Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
CA Kanada, Canadá, Canada, Canada, Canada, (esper.) Kanado
Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj
Provinz, Provincia, Province, Provincia, Province
Territorien, Territoire, Territories
Neubraunschweig, Nouveau-Brunswick, New Brunswick
Fredericton, Fredericton, Fredericton
Canterbury (village), York County (W3)
Der Ort "Canterbury" in Kanada beruft sich auf Thomas Manners Sutton, Lord Canterbury, als Namensspender.
The community was named for Canterbury Parish, which was named for Thomas Manners Sutton, Lord Canterbury.
Erstellt: 2013-05
epodunk - Community-Profiles (CA, NB)
Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu den Städten von New Brunswick auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The community was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.
(2008-02-24) Our listings for New Brunswick include the following communities:
- Acadieville, Kent County
- Aldouane
- Allardville, Gloucester County
- Alma (village), Albert County
- Aroostook (village), Victoria County
- Atholville (village), Restigouche County
- Baie-Sainte-Anne
- Bailey
- Baker Brook (village), Madawaska County
- Balmoral (village), Restigouche County
- Barachois
- Barnaby River
- Bartibog Station
- Bas-Caraquet (village), Gloucester County
- Bath (village), Carleton County
- Bathurst (city), Gloucester County
- Bayfield
- Beaver Brook Station
- Belledune (village), Restigouche County
- Benton
- Beresford (town), Gloucester County
- Berry Mills
- Bertrand (village), Gloucester County
- Blacks Harbour (village), Charlotte County
- Blackville (village), Northumberland County
- Blissfield, Northumberland County
- Blissville, Sunbury County
- Boiestown
- Bouctouche (town), Kent County
- Bristol (village), Carleton County
- Burnsville
- Burnt Church
- Burton, Sunbury County
- Busby
- Cambridge-Narrows (village), Queens County
- Campbellton (city), Restigouche County
- Campobello Island
- Cap-Pele (village), Westmorland County
- Cape Enrage
- Cape Tormentine
- Caraquet (town)
- Centreville (village), Carleton County
- Charlo (village), Restigouche County
- Chatham, Northumberland County
- Chipman (village), Queens County
- Clair (village), Madawaska County
- Clarendon, Charlotte County
- Coal Creek
- Codys
- Connors
- Coverdale, Albert County
- Cross Creek Station
- Cumberland Bay
- Dalhousie (town), Restigouche County
- Dalhousie Junction
- Debec
- Derby, Northumberland County
- Dieppe (town), Westmorland County
- Doaktown (village), Northumberland County
- Dorchester (village), Westmorland County
- Douglas, York County
- Douglastown, Northumberland County
- Drummond (village), Victoria County
- Dufferin, Charlotte County
- Dumbarton, Charlotte County
- Dumfries, York County
- Dundas, Kent County
- Durham Bridge
- Edmundston (city), Madawaska County
- Eel River Crossing (village), Restigouche County
- Elgin, Albert County
- Evandale
- Fairhaven, Charlotte County
- Florenceville (village), Carleton County
- Fredericton (city), York County
- Fredericton Junction (village), Sunbury County
- Gagetown (village), Queens County
- Glassville
- Grand Bay-Westfield (town), Kings County
- Grand Falls (town), Victoria County
- Grand Manan (village), Charlotte County
- Grande-Anse (village), Gloucester County
- Grande-Digue
- Green River
- Hampstead, Queens County
- Hampton (town), Kings County
- Harcourt, Kent County
- Hardwicke, Northumberland County
- Hartland (town), Carleton County
- Harvey (village), York County
- Havelock, Kings County
- Highfield
- Hillsborough (village), Albert County
- Hopewell Cape
- Hopewell Hill
- Inkerman, Gloucester County
- Jacquet River
- Janeville
- Juniper Station
- Kars, Kings County
- Kedgwick (village), Restigouche County
- Kingsclear, York County
- Kingston, Kings County
- Kouchibouguac
- Lac Baker (village), Madawaska County
- Lakeburn
- Lambertville, Charlotte County
- Lameque (town), Gloucester County
- Le Goulet (village), Gloucester County
- Leonardville, Charlotte County
- Lepreau, Charlotte County
- Letete
- Lincoln, Sunbury County
- Loggieville, Northumberland County
- Lords Cove, Charlotte County
- Lorne, Victoria County
- Lorneville, Saint John County
- Ludlow, Northumberland County
- Mactaquac
- Magaguadavic
- Maisonnette (village), Gloucester County
- Manners Sutton, York County
- Maugerville, Sunbury County
- McAdam (village), York County
- McGivney
- McNamee
- Meductic (village), York County
- Memramcook (village), Westmorland County
- Middle Sackville
- Millerton
- Millville (village), York County
- Minto (village), Queens County
- Miramichi (city), Northumberland County
- Moncton (city), Westmorland County
- Moores Mills
- Mouth of Keswick
- Murray Corner
- Musquash, Saint John County
- Nackawic (town), York County
- Napadogan
- Nashwaak Bridge
- Nauwigewauk
- Neguac (village), Northumberland County
- Nelson-Miramichi, Northumberland County
- New Bandon, Gloucester County
- New Denmark
- New Maryland (village), York County
- New River Beach
- Newcastle, Northumberland County
- Newcastle Bridge
- Nigadoo (village), Gloucester County
- North Devon
- North Head
- North Lake, York County
- Northampton, Carleton County
- Norton (village), Kings County
- Oak Bay
- Oromocto (town), Sunbury County
- Paquetville (village), Gloucester County
- Peel, Carleton County
- Pennfield, Charlotte County
- Pennfield Ridge
- Perth-Andover (village), Victoria County
- Petit Rocher (village), Gloucester County
- Petitcodiac (village), Westmorland County
- Plas=ter Rock (village), Victoria County
- Pocologan
- Pointe-Canot
- Pointe-du-Chene
- Pointe-Verte (village), Gloucester County
- Pokeshaw
- Port Elgin (village), Westmorland County
- Prince William, York County
- Quarryville
- Quispamsis (town), Kings County
- Red Rapids
- Renous
- Rexton (village), Kent County
- Richardson, Charlotte County
- Richibucto (town), Kent County
- Ripples
- River Charlo
- River de Chute
- Riverside-Albert (village), Albert County
- Riverview (town), Albert County
- Riviere-Verte (village), Madawaska County
- Rogersville (village), Northumberland County
- Rosborough Settlement
- Rothesay (town), Kings County
- Sackville (town), Westmorland County
- Saint John (city), Saint John County
- Saint-Antoine (village), Kent County
- Saint-Basile, Madawaska County
- Saint-Charles, Kent County
- Saint-Francois de Madawaska (village), Madawaska County
- Saint-Isidore (village), Gloucester County
- Saint-Jacques, Madawaska County
- Saint-Leolin (village), Gloucester County
- Saint-Louis de Kent (village), Kent County
- Saint-Paul, Kent County
- Saint-Quentin (town), Restigouche County
- Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska (village), Madawaska County
- Sainte-Marie-de-Kent
- Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphael (village), Gloucester County
- Salisbury (village), Westmorland County
- Scoudouc
- Shediac (town), Westmorland County
- Sheffield, Sunbury County
- Shemogue
- Shippagan (town), Gloucester County
- Simonds, Carleton County
- Southampton, York County
- Springfield, Kings County
- St. Andre (village), Madawaska County
- St. Andrews (town), Charlotte County
- St. Croix, Charlotte County
- St. George (town), Charlotte County
- St. Hilaire (village), Madawaska County
- St. Leonard (town), Madawaska County
- St. Martins (village), Saint John County
- St. Stephen (town), Charlotte County
- Stanley (village), York County
- Stonehaven
- Summerville
- Suss (village)
- Sussex (town), Kings County
- Three Brooks
- Tide Head (village), Restigouche County
- Tobique Narrows
- Tracadie-Sheila (town), Gloucester County
- Tracy (village), Sunbury County
- Upham, Kings County
- Upper Blackville
- Upsalquitch
- Wakefield, Carleton County
- Waterborough, Queens County
- Waterford, Kings County
- Waterside
- Waweig
- Welshpool
- Westfield, Kings County
- Westfield Beach
- Whitney
- Wickham, Queens County
- Wicklow, Carleton County
- Wilmot, Carleton County
- Woodstock (town), Carleton County
New Brunswick (W3)
The province, separated from Nova Scotia in 1784, was named for the royal "House of Brunswick".
Notre-Dame (W3)
"Notre-Dame", das wörtlich "unsere Frau", "unsere Herrin" bedeutet, und für "Jungfrau Maria" steht, findet man in vielen Namen für französische Kirchen.
Notre-Dame is in the province of New Brunswick.
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Madawaska County (W3)
"Notre-Dame", das wörtlich "unsere Frau", "unsere Herrin" bedeutet, und für "Jungfrau Maria" steht, findet man in vielen Namen für französische Kirchen.
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes is in Madawaska County, in the province of New Brunswick.
Notre-Dame-des-Erables (W3)
"Notre-Dame", das wörtlich "unsere Frau", "unsere Herrin" bedeutet, und für "Jungfrau Maria" steht, findet man in vielen Namen für französische Kirchen.
Notre-Dame-des-Erables is in the province of New Brunswick.
Uni Laval
L'aménagement linguistique dans Nouveau-Brunswick
Langues dans Nouveau-Brunswick
(anglais-français) = CND
Dt. "Akadien", frz. "l'Acadie", engl. "Acadia" ist die Bezeichnung für ehemaligen französischen Besitzungen in Kanada südöstlich der Mündung des Sankt-Lorenz-Stromes. Dazu gehören die heutigen Provinzen Nova Scotia (CA), New Brunswick (CA), Teile Quebecs (CA) und Maine (US).
Histoire des Acadiens
- 1 La colonie française de l'Acadie (1604-1755)
- 2 La Nouvelle Acadie (1755 - aujourd'hui)
- 3 Évolution des établissements acadiens (cartes 1605-2000)
- 4 Bibliographie