Inspirations: Art of M.C. Escher
(E?)(L1) http://etereaestudios.com/docs_html/inspirations_htm/movie_b.htm(E?)(L1) http://etereaestudios.com/docs_html/inspirations_htm/maths_index.htm
Throughout the course of this animation we see many objects. I imagined that these things could be his travel souvenirs, gifts from friends, sources of inspiration… Some are tridimensional representations of works by Escher and others might be just his tools as artist and engraver. Here you will find some brief explanatory notes about those elements which have a highly mathematical nature, including the works of that great Dutch artist that appears along the film.
- The Legend of Sessa
- The five platonic solids
- Homogeneous tilings
- Fermat's Last Theorem
- Euler's Formula
- Cycloid curves
- Galton Box
- Anamorphosis
- Three spheres II
- Spirals
- Solitary
- Newton's cradle
- Planetary
- Leonardo Bridge
- Aerial screw by Leonardo
- Abacus
- Hourglass
- Three Spheres I
- Spherical kaleidoscope
- Reuleaux Triangle
- Cube with double dovetail joints
- Puzzles of Sam Loyd
- Tangram
- Pentominoes puzzle
- The seven bridges of Königsberg
- Scissors unleashed
- Reptiles
(E?)(L?) http://www.heise.de/tp/blogs/6/151831
Der spanische Computeranimations-Künstler Cristóbal Vila hat mit dem Kurzfilm "Inspirations: Art of M.C. Escher" eine bemerkenswerte Hommage an M. C. Escher im Netz veröffentlicht. In einem CGI-Rundflug durch das fiktive Arbeitszimmer Eschers visualisiert Vila diverse geometrische Themen und greift bekannte Werke des legendären Graphikers auf. Vila war bereits 2010 mit seinem Video "Nature by Numbers" aufgefallen, einer Illustration der Fibonacci-Folge zu Musik von Wim Mertens.
(E?)(L?) http://etereaestudios.com/docs_html/inspirations_htm/movie_b.htm
Kurzfilm "Inspirations: Art of M.C. Escher"
(E?)(L?) http://etereaestudios.com/docs_html/general_index_htm/works_01.htm
The most important area of this site: here you will find what I do within the field of digital image and 3D animation.
- Galleries 1 & 2 shows more recent personal projects;
- there are some old commercial works in gallery 3;
- you will find some older handmade drawings, using traditional techniques, in gallery 4.
- Nixus Isfahan Snakes Japanese Garden Canestra di Frutta
- Shark Dreams Sentinel Geographica Jewel Beetle The Virgin Tutankhamon Bereber Still Life Spanish Breakfast Ants Danann Helmet El Proyecto La Pirámide Le Hussard Curiosities
- Telles Quelles KU Leuven / Wim Mertens | Rodamientos Versus / Fersa | Póster Rueda Versus / Fersa | Aragón Voca / Gobierno Aragón | Volcán Fotoprisma / Dinópolis | Meteorito Fotoprisma / Dinópolis | Nuevo Imunal Sipel / Kadus | SP Micro Reds Sipel / Kadus | Kadus Museum Sipel / Kadus | Flight Simulator Elco / MicroPrint Madrid | Alejandro Rújula / Alejandro Moda | Intro Attis Attis Multimedia | Threatened Flora Pyrene PV | PLAZA PLAZA | Ebro Bridge Intecsa / Inarsa
- Alien | Juan Patricio Lobato | Garajonay 1 | Garajonay 2 | Chica con sombrero | Chica que mira 1 | Chica que mira 2 | Isla | Matt Dillon | Colgada | Energy | Energy Detail | Self-portrait | Four nudes | Nude | Copia yeso | Navegante 1 | Navegante 2 | Navegante 3 | Navegante sketches | Castle | Castle sketches | Sci-Fi sketches | Car concept | Space car | Industrial design | Copy from Moebius | Zoo
(E?)(L?) http://etereaestudios.com/docs_html/general_index_htm/links.htm
3d artists2d artists
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cgi studios
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- Enki Bilal
- Eric Chauvin
- Escher
- Feng Zhu
- Francis Tsai
- Gottfried Helnwein
- HR Giger
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resources, magazines & forums
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textures & imaginery
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graphic design
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adobe illustrator masters
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- Plonsky Photography
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- Yann Arthus Bertrand
- Zosia Zija
blogs que sigo
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- Eloy Sánchez Vizcaino (Nektaro)
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(E?)(L?) http://etereaestudios.com/fotos/index_fotos.htm
Erstellt: 2012-04