poet) Hartmann, William K. (American astronomer) Hartnup disease Hartog, Dirck (Dutch explorer) Hartog, Jan de (Dutch-American author) Hartpence, Gary Warren (United States senator) Hartree, Douglas R. (English physicist and mathematician) Hartree, Douglas Rayner (English physicist and mathematician) Hartree method (physics) Hartree-Fock equation (physics) Hartree-Fock method (physics) Hartsfield-Atlanta International Airport (airport, Atlanta, Georgia, United States) Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (airport, Atlanta, Georgia, United States) Hartshorne, Charles (American philosopher and theologian) Hartshorne, Hugh (American psychologist) Hartshorne, Richard (American geographer) Hartsock, Nancy (American philosopher) Hartsville (South Carolina, United States) Hartt School of Music (university, Connecticut, United States) Hartung, Hans (French painter) Hartung, Karl (sculptor) Hartwell, Leland H. (American scientist) Hartwick, Rose Alnora (American poet and writer) Hartwig, Eva Brigitta (German-American actress and dancer) Harty, Sir Hamilton (Irish musician) Harty, Sir Herbert Hamilton (Irish musician) Hartzell, Joseph C. (American bishop) Hartzenbusch, Juan Eugenio (Spanish writer) Hartzer, Marie-Louise (religious leader) Haru (work by Shimazaki Toson) "Haru no umi" (work by Miyagi) Haruj al-Aswad, Al- (plateau, Libya) Harukatsu (Japanese scholar) Harumi's Japanese Cooking: More than 75 Authentic and Contemporary Recipes from Japan's Most Popular Cooking Expert (book by Kurihara) Harun (biblical figure) Harun al-Rashid (?Abbasid caliph) Harun al-Rashid ibn Mu?ammad al-Mahdi ibn al-Man?ur al (?Abbasid caliph) haruspication (divination) haruspicy (divination) Harut and Marut (Islamic mythology) Harvard Annex (historical college, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Harvard classification system (astronomy) Harvard College Observatory (observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Harvard, John (British minister) Harvard Lampoon, The (American magazine) Harvard Mark I (computer technology) Harvard Oriental Series (work edited by Lanman) Harvard Psychedelic Drug Research Program Harvard Square (area, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Harvard system (astronomy) Harvard Theological Review (American publication) Harvard University (university, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Harvard University Law School (school, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Harvard University Library (library, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Harvard University Press (publisher, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (research institution, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Harvest (album by Young) harvest festival (religion) harvest fish (fish) Harvest Home (English festival) harvest moon (full moon) Harvest Moon (album by Young) Harvest Moon Festival (Korean holiday) harvest mouse (rodent) Harvest of Death, A (photograph by O'Sullivan) Harvest of Shame (American television program) Harvest Wagon, The (painting by Gainsborough) harvester (agriculture) harvester (butterfly) harvester ant Harvester case (Australian law) harvester's lung (pathology) Harvesters, The (painting by Bruegel) Harvesters, The (work by Pavese) harvesting (agriculture) Harvey (film by Koster [1950]) Harvey (play by Chase) Harvey, Anne (American poet) Harvey, David (American sociologist) Harvey, Fred (American restaurateur) Harvey, Frederick Henry (American restaurateur) Harvey, Gabriel (English writer) Harvey Girls, The (film by Sidney [1946]) Harvey, Hayward A. (American inventor) Harvey, Hayward Augustus (American inventor) Harvey House (American restaurant chain) Harvey, Jack (Scottish author) Harvey, Jean-Charles (Canadian author) Harvey Mudd College (college, Claremont, California, United States) Harvey, Neil (Australian athlete) Harvey, Paul (American broadcaster) Harvey, PJ (British singer-songwriter and guitarist) Harvey, Polly Jean (British singer-songwriter and guitarist) Harvey, Robert Neil (Australian athlete) Harvey, Sir John Martin (British actor and producer) Harvey, William (British physician) Harvey-Jones, Sir John Henry (British businessman) Harwell, Ernie (American sports broadcaster) Harwell, William Earnest (American sports broadcaster) Harwich (England, United Kingdom) Harwich (Massachusetts, United States) Harwood, Gwen (Australian author) Harwood, Richard Lee (American journalist) Háry János (work by Kodály) Haryana (state, India) Harz (mountains, Germany) Harz Journey, The (work by Heine) Harzburg Front (German political union) "Harzreise, Die" (work by Heine) Has, Wojciech Jerzy (Polish director) Hasa, Al- (province, Saudi Arabia) Hasa, Al- (oasis, Saudi Arabia) Hasa, Al- (region, Saudi Arabia) ?asakah, Al- (Syria) Hasakeh, Al- (Syria) ?asan (Buyid ruler) ?asan (grandson of Mu?ammad) Hasan Abdal (Pakistan) ?asan ad-Din (king of Macassar) ?asan al-?Askari (Shi?ah imam) ?asan al-Banna? (Egyptian religious leader) ?asan al-Ba?ri, al- (Muslim scholar) ?asan ?Ali Shah (Nizari imam) ?asan Bughra Khan (Turkic ruler) ?asan Buzurg (Mongol leader) ?asan Ga?gu (Bahmani ruler) Hasan ibn ?Ali ibn Abi ?alib (grandson of Mu?ammad) ?asan ibn Mu?ammad al-Wazzan al-Zayyati, al- (Islamic scholar) ?asan Kücük (Mongol Chupanid leader) ?asan madrasah (building, Cairo, Egypt) Hasan, Mount (mountain, Turkey) ?asan, Mu?ammad ibn ?Abd Allah (Somalian leader) ?asan, Mu?ammad ibn al- (king of Morocco) ?asan of Delhi (Indian author) Hasan Pasa (governor of Iraq) ?asan the Small (Mongol Chupanid leader) ?asan the Tall (Mongol leader) ?asan-e ?abba? (Islamic religious leader) Hasanlu (archaeological site, Iran) ?asanuyid Dynasty (Kurdish dynasty) ?asanwayhid Dynasty (Kurdish dynasty) "Hasard et la nécessité, Le" (book by Monod) ?a?bani (river, Lebanon) ?a?bayya (Lebanon) Hasbrouck House (museum, Newburgh, New York, United States) Hasbún, Francis Miguel (Salvadoran activist) Hasbún, Hato (Salvadoran activist) ?asdai ibn Shaprut (Spanish-Jewish physician and writer) Hasdeu, Bogdan Petriceicu (Romanian scholar) Hasdrubal (Greek philosopher) Hasdrubal (Carthaginian general [died 221 BC]) Hasdrubal (Carthaginian general [died 207 BC]) Hasdrubal (Carthaginian general [died circa 202 BC]) Hasegawa Tatsunosuke (Japanese author) Hasegawa Tohaku (Japanese painter) Hašek, Jaroslav (Czech writer) Hasel, Jan van (Dutch translator) Haselrig, Sir Arthur, 2nd Baronet (Scottish statesman) Hasenclever, Walter (German writer) hasheesh (drug) Hashemite (Islamic history) Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Hashiguchi Goyo (Japanese artist) Hashim, Banu (Quraysh clan) Hashim ibn ?akim (religious leader) Hashimite (Islamic history) Hashimiyah (Islamic sect) Hashimoto disease (pathology) Hashimoto Gaho (Japanese painter) Hashimoto Ryutaro (prime minister of Japan) Hashimoto Sentaro (Japanese painter) Hashimoto thyroiditis (pathology) hashish (drug) ?ashishiyyin (Islamic group) Hashr, Agha (Pakistani writer) ?ashshash sect (Islamic group) ?ashshashi (Islamic group) ?ashshashin (Islamic group) ?asi, Tel (archaeological site, Israel) Hasidean (ancient Jewish sect) ?asidim (ancient Jewish sect) ?asidism (medieval Jewish religious movement) Hasidism (modern Jewish religious movement) hasina (Indonesian religious belief) Hasina Wazed, Sheikh (prime minister of Bangladesh) Haskala (Judaic movement) Haskalah (Judaic movement) Haskins, Charles Homer (American educator) Haskins, Don (American college basketball coach) Haskins, Donald L. (American college basketball coach) Haskovo (Bulgaria) Haslemere (England, United Kingdom) Hasluck, Sir Paul Meernaa Caedwalla (Australian politician) Hasmonaean dynasty (Judaean dynasty) Hasmonean dynasty (Judaean dynasty) Hasmoneus (Jewish leader) Hasner, Leopold, Ritter von Artha (Austrian prime minister) Hass, Robert (American poet and translator) Hassaka, Al- (Syria) Hassam, Childe (American painter) Hassam, Frederick Childe (American painter) Hassan (India) Hassan Abdal (Pakistan) Hassan I (sultan of Morocco) ?assan ibn al-Nu?man (Arab general) ?assan ibn Thabit (Arabian poet) Hassan II (king of Morocco) Hassan II Agriculture and Veterinary Institute (Rabat, Morocco) Hassan, Mohammed Abdullah (Somalian leader) Hassan, Muhammad Farah (Somalian faction leader) Hassan, Sir Joshua Abraham (Gibraltar politician) ?assani (Mauritanian social class) ?assaniyyah (Moorish language) hassapikos (folk dance) Hasse, Ernst (German nationalist) Hasse, Faustina (Italian opera singer) Hasse, Johann Adolph (German composer) Hassel, Odd (Norwegian chemist) Hasselbach, Karl (Danish biochemist) Hasselbeck, Matt (American football player) Hasselblad, Mother Elisabeth (Catholic nun) Hasselburg, Frederick (Australian sealer) Hasselquist, Tufve Nilsson (Swedish minister) Hasselt (Belgium) Hasselt, André Henri Constant van (Belgian poet) Hasselt, André van (Belgian poet) Hassenpflug, Hans Daniel Ludwig Friedrich (German politician) Hassett, Arthur Lindsay (Australian cricketer) Hassi Messaoud (oil field, Algeria) Hassi R?Mel (Algeria) hassium (chemical element) Hassler, Hans Leo (German composer) "hässliche Herzogin, Die" (work by Feuchtwanger) Hasso, Signe (Swedish actress) Hasso, Signe Eleonora Cecilia Larsson (Swedish actress) Hassuna (ancient city, Iraq) Hassuna Period (archaeology) ?assuna-Samarra? Period (archaeology) ?assunah, ?Abd al-Khaliq (Egyptian diplomat) ?assunah, Mu?ammad ?Abd al-Khaliq (Egyptian diplomat) hasta (weapon) Hastinapura (archaeological site, India) Hastings (New Zealand) Hastings (district, England, United Kingdom) Hastings (England, United Kingdom) Hastings (Minnesota, United States) Hastings (Nebraska, United States) Hastings, Battle of Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, 1st marquess of, 2nd earl of Moira (British colonial administrator) Hastings, Frank Abney (British naval officer) Hastings, James (Scottish clergyman) Hastings, Lady Flora (British aristocrat) Hastings magnifier Hastings, Warren (British colonial administrator) Hastings, William Hastings, Baron (English soldier and diplomat) hastingsite (mineral) Hastividyarama (handbook) Hasty Pudding (work by Barlow) Haswell, Susanna (American author and actress) HASYLAB (physics laboratory, Hamburg, Germany) hat hat a dao (music) Hat Act (British law) hat bo (Vietnamese opera) hat boi (Vietnamese opera) hat cheo (Vietnamese theatre) Hat Party (political party, Sweden) hat tuong (Vietnamese opera) Hat Yai (Thailand) Hata Tsutomu (prime minister of Japan) hatamoto (Japanese vassal) Hatano (Japan) Hatano Seiichi (Japanese scholar) Hatay (Turkey) Hatch Act (United States [1887]) Hatch Act (United States [1939]) Hatch, Orrin G. (American politician) Hatch, Orrin Grant (American politician) Hatchepsut (ruler of Egypt) Hatcher, Charles Edwin (American musician) Hatcher, J. B. (American paleontologist) Hatcher, Richard G. (American politician) hatchery (commercial fishing) hatchetfish Hatchett, Charles (British chemist) hatching (biology) hatching (drawing technique) Hatchlands (house, Surrey, England, United Kingdom) hatchment (heraldry) hate crime (law) Hatea language Hatfield (England, United Kingdom) Hatfield, Bobby (American singer) Hatfield Chase (region, England, United Kingdom) Hatfield family (American family) Hatfield House (historic house, England, United Kingdom) Hatfield, Hurd (American actor) Hatfield, Robert Lee (American singer) Hatfield, William Rukard Hurd (American actor) Hatfields and McCoys (American family feud) Hatful of Hollow (album by the Smiths) Hatha Yoga Hathaway, Anne (wife of Shakespeare) Hatherly, Ana (Portuguese poet) Hathor (Egyptian goddess) Hathor, Temple of (temple, Dandarah, Egypt) Hathras (India) Hathwey, Agnes (wife of Shakespeare) Hatia Islands (island cluster, Bangladesh) hatif (Arabian mythology) Hatiora gaertneri (plant) Hatiora rosea (plant) Hatoyama Ichiro (prime minister of Japan) Hatoyama Yukio (prime minister of Japan) hatpin (ornament) hatpin urchin (echinoid) Hatra (ancient city, Iraq) Hats (political party, Sweden) Hatsa language Hatschek's pit (anatomy) Hatshepsut (ruler of Egypt) Hatshepsut, temple of (temple, Dayr al-Ba?ri) Hatsopoulos, George N. (American scientist) Hatt-i Hümayun (Ottoman Empire [1856]) Hatta, Mohammad (Indonesian politician) Hattala, Martin (Slovak scholar) ?a??a?t (Judaic ritual) Háttatal (Icelandic literature) Hatteras Abyssal Plain (submarine plain, Atlantic Ocean) Hatteras, Cape (cape, North Carolina, United States) Hatteras Island (island, North Carolina, United States) Hatter's Castle (work by Cronin) Hattian (ancient people) Hattian language Hattian religion Hattic language Hattiesburg (Mississippi, United States) ?a??in, Battle of (Middle Eastern history) Hattina (ancient city, Turkey) Hatto I (archbishop of Mainz) Hatton, John Liptrot (British composer) Hatton, Ragnhild Marie Hanssen (Norwegian historian) Hatton, Ricky (British boxer) Hatton, Sir Christopher (English noble) Hattusa (Turkey) Hattusas (Turkey) Hattusha (Turkey) Hattusilis I (Hittite king) Hattusilis III (Hittite king) ?atuna (Jewish marriage rite) haty (ancient Egyptian religion) Hatzfeld, Adolphe (French linguist) Hatzfeldt, Melchior, Graf von Gleichen und (German field marshal) Hatzfeldt, Sophie (German countess) Hatzidakis, George (Greek linguist) Hatzidakis, Georgios N. (Greek linguist) Hau Giang River (river, Vietnam) Hau, Lene Vestergaard (Danish scientist) hauberk (armour) Hauch, Johannes Carsten (Danish author) Haud Plateau (plateau, East Africa) hauda (carriage) Hauer, Barbara (American patriot) Hauer, Josef (Austrian composer) haufe (military formation) Häufebecher (metalwork) Haufendörfer (German village) Hauff, Wilhelm (German writer) Haug, Émile (French geologist) Haug, Gustave-Émile (French geologist) Haug, Thorleif (Norwegian skier) Hauge, Alfred (Norwegian writer) Hauge, Hans Nielsen (Norwegian religious leader) Haugen, Greg (American boxer) Haugesund (Norway) Haughey, Charles (prime minister of Ireland) Haughton, Billy (American jockey) Haughton, Percy Duncan (American football coach) Haughton, William R. (American jockey) Haughwout Department Store (building, New York City, New York, United States) Haugland, Knut Magne (Norwegian soldier and adventurer) Haugtussa (work by Garborg) Haugwitz, Christian, Count von (Prussian minister and diplomat) Haugwitz, Friedrich Wilhelm von (Austrian count) Hauhau (Maori cult) Hauksbee, Francis, the Elder (English scientist) Hauksbee, Francis, the Younger (English scientist) haulage (materials technology) haulyard (ship part) hauma (Zoroastrianism) Haumea (dwarf planet) haunching (construction) Hau'ofa, Epeli (Tongan writer) Haupe, Wlodzimierz (Polish animator) Haupt, Herman (American engineer) Haupt, Moritz (German philologist) Haupt-und-Staatsaktionen (German theatre) Hauptman, Herbert A. (American mathematician and crystallographer) Hauptman, Herbert Aaron (American mathematician and crystallographer) Hauptmann, Bruno (American convict) Hauptmann, Bruno Richard (American convict) Hauptmann, Gerhart (German writer) Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert (German writer) Hauptmann, Moritz (German composer) "Hauptmann von Köpenick, Der" (work by Zuckmayer) Hauptschluss (German history) Hauptschule (German education) Hauptwerk (musical instrument structure) Hauraki Gulf (gulf, New Zealand) Haurame, Jean Duvergier de (French abbot) Hauran (region, Syria) Hauriou, Maurice-Jean-Claude-Eugène (French political scientist) Haurvatat (Zoroastrianism) Haury, Emil W. (American anthropologist and archaeologist) Haury, Emil Walter (American anthropologist and archaeologist) Haus der Ritter des Hospitals Sankt Marien der Deutschen zu Jerusalem (religious order) Hausa (people) Hausa Bakwai (historical region, Africa) Hausa language Hausa literature Hausa states (historical region, Africa) Hausaland (historical region, Africa) Hausbuch (work by Master of the Housebook) Hausbuch, Master of the (German painter and engraver) Hausbuchmeister (German painter and engraver) Hausbuchs, Meister des (German painter and engraver) Hausdorff space (mathematics) Hausdorff topology (mathematics) hausen (fish) Hauser, Kaspar (German youth) Hauser, Kaspar (German writer) Haushofer, Karl Ernst (German officer and political geographer) Hausmalerei (pottery painting) Hausmann, Raoul (Austrian photographer) hausmannite (mineral) "Hauspostille, Die" (work by Brecht) Hausser, Paul (German military officer) Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, Baron (French civil servant) Haussmann, Jacques (American actor and producer) haustorium (biology) haustra (anatomy) Haut Atlas (mountains, Morocco) Haut, Conseil d'en (French political body) Haut Plateau (region, North Africa) Haut Poitou (region, France) haut subsonique optiquement téléguidé tiré d'un tube (weapon) hautbois (musical instrument) hautbois baryton (musical instrument) hautboy (musical instrument) haute couture (fashion) haute cuisine (gastronomy) haute école (horsemanship) Haute-Garonne (department, France) haute-lisse (textiles) Haute-Loire (department, France) Haute-Marne (department, France) Haute-Normandie (region, France) Haute-Saône (department, France) Haute-Savoie (department, France) Haute-Vienne (department, France) Haute-Volta, République de Hauteclocque, Philippe-Marie, vicomte de (French general) Hautefeuille, Jean de (French physicist) Hauterivian Stage (geology) Hautes-Alpes (department, France) Hautes-Pyrénées (department, France) Hauteurs de la ville, Les (work by Roblès) Hauteville, Dreu de (count of Apulia) Hauteville, Drogo de (count of Apulia) Hauteville, Guillaume de (Norman mercenary) Hauteville, House of (line of Norman lords) Hauteville, Humphrey de (Norman mercenary) Hauteville, Onfroi de (Norman mercenary) Hauteville, Robert de (duke of Apulia) Hauteville, Tancred of (regent of Antioch) Hauteville, Tancrède de (regent of Antioch) Hauteville, William de (Norman mercenary) Hauts Plateaux (region, North Africa) Hauts-de-Seine (department, France) Haüy, René-Just (French mineralogist) Haüy, Valentin (French educator) haüyne (mineral) haüynite (mineral) Hauz-Khan Reservoir (reservoir, Turkmenistan) HAV Hava nagila (song) Hávamál (Icelandic poem) Havana (Cuba) Havana, Cathedral of (cathedral, Havana, Cuba) Havana Charter (international relations) Havana Company (Cuban company) Havana Cubans (baseball team) Havana, University of (university, Havana, Cuba) Havanas in Camelot (essays by Styron) Havant (district, England, United Kingdom) Havant (England, United Kingdom) Havard-Williams, Peter (Welsh librarian) Hávardar saga (Icelandic saga) Havasupai (people) Havdala (Jewish ceremony) Havdalah (Jewish ceremony) Have a Little Faith (album by Staples) Have Gun-Will Travel (American television program) Havel River (river, Germany) Havel, Václav (president of Czech Republic) Havelange, Jean-Marie Faustin Godefroid de (Brazilian businessman and sports official) Havelange, João (Brazilian businessman and sports official) Havell, E. B. (Indian artist) Havell, Robert, Jr. (American painter) Havelli (people) Havelock (Swaziland) Havelock, Eric (scholar) Havelock, Sir Henry (British soldier) Havelok the Dane, The Lay of (Middle English verse romance) Havens, Richie (American musician) Haverford College (college, Haverford, Pennsylvania, United States) Haverfordwest (Wales, United Kingdom) Haverhill (Massachusetts, United States) haverhill fever (pathology) Havering (borough, London, United Kingdom) Haverkamp, Sigebertus (Dutch scholar) haversian system (anatomy) Haviland Crater (crater, Kansas, United States) Haviland ware (pottery) Havilland, Olivia de (American actress) Havilland, Olivia Mary de (American actress) Havilland, Sir Geoffrey De (British aircraft designer) Havírov (Czech Republic) Havlícek Borovský, Karel (Czech writer) Havlicek, John (American athlete) Havoc (aircraft) Havoc (work by Kristensen) Havoc (Soviet helicopter) Havoc, June (Canadian-born American actress) Havre (Montana, United States) Havre-Saint-Pierre (Quebec, Canada) Havrevold, Finn (Norwegian author) haw (anatomy) haw (plant) Haw (Chinese bandits) Haw-Haw, Lord (English-language propagandist) Hawaii (state, United States) Hawaii (archipelago, Pacific Ocean) Hawaii (island, Hawaii, United States) Hawai'i (island, Hawaii, United States) Hawaii, College of (university, Hawaii, United States) Hawaii Five-O (American television program) Hawaii, flag of (United States state flag) Hawaii Islands (state, United States) Hawai'i One Summer (work by Kingston) Hawaii, University of (university, Hawaii, United States) Hawaii, University of (university, Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States) Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (park, Hawaii, United States) Hawaiian (people) Hawaiian aholehole (fish) Hawaiian Creole English (dialect) Hawaiian duck (bird) Hawaiian eruption (volcanism) Hawaiian goose (bird) Hawaiian guitar (musical instrument) Hawaiian high (meteorology) Hawaiian honeycreeper (bird) Hawaiian Ironman (triathlon) Hawaiian Islands (state, United States) Hawaiian language Hawaiian monk seal (mammal) Hawaiian region (faunal region) Hawaiian Ridge (ridge, Pacific Ocean) Hawaiian sling (weapon) Hawaiki (mythological land) hawala (money exchange system) ?awali, Safar al- (Saudi Arabian cleric) ?awamim (Islam) ?awar (Kurdish publication) ?awar Islands (islands, Bahrain) Hawara, Pyramid of (pyramid, Egypt) Hawarden (Wales, United Kingdom) Hawarden Castle (castle, Wales, United Kingdom) Hawaryat, Girmacchaw Takla (Ethiopian author) Hawash River (river, Ethiopia) Hawass, Zahi (Egyptian archaeologist and official) ?awatimah, Nayif (Palestinian politician) Hawatmeh, Naif (Palestinian politician) Hawatmeh, Nayif (Palestinian politician) Hawazin (Arab tribe) Hawd Plateau (plateau, East Africa) Hawea Lake (lake, New Zealand) Hawera (New Zealand) Hawes, Harriet Ann Boyd (American archaeologist) Hawes, Josiah Johnson (American photographer) Hawes, Stephen (English poet and courtier) ?awi, Khalil (Lebanese poet) Hawick (Scotland, United Kingdom) Hawiye (Somali clan family) hawk (bird) Hawk (missile) Hawk (monoplane) Hawk, Anthony Frank (American skateboarder) hawk eagle (bird) Hawk in the Rain, The (work by Hughes) hawk moth (insect) Hawk: Occupation: Skateboarder (book by Hawk and Mortimer) hawk owl (bird) Hawk, Tony (American skateboarder) ?awkam (Arabian deity) Hawke Bay (bay, New Zealand) Hawke, Bob (prime minister of Australia) Hawke, Ethan (American actor, director, and novelist) Hawke of Towton, Edward Hawke, 1st Baron (British admiral) Hawke, Robert (prime minister of Australia) Hawke, Robert James Lee (prime minister of Australia) Hawker Harrier (airplane) Hawker Hurricane (airplane) Hawker Siddeley Dove (British aircraft) Hawker Siddeley Group PLC (British corporation) Hawker Siddeley Harrier (airplane) Hawker Typhoon (British aircraft) Hawke's Bay (region, New Zealand) Hawkes, John (American author) Hawkes, John Clendennin Burne, Jr. (American author) Hawkesbury of Hawkesbury, Charles Jenkinson, Baron (British politician) Hawkesbury of Hawkesbury, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Baron (prime minister of United Kingdom) Hawkesbury River (river, Australia) Hawkesworth, John (English writer) Hawkesworth, John Stanley (British producer) Hawkeye (fictional character) hawkfish (fish) hawking Hawking radiation (astronomy) Hawking, Stephen W. (British physicist) Hawking, Steven William (British physicist) Hawkins, Coleman (American musician) Hawkins, Dale (American songwriter and singer) Hawkins, Delmar Allen, Jr. (American songwriter and singer) Hawkins, Erick (American dancer) Hawkins, Erskine (American musician) Hawkins, Frederick (American dancer) Hawkins, Gerald (American astronomer) Hawkins, Jamesetta (American singer) Hawkins, Ronnie (American musician) Hawkins, Screamin' Jay (American singer) Hawkins, Sir Anthony Hope (English author) Hawkins, Sir John (British magistrate and author) Hawkins, Sir John (English naval commander) Hawkins, Sir John Isaac (American piano maker) Hawkins, Sir Richard (English seaman) Hawkins, Waterhouse (British artist) hawkmoth (insect) Hawks, Howard (American director) Hawks, Howard Winchester (American director) Hawks, the (American rock group) hawk's-eye (gemstone) Hawksbee, Francis, the Elder (English scientist) Hawksbill (mountain, Virginia, United States) hawksbill (turtle) Hawksbill Creek Agreement (Bahamian history) Hawkshaw, Sir John (British engineer) Hawksmoor, Nicholas (British architect) hawkweed (plant) Hawkwood, Sir John (Anglo-Italian mercenary) Hawkyns, Sir John (English naval commander) Hawkyns, Sir Richard (English seaman) Hawley, Amos (American sociologist) Hawley, Elizabeth (British historian) Hawley, Willis (American politician) Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act (United States [1930]) ?awmat al-Suq (Tunisia) Hawn, Goldie (American actress and producer) Hawn, Goldie Jeanne (American actress and producer) Haworth (England, United Kingdom) Haworth, Sir Norman (British chemist) Haworth, Sir Walter Norman (British chemist) hawr (swamp) ?awra? (Islam) ?awran (region, Syria) Hawrani, Akram al- (Syrian politician) Hawtah, Al- (Yemen) hawthorn (plant) Hawthorn Football Club (Australian football team) Hawthorn Hawks (Australian football team) Hawthorn, John Michael (British automobile racer) Hawthorn, Mike (British automobile racer) Hawthorne effect (socioeconomics) Hawthorne, Nathaniel (American writer) Hawthorne research (socioeconomics) Hawthorne, Rose (Roman Catholic nun) Hawthorne, Sir Nigel Barnard (British actor) Hawtrey, Sir Ralph George (British economist) Hawwa? (Egyptian women's magazine) Haxamanish (Persian ruler of Parsumash) "Häxan" (film by Christensen) Haxby, William F. (geophysicist) Haxey, Thomas (English statesman) Hay (New South Wales, Australia) hay (animal feed) Hay (people) hay bacillus (bacterium) hay cuber (agriculture) hay fever (pathology) Hay Fever (play by Coward) Hay, Francis (Scottish noble) Hay, George Dewey (American music promoter) Hay, Harry, Jr. (American activist) Hay, John Milton (United States statesman) Hay, Lucy (English conspirator) hay mower-conditioner (agriculture) Hay, Oliver Perry (American paleontologist) Hay River (Northwest Territories, Canada) Hay, Sir Gilbert (Scottish translator) Hay, Timothy (American writer) hay tower (agriculture) Hay Wain (painting by Bosch) Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty (United States-Panama [1903]) Hay-Herrán Treaty (United States-Colombia [1903]) Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (United States-United Kingdom [1900-01]) Haya (people) haya (tree) Haya de la Torre, Víctor Raúl (Peruvian political theorist) Hayabusa (Japanese spacecraft) Hayachine-san (mountain, Japan) Hayagriva (Buddhist god) Hayakawa, S. I. (United States senator) Hayakawa, Samuel Ichiyé (United States senator) Hayali Bey (poet) Hayam Wuruk (ruler of Majapahit) Hayami Masaru (Japanese banker and business executive) HaYarden (river, Middle East) hayashi (Japanese music) Hayashi Fumiko (Japanese author) Hayashi Hiromori (Japanese musician) Hayashi Nobukatsu (Japanese scholar) Hayashi Razan (Japanese scholar) Hayashi Senjuro (prime minister of Japan) Hayashi Shihei (Japanese military strategist) Hayashi Tadasu, Count (Japanese diplomat) Hayastan Hayastani Hanrapetut'yun Hay?at al-?alam (work by Ibn al-Haytham) ?ayat al-?ayawan (encyclopaedia by ad-Damiri) Haycraft, Anna Margaret Lindholm (British author and editor) haydamak (Ukrainian peasantry) ?aydar, Shaykh (?afavid leader) Haydarabad (Pakistan) Hayden, Carl Trumbull (American political leader) Hayden, Ferdinand Vandiveer (American geologist) Hayden, Melissa (American ballet dancer) Hayden, Robert (American poet) Hayden, Robert Earl (American poet) Hayden, Sophia (American architect) Hayden, Tom (United States politician) Hayden's Ferry (Arizona, United States) Haydn, Franz Joseph (Austrian composer) Haydn, Johann Michael (German musician) Haydn, Joseph (Austrian composer) Haydn, Michael (German musician) Haydon, Benjamin Robert (English painter and writer) Haye, La (Netherlands) Haye, Sir Gilbert of the (Scottish translator) Hayek, F. A. (British economist) Hayek, Friedrich A. (British economist) Hayek, Friedrich August von (British economist) Hayek, Friedrich von (British economist) Hayek, Nicolas George (Lebanese-born Swiss entrepreneur) Hayek, Salma (Mexican-Lebanese actress, director, and producer) Hayek-Jiminez, Salma (Mexican-Lebanese actress, director, and producer) Hayeren Hayes, Bob (American athlete) Hayes, "Bullet" Bob (American athlete) Hayes, Denis (American environmentalist) Hayes, Elvin (American basketball player) Hayes, Elvin Ernest (American basketball player) Hayes, Helen (American actress) Hayes, Isaac (American singer-songwriter, musician, and actor) Hayes, Isaac Israel (American explorer) Hayes, James (American calligrapher) Hayes, John (British military officer) Hayes, John Joseph (American athlete) Hayes, John Michael, Jr. (American screenwriter) Hayes, Lucy (American first lady) Hayes, Patrick Joseph (archbishop of New York) Hayes, Peter Lind (American entertainer) Hayes River (river, Canada) Hayes, Robert Lee (American athlete) Hayes, Rutherford B. (president of United States) Hayes, Rutherford Birchard (president of United States) Hayes sonic depth finder (measurement device) Hayes, Wayne Woodrow (American football coach) Hayes, Woody (American football coach) Hayes-Tilden affair (United States history) Hayfield, The (painting by Bastien-Lepage) Hayford, John Fillmore (American engineer and geodesist) Hayhanen, Reino (Soviet spy) Hayk (people) Haykal, Mu?ammad ?usayn (Egyptian writer) Hayley, William (English poet and biographer) Hayman Island (island, Coral Sea) Hayman-Joyce, Anna Valetta (American painter) Haymarket Riot (United States history) Haymarket Theatre (theatre, London, United Kingdom) Haymerle, Heinrich, Baron von (Austrian diplomat) Haynau, Julius Jacob, Freiherr von (Austrian general) Hayne, Paul Hamilton (American poet) Hayne, Robert Young (American politician) Haynes Automobile Company (American company) Haynes, Desmond (West Indian cricketer) Haynes, Desmond Leo (West Indian cricketer) Haynes, Elwood (American industrialist) Haynes, Henry Doyle (American entertainer) Haynes, Homer (American entertainer) Haynes, Johnny (English athlete) Haynes, Lemuel (American clergyman) Haynes, Todd (American screenwriter and director) Haynes-Apperson Company (American company) Haynesville (Tennessee, United States) Haynie, Sandra (American golfer) Hayq (people) Hays (Kansas, United States) Hays, Arthur Garfield (American lawyer) Hays, Lee (American musician) Hays, Mary Ludwig (American patriot) Hays Office (United States history) Hays Production Code Hays, Will H. (American politician) Hays, William Harrison (American politician) Haysbert, Raymond Victor (American businessman) haystack hill (geological formation) Haystack Observatory (observatory, Westford, Massachusetts, United States) Haystacks (paintings by Monet) Hayter, Stanley William (British artist) Hayton (king of Little Armenia) Hayton, Lennie (American composer and sound man) Hayward (California, United States) Hayward (Wisconsin, United States) Hayward Fault (fault, California) Hayward Gallery (art gallery, London, United Kingdom) Hayward, Nathaniel M. (American inventor) Hayward, Susan (American actress) Haywood, Eliza (British author) Haywood, Spencer (American basketball player) Haywood, William D. (American labour leader) Haywood, William Dudley (American labour leader) Hayworth, Rita (American actress) ?ayy ibn yaq?an (work by Ibn ?ufayl) "?ayy ibn Yaq?an by Ibn ?ufayl" (work by Ibn ?ufayl) ?ayyim ben Isaac (Lithuanian teacher) Hayyuj, Judah (Spanish-Jewish grammarian) haz de leña, El (work by Núñez de Arce) Haza Bölcse, A (Hungarian statesman) Haza, Ofra (Israeli singer) Hazael (king of Damascus) ?azan (ecclesiastical official) Hazar, Lake (lake, Turkey) ?azara (people) ?azarajat (region, Afghanistan) Hazard (Kentucky, United States) hazard (dice game) hazard (insurance) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system (food processing) Hazard of New Fortunes, A (novel by Howells) Hazard, Paul (French critic) Hazard, Paul-Gustave-Marie-Camille (French critic) hazardous materials (law) hazardous waste hazardous-waste management Hazare, Vijay (Indian athlete) "Hazari, al-" (work by Judah ha-Levi) Hazaribag (India) Hazaribag Wildlife Sanctuary (park, India) Hazaribagh National Park (park, India) haze (meteorology) Haze Famine (Icelandic history) Hazel (television program) hazel (tree) Hazel Bishop, Inc. (American company) Hazeltine, Alan (American engineer and physicist) Hazeltine, Louis Alan (American engineer and physicist) Hazelwood, Joseph J. (American ship captain) hazer (rodeo) ?azin (Persian poet) Hazleton (Pennsylvania, United States) Hazlewood, Lee (American musician and record producer) Hazlitt, William (British writer) Hazor (Israel) Hazrat (Kazakhstan) Hazrat Babajan (Muslim religious leader) Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali (Sundarbans leader) ?azzan (ecclesiastical official) Hazzard, Shirley (American author)

| Hb A (biochemistry) ... head-to-tail coupling | headache ... Hearst, William Randolph, Jr. | heart ... heat-seeking missile | heat-sensitive device ... Hébertist | Hébertiste ... hedging | Hedi ... Heiden, Eric Arthur | Heidenstam, Carl Gustaf Verner von ... Heinrich von Andernach | Heinrich von dem Türlin ... Helene | Helenium ... Helix albolabris | Helix aspersa ... Helmert, Friedrich R. | helmet ... Helxine soleiroli

| Hélyot, Hippolyte ... Hemligheter på vägen | hemlock ... Henderson, Arthur | Henderson, Cam ... Henri de Hainaut | Henri de Navarre ... Henry of Bavaria | Henry of Blois ... Henzada | Henze, Hans Werner ... Heracleon | Heracleonas ... Hercolani, Giuliantonio | Herculaneum ... Heriot-Watt University | Heris carpet ... Hermopolis Parva | Hermosillo ... Herondas | heronry ... Hershey, A. D. | Hershey, Alfred Day ... hesperidium | Hesperiidae ... heterogenesis | Hétérogénie ... Heusser, Johanna | Heutsz, Johannes Benedictus van ... Heyne, C. G. | Heyrovský, Jaroslav ...

Hi dhe shpuzë (work by Frashëri) Hi Records (American record label) hi-fi system hi-hat (musical instrument) Hi-no-kami (Japanese deity) Hialeah (Florida, United States) Hialeah Park (race track, Hialeah, Florida, United States) hiatal hernia (pathology) hiatus (prosody) Hiawatha (legendary Mohawk chief) Hiba arborvitae (plant) Hibbard, Hall (American engineer) Hibbat Zion (Zionist organization) Hibbat Ziyyon (Zionist organization) Hibbert, Eleanor Alice (British author) Hibbert, Frederick (Jamaican singer) Hibbert Journal (British magazine) Hibbert, Oscar (Jamaican singer) Hibbert, Toots (Jamaican singer) Hibbertia (plant genus) Hibbertia scandens (plant) Hibbing (Minnesota, United States) Hibbler, Albert (American singer) “Hibbur ha-Meshihah ve-ha-Tishboret” (work by Abraham bar Hiyya) hibernaculum (hibernation den) hibernation (zoology) Hibernicus, Oceanus (sea, Atlantic Ocean) Hiberno-Saxon style (art) Hiberus River (river, Spain) Hibis (oasis, Egypt) hibiscus (plant) Hibiscus (plant) Hibiscus cannabinus (plant) Hibiscus esculentus (plant) hibiscus family (plant family) Hibiscus moschatus (plant) hibiscus order (plant order) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (plant) Hibiscus sabdariffa (plant) Hibiscus syriacus (Hibiscus syriacus) Hibiscus trionum (plant) hibonite (mineral) ?ibr, al- (Companion of Mu?ammad) Hicaz Demiryolu (railway, Middle East) hiccough (physiology) hiccup (physiology) hichiriki (musical instrument) Hick, John (British philosopher) Hickenlooper, Lucy Mary Olga Agnes (American musician) Hickey, James Aloysius Cardinal (American cardinal) Hickey, Margarita (Spanish author) Hicklin v. Regina (law case) Hickman, Clarence N. (American scientist) Hickok, James Butler (American frontiersman) Hickok, Wild Bill (American frontiersman) Hickory (North Carolina, United States) hickory (plant) hickory nut (plant) hickory shad (fish) Hickory Tavern (North Carolina, United States) Hickox, Richard (British conductor) Hicks and Sawyer Minstrels (American theatrical company) Hicks Beach, Sir Michael Edward, 9th Baronet (British statesman) Hicks, David Nightingale (British interior decorator) Hicks, Edward (American painter) Hicks, Elias (American minister) Hicks, Granville (American critic) Hicks, Robert (American civil rights activist) Hicks, Sir Edward Seymour (British dramatist) Hicks, Sir John R. (British economist) Hicks, Sir John Richard (British economist) Hicks, Tony (British musician) Hicks, William (British general) Hicksite (religious group) Hickson, Joan (British actress) Hicksville (New York, United States) ?ida?, al- (Arabic song form) Hida Range (mountain range, Japan) Hida-Sammyaku (mountain range, Japan) Hidaka Range (mountain range, Japan) Hidaka-Sammyaku (mountain range, Japan) Hidalga, Lorenzo de la (Spanish architect) hidalgo (Spanish nobility) Hidalgo (state, Mexico) Hidalgo (county, New Mexico, United States) Hidalgo (county, Texas, United States) Hidalgo (asteroid) Hidalgo del Parral (Mexico) Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel (Mexican leader) Hidatsa (people) “Hidayah ila-fara? id al-qulub, Al-” (work by Bahya) Hidayat, Sadiq (Iranian author) Hidayatpur (India) ?idd, Al- (Bahrain) Hiddekel (river, Middle East) Hidden Agenda (film by Loach [1990]) Hidden Dangers of Land Mines (land mine) Hidden Hills (California, United States) Hidden Imam (Shi?ite imam) hidden line (drafting) hidden mass (astronomy) hidden spina bifida (congenital disorder) hidden surface elimination (computer science) hidden symmetry (physics) hidden treasure (law) hidden variable (quantum mechanics) hiddenite (mineral) hide (animal skin) hide (English land unit) Hide and Seek (poem by Ryan) hide beetle (insect) Hide, Dubhighlas de (president of Ireland) hide glue (coating) hide grease (lubricant) Hide, Sir Nicholas (chief justice of England) hide-and-seek (game) Hidetsuru (Japanese actor) Hidetsuru Style (Kabuki acting) hiding pigment (chemistry) hidiv (Egyptian title) Hidroeléctrica de Cabora Bassa (dam and hydroelectric facility, Mozambique) Hiei, Mount (mountain, Japan) Hiei-zan (mountain, Japan) Hiei-zan (monastery, Japan) Hielm, Jonas Anton (Norwegian politician) hiemal period (season) Hiemer, Franz Karl (German artist) Hiempsal (Numidian leader) Hien Vuong (Vietnamese ruler) Hieorglyphic Luwian (language) Hiera (island, Italy) Hiera Anagraphe (work by Euhemerus) Hieraaetus fasciatus (bird) Hieracium (plant) Hierakonpolis (ancient city, Egypt) Hierapolis (ancient city, Syria) Hierapolis (ancient Phrygian city) hierarchic scale (sculpture) hierarchical database (computing) hierarchical file structure (computing) hierarchical model (computing) hierarchy (psychology) hierarchy control (control system) hierarchy of sets (mathematics) hieratic numeral (mathematics) hieratic script (writing system) hieratic style (art) Hiereiai tes Heras en Argei (work by Hellanicus of Lesbos) Hiero (work by Xenophon) Hierocles of Alexandria (Egyptian philosopher) hierogamy (Celtic religion) hieroglyph Hieroglyphic Stairway (archaeological structure, Maya city, Honduras) hieroglyphic writing Hieroglyphica (work by Horapollon) hieroglyphics Hieroi Logoi (Pythagorean writings) hieromnemon (Greek official) Hieron I (tyrant of Syracuse) Hieron II (tyrant and king of Syracuse) “Hieronimo” (work by Kyd) Hieronymus (ruler of Syracuse) Hieronymus, Count Colloredo (Austrian prince and archbishop) Hieronymus de Brescia (Italian painter) Hieronymus, Eusebius (Christian scholar) Hieronymus Fracastorius (Italian physician) Hieronymus of Cardia (Greek historian) hierophant (Greek priest) hierophantes (Greek priest) hierophany (religion) hieros gamos (primitive religion) Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) Hierro, José (Spanish poet) Hierta, Hans (Swedish politician) Hierta, Lars Johan (Swedish politician and journalist) Hiesey, Elaine (American scholar) Higashi-Murayama (Japan) Higashi-Osaka (Japan) Higashikuni Naruhiko (prime minister of Japan) Higashiyama period (cultural era) Higden, Ranulf (British historian) Higgensen, Doris (American singer) Higginbotham, Aloysius Leon, Jr. (United States jurist and scholar) Higgins, Alex (Northern Irish snooker player) Higgins, Alexander Gordon (Northern Irish snooker player) Higgins, Alexander Pearce (British lawyer) Higgins, Andrew (American businessman) Higgins, Billy (American musician) Higgins boat (naval craft) Higgins, George Vincent (American author) Higgins, Henry (fictional character) Higgins, Hurricane (Northern Irish snooker player) Higgins, Margaret Louisa (American social reformer) Higgins, Robert (American baseball player) Higginson, Lynda (British journalist) Higginson, Thomas Wentworth (American social reformer) Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Storrow (American social reformer) higgledy-piggledy (literature) Higgs boson (physics) Higgs field (physics) Higgs mechanism (physics) Higgs particle (physics) Higgs, Peter (British physicist) high (meteorology) High Adventure (work by Hillary) High Alemannic (German language) high alumina cement high aluminum cement High and Low Prices (work by Tooke) High and the Mighty, The (film by Wellman [1954]) High Andes (region, South America) High Annamese language High Arctic (region, Arctic) High Asia (region, Asia) High Atlas (mountains, Morocco) High Authority (European politics) high bar (gymnastics) high blood pressure (pathology) High Church (Anglican Communion) High Church Party (British history) High Classical period (Greek art) high cloud High Commission, Court of (English ecclesiastical court) High Commission territory (South African history) high commissioner (diplomat) High Commissioner for Refugees (international organization) high constable (British official) High Council (French political body) High Council of the Judiciary (French government) High Court (American Samoan legal body) High Court (Hong Kong legal body) High Court (Kenyan legal body) High Court (Malawi legal body) High Court (South African judiciary) High Court in Malaya (Malaysian legal body) High Court in Sarawak and Sabah (Malaysian legal body) High Court of Admiralty (English legal body) High Court of Australia (Australian legal body) High Court of Justice (British law) High Court of Justiciary (Scottish legal body) high cristobalite (mineral) High Cubism (art) High Desert (area, Oregon, United States) high endothelial venule (blood vessel) High Energy Astronomy Observatory (satellite) High Energy Astronomy Observatory-2 (satellite) High Energy Transient Explorer-2 (international satellite) high explosive High Fidelity (novel by Hornby) high focal plane buoy high frequency (frequency band) High Frontier (work by O’Neill) High German consonantal shift (language) High German language High God (deity) High Gothic art High Holy Days (Judaism) High Hopes (film by Leigh [1988]) High Judicial Council (Bulgarian legal system) high jump (athletics) High Jump, Operation (American expedition) High Karst zone (region, Europe) High Kirk of Edinburgh (cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom) High Lava Plains (area, Oregon, United States) High Malay language high mallow (plant) high mark (sports) High Museum of Art (museum, Atlanta, Georgia, United States) High Noon (film by Zinnemann [1952]) High Peak (district, England, United Kingdom) high place (shrine) High Plains (region, United States) High Plains (region, South America) High Plateau (region, North Africa) High Plateau (region, South America) High Plateaus of Utah (plateau, United States) High Point (North Carolina, United States) High Point (mountain, Georgia, United States) High Point (peak, New Jersey, United States) high policing High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite (artificial satellite) High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes, The (work by Ricardo) high priest (Judaism) high quartz (mineral) high relief (sculpture) High Renaissance (European history) high school (horsemanship) high school (American education) high seas (maritime law) high sheriff (law) High Sierra (film by Walsh [1941]) High Sierras (mountains, United States) High Society (film by Walters, 1956) high society (sociology) High Speed Train (British passenger train) High Tatra National Park (national park, Slovakia) High Tatras (mountain range, Europe) High Tell Mountains (mountains, Tunisia) high tide High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire, 1571, The (poem by Ingelow) high tridymite (mineral) high vacuum High Veld (region, Africa) high vowel (linguistics) high water high wing (aircraft) high wire act (circus act) High Wycombe (England, United Kingdom) high-altitude balloon (aircraft) high-altitude cerebral edema (pathology) high-altitude pulmonary edema (pathology) high-alumina brick high-bitrate DSL high-boiled candy high-bush huckleberry high-bypass turbofan (engine) high-card pool (card game) high-centre polygon (ice wedge) high-constructive delta high-cristobalite (mineral) high-definition multimedia interface (technology) high-definition television (broadcasting) high-density lipoprotein (biochemistry) high-density polyethylene high-destructive delta high-early-strength portland cement (cement) high-energy mass spectrometer high-energy physics high-explosive antitank (ammunition) high-explosive warhead high-fidelity sound system high-field emission (physics) high-frequency direction finder (radio technology) high-frequency electromagnetic field (physics) high-frequency over-the-horizon radar high-impact polystyrene (chemical compound) high-involvement purchase (business) high-level heat source (meteorology) high-level language (computing) high-level waste (radioactive waste) high-order calculus (logic) high-pass filter (acoustics) high-performance ceramics (ceramics) high-performance liquid chromatography (chemistry) high-pressure apparatus (scientific technology) high-pressure device (scientific technology) high-pressure phenomena (physics) high-pressure sodium-vapour lamp (instrument) high-pressure steam engine high-profits principle (economics) high-protein meal (agriculture) high-ratio cake (food) high-rise (architecture) high-rise building (architecture) high-security prison (penology) high-solid coating (technology) high-solids-high-acid principle (food processing) high-speed engine (diesel engine) high-speed Internet service high-speed photography high-speed reading high-speed steel (metallurgy) high-speed synchronous generator (mechanics) high-speed train (train) high-strength low-alloy steel (metallurgy) high-strength steel high-subsonic, optically teleguided, tube-fired missile (weapon) high-Tc superconductor (physics) high-tech archaeology (archaeology) high-tech ceramics (ceramics) high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (physics) high-temperature superconductor (physics) high-temperature synthesis (materials processing) high-temperature-short-time method (pasteurization process) high-temperature-vulcanizing silicone rubber (rubber) high-transitional temperature superconductor (physics) high-tridymite (mineral) high-voltage electron microscope (device) high-warp loom (textiles) high-yield bond (finance) highball (railroad signal) highboy (furniture) highbush cranberry (plant) Highclere Castle (estate, Berkshire, England, United Kingdom) higher adult education higher arithmetic (mathematics) higher education Higher Education Act (United States [1965]) Higher Education, Committee of (British history) Higher Education Contribution Scheme (Australian government program) higher fish (fish taxon) Higher Himalayas (mountain range, Asia) Higher Learning (film by Singleton [1995]) higher strategy (warfare) higher termite (insect) higher-order central place (geography) higher-order predicate calculus (logic) higher-order thought (philosophy) higher-temperature superconductor (physics) highest layer (OSI level) highest level (OSI level) highest occupied molecular orbital highest story (plant group) highest-average rule (politics) highjacking (international law) Highjump, Operation (American expedition) Highland (council area, Scotland, United Kingdom) Highland Chieftain (painting by Wright) Highland Clearances (Scottish history) highland climate (meteorology) Highland dress (Scottish fashion) Highland East Cushitic languages highland fling (Scottish dance) Highland Games (athletic meetings) highland mangabey (primate) highland moccasin (snake) Highland Nilotes (people) Highland Park (Illinois, United States) Highland Park (Michigan, United States) Highlanders (American baseball team) Highlands (region, Scotland, United Kingdom) Highlands, the (region, New Guinea) highlife (African dance) highlife (African music) highly active antiretroviral therapy (medicine) Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communication and Astronomy (radio astronomy program, Japan) highly stratified estuary (oceanography) Highmore, Joseph (British painter) Highsmith, Patricia (American writer) highstand (sea level) Hightower, Rosella (American ballerina) Highveld (region, Africa) highwall mining highway (road) Highway 61 Revisited (recording by Dylan) Highway Beautification Act (United States [1965]) Highway Patrol (American television show) Highway Revenue Act (United States [1956]) Highway to Heaven (television series) Highway to Hell (album by AC/DC) Highway, Tomson (Canadian author) Highways Act (United Kingdom [1959]) Higonnet, René (French printer) Higravtinden (mountain, Norway) Higuchi Ichiyo (Japanese author) Higuchi Natsu (Japanese author) Higuchi Natsuko (Japanese author) Higuchi, Susana (Peruvian politician) Higueruela, Battle of (Spanish history) Higüey (Dominican Republic) HII region (astronomy) Hi‘iaka (astronomy) Hiilawe Falls (waterfall, Hawaii, United States) hiis (Finnish shrine) hiisi (Finnish shrine) Hiisi (Scandinavian deity) Hiiu (island, Estonia) Hiiumaa (island, Estonia) hija? (poetic genre) “Hija de la fortuna” (novel by Allende) hija del aire, La (play by Calderón) ?ijab (Islam) hijacking (international law) ?ijaz, Al- (region, Saudi Arabia) ?ijaz Railway, al- (railway, Middle East) ?ijazi, Salamah (Egyptian actor) hijiri (Japanese religion) “Hijo de hombre” (work by Roa Bastos) “Hijo de ladrón” (work by Rojas) hijo pródigo, El (work by Alarcón y Ariza) ?ijr, Al- (Saudi Arabia) Hijra (Islam) Hijrah (Islam) Hijrah (Sa?udi settlement) Hijri calendar (chronology) Hijuelos, Oscar (American author) Hika, Hongi (New Zealand chief) hikayat (literature) Hikayat Abdullah (work by Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir) hike (Egyptian religion) hiking (sport) Hikkoen (Chinese art history) ?ikmah (religious doctrine) ?ikmah, Bayt al- (historical site, Baghdad, Iraq) ?ikmat al-ishraq (work by as-Suhrawardi) ?ikmat Sulayman (Iraqi leader) Hikmet, Nazim (Turkish author) Hikobe (Japanese painter) Hikone (Japan) Hikotaro (Japanese politician) hikuli (American Indian dance) Hilakku (historical state, Turkey) hilal (symbol) Hilal, al- (Lebanese journal) Hilal, Banu (Arab tribe) Hilanderas, Las (painting by Velázquez) Hilaria (Greco-Roman festival) Hilaria (plant genus) Hilaria belangeri (plant) Hilaria jamesii (plant) Hilarion (Russian Orthodox metropolitan) Hilarion of Kiev (Russian Orthodox metropolitan) Hilarion, Saint (Palestinian monk) Hilarius (French poet) Hilarius of Poitiers, Saint (bishop of Poitiers) Hilarius, Saint (pope) Hilary of Arles, Saint (bishop of Arles) Hilary of Poitiers, Saint (bishop of Poitiers) Hilary, Saint (pope) Hilberg, Raul (American historian) Hilberseimer, Ludwig (German urban planner) Hilbert, David (German mathematician) Hilbert space (mathematics) Hilbert’s 23 problems (mathematics) Hild, József (Hungarian architect) Hild József (Hungarian architect) Hilda (hurricane) Hilda group (astronomy) Hilda of Whitby, Saint (English abbess) Hildebrand (pope) Hildebrand, Adolf von (German sculptor) Hildebrand, B. E. (Swedish archaeologist) Hildebrand, Bruno (German economist) Hildebrand, Joel H. (American chemist) Hildebrandslied (German poem) Hildebrandt, Johann Lucas von (Austrian architect) Hildegard of Bingen (German mystic) Hildegard, Saint (German mystic) Hildegard von Bingen (German mystic) Hildegard von Hohenthal (work by Heinse) Hildegarde (American cabaret performer) Hilderich (king of the Vandals) Hilferding, Rudolf (German finance minister) Hilgard, Ferdinand Heinrich Gustav (American journalist and financier) Hiligaynon (people) Hiligaynon language Hill, A. P. (Confederate general) Hill, A. V. (British physiologist and biophysicist) Hill, Aaron (English author) Hill, Abigail (British lady-in-waiting) hill, abyssal (geology) Hill, Adrian (British singer) Hill, Ambrose Powell (Confederate general) Hill and Adamson (Scottish photographers) Hill and Range (American publishing company) Hill and Range: The King’s Publishers (Hill and Range) Hill, Andrew (American musician) Hill, Anita (American law professor) Hill, Archibald Vivian (British physiologist and biophysicist) Hill, Arthur (American actor) hill censer (Chinese incense burner) Hill, Christopher (British historian) hill climb (motor race) hill community (Otoro settlement) Hill Complex (archaeological site, Zimbabwe) Hill Country (region, Texas, United States) Hill, David Octavius (Scottish photographer) Hill, Faith (American singer) Hill, Fanny (fictional character) hill fort (fortified settlement) Hill, Friedrich Moritz (German educator) Hill, Geoffrey (British poet) Hill, George Roy (American director, writer, and actor) Hill, George Washington (American businessman) Hill, George William (American astronomer) Hill, Graham (British race-car driver) Hill, James Jerome (American financier) Hill, Joe (American radical) Hill, John (British author and botanist) Hill, John Edward Christopher (British historian) Hill, Joseph (Jamaican singer-songwriter) Hill, Julian Werner (American chemist) Hill Kha?ia (people) Hill, Lauryn (American singer) Hill Maria (people) Hill, Matthew Davenport (British lawyer and penologist) hill mynah (bird) Hill, Norman Graham (British race-car driver) Hill Nubian languages Hill, Octavia (British philanthropist) Hill of Ares, Council of the (Greek council) Hill of Devi, The (work by Forster) Hill of Hawkestone and Hardwicke, Rowland Hill, 1st Viscount, Baron Hill of Almaraz and of Hawkestone, Baron Hill of Almaraz and of Hardwicke (British noble) Hill, Oliver (American lawyer) Hill painting (art) Hill, Patty Smith (American educator) Hill, Phil (American automobile racer) Hill, Philip Toll, Jr. (American automobile racer) Hill reaction (botany) Hill, Robert (British biochemist) hill robin (bird) Hill, Rowland (British preacher) Hill, Rowland, 1st Viscount Hill of Hawkestone and Hardwicke (British noble) hill shading (cartography) Hill, Sir Rowland (English administrator and educator) Hill Songs (works by Grainger) hill station (settlement) Hill Street Blues (American television series) Hill, Teddy (American musician) Hill, The (American newspaper) Hill, The (film by Lumet [1965]) Hill-Norton of South Nutfield, Baron (British naval officer) Hill-Norton, Peter John (British naval officer) Hill-Stead Museum (museum, Farmington, Connecticut) hill-stream loach (fish) Hillaby, Mount (mountain, Barbados) ?illah, Al- (Iraq) Hillary, Sir Edmund (New Zealand explorer) Hillary, Sir Edmund Percival (New Zealand explorer) Hillary: The Movie (film) hillbilly music Hillbilly Shakespeare, the (American musician) Hillebrandia (plant genus) Hillegass, Clifton Keith (American publisher) Hillegom (Netherlands) Hillel (Jewish scholar) Hillel ben Samuel (Jewish physician and scholar) Hillel, House of (Jewish school) Hillel II (Jewish patriarch) Hilleman, Maurice Ralph (American microbiologist) Hiller, Dame Wendy (British actress) Hiller, Ferdinand (German conductor and composer) Hiller, Johann Adam (German composer) Hiller, Lejaren (American composer) Hiller, Stanley, Jr. (American helicopter designer) Hillerman, Anthony Grove (American novelist) Hillerman, Tony (American novelist) Hillerød (Denmark) Hillery, Patrick J. (president of Ireland) Hillery, Patrick John (president of Ireland) ?illi, al- (Muslim theologian) Hilliard, Harriet (American actress) Hilliard, Laurence (English painter) Hilliard, Nicholas (English painter) Hillier, James (American physicist) Hillier, Richard J. (Canadian military officer) Hillier, Rick (Canadian military officer) Hillingdon (borough, London, United Kingdom) Hillis, Danny (American businessman) Hillis, Margaret (American chorus and orchestra conductor) Hillis, William Daniel, Jr. (American businessman) Hillkowitz, Morris (American socialist) Hillman, Chris (American musician) Hillman College (college, Clinton, Mississippi, United States) Hillman Company (British company) Hillman, Harry (American athlete) Hillman, Sidney (American labour leader) Hillquit, Morris (American socialist) Hills, Carla Anderson (American lawyer) Hills Have Eyes, The (film by Craven [1977]) Hills, Lee (American journalist) Hills of Varna, The (work by Trease) hills-of-snow (plant) Hillsboro (Oregon, United States) Hillsboro (West Virginia, United States) Hillsboro (New Hampshire, United States) Hillsboro Peak (mountain, New Mexico, United States) Hillsborough (California, United States) Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States) Hillsborough (county, New Hampshire, United States) Hillsborough (New Hampshire, United States) Hillsdale College (college, Hillsdale, Michigan, United States) Hillside Strangler (American criminal) hillslope (geology) Hillsmen (Athenian military faction) Hillstrom, Joe (American radical) Hillyer College (university, Connecticut, United States) Hilmand River (river, Central Asia) Hilo (Hawaii, United States) Hilpert, Heinz (German actor and director) Hilsa (fish genus) hilt-and-point dance (folk dance) Hilton, Conrad (American businessman) Hilton, Conrad Nicholson (American businessman) Hilton, Harold H. (British golfer) Hilton Head Island (island, South Carolina, United States) Hilton Head Island (South Carolina, United States) Hilton Hotels Corporation (American corporation) Hilton, James (English novelist) Hilton, John (English composer) Hilton, Paris (American hotel heiress) Hilton, Ronnie (British singer) Hilton, Walter (English mystic and author) Hilton’s law (anatomy) Hiltu ja Ragnar (work by Sillanpaa) hilum (anatomy) hilum (seed) hilus (anatomy) Hilversum (Netherlands) Hilversum culture (anthropology) Hilwan (Egypt) him (play by Cummings) Hima (people) Himachal (mountains, Asia) Himachal (region, Uttarakhand, India) Himachal Pradesh (state, India) Himadri (region, Uttarakhand, India) Himadri (mountain range, Asia) Himalaya (mountains, Asia) Himalaya honeysuckle (plant) Himalayan (breed of cat) Himalayan bear (mammal) Himalayan field rat (rodent) Himalayan goral (mammal) Himalayan Impeyan (bird) Himalayan langur (primate) Himalayan pine (tree) Himalayan tahr (mammal) Himalayan yew (plant) Himalayas (mountains, Asia) Himalayish languages Himalia (astronomy) Himantandra (plant genus) Himantandraceae (plant family) Himantoglossum hircinum (plant) Himantopus himantopus (bird) Himantopus himantopus himantopus (bird) Himantopus himantopus mexicanus (bird) himation (clothing) Himatione sanguinea (bird) Himeji (Japan) Himeji Castle (castle, Himeji, Japan) himene (music) Himera (ancient city, Italy) Himera, Battle of (ancient Greek history) Himerius (Greek rhetorician) Himerus (Parthian governor) Himes, Chester (American writer) Himes, Chester Bomar (American writer) Himiko (Japanese ruler) Himilco (Carthaginian general) Himilco (Carthaginian explorer) Himmel rühmen des ewigen Ehren, Die (work by Gellert) Himmelfahrt (work by Bahr) Himmerland (region, Denmark) Himmler, Heinrich (German Nazi leader) himoragi (Japanese Shinto tradition) ?im? (Syria) Himself (painting by Henri) ?imyar (people) ?imyarite (people) hin (unit of measurement) Hina (caste) Hinart, Louis (Flemish weaver) Hinault, Bernard (French cyclist) Hinawi (tribal confederation, Oman) Hinayana (Buddhism) Hinchinbrook Island (island, Queensland, Australia) Hinchliffe, Robert (British manufacturer) Hinckley and Bosworth (district, England, United Kingdom) Hinckley, Gordon B. (American religious leader) Hinckley, John W., Jr. (American assassin) Hincks, Sir Francis (Canadian journalist and politician) Hincmar of Reims (French theologian) Hind (Soviet helicopter) hind (fish) Hind and the Panther, The (poem by Dryden) Hind, Henry Youle (Canadian educator, geologist, and explorer) Hind Hord (ballad) Hind, John Russell (English astronomer) Hind Mazdoor Sabha (trade-union federation) Hindawi (Urdu dialect) hindbrain (anatomy) Hinde, Robert (British zoologist) Hindemith, Paul (German composer) Hindenburg (German airship) Hindenburg (Poland) “Hindenburg” disaster (aviation history) Hindenburg Line (German defense system) Hindenburg, Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von (German president) Hindenburg, Paul von (German president) hindgut (anatomy) Hindi language Hindi literature Hindiyyah Barrage (dam, Iraq) Hindley, Myra (British serial killer) Hindman School (school, Hindman, Kentucky, United States) Hindorff, Richard (German agronomist) hindquarter (beef carcass) Hinds, Justin (Jamaican singer) Hind’s variable nebula (astronomy) hindsaddle (animal anatomy) hindtoe (anatomy) Hindu (religion) Hindu (people) Hindu calendar (religion) Hindu College (university, Kolkata, India) Hindu fundamentalism (religious and political movement) Hindu Group Publications (Indian company) Hindu Kush (mountains, Asia) Hindu law Hindu philosophy Hindu Raj (mountains, Pakistan) Hindu religious practices Hindu Renaissance (Indian history) Hindu, The (Indian newspaper) Hindu-Arabic number system (mathematics) Hinduism (religion) Hindushah, Mu?ammad Qasim (Indian writer) Hindustan (historical area, India) Hindustan (historical region, India) Hindustan-Tibet Road (road, Asia) Hindustani language Hindustani music Hindustani Workers of the Pacific Coast (Indian nationalists) Hindusthan (historical area, India) Hindutva (Indian ideology) Hine, Lewis W. (American photographer) Hine, Lewis Wickes (American photographer) Hinegba (African deity) Hines, Earl (American musician) Hines, Earl Kenneth (American musician) Hines, Gregory (American dancer, actor, and choreographer) Hines, Gregory Oliver (American dancer, actor, and choreographer) Hines, Hines, and Dad (American dance act) Hines, Jerome (American singer) Hines, The Right Rev. John Elbridge (American bishop) hinge (metalwork) hinge joint (anatomy) Hingham (Massachusetts, United States) Hingis, Martina (Czech-born Swiss tennis player) Hingle, Martin Patterson (American actor) Hingle, Pat (American actor) Hingston, Richard W. G. (British naturalist) Hinkle, Phillip (American inventor) Hinkson, Katherine (Irish writer) Hinkspiel (German game) Hinman, Mary Wood (American scholar and teacher) Hinn Island (island, Norway) hinney (mammal) Hinnøya (island, Norway) hinny (mammal) Hino (Japan) Hinode (satellite) Hinojosa, Rolando (American author) hinoki cypress (plant) Hinrichs, Gustavus (American professor) Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman (British chemist) Hinsley, Arthur (British cardinal) Hinterer Forest (region, Germany) Hinterer Wald (region, Germany) Hinterpommern (region, Poland) Hinterrhein (stream, Switzerland) Hinthada (Myanmar) Hinton (West Virginia, United States) Hinton, Martin A. C. (British hoaxer) Hinton, Milt (American musician) Hinton, Milton John (American musician) Hinton of Bankside, Christopher Hinton, Baron (British engineer) Hinton, William Howard (American agronomist) Hints on Household Taste in Furniture, Upholstery and Other Details (work by Eastlake) Hiodon alosoides (fish) Hiodontidae (fish) Hiodontiformes (fish order) hip (anatomy) HIP (metallurgy) HIP 13044 (star) HIP 13044b (extrasolar planet) hip dysplasia (medical disorder) hip joint (anatomy) hip roof (architecture) hip-girdle (anatomy) hip-hop (cultural movement) Hipernik (metal alloy) Hippa talpoida (crab) “Hipparchikos” (work by Xenophon) Hipparchos (Greek astronomer) Hipparchus (Greek astronomer) Hipparchus (ruler of Athens) Hipparcos (artificial satellite) Hippasus of Metapontum (Greek philosopher) Hippeastrum (plant genus) hipped roof (architecture) “Hippeis” (play by Aristophanes) Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von (German writer) Hipper, Franz von (German admiral) Hippias (tyrant of Athens) Hippias Major (work by Plato) Hippias Minor (work by Plato) Hippias of Elis (Greek philosopher) hippie (subculture) Hippius, Zinaida Nikolayevna (Russian poet) Hippo (ancient North African ports) Hippo (Greek philosopher) hippo (mammal species) Hippo Diarrhytus (Tunisia) Hippo Regius (Algeria) Hippo Zarytus (Tunisia) Hippoboscidae (insect) hippocampus (brain) Hippocampus (fish) Hippocrates (Greek physician) Hippocrates of Chios (Greek mathematician) Hippocratic Collection (works attributed to Hippocrates) Hippocratic oath (ethical code) Hippocratic wreath (baldness) Hippodamia (Greek mythology) Hippodamia convergens (insect) Hippodamus of Miletus (Greek architect) hippodrome (architecture) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (fish) hippogriff (legendary animal) Hippolyta (fictional character)

Hippolytus (Greek mythology) Hippolytus (play by Euripides) Hippolytus, Canons of Saint (Christian literature) Hippolytus of Rome, Saint (antipope) Hippomane mancinella (plant) Hippomenes (Greek mythology) Hippomorpha (mammal suborder) Hippon (Greek philosopher) Hipponax (Greek philosopher) Hipponax (Greek poet) Hipponion (Italy) Hipponium (Italy) Hippophae rhamnoides (shrub) Hippopotamus (mammal genus) hippopotamus (mammal species) Hippopotamus amphibius (mammal species) Hipposideridae (mammal family) Hipposiderinae (mammal subfamily) hipposiderine bat (mammal subfamily) Hipposideros commersoni (bat) Hippotragini (mammal tribe) Hippotragus equinus (mammal) Hippotragus niger (mammal) Hippotragus niger niger (mammal subspecies) hippuric acid (chemical compound) Hippuris (plant) Hippuris vulgaris (plant) hippus (physiology) Hipta (ancient deity) Hira (ancient city, Iraq) ?ira?, al- (cave, Saudi Arabia) Hira?, Mount (mountain, Saudi Arabia) hira-gana (Japanese script) Hirado (Japan) Hirado ware (Japanese pottery) Hiraga Gennai (Japanese scholar) hiragana (Japanese script) Hiragushi Denchu (Japanese sculptor) ?irah, al- (ancient city, Iraq) Hirakata (Japan) Hirakud Dam (dam, India) Hiram (king of Tyre) Hiram College (university, Hiram, Ohio, United States) Hiram of Tyre (king of Tyre) hirameji (Japanese art) hira?ya (cloth) Hira?yagarbha Hira?yakasipu (Hindu mythology) Hiraoka Kimitake (Japanese author) Hirata Atsutane (Japanese religious leader) Hiratsuka (Japan) Hiratsuka Un-ichi (Japanese artist) Hirayama Togo (Japanese author) hird (Scandinavian royal troops) Hire, Laurent de La (French painter) hire-purchase (law) hire-purchase plan (finance) híres nevezetes Toldi Miklósnak jeles cselekedetirol, Az (work by Selymes) Hiri (language) Hiri Motu (language) Hirlas Owain (work by Owain) Hirnantian Stage (geology) Hiro (Maori figure) Hiroa, Te Rangi (Maori anthropologist, physicist, and politician) Hirohito (emperor of Japan) Hironaka Heisuke (Japanese mathematician) Hirosaki (Japan) Hiroshige (Japanese artist) Hiroshima (Japan) Hiroshima (work by Hersey) Hiroshima (prefecture, Japan) Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art (museum, Hiroshima, Japan) Hiroshima mon amour (film by Resnais) Hiroshima University (university, Tokyo, Japan) Hirpini (ancient Italian tribe) Hirsch auf Gereuth, Moritz, Freiherr von (European businessman) Hirsch, Crazylegs (American football player) Hirsch, E. D., Jr. (American literary critic and educator) Hirsch, Eli (American philosopher) Hirsch, Elroy (American football player) Hirsch, Elroy Leon (American football player) Hirsch, Eric Donald, Jr. (American literary critic and educator) Hirsch, Maurice, baron de (European businessman) Hirsch, Moshe (American-born rabbi) Hirsch, Samson Raphael (German Jewish religious theorist) Hirsch, Samuel (American religious philosopher and rabbi) Hirschberg (Poland) Hirschfeld, Al (American caricaturist) Hirschfeld, Albert (American caricaturist) Hirschfeld, Magnus (German activist) Hirschhorn, Joel (American songwriter and composer) Hirschi, Travis (American criminologist) Hirschmann, Ralph F. (American chemist) Hirschsprung disease (pathology) Hirshbein, Peretz (American writer) Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (art museum and sculpture garden, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) Hirsi Ali, Ayaan (Dutch politician) Hirsi Magan, Ayaan (Dutch politician) Hirst, Damien (British artist) Hirst, Damien Steven (British artist) Hirst, George K. (American scientist) Hirst, Ivan (British military official) hirsutism (congenital disorder) Hirt, Al (American musician) Hirt, Alois Maxwell (American musician) Hirta (island, Scotland, United Kingdom) Hirtius, Aulus (Roman soldier) Hiru-ko (Japanese deity) hirudin (anticoagulant) Hirudinea (annelid) Hirudo (leech genus) Hirudo medicinalis (worm) Hiruko (Japanese deity) Hirundinidae (bird family) Hirundo rustica (bird) Hiruy Walde Selassie (Ethiopian writer) Hirwaun (Wales, United Kingdom) His Dark Materials (book trilogy by Pullman) His Frowns Struck Terror (work by Ngubane) His Girl Friday (film by Hawks [1940]) His Hour (work by Glyn) His Illegal Self (work by Carey) His Magic Band (American musical group) His Majesty’s Own Chancery (Russian bureau) His Majesty’s Yankees (novel by Raddall) His Master’s Voice (work by Lem) His Natural Life (novel by Clarke) His Only Son (work by Alas) His, Wilhelm (Swiss anatomist) His, Wilhelm (Swiss cardiologist) Hisar (India) Hisarlik (archaeological site, Turkey) hisashi (Japanese architecture) Hisatsinom culture (North American Indian culture) ?isdai Abu Yusuf ben Isaac ben Ezra ibn Shaprut (Spanish-Jewish physician and writer) ?isdai ibn Shaprut (Spanish-Jewish physician and writer) HISG (biochemistry) Hisham I (Umayyad caliph) Hisham ibn ?Abd al-Malik (Umayyad caliph) Hisham ibn al-Kalbi (Arab scholar) Hisham ibn Mu?ammad ibn al-Kalbi (Arab scholar) Hisham II al-Mu?ayyad (Umayyad caliph) Hishida Shunso (Japanese painter) Hishikawa Moronobu (Japanese printmaker) ?isma Plateau (plateau, Saudi Arabia) ?i?n al-Ghurab (ancient city, Arabia) ?i?n Man?ur (Turkey) Hisor Range (mountains, Central Asia) Hispalis (Spain) Hispana collectio (canon law) Hispania (ancient region, Iberian Peninsula) Hispania Baetica (ancient province, Spain) Hispania Citerior (Roman province, Spain) Hispania Lusitania (Roman province, Spain) Hispania Tarraconensis (Roman province, Spain) Hispania Ulterior (ancient province, Spain) Hispaniae schola musica sacra (work edited by Pedrell) Hispanic America Hispanic American (people) Hispanic Day (Spanish holiday) Hispanic Heritage in the Americas Hispaniola (island, West Indies) Hispaniolan solenodon (mammal) Hispano-Moresque ware (pottery) Hispano-Roman (people) Hispano-Suiza (automobile) Hisperic style (Latin writing) hispid cotton rat (rodent) hispid hare (mammal) Hiss, Alger (United States official) Hissar (India) Hissar Range (mountains, Central Asia) Hissar, Tepe (archaeological site, Iran) Hissing of Summer Lawns, The (album by Mitchell) Histadrut (Israeli labour organization) histamine (biochemistry) hister beetle (insect) Histeridae (insect) Histiaeus (ruler of Miletus) histidine (amino acid) histiocyte (cell) Histioteuthis (squid genus) histochemistry histocompatibility antigen (biochemistry) histocompatibility complex, major (genetics) histogen theory (botany) histogenesis (biology) histogram (statistics) “Histoire ancienne de l’église chrétienne” (work by Duchesne) Histoire comique des états et empires de la lune (work by Cyrano de Bergerac) Histoire comique des états et empires du soleil (work by Cyrano de Bergerac) “Histoire d’amour de la rose de sable, L’?” (work by Montherlant) Histoire de Belgique (work by Pirenne) Histoire de Charles XII, L’? (work by Voltaire) “Histoire de deux peuples” (work by Bainville) Histoire de France (work by Michelet) “Histoire de France” (work by Martin) “Histoire de France depuis 1789 jusqu’à nos jours” (work by Martin) “Histoire de France depuis l’établissement de la monarchie française” (work by Daniel) “Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, L' ” (work by Lesage) Histoire de la Bible (work by Herman de Valenciennes) Histoire de la constitution de la ville de Dinant au moyen âge (work by Pirenne) Histoire de la Franche-Comté (work by Febvre) “Histoire de la littérature anglaise” (work by Taine) Histoire de la littérature enfantine, de ma Mère l’Oye au Roi Babar (work by Trigon) Histoire de la nature des oyseaux, L’? (work by Belon) “Histoire de la Réformation du seizième siècle” (book by Merle d’Aubigné) “Histoire de la Réformation en Europe au temps de Calvin” (book by Merle d’Aubigné) Histoire de la révolution de Russie en 1762 (work by Rulhière) Histoire de la révolution française (work by Michelet) “Histoire de la sexualité” (work by Foucault) Histoire de la Vendée et des Chouans (work by Beauchamp) Histoire de l’anarchie de Pologne (work by Rulhière) “Histoire de ma vie” (work by Casanova) Histoire de mon temps (work by Frederick the Great) Histoire de Saint-Louis (work by Joinville) Histoire des Brissotins (work by Desmoulins) Histoire des deux Indes (work by Raynal) Histoire des ducs de Bourgogne (work by Barante) Histoire des empereurs (work by Tillemont) Histoire des Girondins (work by Lamartine) “Histoire des musulmans d’Espagne, jusqu’à la conquête de l’ Andalousie par les Almoravides, 711-1110” (work by Dozy) “Histoire des oracles” (work by Fontenelle) “Histoire des origines du christianisme” (work by Renan) “Histoire des républiques italiennes du moyen âge” (work by Simonde de Sismondi) Histoire des révolutions d’Italie (work by Ferrari) Histoire des variations des églises protestantes (work by Bossuet) “Histoire du Canada” (work by Garneau) Histoire du Canada, sous la domination française (historical work by Bibaud) “Histoire du chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut” (novel by Prévost) Histoire du Jansénisme (work by Rapin) “Histoire du petit Jehan de Saintré” (work by La Sale) “Histoire du peuple anglais au XIX siècle” (work by Halévy) Histoire du siècle d’Alexandre le Grand (work by Linguet) “Histoire du soldat” (work by Ramuz and Stravinsky) Histoire d’une Marie (work by Baillon) Histoire ecclésiastique (work by Fleury) Histoire et mémoires de l’Académie (work by Mariotte) Histoire généalogique de la maison d’Auvergne (work by Baluze) Histoire générale et particulière des anomalies de l’organisation chez l’homme et les animaux (work by Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire) Histoire métallique (French medals) Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres (work by Lamarck) Histoire naturelle des poissons (work by Lacépède) Histoire naturelle du Sénégal (work by Adanson) Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière (work by Buffon) Histoire naturelle générale et particulière des crustacés et insectes (work by Latreille) Histoire Naturelle, Muséum National d’ (garden and museum, Paris, France) Histoire secrète de la cour de Berlin (work by Mirabeau) Histoire socialiste de la Révolution française (work by Jaurès) Histoire universelle (work by Aubigné) la Sainte Russie... (work by Doré) histologic lesion (pathology) histology (physiology) Histomonas meleagridis (zooflagellate) histomoniasis (bird disease) histone (biochemistry) histone methylation Histonium (Italy) Histoplasma capsulatum (fungus) histoplasmosis (disease) Historia Anglicana (work by Walsingham) “Historia animalium” (work by Aristotle) “Historia antigua de México” (work by Clavijero) Historia Apologética (work by Las Casas) “Historia arcana” (work by Procopius) “Historia Augusta” (ancient Roman literature) Historia Brittonum (work by Nennius) “Historia calamitatum” (autobiography by Abelard) Historia captionis Almariae et Tortuose (work by Caffaro) Historia Coelestis Britannica (work by Flamsteed) “História da origem e estabelecimento da inquisição em Portugal” (work by Herculano) Historia de Cataluña y de la Corona de Aragón (work by Balaguer i Cirera) Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus (work by Magnus) “Historia de las Indias” (work by Las Casas) “Historia de los vandos de los Zegríes y Abencerrages” (novel by Pérez de Hita) Historia de omnibus gothorum sueonumque regibus (work by Magnus) História de Portugal (work by Herculano) Historia del corazón (work by Aleixandre) “Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio de Campazas, alias Zotes” (work by Isla) “Historia delle guerre civili di Francia” (work by Davila) Historia destructionis Troiae (work by Guido delle Colonne) Historia ecclesiae Remensis (work by Flodoard) “Historia ecclesiastica” (work by Eusebius) Historia ecclesiastica (work by Orderic Vitalis) Historia ecclesiastica (work by Socrates) “Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum” (work by Bede) Historia Ecclesiastica Islandiae (work by Jonsson) Historia et Antiquitates Universitatis Oxoniensis (work by Wood) Historia expeditionis Hierosolymitanae (work by Albert of Aix) “Historia Francorum” (work by Gregory of Tours) Historia Francorum (work by Aimoin) Historia general de Chile (work by Barros Arana) Historia general de la orden de la Merced (work by Tirso de Molina) Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España (work by Sahagún) “Historia general del Perú” (work by Garcilaso) Historia Langobardorum (work by Paul the Deacon) Historia Mongalorum quos nos Tartaros appellamus (work by Giovanni) Historia Muscorum (work by Dillenius) Historia, Museo Nacional de (museum, Mexico City, Mexico) “Historia natural y moral de las Indias” (work by Acosta) “Historia naturalis” (work by Pliny the Elder) Historia naturalis palmarum (work by Martius) Historia novorum in Anglia (work by Edmer) “Historia persecutionis Vandalorum” (work by Victor) Historia Plantarum (work by Ray) Historia plantarum universalis (work by Jean Bauhin) Historia política y literaria de los trovadores (work by Balaguer) Historia pontificalis (work by John of Salisbury) Historia rerum Anglicarum (work by William of Newburgh) Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum (work by William of Tyre) Historia Romaike te kai pantodape (work by Hesychius of Miletus) Historia Stirpium (work by Fuchs) Historia sui temporis (work by Thou) “História trágico-marítima” (work by Mendes Pinto) Historia tripartita (work by Theodorus Lector) “Historia universal de la infamia” (work by Borges) “Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España” (work by Díaz del Castillo) Historia von D. Johann Fausten (German literature) Historiae (work by Tacitus) Historiae (work by Nithard) “Historiae” (work by Pollio) Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores X (work by Twysden) Historiae animalium (work by Gesner) “Historiae de rebus Hispaniae” (work by Mariana) Historiae Francorum Scriptores (work by Duchesne) Historiae Philippicae et totius mundi origines et terrae situs (work by Trogus) Historiae Polonicae (work by Dlugosz) “Historiai” (work by Hecataeus of Miletus) “Historiai” (work by Ephorus) Historian’s Craft, The (work by Bloch) Historiarum ab inclinatione Romanorum imperii decades (work by Biondo) “Historiarum adversus paganos libri VII” (work by Orosius) Historiarum demonstrationes (work by Chalcocondyles) Historiarum sui temporis libri XLV (work by Jovius) Historic American Buildings Survey (United States agency) Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission (British organization) Historic Buildings Council (British organization) historic county (division of government) Historic Doubts Relative to Napoleon Bonaparte (work by Whately) Historic Haile Homestead (building, Gainesville, Florida, United States) historic peace church (religion) Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage, and of the Economy and Usages of the Ancient Theatres in England (work by Malone) Historical and Critical Dictionary, An (work by Bayle) Historical and Descriptive Account of the Various Processes of the Daguerreotype and the Diorama, An (work by Daguerre) historical ballad Historical Collections of Private Passages of State (work by Rushworth) historical cost (finance) historical criticism (biblical criticism) historical criticism (literary criticism) historical demography Historical Dictionary (work by Bayle) historical ecology Historical Epitome (work by Zonaras) historical flask historical geography historical geology historical humanism (philosophy) Historical Inevitability (work by Berlin) Historical Jurisprudence, Journal of (work by Savigny) historical linguistics historical materialism Historical Monuments, Commission on (French organization) historical narrative (art) historical novel (literature) historical particularism (anthropology) historical perspective (Bosnia and Herzegovina) historical phonology (linguistics) Historical, Political and Moral Essay on Revolutions, Ancient and Modern, An (work by Chateaubriand) Historical Register, For the Year 1736 (work by Fielding) historical relativism (religion and philosophy) historical school of economics Historical Sketches (work by Strabo) historical synthesis (historiography) Historicals (political party, Portugal) historicism (philosophy) “Historie of the Raigne of King Henry the Seventh, The” (work by Bacon) Histories (work by Polybius) Histories (work by Sallust) historieta (Uruguayan comic book) Historietter (work by Soderberg) Historiettes (work by Tallemant des Réaux) historiography Historisch-kritische Beyträge (work by Marpurg) Historisch-Kritische Einleitung ins Alte Testament (work by Eichhorn) Historisch-politische Zeitschrift (Prussian publication) “Historische Fragmente” (work by Burckhardt) Historism (work by Meinecke) Historja narodu polskiego od przyjecia chrzesscijanstwa (work by Naruszewicz) history history (museum) History (work by Priscus) history (philosophy) History (work by Ephorus) History (work by Herodotus) History: A Novel (work by Morante) History and Art, National Museum of (museum, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) History and Chronicles of Scotland, The (work by Boece) History and Class Consciousness (work by Lukacs) History and Historians in the Nineteenth Century (work by Gooch) History and Present State of Electricity, with Original Experiments, The (work by Priestley) History Boys, The (play by Bennett) history museum History of a Good Warm Watch-Coat, The (novel by Sterne) History of a Six Weeks’ Tour (work by Shelley) History of a Stairway (play by Buero Vallejo) History of Aesthetic (work by Bosanquet) History of Agathon, The (work by Wieland) History of American Art (work by Hartmann) History of Animals (work by Aristotle) History of Armenia (work by John VI Draskhanakertzi) History of Armenia (work by Moses of Khoren) History of Armenia (work by Aristakes Lastivertzi) History of Art Criticism (book by Venturi) History of Botany 1530-1860 (work by Sachs) History of Britain (work by Milton) History of British India (work by Mill) History of Buddhism (work by Bu-ston) History of Canada (work by Garneau) History of Chinese Philosophy (work by Feng Youlan) History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages (work by Gilson) History of Civilization in England (work by Buckle) History of Constantinople (work by Genesius) History of Dogma, The (work by Harnack) History of Economic Analysis (work by Schumpeter) History of Emily Montague (work by Brooke) History of England (work by Thomas Macaulay) History of England (work by Hume) History of England from the Accession of James I to That of the Brunswick Line (work by Catharine Macaulay) History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada (work by Froude) History of England in the Eighteenth Century (work by Lecky) History of England Principally in the Seventeenth Century, A (work by Ranke) History of English Law Before the Time of Edward I, The (work by Maitland) History of English Literature (work by Taine) History of English Poetry (work by Courthope) History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century (work by Stephen) History of Ethnological Theory, The (work by Lowie) History of European Morals (work by Lecky) History of Experimental Psychology, A (work by Boring) History of Firuz Shah (work by ?iya?-ud-Din Barani) History of Florence (work by Guicciardini) History of France (work by Martin) History of France from 1789 to Our Time (work by Martin) history of France from the time the French monarchy was establish’d, The (work by Daniel) History of Freedom of Thought (work by Bury) History of Gil Blas of Santillane, The (work by Lesage) History of Greece (work by Grote) History of Greek Culture (work by Burckhardt) History of Henry Esmond, Esq., The (work by Thackeray) History of Human Marriage (work by Westermarck) History of Indian and Indonesian Art (work by Coomaraswamy) History of Ireland (work by Keating) History of Israelite Religion from its Beginnings to the End of the Second Temple (work by Kaufmann) History of Italian Literature (work by De Sanctis) History of Italy (work by Guicciardini) History of Jamaica, The (work by Long) History of Japan, The (work by Kämpfer) History of Jewish Literature (work by Waxman) “History of John Bull, The” (work by Arbuthnot) History of King Richard III (work by More) History of Lady Sophia Sternheim (work by La Roche) History of Magic and Experimental Science, A (work by Thorndike) History of Mehmed the Conqueror (work by Critobulus) History of Metallography: The Development of Ideas on the Structure of Metals Before 1890, A (work by Smith) History of Mexico, The (work by Clavijero) History of Mount Shigi (hand scroll by Toba) History of Mr. Polly, The (work by Wells) History of My Life (work by Casanova) History of My Own Time (work by Burnet) History of New England, with Particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians Called Baptists, A (work by Backus) History of New York…by Diedrich Knickerbocker, A (work by Irving) History of Nursing (work by Dock and Nutting) History of Oracles, The (work by Fontenelle) History of Pendennis, The (work by Thackeray) History of Philosophy, The (work by Stanley) History of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-47 (work by Bradford) History of Political Economy in Europe (work by Blanqui) History of Prices (work by Tooke) History of Printing in America, A (American historical source) History of Prophets and Kings (work by al-?abari) History of Rationalism (work by Lecky) History of Richard III (work by More) History of Rome (work by Niebuhr) History of Rome, The (work by Mommsen) History of Russia from Ancient Times (work by Solovyov) History of Russia from the Earliest Times (work by Shcherbatov) History of Russia from the Most Early Times (work by Tatishchev) History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond (work by Thackeray) History of Science, Museum of the (museum, Florence, Italy) History of Science, Museum of the (museum, Oxford, England, United Kingdom) History of Sexuality, The (work by Foucault) History of Sir Charles Grandison, The (novel by Richardson) History of Spanish Literature (work by Ticknor) “History of St. Louis” (work by Joinville) History of St. Piat and St. Eleuthère (tapestry) History of Sumatra (work by Marsden) “History of Susan Spray, the Female Preacher, The“ (novel by Kaye-Smith) “History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, The” (novel by Fielding) History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen (work by Adam of Bremen) History of the Arians (work by Athanasius) History of the Civil Wars (work by Pollio) History of the Civil Wars in France, The (work by Davila) History of the Conquest of Mexico (work by Prescott) History of the Conquest of Peru (work by Prescott) History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac (work by Parkman) History of the Corruptions of Christianity (work by Priestley) History of the Council of Trent (work by Sarpi) History of the Criminal Law of England (work by Stephen) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (work by Gibbon) “History of the Destruction of Bel and the Dragon, The” (religious work) History of the Dividing Line (work by Byrd) History of the Early Kings of Persia (work by Mirkhwand) History of the English People in the Nineteenth Century, A (work by Halévy) History of the Fairchild Family, The (work by Sherwood) History of the Famous Preacher Friar Gerundio of Campazas, alias Zotes (work by Isla) History of the Former Han Dynasty, The (Chinese historical work) History of the Franks, The (work by Gregory of Tours) History of the House of Artsruni (work by Artsruni) “History of the House of Lords and All Its Members From the Earliest Times, A” (British publication) History of the Indies (work by Las Casas) History of the Introduction of Christianity in China (work by Ricci) History of the Italian Republics in the Middle Ages (work by Simonde de Sismondi) History of the Jewish War (work by Josephus) History of the Jews (work by Dubnow) History of the Jews (work by Graetz) History of the Kings of Britain (work by Geoffrey of Monmouth) History of the Kirk of Scotland (work by Calderwood) History of the Latin and Teutonic Nations from 1494 to 1514 (work by Ranke) History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880 (work by Williams) History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, A (work by Williams) History of the New Testament Canon (work by Westcott) History of the Origin and Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal (work by Herculano) History of the Origin and Progress of the Working Men’s Party (work by Evans) History of the Origins of Christianity (work by Renan) History of the Peloponnesian War (work by Thucydides) History of the People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War, A (work by McMaster) History of the Pleas of the Crown (work by Hale) History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages (work by Pastor) History of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, The (work by Harnack) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (work by Clarendon) History of the Reformation in Europe at the Time of Calvin (book by Merle d’Aubigné) History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century (book by Merle d’Aubigné) History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic (work by Prescott) History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh, The (work by Bacon) History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain (work by Prescott) History of the Revolution, The (work by Ferguson) History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution, A (work by Warren) History of the Royal Society of London (work by Sprat) History of the Russian Church (work by Bulgakov) History of the Standard Oil Company, The (work by Tarbell) History of the Synoptic Tradition (work by Bultmann) History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, from the Age of Descartes to the Close of the Nineteenth Century, A (work by Whittaker) History of the Times (work by Choniates) History of the United States (work by Bancroft) History of the United States (work by Channing) History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 (work by Rhodes) History of the United States of America (work by Adams) History of the War in the North Against the Chief Heke, The (work by Maning) History of the War in the Peninsula (work by Napier) History of the Work of Redemption, A (work by Edwards) History of the World Conqueror, A (work by Joveyni) History of the World, The (work by Müller) History of the World, The (work by Raleigh) History of the Worthies of England (work by Fuller) History of Titus Andronicus, The (English chapbook) “History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, The” (novel by Fielding) History of Trade Unionism, The (work by Webb) History of Two Nations (work by Bainville) History of Tythes (work by Selden) History of Violence, A (film by Cronenberg) History of Western Philosophy, A (work by Russell) History of Woman Suffrage (American publication) history of work organization (work) history, philosophy of history play (literature) History: The Home Movie (work by Raine) Histosol (FAO soil group) Histosol (soil) histotoxic hypoxia (pathology) Histrio histrio (fish) Histrio Mastix: The Players Scourge, or, Actors tragoedie (work by Prynne) Histrio-mastix (work by Marston) histrionic personality disorder (psychology) Histriophoca fasciata (mammal) Hit (ancient city, Iraq) hit (baseball) hit and span (game) hit wicket (cricket) hit-and-run tactics (military) Hita (Japan) Hitachi (Japan) Hitachi, Ltd. (Japanese manufacturer) hitatare (Japanese dress) hitch kick (sports) Hitch-22 (work by Hitchens) Hitchcock, Albert Spear (American botanist) Hitchcock, Henry-Russell (American architect) Hitchcock, Hugh Wiley (American musicologist) Hitchcock, Sir Alfred (American director) Hitchcock, Thomas, Jr. (American athlete) Hitchens, Christopher (British-American writer) Hitchens, Christopher Eric (British-American writer) Hitchhiker, The (American television series) Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The (work by Adams) Hitchings, George Herbert (American scientist) “Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality, The” (work by Hite) Hite Report on Male Sexuality, The (work by Hite) Hite Report on Women and Love: A Cultural Revolution in Progress, The (work by Hite) Hite Report, The (work by Hite) Hite, Shere (American writer) HiTech (computer) Hitler, Adolf (dictator of Germany) Hitler, Alois (father of Adolf Hitler) Hitler Youth (Nazi organization) Hitler-Jugend (Nazi organization) Hitler-Stalin Pact (Germany-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [1939]) Hitlerian man (fascism) Hitlerputsch (German history) Hitler’s war (World War II) Hitler’s war (1939-45) Hitler’s war (World War II) Hito-no-michi (Japanese religion) hitogami (Japanese religion) Hitopadesha (work by Narayana) Hitotsubashi family (Japanese family) Hitsville (American corporation) hitter (baseball) Hittite (people) Hittite hieroglyphic writing Hittite language Hittite religion Hittites, The (work by Gurney) Hittorf, Johann Wilhelm (German physicist) Hittorff, Jacques-Ignace (French architect) HIV (virus) HIV-1 HIV-1 genome (genetics) HIV-2 Hiva Oa (island, French Polynesia) hive (beekeeping) Hive, The (work by Cela) hive tool (beekeeping) hives (dermatology) Hiwassee River (river, United States) ?iwi al-Balkhi (Jewish pamphleteer) Hiyoi (Buddhist goddess) Hiyoshimaru (Japanese leader) ?izb al-Ba?ath al-?Arabi al-Ishtiraki (Arab political party) ?izb al-Ba?th al-?Arabi al-Ishtiraki (Arab political party) ?izb al-?urr ad-Dusturi at-Tunusi, al- (political party, Tunisia) ?izb al-Istiqlal (political party, Morocco) ?izb al-Wa?ani, al- (political party, Egypt) ?izb Allah (Lebanese organization) Hizbullah (Lebanese organization) Hizikia (algae) Hizir (Turkmen ruler) Hizir Bey, Mosque of (mosque, Kirklareli, Turkey) ?izqiyya (king of Judah)

Hjärne, Harald Gabriel (Swedish politician) Hjelm, Peter Jacob (Swedish chemist) Hjelmslev, Louis (Danish linguist) Hjo (Sweden) Hjørring (Denmark) Hjortspring (Denmark) HJV (pathology)

Hkakabo, Mount (mountain, Myanmar) Hkakabo Razi (mountain, Myanmar) Hkawa (people) HKBP (church, Indonesia)

HLA (biochemistry) HLA-B27 (genetics) Hlai (Asian people) Hlai languages Hlavsa, Mejla (Czech musician) Hlavsa, Milan (Czech musician) Hlinka, Andrej (Slovak patriot) HLL (computing) Hlódyn (Norse mythology) Hlothere (king of Kent) Hluhluwe Game Reserve (reserve, South Africa) Hlutdaw (Myanmar government) Hluttaw (Myanmar government) HLW (radioactive waste)

HM.2 (hovercraft) Hmawza (Myanmar) HMD (device) HMFG (glass) HMG-CoA reductase (enzyme) HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (drug) HMI (scientific research instrument) HMO Hmong (people) Hmong language Hmong-Mien languages Hmongic languages HMS (trade-union federation) Hmu (people) ?myr (people)

Hnatyshyn, Ramon John (Canadian politician) Hnatyshyn, Ray (Canadian politician) HNBR (chemical compound) Hnizdovsky, Jacques (Ukrainian artist) HNPCC (pathology) Hnutie Za Democratické Slovensko (political party, Slovakia)

ho (bronze work) Ho (Chinese bandits) Ho (people) Ho (Ghana) ho (Japanese religious garment) Ho (chemical element) Ho (river, China) Ho Chi Minh (president of North Vietnam) Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) Ho Chi Minh Trail (trail, Asia) Ho Ch’i-fang (Chinese poet) Ho Ching-chih (Chinese playwright) Ho degos (work by Anastasius) Ho, Don (American singer) Ho Hsien-ku (Chinese mythology) Ho Kyun (Korean writer) “Ho Monogenes” (song) Ho Ne (people) Ho Ryon (Korean painter) Ho Saeng chon (work by Pak Chi-Won) Ho Sho (Japanese poet) Ho Yen (Chinese philosopher) Ho-chen language (language) Ho-ch’uan (former city, Chongqing, China) Ho-Chungra (people) Ho-Chunk (people) Ho-fei (China) Ho-huan Shan (mountain, Taiwan) Ho-kang (China) Ho-musubi (Japanese deity) Ho-nan (province, China) ho-o bird (decorative motif) Ho-pei (province, China) Ho-pi (China) Ho-shang (Chinese Buddhist monk) Ho-shen (Chinese courtier) Ho-t’ien (China) Hoa Binh (Vietnam) Hoa Binh Dam (dam, Hoa Binh, Vietnam) Hoa Hao (Vietnamese religious sect) Hoa-tun (people) Hoabinhian industry (prehistoric toolmaking) Hoad, Lew (Australian tennis player) Hoad, Lewis Alan (Australian tennis player) Hoadley, Silas (American clockmaker) Hoagland, Dennis Robert (American botanist) Hoagland, Edward (American writer) Hoagland, Edward Morley (American writer) Hoagland’s solution (chemistry) Hoan Kiem, Lake (lake, Hanoi, Vietnam) Hoang Hoa Tham (Vietnamese patriot) Hoang Lien Son (mountain, Vietnam) Hoar, Ebenezer R. (American politician) Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood (American politician) Hoar, George Frisbie (American politician) hoarding (architecture) hoarding (economics) Hoare, Sir Charles Antony Richard (British computer scientist) Hoare, Sir Samuel John Gurney, 2nd Baronet (British statesman) Hoare-Laval Pact (international relations [1935]) Hoare-Laval Plan (international relations [1935]) hoarfrost (meteorology) hoarhound (herb) hoarseness (pathology) hoary bamboo rat (rodent) hoary bat (mammal) hoary fox (mammal) hoary marmot hoary plantain hoary whitlow grass (plant) hoatzin (bird) Hoax, The (film by Hallström [2006]) hob (tool) Hobab (biblical figure) Hoban, James (Irish architect) Hoban, Russell (American author) Hoban, Russell Conwell (American author) Hobart (Tasmania, Australia) Hobart (Indiana, United States) Hobart (Oklahoma, United States) Hobart, Garret A. (vice president of United States) Hobart, Garret Augustus (vice president of United States) Hobart, John Henry (American clergyman) Hobart Pasa (British naval captain) Hobart, Percy (British military officer) Hobart, Percy Cleghorn Stanley (British military officer) Hobart Town Magazine (Australian magazine) Hobart-Hampden, Augustus Charles (British naval captain) Hobbes, Thomas (English philosopher) “Hobbit; or, There and Back Again, The” (work by Tolkien) Hobbit, The (work by Tolkien) hobble skirt (dress design) hobblebush (plant) Hobbs (New Mexico, United States) Hobbs, Alfred Charles (American locksmith) Hobbs, Bruce Robertson (British jockey and trainer) Hobbs, Jack (British athlete) Hobbs, Lucy Beaman (American dentist) Hobbs, Roy (fictional character) Hobbs, Sir John Berry (British athlete) hobby (bird) hobby (leisure activity) Hobby Horse, The (British newspaper) Hobby, Oveta Culp (United States government official) Hobby-Eberly Telescope (telescope, Texas, United States) hobby-horse (bicycle) Hobeika, Elias Joseph (Lebanese militia leader) Hobeika, Elie (Lebanese militia leader) Hobgoblin (fairy) Hobhouse, Emily (British social worker) Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawny (British sociologist) Hobhouse, Sir John Cam, 2nd Baronet (British politician) Hobocan (New Jersey, United States) Hoboken (New Jersey, United States) hoboy (musical instrument) Hobrecht, Jakob (Dutch composer) Hobson, John Atkins (English historian) Hobson, Laura Z. (American author) Hobson, Laura Zametkin (American author) Hobson, William (British colonial officer) Hoby, Sir Thomas (English diplomat and translator) Hoccleve, Thomas (English poet) Hoceïma, Al- (Morocco) Hoceïma, Al- (Spanish enclave, Morocco) Hoch, Jan Ludvik (British publisher) hocha (Inca religion) Hochberg, Isidore (American composer) Hochbrucker, Celestin (Bavarian harp maker) Hochdeutsch Hoche, Lazare (French general) Hoche, Louis-Lazare (French general) Hocheifel (region, Germany) Hochelaga (historical site, Quebec, Canada) Hochelaga Archipelago (islands, Quebec, Canada) Hochgolling (mountain, Austria) Hochheim, Eckehart von (German mystic) Hochheim, Eckhart von (German mystic) Hochhuth, Rolf (German writer) Hochmichele barrow (archaeological site, Germany) Hochrhein (river, Switzerland) Hochschule für Gestaltung (school, Ulm, Germany) Hochsprache (language) Höchst (Germany) Hochzeitsturm (building, Darmstadt, Germany) hocket (music) hocking (English folk festival) Hocking, William E. (American philosopher) Hockney, David (British artist) Hocktide play (English folk play) hocquet (music) Höd (German mythology) “Hoda Aljadidah, al-” (American newspaper) “Hodayot” (Dead Sea Scroll) hodegetria (Christian art) Hodeida, Al- (Yemen) Hodes, Art (American pianist) ?odesh, ha- (Judaism) Hodge, Charles (American scholar) Hodge conjecture (mathematics) Hodge, John R. (United States general) Hodge, Sir William Vallance Douglas (British mathematician) Hodgenville (Kentucky, United States) Hodges, C. Walter (British author) Hodges, Courtney Hicks (United States general) Hodges, Gil (American baseball player) Hodges, John Cornelius (American musician) Hodges, Johnny (American musician) Hodgins, Jack (Canadian author) Hodgkin disease (pathology) Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot (British chemist) Hodgkin, Sir Alan (British biophysicist) Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd (British biophysicist) Hodgkin, Thomas (British physician) Hodgkinson, Eaton (English mathematician and civil engineer) Hodgman, Eleanor (American novelist) Hodgson, Frances Eliza (American author) Hodgson, George (Canadian athlete) Hodgson, Ralph (British poet) Hodh Basin (basin, Africa) Hodja, Enver (prime minister of Albania) Hodler, Ferdinand (Swiss artist) Hodler, Marc (Swiss lawyer and sports administrator) Hodna, Chott el- (lake, Algeria) hodonymy (linguistics) Hodson, William Stephen Raikes (British cavalry leader) Hodur, Francis (American clergyman) Hodža, Milan (Slovak politician) hoe (agriculture) Hoe, Richard March (American inventor and manufacturer) Hoe, Robert (American inventor and manufacturer) hoecake (food) Hoechst AG (German company) Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft (German company) Hoefer, J. C. F. (German editor) Høeg, Peter (Danish author) Høegh-Guldberg, Ove (Danish statesman) Hoek van Holland (headland, Netherlands) Hoeken (people) Hoeksen (people) Hoel, Halvor Nielsen (Norwegian politician) Hoel, Sigurd (Norwegian novelist) Hoenir (Norse mythology) Hœnsa-Thoris saga (Icelandic saga) Hoerni, Jean (American engineer) Hoes, Hannah (wife of Martin Van Buren) Hoess, Rudolf Franz (German Nazi commandant) Hoëvell, Wolter Robert, baron van (Dutch statesman) hof (Danish council) hof (Icelandic temple) Hofbauer, Saint Clement Mary (German saint) Hofburg (palace complex, Vienna, Austria) Hofe, Julius von (American inventor) Hofeditz, W. (German chemist) Hofer, Andreas (Tirolean leader) Hoff, Jacobus Henricus van ’t (Dutch chemist) Hoff, Marcian (American engineer) Hoff, Ted (American engineer) Hoffa, James P. (American labour leader) Hoffa, James Phillip (American labour leader) Hoffa, James R. (American labour leader) Hoffa, James Riddle (American labour leader) Hoffa, Jimmy (American labour leader) Hoffa, Portland (American comedian) Hoffberger, Rebecca Alban (American museum director) Hoffer, Eric (American writer) Hoffman, Abbie (American activist) Hoffman, Abbott (American activist) Hoffman, Alice (American author) Hoffman, Bob (American athlete) Hoffman, Daniel (American poet) Hoffman, Daniel Gerard (American poet) Hoffman, Dustin (American actor) Hoffman Estates (Illinois, United States) Hoffman, Jeffrey (American astronaut) Hoffman, Malvina (American sculptor) Hoffman, Paul G. (American manufacturer) Hoffman, Paul Gray (American manufacturer) Hoffman, Philip Seymour (American actor) Hoffman, Samuel Kurtz (American engineer) Hoffman, Trevor (American baseball player) Hoffmann, August Heinrich (German poet) Hoffmann, Christoph (German religious leader) Hoffmann, E. T. A. (German writer, composer, and painter) Hoffmann, Erich (German dermatologist) Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus (German writer, composer, and painter) Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm (German writer, composer, and painter) Hoffmann, Ferenc (Israeli author) Hoffmann, Heinrich (German physician and writer) Hoffmann, Josef (Austrian architect) Hoffmann, Max (German general) Hoffmann, Melchior (German mystic) Hoffmann, Roald (American chemist) Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich (German poet) Hoffmann-Donner, Heinrich (German physician and writer) Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth (mammal) Hoffman’s rat (rodent) Hofgericht (German court) höfische Dorfpoesie (literary genre) Hofkirche (cathedral, Lucerne, Switzerland) Hoflehner, Rudolf (Austrian sculptor) Hofmann, Albert (Swiss chemist) Hofmann, August Wilhelm von (German chemist) Hofmann degradation Hofmann, Gert (German author) Hofmann, Hans (German painter) Hofmann, Josef Casimir (American pianist and composer) Hofmann, Melchior (German mystic) Hofmann reaction Hofmannsthal, Hugo von (Austrian author) Hofmannswaldau, Christian Hofmann von (German poet) Hofmeister, Franz (German chemist) Hofmeister oder Vortheile der Privaterziehung, Der (work by Lenz) Hofmeister, Sebastian (Swiss religious reformer) Hofmeister, Wilhelm (German botanist) Hofmeister, Wilhelm Friedrich Benedikt (German botanist) Hofmeyr (work by Paton) Hofmeyr, Jan (South African politician) Hofmeyr, Jan Hendrik (South African politician) Hofrat (German council) Hofs Glacier (glacier, Iceland) Hofsjökull (glacier, Iceland) Hofstadter, Richard (American historian) Hofstadter, Robert (American physicist) Hofstetter, Ernest (Swiss mountaineer) Hofstra University (university, Hempstead, New York, United States) Hofu (Japan) Hofuf, Al- (Saudi Arabia) Hofvijver (lake, Netherlands) Hofzinser, Johann Nepomuk (Austrian magician) hog (pig) hog (drug) hog badger (mammal) hog bristle hog flu (disease) hog house (agriculture) hog plum (plant) hog-nosed badger (mammal) hog-nosed bat (mammal) hog-nosed skunk (mammal) hogaku (Japanese music) hogan (Navajo dwelling) Hogan, Ben (American golfer) Hogan, Vickie Lynn (American celebrity) Hogan, William Benjamin (American golfer) Hogan’s Heroes (American television series) Hogarth Act (Great Britain [1735]) Hogarth, Ann (British puppeteer) Hogarth, David George (British archaeologist) Hogarth Press (British publishing house) Hogarth, William (English artist) hogback ridge (geology) Hogben, Lancelot Thomas (English scientist) Hogbom, Jan (Swedish physicist) hogbrake (plant) hogchoker (fish) Hoge, Jane Currie Blaikie (American social worker) Hoge Raad (Dutch court) Hogen Disturbance (Japanese history) Hogen no ran (Japanese history) Hogendorp, Dirk van (Dutch statesman) Hogendorp, Gijsbert Karel van (Dutch politician) hogfish (fish) Hogg, Douglas McGarel, 1st Viscount Hailsham of Hailsham (British lawyer and politician) Hogg, James (Scottish poet) Hogg, Kathleen Erin (American novelist) Hogg, Quintin (British educator) Hogg, Quintin McGarel (British politician) Hogg, Thomas Jefferson (English biographer) Hogg-Priestly, Helen Battles Sawyer (Canadian astronomer) Hoggar (plateau, Africa) Hoglin’s Town (Ohio, United States) Hogmanay (Scottish festival) Hogni (German mythology) hognose snake hognut (Conopodium majus) Hogoleu Islands (islands, Micronesia) hogon (African religious leader) högstra domstolen (Swedish court) hogweed (cow parsnip grouping) hogweed (plant) “hohe Lied, Das” (work by Sudermann) hohe Minne (literature) hôhe minne (literature) Hohenemser, Kurt (American engineer) Hohenheim, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von (German-Swiss physician) Hohenlinden, Battle of (European history) Hohenlohe (district, Germany) Hohenlohe family (German family) Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Friedrich Ludwig, Fürst zu (Prussian field marshal) Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Kraft, Prinz zu (Prussian military officer) Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Chlodwig Karl Viktor, Fürst zu (German chancellor) Hohenstaufen dynasty (German dynasty) Hohenwart, Karl Siegmund, Graf von (prime minister of Austria) Hohenzollern dynasty (European dynasty) Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Karl Eitel Friedrich, Prinz Von (king of Romania) Höher Kranz Mountain (mountain, Germany) Hohfeld, Wesley Newcomb (American legal scholar) Hohhot (China) “Höhlen der grossen Jäger, Die” (work by Baumann) Hohlfeld, M. (German mathematician) hohlraum (physics) Hohman (Indiana, United States) Hohmann orbit Hohmichele (archaeological site, Germany) Hohn, Uwe (German athlete) Höhnel, Ludwig von (Austrian naval officer and explorer) Hohokam culture (North American Indians) Hohokam Pima National Monument (monument, Arizona, United States) Hoi An (Vietnam) Høiby, Mette-Marit Tjessem (Norwegian princess) Hoihow (China) hoisin sauce (food) hoist (mechanical device) “hojarasca, La” (work by García Márquez) Hojas al viento (poems by Casal) Hojo family (Japanese family) Hojo Hideji (Japanese playwright) Hojo Masako (Japanese nun) “Hojo no umi” (work by Mishima) Hojo Sanetoki (Japanese warrior leader) Hojo Takatoki (Japanese regent) Hojo Tokimasa (Japanese warrior and regent) Hojo Tokimune (Japanese regent) Hojo Tokiyori (Japanese regent) Hojo Yasutoki (Japanese regent) Hojo Yoshitoki (Japanese regent) “Hojo-ki” (work by Kamo) hojok (South Korean society) Hoka Priests, The (play by Zenchiku Ujinobu) Hokaltecan languages (language group) Hokan Coahuiltlecan languages (language group) Hokan languages (American Indian language) Hokan-Siouan languages (language group) Hokchia language (Chinese language) “Hoke-Kyo” (Buddhist text) hoket (music) ?okhma (religion) ?okhmat Yeshua? Ben-Sira (biblical literature) Hokinson, Helen (American cartoonist) Hokitika (borough, New Zealand) Hokitika River (river, New Zealand) Hokkaido (island, Japan) Hokkaido (island, Japan) Hokkaido University (university, Sapporo, Japan) Hokke Hall (temple building, Nara, Japan) Hokke school (Buddhist school) Hokke-do (temple building, Nara, Japan) hokku (Japanese literature) hokoshu (Japanese government) Hokuriku (industrial area, Japan) Hokusai (Japanese artist) Hokusai manga (work by Hokusai) ?ol ha-mo?ed (Judaism) hol hamoed (Judaism) Hola Mahalla (Sikh festival) Holabird, William (American architect) Holacanthus ciliaris (fish) Holand, Thomas de (English noble) Holanda, A (work by Ortigão) Holappa, Pentti (Finnish writer) Hólar (Iceland) Holarctic realm (faunal region) Holarctic region (faunal region) Holbach, Paul-Henri Dietrich, baron d’ (French philosopher) Holbæk (Denmark) Holbein, Hans, the Elder (German painter) Holbein, Hans, the Younger (German painter) Holbein rug (decorative arts) Holberg, Ludvig, Friherre Holberg (Scandinavian author) Holborn (neighbourhood and former borough, London, United Kingdom) Holbrook, Josiah (American educator) Holbrooke, Josef (British composer) Holbrooke, Richard (American diplomat) Holbrooke, Richard Charles Albert (American diplomat) Holcomb (Illinois, United States) Holcroft, Thomas (English dramatist) Holcus lanatus (plant) hold (phonetics) Holden, Stanley (British dancer and ballet teacher) Holden, Thomas (English puppeteer) Holden, William (American actor) Holdenville (Oklahoma, United States) Holder, Alfred Theophil (Austrian language scholar) Holder, Charles Frederick (American fisherman) Holder, Eric (American lawyer and official) Holder, Eric Himpton., Jr. (American lawyer and official) Holder of the World, The (work by Mukherjee) Holderness (peninsula and region, England, United Kingdom) holdfast (anatomy) holdfast (carpentry) Holdheim, Samuel (German rabbi) holding company (business) holding gain (accounting) holding loss (accounting) Holding, Michael (West Indian cricketer) Holding, Michael Anthony (West Indian cricketer) holding stack (air-traffic control) Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983 (work by Kingsolver) Holding, Thomas Hiram (British camping enthusiast) holding-operating company (business) hole (chess) Hole (rock band) hole (solid-state physics) Hole in the Head, A (film by Capra [1959]) Hole in the Wall (canyon, Wyoming, United States) Hole in the Wall Gang Camp (camp, Connecticut, United States) hole-electron pair (physics) Holectypus (fossil echinoderm genus) Holger Danske (Danish legendary figure) Holger Danske (opera Kunzen and Baggesen) Holguín (Cuba) Holi (Hindu festival) Holi (Ndebele social class) holiday (social practice) Holiday (novel by Middleton) Holiday, Billie (American jazz singer) Holiday House (book by Sinclair) Holiday Inn (film by Sandrich [1942]) Holiday on Ice (ice show) Holies, Holy of (Judaism) Holika (Hindu demon) Holiness Church (American Pentecostal church) Holiness Church of Christ (church, United States) Holiness, Code of (biblical regulations) Holiness movement (American history) Holinshed, Raphael (English chronicler) holism (philosophy) holistic medicine (philosophy) Holkar dynasty (Indian dynasty) Holkeri, Harri (prime minister of Finland) Holkham Hall (house, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom) Holland (historical region, Netherlands) Holland (Michigan, United States) holland (cloth) Holland (submarine) Holland (former division, England, United Kingdom) Holland Holland, Clifford Milburn (American engineer) Holland College (college, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada) Holland, Endesha Ida Mae (American playwright) Holland, Georg von (logician) Holland, Henry (British architect) Holland, Henry Edmund (New Zealand labour leader) Holland, Ida Mae (American playwright) Holland, John Henry (American mathematician) Holland, John Philip (American inventor) Holland, Josiah G. (American journalist) Holland, Kingdom of (Netherlands) Holland of Foxley and of Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron (British politician) Holland of Foxley, Henry Fox, 1st Baron (British politician) Holland, Parts of (former division, England, United Kingdom) Holland, Sir Erskine (British legal scholar) Holland, Sir Sidney George (prime minister of New Zealand) Holland, Sir Thomas Erskine (British legal scholar) Holland, Thomas (English noble) Holland Tunnel (tunnel, New Jersey-New York, United States) Holland, Vyvyan Oscar Beresford (British writer) Holland-Dozier-Holland (American songwriting team) Hollande, François (French politician) Hollander beater (industrial machine) Hollander, John (American author) Hollandia (Indonesia) Hollands (alcoholic beverage) “Hollands glorie: roman van de zeesleepvaart” (work by Hartog) Hollar, Vaclav (Bohemian etcher) Hollar, Wenceslaus (Bohemian etcher) Hollar, Wenzel (Bohemian etcher) Hollein, Hans (Austrian architect) Hollenburg, Treaty of (1395) Hollerith, Herman (American inventor) Holles of Ifield, Denzil Holles, 1st Baron (English statesman) Holley, Alexander Lyman (American metallurgist and mechanical engineer) Holley, Charles Hardin (American musician) Holley, Marietta (American humorist) Holley, Robert William (American biochemist) Hollick-Kenyon, Herbert (Canadian pilot) Holliday, Cyrus K. (American entrepreneur) Holliday, Doc (American frontiersman) Holliday, John Henry (American frontiersman) Holliday, Judy (American actress) Holliday junction (biology) Holliday, Matt (American baseball player) Hollies, The (British rock group) Hollinger Inc. (international corporation) Hollingshead, John (British theatrical manager) Hollingworth Lake (lake, England, United Kingdom) Hollingworth, Leta (psychologist) Hollister, Charles Davis (American marine geologist) Hölloch Cave (cave, Switzerland) Hollóko (Hungary) Holloman Air Force Base (military base, New Mexico, United States) hollow box girder hollow cathode discharge lamp (electronics) hollow charge (explosive) hollow core (Mexican geography) Hollow Elis (ancient district, Greece) hollow gut (cnidarian anatomy) hollow kanshitsu (Japanese art) hollow modeling (sculpture) hollow post-mill (windmill) hollow relief (sculpture) hollow-faced bat (mammal) Holloway, Thomas (British medicine merchant and philanthropist) Hollows, Frederick Cossom (Australian physician) hollowware (metalwork) Hollweg, Theobald von Bethmann (German statesman)

| “Hollands glorie: roman van de zeesleepvaart” ... Holocaust Studies, Center for | Holocene Epoch ... holy fool | Holy Ghost ... home base | Home Box Office ... Homme armé, L’? | homme armé, L’? ... homopteran | Homosexual Offences and Prostitution in Great Britain, Committee on ... honeydew | honeydew melon ... honourable ordinary | honours ... Hooper, Marian | Hooper, Stephen ... Hopper, Edward | Hopper, Grace Murray ... Horkheimer, Max | Horlivka ... Horner’s method | Horner’s muscle ... horsepower | horseradish ... Hospital | hospital almoner ... Hotel California | hotel china ... hour circle | Hour of Spain, An ... housing | Housing Act ... How to Pay for the War | How to Read Donald Duck ... Howick, Viscount | Howieson’s Poort industry ... Hsi Han dynasty | Hsi Hsia ... Hsüeh-shan Mountain Range | Hsui shih lu ... Huaman Achachi | Huamanga ... hub-and-spoke network | Hubay, Jenö ... Hudsonian orogeny | Hudson’s Bay Company ... Hughes, John | Hughes, John ... hukamnama | Hukbalahap Rebellion ... human growth hormone | human immune serum globulin ... Hume, David | Hume, George Basil Cardinal ... Hunan language | Hunan-Guangxi railroad ... Hunneric | Hunni ... hunting sett | hunting spider ... Hurok, Solomon Isaievich | Huron ... Hussein, Uday | ?ussein, ?Udayy ... Huynh Tan Phat | Huynh Tinh Cua ... hybrid | hybrid ... hydraulic transmission | hydraulic turbine ... hydrogen-metal exchange | hydrogenated amorphous silicon ... hydroxy acid | hydroxy group ... hymen vaginea | Hymenaea ... hypercapnia | Hypercar ... Hyphaene | Hyphaene compressa ... hypostasis | hypostatic gene ... Hywel ap Cadell | Hywel Dda ... HZDS

“I” (ancient Chinese text) i (antigen) I (antigen) I (chemical element) I AM (religious concept) I Am a Camera (drama by Van Druten) I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (film by LeRoy) I Am America (And So Can You!) (work by Colbert) I Am Charlotte Simmons (work by Wolfe) I Am Legend (film by Lawrence) I AM movement (American religious movement) I Am Sam (film by Nelson) “I Am So Wild About Your Strawberry Mouth” (autobiography by Kinski) I Am Trying to Break Your Heart (film by Jones [2002]) I Am...Sasha Fierce (album by Beyoncé) I and the Village (painting by Chagall) I and Thou (work by Buber) I band (physiology) I beam (mineralogy) I Been Buked and I Been Scorned (African American spiritual) I Believe I Can Fly (song by Kelly) I blood group system (biology) I brønden og i tjernet (work by Moe) I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love (album by My Chemical Romance) I Can See for Miles (song by the Who) “I cancelliraadens dage” (work by Andersen) "(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction" (song by Jagger and Richards) I Can’t Get Started (work by Duke) I Can’t Help Myself (song by the Four Tops) I Carbonari (Italian secret society member) “I Ching” (ancient Chinese text) I, Claudius (novel by Graves) I Corinthians (works by Saint Paul) I Corps (United States Army corps) I Dream of Jeannie (American television series) I Dreamed There Was No War (song by the Eagles) I Fall to Pieces (song by Howard and Cochran) I Feel Bad About My Neck (work by Ephron) I Found a Love (song by Pickett) I Got Rhythm (work by Gershwin) I Got Up (work by Kawara) I Got You Babe (song) I Have A Dream (speech by King) I Heart Huckabees (film by Russell) I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (work by Angelou) I Led Three Lives (work by Philbrick) “I Live in Fear” (film by Kurosawa [1955]) I Lost It at the Movies (work by Kael) I Love Lucy (American television program) I Need to Wake Up (song by Etheridge) I novel (Japanese literature) I/O device (computer technology) I/O unit (computer technology) I Olympiad, Games of the I Olympic Winter Games I proposition (logic) i region (electronics) I Remember Mama (film by Stevens) I, Rigoberta Menchú (work by Menchú) I, Robot (work by Asimov) I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold (painting by Demuth) I See a Wondrous Land (novel by Kamban) I See All (encyclopaedia by Mee) I Shot Andy Warhol (film by Harron [1996]) I Shot Jesse James (film by Fuller) i: six nonlectures (work by Cummings) I, The Jury (novel by Spillane) I, The Supreme (book by Roa Bastos) I think, therefore I am (philosophy) I, Tina (work by Turner and Loder) I Walk Alone (film by Haskin) I Wanna Hold Your Hand (film by Zemeckis [1978]) I Wanna Love My Life Away (song by Pitney) I Want to Be an Artist (work by Perry) I Want to Hold Your Hand (song by Lennon and McCartney) I Want to Live! (film by Wise [1958]) I Wanted a Year Without Fall (novel by Busch) I Was a Teenage Werewolf (American motion picture, 1957) I Was Cicero (work by Bazna) I Will Always Love You (song by Parton) I Will Marry When I Want (work by Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Ngugi wa Mirii) I Would Have Saved Them If I Could (short story by Michaels) I-16 (Soviet aircraft) I-201 (submarine class) I-ch’ang (China) “I-Ching” (ancient Chinese text) I-ching (Chinese pilgrim) I-ch’un (China) i-go (game) I-ho ch’üan (Chinese secret society) I-ho t’uan (Chinese secret society) i-hong (lacquerwork) I-hsing ware (Chinese pottery) I-It (philosophy) I-Lab (research laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) I-lan (county, Taiwan) I-lan (Taiwan) I-lan River (river, Taiwan) I-language (linguistics) “I-li” (Chinese ritual text) I-li Ho (river, Central Asia) i-Limb (prosthetic device) I-lou (people) I-n-Salah (Algeria) I-ning (China) I-pin (China) I-Thou (philosophical doctrine) I-type granite (geology) I-type granitoid (geology) I-voting (politics) I-yang (China) I.F. Stone’s Weekly (American periodical) I.J. Asscher and Company (Dutch company) i.LINK (computer technology) I.M. Pei & Associates (American architectural firm) I.M. Singer Company (American corporation) IA channel (biology) IAA (chemical compound) IAAF (international sports organization) I’Abane, Francesco (Italian painter) IAC/InterActiveCorp (American company) IACC (boat class) Iacchus (Greek mythology) Iachimo (fictional character) Iacocca, Lee (American businessman) Iacocca, Lido Anthony (American businessman) Iacopone da Todi (Italian poet) IAEA IAF (Israeli military) IAF (American organization) IAF (Jordanian organization) Iago (fictional character) Iakchos (Greek mythology) Iakovos (Greek Orthodox primate) Ialá, Koumba (president of Guinea-Bissau) Ialdabaoth (Gnosticism) Ialomi?a (county, Romania) Ialomita River (river, Romania) Ialysus (painting by Protogenes) iamb (prosody) iambe (French verse form) Iambes (work by Chénier) iambic hexameter (prosody) iambic pentameter (prosody) iambic tetrameter (prosody) iambics (prosody) Iamblichus (Syrian philosopher) Ian, Janis (American singer, songwriter, and musician) IANA Iao Needle (volcanic monolith, Hawaii, United States) Iao Valley (valley, Hawaii, United States) IAP (United States program) Iapetus (astronomy) Iapetus Ocean (geology) Iapetus Sea (geology) IAPV (biology) Iapyges (people) Iarbas (Greek mythology) Iarmhí, An (county, Ireland) Iarnród Éireann (Irish company) IAS paper (paper by von Neumann) IASB IASC Iasi (county, Romania) Ia?i (Romania) Iasi, Treaty of (1792) Iasion (Greek mythology) Iasios (Greek mythology) IATA (international cartel) Iatmul (people) iatrogenic disease (pathology) iatromathematics (pseudoscience) iatromechanics (chemistry) IAU IAU Iazyges (Sarmatian tribe) ib (ancient Egyptian religion) iba (musical instrument) IBA (British government agency) Ibadan (Nigeria) Ibadan, University of (university, Ibadan, Nigeria) Iba?i imamate (Islamic sect) Iba?iyah (Islamic sect) IBAF (sports organization) Ibagué (Colombia) IBAMA (Brazilian agency) Iban (people) Iban language Ibañeta Pass (mountain pass, Spain) Ibañeta, Puerto de (mountain pass, Spain) Ibáñez del Campo, Carlos (president of Chile) Ibáñez, Vicente Blasco (Spanish writer) Ibani (Nigeria) Ibar River (river, Balkans) Ibara (people) Ibara Saikaku (Japanese author) Ibaraki (prefecture, Japan) Ibarbourou, Juana de (Uruguayan poet) Ibarra (Ecuador) Ibarra, José María Velasco (president of Ecuador) Ibárruri, Dolores (Spanish political leader) Ibárruri Gómez, Isidora Dolores (Spanish political leader) Ibas (Syrian theologian) Ibb (Yemen) Ibbi-Sin (king of Ur) IBD (pathology) IBEC ibeji (African cult) Ibër River (river, Balkans)

Iberia (ancient kingdom, Georgia) Iberia (Spanish airline) Iberia (work by Albéniz) Iberia (peninsula, Europe) Iberian (people) Iberian alphabet Iberian Anarchist Federation (political organization, Spain) Iberian language (European language) Iberian languages Iberian lynx (mammal) Iberian Peninsula (peninsula, Europe) Iberian range (mountains, Spain) Iberic alphabet Iberis (plant) Iberis amara (plant) Iberis gibraltarica (plant) Iberis umbellata (plant) Ibero (people) Ibero-Caucasian languages Ibero-Maurusian industry (archaeology) Iberoamerica Ibert, Jacques (French composer) Ibert, Jacques-François-Antoine (French composer) Iberus River (river, Spain) Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne d’ (French-Canadian soldier and explorer) ibex (mammal) IBF (international sports organization) IBF (international sports organization) Ibi (Nigeria) Ibibio (people) Ibibio language Ibicuí River (river, South America) Ibidorhyncha struthersii (bird) Ibina (river, Africa) ibis (bird subfamily) Ibis (poem by Callimachus) Ibis (poem by Ovid) Ibis ibis (bird) ibisbill (bird) Ibiza (island, Spain) Ibiza (Spain) Ibizan hound (breed of dog) Iblis (Islam) Iblomorpha (crustacean) IBM (American corporation) IBM (machine tool technology) IBM 1401 (computer) IBM 360 (operating system) IBM 650 (computer) IBM 7030 (supercomputer) IBM 704 (computer) IBM OS/2 (operating system) IBM PC (computer line) IBM PC clone (computer line) IBM Personal Computer (computer line) IBM-compatible computer (computer line) Ibn ?Abbad (Islamic theologian) Ibn ?Abbas (Companion of Mu?ammad) Ibn ?Abd Rabbihi (Muslim poet) Ibn Abi ad-Dunya (Muslim author) Ibn Abi al-Rijal, A?mad (Yemeni scholar) Ibn Abi al-Rijal, A?mad ibn ?ali? (Yemeni scholar) Ibn Abi ?A?run (Islamic theologian) Ibn Abi Sar? (governor of Egypt) Ibn al-Abbar (Islamic scholar) Ibn al-Af?as (Af?asid ruler) Ibn al-?Arabi (Muslim mystic) Ibn al-Ash?ath (Arab general) Ibn al-Athir (Arab historian) Ibn al-?Awwam (Islamic author) Ibn al-Bawwab (Arab calligrapher) Ibn al-Fari? (Arab poet) Ibn al-Haytham (Arab astronomer and mathematician) Ibn al-?Ibri (Syrian philosopher) Ibn al-Jawzi (Muslim educator) Ibn al-Kalbi (Iraqi genealogist) Ibn al-Kha?ib (Muslim writer) Ibn al-Mudabbir (Egyptian official) Ibn al-Muqaffa? (Muslim writer) Ibn al-Mu?tazz (?Abbasid caliph and poet) Ibn al-Raqa (Jahwarid vizier) Ibn al-Rumi (Arab poet [9th-century]) Ibn al-Zubayr (Companion of Mu?ammad) Ibn ?Ammar (?Abbadid vizier) Ibn an-Nadim (Muslim bookseller) Ibn an-Nafis (Muslim physician) Ibn ?Aqil (Muslim theologian) Ibn as-Sitri (Arab calligrapher) Ibn ash-Sha?ir (Islamic mathematician) Ibn Babawayh (Muslim theologian) Ibn Babuya (Muslim theologian) ibn Badis, ?Abd al-Hamid (Algerian leader) Ibn Bajjah (Spanish Muslim philosopher) Ibn Ba??u?ah (Muslim explorer and writer) Ibn Da?ud (Muslim theologian) ibn Daud, Abraham ben David Halevi (Jewish physician and historian) Ibn Durayd (Arab philologist) ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir (Spanish-Jewish scholar) ibn Ezra, Moses ben Jacob ha-Salla? (Spanish-Jewish poet) Ibn Falaquera (Jewish philosopher) ibn Falaquera, Shemtob ben Joseph (Jewish philosopher) Ibn Faraj (Islamic poet) Ibn Gabirol (Jewish poet and philosopher) Ibn Hani? (Islamic poet) Ibn Haukal (Arab geographer) Ibn ?ayyan (Spanish Muslim historian) Ibn ?azm (Spanish Muslim scholar) Ibn Hisham (Arab author) Ibn ?ithlayn (Arab leader) Ibn ?umayd (Arab leader) Ibn Is?aq (Arab author) Ibn Ja??af (chief magistrate of Valencia) Ibn Jami? (Islamic musician) Ibn Jana? (Spanish-Jewish grammarian) Ibn Jubayr (Spanish Muslim author) Ibn Kathir (Muslim scholar) Ibn Kemal (Turkish historian) Ibn Kemal Pasa (Turkish historian) Ibn Khafajah (Muslim poet) Ibn Khaldun (Muslim historian) Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies (Egyptian organization) Ibn Khallikan (Muslim jurist) Ibn Khallikan’s Biographical Dictionary (work by Ibn Khallikan) Ibn Killis (Jewish vizier) Ibn Majah (Muslim scholar) Ibn Mardanish (ruler of Murcia and Valencia) Ibn Masarrah (Muslim mystic) Ibn Misja? (Persian musician) Ibn Miskawayh (Islamic scholar) Ibn Mu?riz (Persian musician) Ibn Mujahid (theologian) Ibn Muqlah (Islamic calligrapher) ibn Palquera, Shemtob ben Joseph (Jewish philosopher) ibn Paquda, Bahya ben Joseph (Jewish philosopher) Ibn Qutaybah (Muslim author) Ibn Quzman (Muslim poet) Ibn Rashid (Arab ruler) Ibn Rashiq (Muslim author) Ibn Rushd (Muslim philosopher) Ibn Sa?d (Muslim historian) ibn Salman ibn ?Abd al-Aziz, Ahmed, Prince (Saudi Arabian businessman) Ibn Sa?ud (king of Saudi Arabia) ibn Shem Tov, Joseph ben Shem Tov (Jewish philosopher and physician) Ibn Shuhayd (Islamic author) Ibn Sina (Persian philosopher and scientist) Ibn Sina Peak (mountain, Central Asia) Ibn Surayj (Persian musician) Ibn Tashufin, Yusuf (Almoravid ruler) Ibn Taymiyah (Muslim theologian) Ibn Taymiyyah (Muslim theologian) ibn Tibbon, Jacob ben Machir (Jewish astronomer, physician, and translator) ibn Tibbon, Judah ben Saul (Jewish physician and translator) ibn Tibbon, Moses ben Samuel (Jewish physician and translator) ibn Tibbon, Samuel ben Judah (Jewish physician and translator) Ibn ?ufayl (Moorish philosopher and physician) Ibn ?ulun, A?mad (governor of Egypt) Ibn Tumart (Berber Muslim leader) Ibn Verga, Solomon (Jewish writer) Ibn Wahb (Islamic leader) Ibn Wa?shiyah (Middle Eastern agriculturalist) Ibn Yunus (Egyptian astronomer) Ibn Zaydun (Muslim poet) Ibn Zayla (Islamic author) Ibn Ziyad (Ziyadid ruler) Ibn Zuhr (Spanish Muslim physician) Ibo (people) iboga (drug) ibogaine (drug) Ibold, Mark (American musician) Ibonia (Malagasy epic) IBOT (device) Iboundji, Mount (mountain, Gabon) IBRA Ibrahim (amir of Kilwa) Ibrahim (Ottoman sultan) Ibrahim (viceroy of Egypt) Ibrahim ?Adil Shah II (Indian ruler) Ibrahim al-?aqilani (Syrian theologian) Ibrahim al-Imam (Muslim imam) Ibrahim al-Maw?ili (Persian musician) Ibrahim I ibn al-Aghlab (Muslim governor) Ibrahim ibn ?Abd Allah (Swiss author) Ibrahim ibn Adham (Islamic mystic) Ibrahim ibn al-Aghlab (Muslim governor) Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi (?Abbasid prince) Ibrahim ibn Mu?ammad (Ziyadid ruler) Ibrahim ibn Sinan (Islamic mathematician) Ibrahim ibn Ya?qub (Jewish traveler) Ibrahim Katkhuda (Egyptian emir) Ibrahim Lodi (sultan of Delhi) Ibrahim Müteferrika (Ottoman diplomat) Ibrahim Pasa (Ottoman vizier [circa 1493-1536])

Ibrahim Pasa (Ottoman vizier [flourished 1595]) Ibrahim Pasa (Ottoman vizier [1660-1730]) Ibrahim Pasha (viceroy of Egypt) Ibrahim Pasha, mosque of (mosque, Al-Hufuf, Saudi Arabia) Ibrahim Qu?b Shah (Golconda ruler) Ibrahim, Saad Eddin (Egyptian American professor and civil rights activist) Ibrahim, Sa?d al-Din (Egyptian American professor and civil rights activist) Ibrahim Sharqi (Sharqi ruler) Ibrahim, Sonallah (Egyptian author) Ibrahim, ?un? Allah (Egyptian author) Ibrahim, Sunallah (Egyptian author) Ibrahim, Wadi (river, Saudi Arabia) Ibrahim Zakiyul Kalbi (Fulani leader) IBRD IBS (pathology) Ibsen, Henrik (Norwegian dramatist and poet) Ibsen, Henrik Johan (Norwegian dramatist and poet) Ibshihi, Al- (Arab writer) IBT Ibuka Masaru (Japanese businessman) ibuprofen (drug) Ibuse Masuji (Japanese writer) Ibycus (Greek poet) IC (American company) “IC” (star catalogues) IC (electronics) IC analysis (linguistics) Ica (people) Ica (Peru) ICA (interlibrary organization) Ica pottery (ancient Peruvian art) Içá, Río (river, South America) icaco (plant) Icahn, Carl C. (American investor) ICAN ICANN (international organization) ICAO (intergovernmental organization) Icare (ballet by Lifar) Icarian (political movement) Icarius (Greek mythology) Icarosaurus (fossil reptile) Icarus (Greek mythology) Icarus (astronomy) Icauna River (river, France) Icaza, Jorge (Ecuadorian writer) ICBL ICBM (missile) ICC (international law) ICC (United States agency) ICCJ (international organization) ice (drug) ice (solid water) ICE (United States space probe) ice age (geology) Ice Age (animated film) ice albedo feedback ice bear (mammal) Ice Bowl (NFL championship game, 1967) ice bug (insect) ice cap (geology) Ice Capades (ice show) ice cave (geology) ice colour (dye) ice core (geology) ice cream ice crystal (physics) Ice Cube (American rapper and actor) ice dam (ice formation) ice dancing (sport) ice draft (measurement) ice field (geology) ice fishing ice fog Ice Follies (ice show) ice formation (Earth science) Ice Giant World (cave, Austria) ice glass (glassware) ice grain (meteorology) ice island (ice formation) ice jam (ice formation) ice lens (ice formation) Ice Man (Neolithic human body) ice milk (food) ice nucleus (meteorology) ice pack (ice formation) ice pellet (meteorology) ice pit (geology) ice plant ice plant family (plant family) ice point (phase change) ice rink (ice skating facility) ice scour ice segregation (ice formation) ice sheet (geology) ice shelf (geology) ice show (ice skating) ice skating (sport) Ice Skating Australia (Australian sports organization) Ice Skating Institute (American sports organization) ice skating: Year In Review 1993 ice skating: Year In Review 1994 ice skating: Year In Review 1995 ice skating: Year In Review 1996 ice skating: Year In Review 1997 ice skating: Year In Review 1998 ice skating: Year In Review 1999 ice skating: Year In Review 2000 ice skating: Year In Review 2001 ice skating: Year In Review 2002 ice skating: Year In Review 2003 ice skating: Year In Review 2004 ice skating: Year In Review 2005 ice skating: Year In Review 2006 ice skating: Year In Review 2007 ice skating: Year In Review 2008 ice skating: Year In Review 2009 Ice Storm, The (film by Lee [1997]) ice stream (ice formation) ice wedge (ice formation) ice-ax (tool) ice-block pit (geology) ice-nuclei seeding (atmospheric science) ice-rafted debris (geology) ice-wedge cast (geology) iceberg (ice formation) Icebergs (painting by Church) iceboating (sport) icebreaker (watercraft) iced soft drink icefish (fish) Içel (Turkey) Iceland Iceland crystal (mineral) Iceland, flag of Iceland, history of Iceland moss (lichen) Iceland, National Church of (church, Iceland) Iceland poppy (plant) Iceland, Republic of Iceland spar (mineral) Iceland, University of (university, Reykjavík, Iceland) Iceland watercress (plant) Iceland: Year In Review 1993 Iceland: Year In Review 1994 Iceland: Year In Review 1995 Iceland: Year In Review 1996 Iceland: Year In Review 1997 Iceland: Year In Review 1998 Iceland: Year In Review 1999 Iceland: Year In Review 2000 Iceland: Year In Review 2001 Iceland: Year In Review 2002 Iceland: Year In Review 2003 Iceland: Year In Review 2004 Iceland: Year In Review 2005 Iceland: Year In Review 2006 Iceland: Year In Review 2007 Iceland: Year In Review 2008 Iceland: Year In Review 2009 Icelandair (Icelandic company) Icelanders’ sagas (medieval literature) Icelandic eruption (volcanism) Icelandic Federation of Labour (Icelandic labour organization) Icelandic language Icelandic literature Icelandic low (meteorology) Icelandic saga Icelidae (fish) Icelus (Greek mythology) Iceman (Neolithic human body) Iceman Cometh, The (play by O’Neill) Iceman discovery (archaeology) Iceni (people) Icerya purchasi (insect) ICES ICF (physics) ICF ICFTU (international labour organization) ich (fish disease) Ich bin so wild nach deinem Erdbeermund (autobiography by Kinski) “Ich und die Abwehrmechanismen, Das” (work by Anna Freud) Ich und die Welt (work by Morgenstern) “Ich und Du” (work by Buber) “Ich war Cicero” (work by Bazna) Ichan-Kala (royal court, Khiva, Uzbekistan) Ichazo, Oscar (American philosopher) Icheri-Shekher (ancient town, Azerbaijan) Ichi-jitsu Shinto (religion) “Ichiban utsukushiku” (film by Kurosawa [1944]) ichiboku (Japanese woodblock sculpture) ichiboku-zukuri (Japanese woodblock sculpture) Ichigo campaign (Japanese war plan) Ichihara (Japan) Ichijitsu Shinto (religion) Ichikawa (Japan) Ichikawa Danjuro I (Japanese actor) Ichikawa Danjuro IX (Japanese actor) Ichikawa Danjuro XI (Japanese Kabuki actor) Ichikawa family (Japanese actors) Ichikawa Kodanji IV (Japanese actor) Ichikawa Kon (Japanese director) ichimai-e (Japanese art) Ichimura Uzaemon XVII (Japanese actor) Ichinomiya (Japan) “Ichinotani Futaba gunki” (Japanese play) Ichiyusai Hiroshige (Japanese artist) Ichkeul National Park (park, Tunisia) Ichneumia albicauda (mammal) ichneumon (mammal) ichneumon (insect) Ichneumonidae (insect) Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus Ichthyophagoi, Land of the (region, Asia) ichthyophiid (amphibian family) Ichthyophiidae (amphibian family) Ichthyophthirius (protozoan genus) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (protozoan) Ichthyopterygia (fossil reptile subclass) Ichthyornis (paleontology) ichthyosaur (fossil reptile group) Ichthyosaurus (fossil marine reptile) ichthyosis (disease) ichthyosis follicularis (skin disease) Ichthyostega (fossil amphibian genus)

ICI (British corporation) ICI 46474 (drug) icicle fish (fish) icing (ice formation) icing sugar (food) ICJ Ickes, Harold L. (United States government official) Ickes, Harold LeClair (United States government official) Icknield Way (ancient route, England, United Kingdom) Icky Thump (song by White Stripes) ICOM (international museum organization) icon (literature) icon (religious art) icon (semiotics) Icones Muscorum (book by Sullivant) Iconium (Turkey) iconoclasm (religion) Iconoclastic Controversy (Byzantine history) iconodule Iconographs (poem by Swenson) iconography (visual art) Iconography (work by Van Dyck) Iconologia (work by Ripa) iconoscope (camera device) iconostasis (architecture) icosahedral virus icosahedron (mathematics) Icosium (Algeria) Icosteus aenigmaticus (fish) ICP (political party, Iraq) ICP spectrometer ICP-MS ICQ (software) ICR (international organization) ICRC (Swiss organization) ICS (Indian government) ICS ICSH ICSI (medical procedure) ICSID (international organization) ICSU ICSW (international organization) ictalurid (fish) Ictaluridae (fish) Ictalurus (catfish) Ictalurus nebulosus (fish) Ictalurus punctatus (fish) Icteria virens (bird) Icteridae (bird family) Icterus bullockii (bird) Icterus cayanensis (bird) Icterus galbula (bird) Icterus icterus (bird) Icterus spurius (bird) Ictinus (Greek architect) Ictiobus cyprinellus (fish) Ictonyx striatus (mammal) ICTR (international organization) ICTV (international organization) ICTY (international organization) ICU (union, South Africa) ICU (medicine) ICW (international organization) icy conglomerate model (astronomy) id (psychology) ID ?Id al-A??a (Islamic festival) ?Id al-Fi?r (Islamic festival) ?Id al-Kabir (Islamic festival) ?Id al-Qurban (Islamic festival) ?Id al-?aghir (Islamic festival) id Software (American company) id-bo tueryon (martial arts) Ida (king of Bernicia) Ida (asteroid) Ida (mountain range, Turkey) Ida (fossil) Ida (mountain, Crete) IDA (American corporation) IDA (UN) Ida Kominska Theatre (Polish theatrical company) Ida May (novel by Pike) Ida-ten (Buddhism) Idah (Nigeria) Idaho (state, United States) Idaho, Academy of (university, Pocatello, Idaho) Idaho City (Idaho, United States) Idaho Falls (Idaho, United States) Idaho, flag of (United States state flag) Idaho Gem (cloned mule) Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (laboratory, Idaho, United States) Idaho National Laboratory (laboratory, Idaho, United States) Idaho Star (cloned mule) Idaho State College (university, Pocatello, Idaho) Idaho State University (university, Pocatello, Idaho) Idaho Technical Institute (university, Pocatello, Idaho) Idaho, University of (university, Moscow, Idaho, United States) Idalion (ancient city, Cyrpus) Idalium (ancient city, Cyrpus) IDB (international organization) ?iddah (Islam) Iddesleigh, Sir Stafford Henry Northcote, 1st Earl of (British statesman) Iddings, Joseph Paxson (American geologist) IDDM (medical disorder) ide (fish) idea IDEA (United States [1990]) idea de’ scultori, pittori e architetti, L’? (work by Zuccaro) “Idea de un príncipe politíco cristiano” (work by Saavedra Fajardo) idea dell’architettura universale, L’? (work by Scamozzi) “Idea Fidei Fratrum” (work by Spangenberg) Idea Methodica (work by Martini) Idea of a Patriot King, The (work by Bolingbroke) Idea of a University (work by Newman) Idea of History, The (work by Collingwood) Idea of Perfection, The (work by Grenville) Idea of the Holy, The (work by Otto) Idea of the University, The (work by Jaspers) ideal (mathematics) ideal communication community (sociology) ideal democracy ideal fluid (physics) ideal free distribution (behaviour and mathematics) ideal gas (chemistry and physics) ideal gas law (chemistry and physics) ideal language Ideal of a Christian Church, The (work by Ward) ideal solution (chemistry) ideal speech situation ideal theory of art ideal type (social science) ideal Utilitarianism (philosophy) ideal-gas scale (physics) ideal-landscape painting (school of painting) ideales (cigar) idealism (philosophy) “Idearium español” (work by Ganivet y García) Ideas (Spanish-American magazine) ideas, association of (psychology) “Ideas for a Pure Phenomenology” (work by Husserl) Ideas; General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology (work by Husserl) ideas, history of ideas, the way of (philosophy) Ideation Only (Buddhist school) ideational apraxia (pathology) ideational semantics “Idee der Riemannschen Fläche, Die” (study by Weyl) “Idee der Staatsräson in der neueren Geschichte” (work by Meinecke) “Idee der Universität, Die” (work by Jaspers) idée fixe (music) “Idée générale de la révolution au XIXe siècle” (work by Proudhon) idée reçue Ideën (work by Multatuli) “Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen Philosophie” (work by Husserl) “Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit” (work by Herder) Ideen. Das Buch Le Grand (work by Heine) Idei Nobuyuki (Japanese businessman) Idella (Spain) Idelsohn, Abraham Zevi (Russian composer) Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. (Japanese company) identical elements, theory of (cognition) identical predication (logic) identical rhyme (prosody) identical twin identification (memory) identification (psychology) Identification Friend or Foe (warning system) identifying paramnesia (psychology) “Identité de la France, L’?” (work by Braudel) identity (mathematics and logic) identity (religion) identity crisis (psychology) identity, criterion of (philosophy) identity element (mathematics) identity, law of (logic) identity matrix (mathematics) Identity of France, The (work by Braudel) identity of indiscernibles (mathematics) Identity of Man, The (work by Bronowski) identity, personal identity, principle of (logic) identity proposition (logic) identity statement (philosophy) identity theft identity theory (philosophy) IDEO (American company) ideogram ideograph ideokinetic apraxia (pathology) Idéologie (philosophical movement) Ideologie und Wahrheit (work by Geiger) Ideology (philosophical movement) ideology (society) Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (essay by Althusser) ideophone (linguistics) Ider River (river, Mongolia) Ides (Roman chronology) IDF (military organization, Israel) Idfu (Egypt) ?Idgah Mosque (mosque, Multan, Pakistan) Idha (mountain, Crete) Idhi (mountain, Crete) Ídhra (island, Greece) Ídhra (Greece) IDI (Italian organization) Ídi (mountain, Crete) Idi (mountain, Crete) Idikki (India) Idiklat (river, Middle East) Idiocranium russeli (amphibian) idiographic method (research) idiolect (linguistics) idiopathic hypertension (pathology) idiopathic multiple pigmented hemorrhagic sarcoma (cancer) idiopathic parkinsonism (pathology) idiopathic pericarditis (medical disorder) idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (pathology) idiopathic scoliosis (pathology) idiophone (musical instrument) idiorrhythmic monasticism (Christianity) Idiosepius (squid genus)

Idiospermaceae (plant family) Idiospermum (plant genus) idiosyncrasy (pathology) “Idiot” (novel by Dostoyevsky) idiot savant Idiot, The (film by Kurosawa Akira) Idiot, The (novel by Dostoyevsky) Idiot, The (album by Pop) “Idioterne” (film by von Trier [1998]) Idiot’s Delight (play by Sherwood) Idiots First (work by Malmud) Idiots, The (film by von Trier [1998]) Iditarod Trail (trail, Alaska, United States) Iditarod Trail Seppala Memorial Race Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Idiurus (rodent) Idiurus macrotis (rodent) Idiurus zenkeri (rodent) Idjil (Mauritania) Idku (Egypt) Idku, Lake (lake, Egypt) IDL (physiology) Idle, Eric (British comedian) Idler, The (essays by Johnson) Idlers (Finnish literary school) Idlib (Syria) IDN Ido (language) idocrase (mineral) idol (philosophy) idol worship idolatry Idoma (people) Idoma language Idomeneo, rè di Creta (opera by Mozart) Idomeneus (Greek mythology) Idomoid languages Idoru (novel by Gibson) idoxuridine (drug) IDP (astronomy) IDR channel (biology) Idria columnaris Idrieus (Persian satrap) Idrimi (king of Mukish) Idris (Islamic mythology) Idris (prophet of Islam) Idris Alawma (king of Kanem-Bornu) Idris I (king of Libya) Idris I (king of northern Morocco) Idris ibn ?Abd Allah ibn ?asan II (king of northern Morocco) Idris ibn Raja Iskandar, Sultan (sultan of Perak) Idris II (king of northern Morocco) Idris, Suhayl (Lebanese writer) Idris, Yusuf (Egyptian writer) Idrisi, ash-Sharif al- (Arab geographer) Idrisid dynasty (Islamic dynasty) idu (Korean writing) Idua Oron (Nigeria) Idukki (India) Idukki dam (dam, Idukki, India) Iduma (ancient country, Middle East) Idumaean (ancient people) Idun (Norse goddess) Iduna (Norse goddess) Idunn (Norse goddess) Idus idus (fish) idyl (literature) idyll (literature) Idyllen (work by Gessner) Idyllen, Volkssagen, Legenden und Erzählungen aus der Schweiz (work by Wyss) Idylls of the King (work by Tennyson) “Ie” (work by Shimazaki Toson) IEC (chemistry) IED (weapon) IEEE (international organization) IEEE 1394 (computer technology) IEF (chemistry) Iemanjá, Festival of (holiday) iemoto (tea ceremony) Iéna, Pont d’ (bridge, Paris, France) Ienaga Saburo (Japanese historian) Ieng Sary (Khmer political leader) IEO asteroid (astronomy) Ieper (Belgium) “Ieri, oggi, domani” (film by De Sica [1964]) Ieronymos II (Greek archbishop) Iesi (Italy) IETM Ieuan Brydydd Hir (Welsh poet) Ieuan Fardd (Welsh poet) If (island, France) If… (film by Anderson) IF (electronics) IF (sports organization) IF (protein) If Christ Came to Chicago: A Plea for the Union of All Who Love in the Service of All Who Suffer (work by Stead) If I Did It (book by Simpson) If It Die… (work by Gide) If It Had Happened Otherwise (work by Squires) If Morning Ever Comes (novel by Tyler) If This is a Man (work by Levi) If You Could Read My Mind (song by Lightfoot) if-thenism (philosophy) IFA (American athletic organization) Ifa Divination: Communication Between Gods and Men in West Africa (work by Bascom) IFAD Ifalik (island, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean) Ifat (historical state, Ethiopia) IFC (UN) IFCTU Ife (Nigeria) “Ife Owo” (play by Ogunmola) Ife, University of (university, Ile-Ife, Nigeria) Ife-Lodun (Nigeria) Iferten (Switzerland) IFF (Zionist extremist organization) IFF (warning system) Iffland, August Wilhelm (German theatrical manager) IFLA (international organization) IFMA Ifni (Morocco) Iforas Massif (plateau, Mali) IFP (French organization) IFP (political party, South Africa) IFR (aviation) Ifrane (Morocco) Ifriqiyyah (historical region, North Africa) ifrit (Islamic mythology) ?ifrit (Islamic mythology) ?ifritah (Islamic mythology) Ifugao (people) Ifukube Akira (Japanese composer) IFV (military technology) Ig (biochemistry) IG Farben (German cartel) IG Farben process (metallurgy) IgA (biochemistry) IgA deficiency (pathology) igal (cord) Igala (people) Igala language igapó (forest) Igara (people) Igarape Ipixuna (river, Brazil) Igarashi family (Japanese artists) Igarashi Takenobu (Japanese graphic designer) Igarka (Russia) Igbile (African mythology) ig`bìn drum (musical instrument) Igbira (people) Igbirra (people) Igbo (people) Igbo Olodumare (work by Fagunwa) Igbo Ukwu (Nigeria) Igboid languages IGC IGC (government of Iraq) IGCR (international organization) IgD (biochemistry) igdlu (dwelling) IgE (biochemistry) “Igennem nat og trængel” (song by Ingemann) IGF (biochemistry) IGF-1 (biochemistry) IGF-2 (biochemistry) IGFA IgG (biochemistry) Iggerot A?ad Ha?am (work by A?ad Ha?am) Iggy and the Stooges (American rock group) Ighil Izane (Algeria) Ightham Mote (England, United Kingdom) Igilgili (Algeria) Igilium (island, Italy) Iglau (Czech Republic) Iglau, Compact of (Bohemian history) Iglesia (mountain pass, South America) Iglesia Filipina Independiente (church, Philippines) Iglesia ni Cristo (Filipino church) Iglesia ni Kristo (Filipino church) Iglesias (Italy) Iglesias, Julio (Spanish singer) Iglesias, Pablo (Spanish politician) Iglesias, Santiago (Puerto Rican politician) igloo (dwelling) iglu (dwelling) IgM (biochemistry) IGN (institution, France) Ignacio de Loyola, San (Spanish saint) Ignacius (fossil primate genus) Ignarro, Louis J. (American scientist) Ignarro, Louis Joseph (American scientist) Ignatev, P. N., Count (Russian political leader) Ignatieff, Michael (Canadian political leader) Ignatieff, Michael Grant (Canadian political leader) Ignatiev, Nikolay Pavlovich, Graf (Russian statesman) Ignatius of Antioch, Saint (Syrian bishop) Ignatius of Constantinople, Saint (patriarch of Constantinople) Ignatius of Loyola, Saint (Spanish saint) Ignatius Theophoros (Syrian bishop) Ignatow, David (American poet) Ignatyev, Nikolay Pavlovich, Graf (Russian statesman) Ignatz Mouse (cartoon character) igneous breccia (geology) igneous petrology (geology) igneous rock (geology) “Ignez de Castro” (work by Ferreira) ignimbrite (rock) ignis fatuus (phenomenon) ignitable waste (pollution) ignition (combustion) ignition condition (physics) ignition module (engineering) ignition system (engineering) ignition temperature (physics) ignitron (electronics) ignorance (law) ignorance, theory of (philosophy) IGO Igo mask (African arts) Igogo (African dance) Igor (Russian prince) Igor Svyatoslavich (Russian prince) Igorot (people) Igor’s Campaign, The Song of (Russian literature) “Igor’s Host, The Lay of” (Russian literature) Igreja, Mount (mountain, Brazil) “Igrok” (novel by Dostoyevsky) Igu (dance) IGU Iguaçu, Cataratas do (waterfall, Argentina-Brazil) Iguaçu, Declaration of (economic agreement, Argentina-Brazil) Iguaçu Falls (waterfall, Argentina-Brazil) Iguaçu National Park (park, Brazil) Iguaçu, Rio (river, Brazil) Iguaçu River (river, Brazil) Iguaçu, Saltos do (waterfall, Argentina-Brazil) Iguala (Mexico) Iguala de la Independencia (Mexico) Iguala Plan (Mexican history) Iguala, Plan de (Mexican history) iguana (lizard genus) iguana (lizard grouping) Iguana iguana (lizard) Iguania (reptile infraorder)

iguanid (lizard) Iguanidae (lizard) Iguanodon (dinosaur genus) iguanodont (dinosaur) Iguanodontidae (dinosaur) Iguassú Falls (waterfall, Argentina-Brazil) Iguassú River (river, Brazil) Iguazú, Cataratas del (waterfall, Argentina-Brazil) Iguazú Falls (waterfall, Argentina-Brazil) Iguazú National Park (park, Argentina) Iguazú, Río (river, Brazil) Igusa Magosaburo (Japanese artist) Iguvine Tables (bronze inscriptions) Iguvium (Italy) IGY Iha, James (American musician) Iha, James Yoshinobu (American musician) Ihara Saikaku (Japanese author) Iharos, Sandor (Hungarian athlete) Ihering, Rudolf von (German scholar) Ihetu, Richard (Nigerian boxer) IHEU (international organization) Ihimaera, Witi (New Zealand author) Ihlenfeld, Christa (German author) ihram (Islam) i?ram (Islam) “IHT, The” (newspaper) Ihud (political organization, Israel) I?ya? ?ulum ad-din (work by al-Ghazali) Ii blood group system (biology) “II Clement” (work by Clement I) II Corinthians (works by Saint Paul) II Esdras (apocryphal work) Ii Naosuke (Japanese feudal lord) II Olympiad, Games of the II Olympic Winter Games IIA IIAS IIB (international organization) IIHF (sports organization) III Olympiad, Games of the III Olympic Winter Games III-V compound (chemical compound) Iijima Sumio (Japanese scientist) Iio Sogi (Japanese poet) IIR (chemical compound) IIR channel (biology) Iitsu (Japanese artist) iiwi (bird) Iizuka (Japan) Ijaw (people) Ijaw languages i?jaz al-Qur?an (Islam) Ijebu-Ode (Nigeria) ijele (African mask) IJI (political party, Pakistan) Ijill (Mauritania) Ijill, Mount (inselberg, Mauritania) ijma? (Islam) IJmuiden (Netherlands) Ijo (people) Ijo languages Ijoid languages ijolite (rock) IJssel, Lake (lake, Netherlands) IJssel River (river, Netherlands) IJsselmeer (lake, Netherlands) IJsselmeer Dam (dam, Netherlands) IJsselmeer Polders (region, Netherlands) IJsselmeerpolders (region, Netherlands) ijtihad (Islamic law) Ijuí River (river, South America) Ijzer River (river, Europe) Ika (people) ikakeji (Japanese art) Ikare (Nigeria) Ikare-Akoko (Nigeria) Ikaría (island, Greece) Ikaros (island, Kuwait) Ikarugadera (temple, Ikaruga, Japan) ikat (Indonesian weaving) IKB (designer colour) Ikbal, Mu?ammad (Indian poet and philosopher) IK(Ca) channel (biology) “Ike” Eisenhower (president of United States) Ike, Hurricane (storm) Ike Taiga (Japanese painter) IKEA (Swedish company) ikebana (Japanese floral art) Ikebukuro (district, Tokyo, Japan) Ikeda (Japan) Ikeda Hayato (prime minister of Japan) Ikeja (Nigeria) Ikele ve (language) ikenga (African art) Ikeno Taiga (Japanese painter) Ikenobo (Japanese floral art school) Ikere (Nigeria) Ikere-Ekiti (Nigeria) Ikerre (Nigeria) Ikeuchi Yoshihiro (Japanese director and screenwriter) Ikeya Kaoru (Japanese amateur astronomer) Ikeya-Seki, Comet (astronomy) Ikhnaton (king of Egypt) Ikhshidids Dynasty (Muslim Turkish dynasty) ikhtilaf (Islamic concept) Ikhtiman Sredna Mountains (mountains, Bulgaria) Ikhtimanska Sredna Mountains (mountains, Bulgaria) Ikhwan (Saudi Arabian military-religious organization) Ikhwan al-Muslimun, al- Ikhwan a?-?afa? (Arab organization) Iki (island, Japan) ikigami (Japanese religion) “Ikimono no kiroku” (film by Kurosawa [1955]) Ikire (Nigeria) Ikiru (film by Kurosawa) Ikirun (Nigeria) ikki (Japanese revolt) Iklil, Al- (encyclopaedia by al-Hamdani) Ikokusen uchiharairei (Japanese history) Ikonos 1 (satellite) ikonostasis (religious furniture) Ikorodu (Nigeria) Ikot Abasi (Nigeria) Ikot Ekpene (Nigeria) Ikpelweme (African masking society) Ikpo Okme (African dance step) Iksan (South Korea) Ik?vaku (people) Iktár, Gabriel Bethlen von (king of Hungary) Iktári Bethlen, Gabor (king of Hungary) Iktinos (Greek architect) Ikuchi Bridge (bridge, Japan) Ikuta Kengyo (Japanese musician) Ikuta school (Japanese music) iKwelo (Zimbabwe) Il (Semitic deity) Il Borgo (Malta) “Il Volga nasce in Europa” (work by Malaparte) IL-1 (protein) Il-12 (Soviet aircraft) Il-14 (Soviet aircraft) IL-2 (protein) Il-2 (Soviet aircraft) Il-76 (Soviet aircraft) Il-Khan dynasty (Mongol dynasty) Il-Khanate (Mongol dynasty) Il-Khanid dynasty (Mongol dynasty) Ila (people) Ila (Nigeria) Ila Orangun (Nigeria) Ilacomilus (German cartographer) Ilahabad, al- (India) ilahi (song) ilâhî (song) Ilahi era (Mughal calendar) Ilaiya Perumal (Hindu theologian and philosopher) Ilam (Iran) Ilamatepec Volcano (mountain, El Salvador) ilang-ilang (plant) Ilanga lase Natal (South African newspaper) Ilangai Jananayaka Socialisa Kudiarasu I?a?ko A?ika? (Tamil writer) Ilaro (Nigeria) Ilat, al- (Arabian deity) ilbeg (title) Ilbert Bill (1884, India) ILC (UN) Ilchester (England, United Kingdom) Ildebrando (pope) Ildegizid dynasty (Iranian dynasty) Ildegüzid dynasty (Iranian dynasty) Ildenizid dynasty (Iranian dynasty) Ildigüzid dynasty (Iranian dynasty) Ildir (Turkey) Ile Alatau Range (mountains, Asia) Île de la Tortue (island, Haiti) “Île de Pâques, L’?” (work by Metraux) Île de Ré (island, France) “Île des Pingouins, L’?” (work by France) Île d’Oléron (island, France) Île d’Ouessant (island, France) Ile River (river, Central Asia) Ile-Ife (Nigeria) Ilebo (Democratic Republic of the Congo) ileitis (pathology) Ilek Khanid dynasty (Asian history) ileocecal valve (anatomy) Ileosca (Spain) ileostomy (surgery) Ilerda (Spain) Ilerda, Campaign of (Spanish history) Îles Australes (archipelago, French Polynesia) Îles Futuna (islands, Wallis and Futuna) Îles Loyauté (islands, New Caledonia) Îles Tuamotu (islands, French Polynesia) Îles Tubuaï (archipelago, French Polynesia) Ilesha (Nigeria) ileum (anatomy) Ilex (plant genus) Ilex aquifolium (plant) Ilex cornuta (plant) Ilex crenata (plant) Ilex decidua (Ilex decidua) Ilex opaca (plant) Ilex paraguariensis (plant) Ilex vomitoria (plant) Ilf and Petrov (Soviet humorists) Ilf, Ilya (Soviet humorist) ILGA (international organization) Ilgaz Mountains (mountains, Turkey) Ilghazi, Najm ad-Din (Artuqid ruler) ILGWU Ilha da Madeira (island, Portugal) Ilha das Flores (island, Portugal) Ilha de Maio (island, Cape Verde) Ilha de Marajó (island, Brazil) Ilha de Santa Luzia (island, Atlantic Ocean) Ilha de Santa Maria (island, Portugal) Ilha de Santo Antão (island, Cape Verde) Ilha de São Tiago (island, Cape Verde) Ilha de São Vicente (island, Cape Verde) Ilha de Villegagnon (island, Brazil) Ilha do Corvo (island, Portugal) Ilha do Faial (island, Portugal) Ilha do Fogo (island, Cape Verde) Ilha do Governador (island, Brazil) Ilha do Pico (island, Azores, Portugal) Ilha Fernando de Noronha (island and territory, Brazil) Ilha Terceira (island, Portugal) Ilhan, Attilâ (Turkish poet) Ilhéus (Brazil) ili (measurement) Ili (river, Central Asia) Ili crisis (Chinese history) Ili River (river, Central Asia) Iliá (ancient city-state, Greece) iliac artery (anatomy) iliac colon (anatomy) iliac fossa (anatomy) iliac vein (anatomy) Iliad (epic poem by Homer) Iliamna (volcano, Alaska, United States)

Iliamna Lake (lake, Alaska, United States) Ilichevsk (Ukraine) Ilici (Spain) Iliescu, Ion (president of Romania) Iligan (Philippines) Ilin bushy-tailed cloud rat (rodent) Ilinden Uprising (Balkan history) Ilinsky, Igor Vladimirovich (Russian actor) iliocostalis muscle (anatomy) iliofemoral thrombophlebitis (medical disorder) iliofemoralis muscle (anatomy) iliohypogastric nerve (anatomy) ilioinguinal nerve (anatomy) Ilion (ancient city, Turkey) Ilion (New York, United States) Ilios (ancient city, Turkey) Ilipa, Battle of (Roman history) Ilium (ancient city, Turkey) ilium (anatomy) Ilkeston (England, United Kingdom) I’ll Be Seeing You (film by Dieterle [1944]) I’ll Buy You (film by Kobayashi Masaki) Ill River (river, Europe) I’ll Stand by You (recording by Underwood) I’ll Take My Stand (symposium) Illa (Nigeria) Illahun (ancient site, Egypt) Illampu (mountain, Bolivia) Illapu (Inca deity) Illawarra (district, New South Wales, Australia) Ille-et-Vilaine (department, France) Illecillewaet Glacier (glacier, British Columbia, Canada) illegal immigration illegitimacy (law) Illex (squid genus) Illia, Arturo (president of Argentina) Illiac Suite for String Quartet (work by Hiller and Isaacson) Illiberis (Spain) Illica, Luigi (Italian dramatist) Illich-Svitych, Vladislav M. (Soviet linguist) Illichivsk (Ukraine) Illiciaceae (plant family) Illiciales (plant order) Illicium (plant) Illicium verum (plant) Illig, Moritz Friedrich (German inventor) Illimani, Nevado (mountain, South America) Illingworth, Holden (British inventor) Illinoian Glacial Stage (geology) Illinois (people) Illinois (state, United States) Illinois and Michigan Canal (canal, United States) Illinois Architects Act (United States [1897]) Illinois at Chicago Circle, University of (university system, Illinois, United States) Illinois Beach State Park (park, Zion, Illinois, United States) Illinois Central Railroad (American company) Illinois Central Railroad Co. v. Illinois (law case, United States) Illinois College (school, Jacksonville, Illinois, United States) Illinois, flag of (United States state flag) Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center (museum, Skokie, Illinois) Illinois Industrial College (university system, Illinois, United States) Illinois Industrial University (university system, Illinois, United States) Illinois Institute (college, Wheaton, Illinois, United States) Illinois Institute of Technology (school, Chicago, Illinois, United States) Illinois River (river, Illinois, United States) Illinois State Board of Charities (government agency) Illinois State University (university, Normal, Illinois, United States) Illinois, University of (university system, Illinois, United States) Illinois Waterway (waterway, United States) Illinois-Chicago, University of (university system, Illinois, United States) Illinoistown (Illinois, United States) illite (mineral) illiteracy illness Illoqqortoormiut (town, Greenland) illuminated manuscript (art) illuminated printing Illuminati (European social group) illuminating shell (military technology) illumination (technology) illumination (religion) “Illumination” (work by Frederic) illumination (philosophy) Illuminations (poetry by Rimbaud) Illuminato (Spanish mystic group) Illuminist (Spanish mystic group) illusion (perception) “Illusion comique, L’?” (work by Corneille) illusion, theatrical (art) Illusionist, The (film by Burger [2006]) Illusionist, The (work by Mallet-Joris) “Illusions perdues” (work by Balzac) “Illustrated Daily News” (American newspaper) Illustrated Journals of Celia Fiennes, 1685-c. 1712, The (work by Fiennes) Illustrated London News (British magazine) “Illustrated Tale of Genji” (work by Murasaki) Illustrated Weekly of India (Indian magazine) illustration (art) Illustration, L’? (French magazine) “Illustrations de Gaule et singularités de Troie” (work by Lemaire de Belges) Illustrations de Gaule et singularitéz de Troye, Les (work by Lemaire de Belges) Illustrations of the Dynamical Theory of Gases (work by Maxwell) Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth (work by Playfair) Illustrator (software) Illustre Théâtre (French theatre company) illuviation (geology) Illyés, Gyula (Hungarian writer) Illyria (historical region, Europe) Illyrian (ancient people) Illyrian language Illyrian movement (Balkan history) Illyrian Provinces (historical region, Europe) Illyricum (ancient province, Europe) ?ilm (Islam) ILM (American film company) ?ilm al-?adith (Islam) ?ilm al-tafsir (Islam) Ilmarinen (Finno-Ugric deity) Ilmen, Lake (lake, Russia) ilmenite (mineral) Ilminsky, Nicholas (Russian missionary) ilmiye (Ottoman institution) Ilmuqah (Arabian deity) ILO (UN) Ilobasco (El Salvador) Ilobu (Nigeria) Ilocano (people) Ilocano language Iloco (people) Iloco language Ilocos range (mountains, Philippines) Iloilo City (Philippines) Iloilo, Ratu Josefa (president of Fiji) Ilois (people) Ilokan (people) Ilokano (people) Ilokano language Iloko (people) Ilongo (people) Ilongo language Ilopango, Lake (lake, El Salvador) Ilopango Volcano (island, El Salvador) Ilorin (Nigeria) Ilos (Greek mythology) ILP (political party, United Kingdom) ILP (computing) ILS (aviation) Ils posséderont la terre (novel by Charbonneau) iltizam (Arabic literary movement) iltizam (tax system) Iltutmish (Delhi sultan) Ilulissat (Greenland) Ilumquh (Arabian deity) Ilundo: divindades e ritos angolanos (work by Ribas) Ilunum (city, Spain) Ilurco (Spain) Ilurgia (Spain) Iluro (Spain) Ilushuma (ruler of Assyria) Ilva (island, Italy) Ilves, Toomas Hendrik (Estonian politician) ILWU (labour union) “Ilya Muromets” (symphony by Glière) Ilya Muromets (Russian aircraft) Ilya of Murom (Russian literary hero) Ilyushin Il-12 (Soviet aircraft) Ilyushin Il-14 (Soviet aircraft) Ilyushin Il-2 (Soviet aircraft) Ilyushin Il-76 (Soviet aircraft) Ilyushin, Sergey Vladimirovich (Soviet aircraft designer) IM (communication) I’m a Believer (song by Diamond) I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here (American television show) IM channel (biology) “Im Goldland des Altertums” (work by Peters) I’m Gonna Be Strong (song) Im Kwon-Taek (South Korean director) “Im Lauf der Zeit” (film by Wenders) I’m Not Stiller (work by Frisch) I’m Not There (film by Haynes [2007]) I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue (British radio program) “Im Westen nichts Neues” (novel by Remarque) I’m Your Man (album by Cohen) Imabari (Japan) iMac (computer) ?Imad ad-Dawlah (Buyid ruler) ?Imad ad-Din Isma?il ibn ?Umar ibn Kathir (Muslim scholar) ?Imad ad-Din Zangi ibn Aq Sonqur (Iraqi ruler) ?Imad-ul-Mulk (Mughal vizier) Imagawa family (Japanese family) image (optics) image (psychology) Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America, The (work by Boorstin) image controller (computer science) image intensifier (electronic device) Image of a Society (work by Fuller) Image of the World (work by Ailly) image orthicon (electronics) image processing (computer science)

image scanner (technology) image slicer (physics) Imagerie d’Épinal imagery (art) imagery intelligence imagery interpretation “Images à la sauvette” (book by Cartier-Bresson) images, breaking of the (Dutch history) Images de la vie de Saint François d’Assise (work by Ghelderode) images, method of (physics) “Imaginaire: Psychologie phénoménologique de l’imagination, L’?” (work by Sartre) Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The (film by Gilliam [2009]) Imaginary Conversations (work by Landor) Imaginary Invalid, The (play by Molière) Imaginary Life, An (work by Malouf) imaginary number (mathematics) imagination Imagine (album by Lennon) Imagine (song by Lennon) imagine (Roman mask) Imagine Entertainment (American company) Imagines (work by Philostratus the Lemnian) imaging radar (radar technology) imaging system (science) imaging tube (technology) Imaginism (Russian literary movement) imagism (English literature) Imagistes, Des (poetry collection) Imagists (English literature) imago (biology) Imago (work by Spitteler) Imago mundi (work by Honorius Inclusus) Imalayan, Fatima-Zohra (Algerian writer) imam (Islam) imam (Islam) Imam Abu ?anifah (Muslim jurist and theologian) Imam, al- (Islamic journal) Imam Bondjol (Minangkabau leader) Imam Bondjol, Tuanku (Minangkabau leader) Imam, Tuanku (Minangkabau leader) ?imamah (headdress) imami Shi?ism (Shi?ism) Imamis (Islamic sect) imamiyyah (Shi?ism) Imamura, Shohei (Japanese film director) Imanishi-Kari, Thereza (scientist) Imantodes (reptile genus) Imarat al-?Arabiyah al-Mutta?idah, Dawlat al- “?Imarat Ya?qubiyyan” (work by Aswani) Imaret (mosque, Ohrid, Macedonia) Imari (Japan) Imari ware (Japanese porcelain) imatinib (drug) Imatong Mountains (mountains, The Sudan) imayo (music) Imazighen (people) Imbangala (people) Imbe (tree) Imbe ware (pottery) Imber, Naphtali Herz (Hebrew poet) imbibition (photography) imbibition (botany) Imbize, Jan van (Flemish Calvinist) Imbolc (Celtic religious festival) imbrauderer’s chair (furniture) imbrex (architecture) Imbriani, Matteo Renato (Italian political figure) imbricate bedding (geology) imbricate scale (physiology) imbrication (geology) imbrices (architecture) Imbros (island, Turkey) IMC IMC ImClone Systems (American company) IMCO IMEMO (Russian think tank) Imeni Ismail Samani Peak (mountain, Tajikistan) Imerina (people) Imes, Monique (American actress and comedian) Imes, Nella (American author) Imes-Hicks, Mo’Nique (American actress and comedian) IMF IMF (astronomy) Imgawa family (Japanese history) Imgur-Enil (archaeological site, Iraq) Imhoff, Gustaaf Willem, baron van (Dutch statesman) Imhotep (Egyptian architect, physician, and statesman) IMI (Italian holding company) imidazole (chemical compound) imidazole (organic compound class) imide (chemical compound) Imihobe nemibongo (work by Mqhayi) imine (chemical compound) imino acid (chemical compound) iminoglycinuria (pathology) imipenem (drug) imipramine (drug) imitated light (theatre) “Imitatio Christi” (devotional book) imitation (art) imitation (behaviour) imitation (literary genre) imitation (music) Imitation de Notre-Dame la lune, L’? (work by Laforgue) imitation of Christ (religion) Imitation of Christ (devotional book) Imittós, Óros (mountain, Greece) Imja River (river, Nepal) IML-1 (space mission) immacolata (religious art) Immaculate Conception (Roman Catholicism) Immaculate Conception (work by El Greco) Immaculate Conception (painting by Murillo) Immaculate Conception School (university, Seattle, Washington, United States) Immaculate Reception, the (football history) Immaculée Conception, L’? (work by Breton and Éluard) immanence (divine attribute) Immanent Will (philosophical concept) Immanuel Ben Solomon (Hebrew poet) Immanuel Church (church, New Castle, Delaware, United States) immature hemangioma (pathology) immaturity (geology) immediate constituent analysis (linguistics) immediate emancipation (American and European social movement) Immediate Family (photography by Mann) immediate hypersensitivity (physiology) immediate toxic response (pathology) immediatism (American and European social movement) Immelmann, Max (German aviator) Immelmann turn (aerial maneuver) Immendorf, Jörg (German artist) Immense Journey, The (work by Eiseley) Immensee (work by Storm) Immermann, Karl Leberecht (German author) immersed tube (engineering) immersion (Christian baptism) immersion foot (disorder) immersion frying (cookery) Immerwahr, Werner Adolf Martin (American biochemist) Immigrant Press and Its Control, The (work by Park) immigration Immigration Act (United States [1924]) Immigration Act (United States [1965]) Immigration and Naturalization Service (United States agency) immigration control Immigration Restriction Act (Australia [1901]) Immigration’s Economic Impact (immigration) Immingham (dock system, England, United Kingdom) immiscibility (chemistry) Immonen, Riitta Narhi (Finnish fashion designer) Immoralist, The (work by Gide) Immortal Game, The (chess) Immortal Hour, The (opera by Boughton) Immortal Swan, The (movie) Immortal Wife (work by Stone) immortality (philosophy and religion) Immortals (painting by Kim Hong-do) immortelle (plant) immovable immune antibody (biochemistry) immune deficiency (medical disorder) immune interferon (biochemistry) immune reaction (biology) immune response gene (genetics) immune serum immune serum globulin (biology) immune surveillance hypothesis (biology) immune system (physiology) immune system disorder immune-complex reaction (medicine) immunity (biology) immunity (law) immunization (medicine) immunochemistry (biochemistry) immunocompetence (biology) immunocytochemistry (biochemistry) immunodeficiency (pathology) immunogen (biology) immunogenetics (genetics) immunoglobulin (biochemistry) immunoglobulin A deficiency (pathology) immunoglobulin E (biochemistry) immunologic blood test (medicine) immunologic competence (biology) immunologic ignorance (biology) immunological memory (biology) immunological response (biology) immunological system (physiology) immunology (medicine) immunophilin immunosorbent electron microscope (instrument) immunosuppressant (medicine) immunosuppression (medical treatment) immunosuppressive drug (medicine) immunotherapy Imo (state, Nigeria) IMO IMO Imogen (fictional character) imogolite (mineral) Imola (Italy) imou pine (tree) Imouthes (Egyptian architect, physician, and statesman) IMPAC Dublin Literary Award (international literary award) impact (mechanics) impact crater (landform) impact forging (technology) impact fuse (ignition device) impact fuze (ignition device) impact injury (trauma) impact ionization (physics) impact period (psychology) impact printer (computer hardware) impact test impact wrench (tool) impaired hearing impairment (physiology) impala (mammal) impala lily (plant) impalement (heraldry) impasto (art) Impatiens (plant genus) Impatiens balsamina (plant) Impatiens capensis (plant) Impatiens pallida (plant species)

Impatients, Les (work by Djebar) impeachment (law) impedance (physics) impedance audiometry (audiology) impedance mismatch (physics) impedance-matching transformer (electronics) Impediments to Theological Study (work by Spener) impeller (engineering) Impending Crisis of the South, The: How to Meet It (work by Helper) Impending Disruption of the Union, The (speech by Buchanan) Imperata brevifolia (plant) Imperata cylindrica (plant) imperative ending (linguistics) imperative language (computing) imperative mood (grammar) imperator (title) Imperceptible Mutabilities in the Third Kingdom (play by Parks) imperfect community problem (philosophy) imperfect competition (economics) imperfect flower (plant anatomy) imperfect information (mathematics) imperfective aspect (linguistics) Imperia (Italy) Imperial (river, Chile) Imperial Academy of Fine Arts (academy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Imperial Airways (British airline) Imperial Ancestors, Temple of the (building, Beijing, China) Imperial and Court Officials, Laws for the (Japanese history) Imperial Ballet School (Russian ballet school) Imperial Birthday Music, The (work by Wu Hou) Imperial British East Africa Company (British colonial organization) Imperial Chemical Industries PLC (British corporation) Imperial City (Beijing, China) imperial city (Holy Roman Empire) Imperial College (college, London, United Kingdom) Imperial Conference (1941, Japan) Imperial Conferences (British Empire and Commonwealth) Imperial Cricket Conference (sports organization) Imperial Crown (crown of Holy Roman emperor) Imperial Defence College (military college, London, United Kingdom) Imperial Diet (Japanese government) Imperial Economic Conference (Canada [1932]) Imperial Edict (Ottoman Empire [1856]) Imperial Flanders (historical region, Europe) Imperial Force (Japanese military group) Imperial, Francisco (Italian-Castilian writer) Imperial Garden (garden, Beijing, China) Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution (work by Veblen) Imperial Guard (Japanese military group) Imperial Highway (ancient road system, China) Imperial Hotel (hotel, Tokyo, Japan) Imperial Household (Japanese sacred kingship) Imperial Household Department (Chinese history) imperial jade (mineral) Imperial Land Survey (Japanese survey) Imperial Library (library, Kolkata, India) imperial mammoth (extinct mammal) imperial millennialism (religion) Imperial Mosque (mosque, Lahore, Pakistan) imperial moth (insect) Imperial Oath of Five Articles (Japanese history) Imperial Palace (palace, Tokyo, Japan) Imperial Palace Museum (museum, Beijing, China) Imperial Peking (bird) imperial pheasant (bird) imperial preference (economics) Imperial Prince Higashikuni Naruhiko (prime minister of Japan) Imperial Rescript on Education (1890, Japan) Imperial Resript to Soldiers and Sailors (Japanese military history) Imperial Rule Assistance Association (Japanese history) Imperial Russian Army Imperial Russian Ballet (Russian ballet company) imperial school (historiography) Imperial School of Ballet (Russian ballet school) Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor (British peerage) Imperial Society of Reglemented Hunting (organization, Russia) Imperial Spanish Riding School of Vienna (school, Vienna, Austria) Imperial Tobacco Company, Ltd. (British company) Imperial Tobacco Group, PLC (British corporation) Imperial Treasures of Japan (Japanese tradition) Imperial University Order (1886, Japan) Imperial Valley (valley, North America) Imperial Vault of Heaven (temple, Beijing, China) imperial volute (marine snail) Imperial War Cabinet (British history) Imperial War Museum (museum, London, United Kingdom) Imperial Way faction (political group, Japan) Imperial Wen-yüan Ko library (library, Beijing, China) Imperial Wenyuange library (library, Beijing, China) Imperial Will on the Great Principles of Education (Japanese history) imperial woodpecker (bird) Imperiali formula (Italian electoral process) imperialism (political science) Imperialism, a Study (work by Hobson) Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (work by Lenin) Imperio Argentina (Argentine-Spanish actress and singer) “imperio de la estupidez, El” (work by Lista) Imperio Vespasiani, Lex de (Roman law) Imperioli, Michael (American actor) imperium (European history) imperium (Roman law) imperium proconsulare majus (Roman law) impersonation (comedy) impersonation (law) impetigo (disease) Impeyan pheasant (bird) Imphal (India) Imphal-Kohima, Battle of (World War II) impi (South African military organization) Impiccati, Andreino degli (Italian painter) impingement wear (physics) implantation (electronics) implantation (reproduction physiology) impleader (law) implication (logic) implicature (linguistics) implied powers (United States Constitution) implied trust (law) implied warranty (marine insurance) implosion (phonetics) implosion (physics) impluvium (architecture) Imponderabilia (performance art by Abramovic and Ulay) import (international trade) import duty import foreland (geography) import quota (economics) import substitution (economics) import substitution industrialization (economics) import tax Importance of Being Earnest, The (play by Wilde) Important Things to Know About Eating and Drinking, The (cookbook by Huou) imposition (printing) impossibility (law) impossibility theorem (economics) impossible event (probability theory) impossible figure (anomalous representation) “Imposter, The” (novel by Cocteau) Imposter, The (play by Molière) impotence (sexual dysfunction) impredicative construction (mathematics) “Impresiones y paisajes” (work by García Lorca) impressing (technology) impression (philosophy) Impression Exhibition of 1889 (art exhibit) Impression, Sunrise (work by Monet) Impressionism (art) Impressionism (music) impressionist story (literature) Impressionnisme (art) Impressions and Landscapes (work by García Lorca) Impressions, the (American music group) impressment (forced recruitment) Impressment Bill (England [1642]) Impresso complex (Neolithic culture, Europe) imprimatur (Roman Catholicism) Imprimerie Royale (French printing establishment) Imprint, The (periodical) imprinted gene imprinting (learning behaviour) imprinting (technology) imprinting defect (pathology) imprisonment (law) impromptu (music) Impromptu de Versailles, L’ (play by Molière) improper fraction (mathematics) improper rotation (crystallography) improved mobile telephone service (telecommunications) Improving America’s Schools Act (United States [1994]) improvisation (music) improvisation (theatre) Improvisations (painting series by Kandinsky) improvised explosive device (weapon) impulse (physics) impulse (psychology) impulse accelerator (device) impulse blading (technology) impulse staging (engineering) impulse turbine (technology) impulse-control disorder (psychology) impulsivity (psychology) impurities, critical concentration of (physics) impurity defect (crystallography) imram (Irish literary genre) “Imram Brain” (Irish literature) imramha (Irish literary genre) Imre (king of Hungary) Imrédy, Béla (premier of Hungary) IMRO (Balkan revolutionary organization) imroz Adasi (island, Turkey) Imru? al-Qays (Arab poet) Imru? al-Qays (Lakhmid king)

Imru? al-Qays ibn ?Amr (Lakhmid king) Imru? al-Qays ibn ?ujr (Arab poet) IMS (computing) IMT2000 IMTS (telecommunications) imu (cooking method) Imus, Don (American radio talk-show host) Imus in the Morning (American radio program) Imus, John Donald (American radio talk-show host) IMW imzhad (musical instrument) in (Japanese musical scale) in (unit of measurement) In (chemical element) In a Free State (work by Naipaul) In a Green Night: Poems 1948-1960 (work by Walcott) In a Mist (work by Beiderbecke) In a Silent Way (album by Davis) In Abraham’s Bosom (play by Green) In Apocalypsin (work by Tyconius) “In artem analyticam isagoge” (work by Viète) In artem analyticem isagoge (work by Viète) In Between the Sheets (short story by McEwan) in bonis (Roman law) In calumniatorem Platonis (work by Bessarion) In Celebration (play by Storey) In Celebration of The Tale of Genji, the World’s First Novel (“Tale of Genji, The”) In cerca del mistero (work by Bertolucci) In Cold Blood (novel by Capote) In Cold Blood (film by Brooks [1967]) In Dahomey (musical play) In Darkest Africa (work by Stanley) In Darkest England, and the Way Out (work by Booth) “In der Sache J. Robert Oppenheimer” (work by Kipphardt) “In der Strafkolonie” (work by Kafka) In Dreams Begin Responsibilities (work by Schwartz) In Dubious Battle (novel by Steinbeck) In ecclesiis (work by Gabrieli) In Flanders Fields (poem by McRae) In God’s Land (work by Nexø) in gross (property law) In His Steps (novel by Sheldon) in jure cessio (Roman law) In laudem Justini (poem by Corippus) In Living Color (American television program) in medias res (literature) In Memoriam (work by Tennyson) In Memoriam James Joyce (work by MacDiarmid) ?‘In Memoriam’ of Italy: A Century of Sonnets from the Poems of Vittoria Colonna, The (work by Colonna) In Memoriam stanza (prosody) “In morte di Ugo Bassville” (work by Monti) In My Father’s Court (work by Singer) In My Father’s House: Africa in the Philosophy of Culture (work by Appiah) In nomine (religious music) In nomine Domini (work by Taverner) In Northern Mists (work by Nansen) In Novum Testamentum ex diversorum utriusque linguae codicum collatione adnotationes (work by Valla) In Nyu York (work by Halpern) In Old Arizona (film by Cummings [1927]) In Old Chicago (film by King [1937]) In Ole Virginia, Marse Chan, and Other Stories (work by Page) In Our Time (work by Hemingway) In Parenthesis (novel by Jones) in pectore (Roman Catholicism) in personam (law) In Phantas Schloss (work by Morgenstern) “In Praise of Folly” (work by Erasmus) In Praise of Love (film by Godard) In Praise of the New Knighthood (work by Bernard of Clairvaux) “In Quintum Novembris” (poem by Milton) In Rainbows (album by Radiohead) In re Debs (legal ruling) In re Neagle (legal ruling) In re Yamashita (legal opinion by Rutledge) in rem (law) In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam (work by McNamara) In Ruad Ro-fhessa (Celtic deity) In Search of Famine (film by Sen) In Search of Lost Time (novel by Proust) In Search of the Indo-Europeans (work by Mallory) “In Sicily” (work by Vittorini) In Sight: A World Without Polio (polio) in situ combustion (extraction process) in situ concrete (building material) in situ measurement (meteorolgy) in situ synthesis (technology) in situ tumour (pathology) In Space (album by Big Star) “In Stahlgewittern” (work by Jünger) In Suprema Petri Apostoli Sede (letter by Pius IX) In the Beauty of the Lilies (novel by Updike) In the Beginning (work by Kostelanetz) In the Cage (work by James) In the Cage (work by Lowell) In the Castle of My Skin (work by Lamming) In the Clearing (work by Frost) In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening (song by Carmichael and Mercer) In the Cut (film by Campion [2003]) In the Days of the Councillor (work by Andersen) In the Distances of Sleep (work by Carter) In the Ditch (work by Emecheta) In the Faëry Hills (symphonic poem by Bax) In the Heat of the Night (film by Jewison, 1967) In the Life of Chris Gaines (album by Brooks) In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer (work by Kipphardt) In the Mecca (work by Brooks) In the Midnight Hour (song by Pickett) In the Midst of Life (work by Bierce) In the Mood for Love (film by Wong Kar-wai [2000]) In the Name of the Father (film by Sheridan) In the Net of the Stars (work by Flint) In the Palace of the Movie King (novel by Calisher) In the Penal Colony (work by Kafka) “In the Penal Settlement” (work by Kafka) In the Realms of the Unreal (work by Darger) In the Shadow of No Towers (work by Spiegelman) In the Shadow of the Wind (novel by Hébert) In the Skin of a Lion (novel by Ondaatje) In the Slammer with Carol Smith (novel by Calisher) In the South Seas (work by Stevenson) In the Spirit of Crazy Horse (work by Matthiessen) In the Studio (work by Chase) In the Valley of Elah (film by Haggis [2007]) In the World (work by Gorky) In the Zone (album by Spears) In This Our Life (work by Glasgow) In Utero (album by Nirvana) in vitro fertilization (medicine) in vitro mutagenesis (biology) In Which We Serve (film by Coward and Lean [1942]) in-band signaling in-breeding (genetics) in-line engine (engineering) in-line skating (recreation) in-marriage (sociology) In-Mut-Too-Yah-Lat-Lat (Nez Percé chief) In-Nae-Ch’on (Korean religion) in-place crystallization in-plane switching (electronics) in-yo (Eastern philosophy) In2TV (American company) INA (Italian corporation) INA (Indian history) Inaccessible (island, Atlantic Ocean) inactivated poliovirus vaccine (medicine) inactivated vaccine (vaccine) inactivation (biology) inactive ice wedge inadequate personality disorder (psychology) Inadunata (fossil subclass) inadunate (fossil subclass) Inagaki Hiroshi (Japanese director) Inamgon (historical site, India) Inanna (Mesopotamian goddess) Inao (Thai play) inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, syndrome of (pathology) inarching (horticulture) Inari (Japanese mythology) Inari, Lake (lake, Finland) Inaros (Libyan prince) Iñárritu, Alejandro González (Mexican director and producer) Inarticulata (brachiopod class) ?‘Inasmuch’: Extracts from Letters, Journals, Papers, etc. (work by Fulton) inauthentic existence (philosophy) Inazawa (Japan) InBev (international company) inboard motorboat inborn error of metabolism (genetics) inbreeding (genetics) Inbreeding and Outbreeding (work by East and Jones) inbreeding, coefficient of (genetics) Inca (people) Inca calendar Inca, El (Spanish chronicler) Inca Empire (historical empire in South America) Inca Garcilaso (Spanish chronicler) Inca religion Inca Roca (Incan emperor) Inca tern (bird) Inca Trail (trail, Peru) Inca Urcon (Incan emperor) Inca wheat (plant) Incamminati, Accademia degli (art academy, Italy) Incan caenolestid (marsupial) Incan rite incandescence (physics) incandescent lamp (lighting) incandescent mantle incantation (magic) Incantation by Laughter (poem by Khlebnikov) Incantations (work by Shapey) incapacitant (chemical compound) incapacitation (penology) incarceration (law) Incarnation (Jesus Christ)

incarnation (religion) Incarnation, Era of the (chronology) Incarnation of the Word of God, The (work by Athanasius) “Ince Memed” (novel by Kemal) Ince Minare (building, Konya, Turkey) Ince, Thomas H. (American film director) Ince, Thomas Harper (American film director) incendiary bomb (military technology) incendiary bullet (ammunition) incendiary shell (military technology) incendio, L’? (work by Soldati) incense incense burner incense cedar (tree) incense juniper (plant) incense tree (plant) incentive (economics) incentive motivation (psychology) Inception (film by Nolan [2010]) Inceptisol (soil) incest inch (ancient unit of length) inch (unit of measurement) inch plant Inchbald, Elizabeth (English author and actress) Inchcape Rock (reef, Scotland, United Kingdom) Incheon (South Korea) Incheon landing (Korean War) inchoate crime (law) Inch’on (South Korea) Inch’on Free Economic Zone (economic zone, South Korea) Inch’on landing (Korean War) inchworm (larva) incidence (disease) incidence (taxation) incidence, angle of (physics) incidence, plane of (physics) incident (legal history) incidental motion incidental music Incidents (work by Barthes) Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (work by Jacobs) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan (work by Stephens) Incidents of Travel in Yucatan (work by Stephens and Catherwood) incineration (waste management) incinerator incipient heart failure (pathology) Incipient Neolithic (anthropology) incipient species (biology) incipit (printing) Incirrata (cephalopod suborder) incised drawing incised relief (sculpture) incisional biopsy (medicine) incisor Incitatus (Caligula’s horse) incitement (criminal law) inclination (of an orbit) inclination (of equator to orbit) inclination, magnetic (geophysics) inclined plane inclined screw conveyor (technology) inclinometer (scientific instrument) inclosure (European history) inclusion (set theory) inclusion (igneous rock) inclusion and exclusion, principle of (mathematics) inclusion body (biology) inclusion body encephalitis (disease) inclusion conjunctivitis (eye disorder) inclusive fitness (biology) “Incognegro” (album by Ludacris) Incognegro (graphic novel by Johnson) Incognita: or, Love and Duty reconcil’d (work by Congreve) Incoherence of the Incoherence, The (work by Averroës) incoherent light incoherent scatter radar method Incolitermes (termite) Incomati River (river, Africa) income (economics) income and employment theory income bond (finance) income, distribution of (economics) Income Doubling Plan (Japanese history) income effect (economics) income redistribution (economics) income statement (accounting) income support income tax (taxation) income tax, corporate (taxation) income tax, personal (taxation) income-consumption curve (economics) incomes policy (economics) incoming solar radiation (radiant energy) incommensurability (mathematics) incommensurability (incommensurable) incommensurable (mathematics) Incommensurables (incommensurable) Incomparable Atuk, The (novel by Richler) incompatible element (chemistry) incompatible mating (biology) Incompleat Folksinger, The (work by Seeger) incomplete antibody (biochemistry) incomplete flower (plant anatomy) incomplete metamorphosis (biology) incomplete octet incomplete-octet compound incompressibility (physics) Inconfidência Mineria (Brazilian history) Inconfidência, Museum of the (museum, Ouro Prêto, Brazil) incongruent melting inconnu (fish) inconsistency (logic) Inconsistency-or Incoherence-of the Philosophers, The (work by al-Ghazali) incontestable clause incontinence (medical disorder) incontinence, fecal (medical disorder) Incontri Musicali (music review) Inconvenient Truth, An (film by Guggenheim [2006]) “incoronazione di Poppea, L’?” (opera by Monteverdi) incorporation (society) incorporeal property (law) incorrigibility (philosophy) Incorruptibility (Gnosticism) Increasing Safety in Auto Racing: A Winning Formula? (automobile racing) Incredible Hulk (fictional character) Incredible Shrinking Man, The (film by Arnold [1957]) Incredibles, The (Disney-Pixar animated film by Bird [2004]) Incredulity of St. Thomas (painting by López de Arteaga) increment borer (instrument) incremental budgeting (finance) incremental repetition (verse) Incrustation style (Roman art) incubation (of eggs) incubation (pathogenesis) incubation (religion) incubator (insulated enclosure) incubator bird (bird) incubus (demon) inculturation (theology) incunabula (printing) incunabulum (printing) Incurvariidae (insect) Incurvarioidea (insect superfamily) incus (anatomy) Incwala (Swazi festival) IND Inda (Indian deity) INDA (Italian organization) “Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto” (film by Petri [1970]) Indawgyi Lake (lake, Myanmar) INDECO (Zambian organization) Indefatigable Island (island, Galapagos Islands) indefeasible share (law) indefinite integral indefinite proposition (logic) indehiscence (botany) indemnity (law) Indemnity Act (South Africa [1961]) Indemnity, Bill of (1866, Prussia) Indemnity, Law of (France [1825]) Indemnity Only (work by Paretsky) indentation (punctuation) indentured labour Independence (Kansas, United States) Independence (Missouri, United States) independence (logic) Independence Club (Korean political organization) Independence Day (Kenyan holiday) Independence Day (Indian holiday) Independence Day (United States holiday) Independence Day (film by Emmerich [1996]) Independence Day (novel by Ford) Independence Grove (Illinois, United States) Independence Hall (building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States) Independence Island (atoll, Kiribati) Independence Movement of 1919 (Korean history) Independence National Historical Park (park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States) Independence of Vietnam, League for the (Vietnamese revolutionary organization) Independence Party (political party, Iceland) Indépendence, Place de l’ (square, Nouakchott, Mauritania) independence, statistical Independence, War of (European history) Independence, War of (United States history) independence, wars of (Latin American history) Independence, Wars of (Scottish history) Independencia, Guerra de la (European history) independent assortment, law of (genetics) independent assortment, principle of (genetics) Independent Broadcasting Authority (British government agency) Independent Bulgarian Trade Unions, Confederation of (labour organization, Bulgaria) independent carrier (business) Independent Christian Churches Independent Company of Kentish Guards (United States militia) independent counsel (United States government) Independent Counsel, Office of the: Year In Review 1998 independent event (statistics) independent film (cinema) Independent Fundamental Churches of America (American organization) Independent Labour Party (political party, United Kingdom) Independent Literary Group (Vietnamese literary movement) Independent Order of St. Luke (American organization) Independent Party (political party, Denmark) Independent People (work by Laxness) independent record labels (recording industry) Independent Republicans (political party, France) independent school (British education) Independent Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarity (Polish organization) Independent Smallholders’ Party (political party, Hungary)

Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (political party, Germany) Independent State of Papua New Guinea Independent State of Western Samoa (island nation, Pacific Ocean) Independent Television (British organization) Independent Television Authority (British government agency) Independent Television Commission (British government agency) Independent Television News (British government agency) Independent, The (British newspaper) Independent Theatre Club (British company) independent variable (mathematics) independent-particle model (physics) independent-suspension system (vehicles) Independents (religion) Independents, Union of (political party, Austria) Indes, Compagnie des (French trading company) Indes, Compagnie Française des (French trading company) Indes galantes, Les (work by Rameau) Indes Occidentales Indes Orientales, Compagnie Française des (French trading company) indeterminacy (literature) indeterminacy principle (physics) indeterminate dyad (philosophy) indeterminate growth (biology) indeterminate inflorescence (plant anatomy) indeterminate sentence (law) indeterminism indeterminism (philosophy) index (information retrieval) index (of a subgroup) index (semiotics) Index (Encyclopædia Britannica) Index (Roman Catholicism) index (fiscal policy) “Index Auctorum et Librorum Prohibitorum” (Roman Catholicism) Index Catalogue (classification system) Index Catalogues (star catalogues) index fossil Index Kewensis (botanical index) Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Roman Catholicism) Index Medicus (medical publication) Index of Coincidence and Its Applications in Cryptography, The (work by Friedman) indexation (fiscal policy) indexed-sequential file (computing) indexing (information retrieval) indexing (botany) India India Act (Great Britain [1784]) India Bill (Great Britain [1783]) India, Casa da (Portuguese trade company) India, Conselho da (Portuguese colonial supervisory body) India, Council of (Portuguese colonial supervisory body) India, flag of India, history of India, House of (Portuguese trade company) India ink India padauk (tree) India, Republic of India rubber plant (tree) India rubber tree (tree) India, Survey of (international cartographic organization) India: Year In Review 1993 India: Year In Review 1994 India: Year In Review 1995 India: Year In Review 1996 India: Year In Review 1997 India: Year In Review 1998 India: Year In Review 1999 India: Year In Review 2000 India: Year In Review 2001 India: Year In Review 2002 India: Year In Review 2003 India: Year In Review 2004 India: Year In Review 2005 India: Year In Review 2006 India: Year In Review 2007 India: Year In Review 2008 India: Year In Review 2009 Indian (ethnic group with origin in India) Indian (nationality) Indian (people) Indian Act (Canada [1876]) Indian Adoption Project (United States program) Indian Affairs, Bureau of (United States agency) Indian Airlines Indian Airlines Corporation Indian almond (plant) Indian almond family (plant family) Indian alphabets Indian American (American ethnic group) Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Department of (Canadian agency) Indian and Woman (painting by Pechstein) Indian Appropriation Act (United States law [1871]) Indian Archaeological Survey (Indian history) Indian architecture Indian art (Asian arts) Indian art (visual arts) Indian Arts and Crafts Board (United States government) Indian Association (political organization, India) Indian baskets (visual arts) Indian Battle Park (park, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada) Indian beadwork (visual arts) Indian black vulture (bird) Indian Botanic Garden (garden, Kolkata, India) Indian Bridge (Barbados) Indian buffalo (mammal) Indian Child Welfare Act (United States [1978]) Indian Civil Service (Indian government) Indian Claims Commission (United States government) Indian Commissioners, Board of (United States history) Indian cooking Indian corn (plant) Indian Councils Act (United Kingdom [1909]) Indian Councils Act (1861, India) Indian Councils Act (1892, India) Indian courser (bird) Indian crane (bird) Indian cress (plant) Indian crested tree swift (bird) Indian Criminal Procedure Code (law) Indian cuisine Indian currant (plant) Indian dance (South Asian arts) Indian dance Indian Elections of 2009, The (India) Indian elephant (mammal) Indian Emperour, The (play by Dryden) Indian Equatorial Countercurrent (ocean current) Indian Evidence Act (United Kingdom [1872]) Indian Express (Indian newspaper) Indian Famine Code (1833, India) Indian field mouse (rodent) Indian fig (plant) Indian flapshell turtle (reptile) Indian flying fox (mammal) Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (United States [1988]) Indian gavial (reptile species) Indian gazelle (mammal) Indian gerbil (rodent) Indian glassfish (fish) Indian goods (decorative arts) Indian grass (plant) Indian Health Service (United States agency) Indian hemp (plant) Indian hemp (plant) Indian hemp (genus Apocynum) Indian hog deer (mammal) Indian horse chestnut (plant) Indian Independence Act (United Kingdom [1947]) Indian Institute of Science (institution, Bangalore, India) Indian Institute of Technology (institution, Delhi, India) Indian Institute of Technology (institution, Kanpur, India) Indian Institute of Technology (university, Kharagpur, India) Indian John (fictional character) Indian Journal (American newspaper) Indian jujube (tree) Indian kapok (fibre) Indian King Tavern (tavern, Haddonfield, New Jersey) Indian lac insect (insect) Indian languages Indian law (India) Indian Liberal Federation (political party, India) Indian licorice (plant) Indian literature Indian literature Indian mackerel (fish genus) Indian mallow (plant) Indian meal moth (insect) Indian Melodies (work by Commuck) Indian mongoose (mammal) Indian monsoon (meteorology) Indian moth (insect) Indian Museum (museum, Kolkata, India) Indian music (arts) Indian mustard (plant) Indian Mutiny (Indian history) Indian myna (bird) Indian National Army (Indian history) Indian National Congress (political party, India) Indian National Congress-Indira (political party, India) Indian National Social Conference (Indian history) Indian National Theatre (Indian theatrical troupe) Indian National Trade Union Congress (Indian trade union federation) Indian Ocean Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 Indian paint (Lithospermum canescens) Indian paint brush (plant) Indian painting Indian Peace-Keeping Force (military organization, India) Indian peacock (bird) Indian Penal Code (law) Indian People’s Association (Indian political organization) Indian People’s Party (political party, India) Indian philosophy Indian pipe (plant) Indian pitta (bird) Indian Plate (geology) Indian Platform (geological region, Asia) Indian Potter, The (painting by Laso) Indian pottery (visual arts) Indian Queen, The (play by Dryden and Howard) Indian red admiral (butterfly) Indian Reformed Church in Africa (church, South Africa) Indian region (faunal region) Indian religion Indian Removal Act (United States [1830]) Indian Reorganization Act (United States [1934]) Indian reservation (land) Indian rhinoceros (mammal) Indian rice (plant) Indian robin (bird) Indian saffron (plant) Indian sage (plant) Indian sculpture (Asian arts) Indian sculpture (visual arts) Indian Shaker Church (American religious sect) Indian Shield (continental shield) Indian skimmer (bird species) Indian small-clawed otter (mammal) Indian South Equatorial Current (ocean current) Indian Space Research Organisation (Indian space agency) Indian spectacled cobra (snake) Indian Stream, Republic of (historical region, New Hampshire, United States) Indian Struggle, The (work by Bose) Indian style (east Asian architectural style) Indian summer (meteorology) Indian Summer, #2 (painting by Motherwell) Indian Tamil (people) Indian Territory (historical territory, United States) Indian theatre Indian tiger (mammal)

Indian tobacco (plant) Indian Town (Massachusetts, United States) Indian turnip (plant) Indian vulture (bird) Indian Wars (United States history) Indian Wells (California, United States) Indian wild dog (canine) Indian wolf (mammal) Indian-Australian Plate (geology) Indian-crested swift (bird) Indiana (state, United States) Indiana (county, Pennsylvania, United States) Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States) Indiana (novel by Sand) Indiana Asbury University (university, Greencastle, Indiana, United States) Indiana banana (fruit) Indiana College (university system, Indiana, United States) Indiana Dunes (state park and national lakeshore, Indiana, United States) Indiana, flag of (United States state flag) Indiana Jones (fictional character) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (film by Spielberg [2008]) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (film by Spielberg) Indiana Normal School (university, Valparaiso, Indiana, United States) Indiana Pacers (American basketball team) Indiana, Robert (American artist) Indiana Seminary (university system, Indiana, United States) Indiana Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument (monument, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) Indiana State College (university, Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States) Indiana State Fairgrounds (area, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) Indiana State Normal School (university, Terre Haute, Indiana, United States) Indiana State Normal School, Eastern Division (university, Muncie, Indiana, United States) Indiana State University (university, Terre Haute, Indiana, United States) Indiana Territory (historical region, United States) Indiana University (university system, Indiana, United States) Indiana University of Pennsylvania (university, Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States) Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (university, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) Indiana War Memorial Plaza (plaza, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) Indianapolis (Indiana, United States) Indianapolis 500 (automobile race) Indianapolis Brickyard 400 (stock-car race) Indianapolis Clowns (American baseball team) Indianapolis Colts (American football team) Indianapolis Motor Speedway (racetrack, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) indianische Blume (motif) Indianista novel (Brazilian literary genre) Indianola (Iowa, United States) Indian’s Book, The (work by Burlin) Indian’s plume (herb) India’s Computer Revolution (India) Indias Occidentales Indic languages Indic writing systems Indica (work by Arrian) Indica (work by Megasthenes) indicated horsepower indicative mood (grammar) indicative planning (economics) Indicative World Plan for Agricultural Development, An (UN report) indicator indicator, economic indicator electrode Indicator indicator (bird) indicator species (ecology) indicator variable (probability theory) Indicatoridae (bird) Indicopleustes (Egyptian geographer) Indictable Offences Bill (United Kingdom [1870s]) indiction (chronology) indictment (law) indie film (cinema) Indies Association (political organization, Indonesia) Indies, Council of the (Spanish history) Indies, Laws of the (Spanish history) Indies Party (political party, Indonesia) Indies Social Democratic Association (political party, Indonesia) indifference (mathematics) indifference curve (economics) Indifferent Children, The (novel by Auchincloss) “indifferenti, Gli” (work by Moravia) Indigenismo (Latin American movement) indigenization (Soviet social policy) indigenous American (people) indigenous people indigenous religion indigestion (pathology) Indigetes (Roman religion) Indigirka River (river, Russia) Indigites (Roman religion) Indignation (novel by Roth) indigo (plant genus) indigo (dye) indigo snake (reptile) Indigofera (plant genus) Indigreat (Maine, United States) Indio (California, United States) indio desnudo (plant) Indio River (river, Nicaragua) indio viejo (food) Indira Gandhi Canal (canal, India) indirect action process (physics) indirect development (biology) indirect drive (nuclear energy) indirect heating (process and system) indirect initiative (United States government) indirect language (literary theory) indirect letterpress (printing) indirect liquefaction indirect loss (insurance) indirect method (chemistry) indirect mood (logic) indirect primary (politics) indirect proof (logic) indirect relief printing (printing) indirect rule (government policy) indirect smelting (metallurgy) indirect system (yarn measurement) indirect tax indirect-acting genotoxic carcinogen (biochemistry) indiscernibles, set of (mathematics) Indische Bibliothek (work by Schlegel) Indische Partij (political party, Indonesia) Indische Vereeniging (political organization, Indonesia) indispensability argument (philosophy of mathematics) Inditex (Spanish company) indium (chemical element) indium gallium arsenide (materials science) indium gallium arsenide phosphide (materials science) indium tin oxide (chemical compound) indium-113 (chemical isotope) indium-115 (chemical isotope) individual (philosophy) individual (logic) individual constant (logic) individual deterrence (penology) individual difference (psychology) individual dynamic psychotherapy Individual Lament (biblical literature) individual liberty (human rights) individual method (rate making) individual practice association individual psychology individual retirement account (pension) Individual Section machine (technology) Individual Song of Thanksgiving individual, the (psychology) individual variable (logic) individualism (politics and philosophy) individualist school (literature and music) Individualists (Chinese painting) individually quick-frozen method (food processing) Individuals: An Essay in Descriptive Metaphysics (work by Strawson) Individuals with Disabilities Act (United States [1990]) individuation (logic) individuation (psychology) Individuum Ineffabile (work by Baeck) indivisibles, method of (mathematics) Indlandsis (ice sheet, Greenland) Indlela yababi (novel by Dhlomo) indlu (Zulu dwelling) Indo-Aryan (people) Indo-Aryan languages Indo-Australian Plate (geology) Indo-Brazil (breed of cattle) Indo-Chinese tiger (mammal) Indo-E?fahan carpet Indo-European (people) Indo-European languages Indo-Gangetic Plain (plain, Asia) Indo-Greek kingdom (Asian history) Indo-Hittite languages Indo-Iranian languages Indo-Isfahan carpet Indo-Pakistani War (1965) Indo-scyth (ancient people) Indo-Sikkimese Treaty (India and Sikkim [1950]) Indo-Timurid dynasty (India [1526-1707]) Indoafrican subkingdom (biogeography) Indochina (region, Asia) Indochina wars (Asian history) Indochine (film by Wargnier [1992]) Indochine Française (region, Asia) Indochinese Communist Party (political party, Vietnam) Indochinese Union indoctrination Indogermanic Indo-European language Indogermanisch Indo-European language Indogermanische Forschungen (magazine) indole (chemical compound) indole alkaloid (chemical compound)

indole-3-acetic acid (chemical compound) indoleacetic acid (chemical compound) indolylacetic acid (chemical compound) indomethacin (drug) Indomitable Lions (Cameroonian football team) Indonesia Indonesia Botanical Gardens (garden, Bogor, Indonesia) Indonesia, flag of Indonesia, history of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia: Year In Review 1993 Indonesia: Year In Review 1994 Indonesia: Year In Review 1995 Indonesia: Year In Review 1996 Indonesia: Year In Review 1997 Indonesia: Year In Review 1998 Indonesia: Year In Review 1999 Indonesia: Year In Review 2000 Indonesia: Year In Review 2001 Indonesia: Year In Review 2002 Indonesia: Year In Review 2003 Indonesia: Year In Review 2004 Indonesia: Year In Review 2005 Indonesia: Year In Review 2006 Indonesia: Year In Review 2007 Indonesia: Year In Review 2008 Indonesia: Year In Review 2009 Indonesian (people) Indonesian Association (political organization, Indonesia) Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency Indonesian Communist Party (political party, Indonesia) Indonesian Democratic Party (political party, Indonesia) Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (political party, Indonesia) Indonesian language Indonesian languages Indonesian literatures Indonesian music Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (Indonesian organization) Indonesian Nationalist Party (political party, Indonesia) Indonesian Peasants’ Party (political party, Suriname) Indonesian Republic Party (political party, Indonesia) Indonesian Sociological Studies: Selected Writings of B. Schrieke (work by Schrieke) Indonesian Union (political organization, Indonesia) Indonesische Vereeniging (political organization, Indonesia) indoor bowls (sport) indoor polo (sport) indoor-outdoor (sport) Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Indore, University of (university, Indore, India) indostomid (fish) Indostomidae (fish) Indotestudo elongata (reptile) “Indøvelse i Christendom” (work by Kierkegaard) Indra (Indian deity) Indra III (Rastrakuta king) Indra Jatra (Hindu festival) Indraditya (Thai ruler) Indrani (American dancer) Indra?i (Hindu deity) Indrapatindraditya (Thai ruler) Indraprastha (legendary city, India) Indrapura (ancient city, Cambodia) Indrasabha (operatic drama by Amanat) Indravarman I (king of Angkor) Indre (department, France) Indre River (river, France) Indre-et-Loire (department, France) Indrebö, R. (Norwegian scholar) Indremissionen (religious movement, Denmark) indri (lemur species) Indri indri (lemur species) Indricotherium (extinct mammal) Indridae (primate family) indriya (Indian philosophy) Induan Stage (geology) indubitability (philosophy) induced abortion (pregnancy) induced absorption (physics) induced dipole (chemical bonding) induced drag (mechanics) induced emission (physics) induced erythrocythemia induced fission (physics) induced magnetization (geomagnetics) induced ovulation induced pluripotent stem cell (biology) induced-dipole-induced dipole interaction (intermolecular force) induced-fit theory (biology) induced-polarization method (prospecting) inducer (biochemistry) inducible enzyme (biochemistry) inductance (electronics) induction (embryo) induction (enzymatic reactions) induction (physics) induction (reason) induction coil (electronics) induction drive (mechanics) induction, electromagnetic (physics) induction force (molecular structure) induction furnace induction generator (machine) induction hardening (metallurgy) induction heating (metallurgy) induction, mathematical induction motor (engineering) induction, problem of induction regulator (electronics) induction ring (physics) induction rite (society) induction system (air-conditioning) induction-type meter (electronics) inductive effect (chemistry) inductive inference (reason) inductive logic (reason) Inductive Metrology, or the Recovery of Ancient Measures from the Monuments (work by Petrie) inductive reactance (electronics) inductive reasoning (reason) Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer inductor (electronics) inductor alternator (machine) inductor compass (instrument) indulgence (Roman Catholicism) Indulgence, Declaration of (British history) Indulgents (French history) indulto Indur (India) Indur (Madhya Pradesh, India) Indurain, Miguel (Spanish athlete) induration (geology) Indus (astronomy) Indus Basin project (Indian-Pakistani history) Indus civilization Indus Cone (alluvial fan) Indus Delta (physical region, Pakistan) Indus Kohistan (region, Pakistan-Afghanistan) Indus Plain (region, Pakistan) Indus River (river, Asia) Indus river dolphin (mammal) Indus susu (mammal) Indus Valley (region, Pakistan) Indus valley civilization Indus Waters Treaty (India-Pakistan [1960]) Indus-Tsang-po Suture Zone (geological region, Asia) indusium (plant anatomy) Industria de Diseño Textil, SA (Spanish company) industrial accident (safety) Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (bank, China) Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (union, South Africa) industrial architecture Industrial Areas Foundation (American organization) industrial art Industrial Bank of China (Chinese bank) Industrial Bank of Japan (Japanese bank) industrial capitalism (economics) industrial ceramics (ceramics) industrial ceramics industrial city (sociology) Industrial Conciliation Act (South Africa [1924]) Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act (New Zealand [1894]) industrial country (economics) industrial court (law) industrial customer (business) Industrial Democracy (work by Sidney and Beatrice Webb) industrial design Industrial Designers Society of America (American organization) Industrial Development Corporation (South African organization) Industrial Development Corporation (Zambian organization) Industrial Development, Institute of (Colombian industrial organization) industrial diamond (mineral) industrial disease industrial dispute (labour) industrial ecology industrial education industrial education industrial engineering industrial espionage industrial fabric (textile) industrial feeding school (education) industrial gas (industrial and domestic) industrial glass (glass) industrial glass industrial hygiene industrial injury insurance Industrial Institute and College (university, Columbus, Mississippi, United States) Industrial Institute and College of Louisiana (university, Ruston, Louisiana, United States) Industrial Light and Magic (American film company) industrial management industrial marketing (economics) industrial medicine industrial melanism (biology) industrial microbiology industrial music (music) industrial nation (economics) Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice (work by Woodward) Industrial Organizations, Congress of (American labour organization) industrial polymer (chemistry) industrial polymer (polymer) industrial polymer (polymer) industrial polymer (polymer) industrial polymer chemistry (polymer) industrial polymers (polymer) industrial psychology Industrial Reconstruction, Institute for (Italian corporation) industrial relations Industrial Relations Act (United Kingdom [1971]) Industrial Relations Court (British labour) industrial relations: Year In Review 1993 industrial relations: Year In Review 1994 industrial reseller (economics) Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution, The (work by Toynbee)

industrial robot industrial safety (condition) industrial school (penology) industrial sewage industrial ship industrial society Industrial Training Act (United Kingdom [1964]) Industrial Training Board (British government agency) industrial truck industrial union (trade union) industrial waste Industrial Workers of the World (labour organization) industrial-organizational psychology industrialization Industries, Confederation of (Italian business association) Industrious Bee (Russian magazine) industry Industry and Idleness (painting by Hogarth) Indy 500 (automobile race) Indy, Paul-Marie-Theodore-Vincent d’ (French composer) Indy Racing League (American racing organization) Indy, Vincent d’ (French composer) Ine (king of Wessex) Ineffabilis Deus (bull by Pope Pius IX) inégalité (music) inelastic collision (physics) inelastic impact (physics) inelastic neutron scattering (physics) inelastic scattering (physics) inelastic strain (mechanics) inequality (mathematics) inequigranular rock (geology) Inermiidae (fish family) inerrancy (biblical criticism) inert gas (chemical elements) inert indicator electrode inertia (physics) inertia, law of (physics) inertia, moment of (physics) inertial bone conduction (physiology) inertial confinement fusion (physics) inertial force (physics) inertial frame of reference (physics) inertial guidance system inertial mass (physics) inertial navigator inertial reference frame (physics) Inertial Upper Stage (spacecraft) inertinite (maceral group) inertness (chemistry) “Inés del alma mía” (novel by Allende) Inés of My Soul (novel by Allende) inescutcheon (heraldry) inex period (astronomy) INF (arms designation) INF Treaty (United States-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [1987]) infallibility decree (Indian history) infallibility, papal (Roman Catholicism) infamia (law) Infamous (film by McGrath [2006]) infamy (law) Infância (work by Ramos) infancy Infancy and Human Growth (work by Gesell) infancy narrative (religion) infant (law) infant (development) infant betrothal (marriage custom) infant botulism (pathology) Infant Custody Bill (United Kingdom [1839]) infant industry (international trade) Infant Joy (poem by Blake) infant mortality rate Infant Phenomenon (fictional character) infant school (education) infanta (Spanish and Portuguese title) infante (Spanish and Portuguese title) Infante de Antequera, El (king of Aragon) Infante, Rio de (river, South Africa) infanticide infantile amnesia (psychology) infantile cortical hyperostosis (pathology) infantile neurosis (psychoanalysis) infantile Refsum disease (pathology) infantile strabismus (pathology) infantry (military force) infantry fighting vehicle (military technology) Infantry Training (work by Liddell) Infants of the Spring (work by Thurman) infarction (pathology) infected abortion (medicine) infection infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (animal disease) infectious chorea (pathology) infectious disease infectious endocarditis (pathology) infectious enteritis (disease) infectious hepatitis (pathology) infectious mononucleosis (pathology) infectious myxomatosis (animal pathology) infectious waste infective endocarditis (pathology) Infelicia (poetry by Menken) inference (reason) inference (statistics) inference engine (computer science) inference form (logic) inference, rules of (logic) inference schema (logic) Inference schemata (logic) inferential-role semantics inferior alveolar nerve (anatomy) inferior colliculus (anatomy) inferior conjunction (astronomy) inferior court (law) inferior ganglion of vagus (anatomy) inferior mesenteric ganglion (physiology) inferior salivatory nucleus (physiology) inferior vena cava (anatomy) inferior vesical artery (anatomy) inferiority complex (psychology) Infernal Machine, The (work by Cocteau) Infernillo phase (archaeological record) Inferno (work by Dante) infertility (medical disorder) infestation (pathology) infibulation (surgery) infidelity, marital (sexual behaviour) infield (baseball) infield fly rule (baseball) infielder (baseball) infiltrating ductal carcinoma (pathology) infiltration (chemical bonding) infiltration (hydrologic cycle) infiltration anesthesia (medicine) infinitary logic infinite being (philosophy) infinite descent (mathematics) infinite dimensional topology (mathematics) infinite game (mathematics) Infinite Jest (novel by Wallace) infinite number (mathematics) infinite series (mathematics) infinite set (mathematics) infinitely repeated game (mathematics) infinitesimal (mathematics) infinitesimal strain (mechanics) Infinitesimals (infinitesimal) infinitive (linguistics) infinity (mathematics) infinity, axiom of (set theory) infirmary (building) infita? (Egyptian history) infix (grammar) inflammation (pathology) inflammatory bowel disease (pathology) inflammatory carcinoma (pathology) inflammatory myopathy (disease) inflation (cosmogony) inflation (economics) inflation (of lungs) inflationary universe (cosmogony) inflection (linguistics) inflector (synchrotron) Inflexible, L’ (submarine) inflorescence (plant anatomy) inflow (cyclones) influence fuze Influence of Literature upon Society, The (work by Staël-Holstein) Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783, The (work by Mahan) Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812, The (work by Mahan) influence, sphere of (international relations) influenza (disease) influenza A H1N1 (virus) influenza bacillus (bacteria) influenza pandemic (H1N1) of 2009 influenza pandemic of 1918-19 influenza type A subtype H1N1 (virus) influenza type A virus influenza type B virus influenza virus Infocom (American electronic game company) infomercial: Year In Review 1995 informacion and Peticion agaynst the oppressours of the pore Commons of this Realme, An (work by Crowley) informal economy (sociological concept) informal school informal sector (economics) Informalism informalism (philosophy) informant (social science) Informant!, The (film by Soderbergh) information (communications) information (law) Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties (international agency) information economics Information Management System (computing) Information, Please! (American radio program) information processing Information Processing Language (computer language) Information Processing Techniques Office (United States military department) information processor (communications technology) information requirement (intelligence) information retrieval (computer and information science) information retrieval system information science information society information storage and retrieval system information storage system information system Information Techniques Program Office (United States military department) Information Technology Agreement (international trade)

information theory (mathematics) Informatsionnoye Byuro Kommunisticheskikh i Rabochikh Party (international agency) Informatsionnye Telegrafnoye Agentstvto Rossii-Telegrafnoe Agentstvo Sovetskovo Soyuza (Russian news agency) “informe de Brodie, El” (work by Borges) Informe sobre la ley agraria (work by Jovellanos y Ramírez) informed consent (law) Informer, The (film by Ford [1935]) Infosys Technologies Ltd. (Indian company) infrabranchial chamber (mollusk anatomy) Infracambrian Period (geochronology) Infracambrian System (geochronology) infraciliature (biology) infraorbital foramen (anatomy) infraorbital nerve (anatomy) Infrared Astronomical Satellite (astronomy) infrared astronomy infrared chemiluminescence (chemical technique) infrared detector infrared imagery infrared photography infrared radiation infrared sensor infrared source (astronomy) Infrared Space Observatory (satellite) infrared spectrophotometry (chemistry) infrared spectroscopy (physics) infrared telescope (astronomy) infrared wave infrasonic wave (physics) infrasonics (physics) infraspinous fossa (anatomy) infrastructure infratrack (physics) infundibulum (anatomy) infused contemplation (Roman Catholicism) infusorigen (biology) Ing (Norse mythology) ING (Dutch company) Ing. C. Olivetti & C. SpA (Italian manufacturer) Inga Falls (rapids, Democratic Republic of the Congo) InGaA (materials science) InGaAsP (materials science) Ingaevone (Germanic mythology) Ingalik (people) Ingalls Building (building, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States) Inganji Karinga (work by Kagame) Ingarden, Roman (Polish philosopher) Ingathering (English festival) Ingathering, Feast of (Judaism) Inge I Haraldsson (king of Norway) Inge Krokrygg (king of Norway) Inge the Hunchback (king of Norway) Inge, William (American playwright) Inge, William Motter (American playwright) Inge, William Ralph (British theologian) Ingeborg (queen consort of France) Ingegneri, Marcantonio (Italian musician) Ingelger (count of Anjou) Ingelow, Jean (British poet and novelist) Ingemann, Bernhard Severin (Danish author) Ingenhousz, Jan (Dutch scientist) “Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, El” (novel by Cervantes) Ingenious Britain: Making the UK the Leading High Tech Exporter in Europe (work by Dyson) Ingermanland (region, Russia) Ingersoll, Laura (Canadian loyalist) Ingersoll, Robert G. (American politician) Ingersoll, Robert Green (American politician) Ingersoll, Sarah Brown (American educator) ingestion (physiology) Ingham (Queensland, Australia) Ingi I Haraldsson (king of Norway) Inglefield, Sir Edward Augustus (British admiral) Inglehart, Ronald (American social scientist) inglenook (furniture) inglés de los güesos, El (work by Lynch) Inglewood (California, United States) Inglin, Meinrad (Swiss author) Inglis, Charles (Canadian bishop) Inglis, Charles Edward (British mathematician) Inglis, Esther (Scottish calligrapher) Inglis, James (American clergyman) Inglourious Basterds (film by Tarantino [2009]) Ingoldestadt (Germany) Ingolstadt (Germany) Ingombe Ilede (historical site, Africa) ingot (metallurgy) “Ingqumbo Yeminyanya” (work by Jordan) Ingraham, Hubert (prime minister of The Bahamas) Ingraham, Hubert Alexander (prime minister of The Bahamas) Ingraham, Prentiss (American writer) Ingrain (carpet) ingrain dye Ingraj Bazar (India) Ingram, Herbert (British publisher) Ingram, John Kells (Irish economist) Ingram, Vernon Martin (American biochemist) Ingrams, Harold (British official) Ingrams’s Peace (British and Yemeni history) Ingres, J.-A.-D. (French painter) Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (French painter) Ingres period (art) ingress (astronomy) Ingria (region, Russia) Ingrian (people) Ingrian language Ingrid (queen of Denmark) Ingrid Babendererde: Reifeprüfung 1953 (novel by Johnson) Ingstad, Helge (Norwegian adventurer and writer) Ingstad, Helge Marcus (Norwegian adventurer and writer) inguinal amplexus inguinal canal (anatomy) inguinal gland (biology) Ingund (Frankish princess) ingungu (musical instrument) Inguri Dam (dam, Georgia) Ingush (people) Ingush language Ingushetia (republic, Russia) Ingushetiya (republic, Russia) Ingvar (Russian prince) INH (drug) Inhabitants, The (work by Morris) inhalant chamber (mollusk anatomy) inhalation (respiratory system) inhalation anthrax (pathology) inhalational anesthetic (drug) inhaler (medical device) Inhambane (Mozambique) Inhamissengo River (river, Mozambique) inharmonicity (music) inherent note pattern (music) Inherent Vice (novel by Pynchon) Inherit the Wind (motion picture [1960]) inheritance (law) inheritance (social behaviour) inheritance (cross-axial drainage) Inheritance Act (United Kingdom [1938]) Inheritance Act (United Kingdom [1975]) inheritance, law of (law) inheritance of acquired characteristics (biology) Inheritance of Loss, The (novel by Kiran Desai) inheritance tax (law) inherited character (biology) inherited reflex (biology) Inheritors, The (novel by Conrad and Ford) Inheritors, The (novel by Golding) inhibin (hormone) inhibition (enzymatic reactions) inhibition (physiology) inhibition (psychology) inhibitor (biochemistry) inhibitor (catalysis) inhibitory amino acid (biology) inhibitory postsynaptic potential (biology) inhomogeneous nucleosynthesis hypothesis (cosmology) inhumation (funeral custom) Ini (king of Wessex) INI (Spanish history) Inia boliviensis (mammal) Inia geoffrensis (mammal) Iniet (secret society) Inis (Ireland) Inis Ceithleann (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) Inisa (Nigeria) Inisheer (Ireland) Inishmaan (Ireland) Inishmore (Ireland) initial (plant cell) initial caesura (prosody) Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum Initial Jomon (ancient culture, Japan) Initial Period (South American prehistory) initial public offering initial radiation (nuclear physics) initial segment (biology) Initial series (Mayan chronology) Initial Teaching Alphabet initial value (mathematics) initial value problem (mathematics) initialism (abbreviation) initiation (carcinogenesis) initiation (chemical chain reaction) Initiation, Hall of (ancient building, Greece) initiation rite (society) initiative (chess) initiative (politics) initiator (polymerization) Initié, L’? (work by Bhêly-Quénum) Injannashi (Mongol novelist) injection (mathematics) injection (medicine) injection molding (materials processing) injector (technology) injera (food) Injuid (Iranian dynasty) Injun Summer (cartoon by McCutcheon) injunction (law) injuria (law) injury (medicine) injury (law) ink (cephalopod secretion) ink (electronics) ink (writing medium) ink sac (cephalopod anatomy) Ink Spots, the (American music group) Ink Truck, The (novel by Kennedy) ink-jet printer Inka (people) Inka Roqa Inka (Incan emperor) Inka Urqon (Incan emperor) Inkangala (region, Africa) Inkatha Freedom Party (political party, South Africa) inkblot test (psychology) Inkerman, Battle of (Crimean War) Inkinsela yaseMgungundlovu (work by Nyembzi) inkjet printer inkless intaglio (printmaking)

inkstand Inkster, Juli (American golfer) inky cap (mushroom genus) inlaid celadon (pottery) Inland (region, Australia) Inland (poem by Motion) Inland Great Nicobar languages (language) Inland Ice Sheet (ice sheet, Greenland) Inland Kaikouras (mountains, New Zealand) inland marine insurance Inland Northern American (language) Inland Passage (sea route, North America) Inland Sea (sea, Japan) inland water body inland water ecosystem (biology) Inland Water Transport Authority (Bangladesh government agency) inland waterway (waterway) inlay (visual arts) Inle Lake (lake, Myanmar) inline skating (recreation) Inman, Frederick John (British actor and comedian) Inman, Henry (American painter) Inman, John (British actor and comedian) Inmarsat Inmortal, El (Cuban baseball player) inn Inn of the Sixth Happiness, The (film by Robson [1958]) Inn River (river, Europe) Innamincka Regime (geology) innate behaviour innate idea (philosophy) innate immunity innate reflex (biology) Inner Alster (lake, Germany) inner bremsstrahlung (physics) Inner Carpathian Mountains (mountains, Europe) inner city Inner Court (palace, Beijing, China) inner ear (anatomy) Inner Eastern Carpathians (mountain range, Europe) inner hair cell (inner ear anatomy) Inner Harbor (harbour, Baltimore, Maryland, United States) Inner Hebrides (islands, Scotland, United Kingdom) inner Helmholtz plane (electrochemistry) Inner Himalayas (mountains, Asia) Inner Life of Syria (work by Burton) Inner Light (religious concept and movement) Inner London (district, London, United Kingdom) Inner Mission society (religious organization) Inner Mongolia (autonomous region, China) Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (autonomous region, China) inner Oort cloud (astronomy) inner planet (astronomy) inner product (mathematics) inner product space (mathematics) Inner Ridges (mountains, Europe) Inner Shrine (temple, Ise, Japan) Inner Tarai (geographical region, Nepal) Inner Town (district, Budapest, Hungary) Inner Town Parish Church (church, Budapest, Hungary) inner transition element Inner Western Carpathians (mountain range, Europe) Inner Zone (geographical region, Japan) inner-belt asteroid (astronomy) inner-directed personality (sociology) inner-sphere reaction (chemistry) Innere Stadt (district, Vienna, Austria) Innertube (television service) Innes, Hammond (British author) Innes, Michael (British author) Inness, George (American painter) Inness, George, Jr. (American artist) “Inni sacri” (work by Manzoni) inning (baseball) innings (cricket) Innis, Harold (Canadian economist) Innisfail (Queensland, Australia) Inniskilling (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) Innitzer, Theodor (Austrian cardinal) Inno a Satana (work by Carducci) “Inno di Mameli” (work by Mameli) Innocent Eye, The (work by Read) Innocent I, Saint (pope) Innocent II (pope) Innocent III (antipope) Innocent III (pope) Innocent III (work by Luchaire) Innocent IV (pope) Innocent IX (pope) Innocent Man, The (work by Grisham) innocent passage (international law) Innocent, The (novel by McEwan) Innocent V Blessed (pope) Innocent Veniaminov, Saint (Russian Orthodox priest) Innocent VI (pope) Innocent VII (pope) Innocent VIII (pope) Innocent Wayfaring, The (work by Chute) Innocent X (pope) Innocent XI Blessed (pope) Innocent XII (pope) Innocent XIII (pope) Innocents (American baseball team) Innocents Abroad; or, The New Pilgrim’s Progress, The (work by Twain) Innocents’ Day (Christianity) Innoko River (river, Alaska, United States) innominate artery (anatomy) innominate vein (anatomy) “Innommable, L’?” (work by Beckett) Innoshima (Japan) innovation (creativity) innovation, business Innovative Market Systems (American company) Inns of Court (British legal association) Innsbruck (Austria) Innsbruck 1964 Olympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 Olympic Winter Games Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen (song by Isaac) Innsbruck University (university, Innsbruck, Austria) Innu (peoples) Innuit (people) Innuitian Mountains (mountains, Nunavut, Canada) Innuitian Region (region, Canada) Ino (insect) Ino (Greek mythology) Ino (work by Telemann) Inoceramus (paleontology) inoculation (medicine) Inönü, battles of (Turkish history) Inönü, Erdal (Turkish politician) Inönü, Ismet (president of Turkey) Inopportune: Stage One (work by Cai Guo-Qiang) inorganic chemical preservative inorganic chemistry inorganic compound (chemical compound) inorganic pigment (chemistry) inorganic polymer (chemistry) inorganic polymer (polymer) inorganic polymer (polymer) inorganic polymer (polymer) inorganic polymers (polymer) inorganic scintillator (physics) inorganic soil (agriculture) inosilicate (chemical compound) inosinic acid (chemical compound) inositol (chemical compound) inositol phosphate (chemical compound) inotropic agent (drug) Inotropic drug (drug) Inoue Enryo (Japanese philosopher) Inoue Kaoru (Japanese statesman) Inoue Tetsujiro (Japanese philosopher) Inoue Yasushi (Japanese writer) Inowroclaw (historical province, Poland) Inowroclaw (Poland) inpainting INPS (Italian government) input (computing) input (control system) input (economics) input/output device (computer technology) input-output analysis (economics) inquartation (metallurgy) inquest (law) inquilinism (biology) Inquiry Concerning Virtue (work by Shaftesbury) Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae, An (work by Jenner) Inquiry into the Crown Revenues (work by Cotton) Inquiry into the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morals (work by Kant) Inquiry into the Human Prospect, An (work by Heilbroner) Inquiry into the Monastic Life (work by Eustathius of Thessalonica) “Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, An” (work by Smith) Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth (work by Lauderdale) Inquiry into the Nature of Peace and the Terms of Its Perpetuation, An (work by Veblen) Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, An (work by Hutcheson) Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy (work by Denham) Inquisitio comitatus Cantabrigiensis (English history) inquisition (Roman Catholicism) Inquisition, Palace of the (building, Lisbon, Portugal) inquisitorial procedure (law) INR (United States government) inro (clothing accessory) INS (United States agency) INS (news agency) insane, general paralysis of the (pathology) insanity insanity (law) Insarov (Soviet government official) inscape (philosophy) inscribed stone (rock carving) inscription (writing) Inscription House (cliff dwelling, Arizona, United States) Inscription Maritime (French history) Inscription Rock (national monument, New Mexico, United States) Inscriptiones Graecae (inscription collection) Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, Academy of (school, Paris, France) Inscriptions, Temple of the (temple, Palenque, Mexico) insect (arthropod class) insect bite and sting insect brownies (insect) Insect Physiology (work by Wigglesworth) Insect Play, The (work by Capek) insect pollination (pollination by insects) Insect Societies, The (work by Wilson) insect sting insect wax (insect secretion) Insecta (arthropod class) insecticide (chemistry) Insectivora (mammal) insectivore (mammal) insectivorous plant (biology) insecure attachment (psychology)

insei (Japanese history) Insel Verlag (German publishing company) inselberg (geology) insensible perspiration (physiology) Inserções em circuitos ideolõgicos (work by Meireles) insertion (anatomy) insertional mutagenesis (pathology) insha? (literature) insha?a Allah (Islam) inside caliper (measurement device) inside contracting (manufacturing) Inside Man (film by Lee [2006]) Inside Passage (sea route, North America) Inside the Endless House (work by Kiesler) Inside the German Empire (work by Swope) Inside the Third Reich (work by Speer) Insider, The (film by Mann [1999]) insider trading (business) insidious flower bug (insect) insight (learning) Insight (work by Lonergan) Insolación (work by Bazán) insolation (radiant energy) insolubilia (logic) insoluble fibre (nutrition) insolvency (finance) insomnia (sleep disorder) "Insomnia" (film by Nolan [2002]) Insomnis Cura Parentum (work by Moscherosch) inspection (quality control) Inspection, Certificate of (United States maritime law) inspection time (psychology) “Inspector General, The” (play by Gogol) Inspector Maigret (fictional character) Inspectorate General of Customs (Chinese history) inspiration (respiratory system) inspiration (religion) inspiration of scripture instability, plasma (physics) Install (novel by Wataya) installment credit (finance) installment loan installment plan (finance) instant coffee instant film Instant in the Wind, An (work by Brink) Instant Insanity (puzzle) instant messaging (communication) instant potato instant replay (television) instant tea instant-picture photography instar (biology) Instauratio Magna (work by Bacon) instinct Instinct and the Unconscious (work by Rivers) Instinct of Workmanship and the State of the Industrial Arts, The (work by Veblen) instinctive learning (animal behaviour) Institut Botanique de la Université de Montréal (botanical institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) Institut Canadien (Canadian organization) Institut de Droit International (international organization) Institut Géographique National (institution, France) Institut International de Bibliographie (international organization) Institut National (institution, France) Institut National des Sciences et des Arts (institution, France) Institutes (Roman law) Institutes (treatise by Gaius) Institutes of Justinian (Roman law) Institutes of the Christian Religion (work by Calvin) Institutes of the Lawes of England (work by Coke) Institutio oratoria (work by Quintilian) “Institutio principis Christiani” (work by Erasmus) Institutio Theologiae Elencticae (work by Turretin) “Institutio theologica” (work by Proclus) institution institution (political science) “Institution de la Religion Chrétienne” (work by Calvin) institution, financial Institution of the Rosary (fresco by Tiepolo) Institutional Acts (Brazilian legislation) institutional analysis (economics) institutional celibacy (religion) institutional economics (economics) institutional interest (political science) Institutional Revolutionary Party (political party, Mexico) institutionalism (economics) institutionalism (sociology) Institutiones (Roman law) “Institutiones” (treatise by Gaius) “Institutiones” (work by Cassiodorus) Institutiones calculi differentialis (work by Euler) Institutiones calculi integralis (work by Euler) “Institutiones divinarum et saecularium litterarum” (work by Cassiodorus) Institutiones grammaticae (work by Priscian) Institutiones Rhetoricae (work by Melanchthon) Institutiones theologicae (work by Episcopius) Institutions liturgiques (work by Guéranger) Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Brazilian agency) Instituto Colombiano de Reforma Agraria (Colombian government) Instituto di Correspondenza Archeologica (institution, Rome, Italy) Instituto Internacional de Genealogía y Heráldica, El (international organization) Instituto Nacional Indigenista (Mexican government) Instituto Universitario di Salerno (university, Salerno, Italy) Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana (work by Agnesi) instruction Instruction for Merikare (ancient Egyptian text) Instruction of Amenemhet, The (ancient Egyptian literature) Instruction of Amenemope, The (work by Amenemope) instruction of Lemuel (Old Testament) instruction-level parallelism (computing) instructional media Instructiones (work by Commodianus) Instructions for the Government of Armies in the Field (United States government document) “Instructions of Amenemhet, The” (ancient Egyptian literature) Instructions to the Double (work by Gallagher) Instructor, The (work by Clement of Alexandria) instrument flight rule (aviation) instrument landing system (aviation) instrument meteorological conditions Instrument of Accession to the Indian Union (Kashmir history) instrumental case (grammar) instrumental chemical analysis (chemistry) instrumental conditioning (psychology) instrumental ensemble (music) instrumental learning (psychology) instrumental music Instrumental Music of the Southern Appalachians (folk music compilation album) instrumental reason (philosophy) instrumental value (philosophy) instrumentalism (philosophy) instrumentals (popular music) instrumentation (music) instrumentation (technology) instrumentation system (technology) Instruments Laboratory (research laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) Insubres (people) insula (architecture) Insulae (Roman province, Greece) Insulae Aeoliae (islands, Italy) Insular (language) insular lobe (anatomy) Insular Possession, An (work by Mo) Insular script (calligraphy) insular Southeast Asia (islands, Southeast Asia) insulating board (electronics) insulator (physics) insulin insulin coma therapy (psychiatry) insulin shock therapy (psychiatry) insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (medical disorder) insulin-like growth factor (biochemistry) insulin-like growth factor 1 (biochemistry) insulin-like growth factor 2 (biochemistry) Insull, Samuel (American utilities magnate) insurable interest insurable risk insurance insurance contract insurance cover insurance policy insurance premium (insurance) insurgency (politics) insurgent (politics) insuring clause (liability insurance) insurrectionary deed (law) “Insutoru” (novel by Wataya) inswinger (cricket) In’t wonderjaar (novel by Conscience) intaglio (printing) intaglio (sculpture) intake (air circulation) intake manifold (engineering) intake stroke (internal combustion) intake valve (mechanics) intangible asset (accounting) intangible property (law) intarsia (inlay work) Intarsia glass (glassware) Intef II (king of Egypt) integer (mathematics) integral (calculus) Integral (satellite observatory) integral calculus (mathematics) integral discriminator (physics) integral domain (mathematics) integral equation (mathematics) integral nationalism (political doctrine) integral protein (biology) integral transform (mathematics) Intégrales (work by Varese) Integralist (Portuguese history) Integralist (Roman Catholicism) Integralista (political party, Brazil) integraph (instrument) Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (FBI identification system) integrated circuit (electronics) integrated control (pest control) Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (industrial process)

integrated machinery plant (electronics) integrated magnitude (astronomy) Integrated Ocean Drilling Program integrated pest management (agriculture) integrated product and process development (technology) integrated services digital network (communications) integration (mathematics) integration (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) integration by parts (mathematics) Integration, Cooperation, and Development, Treaty for (Argentina-Brazil [1988]) integration, economic integration host factor (protein) integration mode (radiation detection) Integration of American Society, The (work by Angell) integration principle (law) integration, racial Integration, Society for (Japanese organization) integration, theory of (mathematics) Integrative Action of the Nervous System, The (work by Sherrington) integrative bargaining (industry) integrator (instrument) integrity, data (computing) integument (biology) integumentary system (biology) Intel 1103 (microprocessor) Intel 4004 (microprocessor) Intel 8008 (microprocessor) Intel 80386 (microprocessor) Intel 8080 (microprocessor) Intel 8088 (microprocessor) Intel Corporation (American company) Intellectual Cooperation, Committee on (League of Nations) intellectual disability intellectual history (discipline) intellectual property Intellectual Things (work by Kunitz) intellectual virtue intellectual-property law intellectualism intellectus agens (philosophy) intelligence (international relations) intelligence (military) intelligence agent (intelligence) Intelligence and Research, Bureau of (United States government) Intelligence and Security, Ministry of (Iranian intelligence agency) intelligence, animal intelligence appraisal intelligence, assessment Intelligence Corps of the Defense Forces (Israeli intelligence agency) Intelligence Directorate (United States government) intelligence, human (psychology) Intelligence of Flowers, The (work by Maeterlinck) Intelligence, Office of (United States government agency) intelligence quotient (psychology) intelligence satellite intelligence test (psychology) intelligence-gathering satellite intelligent agent (science) intelligent design Intelligent Design—Scientific Concept or Religious View? (intelligent design) intelligentsia (social group) intelligentsiya (social group) “Intelligenzprüfungen an Menschenaffen” (work by Köhler) intelligibility objection (philosophy) Intellympiad (games) Intelsat (international organization) Intelsat 1 (satellite) Intelsat, Ltd. (international organization) intendancy (Spanish colonial district) intendant (Chinese official) intendant (French official) intendant (theatre) intendant (Spanish official) intendente (Spanish official) Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (particle accelerator) intensifier screen intension (logic and semantics) intensional entity (philosophy) intensional logic intensity (colour) intensity (physics) intensity interferometry (astronomy) intensity just noticeable difference (sound) intensity theory of pain intensive agriculture intensive care unit (medicine) intensive farming intensive margin (economics) intention (criminal law) intention (logic) intention (psychology) intentional base on balls (baseball) intentional fallacy (literary criticism) intentional pass (baseball) intentional walk (baseball) intentionality (literary theory) intentionality (philosophy) intentionality clause (international law) Intentions (work by Wilde) Inter gravissimas (bull by Gregory XIII) Inter Milan (Italian football team) inter vivos gift (law) Inter-Allied Control Commission for Factories and Mines (European history) Inter-Allied Independent Bomber Force (European history) Inter-Allied Propaganda Commission Inter-American Coffee Agreement Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace (1936) Inter-American Development Bank (international organization) Inter-American Geodetic Survey Inter-American Highway (highway, Mexico-Panama City) Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers (Latin American labour organization) Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization Inter-Parliamentary Union (international organization) Inter-Service Intelligence Directorate (Pakistani government agency) InterAcademy Council (international organization) interaction, biotic (biology) interaction, drug (pharmacology) interaction, fundamental (physics) interaction gap (electronics) interaction region (physics) interaction, social (social process) interaction space (electronics) interaction theory (social process) interactionism (philosophy) interactive computing (computing) interactive fiction (gaming narrative) interactive mode (computing) interactive multimedia interalveolar septum (anatomy) Interamerican Regional Organization of Labour (Latin American labour organization) Interamnium Flavium (Spain) interannual climate variation interannual variation interarc basin (ocean basin) interatrial septum (anatomy) interbrain (anatomy) interbreeding (biology) Interbrew SA (Belgian company) Intercalans (chronology) intercalary meristem (plant anatomy) intercalated disc (anatomy) Intercalated Olympic Games (sports event, Athens, Greece [1906]) intercalation (chronology) intercellular junction (biology) intercellular parasitism (biology) interception (precipitation) interceptor (aircraft) intercession (religion) Intercession, Cathedral of the (church, Moscow, Russia) Intercession, Church of the (church, Kizhi Island, Russia) Intercession of the Virgin, Church of the (church, Fili, Russia) Intercession of the Virgin, Church of the (church, Suzdal, Russia) interchange energy (chemistry) interchangeable parts (industrial engineering) InterCity 125 (British passenger train) intercity bus (vehicle) Intercity railroad intercity train interclavicle (anatomy) Intercollegiate Football Association (American athletic organization) Intercolonial Trade Union Congress (Australian organization) intercolumniation (architecture) intercontinental ballistic missile (missile) interconversion (conformations) intercooler (engineering) Intercosmos (Soviet space program) intercostal muscle (anatomy) intercostalis muscle (anatomy) intercourse, sexual intercrater plain intercropping (agriculture) Intercursus Magnus (England [1496]) Intercursus Malus (Spain [1506]) Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association interdependency (biology) interdict (law) interdiffusion (technology) interdisciplinary museum “intereses creados, Los” (play by Benavente y Martínez) Interessengemeinschaft Basel (Swiss cartel) Interessengemeinschaft der Deutschen Teerfarbenfabriken (German cartel) Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft (German cartel) interest (psychology) interest (economics) interest (motivation) Interest and Prices (work by Wicksell) interest, conflict of (law) interest, doctrine of (Islamic doctrine) interest group (political science) Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future, The (work by Mahan) interest parity (economics) interest rate (economics) Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano; or, Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself, The (work by Equiano) interests, arbitration of (law) interests, balance of (United States law) interface (physics) interface (computing) Interface Message Processor (computing) interfacial angle (crystallography) interfascicular oligodendrocyte (biology) interfascicular parenchyma cell (plant anatomy)

interfemoral membrane (anatomy) interference (psychology) interference (baseball) interference (chemistry) interference (physics) interference (physiology) interference competition (biology) interference fringe (physics) interference microscope (instrument) interference removal (chemistry) interferogram (physics) interferometer (instrument) interferon (biochemistry) interflow (hydrology) interfluve (river basin area) interformational breccia (rock) interformational conglomerate (rock) intergalactic medium (astronomy) interglacial age (geologic time) interglacial stage (geologic time) interglaciation (geologic time) Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees (international organization) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (international organization) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (United Nations panel) interhalogen compound (chemical compound) Interim (document by Charles V) Interim Agreement (United States-Soviet history) Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Israel-Palestinian Authority [1995]) Interim Committee (United States history) Interim Constitution (Tanzania [1965]) Interim Upper Stage (spacecraft) Interimsblade (Danish journal) interindividual difference (education) interior ballistics Interior Castle, The (work by Saint Teresa of Avila) Interior, Council for the (French political body) interior decoration interior design interior live oak (plant) Interior Low Plateaus (region, United States) Interior Lowlands (region, Australia) Interior Lowlands (region, North America) Interior, Lux (American musician) interior monologue (literary device) Interior of the St. Cunera Church at Rhenen (painting by Saenredam) Interior Plains (region, North America) Interior Plateau (plateau, British Columbia, Canada) interior rhyme (poetry) Interior Ridges (mountains, Spain) Interior Salish (people) Interior, U.S. Department of the (United States government) interior-to-Earths-orbit asteroid (astronomy) interjection (grammar) interlaced scanning (electronics) Interlake Formation (geological formation, North Dakota, United States) Interlaken (Switzerland) interleukin (protein) interleukin-1 (protein) interleukin-2 (protein) interleukin-3 (biochemistry) interlevee basin (river basin area) interlibrary lending Interlinear Glosses (work by Anselm of Laon) Interlinear to Cabeza de Vaca: His Relation of the Journey from Florida to the Pacific (work by Long) Interlingua (language) interlining (clothing) interlinkage (chemistry) interlobar artery (anatomy) interlobular artery (anatomy) Interlochen (Michigan, United States) Interlochen Arts Camp (Interlochen, Michigan, United States) interlocking (railroad signal) interlocking (music) interlocking (tapestry weave) interlocutor (theatre) interlocutory decree (law) interlude (theatre) intermarriage (social practice) intermedi (musical drama) intermediate ballistics intermediate, chemical (chemistry) intermediate earthquake (geology) intermediate filament (biology) intermediate frequency (electronics) intermediate gastric gland (anatomy) intermediate goods (economics) intermediate haulage (mining) intermediate host (biology) intermediate house intermediate lever (piano) intermediate lobe of pituitary gland (anatomy) intermediate nerve (anatomy) intermediate nuclear force (arms designation) intermediate Population II (astronomy) intermediate proofer (baking device) intermediate reactor (nuclear reactor) intermediate rock (geology) intermediate technology (development concept) intermediate value theorem (mathematics) intermediate vector boson (subatomic particle) intermediate yellow fever (pathology) intermediate-density lipoprotein (physiology) intermediate-period comet (astronomy) intermediate-range ballistic missile (military technology) Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (United States-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [1987]) intermediate-range nuclear weapons intermediate-term financing intermedin intermedio (musical drama) intermembral index (anatomy) intermembranous ossification (physiology) intermetallic compound (chemical compound) intermezzo (music and theatre) Intermezzo (opera by Strauss) Intermezzo (work by Giraudoux) Intermezzo (film) Interministerial Committee for Credit and Savings (Italian government) intermittent (cinematography) intermittent kiln (industry) intermittent printing (photography) intermittent projector (photography) intermittent-combustion engine Intermix Media (American company) intermodal perception (physiology) intermodal transportation intermodulation distortion (physics) intermolecular compression (physics) intermolecular distance (physics) intermolecular forces (chemistry) intermolecular pair potential function (physics) intermolecular reaction (chemical reaction) intermolecularity (chemical reaction) Intermontane Plateau (region, North America) Internal Affairs, Ministry of (Soviet secret police) internal alchemy (Daoism) internal anal sphincter (anatomy) internal audit internal ballistics internal capsule (anatomy) internal carotid artery (anatomy) internal clock Internal Constitution of the Stars (work by Eddington) internal conversion (physics) internal deformation (mechanics) internal distribution (ecology) internal energy (physics) internal field theory (magnetism) internal fixation (medicine) internal friction (pedology) internal jugular vein (anatomy) internal language (logic) Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (Balkan revolutionary organization) internal materials salvage internal medicine internal Merge (linguistics) internal migration internal mixer (mechanics) internal motive (behaviour) internal pair production (physics) internal pressure internal radiation therapy (medical procedure) internal realism (philosophy) internal reconstruction (linguistics) internal recycling internal reflection (physics) internal relation (philosophy) Internal Revenue Service (United States government agency) internal rhyme (poetry) internal seich (meteorology) internal sphincter (anatomy) internal sty (medicine) internal symmetry (physics) internal urinary sphincter (anatomy) internal wave (hydrology) internal-combustion engine internal-consistency method International Abstracts in Operations Research (international magazine) International Academy of Astronautics International Accounting Standards Board International Accounting Standards Committee international adoption (kinship) International Aerobatics Commission (sports organization) International Aeronautical Federation (sports organization) International Affairs (British periodical) international agreement (international relations) international aid International Air Transport Association (international cartel) International Alliance for Women, The (nonprofit corporation) International Alliance of Social Democracy (secret political society) International Amateur Athletic Federation (international sports organization) International Amateur Swimming Federation (international sports organization) International Amateur Wrestling Federation (international sports organization) International America’s Cup Class (boat class) International Anarchist Congress (1907, Amsterdam) international arbitration (legal technique) International Association for Labour Legislation (international organization) International Association for Liberal Christianity and Religious Freedom (international organization) International Association of Athletics Federations (international sports organization) International Association of Bioethics International Association of Chiefs of Police (international organization)

International Association of Holistic Health Practitioners (medical organization) International Association of Lighthouse Authorities International Association of Rotary Clubs (service club) International Association of the Congo (Belgian organization) International Association of Universities International Associations, Union of International Astronomical Union International Atlas of Clouds and States of Sky (reference work) International Atomic Energy Agency International Atomic Time (chronology) International Automobile Federation (sports organization) International Baccalaureate (educational test) International Badminton Federation (international sports organization) international balance of payments (economics) International Ballet (British dance company) International Ballet Competitions International Bank (international organization) International Bank for Economic Cooperation International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Bar Association (international law group) International Baseball Association Australia (Australian sports organization) International Baseball Federation (sports organization) International Bible Students Association (religious organization) international bill of rights (UN) International Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO) International Boundary Waters Treaty (British-United States history) International Bowling Association (international sports organization) International Bowling Board International Boxing Federation (international sports organization) International Boxing Hall of Fame (hall of fame, Canastota, New York, United States) International Brigades (military force) International Broadcast Institute (international association) International Broadcasting, Board for (United States government agency) International Broadcasting Society (international society) International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen and Helpers of America International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America International Bureau Against Alcoholism (international organization) International Bureau of Education International Bureau of Weights and Measures (international organization) International Business Machines Corporation (American corporation) International Business Machines Operating System/2 (operating system) International Campaign to Ban Landmines International Candle (unit of measurement) International Canoe Federation International Capital Markets Department International Casting Federation International Center for Religion and Diplomacy (international organization) International Center of Photography (New York City, New York, United States) International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (international organization) International Centre of Genetic Epistemology (Geneva, Switzerland) International Chamber of Commerce International Christian Leadership (international religious movement) International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (Pentecostal denomination) International Civil Aviation, Convention of (Chicago, Illinois, United States [1944]) International Civil Aviation Organization (intergovernmental organization) International Classification of Diseases (international publication) International Cloud Atlas (reference work) International Code of Medical Ethics International College of Surgeons (college, Geneva, Switzerland) International Cometary Explorer (United States space probe) international comity international commercial arbitration International Commission for Weather Telegraphers International Commission on Air Navigation International Commission on Illumination (colour system) International Commission on Intellectual Cooperation (League of Nations) International Commission on Stratigraphy International Committee for Bird Preservation (conservation group) International Committee for Bird Protection (conservation group) International Committee for the Relief of the Wounded (Swiss organization) International Committee of the Red Cross (Swiss organization) International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (international organization) International Committee on Weights and Measures International Community Assistance, Foundation for (nongovernmental organization) international company (business) International Composers’ Guild International Conciliation, Association for (international organization) International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (international labour organization) International Conference on Computer Communication International Conference on Naval Limitation (1921-22) International Conference on Population and Development (1994) International Conference on the Limitation of Armaments International Congregational Council (religious organization) International Congress of Mathematicians International Congress of Women (feminist organization) International Congresses of Heraldry and Genealogy International Congresses of Modern Architecture International Consultative Radio Committee International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (1914) International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (1974) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (1973 and 1978) International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (copyright law) International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (copyright law) International Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (international organization) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (international treaty) International Convention on Load Lines (1966) International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965) International Council for Bird Preservation (conservation group) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea International Council of Christians and Jews (international organization) International Council of Museums (international museum organization) International Council of Scientific Unions International Council of Women (international organization) International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (international organization) International Council on Alcohol and Alcoholism (international organization) International Council on Archives (interlibrary organization) International Council on Social Welfare (international organization) International Court of Justice International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (international agreement) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (international agreement) International Cricket Conference (sports organization) International Cricket Council (sports organization) international crime International Criminal Court (international law)

international criminal law International Criminal Police Commission (international organization) International Criminal Police Organization (international organization) International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (international organization)

International Date Line International Dental Federation International Development Association (UN) International Economic Cooperation, Organization for (international organization) international economy International Ellipsoid of Reference (cartography) International Encyclopedia of Unified Science international exchange (economics) international exhibition (business) International Exhibition of Art of the City of Venice (art exhibition, Venice, Italy) International Exhibition of Modern Art (art show, New York City, New York, United States) International Falls (Minnesota, United States) international federation (sports organization) International Federation for Documentation (international organization) International Federation for Information and Documentation (international organization) International Federation of Business and Professional Women (international organization) International Federation of Camping and Caravanning International Federation of Christian Trade Unions International Federation of Human Rights (international organization) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (international organization) International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (international organization) International Federation of Sports Medicine (international organization) International Festival of Poetry (Canadian festival) International Finance Corporation (UN) International Financial Services Centre (Irish company) International, First (labour federation [1864]) International Fixed Calendar International Folk Dance movement International, Fourth (labour federation [1938]) international freestyle wrestling (sport) International Friendship Gardens (garden, Michigan City, Indiana, United States) International Fund for Agricultural Development International Game Fish Association International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (satellite observatory) International Geographical Union International Geological Congress International Geophysical Year international gold standard International Gothic (art) international governmental organization International Grandmaster (chess title) International HapMap Project International Harvester Company (American company) International Herald Tribune (newspaper) International Humanist and Ethical Union (international organization) International Hydrographic Bureau International Hydrographic Organization International Hydrological Decade International International Ice Patrol International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award (international literary award) International Indian Ocean Expedition International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (international organization) International Institute of Administrative Sciences International Institute of Agriculture International Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry, The (international organization) International Investment Bank International Joint Commission International Joint Rules Committee on Softball International Klein Blue (designer colour) International Korfball Federation (sports organization) International, Labour and Socialist International Labour Organization (UN) International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union International Landmine Coalition international language (artificial language) international law International Law: A Treatise (work by Oppenheim) International Law Commission (UN) International Law, Institute of (international organization) International Law of Europe and America in Theory and Practice (work by Calvo) International Lawn Tennis Challenge Trophy (sports trophy) International Lawn Tennis Federation (international sports organization) International League (sports organization) International League for Peace (French organization) International League of Independent Base Ball Clubs (American sports organization) International Legal Aid Association International Lesbian and Gay Association (international organization) International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (international organization) International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, Convention on (UN, 1972) International Load Line Convention (1930) International Longshore and Warehouse Union (labour union) International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union (labour union) International Map of the World International Maritime Organization International Maritime Satellite Organization International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematics (award) International Meteorological Committee International Meteorological Organization International Microgravity Laboratory Mission (space mission) International Military Tribunals for the Far East (United States-Japanese history) International Mind Sports Association International Ministries, Board of (Protestant organization) International Missionary Council International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund: Year In Review 1998 International Morse Code (communications) International Motorboating, Union of (international organization) International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (charitable organization) International Museum of Ceramics (museum, Faenza, Italy) International Museums Office (international museum organization) International News Service (news agency) international novel (American literature) International Occultation Timing Association (astronomy) International Office of Public Health (international organization) International Offshore Racing Rule International Olympic Committee International Olympic Truce Foundation International Opium Convention (1925) International Order of Chivalry Solar Tradition (New Religious Movement) International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons (international organization) International Organisation of Consumers Unions (international organization) international organization International Organization for Migration International Organization for Standardization International Organization for Standardization Open Systems Interconnection (communications) International Paper Company (American company) international payment (economics) International Peace Bureau (peace organization) International Peace Garden (park, North America) International Petroleum Company (American company) International Pharmacopoeia (drug catalog) International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War International Planned Parenthood Federation International Polar Commission International Police Association (international organization) International Policy, Center for (American organization) international political economy (economics) International Postal Congress International Prime Meridian Conference (standards conference) International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (UN program)

International Protest Song Meeting (music festival, Havana, Cuba) International Puppeteers Union International Quilt Festival (international festival) International Radio and Television Organization International Rapids (region, North America) International Red Cross (charitable organization) International Refugee Organization (historical UN agency) International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea international relations (politics) international relations, study of (political and social science) international religion International Rescue Committee (international organization) International Rice Research Institute (international agricultural organization) International Roots Festival (festival, The Gambia) International Rose Test Garden (garden, Portland, Oregon, United States) International Rowing Federation (sports organization) International Rules of the Road International Sailing Federation (sports organization) International School of Nuclear Science and Engineering (school, Argonne, Illinois, United States) International Sea-Bed Authority (international organization) international seabed International Seabed Area International Seabed Authority (international organization) International, Second (labour federation and political organization [1889]) International Security Assistance Force International Seismological Centre International Serials Data System International Settlements, Bank for International Shooting Union International Skating Union (ice skating organization) International Ski Federation (sports organization) International Snowboarding Federation (international sports organization) International Social Survey Program International, Socialist (European history [1951]) International Society for Infectious Diseases (international organisation) International Society of Blood Transfusion (international organization) International Society of Christian Endeavor International Society of Krishna Consciousness (religious sect) International Sociological Association International Softball Federation International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program international space law International Space Station (space station) International Spy Museum (museum, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) international squash rackets (sport) International Standard Book Number International Standard Serial Number International Standards Organization International Standards Organization Open Systems Interconnection (communications) International Style (architecture) International Style (ice skating) International Sunshine Society (international social organization) international sunspot number (astronomy) International Surfing Association (sports organization, United States) International System of Units (measurement) International Table Tennis Federation (international sports organization) International Target Archery, Federation of (sports organization) International Telecommunication Union (UN agency) International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium (international organization) International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (international organization) International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (United Nations agency) International Telegraph Union International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (American company) International Tennis Federation (international sports organization) “International, The” (political anthem) International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (nuclear physics facility) International, Third (association of political parties) International Time Bureau International Towing Tank Conference international trade International Trade and Industry, Ministry of (Japanese agency) International Trade in Endangered Species, Convention on (international agreement) International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Convention on (international agreement) International Triathlon Union (international sports organization) International Typographic Style (graphic design) International Typographical Union (labour organization, United States-Canada) International Ultraviolet Explorer (satellite) International Union Against Cancer (internatiional organization) International Union for Conservation of Nature International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources International Union of American Republics (international organization) International Union of Forest Research Organizations (international organization) International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Union of Geological Sciences International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (North American industrial union) International Unit (unit of measurement) International Vegetarian Union (organization) International Weightlifting Federation (sports organization) International Whaling Commission International Women’s Cricket Council (sports organization) International Women’s Day (holiday) International Women’s Health Coalition (international organization) International Workers’ Day (holiday) International Working Men’s Association (labour federation [1864]) International Working Union of Socialist Parties International Year of Biodiversity (UN) International Young Men’s Christian Association Training School (school, Springfield, Massachusetts, United States) International Youth Hostel Federation (organization in United Kingdom) international-system analysis (political science) Internationale, L’? (political anthem) Internationale Nederlanden Groep NV (Dutch company) Internationale Repräsentationsschaft des Kanusport Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse (Austrian journal) internationalism (foreign policy) Internationalists, the (American organization) internationalized domain name “Internatsional” (political anthem) Internet (computer network) Internet addiction Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Internet browser (computer program) Internet bubble Internet café (technology) Internet casino (gambling venue) Internet Chess Club (chess club) Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (international organization) Internet domain name Internet Explorer (Internet browsing program) Internet Protocol address (computing) Internet retailing (Internet) Internet safety Internet service provider Internet Society (international organization) Internet telephone service (communications) interneuron internment camp internode (plant anatomy) internship (medicine) internuclear distance (physics) internuclear separation (physics) internuncial nerve cell internuncio (diplomat) interoceptor (anatomy) interoffice signaling interoperability (computer science) interosseous border (bone anatomy) interpenetrating polymer network (chemistry) interpersonal psychotherapy Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry, The (work by Sullivan) interphase (biology) interphase (chemistry) interplain channel (geology) interplanetary dust particle (astronomy) interplanetary exploration interplanetary magnetic field (astronomy) interplanetary medium (astronomy) interpleader (law) Interpol (international organization) interpolating polynomial (mathematics) interpolation (mathematics) interpole (motor part)

interpretation (linguistics) interpretation (Jewish hermeneutics) interpretation (logic) interpretation (psychiatry) Interprétation des ‘Institutes’ de Justinien, Le (work by Pasquier) Interpretation of Dreams, The (work by Freud) Interpretations of Life: A Survey of Contemporary Literature (work by Durant) Interpretations of Poetry and Religion (book by Santayana) interpretative biography interpreter (computing) Interpreters, The (work by Soyinka) interracial adoption (kinship) interracial marriage (social practice) interreges (ancient Rome) Interregional and International Trade (work by Ohlin) interregnum (government) interrenal cell (biology) interrex (ancient Rome) interrogatio (rhetoric) interrogation Interrogation of the Old Men, The (Irish literature) interrogation-reply principle (technology) interrogative mood (grammar) interrogatory astrology interrupt (computing) interrupt signal (computing) interrupted drowning (torture method) interrupted screw (military device) interrupter gear (aircraft gun part) Interscope Records (American company) Intersecting Storage Rings (device) intersection (set theory) intersensory facilitation (physiology) intersex (biology) intersexuality (biology) Intersindical (Portuguese labour federation) interspecific association (biology) interspecific competition (biology) interspecific interaction (biology) interstate commerce (United States law) Interstate Commerce Act (United States [1887]) Interstate Commerce Commission (United States agency) Interstate Commission on the Delaware River Basin Interstate Highway System (highway system, United States) interstellar cloud (astronomy) interstellar dust (astronomy) interstellar gas (astronomy) interstellar matter interstellar medium (astronomy) interstitial atom (chemistry) interstitial carbide (chemical compound) interstitial cell (anatomy) interstitial compound (chemistry) interstitial cystitis (pathology) interstitial fluid (biochemistry) interstitial keratitis (pathology) interstitial matrix (biochemistry) interstitial pregnancy (medicine) interstitial solid solution (chemistry) interstitial tissue interstitial-cell stimulating hormone interstratification (mineralogy) intersubjective (philosophy) intersystem crossing (physics) intertestamental literature intertidal zone (marine ecology) intertropical convergence zone (meteorology) intertropical front (meteorology) Intertype (typesetting machine) interurban railroad interval (music) interval estimation (statistics) interval scale interval training (sports) intervention (military operation) intervention, currency of (economics) Intervention of the Sabine Women, The (painting by David) interventricular septum (anatomy) interventricular sulci (anatomy) interventricular sulcus (anatomy) intervertebral disk (anatomy) intervertebral foramen (anatomy) interview (Lee Teng-hui) interview (social science) Interview with the Vampire (film by Jordan) Interview with the Vampire (novel by Rice) Intervista (film by Fellini) intestacy (law) intestate succession (law) intestinal amebiasis (pathology) intestinal amoebiasis (pathology) intestinal atresia (congenital disorder) intestinal blood fluke (flatworm) intestinal diseases intestinal gas (biology) intestinal glucagon (hormone) intestinal juice intestinal obstruction (pathology) intestinal schistosomiasis (disease) intestinal squeeze (medical disorder) intestine (anatomy) intestinofugal neuron (physiology) Inthanon, Mount (mountain, Thailand) Inthavong (king of Vientiane) Inti (Inca Sun god) inti (currency) Inti Cusi Huallpa Huáscar (Inca chieftain) Inti-Illimani (Chilean music group) intifada (Palestinian-Israeli history) intifa?ah (Palestinian-Israeli history) intifadeh (Palestinian-Israeli history) Intihuatana (pillar, Machu Picchu, Peru) intimacy (acoustics) intimal arteriosclerosis (pathology) Intimate Gallery (gallery, New York City, New York, United States) Intimate Life of Emperor Wu of Han (Chinese tale) Intimism (art) intine (pollen structure) Intiraymi (Inca ceremony) “Into the Labyrinth” (work by Mallet-Joris) Into the Wild (film by Penn [2007]) Into the World Came a Soul Called Ida (painting by Albright) Intolerable Acts (Great Britain [1774]) intolerance Intolerance (film by Griffith [1916]) “Intolerance: A Sun-Play of the Ages” (film by Griffith [1916]) “Intolerance: Love’s Struggle Throughout the Ages” (film by Griffith [1916]) Intolleranza 1960 (work by Nono) intonaco (painting) intonation (music) intonation (speech) intonazione (music) intoxication (alcohol) intoxication (microorganisms) intra-articular fibrocartilage (anatomy) intracellular fluid (biochemistry) intracellular parasitism (biology) intracloud lightning (meteorology) Intracoastal Waterway (shipping route, United States) intracontinental mountain belt (geology) intracranial bleeding (medical disorder) intracranial pressure intracrystalline gliding (crystallography) intractable problem (computer science) intracytoplasmic sperm injection (medical procedure) intradimensional shift (psychology) intraflagellar rod (biology) intraformational breccia (rock) intraformational conglomerate (rock) intrafusal muscle fibre (anatomy) intraindividual difference (education) intralaminar nucleus (anatomy) intraligamentous pregnancy (medicine) intramolecular reaction (chemistry) intramolecularity (chemistry) Intramuros (urban district, Manila, Philippines) intranet (computer network) Intransigent UCR (political party, Argentina) intransitive relation (logic) intransitive verb (linguistics) intraoffice signaling intraperitoneal chemotherapy (therapeutics) intraplate volcanism (geology) intrapulmonic pressure (physiology) intraspecific brood parasitism (biology) intraspecific interaction (biology) Intrathecal anesthesia (pathology) intrauterine device (contraceptive) intrauterine growth retardation (medicine) intravenous anesthetic (medicine) intravenous immunoglobulin (biology) intravenous injection (medicine) intravenous pyelogram (medicine) intravenous pyelography (medical procedure) intrazonal soil Intrepid (Canadian industrialist) intrigue, comedy of (narrative genre) intrinsic activity (chemistry) intrinsic asthma (pathology) intrinsic branching programming (teaching) intrinsic conductivity intrinsic factor (protein) intrinsic heterogeneity (chemistry) intrinsic motive (behaviour) intrinsic neuron (physiology) intrinsic pathway (physiology) intrinsic programming (teaching) intrinsic protein (biology) intrinsic rate of natural increase (statistics) intrinsic value intrinsic variable star introduced species “Introductio in analysin infinitorum” (work by Euler) Introductio in Universam Geographiam (work by Clüver) Introduction à la connaissance de l’esprit humain, suivie de réflexions et de maximes (work by Vauvenargues) “Introduction à la médecine expérimentale” (work by Bernard) “Introduction à la metaphysique” (work by Bergson) Introduction à la révolution française (work by Barnave) Introduction à l’étude comparative des langues indo-européennes (work by Meillet) Introduction to a Devout Life (work by Saint Francis of Sales) Introduction to a General Stud Book, An (work by Weatherby)

Introduction to Arithmetic (work by Nicomachus) Introduction to Cosmography (work by Waldseemüller) Introduction to Divine and Human Readings, An (work by Cassiodorus) Introduction to Experimental Embryology (work by de Beer) Introduction to Loci (work by Fermat) Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method, An (work by Nagel) Introduction to Metaphysics, An (work by Bergson) Introduction to Music (work by Alypius) Introduction to Political Economy (work by Ely) Introduction to Semantics (work by Carnap) Introduction to Social Psychology, An (work by McDougall) Introduction to Structural Botany (work by Scott) Introduction to the Analysis of Infinities (work by Euler) Introduction to the Jurisprudence of Holland (work by Grotius) Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament (work by Moffatt) Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, An (work by Caird) Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, An (work by Bentham) Introduction to the Science of Sociology (work by Burgess) Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine, An (work by Bernard) Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages (work by Powell) Introduction to the Study of Society, An (work by Small) Introduction to the Study of Southwestern Archaeology (work by Kidder) Introduction to the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (work by Copson) Introduction to the Theory of Mental and Social Measurements, An (work by Thorndike) Introductiones parvulorum (work by Saint Anselm) Introduzione ad una teoria geometrica delle curve piane (work by Cremona) Introduzione allo studio della filosofia (work by Gioberti) Introduzioni e discorsi (work by Bontempelli) Introit (music) intron (genetics) introspection (philosophy and psychology) Introspectivist (American literary group) introvert (psychology) Introverta (animal phylum) introverted quatrain (prosody) Intruder (aircraft) Intruder in the Dust (novel by Faulkner) intrusive igneous rock (geology) intrusive rock (geology) intrusive tuff (geology) INTUC (Indian trade union federation) Intuit Inc. (American company) intuition Intuition (album by Foxx) intuitionism (ethics) intuitionism (philosophy of mathematics) intuitionistic calculus (logic) intuitionistic type theory intuitive cognition intuitive knowledge intussusception (pathology) Inu tsukuba shu (work by Sokan) Inugsuk culture (Eskimo culture) Inuinnaqtun (dialect) Inuit (people) Inuit Circumpolar Conference (international organization) Inuit language Inuk language Inukai Tsuyoshi (prime minister of Japan) Inuktitut language inulin (polysaccharide) inulin clearance (medicine) Inupiaq (Alaska, United States) Inupiaq language Inupik language Inuvik (region, Northwest Territories, Canada) Inuvik (Northwest Territories, Canada) Invader (aircraft) Invaders, The (film by Powell [1942]) Invaders, The (work by Plomer) Invalides, Dôme des (church, Paris, France) Invalides Esplanade (park, Paris, France) Invalides, Hôtel des (hospital, Paris, France) Invar (alloy) invariance (physics) invariant (mathematics) invariant point (phase change) invariant theory (mathematics) invasion (biology) Invasion, L’? (play by Adamov) Invasion of Privacy on the Internet (privacy, rights of) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (film by Siegel [1956]) “Invasions barbares, Les” (film by Arcand [2003]) invasive aspergillosis (pathology) invasive mole (pathology) invasive species (biology) Invasive Species: Exotic Intruders (invasive species) invasiveness (pathology) “invención de Morel, La” (novel by Bioy Casares) invention (musical form) invention (sociology) invention (technology) Invention of Lying, The (film by Gervais and Robinson) Invention of Morel, The (novel by Bioy Casares) Invention of Verity, The (treatise by Geber) Inventionshorn (musical instrument) inventory (business) inventory control (business) inventory control system (computer science) inventory profit (accounting) Invenzioni (work by Bonporti) Inveraray (Scotland, United Kingdom) Invercargill (New Zealand) Inverclyde (council area, Scotland, United Kingdom) Inverell (New South Wales, Australia) Invergordon (Scotland, United Kingdom) Invermein (New South Wales, Australia) Inverness (Michigan, United States) Inverness (Scotland, United Kingdom) Inverness-shire (former county, Scotland, United Kingdom) inverse (mathematics) inverse function (mathematics) inverse halftone gravure (printing) inverse probability (probability) inverse psoriasis (skin disorder) inverse sine (mathematics) inverse synthetic aperture radar (radar technology) inverse-square law (physics) inversion (chemical reaction) inversion (chromosome) inversion (literature) inversion (music) inversion fog (meteorology) inversion point (physics) inversion, space (particle physics) Invert soap invert sugar invertase (enzyme) invertebrate paleontology inverted dish (architecture) inverted dome (architecture) inverted microscope inverted spectrum (philosophy) inverted-U function (psychology) inverter (electronics) Investigate Un-American Activities, Committee to (United States history) Investigation, Bureau of (United States government agency) Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (film by Petri [1970]) Investigation of Perfection, The (work by Geber) Investigation of the Laws of Thought, on Which Are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities, An (work by Boole) Investigation of the Origin of the Old Norse or Icelandic Language (work by Rask) Investigation, The (work by Weiss) Investigational New Drug Investigations of Space by Means of Rockets (work by Tsiolkovsky) investigative reporting (journalism) Investigator (ship) Investigator Strait (channel, South Australia, Australia) investigatory phase (law) investing ligament (anatomy) investiture (feudalism) Investiture Controversy (Roman Catholicism) Investiture of Ardashir I (rock carving, Naqsh-e Rostam, Iran) investment (finance) investment allowance investment bank investment casting investment company (finance) investment credit investment grant (finance) investment, marginal efficiency of (economics) investment multiplier (finance) investment trust (finance) Investors Overseas Services (American company) Invictus (film by Eastwood [2009]) Invictus (poem by Henley) Invincible (British battleship) Invincible Armada (Spanish naval fleet) Invincibles (Irish secret society) invisible (economics) invisible drought (meteorology) invisible earnings (economics) invisible hand (economics) "Invisible Life" (novel by Harris) Invisible Man (novel by Ellison) Invisible Man, The (film by Whale [1933]) invisible trade (economics) Invitation, The (work by Castillo) Invitation to the Waltz (work by Lehmann) “Invitée, L’?” (work by Beauvoir) invocation (prosody) involuntary muscle (anatomy) involuntary unemployment (Keynesian economics) involution (anthropological and economic theory) Inward Animal, The (work by Tiller) inward dive (sport) Inward Light (religious concept and movement) inward rectifier channel (biology) INXS (Australian rock band) Inyangani, Mount (mountain peak, Zimbabwe)

Inylchek Glacier (glacier, Asia) inyoite (mineral) Inzest-Motiv in Dichtung and Sage, Das (work by Rank) Inzikhistn, Di (American literary group) Io (Greek mythology) Io (satellite of Jupiter) Io Island (island, Japan) Io Jima (island, Japan) io moth (insect) Io-to (island, Japan) Ioanesi (river, Russia) Ioann (Russian religious leader) Ioanna, Queen (Bulgarian royal) Ioannidis, Demetrios (ruler of Greece) Ioánnina (Greece) Ioannou, Yorgos (Greek author) Ioasaf (Greek hermit) Iobates (Greek mythology) IOC (international organization) IOC Iocaste (Greek mythology) IOCU (international organization) ioculare (medieval entertainer) iodate mineral iodide (chemical compound) iodide ion (chemical compound) iodine (chemical element) iodine deficiency (pathology) iodine number (chemistry) iodine value (chemistry) iodine-127 (chemical isotope) iodine-131 (chemical isotope) iodized salt (food) iodoform (chemical compound) iodopsin (pigment) iodoquinol (drug) Iofan, Boris Mikhaylovich (Soviet architect) Ioffe, Abram Moiseyevich (Russian philosopher) Iogaila (king of Poland) Iol (ancient city, Algeria) Iola (American journalist and social reformer) Iola Leroy; or, Shadows Uplifted (work by Harper) Iolani Palace (building, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States) Iolaus (Greek mythology) iolite (mineral) Iolo Goch (Welsh poet) IOM Iommi, Tony (British musician) ion (physics) Ion (work by Euripides) Ion (work by Plato) ion acoustic wave (physics) ion beam analysis (chemistry) ion beam machining (machine tool technology) ion chamber ion channel (biology) ion chromatography (chemistry) ion cyclotron resonance heating (physics) ion cyclotron wave (physics) ion drifting, lithium- (physics) ion engine (technology) ion exchanger (chemistry) ion exclusion (chemistry) ion implantation (industrial process) ion microanalyzer (scientific instrument) ion microprobe (scientific instrument) Ion of Chios (Greek poet) ion pair (chemistry and physics) ion product (chemical equation) ion pump (biology) ion saturation ion scattering spectroscopy (physics) ion source (scientific device) ion tail (astronomy) ion transport (biology) ion trap (physics) ion-beam scanning (chemistry) ion-chamber dosimeter (measurement instrument) ion-deposition printer ion-exchange capacity (chemistry) ion-exchange chromatography (chemistry) ion-exchange membrane (chemistry) ion-exchange reaction (chemical reaction) ion-exchange resin (chemical compound) ion-molecule reaction (physics) ion-selective electrode ion-trap mass spectrometry (chemistry) Iona (Russian Orthodox metropolitan) Iona (Ireland) Iona (island, Inner Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom) Iona Community (religious community, Scotland) Ionesco, Eugène (French dramatist) Ionescu, Eugen (French dramatist) Ionia (ancient region, Turkey) Iónia Nisiá (islands, Greece) Ionian (people) Ionian Basin (basin, Mediterranean Sea) Ionian Islands (islands, Greece) Ionian mode (music) Ionian revolt (Anatolian history [499-94 BC]) Ionian school (philosophy) Ionian Sea (sea, Mediterranean Sea) Ionian Stage (geology) ionic acid (chemical compound) Ionic alphabet ionic bond (chemistry) ionic carbide (chemical compound) ionic compound (chemistry) ionic conduction (physics) ionic crystal (crystallography) Ionic dialect (dialect) ionic dissociation (chemistry) ionic foot (prosody) ionic mobility (chemistry) Ionic numeral (number system) Ionic order (architecture) ionic regulation (physiology) ionic solid (crystallography) ionic solvation energy (chemistry) Ionic-Attic (ancient Greek language) ionic-covalent resonance (chemistry) Iónioi Nísoi (islands, Greece) Ionisation (work by Varèse) ionium (chemical isotope) ionium-thorium dating (physics) ionization (chemistry and physics) ionization chamber ionization density (physics) ionization energy (chemistry) ionization isomerism (chemistry) ionization potential (chemistry) ionization track (physics) ionized hydrogen cloud (astronomy) ionizing radiation ionizing radiation injury ionone (chemistry) ionopause (astrophysics) ionosphere (atmospheric region) ionosphere and magnetosphere (atmospheric science) ionospheric dynamo (atmospheric science) ionospheric reflection (physics) iora (bird) Iorga, Nicolae (prime minister of Romania) Iorwerth, Book of (Welsh law) IOS (American company) Ioseliani, Nana (Georgian chess player) Ioshkar-Ola (Russia) Iovine, Jimmy (American record producer) Iovis (Roman god) Iovkov, Iordan (Bulgarian author) Iowa (people) Iowa (state, United States) Iowa Agricultural College and Model Farm (university, Ames, Iowa, United States) Iowa City (Iowa, United States) Iowa crab Iowa, flag of (United States state flag) Iowa Great Lakes (resort area, Iowa, United States) Iowa River (river, Iowa, United States) Iowa State Agricultural College (university, Ames, Iowa, United States) Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts (university, Ames, Iowa, United States) Iowa State Normal School (university, Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States) Iowa State Teachers College (university, Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States) Iowa State University (university, Ames, Iowa, United States) Iowa State University of Science and Technology (university, Ames, Iowa, United States) Iowa Tests (education) Iowa, University of (university, Iowa City, Iowa, United States) IP address (computing) IPA (linguistics) iPad (electronic device) Ipai (people) Ipameri (Brazil) Ipatieff, Vladimir Nikolayevich (Russian-American chemist) Ipatyev, Vladimir Nikolayevich (Russian-American chemist) IPC (herbicide) IPC (Iraqi company) IPCC (United Nations panel) Ipcress File, The (work by Deighton) "Ipcress File, The" (film by Furie [1965]) IPEC (UN program) ipecac ipecacuanha Ípeiros (region, Greece and Albania) Ipet resyt (monument, Luxor, Egypt) Ipet-Isut (ancient temples, Thebes, Greece) IPF (economics) Iphiclides marcellus (insect) Iphicrates (Greek general) Iphigeneia (Greek mythology) Iphigeneia at Aulis (work by Euripides) Iphigenia in Tauris (work by Euripides) “Iphigenia in Tauris” (work by Goethe) Iphigénie (work by Racine) Iphigénie à Aulide (work by Moréas) “Iphigenie auf Tauris” (work by Goethe) Iphigénie en Aulide (opera by Gluck) Iphigenie in Tauris (work by Goethe) iPhone (electronic device) iPhone 2.0 (electronic device) iPhone 3G (electronic device) iPhone 3G S (electronic device) iPhone 4 (electronic device) Ipi-Tombi (South African music) Ipiales (Colombia) Ipidae (insect) Ípiros (region, Greece and Albania) Ipiutak culture (Eskimo culture) IPKF (military organization, India) IPL (computer language) IPN (chemistry) IPNS (particle accelerator) IPO (orchestra) IPO iPod (electronic device) Ipoh (Malaysia) Ipomaea (plant genus) Ipomedon (romance by Hue de Rotelande) Ipomoea (plant genus) Ipomoea arborescens (plant) Ipomoea batatas (plant) Ipomoea bona-nox (Ipomoea genus) Ipomoea coccinea (plant) Ipomoea leptophylla (plant) Ipomoea purga (plant) Ipomoea purpurea (plant) Ipomoea quamoclit (plant) Ipomoea rubrocaerulea (plant) Ipomoea tricolor (plant) Ipomoea violacea (plant) IPPD (technology) Ippen (Japanese Buddhist monk) Ippen shonin gyojo eden (Japanese art)

IPPF Ippitsusai Buncho (Japanese artist) Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail (Russian composer) Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhaylovich (Russian composer) IPPP (chemical compound) iproniazid (drug) IPS (electronics) iPS (biology) IPS (agency, Paraguay) Ipsárion, Mount (mountain, Greece) Ipsen, Bodil (Danish actress) Ipsilanti, Alexandru (Greek prince of Walachia) IPSP (biology) Ipsus, Battle of (Mesopotamian history) Ipswich (Queensland, Australia) Ipswich (district, England, United Kingdom) Ipswich (England, United Kingdom) Ipswich (Massachusetts, United States) Ipswich, Henry Fitzroy, Viscount (British noble) Ipswichian Interglacial Stage (geochronology) IPTO (United States military department) IPU (international organization) Ipueira (river, Brazil) Ipuwer (Egyptian sage) IPV (medicine) IQ (psychology) iqa? (Islamic music) iqa?at (Islamic music) ?Iqab, Battle of Al- (Spanish history) ?iqal (cord) Iqaluit (Nunavut, Canada) Iqbal, Javed (Pakistani serial killer) Iqbal, Sir Mu?ammad (Indian poet and philosopher) IQF method (food processing) iq?a? (Islamic land grant) “Iqti?ad fi al-l?tiqad, al-” (work by al-Ghazali) Iquan (Chinese pirate) Iquique (Chile) Iquique, Battle of Iquitos (Peru) IR (chemical compound) Ir (chemical element) ?Ir Yizre?el (Israel) IR-8 (rice) IR8 (rice) IRA (Irish military organization) IRA Provos (Irish military organization) iraca (botany) irad-i cedid (Ottoman treasury) Iradah-yi milli (political party, Iran) Iradier, Eduardo Dato (premier of Spain) Iráklion (Greece) Irala, Domingo Martínez de (Spanish explorer) IRAM Pico Veleta Observatory (observatory, Pico Veleta, Spain) “Iramavataram” (work by Kampan) Iran Iran, ancient Iran and Libya Sanctions Act (United States [1996]) Iran, flag of Iran, history of Iran hostage crisis (United States history) Iran Mountains (mountains, Indonesia) Iran: Year In Review 1993 Iran: Year In Review 1994 Iran: Year In Review 1995 Iran: Year In Review 1996 Iran: Year In Review 1997 Iran: Year In Review 1998 Iran: Year In Review 1999 Iran: Year In Review 2000 Iran: Year In Review 2001 Iran: Year In Review 2002 Iran: Year In Review 2003 Iran: Year In Review 2004 Iran: Year In Review 2005 Iran: Year In Review 2006 Iran: Year In Review 2007 Iran: Year In Review 2008 Iran: Year In Review 2009 Iran-Contra Affair (American history) Iran-Iraq War Iranian (nationality) Iranian alphabet Iranian architecture Iranian art (ancient art) Iranian highlands (mountains, Asia) Iranian intermezzo (Iranian history) Iranian languages Iranian literature Iranian low (meteorology) Iranian music Iranian plateau (plateau, Iran) Iranian religion Iranian Revolution of 1978-79 Iranon (people) Irapuato (Mexico) Iraq ?Iraq ?Iraq ?ajami (ancient region, Middle East) ?Iraq, Al- ?Iraq ?arabi (ancient region, Middle East) Iraq, flag of Iraq, history of Iraq Museum (museum, Baghdad, Iraq) Iraq Petroleum Company (Iraqi company) Iraq, Republic of Iraq Study Group Iraq Survey Group (American-British fact-finding mission) Iraq War (2003) Iraq: Year In Review 1993 Iraq: Year In Review 1994 Iraq: Year In Review 1995 Iraq: Year In Review 1996 Iraq: Year In Review 1997 Iraq: Year In Review 1998 Iraq: Year In Review 1999 Iraq: Year In Review 2000 Iraq: Year In Review 2001 Iraq: Year In Review 2002 Iraq: Year In Review 2003 Iraq: Year In Review 2004 Iraq: Year In Review 2005 Iraq: Year In Review 2006 Iraq: Year In Review 2007 Iraq: Year In Review 2008 Iraq: Year In Review 2009 Iraq-Iran War ?Iraqi (Persian poet) Iraqi Communist Party (political party, Iraq) Iraqi Company for Oil Operations Iraqi Council of Representatives (government of Iraq) Iraqi Freedom, Operation (2003) Iraqi Governing Council (government of Iraq) Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (1991) Iraqi National Accord (political party, Iraq) Iraqi-Iranian War IRAS (astronomy) Irazú Volcano (volcano, Costa Rica) Irazú Volcano National Park (national park, Costa Rica) IRB (sports organization) Irbid (Jordan) Irbil (ancient city, Iraq) IRBM (military technology) IRC (international organization) IRCAM (music centre, Paris, France) IRD (geology) Irdisches Vergnügen in Gott (work by Brockes) Iredell, James (United States jurist) Irediparra gallinacea (bird) Ireland Ireland, bells of (Molucella) Ireland, Church of (Irish Anglican denomination) Ireland, Donation of (papal bull) Ireland, flag of Ireland, George (American coach) Ireland, history of Ireland, John (American archbishop) Ireland, John (British composer) Ireland, John (Scottish writer) Ireland, John Nicholson (British composer) Ireland, Northern (constituent unit, United Kingdom) Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Ward Stone (American stenographer) Ireland, William Henry (British forger) Ireland: Year In Review 1993 Ireland: Year In Review 1994 Ireland: Year In Review 1995 Ireland: Year In Review 1996 Ireland: Year In Review 1997 Ireland: Year In Review 1998 Ireland: Year In Review 1999 Ireland: Year In Review 2000 Ireland: Year In Review 2001 Ireland: Year In Review 2002 Ireland: Year In Review 2003 Ireland: Year In Review 2004 Ireland: Year In Review 2005 Ireland: Year In Review 2006 Ireland: Year In Review 2007 Ireland: Year In Review 2008 Ireland: Year In Review 2009 Irena (bird) Irena cyanogaster Irena puella (bird) Irenaeus, Saint (bishop of Lyon) Irene (Byzantine empress [752-803]) Irene (Dutch princess) Irene (work by Johnson) Irène (work by Voltaire) Irene Ducas (Byzantine empress [1066-1120]) Irenidae (bird family) Irenopolis (Bulgaria) Iresine (plant genus) Ireton, Henry (British statesman) IRFU (Canadian sports organization) Irglova, Marketa (Czech singer, songwriter, and actress) Irgun Zvai Leumi (Jewish right-wing underground movement) IRHE (Panamanian institution) Iri (South Korea) IRI (Italian corporation) Irian Barat (province, Indonesia) Irian Djaya (province, Indonesia) Irian Jaya (province, Indonesia) Irian Jaya Barat (province, Indonesia) Iriarte, Tomás de (Spanish author) Iriartea deltoidea (plant species) Iridaceae (plant family) iridectomy (medicine) iridescence (mineralogy) iridescence (biology) Iridion (play by Krasinski) iridium (chemical element) Iridium satellite system Iridomyrmex humilis (insect) iridosmine (mineral) Iridoviridae (virus) iridovirus (virus) Iriga (Philippines) Iriga, Mount (volcano, Philippines) Irigaray, Luce (French linguist, psychoanalyst, and philosopher) Irigoyen, Hipólito (president of Argentina) Irigwe (people) Irinyi, Jànos (Hungarian chemist) irio (food) Iris (Greek mythology) iris (eye) Iris (plant genus) Iris (film by Eyre [2001]) Iris chamaeiris (plant) iris family (plant family) Iris florentina (plant) Iris germanica (plant) Iris kaempferi (plant) Iris mesopotamica (plant) Iris pseudacorus (plant) Iris pumila (plant) Iris River (river, Greece) iris shot (cinematography) Iris sibirica (plant) Iris spuria (plant) Iris variegata (plant) Iris versicolor (plant) Iris xiphioides (plant) Iris xiphium (plant) Irises (painting by van Gogh) Irish (people) Irish Citizen Army (Irish political organization) Irish Civil War (Irish history) Irish deer (extinct mammal) Irish elk (extinct mammal) Irish Free State Irish Free State Army (Irish military organization) Irish harp (musical instrument) Irish Home Rule (history of Great Britain and Ireland) Irish Hospitals’ Sweepstakes (lottery) Irish Land Acts (British-Irish history)

Irish Land League (Irish agrarian organization) Irish Land Purchase Act (United Kingdom [1903]) Irish language Irish languages Irish literary renaissance Irish Literary Theatre (theatre, Dublin, Ireland) Irish Literary Theatre (Irish drama society) Irish literature Irish Melodies (poem by Moore) Irish moss (algae) Irish National Dramatic Society (Irish drama society) Irish National League (Irish history) Irish National Theatre Society (Irish drama society) Irish needle lace Irish People, The (Irish newspaper) Irish Potato Famine (Irish history) Irish Railways (Irish company) Irish Rebellion (Irish history [1798]) Irish reel (dance) Irish Republican Army (Irish military organization) Irish Republican Brotherhood (Irish history) Irish Rising of 1798 (Irish history [1798]) Irish script (writing) Irish Sea (sea, Atlantic Ocean) Irish setter (breed of dog) Irish stew (food) Irish Stock Exchange (Irish company) Irish Supremacy Act (Irish history) Irish Sweepstakes (lottery) Irish system (penology) Irish terrier (breed of dog) Irish Tourist Board (Irish organization) Irish Transport System (Irish state company) Irish union pipe (musical instrument) Irish Volunteer Army (20th-century Irish military organization) Irish Volunteers (18th-century Irish history) Irish Volunteers (20th-century Irish military organization) Irish War of Independence (Irish history) Irish water spaniel (breed of dog) Irish whiskey (distilled spirit) Irish wolfhound (breed of dog) Irish yew (plant) Irishtown (township, Kilkenny, Ireland) irising effect (cinematography) iritis (pathology) Irkutsk (oblast, Russia) Irkutsk (Russia) IRL (American racing organization) Irlandeses, Colegio de los (college, Salamanca, Spain) Irlandia, Johannes de (Scottish writer) IRM (physics) Irma La Douce (film by Wilder [1963]) Irminfrid (king of Thuringia) Irminger Current (oceanography) Irnerius (Italian legal scholar) IRO (historical UN agency) “Iro zange” (novel by Uno) Iroij, Council of (Marshall Islands government) iroko tree (tree) iroko wood iron (chemical element) iron (textiles) Iron Act (Great Britain [1750]) Iron Age (history) iron alloy (metallurgy) Iron and Steel Acts (United Kingdom [1967-69]) iron blue (pigment) iron carbide (chemical compound) Iron Cross (German military award) Iron Curtain (European history) Iron Curtain Speech (speech by Churchill) Iron dialect (language) Iron Duke (prime minister of Great Britain) Iron Duke (American athlete) Iron Eyes (American actor) Iron Flood, The (Soviet play) iron gall ink Iron Gate (gorge, Europe) Iron Gate hydroelectric project (Romania-Serbia) Iron Gates hydroelectric project (Romania-Serbia) Iron Guard (Romanian organization) Iron Hammer, the (Chinese athlete and coach) Iron Heel, The (work by London) Iron Horse (American baseball player) Iron Horse (poem by Dickinson) iron ion Iron John: A Book About Men (work by Bly) Iron Knob (South Australia, Australia) Iron Lady (prime minister of United Kingdom) iron law of oligarchy Iron Law of Wages (economics) Iron Liege (racehorse) iron lung (medicine) Iron Man (film by Favreau [2008]) iron mask, the man in the (French convict) iron meteorite Iron Mike (American football player and coach) Iron Mike (American boxer) Iron Mountain (Michigan, United States) Iron Mountain (hill, Florida, United States) iron oxide (chemical compound) iron pressing (textiles) Iron Prince, The (Prussian prince) iron processing iron putty (adhesive) iron pyrite (mineral) Iron, Ralph (South African writer) Iron Ring (Austrian political coalition) iron salt (chemical compound) iron storage disease (pathology) iron sulfide (chemical compound) iron tourmaline (rock) iron-boron (alloy) iron-boron-silicon (alloy) Iron-Bridge (bridge, England, United Kingdom) iron-core transformer (electronics) iron-counterweight system (hoist) iron-deficiency anemia iron-group metal (mineral) iron-hulled barge (boat) iron-magnesium-manganese amphibole group (mineralogy) iron-porphyrin group (biochemistry) iron-spinel series (mineralogy) Ironbridge (bridge, England, United Kingdom) ironclad (ship) Irondequoit Bay (inlet, New York, United States) Ironhead (count of Capua) iron(II) chloride (chemical compound) iron(III) chloride (chemical compound) Irons, Jeremy (British actor) Ironside, of Archangel and of Ironside, William Edmund Ironside, 1st Baron (British field marshal) Ironside, William Edmund Ironside, 1st Baron (British field marshal) ironstone (geology) ironstone china (pottery) Ironstone, Mount (mountain, Australia) Ironstone Plateau (plateau, The Sudan) Ironton (Ohio, United States) ironweed (plant) Ironweed (work by Kennedy) Ironweed (film by Babenco) Ironwood (Michigan, United States) Ironwood Forest National Monument (national monument, Arizona, United States) ironwork irony (linguistic and literary device) Irony of American History, The (work by Niebuhr) Iroquoian languages Iroquois (people) Iroquois Book of Rites, The (work by Hale) Iroquois Confederacy (American Indian confederation) Iroquois Falls (Ontario, Canada) Iroquois League (American Indian confederation) IRP (political party, Iran) ?Irq al-Subay? (desert region, Saudi Arabia) Irr (astronomy) Irr! Grønt! (work by Solstad) Irr I (galaxy) Irr II (galaxy) Irra (ancient god) irradiance (physics) irradiation (food processing) irradiation irrational belief (psychology) irrational number (mathematics) irrationalism (philosophy) Irrawaddy River (river, Myanmar) Irredentist (Italian patriots) Irredentista (Italian patriots) irreducible hernia (physiology) irreferentialism (philosophy) irreflexive relation (logic) irregular cluster (astronomy) irregular crystal (meteorology) irregular flower (plant anatomy) irregular galaxy (astronomy) irregular ode Irregulars (Irish military organization) irreversibility (thermodynamics) irreversible process (thermodynamics) irreversible shock (medicine) irreversible toxic response (medicine) IRRI (international agricultural organization) irrigation (agriculture) Irrigation Civilizations (work by Steward) irrigation method (sanitation engineering) irritability (physiology) irritable bowel syndrome (pathology) Irrumporai (people) IRS (United States government agency) Irthing (river, England, United Kingdom) Irtysh River (river, Asia) Iru (people) Irula language Iruma (Japan) Irun (Spain) Irún (Spain) Iruña (city, Spain) Irvine (Scotland, United Kingdom) Irvine (California, United States) Irvine, Andrew (British explorer and mountaineer) Irvine, James (American rancher) Irvine v. California (law case) Irving (city, Texas, United States) Irving Colburn machine (technology) Irving, Edward (Scottish minister) Irving, John (American author) Irving, John Winslow (American author) Irving, Kenneth Colin (Canadian industrialist) Irving, Miles (British official) Irving, Sir Henry (British actor and theatrical manager) Irving, Washington (American author) Irvingia barteri (plant) Irvingia gabonensis (plant) Irvingiaceae (plant family)

Irvington (New Jersey, United States) Irvington (town, New York, United States) Irwin, Baron (British statesman) Irwin, Bill (American actor) Irwin, Elisabeth Antoinette (American educator) Irwin, George R. (American physicist) Irwin, Hale (American golfer) Irwin, James B. (American astronaut) Irwin, James Benson (American astronaut) Irwin, May (American comedian) Irwin, Robert (American sculptor) Irwin, Stephen Robert (Australian wildlife conservationist and television personality) Irwin, Steve (Australian wildlife conservationist and television personality) Iryani, ?Abd al-Ra?man al- (president of Yemen Arab Republic) “Irydion” (play by Krasinski) Irzykowski, Karol (Polish author and critic) Is it Possible? (work by Wyatt) IS machine (technology) Is Paris Burning? (book by Collins and Lapierre) Is Sex Necessary? (work by Thurber) Is That All There Is? (song by Leiber and Stoller) Is There an Ecological Ethic? (work by Rolston) Is This Your Son, My Lord? (work by Gardener) IS54 cellular system (communications) IS95 cellular system (communications) ?Isa ISA (international organization) ISA (sports organization, United States) isa Bey (Ottoman prince) Isa Eghirren (river, Africa) ?Isa ibn Hisham (literary character) ?Isa ibn Maryam ?Isa ibn Musa (Islamic military leader) ?Isa ibn ?ali? (Oman political leader) ?Isa ibn Sulman al-Khalifah (emir of Bahrain) Isa Town (Bahrain) Isaac (Hebrew patriarch) Isaac ben Abraham (Spanish theosophist) Isaac ben Moses of Vienna (European scholar) Isaac ben Samuel of Acre (Palestinian Kabbalist) Isaac ben Sid (Spanish astronomer) Isaac, Heinrich (Flemish composer) Isaac I (Byzantine prince) Isaac I Comnenus (Byzantine emperor) Isaac I Komnenos (Byzantine emperor) Isaac ibn Barun (Spanish-Jewish scholar) Isaac II Angelus (Byzantine emperor) Isaac of Antioch (Syrian theologian and writer) Isaac of Nineveh (Syrian bishop) Isaac of Ravenna (Byzantine viceroy) Isaac of Stella (English philosopher and theologian) Isaac Or Zaru?a (European scholar) Isaac, Rabbi Solomon ben, of Troyes (French religious scholar) Isaac Syrus (Syrian bishop) Isaac the Blind (Spanish theosophist) Isaac the Elder (Jewish physician and philosopher) Isaac the Great (Syrian theologian and writer) Isaac the Great, Saint (Armenian religious leader) Isaac the Syrian (Syrian bishop) Isaacs, Alick (Swiss scientist) Isaacs, Barnett (British financier) Isaacs, John (American basketball player) Isaacs, Jorge (Colombian writer) Isaacs, Rufus Daniel (British statesman) Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl Isaak, Heinrich (Flemish composer) Isaakiyevsky Sobor (cathedral, Saint Petersburg, Russia) Isaaq (people) Isaaq Somali (people) Isabeau de Bavière (queen of France) Isabel (queen of Jerusalem) Isabel a Pacificadora, Santa (queen of Portugal) Isabel a Rainha Santa (queen of Portugal) Isabel de la Cruz (Spanish religious leader) Isabel de Portugal, Santa (queen of Portugal) Isabel de Torres Peak (mountain, Dominican Republic) Isabel la Católica (queen of Spain) Isabela (Philippines) Isabela Island (island, Ecuador) Isabela, La (Hispaniola, West Indies) Isabelia, Cordillera (mountains, Nicaragua) Isabella (Hispaniola, West Indies) Isabella (fictional character) Isabella (poem by Keats) Isabella Clara Eugenia (archduchess of Austria) Isabella, Cordillera (mountains, Nicaragua) Isabella d’Este (duchess of Mantua) Isabella Farnese (queen of Spain) Isabella I (queen of Jerusalem) Isabella I (queen of Spain) Isabella II (queen of Jerusalem) Isabella II (queen of Spain) Isabella of Anjou (queen of Jerusalem) Isabella of Bavaria (queen of France) Isabella of France (queen of England) Isabella of Gloucester (queen of England) Isabella of Hainaut (queen of France) Isabella of Portugal (queen of Castile) “Isabella, or the Fatal Marriage” (work by Southerne) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (museum, Boston, Massachusetts, United States) Isabella the Catholic (queen of Spain) Isabella Thoburn College (college, Lucknow, India) Isabella tiger moth (insect) Isabelle d’Anjou (queen of Jerusalem) Isabelline (architectural style) Isabey, Jean-Baptiste (French painter) Isadora (film by Reisz) Isaeus (Greek speech writer) ISAF (sports organization) ISAF Isagoge (work by Porphyry) Isagoras (Athenian noble) Isahaya (Japan) Isai (biblical figure) Isaiah (Hebrew prophet) Isaiah, Ascension of (pseudepigraphal work) Isaiah, Book of (Old Testament) Isaiah scroll Isaiah’s Vision of Eternal Peace (work by Ardon) Isaias, Book of (Old Testament) Isakovo culture (archaeology) Isamaa (political party, Estonia) Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum (museum, Long Island City, New York, United States) Isan (region, Thailand) Isandhlwana and Rorke’s Drift, Battles of (South African history) Isandlwana and Rorke’s Drift, Battles of (South African history) Isaq ibn Ahmed, Sheikh (Arabian leader) ISAR (radar technology) isar (trousers) Isar River (river, Europe) Isar River Bridge (bridge, Grünewald, Germany) ISAS (Japanese organization) Isasmelt process (metallurgy) Isatis tinctoria (plant) Isaura Palaia (ancient city, Turkey) Isauria (ancient district, Turkey) Isaurian (people) ?Isawiyah (?ufi order) Isbell, Jeff (American musician) ISBN Isboseth (king of Israel) ISBT (international organization) ISC Isca Dumnoniorum (England, United Kingdom) Isca Silurum (fortress, Wales, United Kingdom) Iscariot, Judas (Apostle) ischemia (pathology) ischemic heart disease (pathology) Ischia, Antonio Canova, marchese d’ (Italian sculptor) Ischia, Island of (island, Italy) ischial callosity (anatomy) Ischislenie konechnykh raznostey (work by Gelfond) ischium (anatomy) Ischl (Austria) ISDN (communications) ISDS Ise (Japan) Ise Bay typhoon of 1959 Ise family (Japanese family) “Ise monogatari” (Japanese literary work) Ise Shinto (Japanese religion) Ise Shrine (temple, Ise, Japan) Ise-daijingu (temple, Ise, Japan) Ise-jingu (temple, Ise, Japan) Ise-no-jingu (temple, Ise, Japan) Ise-Shima Kokuritsu Koën (park, Japan) Ise-Shima National Park (park, Japan) Isegrimm (work by Alexis) Isekiri (people) Iselin, Columbus O’D. (American oceanographer) Iselin, Columbus O’Donnell (American oceanographer) Isengrim (literary character) Isenheim Altarpiece (work by Grünewald) isentropic chart (meteorology) Iseo, Lago d’ (lake, Italy) Iseo, Lake (lake, Italy) Iseppo Porto, Palazzo (palace, Vicenza, Italy) Iser River (river, Czech Republic) Isère (department, France) Isère River (river, France) Isergebirge (mountains, Europe) Iserloh, Erwin (German historian) Iserlohn (Germany) Isernia (province, Italy) Isernia (Italy) Isesaki (Japan) Iseult (legendary figures) Iseyin (Nigeria) ISF (international sports organization) Isfahan (Iran) Isfahan carpet Isfahan school (Persian painting) I?fahani, al- (Muslim scholar) Isfendiyar (mountains, Turkey) isfendiyar dynasty (Turkish dynasty) isfet (Egyptian religion) ISG (biology) Isham, John (English composer) Isham, Ralph Heyward (American collector) Ishanavarman (king of Maukhari kingdom) Is?aq al-Maw?ili (Persian musician) Is?aq ibn ?Abd al-?amid (Awraba chief)

Ishara (Hurrian god) Ishbaal (king of Israel) Ishbi-Erra (king of Isin) Ishbosheth (king of Israel) Ishekiri (people) Isherwood, B. F. (United States naval engineer) Isherwood, Benjamin Franklin (United States naval engineer) Isherwood, Christopher (British-American author) Ishibashi Tanzan (prime minister of Japan) Ishida Baigan (Japanese scholar) Ishida Mitsunari (Japanese warrior) Ishiguro, Kazuo (Japanese-British author) Ishihara Shintaro (Japanese writer and politician) Ishihara Takashi (Japanese executive) Ishii Kikujiro, Shishaku (Japanese politician) Ishikari River (river, Japan) Ishikari-gawa (river, Japan) Ishikawa (prefecture, Japan) Ishikawa Hajime (Japanese poet) Ishikawa Takuboku (Japanese poet) Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Company, Ltd. (Japanese company) Ishikawajima-Harima Jukogyo KK (Japanese company) Ishim River (river, Asia) Ishimbai (Russia) Ishimbay (Russia) Ishin Aswas (archaeological site, Iraq) Ishinho (work by Tamba Yasuyori) Ishinomaki (Japan) Ishiyama Hongan Temple (building, Japan) Ishizuchi, Mount (mountain, Japan) Ishkashim Range (mountain range, Central Asia) Ishkur (Mesopotamian god) Ishmael (son of Abraham) Ishmael ben Elisha (Jewish scholar) Ishmaelite (ancient people) Ishme-Dagan (king of Assyria) Ishpatina Ridge (mountain, Ontario, Canada) Ishpeming (Michigan, United States) Ishpuini (king of Urartu) ?Ishqabad (Turkmenistan) Ishraq, Shaykh al- (Persian mystic) Ishraqiyah (Islamic order) ?Ishrat-Khaneh (mausoleum, Samarkand, Uzbekistan) ?Ishrun maqalat (work by Mukammas) Ishtar (Mesopotamian goddess) Ishtar (film by May) Ishtar Gate (gate, Babylon, Mesopotamia) Ishtar Terra (Venusian surface feature) Ishtemi (Turkish ruler) Ishtumegu (king of Media) Ishvara (Hinduism) Ishvara Nayaka (Vijayanagar general) ISI (American sports organization) ISI (economics) ISI (Pakistani government agency) Isia isabella (insect) Isiburu (play by Amadi) isicathamiya (music) Isidis (impact basin, Mars) isidium (lichen structure) Isidora Cousiño Park (park, Lota, Chile) Isidore Mercator, Collection of (religious literature) Isidore of Alexandria (Greek philosopher) Isidore of Kiev (Greek Orthodox patriarch) Isidore of Miletus (Byzantine architect) Isidore of Sevilla, Saint (Spanish theologian) Isidore of Seville, Saint (Spanish theologian) Isidorus Hispalensis (Spanish theologian) Isidorus of Miletus (Byzantine architect) Isidro, San (Spanish theologian) Išim River (river, Asia) Išimbaj (Russia) Isin (ancient city, Mesopotamia, Asia) Isinbaeva, Elena (Russian athlete) Isinbayeva, Yelena (Russian athlete) Ising, Gustaf (Swedish physicist) Ising problem (mathematics) Ising, Rudolf (American animator) Isinglass (racehorse) isinglass (mineral product) Isinofre (queen of Egypt) Isinyaso (African masking society) Isistius brasiliensis (fish) Iskandar Muda (sultan of Acheh) Iskandar Shah, Megat (Malay ruler) Iskandar-nameh (work by Ne?ami) Iskandariyah, Al- (governorate, Egypt) Iskandariyyah, Al- (Egypt) Iskander (Albanian hero) Iskander, Fazil (Abkhazian author) Iskander, Fazil Abdulovich (Abkhazian author) Iskanderkul (lake, Tajikistan) Iskar River (river, Bulgaria) ISKCON (religious sect) Iske Kazan (Russia) Iskele (Cyprus) Iskendername (work by Ahmedi) Iskenderun (district, Turkey) Iskenderun (Turkey) Isker River (river, Bulgaria) Iskowitz, Edward Israel (American entertainer) Iskra (Russian newspaper) Iskur River (river, Bulgaria) “Iskusstvo i obshchestvennaya zhizn” (work by Plekhanov) Isla (Malta) Isla Blanca (island, Texas, United States) Isla de Alcatraces (island, California, United States) Isla de Coiba (island, Panama) Isla de Culebra (island, Puerto Rico) Isla de Fuerteventura (island, Canary Islands, Spain) Isla de la Torre y Rojo, José Francisco de (Spanish author) Isla de Ometepe (island, Nicaragua) Isla de Quibo (island, Panama) Isla de Vieques (island, Puerto Rico) Isla Fernandina (island, Ecuador) Isla, José Francisco de (Spanish author) Isla Martín García (island, Argentina) Isla Mona (island, Puerto Rico) Isla Pinta (island, Pacific Ocean) Isla Puná (island, Ecuador) “isla que se repite: el Caribe y la perspectiva postmoderna, La” (work by Benítez Rojo) Isla San Cristóbal (island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador) Isla Santa María (island, Pacific Ocean) Isla Taboga (island, Panama) I?la? (political party, Yemen) Islam (religion) Islam, Al- (religion) Islam, Kazi Nazrul (Bengali author) Islam Khmer (people) Islam, Mazhar ul- (Bangladeshi architect) Islam, Nation of (religious organization) Islam, Pillars of Islam Shah (Surinamese ruler) Islam-i Jamhuriya-e Pakistan Islamabad (India) Islamabad (Pakistan) Islambouli, Khaled (Egyptian assassin) Islambuli, Khalid al- (Egyptian assassin) Islami Jamhoori Itihad (political party, Pakistan) Islami Jamhuriat Itehad (political party, Pakistan) islami Lil-istithmar, Al-bank Al- (Muslim bank) Islamic Action Front (Jordanian organization) Islamic architecture Islamic Art, Museum of (museum, Cairo, Egypt) Islamic Art, Museum of (museum, Doha, Qatar) Islamic arts Islamic Assembly (political party, Pakistan) Islamic Association (political party, Indonesia) Islamic Bank of Iran (bank) Islamic bath (bathing establishment) Islamic calendar (chronology) Islamic caste (Indian society) Islamic Clergy, Assembly of (political party, Pakistan) Islamic Conference, Organization of the (Islamic organization) Islamic Consultative Assembly (Iranian government) Islamic Courts of Somalia, Council of (Somali organization) Islamic Courts Union (Somali organization) Islamic Da?wah Party (political party, Iraq) Islamic Democratic Alliance (political party, Pakistan) Islamic Development Bank (Muslim bank) Islamic Economy Organization (bank) Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Islamic fundamentalism (Middle East) Islamic Group (militant organization) Islamic Jihad (Middle Eastern organization) Islamic law (Islamic law) Islamic literature Islamic National Front (political party, The Sudan) Islamic Order, Committee to Determine the Expediency of the (Iranian government) Islamic philosophy Islamic Renaissance Party (political party) Islamic Republic of Iran Islamic Republic of Mauritania Islamic Republic of Pakistan Islamic Republican Party (political party, Iran) Islamic Resistance Movement (Palestinian Islamic organization) Islamic Revolution Islamic Salvation Front (political party, Algeria) Islamic Society (political group, Afghanistan) Islamic State of Afghanistan Islamic Tendency Movement (political party, Tunisia) Islamic Union (political party, Indonesia) Islamic University of Imam Mu?ammad Ibn Sa?ud (university, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) Islamic world Islamist movement (religion and politcs) Ísland island (geography) Island (novel by Huxley) island arc island biogeography, theory of (biology)

Island Carib (people) island dwarfing (anthropology) island gray fox (mammal) Island in the Moon, An (satire by Blake) Island in the Sky (rock formation, Utah, United States) Island Lake (lake, Manitoba, Canada) Island of Bali (work by Covarrubias) Island of Doctor Moreau, The (work by Wells) Island of Tears, The (work by Ogot) Island of the Colorblind, The (work by Sacks) Island of the Dead (work by Böcklin) Island of the Mighty, The (work by Arden) Island Records (British company) Island Records: Chris Blackwell’s Rock and Reggae Circus (Island Records) island scrub jay (bird) island silicate (mineral) island stage Islander (aircraft) Islanders, League of the (Greek history) Islandman, The (work by Criomhthain) Islands (Roman province, Greece) Íslands árbækur (work by Espólín) Islands, Bay of (bay, New Zealand) Islands, Greek (region, Greece) Islands in the Stream (novel by Hemingway) islands of Langerhans (anatomy) Islandsk kjærlighet (work by Gudmundsson) Íslandsklukkan (work by Laxness) Islas a la deriva (work by Pacheco) Islas Baleares (region and province, Spain) Islas de Chincha (islands, Peru) Islas Juan Fernández (islands, Chile) Islay (island, Inner Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom) Islay, Archibald Campbell, Earl and Viscount of (British politician [1682-1761]) Isle of Man, flag of the (flag of a British crown possession) Isle of Man legislature Isle of Pines (island and municipality, Cuba) Isle of Wight Pop Festival, The (British music festival) Isle Royale (island, Michigan, United States) Isle Royale National Park (park, Michigan, United States) Ísleifr Gissurarson (Icelandic bishop) Ísleifur Gissurarson (Icelandic bishop) Íslendinga saga (saga by Sturla Thórdarson) “Íslendingabók” (work by Ari) Islensk Isles of Immortality pattern (Chinese pottery) Isles of Saint Francis Conservation Park (park, South Australia, Australia) Isley Brothers, the (American music group) Isley, Marvin (American musician and songwriter) Isley, Phyllis Lee (American actress) Islington (borough, London, United Kingdom) Islington Commission (United Kingdom-India [1917]) Islwyn (British poet) Isly, Battle of (Algerian-French history) Isly, Thomas-Robert Bugeaud, duc d’ (marshal of France) ISM (astronomy) Isma?il (son of Abraham) Isma?il (?Alawi ruler of Morocco) Isma?il (Shi?ite imam) Isma?il, ?Abd al-Fatta? (president of Yemen) Isma?il ?Adil Shah (Bijapur ruler) Isma?il, A?mad (Egyptian defense minister) Isma?il al-Mutawakkil (Zaydi ruler) Isma?il a?-?afir (Dhu an-Nunid ruler) ismail Bey (Ottoman noble) Ismail bin Dato? Abdul Rahman, Tun (Malay politician) Isma?il I (shah of Iran) Isma?il I (Na?rid ruler) Isma?il I ibn A?mad (Samanid ruler) Isma?il ibn Ja?far (Shi?ite imam) Isma?il ibn Mu?ammad at-Tamimi (Druze leader) Ismail Ibn Nagrel?a (Spanish-Jewish scholar and statesman) Isma?il ibn Sharif (?Alawi ruler of Morocco) Isma?il II (Samanid ruler) Isma?il III (shah of Iran) Isma?il Pasha (Ottoman viceroy of Egypt) Ismail Qemal bey Vlora (Albanian statesman) Isma?il Shahid, Mu?ammad (Indian religious reformer) Isma?ili (Islamic sect) Ismailia (Egypt) Isma?ilite (Islamic sect) Isma?iliyah (Islamic sect) Isma?iliyah, Al- (Egypt) Isma?iliyah Canal, Al- (canal, Egypt) Isma?iliyyah (district, Cairo, Egypt) Isma?iliyyah, Al- (governorate, Egypt) Ismay of Wormington, Hastings Lionel Ismay, Baron (British soldier) Ismene (Greek mythology) isnad (Islam) ISNSE (school, Argonne, Illinois, United States) Isn’t It Romantic (work by Wasserstein) Isn’t Life Wonderful? (film by Griffith) ISO (satellite) ISO ISO number (photography) ISO/OSI (communications) Iso-Hollo, Volmari (Finnish athlete) iso-octane (chemical compound) isoamyl nitrite (drug) isobar (cartography) isobar (nuclear physics) isobaric spin (physics) isobaric surface (physics) isobutane (chemical compound) isobutyl alcohol (chemical compound) isobutylene (chemical compound) isobutylene-isoprene rubber (chemical compound) isocarboxazid (drug) isochron diagram (geology) isochron method (geology) isochronous cyclotron isochronous orbit (ion) isocitrate (chemical compound) isocitrate dehydrogenase (enzyme) isocitrate lysase (enzyme) isoclinal fold (geology) isocost-isoquant analysis (economics) Isocrates (Greek orator and rhetorician) isocratic mobile phase (chemistry) isocyanate (chemical compound) isocyanide (chemical compound) isodrin (chemical compound) isoelectric focusing (chemistry) isoelectric point (chemistry) Isoetales (plant order) Isoetes (plant) Isoetes histrix (plant) Isoetes lacustris (plant) Isoetes macrospora (plant) Isoetes malinverniana (plant) Isoetites (extinct plant genus) isoflavone (biological pigment) isogamy (biology) isogloss (linguistics) isograd (geology) isograft (surgery) isohemagglutinin (chemical compound) Isoko (people) Isola Asinara (island, Italy) Isola Capraia (island, Italy) Isola del Giglio (island, Italy) “isola di Arturo, L’?” (novel by Morante) Isola di Lampedusa (island, Italy) Isola di Montecristo (island, Italy) Isola di Pantelleria (island, Italy) Isola di Sant’Antioco (island, Italy) Isola d’Ischia (island, Italy) Isola Farnese (Italy) Isola Maddalena (Italy) Isola Pianosa (island, Italy) Isola Salina (island, Italy) Isola Stromboli (island, Italy) Isola Vulcano (island, Italy) isolate (genetics) isolate (linguistics) isolated pawn (chess) isolated singularity (mathematics) Isolated State, The (work by Thünen) isolated thunderstorm (meteorology) isolating language isolator (scientific instrument) Isole Egadi (islands, Italy) Isole Eolie (islands, Italy) Isole Pelagie (island group, Italy) isolecithal yolk (embryology) isoleucine (chemical compound) “isolierte Staat, Der” (work by Thünen) Isolobodon portoricensis (extinct rodent) Isolt (legendary figures) isolysergic acid (chemical compound) isomer (chemistry) isomer (nuclear physics) isomer shift (physics) isomerase (enzyme) isomeric transition (physics) isomerism (chemistry) isomerization (chemical reaction) isometric contraction (physiology) isometric drawing isometric projection isometric system (crystallography) isometry isomorphic graph isomorphism (chemistry) isomorphism (mathematics) isomyarianism (mollusk anatomy) Isondega River (river, United States) isoniazid (drug) isonicotinic acid hydrazide (drug) isonipecaine (drug) isonitrile (chemical compound) Isonokami Shrine (shrine, Tenri, Japan) isonomia (politics) Isonzo (river, Europe) Isonzo, Battles of the (World War I) isooctane (chemical compound) Isoodon (marsupial) isoparaffin isoparametric tone (music) isopentane (chemical compound) isopentenyl pyrophosphate (chemical compound)

isoperimetric problem (mathematics) Isopet (collection of fables) isophase (light) isophthalic acid (chemical compound) isopleth (meteorology) isopod (crustacean) Isopoda (crustacean) isopoly acid (chemical compound) isopoly anion isopoly salt (chemical compound) isoprene (chemical compound) isoprene rubber (chemical compound) isoprene rule (chemical compound) isoprenoid (chemical compound) isoprenoid pathway (biochemistry) isopropyl alcohol (chemical compound) isopropylbenzene (chemical compound) Isoptera (insect) isopulegol (chemical compound) isorhythm (music) isospin (physics) Isospora (protozoan) isostasy (geology) isostatic equilibrium (geology) isotactic polymer (chemistry) Isotelus (trilobite genus) isotherm (diagram) isothermal change (physics) isothermal compressibility (physics) isothermal flow (physics) isothermal glacier isothermal remanent magnetization (physics) isothermy (physics) isothiocyanate (chemical compound) isotone (chemistry) isotonic contraction (physiology) isotope (chemistry) isotope chart (chemistry) isotope dilution (chemistry) isotope effect (chemistry) isotope geochemistry isotope geology isotope record (geology) isotope scanning (medicine) isotope separation (chemistry) isotope shift (chemistry) isotope stratigraphy isotope structure (chemistry) isotopic abundance (chemistry) isotopic dating (chronology) isotopic fractionation (chemistry) isotopic geochemistry isotopic labeling (chemistry) isotopic ratio (chemistry) isotopic spin (physics) isotopic tracer (chemistry) isotropic material (physics) isotropic radiation (physics) isotropy (physics) Isotta-Fraschini (Italian company) isovaleric acidemia (disease) Isozaki Arata (Japanese architect) Isozoanthus giganteus (cnidarian) ISP ispán (Hungarian officer) Isparta (Turkey) Isparta (Turkey) Isperikh (Bulgarian leader) Ispica, Cava d’ (cave, Modica, Italy) ispravnik (Russian official) ISR (device) Isra? (Islam) Israel Israel (Old Testament kingdom) Israel (Hebrew patriarch) Israel (Gnosticism) Israel Air Force (Israeli military) Israel Antiquities Authority (archaeological organization) Israel ben Eliezer (Polish rabbi) Israel Defense Forces (military organization, Israel) Israel, flag of Israel, history of Israel, House of (people) Israel in Egypt (work by Handel) Israel Institute of Technology (institution, Haifa, Israel) Israel Labour Party (political party, Israel) Israel, Lee (biographer) Israel, Melvin Allen (American sports broadcaster) Israel Museum (museum, Jerusalem) Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (orchestra) Israel Potter (work by Melville) Israel Stela (carving) Israel, Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, Twelve Tribes of Israel Workers List (political party, Israel) Israel: Year In Review 1993 Israel: Year In Review 1994 Israel: Year In Review 1995 Israel: Year In Review 1996 Israel: Year In Review 1997 Israel: Year In Review 1998 Israel: Year In Review 1999 Israel: Year In Review 2000 Israel: Year In Review 2001 Israel: Year In Review 2002 Israel: Year In Review 2003 Israel: Year In Review 2004 Israel: Year In Review 2005 Israel: Year In Review 2006 Israel: Year In Review 2007 Israel: Year In Review 2008 Israel: Year In Review 2009 Israel-Arab wars Israel-PLO accord (Palestinian Liberation Organization-Israel [1993]) Israeli acute paralysis virus (biology) Israeli Aircraft Industries (Israeli company) Israeli Defense Forces (military organization, Israel) Israeli, Isaac (Jewish physician and philosopher) Israeli, Isaac ben Solomon (Jewish physician and philosopher) Israeli law Israeli War of Independence Israeli-Arab wars Israelite (people) Israelites (South African religious sect) Israelites Gathering the Manna, The (painting by Poussin) Israel’s impact on the Middle East (Israel) Israëls, Isaac (Dutch painter) Israëls, Jozef (Dutch painter) Israfil (Islamic mythology) Isra?il Isra?il (Hebrew patriarch) ISRO (Indian space agency) ISS (space station) ISS (physics) Issa (Japanese poet) Issa (people) Issachar (Hebrew tribe) Issakovitch, Sergey Ivanovitch (American architect) Issei (people) Isserles, Moses ben Israel (Jewish scholar) Issigonis, Sir Alec (British automobile designer) Issigonis, Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine (British automobile designer) Issihak II (African ruler) ISSN ISSP Survey issue preclusion (law) Issues in Science and Religion (work by Barbour) Issus, Battle of (Persian history) Issy-les-Moulineaux (France) Issyk-Kul (oblast, Kyrgyzstan) Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan) Issyk-kul, Ozero (lake, Kyrgyzstan) Istadeh-ye Moqor (lake, Afghanistan) Istaevone (mythology) Istakhr (ancient city, Iran) Istállósko, Mount (mountain, Hungary) istanköy (island, Greece) Istanu (Anatolian god) Istaravshan (Tajikistan) Isteni igazságra vezérlo kalauz (work by Pázmány) Isthmian Games (ancient Greek festival) isthmic pregnancy (medicine) isthmus (geography) isthmus of the fallopian tube (anatomy) Istiblennius zebra (fish) isti?san (Islamic theology) Istiompax indicus (fish) Istiophoridae (fish family) Istiophorus (fish) Istiophorus albicans (fish) Istiqlal (political party, Morocco) isti?la? (Islam) Istitutioni harmoniche (treatise by Zarlino) Istituto Dramma Italiano (Italian organization) Istituto Mobiliare Italiano (Italian holding company) Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico (Italian organization) Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (Italian government) Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni (Italian corporation) Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (Italian corporation) Istiwa?iyah, Al- (region, The Sudan) Istmo de Panamá (isthmus, Central America) Isto, Mount (mountain, Alaska, United States) Istomin, Eugene (American pianist) “Istoria civile del regno di Napoli” (work by Giannone) “Istoria del concilio tridentino” (work by Sarpi) Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidente (work by Galileo) “Istoria sfete udovice Judit u versih harvacchi slozena” (work by Marulic) istoriato style (pottery decoration) “Istorie fiorentine” (work by Machiavelli) Istoriya gosudarstva rossiyskogo (work by Karamzin) Istoriya odnoy zhizhni (work by Zoshchenko) “Istoriya Rossiyskaya s samikh drevneyshikh vremyon” (work by Tatishchev) Istoro Nal, Mount (mountain, Asia) Istra (peninsula, Europe) Istranca Mountains (mountains, Turkey) Istria (peninsula, Europe) Istrian Peninsula (peninsula, Croatia and Slovenia) Istrie, Jean-Baptiste Bessières, duc d’ (French soldier) Istriot language Istro-Romanian (dialect) Istropolitana, Academia (university, Bratislava, Slovakia) Isturgi (Spain) István Báthory (king of Poland) István, Count Tisza (prime minister of Hungary)

István, Szent (king of Hungary) ISU (tank) ISU ISU (ice skating organization) ISU Grand Prix (ice skating competition) ISU Junior Grand Prix (ice skating competition) Isua (Greenland) Isum, John (English composer) Isurus (fish) Isurus oxyrinchus (shark) Isurus paucus (fish) Isvarak???a (Indian author) Isvekov, Sergey Mikhailovich (Russian patriarch) It (poem by Christensen) It (work by Glyn) It Can’t Happen Here (novel by Lewis) It Changed My Life: Writings on the Women’s Movement (work by Friedan) It Happened One Night (film by Capra [1934]) It Hurts to Be in Love (song by Pitney) It Is Never Too Late to Mend (novel by Reade) It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (album by Public Enemy) It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us (work by Clinton) It Wasn’t God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels (recording by Wells) Itá (town, Paraguay) ITA (British government agency) ITA (international trade) ITA Itabuna (Brazil) itacism (linguistics) Itacoatiara (Brazil) Itagaki Taisuke, Hakushaku (Japanese politician) Itagüí (Colombia) Itaipú Binacional (Paraguayan company) Itaipú Dam (dam, Brazil-Paraguay) Itaipú, Treaty of (Brazil-Paraguay [1973]) Itajaí (Brazil) Italia Italia (ancient Roman territory, Italy) Italia illustrata (work by Biondo) Italia militare, L’? (Italian army journal) Italian (novel by Radcliffe) Italian Ars Nova Italian bread Italian Campaign (World War II) Italian Civil Code (Italy [1865]) Italian Comedians (painting by Watteau) Italian Communist Party (political party, Italy) Italian Confederation of Free Workers (Italian labour union) Italian Confederation of Syndicated Labourers (Italian labour union) Italian Confederation of Workers’ Trade Unions (Italian labour union) Italian Confederation of Workers’ Unions (Italian labour union) Italian cooking Italian corn salad (plant) Italian cuisine Italian cypress (tree) Italian Democratic Socialist Party (political party, Italy) Italian Democratic Socialists (political party, Italy) Italian Drama, Institute for (Italian organization) Italian East Africa Italian farthingale (clothing) Italian General Confederation of Labour (Italian trade union) Italian Girl in Algiers, The (opera by Rossini) Italian Gothic (art style) Italian greyhound (breed of dog) Italian hand (calligraphy) Italian Harlem (area, New York City, New York, United States) Italian Independence, Wars of Italian Industrial Finance Institute (Italian holding company) Italian jasmine (plant) Italian Job, The (film by Collinson [1969]) Italian Journey (work by Goethe) Italian kingdom (Italian history) Italian Labour Union (Italian labour organization) Italian labyrinth (ancient maze) Italian language Italian law Italian League (Italian history) Italian Liberal Party (political party, Italy) Italian literature Italian Mannerism (art style) Italian Masters in German Galleries (work by Morelli) Italian National Committee Italian National Society (Italian organization) Italian onion (plant) Italian Peninsula (peninsula, Europe) Italian Popular Party (political party, Italy) Italian quillwort (plant) Italian Railways (Italian railway) Italian Republic Italian Republic (historical kingdom, Italy) Italian Republican Party (political party, Italy) Italian Revolutionary Socialist Party (political party, Italy) Italian Riviera (region, France-Italy) Italian ryegrass (plant species) Italian school (mathematics) Italian Social Movement (political party, Italy) Italian Social Republic (historical area, Italy) Italian Socialist Party (political party, Italy) Italian Socialists (political party, Italy) Italian Somaliland (historical colony, Africa) Italian sonnet (poetry) Italian stone pine (tree) Italian style (music) Italian Symphony (work by Mendelssohn) Italian, The (work by Radcliffe) Italian Theatre Board (Italian organization) Italian trecento music Italian unification, war of (1859) Italian Wars (European history) Italian Workers’ Party (political party, Italy) Italian-American Civil Rights League (American organization) “Italiana in Algeri, L’?” (opera by Rossini) Italianate painters (Dutch painting) “Italiänische Reise” (work by Goethe) Italiano Italiano, Anna Maria Louisa (American actress) italic (typeface) italic bastarda (calligraphy) Italic Handwriting, Society for (British calligraphers) Italic languages Italic people (people) italic script (calligraphy) Italic War (Roman history) Italica (ancient town, Spain) Italicus, Silius (Roman poet) italienne bastarde (calligraphy) Italiysky, Aleksandr Vasilyevich Suvorov, Knyaz (Russian military officer) Italo-Albanian Church (Catholicism) Italo-Ethiopian War (1895-96) Italo-Ethiopian War (1935-36) Italo-Greek Church (Catholicism) Italo-Greek-Albanian Church (Catholicism) Italo-Turkish War (1911-12) Italus, John (Byzantine philosopher) Italy Italy (ancient Roman territory, Italy) Italy, Bank of (Italian bank) Italy, Bank of (American bank) Italy, Council of (European history) Italy, flag of Italy, history of Italy, Kingdom of (historical kingdom, Italy) Italy: Year In Review 1993 Italy: Year In Review 1994 Italy: Year In Review 1995 Italy: Year In Review 1996 Italy: Year In Review 1997 Italy: Year In Review 1998 Italy: Year In Review 1999 Italy: Year In Review 2000 Italy: Year In Review 2001 Italy: Year In Review 2002 Italy: Year In Review 2003 Italy: Year In Review 2004 Italy: Year In Review 2005 Italy: Year In Review 2006 Italy: Year In Review 2007 Italy: Year In Review 2008 Italy: Year In Review 2009 Itämeri (sea, Europe) Itami (Japan) Itami Juzo (Japanese director and screenwriter) Itanagar (India) itang (Micronesian title) Itanhém River (river, Brazil) Itany River (river, South America) Itapemirim River (river, Brazil) Itapetininga (Brazil) Itapicuru River (river, Brazil) Itapúa (Paraguay) ITAR-TASS (Russian news agency) Itard, Jean-Marc-Gaspard (French physician) Itarsi (India) Itasca (Texas, United States) Itasca, Lake (lake, Minnesota, United States) Itata incident (United States-Chilean history) Itatiaia National Park (national park, Brazil) Itaya Hazan (Japanese potter) Itbay (region, Africa) ITC (British government agency) itching (physiology) Itching Parrot, The (work by Fernández de Lizardi) Itcho (Japanese painter) itchweed (plant) ITCZ (meteorology) Itea (plant genus) Itelmen (people) Itelmen language Item, Villa (villa, Pompeii, Italy) Iténez, Río (river, South America) ITER (nuclear physics facility) iteration (mathematics) iteration (programming) iterative method (mathematics) iteroparity Itesan (people)

Itesen (people) Iteso (people) ITF (international sports organization) ith residual (statistics) Ithaca (island, Greece) Ithaca (New York, United States) Ithaca Chasma (astronomy) Ithaca College (college, Ithaca, New York, United States) Ithaca Conservatory of Music (college, Ithaca, New York, United States) Ithacius of Ossonoba (Spanish bishop) Ithaka, der Peloponnes und Troja (work by Schliemann) Itháki (island, Greece) Ithna ?Ashariyah (Islamic sect) Itil (medieval city, Russia) Itil (river, Russia) Itimad al-Dawlah, tomb of (tomb, Agra, India) Itinerant Fiddler, The (painting by Ostade) Itinerants (Russian painting) itinerarium (ancient Roman map) “Itinerarium mentis in Deum” (work by Bonaventure) “Itinerarum Egeriae” (Christian work) Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela, The (work by Benjamin of Tudela) itiv?ttaka (a?ga category) itivuttaka (a?ga category) Itivuttaka (Buddhist text) Itjet-towy (ancient city, Egypt) Ito (Japan) ITO (chemical compound) Ito Hirobumi (prime minister of Japan) Ito Jakuchu (Japanese painter) Ito Jinsai (Japanese scholar) Ito, Kiyoshi (Japanese mathematician) Ito stochastic calculus (mathematics) Itokawa (near-Earth asteroid) Itonididae (insect) Itqan fi ?ulum al-Qur?an (work by al-Suyu?i) It’s a Battlefield (novel by Greene) “It’s a Family Affair, We’ll Settle It Among Ourselves” (work by Ostrovsky) It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (film by Kramer [1963]) It’s a Wonderful Life (film by Capra [1946]) It’s About Time (album by the Jonas Brothers) It’s All in the Game (song by Dawes and Sigman) “It’s All Right”: Chicago Soul (Chicago soul) It’s Garry Shandling’s Show (American television series) It’s Time (album by Bublé [2005]) Itsekiri (people) Itsekiri language Itsuku Island (island, Japan) itsutsu-ginu (clothing) ITT Corporation (American company) Ittagi (India) Itten, Johannes (Swiss painter and sculptor) itti?ad (?ufi principle) Itti?ad, al- (Yemen) Ittihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti (Turkish history) itti?adiyah (?ufi sect) Ittoqqortoormiit (town, Greenland) ITU (UN agency) ITU Council iTunes (digital media player application) iTunes LP Ituni (Guyana) Ituraean (people) Iturbide, Agustín de (emperor of Mexico) Ituri Forest (forest, Democratic Republic of the Congo) Ituri, Forêt de L’ (forest, Democratic Republic of the Congo) Ituri River (river, Democratic Republic of the Congo) ITV (British organization) Ityala lamawele (work by Mqhayi) Itylus (work by Swinburne) Ityop’iya Itzá (people) Itzamná (Mayan deity) Itzcóatl (Aztec king) IU (political party, Spain) IU (unit of measurement) Iu Mien (people) Iuba (king of Numidia) Iubhar Cinn Trágha (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) IUCN IUCN Red List of Threatened Species IUD (contraceptive) IUE (satellite) Iufaa (Egyptian priest) IUFRO (international organization) IUGS Iuka, Battle of (United States history [1862]) Iullemmiden (people) Iulus (Roman mythology) iuno (Roman religion) Iunu (ancient city, Egypt) IUPAC Iuppiter (Roman god) IUPUI (university, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) iurid (scorpion) Iuridae (scorpion) IUS (spacecraft) ius provocationis (ancient Roman history) Ius Regale Montanorum (law) ius trium liberorum (Roman history) iusnaturalism Iuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Russia) Iuzhnyi Bug (river, Ukraine) Iuzovka (Ukraine) IV Olympiad, Games of the IV Olympic Winter Games IV-VI compound (chemical compound) Iva annua (plant) Ivan (grand dukes and czars of Russia) “Ivan” (storm) Ivan Alekseyevich (emperor of Russia) Ivan Antonovich (emperor of Russia) Ivan Asen I (tsar of Bulgaria) Ivan Asen II (tsar of Bulgaria) Ivan Danilovich (Russian prince) Ivan Grozny (tsar of Russia) Ivan I (Russian prince) Ivan II (Russian prince) Ivan III (Russian prince) Ivan IV (tsar of Russia) Ivan Ivanovich (Russian prince) Ivan Kalita (Russian prince) Ivan Krasny (Russian prince) Ivan Moneybag (Russian prince) Ivan Petrovich Kotliarevsky (Ukrainian author) “Ivan Susanin” (opera by Glinka) Ivan the Black (Serbian leader) Ivan the Fair (Russian prince) Ivan the Great (Russian prince) Ivan the Red (Russian prince) Ivan the Terrible (tsar of Russia) Ivan the Terrible (work by Eisenstein) Ivan V (emperor of Russia) Ivan Vasilyevich (Russian prince) Ivan Vasilyevich (tsar of Russia) Ivan Veliky (Russian prince) Ivan VI (emperor of Russia) Ivanisevic, Goran (Croatian athlete) Ivankovo (Russia) Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) Ivano-Frankovsk (Ukraine) Ivanov (work by Chekhov) Ivanov, Aleksandr (Russian painter) Ivanov, Eugene (Russian military attaché) Ivanov, Georgy (Bulgarian cosmonaut) Ivanov, Ilya Ivanovich (Soviet biologist) Ivanov, Lev Ivanovich (Russian dancer) Ivanov, Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich (Soviet writer) Ivanov, Vyacheslav (Soviet athlete) Ivanov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich (Russian poet) Ivanovna, Anna (empress of Russia) Ivanovo (oblast, Russia) Ivanovo (Russia) Ivanovo-Voznesensk (Russia) Ivanovsky, Dmitry Iosifovich (Russian microbiologist) Iványi Grünwald, Béla (Hungarian painter) Iványi Grünwald Béla (Hungarian painter) Ivarsson, Erik (Norwegian archbishop) Ivashchenkovo (Russia) Ivashko, Volodymyr (Ukrainian political leader) Ive, Jonathan (British designer and executive) Ivens, Georg Henri Anton (Dutch director) Ivens, Joris (Dutch director) Iveragh (peninsula, Ireland) ivermectin (drug) Iverson, Allen (American basketball player) Iverson, Allen Ezail (American basketball player) Iverson, Kenneth Eugene (Canadian mathematician and computer scientist) Ives, Burl (American singer and actor) Ives, Burl Icle Ivanhoe (American singer and actor) Ives, Charles Edward (American composer) Ives, Frederic Eugene (American photographer and inventor) Ives, George (American musician) Ives, Herbert Eugene (American engineer) Ives, James Merritt (American lithographer) IVF (military technology) IVF (medicine) Ivica (island, Spain) IVIG (biology) Ivigtût (Greenland) Ivins, Mary Tyler (American political satirist) Ivins, Molly (American political satirist) Iviron (monastery, Greece) Ivittuut (Greenland) Iviza (island, Spain) Ivo of Chartres, Saint (French bishop) Ivogün, Maria (Hungarian singer) Ivoire, Republic of Côte d’ Ivoire, République of Côte d’ Ivonet, Pedro (Cuban politician) ivory ivory carving (art form) Ivory Coast Ivory, James (American director) Ivory, James Francis (American director) ivory-billed woodcreeper (bird) ivory-billed woodpecker (bird) IVP (medicine) Ivrea (Italy) ?Ivrit bi-Yerushalayim, ha-Universita ha- (university, Jerusalem) ivriz Harabesi (archaeological site, Turkey) Ivry-sur-Seine (France) ivy (plant) ivy family (plant family) ivy geranium (plant) Ivy League (American football) Ivy, Operation (American experiment) ivy treebine (plant) ivy-leaved bellflower IWA (nongovernmental organization) Iwadare Kunihiko (Japanese electronics scientist) Iwai Hanshiro V (Japanese actor) Iwajiro (Buddhist priest) Iwaki (Japan) Iwaki Hiroyuki (Japanese conductor) Iwakuni (Japan) Iwakura Tomomi (Japanese statesman) Iwamatsu, Makoto (American actor) Iwami Plateau (plateau, Japan) Iwamizawa (Japan) iwan (architecture) Iwasa Matabei (Japanese painter) Iwasa Matabei of Otsu (Japanese artist) Iwasaki Yataro (Japanese industrialist) Iwaszkiewicz, Jaroslaw (Polish poet) Iwatani Tohru (Japanese electronic game developer) Iwate (prefecture, Japan) IWC (British history) IWC IWD (holiday) Iwein (work by Hartmann von Aue) Iwerks, Ub (American animator and special-effects technician) IWHC (international organization) iwi (Maori kinship group) Iwo (Nigeria) Iwo Jima (island, Japan) Iwo Jima, Battle of (World War II)

IWW (labour organization) Iwwerks, Ubbe Ert (American animator and special-effects technician) IX Chel (Mayan deity) IX Olympiad, Games of the IX Olympic Winter Games Ixcatec (people) Ixchel (Mayan deity) Ixcuina (Aztec deity) Ixelles (Belgium) Ixion (Greek mythology) Ixion (work by Sheridan) Ixobrychus (bird genus) Ixobrychus flavicollis (bird) Ixodes dammini (tick) Ixodes pacificus (tick) Ixtacalco (administrative subdivision, Mexico) Ixtacíhuatl (volcano, Mexico) Ixtapalapa (administrative subdivision, Mexico) Ixtlilxóchitl (Aztec chieftain) Ixtlilxóchitl (Aztec scholar) Ixtoc 1 (oil well, Mexico) Ixtolinque, Pedro Patiño (artist) Iyasu I (emperor of Ethiopia) IYB (UN) Iyengar, B. K. S. (Indian teacher) Iyengar, Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja (Indian teacher) Iyer, Raghavan Narasimhan (American philosopher) Iyoas (emperor of Ethiopia) IYRU Iyyar (Jewish month) Iz the Wiz (American graffiti artist) Iz tsikla ‘Slava miru’? (work by Akhmatova) Iza (African dance step) Izabal, Lake (lake, Guatemala) Izagweba (work by Qangule) Izalco Volcano (volcano, El Salvador) Izanagi (Shinto deity) Izanami (Shinto deity) Izapa (archaeological site, Mexico) Izapan civilization (Mesoamerican history) Izates II (king of Adiabene) Izawa Shuji (Japanese educator) Izdi (religious sect) Izenour, George C. (American designer) Izenour, Steven (American architect) Izetbegovic, Alija (Bosnian politician) Iževsk (Russia) Izhevsk (Russia) Izhorskaya Zemlya (region, Russia) Izium (Ukraine) Izladi, Battle of (1443, Balkans) Izmail (Ukraine) Izmayil (Ukraine) Izmaylov, Nikolay A. (Soviet pharmacologist) Izmir (Turkey) Izmit (Turkey) Izmit earthquake of 1999 (Turkey) Iznik (Turkey) Iznik ware (pottery) Izod impact test Izquierda Unida (political party, Spain) Izraelyeva, Inna Borisovna (Russian ballerina and teacher) ?Izra?il (Islam) Iztacalco (administrative subdivision, Mexico) Iztaccíhuatl (volcano, Mexico) Iztapalapa (administrative subdivision, Mexico) Izu Islands (archipelago, Japan) Izu Peninsula (peninsula, Japan) Izu-hanto (peninsula, Japan) Izu-shichito (archipelago, Japan) Izúcar de Matamoros (Puebla state, Mexico) Izuhara (Japan) Izumi Kyoka (Japanese author) Izumi Kyotaro (Japanese author) “Izumi Shikibu nikki” (work by Murasaki Shikibu) Izumi-Otsu (Japan) Izumi-Sano (Japan) Izumo (Japan) Izumo Cycle Izumo no Okuni (Kabuki dancer) Izumo shrine (shrine, Japan) Izumo Taisha (shrine, Japan) “Izvestia” (Russian newspaper) Izvestiya (Russian newspaper) “Izvestiya Sovetov Deputatov Trudyashchikhsya SSSR” (Russian newspaper) Izvolsky, Aleksandr, Count= (foreign minister of Russia) Izvolsky, Aleksandr Petrovich, Count (foreign minister of Russia) Izyaslav (prince of Kiev) Izyum (Ukraine) ?Izz ad-Din Ka?us I (Seljuq sultan) ?Izz ad-Din Kay Ka?us II (Seljuq sultan) ?Izz ad-Din Qïlïch Arslan II (Seljuq sultan) ?Izz al-Din al-?asan ?Ali ibn al-Athir (Arab historian) ?Izz al-Din al-Qassam, Sheikh (Palestinian leader) ?Izz al-Din Sa?d (Salghurid ruler) Izzet Molla, Ke?ecizade (writer) Izzy (Olympic mascot)

J ... Jack and the Beanstalk | Jack Bauer ... Jackson, Walter | Jackson, William ... Jacobsen, Hans Jakob | Jacobsen, Jens Peter ... Jagersfontein | Jaggard, William ... Jakobson, Roman | Jakobson, Roman Osipovich ... James, Alexander Franklin | James, Anthony T. ... Jami? al-Abya?, Al- | Jami? al-?ikmatayn ... Janissary corps | Janissary music ... Japanese chess | Japanese chestnut ... jar method | jarabe ... Jasper of Hatfield | Jaspers, Karl ... jaw | Jawa ... Je pense, donc je suis | Jeakins, Dorothy ... Jefferson Seminary | Jefferson Starship ... Jenin | Jenkin, Fleeming ... Jerome, Chauncey | Jerome, Jerome K. ... Jesus of Nazareth | Jesus Only ... Jewish Daily Forward | Jewish Disabilities Bill ... Jian River | Jian ware ... Jihannuma | Jihe tongjie ... Jingu qiguan | jingxi ... jizya | jizyah ... Jöcher, Christian Gottlieb | Jöchi ... Johide | John ... John II Komnenos | John III ... John the Evangelist, Saint | John the Faster, Saint ... Johnson, Charles Van | Johnson City ... Johnson, William Geary | Johnson, William Julius ... Jokha, Tell | Jokhang Temple ... Jones, Deacon | Jones, Donald Forsha ... Jones, Tommy Lee | Jones, Vaughan ... Jørgensen, Johannes | Jørgensen, Jørgen ... Joshua | Joshua ... Journal of My Life, The | Journal of My Travels in the Year 1769 ... JT-60 | jth virial coefficient ... Judah | Judah ... Jüdisches Museum Berlin | Judit ... Julia Mamaea | Julia Molina ... Jumhuriyat al-Qumur al-Itti?adiyah al-Islamiyah | Jumhuriyat al-Yaman ad-Dimuqra?iyah ash-Sha?biyah ... “Jungfrukällen” | Junggar Basin ... Jupiter’s-beard | Jura ... Justice, Court of | Justice, Donald ... Jwen-jwen | Jylland ... Jyväskylä

K ... “Kabinett des Dr. Caligari, Das” | Kabir ... Kadima | Kadiri ... kahikatea | kahin ... Kaiser, Henry J. | Kaiser, Henry John ... Kalakaua | Kalakh ... kaliophilite | Kalir, Eleazar ... Kalyani | Kalyani ... Kameradenwerke | “Kameradschaft” ... Kampuchean | Kamran ... Kanehara, Hitomi | Kanem ... Kannada language | Kanna?a literature ... kantor | Kantor, Benjamin McKinlay ... kapok family | Kapoor, Anish ... Karagöz | ka?ah prasad ... Karbala? | Karbala?, Battle of ... Karl von Luxembourg | Karl Wilhelm ... Karoo National Botanic Garden | Karoo System ... kashan ware | Kashefi, ?oseyn Wa?e?-e ... Kassite period | Kastalsky, Aleksandr ... Katmai National Park and Preserve | Katmandu ... Kaulbach, Wilhelm von | Kaulun Peninsula ... Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. | Kawasaki Jukogyo KK ... Kazan-retto | Kazania sejmowe ... Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences | Keck Observatory ... Keihin Kogyo Chitai | Keino, Hezekiah Kipchoge ... Kelling, George L. | Kellner, Sandor Laszlo ... Kemble, Elizabeth | Kemble, Fanny ... Kennan, George F. | Kennan, George Frost ... Kent and Strathern, Edward Augustus, duke of, earl of Dublin | Kepler’s Nova ... kernel tune | Kerner, Justinus Andreas Christian ... ketene | Keter malkut ... keyboard instrument | Keyboard Piece XI ... Khalaj | Khalaj language ... Khan, Ghulam Ishaq | Khan, Harun Bughra ... Khasian languages | Kha?ibi, ?usayn ibn ?amdan al- ... Khitai | khitan ... Khortiatis, Mount | Khorugh ... khu?u?iyyah | khutba ... kid glove | kid leather ... Kiira Dam | Kija ... Killing Fields, The | Killing, Wilhelm ... kin altruism | Kin dynasty ... King, Augusta Ada | King, B. B. ... king rail | King Rama IX Royal Park ... King’s Mill Station | King’s Mound ... Kinross | Kinross ... Kirgiz | Kirgiz language ... Kirsten, Dorothy | Kirstenbosch ... Kita-Ibaraki | Kita-Kanto ... Kitcher, Philip | Kitchi-Manitou ... KKR | KLA ... Kleist, Ewald Georg von | Kleist, Heinrich von ... Kluck, Heinrich Rudolph Alexander von | Kluckhohn, Clyde K. M. ... Knight, Margaret E. | Knight, Marva Delores ... Know-Nothing party | knowing how ... Kobayashi Hideo | Kobayashi Ichizo ... Koch’s postulates | Ko?i Bey ... Kohl, Helmut | Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. ... Kokuiko | Kokumin no tomo ... Kölner Dom | kolo ... Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Rossiiskoi Federatsii | Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza ... Kongo-Wara rebellion | kongoni ... Konstantin Pavlovich | Konstantinov, Aleko ... Köprülü Fazil Mustafa Pasa | Köprülü Mehmed Pasa ... Koriteh | Koritsa ... Koshaku Matsukata Masayoshi | Koshaku Okuma Shigenobu ... kotar | Kotel Ha-Ma?aravi, Ha- ... Kowloon Peak | Kowloon Peninsula ... Kramer, Stanley Earl | Kramer vs. Kramer ... Kreislauf des Lebens | Kreisler, Fritz ... Krishna II | Krishna III ... Kronoberg | Kronos ... | Kryuchkov, Vladimir A. ... Kubera | Kubi ... Kuhn, Margaret E. | Kuhn, Richard ... Külpe, Oswald | Kulp’o-ri ... Kunanbay-ulï, Abay Ibrahim | Kunanbayev, Abay Ibrahim ... Künstlerroman | Kunstmärchen ... Kurgan culture | Kurgan-Tiube ... Kurzweil, Raymond | kus ... Kutudgu bilig | Kutur-Mabuk ... KwaZulu-Natal | Kwei Kiang ... Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan, flag of ... Kzyl-Orda

l ... La Hire, Laurent de | La Hontan, Louis-Armand de Lom d’Arce, baron de ... La Spezia | La Taille, Jean de ... Labinsk | Labinskaya Stanitsa ... Labyrinth of Solitude, The | Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart, The ... Lacoste, Robert | LaCour, P. ... Ladin language | lading, bill of ... Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de | LaFayette, Marie-Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, comtesse de ... Lagos ebony | Lagos Escobar, Ricardo ... Laird, William | Lairesse, Gérard de ... laker | Laker, Sir Freddie ... Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus | Lamar, Mirabeau Buonaparte ... lamella | lamella ... Lamphere, Robert Joseph | Lamphun ... Lancefield classification | lancelet ... Landau, Zishe | Landauer, Rolf William ... Landsgemeinden | Landshut ... Langer, Susanne K. | Langer, Susanne Knauth ... Languriidae | langyao ... Lao Dan | Lao Dong ... Lappi | lapping abrasive ... largest-remainder rule | Largidae ... Larvenformen der Dipteren | Larwood, Harold ... Lasius | “Láska a smetí” ... Last Supper | Last Supper, The ... Later Zhou dynasty | latera recta ... Latin Averroism | Latin cross ... Laubeuf, Maxime | Lauchen, Georg Joachim Von ... Laurelia aromatica | Laurelia novae-zelandiae ... Laval, Pierre | Laval University ... law, pure theory of | law report ... lax vowel | Laxá River ... LCAO approximation | LCC ... Le Petit-Quevilly | Le Pichon, Xavier ... leading | leading indicator ... Leane | leaning note ... Lebedev, Sergey Vasilyevich | Lebediny stan ... LeConte, John | Lecoq de Boisbaudran, Paul-Émile ... Lee Myung-bak | Lee, Nathaniel ... Left-Handed Gun, The | Left-Handed Liberty ... leges | Leges Barbarorum ... Lehmann, Rosamond Nina

Lehmann, Walter ... Leicester, Robert de Beaumont, earl of (English noble) | Leicester, Robert Dudley, earl of, Baron Denbigh (English noble) | Leicester, Robert Sidney, 1st earl of (British soldier and politician) | Leicester, Simon de Montfort, earl of (French noble) | Leicester, University of (university, Leicester, England, United Kingdom) | Leicester’s Men (English theatrical company) | Leicestershire (county, England, United Kingdom) | Leicestershire longhorn cattle | Leich (musical form) | Leichhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (German explorer) | Leichhardt, Ludwig (German explorer) | Leick’s plates (measurement instrument) | Leiden (The Netherlands) | “Leiden des jungen Werthers, Die” (work by Goethe) | Leiden Plate (archaeological artifact) | Leiden, State University of (university, Leiden, The Netherlands) | Leif Eiríksson the Lucky (Norse explorer) | Leif Ericson the Lucky (Norse explorer) | Leif Erikson the Lucky (Norse explorer) | Leif Eriksson the Lucky (Norse explorer) | Leigh Creek (South Australia, Australia) | Leigh disease (pathology) | Leigh, Dorian (American fashion model) | Leigh, George (British businessman) | Leigh, Janet (American actress) | Leigh Parker, Dorian Elizabeth (American fashion model) | Leigh, Vivien (British actress) | Leigh-Mallory, Trafford (British air marshal) | Leighton, Frederic Leighton, Baron (British painter) | Leighton, Margaret (English actress) | Leighton of Stretton, Frederic Leighton, Baron (British painter) | Leighton, Robert (American scientist) | Leighton, Robert (Scottish minister) | Leighton, Sir Frederic, Baronet (British painter) | Leighty, Osa Helen (American explorer, filmmaker and author) | Leihamer, Abraham (German artist) | Leim an Mhadaidh (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) | “Leimon ho Leimonon” (work by Moschus) | Leine Palace (building, Hannover, Germany) | Leiner, Benjamin (American athlete) | Leino, Eino (Finnish author) | Leinsdorf, Erich (American musician) | Leinweber, Joseph (American architect) | Leiognathidae (fish) | Leiognathus equula (fish) | Leiognathus klunzingeri (fish) | leiomyoma (pathology) | Leiopelma (amphibian genus) | Leiopelma hochstetteri (amphibian) | Leiopelmatidae (amphibian family) | Leiothrix (bird genus) | Leiothrix argentauris (bird) | Leiothrix lutea (bird) | Leipoa ocellata (bird) | Leipold, John (American composer and arranger) | Leipoldt, C. Louis (South African writer) | Leipoldt, Christiaan Frederik Louis (South African writer) | Leipzig (Germany) | Leipzig, Battle of (European history) | Leipzig disputation (Germany [1519]) | Leipzig Interim (European history) | Leipzig Opera (German opera) | Leipzig, Universität (university, Leipzig, Germany) | Leipzig, University of (university, Leipzig, Germany) | Leipzig Zoo (zoo, Leipzig, Germany) | Leiria (Portugal) | Leiris, Michel (French writer) | Leirner, Jac (Brazilian artist) | Leisewitz, Johann Anton (German dramatist) | leishmania (protist) | Leishmania (protist) | Leishmania tropica (protist) | leishmaniasis (pathology) | Leisler, Jacob (North American colonist) | Leisler’s Rebellion (United States history) | leisure | Leitch, Donovan Phillip (Scottish singer-songwriter) | Leiter Building (building, Chicago, Illinois, United States) | Leiter Building, Second (building, Chicago, Illinois, United States) | Leiter, Mary Victoria (American vicereine of India) | Leith (port, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom) | Leith, Concordat of (Scotland [1572]) | Leith Hill (hill, Surrey, England, United Kingdom) | Leithold, Louis (American mathematician) | leitmotif (music) | leitmotiv (music) | Leitrim (county, Ireland) | Leitzel, Lillian (circus performer) | Leiv Eriksson den Hepne (Norse explorer) | Leivick, H. (American author) | Leix (county, Ireland) | Leixões, Port of (port, Portugal)

| ... Lemaître, François-Élie-Jules | Lemaître, Frédéric ... L’Enfant, Pierre-Charles | Leng-hu ... Lentibulariaceae | lentic ecosystem ... Leonard, Hugh | Leonard, John ... Leopold II, Lake | Leopold III ... Lepospondyli | Leppert, Alice Jeanne ... Lerwa lerwa | Lerwick ... lesser goldfinch | lesser green broadbill ... letter | letter ... Lettres d’amour | Lettres de Dupuis et Cotonet ... Levassor, Émile | levator ani muscle ... Levitsky, Dmitry | Levitsky, Ivan ... Lewis, Henry | Lewis, Henry Jay ... lexicon | Lexicon Abbreviaturarum ... “Li Chi” | Li Chi ... Li Yongshun | Li Yü ... Liar, The | Liard River ... Liberal Party | Liberal Party ... Liberty Warehousing v. Grannis | Libertyville ... lichen pilaris | lichen planus ... Lieder eines Erwachenden | Liederbuch dreier Freunde ... Life Is Beautiful | Life Is Elsewhere ... lift-netter | lift-to-drag ratio ... Lightfoot, John | Lightfoot, Joseph Barber ... Lilatilakam | Lilavati ... Limanda | Limanda aspera ... Limmat River | Limmen Bight ... Linckia | Lincocin ... Lindsay, Lady Anne | Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel ... linear terminal | linear tetrapyrrole ... Link, Edward A. | LINK project ... Liocheliidae | Liogryllus campestris ... Liponyssoides sanguineus | lipophilicity ... liquid-propellant rocket motor | liquid-solid chromatography ... Listera | Listera cordata ... lithium drifting | lithium fluoride ... Little Bighorn, Battle of the | Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument ... Little Ob | Little Octobrist ... liturgical music | liturgical poetry ... Livadia, Treaty of | Livadiya Palace ... living will | living-rock cactus ... Llandovery Stage | Llandrindod ... Lmele le dag Chun | LMFBR ... Lobo, Francisco Rodrigues | Lobo, Rebecca ... Lock, Matthias | lock-and-key hypothesis ... Loesser, Frank | Loesser, Frank Henry ... Logical Positivism | logical proposition ... Loko | Lokoja ... London Bridge | London Bridge Station ... Long Beach | Long Beach ... long-legged fly | long-lived solar prominence ... longhouse | Longhouse Religion ... Lönnrot, Elias | Lono ... López, Isidro | Lopez, Jennifer ... Lord, John Walter, Jr. | Lord Keeper of the Great Seal ... Lorimer, George Horace | Lorimer, James ... lossless data compression | lossy data compression ... Lotuko | lotus ... Louis of Nevers | Louis of Taranto ... loup-garou | louping ill ... Lovejoy, Elijah Parish | Lovek ... low-income developing country | low-involvement purchase ... Lower Saxony | Lower Silesia ... LPC | LPC with identity ... Luapula River | luau ... Luce, Henry Robinson | Luce, Stephen Bleecker ... Lucy, Sir Thomas | lud ... Lug | Lug Lamfota ... Lukács, György | Lukács, Pál ... LUMO | lump ore ... “Lung-hsü kou” | Lung-men caves ... Lurgi system | Luria, A. R. ... Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod | Lutheran Council in the United States of America ... Luzhniki Park | Luzhou ... Lycopodium digitatum | Lycopodium obscurum ... lynching | Lyncodon patagonicus ... lysergide | Lysias ... Lzhedmitry

M ... Ma, Yo-Yo | Ma Yuan ... Macaca irus | Macaca mulatta ... Macclesfield | Maccoa duck ... “Macgnimartha Finn” | MacGregor, John ... Machupijchu | machzor ... Maclear’s Beacon | MacLeary, Donald Whyte ... macrobenthos | macrobiotics ... Madaba mosaic map | Madabbar, Johannes ... Madhhab ?anbal | Madhhab ?anifah ... “Madonna dal Collo Lungo” | Madonna dei filosofi ... Mae Nam Khwae Noi | Mae Nam Mun ... Magburaka | Magda ... Magicicada septendecim | Magie, Lizzie G. ... magnetic iron ore | Magnetic Island ... magnitude | magnitude ... Magyar Demokrata Fórum | Magyar Köztársaság ... Mahasthamaprapta | Mahasthan ... Ma?mud | Ma?mud ... Maidstone | Maidstone ... Maine-Montparnasse | Maines, Natalie ... Maja squinado | Majales ... Majunga | Majuro ... Makkah | Makkhali Gosala ... Malagasy mouse | Malagasy peoples ... Malaysia, history of | Malaysian ... MALI | Mali ... Malla era | Mallaq, Wadi ... Malpertuis | Malpighi, Marcello ... Malvinokaffric Realm | Malvoisie ... Man | Ma?n ... management information system | management science ... Manchurian Candidate, The | Manchurian Candidate, The ... Mandingo | Mandingo ... Mangar | Mangareva Islands ... Manifeste du théâtre de la cruauté | manifesting heterozygote ... Mankato Glacial Substage | Mankato Normal School ... Mann’s Chinese Theater | Mannus ... Man?ur, Abu ?Amir al- | Man?ur, Abu ol-Qasem ... Manual of Grasses of the United States | ... manzi | Manzikert, Battle of ... maqamah | Maqamat ... Marat/Sade | Maratha ... March | march ... Marcus Aurelius Carinus | Marcus Aurelius Carus ... Mares of Diomedes, The | Mares, Paul ... marginal propensity to consume | marginal propensity to save ... Mariana | Mariana ... Marimbondo Falls | Marimda Bani Salama ... Marinus of Tyre | Marinus, Rabbi ... Mark, Janet Marjorie Brisland | Mark, Mary Ellen ... Marlborough: His Life and Times | Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of, Marquess of Blandford, Earl of Marlborough, Baron Churchill of Sandridge, Lord Churchill of Eyemouth, Reichsfürst ... Marquand, John Phillips | Marquee Moon ... Marsa al-?ariqah | Marsa ?Ali ... Marshall, Thomas R. | Marshall, Thomas Riley ... Martigues | Martim Cererê ... Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | Martín-Santos, Luis ... Marulanda Vélez, Manuel | Marulic, Marko ... Maryland Agricultural College | Maryland at Baltimore, University of ... M*A*S*H | M*A*S*H ... Mason, Charlotte | Mason, Charlotte Osgood ... Massa | Massa le-Erez Yisrael, Ha- ... mast church | mast seeding ... Mas?ud-e Sa?d-e Salman | Masuda ... material | material balance ... Mathieu, Georges | Mathieu, Noël ... Matrix, The | matrix theory ... Matthew Island | Matthew of Janov ... Maud | Maud and Other Poems ... Mauritshuis | Mauritsstad ... Maxim, Hiram Percy | Maxim, Hudson ... May, Jan | May, Karl ... Maykov, Nikolay | Maykov, Vasily ... Mazara del Vallo | Mazar?i ... MBNA | Mbomou River ... McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System | McClelland, Jack ... McDonald’s Bridge | McDonald’s Corporation ... McGuire, Dorothy Hackett | McGuire, Frank ... McLennan, Grant | McLennan, John Ferguson ... McVie, John | McWhirter, Norris Dewar ... meander scroll | meandering channel ... mechanical pulp | mechanical resistance ... Medellín | Medelpad ... Medici, Cosimo de’ | Medici, Cosimo de’ ... Mediterranean climate | Mediterranean diet ... Meerschaum | Meerson, Lazare ... megasporophyll | megass ... mei mask | Mei River ... Meissonier, Juste-Aurèle | Meister, Albert ... Melanophoyx ardesiaca | Melanophryniscus stelzneri ... Meliq-Hakobian, Hakob | Melishipak ... Melpomene | Melqart ... “Memoirs” | Memoirs ... Men in Black | Men of God ... Méndez, Josefina | Méndez Montenegro, Julio César ... meninges | meningioma ... mental asthenia | mental deficiency ... Mercadante, Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele | Mercadante, Saverio ... Merck & Company, Incorporated | Merck, Johann Heinrich ... Meres, Francis | Mereweather Tower ... Merlini, Dominik | Merlo ... | ... Meschke, Michael | Mesechinus ... Mesoplodon peruvianus | Mesopotamia ... Messier catalog | Messier, Charles ... metal stamper | metal-carbon bond ... metasilicate | metasoma ... metestrus | Metey midbar ... methyl phenyl ketone | methyl salicylate ... Metropolitan Museum | Metropolitan Museum of Art ... Mexican Plateau | Mexican poppy ... mezereon | Mezhdunarodny Investitsionny Bank ... Miao-li | Miao-Yao languages ... Michelangeli, Arturo Benedetti | Michelangelo ... microcanonical ensemble | Microcard ... Micropædia | micropaleontology ... micrurgy | Micruroides euryxanthus ... Middle High German literature | Middle Himalayas ... Midhat Pasa | Midhat Pasha ... Mies, Maria Ludwig Michael | Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig ... Miju | Mikael, Kabbada ... Milburn, John Edward Thompson | Milburn, Rodney, Jr. ... military government | Military History of the Western World, A ... Millau | Millau Bridge ... Miller v. California | Miller, William ... Milner, Peter | Milner, Sir Alfred ... mimorat | mimos ... Mincius, John | mind ... Mines Gaspé | Mines, Government School of ... minimally invasive surgery | minimax principle ... Minnewit, Peter | Minnigerode, Lucy ... Minufiyah Canal, Al- | Minuit, Peter ... Miraj | Miraj ... Mirrour of the World | Mirrour of Vertue in Worldly Greatness; or, the life of Syr Thomas More ... Misool Island | Misophrioida ... missions | missions ... Misurata | MIT ... Mithras | Mithridate ... mitsvah | mitsvahs ... Miyamoto Masana | “Miyamoto Musashi” ... Mn | MN blood group system ... Mobilong | | Model A ... Moderne Völkerrecht, Das | Modernen Theorien der Chemie, Die ... Moere, Peeter van der | Moeris, Lake ... Mohammedia | Mohammerah ... Mokran | mok?a ... molecular crystal | molecular dynamics ... Molonglo River | Molopo River ... Monaco, Lorenzo | Monaco, Principality of ... Mondovì | Mondriaan, Pieter Cornelis ... Moniligastrida | Monilinia ... Monocacy, Battle of | monocarpy ... Monophysitism | Monoplacophora ... Monsieur le duc | Monsieur, Peace of the ... Montalembert, Marc-René, Marquis de | Montalvo, Garci Ordóñez Rodríguez de ... Montenegro, University of | Monthu ... Monumenta Germaniae Historica | Monumental Steps ... Moor | Moor, The ... Moplah | mopoke ... Moravian-Silesian Beskids | Moraviantown, Battle of ... Moreno, J. L. | Moreno, José Manuel ... Morgenstunden | Morgenthau, Hans Joachim ... Morne de la Grande Montagne | Mörner, Carl Otto ... Morphy, Paul Charles | Morpurgo, Rachel ... Morristown | Morristown National Historical Park ... Morts, Les | mortuary rite ... Moscow school | Moscow State Circus ... Mosquito Coast | mosquito fern ... Mother Goose’s Melody; or Sonnets for the Cradle | Mother Hubberd’s Tale ... motor case | motor cortex ... Moulin, Jean | moulin pothole ... Mount Unzen eruption of 1792 | Mount Vernon ... Mountfort, Guy Reginald | Mounties ... Moveable Feast, A | movement ... Moyen-Congo | Moyle ... MPS VI | MPSP ... MTBE | mtDNA ... Mucrospirifer | Mucross ... Mugagga, Saint | mugam ... Mu?ammad III | Muhammad, Khelifati ... mujahideen | mujahideen ... muli bamboo | Muli Savara ... multiculturalism | multicystic dysplastic kidney ... multipole | multiprocessing ... Munday, Anthony | Mundelein ... Munsell, Albert Henry | Munsell Book of Color ... Murad V | Muraenesocidae ... Muricacea | Muricidae ... Murray, Lord George | Murray, Margaret ... Musaceae | musaddas ... Museo Chiaramonti | Museo del Prado ... Music Like Dirt | Music Lovers, The ... Musketaquid | Muskhogee ... Mustapha III | Mustapha IV ... mutism | Mutkurov, Sava ... Mwindo | Mwinyi, Ali Hassan ... Mycobacterium | Mycobacterium avium ... Mynyddawg the Wealthy | Myo-o ... Myristicaceae | Myrivilis, Stratis ... mystical atheism | mystical body of Christ ... Mzora

N (logical system) N (unit of measurement) N (chemical element) n bodies, problem of (physics) n-(1-phenethyl-4-piperidyl)propionanilide (drug) N-156 (aircraft) N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (chemical compound) n-body problem (physics) n-butyl alcohol (chemical compound) N-(dimethylamino) succinamic acid (dimethylamino) n-dodecanoic acid (chemical compound) n-hexadecanoic acid (chemical compound) n-hexylresorcinol (chemical compound) N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor (biology) n-octadecanoic acid (chemical compound) n-p-n transistor (electronics) N-para-hydroxy-phenylacetamide (chemical compound) N-para-hydroxyphenylacetamide (chemical compound) n-person game (mathematics) n-propyl alcohol (chemical compound) N-square law n-tetradecanoic acid (chemical compound) N-Town plays (English drama) n-type semiconductor (electronics) N-type star (astronomy) N.S.M. (British periodical) N.W. Ayer & Son (American company) N.W.A. (American rap group) N1 (Soviet launch vehicle) Na (chemical element) Na Chul (Korean religious leader) “Na dne” (play by Gorky) “Na Drini cuprija” (work by Andric) Na kulichkakh (work by Zamyatin) “Na skalnym Podhalu” (work by Tetmajer) Na-Dené languages Na-hsi (people) Na-lan Hsing-te (Manchu poet) NAAAA (American sports organization) Naab River (river, Germany) NAACP (American organization) NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund (American organization) NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (American organization) Naamloze Vennootschap DSM (Dutch company) “Naar vi døde vaagner” (work by Ibsen) Naas (Ireland) Naas, Lord (viceroy of India) NAASP (Asia-Africa) Naba Bidhan (Hindu religious organization) Nabab, Le (work by Daudet) Nabadwip (India) Nabahani (people) Nabarro, F. R. N. (South African scientist) Nabataean (people) Nabataean (language) Nabataean alphabet (writing system) naba?i (poetry) Naba?iyyah al-Ta?ta, Al- (Lebanon) Nabbes, Thomas (English writer) Naber, John (American athlete) Naberezhnye Chelny (Russia) Nabeshima ware (pottery) Nabeul (Tunisia) Nabha (India) Nâbî (poet) Nabi ?ali? (island, Bahrain) Nabi Shu?ayb, Mount Al- (mountain, Yemen) nabid bug (insect) Nabidae (insect) Nabighah, al- (Arab poet) Nabighah al-Dhubyani, al- (Arab poet) Nabis (French artists group) Nabis (ruler of Sparta) Nabis (insect) Nabisco (American company) Nabiyev, Rahman (president of Tajikistan) Nabiyev, Rakhmon Nabiyevich (president of Tajikistan) Nablus (city, West Bank) nabob (Mughal viceroy) Nabokov, V. D. (Russian author) Nabokov, Vladimir (American author) Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich (American author) Nabonassar (king of Babylonia) Nabonidus (king of Babylonia) Nabopolassar (king of Chaldea) naboría (Latin American worker) Nabors (Michigan, United States) Nabors, Jim (American singer and actor) “Naboth’s Stone” (work by Lidman) Nabots sten (work by Lidman) Nabrit, James M., Jr. (American lawyer) Nabu (Babylonian deity) Nabu-apal-usur (king of Chaldea) Nabu-apla-iddina (king of Babylonia) Nabu-Kudurri-usur I (king of Babylonia) Nabu-Kudurri-usur II (king of Babylonia) Nabu-na?id (king of Babylonia) Nabu-nasir (king of Babylonia) Nabu-rimanni (Babylonian astronomer) Nabucco (opera by Verdi) Nabuchodonosor I (king of Babylonia) Nabuchodonosor II (king of Babylonia) Nabuco de Araújo, Joaquim Aurelio Barreto (Brazilian statesman) “Nabucodonoser” (opera by Verdi) Nabugodonoso I (king of Babylonia) Nabugodonosor II (king of Babylonia) Nabul (Tunisia) Nabulus (city, West Bank) Naburiannu (Babylonian astronomer) Naburiannuos (Babylonian astronomer) Naburianos (Babylonian astronomer) Naburimannu (Babylonian astronomer) nacaire (musical instrument) Nacala (Mozambique) Nacaome (Honduras) Nacertanije (Serbian history) NACGN (American organization) “Nachdenken über Christa T.” (work by Wolf) “Nachfolge” (work by Bonhoeffer) Nachi Falls (Japanese painting) Nachi-katsuura (Japan) Nachikufan industry (stone-age industry) “Nachkrieg” (work by Renn) Nachman, Jerome A. (American journalist) Nachman, Jerry (American journalist) Nachodka (Russia) Náchos (island, Greece) Nachsommer, Der (work by Stifter) “Nacht der Generale, Die” (work by Kirst) Nacht-und-Nebel-Erlass (European history) nachtcactus, De (work by Looy) Nachtigal, Gustav (German explorer) Nachtmusik (music) Nachtwey, James (American photojournalist) Nachugdorji, Dashdorjiin (Mongolian writer) Nación, La (Argentine newspaper) Nación, Museo de la (museum, Lima, Peru) Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Lima, Universidad (university, Lima, Peru) Nacionalista Party (political party, Philippines) Nacna Ku?thara (temple site, India) Nacogdoches (county, Texas, United States) Nacogdoches (Texas, United States) nacre (mollusk shell lining) nacreous cloud (meteorology) nacrite (mineral) NACTU (South African organization) Ñacunday Falls (waterfall, South America) NACW (American organization) NAD (chemical compound) Nad glebiami (work by Asnyk) Nad Niemnen (novel by Orzeszkowa) “Nada” (work by Laforet) Nadal Parera, Rafael (Spanish tennis player) Nadal, Rafa (Spanish tennis player) Nadal, Rafael (Spanish tennis player) Nadar (French writer, caricaturist, and photographer) Nadasdy, Ferenc (Hungarian chief justice) Nadel, S. F. (British anthropologist) Nadel, Siegfried Frederick (British anthropologist) Nadelman, Elie (Polish-American sculptor) Nader Khan, Mo?ammad (king of Afghanistan) Nader, Ralph (American lawyer and politician) Nader Shah (Iranian ruler) Nader tot U (novel by Reve) Nader’s Raiders (American organization) Nadezhdinsk (Russia) NADGE (military technology) NADH (chemical compound) NADH dehydrogenase (enzyme) Nadi, Aldo (Italian fencer) Nadi brothers (Italian athletes) Nadi, Nedo (Italian fencer) Nadiad (India) Nadig, Marie-Thérèse (Swiss skier) nadir (astronomy) Nadir Afshar (Iranian ruler) Na?ir, Banu (Medinese tribe) Nadir Quli Afshar (Iranian ruler) Nadir Shah (Iranian ruler) Nadir Shah (Iranian ruler) Nadir Shah Zhara, Mount (mountain, Asia) Nadira (Kokandian princess) Nadira (Indian actress) Nadirs (work by Müller) Nadja (novel by Breton) Nadobna Paskwalina (work by Twardowski) Nador (Morocco) Nadouessioux (people) NADP (chemical compound) NADPH (chemical compound) Nadr Qoli Beg (Iranian ruler) NADW (oceanography) Nadym Ob (river, Russia) NAE (American religious organization) Naemorhedini (mammal) Naemorhedus (mammal) Naemorhedus baileyi (mammal) Naemorhedus caudatus (mammal) Naemorhedus goral (mammal) Naemul (king of Silla) Naess, Arne (Norwegian philosopher) Næstved (Denmark) Naevius, Gnaeus (Roman writer) Nafata (African sultan) Näfels, Battle of (Swiss history) Nafis (Arab leader) nafs al-kulliyah (Islamic theology) NAFTA (Canada-United States-Mexico [1992]) Naf?ah (Tunisia) Nafud, Al- (desert, Saudi Arabia) Nafusah, Jabal (plateau, Libya) Nafusah Plateau (plateau, Libya) nag (weapon) Nag Hammadi (Egypt) Nag Hammadi Library, The (Gnostic texts) Nag, The (novel by Abramovitsh) Nag Tibba (mountain range, Asia) Naga (Philippines) naga (Hindu mythology) naga (Hindu mythology) Naga (people)

Naga Dumka (India) Naga Hills (mountains, Asia) Naga languages naga sannyasin (Hindu ascetic) naga vairagin (Hinduism) naga-bakama (Japanese dress) Nagabhata II (Indian king) Nagabhata line (Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty) Nagadah II culture (Egyptian history) Nagai Kafu (Japanese author) Nagai Sokichi (Japanese author) Nagako, Dowager Empress (Japanese royal) Nagaland (state, India) Nagami kumquat (fruit) nagana (animal disease) Nagananda (play by Har?a) Nagano (prefecture, Japan) Nagano (Japan) Nagano 1998 Olympic Winter Games Nagano Osami (Japanese admiral) Nagao Torachiyo (Japanese military leader) Nagaoka (Japan) Nagaoka, Hantaro (Japanese physicist) Nagaon (Assam, India) Nagappattinam (India) Nagar Haveli (union territory, India) Nagara (architectural style) Nagara Vatta (Cambodian newspaper) nagaraka (Mauryan government official) “Nagarakertagama” (poem by Prapañca) Nagarak?tagama (poem by Prapañca) Nagari (writing system) Nagari Das (Indian ruler) Nagarjuna (Buddhist philosopher) Nagarjunako??a (city and archaeological site, India) Nagarjuni hills (India) Nagarkot (India) Nagasaki (prefecture, Japan) Nagasaki (Japan) Nagasaki University (university, Nagasaki, Japan) Nagasawa Rosetsu (Japanese painter) Nagasena (Indian sage) “Nagasena-sutra” (Buddhist literature) nagasvaram (musical instrument) nagaswaram (musical instrument) Nagata Tokuhun (Japanese physician) Nagaur (India) nagauta (Japanese music) “Nagaya shinshi roku” (film by Ozu Yasujiro) nageire (floral arrangement) Nagel, Conrad (American actor) Nagel, Ernest (American philosopher) Nagel, Thomas (American philosopher) Nägeli, Hans Franz (Swiss politician) Nägeli, Karl Wilhelm von (Swiss botanist) Nagelmackers, Georges (Belgian businessman) Nagercoil (India) nagi (Hindu mythology) Nago (African masking society) Nagodba (Croatian-Hungarian history [1868]) Nagor (India) Nagorik Shakti (political party, Bangladesh) Nagorno-Karabach (region, Azerbaijan) Nagorno-Karabakh (region, Azerbaijan) Nagorny Karabakh (region, Azerbaijan) Nagoya (Japan) Nagoya Castle (castle, Nagoya, Japan) Nagoya University (university, Nagoya, Japan) NAGPRA (United States [1990]) Nagpur (India) Nagpur (Indian dynasty) Nagpur Plain (plain, India) Nags Head (North Carolina, United States) Nagua (Dominican Republic) nagual (Mesoamerican religion) nagualism (religion) Naguib, Mu?ammad (president of Egypt) Nagurski, Bronislau (American football player) Nagurski, Bronko (American football player) Nagwamatse, Ibrahim (emir of Kontagora) Nagwamatse, Umaru (Fulani ruler) Nagy, Ferenc (premier of Hungary) Nagy, Imre (premier of Hungary) Nagy, Ivan (Hungarian-American dancer) Nagy Magyar Alföld (region, Hungary) nagy per, mely ezer éve folyik, A (work by Eötvös) Nagy-Alföld (region, Hungary) Nagy-Kálló, Benjamin Kállay von (Austro-Hungarian statesman) Nagybánya (Romania) Nagyboldogasszony (patron saint of Hungary) Nagykanizsa (Hungary) Nagykunság (region, Hungary) Nagyszeben (Romania) Nagyszombat (Slovakia) Nagyvárad (Romania) Nagyvárad, Treaty of (Hungarian history) Nagyvázsony (Hungary) Naha (Japan) Na?al Qishon (river, Israel) Na?al Yarqon (river, Israel) Na?amani (Spanish scholar and rabbi) Nahan (India) Nahanni National Park (national park, Northwest Territories, Canada) Nahant (Massachusetts, United States) Nahapana (Shaka ruler) Naharina (ancient empire, Mesopotamia, Asia) Nahariyya (Israel) Nahavand (Iran) Nahavand, Battle of (Iranian history) Nahayan, Sheikh Shakhbut bin Sultan Al (ruler of Abu ?aby) Nahayan, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al (president of United Arab Emirates) nahcolite (mineral) Nah?ah, Al- (political party, Tunisia) na?dah, al- (literary movement) na?dah al-adabiyah, an- (literary movement) Nah?ah, ?izb al- (political party, Tunisia) Nah?ah Party (political party, Tunisia) Nahdatul Ulama (political party, Indonesia) Na??as Pasha, Mu??afa al- (prime minister of Egypt) Nahienaena (Hawaiian princess) Nahj al-balaghah (Arabic literature) Nahl, Johann August (German sculptor) Na?man ben Sim?ah of Bratslav (Hasidic rabbi) Na?man of Grodënka (Polish rabbi) Na?man of Kosov (Polish rabbi) Na?manides (Spanish scholar and rabbi) Nahr ad-Dindar (river, Africa) Nahr Al-Kalb (river, Lebanon) Nahr Diyala (river, Iraq) Nahrawan, Battle of (Islamic history) Nahrawan Canal (ancient canal, Iraq) Nahua (people) nahual (Mesoamerican religion) Nahuan languages Nahuatl (language) Nahuatl language (Uto-Aztecan language) Nahuel Huapí, Lake (lake, Argentina) Nahuel Huapí National Park (park, Argentina) Nahum (Old Testament prophet) Nahum (Slavic missionary) Nahum, Book of (Old Testament) Nahyan, Al (ruling family of Abu ?aby) Nahyan dynasty (ruling family of Abu ?aby) Nahyan, Sheikh Ahmad ibn Zayid Al- (Emirati businessman and financier) Nahyan, Sheikh Khalifah ibn Zayid Al (president of United Arab Emirates) Nahyan, Sheikh Shakhbu? ibn Sul?an Al (ruler of Abu ?aby) Nahyan, Sheikh Zayid ibn Sul?an Al (president of United Arab Emirates) nai (panpipe) Nai (caste system) NAI (American company) Nai Talimi Sangh (educational institution, Sevagram, India) NAIA (American organization) Naiad (Greek mythology) Naiad (astronomy) naiad (mollusk) “Naiadha” (work by Sriharsha) Naiadhlyacarita (work by Sriharsha) Naidu, Chandrababu (Indian politician) Naidu, Sarojini (Indian writer and political leader) naïf art Naiguatá (mountain, Venezuela) Naijok (African deity) Naiku (temple, Ise, Japan) nail (anatomy) nail (fastener) nail (measurement) nail violin (musical instrument) nail-patella syndrome (pathology) nail-tailed wallaby (marsupial) Nailatikau, Ratu Epeli (acting president of Fiji) nailhead (architecture) Naima, Mustafa (Turkish historian) Na?imah, Mikha?il (Lebanese author) Naiman (people) Naiman khan (Asian ruler) Naimy, Mikha?il (Lebanese author) Nain, Antoine Le (French painter) Nain craton (geological region, Canada) Nain, Louis Le (French painter) Nain, Mathieu Le (French painter) Nain province (geological region, Canada) Naini Tal (India) Nainital (India) Naipali language Naipaul, Sir V. S. (Trinidadian-British writer) Naipaul, Vidiadhar Surajprasad (Trinidadian-British writer) Nair (Hindu caste) Nair, Mira (Indian film director) naira (Nigerian currency) Nairi (ancient district, Southwest Asia) Nairn (historic county, Scotland, United Kingdom) Nairne of Nairne, Carolina Nairne, Baroness (Scottish songwriter) Nairnshire (historic county, Scotland, United Kingdom) Nairobi (Kenya) Nairobi National Park (park, Kenya) Nairobi Stock Exchange (stock exchange, Nairobi, Kenya) Nairobi, University of (university, Nairobi, Kenya) Nairovi (Papua New Guinea) Nais (oligochaete genus) Nai?adhacarita (poem by Srihar?a) Naisiusiu Beds (archaeological site, Tanzania) Naismith, James A. (American athlete and educator) Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame (museum, Springfield, Massachusetts, United States) Naissance d’une culture (work by Bloch) Naissus (Serbia) Naivasha, Lake (lake, Kenya) naïve art naive set theory (mathematics)

NAIWA (international organization) Naj? ?ammadi (Egypt) Naja haje (snake) Naja naja (snake) Naja nigricollis (snake) Najaf (Iraq) Najaf, Al- (governorate, Iraq) Najaf, Al- (Iraq) Naja? (ruler of Yemen) Naja?id dynasty (Muslim dynasty) Najatapola Dewai (temple, Bhaktapur, Nepal) Najd (region, Saudi Arabia) Najd Fault (geological formation) Najdorf, Mieczyslaw (Argentine chess player) Najera, Battle of (Spanish history) Najib Abdul Razak (prime minister of Malaysia) Najib-ud-Daulah (Afghan leader) Najibullah, Mohammad (president of Afghanistan) Najin (North Korea) Najm al-Din Ayyub ibn Shadhi (governor of Damascus) Najran (province, Saudi Arabia) Najran (Saudi Arabia) NAK (political party, Kenya) NaK (chemistry) Naka Michiyo (Japanese historian) naka-ima (Shinto concept) Nakada (Egypt) Nakae Chomin (Japanese writer) Nakae Gen (Japanese scholar) Nakae Toju (Japanese scholar) Nakae Tokusuke (Japanese writer) Nakagami Kenji (Japanese writer) Nakagin Capsule Tower (building, Tokyo, Japan) Nakajima family (Japanese artisans) Nakajima, Hiroshi (Japanese physician) Nakajima Kozo (Japanese sculptor) Nakambe River (river, Africa) Nakamura Kazuko (Japanese geisha) Nakamura, Kazuo (Canadian artist) Nakamura Kiharu (Japanese geisha) Nakamura Nakazo I (Japanese actor) Nakamura Nakazo III (Japanese actor) Nakamura Utaemon (Japanese actors) Nakamura Utaemon I (Japanese actor) Nakamura Utaemon II (Japanese actor) Nakamura Utaemon III (Japanese actor) Nakamura Utaemon IV (Japanese actor) Nakamura Utaemon V (Japanese actor) Nakamura Utaemon VI (Japanese actor) Nakane Chie (Japanese anthropologist) Nakano Oe (emperor of Japan) Nakanoshima (island, Osaka, Japan) Nakanuma Shikibu (Japanese artist) Nakao Shinno (Japanese artist) Nakasone Yasuhiro (prime minister of Japan) Nakatomi family (Japanese family) Nakatomi Kamatari (Japanese leader) Nakatsu (Japan) Nakatsukuni (Shinto) Nakauchi Isao (Japanese businessman) Nakayama Miki (Japanese peasant) “Nakaz Yekateriny Velikoy” (Russian political doctrine) Nakbe (archaeological site, Guatemala) Naked (film by Leigh [1993]) Naked (work by Sedaris) Naked and the Dead, The (work by Mailer) naked bat (mammal) naked blesmol (rodent) Naked Chef, The (British television program) Naked City (book by Weegee) Naked City, The (film by Dassin [1948]) naked DNA therapy (vaccination technique) “Naked Lunch” (work by Burroughs) Naked Lunch, The (work by Burroughs) naked mole rat (rodent) Naked Needle, A (work by Farah) Naked Revolution (opera) Naked Streets, The (work by Pratolini) Naked Year, The (work by Pilnyak) naked-nosed wombat (marsupial) naked-throated bellbird (bird) nakedback knifefish (fish) nakedness naker (musical instrument) Nakh languages nakharar (Armenian chief) Nakhi (people) Nakhichevan (republic, Azerbaijan) Nakhichevan (Azerbaijan) Nakhla meteorite nakhlite (astronomy) Nakhmen ben Simkhe of Bratslav (Hasidic rabbi) Nakho-Dagestanian languages Nakhodka (Russia) Nakhon Lampang (Thailand) Nakhon Pathom (Thailand) Nakhon Phanom (Thailand) Nakhon Ratchasima (Thailand) Nakhon Sawan (Thailand) Nakhon Si Thammarat (Thailand) Nakhsheb (Uzbekistan) Naki, Hamilton (South African medical technician) Nakia (queen of Assyria) Nakija (queen of Assyria) Nakir (angel) Nakkavaram (islands, India) Nakota (dialect) Nakota (people) Naksatra (astronomy) Nakshatra (astronomy) Nakskov (city, Denmark) Nakszynski, Nikolus Gunther (German actor) Naktong River (river, South Korea) Naktong-gang (river, South Korea) Nakuru (Kenya) Nakuru, Lake (lake, Kenya) Nal Pura?a (Hinduism) Nalanda (Buddhist monastic centre, India) Nalapura (India) Nalayira Prabandham (Hindu hymns) Nalchik (Russia) Nalcik (Russia) naled (ice formation) nalidixic acid (chemistry) Nalkowska, Zofia (Polish writer) Nallamala Range (hills, India) naltrexone (drug) Nalubaale Dam (dam, Uganda) nam (Sikhism) Nam Dinh (Vietnam) Nam Ky (region, Vietnam) Nam, Lake= (lake, China) Nam Ou (river, Laos) nam pla (seasoning) nam simaran (Sikhism) Nam Viet (ancient kingdom, Asia) Nam-Dhari (Sikh sect) Nama (people) nama (Indian philosophy) Nama/Damara Nama language nama-rupa (religious concept) Namade (river, India) Namadgi National Park (national park, Australian Capital Territory, Australia) Namaesti (Romania) Namaka (astronomy) Namakwa (people) Namakwaland (region, southwestern Africa) “Namamiko monogatari” (novel by Enchi) Naman (people) naman (Indian philosophy) Namangan (oblast, Uzbekistan) Namangan (Uzbekistan) Namaqua (people) Namaqualand (region, southwestern Africa) Namath, Joe (American football player) Namath, Joe Willie (American football player) Namath, Joseph William (American football player) Namatjira, Albert (Australian painter) Namazga-Tepe (archaeological site, Turkmenistan) namazlik Namba (people) Namban picture (Japanese art) Nambane (people) Nambicuara (people) Nambikuára (people) Nambikwara (people) Nambu, Yoichiro (American physicist) Nambucca Heads (New South Wales, Australia) Nambudiri (Indian caste) Nambudiri (Indian caste) Namcha Barwa (mountain, Tibet, China) Namcha Barwa I (mountain, Tibet, China) Namco Limited (Japanese company) Namdaemun (gate, Seoul, South Korea) Namdaemun Market (market, Seoul, South Korea) Namdapha National Park (park, India) Namdeb Diamond Corp. (Namibian company) Namdev (Indian poet) Namdhari (Sikh sect) name name day (Christianity) Name of the Rose, The (film by Annaud) Name of the Rose, The (work by Eco) named-peril (insurance) Namen (province, Belgium) Namen (Belgium) Names (Old Testament) names, doctrine of (Chinese philosophy) Names of Herbes, The (work by Turner) Námešt’ na Hané (Czech Republic) namghar (prayer hall, India) Namgyal, Phuntsog (king of Sikkim) Namgyal, Rinzin (Tibetan explorer) Namgyal Wangdi (Nepalese mountaineer) Namias, Jerome (American meteorologist) Namib (desert, Africa) Namibe (desert, Africa) Namibe (Angola) Namibe Railway (railway, Angola) Namibia Namibia, flag of Namibia, history of Namibia, Republic of Namibia: Year In Review 1993 Namibia: Year In Review 1994 Namibia: Year In Review 1995 Namibia: Year In Review 1996 Namibia: Year In Review 1997 Namibia: Year In Review 1998 Namibia: Year In Review 1999 Namibia: Year In Review 2000 Namibia: Year In Review 2001 Namibia: Year In Review 2002 Namibia: Year In Review 2003 Namibia: Year In Review 2004 Namibia: Year In Review 2005 Namibia: Year In Review 2006 Namibia: Year In Review 2007 Namibia: Year In Review 2008 Namibia: Year In Review 2009 Namibian Defense Force (Namibian army) Namibië Namier, Sir Lewis Bernstein (British historian) Namikawa Sosuke (Japanese craftsman) Namiki Gohei I (Japanese playwright) Namiko (novel by Tokutomi) naming Naming and Necessity (work by Kripke) Namiri (Shi?ite sect) Namiriyah (Shi?ite sect) Namjagbarwa (mountain, Tibet, China) Namma?var (South Indian poet-saint) Namora, Fernando Goncalves (Portuguese writer) Namoskeag (New Hampshire, United States) Namouna (ballet by Lalo) Nampa (Idaho, United States) Namphy, Henri (president of Haiti) Namp’o (North Korea) Nampoina (Merina king) NAMPS (communications) Namputiri (Indian caste) Namsos (Norway) Namtar (Mesopotamian deity) Namuchabawashan (mountain, Tibet, China)

Namúli, Mount (mountain, Mozambique) Namur (province, Belgium) Namur (Belgium) Namur, sieges of (European history) Namwan Tract (region, Myanmar) Nan (Thailand) Nan Canal (canal, China) Nan, Chao (king of Vientiane) Nan Chen dynasty (Chinese history) Nan Chih-li (China) Nan Hai (sea, Pacific Ocean) Nan Han (ancient kingdom, China) Nan Huai-jen (Jesuit missionary) Nan Huairen (Jesuit missionary) Nan Liang dynasty (Chinese history [502-557]) Nan Ling (mountains, southern China) Nan Madol (archaeological site, Pohnpei, Micronesia) Nan Ming dynasty (Chinese history) Nan Mountains (mountains, southern China) Nan Ping (ancient kingdom, China) Nan Qi dynasty (Chinese history) Nan River (river, Thailand) Nan Song dynasty (Chinese history) Nan Tang (ancient kingdom, China) Nan u-halwa (work by ?Amili) Nan Yue (ancient kingdom, Asia) Nan Yüeh (ancient kingdom, Asia) Nan Yunhe (canal, China) Nan-ch’ang (China) Nan-ch’ao (Chinese history) Nan-chi Lao-jen (Chinese deity) Nan-Ching (China) Nan-ch’ung (China) Nan-ga (Japanese painting) nan-hsi (Chinese drama) nan-hu (musical instrument) Nan-k’ai University (university, Tientsin, China) Nan-kuo she (Chinese literary society) Nan-ning (China) Nan-p’an Chiang (river, China) Nan-p’ing (China) Nan-t’ou (county, Taiwan) Nan-t’ou (municipality, Taiwan) Nan-tu (river, China) Nan-t’ung (China) Nan-yang (China) Nana (Apache leader) Nana (painting by Manet) Nana (work by Zola) Nana Buluku (deity) Nana Ghat inscriptions (ancient Indian cave writing) Nana Sahib (Indian rebel) Ñanacampantar (Hindu poet) Nanai (people) Nanaimo (British Columbia, Canada) Nanak (Indian religious leader) Nan’an (district, Chongqing, China) Nanao (Japan) Nanay (Apache leader) nanban picture (Japanese art) Nanboku goitsu (Japanese art) Nanchang (China) Nanchang Uprising (Chinese history) Nanchao (historical kingdom, China) Nanchao (Chinese history) Nanchong (China) Nancowry (island, India) Nancy (France) Nancy, battle of (Europe [1477]) NAND function (logic) Nand Kumar (Bengali official) Nand Lal (Sikh writer) Nanda Bayin (king of Myanmar) Nanda Devi (mountain, India) Nanda Devi National Park (park, India) Nanda Devi Peak (mountain, India) Nanda dynasty (Indian dynasty) Nanda, Gulzarilal (Indian politician) Nanda, I. C. (Indian dramatist) Nanda Kumar (Bengali official) Nandabayin (king of Myanmar) Nandai-mon (gate, Todai Temple, Nara, Japan) Nandakumar (Bengali official) Nanded (India) Nander (India) Nandeva (people) Nandi (Zulu princess) Nandi (people) Nandi (Hindu mythology) Nandidae Nandikeshvara (Hindu mythology) Nandikesvara (Hindu mythology) Nandinia (mammal) Nandinia binotata (mammal) ñandú (bird group) nanduti (lace) Nanedi Vallis (canyon, Mars) Nanfan, Sir Richard (English official) nang-mchod (Tibetan Buddhist rite) Nanga Parbat (mountain, Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan) Nanga Parbati I (mountain, Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan) Nangarhar, University of (university, Jalalabad, Afghanistan) Nangeela River (river, Victoria, Australia) Nanger (mammal genus) Nanger dama (mammal) Nanger granti (mammal) Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (province, Indonesia) Nangnang (ancient colony, Korea) Nangnim Mountains (mountain range, North Korea) Nangnim-sanmaek (mountain range, North Korea) Nangpa La (pass, Asia) nanhu (musical instrument) “Nanhua zhenjing” (Daoist literature) Nanine (play by Voltaire) Naning War (British-Malayan history) Nanini, Giovanni Maria (Italian musician) Nanino, Giovanni Maria (Italian musician) Naniwa (ancient city, Japan) Nanjianzhou (China) Nanjing (China) Nanjing (historical city, China) Nanjing (work by Bian Qiao) Nanjing Massacre (Chinese history) Nanjing, Rape of (Chinese history) Nanjing, Treaty of (China-United Kingdom [1842]) Nankan (island, East China Sea) nankeen (cloth) Nankeen night heron (bird) Nanking (China) Nanking (historical city, China) Nanking Massacre (Chinese history) Nanking porcelain Nanking, Treaty of (China-United Kingdom [1842]) Nanking variant (Mandarin dialect) Nanking ware Nankow (mountain pass, China) Nanmadol (archaeological site, Pohnpei, Micronesia) Nanna (painting by Feuerbach) Nanna (Mesopotamian god) Nannaya Bhatta (Indian poet) Nannen, Henri (German journalist) Nanni di Banco (Italian sculptor) Nanning (China) Nannochloropsis (algae genus) Nannomys (rodent subgenus) Nannorrhops (plant genus) Nannostomus beckfordi (fish) Nannostomus eques (fish) Nannostomus marginatus (fish) nanny (female goat) Nanny McPhee (film by Jones [2005]) “Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang” (film by White [2010]) Nanny McPhee Returns (film by White [2010]) nanny-goat orchid (plant) nannyberry (plant) Nanook of the North (film by Flaherty) Nanpan River (river, China) Nanping (China) nanqu (Chinese drama) nanren (Chinese social class) Nanše (Mesopotamian goddess) Nansei Islands (archipelago, Japan) Nansei-Shoto (archipelago, Japan) Nansei-Shoto Trench (trench, Pacific Ocean) Nansen Basin (basin, Arctic Ocean) Nansen bottle Nansen Cordillera (geographical feature, Arctic Ocean) Nansen, Fridtjof (Norwegian explorer and scientist) Nansen International Office for Refugees (international affairs) Nansen Passport (travel document) Nanshe (Mesopotamian goddess) Nanso Satomi hakkenden (work by Bakin) Nantahala National Forest (park, North Carolina, United States) Nantahala River (river, North Carolina, United States) Nanterre (France) Nantes (France) Nantes, Edict of (French history) Nantes, University of (university, Nantes, France) Nanteuil, Robert (French artist) Nantgarw porcelain Nanthasen, Chao (king of Vientiane) Nanticoke (people) Nanticoke (Pennsylvania, United States) Nanto (Japanese dialect) Nanto-Bordelaise Company (French company) Nanton, Joe (American musician) Nantong (China) Nantong Museum (museum, Nantong, China) Nantosuelta (Celtic goddess) Nantucket (island, Massachusetts, United States) Nantwich (England, United Kingdom) Nanwu Cheng (historical town, China) nanxi (Chinese drama) Nanyang (China) Nanyangzhuang (ancient site, China) Nanye’hi (Native American leader) nanyin dongxiao (musical instrument) Nanyuki (Kenya) Nanzhao (historical kingdom, China) Nanzhou (China) nao (Chinese bell) Naoero (island country, Pacific Ocean) Naoetsu (Japan) Naohideales (order of fungi) naorai (Shinto) Naoroji, Dadabhai (Indian nationalist leader) naos (architecture) Naosari (India) NAOWS (American organization) Naozhou (island, China) nap (card game) NAP (political party, Turkey) Napa (California, United States) Napaea (Greek mythology) Napaeozapus insignis (rodent) napalm (chemical compound) Napata (ancient city, The Sudan) Napata dynasty (ancient Egyptian history) Naperian logarithm (mathematics) Naperville (Illinois, United States) Naphtali (Hebrew tribe) Naphtali, Testament of naphtha (chemical compound) naphtha reforming naphthalene (chemical compound) naphthene (petroleum) naphthene series (petroleum) naphthol (chemical compound) naphthoquinone (chemical compound) naphthyl (radical) naphthylamine (chemical compound) Naphtol AS (chemical compound) Napier (New Zealand) Napier Complex (geological region, Antarctica) napier grass Napier, John (Scottish mathematician) Napier, John Russell (British anthropologist)

Napier, MacVey (Scottish lawyer and editor) Napier of Magdala, Robert Cornelis Napier, 1st Baron (British field marshal) Napier, Robert Cornelis (British field marshal) Napier, Sir Charles, Conde Napier de São Vicente (British admiral) Napier, Sir Charles James (British general and colonial governor) Napier, Sir William Francis Patrick (British general and historian) Napier, William John (British official) Napier’s bones (mathematics) Napisany, kako priydosha v Sibir (Russian literary work) napkin rash Naplanum (king of Larsa) Naples (Italy) Naples (Florida, United States) Naples, Bay of (bay, Italy) Naples, Kingdom of (historical state, Italy) Naples, University of (university, Naples, Italy) Napo (province, Ecuador) Napo River (river, South America) Napoca (ancient settlement, Romania) Napoleon (card game) Napoléon (film by Gance [1927]) Napoleon (emperor of France) Napoleon (emperor of France) Napoleon I (emperor of France) Napoleon II (Austrian-Italian noble) Napoleon III (emperor of France) Napoléon III (French steamship) Napoleon III style (architecture) Napoléon inconnu (work by Masson) Napoleon IV (French prince) Napoleon; oder, die hundert Tage (work by Grabbe) Napoleon of the Prize Ring (English boxer) Napoleon on his Imperial Throne (painting by Ingres) Napoleon on the Battlefield at Eylau, February 1807 (painting by Gros) Napoleon Visiting the Pesthouse at Jaffa (painting by Gros) “Napoléon vu par Abel Gance” (film by Gance [1927]) Napoléon-Jerome, Prince (French prince) Napoleonic Code (France [1804]) Napoleonic Ode, The (work by Manzoni) Napoleonic Wars (European history) Napoli (Italy) Napoli di Romania (Greece) Napoli, Golfo di (bay, Italy) Napoli, Università degli Studi di (university, Naples, Italy) Napolitano, Giorgio (president of Italy) Napolitano, Janet (American lawyer and politician) Napolitano, Janet Ann (American lawyer and politician) Nappanee (Indiana, United States) nappe (geology) napping nappy rash Naps (American baseball team) Napster (file-sharing computer service) Naqadah (Egypt) Naqadah I culture (ancient Egypt) Naqadah II culture (Egyptian history) Naqa?i?, Al- (Arabic lampoon poetry collection) naqal (Indian drama) Naqd al-shi?r (work by Qudamah ibn Ja?far) Naqia (queen of Assyria) naqqarah (musical instrument) Naqqash, Marun an- (Lebanese dramatist) Naqsh-e Bahram (archaeological site, Iran) Naqsh-e Rajab (archaeological site, Iran) Naqsh-e Rostam (archaeological site, Iran) Naqshbandiyah (?ufi order) NAR (political party, Trinidad and Tobago) Nar Narayan (Koch dynasty) Nara (prefecture, Japan) Nara (Japan) Nara (desert, Pakistan) Nara Canal (canal, Pakistan) Nara City Museum of Photography (museum, Nara, Japan) Nara kokuritsu hakubutsukan (museum, Nara, Japan) Nara National Museum (museum, Nara, Japan) Nara period (Japanese history) Nara Singde (Manchu poet) Narach Lake (lake, Belarus) Naracoorte (South Australia, Australia) Naracoorte Caves National Park (national park, Naracoorte, Australia) Naradisik?a (auxiliary text of Samaveda) Narai (king of Siam) Narain, Jai Prakash (Indian political leader) Narakasura (Kamarupa ruler) NARAL Pro-Choice America (American organization) Naram-Sin (king of Akkad) Narameikhla (king of Arakan) NARAS (American organization) Narasa Nayaka (Vijayanagar minister) Narashino (Japan) Narasi?ha (Hinduism) Narasimha I (Indian ruler) Narasimha III (Indian ruler) Narasimha IV (Indian ruler) Narasi?ha, Saluva (Indian military leader) Narasimhavarman (Pallava king) Narasimhavarman I Mahamalla (Pallava king) Narathihapate (king of Myanmar) Narathiwat (Thailand) “Narayam-bushi ko” (film by Kinoshita Keisuke) Narayan, Jaya Prakash (Indian political leader) Narayan, R. K. (Indian author) Narayan, Rasipuram Krishnaswami (Indian author) Naraya?a (Hindu deity) Naraya?a (Hindu leader) Narayanan, Kocheril Raman (president of India) Narayanganj (Bangladesh) Narayani River (river, Asia) Narayanswami, Rasipuram Krishnaswami (Indian author) Narbada River (river, India) Narbonensis (Roman province) Narboni, Moses (French philosopher) Narbonne (France) Narbonne, Louis de (French minister) Narborough Island (island, Ecuador) NARC (political organization, Kenya) Narcejac, Thomas Pierre Ayraud (French writer) Narces (Byzantine general) narcissism (psychology) narcissistic number (mathematics) narcissistic personality disorder (psychology) Narcissus (Greek mythology) Narcissus (Roman official) narcissus (plant) Narcissus (work by Butler) Narcissus (work by Gide) Narcissus and Goldmund (novel by Hesse) “Narcissus and Psyche” (film) Narcissus jonquilla (plant) Narcissus of Neronias (Christian philosopher) Narcissus poeticus (plant) Narcissus pseudonarcissus (plant) Nárcisz és Psyché (film) narcolepsy (sleep disturbance) Narcomedusae (cnidarian suborder) narcotic (drug) narcotic addiction narcotic analgesic (drug) Narcotic Drugs, Commission on (UN) narcotic maintenance (psycho-physiology) Nardelli, Robert (American businessman) Nardelli, Robert Louis (American businessman) Nardi, Jacopo (Italian statesman) Nardil (drug) Nardini, Pietro (Italian composer) Nardò (Italy) Nardo di Cione (Italian painter) Nardostachys jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) Narekatzi, Gregory, Saint (Armenian poet) Nares, Sir George Strong (British military officer) Naresuan (king of Siam) Narew River (river, Europe) Nargis cyclone (storm, 2008) Narian-Mar (Russia) nariguera (ornament) Nariño (department, Colombia) Nariokotome (archaeological site, Kenya) Narita (Japan) Närke (province, Sweden) Narkomindel (Soviet government) Narmada River (river, India) Narmada-Son trough (region, India) Narmer (king of Egypt) Narmer Palette (ancient Egyptian sculpture) Narni (Italy) Narnia (Italy) Narnia (fictional world) Naro (South Korean launch vehicle) Naro-Fominsk (Russia) Naroch Lake (lake, Belarus) Naroden Zgovor (Bulgarian political organization) Narodna Odbrana (Serbian nationalist organization) Narodnaya, Gora (mountain, Russia) Narodnaya, Mount (mountain, Russia) Narodnaya Rasprava (Russian revolutionary group) Narodnaya Volya (Russian revolutionary organization) Národní shromáždení (Czech history) narodnichestvo (Russian history) Narodnik (Russian social movement) Narodno Sobraniye (Bulgarian government) narodnost (Russian history) Narodny Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del (Soviet agency) Narodnyye russkiye skazki (work by Afanasev) Narodowy Bank Polski (bank, Poland) Naropa (Indian yogi) Naropa University (university, Boulder, Colorado, United States) Narottama (king of Cambodia) narra (tree) Narrabri (New South Wales, Australia) Narraganset (people) Narragansett (people) Narragansett (Rhode Island, United States) Narragansett Bay (bay, Rhode Island, United States) Narragansett country (county, Rhode Island, United States) Narragansett Machinery Co. (American company) Narragansett pacer (horse) Narrandera (New South Wales, Australia) Narratio de maculis in sole observatis et apparente earum cum sole conversione (work by Fabricius) Narratio prima (work by Copernicus) narration (speech) narrative (art) Narrative of a Child Analysis (work by Klein) Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea (work by Franklin) Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries (work by Livingstone) Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The (work by Poe) Narrative of My Captivity in Japan 1811-1813 (work by Golovnin) Narrative of Sojourner Truth, The (work by Truth) Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of John R. Jewitt, A (work by Jewitt)

Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition (work by Chesney) Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay (work by Tench) “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave” (work by Douglass) “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, Written by HImself” (work by Douglass) Narrative of the Mutiny (book by Bligh) Narrative of the War with China in 1860 (work by Wolseley) narratology (literary theory) narrator (literature) “Narrenschiff, Das” (work by Brant) Narrogin (Western Australia, Australia) Narrow Path: An African Childhood, The (work by Selormey) Narrow Road to the Deep North, The (work by Basho) narrow vowel (linguistics) narrow-billed tody (bird) narrow-leaf cattail (plant) narrow-mouthed toad (amphibian) narrowband AMPS (communications) Narrows, The (work by Petry) Narrows, The (Ontario, Canada) Narryer, Mount (mountain, Western Australia, Australia) Narsai (Nestorian teacher and poet) Narseh (king of Sasanian empire) Narses (Byzantine general) Narses (king of Sasanian empire) Narses (Syrian theologian) Narsimhapur (India) Narsingarh (India) Narsinghgarh (India) Narsinghpur (India) Nartheciaceae (plant family) Narthecium ossifragum (plant) narthex (architecture) Naruszewicz, Adam (Polish bishop and historian) Naruszewicz, Adam Stanislaw (Polish bishop and historian) Naruto (Japan) Naruto Strait (strait, Japan) Narutowicz, Gabriel (president of Poland) Narva (Estonia) Narva, Battle of (European history) Narváez, Pánfilo de (Spanish conquistador) Narváez, Ramón María, duque de Valencia (prime minister of Spain) Narval (French submarine) Narvik (Norway) Narwa (Estonia) narwal (mammal) Narwar (India) narwhal (mammal) narwhale (mammal) Naryan-Mar (Russia) Naryn (oblast, Kyrgyzstan) Naryn (Kyrgyzstan) Naryn River (river, Central Asia) Naryshkin Baroque (Russian architecture) Naryshkin, Boyarin (Russian architect) Naryshkin family (Russian family) Naryshkin party (Russian history) Naryshkina, Natalya Kirillovna (Russian regent) “Narziss und Goldmund” (novel by Hesse) Nas (American rapper and songwriter) Nas, Al- (closing chapter of the Qur?an) Nás, An (Ireland) Nas fi biladi, Al- (poem by ?Abd al-?abur) NASA (United States space agency) Nasa?i, an- (Islamic scholar) nasal (speech sound) nasal bone (anatomy) nasal cavity (anatomy) nasal concha (anatomy) nasal discharge (pathology) nasal epithelium (anatomy) nasal gland (anatomy) nasal insufflation (pharmacology) nasal nasal polyp (anatomy) nasal septum (anatomy) nasal spray (pharmacology) nasal tumour (medicine) Nasalis larvatus (primate) nasality (speech pathology) Nasarawa (Nigeria) Nasby, Petroleum V. (American humorist) Nasby, Petroleum Vesuvius (American humorist) Nasca (ancient South American culture) Nasca Lines (archaeological site, Peru) NASCAR (sports organization) NASCAR Cup Series (auto racing championship) Nascimento, Edson Arantes do (Brazilian athlete) Nascimento, Francisco Manuel do (Portuguese poet) NASD (American organization) NASDA (Japanese government agency) NASDAQ (American organization) naseberry (tree and fruit) Naseby, Battle of (English history) Naseli, Alberto (Italian actor) Naselli, Alberto (Italian actor) Na?er al-Din Shah (Qajar shah of Iran) Na?er od-Din Shah (Qajar shah of Iran) Na?er-e Khosrow (Persian author) Nash, Anthony (British bobsledder) Nash, Beau (British dandy) Nash equilibrium (mathematics) Nash, Frederic Ogden (American poet) Nash, Graham (British musician) Nash, Joe (American dancer, historian, and archivist) Nash, John (British architect) Nash, John F., Jr. (American mathematician) Nash, John Forbes, Jr. (American mathematician) Nash, Joseph V. (American dancer, historian, and archivist) Nash, N. Richard (American author) Nash, Ogden (American poet) Nash Papyrus (ancient scroll) Nash, Paul (British painter) Nash, Richard Southwell Bourke, Lord (viceroy of India) Nash, Sir Walter (prime minister of New Zealand) Nash solution (mathematics) Nash, Steve (American basketball player) Nash, Thomas (English writer) Nash, Timothy (American explorer) Nashborough (Tennessee, United States) Nashe, Thomas (English writer) Nasheed, Mohamed (president of Maldives) Nashe’s Lenten Stuff (work by Nashe) nashiji (lacquerwork) nashiji-ko (lacquerwork) Nashik (India) Nashim (Judaism) Nashoba (community, Tennessee) Nashua (New Hampshire, United States) Nashville (Indiana, United States) Nashville (Tennessee, United States) Nashville (film by Altman [1975]) Nashville (Queensland, Australia) Nashville Basin (basin, Tennessee, United States) Nashville, Battle of (American Civil War) Nashville Convention (United States history) Nashville Dome (geological formation, Tennessee, United States) Nashville Skyline (recording by Dylan) Nashville West (California, United States) Nashville-Davidson (Tennessee, United States) nasi (Jewish religious official) na?i (grass) Nasi (people) Nasi, Joseph (Jewish statesman) Näsi, Lake (lake, Finland) na?ib (Arabic literature) Nasier, Alcofribas (French author) Näsijärvi (lake, Finland) Nasik (India) Nasili Na?in-al-Din Mu?ammad (Mughal emperor) Na?ir ad-Dawlah al-?asan (Muslim ruler) Na?ir ad-Din a?-?usi (Persian scholar) Na?ir ad-Din Ma?mud (Zangid ruler) Na?ir, al- (?Abbasid caliph) Na?ir al-Din Mu?ammad Shah (Mughal emperor) Na?ir al-Din Shah (Qajar shah of Iran) Na?ir, al-Malik an- (Mamluk sultan) Na?ir ?Ali Sirhindi (Indian poet) Na?ir, an- (?Abbasid caliph) Na?ir, Bu?ayrat (lake, Africa) Nasir, Ibrahim (Maldivian politician) Na?ir, Jamal ?Abd al- (president of Egypt) Na?ir Jang (ruler of Hyderabad) Na?ir Khan (ruler of Baluchistan) Na?ir li-Din Allah, an- (Umayyad caliph) Na?ir, Mu?ammad ibn Abi Yusuf Ya??ub al- (Almohad caliph) Na?ir-i Khusraw (Persian author) Na?ira, an- (Israel) Nasirabad (Bangladesh) Na?iriyah, An- (Iraq) Na?iriyyah, Al- (Iraq) Nasjonal Samling (political group, Norway) Nasjonalgalleriet (museum, Oslo, Norway) Naskapi (people) naskhi script (calligraphy) Nasmyth, James (Scottish engineer) Naso (Naso) Naso, Publius Ovidius (Roman poet) nasociliary nerve (anatomy) nasolacrimal duct (anatomy) nasopharyngeal carcinoma nasopharyngeal diphtheria nasopharyngolaryngoscope (medical instrument) nasopharyngolaryngoscopy (medicine) nasopharynx (anatomy) Nasorean Nasorolevu (mountain, Vanua Levu Island, Fiji) Na?r I (Samanid ruler) Na?r ibn Sayyar (governor of Khorasan) Na?r II (Samanid ruler) Nasr, Sheikh Muhammad Hamid Abu an- (Egyptian religious leader) Nasrallah, Hassan (Lebanese leader) Nasrallah, Hassan Abdel Karim (Lebanese leader) Na?rani, Cape (inlet and cape, Egypt) Nasrat (Pakistan) Nasreddin Hoca (legendary figure) Na?rid dynasty (Muslim dynasty) Nasrin, Taslima (Bangladeshi author) Nasroddin, Mullah (legendary figure) Nassarawa (Nigeria) Nassariidae (gastropod family) Nassau (The Bahamas) Nassau (historical region, Germany) Nassau (county, Florida, United States) Nassau (county, New York, United States) Nassau, Adolf, Duke von (grand duke of Luxembourg) Nassau agreement (British-United States history) Nassau, House of (German dynasty) Nassau Island (island, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean) Nassau, Louis of (Dutch political leader) Nassau, Maurice, Count of (stadholder of The Netherlands) Nassau Memorandum (work by Stein) Nassau Range (mountains, Indonesia) Nassau, Willem, prins van Oranje, graaf van (stadholder of United Provinces of The Netherlands) Nassau, William, prince of Orange, count of (stadholder of United Provinces of The Netherlands) Nassau-Siegen, Johan Maurits, graaf van (count of Nassau-Siegen) “Nassauer Denkschrift” (work by Stein) Nasser, Gamal Abdel (president of Egypt)

Nasser, Lake (lake, Africa) Nassophorea (protozoan class) Nassula (protozoan genus) Nast, Thomas (American political caricaturist) nasta?liq script (calligraphy) Nastanovich, Bob (American musician) Nastase, Adrian (prime minister of Romania) Nastase, Ilie (Romanian tennis player) nastika (Indian philosophy) Náströnd (Norse mythology) nasturtium (Tropaeolum genus) nasturtium family (plant family) Nasturtium palustre (plant) Nasty Nas (American rapper and songwriter) Nasua (mammal) Nasua narica (mammal) Nasution, Abdul (Indonesian politician) nat (Burmese religion) Nat King Cole Show, The (American television program) na?aka (Indian epic) Natal (Brazil) Natal (historical province, South Africa) Natal Drakensberg (mountains, Africa) Natal grass (plant) Natal Indian Congress (South African history) Natal orange (plant) Natal red top (plant) natal river (biology) Natal, University of (university, South Africa) Natalia, Republic of (historical republic, South Africa) Natalidae (mammal) Natalis, Alexander (French theologian and historian) natality (statistics) natamycin (preservative) Natantia (crustacean) Natanya (Israel) Nataraja (Hindu mythology) NATAS (American organization) Natator depressa (turtle) Natchez (people) Natchez (Mississippi, United States) Natchez (American steamboat) Natchez Pilgrimage (American festival) Natchez Trace Parkway (highway, United States) Natchitoches (Louisiana, United States) Natewa Bay (bay, Vanua Levu Island, Fiji) Natha (Indian religious sect) Nathamuni (Hindu teacher) Nathan (biblical figure) Nathan, Annie Florance (American writer, educator, and antisuffragist) Nathan ben Yehiel (Italian scholar) Nathan, Daniel (American author) “Nathan der Weise” (play by Lessing) Nathan, George Jean (American writer) Nathan, Maud (American social leader) Nathan of Gaza (Jewish Kabbalist) Nathan, S. R. (president of Singapore) Nathan, Syd (American record producer) Nathan the Wise (play by Lessing) Nathanael (biblical figure) Nathans, Daniel (American microbiologist) Nathapanthis (Hindu ascetic) Nathdwara (India) Natica (snail) Naticacea (gastropod superfamily) naticid (gastropod) Naticidae (gastropod) Natick (Massachusetts, United States) nation (medieval university group) Nation, Carry (American temperance leader) Nation, Carry Amelia (American temperance leader) Nation, Palace of the (building, Brussels, Belgium) Nation Party (political party, The Sudan) Nation Party (political party, Turkey) Nation, The (American journal) Nation, The (Irish newspaper) nation-state (politics) Nationa Union of Mine Workers (labour union, South Africa) National Aboriginal Conference (Australian political organization) National Aboriginal Consultative Committee (Australian political organization) National Abortion Rights Action League (American organization) National Academy (ancient academy, China) National Academy Foundation (American organization) National Academy of Design (American organization) National Academy of Engineering (American organization) National Academy of Lincei (Italian organization) National Academy of Music (French opera company) National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences (American organization) National Academy of Sciences (American organization) National Academy of Sciences (Belarusian organization) National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (American organization) National Accelerator Laboratory, Fermi (laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, United States) National Action Bloc (political party, Morocco) National Action Charter (2001, Bahrain) National Action Network (American organization) National Action Party (political party, Mexico) National Action Party (political party, Turkey) National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (United States government commission) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (United States space agency) National African Company (British company) National Agency of Jews in Germany National Agricultural Labourers’ Union (political union, United Kingdom) National Air and Space Museum (museum, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Air Museum (museum, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Airlines, Inc. (American corporation) National Allegory (mural by Orozco) National Alliance (political party, Italy) National Alliance (Bulgarian political organization) National Alliance for Reconstruction (political party, Trinidad and Tobago) National Alliance of Kenya (political party, Kenya) National Allied Publlications (American company) National Aluminum Corporation (American company) National American Woman Suffrage Association (American organization) National Amusements Inc. (American company) National Aniline & Chemical Company (American company) national anthem National Antiquities, Museum of (museum, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France) National Aquarium (aquarium, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Aquarium in Baltimore (aquarium, Baltimore, Maryland, United States) National Aquatics Centre (building, Beijing, China) National Arboretum (Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Archaeological Museum (museum, Athens, Greece) National Archaeological Museum (museum, Naples, Italy) National Archery Association (American organization) National Archives (museum, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Archives of Mali (museum, Bamako, Mali) National Army Museum (museum, London, United Kingdom) National Army of Indonesia (Indonesian military) National Art Gallery (museum, Wellington, New Zealand) National Art, Gallery of (museum, Caracas, Venezuela) National Assembly (Bulgarian government) National Assembly (Burundian government) National Assembly (Cambodian government) National Assembly (Chadian government) National Assembly (Chinese history) National Assembly (Czech history) National Assembly (Djiboutian government) National Assembly (Ecuadorian government) National Assembly (historical French parliament) National Assembly (Gabonese government) National Assembly (Guyanan government) National Assembly (Iraqi government) National Assembly (Jordanian government) National Assembly (Malawi government) National Assembly (Montenegrin government) National Assembly (Netherlands government) National Assembly (Nicaraguan government) National Assembly (Pakistan government) National Assembly (Panamanian government) National Assembly (South African government) National Assembly (Seychellois government) National Assembly (Slovene government) National Assembly (South Korean government) National Assembly (Surinamese government) National Assembly (Tanzanian government) National Assembly (Thai government) National Assembly (United Kingdom government) National Assembly (Zambian government) National Assembly (Serbian government) National Assembly for Wales (Welsh government) National Assembly of People’s Power (Cuban government) National Assembly, Palace of the (building, Lisbon, Portugal) National Assistance Act (United Kingdom [1946]) National Association (British political group) National Association for Mental Health (American organization) National Association for Mental Health (British organization) National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (sports organization) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (American organization) National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (American organization) National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis (American organization)

National Association of Amateur Athletes of America (American sports organization) National Association of Audubon Societies (American organization) National Association of Base Ball Players (American sports organization) National Association of Chiropodists (American medical organization) National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses (American organization) National Association of Colored Women (American organization) National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (American religious organization) National Association of Educational Broadcasters (American organization) National Association of Evangelicals (American religious organization) National Association of Free Will Baptists (American religious organization) National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (American organization) National Association of Professional Base Ball Players (American organization) National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (American organization) National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (American organization) National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage (American organization) National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (observatory, Arecibo, Puerto Rico) National Atlas (United States map) National Audubon Society v. Superior Court (law case) National Autonomist Party (political party, Argentina) National Autonomous University of Honduras (university, Tegucigalpa, Honduras) National Awakening Party (political party, Indonesia) National Ballet of Canada (ballet company) National Ballet of Cuba (ballet company) national bank (United States banking) National Bank Act (United States [1863]) National Bank of Angola (bank, Angola) National Bank of Belarus (bank, Belarus) National Bank of Denmark (bank, Denmark) National Bank of Egypt (bank, Egypt) National Bank of Poland (bank, Poland) National Bank of Romania (bank, Romania) National Bank of Slovakia (bank, Slovakia) National Bank of Vietnam National Baptist Convention of the United States of America, Inc. (formed 1915) National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. (formed 1915) National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. (formed 1895) National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum (museum, Cooperstown, New York, United States) National Basketball Association (American sports organization) National Basketball Committee (American sports organization) National Basketball Development League (American sports organization) National Basketball League (American sports organization) national bibliography (library science) National Biscuit Company (American company) National Black Women’s Health Project (American organization) National Bloc (political group, Syria) National Board of Medical Examiners (American medicine) National Book Award (American literary award) National Botanic Gardens of South Africa (garden, Kirstenbosch, South Africa) National Botanical Garden of Belgium (garden, Meise, Belgium) National Bowling Council (American sports organization) National Boxing Association (international sports organization) National Broadcasting Co., Inc. (American corporation) National Brotherhood of Base Ball Players (American trade union) National Bureau of Economic Research (American organization) National Bureau of Standards (United States government) National Campers and Hikers Association (American organization) National Cancer Institute (American organization) National Capital Development Commission (Australia history) National Capital District (Papua New Guinea) National Capital Parks (park system, United States) National Capital Region (region, Philippines) National Cash Register Co. (American company) National Catholic Register (American newspaper) National Cemetery (cemetery, South Carolina, United States) National Center for Atmospheric Research (research centre, Boulder, Colorado, United States) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (United States weather centers) National Central Bureau (Interpol organization) National Central Library (library, London, United Kingdom) National Central Library (library, Florence, Italy) National Centre for Scientific Research (French research organization) National Centre for the Performing Arts (building, Beijing, China) National Centre of Independents and Peasants (political party, France) National Ceremony (Swazi festival) National Championship Stock Car Circuit (American sports organization) National Chinese (Chinese political party) National Church of Iceland (church, Iceland) National Citizen and Ballot Box (American newspaper) National Citizens Coalition (Canadian organization) National City Bank of New York (American bank) National City Company (American company) National Civil Rights Museum (museum, Memphis, Tennessee, United States) National Classical Music Institute (institution, Seoul, South Korea) National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information (United States agency) National Coal Board (British corporation) National Collection of Fine Arts (museum, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Collegiate Athletic Association (American organization) National Collegiate Boxing Association (American organization) National Committee (Polish political organization) National Committee for Christian Leadership (international religious movement) National Committee for Mental Hygiene (American organization) National Communism National Conciliation Party (political party, El Salvador) National Concord (Bulgarian political organization) National Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions (Hungarian organization) National Confederation of Labour (Spanish labour union) National Conference for Unification (South Korean government) National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (Brazilian religious organization) National Conference of Christians and Jews (American organization) National Conference of Social Work (American organization) National Congress (Brazilian government) National Congress (Honduran government) National Congress for New Politics (political party, South Korea) National Congress of British West Africa (African political organization) National Congress of Mothers (American organization) National Congress of Parents and Teachers (American organization) National Congress Party (political party, The Sudan) National Constituent Assembly (historical French parliament) National Constitution Center (building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States) National Consultative Assembly (Iranian government) National Consumers League (American organization) National Convention (French history) National Convention of Nigerian Citizens (political party, Nigeria) National Council (Austrian government) National Council (political organization, Hungary) National Council (Namibian government) National Council for Democracy and Development (political organization, Guinea) National Council for the Defense of Democracy-Forces for the Defense of Democracy (political party, Burundi) National Council of Administration (Uruguayan government) National Council of Churches (American religious organization) National Council of Hispanic Women (American organization) National Council of International Health (international organization) National Council of Jewish Women (American organization) National Council of Negro Women (American organization) National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (African political organization) National Council of Provinces (government, South Africa) National Council of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs (European history) National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. (American religious organization)

National Council of the Evangelical Free Churches (American organization) National Council of the Resistance (French history) National Council of Trade Unions (South African organization) National Council of Women (New Zealand organization) National Country Party of Australia (political party, Australia) National Covenant (Scottish history) National Covenant (Protestantism) National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center (museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States) National Cricket Association (British sports organization) National Crime Information Center (United States government agency) National Day (Chinese holiday) National Day (Swiss holiday) national debt (economics) National Defense (Serbian nationalist organization) national defense (national defense) National Defense Act (United States [1947]) National Defense Commission (North Korean government) National Defense Council (government, Serbia) National Defense Education Act (United States [1958]) National Defense Research Committee (United States government organization) National Democracy (political party, Poland) National Democratic Alliance (political organization, India) National Democratic Movement (political party, Jamaica) National Democratic Party (political party, Nigeria) National Democratic Party (political party, Suriname) National Democratic Party (political party, Zimbabwe) National Democratic Party (political party, Venezuela) National Democratic Party of Germany (political party, Germany) National Democratic Rally (political party, Algeria) National Democratic Union (political party, Brazil) National Democrats (political party, Poland) National Dental Association (American organization) National Development and the World System: Educational, Economic, and Political Change, 1950--1970 (work by Meyer and Hannan) National Development Party (political party, Kenya) National Diamond Enterprise of Angola (Angolan company) National Diamond Mining Company (Sierra Leonean company) National Diet Library (library, Tokyo, Japan) National Digital Library Program (United States government program) National Drug Control Policy, Office of (United States government) National Drug Control Strategy (United States government document) National Duck Pin Bowling Congress (American organization) National Economic Development Council (British government agency) national economy National Education Association (American organization) national election (Germany) National Electrical Energy Fund (Italian corporation) National Endowment for the Arts (United States organization) National Endowment for the Humanities (United States agency) National Energy Program (Canadian politics) National Environmental Policy Act (United States [1969]) National Equal Rights League (American organization) National Equitable Labour Exchange (British history) National Era, The (American newspaper) National Executive Committee (British Labour Party organization) National Expressway (highway, Germany) National Falange (political party, Chile) National Farm Workers Association (American labour union) National Farmers’ Bank (bank, Owatonna, Minnesota, United States) National Fascist Party (political party, Italy) National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs (American organization) National Federation of Fundamentalists (American religious organization) National Federation of State High School Associations (United States organization) National Federation Party (political party, Fiji) National Field Archery Association (American organization) National Film Board of Canada National Flag Day (United States holiday) National Football League (American sports organization) National Football League Hall of Fame (museum, Canton, Ohio, United States) national forest National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (American organization) National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act (United States [1965]) National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame (museum, Hayward, Wisconsin, United States) National Front (political party, Albania) National Front (political party, Colombia) National Front (political party, Czechoslovakia) National Front (political party, France) National Front (political party, India) National Front (political coalition, Malaysia) National Front (political party, Tunisia) National Front for the Defense of the Revolution (Madagascan political organization) National Front for the Liberation of Angola (political party, Angola) National Front for the Liberation of the South (political organization, Vietnam) National Front for the Liberation of Vietnam (political organization, Vietnam) National Front Party (political party, Iran) National Galleries of Scotland (Scottish organization) National Gallery (museum, Berlin, Germany) National Gallery (museum, Oslo, Norway) National Gallery (museum, London, United Kingdom) National National Gallery of Art (museum, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Gallery of Canada (museum, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) National Gallery of Modern Art (museum, Rome, Italy) National Gallery of Scotland (museum, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom) National Gallery of the Marches (building, Urbino, Italy) National Gallery of Victoria (museum, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) National Game, The (book by Spink) National Geographic Magazine (American magazine) National Geographic Society (American society) National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (astronomical atlas) national government National Government (Polish political organization) National Greyhound Racing Club (British organization) National Guinean Ballet (ballet company, Guinea) National Gymnasiums (buildings, Tokyo, Japan) National Hall of Fame for Famous American Indians (museum, Andarko, Oklahoma, United States) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (United States program) National Health, Department of (South African government agency) National Health Service (British agency) National Health Service Act (United Kingdom [1946]) National Heart and Lung Institute (institution, London, United Kingdom) National Herbarium (garden, Washington, D.C., United States) National Herbarium of New South Wales (garden, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) National Heritage Fellowship Award (grant, United States) National Highway No. 2 (highway, India) National Hispanic Heritage Month National Horse Show (American event) National Hot Rod Association (American organization) National Human Adipose Tissue Survey (United States program) National Human Genome Research Institute (American organization) National Humane Education Center (American organization) National Ice Skating Association of Great Britain (British sports organization) National Ignition Facility (research device, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, United States) National Imagery and Mapping Agency (United States government agency) national income (economics) national income accounting National Independent Moving Picture Alliance (American company) National Indian Brotherhood (Canadian organization) National Indian Foundation (agency, Brazil) National Industrial Institute (Spanish history) National Industrial Recovery Act (United States [1933]) National Institute for Ancient Drama (Italian organization)

National Institute for Space Research (Brazilian organization) National Institute of Fine Arts (art institution, Mexico) National Institute of Mental Health (United States agency) National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States government) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (American organization) National Institute on Drug Abuse (United States government organization) National Institutes of Health (United States agency) National Insurance Act (United Kingdom [1911]) National Insurance Fund (British government health and welfare) national intelligence National Intelligence Estimate (United States government report) National Intelligence Service (government organization, South Korea) National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (American organization) national interest (political science) National Intergroup, Inc. (American company) national investment (economics) National Invitation Tournament National Iranian Oil Company (Iranian company) National Islamic Front (political party, The Sudan) National Justicialist Movement (Argentine history) National Labor Reform Party (American labour organization) National Labor Relations Act (United States [1935]) National Labor Relations Board (United States government organization) National Labor Relations Board v. Fansteel Metallurgical Company (law case) National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation (law case) National Labor Union (American labour organization) National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan) national lands (French history) National, Le (French newspaper) National League (political party, Poland) National League (baseball) National League for Democracy (political party, Myanmar) National League for Nursing National League for Nursing Education National League of Colored Women (American organization) National League of Professional Baseball Clubs (baseball) National Lending Library for Science and Technology (library, London, United Kingdom) National Liberal Federation (British political organization) National Liberal Party (political party, Denmark) National Liberal Party (political party, Estonia) National Liberal Party (political party, Germany) National Liberation Army (Algerian military organization) National Liberation Army (Colombian guerrilla group) National Liberation Army of Iran (Iranian political organization) National Liberation Committee (Polish history) National Liberation, Committee of (Italian political organization) National Liberation Forces (rebel group, Burundi) National Liberation Front (nationalist movement) National Liberation Front (political party, Algeria) National Liberation Front (political organization, Vietnam) National Liberation Front (political organization, Yemen) National Liberation Front-National Popular Liberation Army (political organization, Greece) national liberation movement (society) National Liberation Party (political party, Costa Rica) national library National Library of China (library, Beijing, China) National Library of India (library, Kolkata, India) National Library of Medicine (library, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Library of Wales (library, Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom) National Lutheran Council (council of churches, United States) National Malaise, A (Speech by Carter) National Mall (mall, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Marcian Library (building, Venice, Italy) National Marine Fisheries Service (United States government agency) National Maritime Museum (museum, Greenwich, London, United Kingdom) National Medal of Science (American award) national memorial National Military Council (political party, Suriname) National Military Establishment Act of 1947 (United States legislation) National Military Organization (Jewish right-wing underground movement) National Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (German government agency) National Missile Defense system (United States) national monument (American protected area) National Movement (Spanish political movement) National Movement for Simeon II (political party, Bulgaria) National Municipal League (American political organization) national museum National Museum (museum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) National Museum (museum, Bogotá, Colombia) National Museum (museum, Delhi, India) National Museum (museum, Taranto, Italy) National Museum (museum, Niamey, Niger) National Museum (museum, Lima, Peru) National Museum (museum, Damascus, Syria) National Museum (museum, Tokyo, Japan) National Museum of Afghanistan (museum, Kabul, Afghanistan) National Museum of African Art (museum, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Museum of American Art (museum, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Museum of Anthropology (museum, Mexico City, Mexico) National Museum of Antiquities (museum, Ravenna, Italy) National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology, and History of Peru, The (museum, Lima, Peru) National Museum of Arms and Armour (armour and weapons collection, Tower of London, London, United Kingdom) National Museum of Canada (museum, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) National Museum of Ceylon (museum, Colombo, Sri Lanka) National Museum of Denmark (museum, Copenhagen, Denmark) National Museum of Fine Arts (museum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) National Museum of History (museum, Mexico City, Mexico) National Museum of India (museum, Delhi, India) National Museum of Iraq (museum, Baghdad, Iraq) National Museum of Kenya (museum, Nairobi, Kenya) National Museum of Korea (museum, Seoul, South Korea) National Museum of Modern Art (museum, Tokyo, Japan) National Museum of Natural History (museum, Santiago, Chile) National Museum of Natural History (museum, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Museum of Natural History (garden and museum, Paris, France) National Museum of New Zealand (museum, Wellington, New Zealand) National Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions (museum, Paris, France) National Museum of Thailand (museum, Bangkok, Thailand) National Museum of the American Indian (museum, United States) National Museum of the Bargello (museum, Florence, Italy) National Museum of the Prado (museum, Madrid, Spain) National Museum of Victoria (museum, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) National Museum of Villa Giulia (museum, Rome, Italy) National Museum of Wales (museum, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom) National Museum of Western Art (museum, Tokyo, Japan) National Museums and Monuments Commission (Nigerian organization) National Museums of Berlin (museums, Berlin, Germany) National Museums of Scotland (Scottish organization) National Negro Labor Council (American organization) National Network of Spanish Railroads (railroad, Spain) national nomistic religion National Nonpartisan League (United States history) National Observer (British journal) National Ocean Service (United States) National Ocean Survey (United States) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (United States agency) national Olympic committee (sports organization) National Operative Builders Union (labour organization, United Kingdom) National Opposition Union (Nicaraguan political organization) National Orchestra of India (Indian orchestra) National Organization for Public Health Nursing (American organization) National Organization for Women (American organization)

National Organization of Coloured Graduate Nurses (American organization) National Organization of Cypriot Struggle (Cypriot organization) National Organization of the Rural Sector (Senegalese organization) National Origins Act (United States [1924]) National Packing Company (American trust) National Pact (Lebanon [1943]) National Pact (Turkey [1920]) National Palace (palace, Mexico City, Mexico) National Palace (palace, Mafra, Portugal) National Palace Museum (museum, Taipei, Taiwan) national park National Park Service (United States government agency) National Party (political party, Bangladesh) National Party (political party, Bohemia) National Party (political party, Chile) National Party (political party, Egypt) National Party (political party, South Africa) National Party (political party, Turkey) National Party (political party, New Zealand) National Party of Australia (political party, Australia) National Party of Nigeria (political party, Nigeria) National Party of South Africa (political party, South Africa) National Patriotic Front of Liberia (military organization, Liberia) National Peacekeeping Council (junta, Thailand) National Peasant Confederation (political organization, Mexico) National Peasant Party (political party, Romania) National People’s Assembly (government organization, Algeria) National People’s Congress (government organization, China) National People’s Party (political party, Germany) National People’s Party (Chinese political party) National Petroleum Council (Brazilian government organization) National Phonetic Alphabet (Chinese writing system) National Physical Laboratory (laboratory, London, United Kingdom) National Pike (highway, United States) National P’ing-tung Polytechnic Institute (school, Taiwan) National Plastic and Carton Company (Somalian company) National Police Gazette (American magazine) National Police Reserve (Japanese armed force) national policy (warfare) National Popular Liberation Army (political organization, Greece) National Popular Vote (election law) National Portrait Gallery (museum, London, United Kingdom) National Portrait Gallery (gallery, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Postal Museum (museum, London, United Kingdom) National Preparatory School (building, Mexico City, Mexico) National Press Club (American journalism organization) National Primitive Baptist Convention, Inc. (American religious organization) National Professional Football Hall of Fame (museum, Canton, Ohio, United States) National Progressive Front (political organization, Iraq) National Progressive Party (political party, Montserrat) National Prohibition Act (United States [1919]) National Prohibition Party (political party, United States) National Protection Army (Chinese military organization) National Protection Society (political group, China) National Public Radio (American organization) National Public Service Law (1947, Japan) National Quotation Bureau (American bureau) National Radical Camp (political party, Poland) National Radical Union (political party, Greece) National Radio and Television Organizations of Africa, Union of National Radio Astronomy Observatory (observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia, United States) National Radio Quiet Zone (area, United States) National Railroad Passenger Corporation (American railway system) National Rainbow Coalition (American organization) National Rainbow Coalition (political organization, Kenya) National Reclamation Act (United States [1902]) National Reconnaissance Office (United States Air Force) National Recovery Administration (United States history) National Redemption Council (Ghanaian government agency) National Reform Association (American political organization) National Reform League (British organization) National Religious Party (political party, Israel) National Renewal Alliance (political party, Brazil) National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals (United States government report) National Reporter System (American organization) National Republican Association (political party, Paraguay) National Republican Party (political party, United States) National Research Act (United States [1974]) National Research Council (American organization) National Research Initiatives, Corporation for (American corporation) National Resistance Army (military organization, Uganda) National Resistance Council (French history) National Resistance Movement (political organization, Uganda) National Retired Teachers Association (American organization) National Review (American magazine) National Revival (Bulgarian history) National Revolutionary Movement (political party, Bolivia) National Revolutionary Movement (political party, Republic of the Congo) National Revolutionary Movement for Development (political party, Rwanda) National Revolutionary Party (political party, Mexico) National Rifle Association (British organization) National Rifle Association of America (United States organization) National Road (highway, United States) National Roman Museum (museum, Rome, Italy) National Route 66 Museum (museum, Oklahoma, United States) National Salvation Front (political party, Romania) National Salvation Party (political party, Turkey) National Schism (Greek history) National School of Administration (school, France) National School of Fine Arts (school, Paris, France) National School Order (1941, Japan) National Science Foundation (American organization) National Science Foundation Network (communications) National Science Museum (museum, Tokyo, Japan) National Science Resources Center (American organization) national script (Vietnamese writing system) national seashore (United States) national security (government) National Security Act (United States [1947]) National Security Agency (United States agency) National Security and Information, Organization of (Iranian government organization) National Security Bureau (Taiwanese government agency) National Security Council (Pakistani government) National Security Council (Turkish government) National Security Council (United States agency) National Security Strategy of the United States of America (United States policy) National September 11 Memorial & Museum (complex, New York City, New York, United States) National Service Act (United Kingdom [1941]) National Severe Storms Forecasting Center (United States agency) National Short Ballot Organization (American organization) National Ski Patrol System of the United States National Soccer League (Australian sports organization) National Social Conference (Indian organization) National Social Insurance Institute (Italian government) National Social Union (political organization, Germany) National Socialism (political movement, Germany) National Socialist Council of Nagaland (separatist group, India) National Socialist German Workers’ Party (political party, Germany) National Society of French Railways (French railway) National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (American organization) National Space Development Agency (Japanese government agency) National Space Society (American organization) National Special Security Event (United States) National Stadium (stadium, Beijing, China) national state (historical territory, South Africa) National Steel Corporation (American company) National Suisse, Parc (park, Switzerland) National Survey on Drug Use and Health (United States survey) National Symphony Orchestra (American orchestra) National Symphony Orchestra (Mexican orchestra) National System of Education (educational program, Mozambique)

National System of Interstate and Defense Highways (highway system, United States) National System of Interstate Highways (highway system, United States) National System of Political Economy, The (work by List) National Television Systems Committee (United States committee) National Tennis League (American sports organization) National Theatre (theatre, Mannheim, Germany) National Theatre (theatre, Budapest, Hungary) National Theatre (theatre, Reykjavík, Iceland) National Theatre (theatre, Tokyo, Japan) National Theatre (theatre, Seoul, South Korea) National Theatre (theatre, London, United Kingdom) National Theatre of Dona Maria II (theatre, Lisbon, Portugal) National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (United States [1966]) National Transcontinental Railway (Canadian railroad) National Transitional Council (Guinean government) National Transitional Government (Liberia) national treatment of nontariff restrictions clause National Trust (British organization) National Trust for Historic Preservation (American organization) National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty (British organization) National Trust of Australia (Australian organization) National Typographical Union (labour organization, United States-Canada) National Union (political group, Norway) National Union (political party, South Africa) National Union Catalog (American library catalog) National Union Convention (American political coalition) National Union for Equal Citizenship (British organization) National Union for Hope (political party, Guatemala) National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (political organization, Angola) National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations (political party, United Kingdom) National Union of Mineworkers (labour union, United Kingdom) National Union of Mineworkers (labour union, South Africa) National Union of Popular Forces (political party, Morocco) National Union of Public Employees (British labour organization) National Union of South African Students (South African organization) National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (British organization) National Unionist Party (political party, The Sudan) National United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful and Cooperative Cambodia (political party, Cambodia) National Unity Committee (Turkish politics) national unity government (politics) National Unity Party (political party, Cyprus) National Unity Party (political party, Myanmar) National Unity, Party of (political party, Kenya) National University of Ireland (university, Ireland) National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga (university, Ayacucho, Peru) National University of San Marcos (university, Lima, Peru) National University of Singapore (university, Singapore) National Urban Coalition (American organization) National Urban League (American organization) National Velvet (film by Brown [1944]) National Velvet (work by Bagnold) National Volunteers Corps (Hindu organization) National Voter Registration Act (United States [1993]) National Water Carrier (canal, Israel) National Weather Service (United States agency) National Westminster Bank (British company) National Wildflower Research Center (American organization) National Will, Party of (Hungarian organization) National Will, The (political party, Iran) National Woman Suffrage Association (American political organization) National Woman’s Day (American holiday) National Woman’s Party (American political party) National Women’s Hall of Fame (educational institution, Seneca Falls, New York, United States) National Women’s History Month (history) National Women’s History Project (American organization) National Women’s Political Caucus (American political organization) National Women’s Trade Union League (American organization) National World War II Memorial (monument, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) National Wrestling Alliance (American company) National Youth Administration (United States history) National Youth Mental Health Foundation (Australian organization) national-origins system (American history) National-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (political party, Germany) Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (political party, Germany) Nationale Democratische Partij (political party, Suriname) Nationale Plantentuin Van België (garden, Meise, Belgium) Nationalgalerie (museum, Berlin, Germany) Nationalgalerie (work by Demand) nationalism (politics) Nationalism and History: Essays on Old and New Judaism (work by Dubnow) Nationalist Association (Italian political group) Nationalist Citizens’ Party (political party, Philippines) Nationalist Democratic Action (political party, Bolivia) nationalist monarchy (government) Nationalist Party (political party, Australia) Nationalist Party (Chinese political party) Nationalist Party (political party, Malta) Nationalist Party (political party, Philippines) Nationalist Party (political party, Puerto Rico) Nationalist Republican Alliance (political party, El Salvador) Nationalist Republican Party (political party, Suriname) nationalistic music (music) Nationalists (Chinese political party) “Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie, Die” (work by Bauer) Nationalities Law (Austria-Hungary [1868]) Nationalities Question and the Social Democracy, The (work by Bauer) nationality (international law) nationality principle (international law) nationalization (economic policy) Nationalliberale Partei (political party, Germany) Nationalrat (Austrian government) Nationals, the (political party, Australia) Nationalsozialismus (political movement, Germany) Nationalsozialistische Bewegung, Die (work by Hitler) Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (political party, Germany) Nationalverein (political organization, Germany) Nations, Battle of the (European history) Nations, Commonwealth of (association of states) Nations Cup (equestrian sport) nations, law of Nations, League of (international organization) Nations, Théâtre des (theatre, Paris, France) Nationwide Series (auto racing championship) Native American (people) Native American (indigenous peoples of Canada and United States) Native American art (visual arts) Native American arts (the arts) Native American Church (North American religion) Native American ”Cultural Ferment (Native American) Native American dance Native American gaming (gambling) Native American Graves and Repatriation Act (United States [1990]) Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (United States [1990]) Native American literature Native American music Native American religion Native American Self-Names (Native American) Native Argosy, A (work by Callaghan) native bank (Chinese history) Native Brotherhood (North American Indian political group) native cat (marsupial) Native Council of Canada (Canadian organization) Native Dancer (racehorse) native element (chemical element) Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act (United States legislation) Native Institute (Mexican crafts institution) Native Land Act (New Zealand [1862]) Native Lands Act (South Africa [1913]) Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, The (work by Bancroft) Native Representation Act (New Zealand [1867]) Native Sisterhood (North American Indian political group) Native Son (work by Wright) Native Title Act (Australia [1993]) Native (Urban Areas) Act (South Africa [1923])

Native’s Return, The (work by Adamic) nativism (philosophy) nativist movement (United States history) Nativistic movement (religion) Nativity (Christian art) Nativity (Christianity) Nativity (painting by Barocci) Nativity at Night, The (painting by Geertgen) Nativity, Church of the (church, Bethlehem, West Bank) Nativity play Nativity, The (work by Baldovinetti) Nativity, The (work by Goes) Nativity, The (work by Uccello) NATO NATO air defense ground environment (military technology) NATO at 50 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Natorp, Paul (German philosopher) natrium (chemical element) natriuretic peptide, atrial (hormone) Natrix (reptile genus) Natrix natrix (snake) natrolite (mineral) natron (mineral) Natron, Lake (lake, Tanzania) Natron mandible (fossil) NATS (telecommunications) Natsagdorj, Dashdorjiyn (Mongolian writer) Natsume Kinnosuke (Japanese novelist) Natsume Soseki (Japanese novelist) Natta, Giulio (Italian chemist) Nattens brød (work by Falkberget) Nattier, Jean-Marc (French painter) Natufian culture “Natur der Harmonik und Metrik, Die” (work by Hauptmann) Natur und Geist (work by Büchner) “Natur und Gnade: Zum Gespräch mit Karl Barth” (book by Brunner) natural (bullfighting) natural (music) natural abrasive Natural and Moral History of the Indies (work by Acosta) Natural and Political Observations… Made Upon the Bills of Mortality (work by Graunt) Natural and the Supernatural, The (work by Oman) natural arch (geological formation) natural asphalt (chemical compound) Natural Born Killers (film by Stone [1994]) natural bridge (geological formation) Natural Bridge (geological formation, Virginia, United States) Natural Bridges National Monument (monument, Utah, United States) natural character (taxonomy) natural childbirth (biology) Natural Childbirth (work by Dick-Read) natural class (philosophy) natural colorant natural deduction method (logic) natural disaster natural dye natural family planning (birth control) natural fibre (raw material) natural frequency (physics) natural gas natural gas liquid (chemical compound) natural gas well natural glass natural group (social differentiation) Natural Heritage Site natural history (science) Natural History (work by Pliny the Elder) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, The (work by White) Natural History, Boston Society of (museum, Boston, Massachusetts, United States) natural history museum Natural History Museum (museum, London, United Kingdom) Natural History of Birds (work by Buffon) Natural History of Religion (work by Hume) natural horn (musical instrument) natural justice (law) natural killer cell (biology) natural kinds, doctrine of (philosophy) natural language (language) natural law Natural Law and Natural Rights (work by Finnis) natural law ethics (philosophy) natural logarithm (mathematics) Natural Mind: A New Way of Looking at Drugs and the Higher Consciousness, The (work by Weil) natural number (mathematics) natural philosophy Natural Philosophy (work by Edwards) natural recording natural remanent magnetism (physics) natural resin natural resource (ecology) natural resources, conservation of (ecology) natural resources law natural rights natural rubber (rubber) natural science natural science museum natural selection (biology) natural style (garden) Natural Supernaturalism (work by Abrams) natural system (taxonomy) natural technology Natural, The (work by Malamud) Natural, The (film by Levinson [1984]) natural theology (philosophy) Natural Theology (book by Brunner) Natural Theology (work by Paley) Natural Theology (work by Sebond) natural trumpet (musical instrument) natural vibration (physics) Natural Vision (photographic process) Natural Way to Draw, The (work by Nicolaides) natural will (social organization) natural-circulation reactor (nuclear energy) natural-flow doctrine (water-rights law) natural-language processing (computer science) Naturales quaestiones (work by Seneca) Naturalienkabinett (nature collection) naturalism (art) naturalism (philosophy) Naturalism and Religion (work by Otto) Naturalist on the River Amazons, The (work by Bates) Naturalistic Bubaline (prehistoric art style and school) naturalistic fallacy (ethics) Naturalistic Photography (work by Emerson) “Naturalistische und religiöse Weltansicht” (work by Otto) naturalization (citizenship) Naturalization Act of 1870 (British legislation) naturalized epistemology (philosophy) Naturbørn (work by Claussen) nature Nature (British periodical) Nature (work by Emerson) Nature (work by Medwall) Nature and Destiny of Man, The (work by Niebuhr) Nature and the Greeks (work by Schrödinger) Nature and the Supernatural (work by Bushnell) Nature Conservancy (American organization) Nature Conservancy Ten Sleep Preserve (encampment, Wyoming, United States) nature conservation (ecology) nature, law of (logic) nature mysticism Nature of Abstract Art (essay by Schapiro) Nature of Culture (work by Kroeber) Nature of Harmony and Metric, The (work by Hauptmann) Nature of Human Intelligence, The (work by Guilford) Nature of Judgment, The (work by Moore) Nature of Mathematics, The (work by Black) Nature of Passion, The (work by Jhabvala) Nature of the Archons (Coptic literature) Nature of the Chemical Bond, and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals, The (work by Pauling) Nature of True Virtue, The (work by Edwards) nature, philosophy of nature religion (Tiele’s classification) nature reserve (ecology) nature spirit (religion) nature study (illustration) nature versus nurture (psychology) nature worship (religion) nature-nurture controversy (psychology) naturen bloeme, Der (work by Maerlant) Naturgeschichte des deutschen Volkes als Grundlage einer deutschen Socialpolitik, Die (work by Riehl) naturism (behaviour) natürliche Tochter, Die (play by Goethe) natürliche Wert, Der (work by Wieser) natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Die (work by Engler) naturopathy Naturphilosophie (work by Schelling) “Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse” (work by Hegel) NatWest (British company) Natwick, Mildred (American actress) natya (dance) natyadharmi (Indian drama) “Natyasastra” (Indian drama treatise) Natyashastra (Indian drama treatise) nauarch (ancient Greek naval officer) nauba (music) Naucoridae (insect) Naucrates ductor Naucratis (ancient Greek settlement, Egypt) Naudé, Gabriel (French librarian) Naugatuck (Connecticut, United States) Naugatuck (town and borough, Connecticut, United States) Naughton, Bill (British playwright) Naughton, William John Francis (British playwright) Naughts and Crosses (game) Naujan Lake (lake, Philippines) Naujan Lake National Park (park, Philippines) Naukanski Siberian Yupik language Naukratis (ancient Greek settlement, Egypt) Naulahka, The (romance by Kipling and Balestier) naumachia (ancient Roman theatre) naumachiae (ancient Roman theatre) Nauman, Bruce (American artist) Naumann, Friedrich (German social and political theorist) Naumburg (Germany) Naumkeag (Massachusetts, United States) Nauplia (Greece) Naur, Peter (Danish astronomer and computer scientist) nauratan (amulet)

Nauru (island country, Pacific Ocean) Nauru, flag of Nauru, Republic of (island country, Pacific Ocean) Nauru: Year In Review 1993 Nauru: Year In Review 1994 Nauru: Year In Review 1995 Nauru: Year In Review 1996 Nauru: Year In Review 1997 Nauru: Year In Review 1998 Nauru: Year In Review 1999 Nauru: Year In Review 2000 Nauru: Year In Review 2001 Nauru: Year In Review 2002 Nauru: Year In Review 2003 Nauru: Year In Review 2004 Nauru: Year In Review 2005 Nauru: Year In Review 2006 Nauru: Year In Review 2007 Nauru: Year In Review 2008 Nauru: Year In Review 2009 Nauruan language Nauruz (Zoroastrianism and Parsiism) naus (prehistoric grave) nausea (pathology) Nausea (novel by Sartre) Nauset (people) Naushad Ali (Indian composer and music director) Naushahra (Pakistan) Naushahro-Firoz (archaeological site, Pakistan) Naushehra (Pakistan) Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (film by Miyazaki) Nausikaa (drama by Goethe) Nausiphanes (Greek philosopher) nautanki (Indian folk dance) Nautical Almanac, The (British publication) nautical chart nautical mile (unit of measurement) nautili (cephalopod) nautiloid (cephalopod) Nautiloida (cephalopod subclass) Nautiloidea (cephalopod) nautilus (cephalopod) Nautilus (submarine) Nautilus (United States submarine) nautiluses (cephalopod) Nauvoo (Illinois, United States) nav aid (navigation) Nava Vidhana (Hindu religious organization) Navadvipa school (Indian philosophy) Navadwip (India) Navaho (missile) Navaho (people) Navaho language Navaho Witchcraft (work by Kluckhohn) Nava?i, ?Ali Shir (Turkish poet) Nava?i, Mir ?Ali Shir (Turkish poet) navaid (navigation) Navajo (people) Navajo code talker (United States history) Navajo language Navajo National Monument (Arizona, United States) Navajo weaving (art) Naval Academy, United States (military academy, Annapolis, Maryland, United States) naval aircraft (military technology) Naval Appropriations Act (United States [1916]) naval architecture naval base naval blockade (warfare) naval brass (alloy) naval fleet naval force (military force) Naval Intelligence, Office of (United States military) naval mine (weapon) Naval Observatory, United States (observatory, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) Naval Ordnance Laboratory (United States military organization) naval ship naval stores (resinous products) Naval Tactical Data System (United States military) Naval Tracts (work by Monson) Naval War College (college, Newport, Rhode Island, United States) Naval War with France (United States history) naval warfare Naval Warfare (work by Colomb) Navan (Ireland) Navan Fort (ancient fortress, Armagh, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) navapada (Jainism) Navapolatsk (town, Belarus) navaratra (Hindu festival) navaratra (Hindu festival) Navaratri (Hindu festival) navarin à la printanière (stew) Navarino (ancient site, Greece) Navarino, Battle of (1827) Navarino, Bay of (bay, Greece) Navarínou, Órmos (bay, Greece) Navarra (autonomous area, Spain) Navarra, University of (university, Pamplona, Spain) Navarre (autonomous area, Spain) Navarre, Pierre Freischütz (American trader) Navarrese Company (Spanish mercenary group) Navarrete, Juan Fernández de (Spanish painter) Navarro, Fats (American musician) Navarro, Pedro, conde de Olivetto (Spanish military engineer and general) Navarro, Theodore (American musician) Navas de Tolosa, Battle of Las (Spanish history) Navasky, Victor (American publisher) Navdanya (Indian agricultural project) nave (church architecture) nave del mercader, La (play by Calderón) navel (anatomy) Naven (work by Bateson) navetas (prehistoric grave) navi? (Judaism) “Navicella” (work by Giotto) navicert system (British naval policy) Navicula (algae genus) navicularius (Byzantine worker) Navidad, La (historical settlement, Hispaniola) Navier, Claude-Louis-Marie (French engineer) Navier-Stokes equation (physics) Navigatio Brendani (legendary Christian tale) navigation (behaviour) navigation (technology) Navigation Acts (United Kingdom) navigation chart navigation satellite (instrument) navigational aid (navigation) Navigator (Internet browsing program) Naviglio Grande Canal (canal, Italy) Navin Field (stadium, Detroit, Michigan, United States) Navistar International Corporation (American company) Navka, Tatyana (Russian ice skater) Navoi (Uzbekistan) Navojoa (Mexico) Navona, Piazza (square, Rome, Italy) Navotas (Philippines) Návplio (Greece) Návplion (Greece) Navratilova, Martina (American tennis player) Navsari (India) Navstar Global Positioning System (navigation) navy (military force) Navy as a Fighting Machine, The (work by Fiske) Navy Day Speech (United States history) Navy Pier (area, Chicago, Illinois, United States) Navy, Royal (British naval force) Navy, Royal Canadian (Canadian military) Navy Type 0 (Japanese aircraft) Navy, United States (United States military) Navya-Nyaya (Indian philosophical school) nawab (Mughal viceroy) Nawab Sirajuddaulah (Bengali folk drama) Nawabganj (India) Nawabshah (Pakistan) Nawa?i, ?Ali Shir (Turkish poet) Nawanagar, Sir Ranjitsinhji Vibhaji, Maharaja Jam Sahib of (Indian athlete and ruler) Nawang Gombu (Indian explorer and mountaineer) nawat language Nawatl language (Uto-Aztecan language) nawba (music) nawbah (music) Nawoiy (Uzbekistan) Nawruz (Mongol military leader) NAWSA (American organization) Naxalite (Indian communist groups) Naxçivan (republic, Azerbaijan) Naxçivan (Azerbaijan) Naxi (people) Naxi language Náxos (island, Greece) Náxos (Greece) Naxos (ancient Greek colony, Sicily) Nay Pyi Daw (city, Myanmar) Nay Pyi Taw (city, Myanmar) naya (Jainism) Nayaka (social class) Nayanagar (India) Nayanar (Tamil poet-musician) nayankara (Vijayanagar government system) Nayar (Hindu caste) Nayarit (state, Mexico) Nayif, ?Abd ar-Razzaq al- (Iraqi leader) Nayin (Iran) Nayler, James (English religious leader) Naylor, Gloria (American author) Naylor, James (English religious leader) Naypyidaw (city, Myanmar) Nayramadlïn Peak (mountain, Mongolia) Nayyar, O. P. (Indian musician) Nayyar, Omkar Prasad (Indian musician) Nazarbaev, Nursultan (president of Kazakhstan) Nazarbayev, Nursultan (president of Kazakhstan) Nazarbayev, Nursultan Abishevich (president of Kazakhstan) Nazaré (Portugal) Nazarene (Christianity) Nazarene Brotherhood (German art society) Nazarene, Church of the (American Protestant church) Nazarene, The (work by Asch) Nazarener (German art society) Nazarenos (Christianity) Nazareth (Israel) Nazareth (Pennsylvania, United States) Nazareth (Ethiopia) Nazario de Lima, Ronaldo Luiz (Brazilian athlete) Nazario, Juan (Puerto Rican boxer) Nazas River (river, Mexico) Nazca (ancient South American culture) Nazca Lines (archaeological site, Peru) Nazca Plate (geology) Na?erat (Israel) Na?erat ?Illit (Israel) Nazi (Mesopotamian goddess) Nazi concentration camp Nazi Party (political party, Germany) Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (Germany-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [1939]) Naziism (political movement, Germany) Nazim Hikmet Ran (Turkish author) Nazimova, Alla (Russian actress) Nazimuddin, Khwaja (prime minister of Pakistan) Nazinon (river, Africa) Nazionale Svizzero, Parco (park, Switzerland) Na?ir Akbarabadi (Indian Muslim poet) Nazirite (Judaism) Nazism (political movement, Germany) Nazismus (political movement, Germany) “Na?m as-suluk” (work by Ibn al-Fari?) Nazmi, Tevfik (Turkish poet) Nazor, Vladimir (Croatian author) Nazoraios (Christianity) Nazret (Ethiopia) Nazym (river, Russia) Na??am, Ibrahim an- (Muslim theologian)

Nb (chemical element) NBA (American sports organization) NBC (American sports organization) NBC (American corporation) NBC Symphony (music organization) NBC Universal (global media and entertainment company) NBC Universal, Inc. (global media and entertainment company) NBC weapons (weaponry) “NBC’s Saturday Night” (American television program) NBDL (American sports organization) NBG (German music society) NBG (mathematics) NBL (American sports organization) NBR (synthetic rubber) NBS (United States government) NBWHP (American organization) NC (distress signal) NC (computer science) NC (technology) NC curve (acoustics) NC-4 (airplane) NCA (British sports organization) NCAA (American organization) NCAR (research centre, Boulder, Colorado, United States) NCB (Interpol organization) NCB (British corporation) NCBA (American organization) NCC (American religious organization) NCEP (United States weather centers) NCHA (American organization) Nchare (West African king) NCHW (American organization) NCI (American organization) NCJW (American organization) NCL (American organization) NCLB (United States education [2001]) NCNC (political party, Nigeria) NCNC (African political organization) NCNW (American organization) Ncome River (stream, South Africa) Ncome River, Battle of (South African history) NCP (political party, Philippines) NCR Corporation (American company) NCS (medicine) NCSCC (American sports organization) NCU (South Korean government) NCW (New Zealand organization) ND (political party, Poland)

... NDRC | NDSV ... nebular variable | nebulium ... Nedham, Marchamont | Nedic, Milan ... negative mysticism | negative number ... Neiba, Sierra de | neidan ... Nelumbo nucifera | Nelumbo pentapetala ... Nenni, Pietro Sandro | Nennius ... Neology | Neomeniomorpha ... Neper, John | ... Nernst equation

Neper, John ... Nerium

Neper, John (Scottish mathematician) | “Nephelai” (play by Aristophanes) | Nephele (Greek mythology) | nepheline (mineral) | nepheline syenite (rock) | nepheline-basalt (rock) | nephelinite (lava) | nephelite (mineral) | Nephelium lappaceum (plant) | nephelometer (scientific equipment) | nephelometry (chemistry) | Nepherites II (king of Egypt) | nephew (kinship) | Nephi (Utah, United States) | Nephite (Mormonism) | nephrectomy (surgery) | nephridial gland (anatomy) | nephridiopore (anatomy) | nephridiostome (anatomy) | nephridium (anatomy) | nephrite (mineral) | nephritis | nephroblastoma | nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (medical disorder) | nephroid (mathematics) | nephrology (medicine) | nephron (anatomy) | nephron disease | nephronic loop (anatomy) | nephropathia epidemica (pathology) | Nephrops norvegicus (lobster) | nephrosclerosis (pathology) | nephrosis (pathology) | nephrostome (anatomy) | nephrotic syndrome (pathology) | nephrotome (anatomy) | nephrotoxic drug | Nepia, George (New Zealand athlete) | Nepidae (insect) | Nepisiguit (New Brunswick, Canada) | Nepoko (river, Africa) | Nepomuceno, Alberto (Brazilian composer) | Nepos, Cornelius (Roman historian) | Nepos, Julius (Roman emperor) | nepotism | Neppel (Washington, United States) | Nepticulidae (insect) | Nepticuloidea (moth superfamily) | Neptunalia (Roman festival) | Neptune (New Jersey, United States) | Neptune (planet) | Neptune (Roman god) | Neptune and Amphitrite (painting by Mabuse) | Neptune Fountain (fountain, Florence, Italy) | “Neptune” Initial Joint Plan (World War II) | Neptune’s Daughter (film by Buzzell [1949]) | Neptunism (geology) | neptunium (chemical element) | neptunium series (chemical series) | neptunium-232 (chemical isotope) | neptunium-237 (chemical isotope) | neptunium-239 (chemical isotope) | Neptunus (Roman god) | Nepveu, Pierre (French engineer) | ner tamid (Judaism) | Nera (people) | Nerbudda River (river, India) | Nerchinsk (Russia) | Nerchinsk, Treaty of (China-Russia [1689]) | Nercinsk (Russia) | Nereid (astronomy) | Nereid (Greek mythology) | Nereis (annelid) | Nereis limnicola (annelid) | Nereis virens (annelid) | Nereocystis (seaweed) | Neretum (Italy) | Neretva River (river, Europe) | Nereus (Greek god) | Nergal (Mesopotamian deity) | Nergal (planet) | Nergal-shar-usur (king of Babylonia) | Neri (medieval Italian political faction) | Neri, Giampiero (Italian author) | Neri, Pompeo (Habsburg official) | Neri, Saint Philip (Roman Catholic saint) | Neri, San Filippo (Roman Catholic saint) | Neri Vela, Rodolfo (Mexican scientist and engineer) | Néricault, Phillippe (French dramatist) | Neriglissar (king of Babylonia) | Nerik (Hittite deity) | Nerillida (polychaete order) | Nerina, Nadia (South African dancer) | Neritacea (gastropod superfamily) | neritic ecosystem (oceanography) | neritic zone (oceanography) | Neritidae (gastropod family) | Nerium (plant genus)

| Nernst potential ... Nestroy, Johann | Nestroy, Johann Nepomuk Eduard Ambrosius ... network theory | Networks and Marginality: Life in a Mexican Shantytown ... neuraminidase | neuraminidase inhibitor ... Neustadt an der Weinstrasse | Neustadt Eberswalde ... Nevin, Ethelbert Woodbridge | Nevin, John Williamson ... New Covenant | New Covenanters ... New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanical Arts | New Hampshire, flag of ... New Meuse River | New Mexico ... New School Presbyterian Church | New School University ... New Year’s Day | New Year’s Mail Service ... New Zealand Company | New Zealand, flag of ... Newfoundland | Newfoundland and Labrador ... Newton, Huey Person | Newton Letter: An Interlude, The ... NGC 206 | NGC 2070 ... Ngwenyama | Ngwenyama ... Nice, Treaty of | Nice, Truce of ... Nick of Time | nickel ... nicotine lozenge | nicotine nasal spray ... NIF | NIF ... Nights of Straparola | nightshade ... Nikolajev | Nikolajevsk-na-Amure ... NIMH | Nimitz, Chester W. ... Nintendo Wii | Ninth Amendment ... Nishio | Nishiyama Soin ... nitrous air | nitrous oxide ... Njoya | NJPAC ... no-see-um | no-till agriculture ... Noctuidae | noctule ... Nolan, Jeannette | Nolan, Sir Sidney ... Nonaligned Movement | nonalignment ... nonliterate religion | nonliterate society ... Nootka Sound Convention | Nooyi, Indra ... Norfolk four-course system | Norfolk Island ... Norodom | Norodom Ranariddh ... North American Television Standards Commission | North American walkingstick ... North Frisian language | North Geomagnetic Pole ... North Sulawesi | North Sumatra ... northern bedstraw | northern bottlenose whale ... Northern Portuguese | northern quahog ... Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories, flag of the ... noselite | Nosema ... Nothofagus cunninghamii | Nothofagus fusca ... Nottingham, Charles Howard, 1st earl of | Nottingham, Earl of ... Nova laser | Nova Lima ... Novi Bar | Novi Beograd ... nozzle | NP ... Nubar Pasha Nubarian | Nubecular Major ... nucleophilic addition | nucleophilic aromatic substitution ... Nu? II | Nuhayyan, Sheikh Shakhbut bin Sultan Al ... Numenius of Apamea | Numenius phaeopus ... nuptial plumage | Nuptse I ... nutriculture | nutrient ... Nyawarongo River | Nyaya ... Nyoro | Nyos, Lake ... “NZZ”

O ... Oakland Athletics | Oakland Raiders ... Oberkommando der Wehrmacht | Oberkommando des Heeres ... oblique wing | obliquely striated muscle ... Obskaya Guba | obstetrics ... ocean perch | ocean racing ... Ocimum basilicum | Ockeghem, Jean de ... Octopus joubini | Octopus, New York, The ... Odescalchi, Benedetto | Odessa ... Odrysian kingdom | Oduber Quirós, Daniel ... oestrous cycle | oestrus ... Official Settlements Balance | Official Story, The ... Ogosho period | Ogot, Grace ... oil | oil ... Ojukwu, Ikemba Chukwuemeka Odumegwu | Ojukwu, Odumegwu ... Oklahoma, flag of | Oklahoma State University ... Ol’chon Island | Olcott, Henry Steel ... Old Khmer language | Old Kingdom ... Old Testament Apocrypha | Old Testament Trinity, The ... Oleaceae | Oleacinacea ... Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant | Oliphant, Sir Mark ... Olmsted, Frederick Law | Olmütz ... Omaha | Omaha ... Omo remains | Omo River ... On Racine | On Religion: Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers ... On the Study of Celtic Literature | On the Sublime ... One Day in October | One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich ... Onesti | Onetti, Juan Carlos ... Onychomys leucogaster | Onychomys torridus ... Open Door policy | open graphics library ... operating-characteristic curve | Operation Desert Storm ... Opisthoproctidae | Opisthorchiida ... optical art | optical axis ... opus interassile | Opus majus ... Orange Democratic Movement-Kenya | Orange Free State ... orbital parameter | orbital period ... Orden vom Goldenen Vlies, Der | order ... ore deposit | ore development ... Orford, Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of | orfray ... organometallic compound | Organon ... orienting response | Oriflamme ... Orkneyinga saga | Orlam ... Orneodidae | Ornes, Germán Emilio ... Orphans | Orphans ... Orthodox Church of Constantinople | Orthodox Church of Czechoslovakia ... Oryol | Oryol ... Oscines | Osco Drug, Inc. ... osmiridium | osmium ... Osteen, Joel | Osteichthyes ... Ostracoda | ostracoderm ... OTEC | Otechestvenofront ... Otric | Otro Canto ... Ouachita National Forest | Ouachita orogeny ... Our Lady, Cathedral of | Our Lady, Church of ... outfielder | outflow ... over-arm bowling | Over-IJsselsche sangen en dichten ... Ovis | Ovis ammon ... ox | OX 169 ... oxosulfonium ylide | oxpecker ... Oz | oz ... Ozzfest


P (chemical element) P (biblical criticism) P/51 rifle (firearm) P and I clause (marine insurance) P blood group system (biology) P/Encke, Comet (astronomy) P/Halley, Comet (astronomy) p jet (engineering) P layer (anatomy) P/M P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, Comet (astronomy) P site (biochemistry) P source (biblical criticism) P versus NP problem (mathematics) P wave (seismology) P&P (linguistics) P-38 (aircraft) P-40 (aircraft) P-47 (aircraft) P-51 (aircraft) P-51B (aircraft) P-51D (aircraft) P-59A (aircraft) P-61 Black Widow (aircraft) P-80 Shooting Star (aircraft) P-aaleq (island, Egypt) p-adic completion of the rational numbers (mathematics) p-aminohippuric acid (chemical compound) p-block element (chemistry) P-Celtic languages P-class asteroid (astronomy) P-consciousness (philosophy) p-cresol (chemical compound) p-form (geology) P-Funk (American music group) p-i-n diode (electronics) P-L relation (astronomy) p-n junction (electronics) p-n junction diode (electronics) p-n-p transistor (electronics) p-orbital (physics) P-protein (plant structure) p-state (physics) p-type semiconductor (electronics) p-value (statistics) P. and I. Club (insurance) P. C. Hooft Prize (Dutch literary prize) P. C. Hooft Prize for Literature (Dutch literary prize) P. C. Hooft-prijs voor Letterkunde (Dutch literary prize) P. Diddy (American rapper, record producer, and clothing designer) P. Lorillard Company (American company) P.C. (religious order) P.C.C. (religious order) P.H.V. P.S. 1 (arts centre, New York City, New York, United States) P1 (Pluto’s satelite) P2 (Pluto’s satelite) P2P (computer network) p53 gene (gene)


pa (Maori settlement) PA (Palestinian government) Pa (unit of energy measurement) Pa (chemical element) Pa (ancient Chinese state) Pa Chin (Chinese author) Pa Hsien (Daoism) Pa Jen (Chinese author and critic) Pa Nai (Lao writer) Pa Sak River (river, Thailand) På St. Jørgen (work by Skram) PA system Pa-an (Myanmar) Pa-ch’i (Manchu history) pa-ku wen-chang (Chinese literary genre) pa-kua (Chinese divination) Pa-kua Shan (hills, Taiwan) Pa-May-Okee (region, Florida, United States) Pa-pien Chiang (river, Asia) “Paa gjengrodde stier” (work by Hamsun) “Paa Ski Over Grønland” (work by Nansen) Paafuglefjeren (work by Kristensen) Paamiut (Greenland) Paar family (Austrian family) Paar, Jack (American humorist) Paar, Jack Harold (American humorist) Paarl (South Africa) Paasche, Hermann (German economist) Paasche index (economics) Paasikivi, Juho Kusti (president of Finland) paatere (song) Paats River (river, Northern Europe) Paats, William (athlete) paauw (bird) Paavolainen, Olavi (Finnish author) PABA (chemical compound) pabbajja (Buddhism) Pabianice (Poland) Pablo, Augustus (Jamaican musician and producer) Pablo Honey (album by Radiohead) Pablo, Michel (Belgian politician) Pablos, Juan (Spanish printer) Pabna (Bangladesh) Pabst, G. W. (German director) Pabst, George Wilhelm (German director) PAC (materials science) PAC (South African organization) PAC (American politics) Pac-10 (college athletic organization) Pac-Man (“Pac-Man”) Pac-Man (game by Iwatani) Pac-Man (Filipino boxer and politician) paca (rodent) Paca Mama (Andean deity) Pacaraima Mountains (mountains, South America) pacarana (rodent) Pacasmayo (Peru) Pacatus Drepanius, Latinius (Gallo-Roman orator) Pacatus Drepanius, Latinus (Gallo-Roman orator) pacca (Indian theatre) Paccard, Michel-Gabriel (French physician) Paccari Tampu (shrine, Peru) paccaya (Buddhist philosophy) pacceka-buddha (Buddhism) Pacciani, Pietro (Italian farm labourer) pace (ancient Roman unit of measurement) pace (animal locomotion) Pace Institute (university, New York, United States) Pace, Luigi da (Italian artist) Pace University (university, New York, United States) Pacelli, Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni (pope) Pacem in Terris (encyclical by John XXIII) pacemaker (artificial) pacemaker (natural cardiac) pacemaker enzyme (biochemistry) Pacensis Colonia (Spain) pacer (cycling) pacer (horse racing) Pacetti, Camillo (Italian sculptor) Pach, Walter (artist) Pacha Mama (Andean deity) Pachacamac (Peruvian god) Pachacamac (archaeological site, Peru) Pachacutec (Inca emperor) Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui (Inca emperor) Pachaimalai Hills (hills, India) Pachamama (Andean deity) Pacheco de la Espriella, Abel (president of Costa Rica) Pacheco, Francisco (Spanish painter) Pacheco, Gregorio (president of Bolivia) Pacheco, José Emilio (Mexican author) Pacheco, Juan, Marqués of Villena (Spanish noble) Pacheco Pereira, Duarte (Portuguese explorer) Pachelbel, Johann (German composer) Pacher, Michael (Austrian artist) Pachim (Thailand) pachinko (game) Pachisi (game) Pachman, Ludek (Czechoslovak chess player) Pachman, Vladimir de (Russian pianist) Pachmann, Vladimir von (Russian pianist) Pachnocybales (order of fungi) Pachomius, Saint (Egyptian monk) Pachuca (Mexico) Pachuca de Soto (Mexico) pachycaulous (plant anatomy) Pachycephala pectoralis (bird) Pachycephalidae (bird) pachycephalosaur (dinosaur infraorder) Pachycephalosauria (dinosaur infraorder) Pachycephalosaurus (dinosaur genus) Pachycereus thurberi (plant) Pachymeres, George (Byzantine scholar) Pachypodium (plant genus) Pachyptila (bird) Pachyptila forsteri (bird) Pachyptila turtur (bird) Pachyrhinosaurus (dinosaur) Pachyrrhizus erosus (plant) Pachyrrhizus tuberosus (plant) Pachystima canbyi (plant) pachytene stage (biology) Pachyuromys duprasi (rodent) Pacific (American steamship) Pacific Aero Products Company (American company) Pacific air mass (meteorology) Pacific angel shark Pacific Belt Zone (region, Japan) Pacific bleeding heart (plant) pacific blockade (military procedure) Pacific Campaign (World War II) Pacific City (California, United States) Pacific Coast (region, North America) Pacific Coast Oil Company (American company) Pacific Coast Ranges (mountains, North America) Pacific Coastal Lowlands (region, Mexico) Pacific, College of the (university, California, United States) Pacific Community, Secretariat of the (international organization) Pacific coniferous forest (forest, North America) Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail (hiking trail, California, United States) Pacific Decadal Variability (climatology) Pacific dogwood (plant) Pacific Equatorial Countercurrent (ocean current) Pacific Fleet (United States Navy) Pacific Fur Company (American company) Pacific Gas and Electric Company (American company) Pacific geoduck (mollusk) Pacific Great Eastern Railway (railway, Canada) Pacific Grove (California, United States) Pacific gull (bird) Pacific herring (fish) Pacific high (meteorology) Pacific Islanders Protection Act (United Kingdom [1872]) Pacific Islands (nuclear testing) Pacific Islands (region, Pacific Ocean) Pacific Islands Forum (international organization) Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the (former United States territory, Pacific Ocean) Pacific jumping mouse (rodent) Pacific languages Pacific League (Japanese baseball league) Pacific mackerel (fish) Pacific madrona (plant) Pacific Mail Steamship Company (American company) Pacific mountain system (mountains, North America) Pacific National Exhibition (event, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) Pacific North Equatorial Current (ocean current) Pacific Northwest (region, United States) Pacific Northwest Ballet (American ballet company) Pacific Ocean Pacific Palisades (California, United States) Pacific Plate (geology) Pacific pomfret (fish) Pacific pompano (fish) Pacific pond turtle (reptile) Pacific Railroad (American company) Pacific Railway Acts (United States history) Pacific Rim National Park (national park, British Columbia, Canada) Pacific Ring of Fire (seismic belt) Pacific salmon (fish) Pacific sanddab (fish) Pacific sardine (fish) Pacific saury (fish) Pacific Scandal (Canadian history) Pacific Seaboard Air Lines (American company) Pacific Security Treaty Pacific sleeper shark Pacific South Equatorial Current (ocean current) Pacific Stock Exchange (American stock exchange) Pacific Subtropical Convergence (Pacific Ocean) Pacific tarpon (fish) Pacific Theatre of Operations (World War II) Pacific tree frog (amphibian) Pacific triton (gastropod) Pacific Tropical Convergence (Pacific Ocean) Pacific Tsunami Museum (museum, Hilo, Hawaii, United States) Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (oceanographic centre, Hawaii, United States) Pacific, University of the (university, California, United States) Pacific viperfish (fish)

Pacific walrus (mammal) Pacific, War of the (South American history) Pacific Western Oil Corporaton (American company) Pacific yew (plant) Pacific Yupik language Pacific-10 Conference (college athletic organization) Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (ridge, Pacific Ocean) Pacific-North American mode (atmospheric science) Pacifica Radio (American company) Pacificador de España, El (regent of Spain) Pacification (Netherlands history) Pacification Committee (judicial commission, Philippines) Pacífico, Guerra del (South American history) pacifism (political philosophy) pacing (horse racing) Pacini, Filippo (Italian microbiologist) Pacini, Giovanni (Italian composer) Pacinian corpuscle (anatomy) Pacino, Al (American actor) Pacino, Alfredo James (American actor) Pacioli, Luca (Italian mathematician) pack (animal behaviour) pack (backpacking) pack (ice formation) pack (cards) Pack Affairs (German history) pack animal (animal behaviour) pack animal (transportation) pack ice (ice formation) Pack, Otto von (German politician) pack skating (sport) package (electronics) package ceramics package plant (sanitation engineering) packaging Packard (American car) Packard, Clarissa (American writer and publisher) Packard, David (American engineer) Packard, James Ward (American manufacturer) Packard, Sophia B. (American educator) Packard, Vance Oakley (American social critic and author) packed red blood cell (biology) packed-column chromatography (chemistry) Packer, Alferd (American criminal) Packer, Alfred (American criminal) Packer, Asa (American philanthropist) Packer, Kerry (Australian television executive) packet transmission (communications) packet-switched network (communications) packing (combinatorics) packing (geology) packing density (geology) packing fraction (physics) packing proximity (geology) packrat (rodent) packrat (rodent) Packsche Händel (German history) paclitaxel (chemical compound) Paco (Mexican television personality) Paço, Terreiro do (square, Lisbon, Portugal) Pacoh (people) Pacorus (Parthian prince) Pacorus I (Parthian prince) Pacorus II (king of Parthia) Pacquiao, Emmanuel Dapidran (Filipino boxer and politician) Pacquiao, Manny (Filipino boxer and politician) Pact government (South African history) Pact of Steel (Italy-Germany [1939]) pacta sunt servanda (law principle) Pactum Hludowicianum (decree by Louis I) pactus (law history) pacu (fish) Pacuvius, Marcus (Roman dramatist) Paczynski, Bohdan (American astrophysicist) PAD (political party, Thailand) pada (Indian music) Padamo River (river, South America) padan (Zoroastrianism and Parsiism) Padang (Indonesia) Padang Highlands (region, Indonesia) Padang, Urang (people) Padarthatattvanirupana (work by Siromani) padauk (plant) Padaung (people) padavali (Indian literature) Padavona, Ronald James (American singer) Padda oryzivora (bird) Paddington (area, London, United Kingdom) paddle paddle shot (cricket) paddle tennis (sport) paddle tennis (sport) paddle wheel (ship part) paddlefish (fish) Paddock, Charles William (American athlete) Paddock, Charlie (American athlete) paddock dredging (mining) paddy (agriculture) Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha (novel by Doyle) Paddy’s Milestone (island, Scotland, United Kingdom) pademelon (marsupial) Paderborn (Germany) Paderewski, Ignacy Jan (composer and prime minister of Poland) Padilla, Heberto (Cuban poet) Padilla, José (New Granada general) Padilla, Juan (Spanish missionary) Padilla, Juan de (Spanish military leader) Padjelanta National Park (park, Sweden) padlock (lock) Padlock Law (Spanish history) Padma (Hindu mythology) Padma ’Byung-Gnas (Buddhist mystic) Padma River (river, Asia) Padmanabhapuram Palace (palace, India) Padmapada (Indian philosopher) Padmasambhava (Buddhist mystic) padmasana (yoga practice) Padmavati (work by Jayasi) Padmini (Indian actress) Padova (Italy) Padova, Università Degli Studi di (university, Padua, Italy) Pádraic Henry Pearse (Irish poet and statesman) padrao (Portuguese stone pillar) Padre Isla, El (Spanish author) Padre Island (island, Texas, United States) Padre Martini (Italian composer) Padre Padrone (film by Taviani brothers) Padres (American baseball team) Padri (Islamic sect) Padri War (Southeast Asian history) padrona, La (work by Betti) Padua (Italy) Padua, University of (university, Padua, Italy) Paduan school (painting) Paducah (Kentucky, United States) “Padurea spînzura?ilor” (work by Rebreanu) Padus (river, Italy) Padzi (people) paean (lyric) paecottah (irrigation device) paedodontics (dentistry) paedomorphosis (biology) Paekche (ancient kingdom, Korea) Paektu, Mount (mountain, Asia) Paeligni (people) paella (food) paellera (utensil) paenula (liturgical vestment) Paeonia (historical region) Paeonia (plant) Paeonia lactiflora (plant) Paeonia officinalis (plant) Paeonia suffruticosa (plant) Paeoniaceae (plant family) Paeonian (ancient people) Paeonius (Greek sculptor) Paer, Ferdinando (Italian composer) Paeroa (New Zealand) “Paesi tuoi” (work by Pavese) Paesiello, Giovanni (Italian composer) Paestum (ancient city, Italy) Páez (people) Páez, José Antonio (Venezuelan general) Páez, Pedro (Spanish priest) Páez, Pero (Spanish priest) Páez Xaramillo, Pedro (Spanish priest) Päffgen, Christa (German singer) Paffhausen, James (American Orthodox archbishop and metropolitan) Páfos (Cyprus) Pagadian (Philippines) Pagai Island langur (primate) Pagalu (island, Equatorial Guinea) Pagan (king of Myanmar) Pagan (Myanmar) Pagan (island, North Mariana Islands) pagan (religion) Pagan Federation (religious organization) Pagan kingdom (historical kingdom, Myanmar) Pagan, Mount (volcano, North Mariana Islands) Pagan Way (religious organization) Paganelli di Montemagno, Bernardo (pope) paganica (game) Paganini, Niccolò (Italian composer) paganism (religion) paganus (Roman social class) Pagasae (ancient port, Greece) Pagasaí, Gulf of (gulf, Greece) Pagasitikós Kólpos (gulf, Greece) page (computer memory) page (rank) Page, Alan (American athlete and jurist) Page, Alan Cedric (American athlete and jurist) Page, Anita (American actress) Page, Anne (fictional character) Page, Bettie (American model) Page, Clarence (American journalist) Page disgracié, Le (novel by Tristan) Page, Dorothy G. (American sled dog race organizer) Page, Geraldine (American actress) Page, Geraldine Sue (American actress) Page, Jimmy (British musician) Page, Larry (American computer scientist and entrepreneur) Page, Lawrence Edward (American computer scientist and entrepreneur) Page, Mary Caroline (American religious leader) Page, Mistress (fictional character) Page, P. K. (Canadian poet) Page, Robert Morris (American physicist) Page, Ruth (American dancer and choreographer) Page, Sir Earle Christmas Grafton (prime minister of Australia) Page, Sir Frederick Handley (British aircraft designer) Page, Stanton (American novelist) Page, Thomas J. (United States military officer) Page, Thomas Nelson (American author) Page, Walter (American musician) Page, Walter Hines (American author and diplomat) Page, Walter Sylvester (American musician) Page, William (American painter) pageant Pageant of the Pacific (work by Covarrubias) pageant wagon (vehicle) Pagels, Elaine (American scholar)

PageMaker (software program) Pageos I (United States satellite) Paget disease of bone (bone disease) Paget, Sir James, 1st Baronet (British surgeon and physiologist) Paget, Violet (English essayist) Paget’s disease (breast cancer) Pagganck Island (island, New York City, New York, United States) pagi (administrative region) paging (computer memory) Paglia, Camille (American academic) Pagliacci (opera by Leoncavallo) Pagliarani, Elio (Italian poet) Pagliero, Marcello (Italian filmmaker) Pagnani, Andreina (Italian actress) Pagnini, Santes (Italian scholar) Pagnino, Santes (Italian scholar) Pagninus, Santes (Italian scholar) Pagnol, Marcel Paul (French author and director) Pago Chico (novel by Payró) Pago Pago (American Samoa) Pago Pago International Airport (airport, Pago Pago, American Samoa) pagoda (architecture) pagoda dogwood (plant) pagoda tree (plant) Pagodroma nivea (bird) Pagon, Mount (mountain, Brunei) Pagophilus groenlandica (mammal) Pagosa Springs (Colorado, United States) Pagurus bernhardus (crustacean) Pagurus pollicaris (crustacean) pagus (administrative region) PAH (chemical compound) PAH (chemical compound) PAH (enzyme) Pahang (region, Malaysia) Pahang River (river, Malaysia) Paha?i (people) Pahari languages Pahari painting (art) Pahawh Hmong writing system Pahia, Mount (mountain, Bora-Bora, French Polynesia) Pahiatua (New Zealand) Pähkinäsaari, Treaty of (Scandinavia [1323]) Pahlavan Mahmoud mausoleum (mausoleum, Khiva, Uzbekistan) Pahlavi (Iran) Pahlavi alphabet Pahlavi, Bandar-e (Iran) Pahlavi Dam (dam, Iran) Pahlavi dynasty (Iranian dynasty) Pahlavi language Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza Shah (shah of Iran) Pahlavi, Reza Shah (shah of Iran) pahmi (mammal) Pahnke, Walter (American psychiatrist) PAHO (international organization) pahoehoe (lava flow) Pahud de Mortanges, Charles Ferdinand (Dutch athlete) PAI (chemical compound) Pai (people) Pai Chiang (river, China) Pai Chü-i (Chinese poet) Pai Hsien-yung (Chinese writer) Pai Marire (Maori religion) Pai-ch’eng (China) Pai-gow poker (card game) p’ai-hsiao (musical instrument) pai-hua (Chinese language) Pai-lien chiao (Chinese cult) “Pai-mao nü” (play by Ho Ching-chih) pai-miao (Chinese painting) Pai-se (China) pai-t’ung (metallurgy) Pai-yün kuan (temple, Beijing, China) Paibian Stage (geology) paiche (fish) Paicovitch, Yigal (Israeli politician) PAICV (political party, Cape Verde) Paid on Both Sides (work by Auden) paid-in capital (accounting) “Paidagogos” (work by Clement of Alexandria) paideia (education) Paiea (king of Hawaii) Paiement, André (Canadian playwright) PAIGC (political party, Africa) Paige, Leroy Robert (American baseball player) Paige, Satchel (American baseball player) Päijänne, Lake (lake, Finland) Paijusa?a (Jaina festival) Paik, Nam June (Korean-born composer, performer, and artist) Paikuli (archaeological site, Iran) paille-maille (game) pailü (Chinese poetry) Paimio (Finland) pain pain perception (biology) pain perception threshold (physiology) Paine, John Knowles (American composer) Paine, Robert (American ecologist) Paine, Robert Treat (United States statesman) Paine, Thomas (British-American author) Painesville (Ohio, United States) Painlevé, Paul (French politician and mathematician) pains and penalties, bill of (law) paint (chemical product) paint brush (plant) Paint It Today (novel by Doolittle) paint pot (geological feature) Paint Rock (Texas, United States) paintbrush (art) Painted Bird, The (novel by Kosinski) Painted Bronze (sculpture by Johns) painted buckeye (plant) painted bunting (bird) Painted Church (church, Honaunau, Hawaii, United States) Painted Colonnade (hall, Athens, Greece) Painted Colonnade (hall, Olympia, Greece) painted cup (plant) Painted Desert (desert, Arizona, United States) painted enamel (art) painted finch (bird) Painted Gray Ware culture Painted House, A (novel by Grisham) painted lady (plant) painted lady (butterfly) painted lady (flowering plant) painted mackerel (fish) Painted Pottery culture (anthropology) painted quail (bird) painted redstart (bird) painted snipe (bird) Painted Stoa (building, Athens, Greece) painted terrapin (reptile) painted tree rat (mammal) painted turtle (reptile) Painted Word, The (book by Wolfe) painter Painter and His Model, The (painting by Braque) Painter and His Pug, The (painting by Hogarth) “Painter of His Dishonor, The” (play by Calderón) Painter, William (English author) Painter’s Daughter Chasing a Butterfly (painting by Gainsborough) Painters Eleven (Canadian artist) painting Painting by Numbers (book by Komar and Melamid) painting knife “Painting Machines” (works by Tinguely) painting, Western (art) Painvin, Georges J. (French cryptologist) Paipai (people) pair axiom (set theory) pair hitch (dogsled method) Pair of Blue Eyes, A (novel by Hardy) pair of virginals (musical instrument) pair potential function, intermolecular (physics) pair production (physics) pair system (numeral systems) paired leaf arrangement (plant anatomy) paired terrace (geology) paired-associate learning pairing, axiom of (set theory) pairing energy (electrons) Páirliment Chloinne Tomáis (Irish literature) pairs skating (sport) Páirtí Lucht Oibre (political party, Ireland) Pais, Abraham (American physicist) País, El (Spanish newspaper) País, El (Uruguayan newspaper) Pais, Sidónio (president of Portugal) País Vasco (region, Spain) Paisà (film by Fellini) Paisaci dialect (language) “Paisan” (film by Fellini) Paisiello, Giovanni (Italian composer) Paisiy of Khilendar (Bulgarian monk) Paisley (Scotland, United Kingdom) paisley (textile pattern) Paisley, Bob (British soccer team manager) Paisley, Ian (Northern Ireland politician) Paisley, Ian Richard Kyle (Northern Ireland politician) Paisley Park Studios (American company) Paisley Park Studios: Prince’s Sonic Playground (Paisley Park Studios) Paisley, Robert (British soccer team manager) Paisley shawl (clothing) Paitishhahya (Zoroastrianism) Paiute (people) Paiva, Afonso de (Portuguese traveler) “Päivälehti” (Finnish newspaper) Paiwan language Paiwanic language Paixhans, Henri-Joseph (French military officer) paixiao (musical instrument) paj ntaub (Asian decorative arts) Pajama Game, The (work by Bissell) pajamas (clothing) Pajarito Plateau (plateau, New Mexico, United States) Pajeú (river, Brazil) paji (garment) Pajitnov, Alexey (Russian video game designer) Pajkowski, Franciszek A. (American athlete) Pajon, Claude (French theologian) Pajou, Augustin (French sculptor) PAK (political party, Greece) Pak Chi-Won (Korean writer) “Pak Ch’omjikuk” (Korean puppet play) Pak Island (island, Papua New Guinea) Pak Kyongni (South Korean writer) Pak Nae-hyon (Korean artist) Pak No-su (Korean artist) Pak Se Ri (South Korean golfer) Pak Tai (region, Thailand) Pak Tujin (Korean poet) Pak-hoi (China) Pakaha (king of Israel) Pakanbaru (Indonesia) Pakaraima Mountains (mountains, South America) Pake, George Edward (American physicist) Pakenham, Edward Arthur Henry (British dramatist) Pakenham, Elizabeth Harman (British historian and biographer) Pakenham, Francis Aungier (British politician) pakhavaj (musical instrument) Pakhtu language Pakhtun (people) Pakhtunwali (social code) Paki, Lydia Liliuokalani (queen of Hawaii) Pakian Viravong (Lao writer) Pakistan Pakistan, Church of (Protestant denomination) Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pakistani government agency) Pakistan, flag of Pakistan, history of Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation (Pakistani financial organization) Pakistan International Airlines (Pakistani company) Pakistan Muslim League (J) (political party, Pakistan)

Pakistan Muslim League (N) (political party, Pakistan) Pakistan Muslim League (Q) (political party, Pakistan) Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (political party, Pakistan) Pakistan National Alliance (political party, Pakistan) Pakistan People’s Party (political party, Pakistan) Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarians (political party, Pakistan) Pakistan Posts and Telegraph Department (Pakistani company) Pakistan Resolution (Indian-Pakistani history) Pakistan Telecommunications Company, Ltd. (Pakistani company) Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (Pakistani organization) Pakistan: Year In Review 1993 Pakistan: Year In Review 1994 Pakistan: Year In Review 1995 Pakistan: Year In Review 1996 Pakistan: Year In Review 1997 Pakistan: Year In Review 1998 Pakistan: Year In Review 1999 Pakistan: Year In Review 2000 Pakistan: Year In Review 2001 Pakistan: Year In Review 2002 Pakistan: Year In Review 2003 Pakistan: Year In Review 2004 Pakistan: Year In Review 2005 Pakistan: Year In Review 2006 Pakistan: Year In Review 2007 Pakistan: Year In Review 2008 Pakistan: Year In Review 2009 Pakistani Clergy, Assembly of (political party, Pakistan) Pakistani Water and Power Development Authority (Pakistani organization) Pakistan’s Precarious Security Situation (Pakistan) pakka (food) Paknam (Thailand) Pakokku (Myanmar) pakora (food) Pakores (Parthian prince) Paks (Hungary) Pak?adhara Misra (Indian philosopher) Paksas, Rolandas (president of Lithuania) Pakse (Laos) Pakstan paksu (Korean religion) Pakubuwono III (king of Mataram) Pakula, Alan J. (American director and writer) Pakxé (Laos) Pal, Bipin Chandra (Indian journalist) Pal, George (American animator and producer) Pal Joey (music by Rodgers and Hart) PAL system (television) pala (sports equipment) Pala bronze (Indian art) Pala d’Oro (altar screen, Saint Mark’s Basilica, Venice, Italy) Pala dynasty (Indian dynasty) Pala painting Palabora (South Africa) “Palabra del mudo” (work by Ribeyro) Palabras en la arena (play by Buero Vallejo) palace (architecture) Palace and Gardens of Versailles, The (painting by Vanderlyn) Palace at 4 A.M., The (work by Giacometti) Palace Chapel (chapel, Aachen, Germany) palace, count of the (feudal official) palace examination (Chinese civil service) palace, mayor of the (European official) Palace Museum (museum, Beijing, China) Palace Museum (museum, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia) Palace of Pleasure, The (work by Painter) palace school (education) Palace Square (square, Saint Petersburg, Russia) Palace Square (square, Bucharest, Romania) Palace Style (art) Palace Terrace (square, Lisbon, Portugal) Palace Theatre (theatre, London, United Kingdom) Palace Theatre (theatre, New York City, New York, United States) Palach, Jan (Czech dissident) Palacio, Andy Vivien (Belizean musician) Palácio da Pena (building, Sintra, Portugal) Palácio das Necessidades (building, Lisbon, Portugal) Palacio Valdés, Armando (Spanish writer) Palacký, František (Czech historian and politician) Palade, George E. (Romanian-born American cell biologist) Palade, George Emil (Romanian-born American cell biologist) Palaearctic region (faunal region) Palaearctic vegetation Palaechthon (fossil primate genus) Palaemon (Greek mythology) Palaeo-Siberian (people) Palaeo-Siberian languages (linguistics) palaeoanthropology palaeobotany (science) Palaeobranchia (bivalve subclass) Palaeocaridacea (crustacean) Palaeocastor (paleontology) Palaeocene Epoch (geochronology) palaeoclimatology (science) Palaeoctopoda (cephalopod suborder) Palaeoctopus newboldi (fossil mollusk) Palaeodonta (mammal) palaeoecology (science) Palaeogene Period (geochronology) palaeogeography palaeogeology Palaeographia Graeca (text by Montfaucon) palaeography Palaeoheterodonta (bivalve subclass) palaeohydrology Palaeolithic Period (anthropology) Palaeologus family (Byzantine family) Palaeologus, Michael VIII (Byzantine emperor) Palaeologus, Thomas Komnenus (despot of Epirus) Palaeologus, Zoë (wife of Ivan III) palaeomagnetism (rocks) Palaeonisciformes (fish order) palaeontology (science) Palaeopalaemon (crustacean) Palaeopropithecidae (primate family) Palaeoscincus (dinosaur genus) Palaeospondylus (paleontology) Palaeostomatopoda (crustacean) Palaeotaxodonta (bivalve subclass) Palaeotropical kingdom (floral region) Palaeozoic Era (geochronology) Palaestina Salutaris (ancient province, Middle East) Palagonia, Villa (villa, Bagheria, Italy) Palaic language Palaiologos family (Byzantine family) Palaiopréveza (Greece) Palaipaphos (historical city, Cyprus) Palaiphatos (ancient writer) palais à volonté (theatrical scene) Palais de la gloire, Le (work by Anselm of Saint Mary) Palais de l’honneur, Le (work by Anselm of Saint Mary) Palais des Festivals (building, Cannes, France) Palais Grand-Ducal (palace, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) Palais-Bourbon (building, Paris, France) Palais-Royal (palace, Paris, France) Palais-Royal Theatre (theatre, Paris, France) Palakkad (India) Palakus (Scythian ruler) Palamás, Kostís (Greek poet) Palamas, Saint Gregory (Greek theologian) Palamcottah (India) Palamède (medieval literature) Palamedes (Greek legend) Palamon (fictional character) palampores (fabric) Palana (Russia) Palance, Jack (American actor) Palance, Walter Jack (American actor) Palangkaraya (Indonesia) Palanpur (India) palanquin (bed) Palanyuk, Volodymyr (American actor) Palaquium oblongifolia (plant) Palar River (river, India) palas (rug) Palashi (India) Palast der Republik (palace, Berlin, Germany) palatal (phonetics) palatal consonant (phonetics) palatal plate (anatomy) palatal stop (phonetics) palatal vowel harmony (linguistics) palatalization (phonetics) palate (anatomy) Palatinate (historical region, Germany) Palatine (Illinois, United States) palatine (medieval official) “Palatine Anthology” (Greek literature) Palatine Chapel (chapel, Aachen, Germany) Palatine Chapel (chapel, Palermo, Italy) Palatine Gate (gate, Turin, Italy) Palatine Hill (hill, Rome, Italy) Palatine Honour Guard (Vatican City police) palatine tonsil (anatomy) Palatino, Giovanni Battista (Italian calligrapher) Palatino, Monte (hill, Rome, Italy) Palation (ancient city, Turkey) Palatka (Florida, United States) palato-alveolar consonant (linguistics) Palau Palau (island, Palau) Palau, flag of Palau owl (bird) Palau: Year In Review 1994 Palau: Year In Review 1995 Palau: Year In Review 1996 Palau: Year In Review 1997 Palau: Year In Review 1998 Palau: Year In Review 1999 Palau: Year In Review 2000 Palau: Year In Review 2001 Palau: Year In Review 2002 Palau: Year In Review 2003 Palau: Year In Review 2004 Palau: Year In Review 2005 Palau: Year In Review 2006 Palau: Year In Review 2007 Palau: Year In Review 2008 Palau: Year In Review 2009 Palauan (people) Palauan language Palaumnili Palaung (people) Palaung-wa languages Palaungic languages Palawan (island, Philippines) Palawan stink badger (mammal) Palayankottai (India) Palazzeschi, Aldo (Italian author) Palazzetto dello Sport (stadium, Rome, Italy) Palazzo Abbatellis (building, Palermo, Italy) Palazzo Aiutamicristo (building, Palermo, Italy) Palazzo Venezia, Museo di (museum, Rome, Italy) Palazzolo Acreide (Italy) Palcephalopoda (cephalopod subclass) pale (heraldry)

pale (restricted area) pale ale (alcoholic beverage) pale catechu (plant) pale corydalis (plant) Pale Fire (novel by Nabokov) pale fox (mammal) Pale Horse, Pale Rider (work by Porter) pale kangaroo mouse (rodent) pale laurel (shrub) Pale of Settlement (Russian history) pale, soft, and exudative meat Pale, The (historical region, Ireland) Pale View of Hills, A (novel by Ishiguro) pale-headed saki (monkey) palea (bract) palea (in ferns) Paleacrita vernata (insect) paleae (bract) paleae (in ferns) Palearctic region (faunal region) Pálec, Štepán (Czech priest) Palembang (Indonesia) Palencia (province, Spain) Palencia (Spain) Palencia, University of (university, Palencia, Spain) Palenque (people) Palenque (ancient city, Mexico) Paleo Tethys Ocean (geology) Paleo Tethys Sea (geology) Paleo-Asiatic (people) Paleo-Asiatic languages (linguistics) Paleo-Christian art Paleo-Indian culture Paleo-Siberian (people) Paleo-Siberian languages (linguistics) paleoanthropology Paleoasiatic (people) paleobiogeography paleobotany (science) Paleocaucasian languages paleoceanography Paleocene Epoch (geochronology) Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum paleocerebellum (anatomy) paleoclimatology (science) paleoconservatism (political philosophy) paleocontinent (geology) paleoecology (science) paleoform (geology) Paleogammarus (fossil) Paleogene Period (geochronology) paleogeography paleogeology paleography paleohydrology paleolake Paleolithic Period (anthropology) Paléologue, Maurice-Georges (French diplomat and writer) paleomagnetism (rocks) paleontology (science) Paleontology of New York, The (work by Hall) paleopallium (anatomy) paleoprimatology paleoprotistology (biology) Paleoptera (insect) Paleosiberian (people) Paleosiberian languages (linguistics) paleosol (soil) paleostriatum (anatomy) Paleosuchus (reptile) Paleothyris (reptile) Paleotropical kingdom (floral region) Paleotropical realm (floral region) Paleotropical realm (faunal region) paleovalley (geological feature) Paleozoic Era (geochronology) Paleozoic subzone (geological feature, Asia) Palermo (Italy) Palermo, Cathedral of (cathedral, Palermo, Italy) Palermo, Protocol of (Argentina [1852]) Palermo Stone (Egyptian archaeology) Pales (Roman gods) Palés Matos, Luis (Puerto Rican poet) Palesse (region, Eastern Europe) Palestine Palestine, history of Palestine Liberation Front (Palestinian organization) Palestine Liberation Organization (Palestinian political organization) Palestine Liberation Organization, flag of Palestine mandate (League of Nations resolution) Palestine National Charter (charter, PLO) Palestine National Council (Palestinian organization) Palestine National Covenant (charter, PLO) Palestine, Partition of (1948) Palestine Plateau (plateau, Palestine) “Palestine Post” (Israeli newspaper) Palestine Symphony (orchestra) Palestinian (people) Palestinian Aramaic (language) Palestinian Authority (Palestinian government) Palestinian Election (Israel) Palestinian Legislative Council (Palestinian government) Palestinian National Authority (Palestinian government) Palestinian religions (ancient religion) Palestinian Talmud (religious text) Palestinian-Christian Aramaic (language) Palestrina (opera by Pfitzner) Palestrina (ancient town, Italy) Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da (Italian composer) Palethorpe-Todd, Richard Andrew (Irish actor) Palevsky, Max (American computer pioneer) Paley, Grace (American author) Paley, William (British philosopher and priest) Paley, William S. (American executive) Palghat (India) Palghat Gap (pass, India) Palgrave, Francis Turner (British author) Palhae (ancient state, China) Palhe (ancient state, China) Pali (India) “Pali Canon” (Buddhist canon) Pali language Pali language Pali literature Pali Text Society Palice of Honour, The (work by Douglas) Palici (ancient deities) Palicur (people) Palikir (Micronesia) Palikur (people) Palila (bird) palilalia (behavioural disorder) Palimé (Togo) Palin, Michael (British comedian) Palin, Sarah Heath (American politician) Palingénésie philosophique, La (work by Bonnet) palingenesis (philosophy) Palinuridae Palinurus elephas (crustacean) Palio, Corsa del (Italian festival) Palio, the (Italian festival) Palisa, Johann (Silesian astronomer) palisade cell (plant tissue) palisade mesophyll (plant tissue) palisade parenchyma (plant tissue) Palisades (New Jersey, United States) Palisades Sill (rock unit, United States) Palisades, The (bluffs, New Jersey and New York, United States) Palissy, Bernard (French potter and scientist) Palitzsch, Johann Georg (German astronomer) Paliurus spina-christi (plant) Palizada, Río (river, Mexico) Palk Strait (strait, Bay of Bengal) Palkhivala, Nani Adeshir (Indian jurist and activist) Palko v. Connecticut (law case) Palkonda Hills (hills, India) Palkovic, Jiri (Slovak translator) Palkuriki Somanatha (Indian poet) P’alkwanhoe (Korean festival) pall (heraldry) pall (ecclesiastical vestment) palla (clothing) palla-palla (Bolivian dance) Palladas (Greek writer) Palladian window (architecture) Palladianism (architectural style) palladin (gene) Palladio, Andrea (Italian architect) Palladis Tamia; Wits Treasury (work by Meres) palladium (chemical element) Palladium (Greek religion) palladium hydride (chemical compound) Palladius (Galatian monk, bishop, and chronicler) Palladius (bishop of Ireland) Pallas (asteroid) Pallas (Greek mythology) Pallas and the Centaur (painting by Botticelli) Pallas, Peter Simon (German naturalist) pallasite (meteorite) Pallas’s cat (mammal) Pallava dynasty pallavi (music) Pallavicini, Gian Luca (Genoese patrician) Pallavicino, Oberto (Italian leader) Pallca (archaeological site, Peru) PALLD (gene) Pallenberg, Max (Austrian actor) Pallene (ancient city, Greece) pallet (materials handling) pallet (pipe organ) pallet load pallia (invertebrate) pallia (ecclesiastical vestment) pallial cavity (anatomy) pallial line (mollusk anatomy) pallial retractor muscle (mollusk anatomy) palliative surgery pallid harrier (bird) pallidotomy (surgery) pallidum (anatomy) Pallieter (novel by Timmermans) Palliser, John (British surveyor) Palliser, Sir Hugh (British admiral) pallium (invertebrate) pallium (ecclesiastical vestment) palliums (invertebrate) Pallo, Jackie (British wrestler) palm (tree) palm (ancient Egyptian unit of measurement) palm (ancient Roman unit of measurement) Palm Bay (Florida, United States) Palm Beach (Florida, United States) palm borer (beetle) palm cabbage (food) palm chestnut (nut) Palm City (Florida, United States) palm civet (mammal) palm cockatoo (bird) Palm Festival (football game) Palm Inc. (American company) palm oil palm order (plant order) Palm OS (operating system) palm PC (handheld computer) Palm Pilot (computer) palm print (anatomy) Palm Springs (California, United States) Palm Sunday (Christianity) Palm Sunday Outbreak (meteorology) Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of 1965 (meteorology) palm swift (bird) palm-chat (bird) palm-kernel oil palm-nut vulture (bird) Palm-Wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster in the Deads’ Town, The (work by Tutuola) Palma (Spain) palma (Mesoamerican art) Palma Airport (airport, Majorca, Spain)

Palma Il Vecchio (Italian painter [1480?-1528]) Palma, Jacopo (Italian painter [1480?-1528]) Palma, José (Filipino writer) Palma, Ralph De (American athlete and manufacturer) Palma, Ricardo (Peruvian writer) Palma Soriano (Cuba) Palma, Tomás Estrada (president of Cuba) Palmach (Zionist military organization) Palmae (tree) palmar and plantar keratosis (skin disease) Palmares (historical republic, Brazil) Palmaria (algae genus) Palmaria palmata (biology) Palmas (Brazil) palmately compound leaf (plant anatomy) Palmatolepis (conodont) Palmatolepis triangularis (conodont) Palmdale (California, United States) Palme, Olof (prime minister of Sweden) Palme, Sven Olof Joachim (prime minister of Sweden) Palmeiro, Rafael (American baseball player) Palmela, conde de (Portuguese statesman) Palmela, Pedro de Sousa Holstein, duque de (Portuguese statesman) Palmer (Alaska, United States) Palmer, A. Mitchell (American politician) Palmer, Ada (American opera singer) Palmer, Alexander Mitchell (American politician) Palmer, Alice Elvira Freeman (American educator) Palmer Archipelago (island group, Antarctica) Palmer, Arnold (American golfer) Palmer, Barbara (English noble) Palmer, Bertha Honoré (American philanthropist) Palmer, Bruce (American general [1913-2000]) Palmer, Bruce (Canadian musician [1946-2004]) Palmer, Carl (British musician) Palmer, Charles, Lord Limerick (English noble) Palmer, D. D. (American merchant) Palmer, E. H. (British linguist) Palmer, Earl (American drummer) Palmer, Edward Henry (British linguist) Palmer, Edward Vance (Australian author) Palmer, Jim (American baseball player) Palmer, John (English criminal) Palmer, John (British architect) Palmer Land (Antarctica) Palmer, Nathaniel (American explorer) Palmer, Nathaniel Brown (American explorer) Palmer, Patrick (American astronomer) Palmer Peninsula (peninsula, Antarctica) Palmer, Phoebe Worrall (American evangelist and writer) Palmer, Potter (American businessman) Palmer raids (United States history) Palmer, Robert Alan (British singer) Palmer, Roundell, 1st Earl of Selborne (British jurist) Palmer, Samuel (British painter) Palmer, Sir Geoffrey (prime minister of New Zealand) Palmer, Timothy (American architect) Palmer, Vance (Australian author) Palmer, William Henry (American magician) Palmer, William Waldegrave, 2nd Earl of Selborne (British statesman) Palmesel (religious art) palmetto (tree) Palmgren, Selim (Finnish composer) Palmieri, Eddie (American musician) Palmieri, Luigi (Italian scientist) Palmieri, Matteo (Italian educator) Palmira (Colombia) palmistry (occultism) palmitic acid (chemical compound) palmityl-S-ACP (chemical compound) Palmolive-Peet Company (American company) Palmoxylon cliffwoodensis (plant species) Palmquist, Gustaf (Swedish teacher and minister) Palmstrom (work by Morgenstern) palmtop (handheld computer) palmus (ancient Roman unit of measurement) Palni Hills palo verde (plant) Paloc (people) Palola (polychaete genus) Palolo siciliensis (marine worm) Palolo viridis (marine worm) palolo worm (polychaete) Palomar, Mount (mountain, California, United States) Palomar Observatory (observatory, California, United States) Palomino (breed of horse) Palomino (novel by Jolley) Palomino de Castro y Velasco (Spanish painter) Palomo, José (Chilean artist) Palóu, Francisco (Spanish priest) palp proboscid (mollusk anatomy) palp proboscides (mollusk anatomy) palpation (medicine) palpebral aperture (anatomy) palpebral conjunctiva (anatomy) palsa (topography) Palsgrave’s Men (English theatrical company) Pálsson, Sigurgur (Icelandic author) palstave (tool) palsy (pathology) Palta (people) Paltrow, Bruce (American producer and director) Paltrow, Gwyneth (American actress) Paltrow, Gwyneth Kate (American actress) Palu (Indonesia) Paluba (work by Irzykowski) Paludan, Jacob (Danish author) Paludan, Stig Henning Jacob Puggaard (Danish author) Paludan-Müller, Frederik (Danish poet) “Paludes” (work by Gide) Palus Acherusia (lagoon, Italy) palustric acid (chemical compound) Palyessye (region, Eastern Europe) palygorskite (mineral) palynology palynomorph (paleontology) Pam (prime minister of United Kingdom) PAM (machine tool technology) Pama-Nyungan languages (linguistics) Pamba (river, India) Pambo (play by Mlama) “Pamela” (work by Richardson) Pamela, A Comedy (work by Goldoni) Pamela in her Exalted Condition (work by Richardson) Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded (work by Richardson) Pamfili, Giambattista (pope) “Pamietniki” (work by Pasek) pamir (grassland) Pamir (mountain region, Asia) Pamir argali (sheep) Pamir River (river, Central Asia) Pamir Tadzhik (people) Pamir Tajik (people) Pamir-Alay (mountains, Central Asia) Pamirs (mountain region, Asia) Pamlico (people) Pamlico Formation (geological feature, United States) Pamlico Sea (ancient lake, United States) Pamlico Sound (sound, North Carolina, United States) Pammelia (collection by Ravenscroft) Pampean Sierras (mountains, Argentina) pampero (wind) Pamphili, Eusebius (Christian bishop and historian) Pamphilus (Christian teacher) pamphlet (literature) Pamphylia (ancient district, Anatolia) Pamphylia Secunda (ancient province, Turkey) Pamphylian (ancient people) Pamplona (Colombia) Pamplona (city, Spain) Pampulha (Brazil) Pamuk, Orhan (Turkish author) Pamukkale (ancient Phrygian city) Pamunkey (people) Pamyat (Russian political organization) pan (weaponry) PAN (political party, Mexico) Pan (Greek god) pan (bronze work) p’an (bronze work) Pan (crater, Amalthea) Pan (work by Gorter) pan (card game) Pan (ape genus) pan (cinematography) pan (geology) PAN (academy, Poland) PAN (chemical compound) PAN (chemical compound) Pan African Green Belt Network (African organization) Pan Am (American airline company) Pan Am flight 103 disas=ter (terrorist bombing, 1988) Pan America, Operation (economic program) Pan American Airways (American airline company) Pan American Games (sports event) Pan American Health Organization (international organization) Pan American Institute of Geography and History (cartographical organization) Pan American Sanitary Bureau (international organization) Pan American Sanitary Organization (international organization) Pan American Sports Games (sports event) Pan American World Airways, Inc. (American airline company) Pan Asia (American organization)

Pan Asian American Women, Organization of (American organization) Pan Ch’ao (Chinese general) Pan Chao (Chinese scholar) Pan dobry (work by Bohomolec) Pan Gu (Chinese historian) Pan Gu (Chinese mythology) Pan, Hermes (American choreographer) Pan Hill (hill, Guangzhou, China) Pan in the Bulrushes (painting by Böcklin) pan joist system (construction) Pan Kiao (Taiwan) Pan Ku (Chinese historian) P’an Ku (Chinese mythology) pan o palo (political slogan, Mexico) Pan paniscus (primate) Pan Piao (Chinese official) pan pipe (musical instrument) pan plant (plant) Pan Tadeusz (work by Mickiewicz) Pan Tianshou (Chinese artist) P’an T’ien-shou (Chinese artist) Pan-African episode (geology) Pan-African event (geology) Pan-African Games (sports) Pan-African movement Pan-African orogeny (geology) Pan-African Parliament (intergovernmental organization, Africa) Pan-Africanism Pan-Africanist Congress (South African organization) Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania (South African organization) Pan-American Association of Composers (music organization) Pan-American conferences (1826-1948) Pan-American Exposition by Night (film by Porter) Pan-American Highway Pan-American Union (international organization) Pan-Arabism (ideology) Pan-Babylonism (historiography) Pan-Cake makeup (cosmetics) Pan-ch’iao (Taiwan) Pan-German League (German organization) Pan-German Party (political party, Germany) Pan-Germanism (German political movement) pan-hu (musical instrument) Pan-Islamism pan-ku (Chinese musical instrument) pan-liang (Chinese coin) P’an-lung-ch’eng (ancient site, China) Pan-Philippine Highway (highway, Philippines) Pan-p’o site (archaeological site, China) Pan-p’o-ts’un (archaeological site, China) Pan-Russian Orthodox Council Pan-Scandinavianism Pan-shan ware Pan-Slavism p’an-t’ao (Chinese mythology) Pan-Turanianism (political movement, Turkey) Pan-Turanism (political movement, Turkey) Pan-Turkism (political movement, Turkey) panachage (voting) panacinar emphysema (pathology) Panaenos (Greek painter) Panaetius (Roman philosopher) Panagiotopolous, Hermes (American choreographer) Panaji (India) Panama Panamá (Panama) Panama, Audiencia of (Central American history) Panama Canal (canal, Central America) Panama Canal Commission (United States-Panamanian agency) Panamá, Canal de (canal, Central America) Panama Canal Treaty (Panama-United States [1977]) Panama Canal Zone (region, Panama) Panama City (Panama) Panama City (Florida, United States) Panama disease (plant disease) Panama, flag of Panama, Gulf of (gulf, Panama) Panama hat Panama hat palm (botany) Panama hat plant (botany) Panama, history of Panama, Isthmus of (isthmus, Central America) Panama, Republic of Panamá, República de Panama Scandal (French history) Panamá, University of (university, Panama) Panama: Year In Review 1993 Panama: Year In Review 1994 Panama: Year In Review 1995 Panama: Year In Review 1996 Panama: Year In Review 1997 Panama: Year In Review 1998 Panama: Year In Review 1999 Panama: Year In Review 2000 Panama: Year In Review 2001 Panama: Year In Review 2002 Panama: Year In Review 2003 Panama: Year In Review 2004 Panama: Year In Review 2005 Panama: Year In Review 2006 Panama: Year In Review 2007 Panama: Year In Review 2008 Panama: Year In Review 2009 Panamanian capybara (rodent) Panamanian golden frog (toad) Panamanian golden toad (toad) PANAMAX (ship) Panamerican Center for Geographic Studies and Investigation (educational institution, Quito, Ecuador) panamiga (plant) Panamint Range (mountains, United States) Panammu (king of Zincirli) PanAmSat Corporation (American corporation) Panaramittee style (Oceanic art) Panarion (work by Epiphanius) Panarity, Querim (Albanian immigrant) Panasqueira (mine, Portugal) panatela (cigar) Panathenaea (Greek festival) Panathenaic Stadium (stadium, Athens, Greece) Panathenaicus (speech by Isocrates) Panavia MRCA (airplane) Panavia Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (airplane) Panavia Tornado (airplane) Panax (herb) Panax ginseng (herb) Panax quinquefolium (herb) Panax schinseng (herb) Panay (island, Philippines) Panay Island cloud rat (rodent) Panayan (people) Panayía Evangelistría (church, Tínos, Greece) Panaz Tepe (ancient Greek settlement, Turkey) pañc-piara (Sikhism) pañca-parame??hin (Jainism) pañca-sila (Buddhism) pancake bomb (volcanic ejecta) pancake dome (landform) pancake ice (ice formation) pancake tortoise (reptile) pañcama (Hindu caste) Pañcapadika (work by Padmapada) Pañcaratra (religious movement) Pancarida (crustacean superorder) Pañcasikha (Indian philosopher) Pancasila (Indonesian political philosophy) “Pancatantra” (Indian literature) pancayat (housing) pañcayat (Indian caste government) pañcayat-raj (Indian government) pañcayatana (architecture) Panch Shila (Indian history) Panchakosi (road, Varanasi, India) Panchama (Hindu social class) Pancharatra (religious movement) Panchatantra (dance by Shanti Bardhan) Panchatantra (Indian literature) panchayat (Indian caste government) panchayat-raj (Indian government) panchayet (Indian caste government) Panchen Lama (Tibetan Buddhism) Panchimalco (El Salvador) panchromatic film (photography) panchromatic makeup (makeup) Panckoucke, Charles-Joseph (French publisher) pancratium (ancient sport) pancreas (anatomy) pancreas, cystic fibrosis of the (pathology) pancreas transplant (medicine) pancreatic amylase (biochemistry) pancreatic cancer (pathology) pancreatic glucagon (hormone) pancreatic hormone (biochemistry) pancreatic islets (anatomy) pancreatic juice (biochemistry) pancreatic polypeptide (biochemistry) pancreatitis (pathology) pancreozymin (hormone) pancuronium bromide (chemical compound) pancytopenia (pathology) panda (mammal) panda (Ailurus fulgens) panda bear (mammal) panda plant (plant) Pandaceae (plant family) Pandai Island (island, Indonesia) Pandaka pygmaea (fish) Pandalus montagui (crustacean) Pandanaceae (plant family) Pandanales (plant order) pandanus (plant) Pandanus (plant) Pandanus candelabrum Pandanus veitchii (plant) Pandarus (Greek mythology) Pa??av (literature) Pa??avas (Hindu legend) Pandawa play (literature) Panday, Basdeo (prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago) pandean pipes (musical instrument) Pandectae (Roman law digest) Pandectarum sive Partitionum universalium Conradi Gesneri…libri xxi (work by Gesner) Pandectists (philosophical school) Pandects (Roman law digest) pandeism (religious philosophy) pandemic (pathology) Pandemos (Greek mythology) Pander, Christian Heinrich (German anatomist) Panderma (Turkey) Panderma rug pandermite (mineral) Pandharpur (India) pandiatonicism (music) Pandion haliaetus (bird) Pandionidae (bird) Pandit, Kulbhushan Nath (Indian actor) Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi (Indian politician and diplomat) Pa??itaradhya Caritra (poem by Palkuriki Somanatha) Pandji (Javanese literature) Pandolfi, Vito (Italian critic, theatrical scholar, and director) Pandolpho (Italian-English churchman) Pandora (astronomy) Pandora (Greek mythology) Pandora’s Box (film by Pabst) Pandora’s Box (work by Wedekind) Pandosto (work by Greene) pandourion (musical instrument) Pandrosos (Greek mythology) Pandu (Hindu legendary figure)

Pandua (ancient town, India) Pandukkabhaya (Sri Lankan king) Pandulf (Italian-English churchman) Pandulf I (count of Capua) Pandulph (Italian-English churchman) Panduro, Leif (Danish writer) Panduvasudeva (Sri Lankan king) Pandwani (Indian folk ballad) Pandya dynasty (Indian dynasty) “Pane e vino” (work by Silone) Pane e vino (work by Papini) panegyreis (Greek religion) panegyric (rhetoric) Panegyric to Origen (work by Gregory Thaumaturgus) Panegyricus (speech by Isocrates) panegyris (Greek religion) panegyry (Greek religion) panel (construction) panel caving panel chair (furniture) panel entry (mining) panel haulage (mining) panel heating Panel of the Infante (work by Goncalves) panel painting (art) panel show (radio) panel wall panel-block caving panelák (building) paneling (interior design) panelling (interior design) Panellinio Apeleutherotiko Kinima (political party, Greece) Panellinio Sosialistiko Kinima (political party, Greece) panengah (language style) panentheism Paneth, Friedrich Adolf (Austrian chemist) Panethnikon (painting by Levine) Paneth’s cell (anatomy) Panetta, Leon (American politician) Panetta, Leon Edward (American politician) Panevežys (Lithuania) Pang Xun (Chinese rebel) Pangaeos, Mount (mountain, Greece) Pangaeum, Mount (mountain, Greece) Pangaion, Mount (mountain, Greece) Pangaíon Óros (mountain, Greece) Pangaios, Mount (mountain, Greece) Pangalos, Theodoros (Greek statesman) Pangani (Tanzania) Pangani River (river, Tanzania) Pangasinan (people) Pangasinan language “Pange lingua” (work by Fortunatus) pangenesis (science) Pangeon, Mount (mountain, Greece) Pangermanismus (German political movement) Pangio kuhlii (fish) Pangkalpinang (Indonesia) Pangkor Engagement (British-Malayan treaty) Pangnirtung (Canada) pangolin (mammal) Pangong Range (mountains, Asia) Pangrango, Mount (mountain, Indonesia) Pangu (Chinese mythology) panguingue (card game) Panguitch (Utah, United States) Panguna (Papua New Guinea) Panhame River (river, Africa) Panhard, René (French engineer) panharmonicon (musical device) Panhellenic Liberation Movement (political party, Greece) Panhellenic Socialist Movement (political party, Greece) Panhellenion (Greek political federation) panhypopituitarism (pathology) Paniagua,Valentín (Peruvian politician) panic (economics) panic (psychology) panic attack (psychology) panic disorder (psychology) "Panic in Needle Park, The" (film by Schatzberg [1971]) Panic in the Streets (film by Kazan [1950]) Paniceae (plant tribe) panicke (Baltic religion) panicle (plant anatomy) Panicoideae (plant subfamily) panicum (plant anatomy) Panicum capillare (plant) Panicum maximum (plant) Panicum miliaceum (plant) Panicum obtusum (plant) Panicum turgidum (plant) Panicum virgatum (plant) Panié, Mount (mountain, New Caledonia) Panier (district, Marseille, France) panier (clothing) panihari (Indian dance) Panihati (India) Panikkar, Kavalam Madhava (Indian statesman) Panin, Nikita Ivanovich, Graf (Russian count) Pa?ini (Indian grammarian) Panini (primate tribe) Panini, Giovanni Paolo (Italian painter) paniolo (Hawaiian cowboy) Panipat (India) Panipat, Battles of (Indian history) Panizzae foramen (anatomy) Panizzi, Antonio Genesio Maria (Italian librarian) Panizzi, Sir Anthony (Italian librarian) Panj Piare (Sikhism) Panj River (river, Asia) Panjabi language Panjah va siho se nafar (work by Alavi) Panjalu (historical kingdom, Indonesia) Panjgur (Pakistan) Panjim (India) Panjkora (river, Asia) Panjnad River (river, Pakistan) Panjsher (river, Asia) Pankhurst, Dame Christabel Harriette (British suffragist) Pankhurst, Emmeline (British suffragist) Pankhurst, Richard Marsden (British lawyer) pankration (ancient sport) Pankratov, Denis (Russian athlete) pankus (Hittite legal assembly) pankush (Hittite legal assembly) panleucopenia (disease) panleukopenia (disease) panlobular emphysema (pathology) Panlongcheng (ancient site, China) panmictic unit (genetics) P’anmunjom (demilitarized zone, Korean Peninsula) Panmure, Fort (historical fort, Mississippi, United States) Panmure, Fox Maule, 2nd Baron (British statesman) Panna (India) panna (religious concept) Panna National Park (national park, India) Pannartz, Arnold (German printer) paññatti (Buddhist philosophy) panner (baking device) Panneton, Philippe (French-Canadian writer) panniculus carnosus (biology) pannier (clothing) panning (mining) panning shot (cinematography) Pannini, Giovanni Paolo (Italian painter) Panniqtuuq (Canada) Pannonhalma Apátság (abbey, Hungary) Pannonia (historical region, Europe) Pannonian Basin (geographical region, Europe) pannus (pathology) Pano (people) Pano-Tacanan languages Panoan languages Panocho (Spanish dialect) Panofsky, Erwin (German-American art historian) Panofsky, Wolfgang Kurt Hermann (American particle physicist and arms-control adviser) Panopea bitruncata (mollusk) Panopea generosa (mollusk) “Panoplia Dogmatike” (work by Choniates) Panoplia dogmatike tes orthodoxou pisteos (work by Zigabenus) Panopolis (Egypt) Panoptes (Greek mythology) panopticon (penal architecture) panorama (visual arts) Panorama (Italian magazine) panoramic sight (firearms) Panormia (work by Ivo of Chartres) Panormos (Turkey) Panormus (Italy) Panorpa meridionalis (insect) Panozzo, John (American musician) panpipe (musical instrument) panpsychism (philosophy) Pan’s Labyrinth (film by del Toro [2006]) Pansa, House of (ancient building, Pompeii, Italy) Pansaers, Clément (Belgian poet) pansophism (philosophy) p’ansori (Korean music) panspermism (scientific hypothesis) pansy (plant) Pansy (American author) Pantaenus (Stoic philosopher) Pantágoro (people) “Pantagruel” (work by Rabelais) Pantagrueline Prognostication (work by Rabelais) Pantaléon, Jacques (pope) “Pantaleón y las vistadoras” (work by Vargas Llosa) Pantaleone family (Middle Ages, Europe) Pantalone (stock theatrical character) Pantaloon (stock theatrical character) Pantanal (floodplain, Brazil) Pantanal complex (South American vegetation) Pantani, Marco (Italian athlete) pantao (Chinese mythology) Pantar Island (island, Indonesia) Pantarchy (social theory) Pante Makasar (East Timor) Pantelleria Island (island, Italy) pantellerite (mineral) Panter, Peter (German writer) Panter-Downes, Mollie Patricia (British writer) Panth (Sikhism) “Panth Prakash” (work by Ratan Singh Bhangu) Panthalops hodgsoni (mammal) Panthay Rebellion (Chinese history) pantheism Pantheon (building, Rome, Italy) Panthéon (building, Paris, France) Pantheon (work by Godfrey of Viterbo) Pantheon, Society of the (French revolutionary group) Panthéon-Nadar (work by Nadar) panther (mammal) Panther (tank) “Panther” Incident (European history) panther mushroom (fungus) Panther Party (American organization) Panther, the (Mozambican-Portuguese athlete) Panthera (mammal genus) Panthera leo (mammal) Panthera nebulosa (mammal) Panthera onca (cat) Panthera pardus (mammal) Panthera tigris (mammal) Panthera tigris altaica (mammal) Panthera tigris amoyensis (mammal) Panthera tigris balica (mammal) Panthera tigris corbetti (mammal) Panthera tigris sondaica (cat subspecies) Panthera tigris sumatrae (mammal) Panthera tigris tigris (mammal) Panthera tigris virgata (mammal) Panthera uncia (cat) Panticapaeum (Ukraine) Panticapaion (Ukraine) panting (physiology) Pantjasila (Indonesian political philosophy) pantobase airplane (aircraft) Pantodon buchholzi (fish) pantograph Pantokrator Mountain (mountain, Corfu, Greece)

pantomime (theatre) Pantomime (work by Walcott) pantomime ballet pantomimi (ancient Roman dancers) pantomimos (theatre) pantomimus (theatre) pantomimus (ancient Roman dancers) Panton, William (British merchant) Pantopoda (arthropod, Pycnogonida class) pantothenic acid (chemical compound) pantothere (fossil mammal) Pantotheria (fossil mammal) pantoum (poetic form) Pantridge, Frank (British physician) Pantridge, James Francis (British physician) Pantry, The (painting by Hooch) pants (clothing) pants suit (clothing) pantsuit (clothing) pantun (poetic form) panty hose (hosiery) Pantycelyn, Williams (British religious leader) Pánuco River (river, Mexico) Panufnik, Sir Andrzej (British composer and conductor) Panum’s fusional area (psychology) Panuridae (bird) Panurus biarmicus (bird) Panyassis (epic poet) Panych, Morris (Canadian playwright and actor) Panza, Sancho (fictional character) panzer (German tank) panzer division (military unit) Panzer, Georg Wolfgang (German author) Panzer Group West (German military) Panzerfaust (weapon) Panzerfaust 100 (weapon) Panzerfaust 30 (weapon) Panzerkampfwagen (German tank) Panzerschreck (weapon) Panzerwaffe (German military force) pao (clothing) p’ao (clothing) Pão de Açúcar (mountain, Brazil) Pao River (river, Venezuela) Pao-chi (China) pao-chia (Chinese social system) pao-kao wen-hsüeh (Chinese literary genre) Pao-ting (China) Pao-t’ou (China) Paola (Malta) Paolazzi, Leo (Italian poet) Paoli, Pasquale (Corsican statesman) Paolo and Francesca (painting by Ingres) Paolo da Venezia (Italian artist) Paolo Di Venezia (Italian philosopher) Paolo Farinato (Italian artist) Paolo Manuzio (Italian printer) Paolo Veneto (Italian philosopher) Paolozzi, Sir Eduardo Luigi (British artist) PAP (cosmology) PAP (political party, Singapore) Pap smear (medicine) Pap test (medicine) Pápa (Hungary) Papa (Maori goddess) Papa Bear (American sportsman) Papá Montero (Cuban baseball player and manager) Papa Wendo (Congolese musician) papacy (Roman Catholicism) Papadiamandis, Alexandros (Greek writer) Papadiamantópoulos, Yánnis (French poet) Papadopoulos, Dimitrios (Greek patriarch) Papadopoulos, Giorgios (dictator of Greece) Papadopoulos, Tassos (president of Cyprus) papagallo (fish) Papago (people) Papagos, Alexandros (Greek statesman) papain (enzyme) Papak (Iranian religious leader) Papak (Persian prince) papakancha (Incan unit of measurement) papal brief (papal) papal bull (Roman Catholicism) papal chancery (Roman Catholicism) papal council (religion) papal diadem (papal dress) papal document (Roman Catholicism) Papal Gendarmerie (Vatican City police) papal infallibility (Roman Catholicism) papal legate (Roman Catholicism) Papal Palace (building, Avignon, France) papal primacy (Roman Catholicism) Papal Secretariat (Roman Catholic official) Papal Secretariat of State (Roman Catholic official) Papal States (historical region, Italy) papalagi (people) Papaleo, Anthony (American actor) Papaleo, Guglielmo (American boxer) Papaloapan River (river, Mexico) Papandreou, Andreas (prime minister of Greece) Papandreou, Andreas Georgios (prime minister of Greece) Papandreou, George (prime minister of Greece) Papandreou, George (archbishop of Athens) Papandreou, Georgios (prime minister of Greece) Papandreou, Georgios Andreas (prime minister of Greece) Papanicolaou, George (American mathematician) Papanicolaou smear (medicine) Papantla (Mexico) Papantla de Hidalgo (Mexico) Papantla de Olarte (Mexico) Papapetrou, Petros (Greek cleric) paparazzi (photography) paparazzo (photography) Papareschi, Gregorio (pope) Papa’s Delicate Condition (film by Marshall) Papaver (plant genus) Papaver dubium (plant) Papaver nudicaule (plant) Papaver orientale (plant) Papaver pavoninum (plant) Papaver somniferum (plant) Papaveraceae (plant family) Papaverales (plant order) papaverine (drug) papaw (fruit) papaw (Asimina genus) papaya (fruit) papaya family (plant family) Pape, Jean-Henri (French musical instrument craftsman) Papeete (French Polynesia) Papen, Franz von (German statesman) Papenbroeck, Daniel van (Belgian clergyman) paper paper birch (plant) Paper Brigade (Jewish organization) paper cartridge (ammunition) Paper Chase, The (film by Bridges [1973]) paper chasing (sport) paper chromatography (chemistry) paper cut (printmaking) Paper Doll (song) paper folding (art) paper laminate (laminate) Paper Lion (work by Plimpton) Paper Mate pen (writing implement) paper money (economics) Paper Moon (film by Bogdanovich [1973]) paper mulberry (plant) Paper Music (album by McFerrin) paper nautilus (cephalopod) paper plant (plant) paper pulp paper recovery system Paper Soul (work by Rodgers) paper wasp (insect) paper-casting process (materials processing) paperback book paperbark maple (plant) paperbark tree (plant) paperboard paperflower (plant) papermaker’s alum (chemical compound) papermaking paperweight (decorative arts) Papes, Palais des (building, Avignon, France) Paphiopedilum (plant genus) Paphlagonia (ancient district, Anatolia) Paphos (Cyprus) Papian Code of Gundobad (Germanic law) Papias (early Christian writer and bishop) papier collé (art form) papier-mâché Papilio (butterfly genus) Papilio dardanus (butterfly) Papilio glaucus (butterfly) Papilio machaon (butterfly) Papilio marcellus (insect) Papilio oregonius (butterfly) Papilionidae (insect family) Papilioninae (insect) Papilionoidea (insect) Papilionoideae (plant subfamily) papilla amphibiorum (anatomy) papilla basilaris (anatomy) papilla, mantle (anatomy) papillary carcinoma (pathology) papillary muscle (anatomy) papilledema (medicine) papillitis (pathology) papilloma (pathology) papilloma virus (pathology) Papillomaviridae (pathology) papillomavirus (pathology) Papillon (French criminal) papillon (breed of dog) Papillon (work by Charrière) Papineau, Louis-Joseph (Canadian politician) Papineau-Couture, Jean (Canadian composer) Papini, Giovanni (Italian author) Papinian (Roman jurist) Papinianus (work by Gryphius) Papio (mammal) Papio anubis (primate) Papio comatus (primate) Papio hamadryas (primate) Papio papio (primate) Papio ursinus (primate) Papirofsky, Joseph (American producer and director) “Pápissa Ioánna, I” (work by Roídis) Papke, Billy (American boxer) Papon, Maurice-Arthur-Jean (French bureaucrat) Papovaviridae (virus group) papovavirus (virus group) Papp, Joseph (American producer and director) Papp, László (Hungarian athlete) pappataci fever (pathology) Pappenheim, Bertha (Austrian psychiatric patient) Pappenheim, Gottfried Heinrich, Graf zu (German officer) pappus (plant anatomy) Pappus of Alexandria (Greek mathematician) Pappus’s projective theorem (geometry) Pappus’s theorem (geometry) paprika (spice) “Papst und das Konzil, Der” (work by Döllinger) Papua (province, Indonesia) Papua Barat (province, Indonesia) Papua, Gulf of (gulf, Pacific Ocean)

Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea, flag of Papua New Guinea, University of (university, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea) Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 1993 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 1994 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 1995 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 1996 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 1997 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 1998 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 1999 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 2000 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 2001 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 2002 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 2003 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 2004 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 2005 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 2006 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 2007 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 2008 Papua New Guinea: Year In Review 2009 Papuan (people) Papuan languages papule (anatomy) Papyri, Villa of the (villa, Herculaneum, Italy) papyrology papyrus (plant) papyrus (writing material) Papyrus Bodmer II (biblical literature) papyrus column (Egyptian religion) papyrus roll (ancient book) Paqari-tampu (shrine, Peru) paqarina (Andean shrine) Paquette Habana (United States law) Paquier, Claudius Innocentius du (Dutch potter) Paquin, Anna (Canadian actress) par (golf) PAR (British government) par condicio creditorum (law) Par fil spécial (work by Baillon) Par les champs et par les grèves (work by Flaubert) par value (economics) par-three golf Pará (Brazil) para (section of Qur?an) Pará (state, Brazil) para (Finnish folklore) para adumma (Judaism) Para el cielo y los altares (work by Benavente y Martínez) “Para leer al Pato Donald” (work by Dorfman and Mattelart) Para nut (food) Pará nut (food) Para nut tree (plant) Para nut tree (Brazil nut tree) Pará River (river, Brazil) Para rubber tree (plant) para-aminobenzenesulfonamide (drug) para-aminobenzoic acid (chemical compound) para-aminohippuric acid (chemical compound) para-aminosalicylic acid (chemical compound) para-carborane (chemical compound) para-cresol (chemical compound) para-hydrogen (chemistry) Para-Nilotic languages para-xylene (isomer) parabasis (literature) Parabel (river, Russia) Parabellum pistol (weapon) Parablastoidea (class of echinoderms) parable (biblical literature) parable (literary genre) Parable of the Blind, The (painting by Bruegel) parabola (mathematics) Parábola del náufrago (work by Delibes) parabolic antenna (electronics) parabolic equation parabolic microphone (instrument) parabolic orbit parabolic partial differential equation parabolic reflector (electronics) parabolic ski (sports equipment) paraboloid Parabuteo unicinctus paracanthopterygian (fish superorder) Paracanthopterygii (fish superorder) Paracatu (river, Brazil) Paracel Islands (islands, South China Sea) Paracelsus (German-Swiss physician) Paracelsus (poem by Browning) Paracentrotus (sea urchin) Paracentrotus lividus (sea urchin) Paraceratherium (extinct mammal) paracetaldehyde (chemical compound) paracetamol (chemical compound) Paracheirodon innesi (fish) Paraclete (French religious community) Paraclete (Christianity) paracompactness (mathematics) paracontrast (physiology) paracrine function (physiology) Paracrinoidea (class of echinoderms) parade Parade (ballet by Satie) Parade of the Banner (Italian festival) Parade’s End (work by Ford) Paradesengen (play by Heiberg) paradigm (scientific research) Paradip (India) Paradis artificiels, Les (work by Baudelaire) Paradis de la reine Sibylle (work by La Sale) Paradisaea (bird) Paradisaeidae (bird) paradise (religion) Paradise (novel by Morrison) paradise, bird of (bird) paradise flycatcher (bird) paradise, grains of (seeds) Paradise Island (resort area, The Bahamas) Paradise Lost (epic by Milton) paradise palm (plant) Paradise Regained (work by Marsman) Paradise Regained (work by Milton) paradise tanager (bird) paradise tree (Christianity) Paradise Valley (Arizona, United States) paradise whydah (bird) Paradiso (theatre) Paradiso (work by Dante) Paradiso (work by Lezama Lima) paradox (literature) paradox (logic) Paradox of Acting (work by Diderot) Paradoxa (work by Cicero) “Paradoxe sur le comédien” (work by Diderot) Paradoxes and Problems (work by Donne) paradoxes of Zeno (Greek philosophy) paradoxical cold and heat (biology) Paradoxides (trilobite genus) Paradoxides harlani (paleontology) Paradoxides Series (geology) Paradoxien des Unendlichen (work by Bolzano) Paradoxornis (bird) Paradoxornis webbiana (bird) Paradoxornithidae (bird) Paradoxurus (plant genus) Paradoxurus hermaphroditus (mammal) Paradzhanian, Sarkis (Armenian director) Paradzhanov, Sergey Yosifovich (Armenian director) Paradzhanov, Serhy (Armenian director) Paraetonium (Egypt) paraffin (chemical compound) paraffin compound (chemical compound) paraffin hydrocarbon (chemical compound) paraffin oil (chemical compound) paraffin series (chemical compound) paraffin wax (chemical compound) paraflagellar rod (biology) parafoil parafollicular cell (anatomy) parafovea (anatomy) Parafusulina (paleontology) Paraga, Dobroslav (Croatian political leader) Paragallo, Annibale Luigi (American photographer) paragenesis (mineralogy) paragliding (sport) Paraglomerales (order of fungi) paragneiss (geology) paragonimiasis (pathology) Paragonimus westermani (flatworm) paragonite (mineral) paragraph (writing) Paragraph 175 (German penal code) paragraphos (linguistics) Paraguaçu River (river, Brazil) Paraguai, Rio (river, South America) Paraguaná Peninsula (peninsula, Venezuela) Paraguarí (Paraguay) Paraguay Paraguay, Congress of (legislative body, Paraguay) Paraguay, flag of Paraguay, history of Paraguay, Republic of Paraguay, República del Paraguay, Río (river, South America) Paraguay River (river, South America) Paraguay River basin (basin, South America) Paraguay tea (beverage) Paraguay: Year In Review 1993 Paraguay: Year In Review 1994 Paraguay: Year In Review 1995 Paraguay: Year In Review 1996 Paraguay: Year In Review 1997 Paraguay: Year In Review 1998 Paraguay: Year In Review 1999 Paraguay: Year In Review 2000 Paraguay: Year In Review 2001 Paraguay: Year In Review 2002 Paraguay: Year In Review 2003 Paraguay: Year In Review 2004 Paraguay: Year In Review 2005 Paraguay: Year In Review 2006 Paraguay: Year In Review 2007 Paraguay: Year In Review 2008 Paraguay: Year In Review 2009 Paraguay-Paraná-Plata river system (watershed, South America) Paraguaya de Trabajadores, Confederación (Paraguayan trade union) Paraguayan War (South American history) Paraguayan Workers, Confederation of (Paraguayan trade union) Paragymnomma (fly genus) Parahippus (paleontology) parahormone (hormone) Parahoué plateau (plateau, Benin) Parahyaena brunnea (mammal) Parahyba (state, Brazil) Parahyba do Norte (state, Brazil) Paraíba (state, Brazil) Paraíba (Brazil) Paraíba do Sul River (river, Brazil) Paraibuna (Brazil) parainfluenza virus Paraíso, El (archaeological site, Peru) Paraiulidae (beetle larva) parakeet (bird) Parakidograptus acuminatus (fossil species) parakiyarati (Hinduism) Parakou (Benin) Parakrama Pa??ita (Sinhalese writer) Parakrama Samudra (irrigation system, Sri Lanka) Parakramabahu I (king of Sri Lanka) Parakramabahu II (king of Sri Lanka) Parakramabahu the Great (king of Sri Lanka)

Parakramabahu VI (king of Sri Lanka) Parakumbasirita (Sinhalese poem) paraldehyde (chemical compound) paralegal (law) Paralepididae (fish) paraliageosyncline (geology) Paralichthodidae (fish family) Paralichthyidae (fish family) Paralichthys dentatus (fish) Paralipomena of Jeremiah (Pseudepigrapha) Paralipomenon I and II (Old Testament) Paralithodes camtschaticus (crustacean) parallax (optics) parallel (geography) parallel ATA (computer science) parallel bars (sports) parallel bus (computer science) parallel circuit (electronics) parallel computer (computing) parallel cousin (anthropology) parallel displacement (mathematics) parallel distributed processing (psychological model) parallel distributed-information processor (computer science) parallel drain system (agriculture) parallel evolution (biology) parallel lines (geometry) Parallel Lives (work by Plutarch) parallel magnetic circuit (physics) parallel motion (technology) parallel ohmmeter (instrument) parallel perspective (art) parallel polarization (physics) parallel postulate (geometry) parallel processing (computing) parallel runway (airport) parallel straightedge (drawing instrument) parallel transport (mathematics) parallel turn (skiing) parallel-flow heat exchanger parallel-plate capacitor (electronics) Parallèlement (work by Verlaine) parallelism (biblical interpretation) parallelism (figure of speech) parallelism, psychophysical parallelistic song (poetry) parallelogram (mathematics) parallels (geography) parallels of latitude (geography) Paralycopodites (extinct plant genus) Paralympic Games: A Forum for Disabled Athletes, The (Paralympic Games) paralysis (pathology) paralysis agitans (pathology) paralysis, infantile (pathology) paralytic polio (pathology) paralytic poliomyelitis (pathology) paralytic shellfish poison (biology) paralytic shellfish poisoning (pathology) Param Sant Ji Maharaj (Indian spiritual leader) paramagnetism (physics) paramahamsa (Hinduism) Paramahamsa Sabha (Hindu organization) Paramanuchit (Siamese religious leader and author) Paramanujita Jinorasa (Siamese religious leader and author) Paramara (people) Paramaribo (Suriname) Paramartha (Indian Buddhist missionary and translator) paramartha-satya (Buddhist concept) paramarthasatya (Buddhist concept) Paramattha Mañjusa (work by Dhammapala) Paramecium (biology) Paramecium aurelia (biology) Paramecium bursaria (biology) Paramecium caudatum (biology) paramedical personnel paramedics paramesonephric duct (anatomy) Paramesvara (king of Khmer empire) Paramesvara (Malay ruler) parameter (mathematics and statistics) parameterized post-Newtonian theory (physics) parameters, variation of (mathematics) paramilitary (monastic group) Paramillo, Mount (mountain, Colombia) Paramirim (river, Brazil) paramita (Buddhism) paramnesia (psychology) paramnesia tout court (psychology) páramo (biome) paramorph (mineral) Paramount Communications Inc. (American corporation) Paramount Pictures Corporation (American corporation) paramylum (biology) paramyosin (protein) Paramyxoviridae (virus family) Paramyxovirinae (genus of viruses) paramyxovirus (virus family) Paran (desert, Middle East) Paraná (Argentina) Paraná (state, Brazil) Paraná Basin (region, South America) Paraná, Cathedral of (cathedral, Argentina) Paraná, Federal University of (university, Curitiba, Brazil) Paraná pine (plant) Paraná Plateau (plateau, South America) Paraná River (river, South America) Paraná, Universidade Federal do (university, Curitiba, Brazil) Paranaguá (Brazil) Paranaíba River (river, South America) Paranal Observatory (observatory, Chile) Paranapanema River (river, Brazil) Parañaque (Philippines) paranasal air sinus (anatomy) paranasal sinus (anatomy) paranasal sinus disease Parandowski, Jan (Polish author) paraneoplastic syndrome (pathology) paranoia (mental disorder) paranoiac critical method (psychology) paranoid grandiosity (mental disorder) Paranoid Park (film by Van Sant) paranoid personality disorder (psychology) paranoid schizophrenia (mental disorder) paranosmia (biology) Parantaka I (Indian king) Paranthropus (anthropology) Paranthropus aethiopicus (paleontology) Paranthropus boisei (paleontology) Paranthropus crassidens (paleontology) Paranthropus robustus (paleontology) Paraonis (polychaete genus) parapegma (ancient meteorology) parapegmata (ancient meteorology) parapente (sport) parapet (warfare) parapet gable (architecture) Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament (work by Whitby) paraphrase, heresy of (philosophy) paraphrase nominalism paraphrased folk dance paraphyses (plant anatomy) paraphysis (plant anatomy) Parapinaces (Byzantine emperor) paraplatform (geology) paraplegia (pathology) “Parapluies de Cherbourg, Les” (film by Demy [1964]) parapodium (anatomy) parapositronium (physics) Parapriacanthus (fish) parapsychological phenomenon parapsychology paraquat (chemical compound) Pararaton (Javanese chronicle) parareptile (reptile group) Parareptilia (reptile group) pararhyme (linguistics) Parasakthi (motion picture) Parasaurolophus (dinosaur genus) Para?awara (Pakistan) Parascaris univalens (nematode) parascending (gliding) Paraschivescu, Miron (Romanian author) Paraschwagerina (paleontology) parasexuality (reproduction) parasha (Judaism) Parasha (poem by Turgenev) Parashara (legendary Indian ascetic) Parashurama (Hindu mythology) Parasitaxus ustus (plant) parasite (biology) Parasite, The (work by Mendele) parasitic castration (biology) parasitic catfish (fish) parasitic disease parasitic drag (mechanics) parasitic jaeger (bird) parasitic moth (insect family) parasitic plant (botany) parasitic skua (bird) parasitism (biology) parasitoid (biology) parasitoidism (biology) parasitology (biology) Paraskevaidis, Christos (Greek archbishop) Paráskhos, Akhilléfs (Greek poet) Parasnath (peak, India) parasocial sequence (behaviour) parasol (protective device) parasol ant parasol pine (tree) parasol shaft (ritualistic object) parasol wing (aircraft) parastatal (government company) Parasurama (Hindu mythology) Parasurama-Khetram (region, India) parasympathetic nervous system (anatomy) parasympathetic neuron (physiology) parasympathetic outflow (anatomy) parasympathomimetic drug (drug) parathion (insecticide) parathormone (hormone) parathyroid adenoma (pathology) parathyroid gland (anatomy) parathyroid glandular disease parathyroid hormone (hormone) Paratitla (work by Cujas) paratuberculosis (livestock disease) paratype (biology) paratyphoid fever (disease) parauque (bird) Parautoptic lock “Paravents, Les” (work by Genet) paravertebral ganglion (anatomy) Paravicino, Fray Hortensio (Spanish monk) paraxial image (optics) paraxial ray (optics) paraxial rod (biology) Parazoa (animal subkingdom) Parazoanthus axinellae (coral) Parbate (people) Parbhani (India) parblanching (cooking) parboiling (cooking) PARC (research centre, Palo Alto, California, United States) Parc National de Waza (park, Cameroon) Parc National des Garamba (park, Democratic Republic of the Congo) Parc Provincial de la Gaspésie (park, Quebec, Canada) Parc, Thérèse Du (French actress) Parca (Greek and Roman mythology) Parcae (Greek and Roman mythology) parcel post Parcells, Bill (American football coach) Parcham Party (political party, Afghanistan) Parcheesi (game) parchment (writing material) parchment worm (polychaete genus)

Parcoblatta pennsylvanica (insect) pard (mammal) parda (Islamic custom) pardah (Islamic custom) pardalote (bird) Pardalotidae (bird family) Pardalotus (bird) Pardalotus punctatus (bird) Pardesi synagogue (synagogue, Mattancheri, India) pardo (people) Pardo Bazán, Emilia, condesa de (Spanish writer) Pardo, Manuel (president of Peru) Pardo, Pact of (Spanish history) Pardo y Barreda, José (president of Peru) Pardofelis pardon (law) Pardosa (spider genus) Pardubice (Czech Republic) Pardubitz (Czech Republic) pardus (mammal) Paré, Ambroise (French surgeon) Parecis Mountains (mountains, Brazil) Parecupa Merú (waterfall, Venezuela) Paredes, Carlos (Portuguese musician) Paredes y Arrillaga, Mariano (president of Mexico) paregoric (drug) pareiasaur (paleontology) Pareisauria (reptile order) Pareja, Juan de (Spanish painter) Parement de Narbonne (Gothic painting) parenchyma (anatomy) parenchyma (plant tissue) parenchyma cell (plant anatomy) parenchymella (sponge) parent (chemical nomenclature) parent (kinship) Parent, Antoine (French mathematician) parent company parent corporation parent isotope (chemistry) parent language (linguistics) Parent, Marie (Canadian artist) Parent, Mimi (Canadian artist) parent molecule (astronomy) Parent-Teacher Association (American organization) Parent-Teacher Organization (American organization) parental care parental society (biology) Parentalia (Roman religious festival) Parentalia (work by Ausonius) parentela (Germanic law) parenteral administration (pharmacology) parenteral dosage (pharmacology) parenteral poison (biochemistry) Parenteroxenos doglieli (snail) Parentes (Roman religion) parenthesis (grammar) parenting Parent’s Assistant, The (work by Edgeworth) Parents’ Committee to Free Our Children from the Children of God (American organization) Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (gay rights organization) Parents Just Don’t Understand (song by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince) Parentucelli, Tommaso (pope) Parerga (work by Korais) Parerga und Paralipomena (work by Schopenhauer) paresis (pathology) paresthesia (pathology) Paret, Benny (boxer) Paret, Benny “Kid” (boxer) Pareto Optimum (business) Pareto, Vilfredo (Italian economist and sociologist) Paretsky, Sara (American author) pareve (Judaism) Parfaicte Amye, La (work by Héroët) Parfit, Derek (British philosopher) parfleche (American Indian art) Párga (Greece) pargana (territorial unit, India) pargasite (mineral) Pargeter, Edith Mary (British author) Pargiters: A Novel-Essay, The (work by Woolf) Pargys Caillit (paraphrase translation from Milton) Parhae (ancient state, China) Parham, Charles Fox (American religious leader) parhelion (atmospheric science) Pari, Simona pari-mutuel (gambling system) Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area (wilderness area, Arizona-Utah border, United States) Paria, Gulf of (gulf, South America) Paria Peninsula (peninsula, Venezuela) Paria Plateau (plateau, Arizona, United States) Paria River (river, Arizona, United States) pariage (treaty) pariah (Indian caste system) Parian Chronicle (ancient Greek document) Parian Marble (ancient Greek document) Parian marble Parian ware (pottery) Paribas (French company) paricá (drug) Paricutín (volcano, Mexico) Paridae (bird family) paridhana (Hindu dress) parietal bone (anatomy) parietal cell (biology) parietal cortex (anatomy) parietal lobe (anatomy) parietal pericardium (anatomy) parietal placentation (botany) parietal pleura (anatomy) parietal serous layer (anatomy) Parietaria (plant) parieto-occipital fissure (anatomy) Parilia (ancient Roman festival) Parima Mountains (mountains, South America) Pariñas (Peru) Parini, Giuseppe (Italian author) parinirva?a (Buddhism) Parintintin (people) Paris (fictional character) Paris (Greek mythology) Paris (France) Paris (Kentucky, United States) Paris (Texas, United States) Paris 1900 Olympic Games Paris 1924 Olympic Games Paris Agreement (Vietnamese history) Paris anarchists (Chinese political group) “Paris au XXième siècle” (novel by Verne) Paris, Banque Nationale de (French company) Paris Basin (region, France) Paris, Bruno-Paulin-Gaston (French philologist) Paris, Charter of (international relations) Paris Codex (Mayan literature) Paris Commune (1792) Paris Commune (1871) Paris, Commune de (1871) Paris, Commune of (1792) Paris, Commune of (1871) Paris Conference (European history) Paris Conservatoire (educational institution, France) Paris Conservatoire (conservatory, Paris, France) Paris Conservatory Orchestra (orchestra) Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 1883 (international law) Paris, Council of (French history) Paris, Count of (French aristocrat) Paris de Nuit (work by Brassaï) Paris, Declaration of (international relation) Paris Exhibition of 1867 Paris, Gaston (French philologist) Paris Gun (weaponry) “Paris Herald Tribune” (newspaper) Paris I à XIII, Universités de (universities, France) Paris I-XIII, Universities of (universities, France) Paris in the Twentieth Century (novel by Verne) Paris, Jean de (French artist) Paris, Louis-Philippe-Albert d’Orléans, comte de (French pretender) Paris, Matthew (English artist and historian) Paris Métro (subway, Paris, France) Paris Metropolitain (subway, Paris, France) Paris motet (music) Paris Nomina Anatomica (medical reference work) Paris, Observatoire de (observatory, Paris, France) Paris Observatory (observatory, Paris, France) Paris Opéra (French opera company) Paris Opéra Ballet (French ballet company) Paris Opera House (opera house, Paris, France) Paris, Pact of (France-United States [1928]) Paris Parlement (court, France) Paris Peace Accords (Vietnamese history) Paris Peace Conference (1919-20) Paris, Peace of (1783) Paris, Peace of (1796) Paris, Philippe d’Orléans, comte de (French pretender) paris, Postal Conference (Europe-United States [1863]) Paris Psalter (religious manuscript) Paris Review, The (American literary magazine) Paris, Siege of (1870-71) Paris Stock Exchange (stock exchange, Paris, France) Paris Street; Rainy Day (painting by Caillebotte) Paris Summit (international relations) Paris Symphonies (symphonies by Haydn) Paris, Treaties of (1814-1815) Paris, Treaties of (1919-1920) Paris, Treaty of (1229) Paris, Treaty of (1259) Paris, Treaty of (1327) Paris, Treaty of (1404) Paris, Treaty of (1661) Paris, Treaty of (1763) Paris, Treaty of (1783) Paris, Treaty of (1814) Paris, Treaty of (1815) Paris, Treaty of (1817) Paris, Treaty of (1856) Paris, Treaty of (1898) Paris, Treaty of (1946) Paris, Treaty of (1947) Paris, Treaty of (1951) Paris Trout (film by Gyllenhaal [1991]) Paris, University of (universities, France) Paris ware (pottery) Paris Zoo (zoo, Paris, France) Paris-Match (French magazine) paris-mutuels (gambling system) Parise, Goffredo (Italian author) parish (Louisiana government) parish (religion) parish (British government unit) parish constable (British official) parish library Parish Register, The (work by Crabbe) Parish, Sister (American interior designer) parishad (ancient Indian assembly) “Parisian Prowler, The” (work by Baudelaire) Parisian school (music) Parisien, Le (French newspaper) “Parisien Libéré, Le” (French newspaper) Parisienne, La (work by Becque) Parisiensus, Johannes (French artist) Parisii (people) Parisina’s Sleep (painting by Brown) parison (technology)

paritta (Buddhist text) parity (economics) parity (particle physics) parity (mathematics) Parity Amendment (Filipino history) parity check (information theory) parity, conservation of (physics) Parivara (Buddhist text) parivincular ligament (mollusk anatomy) Pariz un Viene (work by Levita) Parizeau, Jacques (Canadian politician) Parji language park Park Chung Hee (president of South Korea) Park City (Utah, United States) Park Forest (Illinois, United States) Park, Keith (British officer) Park, Maud Wood (American suffragist) Park, Mungo (Scottish explorer) park, national Park, Nicholas Wulstan (British animator, writer, producer, and director) Park, Nick (British animator, writer, producer, and director) Park Range (mountains, Colorado-Wyoming, United States) park ranger (park management) Park Ridge (Illinois, United States) Park, Robert E. (American sociologist) Park, Robert Ezra (American sociologist) Park Street Church (church, Boston, Massachusetts, United States) Park, Thomas (American animal ecologist) parka (clothing) Parker, Alan (British director, writer, and producer) Parker, Alton B. (United States jurist) Parker, Alton Brooks (United States jurist) Parker, Annise (American politician) Parker, Bonnie (American criminal) Parker Bowles, Camilla (British duchess) Parker Brothers (American company) Parker, Cecilia Ann Renee (American model) Parker, Charles Christopher, Jr. (American musician) Parker, Charlie (American musician) Parker, Claire (French animator) Parker, Colonel Tom (American promoter) Parker Dam (dam, Arizona-California, United States) Parker, Dorothy (American author) Parker, Eddie (American billiards player) Parker, Eleanor (American actress) Parker, Ely S. (United States government official) Parker, Eugene (American astrophysicist) Parker, Fess (American actor) Parker, Fess Elisha, Jr. (American actor) Parker, Francis (American educator) Parker, Frank (American athlete) Parker, Geoffrey A. (British biologist) Parker, George (English writer) Parker, Horatio William (American composer) Parker, Isaac C. (American jurist) Parker, James Stewart (Irish playwright) Parker, James Thomas (American athlete) Parker, Jim (American athlete) Parker, John (American businessman and seaman) Parker, John J. (American jurist) Parker, Louis Napoleon (British dramatist) Parker, Mary-Louise (American actress) Parker, Maynard Michael (American editor) Parker, Mount (mountain, Hong Kong, China) Parker, Patricia (American critic and scholar) Parker, Quanah (Native American leader) Parker Ranch (ranch, Hawaii, United States) Parker, Robert Brown (American author) Parker, Robert L. (British geologist) Parker, Robert LeRoy (American outlaw) Parker, Sarah Jessica (American actress) Parker, Sir Gilbert, Baronet (British author) Parker, Sir Horatio Gilbert, Baronet (British author) Parker, Sir Hyde (British admiral) Parker, Sir Peter (British businessman) Parker, Stewart (Irish playwright) Parker, Suzy (American model) Parker, Theodore (American theologian) Parker, Tony (French basketball player) Parker v. Davis (law case) Parkersburg (West Virginia, United States) Parkes (New South Wales, Australia) Parkes, Alexander (British chemist) Parkes, Francis Ernest Kobina (Ghanaian author) Parkes, Frank Kobina (Ghanaian author) Parkes, Harry (British consul) Parkes process (chemistry) Parkes Radio Telescope (telescope, Parkes, New South Wales, Australia) Parkes, Sir Henry (Australian politician) Parkes zinc-desilvering process (chemistry) Parkesine (material) Parkhurst, Helen (American educator) parking parking brake (mechanics) Parkinson, C. Northcote (British historian and author) Parkinson, Cyril Northcote (British historian and author) Parkinson disease (pathology) Parkinson, Georgina (British ballerina and ballet mistress) Parkinson, James (British physician) parkinson-plus disease (pathology) parkinsonism (pathology) Parkinson’s law (dictum) Parkinson’s Law, or The Pursuit of Progress (work by Parkinson) Parklands (zone, Canada) Parkman, Francis (American historian) Parks Canada of the Department of the Environment (Canadian government department) Parks, Gordon (American author, photographer, and film director) Parks, Gordon Roger Alexander Buchanan (American author, photographer, and film director) Parks, Rosa (American civil-rights activist) Parks, Susan-Lori (American playwright) Parks, Suzan-Lori (American playwright) Parks, Wally (American businessman) parkway (road) Parlá, Alicia (American dancer) parlando (music) parlando-rubato (singing style) Parlement (historical supreme court, France) Parlement, Fronde of the (French history) Parlement of Foules (work by Chaucer) Parlement of Paris (court, France) parlementaire (French class) Parlér, Petr (German mason) Parley, Peter (American writer) parliament (government) Parliament (United Kingdom government) Parliament Act of 1911 (British history) Parliament Act of 1949 (British history) Parliament, Admonition to (Puritan manifesto, 1572) Parliament Buildings (government building, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) Parliament, Canadian (Canadian government) Parliament House (building, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom) Parliament, Houses of (buildings, London, United Kingdom) Parliament of Bees, The (work by Day) Parliament-Funkadelic (American music group) Parliamentary Assembly (European organization) parliamentary commissioner (government overseer) parliamentary democracy parliamentary diplomacy Parliamentary Government in England: A Commentary (work by Laski) Parliamentary Labour Party (political party, United Kingdom) parliamentary procedure Parliamentary Register, The parlor maple (plant) parlour palm (plant genus) Parma (Italy) Parma (Ohio, United States) Parma and Piacenza, Alessandro Farnese, duke of (regent of The Netherlands) Parma and Piacenza, Duchy of (historical duchy, Italy) Parma, Cathedral of (Parma, Italy) Parma e Piacenza, Alessandro Farnese, duca di (regent of The Netherlands) Parmar, Y. S. (Indian leader) Parme, Jean-Jacques-Régis de Cambacérès, duke de (French statesman) PARMEHUTU (political party, Rwanda) Parmelee sprinkler head Parmelia (lichen) Parmelia saxatilis (plant) Parmenides (Greek philosopher) Parmenides (work by Plato) Parmenio (Macedonian general) Parmensis (Roman assassin) Parmentier, André (American horticulturalist) Parmentier, Andrew (American horticulturalist) Parmentier, Antoine-Augustin (French scientist) Parmentier, Jean (French explorer) Parmentier, Raoul (French explorer) Parmesan (cheese) Parmigianino (Italian artist) Parmigiano (Italian artist) Parmigiano-Reggiano (cheese) Parnaíba (Brazil) Parnaiba Basin (region, South America) Parnaíba River (river, Brazil) Par?asavari (Buddhist goddess) Parnashavari (Buddhist goddess) “Parnaso español, El” (work by Palomino) Parnasse contemporain, Le (French periodical) Parnassia Parnassiaceae (plant family) Parnassian (French literature) parnassian butterfly (subfamily) parnassian butterfly (butterfly) Parnassianism (poetry movement) Parnassien (French literature) Parnassiinae (subfamily) Parnassius (butterfly) Parnassius apollo (butterfly) Parnassós, Mount (mountain, Greece) Parnassus (work by Mantegna) Parnassus (work by Mengs) Parnassus, grass of Parnassus, Mount (mountain, Greece) Parnassus on Wheels (novel by Morley) Parnate (drug)

Parnell, Charles Stewart (Irish leader) Parnell, Mrs. Charles Stewart (Irish nationalist) Parnell, Thomas (Irish author) Parnes Óros (mountain, Greece) Parni (people) Parnicki, Teodor (Polish author) Párnis, Mount (mountain, Greece) Párnis Óros (mountain, Greece) Pärnu (Estonia) Pärnu River (river, Estonia) Paro (Bhutan) Paroaria coronata (bird) Parochetus communis (plant) Parochial and Plain Sermons (work by Newman) parochial education parochial school Parodi, Filippo (Italian sculptor) Parodia (plant) Parodia leninghausii (plant) Parodia scopa (plant) Parodie, La (play by Adamov) parodos (Greek theatre) parody (literature) parody (music) paroidía (literature) paroidia (literature) parole (linguistics) parole (penology) parole board (law) parole in libertà (poetry) Paroles (work by Prévert) paromomycin (drug) Paronian, Hakob (Armenian author) paronomasia (word play) Paropamisus Range (mountain range, Afghanistan) Paropia (insect) Páros (island, Greece) parotid gland (anatomy) parotid salivary gland (anatomy) parotitis, epidemic (pathology) Parousia (Christianity) paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (pathology) paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (pathology) paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (pathology) Parque Nacional de Turismo Laguna San Rafael (park, Chile) Parque Nacional del Iguazú (park, Argentina) Parque Nacional do Iguaçu (park, Brazil) Parque Nacional Los Glaciares (park, Argentina) Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapí (park, Argentina) Parque Zoológico de Chapultepec (zoo, Mexico City, Mexico) Parquet Floor Polishers, The (painting by Caillebotte) parquet flooring (flooring) Parquet, Jacques-Dyel du (French governor of Martinique) parquetry (flooring) Parr, Catherine (queen of England) Parr, Thomas (English centenarian) Parr, William (English noble) Parra, Nicanor (Latin-American poet) parrakeet (bird) Parral (Mexico) Parramatta (New South Wales, Australia) Parratt, Sir Walter (British musician) Parrhasius (Greek artist) Parri, Ferruccio (Italian politician) Parrington, Vernon L. (American literary historian) Parrington, Vernon Louis (American literary historian) Parris, Alexander (American architect) Parris, Fred (American musician) Parris Island (island, South Carolina, United States) Parrish, Anne (American philanthropist) Parrish, Anne (American author and illustrator) Parrish, Celestia Susannah (American educator) Parrish, Frederick Maxfield (American artist) Parrish, Maxfield (American artist) Parrish, Robert (American actor and director) “parrocchie di Regalpetra, Le” (work by Sciascia) parrolet (bird) parrot (bird) parrot (bird) Parrot and Olivier in America (work by Carey) parrot fever (pathology) parrot fish (fish) parrotbill (bird) Parrotia persica (plant) parrotlet (bird) parrot’s bill (plant) Parrott, Robert Parker (American inventor) Parry (computer program) Parry Island (island, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean) Parry Islands (archipelago, Nunavut and Northwest Territories, Canada) Parry, Milman (American scholar) Parry piñon (tree) Parry, R. Williams (Welsh poet) Parry, Sir Charles Hubert Hastings, Baronet (British composer) Parry, Sir Hubert (British composer) Parry, Sir William (British explorer) Parry Sound (Ontario, Canada) Parry-Williams, Thomas (Welsh writer) Pars (ancient region, Iran) pars compacta (anatomy) pars distalis (anatomy) pars ecclesiae (Italian history) pars flaccida (anatomy) pars intercerebralis (anatomy) pars intermedia (anatomy) pars legitima (law) pars reticulata (anatomy) pars tensa (anatomy) Parsa (ancient city, Iran) Parsa (ancient region, Iran) parsec (unit of measurement) Parsee (people) Parseeism (religion) Parshchikov, Aleksey (Russian author) Parshva (Jaina saint) Parshvanatha (Jaina saint) Parsi (people) Parsifal (opera by Wagner) Parsiism (religion) parsimony, law of (philosophy) parsimony, principle of (animal psychology) parsing (linguistics) Parsipour, Shahrnoush (Iranian writer) Parsippany-Troy Hills (New Jersey, United States) parsley (plant) parsley family (plant family) parsnip (vegetable) Pärson, Anja (Swedish skier) Parson Jack Russell terrier (breed of dog) Parson Russell terrier (breed of dog) Parson Weems (United States minister and writer) Parsonfield Academy (college, Lewiston, Maine, United States) Parsons, Alzina Ann (American labour leader) parson’s bench (furniture) Parsons, Benny (American race-car driver) Parson’s Cause (American colonial history) Parsons, Elsie Clews (American anthropologist) Parsons, Estelle (American actress) Parsons, Gram (American musician) Parsons, Louella (American newspaper writer) Parsons, Richard D. (American executive) Parsons, Richard Dean (American executive) Parsons, Robert (English Jesuit) Parsons School of Design (art school, Paris, France) Parsons Seminary (college, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States) Parsons, Sir Charles Algernon (British engineer) Parsons table Parsons, Talcott (American sociologist) Parsons, Timothy (Canadian biologist) Parsons, Timothy Richard (Canadian biologist) Parsons turbine Parsons, William, 3rd earl of Rosse (Irish astronomer) Parsua (Iranian tribe) Parsuhanda (ancient city, Turkey) Parsumash (ancient region, Iran) Pärt, Arvo (Estonian composer) part book (music) Part of His Story (novel by Corn) part of speech (linguistics) part-insertion machine (technology) part-whole calculus (logic) Partabgarh (district, India) Partabgarh (India) “Partage de midi” (work by Claudel) Partai Demokrasi Indonesia (political party, Indonesia) Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (political party, Indonesia) Partai Golongan Karya (Indonesian political organization) Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (political party, Indonesia) Partai Komunis Indonesia (political party, Indonesia) Partai Nasional Indonesia (political party, Indonesia) Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (political party, Indonesia) Partai Sosialis Indonesia (political party, Indonesia) Partap Singh Kairon, Sardar (Indian politician) Partapgarh (district, India) Partapgarh (India) partbook (music) Partch, Harry (American composer) Parteciaco, Agnello (doge of Venice) Parteciaco family (Venetian family) Parteciaco, Giustiniano (doge of Venice) Partecipazio (Venetian family) Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus (political party, Germany) Partenkirchen (Germany) Partenopea, Repubblica (historical republic, Italy) Partenopeus de Blois (anonymous romance) parterre (gardening) parterre de broderie (garden) Parthasarathi Misra (Indian philosopher) Parthaunisa (ancient city, Turkmenistan) Parthenium argentatum (plant) Parthenius of Nicaea (Greek poet and grammarian) parthenocarpy (botany) Parthenocissus quinquefolia (plant) Parthenocissus tricuspidata (plant) parthenogenesis Parthenope investigatoris (crab) Parthenopean Republic (historical republic, Italy) Parthenophil and Parthenophe (work by Barnes) Parthia (ancient region, Iran) Parthian (people) Parthian empire (ancient region, Iran) Parthian language Parti Canadien (political party, Canada) Parti Communiste Français (political party, France) Parti Congolais du Travail (political party, Republic of the Congo) Parti Conservateur du Canada (political party, Canada) Parti Démocrate-Chrétien Suisse (political party, Switzerland)

Parti Démocratique de Guinée (political party, Guinea) Parti Démocratique de la Côte d’Ivoire (political party, Côte d’Ivoire) Parti Démocratique Gabonais (political party, Gabon) Parti Libéral du Canada (political party, Canada) Parti Ouvrier (political party, France) Parti Ouvrier Français (political party, France) Parti Patriote (political party, Canada) Parti Populaire Algérian (Algerian revolutionary movement) Parti Populaire Français (French political group) Parti Populaire Syrien (political party, Syria) Parti pris (French-Canadian literary group) Parti Progressiste-Conservateur du Canada (political party, Canada) Parti Québécois (political party, Canada) Parti Radical (political party, France) Parti Radical-Démocratique Suisse (political party, Switzerland) Parti Républicain (political party, France) Parti Républicain Radical et Radical-Socialiste (political party, France) Parti Rouge (political party, Canada) Parti Social Démocrate (political party, Madagascar) Parti Social Français (political party, France) Parti Socialiste (political party, France) Parti Socialiste de France (political party, France) Parti Socialiste Destourien (political party, Tunisia) Parti Socialiste Français (political party, France) Parti Socialiste Suisse (political party, Switzerland) Partia Demokratyczna (political party, Poland) Partia e Punes se Shqiperise (political party, Albania) partial (acoustics) partial abruptio placentae (medicine) partial acid hydrolysis (biochemistry) partial derivative (mathematics) partial differential equation (mathematics) partial eclipse (astronomy) partial Empiricism (philosophy) partial geometry (mathematics) partial indulgence (Roman Catholicism) partial integration (economics) partial miscibility (physics) partial phase (astronomy) partial placentae abruptio (medicine) partial pressure (physics) partial pressure, law of (physical science) partial recursive function (mathematics) partial seizure (pathology) partial sum (mathematics) partial thermoremanent magnetization (physics) partial thickness skin graft (medicine) partial thromboplastin time (biochemistry) partial tone (acoustics) partial-birth abortion partial-onset seizure (pathology) partial-syndrome anorexia (pathology) partially balanced incomplete block design (mathematics) partially hydrogenated fat partially mixed estuary (oceanography) partially oriented yarn (fibre manufacturing) participant observation (anthropology) participating policy participating provider option participation (philosophy) participative management (industry) participatory anthropic principle (cosmology) participatory management (industry) particle (physics) particle (grammar) particle accelerator (instrument) particle beam (physics) particle beam fusion particle density (physics) particle electrophoresis (chemistry) particle physics particle radiation (physics) particle range (particle radiation) particle separation (chemistry) particle shape (geology) particle, subatomic (physics) particle-antiparticle collider (device) particle-antiparticle conjugation (physics) particle-induced X-ray emission (physics) particle-size analysis particleboard (construction material) particular (philosophy) Particular Baptist (religion) particular affirmative proposition (logic) particular average (law) particular lien (property law) particular negative proposition (logic) particular proposition (logic) particularism (anthropology) particularism (religion) particulate particulate matter (physics) particulate radiation (physics) Partido Acción Nacional (political party, Mexico) Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné ê Cabo Verde (political party, Africa) Partido Africano da Independência de Cabo Verde (political party, Cape Verde) Partido Colorado (political party, Paraguay) Partido Comunista Chileno (political party, Chile) Partido Comunista Cubano (political party, Cuba) Partido Comunista de Colombia (political party, Colombia) Partido Comunista de Cuba (political party, Cuba) Partido Comunista de España (political party, Spain) Partido Comunista de Peru (Peruvian revolutionary organization) Partido Conservador de Nicaragua (political party, Nicaragua) Partido da Frente Liberal (political party, Brazil) Partido de Conciliación Nacional (political party, El Salvador) Partido de la Izquierda Revolucionaria (political party, Bolivia) Partido de la Revolución Mexicana (political party, Mexico) Partido de Liberación Nacional (political party, Costa Rica) Partido Demócrata Cristiano (political party, Chile) Partido Demócrata Cristiano (political party, El Salvador) Partido Demócrata Cristiano (political party, Panama) Partido Democrático de Guinea Ecuatorial (political party, Equatorial Guinea) Partido dos Trabalhadores (political party, Brazil) Partido Justicialista (political party, Argentina) Partido Liberal (political party, Colombia) Partido Liberal Colombiano (political party, Colombia) Partido Liberal Constitucionalista (political party, Nicaragua) Partido Liberal Radical (political party, Ecuador) Partido Nacional (political party, Chile) Partido Nacional Revolucionario (political party, Mexico) Partido Nacionalista (political party, Philippines) Partido Nacionalista Vasco (political organization, Basque region) Partido Nuevo Progresista (political party, Puerto Rico) Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (political party, Spain) Partido Popular (political party, Spain) Partido Popular (political party, Panama) Partido Radical (political party, Chile) Partido Republicano Genuino (political party, Bolivia) Partido Revolucionario (political party, Guatemala) Partido Revolucionario Cubano (Cuban history) Partido Revolucionario de Unificación Democrática (political party, El Salvador) Partido Revolucionario Democrático (political party, Panama) Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (political party, Dominican Republic) Partido Revolucionario Institucional (political party, Mexico) Partido Revolucionario Nacional (political party, Mexico) Partido Social de Unidad Nacional (political party, Colombia) Partido Socialista (political party, Chile) Partido Socialista Obrero Español (political party, Spain) Partido Socialista Popular (political party, Cuba) Partido Socialista Portuguesa (political party, Portugal) Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (political party, Venezuela) Partido Unidad Social Cristiana (political party, Costa Rica) partidos (sport) Partidos por la Democracia, Concertación de los (political organization, Chile) Partidul Comunist Român (political party, Romania) Partidul Democrat (political party, Romania) Partidul Democrat-Liberal (political party, Romania) Partidul Democra?iei Sociale din România (political party, Romania) Partidul Social Democrat (political party, Romania) “Partie de Cartes, La” (work by Léger) Parties for Democracy, Coalition of (political organization, Chile) parties in interest (law) parties, joinder of (law) Partij van de Arbeid (political party, Netherlands) Partij voor de Vrijheid (political party, Netherlands) partimen (literature) Partindo (political party, Indonesia) parting (metallurgy) Partisan (Yugoslavian military force) partisan group Partisan Review, The (American magazine) Partisans (dance) Partit Laburista (political party, Malta) Partit Nazzjonalista (political party, Malta)

partition (architecture) partition (of a set) partition (of an integer) partition chromatography (chemical process) partition coefficient (biology) partition line (heraldry) partition, line of (heraldry) Partition, Treaty of (Europe [1668]) Partitioned Zone (territory, Kuwait-Saudi Arabia) partitioning (gas transport) partitioning (politics) Partito Comunista Italiano (political party, Italy) Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (political party, Italy) Partito Democratico (political party, Italy) Partito Democratico-Cristiano Popolare Svizzero (political party, Switzerland) Partito Liberale Italiano (political party, Italy) Partito Liberale-Radicale Svizzero (political party, Switzerland) Partito Popolare Italiano (political party, Italy) Partito Radicale (political party, Italy) Partito Repubblicano Italiano (political party, Italy) Partito Socialista dei Lavoratori Italiani (political party, Italy) Partito Socialista Democratico Italiano (political party, Italy) Partito Socialista Italiano (political party, Italy) Partito Socialista Svizzero (political party, Switzerland) Partito Socialista Unita (political party, Italy) Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan (Kurdish militant organization) Partiya Narodnoy Svobody (Russian political party) Partizan (Yugoslavian military force) Partizansk (Russia) Partizánske (Slovakia) Partners in Health partnership (business) Partnership for Peace Programme (international relations) partnership pinochle (card game) parton (subatomic particle) Parton, Dolly (American musician and actress) Parton, Dolly Rebecca (American musician and actress) Parton, James (American author) Parton, Sara Payson Willis (American author and newspaper writer) Partonopier und Meliur (work by Konrad von Würzburg) partridge (bird) Partridge, Frances Catherine Marshall (British writer) partridgeberry (plant) parts, integration by (mathematics) Partulacea (gastropod superfamily) parturient paresis (animal disease) parturition (biology) party (law) Party for Freedom (political party, Netherlands) Party of Labour of Albania (political party, Albania) party per pale (heraldry) party system party whip (government) party-column ballot (politics) party-list system (voting) Paru River (river, Brazil) Parufamet Distribution Company (German-American film company) Parula americana (bird) Parulidae (bird family) Parulinae (bird) Parun, Vesna (Croatian author) parure (jewelry) Parus atricapillus (bird) Parus bicolor (bird) Parus caeruleus (bird) Parus carolinensis (bird) Parus major (bird) Parus montanus (bird) “Parva naturalia” (work by Aristotle) Pârvan, Vasile (Romanian archaeologist) Parvanov, Georgi (president of Bulgaria) Parvanov, Georgi Sedefchov (president of Bulgaria) Parvati (Hindu deity) Parvati Devi (temple, Nacna Ku?thara, India) parve (Judaism) parveh (Judaism) Parvin E?te?ami (Persian author) parvocellular layer (anatomy) Parvoviridae (virus) parvovirus (virus) Parvus (Russian socialist) parwa (literature) Parwan (Afghanistan) paryapti (philosophy) Parys (South Africa) Parysatis (queen of Persia) Paryu?a?a (Jaina festival) Parzival (work by Wolfram von Eschenbach) PAS (chemical compound) pas assemblé (ballet) pas brisé (ballet step) Pas d’acier, Le (ballet by Prokofiev) pas de deux (dance) pas d’élévation (ballet movement) Pas, The (Manitoba, Canada) Pas-de-Calais (department, France) pasa (Turkish title) Pasaban, Edurne (Spanish mountain climber) pasacalle (dance) Pasadena (city, California, United States) Pasadena (Texas, United States) Pasadena Community Playhouse Association (American acting company) Pasadena Playhouse (theatre, Pasadena, California, United States) “Pasajes de la guerra revolucionaria” (work by Guevara) pasang (mammal) Pasarell, Charlie (American tennis player) Pasargad (ancient city, Iran) Pasargadae (people) Pasargadae (ancient city, Iran) Pasaxon (Laotian newspaper) Pasay (Philippines) PASB (international organization) Pascagoula (Mississippi, United States) Pascagoula River (river, United States) Pascal (computer language) pascal (unit of energy measurement) Pascal, Blaise (French philosopher and scientist) Pascal, Carlo (Italian scholar) Pascal celery (plant) pascal second per cubic metre (unit of measurement) pascal second per metre (unit of measurement) Pascal’s law (physics) Pascal’s principle (physics) Pascal’s theorem (geometry) Pascal’s triangle (mathematics) Pascal’s wager Pascendi Dominici Gregis (encyclical by Pius X) Pasch, Lorentz, the Younger (Danish painter) Pasch, Moritz (German mathematician) Pascha (holiday) Pascha, Het (work by Vondel) Paschal candle Paschal controversies (Christianity) Paschal I (antipope) Paschal I, Saint (pope) Paschal II (pope) Paschal III (antipope) Paschal lamb paschal moon (religious calendar date) Paschasius Radbertus, Saint (French priest and writer) Paschen series (physics) Paschke, Ed (American artist) Paschke, Edward Francis, Jr. (American artist) pascimadharma (Buddhism) Pascin, Jules (American painter) Pasco (Washington, United States) Pasco Knot (plateau, Peru) Pasco-Kennewick Bridge (bridge, Washington, United States) Pascoli, Giovanni (Italian poet) “Pascon agan Arluth” (Cornish drama) Pascua, Isla de (island and province, Chile) pascuita (plant) Pasdaran-e Enqelab (Iranian armed forces) pase de la firma Pasek, Jan Chryzostom (Polish diarist) Pasewalk (Germany) pasha (Turkish title) Pasha, Goltz (Prussian military officer) Pasha, Ragib Mehmed (Ottoman vizier) Pasha, Slatin (governor of The Sudan) pashm (animal-hair fibre) Pashmakli (Bulgaria) pashmina (animal-hair fibre) Pashto language Pashtu language Pashtun (people) Pashtunistan (region, Asia) Pashtunwali (social code) Pashupata (Hindu sect) Pashupati (Nepal) Pashupati (Hindu deity) Pashupatinath (temple, Nepal) Pašic, Nikola (prime minister of Serbia) Pasig River (river, Philippines) Pasinetti, Francesco (Italian filmmaker) Pasion (Greek banker) Pasión River (river, Guatemala) Pasión según San Marcos, La (work by Golijov) Pasionaria, La (Spanish political leader) Pasiphae (Greek mythology) Pasiphae (astronomy) Pasiteles (Greek sculptor) Pasithea (Greek mythology) Paskalis, Kostas (Greek singer) Paskevich, Ivan Fyodorovich, Graf Yerevansky, Knyaz Varshchavsky (Russian military officer) Pasmore (novel by Storey) Pasmore, Victor (British painter) PASO (international organization) paso de brabante (dance) paso doble (music and dance) Paso, Fernando del (Mexican author and artist) Pasoeroean (Indonesia) PASOK (political party, Greece) Pasolini, Pier Paolo (Italian author and director) “pasos perdidos, Los” (work by Carpentier y Valmont) Paspalum (plant genus) Paspalum dilatatum (plant) Paspalum distichum (plant) Paspalum urvillei (grass) paspy (dance) Pasqua, Charles (French politician) “Pasqualino settebellezze” (work by Wertmüller) pasqueflower (plant) “Pasquier” (work by Duhamel) Pasquier, Étienne (French author and lawyer) Pasquier, Étienne-Denis, duc de (French statesman) pasquinade (literary genre) pass (sports) Pass Christian (Mississippi, United States) Pass Christian, Battle of (War of 1812) Pass, Joe (American musician) pass law (South African law) passacaglia (musical form and dance) Passacaglia (work by Webern) Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor (work by Bach) “Passacaglia in C Minor” (work by Bach) passage (horsemanship) Passage de la Vierge à la Mariée, Le (painting by Duchamp) passage grave (archaeology)

passage, right of (law) passage rite Passage, The (work by Palmer) Passage to India, A (novel by Forster) Passage to India, A (film by Lean [1984]) passage tomb (megalithic tomb) passager (hawk) Passaic (county, New Jersey, United States) Passaic (New Jersey, United States) Passaic River (river, New Jersey, United States) Passalaqua, Joseph Anthony Jacobi (American musician) Passalidae (insect) Passamaquoddy (people) Passamaquoddy Bay (bay, Atlantic Ocean) Passaneto family (Italian family) Passant, Le (play by Coppée) Passarge, Siegfried (German geographer and geomorphologist) Passarowitz, Peace of (Europe [1718]) Passarowitz, Treaty of (Europe [1718]) Passavanti, Jacopo (Italian author) Passchendaele Campaign (World War I) Passe Crassane (fruit) Passé, Le (play by Porto-Riche) Passe, Simon van de (Flemish engraver) Passé simple, Le (work by Chraïbi) Passendale Campaign (World War I) passenger car (railroad vehicle) passenger carrier (ship) passenger pigeon (extinct bird) passenger ship passenger terminal (aviation) passenger transportation Passepa writing system passepied (dance) passer (gambling) Passer domesticus (bird) Passerat, Jean (French poet) Passerella iliaca (bird) Passeri (songbird) Passeri (songbird) Passeri (songbird) Passeri (bird) Passeridae (bird family) passeriform (bird) Passeriformes (bird) Passerina (bird genus) Passerina ciris (bird) Passerinae (bird subfamily) passerine (songbird) passerine (songbird) passerine (bird) passerine (bird) Passetyme of Pleasure, The (poem by Hawes) Passfield of Passfield Corner, Sidney James Webb, Baron (British economist) Passfield White Paper (United Kingdom [1930]) Passiflora (plant) Passiflora edulis (plant) Passiflora incarnata (plant) Passiflora laurifolia (plant) Passiflora lutea (plant) Passiflora maliformis (plant) Passiflora quadrangularis (plant) Passifloraceae (plant family) Passing (novel by Larsen) Passing of the Aborigine, The (work by Bates) passing shot (tennis) Passio Domini Nostri Ihesu Christi (Cornish drama) “Passio Sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis” (Latin hagiography) Passion (Christianity) passion (human emotion) “Passion According to St. John” (work by Bach) “Passion According to St. Matthew” (work by Bach) Passion, Congregation of the (religious order) “Passion de Jeanne d’Arc, La” (film by Dreyer [1928]) Passion de Jeanne de Arc, La (film by Dreyer [1928]) Passion du Christ (French literature) Passion du Palatinus (French literature) “passion, En” (film by Bergman) Passion, Era of the (chronology) Passion Fish (film by Sayles) Passion Hymns of Iceland, The (work by Petursson) Passion music (vocal music) Passion of Anna, The (film by Bergman) Passion of Christ (work by Castagno) “Passion of Joan of Arc, The” (film by Dreyer [1928]) Passion of Josef D., The (work of Chayefsky) Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti, The (painting by Shahn) Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, The (Latin hagiography) Passion of the Christ, The (film by Gibson) Passion oratorio (music) Passion play (dramatic genre) Passion Play, The (play by Morse) Passion selon Pier Paolo Pasolini, La (work by Kalisky) Passion Sunday (Christianity) “Passion, The” (film by Bergman) Passion Triptych (painting by Memling) passion vine (plant) passion-flower (plant) passion-flower family (plant family) Passionate Kisses (song by Williams) “Passionate Life of Edith Piaf, The” (film by Dahan [2007]) Passionella (work by Feiffer) Passionerna (work by Thorild) Passionist Nuns (religious order) Passionists (religious order) Passions of the Mind, The (work by Stone) Passions of the Soul, The (work by Descartes) Passionsspiel (religious pageant) “Passiusálmar” (work by Petursson) passive detector (physics) passive force (physiology) passive heating (technology) passive immunity (immunology) passive immunization (immunology) passive intellect (philosophy) Passive Obedience (work by Berkeley) passive personality principle (international law) passive resistance passive smoking passive solar energy passive sonar (technique) passive spread (biology) passive transducer (device) passive transfer (biochemistry) passive transport (biology) passive voice (grammar) passive-aggressive personality disorder (psychology) passive-guidance system (technology) passive-matrix addressing (electronics) passive-restraint device påssjo (Sami religion) Passmore, George (British artist) Passmore, John Arthur (Australian philosopher) Passo di Resia (mountain pass, Europe) Passo di San Bernardino (mountain pass, Switzerland) Passo Fundo (Brazil) Passos (Brazil) Passos, John Roderigo Dos (American novelist) Passover (Judaism) passport (document) Passport, The (novel by Müller) Passport to the War (work by Kunitz) passus (ancient Roman unit of measurement) Password (quiz show) password (computing) Passy (section, Paris, France) Passy, Frédéric (French economist) past (time) Past and Present (work by Carlyle) past posting (swindling operation) past tense (grammar) pasta (food) pasta alimentaria (food) Pasta, Giuditta Maria Costanza (Italian opera singer) paste (jewelry) paste mold (glassmaking) pastel (art) pastel-manner (art) Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich (Russian author) Pasternak, Leonid (Russian artist) Pasterze Glacier (glacier, Austria) Pasteur Institute (institution, Paris, France) Pasteur, Louis (French chemist and microbiologist) Pasteurella (genus of bacteria) Pasteurella multocida (bacillus) Pasteurella pestis (bacterium) Pasteurella tularensis (bacillus) pasteurellosis (disease) Pasteuria (bacteria) pasteurization (heating process) pasticcio (music) pastiche (art forgery) Pastiches et mélanges (work by Proust) pastille (pharmacology) pastime (leisure activity) Pastinaca sativa (vegetable) pastis (alcoholic beverage) Pasto (Colombia) Pasto Knot (mountains, Colombia) Pasto Mountains (mountains, Colombia) Pasto, Nudo de (mountains, Colombia) Paston family (English family) Paston Letters (collection of English correspondence) Pastor Aeternus (Roman Catholic doctrinal constitution) Pastor, Antonio (American comic singer) pastor fido, Il (work by Guarini) Pastor, Ludwig, Freiherr von Campersfelden (Austrian historian) Pastor Russell (American religious leader) Pastor, Tony (American comic singer) Pastora Gómez, Edén (Nicaraguan revolutionary) Pastora Peak (mountain, Arizona, United States) “Pastoral” (symphony by Beethoven) pastoral (musical form) Pastoral (work by Bassano) pastoral care (Christianity) Pastoral Care (work by Gregory I) Pastoral Concert (painting by Giorgione) Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today (papal decree) pastoral counseling (Christianity) Pastoral Epistle (New Testament) Pastoral Epistles (New Testament) Pastoral letters (New Testament) pastoral literature pastoral ministry (Christianity) pastoral nomad pastoral nomadism “Pastoral Rule” (work by Gregory I) pastoral society (society) pastoral staff (religion) “Pastoral Symphony” (work by Bassano) Pastoral Symphony, The (work by Gide) pastoralism (society) Pastorals (work by Pope) Pastorius, Francis Daniel (German educator) Pastors and Masters (novel by Compton-Burnett) Pastors’ Emergency League (German organization) Pastors’ Ordinance (Swiss treaty) Pastoureaux (French history) pastourelle Pastrana Arango, Andrés (president of Colombia) Pastrana Borrero, Misael (president of Colombia) Pastrone, Giovanni (Italian director and producer) pastry (food) Pastry War (Mexican history)

pasture (agriculture) Pasture, Rogier de la (Flemish painter) Pastures, The (building, North Luffenham, Leicestershire, England, United Kingdom) pasul (Judaism) Pasul Buzau (pass, Romania) Pasul Predeal (pass, Romania) Pasul Surduc (pass, Romania) Pasupatinatha (temple, Nepal) Pasur River (river, Bangladesh) Pasuruan (Indonesia) Pasvanoglu of Vidin (Ottoman leader) Pasvanoglu, Osman (Ottoman leader) pat (plant) Pat (region, Pakistan) pat (geology) Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (film by Peckinpah) PATA (computer science) Patagona gigas (bird) Patagonia (region, Argentina) Patagonia Ice Cap (geological formation, South America) Patagonian Andes (mountains, South America) Patagonian conure (bird) Patagonian cypress (Fitzroya cupressoides) Patagonian Desert (desert, South America) Patagonian Indian (people) Patagonian mara (rodent) Patagonian opossum (marsupial) Patagonian possum (marsupial) Patagonian seedsnipe (bird) Patagonian Theatre (theatre, London, United Kingdom) Patagonian weasel (mammal) Patala (ancient city, India) Pa?aliputra (India) Patan (Nepal) Patan (India) Patan-Somnath (ancient city, India) Patángoro (people) Patani (Thailand) Patañjali (Hindu author, mystic, and philosopher) “Patapoufs et filifers” (work by Maurois) Patapsco Female Institute (school, Ellicott’s Mills, Maryland, United States) Patarene (medieval reform group) pataria (medieval reform group) Patarines (medieval reform group) Patarino (medieval reform group) Patarkatsishvili, Arkady Shalovich (Georgian businessman) Patarkatsishvili, Badri (Georgian businessman) patas monkey (primate) Patassé, Ange-Félix (president of Central African Republic) Patau’s syndrome (pathology) Patavium (Italy) Patawomeck (American Indian tribe) Patay, Battle of (Hundred Years’ War) patch box (clothing accessory) Patch of Blue, A (film by Green [1965]) patch reef (geology) patch test (medicine) patch-clamp technique (biology) Patchen, Kenneth (American artist) Patchett, Ann (American author) Patchett, Jean (American model) patchwork (decorative arts) PATCO (American organization) Pate (Kenya) pâté (French cuisine) pâté de foie gras (European cuisine) pâté en croûte (French cuisine) pâté en terrine (French cuisine) pâte feuilletée (food) pâte-de-riz (glass) pâte-sur-pâte (pottery) Pategi (Nigeria) Patel, Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai (Indian statesman) patella (bone) Patellacea (gastropod superfamily) patellar reflex (medical test) Patellariales (order of fungi) Patellidae (gastropod family) Patelliformia (gastropod superfamily) Patenier, Joachim de (Flemish painter) patent (law) patent anchor (nautical device) Patent Cooperation Treaty (1970) patent ductus arteriosus (pathology) patent flour patent law (law) patent leather patent log (navigational instrument) Patent Office Building (building, Washington, District of Columbia, United States) patent sail patent theatre (English theatre) patent-note hymnal (music) Patents and Designs Act (United Kingdom [1907]) pater (kinship) pater (Mithraism) Pater Noster (Christianity) pater patratus (ancient Roman priest) pater patriae (ancient Roman title) Pater, Walter Horatio (English author) Patera, Jack (American football player and coach) Paterculus, Velleius (Roman historian) paterfamilias (ancient Roman society) Paterik of the Kievan Caves Monas=tery, The (Old Russian document) Paterinida (brachiopod) Paterna ware paternalism (economics) paternally imprinted gene (genetics) paternity (kinship) Paternò (Italy) Paterno, Joe (American football coach) Paterno, Joseph Vincent (American football coach) paternoster lake Paterson (New Jersey, United States) Paterson (poem by Williams) Paterson, A. B. (Australian poet) Paterson, Andrew Barton (Australian poet) Paterson, Banjo (Australian poet) Paterson, Don (Scottish poet and musician) Paterson Inlet (inlet, New Zealand) Paterson, Jennifer Mary (British chef and writer) Paterson Plan (United States history) Paterson, Sir Alexander Henry (British penologist) Paterson, William (British economist) Paterson, William (British explorer) Paterson, William (United States statesman) Paterson-Kelly syndrome (pathology) patet (music) Patetychna Sonata (work by Kulish) Pätges, Johanne Luise (Danish actress) path (mechanics) path (graph theory) Path of Thunder, The (work by Abrahams) Path to Nigerian Freedom (work by Awolowo) Path to Rome, The (work by Belloc) Path to the Nest of Spiders, The (work by Calvino) Pathan (people) Pathan (play by Kapoor) pathasala (Bengali school) Pathay (people) pathe (Greek philosophy) Pathé, Charles (French producer) Pathé, Émile (French producer) Pathé Frères Company (French company) Pathé Weekly (French newsreel) Pathé-Journal (French newsreel) Pathécolor (film technology) Pathein (Myanmar) Pathein River (river, Myanmar) Pather Panchali (work by Ray) pathet (music) Pathet Lao (nationalist organization, Laos) pathetic fallacy (figure of speech) Pathétique (work by Tchaikovsky) Pathfinder (fictional character) Pathfinder (United States spacecraft) Pathfinder (American magazine) Pathfinder, The (novel by Cooper) pathogen (biology) pathogenicity (microbiology) Pathological and Surgical Observations on the Diseases of the Joints (work by Brodie) pathological curve (mathematics) pathological physiology pathologist pathology pathophysiology pathos (art) Paths of Glory (film by Kubrick) Pathum Thani (Thailand) pathway, metabolic (biology) patí (fish) pati-ganita (mathematics) Patía, Río (river, Colombia) Patía River (river, Colombia) Patía-Cauca (valley, Colombia) Patiala (historical state, India) Patiala (India) Patiala and East Punjab States Union (Indian history) paticca-samuppada (Buddhism) Patience (Middle English poem) patience (card game) patient (medicine) patient compliance (medicine) Patient Griselda (fictional character) Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (United States [2010]) patients’ rights (law) P’atigorsk (Russia) Patil, Pratibha (president of India) patimokkha (Buddhism) Patimokkha-sutta (Buddhism) patina (geology) Patina (ancient city, Turkey) patination (art) Patinier, Joachim de (Flemish painter) Patinir, Joachim de (Flemish painter) Patinkin, Mandy (American actor) Patiño, José Patiño, marqués de (Spanish statesman) patio (architecture) patio process (metallurgy) Patiria miniata (echinoderm) patis (seasoning) Patisambhida-magga (Buddhist literature) Patjitanian industry (anthropology) Patkai Range (mountains, Asia) Patkul, Johann Reinhold von (German diplomat) Patmore, Coventry Kersey Dighton (English writer) Pátmos (island, Greece) Patna (India) Patna painting (Indian art) Patna, University of (university, Patna, India) Patnaik, Bijoyananda (Indian politician) Patnaik, Biju (Indian politician) pato (Argentine game) Patocka, Jan (Czechoslovak philosopher) patois (linguistics) patok (game) pa?ola (Indian sari) Paton, Alan Stewart (South African writer) Patos (mountain pass, South America) Patos de Minas (Brazil) Patos Lagoon (lagoon, Brazil) patra (Buddhism) Patrae (Greece) Pátrai (Greece) patralata (Indian art) Patras (Greece) Patrascanu, D. D. (Romanian author) Pátria (work by Junqueiro) patria chica (Mexican regional culture) patria potestas (Roman law) patriarch (Eastern Orthodoxy) patriarch (Judaism) Patriarch of Independence (Brazilian statesman) patriarcha (Eastern Orthodoxy) Patriarcha (work by Filmer) Patriarchal Academy (Eastern Orthodoxy) Patriarchal Caliphate (caliphs) Patriarchal Cathedral (cathedral, Kharkiv, Ukraine) patriarchate (Eastern Orthodoxy)

Patriarchate of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodoxy) patriarches (Eastern Orthodoxy) Patriarchs, The (American high society) patriarchy (social system) Patrice Lumumba Battalion (African military unit) Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University (university, Moscow, Russia) patrician (ancient Rome) patriciate (social position) patricii (ancient Rome) patricius (ancient Rome) Patrick, Danica (American race car driver) Patrick, Danica Sue (American race car driver) Patrick family (Canadian family) Patrick, Frank A. (Canadian athlete) Patrick, John (American playwright) Patrick, Joseph Frank (Canadian athlete) Patrick, Lester B. (Canadian athlete) Patrick, Mary Mills (American missionary and educator) Patrick, Murray (American athlete) Patrick, Muzz (American athlete) Patrick, Saint (bishop and patron saint of Ireland) patriclan (kinship group) patrilineage (sociology) patrilineal descent (sociology) patrilineal succession (law) patrilocal residence (anthropology) patrimoiety (kinship group) Patrimony of St. Peter (papal lands) Patrinia (plant genus) Patriot (missile) Patriot Act (United States law) Patriot Day (United States holiday) Patriot, Die (South African newspaper) Patriot for Me, A (play by Osborne) Patriot Games (American film) Patriot movement (American movement) Patriot Movement (Dutch political movement) Patriot Party (Dutch political movement) Patriot Party (political party, Myanmar) “Patriot, The” (work by Brooke) Patriot, The (film by Lubitsch [1928]) Patriot, The (work by Johnson) Patrioteer, The (work by Mann) Patriotic Alliance for Change (political party, Paraguay) Patriotic Celebration, Free Word Painting (painting by Carrà) Patriotic Front (Zimbabwean political organization) Patriotic School of Quebec (Canadian literary movement) Patriotic Union (political party, Colombia) Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (political party, Kurdistan) Patriotische Phantasien (work by Möser) patriotism (sociology) Patriotism (work by Mishima) Patriots (play by Robinson) Patriot's Day (American holiday) Patriots, Society of (political organization, Japan) patristic literature (Christianity) Patrizi, Francesco (Italian philosopher) Patro (Roman philosopher) Patroclus (Greek mythology) Patroclus (asteroid) patrol ship patrol torpedo boat patrolling (police science) Patrologia Graeca (work by Migne) Patrologia Latina (work by Migne) Patrologiae cursus completus (work by Migne) patrology (Christianity) patron saint Patron Saint of Liars, The (work by Patchett) patronage (art) patronage system (politics) Patrons of Husbandry (American organization) patronymic patroon system (property law) Päts, Konstantin (president of Estonia) Patsa (people) Patsayev, Viktor Ivanovich (Soviet cosmonaut) patta (painting) Pattani (Thailand) patten (footwear) Patten, Gilbert (American author) Patterdale terrier (breed of dog) pattern (art) pattern (linguistics) Pattern 1851 Minié rifle (firearm) Pattern 1853 rifle (firearm) pattern book pattern glass pattern grading pattern knit pattern mining (computer science) pattern poetry (poetic form) pattern recognition (computer science) Pattern Recognition (novel by Gibson) patterned ground (geology) patternmaking (materials processing) Patternmaster (work by Butler) Patterns in Criminal Homicide (work by Wolfgang) Patterns of Culture (work by Benedict) Patterson, Alicia (American journalist and publisher) Patterson, Audrey (American athlete) Patterson, Cissy (American publisher) Patterson, Clair Cameron (American geochemist) Patterson, Eleanor Medill (American publisher) Patterson, Elinor Josephine (American publisher) Patterson, Floyd (American boxer) Patterson, Frederick Douglass (American educator) Patterson, Harry Thomas (Canadian theatrical producer) Patterson, James B. (American author) Patterson, John Henry (American manufacturer) Patterson, Joseph Medill (American editor and publisher) Patterson, Martha (American hostess) Patterson, Percival J. (prime minister of Jamaica) Patterson, Robert, Jr. (American musician) Patterson, Tom (Canadian theatrical producer) “Pattes de mouche, Les” (play by Sardou) Patthana (Buddhist text) Patti, Adela Juana Maria (Italian singer) Patti, Adelina (Italian singer) Patti, Mount (mountain, Nigeria) Pattina (ancient city, Turkey) Pattini (Buddhist goddess) Pattle, Julia Margaret (British photographer) Patton (film by Schaffner [1970]) Patton, Antwan André (American rapper) Patton, Charley (American musician) Patton, Charlie (American musician) Patton, George Smith (United States general) Patton Township (Pennsylvania, United States) pa??u (Indian literature) Pattypuffs and Thinifers (work by Maurois) Patuakhali (Bangladesh) Patuca River (river, Honduras) Patwin (people) Patyn, William (British lord chancellor) Patz, Arnall (American ophthalmologist) Pátzcuaro (Mexico) Pátzcuaro, Lake (lake, Mexico) Patzi, Feliz (Bolivian educational minister) Patzinakoi (people) Pau (France) pau-brasil (wood) Pau-Brasil (manifesto by Andrade) paua (marine snail) Paucituberculata (order of marsupials) Pau?yal, Lekhnath (Nepalese author) Pauger, Adrien de (French engineer) Pauhai, Bernice (Hawaiian princess) Pauker, Ana (Romanian politician) Paul (emperor of Russia) Paul (Italian priest) Paul (king of Greece) Paul, Acts of (apocryphal work) Paul, Alice (American suffragist) Paul and Thecla, Acts of (apocryphal work) Paul and Virginia (work by Bernardin de Saint-Pierre) Paul Brown Stadium (stadium, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States) Paul, Bruno (German artist) “Paul et Virginie” (work by Bernardin de Saint-Pierre) Paul I (emperor of Russia) Paul I, Saint (pope) Paul II (pope) Paul III (pope) Paul III and His Grandsons Ottavio and Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (work by Titian) Paul IV (pope) Paul, Jean (German author) Paul, John (United States naval officer) Paul Karadjordjevic, Prince (regent of Yugoslavia) Paul, Les (American inventor and musician) Paul, Lewis (English inventor) Paul of Aegina (Greek physician) Paul of Samosata (bishop of Antioch) Paul of Tella (bishop of Syria) Paul of the Cross, Saint (Roman Catholic priest) Paul of Thebes, Saint (Christian hermit) Paul of Venice (Italian philosopher) Paul Pry (American newspaper) Paul, Rand (American politician) Paul Revere’s Ride (poem by Longfellow) Paul, Robert W. (British inventor) Paul, Ron (American politician) Paul, Ronald Ernest (American politician) Paul, Saint (Christian Apostle) Paul Taylor Dance Company (American dance company) Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ (work by Baur) Paul the Apostle, Saint (Christian Apostle) Paul the Deacon (Italian historian) Paul the Silentiary (Greek author) Paul trap (electromagnetic device) Paul V (pope) Paul VI (pope) Paul, Wolfgang (German physicist) Paul-Boncour, Joseph (French politician) Paula (Malta) Paula (Roman religious devotee) Paula (photograph by Stieglitz) Paula (work by Allende) Paulding, James Kirke (American writer) Paule, Antoine de (Grand Master of the Hospitallers) Paulet, Charles (French financier) paulette (French history)

Pauli exclusion principle (physics) Pauli, Wolfgang (American physicist) “Paulicéia Desvairada” (work by Andrade) Paulicians (religious sect) Pauline: A Fragment of a Confession (work by Browning) Pauline benediction (Christianity) Pauline Chapel (chapel, Vatican City, Europe) Pauline letters (biblical literature) Pauling, Linus (American scientist) Pauling, Linus Carl (American scientist) Pauling-Corey rules Paulinus (bishop of Antioch) Paulinus, Meropius Pontius Anicius (Roman Catholic saint) Paulinus of Nola, Saint (Roman Catholic saint) Paulinus, Saint (English bishop) Paulist Fathers (Roman Catholic religious order) paulistas (people) Paullinia (plant genus) Paullinia cupana (plant) Paullus (play by Pacuvius) Paullus Macedonicus, Lucius Aemilius (Roman general) Paulo Afonso (Brazil) Paulo Afonso Falls (waterfalls, Brazil) Paulownia Sun, Order of the (Japanese order of merit) Paul’s Harbor (Alaska, United States) Pauls Valley (Oklahoma, United States) Paulsen, Axel (Norwegian athlete) Paulsen, Johannes (German philosopher) Paulsen, Pat (American comedian) Paulsen, Patrick L. (American comedian) Paulson, Allen (American businessman) Paulson, Hank (United States official) Paulson, Henry (United States official) Paulson, Henry Merritt, Jr. (United States official) Paulus Aegineta (Greek physician) “Paulus, der Apostel Jesu Christi” (work by Baur) Paulus, Friedrich (German military officer) Paulus Macedonicus, Lucius Aemilius (Roman general) Paulus Venetus (Italian philosopher) Pauly, August von (German classical philologist) Pauly, Jean-Samuel (Swiss inventor) Paumann, Conrad (German musician) Paumotu (islands, French Polynesia) paunch (anatomy) “Paura della libertà” (work by Levi) paura?ika (Indian storyteller) pauraque (bird) pauropod (arthropod class) Pauropoda (arthropod class) Pausanias (Greek geographer) Pausanias (Greek military officer) Pausanias (Macedonian noble) Pausch, Randolph Frederick (American computer scientist) Pausch, Randy (American computer scientist) Pausias (Greek painter) Pausilippo Tunnel (ancient tunnel, Italy) Paustovsky, Konstantin Georgiyevich (Soviet writer) Pautalia (Bulgaria) Pautre, Antoine Le (French architect) “Pauvre Christ de Bomba, Le” (work by Beti) pavane (dance) pavarana (Buddhist ceremony) Pavarotti, Luciano (Italian opera singer) Pave Paws radar Pavel, Josef (Czech statesman) Pavel Petrovich (emperor of Russia) Pavelic, Ante (Croatian nationalist) Pavement (American band) pavement (civil engineering) pavement karst (geology) pavement line pavement mosaic paver Pavese, Cesare (Italian author) Paveway (weapon) Pavi (Parsiism) Pavia (Italy) Pavia, Battle of (Europe [1525]) Pavia, Compact of (1329) Pavia, Treaty of (1329) Pavia, Treaty of (756) Pavía y Lacy, Manuel (Spanish general) Pavía y Rodríguez de Alburquerque, Manuel (Spanish general) Pavie, Auguste-Jean-Marie (French explorer) pavilion (architecture) pavilion (gem) pavilion concept (architecture) pavillon chinois (musical instrument) paving breaker (tool) paving machine Paviotso (people) Pavle (Serbian Orthodox patriarch) Pavle Karaðorðevic, Knez (regent of Yugoslavia) Pavlodar (Kazakhstan) Pavlof Sister (volcano, Alaska, United States) Pavlof Volcano (volcano, Alaska, United States) Pavlograd (Ukraine) Pavlohrad (Ukraine) Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich (Russian physiologist) Pavlov, Valentin S. (Soviet politician) Pavlova, Anna (Russian ballerina) Pavlova, Anna Pavlovna (Russian ballerina) Pavlovian conditioning (behavioral psychology) Pavlovich, Dmitry (Russian noble) Pavlovich, Konstantin (Russian grand duke) Pavlovo (Russia) Pavlovsk (Ukraine) Pavlovsk (Russia) Pavlovsk Gavan (Alaska, United States) Pavlovsky Posad (Russia) PAVN (Vietnamese army) Pavo (astronomy) Pavo cristatus (bird) Pavo muticus (bird) Pavón, Battle of (Argentine history) pavor nocturnus (psychology) Pawar, Lalita (Indian actress) Pawcatuck River (river, United States) Pawhuska (Oklahoma, United States) Pawla (Malta) Pawlett, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Baron Cooper of (English politician [1621-83]) Pawlett, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Baron Cooper of (English politician and philososopher [1671-1713]) Pawlett, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Baron Cooper of (British industrial reformer [1801-85]) Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, Maria (Polish poet) Pawlowska, Eliza (Polish writer) pawn (chess) pawn (social class) pawn promotion (chess) pawn shop (business) Pawnbroker, The (film by Lumet [1965]) pawnbroking (business) Pawnee (people) Pawnee (Oklahoma, United States) pawpaw (fruit) pawpaw (Asimina genus) Pawtucket (Rhode Island, United States) Pawtucket River (river, United States) Pawtuxet River (river, United States) Pawumwa (people) Pax (Roman religion) Pax Augusta (Spain) Pax Dei Pax Hispanica (Spanish history) Pax Julia (Portugal) Pax, Mount (mountain, Ecuador) Pax Romana (Roman history) Pax Romana Christiana (Roman history) Paxinou, Katina (Greek actress) Paxistima canbyi (plant) Paxoí (island, Greece) Paxos (island, Greece) Paxton Boys uprising (United States history) Paxton gutter (construction) Paxton, Sir Joseph (British architect and botanist) Paxton, Thomas Richard (American folk singer-songwriter) Paxton, Tom (American folk singer-songwriter) pay equity (economics) Pay It Forward (film by Leder) Pay-Khoy Ridge (ridge, Russia) Pay-related social insurance (Irish insurance) Paya (people) Paya language Paya Tak (king of Siam) payada (Spanish-American ballad) payada (Uruguayan contest) Payam-e Mashriq (work by Iqbal) Payao (Thailand) PayCheck, Johnny (American musician) Payen, Anselme (French chemist) Payer, Julius (Austrian explorer) Payer, Mount (mountain, Russia) Payette, Julie (Canadian astronaut and engineer) Payette River (river, United States) payload payload specialist payments, balance of (economics) Payna, Petra (English theologian) Payne, Cecilia (British astronomer) Payne, Dolley (American first lady) Payne, Humfry Gilbert Garth (British archaeologist) Payne, John (American actor) Payne, John Howard (American playwright) Payne, Lewis (American conspirator) Payne, Peter (English theologian) Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act (United States [1909]) Payo Obispo (Mexico) payoff (statistics) payoff matrix (logic) payola (bribe) PayPal (American company) payroll tax (taxation) pays (geography) pays de droit écrit (French history) Pays de la Loire (region, France) pays d’élection (French history) pays d’état (French history) Paysan parvenu, Le (work by Marivaux) Paysandú (Uruguay) paysannat system (agriculture) Paysans du Nord pendant la Révolution française, Les (work by Lefebvre) Payson (Utah, United States) Payson, Elizabeth (American writer) pay?anim (Jewish poets) Payton, Lawrence (American singer) Payton, Walter (American football player) Payton, Walter Jerry (American football player) payusnaya caviar (food) paz (Slavic religion) Paz Estenssoro, Víctor (president of Bolivia) Paz García, Policarpo (Honduran politician) Paz, Manuel de Godoy, Prince de la (prime minister of Spain) Paz, Octavio (Mexican writer and diplomat) Pazardjik (Bulgaria) Pazardzhik (Bulgaria) Pazardžik (Bulgaria) Pázmány, Péter (Hungarian cardinal) “Pazos de Ulloa, Los” (work by Pardo Bazán) Pazyryk (archaeological site, Kazakhstan) Pazzi Chapel (chapel, Florence, Italy) Pazzi conspiracy (Italian history) Pazzi family (Italian family) Pazzi, Roberto (Italian author) Pazzi, War of the (Italian history)

| Pawnee ... PBT | PC ... Peace on the March


PDP (computer line) | PDP (electronics) | PDP (political party, Nigeria) | PDPA (political party, Afghanistan) | PDS (political party, Senegal) | PDS (political party, Germany) | PDSR (political party, Romania) | PDT (medicine) | PDV (climatology) | PDVSA (Venezuelan company) | PE (explosive) | PE (chemical compound) | Pe-har (Tibetan Buddhist divinity) | pea (legume) | pea aphid (insect) | pea crab (crustacean) | pea family (plant family) | pea order (plant order) | pea picker’s disease (pathology) | Pea Ridge, Battle of (American Civil War) | pea weevil (insect) | Peabody (Massachusetts, United States) | peabody (dance) | Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer (American educator) | Peabody, George (American merchant, financier, and philanthropist) | Peabody, Josephine Preston (American writer) | Peabody, Lucy Whitehead McGill Waterbury (American missionary) | Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) | Peabody Museum of Natural History (museum, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States) | peace | Peace After War (work by Gironella) | Peace and Friendship and Cooperation, Treaty of (India-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [1971]) | Peace and Longevity, Palace of (building, Beijing, China) | Peace and National Reconciliation, Charter for (legislation, Algeria) | peace, breach of the (law) | Peace Breaks Out (novel by Knowles) | peace building | peace church (religion) | Peace Commission of 1778 | peace conference | peace congress | Peace Corps (United States agency) | Peace Democrat (American political faction) | peace, dove of (bird) | Peace Jubilee festival (music festival) | peace, justice of the (law) | Peace Kannon (statue, Utsunomiya, Japan) | peace lily (plant) | Peace Memorial Park (park, Hiroshima, Japan) | Peace Mission (American religious sect) | peace movement | Peace Museum (museum, Caen, France) | Peace, Museum for (museum, Caen, France) | Peace of Amiens (France [1802]) | Peace of Copenhagen (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden [1660]) | Peace of Pressburg (Europe [1805]) | Peace of Stolbovo (Sweden-Russia [1617]) | Peace on the March (work by Angell) | Peace Park (park, Nagasaki, Japan) | Peace, Partnership for (international relations) | Peace People, Community of (Irish activist organization) | Peace People Organization (Irish activist organization) | peace pill (drug) | Peace Pipe (American Indian culture) | peace research | Peace River (river, Canada) | Peace, The (play by Aristophanes) | Peace Today (editorial cartoon) | peace treaty | Peace, University of (university, Huy, Belgium) | Peace with Japan, Treaty of (1951) | Peaceable Kingdom, The (work by Hicks) | peaceful coexistence | Peacekeeper missile (United States missile) | Peacekeeping Forces of the United Nations | Peacekeeping Operations, Department of (UN) | Peacemaker (revolver) | Peacemaker of Spain, The (regent of Spain) | Peacemakers; The Great Powers and American Independence, The (work by Morris) | peacemaking theory (sociology) | peach (tree and fruit) | peach bloom (glaze) | Peach Blossom (work by Wast) | Peach, Charles William (English naturalist and geologist) | peach Melba (food) | peach palm (tree) | peach tree borer (moth) | peach twig borer (insect) | peach-faced lovebird (bird) | peach-leaved bellflower (plant) | Peacham, Edmond (English clergyman) | Peacham, Henry (English author and educator) | peachblow glass (art) | Peachey, Eleanor Margaret (British astronomer) | peacock (bird) | Peacock Angel (Yazidi deity) | Peacock Army (Islamic history) | Peacock, Cornelia Augusta (Roman Catholic abbess) | peacock flounder (fish) | Peacock, George (British mathematician and theologian) | peacock moth (insect) | peacock pine (tree) | peacock plant (plant) | peacock poppy (plant) | Peacock Records (American company) | Peacock Theatre (theatre, Dublin, Ireland) | Peacock, Thomas Love (English author) | Peacock Throne | peacock tree (plant) | peacock worm (polychaete genus) | Peacocke, Arthur (British biochemist and theologian) | Peacocke, Arthur Robert (British biochemist and theologian) | Peada (king of Mercia) | peafowl (bird) | peahen (bird) | peak (spectroscopy) | peak (chromatogram) | peak association | Peak District (region, England, United Kingdom) | Peak District National Park (national park, England, United Kingdom) | Peak Downs (region, Queensland, Australia) | peak efficiency (radiation detection) | peak maximum (measurement) | peak period | Peak, The (proposed architectural project) | peak width (measurement) | Peak XV (mountain, Asia) | Peake, Frederick Gerard (British military officer) | Peake, Mervyn (English novelist) | Peale, Anna Claypoole (American painter) | Peale, Charles Willson (American painter) | Peale Museum (museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States) | Peale, Norman Vincent (American religious leader) | Peale, Rembrandt (American painter) | Peale, Sarah Miriam (American painter) | | peanut (plant) | peanut butter (food) | peanut oil | peanut worm (marine worm) | Peanuts (comic strip by Schulz) | pear (tree and fruit) | Pear Garden (Chinese history) | pear haw (plant) | pear slug (insect) | Pearce, Ann Philippa (British author) | Pearce, Henry (British boxer) | Pearic languages | Pearl (Middle English poem) | pearl (gemstone) | pearl barley (cereal) | Pearl Bridge (bridge, Japan) | Pearl, Daniel (American journalist) | pearl doublet (assembled gem) | Pearl Fishers, The (work by Bizet) | Pearl Islands (archipelago, Panama) | Pearl Jam (American music group) | pearl millet (plant) | Pearl, Minnie (American entertainer) | Pearl Mosque (mosque, Agra, India) | Pearl of Great Price (work by Smith) | Pearl of the East (Syria) | pearl onion (plant) | pearl oyster (mollusk) | Pearl River (river, China) | Pearl River (river, United States) | Pearl River Convention (American history) | Pearl River Delta (delta, China) | Pearl S. Buck Foundation | pearl tapioca (food) | Pearl, The (periodical) | pearlfish (fish) | pearlite (chemical compound) | Pearls Airport (airport, Grenada, West Indies) | Pearls, Isle of (island, Venezuela) | Pearls of Wisdom (American periodical) | Pearlstein, Philip (American painter) | pearlstone (natural glass) | pearly everlasting (plant) | pearly lustre (mineralogy) | pearly nautilus (cephalopod) | Pears, Sir Peter (English singer) | Pears, Sir Peter Neville Luard (English singer) | Pearsall, Phyllis Isobel Gross (British entrepreneur) | Pearse, Patrick Henry (Irish poet and statesman) | Pearson, Andrew Russell (American journalist) | Pearson, Arthur (British publisher) | Pearson, Bill (New Zealand author) | Pearson distribution (mathematics) | Pearson, Drew (American journalist) | Pearson, George (British physician) | Pearson, Hesketh (English writer) | Pearson International Airport (airport, Ontario, Canada) | Pearson, John Loughborough (British architect)

| Pearl Islands ... Pechora Sea | Pechorskoye More ... Pedicularis groenlandica | pediculosis pubis ... peeping tom | peepul ... Peixoto de Magalhães, Antônio Carlos | Peixoto, Floriano ... Pelham | Pelham ... Peltigera canina | Peltigera polydactyla ... pencerdd | Pench National Park ... Península de Paraguaná | Península de Yucatán ... Pennsylvania State University | Pennsylvania Station ... Pentecostal Church of God of America, Inc. | Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene ... People’s Democratic Party | People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan ... Pepper, Claude | Pepper, Claude Denson ... perceptrons | perceptual category ... Peregrinus Proteus | Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi ... performance | performance ... Perils of Pauline, The | perilymph ... perk | Perk, Jacques ... Peromyscus | Peromyscus gossypinus ... Perry, Lee “Scratch” | Perry, Lilla Cabot ... personal computer | personal data assistant ... Perugino | peruke ... Peta | PETA ... Peter Rabbit | Peter, Saint ... “Petit Testament, Le” | Petit Trianon, Le ... petrol | petrol engine ... Pettenkofer, Max von | Petter Svensks historia ... Pfeffer, Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp | Pfefferkorn, Johannes Joseph ... phalanger | Phalanger maculatus ... Pharoanic circumcision | Pharomachrus ... Phemius | phenacetin ... Philadelphia Orchestra | Philadelphia Phillies ... Philip IV | Philip, John ... Philippsburg | Philippus, Lucius Marcus ... Philosophia sensibus demonstrata | “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” ... phloem | phloem parenchyma cell ... phoenix | phoenix ... Phosphatocopida | phosphene ... photodetector | photodiode ... photosynthetic organism | photosynthetic reaction center ... Phuntsholing | phur-bu ... physical capital | physical change ... Phytomastigophorea | phytomorphism ... Piatra lui Craciun | Piatra-Neamt ... pickerelweed | Pickering, Edward Charles ... Picus viridis | PID ... Piero di Benedetto dei Franceschi | Piero di Cosimo ... pigeon berry | pigeon breeder’s lung ... Pilea cadierei | Pilea depressa ... Pilostyles thurberi | pilot ... pincers | pinch effect ... “Ping-fa” | P’ing-hsiang ... Pinski, David | Pinsky, David ... Pipe of Desire, The | pipe organ ... pirate | pirate perch ... Pisces | Pisces ... | ... Pittsburgh Gazette, The | Pittsburgh glass ... PLA | PLA Day ... Plainfield | Plains ... planetary motion, Kepler’s laws of | planetary nebula ... plantation walking horse | plantation white sugar ... plasticity index | plasticity, neural ... “Platform Scripture” | Platform Scripture of the Sixth Patriarch ... Players’ League | Playfair cipher ... plenipotentiary | Plenipotentiary Conference ... Pliekšans, Janis | Pliensbachian Stage ... plum pudding model | plum subfamily ... pluviometric equator | ply yarn ... Po | Po ... Podkarpackie | Podkopayeva, Lilia ... Poems | Poems ... Poets of Great Britain complete from Chaucer to Churchill, The | poets’ war, the ... point-contact transistor | point-count bidding ... Pokémon | Pokémon ... Polaris missile | polarity ... Police Service of Northern Ireland | police technology ... political economy | Political Economy Club ... pollen sac | pollen stratigraphy ... polyacrylonitrile fibre | Polyaenus ... Polygalales | polygamy ... polynucleotide phosphorylase | polynya ... polyvinyl formal | polyvinylidene chloride ... Pompey | Pompey, Gnaeus ... Pontaniana, Accademia | Pontano, Giovanni ... Pooh Perplex: A Freshman Casebook, The | Pooideae ... Popol Vuh | Popolare ... Populus alba | Populus alba variety bolleana ... porphyropsin | Porphyrula alleni ... Port of London Act | Port of London Authority ... porter | porter ... Portobelo National Park | Portofino ... porus opticus | Porvoo ... post chaise | Post, Charles William ... postmarketing adverse drug event | postmaterialism ... potassium nitrate | potassium nitrite ... Potsdam Conference | Potsdam Declaration ... Poussaint, Alvin Francis | Pousseur, Henri ... Power Elite, The | power factor ... PPD | PPFA ... praetersound | praetor ... pralin | praline ... praxis | Praxis et Theorica Criminalis ... precipitation, electrostatic | precipitation hardening ... pregnancy termination | pregnancy test ... prenuptial agreement | prenylated protein ... preservation, food | Preservation Hall ... pressure flaking technique | pressure flow ... preventive detention | preventive diplomacy ... Prichard, Rhys | pricing ... Primary Colors | primary colour ... “Primero sueño” | Primettes, the ... Prince of Wales Mountains | Prince of Wales Museum of Western India ... Principles of Behavior | Principles of Cartesian Philosophy ... prism | prismatic astrolabe ... priyayi | prize cases ... Proboscoidea | Probus ... procurator-fiscal | procuratores ... Professional Golfers Association | Professional Golfers’ Association of America ... progressive jazz | Progressive Labour Party ... Prolegomena to an Idealist Theory of Knowledge | Prolegomena zu einer wissenschaftlichen Mythologie ... Proof | proof ... propionyl coenzyme A | Propithecus ... proskenion | Proskuriv ... protective clothing | protective covenant ... Proto-Celtic language | Proto-Chadic language ... proton-transfer reaction | protonema ... Providenciales | Provident Hospital ... Prunoideae | Prunus ... Psalms of Struggle and Liberation, The | Psalms, Sonets, and songs of sadnes and pietie ... pseudohexagonal system | pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy ... | psittacine beak and feather disease ... Psychological Wednesday Circle | Psychologie der Weltanschauungen ... Pterocarya stenoptera | Pterocletidae ... ptosis | PTRM ... public policy approach | public prosecutor ... Puebla | Puebla, Anniversary of the Battle of ... | Puffy AmiYumi ... Pullman Strike | Pulmonaria ... pump drill | pumped-storage system ... punto a relievo | punto banco ... Puri | Puri, Amrish ... pursuitmeter | Purtscheller, Ludwig ... Putney, Martha S. | Putnik, Radomir ... pycnogonid | Pycnogonida ... Pyracantha | Pyracantha atalantioides ... pyromania | pyrometallurgy ... PZT

Q ... Qara Qoyunlu | Qarafah, Al- ... Qayrawan, Al- | Qayrawan, Great Mosque of ... Qinfu | qing ... Qoz | QSL process ... Quaker Oats Company | Quakerism ... Quarropas | quarry ... Quattuor controversiae | Quatuor en fa dièse, Le ... “Queen of Salsa Music” | Queen of Soul ... Quercus arizonica | Quercus chrysolepsis ... Qui Nhon | Quia Emptores, Statute of ... Quine, Robert | Quine, Willard Van Orman ... Quo Vadis? | Quo Vadis? ... Qyzylqum

R ... Rabe, David William | Rabéarivelo, Jean-Joseph ... Racin, Kosta | Racine ... Rådhuspladsen | radial artery ... radio altimeter | radio antenna ... radiometric analysis | radiometric dating ... Rafi | Rafi? al-Darajat ... Rahman, Shamsur | Rahman, Zia ur- ... Rainbow, The | rainbow trout ... rajas | Rajasanagara ... rale | Ralea, Mihai ... Ramanandi | Ramanantsoa, Gabriel ... Ramm, Mount | Ramman ... Ramsey’s theorem | Ramsgate ... random number | random sampling ... Rankovic, Alexander | Ranks, Table of ... rapid reading | Rapid Robert ... Rashid ad-Din | Rashid ad-Din as-Sinan ... Rata, Matiu | Ratak ... ratoon | ratooning ... Ravensdale, Lord | Ravereau, André ... Rayleigh wave | Raymond ... RDF site | rdo-rje ... readjustment | Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth, The ... reaper | reapportionment ... reception | receptive field ... Recollection in Metaphysics | Recollections of a Houskeeper ... Recto, Claro Mayo | rectocele ... red crab | Red Crescent ... red pulp | Red Purge ... red-breasted toucan | red-breasted wryneck ... Redl, Alfred | Redlands ... Reed, Janet | Reed, Jerry ... referential opacity | referentialism ... Reformed Church in Hungary | Reformed Church in the United States ... regent bowerbird | Regent Diamond ... Regnar Lodbrog | Regnar Lodbrok ... Rehoboth Baster | Rehoboth Beach ... Reinach, Adolf | Reinald of Guelders, Count ... Rej, Mikolaj | reja ... Relenza | Reles, Abe ... religious symbolism | religious syncretism ... remixed straight-dough process | Remiz pendulinus ... Renaudie, La | Renaudot, Théophraste ... rental income insurance | rental value ... representation | Representation of Natives Act ... Republican | republican ... rescripta | Rescue and Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Space, Agreement on the ... residual radiation | residual schizophrenia ... Respighi, Ottorino | respiration ... restrictive covenant | reststrahlen ... retinospora | retinula ... Reuther board | Reuther, Walter ... reversible toxic response | reversible-pump turbine ... Revue des Deux Mondes | Revue du Monde Noir ... RGH law | RGS ... Rheinland-Pfalz | Rheinschanze ... Rhinocryptidae | Rhinoderma darwinii ... Rhodesian red water fever | Rhodesian ridgeback ... Rhynchelytrum repens | Rhynchobdellida ... Ribaut, Jean | ribavirin ... Rice, Edgar Charles | Rice, Edmund Ignatius ... Richard the Justiciar | Richard the Lion-Heart ... Richland | Richland Center ... ricochetal locomotion | Ricoeur, Jean Paul Gustave ... Riel Rebellion | Riel Rebellion ... Right and Wrong in Massachusetts | right angle ... Rijmbijbel | Rijn, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van ... rímur | Rimush ... ringtailed cat | ringtaw ... Rio, Pact of | Río Pánuco ... Ripple Rock | Rippon of Hexham, Aubrey Geoffrey Frederick Rippon, Baron ... Ritola, Ville | Ritola, Willie ... Rivera, Chita | Rivera, Diego ... RKK Energia | RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. ... Robbe-Grillet, Alain | Robben Island ... Robert the Bruce | Robert the Devil ... Robey, Sir George | Robichaud, Louis Joseph ... RoboCup | Robosi ... rock art | rock avalanche ... Rockdale: The Growth of an American Village in the Early Industrial Revolution | Rockefeller ... rod brake | Rod, Édouard ... roe deer | Roe, Sir Alliott Verdon ... Rohan, Benjamin de, seigneur de Soubise | Rohan, Charles de, prince de Soubise ... Rolfe, John | Rolin, Dominique ... Romaiki | Romain du Roi ... romanceiro | romancero ... Rome, Esther | Rome ‘La Sapienza’, University of ... Roncevaux Pass | Ronchi, Vasco ... Roosevelt I Knew, The | Roosevelt Island ... Rosa Mistika | Rosa, Monte ... Rose, Peter Edward | rose pogonia ... Rosenthal, Manuel | Rosenthal’s canal ... Rossetti, Christina | Rossetti, Christina Georgina ... rotary drill | rotary drilling ... Rothschild, Baron Edmond de | Rothschild, Baron Elie Robert de ... roughage | Roughing It ... Rouvroy, Claude-Henri de, Comte de Saint-Simon | Roux, Émile ... Roy, Joseph Camille | Roy, Manabendra Nath ... Royal Gorge | royal governor ... royal water lily | Royal William ... Ruan Sizong | Ruan Yuan ... Rubus loganobaccus | Rubusti, Jacopo ... Rudolph, Lucretia | Rudolph, Paul ... Ruhmkorff coil | Ruhmkorff, Heinrich Daniel ... Rumada | “Rumah kaca” ... Runius, Johan | Runjit Singh ... Rural Sports | Rurales ... Russell of Killowen, Charles Russell, Baron | Russell of Kingston Russell, Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl, Viscount Amberley of Amberley and of Ardsalla ... Russky Mir | Russo, Alecu ... Rutilius Rufus, Publius | Rutilus rutilus ... Ryan, Tommy | Ryan, Tony ... Rzhev

s ... Sa?adia ben Joseph | Saakashvili, Mikhail ... Sabbatius, Petrus | Sabbetaianism ... Sacasa, Juan Bautista | Sacastru, Martin ... sacral curve | sacral foramen ... Sacrosancta | sacrum ... Sadler Commission | Sadler, Michael Thomas ... safflower | safflower oil ... saguaro | Saguaro National Monument ... ?a?ib Khathir | ?a?ib of E?fahan ... Saint Augustine grass | Saint Augustine, Second Order of ... Saint Gotthard Road Tunnel | Saint Gotthard Tunnel ... Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra | Saint Louis University ... Saint Petersburg | Saint Petersburg ... Saint-Eustache | Saint-Évremond, Charles de Marguetel de Saint-Denis, Seigneur de ... Saint-Pierre-de-la-Pointe-aux-Esquimaux | Saint-Pierre-du-Vauvray Bridge ... “Saison en enfer, Une” | Saison Group ... Sakyapa | Sakyas ... Salchow, Karl Emil Julius Ulrich | Salchow, Ulrich ... Salii | Salii, Lazarus E. ... Salman al-Farisi | Salmantica ... Salsola kali | Salsola laricifolia ... Salus | Salusbury, Hester Lynch ... Samaná | Samaná Bay ... “Samfundets støtter” | Samguk sagi ... Sampson, Anthony Terrell Seward | Sampson, Deborah ... San Antonio, Mount | “San Antonio News” ... San Francisco Giants | San Francisco Gotera ... San Leucio | San Lorenzo ... San Pietro in Vincoli | San Procolo, Cathedral of ... Sancho el Craso | Sancho el Deseado ... Sand Point | sand quillwort ... Sanditon | Sandler, Boris ... sangat | Sangatsudo ... Sankore mosque | Sankore, University of ... Santa Bárbara Factory | Santa Barbara Islands ... Santa Maria del Carmine, Church of | Santa Maria del Carmine, Church of ... Santarém | Santareno, Bernardo ... Santos, Eugénio dos | Santos Football Club ... São Tiago Island | São Tiago, Order of ... SAR | SAR ... sarcina | sarcinae ... Sargon of Akkad | sargramostim ... Sart Kalmyk | Sartawi, ?Isam ... Sassarian | Sassetta ... Sato Haruo | Sato Koichi ... Satyre of the Thrie Estaits, Ane | Satyricon ... Saurischia | saurischian ... Savile’s bandicoot rat | Saville ... Sawoe Islands | Sawos ... Sayn-Wittgenstein, Princess Carolyne | Säynätsalo ... scaleless dragonfish | Scalfaro, Oscar Luigi ... scarab | Scarab ... scél | Scelba Law ... Schanzkowski, Franziska | Schaper, Johann ... Schendel, Arthur-François-Émile van | Schenectady ... Schiphol Airport | schipperke ... Schlosser, Max | Schlosstheater ... Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Ludwig | Schnoz, The ... School of Mind | school shark ... Schüdderump, Der | Schuelein-Steel, Danielle Fernande ... Schwartz, Bernard | Schwartz, Delmore ... SCID | Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah ... Sciotoville Bridge | Scipio ... Scomberesocidae | Scomberesox saurus ... Scotia Illustrata | scotia molding ... Scottish law | Scottish literature ... screw-actuated lift | screw-cutting engine lathe ... Scudder, Vida Dutton | Scudderia furcata ... Sea and the Mirror | sea anemone ... sea shell | Sea Skua ... search and retrieval | search and seizure ... Sebastes owstoni | Sebastes viviparus ... second contact | Second Continental Congress ... seconda prattica | Secondary ... Secret Memoirs…of Several Persons of Quality | Secret of Hegel, The ... sedative | sedative-hypnotic drug ... Seedtime on the Cumberland | Seeger, Pete ... segmentation | segmented spider ... Seinen no wa | seiner ... Selaginella emmeliana | Selaginella kraussiana ... Seleukeia Tracheotis | Selevinia betpakdalaensis ... Selinunte | Selinus ... Semele | semelparity ... semitrailer | semivowel ... Sendero Luminoso | Sendic, Raúl ... Señora Ama | Senoufo ... Senzaishu | Senzangakona ... Septobasidiales | Septobasidium ... Serbian Orthodox Church | Serbian Radical Party ... Série Noire | seriema ... Serra, José | Serra, Junípero, Blessed ... Servius Tullius | servomechanism ... Setifer setosus | Setit River ... Seven Hills | Seven Hills of Rome ... Severnaya Zemlya | Severní Cechy ... Sex Research, Institute for | sex reversal ... Sezession, Vienna | Sezessionstil ... Shaddai, El | shaddock ... Shah Rokh | Shah Rokh Mirza ... Shaki | shaking palsy ... shamrock pea | Shamroy, Leon ... Shanley, John Patrick | Shannon ... Shardlow | share ... Shastan | shastra ... Shaykh, Jabal Al- | Shaykhi ... Sheed, Wilfrid | Sheed, Wilfrid John Joseph ... Shekhna | Shekhupura ... shen | Shen Ching ... Shepway | Sheqalim ... Shi Chaoyi | Shi Dakai ... Shih K’o | Shih Ta-k’ai ... Shimomura, Osamu | Shimomura Seizaburo ... shinty | Shinwell, Emanuel, Baron Shinwell of Easington ... Shishak | Shishakli, Adib al- ... Shoda Michiko | Shodeke ... shophar | shophroth ... short-tailed opossum | short-tailed porcupine ... Shovel City | shovel, power ... Shropshire, Robert of Bellême, 3rd earl of | shroud ... Shulgi | Shul?an ?arukh ... Shwethalyaung | Shwezigon Pagoda ... Sibir | Sibiriakov, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich ... Siddhartha | Siddhartha Gautama ... ?idqi, ?Aziz | ?idqi, Bakr ... Sierra evergreen chinquapin | Sierra, Gregorio Martínez ... “siglo de las luces, El” | Siglo de Oro ... SII | Siirt ... Siles, Jaime | Siles Zuazo, Hernando ... silky flycatcher | silky lacewing ... silver dik-dik | Silver Disc machine ... Simca | Simchas Torah ... Simon, Neil | Simon, Norton ... Simplon-Orient-Express | Simplot, J. R. ... Sinapis alba | Sinapis arvensis ... Singh, Dhulip | Singh, Ganesh Man ... Singschule | singspiel ... Sintaxis | Sinte-galeshka ... Sir Seretse Khama Airport | Sirach ... Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde de | sismondine ... Sitting Bull | sitting music ... Sixteen Kingdoms | Sixteenth Amendment ... skatole | Skaw, The ... skin-on-skin process | skinhead ... sky-pointing | skya-ka ... Slatina | Slaton, Mary Leta Dorothy ... sleeper | sleeper ... slightly polymerized humic acid | slightly stratified estuary ... slope soaring | slope wash ... Slumdog Millionaire | slump ... Smart, Ninian | smart packaging ... Smith, Arnold Cantwell | Smith, Art ... Smith, Michael | Smith, Michael ... Smithville | SMK ... Smyrna | Smyrna ... Sneyders, Frans | Snezhnoe ... snowball garnet | snowberry ... Soberania National Park | Sobers, Gary ... social dialectology | social differentiation ... social worker | social workshop ... sociotomy | socket ... sodium nitre | sodium nitrite ... soft-mud process | soft-service ice cream ... Soissons, Charles de Bourbon, comte de | Soissons, House of ... solar prominence | solar quiet-day variation ... Solheim, Karsten | Soli ... solo performance | solo performance ... solvability | solvated electron ... Somers, John Somers, Baron | Somers of Evesham, John Somers, Baron ... Son of Sam | Son of the Chosen People, A ... songgol | Songgyun’guan ... Soo Kyong Jo | Soo, The ... Søraust-Svalbard Naturreservat | Sorb ... “Sorrow and Joy They Wander Together” | Sorrow Beyond Dreams, A ... Soukop, Wilhelm Josef | Soukop, Willi ... source rock | source separation ... South American jackal | South American leaf beetle ... South Island | South, James ... Southampton | Southampton, Barbara Villiers, Countess of ... southern grasshopper mouse | southern green stinkbug ... Southport | Southport ... Soya, C. E. | Soya Strait ... space-time | spacecraft ... Spanish influenza epidemic | Spanish Inquisition ... Spasskaya Tower | Spassky, Boris Vasilyevich ... special theory | Special Tribunal for the Defense of the State ... spectrograph | spectrograph, sound ... spell | Spellbound ... Sperostoma giganteum | Sperrgebiet ... sphinx of Boeotian Thebes | Sphinx of Giza ... Spilogale putorious | Spilogale pygmaea ... Spinoza, Baruch | Spinoza, Bendictus ... spirit of turpentine | spirit possession ... splenic lymph follicle | splenic vein ... spool furniture | spool valve ... spotted dove | spotted duckbill ray ... spring force | spring gravimeter ... spurge family | spurge-laurel ... Squaw Man, The | Squaw Valley ... Srimad Bhagavadgita-Rahasya | Srinagar ... St. Clair | St. Cloud Visiter ... St. Mary of Zion, Church of | St. Mary Peak ... stabilization pond | stabilization processing ... stage manager | stage race ... Stalky & Co. | stall ... standard signal generator | standard solar motion ... Stanley, Mount | Stanley, Mount ... Star Maker | Star Man’s Son, 2250 A.D. ... Starovoytova, Galina Vasilyevna | Starr, Bart ... State Duma | State Duma ... Statesman | Statesman, The ... statutory rape | statutory trust ... stearyl alcohol | steatite ... Steglitz | Stegman ... stellar population | stellar wind ... Stepanov, Vladimir Ivanovich | Stepennaya kniga ... Steps to Parnassus | Steps Toward a Constructive Nominalism ... Sternaspis | Sternbach, Leo Henryk ... stew | steward ... sticktight flea | Sticky Fingers ... stilus | Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45 ... stishovite | stitches ... Stoddard, Richard Henry | Stoecker, Adolf ... stomodaeum | stomotion ... Stony Point, Battle of | Stony Point Battlefield State Historic Site ... Storm of Steel, The | Storm of the Century ... Stout, Rex Todhunter | Stout, Sir Robert ... Strand | strand casting ... strategic control | Strategic Defense Initiative ... stratum spongiosum | stratum synoviale ... street film | street gang ... stressed-skin construction | stretch ... stringybark pine | stringybark tree ... stromuhr | Strong, A. H. ... structuralism | structuralism ... Stuart, Mary Henrietta | Stuart style ... Study of War, A | stuffing ... Stuyvesant, Peter | Stuyvesant, Petrus ... Sub-Atlantic Stage | Sub-Boreal Forest Region ... Subjection of Women, The | subjective experience ... subsidiary system | Subsidies and Countervailing Duties, Code on ... succinate dehydrogenase | Succineacea ... Sudbury, Henry Fitzroy, Baron | Sudbury Lopolith ... ?ufi, a?- | ?ufi literature ... suit | suit ... Sulayman ibn Mu?ammad ibn Hud | Sulayman ibn Qutalmïsh ... sulfur donor | sulfur dye ... sulphonyl chloride | sulphonyl compound ... Šumen | Sumenep ... Summers, Larry | Summers Last Will and Testament ... Sun Yun-suan | Sun Zhongshan ... sunlight | Sunlight Sonata, The ... Superbad | Superbas ... supernova remnant | supernumerary rainbow ... suppressor T cell | suppressor T lymphocyte ... Surakarta | suramin ... Surguja | Surgut ... Surtur | surubí ... Sussex | Sussex ... Sutton, William Francis, Jr. | Sutton, Willie ... Svensk Filmindustri | Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget ... Swallow-Hole in the Bois d’Amour, Pont Aven, The | swallow-shrike ... Swartberge | Swarthmoor Hall ... sweet biscuit | sweet buckeye ... Swietochowski, Aleksandr | Swietokrzyskie ... switch grass | switch selling ... syllable | syllable-stress metre ... Symmetrodonta | symmetrogeny ... Symphony No. 9 in C Major | “Symphony No. 9 in D Minor (Choral)” ... syncopation | syncope ... Synthetic Cubism | synthetic diamond ... Syrphus americanus | Syrtis Major ... Szálasi, Ferenc | Szamos River ... Szyszlo, Fernando de

t ... Ta-tu | Ta-tu ... tablero | tables of discovery ... Tacna | Tacna ... Taft | Taft, Helen ... t’ai chi | t’ai chi ch’uan ... tail rhyme | tail rotor ... Taiyuan Fu | Taiyue Dadi ... Takht-e Jamshid | Takht-e Soleyman ... “Tale of the Bamboo Cutter” | Tale of the Buffoon Who Outjested Seven Buffoons, The ... Tall Sankarah | tall tale ... Tamanghasset | Tamano ... Tamil Language Special Provisions Act | Tamil literature ... Tanacetum coccineum | Tanacetum vulgare ... Tanga Islands | Tangail ... tanka | Tankara ... Tao Sheng | Tao, Terrence ... Tappan, Henry B. | Tappan, Lewis ... Tarasque | Tarasque, La ... tariqa | tariqah ... Tartarus | Tartessos ... Tassah, Wadi | ... Tatian | Tatianos ... Taurus stream | Taurus-Littrow Valley ... Taxandrian Interglacial Stage | taxation ... Taylor, John | Taylor, John ... Tchitrea | Tchogha Zanbil ... Teate | Teatr 13 Rzedow ... teen idol | “Teen Kanya” ... Tekapo, Lake | Teke ... telephone booth | telephone box ... Telluride | tellurium ... temperature scale | temperature stress ... Temptation of the West, The | Temptations, The ... Tenentismo | Ténéré ... Tenrec ecaudatus | Tenrecidae ... Tepic | Teplice ... Terjung, Werner H. | Terjung’s Comfort Index ... terra firme | Terra Fria ... territory | territory ... Tessin, Nicodemus, the Elder | Tessin, Nicodemus, the Younger ... Teton Range | Teton River ... Tetrodontium | Tetschen ... Texas Southern University | Texas State University for Negroes ... Thailand, history of | Thailander ... Thanet, Isle of | Thanetian Stage ... Theagenes of Megara | Theagenes of Rhegium ... Thelyphonida | Thelypteridaceae ... Theodoric I | Theodoric II ... Théorie de l’impôt | Theorie der algebraischen Curven ... Theridiosomatidae | Therigatha ... thermoelectric engine | thermoelectric generator ... Thessaloníki | Thessaly ... Thierry D’Alsace | Thierry de Chartres ... third cranial nerve | third degree ... Thisbe | Thisted ... Thomas, Lowell | Thomas, M. Carey ... Thompson, Sir Henry | Thompson, Sir J. Eric S. ... thorax | Thorazine ... Thorpe, Thomas | Thorpe, Thomas B. ... Three Cities, The | Three Coins in the Fountain ... three-centre, two-electron bond | three-colour printing ... thrombocyte | thrombocytopathy ... Thumanian, Hovhannes | thumb ... Thwaites, Michael Rayner | THX 1138 ... Ti-ts’ang | ti-tzu ... Tibeto-Chinese languages | Tibi Dam ... T’ien Kuan | T’ien Lung ... tiger’s-eye | tigerware ... Tilburg University | Tilbury ... Timaru | timbal organ ... Timgad | timing ... Tinea pellionella | Tineba, Pegunungan ... Tippit, J. D. | Tippu Sahib ... Tiselius, Arne | Tiselius, Arne Wilhelm Kaurin ... title insurance | Title IX ... Tlapacoya | Tlapanec languages ... Toba | Toba ... Todd, Ronald | Todd, Sir Garfield ... “tOileánach, An” | toilet ... Tokyo, Bank of | Tokyo Bay ... toll office | Tollan ... Tombaugh, Clyde William | tombeau ... tone-cluster | Tone-gawa ... tonni-vak | Tonnidae ... topazolite | topcross ... Torelli, Salinguerra | torero ... torpor | Torquato Tasso ... Tortola | Tortona ... totalizing meter | Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures and Painefull Peregrinations of Long Nineteene Years Travayles, The ... Toungoo | Toungoo dynasty ... Towards a Dynamic Economics | Towards a New Architecture ... toxicyst | toxin ... Trachinotus | Trachinotus carolinus ... trade, board of | Trade, Board of ... Tragelaphus angasii | Tragelaphus buxtoni ... Traité des maladies mentales | “Traité des membranes” ... transactional analysis | Transactionalism ... transformation-toughened zirconia | transformational grammar ... Transmission of Information | transmission, textual ... transverse stream | transverse tubule ... Traun | Traun, Otto Ferdinand, Graf von Abensperg und ... trawler | trawling ... treatment, storage, or disposal facility | treaty ... “tregua, La” | trehalose ... trepha | trephining ... “Triad” | triad ... Tribunaux correctionels | tribunaux correctionnels ... Trichy | Trichys fasciculata ... Trigonoceps occipitalis | Trigonometria Britannica ... trinitroxylene | Trinity ... triple metre | triple point ... Triticum aestivum spelta | Triticum compactum ... Trogidae | Trogir ... Trøndelag | Trondheim ... Trossachs, the | “Tröst Einsamkeit” ... truck | truck ... Trujillo | Trujillo ... Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward | Trusteeship Council ... Tsao Shen | Ts’ao Ts’ao ... Tsoede | Tsokev, Hristo ... TTL metering | TTPI ... tubesnout | Tubifex ... Tuesday | tufa ... tulip poplar | tulip shell ... Tuna language | tunable laser ... tuning-fork piano | Tunip ... Turan | Turan Plain ... Turin, University of | Turina, Joaquín ... Turla River | Turloch O’Connor ... turpentine, spirit of | Turpin, Dick ... tutores | tutorial ... Twelfth Night | “Twelfth Night; or, What You Will” ... Twining, Nathan F. | Twining, Nathan Farragut ... two-dimensional gel electrophoresis | two-dimensional planar chromatography ... Tyler, Steven | Tyler, Walter ... Type Ia supernova | type Ib congenital disorder of glycosylation ... tyrant flycatcher | Tyras ... Tzuultaq’ah

U ... “Über den Prozess der Zivilisation” | “Über den Standort der Industrien” ... UDEL | Udenamo ... UGCC | Ugedei ... uki-e | Ukiah ... Ulixes | Uljanovsk ... ultracentrifugation | ultracompact H II region ... ?Umar ibn Abi Rabi?ah | ?Umar ibn al-Kha?tab ... Ummah Party | Umnak Island ... unconditioned response | unconditioned stimulus ... underwater transportation | underwater weapon ... Uniate church | uniaxial crystal ... Unión Cívica Radical | Union College ... Unionville | Unionville ... United Farm Workers of America | United Farmers of Ontario ... United Paramount Theatres | United Parcel Service ... United States, Supreme Court of the | United States Tariff Act ... Universal House of Justice | universal joint ... Unknowns, Tomb of the | Unkoku ... Unterland | Unterlinden, Musée d’ ... Upjohn, Richard M. | Upjohn’s Rural Architecture ... Uppsala Universitet | Uppsala University ... uranium tetrafluoride | uranium X2 ... urea-formaldehyde resin | Ureaplasma ... urobilin | Urochordata ... urticaria subcutanea | Urticeae ... Ushba | Usher ... uswah ?asanah | USX Corporation ...

UT (chronology) Ut de Franzosentid (work by Reuter) Ut mine Festungstid (work by Reuter) Ut mine Stromtid (work by Reuter) Ut queant laxis (hymn by Guido d’Arezzo) Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la (mass by Palestrina) Ut unum sint (encyclical by John Paul II) Uta (reptile genus) uta monogatari (poem tales) Uta stansburiana Utaemon VI, Nakamura (Japanese actor) Utagawa Hiroshige (Japanese artist) Utagawa Kunisada (Japanese artist) Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Japanese artist) Utagawa Toyohiro (Japanese artist) Utagawa Toyokuni (Japanese artist) Utah (state, United States) Utah Ballet (American ballet company) Utah Beach (World War II) Utah, flag of (United States state flag) Utah Jazz (American basketball team) Utah Lake (lake, Utah, United States) Utah prairie dog (rodent) Utah State Agricultural College (university, Logan, Utah, United States) Utah State Development Center (school, American Fork, Utah, United States) Utah State University (university, Logan, Utah, United States) Utah Teapot (computer science) Utah/United States Film Festival (American film festival) Utah, University of (university, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States) Utah War (United States [1857-58]) utai (Japanese theatre) Utamaro (Japanese artist) Utashige (Japanese artist) UTC UTC (American corporation) Ute (Colorado, United States) Ute (people) Ute Peak (mountain, New Mexico, United States) Utelle (France) uterine bleeding (pathology) uterine cancer (pathology) uterine cervix (anatomy) uterine contractions (childbirth) uterine fibroid (pathology) uterine involution uterine leiomyomata (pathology) uterine myoma (pathology) uterine prolapse (pathology) uterine sarcoma (pathology) uterine tube (anatomy) uterine tube, ampulla of (anatomy) uterus (anatomy) Utgard (Germanic mythology) Uthagamandalam (India) Uthai Thani (province, Thailand) Uther Pendragon (legendary king of Britain) ?Uthman (Ottoman sultan) ?Uthman (?af?id ruler) ?Uthman Bey al-Bardisi (Mamluk leader) Uthman dan Fodio (Fulani leader) ?Uthman ibn ?Affan (Muslim caliph) ?Uthman ibn Fudi (Fulani leader) ?Uthman ibn Mu?ammar (Arab ruler) UTI (pathology) uti possidetis (Roman law) Utica (Tunisia) Utica (New York, United States) Utiguri (ancient people) utilidor (engineering) Utilitarian Society (British organization) utilitarianism (philosophy) Utilitarianism (work by Mill) utilitas (architecture) utilities utility (economics) Utility Analysis and the Consumption Function (work by Brumberg and Modigliani) utility bicycle (vehicle) utility function (logic) utility industry utility measure (logic) utility music (music) utility theory (mathematics) utility value (logic) utilization (coal) Utique (Tunisia) Utje-Šenovic, Juraj (Hungarian cardinal) Utkal Plains (plains, India) Utkala (state, India) Utley, Adrian (British musician) Utley, Chase (American baseball player) Utnapishtim (Mesopotamian mythology) Uto (Egyptian goddess) Uto-Aztecan languages “Utomlyonnyye solntsem” (film by Mikhalkov [1994]) UTP (chemical compound) Utpala (Indian author) Utraquists (religious movement) Utre, Philipp von (German administrator) Utrera (Spain) utricle (anatomy) Utricula (Spain) utricular macula (anatomy) Utricularia (plant) Utrillo, Maurice (French artist) UTS (mechanics) utsarpini (cosmic cycle) Utsubo monogatari (Japanese literature) Utsunomiya (Japan) Uttar Pradesh (state, India) Uttara-kalarya (Hindu sect) Uttara-Mimamsa (Hindu philosophy) Uttaradit (Thailand) Uttarakhand (state, India) Uttaranchal (state, India) Uttararamacarita (work by Bhavabhuti) Uttlesford (district, England, United Kingdom) Utu (Mesopotamian god) Utu-hegal (king of Uruk) Utu-khegal (king of Uruk) ?Utub, Bani (Arab clan) ?Utub, Banu (Arab clan) Utuhegal (king of Uruk) utui (social group) Utukhegal (king of Uruk) Uturoa (settlement, French Polynesia) “Utvandrarna” (work by Moberg) Utzon, Jørn (Danish architect) UUA (American religious organization) Uub (chemical element) Uuh (chemical element) Uummannaq (town, Greenland) Uummannaq Fjord (inlet, Greenland) Uun (chemical element) Uuo (chemical element) Uup (chemical element) UUP (political party, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom) Uuq (chemical element) Uusikaupunki, Treaty of (European history) Uut (chemical element) Uuu (chemical element) UV Ceti star (astronomy) UV microscope (optics) UV radiation (physics) UVA radiation (physics) Uvakhshatra (king of Media) Uvalde (Texas, United States) “Uvalo Lwezinhlonzi” (work by Ngubane) Uvarov, Sergey Semyonovich, Graf (Russian statesman) uvarovite UVB radiation (physics) UVC radiation (physics) Uvea (island, Wallis and Futuna) uvea (anatomy) uveitis (pathology) UVF (Northern Ireland military organization [1966]) Uvs, Lake (lake, Mongolia) uvula (anatomy) uvular (phonetics) uvular stop (phonetics) Uvularia (plant) Uvularia grandiflora (plant) Uvularia perfoliata (plant) uvularization (phonetics) uwagi (garment) Uwajima (Japan) ?Uwaynat, Mount Al- (mountain, Libyan Desert, North Africa) ?Uwayri? Lava Field (geographical feature, Saudi Arabia) Uways I (Jalayirid ruler) Uwilingiyimana, Agathe (prime minister of Rwanda) UWP (political party, Saint Lucia) Uxellodunum (ancient fortress, France) Uxmal (archaeological site, Mexico) UXO (weapon) uxorial descent (sociology) uxorilocal residence (anthropology) ?Uyaynah (Saudi Arabia) uyezd (Russian administrative district) Uyghur (people) Uyghur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang (autonomous region, China) Uygur (people) Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang (autonomous region, China) Uylenburgh, Hendrick van (Dutch art dealer) Uylenburgh, Saskja (Dutch heiress) Uyo (Nigeria) Uys, Jamie (South African filmmaker) Uyu (river, Myanmar) Uyuni (Bolivia) Uyuni Salt Flat (salt flat, Bolivia) Uzaemon XVII, Ichimura (Japanese actor) ?U?aym (river, Iraq) Uzbeck (Mongolian leader) Uzbek (Mongolian leader) Uzbek (people) Uzbek khanate (historical state, Central Asia) Uzbek language Uzbek literature Uzbekistan Uzbekistan, flag of Uzbekistan, history of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan: Year In Review 1993 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 1994 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 1995 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 1996 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 1997 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 1998 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 1999 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2000 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2001 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2002 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2003 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2004 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2005 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2006 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2007 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2008 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2009 Uzbekistan: Year In Review 2010 Uzbekiston Uzbekiston Respublikasi Uzhgorod (Ukraine) Uzhgorod, Union of (1646, Transcarpathia) Uzhhorod (Ukraine) Uzhhorod, Union of (1646, Transcarpathia) Užhorod (Ukraine) Uzi submachine gun Užice (Serbia) Uzina (pagoda, Mawlamyine, Myanmar) Uzun ?asan (Turkmen ruler) ?Uzza, al- (Arabian deity) Uzziah (king of Judah)

V ... vacuum cooling | vacuum curettage ... vain oath | Väinämöinen ... Valdés, Alfonso de | Valdés, Juan de ... Valerius Licinianus Licinius | Valerius Maximus ... Vallone, Raffaele | Valluvar ... Van de Graaff accelerator | Van de Graaff generator ... Van Volkenburg, Ellen | Van Vollenhoven, Karel Thomas ... Vanellus vanellus | Väner, Lake ... varactor diode | Varadaraja ... variance analysis | variance analysis ... Varthema, Lodovico de | Vartomanus, Lodovico de ... vasotocin | VASP ... “Vaudon haïtien, Le” | Vaudou ... Veda | Vedado ... vehicle | vehicle emission control ... Velnias | Velns ... Venerable Bede, the | veneration ... venospasm | Venoste, Alpi ... Venus figurine | Venus in the Cloister; or, The Nun in Her Smock ... Verdon, Pierre | Verdon River ... Verkhovny Soviet | Verkhoyansk ... vero amico, Il | Véroia ... vertical cylinder press | vertical differentiation ... vespertilionid bat | Vespertilionidae ... vetting | Vettore, Mount ... Vibrio parahaemolyticus | vibriosis ... Victim, The | victimization ... Victorian morality | Victorian period ... Vidolino da Bologna | Vidor, King ... Vienne River | Vienne River Bridge ... Vigfússon, Gudbrandur | vigil ... Vila Pery | Vila Rica ... villanelle | Villani, Filippo ... Viminal | Vin herbé, Le ... Vinnitsa | Vinnytsya ... Vir | Vir Singh, Bhai ... Virginia bluebell | Virginia Capes, Battle of ... virtue | virtue ethics ... vise | Viséan Stage ... Vistazo | Vistrítsa River ... vitamin K | vitamin K deficiency ... Vivarais | Vivarais Mountains ... Vlakhou, Elena | Vlaminck, Maurice de ... Vogt, Johan Herman Lie | Vogt, Karl ... Volcán Misti | Volcan Muhabura ... Volkovysk | Volksbücher ... volume | volume charge density ... von Richthofen, Freida | von Trotta, Margarethe ... Võrts-Järv | Võrtsjärv ... Voyelles | Voyer de Paulmy, René-Louis de ... Vuillard, Jean-Édouard | Vuillier, Gaston ... Vytautus Didysis

W ... Wadgaon, Convention of | Wadhwan ... Wah | Wah, Fred ... wait | Waitaki River ... Walcott, Louis Eugene | Walcott, Mary Morris Vaux ... Walk—Don’t Run | Walken, Christopher ... Wallabies | wallaby ... Wallis, Samuel | Wallis, Sir Barnes Neville ... Waltharius | Waltheof ... Wang Chen | Wang Chieh ... Wanruo | Wansbeck ... Warchavchick, Gregori | ward ... Warkworth | warlock ... Warren, Mount | Warren, Rick ... WASH-1400 | Washakie ... Washita River | Washkansky, Louis ... water | water activity ... water ouzel | water parsnip ... waterfall technique | Waterfall, The ... Watson, Sir John William | Watson, Sir William ... | wave-cut bench ... Wayne, Marshall | Wayne State University ... Weather Makers: The History & Future Impact of Climate Change, The | weather map ... Weber, Karl Maria von | Weber, Lois ... Weelkes, Thomas | Weems, Mason Locke ... Weil, Kurt | Weil, Mark ... Weitz, John | Weitzmann, K. ... | Wellington bomber ... Wen Cheng-ming | Wen Chia ... Wenzhou | Wenzinger, Christian ... West African Conference | West African Craton ... West Java | West, Jerome Alan ... Westbrook, Peter | Westbury ... Western Intermontane Plateau | Western Interprovincial Football Union ... western white-bearded wildebeest | western wood pewee ... Westsylvania | Westvaco Inspirations ... “Whale, The” | Whale, The ... Wheeldon, Christopher | wheeled armoured carrier ... whiptail | whiptail ... white cedar | white cedar ... white mahogany | white mangrove family ... White Sea-Baltic Canal | White Sea-Baltic Waterway ... white-naped swift | white-necked puffbird ... Whitlock, Tom | whitlow grass ... Who’s Next | Who’s That Knocking at My Door? ... widget | Widin ... WIFU | wig ... wild horse | wild hyacinth ... Wilfrid, Saint | Wilfridian ... Willem-Alexander, Crown Prince | Willem-Alexander, Crown Prince, and Princess Máxima ... William V | William VI ... Williamson County | Williamson, David ... Wilseder Hill | Wilson ... Wilton | Wilton carpet ... Windermere | Windesheim Congregation ... Wingate, Sir Reginald, 1st Baronet | Wingate Trophy ... winter | winter aconite ... wire service | wire transmission ... Wissowa, Georg | Wistar, Caspar ... Witteberg Series | Wittelsbach, House of ... województwo | Wojna chocimska ... Wolgast, Heinrich | Wolgemut, Michael ... womb envy | wombat ... Wood Demon | wood duck ... wooded grassland | wooded steppe ... woof | woofer ... word writing | word-association test ... Works of Mr. William Shakespear; Revis’d and Corrected, The | Works of Robert Burns, The ... World Methodist Council | World Mind Games ... Worship, Hall of | Worship of Animals and Plants, The ... wren-babbler | wren-warbler ... wrist shot | Wriston, Walter Bigelow ... Wu Zhao | Wu Zhen ... Würzburg, Bavarian Julius Maximilian University of | Würzburg, Diet of ... Wynn, Gus | Wynn, Keenan ... Wyvill, Christopher

X ... Xavier, Saint Francis | Xavier University ... xian | Xi’an ... Xinca | Xinca language ... xu | Xu Beihong ... XYZ Affair

Y ... Ya?ya Ma?mud al-Mutawakkil | Ya?ya ?ob?-e Azal, Mirza ... yam family | yam order ... yampi | Yampi Sound ... yangbanxi | Yangchuan ... Yar’Adua, Shehu Musa | Yar’Adua, Umaru ... Yasuj | Yasukuni Shrine ... Ye Weixun | Ye Yiwei ... yellow corydalis | Yellow Creek Massacre ... yellow-legged tinamou | yellow-lipped sea krait ... yeoman | Yeoman South ... Yi | yi ... yipwon | Yirmeyahu ... Yola | Yolande de Brienne ... York plays | York Realist ... Young | Young Algerians ... Young Turks | young urban professional ... Ysyk-köl | Ysyk-Köl ... Yüeh | Yüeh Fei ... Yun Sondo | Yün T’ung ... Yuzhong | Yuzivka ... Yzdkrt III

Z ... Zaganos | Zagazig ... Zalta, Edward | Zal?an ... Zankovetska, Maria | zanni ... Zard Kuh | Zardari, Asif Ali ... “Ze života hmyzu” | Zea ... Zelenodolsk | Zelenogorsk ... Zenta, Battle of | Zentrumspartei ... Zevon, Warren | Zewail, Ahmed H. ... Zhaohui | Zhaoliedi ... Zhou | Zhou Da-guan ... Zia ur-Rahman, Khaleda | Zia-ud-din ... zinc blende | zinc chloride ... Zittel, Karl Alfred, Ritter von | zitting cisticola ...



Zo (American basketball player) ZOA (Jewish organization) Zoan (ancient city, Egypt) Zoantharia (invertebrate subclass) zoanthid (invertebrate order) Zoanthidea (invertebrate order) Zoanthinaria (invertebrate order) Zoarcidae (fish) Zoarcoidei (fish suborder) ZOB (Polish history) Zobeir Pasha (African slaver) zobo (Buddhism) Zócalo (plaza, Mexico City, Mexico) Zocho (Hindu and Buddhist mythology) zodiac (astronomy and astrology) Zodiac killer (American serial killer) Zodiac of Dandarah (Egyptian artifact) Zodiac Suite (work by Williams) zodiacal light (astronomy) zodiacal system (astronomy) Zoë (Byzantine empress) Zoe (Byzantine empress) ZOE (chemical compound) Zoe (Greek Orthodox religious association) ZOE (nuclear reactor) Zoe, Brotherhood of (Greek Orthodox religious association) Zoë Palaeologus (grand princess of Moscow) zoea (larva) Zoellick, Robert B. (American politician) Zoellick, Robert Bruce (American politician) Zoetermeer (Netherlands) zoetrope (motion-picture device) Zoffani, Johann (English painter) Zoffany, John (English painter) Zog I (king of Albania) Zöggeler, Armin (Italian luger) zogoybi, al- (Na?rid ruler) Zograf, Zahari (Bulgarian artist) Zograph, Zahari (Bulgarian artist) Zogu, Ahmed Bey (king of Albania) “Zohar” (Jewish literature) Zoharist sect (Jewish religion) Zoigê Marsh (marsh, China) zoisite (mineral) Zoji (pass, India) Zoji Pass (pass, India) zokor (rodent) Zola, Émile (French author) Zola, Émile-Édouard-Charles-Antoine (French author) Zólkiewski, Stanislaw (Polish general) Zólkowski, Alojzy Fortunat (Polish actor and writer) Zólkowski, Alojzy Gonzaga (Polish actor and singer) Zoll, Paul Maurice (American medical researcher) Zolli (zoo, Basel, Switzerland) Zollinger, Albin (Swiss writer) Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (pathology) Zöllner illusion (psychology) Zollparlament (German government) Zollverein (German customs union) Zolnierze (work by Rudnicki) “Zolotoy petushok” (work by Rimsky-Korsakov) Zolotoye Runo (Russian magazine) Zomba (Malawi) Zomba Massif (rock formation, Malawi) Zomba Plateau (plateau, Malawi) zombi (Haitian religion) zombie (Haitian religion) zombie computer ZOMO (Polish paramilitary organization) zona (pathology) Zona Central (geographical region, Chile) Zona de carga y descarga (Puerto Rican journal) zona fasciculata (anatomy) zona glomerulosa (anatomy) Zona Libre de Colón (Panama) zona pellucida (biology) zona reticularis (anatomy) Zonaeginthus pictus (bird) zonal cavity method (engineering) zonal easterlies (air current) zonal flow (atmospheric science) zonal geranium (plant) zonal structure (geology) Zonaras, Joannes (Byzantine historian) zonation (ecology) Zonca, Vittorio (Italian mechanical engineer) Zond (space probe) zonda (wind) zone (geology) zone defense (sports) zone fare Zone Improvement Plan Code zone melting (industry) zone of aeration (hydrology) zone of eluviation (soil type) zone of illuviation (soil type) zone refining (technology) zone system (photography) zone-tailed hawk (bird) Zong Bing (Chinese scholar) zongdu (Chinese official) Zongli Yamen (Chinese government) Zongo, Henri (Burkinabé military officer) Zonguldak (province, Turkey) Zonguldak (Turkey) Zonheboto (India) zoning (geology) zoning (land use) zoning code (urban planning) Zonotrichia albicollis (bird) Zonotrichia capensis (bird) Zonotrichia leucophrys (bird) zonule of Zinn (anatomy) Zonzon Pépette, fille de Londres (work by Baillon) zoo Zoo Antwerpen (zoo, Antwerp, Belgium) Zoo Praha (zoo, Prague, Czech Republic) Zoo Quest (British television program) Zoobotryon (genus of moss animal) zoochlorella (algae) zoochlorellae (algae) zoochory (seed dispersal) zooecdysone (hormone) Zooflagellata (protozoan) zooflagellate (protozoan) zoogeographic region (biogeography) zoogeography Zoogloea (bacteria) zooid (biology) Zookeeper’s Wife, The (work by Ackerman) Zoom, Billy (American musician) Zoom Black Magic Radio (American radio station) zoom lens (optics) Zoomastigophorea (protozoan) zoomorphism (religion) Zoonomia; or, The Laws of Organic Life (book by Darwin) zoonoses (pathology) zoonosis (pathology) zoonotic disease (pathology) Zoopagales (order of fungi) Zoopagomycotina (subphylum of fungi) zooplankton zoopraxiscope (motion-picture projector) zoospore (reproductive cell) Zoot Suit Riots (American history) Zoothera (bird) Zootoca vivipara (reptile) zootoxin (poison) zooxanthella (protozoan) Zophar (biblical figure) Zóphiël: or, The Bride of Seven (work by Brooks) Zoppot (Poland) Zoque (people) Zoquean languages Zor (town and historical site, Lebanon) Zorach, William (American sculptor) Zoraptera (insect) zorapteran (insect) Zorba the Greek (film by Cacoyannis [1964]) Zorba the Greek (work by Kazantzakis) zoril (mammal) zorilla (mammal) Zorilla striatus (mammal) zorille (mammal) Zorina, Vera (German-American actress and dancer) Zork (“Zork”) Zork (electronic game) Zorn, Anders (Swedish painter and etcher) Zorn, Anders Leonard (Swedish painter and etcher) Zorn, John (American saxophonist and composer) Zorn, Max (American mathematician) Zorndorf, Battle of (Russo-Prussian history) Zorn’s lemma (mathematics) Zoroaster (Iranian prophet) Zoroastrian Zoroastrian calendar (religion) Zoroastrianism (religion) Zorobabel (governor of Judaea) Zorrilla de San Martín, Juan (Uruguayan poet) Zorrilla y Moral, José (Spanish writer) Zorut, Pierie (Italian poet) Zorzi da Castelfranco (Italian painter) Zorzor (Liberia) Zoser (Egyptian pharaoh) Zoshchenko, Mikhail Mikhaylovich (Soviet author) Zosimos of Panopolis (Egyptian alchemist) Zosimus, Saint (pope) zoster (pathology) zoster immune globulin (pathology) Zostera (plant genus) Zostera marina (plant) Zosteraceae (plant family) Zosteropidae (bird) Zosterops (bird genus) Zo?? (people) Zou Yan (Chinese philosopher) Zouaouah language Zouche, Richard (British jurist) Zouérat (Mauritania) Zouérate (Mauritania) Zoug (canton, Switzerland) Zoug (Switzerland) Zouîrât (Mauritania) zouk (music) Zoya (poem by Aliger) Zoyara, Punta dar (Libya) Zoysia (plant genus) Zoysia japonica (plant) Zoysia matrella Zoysia tenuifolia (plant) Zozobra (work by López Velarde) ZPE (physics) ZPG-3W (United States blimp) ZPPP (political organization, Tanzania) ZPU-4 machine gun (weapon) Zr (chemical element) ZR-3 (aircraft) Zriny (work by Körner) Zrínyi, Miklós (Hungarian statesman and poet) Zrínyi, Péter (governor of Croatia) Zsigmond, Vilmos (Hungarian-American cinematographer) Zsigmondy, Richard (German chemist) Zsitvatörök, Treaty of (Austria-Ottoman Empire [1606]) Zsolna (Slovakia) ZSU-23-4 antiaircraft gun (Soviet weapon) Zu (Mesopotamian mythology) Zu Chongzhi (Chinese astronomer, mathematician, and engineer) Zu Geng (Chinese government official, mathematician, and astronomer) Zu Xuan (Chinese government official, mathematician, and astronomer) Zuara (Libya) Zuarasici (Slavic deity) Zuata River (river, South America) Zuazo, Hernán Siles (president of Bolivia) Zubarah, Al- (Qatar) Zubatov, Sergey Vasilyevich (Russian colonel) Zubatovism (Russian politics) Zubatovshchina (Russian politics) Zubaydah (wife of Harun ar-Rashid) Zubayr (companion of Mu?ammad) Zubayr, Al- (Iraq) Zubayr, az- (companion of Mu?ammad) Zubayr Pasha (African slaver) Zubayr Pasha, az- (African slaver) Zubayr, Rabi? az- (African military leader) Zubayr Ra?mah Man?ur, al- (African slaver) Zu?bi, Mahmud az- (Syrian politician) Zubiri, Xavier (Spanish philosopher) Zubkovskaya, Inna (Russian ballerina and teacher) Zubrowka (vodka) Zuccarelli, Francesco (Italian painter) Zuccari, Federico (Italian painter) Zuccari, Taddeo (Italian painter) Zuccaro, Federico (Italian painter) Zuccaro, Palazzo (building, Rome, Italy) Zuccaro, Taddeo (Italian painter) Zucchabar (Algeria) Zuccherelli, Francesco (Italian painter) zucchetto (ecclesiastical cap) Zucchi, Niccolò (Italian astronomer) zucchini (squash subspecies) Zuccone (sculpture by Donatello) Zuck, Alexandra Cymboliak (American actress) Zuckerberg, Mark (American computer programmer and entrepreneur) Zuckerberg, Mark Elliot (American computer programmer and entrepreneur) Zuckerman, Antek (Polish hero) Zuckerman, Benjamin (American astronomer) Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe, Solly Zuckerman, Baron (British scientist) Zuckerman Unbound (novel by Roth) Zuckerman, Yitzhak (Polish hero) Zuckmayer, Carl (German playwright) ?ufar (region, Oman) Zug (canton, Switzerland) Zug (Switzerland) Zug, Szymon Bogumil (Polish architect) “Zug war pünktlich, Der” (work by Böll) zugot (Judaism) Zugspitze (mountain, Germany) Zuhab, Treaty of (Iraq, 1639) Zuhayr (Arab poet) Zuhayr ibn Abi Sulma (Arab poet) zuhd (Islam) Zuhdiyat (work by Abu al-?Atahiyah) zuhdiyat (Arabic poetic genre) zuhdiyyah (Arabic poetic genre) ?uhuri (Islamic poet) Zuid Afkikaansche Republiek (South African history) Zuid-Holland (province, Netherlands) Zuidelijk Flevoland Polder (region, Netherlands) Zuiderkerk (building, Amsterdam, Netherlands) Zuiderzee (inlet, Netherlands) Zuiderzee floods (Netherlands history) Zuiderzee project (civil engineering) Zuidholland (province, Netherlands) Zuidveen (Netherlands) Zuiweng (Chinese author and statesman) Zuiwengting ji (work by Ouyang Xiu) Zuk, Marlene (American ecologist) Zukauskas, Joseph Paul (American athlete) Zukerman, Pinchas (Israeli-American violinist) Zukofsky, Louis (American poet) Zukor, Adolph (American motion-picture producer) Zukunft, Die (German social periodical) Zukunftsmusik (work by Kaschnitz) Zulawy Wislane (plain, Poland) Zuleika Dobson (work by Beerbohm) Zuleta, Emiliano (Colombian musician) ?ulfiqar Khan (Mughal leader) Zulia (state, Venezuela) ?ullah (architecture) Zuloaga y Zabaleta, Ignacio (Spanish painter) Zülpich, Battle of (European history) Zulte (Belgium) Zulu (people) Zulu language Zulu Poems (work by Kunene) Zulu War (South African history) Zulu-giant (plant) Zululand (historical region, South Africa) Zulumart Range (mountain range, Central Asia) Zuma, Jacob (president of South Africa) Zuma, Jacob Gedleyihlekisa (president of South Africa) Zumaia (town, Spain) Zumalacárregui y de Imaz, Tomás de (Spanish military leader) Zumaya (town, Spain) Zumaya, Manuel de (Mexican composer) Zumbo, Gaetano Giulio (Italian artist) zummarah (musical instrument) Zumpe, Johann Christoph (German piano maker) Zumsteeg, Johann (German composer and conductor) Zumthor, Peter (Swiss architect) Zumwalt, Bud (American admiral) Zumwalt, Elmo Russell, Jr. (American admiral) zun (wine vessel) Zunbil (people) Zündnadelgewehr (military weapon) Zunftrevolution (European history) Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (psychology) Zungur, Sa’adu (Nigerian poet) Zuni (people) Zuñi (people) Zuni language Zúñiga, Baltazar de (Spanish diplomat and statesman) Zúñiga, Francisco (Costa Rican artist) Zunyi (China) Zunyi Conference (Chinese history) Zunz, Leopold (German scholar) Zunzunegui, Juan Antonio de (Spanish novelist) Zunzunegui y Loredo, Juan Antonio de (Spanish novelist) Zuo Zongtang (Chinese official) Zuoz Bridge (bridge, Switzerland) Zuozhuan (Chinese text) župan (Balkan chieftain) Župancic, Oton (Slovene author) Zuppke, Bob (American coach) Zur (floodplain, Middle East) Zur ältesten Geschichte der indogermanischen Völker (work by Kuhn) “Zur Farbenlehre” (work by Goethe) “Zur Genealogie der Moral” (work by Nietzsche) Zur Geschichte der Religion und Philosophie in Deutschland (work by Heine) Zur Geschichte und Literatur (work by Zunz) zur Hausen, Harald (German virologist) “Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie” (work by Marx) “Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie” (work by Marx) Zur Kritik neuerer Geschichts-schreiber (treatise by Ranke) “Zur Soziologie des Parteiwesens in der modernen Demokratie” (work by Michels) Zur vergleichenden Physiologie des Gesichtssinnes… (work by Müller) Zurara, Gomes Eanes de (Portuguese writer) Zuray?ids (Islamic dynasty) Zurbarán, Francisco de (Spanish painter) Zürcher Idylle (work by Faesi) Zurita y Castro, Jerónimo de (Spanish historian) Zürn, Jörg (German sculptor) zurna (musical instrument) Zurvan (ancient god) Zurvanism (religion) Zury: The Meanest Man in Spring County (work by Kirkland) Zusammenbruch des Marxismus, Der (work by Ernst) Zuse computer Zuse, Konrad (German engineer) Zusmarshausen, Battle of (European history [1648]) Zutphen (Netherlands) Zu?? (people) Zutuhil (people) Zutuhil language Zuurberg National Park (national park, South Africa) Zuwan Nasara (work by Umaru) Zuwarah (Libya) Zuylen, Belle van (Swiss novelist) Zuzani, az- (Druze religious leader) Zvenigora (film by Dovzhenko) Zvenigorod (Russia) Zveno Group (political organization, Bulgaria) Zvezda (Russian space module) Zvishavane (Zimbabwe) Zvobgo, Eddison (Zimbabwean politician) zvon (musical instrument) Zvyahel (Ukraine) Zwaanendael (Delaware, United States) Zwaardecroon, Hendrick (governor general of Dutch East Indies) Zwangendaba (African king) Zwart, Piet (Dutch designer) Zwawah language “Zweck im Recht, Der” (work by Jhering) Zwedru (Liberia) Zwei Glaubensweisen (work by Buber) Zwei Menschen (work by Dehmel) Zweig, Arnold (German writer) Zweig, George (American physicist) Zweig, Stefan (Austrian writer) Zweigbergk, Eva von (Swedish historian) Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (German television station) Zwelitsha (South Africa) Zwerver verdwaald, Een (work by Schendel) Zwerver verliefd, Een (work by Schendel) Zwickau (Germany) Zwickau prophets (religious group) Zwicky, Fritz (Swiss scientist) Zwide (African ruler) Zwiebel (German physician and writer) Zwilgmeyer, Dikken (Norwegian author) Zwilich, Ellen Taaffe (American composer) Zwillinge, Die (work by Klinger) Zwinger (complex, Dresden, Germany) Zwinger Palace (complex, Dresden, Germany) Zwingli, Huldrych (Swiss religious leader) Zwinglian Zwinglianist Zwischen Göttern und Dämonen (work by Weinheber) Zwischen Volk und Menschheit (work by Dehmel) Zwischengoldgläser (glass) zwitterion (chemistry) Zwolle (Netherlands) Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma (American engineer and inventor) Zwrotnica (Polish journal) Zyban (drug) Zybina, Galina (Soviet athlete) zydeco (music) Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Polish history) Zygadenus, Euthymius (Byzantine theologian) Zygaenidae (insect family) Zygaenoidea (insect superfamily) zygantrum (anatomy) Zygmund, Antoni (American mathematician) Zygmunt August (king of Poland) Zygmunt Stary (king of Poland) Zygmunt Waza (king of Poland and Sweden) Zygocactus buckleyi (plant) zygodactyly (anatomy) Zygogynum (plant genus) zygomatic arch (anatomy) zygomatic bone (anatomy) zygomatic major (muscle) zygomaticofacial nerve (physiology) zygomaticotemporal nerve (physiology) zygomaticus major muscle (muscle) zygomorphic flower (plant anatomy) Zygopetalum (orchid) Zygopetalum intermedium (orchid) Zygopetalum mackayi (orchid) Zygophyllaceae (plant family) Zygophyllales (plant order) Zygoptera (insect) zygosphene (anatomy) zygospore (biology) zygote (cell) Zyklon-B (chemical agent) zymbalum (musical instrument) zymogen (biochemistry) zymogenic cell (biology) Zyryan (people) Zyryan language Zyryanovsk (Kazakhstan) Zyuganov, Gennady Andreyevich (Russian politician) “Zywe i martwe morze” (work by Rudnicki) Zywe kamienie (work by Berent) Zywiec (Poland) Zywny, Wojciech Adalbert (Polish musician) ZZ Top (American rock group)

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encyclopedia (W3)




The word "encyclopaedia" comes from the Classical Greek transliterated "enkyklios paideia"; "enkyklios" meaning "cyclical", "periodic", or "ordinary", and "paideia" meaning "education". Together, the phrase literally translates as a "[well-]rounded education", meaning "general knowledge". Copyists of Latin manuscripts took this phrase to be a single Greek word, "enkuklopaedia", with the same meaning, and this spurious Greek word became the New Latin word "encyclopaedia", which in turn came into English. Though the notion of a compendium of knowledge dates back thousands of years, the term was first used in the title of a book in 1541 by Joachimus Fortius Ringelbergius, Lucubrationes vel potius absolutissima kyklopaideia (Basel, 1541). The word "encyclopaedia" was first used as a noun in the title of his book by the Croatian encyclopedist Pavao Skalic in his "Encyclopaedia seu orbis disciplinarum tam sacrarum quam prophanarum epistemon" ("Encyclopaedia, or Knowledge of the World of Disciplines", Basel, 1559).[dubious - discuss] One of the oldest vernacular uses was by François Rabelais in his Pantagruel in 1532.

Several encyclopaedias have names that include the suffix -p(a)edia, e.g., Banglapedia (on matters relevant for Bengal).

In British usage, the spellings "encyclopedia" and "encyclopaedia" are both current. Although the latter is considered more "proper", the former is becoming more common due to the encroachment of American English. In American usage, only the former is commonly used. The spelling "encyclopædia" - with the "æ" ligature - was frequently used in the 19th century and is increasingly rare, although it is retained in product titles such as "Encyclopædia Britannica" and others. The "Oxford English Dictionary" (1989) records "encyclopædia" and "encyclopaedia" as equal alternatives (in that order), and notes the "æ" would be obsolete except that it is preserved in works that have Latin titles. "Webster's Third New International Dictionary" (1997-2002) features "encyclopedia" as the main headword and "encyclopaedia" as a minor variant. In addition, "cyclopedia" and "cyclopaedia" are now rarely-used shortened forms of the word originating in the 17th century.

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Wiki (W3)


A collaborative Web site comprised of the perpetual collective work of many authors. Similar to a blog in structure and logic, a wiki allows anyone to edit, delete or modify content that has been placed on the Web site using a browser interface, including the work of previous authors. In contrast, a blog, typically authored by an individual, does not allow visitors to change the original posted material, only add comments to the original content.
The term "wiki" refers to either the Web site or the software used to create the site.
"Wiki wiki" means "quick" in Hawaiian. The first "wiki" was created by Ward Cunnigham in 1995.

Wiki Wiki Web
WikiWikiWeb (W3)

Am 07. Juli 1898 unterzeichnete Präsident William McKinley die "Newlands Resolution", und annektierte damit offiziell Hawaii für die USA. Im Juni des Jahres 1959 wurde Hawaii der 50. US-Staat. Die hawaiianische Sprache entlehnte u.a. haweian. "wiki" = dt. "schnell" ans Englische. In den 1990er Jahren programmierte Ward Cunningham die - wie er es nannte - "simplest online database that could possibly work" und nannte sie "WikiWikiWeb" = dt. "sehr schnelles Web". Dabei nahm er sich den engl. "wiki wiki shuttle bus" am Honolulu-airport zum Vorbild. Darauf basierend entstand die heute größte Enzyklopädie "Wikipedia".


This website and the software it runs on were created by Ward Cunningham for the Portland Pattern Repository. It is home to an Informal History Of Programming Ideas as well as a large volume of material recording related discourses and collaboration between its readers.


Welcome to the "WikiWikiWeb", also known as "Wiki". A lot of people had their first wiki experience here. This community has been around since 1995 and consists of many people. We always accept newcomers with valuable contributions. If you haven't used a wiki before, be prepared for a bit of CultureShock. The usefulness of Wiki is in the freedom, simplicity, and power it offers.


I created the site and the WikiWikiWeb machinery that operates it. I chose wiki-wiki as an alliterative substitute for quick and thereby avoided naming this stuff quick-web. Read more about etymology here: An early page, WikiWikiHyperCard, traces wiki ideas back to a HyperCard stack I wrote in the late 80's. This same stack, by the way, spawned CrcCards. I've reconstructed the WikiDesignPrinciples I applied at the time. Read more on the name here:


Correspondence on the Etymology of Wiki

Ward Cunningham:
"Wiki wiki" is the first Hawai'ian term I learned on my first visit to the islands. The airport counter agent directed me to take the "wiki wiki bus" between terminals. I said what? He explained that "wiki wiki" meant "quick". I was to find the "quick bus". I did pick up a book about the language before my return home. I learned many things from this but "wiki wiki" is the word that sticks the most.
I thought "wiki wiki web" was more fun to say than "quick web", no mater what pronunciation is used. The name "quick web" would have been appropriate for a system that makes web pages quickly. Microsoft's "quick basic" was a precedent for such a name. I chose to call the technology "WikiWikiWeb". I used exactly this spacing and capitalization because the technology would then recognize the term as a hyperlink. I consider "WikiWikiWeb" to be the proper name of the concept, of which "Wiki" or "wiki" is an abbreviation. My first implementation of "WikiWikiWeb" technology was as a unix program, a so called "cgi" script. Following unix convention I chose "wiki", a lower case abbreviation, as the program name. The short name shows up in the url for the site ( which surely encouraged people to abbreviate likewise.


The First Wiki

March 25, 1995

On March 25, 1995 Ward Cunningham of Portland, Oregon, established the first wiki — the "WikiWikiWeb" on the domain for Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc. Wiki was named by Cunningham, who remembered a Honolulu International Airport counter employee telling him to take the "Wiki Wiki" shuttle bus that runs between the airport's terminals. According to Cunningham, "I chose wiki-wiki as an alliterative substitute for 'quick' and thereby avoided naming this stuff quick-web." Cunningham was in part inspired by Apple's HyperCard. Apple had designed a system allowing users to create virtual "card stacks" supporting links among the various cards. Cunningham developed Vannevar Bush's ideas by allowing users to "comment on and change one another's text" (Wikipedia article on Wiki, accessed 12-29-2009).


Monday, 8 November 2010

Wikipedia, Cyclopses and Fastchild

They, quite correctly, realised that "paediatrician" ("child doctor") derives from the same Greek root as "paedophile" ("kiddy-fiddler") and, in a philological frenzy, ran down to the poor doctor's place and painted the word "PAEDO" on the front of her house.

Quite right too. Or nearly right: technically the Greek for child is "pais", and "paedos" is the genitive, but we'll let that slide. The important thing is that the mob should have taken the same direct action against, "pedagogues", practisers of orthopaedics, and encyclopedia salesmen.
An "encyclopedia" is called an "encyclopaedia", "encyclopedia" because of the circle of learning that Greek children undertook. There is a "circle" ("cyclos") of the liberal arts, and "youth" ("paedos") is, in this case, synonymous with education.

So where does all this leave that peculiar portmanteau and source of all truth: "Wikipedia"? Well "wiki" is the name of a simple method of making web-pages that can be edited by many users. It was designed to be simple and Very Fast and was therefore called "wikiwikiweb". "Wikiwiki" means "very fast". It is an intensifying reduplication of the Hawaiian word "wiki", which means "fast".

And what does that mean? It means that the biggest website in the world is called "FASTCHILD", and is about be destroyed by an angry mob from Newport.

This also allows for the delightful possibility that somebody who is overly fond of "Wikipedia" is a "wikipedophile". (Incidentally, wiki should be pronounced witi, that's how the Hawaiians do it).

And the cyclops? A cyclops is a round-eye or cyclic-optic. So there is the cyclic connection, but there are, thank heaven, no children involved.

N.B. Anybody insisting that the plural of cyclops is cyclopes will be hurled to an angry mob of Welsh vigilantes.

Posted by M.H. Forsyth at 13:23 6 comments:


"Wiki", abbreviation of "WikiWikiWeb", name given in 1995 by American computer programmer Ward Cunningham to his new code, which permits the easy development of collaborative websites whose content can be edited by anyone with access to them.
From Hawaiian "wikiwiki" = "fast", "speedy", reduplication of "wiki" = "fast", akin to Tahitian "viti" and "vitiviti" = "deft", "alert", "well done", both from Proto-Eastern-Polynesian "*witi". [AHD]






Wiki Inventor Ward Cunningham with John Gage

[Recorded April 24, 2006]

Wiki inventor Ward Cunningham and Sun Microsystems' chief researcher and vice president of the Science Office, John Gage, have a thoughtful and spirited discussion about the socialization of creativity

Uncyclopedia - The content-free encyclopedia



Who runs this place

The Uncyclopedia Foundation was founded nearly two centuries ago by Oscar Wilde to preserve the wisdom of man against the coming darkness, which he predicted using the science of psycho-Art History. Uncyclopedia is powered by either a Stormtroopers vs. Red Shirts Device or a Cat-Toast Device. After his death in 1998, control of the family business was turned over to Chronarion and Euniana, as specified in Wilde's will. Due to his long tenure, many of Oscar Wilde's original writings can still be found in Uncyclopedia today.


Uncyclopedia is a satirical website that parodies Wikipedia. Its logo, a hollow potato, parodies Wikipedia's globe logo, and it styles itself "the content-free encyclopedia", which is a parody of Wikipedia's "the free encyclopedia". Originally founded in 2005 as an English-language wiki, the project currently spans over 75 languages. The English version has approximately 30,000 pages of content, second only to the Portuguese.

Various styles of humor are used as a vehicle for parody, from sophisticated satire to simple sarcasm, along with structured in-jokes and frequent non sequiturs. The site has garnered media attention for its articles on controversial subjects including religion, people, places and politics and pseudoscience.

Some Uncyclopedia articles contain graphics with a link to the corresponding Wikipedia article. A typical caption reads, "For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia think they have an article about" the subject.

Contents ...

Erstellt: 2014-08

Wookieepedia - The Star Wars wiki


Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki, is a wiki that was started on March 4, 2005, and strives to be the premier source of information on all aspects of the Star Wars universe. This includes information from the Star Wars films and Expanded Universe, as well as information of value to fans. The Star Wars wiki is inspired by Wikipedia, but can expand on Star Wars information in greater detail and with more freedom than Wikipedia. Wookieepedia was founded when Wikipedia users began to complain of the overabundance of minutiae related to Star Wars that began appearing on Wikipedia. Since then, it has expanded to become one of the largest wikis on the Internet.

Erstellt: 2014-08


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