Double Pendulum
(E?)(L?) http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~selinger/lagrange/
The Lagrange Applet simulates finite dimensional mechanical systems. Given expressions for the potential and kinetic energy of such a system, it solves the Lagrangian equation of motion to simulate how the system will behave.
- Double Pendulum,
- Double Spring,
- Spring Pendulum.
(E?)(L?) http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~selinger/lagrange/doublependulum.html
Double Pendulum
This is the same double pendulum as before, but this time the outer mass leaves a trace on the canvas. You can turn the trace on and off by using the designated button. You can also change the physical parameters of the system by clicking on the button that says "Change Parameters". A window will pop up in which you can change the values of the two masses, the lengths of the two legs of the pendulum, and the amount of gravity. When you press "enter" or click the "Apply" button, your changes will be applied. The energy of the system will be recalculated, and if necessary, the scale will change, too.
You can also change the total energy of the system. The total energy is the sum of potential and kinetic energy. The potential energy can be positive or negative, but the kinetic energy must always be positive. Thus, the Applet will not allow you to set the total energy below the current value of the potential energy.
Erstellt: 2011-11