Dolly - Rose
(ADR-Rose 1987)
Das ADR-Prädikat das die Rose "Dolly" im Jahr 1987 erhielt wurde inzwischen wieder entzogen.
Engl. "Dolly" (um 1600) ist die Verniedlichungsform von engl. "Dorothy". "Dolly" wurde zur allgemeinen Bezeichnung für Frauen und insbesondere für "Prostituierte" Im Jahr 1790 findet man "Doly" für eine "Kinderpuppe". Von da wurde es ab 1792 auf viele kleinere Gegenstände übertragen. Ab 1901 bezeichnete es u.a. eine "kleine Plattform auf Rollen" (ein Lastenträger). Zwischenzeitlich gab es auch hölzerne Waschapparate, die "dolly" genannt wurden. Auch einige weitere technische Teile wurden als "dolly" bezeichnet.
Weitere Varianten von "Dorothea" sind "Doris", "Dorit", "Dorrit", "Dorthe", "Dora", "Dorothee", engl. "Dorothy", frz. "Dorothée", poln. "Dorota".
Der name griech. "Dorothéa" bedeutet dt. "Gottesgeschenk" und setzt sich zusammen aus griech. "doron" = dt. "Geschenk", "Gabe" und griech. "theós" = dt. "Gott". Der Name "Dorothea" verbreitete sich im Mittelalter vor allem durch das Beispiel der "Heiligen Dorothea" (3./4. Jh.). Der Namenstag ist der 6. Februar. Die Heilige Dorothea hat noch einen besonderen Bezug zur Rose. Der Legende nach brachte ihr ein Knabe, bevor sie enthauptet wurde, einen Korb mit Rosen und Äpfeln aus dem Paradies. Deshalb wurde sie auch zur Patronin der Gärtner. Später gab es weitere berühmte Namensträgerinnen die zur Verbreitung des Namens beitrugen. So die "Selige Dorothea von Montau" (14. Jh.), die Kurfürstin "Dorothea von Brandenburg" (17. Jh.). Und Goethe schrieb ein Epos "Hermann und Dorothea", 1798. Weitere bekannte Namensträgerinnen waren "Dorothea Schlegel", "Dorothea Tanning" (amerikanische Malerin (20./21. Jh.))
Später wurden dann auch geklonte Schafe "Dolly" genannt.
dolly - A low platform on wheels used to move sculpture or heavy materials.
Dolly Pentreath THIS OBJECT IS PART OF THE PROJECT 'A HISTORY OF CORNWALL IN 100 OBJECTS'. ST MICHAEL'S MOUNT. This portrait shows ... Contributed by Museum
Dolly the Sheep hit the headlines in 1997 as the first mammal cloned from an adult cell. Contributed by Museum
German musical dolly. A children's toy that makes music and spins around on its stick. I acquired it from my parents - my mum used to play it ... Contributed by Individual
Corn Dolly - Topsham Cross This is a Harvest Cross specific to Devon, made at Harvest time for display in the church. It is an example of ... Contributed by Individual
Dolly's wardrobe This has been in my family for years, having originally been bought for my mother, who was brought up on her own. The ... Contributed by Individual
Corn Dolly Corn dollies were and still are used in pagan ceremonies. It is now a decorative art form which reflect superstitious ... Contributed by Individual
A Clay Doll This articulated dolly has fallen on hard times. She was made in the 1920s, and with her moving eyes, is an early model ... Contributed by Individual
Cutting Dolly's Hair
Dolly and Molly at the Seashore
My Dolly
Hush, Baby, My Dolly
Deutschlandfunk / Kalenderblatt - 12.01.2008
Zehn Jahre Klon-Verbot
12.01.2008. Klonschaf Dolly wurde wegen einer schweren Lungenkrankheit eingeschläfert . (Bild ...
Corn dolly
Dolly ® (floribunda, Poulsen, 1973)[POUlvision] - Floribunda / Cluster Flowered. Deep pink. Mild, wild rose fragrance. Semi-double (9-16 petals) bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Height of 2' to 32" (60 to 80 cm). Niels Dines Poulsen (1973).
Dolly (floribunda, Berger, 1959) - Floribunda / Cluster Flowered. Light yellow, carmine-red edges. Medium-large, double (17-25 petals) bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Walter Berger (1899 - 1960) (1959).
Dolly Brownell - Floribunda / Cluster Flowered. Light pink. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Brownell Family (1926).
Dolly Darling - Hybrid Tea / Large-Flowered. Sub-Zero Series. Pink. Strong fragrance. Large, semi-double (9-16 petals) bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Brownell Family (1949).
Dolly Dot[JACsego] - Mini-Flora, Patio. Deep yellow. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Jackson & Perkins (1998).
Dolly Madison - Hybrid Tea / Large-Flowered. Golden-yellow. Large, very double bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Verne Stone Hillock (1935).
Dolly Parton - Hybrid Tea. Orange or orange-red. Strong fragrance. Large, full (26-40 petals), borne mostly solitary bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Height of up to 5' (up to 150 cm). Joseph F. Winchel (1984).
Dream Dolly[JACpin] - Floribunda / Cluster Flowered. Orange-pink. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Jackson & Perkins (1993). Halo Dolly[MORwateye] - Miniature. Pink blend. None / no fragrance. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 10b. Height of 1' to 18" (30 to 45 cm). Ralph S. Moore (1992).
Hello Dolly[AROheddo] - Hybrid Tea / Large-Flowered. Yellow. Strong fragrance. Large bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Jack E. Christensen (1988). Violet Dolly - Miniature. Lilac. Strong fragrance. Cupped bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Height of up to 16" (up to 40 cm). Unknown.
Dolly's Forever Rose[ARDolly] - Shrub. Vermilion, yellow reverse. Mild, moss or woody, pine fragrance. Medium, single to semi-double, cluster-flowered bloom form. Spring or summer flush with scattered later bloom. USDA zone 6b through 11. Height of 30" to 4' (75 to 120 cm). Width of 30" to 4' (75 to 120 cm). Paul Barden.
Dolly's Sister (hybrid tea, Taylor, 1989) - Hybrid Tea / Large-Flowered. Orange-pink. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Thomas E. Taylor (1989).
Dolly's Sister (grandiflora, Williams, 2000) - Grandiflora. Orange or orange-red. Strong fragrance. Large, double (17-25 petals), high-centered bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 7b and warmer. J. Benjamin Williams (2000).
Limericks on corn-dolly
(E?)(L?) dolly
Limericks on corn dolly
Limericks on dolly
(E?)(L?) shot
Limericks on dolly shot
The word dolly has been applied to a very large number of mechanical contrivances over the years, and it's not always possible to sort out how the various senses have developed.
The earliest of these senses, found in the late eighteenth century, refers to a wooden device used to stir laundry in a washtub. In this case the device somewhat resembled a doll: it had two arms which a person held, and feet that stirred the clothes. There are several other dollys that are so named because of their resemblance to an actual doll, but most of them are fairly obscure now.
The word dolly is first recorded in the works of Ben Jonson in the early seventeenth century, as a nickname of "Dorothy". The other senses, including "a child's name for a doll", "a girl or woman", and those we've been discussing, which are all formed from "doll" and the diminutive suffix "-y", develop in the eighteenth century.
'Dolly' Floribunda, 1959, gelb, Berger, W. Bad Langensalza (DDR)
Dolly Floribunda Poulsen
Dolly ® (Pouldol)
Dial-A-Dolly-Service | dolly | dolly bird | dolly drag | dolly pals | dolly spit | dolly-looking | dolly-mop | dolly-mopper | Dollys | trolley-dolly
Hello, Dolly! - by Louis Armstrong
Hello, Dolly! - by Bobby Darin
- 3. ROYAUME-UNI - Chronologie (1990-2008)
- 110. Geburtstag einer großer Schriftstellerin ...rger, blyton, enid, fünf, freunde, hanni, nanni, dolly, noddy, aeroplane, tina, tini, alzheimer,
- Höchste Auszeichnung für Ian Wilmut ...forschung, Klon, Klonen, Gen, Gentechnik, Embryo, dolly, Klonschaf, Klon-Schaf, Paul Ehrlich, Ludwig...
- Enid Blyton: Schon mit 14 schrieb sie für Kinder ...r, Jugendbücher, Fünf Freunde, Hanni und Nanni, dolly, Enid Blyton
- Klonen - Wird der Mensch zur Massenware? ...rapie, Erbgut, DNA, DNS, Klonen, Zelle, Zellkern, dolly, Klonschaf
- Meilensteine der Genforschung ...rapie, Erbgut, DNA, DNS, Klonen, Zelle, Zellkern, dolly, Klonschaf
Dolly ® II, POUlvision, Springs 75, Poulsen (DK) 1975 Floribunda, Moderne Rose, ... .
... that "Dolly" (the name), as well as "doll" and all its derivatives, started out as shortened forms of the name "Dorothy."
Erstellt: 2013-10