Population Open Encyclopedia
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary
United Nations - Departement of Economic and Social Affairs - Population Division
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
- Français: Encyclopédie sur la démographie - Dictionnaire démographique multilingue (2de éd. unifiée, 1re éd. 1958)
- English: Population Open Encyclopedia - Multilingual Demographic Dictionary (2nd ed.1982, 1st ed. 1958)
- Español: Enciclopedia de demografía - Dictionario demográfico multilingüe (seg. edicíon 1985, prim. edicíon 1959)
- Deutsch: Enzyklopädie der Bevölkerungswissenschaften - Mehrsprachiges Demographisches Wörterbuch (zweite Ausgabe 1987, erste Ausgabe 1960)
- Polski: Projekt encyklopedii demograficznej - Wielojezyczny slownik demograficzny (tlumaczenie drugiego wydania, pierwsze wydanie z 1966)
- Ceština: Encyklopedie demografie - Mnohojazycný demografický slovník (druhé vydání 2005, první vydání 1965)
- Suomi: Monikielinen väestötieteen sanakirja (1962)
- Svenska: Den demografiska encyklopedin - Flerspråkig demografisk ordbok (volym 1961)
- Italiano: Un'enciclopedia di demografia - Dizionario demografico multilingue (seconda edizione armonizzata, prima edizione del 1959)
- Português: Enciclopédia de Demográfia - Dicionário Demográfico Multilíngüe (segunda edição, edição 1969)
In 1953, the Population Commission of the United Nations requested the preparation of a Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, a task in which the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) offered to collaborate. In 1955, an ad hoc Committee under the chairmanship of P. Vincent of France was established to prepare the English, French and Spanish versions of the Dictionary. The Committee included as members: C.E. Dieulefait (Argentina), H.F. Dorn (United States), E. Grebenik (United Kingdom), P. Luzzato-Fegiz (Italy), M. Pascua (Switzerland) and J. Ros Jimeno (Spain). The French and English versions of the Dictionary were published in 1958 and the Spanish version in 1959. Versions in ten other languages appeared between that date and 1971.
- A
- Abode, persons of no fixed | Aboriginal | Abortion | Abortion by cutterage | Abortion by dilatation and evacuation | Abortion by medical induction procedure | Abortion by vacuum aspiration | Abortion rate | Abortion rate, life-time | Abortion ratio | Abortion, criminal | Abortion, illegal | Abortion, induced | Abortion, intentional | Abortion, legal | Abortion, spontaneous | Abortion, therapeutic | Abortions by curettage | Abortions by dilatation and evacuation | Abortions by medical induction procedures | Abortions by vacuum aspiration | Abridged life table | Absence, length of | Absentee | Absentee, temporary | Absentees | Absolute frequency | Absolute number | Absolute numbers | Absorption | Abstinence | Abstinence, periodic | Acceptance rate | Accession to the labor force | Accession to the labor force, age at | Accession to the labor force, mean age at | Accession to the labor force, rate of | Accession to the labour force, probability of | Accident | Account, worker on own | Acculturation | Accuracy | Acknowledge | Acquired characteristic | Acquired characteristics | Activity ratio | Activity, economic | Activity, gainful | Activity, ratio | Actual population | Acute disease | Acute diseases | Adjusted infant mortality rate | Adjusted mortality rate | Adjusted mortality rates | Adjusted rate | Adjusted rates | Administrative area | Administrative areas | Administrative district | Administrative districts | Administrative unit | Administrative units | Adolescence | Adolescent | Adolescent sterility | Adolescent sub-fecundity | Adolescents | Adult | Adult age | Adult mortality | Adults | Age | Age at accession to the labor force | Age at death, modal | Age at death, normal | Age at first marriage, mean | Age at first marriage, median | Age at first marriage, modal | Age at last birthday | Age at leaving school | Age at marriage | Age at marriage, average | Age at marriage, mean | Age at marriage, singulate mean | Age at next birthday | Age at separation from the labor force | Age at the birth of the last child | Age difference between spouses | Age differences between spouses | Age distribution | Age distribution, initial | Age distribution, stable | Age group | Age group, broad | Age group, five-year | Age group, quinquennial | Age groups | Age heaping | Age misreporting | Age of mothers, mean | Age one, probability of dying before | Age reached during the year | Age reporting bias | Age specific death rates | Age structure | Age, adult | Age, exact | Age, individual years of | Age, mean | Age, median | Age, mental | Age, mortality of old | Age, old | Age, physiological | Age, reported | Age, school | Age, stated | Age-specific birth rate | Age-specific birth rates | Age-specific death rate | Age-specific divorce rate | Age-specific divorce rates | Age-specific fertility rate | Age-specific fertility rates | Age-specific marital fertility rate | Age-specific marital fertility rates | Age-specific marriage rate | Age-specific marriage rates | Age-specific mortality | Age-specific rate | Age-specific rates | Aged, the | Ages, combined | Agglomeration | Aggregate, population | Aggregation | Aggregations | Aging | Aging, individual | Agnostic | Agnostics | Agricultural laborer | Agricultural laborers | Agricultural population | Agricultural worker | Agricultural workers | Agriculture, population dependent on | Alien | Alien visitors | Alien, resident | Aliens | All orders migration rate | All orders migration table | Allel | Alleles | Allowance | Allowance, children's | Allowance, family | Allowance, pre-natal | Allowances | Amenorrhea | Amenorrhea, post-partum | Amenorrhea, pregnancy | Amenorrhoea | Analysis | Analysis, cohort | Analysis, cross-sectional | Analysis, data | Analysis, demographic | Analysis, generational | Analysis, longitudinal migration | Analysis, period | Analysis, population | Analyst, system | Ancestor | Ancillary migration | Annual death probabilities | Annual death probability | Annual migration rate | Annual migration rates | Annual rate | Annual rate of growth, mean | Annual rate of net migration | Annual rate of total migration | Annulment of marriage | Anovulatory cycle | Anovulatory cycles | Antinatalist | Appliance method | Appliance methods | Apprentice | Apprentices | Area | Area sampling | Area, administrative | Area, census | Area, cultivable | Area, cultivated | Area, density of population per unit of cultivable | Area, metropolitan | Area, natural | Area, rural | Area, surface | Area, urban | Arithmetic average | Arithmetic mean | Armed forces, member of the | Arrival | Arrival, place of | Arrivals | Assimilation | Associated cause of death | Atheist | Atheists | Attainment statistics, educational | Attainment, grade | Attempted suicide | Attempted suicides | Attendance ratio | Attendance, pupil in | Attraction | Attribute | Attributes | Attrition | Attrition probability | Autochthonous | Average | Average age at marriage | Average annual rate | Average deviation | Average duration per case | Average family size | Average parity | Average population | Average, arithmetic | Average, geometric | Average, moving | Average, weighted | Averted birth
- B
- Baby, premature | Bachelor | Bachelors | Back, call | Balance of births and deaths | Balance of migration | Banns, publication of | Baptism | Baptism slip | Baptisms | Bar charts | Bar, chart | Basal body temperature method | Base | Base date | Baseline event | Basic data | Basic document | Basis, converted to an annual | Batch processing | Behavior, reproductive | Belt, metropolitan | Benefit | Benefits | Bias, age reporting | Bias, interviewer | Bilingual | Biological family | Biometrics | Biometry | Biovular twins | Birth | Birth at term | Birth averted | Birth control | Birth control method | Birth control methods | Birth grant | Birth grants | Birth interval | Birth interval between marriage and the Nth birth | Birth interval, open | Birth intervals | Birth of the last child, age at | Birth order | Birth probability, parity-specific | Birth rate | Birth rate, age-specific | Birth rate, crude | Birth rate, illegitimate | Birth rate, legitimate | Birth rate, standardized | Birth rate, total | Birth record | Birth records | Birth registration | Birth timing | Birth weight | Birth, date of | Birth, expectation of life at | Birth, illegitimate | Birth, legitimate | Birth, live | Birth, multiple | Birth, place of | Birth, plural | Birth, premature | Birth, single | Birth, year of | Birthday, age at last | Birthday, age at next | Births | Births and deaths, balance of | Births at term | Births averted | Births of the present marriage | Births per marriage, mean number of | Births to marriages, ratio | Births, interval between successive | Block | Blocks | Blood relative | Blood relatives | Blood, mixed | Boarder | Boy | Branch of economic activity | Breadwinner | Breadwinners | Breastfeeding | Broad age group | Broad age groups | Broken marriage | Broken marriages | Brother | Brothers | Burial | Burial slip | Burials | By age at separation from the labor force
- C
- Calculation | Calculator, desk | Calculus of finite differences | Calendar year life table | Calendar, historical | Calendar-year life table | Calendar-year table | Calendar-year tables | Call back | Candidate to marriage | Candidates to marriage | Canvasser | Canvasser method | Canvassers | Cap, cervical | Capacity, carrying | Capacity, population carrying | Capital | Card | Card punch | Card reader | Card sorter | Card verifier | Carrying capacity | Cartography, computer | Case fatality rate | Case of disease | Case, average duration per | Cases of disease | Category, social status | Cause of death | Cause of death, associated | Cause of death, immediate | Cause of death, primary | Cause of death, principal | Cause of death, secondary | Cause of death, single | Cause of death, underlying | Cause-specific death rate | Cause-specific death ratio | Cause-specific mortality | Causes of death, joint | Causes of death, multiple | Cell, sperm | Census area | Census areas | Census family | Census operations | Census schedule | Census tract | Census tracts | Census, general | Census, mail | Census, partial | Census, population | Center, population | Centile | Centiles | Central city | Central memory | Central processing unit | Central processing units | Central rate | Central rates | Certificate | Certificate of death, medical | Certificate of naturalization | Certificate, death | Certificate, marriage | Certificates of naturalization | Cervical cap | Chance | Chance fluctuations | Change of occupation | Change of residence | Change of residence, latest | Change of track | Changes of occupation | Changes of residence | Characteristic | Characteristic, acquired | Characteristic, hereditary | Characteristic, lethal | Characteristics | Chart bar | Chart, statistical bar | Check | Check, consistency | Check, Malthusian | Check, positive | Check, preventive | Check, validity | Checks | Child | Child born out of wedlock | Child death rate, post-infantile | Child mortality | Child welfare services | Child, dependent | Child, female | Child, illegitimate | Child, legitimate | Child, live-born | Child, male | Child, pre-school | Child, school-age | Child-woman ratio | Childbearing | Childbearing period | Childhood | Children | Children ever born per woman, mean number of | Children wanted, number of | Children's allowance | Children, desired number of | Children, intended number of | Children's allowance | Chrisom | Chrisoms | Chromosome | Chromosomes | Chronic disease | Chronic diseases | Chronic migration | Citizen | Citizen, naturalized | Citizens | Citizenship | City, central | Civil marriage | Civil registration | Civil status | Class | Class frequency | Class, occupational | Class, social | Class-room | Classes | Classification | Classification error | Classification errors | Classification, occupational | Cleaning | Clerical and office worker | Clerical and office workers | Climacteric | Clinic, pre-natal | Closed ended questions | Closed population | Closure, error of | Cluster | Cluster sampling | Cluster, population | Clusters. | Coding | Coding scheme | Coefficient of inbreeding | Coefficient of kinship | Coexistence | Cohabitation | Cohort | Cohort analysis | Cohort fertility | Cohort life table | Cohort measure | Cohort measures | Cohort rate | Cohort reproduction rate | Cohort reproduction rates | Cohort table | Cohort tables | Cohort, hypothetical | Cohort, synthetic | Cohort-component method | Coil | Coitus | Coitus interruptus | Collected | Collective household | Collective households | Collective migration | Collective schedule | College | Colleges | Colony | Color | Colored person | Colored persons | Combined ages | Common law marriage | Common law marriages | Communicable disease | Communicable diseases | Communicants, list of | Commuting | Companionate marriage | Comparative density index | Comparative density indices | Comparative mortality index | Comparative mortality indices | Complete coverage | Complete life table | Complete years | Completed fertility | Completed parity | Completeness | Completion | Complex household | Complex households | Component method | Component, illegitimate | Component, legitimate | Composite household | Composite households | Composition | Compulsory | Compulsory education | Computation | Computer | Computer cartography | Computer graphing | Computer specialist | Computer specialists | Conceive, inability to | Conception | Conception delay | Conception rate | Conception, exposure to the risk of | Conception, pre-marital | Conception, pre-nuptial | Conception, product of | Condition, marital | Condom | Confidence interval | Confinement | Confinement order | Confinement, premature | Confirmation list | Confirmation lists | Congenital malformation | Congenital malformations | Conglomeration | Conglomerations | Conjecture | Conjugal life | Conjugal status | Conjugal union | Consanguineous marriage | Consanguineous marriages | Consanguinity, degree of | Consensual union | Consistency check | Consistency checks | Console | Consummated | Consummation of marriage | Consumption | Contingency table | Contingency tables | Continuation rate | Continuous | Continuous registration | Contraception | Contraception by steroids | Contraception, hormonal | Contraceptive effectiveness | Contraceptive failure | Contraceptive failure rate | Contraceptive failures | Contraceptive jelly | Contraceptive method | Contraceptive methods | Contraceptive, oral | Contributory cause of death | Control method, birth | Control, birth | Control, population | Conurbation | Converted to an annual basis | Copper T | Corrected rate | Cottage worker | Cottage workers | Count | Counterstream | Counties | Counting, multiple | Country | Country, developing | County | County seat | County town | Couple | Couple, married | Couple, newly married | Coverage, complete | Criminal abortion | Criminal abortions | Cross-sectional analysis | Cross-tabulation | Cross-tabulations | Crowding, degree of | Crude birth rate | Crude data | Crude death rate | Crude divorce rate | Crude marriage rate | Crude rate | Crude rate of natural increase | Crude rates | Cultivable area | Cultivable land, density of the agricultural population per unit of | Cultivated area | Cumulative fertility | Cumulative net fertility | Curettage, abortion by | Current marriage | Current population statistics | Current residence, place of | Current school statistics | Current users, proportion of | Curve fitting | Custom, marriage | Customary marriage | Customary marriages | Cycle | Cycle, anovulatory | Cycle, family life | Cycle, menstrual | Cycles | Cyclical fluctuation | Cyclical fluctuations
- D
- Data analysis | Data bank | Data base management system | Data entry | Data processing | Data processing, electronic | Data, basic | Data, crude | Data, numerical | Data, primary | Data, raw | Date of birth | Date, base | Daughter | Daughters | De facto population | De facto separation | De jure population | Death | Death certificate | Death function | Death or injury due to operations of war | Death probabilities | Death probability, annual | Death probability, quinquennial | Death rate | Death rate of the stationary population | Death rate, age-specific | Death rate, cause-specific | Death rate, crude | Death rate, instantaneous | Death rate, life table | Death rate, maternal | Death ratio, cause-specific | Death record | Death records | Death registration | Death, cause of | Death, infant | Death, intra-uterine | Death, late foetal | Death, point of | Deaths | Deaths or injuries due to operations of war | Deaths under one year of age | Deaths, excess of births over | Deaths, expected | Deaths, observed | Debility | Decile | Deciles | Decline, population | Decree of divorce | Decree of nullity | Defect, heredity | Degree | Degree of consanguinity | Degree of crowding | Degree of relationship | Degree, university | Degrees of consanguinity | Delay, conception | Delivery, full term | Delivery, multiple | Delivery, premature | Delivery, single | Demographic analysis | Demographic estimate | Demographic estimates | Demographic model | Demographic phenomena | Demographic statistics | Demographic studies | Demographic study | Demographic transition | Demography | Demography, descriptive | Demography, economic | Demography, formal | Demography, historical | Demography, mathematical | Demography, pure | Demography, social | Demography, theoretical | Denomination | Denominations | Density index | Density of population | Density of population per unit of cultivable area | Density of the agricultural population per unit of cultivable area | Density of the agricultural population per unit of cultivable land | Density, maximum potential | Density, optimum | Density, population | Department, statistical | Departure | Departure, place of | Departures | Dependent | Dependent child | Dependent children | Dependent population | Dependents | Depopulation | Descent | Descriptive demography | Descriptive statistics | Desertion | Desired number of children | Desk calculator | Destination, place of | Deterministic model | Deterministic models | Developed countries, less | Developing countries | Development, economic | Development, level of | Deviation | Deviation, average | Deviation, mean | Deviation, quartile | Deviation, standard | Deviations | Device, input-output | Device, intra-uterine | Device, mass storage | Diagram | Diagram, Lexis | Diagrammatic representation | Dialect | Diaphragm | Difference | Difference, mortality | Difference, significant | Differences | Differences, calculus of finite | Differential fertility | Differential mortality | Digit preference | Dilatation and evacuation, abortion by | Diploma | Diploma. | Direct interview | Direct measurement of migration | Direct method of standardization | Disability | Disability rate | Disability table | Disability, permanent | Disability, probability of | Disability, risk of | Discontinuous | Discrete | Disease | Disease, acute | Disease, case of | Disease, chronic | Disease, communicable | Disease, endemic | Disease, epidemic | Disease, incidence of | Disease, infectious | Disease, notifiable | Disease, occupational | Disease, prevalence of | Disincentive | Disincentives | Disk | Disks | Dispersed settlement | Dispersion | Dispersion, measure of | Displaced person | Displacement of population | Dissolution of marriage | Dissolution probability, marriage | Dissolved marriage | Distance | Distribution | Distribution, age | Distribution, frequency | Distribution, geographical | Distribution, sex | Distribution, spatial | Distributor | Distributors | District | District, administrative | District, enumeration | Districts | Division, legal | Division, political | Divorce | Divorcé | Divorce and remarriage, mean interval between | Divorce rate | Divorce rate for married persons | Divorce rate, age-specific | Divorce rate, crude | Divorce rate, duration-specific | Divorce, decree of | Divorced person | Divorced persons | Divorcée | Dizygotic twins | Document, basic | Dominant | Dominant stream | Double decrement table | Double decrement tables | Double logarithmic graph | Douche | Downward mobility | Drawn systematically | Drift, genetic | Drop-out rate | Dropout rate | Dual nationality | Duration of marriage | Duration of pregnancy | Duration of residence | Duration of stay | Duration-specific divorce rate | Duration-specific divorce rates | Duration-specific fertility rate, marriage | Duration-specific rate | Duration-specific rates | Dwelling | Dwelling unit | Dwelling, insufficiently occupied | Dwelling, overcrowded | Dwelling, unoccupied | Dying, probability of | Dynamic model | Dynamics, population | Dysgenic marriage | Dysgenic marriages
- E
- Early foetal mortality | Early neo-natal mortality | Early neo-natal mortality rate | Earner | Earner, principal | Earners | Ecology, human | Economic activity | Economic activity, branch of | Economic demography | Economic dependency ratio | Economic development | Economic growth | Economic optimum | Economic region | Economically active population | Economically inactive population | Edited | Editing | Education system | Education, compulsory | Education, family-planning | Education, higher | Education, level of | Education, mean length of | Education, pre-school | Education, primary | Education, private | Education, public | Education, secondary | Education, vocational | Educational attainment statistics | Educational institution | Educational institutions | Educational status | Educational system | Effective fecundability | Effective fertility | Effectiveness of migration streams | Effectiveness, contraceptive | Effectiveness, physiological | Effectiveness, theoretical | Effectiveness, use | Elderly, the | Electronic | Electronic data processing | Electronic equipment | Element | Elementary school | Elementary schools | Elements | Embryo | Emigrant | Emigrants | Emigration | Emigration, net | Employed | Employed population | Employee | Employee, government | Employees | Employer | Employers | Employment, partial | End of union | Endemic disease | Endogamy | Endogenous mortality | Enrolled pupil | Entry permit | Entry permits | Entry, data | Enumeration | Enumeration district | Enumeration districts | Enumerator | Enumerator's schedule | Enumerators | Enumerator's schedule | Epidemic | Epidemic disease | Epidemic diseases | Epidemiological statistics | Equilibrium, population | Equipment, electronic | Error of closure | Error, classification | Error, observation | Error, response | Error, sampling | Error, standard | Establishment | Estimate | Estimate of the population | Estimate v. | Estimate, demographic | Estimate, intercensal | Estimates of the population | Estimation | Estimation, statistical | Ethnic group | Ethnic minorities | Ethnic minority | Ethnic nationality | Eugenic sterilization | Eugenics | Eugenics, negative | Eugenics, positive | Evacuation | Event, baseline | Event, nonrenewable | Event, renewable | Event, vital | Event-origin | Events, mean number of | Ever-married person | Ever-married persons | Ever-married survivor | Ever-married survivors | Exact age | Examination, pre-marital | Excess mortality | Excess of births over deaths | Exchange, population | Executive staff | Exodus | Exogamy | Exogenous mortality | Expectancy, life | Expectation of life | Expectation of life at birth | Expectation of unmarried life | Expectation of working life | Expectation of working life, gross | Expected deaths | Exponential growth | Exponential growth rate | Exponential population | Exposed to risk | Exposure to the risk of conception | Expulsion | Extended families | Extended family | External migration | Extinct generations, method of | Extract | Extract v. | Extraction | Extrapolation
- F
- Facilities | Facility | Factor, pull | Factor, push | Factor, separation | Factor, weighting | Failure rate, contraceptive | Failure, contraceptive | Family | Family allowance | Family form | Family formation | Family forms | Family helper | Family helpers | Family life cycle | Family limitation | Family migration | Family nucleus | Family planning | Family planning program | Family reconstitution | Family size, average | Family worker | Family workers | Family, biological | Family, census | Family, extended | Family, nuclear | Family, statistical | Family-planning education | Family-planning services | Farm operator | Farm operators | Farm population | Farm tenant | Farm-owner | Farm-owners | Farmer | Farmers | Father | Fecundability | Fecundability, effective | Fecundability, natural | Fecundability, residual | Fecundity | Federal state | Federal states | Federation | Federations | Female | Female child | Female fertility rate | Female fertility rates | Female generation | Female nuptiality | Female reproduction rate | Female reproduction rates | Female, child | Females | Fertility | Fertility histories | Fertility history | Fertility rate | Fertility rate, female | Fertility rate, general | Fertility rate, illegitimate | Fertility rate, male | Fertility rate, order-specific | Fertility rate, order-specific total | Fertility rate, overall | Fertility rate, parity-specific | Fertility rate, total | Fertility rate, total legitimate | Fertility regulation | Fertility schedule | Fertility, completed | Fertility, cumulative | Fertility, differential | Fertility, effective | Fertility, lifetime | Fertility, marital | Fertility, natural | Fertility, period | Fertility, synthetic measure of | Fertility, total | Fertilization | Fetus | Field inquiry | Field survey | Field worker | Field workers | Fieldworker | Fieldworkers | Figure | Filial relation | Final | Final parity | Final rates | Firm | First marriage | First marriage probabilities | First marriage probability | First marriage rate | First marriages, number of | First migration probability | First pregnancy interval | Fitness | Fitness value | Fitting, curve | Five-year age group | Five-year age groups | Fixed date, place of residence at | Fluctuation | Fluctuation, chance | Fluctuation, cyclical | Fluctuation, irregular | Fluctuation, period | Fluctuation, random | Fluctuation, seasonal | Fluctuations | Foam tablet | Foam tablets | Foetal deaths | Foetal mortality | Foetal mortality rate | Foetal mortality rate, late | Foetal mortality ratio | Foetal mortality ratio, late | Foetal mortality, early | Foetal mortality, late | Foetus | Follow-up | Force of mortality | Forced migration | Forces, member of the armed | Forecast, population | Forecast, short-term | Foreign-born | Foreigner | Foreigners | Foreman | Foremen | Form | Form, family | Form, transcription | Formal demography | Formation, family | Forms | Fraction, sampling | Frame, sampling | Free migration | Free union | Freethinker | Freethinkers | Frequency cell | Frequency distribution | Frequency polygon | Frequency polygons | Frequency, absolute | Frequency, class | Frequency, relative | Frequency, ultimate | Full term deliveries | Full term delivery | Full-term birth | Full-term births | Function, death | Function, life table | Function, survivorship | Fusion
- G
- Gainful activities | Gainful activity | Gamete | Gametes | Gene | Gene structure | Genealogies | Genealogy | General census | General fertility rate | General life table | General life tables | General rate | General rate fertility | General rates | Generation | Generation life table | Generation rate | Generation reproduction rate | Generation reproduction rates | Generation table | Generation tables | Generation, female | Generation, male | Generation, maternal | Generation, mean length of a | Generation, paternal | Generational analysis | Generations, mean interval between successive | Genes | Genes, identical | Genetic drift | Genetic load | Genetic relative | Genetic relatives | Genetics | Genetics, population | Genotype | Genotypic structure | Geographic mobility | Geographical distribution | Geographical distribution of the population | Geographical mobility | Geometric average | Geometric mean | Geriatrics | Gerontology | Gestation | Gestation, period of | Girl | Godfather | Godmother | Government employee | Government employees | Grade | Grade attainment | Graduation | Graduation, graphic | Grant | Grant, birth | Grant, maternity | Grants | Graph | Graph, double logarithmic | Graph, logarithmic | Graph, semi-logarithmic | Graphic graduation | Graphic representation | Graphing, computer | Gravity model | Gravity models | Gross expectation of working life | Gross interchange | Gross nuptiality table | Gross replacement | Gross reproduction | Gross reproduction rate | Group | Group migration | Group survival | Group, age | Group, ethnic | Group, kinship | Group, occupational | Group, social status | Group, socioeconomic | Grouped settlement | Groups | Growth potential | Growth rate | Growth rate, exponential | Growth, economic | Growth, exponential | Growth, negative | Growth, optimum rate of | Growth, population | Growth, transitional
- H
- Half-brother | Half-brothers | Half-sister | Half-sisters | | | | | Hardware | Head | Head of the household | Heading | Health program | Health programs | Health statistics | Health, public | Heaping | Heaping, age | Hearth | Hearth tax lists | Helper, family | Hereditary characteristic | Hereditary characteristics | Hereditary defect | Hereditary defects | Heredity | Heterogamy | Heterogeneous | Heterozygous | Higher education | Higher, education | Histogram | Historical calendar | Historical demography | History, fertility | History, pregnancy | History, reproductive | Home worker | Home workers | Homemaker | Homemakers | Homicide | Homicides | Homogamy | Homogeneous | Homozygous | Hormonal contraception | Household | Household schedule | Household size | Household, collective | Household, complex | Household, composite | Household, head of the | Household, members of the | Household, one-person | Household, private | Householder method | Housewife | Housewives | Human ecology | Human longevity | Husband | Hypothetical cohort | Hypothetical cohorts | Hysterectomy | Hysteroctomy | Hysterotomies | Hysterotomy
- I
- I.U.D. | Identical genes | Identical twins | Ill-health | Illegal abortion | Illegal abortions | Illegitimacy ratio | Illegitimate birth | Illegitimate birth rate | Illegitimate birth rates | Illegitimate births | Illegitimate child | Illegitimate component | Illegitimate fertility rate | Illegitimate fertility rates | Illiterate | Illness | Illness, mean number of days per | Immature | Immaturity | Immediate cause of death | Immigrant | Immigrants | Immigration | Immigration law | Immigration laws | Immigration, net | Immigration, selective | Impairment | In-migrants | In-migrants, proportion of | In-migrants, statistics on | In-migration | In-migration, net | Inability to conceive | Inbreeding, coefficient of | Incapacity | Incentive | Incentives | Incidence of disease | Incidence rate | Increase, natural | Increased longevity | Independent means, person of | Independent worker | Independent workers | Index | Index number | Index of age preference | Index of migration differentials | Index of migration effectiveness | Index of migration intensity | Index of net velocity | Index, comparative density | Index, comparative mortality | Index, density | Index, migration preference | Index, replacement | Index, vital | Indicator | Indicators | Indices | Indices of age preference | Indices of migration differentials | | Indirect method of standardization | Indissolubility of marriage | Individual | Individual aging | Individual migration | Individual schedule | Individual tables | Individual years of age | Induced abortion | Induced abortions | Industrial mobility | Industry | Infant | Infant deaths | Infant mortality | Infant mortality rate | Infant mortality rate, adjusted | Infant welfare services | Infectious disease | Infectious diseases | Infecundity | Infertility | Infertility, permanent | Infirm | Infirmity | Infirmity, mental | Infirmity, physical | Informant | Informants | Inhabitant | Inhabitants | Initial age distribution | Injury | Inmigrant | Input | Input - output devices | Input-output device | Inquiry | Inquiry, field | Inquiry, postal | Inquiry, voluntary | Inspector | Inspectors | Instantaneous death rate | Instantaneous rate | Instantaneous rate of growth | Instantaneous rates | Institution, educational | Institutional population | Institutional schedule | Institutional schedules | Instruction | Insufficiently occupied dwellings | Integration | Intelligence quotient | Intended number of children | Intensity | Intent to marry | Intentional abortion | Intentional abortions | Inter-generational social mobility | Inter-pregnancy interval | Inter-pregnancy interval, net | Inter-pregnancy interval, open | Intercensal estimate | Intercensal estimates | Interchange | Interchange, gross | Interchange, net | Intercourse, sexual | Interediate foetal mortality | Intermediate foetal mortality | Internal migration | International migration | Interpolation | Interquartile range | Interval between marriage and the first birth | Interval between successive births | Interval between widowood and remarriage, mean | Interval, birth | Interval, confidence | Interval, inter-pregnancy | Interval, pregnancy | Interval, straddling | Intervals between successive births | Intervening obstacle | Intervening obstacles | Intervening opportunities | Intervening opportunity | Interview, direct | Interview, personal | Interviewer | Interviewer bias | Interviewer biases | Interviewers | Intra-uterine death | Intra-uterine deaths | Intra-uterine device | Intra-uterine devices | Intra-uterine mortality | Intra-uterine mortality tables | Intrauterine mortality table | Intrinsic rate of natural increase | Investment | Irregular fluctua-ations | Irregular fluctuation | Irregular fluctuations | Isolate | IUD
- J
- Jelly, contraceptive | Job mobility | Joint causes of death | Joint reproduction rate | Joint reproduction rates | Judicial separation
- K
- Keypunch | Kin | | | Kinship group | Kinship, coefficent of
- L
- Labor force participation ratio | Labor force, accession to | Labor force, separation from | Labor migration | Labor mobility | Labor permit | Labor permits | Laborer, agricultural | Landlord | Language | Language, mother | Language, programming | Language, usual | Last previous residence, place of | Late foetal death | Late foetal mortality | Late foetal mortality rate | LLate foetal mortality ratio | Latest change of residence | Latest migration | Law, immigration | Law, logistic | Laws, marriage | Least squares, method of | Leaving | Leaving school | Leaving school, age at | Legal abortion | Legal abortions | Legal division | Legal divisions | Legal separation | Legitimacy | Legitimate birth | Legitimate birth rate | Legitimate birth rates | Legitimate child | Legitimate component | Legitimate fertility rate | Legitimate fertility rates | Legitimated | Legitimation | Legitimized | Length of absence | Length of life | Length of life, median | Length of life, probable | Less developed countries | Lethal characteristic | Level of development | Level of education | Level of living | Level of significance | Level, subsistence | Levels of education | Lexis diagram | License, marriage | Life expectancy | Life line | Life span | Life table | Life table death rate | Life table for selected heads | Life table function | Life table functions | Life table, abridged | Life table, calendar year | Life table, complete | Life table, general | Life table, model | Life table, period | Life, conjugal | Life, expectation of | Life, length of | Life, married | Life, mean length | Life, stage of | Life, working, table of | Life-time abortion rate | Life-time migrant | Lifetime fertility | Lifetime in-migrants, proportion of | Lifetime migrant | Ligation, tubal | Limitation, family | Line printer | Line, life | Linguistic minorities | Linguistic minority | List | List n. or v. | List of communicants | List, confirmation | List, nominal | List, passenger | Listing | Listings | Lists of communicants | Literate | Live birth | Live births | Live-born child | Live-born children | Living quarters | Living, level of | Living, standard of | Load, genetic | Loan, marriage | Local move | Local moves | Localities | Locality | Locus | Lodger | Logarithmic graph | Logarithmic graph, double | Logarithmic graphs | Logistic law | Logistic population | Longevity, human | Longevity, increased | Longitudinal migration analysis | Loop | Loss of nationality
- M
- Machine, tabulating | Machine, unit record | Macrosimulation | Macrosimulations | Magnetic tape | Magnetic tapes | Magnitude, order of | Mail census | Mailback survey | Mailback surveys | Maintain | Maintained | Male | Male child | Male fertility rate | Male fertility rates | Male generation | Male nuptiality | Male reproduction rate | Male reproduction rates | Males | Malformation, congenital | Malthusian check | Malthusian checks | Malthusian population theory | Malthusianism | Man | Man, married | Management system, data base | Managerial staff | Manifest | Manifests | Manual | Manual worker | Manual workers | Map | Marginal workers | Marital condition | Marital fertility | Marital fertility rate | Marital fertility rate, age-specific | Marital fertility rates | Marital status | Market, marriage | Marriage | Marriage and the first birth, interval between | Marriage and the nth birth, interval between | Marriage certificate | Marriage customs | Marriage dissolution probabilities | Marriage dissolution probability | Marriage indissolubility | Marriage laws | Marriage license | Marriage loan | Marriage loans | Marriage market | Marriage migration | Marriage of completed fertility MARRIAGE of completed fertility | Marriage order | Marriage rate | Marriage rates | Marriage record | Marriage records | Marriage registration | Marriage slip | Marriage, age at | Marriage, annulment of | Marriage, birth tof the present | Marriage, broken | Marriage, candidate to | Marriage, civil | Marriage, common law | Marriage, companionate | Marriage, consanguineous | Marriage, consummation of | Marriage, crude rate | Marriage, current | Marriage, customary | Marriage, dissolution of | Marriage, dissolved | Marriage, duration of | Marriage, dysgenic | Marriage, first | Marriage, mixed | Marriage, number of divorces per new | Marriage, postponement of | Marriage, rate age-specific | Marriage, rate sex-specific | Marriage, relationship by | Marriage, religious | Marriage, valid | Marriageable | Marriageable population | Marriages | Marriages of completed fertility | Married couple | Married life | Married man | Married men | Married person | Married persons | Married persons, divorce rate for | Married woman | Married women | Marry, intent to | Masculinity | Masculinity proportion | Mass migration | Mass storage device | Mass storage devices | Match | Matched | Mate selection | Maternal and child health programs | Maternal and child welfare program | Maternal death rate | Maternal generation | Maternal mortality | Maternal reproduction rate | Maternal reproduction rates | Maternity grant | Maternity grants | Maternity services | Mathematical demography | Mating, random | Matrix method of projection | Maturity | Maximum population | Maximum potential density | Mean | Mean age | Mean age at accession to the labor force | Mean age at first marriage | Mean age at marriage | Mean age at separation from the labor force | Mean age of mothers | Mean annual rate | Mean annual rate of growth | Mean deviation | Mean duration of working life | Mean interval between divorce and remarriage | Mean interval between successive generations | Mean interval between widowhood and remarriage | Mean interval between widowood and remarriage | Mean length of a generation | Mean length of education | Mean length of life | Mean n.or | Mean number of births per marriage | Mean number of children ever born per woman | Mean number of days of illness | Mean number of days per illness | Mean number of events | Mean number of moves | Mean population | Mean selective value | Mean selective values | Mean, arithmetic | Mean, geometric | Mean, weighted | Means of subsistence | Measure of dispersion | Measure, cohort | Measure, period | Measurement of migration, direct | Measures of dispersion | Mechanical | Median | Median age | Median age at first marriage | Median length of life | Medical certificate of death | Medical induction procedure, abortion by | Megalopolis | Member of the armed forces | Members of the armed forces | Members of the household | Memory, central | Men | Menarche | Menopause | Menses | Menstrual cycle | Menstruation | Mental age | | | Mental infirmities | Mental infirmity | Method of computation monographic | Method of extinct generations | Method of least squares | Method of residues | Method of standardization, direct | Method, appliance | Method, basal body temperature | Method, canvasser | Method, cohort-component | Method, component | Method, contraceptive | Method, householder | Method, non-appliance | Method, residual | Method, rhythm | Method, survival ratio | Method, vital statistics | Metropolitan area | Metropolitan belt | Micro census | Microsimulation | Microsimulations | Mid-year population | Migrant | Migrant, life-time | Migrants, proportion of | Migrants, statistics on | Migrate into | Migrate out | Migrated into | Migrated out | Migration | Migration differentials, index of | Migration effectiveness, index of | Migration intensity, index of | Migration model | Migration models | Migration policy | Migration preference index | Migration probabilities by order of move | Migration probability by order of move | Migration probability, first | Migration rate | Migration rate, all orders | Migration rate, annual | Migration statistics | Migration stream | Migration streams, effectiveness of | Migration, ancillary | Migration, balance of | Migration, chronic | Migration, collective | Migration, external | Migration, forced | Migration, free | Migration, group | Migration, individual | Migration, internal | Migration, international | Migration, labor | Migration, latest | Migration, marriage | Migration, mass | Migration, net | Migration, order of | Migration, repeat | Migration, retirement | Migration, return | Migration, rural-urban | Migration, secondary | Migration, selectivity of | Migration, serial | Migration, spontaneous | Migration, stage | Migration, volume of | Migration, voluntary | Military conscription list | Military conscription lists | Military personnel | Minimum age at marriage | Minimum population | Minorities | Minority | Minority, ethnic | Minority, linguistic | Minority, national | Minority, religious | Miscarriage | Miscarriages | Miscegenation | Misreporting | Misreporting, age | Mixed blood | Mixed marriage | Mixed marriages | Mixed parentage | Mobility, downward | Mobility, geographical | Mobility, industrial | Mobility, job | Mobility, labor | Mobility, occupational | Mobility, residential | Mobility, social | Mobility, spatial | Mobility, upward | Modal age at death | Modal age at first marriage | Modalities | Modality | Mode | Mode, timesharing | Model life table | Model, demographic | Model, deterministic | Model, dynamic | Model, gravity | Model, migration | Model, probabilistic | Model, static | Model, stochastic | Monogamous | Monozygotic twins | Moral restraint | Morbid state | Morbidity | Morbidity rate | Morbidity rates | Morbidity ratio | Morbidity ratios | Morbidity statistics | Mortality | Mortality difference | Mortality differences | Mortality endogeneous | Mortality exogeneous | Mortality in utero | Mortality of old age | Mortality rate | Mortality rate, early neo-natal | Mortality rate, infant | Mortality rate, neo-natal | Mortality surface | Mortality, adult | Mortality, age-specific | Mortality, cause-specific | Mortality, child | Mortality, differential | Mortality, early neo-natal | Mortality, excess | Mortality, foetal | Mortality, force of | Mortality, infant | Mortality, intermediate foetal | Mortality, intra-uterine | Mortality, maternal | Mortality, neo-natal | Mortality, occupational | Mortality, perinatal | Mortality, post-neo-natal | Mortality, rate standard | Mother | Mother language | Mother tongue | Mother, previous births to the | Motivator | Motivators | Move | Move, local | Move, migration probability by order of | Move, seasonal | Move, temporary | Moves | Moves, mean number of | Moving average | Moving averages | Multi-national state | Multi-national states | Multi-stage sampling | Multigravida | Multilingual | Multipara | Multiparous | Multiple birth | Multiple births | Multiple causes of death | Multiple counting | Multiple decrement table | Multiple deliveries | Multiple delivery | Multiround survey | Mutation | Mutations
- N
- Natality | Nation | National | National income per capita, real | National minorities | National minority | National origin | Nationality | Nationality loss | Nationality, dual | Nationality, ethnic | Nationality, political | Nationals | Native | Native reserve | Native- | Native-born | Natives | Natural area | Natural fecundability | Natural fertility | Natural increase | Natural increase, crude rate of | Natural increase, intrinsic rate of | Natural region | Naturalization | Naturalization certificate | Naturalized citizen | Naturalized citizens | Naturalized person | Naturalized persons | Negative eugenics | Negative growth | Neo-Malthusianism | Neo-natal mortality | Neo-natal mortality rate | Neo-natal period | Net emigration | Net expectation of working life | Net fertility, cumulative | Net immigration | Net in-migration | Net inter-pregnancy interval | Net interchange | Net migration | Net migration, annual rate of | Net nuptiality table | Net out-migration | Net replacement | Net reproduction | Net reproduction rate | Net stream | Net velocity, index of | Never married, proportion | Never- married | Never-married | New acceptors, proportion of | Newborn | Newly married couple | Nidation | No contact | No contacts | Nomadic | Nominal list | Non-agricultural population | Non-agricultural worker | Non-agricultural workers | Non-appliance method | Non-appliance methods | Non-farm population | Non-manual worker | Non-manual workers | Non-marital fertility rate | Non-marital fertility rates | Non-marriageable population | Non-migrant | Non-migrant table | Non-migrants | Non-migrants, survivorship schedule of | Non-numerical processing | Non-planner | Non-planners | Non-respondent | Non-respondents | Non-response | Non-self-governing territories | Non-self-governing territory | Non-viable | Non-white | Non-whites | Nonrenewable event | Nonrenewable events | Nonresponse | Nonsusceptible period | Normal age at death | Nosography | Nosology | Not stated | Notifiable disease | Notifiable diseases | Nuclear family | Nuclei | Nucleus | Nucleus, family | Nucleus, primary | Nucleus, secondary | Nulligra-vida | Nulligravida | Nullipara | Nulliparous | Nullity, decree of | Number of children wanted | Number of divorces per new marriage | Number of first marriages | Number remaining single | Number, absolute | Number, index | Number, round | Number, total | Numbers remaining single | Numerical data | Numerical processing | Nuptial reproduction rate | Nuptiality | Nuptiality rate | Nuptiality rates | Nuptiality table | Nuptiality table, net | Nuptiality tables | Nuptiality, female | Nuptiality, male | Nursery school | Nursery schools
- O
- Observation | Observation error | Observation errors | Observation, period of | Observations | Observed deaths | Obstacle intervening | Occupation | Occupation, change of | Occupational class | Occupational classes | Occupational classification | Occupational disease | Occupational diseases | Occupational group | Occupational groups | Occupational mobility | Occupational mortality | Office worker | Offspring | Ogive | Old age | Old people | Old population | Omission | Omissions | On line | One-person household | Open birth interval | Open ended questions | Open inter-pregnancy interval | Open population | Operating system | Operation, census | Operation, type of | Operations of war, death or injury due to | Operator, farm | Opportunity, intervening | Optimum | Optimum density | Optimum population | Optimum rate of growth | Optimum, economic | Oral contraceptives | Oral contracptive | Order | Order of magnitude | Order of marriage | Order of migration | Order statistics | Order, birth | Order, confinement | Order, pregnancy | Order-specific fertility rate | Order-specific fertility rates | Order-specific total fertility rate | Origin, national | Origin, place of | Out-migrant | Out-migrants | Out-migrants, proportion of | Out-migrants, statistics on | Out-migration | Out-migration, net | Output | Over-estimation | Overall fertility rate | Overall fertility rates | Overcrowded dwelling | Overcrowded dwellings | Overestimation | Overpopulation | Ovulation | Ovum | Owner
- P
- Package, statistical | Paleo-demography | Pandemic | Panmixia | Parameter, population | Parent | Parentage, mixed | Parenthood | Parenthood, planned | Parenthood, responsible | Parents | Parish | Parish register | Parish registers | Parishes | Parity | Parity progression ratio | Parity progression ratios | Parity, average | Parity, completed | Parity, final | Parity-specific birth probabilities | Parity-specific birth probability | Parity-specific birth rate | Parity-specific birth rates | Parity-specific fertility rate | Parity-specific fertility rates | Parochial register | Parochial registers | Partial census | Partial employment | Partial unemployment | Participation ratio, labor force | Particulars | Passenger list | Passenger lists | Paternal generation | Paternal reproduction rate | Paternal reproduction rates | Pensioners | People | People, old | Percentage | Percentile | Percentiles | Perinatal mortality | Perinatal mortality rate | Period | Period analysis | Period fertility | Period fluctuation | Period fluctuations | Period life table | Period measure | Period measures | Period of gestation | Period of observation | Period rate | Period rates | Period table | Period tables | Period, childbearing | Period, neo-natal | Period, nonsusceptible | Period, projection | Period, reproductive | Period, safe | Period, sterile | Periodic abstinence | Permanent disability | Permanent infertility | Permanent resident | Permanent residents | Permanent sterility | Permit, entry | Permit, labor | Permit, residence | Person | Person of independent means | Person of no fixed abode | Person receiving public assistance | Person, colored | Person, displaced | Person, divorced | Person, ever-married | Person, married | Person, naturalized | Person, retired | Person, self-supporting | Person, separated | Person, white | Person, widowed | Person, young | Person-year | Person-years | Personal interview | Personnel, military | Persons of independent means | Persons of no fixed abode | Persons receiving public assistance | Pessary | Phenomena, demographic | Phenotype | Phimiparous | | | Physical infirmities | Physical infirmity | Physiological age | Physiological effectiveness | Pill | Pilot survey | Pilot surveys | Place of arrival | Place of birth | Place of current residence | Place of departure | Place of destination | Place of last previous residence | Place of origin | Place of residence | Place of residence at a fixed date | Place of residence at a fixed past date | Place of residence, previous | Place of residence, tabulation by | Place-of-birh statistics | Place-of-birth statistics | Plan, sampling | Planned parenthood | Planner | Planners | Planning program, family | Planning, family | Plotter | Plural birth | Plural births | Point of death | Poisoning | Policy, migration | Political division | Political divisions | Political nationality | Polyandrous | Polygamous | Polygon, frequency | Polygynous | Population | Population actual | Population aggregate | Population aggregates | Population agricultural | Population analysis | Population average | Population carrying capacity | Population census | Population censuses | Population center | Population change, statistics of | Population cluster | Population clusters | Population control | Population decline | Population density | Population dependent on | Population dependent on agriculture | Population dynamics | Population equilibrium | Population exchange | Population forecast | Population genetics | Population growth | Population institutional | Population maximum | Population mean | Population minimum | Population optimum | Population parameter | Population policy | Population pressure | Population processes | Population program | Population programs | Population projection | Population projections | Population pyramid | Population quality | Population redistribution | Population redistribution policy | Population register | Population registers | Population replacement | Population statistics | Population studies | Population theories | Population theory, Malthusian | Population transfer | Population transition | Population unoccupied | Population urban | Population working | Population, closed | Population, de facto | Population, de jure | Population, density of | Population, displacement of | Population, economically active | Population, economically inactive | Population, employed | Population, estimate of | Population, exponential | Population, farm | Population, geographical distribution of the | Population, logistic | Population, marriageable | Population, mid-year | Population, non-agricultural | Population, non-farm | Population, non-marriageable | Population, old | Population, open | Population, quasi-stable | Population, resident | Population, rural | Population, scatter of | Population, school age | Population, semi-urban | Population, spatial distribution of the | Population, stable | Population, standard | Population, state of the | Population, stationary | Population, target | Population, young | Populationist | Positive check | Positive checks | Positive eugenics | Post-enumeration survey | Post-enumeration test | Post-enumeration tests | Post-infantile child death rate | Post-neo-natal mortality | Post-neonatal mortality | Post-partum amenorrhea | Post-transitional stage | Postal inquiries | Postal inquiry | Postpartum amenorrhea | Postponement of marriage | Potential user | Potential users | Potential, growth | Pre-marital conception | Pre-marital conceptions | Pre-marital examination | Pre-natal allowance | Pre-natal allowances | Pre-natal clinic | Pre-natal clinics | Pre-nuptial conception | Pre-nuptial conceptions | Pre-school child | Pre-school children | Pre-school education | Pre-test | Pre-tests | Pre-transitional stage | Preference, digit | Pregnancy | Pregnancy amenorrhea | Pregnancy duration | Pregnancy history | Pregnancy interval | Pregnancy interval, first | Pregnancy intervals | Pregnancy order | Pregnancy record | Premature baby | Premature birth | Premature confinement | Premature delivery | Prematurity | Preparation, table | Preschool children | Pressure, population | Pressures | Prevalence of disease | Prevalence rate | Preventive check | Previous births to the mother | Previous place of residence | Primary cause of death | Primary data | Primary education | Primary nucleus | Primary school | Primary schools | Primary sector | Primary sterility | Primary unit | Primary units | Primigravida | Primipara | Primiparous | Principal cause of death | Principal earner | Printer, line | Private education | Private household | Private households | Probabilistic model | Probabilistic models | Probabilities of accession to the labor force | Probabilities of dying | Probabilities of separation from the labor force | Probability | Probability of accession to the labor force | Probability of death | Probability of disability | Probability of dying | Probability of dying before age one | Probability of single survival | Probability of survival | Probability sample | Probability, attrition | Probability, first marriage | Probable length of life | Procedure, sampling | Processed results | Processes, population | Processing | Processing program | Processing program, survey | Processing programs | Processing unit, central | Processing, batch | Processing, non-numerical | Processing, numerical | Product of conception | Production | Productivity | Professional school | Professional schools | Progenitor | Progeny | Program | Program, health | Program, maternal and child welfare | Program, population | Program, social welfare | Program, user's | Programmer | Programmers | Programming language | Programs | Projection period | Projection, matrix method of | Projection, population | Pronatalist | Proportion | Proportion never married | Proportion of current users | Proportion of in-migrants | Proportion of lifetime in-migrants | Proportion of lifetime out-migrants | Proportion of migrants | Proportion of new acceptors | Proportion of out-migrants | Proportion of refusals | Proportion remaining single | Proportion single | Proportion, masculinity | Proportions of migrants | Province | Provinces | Provisional | Provisional rate | Provisional rates | Puberty | Public assistance, person receiving | Public education | Public health | Public welfare recipient | Public welfare recipients | Publication of banns | Puerperium | Pull factor | Pull factors | Punch card | Punch cards | Pupil | Pupil in attendance | Pupil, enrolled | Pupils | Pupils enrolled | Pupils in attendance | Pure demography | Push factor | Push factors | Pyramid, population
- Q
- Quality check | Quality checks | Quality, population | Quantiles | Quarter | Quarters | Quarters, living | Quartile | Quartile deviation | Quartiles | Quasi-stable population | Questionnaire | Questionnaires | Questions, closed ended | Questions, open ended | Quinquennial age group | Quinquennial age groups | Quinquennial death probabilities | Quinquennial death probability | Quintile | Quota | Quota sampling | Quota system | Quota systems | Quotient, intelligence
- R
- Race | Radix | Random | Random fluctuations | Random mating | Random sample | Range | Range, interquartile | Range, semi-interquartile | Rate | Rate of accession to the labor force | Rate of growth, instantaneous | Rate of total migration, annual | Rate, abortion | Rate, acceptance | Rate, adjusted | Rate, age-specific | Rate, annual | Rate, average annual | Rate, birth | Rate, case fatality | Rate, central | Rate, cohort | Rate, cohort reproduction | Rate, conception | Rate, continuation | Rate, corrected | Rate, crude | Rate, death | Rate, disability | Rate, divorce | Rate, dropout | Rate, fertility | Rate, final | Rate, foetal mortality | Rate, general | Rate, generation | Rate, gross reproduction | Rate, growth | Rate, incidence | Rate, instantaneous | Rate, joint reproduction | Rate, marriage | Rate, marriage duration-specific, fertility | Rate, mean annual | Rate, morbidity | Rate, mortality | Rate, nuptial reproduction | Rate, nuptiality | Rate, perinatal mortality | Rate, period | Rate, prevalence | Rate, provisional | Rate, remarriage | Rate, replacement | Rate, reproduction | Rate, retention | Rate, revised | Rate, sex - age - specific death | Rate, specific | Rate, standardized | Rate, termination | Rates of accession to the tabor force | Rates of separation from the labor force | Ratio | Ratio of births to marriages | Ratio, abortion | Ratio, activity | Ratio, attendance | Ratio, child-woman | Ratio, economic dependency | Ratio, foetal mortality | Ratio, illegitimacy | Ratio, morbidity | Ratio, parity progression | Ratio, participation, labor force | Ratio, sampling | Ratio, sex | Ratio, survival | Raw data | Reader, card | Real national income per capita | Rebate, tax | Recessive | Recipient, public welfare | Recognition | Reconstitution, family | Record, birth | Record, death | Record, marriage | Record, pregnancy | Record, registration | Record, social security | Record, subject of | Record, tax-payer | Record, vital | Record, voter registration | Redistribution of population | Refined figure | Refugee | Refusals, proportion of | Refuse | Region | Region, economic | Region, natural | Regions | Register, parochial | Register, population | Registrar | Registration record | Registration records | Registration statistics | Registration, birth | Registration, civil | Registration, continuous | Registration, death | Registration, marriage | Registration, statistics | Registration, vital | Regulation, fertility | Rejuvenation | Relation, filial | Relationship | Relationship by marriage | Relationship, degree of | Relative frequency | Relative frequency of remarriage | Relative, blood | Relative, genetic | Religion | Religions | Religious marriage | Religious minorities | Religious minority | Religious statistics | Remaining single, number | Remaining single, proportion | Remarriage | Remarriage rate | Remarriage, relative frequency of | Remote terminal | Renewable event | Renewable events | Rentier | Rentiers | Repatriation | Repeat migration | Replacement index | Replacement rate | Replacement rates | Replacement, gross | Replacement, net | Replacement, population | Report, statistical | Reported age | Representation, diagrammatic | Representation, graphic | Representative sample | Reproduction | Reproduction rate | Reproduction rate, female | Reproduction rate, generation | Reproduction rate, male | Reproduction rate, maternal | Reproduction rate, net | Reproduction rate, paternal | Reproduction rates | Reproduction, gross | Reproduction, net | Reproductive behavior | Reproductive histories | Reproductive history | Reproductive period | Repudiate | Repudiated | Repulsion | Reservation | Reserve, native | Residence permit | Residence permits | Residence, change of | Residence, duration of | Residence, last prerious, place of | Residence, place of | Resident alien | Resident aliens | Resident population | Resident, permanent | Residential mobility | Residual fecundability | Residual method | Residues, method of | Resource | Resources | Respondent | Respondents | Response error | Response errors | Responsible parenthood | Restraint, moral | Result | Results | Results, processed | Retention rate | Retired person | Retirement | Retirement migration | Retrospective survey | Return migration | Revised rate | Revised rates | Revoke | Revoked | Rhythm method | Risk | Risk of disability | Risk, exposed to | Rite | Rites | Roll, taxation | Room | Roomer | Rooms | Round number | Round numbers | Rural area | Rural population | Rural-urban migration
- S
- Safe period | Salpingectomy | Sample | Sample survey | Sample surveys | Sample, probability | Sample, random | Sample, representative | Sample, systematic | Sampling error | Sampling errors | Sampling fraction | Sampling frame | Sampling plan | Sampling procedure | Sampling procedures | Sampling quota | Sampling ratio | Sampling scheme | Sampling unit | Sampling, area | Sampling, cluster | Sampling, multi-stage | Sampling, simple random | Sampling, stratified random | Sanction | Sanctions | Saving | Scatter | Scatter of the population | Schedule | Schedule of non-migrants | Schedule, census | Schedule, collective | Schedule, enumerator's | Schedule, household | Schedule, individual | Schedule, institutional | Scheme, coding | Scheme, sampling | School age | School life, table of | School, elementary | School, nursery | School, primary | School, professional | School, secondary | School-age child | School-age population | Seasonal fluctuations | Seasonal fluctuations. | Seasonal move | Seasonal moves | Seat, county | Secondary cause of death | Secondary education | Secondary migration | Secondary nuclei | Secondary nucleus | Secondary school | Secondary schools | Secondary sector | Secondary sterility | Secondary unit | Secondary units | Sect | Sector, primary | Sector, secondary | Sector, tertiary | Sector, traditional | Sector. primary | Sects | Sedentary | Seeking work | Segregation | Selected heads, life table for | Selection | Selection, mate | Selective immigration | Selective value | Selective value, mean | Selectivity of migration | Self-enumeration | Self-governing territories | Self-governing territory | Self-supporting person | Self-supporting persons | Semi-interquartile range | Semi-logarithmic graph | Semi-nomadic | Semi-skilled worker | Semi-skilled workers | Semi-urban population | Senescence | Senility | Separated person | Separated persons | Separation | Separation factor | Separation factors | Separation from the labor force | Separation from the labor force, age at | Separation from the labor force, mean age at | Separation from the labor force, probability of | Separation, judicial | Separation, legal | Serial migration | Series | Series, time | Services, child welfare | Services, family-planning | Services, infant welfare | Services, maternity | Set | Settled | Settlement | Settlement, dispersed | Settlement, grouped | Sex | Sex - age - specific death rate | Sex distribution | Sex ratio | Sex structure | Sex-age-specific death rates | Sex-specific marriage rate | Sexual intercourse | Share-cropper | Share-croppers | Sheath | Short-term forecast | Short-term forecasts | Sib | Sibling | Siblings | Sibs | Sickness | Significance, level of | Significant difference | Simple random sampling | Simulation | Single | Single birth | Single cause of death | Single delivery | Single survival, probability of | Single survivor | Single survivors | Single, proportion | Singulate mean age at marriage | Sister | Sisters | Size | Size, household | Skill | Skilled worker | Skilled workers | Slip | Slip, baptism | Slip, burial | Slip, marriage | Slips | Smoothing | Social class | Social demography | Social mobility | Social mobility, inter-generational | Social pressure | Social security record | Social security records | Social status categories | Social status category | Social status group | Social status groups | Social stratification | Social welfare program | Social welfare programs | Socioeconomic group | Socioeconomic groups | Software | Son | Sons | Sorting | Span, life | Spatial distribution | Spatial distribution of the population | Spatial mobility | Specialist, computer | Specific death rates | Specific fertility rates | Specific rate | Specific rates | Sperm cell | Spermatozoon | Spermicide | Spinster | Spinsters | Sponge | Spontaneous abortion | Spontaneous abortions | Spontaneous migration | Spouse | Spouses | Spouses, age difference between | Squatter | Stable age distribution | Stable population | Staff, executive | Staff, managerial | Stage migration | Stage of education | Stage of life | Stage, post-transitional | Stage, pre-transitional | Stages of life | Standard deviation | Standard error | Standard mortality rate | Standard mortality rates | Standard of living | Standard population | Standardization, indirect method of | Standardized birth rates | Standardized mortality rates | Standardized rate | Standardized rate birth | Standardized rate mortality | Standardized rates | State | State of the population | State, federal | State, morbid | State, multi-national | Stated age | Stateless | Statement | Statements | States | Static model | Stationary population | Stationary population, death rate | Statistical chart | Statistical department | Statistical departments | Statistical estimation | Statistical family | Statistical package | Statistical report | Statistical table | Statistical tables | Statistical unit | Statistics of language | Statistics of population change | Statistics on in-migrants | Statistics on migrants | Statistics on out-migrants | Statistics registration | Statistics, current population | Statistics, current school | Statistics, demographic | Statistics, descriptive | Statistics, epidemiological | Statistics, health | Statistics, migration | Statistics, morbidity | Statistics, order | Statistics, place-of-birth | Statistics, population | Statistics, religious | Statistics, vital | Status animarum | Status, civil | Status, conjugal | Status, educational | Status, marital | Status, work | Stay, duration of | Step migration | Sterile period | Sterile periods | Sterility | Sterility, adolescent | Sterility, permanent | Sterility, primary | Sterility, secondary | Sterility, temporary | Sterilization | Sterilization, eugenic | Steroids, contraception by | Stillbirth | Stochastic model | Stochastic models | Straddling interval | Straddling intervals | Strata | Stratification, social | Stratified random sampling | Stratum | Stream, dominant | Stream, migration | Stream, net | Structure | Structure, age | Structure, gene | Structure, genotypic | Structure, sex | Student | Studies, demographic | Studies, population | Sub-area | Sub-areas | Sub-fecundity | Sub-fecundity, adolescent | Sub-population | Sub-populations | Sub-sample | Sub-tenant | Subject | Subject of record | Subjects | Subjects of record | Subsistence | Subsistence level | Subsistence, means of | Substitution | Subtenant | Suburb | Suburbs | Suicide | Suicide, attempted | Suicides | Summary table | Summary tables | Supervisor | Supervisors | Suppository | Surface area | Surface, mortality | Survey | Survey mailback | Survey processing program | Survey, field | Survey, multiround | Survey, post-enumeration | Survey, retrospective | Survey, sample | Survival ratio | Survival ratio method | Survival ratio method average | Survival ratios | Survival, group | Survival, probability of | Survivirship schedule of non-migrants | Survivor | Survivor, ever-married | Survivor, single | Survivors | Survivorship function | Synthesis | Synthetic cohort | Synthetic cohorts | Synthetic measure of fertility | System analyst | System analysts | System, education | System, operating | System, quota | Systematic sample | Systematic samples | Systematically drawn
- T
- Table | Table of school life | Table of working life | Table preparation | Table, calendar-year | Table, cohort | Table, contingency | Table, disability | Table, double decrement | Table, generation | Table, individual | Table, intrauterine mortality | Table, life | Table, life cohort | Table, multiple decrement | Table, non-migrant | Table, nuptiality | Table, period | Table, statistical | Table, summary | Tables | Tables of working life | Tablet, foam | Tabulate | Tabulated | Tabulating machine | Tabulating machines | Tabulation by place of residence | Tabulations by place of residence | Tabulator | Tampon | Tape, magnetic | Target population | Tax list, hearth | Tax rebate | Tax rebates | Tax-payer record | Tax-payers records | Taxation roll | Taxation rolls | Teacher | Technical education | Tempo | Temporary absentee | Temporary absentees | Temporary move | Temporary moves | Temporary sterility | Temporary union | Tenant | Tenant farmer | Tenant farmers | Term, birth at | Terminal, remote | Termination rate | Territory | Territory, non-self-governing | Territory, self-governing | Tertiary sector | Test, post-enumeration | Template:TextTermAdded | The aged | The appearance of the periods | The elderly | Theoretical demography | Theoretical effectiveness | Therapeutic abortion | Time series | Timesharing mode | Timing | Timing, birth | Tongue, mother | Total birth rate | Total county | Total fertility | Total fertility rate | Total legitimate fertility rate | Total number | Tourist traffic | | Township | Townships | Track | Track, change of | Tracks | Tract, census | Traditional sector | Traffic, tourist | Transcription form | Transcription forms | Transfer, population | Transient | Transients | Transit | Transition | Transition, demographic | Transition, population | Transitional growth | Transits | Traveller | Travellers | Trend | Tubal ligation | Tubectomy | Turnover | Twin | Twin, biovular | Twin, dizygotic | Twin, identical | Twin, monozygotic | Twin, uniovular | Twins | Type of operation | Types of operations
- U
- Ultimate frequency | Under one year of age, deaths | Undercount | Underemployment | Underestimation | Underlying cause of death | Underpopulation | Unemployable | Unemployed | Union | Union, conjugal | Union, consensual | Union, free | Union, temporary | Unions | Uniovular twins | Unit record machine | Unit record machines | Unit, administrative | Unit, dwelling | Unit, primary | Unit, sampling | Unit, secondary | Unit, statistical | Universe | Universities | University | University degree | Unknown | Unmarried life, expectation of | Unoccupied dwelling | Unoccupied population | Unskilled worker | Unskilled workers | Update | Updated | Upward mobility | Urban area | Urban areas | Urban population | Use effectiveness | User | User's program | User, potential | Users' programs | Usual language | Utero, mortality in | Uterus
- V
- Vacationing | Vacuum aspiration, abortion by | Vagrant | Vagrants | Valid marriage | Validity check | Validity checks | Value, fitness | Value, selective | Variability | Variable | Variables | Variance | Variate | Variates | Variation | Variations | Vasectomy | Verified | Verifier, card | Verify | Verify v. | Viable | Village | Violence | Visa | Visa, alien | Visas | Visiting alien | Visiting aliens | Visitor | Visitors | Vital event | Vital events | Vital index | Vital record | Vital records | Vital registration | Vital statistics | Vital statistics method | Vocational education | Volume of migration | Voluntary inquiries | Voluntary inquiry | Voluntary migration | Voter registration record | Voter registration records
- W
- Ward n | Wards | Wedding | Wedlock, child born out of | Weight | Weight, birth | Weighted average | Weighted mean | Weighting factor | White person | White persons | Widom | Widow | Widowed person | Widowed persons | Widower | Widowhood | Wife | Withdrawal | Witness | Witnesses | Woman | Woman years | Woman, married | Womb | Women | Work status | Work, seeking | Worker | Worker, agricultural | Worker, clerical and office | Worker, cottage | Worker, family | Worker, field | Worker, home | Worker, independent | Worker, manual | Worker, non-agricultural | Worker, non-manual | Worker, on own account | Worker, semi-skilled | Worker, skilled | Worker, unskilled | Workers | Workers on own account | Workers, marginal | Working life | Working life, expectation of | Working life, expectation, net | Working life, mean duration of | Working life, table of | Working population
- Y
- Year of birth | Years of school completed | Years, complete | Years, of schooling completed | Years, woman | Young person | Young persons | Young population | Youth
- Z
- Zone | Zones | Zygote
Erstellt: 2012-07