Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
TW Taiwan, Taiwán, Taïwan, Taiwan, Taiwan, (esper.) Tajvano
Stifte, Estilográfica, Stylos, Stilografica, Stylos, (esper.) skribiloj

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TWSBI - Stifte (W3)

Der Markenname "TWSBI" hat eine verdrehte Herkunft. Die chinesische Bezeichnung in lateinischer Schrift lautet chin. "San Wen Tong" und bedeutet engl. "Hall of Three Cultures". Dabei steht chin. "Wen" für engl. "language" und "culture", dt. "Sprache" und "Kultur". Die Bezeichnung dt. "Halle der drei Kulturen" spielt an auf die engl. "Hall of the Three Rare Treasures" des Herrschers Qianlong in der an drei Meisterwerke der chinesischen Kalligraphie (Schönschreibkunst) erinnert wird.

Die Initialen der Bezeichnung chin. "San Wen Tong" wurden nun umgedreht und ergaben "TWS". Die letzten beiden Buchstaben "Bi" haben die wörtliche Bedeutung "Schreibinstrumente". Zusammen ergab sich so die Markenbezeichnung "TWSBI". Ausgesprochen wird die Abkürzung als "Twiz-Bee".


"TWSBI" may be a new name in pens, but the company has a history of over 40 years of manufacturing, including making high-end pens for other brands. Their range is targeted at pen and pencil enthusiasts, and includes fountain pens with the sort of innovative filling mechanisms rarely seen these days, and the kind of all-metal drafting pencils that almost became extinct with the rise of CAD. Many models feature crystal-clear or colour-tinted barrels, so you can really appreciate the inner workings of your new writing instrument. "TWSBI" is the brand name adopted by "TaShin Precision".

Why "TWSBI"? "TWS" is the reversed initials of the phrase "Sen Wen Tong" (or "Hall of Three Cultures"), plus "BI" - literally "writing instrument". How do you say it? "Twiz-Bee"!




Review: @TWSBI Diamond 580 Clear Fountain Pen - 1.5mm Stub






Artikel in Kategorie "TWSBI":


TWSBI is a Taiwanese pen manufacturer with strong emphasis on design, quality and serviceability. Along with the best practices of product design and development they place greatest importance on "Voice of the Customer" information.

The Writing Desk was not only the first UK stockist for TWSBI pens it was the first international stockist apart from TWSBI themselves. Buying from a supplier in the EU avoids additional shipping and handling fees and import duties.

The TWSBI Diamond, Vac, Classic and Eco series pens are designed to be user-serviceable and all parts can be disassembled by following the included instructions and on-line video tutorials (opens in new window). Users are encouraged to service their own pens as this provides a valuable insight into the workings of a modern fountain pen.



About Us

TWSBI - Inspired by writing

After 40 plus years as an OEM manufacturer for different global brands, Ta Shin Precision decided to start selling under their own brand, and thus TWSBI was born.

TaShin Precision has over 40 years of experience in manufacturing with plastics and metals. Early products ranged from toy lego parts to high end writing instruments. This knowledge trickles down into every product TWSBI has to offer.

"TWSBI"'s name stands for the phrase "Hall of Three Cultures" or "San Wen Tong" in Chinese. The character "Wen" translates into "language" and "culture". The phrase "San Wen Tong" also brings to mind the Hall of the Three Rare Treasures created by Emperor Qianlong as a memorial to three great masterpieces of Chinese calligraphy. The initials of the phrase "San Wen Tong" was reversed and thus turned into "TWS". The last letters "Bi" was added with its literal meaning of "writing instruments". Thus combining the two segments, creating TWSBI.

Erstellt: 2016-10






Ystudio - Stifte

Die Bezeichnung "Ystudio" für den erst im Jahr 2012 gegründeten Schreibgerätehersteller ist wahrscheinlich von den Namen "Yi" und "Yanko" abgeleitet, die beide mit "Y" beginnen. Angestrebt wird die Herstellung von alltagstauglichen Designobjekten.



about us

"ystudio" is from Taiwan, founded in 2012. We explore vanishing culture, devote ourselves to linking past memories and modern life, make fine artifacts for whoever is serious with their life.


It is a hasty era, where scientific techniques and commerce make a cold and convenient world, but people and substances could not find their footholds. We are devoted to exploring vanishing culture, as the tranquility and warmness in these past memories are the very living attitude modern people are eager to establish.


We will not only revive past memories, but integrate them into modern life.

Artifacts are designed and made, only to be fully used.

Restart writing letters because of the love in a pen. Turn on a lamp and you will see the reborn old camera. This is the very taste of life, as well the value in the design.


We dream to make fine artifacts which can be used for a lifetime.

Raw materials are alive, and as designers, we are responsible to treasure these valuable resources and try our best to make firm and fine artifacts, accompanying the users, and even being passed down from generation to generation.




The story behind Ystudio.

Founded in 2012, the Taiwanese design studio "Ystudio" believes in the value of simplicity. Their designs are minimalistic, yet extremely powerful, made for every day use with natural materials that will last for more than a lifetime. The range of stationary products, crafted from brass and copper, are full of character and change beautifully over time. With their stationary collection they hope to express the attitude of the people in Taiwan. 

The Weight of Words - Stationary Collection

Made by local factories, each product is manufactured by the scorching heat of one thousand degrees, and characterized by the masters’ hands with years of experience. The patina that appears on the pens while using depends on various conditions and this makes every pen unique. The oxide process is harmless. It can easily be restore to it's original luster by wiping the pen with a copper oil. Experience and enjoy this one-of-the-kind beauty of copper and brass.


Interviews - Ystudio

Yi and Yanko are the founders of Ystudio. The Taiwanese design studio created a range of minimalistic stationary objects, made for everyday use. Although the collection stands out for it’s simplicity, there is quite an interesting story behind the stationary line. We spoke with Yi and Yanko about their lives, the city they life in, Ystudio, The Weight of Words and about new exciting projects coming up in the future.

“We want to remind people of the beautiful things that have been forgotten as time goes by. This shared thought impelled us to establish this brand.”
Tell me more about Ystudio. What does the brand stand for?

What "Ystudio" creates is not just the object itself, but also the true meaning behind it. We believe that each object embodies a deeper meaning: a lamp means warmth and hope, a pen stands for feelings one cherishes. Through our products, we hope to bring people more imagination in their lives, that’s why we design products for daily use. "Ystudio" believes that the value of simplicity in design is very important.
Tell me about "The Weight of Words", how did you come up with it?

The meaning of writing to modern people has gradually changed: it is no longer a necessity. So because of this change, we need to take a much closer look at what exactly writing means to people nowadays. Writing has evolved from a way to convey words to a medium to express emotions. ‘Weight’ represents not only a deep emotion, but it also stands for a meaningful commitment: deep, heavy and indelible.
Thank you so much, Yi and Yanko.

Learn more about Ystudio and the current collection at the Ystudio collection page.

Photography: Ystudio

Interview & Text: Tico Oudhuis & Robin Jansen



ystudio Füller Schreibtisch Messing


Der klassische Kugelschreiber aus Messing von "ystudio" aus Taiwan. Das elegante Schreibgerät liegt durch seine achteckige Form wunderbar in der Hand, genauso wie sein Bruder, der Druckbleistift aus der gleichen Linie. Durch den Kontakt mit Haut und Luft oxidiert das gelbe Metall und nimmt eine ganz besondere Patina an.



Erstellt: 2017-08