Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Wetter, Tiempo, Temps, Tempo, Weather, (esper.) vetero, meteologio
umbrella (W3)
Das engl. "adumbrate" = "skizzieren" geht wie "umbrella" = "Schirm" (= "Schattenspender") zurück auf lat. "adumbrare" = "to shade", "shadow", lat. "umbra" = "Schatten".
brume (W3)
Engl. "brume" = "Nebel", "Dunst", "Dampf" geht zurück auf frz. "brume", das auf lat. "bruma" = "Winter", "kürzester Tag", "Wintersonnenwende", "Winterkälte", "Winterzeit" basiert.
Die verschieden hohen Luftfeuchtigkeiten sind übrigens folgendermaßen definiert:
- Engl. "Fog" bezeichnet Wolken mit kleinen Wassertröpchen (oder Eisteilchen) in Bodennähe die eine Sichtweite kleiner 1.000 Meter zulassen. Engl. "Cloud" ist das selbe in größeren Höhen.
- Engl. "mist" erlaubt eine Sichtweite größer als 1.000 Meter.
- Engl. "haze", etwa dt. "Dunstschleier", wird durch feste Teilchen verursacht.
Coriolis effect
Coriolis force (W3)
Die dt. "Corioliskraft", span. "Fuerza de Coriolis", frz. "Force de Coriolis", engl. "Coriolis effect", ist nach dem französischen Naturforscher "Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis" (1792-1843), der sie mathematisch hergeleitet hat, benannt.
1969 (earlier Coriolis force, 1923, and other references back to 1912), ...
View Earth from CORIOLIS
840 km above 77°48'N 56°51'W
Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave de - French mathematician (1792-1843)
Coriolis, Gustave de (805*)
Coriolis effect | Coriolis force
Coriolis E | Coriolis C E | Coriolis G E | Coriolis H E | Coriolis L E | Coriolis M E | Coriolis S E | Coriolis W E | Coriolis Y E | Coriolis Z E
Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis - Coriolis effect
Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave
| Coriolis Force | Coriolis Frequency | Coriolis Parameter
Erstellt: 2010-12
EuroMET Glossary
- a-scope | ablation | absolute annual range of temperature | absolute humidity | absolute instability | absolute moisture of the soil | absolute monthly maximum temperature | absolute monthly minimum temperature | absolute stability | absolute standard barometer | absolute temperature scale | absolute topography | absolute vorticity | absorbed solar radiation | absorptance | absorption band | absorption coefficient | absorption factor | absorption hygrometer | absorption line | absorption spectrum | accessory cloud | acclimatization | accretion | accumulated temperature | accumulation | accumulative raingauge | accuracy | acdar | acid deposition | acid pollution | acid precipitation | acid rain | acoustic gravity wave | acoustic sounding | acoustic thermometer | acoustic wave | actinogram | actinograph | actinometer | actinometry | actinothermic index | actual density of the soil | actual evapotranspiration | actual time of observation | adiabat | adiabatic | adiabatic atmosphere | adiabatic chart | adiabatic condensation pressure | adiabatic condensation temperature | adiabatic cooling | adiabatic diagram | adiabatic equilibrium | adiabatic lapse rate | adiabatic process | adiabatic region | adiabatic trail | adiabatic warming | adjustable cistern barometer | adsorption | advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) | advection | advection fog | advection frost | advective pressure tendency | advective thunderstorm | advisory area | advisory forecast | aeolian | aerial plankton | aerobiology | aerodrome forecast | aerodynamic trail | aerogram | aerograph | aerological analysis | aerological day | aerological diagram | aerological station | aerological table | aerology | aerometeorograph | aeronautical climatology | aeronautical meteorological service | aeronautical meteorological station | aeronautical meteorology | aeronomy | aerosol | aerosol electricity | aerosol size distribution | afterglow | ageostrophic advection | ageostrophic model | ageostrophic wind | ageostrophic wind component | agglomeration | aggregation | agricultural meteorological station | agricultural meteorological station for specific purposes | agricultural meteorology | agroclimatic index | agroclimatology | agrometeorological forecasting | agrometeorological station | agrometeorological station for specific purposes | agrometeorology | air | air conditioning | air conductivity | air density | air discharge | air mass | air meter | air parcel | air pollution | air pollution control | air report - AIREP | air sampler | air shower | air temperature | air-Earth conduction current | air-Earth current | air-mass analysis | air-mass classification | air-mass climatology | air-mass identification | air-mass thunderstorm | air-sea interaction | airborne radiation thermometer | aircraft ice accretion | aircraft icing | aircraft meteorological station | aircraft sounding | airglow | airlight | airlight formula | airport forecast | albedo | albedo of the Earth | albedograph | albedometer | alcohol thermometer | alidade | all-sky photometer | all-weather landing | allobaric wind | aloft | alpine glow | alternate forecast | alti-electrograph | altimeter corrections | altimeter setting | altimetric equation | altitude | aluminium oxide humidity element | ambient temperature | amorphous frost | amount of precipitation | anabatic front | anabatic wind | anafront | anallobar | analogue method | analysed chart | analysed map | analysis | anemobiagraph | anemoclinometer | anemogram | anemograph | anemometer | anemometer level | anemometer mast | anemometer tower | anemometry | aneroid barometer | aneroid capsule | angel echoes | angular momentum | annual wave | anomalous propagation | anomalous propagation of sound | antarctic air | antarctic anticyclone | antarctic circumpolar current | antarctic front | antarctic sea smoke | | antecedent precipitation index | anthelic arc | anthelion | anti-hail rocket | anti-trade | anti-twilight | anticorona | anticrepuscular arch | anticrepuscular rays | anticyclogenesis | anticyclolysis | anticyclone | anticyclone movement | anticyclonic circulation | anticyclonic gloom | anticyclonic rotation | anticyclonic shear | antipleion | antiselena | antisolar point | antitriptic wind | anvil cloud | apob | apparent form of the sky | apparent wind | applied climatology | applied meteorology | aqueous vapour | arc lines | arcs of Lowitz | arctic air | arctic anticyclone | arctic front | arctic haze | arctic high | arctic sea smoke | | arcus (arc) | area forecast | area of high pressure | areal precipitation | arid climate | arid zone | aridity | aridity factor | aridity index | artificial climate | artificial precipitation | artificial radioactivity | aspirated psychrometer | aspirated thermometer | aspiration meteorograph | astrometeorology |
| astronomical twilight | asynoptic observation | atmidometer | atmometer | atmoradiograph | atmosphere | atmosphere-ocean interaction | atmospheric | atmospheric absorption | atmospheric acoustics | atmospheric attenuation | atmospheric boundary layer | atmospheric chemistry | atmospheric circulation | atmospheric circulation model | atmospheric counterradiation | atmospheric disturbance | atmospheric dynamics | atmospheric electricity | atmospheric energetics | atmospheric extinction | atmospheric impurities | atmospheric ionization | atmospheric model | atmospheric opacity | atmospheric optics | atmospheric physics | atmospheric polarization | atmospheric pollution | atmospheric pressure | atmospheric radiation | atmospheric radiation budget
| atmospheric sciences | atmospheric structure | atmospheric thermodynamics | atmospheric tide | atmospheric turbulence | atmospheric wave | atmospheric window | attached thermometer | attenuation coefficient | attenuation of solar radiation | aureole | aurora | aurora australis | aurora borealis | auroral absorption | auroral arc | auroral bands | auroral corona | auroral curtains | auroral draperies | auroral hiss | auroral oval | auroral rays | auroral storm | auroral substorm | auroral zone | austausch coefficient | autobarotropic atmosphere | autoconvection gradient | autoconvective lapse rate | automatic climatological station | automatic data processing | automatic evaporation station | automatic picture transmission - APT | automatic weather station | auxiliary agricultural meteorological station | auxiliary ship | auxiliary ship station | available potential energy - APE | available soil moisture (Hd) | available solar radiation | avalanche | avalanche wind | average value | aviation forecast | axis of anticyclone | axis of depression | axis of ridge | axis of trough
- back radiation | back-bent occlusion | back-scattering (radar) | background level | background pollution | backing wind | backward differencing | backward scattering (atmospheric) | bai | bai-u | balance equation | balance meter | balance of solar radiation | ball lightning | ballistic density | band lightning | banner cloud | bar | barb | barber | bare soil | baric analysis | baric topography | baroclinic atmosphere | baroclinic disturbance | baroclinic forecast | baroclinic instability | baroclinic model | baroclinic wave | baroclinicity | baroclinity | barocliny | barogram | barograph | barometer | barometer box | barometer case | barometer cistern | barometric altimeter | barometric constant | barometric correction table | barometric corrections | barometric gradient | barometric hypsometry | barometric reduction table | barometry | barothermograph | barothermohygrograph | barotropic atmosphere | barotropic disturbance | barotropic forecast | barotropic instability | barotropic model | barotropic vorticity equation | barotropic wave | barotropy | barrier theory | basic flow | beaded lightning | bent-back occlusion | beta effect | beta plane | bi-directional (wind) vane |
| billow cloud | bimetallic thermometer | bioclimatology | biogenic ice nucleus | biometeorology | biosphere | bise | bivane | black body | black frost | black ice | black-body radiation | black-bulb thermometer | blast wave | blizzard | blocking action | blocking anticyclone | blood rain | blowing dust | blowing sand | blowing snow | blue of the sky | blue sun | bogus data | bogus observation | boiling point | bologram | bolometer | bora | brave west winds | breaking-drop theory | breakup | breakup season | breeze | briefing | bright band | bright sunshine | brightness temperature | broadcast | bulk density of soil | bumpiness | buoy weather station | buoyancy | burst of the monsoon | bush
- calendaricity | calibration of an instrument | calm | calvus (cal) | cap cloud | capacity correction | capacity of the wind | capillarity correction | capillary potential | capillary rise | capillatus (cap) | captive balloon sounding | carbon cycle | carbon dioxide | carbon dioxide band | carbon-14 dating | carrier-balloon system | cascade impactor | castellanus (cas) | catchment area | cathode-ray radiogoniometer | ceiling (US) | ceiling projector | ceilometer | cellular circulation | cellular cloud pattern | cellular convection | central depression | central forecasting office | centre of action | ceraunograph | ceraunometer | chaff | change of phase | change of state | change of type | channel | characteristic of the pressure tendency | chart plotting | chemical composition of precipitation | chemical hygrometer | chemopause | chemosphere | chergui | chill factor | chinook | chinook arch | chronometric radiosonde | circle of inertia | circulation index | circulation model | circulation theorem (of Bjerknes) | circulation type | circumhorizontal arc | | circumsolar radiation | circumzenithal arc | civil twilight | classification of wave forms of atmospherics | clean air | clear air | clear air turbulence - CAT | clear ice | clear sky | clearance | clearing | climagram | climate | climate change | climate model | climate modification | climate monitoring | climate system | climate variability | climatic alteration | climatic anomaly | climatic change | climatic classification | climatic control | climatic diagram | climatic discontinuity | climatic divide | climatic element | climatic factors | climatic fluctuation | climatic forecast | climatic index | climatic model | climatic optimum |
| climatic periodicity | climatic region | climatic revolution | climatic rhythm | climatic risk | climatic season | climatic trend | climatic type | climatic vacillation | climatic variability | climatic variation | climatic zone | climatization | climatogram | climatography | climatological atlas | climatological chart | climatological data | climatological diagram | climatological division | climatological forecast | climatological front | climatological observation | climatological standard normals | climatological station | climatological station for specific purposes | climatological station network | climatological summary | climatology | climatonomy | climatopathology | climatotherapy | climogram | clinometer | closed cells | cloud | cloud amount | cloud band | cloud bank | cloud bar | cloud base | cloud chamber | cloud classification | cloud cluster | cloud cover | cloud discharge | cloud dispersal | cloud dissipation | cloud drop | cloud droplet | cloud electrification | cloud étage | cloud forest | cloud genera | cloud height measurement method | cloud height meter | cloud identification | cloud image animation | cloud layer | cloud luminance | cloud microphysics | cloud microstructure | cloud model | cloud modification | cloud motion vector | cloud movement | cloud particles | cloud photogrammetry | cloud physics | cloud searchlight | cloud sector | cloud seeding | cloud sheet | cloud streaks | cloud street | cloud symbols | cloud system | cloud system of a depression | cloud top | cloud top temperature | cloud tracer | cloud veil | cloud winds | cloud-free line of sight - CFLOS | cloud-to-cloud discharge | cloud-to-ground discharge | clouds from explosions | clouds from fires | clouds from industry | clouds from volcanic eruptions | clouds from waterfalls | cloudy sky | coagulation | coalescence | coalescence efficiency | coarse mesh | coastal climate | code figure | code form | code group | code letter | code specification | code symbol | code table | coefficient of transparency | coefficient of viscosity | col | cold anticyclone | cold dome | cold front | cold front thunderstorm | cold low | cold occlusion | cold pole | cold tongue | cold wave | cold-air drop | cold-air pool | collection efficiency | collision efficiency | colour temperature | columnar snow crystals | combustion nucleus | comfort chart | comfort curve | comfort index | comfort zone | communication centre | compensated pyrheliometer | compensated scale barometer | compensation | complex low | composite forecast chart | composite prognostic chart | composite vertical cross-section | compression wave | condensation | condensation level | condensation nuclei counter | condensation nucleus | condensation pressure | condensation temperature | condensation trail | conditional instability | conditional instability of the second kind - CISK | conditioned climate | confidence degree | confidence figure | confluence | congestus (con) | coning | conservation of energy | conservation of mass | conservation of vorticity | conservatism | constant absolute vorticity trajectory - CAVT | constant altitude plan position indicator - CAPPI | constant flux layer | constant level balloon | constant level chart | constant pressure chart | constant pressure surface | constant volume balloon | contact anemometer | contact weather | continental air | continental anticyclone | continental climate | continentality | continentality index | continuity equation | contour | contour chart | contour line | contrail | contrast of luminance | contrast threshold | control area | convection | convection cell | convection cloud | convection current | convective adjustment | convective cell | convective cloud | convective cluster | convective condensation level - CCL | convective current | convective equilibrium | convective index | convective instability | convective precipitation | convective region | convective theory of cyclogenesis | convective thunderstorm | convergence | convergence line | cooling degree-day | cooling power | cornice | corona | corona discharge | corpuscular radiation | correlation forecasting | cosmic dust | cosmic radiation | cosmic-ray shower | counterglow | countergradient flux | countergradient wind | counterradiation | counting anemometer | covariable | creeping of aneroid barometer | crepuscular arch | crepuscular rays | crest cloud | critical level of escape | cross wind | cross-isobar angle | cross-over experiment | cross-section | cross-sectional analysis | cryology | cryopedometer | cryptoclimate | crystallization | cumuliform cloud | cup anemometer | cut-off high | cut-off low | cyanometer | cyanometry | cyclogenesis | cyclolysis | cyclone | cyclone family | cyclone model | cyclone movement | cyclone warning | cyclonic circulation | cyclonic precipitation | cyclonic rotation | cyclonic shear | cyclonic wave | cyclostrophic wind
- daily maximum temperature | daily minimum temperature | daily range of temperature | dangerous semicircle | dart leader | data assimilation | dawn chorus | day of snow lying | dayglow | decade | deepening of a depression | deformation field | degree-day | dekad | delta region | dendritic snow crystals | dendroclimatology | density of dry air | density of moist air | density of snow | depegram | depression | depression of the dew point | depth hoar | depth of snow | depth-area curve | depth-area-duration analysis | depth-duration curve | depth-duration-frequency curve | desert climate | desiccation | design flood | design storm | detrainment | deviating force | dew | dew point (Td) | dew-point deficit | dew-point depression | dew-point front | dew-point hygrometer | dew-point spread | dew-point temperature | dewbow | dewcell | dewgauge | diabatic process | diagnosis | diagnostic equation | diagnostic model | diamond dust | differential analysis | differential kinematics | diffluence | diffraction phenomenon | diffuse front | diffuse illuminance | diffuse reflection | diffuse skylight | diffuse solar radiation | diffused light | diffusion | diffusion model | diffusive equilibrium | diffusivity | diffusometer | dip of the horizon | direct solar radiation | direct-reading instrument | direction and speed of movement of a cloud | direction of movement of the waves | dirigible balloon ascent | discharge | discomfort zone | discontinuity | disdrometer | dissipation | dissipation trail | distrail | diurnal wave | divergence | divergence equation | divergence line | divergence theory of cyclogenesis | doldrums | dosimeter | double-theodolite technique | downburst | downdraught | downstream | downward terrestrial radiation | downward total radiation | downwash | drag | drag coefficient | drift | drift current | drifting buoy | drifting dust | drifting sand | drifting snow | driving rain index | driving rain on buildings | drizzle | drop spectrum | drop-size distribution | drop-size meter | drop-size spectrometer | droplet spectrum | dropping flare | dropsonde | drosometer | drought | drought index | dry adiabat | dry adiabatic | dry air | dry convection | dry line | dry season | dry snow | dry spell | dry stage | dry tongue | dry wind | dry-adiabatic lapse rate | dry-bulb temperature | dry-bulb thermometer | dry-ice seeding | duplicatus (du) | dust counter | dust devil | dust haze | dust horizon | dust wall | dust whirl | duststorm | dynamic climatology | dynamic coefficient of viscosity | dynamic cooling | dynamic initialization | dynamic instability | dynamic meteorology | dynamic metre | dynamic pressure | dynamic stability | dynamic trough | dynamic viscosity | dynamic warming
- e-folding time | easterly trough | easterly wave | ecliptic | ecoclimatology | ecological climatology | ecology | eddy | eddy advection | eddy conductivity | eddy diffusion | eddy diffusivity | eddy flux | eddy heat flux | eddy kinetic energy | eddy shearing stress | eddy spectrum | eddy transport |
| eddy viscosity | effective evapotranspiration | effective nocturnal radiation | effective precipitation | effective radiation | effective stack height | effective temperature | effectiveness of precipitation | electric charge | electric currents in the atmosphere | electric field | electrical hygrometer | electrical thermometer | electrochemical sonde | electrojet | electromagnetic radiation | electrometeor | electron precipitation | electronic thermometer | electrosonde | elevation | elevation of the zero point of a barometer | emagram | emanometer | emission | emission line | emission spectrum | emissivity | emittance | emittance of the Earth's surface | energetics of the atmosphere | energy balance | energy budget | energy cascade | energy diagram | energy equation | energy spectrum | energy transfer | enhanced picture | enstrophy | enthalpy | entrainment | entrainment coefficient | entrance region | entropy | equation of state | equation of static equilibrium | equations of motion | equatorial air | equatorial calms | equatorial easterlies | equatorial front | equatorial orbiting satellite | equatorial trough | equatorial wave | equatorial westerlies | equilibrium climate | equinoctial rains | equivalent altitude of aerodrome | equivalent barotropic model | equivalent head wind | equivalent longitudinal wind | equivalent potential temperature | equivalent tail wind | equivalent temperature | equivalent width | error | estegram | etesian wind | evaporation | evaporation fog | evaporation frost | evaporation of water | evaporation pan | evaporation rate | evaporation tank | evaporative power | evaporativity | evaporimeter | evaporogram | evaporograph | evapotranspiration | evapotranspirometer | evapotron | exceptional visibility | exchange coefficient | exhaust trail | exit region | exogenic influences | exosphere | experimental meteorology | explosion waves | explosive warming | exposure of instruments | extended forecast | extensive air shower | external water circulation | extinction coefficient | extrapolation | extraterrestrial radiation | extratropical cyclone | extreme temperature | extreme ultraviolet radiation | eye of the tropical cyclone
- facsimile chart | falling speed | falling sphere | false Cirrus | family of depressions | family of tornadoes | fanning | far-infrared radiation | fastest mile wind | feather | fetch | fibratus (fib) | fickian diffusion | field capacity | field mill | fillet lightning | filling of a depression | filtered equations | filtered model | filtering | fine-mesh grid | fine-mesh model | finite-difference method | firn | firn line | fixed balloon | fixed sea platform | fixed ship | fixed ship station | fixed time broadcast | flash flood | flat low | flight documentation | flight forecast | flight information centre | flight information region | flight level | float barograph | floccus (flo) | flood | flood forecast | flood plain | flood routing | flood stage | flooding | flow pattern | flux of radiation | flux of radiation per unit area (at a point of a surface) | foehn | foehn air | foehn bank | foehn break | foehn cloud | foehn gap | foehn wall | foehn wave | fog | fog bank | fog bow | fog day | fog dispersal | fog dissipation | fog drip | fog patches | forced convection | forcing function | forecast | forecast amendment | forecast area | forecast bulletin | forecast chart | forecast evaluation | forecast verification | forecaster | forecasting centre | forest meteorology | forest precipitation | forked lighting | forward differencing | forward scattering | four-dimensional analysis | four-dimensional data assimilation | foyer of atmospherics | fractus (fra) | free air foehn | free atmosphere | free convection | free lift of a balloon | free turbulence | freeze data | freeze-free period | freeze-up | freezing | freezing drizzle | freezing fog | freezing index | freezing level | freezing nucleus | freezing point | freezing precipitation | freezing rain | freezing spray | freon | fresh breeze | friction | friction layer | frictional convergence | frictional dissipation | frictional force | frigorigraph | frigorimeter | front | frontal analysis | frontal contour chart | frontal fog | frontal model | frontal occlusion | frontal passage | frontal precipitation | frontal surface | frontal system | frontal theory | frontal thunderstorm | frontal wave | frontal zone | frontogenesis | frontolysis | frost | frost damage | frost day | frost fan | frost heaving | frost hollow | frost hygrometer | frost pocket | frost point | frost protection | frost-point hygrometer | frozen soil | fumigation | funnel | funnel cloud | funnel column | further outlook
- gale | gale cone | gale warning | gamma radiation | gamma ray snow-gauge | gas constant (R) | gas equation | gas thermometer | general circulation | general circulation model - GCM | general forecast | genetic classification of climates | genitus | gentle breeze | geodynamic metre | geophysical day | geopotential | geopotential altitude | geopotential field | geostationary satellite | geostrophic adjustment | geostrophic advection | geostrophic approximation | geostrophic drag coefficient | geostrophic equilibrium | geostrophic vorticity | geostrophic wind | geostrophic wind scale | geosynchronous satellite | geothermal gradient | geothermometer | ghibli | glacial epoch | glacial interstade | glacial phase | glaciation | glacier breeze | glasshouse climate | glaze | glaze storm | glazed frost | global circulation | global circulation model | global model | global radiation | glory | goldbeater skin hygrometer | gradient wind | grass minimum temperature | grassy soil | gravitation | gravitational wave | gravity | gravity correction | gravity wave | gravity wind | green flash | green moon | green ray | green sun | greenhouse climate | greenhouse effect | grey absorber | grey radiation | grid | grid nephoscope | grid telescoping | gridding | ground discharge | ground fog | ground frost | ground inversion | ground layer | ground swath | ground-to-cloud discharge | growing degree-day | growing season | gust | gust amplitude (a) | gust decay time (td) | gust duration (tg) | gust formation time (tt) | gust frequency (n) | gust frequency interval (tn) | gust peak speed (p) | gust vector | gustiness component
- haboob | hail | hail damage | hail pad | hail prevention | hail stage | hail suppression | hailstone | hair hygrometer | halo | halo of 22_ | halo of 46° | hand anemometer | harmattan | haze | haze aloft | haze horizon | haze layer | haze line | head wind | health resort | heat balance | heat balance of snow cover | heat budget | heat equator | heat flux | heat index | heat island | heat lightning | heat low | heat sink | heat source | heat stress index | heat wave | heating degree-day | heavy rain | hectopascal (hPa) | height | height analysis method | height of cloud base | heliograph | heliometric index | hemispheric model | heterogeneous nucleation | heterosphere | high | high cloud | high index | high inversion fog | high-level cloud | hill fog | histogram | historical climate | hoar frost | hodograph | homogeneous atmosphere | homogeneous condensation | homogeneous freezing | homogeneous nucleation | homogeneous series | homogeneous sublimation | homogeneous turbulence | homopause | homosphere | hook echo | horizontal visibility | horizontal wind shear | horse latitudes | hot-wire anemometer | human bioclimatology | human biometeorology | humid zone | humidity | humidity lapse rate | humilis (hum) | hurricane | hurricane seeding | hurricane tracking | hurricane warning | hydrodynamic instability | hydrodynamic stability | hydrogen-ion concentration | hydrological basin | hydrological cycle | hydrology | hydromagnetic emissions | hydrometeor | hydrometeorology | hydrosphere | hydrostatic approximation | hydrostatic assumption | hydrostatic equation | hydrostatic equilibrium | hydrostatic instability | hydrostatic model | hydrostatic pressure | hydrostatic stability | hydroxyl emission | hyetograph | hygristor | hygrogram | hygrograph | hygrometer | hygrometric tables | hygrometry | hygroscopic moisture | hygroscopic nucleus | hygroscopic water | hygroscopicity | hygrothermogram | hygrothermograph | hygrothermoscope | hyperbolic point | hypothetical global climate | hypsometer | hypsometric equation | hysteresis | hytergraph
- ice accretion | ice age | ice cloud | ice crystals | ice day | ice fog | ice jam | ice multiplication | ice needles | ice nucleus | ice pellets | ice point | ice prisms | ice storm | ice-bulb temperature | ice-crystal theory | icing | icing index | icing intensity | icing level | ideal gas | illuminance | illumination | image dissector | inadvertent climate modification | inadvertent weather modification | inclination of the axis of a cyclone | inclination of the axis of an anticyclone | inclination of the wind | incompressible fluid | incus (inc) | index cycle | indifferent stability | indoor climate | industrial meteorology | inertia wave | inertial flow | inertial forecast | inertial lag | inferior mirage | infiltration | infiltration capacity | infrared image | infrared interferometer-spectrometer - IRIS | infrared picture | infrared radiation | infrared radiometry | initialization | insolation | insolation duration | instability | instability line | instrument shelter | inter-diurnal variation | inter-monthly variation | interaction | interception of precipitation | interferometer | interglacial phase | intermediate standard time | internal boundary layer | internal energy | internal water circulation | internal wave | international index number | international synoptic surface observation code | interpolation | intertropical convergence zone - ITCZ | intertropical discontinuity | intertropical front | intortus (in) | invasion of air | inversion cloud | inversion layer | inversion of precipitation | ion counter | ionogram | ionosphere | ionospheric recorder | ionospheric storm | ionospheric tides | ionospheric tilt | ionospheric trough | ionospheric wind | ions | iridescence | iridescent clouds | irisation | irradiance (at a point of a surface) | irradiation | isallobar | isallobaric chart | isallobaric high | isallobaric low | isallobaric wind | isallohypse | isallotherm | isanemone | isanomaly | isanthesic line | isaurore | isentropic | isentropic analysis | isentropic chart | isentropic mixing | isentropic surface | iso-D | iso-echo | isobar | isobaric chart | isobaric surface | isobaric tube | isobaric-isosteric solenoid | isobaric-isosteric tube | isobront | isoceraunic line | isochasm | isochron | isodrosotherm | isogon | isogram | isohel | isohyet | isohypse | isokeraunic line | isomer | isoneph | isophene | isophote | isopleth | isopycnic surface | isosteric surface | isotach | isotach analysis | isotherm | isothermal atmosphere | isothermal layer | isotropic radiation | isotropic turbulence | ivory point
- jet axis | jet stream | jet-stream axis | jet-stream Cirrus | jet-stream core | joule
- katabatic front | katabatic wind | katafront | katallobar | katathermometer | kelvin (unit of thermodynamic temperature) | khamsin | kinematic analysis | kinematic viscosity | kite balloon | kite sounding | knot | konimeter | kytoon
- lacunosus (la) | lag of aneroid barometer | lake | lake breeze | lake effect snowstorm | lake evaporation | laminar boundary layer | laminar flow | land breeze | landing forecast | langley | lapse rate | large halo | large-scale atmospheric processes | large-scale weather situation | laser - light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation | laser ceilometer | laser radar | latent heat | latent instability | lateral mixing
| leader streamer | leader stroke | leapfrog differencing | lee depression | lee trough | lee wave |
| lenticularis (len) | levante | level | level of free convection - LFC | level of non-divergence | lidar - light detection and ranging | lifted index - LI | lifting condensation level - LCL | light | light air | light breeze | light exposure | light scattering diagram | light scattering table | lightning | lightning channel | lightning counter | lightning damage | lightning recorder | lightning suppression | lightship | lightship station | limited fine-mesh model | limited-area forecast model | line source | line squall | linear instability | linearity | liquid thermometer | lithometeor | little ice age | local forecast | local lightning counter | local precipitation | local wind | locust control | lofting | long wave | long-range forecast | long-wave radiation | longitudinal wind | looming | looping | low | low cloud | low index | low-level cloud | low-level jet - LLJ | low-level jet stream | low-pressure area | lower circumzenithal arc | lower mirage | lumen | luminance | luminance temperature | luminous exposure | luminous flux | luminous intensity | lunar atmospheric tide | lunar halo | lunar rainbow |
| lux | lysimeter
- macroclimate | macrometeorology | macroturbulence | magnetosphere | main standard time | major wave | mamma (mam) | man-machine mix | mandatory level | map plotting | marine aerosol | marine barometer | marine climate | marine meteorology | maritime air | maritime climate | maritime cloud | maritime meteorology | masked front | mass concentration (q) | mast | maximum gust lapse (lm) | maximum gust lapse interval (tm) | maximum gust lapse time (ti) | maximum temperature | maximum thermometer | mean annual range of temperature | mean daily maximum temperature for a month | mean daily minimum temperature for a month | mean daily temperature | mean day-to-day variation | mean interdiurnal variability | mean monthly maximum temperature | mean monthly minimum temperature | mean sea level - MSL | mean temperature of air column | mean value | mechanical turbulence | medical climatology | medical meteorology | mediocris (med) | medium cloud | medium-level cloud | medium-range forecast | medium-term hydrological forecast | megathermal climate | melting band | melting level | melting point | mercury barometer | mercury thermometer | meridional cell | meridional circulation | meridional exchange | meridional flow | meridional index | mesoanalysis | mesochart | mesoclimate | mesoclimatology | mesojet | mesometeorology | mesopause | mesopeak | mesoscale | mesoscale convective complex - MCC | mesoscale disturbance | mesosphere | mesospheric clouds | mesospheric jet | mesothermal climate | metallic barometer | metamorphosis of snow | meteor | meteor trail | meteoric dust | meteorogram | meteorograph | meteorological acoustics | meteorological authority | meteorological balloon | meteorological bulletin | meteorological code | meteorological communications | meteorological education | meteorological element | meteorological element series | meteorological equator | meteorological forecast | meteorological information | meteorological institute | meteorological instrument | meteorological message | meteorological network | meteorological noise | meteorological observation | meteorological observatory | meteorological observer | meteorological observing station | meteorological office | meteorological optical range - MOR | meteorological report | meteorological satellite | meteorological service | meteorological station | meteorological symbols | meteorological transmission | meteorological visibility | meteorological visibility at night | meteorological warning message | meteorological watch office | meteorological yearbook | meteorologist | meteorology | meteoropathology | meteorotropic disease | microbarogram | microbarograph | microbarovariograph | microburst | microclimate | microclimatology | micrometeorology | micropluviometer | microscale | microthermal climate | microturbulence | microvariation of pressure | microwave probing | middle atmosphere | middle-level cloud | migratory | mine atmosphere | minimum temperature | minimum thermometer | minimum time track | mintra | mirage | mist | mistral | mixed cloud | mixed layer | mixed layer height | mixing fog | mixing height | mixing length | mixing ratio (r) | mobile ship | mobile ship station | mobile weather station | mock moon | mock sun | model output statistics (MOS) technique | moderate breeze | moderate gale | modon | moist adiabat | moist adiabatic | moist air | moist convection | moist tongue | moisture content (q) | moisture equivalent | moisture profile | mole fraction of saturation water vapour of moist air with respect to ice (Nvi) | mole fraction of saturation water vapour of moist air with respect to water (Nvw) | mole fraction of water vapour (Nv) | momentum | momentum equation | momentum transfer | monochromatic radiation | monomolecular film | monsoon | monsoon circulation | monsoon climate | monsoon fog | monsoon low | monsoon rain | monsoon season | monsoon trough | monthly maximum temperature | monthly minimum temperature | monthly record | moon pillar | moonbow | mother-cloud | mother-of-pearl cloud | mountain and valley winds | mountain barometer | mountain breeze | mountain climate | mountain fog | mountain observation | mountain station | mountain waves | moving averages | mud rain | multi-level model | multiple scattering | multiple tropopause | multispectral scanner |
| mutatus
- nacreous cloud | narrow-beam radiogoniometer | narrow-sector recorder | national standard barometer | natural coordinates | natural radioactivity | natural synoptic period | natural synoptic region | natural synoptic season | nautical twilight | navigable semicircle | near gale | near-infrared radiation | near-polar orbiting satellite | nebule | nebulosus (neb) | negative viscosity | neoglaciation | nephanalysis | nephelometer | nepheloscope | nephoscope | nested grids | net pyranometer | net pyrgeometer | net pyrradiometer | net radiation | net solar radiation | net storm rain | net terrestrial radiation | network density | neutral atmosphere | neutral point | neutral stability | neutropause | neutrosphere | newton | night sky light | night sky luminescence | nightglow | noctilucent clouds | nocturnal cooling | nocturnal jet | nocturnal minimum temperature | nodal longitude increment | noise (dynamic meteorology) | noise filtering | nomogram | non-isotropic turbulence | non-linear instability (dynamical systems) | normal barometer | normals | norther | northern lights | nowcast | nucleation | nuclei counter | nucleus | numerical forecast | numerical forecasting model | numerical instability | numerical integration | numerical simulation | numerical stability | numerical weather prediction - NWP
| oblique visibility | observation | observational network | occluded depression | occluded front | occlusion | ocean station vessel | ocean weather station | oceanic meteorology | oceanicity | oceanity | octant | offshore wind | okta | ombrometer | omega equation | onshore wind | opacus (op) | opalescence | open cells | open-scale barograph | operational numerical model | optical air mass | optical density of a cloud | optical depth | optical phenomenon | optical probing of the atmosphere |
| optical thickness | optimum interpolation | ordinary agricultural meteorological station | ordinary agrometeorological station | ordinary climatological station | ordinary radiation station | orographic | orographic cloud | orographic depression | orographic isobar | orographic occlusion | orographic precipitation | | orographic wind flow | osmometer | outbreak of air | outgoing radiation (long-wave) | overcast sky | overlapping averages | overshooting tops | oxygen band | oxygen-ozone system | ozone | ozone layer | ozone shield | ozone sonde | ozone spectrophotometer | ozonometer | ozonosphere
- p system | paleoclimate | paleoclimatology | pampero | pannus (pan) | parametrization | paranthelion | parantiselena | paraselene | paraselenic circle | parcel method | parhelia associated with the 22_ halo | parhelia associated with the 46_ halo | parhelic circle | partial potential temperature | partial pressure | pascal (Pa) | past weather | pastagram | pearl lightning | pearl necklace lightning | penetrative convection | penitent ice | penitent snow | pennant | pentad | percentage of possible sunshine | percolation | perfect gas | perfect prognosis method | pergelisol | periglacial climate | period averages | period of record | period of validity | periodogram | perlucidus (pe) | permafrost | permanent anticyclone | permanent depression | permeability | perpetual frost climate | persistence forecast | persistence tendency | perturbation method | pH | phase transformation | phenogram | phenological observation | phenology | photochemical smog | photometeor | photometer | physical climatology | physical meteorology | physics of the atmosphere | phytoclimate | phytoclimatology | phytotron | pileus (pil) | pilot balloon | pilot-balloon observation | pilot-balloon station | pixel | plan position indicator - PPI | planetary atmosphere | planetary boundary layer | planetary circulation | planetary wave | plant climate | plasmapause | plasmasphere | plate | plotting model | plotting symbols | plume | plume rise model | pluvial period | pluviograph | pluviometric quotient | pluviometry | pluvioscope | pluviothermic ratio | point discharge | point of occlusion | point source | point-to-multipoint communication | point-to-point communication | polar air | polar anticyclone | polar aurora | polar blackout | polar cap absorption | polar cell | polar easterlies | polar front | polar front theory | polar high | polar invasion | polar low | polar night jet | polar orbiting satellite | polar outbreak | | polar wind | polarimeter | polariscope | pollen analysis | polluted air | polytropic atmosphere | pool of cold air | port meteorological liaison officer | post-frontal fog | potential due to hydrostatic pressure | potential energy | potential equivalent temperature | potential evaporation | potential evapotranspiration | potential gradient | potential instability | potential temperature | potential vorticity | power law profile | praecipitatio (pra) | pre-frontal fog | pre-frontal thunderstorm | prebaratic chart | precipitable water | precipitation | precipitation aloft | precipitation cell | precipitation current | precipitation day | precipitation duration | precipitation gauge | precipitation intensity | precipitation régime | precipitation station | precision | precursor | predictability | predictand | predictor | present weather | pressure | pressure altimeter | pressure anemometer | pressure anomaly | pressure coordinate system | pressure distribution | pressure force | pressure gradient | pressure jump | pressure pattern | pressure pattern flying | pressure plate anemometer | pressure surge | pressure system | pressure tendency | pressure tube anemometer | pressure wave | pressure-gradient force | prevailing wind | primary circulation | primary depression | primary radar | primary rainbow | primitive equations | principal agrometeorological station | principal climatological station | principal front | principal land station | probability forecast | probable maximum precipitation | prognosis | prognostic chart | prognostic contour chart | prognostic equations | progression of the monsoon | prontour chart | proton precipitation | protonosphere | pseudo wet-bulb potential temperature | pseudo-adiabat | pseudo-adiabatic | pseudo-adiabatic chart | pseudo-adiabatic diagram | pseudo-adiabatic lapse rate | pseudo-adiabatic process | pseudo-front | psychrometer | psychrometric constant | psychrometric formula | psychrometric tables | pure air | purple glow | purple light | pyranogram | pyranograph | pyranometer | pyrgeometer | pyrheliogram | pyrheliograph | pyrheliometer | pyrheliometric scale | pyrotechnic flare | pyrradiometer
- quantitative precipitation forecast - QPF | quantity of illumination | quantity of radiant energy | quantity of radiation |
| quasi-biennial periodicity | quasi-geostrophic approximation | quasi-geostrophic equation | quasi-stationary front | quasi-stationary perturbation | quaternary climate
- rabal | radar | radar climatology | radar echo | radar equation | radar meteorological observation | radar meteorology | radar reflectivity | radar scatterometer | radar screen | radar sounding | radar storm detection | radar wind sounding | radarsonde | radial inflow | radial wind | radiance | radiance temperature | radiant emittance | radiant energy | radiant exitance | radiant exposure (at a point of a surface, for a given duration) | radiant flux | radiant intensity (of a source in a given direction) | radiant power | radiation | radiation balance | radiation balance meter | radiation belts | radiation chart | radiation climate | radiation fog | radiation frost | radiation inversion | radiation model | radiation point | radiation pressure | radiation station | radiation thermometer | radiational cooling | radiative cooling | radiative equilibrium | radiative heating | radiative transfer | radiatus (ra) | radio atmometer | radio aurora | radio direction-finder - RDF | radio duct | radio sounding | radioactive fallout | radioactive precipitation | radioactive tracer | radiocarbon dating | radioelectric meteorology | radiogoniograph | radiogoniometer | radiogoniometry | radiomaximograph | radiometeorology | radiometry | radiosonde | radiosonde balloon | radiosonde observation | radiosonde station | radiotheodolite | radiowind | radiowind observation | radome | radon | rain | rain erosion | rain shadow | rain shower | rain stage | rain washout | rain-making | rain-out | rainband | rainbow | raindrop | raindrop size distribution | raindrop spectrometer | rainfall | rainfall duration | rainfall excess | rainfall intensity | rainfall rate | rainfall station | raingauge | raingauge shield | rainstorm | rainy season | ram penetrometer | ramsonde | random forecast | randomization | range-height indicator - RHI | rawinsonde | rear of a depression | recording albedometer | recording anemometer | recording barometer | recording frigorimeter | recording instrument | recording raingauge | recording theodolite | recurvature | red noise | reduction of pressure to a standard level | reduction of temperature to mean sea-level | reference atmosphere | reference climatological station | reflectance | reflected global radiation | reflected solar radiation | reflected terrestrial radiation | reflection factor | reflection nephoscope | reflectometer | regeneration of a depression | régime | region of thunderstorm activity | regional basic synoptic network | regional broadcast | regional forecast | regional meteorological office | regional standard barometer | regular broadcast | relative humidity of moist air with respect to ice (Ui) | relative humidity of moist air with respect to water (Uw) | relative ionospheric opacity meter | relative moisture of the soil | relative sunspot number | relative topography | relative vorticity | relative wind | relaxation method | remote sensing | remote sounding | representative meteorological observation | resistance thermometer | resolution | resonance theory | response time | resultant wind | retention | retrograde depression | retrogression | return streamer | return stroke | returning polar air | reversal of the monsoon | reverse flow thermometer housing | reversible process | ribbon lightning | ridge | ridge line | ridge of high pressure | rime | rime fog | ring current | riometer | river | rocket lightning | rocket sonde | rocket sounding | rockoon sounding | | rotating dishpan experiment | rotor clouds | roughness coefficient | roughness length | roughness parameter | round-off error | route forecast | run-of-wind anemometer | running means | runoff | runway visual range - RVR
- salt haze | sand haze | sand wall | sand whirl | sandstorm | sastrugi | satellite infrared spectrometer - SIRS | satellite meteorology | satellite observation | satellite picture | satellite picture navigation | satellite sounding | satellite subpoint | satellite wind estimate | satellite winds | satellite zenith angle | saturated adiabatic | saturated air | saturated soil | saturation | saturation adiabatic | saturation adiabatic lapse rate | saturation deficit | saturation mixing ratio with respect to ice (ri) | saturation mixing ratio with respect to water (rw) | saturation vapour pressure in the pure phase with respect to ice (ei) | saturation vapour pressure in the pure phase with respect to water (ew) | saturation vapour pressure of moist air with respect to ice (e'i) | saturation vapour pressure of moist air with respect to water (e'w) | scale | scale height | scan line | scanning multifrequency microwave radiometer - SMMR | scanning radiometer | scattered radiation | scattering in the atmosphere | scavenging by precipitation | scintillation | scirocco | sea breeze | sea breeze front | sea fog | sea of cloud | sea of fog | sea salt nucleus | sea smoke | sea state | sea station | sea-level pressure | sea-surface temperature | seclusion | secondary circulation | secondary depression | secondary front | secondary radar | secondary rainbow | sectorized image | secular trend in climate | sedimentation | seeding agent | seiche | selected ship | selected ship station | selective absorption | semi-arid zone | semi-diurnal wave | semi-implicit method | semi-permanent anticyclone | semi-permanent depression | sensible heat | serein | severe weather | severe weather threat index - SWEAT index | sferics | sferics fix | sferics network | sferics recorder | shadow | shallow low | shamal | shape of the sky | shear layer | shear line | shear vector | shearing instability | shearing stress | shearing wave | sheet lightning | shelterbelt | shimmer | ship icing | ship observation | short wave | short-interval images | short-range forecast | short-wave radiation | shower | sigma coordinate system | significant weather | significant weather chart | silver iodide seeding | similarity theory of turbulence | simoon | simulated rainfall | single observer forecast | single station forecast | singularity | sinking | siphon barometer | sirocco | site of station | skew T - log p diagram | skill score | sky | sky map | sky radiation | sky slightly clouded | slant visibility | sleet | slice method | sling psychrometer | sling thermometer | slope of a front | slope of an isobaric surface | small hail | small halo | smog | smoke | smoke horizon | smoke pall | smoothing | snow | snow banner | snow blindness | snow blink | snow cover | snow crystals | snow day | snow density | snow depth | snow fence | snow flurry | snow grains | snow lying | snow melt | snow pack | snow pellets | snow pillow | snow plume | snow régime | snow rollers | snow sampler | snow shower | snow sky | snow smoke | snow stage | snow stake | snow survey | snow tube | snow-gauge | snow-line | snowdrift | snowfall | snowflake | snowstorm | sodar | soil air | soil climate | soil evaporimeter | soil moisture | soil moisture deficit | soil moisture tension | soil temperature | soil thermometer | solar activity | solar atmospheric tide | solar climate | solar constant | solar cycle | solar flare | solar halo | solar radiation | solar radio emission | solar wind | solar zenith angle | solarigram | solarigraph | solarimeter | solenoid | sonic speed | sound propagation | sounding | sounding balloon | source | source of an atmospheric | source of thunderstorm activity | source region | southern lights |
| space charge | space meteorology | space-based subsystem | species of clouds | specific heat | specific heat capacity | specific humidity | spectral concentration (of a radiometric quantity) | spectral lines | spectral model | spectral numerical analysis | spectral numerical prediction | spectroheliograph | spectrometer | spectrum | specular reflection | speed of sound | spherical pyranometer | spherical pyrgeometer | spherical pyrradiometer | spherics | spiral band | spissatus (spi) | spontaneous condensation | spontaneous freezing | spontaneous nucleation | spontaneous sublimation | sporadic E layer | spot wind | spout | spray | spread F | squall | squall cloud | squall line | squall-line thunderstorm | stability | stability index | stability parameter | stable air | stable air mass | stagnation area | standard atmosphere | standard density altitude | standard isobaric surface | standard pressure altitude | standard raingauge | standard temperature | standard time of observation | standing cloud | standing eddies | standing wave | state of ground | state of sea | state of sky | state-of-sea scale | static instability | static stability | station circle | station designator | station index number | station location | station model | station number | station pressure | stationary front | statistical forecast | statistical model | steam fog | steering | steering flow | steering level | steppe climate | stepped leader | stochastic model | storm | storm surge | storm warning | stratification curve | stratiform cloud (other than Stratus) | stratiformis (str) | stratopause | stratosphere | stratospheric coupling | stratospheric steering | stratospheric warming | streak lightning | stream function | streamline | stress | strong breeze | strong gale | subfrontal cloud | subgeostrophic wind | subgradient wind | subgrid-scale process | subjective forecast | sublimation | sublimation nucleus | subregional broadcast | subsidence | subsidence inversion | subtropical anticyclone | subtropical calms | subtropical easterlies | subtropical high-pressure belt | subtropical high-pressure zone | suction vortices | sudden change report | sudden ionospheric disturbance | sudden warming | sugar snow | sukhovei | sulphur dioxide - SO2 | sulphur rain | sultriness | summer monsoon | sun dog | sun pillar | sun-synchronous orbit | sun-synchronous satellite | sun-weather correlation | sunglint | sunlit aurora | sunshine record | sunshine recorder | sunspot cycle | superadiabatic lapse rate | supercell | supercooled cloud | supercooled fog | supercooled rain | supercooling | supergeostrophic wind | supergradient wind | superior mirage | supernumerary rainbow | supersaturation with respect to ice | supersaturation with respect to water | supplementary features | supplementary land station | supplementary observation | supplementary ship | supplementary ship station | supplementary station | supply current | surface boundary layer | surface chart | surface forecast chart | surface inversion | surface layer | surface observation | surface of discontinuity | surface ozone | surface radiation budget | surface roughness | surface runoff | surface synoptic chart | surface synoptic station | surface temperature of water | surface trough | surface wind | surface wind stress | surge current | surge line | swell | swinging plate anemometer | symmetry point | synoptic analysis | synoptic chart | synoptic climatology | synoptic forecast | synoptic hour | synoptic meteorology | synoptic observation | synoptic report | synoptic scale | synoptic situation | synoptic station | synoptic type | synthetic aperture radar - SAR
- tail wind | tangent arcs to 22_ halo | tangent arcs to 46_ halo | tangential wind | technoclimatology | telecommunication | telemeteorograph | telemeteorography | telemeteorometry | telephotometer | television weather broadcasting | temperature | temperature anomaly | temperature correction | temperature dew-point spread | temperature extremes | temperature inversion | temperature lapse rate | temperature of the soil surface | temperature range | temperature-humidity index - THI | temperature-moisture index | temporales | tendency equation | tephigram | terrestrial radiation | terrestrial radiation balance | terrestrial surface radiation | tertiary circulation | tertiary climate | tetroon | thalweg | thaw | thawing index | thawing season | theodolite | theoretical meteorology | thermal | thermal belt | thermal efficiency | thermal equator | thermal high | thermal low | thermal pollution | thermal radiation | thermal roughness | thermal steering | thermal vorticity | thermal wind | thermal zone | thermistor | thermistor anemometer | thermistor thermometer | thermocouple | thermocyclogenesis | thermodynamic dew-point temperature | thermodynamic diagram | thermodynamic frost-point temperature (Tf) | thermodynamic ice-bulb temperature (Ti) | thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature (Tw) | thermodynamics | thermogram | thermograph | thermohygrogram | thermohygrograph | thermohygrometer | thermometer | thermometer screen | thermometer shelter | thermopause | thermosphere | thermotropic model | theta (q) (potential temperature) system | theta (q) coordinate system | thetagram | thickness | thickness chart | thickness line | thickness pattern | threat score | thunder | thunder squall | thunderbolt | thundercloud | thunderstorm | thunderstorm cell | thunderstorm day | thunderstorm observing station | thunderstorm outflow | thunderstorm turbulence | thundery cloud system | thundery precipitation | timber-line | time constant | tipping-bucket rain-gauge | topoclimatology | topography | topside sounder | tornado | tornado echo | tornado outbreak | total cloud cover | total lift of a balloon | total ozone | total pressure | total radiation | total totals index | totalizer raingauge | trace | trace element | track of a depression | trade winds | trade-wind belt | trade-wind Cumulus | trade-wind front | trade-wind inversion | trailing flare | trailing front | trajectory | tramontana | transformation of an air mass | transient eddies | transition layer | transitional flow | translucidus (tr) | transmission coefficient | transmissometer | transmittance | transosonde | transparency | transpiration | travelling ionospheric disturbance | tree deformation | tree-line | tree-ring climatology | triple point | triple state | tropical air | tropical air fog | tropical climate | tropical cyclone | tropical cyclone classification system from satellite imagery | tropical easterlies | tropical meteorology | tropical monsoon climate | tropical upper-tropospheric trough - TUTT | tropopause | tropopause chart | tropopause funnel | tropopause wave | troposphere | tropospheric ozone | trough | trough line | trowal (Can) | true wind | truncation error | trunk | tuba (tub) | tundra climate | turbidity | turbidity coefficient | turbidity factor | turbopause | turbulence | turbulence cloud | turbulence coefficient | turbulence component | turbulence condensation level | turbulence energy | turbulence inversion | turbulence spectrum | turbulent boundary layer | turbulent diffusion | turbulent flow | turbulent flux | turbulent shear stress | twilight | twilight airglow | twilight arch | twilight colours | twilight spectrum | twister | two-dimensional turbulence
- ultraviolet radiation | uncinus (unc) | undersun | undulatus (un) | unfiltered model | universal raingauge | unstable air | unstable air mass | unstable wave | updraught | upglide cloud | upgradient flux | upper air | upper atmosphere | upper circumzenithal arc | upper front | upper mirage | upper wind | upper-air analysis | upper-air anticyclone | upper-air chart | upper-air climatology | upper-air cyclone | upper-air observation | upper-air ridge | upper-air station | upper-air synoptic station | upper-air trough | upper-level anticyclone | upper-level cyclone | upper-level ridge | upper-level trough | upper-level wind | upper-wind chart | upslope fog | upstream | upward atmospheric radiation | upward terrestrial radiation | upward total radiation | urban climate | urban climatology
- vacuum correction | valley breeze | vane anemometer | vapour concentration | vapour pressure (e') | vapour tension (e') | variable wind | variance analysis |
| varieties of clouds | veering wind | vegetation season | velopause | velum (vel) | ventilated psychrometer | ventilated thermometer | vertebratus (ve) | vertical beam radar | vertical extent of a cloud | vertical profile | vertical temperature gradient | vertical temperature profile | vertical visibility | vertical wind shear | very cloudy sky | very-short-range forecast | violent storm | virga (vir) | virtual height | virtual temperature | visibility | visibility marker | visibility meter | visibility object | visible imagery (VIS) | visible radiation | visual range (meteorological) | visual storm signal | volcanic dust | von Kármán constant | |
- wake | wake depression | warm air | warm anticyclone | warm cloud | warm fog | warm front | warm high | warm low | warm occlusion | warm rain | warm sector | warm tongue | washout | water balance | water circulation coefficient | water cloud | water content of cloud | water cycle | water equivalent of snow | water phase | water spout | water table | water vapour | water-vapour bands | water-vapour spectroscope | watershed | wave cloud | wave cyclone | wave height | wave motion | wave number | wave period | wave propagation | wave theory of cyclogenesis | waves in the easterlies | weather | weather advisory | weather analysis | weather bureau | weather chart | weather control | weather forecast | weather lore | weather map | weather modification | weather proverbs | weather radar | weather reconnaissance flight | weather report (publication) | weather routing | weather service | weather ship | weather symbols | weather type | weather warning | weather warning bulletin | weathering | wedge | weighing raingauge | weight barometer | weighted averages | west wind drift | west-east transport | westerlies | westerly trough | wet adiabatic | wet fog | wet snow | wet spell | wet-bulb depression | wet-bulb globe thermometer | wet-bulb pseudo-potential temperature | wet-bulb temperature | wet-bulb thermometer | whirling psychrometer | whirlwind | whistler | white dew | white noise | white rainbow | white squall | whiteout | wilting point | wind | wind aloft | wind arrow | wind chill factor | wind chill index | wind direction | wind divide | wind flurry | wind force | wind load | wind lull | wind power station | wind pressure | wind profile | wind recorder | wind reversal | wind rose | wind sea | wind shaft | wind shear | wind shift | wind sleeve | wind sock | wind speed | wind stress | wind stress curl | wind turbine (windmill) | wind vane | wind vector | wind wave | wind-driven current | wind-driven oceanic circulation | wind-shift line | windbreak | windward side | winter monsoon | wiresonde
- xerophyte
- year-to-year pressure difference | year-to-year temperature difference
- zastrugi | zero-layer | zodiac | zodiacal light | zonal circulation | zonal flow | zonal index | zonal wave number | zonda | zone of abnormal audibility | zone of audibility | zone of silence
It's raining cats and dogs (W3)
Diese englische Redewendung entspricht etwa dem dt. "Es regnet wie aus Eimern". Zu ihrer herkunft gibt es verschiedene Theorien:
- 1. es könnte eine Verballhornung des französischen "catadoupe" = Wassserfall sein.
- 2. Ursprung könnte griech. "cata doxas" = "gegen jede Erfahrung" sein.
- 3. Katzen wurden von Seeleuten schon immer verdächtigt Einfluss auf das Wetter zu haben und Hunde wurden oft als Symbol des Sturms benutzt.
Der Audruck wir erstmalig von Jonathan Swift benutzt, in "A Complete Collection of Polite and Ingenious Conversation" von 1738. Allerdings kennt man die Version "It shall raine... Dogs and Polecats" schon von 1653, aus einem Werk von Richard Brome.
It's raining cats and dogs
...the origin of [rain cats and dogs] is unknown. Its first recorded use is by Jonathan Swift in Polite Conversation, written circa 1708 and published thirty years later. This work of Swift's is a satire on the use of clichés, so the phrase was probably in use for a considerable period before this. RAW reports an earlier variant, "rain dogs and polecats," from Richard Brome's The City Witt of 1652.
Since the earliest English language variation starts with "polecat" as opposed to "cat," the idea that it descends from catdoupe is unlikely. Similarly, since polecats are not cats, but rather weasels or skunks, the connotation with mythological properties of felines is similarly unlikely. So, the mystery remains with no good explanations.
Izzy writes:
I had for some time suspected that rain "cats and dogs" is related to Semitic gimel-shin-mem shin-kuf-aiyin = rain descends. Giving the shin a dental sound and the aiyin a velar G sound produces GeDeM D'KiGa which is somewhat like KaT aNd DoKGa. [OE docga = dog.]
The weak point in the semantics (above) is the absence of an element indicating a "heavy" rain, that is PouRing rain, drenching rain, a downpour. The PoLe in polecat supplies this element. The customary phrase in modern Hebrew for a heavy rain is MaBooL GeSHeM. MaBooL means a flood or deluge.
So the Semitic phrase shin-kuf-aiyin mem-bet-oo-lamed gimel-shin mem meaning: descending deluge rain would have sounded like MaBooL GeDeM D'KiGa, or not unlike PoLe KaT aN DokGa
(A: izco)
'smoke' = 'Rauch' + 'fog' = 'Nebel' ===> 'smog' = Dunstschicht aus Rauch, Nebel und Abgasen