Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
@_ Welt, Mundo, Monde, Mondo, World, (lat.) orbis (terrae), (esper.) mondo
Zeitschrift, Revista, Revue, Rivista, Magazine, (esper.) magazinoj, presartoj, libroj
IHT (W3)
"IHT" steht für "International Herald Tribune".
Internationales Zeitungsmuseum
Ein Streifzug durch die internationale Zeitungsgeschichte
Im zweiten Obergeschoss befindet sich das Archiv des Internationalen Zeitungsmuseums. Dort ist eine der umfangreichsten Zeitungssammlungen weltweit untergebracht. Von den Anfängen der Presse im frühen 16. Jahrhundert bis in unsere Tage zeugen über 200.000 deutsche und internationale Zeitungen von bedeutenden Ereignissen und vom Wandel der Presse. Darunter finden Sie zahlreiche Raritäten wie z.B. Erst-, Sonder- und Schlussausgaben der deutschen und internationalen Presse aller Kontinente.
Die Sammlung kann nach Anmeldung in der Bibliothek genutzt werden. Ein großer Teil der Zeitungen ist als Online-Archiv verfügbar.
Deutschsprachige Presse im Ausland
Sammlung der Internationalen Medienhilfe (IMH)
Das Internationale Zeitungsmuseum beherbergt unter anderem die größte Sammlung deutschsprachiger Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, die außerhalb des deutschen Sprachraums erscheinen. Viele davon stammen aus dem Besitz der Internationalen Medienhilfe (IMH) bzw. ihres Gründers Björn Akstinat.
Die IMH ( ist das Netzwerk der sogenannten 'Deutschsprachigen Auslandspublikationen', von denen weltweit über 2.000 Titel existieren. Sie werden außerhalb Deutschlands, Österreichs, Luxemburgs, Liechtensteins und der Schweiz für deutschsprachige Touristen, Geschäftsreisende, Auslandsdeutsche, Auslandsösterreicher, Auslandsschweizer, Sprachschüler und andere Personengruppen produziert. Der IMH-Gründer Björn Akstinat begann um 1990 mit der Sammlung von deutschsprachigen Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Gemeindebriefen, Jahrbüchern sowie Mitteilungsblättern aus allen Erdteilen und übergab seinen Archivbestand 2013 an unser Museum.
Wer in unserem Online-Archiv nach deutschsprachigen Presseerzeugnissen aus dem Ausland suchen möchte, gehe auf diesen Link.
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Erstellt: 2019-09
Foreign Language News and Newspapers
Die Link-Übersicht ist leider nicht mehr erreichbar.
Chinese Language News and Magazines
Some of these sites require Chinese software obtainable from the following sites:
- WWW in Chinese / Chinese in WWW
- Chinese Fonts
- China News Services - News from Beijing and Hong Kong.
- China Times - From Taiwan.
- CHISA - Access to articles from the weekly Chinese Scholars Abroad magazine.
- Feng Hua Yuan - "A comprehensive electronic Chinese magazine."
- Hua Xia Wen Zhai = China News Digest - A daily newsmagazine.
- Hua Xun Xin Wen Wang = Taiwan Today News Network - Daily news from Taiwan.
- Lian He Zao Bao - A daily newspaper from Singapore.
- Ming Pao Daily News - From Hong Kong.
- Ping Guo Ri Bao - Hong Kong newspaper
- Ren Min Ri Bao = People's Daily - Official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.
- Sing Tao - An electronic daily from Hong Kong.
- Southern Chinese Daily News = Mei Nan Xin Wen - On-line news from China and Taiwan.
- Wen Hui Bao - Shanghai newspaper
- World Journal - Daily newspaper published in North America
- Zhong Guo Xin Wen Yu Bao Dao - Gateway to contemporary news, events and web resources. - Published in Beijing by the China Internet Information Desk, a government-led initiative.
French Language News and Magazines
- Allez savoir! - From the University of Lausanne.
- BièreMAG - A Canadian magazine devoted to beer.
- Le Bulletin Lamda - Internet news from France.
- Le Bulletin Régionale - Independent news from Québec.
- Canoë - News from Montréal, including the Journal de Montréal.
- La Cinquième - Access to information associated with France's educational T.V. channel.
- Le Clap - "The international cinema magazine." From Canada.
- Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace - New online version of this daily from Strasbourg.
- Le Devoir - Internet edition of a Montreal newspaper.
- Direction Informatique - A computer and Internet magazine from Québec.
- Le Droit - A computer news magazine from Ottawa.
- Les Echos - From Paris, France
- Edicom - From Lausanne. Includes editorials and selected articles from "La Tribune de Genève", "Matin", "24 heures", "Bilan", "Nouveau Quotidien" and "Temps stratégique," as well as the women's magazine Femina.
- Edu@média - An on-line magazine about technology in education.
- Elle - Online version of this "mensuel féminin".
- Espaces - Outdoor travel magazine from Québec.
- Eurasie - A webzine about Asian culture in France.
- L'Express - A daily paper from Neuchâtel, Switzerland. (Currently includes editorial only.)
- Le Figaro - From Paris, France
- France 2 - Daily news and more from this French T.V. company.
- France 3 - Daily news and more from this French T.V. company.
- France-Presse Online - Includes daily summaries of international news from this French news agency.
- Les Humains Associés - Cultural and scientific news from this cyber-humanitarian organization. Includes their Journal Virtuel and their yearly Revue Intemporelle.
- Impact Campus - A student magazine from the University of Laval.
- Internest - Daily news from Quebec.
- Journal du Jura - From Switzerland.
- Libération - On-line version of the French daily
- La Liberté - "The only newspaper from Manitoba published completely in French."
- Matinternet - National and international news from Québec.
- Médecine & Hygiène - From Switzerland.
- Le Monde - Limited access to one of France's most well-known national papers.
- Le Monde Diplomatique - The complete 1994 and 1995 (with a two month delay) archives as well as selected articles from the most recent editions of this Paris-based political newspaper.
- Negocios - Selected articles in French from this Spanish financial paper.
- Nice-Matin - Online information from this French regional paper. Includes news summaries from three versions of the paper covering the regions "la Côte d'Azur", "le Var" and "la Corse."
- Le Nouvelliste - News and sports from Valais, Switzerland.
- L'Objectif - An "independent newspaper" from Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Photo - A monthly French photo magazine.
- Le Point Grandes Ecoles Universités - News from French universities.
- La - From Tunis, Tunisia
- Québec sur Scène - A weekly "what's on in Québec" guide.
- Radio Belche - News from Belgium.
- Radio-Canada (Radio and TV) - Radio (AM and FM) and television website for CBC.
- La Recherche - France's most well-known monthly science magazine.
- Regards - A monthly French newsmagazine.
- Le Réseau des Sports - A Canadian sports magazine.
- La Revue d'AnatomoCytoPathologie - A bi-monthly medical journal.
- La Revue du Spectacle - French theater, humor and song.
- La Revue du Spectacle - Avignon theater, humor and song.
- Situation de Crise - Articles and information on the recent protests in France.
- Le Soir - Belgian daily & magazine.
- Le Soleil - Quebec City newspaper on the web.
- Sudouest - Regional news from Bordeaux & the southwest of France .
- Sympatico nouvelles - Canadian and World News
- Télérama - Selected reviews from this French television magazine.
- TF1 Online - Daily news and more from this French T.V. company.
-! - Two editions of a Canadian Magazine: from Montreal and Quebec.
- La Voix du Nord - A French regional daily.
- Volcans - "Revue d'information et de solidarité sur l'Amérique centrale et les Caraibes."
- WHebdo - Online version of the Swiss magazine "L'Hebdo".
German Language News and Magazines
- Das Aktuelle Tagesprogramm - Information on German television.
- APAnet - News from the "Austria Press Agentur."
- Basler Zeitung - From Basel Switzerland.
- Berliner Morgenpost - Berlin daily newspaper.
- Der Beobachter - A weekly Swiss magazine.
- Bilanz - A Swiss business magazine.
- Bild Online - From Germany
- Blick - Daily news from Switzerland.
- Elektroniknet - An electronics magazine.
- Elle - A monthly women's magazine.
- Eulenspiegel - A satirical magazine from Berlin.
- Europe Online - Access to news, weather and horoscopes.
- Express - Daily news from Germany.
- FinanzNachrichten - A newsmagazine from Germany.
- Focus - A newsmagazine from Germany.
- General-Anzeiger - From Switzerland.
- GEO Explorer - News from "Project Tropical Rainforest" and GEO magazine.
- German News - News from a selection of German newspapers.
- Germany Live - Daily news and information from Germany.
- Grenz-Echo - A German language daily from Belgium.
- Hamburger Morgenpost - "The first German tabloid on the Web."
- Jetzt - A German "youth magazine".
- Der Journalist - From Germany.
- Junge Welt - Berlin daily.
- Kathpress - Online news from the Catholic church of Austria.
- Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger - Online news from Köln.
- Kronen Zeitung - Tabloid from Austria.
- Liechtensteiner Vaterland - News from Liechtenstein.
- Luxemburger Wort - Daily news from Luxemburg.
- Maerkische Allgemeine - Daily newspaper from Brandenburg, Germany.
- Markt & Technik - Selected articles from this business magazine.
- Mittlebayerische Zeitung - News from Regensburg.
- Le Monde Diplomatique - Selected articles in German from this French political newspaper.
- Natur - A monthly environmental magazine.
- Der Neue Grazer - Weekly news from Austria.
- Neue Welt - Bi-weekly news from Canada.
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung - Swiss newspaper (Zurich).
- Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung - A regional Austrian newspaper.
- News Online - Austrian weekly news pages.
- Nurnberger Nachrichten - A Nurnberg paper, updated monthly.
- Oldenburger STACHEL - A political and cultural magazine by German students.
- Oberwarter Zeitung - From Austria.
- PC Magazin News - From Germany. (Contains summary of latest issue and archives.)
- Die - News from Austria.
- Radikal - "A newspaper from - and for the radikal/autonomous left."
- Rheinische Post - Online edition of this paper from Düsseldorf.
- Saarbrucker Zeitung - One of Germany's major regional newspapers.
- Schädelspalter - From Hannover, Germany.
- Schaffhauser Nachrichten - A daily.
- Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag - Allows free access to the archives of this German newspaper.
- Schwäbisches Tagblatt - Online news from TÜingen.
- Schwäbische Zeitung - From Germany.
- SDA News - News from this Swiss press agency.
- Das Sonntagsblatt - From Hamburg.
- Der Spiegel - Germany's first online political magazine.
- Der Standard - An Austrian newspaper from Vienna.
- Stern - A major German magazine.
- Die Süddeutsche Zeitung - German daily.
- Tages Anzeiger - A Swiss paper from Zurich.
- Tagesschau - German newspaper with video available.
- Ticket - A weekly "what's on in Berlin" guide.
- Tip - A cultural magazine from Berlin.
- TV Media Online - An Internet guide to TV-Media pages.
- TV Movie On - An on-line German movie magazine.
- VDI Nachrichten - From Dusseldorf, Germany
- Vorarlberger Nachrichten - A regional paper from Austria.
- Die Welt - One of Germany's most well-known daily papers.
- Wiener Zeitung - Daily news from Vienna.
- WirtschaftsWoche - From Austria.
- Die Zeit - Die Zeit on the Internet.
- Zeitungen vom Campus - Links to over 140 Austrian, German and Swiss university student publications.
- Zitty Online - News and cultural information from Berlin.
- Zweite Hand - On-line German car and motorcycle news published three times a week.
Further Media Resources
- The WWW Virtual Library - German media resources from "the oldest library on the internet."
Italian Language News and Magazines
- - The online newspaper of the city of Alghero.
- Alta Frequenza - An electronics magazine.
- Alto Adige - A selection of articles from "Corriere delle Alpi". Published in Bolzano.
- ANSA - Cooperative of 37 Italian dailies.
- Avvenire - A national Catholic magazine.
- Aosta oggi - Daily newspaper from the Valle d'Aosta region
- Capital - An Italian business magazine. To access you must register. Also see a listing of articles.
- Il Centro - From Pescara, Italy
- Il Centro Internet - Online version of Abruzzo's daily paper.
- Computer Programming - Includes selected articles and summaries from 1995.
- Corriere della Sera - One of Italy's most well-known daily papers.
- Dada - An online cultural magazine.
- Il Diavolo! - A humor magazine from Bellinzona, Switzerland.
- La Discussione - The paper of the Unione dei Democratici Cristiani e Democratici di centro.
- DWPress Weekly Report - Selected articles from this women's press agency. For complete access you must subscribe.
- L'Eco Di Bergamo - From Bergamo, Italy
- La Gazzetta dello Sport - Italy's largest sports newspaper.
- Gazzetta del Sud - A regional paper.
- Gazzetta di Mantova - The on-line version of the oldest daily in Italy,founded in 1664.
- Gazzetta di Modena - Sister daily to Gazzetta di Mantova.
- Gazzetta di Reggio - Sister daily to Gazzetta di Mantova.
- Giornale di Calabria - A r egional paper.
- Internazionale - A weekly magazine of articles (in Italian) from newspapers and magazines throughout the world. (Currently contains summary of latest issue, world news in brief, and a few selected articles.)
- Il Manifesto - A Daily Italian newspaper.
- Il Mattino di Padova - The most popular daily in Padua.
- Il Messaggero
- Il Mosaico - A bi-monthly magazine devoted to social issues.
- Nuova Ferrara - Sister daily to Gazzetta di Mantova.
- noidonne - A monthly magazine dedicated to women's issues.
- Il Paese delle Donne - A political magazine about women.
- Il Passaggio - A review of political and cultural debate from Rome.
- Peacelink - Articles and news related to world issues concerning peace.
- Il Piccolo - A daily from Trieste.
- Politica ed Economia - Selected articles from this Italian magazine.
- RAI TGS - Sports news from the RAI.
- La Repubblica - From Roma, Italy
- Lo Sciacallo Elettronico - A monthly comics magazine.
- SottoVoce - An on-line Itaian monthly magazine.
- La Stampa - You must subscribe to this daily Italian paper, although free access to information about film and literature is available.
- Il Tirreno - From Livorno, Italy
- La Tribuna Di Treviso - From Treviso, Italy
- L'Unità - A Daily Italian newspaper.
- Verona oggi - Daily newspaper from the province of Verona
- Vita - "Il primo settimanale che affronta con realismo e ottimismo il problema di vivere."
Japanese Language News and Magazines
For information on obtaining Japanese fonts, please see the following site(s):
- Asahi Shimbun - The Asahi network magazine "Opendoors."{Please note: Your browser must be able to read Japanese.}
- Chunichi Shimbun - From Nagoya, Japan.{See above.}
- Fuji T.V. - Information on T.V. programs, news and culture from Fuji International Production.{See above.}
- Hokku Shimbun - From Kanazawa City, Japan.{See note above.}
- Kobe Simbun - "The only local newspaper in Hyogo in Japan."{See note above.}
- Kyoto Shimbun - From Kyoto.{See note above.}
- Mainichi Shinbun - The "Daily Newspaper" from Tokyo.{See note above.}
- News Net Asia - A collection of Asian News Resources, specializing in Japan.{See note above.}
- Nihon Keizai Shimbun - From Tokyo Japan
- Nikkei Net - Weekly financial news.{See note above.}
- Nishi-Nippon Shimbun - From Fukuoka Japan {See note above.}
- Opendoors - A newsmagazine from Asahi Shimbun. {See note above.}
- Sankei Live - From Japan.{See note above.}
- Sannichi YBS Group - Access to several Sannichi news services.{See note above.}
- Sapio - An information weekly for office workers in their 20s and 30s and students."{See note above.}
- Shukan Kin'yobi - From "Hinkon Naru Seisin."{See note above.}
- Tokachi Mainichi Shimbun - From Obihiro-Hokkaido Japan {See note above.}
- Tokyo Kaleidoscoop - Weekly news from the Shima Media Network.{See above.}
- Weekly Post - The on-line version of this weekly magazine.{See above.}
- Yamanashi Nichi-Nichi Shimbun - From Kofu City Japan {See note above.}
- The Yomiuri Shimbun - Japan's largest newspaper.{See above.}
Portuguese Language News and Magazines
- Brazilian-Portuguese Media - Newspapers in Brazil and other links
- ClicRBS - From Brazil, links to newspapers RBS publishes
- Correio Do Povo - From Porto Alegre, Brazil
- Diário da Manhã - From Brazil
- Diário de Notícias - Daily news from Portugal
- Diário de Pernambuco - "The oldest Portuguese newspaper in the world."
- Expresso - Online edition of the biggest newspaper in Portugal.
- Florida Review - Portuguese language newspaper from Florida.
- Gazeta Online - From southeast Brazil
- La Insignia - An independent leftist Latin American newspaper. Small number of Portuguese articles
- Jornal Da Cidade - From Jundiai, Brazil
- Jornal de Noticias - From Portugal
- Lusitania - Bilingual Portuguese/English newspaper from Canada.
- O Globo - From Rio de Janeiro Brazil
- Público - From Portugal
Russian Language News and Magazines
For information on obtaining Russian fonts, please see the following site(s):
- Expert - Business journal, publisher of Expert 200, top 200 companies in Russia. {Please note: Your machine must be able to read Cyrillic.}
- Glasnet - A collection of online Russian periodicals. {See above.}
- Informika - {See above.}
- Izvestia - One of Russia's most well-known newspapers.{See above.}
- Nezavisimaya Gazeta - From Moscow. {See above.}
- Pravda Online - Online version of Russia's most famous daily newspaper.
- Relcom - Links to Russian on-line magazine articles.
- Rossiiskaya Azia - Weekly news.{Please note: Your machine must be able to read Cyrillic.}
- Svobodnaya Gruzia - From the Republic of Georgia. {See above.}
- Objektiv NO - Photoarchive of the Izvestia newspaper.
Spanish Language News and Magazines
- Ambito Financiero - Financial news from Argentina.
- Atlanticocanarias - From the Canary Islands.
- Bitniks M.A.G.A.Z.I.N.E. - Argentinian Cyberculture and Technology Online Magazine.
- Canarias7 - News from the Canary Islands.
- Caretas - A weekly newsmagazine from Peru.
- Cinco Dias - From Madrid, Spain.
- El Comercio - Asturia, Spain.
- El Comercio - Lima, Peru.
- El Dia - Newspaper from Tenerife, Canary Islands.
- El Diario - From Orangestad, Aruba.
- Diario La Hora - Afternoon newspaper from Guatemala.
- El Diario de Hoy - From El Salvador.
- Diario de Mallorca - From Mallorca, Spain
- El Diario de Yucatan - A Mexican daily with special collection on Mayan culture.
- El Economista - Economic news from Mexico City.
- El Espectador - from Bogota, Colombia
- First Page for Argentina - A bilingual Spanish/English news and information site from Argentina.
- Gaceta - From Mexico.
- Gerencia - A business magazine from Guatemala.
- InfoCañuelas - Daily from Cañuelas (Buenos Aires)
- Informacion - From Alicante, Spain
- La Insignia - An independent leftist Latin American newspaper.
- La Jerga - Bilingual (Spanish and English) alternative newspaper from Mexico.
- Levante-El Mercantil Valenciano - From Valencia Spain
- La Nacion - One of Costa Rica's national newspapers.
- La Nacion - One of Argentina's national newspapers.
- El Nacional - From Caracas, Venezuela
- El Norte - FromMonterrey, Mexico
- Novedades - News from Mexico.
- La Nueava Provincia - Online news from Bahia Blanca City, Argentina.
- El Nuevo Diario - From Managua, Nicaragua
- El Nuevo Dia Interactivo - Interactive version of a Puerto Rican newspaper.
- El Pais - From Cali, Colombia
- El Pais - From Madrid, Spain
- El Periódico de Catalunya - Online version of this Spanish daily.
- La Prensa - From Panama City.
- La Prensa - Daily news from Honduras.
- La Prensa - From Nicaragua.
- Prensa Libre - From Guatemala.
- Púlsar - Texts of radio news from Ecuador.
- Pulso - Mexican daily newspaper
- Rebelion - Alternative Spanish newspaper.
- La Republica - A daily from Lima, Peru.
- La Revista - The Sunday magazine from the Spanish daily El Mundo.
- Semana - "A weekly magazine about Colombia."
- La Semana del Sur - From Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA)
- El Siglo - From Panama City Panama
- El Telegrafo - Ecuador's oldest newspaper, now online.
- La Tercera - News from Chile.
- El Tiempo - From Chile.
- El Tiempo - From Colombia.
- El Tiempo - From Honduras.
- Ultima Hora - Independent Paraguaian Newspaper.
- El Universal - From Caracas, Venezuela
- EL Universal - From Mexico City, Mexico
- Venezuela Analitica - A journal of political and economic analysis.
- La Voz - "The only paper from Lanzarote in the Canary Islands."
Newspaper Map
Newspapers of the World
Erstellt: 2020-07
Newspapers of the World
North America (USA only) | USA (Only) Listed by State Listed Alphabetically | South America | South America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Guyana Paraguay Peru Suriname Venezuela | Asia Pacific | Asia Pacific Australia New Zealand | South East Asia | South East Asia Brunei East Timor Hong Kong Indonesia Laos Macau Malaysia Myanmar Papua New Guinea Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand Tonga Viêt-nam | North America (excluding USA) | North America (ex USA) Mexico Canada: Alpha : Alberta : British Columbia : Manitoba : New Brunswick : Newfoundland : Nova Scotia : Nunavut : NW Territories : Ontario : Prince Edward Island : Québec : Saskatchewan : Yukon Territory | Central America | Central America Belize Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama | Africa | Africa Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Congo-Brazzaville Côte D'Ivoire Democ. Rep. of Congo Djiboute Egypt Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia Eritrea Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia Somaliland South Africa Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Western Sahara Zambia Zimbabwe | All Countries A - G | All Countries A - G Antarctica Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Antigua & Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ascencion Island Australia Austria Azerbaijan The Bahamas Bahrain The Baltics Bangladesh Barbados Basque Country Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Channel Islands Chile China Colombia C'wealth Nrth Mariana Is Comoros Congo-Brazzaville Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democ. Rep. of Congo Denmark Dominica Dominican Republic Djiboute East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador England A to K England L to Z Equatorial Guinea Estonia Ethiopia Eritrea
Fiji Finland France French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Greenland Grenada Guatemala Guadeloupe Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana | United Kingdom | United Kingdom England A to K England L to Z Scotland Wales | Asia | Asia Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China India Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Maldives Mongolia Nepal North Korea Pakistan South Korea Sri Lanka Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan | West Indies | West Indies Antigua & Barbuda Aruba The Bahamas Barbados Bermuda British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Grenada Guadeloupe Haiti Jamaica Montserrat Netherland Antilles Puerto Rico St Lucia St Vinc. & The Grenads. Trinidad & Tobago Turks & Caicos Is US Virgin Is. | All Countries H - O | All Countries H - O Haiti Hong Kong Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey, Island of Jordan Kazakhstan Kurdistan (Region) Kyrgyzstan Kenya Kuwait Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marianas Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal New Caledonia Netherlands Netherland Antilles New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway North Korea Oman | Europe | Europe Albania Andorra Armenia Ascencion Island Austria The Baltics Basque Country Belarus Belgium Bosnia Herzegovina Bulgaria Channel Islands Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark England A to K England L to Z Estonia
Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Greenland Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Jersey, Island of Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Scotland Serbia & Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Vatican Wales | Middle East | Middle East Bahrain Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kurdistan (Region) Kuwait Lebanon Oman Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria United Arab Emirates Yemen | South Pacific | South Pacific American Samoa C'wealth Nrth Mariana Is Fiji French Polynesia Marianas New Caledonia Polynesia Samoa Solomon Islands Vanuatu | All Countries P - Z | All Countries P - Z Pakistan Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Polynesia Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Samoa Saudi Arabia Scotland Senegal Serbia & Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia Somaliland South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka St Lucia St Vinc. & The Grenad. Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks & Caicos Is Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates Vatican Vanuatu Viêt-nam Uzbekistan US Virgin Is. Venezuela Wales Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
Newspapers of the World
Newspapers of the World
5.000 Zeitungen aus 170 Ländern
List of newspapers
- [show]v • d • eLists of newspapers in Africa
- Sovereign states Algeria · Angola · Benin · Botswana · Burkina Faso · Burundi · Cameroon · Cape Verde · Central African Republic · Chad · Comoros · Democratic Republic of the Congo · Republic of the Congo · Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) · Djibouti · Egypt1 · Equatorial Guinea · Eritrea · Ethiopia · Gabon · The Gambia · Ghana · Guinea · Guinea-Bissau · Kenya · Lesotho · Liberia · Libya · Madagascar · Malawi · Mali · Mauritania · Mauritius · Morocco · Mozambique · Namibia · Niger · Nigeria · Rwanda · São Tomé and Príncipe · Senegal · Seychelles · Sierra Leone · Somalia · South Africa · Sudan · Swaziland · Tanzania · Togo · Tunisia · Uganda · Zambia · Zimbabwe
- Dependencies,
- autonomies,
- other territories Canary Islands / Ceuta / Melilla (Spain) · Madeira (Portugal) · Mayotte / Réunion (France) · Puntland · · Socotra (Yemen) · Somaliland · Southern Sudan · Western Sahara · Zanzibar (Tanzania)
- Italics indicate an unrecognised or partially recognised country. 1 Transcontinental country.
- [show]v • d • eLists of newspapers in Asia
- Sovereign
- states Afghanistan · Armenia1 · Azerbaijan1 · Bahrain · Bangladesh · Bhutan · Brunei · Burma2 · Cambodia · People's Republic of China · Cyprus1 · East Timor3 · Egypt4 · Georgia4 · India · Indonesia · Iran · Iraq · Israel · Japan · Jordan · Kazakhstan4 · North Korea · South Korea · Kuwait · Kyrgyzstan · Laos · Lebanon · Malaysia · Maldives · Mongolia · Nepal · Oman · Pakistan · Philippines · Qatar · Russia4 · Saudi Arabia · Singapore · Sri Lanka · Syria · Tajikistan · Republic of China5 · Thailand · Turkey4 · Turkmenistan · United Arab Emirates · Uzbekistan · Vietnam · Yemen
- Dependencies,
- autonomies,
- other territories Aceh · Adjara1 · Abkhazia1 · Akrotiri and Dhekelia · Altai · British Indian Ocean Territory · Buryatia · Christmas Island · Cocos (Keeling) Islands · Guangxi · Hong Kong · Inner Mongolia · Iraqi Kurdistan · Khakassia · Macau · Nagorno-Karabakh · Nakhchivan · Ningxia · Northern Cyprus · Palestine (Gaza Strip · West Bank) · Papua · Sakha · South Ossetia1 · Tibet · Tuva · West Papua · Xinjiang · Yogyakarta
- Italics indicates an unrecognised or partially recognised country. 1 Sometimes included in Europe, depending on the border definitions. 2 Officially known as Myanmar. 3 Sometimes included in Oceania, and also known as Timor-Leste. 4 Transcontinental country. 5 Commonly known as Taiwan.
- [show]v • d • eLists of newspapers in Europe
- Sovereign
- states Albania · Andorra · Armenia1 · Austria · Azerbaijan2 · Belarus · Belgium · Bosnia and Herzegovina · Bulgaria · Croatia · Cyprus1 · Czech Republic · Denmark · Estonia · Finland · France · Georgia2 · Germany · Greece · Hungary · Iceland · Ireland · Italy · Kazakhstan3 · Latvia · Liechtenstein · Lithuania · Luxembourg · Macedonia · Malta · Moldova · Monaco · Montenegro · Netherlands · Norway · Poland · Portugal · Romania · Russia3 · San Marino · Serbia · Slovakia · Slovenia · Spain · Sweden · Switzerland · Turkey3 · Ukraine · United Kingdom (England • Northern Ireland • Scotland • Wales) · Vatican City
- Other entities ·
- Dependencies,
- autonomies,
- other territories Abkhazia 2 · Adjara1 · Adygea · Akrotiri and Dhekelia · Åland · Azores · Bashkortostan · Catalonia · Chuvashia · Crimea · Dagestan · Gagauzia · Gibraltar · Guernsey · Ingushetia · Jan Mayen · Jersey · Kabardino-Balkaria · Kalmykia · Karachay-Cherkessia · Republic of Karelia · Komi Republic · Madeira · Isle of Man · Mari El · Mordovia · Nagorno-Karabakh1 · Nakhchivan1 · North Ossetia-Alania · Northern Cyprus1 · South Ossetia 2 · Svalbard · Tatarstan · Transnistria · Udmurtia · Vojvodina
- Italics indicates an unrecognised or partially recognised country. 1 Entirely in Asia, but historically considered European. 2 Partially or entirely in Asia, depending on the border definitions. 3 Transcontinental country.
- [show]v • d • eLists of newspapers in North America
- Sovereign states Antigua and Barbuda · Bahamas · Barbados · Belize · Canada · Costa Rica · Cuba · Dominica · Dominican Republic · El Salvador · Grenada · Guatemala · Haiti · Honduras · Jamaica · Mexico · Nicaragua · Panama1 · Saint Kitts and Nevis · Saint Lucia · Saint Vincent and the Grenadines · Trinidad and Tobago1 · United States
- Dependencies and
- other territories Anguilla · Aruba1 · Bermuda · British Virgin Islands · Cayman Islands · Greenland · Guadeloupe · Martinique · Montserrat · Puerto Rico · Saint Pierre and Miquelon · Turks and Caicos Islands · United States Virgin Islands
- 1 Territories also in or commonly considered to be part of South America.
- [show]v • d • eLists of newspapers in Oceania
- Sovereign states Australia · East Timor1 · Fiji · Indonesia1 · Kiribati · Papua New Guinea · Marshall Islands · Federated States of Micronesia · Nauru · New Zealand · Palau · Samoa · Solomon Islands · Tonga · Tuvalu · Vanuatu
- Dependencies and
- other territories American Samoa · Christmas Island · Cocos (Keeling) Islands · Cook Islands · French Polynesia · Guam · Hawaii · New Caledonia · Niue · Norfolk Island · Northern Mariana Islands · Pitcairn Islands · Rotuma · Tokelau · Wallis and Futuna
- 1 Transcontinental country.
- [show]v • d • eLists of newspapers in South America
- Sovereign states Argentina · Bolivia · Brazil · Chile · Colombia · Ecuador · Guyana · Panama1 · Paraguay · Peru · Suriname · Trinidad and Tobago1 · · Venezuela
- Dependencies Aruba | French Guiana (France)
- 1 Territories also in or commonly considered to be part of North America and/or Central America. 2 Territories also in or commonly considered to be part of Antarctica.
- [show]v • d • eLists by country