Blaps lethifera (W3)
Der dt. "Totenkäfer", genauer "Ähnlicher Totenkäfer", auch "Schwarzkäfer", hat den zoologischen Namen lat. "Blaps lethifera" = dt. "Der Schaden und Tod Bringende".Zoolog. "Blaps" geht zurück auf griech. "blaptein" = dt. "jemandem schaden", "jemandem Schaden zufügen".
Zoolog. "lethifera" = dt. "todbringend" setzt sich zusammen aus lat. "letalis" = dt. "tödlich", "zum Tode führend", "todbringend" und lat. "ferre" = dt. "tragen".
BLAPS, subst. masc.
Étymol. et Hist. 1775 zool. (Fabricius, Syst. Entomologique dans Agassiz, Generum Coleopterorum). Formé d'apr. le gr. "blaptein" « nuire » [= dt. "schädlich sein"].
Archives for February 2012
1) A Brief History of Blurbs, by Alan Levinovitz. You knew, of course, that the word blurb was coined in 1906 by Gelett Burgess, but did you know that quasi-blurbs (though not on the outside of books) can be traced back to ancient Rome and medieval Egypt, where authors and booksellers “were soliciting longer poems of praise (taqriz) from big-shot friends in the 1300s”? Read some truly loathsome examples of hyperbole, fakery, and shameless cronyism, and writhe in agony at the very idea of "blaps and blovers".
Blaps lethifera - Schwarzkäfer
Blaps lethifera gehört in die Familie Schwarzkäfer.
Both "blaps" and "runs" are slang terms for "diarrhea".
The "blap" is a glossy page covered in blurbs that immediately follows the front cover. In deference to its importance, the width of the cover is usually reduced, tempting potential readers with a glimpse of the blap, and perhaps even accommodating a conveniently placed blurb that runs along the length of the book.
The "blover" is essentially a "blap" on steroids, literally a second book cover, made from the same cardstock, that serves solely as a billboard for blurbs. Blovers are not yet widespread, but given the ubiquity of "blaps" it is only a matter of time. (For an extreme case see The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, where the blover’s edge sports a vertical banality from Entertainment Weekly — “I couldn’t put the book down.” — not to mention the 56 blurbs on the pages that follow.)
What a wonderful article, stripping away the layers of b-s in publishing. I too have been lured by the siren song of enticing "blurbs, blaps and blovers", only to find my soul has not shrieked with delight at the contents of the book, thus proving that (possibly) my soul is dead…
"Blaps" is a genus of darkling beetles in the family "Tenebrionidae". There are more than 30 described species in "Blaps", the genus being most commonly found in Eurasia and Australia, with occasional sightings elsewhere in the world.
These 38 species belong to the genus Blaps:
Der "Große Totenkäfer" ("Blaps mortisaga") ist ein Käfer aus der Familie der "Schwarzkäfer" ("Tenebrionidae"). Er wird auch "Totenansager" genannt und wurde als Vorbote kommenden Unheils angesehen. Dies erklärt den von Linnaeus vergebenen Artnamen "mortisaga" ("den Tod wahrsagend").
Ähnliche Arten
Laut Freude-Harde-Lohse werden "Blaps milleri" und "Blaps reflexicollis" zur Art "Blaps lethifera" gestellt, nach der Fauna Europaea wird "Blaps milleri" als eigene Art geführt, von Picka wird 1978 noch "Blaps abdita" aus der lethifera-Verwandtschaft als neue Art beschrieben.
Blaps, s. "Totenkäfer"
Erstellt: 2022-10