Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Estados Unidos de América, États-Unis d'Amérique, Stati Uniti d'America, United States of America, (esper.) Unuigintaj Statoj de Ameriko
Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj
KS Kansas
Atwood (township) Rawlins County (W3)
Der englische Name "Atwood" setzt sich zusammen aus aus einem reduzierten mengl. "atten" = "at the" und engl. "wood" = dt. "Wald". Damit ergibt sich die Bedeutung "(der) am Wald (Wohnende)".
Erstellt: 2013-04
Atwood (city) Rawlins County (W3)
Der englische Name "Atwood" setzt sich zusammen aus aus einem reduzierten mengl. "atten" = "at the" und engl. "wood" = dt. "Wald". Damit ergibt sich die Bedeutung "(der) am Wald (Wohnende)".
The community was named for the son of founder J.M. Matheny
Erstellt: 2013-04
Bavaria Saline County (W3)
Das "Bavaria Saline County" in Kansas dürfte seinen Namen Bayerischen Auswanderern verdanken.
Clinton (township)
Douglas County (W3)
Die Gemeinde "Clinton" in Kansas, US, wurde nach der Stadt "Clinton" in Illinois, US, benannt.
Die Stadt "Clinton" in Illinois, US, trägt den Namen des Gouverneurs "DeWitt Clinton".
The community was named for Clinton, IL.
Erstellt: 2016-10
Conkling (township) Pawnee County (W3)
Zu "Conkling" konnte ich keinen Hinweis finden.
At this time, we have very little information about Conkling.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Conkling" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1800 auf.
Erstellt: 2014-07
El Dorado (city) Butler County (W3)
Die Bezeichnung "Eldorado" (span. "el dorado" (país) = "sagenhaftes Goldland", "das vergoldete (Land)", lat. "deaurare" = "vergolden") geht auf die Phantasien der spanischen Eroberer Südamerikas zurück.
The community name derives from Spanish for "place of wealth and abundance."
Erstellt: 2011-05
El Dorado (township) Butler County (W3)
Die Bezeichnung "Eldorado" (span. "el dorado" (país) = "sagenhaftes Goldland", "das vergoldete (Land)", lat. "deaurare" = "vergolden") geht auf die Phantasien der spanischen Eroberer Südamerikas zurück.
Erstellt: 2011-05
epodunk - Community-Profiles KS
Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu US-amerikanischen Städten auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The community was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.
Our community listings for Kansas include the following cities, townships and unincorporated places:
- Abbyville (city) Reno County
- Abbyville (city) Reno County
- Abilene (city) Dickinson County
- Achilles (township) Rawlins County
- Adams (township) Nemaha County
- Adell (township) Sheridan County
- Admire (city) Lyon County
- Adrian (township) Jackson County
- Aetna (township) Barber County
- Afton (township) Sedgwick County
- Agency (township) Osage County
- Agenda (city) Republic County
- Agnes City (township) Lyon County
- Agra (city) Phillips County
- Alamota (township) Lane County
- Albano (township) Stafford County
- Albert (city) Barton County
- Albion (township) Barton County
- Albion (township) Republic County
- Albion (township) Reno County
- Alden (city) Rice County
- Alexander (city) Rush County
- Alexander-Belle Prairie (township) Rush County
- Alexandria (township) Leavenworth County
- Aliceville Coffey County
- Allen (township) Jewell County
- Allen (township) Kingman County
- Allen (city) Lyon County
- Allison (township) Decatur County
- Allodium (township) Graham County
- Alma (city) Wabaunsee County
- Alma (township) Wabaunsee County
- Almena (city) Norton County
- Almena-District 4 (township) Norton County
- Alta (township) Harvey County
- Alta Vista (city) Wabaunsee County
- Altamont (city) Labette County
- Alton (city) Osborne County
- Altoona (city) Wilson County
- Altory (township) Decatur County
- Americus (township) Lyon County
- Americus (city) Lyon County
- Ames Cloud County
- Andale (city) Sedgwick County
- Andover (city) Butler County
- Angelus Sheridan County
- Annelly Harvey County
- Anthony (city) Harper County
- Antonino Ellis County
- Appanoose (township) Franklin County
- Appleton (township) Clark County
- Arcade (township) Phillips County
- Arcadia (city) Crawford County
- Argonia (city) Sumner County
- Arion (township) Cloud County
- Arkalon Seward County
- Arkansas City (city) Cowley County
- Arlington (township) Reno County
- Arlington (city) Reno County
- Arma (city) Crawford County
- Arvonia (township) Osage County
- Ash Creek (township) Ellsworth County
- Ash Valley (township) Pawnee County
- Asherville (township) Mitchell County
- Ashland (township) Riley County
- Ashland (city) Clark County
- Assaria (city) Saline County
- Atchison (city) Atchison County
- Athelstane (township) Clay County
- Athens (township) Jewell County
- Athol (city) Smith County
- Atlanta (township) Rice County
- Atlanta (city) Cowley County
- Attica (city) Harper County
- Attica (township) Sedgwick County
- Aubry (township) Johnson County
- Auburn (city) Shawnee County
- Auburn (township) Shawnee County
- Augusta (city) Butler County
- Augusta (township) Butler County
- Augustine (township) Logan County
- Aurora (township) Cloud County
- Aurora (city) Cloud County
- Avilla (township) Comanche County
- Avon (township) Coffey County
- Avon (township) Sumner County
- Axtell (city) Marshall County
- Bachelor (township) Greenwood County
- Baker (township) Gove County
- Baker (township) Crawford County
- Bala Riley County
- Balderson (township) Marshall County
- Baldwin City (city) Douglas County
- Banner (township) Dickinson County
- Banner (township) Jackson County
- Banner (township) Rush County
- Banner (township) Smith County
- Barclay (township) Osage County
- Barnard (city) Lincoln County
- Barnes (township) Washington County
- Barnes (city) Washington County
- Barrett (township) Thomas County
- Bartlett (city) Labette County
- Basehor (city) Leavenworth County
- Bassett (city) Allen County
- Bassettville (township) Decatur County
- Battle Hill (township) McPherson County
- Baxter Springs (city) Cherokee County
- Bazaar (township) Chase County
- Bazine (city) Ness County
- Bazine (township) Ness County
- Bear Creek (township) Hamilton County
- Beattie (city) Marshall County
- Beaumont Butler County
- Beaver (township) Cowley County
- Beaver (township) Barton County
- Beaver (township) Decatur County
- Beaver (township) Phillips County
- Beaver (township) Scott County
- Beaver (township) Republic County
- Beaver (township) Smith County
- Beeler Ness County
- Bel Aire (city) Sedgwick County
- Bell (township) Reno County
- Bell (township) Rice County
- Belle Plaine (city) Sumner County
- Belle Plaine (township) Sumner County
- Belleville (township) Republic County
- Belleville (city) Republic County
- Belleville (township) Chautauqua County
- Belmont (township) Kingman County
- Belmont (township) Phillips County
- Beloit (township) Mitchell County
- Beloit (city) Mitchell County
- Belpre (city) Edwards County
- Belpre (township) Edwards County
- Belvue (township) Pottawatomie County
- Belvue (city) Pottawatomie County
- Benkelman (township) Cheyenne County
- Bennett (township) Kingman County
- Bennington (city) Ottawa County
- Bennington (township) Ottawa County
- Bentley (city) Sedgwick County
- Benton (township) Hodgeman County
- Benton (city) Butler County
- Benton (township) Butler County
- Benton (township) Atchison County
- Bern (city) Nemaha County
- Berwick (township) Nemaha County
- Bethany (township) Osborne County
- Beverly (city) Lincoln County
- Big Bend (township) Republic County
- Big Creek (township) Russell County
- Big Creek (township) Neosho County
- Big Creek (township) Ellis County
- Big Timber (township) Rush County
- Bigelow (township) Marshall County
- Bird City (township) Cheyenne County
- Bird City (city) Cheyenne County
- Bison (city) Rush County
- Black Wolf (township) Ellsworth County
- Blaine (township) Clay County
- Blaine (township) Smith County
- Blaine (township) Marion County
- Blaine (township) Ottawa County
- Blakely (township) Geary County
- Bloom (township) Ford County
- Bloom (township) Clay County
- Bloom (township) Osborne County
- Bloomfield (township) Mitchell County
- Bloomfield (township) Sheridan County
- Bloomington (township) Butler County
- Blue (township) Pottawatomie County
- Blue Hill (township) Mitchell County
- Blue Mound (city) Linn County
- Blue Mound (township) Linn County
- Blue Rapids (city) Marshall County
- Blue Rapids (township) Marshall County
- Blue Rapids City (township) Marshall County
- Blue Valley (township) Pottawatomie County
- Bluff (township) Sumner County
- Bluff City (city) Harper County
- Bogue (city) Graham County
- Bolton (township) Cowley County
- Bonaville (township) McPherson County
- Bonner Springs (city) Wyandotte County
- Bow Creek (township) Phillips County
- Bowcreek (township) Sheridan County
- Brainerd Butler County
- Brantford (township) Washington County
- Brazilton Crawford County
- Bremen Marshall County
- Brewster (city) Thomas County
- Bronson (city) Bourbon County
- Brookville (city) Saline County
- Brownell (city) Ness County
- Browns Creek (township) Jewell County
- Browns Grove (township) Pawnee County
- Bruno (township) Butler County
- Bryant (township) Graham County
- Buckeye (township) Ellis County
- Buckeye (township) Dickinson County
- Buckeye (township) Ottawa County
- Bucklin (city) Ford County
- Bucklin (township) Ford County
- Bucyrus Miami County
- Buffalo (township) Jewell County
- Buffalo (township) Cloud County
- Buffalo (township) Barton County
- Buffalo (city) Wilson County
- Buhler (city) Reno County
- Bunker Hill (city) Russell County
- Burden (city) Cowley County
- Burdett Pawnee County
- Burlingame (township) Osage County
- Burlingame (city) Osage County
- Burlington (township) Coffey County
- Burlington (city) Coffey County
- Burns (city) Marion County
- Burr Oak (township) Jewell County
- Burr Oak (city) Jewell County
- Burr Oak (township) Doniphan County
- Burrton (city) Harvey County
- Burrton (township) Harvey County
- Bushong (city) Lyon County
- Bushton (city) Rice County
- Byers (city) Pratt County
- Byron (township) Stafford County
- Caldwell (township) Sumner County
- Caldwell (city) Sumner County
- Calhoun (township) Cheyenne County
- Calista Kingman County
- Calvin (township) Jewell County
- Cambria (township) Saline County
- Cambridge (city) Cowley County
- Canada (township) Labette County
- Caney (city) Montgomery County
- Caney (township) Montgomery County
- Caneyville (township) Chautauqua County
- Canton (township) Kingman County
- Canton (township) McPherson County
- Canton (city) McPherson County
- Canville (township) Neosho County
- Capioma (township) Nemaha County
- Carbondale (city) Osage County
- Carlton (city) Dickinson County
- Carlyle (township) Allen County
- Carneiro (township) Ellsworth County
- Carona Cherokee County
- Carr Creek (township) Mitchell County
- Cassoday (city) Butler County
- Castle (township) McPherson County
- Castleton (township) Reno County
- Catherine (township) Ellis County
- Catlin (township) Marion County
- Cawker (township) Mitchell County
- Cawker City (city) Mitchell County
- Cedar (township) Smith County
- Cedar (city) Smith County
- Cedar (township) Jackson County
- Cedar (township) Chase County
- Cedar (township) Cowley County
- Cedar (township) Wilson County
- Cedar Point (city) Chase County
- Cedar Vale (city) Chautauqua County
- Center (township) Chautauqua County
- Center (township) Cloud County
- Center (township) Clark County
- Center (township) Atchison County
- Center (township) Hodgeman County
- Center (township) Jewell County
- Center (township) Dickinson County
- Center (township) Doniphan County
- Center (township) Decatur County
- Center (township) Smith County
- Center (township) Rawlins County
- Center (township) Pottawatomie County
- Center (township) Reno County
- Center (township) Russell County
- Center (township) Rush County
- Center (township) Rice County
- Center (township) Riley County
- Center (township) Marshall County
- Center (township) Lyon County
- Center (township) Mitchell County
- Center (township) Nemaha County
- Center (township) Ottawa County
- Center (township) Wilson County
- Center (township) Woodson County
- Center (township) Ness County
- Center-District 1 (township) Norton County
- Centerville (township) Neosho County
- Centerville (township) Linn County
- Centralia (city) Nemaha County
- Centropolis (township) Franklin County
- Chanute (city) Neosho County
- Chapman (township) Ottawa County
- Chapman (city) Dickinson County
- Chapman (township) Clay County
- Charleston (township) Washington County
- Chase (city) Rice County
- Chautauqua (city) Chautauqua County
- Cheever (township) Dickinson County
- Chelsea (township) Butler County
- Cheney (city) Sedgwick County
- Cherokee (township) Montgomery County
- Cherokee (township) Cherokee County
- Cherokee (city) Crawford County
- Cherry (township) Montgomery County
- Cherryvale (city) Montgomery County
- Chetopa (township) Neosho County
- Chetopa (city) Labette County
- Chetopa (township) Wilson County
- Cheyenne (township) Lane County
- Cheyenne (township) Barton County
- Chikaskia (township) Kingman County
- Chikaskia (township) Sumner County
- Cimarron (township) Meade County
- Cimarron (township) Morton County
- Cimarron (city) Gray County
- Cimarron (township) Gray County
- Circleville (city) Jackson County
- Claflin (city) Barton County
- Clarence (township) Barton County
- Clark (township) Marion County
- Clay (township) Reno County
- Clay (township) Butler County
- Clay Center (township) Clay County
- Clay Center (city) Clay County
- Clayton (city) Norton County
- Clear Creek (township) Nemaha County
- Clear Creek (township) Marion County
- Clear Creek (township) Pottawatomie County
- Clear Creek (township) Stafford County
- Clear Creek (township) Ellsworth County
- Clear Fork (township) Marshall County
- Clearview City Johnson County
- Clearwater (city) Sedgwick County
- Cleveland (township) Stafford County
- Cleveland (township) Marshall County
- Cleveland (township) Barton County
- Cleveland Run (township) Cheyenne County
- Clifford (township) Butler County
- Clifton (township) Wilson County
- Clifton (township) Washington County
- Clifton (city) Washington County
- Climax (city) Greenwood County
- Clyde (city) Cloud County
- Coats Pratt County
- Coffeyville (city) Montgomery County
- Colby (city) Thomas County
- Coldwater (township) Comanche County
- Coldwater (city) Comanche County
- Coleman (township) Washington County
- Colfax (township) Wilson County
- Colfax (township) Cloud County
- Colfax (township) Marion County
- Collano Meade County
- Collyer (city) Trego County
- Collyer (township) Trego County
- Colony (city) Anderson County
- Columbia (township) Ellsworth County
- Columbus (city) Cherokee County
- Colwich (city) Sedgwick County
- Comanche (township) Barton County
- Concord (township) Ford County
- Concord (township) Ottawa County
- Concordia (city) Cloud County
- Conway (township) Sumner County
- Conway Springs (city) Sumner County
- Cook (township) Decatur County
- Coolidge (city) Hamilton County
- Coolidge (township) Hamilton County
- Copeland (township) Gray County
- Copeland (city) Gray County
- Cora (township) Smith County
- Corinth (township) Osborne County
- Corning (city) Nemaha County
- Cottage Grove (township) Allen County
- Cottage Hill (township) Marshall County
- Cottonwood (township) Chase County
- Cottonwood Falls (city) Chase County
- Council Grove (city) Morris County
- Countryside (city) Johnson County
- Courtland (city) Republic County
- Courtland (township) Republic County
- Covert (township) Osborne County
- Coyville (city) Wilson County
- Crawford (township) Crawford County
- Crawford (township) Cherokee County
- Creek (township) Sumner County
- Creswell (township) Cowley County
- Crooked Creek (township) Meade County
- Crystal (township) Phillips County
- Crystal Plains (township) Smith County
- Cuba (city) Republic County
- Cullison (city) Pratt County
- Culver (township) Ottawa County
- Culver (city) Ottawa County
- Cunningham (city) Kingman County
- Custer (township) Decatur County
- Custer (township) Mitchell County
- Cutler (township) Franklin County
- Dale (township) Kingman County
- Damar (city) Rooks County
- Danville (city) Harper County
- Darlington (township) Harvey County
- Dayton (township) Saline County
- Dayton (township) Phillips County
- De Soto (city) Johnson County
- Dearing (city) Montgomery County
- Deer Creek (township) Phillips County
- Deer Creek (township) Allen County
- Deerfield (township) Kearny County
- Deerfield (city) Kearny County
- Deerhead (township) Barber County
- Delano (township) Sedgwick County
- Delaware (township) Leavenworth County
- Delaware (township) Jefferson County
- Delhi (township) Osborne County
- Delia (city) Jackson County
- Delmore (township) McPherson County
- Delphos (city) Ottawa County
- Denison (city) Jackson County
- Denmark Lincoln County
- Denton (city) Doniphan County
- Derby (city) Sedgwick County
- Dexter (township) Cowley County
- Dexter (city) Cowley County
- Diamond Creek (township) Chase County
- Dighton (city) Lane County
- Dighton (township) Lane County
- Dispatch Smith County
- Dixon (township) Sumner County
- Dodge (township) Ford County
- Dodge City (city) Ford County
- Dor (township) Smith County
- Dorrance (city) Russell County
- Douglas (township) Stafford County
- Douglas (township) Jackson County
- Douglass (township) Butler County
- Douglass (city) Butler County
- Dover (township) Shawnee County
- Downs (township) Sumner County
- Downs (city) Osborne County
- Doyle (township) Marion County
- Dragoon (township) Osage County
- Dresden (township) Kingman County
- Dresden (township) Decatur County
- Dresden (city) Decatur County
- Driftwood (township) Rawlins County
- Drum Creek (township) Montgomery County
- Drywood (township) Bourbon County
- Duck Creek (township) Wilson County
- Dudley (township) Haskell County
- Dunlap (city) Morris County
- Durham (township) Ottawa County
- Durham (city) Marion County
- Durham Park (township) Marion County
- Dwight (city) Morris County
- Eagle (township) Sedgwick County
- Eagle (township) Kingman County
- Eagle (township) Barber County
- Earlton (city) Neosho County
- East Branch (township) Marion County
- East Cooper (township) Stafford County
- East Hale (township) Thomas County
- East Hess (township) Gray County
- East Hibbard (township) Kearny County
- East Saline (township) Sheridan County
- East Washington (township) Rice County
- Eastborough (city) Sedgwick County
- Easton (township) Leavenworth County
- Easton (city) Leavenworth County
- Eden (township) Sumner County
- Eden (township) Ness County
- Edgerton (city) Johnson County
- Edmond (city) Norton County
- Edna (city) Labette County
- Edwardsville (city) Wyandotte County
- Effingham (city) Atchison County
- Elbing (city) Butler County
- Elgin (city) Chautauqua County
- Elk (township) Cloud County
- Elk (township) Osage County
- Elk City (city) Montgomery County
- Elk Creek (township) Republic County
- Elk Falls (city) Elk County
- Elk Falls (township) Elk County
- Elkader (township) Logan County
- Elkhart (city) Morton County
- Ellinwood (city) Barton County
- Ellis (city) Ellis County
- Ellis (township) Ellis County
- Ellsworth (city) Ellsworth County
- Ellsworth (township) Ellsworth County
- Elm (township) Allen County
- Elm Creek (township) Marshall County
- Elm Creek (township) Saline County
- Elm Grove (township) Labette County
- Elm Mills (township) Barber County
- Elmdale (city) Chase County
- Elmendaro (township) Lyon County
- Elsmore (township) Allen County
- Elsmore (city) Allen County
- Elwood (township) Barber County
- Elwood (city) Doniphan County
- Elyria McPherson County
- Emma (township) Harvey County
- Emmett (city) Pottawatomie County
- Emmett (township) Pottawatomie County
- Empire (township) McPherson County
- Empire (township) Ellsworth County
- Emporia (township) Lyon County
- Emporia (city) Lyon County
- Englewood (city) Clark County
- Englewood (township) Clark County
- Ensign (city) Gray County
- Enterprise (township) Ford County
- Enterprise (city) Dickinson County
- Enterprise (township) Reno County
- Erie (township) Sedgwick County
- Erie (township) Neosho County
- Erie (city) Neosho County
- Erving (township) Jewell County
- Esbon (township) Jewell County
- Esbon (city) Jewell County
- Eskridge (city) Wabaunsee County
- Eudora (city) Douglas County
- Eudora (township) Douglas County
- Eureka (township) Kingman County
- Eureka (city) Greenwood County
- Eureka (township) Greenwood County
- Eureka (township) Barton County
- Eureka (township) Saline County
- Eureka (township) Rice County
- Eureka (township) Mitchell County
- Evan (township) Kingman County
- Everest (city) Brown County
- Exeter (township) Clay County
- Fairfax (township) Osage County
- Fairfield (township) Russell County
- Fairmount (township) Leavenworth County
- Fairmount (township) Butler County
- Fairplay (township) Marion County
- Fairview (township) Labette County
- Fairview (township) Russell County
- Fairview (township) Republic County
- Fairview (township) Stafford County
- Fairview (township) Butler County
- Fairview (city) Brown County
- Fairview (township) Cowley County
- Fairview (township) Barton County
- Fairview (township) Jefferson County
- Fairview (township) Ford County
- Fairway (city) Johnson County
- Fall River (city) Greenwood County
- Fall River (township) Greenwood County
- Fall River (township) Wilson County
- Falls (township) Chase County
- Falls (township) Sumner County
- Falun (township) Saline County
- Fancy Creek (township) Riley County
- Fargo (township) Seward County
- Farlington Crawford County
- Farmer (township) Wabaunsee County
- Farmer (township) Rice County
- Farmington (township) Republic County
- Farmington (township) Stafford County
- Farmington (township) Washington County
- Fawn Creek (township) Montgomery County
- Feterita Stevens County
- Finley (township) Decatur County
- Five Creeks (township) Clay County
- Flora (township) Dickinson County
- Florence (city) Marion County
- Flush Pottawatomie County
- Fontana (city) Miami County
- Foote (township) Gray County
- Ford (township) Ford County
- Ford (city) Ford County
- Formoso (city) Jewell County
- Forrester (township) Ness County
- Fort Dodge Ford County
- Fort Riley Geary County
- Fort Scott (city) Bourbon County
- Fountain (township) Ottawa County
- Fowler (township) Meade County
- Fowler (city) Meade County
- Fragrant Hill (township) Dickinson County
- Frankfort (city) Marshall County
- Franklin (township) Marshall County
- Franklin (township) Trego County
- Franklin (township) Edwards County
- Franklin (township) Franklin County
- Franklin (township) Jackson County
- Franklin (township) Bourbon County
- Franklin (township) Washington County
- Franklin (township) Ness County
- Frederick (city) Rice County
- Fredonia (city) Wilson County
- Freedom (township) Republic County
- Freedom (township) Phillips County
- Freedom (township) Bourbon County
- Freedom (township) Ellis County
- Freeport (city) Harper County
- Fremont (township) Lyon County
- Frontenac (city) Crawford County
- Fulton (city) Bourbon County
- Gaeland (township) Gove County
- Galatia (city) Barton County
- Gale (township) Marion County
- Galena (city) Cherokee County
- Galesburg (township) Kingman County
- Galesburg (city) Neosho County
- Galt (township) Rice County
- Galva (city) McPherson County
- Garden (township) Harvey County
- Garden (township) Cherokee County
- Garden City (city) Finney County
- Garden City (township) Finney County
- Garden Plain (township) Sedgwick County
- Garden Plain (city) Sedgwick County
- Gardner (township) Johnson County
- Gardner (city) Johnson County
- Garfield (township) Jackson County
- Garfield (township) Finney County
- Garfield (township) Ellsworth County
- Garfield (township) Dickinson County
- Garfield (township) Decatur County
- Garfield (township) Clay County
- Garfield (township) Wabaunsee County
- Garfield (township) Smith County
- Garfield (township) Rush County
- Garfield (township) Pawnee County
- Garfield (city) Pawnee County
- Garfield (township) Ottawa County
- Garnett (city) Anderson County
- Gas (city) Allen County
- Gaylord (city) Smith County
- Gem (city) Thomas County
- Geneseo (city) Rice County
- Geneva (township) Allen County
- German (township) Smith County
- Geuda Springs (city) Sumner County
- Gill (township) Clay County
- Gilman (township) Nemaha County
- Girard (city) Crawford County
- Glade (city) Phillips County
- Glasco (city) Cloud County
- Glen Elder (township) Mitchell County
- Glen Elder (city) Mitchell County
- Glencoe (township) Trego County
- Glencoe (township) Butler County
- Glendale (township) Saline County
- Glenwood (township) Phillips County
- Goddard (city) Sedgwick County
- Goessel (city) Marion County
- Goff (city) Nemaha County
- Golden Belt (township) Lincoln County
- Goodland (city) Sherman County
- Gore (township) Sumner County
- Gorham (city) Russell County
- Goshen (township) Clay County
- Gove (township) Gove County
- Gove (township) Gove County
- Gove City (city) Gove County
- Graham (township) Graham County
- Grainfield (township) Gove County
- Grainfield (city) Gove County
- Granada (township) Nemaha County
- Grand River (township) Sedgwick County
- Grandview (township) Ford County
- Grandview Plaza (city) Geary County
- Granite (township) Phillips County
- Grant (township) Pawnee County
- Grant (township) Ottawa County
- Grant (township) Osborne County
- Grant (township) Neosho County
- Grant (township) Osage County
- Grant (township) Marion County
- Grant (township) Sedgwick County
- Grant (township) Sherman County
- Grant (township) Russell County
- Grant (township) Riley County
- Grant (township) Republic County
- Grant (township) Reno County
- Grant (township) Pottawatomie County
- Grant (township) Decatur County
- Grant (township) Crawford County
- Grant (township) Dickinson County
- Grant (township) Douglas County
- Grant (township) Jackson County
- Grant (township) Jewell County
- Grant (township) Clay County
- Grant (township) Cloud County
- Grant (township) Cowley County
- Grant (township) Barton County
- Grant (township) Washington County
- Grasshopper (township) Atchison County
- Great Bend (township) Barton County
- Great Bend (city) Barton County
- Greeley (city) Anderson County
- Greeley (township) Saline County
- Greeley (township) Sedgwick County
- Green (township) Pottawatomie County
- Green (city) Clay County
- Green Garden (township) Ellsworth County
- Greene (township) Sumner County
- Greenfield (township) Elk County
- Greenleaf (township) Washington County
- Greenleaf (city) Washington County
- Greensburg (city) Kiowa County
- Greenwich Sedgwick County
- Greenwood (township) Phillips County
- Greenwood (township) Franklin County
- Grenola (city) Elk County
- Gridley (city) Coffey County
- Grinnell (city) Gove County
- Grinnell (township) Gove County
- Grove (township) Shawnee County
- Grove (township) Reno County
- Groveland (township) McPherson County
- Guelph (township) Sumner County
- Guilford (township) Wilson County
- Guittard (township) Marshall County
- Gypsum (township) Sedgwick County
- Gypsum (township) Saline County
- Gypsum (city) Saline County
- Gypsum Creek (township) McPherson County
- Hackberry (township) Labette County
- Haddam (township) Washington County
- Haddam (city) Washington County
- Hallet (township) Hodgeman County
- Halstead (city) Harvey County
- Halstead (township) Harvey County
- Hamilton (city) Greenwood County
- Hamlin (township) Brown County
- Hamlin (city) Brown County
- Hampden (township) Coffey County
- Hampton-Fairview (township) Rush County
- Hancock (township) Osborne County
- Hanover (township) Washington County
- Hanover (city) Washington County
- Hanston (city) Hodgeman County
- Happy (township) Graham County
- Hardtner (city) Barber County
- Harlan (township) Decatur County
- Harlan (township) Smith County
- Harmon (township) Sumner County
- Harper (township) McPherson County
- Harper (city) Harper County
- Harrison (township) Jewell County
- Harrison (township) Franklin County
- Harrison (township) Chautauqua County
- Harrison (township) Nemaha County
- Harrison (township) Rice County
- Harrison (township) Wallace County
- Harrison-District 6 (township) Norton County
- Hartford (city) Lyon County
- Hartland (township) Kearny County
- Harvey (township) Cowley County
- Harvey (township) Smith County
- Harveyville (city) Wabaunsee County
- Haskell (township) Haskell County
- Havana (city) Montgomery County
- Haven (township) Reno County
- Haven (city) Reno County
- Havensville (city) Pottawatomie County
- Haviland (city) Kiowa County
- Hawkeye (township) Osborne County
- Hayes (township) Mitchell County
- Hayes (township) McPherson County
- Hayes (township) Reno County
- Hayes (township) Stafford County
- Hayes (township) Franklin County
- Hayes (township) Dickinson County
- Hayes (township) Clay County
- Hays (city) Ellis County
- Haysville (city) Sedgwick County
- Hazelton (city) Barber County
- Hazelton (township) Barber County
- Hendricks (township) Chautauqua County
- Henry (township) Ottawa County
- Hepler (city) Crawford County
- Herington (city) Dickinson County
- Herkimer (township) Marshall County
- Herl (township) Rawlins County
- Herndon (city) Rawlins County
- Herzog (township) Ellis County
- Hesston (city) Harvey County
- Hiawatha (township) Brown County
- Hiawatha (city) Brown County
- Hickory (township) Butler County
- High Prairie (township) Leavenworth County
- Highland (township) Morris County
- Highland (township) Clay County
- Highland (township) Harvey County
- Highland (township) Jewell County
- Highland (city) Doniphan County
- Highland (township) Washington County
- Highland-District 2 (township) Norton County
- Highpoint (township) Ness County
- Hill City (city) Graham County
- Hill City (township) Graham County
- Hillsboro (city) Marion County
- Hillsdale Miami County
- Hoisington (city) Barton County
- Holcomb (city) Finney County
- Holland (township) Dickinson County
- Hollenberg (city) Washington County
- Holmwood (township) Jewell County
- Holton (city) Jackson County
- Holyrood (city) Ellsworth County
- Home (township) Nemaha County
- Homestead (township) Chase County
- Homewood (township) Franklin County
- Hope (township) Dickinson County
- Hope (city) Dickinson County
- Horace (city) Greeley County
- Horton (city) Brown County
- Houston (township) Smith County
- Howard (township) Labette County
- Howard (city) Elk County
- Howard (township) Elk County
- Hoxie (city) Sheridan County
- Hoyt (city) Jackson County
- Hudson (city) Stafford County
- Hugoton (city) Stevens County
- Humboldt (township) Allen County
- Humboldt (city) Allen County
- Hunnewell (city) Sumner County
- Hunter (city) Mitchell County
- Huntsville (township) Reno County
- Huron (city) Atchison County
- Hutchinson (city) Reno County
- Hymer Chase County
- Idana Clay County
- Illinois (township) Rush County
- Illinois (township) Sumner County
- Illinois (township) Sedgwick County
- Illinois (township) Nemaha County
- Independence (city) Montgomery County
- Independence (township) Montgomery County
- Independence (township) Osborne County
- Independence (township) Doniphan County
- Independence (township) Washington County
- Independent (township) Barton County
- Indian Creek (township) Anderson County
- Indiana (township) Graham County
- Ingalls (township) Gray County
- Ingalls (city) Gray County
- Inman (city) McPherson County
- Iola (township) Allen County
- Iola (city) Allen County
- Ionia (township) Jewell County
- Iowa (township) Doniphan County
- Iowa (township) Sherman County
- Irving (township) Brown County
- Isabel (city) Barber County
- Isbel (township) Scott County
- Itasca (township) Sherman County
- Iuka (city) Pratt County
- Ivanhoe (township) Finney County
- Ivy (township) Lyon County
- Jackson (township) Lyon County
- Jackson (township) McPherson County
- Jackson (township) Osborne County
- Jackson (township) Riley County
- Jackson (township) Sumner County
- Jackson (township) Geary County
- Jackson (township) Edwards County
- Jackson (township) Jewell County
- Jackson (township) Anderson County
- Jamestown (city) Cloud County
- Janesville (township) Greenwood County
- Jaqua (township) Cheyenne County
- Jefferson (township) Chautauqua County
- Jefferson (township) Jackson County
- Jefferson (township) Jefferson County
- Jefferson (township) Dickinson County
- Jefferson (township) Geary County
- Jefferson (township) Rawlins County
- Jefferson (township) Republic County
- Jennings (township) Decatur County
- Jennings (city) Decatur County
- Jerome (township) Gove County
- Jetmore (city) Hodgeman County
- Jewell (city) Jewell County
- Johnson (city) Stanton County
- Johnson (township) Ness County
- Jones (township) Morton County
- Junction (township) Osage County
- Junction City (city) Geary County
- Kalvesta Finney County
- Kanopolis (city) Ellsworth County
- Kanorado (city) Sherman County
- Kansas City (city) Wyandotte County
- Kanwaka (township) Douglas County
- Kapioma (township) Atchison County
- Kaw (township) Jefferson County
- Kaw (township) Wabaunsee County
- Keats Riley County
- Kechi (township) Sedgwick County
- Kechi (city) Sedgwick County
- Kendall (township) Kearny County
- Kendall (township) Hamilton County
- Kennekuk Atchison County
- Kenneth (township) Sheridan County
- Kensington (city) Smith County
- Kentucky (township) Jefferson County
- Key West (township) Coffey County
- Keystone (township) Scott County
- Keysville (township) Pawnee County
- Kickapoo (township) Leavenworth County
- Kill Creek (township) Osborne County
- Kimeo (township) Washington County
- Kincaid (city) Anderson County
- King City (township) McPherson County
- Kingery (township) Thomas County
- Kingman (township) Kingman County
- Kingman (city) Kingman County
- Kinsley (township) Edwards County
- Kinsley (city) Edwards County
- Kiowa (city) Barber County
- Kiowa (township) Barber County
- Kirwin (city) Phillips County
- Kirwin (township) Phillips County
- Kismet (city) Seward County
- La Crosse (city) Rush County
- La Crosse-Brookdale (township) Rush County
- La Cygne (city) Linn County
- La Harpe (city) Allen County
- Labette (township) Labette County
- Labette (city) Labette County
- Lacey (township) Thomas County
- Ladore (township) Neosho County
- Lafayette (township) Chautauqua County
- Lake (township) Harvey County
- Lake (township) Scott County
- Lake City (township) Barber County
- Lake of the Forest Wyandotte County
- Lake Quivira (city) Johnson County
- Lakin (township) Kearny County
- Lakin (city) Kearny County
- Lakin (township) Harvey County
- Lakin (township) Barton County
- Lamont (township) Hamilton County
- Lancaster (city) Atchison County
- Lancaster (township) Atchison County
- Lane (township) Greenwood County
- Lane (city) Franklin County
- Lane (township) Smith County
- Langdon (township) Reno County
- Langdon (city) Reno County
- Langley (township) Ellsworth County
- Lansing (city) Leavenworth County
- Larned (township) Pawnee County
- Larned (city) Pawnee County
- Larrabee (township) Gove County
- Latham (city) Butler County
- Latimer (city) Morris County
- Lawrence (township) Osborne County
- Lawrence (township) Cloud County
- Lawrence (city) Douglas County
- Le Roy (city) Coffey County
- Le Roy (township) Coffey County
- Leavenworth (city) Leavenworth County
- Leawood (city) Johnson County
- Lebanon (city) Smith County
- Lebo (city) Coffey County
- Lecompton (city) Douglas County
- Lecompton (township) Douglas County
- Lees (township) Logan County
- Lehigh (city) Marion County
- Lehigh (township) Marion County
- Lenexa (city) Johnson County
- Lenora (city) Norton County
- Leon (city) Butler County
- Leona (city) Doniphan County
- Leonardville (city) Riley County
- Leoti (city) Wichita County
- Leoville Decatur County
- Lewis (city) Edwards County
- Lewis (township) Gove County
- Lexington (township) Johnson County
- Lexington (township) Clark County
- Liberal (city) Seward County
- Liberal (township) Seward County
- Liberty (township) Saline County
- Liberty (township) Republic County
- Liberty (township) Montgomery County
- Liberty (city) Montgomery County
- Liberty (township) Osborne County
- Liberty (township) Marion County
- Liberty (township) Linn County
- Liberty (township) Labette County
- Liberty (township) Clark County
- Liberty (township) Coffey County
- Liberty (township) Cowley County
- Liberty (township) Barton County
- Liberty (township) Kingman County
- Liberty (township) Hamilton County
- Liberty (township) Jackson County
- Liberty (township) Geary County
- Liberty (township) Elk County
- Liberty (township) Decatur County
- Liberty (township) Dickinson County
- Liberty (township) Woodson County
- Liebenthal (city) Rush County
- Limestone (township) Jewell County
- Lincoln (township) Jackson County
- Lincoln (township) Dickinson County
- Lincoln (township) Decatur County
- Lincoln (township) Crawford County
- Lincoln (township) Edwards County
- Lincoln (township) Franklin County
- Lincoln (township) Ellsworth County
- Lincoln (township) Anderson County
- Lincoln (township) Coffey County
- Lincoln (township) Cloud County
- Lincoln (township) Butler County
- Lincoln (township) Rice County
- Lincoln (township) Russell County
- Lincoln (township) Republic County
- Lincoln (township) Reno County
- Lincoln (township) Pottawatomie County
- Lincoln (township) Sedgwick County
- Lincoln (township) Smith County
- Lincoln (township) Sherman County
- Lincoln (township) Stafford County
- Lincoln (township) Linn County
- Lincoln (city) Lincoln County
- Lincoln (township) Marshall County
- Lincoln (township) Ottawa County
- Lincoln (township) Pawnee County
- Lincoln (township) Osage County
- Lincoln (township) Neosho County
- Lincoln (township) Washington County
- Lincolnville (city) Marion County
- Lindsborg (city) McPherson County
- Linn (township) Washington County
- Linn (city) Washington County
- Linn Valley (city) Linn County
- Linwood (city) Leavenworth County
- Little Blue (township) Washington County
- Little Caney (township) Chautauqua County
- Little River (township) Reno County
- Little River (city) Rice County
- Little Valley (township) McPherson County
- Little Walnut (township) Butler County
- Llanos (township) Sherman County
- Lockport (township) Haskell County
- Loda (township) Reno County
- Logan (township) Sherman County
- Logan (township) Sheridan County
- Logan (township) Smith County
- Logan (township) Meade County
- Logan (township) Marshall County
- Logan (township) Marion County
- Logan (township) Mitchell County
- Logan (township) Pawnee County
- Logan (city) Phillips County
- Logan (township) Phillips County
- Logan (township) Ottawa County
- Logan (township) Gray County
- Logan (township) Edwards County
- Logan (township) Decatur County
- Logan (township) Dickinson County
- Logan (township) Butler County
- Logan (township) Allen County
- Logan (township) Barton County
- Logan (township) Washington County
- Logansport (township) Logan County
- Lola (township) Cherokee County
- London (township) Sumner County
- Lone Elm (township) Anderson County
- Lone Elm (city) Anderson County
- Lone Star (township) Rush County
- Lone Tree (township) Pottawatomie County
- Lone Tree (township) McPherson County
- Long Island (city) Phillips County
- Long Island (township) Phillips County
- Longford (city) Clay County
- Longton (township) Elk County
- Longton (city) Elk County
- Lookout (township) Ellis County
- Lorraine (city) Ellsworth County
- Lost Springs (township) Marion County
- Lost Springs (city) Marion County
- Louisburg (city) Miami County
- Louisburg (township) Montgomery County
- Louisville (township) Pottawatomie County
- Louisville (city) Pottawatomie County
- Lowe (township) Washington County
- Lowell (township) Cherokee County
- Lucas (city) Russell County
- Ludell (township) Rawlins County
- Lulu (township) Mitchell County
- Luray (city) Russell County
- Luray (township) Russell County
- Lyndon (city) Osage County
- Lyon (township) Cherokee County
- Lyon (township) Cloud County
- Lyon (township) Geary County
- Lyon (township) Dickinson County
- Lyon (township) Decatur County
- Lyons (city) Rice County
- Macksville (city) Stafford County
- Macon (township) Harvey County
- Madison (city) Greenwood County
- Madison (township) Greenwood County
- Madison (township) Riley County
- Mahaska (city) Washington County
- Maize (city) Sedgwick County
- Manchester (city) Dickinson County
- Manhattan (township) Riley County
- Manhattan (city) Riley County
- Mankato (city) Jewell County
- Manter (city) Stanton County
- Maple (township) Cowley County
- Maple Hill (township) Wabaunsee County
- Maple Hill (city) Wabaunsee County
- Mapleton (city) Bourbon County
- Marena (township) Hodgeman County
- Marion (township) Douglas County
- Marion (township) Doniphan County
- Marion (township) Bourbon County
- Marion (township) Nemaha County
- Marion (city) Marion County
- Marmaton (township) Bourbon County
- Marmaton (township) Allen County
- Marquette (township) McPherson County
- Marquette (city) McPherson County
- Martin (township) Smith County
- Marysville (township) Marshall County
- Marysville (city) Marshall County
- Marysville (township) Miami County
- Matfield (township) Chase County
- Matfield Green (city) Chase County
- May Day (township) Riley County
- Mayetta (city) Jackson County
- Mayfield (city) Sumner County
- McAdoo (township) Barber County
- McAllaster (township) Logan County
- McCamish (township) Johnson County
- McCracken (city) Rush County
- McCune (city) Crawford County
- McDonald (city) Rawlins County
- McFarland (city) Wabaunsee County
- McLouth (city) Jefferson County
- McPherson (township) Sherman County
- McPherson (city) McPherson County
- McPherson (township) McPherson County
- Meade (city) Meade County
- Meade Center (township) Meade County
- Medford (township) Reno County
- Medicine Lodge (city) Barber County
- Medicine Lodge (township) Barber County
- Medora (township) Reno County
- Medway (township) Hamilton County
- Melvern (city) Osage County
- Melvern (township) Osage County
- Menlo (city) Thomas County
- Menlo (township) Thomas County
- Menno (township) Marion County
- Menoken (township) Shawnee County
- Mercier Brown County
- Meredith (township) Cloud County
- Meriden (city) Jefferson County
- Meridian (township) McPherson County
- Merriam (city) Johnson County
- Mertilla (township) Meade County
- Miami (township) Miami County
- Miami (township) Reno County
- Michigan (township) Scott County
- Middle Creek (township) Miami County
- Milan (city) Sumner County
- Mildred (city) Allen County
- Milford (township) Geary County
- Milford (city) Geary County
- Mill Creek (township) Bourbon County
- Mill Creek (township) Wabaunsee County
- Mill Creek (township) Pottawatomie County
- Mill Creek (township) Washington County
- Millbrook (township) Graham County
- Milton (township) Butler County
- Milton (township) Marion County
- Miltonvale (city) Cloud County
- Mineral (township) Cherokee County
- Mingona (township) Barber County
- Minneapolis (city) Ottawa County
- Minneha (township) Sedgwick County
- Minneola (city) Clark County
- Mirage (township) Rawlins County
- Mission (township) Shawnee County
- Mission (township) Neosho County
- Mission (township) Brown County
- Mission (city) Johnson County
- Mission Creek (township) Wabaunsee County
- Mission Hills (city) Johnson County
- Mission Woods (city) Johnson County
- Mitchell (township) Rice County
- Mitchell (township) Nemaha County
- Moline (city) Elk County
- Monmouth (township) Shawnee County
- Monroe (township) Anderson County
- Montana (township) Jewell County
- Montana (township) Labette County
- Montezuma (township) Gray County
- Montezuma (city) Gray County
- Monument (township) Logan County
- Moonlight Dickinson County
- Moore (township) Barber County
- Moore (township) Marion County
- Moran (city) Allen County
- Morgan (township) Thomas County
- Morganville (city) Clay County
- Morlan (township) Graham County
- Morland (city) Graham County
- Morrill (township) Brown County
- Morrill (city) Brown County
- Morris (township) Sumner County
- Morrowville (city) Washington County
- Morton (township) Sedgwick County
- Morton (township) Ottawa County
- Morton (township) Pawnee County
- Moscow (city) Stevens County
- Mound (township) Phillips County
- Mound (township) Miami County
- Mound (township) McPherson County
- Mound City (township) Linn County
- Mound City (city) Linn County
- Mound Valley (township) Labette County
- Mound Valley (city) Labette County
- Moundridge (city) McPherson County
- Mount Ayr (township) Osborne County
- Mount Hope (city) Sedgwick County
- Mount Pleasant (township) Labette County
- Mount Pleasant (township) Atchison County
- Mulberry (township) Clay County
- Mulberry (city) Crawford County
- Mulberry (township) Ellsworth County
- Mullinville (city) Kiowa County
- Mulvane Sumner County
- Munden (city) Republic County
- Murdock (township) Butler County
- Murray (township) Marshall County
- Muscotah (city) Atchison County
- Narka (city) Republic County
- Nashville (city) Kingman County
- Natoma (township) Osborne County
- Natoma (city) Osborne County
- Nelson (township) Cloud County
- Nemaha (township) Nemaha County
- Neodesha (city) Wilson County
- Neodesha (township) Wilson County
- Neosho (township) Labette County
- Neosho (township) Coffey County
- Neosho (township) Cherokee County
- Neosho Falls (township) Woodson County
- Neosho Falls (city) Woodson County
- Neosho Rapids (city) Lyon County
- Ness City (city) Ness County
- Netawaka (city) Jackson County
- Netawaka (township) Jackson County
- Neuchatel (township) Nemaha County
- Nevada (township) Ness County
- New Albany (city) Wilson County
- New Cambria (city) Saline County
- New Gottland (township) McPherson County
- New Strawn (city) Coffey County
- Newark (township) Wilson County
- Newbern (township) Dickinson County
- Newbury (township) Wabaunsee County
- Newton (township) Harvey County
- Newton (city) Harvey County
- Nickerson (city) Reno County
- Nicodemus (township) Graham County
- Ninnescah (township) Kingman County
- Ninnescah (township) Cowley County
- Ninnescah (township) Reno County
- Ninnescah (township) Sedgwick County
- Niotaze (city) Chautauqua County
- Nippawalla (township) Barber County
- Noble (township) Ellsworth County
- Noble (township) Dickinson County
- Noble (township) Marshall County
- Norcatur (city) Decatur County
- North (township) Labette County
- North (township) Woodson County
- North Brown (township) Edwards County
- North Homestead (township) Barton County
- North Newton (city) Harvey County
- North Randall (township) Thomas County
- North Rich (township) Anderson County
- North Roscoe (township) Hodgeman County
- North Seward (township) Stafford County
- Norton (city) Norton County
- Norton (township) Jefferson County
- Nortonville (city) Jefferson County
- Norway (township) Republic County
- Norwich (city) Kingman County
- Norwood Franklin County
- Oak (township) Smith County
- Oak Hill (city) Clay County
- Oak Valley (township) Elk County
- Oakland (township) Clay County
- Oakland (township) Cloud County
- Oaklawn Sedgwick County
- Oakley (city) Logan County
- Oakley (township) Logan County
- Oatville Sedgwick County
- Oberlin (city) Decatur County
- Oberlin (township) Decatur County
- Odee (township) Meade County
- Odense Neosho County
- Odessa (township) Rice County
- Odessa (township) Jewell County
- Offerle (city) Edwards County
- Ogallah (township) Trego County
- Ogden (city) Riley County
- Ogden (township) Riley County
- Ohio (township) Saline County
- Ohio (township) Stafford County
- Ohio (township) Sedgwick County
- Ohio (township) Franklin County
- Ohio (township) Ness County
- Oketo (township) Marshall County
- Oketo (city) Marshall County
- Olathe (city) Johnson County
- Olathe (township) Johnson County
- Olive (township) Decatur County
- Olivet (city) Osage County
- Olivet (township) Osage County
- Olmitz (city) Barton County
- Olpe (city) Lyon County
- Olsburg (city) Pottawatomie County
- Omnia (township) Cowley County
- Onaga (city) Pottawatomie County
- Oneida (city) Nemaha County
- Orange (township) Pawnee County
- Orlando (township) Cheyenne County
- Osage (township) Crawford County
- Osage (township) Bourbon County
- Osage (township) Allen County
- Osage (township) Labette County
- Osage (township) Miami County
- Osage City (city) Osage County
- Osawatomie (township) Miami County
- Osawatomie (city) Miami County
- Osborne (city) Osborne County
- Osborne (township) Sumner County
- Oskaloosa (city) Jefferson County
- Oskaloosa (township) Jefferson County
- Oswego (township) Labette County
- Oswego (city) Labette County
- Otis (city) Rush County
- Ottawa (township) Ottawa County
- Ottawa (township) Franklin County
- Ottawa (city) Franklin County
- Otter (township) Cowley County
- Otter Creek (township) Greenwood County
- Ottumwa (township) Coffey County
- Overbrook (city) Osage County
- Overland (township) Morris County
- Overland Park (city) Johnson County
- Oxford (township) Johnson County
- Oxford (township) Sumner County
- Oxford (city) Sumner County
- Ozark (township) Anderson County
- Ozawkie (township) Jefferson County
- Ozawkie (city) Jefferson County
- Padonia (township) Brown County
- Painterhood (township) Elk County
- Palacky (township) Ellsworth County
- Palco (city) Rooks County
- Palestine (township) Sumner County
- Palmer (city) Washington County
- Paola (city) Miami County
- Paola (township) Miami County
- Paradise (city) Russell County
- Paradise (township) Russell County
- Paris (township) Linn County
- Park (township) Sedgwick County
- Park (city) Gove County
- Park City (city) Sedgwick County
- Parker (city) Linn County
- Parker (township) Montgomery County
- Parkerville (city) Morris County
- Parnell (township) Sheridan County
- Parsons (city) Labette County
- Partridge (city) Reno County
- Paw Paw (township) Elk County
- Pawnee (township) Bourbon County
- Pawnee (township) Smith County
- Pawnee (township) Pawnee County
- Pawnee Rock (city) Barton County
- Pawnee Rock (township) Barton County
- Paxico (city) Wabaunsee County
- Paxton (township) Logan County
- Payne (township) Sedgwick County
- Payne (township) Gove County
- Peabody (township) Marion County
- Peabody (city) Marion County
- Peck Sumner County
- Penalosa (city) Kingman County
- Pendennis Lane County
- Penn (township) Osborne County
- Peoria (township) Franklin County
- Perry (city) Jefferson County
- Perry (township) Woodson County
- Peru (city) Chautauqua County
- Peters (township) Kingman County
- Phillipsburg (city) Phillips County
- Phillipsburg (township) Phillips County
- Pierceville (township) Finney County
- Pike (township) Lyon County
- Pilsen Marion County
- Pioneer (township) Rush County
- Pioneer (township) Rice County
- Pioneer (township) Graham County
- Piqua Woodson County
- Pittsburg (city) Crawford County
- Pittsburg (township) Mitchell County
- Plains Meade County
- Plainview (township) Phillips County
- Plainville (city) Rooks County
- Pleasant (township) Smith County
- Pleasant (township) Coffey County
- Pleasant (township) Butler County
- Pleasant (township) Harvey County
- Pleasant Grove (township) Greenwood County
- Pleasant Grove (township) Pawnee County
- Pleasant Ridge (township) Pawnee County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Pawnee County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Saline County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Finney County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Decatur County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Cowley County
- Pleasant Valley (township) Wilson County
- Pleasant View (township) Cherokee County
- Pleasantdale (township) Rush County
- Pleasanton (city) Linn County
- Plevna (city) Reno County
- Plevna (township) Reno County
- Plum (township) Phillips County
- Plum Creek (township) Mitchell County
- Plum Grove (township) Butler County
- Plumb (township) Wabaunsee County
- Plymouth (township) Russell County
- Pomona (township) Franklin County
- Pomona (city) Franklin County
- Portis (city) Osborne County
- Potosi (township) Linn County
- Pottawatomie (township) Pottawatomie County
- Pottawatomie (township) Franklin County
- Pottawatomie (township) Coffey County
- Potwin (city) Butler County
- Powell (township) Comanche County
- Powhattan (city) Brown County
- Powhattan (township) Brown County
- Prairie (township) Jewell County
- Prairie (township) Wilson County
- Prairie Dog (township) Decatur County
- Prairie Dog (township) Sheridan County
- Prairie View (city) Phillips County
- Prairie View (township) Phillips County
- Prairie Village (city) Johnson County
- Pratt (city) Pratt County
- Prescott (city) Linn County
- Preston (city) Pratt County
- Pretty Prairie (city) Reno County
- Princeton (city) Franklin County
- Prospect (township) Butler County
- Protection (city) Comanche County
- Protection (township) Comanche County
- Putnam (township) Anderson County
- Putnam (township) Stafford County
- Quenemo (city) Osage County
- Quincy (township) Greenwood County
- Quinter (city) Gove County
- Radium (city) Stafford County
- Ramona (city) Marion County
- Randall (city) Jewell County
- Randolph (city) Riley County
- Ransom (city) Ness County
- Rantoul (city) Franklin County
- Raymond (township) Rice County
- Raymond (city) Rice County
- Reading (township) Lyon County
- Reading (city) Lyon County
- Red Vermillion (township) Nemaha County
- Redfield (city) Bourbon County
- Reeder (township) Anderson County
- Reilly (township) Nemaha County
- Reno (township) Leavenworth County
- Reno (township) Reno County
- Republic (city) Republic County
- Republican (township) Clay County
- Reserve (city) Brown County
- Rexford (city) Thomas County
- Rich (township) Anderson County
- Richfield (city) Morton County
- Richfield (township) Morton County
- Richland (township) Ottawa County
- Richland (township) Labette County
- Richland (township) Miami County
- Richland (township) Marshall County
- Richland (township) Stafford County
- Richland (township) Republic County
- Richland (township) Cowley County
- Richland (township) Butler County
- Richland (township) Ford County
- Richland (township) Jewell County
- Richland (township) Kingman County
- Richland (township) Hamilton County
- Richland (township) Harvey County
- Richmond (city) Franklin County
- Richmond (township) Franklin County
- Richmond (township) Nemaha County
- Ridge (township) Dickinson County
- Ridgeway (township) Osage County
- Riley (city) Riley County
- Rinehart (township) Dickinson County
- Risley (township) Marion County
- River (township) Pawnee County
- Riverside (township) Trego County
- Riverside (township) Sedgwick County
- Robinson (township) Brown County
- Robinson (city) Brown County
- Rocewood (township) Rawlins County
- Rochester (township) Kingman County
- Rock (township) Marshall County
- Rock Creek (township) Nemaha County
- Rock Creek (township) Pottawatomie County
- Rock Creek (township) Wabaunsee County
- Rock Creek (township) Jefferson County
- Rock Creek (township) Butler County
- Rock Creek (township) Cowley County
- Rock Creek (township) Coffey County
- Rockford (township) Sedgwick County
- Rockville (township) Rice County
- Roeland Park (city) Johnson County
- Rolla (township) Morton County
- Rolla (city) Morton County
- Roosevelt (township) Decatur County
- Rosalia (township) Butler County
- Roscoe (township) Reno County
- Rose Creek (township) Republic County
- Rose Hill (city) Butler County
- Rose Valley (township) Stafford County
- Roseland (city) Cherokee County
- Ross (township) Cherokee County
- Ross (township) Osborne County
- Rossville (city) Shawnee County
- Rossville (township) Shawnee County
- Round Mound (township) Osborne County
- Round Springs (township) Mitchell County
- Rovohl (township) Thomas County
- Royal (township) Ford County
- Rozel (city) Pawnee County
- Runnymede Harper County
- Rural (township) Jefferson County
- Rural (township) Kingman County
- Rush Center (city) Rush County
- Rushville (township) Phillips County
- Russell (township) Russell County
- Russell (city) Russell County
- Russell Springs (township) Logan County
- Russell Springs (city) Logan County
- Rutland (township) Montgomery County
- Ryan (township) Sumner County
- Sabetha (city) Nemaha County
- Saint Bridget (township) Marshall County
- Saint Clere (township) Pottawatomie County
- Saint Francis (city) Cheyenne County
- Saint George (township) Pottawatomie County
- Saint George (city) Pottawatomie County
- Saint John (township) Stafford County
- Saint John (city) Stafford County
- Saint Marys (city) Pottawatomie County
- Saint Marys (township) Pottawatomie County
- Saint Paul (city) Neosho County
- Saint Peter Graham County
- Salamanca (township) Cherokee County
- Salem (township) Cowley County
- Salem (township) Allen County
- Salem (township) Greenwood County
- Salem (township) Sedgwick County
- Salina (city) Saline County
- Salt Creek (township) Reno County
- Salt Creek (township) Mitchell County
- Salt Creek (township) Chautauqua County
- Salt Springs (township) Greenwood County
- Sand Creek (township) Meade County
- Santa Fe (township) Pawnee County
- Sappa (township) Decatur County
- Sarcoxie (township) Jefferson County
- Satanta (city) Haskell County
- Savonburg (city) Allen County
- Sawlog (township) Hodgeman County
- Sawmill (township) Pawnee County
- Sawyer (city) Pratt County
- Scammon (city) Cherokee County
- Scandia (township) Republic County
- Scandia (city) Republic County
- Schoenchen (city) Ellis County
- Schulte Sedgwick County
- Scott (township) Scott County
- Scott (township) Linn County
- Scott (township) Bourbon County
- Scott City (city) Scott County
- Scottsville (city) Mitchell County
- Scranton (township) Osage County
- Scranton (city) Osage County
- Sedan (township) Chautauqua County
- Sedan (city) Chautauqua County
- Sedgwick (township) Harvey County
- Sedgwick (city) Harvey County
- Selden (city) Sheridan County
- Seneca (city) Nemaha County
- Seventy-Six (township) Sumner County
- Severance (city) Doniphan County
- Severy (city) Greenwood County
- Seward (city) Stafford County
- Seward (township) Seward County
- Shannon (township) Pottawatomie County
- Shannon (township) Atchison County
- Sharon (city) Barber County
- Sharon (township) Barber County
- Sharon Springs (township) Wallace County
- Sharon Springs (city) Wallace County
- Shawnee (township) Cherokee County
- Shawnee (city) Johnson County
- Shawnee Mission Johnson County
- Shell Rock (township) Greenwood County
- Sheridan (township) Crawford County
- Sheridan (township) Cherokee County
- Sheridan (township) Cowley County
- Sheridan (township) Sheridan County
- Sheridan (township) Ottawa County
- Sheridan (township) Linn County
- Sheridan (township) Washington County
- Sherlock (township) Finney County
- Sherman (township) Ellsworth County
- Sherman (township) Crawford County
- Sherman (township) Decatur County
- Sherman (township) Dickinson County
- Sherman (township) Clay County
- Sherman (township) Leavenworth County
- Sherman (township) Ottawa County
- Sherman (township) Sedgwick County
- Sherman (township) Pottawatomie County
- Sherman (township) Riley County
- Sherman (township) Washington County
- Shermanville (township) Sherman County
- Shiley (township) Pawnee County
- Shiloh (township) Neosho County
- Shirley (township) Cloud County
- Sibley (township) Cloud County
- Silver Creek (township) Cowley County
- Silver Lake (city) Shawnee County
- Silver Lake (township) Shawnee County
- Silverdale (township) Cowley County
- Simpson (city) Mitchell County
- Sinclair (township) Jewell County
- Sitka (township) Clark County
- Sitka (township) Clark County
- Smith (township) Thomas County
- Smith Center (city) Smith County
- Smoky (township) Sherman County
- Smoky Hill (township) Saline County
- Smoky Hill (township) McPherson County
- Smoky Hill (township) Geary County
- Smoky View (township) Saline County
- Smolan (township) Saline County
- Smolan (city) Saline County
- Sodville (township) Ford County
- Soldier (city) Jackson County
- Soldier (township) Jackson County
- Soldier (township) Shawnee County
- Solomon (township) Sheridan County
- Solomon (township) Saline County
- Solomon (township) Phillips County
- Solomon (township) Graham County
- Solomon (city) Dickinson County
- Solomon (township) Cloud County
- Solomon Rapids (township) Mitchell County
- Solomon-District 3 (township) Norton County
- South Bend (township) Barton County
- South Brown (township) Edwards County
- South Haven (township) Sumner County
- South Haven (city) Sumner County
- South Homestead (township) Barton County
- South Hutchinson (city) Reno County
- South Randall (township) Thomas County
- South Roscoe (township) Hodgeman County
- South Salem (township) Greenwood County
- South Seward (township) Stafford County
- South Sharps Creek (township) McPherson County
- Southside (township) Kearny County
- Spearville (township) Ford County
- Spearville (city) Ford County
- Speed (city) Phillips County
- Spivey (city) Kingman County
- Spring (township) Butler County
- Spring Creek (township) Cowley County
- Spring Creek (township) Coffey County
- Spring Creek (township) Greenwood County
- Spring Creek (township) Pottawatomie County
- Spring Creek (township) Saline County
- Spring Hill (township) Johnson County
- Spring Hill (city) Johnson County
- Spring Valley (township) Cherokee County
- Spring Valley (township) McPherson County
- Springbrook (township) Sheridan County
- Springdale (township) Sumner County
- Stafford (township) Stafford County
- Stafford (city) Stafford County
- Stanley Johnson County
- Stanton (township) Miami County
- Stanton (township) Linn County
- Stanton (township) Ottawa County
- Star (township) Coffey County
- Stark (city) Neosho County
- Starr (township) Cloud County
- Stateline (township) Sherman County
- Sterling (township) Rice County
- Sterling (city) Rice County
- Sterling (township) Hodgeman County
- Stilwell Johnson County
- Stockton (city) Rooks County
- Straight Creek (township) Jackson County
- Stranger (township) Leavenworth County
- Strawberry (township) Washington County
- Strong (township) Chase County
- Strong City (city) Chase County
- Studley Sheridan County
- Sublette (city) Haskell County
- Sugar Creek (township) Miami County
- Summerfield (city) Marshall County
- Summers (township) Thomas County
- Summit (township) Marion County
- Summit (township) Decatur County
- Summit (township) Chautauqua County
- Summit (township) Cloud County
- Sumner (township) Osborne County
- Sumner (township) Phillips County
- Sumner (township) Sumner County
- Sumner (township) Reno County
- Sun City (city) Barber County
- Sun City (township) Barber County
- Superior (township) Osage County
- Superior (township) McPherson County
- Suppesville Sumner County
- Susank (city) Barton County
- Swan (township) Smith County
- Swede Creek (township) Riley County
- Sycamore (township) Montgomery County
- Sycamore (township) Butler County
- Sylvan Grove (city) Lincoln County
- Sylvia (township) Reno County
- Sylvia (city) Reno County
- Syracuse (township) Hamilton County
- Syracuse (city) Hamilton County
- Talleyrand (township) Wilson County
- Taloga (township) Morton County
- Tampa (city) Marion County
- Tecumseh (township) Shawnee County
- Ten Mile (township) Miami County
- Terry (township) Finney County
- Tescott (city) Ottawa County
- Thayer (city) Neosho County
- Thomas (township) Ellsworth County
- Tilden (township) Osborne County
- Timberhill (township) Bourbon County
- Timken (city) Rush County
- Tioga (township) Neosho County
- Tipton (city) Mitchell County
- Tisdale (township) Cowley County
- Toledo (township) Chase County
- Tonganoxie (township) Leavenworth County
- Tonganoxie (city) Leavenworth County
- Topeka (township) Shawnee County
- Topeka (city) Shawnee County
- Toronto (city) Woodson County
- Toronto (township) Woodson County
- Toulon Ellis County
- Towanda (township) Butler County
- Towanda (city) Butler County
- Towanda (township) Phillips County
- Trading Post Linn County
- Treece (city) Cherokee County
- Trenton (township) Edwards County
- Tribune (city) Greeley County
- Trivoli (township) Ellsworth County
- Troy (city) Doniphan County
- Troy (township) Reno County
- Turkey Creek (township) McPherson County
- Turkey Creek (township) Mitchell County
- Turkey Creek (township) Barber County
- Turon (city) Reno County
- Twin Grove (township) Greenwood County
- Tyro (city) Montgomery County
- Udall (city) Cowley County
- Ulysses (city) Grant County
- Union (township) Kingman County
- Union (township) Jefferson County
- Union (township) Doniphan County
- Union (township) Dickinson County
- Union (township) Clay County
- Union (township) Butler County
- Union (township) Barton County
- Union (township) McPherson County
- Union (township) Republic County
- Union (township) Rawlins County
- Union (township) Pottawatomie County
- Union (township) Rice County
- Union (township) Rush County
- Union (township) Sedgwick County
- Union (township) Sherman County
- Union (township) Sheridan County
- Union (township) Stafford County
- Union (township) Washington County
- Union Center (township) Elk County
- Uniontown (city) Bourbon County
- Utica (city) Ness County
- Valley (township) Barber County
- Valley (township) Ellsworth County
- Valley (township) Kingman County
- Valley (township) Hodgeman County
- Valley (township) Sheridan County
- Valley (township) Smith County
- Valley (township) Scott County
- Valley (township) Rice County
- Valley (township) Reno County
- Valley (township) Miami County
- Valley (township) Linn County
- Valley (township) Phillips County
- Valley (township) Osborne County
- Valley Brook (township) Osage County
- Valley Center (township) Pawnee County
- Valley Center (township) Sedgwick County
- Valley Center (city) Sedgwick County
- Valley Falls (city) Jefferson County
- Valverde (township) Sumner County
- Vassar Osage County
- Verdi Ottawa County
- Verdigris (township) Wilson County
- Vermillion (township) Marshall County
- Vermillion (city) Marshall County
- Vernon (township) Cowley County
- Vesper (township) Lincoln County
- Vicksburg (township) Jewell County
- Victor (township) Osborne County
- Victoria (township) Rice County
- Victoria (township) Ellis County
- Victoria (city) Ellis County
- Vienna (township) Pottawatomie County
- Vining (city) Clay County
- Vinita (township) Kingman County
- Virgil (city) Greenwood County
- Voltaire (township) Sherman County
- Wabaunsee (township) Wabaunsee County
- Waco (township) Sedgwick County
- Wakarusa (township) Douglas County
- WaKeeney (township) Trego County
- WaKeeney (city) Trego County
- Wakefield (city) Clay County
- Waldo (city) Russell County
- Waldo (township) Russell County
- Waldron (city) Harper County
- Walker (township) Anderson County
- Wallace (city) Wallace County
- Wallace (township) Wallace County
- Walnut (township) Atchison County
- Walnut (township) Barton County
- Walnut (township) Bourbon County
- Walnut (township) Cowley County
- Walnut (city) Crawford County
- Walnut (township) Butler County
- Walnut (township) Brown County
- Walnut (township) Jewell County
- Walnut (township) Crawford County
- Walnut (township) Saline County
- Walnut (township) Reno County
- Walnut (township) Pawnee County
- Walnut (township) Phillips County
- Walnut (township) Marshall County
- Walnut Creek (township) Mitchell County
- Walnut Grove (township) Neosho County
- Walton (township) Labette County
- Walton (township) Sumner County
- Walton (city) Harvey County
- Walton (township) Harvey County
- Wamego (township) Pottawatomie County
- Wamego (city) Pottawatomie County
- Wano (township) Cheyenne County
- Waring (township) Ness County
- Washington (township) Chautauqua County
- Washington (township) Brown County
- Washington (township) Anderson County
- Washington (township) Jackson County
- Washington (township) Jewell County
- Washington (township) Crawford County
- Washington (township) Doniphan County
- Washington (township) Republic County
- Washington (township) Saline County
- Washington (township) Wabaunsee County
- Washington (township) Sherman County
- Washington (township) Smith County
- Washington (township) Nemaha County
- Washington (city) Washington County
- Washington (township) Washington County
- Waterloo (township) Lyon County
- Waterville (township) Marshall County
- Waterville (city) Marshall County
- Wathena (city) Doniphan County
- Waverly (city) Coffey County
- Wayne (township) Doniphan County
- Wayne (township) Edwards County
- Wea (township) Miami County
- Webber (city) Jewell County
- Webster (township) Smith County
- Webster (township) Wilson County
- Weir (city) Cherokee County
- Welda (township) Anderson County
- Wellington (township) Sumner County
- Wellington (city) Sumner County
- Wells (township) Marshall County
- Wellsville (city) Franklin County
- Wendell (township) Thomas County
- Weskan (township) Wallace County
- West Branch (township) Marion County
- West Cherry (township) Montgomery County
- West Cooper (township) Stafford County
- West Hale (township) Thomas County
- West Hibbard (township) Kearny County
- West Mineral (city) Cherokee County
- West Plains (township) Meade County
- West Saline (township) Sheridan County
- West Washington (township) Rice County
- Western (township) Logan County
- Westminster (township) Reno County
- Westmoreland (city) Pottawatomie County
- Westola (township) Morton County
- Westphalia (township) Anderson County
- Westphalia (city) Anderson County
- Westwood (city) Johnson County
- Westwood Hills (city) Johnson County
- Wetmore (city) Nemaha County
- Wetmore (township) Nemaha County
- Wheatland (township) Ellis County
- Wheatland (township) Ford County
- Wheatland (township) Dickinson County
- Wheatland (township) Barton County
- Wheaton (city) Pottawatomie County
- White (township) Kingman County
- White City (city) Morris County
- White Cloud (city) Doniphan County
- White Mound (township) Jewell County
- White Rock (township) Lane County
- White Rock (township) Republic County
- White Rock (township) Smith County
- Whitewater (city) Butler County
- Whiting (township) Jackson County
- Whiting (city) Jackson County
- Wichita (city) Sedgwick County
- Wilburn (township) Ford County
- Wilcox (township) Trego County
- Wildcat (township) Riley County
- Wildcat (township) Elk County
- Wildhorse (township) Graham County
- Willard (city) Shawnee County
- Williamsburg (township) Franklin County
- Williamsburg (city) Franklin County
- Williamsport (township) Shawnee County
- Willis (city) Brown County
- Willow Springs (township) Douglas County
- Willowbrook (city) Reno County
- Willowdale (township) Dickinson County
- Wilmington (township) Wabaunsee County
- Wilmore (city) Comanche County
- Wilsey (city) Morris County
- Wilson (township) Lane County
- Wilson (township) Marion County
- Wilson (township) Rice County
- Wilson (city) Ellsworth County
- Wilson (township) Ellsworth County
- Winchester (city) Jefferson County
- Windom (city) McPherson County
- Windsor (township) Cowley County
- Winfield (city) Cowley County
- Winfield (township) Osborne County
- Wingfield (township) Geary County
- Winterset (township) Russell County
- Wolf River (township) Doniphan County
- Woodbine (city) Dickinson County
- Woodston (city) Rooks County
- Yates Center (city) Woodson County
- Yoder (township) Reno County
- York (township) Stafford County
- Zeandale (township) Riley County
- Zenda (city) Kingman County
- Zimmerdale Harvey County
- Zurich (city) Rooks County
epodunk - County Profiles KS
Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu US-amerikanischen Verwaltungsbezirken auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The county was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.
Allen County | Anderson County | Atchison County | Barber County | Barton County | Bourbon County | Brown County | Butler County | Chase County | Chautauqua County | Cherokee County | Cheyenne County | Clark County | Clay County | Cloud County | Coffey County | Comanche County | Cowley County | Crawford County | Decatur County | Dickinson County | Doniphan County | Douglas County | Edwards County | Elk County | Ellis County | Ellsworth County | Finney County | Ford County | Franklin County | Geary County | Gove County | Graham County | Grant County | Gray County | Greeley County | Greenwood County | Hamilton County | Harper County | Harvey County | Haskell County | Hodgeman County | Jackson County | Jefferson County | Jewell County | Johnson County | Kearny County | Kingman County | Kiowa County | Labette County | Lane County | Leavenworth County | Lincoln County | Linn County | Logan County | Lyon County | Marion County | Marshall County | McPherson County | Meade County | Miami County | Mitchell County | Montgomery County | Morris County | Morton County | Nemaha County | Neosho County | Ness County | Norton County | Osage County | Osborne County | Ottawa County | Pawnee County | Phillips County | Pottawatomie County | Pratt County | Rawlins County | Reno County | Republic County | Rice County | Riley County | Rooks County | Rush County | Russell County | Saline County | Scott County | Sedgwick County | Seward County | Shawnee County | Sheridan County | Sherman County | Smith County | Stafford County | Stanton County | Stevens County | Sumner County | Thomas County | Trego County | Wabaunsee County | Wallace County | Washington County | Wichita County | Wilson County | Woodson County | Wyandotte County
Gettysburg (township) Graham County (W3)
"Gettysburg" in Kansas könnte nach "Gettysburg" in Pennsylvania benannt worden sein.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Gettysburg" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1630 / 1860 auf.
Erstellt: 2013-03
Hoosier (township) Kingman County (W3)
Da der US-Bundesstaat "Indiana" den Nicknamen "Hoosier State" hat, wird "Hoosier" dort behandelt.
Palmyra (township) Douglas County (W3)
Zur Stadt "Palmyra" gibt es keinen Hinweis zur Namensgebung. Es könnte jedoch die syrischen Stadt "Palmyra" Pate gestanden haben.
Erstellt: 2015-07
Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
We’re not in Kansas anymore
Wir sind nicht mehr in Kansas (W3)
Das Filmzitat "We’re not in Kansas anymore", dt. "Wir sind nicht mehr in Kansas" hat es auf Platz 4 der beliebtesten Filmsprüche gebracht. Es stammt aus dem Film "The Wizard of Oz". Der Film basiert auf einer Serie von Kinderbüchern von L. Frank Baum, die 1900 mit "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" anfing. Insgesamt schrieb er 14 Bände. Das erste Buch (des Jahres 1939) wurde mit Judy Garland verfilmt.
Weitere Sätze aus dem Film "The Wizard of Oz" haben es in die Top Hundert der Filmzitate geschafft wie etwa "There is no place like home.". In englischsprachigen Ländern stößt man auf viele weitere Zitate aus diesem Film. Zum Beispiel "Munchkin" oder Elton Johns Lied "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road". Außerdem hat es das Lied "Over the Rainbow" auf Platz 1 der Filmmusiken geschafft.
Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
You're Not In Kansas Anymore - by Jo Dee Messina
Das naive aber garantiert sittliche reine Farm-Mädchen Dorothy Gale aus "Kansas" wird zusammen mit ihrem Hund Toto durch einen Tornado über den Regenbogen hinweg nach Oz gewirbelt. Auch ihr Haus fliegt mit, und als es aufschlägt, tötet es die Wicked Witch of the East. Die hat bislang das unerträglich fröhliche Zwergenvolk der Munchkins unterdrückt, die Dorothy jetzt als Befreierin feiern. Sehr viel weniger fröhlich ist die Wicked Witch of the West, die die Schuhe ihrer getöteten Schwester verlangt.
Und dann gibt es noch den Kansas-Spruch. Der Kansas-Spruch ist überall. Niemand entkommt dem Kansas-Spruch.
„Well Toto,“ she said, „we’re not in Kansas anymore.“ She’d always wanted to say that under stress, but doing it left her feeling phony, and she was glad nobody had heard.
(Die deutschen Synchronisatoren, ohnehin mit dem Film schwer gestraft, kapitulierten an dieser Stelle und schnitten die Anspielung heraus: „Das bedeutet, dass du dich lieber anschnallen solltest. Hier wird’s nämlich gleich sehr ungemütlich werden.“ Dummerweise lächelt Switch aber jetzt nicht mehr über die Oz-Anspielung, sondern über den Inhalt. Damit erhält sie einen sadistischen Charakterzug, den sie im Original nicht hat. Zudem wird der Sprachebene Gewalt angetan. Übersetzen ist, wie wir hier schon mehrfach festgestellt haben, die Hölle.)
Das hilft allerdings nicht in Situationen, in denen der Spruch gar nicht mehr verwendet wird, auch nicht in Teilen: In der Muppets-Verflimung von Oz (mit Ashanti und einen wunderbaren Dialog zwischen Quentin Tarantino und Kermit) guckt das Toto-Gegenstück (ein Gamba, warum auch immer) einfach nur in die Kamera, macht den Mund auf und dann wieder zu. Mehr muss nicht gesagt werden, denn alle angelsächsischen Zuschauer wissen, was an dieser Stelle eigentlich hätte gesagt werden sollen.
Wir sind nicht mehr im grauen Kansas
Einer der wichtigsten Sätze der Filmgeschichte lautet: "Toto, ich glaube, wir sind nicht mehr in Kansas." Die kleine Dorothy sagt das in "Der Zauberer von Oz" zu ihrem Hündchen, nachdem ein Wirbelsturm sie in das Märchenland am anderen Ende des Regenbogens getragen hat. Davor war der Film in sanften Sepiatönen gehalten; danach explodiert er in knallbuntem Technicolor. Der Spruch könnte als Motto über sehr verschiedenen amerikanischen Filmen stehen, die alle dringend verdächtig sind, demnächst diesen oder jenen Oscar einzuheimsen.
Der Zauberer von Oz (1939)
Der Zauberer von Oz (Original: The Wizard of Oz) ist ein US-amerikanischer Musicalfilm aus dem Jahr 1939 mit Judy Garland in der Hauptrolle. Er ist als einer der ersten amerikanischen Farbfilme in Technicolor berühmt geworden und zählt in den USA bis heute zu den bekanntesten Filmen überhaupt. Als Vorlage diente das Kinderbuch Der Zauberer von Oz von L. Frank Baum. Alternativtitel ist Das zauberhafte Land.
Das Mädchen Dorothy wird durch einen Wirbelsturm mitsamt Häuschen und Hund Toto in das magische Land Oz geschleudert. Dort landet sie genau auf der bösen Hexe des Ostens, die das nicht überlebt. Die gute Hexe Glinda warnt Dorothy vor der bösen Hexe des Westens, die versuchen wird ihre Schwester zu rächen. Hilfe könne sie vom Zauberer von Oz bekommen.
Anders als in der Romanvorlage erweist sich die Reise nach Oz als ein Traum von Dorothy. Diese Idee wurde visuell hervorragend umgesetzt, indem die Szenen im Land Oz farbenprächtig und aufwändig gestaltet sind, während jene in Kansas auf der Farm monochrom sind und schlicht erscheinen.
Das bekannteste Lied des Films, "Over the Rainbow" sollte zunächst aus der Endfassung herausgeschnitten werden, da die Produzenten fanden, die Nummer klinge zu erwachsen und reif für einen Kinderfilm.
Die homosexuelle Community des Landes empfand den Song später als perfekten Ausdruck ihrer eigenen Sehnsüchte nach einer toleranteren und besseren Welt und „adoptierte“ ihn wie eine Hymne. Auch die Regenbogenfahne empfing hier ihre erste Anregung.
Das Lied "We're off to see the Wizard" wurde zur inoffiziellen Marschhymne der australischen Truppenverbände im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Das Zitat von Dorothy Gale als sie in Oz ankommt („Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.“ Deutsch: „Toto, ich habe das Gefühl, wir befinden uns nicht mehr in Kansas.“) erreichte in der Rangliste des American Film Institutes Platz 4 der 100 besten Filmzitate aller Zeiten. Es wurde, immer mindestens leicht abgewandelt, in mindestens 57 nachfolgenden Filmen und Fernsehserien verwendet.[2] Ein anderes Zitat des Films („Am schönsten ist es zu Hause.“) erreichte in der selben Liste Platz 23.
Die "Munchkins" wurden im November 2007 mit einem gemeinsamen Stern auf dem Hollywood Walk of Fame geehrt. An der Zeremonie nahmen sieben noch lebende Munchkin-Darsteller von 1939 (Mickey Carroll, Ruth Duccini, Jerry Maren, Margaret Pellegrini, Meinhardt Raabe, Karl Slover und Clarence Swensen) sowie Judy Garlands Sohn Joey Luft teil.
(E1)(L1)’re not in Kansas anymore
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "We’re not in Kansas anymore" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.
Erstellt: 2011-08
Uni Laval
L'aménagement linguistique dans Kansas
Langues dans Kansas
(anglais) = USA
Viola (city) Sedgwick County (W3)
Von den vielen Orten namens "Viola" in den USA gibt es nur für zwei einen Hinweis zur Herkunft. "Viola" in Wisconsin, US, wurde nach dem ersten hier geborenen Kind benannt. "Viola" in Kansas, US, wurde nach "Viola" in Illinois, US, benannt.
The community was named for Viola, IL.
Erstellt: 2013-04
Viola (township) Sedgwick County (W3)
Von den vielen Orten namens "Viola" in den USA gibt es nur für zwei einen Hinweis zur Herkunft. "Viola" in Wisconsin, US, wurde nach dem ersten hier geborenen Kind benannt. "Viola" in Kansas, US, wurde nach "Viola" in Illinois, US, benannt.
Erstellt: 2013-04
Winona (township) Logan County (W3)
Der Name "Winona" wird auf ein Sioux-Wort "winona" mit der Bedeutung engl. "firstborn daughter" zurück geführt.
Sowohl die Stadt "Winona" als auch das "Winona County" in Minnesota, US, werden explizit auf eine legendäre Dakota-Frau namens "Winona" zurück geführt, die mit einem Krieger verlobt wurde und den sie demzufolge auch heiraten sollte, ohne ihn zu lieben. Doch ehe es dazu kam stürzte sie sich von einem Felsen, mit der Bezeichnung "Maiden's Rock" am Lake Pepin, zu Tode. ("Winona legend")
Ob der Ort "Winona" in Kansas, US, auf die gleiche Legende zurück geführt wird oder auf den Ort in Minnesota, US, Bezug nimmt ist unklar.
Winona (township) Logan County
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Winona" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1800 auf.
Erstellt: 2017-08
Winona (city) Logan County (W3)
Der Name "Winona" wird auf ein Sioux-Wort "winona" mit der Bedeutung engl. "firstborn daughter" zurück geführt.
Sowohl die Stadt "Winona" als auch das "Winona County" in Minnesota, US, werden explizit auf eine legendäre Dakota-Frau namens "Winona" zurück geführt, die mit einem Krieger verlobt wurde und den sie demzufolge auch heiraten sollte, ohne ihn zu lieben. Doch ehe es dazu kam stürzte sie sich von einem Felsen, mit der Bezeichnung "Maiden's Rock" am Lake Pepin, zu Tode. ("Winona legend")
Der Ort "Winona" in Kansas, US, wird anscheinend nicht auf die gleiche Legende zurück geführt wird wie der Ort in Minnesota, US. Als Namensgeber wird ein Siedler oder eine Siedlerin namens "Winona Clark" angeführt.
Winona (city) Logan County
The community was named for Winona Clark, homesteader.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Winona" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1800 auf.
Erstellt: 2017-08