Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
@_ Welt, Mundo, Monde, Mondo, World, (lat.) orbis (terrae), (esper.) mondo
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Atlantischer Ozean
Atlantic Ocean
Mare Atlanticum (W3)

Wie genau der "Atlantik", dt. "Atlantischer Ozean", engl. "Atlantic Ocean" zu seinem Namen kam, ist anscheinend nicht mehr nachvollziehbar. Zum ersten Mal findet man diese Bezeichnung bei Herodot als "Mare Atlanticum", also etwa -500. Als Namensgeber bieten sich sowohl das nach dem mythologischen Riesen "Atlas" benannte "Atlasgebirge", als auch das untergegangene mythische "Atlantis" an.

Als Wort geht "Atlantik" zurück auf griech. "athlos" = "sich mühen", aber auch "kämpfen". Auf griech. "athlos" geht auch "Athletik" zurück.

Informationen zum Atlantischen Ozean und seiner geopolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung und Daten zu Geographie und Klima.


Guide de tous les W.C. du monde



Tous les pays | Allemagne | Andorre | Angleterre | Argentine | Autriche | Belgique | Bolivie | Botswana | Bulgaria | Canada | Chine | Congo | Cuba | Ecosse | Egypte | Espagne | Etats Unis | Ethiopie | Finlande | France | Grèce | Hilsprich | Hong Kong | Hongrie | Ile Maurice | Inde | Italie | Japon | Jordanie | Kenya | Liechtenstein | Luxembourg | Maroc | Martinique | Monaco | Mongolie | Namibie | Narbonne | | Panama | Pays de Galles | Pays-Bas | Pérou | Philippines | Pologne | Portugal | Principauté Monaco | Qatar | Rép. Dominicaine | Rép. Tchèque | Republique tchèque | Rots | Roumanie | Royaume Uni | Russie | Saint-Martin | Sénégal | Sion | St Maarten | St Martin | St-Maarten | Suède | Suisse | Syrie | Tanzanie | Tchad | Thailande | Tunisie | Turquie | Vietnam | Zambie

Beaufort-See, Beaufort-Skala (W3)

Die "Beaufort-See" und die "Beaufort-Skala" tragen den Namen von "Sir Francis Beaufort".

Die Beaufort-Skala

Die Beaufort-Skala


17. Dezember 1857: Todestag des britischen Admirals Sir Francis Beaufort
ZeitZeichen vom 17. Dezember 2007, 9.05 Uhr

Mit 13 Jahren heuerte "Francis Beaufort" als Schiffsjunge an, segelte um das Kap der Guten Hoffnung und nach Jakarta. In der Royal Navy machte er eine steile Karriere: Mit 22 war er Leutnant, mit 29 erhielt er sein erstes Kommando über ein Schiff. Dabei galt seine größte Leidenschaft Papier und Stift: Er zeichnete, notierte, skizzierte alles, was ihm zu Wind, Wasser und Wellen in den Sinn kam.

Aus purer Langeweile - sein Schiff lag in Montevideo fest - begann er, die unterschiedlichen Winde in einer Skala zu ordnen. Bis heute dient diese "Beaufort-Skala" - allerdings in modifizierter Form - in der Seefahrt zur Beschreibung der Windstärke. Als er im Alter von 83 Jahren starb, war der zum Konteradmiral beförderte Pfarrerssohn bereits als "Admiral der Winde" bekannt.
Auch die "Beaufort-See", das Polarmeer nördlich von Alaska, trägt seinen Namen.

AutorIn: Marko Rösseler
Redaktion: Michael Rüger



Bering Canyon (W3)

Der untermeerische "Bering Canyon" liegt in der "Beringstraße" und trägt somit auch den Namen von "Vitus Bering".

Bering Canyon (submarine canyon, Bering Sea)

Bering Land Bridge (W3)

Während der Letzten Eiszeit (um -11.00 oder früher) gelangten Menschen aus dem asiatischen Raum über eine Landbrücke ins heutige Alaska und weiter nach Nord- und Südamerika. Die ehemalige Landbrücke, wird nach der heutigen "Beringstraße", engl. "Bering Strait", als "Bering Land Bridge" oder "Beringia" bezeichnet.


Bering Land Bridge (ancient landmass)
Bering Land Bridge National Monument (national preserve, Alaska, United States)
Bering Land Bridge National Preserve (national preserve, Alaska, United States)


Bering Land Bridge National Preserve


"Bering Land Bridge" National Preserve lies at the continental crossroads that greatly influenced the distribution of life in the Western Hemisphere during the Pleistocene Epoch. It is a vital landscape for indigenous communities who depend on the land just as their ancestors did for many generations. It is a wild and ecologically healthy landscape unlike any other.

Bering Sea (W3)

Die engl. "Bering Sea", zwischen Asien (Sibirien) und Nordamerika (Alaska), wurde nach "Vitus Bering" ("Ivan Ivanviteh Behring", "Vite Behring"), einem dänischen Kapitän, der im Jahr 1728 hier ankam, benannt. Die Benennung soll durch den Kapitän James Cook vorgenommen worden sein. Die Schreibweise als "Behring Strasse" soll durch deutsche Falschschreibung entstanden sein.


Vitus Bering


Bering Sea, Island and Strait


Bering Sea Arbitration

The important fishery dispute between Great Britain and the United States, which was closed by this arbitration, arose in the following circumstances.

In the year 1867 the United States government had purchased from Russia all her territorial rights in Alaska and the adjacent islands.


"Bering Sea" and "Bering Strait", Russian "Beringovo More" and "Proliv Beringa", northernmost part of the Pacific Ocean, separating the continents of Asia and North America. To the north the "Bering Sea" connects with the Arctic Ocean through the "Bering Strait", at the narrowest point of which the two continents are about 53 miles (85 kilometres) apart. The boundary between the United States and Russia passes through the sea and the strait.


Bering Sea Gold (a Titles & Air Dates Guide)


Bering Sea Gold: Under the Ice (a Titles & Air Dates Guide)


Top of the TGN hierarchy (hierarchy root)

.... World (facet) - [ view political entities ]
  • ................ Beringia (former landmass)
  • ................ Darién, Serranía del (mountain range)
  • ................ Gondwana (former physical feature)
  • ................ Great Rift Valley (valley)
  • ................ Jirafi, Wadi al (wadi)
  • ................ Kusadasi Körfezi (gulf)
  • ................ Laurasia (former physical feature)
  • ................ Lesser Antilles (island group)
  • ................ Malay Archipelago (islands)
  • ................ Mandeb, Bab el (strait)
  • ................ Marica (river)
  • ................ Pangaea (former physical feature)
  • ................ Panthalassa (former physical feature)
  • ................ Paria, Golfo de (gulf)
  • ................ Serpents Mouth (channel)
  • ................ South Sea Islands (islands)
  • ................ Star Mountains (mountain range)
  • ................ Tethys Sea (former body of water)
  • ................ Tiburón, Cabo (cape)
  • ................ Tiran, Strait of (strait)
  • ................ Tundzha (river)
  • ................ West Indies (archipelago)
  • ................ Yildiz Daglari (mountain range)


Russia, Bering Sea


Bering Sea


Bering Sea, Alaska, Bay of Alaska


Bering Sea, Alaska


Bering Sea


McKee, Lanier

The Land of Nome

A narrative sketch of the rush to our "Bering Sea" gold-fields, the country, its mines and its people, and the history of a great conspiracy (1900-1901) (English)


  • Across the Bering Sea: From Katmai to Kamchatka
  • Bering Sea Wilderness: Pribilofs, Katmai, and…
  • #bering_sea — Photos — National Geographic Yo…
  • #bering — Photos — National Geographic Your…
  • #beringsea — Photos — National Geographic You…
  • #beringisland — Photos — National Geographic…
  • #beringarcticfox — Photos — National Geographi…
  • The Bering Sea, Where Humans and Nature Collide
  • Dire Straits: Bering's deadly exploration of the…
  • Facts About The Chukchi & Bering Sea Islands |…
  • On Way to New World, First Americans Made a…
  • ...


Limericks on "Bering Sea"


Vitus Jonassen Bering (*1680 (Horsens, Jütland/Dänemark) - †19.12.1741 (Beringinsel))

dänischer Seefahrer und Arktisforscher, Offizier der (neu gebildeten) Marine des russischen Zaren Peter des Großen, erhielt 1724 den Auftrag, die Wasserwege zwischen Sibirien und Nordamerika zu erforschen. 1728 entdeckte er die (nach ihm benannte) Meeresstraße und bewies damit, dass Asien und Nordamerika getrennte Kontinente sind.


  • Bering Sea
  • Coast of the Bering Sea
  • View of the Bering Sea
  • Bering Sea. Bird Colony
  • Bogoslof Island in the Bering Sea, Alaska
  • Another View of the Settlement of Nikol'skoe on Bering Island
  • Kaplik Cliff. View of the Bering Sea
  • Bering Sea. Hunting Bearded Seal
  • The Settlement of Nikol'skoe on Bering Island (Another View is on the Last Page)
  • Head of a Caught Bearded Seal. Children. Shore of the Bering Sea
  • Tundra on Hall Island, Alaska, in the Bering Sea. July 14, 1899
  • Fur Seals on Saint Paul Island, Alaska, in the Bering Sea. July 9, 1899
  • Tundra on Hall Island, Alaska, in the Bering Sea. July 14, 1899
  • Fur Seals on Saint Paul Island, Alaska, in the Bering Sea. July 9, 1899
  • The First Russian Naval Voyage, Taken for the Resolution of the Geographical Question: Are Asia and America Connected? Completed in 1727, '28 and '29 under theThis Chart was Compiled on the Siberian Expedition under the Command of Navy Captain Bering from Tobolsk to the Chukotkan Corner
  • Steller or Northern Sea Lions on Bogoslof Island, Bering Sea, Alaska. July 8, 1899
  • A Barabara, a Traditional Aleut Dwelling, on Saint Paul Island in the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska. July 9, 1899
  • Map of the Anadyr Estuary in the Bering Sea: From a Map by the American Engineer Bulkley in 1815, and Corrected According to the Observations of the Clipper "Gaidamak" in 1875
  • Mercator Map of the Bering Sea from the Northeast Coast of Asia, Between Cape Olutor and Cape Chukotka: Taken from Captain Litke's Map, Supplemented by an Insert of the Anadyr Inlet
  • Journey to the Southern Ocean and the Bering Strait in Search for the North-Eastern Sea Passage, Undertaken in 1815, 1816, 1817 and 1818 on the Ship "The Riurik" Under the Sponsorship of Rumiantsev. Parts One Through Three
  • The Travels of Captain Billings across Chukotka from the Bering Strait to the Lower Kolyma Redoubt, and the Voyage of Captain Hall on the Ship Black Eagle in the North-Eastern Ocean in 1791. Includes a Glossary in Twelve Dialects of the Native People, Observations on Severe Weather at the Lower Kolyma Redoubt, and Instructions Given to Captain Billings by the State Admiralty Board
  • ...

Erstellt: 2019-08

Bering Sea Dispute (W3)

Im "Bering Sea Dispute" zwischen USA, Großbritannien und Kanada, ging es natürlich um die "Bering Sea".

Bering Sea Dispute (international dispute)

Bering Strait (W3)

Die "Beringstraße", frz. "Détroit de Bering", engl. "Bering Strait", zwischen Asien (Sibirien) und Nordamerika (Alaska), wurde nach "Vitus Bering" ("Ivan Ivanviteh Behring", "Vite Behring"), einem dänischen Kapitän, der im Jahr 1728 hier ankam, benannt. Die Benennung soll durch den Kapitän James Cook vorgenommen worden sein. Die Schreibweise als "Behring Strasse" soll durch deutsche Falschschreibung entstanden sein.

Davor (1566) wurde die Wasserstrasse als "Stret de Anian" bezeichnet.

Vitus Bering o Behring (1681-1741)

Bering Strait (strait, Pacific Ocean)


U.S. History For Dummies Cheat Sheet

By Steve Wiegand

U.S. history is as complex and fascinating as the people who populate the country. A timeline of significant events in the life of the United States of America starts with hunters crossing the "Bering Strait", through the fight for independence, and to the election of 44 men to serve as president. The election of the 43rd, Barack Obama, is of historical significance in itself as he was the first African American president.





Vitus Bering
The "Bering Strait" and "Bering Sea" are named for him.

Limericks on Bering Strait

Bering, Vitus


Behring or Bering Strait, Alaska


The "Bering Strait" is a strait of the Pacific, which separates Russia and Alaska slightly south of the Arctic Circle at about 65° 40' N latitude. The present Russia-US east-west boundary is at 168° 58' 37" W. The Strait is named after "Vitus Bering", an explorer in the service of the Russian Empire.

Beringa Markolo (W3)

In Esperanto wird die "Beringstraße" als "Beringa Markolo" bezeichnet.


Beringa Maro (W3)

In Esperanto wird die "Beringsee" als "Beringa Maro" bezeichnet.


Beringia (W3)

Während der Letzten Eiszeit (um -11.00 oder früher) gelangten Menschen aus dem asiatischen Raum über eine Landbrücke ins heutige Alaska und weiter nach Nord- und Südamerika. Die ehemalige Landbrücke, wird nach der heutigen "Beringstraße", engl. "Bering Strait", als "Beringia" oder "Bering Land Bridge" bezeichnet.


Beringia (ancient landform, Pacific Ocean)


Limericks on Beringia

Beringo (W3)

In Esperanto wird die "Bering" als "Beringo" bezeichnet.


Beringovo More (W3)

Engl. "Bering Sea" und "Bering Strait" heißen russ. "Beringovo More" und "Proliv Beringa".


Beringovo More (sea, Pacific Ocean)

Beringstraße (W3)

Die Beringstraße hat ihren Namen von dem dänischen Seefahrer und Marineoffizier "Vitus Bering" (1681 - 1741), der 1728 als erster (?) durch die Meerenge zwischen Alaska und Sibirien bzw. zwischen Amerika und Asien fuhr.

6. Mai 1727
Zarin Katharina I. stirbt im Alter von erst 43 Jahren, und der zwölfjährige Enkel von Peter dem Großen besteigt als Peter II. den Zarenthron, der unter dem Einfluß einer Bojarengruppe steht. Er verbannt Menschikow nach Sibirien und macht wiederum Moskau zur Hauptstadt Rußlands. In seinem Auftrag durchfährt der Däne Vitus 'Bering' 1728 erstmals die später nach ihm benannte 'Meeresstraße' und nimmt Alaska für Rußland in Besitz.

Bering, Vitus


Die "Beringstraße" (englisch "Bering Strait", russisch "Beringow proliw") ist eine Meerenge zwischen den Kontinenten Asien und Amerika. Die Meerenge verbindet den Arktischen Ozean mit dem Pazifik. Wie das südlich davon gelegene "Beringmeer" wurde sie nach dem Dänen "Vitus Bering" benannt, der die Meerenge 1728 als Marineoffizier in russischen Diensten durchfuhr.


Mischen sich die verschiedenen Weltmeere untereinander?

Der Arktische Ozean, Pazifik und Atlantik sind zwar durch Kontinente getrennt, aber keineswegs voneinander abgeschottet. So strömen pazifisches bzw. atlantisches Meerwasser durch "Beringstraße" und "Framstraße" in das arktische Becken.

Karte des nördlichen Sibirien: Verlauf von Berings Erster Kamtschatka-Expedition, 1729

Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Dt. "Beringstraße" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1830 auf.


Erstellt: 2019-08



"COML" steht für "Census of Marine Life".


The Census of Marine Life is a global network of researchers in more than 80 nations engaged in a 10-year scientific initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of life in the oceans. The world's first comprehensive Census of Marine Life-past, present, and future-will be released in 2010.


Détroit de Bering (W3)

Die "Beringstraße", frz. "Détroit de Bering", engl. "Bering Strait", zwischen Asien (Sibirien) und Nordamerika (Alaska), wurde nach "Vitus Bering" ("Ivan Ivanviteh Behring", "Vite Behring"), einem dänischen Kapitän, der im Jahr 1728 hier ankam, benannt. Die Benennung soll durch den Kapitän James Cook vorgenommen worden sein. Die Schreibweise als "Behring Strasse" soll durch deutsche Falschschreibung entstanden sein.


La migration vers le Nouveau Monde bloquée pendant 20000 ans

MAJ 09/11/17

Les déplacements humains de l'Asie vers l'Amérique a été interrompue durant 20000 ans au niveau du "détroit de Bering". En outre, le Nouveau Monde a été colonisé par environ 1000 à 5000 personnes - un nombre nettement plus élevé que les 100 personnes précédemment estimées.

(E1)(L1)étroit de Bering
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.

Frz. "Détroit de Bering" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1800 auf.


Erstellt: 2019-08


Water in many Languages
Wasser in vielen Sprachen


Afro-Asiatic family
language      sound             meaning
Janjero         akka                    water
Kaffa           aco                     water
Mocha           ac'o                    water
Gofa            hacca                   water
Shinasha        ac'c'o                  water
Badditu         wat'e                   water
Agaw            aq                      water
biln            ?aq                     water
Xamir           aq(w) a         drops of water
Quara           axu                     water
Avia            axu                     water
Damot           ago                     water
Hadiyya         wo?o                    water
Tamboaro        waha                    water
Sidamo          waho                    water
Iraqw           aha                     drink

Khoisan family of southern Africa !O !Kung kau rain !Kung k''a drink !Kung kau rain !Naron k''a drink |Kam-ka !ke k''wa drink |Kam-ka !kekau rain ||Ng!Ke k''a drink ||Ng!Ke kau to rain Batwa k''a drink |Auni k''a drink Masarwa k''a drink |Nu||en k''a drink

Nilo-Saharan Family Fur k)I rain Nyimang kwe water So kwe? Water Ik cue water Mangbetu equo water Berta k)I rain, cloud Kwama uuku water Anej agu-d cloud

Indo European Family Latin ak(w)a water Hittite eku water Luwian aku water Palaic ahu drink Italian akkwa drink Provencal aiga water Catalan aigwa water Spanish agwa water Portuguese aqwa water Rumanian ape water Sardinian abba water Germanic ahwa river old Germanic manuscripts-modern German lost root Tocharian yok drink

Eurasiatic Family Ainu Wakka water Ainu ku drink Japanese aka bilge water

Dene-Caucasian Family Chechen aq suckle Burushaski hagum wet Newari kwo river Khaling ku water Kachin k(h)u water

Indo Pacific family Awyu okho water/river syiagha okho water Yareba ogo water Yonggom oq water Ninggirum ok water

Amerind--native American Yurok -'k(w) suffix indicating movement on water Quileute kwaya water Kwakwala yax thin liquid Bella Bella yug(w)a rain Snohomish q(w)a? water Squamish q(w)u water Squamish q(rw)et wet Nbisqualli ko water Nbisqualli okokwa drink Lkungen kwa water Lkungen q(w)aq(w)a? water Twana q)? water Twana yeq(rw) wash Shuswap kwo water Caddo koko water Caddo yoyakka drink Wichita kik'a drink

Penutian branch Nass ak(j)-s water Twsimshian aks drink Tsimshian yaks wash Takema ug(w) drink Siuslaw inq'aa river Nez Perce k'u drink Molale ?uquns water Klamath joq' wash N. Sahaptin -tkwa go in water Wintun wak'ai creek Wintun yuqa? Wash Rumsien uk drink Yokuts ?ukun drink Lake Miwok kiik water Saclan kiko water Miwok kiky water Zuni k'a water Zuni k'I become wet Yuki uk' water Chitmacha ?ak- water Atakapa ak water Chickasaw oka? Water Hitchiti uki water Tetontepec uu?k drink Zoque ?uhk drink Yucatec uk' be thirsty Yucatec yok-ha river Kekchi u?ka drink

Hokan branch Chimariko aqa water Kashaya ?ahq(h)a water Kashaya q'o drink North Pomo ?ahk(h)a water North Pomo k'o drink SE Pomo xa water S. Pomo ?ahk(h)a water East Pomo xak(h) wet Shasta ?atta water Washo asa water Karok ?as water Esselen asa(-nax) water Chumash aho water Seri ?ax water Seri Kiihk wet Yuma axa? Water Mohave aha water Yavapai ?aha? water Diegueno ?axa water Quinigua kwa water Tonkawa ?ax water Comecrudo ax water Tequistlatec l-axa? Water

Central Amerind branch Otomi nk'a wet Cuicatec ku?u drink Tewa pokwin lake Tewa kwan rain

South America Amerind - Chibchan-Paezan branch Shiriana koa drink Chimila uk drink Binticua agan drink Allentiac aka water

Andean branc Amerind Iquito aqua water Quechua yaku water Quechua hoq'o get wet Aymara oqo swallow Mapudungu ko water Genneken iagup water Yamana aku lake

Macro-Tucanoan brach Cubeo oko water Bahukiwa oko water Bahukiwa uku-mi he is drinking Bahukiwa okobo rain Tucano axko water Erulia oxko water rain Barasano oko water Wanana ko water Yahuna okoa rain Auake okoa water river

Equatorial branch Esmeralda kebi-axa let's drink Ayore oxi? Drink Kabishana aku water Amniape aku water Wayoro uru water Mekens iki water Guarani aki wet Guarani I?u drink Kamayura ?akim wet Kamayura I?u drink Quitemo ako water Uaraicu waka wash Terena oko rain Chipaya ax wash Guana uko rain Apurina iaka wet Amarakaeri iyako lake

Macro-Carib branch Witoto hoko wash Yagua Xa water Taulipang ai?ku wet Macusi u-wuku my drink Macusi Aiku wet Waiwai woku drink

Macro-Panoan branch Lule uk drink Guachi euak water Caduveo yakip(a) drink Suhin I-yoke drink Mayoruna waka water Mayoruna oakanu drink Culino Yaku water Culino waka river Amahuaco wakum water Amahuaco aiyaki drink Nocoman wakoja river Huarayo hakua wash Cavinena igi drink

Macro-Ge branch Bororo ku drink Koraveka ako drink Fulnio waka lake Caraja axu lake Kamakan kwa drink Palmas goi water Apucarana (n)goyo water Delbergia ng)yo water Apinage inko water river Crengez ko water Cayapo ngo water Cayapo ikon drink Chavante ko water Cherente ko water Chicriaba ku water Aponegicran waiko drink Suya ikone drink

Erstellt: 2010-08


Fisheries Glossary


FAO Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture

The FAO Fisheries Global Information System (of the "Food and Agriculture Organization" (of the United Nations)) is a global network of integrated fisheries information.

Hier die englischen Begriffe: (02.12.2007)

Abiotic | Absolute abundance | Absolute recruitment | Abundance | Abundance index | Abyssal plain | Acceptable impact | Access right | Accession | Accidental catch | Accreditation | Accreditation body | Accreditation system | Accuracy | Acoustic survey | Acoustic tag | Active fishing days | ADAPT | adaptability | | adaptation options | Adaptive management | Advocacy | Aerial survey | Aerial trap | aerosols | Age | Age (t+) | Age class | Age of Maturity | Age of Recruitment | Age validation | Age-Length Key | Age-specific | Ageing technique | Agenda 21 | Aggregated fishery data | Aggregation | aggregation | Agro-ecological Zone | Alien species | Allocation | Allowable Biological Catch | Allowable catch | Allowable quota or quota | Anadromous species | Androgenesis | Annual mortality rate | anthropogenic | Anticipatory approach | Apparent Consumption | Aquaculture | Aquatic ecosystem | Aquatic resources | Archival tag | Area closure | Area of distribution | Area of occupancy | Area swept | Arrangement | Artificial reef | Artisanal fisheries | Assemblage | Assessment | assessment | Asset | Assimilative capacity | Associated species | Audit | Authorized species | Availability | Average cost (of effort) | Average fixed cost | Average revenue (of effort) | Average variable cost | Avoidance | Avoidance curve | B | B 20% B-virg | B 50% R | B 90% R, 90% Surv | B0 | Bag Limit | Bank | Barrier nets | Base case | Base port | Baseline | Basin | Batch fecundity | Bayesian | Bayesian probability | Beach price | Beach seine | Beam trawl | Beam trawler | Beliefs | Benefit cost ratio | Benthic | Benthos | Berried | Best scientific evidence | Bias | Billfish | Bio-economic equilibrium | Bio-economic modelling | biodiversity | biogeophysical processes | Biological diversity | Biological diversity | Biological Indicator | Biological interaction | Biological overfishing | Biological Reference Point | Biological resources | Biologically Acceptable Limit | Biomass | Biome | biome | biosphere | Biosphere | Biotic | Bivalves | Bloom | Bloss | BMSY | Boat day | Boat seine | Boat-day | | Bottom otter trawl | Bottom pair trawls | Bottom trawl | Bottom-up management | Brackish waters | Brood | Brood stock | Buffer zone | Buffer zone management | Butterfly fillets | Buy-back | By-catch | By-catch excluder device | Bycatch | C.P.U.E | C.V. | Cage culture | Canyon | Capability | Capacity | Capacity building | Capital | Capital stuffing | Capital value (of an ecosystem): | Capture fishery | CARICOM | Carrying capacity | Cast net | Catadromous | Catch | Catch at Age | Catch at Size | Catch curve | Catch per unit of effort | Catch rate | Catch-at-age | Catch-at-length | Catch-at-weight | Catchability | Catchability coefficient | CATCHEM | causal chain | causal structure | CCAMLR | CCSBT | CDROM | cellular automata | Census | Cephalopods | Cephalothorax | Certification | Certification body | Cestode worms | Cetaceans | CFRAMP | Chain of custody | Chloropleth | CIDA | Ciguatera | CITES | citizen panel | Climate | Closed season | Clupeoids | Co-management | Coast | Coastal area | Coastal Zone | Cod-end | COFI | Cohort | Cohort analysis | Cohort slicing | Collapse | Command-and-control | Commodity | Common pool resource | Common property | Common property resource | Common wealth | Communal property resource | Community | Community fishery | Compensation | Compensatory Growth | Compensatory Survival | Competition | complexity | Concentration phase | Conditional fishing mortality rate | Conditional mortality rate | Conditional natural mortality rate | Confidence Interval | Confidential statistics | Conformity assessment | Conservation | Conservation dependent | constructivism | Consultative design | Consumer surplus | Consumptive use | Contamination | Contiguous zone | Continental margin | Continental rise | Continental shelf | Continental slope | Contingency valuation | Contingent choice | Contingent valuation (CV) | Continuing decline | Contracting party | Cooperative game | Coordination | Cosmopolitan species | Cost effectiveness | Cost Benefit Analysis | Cost-Benefit analysis | Cost-Benefit models | Country of origin | CPUE | Creel survey | Criterion | Critical age | Critical Depensation level | Critical size | Critically endangered | Cross-sectoral issues | Cryopreservation | Cryptic biomass | Cultural factors | Cultural services | Culture-based capture fisheries | Culture-based fisheries | Cumulative Frequency Distribution | Customary Rights | CWP | Cytogenetic | Data | Data base | Data Base Management System | Data deficient | Data flow | Data set | Data validation | Databank | Database | Database management system (DBMS) | DBMS | Decapods | Decision analysis | Decision analytical framework (DAF) | Decision rule | Decision-maker | Decline | Deliberative democracy | Delta Method | Demersal | Demersal trawling | Demography | Density-dependence | Dependent species | Depensation | Depleted stock | Depletion | Depletion Costs | Deposit refund system | Deposit refund systems | determinism | deterministic | Deterministic | Developed fishery | Developing fishery | Development | Diadromous | Diatoms | Digitized map | Digitizing | Diploid | Direct use | Direct use value | Directed Fishery | Discard | Discount rate | Discounted cash flow analysis | Discounting | Discriminatory analysis | Distance function | distributed models | | Domestic fishery | Drainage | Dredges | Dressed weight | Drifting gillnet | Drifting longline | Driftnet | Driver, indirect | Dropline | Drought | Dumping at Sea | Dynamic pool model | dynamic simulation model | EAM | Earth Summit | Earth System Model (ESM) | ECLAC | Ecodevelopment | Ecodevelopment | Ecofeminism | Ecolabelling scheme | Ecological distribution | Ecological effciency | Ecological footprint | Ecological Impact | Ecological niche | Ecological zone | Ecology | Ecomarxism | Economic efficiency | Economic overfishing | Economic policy instruments | Economic rent | Economic value | Economics | Ecosystem | Ecosystem approach | Ecosystem approach to fisheries | Ecosystem approach to management | Ecosystem assessment | Ecosystem boundary | Ecosystem function | Ecosystem health | Ecosystem Integrity | Ecosystem management | Ecosystem overfishing | Ecosystem properties | Ecosystem services | Ecosystem stability | Ecosystem wellbeing | Ecosystem-based management | Ecotourism | EEZ | Effective fishing effort | Effectiveness of fishing | Effects assessment (dose-response assessment) | effort | Effort restriction | Egg survey | EIA | EIS | El Niño | Elasmobranch | Elver | Emergent property | emission | Encircling gillnet | Enclosed sea | Endangered | Endemic Species | endogenize | endogenous | Endowments | Enhancement program | Enrichment | Environment | Environmental Accounting | Environmental audit | Environmental Capacity | Environmental functions | Environmental impact | Environmental Impact Assessment | Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) | Environmental Indicator | Environmental management | Environmental monitoring | Environmental planning | Environmental resources | Environmental Restoration | Environmentally safe | Environmentally Sound Technologies | Epipelagic | epistemology | Equilibrium | Equilibrium catch | Equilibrium yield | Equity | Erosion | Escapement | Escapement curve | ESM | Estuarine | Estuary | Ethic | Euphausiid | Euphotic zone | Euryhaline | Eutrophication | Eviscerated | Ex situ conservation | Ex-vessel | Excess capacity | Excess harvesting capacity | Exclusive economic zone | Exclusive rights | Existence value | Exit fishery | exogenous | Exotic Species | Expert system | Exploitable biomass | Exploitation pattern | Exploitation rate | Exploitation ratio | Exposure assessment | extended facts | extended peer communities | Extent of occurrence | External cost | Externalities | Externality | Extinct | Extinct in the wild | Extinct Species | extrapolation | Extreme fluctuations | F | F-ratio | F0.1 | F30% SPR | facilitator | Factory trawler | FAD | Falling gear | FAO | Farm gate price | Fcomfie | Fcrash | FCZ | Feasibility fishing | Fecundity | Fecundity-per-recruit | Feed | feedback | feedforward | Fhigh | Field | Field name | File | Fillet | Financial capital | Finning | FISD | Fish | Fish aggregating device | Fish stock | Fishable stock | FishBase | Fisher | Fisheries management | Fisheries management authority | Fisheries management organization | Fisheries management plan | Fishers | Fishery | Fishery Conservation Zone | Fishery development | Fishery management | Fishery Management Council | Fishery management plan | Fishery management unit | Fishery models | Fishery Policy | Fishery resource | Fishery technology | Fishery vessel | Fishery-independent | Fishing | Fishing capacity | Fishing capital | Fishing effort | Fishing fleet | Fishing Gears | Fishing industry | Fishing intensity | Fishing mortality | Fishing pattern | Fishing power | Fishing right | Fishing success | Fishing vessel | Fishing zone | Fishing-In-Balance Index | Fishmeal | Fitting | Fixed costs | Fixed gillnet | FL | Flag | | Flag State | Fleet | Fleet statistics | Flexible inputs | Floss | Flow | Fluctuation | Fmax | Fmed | FMP | FMSY | focus group | Food chain | Food security | Food web | fopt | Forage species | Foreign fishing | Foreign fishing vessel | Fork length | Formal Rights | Format | Founder population | Fox Model | Fractal Dimension | | Frame survey | Free rider | Free-diving | Freezer trawler | Frequency Distribution | Front | Ft | Fully Exploited | Fully fished | Functional redundancy | Future generations | Fuzzy logic | FX% | Fyke net | gaming | Gastropods | Gear | Gear conflict | Gear-restriction | Gene | Gene bank | Gene drift | Gene flow | Gene pool | Generalized Linear Model | Generation | Genetic diversity | Genetic material | Genetic resources | Genetic variation | Genetically engineered organisms | Genetically modified organism | Genome | Genotype | Genotype Frequency | GENPROD | Geo-referencing | Geocode | Geographic information system (GIS) | Geographical information | Germplasm | GFCM | Ghost fishing | Gift exchange | Gilled and gutted weight | Gillnet | GIS | GLM | global change | Global model | Global positioning system | global warming | Gloss | GMO | Goods and services | Governance | Governance | Government | Greenhouse Effect | greenhouse effect | greenhouse gas | Greenhouse Gases | Groundfish | Grow-out | Grow-out operations | Growth model | Growth overfishing | Growth rate | GRT | Guild | Habitat | Habitat Diversity | Handgear | Handliner | Haploid | Haplotype | Harpoon | Harvest control rule | Harvesting capacity | Harvesting machine | Haul net | Hazard | Hazard assessment | Hazard characterisation | Hazard evaluation | Hazard identification | Head rope | Health | hedging | Hedonic price methods | Hedonic pricing | Heincke's law | High Grading | High seas resources | Highly migratory species or stocks | Histogram | Home port | Homeostasis | Hooks and Line | Horizontal integration | Household | HTML | Human capital | Human Development Index (HDI) | Human Wellbeing | Hypersaline | hyperspace | IA | IA focus group | IAM | IATTC | ICAM | ICCAT | ICES | ICNAF | ICT | ICT | IEA | impact assessment | Incidental catch | inderterminacy | Index of abundance | Indicators | Indigenous fishing | Indirect use | Indirect use value | Individual non tranferable quota | Individual Quota | Individual Transferable Quota | Information management | Information society | Inland water | Input controls | Input-output models | Inshore waters | Instantaneous rate of fishing mortality | Instantaneous rate of growth | Instantaneous rate of mortality | Instantaneous rate of natural mortality | Instantaneous rate of surplus production | Instantaneous rate of total mortality | Institution | Institutions | Integrated analysis | Integrated assessment | Integrated Assessment | Integrated Assessment Model | Integrated coastal area management | Integrated Coastal Fisheries Management | Integrated Coastal Zone Management | Integrated Environmental Assessment | Integrated management | Integrated Natural Resources Management | Integration | Integration | Inter-generational equity | Interaction | Interested party | Intergenerational Equity | Intergenerational equity | Internal rate of return | International radio call sign | Intersectoral issues | INTQ | Intra-generational equity | Intrinsic growth rate | Intrinsic value | Intrinsic value | Introduced species | IOC | IOTC | IQ | Irreversibility | Isobath | Isopleth | Isotherm | ITQ | IUCN | IUCN Red List | Jigging | Joint venture | Jointness | Juvenile | Karyotype | | Knowledge quality assurance | Krill | Lampara net | Land tenure | Land use | Land-use planning | Landing price | Landing site | Landings | Large fluctuations | Large marine ecosystem | Latent capacity | Laurec-Shepherd | Least Concern | Least squares | Legend | Legitimacy | Length frequency | Length-frequency distribution | Level of exploitation | License Limitation | Licenses | Licensing | Lif-netter | Life cycle | Lifespan | Lift net | Limit capacity | Limit reference point | Limited access | Limited entry fishery | Limnetic zone | Line fishing | Liner | Linkages | Livelihood | LOA | Location | Log normal | Logbook | Long-term potential catch | Long-term potential yield | Longevity | Longline | Lonliner | Lower risk | lumped models | Macro-algae | Macrophytes | Magnuson Act | Maintainable yield: | Managed resource protection area | Management | Management authority | | Management organisation | Management procedure | Management reference points | Management strategy | Marginal cost of effort | Marginal factor cost | Marginal revenue (of effort) | Marginal yield | Mariculture | Marine Pollution | Marine protected areas | Mark-Recapture | Market failure | Market gluts | Markets | Mature individuals | Maturity | Maximum economic yield | Maximum equilibrium catch | Maximum likelihood | Maximum sustainable yield | Maximum yield-per-recruit | MBAL | MCDA | MCS | Mechanized dredge | Member States | Mesh size | Mesopelagic | Metadata | Metapopulation | Metric ton | MEY | Micro-encapsulated diets | Midwater | Midwater otter trawl | Midwater pair trawl | Midwater trawls | Migration | Minimum Biological Acceptable Level | Minimum size | | Model | model | model moderator | Modelling | Modes | monetary valuation | Monitoring | monitoring | Monte Carlo | Monte Carlo | Moon closures | Moratorium | Mortality | Mortality rate | Mother ship | MPA | MSP | MSY | Mudflats | multi-criteria decision analysis | Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) | Multipurpose vessel | NAFO | NASCO | National park | Nationality of catch | | Natural Capital | Natural capital | Natural mortality | Natural Resource Accounting | Natural resources | Natural Selection | Nautical chart | Nautical mile | Near threatened | Nearshore waters | NEI | Nekton | Nematodes | Neritic | Neritic species | no-regrets policy | Nominal catch | Nominal effort | Non-compliance fees | Non-compliance fees | Non-consumptive use | Non-contracting party(ies) | Non-cooperative game | Non-equilibrium | Non-Governmental Organisation | Non-malleable | Non-monetary benefits | Non-renewable Natural Resources | Non-target species | non-use | nonlinear system | Norm | Normal profits | Normative | Norms | Not evaluated | Numbers-at-age | Observer | Ocean management | Oceanic | Oceanic species | Offshore waters | Offstream Fish Farming | Ogive | Onshore waters | Open access | Open access resource | Open system | Operator | Opportunistic feeding | Opportunistic fishing | Opportunity costs | optimization models | Optimum (fishing) capacity | Optimum age | Optimum size | Optimum Sustainable Yield | Optimum yield | Option value | Otolith | Otter trawl | Otter twin trawl | Output controls | Outrigger trawler | Over-capacity | Overcapitalisation | Overfished | Overfishing | OY | Pair trawling | Parameter | Parameter | Parastatal | Parental biomass | Partial recruitment | Passive use | Pelagic fish | Perfect (pure) competition | Performance | Performance bonds | Performance bonds | Persistence | Phenotype | Physical capital | Phytoplankton | PIA | Plan | Plankton | Plankton feeders | Planning | Plateau | Pole-and-line fishing | Pole-and-line vessel | Policy | Policy-maker | Pollutant | Polluter-Pays Principle | Pollution | Pollution | Polymorphic | Polyploid | Pop-up Tag | Population | Population dynamics | Population model | Population viability analysis | Port State authority | portability | Possibly extinct | Post Normal Science | post-normal science | Postlarvae | Pot vessel | Potential yield | Pots | Pound net | Pre-recruits | Precautionary approach: | Predation | Predator-Prey-Relationship | Prediction | Present value | Pressure-State-Response | preventive options | Primary production | Primary productivity | Principal species | Private costs and benefits | probabilistic | problem structuring | process-detail | Processing | PRODFIT | Produce | Producer benefits | Product recovery rate | Product 'soaking' | Production | Production model | Productivity | Programme | Prohibited species | Projection | Property | Property right | Property rights | Property rights structures | Property rights regimes | Protected area | Provisioning services | Public good | Pulse Fishing | Purse seine | Purse seiner | Put-and-Take Fishery | q | Quota | Race-to-fish | Raising | Ranching | Rapid rural appraisal | Raster data | Raster map | Rate of exploitation | Rate of fishing | Rate of natural increase | Rate of removal | Rate of utilization | RDBMS | Rebuilding | Reciprocity | Recreational fishery | Recruit | Recruitment | Recruitment curve | Recruitment overfishing | Recruits | Red List of Threatened Animals | Red Tide | Reduction | Reef | Reference level | Reference point | reflexivity | Refuges | Regime shift | Regulating services | Regulative capacity | Relative abundance | Relative fishing power | relativism | Reliability | Remote sensing | Removals | Renewable Natural resource | Rent | Rent seeking | Replacement yield | Reservoir | reservoir | Residual | Residual environmental impact | Resilience | Resource rent | Resource valuation | Resources | Responses | Responsible fisheries | Retention | Retention curve | Retrospective pattern | Reversibility | Rights | Rights | Ring net | Riparian | Riparian Habitat | Risk | Risk analysis | Risk assessment | Risk characterisation | Risk Communication | Risk evaluation | Risk management | Risk monitoring | Risk premium | Risk reduction | Risk source | Risk-averse | River basin | Robustness | Rotational fisheries | Round weight | Run | Runoff | Safe Biological Limit | Safety | Salinity | Salinization | Sampling design | Sashimi | Satellite accounts | Satellite imagery | Scampi | Scenario | scenario | Scenarios | Schaefer model | School | Schooling | Scientific cruise | Scientific fishery survey | Scientific research plan | Scientific research vessel | Scouting | Seamount | Seasonal closure | Sedentary Species | Seine net | Selective gear | Selectivity | Senescent fishery | Sensitivity analysis | Separability | Sequential Population Analysis | Sequential population Analysis, or SPA | Sessile | Set gillnet | Set longline | Severely fragmented | Sexual dimorphism | Shadow price | Shared stock | Shelf | Shelf break | Shelf-edge | Shellfish | Shoal | Shoaling fish | Shrinking | Side trawler | Signature | simulation | Simulation | Single-species model | sink | Size limit | Size samples | Size-at-age | Size-at-first-maturity | Size-frequency | Slope | Small scale producers | Small-scale fishery | Smolt | Social capital | Social conflict | Social constraints | Social costs | Social costs and benefits | Social discount rate | Social factors | Social forces | Social impact assessment | Social networks | Social systems | Socio-economic | Socio-economic benefits | Software | Sonar | source | SPA | Spat | Spatial closures | Spatial heterogeneity | Spawning | Spawning biomass | Spawning Potential Ratio | Spawning stock | Spawning Stock Biomass | Spawning Stock Biomass per Recruit | Spawning substrate | SPC | Species | Species assemblage | Species diversity | Species group | Species richness | Spill-over effects | Sport Fishery | SPR | Sprat | Spreadsheet | SRR | SSB | SST | Stability | Stakeholder | Stakeholders | stakeholders | Standard | Standard for certification | Standard-setting organization or arrangement | Standardized | Standing stock | State of stocks | Stated preference methods | States of Nature | Stationary | Statistic: | Statistical model | Statistical rectangle | Status quo | steady | Steady state | Stern trawler | stochastic | Stochastic | Stock | Stock assessment | Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report (SAFE) | Stock reduction analysis | Stock structure | Stock-recruitment model | Stock-recruitment relationship | Stocking | Stow net | Straddling stock | Straddling Stocks Agreement | Strategy | Sub-national government | Sub-tropical convergence zone | Subpopulations | Subsidiarity principle | Subsidy | Subsistence fishery | Substitutions | Substrate | Super seiner | Supply gluts | Support | Supporting Ecosystem Services | Supporting services | Supra-normal profits | Surface water | Surplus production | Surplus Production model | Surrounding net | Survey design | Survival rate | Survival ratio | Sustainability | Sustainability indicator | Sustainability Indicators | Sustainable catch (yield) | Sustainable development | Sustainable Fishing | Sustainable use | Sustainable yield | Sustained use | systems analyses | Systems analysis | TAC | Tacit knowledge | Tagging | Target fishing capacity | Target reference point | Target species | Target strength | Taylor series method | Technological interaction | Technology transfer | TED | Temperate waters | Temporal closure | Tenure | Terminal F | Terrace | Territorial Sea | Territorial waters | Tetraploid | Thermocline | Third party | Threat point | Threatened with extinction | Threshold reference point | Thresholds | ThRP | Tidal Flat | Tidal Marsh | Time preference | Tolerance | Top-down management | Total allowable catch | Total economic value framework | Total length | Total mortality rate | Tradable permits | Tradable permits | Trade-off | Tradeoffs | Traditional Rights | Tragedy of the commons | Trammel net | Transaction costs | Transboundary stocks | Transferred species | Transgenic | transient | Transitional | Translocation | Transnational fisheries | Transplanted species | Transshipment | Trap fishing | Trap setter | Trash fish | Trawl | Trawl net | Trench | Triploid | Troller | Trolling | Trolling line | Trophic group | Trophic Level | TRP | Tuning | TURF | UN Fish Stock Agreement | UN Implementing Agreement | Uncertainty | uncertainty-based models | UNCLOS | Underfished | Undersized | Underutilized species | Undeveloped fishery | UNEP | Unit of certification | Unit stock | Unregulated fishery | unsteady | Upscaling | Upwelling | Usable stock | Use Rights | User | User group | User participation | User-Pays Principle | Usufruct | Utilitarian | Utilitarianism | Utility | Utilized population | Utilized stock | validation | Valuation | Value | Values | variability | Variable | Variable costs | Vector | Vertical integration | Vessel catch limits | Vessel Monitoring System | Vessel operator | Vessel owner | Virgin biomass | Virgin stock | Virtual population | Virtual Population Analysis | Viscosity | Vital rates | VMS | Volumetric unit quotas | VPA | Vulnerability | vulnerability | Vulnerable | Vulnerable Species | Waste | Water hyacinth | Water pollution | Water quality | Water Quality Criteria | Water resources | Water salinity | Water table | Water use | Waterlogging | Watershed | Weight-at-age | Welfare | Well-being | Wellbeing | Wetland | White noise | Willingness to Pay | Windfall gain | Windfall Profit | WTP | WWF | Y/R | Year brood | Year class | Yield | Yield-per-recruit | Yield-per-recruit analysis | Z | Zero opportunity costs | Zmbp | 2/3FMSY




Vorschau Openstreetmap-Gewässerkarte "FreieTonne"

Erstellt: 2012-12


Oceans in various languages
Ozeane in vielen Sprachen

Arctic Ocean - Atlantic Ocean - Indian Ocean - Pacific Ocean - Southern Ocean

Rivers in various languages
Flüsse in vielen Sprachen

Amazon - Amu Darya - Amur - Brahmaputra - Danube - Euphrates - Ganges - Huang He - Mekong - Nile - Rhine - Seine - Thames - Tiber - Tigris - Vistula - Volga - Yangtze

Seas in various languages
Seen in vielen Sprachen

Arabian Sea - Baltic Sea - Bay of Bengal - Black Sea - Caribbean Sea - Caspian Sea - Dead Sea - English Channel - Mediterranean - North Sea - Persian Gulf - Red Sea - Strait of Gibraltar - White Sea - Yellow Sea



IHP (W3)

"IHP" steht für "Internationales Hydrologische Programm".


Das IHP ist der Beitrag der UNESCO zur Lösung dieser Fragen. "Hydrologie" ist die "Wissenschaft vom Wasser" und seiner Verteilung in Atmosphäre und auf der Erdoberfläche - im Kontext der UNESCO werden gerade die Wechselbeziehungen mit der übrigen Umwelt und der Gesellschaft betont. Das zwischenstaatliche IHP soll die hydrologische Forschung anregen und unterstützen, helfen, Forschungsergebnisse zur Anwendung zu bringen und die Ausbildung in Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung fördern.


IMO (W3)

"IMO" steht für "International Maritime Organization" = dt. "Internationale Seeschifffahrtsorganisation".


IMO - the International Maritime Organization - is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.

Erstellt: 2010-12

Indischer Ozean
Indian Ocean
Oceano Indiano
Océan Indien (W3)

Der dt. "Indische Ozean", frz. "Océan Indien", ital. "Oceano Indiano", span. "Océano Índico", engl. "Indian Ocean" ist nach dem im Norden des drittgrößten Ozeans gelegenen Landes "Indien" benannt.

Informationen zum Indischen Ozean und seiner geopolitischen und geographischen Bedeutung und Daten zu Geographie und Klima.


"ISAF" steht für "The International Shark Attack File".



The "International Shark Attack File" is a compilation of all known shark attacks that is administered by the the American Elasmobranch Society and the Florida Museum of Natural History. The American Elasmobranch Society is a professional organization comprised of international workers studying sharks, skates and rays. More than 5,000 individual investigations are currently housed in the File, covering the period from mid-1500's to present. Many of the data in the File originate from the voluntary submissions of numerous cooperating scientists who serve worldwide as regional observers. Regional observers forward investigations of attacks in their areas for integration into the File. Data submitted to the File is screened, coded and computerized. Hard copy documentation, including original notes, press clippings, photographs, audio/video tapes, and medical/autopsy reports, is permanently archived. The File is utilized by biological researchers and research physicians; access to the data is granted only after careful screening on a case-by-case basis. Direct access by the press and general public is strictly forbidden since much sensitive information is considered privileged. Requests for summary information and non-privileged data are made to the File's director. ...

Erstellt: 2011-08




Lighthouse Foundation
zur Bedeutung von Meeren und Ozeanen für die globale Ökologie


Lighthouse Foundation unterstützt ein ganzheitliches und langfristig ausgerichtetes Denken und Handeln der Menschen im Umgang mit dem Meer. Für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung - weltweit, langfristig umweltgerecht, wirtschaftlich tragfähig und sozial gerecht. ...weiter...

Living Lakes (W3)

Bei dem Projekt "Living Lakes" ist der Name Programm.


Das Projekt "Living Lakes", ein internationales Netzwerk bedeutender Seeregionen, ist vom "Global Nature Fund" ("GNF") im Jahr 1998 gestartet worden. Ziel dieser, alle Kontinente umfassenden Umweltinitiative ist der Schutz der Trinkwasserreserven unserer Erde.

Eine Untersuchung der UN besagt, dass schon heute über 1,4 Milliarden Menschen zu wenig oder schlechtes Wasser haben. Hier setzt das internationale Seennetzwerk „Living Lakes" an und zeigt Wege zum wirkungsvollen Schutz der ökologisch wertvollsten Seen unserer Welt auf.


Marine Traffic
Echtzeit-Darstellung von weltweiten Schiffsbewegungen und Häfen
Schiffsbewegungen weltweit


Die Datenerfassung basiert auf dem international standardisierten Automatic Identification System (AIS): Containerschiffe, Tankschiffe, Fischtrawler und Luxusliner; mit technischen Informationen zum Schiffstyp, zu Landesflagge, Abmessungen, Geschwindigkeit, Kurs, Tiefgang und Zielhafen. Dazu gibt es eine Bildgalerie und eine App für die Smartphone-Betriebssysteme Google Android, Apple iOS und Windows Phone.


Darstellungs- und Anzeigeoptionen: Mehr...

Hinweis: Schiffspositionen können bis zu einer Stunde alt oder unvollständig sein. Die Daten werden ausschließlich zu informativen Zwecken zur Verfügung gestellt und dürfen aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht zur Navigation genutzt werden.

Erstellt: 2012-12

Mer de Bering (W3)

Frz. "Mer de Bering", engl. "Bering Sea", wurde nach "Vitus Bering" ("Ivan Ivanviteh Behring", "Vite Behring"), einem dänischen Kapitän, der im Jahr 1728 hier ankam, benannt.


Bering (mer de)







"OBIS" steht für "Ocean Biogeographic Information System".

Wofür das "i" in der Internetadresse steht konnte ich nicht herausfinden - vielleicht für "Internet".


13.7 million records of 80000 species from 238 databases
OBIS strives to document the oceans' diversity, distribution, and abundance of life.


What is the aim of this website?
This website provides a portal or gateway to many datasets containing information on where and when marine species have been recorded. The datasets are integrated so you can search them all seamlessly by species name, higher taxonomic level, geographic area, depth, and time; and then map and find environmental data related to the locations (see ‘What can I do with OBIS?’).

This website aims to be Please let us know how to improve by emailing OBISsupport(at) We are working to make OBIS as comprehensive as possible (see “What are the limitations of data?”).

Zu jeder Species erhält man verschieden Sortieroptionen und damit die verschiedenen Namen angezeigt:

"Sort by: Scientific name | Common name | Higher taxon | Number of global records"

Pro Seite werden immer nur 10 Einträge angezeigt. Eine komplette Namensliste scheint es jedoch nicht zu geben.

OBIS Taxonomic Categories

Total Records in cache : 13704273
Number of Data Sources : 238

Category No. of Names Held (chiefly marine species) No. of Species with OBIS Point Data Number of Records Approx. no. of Global Species All categories 154133 list names 80282 list taxa 11494210 3.5 million? [200000+ marine] clickable map

UN Atlas of the Oceans

The United Nations Atlas of the Oceans is an information system designed for use by policy makers who need to become familiar with ocean issues and by scientists, students and resource managers who need access to underlying data bases and approaches to sustainability.

Maritime Signal Flags


These flags are used at sea for communication between ships. They can spell out short messages and individual flags and various combinations of flags also have special meanings. On ceremonial and festive occasions the signal flags are used to 'dress' (decorate) ships.

This signalling system was drafted in 1855 and published in 1857, and was gradually adopted by most seafaring countries. It was revised in 1932.

Open Port Guide


OpenPortGuide, the free sailing information wiki that anyone can edit.

Erstellt: 2012-12





Submarine Cable Map


The Submarine Cable Map is a free and regularly updated resource from TeleGeography.

Got a question about how we make this map? Or about how submarine cables work? Look no further.

Submarine Cables

Erstellt: 2017-04





Weltwassertag (W3)

1992 reagierte die UN auf die weltweit wachsende Wasserknappheit und rief den 22. März zum "Weltwassertag" aus.


List of islands


This is a list of islands in the world grouped by oceans and by continents. For rank-order lists, see the other lists below.

Contents List of islands by continent:
Africa | Antarctica and Southern Ocean | Australia | Asia | Europe | European islands by area | European islands by population | North America | Central America | South America

List of islands by ocean, sea, lake or river
Adriatic Sea | Aegean Sea | Arctic Ocean | Atlantic Ocean | Baltic Sea | Black Sea | Caribbean Sea | Danube River | East China Sea | Great Lakes (North America) | Indian Ocean | Ionian Sea | Irish Sea | Mediterranean Sea | Pacific Ocean | Persian Gulf | Sea of Crete | Sea of Marmara | South China Sea | Southern Ocean | Tyrrhenian Sea | Great Salt Lake

Islands by Country

Algeria | Angola | Benin | Cameroon | Cape Verde | Comoros | Côte d’Ivoire | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Djibouti | Egypt | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Gabon | Gambia | Ghana | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Kenya | Morocco | Mozambique | Namibia | Nigeria | Republic of the Congo | São Tomé and Príncipe | Senegal | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Somalia | South Africa | Sudan | Tanzania | Togo | Tunisia | Western Sahara

Bangladesh | Cambodia | China | Hong Kong | India | Indonesia | Iran | Japan | Korea (South) | Kuwait | Malaysia | Maldives | Myanmar | Pakistan | Philippines | Singapore | Sri Lanka | Republic of China(Taiwan)[1] | Thailand | Vietnam

Albania | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Iceland | Ireland | Italy | Macedonia | Malta | Montenegro | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | Slovakia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey | United Kingdom | Guernsey | Isle of Man | Jersey | Scotland

North America:
Belize | Canada | Ontario | Prince Edward Island | Costa Rica | El Salvador | Guatemala | Honduras | Mexico | Nicaragua | Panama Puerto Rico | United States | United States, by area

South America:
Islands of Argentina | Islands of Bolivia | Islands of Brazil | Islands of Chile | Islands of Colombia | Islands of Ecuador | Islands of French Guiana | Islands of Guyana | Islands of Paraguay | Islands of Peru | Islands of Suriname | | Islands of Venezuela

Australia | New Zealand | Kiribati | New Caledonia

List of ancient islands: Other lists of islands

List of islands named after people


This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
This is a list of some of the islands known to be named after individual people. It details the name of the island, its location and eponym.

Former: See also

List of river name etymologies


This page lists the various etymologies (origins) of the names of rivers around the world.


World Ocean Review


Der „World Ocean Review” erscheint 2010 das erste Mal und soll in Zukunft in regelmäßigen Abständen herausgegeben werden. Entstanden ist ein umfassender und profunder Bericht, der den Zustand der Weltmeere und die Wirkungszusammenhänge zwischen dem Ozean und ökologischen, ökonomischen und gesellschaftspolitischen Bedingungen aufzeigt. Die wissenschaftlich gesicherten Erkenntnisse sollen all denen dienen, die sich aktiv und fundiert an den aktuellen Diskussionen im Umfeld der Meeresforschung beteiligen möchten.


Erstellt: 2010-12




Bücher zur Kategorie:

Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
@_ Welt, Mundo, Monde, Mondo, World, (lat.) orbis (terrae), (esper.) mondo
Wasser, Agua, Eau, Acqua, Water, (esper.) akvo, akvujo




Cucari, Attilio
Segelschiffe: Die Königinnen der Meere
Geschichte und Typologie

Gebundene Ausgabe: 164 Seiten
Verlag: Bassermann (Juli 2008)
Sprache: Deutsch

Die Segelschifffahrt, ihre Entwicklung und ihre Geschichte - faktenreiche Texte, die mit etwa 100 detailreichen Farbzeichnungen illustriert sind, erzählen vom Schicksal der bekanntesten Segelschiffe. Lassen Sie sich faszinieren von diesem spannenden Überblick über diese großartigen Eroberer der Meere!

Über den Autor
Der gebürtige Neapolitaner Attilio Cucari lebte sechs Jahre in Argentinien und ist 1954 erstmals an Bord eines argentinischen Schiffes an der Regatta von Buenos Aires nach Rio de Janeiro teilgenommen. Lange Zeit war er Direktor einer Schiffswerft im Hafen Fiumana Grande in der Nähe von Fiumicino. Er ist Mitglied im Segelverein Italia in Neapel und hat an vielen Segelfachzeitschriften mitgearbeitet, darunter "Il Subacqueo" und "Forza 7".

















Schätzing, Frank (Autor)
Nachrichten aus einem unbekannten Universum
Eine Zeitreise durch die Meere

Gebundene Ausgabe: 336 Seiten
Verlag: Kiepenheuer & Witsch; Auflage: Das Buch zum ZDF-Dreiteiler. (23. September 2010)
Sprache: Deutsch

Die illustrierte Ausgabe des Bestsellers zum großen ZDF-Dreiteiler über die Meere.
Ein Ozean an Wissen und Witz. Frank Schätzings packendes Panorama unserer fremd gewordenen Heimat: der Meere. Eine höchst unterhaltsame Chronik unserer Herkunft, unserer Gegenwart und unserer Zukunft. - Jetzt als illustrierte Sonderausgabe mit den unglaublichen Aufnahmen und Animationen aus dem ZDF-Dreiteiler, der im Oktober 2010 zur besten Sendezeit gezeigt wird.

Mensch und Meer. Eine merkwürdige Beziehung, geprägt von Liebe, Hass, Unkenntnis, Romantisierung, Neugier und Ignoranz. Wie funktioniert dieses gewaltige System, dem wir entstammen und über das wir weniger wissen als über den Outer Space? Wie konnte im Urozean Leben entstehen, woher kam überhaupt das ganze Wasser? Warum ist die Evolution ausgerechnet diesen Weg gegangen und keinen alternativen? Denn ebenso gut hätte sie uns in intelligente, flüssigkeitsgefüllte Luftmatratzen verwandeln können. Einmal hat sie es jedenfalls versucht - und beinahe geschafft. Mit Sachverstand und Ironie spannt Schätzing den Bogen vom Urknall bis in die kommenden 100.000 Jahre, nimmt uns mit in das unbekannte Universum unter Wasser, versetzt uns in Erstaunen, Entzücken und Entsetzen. Danach sieht man die Ozeane mit anderen Augen.

Über den Autor
Frank Schätzing, geboren 1957, lebt gleich mehrere Leben. Als Kreativchef einer Werbeagentur, Musiker und Musikproduzent, begeisterter Hobbykoch und seit Mitte der Neunziger als Schriftsteller. Frank Schätzing gehört zu den erfolgreichsten deutschen Spannungsautoren und lebt und arbeitet in Köln. Er erhielt den KölnLiteraturpreis 2002


Erstellt: 2012-08