Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Blume, Flor, Fleur, Fiore, Flower, (esper.) floroj
AOS (W3)
"AOS" steht für "American Orchid Society".
An Orchidist's Glossary: introduction
(Members Only content - the letter "J" is a sample page and open access for all)
About Orchid Names
Specific epithets are in Latin or in Latinized form. Since most are adjectives or adjectival in use, they must agree in gender with the gender of the genus to which they are attached. For this reason, most of the specific epithets listed are followed by one or two endings, each preceded by a hyphen; for example, the very first word under "A" is abbreviatus, "-a", "-um". In the case of the specific epithets ending in "-us", the masculine form is shown first, followed by the feminine ending ("-a") and then the neuter ending ("-um"). Some Latin adjectives, belonging to a different declension, end in "-is"; this form is both masculine and feminine, so only the neuter ending, "-e", is added. An example is acaulis, "-e". Occasionally, a participial form is used as an adjective, in which case the specific epithet ends in "-ens" or in "-ans" in all genders, eliminating the need to show additional endings; an example is repens or fragrans.
Camassia Leichtlinii
Die Blume trägt den Namen der "Leichtlin-Prärielilie". Die Bezeichnung bot. "Leichtlin" ehrt den deutschen Botaniker "Maximilian Leichtlin" (1831 - 1910).
CAMASSIA leichtlinii - Leichtlins Prärielilie
Historie: Benannt nach dem Botaniker und Züchter Max Leichtlin (1831-1910), Baden-Baden (Deutschland).
Die "Leichtlin-Prärielilie" ("Camassia leichtlinii") ist eine Pflanzenart, die zur Gattung der "Prärielilien" ("Camassia") in der Unterfamilie der "Agavengewächse" ("Agavoideae") gehört.
Maximilian Leichtlin (* 17. Februar 1831; † 19. Januar 1910) war ein deutscher Botaniker. Sein botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet "Leichtlin".
Evening Primrose (W3)
Die engl. "Evening Primrose" hat die Eigenschaft sich abends zu öffnen und morgens zu schließen. Rockies. Die Pflanze wird bis zu 180cm hoch.
- bot. "Oenothera biennis", Fam. "Onagraceae", engl. "Evening Primrose"
- bot. "Oenothera elata ssp. hookeri", Syn. "Oenothera biennis var. hookeri", "Oenothera hookeri", Fam. "Onagraceae", engl. "Hooker's Evening Primrose"
- bot. "Oenothera glazioviana", Syn. "Oenothera erythrosepala", "Oenothera gigas", "Oenothera blandina", Fam. "Onagraceae", engl. "Redsepal Evening Primrose"
- bot. "Oenothera rosea", Fam. "Onagraceae", engl. "Pink Evening Primrose"
The flowers are of a fine, yellow colour, large and delicately fragrant, and usually open between six and seven o'clock in the evening, hence the name of "Evening Primrose".
Evening Primrose
Sundrop, Evening Primrose
The genus ("Oenothera") is named for the Greek word "oinos", "wine," and "thera", "to hunt," because of confusion regarding this flower and another genus with roots possessing the aroma of wine.
Evening primrose oil
Evening primrose extract
Evening primrose oil
- CAAN14 - Camissonia andina (Nutt.) P.H. Raven - Blackfoot River evening primrose
- CABO7 - Camissonia boothii (Douglas ex Lehm.) P.H. Raven - Booth's evening primrose
- CABOA - Camissonia boothii (Douglas ex Lehm.) P.H. Raven ssp. alyssoides (Hook. & Arn.) P.H. Raven - alyssum evening primrose
- CABOI - Camissonia boothii (Douglas ex Lehm.) P.H. Raven ssp. intermedia (Munz) P.H. Raven - Booth's evening primrose
- CABR22 - Camissonia breviflora (Torr. & A. Gray) P.H. Raven - fewflower evening primrose
- CACO34 - Camissonia contorta (Douglas ex Lehm.) Kearney - plains evening primrose
- CAHA15 - Camissonia hardhamiae P.H. Raven - Hardham's evening primrose
- CAHE12 - Camissonia heterochroma (S. Watson) P.H. Raven - Shockley's evening primrose
- CAIN22 - Camissonia integrifolia P.H. Raven - Kern River evening primrose
- CAKE4 - Camissonia kernensis (Munz) P.H. Raven - Kern County evening primrose
- CAKEG - Camissonia kernensis (Munz) P.H. Raven ssp. gilmanii (Munz) P.H. Raven - Gilman's evening primrose
- CAKEK - Camissonia kernensis (Munz) P.H. Raven ssp. kernensis - Kern County evening primrose
- CALE26 - Camissonia lewisii P.H. Raven - Lewis' evening primrose
- CAMI23 - Camissonia minor (A. Nelson) P.H. Raven - small evening primrose
- CAPA37 - Camissonia palmeri (S. Watson) P.H. Raven - Palmer evening primrose
- CASIA - Camissonia sierrae P.H. Raven ssp. alticola P.H. Raven - Mono Hot Springs evening primrose
- CASU18 - Camissonia subacaulis (Pursh) P.H. Raven - diffuseflower evening primrose
- CATA2 - Camissonia tanacetifolia (Torr. & A. Gray) P.H. Raven - tansyleaf evening primrose
- CATAQ - Camissonia tanacetifolia (Torr. & A. Gray) P.H. Raven ssp. quadriperforata P.H. Raven - Sierra Valley evening primrose
- CATAT - Camissonia tanacetifolia (Torr. & A. Gray) P.H. Raven ssp. tanacetifolia - tansyleaf evening primrose
- OENOT - Oenothera L. - evening primrose
- OEAC - Oenothera acutissima W.L. Wagner - Flaming Gorge evening primrose
- OEAF - Oenothera affinis Camb. - longflower evening primrose
- OEAL - Oenothera albicaulis Pursh - whitest evening primrose
- OEAR - Oenothera argillicola Mack. - shale barren evening primrose
- OEAR4 - Oenothera arizonica (Munz) W.L. Wagner - California evening primrose
- OEBI - Oenothera biennis L. - common evening primrose
- OEBR - Oenothera brachycarpa A. Gray - shortfruit evening primrose
- OECA10 - Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. - tufted evening primrose
- OECAC2 - Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. ssp. caespitosa - tufted evening primrose
- OECAC3 - Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. ssp. crinita (Rydb.) Munz - tufted evening primrose
- OECAM3 - Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. ssp. macroglottis (Rydb.) W.L. Wagner - tufted evening primrose
- OECAM4 - Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. ssp. marginata (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Munz - tufted evening primrose
- OECAN - Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. ssp. navajoensis W.L. Wagner, Stockhouse & Klein - Navajo evening primrose
- OECA2 - Oenothera californica (S. Watson) S. Watson - California evening primrose
- OECAA2 - Oenothera californica (S. Watson) S. Watson ssp. avita W. Klein - California evening primrose
- OECAC - Oenothera californica (S. Watson) S. Watson ssp. californica - California evening primrose
- OECAE2 - Oenothera californica (S. Watson) S. Watson ssp. eurekensis (Munz & Roos) W. Klein - Eureka Dunes evening primrose
- OECA3 - Oenothera canescens Torr. & Frém. - spotted evening primrose
- OECA5 - Oenothera cavernae Munz - cavedwelling evening primrose
- OECL3 - Oenothera clelandii W. Dietr., P.H. Raven & W.L. Wagner - Cleland's evening primrose
- OECO6 - Oenothera cordata J.W. Loudon - heartleaf evening primrose
- OECO2 - Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray - crownleaf evening primrose
- OECO3 - Oenothera coryi W.L. Wagner - El Paso evening primrose
- OECU - Oenothera curtissii (Rose) Small - Curtiss' evening primrose
- OEDE2 - Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Frém. - birdcage evening primrose
- OEDEA - Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Frém. ssp. ambigua (S. Watson) W. Klein - birdcage evening primrose
- OEDEC2 - Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Frém. ssp. cognata (Jeps.) W. Klein - birdcage evening primrose
- OEDED4 - Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Frém. ssp. deltoides - birdcage evening primrose
- OEDEH - Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Frém. ssp. howellii (Munz) W. Klein - Antioch Dunes evening primrose
- OEDEP - Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Frém. ssp. piperi (Munz) W. Klein - Piper's evening primrose
- OEDR - Oenothera drummondii Hook. - beach evening primrose
- OEEL - Oenothera elata Kunth - Hooker's evening primrose
- OEELH - Oenothera elata Kunth ssp. hirsutissima (A. Gray ex S. Watson) W. Dietr. - Hooker's evening primrose
- OEELH2 - Oenothera elata Kunth ssp. hookeri (Torr. & A. Gray) W. Dietr. & W.L. Wagner - Hooker's evening primrose
- OEEN - Oenothera engelmannii (Small) Munz - Engelmann's evening primrose
- OEFA - Oenothera falfurriae W. Dietr. & W.L. Wagner - royal evening primrose
- OEFL - Oenothera flava (A. Nelson) Garrett - yellow evening primrose
- OEFLF - Oenothera flava (A. Nelson) Garrett ssp. flava - yellow evening primrose
- OEFLT - Oenothera flava (A. Nelson) Garrett ssp. taraxacoides (Woot. & Standl.) W.L. Wagner - yellow evening primrose
- OEFR - Oenothera fruticosa L. - narrowleaf evening primrose
- OEFRF - Oenothera fruticosa L. ssp. fruticosa - narrowleaf evening primrose
- OEFRG - Oenothera fruticosa L. ssp. glauca (Michx.) Straley - narrowleaf evening primrose
- OEGL - Oenothera glazioviana Micheli - redsepal evening primrose
- OEGR4 - Oenothera grandiflora L'Hér. ex Aiton - largeflower evening primrose
- OEGR2 - Oenothera grandis (Britton) Smyth - showy evening primrose
- OEHA6 - Oenothera harringtonii W.L. Wagner - Colorado Springs evening primrose
- OEHA2 - Oenothera havardii S. Watson - Havard's evening primrose
- OEHE3 - Oenothera heterophylla Spach - variableleaf evening primrose
- OEHEH - Oenothera heterophylla Spach ssp. heterophylla - variableleaf evening primrose
- OEHEO - Oenothera heterophylla Spach ssp. orientalis W. Dietr., P.H. Raven & W.L. Wagner - Oriental evening primrose
- OEHO2 - Oenothera howardii (A. Nelson) W.L. Wagner - Howard's evening primrose
- OEHU - Oenothera humifusa Nutt. - seabeach evening primrose
- OEJA - Oenothera jamesii Torr. & A. Gray - trumpet evening primrose
- OEKU - Oenothera kunthiana (Spach) Munz - Kunth's evening primrose
- OELA - Oenothera laciniata Hill - cutleaf evening primrose
- OELA2 - Oenothera latifolia (Rydb.) Munz - mountain evening primrose
- OELI - Oenothera linifolia Nutt. - threadleaf evening primrose
- OELO - Oenothera longissima Rydb. - longstem evening primrose
- OEMA - Oenothera macrocarpa Nutt. - bigfruit evening primrose
- OEMAF - Oenothera macrocarpa Nutt. ssp. fremontii (S. Watson) W.L. Wagner - Fremont's evening primrose
- OEMAI2 - Oenothera macrocarpa Nutt. ssp. incana (A. Gray) Wagner - bigfruit evening primrose
- OEMAM - Oenothera macrocarpa Nutt. ssp. macrocarpa - bigfruit evening primrose
- OEMAO2 - Oenothera macrocarpa Nutt. ssp. oklahomensis (J.B.S. Norton) Wagner - Oklahoma evening primrose
- OEME - Oenothera mexicana Spach - Mexican evening primrose
- OEMO - Oenothera mollissima L. - Argentine evening primrose
- OENE - Oenothera neomexicana (Small) Munz - New Mexico evening primrose
- OENU2 - Oenothera nutans Atk. & Bartlett - nodding evening primrose
- OENU - Oenothera nuttallii Sweet - Nuttall's evening primrose
- OEOA - Oenothera oakesiana (A. Gray) J.W. Robbins ex S. Watson & J.M. Coult. - Oakes' evening primrose
- OEOR - Oenothera organensis Munz - Organ Mountain evening primrose
- OEPA - Oenothera pallida Lindl. - pale evening primrose
- OEPAG - Oenothera pallida Lindl. ssp. gypsophila (Eastw.) Munz & W. Klein - whitepole evening primrose
- OEPAP - Oenothera pallida Lindl. ssp. pallida - pale evening primrose
- OEPAR - Oenothera pallida Lindl. ssp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein - pale evening primrose
- OEPAT - Oenothera pallida Lindl. ssp. trichocalyx (Nutt.) Munz & W. Klein - pale evening primrose
- OEPA5 - Oenothera parviflora L. - northern evening primrose
- OEPE - Oenothera perennis L. - little evening primrose
- OEPI2 - Oenothera pilosella Raf. - meadow evening primrose
- OEPIP - Oenothera pilosella Raf. ssp. pilosella - meadow evening primrose
- OEPIS - Oenothera pilosella Raf. ssp. sessilis (Pennell) Straley - meadow evening primrose
- OEPL - Oenothera platanorum P.H. Raven & Parnell - Fort Huachuca evening primrose
- OEPR - Oenothera primiveris A. Gray - desert evening primrose
- OEPRB - Oenothera primiveris A. Gray ssp. bufonis (M.E. Jones) Munz - desert evening primrose
- OEPRP - Oenothera primiveris A. Gray ssp. primiveris - desert evening primrose
- OEPS2 - Oenothera psammophila (A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.) W.L. Wagner, Stockhouse & Klein - St. Anthony Dunes evening primrose
- OEPU - Oenothera pubescens Willd. ex Spreng. - South American evening primrose
- OERH - Oenothera rhombipetala Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray - fourpoint evening primrose
- OERO - Oenothera rosea L'Hér. ex Aiton - rose evening primrose
- OESP - Oenothera spachiana Torr. & A. Gray - Spach's evening primrose
- OEST - Oenothera stricta Ledeb. ex Link - Chilean evening primrose
- OETE2 - Oenothera tetraptera Cav. - fourwing evening primrose
- OETE3 - Oenothera texensis P.H. Raven & Parnell - Texas evening primrose
- OETR2 - Oenothera triloba Nutt. - stemless evening primrose
- OEVI - Oenothera villosa Thunb. - hairy evening primrose
- OEVIS - Oenothera villosa Thunb. ssp. strigosa (Rydb.) W. Dietr. & P.H. Raven - hairy evening primrose
- OEVIV - Oenothera villosa Thunb. ssp. villosa - hairy evening primrose
- OEWO - Oenothera wolfii (Munz) P.H. Raven, W. Dietr. & Stubbe - Wolf's evening primrose
- OEXY - Oenothera xylocarpa Coville - woodyfruit evening primrose
(E1)(L1) Primrose
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Evening Primrose" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1810 auf.
Erstellt: 2012-10
Nip it in the Bud (W3)
Engl. "Nip it in the Bud" = dt. "Wehret den Anfängen" hat die wörtliche Bedeutung "Schneide die Knospe, bevor sie erblühen kann".
Nip it in the bud
English in a Minute: Nip it in the Bud
Published 03/21/2015
"To nip" means to cut. A bud is a young flower. So, what could this idiom mean? Find out!
(E1)(L1) it in the Bud
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Nip it in the Bud" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.
Erstellt: 2015-03
A Guide to Orchid Culture
Table of contents
- 1-Introduction to orchids
- 2-Potting orchids Part A
- 2-Potting orchids Part B
- 3-Light levels for growing orchids
- 4-Temperatures for growing orchids
- 5-Humidity levels for growing orchids
- 6-Fertilizing orchids
- 7-Watering orchids
- 8-Pests and diseases
- 9-Cultural problems
- Get as Printable PDF
Erstellt: 2013-11
Flower Meanings - The Meaning of Different Flowers
Here are a few of the most popular floral choices and the meaning they carry.
- Carnations - As one of the most popular flowers in the world, the carnation is widely appreciated and enjoyed. Carnations are available in a variety of colors and are generally symbolic of love and fascination.
- Read More - Meanings of Carnations
- Gerbera Daisies - Distinguished by their large, beautiful blooms and wide assortment of vibrant colors, gerbera daisies have become a favorite flower choice for expressing cheerful sentiments. The traditional flower meanings for the gerbera daisy, however, are beauty and innocence.
- Read More - Meanings of Daisies
- Iris Flowers - Few other flowers can match the elegant beauty of the iris. Representing faith, hope, and wisdom, the iris is a flower that can be used for many different occasions. While it is most known for its distinctive blue varieties, the iris can also be found in other colors such as yellow and white.
- Read More - Meanings of Iris Flowers
- Orchids - With an exotic appearance, orchids have come to represent rare and delicate beauty. Those seeking to make a lasting impression with a unique flower have found the orchid to be a perfect choice. As both potted plants and cut flower arrangements, these tropical flowers have an undeniable appeal.
- Read More - Meanings of Orchids
- Peruvian Lilies - While they resemble smaller versions of many lily varieties, Peruvian lilies, also known as alstroemeria, have many distinctive qualities of their own. If you're looking for flower meanings like friendship and devotion, Peruvian lilies are the choice for you. Available in a variety of colors, these exquisite flowers can create a striking arrangement.
- Read More - Meanings of Peruvian Lilies
- Roses - There is no flower that has been revered and celebrated as much as the rose. As a source of inspiration to people throughout history, roses are the definitive symbol for love and appreciation. For the meanings of each rose color, please reference our Rose Guide.
- Read More - Meanings of Roses
- Stargazer Lilies - Known for the stunning appearance of their star-shaped blooms and their distinctly sweet fragrance, stargazer lilies are a majestic masterpiece. The flower meanings traditionally associated with Stargazer Lilies are innocence and purity, but the more modern connotations are honor and aspiration.
- Read More - Meanings of Stargazer Lilies
- Sunflowers - With their bright yellow petals spreading from their center, sunflowers not only resemble the sun, they will also turn to face the sun as the day progresses. Sunflowers' meanings are warmth and adoration, and they are also thought to be a sign of longevity.
- Read More - Meanings of SunFlowers
- Tulips - With their flower meaning being perfect love, tulips can impart a sense of grace and elegance wherever they are displayed. The tulip is recognized throughout the world as one of the most popular cultivated flowers, but they are particularly associated with the Netherlands. Dutch tulips are among the leading tulip varieties within the floral community.
- Read More - Meanings of Tulips
This is just a sampling of the many flower options possible. For more detailed information on the History and Meaning of Flowers on this page, please click the link under the corresponding flower to find many interesting and insightful facts about you or your loved one's favorites!
Erstellt: 2013-11
The Language of Flowers
Taken directly from Katherine's Language of Flowers Page
Right now, I have six sources for Victorian-era flower language. In the tables that follow, they are referred to by their print dates (1853, 1883(I), 1883(II), 1885, 1892, and 1899). They are:
- 1853: Chauncey, Mary, ed. The Floral Gift, from Nature and the Heart. New York: Leavitt & Allen, 1853. The copy I have is, unfortunately, missing pages 65-78 (between "Honeysuckle" and "Lily, White").
- 1883(I): Our Deportment, or the Manners, Conduct, and Dress of the Most Refined Society; including Forms for Letters, Invitations, Etc., Etc. Also, Valuable Suggestions on Home Culture and Training. Compiled from the Latest Reliable Authorities, by John H. Young, A.M. Detroit: F.B. Dickerson & Co., 1883.
- 1883(II): Hill, Thos. E. Hill's Manual of Social and Business Forms. Chicago: Hill Standard Book Co., 1883.
- 1885: Kate Greenaway's Language of Flowers, 1885. From a plain text file provided by Brent Ross.
- 1892: Robinson, Nugent. Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. New York: P. F. Collier, Publisher, 1892.
- 1899: Parsons' Hand-Book of Forms: A Compendium of Business and Social Rules and a Complete Work of Reference and Self-Instruction, with Illustrations, 13th ed. Battle Creek, MI: The Central Manufacturing Co., 1899.
Since the names used for some flowers are obscure to modern readers, I've used the Oxford English Dictionary to try to find more recognizable equivalents for the unfamiliar names. I'd appreciate any suggestions for the ones I haven't identified. I'm also always on the lookout for more sources - ideally ones actually published in the nineteenth century, rather than modern versions.
Arranged by Meaning
Taken directly from Katherine's Language of Flowers Page
Several times, as I've continued this language of flowers project, people have asked me if I'd do a list organized by the meanings of the flower, rather than by the names of the flowers. Well, I finally did it! So now, if you want to know which flowers mean "I love you" and which mean "Constancy," you can find it here.
Erstellt: 2013-03
Orchids of Wisconsin
An Interactive Flora
By Jeffrey R. Hapeman
List of Genera
- Amerorchis
- Aplectrum
- Calopogon
- Calypso
- Coeloglossum
- Corallorhiza
- Cypripedium
- Epipactis
- Galearis
- Goodyera
- Liparis
- Listera
- Malaxis
- Platanthera
- Pogonia
- Spiranthes
- Triphora
Erstellt: 2013-04
Bücher zur Kategorie:
Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Blume, Flor, Fleur, Fiore, Flower, (esper.) floroj
Barnette, Martha - AGo
A Garden of Words
Did you know that "orchid" comes from the Greek for "testicle"? That the German word for "pansy" translates as "little stepmother"? That if you’re feeling "starry-eyed" you should send your loved one "asters"? Discover the surprising stories behind the names we give to flowers.
“Sheer etymological garden fun…Barnette begins with the flower’s name and immediately jumps off the neat garden path into the wild underbrush of mythology, history, folk tales and scientific investigation.” — The New York Times Book Review
Erstellt: 2019-05