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Asshole Ball Connection (W3)

Es kann nichts gutes bedeuten - aber was soll es bedeuten?



"Asshole Ball Connection". aka gooch, taint, the land down under, grundle

Erstellt: 2021-05

Drug Related Street Terms
Slang Words

Umfangreiche Liste mit (englischen) Slang-Ausdrücken im Drogenumfeld.

A list of words, from "acid" (LSD) to "sherms" (cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid) and "zoomwebees" (methamphetamine users), this is a good source for information about hundreds of colloquialisms both common and esoteric. Largely made up of terms denoting specific illegal drugs, their effects, users, and associated paraphernalia. The brief definitions lack etymologies, data on regional usage, and keys to pronunciation, and some terms appear outdated or are misspelled.

African American (Vernacular) English (AAVE) (W3)

"African American (Vernacular) English" ("AAVE"), also called "Ebonics", is a minority dialect spoken by most African Americans thoughout the U.S.A. It is a marker of ethnic identity, and also a symbol of a youth culture (though rap and hiphop music).


African American Vernacular English (Ebonics)
written by Jack Sidnell
This page includes information on:

allupinzoid (W3)

It means "all up inside". ...


Glossary of Quaint Southernisms


with Parts of Speech and (Occasional) Etymologies - The Phantom Linguist at Play
I grew up just down the road from Andy Griffith in North Carolina. We both share a love for the native dialects of that warm and beautiful state. Today, most Southern dialects have been successfully eradicated by the excellent Southern school systems and the invasion of northern companies, eager to benefit from the high levels of creativity and intelligence found in the Southern gene pool. So, this collection is as much a historical document as a dialectal one. The important thing to remember as you laugh at these entries is that they represent perfectly good English. Sorry, teachers, I know this hurts, but these expressions represent nothing in the world but a regional dialect. A regional dialect is determined by nothing in the world but the structure of the language as spoken in a particular geographical region. We all speak the dialect of the region we are raised in during the critical language learning period from 2 to 6 years of age. The dialect you speak has nothing at all to do with intelligence or knowledge of the rules of grammar. All dialects are equally grammatical; they are simply slight variations in the grammar of a given language that characterize the various regions where that language is spoken. All dialects have rules every bit as rigorous as those of the standard dialect, so speaking with a Southern, Brooklyn, or Black "accent" is not a matter of breaking the rules of grammar but of speaking with slightly different ones. If you decide to change your accent, remember, it is for economic or social and not linguistic reasons. Read more in the Atlas of North American English.

American Dialect Society (ADS)

A scholarly association dedicated to the study of the English language in North America.


Founded in 1889, the American Dialect Society is dedicated to the study of the English language in North America, and of other languages, or dialects of other languages, influencing it or influenced by it.

American Speech is the society's quarterly journal; there is an online archive, covering 1925 to the present, available to members. NADS, our newsletter, is issued three times a year. Online access to its back issues is unrestricted. One book in the PADS (Publication of the American Dialect Society) monograph series is published each year. Current and back issues of American Speech and PADS may be purchased individually from our publisher, The Duke University Press. Membership is the same as subscription: members receive all publications; subscribing to the publications makes you a member.

The American Dialect Society is organized in the interest of the academic community and not for profit. Its object is the study of the English language in North America, together with other languages or dialects of other languages influencing it or influenced by it.

The editorial policy on the inside back cover of American Speech follows this declaration but is more cosmopolitan:

American Speech is concerned principally with the English language in the Western Hemisphere, although contributions dealing with English in other parts of the world, with other languages influencing English or influenced by it, and with general linguistic theory may also be submitted . . . . The journal welcomes articles dealing with current usage, dialectology, and the history and structure of English. American Speech is not committed to any particular theoretical framework, but preference is given to articles that are likely to be of interest to a wide readership.



The Ads-l Archives

You can get more information about this list.

Archive - View by: - Downloadable version



Am 01.11.2003 umriss Allan Metcalf in einem Newslist-Beitrag das Anliegen der ADS:

It should be noted that, though our organization has the name American Dialect Society, its purpose is larger than just dialect. To quote our constitution:

"Its object is the study of the English language in North America, together with other languages or dialects of other languages influencing it or influenced by it."

It is not surprising, therefore, that our discussion list, as well as our publications, includes matters lexicographical as well as phonological and morphological and syntactical; and the history as well as the present status of American English.

Am 15.02.2003 fasste Grant Barrett (American Dialect Society webmaster) die folgenden am häufigsten gestellten Fragen zusammen:
Here are the generified frequently asked questions, based on the actual questions in my email box:

An der Mailingliste der ADS beteiligen sich unter anderem:


ADS-L is a discussion list for members of the American Dialect Society and interested non-members. Among our members are linguists, grammarians, dictionary editors and lexicographers, writers, journalists, professors and other academics, students at all levels, researchers, librarians, translators, independent scholars, and language amateurs. Our primary topic of conversation is dialects of North American English, but we do wander off topic frequently.

There is an ADS-L Archive covering from 1999 to present. The partial archives for 1992 through 1999 are also available for searching. You can view today’s ADS-L messages or ADS-L daily digests, courtesy of LinguistList, without subscribing. To participate, you must subscribe.

The quantity of list traffic varies greatly, usually according the fluctutions of the academic year, but the traffic level should be considered high. If you are not prepared to receive a hundred or more messages from this list on occasion, then consider using the DIGEST option below.

This list is not moderated. In other words, anything submitted to the list is automatically forwarded to the entire list without being first reviewed by a listmom, boss or moderator. You must be subscribed to participate. Completely inappropriate behavior, however, can get you banned.

Be aware that our discussion of dialects, language and linguistics may lead us to any word or phrase, “good” or “bad,” “dirty” or “clean.” We generally take a descriptivist approach: all subject matter is fair game. This can include pejoratives, curse words, euphemisms for bodily functions and body parts, and other potentially offensive language. Sometimes it’s quite colorful, but always academic and enlightening.

Erstellt: 2002-07

Racist Terms

Origins of Racist Terms


Back Gammon Player (W3)

"BACK GAMMON PLAYER" im "Dictionary of the vulgar tongue":
Back Gammon Player. A sodomite.

Der "Backgammon Spieler" ist also jemand der es gerne von hinten ("back") hat oder macht.

Basebrawl (W3)

is on the cover of Sunday's NEW YORK POST. The term refers to those times when you go to a baseball game and a hockey game breaks out.
Not in Paul Dickson's BASEBALL DICTIONARY, but it should be.
About 600 Google hits.

The Online slang Dictionary


Bougie (W3)

Engl. "Bougie" ist eine umgangssprachliche Kurzform für engl. "bourgeois" = engl. "middle class", "upper class" - allgemein: vom Sprecher aus gesehen die höhere Klasse.


Kissed Her on the Stairs
Posted December 2, 2012
Do Americans use the same sign language as the British? And what do Japanese people use instead of umm? Plus, why do we vote at polling places? What goes into file 13? All this, a word quiz, commode vs. toilet, saditty and bougie, and cute stuff that kids say!read more »


Posted December 1, 2012
Oh, those saditty gals think they’re all that, don’t they? Saditty, or seditty, goes back to the 1940s, where it first appears in news articles from African-American publications. It applies primarily to women act like they’re better than others, or who seem stuck up. Bougie, as in bourgeois, has a similar use among African Americans. [...]read more »



Posted December 22, 2004 .

bougie n. in volleyball, a hit on the head by the ball. Etymological Note: See the 2001 citation. This entry is unrelated to senses of bougie well-covered elsewhere, such as ‘n., (a contemptuous name for) a Black person,’ ‘adj., bourgeois (middle class), especially as an accusation between Black Americans,’ the latter having various spellings including [...]
read more »


Posted December 22, 2004 .

bougie n.— «Even a very good “candle hit” as we say in french (“une bougie”==”a candle” is a spike which hits an opponents directly in his head…just like gently blowing a candle…:-)).» —“Re: 16.2.3 clarification requested” by Christian Perrier Usenet: Mar. 27, 2001.
read more »


Posted July 3, 2004 .

bougie n.— «The band was originally called Bougie after the slang term for getting popped in the head with a volleyball which gives some idea of their commitment to musical excellence.» —“Digging up support” by Glen Dawkins Winnipeg Sun (Manitoba, Can.) July 2, 2004.
read more »


Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Bougie" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1750 auf.

Erstellt: 2014-01

22 Maps That Show How Americans Speak English Totally Differently From Each Other
United States Dialect Maps


Everyone knows that Americans don't exactly agree on pronunciations.

Regional accents are a major part of what makes American English so interesting as a dialect.

Joshua Katz, a Ph. D student in statistics at North Carolina State University, just published a group of awesome visualizations of Professor Bert Voux's linguistic survey that looked at how Americans pronounce words.

His results were first published on Abstract, the N.C. State research blog.

Joshua gave us permission to publish some of the coolest maps from his collection.


Soda, pop, or coke? Josh Katz’ dialect map lets you see who says what, where.

(Click on image to go to interactive map)

Erstellt: 2013-06


Caboose (W3)


= "Jail" (from "calaboose," which derives from "calabozo", the Spanish word for "jail")

Coach Wheel (W3)


A half crown piece is a fore coach wheel, and a crown piece a hind coach wheel; the fore wheels of a coach being less than the hind ones.

colorado: Siouan languages
Nebraska - Sioux - Teton - Oglala - was^i'c^uN - Cheyenne - Sacagawea - Sacajawea - squaw - Kemosabe - Tonto



My specialty is the Siouan languages, especially Omaha-Ponca, a Dhegiha (LAY-gee-ha or THEY-gee-ha)** language, spoken by the Omaha and Ponca peoples. Mostly I have worked with the texts collected by the industrious James O. Dorsey in the 1870s-1890s. In 1985 I also worked directly with two Omaha men: first Clifford Wolf, Sr., and later Coolidge Stabler. Sadly this was only briefly - for about a month, all told. Both are of these gentlemen are now deceased. Others have kindly answered questions from time to time. I would like to particularly mention the late Wilson Wolf.

Auf dieser Seite findet man Antworten auf folgende (auch etymologische) Fragen:

Questions about Siouan and Other Native American Languages
General References Orthographies Particular Languages Etymologies Naming

Auf der Link-Seite findet man Verweise auf:


Dictionary of American Regional English

Die Seite ist leider nur per "subscription" zugänglich.

Discover the full panoply of American regional words, phrases, and pronunciations with DARE.

The digital edition features audio, interactive maps, and insights into the DARE Survey.


Know Your Collywobbles from Your Mulligrubs with the Dictionary of American Regional English
March 26, 2014
by: Jane Solomon

Many American English speakers know that people say "pop" in Chicago, "soda" in Philadelphia, and "coke" in New Orleans, and that they all refer to a carbonated, flavored, and sweetened soft drink. But most of us don’t know that a "blue norther" is a cold wind in Texas or a "pogonip" is a dense, icy fog in Nevada. Where would one even look up obscure regionalisms? Only in the Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE).

In 2013, language lovers celebrated the publication of the sixth and final volume of the DARE, along with the debut of the complete body of work online. For some perspective, the first volume, encompassing letters A-C, came out in 1985. The journal American Speech called DARE “the greatest achievement in American lexicography in the past 50 years.”

What is DARE?


What do you call a sandwich made on a roll?
March 19, 2012
by: blog

Dictionary of American Regional English, DARE, English, slang, HUPDo you call it a sub? A grinder? A hoagie? A poor boy? That all depends on where you live.

The Dictionary of American Regional English has been more than 40 years in the making. In the early 60s, lexicographers and linguists led by the University of Wisconsin at Madison sprawled all over the country in search of unique words. They found zin-zins (a duck near New Orleans that is very juicy when cooked) and unsweet tea (to distinguish from sweet tea in the South). You probably won’t hear the word “hella” outside of northern California or “wicked” outside of western Massachusetts. More than 20 years after the first volume in 1985, the fifth and final volume of the DARE (with letters Si-Z) comes out Tuesday, March 20. We talked to Elizabeth Little, author of the book, Trip of the Tongue, about regional dialects and her own road trip in search of lost languages across the United States.


Search Results for: Dictionary of American Regional English


Surveys | Maps | Audio | Words

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Dictionary of American Regional English


The "Dictionary of American Regional English" ("DARE") is a multi-volume reference work that documents words, phrases, and pronunciations that vary from one place to another place across the United States.

Challenging the popular notion that our language has been "homogenized" by the media and our mobile population, DARE demonstrates that there are many thousands of differences that characterize the dialect regions of the U.S.

DARE is based on face-to-face interviews carried out in all 50 states between 1965 and 1970 and on a comprehensive collection of written materials (diaries, letters, novels, histories, biographies, newspapers, government documents, etc.) that cover our history from the colonial period to the present.

The entries in DARE include regional pronunciations, variant forms, some etymologies, and regional and social distributions of the words and phrases.

A striking feature of DARE is its inclusion in the text of the Dictionary of selected maps that show where words were found in the 1,002 communities investigated during the fieldwork.

Erstellt: 2014-11

DARE - Dictionary of American Regional English
100 Sample Entries


New to DARE? The 100 representative dictionary entries listed below and highlighted on the word wheel found throughout the site are available in full to all visitors.

Erstellt: 2023-01

Dialect, Dialekt (W3)


version of a language differing in some aspects of grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary from other forms of the same language. A dialect restricted to a certain area or locale is a geographical dialect; one spoken by a specific group of people of a similar level of education, social class, or occupation is a social dialect. Some dialects are written and others are only spoken. The standard literary dialect of a language often was developed from a spoken dialect that was recorded by a talented writer or writers. Thus, the Tuscan dialect, employed with literary genius by the poets Dante Alighieri and Petrarch, dominated all other Italian dialects and became the written language of Italy. The High German dialect into which Martin Luther translated the Bible became standard German. The East Midland dialect of the poet Geoffrey Chaucer became the basis of the English language.


"Dialekt" und engl. "Dialect" gehen zurück auf lat. "dialectos", griech. "diálektos", "dialégesthai" = "sich bereden", "sprechen", war also ursprünglich wertneutral. Aber da beim Bereden jeder mitreden konnte wurde dabei die Redeweise wohl eher etwas vernachlässigt.

American Accents


About Us

Dialect Blog was launched in 2011 as a place for hobbyists, actors, linguists and curiosity-seekers to learn about and discuss the dialects of the English language.


Of course, there are many more American accents than this. These are just the largest groupings of accents. There are any number of sub-dialects that are quite unique (New Orleans, African American Vernacular English, Chicago, etc.). Hopefully this guide will serve as a good jumping off point.

Erstellt: 2023-01

dingbat (W3)

Ein "dingbat" war angeblich ein Tramp, der an die Küchentür schlug und um Almosen bat.

Auf der angegebenen Seite findet man auch einen kleinen Vers, in dem z.B. auch "Hoosiers", "Gazooneys", "Gazunks" und "Gazons" vorkommen.

Der "Hoosier" könnte ein "Hausierer" gewesen sein und die anderen könnten auf frz. "garcon" oder Irish "gosoon" = "boy" = "Junge" zurückgehen.


ebonics (W3)

Die Bezeichnung "ebonics" entstammt dem afroameriaknische Vokabualar und geht auf die Kombination von "ebony" = Synonym für "schwarz" und "phonics" = "the science of sound or of spoken sounds" zurück.

It is used to emphasise the distinctive grammar and vocabulary of African-American speech, which, it is argued, derive at least in part from various Niger-Congo African languages and are a relic of slavery. Whether "Ebonics" is a dialect of English, a creole or a separate language is open to argument, though the first of these is the received view. It has suddenly hit the headlines world-wide as a result of the decision by the Oakland School Board in California in December 1996 to recognise "Ebonics" as a separate linguistic entity whose speakers need assistance in becoming fluent in standard American English.


Slang of the Fifties Guide


Slang | Slang A-B | Slang C-F | Slang G-M | Slang N-Z | Kookie Talk | Fashions | Fads

Slang has always been the province of the young. Words come in and out of favor in direct proportion to the speed with which they travel through the age ranks. Once college kids know that high school kids are using a term, it becomes passe. And seniors don't want to sound like freshman and so forth. Once a word finds its way to mainstream media or worse, is spoken by parents, no young person with any self-respect would use it.

Foo, bar, foobar
RFC 3092
Etymology of Foo (W3)



Das erste Programm, das zu Demozwecken (z.B. in einer neuen Programmiersprache) geschrieben wird, gibt traditionell die Meldung "Hello World!" aus. Als Name für Variablen oder sonstige Namen in Demoprogrammen nehmen die Informatiker immer "foo" und "bar" (Ausnahme: Python-Programmierer sagen "spam" und "eggs", weil auch der Name der Programmiersprache von "Monty Python" abstammt), und bei Kryptologen heißen die beiden Gesprächspartner immer Alice und Bob.




Auch die Internet-Gemeinde beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema "Etymologie"; es gibt sogar einen "RFC" ("Request for Comments") dazu; siehe "RFC-3092": Etymology of "foo".

Approximately 212 RFCs so far, starting with RFC 269, contain the terms "foo", "bar", or "foobar" as metasyntactic variables without any proper explanation or definition. This document rectifies that deficiency.
Hier findet man einen längeren Artiekl in dem es um die Begriffe: geht.
Ob der komplette Artikel ernst zu nehmen ist, ist mir jedoch nicht ganz klar geworden.
Vielleicht bin ein wenig "foo".


The etymology of hackish "foo" is obscure. When used in connection with "bar" it is generally traced to the WWII-era Army slang acronym "FUBAR" ("Fucked Up Beyond All Repair"), later ...




Gaoler's Coach (W3)


A hurdle: traitors being usually conveyed from the gaol, to the place of execution, on a hurdle or sledge.


Harvard University
Dialect Survey


Brief Introduction:
The following is a survey of various terms, some exclusive to Harvard and others more generally used. Please keep in mind that while this is supposed to be vaguely scientific, it's not a test or anything you should lose sleep over. Select your responses to the best of your ability - don't overthink something or try to second-guess yourself, you're not going to be judged on your knowledge of harvard terms.
If you know of some other Harvard term I should add to the list, please email me. Note - please don't send random acronyms of organizations unless they have a specific pronunciation that the average person outside of Harvard would not know (such as Hup-Dee for HUPD).
Aber ohne "Harvard ID" scheint man keinen Zugang zu erhalten:
Please enter your Harvard ID here.

The dialect survey is an expansion of an initiative begun by Professor Bert Vaux at Harvard University. Dr. Vaux prepared an earlier version of this survey for his Dialects of English class at Harvard in 1999. The survey has since been revised and expanded for a larger, lay audience.
About the Creators:
Bert Vaux is an Associate Professor of Linguistics at Harvard University. His specialties are phonological theory, fieldwork, and dialectology. He is currently preparing an Atlas of English Dialects.
Scott A. Golder is a Linguistics concentrator at Harvard University. His research interests include sociolinguistic issues in computer-mediated communication (CMC).
Rebecca Starr is a Linguistics concentrator at Harvard University, with a related field in Art History.



Jargon (W3)


vocabulary used by a special group or occupational class, usually only partially understood by outsiders. The special vocabularies of medicine, law, banking, science and technology, education, military affairs, sports, and the entertainment world all fall under the heading of jargon. Examples of occupational jargon include such formal technical expressions as perorbital hematoma (black eye, to the layperson), in medicine, and escrow and discount rate, in finance, and informal terms such as licorice stick (clarinet, among jazz musicians). Cant, sometimes defined as false or insincere language, also (like argot) refers to the jargon and SLANG, (q.v.) used by thieves and beggars and the underworld. Colorful terms and phrases such as mug (either a police photograph or to attack a victim), payola (graft or blackmail), hooker (prostitute), and to rub out or to blow away (to kill) are among examples of cant that eventually became commonly understood and that were adopted as slang by society in general.

Der Ursprung des frz. "jargon" wird als lautmalerische Wortkreation vermutet.






Hardboiled Slang-Glossary
Detective Slang-Glossary

Twists, Slugs and Roscoes: A Glossary of Hardboiled Slang
This is the language spoken by Philip Marlowe, Sam Spade, Mike Hammer and the Continental Op. When Cagney, Bogart, Robinson and Raft got in a turf war, this is how they talked.
Also Slang der Humphrey Bogart Krimis.
Die Wortliste ist eine Seite mit etwa 34.000Bytes.

Dieses Glossar mit Ausdrücken, die man beim Lesen amerikanischer Krimis evtl. ganz gut gebrauchen kann, enthält zu einigen wenigen Ausdrücken auch etymologische Hinweise (z.B. "Caboose").

Erstellt: 2002-07

Mobilian Jargon (W3)

Mobilian Jargon (US)


N-Word, Negro, moolie (W3)



Controversial racial slur can never be reclaimed
In one word, it encompasses so many ideas: the African Diaspora, three-fifths of a person, and every hour of over 400 years of slavery, segregation and oppression. The word means so much that its mention by the wrong person can start a fight. It’s so potent that I don’t even have to mention it here, because you already know what word I’m referring to.

The "N-word", as it’s often referred to, derives its etymology from Spanish word "negro" and is from the Latin word "niger" even before that. "Negro" is the Spanish word for black, so the word came into use to describe anyone of darker skin, mainly Africans.

This wasn’t the only slur that came along; for example "moolie", an Italian slur against African people, originated from the word "mulignane," or eggplant, referring to its dark purple skin.



Do You Speak American?


It is, however, an influence that continues to evolve. Migration, immigration, race, class, ethnicity and mass media all play a role in changing the sound of American. Nouns become verbs. Vowel pronunciation shifts. Slang becomes standard. And from New England to the West Coast, Michigan to Louisiana, Philadelphia to Appalachia, one dialect can be barely intelligible to speakers of another. So exactly how do we define American English? Is it the French-infused Cajun spoken on the bayou? The Chicano spoken on the streets of inner-city Los Angeles? The urban black language of hip-hop and rap? Surferdude? Valley Girl? Midwestern? And who decides which form is the most correct, the best?

pumpkin lily (W3)

Der umgangssprachliche Ausdruck "pumpkin lily" für einen "ungebildeten Menschen", "Anfänger" ist mindestens seit 1922 bekannt. Bekannt sind ähnlich Begriffe wie "pumpkin roller", "pumpkin head". Das ebgl. "lily" = "Maiglöckchen" bezeichnet auch einen verweichlichten Jungen oder einen homosexuellen Mann. Es ist jedenfalls kein Ausdruck, den man unbedingt in seinen englischen Sprachschatz aufnehmen muss.




The Rap Dictionary


The Rap Dictionary is the oldest and ultimate resource for looking up hip-hop slang.
Wow... The Rap Dictionary went wik-wik-Wiki! This means that you can now edit virtually anything! Feel that itch to educate the masses? Feel that responsibility of keeping the Rap Dictionary real? Welcome to the world of edutainment!
Currently the Rap Dictionary consists of 2265 content pages. (15.02.2005)

Redskin, Rothaut (W3)





"Redskins" is such a word for most Native people. Once you've been stung by that word, you never, ever forget it or the venom of each modifier, most commonly "dirty", "lazy" and "stupid".

The earliest recorded example of the term "redskin" is contained in the following quotation from 1699: "Ye firste Meetinge House was solid mayde to withstande ye wicked onsaults of ye Red Skins."

Wann der "Redskin" als "Rothaut" nach Deutschland kam ist mir unbekannt. Die abwertende Bezeichnung bezog sich vermutlich auf die rote Körperbemalung nordamerikanischer Indianer.

Western Slang & Phrases


Dialect Survey Results



Erstellt: 2013-06


Slang (W3)


informal, nonstandard words and phrases, generally shorter lived than the expressions of ordinary colloquial speech, and typically formed by creative, often witty juxtapositions of words or images. Slang can be contrasted with jargon (technical language of occupational or other groups) and with argot or cant (secret vocabulary of underworld groups), but the borderlines separating these categories from slang are greatly blurred, and some writers use the terms cant, argot, and jargon in a general way to include all the foregoing meanings.


The ultimate origin of the name "slang" is not certainly known; the word is itself probably a slang creation. It makes its first appearance in the eighteenth century, and like its French equivalent, "argot", applied earliest to a special vocabulary of the underworld of thieves, a use in which it is hard to distinguish the word "slang" from the rival words, "cant" and "flash". Somewhat later, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the name "slang" came to apply to the special vocabulary of a particular calling or pro- ...

Der Rest ist nur noch nach einer Registrierung zugänglich.


David Burke's site on American, Spanish, French and Italian slang



Mit spärlichen Hinweisen zur Herkunft der Slang-Ausdrücke.

Sock It to Me (W3)

Hier findet man eine längere Diskussion zur Herkunft des Ausdrucks "Sock It to Me". Leider konnte ich keine verbindliche Aussage in den vielen Beiträgen finden.

Das am. "sock it to someone" bedeutet jedenfalls "jemandem Bescheid stoßen", "jemandem Saures geben". Es ist wohl aus einem Slang-Ausdruck entstanden und wurde durch eine Hit "Respect" von Aretha Franklin verbreitet.

"The actual phrase was taken from a hit record entitled 'Respect' (1967) recorded by Aretha Franklin, which featured a chorus repeating 'Sock it to me' quite rapidly in the background."

Steel Bar (W3)


A needle. A steel bar flinger; a taylor, stay-maker, or any other person using a needle.


Exploring the world of tongue-tippers with a whatchamacallit


By William Safire
Sunday, Jan 09, 2005,Page 9

"It's the same as a whatchamacallit or a thingumabob or a doomaflitchy or a how-you-call-it or a doodad or a hootis or a what's-it or a gizmo or a gadget or a widget or a doohicky."

On the Dow Jones OpinionJournal Web site, Claudia Rosett - the modern Inspector Javert of Les Miserables on the oil-for-food trail of Jean Valjean - reported on a news conference held by the UN secretary-general: "The contract that [Kofi] Annan referred to as "this Cotecna one", as if he weren't quite sure what "whichamahoosy" everyone was talking about."

Hier geht es um Nonsens-Wörter wie:

"hoosydingy", "hoosiedinghy", "whatchamacallit", "whodingy", "dojigger", "thingy", "thingumabob", "doomaflitchy", " how-you-call-it", "doodad", "hootis", "what's-it", "gizmo", "widget", "doohicky", "thingumbob" (now with a syllable added as "thingumabob"), was first reported by Francis Grose in his 1785 Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue), "Mr. What-d'ye-call'em", "Thingumbobs" = "testicles", "thingy" has one sense of "penis" as does "thingamajig", "chicken-fixing", "gadjet", "gill-guy", timmey-noggy", "wim-wom", "gadjet", "gizmo", "Gimmick", "hootenanny", "ujah" (... was thought to be of Hindustani origin), "oojamaflip", "Doo", "doodinkus", "Doojigger", "Doohickey" (appeared in US naval slang in 1914), "doodad" (appeared in Sinclair Lewis' "Main Street" in 1920, meaning "fancy ornament), "whosit", "whoozis", "whatsisname", "nidniks" (a neat play on the Yiddish "nudnik" = "monumental nag").





Jonathan McKee, known in the late 90's for starting the youth ministry resource web site, started a non-profit organization called "The Source for Youth Ministry." The Source for Youth Ministry is dedicated to bringing cutting edge resources to youth workers today.

Auf der Seite des "Youth Ministry" findet man auch eine lange Liste mit Ausdrücken der Teenagersprache.

This teen lingo represents today's culture and many of the problems that go along with it. Although much of it is humorous, a good portion of it is very offensive. Many of the words are terms for sexual activity and drug use. Many of the examples given are common quotes from youth today- these quotes, although somewhat edited, can be foul or vile (sadly, all the below phrases can be said in a PG movie). I believe this dictionary has educational value in helping youth workers understand teen mentality and culture, but please do use discretion.

Am 22.07.2006 waren folgende Begriffe unter "A" aufgeführt:

187 | 211 | 211 (two-eleven) | 411 | 420 | 5 - 0 | 8 ball | a'ight | all that | all up in my biznezz | all up in my grill | all up in the kool-aid | aw naw | ax | baby daddy | bacon | badunkadunk | baggin | bait | baked | ball up | baller | ballin | bammer | bang | bank | beast | bee-atch | benjamins | bent | betty | BI | big body | bite it | bites | biting me | blazin | bling-bling | blingin | blow | blunt | bober | bomb | bomb, the | bones | bong | | boo boo | bootie | bootleg | bootsie | booty call | bootylicious | boo-yah! | bounce | boy | brah | braw | breezy | brown frown | bud | buggin | bunk | bust a cap | bust yo grill! | busta | bustin' | butta | cap | cashed or cashed out | cash-money | chassy | cheba | checkin out | cheddar | cheese | cheezin | chicken head | chillin | chips | chizzlin | chronic | church | clock | clock or clocked | clownin' | come thru | coo | cool | cool wit dat | cracker | creepin' | crib | crunk | cut | cuttin | d.i. | d.l. | da bomb | da hood | dank | dat | dawg | dead presidents | deebo | deezam | dime | dirty brown | dis | dog | doggin' on | dope | dose | down | down low or D.L. | drip out | drop | dropped the dime | dub | dube | duckets | E | ease up | easy | e-class | ends | fatty | federal | feel me | fiendin | fi'n | finna | five on it | flashing | flava | flex | flossin' | fo' real | fo' rizeal | fo' shizzle | fo sho | foo | for sheezy | four-twenty (4:20) (420) (4-20) | freak | frontin' | fugly | G | G - money | gafel | Gahbless | game | gangsta | gank | gat | get our G on | get your shwerve/swerve on | get your swerve on | gettin ya' roll on | getting the hook up | getting the mack on | ghetto | ghetto bird | ghetto-fabulous | giggan | give it up! | givin' up the gold | gold digging ho | got the dragon | grain | grass | green | grill | grilling | grip | gunnin' | hack or hackin' | haten | heads | heat | hecka | heezie | hella | herb | high-five | hit me on the hip | ho | ho - monga | hold up | holla | homie | hoochie | hoochie mama | hoodrat | hook me up | hoops | hooptie | hoo-ride | hops | hot | hott | hottie | house | housed | hype | ice | iced out | ill | I'll bust a cap in your #$&?!! (posterior) | I'm out | I'm straight | in the heazy | in the house | it's all good | jaba | jack | jacked | jankity | janky | jigga | jocking | keep it real | kick game | kickin' it | kicks | klepto (or klepto'd) | krunk | L | late | leaf | learn you | let's bounce | let's roll | lick | lick, the | light some trees | live | lo-lo | lunchin | lye | M&M | ma or mami | mack | mad | mad dawg | mad skills | man, the | meth | MILF | money | my bad | my nizzle | navigate | necka | nephew | nigga | nine | nizzle | no diggity | off the chain | off the heezy | off the hizzle | off the hook | off your rector | oh snap! | old school | on his/her/my/your jock | one | one-time | onion | open up a can | outie 5000 | paper | parlayin | pawtna | peace | peace out | pearl | peeps | peoples | perpetratin' | phat | phatty | PHD | piece | pigeon | pill | pimp | pimp-daddy | pimpin' | playa | poodle | po-po | poppins | poser | post up or posted up | posted | pound it | props | prostitots | punk | punked | put that on | put the smack down | putting me on blast | R. Kelley | raggedy | recognize | reggin weed | represent | ride | rise up | rock | rocks | roll | roll out | rollin' | roll-up | S.T. Rugglin | salty | say my name | scam | school | scrap | scrilla or scrill | scrub | selling woof tickets | shawty | shiznit | shizzle | shizzy (the shizzy) | shoo | shorty | shotty | shout out | shut up! | shwagg | sick | skanch | skank | skeeza | slammin' | slanging | slow steppin' | smack | smak | smoke | snap | spent | spinners | spittin' game | spliff | sprung | squirrel | s'righ | steal | step off | sticking it | stog | stoked | straight up | strapped | sum- summ'm | sup | sweat box | sweet | swolles | swoop me up | tap | tap that | taxed | that bites | thievin' | this piece | thizang | thugged | tight | tore up (pronounced "toe up") | treat 'em | tree | trick | triflin | trippin' | tripping | troop | true | true dat | | up in | ups | vogues | wack | wacked | wanksta | wassup | weak | weaksauce | we're up | Wha's really good? | wha's crackulatin' | whasup | what up? | what's crackin? | What's poppin? | whip | whoobangin' | whoop | who's your daddy! | wigga | word up | worn | wylin' | X | you feel me? | youngin


American dialects

A searchable collection of audio and text clips, graphics and full transcripts from 40 speakers of American dialects from New York to Georgia, with most from North Carolina.

Uni Pennsylvania
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A National Map of the Regional Dialects of American English

Urban Dictionary
Slang Dictionary
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Urban Dictionary is a slang dictionary with your definitions. Define your world.

Urban slang dictionary is written by the visitors to the website who post their definition of urban slang terms.


Dieses "Slang Dictionary" enthält viele hundert Seiten mit vielen tausend Einträgen von:

author a | A | A " A " | A " Calabrese" | A "Bitch" | a "dezmond" | A "Grady" | a "J" | a "tommy" | A & S | a & t | A - Tosser | a 28oz Slurpee | a 3 day | A A | A AAA | a and b the c of d | a and b the c of d sounds | A and P Catholic | a and t | a apple | a asdfasdfasdf | a asdfasdfasdf sounds | A B a b c | a b c sounds | a babe in the woods | A baboonaphile | a bad taste in my mouth | a bad taste in my mouth sounds | A bad way to introduce yours... | a badunkadunk butt | a badunkadunk butt sounds | A bag of smashed assholes | a balloon to a blimp | a barrel full of smashed ass... | A Basket Full of Fuzzy Kitte... | a beard | a beating from the love trun... | A beaver attempt | a béka segge alatt | a Bengal | A Bengali Menace | a bert | A Better Place | a bevy | a bevy; | a bevy; pulling a bevy | a bi ga v usta?™ | a biddy biddy may | a big girls blouse | a big had a big lick | a big ol' vag | a big pile of poo in a urina... | a big poo poo head | A Bigawoo | a biggity bonus | a bill | a bill fifty | a billy | A Binky | a bit of allright | A Bit Of Alright | a bit of bully | A Bit Of The Old | a bit on the side | a bit sutton | A bitch and a half | a bitch in heat | A Bizzle | A black moment | a blonder | a bloobla | a Blow | a blue blowhorn | a blumpie | a Bobby | a bode | A Bogdan | a bomb | A Bon Jovi | A Boop | a boot | A bowl of assholes | A Bowl of Stupid | A Box Of Assorted Creams | A Box of Assorted cremes | a box of smashed crabs | a box of ziti | A boxers lunch | A breakfast burrito | A Breezy | A Brett Barnes | A Bright Future | a britney spears | A Brucegreen | a buck and a helen | a Buck Fifty | a Buck Fitty | A Bulldozer | a burlington | a buster | A BUSTLE IN YOUR HEDGEROW | a butchcher's | a butcher's A C | a Cable | A CABOOSE LIKE A MOOSE | a can of smashed assholes | a can of whoopass | A Canadian | a candisay | A Capella | a cappella | A Cardboard-Box | A Case of the Ass | a case of the R.Kellys | a case of the red ass | a cat in a rocking chair fac... | a cat shit in my mouth | a chaffin riff | A Change Is Gonna Come | a change of pace | a change of seasons | a chischilly | A Chow | a christmas story | A Class | | a clip around the ear hole. | A Clockwork Orange | A Clockwork Orange sounds | a complete and utter wanker A Complete Waste | author a concerned citizen | a cool sharp one | a coom shiter | a cotton picking minute | A couple few | a couple two tree | a cow's ass sewed up with ba... | a crazy | a crin | A crow left of the murder | a cube | A cup | a cuppa | a date with mrs palm and her... | a date with Pam and her five... | a der | a derro | A DEUCE | a diamond upside down is a p... | a diaper | A Dick in the Ass | a dime | a dime and two pennies | a dime piece | a dime short | a DINGDONG | A Dirty | A Dog | a dog could do it | A Dogg | a dogs hind leg | a dollar-fifty | a door bell | a douche hound | a dozen furies | A Dropping Moses | a dubs | a duck | A duck! | A duck! (smokin' ducks) | A Dufie | a dumb | a dunnuck | a dutch oven | author A equals A | A face like a half-chewed go... | author A fan | a fan-crap-ulous actor A Farewell to Glocks | A Farewell to Pants | a fat | a fat knot | A fatal attraction | a fate worse than tummyache | | a Fever | a fever you can't sweat out | a few | a few bob | A few days later | a few sandwiches short of a... | A Few Whiles | a fibbion handful | a fifth | A Final Fantasy | A Finding Nemo | a fire inside | a flick | a floater | a flock of seagulls | A Flubwib | a flute | a Fonzie | A Frankie Knife | A Frickin American | author a friend | A Friend | a funny | A G | a gang | | a ghost | a gi gi | A Giggles | author A Girl | a glam | a global threat | A gob (G.O.B) | a gold rush | A Golden Ticket | a good loser | a good minute | a good piece | a good rogering | a good slosh | a good time | A Gorilla | A grade | a grain and a grape | A grey | a grip | author A guy | author A Guy Named Gal | a hard day's night | a hartley | a head up | a heads up | a heavy duty | A heretic | a hint of broadway | A hitler | a hobbit | a hoi hoi | A hole | a hootin' and a holleriin' | A Hop, Skip, And Jump Away | a horrible pixelated shot of... | A hot mess | A hot minute | A HUMAN SKIDMARK ON THE UNDE... A hundred | a hurtin' | A J | A Jaa Jaaa | a jamie | A jeep thing | a jesus (said together) | a jillion | A Joel Schumacher Film | a joey | a joke | a juicy fart | a juicy [fart] | a karim | A kick doe | A Kinder Gentler Balogna | a la mierda | a latent aplaince fetishist | a leaker | a lean | a lebron | A Legend In Thier Own Shower | A letter in the mailbox | a lex | a lexis on fire | a lid | A Lie | a link a link to the past | a little bird told me | a little bit | a little bit too much cheese... | a little cream in your coffe... | a little extra | a little martha | A Little Rareware | a little too Fab Five | a load of old bollocks | a load that should have been... | a lock | a lol | A looney | a lot a bit | a lot a lot | a lot of money | a lotta | a mad one | a man's thingy | a mark | a marr | a melon | a member of the family | A Merchant | a mess | A Midsummer Night's Cream | author A Midwestern Christian | a mike | a mile wide and an inch deep | a million | a minor | a minute | a miserable little pile of s... | a mocker | A Mon | a muhammad | A Munier | A mushroom stamp | a myspace stalker/wannabe | A Nation | a need a shite | a new machine | A new tie I am wearing | A Newfie | a nick | a nigga | A nigga that wants ta' be a... | A Nigger Unit | a nobody | A Nohely | a noodle a nosefull | A Noser | a nothing in an empty room | a nut | A oh no | a one that isn't cold | A over T | a p j | a pager | A painter | a panda | a paris | A Part II | a passage to bangkok | a patriot | a peevus | a perfect 10 | a perfect circle | author a person | A Pickle | a piece | A Piece of Dust | a piece of me | a pipe | a plastic | a playa | a pleasant heart attack | A plummer A plus | A ponder of Midgets | a pool whistle | a poops mcgee | a poor do | A popa John | a popular | a pot to piss in | a pound | a prank | a pretty lot | a princess leia | a procedure | author a pseudonym | a purple headed womb ferret | a purple-headed womb ferret | A Pyramid Ship | A Quarter to Three | a quick drink | a quitter | A R S E | A rack | a rag o' bone and a hank o'... | A rainbow in the underwear | a random | a random chick | a rather tasteless joke | A real Al Capone | A really hoopy frood | A Red | A Red Tiger | a retarted | a reverend feltcher | a richele | A Ridiculous | | A Rimmy | a river in egypt | a room with a moose | a roscoe | A round of scully | a run | a russian | A Russian Peter | a rusty fish hook | A Ry | a sap | A Savage | A Second Chance | a self sevices man | a separate peace | A Series of Unfortunate Even... | A Sex A Shade Below | A Shandi | A Shasta and a Hot Pocket | A shed-full | A shed-load | a shockatock, | a shot of life | A Side | a silly | a skanky ass hoe | a skullshot | a slap happy hellacopter | a slap in the face | A Slater | a slice | A Slice of Sexy Cake | a slolly | a smidge of midgets | a snag short of a barbie | a so-called friend | a softer world | A Solid | a song | a space age pimp | a spaz | a sphincter says what | a splode A spot | a squared | a stack | A Stainer | a state of trance | a static lullaby | a steam-shovelled cunt | A stebbo | A step | A Steven Segal | a stick | A Stick of Dynamite | a stitch in time | a stitch in time saves nine | a story at three | a stranger | a struck match | A Stupe | a stupid | a sucka in a uniform waiting... | a sydney | a t | a table PEDE | a tad chilltig | a tergo | A Testament to | a thing in the bag | a thousand shades of awesome | a tiger woods | a tiny fishie | A tit nipply | A to O transfer | A to the K | A To The SS | A to the ZN | a to z | a toe is a toe | A tommy | a tommy [gun] | A touch of the kissys | a town | A Train | A Treasure's Trove | A Tribe Called Quest | A Trinity | A Trogger | a true gansta | author a TRUE green day fan | a TRUE green day fan | a true medford family | a tub | A Twicer a twin | a twinkie | a twisted giggley | a two cents plane | a two name, name | A Tyson | a vestir santos | a video game | a wacka wacka wee! | A Walk | a walk in the rain | a walk to remember | a warning from history | a wats sama call it | a wayne | a weeks wages | a weirdo | a what | A Whiteside | A who | A whole dollar worth of slut | a whole lotta woman | a whole sack of assholes | A wigger | A Wildfire | A Wilhelm Scream | A Will | A wilson a winner is you | a wizard did it | a wol | a womberang | a women | A Wong's a Wong | a word | a wrinkle in her dollar | a Wrobel | a wuw | A yank | a yellow moment | a yo trip | a you know | a yuppie ate my dingo | a z n | a zip | A#$dgd$Ff%3!d#*42eg!!111 | a$$ | a$$ jockey | a$$hat | A&B sound | a&f | A&F Crowd | A&P | A&R | A&W | A'Blazini | A'had Abraham | A'ight | A'ight Blah | a'ight then | a'int | A'izzle | a'ole | A's | A's pizza | A'Tuin | A'Yo | A* class | A*P*H* | A+ | A+ for the info | A++ | A+++ | A+++++++ | A++++++++++ FOREVER! A++++++++++++++++++ | a+rather+tasteless+joke | a, an | A- Dub | a-1 | A-1 Chocha | A-1 Yola | A-10 | A-3-5-O | A-34 | A-5 | A-7 | A-Alike | a-b porn | a-b-c's | a-bag | a-bit | a-boat | a-bockalypse | A-Bomb | a-buh? | a-cab | a-car | A-Chuta | A-Cop | A-cup | A-cup Honey | a-dizzling | A-Dub A-Dubs | a-dum | a-f | A-Fingers | A-Frame | A-Fraud | a-game | A-gang | a-gogo-land | A-Good-Size | A-H-L | A-Ha | A-Hair | A-head | A-Heights | a-ho | a-holage | a-holality | A-hole | a-hole heat | a-holedom | a-holeness | a-holishness | a-holism | A-K-A | A-KABOODS | a-kick-do' | A-kon | A-Level | A-List | A-Mart | a-maying | A-mazing sex | a-piss | a-pounding | A-R-K | a-rab | A-Rod | A-ROD SYNDROME | a-roving | A-row | a-sec | a-sexual | A-Shirt | A-Side | a-skeet | A-Small rolling | A-State | a-style | A-T-T-I-C | a-tawd | A-Team | a-team ending | a-team it A-TECH | A-time | A-tizzle | A-Town | a-town crunk | a-town down | A-Town north | A-Town Stomp | a-Towners | author A-Train | A-Train | a-triple-s | a-tube | A-Unit | a-wear | a-whole-nother | A-wood | A-Z-N | author A. A. Ron | a.0.1 | A.A.E. | A.A.H | A.A.W. | a.b.c | | A.B.C.D. | A.B.I. | A.B.M. A.B.S | a.c milan | A.C. | A.C.A.B | a.c.a.b. | A.C.C. | A.C.C.R.A. | A.C.G. | A.C.S | a.d. | A.D. 2101 | A.D.A.M. | A.D.B | A.D.D | A.D.D. | a.d.h.d | A.D.I.D.A.S. | A.D.L | A.D.O | a.d.s. | A.d: 2688 | A.D:2688 | A.E.R.O. | A.F.A.B | A.F.B.T.B. | A.F.C | A.F.I | A.F.I. | A.F.I.D. | A.F.N. | A.G.B. | A.G.B.S.C. | A.G.W.S. | A.H.O.B. | A.I.D.S. | A.I.M. | A.I.R. | A.J Sixpack | A.J. Mclean | A.J. Phd | A.J. Phd Miami | a.k.a | A.K.A. | A.L. | A.L.A.M.O | a.m. stripper | a.m.h. | A.N.F | A.N.S. | A.N.T.H.R.A.X. | a.n.ts | a.o.lingo | a.o.m A.O.T.D. | A.P | A.P.A.L | A.P.J. | A.P.P.L.E. | A.P.R. | A.P.R.I.L. | A.R. | A.R.B. | A.R.E. | A.R.M. | a.r.rahman | A.R.T | A.R.T. | a.s | A.S.A.G.D.M.F.P.B. | A.S.A.P. | A.S.P. | A.S.S | A.S.S. OR ass | A.S.S.R.O.A.R | A.T.B.A.N | A.T.B.C | a.t.m | A.T.M. | a.t.o.m. | A.W.A | A.Y.B. A.Z. | a/a | a/c | a/h | a/l | A/N | a/o | a/s computing | a/s/l | a/s/ler | A/S/LOL | a/t | A/V nerd | a/w | A1 | A1 Yola | A10 | A103al | A2 | a2 2ll 3 | A2A | author A2K | A2M | A2O | A2OA1 | A318 | A319 | A320 | A350 | A380 | a3o | A4 | a4e | A55 | a55h0le | A5K | A66 | A6PK2GO | a7x | a8 | a: drive | A-B | AA | author AA | aa | AA gun | aa royalty | Aa Sou | author aaa | aaa | AAA, | aaaa | AAAAA AAAAAA | AAAAAAAAA | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! | AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasshole | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh | AAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGGG | Aaaaaayyyyyyyyyy! | AAAAHHHHH MOTHERLAND | AAAAHHHHH MOTHERLAND! | Aaaaooww!! | AAAARRRRRGGGGLLLBLBLLBLBL!!! | AAAARRRRRGH! THE PAIN! | Aaaight | aaand you're done | aaarrgghhcore | Aab | AAC | AACPMEF | Aadhar | AAE | aaf | AAFES | AAH | aah-ite | AAhhhaaa | AAIO | Aakanksha | Aakash | Aalap | Aalek aali- qilyilya | aaliyah | AAM | AAMF | AAMOF | aamuleipä | aanksta | Aantak | Aapa | AAR | AAR or ARR | Aardsma | Aardvark | aardvarking | aardvarks nose | Aarg | aargan | aargh | Aarinola | aarohi | author Aaron | author aaron and pat | aaron barrett | aaron carter | Aaron Peckham | author Aaron W. | author aaronak | AARP | aarrghh | aars | Aarti | Aarugholuf | aas | Aashmeeta | Aasimar | AASman | Aastirticual | aasu | AAV | aaw nigga! | aawned | author Aazhmandius | AB | author ab | aB | AB CUZ | ab fab | ab hole | Ab-Abber 2000 | AB-ASS | ab-edder | ab-fab | ab-so-f***in-lutely | AB/DL | ab00t | AB3K | aba zaba | abaca | ABACAB | ABACABB | ABACADABA | abacorn | abacus | abacussi | abada | Abadox | abaf | abagaraba | author Abajian | abalala | abalamaese | Abale | abalicious | abandomineum Abandon | abandoned pools | abandonminium | abandonware | abang | abarenbou | abashed | Abating | Abatwa | abazaba | abazabatopala | ABB | abba | Abba Zabba | Abbacherpatra | abbadabba | abbafistic | abbagoochi | abbasid caliphate | abbazabba | abbb | Abbess | abbey road | Abbi | Abbie Hoffman | abble | abbo | Abbo in the gas tank | abbolanch | AB | abbotsford ignorant | abbr. | abbracadaver | abbrev | abbreviate | abbreviated hacker language | Abbreviated piece of nothing | abbrevication | Abbs | abbut | author abby | Abby Normal | Abby-Brooke | author ABC | abc | ABC (American Broadcasting C... | ABC connection | abc gum | ABC party | abc saying | abc sex | ABC's | ABCD abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy an... | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz | abcdefghijklmnoqrstuvwxyz | abcdefghijklmnoqrstuvxyz | abcder | ABCDs | abch | abchester | ABCM | ABCN | abcreefer | ABCs | ABD | Abdaar | abdabs | Abdi | abdicate | Abdiel | abdl | abdo | abdominal snowman | abdorable | Abdul High | Abdul Mutalib | abduled | abduling | author abe | abe abe cabe | Abe Cunningham | Abe Froman | Abe Lincoln | abe vigoda | Abe's cabe | abec | Abecrombie & Fitch | Abeer | abeh dool | Abel | Abelian grape | Abelone | abension | ABer | Aber-emo | Aberchristian | abercombie and fitch | aberconwy | abercrappie | Abercrombi Generation | abercrombian bitch | Abercrombie | abercrombie sounds | Abercrombie "V" | abercrombie & bitch | abercrombie & fitch | Abercrombie and Fitch | abercrombie and fitch witch | abercrombie army | Abercrombie Asshole | Abercrombie bitch | abercrombie boy | abercrombie gangsta | Abercrombie Kids | abercrombie monkey | Abercrombie thug | Abercrombie Whore | Abercrombie Zombie | Abercrombified | Abercrombitch | abercrombite | abercrombite(s) | Abercromboid | aberdab Aberdeen | Aberdeen, Washington | Aberdeined | aberflaben | Aberfoyle | Aberfoyle Strikers | aberholic | Abernacious | Aberollisterican | aberrant | aberry | abertool | Aberystwyth | Aberzombie | abesha | Abeyant | ABF | abfab | ABH | abhaya | Abhor | abhorable | Abhorsen | author Abi | ABI | Abi-gal | abiciogens | Abid | Abidados | abidation abideen | abido | Abidou | abilation | Abiled | abilene | abilf | ability | abingdon | author abingdon posse | Abington | Abington v. Schempp | Abipe | abishai | abiska | abismalism | ABIT | Abitur | abj | abj-face | ABL | abla | ablagooshnuh | ablaze | able | Able 2 (sho me) | ablets | ableyev | Ablug | AB | ablur | ablut | ablution facilities | | ABM | ABM Treaty | ABMS | ABN | abnab | abnegate | Abno | abnormal | author AbnormalBoy | abnormally pink wiener | ABNR | abo | abo stubby | aboa | abobader | Abobo | aboboongicoon | aboca | abod | abode | Aboindian Abolishment | abomidable snowman | abominable | abominable penis | abominari | abominate | aboniggagees | abont | aboo | Aboogaja | abooskies | Aboot | abordidgeri | Aborgea! | Aboriginal | aboriginals | abort launch | abort-o-day | abortcher | aborted fetus | abortion | abortion culture | Abortion mill | abortion punch | abortion shitter | abortionesque | Abortionist | abote abothen | abou-zaki | aboush | abousta | about | about a minute | About as much use as a choco... | about as useful as a fart in... | about as useful as a screen-... | About as useless as a hat fu... | about average | about it | about smart | about that | About UD terrorists | about'em | about:blank | aboutsta | above | above and beyond the coated | Above snakes | aboyachoya | aboyne | abozombie | ABP | abq | abr | abra | abra ka jerkium | Abracadabra | abracadaver | abrade | Abraham | Abraham Lincoln | Abraham Van Helsing | Abrahmic | abrakadabra | abrasive | Abratastical | abrelyn | abreve | abreve lang | abrevviation | abridged | Abrusso | Abruzzese | abruzzo | abs | absafrickinmazing | absailing absalom | absath | absatively | absbrill | abscess | abscond | abscondo | Absecon sleighride | abseiling | Absence | ABSEND | Absent | absentia | Absextion | Absical | absinth | Absinthe | absitively | absludicrous | abso | abso-fabu | absobloodylutely | AbsoFab | Absofreakinlutely | absofrickinlutely Absofrigginlutely | absofukinlutely | absoludicridiculous | absoludicrous | absolut | absolut jack-ass | Absolute | absolute age | Absolute crappin' | absolute reverence | Absolute zero | absolutely | absolutely smack | absolution | Absolutmop | absolyootly | absomalutelely | Absonotely | absopos | Absoposilutely | absorber | absorbtion! | absoserious | absospaminlutly | absotively | Absquatulate | absquatulates | absqueath | abstain | abstefodyscm | abstemious | abstillhurt | abstinence | abstinince | abstinized | abstract | Abstract Art | abstract hip-hop / nerd rap | abstracturdity | abstruse | Absu | absuing the atkins diet | Absuplendous | absurd | absurd turd absurdicus | absurdist | Absurdistan | absure | absurtardiculous | Absynth | absynthe | abt | abtabulous | Abtacular | Abtar | Abtin | abtinesque | abtitude | abtreiniolignant | abu | Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdall... | abu ghraib | Abu Musab al-Zarqwai | abuber | Abuck | Abuda | Abudabay | Abuden | abudiwa | Abudunkadunk | abue abufu | abuga-buga | abuh | abular | Abulla | abur | abura tan | abusage | Abusax | abuse | abuse oneself | abused child syndrome | abused kids | Abusement | abush | Abusion | abusive cunt | Abuto | Abuuh | abuzaid | ABVND | ABW | ABYB | Abysmalism | abyss | Abyss of Lost Consoles | Abyssal Whip | abyssinia | abz | AB | abzi | AC | author AC | AC | ac -10 | AC DC | author ac degrees | AC Milan | AC Slater | AC Surprise | AC&C | AC-130H "Spectre" | AC-DC | Ac-Dec | AC-Schnitzer | ac/dc | AC01001010100102 | AC2 | ACA | ACAA ACAB | AcaBelles | acacia | acadeca | Academe of the Oaks | Academentia | Academians | academic chicken | Academic Darwinism | Academic Decathlon | Academic Specifications Shee... | Academicrush | Academiology | academitron | Academy of Mary Immaculate | academy of saint elizabeth | Academy of the Most Blessed... | Acadfmy | Acadia | Acadian | Acadienne | acadiva | acadumpia | acai | Acalith | acalottagrubblegruttaepoxiea... | Acamatric | acantapow | acapella | acaposhay | Acapulco Gold | acapulco shirts Acasia | author acb | ACB | ACC | accel | accelated reader | Accelebrate | Accelerando.exe | | accelerate | accentist | accenture | accept | acceptable | acceptance | accepts in port 80 | access | Accessory whore | acch well | accidate | ACCIDENT | Accident & Emergency / A&E | accidental | Accidental Abiosis | accidental blowjob | accidental dolphin | Accidental Homosexuality | AC | accidental tourist | accidentalism | accidentallike | accidentally on purpose | accidentally slipped in | accidentally-on-purpose | accio | Accipurpose | Acciside | Acclaim Education | Acclimate | accockted | accolade | Accommodator | accomodater | Accomodator | Accompany of Kids | Accomplished Cock blocker | accord | Accordian | accordian thief | accordingtome Accordion God | accordion monkey | accordionly | accost | account | Account ghost | account guy math | account suicide | Accountability | accountancy | Accountant | accounting | accounts department | Accousmo | accoutrements | accribitz | Accrington | accrual | ACCRUENT | accs | Accsexible | Accually | Accubation | Acculturation | accumagate | accumulator | accunt | Accuracy International AWM | Accurate accutane | accy beka | ACD | ACDC | author ACDC FOREVAR!!!111 | acdcfanbill | acdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | ACdemo | author Ace | ace | Ace (Noun) | ace a deuce | Ace and Gary | ace beach sheet | ace bird, cheers | ace boo coo | ace boon coon | Ace Combat | Ace Combo | ace coom boom | ace danger | ace deuce | ace deucey | Ace Enders | Ace Factor | Ace Frehley | ace frehleyish | Ace Hardware | Ace In The Hole | ace it | Ace K | ace kool | Ace McSword | Ace of Base | ace of spades | ace of spadez | ACE player | Ace Rack | ace rockola | Ace Rockolla | ace to face | Ace Ventura | ace wallace | Ace Williamson | Ace Young | Ace-B | ace-deuce | Ace-Hole | Ace-Maker | Ace-Pussy | Ace101 | aceallic | AceCase | aced | AceDS | aceg | acegik | acehole | Acejoy | acelikesdick | Acellus | aceman | Aceness | aceo | aceofstripes | aceoscoder | Acepank | acer | acerbiscosity | acerbiter | acere monina | acero | acerook | | AcerXAlpha | acer_r | aces | aces high | Aces! | author acetic | acetic | acetol acetophenetidin | acetylcholine | Acetylsalicylic Acid | ACETYL­SERYL­TYROSYL­SERYL­I... | aceuplink | Acey Cobra | acey deucey | Acey Slade | AceyMint | ACF | Acfi | ACG | author ACG2x | Acguy | ach | Ach du Freakin' Lieber Himme... | Ach mein Gott! | Ach Nein | Ach Nooo | ach! | ach!!! | ach0w | achaea | achala | Achamachatoola | achanousea | Ache Emelie | ache te vitu | acheted | achewater | achewood | Achey Breaky Big Mistakey | achey-fakey | achh | Achi Machi | achibble | achieve | achievement pants | achiever | Achikaka | Achille Alipour | Achillees | achilles | achilles sounds | Achilles Heel | Achilles Meal | achilles tendon | achinkachi | achitne | achk | Achluo | achmed Achmed! | achmuchmu | Achnod | achnolge | acho | achoo | Achoo-Stillbirth | achouie louie | achraf | achronologically | ACHS | achso | Acht | Achtung | achusharmuta | Achuwie | achvini | Achy Breaky Heart | achyfi | Acia | acid | acid and alkali | acid and fast | acid art | acid ass | acid bath acid casualty | acid dealer | acid drop | acid face | acid fairy | acid house | acid house party | acid kids | acid mine | acid over | acid pile | acid punk | acid quacker | acid rap | acid reflux | acid rock | Acid Slide | Acid Snatch | acid techno | Acid Zombie | Acid-Rain | Acid-Snake | Acidaidscunt | acidbear | Acidcock | acidhash | acidhead | acidic | acidic teeth | Acidice | AcidicWonder | acidjazz | acidkill | Acidman | author Acidplanet_member | acidrack | AcIdrain | acidtripology | ACiDuS | acidy | author Acid^Rogue | Acid_Dust | Aciforic | ACIM | acine it | acire | ACISTHEBEST | ack | Ack'n'Facker | ack-ack | acka | Ackado | ackapracka ackapus | ACKBAH | Ackbar | Ackchong | AckerHack | ackerly | Ackerman | ackers | acketh | ackflibbit | ackfried | ackhead | ackickdoe | Ackjass | Ackkniivika! | Ackkum | ackle | acknickulous | Acko | ackrite | Ackroyd | acks | Acksaw | Ackz | ackza | acl | ACLU | ACM | ACM LAB | acma | | Acmlm | Acmlmboard | ACN | acne | Acne Ass | Acne Mustache | Acne Whore | acnecious | acnepagle | Aco | acobux | ACOD | Acolyte | Acomoclitic | aconite | Aconnyfondeeda | acooterment | acootiherran | Acord | | AC | acorning | acoustic | Acoustic Black Metal | Acoustic chick | acoustic equalizer | acoustic shave | acousticrap | acowgoesmoo | ACP | ACPA | acquaah | acquaintance | acquainted | acquisition | ACR | acrapulate | acrapulation | acrapulator | Acrapulators Guide | acre corn | acreage | Acreful | acro | Acrobat | acrobatical acromantula | acronym | acronym whore | acronymically | acronyming | acronymize | Acronymonics | acronymph | acropetal | acrophile | acropped | across the board | Across The Nightmare | across the pond | Across the street | acrostic | Acrylic Warfare | acryllic | acryonym | aCs | ACSB | ACT | act a foo | act a fool | act like a duck | act like it's not shabbat | act like one's shit dosen't... Act like you know | act like you've got a pair | Act Of Cannings | act of congress | act of God | act of justice | act right | Act the chute | Act the jap | act the maggot | act up | act-right juice | acta | actillimandataquerin altosap... | Actin a Azz | actin up | actin' mayor | Acting all SOMEway | acting like Joe | acting the ass | acting the fool | acting white | action | Action 52 | Action Dan | Action Fatass | action figure | Action guaranteed | action heights | action item | Action Jackson | action man | Action Master | Action Movies | action on the solid of half... | action packed | Action Pants | Action Porn | action quake 2 | Action Slacker | Action Squad | author Action Squirrel | Action-rpg | actionable | Actionate | actioning | ActionMoses! | actionquest | actionscript | actiplaque | active | active camo | active dyslexia | active listening Active Server Pages [ASP] | active | active worlds | activematrix | Activetek | ActiveWorlds | Activision | activist | activist judge | Activital | actoids | Acton | Actopling | actor | actorvist | actress | actually | actuary | actuse | ACU | acupat | Acura | acura-tlritis | acuseme | Acutane acute angina | acute dick | Acute Disese | acute lead poisoning | acv | ACW | AC_Irish | AD | author ad | AD | Ad Council | ad hoc | ad hom | Ad hominem | Ad infinitum | ad lib | ad nauseam | AD&D | ad-hocracy | Ad-libs | ad-psychosis | Ad-Rock | ad-sploitation | ad-swipe | ad-ware | Ada Baby | ADAA | Adaera | adai rascal | Adaired | Adale | author Adam | Adam | ADAM / EVE | Adam 69 | adam and eve | Adam and Steve | Adam Angle | Adam Ant | Adam Archuleta | Adam Brody | adam car | Adam Carolla | Adam Carson | Adam Clayton | Adam Corola | Adam Corolla | Adam Henry | Adam Jones | adam lazzara | Adam Lazzaro | adam levine Adam Morrison | Adam Murray | Adam Pascal | adam sandler | Adam Sessler | adam sessler and morgan webb | adam tuominen | Adam West | ADAM! | adam's apple | adam's luck | adam's song | Adam-Users | AdaMa BinLaden | adamantite | Adamantium | Adamass | adamay | adambrotious | Adame | Adamental | Adamficial | Adamgasm | Adamic | adamidis'd | author adamisaspaz | adamizer | Adamlance | adamly adamo | author Adamo-chan | adampootsicizing | adams ale | adams apple | Adamthehorse | adamtoscher | adamus | author adam_before_eve | adan | Adaneeion | adante | Adaon | adap | | adarsh | adart | adashi | adato | adawg | adawy | adb | adBIZor | adblock | ADC | adcock | AdCouncil | AD | author add | ADD | Add a word | add a z to the first sylabol... | ADD kid | add me | add me whore | add oil | Add-Me Whore | add-on | add-on joke | ADD/ADHD | addacious | addadichtome | addadicktome | addadicktomy | addadictome | addadictomee | Addadictomy | addam weirich | addaptation | adde | addendum | adder | Adderal adderall | adderally | adderated | addered | adderley | adderol | addesso | addey and stanhope | addi | addicate | addicktz | addict | addict (4ddic1) | Addicted | addictedtojane | Addicting | | addiction | addiction of choice | Addictionary | addictively stupid | addictz | addidas | addie | addied | Addiego | Addification | adding somes reallife name i... | Adding the Wasabi Addington | Addis | addison pock | addison reis | addison's maw | addit | additing | additional | addkidd | Addle | Addle-cove | addled | addo | addork | addot | Address | ADDtastic | Addy | ade | ade batten | author Adeadlyliquid | Adeadlyliquid | adeana | adedoyin | Adee | Adeel | adeela | adeenix | adeev | Adel | adela | Adelaide | Adelaider | adele | adele h | adelfi | Adelphi | adelphi rock | adelphia'd | Adema | ADEMAR | adenosine | Adente | Adenwala | adep7 (slag) | author Adept | adept | adequadiquacity | adericious | Aderol | Aderology | Aderyn | adewypile ADF | adflkej | ADG | Adgasm | adge | Adgie | adgrunt | adh | ADHD | ADHDH | adhesive | adhesives | adhesivize | adhitya sethaputra | adhlere | ADI | Adia | adiabatic | Adiam | Adian | adiba | adibas | author Adibidibi | adibidibi | adich | ADIDAS | Adidas heel studs | Adidas network | adidas protocol | adids it | adiel | adieu | adifibi | adihash | Adil | adila | adill | adIlV | adin | adina | | ading | Ading Melissa B | Adio | adios | adios anegros | Adios muchachos | adiosis | adipocere | adips | Adir | AD | adirmu | Adirondack Commandos | Adirondack Cream-Sicle | adis | adish | Adisiwah | adisley | Adism | adiso | aditi | aditu | Adium | adiux | adizzle | adj | adjacency | adjacent | adjective | adjective noun | adjk | adjust | adjustibation | adjusticle | Adkinson | ADL Adlay | adlays | adler | adley yuen | Adlib | adlovely | adm | adm! | Adman Rocks | author Adman12 | author Admin | admin | admin abuse | admin syndrome | adminazi | adminibot | Admininazi | adminisphere | administration | administrative assistant | administrator | administrivia | Adminitard | AdminOP | admin_votekick | admir vehabovic | admiral | Admiral Ackbar | Admiral Akbar Admiral Benbow | Admiral Brownwings | admiral nelson | Admiral Perry | Admiral Piett | author AdmiralDavidov | admire | admonish | admustment | adn | Adnaan | Adnan | ADnD | adnochronatic | adnormal | ado | Adobbin | adobe | adobed | | adobo | adoggy8mysoop | adolescence | adolescent | Adolesnonsence | author adolf | adolf | Adolf Gritler | adolf hitler | Adolf Hitler (Herr Fuhrer) | author Adolf Hitler jr. | Adolf Shitler | ADOLFED | Adon | adonai | adonica | Adonis | author adonkeyisaass | adoo | adoom | Adoooma | adoorbell | aDOOTDOOT | Adopt A Highway | Adopted | Adopting Affectations | adoption | adora | adorable | adorable poon | adorablicious | Adorably Evil | adorabubble | adoracuddy | Adoraful | adoration | adore | adored | adoridiculous | adorkable | Adougie | Adowscar | adp | ADPi | Adquit | Adremeleh | Adren | adrenagasm | adrenaholic | Adrenaline | adrenaline junkie | adrenaline music | adrenaline rushed | adrenaline shot | adrenaline zone | adrenalinejunky | adrenny | Adrenochrome | adri author Adrian | Adrian | Adrian Arceo | Adrian Kun | Adrian Lamo | Adrian Merino | Adrian Pardo | Adrian Smith | Adrian Young | author Adriana | adriana lima | Adriana Nazario | Adriana Sage | adriance | adrianced | adrianed | Adriatic | adrien brody | adrien hubert | author Adrienne | Adrienne Armstrong | adrienne katz | Adrienne Nesser | adrilling | adrobaen | adrock | | AD | Adropa | Adropos | ads | Ads suck | ads0r | ADSB | ADSD | Adshead | Adsie | Adski | adsl | ADSN | Adsoka | adstar | adsw | ADT | ADT College | ADTRW | adtunes | adubaloo | Adubation | adubiablo | aducktion | Adude | Aduer Aduin | aduka | adulation | adult | adult actress | Adult Alternative | adult body | adult desires | Adult fun | adult happy meals | Adult Onset Diabetes | adult swim | adult swim airtime | adulterer | adulteress | Adulterist | adulterous | adultery | | Adultism | Adultler | adults only | adultswim | adumas | adunai | adune | ADV | adva | advan advance | Advance Brando Syndrome | advance wars | Advance Wars DS | Advanced | advanced computer applicatio... | advanced english | advanced English teacher | Advanced Placement | Advanced Placement American... | Advanced Placement Program | Advanced Placement World His... | Advanced Power Management (A... | Advanced Training Institute | advancer | advantage | advanz | Advent | Advent Children | adventure | Adventure Island | adventure metal | Adventure Quest RPG | adventurers | adventures in stormgate | Adventures of Milo and Otis | Adventures Of The Cheetah | adverbectomy | advergame | adverganda | adversary | Adversguise | adversity | advert | advert music | Advertainment | advertise | advertisement | advice | author Advil | advil | Advil Couple | advilstuffen | advised | Advoor | advr | ADW | adware | adwin | adwo | ADX | Ady author Adz | AdZ | adze | adzest | adzio | adzolus | ad_haters | AE | AE | ae82 | ae86 | ae95 | aebi | aec | AED | aedilis | Aedorar | | AEDS | aee | aeee | aef | aeg | aeger | aegeus | AEGIS | aegukga | aeh AEHM | aeis sedai | Aeizem | aejibo | Aejorii | Aek | Aeka | Aekta | aelam | aelani | Aelfgeft | aelx | aempirei | Aeneas | aeneasx | aeneid | author aenema | aenema | Aenima | aenomicaluity | aensland | aent | Aeo | ãéõ' | aeol | aeon | aeon flux | AE | Aeon Fuxed | Aeon NPC-Server | Aeonic Shadows | aeons | Aeos | AEP | aepa | aephi | aepi | AEPOC | aer | Aer Lingus | aeran | aerated | aerator | author aereilly | Aereo | aerial | aerial bomb | aerial pingpong | aerial submission | aerials | aeriola | Aeris | aeris dies Aeris Gainsborough | aerith | AERO | aero bars | Aero Zeppelin | aeroconevil | aerocrombollister | aerodome | aerodrome | aerodymically curvaceous | aeroflot | aerogard | aerokinesis | | AEROPISHAT! | aeroplane | aeroplane blonde | Aeroponics | aeropostale | Aeropostle | aerosexual | Aerosmith | aerosol | Aerosol-powered cheese aerosoul | aerospace engineer | Aerospace Party | Aeross | Aerostar | aertwe | Aes | aes sedai | AEsahaettr | aesd | Aesha | aesic | aesir | author aesop | aesop rock | aess | aesT | aesthetic | aestud3 | Aeteris | aetgy | aetheostic | Aether | Aetherializor | Aetherine | Aethis | Aethyr | aetolus | aetos | aeturnus | aew | aewaTnbawthbedhb | aewf | aeyeah | Aeyyearnn | aeztek | AF | af | af1 | AF1's | AFA | afacada | AFace | afad | afadas | AFAF | afagot | afagtion | afah | afai | AFAIAC | afaic | afaict AFAIK | afair | afakasi | Afakaz | afalope | Afanigga | Afarid | afawc | afb | AFC | AFC mentality | AFC Spinney | AFC Wimbledon | author AFCW | AFD | AFDB | afdig | afdn | afe | afear'd | afeefa | afeni shakur | afewmany | aFexTz | aff | affa | affable | affalark | AFFC | affcot Affe | affectation | affectee | Affection | affectionate | affectionating | Affectionation | affective shift hypothesis | affelcher | affenigatious | affezzle arizzle | afficiate | afficionado | affidavit | affinity | Affirmanegatory | affirmative | Affirmative Action | Affirmative Blacktion | Affirmative Blaction | affirmatory | Affirminegatory | affixin | affk | afflac | afflacked | affle waffle | Affleck | affleck's palace | Afflenomic | Affliction | affluenza | affogato | affordable healthcare | affordabple | afforestated | affrm | AffrontPage | affte | AFG | AFG PRIDE | afganeee | afgangsta | afgani | afganighan | Afganistan | afganni | AFGB | afghan | Afghan Girl afghan kabob | Afghan Meal | afghan tea-bag | afghani | Afghani Goggles | afghanistan | afghanistan slurpee | Afghanistanimation | Afgncaap | afgncap | AFH | Afhaz | afhgan | AFHV | AFI | author Afi K. James | Aficionado | AFIF | afilly | AFIM | afiq | afir | afirm | afirmative action | afjal Afk | afkfalt | afklo | AfKomatose | afl | Aflac | author AflacJack | aflex | aflh | Afllak | afluenza | afm | afmo | Afno | AFO | Afofa | AFoL | afooted | aforelinked | aforementioned | aforeneglopinguosity | aformist | AFP | afpig44 | AFR | afra | afraid of the dark | afraim | afrarctica | Afrasian | Afri-Black | Africa | Africa Hot | African | african american express | african ballet | african blizzard | african bootay scratcher | african booty scratcher | african bullfrog | African Bumwash | African Corn Nugget | African Crotch Critters | African Digerati | african dream | african engineering | African Forklift | african goggles | African Grey | african ham | african handball | African Hezilump | African Idol african imports | african jumpball | african jungle monkey | African King | african lady | African Mud Whistle | African Mudhole | African Names | african queen | African Round Ball | African Roundball | african skeleton key | African sniper tree | African Spitting Cobra | African swallow | african swap meet | | African Tree Monkey | African Vagina Monster | african wedding cake | african wrist watch | African't | African-American | african-american engineer | african-wombat | africanese | africanstringedinstruments | Africasian | africin Africock | Africoid | Africoon | Africunt | Afrihomo-Necrofeliniac | afrikaaner | Afrikaans | Afrikaner | | Afrino | afritywanker | afrkn | afrl | Afro | afro american | Afro Boi | afro bush | Afro Chicken | afro clam | Afro Crouch | Afro Engineer | Afro Engineered | afro engineering | afro goth | afro grease | Afro Ingenuity | afro l337 | Afro League | afro pick | afro prog | afro puffs | Afro Stud | afro tits | Afro-American | afro-ated | Afro-Caribbean | Afro-Denial | afro-engineer | afro-engineered | afro-fly | afro-paki | afro-rican | Afro-Saxon | Afro-Turf | afrobooty | Afrocat | afrocentric | Afrocentrism | Afrocentrist | afrocidic afrocock | afrocompressor | Afrocumbigulous | Afroditie | afrodizzeeak | Afrodizziact | afrodome | Afroduck | AfroHo | afroholic | afroic | Afrolicious | author afroman | Afroman | afromcpie | Afromegaly | AfroNerd | Afroness | AfroNips | Afronova | afrontp | Afronym | afrophile | afropoon | afropos | afropox | Afropuff | afropunk | afrosimplicity afrosnatch | Afrotaki | AFROTASTIC | afrotek engineering | Afrotina | AfroTrance | afroturd | afroxcore | AfroZone | AFS | afsanah | Afser | afsheen | afshin | afsos | afsos only | aft | aftab | Aftabulate | After | after awhile crocodile | After Birth | after birth abortion | after bite | After Burner | after burners | After Condom Dick | after cum | after dark | after dinner mint | After dinner pinner | After Grog Bog | after hours | after John Wayne | after party | After school special | after sex phone call | After Shock | after speak | after sperm | after splash | after the fall | after the jump | After unloading an MP5 clip | after-date fart | After-effects | after-nast | after-work-jerk | Afterbang | afterbar | Afterbirth | afterbirth of a pygmy grudge... | afterboggles afterburn | afterburner | Afterchoke | Aftercrash | afterdrip | Afterdrunk | aftereffect | Afterfacting | Aftergirth | afterglow | afterglowed | Afterism | Aftermath | Aftermathzone | afterneath | afternight | Afternoon Deelite | Afternoon delight | Afterpants | afterparty | afterphucked | afterpiss | afterplay | afters | aftershave | Aftershits | aftershock | afterspect | afterthought | aftertiming AfterWorkCasino | aftestisixertrapoo | aftica | aftm | Afton | Aftran | afty | afu | Afuang | AFUATP | afunctional | afwak | afx | afzaa | Afzal | AG | author ag | AG | ag development | Ag Over Easy | Ag-boys | ag-town | AGA | agabagillion | agabalebadoogabaa | agace | AG | agaes | AGAH | AGAIG | again | against | against me | Against me! | against the grain | AgainstAllAuthority | againstness | Agalloch | Agamemnon | Agape | agarraderas | agasel | agassult | agastopia | Agata | agates | agatha | agatha. | agathon | AGB AGB (After Grog Bog) | agbd | agbu | agc | agcrew | AGD | agdune | age | age calling | Age Challenge | age difference | Age It | Age of 12 | age of consent | Age of Darkness | Age of Empires | Age of Mythology | Age of Our Founding Fathers | age play | | ageism | ageist | Agemora | agenaro | agency | agenditalia | Agenitis | Agent | AGENT 47 | Agent Blue | author Agent Chainsawlady | agent crimson | agent drex | agent lead | agent m | agent orange | Agent Provocateur | author Agent Smith | agent smith | Agent Ter | Agent Tommy | Agent White | Agent Wigs | Agent Xenon | agent zoey | Agent-X | Agent5 | agent911 | agentabc | agenting | AgentJ | agents | author agentsteve | Agent_Orange | Agent_Worm | | ages | ages of war | Agey | agf | agfa | agfy | agg | Agg student | agg town | Aggasm | aggee | aggerotti | aggers | Agget | aggibold | aggie | Aggie joke | aggie laundry marks | aggie twins | Aggieland Aggieville | aggin | aggit | aggle | agglomeration | aggnog | aggot | aggots | aggranoyed | aggratone | aggravated dragon | aggravation | aggravenienced | Aggresingler | Aggressive | aggressive asian | Aggressive Defense | aggressive femme | Aggressive Petting | Aggrey | aggrified | aggrivitated | Aggro | Aggro Berlin | aggro ceiling | aggro crag | aggro range aggroberlin | aggroid | aggs | Aggtown | aggy | aggy bobo | agh | Agh loove yhoo gyees | Aghlet | AGHS | aghw | AGI | agida | agidiba | agigi | Agilability | agile | agility | agin | agism | agist | agita | agita or [agida] | agitating bar | agiyut | aglamandon | Aglblglekic | aglet | aglets | Agliata | aglio | agloagloaglo | agm | AGMA | AGN | agnag | agnathiest | Agne | Agnelio | agnes | Agnes Irwin | Agnes Irwin Girl | agnfarb | agnn | agnorant | agnosexual | agnostic | Agnostic Front | Agnostic Republican | Agnostic-Satanist | agnosticism | agnph AGNTSA | agnus | ago-job | agonous | Agony | agony aunt | Agony Dispute | Agony in Pink | Agony of Defeat | agoobwa | agoobwah | agoon | agoosimunches | agorafobi | agoraphobic | agos | Agositic | agoura | AGP | author Agra | agrath | Agraza | agred | agree to disagree | agreeance | agreeb | Agrès | Agribah agribimbo | agricultural manifestation | Agriculture | agriff | agrizzle | agro | Agro American | agro crag | agrokrag | agronomy | agrosexual | agrotism | AGS | Agu | Agua Moose | agua sin gas | aguacate | Aguamoose | aguardiente | aguas | aguayo | Aguba | agubua | Agubwa | agues | | aguitar | agurk | agus do focan clab | agust | Agusta | Agustina | author aguynamedandy | agWa | Agwon | AH | ah | ah ben mais non | ah beng | ah cha cha cha cha | Ah Graham | Ah Hell No | ah hu | ah igit | Ah Jeez | ah know you | Ah man | Ah My Lungs | ah noose Ah Oui | Ah Po | ah sean | ah shizzle ma nizzle | ah shur | ah snap | ah sten | Ah tan | ah um | Ah Um Say La | ah wah | ah yee | ah yes | ah yulf | ah'm goh | ah'namm | ah'sh!!! | Ah, but I digress, I really... | Ah, Cripes | ah- the-hell-you say | ah-ah-ah | ah-boh-de-bah-then.... | Ah-Shitshoo | ah-tah | AH-UH! | ah-woo-woo | ah? | Aha | aha! | Ahab Ahab the Arab | ahad | Ahahaa | ahahahahaha | ahaj | ahap | ahaparos | Ahbajing | ahbeng | ahbiously | ahbu | Ahbwah | AHBY! | AHC | Ahchacha | ahdel | ahdia bubbadia | ahe | ahead | ahee | AHEM | ahera | ahern | Aherned | Ahfikan | Ahft | ahg | ahgagagagaga | ahh | ahh cmon | ahh kez | ahh the atmosphere | ahh! thats the stuff | ahh'sum | Ahhchuu | ahhfff | ahhh | ahhh tongue | AHHH! GHHH GHHH | ahhh-ballax | ahhhbisto | ahhhh | Ahhhhh not! | ahhhhhh | ahhhk | ahhhyeah! | ahhk | ahhpfff | ahhuh | ahi | Ahilan | ahine | Ahiro27 ahizzead | ahja | ahjoNID | Ahk | ahki | Ahkmed | AHL | ahla | ahlam | ahleeya | Ahlholm | ahma | ahmad | ahmad karimi | ahmadian | ahmadiyyat | ahmania | ahmar'd | ahmastilldrink | ahmaygah | author ahmed | Ahmed | author Ahmed Bhuiyan | Ahmed Chalabi | ahmed khorafi | ahmedabadi | ahmel | Ahmet | ahmet zappa ahmo | ahmo getchou | Ahn | ahnell | ahnimal | ahnonamis | ahnuld | Aho | ahoe | ahold | ahole | AHOLE RIPPER | Aholian | ahoo | Ahoootz | Ahorn | ahotha hatsolaat | ahoti | Ahou | AHOUSE | | ahpeeyem | ahrhesfdg | AH | ahring | ahroun | ahs punkass | ahs-wee-pay | ahsan | ahsen | ahsg | ahso | AHSWHB | AHT | Ahtari | ahteïsts | ahuahu | ahub | ahuck | ahuck huck | Ahuegilamb | ahuevado/a | ahuh | ahuick | ahuitelnie | ahungry | ahusharmuta | AHVB | ahve | Ahwatukee | ahwaz ahwe | AHX | ahzo | Ahzul | AI | AI | ai gamisou | ai no corrida | ai or A.I. | ai ya | ai yo | author ai'thang boy | ai-che | Ai-Kon | ai-yah | ai52487963 | AIA | aiawathed | aib | | Aibou | AIC | aicha | aichan | aichi gaand | AICM aicola | AICW | aida | aida cavero | aidaho | author aidan | Aidan | author Aidan Brooks | Aidan Finley | aidan nolan | aidan packer | Aidar | Aidemun | Aiden | Aiden the BB hater | Aider | Aidin | aidno | Aido Parle | AIDS | Aids Bagels | aids blades | AIDs cave | aids finger | AIDs ridden nigger mother fu... | AIDS stick | AIDS terrorist | AI | Aids Victim | Aids-Bag | AIDS-hole | aids-related | AIDSface | aidsican | AIDSmare | aidstick | aidz | aidzzz | aie | aiecha | Aieeeeee | aiesec | Aiesh | Aiessa | AIFB | Aifilaw | AIG | aigan | AIGBM | aigga | Aigger | aighlate | aight aight sounds | aight brah | Aight buttie? | aight den | Aight/iight den | aightcho | aightee | aightizza | aighty | AIGN | aigo | Aigoo | AIH | Aihal | aii | aiiet | Aiigh! | aiight | aiiiiiiiiiight | aiish | Aiism | aiit | aiite | Aijaz | Aije | AIK | Aika | aikago | Aike Aiken-itious | aiken-oriented | aikenhead | aikenized | aikido | aikon | Aikouki | ail | author Aileen | Ailen | aileron | ailerons | ailf | ailing vomit | ailith | ailleio | ailr | Ailsa | Ailsean | ailuromancer | aim | AIM addict | aim bot | aim chatroom | AIM HIGH | AIM Lingo | AI | aim lozers | AIM oldbie | AIM rap battle | AIM Rape | AIM sex | AIM singing | AIM slut | aim stalker | | aim talk | AIM Whore | AIM Widow(er) | aim'axx | AIM-game | aimake | aimbandon | aimbonics | aimboss | aimbot | | aimbox | aimbush | author Aimee | Aimee Gillman Aimee Lynn Chadwick | aimee paladino | aimer | aimetti | aimfag | aimfight | AIMfreak | AIMH | aimies | aiming | aimlessly | aimpression | Aimras | aims | AIMS Test | Aimstered | aimterrupt | AIMYWPU | aimz | Ain | ain't | ain't got no | ain't holding no air | ain't it | Ain't It Cool News | ain't my bitch | Ain't My House!!! | Ain't no fo jap co! | ain't no nothing none not ain't no Rudi | Ain't No Thang | Ain't no two bananas | ain't nothin' finer than min... | ain't nuttin' | ain't that bright | ain't that hella bitchrod | ain't yo baby daddy | ain't you seen my movies | Ain't Your Mama | Ain't-a-thang | ain'ts | Ain-Soph-Aur | aina | Aina or Ainna | ainasage | aincha | aincho | Ainga Zingha | aingara | Aingh | aingogo | Aino | ainokea | author Ainolketta | ainquite | Ainri | ains | Ainsley | ainsy | aint | aint bout nuttin | aint goin out like that | aint got no | Aint It Mane | aint no hell | aint no hoe | aint no thang | aint no thang but a chicken... | aint that a bitch | aint that bout a bitch | aint that but a bitch | aintcha | aintcher | aintent | aintnuttin | aintya | Aintyo Bidness | Ainur | AIO | aion society | aioo | aioo sounds | aioue AIP | aipac | AiQue | air | Air America | Air Assault | air bags | air bethlehem | air bisciut | air biscuit | air bud | air buffet | air buscuit | air cappella | Air Cav | air con | air crack | air cut | Air Dance | air deuce | air dirty laundry in public | air drop | air dump | Air Duques | air duster | air elemental | air enima | air fag air fart | air feet | air five | Air Force | Air Force Academy | air force one | air force ones | Air Force Whore | Air Freshener | air gale | air gap terminator | Air goo | | air gun | Air Gutar | air hair | air hanky | air head | Air Horned | air hose | | Air It | air it out | air Jesus | air jordan | air jordans | air karate | air karl | air lats | Air Lingus | air masturbation | air mattress | air max | Air max 95s | air miles | Air Mine | Air Mouthing | | air ones | air onion | Air Out | Air Philippines | air pie | air pinch surprise air poo | air poop | air pound with a twist | air quotes | air rage | air resistance | Air Rifle | Air Sacajawea's | Air Salad | air soft | | air start | Air Supply | air taser | Air Tight | air time | Air Traffic Control | Air Traffic Controller | air turd | air twist | air vents | air walk | air wolf | air-browed | Air-con Fatigue | Air-Conditioning Nazi | air-fierce | Air-quotes | air-snide Air-soft! | airanda | airbaby | airbag | airbags | airball | Airband | Airbands | airbat | airbiscuit | Airborne | airborne coitus | airborne swimmers | Airbourned | airbrush | airbud | airburst | airbus | Airbus A-340 | airchair | aircop | Aircow | aircraft | Aircraftkiller | aircuntditioner | airdog | airdrie | airduster | aired | aired out | airedale | aireen | aireus | Aireville | Airey | airflare | Airforce 1 | airgasm | airhead | airhead syndrome | airheads | airhole | Airies | Airik | Airin | airin older | Airingout | airitosis | airizzle | Airjoe Airlewyd | AIRLINE | airline food | airline paste | Airline Pilot | Airline Therapy | airlock | airlocked | Airlow | airmac | airmafia | Airmail | airmail bill | airman | airmish | airnik | airplane | Airplane Blond | Airplane Blonde | airplane glue | airplane liquor | airplane rage | airplane skirt | airplane yoga | Airplanes | airplay airport | airport bum | airport chronic | Airport Gestapo | AirPrixeR | AirRaid | airrocket | airs | airsal2 | Airsalad | Airship | Airship 2600 | airships | Airsick | airsoft | Airsoft Gun | airsoft guns | Airsoft Nazi | airsoft tron | airtight | Airtight Granny | airtighting | Airtime | airtimeskater | airvertising | airwad | airwalk | author airwalker | Airwalker | airwaves | airwift | airwolf | airy-fairy | Ais | AIS Women | AISA | aisb | Aish | aish! | Aisha | Aisha Clan-Clan | Aisha H | AishCream | Aishite Imasu | aishiteimasu | aishiteru | aishuichka | aishwariya | aishwarya | aisle fiver | Aisling | aisol | Aist | aistos | ait ait den | aitch | aitchey | aite | aitek | AITF | Aitkinism | AITOOJOTT? | Aitz | AIUI | aiuken | Aiur | aiustimate | Aivaras | aiwolmao | AIX | Aixelsyd | aixwit | aiy! | aiy? | aiya | aiyah | aiyass | Aiyo | aiyyo | Aiza | AIZAt | Aizzle | ÀϺ" AJ | author AJ | AJ | author AJ 187 | aj allegro | AJ De Wolk | aj dilorenzo | aj lewis | AJ Mcdeavitt | Aj Mcgonagle | aj nels0na | aj phelps | aj pompliano | aj quick | AJ Salcedo | AJ Squared Away | aj stangl | AJ styles | AJ187 | aja | aja tower | ajacked | ajacker | Ajah | ajajaja | ajan | AJAP | AJAR | author AJAW | ajax | ajax-ians | ajay | Ajay Ghadiyaram | Ajbob | AJC | ajeeta | Ajer | Ajewtrements | ajey | ajf | ajh | ajha | ajhan | ajhuma | aji | ajibit | Ajibo | ajidiadjioads | ajikan | ajimal | Ajin | Ajin John | ajit | ajkdghagd | ajkhdkljsahg ajm | AJN AZN | AJNTSA | ajo | aju baju | Ajumao | AK | author ak | AK | AK 1 | AK 47 | AK 74 | author ak harry | ak rite | Ak rowdy | AK Spray | ak ya | Ak-103 | AK-12 | AK-47 | ak-ism | ak-shun | AK-W2W | ak02 | | AK74su | aka | aka JigsawCity | Aka-du-gukes | akab | akabuny | Akabusi Loyal | Akademik | Akademiked Up | akademiks | akadizzies | akah | Akahata | akahed out | akahpuchaw | akakaka | akali | akamaru | akamu | Akane | akapwn | akara daka | akarsh | author akary | akash | akash Garg | akash jaggi | akash patel | author Akasha | akasha | Akashi | Akashic Brotherhood | akata | akathisia | akatonomasto | akatsuki | akay | akaz | akbar | akbor | akdoermna | Akdong | ake | akeeno | akeno | akercocke | Akers | AKF | akfg | AKG akhil | Akho shlickeh | aki | Aki Hakala | akicif | akido | akieb aine | akihabara | akijn | akil | Akile | Akilino | akim | | Akimel | Akimo | akimow | Akintude | akinwande | Akio Car | Akira | akira kurosawa | Akira Toriyama | Akira Toriyama's other works... | Akira Yoshida | akiros | Akirua | Akisu author Akit | akit | Akito | akj27 | akk | Akka Dakka | akkar | akkineni | akl | Aklazar | aklesh | Aklo | Akm | akmed | AKMF | Akmosh | AKNet | akngriobweasl | aknx | AKOER | akon | akoo | akope | AKP | akpcep | akr | Akraa'neonor | akram saab | Akrami-eyed | Akraz | akria | Akright | Akrites | Akroma | Akron | Akron Steamer | Akroot | akrug | Akrylik | akryte | aks | aks jeeves | AKS-74u | Aksa | aksed | Aksel | akSEXible | akshay datta | AkshuN | akst | Aktan | aktiv Aku | aku aku | aku soku zan | Aku the Mage | akua | akubhai | akuda | AKUFC | akuga | Akuji | aKul Kid | akuma | akuna matata | akunamatata | akuza | akward | Akwoned | AL | author Al | AL | author Al "The Computer Guy" | al bhed | Al Borland | Al Brown | Al Bundy | al capone | Al Caponed al capowned | al capowned sounds | al capwn | AL CIA-eda | al dente | Al Franken | Al Frankin | al garete | Al Goldstein | Al Gore | Al Green | al hakefak | al ight | al jazeera | Al Jazera | Al Kazeer cryptic | Al Moews effect | Al moment | Al Pacino | Al Qa'ida | al Qaeda | Al Qaeda boogyman | Al Quadia | Al Quaeda | Al Quaida | Al Reynolds | al ruff | al sams | al sharpton | Al Sharptonism | Al Sobronte | al sparrow | Al Yan Kuoff | Al'Akir | Al'd | al'n it | Al-Block | al-de-burgh | Al-gebra | Al-haji | Al-Jaifi | Al-Khwarizmi | Al-Ordon | al-qaeda | al-Sadr | al-Sahafian | al-shera | al-x | Al1 Meves | ala kazamm | Ala Mode | Ala Peanut Butter Sandwiches alabama | Alabama Avalanche | Alabama Backdoor | alabama bait and switch | Alabama bingo | Alabama Black Snake | alabama briefcase | alabama chrome | Alabama Crab Apple | Alabama crab dangle | Alabama Crag Dangle | alabama crimson tide | Alabama Dirt Whistle | Alabama Fire Toss | alabama fudge cake | Alabama Goggles | Alabama Hen House | alabama hot pocket | alabama hot-pocket | Alabama Love Gun | Alabama Man | Alabama necktie | alabama night riders | Alabama PI | ALABAMA PORCH MONKEY | alabama razorback | Alabama shag | Alabama slama alabama slamma | alabama slammer | alabama slammin | Alabama Sledgehammer | Alabama Standing Screw | alabama steamroller | alabama swamp ass | alabama wind chime | alabama windchime | Alabamaish | alabaster banana chamois | alabaster retard | Alabina | Alabizzle® | alabushlumbay | alacazae | alaclava | Alacramatic | alacrity | Alact | aladampooplarajah | Aladdin | alady | Alaf | ALAG | Alagar | Alagnos | Alagruf | alah | Alajo | alakawaka | alalalalala | alam | alamak | alameda | alameda atom bomb | alami | alamo | ALAMODALITY | alamort | author Alan | Alan | Alan Colmes | alan garcia | Alan Keyes | Alan McDade | Alan Moore Alan Noble | Alan Parson's Project | Alan Partridge | author ALANA | author Alana Post | author Alanax0rz | alang | alanic | Alanis Morissette | alanjoos | alanna | alanon | alans | Alap | alareet | alarm | Alarm Call | alarm clock | Alarm Clock Dildo | Alarm Cock | alarm poach | Alarm Tag | alarmer | alartsma | Alas | alasas | alasdair | Alask | alaska | alaskan 10 | alaskan express | alaskan fire dragon | Alaskan Firedragon | Alaskan Gold Rush | Alaskan Marriage Vows | alaskan pipeline | alaskan pollywog soup | alaskan snow dragon | alaskan snowdragon | alaskan stopwatch | Alaskan Transfer | Alaskan Walleye | Alaskan whaler | Alaskank | Alaskatizer | alaskatizers | alaskian | alaskize | alastair | alawan | alazar | Alazay | alazhay | alb | alb0t | Alba | aLBaAaRt | albadass | Albaholic. | albair | Albajenic | Albalicious | Alban | Albania | albanian | Albanian Aggressor | albanian nooger muffin | Albanianz | Albanions | albany | Albany Academy for Girls | Albany High School | ALBAP | Albaquerque Fire Hydrant Albart | albas | Albbster | Albcharge | Albedo | Albegar | Albeit | albeiter | Albel | Albel Nox | alberkerque snoodle | albermarle road middle schoo... | author Albert | Albert | author Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein's brother | Albert Hammond jr. | Albert Pujols | Alberta | alberta road block | Alberta Sequel | albertane | Albertans | Alberto Gonzales | Alberto Mudslide | albertomullet | albertsons | albertyale Albery | albess | albi | albicore | albie | author Albie Wangsta | albin | albinig | albinism | albino | Albino Bigfoot | albino blacksheep | albino bob | albino catfish | albino custard | Albino Nigglette | albino peace of shit | albino pleasure piss | albino rhino | albino slit my wrists | albino tadpoles | albino thunder | albino trash | albino turtle | albino viking | Albino Woman | albinoblacksheep | albinoism | Albion | Albion fan | albion_fic | albite | alblum | albo | albolene | albon | Albondiga con patas | Albone | albonics | albonski | albonzo | Albot | Albounais | albow | Alboy | alboz | albright | Albrot | Albs | albsack | Albtron | Albucracky | album album covers | Album Purist | Albumer | Albumist | albuquerque | | albuterol | alby | albz | ALC | alcahol | Alcaholic | alcahuete | Alcamahol | alcamaholic | AlCapowned | alcatraz | Alcatrazistic | AlCaTrAzz | Alchamahol | alchemist | alchemy | alchi | alchie | alchiwhore | alchofunk | alchohol | Alchoholic | alcholoic alchowhore | Alchwitz | alchy | alcky | alco | alcobulemia | alcocainajuanarette | alcoharlem | alcoheimers | alcohizzle | alcohog | alcohol | alcohol abuse | Alcohol Civilization Theory | alcohol grubbing | Alcohol Nazi | alcohol pusher | alcohol therapy | alcohol virginity | alcoholic | Alcoholic Nazi | Alcoholica | Alcoholicalised | alcoholicide | alcoholics | Alcoholics Anonymous | AL | alcoholiday | alcoholify | alcoholised | Alcoholism | alcoholist | alcoholler | alcoholocaust | alcohology | alcohore | alcohulk | Alcohurl | alcohydrated | alcohydronics | alcohyrdated | alcokleptomaniholic | Alcolatio | alcologic | alcomaholic | alcomenesia | alcone | alcool | alcophone | alcoplop | alcopop | alcopops alcopopsicle | alcoporn | Alcorn | alcorub | Alcos | alcoturd | alcove | alcovian | alcowall | alcowhoric | alcy | aldan | alden | alder | Alderaan | aldergrove | alderman | Alderon | aldershot | aldi | aldifriek | aldin | Aldintnah | aldo | aldog | Aldon | Aldonn | aldor | Aldous Huxley aldred | Aldridge Prior | Aldrimere | Aldrin (noun) | aldz | ale | Ale 8-1 | Ale Cult | ale done | ale yarok | Ale-8-1 | Aleatoric | author Alec | Alec Nelson | alec perez | Alec5000 | author alec81484 | alecbaldwin | alecks | author aleclair | Alecrien | alecsch | | aled (up) | Aleem | aleena | aleese | AL | Alegis | Alegod | alegwileous | aleh | aleja | author alejandro | Alejandro Defrancisco | alek | aleka | aleks radulovich | Aleksandar | aleksandared | Aleksandr | author Aleksandr Miaskovsky | aleksey morozov | Aleksi | Aleksy | alen | Alena | Alena Demory | Alene | aleon | aleph | Alepos | Alerik Alero | aleroite | alert emu | Alert the Media | aleshia myers | alesque | Alessa G | alessandra ambrosio | alessandra benton | Alessandra Marc | alesse | Aleta | Aletheia | alethism | alevic | author Alex | Alex | author Alex and Rob | Alex Bay | author alex blows donkeys | author Alex Brooks | Alex chiu | alex dawson | author Alex Dumadag | author Alex Fortney | alex g | alex greenwald | Alex Jones | Alex Kapranos Alex Kidd | Alex Lee | Alex Lifeson | Alex Neukirch | alex parks | author alex r | Alex Rodriguez | alex roth | alex sanchez | Alex Sink | author Alex Skov | Alex Trebec | alex turner | Alex Varkatzas | alex whelan | author Alexa | Alexan | author alexander | author Alexander Girard | Alexander Hamilton | Alexander Sapic | alexander technique | author Alexander Tsaturov | author Alexandra | Alexandra | alexandra kerry | Alexandra Park | Alexandria Men's League | AlexaPlonk | author Alexei | Alexei | author ALEXfromExeter | author Alexi | Alexi Laiho | Alexina Louie | author Alexis | alexis on fire | Alexisize | alexisonfire | author Alexius | alexization | AlexJones | aleyna | author Alf | Alf | Alf's Hit Talk Show | ALFA | | alfalfa farmer | alfalpha alfanugan | alfeoism | Alfie | author Alfie The Horndog | alfons | author alfonso | alfonzo | alfred | Alfred ashford | Alfred E. Neuman | alfred sant | alfredo | alfriend | alfus | alg | Algarete | algebra | Algebralilakist | algedi | algibrate | algo | Algoa Park Briefcase | algoholic | algolagnia | algonquin monster | algore | algorismia | | Algul Siento | author Alhadis | alhaji | alhambra | Alhambra High School | author Ali | ali | Ali Baba | Ali G | Ali Larter | Ali Mac | author Ali P | Ali Skoon Skoon | author Ali T | Ali'ed | ali-g | alia | author Alianne | Alias | aliasretro | alibaaabaaa | alibabapoetry | alibi | alicat | author alice | Alice | Alice B. Toklas | Alice Cooper | alice cooper concert | alice in chains | Alice in Sexland | Alice in Wonderbra | alice in wonderland | alice in wonderland reject | Alice Moment | Alice's Restaurant | aliced | Alichino | author Alicia | alicia job | alicia keys | Alicia Simmons | Alicism | Alicorn | Alie | alief Aliem's | alien | Alien 3 | Alien Abduction | Alien Ant Farm | alien brains | alien brood | author Alien Entity | alien fart | Alien gun | Alien Head | alien hominid | ALIEN JACK | Alien Legs | alien masterbation | alien monkey | alien nut | alien pc | alien project | alien psycho sister | Alien Queen | Alien Resurection | alien sex fiend | alien storm | Alien Swarm Rage | alien thangs | alien vs predator 2 | Alien Vs. Predator | alien ween | alien/god | alienaa aliendungforce | alienface | alienfox | alienish | alienjack | alienmind | AlienMoon | aliens | Aliens 2 | alienspy | aliento | Alienware | AlienwareCrzy | AlienXBoxes | alif | AliG | alignment | aligopalous | aliki | alimentary canal | Alimo | ALIMO!!!!!! | alimon | Alimoniumfood | Alimony | alina | Alinaish | alinat | Alindsay | aline | Alingpie | alinne | alinta | Alion | Aliqua | aliquippa | author Alisa | alisa | Alisatosis | alischnurr | alish | author alisha | aliska | Alism | author alison | Alison | alisonism | Aliss | author Alissa | alito | aliurophile alive | Alivia | Alixe | aliya | Aliyahism | Aliza | Alize | alizée | Alj | aljade | Aljay | Aljeny | Alk | Alkaholik | Alkahulk | alkaiser | Alkaline | Alkaline Fairy | alkaline trio | Alkaline Trio (alk3) | Alkaloid | alkarim jivani | Alkaser | alkeehol | Alkeke | alkemyst | alkhami | alki | Alki Beach alkie | Alkiser | alko | Alky | alkyhall | ALL | All (that) meat and no potat... | all about | all about it | all about that | all about the beave | all about the rent | all aces | all across america | All Along the Watchtower | all american pyscho | All American Rejects | all anal gang bang | all audiences | all back | all back of the bus | all baked down | all balled up | all bark | all bark and no bite | all before lunch | All Bets Are Off | all bitched up | All Blacks | ALL BOOTIFUL | all bus | all business | ALL CAPS | all city | all crashed out | All Crazy | all creatures on the feild a... | all day | all day i dream about soccer | all day i dream about sport | all day i dream about sports | all day(s) i dream about spo... | all dead sarge | All dem deh | All dogs must chase the cat. | all ears | all emo rejects | all fa sho | All Fattered Up | all for one and one for all All Forgotten | All Four Sticks | all fours | All fur coat and no knickers | all good | All Good Going Forward | all good in the hood | all gravy | all grown up | all hacked up | all hallows | All hat and no cattle | all hat, no cattle | all hell broke loose | all holes filled | all hot tubs cold | all i do | all in | all in capacity | all in my nasal | All In Spearow | all in the Kool Aid and don'... | all is well | all jammed up | all kinds of | All Legs | all like all ma mates | All Megan | all mod cons | all motor | All mouth and no trousers | all my children | All My Circuits | all natural | All News Channel | All Nighter | aLl oF MLmS | all of your eggs in one bask... | all on skews | all one word | all out attack | all over balls | all over it | All over it like a donkey on... | all over it like a monkey on... | all over it like a rash | all over the house | all over the map | all over the shop | all paid up | all purpose | all purpose insult | All Righhh | All right, sir | All Saints Catholic School | all set | all sexied-up | all she wrote | all shit cast | All Show No Go | all skate | all sorts | All Star 2 | All Stars | all talk | all that | all that and (a bag of ) chi... | all that and a bag of chips | all that and a bag of potato... | all that crap | all that fails | all that glitters is gold | all that is man | All that jazz | all that jelly and no toast | all thats left all the away | all the favorites | All the goths at Romeo high... | all the honor | All the personality of an ai... | all the rage | all the way | all the way live | all the way to China | all the way to Snellville an... | all the way to the bank | All the world and his sister... | all time loser | All Time Quarterback | all to cock | all to da good | all to pot | All Totaly | all types of | all up in it | all up in my grill | all up in my guts | all up in my kool-aid | All up in the cool-aid | All up in the kool-aid | all up in the koolaid | all up in them guts | all up in ya all up in yo ranks | all up in yo' nasty | all up in your grill | All up in your shit | all up ins | all up on him | All up on my Cupcakes | all up on my jock | all up on your sac | all up ons | all up ons(phrase) | all upons | all wax | All Well | All Wet | All Wheeling | all winner squad | all woman | all wool and a yard wide | all y'all | all y'all's | all ya'll | All Yack | all yalls | all yo family | all yo'd up | all you can eat | All You Need Is Love | all your ass are belong to u... | All Your Base | All your base are belong to... | all your base are belong to... sounds | all your nigger | all your soul are belong to... | all-american | All-American Girl | All-American Rejects | all-dat | all-day | All-Dunkadelic Team | All-green | all-in | all-in hero | all-knowing | All-Night Fight | all-nighter | all-out | all-singing, all-dancing | all-star | all-star game | All-State | all-time quarterback | all-weeker | all-you-can-eat | alla dat | Alla Feno | Alla time | Alladat | alladmin | allae | Allah | Allah Ackbar | Allah Bomb | Allah Huerta/ Allah | allah the G | allah'u ackbar | Allahfel | Allaho Akbar | allahu akbar | author Allaiyah | author Allan | Allan Allan Iverson | Allapattah | allas | Allay | allbad | allbagged | Allbaugh | Allbaughed | allboy | allbritches | allbus | ALLCAPS | alldaz | allderan | alle-oop | allea | allefonket | alleg | Allegan | allegebian | allegendly | Allegro | alleh | allele | Allemagne | Allemagne Dix points | author Allen | Allen Collins | allen hall | allen iverson | AL | Allen Iverson [Iverson] | Allen Jones | Allen Out | allen wrench | Allen's Coffee Brandy | Allenby Beardsley | Allenhurst | Allentown | Allentown Crabapple | Allentown pa | allerboo | allerednic | allergic to wintertime | Alleria | Allerious Shades | alleston | alleviate | allevish | Alley | alley apple | alley biscuit | alley cat | alley troll | alley-cat alleybat | alleycat | Alleyfication | alleyoop | allgood | Allhailkingme | author Alli | Alli | alliance | Allicit | author Allie | allie mcdermott | Allied Gardens | Allied Irish | allies | alliesimo | alligator | alligator arm | alligator check | alligator clip | alligator death roll | Alligator Hand-job Enthusias... | Alligator Mouth | Alligator on Myspace | alligator scissors | alligatorsexual alligory | allio | allioopa | Alliot | allisackor | allisinful | alliso | author allison | Allison Mack | alliterati | alliteration | Alliteration Insults | allix | allkinds | Allks | allLiving | Allllright | allmsucest | allmusic | allnighter | allnighterrobschneider | allnightlong | allocation | allofawe | alloloutrophilist | Allon | alloneword | allophone | allopoiesis | author Allora | Allosaurus | Allosaurus pr0n | allot | allotrope | Allouhz | allow | allow dat | Allow it | allow me | allow myself to introduce my... | Allow That | Allow You | allowance | allowed | Allows | Alloy | allpro | allrightythen | allrightythen sounds | allripped | allrpg | allshare Allsop | allstar | allstar cheerleaders | allstar cheerleading | Allstar Fam | Allston | Alltaken | alltimers disease | allude | allugic | allupons | alluponz | allure | alluring | allusion | allwood | author Ally | Ally | Ally McBeal | ally mccoist | Ally McMeal | Ally Ross | ally-oop fishbrain to top ac... | Allyall | allyescent | allyourbase | allyuh | allyyXcore alm | alma maller | Almaden | almagno | almanac | ALMAO | almara | Almasy | almdudler | almeja | almer | Almight | almightier | Almighty | almighty anal avenger | Almighty Tallest | Almighty Tallest Purple | Almighty Tallest Red | Almighty Thinnest | AlmightyBob | almirah | Almond | almond joy | Almond Joy-Mounds Syndrome | almond roca | Almond Rocha | AL | almond rocks | almond-joy | Almor | almoranha | almost | Almost as sexy as Kitty | almost bestie | almost boning | almost crimes | almost famous | almost fight | almost heroes | Almost Never | almost online | Almost Porn | almost-fight | almostfamous | almostsmart | Almsy | almund joy | almwirt | almy | Alnet | Alney | Alo Aloaycious | alobodobo | aloc acoc | ALoD | Aloe | aloflito | aloha | aloha screwdriver | Alohomora | Aloise | alok | Alokasheh | Aloke | Alol | Alolo Zimbabwe | author Alomar | alomogordo | Alon | Alon Baron | alone | alone in the dark | Alonely-Canadian | aloner | aloneville | along came something about t... | alongi | alonic | alonzo gonzales | Alonzo Gonzalez aloof | Aloofa | aloofer | alopafiah | alopecian appalacian ridgeba... | alopecoid | alora | Alors bof | alosexual | Alot | alot, especially alot | alota face | alotta fagina | alotz | alouba | alouicious | Alowack | Aloysius | ALP | alp-eesh | alpaca | alpahphet LOL | Alpay | alpdream | Alpental | alper | author alperthereal | alpesh | author alpha | Alpha | alpha and omega | Alpha Beta Nignog | Alpha Bitch | alpha chi obesa | Alpha Chi Omega | alpha chick | Alpha Delta Pi | alpha epsilon phi | alpha eta rho | alpha fan | Alpha Female | Alpha Gamma Delta | alpha gamma rho | alpha geek | alpha idiot | alpha jawns | Alpha Kappa Alpha | Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,... | alpha kenny wun | Alpha Male alpha model | Alpha Noob | alpha omicron pi | alpha operator | alpha phi | Alpha Phi Alpha | Alpha Phi Omega | alpha racing | Alpha Retard | Alpha Sigma Phi | alpha sigma tau | alpha socket | alpha strike | Alpha Tappa Kegga | Alpha Weasels | alpha wiskey | alpha xi delta | alpha-0 | alpha-bet-ize | Alpha-Beta-Bitch-Dicks | alpha-doofus | alpha-male | Alpha5 | Alpha60 | alphabase | Alphabean | alphabesize | alphabet boy | alphabet boys alphabet boyz | Alphabet City | alphabet lips | Alphabet Soup | alphabet trick | Alphabetic Mathematics | alphabeticality | alphabeticalize | Alphabeticalized | alphabetism | alphabetize | Alphaecho | Alphaghetto | AlphaIntegra | alphamalism | alphamegamia | alphanoob | alphanumeric | alphaQ | Alpharetta | Alpharetta Autobaun | alphaskulumpa | Alphebet of drugs | Alphonse Elric | Alphy | alpina | alpine | Alpine Computers | Alpine Skiing | Alpine, NJ | alpo | ALPOS | alpott | Alps | alrate yoth | alrato | already | Already been indulged in | alreet | Alreet Luv | alreght | alREH | alri | alright | Alright Dave | Alright Now | alright! | alrighteous | Alrighty | alrightyo | alrite | Alroight Alron | ALSA | Alshy | Alshymers | also known as | also what is it | also-ran | alsome | Alstaire Tuohy | Alsup | alt | ALT + 0133 | Alt + F4 | Alt attribute | ALT code | alt codes | alt country | Alt Fag | Alt Gr | alt key | alt porn | ALT TABEROVAVICHKOVSKY!!!!!!... | Alt tag | ALT+255 | ALT+F4 | Alt+qq | alt-nic | alt-tab | alt-tabbed alt.geezer | | | | alta | Alta D. | alta vista | altalib | Altama | altamont | altavisa | altavus | altazar | alteacher | Alter | Alter Bridge | Alter Ego | Alter Ego Allies/Idiots | alterboy | Altered | altered beast | altered ego | alterego | alterna-muffin | alternacaps | Alternachav | Alternachick | Alternageek | alternagirl | Alternapunk | Alternate | alternate 0 1 6 5 | Alternate Futures | alternateen | alternatelligent | aLtErNaTiNg CaPs | Alternating Line | Alternation | alternative | Alternative Comedy | Alternative Life Style | alternative lifestyle | alternative lifestyles | alternative medicine | Alternative metal | Alternative Press | Alternative Revolution | Alternative Rock Alternativica | alternator | Alternica | alternidie | alternitive spelling | alterno-mom | altezza | AltF4 | Althanas | Althena | althy | altie | altie newspaper | Altima | Altimate | altiris | Altitis | altitudies or altitooties | altivation | altman | Alto | | alto saxaphone | altogether | Altoholism | Altoid | altoid freakazoid | Altoid Seibert | Altoided altoids | Altomareing it | alton | Alton Brown | alton towers | Altoona | altovizzle | Altree | altris | altruistic | altsome | alturnun | altware | alu | Alu Capreia | alucard | Alucard77 | Alucart | alum | aluminium | Aluminum | aluminum bat | aluminum foil | aluminum ghetto | Aluminum Overcast | alumni | Alundra | alunit | alunk | AL | alupacs | alus1onz | ALusion | alux | alva | alva abercrombie | Alvaro & Meredith | Alvenamartin | alvernia | alves | alvey | Alvi | Alvian | Alvin | Alvin And The Chipmunks | Alvin Lee | Alvin Sidhu | Alvin Tan | alvin tucker | Alvin Wai Keung Chow | alvinator | alvinsanity | Alvinston | alvir | alvirfrankenstien | Alvis alvona | alvus ass | alwasy | always | always already | always bet on hatch | always hungry | Always know if the juice is... | always that | always varies | always wondering | Alwaysmind | alweezy | alwight | alwrong | alwyn | Alwynizzy | author ALX | ALX | AlxAl | author Aly | Aly | aly-cat | Alycin | author Alyson | Alyson Hannigan | author alyssa | Alyssa Milano | alyx vance | author alz | alzhemic | AM | author AM | Am | am fek | AM HACK SERVERS LOL | Am I Blue? | am i bovvered? | am I mean? | Am I My Brother's Keeper? | am i rite | am i rite? | Am Not Slave | am pm | Am-3p | am-beer-dextrous | AM-Bomb | AM/FM | AMA Computer University | Ama Weak | ama-ZING | Amaaazing | amac | amac*ing | amacrocrate | AM | amadan | Amadeo | amader | amadeus | author amado | amadoolio | Amagad | amagawd | amagod | AMAHJ | AMAHJiSphere | amain | Amakakeru ryu no hirameki | amal samji | amalams | Amalance | amalgamate | amalthea | author Amamo-chan | aman | amana | amanboyd | author Amanda | Amanda | Amanda Palmer | Amandla | Amani | amanime | Amanita Muscaria | Amante | amap | author Amar van Leeuwaarde | amarabic | amarah | | Amarao | amaretto sour | Amarillo | Amarjeet | amarnadha | amarpals | Amarredos | amaru | amashed | amasian | Amasslimated | amateo | amateras | Amaterasu | amatetti | amateur | Amateur Hour | amateur night | amato | amatrudo | amature | Amaurian | amaurote | amav | amawaster | amawesome | amaxing | | Amayzin' | amayzing | amaz | amazatron | AMAZDING!! | amazé | amazed | amazering | amazical | Amazicide | Amazilar | amazin | amazing | Amazing Bassline | amazing gook | Amazing Race | amazing racist | AmazingB | amazingcore | amazinger | amazinger-er | amazingkae | amazingly | amazinglywonderfulybeautiful... | Amazingments | amazingness | amazo | amazon | Amazon Fire | Amazon Firefighter | amazon jungle | Amazon Neck Tie | Amazon phenomnom | amazon princess | Amazon Trail | Amazong amazonian | Amazonian Firefighter | amazored | Amazy Crazy | amb | amba | Ambacher | Ambag | ambaguous | Ambassador | ambassador of connecticut | ambassador of crunk | ambedextriophyxtosis | Ambeer | author Amber | amber | Amber Alert | author Amber Almighty | amber fluid | Amber Fry" or "Amber Fried | amber gambler | Amber light | amber michaels | amber nectar | amber pacific | Amber Revolution | amber tamblyn Amberchormbie and Finch | ambercrombie | ambergriss | amberguity | ambi | ambi trip | ambi-masterbatious | ambi-turner | ambi-wanker | ambian | ambiance | ambibextrounaminous | ambibical | Ambicestuous | ambidexterous | ambidextrious | Ambidextrous | ambidextrousconversationalis... | ambidickstrous | ambidixtrous | ambidrinksterity | ambie | ambien | ambien challenge | ambience | ambieneyes | ambient | ambient faggotry | ambient gaiety | AM | ambient rush | ambigram | ambigude | ambiguity | ambiguosity | ambiguous | Ambiguous Verbosity | ambimastrous | ambimoustrous | ambineckstrous | Ambiorifical | ambipathy | ambisexterous | ambisextrious | ambisextrous | ambisexual | Ambit | ambitexterous | Ambition | Ambitious lighter guy | ambiturner | ambivalent | ambivilant | Ambiwankstrous | Ambizzy Amblatoon | amblejam | Ambler | Ambleside | amblowsia | Amblumance | ambo | ambodigital | Ambon | Amboy | ambr0sia | ambrea | ambreen | ambreesh | ambrewdextrous | Ambridge | ambrogio | ambrosa | ambrose | ambrosen | ambrosia software | ambrosial | ambrotious | ambugaton | ambulam | Ambulance | ambulance chaser | Ambur Richards | Amburgers | ambush | Ambush Paddington | ambushed paddington | ambusher | ambwhore | ambz | AMC | amc click | amcfreak | AMCO | Amcrypt | amctaor | amd | AMD 64 | AMD Fanatic | AMD TRIBE | amden | amdmachine | ameas | ameautiful | ameazin' | ameba | Amedee | Amee | ameen | ameen out | Amefrican | author Amelia | amelia earhart | amelican | Amélie | Ameliorate | Amen | amen break | Amen Corner | amen, brother | Amendment X | amendola | amenglish | amer | Amerasian | Amerce | Ameri Corps | amerian people | ameriball | | America | America sounds | America Jr. | America Junior | America Light | America muscle | America of Yesteryear | america online | America Online Instant Messe... | America or United States | America or United States Fal... | america sucks | America's Army | america's most blunted | america's next top model | America's sweetheart | America's team | america's wang | America. | americain | Americal Division | Americaland | American | american airlines | American Ashtray | American Avalanche | american bear American Beauty | American beer | American Beer Coaster | american bidet | American Big Dick Syndrome | American bowl | | American Burrito | American Car | American Card | American cheese | American Chopper | American citizen | american community survey | American Couch Sloth | American culture | American Dad | American Dollar | american Dragonball Z | American Dream | american dream denial | American Dream, the | American Dreams | american eagle | american eagle outfitters | american eagle outtfitters | American Eagle Tri-Fold | American Eagle, | American Eagles | American Economy | American Empire | American English | american flag | American Food | American Football | American frisbee | American Funyun | American General | american gladiator | american gladiators | American Grizzly | American Hammock | american hater | American Head Charge | American Hi-Fi American History X | american hot lunch | american humor | American Idiot | American Idiot Fan | american idiots | American Idle | American idlewild fans | American Idling | American Idol | American Idol sounds | american inch | american ingrant | American Juniors | American karaoke | american kiss | american language | american mcgee's alice | american muscle | american mutt | american people | American pig | American Pink Taco Stand | American politics | american pride | american psycho American Pyscho | American Refusal To Believe | American Revolution | American Ricer | american road | American Samoa | American School in London | american screwdriver | American Shuriken | American Smeagol | American Spelling | American Taliban | American terrorists | american toast | american toilet | american tostada | American University | american victories | American View of World War I... | American wake up call | American Wedding | american women | American Worksmanship | American WW2 POW Escapee | american't | americana | americana sauce | americanadian | Americancentric | Americanese | Americanisation | americanised | Americanism | Americanisms | americanization | americanize | americanized | AmericanNinjaClown | americano | Americans | americans on xbox live | americans that wont shut up | Americanskii | | AmericaPoka | Americas | americas army | Americas Cleaning Lady | Americasian | americhink | americian | americo | Americommies | Americoon AmeriCorps | Americrap | Amerie | Amerika | Amerikan Made | amerikkka | amerikkkan | Amerikos | Amerikwa | Amerindian | Ameripwned | Ameriskank | Amerispic | ameritech | Ameritrash | amerjiggen | amerlok | amerna merna mer | Amerrochi | Amerrorcanism | amers | amersham | amerth | amesbury | amesed | AmethystCosmo! | amex | Amexica | amexican AMF | AMF OTD YO YO | AMF YO YO | amfho | Amfiddi | amfyoyo | AMG | amh | Amherst | Amherst College | Amherst Regional High School | Amherst, MA | AMHS | author Ami | ami | AMIAM | amias | Amico | amico mio | amiga | Amiga fanboy | Amiga One | amigo | Amigo of Crunk | Amigos | amigovia | amigro | amigurumi | amillion | amilliongagillion | amilo | aminal | aminals | Amine | amino | aminoacyl | aminul | aminzagain | author Amir | amir | amirite | amirkanlo | amis | Amish | amish beauty | Amish Bubble Blower | amish bush | amish mechanic | Amish Orgasm | amish paradise amish plow | amish porn star | Amish Raw Dog | amish snowplow | amish thug | Amish Thunder | Amish Zaver | amished | amisrässi | amit | amittyville | Amity | Amityville | amj | amk | amke | Amking | AML | amlad | amli | Amlish | AMLOR | AMM | Amma | Ammachi | ammar kapasi | ammbo | ammerud | ammerz Ammo | Ammodog | ammon | ammonia | ammos | Ammu-Nation | ammy | Amn | amn't | amnesia | amnesiac | amnesty international | amnimal | Amnt | amo | amod | amodeo | amoeba | AMOG | Amohaa | amoK | amokinter | Amokoscisia | amole | amoleizm | amolerouth | amomaxia | Amon | amon amarth | Amon Goeth | amoo | amooballer | amopersona | amor | amor de rey | amoral | amoration | Amore | Amoretti | amoretto | Amorosa | amorosino | amoroso | amorous | Amorphity | Amorsang | amort (amor + mort) | amortify | Amortize | Amory Blaine | amos | Amos 'n' Andy Amós Morales | Amos Vincent | amosstorm | Amotivational Syndrome | Amount Boyz | amountboyz | amousing | amp | amp bitch | amp head | ampa | ampallang | ampam | ampant | Amped | amped (up) | ampeg | | amphed | amphetamine | Amphetapenis | amphibian | amphibicow | amphibious | amphipod | amphlett | ampicillin | ampidirtuous | ampin Ample | ample ba-donk-a-donk | ample sustenance | amplexus | amplicate | amplifyre | Amplitude | amply supplied | ampm | Ampo | ampreguous | amps | ampsterdam | ampt | amputate | ampute | Amputee Spree | amputorgy | AMR | amraam | amrak | Amras | AMReboot | Amred convoy | amrit | Amrit Pal | amritsar | Amrod | amrom | amrozi | amrtin77 | amrutham | ams | amscray | Amshack | Amstagmi | Amster | amsterdam | Amsterdam (Damsco) | Amsterdamaged | amsturbation | AMT | Amtgard | Amtrack | amtrak | Amtrak Police | aMTV | amu | amuater | amuck amudha | Amugged | amuk | amulya | Amun | Amunata | amund | amundo | amunra | amunted | Amurrica | amusal | Amuse | amusing hat | AMV | Amvets'd | AMW | amwakx | Amway | Amway Christian | AMX | AMX Duder 343cid | author Amy | amy 'lita' dumas | author Amy Christ | amy fisher | Amy Grant | Amy Ham | amy in the white coat | Amy Lee Amy Rose | Amy Smart | Amygdala | amyl | amylee | Amyloe | amyls | amyphan | amyraldianism | Amz | amzing | am't | AN | an | An Accountant | an american band | An American Hero | an apple | an arm and a leg | an cuc | an den | an end | an historic | An Internet's Worth | an Oj Simpson | an omar | An Oral Roberts | an orifice any orifice | an oxford | an that | an upton | An Urban Dictionary | an' | An' shit, yo' | An-2 | An-22 | An-24 | an-den | an00se | an0r | an0s | author Ana | ana | Ana (not the name) | ana beatriz barros | ana/mia | anaal nathrakh | Anabation | anablog | Anabru | ANAC | anacapa anachnoo echod | anachronism | anachronistic | anachronymism | anaconda | anaconstrictor | anadivine | anagarthian | anaglyph | anagolous | Anaheim Angels | Anaheim Knuckle-Buster | Anakin | anakin christ | Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Solo | author Anaksunaman | anal | anal abortion | Anal Adventure | anal afro | anal alert | Anal Alien | anal annihilator | anal announcement Anal Asphyxiation | anal assasin | Anal Astronaut | Anal Attentive | Anal Avenger | anal babies | anal bang | Anal Banker | Anal Banter | Anal Bead | anal beading | Anal Beads | anal beans | anal beard | Anal beeds | Anal Biatch | anal biscuit | anal bitch | anal blackjack | Anal Blasting Twat master | anal bleaching | Anal Blow | anal blowjob | anal bomb | anal bong | Anal Bongos | Anal Breach | anal buffoonery | Anal Bukkake | Anal bum crackers | anal bumcover | anal bus | anal butter | anal cabaret | anal canal | Anal Cannibalism | anal carnage | Anal Cartographer | anal catastrophe | anal cave dweller | anal cavity | anal cavity opening | Anal Chandalier | anal chandelier | anal chem | anal child | anal chug | anal chugging | anal cock | anal confetti | anal conquistidor | anal conversion | anal copulation anal cord | anal cork | anal cramp | anal crap | anal cream | anal cream pie | anal creampie | anal creature | anal crevice | anal crusader | anal cum bomb | anal cunt | anal dancer | anal debris | anal deleter | anal destruction | anal digger | anal dip shit | Anal Dirties | anal discharge | anal diver | anal drawstring | anal drive | Anal Dwelling Butt Monkey | anal eater | anal endo | Anal Envy | anal explosion | anal explosive anal expulsive | anal face | anal ferret | Anal Filbert | anal fire | anal fisher | anal fisting | Anal fluids | anal flush | Anal Fly Trap | Anal foliage | anal frigulator | anal fruit | anal gape | anal glacouma | Anal Glaucoma | Anal Glue | anal golfing | Anal Gravy | anal grease | anal hiroshima | anal holocaust | Anal implosion | anal intake | Anal Intercourse You!!! | anal invasion | Anal Jackhammer | AN | Anal Jackson | anal jamboree | Anal Jowster | anal juice | Anal Juicer | anal juices | Anal Jungle | anal leach | Anal Leakage | anal linguist | Anal Linguistics | anal lube | anal lung cancer | anal lust | anal man | Anal Mangla | anal mastadon | anal masturbation | anal mauraders | anal meat | Anal Mirauder | Anal Miscreant | anal mist | Anal Monkey | Anal Monster anal muff | anal muff mole | anal muffin | anal munchkin | anal orbit | anal orgasm | anal orifice | anal orphius | Anal Pancake | anal penetration | anal pickle | anal pinata | anal pirate | anal piss | Anal Plate | anal plumber | Anal Plunderer | Anal Poppage | anal probe | anal pusher | ANAL PUSS | anal queen | anal ram | anal rape | anal rapeage | anal raped | anal reaper | anal rectification | Anal relocation anal remnants | anal repentive | anal retainer | Anal Retention | anal retentive | Anal Richter Scale | anal ripcord | Anal river | anal sack | anal sandwich | anal sausage | anal scabs | anal secretion | anal secretions | anal seepage | anal sex | anal sleeve | Anal Slob | anal sludge | Anal Slurpee | anal snarf | anal sniff rat | Anal Sniffer | ANAL SNOT | anal sock | anal spelunkers | anal spew | anal spewage | anal sphincter | Anal Spider | anal spilunker | anal splat | Anal Spray | anal stalker | Anal Surprise | anal swab my back | Anal Tickle | anal toejam | anal tongue dart | anal tornado | anal tosh | anal train | anal treat | Anal Vacuum | anal vampire | Anal Vialator | Anal Vigilante | anal viking | Anal Virgin | anal virginity | Anal Voice Box | Anal Vomiting anal voyager | anal warts | anal whine | Anal Whiplash | anal whore | anal woody | Anal Worms | Anal-boink | anal-crevis | anal-dwelling aliens | Anal-Dwelling Butt-Monkey | anal-fixated | anal-intrusion | anal-lyses | anal-muncher | anal-virginity boogeyman | anal-wevage | analable | analand | analar-wonungskolbenaffe | Analarse | analass | analate | analay | analcake | analcharge | analcholic | analdrive | analeakage analectomy | analed | Analemma | analexcoriate | analfaggot | Analfied | Analfornia | analgasm | analginity | Analgland | analholic | analicities | analight | analingus | analis | Analisational Facilitory Act... | analise | analitical | analitis | anality | analization | analize | analized | analjitsu | Anallax | anallingus | anally retentive | analmageddon | analmaggeddon | analme | analmunch | analocity | Analog | analogate | Analogist | analography | analogy | analology | analonymous | analoutlet | Analove | analpause | analpedic | analphase | analpirate | analpocket | analqueif | analram | Analranger | analrapist | Analse | analsex Analsexbox | analsexophobic | analsexual | analspawn | analspouge | Analsurprise | analsyphon | analtastic | analthumbwrestling | analtooth | analtosis | analtration | analversion | analysation | analysis | Analytical Hampsterization | analyze | analyzed | analyzer | analzon | anamacrombi | anamélie | ananana | | Anandajith | anandtech | Ananer | anaphora | anapube | anarch | anarchetype | Anarchial Soul | Anarchism | author Anarchist | anarchist | Anarchist Cookbook | anarcho | Anarcho capitalist | Anarcho Punk | anarcho- | anarcho-capitalism | anarcho-communism | anarcho-rizzle | anarcho-syndicalism | Anarchopharmacist | anarchopunk | anarchy | anarchy sounds | anarchy agogo | Anarchy Burger | Anarchy file | anarchy online | anarchy's dead | anarcia | Anarcist | Anarcovandagoon | Anard | Anari | anaronda | anarshits | anasarca | Anaslime | anasonak | anastasia myskina | Anastasia Romanov | anastasio | anasteiologisticalismist | anat | anata | anata, an'ta | anathema | anathemaism | anathorn | | | Anatol | Anatomy | Anatomy of a Ghost | anatsuken AnaujiraM | Anaximander | ANBU | ANC | ancestor | anchal | anchises | ANCHOR | anchor baby | Anchor Bay | anchor blue | Anchor Essay | Anchorage | Anchoring | anchorman | anchors | anchors-away | Anchortown | Anchovie Paste | Anchovies | anchovy | Anchovy Bay Commando | anchovy caviar | anchu | ancient | ancient chinese curse ancient game | ancient history | ancient vagina | Ancient Zwerl | Ancients | anclet | Anctil | and | and 1 | and 1 mixtape | and 1/2 | and a half | and ah | And another one | and Bacon | and bob's your uncle | and bobs your uncle | and butt | and forever | and gonads | and guested | and he scores | and how | and how... | and i know it | and i was like ahh | And I would have gotten away... | and I'm a leprechaun | AN | and I'm fat | and if you don't like it pas... | and like yeah | and lo | And Love Said No | and now for something comple... | and often confusing | and one | and rots | and shit | and shits | and so yeah | and some change | and some people like cucumbe... | and stuff | and such | And that's how I saved Chris... | And that's the whole story | and the band played on | and the horse you rode in on | and the sho shi show | and then | and then he poked me in the... | And then i found 20 dollars | and then I found five dollar... and then I found ten dollars... | And then some | and then you woke up | And There was Much Rejoicing | and what | And you know this man! | and your mum | and0 | And1 | Anda | Andaconda | AndaFoon | Andalucia | Andamaroo | andanaminal | Anderbody | anders friden | anderson | anderson cooper | Anderson Cowan | Andersonese | andes mint | Andgasm | andgry | andhearts | author andi | andi | Andicious | Ando andonia | Andorra | Andover | Andover Anchovy Afficionado | Andover High | Andover High School | author Andre | Andre | andre iguodala | andre matos | Andre Nickatina | Andre Olbrich | Andre Tanneberger | Andre the Giant | author andrea | andrea | author andreacky772 | andrenichrome | author Andrew | Andrew Bird | author Andrew Briggs | author Andrew Curl | Andrew Dice Clay | andrew gower | Andrew Lloyd Webber | Andrew McMahon | Andrew Ridgeley | author Andrew Stump | Andrew W.K. | andrewpornapaprank | author Andrewsky | author andriod5 | Andriy Shevchenko | andro | androgenius | androgenous | Androgyne | Androgyno | androgynous | androgyny | android | Andromeda | Andromeda Tonks nee Black | andropause | | Andropov | andross | andruw jones | Anduin Guard | Anduril | author Andy andy | Andy Griffith | author Andy Holman | Andy Hurley | Andy Johnson | author Andy K | Andy Kaufman | Andy Knowles | author Andy M | author Andy Mack | andy milonakis | Andy Roddick | andy rooney | Andy Samberg | author andy1 | author andyfellovernet | Ane | anebrical | Anecdotes | Aned | aneehoo | aneekak | aneemal | Aneesh | anegus | anejohn | anel | anemia | anemic and bulimic | anerable | anerectia | anerexia | anerexic gerbil | anerexic hoe | aneros | Anestizzle | anestrus | aneta | Anetilas | aneuretical | Aneurismo | aneurysm | anewbis | anEwozlyke | anf | Anferny | anfield | author AnG | ang | ang (v) | ang moh | ang out | ang sabi | angad | anganbenafugi | anganying | angar | angasm | Angband | angee daddy | author Angel | Angel | Angel and Spike | Angel City | angel dragon | Angel Dust | angel eyes | author angel face | angel gear | angel hair | angel hair pasta | angel investor | Angel Island | angel kiss | angel kisses | angel kissing | Angel Long | Angel Lust | angel of death | Angel of the Morninged angel on your ass | angel piss | angel poops | Angel Sanctuary | angel scat | angel shit | Angel Stadium | angel tears | angel tits | angel whore | Angel Williams | Angel Wings | angel wipe | angel's kiss | author Angela | Angela Cross | angela gossow | angelcore | angeldogged | angeldust | Angeleno | Angelface | angelfire | Angelfoxed | angelic | author Angelica | author Angelic_Sherry | Angelina Jolie | Angelina JOlie sounds | angelkiss | Angellurs | author angelo | Angelou | AngelPi(e) | Angels | Angels And Airwaves | angeltits | Angelus | anger | Anger issues | Anger Jam | anger management | anger orgy | anger problems | Anger Sword | Angerfy | Angergasm | angerredity | angertwink | angervate | angerville | angerwound | angery | Angery Johnny | Angery Pirate | Anges Irwin | AngFest | anghit | author angie | Angie Daddy | Angie Harmon | angie mack | angiescreams | angin | Angina | anglang | angle | angle dust | Angle Poop | angle talker | Angle-bang | Angle-Plex | anglephowned | angler | angles | Angles and Dangles | anglesea | anglim | anglin Anglina Croft | anglo | Anglo African | Anglo American School of Mos... | anglo-intolerant | anglo-polian | anglo-rasta | anglo-saxon | Anglofication | Anglofro | anglophile | anglophobe | | Anglophone | anglosphere | angly | angola | Angoleiro | angostura | Angra | Angrafied | Angreave | angrel | angretard | angrification | angrified | angrify | angrifyable | angrifying author angry | angry | angry amputees | angry ape | angry artist | angry ass | Angry Ass Hair | angry bang | angry bath | angry beaver | angry beavers | angry black man | angry buccaneer | angry bull | Angry Bullin' | angry busdriver | Angry Candy | angry cat | angry chicken | angry christian | angry clown | angry cobra | angry conductor | angry congressman | angry dad | angry dolphin | angry dragon | angry dragon of death | Angry Dragon's Tears | angry eyebrows | Angry Fap | Angry Fetus | Angry Fireman | Angry Fisherman | angry flamingo | angry forehead | angry fred | angry fruit salad | angry german | angry gorilla | Angry Gremlin | angry groin | angry hitler | Angry Hose | angry hump toad | angry inch | angry indian | Angry Ivan | Angry Kurenai | angry lawnmower Angry little man syndrome | Angry Llama | Angry Magnet | angry mob | angry monkey | angry munchkin | Angry Neighbor | Angry one | Angry Ostrich | angry pablo | angry pants | Angry Parent Rock | Angry Peeno | Angry Pelican | Angry Penguin | angry pirate | Angry Rhino | angry rodent | angry rooster | angry rose | author Angry Salamander | angry sanches | Angry Schneiderman | Angry Scientist | angry seagull angry serbian | Angry Sex | Angry Slap | Angry Spider | angry spiderman | Angry Starfish | Angry Tiny Man | angry tits | angry turkey | angry unicorn | angry walrus | Angry Wheelbarrow | angry white girl | angry white male | angry white man | angry white woman | Angry Whiteboy Music | Angry Workers Syndrome | Angry-Anal | angryahole | angrydragon | angryjockey | angryness | angrywank | Angst | Angst Fawg | angst monkey | angst-monger | angsta | angstard | angstball | Angstbucket | Angster | Angsterbater | angsterpiece | angstful | Angstheist | angsting | angstmuffin | angstrant | angstrogen | angsty | angsty bishonen | Angsty-Bopper | Anguirus | Anguisette | anguissette | angular | angulation | Angura-Kei | anguritis neosis | author Angus | angus Angus Deayton | Angus Diet | author angus the superduck | Angus Young | Angused | Anguskathage | angwin | Anh | anh yeu em | anhedonia | anhhao | anhydrous | anhyzer | ani | ani difranco | ania | aniac | Aniadamant | anialated | anibelle | ANIC | anice | Anicon | anie | Anify | anigav | anii | anikkitosis | anilingophile Anilingus | Anilingus Rex | Anima | animadversion | animal | animal abuse | animal auction | animal beer | Animal Buzz | animal chin | Animal Collecting | Animal Control | animal cracker game | Animal Crossing | animal crossing: wild world | Animal Cub | animal fagnetism | Animal Forest | Animal Highschool | animal house | Animal Kingdom | Animal Liquid Explosion | Animal mastery | animal mcnasty sandwich | animal planet | AN | animal porn | animal raper | animal rights | animal rights activist | animal rights protesters | Animal Sex | animal style | animal suit driveby | Animal Testing | Animal thug | animal trainer | animal-mother | animalarium | Animalcule | animalfarm | animalgoldenshower | animality | animals | Animals Rights | animalsex | animalshits | animaltarian | animania | Animarnia | Animas animate | animated | animation | Animation Insider | Animation Otaku | Animation-303 | Animatrix | Animatronic | animay | anime | anime addict | Anime Arcadia | anime beast | anime boy | anime chat | anime convention | | anime face | anime faces | anime fans | Anime Freak | anime girl | anime hair | Anime Hater | anime haters | anime is teh suck Anime Kid | anime music video | anime nerd | anime purist | anime smiley | anime-worry-sweat | animecast | animecracka | author animedude | AniMeh | Animeist | animejunkie | AnimeNext | animeone | Animeonscifi | Animerica | animesque | animetal x | animeted | Animitation | animo | animongoloid | Animonkey | animorph | Animorphs | Animosity | animostic | animu | animupartheid | animus | Animutation | Anine | anirpg | anis | anis bobber | anish | anisiate | Anism | author ANITA | Anita Blake | anita's passage | Anix (The) | anizo | anizzle | anjali | Anjolina Valto | Anjuli | Ank | Ank-legs | Ankara | ankashula | Ankat | ankdrop Anked | Ankh | Ankie | ankivitis | ankle | Ankle Bender | ankle biter | ankle bitter | Ankle Breaker | ankle breakin | ankle earrings | ankle grabber | ankle grabbing | ankle holders | ankle spanker | Ankle Sweater | ankle test | ankle-biter | ankle-biting scum of the Ear... | ankle-holding | Ankle. | anklebitingly | anklebyter | ankled | ankles | Ankles of a Bear | ankles-to-ears | anklet | anklets | anklier | ankling Ankou | anky | ankylosing spondylitis | anlaby | Anmol | author Ann | Ann | Ann Arbor | Ann Coulter | author Anna | Anna Kournikova | Anna Nicole Smith | Anna Nicole Smith Syndrome | Anna Paquin | Anna Popplewell | Anna Wintour | Anna's Secret | annablog | Annachi | Annal | annalise | annals | Annam | annandale | Annapolis | annasweat | Annatar | author Anne | Anne | Anne Coulter | Anne Deadies | anne frank | Anne Hathaway | anne rice | Anne Robinson | anneke | Annex | Annexation of Puerto Rico | Anni | author Annie | annie | annihilate | annihilated | Annihilatify | annihilation | annihilator | anniverseriable | annivorcery Annlicious | author Annon | author annon. | author annonymous | annorexically challenged | Announcer | annoyacating | annoyance | Annoyance Cult | annoyed | author annoyed anarchist | annoyer | annoying | annoying bitch | Annoying Coworker | annoying customer | author Annoymous | Anntastic | annual | annual cop fund raiser | annul | annular ring shank | annulment | ano | ano de la cachetada | ano de mayo | ano del caldo | ano sex anoad | Anoah | Anobulated | Anobulemic | anoctothorpe | Anodyne Conflict | anogenital | anoi/pikey-riot | anointed | anok | anokea | anomalously | author Anomaly | Anomaly | anomia | Anomie | anomie poseur | anominy | author anon | Anon | author anon. | author anonamous | author anonimous | author anonomous | author Anonomus | author anonoymous726389 | anonymice | anonymity | anonymominous | author Anonymous | anonymous | author Anonymous Coward | Anonymous Coward | author Anonymouse | anonymouse | author anonymus | author Anonymus Bosch | anonyswitch | Anoobis | anoobish | anoos | anoose | | anoral | anorap | anoretic | anorexalicious | anorexia | anorexia nervosa | anorexic anorexic cow | anorexic hobag | anorexic sheep | anorexitron | Anorexity | anorgasmia | anorgasmic | anorl | anormal | another | Another Bad Creation | another day | another gAme? | another level | another nail in the coffin | Another one Bites the Dust | Another Place | another word | anotherwords | anou | anoushka | Anoxia | Anpanman | anphibinuscribinus | Anphillia | ANPR | Anquah | anral | anrhydeddu | Anri anrk | ans | ansbartholedigaethus | ansel | Ansem | Ansemian | ansheera | Anshinritsumai | anshuman | anshutz | ansi | Anskavern | ansu | answer | answer that and stay fashion... | answer to life | answering machine | Answermessage | answerupt | Answerve | ANSYS | author Ant | Ant | Ant 'n' Decs | Ant and Dec | Ant Boogie | AN | Ant Drink | ant eater | ant hill | ant line | ANT MAN | Ant martin | Ant McEwan | ant n dec | Ant Records | ant-eater | Ant-Turban-Hen | anta | antaeus | Antaganavidualistic | antarctic surfing | Antartica | antay | Ante | ante bess | ante up ante up bitch | Anteater | antefection | antegirl | anteka | antel | antelope | antenna ball | Antero | anterrabae | antflow | anthead | antheism | anthem | Anthem Part 2 | anthem part II | anthems for insubordinates | anthole | anthologize | Anthology | Anthols | anthoneh | anthoni | Anthonic | anthonie wain | anthonut | author Anthony | anthony anthony "rich boy" taylor | Anthony & Samantha | anthony a | Anthony Abogado | Anthony Adeyileka | Anthony Amarino | Anthony Anderson | anthony argerich | Anthony Ballzonfuri | Anthony Barbetta | Anthony Bell | anthony bock | author Anthony Brancato | anthony brito | Anthony Burns | Anthony Cacciola | anthony callea | anthony carden | Anthony Casciotta | Anthony Castaldo | anthony chau | Anthony Cheung | anthony cortes | anthony cruch | Anthony D'Orsi | Anthony da pimp I | Anthony Da Pimp I.: | Anthony Davis | Anthony Dean | Anthony Decusatis | Anthony Del Piano | anthony demoss | anthony depatie | anthony dicenso (ashton kutc... | anthony drake | Anthony Farnham | Anthony Fordham | Anthony Gillan | Anthony Gots | Anthony Greco | anthony green | Anthony Griggs | Anthony Hamilton | anthony hemmings | anthony hiffa | anthony ho | Anthony Holop | Anthony Impellizeri | Anthony Ing | Anthony Iu | Anthony J | Anthony JK | Anthony Keenan | Anthony Kiedis Anthony Kohanski | anthony kola | anthony kostelec | anthony L | Anthony Lam | Anthony Leon-Guerrero | anthony m | Anthony Manna | Anthony Masero | anthony mcallister | Anthony McKelvy | Anthony Mouwad | anthony muise | anthony mundine | Anthony mutuc | Anthony Nittlo | Anthony Ohe | Anthony Orzali | anthony owens | Anthony Pascarella | anthony peary | anthony pena | Anthony Perez | Anthony Piciacchia | anthony postiglione | anthony r | Anthony Ramos | Anthony Riedinger | Anthony Riendeu anthony roberts | anthony robledo | Anthony Roggio | anthony rossomando | Anthony Royster | Anthony Salibi | anthony santos | Anthony Scoles | Anthony Scrima | Anthony Secrist | anthony shifflett | Anthony Sin | Anthony Smith | Anthony Smith's Phone Number... | anthony social behaviour | Anthony Spark | Anthony Spezza | Anthony Stice | anthony t | anthony tadina | Anthony Taluy | Anthony Tart | Anthony Truliano | anthony turner | Anthony Tylenda | Anthony Usiak | anthony vu | anthony walsh | Anthony Wayne | Anthony Wei | Anthony Woo | Anthony Wuhlar | Anthony's Mom | anthony, to do an | AnthonyGQ | author AnthonyWeaver | anthony_ANTHONY | anthor | Anthos | Anthracite | anthracyd | Anthrax | ANTHRAXed | AnThRaz | anthro | anthrocentric | Anthrocoatl | Anthrocon | Anthrometamorphic | anthropocentric | anthropologie anthropologize | Anthropology | anthropomorph | Anthropomorphic | Anthropomorphic Bean Cake | anthropomorphism | anthropophagi | Anthropophagous | anthropophagy | Anthroposophy | anthrosexual | anthrt | Anthy | author Anti | anti | Anti - War | anti balldropper | anti bushism | anti christ | Anti Clown Posse | anti culture | anti dentite | anti fit | anti flag | anti flash | Anti Hero | Anti KoRn | anti man anti muffin club | anti parazi | Anti Prep Union | anti spunkieside | anti square | Anti Squirrel Coalition | Anti TTSP | Anti U | Anti Uber noob | Anti-1337 | Anti-abortionist | anti-alien | anti-American | anti-americanism | anti-anti | | Anti-Avril | Anti-Ballah | anti-bigcompany-ist | anti-blah | anti-blitz | anti-blumpkin | anti-borange | Anti-Britney | anti-bulma | Anti-Bush | anti-buttsekz | Anti-camel | anti-chav | anti-chavvy 3000 | anti-chode | Anti-Choice | Anti-Christ | Anti-Chuzzin | anti-clutch | anti-comintern pact | anti-conch | anti-consumerism | anti-cool | anti-corporate | Anti-crime vaccine | anti-crombieist | anti-culture | anti-dad | anti-dentite | anti-disestablishmentarianis... | anti-drug | anti-drug commercials | anti-eat ass | anti-EMO | Anti-Emo Goths | anti-establishment establish... anti-expressionism | anti-fag | Anti-Fanboy | anti-fangirl | anti-fanlisting | anti-fatite | Anti-flag | Anti-French Sentiment | Anti-gamer | Anti-Gary Strike Force | Anti-Gnosis Weapon System | anti-goonies | anti-goth | anti-grav boobs | Anti-Guild | Anti-Hero | anti-heterosexual | anti-idiotarian | anti-idiotarianism | anti-jar conformation | anti-jock | Anti-Joke | anti-junky | anti-krunk | anti-lasite | anti-life | Anti-lol | anti-male Anti-Marking Association | anti-masturbatory | Anti-Moses | anti-munch

anti-perspirant | Anti-physics | Anti-pirate Buttpirate | anti-pker | Anti-Pokemon | Anti-Pop | anti-prejudice | Anti-Prep | Anti-preps | Anti-Quo | anti-racist | anti-relationship | anti-religionist | Anti-Rush | Anti-scene | anti-Semite | anti-semitic | Anti-Semitism | anti-sexist | anti-shipping | anti-slipknot | anti-smoking | anti-social | ANTI-SPORTIST | anti-stealth | anti-stiffy | anti-tasty | Anti-theist | anti-townies | anti-truthes | anti-vegan | Anti-Viagra | Anti-vibe | anti-war | anti-yankee | anti-zero-gavioralectalapirc... | anti-zionism | anti1337 | antiaircraft | antianarchist | antiautodefenestrationism | antibacterierize | antibellum | antibiotic | Antiblaze antibon | antiboner | antibonus | Antibracism | Antic Art | anticheeseinpostcheeseitispo... | antichrist | antichristical | anticiparator | anticipate | anticipatience | anticipatious | anticipointment | Anticleptic | anticlimactic | Anticlimax | anticlique | anticluistic | anticon | Anticonscience | anticonstitutionnellement | anticool | Anticor | Anticrombie | Anticrombie0909 | antics | antidefenistrationism | antidentite | antiderivative antidevil | antidextrous | | antidilastablishmentarianism | antidisastablishmentarianism | antidisenstablishmentarism | antidisestablishmentariainsm | antidisestablishmentarian | antidisestablishmentarianism | antidisestablishmentarianism sounds | antidisestablishmentarianism... | antidisestablishmentarianist... | antidisestablishmentarianist... | Antidisestablishmentarinism | Antidisestablishmentarist | antidisestablishmenterianism | antidisestablismentarionismn... | antidisistablishmentarianism | antidisistablishmentarienism | antidissistablishmentarianis... | antidistablishmentarianism | Antidote | antidrug | antiee and dennis | Antieffortistic | antiestablishmentarianism | antiestablishmentdisintarian... | antieways | antifa | Antifag | antifatara | antiflagII | antifolk | antifreeze | Antifun | Antifur | antifäscht | antigamer | | antigasm | antigeek jock asshole | Antigentites | antigodlin | Antigone | antigone dudley | Antigreen2 | antigrrl xxx | ANTIHAMMER | antihelp | Antihero | antihyperbrixtabationalisati... | antiintroactivism antijinxing | antijoke | antik | antikey | Antikubuki | antileet | antiliphmentation | Antill | ANTILOPE | antimacassar | antiman | Antimatter | antimicrology | Antimisanthrope | Antimonious | antineopian | antinice | author Antinous | antioch | antione | Antipasto | Antipedian | Antipex | Antipie | antipodean | Antipoli | antipoon | antipop | antiposeur antipreesh | Antipresident | antipunk | antiq-cooter | Antique | antique farm equipment | antique scrode show | antiqued | antiqueing | antiquer | Antiques Roadshow | antiquing | antirandom | Antirape | antiroach | Antirodneykingizationalist | antiscii | Antiscoptic | Antisemantic | antisemite | antisequential | Antisexual | antiskeptic | antismyl | antisober | Antisocial | antisocial schmi | antisocialite | Antisoiler | Antisony | antispaming | antispire | Antisplash | Antistrophe | antisymmetrical | ANTiSYSTEM | Antite | antiteehee | antitheist | antithesis | antithetic | antitrust | antitype | Antium | antivirgin | antivirus | antivolocatitorymarajuanamis... | Antiwampuszapperflapper | antiwar protester | antiwar protestor | antiwoot | antiyouism | anti_pop | ANTI­TRANSUB­STAN­TIA­TION­A... | antler job | Antler Lover | Antlers | Antlion | ANTM | Antman | antman2sing | Antney | Antny | anto | antoe | Antofagasta | antognoli | author Anton | anton | anton chelnokov | Anton Clifford | anton from popeye's | Anton Landauer | Anton Lavey | Anton Santiapillai | Anton Szandor LaVey | antoniaing | antonian antonietta | Antonin Scalia | Antoning | author Antonio | antonio | Antonio Ansaldi | Antonio Austwick | antonio banderas | Antonio Banderez | Antonio Cruz | antonio davis | Antonio Lara | Antonio Mestre | Antonio Montana | Antonio Nguyen | Antonio Perez | antonio redd | antonio sabato jr. | antonio tiancgo | antonoff | author antony | antony armstrong | Antony charalambous | antony cooper | antony evans | Antony Ng | Antony Scafuto | antony see | antony the anteater | Antonyhoe | Antonym | Antonymous | antooon | Antrax | Antrel Rolle | antribation | Antriksh | antrim | ants | Ants Are Me | ants in your pants | ants on a log | antsy | antti | Antti Kokko | antuan abakumov | Antubis | antuco | Antwaan Randle El | Antwacky | antwan | Antwanism | Antwon | antwontako aNty | Antz | antz0r | Antzpantz | Anu | Anubha | Anubis | AnubisTheGreat | ANUD (Must be In Capitals) | anudder | anuenue | anufsed | anuginal sex | anuj | Anul Beans | Anul Sex | Anul Sunshine | anulong | Anunnaki | anunsunguch-mankyptobaspie | Anup | Anup Sangehra | anupam | Anupama | anurati | author anus | Anus | anus angler | anus apple anus astronaut | anus babies | anus baby | anus bag | anus bobber | anus boils | Anus Burger | anus cream | anus crust | anus eyes | anus face | anus fiddler | anus fish | anus flakes | anus fly trap | anus fondler | Anus Fresh | anus goblin | anus invader | anus licking loser | anus lips | anus master | Anus McAnus | anus mcgee | anus mcghee | anus of humanity | ANUS OIL | anus pusbubble | | anus raider | anus raper | anus raping buttsack | anus sex | anus slasher | anus spider | anus stretcher | anus sucker | Anus Tariff | Anus terd | anus tickling | Anus Vampire | Anus Vulcanus | anus weed | anus whistle | anus wire | anus wrinkle | anus(amis) | anus-cock | anus-wise | anus. anusate | anusbag | anusblue | anusboy | anusbrain | anusbreath | Anusbungler | anuscake | Anuscheese | Anusectomy | anused | anusface | anusfacefred | anusfish | Anush | anusha | anushat | anushka | anusing | Anuskwiks' Hideous Painting | anusleakatitus | anuslicker | anusliningface | anusmobile | anusmonkey | anusol | anusoluble | anuswrinkle | anutetulse anuts | Anvesh | anvil | anvil face | Anvil Lasange | Anvin Elep'hante | anwa | anwar | Anwar B. | anwen poke | ANWR | anx | Anxiepoop | anxietment | anxious | Anxious Banker | anxitement | any | any chance? | any clan shock wave member | any cop | any ho | any k | Any Key | any port in a storm | Any Port in the Storm | any road | any who | any-hoo | anya | Anya Haas | Anybody Killa | Anybody Killer | anybodykilla | Anychang | author anycon | Anyhoo | anyhoodle | Anyhoosale | anyhootnanny | anyhowsinwhosin | Anyjuan | anymore | anyoen | Anyone want to smoke some bo... | anyone's guess | anyones | anyopable | Anyschmays | anysexual | anyssa Anything | anything moogle | anything that walks | anythings | anytime | anyung | anyway | anyways | anywhere | anywhere but here | anywheres | anywhizzle | anywho | anywhoo | anywhoodle | anywhoop | anywhoozles | anywhore | Anywhoz | anywhur | anZac | anzac day | Anzai | Anzies | anzle | anzor | Anzy | AO ao | Ao Dai | ao dating | AO Ith | ao-scene | AOA | aoas | AOB | AoD | aodate | aoe | aoe3 | Aoeniac | aoeu | ÀÕÈþ | AOF | Aoggie | AoGoRc | aoh | aohell | AOHELLese | aoi | aoibhin | AOIT | Aoj | AOK | AOL | aol asshole | aol cd | aol chat geek | AOl customer service syndrom... | AOL Disc | AOL disk | AOL Explorer | AOL free CD | AOL Instant Messenger | AOL kiddie speak | AOL Kids | AOL lady | AOL Rper | AOL shorthand | aol speak | AOL Syndrome | AOL TOS | AOL User AOL Virus | AOL'd | AOL-speak | AOL.exe | aol33t | Aolani Marie | aolbonics | AOLed | Aoler | AOLese | AOLian | AOLing | AOLish | aologism | AOLove | AOLover | aolz | AOMitri | aon | Aooeep | Aoof | aooh | Aooha | AOOOOAWH | aooooga | aop | AOPDG | AoPS | AOR | aorta | aos | aoshi AoStH | AOT | AOTA | aotc | aotch | aots | aotsw | aou | aoudad | aouf | Aour | Aous | AoV | AOW | Aow! | aowwww | aoxi | Aoxomoxoa | aoyp | AP | author AP | AP | ap biology | AP block | ap calculus | ap chemistry | ap death | AP | AP english | ap european history | AP Fart | ap physics | ap stat | AP Student | AP US History | AP1 | AP10 | apa | apacha | apache | apache chief | Apache Longbow | ApacheCommander | Apachito | apadravya | Apagranox | apah | Apal8385 | apalooza | apanan | Apap | Apapcracy | aparatzka Aparoid | apartheid | Apartheides | Apartment 3A | apartment date | apartment mate | apatheist | Apathetic | apathetical | apathexual | Apathey | apathiest | apathist | Apathy | apathy club | apathy season | APATT | Apaul | apauling | apaw | apazine | apb | APB (Air Pressure Bong) | Apc | apcn | APCO P-25 | apcyberax | APD | apdaptable ape | ape arms | Ape Babe Sta | Ape Berzerk | ape bite | Ape Boy | Ape brow | Ape Drape | ape ear | ape escape | APE FLINGAH | ape hangers | ape jaw | ape lady | ape mama | ape man | Ape Nuts | ape rape | ape shit | ape tit | ape tits | Ape up | ape up ape | Ape Wannabe | Ape Wire | ape-shit | apecelsock | Apecisesour | apecunt | aPed | apedexticonvorsationalist | apedog | Apedrape | apeeklbee | apeeklbeeowqlor | APEG | apego | apeist | apeksha | Apelian | apeling | apeman syndrome | apemix | apendix | Apenon | aper | APESHAPE | apeshit | ApeStorm | apeth | apetit | Apetitude apex | Apex Beat | author ApexB | apexer | Apez | apezee | apezu | APF | apfille | APG | aph | Aphallatosis | aphanisis | apheleon | aphelion | APHESANTONE!!!! | aphex twin | aphid | aphirodisiac | aphle | Aphotic | aphradisiac | Aphreeka | Aphrodesiacal | Aphrodisiac | aphrodite | Aphroxiate | API | apical meristem apifiny | Apigo | apilf | aping | Apisa | Apiskus | APIT | apitas | apitum | APK | apl de apt | aplaxx | APLIN | aplitexnit | Aploo | apm | apme | APMO | APN | Apnaem | Apnea | apo | apo pisso | Apocal | Apocalists | Apocalypolitics | Apocalypse | AP | apocalypse now | apocalypse sex | Apocalypse Tribe | Apocalypse Weapon | | Apocalyptic folk | apocalyptica | apocalypticflood | apocatastasis | Apoch | apoclyapus | Apoco | Apocolypse | apocophile | Apocraphy | Apocrypha | apocryphal | apocs | Apoc` | APODYOPSIS | apog | ApoK | Apolizize | Apollo Apollo 13 | apollo creed | apollo giest | Apollo's | Apollyon | Apologenetic | Apologetics | Apologina | Apologizing to the fat girl | apologizz | Apologuise | apology | Apology to Everyone | apolojingoist | Apolyton | APOM | apoo | Apoopalypse | apoopka | apophenia | apophis | apophis_dd | apophnia | apophthegm | apopka | apoplexy | apoptosis | aportement Apos | apostasy | apostate | aposterous | Apostle | apostophe | apostrophatarded | apostrophe | apostrophe crime | apoth | apount | apoxile | APP | appachu | appalachian | Appalachian Mudslide | appalachian trail mix | appall | appallination | apparatchik | apparate | apparatus | Appaul | Appauling | appearance gynaecology | appeasement | Appeaser | appel | appeldoorn | append | appendage | appendananus | appendeciding | Appendix Tickler | apperception | appetence | appetital | appetite for destruction | appetize | appey | appitamy | applaudience | Applausion | Apple | apple (core) | apple and pears | apple ass | apple bag | apple balls Apple bong | apple bottom | Apple Bottom Jeans | apple bottoms | apple box | apple brown betty | apple bum | apple burger | apple butter | apple catchers | apple chucking | apple computer | Apple Computers | Apple Cup | apple down | apple drink | apple drop | apple Dweeb | apple fish | apple fritter | apple ginar | apple grinder | apple head | Apple Head Club | Apple Jacks apple john | apple juice | apple juice straight from th... | apple kisser | apple knocker | Apple Mac | apple macintosser | apple mango | Apple Mangrove | apple mouth | apple n pears | Apple Orbit | Apple Pie | Apple pie a la mode | apple pie and the shoe bange... | Apple Pie Hill NJ | apple pipe | apple polisher | Apple Porn | Apple PussySuck | Apple sack | apple sauce | apple scruff | apple sex | apple sourz | Apple Store | apple titties | apple top | Apple Tree Theory | Apple User | Apple Valley | apple works | apple z | Apple-American | Apple-Cider | Apple-eptic Shock | apple-smacked | Apple.x.Core | appleback | applebag | applebee | Applebee's | Applebees | applebite | applebottom | Appleby | Appleby College | applecart | AppleCider | AppleClock | appleCORE | Applecross applecue | Applefrika | AppleFritter | applegateish | Applegummy | applehead | Applehead Casey | applejack | Applejack Crack | Applejacked | applejacks | applejot | applejuice | appleknocker | Applelyte | applemare | applenalia | applepan | appleprole | apples | apples and pears | apples in a sock | apples to oranges | applesack | applesauce | applescapple Appleseed | appleslut | applestamp | applestle | applesy | Applet | Appleton, Wisconsin | Appletown | applewave | Appleworks | AppleXcore | appleyard | appleyte | applez | Applezed | application | applie | applifiliac | Applimato | appling | applomb | apply lip gloss | applying | applz | Appl€ | APPM | appnin | appointment television | Appolonia | appomattox regional governor... | apposed | appositives | appove | Appraisee | appraisersuckup | appreciate | appreciatist | apprecihate | appreesh | appreeshed | apprenti | Apprentice | apprentis | appresh | apprisal | approach | approfitate | apprope | appropiate typo | appropriate | approx | approximates | approximatively approximeet | apps | apps purday | appular | appy polly loggies | appy polly loggy | appz | APR | apr financing | apreeeel | apreesh | Après ski | apretado | aprewoot | | apricots | Apricunt | author April | April | April 19 | April 20 | April 29, 1992 | april 5th | | April Margera | aprilia Aprilian | Aprille Brooker | apro | Apron belly | apropos | aprovevly | Aprtment | Apryl | Apsara Talkies | apsaras | Apslap | APT | Apt 102's Aaron | apt 3A | aptar | apu | apu neh neh | Apu poo-poo | Apu tse ke ááh | author Apugs | Apuke | author APul | Apul | Apulanta | apure | Apurvic | apurwa sarve | apush | APV | Apz | AQ | AQ | aqalflage | aqality | aqaudodo | AQHA | aqlo | aqua | aqua bog | aqua bubble | aqua dump | Aqua Foot Job | aqua log | aqua net | aqua scum | aqua snogging | aqua space | aqua squirt | Aqua T-Rex | aqua teen hunger force | aqua teens | aqua turd | aqua vitae | aqua-dooker | aqua-fresh | Aqua-lung | Aquabania | aquabats | aquabeat | aquabonk | aquaboogey | aquaboogie | aquaboxpc | aquabump | aquacadet | aquachones | aquadag | aquadasiac | aquadextrous | Aquadodo | aquafart | aquafina | aquafina flow | AquaFox | Aquafresh | aquaghetto | Aquagrope | Aquahead | aquahol | aquaholic Aquai | AquaJam | Aquajet 9000 | aquakatak | aqualung | Aquaman | Aquamarinemagentatangerine | Aquamoeba | Aquanet | Aquanetta | Aquantis | aquanudity | Aquapenis | Aquard | Aquarium Bow | aquarius | Aquascaping | aquascum | Aquascutum | aquaseiling | aquasex | aquashathin | Aquasol | Aquatakat | AquataRamp | aquatard | Aquatic | Aquaticus | aquavestulance | author Aqueas | Aqueas | aquedence | Aqueduct | Aqueous Transmission | aquestion | aqueth | Aquia | aquidextrous | author Aquila | aquilived | Aquinite | Aquired | aquiriations | aquizmizbubbow | Aqumininininism | aqy | AR | AR | ar ber ar gar | AR HEE DIA | AR Redundancy | AR tuned | ar wat | ar$e | AR-15 | ar-yuu-kut! | ar00t | AR15 | ara | ara ara | ara be whist | arab | Arab Airplane Ticket | arab foreign policy | Arab juice | arab on radar | arab shit stabber | arab strap | arab's sandal | arabbang | arabconda | arabella | arabfgt | arabian | Arabian Alarm Clock | Arabian Beer Goggles | Arabian Bullwhip | arabian cell phone Arabian cradle | arabian death mask | arabian deathamsk | arabian drifter | arabian dust buster | arabian eye goggles | Arabian Eye Patch | arabian eyegoggles | arabian facemask | arabian gas mask | Arabian Gasmask | arabian goggle | arabian goggle eyes | arabian goggles | arabian goggling | Arabian gogles | Arabian Knight | | arabian love | Arabian Male Ass Muncher | arabian mask | Arabian Mudslide | Arabian Night Goggles | Arabian Sand Goggles | arabian sand storm | arabian sandgoggles | arabian sandstorm | Arabian Snorkel | arabian stallion | arabian steamer | arabian sun glasses | arabian sun goggles | arabian sunglasses | arabian sungoggles | arabian suprise | Arabian Surprise | Arabian T-google | arabian teabag | Arabic | Arabic Shandy | arabic translator | arabic work | arabien box burner | arabis | arabish | arablazin | arable | arabs | arab_freak | ARAC aracata | aracelis | aracely | arach-nads | | arachnion | Arachnoleptic fit | Arachnoleptic Fit. | Arachnophile | | Arachnorodent | Arack | Aradhippou | aradune | Arafat | Arafateeba | Aragon | aragorn | author ArahVictoria | araka | arakel | Aral aram | Aramaic | aramark | arambula | Aramchek | arameus | Aramina Bel'Tara | aramus | aran | Aranan | Aranea | arangitang titties | author arania | aranmore leaver's jumper | ARAPATHY | arapnestry | ARAPTHY | araraquara | araro | aras | arash | Arash = Hero | Arash Khanlarbig | Arashi | Arashimaru | arastfarian | arat | arathi | aravin | Aravinthan | araxie | arazoth | arb | arbage | Arbal's | arbalest | arbarola | arbaschtig | arbeit macht frei | arbella | arbelous | arbetron | arbify | arbit | arbiter | arbitrage | Arbitrarism | arbitrary | Arbitrary Imposition | Arbitrator | arbo | arbo-tree-ist | arbocus | Arbok Arboles | arbolist | arbon | Arboreal Onanism | arboreal verdanance | arbortion | arboursexual | arbroath | Arbucci | arbuckle | arbuthnot | Arby | Arby's | Arby's Abortion | Arby's Big Montana | arby's glove | arby's melt | Arby's Roast Beef | Arby's Taco | arbys salad | arc | arc-hq | Arcade | Arcade Boss complex | arcade feel | Arcade Fire | arcade junkia | Arcade Machine arcade rat | Arcadia | Arcadian | Arcado's | Arcady | arcagnata | arcana | Arcane | Arcano | Arcas | arcata | arcata tigers | arcedo | arch | Arch Deluxe | | arch duke singe | Arch Enemy | Arch Ham | arch it back | Arch'and'Anth | arch-nemesis | author Arch0wl | arch0wl | archaeologist | archaeology | Archaic | AR | archambault | archana | archangel | archanistic | Archaon | archbishop | archdal | author ArchDevil | archduke | Archeaux | archer | archer hall | archered | Archeron | Archers new rival | Archers of Loaf | archery | archerz | Archer_of_fish | archetko | archevilangel | Archfiend Losfer | archi | archie bunker | archie franks Archie Kao | Archie Manning | Archie Sinclaire | Archie the inventor | Archied | Archies | archimedes screw | Archit | architect | architected | architecting | Architectoid | architecturing | Architexture | architorture | archive | archivo | Archmere Academy | archmere auk | archna | Archnemesis | Archon | ARCHONIS | Archon_rulez | Archos | ArchOwl | archspace | archurro archvile | Arcilite | arcinopod | Arco | arcodios | Arcon | Arcoth | arctic blast | Arctic Bung Tingler | arctic circle candy | arctic front | Arctic Leviathan | Arctic monkeys | Arctic Pecker | Arctic Thugz | ArcticCloud | arctophile | arctophily | Arcturus | Arc_Impulse | ARD | ard-tard | Arda | Ardabicky | Ardalan | ardalus | ardam | AR | Ardamian | ardavan | Ardeidodomy | Arden | arden forbes | Arden Gray | Ardenese | ardent | Ardi | Ardie | ardiisanarsewipe | ardios | Ardith's Law | Ardjet | ardo | Ards | ardsley | Arduini | arduous | ardvark | Ardy | Ardy Moment | Are | Are Eye Sea | are nyeng are tard | are they still alive? | are we having fun yet? | are we here? | are we in love yet? | are we there yet? | ARE YOU | Are you anywhere | are you as turned on as i is... | Are you calling my mum a lia... | are you down with sexual ter... | Are you from Syria | Are you from Syria? | Are You In The Army? | Are you joking me? | are you local? | are you new | are you ok?!?!?! | Are you on crack? | Are you on one | Are you on the phone? | Are you raping me? | Are you seeryuss?! | are you serious | are you shitting me? | are you shitting on my panca... | Are you slaggin' the lagan ? | Are you sure? are you takin the piss | Are You Talking? | area | Area 51 | Area 51% | area 52 | Area 57 | Area 61 | Area 69 | Area Codes | Area Codes Rule | area51 | AREA7-iNFiDEL | areal weight | Arecibo | ared | Areegadunk | Areej | areet | arek kill-en-gerr | arelis | aren't I | Arena | arena football | Arena Gong | Arena Rock Chug | AR | arenacross | arenes | Areoed out | areola | Areola Boobitch | Areola Borealis | areola kabob | areolas | AreoZephin | ares | Ares Enduwa | Ares Lvathen | areSchaff | areso | aresome | AresXP | arête | arex ru | Arey | arezou | Arf | Arf Snarf | Arf Soaked | arfagny | author Arfalarf arfali | Arfan Laundry | Arfanarf | arfcom | arfenhouse | Arfer | arfg | Arfid | arfnark | ARFOB | arfurdo | Arfy Arf Arf | arg | arg (argh) | arg! | argadid | argafooey | argail | argaki | arganarga | argdshsdgra | Argela | argenblah | Argent | argenta | Argentenian Mudslide | Argenti Bazooka | Argenti glasses | Argentified argentina | argentinean | Argentinian | Argento | Argento Soma | argentocafe | argentosoma | argeropoulos | argeto | argfarckle | argg | ARGH | argh sounds | ARGH ELLE | Argh lassy | Argh! | argh!! | argh... | Arghel | arghness | arghpoo | arghuty | argick | Argie-Monkey | argileh | Argin | argish | argle | argle bargle | Argle Boogle | Argle-bargle | arglebargle | Argliphyll | argness | argnorant | ARGO | Argo 447 | argon | | Argonian | argonxy | argopelter | Argos | argos board | argos gold | Argoy | ARGS | argu | argue the toss | arguementation | arguing on the internet argument | argument against life | argumentation | argus | argus's ass | Argusius | arguvate | arguvation | argv | Argy | argy bargy | argybargy | argyle | argyle pimp | Argyll | arhidi | arhidokampos | arhimed | arhithia | arhoo | Arhuon | author Ari | ari | Ari Ari | ari behn | Ari Khuner-Haber | ari korn | ari mishkin | ari nazarian Ari Pomerant | Ari, Ari | | aria | Aria Bowen | aria de nezzo caraterre | aria giovanni | ariadne | Ariake | Arial | arian | arian seth | author Ariana | Ariana Abelow | Ariane | Arianism | arianna rocco | Ariarna Hakaraia | author Aribeth | aribobbins | arica jo | arico | Aridhol | aridoki (a ree doe key) | aridzona | arie | arief | AR | author ariel | ariel | Ariel Braude | Ariel Godin | Ariel Kaplan | Ariel McDermott | Ariel McDermott! -- (Cool)!... | Ariel Sharon | ariel therobe | Ariel Thomas | Ariel V | Ariel Wittenberg | Ariela | Arielholic | ariella | author arielle | arielle | Arielle (Brittani) | Arielle Douglas | Arielle Goldman | ariellizzle | Arien Young | arienation | arienette | Arienne Alyse Willbern Aries | Aries! | author Aries2004 | arif | Arif Islam | Arif Khan | Arifa | Ariful | Arigato | aright | arij | Arik Warwick | Aril Muddafaqar | Arilavent | arimasu | Arimix | arin | Arina | Arinator | arinj | arinze | arinze phillips | Ario | Arion | Aris | arisara | ArIsEn | Arish | arissa arista | Aristasia | Aristedes | Aristide | aristocat | aristochav | aristocrat | aristokat | Aristophanes | aristot | aristotle | Arith | arithian | Aritzia | Arivia'd | ariya | ariyanyan | ariyia | Ariza | arizing | Arizona | arizona bay | Arizona Diamondbacks | arizona hotrock | Arizona Republic | arizona state university | Arj Barker | arj1o1 | arjan | arjan leka | arjay | arjun | Arjun Archeja | arjun banerjee | Arjun Chakroborty | Arjun Kumble | Arjun Parramasavin | Arjun Plakkat | arjun sreekumar | arjuning | ARK | ark and bomb | arkadia | Arkaine | arkam | Arkan Abdullah | Arkansas | Arkansas chrome | Arkansas crotch rot | Arkansas dirt bath | Arkansas Funky Funk arkansas luggage | Arkansas State Fair | Arkansas Warshing Machine | arkansas waterfall | Arkansass | arkansaurus | Arkansaw | arkany | Arkasm | arkatangien | Arkay | arken's law | Arkface | Arkh | arkham | arkie | Arkin | arking | Arkled | Arko | arkomni | arkon | arks | arksun | Arlan | arlanism | arlanist | arlarse Arlene Klasky | author arlie | Arlington, South | Arlington, VA | Arlingtron | arllocks | Arlo Guthrie | Arlo Wizzelteetz | author arm | arm | arm & hammer | arm around the guy guy | arm bar | arm barn | arm biter | arm breaker | arm candy | Arm Cannon | Arm Chewer | Arm flap | arm peice | arm pit | arm pit sex | Arm Slave | arm sleeves | arm weary | arm wrestling | Arm Wrestling the One Eyed P... | arm45 | Armaan | armada | armadale | armadeggon | Armadillo | armadilo | Armads | Armageddon | armageddon games | armageddon project | armagedoom | armagetiton | armaghetto | Armagiddyon | armalite | armalite ar-10 carbine gas p... | Arman | Armand | armani | Armani Exchange | Armani Hacker | Armani poonani Armanian noodle dip | armante | Armany | Armaretta | ARMASIEL | armatron | ARMB | armband | Armbandit | armbar | armbinder | Armbrooster | armchair politician | Armcharm | Armdeed | armed | Armed Guard | armega | Armele | armenia | armenian | armenian drop kick | Armenian Power | armenian visit | armenianclub | armenians | armex | armfro armgina | armible | armigator | Armin | Armin Meiwes | Armin van Buuren | armina | Arming | arminianism | arminslet | Armitage | armo | armo hater | armoire | Armoire of invincibility | Armonkyi | armor | armor for sleep | Armor King | ArmorDooz | armored | Armored Core | armory humper | Armotastic | Armoured Wank Ball | Armoury humper | armpiece | armpit | armpit cleavage | Armpit of America | armpit of hell | armpit of the world | Armpit Sucker | armpit testicles | armpitstank | arms | arms house | arms out | arms race | Armshouse | Armstrong | Armstrong Williams | Armstrong-DeLorian | Army | Army alphabet | Army Brat | Army Helmet Army Hummer | army men | | Army of Darkness | Army of Freshmen | army of ninjas | Army of One | army of skanks | Army Pile | army ranger | ARMY RAT | army truck | ARMY, US | armypants | author army_azn | armz | armzeh | arn | arnab | arnalds popo | arnar | Arnaud | arnav | ArnavMehta | Arncliffe | Arne | arnel | arnelda | arnell | Arnie | Arnies arnisold | arniverous construct | arno | author arnold | Arnold Drummond | Arnold Leal | arnold palmer | arnold popo | Arnold Schwarzenegger | Arnold Schwarznegger | Arnold Swartzaneigher | Arnold Wigglesworth | Arnolding | arnoldtarian | Arnone | Arnouba | arnox | Arnt | arntcha | arny parny | arobotics | arod | Arogator | Aroha | aroint | Arokh | AR | Arold!!! | arolls | aroloa | aroma | aromagasm | aromasexual | Aromatic Abuse | aromatize | Aromic | author aron | aron | aron korney | Aronious | Arono Bashkar | aronstellman | aroo | Arooga | aroon | arosaled | author Arosh | Arosh | arosha | around | around the back snatch attac... | Around the Horn around the house | around the sun | around the way | around the way girl | around the world | Around the World in 80 Days | aroungry | Aroura | arousal | arousalling | arouse | arovane | arover | arozo | arp | arpan | arpana dhir | Arpathy | Arpee | arpeeism | arpeggio | Arph | Arpie | arpit | ARPITA | arpon ray | arps | arqa arr | Arr! Eh? | arra | arragate | Arraghragh | Arrakis | author Arran | arran | Arran Crossland | Arran Krelle (Spazdick) | arran payne | Arran Rose | Arranged Marriage Disparity... | arraption | arrato | arraz | author arrbear | Arrbear | arre | arrears | arrecho | arreon | arrest | arrestable | Arrested Developement | Arrested Development | arrg | arrgh | Arrghamuffin!! | arrhythmia | arriba | arrifiggle | arright | arrignorant, arrignorance | Arrirang | arris | arritola | Arrive | Arrive Alive | arrivederci | arrivyness | arrix | ARRMEN | arrogance | arrogant | Arrogant Bastard Ale | arrogant stupidity | arrogasm | arrognant | Arrojas | Arron Arronax | arrongant | Arronhalton | arrove | author Arrow | Arrow | Arrow Cock | arrow keys | arrow smash | arrow software | Arrow To The Eye | arrow'd | ARROWBELLUM'D! | arrowed | arrowhead | arrows | arrowslinger | arrowthree | author arrow_keys | arroz | Arroz con Culo | arrr | arrr rite | arrrgh | Arrrk | Arrrrrr!!! ARRS | arrse | ars | Ars3 | arsa | ArSaL | Arsalan | arsan | arschfick | Arschficker | Arschfickmann | Arschkarte (German) | arschlecken | ARSCHLOCH | Arsclan | arscott | arse | arse sounds | arse about face | arse about tit | arse about/around | arse ache | arse backfire | Arse Bandit | arse banger | arse beads | arse biscuit | arse biscuits | arse burger | arse burgers | Arse Cakes | arse candle | Arse Chicken | Arse Clown | Arse crammer | Arse Creeper | arse cruncher | arse curtains | arse end | arse face | arse farmer | Arse fearer | arse feet | arse fetta | arse fez | arse flange | arse fluff | Arse Fodder | arse food | arse foremost | Arse Genie arse goblin | arse grapes | arse gravy | arse haddock | Arse Hair Demon | Arse hat | Arse Hole | arse hound | arse hummage | arse jammer | arse jockey | arse juice | arse king | arse licker | arse like a hawkers bundle | arse like the japanese flag | arse like the store horse | arse lips | arse load | arse marrow | arse miner | arse monkey | Arse Muncher | arse nazi | arse nibbler | arse nugget | Arse nuts | Arse orgasm | arse over kettle arse over tit | arse peddlar | Arse Pelican | arse pilates | arse pirate | arse pirates | arse piss | arse poker | arse pole | arse rape | arse rapist | arse reamer | arse ripper | arse sack | Arse Sick | Arse spider | Arse Spiders | arse tax | arse valve | arse warm | Arse wasps | Arse wax | arse wax (ass-wax) | arse whippin | arse wipe | arse wipe! | arse word | ARSE! | arse- water | arse-bandit | arse-chops | Arse-flap | arse-holiness | arse-o-mo-hole | arse-on | arse-pubes | arse-up | arse-wank | arse-water | Arseabout | arseaholic | arsebadger | arsebadgers | arsebag | Arseball | arsebandit | arsebasket | arsebeagle | arsebestos | arsebiscuit | arsebiscuits | arsebug arseburger | arseburgmetral | arsecakerandom | Arsecakes | arsecandle | arsecandles | arsecheeks | arseclown | arsecons | arsecress | arsecunt | arsed | arsed up | arseface | arsefan | arsefecker | arseferret | arsefest | arseflaps | Arsegoblins | arsegrapes | arsehamster | arsehat | arsehead | arsehinge | arseholarama | arsehole | arsehole acrobat arsehole lucky | arsehole raped | arsehole to breakfast-time | arsehole winder | arseholed | arseicle | arsejockey | arseluvva | arsemagic | arsemar | arsemarglers | arsemarmot | Arsemaster | Arsen | Arsenal | arsenal are playing at home | Arsenal Fan | Arsenal Fans | arsene | arsene wenger | Arseneau | arsenic | Arsenie | arsenio finger | arseniy | arsenlegger | arseny | Arseola | arsepeice | arsepick | arseplate | Arsepops | arsepuncher | arserag | arseream | arsering | arses | arses wearing glasses | arsesome | Arsetard | arsetex | arsetigers | Arsetranout | arsetroll | Arsetronaut | arseus | arsewangle | Arsewank | arsewards | arsewinch | arsewipe | arsewit | arsewrangler arsexy | arsey | Arsh | arshan | arshineh | arshmonkey | Arshmur | author ArsHole | Arshquam | Arsicle | Arsicle's | Arsidubu | arsing about | Arsingwhinger | arsinist | arsitude | arskeypoke | arsome | arson | arsonist | arss | arsshoel | arstechnica | arsus | author Art | Art | art alexakis | Art Art Smit | Art Attack | Art Bell | art book | art brut | art bum | art conspiracy | Art Deco | art dump | art fag | art faggot | Art film | Art Guevara | art history | art house | art kid | art major | art mighty | art monkey | art nouveau | art of drowning | Art Of Noise | Art on a Stick | art pamphlet | art photo | AR | art punk | Art Rock | Art Room Closet | art show | art slut | Art Steel (1986) | art student | art teacher at naxxar | art trade | author Art Vandalay | Art Vandalay | author Art Vandelay | Art Vandelay | Art Wallace | art webb 1986 | art's mom | art-tarded | artard | artarded | artarenter | Artax | artcore | artdax | artdefinition | arte moreno Artem | Artem Barkeine | artemas | | Artenia | artentainer | arterial spray | arteriosclerosis | Arternitive | artesia | artesian well | Artesians | artest | artested | Artey | artfag | artful dodger | artgasm | artharitis | arthas | arthaso | arthmail | Arthouse arthropod | author arthur | Arthur Brooke | Arthur Dent | Arthur Fonzerelli | arthur goodland | Arthur Lee | arthur limehouse | Arthur Maki | Arthur Mometer | Arthur P | Arthur Two Sheds Jackson | Arthur Wang | Arthuritus | Arti | artic | Artic Monkeys | Artichoke | Articulate | articulation | Articuno | Artie | artie hernandez | artie lange | artifaction | Artifex | artificial | artificial bacon | artificial banana | artificial harmonic | artificial insemination | | artificial lung | artificial nins | Artificial Playground | Artificial stupidity | artificial sweetener | Artificial Womb | artificially busy | artifishy | artiflumple | artify | artillary | artillery | Artillery Chicken | Artimas | Artimus | Artimus Gigan | Artin arting | artis | Artisan | artist | artiste | artistic license | artistically challenged | artisticer | ArtistJ | artists | Artists' Lung | artium | artizz | Artizzameristic | artizzle | ArtKS | Artmo | Artoon | artoxicated | Arts and Crafts | ARTs and CRAFTs night | Arts of Boabom | arts' student | artsfiend | ArtSlut | artsploitation | artsy | Artsy Fartsy | Artsy Sex artsy smartsy | Artsy-Fartsy | Artsyficial | arttie | Arttron | Artur | Artur Miguel | arturob | Artus | ArtVanDelay | artwank | artwanker | aRtwoage | aRtwoing | artword | Arty | Arty Lang | arty1manparty | artyom | aru | aruba | aruba'd | arubatized | aruga | aruge | aruging | arul | arun | arun croll | aruna | author Arunabh Das | aruñar | arunas | arungdungdungdung | arunk | arus | arused | arush | arushi | Arutha | arv | arvand | arve | Arverdar | Arvernien | arvie | arvin | arvo | arvy | Arvydas Sabonis | Arween | arwen | arxidi | arxidia | arxidokampos ary | Arya | Arya'd | Arya-itis | Aryan | Aryan Brotherhood | aryana | Aryen | Aryll | Aryn | Arzen | arzie | arzije | arzo | Arzoo | Arzu | AS | AS | as a beagel | as a boot | As a Cunt | as a dog | as a friend | As a joke | as a piece as all hell | as balls | as camp as a row of tents | as cheery as cherry | As cold as a witches tit | as cool as the other side of... | as cute as pie | as dry as a nun's gusset | As Empty as Ventura Avenue o... | as gahn yam | as hell | As I Die Slowly | As I Lay Dying | As I You | As If | as if you did that | as if! | as if... | as ifness | as near as damn it | as neither fish nor good red... | As nissed as a pewt | as nutty as a fruitcake | as pissed as a mattress | As pissed as a newt | AS Roma | as shear folly | as shit | as slippery as a butcher's p... | as soft as a she-mouse's bel... | as the actress said to the b... | As The Coffin Turns | as the crow flies | as told by ginger | as$troland | As-Boy | AS-TAP | as... | AS/400 | AS3 | AS31337 | asa | asa ekengren | Asad | asado | Asaeo | Asaf | ASAFP | Asahi | ASAIK | ASAIN | asain goggles | asain-peaches asakura | asakura daisuke | Asalaamu Aleikum | asalamalakum | asalt | Asalwat | Asante | ASAP | ASAP'er | ASAPPMDF | asasdf | asasinayt | asatru | Asatru/Odinism/Wodenism/Wota... | Asau | ASAWK | asay | ASB | Asbaftords | asbe lonker | asbestos | ASBO | asbo contenders | ASBO's | ASBO-magnet | asbonaut | asbopolitan | asbotic | Asbury Park ASC | ascara | ascared | ascareded | Ascendency | ascension | Ascentia | asceroso | ascetic | aschah | ascherape | asci | ascian | ascistionance | Asco | asconding | Ascot Room | Ascott | ascouser | ASCS | Ascue | ascusting | AS | ASCWINWOTYTSD | author asd | ASD | asd;flkj | Asda | asda arse | Asda Price | asdadfsghfjkg | asdadsa | Asdal | author asdf | asdf | | asdfasdf | asdfate | ASDFG | asdfgh | asdfghjk | asdfghjkl | asdfghjkl;' | Asdfgwtfinc | asdfjkl; | asdfjklm | asdfljk | asdjklf; asdm | asdoi | ase beedz | ASEClub | Asective | asedno | aselfportrait | Asem | Asema | aser | asere | asernal | aserty | ASETEWIFPAIEACIC | asexual | asexual reproduction | AsF | Asfa | ASFD | asfdasf | asfhadfbasdf | ASFR | asfwe847g-0348t9 | asg | Asgard | ASGM | author ash | Ash Ash & Rabs | ash card | ash hole | Ash Katchum | Ash Ketchum | ash lap | ash monkey | Ash Nazg | ash o'neil | ash on your back | ash tray breath |

ash-catcher | ash-hole | Ash55 | asha | ashaawww | ashable | ashabooboo | Ashal | AshAly | Asham | Ashamed List | ashan | ashanda | Ashanit | ashanks | Ashanthi R | ashanti | Ashar | Asharoo | ASHBA | ashbkfjbsdkfjbsdkl | ashburnham | Ashby | ashcrack | ashcroft | ashcroftian | Ashdon Martin | ashdrum | Ashe | asheboro | Asheem | asheesh hut | Ashel | Ashelin Praxis | Ashelion | Ashely Basham | ashely brinkman | ashen author Ashent | Ashent | asher | asherons call | author Ashers | asHeRzZ0 1 3 0 | ashes hauled | Ashes of the fourth wall | ashes to ashes, bits to bits | ashevillain | ashewo | ashey | ashfaced | AshFan | AshFoot | ashg;lasdg | ashhole | ashhurst | ashia | ashie | Ashigaru | Ashik | ashil | Ashily | Ashim | Ashin | ashing | Ashington | ashiq | ashish Ashism | Ashita | ashita ga aru sa | ashive | ashizzle fizzle | ashka | ashkan.... | ashkara | Ashkenafro | ashkenazi | ashkify | ashland | Ashland City | ashland, massachusetts | author Ashlee | ashlee hung | ashlee simpson | Ashlee Simpson. | ashleed | author ashleigh | ashleigh | author ashley | ashley | ashley angel | Ashley Barnhill | ashley blue | Ashley Colebrooke | Ashley Dawn | Ashley Lanpher | Ashley Michalec | ashley mitchell | Ashley Moses | Ashley Olsen | Ashley P | ashley parker angel | ashley peace | Ashley Pittman | Ashley Platz | ashley ramirez | ashley reisch | Ashley Rhoads | Ashley Rosen | ashley s. | ashley sheppard | ashley small | | ashley stevens | ashley sweeney | Ashley T | ashley thomas | Ashley Tick ashley titan | Ashley W | ashley w. | Ashley Young | ashley z | Ashley" syndrome | ashleyn murray | Ashleyphobic | ashleys | Ashli saavedra | ashliegh tracy | ashlified | ashlin | ashlvsya | ashlyigh | Ashlynn | author ashman | ashme | Ashmead College | ashmi | Ashmodeus | Ashna | ashneeta | asho | ashoha | ashok | Ashok Kurian | AShole | ashpoh Ashpolt | Ashram | ashrant | ashrei | ashricha | Ashrose | ashrowave | ashshe | Ashtabibble | ashtabula | ashtangi | ASHTAR | author Ashtar the Fox | Ashtar the Fox | ashten howard | ashtok | author Ashton | ashton | Ashton (akf) | Ashton Garcia | ashton heat beam | Ashton Irving | Ashton Kutcher | Ashton Walker | Ashton4 | ashtonism | Ashtoreth | AS | ashtray | Ashu | Ashuku | ashur | Ashvin Ghandi | Ashvinder | ashwan | ashwani | ashwanth | Ashwee | ashweh | ashwich | ashwin warrior | ashwini | ashwini style | ashwishta shwong | ashy | ashy baby | ashy larry | ashy lary | Ashy Sink | Ashyle | ash_304 | ash_link | Asia asia sounds | Asia Carrera | Asia Cup | asia flood | Asia Minor | asia's italy | asiack | asiafan | author asian | asian | asian 6-pack | Asian AIM language | Asian American | asian assasins | asian assassinz | asian beard | Asian Blindfold | Asian Breakdown | asian calculator | Asian Chopstick Mafia | asian cowgirl | Asian Crips | asian driver | asian fail | asian failing | Asian failure asian fetish | asian fettish | Asian Fever | Asian Fight | Asian flower | asian flush | asian food | asian frustration | Asian Games | asian gang | Asian Gate | Asian gear | Asian Glide | asian glow | asian goggles | Asian Hataz | Asian Hottie | asian invasion | Asian Kung Fu Generation | asian kung-fu generation | asian ladyboy | Asian Ladyboy Tranny | Asian Long Islander | asian lover | asian man records | Asian maori | Asian McFloy | asian neck | asian network | asian new wave | asian nigga | asian nigger | Asian Orange | asian parent | asian pat | Asian Patients | asian penis | asian persuasion | asian pickups | asian pop tart | asian porn | asian poutine | asian powers | asian prep | asian pride | asian pride woot | asian prostitute | Asian Pursuesian | asian rage | asian sensation | asian six pack asian spike | asian squat | Asian Street Walkers | Asian Studies | asian style | asian surprise | asian thunderstorm | Asian Tsunamied | Asian Washed | asian whiplash | Asian Woman | asian women | Asian Yum Yum | Asian'd | asian-dennis | asian-fabulous | asian-fest | Asian-Gear | asian-time | asian-wannabe | asian-washed | asiana | asianality | asianenigmah | Asianese | Asianic | Asianification | asianlover | asianologist Asianophile | asianreflect | Asians | asiansexual | asiantastic | asianwood | Asiaphile | asiatix | asiaxican | ASIC | asican | Asiel | asiemo | asif | asif lakhani | Asifalis | Asiflable | Asigga | Asigger | asiji | asikkala | asil | asilla | asim | Asimovian | Asin | asine | AS | asing | asinine | asix | asiya | asizzile | asja | ask | ask a stupid question day | Ask Ben | | Ask Me Arse | ask me that again | ask my arse | ask the man | ask ya mum | ask-me-bollox | Askam Pennsylvania | askance | Askar | Askat | askeered | Askew askewer | askewniverse | askhole | askibiriski | askiblable | askillity | Askimo | Asklar | | Askusation | asky | asl | asl plz | aslake | AsLan | asled | asleep | asleep style | asleepsies | ASLer | Asleslem | Asli | aslim | Aslin | ASLOL | Aslop | aslp | asm | Asma Asmara | ASMD | asml | Asmo | Asmodeus | | Asmodues | asmof | asmol | Asmoron | Asn | asna | asndragonboii | asner | asno | Asno Vache | asnoozle | Asnrefugee | asnus | aso | aso as fawn | asob stick | ASOBS | ASOD | ASOIAF | asok | asoka | ASOL | asophagoose | asota | asoue | ASP | Asparagus | asparagus fork | asparagus head | asparagus rolly pollys | Asparagus Syndrome | asparajism | asparapiss | asparshit | aspartame | Aspec | Aspen | Aspen Hill | Asperger's Syndrome | aspergers | Asperring | asperugo | aspfault | Asphalt Alligator | asphalt shoes | asphalt sleeping | asphalt solar griddle | asphalt ugly | AsphaltChicken asphault face | asphaut | asphinctersayswhat? | Asphuxiation | asphyxi wank | asphyxi-wank | asphyxiate | asphyxiwank | aspie | aspiflicated | aspin slap | Aspire mi mono | author Aspirex | Aspitasrophic | aspley | asplode | Asplosion | aspousuo | asprin | Asquire | Asquith Boys | ASRC | asrm | asromatic | asryu | author Ass ass | ass sounds | ass 'n balls | ass 49 it | ass adjusters | ass admiral | Ass Air | Ass Amigo | Ass Anchor | Ass Anchovies | Ass and a half | Ass and Fail | ass and titties | ass answer | ass anthem | Ass Antlers | Ass anus | ass apples | ass Arab | Ass Armor | ass assassin | Ass Assinator | ass attack | Ass Attack Logan | ass babies | ass baby | ASS BACKS | ass backwards | ass badger | ass bag | ass bagel | ass bakery | ass ball | ass banana | Ass Bandit | ass bandito | ass banditry | Ass bang | ass banger | ass banshee | ass barnacle | ass bash | ass bash rash | ass basing | ass basket | ass bass | ass bastard | ass batter | ass be honker | Ass Be-honker Ass bead | ass beard | Ass Beef | ass beehonker | ass beetle | Ass Behonker Clown | Ass Beloinker | ass belonker | ass belunker | ass bet | ass bib | ass billboard | ass biscuit | ass bitch | ass blades | ass blast | Ass Blast from the Past | ass blast with a cast | Ass Bleeching | ass board | Ass Bomb | ass bones | Ass Boobs | ass booger | Ass Boots | Ass Brand ass breath | ass bubble | ass bucket | ass buffet | ass bump | ass burger | ass burglar | ass burgler | ass burn | ass burner | ass burp | ass business | ass butt | Ass Butter | ass cabbage | ass cabob | ass cactus | ass cadet | ass cake | ass cakes | ass cancer | ass candy | ass cannon | ass cap | ass captain | ass cashew | ass casket | Ass Cat | ass cave | ass chatter | Ass Cheddar | ass cheek | Ass Cheek Prick | ass cheese | ass cheeze | ass cherry | Ass Chetter | ass chewer | ass chicken | ass child | Ass Chile | ass chili | ass chimp | ass chin | ass choad | ass chocolate | ass chugger | Ass Chugging | ass chummer | ass chute | ass clam ass clap | ass clasper | ass cleavage | ass cleft | Ass Clincher | ass clitoris | ass cloper | Ass Cloud | ass clown | ass clown awesome | ass cobbler | Ass Cobra | ass cock | ass coffee | ass comb | ass commando | ass commercial | ass contractions | ass cough | ass cowboy | ass crabs | Ass Crack | ASS CRACK OF NO WHERE | Ass Cracker | ass crackle plop ass crammer | ass cramp | Ass Crap Machine | ass crayon | ass cream | ass creamed | ass creaper | ass creeper | Ass crickets | ass crime | ass critter | ASS CROUTON | Ass Crumpet | ass crunch | ass crunched | ass cruncher | ass cunt | ass cup | ass czar | Ass Dad | ass dammit | Ass Dance | ass dancer | ass dancing | ass dander | ass dandruff | ass dart | ass darts | ass dauful | ass death | ass demon | ass dial | Ass Dialing | ass dick | ass digger | ass diggit | ass dimples | ass diver | ass dog | ass dolphin | Ass Don't Smell | ass douche | Ass Dove | ass drag | ass dragging | Ass dragon | Ass Dredging | ass drips | ass duck | ass dumpling | ass dunkers | ass eaters | Ass Elbow Ass elf | ass end | Ass Expansion Project | ass explorer | ass explosion | ass eyes | ass face | ass factor | ass factory | Ass fairy | ass farm | ass farmer | ass fart | ass fascist | ass fearer | Ass Feast | ass felcher | ass ferocity | ass ferret | ass fetus | Ass Fever | ass fickler | ass fiend | Ass filter. (anal emissions... | ass fincter | ass finger | Ass fire | ass fister | ass flaps ass flip | ass flood | ass floss | Ass Flossing | ass flower | ass fluffer | Ass Foam | ass food | ass fool | Ass for days | ass fraction | ass fraggle | Ass Franken | ass frappe | Ass Fries | Ass frog(s) | ass from first base | ass fudge | ass funnel | ass gangster | Ass gardener | ass gas | ass gasket | ass gastket | Ass Gerbil | ass girl | ass glove | ass gnome | ass gnomes | ass gobbler | ass goblet | ass goblin | Ass Goblins | Ass Goggles | ass grape | ass grapler | ass grass | Ass Grass Sandwich | Ass Gravy | Ass grease | ass gremlin | ass grenade | ass grind | Ass Grizzle | Ass groove | ass hag Ass Hair | ass hair braider | Ass Hammer | Ass Hampster | ass hamster | Ass Hand | ass handed | Ass Handle | ass hands | Ass happy | ass hat | ass hats | ass hattery | ass heat | Ass Hello | ass helmet | ass ho | ass hoe | ass hog | ass hole | ass holla | ass hopper | ass hore | ass horns | ass hose | ass hot spankable ass hound | ass humper | Ass Hungry | ass in a glass | Ass in a Gnome Hat | Ass intrusion | ass invaded | ass invader | ass is grass | ass is hungry | ass it up | ass jabber | Ass Jack | Ass Jacked | ass jacker | Ass Jacket | ass jam | ass jammer | ass jazz | Ass jelly | ass job | Ass Jockey | ass jockulitous | Ass Jouster | Ass Jousting | ass jowels | ass juice | | Ass Kickin | ass kicking | ass king | Ass Kisser | ass knife | ass kraken | ass lag | Ass Laing | ass larvae | ass last | ass launch | Ass leigh | ass lick | ass licker | ass lid | Ass Like a 10 Year Old Boy | ass like a toilet | ass lint | ass lip | ass lips | ass load ass loaf | ass log | ass lump | ass lurch | Ass Machine Gun | ass magellan | ass maggot | Ass Magic | ass magnet | ass maiden | Ass Mallet | ass man | Ass Mangler | ass mantis | ass map | ass market | ass mask | ass massa | ass master | ass master flex | ass mate | ass matter | Ass Maven | ass mealo | ass meat | ass mechanic | ass melt | ass milk | Ass miner Ass mint | Ass Missile | Ass mittens | Ass Mocha | Ass Mong | ass monger | Ass Mongering Feltchery | ass mongler | ass mongol | ass mongrel | ass mongrul | Ass monk | Ass monkey | Ass Monkey! | Ass Monster | Ass Mount | ass mouth | Ass muck | ass mud | ass mullet | ass munch | Ass Muncher | ass munchkin | Ass Mung | Ass Mungers | ass music | ass mustard | ass n titties | ass nacho | ass naked | Ass Napkin | ass napkins | Ass nard | Ass Navigator | ass neck | Ass nectar | Ass nector | ass nest | ass nigga | ass ninja | ass nipple | ass nozzle | ass nugget | ass nuggets | ass nuts | ass o'clock | ass of champions | ass of fire | ass omelette | ass on a tuesday | ass on sticks | ass on your shoulders | ass orgasm ass orgy | ass out | ass out hug | ass over tea kettle | ass over teakettle | Ass packed | Ass Packer | ass packet | Ass Pansy | ass pants | ass park | ass parlor | ass pass | ass passer | ass paste | ass patriot | ass peanuts | ass pee | ass penies | ass pennies | Ass Phantom | ass pharaoh | ass phat | ass pie | Ass Pig | ass pile | ass pillager | ass pillow | ass pillows Ass Pilot | ass pipe | Ass Pirate | ass piss | ass pity | ass play | ass player | ass plow | ass plug | ass plugger | ass plumber | Ass Plunderer | ass plunger | ass poet | ass pogo | ass pole | ass poncho | Ass Pony | ass popsicle | Ass Pounder | ass pounding | ass prick | Ass Product | Ass Project | ass prophet | ass pube net | Ass pubes | ass pudding | ass pukeass punch | ass puncher | ass puppet | Ass Puppets | ass puppy | Ass Pussy | ass quacker | ass queen | ass rag | ass raiding commando | ass rainbow | ass raisins | ass ram | ass rambler | ass rammed | Ass Rammeer | ass rammer | Ass Ramming | ass ramp | ass rampart | ass ranger | ass rape | ass raped | ASS RAPER | ass rash | ass rasp | ass ratchet | Ass ream anally in the anal... | Ass Reamed | ass reamer | ass reemer | ass ring | ass ripper | Ass Robe | ass rocket | ass rocketeer | ass rod | ass roller | ass roper | ass rot | ass rotton | Ass Rug | ass s'more | Ass Sack | ass sandwich | ass sauce ass scalding diarehea | ass scarf | ass scented douche bag | ass schnitzle | ass shat | Ass Shaver | ass shelf | ass shit | ass shitter | Ass Shoes | ass shrapenal | ass shrapnal | ass shrapnel | ass slapping | Ass slave | ass sludge | ass slut | Ass Smoke | ass smuggler | Ass snatch | ass sneeze | ass sniffer | Ass Sniffing | Ass Sniper | ass sombrero | ass soup | ass space | ass spaking | ass spasm | ass spatula | Ass Speelonker | ass spelonker | ass spelunker | ass spelunking | ass sphincter says what | ass spider | ass spiders | ass splash | ass sprayer | ass spulunker | ass stabber | ass stick | Ass Storm | ass strafe | ass stubble | ass sucker | Ass Superman | ass swallow | ass swank | ass sweat | ass sweats | Ass Syrup ass table | Ass Taffy | ass tag | ass talker | ass tampon | ass tard | ass tart | ass tax | ass tea | ass tease | Ass Technician | Ass Tenders | Ass Terrorist | ass that don't quit | ass thatch | ass thunder | ass thwomp | ass tickler | ass tigers | ass time | ass tits | ass to ass | ass to mouth | ass to mouth conversion | ass to mouth facial | Ass Token | ass toker | ass ton | ass torquer ass tortilla | ass towel | ass town | ass tractor | ass traffic | ass trap | ass trash | ass tray | ass treasure | Ass trio | Ass Troll | ass trumpet | ass tulip | ass tulips | ass tummy combo | ass turkey | ass turtle | Ass Tyrant | ass uncle | ass urine | Ass Vacuum | ass vacuume | Ass Vagina | Ass Valet | Ass Vampire | Ass Vapor | ass vibrator | AS | ass viking | ass virgin | ass voices | ass vomit | ass wad | Ass Wafflin' | ass wank | ass warrior | ass water | ass wax | ass wazz | ass weasel | Ass Wednesday | ass whipe | ass whooping | ass whopper | ass whore | ass window | ass wink | Ass Winker | ass wipe | ass witch | Ass with pancakes | Ass Wizard | Ass Womper ass wood | ass worshipping rim-jobbers | Ass Wrangler | Ass wrangler (II) | ass yetti | ass, the | Ass- Coverers | ass-30 | ass-a-hoy | ass-asn | ass-ass-anated | ass-backwards | ass-bag | ass-balunker | ass-bandit | ass-bandito | Ass-Bastard | ass-be-dri | ass-bekicked | ass-boy | ass-burgers | ass-butler | ass-butt | ass-caliber | Ass-Challenged | ass-cid | Ass-Clown | Ass-clown Jew Nazi | ass-cock Ass-Crack early | Ass-Crotch | ass-drag | ass-dweller | ass-erific | ass-eyes | ass-face | ass-facing | ass-fascist | ass-five | ass-fixiation | Ass-Flag | ass-fragging | ass-fries | ass-fro | ass-froth | ass-gasm | ass-hand | ass-handing | ass-hat | ass-Hitler | ass-hungry | Ass-idiot | Ass-imo | Ass-jack | Ass-Jackal | ass-jacket | ass-jerk | ass-jockey | ass-jouster | ass-kick-o-holic | ass-kisser | Ass-lancing | Ass-Licker | ass-load | ass-maggot | Ass-mar | Ass-mat | ass-mite | Ass-mongler | Ass-Monkey | Ass-mouldikakumon | ass-mouth | ass-off laugh | ass-out | ass-out hug | ass-palm ass-phault | ass-pirate | ass-plosion | Ass-Quake | ass-raider | ass-rape | ass-raped | ass-rapper | Ass-Rascal | Ass-Reamingly Terrible | Ass-ron | ass-ruling | ass-scratcher | ass-screwed | ass-sex-junkie | ass-sexual | Ass-shat | ass-singer | ass-slappin' | ass-slaptastic | Ass-Slurper | ass-snack | Ass-Spackle | ass-spelunkers | ass-spelunking | ass-splitter | ass-straw | ass-stupid | ass-sucker ass-tacular | Ass-tastic | ass-tasty | ass-tick | Ass-toddle | ass-ugly | ass-ulted | ass-vertisment | ass-walk | Ass-wank | ass-weevil | ass-wipe | Ass-Worthy | ass-yogurt | Ass2Ass | ASS? | assaad | assache | assacheekqua | Assachusetts | AssAcid | assacre | Assaction | Assadhulla | Assaf Dekel | Assafaccio | assage | assagog | Assagore | assaholian | assaholic | Assailance | assairaanh | assal | assalicious | Assaloid | assalope | assanine | assanized | AssAnna Disorder | assanswer | Assaram | assasin | AssasiNate | assasinofdemise | assasins | assass | assassassin | assassian | Assassin assassin1445 | Assassin8 | assassination | Assassinized | Assassins | assatanata | assault | Assault CoW | assault rifle | Assault Weapon | assault with a friendly weap... | Assaultr22 | assbabble | assbaby | assback | Assbadge | Assbadger | assbag | assball | assballs | assbandit | assbanditry | assbang | assbanger | Assbanging | assbanned | assbarf | assbasket | assbastard assbath | assbean | assbeans | Assbear | Assbeard | assbeast | assbeef | assbehonker | assbelonker | assbelunker | Assberg | Assberry | assbirds | assbiscuit | assbitch | assbite | assblading | assblanket | assblast | assblasted | Assblastuccino | AsSblossom | assblow | assbobber | assbodacious | assbomb | Assbooger | Assboom | assbot | assbowl | assbox | Assbrat | assbreath | assbreff | assbroccoli | Assbrown | assbubbles | assbucket | assbuffet | assbulb | assbunny | assburger | assburgers | Assburn | Assburp | ASSbury park | assbush | assbut | assbutt | Assbutter | asscabob Asscain | asscake | asscandle | Asscarrot | asscastle | Asscat | AssCats | Asscavating | asschaff | asschap | asscheap | asscheddar | Asscheek | asscheeks | asscheese | AssChild Elof | asschimp | asschin | asschip | asschop | asschopsticks | asschunk | Asschunks | asscist | assclap | assclart | Assclass | Assclat assclay | Assclef | assclench | assclit | assclitsax0r | assclown | assclown magnet | assclownery | assclump | assclunch | asscne | asscock | asscon | assconsultant | asscorn | asscot | asscow | asscrab | asscrack | asscracka | asscracker | asscracker sounds | asscracking | asscracktacular | asscrap | Asscrapian | Asscrapilicious | | asscropulation | asscrotch | Asscrown | asscrunch | asscrunchie | Asscrust | asscunt | AssD | assdad | assdaggar | assdarts | assdex | assdextrous | assdial | assdick | assdicted | assdiculous | Assdildo | assdoggie | assdonkey | assdouche | Assdout assdragon | assdumb | assdump | Asseater | assed | assed out | assed-up | assem | assemble your crew | assembler | assemblize | assembly language | assemblyman | assemblywoman | assentacious | asser | asseriffic | asserole | assertain | assertive | Assertiveness | assery | asses and elbows | asses in space | Asses Of Fire | asses to be kicked | assess | Assessment Tasks | asset | Assexories | assexual | asseyes | Assface | Assfacia | assfacius | assfactor | assfacts | assfag | Assfaggot | assfail | AssFart | assfarter | assfastic | assfez | assficionado | assfingers | AssFink | assfinkler | assfire | assfish | assfister | assfistin | assflag | assflake | assflap | Assfleck | assflogger | assfloss | assflute | assfog | assfoon | Assfort | assfountain | Assfro | Assfruit | Assfu | assful | assgargle | assgasam | assgasket Assgasm | Assgenghis | assgina | assginity | assgirl | assglob | Assgnome | assgnomes | assgobbler | Assgobblin | assgoblin | assgoblins | Assgoth | assgrab | Assgrabber | assgraft | Assgrapes | Assgrease | assgremlin | assgunner | assgunt | asshag | Asshair | asshalf | assham | Asshammer | asshamped | asshamster | author ASSHAT asshat | asshat adam | Asshat hacker | asshat time | Asshatery | asshatic | asshatical | asshatiness | asshats | asshatted | asshattedness | asshattery | asshawk | asshayward | author asshead | asshead | assheadquarters | asshell | asshelmet | asshike | asshizznass | assho | asshoe | asshoel | asshog | AssholaMofoLuvaKiss | asshold | author Asshole | asshole | asshole sounds | Asshole - NIRVANA | asshole amigo | asshole bandit | Asshole Bombah~! | asshole buddies | Asshole buddy | asshole butt munch | asshole deepthroat | asshole face | asshole gremlin | asshole high to a ten foot I... | asshole hose | asshole insurance | asshole jockey | asshole loser | asshole maneuver | Asshole of the World | Asshole parking Asshole Quotient | asshole rating | Asshole Retard | Asshole Sex | asshole tax | Asshole the Card Game | asshole trip | Asshole War | asshole, the game | Asshole-elousy | Asshole-Milkshake | Assholeage | assholean | assholed | assholedry | assholeeing | assholeish | Assholeism | assholeo | assholery | assholes | author Assholes Inc. | assholian | assholic | Assholicity | assholictestosteronic | assholify | assholina | assholiness assholing | assholini | assholio | assholiopath | Assholish | assholishness | assholism | assholistic | assholitik | assholitis | assholocity | assholry | assholster | assholular | Assholy | Asshook | asshooker | asshooker(V);asshooking(N) | Asshooligan | asshoover | asshopper | asshorse | Asshouse | asshoused | asshro | asshugger | assial | Assiated | Assicil | assicle | assicles | assident | assie | assies | assifer | Assified | assify; assified | assignate | assignment | assigor | assilem ahtnamas | assilicious | assiltonian | ASSimilation | assimilation sounds | assimulatto | assination | assinator | assiness | assing | Assing it up | assinine | assininism | assinization assinteeth | assion | assisity | assissippi | assist | assistant | Assistant Jizz-Mopper. | Assistant Ninja | Assitalia | Assititus | assitose | assitosis | assitude | Assivist | assizzle | assjack | assjackal | assjacked | Assjacker | assjacker(s) | assjacket | assjackson | assjake | assjam | AssJamma | assjerk | assjew | assjizz Assjob | Assjope | assjuice | asskabiffle | Asskickar | Asskidler | Asskindler | asskink | asskiss | asskisser | asskite | assklown | assknob | asskoala | Asskrackistan | assl | asslammer | asslamp | asslantern | Assle | Asslee | Assless Chaps | assless curlybird | assless pants | assless shit stained chaps | Asslete | assley | asslick | asslicker | asslicketry | assling | asslippz | asslips | assload | Assloaf | asslog | Asslok | assloogie | assludger | assluster | asslut | assmachine | assmack | assmaduff | assmaggot | assmagnet | author assman | assman | assman giggles assmankey | assmar | assmask | assmason | assmasonry | author assmaster | AssMaster | assmat | assmate | assmates | assmeat | assmeats | assmeg | assmehonker | assmelonker | assmen | Assmilk | assminer | Assmint | assmist | assmite | assmitt | Assmitten | assmittens | assmo | Assmodeus | assmoe | assmoist | assmonger assmongler | assmongrel | assmongrels | assmonk | assmonkey | Assmonkeysam | assmoogle | Assmorized | assmosis | assmosphere | assmouth | assmouthavitis | assmuff | assmuffin | assmuffler | assmullet | assmunch | assmuncher | assmunchingpig | Assmunchkin | assmung | assnami | assnapkin | assnasty | Assnavigator | assnazi | assne | assneck | assnecks | assnee | assnerd | assness | assninja | Assnipple | assnipresent | assnitz | assnose | assnoying | assnozzle | assnuck | assnugget | ASSNUT | assnuts | assoar | associasian | Associates | assockolate | assoholic | Assolic | assolicious | Assologist Assology | assolutley | assome | Assonance | Assonance Insults | Assopraghnic | assorted | assorted box of creams | assorted drinks | Assorted Jelly Beans | assoteric | asspace | asspacker | Asspactory | asspad | asspanel | asspants | asspanzer | assparp | assparrot | assparty | Asspaste | asspecial | Asspectacular | asspee | asspeg | asspellet | asspelonking | asspelunker asspenis | assphyxiation | asspicker | asspickle | asspickle. | asspie | asspillow | Asspine | asspipe | asspiper | asspirate | asspiratee | asspirating | asspiss | assplanation | assplant | assplash | assplay | Assplesauce | assplode | ASSplosion | assplow | assplug | assplunger | asspocalypse | asspole | assponey | assponge | asspony | asspop | Asspope | Asspopper | asspot | asspounding trance | asspportunity | asspresso | assprick | assprime | assprint | assprong | AssProphet | asspull | asspulp | asspunch | Asspunk | asspuppet | Asspurse | asspussy | asspwned | assquake | assquats assqueen | assrabbit | Assrag | AssRail | assram | assramer | Assramistan | assrammer | assramzah | assrape | assraped | assrapist | assrat | Assrate | assream | assreamer | assrhoid | assring | assripper | assrobot | assrocket | assrunner | assrunning | assscarf | asssex | assshit | Assshithole | assshoe | asssholw assspelunker | asssplit | assssssssssssssssss fyc | assstalker | assstard | Assstick | asstabulous | Asstachment | Asstacular | asstaculer | asstalk | asstangent | Asstangular | asstank | asstard | asstards | asstassle | asstasslery | asstaste | asstastic | asstato | asstease | Asstek | asstek Warrior | assterbate | assteroid | Assterpiece | assterror | Asstertaste | assthomistic | asstic | assticle | asstin | Asstinator | asstit | asstitician | asstits | asstitties | asstoad | asstoast | asstodon | Asston | ASStonish | asstonite | asstooth | asstoris | asstoy | asstr | asstracks | asstract | asstraffic Asstralia | asstralian | asstray | asstreasure | asstributes | asstro boy | asstroll | asstrologist | asstron | asstronaut | asstronomer | asstronomical | asstronomy | asstrumpet | asstuna | Assturbate | assturbation | assturbation-fueled car | assturbator | assturbing | assturdbait | Assturder | assture | assturkey | asstwat | assty | assuage | assugly assular | assult rifle | Assum | assume | assume it all | assume the position | assuming room temperature | assumption | assumptioner | assumptious | assumptuous | assumtionate | assurance | assurito | assurmom | assvantage | assvertising | assvice | assviking | assvogel | asswad | Asswad Poncho | asswagon | asswalls | asswang | asswank | asswanker | Asswater | Asswater____________________... | assweasel | assweat | assweeble | assweed | author Assweepay | asswell | asswhip | Asswhistle | asswhole | Asswhomper | Asswhompin' | asswhooper | asswhooping | asswhore | asswhuppin' | asswich | asswiggle | asswinsidepeople | asswipe | asswipe johnson | Asswiper | asswipes | asswitch asswookie | assword | assworm | assworthy | asswrench | Assxholes | assy | Assy Asserton | assy bastard | assy magee | assy nipples | Assück | assylhorizontology | assylum seeker | ASSymetrical Information | | ass`wipe`licker`shit | ast | Ast'im | asta | astaghfirullah | Astaire | Astala vizzle my nizzle! | astalavista | Astaroth | Astarte | astatine | Aste spoodgemante | astefrat astentia | aster | astereotypical nerd | asteriod | asteroid | Asteroid field | asteroid impact | asteroids | Asteroids. | asteroth | asterra | asthenia | asthenla | asthma | asthmaflowština | Asthmatic American | asthmatic chipmunk | astic | astig | astigmatism | astin | Astinus | Astitious | AS | Astleism | astley | aston | aston expressway | Aston Martin | Aston Martin Lagonda | aston mizzle db sizzle | Aston Villa | astonia | astonishing | Astoria | Astoria105 | astounding | Astoundished | Astoundo | astr | astr0x | astra gearbox | author Astrakhan | Astral | Astral Projection | astralgia | astralkup | Astrantia | Astrayomigaru | astrew | Astro | Astro Boy | astro traveling | astro turf | astro wars | Astro-chan | astro-pants | astro-rock | Astrobattle | Astroboy | astrodome | astrodomian | Astroglide | astroglide surprise | astroglidenomical | astrogliding | astrojax | Astrolitiumgoloctimy | astrologer | astrology | AstroLost | Astrolux | AstroMan | Astronaughty astronaut | Astronaut Screwdriver | Astronautalis | astronautocracy | astronizzle | astronomer | astronomicalofugus | Astronomican | astronomous | astronowatch | astronut | AstroPants | astrophysics | astroretatedish | Astrosecret | astrosexual | Astrotrain | astroturf | Astroturf, astroturfing | Astrovan | astroworld | astute | astyanax | Asu | Asucena | asuh | asuhe | Asuka | Asult | Asun | Asuncion Los Banos | Asunder | Asup | author Asura | asura | asus | asusa | ASV | ASW | Aswad | aswake | aswan | aswang | aswell | Aswellian | aswerther | aswin | aswit | asx | asy tasy ta kasy | Asya S. | Asymm | asymptopia asymptote | asymtoke | async | asynith | asz | aszcake | aszed out | Aszuneites | AT | author AT | at | At a glance | at a job site | at all cost | at any pace | at any rate | at best | At C Level | at dolla dolla | at home to Mr Floppy | at it like rabbits | At least I don't jack off to... | at ropes end | at steppa | at the drive-in | at the end of the day | at the end of your rope | at the gates at the j | at twos and threes | AT&T | AT-AT | at-large | at-mo-sphere | AT-PT | AT-ST | AT-TE | At0m | AT2 Williams | ATA | ata chini | ATAB | Atabib | Atabishi | atage | Atahualpa | Atamuchi | atan | ATANA | aTans | atantricmonkey | Atara | atarawsome | ataraxia | atarded | atarus | ATAS | Atascadero | ataturk | atavistic | atax | ataxia | ATB | atc | Atch | atcha | atcho | atchoo | atchu | ATCQ | ATCS | ATD atd (anal tongue dart) | Atdin | atdo | ATDS | ate | ate all the pies | ate it up | ate my babies | ate out | ate shit | ate up | Ate up with the dumbass | ate your bacon | AtEase | Ateaser | ated | | atemi | author atemperman | aten | aten't | Atena Moosavi | aterrex | ATF | atfoo | ATFQ | atfu | ATG | ATGATT ATGC | ATGG | ATGM | ath | athalopatis | Athame | athanasios | athar | | atheijew | atheism | atheism and state | Atheist | atheists | Athena | Athena Asamiya | author Athena Kay | author Athenais | Athene | author Athene Airheart | Athene Noctua | Athenian | Athenian Kreme Delight | athens | Athens 2004 | Athens Drive High School | Athens Meat Grinder | ather | atherosclerosis | Atherton | ATHF | Athhole | Athiest | athiff | ATHiNA | athiya | athledick | Athlete | athlete's ass | athletes mouth | athletic | athletic supporter | athletic trainer | Athlon | Athol | Atholton High School | athos d greek | Athriller | aths | athtard | athus | ati | Atiba | ATIdiot | atif | Atif Kamran | atilla | ation | atique | ATIS | Atish | atisha | Atit | atitays | Ativan | ative kid | ativiate | atiyeh | ATJB | atk | atk town | Atka | atkabuk | Atkins diet | Atkinson-crazy | atkling | ATL | atl sounds | ATL crew | Atlanta | atlanta braves | Atlanta Explosion | Atlanta Hawks | atlantaski | Atlanter | Atlantic Charter | Atlantic City | atlantic city slot machine | Atlantic O's | Atlantic Records | atlanticblue | AtlanticSmack |

| Atlas | Atlas Shrugged | Atlatl | atle | atleb | atlee | atley | ATLiens | atlpandabear | AtlPhishMkt | author ATM | ATM | ATM machine | ATM Sex | ATM space | ATM Transaction | atma | ATMB | atmo | atmos | Atmosfear | Atmosphere | atmospheric emo | atmovac | atmposphere | ATMT | ATNA | ATNP | ATNW | Ato | atodamadre | Atodo | author Atog | atoga ATOGM | atolar | atom | Atom and His Package | atom bomb | Atom Bong | Atom Heart Mother | atom wilson | atomic | atomic atmosphere | atomic betty | atomic bitchwax | atomic blumpkin | atomic bomb | Atomic Bomberman | atomic boner | atomic bong | Atomic Booya | atomic bug drop | Atomic clock | Atomic Dog | atomic dome | Atomic Donkey Punch | Atomic Drop | Atomic Fairy | Atomic Fart | Atomic Flat Tire | atomic heinz Atomic In the Hood | Atomic Irish Car Bomb | Atomic Jefferson | atomic joey | author Atomic Johnny | Atomic Kitten | atomic mutton | Atomic Ownage | atomic peanut | atomic penis | atomic poppy | Atomic ReachAround | Atomic Rooster | Atomic Sit-Up | atomic situp | atomic stinky | Atomic Teabag | atomic titty twister | Atomic Warhead | atomic wedgie | atomicchronic7 | Atomicism | Atomicist | atomicity | atomicmpc | atomics | atomicX | atomix | atommyb | atomos | ATOMROFL | AtomX | atom_man | atoo | ATOS | ATOT | Atouba | Atousa | ATown | Atown down | ATP | atp synthase | atpersat | ATPL | atr0x | atrac | atrain | Atrash | atrazine | atreides | atrelegis atrendous | atrevido | atreyu | Atreyu Fan | atria | Atriodeau | atripes | Atris | atrium | ATRL | atro | Atrocity | Atrocity-of-life | atronomical | atronz | atrophy | Atropos | Atrosh-nah | atrospective | atroy | atruckler | atrum angelus | Atrus | ats | ATSA Dubo 10 | atsui | Att | attaboy | attachabongable attaché | attaché case | Attached | attachment | Attack | attack fax | attack navel | Attack of the 50' Hooker | Attack of the 60 Foot Center... | attack of the dumbass | attack of the show | attack the rack | attack the rear | ATTACKASA | Attacked by a Bear | attacking backwards | attackle | attackmode | Attacknowledgement | attactics | attagirl | attah peppah | attah-peppah | ATTB | attemptation | Attempting to be funny and r... | attencentration | ATTENCHBIAN | attendance whore | Attending a Nuisance Party | Attenshun hoar | attenslut | attention | Attention Bi | attention cutter | attention deficit disorder | Attention Deficit Hyperactiv... | attention seeker | Attention Surplus Disorder | attention wh0re | attention whore | attention whore deficit diso... | attention whoring | attentionwhore | attentionwhoreinism | attentionwhoreism | attentious | attentipon | attercop | Attic Attica | Attick | atticus | Atticus Finch | attidude | attie | attila | attila the nun | author Attilla the Hump | Atting | attison | attitard | Attitone | attitord | Attitoupe | attitudal | Attitude | Attitude adjuster | attitude problem | attitude pudding. | attitudes | attitudie | attitudinal | attitudy | Attle | ATTM | ATTN | ATTN GHEY MENS ATTN GHEY MENZ | attock | attorney | attorney general | Attracted | attracting bears | attractive | attractive in a cheap sort o... | | attractivity | attraxi | Attribiquix | attripulous | attrition | Attritional Beauty | attucanate (to) | Attur | Attwell | Attwood | atty batty super makdaddy ma... | atupid | ATV | ATVB | ATW | Atwater | atwo | atwttb | ATX | atya | Atäturk | AU | Au | au au | au maud | au naturel | au pair | au pair-a-legal | au revoir | AU TURR | au-pair | AUAUAUAUAUAUAU | aub man | aubeastliness | Aubeejun | aubergine | aubesian | Aubie | aubigane | Aubra | Aubree | Aubree Marshall author aubrey | aubrey d | Aubrey Graham | aubrey maxwell | aubreyfa | Aubrie G | aubrio | aubrioio | Aubry | auburn kentucky | Auburn Nuts | Auburn Student Housing | Auburn University | Auburndale | auc | aucc | Auce | auchtermuchty | auck | Auckland | Auctionpay | Aucturus | auda | audacious | audacity | audax | audazity | Audenshaw Sixth Form Audet | audge | audi | Audi 4000 | Audi 5 | Audi 5000 | Audi A4 | audi quattro | audi5000 | audial | audialize | audible | Audience | audin | audio | Audio Adrenaline | audio collage | Audio Jacked | audio rape | audio spam whore | Audio Virus | audio-drivel | audio-pixelation | audioboxers | audiocism | audiogalaxy | Audiogasm | audioized | audiomancer | Audiopaper | audiopeel | Audiophile | audiophilism | Audiorgasm | AudioScrobbler | audiosexual | audioslave | audiot | Audiovent | audish | audism | audist establishment | audisual | Audit | auditerium | Audition | auditioning the finger puppe... | auditor | auditory sex | audje | audley harrison | audompanyavit Audra Miller | audra-podra | audre | audrey chang | Audrey H. | Audrey Hepburn | Audrey M | Audrey Marshall | Audrey Mavis | Audrey Raines | Audrey Tautou | Audrey West | Audri | Audubon High School | audulatio | audy | Auf | auf wiedersehen | aufgebuggeren Sie bitte | aufinduilt | aufstand | aug | AuG OwNaGe | AUG Whore | augaduga | augasm | Augbesian | Auge | augen auger in | Auggie | auggie lutz | AUGH | Aught | aughties | Aughts | augi | augie | augment | augmentation nation | augnix | augur | Augury Rock | august | August Bank Holiday Island | august ham | August Vapours | augusta | augusta kansas | Augustana | | Augustus Gloop | augustya | auh | AUI | auibe | AU | auite | auk | auka | aukey | AukonDK | AUL | aul one | aul wan | Aulad | aularse | auld | Auld Lang Syne | Aule | ault | AUM | aumber | aumie | Aumkar | aunado avacado | auncle | aundre | aunedi | author Auneeezy | Aung | Aung San Suu Kyi aunt | Aunt Boomerang | Aunt Dixie | Aunt Esther | Aunt Flo | Aunt Flo & Uncle Red | Aunt Flo from Red China | | aunt flow | aunt gina | aunt jamal | Aunt Jamima | Aunt Jemima | Aunt Tomasina | aunt zelda | Aunti Church | auntie | Auntie Anne | Auntie Em | Auntie FiFi | Auntie Lolet | auntiesiannan | auntle | auntrenu | Aunty | auntyman | Aup | aura | Auracom aural conditioning | aural sex | auralgasm | Auralize | Aurelia | aurelie | Aureus | Aurfael | aurgasm | auria | aurific | Aurikku | auritra | Aurochs | Auron | author Aurora | aurora | Aurora Austra | Aurora Borealis | Aurora Facial | Aurora Make-up | Aurora Snow | aurora Stripe | aurore | Aurrius | aurumvorax | auryte | aus | aus rotten | Aus10 | auschra | ausgang | aush | Ausian | Ausiàs | ausie kiss | ausinglish | Auskawa | Ausmerica | ausns | ausophelioma | Auspicious | Ausrotten | ausrotten88 | ausseh | Aussi123 | aussie | Aussie (male) | aussie aussie aussie | Aussie Aussie Aussie... Aussie Bonker | Aussie chick | aussie floyd | Aussie Kiss | Aussie PimP Yo | Aussie rules | aussie123 | aussiebum | aussieland | aussiemagna SPAMMER | Aust1n Boy | austalian kiss | austar | austarentatious | austarlia | Austen Auger (Aug) | Austen Conn | Austen E | Austerbate | austi pawar | author austin | Austin | Austin "Diesel" Woodford | Austin 316 | Austin 3:16 | austin at lutheran south Austin Baldwin | austin bender | austin braun | austin bury | Austin Capobianco | Austin College | Austin Cooper | austin cremer | austin faull | Austin Gaver | austin hall | austin healy | Austin Herring | austin homes | Austin Hua | Austin Hudgins | austin leaton | austin little | Austin Morgan | austin mueller | Austin Palmer | austin parrish | austin pendygraft | Austin Perkins | Austin Pollak | Austin Pollastro | austin powers | Austin Powers teeth | Austin Pruit | Austin Rainville | austin ray | austin romero | austin see | austin sellers | Austin Shin | austin singer | Austin Smith | Austin Stack | Austin Steamer | Austin Steele | Austin Steward | Austin Stewart | Austin Sutter | Austin Taylor | Austin Turner | austin vogt | Austin Williams | austin yount | austin's mother | Austin, TX | Austin,Texas | Austination | austinatious | Austing | Austininity austinism | Austinite | Austinites | austinitus | austinmcinnis | Austintateous | austnet | austoko | austome | auston | austoner | austrailan | Austrailia | Austrailian Kiss | australia | australia sounds | Australia Kiss | Australia Sara | Australian | Australian butt rub | Australian buttchug | Australian cleavage | Australian Crickets | Australian Death Grab | australian death grip | Australian DJ | Australian Fast Bowler Australian hat hair | australian idol | Australian Jump-Slap Fight | Australian Kiss | australian kisses | Australian Labour Party | Australian Rules football | Australian Silky | Australianity | Australium | austraya | AUSTRIA | austrian | austrian rinse cycle | austro-trash | austropudlia | ausual | ausweis | auswitchz | autechre | authentic | authentic latte | authenticante | AuthN | author | Author's Lounge | author's page | Author, Steve Berry | authoratative | authorita | authoritaah | authoritah | authoritive | authority | Authority Zero | Authorized Standard Version | AuthZ | autie | Autin Rauch | autism | Autism DS | autismism | autist | autistic | Autistic Jones | autistic monkey | author AutisticPsycho | Auto | auto cunnillingus | auto de fe | auto destruct auto dog | auto erotic asphyxiation | auto fellatio | auto kakke | auto mucus syndrome | auto pilot | Auto Porno | auto racing | auto responder | Auto Roach | Auto Sex | auto shotgun | auto sniper | auto suck | auto type | auto-blumpkin | Auto-Bob | auto-coprô | auto-fellatio | auto-ped | auto-pederast | Auto-Polar | auto-reverse | auto-safety | autobahn | autobahning | autobazungalingus | Autobiography of Mistachuck | autobiophotoblographer Autobitch | autoblography | Autobot | autocad | Autocannon | Autocicle | Autocinnemengato!!! | autocircumcision | Autocraphelia | autocrat | autocross | | autocutie | Autodafe | autodefenestrate | autodefenestration | Autodome | autodomer | autoer | autoerotic asphyxiation | autoerotica | autoexec | AUTOEXEC.BAT | autofacial | autofelatio | Autofelation | autofellatio | autofellatio sounds | autofellator | autofustigate | autogoogle | autograph | Autographs | autokat | autolux | Automac | automad | Automagic | automagical | automagically | automasculina | automatic | Automatic Joy | automatic pussy | Automatic Secure Voice Commu... | Automatic Updates | automatic writing | Automatische Nazi automatron | automod | automopopolis | automotiveforums | Automoton | Automusocracy | Autonihilistic | autonome | autonomia | autonomic | autonomism | Autonomy | autonoober | autoogle | autopathography | Autopederast | autophagocytosis | autophile | autopilot | autopilot off | autoplayistic | Autopsy | autoracer | autoritah | autorune | autoscratch | Autosexual | autosmiley | autosniper autosodomy | autotheism | AutoVoice | Autozone | Autrey Mill Middle School | autumn | Autumn Bawler | Autumn C | Autumn Leaves | Autumn teeth | Autumn Years | Autumn Yun | Autumnal | AUTUT | auuntie | Auuuuuchhhh nnnoooooooo! | AUV | Auver | auvixa | auw(x)a | auy | Auyon | Auzendaüghin | Auzuki | AV | author AV | AV | AV Idol | av steinacher | AV video camera | AV1611 | ava | Ava Devine | Ava3ar | avaburritos | Avacado | avacado head | Avacalmon | avacodo | Avada Kedavra | avah | available | availablogging | avalanche | Avalanche of Fury | avalar | avalaunch | avaler | avaline | Avalon | Avalon lifestyle | Avalyn | avant garde avant garde hip-hop | avant guard | Avant Tard | avantasia | avanters | Avanti | Avarice | avast | avata | author Avatar | avatar | Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai | avatar of woe | avatar of woo | avatar slayer | Avatar Talk | Avatar: The Last Airbender | Avatard | avatarless shitcock licker | Avater | Avatus | AVault | Avaya | AVB | avco | Avdo | avdolf | AvE | Ave D ave it | ave rat | avec les animaux | aveer | avel | avelon | Aven | Avence | avendiom | avenged sevenfold | AvEnGeR | Avenging Ellermann | avent | Aventrai/Aventray | Avenue A, Inc. | avenue d | avenue q | Avenue Rat | avenue x | avenues | aveo | Aveposted | Aveposter | average | Average Asshole | Average Bro | average handle time | AV | average hoe | Average Homeboy | average intelegence ass | Average Joe | average speed | Averager | Averbate | Averil | Aversion | aversive racism | averson | Avery Bell | Avery Johnson | Avery Osborne | Avery plan | Avery Syndrome | Avesa | avesta | avetis tngrian | avex | AVF | AVG | AvH | Avhole | author Avi Avi | avi unforgiven | Avian | Avian Bird Flu | Aviary | Aviatio | aviation blonde | aviator | aviator lens | Aviator Whore | Aviators | avid hiker | avid merion | Avid Merrion | AVID tutor | Avie Erdile | avienn | avientate | avification | Avigdori | avik | Avila | Avilés | Avin Gupta | avina | avinash avinav | Avindra | avinit | avinj | | Avious | avireX | aviro | aviroop | Avis | Avis Mushrooms | avit | Avital | Aviv | Aviva | Aviva Rutkin | Avlonz | Avner | avni | avo | avoca | Avoca, Iowa | Avocado | avocado hoez | Avogadro | Avoid | avoid like the plague | Avoidable | avoidal | avoidant personality disorde... | avoiderd | avoirdupois | Avoision | avoiuisioosiis | Avon | AVON DON | avon girl | avon old farms | Avonlea | Avonworth High School | Avos | Avosion | Avour | author Avoura | AVP | avp2 | AVPS | avrail | avral | Avril | Avril Fan | Avril Lavigne | avril lavigne sounds | Avril Lavinge | avril lover | Avril Push | Avril-Hater | Avril-Lover | avrilabee | avrilhater | Avrilism | avrilite | avrilsguitarist | avro | Avro Arrow | avrutzky | avs | avs32fan | AVSD Net | avskum | avsugning | Avtar | Avtomat Kalashnikov | Avtosh | Avuncular | avunculofornicationist | avvie | avvy | AVW | avy | AW AW | Aw Crud! | aw haw haw | aw man | aw naw | aw shit | aw shucks | aw snap | aw'ight | Aw, damn! | Aw, damn! sounds | aw-ite | aw-right! | aw0n0 | AW11 | AW2SB | Aw4G63 | Awa Waza | awaba | Awabaduh | awad | awag | awah | Awais | AwaitCollapse | awak | awake | AW | awaken a sleeping giant | awakish | awalago | awam | award | award show | award winning | awareness | awarify | awaring | AwaTo | awawawa abecus | AWAWEEWA | away | away and shite | away brub gool | away game | Away message | Away Message Battel! | away message status | away with the mixer | away with ya awayasay | awayies | Awayn | awbarn | AWBITCHYUTRIPPIN | Awbs | awbutnaw | AWCL | AWD | awdoc | awe | awe, hell no | awe-some | awecore | awee | awefsome | aweful | AWEI | author Awele | awen | awenky | aweonao | awes | awesane | awesemnity | Aweseom | Aweseriffic | aweshole aweshum | awesimity | awesimo | awesine | awesinine | aweskimo | Awesmazing | awesmoe | Awesmome | aweso | awesollent | awesom-azing | Awesom-o | Awesom-rific | awesoma power | awesomar | Awesomation | author awesome | Awesome | Awesome Anschuetz | Awesome Blossom | awesome cross 98 | awesome fo shawsome | Awesome in a Can | awesome jawsome | awesome kitty possem | awesome like a possum | awesome magawesome | awesome man | Awesome McPossum | awesome my possum | awesome nawesome | Awesome Opossum | Awesome Party | Awesome peripherals | awesome possum | Awesome Possum!!!!! | awesome randomness | Awesome Sauce | Awesome Stuff | awesome time | Awesome to the limit | Awesome! | Awesome, Awesome to the Maz | awesome-0 | awesome-core | awesome-fresh | Awesome-ness | awesome-o | awesome-pants | awesome-sauceum | Awesome-sexual | Awesome. Awesome to the max... | Awesome. Awesome to the max! awesome/cool/tight/pimp | awesome12 | Awesomealicious | AwesomeAnDrEw | awesomeather | AwesomeChoiSum | awesomecool | awesomecore | awesomecraft | awesomeez | awesomefagacy | awesomeful | awesomefull | awesomeicle | AWESOMEIST | Awesomeletsgosurfing | Awesomelope | awesomely | awesomely bad | awesomely cool | awesomely retarded | awesomelynesserest | Awesomemest | Awesomen | awesomenatious | Awesomeness | awesomeness in action | awesomeness squared | awesomeness test awesomenessage | awesomenessicity | awesomenessiliciousbop | awesomenesstastic | awesomenimity | awesomeninity | awesomenity | awesomenosity | awesomeocity | awesomeosity | Awesomer | awesomes | Awesomesauce | Awesomesque | awesomest | awesomestikal | Awesomestism | Awesometaciousness | awesometacular | Awesometastic | awesometastical | awesometasticaliciously | AwesomeTeam | awesometry | Awesomeville | | awesomez | awesomicity | Awesomilifinizific | awesoming | awesomininity | awesomistic | awesomite | awesomity | awesomize | awesomness | Awesomnessotudinalosity | awesomnosity | awesomo | awesomosity | awesomost | awesomundo | | awestaqular | awesucky | awesummer | Awesumo | Awesuweh | aweswick | awetarded | awetastic | awetastical awety | author awex | awex0me | Awexom | Awexome | AweXome Cross | AWEXOME CROSS '98! | Awf | awfsome | awfuggit | awfuk | awfuks | awful | Awful Fantasy | awful ho | Awful House | Awful Misspellings | awful music | awful waffle | Awfulo | Awfum | AWG | awgub | AWH | awhile | awhol | AWI AWIB | AWIBAL | AWiE | awig | awight | Awii | awire | awite | aWitha Teetha | awiwi | awjya | awk | Awk Fest | awkbah | awkha | awkies | awkrosexual | awkward | Awkward Boy | awkward indian | Awkward moment | awkward ratio | Awkward Robot | Awkward Tent | awkward turtle | awkwardity | awkwardize | Awkwardo Perez | awkwardtropolis | awkwardyze | awkwark | awkweird | awkwerd | Awkwood | awl | awlarse | awleep | AWM | awman | awmfugz | awmg | awnaw | Awning | awning drippings | awnold | awntr0n | awoieht | Awoieroarei | AWOL | awompbamboom | Awoo | awooga awoogi | Awooogaahh | awot | awp | awp-whore | AWP/AWM | awped | awper | awpie | awpwhore | Awrate | Awrgh | awright | awrjack | AWS | awse | awsemo | awshamankalanka | Awsht | awshumm | awsm | awsom! | awsomality | Awsome | Awsome Diddly | awsome jared | awsome scale | Awsomenasity | awsomeness awsomenessosity | awsomer | awsomerest | awsomest | awsometacular | awsometastic | awsomical | awstamystreious | awsum | awsumosest | awsunky | AWT | AWTF | awthome | awtum | Awub | awvish | aww | aww (food product here) | aww b'gesh | aww bish | aww chickens | aww gheez | aww hell naw | AWW HEX NAW FOO | Aww man | Aww man i just shot marvin i... | Aww Man!!!! | aww ready | aww shii | aww shit | aww skeet skeet | aww skeet skeet sounds | aww skeet skeet skeet | Aww Skills | Aww yee | Aww Yeeah! | Aww Yeeeuh | aww, that's my foot | Awwa | Awwe | awwstin | awww | awww factor | Awww Skeet Skeet Helen Kella | AWWWWROIGHT! | Awwwwwww! | awwwwwwwwCRAP | awxome | AX ax | ax wound | AX-101 | aX-aS | Ax-hole Pose | AX1010111 | axaman | aXc | Axcalibur | AxCx | Axdiar | axe | Axe bomb | Axe Chop | axe cut | Axe effect | axe face | Axe Fight | axe gash | Axe Handle | axe handles | axe headache | axe murderer | Axe of Evil | Axe shower gel | axe wound | Axe-wound | axebath | axed | axel | Axel Dumoulin | Axel F Theme | Axel Grabber | axel nash | axelfocker | Axelthorn Stonehammer | Axeman | axemanship | AxeManson | AxemCulex | axenelz | Axeon | axer | axeshun | axeslash | axesome | AxeWind | axewound | Axie Dugan | axilism | Axillism | Axin | axing the weasel | axiom | Axiom of Choice | Axion | AX | Axious | axis | axis of evil | Axis of Weasels | axk | Axl | AXL EVIL DEMON LORD | Axl Rose | axl rose with dreads | axle grease | axle piss shampoo | Axle stall | axlrose7000 or axl | AXN | Axoid | axolotl | axoltol | axon | axshun | Axsome | axt | axta | axtng1 Axton | Axum | axus | axx | axxored | Axylrose | AXZ | AY | ay | ay ay | ay ay ay | ay callate | ay cazizzle | ay criddleedee | ay dios mio | ay papi | ay shay | ay yo | ay yo trip | Ay, springes to catch woodco... | ay-day | ay-up! | ay-yo | ay? | author aya | aya | aya brea | Aya sheya aya ueto | Ayaak | ayahuasca | ayaishi | Ayako | Ayala, Angelina | Ayame | Ayana | Ayana Broomfield | Ayanami | Ayane | Ayanna | AYAOTD | Ayashi | ayashii | Ayass | ayat | ayatollah | ayatollah of rock and rolla | Ayatollah Robertson | Ayaya | ayayay | AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY | AYAYI | ayaz | author AYB | AYB | AYBABTU | aych | | Aycock | AYCS | Ayden | Aydin | Aydin Al haji | aydn | aydy | aye | aye aye | aye karumba | Aye Steven | Aye Tu | author Aye Yer Maw | aye yo | aye you mole | Aye, right | ayees | ayeesha | ayeet | ayelet | ayemar | Ayenee | ayesh | ayesha | ayf AYFKM | aygoo | Ayhan | Ayi | ayie | AYJO | aykut | Ayla | ayla b | Ayla Skyrider | Ayladragon | Aylee | ayleen | aylene | ayles | aylesh | ayllon giladi | Aylmer | Aylott | aylss | Aylwin | ayman | aymann | aymen | ayn rand | ayne | aynesley | ayng | aynichywa ayno | aynsley | AYNTTI | ayo | ayo for yayo | ayo who be that nef | AYO! | Ayokano | ayokato | Ayon | ayor | Ayos | Ayosmio | ayoye | AYP | Aypa | ayrab | Ayrekat | ayren | Ayreon | Ayres | Ayri b' shakleek | ayri bi rabbak | Ayrians | Ayrine | ayrly | ayrton | Ayrton Senna | AYRTS | AYRTS? | AYSC | ayse | Aysha | ayshay | aysos | ayt | aytac | Aytch | Ayte | Aytek Kesim | aythang | ayu | ayuh | ayuhh | ayukbnkvuiygaukbsd | ayuko | Ayula | Ayuma | ayumi | ayumi hamasaki | Ayumi Tahara | ayup | Ayuppa! ayuss | ayuuur | Ayvazian | ayy | Ayya | ayyeee | ayyo | Ayyo! | ayyodun | AYYSS | AZ | author Az | Az | AZA | Azaam | azadeh | azag | azagxul | azakea | Azalea | azalee | azam | azaphile | Azar Alexander | Azarak | azasuke | Azathoth | azavedo Azazal | azazel | azbastid | AZben | Azdak | azdif | azeem | azelyn | Azem | Azen | azen (azeen) | Azer | Azerbaijan | azeri | azerty | azexite | azez | Azezil | Azhar | azhbizh | azhreia | azhul | azia | azian | AZIAN CHATTING/WRITING | Azifitiz | Azihasavo | Azildin | AZ | azile | azim | AZIMIZ | Azin | azinmonkhouse | azio | azis | aziz | aziz elmahboub | aziz strife 7777 | azizam | azizi | Azkaban | azkar | azlea | AzleGamer | azmat | azn | azn sounds | azn boi | azn caps | AzN Chopstick Mafia | aZn crew | AzN DvDPlaYA azn ghetto | azn invasion | azn john | Azn Killerz | author AzN LeMoN SkIn | azn pride | aZn pRyDe | azn rage | azn retard | AZN RZN | azn sensazn | azn-pride | azn03 | azna | aznar | AZNballer | azncon | AznCracker | azndragon | aznig | aznigga | aznitis | aznmodder | aznporno | aznpryde | aznshorti | aznspark | AZNTASTIC! | aznzfolife azo | azonic | Azoore | Azorack | azorbix | azorean | azores | Azorisation | azorn | azota | azotar | azoto | azotobacter | Azous (ah.zooos) | AZP | Azpod | azra | author Azrael | Azrael | azryel | AZT | aztec | Aztec Gold | Aztec stadium | aztec stealth | Aztec Two-Step | Aztec | AZ | Aztecia | Aztecs | aztek | aztlan | azubah | Azucar | azucar! | AzuK | Azumanga Daioh | azura | azurapets | Azuration | author azure azure | azure ray | Azure Sheep | Azurebaijan | azuretek | azureus | Azurio | Azuza | azynsyn | azytulsiJeny Parakkattil | Azz | azz be twitchin | azz n titties | AzzA | Azzacove | azzcrack | azzed out Azzer | azzhole | azzle nazzle | azzripper | Azztistic | azzure | azzy | ÃÖÀÎÈ£ | A_A | A_F.U. | a_knight | author A_Llama | a_passerby | a_v | A|X


Most popular words in B

baby | baby bump | baby daddy | Baby Goggles | Bachelor Wash | backseat surfer | bad economy | badass | badonkadonk | badunkadunk | Baked | Bale Out | ballin | Balls | BAMF | Banana | bang | bangover | Barack Obama | barbie | barney | Barsexual | bass | | batman | bats in the cave | beaner | bearded clam | beautiful | beaver | Beavis and Butthead | bedgasm | Beer | beer under the bridge | beerboarding | Bella Swan | Bellagio | ben | Betch | beyonce | bible | Big L | | Bill O'Reilly | billie joe armstrong | bimbo | bird | Birmingham booty call | birthday | bisexual | Bitch | bitchassness | BJ | Black | | black people | Blackberry Jam | BlackBuried | Blind transfer | blink 182 | blinker beat | blog | Blonde | bloods | Blow | blow job | Blowjob | Blue Balls | Bluetool | blumpkin | blunt | BMW | Bob | BoB Saget | bogan | bogart | Bollocks | bone thugs | Bone Thugs N Harmony | boner | bong | | boob | boobies | boobs | booty | booty call | booty grazing | booty text | bored | boss | boss sandwich | box | boxset bully | boyfriend | boyfriend bomb | boyfriend drop | bra | braces | brain | brain bleach | Brandon | brb | break your crayons | breast | breasts | Brendon Urie | Brian | brickberry | Britain | british | britney spears | bro | Bromance | broner | BrOoKLyN | brown chicken, brown cow | brown out | Bruce Lee | brunette | Buffer Guest | buffer race | Bukakke | bukkake | bulgaria | bullshit bingo | bumper sticker activism | Bus Surfing | bush | bushism | business shower | Busted Tees | Bustedtees | Butt | butt pirate | butter face | Butterface | butters

Show all 85,541 words in B

author b | B & B | B & BJ | B & D | B & E | B & F | B & H | b & l | B & N | B & R | B & T | B 'n' E | b + d | b - a - u tful | B - Donky Slap | B 45 | B A | B a B in the B | B A B S | B A M F | B A M F 'S | B and B | B and C | B and D | b and e | B and N | B and P position | b and t | b arthur | b b b b B-uNIT | b b king | B B's | b backs | b ball | b batteries | B Bounce | B Bouncing | b box | b boy | author b brian blair | b brown status | B Buster | b button | b cake | b cock | B Corporation | B | b cups | b d | B D Q | B Danka Dank | B Daws | B Dinkadink | B Dizzle | B Dogg | B Donka Donk | B Donkadonk | b dot | B DOUBLE E | B Ds | B DUB | B Dubs | B Dubs | B Dubs L | B dunk | B Dunkey | B Dup | B E R B | b etc | B Ez | b f | B F D | B F E | B face | B Fag and B Dubz | B Fee | B Finger | b flat | B for B | B for Beteta | B for Biscuit | B Fri | b fuggly | B G | B G N L 2 | B Gap | b girls | b h | B Hand | b happee | b hit | b hole | b hop | B I | B | B I T P | b in her m | b in the d | B Island Rd. | B Janky | B Jigs | author b jizzle | b job | B K Lounge | B kool bag your tool | b kool stay in school | b kool stay n skool | B L Smooth | B legit | author b ligerati | B line | b lo | b load | B lum | B M | b m w | B Major | B Minus | author b money | b mount | B Movie | B Muff | B my L on her T's | B my L on someone's T's | B my L on someones T's | B my T's | b n g | B n' B'ing it | B Nasty | B Nips | b nizzle | B O H | B of A | B of I | B of P | b on the scantron | B ORLY | b out of h | B Peps | B Piking | B post | B R T | b rad | B Real | b religion | b ride | b rit | B rizz | b rod | B Rodgers | b room | b ry | b school | B Side | B Slide | b smitty | b snatch | b spike | B Squad | b steeze | b stock | b street | b stubbs | B system | b t dub | b t dubs | author b talented | b tard | B Team | b team operation | B Teeth | B The W | b then d | B Tizzle | b to b | b to tha fay | b to the biscuit | b to the fay | author b to the rizzle | B to the S | B town | B trained bitch | B Triple F | b tube | B Unit | b up | B W | B | b w rooster | B walk | b wave | B Wick | B wipped | B Wood | B X10 CW | B Yoch | B your L | B your L on my F | B!tchen | B"asem"ent | B$ | B$NG. | B& | b& l& | B&B | B&B Club | B&BW | b&c | B&D | B&E | B&G | B&H | B&M | b&m style | b&n | B&O Rail Road | B&P | B&S | B&T | B&Ters | B&W | B'acne | B'Administration | b'aint | B'alreet | B'ama | B'ass | b'atch | B'Awesome | b'awwwwww | b'bap | b'chass | B'dah! | B'Dang | b'darky | B | b'dass | b'datch | B'Day | B'daydas | b'dong | b'donky | b'doozy | b'dush | b'ed | b'eggl | b'fle | B'fugly | b'ger | b'ghetto | b'gind gind | b'gock | b'goodness | B'grrness | b'h | B'ham | B'harne | B'harnii | b'Hre | B'in my Bs | B'in My C | b'j | b'jang | B'jangle | B'jankity | b'jawn | B'jesus | b'jingo | B'joina | b'jrbl | b'jugguns | B'jyeah | B'lair Roed | B'man | b'mo | B'More | B'n B'ing | B'n'B | B'Nai Brith | B'nut | b'oh | B'omarr Monk | b'otch | B'ounds | b'owl | b'owned | B's | B's & H's | b's and c's | B's and D's | B's can't be C's | b's n h's | B's On My D | B's Out | b's up c's down | B'scuse me | b'sh-what-the-f | b'shits | B'stard | B'tickle | B'wanna | b'y | B'z | B'z Up | b'zone | b'zugda hiara | B(.) (.)BiES!!!!!! | B(f)AMF | b(^_^)d | B) | B* Muffin | b*tch | B*town | B*witched | B+ | b+ tree | B- Home Shit | B- WEET | b-( | b-12 | b-18c | B-1RD | B-2 | B-3 | b-40 | B-40 Day | b-52 | B-52 Bomber | B | B-52 Eddie Bauer | B-52's | B-57 | b-a-n-a-n-a-s | B-actor | B-Allsack | B-angsta | B-anter | b-b-b-badass | B-B-S | B-bag | b-bagging | b-ball | b-ball bash | b-bligger | B-Block | b-blue | B-bobbin shizle biscuit | B-bomb | b-boner | B-Bop | B-Bopper | B-Bow (B.B.O.W.W.) | B-Box | b-boy | B-Boy Stance | B-Boying | b-boys | B-Bubble | b-budds | b-button whore | B-BUX | B-Card | B-Ceezy | B-CHEF | B-chomp | B-chomp to the double pump fakie | B-Chotchy | B-Cox | b-crazy | B-cup | B-Dab | b-dankadank | B-Dash | b-dass | B-Dawg | b-day | B | B-Day BJ | b-day jip | b-deck | B-Diddy | B-diesel | B-dizzle | B-Dog | B-donka-don't | B-Double E- Double R-U-N | B-Double-D | author b-drac | B-DUB | author b-dub (refers to my age) | B-Dubb | B-Dubbed | B-Dubs | b-dude | B-DUNK | B-Dup | b-dussy | B-E-A-UTIFUL person | B-E-Z | B-eagle | B-easter | B-easy | B-Eccher | b-eggs | B-evil-ble | B-EZ Beazy | B-Face | B-Factor | b-fast | B-Fats | B-FFAwA | B-FIF | B-Fish Productions | B-flat | B-Flex | B-flip | b-flip chonies | B-Fly | b-fomb | B-Force | B-fro | B-Fry | B-funk | B-Game | B-gap | b-geebus | b-geezies | B-Gene. | B-GIBSON | b-girl | B-H | b-hab | B-Ham | b-hatch | B-hem | b-hit | B-HO | B-Ho'd | b-hole | b-hole lipper | B-HOP | b-hub | B-I | B-I-T-C-H | B-Ice | B-it | b-itch | B-Jack | b-jayne | b-jobbers | b-jonner | B-King | B-Kizzle | b-laked | B-Lane | b-lav | B-le | b-led | B-Legit | b-legitter | B-lend | B-lin | b-line | b-lipin it | B-list | B-list actor | b-list sex | b-lizzy | b-llll-rrr-g | B-Lo | B | b-load | B-long | b-low | author b-low | B-lug | B-lug Supreme | B-M-dub-ya | b-macidated | B-Mama | B-Man | B-Man Shuffle | b-mark | b-mazing | B-Messer | b-mills | B-minus | B-mister | B-mo | author b-money | b-more | B-More Bitchslap | B-more boogy | b-more club dancin | author b-mount | B-Mount | B-Move | B-movie | B-Movster | b-mun | b-murph | B-N | b-nab | b-natch | B-Net | B-Neyed | b-nig | B-Not | B-O it up | B-oderant | | B-on-B | B-otch | b-out | b-parts | B-PEEZY | B-PEGs | B-People | B | b-pos | B-Queff | B-rab | B-Rabbit | author b-rad | B-RAD | B-Rad G | b-radding | B-Raft | b-rag | B-Randon | B-Rat Supreme | b-real | B-Relaxd | B-rent | B-ret | b-rex | B-RHY | B-rian | B-Rich | B-Rip | B-ritt | B-Rizzle | B-Rizzy | B-RO | B-roach | B-Roc | b-rock | b-rockin | B-rod | B-ROIDS | B-rok | b-roke | B-roll | B-Rolling | B-ronner | b-room | B-ROSKIE | b-route | B-Rude | b-sac | b-sack | b-sak | b-sauce | B-scratch | b-shack | B-shift | b-shirt | B-Shock Supreme | B-Shot | b-side | B-sider | B-skin | B-Slap | b-slice | B-Slim | b-snack | b-snap | B-Snatch | B-Snuff | b-soulja | b-spatch | B-Squad | B-squared | B-stache | B-Stain | b-star | B-stash | b-sters | b-stinga | b-stix | b-stub | B-Stuy | b-switch | b-t-2-3 | B-Tag | B-Talking | b-tank | b-tard | B-Team | B-Teamer | b-tec | B-tenches | B-Thirty-Two | b-ting | b-tomb | B-Town | author b-town | b-town baller | B-Town Hellraisers | B-Town Playa | B-Town Posse | B-Tractive | B | B-ttractive | b-tub | B-Unit | b-unt | b-up | B-ville | b-walk | b-wang | B-Washable | b-wheezy | B-WHITE | b-whoring | b-will | B-wing | b-wong | b-wood | B-word | B-word fat | b-y-o-bed | b-yatch | b-yuc | B-zone | B-Zoom | B-] | b-_-d | author b. | B. C. A. | B. C. M. Error | B. Carr | B. Dangerous | author b. hanback | | B. Kliban | B. Looney Syndrome | B. Nasty | b. t. dubbs | B.5 | B.52-1 Code | b.a | B.A. Blumkin | B.A.A.S | B.A.B | B.A.B. | B.A.B.S | B.A.B.S. | B.A.C | B | B.A.C. | B.A.C.K. | B.A.D | b.a.d. | B.A.D.D | B.A.D.S. | B.A.E. | B.A.F | B.A.F. | B.A.G | B.A.G. | B.A.G.R. | B.A.H. | b.a.j (baush) | b.a.j.o.m.f. | B.A.L | B.A.M | B.A.M.B. | B.A.M.F | B.A.M.F. | B.A.M.F.D | B.A.M.F.S. | B.A.M.T. | b.a.n | B.A.N. | B.A.N.A.N.A. | B.A.N.C. | B.A.N.F. | B.A.N.T | B.A.N.T. | b.a.p | B.A.P. | B.A.P.F. | B.A.R | B.A.R.B.I.E.S. | b.a.r.f. | B.A.R.F.(Big Aggressive Ridiculously ... | B.A.R.K. | B.A.R.W | B.A.S | B.A.S. | B.A.S.B. | B.A.S.B.H.A.T | B.A.S.E | B.A.S.E. Inc | B.A.S.H | B.A.S.M.C | B.A.S.P. | B.A.S.S. | B.A.S.T.A.R.D. | B.A.S.T.s | B.A.T | B.A.T. | B.A.T. wig | b.a.t.e. | B.A.T.O.B. | B.A.T.O.M.B | B.A.T.s | B.A.V. | B.A.W.B. | B.A.W.S | B.A.Y. | B.B. | B.B. balls | B.B. Hood | B.B. King | B.B. King Stick | B.B. Shakedown | B.B.A | B.B.A.B. | B.B.B | B.B.B.M. | B.B.C | B.B.C. | B.B.D | b.b.g | B.B.G. | B.B.H. | B.B.M.F. | B.B.M.I | B.B.N | B.B.S | B.B.S. | b.boy | B.C Rich | B.C. | B.C. Crew | B.C. Rich | B.C.B. | B.C.D | B.C.G. | b.c.s. | B.C.T. | B | B.C.W. | B.C.W.T | B.Co | B.D | B.D. | B.D. days | B.D.A. | B.D.B. | B.D.I.C. | B.D.K.D | b.d.m. | B.D.P.S. | | B.E.A. | B.E.B | B.E.C | B.E.C. | b.e.n.g.a.l.s | b.e.p | B.E.R. | B.E.S.T | B.E.T | B.E.T. | B.E.T. (Black Entertainment Television) | B.E.T. Princess | B.E.T. Uncut | B.E.Z | B.F Skin-her box | B.F. | B.F.A | B.F.A. | B.F.A.F | B.F.B. | B.F.B.a.F. | B.F.B.C | B.F.C | B.F.D | B.F.D.D | B.F.E | B.F.E. | B.F.F | B.F.F. | B.F.F.A.L.A.H.P. | B.F.F.L.A.D. | B.F.G | B.F.G. | B.F.G.(s) | B | B.F.H.G | B.F.M.I. | B.F.O. | B.F.R. | b.f.t. | B.F.T.B | b.f.t.d | B.F.U.S.S. | B.F.W | b.flow | B.G | B.G. | B.G. (Before Google) | B.G. Knocc Out | b.g.'s | B.G.A | B.G.B | B.G.F | B.G.F.C. | B.G.O. | B.H. | B.H. Cat and Mouse | B.H.A.B. | B.H.I.P | B.H.M. | B.I | b.i. | B.I.A.D. | b.i.b | B.I.B. | b.i.b.l.e. | B.I.D.C. | B.I.F. | B.I.G | B.I.G. | B.I.H. | B.I.K.Y. | B.I.L.F | B.I.L.F. | B.I.L.L.S. | b.i.l.t | B.I.N.S | B.I.R | b.i.s | B.I.S.S.N.A.T.C.H. Girl | B.I.T | B.I.T or B.I.A. | B.I.T. | B.I.T.C.H | b.i.t.c.h. | B.I.U. | B.J | B.J. Cummins | B.J. Houshmandzadeh | B.J. Novak | B.J.I | B.K | B.K. | B.K. Lounge | B.K. or B.K.A. | B.K. Randy | b.k.a | B.K.A. | B.K.C | B.L. | B.L.A. | B.L.A.D.'s | B.L.B. | B.L.C. | B.L.G.S.H | b.l.o.o.d. | b.l.o.o.ds | b.l.t | B.LO | b.m. | B.M. Burglar | B.M. from the front | B.M.A.A.F | B.M.A.F. | B.M.B | B.M.D | b.m.e | B.M.F | b.m.h.t.l.o.l. | B.M.O.C. | B.M.P. | B.M.S | B.M.S. | B.M.T | b.m.w | b.m.w. | B.MOC | B.N. | B | B.N.I.B | B.N.I.C. | B.N.O.Y.L. | b.n.s | B.O derant | B.O Job | B.O stick | B.O'ed | B.O. | b.o. basher | B.O. Bobble Bizzle | B.O.A | B.O.A. | b.o.a.m. | B.O.A.S. | B.O.A.T. | B.O.A.T.S. | B.O.B | B.O.B. | B.O.B. garage | B.O.B.'s | b.o.b.-a-thon | B.o.b.a.f.u.b. | B.O.B.F.O.C | B.O.B.F.O.K. | B.O.B.O. | B.O.B.S. | B.O.Blivious | B.O.C. | B.O.C. Special | B.O.C.F. | B.O.D | B.O.D. | B.O.F | B.O.F. | B.O.F.U.B. | B.O.G. | B.O.G.A. | B.O.G.W.I.T.H. | B.O.H.I.C.A | B.O.H.I.C.A. | B.O.I. | B.O.L | B.O.L.F. | b.o.m. | B.O.M.B | B.O.M.B B | B.O.M.B. | B.O.M.I.S | B.O.M.P | B.O.N | B.O.N.E. Enterpri$e | B.O.O.B. | B.O.O.B.S. | B.O.O.C | B.O.O.M.A. | B.O.O.M.M.D. | B.O.O.T. | B.O.O.Y.A. | B.O.P | B.O.P. | B.O.P.O. | B.O.R. | B.O.S | B.O.S. | B.O.S.N.I.A. | B.O.S.S. | B.O.T | B.O.T. | B.O.T.W.A.N.S.T. | B.O.U.N.C.E. | B.O.W | B.Ob | b.oderant | B.P. | B.P. Syndrome | B.P.A | B.P.A. | B.P.A.M. | B.P.C | B.P.E. | B.P.G | B.P.H. | B.P.K. | B.P.O.E. | B.P.S. | B.P.T | B.PEGS | B.Q. | B.Q.S | B.R.A.A.T. | B.R.B | B.R.B. | B.R.G | B.R.O | b.r.o.w.n. | B.R.T | b.rad | b.s | B.S. | B.S. Flags | B.S. Perfect | B.S.B. | B.S.B.B. | B.S.C | B.S.D. | B.S.G. | B.S.H | B.S.J.O. | b.s.l | B.S.L. | B.S.P | B.S.P.T. | B.S.T. | B.S.T.L | B.S.T.L. | B.S.T.T | B.S.U. | b.t's | B.T. | b.t. dubzinski | B.T. Sharpie | B.T.C | B.T.D | B.T.DUB | B.T.DUBS. | B.T.F.C. | b.t.g | b.t.k. | B.T.O.L. | B.T.O.O.L. | B.T.S.B | B.T.S.B.S. | b.t.t.s. | B.T.U. | B.T.W | B.T.W. | B.Tech. | b.ts | B.U.B. | B | b.u.b.b. | b.u.c. & b | B.U.C.C.M. | B.U.D.W.E.I.S.E.R. | B.U.F.F | B.U.F.F. | B.U.F.F.Y. | B.U.F.U | B.U.G. | B.U.G.S. | B.U.Gs | B.U.I. | B.U.M | B.U.M.P. | B.U.N.T. | B.U.O. | B.U.P. | B.U.P.A. | B.U.S. | B.U.T | b.u.t.f. | B.U.T.F.U.C.H.S | B.U.T.T.H.O.L.E. | B.U.V. | B.V | B.V. | B.V.K | b.w. | B.W.A | B.W.A.C.C.A. | B.W.A.R. | B.W.B.F.A | B.W.D.S. | B.W.I. | B.W.R | B.X. | B.Y.B.S | b.y.f.a | B.Y.L.A.T. | B.Y.O.B | b.y.o.b&b | B.Y.O.B. | B.Y.O.B.A.B. | B.Y.O.F.S. | B.Y.O.K.A | B.Y.O.P | B.Y.O.P. | B | B.Y.O.S.S | B.Y.O.W. | B.Y.R.D. | B.Y.S. | b/a | B/A Ratio | b/b/s | b/c | B/CS | B/D | b/e | b/f | B/G Law | B/H/W | b/o | b/p | B/S | b/w | b/w | b0 | b00 | B000EULZDC | b00allz | b00b | b00bens | b00bies | b00bz | b00bz0rz | B00bz0rz!!11 | b00dz | B00f | b00m | b00mm | b00n | b00n diputs | b00nage | b00nling | b00sted | b00ster | b00t | b00tz0rz | b00v | b00z | b00zi | author b0b | b0b | b0b0 | b0b0baby | B0Bo | author b0bz0r3llo | b0g | b0gis | b0hh | b0i | B0ii | b0lly | b0llygate | b0mb diggity frEsh | b0n0 | b0n0r | b0n3kr4k3r | b0n4r | b0nch | b0ne | b0ned | b0ner | b0ng | b0nged | b0nx0r3d | b0r3d | b0rk | b0rk0red | b0rk3n | b0rkatron | b0rked | b0rkstage p0werz | b0rkt | b0rkz0r | b0ssy | b0sted | b0vine | b0wned | b0x | b0x0r | b0x0rs | b0x0rz | b0x1d | b0xman | b0xx0rs | b0xx0rz | b1 | B1 and B2 | b10 | B | b10tch | b10tch | b11 | B138 | b14 | B151 | B15NewYork | B16 | b166er | B16A2 | b17ch | b18 | B187K | B18a1 | B18C1 | B18C5 | b1=1 | b1er | B1FF | b1ll he4d | B1lly | author b1nn7 | b1r | b1tch | B2 | B2 Bomber | b2+i | B2.3 | B2.3. | B20 | b20vtec | b2a | b2b | B2BH | b2c | b2c | b2dal2dak | B2E | B2F4LHDNQA | B2G | b2gb | b2gh | b2k | b2k3 | B2L | b2p | b2s | B | b2st | b2t | B2TF | B2TW | b2ub | b2w | B2YB | b3 | b331z | b33f | b33r | b33rt | b33W | B34$7 | B3@R PWND | B3AN | b3aner | author b3c | b3dz | B3M | b3n | B3ND0V3R | B3ni | b3nt | b3rgi | B3rnard021 | b3stflghter | b3ta | b3ta bitch | b3ta'ian | b3tan | b3tans | b3w | b3wb | B3x0R | b4 | B40 | b411z | B44 | b46 | b47 | B4B | B4B3 | b4d | B4ivuru/16? | b4k4 | B4L | b4mf | B4MV | b4n | b4ne | B4rrow Pwn | b4u | b4u freestyle | B4W | B4Z | B5 | B5 Guy | b52 | B52s | B6 | B69 | b6t | B7 | B7'd | B8 | B8 Splash | b82rez | b8in | b8ing | b8ssgurl | b9 | B96 | B: | B====D | B===D | B===D~~ | B> E> T> | B>H | B@llsy | b@x | BA | ba ba ba ba ba bra ann | ba ba ba bushells | ba ba booey | Ba Ba Booie Ya | Ba Ba Ga Nush Ski | ba baracus | ba bas | Ba Beep | BA Big-knackers | ba bow | BA certified | BA | ba cock | ba da | ba da ba ba ba | ba da bing ba da boom | ba ding | ba dink-a-dink | ba dink-a-pink | ba dionk-a-dionk | ba donk a donk | ba donka donk | Ba Doosh | ba dum chhh | Ba dum dam tish | Ba Dum Tsh | ba dunk a dunk | ba dunk-a-dunk | ba fuan gu | Ba Hoe | BA HOY! | ba humblog | Ba humblogger | Ba Humbug | ba jang jang | ba jay jay | Ba Jillian | ba la la | ba mill | BA Pongage | Ba Ram You | BA SHO | BA Squared | Ba weat grana weep mini bon | ba$ | ba'al teshuvah | Ba'alzaman | ba'hai | BA'NOODLE! | ba'scuse me | ba-ba | ba-ba juice | BA-Bomb | Ba-Boom | Ba-Boosh | ba-chunk-a-chunk | BA-DANG | ba-dank | ba-danza | BA | Ba-dass | ba-day-day | ba-deep | Ba-Deerp-a-dur | Ba-doing | ba-don-ka-donks | ba-dong | Ba-dong-a-dong | Ba-donion | ba-donk | ba-donk-a-donk | ba-donk-a-donk-donk | Ba-Donk-A-Front | ba-donka-dick | ba-donka-donk | ba-dook | Ba-doosh | ba-dum-ch | ba-dump-a-dump | ba-dunka-dunk | ba-dunka-dunk azz | ba-dunka-dunk butt | ba-dus-dus-dus | ba-dussy | Ba-gong | ba-has | ba-hoy-zel | ba-jesus | ba-ju-aru | Ba-king | ba-kok | Ba-merican | Ba-Na | Ba-riggle-mints | Ba-sam | ba-shower | ba-titties | BA-Unit | Ba-unka-unk | ba-wango | ba-weep-gra-na-weep-ninny-bong | Ba-Wham | ba-zing | ba3boo3 | ba3boos | baa | author baa baa black sheep have you any wool | baa baaa baa ? | Baa Ram Ewe | Baaa | Baaa- | baaaaaaa | BAAAAAAAAAAAH | Baaaaaaaaybe | Baaaaaaah!!! | baaaaaah | baaaaag | BAAAAAH | BAAAAALLIINNN! | Baaaalllllliiiiiinnn | baaaawbie | Baaabel | baaadd | BAAB | baabaa | baacha | BAACP | baad | Baader-Meinhof | baadi | Baaf | baafie | Baag | Baage. | Baah | BAAH! | Baahaal | Baahum | BAAJ | Baal | Baal's Special Spot | Baam | Baam Wack | Baam...take that! | BAAMF | baan | baanchod | baannng | Baap | Baapji | baapka | Baaquatch | Baar | BA | baara | baas | baasexual | baasit | baastad | Baator | baav | baay | baaybee | Baaybeeh Jae | baayes | baazigar | baazing | baazo | bab | bab tash | Bab-ay | Baba | Baba beast | Baba black sheep | baba boo | baba booey | baba ga douche | baba ganoosh | Baba Ganoush | Baba lover | Baba O'Riley | baba shoper | baba shopper | baba time | Baba Wawa | baba yaga | Baba-Booey | baba-cool | baba.G | Babaal | BaBaam | bababa | Bababooey | Bababoosh | Bababoost | Babac | babaca | Babacanoosh | Babaching | Babacious | Babacups | BA | babada | babadapoopie | babadi | Babadobey | author babadobey | babagadoosh | babagadouche | babagadoush | babagalou | babaganoosh | babaganoush | babage | babage | Babagoit | babagoo | babah | BABAJEE | Babak | babakadouch | babakadouche | babakin | babalas | babalastic | babalawo | babalazi | Babali | babalibos | Babalicious | babalicous | Babalindo | Babalique | Babalistic | Babality | babalon | babalonians | Babalons | babaloo | babaloo aye | babaloochi | author babaloulou | babaloulou | babalous | babaluga | babalupogo | babalyonian flu | Babam | babammin | babamo | babanacka | author babanash | Babanees | Babangis | babania | babank | babanya | Babar | Babar (Band) | babararacucudada | babarhoe | babarong | Babars | babas | babasaur | babaseer | babashmock | babatrastic | Babatuna | Babatunde | Babawaba | Babazoid | BABB | Babb Stabbing | babb-oon | babba | Babba Tash | Babbacombe hole | Babbaganoosh | BABBAGE | Babban | babbas | babbastabba | babbed | Babber | babberho | babbi | Babbing | Babbit | Babbitt | babbity | babble | babble babble | Babble Cunt | babble of bitches | BA | babble-assing | babble-baby | babble-bubble | babbleabbling | babblebox | babblecock | Babbled | babblefest | Babblegabbing | babblelogue | babblenashers | Babblerash | Babblerouser | Babblesex | babbletweek | babblin | babbling brook | Babbling Gook | Babbling Idiot | Babbly | babbo | Babboo | babboon | babboon goggles | Babbot | Babbrolling | babby | babby's yed | babby 3 | babbying | babby`s yed flottin | BABC | Babcat | babcay | babcha | Babchin | Babcia | Babcock | Babcock'd | babcocked | babcocking | Babdag | Babdis | babe | babe = overused | babe alert | babe and a half | BA | Babe Bridge | babe convention | BABE GAUGE | babe girl | babe hound | babe I'm gonna leave you | babe in the woods | babe lincoln | babe magnet | babe nectar | babe piece | babe potential | babe ruth | Babe Ruth's Disease | Babe Snatcher | babe squad | babe status | Babe the Blue Ox | Babe Train | babe trap | Babe's Bum | Babe-a-tron | Babe-aholic | Babe-bayyyy | Babe-Hunting | Babe-Magnet | babe-o-rama | babe-y | babeage | Babealicious | babeanape | Babear | babearito aaron | babeasaurus rex | babebalishish | babecakes | babecam | Babecave | babed | Babed-off | babedacious | babedar | babedum | Babee Dahls! | babeesh | babeete | babeetron | babefest | Babefication | babefriend | Babegka | babeh | Babeh Boi | babehound | babei | babeiliciousness | Babein | Babeinator | babeinerdog | babeish | babeishness | babeizzle | babekins | babel | | Babelberg | Babelch | babelet | Babelfenglish | | Babelfr0g | babelfrench | babelfuck | babelicious | Babella | Babeller | babeloid | babely | babemagnet | baben | Babendreier | Babenicty | Babenitude | babeolicious | Babeologist | Babeology | babeorama | babequest | baber | baberaham lincoln | baberhood | BA | babernecking | Baberoo | babers | babery | baberz | babes | Babesauce | Babesaurous | babesh | Babeshow | Babesia | Babesicle | babesilicious | Babeski | babeski1 | babesque | babesta | Babestation | babester | babesys | Babetacular | babetard | babetastic | Babetown | babetron | Babette | babetudinousness | Babeums | babewah | Babeway | Babey | babeyeak | babez | Babezilla | Babezo | babezor | BABF | BABFL | Babfro | babhlar | babhy | babi | Babi Gurlz | Babi momma wanna | Babi-bladder | babia | Babian | BA | babic | babicakes | Babick | Babickinns | babid | babider | Babidi | babido | Babie | babiee | babies | babies arm | babies breakfasts | babies daddy | babies for oil | babies in the face | babies? | BABIEZ | Babified | babify | babigirl | babii jennii | Babij | Babilla | babillion | babilon | BABILONS | babin | Babin Ades | babin apes | babin suit | babin' | babinades | Babine à tresses | Babington | Babinize | Babinka | Babinos | babinskied | Babio | babiosis | babis | babishca | babishite | babisina | babit | babita | babitarian | babiz | babizard | BABJ | babjd | babjl | babka | babki | babla | BaBlah | Bable | bableonian | Bables | Babli | Bablibos | babloo | BABLOOM | bablooshka | bably | BABM | BABN | babnesium | babo | Babo God | babochee | Baboes | baboface | Baboing | baboinga | baboingaboing | babolar | babon | Babonic Plague | babonkadonk | baboo | Baboob | baboobies | baboobs | baboom | baboomba | baboomers | Baboon | baboon arse | Baboon ass | Baboon Buster | Baboon Butt | BA | baboon face | baboon from cameroon | Baboon Fucker | baboon goggles | Baboon Head | baboon heart | baboon rancher | baboon sex | baboon sneaz | baboon suck | Baboon Syndrome | Baboon Tits | baboon's wagner | Baboon-ass pussy | baboonage | baboonaphile | baboonbuttugly | Babooned | baboonga | babooning | baboonish | baboonkie | baboontang | baboop | baboopability | baboopaboobs | Baboose | baboosh | babooshka | babooska | babooski | baboot | babootchka | babooz | babooze | Babopsy | baboquivari | Baborgy | babos | babosity | baboski | baboso | babot | Babous | Baboushka | babout | Babover | BA | babow | babowsome | babowww | baboy | Babp | babraham lincoln | babraham lincoln | babs | babs out | Babsical | babsicle | babsin | Babson College | babst | Babstar | Babstastic | Babsy job | babt | babtard | babtash | babter | babtist | Babty | Babu | babubai | babuchas | Babuchi | babuder | babudiver | Babues | babuilgabl | Babulator | babumbabumba | Babur | baburao | baburr | babus | Babush | babusha | Babushga | BABUSHKA | babushka bomb | babwa | baby | baby abbatoir | Baby Action | baby arm | baby arm boner | baby arms | baby ass | baby ass nigga | BABY AWiE | Baby B | Baby bable | baby back | baby back bitch | Baby Back BullShit | baby backed bitch | Baby Backfire | Baby Bad Bitch | baby badder | baby bag | baby bags | baby baker | baby ball's | baby ballbagger | Baby Baller | baby balloons | Baby Balls | Baby Bang Jar | baby barf | BABY BASH | Baby Basher | Baby Baster | Baby Bat | baby bats | Baby Batter | baby batter bankruptcy | baby batter blizzard | baby battered | Baby Battering Ram | baby bear | Baby Bear Blues | Baby Bear's Porridge | Baby Beav aka "The Lightsaber" | Baby Beaver | Baby Bel-End | Baby Beluga | baby bentley | Baby Benz | Baby Berkley | baby berman | Baby Beugen | BA | baby bird | Baby Bird | baby bird sex | baby birding | baby birds | baby bitch | baby bitch boy | baby blast | Baby Blender | Baby blindness | Baby Bling | baby blocker | Baby Blockers | Baby Blowjob | Baby blue | baby blue crew | baby body armor | baby boi | baby boinker | Baby Bomb | Baby Bonus | baby boo | baby boo face | baby booger sucker | baby booking | baby boom | baby boomer | baby boomerang | Baby Boomers | baby bop | Baby bop dat hoe | Baby born syndrome | Baby Borrowers | baby boss | baby bot | Baby Bottle Pop | baby bottles | baby bottom | baby bowl | baby bowser | baby box | baby boxing | baby boy | Baby Boy Da Prince | baby boy, [baby girl] | baby boying it | BA | Baby Brain | BABY BRAINS | baby | Baby Breath | baby brigader | Baby Brown Manatee | baby browne | baby bruise | | Baby Bubba | baby bubble | baby bucket | baby bud | baby buff | Baby Bugaboo | baby bump | baby bumper | Baby Burger | baby burke | baby burp | Baby Bush | baby bush cookie | baby bust | baby buster | baby butt bitch | baby butt crack | baby butter | baby butterfingers | Baby Butts | Baby by Busta | baby bye | Baby C | baby cabbage | Baby Cacti | Baby Cak | Baby Cake | Baby Cakes | baby cakkes | baby calfed | baby candy | baby cannon | baby canon | Baby Carlos | baby carrot | Baby carrots | baby cave



Zwpy | zx2 | ZX2000 | zxcvbnm | zxcw | zxkuqyb | Zxy | ZX_NewbieHere | Zyad Al-Borno popular | zyal | Zyban | Zybez | Zychowski | Zydeco | Zydell | zyder | Zydion | zygomorphic | zygote | zyhigh | zyka | Zyklon | Zyklon-b | zyklonics | Zylie | Zylie Broadwater | zylone | zylos | zyme | Zymeth | Zymetrical | | zymurgic | zymurgy | zynal | Zyncess | Zyne | zynex | zynt | zyos | zypher | zypher hand | zyphmen | Zyprexa | zyprx | Zyrcon | Zyro | zyrtec | zysberg | Zyst | zythum | zyuray | zyx | zyzberg | zyzzyva | zz | ZZ Top | Zzang | zzo38 | zzt | zzub | Zzuple | ZZW30 | zzyba | zzyxan |

Die Wortliste aus dem täglichen Newsletter beginnend am 2005-01-15:

12th man | 16 | 420 | 500 dollar lane | 72 | @gmailcom | academic chicken | ADF | adhd | adorkable | alarmer | alphabet boys | American Eagle | anablog | anti | artificially busy | as a friend | assvice | awesomeness test | baby daddy | babysit | baby | backs | bag of pants | ball buster | bang piece | beach slap | beer taxi | bender | BGP | bio break | biodome | bis cas fri | Bitgod | | blind item | blinker fluid | blinkered | blog fodder | blogsmack | body spam | boif | borange | brain candy | brangelina | break the glass | break the seal | Brokeback | broughten | buddy pounce | buffet pants | burn | bus left | butt hurt | Butter Bar | buzzkill | by proxy | bye loop | C and E | call waiting face off | can of worms | can you not | cardiocracy | carsophagus | carspective | casino air | casual sex | catch feelings | caught up | cell phone | cellular faux | Chair Ass | charge it to the game | chat gravity | checked baggage | cheesin' | Chevrolegs | chirps | chop | Christmess | Cinderella | circle talk | circle the drain | clap back | clockblock | clown | co-signer | cold lampin' | Cold Turkey | Colgate Kiss | conversational puma | cook by numbers | cop cleaner | cornball | cosign | couchlock | Credit Whore | crowdway | Cubular | Dandruff | dead drop | Deaded | Death Star | deep six | dental denial | dinner whore | Discolocate | dish jenga | djeetyet | do the math | done | donions | dooced | doored | dot com | double nickel | drama trap | dreamy | drippin stains | driveway jewelery | drive | driving the bus | drop it like it's hot | drop the needle | droplifting | droppin screens | dropping paper | drop | drugstore cowboy | drunk words | DTR | dusted | DYJGTIY | e-tact | ear worm | earjacking | Earth | economy triple | ego-fart | ehaircut | eldercut | election | emaelstrom | Email Crossing | email | emaul | Emergency Dance Party | end of rhyme | enginerd | Entremaneur | evoid | face-turning | Facebook Official | facepalm | factory | Fake-up | fansplant | farmer snort | Farting Terms | fat as a tick | fat on the couch | filthy | five on it | fives | flashole | flat ass | flip the script | flip your money | folex | food coma | foodie | Football Widow | for the ass | for the books | four-wheeling | frequent flier | Fridance | front burner | Full court press | fwisdom | Game Recognize Game | gang of | gangsta lean | garage racing | gashole | get big | Get Buck | get hot | Get The Plates | get your shine on | ghost ride | Goo-diligence | good lookin' out | Googlesearch Fan | governor name | gradumacate | gray market | Green the light | grody | ham sandwich | hand hold up | haterade | heck of a job | hindspite | hippie christmas | hit me on the hip | hmfic | ho ho ho | Hooah | hop along | Hope | | Hot Coffee | House Elf | hulk out | hump day | hurt locker | icescapee | If only | ihaircut | infinity plus shipping and handling | Internet anytime minutes | internet hobo | interrorgate | ipod spamming | | Jackson | janky | January Joiner | jazz | job job | jocking | judicial | juice | Jukebox Sabotage | Jump Off | jump the couch | k-rad | keep it 100 | keep it posi | Keyboard Attacker | kleptocracy | knockin' over tables | laced up | laugh whore | learn you a lesson | Let me get you a straw | lie to kick it | lifehack | Like | livin' the dream | Lockblock | look advantage | loose rap | lowjack | madawk | man crush | manscape | mardi gras | McLetdown | meatmarket | meatspace | mental intercourse | message interruptis | meta | middle-named | military factor | miss me | monitor malaise | mullet ratio | murse | mwah | mysterectomy | Nap fraud | naplash | natch | ncb | NCMO | New York Minute | no I won't make out with you | No Wukkas | nod of acknowledgement | noids | nose goes | note to crowd | note to self | NSA | NSFS | NSFW | OCT | oh what now | on tilt | Opposite Day | OTT | outside | overshare | own | parade wave | parentnoia | parked in goofy | Party Promise | Party socks | paste-eater | pawned | Peace | pedestrian face-off | phlog | phone stamina | pimp daddy | pitted out | plane name | play ahab | Playlistism | POATEW | Podestrian | poopin | pop the collar | poppin fresh | post up | POTUS | prayer | pregame | pressed | primary digits | primer | pulling shirt | pull | Punk'd | putty exam | quarter life crisis | quarter to eight | quirkyalone | rasterbator | real world | reality chatspeak | refrigerator rights | rents | Retail Therapy | retrograde revolution | rewind | ride on | ridic | roaching | Rock Star parking | rollin' pennies | rung bell | s on my chest | sad trombone | safety police | salty | sarcaustic | SBD | Scam | school of hard knocks | schooled | | seeing bottoms | self-first | Senioritis | september 10th | sexpectation | Sheeple | sheila | shiftless | shook | shoulder surfing | Side Buttoned | sike | sketchball | slide | snarf | sneeze tease | snout | snow job | so hard | sonned | soymanella | spade | Spanglish | | spin doctor | Spray | spring break | Stackin' Loot | static | sticks | sticktoitiveness | street spam | struggle | subwoofing | sucka free | Summer School | Sunday afternoon | super bowl | swang | swipeout | swish | Sxc | table banking | tag hag | talk to the hand | Taxgasm | Tax | television | text massage | textless | the fear | third coast | Thirsty | thrifting | tiger | time traveling | tinfoil hat | tl;dr | TMI | To clown car it | to ripcord | tomkitten | tonarrow | too easy | tough crowd | trainspotting | Trick Out | tryptophan coma | turkey drop | twixter | unobtainium | unschooling | a-whole-nother | after hours | air rage | Alcoholiday | alcopops | apartimony | arm candy | astroturf | Auld Lang Syne | award show | awes | awesinine | back issue | baller | bandwidth | Bar Star | barage | bardcore | Beached | Beast Mode | Beastin | bending corners in the hood | besties | bio-accessory | blogorrhea | blow a smoke ring | bo-duke it | Bond Year | bonus beer | brain glue | Bring a book! | bring it back | bring it, don't sing it | Bromance | buddy punch | Bus look | Business | bust a free | care police | Carriage-Cruiser | Casual Undertime | catch and release | celebutard | check your neck | chickchismo | Chrismukkah | Christmas creep | Christmas cringe | christmas gear | chyea | Cinemuck | CLM | connectile dysfunction | courage dot com | coworked | Crackberry | Creep | | cyber monday | Da Vinci | daggy | dap | deets | denglish | dental denial | dick move | dippin | doctor shopping | doorbuster | double exposure | dramarama | drift | Drunk MySpace | DST-lag | dudess | e-penis | eargasm | ego search | elationship | email paralysis | Enterdrainment | fanboy | fauxmo | febulights | Fed Ex | Fence | film | Finna | flexitarian | fly naked | foleyed | food of shame | funemployment | garbage time | geek cred | get her jersey | girlfriend button | gleek | glomp | go ones | go-cup | go | going forward | Gong Xi Fa Chai | google drift | Gore Effect | Grade Digger | gramps champ | graze | gu | hanger appeal | hapa | hard charger | Hasbian | Hasselhoffing | hater blockers | hatriotism | Headphone Syndrome | hobeau | homoblivious | Hoss | hostage lunch | huggy bear | hypertasking | Hyphy Train | in the wind | it is what it is | jagoff | keep steppin | kick it up a notch | kicking the shoe home | king kong | Knuckle Up | Kraft Singles | lactard | ladyprimer | lal | Later Days | lick | lock it up | low low | Macaca | main | maintain | mammograph | mancation | marble ceiling | mayne | meanderthal | merked | Mexican Standoff | Mirrorface | mirthquake | moded | mooninite | move units | multislacking | multitasking | musk up | nametake | necro | neg | new ageist | nipplegate | nosh | October Surprise | Organically Overlap | out of pocket | Out the cuts | pancake | Playlistism | pluto | pop a socket | Poppin' Hundies | porch dog | pour one out | pre-pull | Presidential Tint | pretexting | prewalking | professional celebrity | pull shades | purple state | rankism | re-cop | re-gift | rebellionaire | rebooty | remail | resolutionary | retro shopping | ride clean | ride dirty | riding neons | Ringtone DJ | road parrot | Roast | run up | safety date | salted | sample slut | Sandbox | Santa | sav | serial chiller | shaka | Shero | shop naked | shopulent | sidetalk | sittin' sideways | slap your plastics | sleeper | SMV | snakes on a plane | snap music | Snipe | soul patch | stall call | standard | stop and chat | stunt | super bowl | Super Mario | surge protectors | swagger jacker | swanky | swole | table queen | Take him to the stacks | take the mickey | tall tee | technosexual | Thanksgiving pants | the awesome | the way I roll | third joke | tippin | to the left | tool up | top up music | Trap | Treeware | Truthenize | truthiness | tryptophanatic | Tune Wedgie | typeative | unprotected sleep | urban amish | urban exploration | utilize | vacationship | velocitized | VIP | voicejail | wagwan | WAM | wantaway | WD55 | wdym | weekend lag | what now | what | where y'at | wii-kend | wikiality | wikilobbying | yinz | you know how I do | yupscale | yupster | Zidane | Zoom Zoom Zoom | urst | val pal | value add | vaulted | vogues | wardrobe malfunction | wax | Weighed Grams | whambulance | what's with the socks | Whatever Humps Your Camel | Whip | | wikillectual | Wild at | wing nut | with legs | word out | Wordanista | workmare | wrap rage | yo mama | Yoink | you got got | your mom | zoned out | old | pi day | ze | bracketology | Irish-American | yadadamean | celebutante | bustday | guap | BiPodding | McDreamy | Burner | Crack a rim | snarky | mantastic | shocklog | retox | fakester

Die direkten Links zu den Begriffen sind nach dem folgenden Muster aufgebaut:




Jargon Watch

Ein paar Beispiele aus der amerikanischen geschäftlichen Umgangssprache.

College Slang


Regional English Topics


September 23, 2004 - Native American Influence on English November 3, 2004 - English Classes for Hmong Immigrants in Minnesota April 20, 2005 - Pronunciation of North American English June 15, 2005 - Hawaiian Language, Part 2 May 18, 2005 - 'Do You Speak American?'




Wie Vulgärsprache in den Medien Heranwachsende beeinflusst


17. Oktober 2011
Wie Vulgärsprache in den Medien Heranwachsende beeinflusst
Von Cornelia Dick-Pfaff
Rohe Ausdrucksweise in Film und Fernsehen könnte bei Jugendlichen körperliche wie seelische Aggressivität fördern - allerdings nur indirekt

Provo (USA) - Es benötigt nicht gleich offensichtliche Gewalt und Brutalität, um bei Heranwachsenden einen nachhaltigen und bedenklichen Eindruck zu hinterlassen. Schon vulgäre Sprache in Film, Fernsehen und Videospielen kann offenbar langfristig aggressives Verhalten begünstigen. Zwar ist dieser Effekt nicht unmittelbar, wie amerikanische Forscher bei mehr als 200 Jugendlichen beobachteten. Doch ihre statistischen Analysen, die sie im Fachblatt "Pediatrics" präsentieren, legen nahe: Bereits Sprache könnte - über mehrere Zwischenschritte - letztlich zu Aggressivität führen.

Erstellt: 2011-10

Uni Western Washington
Dialects of American English

The various Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons, and Jutes) who invaded Britain after 437 AD brought with them their own dialects of West Germanic. These formed the basis for the emergence of later dialect areas. The submergence of the various British Celtic languages (of which Welsh is the only modern survivor) also lead to innovations in British English. The Viking invasions resulted in more Norse influence in the north than in the south, thereby contributing another layer to the existing dialects. Likewise, the Norman French invaders influenced the south more than the north, which came to be more conservative linguistically.
The Great Vowel Shift of the 1500's didn't affect northern English dialects, which came to be called "Scots English". Because of the long history of dialect creation in the English speaking areas of Great Britain, there are more dialects of English in Britain than in America, Canada, and Australia combined. (Unfortunately, we don't have time to cover modern British English dialects in any detail.)



Jargon, slang, and niche vocabularies


Erstellt: 2010-09


Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Dialekt, Dialecto, Dialecte, Dialetto, Dialect, (esper.) dialektoj


Allan, Keith
Burridge, Kate (Autoren)
Forbidden Words
Taboo and the Censoring of Language

Gebundene Ausgabe: 316 Seiten
Verlag: Cambridge University Press (5. Oktober 2006)
Sprache: Englisch

Über das Produkt
A fascinating insight into taboo language and its role in everyday life, showing how we use language in order to swear, to insult, and also to be politically correct. Lively and revealing, Forbidden Words will fascinate anyone interested in how and why we use and avoid taboos in daily conversation.

Erstellt: 2010-04


Bergen, Benjamin K.
What the F
What Swearing Reveals About Our Language, Our Brains, and Ourselves


It may be starred, beeped, and censored — yet profanity is so appealing that we can't stop using it. In the funniest, clearest study to date, Benjamin Bergen explains why, and what that tells us about our language and brains.

Nearly everyone swears — whether it's over a few too many drinks, in reaction to a stubbed toe, or in flagrante delicto. And yet, we sit idly by as words are banned from television and censored in books. We insist that people excise profanity from their vocabularies and we punish children for yelling the very same dirty words that we'll mutter in relief seconds after they fall asleep. Swearing, it seems, is an intimate part of us that we have decided to selectively deny.

That's a damn shame. Swearing is useful. It can be funny, cathartic, or emotionally arousing. As linguist and cognitive scientist Benjamin K. Bergen shows us, it also opens a new window onto how our brains process language and why languages vary around the world and over time.

In this groundbreaking yet ebullient romp through the linguistic muck, Bergen answers intriguing questions: How can patients left otherwise speechless after a stroke still shout Goddamn! when they get upset? When did a cock grow to be more than merely a rooster? Why is crap vulgar when poo is just childish? Do slurs make you treat people differently? Why is the first word that Samoan children say not mommy but eat shit? And why do we extend a middle finger to flip someone the bird?

Smart as hell and funny as fuck, "What the F" is mandatory reading for anyone who wants to know how and why we swear.

Benjamin K. Bergen is a professor of cognitive science at the University of California, San Diego, where he directs the Language and Cognition Laboratory. He writes for the Huffington Post and Psychology Today and appears on NPR's Morning Edition, the Brain Science Podcast, and elsewhere. He lives in San Diego, California.

Erstellt: 2016-11


Cassidy, Frederic G.
DARE - Dictionary of American Regional English: Volume 1

Gebundene Ausgabe: 1062 Seiten
Verlag: Belknap Press (Februar 1986)
Sprache: Englisch

William Safire calls it "The most exciting linguistic project going on in the United States" and I'd have to agree. Dictionary of American Regional English is a corker (thing of remarkable quality or strength). There's nothing cheesy (low-grade, cheap) or cold potato (dull, boring, or worthless) about it. It's such couthy (amiable) reading that it's hard to raise your conkhouse (lift your head) and agress (move forward and make progress).

Cassidy, Frederic G.
Dictionary of American Regional English: Volume II

Gebundene Ausgabe: 1200 Seiten
Verlag: Harvard University Press (August 1991)
Sprache: Englisch

Volume II is every bit as excellent as A-C, and as thought provoking. It's sad to have lost words like faunch (to rant, rage, or fret). The words form a picture of the country a century back, when folks stored their stuff in a hide-nasty (closet), and when they hifered (loitered) and someone asked what they were up to, they might say "Oh, I'm just helping Andy" (doing nothing). The lesson: If I faunch less and just put projects away in the hide-nasty, I can hifer more and take up the art of helping Andy.

Cassidy, Frederic G.
Dictionary of American Regional English: Volume III

Gebundene Ausgabe: 944 Seiten
Verlag: Belknap Press (November 1996)
Sprache: Englisch

We Dictionary of American Regional English fans who've been hemmed in by the Hs for too long can celebrate; Volume III has arrived. Finally one can troll I-O, collecting gems like jug-handle, kyoodle, lip battle, meech, numpy, and ouchy (treat unfairly, mutt, argument, cringe, dolt, and irritable) along the way. String them together they become: "If you jug-handle that kyoodle and make him meech, you ouchy numpy, we're bound for a real lip battle." It makes a jim-dandy of an American English sentence.

Coleman, Julie
A History of Cant and Slang Dictionaries


Volume I: 1567-1785
Volume II: 1785-1858
Sprache: Englisch
Gebundene Ausgabe
384 Seiten
Oxford University Press
Erscheinungsdatum: 30. Dezember 2004
ISBN: 0199254702

Gebundene Ausgabe
272 Seiten
Oxford University Press
Erscheinungsdatum: 1. April 2004
ISBN: 0199254710

Dr Julie Coleman - Senior Lecturer - English Department - University of Leicester - University Road - Leicester. LE1 7RH - UK

This is the first volume in a complete history of the documentation of English cant and slang from 1567 to the present. It gives unparalleled insights into the early history of slang, the people who used it, and how and why it was recorded. Well over a hundred glossaries of cant and slang were published between 1567 and 1784. The cant lists reveal the secret language allegedly used by thieves and beggars to conceal their illicit conspiracies: Dr Coleman investigates where and how they were produced and the relationship between such lists and canting literature. She considers why this period was so fascinated by crime and by criminals, and apparently so obsessed with the need to record their language. How far, she asks, are the lists genuine records of contemporary cant, and how far the products of literary invention? Who produced them, and how were they researched? Who bought them, and what did they hope to gain from them? This absorbing and astute book will be an invaluable resource for anyone interested in English slang and its history. It also provides unusual and unexpected insights into the underworlds of early modern England.

The second volume (volume 1, 1567-1785, published in January 2004) of Julie Coleman's fascinating and entertaining history of the uses and the recording of slang and criminal cant takes the story from 1785 to 1858 and explores its first manifestations in the USA and Australia.
During this period glossaries of cant are thrown into the shade by dictionaries of slang, which now include the language of thieves and cover a broad spectrum of non-standard English. Cant represented a practical threat to life and property. Slang, the author reveals, was a threat to the moral core of society, insidiously seductive to a wide section of the public. Julie Coleman shows how Francis Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue revolutionised lexicography of non-standard English. She explores the earliest Australian and American slang glossaries, whose authors included the thrice-transported James Hardy Vaux and George Matsell, New York City's first chief of police.






Hall, Joan Houston
DARE - Dictionary of American Regional English: Volume IV: P-Sk

Gebundene Ausgabe: 1040 Seiten
Verlag: The Belknap Press (3. Januar 2003)
Sprache: Englisch

Every page in the new volume of the "Dictionary of American Regional English" makes it wonderfully clear that regional expressions still flourish throughout the United States. Depending on where you live, your conversation may include such beguiling terms as "paddybass" (North Carolina), "pinkwink" (Cape Cod) or "scallyhoot" (West); if you're invited to a "potluck dinner", in Indiana you're likely to call it a "pitch-in", while in northern Illinois it's a "scramble"; if your youngsters play "hopscotch", they may call it "potsy" in Manhattan, but "sky blue" in Chicago. Like the popular first three volumes of DARE, the fourth is a treasure-trove of linguistic gems, a book that invites exclamation, delight and wonder. Nearly 600 maps pinpoint where you might live if your favourite card games are "sheepshead" and "skat"; if you eat "pan dulce" rather than "pain perdu"; if you drive down a "red dog road" or make a purchase at a "racket store"; or if you look out your window and see a "parka squirrel" or a "quill pig". The language of our everyday lives is captured in DARE, along with expressions our grandparents used but our children will never know. Based on thousands of interviews across the country, the "Dictionary of American Regional English" presents our language in its infinite variety. Word lovers should delight in the wit and wisdom found in the quotations that illustrate each entry, and should prize the richness and diversity of our spoken and written culture.

Hargraves, Orin (Autor)
Merriam-Webster's Slang Rules
A Practical Guide for English Learners

Taschenbuch: 185 Seiten
Verlag: Franklin Electronic Publishers (September 2008)
Sprache: Englisch

A learner's guide to American English slang and its usage when speaking and writing in informal contexts.

Erstellt: 2010-12

Hendrickson, Robert
Yankee Talk
A Dictionary of New England Expressions

Gebundene Ausgabe: 255 Seiten
Verlag: Book Sales (September 2002)
Sprache: Englisch

Der Verlag über das Buch
Recent Review
From the Manchester Journal Inquirer, March 15, 1999 ". . . An intriguing book that deals with the distinctive ways New Englander's have expressed themselves through the years."




Kautzsch, Alexander
The Historical Evolution of Earlier African American English

Gebundene Ausgabe: 335 Seiten
Verlag: Gruyter; Auflage: 1 (2002)
Sprache: Englisch

Based on a 500,000 word corpus of early sources collected from ex-slaves narratives, ex-slaves recordings and interviews with hoodoo priests, this book reconstructs the English spoken by African Americans between 1830 and 1920. By means of detailed quantitive analyses, three linguistic features (negation patterns, copula usage and relative marker choice) are intercepted along the lines of temporal change, regional diveristy and variation across gender. Additionally, some 300 non-standard latters written by African Americans in the 19th century are compared to the main corpus in order to identify differences between speech and writing.

Kacirk, Jeffrey
Informal English
Puncture Ladies, Egg Harbors, Mississippi Marbles, and Other Curious Words and Phrases of North America

Taschenbuch: 256 Seiten
Verlag: Touchstone Pr; Auflage: New title (5. April 2005)
Sprache: Englisch

A wide-reaching treasury of some 2,500 English-language colloquialisms from the past and present is culled from dictionaries, etymological treatises, historical writings, and other sources, in a volume that features such entries as "bone-orchard" and "chawswizzled." Original. 35,000 first printing.

The conversations we hear around us are often filled with words and phrases that would be out of place in formal writing. The following collection is a tiny sample of the vernacular expressions that have been used over the last four centuries in North America. I have tried to present a diverse cross section of these gems, drawing from different-size communities and various walks of life ranging from white-collar and blue-collar workers to hoboes. Throughout the gathering and editing process, my focus has been on forgotten and less commonly encountered Americanisms, although some are still used today.

Growing up, I was fortunate to live in a number of linguistically distinct parts of America - Milwaukee, San Diego, New Orleans, and briefly New York and Portland, Oregon - and visited other parts of America's "lower 48" and Canada as time permitted. This serendipitous introduction to North America's cultural diversity planted a seed in me that led roundabout to this book. In Louisiana, such phrases as "like a one-legged man in a behind-kickin' contest," describing a person experiencing difficulties, regularly whetted my appetite for entertaining localisms. Since my interest was piqued in the 1970s, I have enjoyed countless moments just listening to people talk.

Elizabethan English in America?

It is intriguing that more than a few current "Americanisms" originated in Shakespeare's Britain before the first European settlements were founded in America. "Baggage", for example, a fifteenth-century word used by Shakespeare in "As You Like It" and "The Winter's Tale", faded in England during the 1700s, leaving most of its duties to "luggage". Meanwhile, both of these terms thrived among English transplants across the Atlantic. In fact, "baggage" is now found in more than two dozen combinations in America, such as "baggage-car", and is even used metaphorically in the realm of pop psychology, meaning someone's undesirable habits and attitudes.

"Disencourage" and many other archaic Anglo terms disappeared in the land of their birth but flourished among British settlers, especially in the Ozarks and Appalachia. These older anachronisms were kept alive along with more recent Briticisms like "fair and square" (used by both Francis Bacon and Oliver Cromwell) and the slang coinages "fib", "bamboozle", and "fun", which can be found in Francis Grose's 1796 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Americans were roundly ridiculed for their use of these lowbrow terms by British-language commentators who believed these were of Yankee origin. In 1908, for example, English critic Charles Whibley wrote pompously in his American Sketches:

That a country which makes a constant boast of its practical intelligence should delight in long, flat, cumbrous collections of syllables such as "locate", "operate", "antagonize", "transportation", "communication", and "proposition" is an irony of civilization. These words, if words they may be called, are hideous to the eye, offensive to the ear, and inexpressive to the mind. They are the base coins of the language. They are put upon the street fresh from the [coin] smasher's den.

But thirteen years later, American linguist Gilbert Tucker rightly refuted these misguided accusations in his own book, American English:

Mr. Whibley['s]...objection...rests on his supposing that they are very recently invented by Americans....The fact is every one of them has been in use in England for decades, all but one of them [transportation, c. 1776] for centuries.

The use of barbarous expressions by Americans was only a part of what offended some educated ears. Reporting on one of Abraham Lincoln's state banquets at which he was a guest in 1861, American William Howard Russell was amazed at the discordant variations of English he noticed at this affair. Afterward, he wrote of hearing "a diversity of accent almost as great as if a number of foreigners had been speaking English." Without personally leaping into this divisive fray, I have included what I hope is a provocative and revealing quotation before each of the twenty-six alphabetical groupings of entries to briefly introduce some widely varying British and American attitudes toward the emerging language of the New World.

American English Comes of Age

The tide began to turn during the nineteenth century as the works of Mark Twain and his cohorts and subsequent writers softened the resistance felt by many toward America's words and patterns of speech. Walt Whitman's poetry, the plays of Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller, and the novels of Twain, John Steinbeck, and Ernest Hemingway, to name a few, all thrust the American dialect before readers. As a partial result, Britons began adopting - or in some cases reclaiming - words from America, especially after "talkies" were introduced in 1927. With the language stigma rapidly disappearing, American filmmakers joined in during the late 1930s and 1940s, first introducing generalized accents for character actors, and later crafting such accent-rich films as "To Kill a Mockingbird" in 1962.

The advent of television provided an opportunity for such early sitcoms as "Amos 'n' Andy" and "The Beverly Hillbillies" to exploit elements of dialect speech, including quaint expressions, pronunciation, and mannerisms. Although the dialogue often evoked laughter at the expense of those they depicted and did so without representing true dialects, this paradigm shift toward lively, if exaggerated, conversation helped pave the way for more serious Hollywood fare. Soon afterward, "Bonnie and Clyde" and "Midnight Cowboy" refined these improvements, followed by "The Godfather" and many others. Today, some movies would sound dull or absurd if the specialized language of their scripts was overlooked.

The original gathering of a minor portion of these entries was done not as an academic pursuit, but as an extension of an individual's employment, or lack thereof. I was surprised to learn that in order to compile his American Tramp and Underworld Slang, Godfrey Irwin drew from notes he had jotted during his twenty-year stint as a vagrant. In another instance, George Matsell reformatted vocabulary he had collected from criminals (much of which had been borrowed from British thieves' cant) during his long tenure as police chief of New York City. Likewise, Hyman Goldin and two associates cobbled together the clandestine records of thirty carefully selected "convict-editors" from America's state prison system for their gritty but credible Dictionary of the American Underworld Lingo.

The definitions of Noah Webster and his competitor Joseph Worcester are largely absent from these pages because they tended to reject many informalisms in favor of more mainstream English. Most of their entries, while certainly used in normal conversation, were conservative choices that have predictably survived the test of time. Webster's limited interest in American dialect words and slang prompted him to underestimate in 1828 that fewer than fifty words used in America were not also current in England. Although vernacular terms constitute the bulk of my selections, many were also found in fiction and nonfiction writings.

The Boontling Language

Between 1880 and 1920, a community lingo developed in the Anderson Valley of California's rural Mendocino County. In and around Boonville, a patois containing more than a thousand words and phrases came into being that deserves a place among America's most curious subdialects. In the "Boontling" language, the habits, traits and appearances of local residents were preserved in a manner similar to the baseball prowess of Babe Ruth, whose name became synonymous across America with a home run in...


Lighter, Jonathan E.
Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang
Volume I, A-G


Gebundene Ausgabe: 1080 Seiten
Verlag: Random House Reference Publishing (Juni 1994)
Sprache: Englisch

Historical Dictionary of American Slang, edited by Jonathan Lighter, was dropped by its original publisher, Random House, after two volumes in an appalling demonstration of obsession with profit to the exclusion of all other factors. (They might have considered the example of the "OED", which was similarly seen by Oxford as a sure money-loser in the beginning; since then, of course, it has been a bonanza for OUP".) But salvation is announced in Safire's Sunday "Sexy Lexies column":
Best lexical news of all to word lovers is the salvation of the Historical Dictionary of American Slang. The first two volumes of this projected tetralogy (that's Standard English for four volumes) were published by Random House and opened a window on America's cultural heritage. The ambitious project, brainchild of Jonathan Lighter at the University of Tennessee, was a godsend to all of us in the language dodge. But Random House, which is not a philanthropy, saw no profit in finishing it. We panicked; would slang scholarship stop dead at the letter O?

From Booklist

A fascinating mixture of the clever, the colorful, the crude, and the coarse, this first historical dictionary to be devoted exclusively to American slang has been in progress for more than two decades.

Volume 1 of the projected three-volume set covers A-G; volumes 2 (H-R) and 3 (S-Z) are scheduled for publication in 1996 and 1997, respectively.

In his excellent 27-page introduction, Lighter, a research associate in the English department of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, traces the historical development of slang in the English language and discusses its sociological and cultural aspects. Following the introduction, Lighter provides a useful, annotated bibliography of significant books and articles dealing with American slang and an admirably thorough guide to the dictionary.

Defining slang as "an informal, nonstandard, nontechnical vocabulary composed chiefly of novel-sounding synonyms for standard words and phrases," Lighter notes that his intent in this compilation is to treat words and phrases that can be considered American slang, either presently or in the past. Therefore, some of the entries are for terms now considered colloquial or even Standard English (e.g., "bamboozle", "cliffhanger", "dandy", "flapper", "fluke"), but which were at one time viewed as slang. Other entries range from informal, inoffensive words and phrases that make our language more lively and interesting (e.g., "can of worms", "circular file", "foodaholic", "goof off", "grungy") to terms that are generally considered offensive or vulgar, such as racial and ethnic epithets and expressions pertaining to sexual relations and body functions.
Abbreviated field labels indicating that a particular group of people uses the word (e.g., military, underground) precede the definition when appropriate. Usage and status labels are used to indicate other aspects of a term, for instance, whether it is usually considered vulgar or offensive or whether it is generally used jocularly or derisively.

The approximately 20,000 definitions included in this volume are models of succinctness. Following each definition are illustrative quotations, which are arranged chronologically, beginning with the earliest documented use. These quotations, which are the true heart of each entry, serve not only to document a word's usage at a particular time but also to further elucidate its meaning. Culled from a wide variety of written and oral sources, including literary works, popular novels, other dictionaries, magazines, newspapers, motion pictures, television programs, and anonymous conversations, the more than 90,000 quotations in this volume range from the seventeenth century to the 1990s. The degree of currency is particularly impressive since a number of 1993 sources, and at least one 1994 publication, are represented. A complete list of the approximately 8,000 sources cited throughout the dictionary will not appear until volume 3. This delay may prove problematic for users trying to locate the source of a quotation because titles are provided in abbreviated form. For example Nathan McCall's Makes Me Wanna Holler is referred to as "N. McCall, Wanna Holler."

While there is no denying that perusing the pages of this volume can rattle one's sensibilities, the increasing permissiveness regarding language in today's society cannot be ignored. Only a decade or so ago, many of the words in this work were considered taboo, not just in polite society but also in the mass media. Today the infamous f word and words and phrases of similar ilk are cropping up in song lyrics, films, television programs, literary works, and mainstream magazines. The increasing usage and heightened awareness of such terms are not only reflected in this volume, but also make its publication even more timely and appropriate.

When completed, Lighter's dictionary will be, without a doubt, the most definitive and scholarly treatment of American slang ever published. Most academic and large public libraries will want to add this work, since its historical treatment complements the coverage of slang terms in the Dictionary of American Regional English and The Oxford English Dictionary. Getting down to the nitty-gritty, Lighter evidently is cooking with gas because he has done a bang-up job in compiling this tome. In short, it's awesome, fantabulous, rad, the cat's meow!

Lighter, Jonathan E.
Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang
Volume II, H-O

Gebundene Ausgabe: 984 Seiten
Verlag: Random House Reference Publishing; Auflage: 1st (Oktober 1997)
Sprache: Englisch

Lighter, Jonathan E.
Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang
Volume III, P-Z

Gebundene Ausgabe
Verlag: Oxford Univ Pr (Txt) (30. Oktober 2006)
Sprache: Englisch


Murray, Thomas E.
Language Variation And Change in the American Midland: A New Look At 'Heartland' English
(Varieties of English Around the World)

Gebundene Ausgabe: 319 Seiten
Verlag: John Benjamins Pub Co (9. Februar 2006)
Sprache: Englisch




Paros, Lawrence
Bawdy Language

Taschenbuch: 264 Seiten
Verlag: Troll Lord Games (31. Dez. 2006)
Sprache: Englisch

When you come right down to it, sex is easier done than said; so too with matters of the toilette. Limited to a few choice four-letter slang words? Know little of the word origins of curse words? Stumble as to their proper usage? Lack elegant substitutes for dirty sex talk? Here at last are the dirty words you need - words and more words: slang words, rich and colourful; euphemisms, flowery, arcane, and remote; quaint sexual terms rescued from English past. All are suggestive of the romanticism, cynicism, violence, and humour with which the actors, the parts, and the act itself have been viewed through the centuries. Travelling where few etymologists have gone before, Lawrence Paros now makes it possible to master the sexual lexicons. Combining a study of street-talk, with a survey of history, poetry, drama, and the great works of Western literature, "Bawdy Language" delves both into the word origins of curse words and phrases and the wide variety of synonyms for them. Here at last is the book that will show you how to talk dirty, yet command respect. No longer must your prurient thoughts remain inelegantly expressed. Add erudition and class to your gutter talk by mastering the argot. Remember, obscenity by itself is the last refuge of the vulgarian and the crutch of the inarticulate.

Bawdy Language includes:

Paros, Lawrence
The Great American Cliché
Our National experience so to speak

Unknown Binding: 175 pages
Publisher: Workman Pub. Co (1976)

includes many etymologies




Schneider, Edgar W.
Focus on the USA
(Varieties of English Around the World)

Gebundene Ausgabe: 374 Seiten
Verlag: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Januar 1996)
Sprache: Englisch

Part of the "Varieties of English Around the World" series, this text covers such topics as the foundations of American English, research trends in the study of the language, and dialect change and maintenance in a post-insular island community.

Steiner, Arthur
Amerikanisch, wie es nicht im Wörterbuch steht
Sprachführer und Einführung in die amerikanische Lebensart

Bastei Lübbe
158 Seiten
Sprache: Deutsch

Ein unterhaltsamer Sprach- und Fremdenführer zum "American way of life".