Diaspora (W3)
Dt. "Diaspora", span. "diáspora", frz. "diaspora", ital. "diaspora", ndl. "diaspora", engl, "diaspora" (1876), geht zurück auf griech. "diasporá" = dt. "Streuung", "Zerstreuen", "Zerstreuung". Der Begriff "Diaspora" ist bereits in der im Jahr -200 erstellten Septuaginta, der ältesten vollständigen Übersetzung der Tora in die altgriechische Gemeinsprache, zu finden. Zunächst bezeichnete "Diaspora" speziell die jüdischen Siedlungen im Exil. Seit dem 19. Jh. bezeichnet dt. "Diaspora" ganz allgemein religiöse oder ethnische Minderheiten, die in vielen Ländern der Welt zu finden sind, also "verstreut" sind. Als "Diaspora" werden auch Gebiete genannt, in denen Gruppen solcher Minderheiten leben.Das griech. "diaspora" gehört zu dem Verb griech. "diaspeirein" = dt. "verstreuen", "verbreiten", "zerstreuen", "ausbreiten", und setzt sich zusammen aus griech. "dia" = dt. "durch", "durch ... hindurch", "abgesondert", "gesondert" + griech. "speirein" = dt. "säen", "besäen", "ausstreuen", "ausbreiten", "streuen".
Das griech. "speirein" ist in vielen anderen Worten zu finden, wie etwa in dt. "Sperma", dt. "Sporaden" (die im Ägäischen Meer verstreuten griechische Inseln), dt. "sporadisch" (zu frz. "sporadique", griech. "sporadikós" = dt. "verstreut"), engl. "sperm", "sperma", "seed".
Die Wurzel ide. "*sper-" = dt. "ausbreiten", "spreizen", "sprenkeln", "sprengen", "streuen", "streuen", "verteilen", "besprenkeln", "besprengen", "bestreuen", "benetzen", findet man z.B. in engl. "spray", "spread", "sprawl", "sprinkle". Im Lateinischen findet man lat. "spargere" = dt. "ausbreiten", "spreizen", "streuen" und lat. "dispersio", "dispersion" = dt. "Streuung".
(E?)(L?) https://www.alphadictionary.com/goodword/word/diaspora
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The Jewish Diaspora began with the deportation of Judeans to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar in 597 and 586 BCE, following his victories over them.
In addition to the Jewish Diaspora, it is reasonable to speak of the Afro-American diaspora caused by the slave trade, particularly in West Africa.
William Saroyan and Peter Balakian represent writers of the Armenian diaspora, caused by the Turkish genocide of 1915-1923.
The cause of the Roma (Gypsy) diaspora is unknown, though most scholars agree that the Roma originated in northern India.
Word History:
Today's Good Word is simply the word "diaspora" "dispersion" transliterated from the Greek. Greek "diaspora" is the noun of the verb "diaspeirein" "to disperse", "spread out", made up of "dia" "through", "apart" + "speirein" "to sow", "scatter". "Speirein" is also the source of the noun "sperma" "seed", now used in English without the A. The Indo-European root "sper-" "spread", "sprinkle" came directly to English in a variety of forms: "spray", "spread", "sprawl", and "sprinkle", to mention just four. In Latin the root turns up in the verb "spargere" "to sprinkle", "scatter" which, with the prefix "dis-", produced the noun "dispersio", "dispersion" "scattering".
(E?)(L?) https://aeon.co/essays/the-irish-experience-and-the-meaning-of-modern-diaspora
The Irish diaspora
There are 70 million people around the world who claim Irish ancestry. What shaped and made the great Irish emigration?
(E?)(L?) http://www.boglewood.com/sicily/normans.html
The Norman Diaspora
A discussion of the "Normans" must begin with a negative: The "Normans" were not French. In fact, the Normans were Vikings in their origin. The name itself is a variant of "Northmen" or "Norsemen", reflecting their roots in the far northern regions of Scandanavia. Their incursions to the south began with raids along the coast and up the coastal valleys of Gaul in present-day France.
By the early 800s the Normans had begun permanent settlements in the region near the mouth of the Seine, which soon became known as "Normandy". In 911 Rollo, the ruler of Normandy, allied himself with Charles the Simple, king of the Franks, becoming a French duke. Thereafter, the Normans quickly assimilated the customs and Christian religion of the French.
Norman "wanderlust" was not ended, however. Norman adventurers became active mercenaries throughout the Mediterranean as the rulers of southern Europe cast about for allies in their battles against the rising tide of Islam. Norman mercenaries were present in the conflicts in Spain. Later, in the early 1000s, they appeared in strength as allies of the Papal forces when the Papacy resolved to expel the remaining Byzantine forces from the Italian peninsula. Ultimately, the Normans there established their own powerful kingdom spanning southern Italy and Sicily.
Back in Normandy, the Norman leader William the Conqueror launched an overwhelming attack across the English Channel into England in 1066, toppling the English monarchy. Soon the Normans found themselves with kingdoms in France, England, Italy and Sicily.
(E?)(L?) https://www.britannica.com/topic/diaspora-social-science
"Diaspora", populations, such as members of an ethnic or religious group, that originated from the same place but dispersed to different locations. The word "diaspora" comes from the ancient Greek "dia speiro", meaning "to sow over". The concept of "diaspora" has long been used to refer to the Greeks in the Hellenic world and to the Jews after the fall of Jerusalem in the early 6th century BCE. Beginning in the 1950s and 1960s, scholars began to use it with reference to the "African diaspora", and the use of the term was extended further in the following decades.
(E?)(L?) http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/00.INDEXmad.html
Mathematicians of the African Diaspora
(E?)(L?) https://www.dictionary.com/e/diaspora/
The history of the term "diaspora" shows how a word’s meaning can spread from a very specific sense to encompass much broader ones. "Diaspora" first entered English in the late nineteenth century to describe the scattering of Jews after their captivity in Babylonia in the fifth century B.C.E.
The term originates from the Greek "diasporá", meaning "a dispersion" or "scattering", found in Greek translations of the Hebrew Bible (Deuteronomy 25). While this specific historical sense is still used, especially in scholarly writing, modern-day definitions of the Jewish "Diaspora" (often with an initial capital letter) can refer to the displacement of Jews at other times during their history, especially after the Holocaust in the twentieth century. The term can also refer generally to Jews living today outside of Israel.
"Diaspora" also has been applied to the similar experiences of other peoples who have been forced from their homelands; for example, to the trans-Atlantic passage of Africans under the slave trade of the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries, which has been called "the African Diaspora".
More recently, we find a scattering of the meaning of "diaspora", which can now be used to refer not only to a group of people, but also to some aspect of their culture, as in "the global diaspora of American-style capitalism".
(E?)(L?) https://www.electricscotland.com/history/world.htm
Scots Diaspora
(E?)(L?) https://www.etymonline.com/word/diaspora
diaspora (n.)
1825 in reference to Moravian protestants; 1869 in reference to the dispersion of the Jews; from Greek "diaspora" = "dispersion", from "diaspeirein" = "to scatter about", "disperse", from "dia" = "about", "across" (see "dia-") + "speirein" = "to scatter" (see "sparse"). The Greek word was used in the Septuagint in Deuteronomy xxviii.25. A Hebrew word for it is "galuth" = "exile". The earlier word for it in English was Latinate "dispersion" (late 14c.). Related: "Diasporic".
Entries related to "diaspora"
- dia-
- dispersion
- sparse
(E?)(L?) https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04775c.htm
"Diaspora" was the name given to the countries (outside of Palestine) through which the Jews were dispersed, and secondarily to the Jews living in those countries. The Greek term, "diaspora", corresponds to the Hebrew meaning "exile" (cf. Jeremiah 24:5). It occurs in the Greek version of the Old Testament, e.g. Deuteronomy 28:25 and 30:4, where the dispersion of the Jews among the nations is foretold as the punishment of their apostasy. In John 7:35, the word is used implying disdain: "The Jews therefore said among themselves: Whither will he go, that we shall not find him? Will he go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles?" Two of the Catholic Epistles, viz. that of James and I Peter, are addressed to the neophytes of the "Diaspora". In Acts 2 are enumerated the principal countries from which the Jews came who heard the Apostles preach at Pentecost, everyone "in his own tongue". The "Diaspora" was the result of the various deportations of Jews which invariably followed the invasion or conquest of Palestine.
(E?)(L?) http://www.oedilf.com/db/Lim.php?Word=Diaspora
Limericks on "Diaspora"The Diaspora: Jews have moved on; To all ends of the earth they have gone. From Nairobi to Nome, They all yearn for one home, And say, "Next year in Boca Raton!"
(E?)(L?) https://www.onelook.com/?w=diaspora&loc=wotd
We found 37 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word "diaspora".
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Port Manteaux: "diaspora" and Word 2 (optional)
(E?)(L?) https://www.thoughtco.com/diaspora-definition-4684331
"Diaspora" Definition
The term "diaspora" comes from the Greek verb "diaspeiro" meaning “to scatter” or “to spread about”. As first used in Ancient Greece, "diaspora" referred to people of dominant countries who voluntarily emigrated from their homelands to colonize conquered countries. Today, scholars recognize two kinds of "diaspora": forced and voluntary. "Forced diaspora" often arises from traumatic events such as wars, imperialistic conquest, or enslavement, or from natural disasters like famine or extended drought. As a result, the people of a "forced diaspora" typically share feelings of persecution, loss, and desire to return to their homeland.
In contrast, a "voluntary diaspora" is a community of people who have left their homelands in search of economic opportunity, as in the massive emigration of people from depressed regions of Europe to the United States during the late 1800s.
Unlike "diaspora" created by force, voluntary immigrant groups, while also maintaining close cultural and spiritual links to their countries of origin, are less likely to wish to return to them permanently. Instead, they take pride in their shared experience and feel a certain social and political “strength-in-numbers”. Today, the needs and demands of large "diaspora" often influence government policy ranging from foreign affairs and economic development to immigration.
(E?)(L?) https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/5694663.html?ltflags=mailer
News Words: Diaspora
(E?)(L?) http://www.takeourword.com/TOW158/page2.html#diaspora
While the Greek root of "diaper" is "diaspros" and the Greek root of "Diaspora" is "diaspora", "diaspros" is formed from "dia-" = "two" plus "aspros" = "white".
"Diaspora", on the other hand, is formed from "dia-" = "through" and "speirein" = "to sow", "to scatter". The "Diaspora" (capital "D") refers to "dispersion" of the Jews among the Gentiles after the Captivity. The word, with a lower case "d", is lately being used to refer to other scatterings, like that of Africans to other parts of the globe as slaves.
The word dates only from about 1876 in English. It comes from the Greek translation of Deuteronomy 28:25: "Thou shalt be a diaspora (or dispersion) in all kingdoms of the earth."
(E?)(L?) https://www.visualthesaurus.com/portlets/wod/?y=2006&m=07&d=1&mode=m
"Diaspora": Originally it meant all of Jewry outside Palestine or Israel, but now is extended, usually with a modifier before it, to refer to any people, language, or phenomenon once localized and now dispersed. The roots are Greek and simply mean "a dispersion".
(E?)(L?) http://www.wordsmith.org/awad/archives/0695
Date: Thu Jun 29, 1995
Subject: A.Word.A.Day "diaspora"
[Gk, "dispersion", from "diaspeirein" = "to scatter", from "dia-" + "speirein" = "to sow"] (1881)
1 a: the settling of scattered colonies of Jews outside Palestine after the Babylonian exile
1 b: the area outside Palestine settled by Jews
1 c: the Jews living outside Palestine or modern Israel
2 a: the breaking up and scattering of a people: migration (the black ~ to northern cities)
2 b: people settled far from their ancestral homelands (African ~)
2 c: the place where these people live
(E?)(L?) https://www.wordswithoutborders.org/dispatches/article/behind-the-film-more-than-sbarchithe-african-diaspora-in-italy-iman-childs
Behind the Film: “More Than Sbarchi — The African Diaspora in Italy”
(E?)(L?) https://www.wordswithoutborders.org/article/changing-landscapes-and-identities-an-introduction-to-tamil-writing
Magazine from the April 2015 issue
Changing Landscapes and Identities: An Introduction to Tamil Writing
Perhaps the greatest change impacting on the idea of “Tamil identity” is the formation of an international Tamil diaspora in the past three decades or so. This has happened for many reasons, but particularly because of the departure of Sri Lankan Tamils during the years of civil war.
(E1)(L1) http://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?corpus=0&content=Diaspora
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Diaspora" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1850 auf.
Erstellt: 2020-12