The Encyclopedia of Alternative Energy and Sustainable Living
(E?)(L?) http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedias2.html
- absolute humidity | absorbed glass mat | absorbent | absorber | absorption | absorption chiller | absorption coefficient | absorption cooling | absorption heat pump | absorption refrigeration | absorptivity | accumulator | acid fallout | acid mine drainage | acid rain | acoustical tile | activated shelf life | activation voltage | active cooling | active power | active solar energy system | active solar heating system | adjustable set point | adjustable speed drive | adobe | advanced house framing techniques | advanced windows | adze | aerobic bacteria | aerosol | aerosol duct sealing | affordable warmth | afforestation | aggregate | agri-environment scheme | agronomy | air | air admittance valve | air barrier | air change rate | air conditioner | air conditioning | air conditioning intensity | air diffuser | air duct | air filter | air hammer | air infiltration measurement | air leakage | air mass | air pollutant | air pollution | air pollution control | air quality standards | air register | air retarder/barrier | air sealing | air space | air-based collector | airlock entry | air-source heat pump | airtight drywall approach (ADA) | air-to-air heat pump | air-to-water heat pump | albedo | alcohol | alcove | algae | algal bloom, harmful | alkaline battery | alkaline fuel cell | alternating current | alternative energy sources | alternative fuel vehicle | alternative fuels | ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORT | alternator | ambient air | ambient temperature | ammonia | amorphous photovoltaic cell | amorphous semiconductor | amortisation, energetic | ampere (A) | ampere-hour (Ah) | anaerobic bacteria | anaerobic digester | anaerobic digestion | anaerobic lagoon | andirons | anemometer | angle of incidence | angle of inclination | angstrom | annual solar savings | anode | anthracite | anthropogenic | antifreeze solution | antireflection coating | antisweat heater | anvil | aperture | apparent day | apparent power | appliance | appliances and home electronics | aquaculture | aquatic ecosystem | aquifer | arcology | Arkiane stoves | artesian well | ash | asynchronous generator | atmosphere | atmospheric pressure | atrium | attic | attic acess insulation | attic fan | attic insulation | attic vent | audit (energy) | auger | automatic damper | autonomous system | auxiliary energy | available heat | average wind speed | aviation snips | awl | awning | axial fan | axial flow compressor | axial flow turbine | azimuth |
- back saw | backdrafting | backfill | back-pass solar collector | backup energy system | backup heating | bacteria | | bagasse | balance of system (BOS) | balance point | balcony | baling | ball peen hammer | ballast | balusters | balustrade | bamboo flooring | band gap | band saw | bargeboard | basal metabolism | base | baseboard | baseload capacity | baseload demand | baseload power plant | basement | basement insulation | BASIC SCIENCE | batch solar collector | batt | batten | BATTERIES | battery | battery available capacity | battery capacity | battery energy capacity | battery energy storage | battery life | bay fireplace | bay window | beam | beam radiation | bearing wall | bellows | bench vise | bermed earth-sheltered home | bimetal | bi-fuel vehicle | binary cycle | binary cycle geothermal plant | bioassay | biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) | bioconversion | biodegradable | biodegradable waste | biodiesel | biodiversity | bioenergy | BIOENERGY AND BIOFUEL | bioethanol | biofuel | biogas | biogasification | biological control | biomass | biome | biophotolysis | biosphere | biosphere reserve | biota | biotope | bituminous coal | black liquor | blackbody | blades | blanket insulation | bleached board | blocking diode | block-type thermal power station (BTTP) | blower door test | blown in insulation | blowtorch | boiler | boiler feedwater | boiler horsepower | boiler pressure | boiler rating | BOILERS | bolts and screws | | booster pump | boron | bottled gas | bow saw | box stove | brace | braced framing | Brayton cycle | bread | bread box system | briefcase solar panels | brick | bricklayer's hammer | brine | British thermal unit (BTU) | broad axe | budding | buffer storage | BUILDING AND ARCHITECTURE | building envelope | building heat-loss factor | building overall heat loss rate | building-integrated PV | building paper | bulb turbine | bulk density | burner capacity | burning point | busbar cost | bypass | bypass diode |
- calorie | calorific value | candela | candlepower | cantilever | capacitance | capacitor | capacity | capacity factor | carbon | carbon budget | carbon cycle | carbon dioxide | carbon index | carbon intensity | carbon monoxide | carbon monoxide detector | carbon nanotube | carbon sequestration | carbon sink | carbon-zinc battery | Carnot cycle | carpenter's square | carrying capacity | carving mallet | casement | casing | cast silicon | catalytic converter | catalytic wood stove | cathedral ceiling | cathode | cathode disconnect ballast | cathodic protection | cat's paw | caulking | cavity wall | cavity wall insulation | ceiling fan | ceiling fan installation and use | cell | cell barrier | cell junction | cellular porous ceramic | cellulase | cellulose | cellulose insulation | cement | cementitious foam insulation | central air conditioner | central heating system | central receiver solar power plant | Centre for Alternative Energy | cereal crops | certified wood | cetane number | chain pipe wrench | chalk line | charcoal | charge carrier | charge controller | charge factor | charge rate | chase | cheese | chemical energy | chiller | chimney | chimney breast | chimney effect | chimney liner | chisel bar | chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) | circuit | circuit breaker | circuit lag | circular saw | circular saw blades | circulating fluidized bed | claw hammer | clean power generator | clerestory | climate | climate change | cloister | closed-loop biomass | closed-loop geothermal heat pump system | clubroot | coal | coefficient of heat transmission (U-value) | coefficient of performance (COP) | coefficient of utilization | cofiring | cogeneration | cogenerator | coil | coke | cold night sky | collector | collector efficiency | collector fluid | collector tilt | color rendition index (CRI) | color temperature | combination air barrier / vapor retarder | combination boiler | combination pliers | combination square | combined collector | combined cycle | combined heat and power CHP) | combustion | combustion chamber | community garden | community solar access | compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) | complete mix digester | compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) | companion planting | compass saw | complete mix digester | compost | composting | composting toilet | compound miter saw | compound paraboloid collector | compressed energy air storage | compressed natural gas (CNG) | compressor | concentrating (solar) collector | concentrator | concrete | concrete block insulation | condenser | condensing boiler | condensing furnace | conduction (thermal) | conduction band | conductor | conduit | connected load | conservation | constant-speed wind turbine | contemporary designer stoves | continuous fermentation | CONTROL DEVICES | convection | convection heater | convective heat | conventional fuel | conventional power | conversion efficiency | convert | converter | cooling degree day | COOLING, REFRIGERATION, AND AIR CONDITIONING | coping saw | cord (of wood) | Corian® | corn and pellet furnace, Bio-King BK140 | corn pellet stove | corn pellet stove manufacturers | American Energy Systems corn pellet stoves | America's Heat LMF Manufacturing corn pellet stoves | Bixby corn pellet stoves | Caneco Envirotec corn pellet stoves | CornGlo Industries corn pellet stoves | Country Flame corn pellet stoves | Dell-Point corn pellet stoves | Glow Boy corn pellet stoves | Golden Grain corn pellet stoves | Grain Stoves corn pellet stoves | Harman corn pellet stoves | Kozy Heat Fireplaces corn pellet stoves | Lennox corn pellet stoves | Nesco corn pellet stoves | Quadra-Fire corn pellet stoves | corn pellets | corner fireplace | correlated color temperature | coulomb | counterflow heat exchanger | crawl space | crawl space insulation | creosote condensation in chimneys | critical compression pressure | crop rotation | crystalline silicon photovoltaic cell | cull wood | current (electrical) | current at maximum power (Imp) | cut-in speed | cutoff voltage | cut-out speed | cycle life | cycling losses | cyclone burner |
- dam | damper | Darrieus turbine | daylighting | dc-to-dc converter | decentralized (energy) system | deciduous forest | declination | decomposition | deep-cycle battery | deep discharge | deep lake water cooling | deforestation | degree day | degree hour | dehumidifier | dehumidifying heat pipe | demand | demand (tankless) water heater | depth of discharge | Deriaz turbine | desalination | desert | desertification | desiccant cooling | desiccation | design heating load | design life | design temperature | design tip speed ratio | design voltage | desuperheater | dewpoint | diesel fuel | differential thermostat | diffuse insolation | diffusion | digester (anaerobic) | dimmer | diode | dioxins | dip tube | direct beam radiation | direct current (dc) | direct gain | direct insolation | direct methanol fuel cell | direct solar water heater | direct vent heater | direct water heater | direct-vent fireplace | discharge rate | dishwasher effiency tips | distributed generation | distribution | distribution line | distribution system | donor | doorway fan | dopant | doping | double wall heat exchanger | double-glazed window | dovetail saw | downwind wind turbine | dozuki | draft | draft diverter | draft hood | drainback (solar) system | draindown (solar) system | drill | drilled hydrothermal energy | drip irrigation | drought | dry bulb temperature | dry farming | dry rot | dry steam geothermal plant | drywall cutting tools | drywall hammer | drywall keyhole saw | drywall rip saw | dual-fuel heat pump | dual-fuel vehicle | duct | duct booster fan | duct design and installation | duct insulation | duct problems | duct sealing | duct upgrading and maintenance | ductless mini-split heat pump | duty cycle | dynamic head | dynamo | dynamometer | dyne |
- earth berm | earth cooling tube | earth-coupled ground source (geothermal) heat pump | EARTH-SHELTERED BUILDINGS | earth-sheltered home | earth-sheltered home construction | earth-sheltered home damp-proofing | earth-sheltered home orientation | earth-sheltered home topography | earthship | eccentric | ecological corridor | ecology | ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT | economizer | ecosystem | ecosystem diversity | ecotourism | effective capacity | efficiency | efficiency rating | effluent | electric charge | electric circuit | electric current | electric hybrid vehicle | electric resistance | electric resistance heating | electric system | electric vehicle | electric water heater insulation installation | electrical conductor | electrical energy | electrical grid | electrical light | electricity | electricity generation | ELECTRICITY GENERATION AND SUPPLY | electrochemical cell | electrochromic material | electrode | electrolysis | electrolyte | electrolytic cell | electromagnetic field | electromagnetic radiation | electromotive force (emf) | electron | electron volt | electronic ballast | electronic level | electrostatic precipitator | elevation | embodied energy | emission | emission factor | emissions coefficient | emissivity | enclosure | endangered species | endothermic | energy | energy audit | energy cost factor (ECF) | energy crop | energy density | energy efficiency | energy factor | energy payback time | energy performance (of a building) | energy rating label | energy recovery | energy recovery ventilator | ENERGY SAVING | energy star | energy storage | ENERGY STORAGE | engineer's hammer | ENGINES AND MOTORS | enthalpy | entrained bed gasifier | entropy | environment | environmental impact | equalization | equalizing charge | equinox | erg | estuary | ethanol | ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) | ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) | eutectic | eutectic salts | eutrophication | evacuated tube collector | evaporation | evaporative cooler | evaporative cooling | evaporator coil | excitation | exothermic | expanded polystyrene | expansion tank | expansion valve | exterior door installation | exterior door selection | exterior doors | external combustion engine | extruded polystyrene |
- farad | feather | fenestration | fermentation | fertilizers | fiberglass insulation | filament | fill factor | fin | finishing charge | Firebelly stoves | fireplace | fireplace blower | fireplace heater system | fireplace insert | FIRES AND FIREPLACES | firing rate | first law of thermodynamics | flashp oint | flashing | flash-steam geothermal plant | flat plate photovoltaic | flat plate pumped collector | flat plate solar thermal collector | flat plate solar photovoltaic module | flexible fuel vehicle | float charge | float life | float service | floor beam | floor insulation | floor space | flow condition | flow restrictor | flue | flue gas desulfurization | fluidized bed combustion (FBC) | fluorescent lighting | fluorescent tube and circline lamp | flywheel effect | foam board insulation | foam core panel | foam insulation | food chain | food web | foot candle | foot pound | footing | force | forced air system | forced ventilation | forest residues | Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) | forests | fossil fuels | foundation insulation | foundation types | framing chisel | framing hammer | Francis turbine | Franklin stove | frequency | Fresnel lens | fret saw | friction head | fuel | fuel alcohol | fuel cell | FUEL CELLS | fuel efficiency | fuel oil | fuel rate | fuel wood | FUELS | full sun | fully pumped central heating system | fungi | furling | furnace (domestic) | furnaces and boilers | fuse |
- gallium arsenide | gas and electric meter reading | gas turbine | gas-fired furnaces and boilers | gasification | gasifier | gassing | gauss | gel-type battery | generation (electricity) | generator | geodesic dome | geopressured | geopressurized brines | geothermal energy | GEOTHERMAL ENERGY AND POWER | geothermal heat pump | geothermal heat pump selection and installation | geothermal plant | Glauber's salt | glazing | global insolation | global warming | governor | grain-burning stove | grafting | gravity hot water system | graywater | green building | green liquor | green power | green pricing | green roof | green wood chip furnace | greenhouse effect | greenhouse gases | Greenpeace | greenwood | grid | grid-connected small wind electric system | grid-connected system | grid-connected system metering | gross calorific value | ground | ground loop | ground reflection | groundwater | gusset plate |
- habitat | hack saw | hand notcher | Hase stoves | head | hearth gloves | heat | heat absorbing window glass | heat balance | heat content | heat distribution systems | heat engine | heat exchanger | heat gain | heat loss | heat of condensation | heat pipe | heat pump | heat pump advanced features | heat pump choosing | heat pump efficiency | heat pump manufacturers: Canada | heat pump manufacturers: United States | heat pump operation and maintenance | heat pump water heater | heat rate | heat recovery ventilator | heat register | heat shifter | heat sink | heat source | heat storage | heat storage capacity | heat transfer | heat transfer fluid | heat transmission coefficient | heat trap | HEATING | heating and cooling tips | heating capacity | heating degree day (HDD) | heating fuel | heating fuel and system type selection | heating load | heating season | heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) | heating system replacement | heating value | heliochemical process | heliodon | heliostat | heliothermal | heliothermic | heliothermometer | heliotropic | hemispherical bowl technology | heterojunction | higher heating value (HHV) | high-intensity discharge lamp | high-pressure sodium lamp | high-reflectivity window film | high-temperature collector | hoe | hole | homojunction | horizontal ground loop | horizontal-axis wind turbine | horsepower (hp) | horsepower-hour (hph) | HORTICULTURE | hot air furnace | hot dry rock | hot water energy saving | hub height | humidifier | humidity | HUMIDITY AND MOISTURE CONTROL | humidity reduction in the home | humus | Hwam stoves | hybrid solar and wind electric system | hybrid solar lighting | hybrid system | hydraulic fracturing | hydrocarbon | hydroelectric power | hydrogen | hydrogenated amorphous silicon | hydronic heating system | hydrothermal cooling | hydrothermal energy | HYDROTHERMAL ENERGY AND POWER | hydrothermal fluids | hydrothermal health centers | hydrothermal power generation | hydrothermal water treatment |
- ignite | ignition point | illuminance | impoundment | impulse turbine | incandescent lighting | incident light | incident solar radiation | indirect solar gain system | indirect solar water heater | indoor lighting design | induction | induction generator | induction motor | inert gas | infrared radiation | infrared thermometer | insolation | instantaneous efficiency (of a solar collector) | insulating an existing home | insulating a new home | insulating concrete form | insulating window panel | insulation | insulation, estimating the payback period of additional | insulation and air sealing | insulation facing | INSULATION TOPICS | insulation types | insulator | integral collector storage system | integrated heating system | interconnect | intermittent generator | internal collector storage (ICS) | internal gain | internal mass | intrinsic layer | inverter | inverters and converters manufacturers: Canada | inverters and converters manufacturers: Germany | inverters and converters manufacturers: India | ion | ionizer | irradiance | irrigation | island fireplace | isolated solar gain system | | I-V curve |
- jacket | jig saw | Jotul stoves | joule | Joule's laws | junction | junction box | junction diode |
- Kaplan turbine | kerosene | keyhole saw | kilowatt (kW) | kilowatt-hour (kWh) | kinetic energy | kitchen undercabinet lighting | knee wall insulation |
- lagoon | laminate trimmer | land reclamation | landfill gas | landscape shading | landscape windbreaks | landscaping | landscaping and microclimate | landscaping and regional climate | langley | laser level | latent cooling load | latent heat | lathe | lawn aerator | lead-acid battery | lead-acid battery maintenance | leading edge | leaking electricity | LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) | lethe | life cycle cost | light | light pipe | light quality | light shelf | light trapping | light-emitting diode (LED) | light-induced defect | lighting | lighting and daylighting | lighting controls | lighting design | lighting maintenance | lighting principles and terms | lighting replacement and energy efficiency | lighting timer control | LIGHTING TOPICS | lighting types | line loss | line-commutated inverter | liquid collector | liquid-based active solar heating | liquid-to-air heat exchanger | liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger | lithium-sulfur battery | LiTraCon (light transmitting concrete) | live steam | load | local solar time | locking pliers | log home | log home air leakage and thermal imaging | log law | log splitter | long ton | loose fill insulation | low emissivity (low E) glass | low-flow solar water heating system | low-flush toilet | low-pressure sodium lamp | low-temperature collector | lumen | lumens/watt (lpw) | luminaire | luminance | lux |
- magnetic ballast | mantle protector | manure | masonry | masonry heater or stove | masonry oven | mass burn facility | mass burner | MATERIALS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE | maximum power point (MPP) | maximum power point tracker (MPPT) | mean power output (of a wind turbine) | mean wind speed | measuring tape | median wind speed | medium-temperature collector | megawatt (MW) | mercury vapor lamp | mesh window screen | metal halide lamp | methane | methanol (CH3OH) | methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) | metric ton (tonne) | micro wind turbine | microclimate | microgroove | microhydropower | microturbine | mineral wool insulation | miter saw | mixing ratio | mixing valve | modified degree-day method | modular burner | moisture content | moisture control | moisture control in basements | moisture control in walls | molten carbonate fuel cell | monoculture | monolithic | mortar | mortiser | motion sensor lighting control | motor | motor speed | movable insulation | mulch | multicrystalline | multifuel firelighting pellets | multifuel pellet stove | multifunction inverter | multijunction device | municipal solid waste (MSW) | municipal waste | municipal waste to energy plant |
- nacelle | nail | nail puller | NAS battery | natural cooling | natural draft | natural fiber insulation | natural gas | natural gas steam reforming production | natural ventilation | needle nose pliers | net energy production | nche | nitrogen | nitrogen dioxide | nitrogen oxides | nocturnal cooling | non-catalytic wood stove | nonrenewable energy | nonrenewable fuel | normal operating cell temperature (NOCT) | n-type semiconductor | nuclear energy | nuclear fuel | nuclear power | nuclear waste |
- occupancy sensor ighting control | occupied space | ocean energy systems | ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) | ocean thermal gradient | off-grid system operation | ohm | Ohm's law | oil | oil-fired furnaces and boilers | olive oil | one sun | on-site generation | open-circuit voltage | open-loop geothermal heat pump system | operating cycle | orientation | outdoor lighting design | outdoor solar lighting | outgassing | outside coil | overhang | overload | ovonic | | oxygenate | ozone |
- panel radiator | panemone | parabolic dish collector | parabolic trough collector | parallel connection | particulates | passive building design | passive cooling | passive solar design | passive solar energy | passive solar heater | passive solar heating | peak load | peak power | peak sun hours | peat | peeling spud | pellet and wood chip boilers | pellet stove | pellet stove buying | pellet stove cost | pellet stove insert | pellet stove installation | pellet stove maintenance | pellet stove manufacturers: United States and Canada | pellet stove operation | pellet stove pros and cons | pellet stoves: how they work | Pelton turbine | PEM fuel cell | peninsula fireplace | performance rating | perimeter heating | permaculture | permeance | PFT infiltration measurement | pH | phantom load | phase | phase-change material | phenolic foam insulation | phosphoric acid fuel cell | photobiological hydrogen production | photocurrent | photoelectric cell | photoelectrochemical cell | photoelectrolysis hydrogen production | photogalvanic process | photon | photosensor lighting control | photosynthesis | photovoltaic (PV) | photovoltaic conversion | photovoltaic device | photovoltaic efficiency | photovoltaic generator | photovoltaic peak watt | photovoltaic system | photovoltaic-thermal system | piezo-electricity | pipe wrench | pipecutter | pitch control | plastic fiber insulation | plenum | pliers | plug flow digester | plumb bob | plywood | p-n junction | pollutant | pollution | polyethylene | polyisocyanurate | polystyrene | polyurethane | porous medium | portable solar module | post consumer content | post industrail content | potable water | potential difference | potential energy | power | power coefficient | power conditioning | power conditioning equipment | power curve | power density | power factor | power (solar) tower | power transmission line | preheater (solar) | pressure drop | primary battery | projected area | propane | psychrometer | p-type semiconductor | pulse-width-modulated wave inverter | pumped water storage | pyranometer | pyrheliometer | pyrolysis |
- quad |
- radial arm saw | radiant barrier | radiant ceiling panel | radiant cooling | radiant energy | radiant floor | radiant heating system | radiation | radiative cooling | radiator | radioactive waste | radon | rafter angle square | rain barrel | rammed earth | random orbital sander | Rankine cycle | rated life | rated power | razor saw | reaction turbine | reactive power | recessed downlights | reciprocating saw | recirculated air | recirculation system | rectifier | recuperator | recycled-content shingles | recycling | RECYCLING AND WASTE DISPOSAL | reflectance | reflective coatings | reflective glass | reflective insulation | reflective window film | reflector lamp | refraction | refrigerator efficiency tips | refuse-derived fuel (RDF) | regenerative cooling | regenerative fuel cell | regenerative heating | relative humidity | renewable energy | resistive voltage drop | resistor | resource recovery | return air | return duct | reverse bias | reverse thermosiphoning | reversing valve | ribbon cell | rigid fiber board insulation | rock bin | rock pick | roof coatings | roof overhang | roof pond | roof ventilator | roofing | roofing, asphalt | roofing, concrete and tile | roofing, metal | roofing, recycled content | roofing, wood shake | roofing, single-ply | roof-mounted solar power system | ROOFS AND ROOFING MATERIALS | rotary hammer drill | rotary reciprocating saw | rotor | Roto-Split | rubber mallet | | runoff | Russian fireplace (masonry stove) | R-value |
- saber saw | sacrificial anode | Saey stoves | safety disconnect | salinity gradient | salt gradient solar pond | saturation deficit | Savonius turbine | Schottky barrier | screwdriver | scriber | scroll saw | scrubber | sealed combustion heating system | seasonal energy efficiency ratio | seasonal performance factor | seasoned wood | second law efficiency | second law of thermodynamics | Seebeck effect | selective absorber | selective surface coating | self discharge | self-sufficiency | semiconductor | SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | sensible cooling effect | sensible cooling load | sensible heat | sensible heat storage | series connection | series regulator | series resistance | shading coefficient | sheathing | sheet mulching | shelf life of batteries | shelter belt | shingler's hammer | short circuit | short-circuit current | shunt load | shunt regulator | shutter | silage | silicon (Si) | simple caulk and seal | sine wave inverter | single glaze or pane | single phase | single-crystal material | skylight | skylight glazing | skylight operation and use | skylight shape | slab-on-grade foundation insulation | slab-on-grade foundation moisture and air leakage control | sledge hammer | slinky ground loop | slip-joint pliers | small solar electric modules | small solar electric system arrays | small solar electric system components | small solar electric system economics | small solar electric system evaluation | small solar electric system installing and maintaining | small solar electric system permits and covenants | small solar electric system siting | small solar electric system sizing | small solar electric systems | small solar electric systems, grid-connected | small solar electric systems, how they work | small solar electric systems, stand-alone | small wind electric system balance-of-system components | small wind electric system components | small wind electric system economics | small wind electric system installing and maintaining | small wind electric system resource evaluation | small wind electric system siting | small wind electric system tower | small wind electric system turbine | small wind electric system workings | small wind electric systems | small wind electric water pumping systems | small wind turbine annual energy output | small wind turbine manufacturers: Canada | small wind turbine site evaluating potential | small wind turbine siting | small wind turbine sizing | smart sprinkler controller | smart window | smog | smoking stove, how to fix | sodium light | soffit | soil | soil remineralization | solar air heater | solar altitude angle | solar architecture | solar array | solar azimuth | solar battery charger | solar building | solar cell | solar charge controller | solar chimney power station | solar collector | solar collector orientation and tilt | solar constant | solar cooker | solar cooling | solar day | solar declination | solar distillation | solar electric system | solar electricity site resource evaluation | solar energy | SOLAR ENERGY AND POWER | solar energy for crop drying | solar film | solar fraction | solar furnace | solar gain | solar heat gain coefficient | solar heating | solar heating for homes and other buildings | solar heating system | solar hot water for agriculture | solar hot water for aquaculture | solar hot water system | solar irradiation | solar mass | solar module | solar noon | Solar One | solar oven | solar oxygenating pump | solar panel | solar panel manufacturers in Argentina | solar panel manufacturers in Australia | solar panel manufacturers in Austria | solar panel manufacturers in Belgium | solar panel manufacturers in Brazil | solar panel manufacturers in Canada | solar panel manufacturers in China | solar panel manufacturers in Croatia | solar panel manufacturers in Cyprus | solar panel manufacturers in Czech Republic | solar panel manufacturers in Denmark | solar panel manufacturers in Egypt | solar panel manufacturers in France | solar panel manufacturers in Germany | solar panel manufacturers in Greece | solar panel manufacturers in Hong Kong | solar panel manufacturers in India | solar panel manufacturers in Iran | solar panel manufacturers in Israel | solar panel manufacturers in Italy | solar panel manufacturers in Japan | solar panel manufacturers in Jordan | solar panel manufacturers in Malaysia | solar panel manufacturers in Mexico | solar panel manufacturers in Morocco | solar panel manufacturers in Netherlands | solar panel manufacturers in Pakistan | solar panel manufacturers in Poland | solar panel manufacturers in Singapore | solar panel manufacturers in Slovenia | solar panel manufacturers in South Africa | solar panel manufacturers in South Korea | solar panel manufacturers in Spain | solar panel manufacturers in Sweden | solar panel manufacturers in Switzerland | solar panel manufacturers in Taiwan | solar panel manufacturers in Thailand | solar panel manufacturers in Tunisia | solar panel manufacturers in Turkey | solar panel manufacturers in the United Kingdom | solar panel manufacturers in the United States | solar photovoltaic device | solar pond | solar pool heater | solar power system | solar radiation | solar resource | solar shingles | solar simulator | solar space heater | solar spectrum | solar swimming pool heating | solar thermal electric system | solar thermal parabolic dish | solar thermal system | solar time | solar tracker | solar tracker manufacturers: Germany | solar transmittance | solar trough system | Solar Two | solar ventilation air heating | solar voltaic device | solar water heater cost estimation | solar water heater economics | solar water heater energy efficiency | solar water heater freeze protection | solar water heater maintenance and repair | solar water heater site resource evaluation | solar water heater sizing | solar water heating system scaling and corrosion | solar water heating system building codes, covenants, and regulations | solarium | solar-grade silicon | solar-powered vehicles | soldering and soldering irons | solenoid | solenoid valve | solid fuel | solid oxide fuel cell | solid state lighting | solid waste | solidity | | space frame | space heaters | space heating and cooling | space heating and funding | species diversity | specific heat | specific humidity | specific volume | spectral energy distribution | spectral irradiance | spectral reflectance | spectrally selective coating | spent nuclear fuel | spirit level | split-spectrum cell | spot ventilation | sprayed-foam and foamed-in-place insulation | square | square wave inverter | Staebler-Wronski effect | stagnation temperature | stall | stand-alone generator | stand-alone inverter | stand-alone system | standard air | standard assessment procedure (SAP) | standard fireplace | standard incandescent lamp | standard operating conditions (SOC) | standard test conditions (STC) | stand-by heat losses | stand-by power | stand-off mounting | starting torque | state of charge (SOC) | static pressure | stationary concentrating collector | steam | steam boiler | steam plant | steam turbine | steel rule | Stirling engine | stoker boiler | storage capacity | storage hydropower | storage tank | storage water heater | storm doors | stove pipe | straw bale home | straw | strawboard panel | structural insulated panel | structural plate | substation | sulfation | sulfur dioxide | sulfur oxides | sun path diagram | sun tempered building | sunspace | super insulated house | super window | supercapacitor | superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) | superconductivity | superstrate | supplementary heat | supply duct | supporting equipment for heating and cooling systems | surface water loop | surform rasp | sustainable development | sustainable living | sustainable yield | Swedish carving axe | swept area | swimming pool absorber | synchronous generator | synchronous inverter | synchronous motor |
- table saw | tack hammer | tankless coil water heater | tankless water heater | temperature coefficient | temperature-humidity index | temperature zones | tempering valve | tenon saw | thermal balance point | thermal capacitance | thermal conductivity | thermal efficiency | thermal electric | thermal energy | thermal energy storage | thermal envelope house | thermal mass | thermal resistance (R-value) | thermal storage wall | thermo photovoltaic (TPV) device | thermocouple | thermodynamic cycle | thermodynamics | thermoelectric conversion | thermography | thermophotovoltaic cell | thermopile | thermosiphon | thermosiphon system | thermostat | thin film cell | three-phase current | tidal barrage | tidal power | tidal range | tidal stream power | tile setter's hammer | tilt angle (of a solar collector or module) | tin snips | tip speed ratio | tongue and groove pliers | TOOLS | torque (motor) | total heat | total incident radiation | total internal reflection | tracking array | trailing edge | transformer | transmission | transmission line | transpired air collector | trellis | trickle charge | trickle (solar) collector | try square | Trombe wall | true power | true south | tube-in-plate absorber | tube-type collector | tubular skylight | tungsten halogen lamp | turbine | TURBINES | Turgo turbine | turn down ratio | two-axis tracking | two-stage evaporative cooler | two-tank solar system |
- ultraviolet | underground home | unglazed perforated plate collector | unglazed solar collector | UNITS | unvented heater | unvented sealed central heating system | upwind wind turbine | uranium | urea-formaldehyde foam insulation | useful heat | utility-interactive | utility-interactive inverter | U-value |
- vapor retarder | variable-speed wind turbine | vent | vent damper | vent pipe | vented heater | vented sealed central heating system | ventilation | VENTILATION TOPICS | vermiculite and perlite insulation | vertical ground loop | vertical-axis wind turbine | vise | visible light transmittance | visible radiation | volt (V) | voltage | voluntary simplicity |
- wall | wall insulation | wall orientation | waste heat recovery | water cycle | water heater, determining energy efficiency | water heater fuel types | water heater selection | water heater sizing | water heater tank insulation | water heating | water heating costs, estimates and comparisons | water heating, energy efficient | water jacket | water pollution | WATER POWER | water source heat pump | WATER SUPPLY | water treatment | water turbine | water wall | water wheel | watt (W) | watt-hour (Wh) | wattle and daub | wave power | wavelength | weatherstripping | weight-forward hammer | well | wetland | when to turn off lights | whole-house design | whole-house fan | whole-house systems approach | whole-house ventilation | wind | wind energy | wind energy conversion system | wind energy environmental impact | wind farm | wind generator | WIND POWER | wind power curve | wind power density | wind power in stand-alone systems | wind power plant | wind power profile | wind resource evaluation | wind rose | wind speed | wind speed duration curve | wind speed frequency curve | wind speed profile | wind turbine | wind turbine noise | wind turbine rated capacity | wind turbine tower height | wind velocity | windmill | window | window air conditioner | window awning | window blinds | window coverings and treatments | window draperies | window fan | window gas fill | window installation | window overhang | window shades | window shutters | window storm panels | WINDOWS | wingwall | wood and pellet stove manufacturers and dealers in Minnesota | wood briquettes | wood heat value (BTU) | wood heating | wood pellet cost and availability | wood pellet fuel supplier in the USA | wood pellets | wood R-value | wood stove | wood stove fan | wood stove fan control | wood stove location | work | working fluid | wound rotor motor | woven wire mesh | wrecking bar |
- xeriscaping |
- yaw | yurt |
- zero energy home | zero-clearance fireplace | Z-flashing | zonation | zone | zone of visual influence |
Erstellt: 2012-01