-eu- (W3)
Das Präfix griech. "eu-", "ev-" steht für dt. "wohl", "gut", "richtig", "leicht".Das Präfix / Suffix griech. "-eu-" = dt. "gut", "schön" findet man in:
- dt. "Euphemismus" = dt. "Schönrednerei", von griech. "phemein" = dt. "reden", "sagen"
- dt. "euphemistisch" = dt. "schönrednerisch", von griech. "phemein" = dt. "reden", "sagen"
- dt. "Euthanasie" = dt. "leichter Tod", von griech. "thánatos" = dt. "Tod"
- dt. "Eutonie" = dt. "normaler Spannungszustand der Muskeln und Gefäße", von griech. "tónos" = dt. "das Spannen", "die Spannung"
- ...
(E?)(L?) http://www.affixes.org/e/eu-.html
"eu-" - "Well"; "easily".
[Greek "eu", "well", from "eus", "good".]
Examples derived directly from Greek words include "euphony", the quality of being pleasing to the ear (Greek "euphonia", based on "phone", "sound") — the valved brass musical instrument called the "euphonium" derives from the same root; "eulogy", a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly (Greek "eulogia", "praise"); "euphoria", a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness (Greek "euphoros", "borne well", "healthy", from "pherein", "to bear").
Examples created in English on Greek roots include "euthanasia", the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease (Greek "thanatos", "death", so literally "easy death"); "eutrophication", excessive richness of nutrients in a body of water (Greek "trephein", "nourish"); "eukaryote", an organism whose cells contain a nucleus (Greek "karuon", "kernel"); "eubacterium", the "true" bacteria and cyanobacteria, as distinct from archaea.
The opposite is "dys-". See also "eury-".
(E?)(L?) http://www.english-for-students.com/eu.html
This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix "EU" meaning "PLEASANT", "WELL" & "GOOD". Look at No. 2 and you will find the charmer for whose sake so many changes have been made in the pronunciation of words - assimilation for the sake of "EUPHONY". "Euphony" is a lovely word to hear and say and read. The last word in the list - "EUREKA!" - Is always spoken and written with an exclamation point. It was spoken by Archimedes when he discovered a method of determining the purity of the gold in a king’s crown. I hope that when you will have finished this book you will have found a method to an excellent vocabulary and you will exclaim, "EUREKA!"
- 1. "Eulogy" : EU logy n. - Words of praise, especially for the dead
- 2. "Euphony" : EU phony n. - A pleasant sound
- 3. "Euphonious" : EU phonious adj. - Full of pleasing sound; harmonious
- 4. "Euphemism" : EU phemism n. - The use of a pleasant word instead of one that is harsh or offensive
- 5. "Euphemistic" : EU phemistic adj. - In the manner of euphemism“passing on" instead of “dying"
- 6. "Euphemistically" : EU phemistically adv. - In the manner of euphemism
- 7. "Eugeny" : EU geny n. - Nobility of birth
- 8. "Eudora" : EU dora n. - A feminine name meaning “a good gift"
- 9. "Eugene" : EU gene n. - A masculine name meaning “well born"
- 10. "Eugenics" : EU genics n. - Breeding for race improvement
(E?)(L?) https://www.etymonline.com/word/eu-
"eu-" - word-forming element, in modern use meaning "good", "well", from Greek "eus" = "good", "eu" = "well" (adv.), also "luckily", "happily" (opposed to kakos), as a noun, "the right", "the good cause", from PIE "*esu-", "*su-" = "good" (source also of Sanskrit "su-" = "good", Avestan "hu-" = "good"), originally a suffixed form of root "*es-" = "to be". In compounds the Greek word had more a sense of "greatness", "abundance", "prosperity", and was opposed to "dys-".
Related Entries
- "*es-"
- "aneuploidy"
- "eubacteria"
- "euboea"
- "eucalyptus"
- "eucharist"
- "euclidean"
- "eudaemonic"
- "eudora"
- "eugenics"
- "euhemerism"
- "eukaryotic"
- "eulogy"
- "eumenides"
- "eunice"
- "eupeptic"
- "euphemism"
- "euphony"
- "euphoria"
- "euphrosyne"
- "euripus"
- "eurythmic"
- "eustace"
- "euterpe"
- "euthanasia"
- "euxine"
- "evangelist"
- "utopia"
(E?)(L?) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_griechischer_Präfixe
"eu-", "ev-" (vor Vokalen) - "wohl-", "gut"
"Eugenik", "Euphemismus", "Euphorie", "Eutrophierung", "Evangelium"
(E?)(L?) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_griechischer_Wortstämme_in_deutschen_Fremdwörtern
"eu", "ev" - "wohl", "gut", "richtig", "leicht"
"Euphemismus", "Euphonie", "Euphorie", "Euphrosyne", "Eustress", "Eurythmie", "Euthanasie", "Eutrophie", "Evangelium"
antike Aussprache „e-u“, nicht „oi“, heutige griech. Aussprache "ew-" oder "ef-"
Erstellt: 2019-12