accrescere (W3)
Das engl. "accrescent" = dt. "wachsen" und das frz. "accroître" = dt. "vermehren" gehören mit ihrem Ahnen lat. "accrescere" in die große Familie der Worte, die von ide. "*ker-" = dt. "wachsen" abgeleitet werden können.
ADJECTIVE: Increasing in size after flowering, as the calyx of the ground cherry.
ETYMOLOGY: Latin "accrescens", "accrescent-", present participle of lat. "accrescere" = "to grow". See accrue.
"accrescent": Gaining in girth or length with age or following fertilization, or growing together, as the calyx of some plants after flowering, such as the ground cherry.
(E2)(L1) http://www.mobot.org/mobot/glossary/list.asp?list=french
(E2)(L1) http://www.mobot.org/mobot/glossary/list.asp?list=english
"accrescent" lat. "accrescere" = "s'accroître" = "vergrößern", "steigern", "vermehren".
(E?)(L?) https://www.dictionary.com/