Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
CA Kanada, Canadá, Canada, Canada, Canada, (esper.) Kanado
Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj

Provinz, Provincia, Province, Provincia, Province
Territorien, Territoire, Territories
Neufundland und Labrador, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's, St. John's, St. John's




coach box (W3)


When komatiks were drawn by dogs, a wooden box, large enough for a man to lie down in, was put on the komatik especially to carry a sick person. This was called a coach box.


Coachman's Cove (town) (W3)

Vielleicht kann man die Ortsbezeichnung wörtlich als "Kutscherbehausung" übersetzen?




epodunk - Community-Profiles (CA, NF)

Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu den Städten von Newfoundland and Labrador auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The county was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.


COMMUNITIES LIST - Newfoundland and Labrador
(2008-02-24) Our listings for Newfoundland and Labrador include the following communities:




Dictionary of Newfoundland English


In 1998 and 1999 the "Dictionary of Newfoundland English", 2d ed, published by the University of Toronto Press, was prepared for inclusion in Memorial University's Heritage Web Site. The material is derived from a scanned version of the 1982 text and, for the Supplement in 1990, the electronic file used to print the book. The scanned text has been proofread and most of the defective text corrected. Since the Web Site cannot efficiently reproduce the International Phonetic Alphabet, all phonetic transcriptions have been removed. The errors in the first edition and listed under Supplement, "Corrections to the First Edition," have been corrected in this electronic text. In addition, further corrections were made during the proofreading; these are also included among the "Corrections." Comparison of the entries in the Heritage Web Site with the hard copy versions will show minor differences in format. Changes have occurred in both indentation and font size. The topics of the prefatory materials are paginated differently from the original text. For all the differences, however, this Web version of the Dictionary of Newfoundland English is a reasonable rendering of the detail embodied in the original text.


a- | aa | aaron's rod | aback | able | aboard | according | accordion | ackley | adam's plas=ter | adikey | admiral | advent | adventure | adventurer | afrore | after | after | ag | agent | ain't neg | air | airsome | alarm | alder | alexander | alix | all quall | alley-coosh | amalgamated | american | amper | ampered | ampery | an seery | and | andramartins | angish | angishore | angle | anguish | anighst | annett | ant | anti-confederate | anxiety | apast | apple | aps | apse | apsy | ar, arra | arch | archangel | arctic | aret | arg | arm | arn | arn substitute | around | arse | arsed | article | ash | ashore | aspy | asquish | athwart | august | auk | aunt | auntsary | aw | awful


b'lay | babbage | babbish | babby | baccalao | baccalieu | baccy | bachelor's button | back | backing | bad | badness | | bag | baiser | bait | baiter | baiting | bake-pot | bake | bakeapple | baker | baking apple | bald coot | ball | ballast | ballicatter | ballicatter | bam | banana | bang | bangbelly | banger | bank | banker | banking | banner | banquese ice | bantam | bar over | bar | barachois | barasway | barbarous | barbel | barber | bare-legged | barge | bargoo | bark | barked | barking | barley over | barley | barm | barnacle | barnystickle | barrack head | barrack | barred | barrel | barrelover | barren | barrener | barrens | barricade | barricader | barricado | barrier | barring | barrow | barter | barvel | bass | bastard | bat | batch | bateau | bath | batten | battery | batty catter | batty | bauk, baulk | bautom | bavin | bawbeen | bawk | bawl | bawn | bay | baygapple | bazz | bazzer | bazzom | be after (doing something) | be's | be | beach | beachy bird | beachy | beak | beal | beam | bear | bearing | beat | beater | beaver | bed | beddamer | bedding | bedlamer | bedlimmer | bee's | beel | been | beer | beetle | belay | belk | bell | bellamer | belly | bellycat(t)er | belong | bench | bend | bender | bending | beothuk | berry | berth | best kind | betty | bever | bib | bibber | bibby | bibe | bide | biff | big | biggest kind | bilk | bill | billet | billy | bim | binder | birch | birchy | bird | birding | birth | bitch | bitt | bitting | bivver | black | blackberry | blackening | bladder | blank | blare | blast | blasty | bleacher | blear | bleater | blessed | blind | block | blocked | blood | bloody | blossom | blow-me-down | blow | blubber | blue | bluey | blush | boar | boat | boatswain | bob | bobber | bobbing | bobby-rooter | bobtail | bodkin | body | bog | bogey | boggan | bogger | boggering | bogie | bogy | boil-up | boil | boil | boiler | bom | bon | bond store | bone | boneen | bonfire | bonna winkie | bonnet | bonnive | bontop | boogyman | book | booshy | boot | bore | born | bostoon | bottle | bottom | bottomer | bough | bounty | bow | bowline | box | boxy | boy | brachey | brackety | brail | brailer | bran | brand | brandies | brandishes | brass-wing(ed) diver | braych | brazil | breach | breachy | bread-and-cheese | bread | break'er down | break-deck | break | breakage | breaker | breakfast | breaking | bream | breast | breastner, breastney | breecby | breeches | breeder | breeks | breeze | bresna | brew | brewer | brewis | brews(e) | briar | brickle | brickly | bride | bridge | briggs | brim knot | brim | brimming | brin | brindy | briner | bring | brishney | briss | britaniola | britches, britchet(s), britchin'(s) | broad | brochet | broken | brook | brooker | broom | broose | brough | brow | browal | brown | browse | browsy | bru(i)se | brudge | brunet | brush-harrow | brush | bubble | bubbly squall | buck | buckaloon | buckety board | buckle | buckly | bucky | bud | buddy | bug | bulk | bulking | bull | bullamarue | bullet | bulleter | bully | bultow | bumblebee | bumbleberry | bumper | bumps | bun | bunchy-berry | bung-your-eye | bungalow | bunk | buoy | burgoo | burn | burney | bush | busk | busker | buskin | busy | butt | butter | button | buzaglo proper | by-boat | by-boat | by


cabin | cable | cacorne | cad | cadder | cadge, cadgy | cafner | cag | cage | cairn | cake | calabogus | calavance | calebogus, calibogus | calk | callabogus | calli | callibogus | callivance | calms | cam | cambriola | cambrioll | camp | can hook | canada | canadian | canady | candlemas | canker | canoe | cantal | canting | canvas | cap | capderace | cape ann | cape race | cape racer | cape | capelan, capelin, capeling | capillaire | caplain | caplin school, ~ schule, ~ shoal | caplin scull | caplin | caplin | capline, capling | capon | capse | capsize | captain | car pot | car trap | car | carawat | carbuckle | card | cardeen | carey's chicken | carey | caribou | carjel, carjo | cark | carpenter | carry | cart | cartail, carteel | cartel | carter | cartwheel | carver | case | casing | cask | cassock | cast-net | cast | cat-stick | cat | catalina, | catamaran | catch | catchy | catfish | catnaghene | cattagena | catter | cattibatter | caubeen | caudle | caudler | caulcannon | caulk | caulker | cause | cavalance | cay | ceaplin | centre | chafe | chaff | chain | chair | champkin | channel | chapel | charm | charmer | charming chastise | chaw | cheek | cherm | chickling | chiddles | chime | chin | chinch | chinker | chinse | chinsing | chintz | chip | chipple | chirper | chisel | chistlings | chitlings | choby | chocolate root | choice | choke | chook | chooky | chop | chopper | chopy | chouder beer | chovy | christian | christmas-box | christmas | chuck | chuckle-de-muck | chuckle | chuckley | chucky-plum | chuffed | chuffy | chum | chummy | church | chute | cillick | circle | cive | civil | clamper | clampet | clap-dish | clarenville | clave | clavy | clay | clean | clear | cleave | clergy | clever | clew | click | cliff | clinch | cling | clingy | clink | clint | clip | clit | clitchin' | clitty | clobber | clom | close | cloth | cloud | club | clum | clumber | clumper | clumpet | co-adventurer | coady | coadys | coaker | coalies | coarse | coast | coastal | coasting | cob | cobbler | cobblestone | cobby (house) | cock shot | cock | cockabaloo | cocket | cocksel | cocksiddle | cod end | cod trap | cod-seine | cod-sock | cod | codey | codge | cogrovice | coish | colcannon | colcannon | collar | collecting | collector | collop | colly | colony | colony | colours | coly | comatick | comb | come | commeteck | commission | commodore | community | company | complete | concern | concert | conch | condemn | confederate | confederation | confloption | conkerbell | conkerbill | conner | conniver | control | controller | conversation | coochee | coochy | cook room | cooler | coopy | copper | copy pan | copy | copying | cor(r)e fish | cork | corker | corner | cosh | cossock | cosy egg | cottage | cotterall | cottle | country | courier | course | court | cove | covel | covey | cow | coxswain | crabbed | crabit | crack | cracker | cracky | craft | cram | cramp | cran | crannick | crap | crape | cravat | craw | creak-cold | crease | credit | creep | creeper | creeping | crew | cribby | crinkly | crip | cripsy | crit | critch | cronnick | croochy | croodle | crooked | croost | crop | cropping | cross-handed | cross | crottle | croucher | crouchy | crousty | crow | crowd | crown | crozing | crubeen | crud | cruddy | crudly | cruel | cruise | cruiser | cruising | crump | cruncheons | crunnick | crutch | cry crack | crystal | cuckoo | cuddy | cue | cuff | cuffer | cugger | cull | cullage | culler | culling | cunner | cup | curby | cure | curing | curlew | curvy | curwibble | cushy | cut | cutter | cutting


d- | da n | da n (supp) | dab | dabber* | daddle n | daddle v | dadyeens n pl | dagger n | dale n | dally n | damp a | damp a (supp) | damper n | damper n (supp) | damper* | damsel n | damsel n (supp) | dancers | dancing-master n | dand n | | dandy n | dandy n (supp) | danger n | dap v | dapper n | daps* n | daps* n (supp) | darby n | darby n (supp) | dark a | dark a (supp) | dart n | dart n (supp) | dart v | darting vbl n (supp) | dasher n | dattle* | daughter | dawn n | dawnies* n pl | dawning n | day n | de*: de once | dead-man n | dead a | dead a (supp) | dead n | dealer n | dealer n (supp) | death n | deck n | dee-dee n | deep(s) n, n pl | deep a | deepwater n (supp) | deer n | delco n | delco n (supp) | dell | dennage | desert n | desperate a | desperate a (supp) | destroy v | devil n | devil n (supp) | dewberry n | dialogue n | dialogue n (supp) | diamond n | dick n | dickey | dickie (supp) | dicky1 n | dicky1 n (supp) | dicky2 n | dicky2 n (supp) | diddies n pl | diet n | diet n (supp) | diet v (supp) | dieter n | dieter n (supp) | dill-cup n | dill1 n | dill1 n (supp) | dill2 n | dill2 n (supp) | dilly-dalls n pl (supp) | dinnage n | dip n | dip v | dip v (supp) | dipper n | dipper n (supp) | dipping vbl n | directly av | dirt n | dirty a | dirty a (supp) | discourse v | disgusted p ppl | dishy a | ditties | diver | do be | do v (supp) | doater | dob n | dock n | doctor n (supp) | doctor v | doctor1 n | doctor2 | dod n | dodding (supp) | dodge v | dodge v (supp) | dodger n | dodtrel | dog v | dog1 n | dog1 n (supp) | dog2 n | dog2 n (supp) | dogberry n | dogberry n (supp) | dogger n | dogging vbl n | dogwood n | dole n | dole n (supp) | dominion n | dominion n (supp) | donkey n | donkey n (supp) | donkey v (supp) | doodle-laddle* | doone n | door n | door n (supp) | dory n | dory n (supp) | dose of shot | dotard n | dotard n (supp) | dote v | doter | doting ppl (supp) | dotterell n | double-handed av | double a | double a (supp) | dough n | douse v | douse v (supp) | douser n | dout v | douter n | down-scent* n, av | down av | down av (supp) | downs n pl | dows'y poll n (supp) | dows'y poll* n | draft1 n | draft2 | drag n | drag v | drain n | drain n (supp) | drain v | drainings n pl | drang | drash n | drash v | drashel* n | drashel* n (supp) | draught | draw n | draw n (supp) | draw v | draw v (supp) | drawing n, vbl n | drawing vbl n (supp) | dreadful | dreadful a | dredge | drenty a | dresh | dress v | dress v (supp) | drew n (supp) | drew* n | dribble n | dribble n (supp) | driddle* | driet n | drift n | drift n (supp) | drill v | drilling n | drite* n | drite* n (supp) | drive v | drive v (supp) | driver n | driving vbl n | driving vbl n (supp) | droch | drogue | drogue* n | droke n | droke n (supp) | droll a | drong | droo* n (supp) | drook | drop v (supp) | drudge n | drudge v | drudge v (supp) | drug n | drug n (supp) | drugs n pl | drum n | drum n (supp) | drum v | drung n | drung n (supp) | dry a | dry1 v | dry2 | drying vbl n | dryth | dub n | duck1 n | duck2 n | duckedy-mud n | duckies | duckish a | duckish a (supp) | duckish n | duckish n (supp) | dudee | dudeen n | duff1 n | duff1 n (supp) | duff2 n | duff2 n (supp) | duffy a | dullifare* n | dum(b) | dumb a | dumb a (supp) | dump n (supp) | dun a | dun a (supp) | dun n | dunch1 a | dunch1 a (supp) | dunch2 a | duncher n | dung n | dungeon n | dwall n | dwall v | dwigh | dwoll | dwoy | dwy n | dynnage


e'er det | e'er det (supp) | eagle n | ear n | earache* | earwig n | easter a | easy a | eat v | eat v (supp) | eating vbl n | eddy n | eddy n (supp) | edge n (supp) | edger n (supp) | egg (supp) | egg v | eggdown | egger n | egger n (supp) | either det (supp) | either det, subs | elder-blossom n | elevener n | elevener n (supp) | elevenses n pl | ellis water* | elsinore n | elson | elt n | eltrot n | embayed ppl a (supp) | embloch | emper* | empt v | empt v (supp) | empter* n | empter* n (supp) | en | english a | enter v | equal a | escopic | eskimo n | eskimo n (supp) | establishment n | eunchuck n | evening n | evening n (supp) | evergreen n | everlasting n | every a | excursion n | excursion n (supp) | extra a | eye n


fab n | face n | face n (supp) | faction n | factory n | factory n (supp) | faddle n | fade v | fadge v | faffering v ppl | faggot n | faggot n (supp) | faggot v | faggot v (supp) | fainaigue v | fair a (supp) | fair v (supp) | fairety n (supp) | fairity n | fairy n | fairy n (supp) | fairy v | faitour n | fall tucker* | fall n | fall n (supp) | fall v | fall v (supp) | false a | false a (supp) | family n | famish gut n | fance n | far av | farewell v (supp) | farferin'* | farforth av | farl | farm n | farm v (supp) | farrell | fart | fashion n | fashion n (supp) | fast a | fasten v | fasting vbl n | fat a | fat a (supp) | fat1 n | fat1 n (supp) | fat2 | father-giver n | feared a | feather n | feature v | feck n | feed v | feeder n | feeting n | fegary n | fegary n (supp) | fellow n | fellow n (supp) | felt n | felt n (supp) | fence n | feraun n | fern n | ferry v | fess a | fetch n | fetch v | fettle | fever n (supp) | fib* n | fiddle v | fiddler n | fiddler n (supp) | field n | fierce a, av | fig n | fig n (supp) | figged | figgity | figgy a | figgy a (supp) | figure n | figure n (supp) | file n | fill v | fill v (supp) | filler n | filliday n | filling n | filling n (supp) | fimble* n | fin | find v | fine1 v | fine2 v past, p ppl | finest kind n | finest kind n phr (supp) | finger n | finger n (supp) | fippar, fipper | fir | fire n | fire n (supp) | firk v | firk v (supp) | first | first num (supp) | fish n | fish n (supp) | fish v | fish v (supp) | fisherman n | fisherman n (supp) | fishery n | fishery n (supp) | fishing vbl n | fishing vbl n (supp) | fishocracy n | fishocracy n (supp) | fist v (supp) | fit-out n | fit-out n (supp) | fit v | fitting ppl | five-leg n | fixed ppl (supp) | flacket (supp) | flacoon n pl | flag n | flag v | flag v (supp) | flag1 n (supp) | flag2 n (supp) | flahoolach a | flake n | flake n (supp) | flaking vbl n | flan-dadolin* n | flan v (supp) | flang-tile n | flangey* | flanker n | flanker n (supp) | flapper n | flare-up n | flash v | flash1 n | flash2 n | flashet n | flashet n (supp) | flask n | flat a | flat n | flat n (supp) | flatty n | flaus | fleece n | fleet n | fleet n (supp) | flice* v | flicer n | flick v | flicker n | flicy* a | flier n | flight n | flincher n | flint n | flinter n | flipper n | flipper n (supp) | flipsy v | flipsy v (supp) | flirrup | float n | float v | floater n | floater n (supp) | floating ppl | floating ppl (supp) | flobber n | flobber n (supp) | flobber v | flog v | flood n | floor n | floption n | flour-barrel | flouse n | flouse v | flouse v (supp) | flouser n (supp) | flowers n pl | flowers n pl (supp) | fluking v, ppl | flummy n | flummy n (supp) | flunky n | flute n | flux v | fly a (supp) | fly v | fly1 n | fly2 n | fly3 n (supp) | flying ppl | flying ppl (supp) | fob n | fodge n | fodge v | fog n | fog n (supp) | follow v | follow v (supp) | folly | fong n | fool n | fool n (supp) | foolish a | foot n pl | footing n | for prep | for prep (supp) | fore- prefix | fore- prefix (supp) | foreign av | foreign av (supp) | foreigner n | forel n | forelay v | foreright a | fork n | fork v | fork v (supp) | forward a | foss v | foss n | fouly a | fouly a (supp) | found | founder v | founder v (supp) | four num (supp) | fourer n | foust n | fousty a | fousty a (supp) | fox a | fox n | fox n (supp) | foxed ppl a (supp) | foxy a | foxy a (supp) | frafferm* | frame n | frame n (supp) | frankincense n | frankintine* n | frankum n | frankum n (supp) | frape n | frape n (supp) | frape v | frape v (supp) | frapse* | fraw | frawsy n | free v | freely n | freely n (supp) | freighter n | french a | french a (supp) | fresh a | fresh a (supp) | fresh av | fresh n | fresh n (supp) | friend n | frightish a | fritten a | front n | front n (supp) | frore p ppl, a | frost n | frost n (supp) | frost v | froster n | froster n (supp) | froth n | frounge* v | fruz n | fruz v | fudge | full a | full av | full n | full n (supp) | full v | full v (supp) | fungy a | funk n | funk n (supp) | funnel n | funnel n (supp) | funnelling n | fur n | fur n (supp) | fur v | fur v (supp) | furrier n | furrier n (supp) | furriery n | furring vbl n | furring vbl n (supp) | futter | fuzz*


gache | gad n | gad n (supp) | gad v | gaff n | gaff n (supp) | gaff v | gaff v (supp) | gaffer n | gaffer n (supp) | gaffle v | gaffle v (supp) | gaft | gale n | gale n (supp) | gale v | gale v (supp) | galefilero* n | gallery n | galley n | galley n (supp) | gallinipper | gallon n | gallon n (supp) | gallop v | galloper n | galloper n (supp) | gallows n | gallows n (supp) | gally n | gally n (supp) | gally v | galore n | galore n (supp) | gam n | gam1 n (supp) | gam2 n (supp) | gammett* n | gander n (supp) | gandy n | gandy n (supp) | gang-board n | gang-board n (supp) | gang n | gange v | gange v (supp) | gangeing n | ganny n (supp) | gansey n | gansey n (supp) | gap n | gap n (supp) | garagee n | garagy | garden n | garden n (supp) | garnipper n | garnipper n (supp) | garnsey | garricky | gary | gasher n | gatch n | gatch n (supp) | gatch v | gatch v (supp) | gatcher n | gatcher n (supp) | gate n | gather v | gauch | gawmoge n | gawmoge n (supp) | gawmoge v | gaze n | gaze n (supp) | gazebo n | gear n | gear n (supp) | geary v | geary v (supp) | geezer n (supp) | genge | gengeing | gentles n pl | george martin n | get v | ghost n | ghost n (supp) | gib n | gib n (supp) | gib v | gib v (supp) | gibbing vbl n | gig n (supp) | gig* n | gigger | gilguy* n | gill bird | gill n | gilly n | gilson n (supp) | gimble n | ginge* | gingeing* | ginny | girl n | girl n (supp) | give v | gizaboo* | glab v | gladger n | glam n | glander n | glass n | glassen a | glaum n | glaum v | glauvaun n | glauvaun v | glean v | gleaner n | glidder* | glim n | glin | glitter n | glitter n (supp) | glory n | glum a | glut n | glut n (supp) | glutch n | glutch v | glutted p ppl | glutted p ppl (supp) | gly n | gly n (supp) | go n | go v | go v (supp) | goat n | goat n (supp) | gob-stick v (supp) | gob v | gob1 n | gob2 n | gob2 n (supp) | god n | goggy n | gold-withy n | gold-withy n (supp) | gold n | golden a | gom n | gombeen n | gommel n | gommel n (supp) | gommer v, n | googy* n (supp) | goold | goolo* n | goose n | goowiddy | gossard | goudie (supp) | gould withy | government n | government n (supp) | governor n | gowdy a (supp) | gowithy | gozzard n | gozzard n (supp) | grain n | grand a | grand a (supp) | granny n | granny n (supp) | grapelin*, grapenel | graple n | graple n (supp) | grass n | grass n (supp) | grass v | grass v (supp) | graunuail n (supp) | grave v | gravel n | gravel n (supp) | graypnel | grease n | grease v (supp) | greasy a | greasy a (supp) | great a | great a (supp) | grebe | green a | green a (supp) | greenhouse n | greenland n | greenland n (supp) | greep | grepe n | grepe n (supp) | grey a, n | grin n | grin n (supp) | griny a | grip1 n (supp) | grip2 n (supp) | gripe | gripe1 n (supp) | gripe2 n (supp) | grist n | groaner n | groaner n (supp) | groaning n | grog n | grog n (supp) | gronyer* n (supp) | ground n | ground n (supp) | grounder a | groundy a | grouse n | grout n | grout n (supp) | growl n | growl n (supp) | growler n | growler n (supp) | grub n | grub n (supp) | grum a | grum a (supp) | grummet n | grump (head) | guardian n | guardian n (supp) | gud n | guess n | guess n (supp) | guffy n | guggle v | guide v | guider n | guider n (supp) | guidy n (supp) | gulch n | gulch n (supp) | gulch v | gulf n | gulf n (supp) | gull | gull n (supp) | gully1 n | gully1 n (supp) | gully2 n | gully2 n (supp) | gulsh | gulvin n | gum n | gum n (supp) | gumbean, gumbeen | gump n | gun n | gun n (supp) | gun v (supp) | gunner n | gunner n (supp) | gunning ppl, vbl n | gunning vbl n (supp) | gunny v | gurdy n | gurdy n (supp) | gurry n | gurry n (supp) | gut n | guttle n | guttle v | guzzle v


habit n | habit n (supp) | hacker v | hackle | haddock n | hag v | hag v (supp) | hag1 n | hag1 n (supp) | hag2 | hagden, hagdon | hagdown n | haigdown | hail n (supp) | hail v | hail v (supp) | hair n | hairy | half a | half a (supp) | half intens | half n | half n (supp) | halifax | hambro | hamburg n | hamburg n (supp) | hammer n | hand serry n | hand n | hand n (supp) | handy a, av | handy a, av (supp) | hangashore | hanger n | | happer v | hapse v | hapse1 n | hapse1 n (supp) | hapse2 n | harbour n | harbour n (supp) | hard a | hard a (supp) | hardy a | hardy a (supp) | hare n | harp n | harper n | harrat n | harrish* v | harrish* v (supp) | | hart | hart n (supp) | hartle n | hash n (supp) | hat n | hatch v | hatchet n | haul n | haul n (supp) | haul v | haul v (supp) | hauler n | hauling vbl n | hauling vbl n (supp) | hawk n | hawk v | hawser n | hay n | hay n (supp) | hazures* | he's | he pro | he pro (supp) | head n | head n (supp) | head v | head v (supp) | header n | heading n | heading vbl n | health root | heart n | heart2 n (supp) | heat n | heatable a | heath | heave v | heave v (supp) | heaven | heavy a | heavy a (supp) | heck v | hedge sparrow n | heel n | hegdown | height n | hell-trot | hemlock n | hen n | hen n (supp) | hermit n | herring n | herring n (supp) | hert | hicker n | hickory n | hide n | hidey n | hidey n (supp) | high a | high a (supp) | hind, hinder | hinder a | hindersome a | hip v | hipper n | hirt | hit v | hobble n | hobbler n | hobbling ppl, vbl n | hobby horse n | hobby horse n (supp) | hodge n | hog n | hogdown | hoggelly bog n (supp) | hoist n | hoist n (supp) | hoist v | hoist v (supp) | hoister* | hold v | holder n | holly n (supp) | holly* | home n | home n (supp) | homely a | honke | hoo-eet | hood n | hood n (supp) | hooded p ppl | hook n | hook n (supp) | hook v | hooking vbl n | hooky a | hoop n (supp) | hoosing vbl n | hopper n | hopper n (supp) | hoppy a | horn n | horn n (supp) | horny a | horse n | horse n (supp) | horse v | horsy-hops n | horsy-hops n (supp) | hort | hose egg* | hot | hot a | hotten v | hound n | house n | house n (supp) | hove, hoven | hovel n | howden n | howden n (supp) | howk n | hud n (supp) | huit (supp) | hulder v | hungered p ppl | hungry a | hungry a (supp) | hunk v | hunt | hunt v | hupper | hurdle-foot | hurl-foot n | hurry-up n | hurt n | hurt n (supp) | husk | huskimaw n | husky n | huss v | hyacinth n | hypocrite n


i tally-o n | I pro | I pro (supp) | ice n | ice n (supp) | idle a | idleness n | ignorant a | ignorant a (supp) | improve v | in av (supp) | in av, prep | increase mesh | indian n | indian n (supp) | indulgence n | inflammation n | inner a (supp) | inshore a | inshore a (supp) | inside of prep phr | inside of prep phr (supp) | inside av | inside av (supp) | inside n | into prep | into prep (supp) | irish a | iron n | island n | island n (supp) | iss | italian n


jack1 (supp) | jack1 n | jack2 | jack3 | jackabaun n (supp) | jackabaun* n | jackass n | jackass n (supp) | jackatar n | jackatar n (supp) | jacket n | jacket n (supp) | jacky n | jader n | jam n | jam n (supp) | jam v | jam v (supp) | jamming n | janney | janny n | janny n (supp) | janny v | janny v (supp) | jannying vbl n | jannying vbl n (supp) | japanese a (supp) | jar1 n | jar2 n | jar2 n (supp) | jaw n | jaw n (supp) | jay n | jenny1 n | jenny2 | jenny3 | jersey n | jersey n (supp) | jib n | jib n (supp) | jibs n pl | jife n | jig-house n | jig n | jig n (supp) | jig v | jig v (supp) | jigarnaree n | jigger n | jigger n (supp) | jigging vbl n | jigging vbl n (supp) | jillick v | jimmy-jar n | jingle n | jink n | jink1 v | jink2 v | jinker n | jinker n (supp) | jinny* n | jinxer (supp) | jit v | jit v (supp) | jiver n | joanie n | jockabaun | jockey club n | jog v | jog v (supp) | john1 n | john2 | johnny1 n | johnny2 | join v | joint n (supp) | jolly a | jolly a (supp) | jone* v | jonnick a | joog n | joog* v | jook* | jostler n | jostler n (supp) | jowl n | jowl v | jowler1 n | jowler2 n | jowler2 n (supp) | jubilee n | jug | july n | jump-stay n | jump v | jump v (supp) | jumper n | jumper n (supp) | june n | juniper n | juniper n (supp) | junk n | junk n (supp) | junk v | junky a | justice n | jut


kag | kanat | karaboo | kechhorn | kedgy n | kedgy n (supp) | kee chorn | keecorn n | keel-log (supp) | keel v | keels n pl | keen a | keep v | keg n | keg n (supp) | keg v | keipnet | kellick | kenat n | kental | kettle n | key n | key n (supp) | keylock* (supp) | khaki n (supp) | kick v | kick v (supp) | kicking vbl n (supp) | kid n | kilcorn | kill n (supp) | kill v | kill v (supp) | killer n | killick n | killick n (supp) | killing n (supp) | killock | kind | king n | kingcorn, kinkhorn, kinkorn | kinsarn | kintal | kippin n | kirby* n | kirby* n (supp) | kirlogue n | kissing ring | kit n (supp) | kitchen n (supp) | | knap n | knap n (supp) | knee n | knit v | knit v (supp) | knitch n | knitting vbl n | knitting vbl n (supp) | knob n | knob n (supp) | knobbly a | knobby | knot n | knotty a | know v | knuck n | komatik n | komatik n (supp) | kometic | kork n (supp) | kossa(c)k | kursheen* n (supp)


labrador dog n | labrador dog n (supp) | labrador tea n | labrador tea n (supp) | labrador n | labrador n (supp) | labradorian a | labradorian n | labradorian n (supp) | labradorite n | labradorite n (supp) | labradorman n | labradorman n (supp) | labry* n | lace-line n | lace v | lace v (supp) | lad n | lad n (supp) | ladder* | laddie-sucker n | laddio n | lady day n | lady stick (supp) | lady1 n | lady2 n | lady3 n | laggy | lake n | lake n (supp) | lallik* n | lally | lamb n | lamb n (supp) | lammocken* n | lammy n | lammy n (supp) | lamp-lighter n | lamwash* | lance n | lance n (supp) | lanch v | lanch v (supp) | lanch* n | lanching vbl n | lanching vbl n (supp) | land n | lander v | landing n | landing n (supp) | landsman n | landsman n (supp) | landwash n | landwash n (supp) | lant(s) See | lap n | lap n (supp) | lap v | large a | large a (supp) | lark n | larrigan n | larrigan n (supp) | larry* n | lash v | lasses | lassy-bug n | lassy v | lassy1 n | lassy2 n | last a | last a (supp) | last n | lat | late a | lath n | lath v | launce | launch | lavry* | law work | lawnce | lawnya vawnya* n | lay n (supp) | lay v | layer n | laying ppl, vbl n | lazarus n | lazy a | lazy a (supp) | lead1 n | lead2 n | lead2 n (supp) | lead3 n | leader n | leader n (supp) | leading ppl | leaf n | leaf n (supp) | leaky a | lean-in n | lean-to n | lean-to n (supp) | lean v | leap v | leary a | leave | leaven n | ledge n | ledge n (supp) | lee n | leery* n | | leff* v | leggy n | leggy n (supp) | length n | lennet | leopard n | lesser newfoundland | lesser newfoundland n (supp) | letter of jesus christ | letter n | levener | lew | lewerdly a | lick for smatter | lick v | lickery a | licky | liddick* | light a | light n | lily n | limb v | limb v (supp) | lincoln n | line v (supp) | line v | line1 n | line2 n | line2 n (supp) | liner n | linhay | link n | link n (supp) | link v | linkum | linnet n | linnet n (supp) | linny n | linny n (supp) | lippin* pans | lirippy* a | list n | little a | little a (supp) | littocks n pl | live a | liver1 n | liver1 n (supp) | liver2 | livere | liveyer | liveyere | livier | living ppl | livyer n | livyer n (supp) | loader n | loader n (supp) | loaf n | lobster n | local a | local a (supp) | locker n | lodge v | loft n | loft n (supp) | log-load n | log-loaded p ppl | log n | log n (supp) | log v | log v (supp) | logan n | logan n (supp) | loging ppl | logy a | logy a (supp) | logy n | lollik* | lolly n | london n | lonesome a | long a | long a (supp) | longer n | longer n (supp) | longer v | longshoreman n | loo n | looard a | loodle-laddle* n | loodle-laddle* n (supp) | look-out n | looper n | loose a | loose a (supp) | lop v | lop1 n | lop2 n | lop2 n (supp) | lopchops n | lopper n | loppy a | loppy a (supp) | lord-fish n | lord1 n | lord2 n | lord2 n (supp) | lose v | lose v (supp) | losing vbl n | loss* v | lovyer | lovyer n (supp) | low a | low a (supp) | lowers n pl | loyal n | lucky a | lum n | lum n (supp) | | | lume n | lump n | lump n (supp) | lumper n | lumper n (supp) | lumpus av | lun a | lun a (supp) | lun n | lun n (supp) | lun v | lunch | lunch n (supp) | lunch v (supp) | lund | lunger | lungy a | lunny a | lynx


machine n | machine n (supp) | mackerel n | mad a (supp) | mad a, intens | madeira n | madeira n (supp) | mag n | maggoty a | maggoty a (supp) | magorey | mahone soldier n | maid n | maid n (supp) | maiden n | maidenhair n | main a | main a (supp) | mainland n | make v | make v (supp) | making vbl n | maldow | mamateek n | mamateek n (supp) | mampus* n | man n | man n (supp) | maneen n | mang v, n | mantel n | manus v | manus v (supp) | manussing vbl n (supp) | mar falten* | marconi n | marconi n (supp) | mare n | mare n (supp) | marish | mark n | mark n (supp) | marked ppl | market n (supp) | marl v (supp) | marl* v | marling vbl n | marry v | marsh n | marsh n (supp) | marten n (supp) | mash | master a | master n | master n (supp) | mat n | mathers n pl | matting vbl n | mauze v (supp) | mauzy a | mauzy a (supp) | maw-mouth n | mawk n | may n | maze v | mazzard n | meadow n | medicine n | medium a | medium a (supp) | meg | memory n | merchant n | merchant n (supp) | merchantable a,n | merchantocracy n (supp) | merr | | mesh v | mesh1 n | mesh2 | methodist n | methodist n (supp) | methody a | micmac n | micmac n (supp) | middle n (supp) | middleman n | middler n | middler n (supp) | midship n | midshore n attrib (supp) | midsummer n | midsummer n (supp) | midwater n attrib (supp) | mild n | mild n (supp) | mile n | milk n | milk n (supp) | mill n | miller n | millyer n | mind v | mind v (supp) | minister n | minister n (supp) | miserable a, intens | mish | misk n | misk n (supp) | misky a | missus n | mitt n | mitt n (supp) | mitten n | mog n | molasses n | molasses n (supp) | moldow n | moldow n (supp) | molly-fo-ster* v | mollyfodge n | montagnais n | montagnais n (supp) | month n | month n (supp) | monument n | mooch v | moocher n | moonlight n | moonshine n | mooring vbl n | moot* n | moot* v | mootie a | mop* v | mop1 n | mop2 n | mope n | more av | more det, substitute | more det, substitute (supp) | more n | more n (supp) | more v | more v (supp) | morgan n | moryeen* n | mosquito n | mosquito n (supp) | moss n | mot n | mote n | mother n | mother n (supp) | motion n | mould v | mountain n | mountaineer n | mountaineer n (supp) | mounting n | mouth n | mouth n (supp) | mouze* v | muckle v | mud n | mud n (supp) | mug up n | mug up n (supp) | mug v | muir | mummer n | mummer n (supp) | mummer v | mummer v (supp) | mummering vbl n | mummering vbl n (supp) | mumming | mundle n | munge v, n | murre1 n | murre1 n (supp) | murre2, murr | muskrat n | mutinize v | mutinize v (supp) | muzzle n | myrrh n | myrrh n (supp) | myrrhy a


nag n | nag v | naggin | naggle v | nail v | nailbag n | naked a | naked a (supp) | naluyuk n | nan-cary | nan-sary | nan-slide* | nan1 n | nan1 n (supp) | nan2 n | nansarey | nap | nape n | nape n (supp) | nar | narder* | narn neg substitute | narn neg substitute (supp) | narrow a | naskapi n | naskapi n (supp) | natch | native a | native n | native n (supp) | nature n | nature n (supp) | nawpoll* n | ne'er neg determiner | ne'er neg determiner (supp) | nearshore | nearshore n (supp) | neck n | neck n (supp) | neddick | needle | needle n (supp) | neither neg determiner (supp) | neither neg determiner, substitute | nelson n | nesh | nest n (supp) | nest v (supp) | net n | net n (supp) | net v | net* v | netting n | netting vbl n | never | never neg (supp) | new britaniola | new a | newfie n | newfie n (supp) | newfoundland dog n | newfoundland-man n | newfoundland n | newfoundland n (supp) | newfoundlander n | newfoundlander n (supp) | newfoundlandiana n | newfoundlandiana n (supp) | newing ppl, vbl n | newland n | newlander n | nib v | nice a | nice a (supp) | nice* | nickel n | nicodemus n | night n | nine num | nineteen | ninny bag | nip n | nip n (supp) | nip v | nipper1 n | nipper1 n (supp) | nipper2 n | nipper2 n (supp) | nipper3 | nish a | nish a (supp) | nitch | noax | nob | nobble v | nobby | noddy a | noddy n | noddy n (supp) | nog-head n | nog-head n (supp) | noggin n | noggin* | noggy-head* | nointer n | nokes | non-plush n | nonia n | nonia n (supp) | nonny bag | nonsical a | noody nawdy a, n | nopper n | nor'ard n | north-wester n | north-wester n (supp) | north a | north n (supp) | norther a | norther a (supp) | norther n | northern a | northern a (supp) | norway n | nose n | nose n (supp) | not bad like | not(t) n | notch n | notch v | notchy a | note n | nother* | novie n | nuddick n | nug n | nug n (supp) | nuisance n | number n | number n (supp) | numerous a | numerous a (supp) | nunch n | nunchie n | nunchie n (supp) | nunny-bag n | nunny-bag n (supp) | nunny-fudger n | nuzzle-tripe* n


obedience n | oblige v | ochre n | ocky n | ocky n (supp) | odds n pl | odds n pl (supp) | of prep | off-and-on phr | off av (supp) | offal(s) n, n pl | offal(s) n, n pl (supp) | offer a | offer a (supp) | offer n | offshore n | offshore n attrib (supp) | oil n | oil n (supp) | oil v | oil v (supp) | old a | old a (supp) | olderly a | oldster n | omadhaun n | omadhaun n (supp) | omaloor n | on prep | on prep (supp) | once: the once, to | one num (supp) | one num, n | oo-isht int | oo-isht int (supp) | oodle-addle* | oonchook | open a | open a (supp) | open v | opening vbl n | opening vbl n (supp) | ordain v | order n | order n (supp) | ordinary a | ordinary a (supp) | ore n | oreweed n | ornament n | ose egg n | ose egg n (supp) | other a | otter n | otter n (supp) | ouananiche n | ouananiche n (supp) | ouk int | ouk int (supp) | out-harbour n | out-harbour n (supp) | out-wind n | out av, prep | out av, prep (supp) | out v | outer a | outer a (supp) | outfit n | outfit n (supp) | outfit v | outfit v (supp) | outport n | outport n (supp) | outporter n | outporter n (supp) | outside n, av | outside n, av (supp) | over-head n | overbearer n | overest a | overfall n | overhaul v | overing vbl n | overlong | overright prep | overtop v | owenshook | owl | own v | ownshook n | ownshook n (supp) | ox n


pack n | package n | package n (supp) | paddle n | paddler n | paddy keefe a, av | paddy keefe a, av (supp) | paddy | palace n | pale a | pale a (supp) | pall n | palm v | palm1 n | palm2 n | palmer n | pampooty n | pan n | pan n (supp) | pan v | pancake n | pank v | pank v (supp) | panned p ppl | panning vbl n | panshard n | pant v | pantry n | papoose n | papoose n (supp) | paps n pl | parakeet n | paralyse n | parish n | parley n | parlour n | parrot | parson n | parting n | parting n (supp) | partinged p ppl | partridge berry n | partridge berry n (supp) | partridge n | partridge n (supp) | partridge v | pass n | pass v | passage n | passage n (supp) | passenger n (supp) | passing ppl | patch n | patch n (supp) | patent n | patent n (supp) | path n | patrick n | patrick n (supp) | paytrick n | paytrick n (supp) | pea n | pea n (supp) | pear n | pease n | pease v | peck n | peck v | peddle v | pedlar n | pedlar n (supp) | peg n (supp) | peggin | pelm n | pelt n | pelt n (supp) | pelt v | pelt v (supp) | pen1 n | pen2 | penguin n | penguin n (supp) | pep | pepper n | perfume n | pet n | pet n (supp) | pew v | pew1 n | pew1 n (supp) | pew2 n | pewer n | philandy v, n (supp) | philandy* v, n | phillida | phripper | pick-pocket n (supp) | pick n | pick v (supp) | picker n (supp) | picket n | picket n (supp) | pickle n | pickle n (supp) | pickle v | pickle v (supp) | piddly n | pie | pied p ppl | pietrie | pig-a-wee n (supp) | pig n | pig n (supp) | pigeon n | pigeon n (supp) | piggin n | piggin n (supp) | pile n | pile n (supp) | pile v | pile v (supp) | pin n, v | pinch n | pinch n (supp) | pinchgut n | pink a | pinky n | pinky n (supp) | pinnacle n | pinnacle n (supp) | pinnacle v | pinny owl | pint n | pinwing | pinyole n | pip v | pip1 n | pip1 n (supp) | pip2 n | piper n | piper n (supp) | pippy* n | pipsi n | pishogue n, usu pl | piss v | piss v (supp) | pit n | pitch v | pitch v (supp) | | | | pitchy-paw n | pitnagen n | pitty a | pitty a (supp) | planch v | planchen, plancheong planchion | planching n | planching n (supp) | plant n | plantation n | planter n | planting vbl n | play v | play v (supp) | plim v | plim v (supp) | plough n (supp) | plover n | plug-eye n | plug n | plug1 n (supp) | plug2 n (supp) | plumboy n | plunder n | ply v | pod auger n | pod auger n (supp) | pod auger v | poegie n | point n (supp) | poison n | poison n (supp) | poison v | poison v (supp) | poker1 n | poker2 n | poker2 n (supp) | pole n | poll n | pollard n | pollard n (supp) | polly pitchum* n | poltogue* n | pompey n | pond n | pond n (supp) | pondy n (supp) | poodler n | pook n | pook n (supp) | pook v | pooked off ppl phr | pooking vbl n | pooky a | poole n | pooler n | poor a | pop n | pop n (supp) | poppy n | porch n | porcupine n | porcupine n (supp) | pork n | pork n (supp) | porpoise n | post n | post n (supp) | posy n | pot-head | pot n | pot n (supp) | potato n | pound n | pound n (supp) | pound v | pound v (supp) | pourdown n | pow | powder n | powder n (supp) | prate v | pratie n | preacher n | preliminary n | premises n pl (supp) | premises n sg or pl | press v | pressed p ppl | prickle n | prickly a | pride n | prime a | prime a (supp) | primer n | principal a | prinkle | prior | prog n | prog n (supp) | prog v | proggin's* | prong n | prong v | prong v (supp) | prosecute v | prosecute v (supp) | protestant n | proud a | proud a (supp) | pryor n | ptarmigan n | public n, usu pl | puck n | puck v | puckawn n | pucklin n | pud n | puddick n | pue | puerto rico n | puff-up n | | | | puffing-pig n | puit | pull n (supp) | pull v | pull v (supp) | pumbly a | pumly | pummy n | pump n, v | pump n, v (supp) | puncheon n | puncheon n (supp) | punt n | punt n (supp) | pup n | pup n (supp) | puppy n | purdle* n (supp) | pure a, av (supp) | pure a, av, intens | purse n | puss n | pussel n | put(t) n | put v | put v (supp) | puttick | puttock


quar(r) v | quar(r) v (supp) | quarter n | quat v | quat v (supp) | queak n | queen n | queer a (supp) | quib v | quick n | quick n (supp) | quiff n | quiff n (supp) | quintal n | quintal n (supp) | quinter n | quinter v | quinter v (supp) | quism n | quism n (supp) | quoit n | quoit v | quot


ra int | ra int (supp) | rabbit n | rabbit n (supp) | race1 n | race2 n | race2 n (supp) | rack n | rack v | rack2 n (supp) | racket1 n | racket2 n | racket2 n (supp) | rackly* | racy a (supp) | raft | raft1 v | raft1 v (supp) | raft2 v | rafter n | rafter v | rag-moll n | ragged a | ragged a (supp) | raggedy a | raggedy a (supp) | rail n | rain n | raise v | rake* n | ral n | ral n (supp) | rally n | ram's horn n | ram-cat n | ram-cat n (supp) | ram n (supp) | rames n pl | ramey a | ramlatch n | rampse* | rams n pl | ran n | rand1 n | rand2 | randy n | randy n (supp) | randy v | ranger n | ranger n (supp) | rat n | rat n (supp) | rattle1 n | rattle1 n (supp) | rattle2 n | rattler n | rattler n (supp) | rattling ppl | rattling ppl (supp) | ravel n | rawler | rawny a | reach n | reach n (supp) | read v | rear-admiral n | rear v | red a | red a (supp) | redden v (supp) | reddening n | reddening n (supp) | redding | ree-raw n | ree-raw n (supp) | reeve n (supp) | reeve1 v | reeve2 v | reeve2 v (supp) | reeves* n pl | reeving vbl n | reeving vbl n (supp) | refuse n | relieving ppl | revel* | rhind | rhode | rhyme n | rhyme v | ribband v | ribbon n | riddle n | riddle n (supp) | riddle v | ride v | rider n | riding vbl n | rift* | rifter* n | rifter* v | rig n | rig n (supp) | rig v | rig v (supp) | rigging(s) n | riggle, riggling | right int | right int (supp) | rightify v | rightify v (supp) | rind n | rind n (supp) | rind v | rind v (supp) | rinded p ppl | rinded p ppl (supp) | rinder n | rinding vbl n | rinding vbl n (supp) | rine* | ring(a)rod | ring n | ring1 n (supp) | ringer n | ringing vbl n | rip v | ripper n (supp) | rise n | rise n (supp) | rise v | riser n (supp) | rising n | rising ppl, vbl n | rittick n | rivel* n | rivel* v | river n | river n (supp) | roach a | road1 n | road1 n (supp) | road2 | roader (supp) | roaration n | roary-eyed (supp) | roast | robber n | robin redbreast n | robustic a | rock n | rock n (supp) | rocker1 n | rocker2 | rocky a | rod n | rode n | rode n (supp) | rodney n | rodney n (supp) | roke n | roll v | roll v (supp) | roller1 n | roller1 n (supp) | roller2 n | roller2 n (supp) | rolling ppl | rolling ppl, vbl n (supp) | rompse v | rompse v (supp) | roof n (supp) | rookery n | room n | room n (supp) | roomer n | roost n | rooster n | root n | rope n | rory-eyed a (supp) | rose n | rot n | rot v | rote n | rote n (supp) | rotted p ppl | rotten a | rotten a (supp) | rough a | rough a (supp) | rough av | roughery n | round a | round a (supp) | round n | round n (supp) | rounder n | rounder n (supp) | roundy a | roundy a (supp) | rouse n | rouse v | row v | rowt n | royal a | royal a (supp) | rub n | rubber n | rubber n (supp) | rubbing vbl n | rubbish n | ruckle v | ruckler n | rudder | rummage n | rummage v | rumper n | run n | run n (supp) | run v | run v (supp) | rung n | runner n | runner n (supp) | running ppl (supp) | running vbl n | rusty a, n | rut


sabine | sabot n | sac (supp) | sack 2 n | sack1 n | sack2 n (supp) | saddle n | saddleback n | saddleback n (supp) | saddler n | sadogue n | saffron n | sagger n | sagwa n | sail n | sail n (supp) | sailing vbl n | saine | salad | sally v | sally1 n | sally2 n | salmon n | salmon n (supp) | salmonier n | salmonier n (supp) | salmonry n | salt bulk n | salt bulk n (supp) | salt water n | salt water n (supp) | salt n | salt n (supp) | salt v | salt v (supp) | salter n | salter n (supp) | salting vbl n | salting vbl n (supp) | salvage a, n | salvationer n | salvationer n (supp) | | sapper n | saucy a | savanna n | save-cock n | save v | save v (supp) | saving ppl | saving ppl (supp) | saviour's letter n | saw n | saw v | sawboo* | say v | scab v | scad n | scad n (supp) | scaffold n | scaffold n (supp) | scaffold v | scaffold v (supp) | scaine | scalp1 | scalp2 | scarlet a | scat | scat v (supp) | scath* a | scatter | scatter v (supp) | scattered p ppl | scattered p ppl (supp) | scattering ppl | scent n | school | schooner n | schooner n (supp) | scithers n pl | scoff n | scoff n (supp) | scolly | scoop n | scoop n (supp) | scoopy a | scoot n | scooter n | scopin*, scopy* | score n | scotch a | scotch a (supp) | scote n | scote n (supp) | scote v | scote v (supp) | scoting vbl n (supp) | scout n | scow-ways a, av | scow* v | scrabble | scrad* | scrag n | scram | scrammed a | scrammed p ppl (supp) | scran1 n | scran2 | scrape1 n | scrape1 n (supp) | scrape2 | scrapers n pl | scraub | scraud | scravel n | scravel v | scravel v (supp) | scrawb | scrawd | scrawl v | scrawm v | scrawn* n | scred | screech n | screech n (supp) | screecher n | screecher n (supp) | screed n | screedless a | screw n | screw v | screwing vbl n | scribbler n | scribbler n (supp) | script n | script n (supp) | scrob n | scrob v | scrod n | scrod n (supp) | scroll n | scroop v | scroop v (supp) | scroople* v | scroopy a | scrope (supp) | scrub v | scrubber n | scruff n | scrugility* n | scrump v | scrunch n | scrunch v | scrunchins n pl | scrunchins n pl (supp) | scrunchy a | scrutility* | scuddling vbl n | scuddy a | scuff n | scuff n (supp) | scuff v (supp) | scull n | scull n (supp) | sculling vbl n | sculling vbl n (supp) | scully (supp) | scully* | sculp n | sculp n (supp) | sculp v | sculp v (supp) | sculpin n | sculpin n (supp) | sculping vbl n | sculping vbl n (supp) | scummy | scumshy* n | scun n | scun1 v | scun1 v (supp) | scun2 v | scun2 v (supp) | scunner n | scunner n (supp) | scunner v (supp) | scunning1 vbl n | scunning2 vbl n | scurr (supp) | scurrifunge* v | scurrifungeing* vbl n | scurry* | scurwink | scut n | scut v | scutter n | scutter n (supp) | scutter v | scutters n pl | scutty a | scythe | scyve | sea-pigeon n | sea n | sea n (supp) | seal n | seal n (supp) | seal v | sealer1 n | sealer2 n | sealing vbl n | sealing vbl n (supp) | sealskin n | sealskin n (supp) | seam n | seane | season n | season n (supp) | second num | second num (supp) | section n | sed | sedentary a | see v (supp) | seedy a | seeny-sawney n | seine n | seine n (supp) | semi-dry | send n | send n (supp) | send v | send v (supp) | sennet n | sermon n | servant1 n | servant1 n (supp) | servant2 | serve v | service v | sess | set n | set p ppl | set v (supp) | settle n | settle n (supp) | settle v (supp) | settlement n | settlement n (supp) | settler n | settling vbl n | settling vbl n (supp) | seven num | sevens n | sevenses | sewell n | sewell v | shack 2 v | shack n | shack v (supp) | shack1 v | shade* | shader* | shag n | shag n (supp) | shaig | shaky-bog n | shall | shallop n | shallop n (supp) | shalloway n | shalloway n (supp) | shard n | share n | share v | shareman n | shareman n (supp) | sharoosed p ppl | shaugraun n | shaul n | shaul v | shaves n pl (supp) | shaves* n pl | shaving(s) n (supp) | shavings n pl | shayt | she pro | she pro (supp) | shears n pl | sheath n | sheath n (supp) | sheathe v | sheathing vbl n | sheave v | sheave v (supp) | shebeen n | shebeen n (supp) | shebeener n | shebeening vbl n (supp) | shee-shee | sheebeen | sheep n | sheer1 v | sheer2 v | sheering vbl n | sheet1 n | sheet2 | sheeter n | sheeve | sheila n | sheila n (supp) | shell-bird n | shell-bird n (supp) | shem | shepherd n | sherway | sheveen* | shift n | shift v | shift v (supp) | shilling n | shim n | shim n (supp) | shimmick n | shimmick n (supp) | shinnicked* p ppl | shinny v | shinny v (supp) | ship n | ship n (supp) | ship v | ship v (supp) | shipping vbl n | shipping vbl n (supp) | shive* v | shivery a | shoal 2 n | shoal a | shoal n (supp) | shoal1 n | shoar | shocking intens | shoe v | shoo n | shoot 1 v | shoot1 n, usu pl | shoot1 v (supp) | shoot2 v | shoot2 n | shooting vbl n | shop | shore 2 n | shore1 n | shore1 n (supp) | shore2 n (supp) | shoreman n | shoreyer n | shorier | short a | shorten v | shot n | shot n (supp) | shoulder n | shove n | shovel n | shovings n pl | shovy* | show v | shroud n, usu pl | shuck int | shuck n | shuck n (supp) | shuck v | shuck2 v (supp) | shuff n | shuff v | shuff v (supp) | shute | sick a | sid* | side n | side n (supp) | sideling a | sideling a (supp) | siding vbl n | sieve | sign n | sign n (supp) | sile | silk n | silk n (supp) | silky a | silver thaw n | silver thaw n (supp) | silver n | silver n (supp) | simon saw* n (supp) | simon-saw* n | simple n | sin n | sin n (supp) | sina n | sina n (supp) | sing v | sing v (supp) | single a | single a (supp) | sinker n | sinker n (supp) | sinks n pl | sinna (supp) | sintiffin* | sir samuel n | sish n (supp) | sish n, imit | sish v | sishy a | siss v | sive n | skad | skate v | skeety | skeg n | skein n | skeleton n | skents n pl | skerries n pl | skerry* n | skerry* n (supp) | skerry* v | skerwink n | skerwink n (supp) | sketch n | sketch n (supp) | sketch v | sketch v (supp) | skid n | skid n (supp) | skiddy (supp) | skier n | skiff n | skiff n (supp) | skig n | skim v | skimmer n | skimmy n | skimo n | skin n | skin n (supp) | skin v | skin v (supp) | skinner n | skinner n (supp) | skinning vbl n | skinning vbl n (supp) | skinny-wopper n | skinny a | skip v | skipper n | skipper n (supp) | skipper v | skipper v (supp) | skirr v | skirr v (supp) | skirt n | skirwink (supp) | skit*1 n | skit*2 | skit v | skitter n | skitter v | skitty1 n | skitty2 n | skitty2 n (supp) | skiver n | skiver v | skolly* | skully n | skulp | skun | skunk n | slab1 n (supp) | slab2 n (supp) | slack a | slack a (supp) | slack v | slack v (supp) | slam n | slapper | slat v | slatch n | slatchy a | slatter n | slawm* n | slawmeen* n | sleepy a | sleepy a (supp) | sleeveen n | sleeveen n (supp) | sleeveen v | sleeveen v (supp) | sleiveen | slether | sleveen | slew n | slew v | slew v (supp) | slewed p ppl | slice n | slice n (supp) | slicker n | slide n | slide n (supp) | slide v | slide v (supp) | slider n | sliding n | slieveen | slim n | slime n | slimy a | slindge | slindger | sling n | sling n (supp) | slinge v | slinger n | slingey a | slink n | slink n (supp) | slinky a | slinky a (supp) | slip v | slip v (supp) | slip1 n | slip2 n | slip2 n (supp) | slither v | slob n | slob n (supp) | slob v | slobby a | slobby a (supp) | sloe n | slommocky a | sloo | slop1 n | slop2 | sloppy a | slottery a | slouch n | slough n | slouse v | slouse v (supp) | sloven n | slowcome n | slub1 n | slub1 n (supp) | slub2 | slubby a | slubby a (supp) | slue | slut n | slut n (supp) | smack1 n | smack2 n | small a | small a (supp) | smallagen n | smallwood n | smallwood n (supp) | smart a | smart a (supp) | smatchy a | smatter v | smeachy a | smear n | smeech n (supp) | smell n | smeller n | smert v | smert* n | smoke n | smoked p ppl | smoky a | smoochin' n | smop | smother n | smothered p ppl | smouch v | smut n | smutty n | snagle n | snail n | snake n | snap-apple n | snapper n | snappering ppl | snarbuckle n | snare n (supp) | snarly n | snatch v | snaz n | snig n | snig v | snig v (supp) | snip v | snite n | sno* | snock v | snog v | snop v | snot | snotty a | snow n | snow n (supp) | snowchy a | snowly a | snub1 n | snub2 n | snubber v | snubby | so intens | so intens (supp) | soak v | soaker n | sod n | sod n (supp) | sod v | sod v (supp) | soddy a | soft a | soft a (supp) | softs n pl | sog v | soil | soiler | soiree n | soiree n (supp) | soldier | soldier n | soldier n (supp) | solid a | solly* | solomon gosse n (supp) | solomon gosse proper n | some(times) | some intens | some intens (supp) | something n | something n (supp) | son n | son n (supp) | sook n | sook n (supp) | sooky a | sooky a (supp) | sooky n | sou'wester n | sou'wester n (supp) | sound n | sound n (supp) | souse av | souse v | south-wester | southard n | southard n (supp) | souther a | southern a, av | southern a, av (supp) | southerner n | spall n | span n | span v | span v (supp) | spancel n | spancel v | spanish a | spanker n (supp) | spanner n | spantickle n | spantickle n (supp) | spar n | spar v | sparable n | sparable n (supp) | sparabled p ppl | sparble | sparchy a | spare road | sparkle v | sparrow n | spaug n | spawn n | spawn v | spawny a | spear n (supp) | spell n | spell n (supp) | spell v | spell v (supp) | spelling vbl n | sperking | spile v | spill n | spill v | spill* | spiller | spilter | spilting | spirit duck (supp) | spirking n | spirt | spit n | spit v | spity a | spity a (supp) | splayer n | splice n | splice v | splice v (supp) | splinter n | splinter n (supp) | splinter v | split n | split n (supp) | split p ppl | split p ppl (supp) | split v | split v (supp) | splitter n | splitter n (supp) | splitting vbl n | splitting vbl n (supp) | spoil | spoon n usu pl (supp) | spot n | spot n (supp) | spotted p ppl | spottedy a | spotter n | spraddle v | spraw-foot n | spraw-foot n (supp) | spray n (supp) | sprayed p ppl | spread n | spread v | spread v (supp) | spreader n | spreading n | spring1 n | spring1 n (supp) | spring2 n | spring2 n (supp) | springe | springy a (supp) | sprinkle1 n, usu pl | sprinkle2 n | sprite n (supp) | spritsail n | spritsail n (supp) | sprog n | sprog n (supp) | sprong n | sprong v | spruce n | spruce n (supp) | spry n | spry n (supp) | spuddle v | spudgel n | spur-shore n | spur-shore n (supp) | spurt n | spurt n (supp) | spurt v | spurwink | spy n, v | spy n, v (supp) | squabby a | squad n | squail* | squall | squalling ppl | square a | square a (supp) | square n | square v | square v (supp) | squarefore n | squashberry n | squashberry n (supp) | squashy n | squat v | squat v (supp) | squatter n | squatum n | squeaker n | squealing hawk | squeezy a | squid squall n | squid squall n (supp) | squid n | squid n (supp) | squid v | squid v (supp) | squidding vbl n | squile | squirt v | squirt v (supp) | squirts n pl | squish | squoil v | st john's n | st john's n (supp) | st joseph n | st patrick | st peter's n | st peter's n (supp) | st stephen n | st tib | stabber n | stack n (supp) | stag1 n | stag2 n | stage head n | stage head n (supp) | stage n | stage n (supp) | stain n | stake n | stake v | stalk n | stalk* n | stalkish | stalky a | stall fed a | stall n | stalligan* | stamp n | stamp n (supp) | stanchion n | stand v | stand v (supp) | standard a (supp) | standard n (supp) | stander n | standing ppl, vbl n | standing vbl n (supp) | staneen n | staple n | stark intens | starky a | starrigan n | starrigan n (supp) | start intens (supp) | start n | start v | starve v | statigan* | station n | station n (supp) | stationary a | stationer n | stationer n (supp) | stave n | stave n (supp) | stawkin* | stay up v phr | steady a | steady n (supp) | steady n, a | steam n | steam n (supp) | steam v | steam v (supp) | steamer n | stearin | stearin n (supp) | steel n | steel v | steerin(g) | steering vbl n | steering vbl n (supp) | steeve v | stem n | stent | step n | step v | stephenses day | stepmother n | steppy cock n | stern n | sterriky* | stick n | stick n (supp) | sticking ppl | stiel n | stiffle v | stiffle v (supp) | still n | still n (supp) | sting v | sting v (supp) | stinker n | stint n | stirty* a | stitch v (supp) | stock n | stock n (supp) | stodge v (supp) | stog v | stog v (supp) | stogger n | stogger n (supp) | stogging vbl n (supp) | stoggy a | stomach n | stomach n (supp) | stomachy a | stone n | stookawn n | stookawn n (supp) | stool n | stoopawn* (supp) | stop n | stop v | stop v (supp) | stopper n | stopper n (supp) | store n | store n (supp) | storm n | storm n (supp) | storm v | story n (supp) | stout n | stout n (supp) | stouter | stoutish a | stove n | strad n | strad v | stradding n | straight a | straight a (supp) | straighten v | straighten v (supp) | strain n | straits n pl | straits n pl (supp) | strange a | strange a (supp) | stranger n | strap n | strap n (supp) | strap v (supp) | straw n | stray-line n | streel n | streel v | streel v (supp) | streelish a | streelish a (supp) | street n | stretcher n | stribbins* | strife n | strike v | strike v (supp) | striker n | striker n (supp) | string n | string n (supp) | string v | strip v | striped-head n | strippings n pl | strong a | stroud* n | strouter n | stud n | stud n (supp) | stud1 v | stud1 v (supp) | stud2 v | studden a | studden a (supp) | studdle n | studdy | stump n | stump v | stumper n (supp) | stun breeze n | stun a | stun a (supp) | stun v | stun v (supp) | stunned | suad | suant a, av | suant a, av (supp) | sud line n | sud line n (supp) | sugar n | sulick* n | sulky n | summer n | summer n (supp) | sun n | sun n (supp) | sunday n | sunken p ppl | sunken p ppl (supp) | sunker n | sunker n (supp) | sunning vbl n | supercargo n | superior n | | | suther | swab n | swab v | swaddler n | swaddling ppl | swale | swaling | swallow n | swally v , n (supp) | swamp n | swamper n | swank v | swanskin n | swanskin n (supp) | swarve* v | swash (supp) | swatch n | swatch n (supp) | swatch v | swatch v (supp) | swatcher n | swatching vbl n | swatchy a (supp) | sweat n | sweat v | sweep v | sweet a | sweet a (supp) | sweetie n | sweetness n (supp) | swile | swiler | swiling | swing n | swing v | swinge v | swingeing vbl n | swinging ppl | swinging ppl (supp) | swish1 n | swish1 n (supp) | swish2 | switch n | switch v | switchel n | switchel n (supp) | swivel n | swoil(e) | swoiler | swoiling | swordfish n | synagogue n | syrup n | syrup n (supp)


T D n | T D n (supp) | t- | T | tabanask n | tabanask n (supp) | tabbety* | tabby n | tabby v | table | table n (supp) | tack n (supp) | tack v (supp) | tack1 n | tack2 n | tacker n | tackle v | tackling n | tackling n (supp) | taffety a | tai12 v | tail n | tail n (supp) | tail1 v | tail1 v (supp) | tail2 v (supp) | tailing n | taint v | taiscown | take n | take v | take v (supp) | taker n | tal qual av phr | tal qual av phr (supp) | talk v | talk v (supp) | tally1 n | tally1 n (supp) | tally1 v | tally1 v (supp) | tally2 n | tally2 v | tally3 n | tallying vbl n | tallywack n | tallywacking vbl n | tan n | tan n (supp) | tangler n | tank n | tannel* n | tanner*1 | tanner*2 | tanning vbl n (supp) | tansy1 n | tansy1 n (supp) | tansy2 n | tansy2 n (supp) | tant a | tant a (supp) | tant* | tap n | tar n | tar n (supp) | tare n | tat n (supp) | tatie n | tatie n (supp) | tatter n | tattle-tongue n | tatty v | taunt | taut a | taut* n | tavern n | tavern n (supp) | tawt n | tawt n (supp) | tayscaun n | tea n | tea n (supp) | teak n | tee n | teel | teeveen n | tell the roast | tend v (supp) | terra nova n (supp) | terrible a, intens | th- | thank v | that | that sg subs (supp) | thatch n | thaw | thawt | the: the once; the year | theeveen* | them pl det | thert* | these pl det | these pl det (supp) | they pro (supp) | thick a | thick a (supp) | thief n | thigh n | thigh n (supp) | thimble n | thirds n pl | this det | this det (supp) | thole-pin | thorn n (supp) | thornback n | thort | those pl det | those pl det (supp) | thousand n | thousand n (supp) | thrashberry n | thrasher-wood berry | thrasher n | thread v | thread v (supp) | threaten v | three num | throat v | throater n | thronger n | throttles n pl | through prep | throw v | thrum n | thumb n | thumby n | thunder n | thwart v | tib's eve n | tibbage n | tibbage n (supp) | tibbish | tibeesh | tick v | tickalass | tickelace | ticket n | ticket n (supp) | ticklace n | ticklace n (supp) | tickle-ass | tickle a | tickle n | tickle n (supp) | tickleace | tickler n (supp) | ticklesome a | tiddle v | tiddly n | tide n | tide n (supp) | tidy a | tie v | tie* v (supp) | tier n | tierce n (supp) | tiffin* n | tight a | tighten v | tiller n | tilly n | tilly n (supp) | tilt n | tilt n (supp) | tilt v | tilt v (supp) | timber n (supp) | timber v | time n | time n (supp) | timmy noggy* | | tinnen a | tint* | tintacks* n | tip v | tippy n | tippy v | tipsy eve | tipsy | tished p ppl | tiss v imit | tissy a | tissy n | titter* n | to prep, prefix | tobacco n | tod n | todge n (supp) | todger n | toe n (supp) | toggle1 n | toggle1 n (supp) | toggle2 n | toggle2 n (supp) | token n | tol squoll | tole pin n | tole pin n (supp) | toll n | toll v | toll v (supp) | toller n | tolt n | tolt n (supp) | tom cod n | tom cod n (supp) | tom n | tommy n | tommy n (supp) | ton n | tongue n | tongue n (supp) | toothache n | tooting ppl | top n | top v | top v (supp) | topsail n | torbay n | torbay n (supp) | torch n | tossel* n, v | totty n | tough a | touse n (supp) | tout n (supp) | toutin n | toutin n (supp) | tow pin* | tow v | tow v (supp) | tow* | tow* a | tow1 n | tow2 n | tow2 n (supp) | town n | towny n | towny n (supp) | towtent | towy a | track n | tracking n | trade n | trade v (supp) | trader n | trader n (supp) | trading vbl n | train1 n | train2 n | train2 n (supp) | tramps v | trap v | trap v (supp) | trap1 n | trap1 n (supp) | trap2 n | trap2 n (supp) | trapper n (supp) | trapping vbl n | trapping vbl n (supp) | travel n | travel v | traveller n | trawl n | trawl n (supp) | tread n | tread n (supp) | treason n (supp) | treaty n | treckly | trench v | trenching vbl n | trend n | triangle v | trickle* v (supp) | trigger n | trigger n (supp) | trim v | trim v (supp) | trimmer n (supp) | trimming vbl n (supp) | trip n | trip n (supp) | trip v | trouble n | trouble n (supp) | trounce v | trouncer n | trout v (supp) | trout n | trout n (supp) | trouter n | trouter n (supp) | trouting vbl n | trouting vbl n (supp) | truck1 n | truck1 n (supp) | truck2 n | truck2 n (supp) | truckeying vbl n (supp) | truckle n | truckle v | truckly-muck n | trumpet n | trunk n | truss n (supp) | tub n | tub n (supp) | tuck v | tuck1 n | tuck1 n (supp) | tuck2 n | tuck2 n (supp) | tuckamore n | tuckamore n (supp) | tucken-more | tuckermel, tuckermill | tucking1 vbl n | tucking2 ppl | tuir | tumble n | tumbly a | tun n | tunnel n (supp) | turbot n | turn n | turn n (supp) | turn v | turn v (supp) | turned p ppl | turner n | turner n (supp) | turning ppl | turnip | turpentine n | turpentine n (supp) | turr n | turr n (supp) | turr v | turring vbl n | turt (supp) | tuttle line* n | twack n | twack n (supp) | twack v | twelfth-cake n (supp) | twet | twice av (supp) | twig n | twillick n | twillick n (supp) | twine n | twine n (supp) | twist n | twister n | twitchen n (supp) | twite v | two num | two num (supp) | tyer* n


un pro | un pro (supp) | uncle n | uncle n (supp) | underrun n (supp) | underrun v (supp) | unemployment n | unknown a | unmade a | unstrand v | unstrip v | up av (supp) | up av, prep | upalong av | upalong av (supp) | upper n | urge v | urrah | ursena n


v | vabish (supp) | vamp n | vamp n (supp) | vamp v | vamp v (supp) | vang n | vang n (supp) | var n | var n (supp) | varl | vat n | vat n (supp) | vee n | vee n (supp) | veerable a (supp) | veil n | vein n | vellum n | ven n | venomous a | venomy a | venture | vice-admiral n | vinegar n | vinnied a | vir (supp) | virgin a | virtue n | vitrid a | voyage n | voyage n (supp) | vrore


wabble n (supp) | wabble* n | wabby | wad n | wad n (supp) | wadden n | waddock n | wag n | wage n | wage n (supp) | wagel n | wagon n | wagon n (supp) | wagtail n | wait-a-minute n | wake n | waking vbl n | walk n | walk v | walk v (supp) | wall n | wall n (supp) | wallop v | wamby | wangle n | wap | waps | warm a, n | warm n (supp) | warp v | warping vbl n | wash n | wash n (supp) | wash v | wash v (supp) | washer n | washing vbl n | wasp | watch n | watcher n | water-horse n | water-horse n (supp) | water-horse v | water n | water n (supp) | water v | water v (supp) | watering vbl n | watering vbl n (supp) | watery a (supp) | waubbe | wave n (supp) | wavy n (supp) | way n | way n (supp) | we pro (supp) | weak n | weather n | weather n (supp) | weatherish a | web n (supp) | web* | wee-gee n, v | ween n | weep v | weft* | weigh-de-buckedy n | weight n | welt n | wesleyan a | west a | west a (supp) | west n | wester a | wester n (supp) | western a | western a (supp) | western av | wet a | wet v | wet v (supp) | wet* | wexford n | whabby n | whabby n (supp) | whale n | whaler n | whanger n (supp) | wheel n | wheel n (supp) | whelp v | whelp v (supp) | whelp1 n | whelp2 n | whelping vbl n | whelping vbl n (supp) | whey n | whiffen, whiffet | whinker v, n | whip n | whip n (supp) | whirlygig n | whirra n | whirry-hole* n | whisker1 n | whisker1 n (supp) | whisker2 | whist | whistle n | whistling ppl | white-fish n | white-fish n (supp) | white a | white a (supp) | whiting n | whiting n (supp) | whittle n | whittled p ppl | whizgigging vbl n | who int pro | who int pro (supp) | whobby | whooper | whore's egg | whort | wib* | wicker n | widdy | widow n | widow n (supp) | wif(t)* | wig n | wild a | wild a (supp) | willem* n | willem* n (supp) | willow n | wincy* n | wind n | wind n (supp) | windly a | window n | windshook ppl a (supp) | wine n (supp) | wing n | wing n (supp) | wing v | wing v (supp) | winging vbl n | wink n | winker | winker2 n (supp) | winnish | winter n | winter n (supp) | winterer n | wit-rod* | wit* | witch-hazel n | witch-hazel n (supp) | witch n | withe-rod n | withe-rod n (supp) | withe n | withe n (supp) | withy n | withy n (supp) | wizard n | wobble* | wobby (supp) | woman n | wonderful a, intens | wood(s) n, n pl | wood(s) n, p pl (supp) | wooden a | wooge* | woolage* n | wop1 n | wop1 n (supp) | wop2 n | wops | word v | word v (supp) | work v | wormul n | wrangle-gangle a | wrapper n | wreck n | wren n | wriggle | wring v | wrinkle1 n | wrinkle1 n (supp) | wrinkle2 n | writh n


There are no entries for this letter.


yaffle n | yaffle n (supp) | yaffle v | yaffle v (supp) | yaffling vbl n | yankee a | yardel n, v | yarkin(g) n | yarkin(g) n (supp) | yary a | yary a (supp) | yawny a | ye pro | ye pro (supp) | yellow a | yellow a (supp) | yes-ma'am n | yess n | yess n (supp) | yo-yo n (supp) | yoke n | yop n, v | yorkin(g)* | young fellow n | young fellow n (supp) | young a | young a (supp) | youngster n | youse* pro, usu pl (supp) | yuck v (supp)


zad* n | zosweet n (supp)

Erstellt: 2009-04







Engl. "Melrose" hat nichts mit einer "Rose" zu tun, sondern geht zurück auf kelt. "mail-rhos" = dt. "bestellte, bewirtschaftete Wiese".

Die Stadt "Melrose" in Kanada erhielt ihren Namen möglicherweise von Einwanderern aus dem Schottischen "Melrose".


Melrose (town)

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Engl. "Melrose" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1630 auf.

Erstellt: 2013-03


Newfoundland and Labrador (W3)


The first English colony in what would become Canada was established here in 1611 by a group of Devon fishermen.

The coast of Labrador became part of Newfoundland in 1809. One hundred and forty years later, Newfoundland joined the confederation. The official name became Newfoundland and Labrador in 1964.

Notre Dame Junction (W3)

"Notre Dame", das wörtlich "unsere Frau", "unsere Herrin" bedeutet, und für "Jungfrau Maria" steht, findet man in vielen Namen für französische Kirchen, die ihr geweiht wurden.

Vermutlich mit französischen Einwanderern kam "Notre Dame" auch nach Kanada.









Uni Laval
L'aménagement linguistique dans Terre-Neuve
Langues dans Terre-Neuve



(anglais ) = CND


Vinland (W3)

Die Wikinger sollen um das Jahr 1000 die Nordküste von Amerika erreicht haben und es als "Vinland" bezeichnet haben. Über die Reiseroute und den oder die Landeplätze gibt es immer wieder Diskussionen. Auch die Bezeichnung "Vinland" ist bis heute nicht abschließend geklärt. An der heutigen kanadischen Küste wird "L’Anse aux Meadows" zwischen Labrador und Neufundland als Siedlungsort der Vikinger angenommen.

Neben der Deutung von "Vinland" als "Weinland" gibt es auch die Deutung als "Grasland" mit Bezug auf altnorw. "vin" = dt. "Gras", "Wiese". Mir persönlich scheint die Interpretation als "Weideland" die naheliegenste zu sein. Immerhin hatte der Wikinger "Erich der Rote" bereits den Marketing-Einfall, das von ihm entdeckte Land als "Grönland" = dt. "Grünland" anzupreisen um Siedler zum Nachzug zu bewegen.

Der heutige Ort "Vinland" in Wisconsin hat sicherlich nichts mit dem historischen "Vinland" zu tun. Möglich wäre jedoch, dass die Namensgeber darauf Bezug nehmen wollten.


02/08/2002 - Vinland, le pays qui n’a jamais existé - Monde


Vinland, le pays qui n’a jamais existé


Es gilt als erwiesen: Die Wikinger haben von Grönland aus 500 Jahre vor Kolumbus Amerika erreicht. Neue Forschungen bieten nun Ergebnisse zum Wikinger-Aufenthalt in Neufundland, im sagenhaften „Vinland“.

Vinland-Rätsel gelöst


Vinland (town) Winnebago County


The Vinland Map





a region in E North America variously identified as a place between Newfoundland and Virginia: visited and described by Norsemen about a.d.


The Vinland Map

In the early 1960s, something called the "Vinland map" was uncovered. It became famous because it proved that Vikings came to America before Columbus. It seemed to be a map of the North Atlantic as drawn from Scandinavian discoveries between 800 and 1100 CE, well before western Europe's great Age of Exploration that began in 1400. It was announced by Yale University in the early 1960s, receiving much fanfare, and much skepticism.


Höchstwahrscheinlich handelte es sich um die Bucht von Massachusetts an der nordatlantischen Ostküste der USA an der Stelle der heutigen Stadt Boston. Siehe auch unter USA.


L’Anse aux Meadows ist eine ehemalige isländisch-grönländische Siedlung auf Neufundland, die vor allem in der angelsächsischen Literatur undifferenziert Wikingern (Vikings) zugeschrieben wird. Sie liegt am nördlichsten Ende der Insel und bestand um 1000 nur wenige Jahre lang.

Der Ortsname ist eine französisch-englische Mischform wie sie häufig im östlichen Kanada vorkommt und bedeutet so viel wie „Die Bucht bei den Wiesen“ (frz. anse „Bucht“, engl. meadow „Wiese“). Der Name könnte aber auch eine Verformung des französischen L’Anse-aux-Méduses sein („Quallen-Bucht“).


Der Name "Vinland" rührt von den „Weinreben“, die der deutschsprachige Ziehvater Tyrkir, der Leif Eriksson begleitete, dort gefunden haben soll. In jüngster Zeit sind Diskussionen über den Ursprung des Namens entstanden. "Vin" hat im Altnordischen zwei Bedeutungen: Mit einem Akzent auf dem "i" (also "í") bedeutet es "Wein", ohne Akzent "Weide" oder "Farm" (der Sprachwissenschaftler Einar Haugen meinte, dass die Bedeutung "Weide" im 10./11. Jahrhundert auf Island und in den meisten Teilen der nordischen Welt wahrscheinlich sehr ungebräuchlich bis unbekannt gewesen sei). Die grönländischen Siedler könnten von den grünen Weiden beeindruckt gewesen sein, im Vergleich zu dem kargen Grönlandboden. Folglich kann das Land als "Weideland" bezeichnet worden sein. Es besteht die Möglichkeit einer Umdeutung des "Weidelands" zum "Weinland", welches sich größerer Beliebtheit erfreute. Sollte sich der Name "Vinland", wie ursprünglich angenommen, von "Weinland" herleiten, könnten entweder Reben wilden nordamerikanischen Weines (dessen Trauben wohl aber mehr oder minder ungenießbar sind) die Anregung zu diesem Namen gegeben haben oder das Land wurde nach anderen wilden Beeren benannt, was vielleicht wahrscheinlicher ist, da zumindest die Grænlendingar wahrscheinlich noch nie Weinreben oder Weintrauben gesehen hatten.


Vinland is a town in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,765 at the 2010 census. The unincorporated community of Allenville is located in the town.

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Dt. "Vinland" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1770 / 1820 auf.

Erstellt: 2014-11