- Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (166,434 entries)
- Capeller's Sanskrit-English Dictionary (37,413 entries)
- Cologne Online Tamil Lexicon (117,773 entries)
- Concise Pahlavi Dictionary (4,218 entries)
Word in Primary Language (Sanskrit, Tamil, Pahlavi) or English Word(s)
New and improved version of Monier Williams' Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Other digitized editions and scanned images of Sanskrit-English/German dictionaries
Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (from Monier-Williams' 'Sanskrit-English Dictionary')
The English description contains a translation, grammatical and any other information listed in the MW. You may search for all of it.
The transliteration is based on the Harvard-Kyoto (HK) convention as follows:
a A i I u U R RR lR lRR e ai o au M H
k kh g gh G c ch j jh J
T Th D Dh N t th d dh n
p ph b bh m y r l v z S s h
Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Cologne Online Tamil Lexicon
All main entries in the Madras Tamil Lexicon (TL) and Supplement (TLS), and their English meanings.
Alphabetic ordering according to Tamil Lexicon, Madras 1924-39:
Vowels: a A i I u U e E ai o O au
Consonants: H k g c n^/jn T N t n p m y r l v z L R n_/n2
Grantha: j [C (SRI)] S s h kS
Palatal n "n^" has been replaced by "jn", alveolar n "n_" by "n2". With these exceptions type Tamil text as though standard diacritical marks had been dropped.
Concise Pahlavi Dictionary
This Lexicon of Iranian Languages contains Professor MacKenzie's Pahlavi-English Dictionary.
First version of this page: Kira Stöwe, 11.Feb.2003
Data by Thomas Malten, 1997.