Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Ismus, Ismo, Isme, Ismo, Ism, (esper.) ismoj



ad- (W3)

Die postulierte Wurzel ide. "*ad-" = dt. "zu", "nach", "bei" brachte lat. "ad-" = dt. "zu", "hinzu", "bei", "an", "hin" hervor. Man findet lat. "ad-" als Präfix in vielen Wörtern in allen europäischen Sprachen. Bei der Bildung von Wörter zeigt "ad-" zudem eine große Anpassungsfähigkeit an den folgenden folgenden Konsonant und tritt dann auch in den Formen "ac-", "af-", "ag-", "ak-", "al-", "an-", "ap-", "ar-", "as-", "at-", oder auch nur als. "a-" auf. Beispiele sind etwa dt. "addieren", "Advent", und viele andere.



"ad-", a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin, where it meant "toward" and indicated direction, tendency, or addition: "adjoin". Usually assimilated to the following consonant; see "a-" (5), "ac-", "af-", "ag-", "al-", "an-" (2), "ap-" (1), "ar-", "as-", "at-".



This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix "AD" which means "TO" & "TOWARD". This key is a bit difficult. Please look at No. 15 on the list. The "AD" has become "AC". In No. 16 the "AD" has become "AF"; in No. 17 "AD" has become "AG". In No. 18 it is "AL". In No. 19 it is "AN". The "d" in all these words has assimilated with the letter of the root. Before "r" the "d" becomes "AR"; as in "ARrange"; before "s" we have "Assure"; before "t" we have "Attract"; before "p" we have "Approach". But they still all mean "To" & "TOWARD"


"ad-", word-forming element expressing direction toward or in addition to, from Latin "ad" = engl. "to", "toward" in space or time; "with regard to", "in relation to", as a prefix, sometimes merely emphatic, from PIE root "*ad-" = engl. "to", "near", "at".

Simplified to "a-" before "sc-", "sp-" and "st-"; modified to "ac-" before many consonants and then re-spelled "af-", "ag-", "al-", etc., in conformity with the following consonant (as in "affection", "aggression"). Also compare "ap-" (1).

In Old French, reduced to "a-" in all cases (an evolution already underway in Merovingian Latin), but written forms in French were refashioned after Latin in 14c. and English did likewise 15c. in words it had picked up from Old French. In many cases pronunciation followed the shift. Over-correction at the end of the Middle Ages in French and then English "restored" the "-d-" or a doubled consonant to some words that never had it ("accursed", "afford"). The process went further in England than in France, where the vernacular sometimes resisted the pedantic, resulting in English "adjourn", "advance", "address", "advertisement" (Modern French "ajourner", "avancer", "adresser", "avertissement"). In modern word-formation sometimes "ad-" and "ab-" are regarded as opposites, but this was not in classical Latin.


Words related to ad-

Erstellt: 2020-06


Latin Derivatives


lat. "abdomen" abdominal
lat. "aboleo" abolish, abolition, abolitionist
lat. "aceo" acetanilid(e), acetate, acetic, acetylene, acid, acidity
lat. "acer" acrid, acrimonious, acrimony, eager, eagerly, eagerness, vinegar
lat. "acuo" acumen, acute, acuteness, ague, cute
lat. "acus" eglantine
lat. "adipiscor" see "aptius"
lat. "administro" see "minister"
lat. "admiror" see "mirus"
lat. "adolesco" see "alo"
lat. "adulor" adulation
lat. "adulter" see "alter"
lat. "aedis" edification, edifice, edify
lat. "aemulus" emulate, emulation, emulous
lat. "aequus" adequate, adequately, equable, equal, equality, equalization, equalize, equalizer, equally, equanimity, equation, equator, equatorial, equinox, equipoise, equitable, equity, equivalent, equivocal, equivocate, equivocation, inadequacy, inadequate, inequality, iniquitous, iniquity, unequal, unequaled, unequivocal
lat. "aes" era
lat. "aestimo" aim, aimless, disesteem, esteem, estimable, estimate, estimation, inestimable, overestimate, underestimate
lat. "aestus" estuary
lat. "aetas" see "aevum"
lat. "aevum" age, aged, coeval, eternal, eternally, eternity, longevity, medieval, middle-age, old-age, primeval
lat. "ager" agrarian, agricultural, agriculture, agriculturist, peregrination, pilgrim, pilgrimage
lat. "agger" exaggerate, exaggeration
lat. "ago" act, acting (adj.), action, active, actively, activity, actress, actual, actuality, actually, actuate, agency, agent, agile, agility, agitate, agitation, agitator, ambiguity, ambiguous, assay, circumnavigate, coagulate, coagulation, cogency, cogent, cogitate, cogitation, counteract, enact, exacting (adj.), exaction, exactitude, exactly, exactness, examination, examine, examiner, exigency, exigent, inaction, inactive, inactivity, interation, navigable, navigate, navigation, navigator, prodigal, prodigality, react, reaction, reactionary, reagent, squat, squatter, transact, transation
lat. "aio" adage
lat. "ala" aqisle
lat. "alacer" alacrity
lat. "albus" albino, albumen, albumin, auburn, bedaub, daub, dauber
lat. "aliquis" hidalgo: see also "alius" and "quis"
lat. "alius" alien, alienate, alienation, inalienable; see also "alter"
lat. "alo" adolescene, adolescent, adult, aliment, alimentary, alimony, coalesce, coalescene, coalition; see also "altus" and "proles"
lat. "alter" adulterate, adulteration, adulterer, adulteress, adulterous, adultery, alter, alteration, altercation, alternate, alternately, alteration, altruistic, subaltern, unadulterated, unalterable, unalterably, unaltered; see also "alius"
lat. "altus" altar, altitude, alto, contralto, enhance, exalt, exaltation, haughtily, haughtiness, haughty, haut, hauteur, oboe; see also "alo"
lat. "alumen" alum, aluminum
lat. "amarus" maraschino
lat. "ambulo" amble, ambulance, perambulate, perambulator, preamble
lat. "amicitia" see "amo"
lat. "amicus" see "amo"
lat. "amita" aunt
lat. "amo" amateur, amatory, amiable, amiably, amicable, amity, amorous, amour, enamor, enemy, enmity, inimical, paramous
lat. "amoenus" amenity
lat. "ampius" ample, amplification, amplifier, amplify, amplitude, amply
lat. "amuletum" amulet
lat. "ango" anguish, anxiety, anxious, anxiously
lat. "anguius" angle, angular, angularity, quadrangle, quadrangular, rectangle, rectangular, triangle, triangular
lat. "anima" animla, animate, animated (adj.), animation, inanimate; see also "animus"
lat. "animus" animadversion, animadvert, animosity, equanimity, magnanimity, magnanimous, pusillanimity, pusillanimous, unanimity, unanimous, unanmiously; see also "anima"
lat. "annus" annal, annlist, anniversary, annual, annually, annuity, biennial, centennial, millennium, perennial, superannuate, riennial
lat. "ante" (adv.) advance, advanced (adj.), advancement, advantage, advantageous, ancient, anterior, antics, antiquarian, antiquary, antiquated, antique, antiquity, avaunt, disadvantage, disadvantageous, vamp ( of a shoe or boot), vanguard, vantage
lat. "antiquus" see "ante"
lat. "anus" anal
lat. "anxietas" see "ango"
lat. "anxius" see "ango"
lat. "aperio" aperture, overt, overture, pert
lat. "applio" ("appelare") appeal, appealing, appellant, appelate, appellation
lat. "aptius" adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adept, apt, aptitude, aptly, aptness, attitude, couple, couplet, coupling, inept, lariat, uncouple
lat. "aqua" aquarium, aquatic, aqueduct, aqueous, ewer, sewage, sewer, sewerage
lat. "aquila" aquiline, eagle, eaglet
lat. "arbiter" arbitrament, arbitrarily, arbitrary, arbitrate, arbitration, abitrator, arbitress
lat. "arca" ark; see also "arceo"
lat. "arceo" corce, coercion, cercive, exercise
lat. "arcus" arc, arcade, arch, arched, archer, archery, archway, overarch
lat. "ardeo" ardent, ardently, arson
lat. "arduus" arduous
lat. "areo" arid
lat. "argentum" argent
lat. "arguo" argue, argument, argumentative
lat. "arma" (pl.) alarm, alarum, arm (verb), armada, armadillo, armament, armature, armistice, armor, armored, armorer, armorial, armory, army, disarm, disarmament, firearm, gendarme, unarm, unarmed (adj.)
lat. "aro" arable
lat. "ars" art, artful, artfully, artifice, artificer, artificial, artifica\ially, artillery, artisan, artist, artiste, artistic, artistically, artistry, artless, insert, insertia
lat. "artus" article, articulate, articulation, inarticulate
lat. "as" ace
lat. "asinus" asinine, ass, easel, jackass
lat. "asper" asperity, exasperate, exasperation
lat. "astus" astute, astuteness
lat. "atrox" atrocious, atrocity
lat. "auctor" see "augeo"
lat. "auctoritas" see "augeo"
lat. "audeo" audacious, audacity
lat. "audio" audible, audibly, audience, audit, auditory, disobedience, disobedient, disobey, inaudible, obeidience, obedient, obediently, obeisance, obey
lat. "augeo" auction, auctioneer, augment, augmentation, august, author, authoritative, authority, authorization, authorize, authorship, auxiliary, unauthorized
lat. "augur" augury, inaugural, inaugurate, inauguration
lat. "auris" auricle, auricular
lat. "aurum" aureole, oriole
lat. "ausculto" scout, scoutmaster
lat. "autumnus" autumn, autumnal
lat. "auxilium" see "augeo"
lat. "aveo" avarice, avaricious, avid, avidity
lat. "avis" auspice, auspicious, aviary, aviation, aviator, inauspicious
lat. "avus" uncle
lat. "axis" axial, axile
lat. "B:
lat. "baca" bayberry
lat. "baculum" bacillus
lat. "badius" baize
lat. "bajulus" bail, bailiff
lat. "balteus" belt, belting
lat. "barba" barb, barbed, barber
lat. "battuo" abate, abatement, bate, battalion, batter, battering-ram, battery, battle, battle-as, battlefield, battleground, battleship, combat, combatant, combative, debatable, debate, debater, embattle, rebate, unabated
lat. "beatus" see "beo"
lat. "bellus" see "bonus"
lat. "bellum" belligerent, duel, duelist, rebel, rebellion, rebellious, revel, reveler, reverlry
lat. "bene" see "bonus"
lat. "beo" beatific, beatitude
lat. "bestia" beast, beastly, bestial
lat. "beta" beet
lat. "bibo" beverage, bib, imbibe
lat. "bilis" bile, bilious
lat. "bis" balance, bicarbonate, bicepts, bichloride, bichromate, bicycle, biennial, bigamy, bilateral, billion, bimetallic, bimetallism, binocular, binomial, biscuit, bisect, bivalve, combination, combine, counterbalance, overbalance, unbalance, well-balanced
lat. "bitumen" bituminous
lat. "biandus" bland, blandishment, blandly
lat. "bonus" ("bel-", "ben-") beau, beauteous, beautifier, beautiful, beautifully, beautify, beauty, beaux, beldam, belladonna, belle, benedict, benediction, benefaction, benefactor, benefactress, benefice, beneficence, beneficent, beneficial, beneficiary, benefit, benevolence, benevolent, bengn, benignant, benignity, benison, bonanza, bonbon, bonny(ie), boon, bounteous, bountiful, bounty, debonair, embellish, embellishment
lat. "bos" beef, beffsteak, bugle
lat. "botulus" bowel(s)
lat. "braca" bracket
lat. "bractea" bract
lat. "brevis" abbreviate, abbriviation, abridge, abridgement, breviary, brevity, brief, briefly
lat. "brutus" buckle, buckler, unbuckle
lat. "bulla" bill, billboard, billet, billet-doux, boil, boiler, bouillon, budge, bullet, bulletin, bullion, ebullition, handbill, hard-boiled
lat. "buteo" buzzard
lat. "C:
lat. "caballus" cavalcade, cavalier, cavalry, cavalryman, chevalier, chivalrous, chivalry
lat. "cadaver" cadaverous
lat. "cado" accident, accidental, accidentally, cadence, cascade, case (event), casual, casualty, casuist, chance, cheat, cheater, chute, coincide, coincidence, coincident, decadence, decay, decicuous, incidence, incident, incidental, incidentally, mischance, occasion, occasional, cooasionally, occident, occidental, parachute, perchance
lat. "caedo" cement, chisel, circumcise, circumcision, concise, decide, decided (adj.), decidedly, decision, decisive, decisively, homicide, incision, incisive, incisor, indecision, indecisive, parricde, precise, precisely, precision, regicide, scissors, suicide, uncircumcised, undecided
lat. "caelebs" celibacy
lat. "caelum" ceiling, celestial, cerulean
lat. "caerimonia" ceremonial, ceremonious, ceremony
lat. "Caesar" czar, tsar
lat. "calamitas" calamitous, calamity
lat. "caleo" caldron, caloric, calorie, calorimeter, cauldron, chafe, chauffeur, chowder, coddle, nonchalance, nonchalant, nonchalantly, scald
lat. "calix" chalice
lat. "callum" callous
lat. "calo" calendar, concillate, conciliation, conciliartory, council, councilor, irrecoucilable, nomenclature, reconcile, reconcilement, reconciliation
lat. "calumnia" see "calvor"
lat. "calvor" calumniate, calumnious, calumny, challenge, challenger
lat. "calvus" callow
lat. "calx" ("heel") calk, cockatrice, inculcate, recalcitrant
lat. "calx" ("small stone") calcareous, calcimine, calcine, calcite, calcium, calculate, calculation, calculator, calk, chalk, chalky, incalculable, incalculbly, miscalculate
lat. "cambio" cambium, change, changeable, changeful, changeless, changeling, interchange, interchangeable, unchangeable, unchanged
lat. "campus" aide-de-camp, camp, campaign, campaigner, camper, champaign, champion, championship, decamp, encamp, encampment, scamp
lat. "cancelli" cancel, cancellation, chancel, chancellor, chancellorhsip, chancery
lat. "cancer" canker, cankerworm
lat. "candeo" candelabrum, candid, candidacy, candidate, candidly, candle, candlelight, candlestick, chandelier, incandescent
lat. "canis" canary, canine, kennel
lat. "cano" accent, accentuate, cantata, canticle, canto, chanson, chant, chanticleer, chantry, charm, charmer, charmeuse, charming (adj.), charmingly, chaunt, descant, desenchant, enchant, enchanter, enchanting (adj.), enchantment, enchantress, incantation, incentive, recant, recantation
lat. "caper" cab, cabman, caper, taxicab
lat. "capillus" capillarity, capillary, dishevelled
lat. "capio" accept, acceptable, acceptance, acceptation, anticipate, anticipation, cable, caitiff, capability, capable, capacious, capacity, capstan, caption, captious, captivate, captive, captivity, captor, capture, catch, catcher, cate, cater, chase, conceit, conceited, conceivable, conceivably, conceive, concept, conception, deceit, deceitful, deceive, deceiver, deception, deceptive, emancipate, emancipation, except, exception, exceptionable, exceptional, imperceptible, imperceptibly, incapable, incapacitate, incapacity, inception, incipient, inconceivable, inconceivably, intercept, irrecoverable, ketch, misconceive, misconception, municipal, municipality, occupancy, occupant, occupation, occupier, occupy, participant, participate, participation, participle, perceive, perceptible, perceptibly, perception, precept, preceptor, preconceive, preoccupation, preoccupied, prince, princely, princess, principal, principality, principally, principle, purchase, purchaser, recapture, receipt, receive, receiver, receivership, receptacle, reception, receptive, recipe, recipient, recover, recovery, recuperate, recuperation, susceptibility, susceptible, undeceive, unexceptionalb,e unoccupied, unperceive, unprincipled
lat. "capo" capon
lat. "capsa" bookcase, caisson, capsule, case (a box), casement, cash, cashier, casing, casket, chassis, encase, enchase, staircase, suitcase
lat. "caput" achieve, achievement, becepts, cabbage, cad, cadet, capital, capitalism, capitalist, capitalistic, capitalization, capitalize, capitation, capitol, capitulate, capitulation, captain, cattle, cattleman, chapter, chattel, chef, chief, chiefly, chieftain, commander-in-chief, handkerchief, kerchief, mischief, mischievous, mischievously, precipice, precipitate, precipitately, precipitation, precipitous, recapitulate, recapitulation, sea-captain
lat. "carbo" bicarbonate, carbohydrate, carbonic, carboniferous, carbuncle, carburetor
lat. "cardo" cardinal
lat. "carduus" chard
lat. "carina" careen
lat. "carmen" see "cano"
lat. "caro" carnage, carnal, carnation, carnival, carnivorous, carrion, charnel, incarnate, incarnation
lat. "carpentum" carpenter
lat. "carpo" carpet, excerpt, scarce, scarcely, scarcity
lat. "carrus" car, career, cargo, caricature, carload, carman, carriage, carrier, carry, charge, chageable, charger chariot, charioteer, discharge, miscarriage, miscarry, motocar, overcharge, streetcar, supercargo, surcharge
lat. "cartilago" cartilage
lat. "carus" caress, charitable, charity, cherish, uncharitable
lat. "casa" casino
lat. "caseus" casein, cheese, cheesecloth
lat. "castigo" see "castus"
lat. "castrum" ("castra") castellated, castle, chateau, chatelaine, forecastle
lat. "castus" caste, castigate, castigation, chaste, chasten, chastise, chastisement, chastity, incest, incestuous, unchaste
lat. "catena" chain, concatenation, enchain, unchain
lat. "catinus" kettle, kettledrum, teakettle
lat. "cauda" caudal, coward, cowardice, cowardly
lat. "caudex" code, codex
lat. "caulis" cauliflower, cole, kale
lat. "causa" accusation, accusative, accuse, accuser, because, cause, causeless, excuse, inexcusable, kickshaw
lat. "cavea" cave, decoy, gaol, gaoler, jail, jailer(or)
lat. "caveo" caution, cautious, cautiously, incautious, precaution, precautionary
lat. "cavilla" cavil
lat. "cavus" cave, cavern, cavernous, cavity, concave, concavity, excavate, excavation, excavator
lat. "cedo" abscess, abscessed, accede, access, accessible, accession, accessory, ancestor, ancestral, ancestry, antecedent, cease, ceaseless, ceaselessly, cede, cessation, cession, concede, concession, deceased, exceed, exceeding, exceedingly, excess, excessive, excessively, inaccessibly, incessant, incessantly, intercede, intercession, intercessor, necessarily, necessary, necessitate, necessity, precede, precedence, precedency, precedent, preceding (adj.), predecessor, procedure, proceed, proceeding (n.), proceeds, process, procession, processional, processionary, recede, recess, recession, recessive, seced, secession, succeed, success, successful, succesfully, succession, successive, successively, successor, unceasing, unceasingly, unnecessarily, unnecessary, unprecedented, unsuccessful, unsuccessfully
lat. "celeber" celebrate, celebrated (adj.), celebration, celebrity
lat. "celer" accelerate, acceleration, accelerator, celerity
lat. "celia" see "celo"
lat. "celo" cell, cellar, cellular, celluloid, cellulose, conceal, concealment, occult
lat. "censeo" censoriou, censorhsip, censure, excise (a tax)
lat. "centum" cent, centennial, centigrate, centigram, centime, centimeter, centipede, centurion, century, percent, percentage
lat. "cera" cerement
lat. "cerebrum" cerebral
lat. "Ceres" cereal
lat. "cerno" ascertain, certain, certainly, certainty, certes, certificate, certify, concern, concerned (adj.), concerning (prep.), concert, concerted, concerto, decree, discern, discernible, discerning (adj.), discernment, disconcert, discreet, discreetly, discretion, discretionary, discriminate, discrimination, discrimination, excrement, excrete, excretion, excretory, indiscreet, indiscretion, indiscriminate, indiscriminately, recrimination, secrecy, secret, secretary, secrete, secretion, secretly, uncertain, uncertainly, uncertainty, unconcern, unconcerned; see also "crimen"
lat. "cesso" see "cedo"
lat. "cieo" citation, cite, excitable, excite, excitedly, excitement, exciting (adj.), incite, incitement, recital, recitation, recitative, recite, resuscitate, solicit, solicitation, solicitor, solicitous, solicitously, solicitude
lat. "cillium" supercilious
lat. "cimex" chinch
lat. "cingo" cinch, cinture, succinet, succinetly, surcingle
lat. "circus" circle, circlet, circular, circulate, circulation, circulatory, cirque, encircle, research, search, searcher, searchingly, searchlight, semicircle, semicircular, unsearchable
lat. "cerno" ascertain, certain, certainly, certainty, certes, certificate, certify, concern, concerned (adj.), concerning (prep.), concert, concerted, concerto, decree, discern, discernible, discerning (adj.), discernment, disconcert, discreet, discreetly, discretion, discretionary, discriminate, discrimination, discrimination, excrement, excrete, excretion, excretory, indiscreet, indiscretion, indiscriminate, indiscriminately, recrimination, secrecy, secret, secretary, secrete, secretion, secretly, uncertain, uncertainly, uncertainty, unconcern, unconcerned; see also "crimen"
lat. "cesso" see "cedo"
lat. "cieo" citation, cite, excitable, excite, excitedly, excitement, exciting (adj.), incite, incitement, recital, recitation, recitative, recite, resuscitate, solicit, solicitation, solicitor, solicitous, solicitously, solicitude
lat. "cillium" supercilious
lat. "cimex" chinch
lat. "cingo" cinch, cinture, succinet, succinetly, surcingle
lat. "circus" circle, circlet, circular, circulate, circulation, circulatory, cirque, encircle, research, search, searcher, searchingly, searchlight, semicircle, semicircular, unsearchable
lat. "cito" see "cieo"
lat. "citrus" citron
lat. "civis" citadel, citizen, citizenship, city, civic, civil, civilian, civility, civilization, civilize, civilized (adj.), incivility, uncivil
lat. "civitas" see "civis"
lat. "clam" clandestine
lat. "clamo" acclaim, acclamation, claim, claimant, clamorous, declaim, declamation, exclamation, exclamatory, disclaim, proclaim, proclamation, reclaim, reclamation, unclaim
lat. "clango" clang
lat. "clarus" claret, clarify, clarinet, clarion, clarity, clear, clearance, clearing (n.), clearly, clearness, chanticleer, declaration, declare
lat. "classis" class, classic, classical, classification, classify, classmate, classroom,. middle-class
lat. "claudo" clause, cloister, close, closely, closeness, closet, close-up, closure, conlcude, conclusion, conclusive, conclusively, disclose, disclosure, enclose, enclosure, exclude, exclusion, exclusive, exclusively, foreclose, inclose, inclosure, include, inclusion, inclusive, preclude, recluse, seclude, secluded (adj.), seclusion, sluice, unclose
lat. "clemense" clemency, clement, inclemency, inclement
lat. "clavis" clef, conclave
lat. "cliense" client, clientele
lat. "clivus" declivity
lat. "codex" see "caudex"
lat. "cogo" see "ago"
lat. "cohors" cohort, cortege, court, courteous, courteously, courtesy, courtesan(zan), courthouse, courtier, courtly, cour-martial, court-room, courtship, courtyard, cursey(sy), discourteous, discourtesy, uncourteous
lat. "collum" accolade, collar, decollete
lat. "colo" agricultural, agriculture, agriculturist, colonial, colonist, colonization, colonize, colony, cult, cultivate, cultivated (adj.), cultivation, cultivator, cultural, culture, cultured, horticultural, horticulture, intercolonial, uncultivated
lat. "color" coloration, colorful, colorless, discolor, discoloration, rose-colored, tricolor, water-color
lat. "colubra" cobra
lat. "colum" colander, percolate, percolator, portcullis
lat. "columba" columbine
lat. "columen" ("colmen") culminate, culmination
lat. "columna" colonel, colonnade, column, columnist
lat. "comis" comity
lat. "communis" see "munus"
lat. "compello" see "pello"
lat. "compilo" compilation, compile, compiler
lat. "condio" condiment
lat. "condo" abscond, recondite, sconce
lat. "confuto" confutation, confute
lat. "congruo" congruent, incongruity, incongruous
lat. "coniveo" connivance, connive
lat. "consul" consular, consulate, consulship
lat. "consulo" consult, consultation, counsel, counselor
lat. "contra" contrariety, contrariwise, contrary, contrast, counter, country, countryman, countryside, countrywoman, cross-country, encounter
lat. "contumax" contumacious, contumacy
lat. "contumelia" contumely
lat. "convexus" convex
lat. "coquo" apricot, biscuit, concoet, concoction, cook, cookbook, cooker, cookery, cuisine, kitchen, kitchenette, precocious, precocity, terra-cotta (adj.), uncooked
lat. "cor" concord, conordance, cordial, condiality, cordiallu, core, courage, courageous, courageously, discord, discordant, discourage, discouragement, encourage, encouragement, record, recorder
lat. "corium" cuirass, cuirassier, scourge
lat. "cornu" cornea, corner, corner-stone, cornet, cornucopia, unicorn
lat. "corpus" corporal, corporate, corporation, corporeal, corps, corpse, corpulence, corpulent, corpusele, corsage, corse, corselet, corset, incorporate, incorporation
lat. "cortex" cortical
lat. "corvus" cormorant
lat. "costa" accost, coast, coastal, coaster, coastguard, cutlet, seacoast
lat. "coxa" cushion, pincushion
lat. "cras" procrastinate, procrastination
lat. "crassus" crass, cresset, grease, greasy
lat. "cratis" creel, greate, grating, grid, griddle, gridiron, grill
lat. "credo" accredit, credence, credentials, credibility, credible, credit, creditable, credulity, credulous, creed, discredit, grant, incredible, incredibly, incredulity, incredulous, incredulously, miscreant, recreant
lat. "creo" create, creation, creative, creature, precreation, re-create, recreation uncreated
lat. "crepo" crevice, decrepit, decrepitude, discrepancy
lat. "cresco" accrue, concrete, crescent, crew, decrease, excrescence, increase, increaseingly, increment, recruit
lat. "creta" crayon, cretaceous
lat. "crimen" crime, criminal, recrimination
lat. "crinis" crinoline
lat. "crispus" crape, crepe, crisp, crisply
lat. "crista" crease, crest, crestfallen
lat. "cruor" crude, cruel, cruelly, cruelty
lat. "crusta" crust, crustancean, crusty, custard, encrust
lat. "crux" across, crisscross, cross, crossbar, crossbow, crosscountry
lat. "cubo" concubine, covey, cubit, incubator, incubus, incumbent, recumbent, succumb
lat. "cucullus" cowl
lat. "cucumis" cucumber
lat. "cucurbita" gourd
lat. "culcita" counterpane, quilt, quilting
lat. "culina" culinary, kiln
lat. "culmen" see "columen"
lat. "culpa" culpable, culprit
lat. "culter" cutlass, cutler, cutlery
lat. "culus" recoil
lat. "cumulus" accumulate, accumulation, cumulative
lat. "cuneus" coin, coinage, cuneiform
lat. "cuniculus" coney, cony
lat. "cupa" buttercup, cup, cupbearer, cupboard, cupful, cupola, coop, cooper, teacup
lat. "cupio" cuncupiscence, covet, covetous, covetousness, cupidity
lat. "cura" accuracy, accurate, accurately, assurance, assure, assured (adj.), assuredly, curate, cure, curio, curiosity, curious, curiously, ensure, inaccuracy, inaccurate, incurable, insecure, insecurity, insurance, insure, manicure, procure, proctor, proxy, reassurance, reassure, scour, secure, securely, security, sinecure, sure, surely, surety, uncured
lat. "curro" concourse, concur, concurrence, concurrent, corridor, corsair, courier, course, courser, currency, current, cursory, discourse, discursive, excursion, excursive, hussar, incur, incursion, intercourse, occur, occurrence, precursor, recurse, recur, recurrence, recurrent, succor, undercurrent, watercourse
lat. "curius" curt, curtail, curtailment, curtly, kirtle
lat. "curvus" curb, curbing (n.), curvature, curve, curvet
lat. "cuspis" cusp
lat. "custos" custodian, custody
lat. "cutis" cuticle
lat. "D:
lat. "damnum" condemn, condemnation, damage, damn, damnable, damnation, indemnify, indemnity
lat. "debeo" debit, debt, debtor, devoir, due, duly, duteous, dutiable, dutiful, duty, endeavor, indebted, indebtedness, overdue, undue, unduly
lat. "debilis" debilitate, debility
lat. "decem" decimal, decimate, dicker, dime, dozen
lat. "decet" decency, decent, decently, decorate, decoration, decorative, decorator, decorous, indecent, indecorous
lat. "declino" declension, declination, decline; see also "inclino" and "reclino"
lat. "defendo" defend, defendant, defender, defense, defenseless, defensible, defensive, fence, fender, self-defense, undefended, unfenced; see also "offendo"
lat. "F:
lat. "foedus" s. fido
lat. "folium" foil (n.), foliage, folio, portfolio, tinfoil
lat. "follis" follicle, folly fool, foolery, foolhardy, foolish, foolishly, foolishness, foolscap
lat. "fons" font, fount, fountain, fountainhead
lat. "for" affability, affable, confabulate, defame, enfant, fable, fabulous, faery, fairy, fairyland, fame, famed, famous, fatal, fatality, fatally, fate, fated, fateful, fay, ill-fated, ineffable, infamous, infancy, infant, infantile, infantine, infantry, nefarious, preface, prefatory
lat. "foris" foreclose, foreign, foreigner, forest, forester, forestry, forfeit, forfeiture
lat. "forma" conform, conformable, conformation, conformity, couneiform, deform, deformed (adj.), deformity, form, formal, formalism, formality, formality, formation, formless, formula, formulary, formulate, formulation, inform, informal, informally, informant, information, informer, misinform, multiform, platform, re-form, reform, reformation, reformatory, reformer, transform, transformation, trasformer, uniform uniformity, uniformly, vermiform
lat. "formica" chloroform, formaldehyde
lat. "formido" formidable
lat. "fornax" furnace
lat. "fornix" fornication
lat. "foro" perforate, perforation
lat. "fors" fortuitous
lat. "fortis" fomfirt, comfortable, comfortably, comforter, comfortless, discomfort, effort, enfore, enforceable, enforcement, force, forceful, forcible, forcibly, fort, forte, fortification, fortify, fortitude, fortress, perforce, pianoforte, re-enforce, re-enforcement, reinforce, reinforcement, uncomfortable, uncomfortably, unforced
lat. "fortuna" fortunate, fortunately, fortune, misfortune, unfortunate, unfortunately
lat. "forum" forensic
lat. "foveo" foment
lat. "fragro" flair, fragrance, fragrant
lat. "frango" fraction, fractional, fracture, fragile, fragment, fragmentary, frail, frailty, fritter (a fragment), infraction, infringe, infringement, osprey, refract, refraction, refractive, refractory
lat. "frater" confraternity, fracternal, fraternity, fraternize, friar
lat. "fraus" defraud, fraud, fraudulent
lat. "frequens" frequency, frequent, frequently, infrequent, infrequently, unfrequent
lat. "frico" friction
lat. "frigo" fritter (in cookery), fry
lat. "frigus" frigid, refrigerate, refrigeration, refrigerator
lat. "frio" friable
lat. "frivolus" frivolity, frivolous
lat. "frons" ("frondis") frond
lat. "frons" ("frontis") affront, confront, effrontery, forefront, front, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontiersman, frontlet, waterfront
lat. "fruor" fruit, fruitage, fruitful, fruitfulness, fruition, fruitless, grapefruit, unfruitful; s. also frux
lat. "frustra" frustrate, frustration
lat. "frux" frugal, frugality; s. also fruor
lat. "fugio" centrifugal, fugitive, fugue, refuge, refugee, subterfuge
lat. "fulgeo" effulgence, fulminate, refulgent
lat. "fullo" foil (verb)
lat. "fumus" fume, fumigate, perfume, perfumery
lat. "fundo" confound, confuse, confusedly, confusion, diffuse, diffusion, dumbfound, effuse, effusion, effusive, found (melt), foundry, funnel, fuse, fusion, futile, futility, infuse, infusion, interfuse, profuse, profusely, profusion, refund, refusal, refuse, suffuse, suffusion, transfuse, transfusion
lat. "fundus" found (originate), foundation, founder, fund, fundamental, fundamentally, ill-founded, profound, profoundly, profundity, unfounded
lat. "fungor" defunct, function, functional, functionary, perfunctorily, perfunctory
lat. "fungus" fungous
lat. "funus" funeralfunereal
lat. "fur" ferret, furtive, furtively
lat. "furca" fork, pitchfork
lat. "furo" furious, furiously, fury, infuriate
lat. "fusus" fuse (n.)
lat. "futurus" future
lat. "G:
lat. "galbinus" jaundice
lat. "garrio" garrulous
lat. "gaudeo" enjoy, enjoyable, enjoyable, gaud, gaudy, joy, joyance, joyful, joyfully, joyless, joyous, joyously, joyousness, overjoyed, rejoice, rejoicing (n.)
lat. "gelu" congeal, gelatin, gelatinous, jelly, jellyfish
lat. "gemma" gem
lat. "gentiana" gentian
lat. "Genua" jean
lat. "genus" benign, benignant, benignity, congenial, congenital, degeneracy, degenerate, degeneration, engender, engine, engineer, engineering, (n.), enginery, gendarme, gender, general, generality, generalization, generalize, generally, generate, generation, generative, generator, generic, generosity, generous, genial, genially, genie, genitive, genre, gent, genteel, gentile, gentility, genie, genitive, genre, gent, genteel, gentile, gentillity, gentle, gentlefolk, gentleman, gentleness, gentlewoman, gently, gentry, geniune, genuinely, genuineness, germ, germinate, germination, gin (a machine), indigenous, ingenious, ingeniously, ingenuity, ingenuous, jaunty, malign, malignant, malignity, primogeniture, progenitor, progeny, regenerate, regeneration, regenerative, ungenerous, ungentle, unregenerate
lat. "gero" belligerent, congested, congestion, digest, digestible, digestion, digestive, gerund, gesticulate, gesticulation, gesture, indigestible, indigestion, jest, jester, register, registrar, registration, registry, suggest, suggestion, suggestive, vicegerent
lat. "gigeria" gizzard
lat. "gigno" s.genus
lat. "glacies" glacial, glacier
lat. "gladius" gladiolus
lat. "glans" gland, glandular
lat. "glaeba" glebe
lat. "globus" globe, globular, globule, hemoglobin
lat. "glomus" conglomerate
lat. "gloria" glorification, glorify, glorious, gloriously, glory, inglorious, vainglorious, vainglory
lat. "gluten" glutinous
lat. "gluttio" glut, glutton, gluttonous, gluttony
lat. "gnarus" ignorance, ignorant, ignorantly, ignore, narrate, narration, narrative, narrator; s. also nosco
lat. "graculus" grackle
lat. "gradus" aggression, aggressive, aggressiveness, aggressor, centigrade, congress, congressional, congressman, degradation, degrade, degree, digress, digression, egress, grad, gradation, grade, gradual, gradually, graduate, graduation, ingredient, ingress, progress, progression, progressive, progressively, regress, retrograde, transgress, transgression, transgressor, undergraduate
lat. "grandis" aggrandize, gramercy, grand, grandam, grandchild, granddaughter, grandee, grandeur, grandfather, grandiose, grandly, grandma, grandmamma, grandmother, grandnephew, grandpa, grandpapa, grandparent, grandsire, grandson, grannie, granny, great-grandfather, great-grandmother
lat. "granum" filigree, garner, garnet, grain, grained, granary, grange, granger, granite, granulate, granulated
lat. "gratus" agree, agreeable, agreeably, agreement, congratulate, congratulation, disagree, disagreeable, disagreement, disgrace, disgraceful, grace, graceful, gracefully, gracefulness, graceless, gracious, graciously, grateful, gratefully, gratification, gratify, gratitude, gratituitous, gratuity, gratulate, gratulation, ingrate, ingratiate, ingratitude, maugre, ungracious, ungrateful
lat. "gravis" aggravate, aggravation, aggrieve, grave
lat. "grex" aggregate, aggregation, congregate, congregation, congregational, egregious, gregarious, segregate, segregation
lat. "grus" pedigree
lat. "gula" gullet, gully
lat. "gurges" disgorge, gorge,
lat. "gustus" disgust, gusto, ragout
lat. "gutta" gout, gouty, gutter
lat. "H:
lat. "habeo" ability, able, able-bodied, ably, avoirdupois, disability, disable, enable, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitor, habit, habitable, habitation, habitual, habitually, habituate, inability, inhabit, inhabitant, inhibit, inhibition, malady, prebendary, prohibit, prohibition, prohibitionist, prohibitive, provender, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, unable, uninhabited
lat. "haereo" adhere, adherence, adherent, adhesion, adhesive, cohere, coherence, cohesion, hesitancy, hesitate, hesitatingly, hesitation, incoherent, inherent, unhesitating, unhesitatingly
lat. "halo" exhalation, exhale, inhalation, inhale
lat. "haurio" exhaust, exhaustion, exhaustive, inexhaustible
lat. "herba" arbor, herb, herbage
lat. "heres" disinherit, heir, heiress, heirloom, hereditary, heredity, heritage, inherit, inheritance, inheritor
lat. "hiems" hibernate, hibernation
lat. "hirpex" hearse, rehearsal, rehearse
lat. "Hispania" spaniel
lat. "histrio" histrionic
lat. "homo" homage, homicide, human, humane, humanely, humanist, humanitarian, humanity, humanize, humankind, humanly, inhuman, inhumanity, superhuman
lat. "honor" ("honos") dishonest, dishonesty, dishonor, dishonorable, honest, honestly, honesty, honorable, honorably, honorary, unhonored
lat. "horreo" abhor, abhorrence, abhorrent, horrible, horribly, horrid, horrify, ordure
lat. "hortor" exhort, exhortation
lat. "hortus" horticultural, horticulture
lat. "hospes" hospice, hospitable, hospitably, hospital, hospitality, host (one who entertains another), hostage, hostel, hostelry, hostess, hostler, hotel, inhospitable, ostler
lat. "hostis" host (a throng), hostile, hostility
lat. "humeo" humid, humidity, humorist, humorous, humorously
lat. "humus" humble, humbleness, humbly, humiliate, humiliation, humility
lat. "I:
lat. "Idus" ides
lat. "ignis" igneous, ignite, ignition
lat. "illa" jade
lat. "imago" image, imagery, imaginable, imaginary, imagination, imaginative, imagine, unimaginable
lat. "imbecillus" imbecile, imbecility
lat. "imbuo" imbue
lat. "imitor" imitate, imitation, imitative, imitator, inimitable
lat. "inanis" inane, inanition
lat. "incendo" censer, frankincense, incendiary, incense
lat. "inclino" disinclination, disinclined, inclination, incline; s . also declino and reclino
lat. "Idus" ides
lat. "ignis" igneous, ignite, ignition
lat. "ilia" jade
lat. "imago" image, imagery, imaginable, imaginary, imagination, imaginative, imagine, unimaginable
lat. "imbecillus" imbecile, imbecility
lat. "imbuo" imbue
lat. "imitor" imitate, imitation, imitative, imitator, inimitable
lat. "J:
lat. "Janus" janitor
lat. "jejunus" dine, diner, dinner, jejune
lat. "jocus" jeopardise, jeopardy, jewel, jeweller, jewellery, jocose, jocular, jocularity, joke, joker, juggle, juggler
lat. "juncus" jonquil, junket
lat. "jungo" adjoin, adjunct, conjoin, conjoint, conjugal, conjugate, conjugation, conjunction, conjunctive, disjoin, disjoint, disjointed
lat. "juniperus" gin (a liquor), juniper
lat. "Juppiter" ("Jovis") jovial, jovially
lat. "jus" ("right") abjure, adjuration, adjure, adjust, adjustable, adjuster, adjustment, conjuration, conjure, conjurer, conjuror, injure, injurious, injury, injustice, jurisdiction, jurisprudence, jurist, juror, jury, juryman, just, justice, justifiable, justification, justify, justly, maladjustment, perjure, perjury, readjust, readjustment, uninjured, unjust, unjustly
lat. "jus" ("broth") juice, juicy
lat. "juvenis" juvenile, rejuvenate, rejuvenator
lat. "juvo" adjutant, aid, aide, aide-de-camp, coadjutor, jocund, unaided
lat. "juxta" s. jungo
lat. "L:
lat. "labium" labial
lat. "labor" (n.) belabor, collaborate, collaboration, collaborator, elaborate, elaborately, elaboration, laboratory, laborer, laborious, laboriously
lat. "labor" (verb) avalanche, collapse, elapse, lapse, relapse
lat. "lac" lacteal., lactic, lettuce
lat. "lacer" lacerate
lat. "lacertus" alligator, lizard
lat. "lacrima" lachrymal
lat. "lacus" lagoon, lake
lat. "laedo" collide, collision
lat. "lambo" lambent
lat. "lamentum" lament, lamentable, lamentably, lamentation, unlamented
lat. "lamina" omelet
lat. "lancea" lance, lancet, launch
lat. "langueo" languid, languidly, languish, languishing
lat. "laxus" disrelish, lax, laxative, laxity, lease, leash, lessee, relax, relaxation, release, relish
lat. "lectus" coverlet, litter
lat. "lego" ("legare") s. lex
lat. "lego" ("legere") coil, collect, collection, collective, collectively, collector, cull, diligence, diligent, diligently, elect, election, electoral, electorate, eligibility, eligible, intellect, intellectual, intellectually, intelligence, intelligent, intelligently, intelligentsia, intelligible, lecture, lecturer, legend, legendary, legible, legion, legionary, lesson, neglect, negligee, negligence, negligent, negligently, negligible, predilection, recollect, recollection, re-elect, re-election, sacrilege, sacrilegious, select selection, select, selective, selectman, unintelligible
lat. "legumen" legume, leguminous
lat. "lenis" leniency, lenient, lenity
lat. "lens" lentil
lat. "lentus" relent, relentless, unrelenting
lat. "levis" alleviate, carnival, elevate, elevated (adj.), elevation, elevator, leverage, levity, levy, relevancy, relevant relief, relieve, unleavened
lat. "lex" allegation, colleague, college, collegiate, delegate, illegal, illegitimate, leal, legacy, legal, legality, legalize, legally, legate, legation, legislate, legislation, legislative, legislator, legislator, legislature, legitimacy, legitimate, loyal, loyalist, loyally, loyalty, privilege, privileged, relegate
lat. "liber" deliver, deliverance, deliverer, delivery, illiberal, liberal, liberalism, liberality, liberate, liberation, liberty, livery
lat. "libe" libation
lat. "libra" deliberate, deliberately, deliberation, equilibrium, level, leveler, levelly, lira
lat. "licet" illicit, leisure, license, licentiate, licentious, licentiousness
lat. "licium" trellis
lat. "lignun" lignite
lat. "ligo" alliance, allied (adj.), alloy, ally, league, liability, liable, liaison, lien, ligament, ligament, ligature, obligate, obligation, obligation, oblige, obliging (adj.), rally, reliability, self-reliance, self-reliant, unalloyed, unreliable
lat. "limbus" limbo
lat. "limen" elimination, elimination, preliminary
lat. "limes" illimitable, limit, limitation, limited (adj.), limitless, lintel, unlimited
lat. "lilmpidus" limpid
lat. "lingua" language, linguistic
lat. "lino" liniment
lat. "linquo" delinquency, delinquent, derelict, dereliction, relic, relinquish, relique
lat. "linum" align, alignment, crinoline, delineation, headline, line, lineage, lineal, lineament, linear, lineman, linen, lingerie, lining (n.), linnet, linseed, lint, outline, shoreline, underlines, waistline
lat. "liqueo" deliquescent, liquefaction, liquefy, liquid, liquidate, liquidation, liquor, prolix, prolixity
lat. "lira" delirious, delirium
lat. "lis" litigant, litigation, litigious
lat. "littera" alliteration, illiteracy, illiterate, letter, lettered, letterhead, lettering, literacy, literal, literally, literary, literature, obliterate, unlettered
lat. "liveo" livid
lat. "locus" collocation, couch, couchant, dislocate, lieu, lieutenant, local, locality, localize, locally, locate, location, locomotion, locomotive
lat. "locusta" lobster, locust
lat. "longus" elongate, elongation, longevity, longitude, longitudinal, lunge, oblong, prolong, prolongation, purloin
lat. "loquor" circumlocution, colloquial, colloquy, elocution, eloquence, eloquent, eloquently, loquacious, obloquy, soliloquy, ventriloquist
lat. "lubricus" lubricant, lubricate, lubrication, lubricator
lat. "luceo" elucidate, elucidation, lucent, lucid, lucidity, lucubration, pellucid, translucent
lat. "lucrum" lucrative, lucre
lat. "luctor" reluctance, reluctant, reluctantly
lat. "ludus" allude, allusion, collusion, delude, delusion, delusive, disillusion, disillusionment, elude, elusive, illusion, illusive, illusory, interlude, ludicrous, prelude
lat. "lugeo" lugubrious
lat. "lumbus" loin, lumbar, sirloin
lat. "lumen" illume, illuminate, illumination, illumine, limn, liminary, luminous
lat. "luna" interlunar, lunacy, lunar, lunatic
lat. "luror" lurid
lat. "lustro" illustrate, illustration, illustrative, illustrator, illustrious, lackluster, luster, lustrous
lat. "luxus" luxuriance, luxuriant, luxurious, luxuriously, luxury
lat. "lympha" lymph, lymphatic
lat. "M:
lat. "macer" emaciate, emaciation, meager
lat. "macula" immaculate
lat. "magis" maestro, magisterial, magistracy, magistrate, magnanimity, magnanimous, magnate, magnific, magnifical, magnificence, magnificent, magnificently, magnifier, magnifier, magnify, magnitude, majestic, majestical, majestically, majesty, major-domo, majority, master, masterful, masterly, masterpiece, mastership, mastery, maxim, mayor, mayoralty, miss (n.), Mister, mistress, postmaster, quartermaster, schoolmaster, scoutmaster, taskmaster
lat. "malleus" mall, malleable, mallet, maul
lat. "malus" dismal, dismally, maladjustment, malady, malapert, malaria, malarial, malcontent, malediction, malefactor, malevolence, malevolent, malice, malicious, maliciously, malign, malignant, malignity, malnutrition, maltreat, maugre
lat. "malva" mallow, marshmallow, mauve
lat. "mando" ("mandere") command, commandant, commandeer, commander, commandment, commend, commendable, commendation, commodore, countermand, demand, mandate, mandatory, recommend, recommendation, remand
lat. "mando" ("mandere") mandible, manager
lat. "maneo" manor, manorial, manse, mansion, menagerie, menial, permanence, permanent, permanently, remain, remainder, remnant
lat. "mango" monger, scandalmonger
lat. "mano" emanate, emanation
lat. "mantellum" dismantle, mantel, mantelpiece, mantle, portmanteau,
lat. "manus" amanuensis, emancipate, emancipation, maintain, maintenance, manacle, manage, manageable, management, manager, managerial, maneuver, manicure, manifest, manifestation, manifesto, manifestly, manipulate, manipulation, manipulator, manner, mannerism, maneuver, manual, manufactory, manufacture, manufacturer
lat. "mappa" apron, map napkin
lat. "mare" cormorant,marinate, marine, mariner, maritime, rosemary,submarine
lat. "marga" marl
lat. "margo" marge, margent,margin, marginal
lat. "maritus" intermarrage,intermarry,marital, marriage, marriageable,married(adj,), marry, remarriage, remarry, unmarried
lat. "Mars" court-martial, martial
lat. "mas" emasculate, male, masculine
lat. "mater" maternal, maternity, matrimonial, matrimony, matrix, matron
lat. "materia" immaterial, material,materialism, materialistic,materialize,materialistic, matter, matter-of-fact
lat. "maturus" demure, demurely, immature,mature, maturity,premature, prematurely
lat. "Matuta" matinee, matins
lat. "me" ma'am, madam, madame, mademoiselle, madonna, messieurs, monsieur
lat. "mdeor" immedicable, irremediable, medical, medicinal, medicine, remedial, remedy
lat. "Mediolanum" milliner, millinery
lat. "meditor" meditate, meditation, meditative, premeditate, premeditation, unpremeditated
lat. "medius" demigod, immediate, immediately, imtermediary, imtermediate, mean(middle), meantime, meanwhile medial median, mediate, mediation mediator, medieval, mediocre, mediocrity
lat. "medulla" medullary
lat. "mel" mellifluous, molasses
lat. "melior" ameliorate, amelioration
lat. "membrum" dismember, member, membership, membrane, membranous
lat. "memini" comment, commentary,commentator, reminiscence,reminiscent
lat. "memor" commemorate, commemortaion, immemorial, memoir, memorable, memorial, memorize, memory, remember, remembrance, remembrancer, unremembered
lat. "medicus" medicant
lat. "memdum" amend, amendment, amends, emendation mend, mender
lat. "mens" demented, mental, mentality
lat. "mensa" mesa
lat. "mensis" semester
lat. "mentio" mention
lat. "meo" permeable, permeate
lat. "merces" gramercy, mercenary, merciful mercifully, merciless, mercilessly, mercy, unmerciful
lat. "Mercurius" mercurial, mercury
lat. "mereo" demerit, meretricious, merit, mertorious
lat. "mergo" emerge, emergence, emergency, immerse, immersion, merge, merger, submerge
lat. "meridies" s.medius
lat. "merual" merle
lat. "merus" mere, merely
lat. "merx" commerce, commercial, commercially, market, marketable, mart, mercantile, mercer, merchandise, merchant, merchantman
lat. "metior" sommensurate, dimension, immeasurable, immeasurable, immeasurably, immense, immensely, immensity, measurable,measure, measureless, measurement, mensuration, unmeasured
lat. "metus" meticulous
lat. "megro" emigrant, emigrate, emigration, immigrant, immigration, migrant, migrate, migration migratory, tansmigration
lat. "miles" militant, militarism, militarist,military militate
lat. "milium" millet
lat. "mille" mil, mile, mileage, milestone, millennium milligram, millimeter, million, millionaire
lat. "minae" amenabler, demeanor, eminence, eminent,m eminently, imminence, imminent, menace, misdemeanor,pre-eminice, pre-eminent, pre-eminently,-premenade, prominence, prominent, prominently, promontory, supereminent
lat. "minister" s.minor
lat. "minium" miniature
lat. "minor" administer, administration, administrative, minimize, misisterial, misistrant, ministration, ministry, minority, minstrel, minstrelsy
lat. "minuo" diminish, diminution, diminuitive, menu, mince, mincemeat, minuend, minuet, minute, minutely, minutemess, undiminished
lat. "mirus" admirable, admirably, admiration, admire, admirer, admiringly, marvel, mervelous, marvelously, miriable, miraculous, miraculously, mirage, mirror
lat. "miscro" admixture, imtermeddle, imtermix, imtermixture, meddle, meddlesome, medley, melee, miscellanrous, miscellany, mix, mixer,m mixture, pell-mell, promisuious, unmixed
lat. "miser" commisertaion, miserable, miserably, misery
lat. "mitis" mitigate,mitigation
lat. "mitto" admission, amdit, admittance, admittedly, commissar, commissariat, commissary, commission, commissioner, commit, commitment, committee, compromise, demise, dismiss, dismissal, mismission, emissary, emission, emit, inadmissable, intermission, intermit, intermittent, imtermittently, manumission, mess, message, messemger, messmate, missal, missily, mission, missionary, missive, muss, noncommittal, omission, imit, permissible, permission, permissive, permit, premise, promist, promissory, remiss, remission, remissmess, remit, remittance, submission, submissive, sibmit, surmise, transmission, transmit, transmitter, uncompromising, unremitting
lat. "midus" accommodate, accommodation(adj.), accommodation, commode, commodious, commodity, immoderate, immodest, mode, model, moderate, moderately, moderation, moderator,modern, modernist, modernistic, modernize, modest, moestly, modesty, modification, modify, modish, modulate, modulation, mold(unmold), molder,(moulder),remodel
lat. "moenia" ammunition, munition
lat. "mola" s.molo
lat. "moles" demolish, demolition, molecule, molest, molestation, unmolested
lat. "mollis" moil,mollify, mollusc, mollusk, mullein
lat. "molo" emolument, gristmill, immolation, mill, miller, millstone, molar, sawmill, windmill
lat. "monei" admonsih, admonitionn, demonstrable, demonstrate, demonstration, demonstrative, monition, monitor, monster, monstrosity, monstroys, monument, monumental, muster, premonition, remonstrance, remonstrate, summon, summons
lat. "Moneta" mint, monetary, money
lat. "mons" amount, dismount, imsurmountable, mount, mountain, mountaineer, mountainous, mounteback, paramount, remount, surmount, tantamount
lat. "mora" demur
lat. "morbus" morbid
lat. "mordeo" morsel,remorse,remorseful, remorseless
lat. "morior" s.mors
lat. "mors" immortal, immortality, immortalize, mortal mortality,
lat. "mortarium" mortar
lat. "morus" mulberry
lat. "mos" demoralization, demoralize, immoral, immorality, moral, morale, moralist, morality, moralize, morally, morose
lat. "moveo" automobile, automotive, commotion, electromotive, emotion, emotional, emotionally, immobility, immovable, locomotion, locomotive, mob, mobile, mobility, mobilization, mobilize, moment, momentarily, momentary, momentous, motif, motile, motion, motionless, motive, motiveless, motor, motorboat, motorcar, motorcycle, motorist, motorman, movable, move, movement, mover, movie, mutineer, mutinous, mutiny, promote, promoter, promotion, remote, remotely, removable, removal, remove, removed (adj.), remover, unmovable, unmoved
lat. "mucus" mucilage, mucous
lat. "mulgeo" emulsion
lat. "mullus" mullet
lat. "multus" multiform, multiple, multiplication, multiplicity, multiplier, multiply, multitude, multitudinous
lat. "mulus" mule, muleteer
lat. "mundus" mundane
lat. "munio" see "moenia"
lat. "munus" common, commonalty, commoner, commonly, commonplace, commonweal, commonwealth, commune, communicable, communicate, communication, communion, communism, communist, communistic, community, excommunicate, excommunication, immune, immunity, incommunicable, municipal, municipality, munificence, munificent, remuneration, remunerative, uncommon, uncommonly
lat. "murus" mural, immure
lat. "mus" muscle, muscular, mussel
lat. "musca" mosquito, musket, musketry
lat. "mustum" mustard
lat. "mutilus" mutilate, mutilation
lat. "muto" commutator, commute, commuter, immutable, molt (moult), mutability, mutable, mutation, mutual, mutually, transmutation, transmute
lat. "mutus" mute, mutely
lat. "N:
lat. "nascor" cognate, denature, good-natured, innate, international, internationalize, internationally, naïve, natal, nation, national, nationalism, nationalist, nationalistic, nationality, nationally, nation-wide, native, native-born, nativity, natural, naturalist, naturalization, naturalize, naturally, nature, preternatural, puny, renaissance, supernatural, unnatural, unnaturally
lat. "nasus" nasal
lat. "natio" see "nascor"
lat. "natura" see "nascor"
lat. "navis" circumnavigate, naval, nave, navigable, navigate, navigation, navigator, navy
lat. "nebula" nebular, nebulous
lat. "necesse" see "cedo"
lat. "necto" annex, annexation, connect, connection, connective, connector, disconnect, unconnected
lat. "nego" abnegation, denial, deny, negate, negation, negative, renegade, renegado, runagate, self-denial, undeniable, undeniably
lat. "nepos" grandnephew, nephew, niece
lat. "nervus" enervate, nerve, nerveless, nervous, nervously, nervousness, unnerve
lat. "neuter" neutral, neutrality, neutralize
lat. "nes" pernicious
lat. "niger" darnel, negress, negro
lat. "nihil" annihilate, annihilation
lat. "niteo" neat, neatly, neatness, net (adj.)
lat. "noceo" innocence, innocency, innocent, innocently, innocuous, noxious, nuisance, obnoxious
lat. "nodus" node, nodule, noose
lat. "nomen" denominate, denomination, denominational, denominator, ignominious, ignominiously, ignominy, misnomer, nomenclature, nominal, nominally, nominate, nomination, nominative, nominee, noun, pronoun, renominate, renown, renowned, undenominational
lat. "non" nonchalance, nonchalant, nonchalantly, noncommittal, nonconformist, nondescript, nonentity, nonexistent, nonpareil, nonpartisan, nonsense, nonunion, umpire
lat. "norma" abnormal, enormity, enormous, normal, normally
lat. "nosco" acquaint, acquaintance, cognition, cognizance, cognizant, connoisseur, ennoble, ignoble, incognito, nobility, noble, nobleman, nobleness, nobly, notice, noticeable, noticeably, notification, notify, notion, notoriety, notorious, notoriously, recognition, recognizable, reconnaissance, reconnoitre, unacquainted, unnoticed, unrecognized
lat. "nota" annotate, annotation, banknote, denote, keynote, notable, notably, notary, notation, note, notebook, noted (adj.), noteworthy
lat. "novem" afternoon, forenoon, noon, noonday, noontide
lat. "novus" innovation, innovator, novel, novelist, novelty, novice, novitiate, renovate, renovation
lat. "nox" equinoctial, equinox, nocturnal
lat. "nubo" connubial, nuptial
lat. "nudus" annul, null, nullification, nullify, nullity
lat. "numerus" enumerate, enumeration, innumerable, number, numberless, numeral, numerical, numerous, outnumber, supernumerary, unnumbered
lat. "nuntius" announce, announcement, announcer, denunciation, denounce, enunciate, enunciation, nuncio, pronounce, pronouncement, renunciation, unannounced, unpronounced
lat. "nutrio" malnutrition, nourish, nourishment, nurse, nursery, nurseryman, nursling, nurture, nutrient, nutriment, nutrition, nutritious, nutritive, undernourished
lat. "nux" nuclear
lat. "O:
lat. "obliquus" oblique, obliquity
lat. "obliviscor" oblivion, oblivious
lat. "obscenus" obscene, obscenity
lat. "obscurus" obscure, obscurity
lat. "occupo" see "capio"
lat. "octo" octave, octavo
lat. "oculus" antler, binocular, eyelet, inoculate, inoculation, inveigle, monocle, ocular, oculist
lat. "odi" annoy, annoyance, annoying (adj.), ennui, noisome, odious
lat. "odor" odoriferous, odorous
lat. "offendo" inoffensive, offend, offender, offense, offensive, unoffending; see also "defendo"
lat. "oleo" olfactory, redolent
lat. "omen" abominable, abomination, ominous, ominously
lat. "omnis" omnipotence, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscience, omniscient, omnivorous
lat. "onus" onerous
lat. "opacus" opaque
lat. "operio" [lat. "cooperire", "coperire" = dt. "von allen Seiten bedecken", "überschütten"] cover, coverlet, covert, covertly, coverture, "curfew", discover, discoverer, discovery, handkerchief, kerchief, rediscover, uncover, undiscover
lat. "opinor" opine, opinion
lat. "ops" copious, copiously, copy, copybook, copyist, copyright, cornucopia, office, officer, official, officially, officiate, officious, opulence, opulent, unofficial
lat. "optimus" optimism, optimist, optimistic
lat. "opto" adopt, adoption, option, optional
lat. "opus" cooperate, coordination, disorder, disorderly, extraordinarily, extraordinary, inordinate, inordinately, insubordinate, ordain, order, orderly, ordinance, ordinarily, ordinary, ordination, ordnance, preordain, subordinate, subordination, sell-ordered
lat. "orbis" exorbitant, orb,orbit
lat. "ordior" primordial
lat. "ordo" coordinate, coordination, disorder, disorderly, extraodinarily, extraordinary, inordinate, inordinately, insubordinate, ordain, order, orderly, ordinance, ordinarily, ordinary, ordination, ordnance, preorcdain, subordinate, subordination, well-ordered
lat. "orior" aboriginal, aborigines, abortion, abortive, orient, oriental, orientation, origin, origianl, originality, originally, originate, originator
lat. "orno" adorn, adornment, ornament, ornamental, ornamentation, ornate, suborn
lat. "oro" adorable, adoration, adore, inexorable, inexorably, oracle, oracular, oration, oratorial, oratorio, oratory, orison, peroration
lat. "os" ("oris") oral, orifice, usher
lat. "os" ("ossis") osprey, ossify
lat. "otium" negotiate, negotiation
lat. "ovo" ovation
lat. "ovum" oval, ovary, ovule
lat. "P:
lat. "paciscor" pact
lat. "paco" s. pax
lat. "paene" peninsula, peninsular
lat. "paeniteo" impenitent, penance, penitence, penitent, penitential, penitentiary, repent, repentance, repentant
lat. "pagina" page
lat. "pagus" pagna, paganism, peasant, peasantry
lat. "pala" palette
lat. "Palatinum" palace, palatine (palatial)
lat. "palatum" palatable, palate
lat. "palea" pallet
lat. "palleo" appall, appaling (adj.), pale, paleface, paleness, pall (v.), pallid
lat. "pallium" pall (n.), palliate, palliative
lat. "palma" palm, palmer, palmetto, palmy
lat. "palpo" impalpable, palpable, palpable, palpably, palpably, palpitate, palpitation
lat. "palus" impale, pale, paling, palisade, pole, ridgepole, travail, travel, traveled (adj.), traveler
lat. "pando" apace, compass, encompass, expand, expander, expanse, expansion, expansive, impassable, overpass, pace, pass, passable, passage, passageway, passe, passenger, passer, passer-by, passport, password, past, pastime, repass, spawn, surpass, trespass, trespasser, unsurpassed
lat. "pango" compact, despatch, dispatch, impact, impinge, propaganda, propagandist, propagate, propagation
lat. "panis" accompanishment, accompany, appanage, companion, companionable, companionless, companionship, company, pannier, pantry
lat. "pannus" pane, panel, windowpane
lat. "pantex" paunch
lat. "papaver" poppy
lat. "papilio" pavilion
lat. "par" apparel, comparable, comparative, comparatively, compare, comparison, compeer, disparage, disparagement, disparity, incomparable, nonpareil, pair, parity, peer, peerage, peeress, peerless, umpire
lat. "arco" parsimoniously, parsimony
lat. "parco" apparent, apparently, apparition, appear, appearance, disappear, disappearance, reappear, transparency, transparent
lat. "pario" grandparent, parent, parentage, parental, parenthood, repertoire
lat. "paro" dissever, emperor, empire, empress, imperative, imperial, imperialism, imperialist, imperious, imperiously, inseparable, irreparable, parachute, parade, parapet, parasol, pare, paring (n.), parry, preparation, preparatory, prepare, preparedness, rampart, repair, repairer, reparation, separable, separate, separately, separation, separatist, separator, sever, several, severally, severance, unprepared
lat. "pars" apart, apartment, compartment, counterpart, depart, departed (adj.), department, departmental, departure, dispart, forepart, impart, impartial, impartiality, impartially, jeopardize, jeopardy, non-partisan, parcel, part, partake, partaker, partial, partiality, partially, participant, participate, participation, participle, particle, particular, particularity, particularize, particularly, parting (n., adj,), partisan (zan), partisanship, partition, partly, partner, partnership, part-time, party, repartee, tripartite
lat. "parvus" parafin(e)
lat. "pasco" pastern, pastor, pastoral, pasturage, pasture, pester, repast
lat. "passus" s. pando
lat. "pastinaca" parsnip
lat. "pateo" patent, patentee
lat. "pater" padre, paternal, paternity, patrician, patrimonial, patrimony, patron, patronage, patroness, patronize, patroon, patter, pere
lat. "patior" compassion, compassionate, compatible, dispassionate, impassible, impassioned, impassive, impatience, impatient, impatiently, incompatible, passion, passionate, passionately, passive, patience, patient, patiently
lat. "patro" perpetrate, perpetrator
lat. "pauper" impoverish, pauperism, poor, poorhouse, poorly, poverty, poverty-stricken
lat. "pavio" pave, pavement, paving (n.)
lat. "pavo" peacock
lat. "pax" appease, pacific, pacifism, pacifist, pacify, pay, payable, payer, payment, peace, peaceable, peaceably, peaceful peacefully, peacemaker, prepaid, repay, taxpayer, unpaid
lat. "pecco" impeccable
lat. "pectus" expectorate, parapet, pectoral
lat. "pecu" peculation, peculiar, peculiarity, peculiarly, pecuniary
lat. "pejor" impair, pessimism, pessimist, pessimitic, unimpaired
lat. "pellis" pelisse, surplice
lat. "pello" compel, compulsion, compulsory, dispel, expel, expulsion, impel, impulse, impulsion, impulsive, impulsively, peal, propel, propeller, propulsion, pulsate, pulsation, pulse, push, repeal, repel, repellent, repulse, repulsion, repulsive
lat. "pelvis" pelvic
lat. "pendeo" append, appendage, appendicitis, depend, dependable, dependant, dependence, dependency, dependent, impend, impending (adj.), independence, independency, independent, independently, interdependence, interdependent, pendant, pendent, pending (adj., prep.), pendulous, pendulum , penthouse, propensity
lat. "pendo" avoirdupois, compensate, compensation, counterpoise, dispensary, dispensation, dispense, dispenser, equipoise, expend, expenditure, expense, expensive, expensively, indispensable, inexpensive, pansy, pension
lat. "???" pensioner, pensive, pensively, perpendicular, poise, ponder, ponderous, pound, pounder, preponderance, preponderant, preponderate, recompense, stipend, suspend, suspender, suspense, suspension
lat. "penes" impenetrable, penetrable, penetrate, penetrating, penetration, penetrative
lat. "penis" pencil
lat. "penna" pen, penknife, penmanship, pennant, pennon
lat. "penuria" penurious, penury
lat. "periculum" imperil, parlous, peril, perilous, perilously
lat. "peritus" experience, experienced, experiment, experimental, experimentally, experimentation, experimenter, expert, expertly, inexperience, inexperienced
lat. "Persa" peach
lat. "persona" impersonal, impersonally, impersonate, impersonation, parson, parsonage, person, personage, personal, personality, personally, personate, personification, personify, personnel
lat. "pertica" perch
lat. "pervinca" periwinkle
lat. "pes" centipede, expedience, expediency, expedient, expedite, expedition, expeditionary, expeditious, impeach, impeachment, impede, impediment, pawn, pedal, pedestal, pedestrian, pedigree, pioneer, quadruped, trivet, vamp, velocipede
lat. "pestis" pest, pestiferous, pestilence, pestilent, pestilential,
lat. "petiolus" petiole
lat. "peto" appetite, appetizer, appetizing, compete, competence, competency, competent, competition, competitive, competitor, impetuosity, impetuous, impetuously, incompetence, incompetent, perpetual, perpetually, perpetuate, perpetuity, petition, petitioner, petulance, petulant, repeat, repeated, repeatedly, repetition,
lat. "pica" magpie, pie, pied
lat. "pila" pellet, pill, platoon
lat. "pila" pilaster, pile, pillar, pillared, woodpile,
lat. "pilum" pile
lat. "pilus" caterpillar, peel, pillage, plush
lat. "pingo" depict, paint, painter, painting, pictorial, picture, picturesque, picturesqueness, pigment, pimento,
lat. "pinna" hairpin, ninepins, pin, pinafore, pincushion, pinhole, pinion, pinnacle, pinnate
lat. "pinso" pestle, pistil, pistillte, piston
lat. "pinus" pine, pineapple
lat. "pipo" bagpipe, hornpipe, pipe, piper, piping, sandpiper, windpipe
lat. "pirum" pear
lat. "piscis" porpoise
lat. "pituita" pipe, pituitary
lat. "pius" expiate, expiation, impiety, impious, inexpiable, piety, pious, piously, piteous, piteously, pitiable, pitiful, pitifully, pitiless, pittance, pity, pityingly, self-pity, unpitied
lat. "pix" pitch, pitchy
lat. "placeo" complacence, complacency, complacent, complacently, complaisance, complaisant, displease, displeasure, placid, placidly, plea, plead, pleader, pleasance, pleasant, pleasantly, unpleasantness, unpleased
lat. "placo" implacable, placate
lat. "plagiarius" plagiarism
lat. "plango" complain, complainant, complaint, plague, plaint, plaintiff, plaintive, plaintively, uncomplaining
lat. "planta" eggplant, implant, plant, plantain, plantation, planter, replant, supplant, transplant, transplantation
lat. "planus" aeroplane, airplane, explain, explanation, explanatory, pianist, piano, pianoforte, plain, plainly, plainness, plan, plane, planer, sea-plane, unexplained
lat. "plaudo" applaud, applause, explode, explosion, explosive, plaudit, plausibility, plausible
lat. "plebs" pleblian, plebiscite
lat. "plecto" accomplice, appliance, applicable, applicant, application, applied, apply, complex, complexion, complexity, complicate, complicated, complication, display, duplicate, duplicity, employ, employe(oyee), employer, employment, explicit, exploit, exploitation, implicate, implication, implicit, implicitly, imply, inapplicable, inexplicable, misapplied, multiple, multiplication, multiplicity, multiplier, multiply, perplex, perpexity, plait, pleat, plexus, pliable, pliancy, pliant, pliers, plight, ply, replica, reply, splay, supple, suppliance, suppliant, supplicant, supplicate, supplication, triplicate, unemployed, unemployment, unperplexed
lat. "plenus" accomplish, accomplished, accomplishment, complement, complementary, complete, completely, completeness, completion, compliance, compliant, compliment, complimentary, comply, deplete, depletion, expletive, implement, incomplete, plenary, plenipotentiary, plenitude, plenteous, plentiful, plentifully, plenty, replenish, replete, supplement, supplemental, supplementary, supply
lat. "plico" see "plecto"
lat. "ploro" deplorable, deplore, implore
lat. "pluit" plover
lat. "pluma" plumage, plume, plumule, plumy
lat. "plumbum" plumb, plumber, plumbing, plummet, plunge, plunger
lat. "plus" overplus, pluperfect, plural, plurality, surplus
lat. "polio" interpolate, interpolation, polish, polite, politely, politeness, unpolished
lat. "pollen" pollinate, pollination
lat. "polluo" pollute, pollution
lat. "pomum" pomegranate, pommel, pummel
lat. "pondus" see "pendo"
lat. "pono" apposite, component, composite, composition, compost, compound, decomposition, deposit, deposition, depositor, depository, depot, disposition, exponent, exposition, expositor, expound, expounder, imposition, impost, imposter, imposture, indisposition, interposition, juxtaposition, opponent, opposite, opposition, outpost, position, positive, positively, post (military, mail), postage, postal, postilion (postillion), postman, postmaster, postpone, posture, predisposition, preposition, proposition, propound, provost, repository, superposition, supposition
lat. "pontiflex" pontiff, pontifical, pontificate
lat. "populus" depopulate, depopulation, dispeople, people, populace, popular, popularity, popularize, popularly, populate, population, populist, populous, populousness, pub, public, publican, publication, publicist, publicity, public-spirited, publish, publisher, peublo, republic, republican, republication, townspeople, unpeople, unpopular, workpeople
lat. "populus" popular
lat. "porcus" porcelain, porcupine, pork porpoise
lat. "porta" porch, portal, portcullis, porter (gatekeeper), porthole, portico, portiere
lat. "portio" apportion, apportionment, disproportionate, portion, proportion, disproportionate, portion, proportion, proportionable, proportional, proportionate, proportionately, proportioned
lat. "porto" comport, deport, deportation, deportment, disport, export, exportation, exporter, import, importance, importantly, importation, importer, insupportable, portable, portage, porter (carrier), porterhouse, portfolio, portly, portmanteau, purport, report, reporter, self-supporting, sport, sporting, sportive, sportsman, sportsmanship, support, supportable, supporter, transport, transportation, unimportant, unsupported
lat. "portus" airport, importunate, importune, importunity, inopportune, opportune, opportunity, passport, port, seaport
lat. "posco" expostulate, expostulation, postulate
lat. "possideo" see "sedeo"
lat. "possum" see "potis" and "sum"
lat. "post" posterity, postern, posthumous, postwar, preposterous, puny
lat. "postis" doorpost, guidepost, post (pillar), poster, sign-post
lat. "potis" dispossess, empower, high-powered, horsepower, impossibility, impossible, impotent, omnipotence, omnipotent, overpower, plenipotentiary, possess, possession, possessive, possessor, possibility, possible, possibly, potency, potent, potentate, potential, potentiality, potentially, power, powerful, powerfully, powerless, prepossess, prepossession, puissance, puissant, repossess, self-possession
lat. "poto" poison, poisoner, poisonous, potation, potion
lat. "praeda" depredation, predatory, prey
lat. "praegans" impregnate, impregnation, pregnancy, pregnant
lat. "praesto" culprit, presto
lat. "pratum" prairie
lat. "pravus" deprave, depraved, depravity
lat. "preces" deprecate, imprecate, imprecation, pray, prayer, precarious, prithee
lat. "precor" see "preces"
lat. "prehendo" apprehend, apprehension, apprehensive, apprehensively, apprentice, apprenticeship, apprise, comprehend, comprehension, comprehensive, comprise, emprise, enterprise, enterprising, entrepreneur, impregnable, impresario, imprison, imprisonment, incomprehensible, misapprehension, prison, prisoner, pry, reprehend, reprehensible, reprisal, surprise, surprising, surprisingly
lat. "premo" compress, compressed, compression, depress, depressed, depression, express, expression, expressionless, expressive, expressly, fingerprint, footprint, footprint, impress, impression, impressive, impressively, imprint, incompressible, inexpressible, irrepressible, oppress, oppression, oppressive, oppressor, press, pressure, print, printer, printing, printless, repress, repression, reprimand, reprint, sprain, suppress, suppression
lat. "pretium" appraisal, appraise, appreciable, appreciate, appreciation, appreciative, bepraise, depreciate, depreciation, dispraise, praise, praiseworthy, precious, price, priceless, prize
lat. "primus" see "prior"
lat. "prior" premier, prim, primacy, primal, primarily, primary, primate, prime, primer, primeval, primitive, primogeniture, primordial, primrose, prince, princely, princess, principal, principality, principally, principal, prioress, priority, priory, unprincipaled
lat. "pristinus" pristine
lat. "privus" deprivation, deprive, privacy, private, privateer, privately, privation, privilege, privileged, privily, privy
lat. "pro" improve, improvement
lat. "probrum" approbation, approval, approve, approvingly, disapprobation, disapproval, disapproval, disapprove, disprove, fireproof, improve, disprove, fireproof, improbable, probability, probable, probably, probate, probation, probe, probity, proof, prove, proven, reprobate, reprobation, reproof, reprove, unreproved, waterproof
lat. "prodigium" prodigious, prodigy
lat. "proles" proletarian, proletariat, prolific
lat. "promulgo" promulgate, promulgation
lat. "pronus" prone
lat. "prope" approach, approximately, approximation, irreproachable, propinquity, proximity, rapprochement, reproach, reproachful, reproachfully, unapproachable
lat. "propitius" propitiate, propitiation, propitious
lat. "proprius" appropriate, appropriately, appropriation, improper, improperly, impropriety, inappropriate, proper, properly, property, proprietary, proprietor, proprietary, proprietor, proprietorship, propriety
lat. "prosperus" prosper, prosperity, prosperous
lat. "provincia" province, provincial
lat. "proximus" see "prope"
lat. "pubes" puberty
lat. "pudeo" impudence, impudent
lat. "puer" puerile
lat. "pugil" pugilist
lat. "pugno" see "pugnus"
lat. "pugnus" impugn, poniard, pugnacious, repugnance, repugnant
lat. "pullus" polecat, pony, poultry, pullet
lat. "pulmo" pulmonary
lat. "pulpa" pulp
lat. "pulpitum" pulpit
lat. "puls" poultrice
lat. "pulvinus" pillow
lat. "pulvis" gunpowder, powder, powdery, pulverize
lat. "pumex" pumice
lat. "pungo" appoint, appointment, compunction, counterpane, counterpoint, disappoint, disappointment, expunge, poignancy, poignant, point, point-blank, pointed, pointedly, pointer, pounce, punch (a tool), puncheon, puncher, punctilio, punctilious, punctual, punctuality, punctuate, punctuation, puncture, pungent, punctuation, puncture, pungent, standpoint, viewpoint
lat. "pupa" pup, pupil, puppet, puppy
lat. "puppis" poop
lat. "purus" impure, impurity, purblind, pure, purely, pureness, purgative, purgatorial, purgatory, purge, purification, purify, purity
lat. "pusillus" pusillanimity, pusillanimous
lat. "puter" purefaction, putrefy, putrid
lat. "puteus" armpit, pit, pitfit
lat. "puto" accompt, account, accountable, accountant, amputate, amputation, computation, compute, count (verb), counter, countinghouse, countless, deputation, depute, deputy, discount, disputable, disputant, disputation, dispute, disreputable, disrepute, imputation, impute, indisputable, recount, rediscount, reputable, reputation, repute, reputed, unaccountable, unaccountably, unaccounted, undisputed
lat. "Q:
lat. "quaero" acquire, acquirement, acquisition, acquisitive, conquer, conqueror, conquest, disquisition, enquire, enquiry, exquisite, exquisitely, inquest, inquire, inquirer, inquiringly, inquiry, inquisition, inquisitive, inquisitively, inquisitor, perquisite, query, quest, question, questionable, questionnaire, reconquer, request, require, requirement, requisite, requisition, unconquerable, unconquered, unquestionable, unquestionably, unquestioned
lat. "qualis" disqualification, disqualify, kickshaw, qualification, qualified
lat. "quantus" quantitative, quantity
lat. "quatio" cascara, cask, casque, concussion, discuss, discussion, rescue, rescuer, squash (verb)
lat. "quattuor" foursquare, headquarters, quadrangle, quadrangular, quadrant, quadrate, quadratic, quadrilateral, quadrille, quadruped, quadruple, quarantine, quarry, quart, quarter, quarterback, quarterdeck, quarterly, quartermaster, quarterstaff, quartet(ette), quire, squad, squadron, square, squarely
lat. "queror" quarrel, quarrelsome, querulous
lat. "quies" acquiesce, acquiescence, acquit, acquittal, coy, disquiet, disquietude, quiescence, quiescent, quiet, quietly, quitness, quietude, quit, quite, quittance, requital, requite, unquiet
lat. "quinque" quintessence
lat. "quis" quiddity, quip
lat. "quot" quotation, quote, quotient
lat. "R:
lat. "rabio" enrage, rabid, rage
lat. "racemus" raceme, raisin
lat. "radius" irradiate, radial, radiance, radiant, radiantly, radiate, radiation, radiator, radio, radium, ray, rayon
lat. "radix" eradicate, horseradish, radical, radicalism, radically, radish
lat. "rado" erase, eraser, raze, razor
lat. "ramus" ramification
lat. "ranceo" rancid, rancor, rancorous
lat. "rapio" enrapture, rapacious, rapaciousness, rapacity, rape, rapid, rapidity, rapidly, rapids, rapine, rapt, rapture, rapturous, ravage, ravenous, ravin, ravine, ravish, ravisher, ravishing
lat. "rarus" rare, rarely, rareness, rarity
lat. "ravis" raucous
lat. "recens" recent, recently
lat. "reciprocus" reciprocal, reciprocate, reciprocation, reciprocity
lat. "reclino" recline: s. also declino and inclino
lat. "refuto" refutation, refute
lat. "rego" address, adroit, adroitly, adroitness, alert, alertly, alertness, correct, correction, corrective, correctly, correctness, direct, directory, dirge, dirigible, dress, dresser, dressmaker, dressmaking, dressy, drest, erect, erection, escort, hairdresser, headdress, incorrect, incorrigible, indirect, indirectly, insurgent, insurrection, irregular, irregularity, irregularly, misrule, overrule, rail, railing, railroad, railway, rectangle, rectangular, rectify, rectitude, rectory, redress, regency, regent, regime, regimen, regiment, regimental, region, regional, regular, regularity, regularly, regulate, regulation, regulator, resource, resourceful, resourcefulness, resurrection, rule, ruler, source, surge, undress, unruly
lat. "religio" irreligious, religion, religious, religiously
lat. "reor" arraign, arraignment, irrational, overrate, rate, ratification, ratify, rating
lat. "repo" reptile
lat. "repudium" repudiate, repudiation
lat. "res" real, realism, realist, realistic, reality, realization, realize, really, realty, republic, republican, unreal, unreality
lat. "resina" resin, resinous, rosin
lat. "restauro" restaurant, restoration, restorative, restore, restorer; s. also instauro
lat. "rete" retina
lat. "retro" arrears, rear
lat. "rex" realm, regal, regicide, reign, royal, royalist, royally, royalty, viceroy
lat. "rideo" deride, derision, derisive, derisively, ridicule, ridiculous, ridiculously
lat. "rigeo" rigid, rigidity, rigidly, rigorous, rigorously
lat. "rigo" irrigate, irrigation
lat. "ripa" arrival, arrive, river, riverside
lat. "ritus" rite, ritual
lat. "rivus" derivation, derivative, derive, rival, rivalry, rivulet, unrivaled
lat. "robur" corroborate, corroboration, robust
lat. "rodo" corrode, corrosive, erosion, rodent
lat. "rogo" abrogate, arrogance, arrogant, derogate, derogation, derogatory, interrogate, interrogation, interrogative, prerogative, rogation, surrogate
lat. "Roma" romance, romancer, romantic, romanticism
lat. "ros" rosemary
lat. "rosa" rosary, rose, roseate, rosebud, rose-colored, rosette, rosewood, rosy
lat. "rota" around, comptroller, control, controller, enroll, enrollment, merry-go-round, rigmarole, rondo, role, roll, roller, rolling
lat. "rudeo" rouge, rubric, ruby
lat. "rudis" erudite, erudition, rude, rudely, rudeness, rudiment, rudimentary
lat. "ruga" corrugate, corrugated
lat. "ruman" ruminant, ruminate, rumination
lat. "rumpo" abrupt, abruptly, bankrupt, bankruptcy, corrupt, corrupter, corruptible, corruption, disrupt, disruption, eruption, eruptive, incorruptible, interrupt, interruption, irruption, route, routine, rupture, uncorrupted, uninterrupted
lat. "ruo" ruin, ruinous
lat. "rus" rural, rustic, rusticity
lat. "russus" russet
lat. "S:
lat. "sacer" consecrate, consecration, desecrate, desecration, execrable, execrate, execration, reconsecrate, sacerdotal, sacrament, sacramental, sacred, sacrifice, sacrificial, sacrilege, sacrilegious, self-sacrifice, sexton
lat. "saeculum" secular, siecle
lat. "saepes" transept
lat. "sagio" presage, sagacious, sagacity
lat. "sal" applesauce, salad, salaried, salary, saline, saltpeter(tre), sauce, saucepan, saucer, saucily, saucy, sausage
lat. "salio" assail, assailant, assault, desultory, exult, exultant, exultation, exultingly, insult, result, resultant, salient, saliy, saute, somersault
lat. "saliva" salivary
lat. "salix" salicylic
lat. "salmo" salmon
lat. "salus" salubrious, salutary, salutation, salute
lat. "salvus" safe, safe-conduct, safeguard, safely, safety, sage ( a plant), sagebrush, salvage, salvation, salver, save, saver, saving (s), savior (our), unsafe, vouchsafe
lat. "sancio" saint, saintly, sanctification, sanctify, sanctimonious, sanction, sanctity, sanctuary, sentry
lat. "sanguis" consanguinity, ensanguine, sanguinary, sanguine
lat. "sanus" insane, insanity, sane, sanitarium, sanitary, sanitation, sanity, unsanitary
lat. "sapio" insipid, sage (wise man), sagely, sapience, sapient, savant, savor (our), unsavory
lat. "satelles" satellite
lat. "satis" asset (s), dissatisfaction, dissatisfied (adj.), dissatisfy, insatiable, insatiate, satiate, satiety, satisfaction, satisfactorily, satisfactory, satisfy, unsatisfactory, unsatisfied
lat. "satur" satirical, satire, satirist, satirize, saturate, saturation
lat. "Saturnus" saturnine
lat. "scala" s. scando
lat. "scamnum" shambles
lat. "scando" ascend, ascendancy (ency), ascension, ascent, condescend, condescendion, descend, descendant, descent, reascend, scale, scan, transcend, transcendent, transcendental
lat. "scandula" shingle
lat. "sindo" rescind
lat. "scintilla" scintillation, tinsel
lat. "scio" conscience, conscientious, conscientiously, conscious, consciously consciousness, nice, nicely, nicety, omniscience, omniscient, plebiscite, prescience, prescient, science, scientific, scientifically, scientist, self-consclous, self-consciousness, subconscious, unconscious unconsciously, unconsciousness
lat. "scribo" ascribe, ascription, circumscribe, conscript, conscription, describe, description, descriptive, indescribable, inscribe, inscription, manuscript, nondescript, postscript, prescribe, prescription, prescriptive, proscribe, proscription, rescript, scribble, scribbler, scribe, scrip, script, scriptural, scripture, scrivener, shrive, subscribe, subscriber, subscription, superscription, transcribe, transcript, transcription
lat. "scrinium" enshrine, shrine
lat. "scrupus" scruple, scrupulous, scrupulously, unscrupulous
lat. "scrutor" inscrutable, scrutinize, scrutiny
lat. "sculpo" sculptor, sculpture
lat. "scurra" scurrilous
lat. "scutra" scullery
lat. "scutum" escutcheon, esquire, scutcheon, squire
lat. "sebum" sebaceous, suet
lat. "seco" bisect, cross-section, dissect, dissection, insect, intersect, intersection, section, sectional, sectionalism, segment, sickle, subsection
lat. "secundus" s. sequor
lat. "securus" s. cura
lat. "sedeo" assess, assessment, assessor, assiduity, assiduous, assiduously, assizes, besiege, besieger, dispossess, ex-president, good-sized, insidious, medium-sized, obsess, obsession, possess, possession, possessive, possessor, prepossess, prepossession, preside, presidency, president, presidential, repossess, reside, residence, resident, presidential, repossess, reside, residence, resident, residential, residual, residue, sedate, sedately, sedative, sedentary, sediment, sedimentary, self-possession, session, siege, sizable, size, subside, subsidy, supersede, surcease, vice-president
lat. "semen" s. sero (sow)
lat. "senex" grandsire, messieurs, monsieur, seigneur, senate, snatorial, senile, seniority, senor, senora, senorita, signor, signora, signorina, sir, sire, sirrah, surly
lat. "sentio" assent, consent, dessension, dissent, dissenter, insensate, insensibility, insensible, nonsense, presentiment, resent, resentful, resentfully, resentment, scent, scentless, sensation, sesational, sense, senseless, sensibility, sensible, sensibly, sensitive, sensitiveness, sensory, sensual, sensuality, sensuous, sentence, sententious, sentient, sentiment, sentimental, sentimentalist, sentimentality
lat. "sepelio" sepulcher(re), sepulchral, sepulture
lat. "sequester" sequestration
lat. "sequor" consecutive, consequence, consequent, consequential, consequently, ensue, execute, execution, executioner, executive, executor, intrinsic, intrinsically, lawsuit, obsequies, obsequious, obsequy, persecute, persecution, persecutor, prosecute, prosecution, prosecutor, pursuance, pursue, pursuer, pursuit, pursuivant, second, secondary, second-class, second-hand, secondly, sect, sectarian, sectary, sequel, sequen e, sequent, set, subsequent, subsequently, sue, suit, suitable, suitably, suitcase, suite, suitor, unsuitable, unsuited
lat. "sera" seraglio, serried
lat. "serenus" serenade, seiene, serenely, serenity
lat. "serius" serious, seriously, seriousness
lat. "sermo" sermon
lat. "sero" ("join together") assert, assertion, desert, deserter, desertion, dissertation, exert, exertion, insert, insertion, reassert, serial, series
lat. "sero" ("sow") disseminate, dissemination, season, seasonable, seasonal, seasoning (n.), seminary, unseasonable, well-seasoned
lat. "serpo" serpent, serpentine
lat. "serra" sierra
lat. "serus" soiree
lat. "servio" s. servus
lat. "servo" conservation, conservatism, conservative, conservatory, conserve, observable, observance, observant, observation, observatory, observe, observer, preservation, preserver, reservation, reserve, reserved (adj.), reservoir, self-preservation, unobserved, unreserved, unreservedly
lat. "servus" deserve, deservedly, deserving (adj.), dessert, manservant, serf, serfdom, sergeant, servant, serve, server, service, serviceable, servile, servility, servitor, servitude, subservience, subservient, undeserved
lat. "severus" asseveration, perseverance, persevere, severe, severely, severity
lat. "severus" asseveration, perseverance, persevere, severe, severely, severity
lat. "sex" semester
lat. "sexus" asexual, sex, sexual
lat. "sibilo" persiflage
lat. "siccus" desiccate
lat. "sido" s. sedeo
lat. "sidus" consider, considerable, considerably, considerate, consideration, considered (adj.), considering (prep.), desirability, desirable, desire, desirous, inconsiderable, inconsiderate, reconsider, sidereal, undesirable
lat. "signum" assign, assignment, consign, consignment, countersign, design, designate, designation, designedly, designer, designing (n., adj.), ensign, insignificant, resign, resignation, seal, sign, signal, signalize, signature, signboard, signet, significance, significant, significantly, signification, signify, signpost
lat. "sileo" silence, silent, silently
lat. "silex" silica, silicate, silicon
lat. "silva" savage, savagely, savageness, savagery, silvan (sylvan)
lat. "similis" assemblage, assemble, assembly, assimilate, assimilation, dissemble, dissembler, dissimilar, dissimulation, ensemble, reassemble, resemblance, resemble, semblance, similar, similarity, similarly, similitude, simulate, simultaneous, simultaneously
lat. "simplex" simple, simpleness, simpleton, simplicity, simplify, simply
lat. "simul" s. similis
lat. "sincerus" insincere, insincerity, sincere, sincerely, sincerity
lat. "sine" sans, sinecure
lat. "singuli" single, single-handed, singleness, singly, singular, singularity, singularly
lat. "sino" site, situate, situated (adj.), situation
lat. "sinus" cosine, insinuate, insinuation, sine, sinuous
lat. "sisto" s. sto
lat. "sobrius" sober, soberly, soberness, sobriety
lat. "soccus" sock
lat. "socius" associate, association, dissociate, sociability, sociable, social, socialism, socialist, socialistic, socialize, socially, society, sociological, sociologist, sociology, unsociable
lat. "sol" parasol, solar, solstice
lat. "sol(l)emnis" solemn, solemnity, solemnize, solemnly
lat. "soleo" insolence, insolent, obsolete
lat. "solidus" consolidate, consolidation, solder, soldier, soldierly, soldiery, solid, solidarity, solidify, solidity, solidly, sou
lat. "solor" consolation, consolatory, console, disconsolate, disconsolately, inconsolable, solace
lat. "solum" (n.) insole, soil, sole (n.), subsoil
lat. "solus" desolate, desolation, sole (adj.), solitary, solitude, solo, sullen, sullenly, sullenness
lat. "solvo" absolute, absolutely, absolution, absolve, dissolute, dissolve, indissoluble, insoluble, insolvency, insolvent, irresolute, irresolutely, irresolution, resolute, resolutely, resolution, resolve, resolved (adj.), soluble, solution, solve, solvent, undissolved
lat. "sono" consonance, consonant, dissonance, dissonant, resonance, resonant, resound, sonata, sonnet, sonorous, sound, soundless, unison
lat. "sorbeo" absorb, absorbed (adj.) absorbent, absorbing (adj.), absorption
lat. "sordeo" sordid
lat. "soror" cousin
lat. "sors" assorted, assortment, consort, sorcerer, sorceress, sorcery, sort
lat. "spargo" aspersion, dispersal, disperse, dispersion, intersperse, sparese, sparsely
lat. "spatium" expatiate, space spacing, spacious
lat. "specio" allspice, aspect, auspice, auspicious, circumspect, circumspection, conspicuous, conspicuously, despicable, despise, despiser, despite, despiteful, disrespect, disrepectful, especial, especially, expect, expectancy, expectant, expectantly, expectation, inauspicious, inconspicuous, inspect, inspection, inspector, irrespective, perspective, persicuity, persicuous, prospect, prospective, prospectively, prospector, respect, respectability, respectable, respectful, respectfully, respecting (prep.), respective, respectively, respite, retrospect, retrospection,retrospective, self-respect, self-respecting, special, speialist, specialization, specialize, specially, specialty, specific, specifically, specification, specify, specimen, specious, spectacle, spectacled, spectacles, spectacular, spectator, specter (re), spectral, spectroscope, speculate, speculation, speculative, speculatively, speculator, spice, spicy, spite, spiteful, suspect, suspicion, suspicious, suspiciously, unexpected, unexpectedly, unsuspected, unsuspecting unsuspicious
lat. "spes" despair, despairing (adj.), desperado, desperate, desperately, desperation
lat. "spica" spike
lat. "spina" porcupine, spinal, spine, spiny
lat. "spiro" aspirant, aspiration, aspire, conspiracy, conspirator, conspire, dispirit, esprit, expiration, expire, high-spirited, inspirit, perspiration, perspire, public-spirited, respiration, respiratory, respire, spirit, spirited (adj.), spiritless, spiritous, spiritual, spiritualism, spirituality, spiritualize, spiritually, sprightly, sprite, transpiration, transpire, uninspired
lat. "splendeo" resplendent, splendid, splendidly, splendor (our)
lat. "spolium" despoil, spoil, spoiler, unspoiled
lat. "spondeo" correspond, correspondence, correspondent, corresponding (adj.), correspondingly, despond, despondence, despondency, despondent, espousal, espouse, irresponsible, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, responsive, spousal, spouse
lat. "sponte" (abl.) spontaneity, spontaneous, spontaneously
lat. "spuma" spume
lat. "spuo" cuspidor
lat. "spurius" spurious
lat. "squaleo" squalid
lat. "stagnum" stagnant, stagnate, stagnation
lat. "statuo" s. sto
lat. "stella" contellation, stellar
lat. "sterllis" sterile, sterility, sterilization, sterilize
lat. "sterno" astray, consternation, prostrate, prostration, stratify, stray, street, streetcar, substratum
lat. "stilla" distil(l), distillation, distilled (adj.), distiller, distillery, instil(l)
lat. "stilus" style, stylish
lat. "stimulus" stimulant, stimulate, stimulation
lat. "astinguo" contradistinction, distinct, distinction, distinctive, distinctly, distinctness, distinguish, distinguishable, distinguished (adj.), extinct, extinction, extinguish, extinguisher, indistinct, indistinctness, indistinguishable, inextinguishable, instinct, instinctive, instinctively, undinstinguishable, unextinguished
lat. "stipo" constipation, stevedore
lat. "stips" stipend
lat. "stipula" stipule, stubble
lat. "stipulor" stipulate, stipulation
lat. "stirps" extirpate, extirpation
lat. "sto" armistice, arrest, assist, assistance, assistant, circumstance, circumstantial, coexist, consist, consistence, consistency, consistent, consistently, consistory, constable, constancy, constant, constantly, constituency, constituent, constitute, constitution, constitutional, constitutionality, contrast, cost, costliness, costly, desist, destination, destine, destiny, destitute, destitution, distance, distant, distantly, equidistant, establish, establishment, estate, exist, existence, extant, inconsistency, inconsistent,inconstancy, inconstant, insist, insistence, insistent, insistently, instability, instance, instant, instantaneous, instantaneously, instanttly, institute, institution, insubstantial, interstate, interstice, irresistible, irresistibly, nonexistent, obstacle, obstetrice, obstinacy, obstinate, obstinately, persist, persistence, persistency, persistent, persistently, predestinate, predestination, predestine, pre-exist, pre-existent, prostitute, prostitution, reconstitute, re-establish, reinstate, resist, resistance, resistant, resistless, rest, restitution, restive, solstice, stability, stabilization, stabilize, stable, stage, stagecoach, staging, staid (adj.), staminate, stance, stanchion, stanza, state, statehouse, stateliness, stately, statement, stateroom, statesman, statement, stateroom, statesman, statesmanlike, statesmanship, station, stationary, stationer, stationery, statist, statistical, statistician, statistics, statuary, stay, subsist, subsistence, substance, substantial, substantially, substantive, substitute, substitution, superstition, superstitious, transubstantiation, unassisted, unconstitutional, unstable, unsubstantial
lat. "stolidus" stolid, stolidly
lat. "strenuus" strenuous, strenuously
lat. "strepo" obstreperous
lat. "stria" striated
lat. "strideo" strident
lat. "stringo" astringent, constrain, constraint, constrict, constriciton, constrictive, distrain, distress, distressful, district, overstrain, prestige, restrain, restrain, restrict, restriction, restrictive, strain, strainer, strait, straiten, stress, strict, strictly, strictness, stricture, stringent, unrestrained
lat. "struo" construct, construction, constructive, construe, destroy, destroyer, destruction, destructive, indestructible, instruct, instrction, instructive, instructor, instrument, instrumental, instrumentality, isconstrue, obstruct, obstruction, reconstruct, reconstruction, structural, structure, susperstructure
lat. "studeo" etude, student, studied (adj.), studio, studious, study
lat. "stupeo" stupefaction, stupefy, stupendous, stupid, stupidity, stupidly
lat. "suadeo" dissuade, persuade, persuasion, persuasive, persuasively
lat. "suavis" assuage, suave
lat. "subter" (adv.) subterfuge
lat. "subitus" s. eo
lat. "sublimis" sublimate, sublime, sublimity
lat. "sucus" succulence, succulent
lat. "sudo" exude
lat. "suetus" accustom, accustomed (adj.), costume, costumier, custom, customary, customer, customhouse, desuetude, unaccustomed
lat. "suffragiu" suffragan, suffrage
lat. "sugo" suction
lat. "sui" (gen.) suicide
lat. "sulphur", "sulpur" sulphate, sulphide, sulphureous, sulphuric, sulphurous
lat. "sum" ("esse") absence, absent, absentee, absently, absent-minded, disinterested, disinterestedness, entity, essence, essential, impossibility, impossible, interest, interesting (adj.), misrepresentation, nonentity, omnipresent, possibility, possible, possibly, presence, present, presentable, presentation, present-day, presently, presentment, puissance, puissant, quintessence, represent, representation, representative, uninteresting
lat. "summus" consomme, consummate, consummation, sum, summarily, summarize, summary, summit
lat. "sumo" , consumptive, presumable, presumably, presume, presumption, presumptive, presumptuous, reassume, resume, resume (n.), resumption, sumptuous, unassuming
lat. "suo" suture
lat. "super" insuperable, somersault, soprano, sovereign, sovereignty, sovran, superb, superiority, supernal, supremacy, supreme, supremely
lat. "supinus" supine
lat. "surdus" absurd, absurdity, absurdly
lat. "T:
lat. "taberba" tabernacle, tavern
lat. "taceo" reticence, reticent, tacit, taciturn
lat. "taedet" tedious, tediu
lat. "talea" detail, retail, retailer, tailor, tailoring, tally
lat. "talis" retaliate, retaliating
lat. "talpa" taupe
lat. "talus" talon
lat. "tango" attain, attainable, attainder, attainment, attains, contact, contagion, contagious, contaminate, contamination, contiguity, contiguous, contingency, contingent, disintegrate, disintegration, distaste, distasteful, entire, entirely, foretaste, intact, intangible, integral, integrate, integration, integrity, tact, tactual, tactually, tangent, tangible, taste, tasteless, tasty, unattainable
lat. "tantius" tantamount
lat. "tardus" retard, tardiness, tardy
lat. "tego" detect, detection, detective, detector, integument, protect, protection, protective, protector, protectorate, protege, tile, tiling, unprotected
lat. "temere" temerity
lat. "temetum" abstemious
lat. "temno" contemn, contempt, contemptible, contemptuous, contemptuously
lat. "tempero" distemper, intemperance, intemperate, tamper, temper, temperament, temperamental, temperance, temperate, temperature
lat. "templum" contemplate, contemplation contemplative, temple
lat. "tempto" attempt, tempt, temptation, tempter, tempting (adj.), temptingly, tentacle, tentative
lat. "tempus" contemporaneous, contemporary, extemporal, extempore, tempest, tempestuous, tempo, temporal, temporarily, temporary, temporize, tense (n.)
lat. "tendo" attend, attendance, attendant, attention, attentive, attentively, bartender, contend, contention, contentious, distend, entente, extend, extended (adj.), extension, extensive, extensively, extent, inattention, inattentive, intend, intendant, intense, intensely, intensify, intensity, intensive, intensively, intent, intention, intentional, intently, ostensible, ostensibly, ostentation, intentional, intently, ostensible, ostensibly, ostentation, ostentatious, portend, portent, portentous, pretend, pretender, pretense (ce), pretension, pretentious, standard, standardization, standardize, superintend, superintendence, superintendence, superintendent, tend tendance, tendency, tender (verb), tense (adj.), tensely, tension, tent, unattended, unpretending, unpretentious
lat. "teneo" abstain, abstinence, appertain, appurtenance, contain, container, content(s), contented, contentedly, contentedness, contentment, continence, continent, continental, continual, continually, continuance, continuation, continue, continuity, continuous, continuously, countenance, detain, detention, discontent, discontented, discontinue, discountenance, entertain, entertainer, entertaining (adj.), entertainment, impertinence, impertinent, incontinence, lieutenant, maintain, maintenance, malcontent, obtain, obtainable, pertain, pertinacious,
lat. "tener" tender, tender-hearted, tenderly, tenderness
lat. "tenuis" attenuate, extenuate, extenuation
lat. "tepeo" tepid
lat. "tergeo" terse, tersely
lat. "termes" termite
lat. "terminus" determinant, determinate, determinately, determination, determine, determined, exterminate, extermination, indeterminate, interminable, interminably, long-term, predetermine, self-determination, term, terminal, terminate, termination, terminology
lat. "tero" contrite, contrition, detriment, detrimental, tribulation, trite
lat. "terra" disinter, inter, interment. parterre, subterranean, terrace, terrestrial, terrier, territorial, territory
lat. "terreo" deter, terrible, terribly, terrific, terrify, terrorize
lat. "testa" test, tester, testy, t?te-?-t?te
lat. "testis" attest, contest, contestant, detest, detestable, detestation, incontestable, intestate, protest, protestant, protestation, testament, testament, testify, testimonial, testimony
lat. "texo" context, pretext subtle, subtlety, subtly, text, textbook, textile, textual, texture, tiller, tissue, toilet
lat. "timeo" intimidate, intimidation, timid, timidity, timidly, timorous
lat. "tingo" distain, stain, stainless, taint, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, unstained, untainted
lat. "titio" entice, enticement
lat. "titulus" entitle, title, titled, tittle, titular
lat. "tollo" extol, intolerable, intolerant, intolerance, intolerant, tolerable, tolerably, tolerance, tolerant, tolerate, toleration
lat. "tono" astonish, astonishing, astonishingly, astonishment, astound, detonation, stun, stunning, tornado
lat. "tonsillae" tonsil, tonsillitis
lat. "torpeo" torpedo, torpid
lat. "torqueo" contortion, distort, distortion, extort, extortion, extortioner, nasturtium, retort, torch, torchlight, torment, tormentor(er), tortuous, tortuous, torture, torturer
lat. "torreo" toast, toaster, torrent, torrid
lat. "totus" factotum, total, totality, totally
lat. "trabs" architrave
lat. "tranquillus" tranquil, tranquillity, tranquilly
lat. "transtum" transom, trestle
lat. "tremo" tremble, tremendous, tremendously, tremulous, tremulously
lat. "trepidus" intrepid, intrepidity, trepidation
lat. "tres" tertain, teriary, travail, travel, traveled(adj.), traveler, treble, trellis, triangle, triangular, tricolor, trident, teoennial, trillion, trinity, trio, tripartite, triple, tripicate, triumvirate, trivet, trivial, triviality
lat. "trobuo" s.tribus
lat. "tribus" attributable, attribute, attrivution, contribute, contribution, contributor, distrivute, districution, districutor, retribution, trival, tribe, tribesman, tribumal, tribune, tributary, tribute
lat. "tricae" extricate, inextricable, inextricably, intricacy, intricate, intrigue
lat. "triumphus" triumph, triumphal, triumphant, triumphantly
lat. "trua" trowel
lat. "trudo" abstruse, intrude, intruder, intrusion, intrusive, obtrude, obtrusive, pretrude, unobtrusive
lat. "truncus" entrench, entrenchment, intrench, intrenchment retrench, retrenchment, trench, trenchant, trencher, truncheon, trunk
lat. "trux" truculent
lat. "tuber" protuberance, truffle, tubercle, tubercular, tuberculosis
lat. "tubus" tube, tubing, tubular, tubule
lat. "tueor" intuition, intuitive, tuition, tutelage, tutelar, tutelary, untutored
lat. "tumeo" tumid, tumor(our)
lat. "tumultus" tumult, tumultuary,tumultuous
lat. "tundo" obtuse, toil, toiler, toilsome
lat. "tunich" tunic
lat. "turba" disturb, disturbance, disturber, imperturbable, perturb, perturbation, trouble, troublesome, troublous, turbid, turbine, turbulence, turbulent, undisturbed, untroubled
lat. "turbo" s.turba
lat. "turgeo" turgid
lat. "turpis" turpitude
lat. "U:
lat. "uber" exuberance, exuberant
lat. "ubique" ubiquitous
lat. "ulcus" ulcer, ulcerate
lat. "ultra" outrage, outragrous, outrageously, ultimate, ultimately,ultimatum, ultraviolet
lat. "umbra" somber(bre), somberly, umer, umbrage, umbragreous, umbrella
lat. "umro" s.humeo
lat. "uncia" imch, ounce
lat. "unda" abound, abundance, abundant, unumdate, unumdation, redound, redundancy, redundant, surround, surroundings, undulate, undulation
lat. "ung(u)o" anoint, ointment, unction, unctuous, unguent
lat. "unus" disunite, nonumnion, onion, reunion, reunite,unanimity, unanimous, uanimously, unicorn, unification, uniform, uniformity, uniformly, union, unionist, unique, unison, unit, unite, unity, universal, universality, universally, universe, university
lat. "upupa" dupe
lat. "urbs" interurban, suburb, suburban, urban, urbanity
lat. "urgeo" urge, urgency, urgent, urgently
lat. "urina" urinal, urine
lat. "urna" urn
lat. "uro" combustible, combustion, imcombustible
lat. "utor" abuse, abusive, disuse, misuse, perusal, peruse, unused, unusual, unusually, usable, usage, use, useful, usefully, usefulness, useless, uselessly, uselessness, user, usual, usually ,usurer, usurious, usurp, usurpation, usurper, usury, utensil, utilitarian utility, iutilization, utilize
lat. "V:
lat. "vacca" vaccinate, vaccination, vaccine
lat. "vacillo" vacillate, vacillation
lat. "vaco" avoid, avoidance, evacuate, evacuation, unavoidable, vacancy, vacant, vacantly, vacate, vacation, vacuity, void
lat. "vado" evade, evasion, devasive, invade, invader, invasion, pervade
lat. "vagina" vanilla
lat. "vagus" extravagance, extravagant, vagabond, vagary, vague, vaguely, vagueness
lat. "valeo" avail, available, convalescence, convalescent, equivalent, evaluate, invalid, invaluable, prevail, prevailing, prevalence, prevalent, unavailing, valence, valiant, valiantly, valid, validity, valor, valorous, valuable, valuation, value, valued, valueless
lat. "vallis" vail (to lower), vale, valley
lat. "vallum" interval, wall, wallflower
lat. "valvae" bivalve, valve
lat. "vannus" fan, fantail
lat. "vanus" evanescent, vain, vainglorious, vainglory, vainly, vanish, vanity, vaunt
lat. "vapidus" fade, unfaded, vapid
lat. "vapor" evaporate, evaporation, evaporator, vaporize, vaporous, vapory
lat. "varius" invariable, invariably, unvarying, variable, variance, variant, variation, varied, variegated, variety, various, variously, vary
lat. "varus" prevaricate, prevarication
lat. "vastus" devastate, devastation, vast, vastly, vastness
lat. "vas" vascular, vase, vessel
lat. "vegeo" vegetable, vegetarian, vegetate, vegetative
lat. "vehemens" vehemence, vehement, vehemently
lat. "veho" invective, inveigh, vehicle
lat. "vello" convulse, convulsion, convulsive, convulsively, revulsion
lat. "velox" velocipede, velocity
lat. "velum" reveal, revelation, unveil, viel, voile
lat. "vena" vein
lat. "venenum" envenom, venom, venomous
lat. "venia" venial
lat. "venio" advent, adventitious, adventure, adventurer, adventurous, avenue, circumvent, convene, convenience, convenience, convenient, conveniently, convent, convent, conventicle, convention, conventional, conventionality, convenant, event, eventful, eventual, eventually inconvenient, inconvenience, intervene, intervention, invent, invention, inventive, inventor, inventory, misadventure, parvenu, peradventure, prevent, preventable, prevention, preventive, revenue, souvenir, supervene, uneventful, venture, venturesome, venturous
lat. "venor" venison
lat. "venter" ventral, ventricle, ventriloquist
lat. "ventus" vent, ventilate, vender, vendor
lat. "Venus" venerable, venerate, veneration, venereal
lat. "ver" vernal
lat. "verber" reverberate, reverberation
lat. "verbum" adverb, proverb, proverbial, verb, verbal, verbiage, verbose, verbosity
lat. "veredus" palfrey
lat. "vereor" irreverence, irreverent, revere, reverence, reverent, reverent, reverential, reverently, reverent, reverential, reverently
lat. "vergo" converge, convergence, diverge, divergent
lat. "vermis" vermeil, vermiform, vermilion, vermin
lat. "verna" vernacular
lat. "verto" adversary, adverse, adversely, adversity, advert, advertise, advertisement, advertiser, advertising, animadversion, animadvert, anniversary, averse, aversion, avert, controversial, controversy, controvert, conversant, conversation, conversational, converse, conversely, conversion, convert, converter, convertible, convert, converter, convertible, divers, diverse, diversify, diversion, diversity, divert, divorce, divorcement, inadvertent, inadvertently, incontrovertible, introvert, inverse, inversion, invert, invertebrate, perverse, perversely, perverseness, perversion, perversity, pervert, prosaic, prose, reversal, reverse, reversion, revert, subversion, subvert, suzerain, suzerainty, transverse, traverse, universal, universally, universe, university, varsity, versatile, versatility, verse, versed, versification, versifier, version, vertebral, vertebrate, vertical, vertically
lat. "verus" aver, veracity, verdict, verify, verily, veritable, verity, very
lat. "vesper" vespers
lat. "Vesta" vestals
lat. "vestibulum" vestibule
lat. "vestigo" investigate, investigation, investigator, vestige
lat. "vestis" divest, invest, investiture, investigator, vestige
lat. "vetus" inveterate, veteran, veterinary
lat. "vexo" vex, vexation, vexatious, unvexed
lat. "via" convey, conveyance, conveyer(or), convoy, deviate, deviation, devious, envoy, impervious, invoice, obviate, obvious, obviously, previous, previously, trivial, triviality, viaduct,. voyage, voyager
lat. "vibro" vibrant, vibrate, vibration, vibrator
lat. "vicia" vetch
lat. "vicis" vicar, vicarage, vice-president, viceregent, viceroy, vicissitude, viscount
lat. "victima" victim
lat. "viscus" vicinity
lat. "video" advice, advisable, advise, adviser(or), advisory, enviable, envious, enviously, envy, evidence, evident, evidently, improvidence, improvident, improvise, imprudent, inadvisable, interview, interviewer, invidious, invisible, jurisprudence, preview, provide, providence, provident, providential, provision, provisional, provisional, proviso, prudence, prudent, prudential, purvey, purveyor, review, reviewer, revise, revision, revisit, revue, supervise, supervision, survey, surveying, surveyor, television, unadvisedly, unenvied, unvisited, view, viewless, viewpoint, visage, visibility, visible, visibly, vision, visionary, visit, visitant, visitation, visitor, visor, vista, visual, visual, visualize
lat. "vigeo" invigorate, vigorous, vigorously; s. also vigil
lat. "vigil" surveillance, vigilance, vigilant; s. also vigeo
lat. "vilis" revile, vile, vilify
lat. "villa" village, villager, villain, villainous, villainous, villainy, villein
lat. "villus" velour(s), velvet, velveteen, velvety
lat. "vinco" convict, conviction, convince, convincing, convincingly, evince, ex-convict, invincible, vanquish, victorious, victory
lat. "vindex" avenge, avenger, revenge, revengeful, vengeance, vengeful, vindicate, vindication, vindicative
lat. "vinum" vine, vinegar, vineyard, vinous, vintage, wine
lat. "viola" ultraviolet, violet
lat. "vipera" viper
lat. "vir" triumvirate, virile, virtual, virtually, virtue, virtuoso, virtuous
lat. "vireo" verdant, verdure, verdurous
lat. "virga" verge
lat. "virgo" virgin, virginal, virginity
lat. "virus" virulence, virulent
lat. "vis" inviolable, inviolable, violate, violation, violence, violent, violently
lat. "viscum" viscous
lat. "vita"
lat. "vitis" vice(an instrument), vise
lat. "vitium" vice(a fault), vicious, viciously, vitiate
lat. "vito" inevitable, unevitable
lat. "vitrum" vitreous, vitriol
lat. "vitulus" veal, vellum
lat. "vivo" convival revival revive, survival, survive, survivor, viand, victual(s), vital, vitality, vitally, vitamin(e), vivacious, vivacity, vive, vivid, vividly, vivify
lat. "voco" s.vox
lat. "volo(volare)" volatile, volley
lat. "volo(velle)" benevolence, benevolent, involuntarily, voluntary, volunteer,
lat. "voluptas" voluptuary, voluptuous, voluptuousness; s.also volo(velle)
lat. "volvo" convolution, counterrevolution, devolve, evolution, evolutionary, evolve, involve, revolt, revolting(adj.), revolution, revolutinary, revolutionisty, revolutionize, revolve, revolve, vault, volubility, voluble, volubly, volume, voluminous
lat. "vomo" vomit
lat. "voro" carnivours, devour, devourer, omnivourous, voracious
lat. "voveo" devote, devoted(adj.), devoltedly, devotee, devotion, devotional, devout, devoutly, undevout, votaress, votarist, votary, vote, voter, votive, vow
lat. "vox" advocacy, advocate, aovation, abouch, avow, avowal, avowedly, convocation, convoke, disavow, equivocal equivocation, evoke, invocation, invoke, irrevocale, irrevocably, prevocation, provocative, prevoke, revocation, revoke, unequivocal, vocavulary, vocal, vocation, vocational, vociferous, voice, voiceless, vouch, vouchsafe, vowel
lat. "Vulcan" volcanic, volcano, vulcanize, vulcanizer
lat. "vulgus" divulge, vulgar, vulgarity, vulgarize
lat. "vulnus" invulnerable, vulnerable
lat. "vultur" vulture

Erstellt: 2020-06










lament (W3)

Das engl. "lament" = dt. "jammern", "klagen" geht zurück auf lat. "lamentor" = dt. "laut wehklagen", "jammern".

Bei Adelung findet man:

"Lamentiren", verb. reg. neutr. mit dem Hülfsworte haben, welches nur im gemeinen Leben, für "jämmerlich beklagen", "wehklagen", üblich ist; aus dem Lat. "lamentare".


Word History: Today's Good Word is a rubbing of Old French "lamenter", the descendant of the Latin adjective "lamentarius" = "mournful", "tearful", based on the noun "lamentum" = "lament". The origin of this word is a bit mysterious. Apparently it contains an older root "la-" + the suffix "-ment", mentioned in our Good Word "mantra". The root "la-" underlies Armenian "lam" = "to cry", Albanian "leh" = "bark", "bay", and Russian "layat'" = "to bark". This root, however, seems to have avoided Germanic languages, except in today's borrowed Good Word, so interesting connections with English are not to be found.


House of Laments

Guanajuato, Mexico

Kitschy horror displays now fill the house where some very real serial killing took place.


lament (v.)

occurs regularly and best without a following preposition, as in "She lamented her lost opportunity", but it can combine with the prepositions about, concerning, for, and over, as in The losers lamented about [concerning, for, over] their many mistakes.

lamentable (adj.)

is regularly pronounced with stress on the first syllable (LA-ment-uh-bul), although a second Standard pronunciation with stress on the second syllable (luh-MENT-uh-bul) is frequently heard and occasionally criticized.




The Holy Bible: King James Version

As Jeremiah had warned, Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians. This book records five "laments" for the fallen city.



(Heb. qinah), an elegy or dirge. The first example of this form of poetry is the lament of David over Saul and Jonathan (2 Sam. 1:17-27). It was a frequent accompaniment of mourning (Amos 8:10). In 2 Sam. 3:33, 34 is recorded David’s lament over Abner. Prophecy sometimes took the form of a lament when it predicted calamity (Ezek. 27:2, 32; 28:12; 32:2, 16).


Lamentations, Book of




lamentation (n.)

late 14c., from Old French "lamentacion" = "lamentation", "plaintive cry", and directly from Latin "lamentationem" (nominative "lamentatio") "a wailing", "moaning", "a weeping", noun of action from past participle stem of "lamentari" = "to wail", "moan", "weep", from "lamentum" = "a wailing", from an extended form of PIE root "*la-" = "to shout", "cry", which probably is imitative. De Vaan compares Sanskrit "rayati" = "barks", Armenian "lam" = "to weep", "bewail"; Lithuanian "loti", Old Church Slavonic "lajati" = "to bark", 2scold"; Gothic "lailoun" = "they scolded".

It replaced Old English "cwiþan". The biblical "book of Lamentations" (late 14c.) is short for "Lamentations of Jeremiah", from Latin "Lamentationes" (translating Greek "Threnoi"), from "lamentatio" = "a wailing", "moaning", "weeping" (see "lamentation").

Entries related to "lamentation"


General (29 matching dictionaries)



"lamentoso", "lamentabile" (ital.) - "wehklagend", "jammernd"



Goodbye Lament

by Iommi feat Dave Grohl





From French "lamenter", from Latin "lamentor" (“I wail, weep”), from "lamenta" (“wailings, laments, moanings”); with formative "-mentum", from the root "*la-", probably ultimately imitative.

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "lament" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1740 auf.

Erstellt: 2020-06

Latin Phrases and Words used in English

A fortiori | A posteriori | A priori | Ad hominem | Ad infinitum | Ad nauseam | Camera obscura | Carpe diem | Casus belli | Caveat | De facto | De jure | Dictum | Et alii | Et cetera | etc. | Ex parte | Floruit | Habitat | In camera | In loco parentis | In medias res | Ipse dixit | Ipso facto | Lingua franca | Magna cum laude | Magnum opus | Memento | Memento mori | Mirabile visu | Mirabile dictu | Ne plus ultra | Noli me tangere | Nolo contendere | Non sequitur | Nota bene | Pax | Per capita | Per diem | Persona grata | Persona non grata | Post mortem | Post partum | Pro forma | Quod erat demonstrandum | Rara avis | Res ipsa loquitur | RIP | Sine die | Sine qua non | Sui generis | Summa cum laude |

Erstellt: 2020-06

Latinisms (W3)

Auch die englische Sprache hat eine Vielzahl von lateinischen Ausdrucken komplett oder nur leicht verändert übernommen. Einige Beispiele waren in der McCabe's Kolumne in der Wirtschaftswoche 2003/29 zu finden.

a priori | ad hoc | de facto | errata | et cetera | imprimatur | modus vivendi | nota bene | per se | pro forma | PS | status quo | ad infinitum - "without end" | ad nauseam - "to a sickening degree" | carpe diem - "seize the day" (from Horace; a refined version of the more democratic "just do it") | mutatis mutandis - "having changed the respective details" | per annum | per capita | pro rata - "proportionate, proportionately" | persona non grata - "unwelcome (unpleasing) individual" | a quid pro quo - "something for something" | sine qua non - "a must" | CV - curriculum vitae | e.g. - exempli gratia - "for the sake of example" | i.e. - id est - "that is to say"

Erstellt: 2003-06

8 Latin Phrases That Mean Something Different in English
Same Latin, different meaning


Erstellt: 2024-01


nonplussed (W3)

Das engl. "to be nonplussed" = "to be confused or embarrassed" hätte ich als "unübertroffen", "unüberbietbar" übersetzt. Es heisst jedoch dt. "verblüfft", "in Verlegenheit gebracht".

Es setzt sich zusammen aus lat. "non plus" = "nicht mehr", "nicht zusätzlich" und kommt meiner intuitiven Übersetzung nahe im Sinne von "in einem Zustand sein, in dem nichts mehr getan werden kann", also doch etwa ein "unüberbietbarer Zustand". Und da ist es nicht verwunderlich, wenn uns dieser Zustand "in Verlegenheit bringt".

"nonplussed": so surprised or confused by something that you do not know what to say, think, or do : PERPLEXED

"Nonplussed" is from the noun "nonplus", which literally means "a state where nothing more can be said or done" and which comes from the Latin "non plus" meaning "no more", "no further". "Nonpluss" can be used as a transitive verb or adjective to mean "perplexed", "bewildered", "not sure how to react".



verb (used with object), "non·plussed" or "non·plused", "non·plus·sing" or "non·plus·ing".

"to render utterly perplexed"; "puzzle completely".

noun: "a state of utter perplexity".


Nonplussed about nonplussed
August 6, 2008
Q: What is the origin of "nonplussed"?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it comes from "nonplus", meaning (as a noun) "A state in which no more can be said or done; inability to proceed in speech or action; a state of perplexity or puzzlement; a standstill". Originally this is just the use in English of the Latin words "non plus", meaning "no more", and used in roughly the sense of Roberto Duran's famous (if apparently apocryphal) "no mas". The earliest recorded use in English is

1582 R. PARSONS Def. Censure Epist. to Charke 8 Beynge now brought to a "non plus" in argueing.

It was also used as an adjective, with roughly the same meaning as modern "nonplussed":

1589 W. WARNER Albions Eng. VI. xxx. 132 Soone his wits were "Non plus", for his wooing could but spell.

The form "nonplussed" as an adjective, perhaps derived from the occasionally-used verb "to nonplus", and meaning "Brought to a nonplus or standstill; at a nonplus; perplexed, confounded", began to be used a few years later:

1606 W. WARNER Albions Eng. XIV. lxxxix. 363 So many Incantations, lyes, feares, hopes instanced shee,..As lastly did the "non-plust" Nunne vnto her Charmes agree.


Change by mistake
August 9, 2008

A couple of days ago, I tried to answer a journalist's questions about "nonplussed" ("Nonplussed about nonplussed", 8/6/2008). I wasn't entirely satisfied with one of my answers, and so I've tried again today.


The Madonna of linguists?
August 13, 2008

Meghan Daum's LA Times column on "nonplussed" came out a few days ago — "I'm nonplussed, maybe: Many people use words outside their original meaning, but does that make them wrong?", 8/9/2008. She's refreshingly up front about her own reaction:

I need to say something. And even though I'm going to refrain from typing in all caps, I urge you to pretend I did.

The word "nonplussed" does not mean unfazed, unperturbed or unconcerned. I know just about everyone uses it that way, but I really wish they'd stop.


"nonplussed" - "Bewildered"; "at a loss".

"Nonplussed" is from Latin "non plus", which means "not more", "no further". In its most literal sense, to be nonplussed means to be in a state where no more can be said or done. "Gingerly dipping one foot into steaming suds, there in the moonless dark, Vanessa discovered that among the revelers already in the hot tub was someone who looked astonishingly like her ex -- a discovery that left her nonplussed."


General (22 matching dictionaries)


To nonplus is to baffle or confuse someone to the point that they have nothing to say. Something weird and mysterious can nonplus you, like a play that is performed entirely by chickens.

If you know a little French or Latin, you'll recognize that "non plus" means "no more". When something bewildering nonpluses you, there's no more you can say or do about it. A goal of getting poor grades, running with a bad crowd, and refusing to eat would leave your parents nonplussed. Sometimes people misuse "nonplus" to mean "unimpressed", but that's not correct: "to nonplus" is "to puzzle", "confuse", and "dumbfound".


If a conversation with someone leaves you scratching your head and wondering what point they were trying to make, you are "nonplussed": "bewildered", "puzzled", often "speechless".


What does "nonplussed" mean, exactly? Does it mean "unflappable" or "at a loss". Martha and Grant disagree about its use.


Like it or not, popular usage changes language, and the "cool as a cucumber" usage of "nonplussed" shows early signs of becoming the standard definition at some point not far in the future. Such transformations are actually fairly common in English.

"Nice", for instance, originally meant "stupid", and at one point in its evolution meant "wanton", nearly the opposite of our modern "nice". Feel free to defend the "freaked out" meaning of "nonplussed", but as a long-term investment, it's probably a bad bet.


"Nonplussed", to bring the rest of the gang up to speed, means "perplexed" or "embarrassed", and comes directly from the Latin "non plus", meaning "not more" or "no further". Someone who is "nonplussed" has been stymied or brought to a halt. But for some reason, many people have decided that "nonplussed" means "unperturbed" or "impassive", which is, of course, exactly backwards.

So should we cave in to the yahoos and let this fine word slide into the muddle of misunderstanding? Not on my watch, bucko. I happen to like "nonplussed". Besides, if we surrender the distinction now, what will we use to nonplus the pompous idiots?


"Nonplussed" means "to be stuck", often in a puzzling or embarrassing way, "unable to go further" ("non" = "no" + "plus" = "further").

It does not mean, as many people seem to think, "calm", "in control".

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "nonplussed" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1540 / 1790 auf.

Erstellt: 2020-06



panis (W3)

Das lat. "panis" = dt. "Brot" findet man in frz. "pain", ital. "pane", port. "pão", span. "pan" = dt. "Brot". Als Wurzel wird ide. "*pa-", "*pa-t-" = dt. "füttern", "nähren", "weiden" postuliert. Auf diese indoeuropäischen Wurzeln werden eine große Anzahl von Wörtern der europäischen Sprachen zurückgeführt.

Zur großen Wortfamilie gehören:


"*pa-", "*pa-" : "*pa-", Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to protect", "feed".

It forms all or part of: "antipasto"; "appanage"; "bannock"; "bezoar"; "companion"; "company"; "feed"; "fodder"; "food"; "forage"; "foray"; "foster"; "fur"; "furrier"; "impanate"; "pabulum"; "panatela"; "panic" (n.2) "type of grass"; "pannier"; "panocha"; "pantry"; "pastern"; "pastor"; "pasture"; "pester"; "repast"; "satrap".

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Greek "pateisthai" = "to feed"; Latin "pabulum" = "food", "fodder", "panis" = "bread", "pasci" = "to feed", "pascare" = "to graze", "pasture", "feed", "pastor" = "shepherd", literally "feeder"; Avestan "pitu-" = "food"; Old Church Slavonic "pasti" = "feed cattle", "pasture"; Russian "pishcha" = "food"; Old English "foda", Gothic "fodeins" = "food", "nourishment".

Erstellt: 2022-12





Tabula rasa (W3)

Die Redensart dt. "Tabula rasa", frz. "faire table rase", beruht auf lat. "tabula rasa" = wörtl. dt. "freigekratzte Tafel". Man findet darin lat. "tabula" = dt. "Brett", "Tafel", insbesondere "Schreibtafel" und lat. "radere" = dt. "auswischen", das eng verwandt ist mit dt. "rasieren" und "radieren".

Die "Tabula rasa" war ursprünglich eine "glatt geschabte Wachstafel", die den alten Griechen und Römern als Schreibtafel diente. Es war also so etwas wie eine "gewischte Tafel" oder eben ein "unbeschriebenes Blatt". Der erste schriftliche Beleg scheint allerdings erst im Mittelalter nachweisbar zu sein. Heute wird es jedoch vorwiegend im Sinne von "reinen Tisch machen" also im Sinne von "klare Verhältnisse schaffen" verwendet.

Der Theologe, Philosoph und Naturforscher Albertus Magnus (1200 bis 1280) benutzte es in seinem Werk "Über die Seele". Dort wurde es im religösen Sinn benutzt.

Die Vorstellung von der wieder "glatt gestrichenen und damit unbeschriebenen Wachstafel" wurde von verschiedenen Philosophen auch auf den menschlichen Geist übertragen. Man stritt darüber, ob der Mensch mit einem "leeren Bewußtsein" oder mit "eingeborenen Ideen" ("ideae innatae") zur Welt kommt.

Seit dem 16. Jh. sprachen die Philosophen von einer leeren Ausgangssituation als "tabula rasa". Der britische Philosoph John Locke vertrat dieses Konzept in seinem im Jahr 1690 erschienen Werk "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" und trug damit zur Verbreitung der Redewendung bei.


"Tabula Rasa": A Useful Latin Phrase

"Tabula rasa" or "blank slate" — no, not a brain scan of Sarah Palin, it’s a neat Latin phrase worth knowing.

The literal Latin meaning of "tabula rasa" is "scraped tablet". It was the small wooden board coated on one side with wax upon which Roman school children incised their letters learning how to write. Pupils used a stylus to imprint the letters. A stylus was a pen-like piece of metal with a point on the end. Modest heat and new wax could return the tabula to pristine condition. It was NOT made of scratched-on slate, as some erroneous online “experts” proclaim. How would one quickly remove scratches from slate in a classroom? Stultus est ita magister digitalis "such an online teacher is a fool".

"Rasa" is a passive past participle of the verb "radere" = "to erase", "to scrape away", "to shave off" used as a postpositive adjective agreeing in gender and number with the feminine noun "tabula".

English is very familiar with an agent noun derived from the same verb, namely, "razor" = "thing that scrapes away a beard or cuts hair". The word came into England and into English with the Norman Conquest after 1066 CE. Its Anglo-Norman form was "rasur", its Old French, Middle French and modern French forms include "rasoir", all from a Late Latin root word "rasorium".

When the "tabula" was full of letters, its incised wax was scraped free of those letters, and the Roman pupil was then ready to refill it with her or his Latin alphabet lessons. Eventually new wax had to be applied.

Tabula rasa’s developed meaning is "blank slate" or "clean slate", referring to the human mind before receiving knowledge through experience, through reaction of the senses to the external world of objects.

Source of the Latin Phrase

The Latin term "tabula rasa" is a calque or loan-translation of a Greek phrase found in Aristotle’s treatise On the Soul, usually referred to by its Latin title "de Anima". In Greek, the Aristotelian title is "peri psuches", a philosophical inquiry about the different kinds of souls possessed by living creatures, including, of course, humankind. Aristotle’s phrase is pinakis agraphos literally "tablet not written on".

Aristotle suggests that a newborn babe’s mind is as blank as a clean slate. Only earthly sense experiences will influence how the child becomes a human being - quite different from Plato’s concept of pre-formed, pre-filled, idea-laden souls up in heaven waiting to flutter down to earth and enter human bodies. As is frequently the case, Aristotle’s intuitions about human nature and about the world were far more scientific than the vague and eo-fascist meanderings of Plato.


48. "tabula rasa" ("scraped tablet"): "blank slate" (the concept of the human mind before it receives impressions from experience)


"tabula rasa", noun Origin of "tabula rasa"

First recorded in 1525–35, "tabula rasa" is from Latin "tabula rasa" = "scraped tablet", "clean slate".


Thursday, FEBRUARY 21, 2019

tabula rasa, noun: a mind not yet affected by experiences, impressions, etc.


In Latin "tabula rasa" means "erased tablet", "a tablet rubbed clean (of writing)". "Tabula" has many meanings: "flat board", "plank", "table", "notice board2, "notice", "game board", "public document", "deed", "will". For schoolchildren the schoolmaster's command "Manum de tabula" = "Hand(s) off the tablet!" meant "Pencils down!".

"Rasa" is the past participle of "radere" = "to scrape", "scratch", "shave", "clip". The inside surfaces of a folded wooden tablet were raised along the edges and filled with wax for writing. The wax could be erased by smoothing with the blunt end of a stylus (more correctly stilus) or by mild heat. The Latin phrase is a translation of Greek "pinakìs ágraphos" = "tablet with nothing written on it", "blank tablet", from Aristotle's "De Anima" (Greek Perì Psychês, "On the Soul): "What it [the mind] thinks must be in it just as characters may be said to be on a "writing tablet" ("pinakìs") on which nothing is yet actually written ("ágraphos" ["a-graphos" = "nicht-beschrieben"])."

"Tabula rasa" entered English in the 16th century.




"Rasorial" is based on Late Latin "rasor" = "scratcher", "scraper", which is formed from Latin "radere" = "to scratch", "scrape", and the suffix "-tor". The verb "radere" is also the source of "erase", "rascal", "raze", "razor", and "tabula rasa", and its relative "rodere" = "to gnaw", is the source of "corrode", "erosion", and "rodent". "Rasorial" was first recorded in English in the 1830s.


"*red-": Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to scrape", "scratch", "gnaw".

It forms all or part of: "abrade", "abrasion", "corrode", "corrosion", "erase", "erode", "erosion", "radula", "rascal", "rase", "rash" (n.) = "eruption of small red spots on skin", "raster", "rat", "raze", "razor", "rodent", "rostrum", "tabula rasa".

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit "radati" = "scrapes", "gnaws", "radanah" = "tooth"; Latin "rodere" = "to gnaw", "eat away", "radere" = "to scrape"; Welsh "rhathu" = "scrape", "polish".

(E?)(L?) rasa

"tabula rasa" (n.)

"the mind in its primary state", 1530s, from Latin "tabula rasa", literally "scraped tablet", from which writing has been erased, thus ready to be written on again, from "tabula" (see "table" (n.)) + "rasa", fem. past participle of "radere" "to scrape away", "erase" (possibly from an extended form of PIE root "*red-" = "to scrape", "scratch", "gnaw"). A loan-translation of Aristotle's "pinakis agraphos", literally "unwritten tablet" ("De anima," 7.22).


Tabula Rasa

This is rather beautiful and thought provoking. An android, alone on a desert planet, comes across a piece of vegetation which has, somehow, rooted in the arid wasteland. Determined to secure the plant’s future the android goes to great lengths to assist its success.


Did you know?

Philosophers have been arguing that babies are born with minds that are essentially blank slates since the days of Aristotle. (Later, some psychologists took up the case as well.) English speakers have called that initial state of mental blankness "tabula rasa" (a term taken from a Latin phrase that translates as "smooth or erased tablet") since the 16th century, but it wasn't until British philosopher John Locke championed the concept in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding in 1690 that the term gained widespread popularity in our language. In later years, a figurative sense of the term emerged, referring to something that exists in its original state and that has yet to be altered by outside forces.
Etymology: Latin, "smoothed or erased tablet"

First Known Use: 1535, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler: The first known use of "tabula rasa" was in 1535

See more words from the same year



accredit | agnize | albeit | alternate | appointed | association | baldhead | beach | beatify | bellyful | birthright | blackguard | blate | blood money | bowling | break away | break in | cab | cancellation | capitulation | carnation | ceiling | chancellor of the exchequer | Chronicles | circulation | concerning | concomitance | conglobe | cumbersome | cutthroat | degradation | detest | dismayed | doorkeeper | doorpost | Elul | emulous | encumbrance | entanglement | equivalency | evening star | exceedingly | excusatory | existent | extirpate | fall away | fitchet | forecourt | fou | frank | freewill | Garden of Eden | Gideon | grow up | heathery | hold back | immanent | isinglass | kindhearted | laver | ledge | Levitical | licentious | long-suffering | loving-kindness | lubricious | man of the house | misconstruction | misgive | moonbeam | morning star | murderous | muscovite | needlewoman | Nehemias | New Jerusalem | noondayo | ff and on | olla | oryx | overbear | overshot | petulance | planting | platform | playfellow | Pole | practitioner | proctorship | propagate | protraction | provost marshal | readmit | recant | renovate | restrict | scholium | sensate | Shebat | Sivan | Sophonias | stacte | tableful | tabula rasa | take for | tipstaff | Tobias | transporter | trifling | turn in | uncontrolled | underwing | undissolved | undressed | unhallow | unpersuaded | unserviceable | untanned | uphill | Uriel | viewing | viperous | voiceless | whorish | wipe out


+ ...
"Tabula" is the Latin word from which we get our word "table" although the Latin for "table" is actually "mensa". The Latin phrase "tabula rasa" means literally "erased tablet". In ancient Rome, before the invention of Palm Pilots, notes were jotted down on a layer of beeswax held in a wooden frame (a "tabula"). The inscription would be made with something called a "stylus" which was pointed at one end (for writing) and broad and flat at the other (for erasing). When an ancient Roman had no further use for his notes he would smooth the wax with the erasing end of his stylus. Hence "tabula rasa", "erased tablet".

So much for the literal meaning. While Aristotle would not have used the very words "tabula rasa" (he was Greek, not Roman) the term has been used in connection with his beliefs. He thought that, when we are born, our minds are like "blank slates", ready to receive imprints.

The term has been used in English in this figurative sense since at least the mid-16th century.


John Locke (in 1689) used the Latin expression "tabula rasa" to describe the mind in response to the philosophical notion of "innate ideas".

Matthew O'Connor, London UK


All that changed in the 1960s when the Protest Movement produced a generation with something to say. The T-shirt was seen as a "tabula rasa", just waiting to be emblazoned with messages of protest: "Ban the Bomb", "Make Love Not War", etc. This is where the T-shirt took on its modern significance as a "Text-shirt".


Saturday, May 30th, 2015


"Tabula Rasa" Word of the Day:

This delightful and underused word means "absence of knowledge". Most folks go with ignorance instead, but "nescience" avoids most of the pejorative associations of that word, while having an air of mystery about it by being so seldom seen or heard.


"tabula rasa": a young mind not yet affected by experience


"tabula rasa" - "scraped tablet"

Thus, "blank slate". Romans used to write on wax-covered wooden tablets, which were erased by scraping with the flat end of the stylus. John Locke used the term to describe the human mind at birth, before it had acquired any knowledge.


From Latin "tabula" (“tablet”) + "rasa", feminine singular of "rasus" (“scraped", "erased”).


"tabula rasa" - "A scraped writing tablet"; "an erased tablet", "a clean slate".

John Locke's image of the mind at birth. John Locke (1632-1704) was an English empirical philosopher. "Tabula rasa" often refers to a mind devoid of preconceptions.


"tabula rasa", noun, plural "tabulae rasae"

Pronunciation Sound Clip

[Medieval Latin "tabula rasa" : Latin "tabula" = "tablet" + Latin "rasa", feminine of "rasus" = "erased".]


Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--carte blanche

An interesting simile to "carte blanche", used in architecture and other design fields, is "tabula rasa" or "blank slate". In this case it is meant to imply that there are no preexisting restrictions on the possible outcome of a design problem. This is often used to describe the approach of early Modern architects who proposed that buildings and cities should be built for the present and future, without the restriction of historical precedent. The French architect Le Corbusier is a famous example of this methodology.


"tabula rasa"

(E1)(L1) rasa
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Tabula rasa" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1800 auf.

Erstellt: 2024-11

tabular (W3)

Das Adjektiv engl. "tabular" (1650 – 1660) = dt. "tafelförmig", "Tafel-", "flach", "dünn", "blättrig", "tabellarisch", "Tabellen-" geht zurück auf frz. "tabulaire" bzw. lat. "tabularis" = "plattenartig, tafelartig, "brett-", "tisch-", from lat. "tabula" = dt. "Platte", "Fliese", "Scheibe" .

Das engl. "tabular standard" bedeutet in der Welt der Wirtschaft dt. "Preisindexwährung".


"tabular", adjective


"tabular", adjective ...
Origin of "tabular"

First recorded in 1650–60, "tabular" is from the Latin word "tabularis" pertaining to a "board" or "tablet". See "table", "-ar"


"tabular" (adj.)

1650s, "table-shaped", from French "tabulaire" or directly from Latin "tabularis" = "of a slab or tablet, of boards or planks", from "tabula" = "slab" (see "table" (n.)). The meaning "arranged in a list or columns; ascertained or computed by means of tables" is from 1710.

also from 1650s


"tabular", adjective


Latin "tabularis" = "of boards", from "tabula" = "board", "tablet"

First Known Use: circa 1656, in the meaning defined at sense 2



abysmal | accrued | aftereffect | agonistic | alimentation | all-or-none | ameliorate | analyst | anarchic | anarchism | annulate | aphelion | apophasis | applied | arabesque | asymptote | bedcover | bloated | bodega | Boötes | bouillon | burweed | cacophony | campaign | Cartesian | city clerk | clank | cloaca | common fraction | complicated | complicity | conflagrant | connubial | contemporaneous | coquetry | corvine | cosmology | cravat | crony | dactylology | dawdle | decennial | decumbent | decussation | degustation | depository | diluvial | dissatisfy | dissidence | divergence | dogfight | east by north | elliptical | emu | epistolary | exanthem | exculpate | exhausted | existential | ex nihilo | fletch | frosted | fuddled | gaff | Gallicism | gambit | gastric | gaum | glacial | handwrite | hedonic | homology | homunculus | horripilation | hypermeter | hypogastric | iconic | inapplicable | incandescence | incurrence | invaginate | Jansenism | je ne sais quoi | lamina | legislate | linear | linear perspective | littoral | loquacious | lucency | lumbar | lyrist | maieutic | malachite | Megaric | metalliferous | misdraw | misogamy | misogyny | morbid | mordancy | multipartite | narrate | obelize | obverse | oceanic | omnivorous | orphic | ortolan | osculate | overbroad | overhand | palmar | paronymous | patency | pathological | patriciate | pelagic | permeate | predestinarian | preliminary | prevenient | provincialist | pudibund | pulverulent | pure democracy | quadrennial | quadruplicate | quintuplicate | reconceive | reconception | recreational | refire | renalr | esentful | rhapsodist | saltatory | scalar | seapiece | seigneurial | self-restraint | serotinous | sesquipedalian | sibilate | side step | siliceous | spitfire | star-studded | stellar | stomachic | strident | subalpine | substitutive | superposition | syllabus | tabular | tarantism | tetralogy | theosophist | throw back | thymic | touch up | transmogrify | triarchy | trierarch | triplet | uncalled-for | unenvious | unessential | unsplit | validation | vapid | ventriloquist | vigesimal | xerophthalmia |


"Tabular": Crystal habit describing a thin and often four-sided crystal.


The earliest known use of the adjective "tabular" is in the mid 1600s.

OED's earliest evidence for "tabular" is from 1656, in the writing of Thomas Blount, antiquary and lexicographer.

"tabular" is a borrowing from Latin.

Etymons: Latin "tabularis".


"tabular" a. [L. tabula", "table"] Arranged in a flat surface



Anything tabular is arranged in a "table", with rows and columns. Sports statistics are usually presented in a tabular format.


Origin of "Tabular": Latin "tabularis" = "of boards" from "tabula" = "board"

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "tabular" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1610 / 1750 auf.

Erstellt: 2024-11
Latin Roots


Latin Root - English Meaning - English Example Word

Erstellt: 2022-02 - LbwfC
Latin-Based Words for Colors and Other Things
These words were borrowed from Latin and have become common in English


English has a lot of words of Latin origin. In fact, 60 percent of the English language comes from Latin. Here are some Latin words—in this case, adjectives—for colors:

Other Latin Words Imported Into English

Some Latin words are changed to make them more like English words, often by changing the ending (e.g., "office" from the Latin "officium"), but other Latin words are kept intact in English. Of these words, some are unfamiliar and are generally italicized or placed in quotation marks to show that they are foreign, but others are used with nothing to set them apart as imported. You may not even be aware that they are from Latin. Here are some such words:

Latin Word - Definition - English Derivatives

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Latin Words and Expressions in English


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Latin Words in English


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W - CviEcoL
Compound verbs in English consisting of Latin prefix and Latin verb

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Some compound verbs in English consist of two morphemes: a Latin prefix and a Latin verb.

Contents - LoEwoLo
List of English words of Latin origin

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Because Latin words make up some 60% of the language, this is necessarily a deeply incomplete list of English language words of Latin language origin, a full list of which would be tens of thousands of words long. This list contains words that meet the following criteria: - LoLeicE
List of Latin expressions in common English

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This page includes English translations of less common Latin phrases (i.e., not always found in dictionaries), some of which are themselves translations from Greek.
English-Word Information
English Words Derived from Latin and Greek Sources


Robertson's Words for a Modern Age:

A Dictionary of English Words Derived from Latin and Greek Sources, Presented Individually and in Family Units, All of Which Are Utilized in Modern English Vocabulary

Type in an English word, or words, (for example, man OR man, woman, love) to find their Latin and/or Greek equivalents OR type in English-words from Latin and/or Greek sources (for example, android, gynoid) to see any definitions, when available, and their related word families.
This site currently contains 3,604 family-word units which contain 60,507 listed English words primarily derived from Latin and Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes; as well as, additional vocabulary-related information.


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