Australian National Placenames Survey (ANPS)
Australian Placenames
(E1)(L1) http://www.anps.org.au/
The aim of the "Australian National Placenames Survey" ("ANPS") is to prepare a national register of geographical names. The National Register will be a supplement to the National Gazetteer, and will be a database constructed on recognised principles for the research and documentation of history, geography, linguistics, cultural knowledge, surveying and mapping. It will record all known Australian names, documenting their pronunciation, generic class, status (gazetted, obsolete, non-gazetted, sensitive, disputed etc.), origin, meaning, history, cultural significance (of both name and site), and map reference and location. The database will enable the production of a series of place name dictionaries, both local and national, over the next few decades.
(E1)(L1) http://www.anps.org.au/news.html
Wenn man an Ortsnamen und der damit verbundenen Geschichte Australiens interessiert ist, dann sollt man unbedingt diesen Nesletter abonnieren.
Placenames Australia is the newsletter of the "Australian National Placenames Survey". It began its life in March 1996 as the Bulletin of the then National Placenames Project, with Bill Noble as its editor. As the Project grew into the Australian National Placenames Survey more design features were added to the newsletter and the number of subscribers and contributors continues to grow steadily. It is now a free, quarterly publication and contains articles and short pieces about the cultural aspects of placenames and placename research in Australia. Feel free to browse through and print any of the available back issues below, using Adobe Acrobat.
Anyone interested can join the mailing list by completing the subscription form. This form can also be used to unsubscribe and to notify us if you have changed your postal address.
(E?)(L?) http://www.anps.org.au/subscribe.html
Leider findet man hier keine Liste der australischen Ortsnamen. Aber zumindest gibt es seit Dezember 2001 einen alle drei Monate erscheinenden Newsletter in PDF-Format mit interessanten Artikeln über die Forschung zur Benennung australischer Orte und "Plätze".
(Achtung: Die PDF-Dokumente sind gut 1MB groß.)
Placenames Australia (PDFs) June 2005 | March 2005 | December 2004 | September 2004 | June 2004 | March 2004 | December 2003 | September 2003 | June 2003 | March 2003 | December 2002 | September 2002 | June 2002 | March 2002 | December 2001
Ich habe den Newsletter vor einigen Monaten bestellt und habe nun bereits zwei Newsletter in Papierform erhalten. Der Newsletter vom September 2005 hatte z.B. 16 Seiten und viele interessante Artikel mit Hinweisen zu australischen Ortsnamen. Besonders interessant ist, dass sich hier Namensgebungen der Ureinwohner mit Bezeichnungen der europäischen Invasoren mischen und oftmals nicht mehr direkt erkennbar ist, woher sie ursprünglich stammen. Und nebenbei erhält man dann auch kleine Einblicke in die Sprachen des asiatisch-pazifischen Raums.
(E?)(L?) http://www.anps.org.au/about.html
"Placenames Australia" is the newsletter of the "Australian National Placenames Survey". It began its life in March 1996 as the Bulletin of the then National Placenames Project, with Bill Noble as its editor. As the Project grew into the Australian National Placenames Survey more design features were added to the newsletter and the number of subscribers and contributors continues to grow steadily. It is now a free, quarterly publication and contains articles and short pieces about the cultural aspects of placenames and placename research in Australia. Feel free to browse through and print any of the available back issues below, using Adobe Acrobat.
Anyone interested can join the mailing list by completing the subscription form. This form can also be used to unsubscribe and to notify us if you have changed your postal address.
The aim of the Australian National Placenames Survey (ANPS) is to prepare a national register of geographical names. The National Register will be a supplement to the National Gazetteer, and will be a database constructed on recognised principles for the research and documentation of history, geography, linguistics, cultural knowledge, surveying and mapping. It will record all known Australian names, documenting their pronunciation, generic class, status (gazetted, obsolete, non-gazetted, sensitive, disputed etc.), origin, meaning, history, cultural significance (of both name and site), and map reference and location. The database will enable the production of a series of place name dictionaries, both local and national, over the next few decades.
The project will have important beneficial effects not only on the cultural aspect of geographical names but also on the technical aspects of government function (such as efficiency in communications, transport and defence). The project involves support from government agencies, academic institutions and individuals. A national structure is being put into place to implement the project, ensuring effective representation of interested parties at national, state and local levels.
(E?)(L?) http://www.anps.org.au/resources.html
Auf dieser Seite findet man viele Links zu Sites, die sich ebenfalls mit australischen Ortsnamen und lokalen Sprachen in Australien befassen.
- Australia and NZ placenames websites
- Australian Indigenous languages websites
- International websites
- National Library of Australia - gazetteers of Australia and the world
- Historical Association websites
- Research Friends downloads
Australia and NZ placenames websites
We link you here to the naming authorities in Australia and New Zealand. These organizations have strongly supported the development of the ANPS and we are working in partnership with them to cover the cultural as well as the technical aspects of placenames.
- Australian Capital Territory Land Information Centre http://www.actpla.act.gov.au/actlic/places
- Geographical Names Board of New South Wales http://www.gnb.nsw.gov.au/name/search
- Lands Planning Environment Northern Territory Government http://www.lpe.nt.gov.au/place/
- Department of Natural Resources Queensland http://www.nrm.qld.gov.au/property/placenames/
- Place Names Online, South Australian State Gazetteer http://www.placenames.sa.gov.au/
- Victorian Place Names http://www.vicnames.vic.gov.au/dmb1/plsql/gnr.init
- WA Placenames, Department of Land Information http://www.dli.wa.gov.au/corporate.nsf/web/WA+Place+Names
- Land Information New Zealand http://www.linz.govt.nz/rcs/linz/pub/web/root/core/placenames/index.jsp
- The National Gazetteer, Geoscience Australia, National Mapping Division (formerly AUSLIG) http://www.ga.gov.au/map/names/
- Intergovernmental Committee for Surveying and Mapping http://www.icsm.gov.au/
- Committee for Geographical Names in Australasia http://www.icsm.gov.au/icsm/cgna/
- Australian Antarctic Division http://www.antdiv.gov.au/
- Department of Defence - Australian Hydrographic Service http://www.hydro.gov.au/
- Department of Defence - Defence Topographic Agency http://www.defence.gov.au/digo
Australian Indigenous languages websites
One of the tasks of the ANPS will be to record the language of Indigenous placenames and, where possible, the language of placenames of Indigenous origin. The following websites are a good starting point for anyone interested in these placenames. However, research about the origin and meaning of these placenames requires linguistic and cultural expertise. It is an area of research in which the ANPS will co-operate with and be advised by Indigenous people and communities.
- Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/
- Aboriginal Languages of Australia http://www.dnathan.com/VL/austLang.htm
- Aboriginal place names around Sydney Harbour http://www.livingharbour.net/aboriginal/place_names.htm
- FATSIL Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation of Languages http://www.fatsil.org/
The links below are to placenames bodies in other English-speaking countries, each of which has been very supportive of the development of the ANPS and has provided the ANPS with advice and encouragement.
- Northern Ireland Place-name Project http://www.qub.ac.uk/lla/cel/placenameproject.htm
- Scottish Place-name Society http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/institutes/sassi/spns/spnstop.htm
- The Toponomy Interest Group of the American Name Society http://www.wtsn.binghamton.edu/plansus/
- United States Geological Survey Mapping Information http://www.usgs.gov/
The link below is to a list of gazetteers maintained by staff in the mapping section of the National Library of Australia. The National Library provides a much longer, more comprehensive list of placenames websites than we have listed on our 'Resources' page. It also lists placenames books and dictionaries, published and unpublished gazetteers, which you can use at the National Library or perhaps find in a public library near where you live.
- National Library of Australia - Gazetteers http://www.nla.gov.au/map/gazetteers.html
- The Australian Council of Professional Historians Associations Inc http://www.historians.org.au/
The items below are available for Research Friends to download:
- Excel worksheets for data entry DataForm.xls
- Instruction brief (in MS Word) for data entry Instruct.doc