binominal (W3)
In Botanik und Zoologie bezeichnet engl. "binominal" = dt. "zweinamig" (lat. "bi" = dt. "zwei" und lat. "nomen" = dt. "Name"), die Bezeichnungen innerhalb des "binominal system" = dt. "System der Doppelbenennung" von Pflanzen und Tieren zur eindeutigen Benennung.Carl von Linné (1707-1778) führte das binominale System ein. Er baute dabei auf Vorarbeiten von Caspar Bauhin (1560-1624) und anderen Wissenschaftlern des 17. Jh. auf. Jede Pflanze und jedes Tier werden seither mit dem Doppelnamen aus "Gattung" und "Art" eindeutig benannt.
"Gattungsname" und "Artname" ("Beiname") bilden die Bezeichnung im binominalen System.
Man kann auch sagen, dass die gesamte "binominale Bezeichnung" (Gattungsname + Beiname) den "Artnamen" ergibt.
Binominalverteilung Hypothesen
The modern scientific study of plants began about the time of the English botanist Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712). He described the production of seeds and wrote an important book on plant anatomy. The invention of the microscope made it possible to study microscopic structures of plants. Marcello Malphigi and Robert Hooke discovered plants cells by studying plants through the microscope.
An important step forward was made in the mid-18th century when Carolus Linnaeus established the binominal system of classification.
In the late 18th century, Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, elaborating on his uncle Bernard's work, grouped plants into families according to the number of seed leaves they contained. In the 16th century, Alexander van Humboldt traveled to various destinations across the world and studied the distribution of plants. This was the start of the study of plant geography. As knowledge of plants grew, such practical fields of study as agronomy and horticulture branched off from botany and became separate, but related, sciences.
Die binominale Namengebung bei Hybriden
Nomenclature binominale des hybrides
About the binominal nomenclature of some hybrids
Many natural hybrids in the genus Sempervivum were initially described under one or more binominal names by the former authors. That can appear convenient but does not go without posing certain nomenclatural problems.
"binominal" having or characterized by two names, especially those of genus and species in taxonomies
"binary" a. [L. "binarius", from "bini", "pair"]
1. Composed of two units, elements or parts.
2. Refers to designations of two kinds of names. see binominal nomenclature.
"binary nomenclature" see "binominal nomenclature"
"binomen" n. [L. "bis", "two"; "nomen", "name"] The scientific designation of a species, consisting of a generic and a specific name. see "binominal nomenclature", "trinominal nomenclature".
"binomial nomenclature" A system of nomenclature using two names, first established for animals by Linnaeus in 1758 and now generally referred to as "binominal nomenclature".
"binominal" a. [L. "bis", "two"; "nomen", "name"] Consisting of two words or names.
"binominal nomenclature" The system of nomenclature adopted by the International Congress of Zoology, by which the scientific name of an animal is designated by both a generic and specific name.
"Carl Linnæus", puis "Carl von Linné" après son anoblissement, né le 23 mai 1707 à Råshult (Suède) et mort le 10 janvier 1778 à Uppsala (Suède), est un naturaliste suédois qui a fondé les bases du système moderne de la nomenclature binominale. Considérant, selon la formule d'Edward Coke « Nomina si nescis, perit cognitio rerum » (la connaissance des choses périt par l'ignorance du nom), que la connaissance scientifique nécessite de nommer les choses, il a répertorié, nommé et classé de manière systématique l'essentiel des espèces vivantes connues à son époque en s'appuyant sur ses propres observations comme sur celles de son réseau de correspondants. La nomenclature qu'il établit alors, et la hiérarchisation des classifications en classe, genre, ordre, espèce et variété, s'impose au XIXe siècle comme la nomenclature standard.
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "binominal" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1750 auf.
Erstellt: 2014-08