Kairouan (W3)
"Kairouan" ist die Übertragung des arabischen Namens "Qayrawan". "Kairouan" ist nach Mekka, Medina und Jerusalem die vierte der heiligen Stätten des Islam.669: Ab 669:
Die moslemischen Araber vertreiben die christlichen Byzantiner endgültig aus dem heutigen Tunesien und gründen Kairouan, das zum Sitz der Kalifendynastie der Omaijaden wird. Von hier aus beginnen sie mit der Unterwerfung der kriegerischen Berber-Stämme, denen sie den Islam und die arabische Sprache aufzwingen, und der Eroberung des übrigen "Maghreb". (Bis Ende des Jahrhunderts dringen sie bis zum Atlantik vor.)
Ab 750
Die Omaijaden werden von den arabischen Abasiden aus Kairouan vertrieben und gründen das Kalifat Córdoba (Spanien).
(E?)(L?) https://pdodswr-a.akamaihd.net/swr/3sat/schaetze-der-welt/2000/08-06/410944.l.mp4
SWR - Einzelbeitrag 3sat - Kairouan, Tunesion, Folge 118 - 16.01.2015
(E?)(L?) https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/great-mosque-of-kairouan
Great Mosque of Kairouan
Kairouan, Tunisia
Founded in 670, this ancient mosque is an architectural time portal.
(E?)(L?) https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/aghlabid-basins
Aghlabid Basins
Kairouan, Tunisia
This grand hydraulic installation has provided water for townspeople since the Middle Ages.
(E?)(L?) https://cool.culturalheritage.org/don/dt/dt1938.html
"Kairouan bindings" - See: "COPTIC BINDINGS"
(E?)(L?) https://cool.culturalheritage.org/don/dt/dt0830.html
Coptic bindings
Bindings produced by the Copts, or Egyptian Christians. The Coptic style of sewing is not unlike that of present-day machine edition sewing, in that it is also in the form of chain stitch linkings appearing as so many braids across the spine of the book. In addition, the covers of "Coptic bindings" were frequently sewn or laced to the text block by a number of hinging loops. Some "Coptic bindings" had wooden boards (from about the 4th century to the Middle Ages), but the majority had boards built up by layers of waste papyrus. They also had lined spines with flanges, as well as headbands. They were covered in leather as early as the 4th century and were tooled in blind, or by blind blocking. although decoration with inked and painted ornaments, as well as cut-out openwork backed with pieces of painted or gilded parchment were also used. Decoration consisting of openwork with parchment backing was executed before the leather (which was already cut to size) was attached. as was blind tooling or stamping when the fragile papyrus boards were employed. The tooling was in all likelihood done with unheated tools on moistened leather. Coptic bindings make up the oldest surviving "family" of leather bookbindings, and represent the ultimate source of all decorated leather bindings. (104 , 158 , 236 , 347 )
(E?)(L?) https://www.dictionary.com/browse/Kairouan
Kairouan, noun, a city in NE Tunisia: a holy city of Islam.
(E?)(L?) https://www.grin.com/document/412512
(89) Au sein de la civilisation de l'Islam, les grands centres urbains de l'empire virent la naissance d'une série d'écoles scientifiques soucieuses de connaissances. Ce fut le cas de l'école de la Mecque, de celles de Médine, de Bassora, de Koufa, de Baghdâd, de Mossoul, de Najaf, du Caire, de Séville, de Grenade, de Kairouan et de Tunis. Certaines écoles étaient des institutions indépendantes mais d'autres étaient des succursales rattachées aux centres les plus importants. Cependant ŕ l'origine de toutes ces institutions scientifiques nous retrouvons les deux écoles iraquiennes de Bassora et de Koufa fondées respectivement en l'an quinze et en l'an dix-sept de l'hégire.
(E?)(L?) https://www.linternaute.com/voyage/afrique/1404380-ces-tresors-insoupconnes-de-la-tunisie/1404860-kairouan
Avec sa médina, ses marchés, ses mosquées et autres édifices religieux, la ville de Kairouan est inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. A l'écart de la côte, la premičre ville sainte du Maghreb est également connue pour ses nombreux ateliers de fabrication de tapis ŕ points noués.
(E?)(L?) https://www.mapsof.net/kairouan
Kairouan is located at 35°40'41"N 10°5'47"E (35.6781000, 10.0963300).
(E?)(L?) https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Kairouan
Kairouan, Qairouan, Al-Qayrawan
city in northeastern Tunisia population 137,500
Kairouan is a holy city for Muslims.
(E?)(L?) https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/499
Founded in 670, Kairouan flourished under the Aghlabid dynasty in the 9th century. Despite the transfer of the political capital to Tunis in the 12th century, Kairouan remained the Maghreb's principal holy city. Its rich architectural heritage includes the Great Mosque, with its marble and porphyry columns, and the 9th-century Mosque of the Three Gates.
(E?)(L?) https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/499/video
Kairouan (UNESCO/NHK)
(E1)(L1) http://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?corpus=8&content=Kairouan
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Dt. "Kairouan" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1840 auf.
Erstellt: 2024-07