Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
CN China, China, Chine, Cina, China, (esper.) Cinujo
Suchmaschine, Motor de búsqueda, Moteur de recherche, Motore di ricerca, Search Engine, (esper.) serci
Baidu (W3)
Die chinesische Suchmaschine "Baidu" heißt wörtlich "Hunderte Male" und ist inspiriert von einer 800 Jahre alten Dichtung, die die Suche nach einer idealen Schönheit schildert.
"Baidu" was inspired by a poem written more than 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty. The poem compares the search for a retreating beauty amid chaotic glamour with the search for one's dream while confronted by life's many obstacles. "…hundreds and thousands of times, for her I searched in chaos, suddenly, I turned by chance, to where the lights were waning, and there she stood." "Baidu", whose literal meaning is "hundreds of times", represents persistent search for the ideal.
"Baidu" chose a poetic Chinese name because it wants the world to remember its heritage. As a native speaker of the Chinese language and a talented engineer, "Baidu" focuses on what it knows best - Chinese language search. Applying avant-garde technology to the world's most ancient and complex language is as challenging as it is exciting. At least people here at "Baidu" think so. As having diligently disclosed in the Prospectus of our recent Initial Public Offering, we believe there are at least 38 ways of saying "I" in Chinese. It is important that we master all the ways of addressing oneself in Chinese because our users depend on us to address every one of their daily queries. And trust us, pin pointing queries in the Chinese language is an art rather than a science.
Die führende chinesische Suchmaschine liefert auch Ergebnisse für "Etymologie" und "Etymology".
Auch Suchmaschinen haben ihre Namensgeschichte:
Many people have asked about the meaning of our name. "Baidu" was inspired by a poem written more than 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty. The poem compares the search for a retreating beauty amid chaotic glamour with the search for one's dream while confronted by life's many obstacles. "…hundreds and thousands of times, for her I searched in chaos, suddenly, I turned by chance, to where the lights were waning, and there she stood." "Baidu", whose literal meaning is "hundreds of times", represents "persistent search for the ideal".
Baidu chose a poetic Chinese name because it wants the world to remember its heritage. As a native speaker of the Chinese language and a talented engineer, Baidu focuses on what it knows best - Chinese language search. Applying avant-garde technology to the world's most ancient and complex language is as challenging as it is exciting. At least people here at Baidu think so. As having diligently disclosed in the Prospectus of our recent Initial Public Offering, we believe there are at least 38 ways of saying "I" in Chinese. It is important that we master all the ways of addressing oneself in Chinese because our users depend on us to address every one of their daily queries. And trust us, pin pointing queries in the Chinese language is an art rather than a science.
Our mission is to provide the best way for people to find information. To do this we listen carefully to our users' needs and wants. Have we collected all the Chinese web pages they want to see? Are the pages current and up to date? Are the search results closely related to their queries? Did we return those search results instantly? To improve user experience, we constantly make improvements to our products and services. For example, we introduced "phonetic" or "pin-yin" search which allows our users to type in Chinese keywords using English alphabets. This feature is designed to skip the switching from English inputting to Chinese inputting and for when the user is not sure of the written form of a keyword. Our users definitely notice the many little things that we do differently to ensure a simple and reliable search experience every time.
Gu Ge (W3)
Google nennt sich auf Chinesisch künftig "Gu Ge", was als "Lied der reichen Ernte" übersetzt werden kann.
Google hinkt in China mit einem Marktanteil von 32 Prozent hinter der chinesischen Suchmaschine Baidu her, die auf 56 Prozent kommt. In der chinesischen Version filtert das Unternehmen eigenhändig Ergebnisse heraus, die Chinas kommunistische Regierung als politisch heikel oder als Bedrohung ihrer Ein-Parteien-Herrschaft empfindet. So tauchen Informationen über Menschenrechtsverletzungen, das Massaker vom 4. Juni 1989 oder Kritik an Chinas Herrschaft in Tibet nicht mehr auf.