Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
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*ant-bhi (W3)

Die postulierte Wurzel ide. "*ambhi" = dt. "rundherum", engl. "around", "at both sides", setzt sich eigentlich aus zwei Wurzeln zusammen.

Die Bedeutung des ersten Teils "*am" umfasst dt. "am", "um", "um ... herum", "ringsherum", "anti-", "gegen", "gegenüber", engl. "about", "around".

Der zweite Teil "*bhi" umfasst dt. "be-", "bei, "nahe", "bi-", "zwei", "an", "in", "auf", "zu", "wegen", "während", engl. "by".

Dieser kombinierten Bedeutung wird Rechnung getragen durch die weitere Rückführung auf ide "*ant-bhi" = dt. "von beiden (gegenüberliegenden) Seiten", engl. "from both sides". Hier ist die Zusammensetzung aus ide. "*ant-" = dt. "an", "anti-", "vor", "gegen", "hin", "hinan" und ide. "*bhi" direkt ersichtlich.

Die Wortfamilie, die sich aus diesen beiden Grundbedeutungen ableiten läßt, ist sehr groß.

Ein direkter Nachfahre ist griech. "amphi" = dt. "auf beiden Seiten", "ringsum", "um", "um ... herum", "rundherum", engl. "around", "about" und daqmit auch lat., dt. "ambi-" = dt. "rundherum", engl. "around", "round about".


ENTRY: ide. "*ambhi"

DEFINITION: Also "*ambhi" = engl. "around". Probably derived from "*ant-bhi" = engl. "from both sides" (see "ant-").

1. Reduced form "*bhi".

1a. "by" (1); "abaft", "but", from Old English "bi", "bi", "be", "by";

1b. "be-", from Old English "be-" = engl. "on all sides", "be-", also intensive prefix;

1c. "beleaguer", from Middle Dutch "bie" = engl. "by";

1d. "bivouac", from Old High German "bi" = engl. "by", "at".

1a. - 1d.: all from Germanic "*bi", "*bi-" (intensive prefix).

2a. "Ember Day", from Old English "ymbe" = engl. "around";

2b. "ombudsman", from Old Norse "um", "umb" = engl. "about", "around";

2c. "umlaut", from Old High German "umbi" = engl. "around".

2a. - 2c.: all from Germanic "*umbi".

3a. "ambi-", from Latin "ambi-" = engl. "around", "about";

3b. "alley" (1), "alley-oop", "ambulance", "ambulate", "andante", "funambulist", "perambulate", "preamble", from Latin "amb-" = engl. "around", "about", in "ambulare" = engl. "to go about", "walk" ("*alare" = engl. "to go").

4. "amphi-", from Greek "amphi" = engl. "around", "about".

5. Celtic "*ambi" = engl. "around", in compound "*amb(i)-ag-to-" (see "ag-"). (Pokorny "ambhi" 34.)


"*ambhi", "*mbhi" indoeuropees ("naar van aan beide zijden")


ide. "*ambhi-"

also "*ambhi-", Proto-Indo-European root meaning "around"; probably derived from "*ant-bhi" = engl. "from both sides", from root "*ant-" = engl. "front", "forehead".

It forms all or part of: "abaft"; "about"; "alley" (n.1) "open passage between buildings"; "ambagious"; "ambassador"; "ambi-"; "ambidexterity"; "ambidextrous"; "ambience"; "ambient"; "ambiguous"; "ambit"; "ambition"; "ambitious"; "amble"; "ambulance"; "ambulant"; "ambulate"; "ambulation"; "ambulatory"; "amphi-"; "amphibian"; "Amphictyonic"; "amphisbaena"; "Amphiscians"; "amphitheater"; "amphora"; "amputate"; "amputation"; "ancillary"; "andante"; "anfractuous"; "be-"; "begin"; "beleaguer"; "between"; "bivouac"; "but"; "by"; "circumambulate"; "embassy"; "ember-days"; "funambulist"; "ombudsman"; "perambulate"; "perambulation"; "preamble"; "somnambulate"; "somnambulism"; "umlaut".

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit "abhitah" = engl. "on both sides", "abhi" = engl. "toward", "to"; Avestan "aibi"; Greek "amphi" = engl. "round about"; Latin "ambi-" = engl. "around", "round about"; Gaulish "ambi-", Old Irish "imb-" = engl. "round about", "about"; Old Church Slavonic "oba"; Lithuanian "abu" = engl. "both"; Old English "ymbe", German "um" = engl. "around".

Words related to "*ambhi-"


ide. "*ant-"

Proto-Indo-European root meaning "front", "forehead", with derivatives meaning "in front of", "before"; "end". Also see "*ambhi-".

It forms all or part of: "advance"; "advantage"; "along"; "ancestor"; "ancient" (adj.); "answer"; "Antaeus"; "ante"; "ante-"; "ante meridiem"; "antecede"; "antecedent"; "antedate"; "antediluvian"; "ante-partum"; "antepenultimate"; "anterior"; "anti-"; "antic"; "anticipate"; "anticipation"; "antique"; "antler"; "avant-garde"; "elope"; "end"; "rampart"; "un-" (2) prefix of reversal; "until"; "vambrace"; "vamp" (n.1) "upper of a shoe or boot"; "vanguard".

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit "antah" = engl. "end", "border", "boundary"; Hittite "hanti" = engl. "opposite;" Greek "anta", "anten" = engl. "opposite", "anti" = engl. "over against", "opposite", "before"; Latin "ante" (prep., adv.) = engl. "before" ("in place or time"), "in front of", "against"; Old Lithuanian "anta" = engl. "on to"; Gothic "anda" = engl. "along"; Old English "and-" = engl. "against"; German "ent-" = engl. "along", "against".

Words related to "*ant-"


"ambacht", "ambecht", "ammecht", "ammicht", "ammet", "ambet", "ampt", "ambt", "amt", mnd., N.:

nhd. "Amt", "Dienstverrichtung", "angewiesene Tätigkeit nach Würde und Obrigkeit", "Amtspflicht", "priesterliche Verpflichtung", "Statthalterschaft", "Handwerk", "Beruf", "Handwerkerzunft", "Kaufleutezunft", "Verwalter der Gerichtsbarkeit", "Beamter";

Verweise: s. "arstenamt", "backamt", "barberæreamt", "barkæreamt", "bartscheræreamt", "batstoværeamt", "beckæreamt", "beredæreamt", "beredærieamt", "berkæreamt", "bischopamt", "bischopesamt", "dachamt", "drostamt", "drostenamt", "elendenamt", "erchmakæreamt", "gerweamt", "glasewrechtæreamt", "gogreveamt", "gogrevenamt", "goltsmedeamt", "gravenamt", "gropengetæreamt", "hanepspinnæreamt", "harviltæreamt", "hökæreamt", "hokeamt", "hotmakæreamt", "hotviltæreamt", "hövetamt", "hunneamt", "husamt", "kameramt", "kannengetæreamt", "kapitelamt", "kappélamt", "kappellanamt", "karitatenamt", "kemeræreamt", "kerkenamt", "kerkherenamt", "klockenamt", "knokenhouwæreamt", "kok-", "kökeamt", "kornamt", "körsenæreamt", "köstæreamt", "köstærieamt", "kramæreamt", "kremæreamt", "kruftamt", "krukenamt", "krutamt", "kümpæreamt", "kuntormakæreamt", "kutæreamt", "leddersnidæreamt", "lichtamt", "linenweværeamt", "linnenweværeamt", "loamt", "malæreamt", "marschalkamt", "marstalamt", "medeamt", "melæreamt", "memorienamt", "messetwerkeamt", "mesteramt", "mölenamt", "mostartamt", "muramt", "müsekenamt", "natelæreamt", "nieschrödæreamt", "oltschrödæreamt", "padenamt", "parreamt", "passementmakæreamt", "pastoramt", "pastoratamt", "paternosteramt", "pelsæreamt", "piselamt", "pistelemakæreamt", "pistemakæreamt", "predigæreamt", "predigeamt", "presteramt", "provincialatesamt", "püttekeramt", "püttekerenamt", "rackæreamt", "rackenamt", "rademakæreamt", "rechtamt", "rechteamt", "rechtesamt", "remæreamt", "remenslegæreamt", "remensnidæreamt", "renteamt", "repæreamt", "repslegæreamt", "richtamt", "richtæreamt", "richtesamt", "riddæreamt", "riddæresamt", "rotgetæreamt", "schenkamt", "schenkeamt", "schildæreamt", "schipamt", "schoamt", "scholamt", "schomakæreamt", "schrödæreamt", "schrotamt", "schrotwerkæreamt", "schulteamt", "schultenamt", "schulthetamt", "schulthetenamt", "sekamt", "sekenamt", "selamt", "seleamt", "selesorgæreamt", "sentamt", "slutamt", "smalamt", "smedeamt", "smekamt", "smitamt", "snidæreamt", "sniddekæreamt", "soltamt", "spanamt", "spekamt", "spikæreamt", "stallæreamt", "stolamt", "swerdesamt", "taschenmakæreamt", "tegelamt", "vischamt", "vischæreamt", "vleschamt", "vorstamt", "vörstæreamt", "vroneamt", "vronenamt", "wardeinenamt", "werkeamt", "witamt";

Hinweise: vgl. mhd. "ambahte";

Quellenangaben: Ssp (1221-1224);

Etymologie: as. "amb-ah-t"* 20, st. N. (a), "Amt", "Dienst"; germ. "*ambahta-", "*ambahtaz", "*andbahta-", "*andbahtaz", st. M. (a), "Gefolgsmann", "Diener"; kelt.-lat. "ambactus"; s. idg. "*ambhi", "*mbhi", Präp., "um", "herum", "beiderseits", Pk 34; idg. "*ag-", V., "treiben", "schwingen", "bewegen", "führen", Pk 4, EWAhd 1, 195;

Redewendungen: "ambacht" don: nhd. "Amt ausüben";



"ümme"* (1), "umme", "um", "umbe", mnd.?, Präp.: nhd. "um", "um ... willen", "wegen" (auf einen Zweck bezogen), "in Betreff" (auf Tausch und Preis bezogen);

Verweise: s. "dar-", "kort-";

Hinweise: s. "ümme" (2), vgl. mhd. "umbe" (2);

Quellenangaben: Ssp (1221-1224);

Etymologie: as. "umbi" (1) 90, Präp., "um", "herum", "bezüglich"; germ. "*umbi", Adv., Präp., "um"; idg. "*ambhi", "*mbhi", Präp., "um herum", "beiderseits", Pk 34?;

Redewendungen: "ümme hant hebben": nhd. "um Hand haben", "zur Verfügung haben";

Redewendungen: "ümme minen willen": nhd. "meinetwegen";

Redewendungen: "ümme sinen": nhd. "seinetwegen" ("willen" kann auch fehlen dann steht "ümme" mit dem Genitiv allein);

Redewendungen: "ümme den hals komen": nhd. "um den Hals kommen", "umgebracht werden";

Redewendungen: "ümme nicht": nhd. "um nichts", "für nichts", "umsonst";


Lü 424a ("umme")


Kobler Gerhard - ~ Griechisches Wörterbuch

"amf…" ("amphí"), gr., Adv., Präp.: nhd. "auf beiden Seiten", "ringsum", "um", "um ... herum";

Verweise: s. "áchein", "achyia", "bion", "bios", "gy?eis", "gyos", "dymos", "épein", "théatron", "kranos", "kal?ptein", "k?rhnoj" (kárÐnos), kar"j (kar›s), kl©n (klan), klustoj (klystos), kranoj (kranos), kt…onhj (ktíonÐs), laf"j (laph›s), laca…nein (lachaínein), légein (légein), lektoj (lektos), log‹sqai (logÐsthai), log…a (logía), logoj (logos), lÚkh (l‹kÐ), makroj (makros), neik"j (neik›s), ne…khtoj (neíkÐtos), noe‹n (noein), p…ptein (píptein), plektoj (plektos), plhktoj (plÐktos), pl"x (pl›x), poleÚein (poleúein), pole‹n (polein), poloj (polos), rrep"j (rrep›s), stomoj (stomos);

Etymologie: idg. *ambhi, "*bhi", *h2¤bh , *h2mbhi, Präp., um herum, beiderseits, Pokorny 34

"ampheúein", gr., V.: nhd. "ringsherum verbrennen", "versengen", "braten";

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "heúein"

"amph?", gr., Adj.: nhd. "zweischneidig", "auf beiden Seiten scharf";

Etymologie: s. "amphi"; s. idg. "*äes", "*äs", Sb., "Spitze", "Ähre", Pokorny 21; vgl. idg. "*ä" (2), "*ö", "*he¨", "*ha¨", "*ho¨", Adj., Sb., "scharf", "spitz", "kantig", Stein, Pokorny 18

"amph?n", "aúph?n", "aúphen", gr., M.: nhd. "Hals";

Etymologie: s. idg. "*an?hús", Adj., eng, Pokorny 42; vgl. idg. "*an?h", "*hen?h", "*han?h", "*hem?h", Adj., V., "eng", "einengen", "schnüren", Pokorny 42

"amph?" (1), gr., Adj.: nhd. "ringsum eingefügt";

Etymologie: s. "amphi"

"amph?" (2), gr., Adj.: nhd. "doppelrudrig";

Etymologie: s. "amphi"; vgl. idg. "*erý" (1), "*rß" (3), V., Sb., "rudern", "Ruder", Pokorny 338

"amphí", gr., Adv., Präp.: nhd. "auf beiden Seiten", "ringsum", "um", "um ... herum";

Verweise: s. "áchein", "achyia", "bion", "bios", "gy?eis"), "gyos", "dymos", "épein", "théatron"), "kranos", "ktíon?", "laph?s", "l?", "polos", "rrep?s";

Etymologie: idg. "*ambhi", "*?bhi", "*h?bh", "*hmbhi", Präp., "um herum", "beiderseits", Pokorny 34

"amphiáchein", gr., V.: nhd. "umjammern", "ringsum schreien";

Etymologie: s. "amphi"; vgl. idg. "*?g-" (2)?, V., "schreien", Pokorny 1110

"amphiachyia", gr., (Part.=)Adj.: nhd. "zusammenschreiend";

Etymologie: s. "amphiáchein"

"amphíbion", gr., N.: nhd. "Amphibie";

Etymologie: s. "amphíbios";

Weiterleben: lat. "amphibion", N., "Amphibie"; nhd. "Amphibie", F, "Amphibie", "Tier das sowohl im Wasser als auch auf dem Land lebt";


Kluge s. u. "Amphibie"

"amphíbios", gr., Adj.: nhd. "zwei Leben habend";

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "bíos"

"amphigy?eis", gr., Adj.: nhd. "auf beiden Seiten starkgliedrig" (Beiname des Hephaistos), "gliedergewandt";

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "gyion"

"amphígyos", gr., Adj.: nhd. "auf beiden Seiten starkgliedrig", "gliedergewandt";

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "gyion"

"amphídymos", gr., Adj.: nhd. "zweifach", "zwiefach", "doppelt";

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "d?o"

"amphiépein", gr., V.: nhd. "beschäftigt sein um", "besorgen";

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "hépein"

"amphithéatron", gr., N.: nhd. "Amphitheater";

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "théatron";

Weiterleben: lat. "amphitheõtrum", N., "Amphitheater"; nhd. "Amphitheater", N., "Amphitheater";


Kluge s. u. "Amphitheater"

"amphíkranos", gr., Adj.: nhd. "rings mit Köpfen versehen" (Adj.);

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "kraníon"

"amphiktíon?s", gr., M. Pl.: nhd. "Herumwohnende";

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "ktízein"

"amphilaph?s", gr., Adj.: nhd. "ausgedehnt", "umfangreich", "reichlich", "umfassend", "groß";

Etymologie: s. "amphi"; vgl. idg. "*labh", V., "fassen", "greifen", "ergreifen", Pokorny 652

"amphil?), gr., F.: nhd. "Zwielicht", "Morgendämmerung";

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "L?chnos"

"amphípolos", gr., F., M.: nhd. "Dienerin", "Diener";

Etymologie: s. "amphi"; s. idg. "*kÝel" (1), "*kÝelý", "*kÝelh1", V., "drehen", "sich drehen", "sich bewegen", "wohnen", Pokorny 639; vgl. idg. "*kel" (1), "*kelý", V., Adj., "ragen", "hoch", Pokorny 544;

Weiterleben: lat. "anculus", M., "Diener", "Knecht"

"amphirrep?s", gr., Adj.: nhd. "sich auf beide Seiten neigend";

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "rhop?"

"amphís", gr., Adv.: nhd. "auf beiden Seiten", "um", "ringsum";

Etymologie: s. "amphi"

"amphisbatein", gr., V.:

Verweise: s. "amphisb?tein"

"amphisb?tein", "amphisbatein", gr., V.: nhd. "nach beiden Seiten auseinandergehen", "streiten";

Etymologie: s. "amphi"; vgl. idg. "*gÝõ", "*gÝõh2-", "*gÝeh2", "*gÝem", V., "kommen", "gehen", "geboren werden", Pokorny 463

"Amphitrít?", gr., F.=PN: nhd. "Amphitrite" ("Gattin des Poseidon");

Etymologie: s. idg. "*triØýto", "*trÆto", Adj., Sb., "nass", "Meer", Pokorny 1096

"amphoreús", gr., M.: nhd. "Amphore", "Vorratsgefäß mit beidseitigen Henkeln", "Gefäß das rings umschließt";

Etymologie: vgl. idg. "*bher" (1), V., "tragen", "bringen", Pokorny 128;

Weiterleben: s. lat. "amphora", F., "Amphore"; ae. "mbren", "*ambrÆn", N., "Eimer";

Weiterleben: s. lat. "amphora", F., "Amphore"; ahd. "ambra"* 1, lat.-ahd?, Sb., "Eimer";

Weiterleben: s. lat. "amphora", F., "Amphore"; ahd. "eimbar" 42, st. N. (a), "Eimer", "Krug" (M.) (1), "Topf", "Gefäß"; mhd. "eimber", "eimer", "ember", st. M., "Eimer"; nhd. "Eimer", M., "Eimer", DW 3, 111;

Weiterleben: s. lat. "amphora", F., "Amphore"; nhd. "Amphore", F., "Amphore";


Walde/Hofmann 1, 42, Walde/Hofmann 1, 846, Kluge s. u. "Amphore", "Eimer"

"amphóteros", gr., Adj. (Komp.): nhd. "beiderseitig", "beide";

Etymologie: s. "ámphæ"

"ámphæ", gr., Adv.: nhd. "beide";

Etymologie: idg. "*ambhæu", "*ambhæ", Adj., "beide", Pokorny 34

"amphæÐs", gr., Adj.: nhd. "auf beiden Seiten mit einem Henkel versehen" (Adj.);

Etymologie: s. "amphi", "us"


"bei", Präp., Adv., Präf., "bei", mhd. "bi", Adv., Präp., Präf., "bei", "an", "auf", "zu", "wegen", "während", ahd. "bi" (765), Adv., Präp., Präf., "bei", "auf", "in", "wegen", "nahe", "zu", "für", as. "bi", Adv., Präp., Präf., "bei", "be", germ. "*bi", Adv., "bei", "um", idg. "*ebhi", "*bhi", Präp., Präf., "auf", "zu", "hin", "bei"?, "*ambhi", "*mbhi", Präp., "um"?, germ. "*bi" wird im Westgermanischen unter Einwirkung des Akzentes gelängt und ändert die Bedeutung von "um" zu "bei", "an", "nahe"


"um", Adv., Präp., Präf., "um", mhd. "umbe", Adv., Präp., Präf., "um", ahd. "umbi" (1. H. 8. Jh.), Adv., Präp., Präf., "um", "an", "bei", as. "um", "umbi", Adv., Präp., Präf., "um", germ. "*umbi", Adv., Präp., "um", "zu" idg. "*ambhi", "*ebhi", Präp., "um herum", "beiderseits"?


ide. "*ambhi", "*mbhi", "*hnbh-", "*hmbhi-", idg., Präp.: neuhdt. "um herum", "beiderseits"; engl. "around", "both";

Rekontruktionsbasis: Pokorny 34 (64/64), ind., iran., arm., griech., alb., ital., kelt., germ., balt., slaw., toch.;

Hinweis: s. "*bhi"?, "*an" (4) (?), "*ambhou";

ide. "*ambhou", "*ambho", idg., Adj.: neuhdt. "beide"; engl. "both";

Rekontruktionsbasis: Pokorny 34;

Hinweis: s. "*ambhi", "*bhou-";

ide. "*an" (4), "*anu", "*ano", "*no", idg., Präp.: neuhdt. "an", "hin", "hinan"; engl. "on", "to", "over there", "along";

Rekontruktionsbasis: Pokorny 39 (72/72), ind., iran., arm., griech., ital., kelt.?, germ., balt., slaw.;

Hinweis: s. "*ambhi" (?);

ide. "*bhi"?, idg., Präp.: neuhdt. "um"; engl. "around";

Rekontruktionsbasis: Pokorny 34;

Hinweis: s. "*ambhi"

ide. "*hmbhi-", idg., Präp.:

Verweise: s. "*ambhi"

ide. "*hnbh-", idg., Präp.:

Verweise: s. "*ambhi"

ide. "*mbhi", idg., Präp.:

Verweise: s. "*ambhi"


"a", lat., Präf.:

Etymologie: idg. "*ambhi", "*bhi", "*h2¤bh-", "*h2mbhi", Präp., "um herum", "beiderseits", Pokorny 34

"amb", "ambi", "am", lat., Präp.: nhd. "herum um", "um herum", "herum", "ringsherum";

Verweise: s. "-axium", "-edere", "-estrÆx", "-igere", "-Ære", "-itio", "-itiæsÐ", "-itiæsus", "-itor", "-ulõre", "-urbium", "-ðrere";

Hinweis: s. "amputare";

Etymologie: idg. "*ambhi", "*bhi", "*h2¤bh-", "*h2mbhi", Präp., "um herum", "beiderseits", Pokorny 34;


Walde/Hofmann 1, 36

"ambactus", lat., M.: nhd. "Hofhöriger", "Dienstmann";

Quellenangaben: Enn. (204 v.-169 v. Chr.);

Interferenz: Lw. aus dem Kelt.;

Etymologie: kelt.-lat. "ambactus"?; s. idg. "*ambhi", "*bhi", "*h2¤bh-", "*h2mbhi", Präp., "um", "herum", "beiderseits", Pokorny 34; idg. "*a•-", "*h2e•-", "*h2a•-", "*h2o•-", V., "treiben", "schwingen", "bewegen", "führen", Pokorny 4;


Walde/Hofmann 1, 36, Walde/Hofmann 1, 845

"ambæ", lat., Adj.: nhd. "beide";

Quellenangaben: XII tab. (um 450 v. Chr.);

Etymologie: idg. "*ambhi", "*bhi", "*h2¤bh-", "*h2mbhi", Präp., "um herum", "beiderseits", Pokorny 34?;


Walde/Hofmann 1, 37, Walde/Hofmann 1, 845

"Amiternum", lat., N.=ON: nhd. "Amiternum", "Amatrice";

Etymologie: vgl. idg. "*ambhi", "*bhi", "*h2¤bh-", "*h2mbhi", Präp., "um herum", "beiderseits", Pokorny 34?

"amphibion", lat., N.: nhd. "Amphibie";

Quellenangaben: Varro (116-27 v. Chr.);

Interferenz: Lw. gr. "amphíbion";

Etymologie: s. gr. "amphíbion", N., "Amphibie"; vgl. gr. "amphíbios", Adj., "zwei Leben habend"; gr. "amphi", Adv., Präp., "auf beiden Seiten", "ringsum", "um"; gr. "bíos", M., "Leben"; gr. "béesqai" ("béesthai"), V., "leben"; vgl. idg. "*ambhi", "*bhi", "*h2¤bh-", "*h2mbhi", Präp., "um herum", "beiderseits", Pokorny 34; idg. "*gÝeØ-" (3), "*gÝeØý-", "*gÝiØÐ-", "*gÝØÐ-", "*gÝiØæ-", "*gÝØæ-", "*gÝÆ-", "*gÝØeh3-", V., "leben", Pokorny 467;

Weiterleben: nhd. "Amphibie", F, "Amphibie", "Tier das sowohl im Wasser als auch auf dem Land lebt";


Kluge s. u. "Amphibie"

"amphitheatrum", lat., N.: nhd. "Amphitheater";

Quellenangaben: Plin. (23/24-79 n. Chr.);

Interferenz: Lw. gr. "amfithéatron" ("amphithéatron");

Etymologie: s. gr. "amfithéatron" ("amphithéatron"), N., "Amphitheater"; vgl. gr. "amphi", Adv., Präp., "auf beiden Seiten", "ringsum", "um"; gr. "théatron" ("théatron"), N., "Theater", "Schauspielhaus"; vgl. gr. "theõsthai", V., "schauen", "anschauen"; gr. "théa", F., "Anschauen"; vgl. idg. "*ambhi", "*bhi", "*h2¤bh-", "*h2mbhi", Präp., "um herum", "beiderseits", Pokorny 34; idg. "*dhõu-", V., "staunen", "sehen", Pokorny 243; idg. "*dheØý-", "*dhØõ", "*dhÆ-", V., "sehen", "schauen", Pokorny 243;

Weiterleben: nhd. "Amphitheater", N., "Amphitheater";


Kluge s. u. "Amphitheater"


ide. "*ambhi", "*mbhi" = engl. "around", "at both sides"

ide. "*ebhi", "*obhi", "*bhi" = engl. "from", "around", "(up) to", etc.

ide. "*epi", "*opi", "*pi" = engl. "at", "near", "epi-"

ide. "*obhi-" = engl. "to", "from", "around", etc.

ide. "*opi" = engl. "at", "by"


Pokorny Etymon: "*ambhi", "*mbhi" = engl. "around", "at both sides"

Semantic Field(s): Circle, to Wind, Wrap

Indo-European Reflexes:
Family/Language Reflex(es) Gloss
Old Irish: imb- about
Gaulish: amb- about
Old English: ba, bu both
Old English: be, bi, bi by, concerning
Old English: begen both
Old English: ymbe, ymb- at, around
Middle English: alley alley
Middle English: ambidexter double-dealer
Middle English: amblen to amble
Middle English: amis amice
Middle English: amphibena amphisbaena
Middle English: amphitheatre amphitheater
Middle English: amphora amphora
Middle English: ba, bo both
Middle English: be- be-
Middle English: bo too, as well
Middle English: both, bothe, boþ, boþe, bath, bathe, booth both
Middle English: by, bi, be, beo by
Middle English: preamble preamble
English: alley narrow backstreet
English: ambi- around, on both sides
English: ambidextrous using either hand with equal ease
English: ambient encompassing, surrounding on all sides
English: ambiguous unclear, doubtful, equivocal
English: ambivalence simultaneous attraction/repulsion
English: amble to stroll, saunter, walk slowly
English: ambsace bad luck; snake eyes (dice)
English: ambulance vehicle for treating the injured
English: ambulate to move from place to place
English: ambulatory re: walking
English: amice liturgical vestment worn about neck/shoulders under alb
English: amph-, amphi- around, on both sides
English: amphibian amphibious organism
English: amphibious adapted to both land and water
English: amphibole hornblende
English: amphibrach metrical foot: short/unstressed + long/stressed + short/unstressed syllables
English: amphimacer metrical foot: long/stressed + short/unstressed + long/stressed syllables
English: amphimixis germ cell union in sexual reproduction
English: amphioxus lancelet
English: amphisbaena serpent with head at each end able to move in either direction (classical mythology)
English: amphistylar having columns on opposite sides
English: amphitheater oval/circular space/building/arena overlooking stage/platform
English: amphithecium outer cell layer of spore-containing moss capsule
English: amphora two-handled jar/vase with narrow neck
English: amphoteric substance acting as both acid and base
English: amplexicaul with base/stipules clasping stem
English: amputate to prune, cut/lop off
English: andante moderately slow (musical direction)
English: be- [participial marker]
English: both two, one and another
English: by at, through, next/near to
English: Bywater Shire village in Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings
English: funambulist tightrope walker
English: ombudsman one who investigates complaints and mediates settlements
English: perambulate to stroll, traverse
English: preamble opening statement
English: umlaut change of vowel sound
British English: amphitheatre amphitheater
Scots English: baith both
West Germanic
Old Frisian: be, bi by
Old Frisian: bede both
Old Frisian: bethe both
Old Frisian: umbe by, about
Middle Dutch: bede both
Dutch: beide both
Dutch: bij beside
Dutch: by by
Dutch: om after
Dutch: omdat because
Dutch: voorbij past, beyond
Old Saxon: be, bi by
Old Saxon: beþia, bedea both
Old Saxon: beþie both
Old Saxon: umbi by, about
Low German: beede both
Old High German: bede, beide both
Old High German: bi, pi by, concerning
Old High German: umbi, umpi by, about
Middle High German: beide both
Middle High German: bi by
German: Allee alley, parkway, avenue [zu frz. "aller" = dt. "gehen", zu vlat. "*alare", zu lat. "ambulare" = dt. "umhergehen", "gehen", "spazieren"
German: Ambivalenz ambivalence
German: ambulant ambulatory
German: Ambulanz ambulance, acute day ward
German: Amphiteather amphitheater
German: bei by
German: beide both
German: bis until
German: um at, about, around
German: Umlaut umlaut
German: vorbei past, beyond
North Germanic
Old Norse: baðar, bæði both
Old Norse: baðir both
Icelandic: baðar both
Icelandic: baðir both
Icelandic: bæði, baði both
Icelandic: um, umb by, about
Danish: baade both
Danish: forbi past, beyond
Danish: om in, at, about; whether
Swedish: bada both
Swedish: bade both
Swedish: förbi past, beyond
Swedish: om in, at, about; if, whether
East Germanic
Gothic: bai both
Gothic: bajoþs both
Gothic: bi by, concerning
Latin: amb-, ambi- around, on both sides
Latin: ambigo, ambigere to go round/about
Latin: ambiguus ambiguous
Latin: ambo both
Latin: ambulo, ambulare, ambulatus to walk
Latin: amicio, amicire, amicui, amictus to wrap around
Latin: amictus, amictus cloak, outer garment
Latin: amictus clad, thrown around
Latin: amphisbaena amphisbaena
Latin: amphitheatrum amphitheater
Latin: amphora amphora
Latin: -bus [case ending]
Latin: funambulus one who walks on a rope
Latin: perambulo, perambulare, perambulatus to walk through
Late Latin: praeambulus walking in front of
Medieval Latin: preambulum preamble
New Latin: Amphibia (class name for) amphibians
Old French: alee path, alley
Old French: aler to go
Old French: ambes both
Old French: ambler to amble
Old French: ambsace the lowest throw at dice, something worthless or unlucky
Old French: amit, amis cloak, amice
Middle French: allée path, alley
Middle French: amit cloak, amice
Middle French: préambule preamble, foreword
French: ambulance ambulance
French: ambulant walking, able to walk
Italian: andante going, current, moderately slow
Italian: andare to go
Old Prussian: abbai both
Lithuanian: abù both
Latvian: abi both
Old Church Slavonic: oba, obe, obe both
Old Church Slavonic: oba both
Albanian: mbi on, onto
Homeric Greek: a?µf?´te??? both, each of two
Homeric Greek: a?´µf? both
Greek: a?µf?´, a?µf- around, on both sides
Greek: amphibios amphibious, living double life
Greek: amphitheatron amphitheater
Greek: a?´µf? both
Greek: -f(?) around, on both sides
Sanskrit: abhí, abhi- to, towards, about
Sanskrit: ubhau both
Sanskrit: -bhis [case ending]
Sanskrit: -bhyas [case ending]
Sanskrit: -bhyam [case ending]
Tocharian B: ant-api both
Tocharian A: ampi both

Erstellt: 2018-10


-be- (W3)

Das Präfix engl. "-be-" kann eine Vielzahl von Bedeutungen beisteuern, wie etwa dt. "um", "um ... herum", "ringsherum" "rundum", "völlig", "gänzlich", "absolut", "vollständig", "machen", "versehen mit"; "an", "auf", "aus", "bei", "für", "in", "mit", "nach", "über", "um", "von", "vor", "zu".


engl. "be-"

word-forming element of verbs and nouns from verbs, with a wide range of meaning: "about", "around"; "thoroughly", "completely"; "to make", "cause seem"; "to provide with"; "at", "on", "to", "for"; from Old English "be-" = "about", "around", "on all sides" (the unstressed form of "bi" = "by"; see "by" (prep.)). The form has remained "by-" in stressed positions and in some more modern formations ("bylaw", "bygones", "bystander").

The Old English prefix also was used to make transitive verbs and as a privative prefix (as in "behead"). The sense "on all sides", "all about" naturally grew to include intensive uses (as in "bespatter" = "spatter about", therefore "spatter very much", "besprinkle", etc.). "Be-" also can be causative, or have just about any sense required. The prefix was productive 16c.-17c. in forming useful words, many of which have not survived, such as "bethwack" = "to thrash soundly" (1550s) and "betongue" = "to assail in speech", "to scold" (1630s).

Words related to "be-"

Erstellt: 2020-01