Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
CA Kanada, Canadá, Canada, Canada, Canada, (esper.) Kanado
Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj

Provinz, Provincia, Province, Provincia, Province
Territorien, Territoire, Territories
Britisch Kolumbien, Colombie-Britannique, British Columbia
Victoria, Victoria, Victoria



British Columbia (W3)


Origin Notes and History:

The crown colony of "British Columbia" was proclaimed 19 November 1858, bounded by USA, Rocky Mountains, Finlay and Nass Rivers, excluding Vancouver Island and all other islands south of 52ş. The capital was "Fort Langley", followed by "New Westminster"; governor James Douglas. On 28 July 1863 the boundary was extended to 60ş latitude and 120ş longitude. The Colony of "Vancouver Island" and the Colony of "British Columbia" were united 19 November 1866; capital, "Victoria"; governor Frederick Seymour. "British Columbia" joined the Dominion of Canada as a province 20 July 1871; premier John Foster McCreight; lieutenant governor Joseph W. Trutch.

Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office

"British Columbia" is home to 34 Indigenous languages and 90+ dialects; the most linguistically diverse province in Canada. Indigenous Peoples have always named places and Indigenous place names, especially in the original languages of the land, help tell the story and deep history of this place we know today as "British Columbia".

Source: BC place name cards & correspondence, and/or research by BC Chief Geographer & Geographical Names Office staff.

Prior to settlement in 1846 of the boundary between British and United States territory west of the Rocky Mountains, most of present "British Columbia" was part of the jointly occupied "Oregon Territory". Thereafter, 11 March 1859, the colony of Vancouver's Island was established. As the name "Oregon" was kept by the US territory, the British mainland was left without a name except "New Caledonia", the name given by the North West Company fur traders to the central interior when they came in by Peace River (first permanent settlement, "Fort McLeod", 1805).

This name was proposed when colonial government for the mainland was being planned, but was questioned and referred to Queen Victoria, who replied: "The Queen has received Sir E. Bulwer Lytton's letter. If the name of "New Caledonia" is objected to as being already borne by another colony or island claimed by the French, it may be better to give the new colony west of the Rocky Mountains another name. "New Hanover", "New Cornwall", and "New Georgia" appear from the maps to be the names of subdivisions of that country, but do not appear on all maps. The only name which is given to the whole territory in every map the Queen has consulted is "Columbia", but as there exists also a "Columbia" in South America, and the citizens of the United States call their country also "Columbia", at least in poetry, "British Columbia" might be, in the Queen's opinion, the best name." (excerpt from 24 July 1858 letter to Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Colonial Secretary)
Source: Provincial Archives of BC "Place Names File" compiled 1945-1950 by A.G. Harvey from various sources, with subsequent additions

In 1792 Captain Robert Gray from Boston re-discovered the river which the Spaniards had named "Rio de San Roque" some 17 years earlier. Ignorant of the Spaniards' prior discovery, Gray named the great river after his ship, "the Columbia". In the following years it was natural enough that the vast area drained by the "Columbia River" should be referred to increasingly as the "Columbia country". When the Hudson's Bay Company set up two administrative areas west of the Rockies, they named the more northerly "New Caledonia" and the more southerly "Columbia". After the Treaty of Washington in 1846 fixed the 49th parallel as the boundary, most of the old HBC Department of Columbia became American. Somebody was bound to think of using "British Columbia" as a name for what was left north of the new boundary line. The person who took this final step was Queen Victoria.

Source: Akrigg, Helen B. and Akrigg, G.P.V; British Columbia Place Names; Sono Nis Press, Victoria 1986 /or University of British Columbia Press 1997


The province name derives from that of the Columbia River, which was was named for the ship Columbia.



Queen Victoria names British Columbia, 24 July 1858 24 - 24 Jul 1858

RCIN 5100111

In 1858, Queen Victoria was approached by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Secretary of State for the Colonies, about the name for the new colony which was prospering on the Pacific coast of North America. This letter from the Royal Archives shows the queen’s response. It states that if the French were using the proposed name "New Caledonia" for another colony (the archipelago in the South Pacific), perhaps it would be suitable for the territory to be named "British Columbia", as "Columbia" was the only name that already encompassed the entirety of its proposed extent on maps. The queen’s suggestion was accepted, and the colony of "British Columbia" was born.


Clinton (W3)


The village [Clinton, British Columbia, CA] was named for the colonial secretary, Lord Henry Clinton.

Erstellt: 2016-10



epodunk - Community-Profiles (CA, BC)

Meine Stichproben ergaben, dass es zur überwiegenden Anzahl der Informationen zu den Städten von British Columbia auch Hinweise zur Namensgebung gibt, die meist mit der Formel "The community was named ..." eingeleitet werden.
Dies rechtfertigt die Aufnahme im Etymologie-Portal.


COMMUNITIES LIST - British Columbia
(2008-02-24) Our listings for British Columbia include the following communities:







Kimberley (city) (W3)

Die Stadt "Kimberley" in Canada, British Columbia, wurde nach der Stadt "Kimberley" in Südafrika, Northern Cape, benannt.

Kimberley 15 Bilder


The community was likely named after the diamond-mining town of Kimberley, South Africa.

Erstellt: 2010-02




The Savary Island Encyclopedia


This site contains everything that you need to know about Savary Island.

Please note that it is still under construction, so if you spot any mistakes, please use the feedback form to point them out to me.

All Terms Aeolian sands | amalgamating properties | American Searocket | ancient dunes | Anderson House | Anne-Marie Harvey | aquifers | Arbutus | Ashworth Walk | ASIC (Association of the Savary Island Committee) | ASIC Area designations | Áyhus | Baldhip Rose | barge landing | Big-leaf Maple | Bluff Manor | Bob Townley | Bracken Fern | Brian's Way | Candystick | Chocolate Lily | Coast Douglas-fir | Columbian black-tailed deer | common garter snake | Crown Land Perimeter | Daryl Duke | Death Camas | Deer fern | deer mouse | depth chart | District Lots | DL 1372 | DL 1375 | Dock/Wharf | Documents | Douglas squirrel | Duck Bay | dune succession sequence | Dwarf Oregon Grape | Ecological Gifts Program | Ecology of Savary Island | Enchanted forest | Entire-leaved Gumweed | erosion | erosion control plantings | erosion rates map | Evening Primrose | Evergreen Huckleberry | Fire Department | First Point | fuel map | Garry Oak | George Ashworth | George Fawcett Drabble | Gladys Bloomfield | Grand Fir | Green's Point | groundwater | groynes | Harry Keefer | Harry Leroy Jenkins | Hartland Molson MacDougall | Helen Griffin | Helen Griffin's Savary Island | Herchmer Road | Indian Point | Indian Springs | infrastructure | John Green | John Green's Crown Grants | Kay ay Kwon | Keefer bay | Keevil House | kekuli | Kingarth | Lady Fern | Large-headed sedge | Laurence William Herchmer | little brown bat | Lot Amalgamation Fund | Louis Anderson | Mace Point | Magnetic Isle | Manson Passage | Maud Rees Sherman | Mermaid Rock | Nature Trust of BC | northern alligator lizard | northwestern garter snake | Oceanspray | Official Community plan (OCP) | Pacific Crab Apple | Pacific Harbour Seal | parabolic dunes | Patricia Crescent | Pleistocene deposits | points | Primrose Lane | property ownership distribution | protected areas (SILT) | PRRD | Punta de Romay | Quadra Sands | R.S. Sherman | Red Alder | Red Huckleberry | Red squirrel | Riggers | river otter | Rosemary Primrose | Royal Savary Hotel | Salal | Salmonberry | Savary's Island | Savary Island Christian Fellowship | Savary Island Committee | Savary Island Facts | Savary Island Heritage Society | Savary Lodge (McMaster House) | Savary Shores Improvement District | Scots broom | Scouring Rush | Seashore Lupin | Selling Savary (history of) | sensitive ecosystems | Shore Pine | SIDAC (Savary Island Dock Advisory Committee) | SILT (Savary Island Land Trust Society) | SIPOA (Savary Island Property Owners Association) | Sitka Willow | SIVFD (Savary Island Volunteer Fire Department) | Sliammon Nation | Snowberry | South Beach | Spiny Wood Fern | Spirit Tree | springs | steam donkey (Duck Bay) | Stradiotti reef | Subdivision of DL1372 and DL1373 | Sunny Sandy Savary | Sunset Trail | Sutherland Beach Trail | Swanson Cabin | Tall Oregon Grape | The Meadows | The Syndicate | Thurber Report | topography | Townley Walk | Trailing Blackberry | trails | Trillium BUY Law | Trite Lane | Vashon drift | Western Hemlock | Western Red Cedar | Western Sword Fern | Western White Pine | Western Yew |

Erstellt: 2016-06







Uni Laval
L'aménagement linguistique dans Colombie-Britannique
Langues dans Colombie-Britannique



(anglais) = CND


Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre Online

"vanaqua" steht für "Vancouver Aquarium".


VWS (W3)

"VWS" steht für "Valhalla Wilderness Society".


The Valhalla Wilderness Society was founded in 1975, in the small West Kootenay village of New Denver, British Columbia. It started as a group of local residents who wanted to save the forested slopes of the Valhalla Range in southeastern B.C. from logging. After an intensive eight-year campaign, Valhalla Provincial Park was won.