- SWtiL
69 Spanish Words That Imitate Life in a Onomatopoeic Way
Words often derived from sounds of animals, objects, or actions
Spanish Word - Meaning
- achí - achoo (the sound of a sneeze)
- achuchar - to crush
- arrullar - to coo, to lull to sleep
- auuuu - howl of a wolf
- aullar - to howl
- bang bang - bang-bang (the sound of a gun)
- be - bleat (as of a ram or similar animal)
- berp - croak (as of a frog)
- bisbisear - to murmur or mumble
- brrr - brr (the sound one makes when cold)
- bu - boo
- bum - boom, explosion, the sound of being struck by someone or something
- bzzz - buzz (as of a bee)
- chascar, chasquido - to snap, to pop, to crackle
- chilla - the scream or screech of various animals such as a fox or rabbit
- chinchín - the sound of cymbals
- chirriar - to creak
- chof - splash
- chupar - to lick or suck
- clac - click, clack, a very brief sound such as that of a door closing
- clic, cliquear - mouse click, to click a mouse
- clo-clo, coc-co-co-coc, kara-kara-kara-kara - clucking sound
- cricrí; cric cric cric - the sound of a cricket
- croa - croak (as of a frog)
- cruaaac cruaaac - caw (sound of birds)
- cuac cuac - quack
- cúcu-cúcu - cuckoo sound
- cu-curru-cu-cú - coo
- deslizar - to slide
- din don, din dan, ding dong - ding-dong
- fu - growl of a lion
- ggggrrrr, grgrgr - growl of a tiger
- gluglú - gobble-gobble of a turkey
- glup - gulp
- guau - bow-wow, dog bark
- hipo, hipar - hiccup, to hiccup
- iii-aah - heehaw of a donkey
- jaja - ha-ha (the sound of laughter)
- jiiiiiii, iiiio - neigh
- marramao - howling of a cat
- miau - meow of a cat
- mu - moo
- muac, muak, mua - sound of a kiss
- murmurar - leaves rustling in the wind, murmur
- ñam ñam - yum-yum
- oinc, oink - oink
- paf - sound of something falling or two things striking each other
- pao - the sound of a spanking (regional use)
- pataplum - the sound of an explosion
- pío pío - chirp, click
- piar - to chirp, cluck, or squawk
- plas - splash, the sound of something hitting something
- pop - pop (sound)
- pop, pum - the sound of a champagne cork popping
- puaf - yuck
- quiquiriquí - cock-a-doodle-do
- rataplán - the sound of a drum
- refunfuñar - to mutter or grumble
- silbar - to hiss or whistle
- siseo, sisear - hiss, to hiss
- tan tan tan - the sound of a hammer in use
- tictac - tick-tock
- tiritar - to shiver
- toc toc - knock-knock
- tocar - to touch or to play a musical instrument
- trucar - to trick
- tumbar - to knock down
- uf - phew, ugh (often a sound of disgust, such as after smelling something awful)
- uu uu - the sound an owl makes
- zangolotear - to shake or rattle
- zao - shoo (a shout for getting rid of animals)
- zapear - to zap
- zas - sound of being struck
- zumbar - to buzz, to slap (the noun form is zumbido)
- zurrar - to hit, to clobber
Erstellt: 2020-06