Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj
SD South Dakota
Amtssprache von US, SD
Amtssprache von USA, South Dakota
Amtssprache(n) von US, SD - USA, South Dakota ist / sind
North Dakota legte 1987 Englisch offiziell als Amtssprache fest.
South Dakota legte 1995 Englisch offiziell als Amtssprache fest.
Erstellt: 2012-07
Bonesteel (city) (W3)
Gregory County
The community was named for H.E. Bonesteel, settler
Clinton (township)
Miner County (W3)
Der Namensgeber der Ortschaft "Clinton" in South Dakota, US, ist nicht angegeben.
Erstellt: 2016-10
Corsica (city) Douglas County (W3)
Für die Namensgebung waren vermutlich korsische Auswanderer verantwortlich.
The community was named for the island in the Mediterranean.
epodunk - Community-Profiles SD
Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu US-amerikanischen Städten auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The community was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.
Our community listings for South Dakota include the following cities, villages, towns, townships and unincorporated places:
- Aberdeen (city) Brown County
- Aberdeen (township) Brown County
- Academy Charles Mix County
- Ada (township) Perkins County
- Adams (township) Miner County
- Adams (township) Grant County
- Adrian (township) Edmunds County
- Afton (township) Sanborn County
- Afton (township) Brookings County
- Agar (town) Sully County
- Agency (township) Roberts County
- Akaska (town) Walworth County
- Alban (township) Grant County
- Albee (town) Grant County
- Alcester (township) Union County
- Alcester (city) Union County
- Alden (township) Hand County
- Alexandria (city) Hanson County
- Allen (township) Beadle County
- Alliance (township) Moody County
- Allison (township) Brown County
- Alpena (town) Jerauld County
- Alpena (township) Jerauld County
- Alpha (township) Hand County
- Altamont (town) Deuel County
- Altamont (township) Deuel County
- Alto (township) Roberts County
- Alton (township) Brookings County
- Altoona (township) Beadle County
- America (township) Brule County
- Anderson (township) Perkins County
- Andover (town) Day County
- Andover (township) Day County
- Anina (township) Jerauld County
- Antelope (township) Perkins County
- Antelope (township) Spink County
- Antelope Valley (township) Deuel County
- Arcade (township) Faulk County
- Ardmore Fall River County
- Argentine (township) Fall River County
- Argo (township) Brookings County
- Arlington (city) Kingsbury County
- Armour (city) Douglas County
- Artas (town) Campbell County
- Artesian (town) Sanborn County
- Ash (township) Pennington County
- Ash (township) Clark County
- Ashton (city) Spink County
- Astoria (town) Deuel County
- Athol (township) Spink County
- Aurora (township) Brookings County
- Aurora (town) Brookings County
- Aurora (township) Aurora County
- Avon (city) Bon Homme County
- Bad Nation (township) Mellette County
- Badger (township) Davison County
- Badger (town) Kingsbury County
- Badger (township) Kingsbury County
- Badnation Mellette County
- Badus (township) Lake County
- Bailey (township) Lyman County
- Baker (township) Kingsbury County
- Baker (township) Davison County
- Baltic (city) Minnehaha County
- Bancroft (town) Kingsbury County
- Bangor (township) Brookings County
- Banner (township) Beadle County
- Banner (township) Tripp County
- Barrett (township) Perkins County
- Barrett (township) Beadle County
- Bates (township) Hand County
- Bates (township) Brown County
- Batesland (town) Shannon County
- Bath (township) Brown County
- Beaver (township) Miner County
- Beaver Creek (township) Tripp County
- Beck (township) Perkins County
- Becker (township) Roberts County
- Belford (township) Aurora County
- Belle (township) Edmunds County
- Belle Fourche (city) Butte County
- Belle Plaine (township) Spink County
- Belle Prairie (township) Beadle County
- Belleview (township) Miner County
- Belmont (township) Spink County
- Belmont (township) Douglas County
- Belvidere (town) Jackson County
- Benton (township) Spink County
- Benton (township) McCook County
- Benton (township) Minnehaha County
- Beotia (township) Spink County
- Beresford (city) Union County
- Bethel (township) Clay County
- Beulah (township) Davison County
- Beulah (township) Hanson County
- Big Sioux (township) Union County
- Big Springs (township) Union County
- Big Stone (township) Grant County
- Big Stone City (city) Grant County
- Bison (township) Perkins County
- Bison (town) Perkins County
- Black (township) Tripp County
- Blackpipe (township) Mellette County
- Blaine (township) Jerauld County
- Blaine (township) Clark County
- Blendon (township) Davison County
- Blinsmon (township) Moody County
- Blom (township) Deuel County
- Blooming Valley (township) Grant County
- Blue Bell Custer County
- Blunt (city) Hughes County
- Bonilla (township) Beadle County
- Bossko (township) Roberts County
- Bowdle (city) Edmunds County
- Bowdle (township) Edmunds County
- Box Elder (city) Pennington County
- Bradley (town) Clark County
- Brainard (township) Brown County
- Brandon (township) Minnehaha County
- Brandon (city) Minnehaha County
- Brandt (town) Deuel County
- Brandt (township) Deuel County
- Brantford (township) Hamlin County
- Brentford (town) Spink County
- Bridgewater (city) McCook County
- Bridgewater (township) McCook County
- Bristol (township) Day County
- Bristol (city) Day County
- Bristol (township) Aurora County
- Britton (city) Marshall County
- Broadland (township) Beadle County
- Broadland (town) Beadle County
- Brookfield (township) McCook County
- Brookings (township) Brookings County
- Brookings (city) Brookings County
- Brooklyn (township) Lincoln County
- Brothersfield (township) Turner County
- Bruce (city) Brookings County
- Brule (township) Brule County
- Brule (township) Union County
- Brunson (township) Tripp County
- Brushy (township) Perkins County
- Bryan (township) Charles Mix County
- Bryant (township) Roberts County
- Bryant (city) Hamlin County
- Bryant (township) Edmunds County
- Bryant (township) Faulk County
- Buffalo (town) Harding County
- Buffalo (township) Jones County
- Buffalo (township) Spink County
- Buffalo (township) Minnehaha County
- Buffalo (township) Marshall County
- Buffalo Gap (town) Custer County
- Bull Creek (township) Tripp County
- Burdette (township) Hand County
- Burdick (township) Perkins County
- Burk (township) Minnehaha County
- Burke (city) Gregory County
- Burke (township) Gregory County
- Burr Oak (township) Beadle County
- Bushnell (town) Brookings County
- Butler (town) Day County
- Butler (township) Day County
- Butler (township) Sanborn County
- Butte (township) Lyman County
- Butte (township) Mellette County
- Cambria (township) Brown County
- Camp Crook (town) Harding County
- Campbell (township) Hand County
- Canistota (township) McCook County
- Canistota (city) McCook County
- Canova (township) Miner County
- Canova (town) Miner County
- Canton (township) Lincoln County
- Canton (city) Lincoln County
- Capital (township) Hutchinson County
- Capitola (township) Spink County
- Carl (township) McPherson County
- Carlisle (township) Brown County
- Carlock (township) Gregory County
- Carlton (township) Hand County
- Carlyle (township) Beadle County
- Carroll (township) Charles Mix County
- Carter (township) Tripp County
- Carthage (city) Miner County
- Carthage (township) Miner County
- Cash (township) Perkins County
- Castle Butte (township) Pennington County
- Castle Butte (township) Perkins County
- Castlewood (city) Hamlin County
- Castlewood (township) Hamlin County
- Cavour (township) Beadle County
- Cavour (town) Beadle County
- Cedar (township) Hand County
- Cedar Butte (township) Pennington County
- Center (township) Aurora County
- Centerville (township) Turner County
- Centerville (city) Turner County
- Centerville (township) Faulk County
- Central City (city) Lawrence County
- Central Point (township) Day County
- Chamberlain (township) Brule County
- Chamberlain (city) Brule County
- Chance (township) Perkins County
- Chancellor (town) Turner County
- Chaudoin (township) Perkins County
- Chelsea (town) Faulk County
- Chery (township) Jerauld County
- Chester (township) Lake County
- Chester (township) Douglas County
- Childstown (township) Turner County
- Choteau Creek (township) Charles Mix County
- Civil Bend (township) Union County
- Claire City (town) Roberts County
- Clare (township) Moody County
- Claremont (town) Brown County
- Claremont (township) Brown County
- Clark (township) Perkins County
- Clark (township) Faulk County
- Clark (city) Clark County
- Clark (township) Douglas County
- Clarno (township) Lake County
- Clayton (township) Hutchinson County
- Clear Lake (township) Edmunds County
- Clear Lake (township) Deuel County
- Clear Lake (city) Deuel County
- Clear Lake (township) Minnehaha County
- Clearwater (township) Miner County
- Cleveland (township) Edmunds County
- Cleveland (township) Hamlin County
- Cleveland (township) Brule County
- Clifton (township) Beadle County
- Clifton (township) Spink County
- Cloyd Valley (township) Edmunds County
- Clyde (township) Beadle County
- Cody (township) Mellette County
- Collins (township) Clark County
- Colman (township) Moody County
- Colman (city) Moody County
- Colome (city) Tripp County
- Colome (township) Tripp County
- Colton (city) Minnehaha County
- Columbia (township) Brown County
- Columbia (city) Brown County
- Como (township) Hand County
- Conata (township) Pennington County
- Concord (township) Lake County
- Conde (township) Spink County
- Conde (city) Spink County
- Condon (township) Tripp County
- Cooper (township) Aurora County
- Cornwall (township) Spink County
- Corona (town) Roberts County
- Cortlandt (township) Edmunds County
- Cottonwood (township) Clark County
- Cottonwood (town) Jackson County
- Cottonwood Lake (township) Edmunds County
- Crandon (township) Spink County
- Cresbard (town) Faulk County
- Crooked Creek (township) Pennington County
- Crooks (city) Minnehaha County
- Cross Plains (township) Hutchinson County
- Crow (township) Jerauld County
- Crow Lake (township) Jerauld County
- Crystal Lake (township) Aurora County
- Curlew (township) Tripp County
- Custer (city) Custer County
- Custer (township) Corson County
- Custer (township) Beadle County
- Dakota (township) Meade County
- Dakota Dunes Union County
- Dallas (town) Gregory County
- Daneville (township) Turner County
- Dante (town) Charles Mix County
- Darlington (township) Charles Mix County
- Darlington (township) Clark County
- Date Perkins County
- Davis (town) Turner County
- Day (township) Clark County
- Dayton (township) Lincoln County
- Dayton (township) Marshall County
- De Smet (township) Kingsbury County
- De Smet (city) Kingsbury County
- De Witt (township) Perkins County
- Deadwood (city) Lawrence County
- Dearborn (township) Beadle County
- Delapre (township) Lincoln County
- Delaware (township) Lincoln County
- Dell Rapids (township) Minnehaha County
- Dell Rapids (city) Minnehaha County
- Delmont (city) Douglas County
- Dempster (township) Hamlin County
- Denver (township) Kingsbury County
- Devoe (township) Faulk County
- Dexter (township) Codington County
- Diana (township) Sanborn County
- Dickens (township) Gregory County
- Dimock (town) Hutchinson County
- Dixon (township) Hamlin County
- Dixon (township) Gregory County
- Dog Ear (township) Tripp County
- Doland (city) Spink County
- Dolton (township) Turner County
- Dolton (town) Turner County
- Dorman (township) Lyman County
- Draper (town) Jones County
- Draper (township) Jones County
- Dry Wood Lake (township) Roberts County
- Dudley (township) Aurora County
- Duell (township) Perkins County
- Dumarce (township) Marshall County
- Dunkel (township) Jones County
- Dupree (city) Ziebach County
- Eagle (township) Meade County
- Eagle (township) Brule County
- Eagle Butte (city) Dewey County
- East Choteau (township) Douglas County
- East Hanson (township) Brown County
- East Rondell (township) Brown County
- Easter (township) Roberts County
- Eden (town) Marshall County
- Eden (township) Marshall County
- Eden (township) Codington County
- Eden (township) Clark County
- Eden (township) Lincoln County
- Edens (township) Gregory County
- Edgemont (city) Fall River County
- Edgerton (township) Hanson County
- Edison (township) Minnehaha County
- Egan (township) Moody County
- Egan (city) Moody County
- Egeland (township) Day County
- Elk Point (city) Union County
- Elk Point (township) Union County
- Elkton (township) Brookings County
- Elkton (city) Brookings County
- Elliott (township) Sanborn County
- Elliston (township) Tripp County
- Ellisville (township) Faulk County
- Ellston (township) Gregory County
- Elmira (township) Codington County
- Elrod (township) Clark County
- Elvira (township) Buffalo County
- Emerson (township) Faulk County
- Emery (city) Hanson County
- Emery (township) McCook County
- Emmet (township) Union County
- Englewood (township) Perkins County
- Enterprise (township) Moody County
- Enterprise (township) Roberts County
- Enterprise (township) Faulk County
- Erwin (town) Kingsbury County
- Esmond (township) Kingsbury County
- Estelline (city) Hamlin County
- Estelline (township) Hamlin County
- Ethan (town) Davison County
- Eureka (city) McPherson County
- Eureka (township) Brookings County
- Eureka (township) Aurora County
- Exline (township) Spink County
- Fair (township) Hutchinson County
- Fairburn (town) Custer County
- Fairfax (township) Gregory County
- Fairfax (town) Gregory County
- Fairfield (township) Beadle County
- Fairland (township) Lyman County
- Fairview (township) Mellette County
- Fairview (township) Pennington County
- Fairview (township) Hanson County
- Fairview (township) Lincoln County
- Fairview (town) Lincoln County
- Fairview (township) Clay County
- Fairview (township) Faulk County
- Faith (city) Meade County
- Farmer (town) Hanson County
- Farmington (township) Lake County
- Farmington (township) Grant County
- Farmington (township) Day County
- Faulkton (city) Faulk County
- Flandreau (township) Moody County
- Flandreau (city) Moody County
- Flat Butte (township) Pennington County
- Flat Creek (township) Perkins County
- Florence (town) Codington County
- Florence (township) Hand County
- Florence (township) Hamlin County
- Floyd (township) Sanborn County
- Forbes (township) Charles Mix County
- Fordham (township) Clark County
- Forestburg Sanborn County
- Fort (township) Marshall County
- Fort Pierre (city) Stanley County
- Foster (township) Perkins County
- Foster (township) Hutchinson County
- Foster (township) Beadle County
- Fountain (township) Edmunds County
- Foxton (township) Clark County
- Frankfort (city) Spink County
- Frankfort (township) Spink County
- Franklin (township) Jerauld County
- Franklin (township) Lake County
- Franklyn (township) Brown County
- Frederick (town) Brown County
- Frederick (township) Brown County
- Fredlund (township) Perkins County
- Freedom (township) Faulk County
- Freeman (city) Hutchinson County
- Fremont (township) Moody County
- Fruitdale (town) Butte County
- Fuller (township) Codington County
- Fulton (town) Hanson County
- Gales (township) Aurora County
- Gannvalley Buffalo County
- Garden City (town) Clark County
- Garden Prairie (township) Brown County
- Garfield (township) Clark County
- Garfield (township) Clay County
- Garfield (township) Hamlin County
- Garfield (township) Spink County
- Garfield (township) Roberts County
- Garfield (township) Douglas County
- Garland (township) Brown County
- Garretson (city) Minnehaha County
- Gary (city) Deuel County
- Gayville (town) Yankton County
- Gayville (township) Yankton County
- Geddes (city) Charles Mix County
- Gem (township) Brown County
- Geneseo (township) Roberts County
- Georgia (township) Grant County
- German (township) Hutchinson County
- Germantown (township) Codington County
- Germantown (township) Turner County
- Gilbert (township) Hand County
- Glad Valley Ziebach County
- Glen (township) Edmunds County
- Glendale (township) Hand County
- Glendo (township) Perkins County
- Glenham (town) Walworth County
- Glenwood (township) Deuel County
- Glenwood (township) Clay County
- Glover (township) Edmunds County
- Goodwill (township) Roberts County
- Goodwin (township) Deuel County
- Goodwin (town) Deuel County
- Goose Lake (township) Charles Mix County
- Graceland (township) Codington County
- Grafton (township) Miner County
- Grand (township) Hand County
- Grand Meadow (township) Minnehaha County
- Grand River (township) Perkins County
- Grandview (township) Hutchinson County
- Grandview (township) Jones County
- Grandview (township) Douglas County
- Grandview II (township) Jackson County
- Grange (township) Deuel County
- Grant (township) Lincoln County
- Grant (township) McCook County
- Grant (township) Roberts County
- Grant (township) Beadle County
- Grant Center (township) Grant County
- Great Bend (township) Spink County
- Green Valley (township) Miner County
- Greenfield (township) Brown County
- Greenland (township) McCook County
- Greenleaf (township) Hand County
- Greenwood (township) Tripp County
- Gregory (city) Gregory County
- Grenville (township) Day County
- Grenville (town) Day County
- Groton (city) Brown County
- Groton (township) Brown County
- Groveland (township) Spink County
- Grovena (township) Moody County
- Hague (township) Clark County
- Hall (township) Perkins County
- Hamilton (township) Marshall County
- Hamilton (township) Charles Mix County
- Hamlin (township) Hamlin County
- Hanson (township) Hanson County
- Harmon (township) Roberts County
- Harmony (township) Spink County
- Harmony (township) Jerauld County
- Harmony (township) Edmunds County
- Harrington Bennett County
- Harrisburg (city) Lincoln County
- Harrison (township) Spink County
- Harrold (town) Hughes County
- Hart (township) Roberts County
- Hartford (township) Minnehaha County
- Hartford (city) Minnehaha County
- Hartland (township) Kingsbury County
- Hartland (township) Beadle County
- Havana (township) Deuel County
- Hayti (town) Hamlin County
- Hayti (town) Hamlin County
- Hazel (town) Hamlin County
- Hecla (township) Brown County
- Hecla (city) Brown County
- Henden (township) Miner County
- Henry (township) Codington County
- Henry (town) Codington County
- Henry (township) Brown County
- Herman (township) Lake County
- Hermosa (town) Custer County
- Herreid (city) Campbell County
- Herrick (township) Deuel County
- Herrick (town) Gregory County
- Hetland (town) Kingsbury County
- Hickman (township) Marshall County
- Hidewood (township) Deuel County
- Highland (township) Day County
- Highland (township) Lincoln County
- Highland (township) Minnehaha County
- Highland (township) Perkins County
- Highland (township) Charles Mix County
- Highland (township) Brule County
- Highland (township) Brown County
- Highmore (city) Hyde County
- Hiland (township) Hand County
- Hill City (city) Pennington County
- Hillsdale (township) Faulk County
- Hillside (township) Edmunds County
- Hillsview (town) McPherson County
- Hisega Pennington County
- Hisle Jackson County
- Hitchcock (town) Beadle County
- Hoffman (township) McPherson County
- Holden (township) Hand County
- Holland (township) Douglas County
- Holsclaw (township) Tripp County
- Home (township) Turner County
- Homer (township) Day County
- Hopper (township) Aurora County
- Horse Creek (township) Perkins County
- Hosmer (township) Edmunds County
- Hosmer (city) Edmunds County
- Hot Springs (city) Fall River County
- Hoven (town) Potter County
- Howard (township) Meade County
- Howard (township) Miner County
- Howard (city) Miner County
- Howard (township) Charles Mix County
- Hudson (town) Lincoln County
- Hudson (township) Edmunds County
- Huggins (township) Tripp County
- Hulbert (township) Hand County
- Humboldt (township) Minnehaha County
- Humboldt (town) Minnehaha County
- Huntley (township) Edmunds County
- Hurley (township) Turner County
- Hurley (city) Turner County
- Huron (township) Pennington County
- Huron (city) Beadle County
- Ideal (township) Tripp County
- Imlay (township) Pennington County
- Independence (township) Day County
- Independence (township) Douglas County
- Interior (town) Jackson County
- Interior (township) Jackson County
- Iona (township) Lyman County
- Iowa (township) Beadle County
- Iowa (township) Douglas County
- Ipswich (city) Edmunds County
- Ipswich (township) Edmunds County
- Irene (city) Turner County
- Iroquois (city) Kingsbury County
- Iroquois (township) Kingsbury County
- Irving (township) Faulk County
- Irwin (township) Tripp County
- Isabel (town) Dewey County
- Jackson (township) Sanborn County
- Jackson (township) Charles Mix County
- Jamesville (township) Yankton County
- Jasper (township) Hanson County
- Java (town) Walworth County
- Jefferson (city) Union County
- Jefferson (township) Union County
- Jefferson (township) Spink County
- Jefferson (township) McCook County
- Jefferson (township) Moody County
- Jewett (township) Jackson County
- Jones (township) Gregory County
- Jordan (township) Tripp County
- Joubert (township) Douglas County
- Kadoka (city) Jackson County
- Kampeska (township) Codington County
- Kassel (township) Hutchinson County
- Kaylor (township) Hutchinson County
- Kaylor Hutchinson County
- Kellogg (township) Beadle County
- Kennebec (town) Lyman County
- Kennedy (township) Charles Mix County
- Kent (township) Edmunds County
- Keyapaha (township) Tripp County
- Keystone (town) Pennington County
- Kidder (township) Day County
- Kilborn (township) Grant County
- Kimball (township) Brule County
- Kimball (city) Brule County
- King (township) Tripp County
- Kirley Haakon County
- Kolls (township) Jones County
- Kosciusko (township) Day County
- Kranzburg (township) Codington County
- Kranzburg (town) Codington County
- Kulm (township) Hutchinson County
- Kyle Shannon County
- La Belle (township) Marshall County
- La Bolt (town) Grant County
- La Prairie (township) Spink County
- La Roche (township) Charles Mix County
- La Valley (township) Lincoln County
- Lafoon (township) Faulk County
- Lake (township) Codington County
- Lake (township) Corson County
- Lake (township) Marshall County
- Lake (township) Spink County
- Lake (township) Roberts County
- Lake (township) Tripp County
- Lake (township) Clark County
- Lake (township) Aurora County
- Lake Andes (city) Charles Mix County
- Lake Byron (township) Beadle County
- Lake City (town) Marshall County
- Lake Creek (township) Pennington County
- Lake Flat (township) Pennington County
- Lake George (township) Charles Mix County
- Lake Hendricks (township) Brookings County
- Lake Hill (township) Pennington County
- Lake Norden (city) Hamlin County
- Lake Preston (city) Kingsbury County
- Lake Sinai (township) Brookings County
- Lake View (township) Lake County
- Lakeside (township) Meade County
- Laketon (township) Brookings County
- Lamro (township) Tripp County
- Landing Creek (township) Gregory County
- Lane (town) Jerauld County
- Langford (town) Marshall County
- Lansing (township) Brown County
- Lawrence (township) Roberts County
- Lawrence (township) Charles Mix County
- Le Roy (township) Lake County
- Le Sueur (township) Kingsbury County
- Lead (city) Lawrence County
- Lebanon (town) Potter County
- Lee (township) Roberts County
- Lemmon (city) Perkins County
- Lennox (city) Lincoln County
- Leola (township) Codington County
- Leola (city) McPherson County
- Lesterville (town) Yankton County
- Letcher (town) Sanborn County
- Letcher (township) Sanborn County
- Liberty (township) Perkins County
- Liberty (township) Day County
- Liberty (township) Edmunds County
- Liberty (township) Hutchinson County
- Liberty (township) Beadle County
- Liberty (township) Brown County
- Lien (township) Roberts County
- Lily (town) Day County
- Lincoln (township) Spink County
- Lincoln (township) Tripp County
- Lincoln (township) Perkins County
- Lincoln (township) Lincoln County
- Lincoln (township) Clark County
- Lincoln (township) Brown County
- Lincoln (township) Douglas County
- Linn (township) Hand County
- Lisbon (township) Davison County
- Little Buffalo (township) Jackson County
- Lockwood (township) Roberts County
- Lodgepole (township) Perkins County
- Lodi (township) Spink County
- Logan (township) Sanborn County
- Logan (township) Minnehaha County
- Logan (township) Jerauld County
- Logan (township) Hand County
- Logan (township) Clark County
- Logan (township) Beadle County
- Lone Rock (township) Moody County
- Lone Star (township) Tripp County
- Lone Tree (township) Tripp County
- Lone Tree (township) Perkins County
- Lone Tree (township) Charles Mix County
- Long Hollow (township) Roberts County
- Long Lake (town) McPherson County
- Long Valley Jackson County
- Lowe (township) Deuel County
- Lowell (township) Marshall County
- Lower Brule Lyman County
- Lowry (town) Walworth County
- Ludlow Harding County
- Lura (township) Grant County
- Lynn (township) Day County
- Lynn (township) Lincoln County
- Lynn (township) Moody County
- Lyon (township) Brule County
- Lyons (township) Minnehaha County
- Madison (township) Edmunds County
- Madison (township) Grant County
- Madison (city) Lake County
- Mahto Corson County
- Maltby (township) Perkins County
- Manchester (township) Kingsbury County
- Mapleton (township) Minnehaha County
- Marindahl (township) Yankton County
- Marion (township) Turner County
- Marion (city) Turner County
- Marlar (township) Jerauld County
- Marshfield (township) Perkins County
- Martin (township) Perkins County
- Martin (city) Bennett County
- Marvin (town) Grant County
- Mathews (township) Kingsbury County
- Maydell (township) Clark County
- Mayfield (township) Yankton County
- Mazeppa (township) Grant County
- McIntosh (city) Corson County
- McKinley (township) Marshall County
- McLaughlin (city) Corson County
- McNeely (township) Tripp County
- Meadow (township) Perkins County
- Meckling (township) Clay County
- Medary (township) Brookings County
- Media (township) Jerauld County
- Mellette (city) Spink County
- Mellette (township) Spink County
- Menno (city) Hutchinson County
- Mercier (township) Brown County
- Merton (township) Clark County
- Middleton (township) Turner County
- Midland (town) Haakon County
- Midland (township) Hand County
- Milbank (city) Grant County
- Milesville Haakon County
- Milford (township) Beadle County
- Millboro (township) Tripp County
- Miller (township) Marshall County
- Miller (township) Hand County
- Miller (city) Hand County
- Milltown (township) Hutchinson County
- Miner (township) Miner County
- Minnesota (township) Roberts County
- Mission (city) Todd County
- Mission (township) Corson County
- Mission Hill (township) Yankton County
- Mission Hill (town) Yankton County
- Mitchell (city) Davison County
- Mitchell (township) Davison County
- Mobridge (city) Walworth County
- Modena (township) Edmunds County
- Molan (township) Hutchinson County
- Mondamin (township) Hand County
- Monroe (township) Turner County
- Monroe (town) Turner County
- Montpelier (township) Edmunds County
- Montrose (township) McCook County
- Montrose (city) McCook County
- Moon Pennington County
- Moore (township) Charles Mix County
- Moreau (township) Perkins County
- Morgan (township) Jones County
- Morristown (town) Corson County
- Morton (township) Day County
- Mosher (township) Mellette County
- Mound City (town) Campbell County
- Mount Pleasant (township) Clark County
- Mount Vernon (township) Davison County
- Mount Vernon (city) Davison County
- Mullen (township) Jones County
- Murdo (city) Jones County
- Mussman (township) Jones County
- Myron (township) Faulk County
- Nance (township) Beadle County
- New Effington (town) Roberts County
- New Hope (township) Brown County
- New Surprise Valley (township) Mellette County
- New Underwood (city) Pennington County
- New Witten (town) Tripp County
- Newark (township) Marshall County
- Newell (city) Butte County
- Newport (township) Marshall County
- Nisland (town) Butte County
- Norden (township) Deuel County
- Norden (township) Hamlin County
- Nordland (township) Marshall County
- Norris (township) Mellette County
- North Bryant (township) Edmunds County
- North Sioux City (city) Union County
- Northville (town) Spink County
- Northville (township) Spink County
- Norway (township) Roberts County
- Norway (township) Turner County
- Norway (township) Clay County
- Norway (township) Lincoln County
- Nunda (township) Lake County
- Nunda (town) Lake County
- Nutley (township) Day County
- O'Neil (township) Faulk County
- Oacoma (town) Lyman County
- Oacoma (township) Lyman County
- Oahe Hughes County
- Oak Gulch (township) Day County
- Oak Hollow (township) Hutchinson County
- Oak Lake (township) Brookings County
- Oakwood (township) Brookings County
- Odessa (township) Edmunds County
- Oelrichs (town) Fall River County
- Ohio (township) Hand County
- Okaton (township) Jones County
- Ola (township) Brule County
- Oldham (city) Kingsbury County
- Olean (township) Spink County
- Olivet (town) Hutchinson County
- Onaka (town) Faulk County
- One Road (township) Roberts County
- Oneida (township) Sanborn County
- Oneota (township) Brown County
- Onida (city) Sully County
- Ontario (township) Hand County
- Opdahl (township) Hamlin County
- Oral Fall River County
- Ordway (township) Brown County
- Orient (township) Faulk County
- Orient (town) Faulk County
- Orland (township) Lake County
- Ortley (township) Roberts County
- Ortley (town) Roberts County
- Osceola (township) Grant County
- Osceola (township) Brown County
- Oslo (township) Brookings County
- Owanka (township) Pennington County
- Oxford (township) Hamlin County
- Pahapesto (township) Tripp County
- Palatine (township) Aurora County
- Palisade (township) Minnehaha County
- Parade Dewey County
- Park (township) Hand County
- Parker (city) Turner County
- Parker (township) Turner County
- Parkston (city) Hutchinson County
- Parnell (township) Brookings County
- Patten (township) Aurora County
- Pearl (township) Hand County
- Pearl (township) McCook County
- Pearl Creek (township) Beadle County
- Peever (town) Roberts County
- Pelican (township) Codington County
- Pembrook (township) Edmunds County
- Peno (township) Pennington County
- Perry (township) Davison County
- Perry (township) Lincoln County
- Philip (city) Haakon County
- Phipps (township) Codington County
- Pickstown (town) Charles Mix County
- Pierpont (town) Day County
- Pine Ridge Shannon County
- Pioneer (township) Faulk County
- Plain Center (township) Charles Mix County
- Plainfield (township) Brule County
- Plainview (township) Tripp County
- Plankinton (township) Aurora County
- Plankinton (city) Aurora County
- Plano (township) Hanson County
- Plateau (township) Perkins County
- Plato (township) Hand County
- Platte (township) Charles Mix County
- Platte (city) Charles Mix County
- Pleasant (township) Clark County
- Pleasant (township) Hanson County
- Pleasant (township) Hutchinson County
- Pleasant (township) Lincoln County
- Pleasant (township) Jerauld County
- Pleasant (township) Lyman County
- Pleasant Grove (township) Brule County
- Pleasant Lake (township) Aurora County
- Pleasant Ridge (township) Corson County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Clay County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Hand County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Gregory County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Marshall County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Tripp County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Aurora County
- Pleasant View (township) Beadle County
- Pleasant View (township) Tripp County
- Plummer (township) Brule County
- Pollock (town) Campbell County
- Porcupine Shannon County
- Portage (township) Brown County
- Portland (township) Deuel County
- Powell (township) Edmunds County
- Prairie (township) Union County
- Prairie Center (township) Spink County
- Prairie Center (township) Clay County
- Prairie View (township) Corson County
- Prairiewood (township) Brown County
- Pratt (township) Lyman County
- Presho (city) Lyman County
- Preston (township) Brookings County
- Pringle (town) Custer County
- Progressive (township) Tripp County
- Prospect (township) Mellette County
- Prosper (township) Davison County
- Provo (township) Fall River County
- Pukwana (township) Brule County
- Pukwana (town) Brule County
- Putney (township) Brown County
- Quinn (township) Pennington County
- Quinn (town) Pennington County
- Raber (township) Hughes County
- Racine (township) Day County
- Rainbow (township) Perkins County
- Rainy Creek/Cheyenne (township) Pennington County
- Ralph Harding County
- Rames (township) Tripp County
- Ramona (town) Lake County
- Ramsey (township) McCook County
- Rapid City (city) Pennington County
- Raritan (township) Day County
- Rauville (township) Codington County
- Ravenna (township) Sanborn County
- Ravinia (town) Charles Mix County
- Ravinia (township) Brown County
- Raymond (township) Clark County
- Raymond (town) Clark County
- Red Fish (township) Mellette County
- Red Iron Lake (township) Marshall County
- Red Lake (township) Brule County
- Red Rock (township) Minnehaha County
- Redfield (city) Spink County
- Redfield (township) Spink County
- Redig Harding County
- Redstone (township) Miner County
- Ree (township) Charles Mix County
- Ree Heights (town) Hand County
- Ree Heights (township) Hand County
- Reliance (township) Lyman County
- Reliance (town) Lyman County
- Revillo (town) Grant County
- Rex (township) Lyman County
- Rhoda (township) Charles Mix County
- Richfield (township) Spink County
- Richland (township) McCook County
- Richland (township) Edmunds County
- Richland (township) Clark County
- Richland (township) Codington County
- Richland (township) Brule County
- Richland (township) Beadle County
- Richland (township) Brookings County
- Richland (township) Brown County
- Ridgeland (township) Corson County
- Ring Thunder (township) Mellette County
- Riverside (township) Mellette County
- Riverside (township) Clay County
- Riverside (township) Hand County
- Riverside (township) Brown County
- Riverview (township) Moody County
- Robins (township) Fall River County
- Rock Creek (township) Miner County
- Rockdale (township) Hand County
- Rockerville Pennington County
- Rockford (township) Perkins County
- Rockham (town) Faulk County
- Rocky Ford (township) Mellette County
- Rolling Green (township) Corson County
- Rome (township) Davison County
- Rome (township) Deuel County
- Roscoe (city) Edmunds County
- Rose (township) Lyman County
- Rose Hill (township) Hand County
- Rosebud (township) Mellette County
- Rosebud Mellette County
- Rosedale (township) Tripp County
- Rosedale (township) Hanson County
- Rosedale (township) Clark County
- Rosefield (township) Turner County
- Roseland (township) Tripp County
- Rosette (township) Edmunds County
- Rosholt (town) Roberts County
- Roslyn (town) Day County
- Roswell (township) Miner County
- Roswell (town) Miner County
- Rouse (township) Charles Mix County
- Rowe (township) Lyman County
- Running Bird (township) Mellette County
- Rusk (township) Day County
- Rutland (township) Lake County
- Saint Francis (town) Todd County
- Saint Lawrence (township) Hand County
- Saint Lawrence (town) Hand County
- Saint Onge (township) Lawrence County
- Salem (township) Turner County
- Salem (township) McCook County
- Salem (city) McCook County
- Sand Creek (township) Beadle County
- Sangamon (township) Edmunds County
- Saratoga (township) Faulk County
- Savo (township) Brown County
- Scandinavia (township) Deuel County
- Scenic (township) Pennington County
- Schriever (township) Gregory County
- Scotch Cap (township) Perkins County
- Scotland (township) Day County
- Scotland (city) Bon Homme County
- Scovil (township) Jones County
- Selby (city) Walworth County
- Seneca (town) Faulk County
- Sharon (township) Hutchinson County
- Shelby (township) Brown County
- Sheridan (township) Codington County
- Sherman (township) Corson County
- Sherman (township) Faulk County
- Sherman (town) Minnehaha County
- Sherman (township) Brookings County
- Shyne (township) Pennington County
- Sidney (township) Perkins County
- Signal (township) Charles Mix County
- Silver Creek (township) Sanborn County
- Silver Lake (township) Hutchinson County
- Sinai (town) Brookings County
- Sioux (township) Lyman County
- Sioux Falls (city) Minnehaha County
- Sioux Valley (township) Union County
- Sisseton (city) Roberts County
- Sisseton (township) Roberts County
- Sisseton (township) Marshall County
- Smith (township) Brule County
- Smithville (township) Meade County
- South Creek (township) Jones County
- South Shore (town) Codington County
- Spearfish (city) Lawrence County
- Spencer (city) McCook County
- Spink (township) Union County
- Spirit Lake (township) Kingsbury County
- Spirit Mound (township) Clay County
- Split Rock (township) Minnehaha County
- Spring (township) Spink County
- Spring Creek (township) Moody County
- Spring Grove (township) Roberts County
- Spring Hill (township) Hand County
- Spring Lake (township) Hand County
- Spring Lake (township) Hanson County
- Spring Lake (township) Kingsbury County
- Spring Valley (township) Clark County
- Spring Valley (township) Turner County
- Spring Valley (township) McCook County
- Springdale (township) Roberts County
- Springdale (township) Lincoln County
- Springfield (city) Bon Homme County
- Star (township) Clay County
- Star Prairie (township) Tripp County
- Star Valley (township) Tripp County
- Star Valley (township) Gregory County
- Starr (township) Hutchinson County
- Stena (township) Marshall County
- Stephan Hyde County
- Sterling (township) Brookings County
- Stewart (township) Tripp County
- Stickney (town) Aurora County
- Stockholm (town) Grant County
- Stockholm (township) Grant County
- Strandburg (town) Grant County
- Stratford (town) Brown County
- Strool (township) Perkins County
- Sturgis (city) Meade County
- Sully (township) Tripp County
- Summit (town) Roberts County
- Summit (township) Roberts County
- Summit (township) Lake County
- Sumner (township) Spink County
- Sun Prairie (township) McCook County
- Sunnyside (township) Pennington County
- Surprise Valley (township) Mellette County
- Susquehanna (township) Hutchinson County
- Sverdrup (township) Minnehaha County
- Swan Lake (township) Turner County
- Sweet (township) Hutchinson County
- Tabor (town) Bon Homme County
- Tamworth (township) Faulk County
- Taopi (township) Minnehaha County
- Taylor (township) Tripp County
- Taylor (township) Hanson County
- Tea (city) Lincoln County
- Terry Lawrence County
- Tetonka (township) Spink County
- Theresa (township) Beadle County
- Thorp (township) Clark County
- Three Rivers (township) Spink County
- Timber Lake (city) Dewey County
- Tobin (township) Davison County
- Toronto (town) Deuel County
- Torrey Lake (township) Brule County
- Trail (township) Perkins County
- Trent (town) Moody County
- Trenton (township) Brookings County
- Tripp (city) Hutchinson County
- Troy (township) Grant County
- Troy (township) Day County
- Truro (township) Aurora County
- Tulare (township) Spink County
- Tulare (town) Spink County
- Turkey Valley (township) Yankton County
- Turner (township) Turner County
- Turton (town) Spink County
- Turton (township) Spink County
- Twin Brooks (township) Grant County
- Twin Brooks (town) Grant County
- Twin Lake (township) Sanborn County
- Tyndall (city) Bon Homme County
- Union (township) Brule County
- Union (township) Butte County
- Union (township) Sanborn County
- Union (township) Spink County
- Union (township) Moody County
- Union (township) McCook County
- Union (township) Meade County
- Union (township) Faulk County
- Union (township) Edmunds County
- Union (township) Day County
- Union (township) Davison County
- Upper Red Owl (township) Meade County
- Usta Perkins County
- Utica (town) Yankton County
- Utica (township) Yankton County
- Vail (township) Perkins County
- Vale (township) Butte County
- Valley (township) Beadle County
- Valley (township) Tripp County
- Valley (township) Day County
- Valley (township) Hutchinson County
- Valley (township) Hughes County
- Valley (township) Hyde County
- Valley (township) Douglas County
- Valley Springs (township) Minnehaha County
- Valley Springs (city) Minnehaha County
- Veblen (city) Marshall County
- Veblen (township) Marshall County
- Verdon (town) Brown County
- Vermillion (township) Miner County
- Vermillion (city) Clay County
- Vermillion (township) Clay County
- Vermont (township) Edmunds County
- Vernon (township) Grant County
- Vernon (township) Beadle County
- Viborg (city) Turner County
- Vickers (township) Perkins County
- Victor (township) Roberts County
- Victor (township) Marshall County
- Vienna (town) Clark County
- Viking (township) Perkins County
- Vilas (town) Miner County
- Virgil (township) Jones County
- Virgil (town) Beadle County
- Virginia (township) Union County
- Vivian (township) Lyman County
- Volga (city) Brookings County
- Volga (township) Brookings County
- Volin (town) Yankton County
- Volin (township) Yankton County
- Vrooman (township) Perkins County
- Wachter (township) McPherson County
- Wacker (township) McPherson County
- Wagner (city) Charles Mix County
- Wahehe (township) Charles Mix County
- Wakonda (town) Clay County
- Wakpala (township) Corson County
- Waldro (township) Brule County
- Wall (township) Jackson County
- Wall (town) Pennington County
- Wall Lake (township) Minnehaha County
- Wallace (town) Codington County
- Walnut Grove (township) Douglas County
- Walshtown (township) Yankton County
- Ward (township) Moody County
- Ward (town) Moody County
- Warner (township) Brown County
- Warner (town) Brown County
- Warren (township) Sanborn County
- Warren (township) Clark County
- Washington (township) Clark County
- Washington (township) Aurora County
- Washington (township) Douglas County
- Wasta (town) Pennington County
- Wasta (township) Pennington County
- Watauga (township) Corson County
- Watertown (city) Codington County
- Waubay (township) Day County
- Waubay (city) Day County
- Waverly (township) Codington County
- Waverly (township) Marshall County
- Wayne (township) Minnehaha County
- Wayne (township) Lake County
- Wayne (township) Hanson County
- Weaver (township) Tripp County
- Weber (township) McPherson County
- Webster (township) Day County
- Webster (city) Day County
- Wellington (township) Minnehaha County
- Wells (township) Perkins County
- Wentworth (township) Lake County
- Wentworth (village) Lake County
- Wesley (township) Faulk County
- Wessington (township) Beadle County
- Wessington (city) Beadle County
- Wessington Springs (city) Jerauld County
- Wessington Springs (township) Jerauld County
- West Hanson (township) Brown County
- West Point (township) Brule County
- West Rondell (township) Brown County
- Weston (township) Marshall County
- Westport (township) Brown County
- Westport (town) Brown County
- Westside Park Davison County
- Weta (township) Jackson County
- Wetonka (town) McPherson County
- Wheatland (township) Day County
- Wheaton (township) Hand County
- Whetstone (township) Gregory County
- White (township) Marshall County
- White (city) Brookings County
- White Butte (township) Perkins County
- White Hill (township) Perkins County
- White Lake (township) Aurora County
- White Lake (city) Aurora County
- White River (city) Mellette County
- White Rock (township) Roberts County
- White Rock (town) Roberts County
- White Swan (township) Charles Mix County
- Whiteside (township) Beadle County
- Whitewood (township) Kingsbury County
- Whitewood (city) Lawrence County
- Wilbur (township) Brule County
- William Hamilton (township) Hyde County
- Williams Creek (township) Jones County
- Willow Creek (township) Tripp County
- Willow Lake (city) Clark County
- Willow Lake (township) Brule County
- Wilmot (city) Roberts County
- Wilson (township) Perkins County
- Wilson (township) Tripp County
- Winfred (township) Lake County
- Winner (city) Tripp County
- Winsor (township) Brookings County
- Wismer (township) Marshall County
- Witten (township) Tripp County
- Wittenberg (township) Hutchinson County
- Wolf Creek (township) Hutchinson County
- Wolsey (town) Beadle County
- Wolsey (township) Beadle County
- Wood (town) Mellette County
- Woodland (township) Clark County
- Woonsocket (township) Sanborn County
- Woonsocket (city) Sanborn County
- Worthen (township) Hanson County
- Worthing (town) Lincoln County
- Wortman (township) Tripp County
- Wounded Knee Shannon County
- Wright (township) Tripp County
- Wyandotte (township) Perkins County
- Yale (town) Beadle County
- Yankton (city) Yankton County
- York (township) Hand County
- York (township) Day County
- Zell (township) Faulk County
- Zeona Perkins County
- Zickrick (township) Jones County
epodunk - County Profiles SD
Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu US-amerikanischen Verwaltungsbezirken auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The county was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.
Aurora County | Beadle County | Bennett County | Bon Homme County | Brookings County | Brown County | Brule County | Buffalo County | Butte County | Campbell County | Charles Mix County | Clark County | Clay County | Codington County | Corson County | Custer County | Davison County | Day County | Deuel County | Dewey County | Douglas County | Edmunds County | Fall River County | Faulk County | Grant County | Gregory County | Haakon County | Hamlin County | Hand County | Hanson County | Harding County | Hughes County | Hutchinson County | Hyde County | Jackson County | Jerauld County | Jones County | Kingsbury County | Lake County | Lawrence County | Lincoln County | Lyman County | Marshall County | McCook County | McPherson County | Meade County | Mellette County | Miner County | Minnehaha County | Moody County | Pennington County | Perkins County | Potter County | Roberts County | Sanborn County | Shannon County | Spink County | Stanley County | Sully County | Todd County | Tripp County | Turner County | Union County | Walworth County | Yankton County | Ziebach County
Firesteel (township) (W3)
Aurora County
Gettysburg (city) Potter County (W3)
"Gettysburg" in South Dakota wurde nach dem Ort "Gettysburg" in Pennsylvania benannt an dem eine entscheidende Schlacht im amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg statt fand.
The community was named for the Civil War battle site.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Gettysburg" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1630 / 1860 auf.
Erstellt: 2013-03
magazinusa - South Dakota Nickname
The Mount Rushmore State
Engl. "Melrose" hat nichts mit einer "Rose" zu tun, sondern geht zurück auf kelt. "mail-rhos" = dt. "bestellte, bewirtschaftete Wiese".
Möglicherweise ist "Melrose" in South Dakota von Einwanderern aus dem schottischen "Melrose" gegründet worden.
Melrose (township) Grant County
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Melrose" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1630 auf.
Erstellt: 2013-03
Why Are There Two Carolinas and Two Dakotas?
It’s possible you’ve heard of North and South Dakota. You may have also heard about North and South Carolina. If so, then you already know that these states are strong, independent honeys makin’ money.
But why did these states divide to become geographic variants of each other? Here are the answers.
Erstellt: 2015-02
Naples (town) Clark County (W3)
Naheliegend für "Naples" ist die Namensgebung durch italienische Einwanderer aus Neapel.
North Detroit (township) Brown County (W3)
Der Name des Ortes geht auf frz. "détroit" = "Engpaß", engl. "of the strait" zurück.
Erstellt: 2010-02
Palmyra (township) Brown County (W3)
Zur Stadt "Palmyra" gibt es keinen Hinweis zur Namensgebung. Es könnte jedoch die syrischen Stadt "Palmyra" Pate gestanden haben.
Erstellt: 2015-07
Pierre (city) Hughes County (W3)
Die Stadt entstand aus einem Fort gleichen namens. Dieses wiederum wurde benannt nach "Pierre Choteau Jr." einem Mitarbeiter der "American Fur Company", einer Pelzhandelsgesellschaft.
Die Hauptstadt von South Dakota, "Pierre", ist die einzige Hauptstadt eines US-Bundesstaates, deren Namen keinen gemeinsamen Buchstaben mit dem Namen des Bundesstaates hat.
SD - South Dakota (Abkürzung) (W3)
South Detroit (township) Brown County (W3)
Der Name des Ortes geht auf frz. "détroit" = "Engpaß", engl. "of the strait" zurück.
Erstellt: 2010-02
Tolstoy (town) Potter County (W3)
The community was named after Count Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist
Erstellt: 2010-12
Uni Laval
L'aménagement linguistique dans Dakota du Sud
Langues dans Dakota du Sud
(anglais) = USA
Viola (township) Jerauld County (W3)
Von den vielen Orten namens "Viola" in den USA gibt es nur für zwei einen Hinweis zur Herkunft. "Viola" in Wisconsin, US, wurde nach dem ersten hier geborenen Kind benannt. "Viola" in Kansas, US, wurde nach "Viola" in Illinois, US, benannt.
Erstellt: 2013-04
wikipedia - North Central English
"North Central English" includes North Dakota and some South Dakota, in Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa.