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Erstellt: 2018-11



DeWitt Clinton (W3)

"DeWitt Clinton" (02.03.1769 - 11.02.1828), der Sohn von James Clinton (1736-1812) und Mary De Witt (1737 - 1795), war ein Politiker im Bundesstaat New York. Er machte sich vor allem einen Namen durch die Forcierung des Bau des Erie Kanals durch den Bundesstaat New York vom Hudson River zum Erie-See.

Nach "DeWitt Clinton" wurden viele Orte, Straßen, Schulen und Verwaltungsbezirke in den USA benannt. So wurden etwa die "Clinton County" in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, nach DeWitt Clinton benannt.

Die Bezeichnung bot. "clintonia" ehrt den New Yorker Gouverneur De Witt Clinton (1769-1828), der neben seinen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Aktivitäten, auch ein leidenschaftlicher Naturforscher war und eine einheimische Weizensorte in Amerika entdeckte.

Die Bezeichnung bot. "clintoniana" ehrt den amerikanischen Botaniker George William Clinton.


DeWitt Clinton

New York Governor Worked to Build the Erie Canal

DeWitt Clinton served as mayor of New York City and governor of New York, and is best remembered for applying his political might to the building of the Erie Canal [across New York State, from the Hudson River to Lake Erie]. He was so closely associated with the canal during its construction that the project was mocked as "Clinton's Ditch" and "Clinton's Folly."

Despite his many critics, the canal was a spectacular success as soon as it opened in 1825. And the prosperity it created made New York known as "The Empire State."

Beyond his signature accomplishment of the canal, many of the other ideas Clinton championed would define New York City for generations.
Early Life

DeWitt Clinton was born March 2, 1769, at his family's estate about 75 miles north of New York City, along the Hudson River. His family had been prominent in the politics of New York State in colonial times. His father served in the Revolutionary War, rising to the rank of general.

And Clinton's uncle, George Clinton, would have a distinguished career as a governor of New York in the late 1700s and would later serve as vice president of the United States.



DeWitt Clinton
Governor De Witt Clinton of New York. Clinton, an organizer and a promoter of all movements for social betterment, left numerous addresses on various phases of the quasi-public educational endeavours of his time. Scientific societies, libraries, mechanics’ institutes, hospitals, societies for the relief of the poor, infant school societies, Lancasterian societies, all held his interest and called forth statements of his democratic views. These, together with his messages to the legislature commending educational reforms, constitute the most considerable body of educational materials of the times.




Clinton, DeWitt: An introductory discourse, delivered before the Literary and philosophical society of New-York, on the fourth of May, 1814


Clinton, DeWitt, 1769-1828

Letters on the natural history and internal resources of the State of New-York by Hibernicus.
By: Clinton, DeWitt, - Sparks, Jared,
Publication info: New-York :Sold by E. Bliss & E. White, No. 128 Broadway,1822.
Contributed by: New York Public Library (
View Book

Letters on the natural history and internal resources of the State of New York. By Hibernicus [pseud.]
By: Clinton, DeWitt,
Publication info: New York,Sold by E. Bliss & E. White,1822.
Contributed by: Library of Congress
BHL Collections: Library of Congress


"Clintonia": after De Witt Clinton (1769-1828), a naturalist and governor of New York. Known chiefly for his role in the construction of the Erie Canal, also known as "Clinton's Ditch", he was also a keen naturalist and is credited with having discovered a native American wheat species.

He was extremely interested in humanitarian and philanthropic causes, as is demonstrated by his role as the primary organizer of the Public School Society of New York City, the chief patron of the New York Orphan Asylum and the New York City Hospital, the founder of the New York Historical Society, a founding member of the Literature and Philosophy Society, the second president of the American Academy of Art, and the vice president of the American Bible Society and the Educational Society of the Presbyterian Church.

He was introduced to politics as the secretary for his uncle "George Clinton" who was then the Governor of New York. He went on to being a member of the New York State Assembly, and then was elected to the State Senate before being appointed to the U. S. Senate in 1802 to fill a vacancy.

He resigned this office in 1803 to become mayor of New York City, a position which he held from 1803 to 1807, from 1809 to 1810, and again from 1811 to 1815. In between terms as Governor, he was Canal Commissioner and oversaw the design and eventual construction of the 363-mile long Erie Canal which provided easier access than was then possible for Eastern commerce from the Atlantic to inland areas such as "Ohio", "Illinois" and "Indiana", and was of strategic importance during the French and Indian War, the Revolution War and the War of 1812.

He was elected Governor of New York four times and ran once unsuccessfully for President in the election of 1812 (ref. genus Clintonia)




Meaning: Named for De Witt Clinton, 19th century naturalist and governor of New York.


Clinton De Witt, 1769-1828, U.S. political leader and statesman: governor of New York 1817-21, 1825-28 (son of James Clinton).


1818; named after "De Witt Clinton"; see -ia


Origin of clintonia: ModL, after De Witt Clinton


De Witt Clinton


"DeWitt Clinton": United States politician who as governor of New York supported the project to build the Erie Canal (1769-1828)


List of places named for "DeWitt Clinton"

This is a list of places in the United States named for DeWitt Clinton. His role in the construction of the Erie Canal created accessible Eastern seaboard markets for Midwestern agriculture and he was widely admired by settlers, especially those hailing from New York.

Some of these places may have been named for both DeWitt Clinton and his uncle George Clinton, an important figure in the founding of the United States.

Counties and municipalities Streets and parks Schools Other See also


Clinton DeWitt


DeWitt Clinton

(E1)(L1) Clinton
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "DeWitt Clinton" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1770 / 1810 auf.

Erstellt: 2016-10




George Clinton (W3)

George Clinton (26.07.1739 - 1812) war 21 jahre lang Gouverneur von New York (30.07.1777 - 1795 und 1801 - 1804) und zweimal Vizepräsident der USA (1805-12).

Sein Vater, Charles Clinton (1690 - 1773), war im Jahr 1729 aus Irland eingewandert und siedelte als Farmer im Ulster County, N.Y.

Der Bruder von James Clinton heiratete Mary DeWitt im Jahr 1765. George Clinton heiratete Cornelia Tappen im Jahr 1769. Beide Ehen eröffneten der Clinton-Familie Zugang zu einflussreichen niederländischen Familien.

Sein Neffe war DeWitt Clinton (1769-1828).

George Clinton trat u.a. für den Ausbau der Straßen und Kanäle als Verbindungswege ein.

Der amerikanische Maler Ezra Ames erstellte im Jahr 1812 ein Portrat des Gouverneurs George Clinton. Das Bild fand große Zustimmung und brachte ihm weitere Aufträge von New Yorker Politikern ein.

Nach George Clinton sind mehrere Orte und Verwaltungsbezirke in den USA benannt, so etwa "Clinton County" in Missouri, New York und Ohio.


Clinton, George


George Clinton (26.07.1739 - 20.04.1812) ...


Clinton George, George 1739-1812.


George Clinton

Ein "Funk-Musiker" trägt ebenfalls den Namen "George Clinton".


George Clinton - Website des Funk-Musikers


Clinton, George

Neben James Brown ist George Clinton vielleicht der Mann, der den Funk am meisten beeinflusste.




George Clinton


George Clinton


Atomic Dog - by George Clinton


Bop Gun (One Nation) - by Ice Cube feat George Clinton


George Clinton

(E1)(L1) Clinton
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "George Clinton" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1740 auf.


Erstellt: 2016-10







Notable Names Database - NNDB


What is NNDB?

NNDB is an intelligence aggregator that tracks the activities of people we have determined to be noteworthy, both living and dead. Superficially, it seems much like a "Who's Who" where a noted person's curriculum vitae is available (the usual information such as date of birth, a biography, and other essential facts.)

But it mostly exists to document the connections between people, many of which are not always obvious. A person's otherwise inexplicable behavior is often understood by examining the crowd that person has been associating with.


Die "Notable Names Database" ("NNDB") ist eine Online-Datenbank, die Biografien von mehr als 37.000 bekannten Persönlichkeiten aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen veröffentlicht. Der Betreiber der Website, Soylent Communications, bezeichnet die NNDB als Aggregator und möchte neben aktuellen Profilen die Persönlichkeiten innerhalb der Datenbank sinnvoll verlinken. Die Profile umfassen Daten wie biographische Daten, Lebenslauf, Religionszugehörigkeit, ethnische Zugehörigkeit, sexuelle Orientierung, Organisationen oder besuchte Events. Im Fall von Autoren, Schauspielern und Regisseuren, listet der Artikel das Lebenswerk der Person in chronologischer Folge auf. Es existieren ebenfalls Einträge über Filme und Musikgruppen.

Das Projekt wurde am 7. August 2002 gestartet und ist bis heute werbefrei.

Die Besucher der Website können einzelne Einträge kommentieren. Diese Verbesserungs-/Aktualisierungsvorschläge werden vor der Veröffentlichung von Mitarbeitern der NNDB geprüft.

Mit dem NNDB Mapper können die Netzwerke von verschiedenen Personen oder Organisationen nachverfolgt und graphisch aufbereitet werden.

Erstellt: 2015-08





Biographical Dictionary

(E?)(L?) is a Wikipedia type system and everyone can edit biographies or even create their own. was established in 1997 and since then has grown into one of the largest biography sites on the planet.

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Erstellt: 2016-11





People & History



Erstellt: 2011-10