Maritime Etymology Dictionaries
(E?)(L?) http://www.bruzelius.info/Nautica/Etymology/Etymology.htmlHier findet man folgende Link-Liste zu etymologischen Diktionären aus dem maritimen Bereich:
- Verklaring van scheeps Spreeck-woorden, en verscheiden eigen benamingen from Nicolaes Witsen's Aeloude en hedendaegsche scheeps-bouw en bestier, 1671.
- Excerpts from Winschooten's Seeman, Behelsende Een grondige uitlegging van de Neederlandse Konst, en Spreekwoorden, voor soo veel die uit de Seevaart sijn ontleend, en bij de beste Schrijvers deeser eeuw gevonde, 1681.
- Dictionary from The Sea Man's Vademecum, 1707.
- An Index, Explaining the Terms us'd in this Treatise from Sutherland's Prices of the Shipbuilding Adjusted: or, the Mystery of Ship-Building Unveiled, 1717.
- Dictionary from James Love's: The Mariner's Jewel, 1735.
- Dictionary from William Sutherland's: The Shipbuilder's Assistant, 1740. For all practical purposes identical with the dictionary in the first edition of 1711.
- A Maritime Dictionary from Mountaine's The Seaman's Vade-Mecum, 1756. Probably identical to the dictionary in the first edition of 1744.
- A Glossary, or Explication, of Terms relating to Shipbuilding. From Mungo Murray: A Treatise on Ship-building and Navigation, 1765.
- Glossary and Explanation of the Technical terms in Naval Architecture from Marmaduke Stalkartt's Naval Architecture, 1787.
- An Explanation of the Technical Terms, Relating to Shipbuilding from The Shipbuilder's Repository, 1788.
- A Dictionary of Sea Terms from Darcy Lever: The Young Sea Officers Sheet Anchor; or, a key to the leading of rigging, and to practical seamanship, London, 1808.
- A Glossary of Terms Connected with the Practice of Ship Building from Charles Frederick Partington: The Ship-Builder's Complete Guide, 1825.
- Definition of the Principal Terms used in the Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding from Hedderwick: Marine Architecture (1830).
- A vocabulary of technical terms from Robert Brindley: A Compendium of Naval Architecture, 1832.
- Explanation of terms from McKay, Lauchlan: The Practical Ship-Builder, 1839.
- A Dictionary of Technical Terms Relative to Sails from Robert Kipping: The Elements of Sailmaking, 1847.
- Inventarie des mots, from Fournier's Hydrographie, 1667.
- TABLE ALPHABETIQUE. Ou Explication de quelques termes de Marine employés sans ces Mémoires from Rene du Guay-Trouin: Memoire de Monsieur du Guay-Trouin, 1740.
- Excerpts from Nicolas Aubin: Dictionnaire de marine 1742.
- Excerpts from Alexandre Saverien's: Petit dictionnaire historique, theorique et pratique de marine ancienne & moderne, 1758.
- Ordbok from H.S. Vial du Clairbois: Anmärkningar vid Öfverstens och Riddarens af Kongl. Svärdsorden, Herr af Chapmans Tractat om Skepps-Byggeriet, 1782. [French - Swedish]
- Vocabulaire contenant les termes et expressions nautiques les plus usités en voilerie from Consolin: Manuel du voiler, 1859.
- Excerpts from Johann Hinrich Röding: Allgemeines Wörterbuch der Marine in allen Europćischen Seesprache nebst vollstćndigen Erklćrungen. , 1793-1798.
- Schwedischer - Deutscher Index über das allgemeine Wörterbuch der Marine, Röding, 1793-1798. [Swedish - German]
- D. Timoteo O-Scanlan: Cartilla practica de construccion naval, dispuesta en forma de vocabulario, ...
- Imprenta Nacional, Madrid, 1847 [2nd]:
- Nomenclatura francesa
- Nomenclatura englesa
- Nomenclatura italiana
- Dalman: Utkast til et Sjö-Lexicon, 1765.
- Ordbok from H.S. Vial du Clairbois: Anmärkningar vid Öfverstens och Riddarens af Kongl. Svärdsorden, Herr af Chapmans Tractat om Skepps-Byggeriet, 1782. [French - Swedish]
- Förklaring öfver de [i] detta arbete förefallande Sjö-Termer, Carl Gustaf Tornquist: Utkast till Swenska Flottans Sjö-tog, 1788.
- Schwedischer - Deutscher Index über das allgemeine Wörterbuch der Marine, Röding, 1793-1798. [Swedish - German]
- Catharpins
- Horse
- Mizzen
- Peert
- Ropes
- Whelps
- 17th Century Maritime and Naval Dictionaries.
- 18th Century Maritime and Naval Dictionaries.
- 19th Century Maritime and Naval Dictionaries.