Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
IL Israel, Israel, Israël, Israele, Israel, (esper.) Israelo
Glossar, Glosario, Glossaire, Glossario, Glossary, (esper.) glosaroj
Grundbegriffe im Judentum - Glossar
Glossar jüdischer Begriffe (Inge Schott).
- A | Abrahams Eiche | Adar | Adar II | Adonaj | Afikoman | Aggadah | Akazie | Akdamuth | Akedah | Alijah | Alijah laTorah | Alijah leRegel | Almemor | Alraune | Amalek | Amberbaum (Harz des)! | Amidah | Am Jisrael | Amoräer, Amoraim | Amos | Antijudaismus | Antisemitismus | Arawoth | Arbeiten, verbotene | Aramäisch | Aron haKodesch | Aschkenasim | Aschre | Assarah be'Tewet | Assimilation | Auferstehung | Aufklärung | Aw | Awinu Malkhenu | Awiw | Awodah sarah | Azeret
- B | Ba'al Kore | Ba'al Schem Tov | Ba'al Teschuwah | Balfour-Deklaration | Balsam | Bamidbar | Baraitu | Bar-Kochba-Aufstand | Bar Mitzwah | basari | BaSCHT | Bath Mitzwah | Bajit | Bdelliumharz | Bejt Din | Bejt haKnesset | Bejt haMidrasch | Bejt haMikdasch | Bejt Rischon | Bejt Schenij | Bereschit | Berith Milah | Bima | Birkat haBajit | Birkat haChodesch | Birkat haGomel | Birkat haKohanim | Birkat haMason | Blaupurpur | Bnej Adam | Bnej Noach | Brachah, Beracha, Berachoth | Brachjahr | Bund des Regenbogens | Bundeslade
- C | Caro, Josef | Chabad | Chad Gadja | Chag | Chag sameach | Chaj | Challah, Challoth | Chametz | Chanukkah | Chanukkiah | charedij | Charosset | Chasan | Chassidim | Chawurah | Cheder | Cherem | Cheschwan | Chewra Kaddischa | Chidduschim | Chilul haSchem | Chronik I+II | Chukim | Chumasch | Chuppah | Cohen, Cohanim
- D | Damai | Daniel | Dattelpalme | David | dawnen, dawenen, dowenen | Davidstern | Deuteronomium | Devarim | | Diwrej haJamim | Dodekapropheten | Dornbusch | Dornentenne
- E | Echah | Eiche | E'in sof | Elohim | Elul | Emanzipation | Eretz Jisrael | Ersatzdienst in Israel | Esra | Esther | Etrog | Etrog | Exodus | Ezechiel
- F | Feige | Flachs | Frauen
- G | Galbanspezereien | Galluth | Ga'on, Geonim | Geburtstagsgruß | Gemara | Genesis | Genisah | Gerste | Ger Zeddek | Get | Gewürzrohr | Ghetto | Giftgewächs | Gijur | Glückswurzel | Goj, Gojim | Gusch Emunim
- H | Habakuk | Hadass, Hadassim | Hadlakath haNeroth | Haftarah, Haftaroth | Haggadah | Haggai | Hagiographen | Hakkafoth | Halakhah | halakhische Zeiten | halawi | Hallel | haredij | haSchem | Haskalah | Hasmonäer | haTikvah | Hawdalah | Hesekiel | Hillel | Hiob | Hoschanah Rabba | Hoschanah | Hosea
- I | Ijjar | Ijob | Ikarim | Indigo | Ingwergras | Israel | Iwrith
- J | Jad | Jahrzeit | Jajin kaschar | Jajin stam | Jamim Nora'im | Jarmulke, Jarmulka | Jeschajahu | Jeschiwah | Jecheskiel | Jichud | Jiremijahu | Jischuw | Jiddisch | Jiskor | Jobeljahr | Joel | Jom haAzma'ut |
| Jom haSikharon | Jom Huledet | Jom Jerushalajim | Jom Kippur | Jom tov | Jonah | Jored | Joschua | Josephus Flavius | Judenmission
- K | Schabbat | Kaddisch | Kadosch | Kalmus | Kanaan | Kanon | Kaparah | Kaporeth | Kassiarinde | Karo, Josef ben Efraim | kascher | Kaschruth | Kawanah | Keduschah | Kehillah | Keria | Ketubbah | Ketuwim | Kewurah | Kibbuz | Kiddusch | Kidduschin | Kiddusch Lewanah | Kippah | Kislew | Kittel | Kizur Schulchan Arukh | Knesset | Knesset haGedolah | Knesset Israel | Kohelet | Kohen, Kohanim | Kol Nidre | Könige | Konservatives Judentum | Korban | Koriander | Kos | koscher | koschere Schriften
- L | Labdanum | Lag Ba'Omer | Lashon haRa | Lejnen | Lekha Dodi | Lernen | Leviten | Leviticus | Lulaw
- M | Ma'ariw | Machsor | Magen David | Maftir | Maimonides | Makkabäer | Makom | Maleachi | Mandelbaum | Mandragora | Maschiach | Massekhtoth | Massorah | Massoreten | Mastixstrauch | Mazze | Megillah | Megilloth | Menorah | Melawei Malkah | Menaker | Menaker | Mesusah | Micha | Midrasch | Miflagh, Miflagoth | Mikrah | Mikweh | Minhag, Minhagim | Minjan | Minjan,_egalitärer | Mincha | Mischlej | Mischna | Mischnajoth | Mischna-Torah | Mischne-Torah | Mischpatim | Mitzwah, Mitzwoth | Mohel | Mohn | More Newuchim | Moschaw | Mukzeh | Mußafgebet | Myrrhe | Myrte
- N | Nachmanides | Nachum | Nasir | Nehemiah | Ne'ila | Ner Tamid | Neumond | Neumondbestimmung | Newiim | Newiim Acharonim | Niddah | Nissan | Nissuch haMajim | Numeri
- O | Obadja | Oleh, Olim | Olive | Omer | Omer-Zählen | Oneg Schabbat | "Opferung Isaaks" | Orla | Orthodoxie
- P | Pajtan | Palästina | palästinensisch | Pappel | Papyros | Paraschah, Paraschoth haSchawu'a | Parteien in Israel | parve | Pentateuch | Perakim | Pessach | Pessach-Haggadah | Pessuke de-Simra | Pidjon haBen | Pijut, Pijutim | Pinie | Platane | Prächtige Baumfrucht | Prophetenbücher | Prosbol | Proselyt | Psalmen | Purim
- Q
- R | Ra'ah | Rabbiner, Rabbi, Rabbinen | Rabbinerinnen | Rabbinische Zeit | Räucherklaue | RaMBaM | RaMBaN | Raschah | RaSCHI | Rav haRaschij | Rebe | Reformjudentum | Regenbogen | Rischon_leZion | Rosch haChodesch | Rosch haSchanah | Ruth
- S | Sacharjah | Sachor | Salomo | Sanhedrin | Schabbat | Schabbateingang | Schabbat Schekalim | Schabbat Sachor | Schabbat Parah | Schabbat haChodesch | Schabbes-Goj | Schacharit | Schächten | Schaliach Zibur | Schalom | Schamasch | Schammai | Schawu'ot | Schatnes | Schechinah | Schechitah | Scheheche janu | Schekalim | Schema Israel | Schemini Azereth | Schemittah | Schemone Esre | Schemoth | Schemuel | Schewat | Schierling | Schilf | Schir haSchirim | Schituf | Schiur, Schiurim | Schiwa
| Schochet | Schofar | Schoftim | Schriften | Schulchan Arukh | Schuschan Purim | Schul | Sedarim | Seder | Sefer Torah | Sefirah haOmer | Seleukiden | Selichoth | Sephardim | Septuaginta | Seudat hawra'a | Sidur | Silberpappel | Simchat Torah | Siwan | Sohar | Spelt | Ssaboräer | Storax | Styrax | Sukkah | Sukkoth | Synagoge
- T | Ta'anit Ester | Tachanun | Tallith, Tallidoth | Tallith katan | Talmud | Tamariske | Tammus | Tanna, Tannaim | Targum | Taschlich | Tefillah | Tefillin | Tehillim | Tempel | Tempelperiode | Tenakh, Tanakh | Terebinthe | Teschuwah | Tewa | Tewet | Tewet-Fasten | Tischa Be'Aw | Tischri | Torah | Tossafoth | Totafoth | z | Traube | trefe | Trej Asar | Tu bi'Schewat
- U | Uschpesin
- V | Vajikra
- W | Weihbaum | | Wein | Weißpappel | Weizen | Wermut | Wurzel
- X
- Y | Ysop
- Z | Zaddik | Zedakah | Zeder | Zefaniah | Zimt | Zimzum | Zion | Zionismus | Zitronenbaum | Zizith, Zizijoth | Zom Gedaljah | Zypresse
Jewish Virtuell Library
Jewish Glossary
Am 20.12.2004 enthielt das Glossar folgende Einträge:
- A: Abraham | Absentee Property Law | Absorptive Capacity | Abu Mazen-Beilin Plan | Abwehr | Acacia Tortilis | Active Organization for the Liberation of Palestine | A.D. | Adam (and Eve) | Administrative Detention | Aggada(h) | Agnostic, Agnosticism | Agrippa II | Agunah | Ahdut ha-Avodah | Ahnenerbe | Ahuzat Bayit | Akiba (Aqiba, Akiva) ben Joseph | Aktion | Aktion Erntefest | Aktion Reinhard | Aktion T-4 (Tiergarten Strasse 4) | Al-Amal | Alawis (or Nusayris) | Aleinu | Aleph-Bet | Alexander Yannai | Aliya(h) | Aliya Bet | Allah | Allegory | Allgemeine SS | Alliance Israelite Universelle | Allies | Allon Plan | All-Palestine Government | Altalena | Altar | Altneushul | Am Haaretz | Am Yisrael | Amen | American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee | Amida(h) | Amora | Angel | Anglo-American Committee | Angriff, Der |
| Aninut | Anschluss | Anthropomorphism | Antinomian | Anti-Semitism (antisemitism) | Apikorsos | Apocalypse | Apocrypha | Appell | Appellplatz | Aqedah/Akedah | Arab Boycott | Arab Higher Committee | Arab League | Arab nations | Arab Revolt | Aramaic | Arava | Arbah Minim | Arbeit Macht Frei | Arbeitskommando | Aristotle, Aristotelianism | Ark | Armistice Agreements | Aron Hakodesh | Arrow Cross Party | Aryan | Aryanization | Ascetic (asceticism) | Asefat ha-Nivharim | Ashkenazi(m) | Asocial | Assimilation | Assur | Atheism | Atlit | Atonement | Aufruf | Authoritarianism | Autoemancipation | Av | Av or Ab | Avelut | Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations | Averah (aveira) | Avoda Ivrit | Avodah | Ayatollah | Axis
- B: Baal/Baalat Korai | Babylonian exile | Balfour Declaration | Barbarossa | Bar Kokhba Revolt | B'chor | B'deken | B'nai B'rith | B'nai Noach | B'nai Yisrael | B'nei Akiva | B'shaah Tova | B'Shalom | B'Shira | Ba'al Shem Tov | Ba'al Teshuvah | Ba'th | Baal Tefillah | Babi Yar | Babylonian Talmud | Badge | Baeck, Leo (1873-1956) | Bahad | Baleboss | Baleboosteh | Balfour Declaration | Bamidbar | Bank Ha-Poalim | Banyas | Baptism | Bar Kokhba | Bar-Lev Line | Bar (Bat) Mitzvah | Barechu | Baruch Habah | Bat | Baum Gruppe (Herbert Baum Group) | Bavli | Beck, General Ludwig | Bedouins |
| Beit Hillel | Beit Knesset | Beit Midrash | Beit Shammai | Belzec | Ben | Ben-Gurion, David | Bentsh | Berak(h)ah | Bereshit | Bergen-Belsen | Berihah | Berit or Brit | Bermuda Conference | Bet Din | Bet Lohamei Haghettaot | Bet/Beit Midrash | Betar | Bible | Bikkur Cholim | The Biltmore Program | BILU | Bimah | Binah | Bin-Nun, Joshua | Birkat Haminim | Birkat Hamazon | Birkenau | Black Madonna | Black Sabbath | Black September | Blasphemy | Blood Libel | Bloody Monday | Blut und Boden | Bormann, Martin (June 17, 1900 - 1945?) | Boycott (anti-Jewish) | Bracha | Breastplate | Brezhnev Plan | Brit Ha-Hayim | Brit (or Berit) Milah | British Mandate | British Rule | Brunnlitz | Bubeleh | Buchenwald | Bund | Bunker | Burgermeister | Bypass Road | Bysantine Period | Bystanders
- C: Cairo Agreement | Calendar | Caliph | Camp David Accords | Canada | Candle Shul | Canon, Canonical Scripture | Cantor | C.E. or c.e. | Celibacy | Center for Jewish Culture, Jaegollonlan University | Certificatim | Chacham | Chachma | Chag Sameach | Chai | Challah | Chamberlain, Neville (1869-1940) | Chanukah/Hanukka(h) | Chanukiah | Charoses | Chassidus | Chatan | Chaver | Chayav | Chazzan (hazzan) | Cheder | Chelev | Chelm | Chelmno | Cherem | Cheshbon Hanefesh | Chevra | Chevra Kadisha | Chiliastic | Chillul Hashem | Chok | Chol HaMoed | Chometz (chametz, hametz) | Chosen People | Christology | Chumash | Chumra | Chuppah | Churchill, Winston (1875-1965) | Chutzpa(h) | Cieszanow | Circumcision | Classical Judaism, Christianity, Islam | Clauberg, Dr. Carl | Clergy | Cohen | Collaboration | Collective Responsibility | Commandments | Comite de Defense des Juifs | Concentration Camps | Concordat of 20 July 1933 | Confessing Church | Confirmation | Conservative Judaism | Containment | Contra fact | Conversion, Convert | Covenant | Cracow/Krakow | Creed(s) | Crematorium | Crown | Cruise Missiles | Crusader Period | Cult | Cyprus | Czerniakow, Adam (1880-1942) | Czestochowa Ghetto
- D: D'var torah | Dachau | Danzig | Dati/Lo Dati | Daven | David, King | Days of Awe | Dead Sea Scrolls | Death Camp | Death Marches | Decalogue | Declaration Of Independence | Declaration Of Principles (DOP) | DEF (Deutsche Email Fabrik) | Degania | Degesch | Deicide | Deity | Demiurge | Democratic Front of the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) | Denarii | Deportation | Deror | Der Judenstaat | Der Stürmer | Desecrating the Host | Détente | Deutero Isaiah | Deutschen Polizei | Devarim | Development Towns | Dhimma | | Die Juden sind under Ungluck | Dietary laws | Din | Disengagement | Dispensationalism | Displaced Persons (DPs) | Dnepropetrovsk | Doctrine | Dogma | Dolchstoss | Dor De'ah | Drasha | Dreidel | The Dreyfus Affair | Druze | Dubinsky, David | Dukhen | Dulag | Dulagluft | Dunam | Dybbuk
- E: Early Judaism | Ebionites, Ebionism | Eden | Eichmann, Adolf (1906-1962) | Eicke, Theodor (1928-1943) | Ein | Ein Sof | Einsatzgruppen | Einsatzkommando | Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg fur die Besetzten Gebiete (ERR) | Einsatztrupp | Eisenhower, Dwight D. | Eli, Eli | Eitz Chayim | Election | Eliyahu Hanavi | Elohim, El | Emet | Emir | Emuna(h) | Endlosung | Entartete | Epstein-Szpeizer Gymnasium | Eretz Yisrael/Israel | Erev | Ermächtigungsgesetz | Erntefest | Ersatz | Erusin | Eruv | Eschatology | Essenes | Esther | Etiology | Etrog | Eugenics | Europa Plan | European Union Special Envoy | Euthanasia | Euthanasia Program | Evian Conference | Exilarch | Exile | Existentialism | Exodus | Extermination Camps | Eytse | Ezra
- F: Fahd Plan | Faith | Fascism | Fatah | Fateh Revolutionary Council | Fateh Uprising | von Faulhaber, Michael | Fedayee | Fellah | Fez Plan | Fida (Palestinian Democratic Union) | Fifth Column | Fifth Of Iyar | Final Solution | First Temple Period (ca. 850 - 586 B.C.) | Fleishig | Foreign Service | Four Species | Frank, Hans (1900-1946) | Freikorps | Freiwillige | Frick, Wilhelm (1877-1946) | von Fritsch, Baron Werner | Frum | Führer | Fuhrerstaat | Fundamentalism
- G: G'milut Chasadim | Gabbai | Gabriel | Gadna | Gadol | Gahal | von Galen, Bishop August Graf | Galut | Gamar Chatimah Tovah | Gan Eden | Ganzenmüller, Albert (1905-1973) | Gaon | Gas Chamber | Gau | Gauleiter | Gedud Ha-Avodah | Gazetta Zydowska | Gefangenschaft | Geheime Staatspolizie | Geiger, Abraham (1810-1874) | Gelilah | Gemara | Gematria | Gemeindepolizei (Generalgouvernement) | Gendarmerie (Generalgouvernement) | General Government (Generalgouvernement) | General Unions | Geneva Conferences | Genizah | Gentile(s) | Geonic | German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact | Gerstein, Kurt (1905-1945) | Gesia Cemetery | Gestapo | Get | Gezeirah | Ghetto | Gibralter | Gleichschaltung | Glick, Hirsch | Glücks, Richard | Gnostic, Gnosticism | God | Goebbels, Joseph | Goerlitz | Göring, Hermann (1893-1946) | Gola | Golan Heights | Gonif | Gordonia | Goy | Grager | The Great Operation | Green Area | Great Revolt | Great Synagogue | Greater German Reich | Greater Syria | Greeners | Green Line | Grynszpan, Herschel (1921-1943) | Guide for the Perplexed | Gush Emunim | Gypsies
- H: Ha'apalah | Ha-Olam Ha-Zeh-Koah Hadash | Ha-Oved Ha-Dali | Ha-Oved Ha-Ziyyoni | Ha-Po'el Ha-Mizrachi | Ha-Po'el Ha-Zair | Haram Ash-Sharif | HASAG | Ha-Shomer Ha-Za'ir | Haavara | Habdalah/Havdalah | Habonim | Hadassah | Haftara(h)/Haftorah | Häftlingspersonalbogen | Haganah | Hagbahah | Haggada(h) | Hajj | Hakam | Haimish | Halaka(h)/Halakha/Halacha | Halbanat Panim | Halevai/Alevai | Halitzah | Halutz | Halutziyyut | Haman | Hamas | Hamashbir Hamerkazi | Hamentaschen | Haredi | HaShem | Hashgacha | Hasidim, Hasidism | Haskalah | Hasmonean Revolt | Hasmoneans | Hatikvah | Hazzan | He-Halutz | Heaven | Hebrew | Hebron Agreement | Heimwehr | Heksher | Hell | Hellenism/Hellinistic Period | Heresy | Heretic, Heretical | Hermeneutics | Herod | Herodian | Herrenvolk | Herut | Herzl, Theodor | Hesed/Chessed | Hess, Rudolf (1894-1987) | Heter | Heterodox | Hevrat ha-Ovdim | Heydrich, Reinhard (1904-1942) | Hezbollah (Party of God) | Hibbat Tzion (Zion) | Hiddur Mitzvah | High Holy Days | Hillel | Hiloni | Himmler, Heinrich (1900-1945) | Histadrut | Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945) | Hitlerjugend | Hityashvut | Hohere SS-und Polizeifuhrer (HSSPF) (Higher SS & Police Leader) (Generalgouvernement) | Hok Hashvut | Holy Spirit | Homa Umigdal | Hope Simpson Commission of Inquiry | Hoshanah Rabba | Hospitallers | Höss, Rudolf (1900-1947) | Humanism | Hungarian Jews | Huppah or Chuppah | Hussein-Mcmahon Correspondence | Hymn
- I: ILGWU | IDF | Idolatry | I.G. Farben | IKL | Ilag | Illegal Immigration | Imitatio Dei | Interim Agreement (Oslo II) | International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg | Intifada | Intertestamental Period | Intrafada | Inyan | Irgun | Isaac | Islamic Jihad | Israel | Israeli Lobby (also called the pro-Israel lobby) | I.Z.L. | IZZ Eddin Al-Qassem
- J: Jacob | Jerusalem | Jehovah | Jehovah's Witnesses | Jew | Jewish Agency | Jewish Brigade Group | Jewish Colonization Association | Jewish Ghetto Police (OD) | Jewish Historical Institute | Jewish Legion | Jewish National Fund | Jewish Star | Jihad | John | Josephus or Flavius Josephus | Joshua Bin-Nun | Judah the Prince | Judaism, Jew | Jude | Judea or Judah | Judea and Samaria | Judenfrei | Judengelb | Judenjagd | Judenrat | Judenrein | Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst | July 20 Plot (1944)
- K: K'vod Hatzibur |
| Kabbalat ol Mitzvot | Kabbalat Panim | Kabbalat Shabbat | Kach/Kahane Chai | Kaddish | Kaf-Tet Benovember 1947 (November 29, 1947) | Kahal (Qahal) | Kalis | Kallah | Kaltenbrunner, Ernst (1903-1946) | Kapo | Karaism, Karaites | Karameh | Kasher, Kashrut | Kavanah | Kavod Ha-Met | Kehilla(h) | Kelayim | Keneset Israel | Keren Hayesod | Keriyah | Kerygma | Ketuva(h) or Ketuba(h) | Ketuvim or Ketubim | Kevah | Kevuzah | Kibbitz | Kibbudim | Kibbush Hashmama | Kibbutz | Kibbutz Galuyot | Kiddush | Kiddush Hashem | Kiddushin (Kedushin) | Kielce | Kippah | King-Crane Commission | Kingdom of God | Kishinev Pogrom | Kittel | KL | Klal | Klal Yisrael | Klezmer | Klita | Knesset | Koach | Kofer Hayishuv | Kohelet | Kohen or Cohen | Kol Hakavod | Kol Isha | Kol Nidre | Kol Tuv | Kommando | Kommisarbefehl - The Commissar Order | Konzentrations-Lager (KZ-Lager) | Koran | Korczak, Dr. Janusz (1878-1942) | Kosher | Kotel | Kovno | Krakow (or Cracow) | Krasnodar | Kreisau Circle | Kremenchug | Krieges | Kriegsmarine | Kripo | Kristallnacht | Krupp | Kugel [bullet] Decree | Kulot | Kuppat Holim
- L: L'Chaim | L'havdil | L'hitraot | L'shanah Tovah Tikateivu | L'shon Hara | Labor Party | Ladino | Lag ba-Omer | Lagerfuhrer | Lagersystem | Land of Israel, "Israel" | Land Day | Landsturm | League of Arab States | Lebanon War (Operation Peace for Galilee) | Lebensborn | Lebensraum | Lehi | Leibstandarte - SS Adolf Hitler | Levirite Marriage | Lein | Liberal | Lida | Lidice | Likud | Linz III | Literalist | Lithuanian Jews | Liturgy | Loan Guarantees | Lodz | Lubaczow Ghetto | Lublin | Luchot | Ludwigsdorf | Luftlager | Luftwaffe | Lulab(v)
- M: Ma'barah | Maariv | Maccabee(s) | Maccabi World Union | MacDonald White Paper | Machmeer | Machzor | Madagascar Plan | Madrid Peace Conference | Maftir | Maggid | Magen David | Maimonides, or Moses ben Maimon (1135-1204) | Majdanek (also Maidanek) | Mamzer | Mandate, Palestine | Mantle | Mapai | Mapam | Mara D'atra | Marcion(ites) | Marlag | Maronites | Marranos | Martyr | Masada | Masada Complex | Mashgichim | Mashiach/Moshiach | Maskilim | Masoretes, Masoretic text | Masorti | Matzah | Mauthausen | Mazel Tov | Mechitsa | Megillah | Megillat Ha'atzmaut | Mein Kampf | Melakah | Melamed | Mendelssohn, Moses (1729-86) | Mengele, Josef (1911-1978?) | Menorah | Mensch | Menschenschreck | Meretz | Merkabah | Metzada (Massada) | Mezinke Tanz | Mezuzah | Mi Shebeirach | Middle East | Midrash | Mikvah, Miqvah, Mikveh, Mikva, Mikve | Mila 18 | Milchig | Milhemet Hahatasha | Millenarian | Min | Mincha(h) | Minhag | Minhag Ha-Makom | Minyan | Miracle | Mischlinge | Mishnah | Mishpat | Mitchell Report | Mitnaged | Mitznefet | Mitzvah | Mitzvah Tanz | Mizrachi | Mizug Galuyot | Modernist | Mohel | | Moses | Moshav | Moshav Ovedim | Moshav Shittufi | Moshavah | Moslem Conquest | Mossad | Motzi | Mt. Herzl | Mufti | Multilateral Talks | Munich Agreement | Musaf | Muslim Brothers (Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimun) | Muslim-Christian Association (MCA) | Musselmann | Musta'rab | Mutar | Mutterkreuz | Mystery Religions | Mystic, Mysticism
- N: An-Naqba | Nabateans | Nabi or Navi | Naches | Nacht und Nebel | Nahal | Narr | Narrishkeit | Nasi | National Water Carrier | Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party or NASDAP) | Nebiim | Ne'ilah | Negev | Neo-Platonism | Ner Tamid | Neshoma | New Testament | Niemoller, Martin | Night And Fog Decree | Night of the Long Knives | Nigun | Nihum Avelim | Nili | Nissiun | Noachide Covenant | Nowa Wilejka | NSDAP | Nuremberg Laws | Nuremberg Trial
- O: Odessa | OKH - Oberkommando des Heeres (Army High Command) | OKM - Oberkommando der Kreigsmarine | OKL - Oberkommando der Luftwaffe | OKW - Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Armed Forces High Command) | Olag | Olam Ha-ba | Olbricht, General Friedrich | Old Testament | omer (Heb., sheaf). | Oleh | Olei Ha-Gardom | Omer | Open Bridges Policy | Operation Barbarossa | Operation Flash | Operation 'Grapes of Wrath' | Operation Litani | Operation Moses | Operation Nahshon | Operation 'Peace of Galilee' | Operation Reinhard (or Aktion Reinhard) | Operation Sheba (Joshua) | Operation Solomon | Operation Yoav | Oral Law | Orchestra | Ordnungsdienst | Ordnungspolizei | Organization for the Islamic Conference (OIC) | Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) | Organization Todt | Orient House | ORT | Orthodox | Orthopraxy | Oslo | Ostara | Ostland | Ostracon | Oswiecim | Ottoman Empire Rule | Oz V'Shalom/Netivot Shalom
- P: Pagan | Pale of Settlement | Paleographic | Paleo-Hebrew | Palestine | Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) | Palestine National Council (PNC) | Palestine National Front (PNF) | Palestine People's Party | Palestinian Authority (PA) | Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) | Palestinian Liberation Army(PLA) | Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) | Palestinian National Fund | Palestinian National Salivation Front | Palestinian Refugees | Palestinian/Jerusalem/Eretz Yisrael Talmud | Palestinians | Palmach | Pan-Arabism | Panzer | Paradise | Parasha(h) | Parchment | Pareve | Parochet | Partisans | Partition Plan(s) | Passive Resistance | Passover | Patriarchs | Patriot | Patur | Peel Commission | Pentacost | Pentateuch | "People's Court" Trials | Perpetrators | Perushim | Perutah | Pesach | Phalanges Libanaises (al-Kataib al-Lubnaniyya) | Pharaoh |
| Philo Judeus | Phylacteries | Pidyon Haben | Piety | Pikuah Nefesh | Pilpul | Pilsudsky, Jozef | Pirke Avot | Pittsburgh Platform | Piyyutim | Plato | Platonism | Pliny the Elder (ca. 23-79 A.D.) | PLO Central Council (PCC) | PLO Charter | PLO Departments | PLO Executive Committee (EC) | Pluralism | Po'alei Agudat Israel (P.A.I.) | Poalei Zion | Pogrom | Poland's Defeat | Polish-Jewish Relations | Ponary | Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) | Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) | Popular Struggle Front (PSF) | Porrajmos | Posek | Posken | Prayer | Predestination | Presidents Conference of Major American Jewish Organizations | von Preysing, Bishop Konrad Graf | Priest | Prophet | Proselyte(s) | Proto-Judaism | Proto-rabbis | Protocols of the Elders of Zion | Psak | Psalm(s) | Pseudepigrapha | Purim | Pushke
- Q: Qabbala | Qaraite | Qualitative Military Edge | Qumran or Khirbet Qumran | Qur'an (Koran)
- R: R'chilut | Rabb | Rabbanite | Rabbi | Rabbinical Judaism | Race Violators | Racien hygiene | Radom | Rafi | Ramadan | Ramban (1194-1270) | Rashi (1040-1105) | Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt | Rassenschande | Rath, Ernst Vom (1909-1938) | Rationalism | Reagan Plan | Rebbe | Rebbitzen | Rechabites | Reconstructionist Judaism | Red Magen David | Redactor | Redemption | Reform Judaism | Reformation | Reich | Reichsbahn | Reichsfuhrer-SS | Reichskommisar fur die Festingung des deutschen Volkstums | Reichskommissariat fur das Ostland | Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) | Reichstag | Reichszentrale für Jüdische Auswanderung | Rejectionist Front | Relativism | Renaissance | Repentance | Rescuers | Resettlement | Resistance | Responsa | Resurrection | Revelation | Revisionists | Ribono shel Olam | Righteous of the Nations (Righteous Gentiles) | Rimonim | Ringelblum, Emanuel (1900-1944) | The Riots | Rishon Le-Zion | Rockwell, George Lincoln | Rogers Plan | Rohm, Ernst | Roman Rule | Rosh Hashanah | Rosh Hodesh/Chodesh | R.S.H.A. | Ruach
- S: S.A. | S.D. | S.S. | Sabbath | Sabbatianism | Sabra(s) | Sacrament | Sacrifice | Sacrilege | Sadducees | Safed | Sage | Samaritans | Samed (Palestinian Martyrs Works Society) | Sanctions | As-Saiqa (Storm, Lightning Blot) | Sanhedrin | San Remo Conference | Scud | Sharm Esh-Sheikh Agreement | Sash | Sauckel, Fritz (1894-1946) | Schach | Schindler, Oskar | von Schlabrendorff, Lieutenant Fabian | von Schleicher, Major-General Kurt | Schlemiel | Schlier-Redl-Zipf | Schutzpolizie | Schutzstaffel | Scriptures | Second Temple Period (520 B.C.-70 A.D.) | Sect | Sectaran | Secular | Seder | Sedra | Sefer Chayim | Sefer K'ritut | Sefer Torah | Sekhakh | Selection (Selektionen) | Seleucid Empire | Self-determination | Selichot | Semikah | Semite | Sennesh, Hannah (1921-1944) | Sephardi, Sephardim (pl.) | Sephira(h) or Sefira | Septuagint | Se'udat Havra'ah | Shabbat | Shabbat Shalom | Shabbatai Zvi | Shachrit | Shadchan | Shalach Manos | Shaliach | Shaliach Tzibur | Shalom Bayit | Shammai | Shammes | Shapiro, Rabbi Meir | Sharon Plan | Shavuah Tov | Shavuot/Shavuot | Shaw Commission | Shaytel | Shechitah | Shekinah | Shema | Shemini Atzeret | Shemittah | Shemoneh Esreh | Shemot | Sheol | Sheva Brochos(t) | Shevarim | Shi'ah | Shiddach | Shikker | Shiksa | Shir Ha Shirim | Shiva | Shloshim |
| Shofar | Shohet | Shomer | Shomer Shabbat | Shomerim | Shoresh | Shoshvinim | Shtiebel | Shul | Shulhan Aruch | Shultz Initiative | Shuttle Diplomacy | Sicherheitsdienst des RFSS | Sicherheitspolizei | Siddur | Sidrah | Simcha | Simhat Torah | Sinai Campaign | Sinai Peninsula | Sinat Chinam | Sipo | Six-Day War | Slicha | Snatchers | Sobibor | Solel Boneh | Solomon, King | Sonderbehandlung | Sonderkommando (Special Squad) | Sonderweg Thesis | Sopher or Sofer | Soul | Spanish Exile | Special Blessing | Special Treatment | Speer, Albert | Sphere of Influence | Spice Route | SS | St. Louis | Stapo | Star of David | Stockade and Watchtower | Strategic Cooperation | von Stauffenberg, Count Claus Schenk | Streimel | Struma | Sturmabteilungen - Storm Troopers | Sub-camp | Sudentenland | Sukkah | Sukkot | Sunnis | Supersession | Sutzkever, Abraham | Supreme Arab Council | Swastika | Swieciany | Sykes-Picot Agreement | Synagogue | Syncretism | Synoptic Gospels
- T: T'hillim | Tabernacles, Festival/Feast of | Taharah | Takkanah | Tallis(t) | Tallis(t) Katan | Talmud | Talmud Torah | Tammuz | TaNaK (Tanakh) | Tanna | Targum | Tashlich | Tcheles/Techelet | Tefila | Tefillin | Tefillin Shel Rosh | Tefillin Shel Yad | Tekiah | Temple | Temple Mount | Templer | Tenet Plan | Terezin (Czech), Theresienstadt (German) | Terrorism | Teruah | Teshuva(h) | Testament | Tetragrammaton | Thanatology | Theism | Theocracy | Theology | Theresienstadt | Third Reich | Thirteen Principles of Faith | Tiberias | Tikkun | Tikkun Olam | Tish | Tisha be-Av, Ninth of Av | Titus, Flavius Vespasianus | Tanzim | Tobbens' Shop | Todah Rabah | Torah | Torah Misinai | Tosefta | Totenkofverbande - Death's Head unit or detachments | Totenkofwachsturbanne (Death's Head Guard Battalions) | Treaty of Versailles | Treblinka | Trei Asar | Treif/Trayf | von Tresckow, Major-General Henning | Triangle | Trop | Tsniut | Tu B'Av | Tu B'Shevat | Tzaddik | Tzahal (Tzva Haganah Leyisrael) | Tzedakah | Tzelem Elokim | Tzitzis | Tznius | Tzuris/Tzooris
- U: Ulpan | Umschlagplatz | UN General Assembly Resolution 194 | Unified National Leadership of the Uprising (UNLU) | United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) | United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) | United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 | United Nations Security Council Resolution 338 | United Nations War Crimes Commission | Underground | UNSCO | UNSCOP (United Nations Special Committee on Palestine) | Untermenschen | UNTSO (United Nations Truce Supervision Organization) | U.S. Zone | Ustasa
- V: Va'ad Ha-Hazalah | Va'ad Le'ummi | Valley of Tears | Vayikrah | Venice Declaration | Vernichtungslager | Vespasian, Titus Flavius | Vilna Ghetto | Volk | Volkdeutscher | Volksturm | Volkswagen | Volksgemeinschaft | Vort
- W: Wadi | Waffen-SS | Wagner-Rogers Legislation | Wallenberg, Raoul (1912-19??) | Wannsee Conference | Waqf | War of Independence | War Refugee Board | Warsaw | Warsaw Ghetto | Washington Declaration | Wehrmacht | | Weiss, Martin | Western Wall | White Paper 1939 | Wiesel, Elie (1928- ) | Wiesenthal, Simon (1908- ) | Wirtschafts-und Verwaltungshauptamt | Wizo | Wolf's Lair | Woodhead Commission | World Jewish Congress | Wye River Memorandum
- Y: Yad | Yad Vashem | Yahrzeit | Yamim Nor'aim | Yannai, Alexander | Yarmulke | Yasher Koach | Yellow Badge | Yeshiva(h) | Yetzer | YHWH (Yahweh) | Yiches | Yichud | Yid | Yiddish | Yiddishkeit | Yigdol/Yigdal | Yishuv | Yizkor | Yom Ha-Atzmut | Yom Ha-Zikkaron | Yom Kippur | Yom Kippur War | Yom Yerushalayim | Yontif | Yotzei | Youth Aliyah
- Z: Zaddik | Zealots | Zegota | Ze'irei Zion | Zealot | Zedakah | Zentralstelle für Jüdische Auswanderung | Zion, Zionism | Zion Mule Corps | Zizit (tzitzit) | Zog Nit Keyn Mol | Zohar | Zyklon B
Von A wie Alija bis Z wie Zedakka
- A: Alija
- B: Bar- und Batmizwa | Bracha
- C: Chag | Chametz | Chanukka | Chassidismus | Chumasch
- D:
- E: Eretz Israel
- F: Falafel | Falascha | Falaschmura
- G: Goi
- H: Haggada
- I: Iwrit
- J: Jom Kippur | Jüdischer Kalender
- K: Kabbalat Schabbat | Kaddisch | Kiddusch | Kippa (manchmal auch Jarmulke oder Kappel genannt) | Koscher | Krav Maga
- L: Lichtzünden
- M: Maariv | Machane | Mazze | Menora | Mesusa | Mikwe | Mincha | Minjan | Mizwa | Mussaf
- O: Omer-Zählen
- P: Parascha | Pessach | Purim
- Q: Qumran-Rollen
- R: Rabbiner | Rosch Chodesch | Rosch Haschana
- S: Schabbat | Schacharit | Schächten | Schawuot | Schma Israel | Schoa | Seder | Siddur | Sukkot | Synagoge
- T: Tallit | Talmud | Tanach | Tefillin | Tora | Tu Bischwat
- Z: Zedakka
Erstellt: 2011-03