Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj
ND North Dakota
Dakota Language Homepage
Amtssprache von US, ND
Amtssprache von USA, North Dakota
Amtssprache(n) von US, ND - USA, North Dakota ist / sind
North Dakota legte 1987 Englisch offiziell als Amtssprache fest.
South Dakota legte 1995 Englisch offiziell als Amtssprache fest.
Erstellt: 2012-07
Atwood (township) Kidder County (W3)
Der englische Name "Atwood" setzt sich zusammen aus aus einem reduzierten mengl. "atten" = "at the" und engl. "wood" = dt. "Wald". Damit ergibt sich die Bedeutung "(der) am Wald (Wohnende)".
Erstellt: 2013-04
Chicago (township) Stutsman County (W3)
Vermutlich ist diese Stadt in North Dakota nach "Chicago" in Illionois benannt worden.
Clinton (township)
Divide County (W3)
Der Namensgeber der Ortschaft "Clinton" in North Dakota, US, ist nicht angegeben.
Erstellt: 2016-10
Conklin (township) Stutsman County (W3)
Zu "Conklin" konnte ich keinen Hinweis finden.
Erstellt: 2014-06
Dakota (W3)
Der Name des heutigen Bundesstaates "Dakota" war ursprünglich der selbstgewählte Name der "Sioux" (North Dakota lakota, dakota) und bedeutet soviel wie "Freunde", "Verbündete", engl. "friend", "allies". Diese wohnten ursprünglich im heutigen Minnesota, wurden aber von den Ojibwa nach Nebraska, Nord und Süd Dakota, Montana und Wyoming vertrieben.
"Dakota" is the name of a Native American people of the northern Mississippi valley.
Where can I find information the Dakotan or Sioux language?
How many dialects of Dakota(n) are there, anyway?
What is the origin of the word Dakota?
What is the origin of was^i'c^uN, the Dakotan word for 'whiteman'?
Dakota River, Dakota (W3)
Eldorado (township) Traill County (W3)
Die Bezeichnung "Eldorado" (span. "el dorado" (país) = "sagenhaftes Goldland", "das vergoldete (Land)", lat. "deaurare" = "vergolden") geht auf die Phantasien der spanischen Eroberer Südamerikas zurück.
Erstellt: 2011-05
epodunk - Community-ProfilesND
Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu US-amerikanischen Städten auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The community was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.
Our community listings for North Dakota include the following cities, townships and unincorporated places:
- Abercrombie (city) Richland County
- Abercrombie (township) Richland County
- Acme (township) Hettinger County
- Acton (township) Walsh County
- Ada (township) Dickey County
- Adams (city) Walsh County
- Adams (township) Walsh County
- Addie (township) Griggs County
- Addison (township) Cass County
- Adelaide (township) Bowman County
- Adler (township) Nelson County
- Adrian (township) LaMoure County
- Advance (township) Pembina County
- Afton (township) Ward County
- Agnes (township) Grand Forks County
- Akra (township) Pembina County
- Alamo (city) Williams County
- Albert (township) Benson County
- Albertha (township) Dickey County
- Albion (township) Dickey County
- Alden (township) Hettinger County
- Alex (township) McKenzie County
- Alexander (city) McKenzie County
- Alexander (township) Pierce County
- Alexander (township) Stutsman County
- Alexandria (township) Divide County
- Alfred LaMoure County
- Alger (township) Mountrail County
- Alice (city) Cass County
- Aliceton (township) Ransom County
- Alleghany (township) Ransom County
- Allen (township) Kidder County
- Allendale (township) Grand Forks County
- Alma (township) Cavalier County
- Almont (city) Morton County
- Alsen (city) Cavalier County
- Alta (township) Barnes County
- Ambrose (township) Divide County
- Ambrose (city) Divide County
- Amenia (city) Cass County
- Amenia (township) Cass County
- Americus (township) Grand Forks County
- Amidon (city) Slope County
- Amity (township) Bottineau County
- Amor (township) Bowman County
- Amundsville (township) McLean County
- Anamoose (city) McHenry County
- Anamoose (township) McHenry County
- Anderson (township) Barnes County
- Andrews (township) McLean County
- Aneta (city) Nelson County
- Anna (township) Ward County
- Antelope (township) Richland County
- Antelope Creek (township) McKenzie County
- Antelope Lake (township) Pierce County
- Antler (township) Bottineau County
- Antler (city) Bottineau County
- Apple Creek (township) Burleigh County
- Ardoch (city) Walsh County
- Ardoch (township) Walsh County
- Argusville (city) Cass County
- Armourdale (township) Towner County
- Arne (township) Benson County
- Arnegard (city) McKenzie County
- Arnegard (township) McKenzie County
- Arthur (township) Cass County
- Arthur (city) Cass County
- Arvilla (township) Grand Forks County
- Ashby (township) Hettinger County
- Ashland (township) Stutsman County
- Ashley (city) McIntosh County
- Ashtabula (township) Barnes County
- Athens (township) Williams County
- Atkins (township) Towner County
- Aurena (township) McLean County
- Aurora (township) Benson County
- Austin (township) Mountrail County
- Avon (township) Grand Forks County
- Ayr (city) Cass County
- Ayr (township) Cass County
- Backoo Pembina County
- Baden (township) Ward County
- Badger (township) LaMoure County
- Baer (township) Hettinger County
- Baker (township) Kidder County
- Baldwin (township) Barnes County
- Bale (township) Ransom County
- Balfour (township) McHenry County
- Balfour (city) McHenry County
- Ball Hill (township) Griggs County
- Balta (township) Pierce County
- Balta (city) Pierce County
- Banner (township) Cavalier County
- Banner (township) Mountrail County
- Bantry (city) McHenry County
- Bantry (township) McHenry County
- Barnes (township) Cass County
- Barney (township) Richland County
- Barney (city) Richland County
- Barr Butte (township) Williams County
- Barrie (township) Richland County
- Bartlett (township) Ramsey County
- Bartley (township) Griggs County
- Bathgate (township) Pembina County
- Bathgate (city) Pembina County
- Battleview (township) Burke County
- Beach (township) Golden Valley County
- Beach (city) Golden Valley County
- Bear Creek (township) Dickey County
- Beaulieu (township) Pembina County
- Beaver (township) Benson County
- Beaver Creek (township) Steele County
- Beery (township) Hettinger County
- Beisigl (township) Adams County
- Belcourt Rolette County
- Belfield (city) Stark County
- Belford (township) Richland County
- Bell (township) Cass County
- Belmont (township) Traill County
- Bentinck (township) Bottineau County
- Bentru (township) Grand Forks County
- Bergen (city) McHenry County
- Bergen (township) Nelson County
- Berlin (township) Cass County
- Berlin (city) LaMoure County
- Berlin (township) Wells County
- Berlin (township) Sheridan County
- Berthold (township) Ward County
- Berthold (city) Ward County
- Berwick (township) McHenry County
- Bethel (township) Towner County
- Beulah (city) Mercer County
- Bicker (township) Mountrail County
- Big Bend (township) Mountrail County
- Big Bend (township) Ransom County
- Big Meadow (township) Williams County
- Big Stone (township) Williams County
- Billings (township) Cavalier County
- Bilodeau (township) Wells County
- Binford (city) Griggs County
- Bingham (township) Traill County
- Binghampton (township) Barnes County
- Birtsell (township) Foster County
- Bisbee (city) Towner County
- Bismarck (city) Burleigh County
- Bjornson (township) McHenry County
- Black Butte (township) Hettinger County
- Black Loam (township) LaMoure County
- Blacktail (township) Williams County
- Blackwater (township) McLean County
- Blaine (township) Bottineau County
- Blanchard (township) Traill County
- Bloom (township) Stutsman County
- Bloomenfield (township) Stutsman County
- Bloomfield (township) Traill County
- Blooming (township) Grand Forks County
- Blooming Prairie (township) Divide County
- Blooming Valley (township) Divide County
- Blue Butte (township) McKenzie County
- Blue Hill (township) McLean County
- Blue Ridge (township) Williams County
- Bluebird (township) LaMoure County
- Bohnsack (township) Traill County
- Bonetraill (township) Williams County
- Boone (township) Sheridan County
- Border (township) Divide County
- Bordulac (township) Foster County
- Bottineau (city) Bottineau County
- Bowbells (township) Burke County
- Bowbells (city) Burke County
- Bowdon (city) Wells County
- Bowen (township) Sargent County
- Bowman (township) Bowman County
- Bowman (city) Bowman County
- Boyd (township) Burleigh County
- Boyesen (township) Bowman County
- Braddock (city) Emmons County
- Brampton (township) Sargent County
- Brandenburg (township) Richland County
- Brander (township) Bottineau County
- Brandon (township) Renville County
- Breien Morton County
- Bremen (township) Wells County
- Brenna (township) Grand Forks County
- Briarwood (city) Cass County
- Brightwood (township) Richland County
- Brillian (township) Ward County
- Brimer (township) Barnes County
- Brinsmade (city) Benson County
- Brittian (township) Hettinger County
- Broadlawn (township) Steele County
- Broadview (township) Griggs County
- Brocket (city) Ramsey County
- Broe (township) Benson County
- Brookbank (township) Mountrail County
- Brooklyn (township) Williams County
- Brown (township) McHenry County
- Bruce (township) Cavalier County
- Bryan (township) Griggs County
- Bryant (township) Logan County
- Bucephalia (township) Foster County
- Buchanan (township) Stutsman County
- Buchanan (city) Stutsman County
- Buchanan Valley (township) Emmons County
- Buckeye (township) Kidder County
- Bucklin (township) Slope County
- Bucyrus (city) Adams County
- Bucyrus (township) Adams County
- Buena Vista (township) Bowman County
- Buffalo (township) Cass County
- Buffalo (city) Cass County
- Buford (township) Williams County
- Bull Butte (township) Williams County
- Bull Moose (township) Wells County
- Bullion (township) Golden Valley County
- Bunker (township) Kidder County
- Burg (township) Divide County
- Burke (township) Mountrail County
- Burlington (township) Ward County
- Burlington (city) Ward County
- Burt (township) Ward County
- Bush (township) Eddy County
- Butte (city) McLean County
- Butte (township) McLean County
- Butte Valley (township) Benson County
- Buxton (township) Traill County
- Buxton (city) Traill County
- Byersville (township) McLean County
- Byron (township) Cavalier County
- Caledonia (township) Traill County
- Calio (city) Cavalier County
- Callahan (township) Renville County
- Calvin (city) Cavalier County
- Cameron (township) Ward County
- Campbell (township) Emmons County
- Campbell (township) Hettinger County
- Cando (city) Towner County
- Cando (township) Towner County
- Canfield (township) Burleigh County
- Cannon Ball (township) Hettinger County
- Canton City (city) Pembina County
- Captain's Landing (township) Morton County
- Carbondale (township) Ward County
- Carlisle (township) Pembina County
- Carpenter (township) Steele County
- Carpio (township) Ward County
- Carpio (city) Ward County
- Carrington (city) Foster County
- Carrington (township) Foster County
- Carroll (township) Slope County
- Carson (city) Grant County
- Carter (township) Burke County
- Casey (township) Ransom County
- Cash (township) Slope County
- Casselton (city) Cass County
- Casselton (township) Cass County
- Castle Rock (township) Hettinger County
- Cathay (city) Wells County
- Cathay (township) Wells County
- Cato (township) Ramsey County
- Cavalier (township) Pembina County
- Cavalier (city) Pembina County
- Cayuga (city) Sargent County
- Cecil (township) Bottineau County
- Cedar (township) Adams County
- Cedar Creek (township) Slope County
- Center (township) Richland County
- Center (city) Oliver County
- Central (township) Nelson County
- Chaffee Cass County
- Chain Lakes (township) Ramsey County
- Champion (township) Williams County
- Chandler (township) Adams County
- Charbon (township) McKenzie County
- Chaseley (township) Wells County
- Chatfield (township) Bottineau County
- Cherry Lake (township) Eddy County
- Chester (township) Grand Forks County
- Chestina (township) Kidder County
- Chilton (township) Hettinger County
- Christiania (township) Burleigh County
- Christine (city) Richland County
- Churchs Ferry (city) Ramsey County
- Clara (township) Nelson County
- Clark (township) Hettinger County
- Clay (township) Renville County
- Clayton (township) Burke County
- Clear Lake (township) Burleigh County
- Clear Lake (township) Kidder County
- Clearfield (township) Griggs County
- Clearwater (township) Mountrail County
- Cleary (township) Burke County
- Clement (township) Dickey County
- Clermont (township) Adams County
- Cleveland (city) Stutsman County
- Cleveland (township) Walsh County
- Clifford (city) Traill County
- Clifton (township) Cass County
- Climax (township) Williams County
- Coalfield (township) Divide County
- Coburn (township) Ransom County
- Cogswell (city) Sargent County
- Coleharbor (city) McLean County
- Colfax (city) Richland County
- Colfax (township) Richland County
- Colgate (township) Steele County
- Colquhoun (township) Renville County
- Columbia (township) Eddy County
- Columbus (city) Burke County
- Colville (township) Burke County
- Colvin (township) Eddy County
- Concrete Pembina County
- Connor (township) Slope County
- Conway (city) Walsh County
- Coolin (township) Towner County
- Cooperstown (township) Griggs County
- Cooperstown (city) Griggs County
- Cordelia (township) Bottineau County
- Corinne (township) Stutsman County
- Cornell (township) Cass County
- Corwin (township) Stutsman County
- Cottonwood (township) Mountrail County
- Cottonwood Lake (township) McHenry County
- Coulee (township) Ramsey County
- Courtenay (township) Stutsman County
- Courtenay (city) Stutsman County
- Crane Creek (township) Mountrail County
- Crary (city) Ramsey County
- Crawford (township) Slope County
- Creel (township) Ramsey County
- Cremerville (township) McLean County
- Crete Sargent County
- Crocus (township) Towner County
- Crofte (township) Burleigh County
- Cromwell (township) Burleigh County
- Crosby (city) Divide County
- Crowfoot (township) Mountrail County
- Crown Hill (township) Kidder County
- Crystal (township) Pembina County
- Crystal (city) Pembina County
- Crystal Lake (township) Wells County
- Crystal Springs (township) Kidder County
- Cuba (township) Barnes County
- Cusator (township) Stutsman County
- Cut Bank (township) Bottineau County
- Cypress (township) Cavalier County
- Dahlen (township) Nelson County
- Dale (township) Burke County
- Dalen (township) Bottineau County
- Daneville (township) Divide County
- Danton (township) Richland County
- Darling Springs (township) Adams County
- Dash (township) Towner County
- Davenport (township) Cass County
- Davenport (city) Cass County
- Dawson (city) Kidder County
- Dayton (township) Nelson County
- Dazey (city) Barnes County
- Dazey (township) Barnes County
- De Groat (township) Ramsey County
- De Witt (township) Divide County
- Dean (township) LaMoure County
- Debing (township) Mountrail County
- Deep River (township) McHenry County
- Deepwater (township) McLean County
- Deer Lake (township) Stutsman County
- Deering (township) McHenry County
- Deering (city) McHenry County
- Delger (township) Wells County
- Delhi (township) Golden Valley County
- Denbigh (township) McHenry County
- Denhoff (township) Sheridan County
- Denmark (township) Ward County
- Denver (township) Sargent County
- Des Lacs (township) Ward County
- Des Lacs (city) Ward County
- Devillo (township) Richland County
- Devils Lake (city) Ramsey County
- Dewey (township) Walsh County
- Dexter (township) Richland County
- Dickey (city) LaMoure County
- Dickinson (city) Stark County
- Dimond (township) Burke County
- Divide (township) Dickey County
- Dixon (township) Logan County
- Dodds (township) Nelson County
- Dodge (city) Dunn County
- Dogden (township) McLean County
- Donnybrook (city) Ward County
- Douglas (city) Ward County
- Douglas (township) McLean County
- Dover (township) Griggs County
- Dovre (township) Slope County
- Dows (township) Cass County
- Drake (city) McHenry County
- Drayton (city) Pembina County
- Drayton (township) Pembina County
- Dresden (township) Cavalier County
- Driscoll (township) Burleigh County
- Dry Fork (township) Williams County
- Dry Lake (township) Ramsey County
- Dublin (township) Williams County
- Duck Creek (township) Adams County
- Duerr (township) Richland County
- Dunbar (township) Sargent County
- Dundee (township) Walsh County
- Dunn Center (city) Dunn County
- Dunseith (city) Rolette County
- Durbin (township) Cass County
- Durham (township) Stutsman County
- Dwight (township) Richland County
- Dwight (city) Richland County
- Eagle (township) Richland County
- Easby (township) Cavalier County
- East Alma (township) Cavalier County
- East Fork (township) Benson County
- East Fork (township) Williams County
- Eastman (township) Foster County
- Easton (township) Steele County
- Eckelson (township) Barnes County
- Ecklund (township) Burleigh County
- Eddy (township) Eddy County
- Eden (township) Walsh County
- Eden Valley (township) Renville County
- Edendale (township) Steele County
- Edgeley (city) LaMoure County
- Edgemont (township) Sheridan County
- Edinburg (city) Walsh County
- Edmore (city) Ramsey County
- Edmunds (township) Stutsman County
- Edna (township) Barnes County
- Egan (township) Mountrail County
- Egeland (city) Towner County
- Egg Creek (township) McHenry County
- Eidsvold (township) Bottineau County
- Elden (township) Dickey County
- Eldon (township) Benson County
- Eldred (township) Cass County
- Eldridge (township) Stutsman County
- Elgin (township) Cavalier County
- Elgin (city) Grant County
- Elk Creek (township) Golden Valley County
- Elkhorn (township) Divide County
- Elkmount (township) Grand Forks County
- Ellendale (township) Dickey County
- Ellendale (city) Dickey County
- Elling (township) Pierce County
- Elliott (township) Ransom County
- Elliott (city) Ransom County
- Ellisville (township) Williams County
- Ellsbury (township) Barnes County
- Elm (township) Dickey County
- Elm (township) Grant County
- Elm Grove (township) Grand Forks County
- Elm River (township) Traill County
- Elm Tree (township) McKenzie County
- Elma (township) Richland County
- Elmdale (township) Ward County
- Elms (township) Bottineau County
- Elmwood (township) Golden Valley County
- Elora (township) Pembina County
- Elverum (township) Pierce County
- Elysian (township) Bottineau County
- Emerado (city) Grand Forks County
- Empire (township) Cass County
- Enderlin (city) Ransom County
- Enger (township) Steele County
- Ensign (township) Renville County
- Enterprise (township) Nelson County
- Epping (city) Williams County
- Equality (township) Williams County
- Erie (township) Cass County
- Ervin (township) Traill County
- Esmond (township) Benson County
- Esmond (city) Benson County
- Estabrook (township) Foster County
- Estherville (township) Burleigh County
- Eureka (township) Ward County
- Everest (township) Cass County
- Evergreen (township) Ward County
- Excelsior (township) Kidder County
- Fairbanks (township) Renville County
- Fairdale (city) Walsh County
- Fairfield (township) Grand Forks County
- Fairmount (township) Richland County
- Fairmount (city) Richland County
- Fairview (township) Sheridan County
- Fairville (township) Wells County
- Falconer (township) Grand Forks County
- Falsen (township) McHenry County
- Fancher (township) Ramsey County
- Fargo (township) Cass County
- Fargo (city) Cass County
- Farina (township) Hettinger County
- Farmington (township) Walsh County
- Farmvale (township) Williams County
- Fay (township) Burke County
- Felson (township) Pembina County
- Ferry (township) Grand Forks County
- Fertile (township) Mountrail County
- Fertile (township) Walsh County
- Fertile Valley (township) Divide County
- Fessenden (city) Wells County
- Field (township) Nelson County
- Fillmore (township) Divide County
- Fingal (city) Barnes County
- Finley (township) Steele County
- Finley (city) Steele County
- Finn (township) Logan County
- Fischbein (township) Bowman County
- Fisher (township) Grant County
- Flasher (city) Morton County
- Flaxton (city) Burke County
- Flint (township) Stutsman County
- Florance (township) Foster County
- Florence Lake (township) Burleigh County
- Foothills (township) Burke County
- Forbes (city) Dickey County
- Forde (township) Nelson County
- Fordville (city) Walsh County
- Forest River (city) Walsh County
- Forest River (township) Walsh County
- Forman (township) Sargent County
- Forman (city) Sargent County
- Fort Ransom (city) Ransom County
- Fort Ransom (township) Ransom County
- Fort Rice Morton County
- Fort Totten Benson County
- Fort Yates (city) Sioux County
- Forthun (township) Burke County
- Fortuna (city) Divide County
- Forward (township) Wells County
- Foxholm (township) Ward County
- Fram (township) Wells County
- Francis (township) Burleigh County
- Franklin (township) Steele County
- Frazier (township) Divide County
- Freda (township) Grant County
- Frederick (township) Divide County
- Fredonia (city) Logan County
- Freeborn (township) Eddy County
- Freedom (township) Ward County
- Freeman (township) Richland County
- Fremont (township) Cavalier County
- Freshwater (township) Ramsey County
- Frettim (township) Kidder County
- Fried (township) Stutsman County
- Frontier (city) Cass County
- Fullerton (city) Dickey County
- Gackle (city) Logan County
- Galesburg (city) Traill County
- Galesburg (township) Traill County
- Garborg (township) Richland County
- Gardar (township) Pembina County
- Gardena (city) Bottineau County
- Gardner (township) Cass County
- Gardner (city) Cass County
- Garfield (township) Traill County
- Garner (township) Golden Valley County
- Garness (township) Burke County
- Garnet (township) Divide County
- Gascoyne (township) Bowman County
- Gascoyne (city) Bowman County
- Gasman (township) Ward County
- Gate (township) McLean County
- Gates (township) Eddy County
- Gem (township) Bowman County
- Gerber (township) Stutsman County
- German (township) Dickey County
- Germania (township) Stutsman County
- Germantown (township) Wells County
- Gerrard (township) Towner County
- Getchell (township) Barnes County
- Ghylin (township) Burleigh County
- Gibbs (township) Burleigh County
- Gilby (township) Grand Forks County
- Gilby (city) Grand Forks County
- Gill (township) Cass County
- Gilmore (township) McHenry County
- Gilstrap (township) Adams County
- Glacier (township) Stutsman County
- Gladstone (city) Stark County
- Gladstone (township) LaMoure County
- Glen (township) LaMoure County
- Glen Ullin (city) Morton County
- Glenburn (city) Renville County
- Glendale (township) Logan County
- Glenfield (township) Foster County
- Glenfield (city) Foster County
- Glenila (township) Cavalier County
- Glenmore (township) LaMoure County
- Glenview (township) Burleigh County
- Glenwood (township) Walsh County
- Golden (township) Walsh County
- Golden Glen (township) LaMoure County
- Golden Lake (township) Steele County
- Golden Valley (township) Williams County
- Golden Valley (city) Mercer County
- Goldfield (township) Bowman County
- Golva (city) Golden Valley County
- Good Luck (township) Williams County
- Goodrich (city) Sheridan County
- Goodrich (township) Sheridan County
- Gooseneck (township) Divide County
- Gordon (township) Cavalier County
- Grace (township) Grand Forks County
- Grace City (city) Foster County
- Graf (township) Kidder County
- Grafton (township) Walsh County
- Grafton (city) Walsh County
- Grail (township) McKenzie County
- Grainbelt (township) Bowman County
- Grainfield (township) Towner County
- Grand Forks (city) Grand Forks County
- Grand Forks (township) Grand Forks County
- Grand Harbor (township) Ramsey County
- Grand Prairie (township) Barnes County
- Grand Rapids (township) LaMoure County
- Grand River (township) Bowman County
- Grand Valley (township) Dickey County
- Grandfield (township) Eddy County
- Grandin (city) Cass County
- Grandview (township) LaMoure County
- Grano (city) Renville County
- Grant (township) Richland County
- Granville (city) McHenry County
- Granville (township) McHenry County
- Grass Lake (township) Burleigh County
- Grassland (township) Renville County
- Grassy Butte McKenzie County
- Gray (township) Stutsman County
- Great Bend (city) Richland County
- Greatstone (township) McLean County
- Greely (township) Ward County
- Green (township) Barnes County
- Greenbush (township) Ward County
- Greendale (township) Richland County
- Greene (township) Ransom County
- Greenfield (township) Griggs County
- Greenfield (township) Traill County
- Greenland (township) Barnes County
- Greenview (township) Steele County
- Greenville (township) LaMoure County
- Grenora (township) Williams County
- Grenora (city) Williams County
- Grey (township) Cavalier County
- Griffin (township) Stutsman County
- Grilley (township) McHenry County
- Grover (township) Renville County
- Gunkel (township) Cass County
- Gutschmidt (township) Logan County
- Gwinner (city) Sargent County
- Haag (township) Logan County
- Haaland (township) Wells County
- Hagel (township) Pierce County
- Hague (city) Emmons County
- Haley (township) Bowman County
- Hall (township) Sargent County
- Halliday (city) Dunn County
- Hamberg (city) Wells County
- Hamburg (township) Dickey County
- Hamburg (township) Wells County
- Hamerly (township) Renville County
- Hamilton (township) Pembina County
- Hamilton (city) Pembina County
- Hamlin (township) Nelson County
- Hammer (township) Ramsey County
- Hampden (city) Ramsey County
- Hankinson (city) Richland County
- Hanks Williams County
- Hannaford (city) Griggs County
- Hannah (city) Cavalier County
- Hansboro (city) Towner County
- Hanson (township) Ransom County
- Haram (township) Bottineau County
- Harding (township) Ramsey County
- Hardscrabble (township) Williams County
- Harlem (township) Sargent County
- Harmonious (township) Burke County
- Harmony (township) Cass County
- Harper (township) Slope County
- Harriet-Lien (township) Burleigh County
- Harrison (township) Ward County
- Harriston (township) Walsh County
- Harvey (township) Cavalier County
- Harvey (city) Wells County
- Harwood (township) Cass County
- Harwood (city) Cass County
- Hastings (township) Bottineau County
- Hatton (city) Traill County
- Havana (city) Sargent County
- Havelock (township) Hettinger County
- Haven (township) Foster County
- Hawkeye (township) Divide County
- Hawkeye (township) McKenzie County
- Hawksnest (township) Wells County
- Hay (township) Cavalier County
- Hay Creek (township) Burleigh County
- Hayland (township) Divide County
- Haynes (city) Adams County
- Haynes (township) Kidder County
- Hazel (township) Williams County
- Hazel Grove (township) Burleigh County
- Hazelton (city) Emmons County
- Hazen (city) Mercer County
- Hebron (city) Morton County
- Hebron (township) Williams County
- Hegton (township) Grand Forks County
- Heimdal (township) Wells County
- Helena (township) Griggs County
- Helendale (township) Richland County
- Hemen (township) Barnes County
- Henderson (township) Cavalier County
- Hendrickson (township) McHenry County
- Henrietta (township) LaMoure County
- Henry (township) Golden Valley County
- Herberg (township) Traill County
- Herman (township) Sargent County
- Hesper (township) Benson County
- Hettinger (township) Adams County
- Hettinger (city) Adams County
- Hidden (township) Stutsman County
- Hiddenwood (township) Ward County
- Highland (township) Cass County
- Highland (township) Hettinger County
- Highland (township) Sheridan County
- Highland Center (township) Ramsey County
- Hill (township) Cass County
- Hillsboro (township) Traill County
- Hillsboro (city) Traill County
- Hillsdale (township) Eddy County
- Hillsdale (township) Wells County
- Hilton (township) Ward County
- Hofflund (township) Williams County
- Hoffman (township) Bottineau County
- Holmes (township) Sheridan County
- Homen (township) Bottineau County
- Homer (township) Stutsman County
- Homestead (township) Richland County
- Hoople (city) Walsh County
- Hope (township) Cavalier County
- Hope (city) Steele County
- Horace (city) Cass County
- Horseshoe Valley (township) McLean County
- Hove Mobile Park (city) Cavalier County
- Howe (township) Grant County
- Howell (township) Towner County
- Howes (township) Cass County
- Howie (township) Mountrail County
- Hudson (township) Dickey County
- Huff Morton County
- Hughes (township) Slope County
- Hugo (township) Steele County
- Hume (township) Slope County
- Hunter (township) Cass County
- Hunter (city) Cass County
- Hurdsfield (city) Wells County
- Hurley (township) Renville County
- Huron (township) Cavalier County
- Ibsen (township) Richland County
- Idaho (township) Mountrail County
- Illinois (township) Nelson County
- Impark (township) Benson County
- Indian Creek (township) Hettinger County
- Inkster (city) Grand Forks County
- Inkster (township) Grand Forks County
- Iosco (township) Stutsman County
- Iota Flat (township) Ward County
- Iowa (township) Benson County
- Irvine (township) Benson County
- Isabel (township) Benson County
- Island Park (township) Ransom County
- Isley (township) Ransom County
- Ivanhoe (township) Renville County
- Jackson (township) Sargent County
- James Hill (township) Mountrail County
- James River Valley (township) Dickey County
- Jamestown (city) Stutsman County
- Janke (township) Logan County
- Jefferson (township) Pierce County
- Jessie Griggs County
- Jim River Valley (township) Stutsman County
- Johnson (township) Wells County
- Johnstown (township) Grand Forks County
- Joliette (township) Pembina County
- Jud (city) LaMoure County
- Judson (township) Williams County
- Kandiyohi (township) Burke County
- Kane (township) Bottineau County
- Karlsruhe (township) McHenry County
- Karlsruhe (city) McHenry County
- Kathryn (city) Barnes County
- Keene (township) McKenzie County
- Keller (township) Burke County
- Kelso (township) Traill County
- Kenmare (city) Ward County
- Kenmare (township) Ward County
- Kennedy (township) Hettinger County
- Kennison (township) LaMoure County
- Kensal (city) Stutsman County
- Kensal (township) Stutsman County
- Kensington (township) Walsh County
- Kent (township) Dickey County
- Kentner (township) Dickey County
- Kern (township) Hettinger County
- Keystone (township) Dickey County
- Kickapoo (township) Kidder County
- Kickapoo (township) Mountrail County
- Kief (city) McHenry County
- Killdeer (city) Dunn County
- Kindred (city) Cass County
- Kingsley (township) Griggs County
- Kingston (township) Sargent County
- Kinloss (township) Walsh County
- Kinyon (township) Cass County
- Kirkelie (township) Ward County
- Klingstrup (township) Ramsey County
- Knife River (township) Mountrail County
- Knox (city) Benson County
- Knox (township) Benson County
- Kohlmeier (township) Rolette County
- Koldok Barnes County
- Kottke Valley (township) McHenry County
- Kramer (city) Bottineau County
- Kulm (city) LaMoure County
- La Moure (township) Pembina County
- Ladd (township) Bowman County
- Lake (township) Cass County
- Lake George (township) McHenry County
- Lake Hester (township) McHenry County
- Lake Ibsen (township) Benson County
- Lake Town (township) Barnes County
- Lake Washington (township) Eddy County
- Lake Williams (township) McLean County
- Lake Williams (township) Kidder County
- Lakeview (township) Burke County
- Lakeville (township) Grand Forks County
- Lakota (township) Nelson County
- Lakota (city) Nelson County
- Lallie (township) Benson County
- LaMars (township) Richland County
- LaMoure (city) LaMoure County
- Lampton (township) Walsh County
- Land (township) McHenry County
- Landa (city) Bottineau County
- Langberg (township) Bowman County
- Langdon (township) Cavalier County
- Langdon (city) Cavalier County
- Lankin (city) Walsh County
- Lansford (township) Bottineau County
- Lansford (city) Bottineau County
- Lansing (township) Towner County
- Larimore (township) Grand Forks County
- Larimore (city) Grand Forks County
- Lark (township) Grant County
- Larrabee (township) Foster County
- Larson (city) Burke County
- Latona (township) Walsh County
- Lawton (township) Ramsey County
- Lawton (city) Ramsey County
- Layton (township) McHenry County
- Leaf Mountain (township) Burke County
- Leal (city) Barnes County
- Lebanon (township) McHenry County
- Lee (township) Nelson County
- Leeds (township) Benson County
- Leeds (city) Benson County
- Lehr (city) McIntosh County
- Leith (city) Grant County
- Lenora (township) Griggs County
- Lenton (township) Stutsman County
- Leonard (city) Cass County
- Leonard (township) Cass County
- Leval (township) Nelson County
- Levant (township) Grand Forks County
- Lewis (township) Bottineau County
- Liberty (township) Mountrail County
- Liberty (township) Ransom County
- Liberty Grove (township) Richland County
- Lidgerwood (city) Richland County
- Lightning Creek (township) Adams County
- Lignite (city) Burke County
- Lillehoff (township) Ramsey County
- Lincoln (city) Burleigh County
- Lincoln (township) Emmons County
- Lincoln (township) Pembina County
- Lincoln Dale (township) Sheridan County
- Lincoln Valley (township) Divide County
- Lind (township) Grand Forks County
- Lindaas (township) Traill County
- Lindahl (township) Williams County
- Linden (township) Cavalier County
- Linton (city) Emmons County
- Linton (township) Ward County
- Lippert (township) Stutsman County
- Lisbon (city) Ransom County
- Litchville (city) Barnes County
- Litchville (township) LaMoure County
- Little Deep (township) McHenry County
- Loam (township) Cavalier County
- Lockwood (township) Renville County
- Lodema (township) Pembina County
- Logan (township) Burleigh County
- Logan Center (township) Grand Forks County
- Lohnes (township) Benson County
- Loma (city) Cavalier County
- Lone Tree (township) Golden Valley County
- Long Creek (township) Divide County
- Long Lake (township) Burleigh County
- Longfellow (township) McLean County
- Longview (township) Foster County
- Loquemont (township) McLean County
- Loraine (city) Renville County
- Lordsburg (township) Bottineau County
- Loretta (township) Grand Forks County
- Lorraine (township) Dickey County
- Lostwood (township) Mountrail County
- Lovell (township) Dickey County
- Lowery (township) Stutsman County
- Lowland (township) Mountrail County
- Lucy (township) Burke County
- Ludden (city) Dickey County
- Lund (township) Ward County
- Luverne (city) Steele County
- Lynn (township) Wells County
- Lyon (township) Stutsman County
- Mabel (township) Griggs County
- Maddock (city) Benson County
- Madison (township) Hettinger County
- Maine (township) Adams County
- Makoti (city) Ward County
- Malcolm (township) McLean County
- Mandan (city) Morton County
- Mandan (township) Ward County
- Manfred (township) Wells County
- Manilla (township) Cavalier County
- Manitou (township) Mountrail County
- Manning Dunn County
- Manning (township) Kidder County
- Manns (township) Stutsman County
- Mansfield (township) Barnes County
- Mantador (city) Richland County
- Manvel (city) Grand Forks County
- Maple (township) Dickey County
- Maple River (township) Cass County
- Mapleton (township) Cass County
- Mapleton (city) Cass County
- Marboe (township) Sargent County
- Margaret (township) Ward County
- Marion (township) Bowman County
- Marion (city) LaMoure County
- Marmarth (city) Slope County
- Marsh (township) Barnes County
- Marshall (township) Williams County
- Marstonmoor (township) Stutsman County
- Martin (city) Sheridan County
- Martin (township) Sheridan County
- Martin (township) Walsh County
- Maryland (township) Ward County
- Maryville (township) Rolette County
- Mauch (township) Sheridan County
- Max (city) McLean County
- Maxbass (city) Bottineau County
- Mayland (township) Ward County
- Mayville (city) Traill County
- Mayville (township) Traill County
- Maza (township) Towner County
- McAlmond (township) Mountrail County
- McClellan (township) Benson County
- McClusky (township) Sheridan County
- McClusky (city) Sheridan County
- McGahan (township) Mountrail County
- McGinnis (township) McLean County
- McHenry (township) Foster County
- McHenry (city) Foster County
- McKenzie (township) Burleigh County
- McKinley (township) Ward County
- McKinney (township) Renville County
- McKinnon (township) Foster County
- McLeod Ransom County
- McVille (city) Nelson County
- Meadow (township) McHenry County
- Meadow Lake (township) Barnes County
- Medford (township) Walsh County
- Medicine Hill (township) McLean County
- Medora (city) Billings County
- Mekinock (township) Grand Forks County
- Melville (township) Foster County
- Melvin (township) Nelson County
- Menoken (township) Burleigh County
- Menz (township) Sioux County
- Merkel (township) Kidder County
- Merricourt Dickey County
- Merrill (township) Hettinger County
- Meyer (township) Pierce County
- Michigan (township) Grand Forks County
- Michigan (township) Nelson County
- Michigan City (city) Nelson County
- Midland (township) Pembina County
- Midway (township) Stutsman County
- Mikkelson (township) LaMoure County
- Milnor (city) Sargent County
- Milnor (township) Sargent County
- Milton (city) Cavalier County
- Minco (township) Benson County
- Mineral Springs (township) Slope County
- Minnehaha (township) Bowman County
- Minnesota (township) Burke County
- Minnewaukan (city) Benson County
- Minnewaukan (township) Ramsey County
- Minnie (township) Grant County
- Minnie Lake (township) Barnes County
- Minot (city) Ward County
- Minto (township) Cavalier County
- Minto (city) Walsh County
- Mission (township) Benson County
- Missouri (township) Burleigh County
- Missouri Ridge (township) Williams County
- Model (township) Mountrail County
- Moffit Burleigh County
- Mohall (city) Renville County
- Monango (city) Dickey County
- Monroe (township) Towner County
- Mont (township) Williams County
- Montpelier (city) Stutsman County
- Montpelier (township) Stutsman County
- Montrose (township) Cavalier County
- Moon Lake (township) Stutsman County
- Moord (township) Slope County
- Moore (township) Ransom County
- Mooreton (city) Richland County
- Mooreton (township) Richland County
- Moraine (township) Grand Forks County
- Moran (township) Richland County
- Morgan (township) Traill County
- Morris (township) Ramsey County
- Morton (township) Burleigh County
- Moscow (township) Cavalier County
- Mott (city) Hettinger County
- Mott (township) Hettinger County
- Mound (township) Slope County
- Mount Carmel (township) Cavalier County
- Mount Rose (township) Bottineau County
- Mount View (township) Towner County
- Mountain (city) Pembina County
- Mountrail (township) Mountrail County
- Mouse River (township) McHenry County
- Munich (city) Cavalier County
- Munster (township) Eddy County
- Muskego (township) Renville County
- Mylo (city) Rolette County
- Myrtle (township) Mountrail County
- Nansen (township) Richland County
- Nash (township) Nelson County
- Nash (township) Walsh County
- Naughton (township) Burleigh County
- Nebo (township) Bowman County
- Neche (city) Pembina County
- Neche (township) Pembina County
- Nedrose (township) Ward County
- Nekoma (city) Cavalier County
- Nekoma (township) Cavalier County
- Nelson (township) Barnes County
- Nesheim (township) Nelson County
- Ness (township) Pierce County
- New City (township) Towner County
- New Germantown (township) Sheridan County
- New Home (township) Williams County
- New Prairie (township) Ward County
- New Rockford (city) Eddy County
- New Rockford (township) Eddy County
- New Salem (city) Morton County
- New Town (city) Mountrail County
- Newborg (township) Bottineau County
- Newbre (township) Ramsey County
- Newburg (city) Bottineau County
- Newburgh (township) Steele County
- Newbury (township) Stutsman County
- Newland (township) Ramsey County
- Newman (township) Ward County
- Newport (township) McHenry County
- Niagara (city) Grand Forks County
- Niagara (township) Grand Forks County
- Nixon (township) Ramsey County
- Noble (township) Cass County
- Nogosek (township) Stutsman County
- Noltimier (township) Barnes County
- Nome (city) Barnes County
- Noonan (city) Divide County
- Noonan (township) Ramsey County
- Nora (township) LaMoure County
- Norden (township) LaMoure County
- Nordmore (township) Foster County
- Norma (township) Barnes County
- Normal (township) McHenry County
- Norman (township) Traill County
- Normania (township) Benson County
- Normanna (township) Cass County
- North Creel (township) Ramsey County
- North Loma (township) Cavalier County
- North Olga (township) Cavalier County
- North Prairie (township) McHenry County
- North River (city) Cass County
- North Star (township) Burke County
- North Viking (township) Benson County
- Northfield (township) Ramsey County
- Northland (township) Ransom County
- Northwest (township) Dickey County
- Northwest (township) Kidder County
- Northwood (city) Grand Forks County
- Northwood (township) Grand Forks County
- Norton (township) Walsh County
- Norway (township) Traill County
- Norway Lake (township) Wells County
- Norwich (township) McHenry County
- Oak Creek (township) Bottineau County
- Oak Valley (township) Bottineau County
- Oakes (city) Dickey County
- Oakhill (township) Barnes County
- Oakland (township) Mountrail County
- Oakville (township) Grand Forks County
- Oakwood (township) Walsh County
- Oberon (township) Benson County
- Oberon (city) Benson County
- Odessa (township) Hettinger County
- Odessa (township) Ramsey County
- Odin (township) McHenry County
- Oliver (township) Williams County
- Olivia (township) McHenry County
- Olson (township) Towner County
- Ontario (township) Ramsey County
- Ops (township) Walsh County
- Ora (township) Nelson County
- Orange (township) Adams County
- Oriska (township) Barnes County
- Oriska (city) Barnes County
- Orlien (township) Ward County
- Orthell (township) Williams County
- Osago (township) Nelson County
- Osborn (township) Mountrail County
- Osford (township) Cavalier County
- Oshkosh (township) Wells County
- Osloe (township) Mountrail County
- Osnabrock (city) Cavalier County
- Osnabrock (township) Cavalier County
- Ostby (township) Bottineau County
- Otis (township) McLean County
- Overland (township) Ramsey County
- Overly (city) Bottineau County
- Ovid (township) LaMoure County
- Owego (township) Ransom County
- Oxbow (city) Cass County
- Page (city) Cass County
- Page (township) Cass County
- Painted Woods (township) Burleigh County
- Palermo (township) Mountrail County
- Palermo (city) Mountrail County
- Palmer (township) Divide County
- Paradise (township) Eddy County
- Paris (township) Stutsman County
- Park (township) Pembina County
- Park River (city) Walsh County
- Parshall (township) Mountrail County
- Parshall (city) Mountrail County
- Passport (township) Ward County
- Paulson (township) Towner County
- Peabody (township) Bottineau County
- Peace (township) Kidder County
- Peaceful Valley (township) Slope County
- Pearl (township) Golden Valley County
- Pearl Lake (township) LaMoure County
- Pekin (city) Nelson County
- Pelican (township) Ramsey County
- Pembina (township) Pembina County
- Pembina (city) Pembina County
- Perry (township) Cavalier County
- Perth (city) Towner County
- Perth (township) Walsh County
- Petersburg (township) Nelson County
- Petersburg (city) Nelson County
- Peterson (township) Stutsman County
- Petersville (township) Kidder County
- Pettibone (township) Kidder County
- Pettibone (city) Kidder County
- Pick City (city) Mercer County
- Pickard (township) Sheridan County
- Pickering (township) Bottineau County
- Picton (township) Towner County
- Pierce (township) Barnes County
- Pillsbury (city) Barnes County
- Pilot Mound (township) Griggs County
- Pingree (city) Stutsman County
- Pingree (township) Stutsman County
- Pipestem Valley (township) Stutsman County
- Pisek (city) Walsh County
- Plain (township) Renville County
- Plainview (township) Stutsman County
- Plaza (township) Mountrail County
- Plaza (city) Mountrail County
- Pleasant (township) Cass County
- Pleasant Hill (township) Kidder County
- Pleasant Lake (township) Benson County
- Pleasant Prairie (township) Eddy County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Williams County
- Pleasant View (township) Grand Forks County
- Plumer (township) Divide County
- Plymouth (township) Grand Forks County
- Pomona View (township) LaMoure County
- Pontiac (township) Cass County
- Pony Gulch (township) Wells County
- Poplar Grove (township) Ramsey County
- Port Emma (township) Dickey County
- Portal (township) Burke County
- Portal (city) Burke County
- Porter (township) Dickey County
- Portland (city) Traill County
- Potsdam (township) Dickey County
- Potter (township) Barnes County
- Powers (township) Mountrail County
- Powers Lake (city) Burke County
- Powers Lake (township) Mountrail County
- Prairie (township) LaMoure County
- Prairie Centre (township) Walsh County
- Prairie Rose (city) Cass County
- Pratt (township) McHenry County
- Prescott (township) Renville County
- Preston (township) Ransom County
- Pretty Rock (township) Grant County
- Price Oliver County
- Progress (township) Wells County
- Prophets (township) Sheridan County
- Prospect (township) Ramsey County
- Prosperity (township) Renville County
- Pulaski (township) Walsh County
- Purcell (township) Mountrail County
- Quinby (township) Kidder County
- Rainbow (township) Williams County
- Rainy Butte (township) Slope County
- Raleigh (township) Grant County
- Randolph (township) McKenzie County
- Raney (township) LaMoure County
- Ransom (township) Sargent County
- Raritan (township) Barnes County
- Rat Lake (township) Mountrail County
- Ray (township) LaMoure County
- Ray (city) Williams County
- Raymond (township) Cass County
- Red Lake (township) Logan County
- Redmond (township) Mountrail County
- Ree (township) Ward County
- Reed (township) Cass County
- Reeder (city) Adams County
- Reeder (township) Adams County
- Regan (city) Burleigh County
- Regent (city) Hettinger County
- Reile's Acres (city) Cass County
- Reno Valley (township) Pierce County
- Renville (township) Bottineau County
- Rexine (township) Kidder County
- Reynolds (city) Traill County
- Rhame (city) Bowman County
- Rhame (township) Bowman County
- Rice Lake (township) Ward County
- Rich (township) Cass County
- Rich Valley (township) Benson County
- Richardton (city) Stark County
- Richburg (township) Bottineau County
- Richland (township) Burke County
- Richland Center (township) Slope County
- Richmond (township) Burleigh County
- Rifle (township) Hettinger County
- Riga (township) McHenry County
- Riggin (township) Benson County
- Riverdale (township) Dickey County
- Riverdale (city) McLean County
- Riverside (township) Steele County
- Riverview (township) McKenzie County
- Robinson (township) Kidder County
- Robinson (city) Kidder County
- Rochester (township) Cass County
- Rock (township) Benson County
- Rock (township) Grant County
- Rock Hill (township) Burleigh County
- Rock Island (township) Williams County
- Rock Lake (township) Towner County
- Rockford (township) Renville County
- Rocklake (city) Towner County
- Rogers (city) Barnes County
- Rogers (township) Barnes County
- Roland (township) Bottineau County
- Rolette (city) Rolette County
- Rolla (city) Rolette County
- Rolling Green (township) Ward County
- Rolling Prairie (township) Foster County
- Roloff (township) McIntosh County
- Romness (township) Griggs County
- Roosevelt (township) Renville County
- Roscoe (township) LaMoure County
- Rose (township) Stutsman County
- Rose Hill (township) Foster County
- Rose Hill (township) McHenry County
- Rosebud (township) Barnes County
- Rosefield (township) Eddy County
- Roseglen (township) McLean County
- Roseland (township) Burke County
- Rosemeade (township) Ransom County
- Rosemont (township) McLean County
- Rosendal (township) Griggs County
- Rosenfield (township) Sheridan County
- Roseville (township) Traill County
- Ross (city) Mountrail County
- Ross (township) Mountrail County
- Round Lake (township) McHenry County
- Round Prairie (township) Williams County
- Round Top (township) Stutsman County
- Royal (township) Ramsey County
- Rubin (township) Nelson County
- Rugh (township) Nelson County
- Rush Lake (township) Pierce County
- Rush River (township) Cass County
- Rushford (township) Walsh County
- Rushville (township) Ward County
- Rusland (township) Wells County
- Ruso (city) McLean County
- Russell (township) LaMoure County
- Rutland (city) Sargent County
- Rutland (township) Sargent County
- Ryan (township) LaMoure County
- Ryder (township) Ward County
- Ryder (city) Ward County
- Rye (township) Grand Forks County
- Saddle Butte (township) Golden Valley County
- Saint Andrews (township) Walsh County
- Saint Anna (township) Wells County
- Saint Croix (township) Hettinger County
- Saint John (city) Rolette County
- Saint Joseph (township) Pembina County
- Saint Mary (township) McLean County
- Saint Marys (township) Ward County
- Saint Michael Benson County
- Saint Paul (township) Stutsman County
- Saint Thomas (township) Pembina County
- Saint Thomas (city) Pembina County
- Saline (township) McHenry County
- San Haven Rolette County
- Sanborn (city) Barnes County
- Sand Creek (township) Slope County
- Sandoun (township) Ransom County
- Sanger Oliver County
- Saratoga (township) LaMoure County
- Sargent (township) Sargent County
- Sarles (city) Cavalier County
- Sarnia (township) Nelson County
- Sauk Prairie (township) Ward County
- Sauk Valley (township) Williams County
- Sauter (township) Walsh County
- Sawyer (city) Ward County
- Sawyer (township) Ward County
- Scandia (township) Bottineau County
- Schiller (township) McHenry County
- Schrunk (township) Burleigh County
- Scorio (township) Williams County
- Scotia (township) Bottineau County
- Scott (township) Adams County
- Scoville (township) Ransom County
- Scranton (city) Bowman County
- Scranton (township) Bowman County
- Sealy (township) Logan County
- Seivert (township) Cavalier County
- Selfridge (city) Sioux County
- Sentinel (township) Golden Valley County
- Sentinel Butte (city) Golden Valley County
- Sergius (township) Bottineau County
- Severn (township) Stutsman County
- Sharlow (township) Stutsman County
- Sharon (township) Steele County
- Sharon (city) Steele County
- Shealy (township) Ward County
- Sheets (township) Slope County
- Sheldon (township) Eddy County
- Sheldon (city) Ransom County
- Shell (township) Mountrail County
- Shell Valley (township) Rolette County
- Shenford (township) Ransom County
- Shepherd (township) Walsh County
- Sherbrooke (township) Steele County
- Sheridan (township) LaMoure County
- Sherman (township) Bottineau County
- Sherwood (city) Renville County
- Sheyenne (city) Eddy County
- Sheyenne (township) Richland County
- Short Creek (township) Burke County
- Shuman (township) Sargent County
- Sibley (city) Barnes County
- Sibley (township) Kidder County
- Sibley Butte (township) Burleigh County
- Sibley Trail (township) Barnes County
- Sidney (township) Towner County
- Sidonia (township) Mountrail County
- Sikes (township) Mountrail County
- Silver Lake (township) Wells County
- Silvesta (township) Walsh County
- Sinclair (township) Stutsman County
- Sioux (township) McKenzie County
- Sioux Trail (township) Divide County
- Skandia (township) Barnes County
- Slope Center (township) Slope County
- Smith (township) Towner County
- Smoky Butte (township) Divide County
- Snow (township) McLean County
- Solen (city) Sioux County
- Solon (township) Hettinger County
- Soo (township) Burke County
- Sorenson (township) Towner County
- Sorkness (township) Mountrail County
- Souris (city) Bottineau County
- South Cottonwood (township) Wells County
- South Dresden (township) Cavalier County
- South Fork (township) Adams County
- South Heart (city) Stark County
- South Meadow (township) Williams County
- South Minnewaukan (township) Ramsey County
- South Olga (township) Cavalier County
- South Valley (township) Rolette County
- South Viking (township) Benson County
- Southwest (township) Sargent County
- Speedwell (township) Wells County
- Spencer (township) Ward County
- Spiritwood (township) Stutsman County
- Spiritwood Lake (city) Stutsman County
- Spring Coulee (township) Mountrail County
- Spring Creek (township) Barnes County
- Spring Grove (township) McHenry County
- Spring Lake (township) Ward County
- Spring Valley (township) Dickey County
- Springbrook (township) Williams County
- Springer (township) Ransom County
- Springfield (township) Towner County
- Springvale (township) Barnes County
- Stafford (township) Renville County
- Stanley (township) Cass County
- Stanley (city) Mountrail County
- Stanton (city) Mercer County
- Star (township) Bowman County
- Starbuck (township) Bottineau County
- Starkey (township) Logan County
- Starkweather (city) Ramsey County
- Stave (township) Mountrail County
- Steiber (township) Burleigh County
- Steiner (township) Hettinger County
- Sterling (township) Burleigh County
- Stevens (township) Ramsey County
- Stewart (township) Barnes County
- Stewart (township) Kidder County
- Stillwater (township) Bowman County
- Stirton (township) Stutsman County
- Stone Creek (township) Bottineau County
- Stoneview (township) Divide County
- Stony Creek (township) Williams County
- Storlie (township) Cavalier County
- Strabane (township) Grand Forks County
- Strandahl (township) Williams County
- Strasburg (city) Emmons County
- Strassburg (township) Sheridan County
- Streeter (township) Stutsman County
- Streeter (city) Stutsman County
- Strege (township) McHenry County
- Strehlow (township) Hettinger County
- Strong (township) Stutsman County
- Sullivan (township) Ramsey County
- Summit (township) Richland County
- Sundre (township) Ward County
- Sunny Slope (township) Bowman County
- Sunshine (township) Slope County
- Superior (township) Eddy County
- Surrey (township) Ward County
- Surrey (city) Ward County
- Svea (township) Barnes County
- Sverdrup (township) Griggs County
- Swede (township) LaMoure County
- Sydna (township) Ransom County
- Sydney (township) Stutsman County
- Sykeston (township) Wells County
- Sykeston (city) Wells County
- Tacoma (township) Bottineau County
- Taft (township) Burleigh County
- Talbot (township) Bowman County
- Tanner (township) Kidder County
- Tappen (township) Kidder County
- Tappen (city) Kidder County
- Tatman (township) Ward County
- Taylor (city) Stark County
- Taylor (township) Sargent County
- Taylor Butte (township) Adams County
- Telfer (township) Burleigh County
- Tell (township) Emmons County
- Tepee Butte (township) Hettinger County
- Tewaukon (township) Sargent County
- Thelma (township) Burleigh County
- Thingvalla (township) Pembina County
- Thompson (city) Grand Forks County
- Thordenskjold (township) Barnes County
- Thorson (township) Burke County
- Tiber (township) Walsh County
- Tioga (city) Williams County
- Tioga (township) Williams County
- Tolgen (township) Ward County
- Tolley (city) Renville County
- Tolna (city) Nelson County
- Torgerson (township) Pierce County
- Torning (township) Ward County
- Tower (township) Cass County
- Tower City (city) Cass County
- Towner (city) McHenry County
- Trenton (township) Williams County
- Tri (township) McKenzie County
- Trier (township) Cavalier County
- Triumph (township) Ramsey County
- Trotters Golden Valley County
- Troy (township) Divide County
- Truax (township) Williams County
- Truman (township) Pierce County
- Trygg (township) Burleigh County
- Turtle Lake (township) McLean County
- Turtle Lake (city) McLean County
- Turtle River (township) Grand Forks County
- Tuscarora (township) Pierce County
- Tuttle (city) Kidder County
- Tuttle (township) Kidder County
- Twelve Mile (township) Williams County
- Twin Butte (township) Divide County
- Twin Hill (township) Towner County
- Twin Lake (township) Benson County
- Twin Tree (township) Benson County
- Twin Valley (township) McKenzie County
- Tyrol (township) Griggs County
- Tyrone (township) Williams County
- Underwood (city) McLean County
- Union (township) Grand Forks County
- Upham (city) McHenry County
- Upland (township) Divide County
- Uxbridge (township) Barnes County
- Vale (township) Burke County
- Valhalla (township) Wells County
- Valley (township) Barnes County
- Valley (township) Dickey County
- Valley (township) Kidder County
- Valley City (city) Barnes County
- Valley Spring (township) Stutsman County
- Van Buren (township) Renville County
- Van Hook (township) Mountrail County
- Van Meter (township) Dickey County
- Vang (township) Ward County
- Vanville (township) Burke County
- Vashti Stutsman County
- Velva (city) McHenry County
- Velva (township) McHenry County
- Venturia (city) McIntosh County
- Verendrye McHenry County
- Verner (township) Sargent County
- Vernon (township) Walsh County
- Vernon (township) Kidder County
- Verona (city) LaMoure County
- Vesta (township) Walsh County
- Victor (township) Towner County
- Victoria (township) McLean County
- View (township) Williams County
- Viking (township) Traill County
- Viking (township) Richland County
- Villard (township) McHenry County
- Virginia (township) Towner County
- Vivian (township) Sargent County
- Voltaire (city) McHenry County
- Voltaire (township) McHenry County
- Wadsworth (township) Stutsman County
- Wagar (township) McHenry County
- Wagendorf (township) Hettinger County
- Wahpeton (city) Richland County
- Walburg (township) Cass County
- Walcott (city) Richland County
- Walcott (township) Richland County
- Waldo (township) Richland County
- Wales (city) Cavalier County
- Walhalla (township) Pembina County
- Walhalla (city) Pembina County
- Walker (township) Hettinger County
- Wallace (township) Kidder County
- Walle (township) Grand Forks County
- Walsh Centre (township) Walsh County
- Walshville (township) Walsh County
- Walters (township) Stutsman County
- Walum Griggs County
- Wamduska (township) Nelson County
- Wano (township) LaMoure County
- Ward (township) Burke County
- Warren (township) Cass County
- Warwick (city) Benson County
- Warwick (township) Benson County
- Washburn (township) Griggs County
- Washburn (city) McLean County
- Washington (township) Grand Forks County
- Waterford (township) Ward County
- Waterloo (township) Cavalier County
- Watford City (city) McKenzie County
- Watson (township) Cass County
- Wayne (township) Bottineau County
- Wayzetta (township) Mountrail County
- Weber (township) Sargent County
- Webster (township) Ramsey County
- Weimer (township) Barnes County
- Weiser (township) Kidder County
- Weld (township) Stutsman County
- Wellington (township) Bottineau County
- Wells (township) Wells County
- West Antelope (township) Benson County
- West Bank (township) Williams County
- West Bay (township) Benson County
- West End (township) Richland County
- West Fargo (city) Cass County
- West Hope (township) Cavalier County
- West Norway (township) Wells County
- West Ontario (township) Wells County
- Westby (township) Divide County
- Western (township) Wells County
- Westfield (township) Steele County
- Westford (township) Kidder County
- Westhope (city) Bottineau County
- Wheatfield (township) Grand Forks County
- Wheatland (township) Cass County
- Wheaton (township) Bottineau County
- Wheelock (township) Williams County
- Whetstone (township) Adams County
- Whitby (township) Bottineau County
- White (township) Pierce County
- White Ash (township) Renville County
- White Earth (township) Mountrail County
- White Earth (city) Mountrail County
- White Lake (township) Slope County
- Whitestone (township) Dickey County
- Whitestone Hill (township) Sargent County
- Whiting (township) Bowman County
- Whitteron (township) Bottineau County
- Wild Rose (township) Burleigh County
- Willey (township) Sargent County
- Williams (township) Nelson County
- Williams (township) Kidder County
- Willis (township) Ward County
- Williston (city) Williams County
- Williston (township) Williams County
- Willow (township) Griggs County
- Willow City (city) Bottineau County
- Willow Creek (township) McHenry County
- Willow Lake (township) Steele County
- Willow Vale (township) Bottineau County
- Willowbank (township) LaMoure County
- Wilson (township) Burleigh County
- Wilton (city) McLean County
- Wimbledon (city) Barnes County
- Windsor (township) Stutsman County
- Winfield (township) Stutsman County
- Wing (city) Burleigh County
- Wing (township) Burleigh County
- Winner (township) Williams County
- Wise (township) McLean County
- Wiser (township) Cass County
- Wishek (city) McIntosh County
- Wold (township) Traill County
- Wolf Butte (township) Adams County
- Wolford (city) Pierce County
- Wood Lake (township) Benson County
- Woodberry (township) Slope County
- Woodbury (township) Stutsman County
- Woodlawn (township) Kidder County
- Woodward (township) Wells County
- Woodworth (city) Stutsman County
- Wright (township) Dickey County
- Writing Rock (township) Divide County
- Wyard (township) Foster County
- Wyndmere (township) Richland County
- Wyndmere (city) Richland County
- Yellowstone (township) McKenzie County
- York (city) Benson County
- York (township) Benson County
- Yorktown (township) Dickey County
- Young (township) Dickey County
- Ypsilanti (township) Stutsman County
- Zap (city) Mercer County
- Zion (township) Towner County
epodunk - County Profiles ND
Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu US-amerikanischen Verwaltungsbezirken auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The county was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.
Adams County | Barnes County | Benson County | Billings County | Bottineau County | Bowman County | Burke County | Burleigh County | Cass County | Cavalier County | Dickey County | Divide County | Dunn County | Eddy County | Emmons County | Foster County | Golden Valley County | Grand Forks County | Grant County | Griggs County | Hettinger County | Kidder County | LaMoure County | Logan County | McHenry County | McIntosh County | McKenzie County | McLean County |
| Morton County | Mountrail County | Nelson County | Oliver County | Pembina County | Pierce County | Ramsey County | Ransom County | Renville County | Richland County | Rolette County | Sargent County | Sheridan County | Sioux County | Slope County | Stark County | Stutsman County | Towner County | Traill County | Walsh County | Ward County | Wells County | Williams County - Dakota Language
Garrison (city) McLean County (W3)
Die Gemeinde wurde nach dem "Garrison Creek" in der Nähe benannt. (Dieser wurde vermutliche nach einer ehemaligen Militärstation benannt.)
Hamlet (township) Renville County (W3)
Der Ort "Hamlet" wurde möglicherweise wegen seiner Größe als engl. "hamlet" = wörtlich dt. "Heimleinchen" bezeichnet.
Engl. "hamlet" (14. Jh.), mengl. "hamelet" bedeutet dt. "Weiler", "Flecken", "Dörfchen", anglo-norm. "hamelette", altfrz. "hamelet", die Verkleinerungsform von altfrz. "hamel" = dt. "kleines Dorf", das seinerseits eine Verkleinerungsform von "ham" = "Dorf" ist und weiter zurück geht auf fränk. "*haim", das mit dt. "Heim" und engl. "home" verwandt ist.
Die doppelte Verkleinerungsform macht also aus engl. "ham" = "Dorf" ein engl. "hamlet" = dt. "Heimleinchen" = dt. "kleines Örtchen".
Erstellt: 2013-05
Hobart (township) Barnes County (W3)
Nach welchem "Hobart" diese Stadt benannt wurde wird nicht erwähnt.
Erstellt: 2010-10
inext - Lakhota Language - Orthographies used for Dakota Language
Kunze (township) Hettinger County (W3)
Leider ist zur Namensgebung der Stadt "Kunze" nichts erwähnt. Naheliegend ist die Benennung nach einem Gründer namens "Kunze".
Der Familienname "Kunze" gehört in die große Familie der "Konrads" mit der Bedeutung "kühn im Rat".
Es gibt aber auch eine Bezeichnung "Kunze" für ein männliches Schwein, das im Alter von 3-4 Wochen kastriert wurde. Dafür konnte ich kjedoch auch keine weiteren Hinweise finden.
Kunze is a township in Hettinger County.
lakhota - Lakhota Language
Words & Phrases
Here are eleven different categories of common Lakhota words and phrases, translated into American text. These words are also available in audio on a CD-ROM, spoken by native Lakhota speakers.
Months | Direction | Colors | Numbers | Money | Wildlife | Human Body | People | Food | Household Items | Popular Sayings
English | French | German | Italian | Spanish
Leipzig (township) Grant County (W3)
Die Ortsnamen "Leipzig" und "New Leipzig" dürften auf deutsche Einwanderer aus Leipzig zurück gehen.
magazinusa - North Dakota Nicknames
- The Sioux State
- The Flickertail State
- The Peace Garden State
Medina (city) Stutsman County (W3)
"Medina" dürfte sich auf arab. "Medina" = "Stadt" beziehen - vielleicht auf dem Umweg über den Namen des Gründers des Ortes.
Engl. "Melrose" hat nichts mit einer "Rose" zu tun, sondern geht zurück auf kelt. "mail-rhos" = dt. "bestellte, bewirtschaftete Wiese".
Möglicherweise ist "Melrose" in North Dakota von Einwanderern aus dem schottischen "Melrose" gegründet worden.
Melrose (township) Steele County
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Melrose" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1630 auf.
Erstellt: 2013-03
Why Are There Two Carolinas and Two Dakotas?
It’s possible you’ve heard of North and South Dakota. You may have also heard about North and South Carolina. If so, then you already know that these states are strong, independent honeys makin’ money.
But why did these states divide to become geographic variants of each other? Here are the answers.
Erstellt: 2015-02
Mentor (township) Divide County (W3)
Ob der Ort "Mentor" einen Gründer dieses Namens hatte oder ob der griechische "Mentor", der Erzieher des Sohnes von Odysseus, direkt Pate stand ist ungewiss.
Mercer (township) McLean County (W3)
Die Gemeinde "Mercer" im Bundesstaat North Dakota wurde - vermutlich - nach einem Rancher "William Henry Harrison Mercer" benannt.
In anderen Bundesstaaten der USA wird für Gemeinden, Städte und Counties gleichen namens ein General "Hugh Mercer" als Namensspender genannt.
Mercer is a township in McLean County.[NOTE: This is not the only community in North Dakota named Mercer.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Mercer" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1570 auf.
Erstellt: 2018-08
Mercer (city) McLean County (W3)
Die Stadt "Mercer" im Bundesstaat North Dakota wurde - vermutlich - nach einem Rancher "William Henry Harrison Mercer" benannt.
In anderen Bundesstaaten der USA wird für Gemeinden, Städte und Counties gleichen namens ein General "Hugh Mercer" als Namensspender genannt.
The community was named for "William Henry Harrison Mercer", rancher.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Mercer" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1570 auf.
Erstellt: 2018-08
Mercer County (W3)
"Mercer County" in North Dakota könnte, wie die Gemeinde "Mercer" und die Stadt "Mercer" in North Dakota, ebenfalls nach einem Rancher "William Henry Harrison Mercer" benannt worden sein.
In anderen Bundesstaaten der USA wird für Gemeinden, Städte und Counties gleichen namens ein General "Hugh Mercer" als Namensspender genannt.
Profile for Mercer County, North Dakota, ND
Mercer County, North Dakota
"Mercer County" is a county located in the U.S. state of North Dakota. As of the 2010 census, the population was 8,424. Its county seat is Stanton. The county was created by the 1874-1875 territorial legislature and was named for "William Henry Harrison Mercer" (1844–1901), an early rancher who settled north of Bismarck in 1869. The county government was first organized on August 4, 1884.
"Mercer": counties in Ollinois, Kentucky, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, names for Gen. "Hugh Mercer", of the Revolution.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Mercer" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1570 auf.
Erstellt: 2018-08
Napoleon (city) Logan County (W3)
The community was named after "Napoleon Goodsill", present of the company that developed the town.
ND - North Dakota (Abkürzung) (W3)
New England (W3)
"New England" ist nicht nur die Bezeichnung der sechs ersten US-amerikanischen Bundesstaaten sonder ist auch der Name eines Verwaltungsgebietes und einer Stadt in North Dakota.
New England (township) Hettinger County
New England (city) Hettinger County
New Leipzig (city) Grant County (W3)
Die Ortsnamen "Leipzig" und "New Leipzig" dürften auf deutsche Einwanderer aus Leipzig zurück gehen.
Primrose (township) Steele County (W3)
The township was named for Primrose, WI.
Erstellt: 2012-10
Riggs - First alphabet for Sioux
The first alphabet for Sioux, known as "Riggs", was devised by the missionaries Samuel and Gideon Pond, "Stephen Return Riggs" and Dr Thomas S. Williamson in 1834. They based their spelling system on the Santee dialect of Dakota and used it to translate biblical texts into Dakota. The Dakota translation of the bible was well known and used among the Dakota and Lakota.
Rugby (city) Pierce County (W3)
Die Gemeinde "Rugby" in North Dakota, USA, wurde nach der Stadt "Rugby" in England benannt.
Erstellt: 2011-10
Stavanger (township) Traill County (W3)
Zu dem Ort "Stavanger" in North Dakota, US, gibt es keine Hinweise zur Herkunft des Namens. Entweder benannten in Einwanderer aus dem norwegischen Ort "Stavanger" oder ein Einwanderer trug diesen Namen als Herkunftsnamen und übergab in dann als Personennamen wieder weiter, oder ...?
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Stavanger" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1800 auf.
Erstellt: 2017-08
Steele (city) (W3)
Kidder County
The community was named for Col. Wilbur F. Steele.
Steele County (W3)
Teddy (township) Towner County (W3)
Vermutlich wurde der kleine Ort nach einem "Theodore" benannt. Vielleicht hatte der Gründer der Siedlung aber auch einen großen Teddybär ;-).
Tiffany (township) Eddy County (W3)
Die Gemeinde wurde nach "B.C. Tiffany", einem "Land office registrar" benannt.
Erstellt: 2010-04
Tuller (township) Ransom County (W3)
Warum der Ort den Namen "Tuller" trägt konnte ich leider nicht in Erfahrung bringen.
Der schottische Familienname "Tuller" geht zurück auf die mittelalterliche Berufsbezeichnung "tailor". Das anglo-normanisch-französische "taillour" = "Schneider" brachte neben "Tuller" und "Tailor" auch die Schreibweisen "Taylor", "Taylour", "Taylur", "Tailler", "Taillefer" hervor. Zum ersten Mal wird der Name "Tuller" im Zusammenhang mit einer Landschenkung durch King William für die Unterstützung in der "Battle of Hastings" im Jahr 1066 erwähnt.
Zu beachten ist, dass Namensvarianten, die nicht aus Schottland stammen, auch eine andere Herkunft in Frage kommt. So findet man als weitere Möglichkeiten, mhdt. "tülle" = "Zaun", eine andere Schreibweise für "Duller", das über mhdt. "dult" auf die Bedeutung "Geduld" zurück geht. Dann gibt es noch die Herleitung aus dem Ortsnamen "Dullen" in Baden-Württemberg und mhdt. "tult" = "Messe", "Feier", also mit der Bedeutung "Jahrmarktshändler". Und schließlich wird noch eine süddeutsche Geländebezeichnung "Tull" = "Erhöhung", "Anhöhe", "Hügel" angeführt.
Entsprechend findet man auch weitere Schreibweisen wie: "Tüller", "Taller", "Tallers", "Talers", "Talleres", "Tallere", "Talere", "Taleres", "Taaler", "Taaller", "Tallerr", "Tealer".
Auch diese aus Österreich und Süddeutschland stammenden "Tuller" fanden ihren Weg auf den amerikanischen Kontinent.
Die ersten amerikanischen Siedler dieses Namens kamen 1630 nach Massachusetts und Virginia.
Vermutlich kam auch ein "Tuller" nach North Dakota und gründete den Ort "Tuller" oder tat sich auf eine andere Art hervor, so dass man ihm zu Ehren einen Ort benannte.
Uni Laval
L'aménagement linguistique dans Dakota du Nord
Langues dans Dakota du Nord
(anglais) = USA
wikipedia - Liste der Amtssprachen - English in South Dakota - English in North Dakota
Amtssprache in North Dakota
North Dakota legte 1987 Englisch offiziell als Amtssprache fest.
South Dakota legte 1995 Englisch offiziell als Amtssprache fest.
wikipedia - North Central English
"North Central English" includes North Dakota and some South Dakota, in Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa.
Wildrose (city) Williams County (W3)
Vermutlich wuchsen am Ort an dem die Stadt "Wildrose" gegründet wurde eine wilde Rose. Aber vielleicht gibt es ja auch eine ander Erklärung für die Namensgebung.
Erstellt: 2013-07
Winona (township) Grant County (W3)
Der Name "Winona" wird auf ein Sioux-Wort "winona" mit der Bedeutung engl. "firstborn daughter" zurück geführt.
Sowohl die Stadt "Winona" als auch das "Winona County" in Minnesota, US, werden explizit auf eine legendäre Dakota-Frau namens "Winona" zurück geführt, die mit einem Krieger verlobt wurde und den sie demzufolge auch heiraten sollte, ohne ihn zu lieben. Doch ehe es dazu kam stürzte sie sich von einem Felsen, mit der Bezeichnung "Maiden's Rock" am Lake Pepin, zu Tode. ("Winona legend")
Ob der Ort "Winona" in North Dakota, US, auf die gleiche Legende zurück geführt wird oder auf den Ort in Minnesota, US, Bezug nimmt ist unklar.
Winona (township) Grant County
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Winona" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1800 auf.
Erstellt: 2017-08
worldlanguage - Lakota Language
Zeeland (city) McIntosh County (W3)
The community was named after province of the Netherlands.
Erstellt: 2014-09