Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Biologie, Biología, Biologie, Biologia, Biology, (esper.) biologio, biontologio

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accrescere (W3)

Das engl. "accrescent" = dt. "wachsen" und das frz. "accroître" = dt. "vermehren" gehören mit ihrem Ahnen lat. "accrescere" in die große Familie der Worte, die von ide. "*ker-" = dt. "wachsen" abgeleitet werden können.

ADJECTIVE: Increasing in size after flowering, as the calyx of the ground cherry.

ETYMOLOGY: Latin "accrescens", "accrescent-", present participle of lat. "accrescere" = "to grow". See accrue.

"accrescent": Gaining in girth or length with age or following fertilization, or growing together, as the calyx of some plants after flowering, such as the ground cherry.



"accrescent" lat. "accrescere" = "s'accroître" = "vergrößern", "steigern", "vermehren".




"BBSRC" steht für "Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council".


Biological Concepts


BioConcepts is a multilingual database which documents the origin and definition of basic biological concepts. It serves as a guide to the first uses of words, influential definitions and shifts of meaning through history. The database started life in 2008 as a supplement to the handbook Historisches Wörterbuch der Biologie. Geschichte und Theorie der biologischen Grundbegriffe (HWB) which was published in three volumes by Verlag J.B. Metzler in 2011.


| a priori | A.T.P. | abiogenesis | abiosis | abiotic factors | accidental death | acoenic | acting | action potential | activity range | | adelphotaxon | agamogenesis | agamogony | agamospecies | agent | aggregation compound | aggression distance | aging | aging of lineages | aitiomorphosis | algology | allele | allelology | allelome | allelomorph | allelon | allelopathy | allogamy | alloiohormone | allolimy | allometry | allopatric | allosome | allosomes | allosteric inhibition | allotrophy | allotype | alluring mimicry | alpha-diversity | alternation of generations | altricial | altruism | altruistic | amensalism | amphibians | amphigony | amphimixis | anabiosis | anabolism | anaboly | anachoresis | anagenesis | analogy | analogy studies | analytic biology | anamorphosis | anaphase | anatomy | anatropistic | anhydrobiosis | animal | animal culture | animal ecology | animal economy | animal ethics | animal geography | animal humanity | animal medicine | animal mind | animal physiology | animal psychology | animal rationabile | animal rationale | animal symbolicum | animal-human transitory field | animalcules | animality | animated body | anisogamy | annidation | anoxybiosis | anthropocene | anthropological individual | anthropology | anthropomorpha | anthropomorphism | anthropomorphous | anthropothymous | anthropozoicum | antibiosis | antibody | antigen | antimere | ape | aphanisis | apogamy | apomixis | apomorphy | apoptosis | aposematic | apostatic selection | apparent competition | apparent death | appetitive behavior | aptation | aptonuon | aquarium | Archaea | Archaebacteria | archaeopteryx | archallaxis | archenteron | archetype | archeus | archigony | archive | area | area system | aristogenesis | arrenotoky | artificial life | artistic drive | asexual reproduction | assimilation | association | associes | atavism | atelic formation | attractiveness trait | Australopithecus | autapomorphy | autecological | autecology | auto-organization | auto-selection | autocatalytical substance | autoergasia | autogamy | autogenesis | autogenetic | autogony | autohyly | automixis | automorphosis | autonomic nervous system | autonomy | autoplasty | autopoiesis | autopsy | autoselection | autosome | autosomes | autosustentation | autotomy | autotrophic | avatar | axis shift of life | axon


| background extinction | Bacteria | bacterial colony | bacteriology | bacteriophage | bacterium | balance | balanced polymorphism | Baldwin effect | basic body pattern | basic form | basic pattern | beanbag genetics | beauty drive | behaviour | behaviour in rehearsal | behaviour pattern | behavioural biology | behavioural ecology | behavioural inheritance system | behavioural physiology | behavioural plasticity | behavioural studies | behaviourism | beneficial death | benthos | beta-diversity | bicyclist reaction | bilateral symmetry | bilateria | Bildungstrieb | binary nomenclature | Binnenselektion | binom | binomial nomenclature | bio-communication | bioblast | biocentric | biochemistry | biochore | biocoenology | biocoenosis | biocoenotic connexion | biocoenotics | biodiversity | biodynamics | bioecosystem | bioethics | biofunction | biogen | biogenesis | biogenetic law | biogeochemical | biogeocoenosis | biogeography | bioid | biological diversity | biological imperative | biological philosophy | biological species | biological system | biologism | biology | biology of analogies | biology of homologies | biomass | biome | biomechanics | biometry | biomolecule | biomorphosis | bion | bionics | bionomics | bionomy | biophilosophy | biophysics | biopoesis | biopopulation | biorheuse | bioscience | biosciences | biosemiotics | biosocial behaviour | biospecies | biosphere | biostatics | biostope | biostroma | biosynoeciosis | biosystem | biosystematics | biota | biotaxonomy | biotechnics | biotechnology | biotic | biotic factors | biotope | biotope types | biotype | biovalue | birds | birth | blastopore | blastula | blending inheritance | blood circulation | body exclusion | botany | breeding | breeding territory | breeding value | brood parasitism | building plan


| causal cycle | causal system | cell | cell cycle | cell line | cell lineage | cell-division | central dogma | central form | central organ | central type | centriole | centromere | centrosome | chain of forms | chain reflex | chamaephyte | chance selection | change in form | change of function | character | character displacement | character diversity | character state | characteristic plants | characteristic species | chemical evolution | chemosynthesis | chiasma | chimera | chlorophyll | chloroplast | Chordata | chorology | chromatid | chromatin | chromosome | chronospecies | circle of forms | circular causality | circulation of matter | cistron | citric acid cycle | clade | cladistics | cladogenesis | cladogram | cladospecies | class | classification | climax | clone | closed descent community | closure | | coaptation | code | code (of nomenclature) | code-duality | codon | coelome | coenobiology | coenobiont | coenobium | coenocline | coenogenesis | coenogony | coenophile | coevolution | coexistence | cognitive ethology | coherence morphology | collective properties | colloid | colony | commensalism | communication | community | community ecology | comparative anatomy | comparative ethology | comparative physiology | comparative psychology | competition | competitive exclusion principle | comprehension | compulsive act | conditioned reflex | conditioning | conditions of existence | conditions of life | conjugation | consciousness | constellation causality | constraints | constructional morphology | constructive metabolism | consumer | contest | continuity of germ-protoplasm | contrapuntal relation | control | control loop | convergence | cooperation | coordination | copulation | copulation² | Cormophyta | cormus | correlation | costs of reproduction | countershading | courtship | creode | critical biology | critical theory of evolution | crossing-over | Crustacea | cryobiosis | crypsis | cryptobiosis | Cryptogamia | cryptophyte | cultural ethology | cultural evolution | cultural inheritance | cultural inheritance system | cultural studies | culture | curiosity | cyanobiont | cybernetics | cycle | cycle of dependencies | cycle of reproduction | cycloethosis | cyclomorphosis | cyclosis | cytochrome | cytology | cytoplasm | cytoplasmic inheritance | cytotaxis | cytotropism


| Darwinian selection | Darwinism | dauermodification | death | death of old age | death of species | deception | decomposer | deep ecology | deep homology | deep time | defence | deficient being | degeneration | degree of organization | deimatic reaction | delophany | deme | demecology | demography | demology | demotope | dendrite | dendrogram | denitrification | density-dependent factors | deoxyribonucleic acid | descent with modification | descriptive anatomy | desire for action | destructor | determination | development | developmental biology | developmental cycle | developmental genetics | developmental mechanics | developmental period | developmental physiology | developmental program | developmental stage | developmental system | deviation | diagrammatic type | diakinesis | diapause | Dicotyledoneae | differential gene activity | differential reproduction | differentiation | digestion | dignity of animals | dinophany | dinosaur | dioecia | diplobiontic | diploid | diplont | diplophase | diplotene | direct/indirect fitness | directional selection | discontinuous variation | disease | disjunct species | disparity | dispersal | displacement activity | display-characters | disruptive selection | dissimilation | dissipative structure | distance | | distribution | distribution area | divergence | diversity | diversity index | dividual | division of labour | doctrine of descent | doctrine of development | doctrine of evolution | doctrine of heredity | doctrine of homology | domain | dominance | dominant | dormancy | downward causation | downward classification | drift | drive | dual inheritance system | durability | dynamic equilibrium | dynamic morphology | dynamic type | dysteleology


| eccentricity | eco-evo-devo | ecocline | ecodeme | ecogenesis | ecological development | ecological diversity | ecological ethics | ecological inheritance | ecological race | ecological redundancy | ecological role | ecological system | ecological valence | ecology | ecomerism | ecomorphology | economy of nature | ecophene | ecophysiology | ecosemiotics | ecospace | ecospecies | ecosphere | ecosystem | ecosystem engineer | ecosystem type | ecotope | ecotype | ectoderm | ectohormone | ectoparasite | ectosomatic organ | ectosymbiosis | edaphon | effective environment | efference copy | egoism | elementary organism | embryo | Embryobionta | embryology | embryonic stem cell | Embryophyta | emergence | emergent | emotion | emotive language | empathy | encapsis | encaptic system | end in itself | end of life on earth | endemic | | endocrinology | endocytosis | endoderm | endogamy | endohormone | endolithic | endomitosis | endoplasmic reticulum | endoreduplication | endosemiotics | endosomatic organ | endosymbiosis | energy metabolism | engram | enharmony | entelechy | entoecia | entoecs | entoparasite | entophyta | entozoa | environ | environment | Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness | environmental determinism | environmental ethics | environmental protection | environmental science | enzyme | epharmony | epigamic | epigamic selection | epigenesis | epigenetic | epigenetic inheritance | epigenetic inheritance system | epigenetic landscape | epigenetics | epimeletic | epimere | epimorphosis | epinastic | epinasty | epinucleic | epiphyta | epiphytic | episite | episitism | epistasis | epistatic | epizoa | epoecia | epoecs | equifinality | equipotentiality | Erhaltungsmäßigkeit | essentialism | et-epimeletic | ethnobiology | ethogram | ethology | etomery | ethophysiology | ethospecies | Eubacteria | Eucarya | eucenic | eugenics | eukaryon | eukaryotes | eurychory | euryhaline | eurymeria | eurymorphia | euryoecious | eurythermal | eurytopic | eusocial | eusociality | eutraphentic | eutrophic | evo-devo | evolution | evolutionary aesthetics | evolutionary biology | evolutionary ecology | evolutionary epistemology | evolutionary ethics | evolutionary morphology | evolutionary psychology | evolutionary responsibility | evolutionary species | evolutionary stable strategy | evolutionary synthesis | evolutionary systematics | evolutionary technology | evolvability | evolver | evolvon | exaptation | excitability | excitation | excrement | excretion | exemplar | exobiology | exogamy | exon | experience | exploitation | expression | expressivity | extended genotype | extended phenotype | extended replicator | external world | extinction | extranuclear inheritance | extranucleic


| facilitation | factors of evolution | family | fat | father of biology | fauna | faunal change | faunistics | fecundity | feedback | female choice | ferment | fertility | fertility selection | fertilization | fetus | fibre | field | fishes | fitness | fixed action pattern | flight distance | flora | floristics | flux equilibrium | food chain | food cycle | food web | food-cycle level | form | formation | formation-type | fossil | fossil links | founder effect | frequency-dependent selection | fulguration | function | function circle | function plan | | functional analysis | functional anatomy | functional closure | functional diversity | functional ecology | functional homology | functional morphology | functional structure | fundamental fitness | fundamental function | fundamental niche | fungus


| Gaia | game theory | gametangiogamy | gamete | gametogamy | gametophyte | gamma-diversity | gamodeme | gamogenesis | gamogony | gamophase | Ganzeigenschaft | gastraea | gastrula | gemmule | gene | gene activity | gene frequency | gene identity | gene map | gene pool | gene technology | genealogical individuality | genealogical network | general biology | general death | general physiology | generalized type | generation | genet | genetic anatomy | genetic assimilation | genetic diversity | genetic engineering | genetic inheritance system | genetic program | genetic theory of relativity | genetics | genic selection | genome | genomics | genomorph | genospecies | genotype | genotypical milieu | genus | geobotanics | geoecosystem | geographical race | geography of plants | geotropism | germ | germ cell | germ layer | germ plasma | germline | gerontology | Gestaltqualität | glycolysis | goal setting autonomy | goal-directed behaviour | Golgi-Apparatus | gonology | grade | gradualism | ground plan | group selection | grouping | growth | guild | gynandromorphism


| habit | habitat | habitat diversity | habitat type | habitation | habituation | handicap selection | haplobiontic | haploid | haplont | haplophase | Hardy-Weinberg law | harmonic equipotential system | health | hekistotherm | heliotropism | helotism | hemicryptophyte | herbivorous | hereditary homology | hereditary symbiosis | heredity | heritability | hermaphrodite | heterochrony | heterocoenic | heterogametic | heterogenesis | heterogony | heterology | heterometry | heteromorphosis | heteropsia | heterosis | heterotopic | heterotopy | heterotrophic | heterozygote advantage | heterozygous | hexicology | hibernation | hierarchy | histology | historicity | history | holecology | holism | holistic causality | holobiosis | holocoene | hologamy | hologenesis | holomorph | holon | holophyly | holotype | range | orhesis | ostasis | Homo duplex | Homo erectus | Homo fines-deligens | Homo habilis | Homo loquens | Homo neanderthalensis | Homo sapiens | Homo sapiens sapiens | homobium | homocoenic | homodynamic | homoeomorphy | homoeosis | homoeothermic | homoeotic gene | homogametic | homogenesis | homogeny | homoiohormone | homoiohydric | homoiology | homoiosmotic | homology | homomorphism | homomorphous | homomorphy | homonomy | homonymy | homophyly | homoplasy | homotely | homotopy | homotypy | homozygous | hopeful monsters | horizontal gene transfer | hormone | human ecology | human ethology | human nature | human uniqueness | hybrid | hybrid vigor | hygrophilous | hypercycle | hyperdisease | hypermorphosis | hyperparasitic | hyperparasitism | hypertely | hypnosis | hypobiosis | hyponastic | hyponasty


| I-language | idealistic morphology | identification key | idiobiology | idioblast | idiogenesis | idioplasma | idiotype | imaginal disk | imago | immune body | immune system | immunology | impact niche | imprinting | inbreeding depression | inclusive fitness | index fossil | indisposability | individual | individual distance | individual fitness | individual selection | individuoid | influent | information | infusoria | ingestion | inherent lawfulness | inherent lawfulness² | inheritance of acquired characteristics | inherited/learned | inhibition | Innate Releasing Mechanism | innominate thinking | insects | instinct | instinct intercalation | instinct reduction | instinct-learning intercalation | instinctive action | instinctive behaviour | instinctive movement | integration | integron | intelligence | intentional movement | interaction | interactor | interdependence | interdetermination | interference | intermediary metabolism | intermediate forms | intermediate links | intermediate species | internal milieu | internal secretion | internal selection | internal world | interphase | intersex | intersexual selection | intertaxa | intra-selection | intrasexual selection | intrinsic value | introgression | intron | intussusception | invasion | invertebrates | inwardness | irritability | isocoenosis | isogamy | isogenetic | isolating mechanisms | | isomorphism | isophenetic | isophyly | isoreagent | It-language | iteroparity


| Jordanon | juxtaposition


| K selection | karyokinesis | karyoplasm | karyotype | katabolism | katatropistic | key innovation | key stimulus | keystone mutualists | keystone species | kin selection | kinesis | kingdom | kinship | klinokinesis


| Lamarckian inheritance | Lamarckism | landscape | landscape aesthetics | landscape ecology | language | larva | latent life | Latitudinal Diversity Gradient | laws of inheritance | learning | leptotene | level of selection | liberation from nature | lichen | life | life cycle | life form | life history | life history strategies | life knowledge | life science | life selection | life studies | life waves | life zones | lifetime track | light bulb moment | limbic system | lineage | linkage | Linneon | liposome | literary Darwinism | living being | living fossil | living space | living substance | living system | locality | locus | Lotka-Volterra equations | LUCA | luxuriance | lysosome


| macroevolution | macromolecule | macromutation | macrotaxonomy | major transitions | mammals | man | man as animal | mass extinction | mechanism | mechanism of evolution | mechanistic | medicine | megatherm | meiosis | membrane | meme | menopause | mental language | mental representation | mental tool | merogamy | mesoderm | mesology | mesotherm | mesotraphentic | mesotrophic | mesozoic | messenger RNA | meta-cognition | metabiology | metabiosis | metabiotic | metabolic | metabolism | metacommunication | metademe | metagenesis | metamere | metamerism | metamorphology | metamorphosis | metaorganism | metaphase | Metaphyta | metaplasia | metapopulation | metazoa | meticy | micella | microbes | microbiocoenosis | microbiology | microbiome | microevolution | micromutation | microorganism | microscope | microtaxonomy | microtherm | migration | milieu | mimesis | mimicry | mimism | minimal cell | minimal environment | minimal genome | minimal life | minimal niche | minimal organism | missing link | mitochondrion | mitosis | mneme | mobbing | mode of life | modification | module | molecular biology | molluscs | monad | Monera | Monocotyledoneae | monoecia | monogamy | monogony | monomorphism | monophyletic | monophylum | monotope | monotypic | monotypic evolution | mood | mood induction | morphallaxis | morpho-cline | morphogenesis | morphogenetic field | morphography | morphological diversity | morphological species | morphology | morphometry | morphon | morphospace | morphospecies | morphotype | morula | mosaic evolution | mosaic process | multilevel selection | muscle | mutagen | mutation | mutation pressure | mutation rate | muton | mutualism | mycobiont | mycology | mycorrhiza | mycosemiotics


| nanobacteria | nanobes | naptonuon | nasty | natural anatomy | natural autonomy | natural death | natural history | natural history of freedom | natural selection | natural system | nature conservation | necrobiosis | necrophagous | necrosis | need | negative learning | nekton | neo-Darwinism | neo-Lamarckism | neo-vitalism | neoepigenesis | neoevolution | neomelia | neoteny | neozoic | nerve | nerve cell | nerve physiology | nervous system | netlike kinship | neuroethology | neurology | neuron | neurophysiology | neuston | neutral theory of evolution | neutralism | new systematics | niche | niche construction | nitrification | nomogenesis | non-conceptual thinking | non-Darwinian evolution | non-Darwinian selection | nonaptation | norm | norm of reaction | nucleic | nucleic acid | nuclein | nucleoid | nucleolus | nucleoplasm | nucleus | numerical taxonomy | nuon | nutrition | nyctinastic movement


| oligotraphentic | oligotrophic | one gene-one enzyme hypothesis | ontogenesis | ontogenetic period | ontogenetics | open organization | open system | operant conditioning | operational taxonomic unit | operational world | operator | operon | optimal foraging | optimization model | order | orderliness | organ | organ system | organella | organic body | organicism | organism | organismal | organismality | organismic | organismicism | organismicity | organismics | organismoid | organization | organization degree | organization type | organizational characters | organizational homology | organized body | organizer | organogenesis | organography | organoid | organology | organome | organonomy | orientation | origination of species | orobiome | orthogenesis | orthoselection | osmobiosis | ovule


| pachytene | paedogenesis | paedomorphism | paedomorphosis | palaeobiology | palaeoecology | palaeontology | palaeozoic | pangene | pangenesis | parabiology | parabiosis | parallelism | paralogy | paramere | parapatric | paraphyletic | parasexuality | parasite | parasitic | parasitism | parasitoid | paraspecies | parastasis | paratopic activity | paratrepsis | paratype | parent-clinger | parental care | parental investment | paroecia | paroecs | parthenogenesis | partial death | partial homology | particulate inheritance | pathocentric | pathogen | pathology | pattern cladistics | pecking order | pedobiome | penetrance | peramorphosis | perception | perceptual world | performance plan | perilogy | periome | peripatric | peristasis | person | petrification | phagocyte | Phanerogamia | phanerophyte | phenetic | phenetic systematics | phenetics | phenocopy | phenogenetics | phenogram | phenology | phenome | phenon | phenotype | phenotypic accommodation | phenotypic flexibility | phenotypic plasticity | pheromone | philosophy of biology | phobesis | phobic reaction | phobism | phobotaxis | phoresy | photobiont | photosynthesis | phototaxis | phototropism | phototropy | phycobiont | phycology | phyletic evolution | PhyloCode | phylogenesis | phylogenetic bush | phylogenetic drift | phylogenetic net | phylogenetic shrub | phylogenetic species | phylogenetic systematics | phylogenetic tree | phylogenetics | phylogram | phylon | phylotypic stage | phylum | physiocentric | physiological chemistry | physiological genetics | physiological morphology | physiological regeneration | physiological species | physiological units | physiology | phytochemistry | phytocoenosis | phytography | phytology | phyton | phytosemiotics | phytotomy | phytotope | phytozoa | pinocytosis | plankton | plant | plant association | plant pathology | plant physiology | plant psychology | plant society | plasmagene | plasmid | plasmodium | plasmogeny | plasmon | plasticity | plasticity of the nervous system | plastide | plastidule | play | pleiotropy | pleomorphism | plesiomorphy | pleuston | plurifaction | pluriformism | pluripotent | poikiloethosis | poikilohydric | poikilomorphosis | poikilosmotic | poikilothermic | poikilotopy | polyandry | polyethism | polygamy | polygeny | polygyny | polymorphism | polymorphosis | polymorphous | polyoecy | polyphyletic | polyploidy | polysome | polythetic | polytypic evolution | polytypical | population | population biology | population cycle | population ecology | population genetics | population mutualism | population science | population thinking | position effect | positional field | positional information | positionality | post-genomics | post-stabilized harmony | potonuon | pre-conceptual judgements | | preaptation | precocial | predation | predator | predator-mediated coexistence | preformation | prehatching parental care | prehension | preservation of species | preservation teleology | primary production | primordial organism | primordial soup | primordium | principle of progression | probiosis | process arrangement | producer | production | production biology | progenote | progress | prokaryon | prokaryotes | promoter | prophase | proprioception | protection | protection of processes | protection of species | protective colouring | protective resemblance | protein | proteome | proteomics | Protista studies | protistology | protists | protobiology | protocell | Protoctista | protogenote | Protophyta | protoplasm | protoplast | prototype | Protozoa | protozoology | proximate cause | pseudo-altruism | pseudo-mimicry | pseudo-organism | pseudo-species | pseudoextinction | pseudogamy | pseudomixis | pseudomoral | pseudoparasite | psychosomatics | psychozoa | punctuated equilibrium | pupa | purposiveness


| quadrupeds | quantum evolution | quasi-organism


| r selection | race | ramet | rank | ranking | ratchet effect | ratchet mechanism | rate of consumption | ratiocentricity | rational biology | rational morphology | readiness potential | realized niche | reasonability | recessive | reciprocal altruism | reciprocal condition | reciprocal conditionality | reciprocal dependence | reciprocal determination | reciprocal generation | reciprocal sustainment | reciprocity | recombination | recon | reducer | reductive pentose phosphate cycle | reflective self-evaluation | reflex | reflex arc | reflexive selection | regeneration | regularization | regulation | regulator | regulator gene | regulator organ | regulatory development | reification | release | releaser | reparative regeneration | replication | replicator | replicon | repressor | reproducer | reproduction | reproduction biology | reproductive community | reproductive organ | reproductive selection | reproductive value | reptiles | requirement niche | resilience | resistance | resource | resource partitioning | respiration | reticulate evolution | retrovirus | reversion | ribosome | ring species | ritual | ritualized behaviour | rudiment | runaway process


| saltation | saltationism | saprophagous | sarcode | Sauropsida | science of heredity | science of homology | scotobiosis | scramble | search image | seasonal dimorphism | second-order intentionality | secondary sexual characters | secretion | segregation distortion | selection | selection pressure | selective value | selecton | self | | self-alteration | self-concept | self-construction | self-creation | self-decomposition | self-development | self-differentiation | self-expression | self-feeling | self-formation | self-generation | self-limitation | self-motion | self-organization | self-organizing being | self-perception | self-perseverance | self-preservation | self-production | self-regulation | self-reproduction | self-selection | semaphoront | semelparity | senescence | sense organ | sensibility | sentiment | serial homology | series of forms | sessile | seston | sex | sex determination | sex ratio | sex-chromosome | sexual organ | sexual reproduction | sexual selection | sexual system | sexuality | shadonology | shared world | shock movement | sign stimulus | signal | signal copy | signal falsification | single celled organism | single plan | Sippe | sister group | sleep | social behaviour | social biology | social distance | social inheritance | social releaser | sociobiology | somation | somatogamy | somatolysis | sorting | space of reasons | spatial parasitism | special biology | speciation | species | species being | species character | species diversity | species extinction | species generation | species richness | species selection | species sorores | species-individuality | speciesism | specimen | Spermaphyta | splicing | spontaneous generation | spore | sporophyte | stabilizing selection | startling appearance | stasigenesis | station | stem cell | stem species | stenochory | stenoecious | stenohaline | stenomeria | stenomorphia | stenothermal | stenotopic | stimulation | stimulus | structural gene | struggle for existence | struggle of parts | study of heredity | subject | subjective world | subspecies | succession | super-organic | super-summative | superorganism | superparasitic | superparasitism | superspecies | supraorganismics | survival | survival of the fittest | survival selection | survival value | sustainability | symbiogenesis | symbiology | symbiome | symbiosis | symbolic inheritance system | symbolic movements | symmetry | sympathesis | sympathy | sympatric | symphily | symphorism | symplesiomorphy | synapomorphy | synapse | synbiology | syncytium | synecology | synectry | synerg | synergetics | synergy | Syngameon | syngamospecies | synoecy | synthetic biology | synthetic Darwinism | synthetic evolutionary theory | synthetic theory of evolution | synusia | system causality | system of biology | system of dependencies | system theory of evolution | systematic category | systematic type | systematics | systemic properties | systems biology | systems ecology | systems theory


| taxis | taxocene | taxon | taxonomy | technomorph | teleo-mechanism | teleology | teleonomic | teleonomy | telophase | territorial behaviour | Thallophyta | thanatology | thanatosis | thelytoky | theoretical biology | theoretical morphology | theory of descent | theory of development | theory of evolution | theory of selection | therophyte | time signature | tissue | tokogenetic | tokogony | tokotrophia | tool-making animal | topocline | topodeme | topotaxis | topotropism | total death | totipotence | trade-off | tradition | tradition homology | trait aggregate | trait fitness | trait group | trait selection | trait-group | transcription | transduction | transfer RNA | transference of function | transformation | transgenic | transhumanism | translation | transmutation | transmutation of species | transpiration | transplantation | tree of life | trial and error | trinomial nomenclature | triplet code | trophic level | trophobiosis | trophodiversity | tropism | tychocenic | type | typogenesis | typolysis | typostasis


| ultimate cause | umgebung | uniformism | uninomial nomenclature | unit of generalization | unit of selection | unit-character | unit-membrane | universal biology | upward classification | Urbild | Urpflanze | Urtier


| vacuole | vacuum activity | vagile | variability | variation | variety | vegetation | vegetative nervous system | vegetative organ | vegetative reproduction | vehicle | vertebrates | veterinary medicine | viability selection | vicariant | violent death | viroid | virology | virus | vital force | vital spirit | vitalism | vitamin


| web of life | wholeness | wholeness determination | wild type | Wirkungseinheit | wohnwelt | world openness | world-creating


| xaptonuon | xenocenic | xeromorphy | xerophilous




| Zeitgestalt | zonobiome | zoochemistry | zoocoenosis | zoography | zooid | zoology | zoon | zoonomy | zoophagous | zoophagy | zoophysics | zoophyta | zoosemiotics | zootomy | zootope | zootype | zygophase | zygote | zygotene

Erstellt: 2015-08


cyto- (W3)

Die Vorsilben "zyt-" (vor Vokalen) und "zyto-" (vor Konsonanten) findet man in "Zytodiagnostik" = dt. "Zelluntersuchung", "zytogen"= dt. "von der Zelle gebildet", "Zytoplasma"= dt. "Zellplasma" und "zytotoxisch" = dt. "zellschädigend". Als Nachsilbe findet man "-zyt" in dt. "Erythrozyt" = dt. "rotes Blutkörperchen" und "Leukozyt" = dt. "weißes Blutkörperchen". Im Französischen und Englischen trifft man sie in der Form "-cyt-" und "cyto-" an.

Im Spanischen und Italienischen kann man auch auf "-cit-" treffen, etwa in span. "citología", ital. "citologia" = dt. "Zytologie" oder in ital. "citode" = dt. "Zytode" = dt. "Zelle, Protoplasma ohne Kern" zusammen mit griech. "-odes" = dt. "ähnlich".

Alle diese Varianten gehen zurück auf griech. "kýtos" = dt. "Hohlraum", "Höhlung", "Rundung", "Wölbung", "Gefäß", das die Römer bzw. die Neulateiner als "cytus" = dt. "Zelle" übernahmen. Der Wortstamm "zyt", "cyt" bedeutet also dt. "auf die Zelle bezüglich", "zell-".

Erstellt: 2012-11



Evolution (W3)

"Evolution" geht zurück auf lat. "evolutio" = "das Aufschlagen", lat. "evolvere" = "herauswälzen", "hinauswälzen", "hervorwälzen", "hervorrollen".

Der Terminus "Evolution" (der biologischen Evolutionsbegriff) wurde durch Darwin aufgebrachten.

Viele Hintergründe zur Evolution, z.B. zu Dinosaurierfunden, Darwins Theorie, zum Zeitstrahl, zu weiteren Wissenschaftlern (in Englisch)


CLIPP - Christiani Lehmanni inedita, publicanda, publicata
Wilhelm von Humboldts Theorie der Sprachevolution
Christian Lehmann

W. v. Humboldt hat eine Stufenfolge der Entwicklung der Sprachen nach dem Grad der Vervollkommnung der grammatischen Form aufgestellt und diese mit einer Sprachtypologie gekoppelt. Er unterscheidet nicht zwischen Evolution und geschichtlichem Wandel der Sprachen, sondern zwischen Phasen der Herausbildung und der Verfeinerung. Danach charakterisiert der herausgebildete Typ eine Sprache ein für allemal.

Im Lichte moderner Forschungen zur Sprachtypologie und zur panchronischen Dynamik grammatischer Formen und Kategorien sind an Humboldts Konzeption mehrere Aspekte interessant: ...





Institute of Science in Society
Genetic engineering
Genetic Glossary


Erstellt: 2010-11







Orgasm Day 01.08.2003

"Orgasm" zu griech. "orgãn" = dt. "heftig verlangen", "strotzen", "schwellen".

Britain is celebrating "National Orgasm Day" by sending risqué of themselves to partners and friends thanks to the new mobile phone picture messaging phenomena using camera mobile phones.

According to 10,000 picture messengers quizzed by Lycos, the majority of pictures sent and received over mobile phones (MMS) are of a "flirtatious" nature, and frequently include breasts and bottoms. "So we expect to see some pretty interesting stuff on our Zap site tomorrow" said Alex Kovach, Managing Director, Lycos UK & Ireland.

"Our study seems to confirm that picture messaging has overtaken text messaging as the favoured flirtation technique of a generation. It's amazing that technology is even having an impact on our mating rituals!"












Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
UK Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (esper.) Britujo
Biologie, Biología, Biologie, Biologia, Biology, (esper.) biologio, biontologio




Cole, Theodor C. H. / Haußer-Siller, Ingrid
Wörterbuch der Biologie
Dictionary of Biology
Deutsch-Englisch / English-German

Gebundene Ausgabe: 774 Seiten
Verlag: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag in Elsevier (1998)
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch

Gebundene Ausgabe: 782 Seiten
Verlag: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag; Auflage: 2. A. (März 2005)
Sprache: Englisch, Deutsch

Gebundene Ausgabe: 1000 Seiten
Verlag: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag; Auflage: 3., Aufl. (3. September 2008)
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch

Das kompakte, übersichtliche und vielseitige Wörterbuch der Biologie hat sich für Übersetzer, aber auch für Dozenten und Studenten sowie Lehrer und Schüler als unentbehrlicher Begleiter durch den Dschungel der englischsprachigen biologischen Fachbegriffe erweisen. Es erschließt mit 50.000 Begriffen alle Bereiche der Biowissenschaften, der Botanik, Zoologie und Evolution ebenso wie der Molekular- und Mikrobiologie, und berücksichtigt auch Nachbardisziplinen. Das zweisprachige Buch eignet sich damit für alle Lehrenden und Lernenden, aber auch alle Wissenschaftler der Biologie und der Nachbardisziplinen als Einstieg in die englischsprachige Fachliteratur und als Nachschlagewerk. Die beiden Biologen Theodor Cole, gebürtiger Amerikaner, und Ingrid Haußer-Siller verfügen über langjährige Erfahrungen mit Fachübersetzungen und wissenschaftlichen Publikationen. Konsequent strukturiert haben sie das zweisprachige Wörterbuch in Wortfelder, die eine Themenbereichs-Recherche erlauben.

Über den Autor
Theodor C. H. Cole ist amerikanischer Staatsbürger und arbeitet als Dozent, Übersetzer und Autor in Heidelberg. Er studierte Biologie, Chemie und Physik an den Universitäten Heidelberg, Berkeley und Paris und forschte biochemisch-analytisch an Naturstoffen. Mehrere Jahre unterrichtete er an der University of Maryland, European Division, und ist derzeit am Institut für Pharmazie und Molekulare Biotechnologie der Universität Heidelberg tätig.

Erstellt: 2010-12

Cole, Theodor C. H.
Wörterbuch Biotechnologie
Dictionary of Biotechnology
Deutsch-Englisch / English-German

Gebundene Ausgabe: 540 Seiten
Verlag: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag; Auflage: 1 (Februar 2008)
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch

Das Wörterbuch behandelt alle Bereiche der Biotechnologie. Thematische Begriffsfelder (clusters) in diesem Wörterbuch ermöglichen die zusammenhängende Bearbeitung eines Themas; durch die Sammlung thematisch verwandter Begriffe unter den jeweiligen übergeordneten Hauptstichwörtern erhöht sich die Trefferwahrscheinlichkeit bei der Wortsuche, und somit wird die Arbeit beim Übersetzen erleichtert. Dieses zusätzlich zur gewöhnlichen alphabetischen Ordnung verwendete Konzept hat sich gegenüber den einfachen Wortlisten anderer Wörterbücher hervorragend bewährt.

Über den Autor
Theodor C. H. Cole ist amerikanischer Staatsbürger und arbeitet als Dozent, Übersetzer und Autor in Heidelberg. Er studierte Biologie, Chemie und Physik an den Universitäten Heidelberg, Berkeley und Paris und forschte biochemisch-analytisch an Naturstoffen. Mehrere Jahre unterrichtete er an der University of Maryland, European Division, und ist derzeit am Institut für Pharmazie und Molekulare Biotechnologie der Universität Heidelberg tätig.

Rezension von Prof. Dr. Lothar Jaenicke
Quelle: BIOspektrum 4/2008
In Zeiten der Globalisierung ist die Biotechnologie angloamerikanisch geworden. Ein deutsch-englisches Wörterbuch liegt nun vor, verfasst von Theodor C. H. Cole, dem wir auch Wörterbücher zu anderen biologischen Bereichen verdanken. Und man muss es danken, denn man setzt sich Kritik von vielen Seiten aus.

Die einen werden monieren, dass für Selbstverständliches Platz verbraucht wurde wie die Übertragung griechischer oder lateinischer Fachbegriffe und Namen (heterogametisch ist "heterogametic" und vice versa). Die anderen ...